File: 1542497175648.png (10.08 MB, 4054x4128, Spechie Thread.png)

No. 733867
Spechie is a bad artist, tracer, YouTuber, and popular with edgelord 13 year olds for her "I'm not like other girls" schtick and bad anime art and muddy paintings
> Lied about her PS4 being 'hacked'> Got caught allowing racial slurs in a server she moderates> Made a creepy shrine to her boyfriend> Moved closer to said boyfriend after about half a year of being together> Made a video about how nobody liked her because she was ugly, when really they didn't like her because she was a bully.> Continues to trace images for her videos> Changed her character sprite again, it's not any better> Got two cats and a dog with Tim, again, despite being with him for less than a yearCheese:
> Her bullying 'Mandy' to near suicide> Lied about paying her rent twice to get them sweet subscriber bucks> Said that her and Tim got a big ticket for going '5 over', which is most likely a lie.> Spechie threatened to sue people who made videos on her> Spechie harrassing any girl who even looks at Tim/Comments on his social media> She lied about her high school classmates' appearances in her "Cringe Factor" vid (which is now private), calling all of them "fat, acne-covered greasy nerds" who had "moobs." When you look up past classes at the high school she went to, all her classmates were average size, and they all looked normal. Some were even cute.> Claims her teacher was jealous of her art skillzPrevious Threads:
>>>/ot/243951 No. 733894
File: 1542499911984.png (34.44 KB, 394x344, karam cp1.PNG)

Guess I should start off this thread with some top-tier cringe. You know that Karam guy who's saying the racial slurs in the top post? Well he was a mod on Spatula's and Tim's shared server during Late July-Aug of this year. He only got the position because he was close friends with Tim. Immediately after becoming mod he started abusing his position by just being an unfunny edgelord and driving people away from the server. Some of his best material include making jokes about buying CP/child sex slaves:
No. 733896
File: 1542500201105.png (31.66 KB, 635x313, karam bestiality 1.PNG)

Bestiality jokes:
No. 733898
After more general degeneracy, people in the server eventually got sick and tired of Karam's shit, which you can read the glorious entirety of here: a couple of days later caused a nuclear meltdown on the server that you can read here: people rightfully started taking their anger out on Spatula and Tim because they enabled the "hostility" they claimed they were trying to stop. But of course, neither of them can do anything wrong, so they played innocent.
tl;dr neither Spatula or Tim can take responsibility for their mistakes, more breaking news at 7.
No. 733899
File: 1542501535187.png (161.32 KB, 1240x1048, slander suit v2.png)

Threatening to sue people for telling/exposing the truth seems a like a running theme among Spoony and Co.
No. 733916
>>733899KEK, Karam. If you're a 'kid' and it can fuck up your future life, you shouldn't have said it.
Also nobody knows who you are or fucking cares. No college is gonna see that some kid named Karam said slurs or talked about fucking dogs and think
"Oh that's 'whateverthefuckhisnameis' and we won't let him college.'
Don't be a fuckin pussy
sage 4 no contribute
No. 734962
>>734947This is was anon is talking about.
Not sure if we can milk it anymore besides list Spoon as a possible misogynist
No. 735258
File: 1542728488989.png (196.64 KB, 820x916, ISmTImE.png)

>>734962She claims she doesn't trace but pulls this shit.
No. 738268
File: 1543198997980.png (427.85 KB, 640x1136, A4DE5410-90C6-4957-9B66-18DF4F…)

She ‘redrew’ a screenshot. Can someone do an overlay, because for her, redraw usually means tracing.
No. 738654
File: 1543267073679.png (110.62 KB, 815x317, spechie_cringe_factor_self_con…)

>>738304Idk man. Usually if someone is really a decent person underneath all the insecurity and immaturity you see the "nice person" peek through here and there but I don't see it with Spatula. She threatened to sue me and other people just because we got in contact with someone she bullied, not to mention that she shamelessly admitted in a vid she didn't hide her victim's identity, meaning that she intended for her to get publicly humiliated from the start. She didn't even seem to feel sorry for what she did in the vid where she addresses the original bullying video, and in the most recent of the 1000 vids she made about high school, she denies the fact she was ever mean to anyone. Like just because she made the original vid private and no one can see it anymore doesn't mean it never existed? Someone who was actually nice underneath it all would've apologized for her actions a long time ago.
No. 738669
File: 1543268103754.png (454.71 KB, 1128x622, Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at 4.32…)

>>738270Yup it's traced. And no ones surprised. Only difference is the face which i believe is a tracing of another persons work. She didn't even include the markings on the arm.
Shit show btw, the art is so lazy compared to the original.
No. 739410
>>738814>>739292Has anybody seen any of her opening drawing streams?
I know that she doesn’t keep them publicly any more or seem to share it on any of her social media’s, but if her streams constantly begin with a sketched image, it’s even more proof that she traces rather than 100% rely on the half-assed after image
No. 740573
File: 1543512924563.png (176.32 KB, 825x465, MrCK9UN.png)

>>739417The funny thing is we got proof of this. Love or hate Daft Pina she totally took some of his advice to try and seem liked she improved in the laziest way possible.
Grabbed some Lined paper background and pasted it on everything so she won't have a blank background anymore. Only she didn't realize it made her look more lazy specially when she still shits out things where she can't even color the mouth right.
No. 744607
>>739413>>739410She left some links to her unlisted speedpaints in her first tweets so I scoured through all her first tweets and found these: (sketches pop in around the 0:22) (This one you can literally see her tracing over an image) (This one is weird because it looks like a traced base or smth is there for like one frame at the beginning, but disappears) all this took me like an hour. I hope you guys are fucking happy.
They all start off with a sketch. Granted, while there were definitely speedpaints where she didn't start off with anything, I noticed a pattern with them: they were all sketches of front-facing or 3/4 torsos. I think she's familiar drawing these, so she doesn't have to trace to draw them.
No. 744609
File: 1544080346862.png (97.7 KB, 1584x480, loluit proof 2.png)

Also, I know this prob cheese, but I wanted to post this anyway. Remember how Spoodles said she was threatened with a lawsuit? Yeah, no, homegirl full-on went to court. I looked up the alias she uses in the Washington State Court Records and found proof of an actual civil case involving her, in the same county that her high school is in. The records list her case as "closed," which means that the plaintiff pressed charges, the case went to court, and it either got dismissed, acquitted, or reached a verdict. If she was just threatened with a suit, it never would've gone to court.
No. 745018
>>744927working fine for me?
>>744607thanks anon! the 6th one shows her name pretty clearly i'm wondering how she didn't notice that (users/brigid) its also interesting that she never cuts out her skype conversations or when she switches to chrome. One of her bookmarks also looks to be sans fan fiction maybe?
No. 745524"I need to get my own life and my own goals, I need to be independent. Moving out was a good start but i need to distance myself farther."
>I need to distance myself fartherwhat did she mean by this? Is she referring to her family in general?
No. 745829
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>>745524Someone’s butthurt. I get the vibe this is about jeffree starr (bc she’s high key obsessed with him) like Brigid, he’s consistently said some racist shit what do u want.
No. 745830
File: 1544294295089.jpeg (86.47 KB, 640x381, 72002B14-C43F-4661-A611-1F41DD…)

>>745829A continuation. Brigid really doesn’t get it does she?
No. 745858
>>745829>>745830Nah, I think it’s more likely that she’s expressing her opinion on the Kevin Hart situation.
But she’s not slick, if she’s saying that anyone can get away from their past, I would kindly disagree. Spechie is infamous for running away from her actions, much of which took place only a few years ago compared to the Kevin Hart thing
(not that I would 100% let him go on what he’s said either).
I mean, I know that this is old news, but Brigid didn’t even apologize to the girl that almost committed suicide about the video and the mess that she has made. She literally told a person to apologize for her over messaging. I’m sorry Spoon, but you were in high school, take fucking responsibility- especially when you continue to behave the same way online
No. 745877
>>745858>>745829Spoon is proof that Jeffree fans are actually the worst.
That being said tho, anyone think this is actually about herself? Usually when she talks about Jeffree she'll actually @ him or mention him by name in the tweet, but here she doesn't which makes me believe it's about herself. I know for a fact she's been surfing the lolcow threads and the pull boards on her recently because I made a post in pull calling her insincere because she didn't delete "Cringe Factor" after her "apology," and a day later when I checked it was no longer private, but deleted. There's also the fact that I posted that massive wall of links linking to her old unlisted speedpaint videos. If this post is about herself, then she's being stupid because most of the shit she's done was 1-2 years ago, not 10, most of which she hasn't apologized for. People digging up 10 year old dirt on you is NOT the same as finding shit you've said 2 years ago that you haven't apologized for.
>>745858Don't forget that the ""apology"" didn't come until after she was shown receipts proving she was lying out her ass. She wasn't sorry for what she did, she was sorry she got caught.
No. 746696
>>745877cue the rihanna track
no, but she's honestly so fake it's ridiculous. She has a video about 'snakes' when she herself is one. Asskissing and joking with bigger youtubers and then shit talking them behind their backs.
No. 749250
File: 1544822965234.png (655.38 KB, 1200x1200, JKpJ6nF.png)

Her latest art is a floating head.
Remember guys. Shes way better than her art teacher. /s
No. 749347
File: 1544837429315.png (598.64 KB, 581x1199, mynamesblurryface.png)

>>733867imagine being so insecure that you blur your face in pictures until you legitimately have no features left.
No. 749348
>>749347>that filenamekek
she actually almost looks like she has some sort of deformity with how she edits her pictures.the center part also is not doing her any favors…
No. 749995
File: 1544992065096.jpeg (117.88 KB, 750x784, 01A43125-4212-4C4B-AF2C-B0C93E…)

Translation: because I’m alone in a movie theatre, it makes me look sad
No. 749997
File: 1544992128604.jpeg (83.46 KB, 750x593, 3AB67BA2-F36E-47A4-851F-85F916…)

>>749995In addition…. wtf
No. 749998
>>749995>>749997I think that we already had this idea floating around, but imma say it, it’s as though she sees people(amount of friends, having a bf) as a status symbol.
I understand if she’s worried about something happening if she’s alone in a theatre, but how she words things and not acknowledging that makes her seem so awful
No. 750017
>>750008Distance obivously. What I dont get though is; how we know she no longer lives with her parents but she doesn’t live with her boyfriend. I know this because I recall in the last thread of her bringing up rent costs and suggesting that her bf and her share the costs but some other anon posted that she doesn’t live with boyfriend. I also remember her bringing up how she doesn’t know anyone in her new place.
Does Tim still live with his parents?
No. 750030
>>750017>>750008On her Twitter it says she’s still with Tim, and she has stated before that she is an hour away from him, though it does seem strange that she started to stop spamming pics of her and Tim- but that could be because many people told her to stop all the pics.
Perhaps he has a job or school outside of YouTube?
No. 750093
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>>750070A big assumption to say that they meant Spoon’s whole fanbase, but I mean, she did address people complaining about her posting too much about her relationship
No. 750456
File: 1545093211488.jpeg (41.48 KB, 750x283, 1AB29DE0-568F-497C-9425-AA6FE3…)

>>745830>>745829I can’t help but think about this post
No. 752728
File: 1545512575892.jpeg (436.96 KB, 750x1077, B632EE04-994F-4479-A0D3-1144B9…)

Now that’s a thicc neck.
No. 753670
File: 1545690875250.png (138.61 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181224-123621.png)

Jesus Christ, there's enough gaslighting in her server to start a new communist/fascist regime.
"There never was bullying, comrade. Lolcow is just capitalist pig propaganda designed to shake faith in our great and glorious Mother."
No. 753939
>>753670I really don’t understand how a person, even a kid, could be that dull. I understand being weary of information given on sites like these, but when they provide information that can be backed up by other sources, you know that you shouldn’t play ignorant.
I mean, even if the story around her may be wrong, there’s evidence of Spoon lying over and over again to cover her ass from looking bad- that girl is still not right
No. 753989
File: 1545775093634.png (142.87 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181224-122531.png)

>>753939A lot of her mods seem to be in denial that the person they're friends with is a shit human being, either because they're really impressionable and don't wanna believe their idol is capable of doing anything wrong, or because they're shit human beings themselves, like that Sotalokki (who also mentions that he was "beaten to near death" when he was young, but I'm starting to think that happened because he's a massive cunt) guy who said he "doesn't care" if someone was bullied to the point of contemplating suicide. They justify her actions by saying "she was just a kid" when it happened, or that "we've all done something wrong, so who are we to judge." Maybe we should all just "Mature up," whatever that means lmao
No. 754297
File: 1545846198223.jpg (39.75 KB, 508x601, yeesh.JPG)

she looks like she's aged 10 years. i think its a combination of the horrible makeup and the hair
No. 755655
File: 1546058749611.jpeg (67.66 KB, 750x356, 518C559A-F0DE-46D7-B526-71FD67…)

No, you’re just really unpleasant.
I mean, what happened to them, if they were the greatest, they would keep in touch….right…?
No. 757178
File: 1546325372488.png (478.6 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181229-120428.png)

"My love for you is so deep I didn't wanna spend >$5 on you."
No. 757179
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No. 757203
>>757179How fucking pathetic do you have to be on NYE to fucking reverse search a jewelry ring design of a standard knockoff broke ass candy cane toy ring to spoil her happness? Of course timmy didn’t apend more than $100 american on this ring since he is barely undert 25 and lives with parents like most of his millential counterparts the important thing is the meaning and dedicateion for their company and the like.and I am sure spatula is overjoyed and thatis what matters above all in the isp
Leartn to sage and stop wasting your time on a “cow” your so much better than yet I am sure have less people caring for you if you are so rachet and bitter and jealous iver this simple IG post on nye
No. 757222
>>757209>>757203Hi Spechie! I didn't even have to go to Aliexpress. Literally just searched "half heart rhinestone promise ring" on Google Images and it was a couple of rows down. Also, since you're only like 19, I wanna advise you to lay off the champagne. Alcohol isn't good for a developing brain.
Everyone else happy New Year's (if you actually give a shit about that kinda thing).
No. 757831
>>757820And how do you know Spatula doesn’t drink? Because if it’s something she said in a video or tweet I'd take it with a grain of salt since y’know, she lies about everything.
I mean it’s either a really salty fan who got drunk, or as I suspect Spatula got drunk, got butthurt hate-reading the thread and thought replying was a smart thing to do in her drunken stupor
I’ll go wait the latter it’s funnier to think about
No. 757907
>>757831She made several tweets about how drinking isn’t cool and vaping and weed are way better and safer, but I bet she is just mad she isn’t old enough to legally drink.
Now that she lives close to her boyfriend, who is old enough to buy alcohol, she can easily get some off of him.
No. 758263
>claims someone else is being pathetic about posting on NYE despite not everyone caring about such events or, you know, still being able to spend a couple minutes doing whatever they want
>proceeds to make an actual pathetic post that humiliates and practically mocks themselves afterKek
I know this was a couple days ago, but god damn. Sweetie, be glad this is an anonymous site where you can't be tied to this and become an actual laughing stock for the rest of threads you dumbass hoe
No. 759703
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>>759694I mean, I know that correlation doesn’t equal causation… BUT
No. 759709
>>759703Oh look who doesn’t drink
She’s definitely a lightweight if it takes two days to get over a hangover
No. 759719
>>759246this is such a shit vid lmao i feel bad for the people she rec'd bc now theyre forever associated with spechie now. All the recs say the same thing "good quality content check them out"
like okay sure i dont think you're the best judge of quality spechle.
Also calling PantlessPajamas Pant instead of PJ. Just. What the fuck, spechie. Like is calling everyone the wrong names supposed to be funny?
i dont get it. also if rushlight is the one helping her with art… yikes.
No. 759723
File: 1546723760057.jpeg (321.66 KB, 750x1214, C90D1E31-98DD-4B0B-A3D6-6E7685…)

A person on Spechie’s PULL page is claiming to be apart of the animation community and defending the legion by claiming how the community isn’t so horrible, that they don’t ‘fake liking each other’ when in the next line they state how much of the community avoids Spechie like the plague. Acting nice towards her but avoid her when possible.
Kek, they go onto stating how Spechie is the one with the problem (which I can agree to a certain extent) and how she’s not apart the community.
From this, it looks like Spoon may not be aware of it, but her YouTube “friends” literally blacklisted her
No. 759732
>>759723i can vouch for this, it really seems like everyone unofficially blacklisted her. The second server was made bc her original one was run like complete shit.
People don't just come out and say it for a few reasons
1) she's a huge channel with rabid edgy fans, nobody wants to deal with them targeting the channels we run
2) We're trying to be professional in handling it.
Everyone basically avoids her if they aren't in her 'clique' which seems to just be much smaller youtubers who are probably sufficiently 'starstruck' and nice to feed her ego.
most people are passively polite because that's common courtesy.
No. 759753
>>759732So your putting up with her so not to deal with her spergy 13 year old fans
I mean I understand, I’m polite to people I don’t particularly like either you just don’t want to deal with the drama
But at the same time, if nobody in the community even likes her why not point by point just explain why and explain how she can better herself? I mean she’s probably going to throw a hissy fit but you never know, if enough people speak out and tell her she’s a shitty person it might sink in
No. 759798
>>759753We have. We have tried multiple times. She just calls in timmykins and her other mods to defend her and acts catty then shit talks you later in private and thinks her 'friends' won't tell you.
(spoiler, they fucking do)
She doesn't learn. People have called her out in her server and I'm grateful for that, but they're always met by the mods being shitty or queen spergie herself shitting on them/mocking them/gaslighting them. She's done it in other servers she's in too
(like the one she's in with tim where she powertripped over rubbing her closeness with tim in a young teenage girls face.)
it's easier to just ignore it because even the nicest-phrased critique will send her into a tantrum like a 10 year old would have over not getting what they want. If it's not in her 'critique' channel on her discord fan server, she doesn't want it. She just wants to publicly seem like she's changed without fixing her shit.
Spooch, we know you read here, fix your shit. We're not all blindly hating you. You're legitimately a fucking annoying, draining person to be around.
No. 760179
File: 1546810113187.jpeg (224.41 KB, 2000x2000, C78652BC-C5D9-4F5E-9499-5CD519…)

For once, the colours aren’t god awful, yet she manages to continue the same pose as her sprite because she doesn’t know what studies are or how to apply them to her work
No. 760192
>>760179thats not how boobs- or collars. or shoulders… thats not how ANY of that works. WHY DOES THE BIRD HAVE PPL THIGHS BUT NO ARMS….
spechie literally, what the fuck
No. 760240
>>760179there are artists out there trying to hustle and have real talent yet spatula shits this out in 20 minutes and gets her ass licked by hundreds of people
i have no faith anymore
No. 760918
File: 1546951930056.jpg (504.39 KB, 1200x1200, DwYWxMnU8AAgRJH.jpg)

newest piece
pretty obvious it's one of her traced faces and holy shit the squish on this one is hilariously horrible. The face is super shaded and kinda detailed, but the ear is just a bunch of scribbles, and the face itself looks like someone with FAS
I tried reverse searching for the model this was most likey traced from but so many images are similar it's hard to narrow it down. Maybe she traced over her own face for this one, who knows.
No. 760973
>>760918The upper right corner of hair is a nice start but everything else is wonky and makes no sense anatomy wise and the depth/lighting is all off.
She should probably do more studies before jumping into full on paintings or she'll just create bad habits and learn nothing over all
No. 761192
>>760918Definitely looks like her face, it may be one of the hundereds of filtered images, hard to find the exact one considering they all look the same
>>760973Unfortunately she’s been doing the same thing over and over again with each ‘study’ that she does, including the ones in high school- so idk if she’s going to stop any time soon.
But anyway, what I find the most jarring about this piece is the fact that she uses a darker hue than the skin tone to imply definition, which is a big no no for beginners because it Acts as a handy cap (especially for me when I was younger) for lazy colouring, making the piece uninteresting and the facial features (mainly the mouth and eyes) pop out in an unflattering way, which screams amateur
No. 761206
File: 1546993366706.jpg (474.99 KB, 1498x843, abbey lee.jpg)

>>760918Looks very much like a squished Abbey Lee Kershaw and nothing like Spechie herself
No. 761407
File: 1547020648988.jpg (518.46 KB, 1200x1200, 1546951930056.jpg)

>>760918literally 2 minutes in photoshop and the proportions are fixed. why does she squish the faces so much jesus christ
No. 761640
>>761407To try and hide the fact that she traces, and she does a pisspoor job of it
Maybe if she spent time actually learning how to draw properly she wouldn’t have to trace to fool people into thinking she’s a good artist
No. 762911
File: 1547243097287.png (31.8 KB, 720x308, 20190111_133257.png)

Someone on her Discord server called her out for tracing the elf image, and this is the response she gave. Let's hold her to her word then.
No. 762912
File: 1547243138019.png (388.74 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-01-10-20-45-57…)

No. 762931
>>762912Oh yeah, totally doesn’t line up
That’s why she squishes and skews shit to stupid proportions, so she can say that shit just like I guessed “I don’t trace! See it TOTES doesn’t line up see??”
Unfortunately it does. And you can see how much it will line up just eyeballing it
The eyes are almost the same, the eyebrows ARE the same and will line up perfectly, the ear comes off the same spot the jaw was lightly shaved in that one little spot
The nose is the same and lines up, the lips are the same and line up
Yeah, you only referenced for “bone structure”
It wouldn’t line up if it was just referenced Spatula, but thanks for barely trying
No. 762994
>>762911>>762912She means ‘traced the image and fucked it up in the colouring’, right?
Spoon, when you draw like shit:
>>752728>>749250>>760179Without references,
news flash it becomes apparent that you trace
No. 763010
File: 1547254866863.png (711.36 KB, 717x1175, 20190111_165550.png)

>>762988It's from a photo gallery of the same model. It looks like its an amateur photographer's portfolio or smth. She never traces shit from big name photographers though because that can get her in legal trouble, and she's already had a run-in with the law.
On her DeviantArt page she claims it's "referenced," but on top of tracing the bone structure it's pretty clear she used the dropper tool to color, shade, and countour. This shit goes beyond just referencing.
No. 766739
>>766708hahahha regretting your edge now that your words are immortalized and in the hands of someone you didn't want to have them? idiot.
>>763010you're scarily good at this, you should work for law enforcement
No. 766797
Guess we need to open a new thread to celebrate this lolcow.
Honey, you need to understand: On the internet you can't backpedal. Doubling down on the backpedal won't help. And everybody is entitled to laugh at the stupid edgy stuff you said for the rest of history.
Also: next time sage plox.
No. 766811
File: 1547631179581.jpeg (149.87 KB, 720x1280, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-ima…)

>>766760"Quite a while ago?" Sweaty, those messages were sent last August. As in, not even a whole year ago. You don't magically become a brand new, changed person just because you had a birthday at some point in between then and now. Your sins aren't limited to just edgy jokes either. According to someone who used to be in that server, you regularly harassed a long-time trans fan of Tim's by calling her a trap despite her expressing that she was uncomfortable:
No. 766812
File: 1547631449092.jpeg (167.23 KB, 720x1280, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-ima…)

>>766760Furiously backpedal and use your age card (Huh, weird. It's almost like you haven't changed at all) when someone calls you out for your shitty behavior, then proceed to passive-aggressively subtweet about them rightfully dragging your ass in other channels:
No. 766813
File: 1547631841927.jpeg (149.65 KB, 720x1280, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-ima…)

And finally,spew borderline white supremacist rhetoric about POC at people who were making pretty harmless "white people cant dance XD" jokes. Just like back then, you only care about your actions when you realized your chickens came home to roost. You don't give a shit about people's feelings or mental wellbeing, just your own online reputation. If you actually cared about how much you hurt people you'd apologize on the server you said all that stupid shit on, and not on an ANONYMOUS FUCKING IMAGEBOARD where your identity can't even be verified. Thank you, next.
No. 767950
File: 1547857715657.png (486.15 KB, 587x523, why.png)

>>767455GTFO Spechie.
BTW why do people think she is cool?
Pic related
No. 769952
File: 1548187437692.jpg (67.06 KB, 1043x1199, whiteDiamondpainting.jpg)

this is… eesh. The painting is muddy, there is no use of values or contrast, that diamond on her head is straight up embarrassing. Yikes.
No. 771809
>>769952The ear, the nose, the lips… it's like non of those were ment to match with the face… and those shoulders are like a new low.
And the hand is just creeping me out.
Why does she continue at all at this point? Thanks to her BF she could be the new female leafy or something!
No. 773763
File: 1548899054343.jpeg (141.32 KB, 610x500, F46850E4-4486-458F-8C5E-3D3476…)

In all honesty, I believe Daft means well, but I don’t think that he has actually seen her recent content besides the icons. I mean, her content has been the stereotypical rant style and I don’t even think that the avatars are that different, one just has ‘shading’, if that makes sense
No. 773802
>>773763>her content has been the stereotypical rant styleyou mean like 70% of the animated storytime tellers? I actually miss spechie's animated storytimes now they're not even animated and their just commentaries that drop once every 2 months.
I want more spechie content
No. 774144
>>773802I'm not sure if this is sarcasm but they were not animated to begin with.
However I have to admit that her older videos, when she was not being controversial, were a lot more interesting to at least listen to than now. Now it's like "here's a topic, here's some general shit from this topic, here's my monotone voice, thanks for the paycheck, end video"
I heard that the only reason she hasn't quit YouTube or did something else with it (like that one failed attempt at make up shit) is because she needs the money… no wonder she traces shit for videos and they are half-assed… I think if any and all youtuber has 0 interest in their youtube channel it's never gonna come out good.
No. 774941
File: 1549264643696.png (86.13 KB, 554x730, boopboopnyan original post.png)

>>759723>>774144The poster who wrote that pull comment deleted the original and changed their username, but luckily someone quoted that comment so its preserved forever.
Anyway, in that post someone in Suckie's friend circle says she only makes video when she needs money to pay the bills. At this point I'm pretty sure she's only posting videos because she's stuck in her dead end "job" that she can't get out of because she has nothing else she can use on her resume. She got fired from both of the jobs she worked as a kid, and she can't put her Youtube channel on there because one Google search will pull up the lawsuit she was involved in and all the shitty things she's done. I'd feel bad if she wasn't a colossal cunt.
No. 775041
>>774941I thought the beauty videos she did were parody/joke/sarcastic ones because she didnt seem serious in them. Didnt know she planned to make that her pivot.
Oh well I guess I should donate to her patreon now if I want more content
No. 775042
File: 1549308569261.jpeg (85.35 KB, 649x229, C261F5FC-A556-4288-9888-B02175…)

>>774941Well, that explains her retweeting this
No. 775044
File: 1549308788124.jpeg (231 KB, 750x1036, ECEACC9D-A6FC-4608-B019-3D9DFF…)

Also, Speckle reblogged this, everybody knows that she has time on her hands, everybody knows that she can do better than what she posts on YouTube, so why?
No. 775495
>>775044"She can do better than what she posts on YouTube?" Lol, no she can't. At least 45% of the art on her DeviantART (which she claims is where all her "good" art is) is straight up traced/heavily referenced from screenshots from shows, random Google images, or some random photographer's stuff on Pinterest. Don't call her out on it tho or she'll get
triggered af and delete your comment or block you. I'm sorry to say it, but the stuff on YouTube IS her art.
>>775066Idk man, it would be funny if she could actually draw instead of just tracing other people's work and calling it a day.
No. 776678
File: 1549801918052.png (2.03 MB, 750x1334, D90B4C14-2685-43CC-91FD-2AFF28…)

You would think with all the free time she has she could I don’t know… maybe VACCUUM?(nitpicking)
No. 777864
File: 1550079778175.png (204.98 KB, 345x547, q9WGUJj.png)

>>776562Now that sprite is a downgrade. The neck is way too long. That hairline is way up her head and looks like she is balding. And the right arm is at such a weird angle.
No. 778099
File: 1550137368612.png (137.64 KB, 346x550, howembarrassing.png)

No. 778147
File: 1550160674825.png (58.01 KB, 639x418, KNcgkEQ.png)

Surprised no one posted this.
No. 778176
File: 1550166185124.jpeg (77.12 KB, 894x894, 317EEF4D-63AF-4116-8FCA-4218BA…)

She did a redraw. It nice to see improvement, but honestly, her first image was probably from elementary. Her improvement is something I can see a middle schooler completing
No. 778205
File: 1550174175290.jpeg (107.65 KB, 1024x419, EBA88B62-3594-44C0-A765-8FC10F…)

I know that this is from her old DA page, but why did she stop coloring the lines of the characters.?
No. 778215
File: 1550178583454.png (Spoiler Image,20.09 KB, 747x562, what am I duwang.png)

>>778205The old image actually had normal perspective. Wtf is going on with the perspective in the new picture? Why is the dappled light coming from below? Why is the grass 1 metre tall? What is going on with her chest?
The only way I can understand this picture is she is crouching down and forwards in front of a lake or something.
sorry for… whatever this is
No. 778712
File: 1550295496939.jpeg (367.67 KB, 750x1161, F381DF0E-E1F2-4FF0-A9EA-1D09C6…)

Why does Tim always look so uncomfortable around her?
No. 779000
File: 1550443286240.jpg (55.02 KB, 443x913, Gwenspech.jpg)

>>777864I feel like she took some art of either of these characters but I just can't find an exact match.
Characters are Gwen Tennyson and Sari Sumdac for anyone who wants to search.
No. 780482
File: 1550864068527.jpeg (131.86 KB, 750x365, 725A4DA9-901B-4333-9929-5FBEC8…)

Easy. All Spoon needs to say is how Cancel culture can be toxic for those who haven’t shown CONSISTENT toxic behaviors or commited something that is borderline AGAINST the law.
Done. She doesn’t need a 10 minute video trying to defend people while also defending herself from her own mistakes like the comment she made 12 days ago about how her neighbors should be shot
No. 780982
File: 1551052433498.png (72.75 KB, 959x583, white supremacist spechie…)

>>780482How does she think she has any right to talk about how
toxic cancel culture is? For someone who claims to hate it, she regularly participates in communities that perpetuate it (all her former friends said she loved to talk shit about people or the drama they were involved in, and she's def subbed to drama subreddits/channels on YouTube since she knew a good amount of drama that went down in the beauty community last year), only defends her favs when they get cancelled, but laughs and participates in cancel culture when people like Laura Lee or Tana Mongeau when they get cancelled, and is arguably WORSE than the people she defends like Jeffree Star. Yeah, he's a massive racist douchebag who calls black people gorillas and threatened to sue another YouTuber over a trademark he didn't even file for yet, but he never bullied someone to the point of suicide or entertained white supremacists on his social media.
No. 781879
File: 1551383570427.png (32.53 KB, 618x222, CE3oAIw.png)

>>781075Doesn't help much that she blames everyone else for her mistakes and tries to claim shes the
No. 782005
File: 1551407677501.png (74.67 KB, 258x291, bad.png)

in yet another bid to be 'cool' and different she goes with blue hair.
it still looks bad w/ ur greasy hair suckie
No. 782245
File: 1551467517253.jpeg (445.05 KB, 750x1055, 465E9CF1-F97F-4484-B75F-026F17…)

I bet he does feel stupid being there.
Also, I guess she got another cat, either that or it’s Tim’s
No. 782933
File: 1551631438928.jpeg (58.12 KB, 1024x683, 483668BD-F68A-4159-A7FC-D46E8A…)

Much of her characters always seem a little too beginner-like.
What I mean by that is that they tend to be bland and entirely based on another character, with one or two minor differences. Perhaps all they are, are self-inserts?
No. 782993
File: 1551640990307.png (167.24 KB, 383x431, ChX20nSWgAArtaU.png)

>>782934It looks like she stole the overall look (down to the glowing tattoos on her face) and color palette from Kida from Atlantis.
No. 783042
>>782933yuck, this reminds me of sparkledogs that used to be everywhere a few years ago, all trying to out-neon each other
the point of night furys is that you can't see them, why would you splatter them with fluorescent paint?
No. 784388
File: 1552013846775.jpeg (298.32 KB, 750x1054, D8C45201-4AB7-42A1-B2CF-407A58…)

Does this also explain spoon’s current behaviors?
If so, I think we can mark competitive off the list.
No. 786205
File: 1552496588131.png (156.33 KB, 620x395, RL5pesT.png)

Her terrible half traced art strikes again.
No. 786248
File: 1552506016510.jpeg (231.93 KB, 750x534, 65FF07B5-6328-44A2-B147-F84225…)

I love that she literally attacks her ‘boss” (aka: YouTube) without considering the fact that there are sections to YouTube that she can ask for help without the dramatics.
Also, I wonder what the copy right claims are from, because, at times, it can’t be helped if someone reports you for tracing 80% of your images
No. 786249
File: 1552506148199.jpg (148.83 KB, 923x1200, regret.jpg)

>>786205nta but more bad art. it hurts.
No. 787293
>>787105‘People are too sensitive this day in age’
Few seconds later
‘Am Saying what he say is right, no’
This is from her segment on Dunn
She continues to phrase it as everyone who hates are just bored people.
And this is coming from a person who thrives in dramatics, and if you’ve been on this board long enough, you’ll know what I’m talking about
Despite how understanding and knowledgeable Spoon is trying to portray, she doesn’t count the idea that the demographic of the targeted audience is a factor to a person being canceled.
The higher you put yourself on a platform, the higher the expectations are, and because most of the users on YouTube are under 18, it kinda makes sense for some people to get pissed off when people screw up really bad.
(Just a nitpick, but Can I just say that she should’ve stuck to YouTube when mentioning cancel culture, because some of the arguements that she makes can be discounted when transferred to the rest of media?)
She uses a lot of authority figures to prove her point than rather than provide evidence.
Her claiming that most people are jealous of a youtuber’s power, then connecting it to news articles on pewdiepie who is taken out of context. Correlation does not equal causation!!!
‘It’s not youtube’s fault, they can’t ban all child predators’
>>786248She really doesn’t understand how massive YouTube is
‘People are suffering because of the guy’s inability to do research’
‘Why do you feel the need to be angry, it’s just not healthy’
‘Instead of getting mad, teach the person as to why they are wrong’
God the hypocrisy
‘Why are you calling out people for stuff that they’ve done 10 years ago when there’s people doing that stuff right now’
Does that mean we can mark Bill Cosby innocent?
Also, yes, it happens, people call each other out E v e r y d a y, but Spoon chose not to input it (ex: Peta tweet about Steve Irwin and public response)
Can I again input that that most of the people that she mentioned are POPULAR, they hold influence on their audience, who majority are children.
No. 787373
>>787105She really included Subscribe to Pewdiepie stuff in her video posted the day after the shooting where the shooter said the meme.
And she thinks shes defending pewds.
No. 787387
File: 1552766033175.png (125.2 KB, 237x361, HWKX2DF.png)

>>787105How has no one posted her newest sprites though they're a mess
No. 787526
>>787393>>787384It's not the shitty meme itself that's bad, it's the fact she repeated said meme IN CONTEXT of the shooting where the shooter said the meme, not even one week after the shooting took place. It's the context that makes it shitty.
Plus, this is the same chick that bullied a girl to the point of attempting suicide, constantly lies and gaslights about said bullying, and never properly apologized to the girl OR the people that she threatened to sue just for making videos about that girl. I think we can all agree she has issues with empathy, so her pulling this kinda shit isn't surprising at all. I just don't understand how she's done and said all these shitty things and STILL has a career. She should've been cancelled years ago, but somehow she scrapes through every nuclear bombshell dropped on her and survives like a goddamn cockroach.
No. 787743
>>786249I actually like the background trees in this one, the light green isn’t distracting the white wolf thing in the center.
But the lowered opacity water ruins it more than if she just drew a forest floor. Water is clear spechie, not Gatorade blue.
No. 787807
>>787526>>787293posts like this are why I donate to spechie's patreon
>>787387I liked the previous one dont understand why she keeps changing sprites every video she drops ever 2 months
No. 787928
File: 1552926550340.jpeg (292.64 KB, 750x718, DD355ACC-B5A5-4667-B20E-AD14C7…)

Instead of imply how it may be false. Her impulse was, “don’t cancel him for what he did last year, you’re no better”.
Kek, the girl who bullied a person to attempt suicide is s o right
No. 787934
File: 1552929426137.png (67.63 KB, 590x459, yn5VHDQ.png)

>>787833Lol she put onion in but didn't have the balls to name and shame him in video.
If you know what he does why not warn your fans Speckles? They're all like 12 aren't they?
>>787807Illusion of having done work. Also if you have patreon content spill please.
>>787928It's funnier considering an hour later shes off laughing at Shane's expense and it's totally okay if it's funny guys.
No. 787935
File: 1552929596413.jpg (218.19 KB, 1020x1200, rKvRM72.jpg)

You'd think an artist would know when the filters and make up clash.
No. 787950
File: 1552933145832.jpeg (606.22 KB, 1280x800, 1B136ABC-5B32-42CD-9963-A69C3B…)

>>787935I’m sorry, but this is the first thing I thought of while looking at the pic
No. 788369
File: 1553040100065.jpeg (191.08 KB, 750x541, 87399768-C50D-4EF0-87E8-7D8D21…)

No. 790317
File: 1553544984845.png (109.47 KB, 709x392, bRFweDE.png)

>>789816Too long considering the quality.
But the whole stream she had paint tool Sai like this. Isn't that the way tracers hide they have something check marked?
No. 790478
>>790446except this is exactly what tracers do to avoid being noticed or caught.
Not only that, but I know for a fact that multiple people have pointed out in an old painting stream spechie had the image she traced visible in the layer dock, just with the layer turned off. I'm guessing it's also one of the reasons she privated/deleted a ton of her old streams.
Someone pointed it out and she started recording her screen like this. She's hiding her 'source' images when she traces things.
No. 790498
File: 1553569279263.jpg (78.15 KB, 720x405, 20190324_071245.jpg)

No. 790499
File: 1553569304445.jpg (166.11 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20190324-065711_You…)

No. 790617
File: 1553618160197.jpg (141.11 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20190324-070407_You…)

No. 790618
File: 1553618191977.jpg (141.22 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20190324-070823_You…)

This is supposed to be kylo ren
No. 790902
File: 1553703525117.jpeg (323.39 KB, 750x828, 7BDCEEC1-FD79-445F-9A4C-BD8F0D…)

Spoon, you’re sure that you have a sleeping disorder, one that’s uncontrollable, and not just a bad sleeping schedule..?
No. 791620
File: 1553882344131.jpeg (123.84 KB, 750x1110, F933FFCD-33AF-4DF8-8A26-A19484…)

Isn’t this Spoon’s dog, the one who she screamed ‘Shut the Hell Up’ to in a recent stream?
Oh yeah, I guess future audiences wouldn’t know that because she deleted the livestream because of her “haters”
>>791434 No. 791621
File: 1553882461718.png (26.79 KB, 652x284, igDKehF.png)

Got to love how she retweets this when shes 'leaked' Mandy and her dms in videos.
No. 792205
>>792186>>792192first time I saw her face without filters and in clear lighting
she seems cute and happy, I am happy that she makes contnet
No. 792283
>>792192For real, what the fuck is going on with the make-up lately? Is it shitty lighting or does she have white foundation on?
Her make-up was never the best, but it sure as fuck wasn't bad like this
No. 792673
>>792192I don’t understand why she goes onto saying ‘you don’t know me’ to saying ‘I’m pretty real’. Spoon acts like she’s changed, yet she continues these two contradictions.
Hell, in this video, it kinda shows this with her mannerisms. She acts all ‘chill’ and ‘calm’, yet in many of the other videos that had shown her face, she was loud and obnoxious
No. 792753
File: 1554147355453.png (1.04 MB, 1334x750, 19226042-A56E-48BA-B7EC-F9571C…)

Hypocritical Spechie
No. 796329
File: 1554849491608.png (134.42 KB, 446x500, 89a75Zp.png)

It's called 'Why I'm scared of Men" but over half of it is stuff stolen off reddit.
No. 796644
File: 1554925860224.jpeg (160.7 KB, 750x438, BADEC86A-3DE5-4C4F-93AB-2D1E4D…)

Not only lolcow, but she lurks on pull too.
Kek, I wouldn’t worry about the 10 mins honey, it’s what the content fills during that time. Which, 3 mins was dedicated to her super traumatizing moments with guys, the rest was from accurate reddit posts.
No. 797711
File: 1555176454857.jpeg (230.37 KB, 1920x1300, B6FFE7FF-C3C1-4841-9FFA-642D04…)

>>797704Here, we don’t need the vid views
No. 797729
File: 1555182363657.png (161.46 KB, 894x505, FC2q7lW.png)

>>797711 If anyone wants to see it you can use this to not give views. Biggest thing is shes hiding her layers completely from the viewer. So she could easily just be tracing her 'friends' art.
No. 798344
File: 1555447576134.jpeg (132.32 KB, 750x576, B031A22C-4103-4884-BE9F-46C9A9…)

Oh boy, can’t wait for her to share how complex her colouring is. Only the professional can master muddy colours like her
No. 798348
>>797729If she's tracing, then that's really sad, because she's doing an awful job of it.
These styles aren't exactly difficult to recreate, and she can't even manage to do it.
No. 798593
File: 1555547396414.png (408.04 KB, 1600x828, E58AE226-80A6-484F-9C5F-8D6870…)

Perhaps a coincidence, but I started to see the resemblance between Spechie’s old avatar and current one’s body to match a Dressup game called Kisekae.
It’s an old game, but you can change everything about the character. From weight, eyes, hair, height, arms/legs position, expression. I wouldn’t be surprised if she used a program like this to ‘reference’, and halfassed anything not on the site, like the 3/4th expression
No. 798960
I really don’t understand what Spoon’s deal is with complexity = good art.
I mean, look at Waffle’s artwork, I like the artist, but the detail on the teeth (aka:complex/realistic look) doesn’t make her artwork fantastic, in fact, it deters it from what she is trying to communicate.
And hell, simplicity can actually communicate so much more than complexity, hence why many cartoons/anime focus on large eyes, to show more emotion.
specie can also pass me with her saying how often she trying to state that she works so hard on pieces that she only shits out once a month, and you can even tell how minimal she is at this work. It just makes me mad that most of the people who criticize her do praise her on her work… but most of the stuff she uses is traced or lazy.
I know it’s all in opinion, but how she draws now is how I use to draw in middle school, all I’m saying is that, assuming she stays depressed in her apartment all day, she should focus on her artwork, you know, stuff that makes her happy- no matter if she gets shit for it. Because no matter how much she tries to work on her public image, none of it will change who she really is, that is a lazy, bigoted, self-proclaimed complex artist.
No. 800292
File: 1556212506195.png (351.13 KB, 512x512, RBvbgw4.png)

She drew herself like a turtle
No. 800320
>>800292Uuh… this does not look like a seductive moe tsundere animu that she tried to pull off, just retarded.
I find her lack of taste in art (as evidenced by her work in topic pic) even more damning than her laziness and lack of skill.
No. 800321
File: 1556215673309.png (205.01 KB, 510x405, a31.png)

lol. ain't slick. found the pic she traced in literal minutes
No. 800792
>>800730>>800545You do know that there are other lurkers from PT’s discord who post here too,
Like, outsider observers who don’t want to get involved in the dispute, right?
No. 802740
File: 1557179041250.jpeg (55.92 KB, 815x458, 3848680D-61E2-4F4A-ACB0-3E646E…)

Spoon made a new video, and it looks like someone changed her model. I hate it say but it looks like her art, actually something not traced for once.
No. 802741
>>802303No idea anon. I don’t know if whoever reported it thought that it was because the whole ‘3rd person thing’ or if it was because the person gave away their discord.
Both are pretty dumb because I wouldn’t think that whoever posted the video would use that discord for personal use
No. 807096
File: 1557880330050.png (85.93 KB, 1113x523, wWWfhBn.png)

Spechie drew these as a joke but the fact is they're just as bad or better than her normal character designs. 1/4
No. 807098
File: 1557880410978.png (67.95 KB, 951x516, dvKOnJj.png)

No. 807099
File: 1557880507985.png (62.06 KB, 948x523, k2FbhVX.png)

No. 807100
File: 1557880652058.png (87.28 KB, 1047x525, cnnrLEQ.png)

4/4 if she wants to make fun of people's ocs she should make some good ones first.
No. 807126
>>807096Are these suppose to be bad?
I can’t tell because her style generally looks like this.
No. 807176
File: 1557918238743.jpeg (108.86 KB, 640x334, CEC20C69-EBDD-482A-9CC7-428658…)

Spechie, around the time that you got in trouble you referred to yourself as a “grown woman” on Twitter in response to content made by the HaTerz.
So were you 17 or 18? And by this date, you’re 19 still, who still refuse to confront any of your actions and becoming aggressive to anyone who questions it.
Really honest for someone who’s not like all those other snakes
No. 807178
>>807176I know how she views herself as a
victim to “cancel culture”, but spoon, there’s a difference between people saying a slang word, and directing targeting people in videos. Hell, you’re still doing it specie, in your RECENT VIDEO, and you, like the high school video, aren’t out of there yet. Wow how much you’ve learned
No. 807189
>>807099I thought that was supposed to be her as shrek bc of the shitty caked on makeup and read Shrekina as Shrekie
i feel like she draws more "joke" art than real art tho? Maybe bc her "real" art would require actual effort & probably wouldn't look that good in the end and she knows it. Spending ur time and effort on parody sketches is the #1 way to not improve.
No. 810354
File: 1558442953483.png (471.15 KB, 833x959, A89EC6BB-DA22-4706-9476-9894EE…)

“Not to flex but My ‘art’ hasn’t deteriorated and has only gotten better over the years”
Also spechie: shits out
No. 810645
>>810354This girl has such an ego, I’m surprised that the one video that was taken down didn’t diagnose her with narcissism because she literally fills ALL of the symptoms.
I’m still convinced that the black diamond pic, the body at least was traced because this girl can’t do shit without reference
No. 813126
>>810354thats not… how ANYTHING works. oh my god.
the crotch- the fucking boobs, the COLLARBONE….
im having a fucking stroke, how did spechie ever think her TEACHER was jealous of her
No. 813128
File: 1558889140815.png (311.59 KB, 586x609, eafa87fe9268a1e93fe321e1684d8e…)

the stars aligned to spare us from the end form of this shitty fanart.
No. 814743
>>814737You see, this is what spechie doesn’t understand, in her videos, she phrases things in such a way that gives off a sense of entitlement and condescending.
How she goes back and ‘edits’ her videos (at least with the bare minimum) makes me wonder how she doesn’t catch onto that, especially when all she reports is negativity.
No. 814791
File: 1559143153046.png (411.89 KB, 775x501, asJMudf.png)

>>814737 Imagine thinking this still image is going to look at all good.
>>810354 The funniest thing is according to her deviantart comment this is supposed to be sexy
No. 815020
File: 1559164803359.jpeg (268.88 KB, 1980x1080, 198C6924-F30E-44D8-8181-A0ED7E…)

>>810354I don’t know this girl’s commission process, so I don’t even know if the commissioner is able to see the rough sketches for tweeks, but holy shit, you can tell the Downdrop in quality in compared to the examples she gave
No. 815025
>>815020She didn’t even flip the grey lady to match the side it belongs to. Did she do that because it significantly looks worse when flipped?
Also, this is pretty crappy for a commission sheet, the pics aren’t where they should be for examples, the pics are literally taken from it’s source and shrinked to the right size.
Since she’s done commissions for almost all sets on the sheet, why doesn’t she use those as an example to show her clients what they’re really getting?
No. 815785
>>814737This video is lazy
Normally I defend spechie in this thread against jealous haters but im done with this.
I cant wait for more spechie content yet all I get is some 5 min video after like 2 weeks. That “tea” drawing at 3:19 is the shoddiest work I ever seen
No. 818468
File: 1559763620648.jpg (81.87 KB, 1200x1080, Uy4H8dL.jpg)

No one is ever going to truely let her forget but there isn't any new milk.
Right now the art she has on her twitter is so bad.
No. 818473
File: 1559763770219.png (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 1043x1199, CUHzqua.png)

She can't even draw an arm right
No. 819049
File: 1559866816586.jpeg (206.39 KB, 750x540, 941D33CE-86A8-44D3-8BAC-8142DB…)

Spoon had never went on Twitter to cancel a whole website; but boy is the last bit a load of hypocrisy
No. 819055
File: 1559867223096.jpeg (132.34 KB, 750x371, A4CC3C9E-3A5A-4CDF-97BF-B0EBE9…)

>>819049Samefag, but I just wanted to save this because Spoon constantly goes against her own “beliefs”
No. 819281
>>819185Yeah, idk either anon, unless that was with her whole debate with Mandy and maybe a few people, like her sister and those she threatened to put down the video.
The last one would be a stretch tho, considering she only complained about the HaTeRz on there
No. 819484
File: 1559958239391.jpg (Spoiler Image,49.84 KB, 564x846, ae8e3e787ac3da19ba236cfb28a443…)

>>818473traced from this maybe?
No. 820205
File: 1560118015580.png (243.92 KB, 383x356, 1jPzQsJ.png)

>>820199 I'm tired of her sprite shaking to imply animation. Just because your art is flat doesn't mean it should be moving like paper in the wind.
No. 820248
File: 1560124595761.png (727.82 KB, 854x479, qualityanimation.PNG)

>>820199can't even be bothered to actually draw 1 inbetweening frame
No. 820325
File: 1560134387933.png (1.28 MB, 1000x1000, cAqxFXm.png)

>>820199When your boobs and eyes change size constantly
No. 820458
>>820325I’m becoming more convinced that with these avatars she has to be referencing because the technique used on the main 4 poses are so different.
Also, can’t believe that after 2 years, her 3/4 faces are still lopsided, especially when someone a year ago when Spoon was on her ‘I-accept-criticism-phase’ shown her how to fix it
No. 820514
File: 1560192531690.png (341.87 KB, 617x526, wONc5K2.png)

Did Spechie forget what her boyfriend does? Or did someone criticize her terrible overpowered self inserts?
No. 820530
>>820514>Bashing on a person's favorite character is toxic and makes them scared to share their passionsI think reading that gave me autism.
She's nasty and bitter herself and doesn't hesitate to shit on things she deems stupid but now she's getting on her high horse about how we all need to hold hands and pat people on the back for their spergy self insert OCs?
No. 820545
>>820530Thats what i dont get about her retweeting it, cuz alot of ocs made by tweens and teens ARE cringy as fuck, like yeah its rude to bash on them, but that doesnt fix them from being super edgy and annoying characters
Spechie is provs just retweeting it cuz she makes cringy af characters
No. 820559
>>820514She bashes people's shit all the time in videos and discord. She makes a video where she bashes the paper art her Art teacher did but that's not
toxic at all. She bashed people for singing badly but told everyone you can't bash her for her bad singing. It's only
toxic when shes on the receiving end.
No. 820654
File: 1560211185027.jpeg (206.4 KB, 750x783, 4FBA4DDF-E725-41EA-992C-4B63EC…)

>>820514Bruh, something doesn’t add up
No. 820655
>>820654This girl is so two faced. I really don’t think she stands on any opinions that are outside of her own self interest and makes her ‘look better’.
But what do I know, Spechie is a woke person, within a month her actions have changed sooo much
No. 821381
File: 1560373729654.png (155.72 KB, 598x394, Kiurt8W.png)

It's almost like you shouldn't declare you're moving before you have a place to move to.
But she claimed in
>>820199 at 5:10 that the apartment shes moving into only pays for trash.
Which is it do you have a place or not?
No. 821772
>>821735Speche is in Texas/Midwest IIRC. Houses there cost like $20 for 5 beds.
+ dual income from BF = decent life
I am happy she is not rampant e-beggar, but its clear she doesn’t care about her YT career anymore. Now i’m no artist but I am certain her and most of the people here would vastly prefer making a living with art YT channels than with commissions especially with Spechie’s own infamy and anti-social tendencies. I am concerned for her future
No. 823476
File: 1560831384769.jpeg (400.34 KB, 750x1051, 3D28B1B7-76F7-4C5E-A961-42D31A…)

You would know this, wouldn’t you spoon, considering how you literally white-washed a guy, even to the extent of fitting your description of what white-washing is
No. 823479
File: 1560831518083.jpeg (179.77 KB, 750x1006, 191DB3E4-D6ED-46F1-BF1A-13BB07…)

No. 823480
File: 1560831647511.jpeg (213.76 KB, 750x977, 6EBBF01D-4B01-42D4-8596-65BB8E…)

No. 823481
File: 1560831849424.jpeg (127.67 KB, 750x287, 01466D67-8976-46FC-8DC7-A0E0B9…)

And as always, to anyone who has a different opinion and who wish to discuss it, Spoin must tell a person to piss off instead of simply ignoring them. Maybe you should do what you say Speech, afterall you do continuously comment on posts with touchy subjects, surely you would expect the same?
No. 824081
File: 1560972149163.png (2.24 MB, 1707x2048, ZdBuCca.png)

In which Spechie has to be the edgiest bitch ever and thinks we wouldn't noticed the poorly traced shoes.
No. 824093
File: 1560973784900.png (113.76 KB, 726x217, jjXPrdt.png)

>>824081"My art teacher was totally jealous of me."
No. 824173
File: 1560987465075.jpeg (90.24 KB, 1106x723, 84F64972-E72C-4E2C-A600-07E502…)

In her speed paint, I did like that spoon showed where she gained reference and the sketchiness/colouring for the Red panda’s head.. but that’s about it for the painting as I don’t know why she didn’t continue the technique that she had used for donkey or the body/clothes, perhaps he’s just lazy or didn’t know how to finish it?
No. 824291
>>824081I like how the boobs have an obvious cupping/ big definition kind of thing going on, but the image on top is completly flat and doesnt bend to the shape of the body at all, making the boobs look non existant
(Ps even spidergwen's boobs didnt have complete cupping definition like that, hers acted like a normal person's would if they were in a body suit with a sports bra on underneath, idk why speechi always draws boobs with a hard curv at the bottom when most shirts dont do that)
No. 824468
File: 1561066088637.png (1 MB, 1024x943, HFBc4lt.png)

She posted this on deviantart.
Apparently furry means giant neck and ass.
No. 824487
File: 1561068143696.png (783.62 KB, 950x1200, E0Ge81E.png)

>>824291 It's because Spechie can't draw boobs despite owning a pair.
No. 824857
>>824468Jesus christ
Wtf is that colouring
Also this is so bad???
No. 825219
File: 1561220374841.png (285.84 KB, 610x526, rmV74CN.png)

>>824858Considering she had to get a normal job on top of youtube and only recently has she started doing weekly stuff again apparently her attempts at milking money haven't been going well.
Also she follows furry porn artists.
No. 826485
File: 1561482510736.png (31.02 KB, 611x318, 3duZOmo.png)

Bold of her retweeting this when she constantly put people down.
No. 826509
>>826495She has always been one.
It's laughable though because she made fun of furries with her boyfriend.
No. 827342
File: 1561569897815.png (261.31 KB, 445x383, pf7SVDm.png)

>>823476 Pull is finding stuff I've never seen of her that makes it so obvious spechie is not one to talk
No. 827516
>>827342If anything, it kinda continues the idea that she was arguing, that the problem with colourism doesn’t matter as long as you can tell that the character is POC.
Which, I understand the thought process, but it ignores the issue that lighter colours poc characters are still favored over the darker skinned ones
No. 828307
>>823481I have to agree with her on that point……. unfortunately. The drawing was totally a color choice and even her hair and stuff is lighter… anyway
Though, I admit
She's hypocritical af
No. 828703
>>828626Personally, I don’t care for a character’s skin when it isn’t hinted exactly, so it’s up to debate, or at times when it doesn’t affect the narrative as much.
But it bothers me when people interpret the artists with skin tones that actually affect the narrative or when the artists tries to push for a certain skin tone.
In spechie’s case, I don’t think she meant it intentionally, and I know that this is her older artwork, but she does prove to continue this
No. 830409
File: 1562039927609.jpeg (80.38 KB, 638x1024, 73675E28-66F2-4339-969E-4A2973…)

More proof that speechie absolutely sucks at drawing black people (or anything besides her one default face for that matter). Guess who? I really thought this was some funny looking white guy until i read the tags.
No. 831226
File: 1562159391544.jpeg (414.71 KB, 750x1050, C7892B79-01B1-43F9-A20C-48DE6F…)

I’m happy she’s confronting it, it’s about time (even though she was 18 when it happened according to the dates) I’m just wondering who finally scared her into doing this
No. 831247
File: 1562161719598.png (21.96 KB, 601x177, Fgrr3hS.png)

>>831226 I don't know who scared her either but can she really say shes over mean videos when she did that one trashing her neighbors?
No. 831262
>>831247She’s right that she stopped being mean on the internet, now she’s just politely ignorant with a dash of arrogance
I mean:
>>823480>>820654>>820514 >>827342>>820199Like, is she going to confront the tracing, the backpedaling and the lies/exaggeration, because as spoon said, just because you post some things doesn’t mean that you’re a good person
No. 831264
File: 1562163779519.jpeg (318.59 KB, 750x896, 73FA85DF-D836-45F2-953D-736D78…)

>>831262>>831263Samefag, but Spoon listing ‘everything’ is going to disappoint some people and continue to drag her name in the dirt.
I mean, on her YouTube, assuming that little of her subscribers know of the ‘Mandy incident’, Spoon will probably not reveal it, if so, if may drag her name down, as well as her next channel, after all, saying that you internet-wise publically humiliated a fellow classmate, one that hardly even knew her- went to court for it and even continued to keep the video up to ‘stick it to authority’ is fucked up, even for a 17-18 year old
No. 832072
>>831247Spechies old videos were funneh
Spechies new videos are lazy
Dumb jealous bitches bullied her with the “muh depression” jab into making her channel more family friendly and now it fucking sucks
Make more videos spechie plz im bored
No. 838446
File: 1563194972245.jpeg (393.24 KB, 1936x1936, 4AB974DD-EFDD-4385-80EC-D06A95…)

Not directly related to spechie, but at least we know that hypocrisy runs in the relationship
No. 838601
>>838464Oh, so no one would care if Nessa is suddenly white? I don’t want to start this here, but shouldn’t white-washing or other race washing matter be reciprocated?
Also, the 007 is a title not an identity
No. 838820
File: 1563252536173.png (139.09 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181224-123321.png)

>>831226Her "being
toxic when she was 17" is bullshit. Yeah, she was
toxic when she was 17, but she's sure as hell horrible now too. She's denies that she ever bullied Mandy (granted in this ss it was someone else saying she didn't bully but Suckie didn't correct them) as early as late Dec last year, she kept up any videos associated with Mandy for YEARS after she "was 17," still traces other people's work to this day, lied about not having a lease to guilt money out of her fans and as one of the YouTubers she threatened (which happened in late Aug last year, literally not even a year since then) to sue, I've yet to hear any sort of apology from her. Her "apologies" always make it seem like lying to people to guilt money out of them, stealing other people's work, and bullying people to the point of suicide are just average things every teenager does but what she's done is far more fucked up than what the average teenager or even the average person does. She's full of shit guys.
No. 838821
File: 1563252713806.png (146.87 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181224-143743.png)

Not only does she not correct them, but she also claims that her bullying Mandy are just "made up lies" by her "obsessed haters." Again, this was as early as last year Dec, as you can tell by her pfp
No. 838983
>>838821Hey anon, assuming that this may possibly be the person who’s collecting a lot of this info, have you been in contact with the people that she threatened to sue? If so, maybe a video with them or how they received that info may be good to include in the video.
Because if these screenshots ARE recent, then it further proves that she hasn’t changed and it even more of a scum for denying the whole ordeal- you know, the videos that made her popular in the first place
No. 839071
File: 1563306731724.png (137.59 KB, 749x500, 0WQ0EQO.png)

>>838820That "server mom" is a flying monkey who doesn't seem to realize Spechie recently purposely unlisted her video where she claimed her high school sued her. Where she labeled one of her faceless friends a thot and claimed she was only telling the truth about Mandy.
Or that her views randomly went down. Did those view bots get caught screechie?
No. 839076
File: 1563307078139.png (1.26 MB, 1365x2048, WVsfwFl.png)

This is her final design for her "rebranding" btw.
Hi broken leg.
No. 839483
File: 1563384563683.jpg (139.36 KB, 960x1200, RFtGck1.jpg)

"mafia nick wilde? why not right"
Wrong. It looks nothing like him
No. 839508
I think that a lot of what Spechie’s supporters forget is that many of us here on lolcow do support the usage of references and expressing opinions, but what makes spoon different is that she uses the references and then claims to not use the reference, but as soon as many people see that she has, she then backtracks and claims that it was from a reference, ignoring her prior statement that she was original in her work. The same occurs with opinions, look at her depression video (which was perhaps last year when she wasn’t 17 but 18-19), people left comments telling specie that depression can happen at almost any age, and spoon referred the people as “triggered”, deleted the video, and never spoke about it again. What’s sad is that this behavior is reoccurring, I mean, Spechie is deleting a lot of things associating to lolcow(aka: many negative comments that she made) after she posted that she’s ‘changing’ and is going to make a video on the controversy
No. 839535
File: 1563395254959.jpg (22.67 KB, 320x480, f55c031f0ff2d05cfa73186065d2c8…)

>>839483It's so obvious she doesn't use proper reference because everything is so wonky if you look at it for longer than two seconds, especially the suit… where's his belt? Why does it look like he's wearing leggings? What's up with the jacked up lapel? And the sleeves are fucked, if the suit jacket sleeves are rolled up the dress shirt also has to be rolled up (see pic related) but they're mysteriously not there and it looks weird. These are super amateur mistakes that wouldn't exist if she took 5 seconds out of her day to open up a photo of a man wearing a suit in Google Images.
No. 841669
File: 1563732749833.jpeg (209.57 KB, 750x507, DA31EB83-D0EE-4302-816C-65C982…)

Just a nitpick but, “yOuR DigGiNg uP oLd sHiT”
No. 842347
File: 1563820927437.png (74.57 KB, 613x494, jTmzsQU.png)

>>841669Spechie: Don't believe gossip about me!
Instantly believes gossip about Nat Also "Genderbend" requires for that to still be the same thor. Female Thor in the comics is literally just an ally of his who took up the mantle for a bit.
No. 842350
File: 1563821273231.png (563.15 KB, 1200x675, kXwb9Gy.png)

Spechie claimed she was finishing the video "today" 2 days ago. What is holding her up?
No. 843509
>>842799Not only does she ignore her tracing it ignores all the shit she has done since high school.
I recommend using cloudtube or hooktube to watch.
No. 843519
File: 1563992204873.jpeg (159.88 KB, 750x387, E75AD7F9-F50B-4BF2-BCBF-897CE4…)

For someone who likes to appear “informed” (aka: learns from rumors)
Spoon loves to immediately forgive people who harm others.
For those unaware- hyojin, as well as a few other people were involved with the Slazo event, incriminating and spreading false information that the guy is sexually as well as physically
abusive. As soon as it was revealed false, instead of apologizing, giving her side of the story hyojin threatens suicide
>>838446Very much agreed anon, although I believe that this girl loves to surround herself with trashy people
No. 843527
>>843519Of course spoon would know how horrible people are, considering that to this day she still hasn’t apologized to that one girl or the people that she threaten to sue.
She only talks about having a big ego because of her videos, only mentioning the depression one because it’s the most redeemable video because you know that she wanted to talk about it. So of course she ignored the two videos that got her famous in the first place (mentioning only that her teacher probably did hate her, not of her actions as To why they are bad or how she publicly humiliated a girl for two straight years during and after high school)
No. 843531
File: 1563993691334.png (555.03 KB, 1334x750, DF791DA4-503C-4A5A-9142-512190…)

>>733894>>733896>>838446>>843519Trash certainly does attract trash
No. 843696
File: 1564015462100.jpeg (145.09 KB, 750x427, 37DE1A83-6F28-48F1-A743-13B081…)

This is absolutely not what demonitizing is. Why does specie continue to lie, this time saying how she wants people to see the video, when really, she wants the profit and money from it? People will be able to see the video whether or not it is monetized, but what she won’t gain from it is the money.
It’s like she doesn’t care who she hurt, she knows that apology videos do well for profit, and she continues to want to gain from that
No. 843702
File: 1564015985312.png (51.67 KB, 610x514, LrhpVcO.png)

>>842799>>843696Someone on pull noticed too she did address the tracing thing. In the comments where she also talked about her bs reason to reupload.
She hasn't even started her re-branding but it's obvious she isn't going to improve.
No. 843738
>>843702i mean hard kek, she claims she "knows better" yet spent the last year tracing, pretending everyone else is just stupid. im real sure that changes overnight. she just "knows better" now guys. it was that easy the whole time, she just didnt feel like being self aware i guess, makes much more sense. and she sure beefs up her confidence in her "effort and talent" for someone who couldnt muster up an original piece on her own for far too long.
inb4 "overhaul and new persona" is just spechie talk for "covering my tracks" but im sure we all already figured that out. its like everyone is miles ahead of her own train of thought and she thinks its an accomplishment to finally realize everyone isnt as stupid as her.
No. 843883
>>843738I don’t understand why a few others haven’t caught onto this, like, spoon said that she’ll be welcoming criticism, what a year ago, and on said discord server which welcomes criticism, she has persistantly ignored people who show her recent stuff as traces images, then she calls it referencing despite the lines matching up, and BOY do we know that she hasn’t progressed artistically because of that, but she has the audacity to claim that she “can draw almost anything because (she) just needs to put effort in it”….. excuse me?
Where have you proved this?? You have been tracing for years, your painting technique is still muddy as hell, you have NOT changed the process taken to- you know- draw faces better because you can easily look as the faces from her hs and today and say that she has easily made no progress.
She’s still just a lying snake who wants no hate owo because she can’t handle it- why? Because she’s a spoiled brat
No. 843885
>>843883I hate to say it anon but inability to take criticism, lying, able to hurt others and feel no sympathy.. just a few traits that matches
Narcissistism personality disorder
(Hey spoon or her followers, if you’re reading this, look it up, you’ll fine that it matches her mannerisms perfectly)
No. 844572
>>843965I know we're not allowed to armchair speculate about specific mental illnesses, but I think we can all agree that this bih is crazy, right? Like no one bullies someone to the point of suicide, threatens to sue people who tried to interview her
victims, makes people apologize for her for something she's done, or make a creepy shrine dedicated to her boyfriend unless they have more than one screw loose in their head.
No. 844790
File: 1564241535896.jpeg (67.96 KB, 1000x725, 15E7640C-EAF8-4B87-B096-0A033C…)

Low and behold, what our ever so wonderful queen has been talking about: this is pure evidence that Suckie, our ever so generous influencer has preached, that all she needs to do is put effort in her drawings, because she can already draw anything she wants, all it requires is motivation, and PROVES that she no longer traces
i swear to cuck, that if I’m reported for sarcasm again, imma mcfreakin loose it
No. 844817
>>844790This looks like three pokemon combined, salazzel, and houndoom
>>844572 also yeah shes definently crazy, or at least is able to easily detach herself from feeling remorse to those she doesnt care about cuz damn, how can you rest easy knowing you almost drove someone you knew to suicide and still feel angry towards them
No. 844856
File: 1564249847114.jpeg (139.71 KB, 2048x996, B4CA8106-5760-452F-B4F5-280494…)

>>844790On insta, the creature has the same exact back legs, as this one. Making this one look broken. Also, I haven’t seen many of her other sketches/process, so I don’t know if she breaks the body down before adding detail, but looks suspicious that the only pre-detail is the circle for the head and fore arm for the creature- I wonder if she took another pose and traced it, I mean, if so, it’s still not good
No. 848479
File: 1564925615443.jpeg (486.41 KB, 750x1055, 91771D33-C823-4A2B-957C-67E14B…)

I never did like it when she backtracks herself, like her original comment specified that no one should have guns, then whenever people state their own view on it, she does her normal ‘shut the fuck up’ and then agrees with those in her comments, of course in her own special way so that she can feel like she won the argument.
Like, spoon,, most agreed that there should be some control, and to not ban all guns- that mental illness is a major factor too (something that spoon claims to be a major issue in her apology)
No. 848481
File: 1564925950918.jpeg (200.95 KB, 1781x2048, 73429192-C968-47A5-AA2C-E6351F…)

“I’ve proven to myself that I have talent and when I put in the effort I can draw almost everything”
draws this
No. 848570
File: 1564940317511.jpg (104.47 KB, 1024x1280, NYxgLHb.jpg)

Does spechie ever use her ocs outside of showing them being edgy female #1293?
No. 848651
>>848570Top right:
No. 849664
File: 1565123529850.png (3.2 MB, 2000x2000, AwkDodV.png)

"I know how to draw" she claims while ruining perspective on all parts of the armor and draws deformed pewds
No. 849665
File: 1565123684052.png (2.03 MB, 1278x2048, yyzkWAr.png)

I can't wait for the trainwreck videos if she can't draw the head the same way from drawing to drawing
No. 850247
>>849664I don’t understand why, In a piece like this, it registers as a “yep, this is the best that I could do”.
Like, for someone who traced images and can kinda make the images look like the reference, WHY doesn’t she use that knowledge of coloring here???
No. 850421
File: 1565285987861.jpeg (405.98 KB, 750x919, 5F1AF804-AE84-42B3-8F33-B2D423…)

I know that this isn’t the same, but didn’t spoon behave the same verbally with her dog on a stream and played the pity me card when she got rid of one of her cats, only to buy a dog a month (if that) later (especially when she could’ve bought them back) ?
No. 850910
>>849664good god this piece is ugly
the color are muddy and unpleasantly desaturated everywhere. The 'realistic' wolf but the square pig, the backgrounds, the anatomy. im in pain.
not to mention every time she draws pewds she giveds him like neon ice blue eyes. his eyes are the one thing tht SHOULD be desaturated, bc they're a greyish blue irl
No. 852851
File: 1565784135147.jpeg (69.88 KB, 600x900, 8C352095-2B13-4E76-931C-0AE35E…)

No. 852958
>>852851There needs to be a photo out there with
at least the same hand because
oof>>849665>>848570>>735258>>735305>>849664This girl can’t draw hands unless they’re traced
No. 853013
>>852958Her hands look weird even when she traces kek
Girl only knows how to trace and can't even do it right
No. 853078
(sorry, samefag as
>>852887, meant to reply to
No. 855139
>>854933She’s just doing a clean up of her channel rather than starting from scratch so that she can keep the subscribers and views.
The high school video can probably be found somewhere, I wonder if someone uploaded it and managed to keep it up, if spoon will threaten to sue
No. 855191
File: 1566221173018.jpeg (199.02 KB, 750x600, F913752A-C792-485B-A0BE-B391B0…)

To the person on pull, apparently other youtubers have been facing the sudden drop and gain of subscribers
No. 855259
>>855139I have it saved and there are many reuploads if you know where to look. I reuploaded it here. forgot how much she shit on gimp in this because it's free. Or how she claimed the school's digital art wasn't digital art because it wasn't the one she knew.
No. 855272
File: 1566243853801.png (783.42 KB, 1334x750, AB661DF1-B80D-4750-A5BF-FDE6E6…)

I know that this is an older piece of art(2016), but for spoon to say that she has grown artistically is a joke, she uses the same nasty ass technique now as then, making her bust heads and broken limbed people look like shiny pieces of shit
No. 855284
File: 1566246053744.jpeg (175.64 KB, 750x1188, 1A52269A-C974-452A-8D0B-1BAEB1…)

>>849664Can someone see if the base, overall, matches?
No. 855287
File: 1566246916511.jpeg (48.94 KB, 370x402, 5FEDEF7A-EEF1-4BBD-9392-1BE8AA…)

Say, I know that it’s too early to ask this, can we use this for the next thread? Because I still find it funny as hell
No. 855909
File: 1566348579390.png (2.65 MB, 2000x2000, hmm.png)

>>855284Her anatomy is wonky as hell, but it sort of matches.
No. 856272
File: 1566424702211.jpg (297.46 KB, 2000x1367, queensushi.jpg)

i dont know where i can post this elsewhere but found another spechie in the making Queen_Sushi tracing all her art and causing e girl drama
No. 856307
File: 1566427911984.png (22.78 KB, 650x136, StYrwI0.png)

>>856272 Put it in a thread that cares then. This is a spechie thread.
Unrelated but I love how spechie is pretending to care about the Amazon and retweeting things acting like she knew before everyone else instead of just learning it now like a lot of people.
No. 856341
File: 1566434799174.png (881.32 KB, 641x1200, jKeJPwe.png)

"i decided to let my cartoon-y artstyle out and this is what it made lmao"
It looks like all her other art the fuck is this bitch talking about 'cartoony style' for?
No. 856418
File: 1566442427028.jpg (123.29 KB, 1045x1200, KqagEMM.jpg)

Someone on PULL posted this and said it looked like an Ahegao face and now I can't unsee it.
No. 857845
File: 1566745754759.jpeg (262.56 KB, 750x823, C041BF4A-DB43-4E5D-9B9B-593A11…)

Putting on my tinfoil hat guys, because I have to ask if I’m the only one thinking that she’s purposefully pandering to this demographic, because within a few months she goes from ‘ I wish my neighbors were dead’ to ‘ man I deal with some crazy customers omg haha’
Like, I’m pretty sure that she receives a lot of positive feedback, you can look at her videos for comments or even she acknowledged this as she insisted it as a reason why she ‘was’ on her high horse so many years ago (even though videos made within a month ago kinda contradict that). Like, is she trying to vanquish any other opinion of her that is bad? After all, she did delete many of her comments that were posted here.. it’s kinda sad, and scary that she just doesn’t want to be seen in any other light than absolute
No. 859654

I don’t understand why the comments repeat the same phrase over and over again about how “Spechie has grown a lot”,,, are we not going to wait until she shows it?
I mean, it’s one thing to say it, another to actually put your actions forward. Like, she may say “no shade” but then she’ll hope that her “neighbors get shot”(y’all shit about them- sounds familiar to the Mandy incident huh?), continue to pull the straw men argument on anything controversial, possible continue use of tracing.
I really don’t want to sound like I’m on my high horse, but I just don’t get why Spechie, despite having time to relook over her video, you know, for being an apology video, didn’t bother to include tracing in it(despite it being one of the major topics brought up about her) and left to the comments to say “I’ve proven to myself that I have talent…. I can draw almost anything. I know how to draw and I shouldn’t be tracing. I know better”… like are we going to ignore that only a few months ago, she whole heartedly defended herself to say that she doesn’t trace? (>>800601)
Like, I’m sorry, colour me as a skeptical being or a moron, but it just doesn’t seem right that this person, who embarrassed a person to think suicide was an option, and earned a career out of it just doesn’t seem right. Yes, I understand that she was a senior in high school when it happened, but she continued to be aggressive years after that- forgetting to include that because she wants to focus on 17 year old her, not the 18 or 19 who continued much of the problems.
No. 860201
>>859654I think many anons here agree, and i wish more people who watched her videos get that too. She keeps talking about improvement yet we see no results.
Also that whole driving a fellow student to almost commiting suicide? Yeah, thats not a thing most people (even in their stupid teen years) do, the fact that people can know this fact about her and still stand by her side is fucked up.
Spechie is a fucking retarded piece of shit whos ego is somehow bigger than the fat ass she is despite drawing the most ugly art out there.
Spechie, for the love of god, do something better with your life and get an actual job you disgusting pathetic incel neet
No. 864720
Advice to specie because I really don’t want her to just become a channel that just uses info from other sources (a basic report), please be yourself, there will always be people who just hate to hate. please don’t look at the appearances, aka: that idea that you now have to act a certain way to show improvement, because that ain’t it chief. If you know what you did wrong, then you shouldn’t be afraid of expressing yourself because you won’t do it again, sure, mishaps can happen, so maybe you’ll need someone else to read your script, no big deal. Just please, you know how scary it is to do it, or at the very least, imagine who you want to be, put on that face in your videos, and you may build confidence to really be the you that you want to be
No. 864840
“It sounds like I’m doing a lot of complaining, which for the record I’m not, I’m just spitting straight facts ”
Spoon, I can’t tell if this is a joke, yeah, you put a fax machine next to your character, but you’re wording….. if that was the only joke,, ehhh, sounds like we should trust someone who didn’t put up cited works and claimed that ‘post con “””depression”””’ exists (again, I can’t tell if it’s a joke or not). Yeah you can be sad that you’re not with your friends…… but in this case, it’s temporary,,,, unless you have actual depression, something that you claimed to know is a topic that you couldn’t handle well.. but now understand how serious it can be
No. 864842
File: 1567782552279.jpeg (281.39 KB, 750x1289, CD1A9BE6-07FE-4B1C-9559-59A72D…)

>>864840Like, I wanna know where she coined the term,,, because the only reliable source here only talks about depression, rather than the other type that these two groups are mentioning
No. 864846
Also, weird thing, she claims to have gone for college for a short time,,, but then in one of her earlier videos she states how she never went to college and never wants to because of debt. I- I mean, it’s not the first time she lied, but for someone as outspoken about her life, especially during that time,,, it seems like she would’ve mentioned it? Ok, I’ll take off my tin foil hat now
No. 864920
Youtube link to the newest video
cloudtube is here how she is so lazy she is using Adobe Character Animator like onision does.
No. 865437
File: 1567889475701.png (36.31 KB, 626x219, UkBwImY.png)

Spechie ended up going on a twitter rant when her video failed hard and claimed her dad would let her do youtube full time then back tracked. 1/?
No. 865439
File: 1567889523484.png (70.8 KB, 664x510, F99lBos.png)

No. 865443
File: 1567889708955.png (43.78 KB, 650x347, DCf2JRi.png)

No. 865449
File: 1567889905603.png (55.92 KB, 653x500, xFzyH7E.png)

No. 865486
>>865437She doesn’t consider how boring the video is? Blames it on not being controversial- spoon, your vids became more and more lecture-like, stuff you look at through google search, and with ppl knowing your history is hypocrisy and lying - no on wants to watch a slideshow with a creepy puppet lecturing them.
Also, never asks for help? Emergency commissions ring a bell?
This girl is a liability with her track record of meaningless spending-
No. 866009
File: 1567960911427.png (271.08 KB, 780x403, lazy.png)

>>865437I love that she cant even consider that no one wants to listen to her talk about 'Loneliness'. Especially her because people will probably go 'well you're always mean and bitchy so of course you're alone you put yourself there.' Also this is 100000% just a copy and retelling of a VERY popular video that everyone would have already watched and it's obvious as soon as she starts talking about how 'people with many friends can be just as lonely' cant just copy a video with almost 10mil views and get away with it
Also the character and the art for said character is ugly. I did a quick 10 min edit and there's too much to point out that's just ugly and wrong. Why if she's so lazy that she's gonna use a glitchy looking preset animator cant she put more time and effort into the base art?
The line where her shirt ends doesnt match up to the table line
The eat that should be closer looks further away. She copy and pasted the antlers (You can tell by the out of place line near the base that is identical. She just sized one down).
Obviously crooked monitor
Who sits at a table up to their boobs and just the monotone colors that could easily be fixed with just some slight saturation and color variation.
I wont be surprised if she traces this but I honest to got welcome her to cause yikes on bikes My anatomy is also garbage but hers is nonexistent
No. 866220
File: 1567979160895.png (598.12 KB, 943x1200, kcainfs.png)

She redesigned it
No. 866226
File: 1567979327221.png (716.94 KB, 675x1200, SRyLIO2.png)

She is using Adobe's Character animator now too.
No. 866278
>>866220>>866226I mean, hopefully the animation will be better (really like the dedication to her wanting a new image for herself), I just wish that she would keep her other fursona, its pretty cute.
OH, or maybe she could always have two fursonas/avatars for her channel. One for the lecture videos that she wants to produce, the other about herself, irl stories?
No. 866351
>>866220>>866226Sha made it worse how the fuck did she make it worse
The green in the ears was the only redeeming feature of the previous color palette.
This is SO monotone and the antennae are actually the ugliest thing I've ever seen on a character design and I used to frequent DA in the early 2000s
No. 866455
File: 1568035903298.png (255.21 KB, 693x392, XzvEyjN.png)

>>864920 >>866220 She really thinks this is the way to go when this furry she drew matches her channel more.
No. 866613
File: 1568060366306.jpeg (408.63 KB, 750x902, C82DE032-BBBB-4BEB-BD21-96CD8C…)

She changes the design with a green comeback (which I like) I just wish that she kept the furry idea
No. 866668
File: 1568066857752.png (1.16 MB, 1200x1200, gxnx0Vz.png)

>>866614That is basically her skill level.
Here is her new twitter icon complete with a nose too tiny to properly breathe out of.
No. 866883
File: 1568118371648.jpeg (198.31 KB, 1200x1200, AAA5295C-4E5B-491D-8597-91EDAC…)

>>866668Ignore the nose, look at the hand and how it contorts at a near upright angle, instead of resting near her chin at a 90. What image did he fucking reference and got this and thought it was ok
(Also, sorry for bringing this back up, but the but her image reminds me of squidward with a deflated nose, also, I know that she copied the eyes- one of the few ways to make copy pasted eyes look good is by lowering one to give an illusion, same with the brow- aka: she a lazy ass mf that should look into becoming a wikihow artist if she needs money)
No. 866920
File: 1568124678088.png (1.34 MB, 1200x1160, 7SfSSdu.png)

Small dump of Spechie's recently posted art
No. 866921
File: 1568124741656.png (910.03 KB, 1148x1200, atzu6K3.png)

No. 866923
File: 1568124873183.jpg (163.94 KB, 1017x1200, 0anVhZx.jpg)

No. 866926
File: 1568124987774.jpg (214.25 KB, 1125x1200, 99ZjfvX.jpg)

Yearly redraw
No. 866958
File: 1568131424306.gif (1002.24 KB, 240x249, CEDBDEA1-C641-4A13-8778-C1AF71…)

>>866920So spoon kept the image to “reference”?
Nah bitch, you’re tracing again
No. 866961
>>866926I want spoon to look people in the eye and say that she has grown artistically since 2017 (she added a texture layer to make it look in depth).
Adding extra colours can’t fix the shit proportions that are ongoing- especially when she only adds this level of detail to this piece to prove that she progressed
>>866926>>866668Are these the same head?
No. 867441
File: 1568227511959.jpeg (201.69 KB, 1444x1444, 58ECC8A1-36C0-4242-82E1-32C8A9…)

Somebody: pls do this better than I to confirm whether or not
Because some of these images that spoon is popping out, suddenly understanding hands/getting the proportion right is suspicious, especially when her images can actually be deciphered
No. 867449
File: 1568231298524.png (12.09 KB, 532x105, CwZ3R8m.png)

>>67441Proving herself wrong .
No. 867463
>>867449I really don’t want to say anything yet because this image may not be 100% accurate because I was using medibang and had to make the image bigger to fit (because I used the original image of Star on the last forum)a that’s why I want someone else to look over it.
But I have no doubts that she has been continuing to trace, because some of these poses, although not complex, looking at her gallery, of stuff not traced, its complex for her
No. 867555
>>867463You can pretty instantly tell that at least this image is fully traced from somewhere. You don't go from the shit tier face anatomy of the other images that were
just posted, and then suddenly have a fair grasp of how noses/eyes and proportions work. That's not how doing art works at all, if she was just good at faces and nothing else it would at least be understandable, but not this. Not to mention the quality of the art goes from fair amount of detail to "I spent 10 minutes on this" hair and clothes. Definitely traced.
No. 867641
>>867441If she’s using old images that she saved to trace, I wonder how many other images she has and continues to retrace ((looks at her NEWEST pieces:
>>852851>>849664 ))
No. 868667
>>859654This is why I make the jokes that her personality is like her art, it never changes
Also, no one wants to deal with her ass which is why people started backpedaling.
>>866958I was wondering why it looked so good.
No. 868953
>>868705Yeah you missed out on spoons threats to anyone who tried to contact Mandy(the girl who spoon made a video on,calling her cringy for singing in class)
We found that Mandy barely even knew spoon before the video, and spoon didn’t want to take down the video, even after the girl was being humiliated by kids at school, even after going to court, and to this day has not apologized to the girl herself
No. 869386
File: 1568644325537.jpeg (492.08 KB, 750x1062, F229B5C7-CDB2-46F1-8F75-20C788…)

I’m so mad that this girl
She made a boo hoo I have to get rid of one of my cats move then bought a dog a few months later
Despite perhaps being able to buy back her cat
Then from i’m assuming to have spent all her high school money is and who is now living with her parents did not consider the fact that this would happen she spend money without even thinking about it and now her own dog is suffering the consequences
Like I don’t know obviously what will happen to that dog but the fact that this dog who she adopted and who she had for a few months is now being sent away again because this girl did not consider how to save money
I don’t know if she actually really does feel sympathy since the cat issue still causes me to be skeptical but this is just
No. 870089
Turns out Spochie deleted her video about her high school suing her. Reuploaded here: this and the art teacher video she basically removed her highest view videos aka the ones that would actually give her money.
No. 870980
File: 1569003799098.png (824.95 KB, 1125x1200, 5jjw2R8.png)

She doesn't know how horns work does she?
No. 876130
File: 1570137265174.jpeg (289.23 KB, 750x773, 83EEB0DC-8318-4DE2-A9BC-71935D…)

Unless you do whatever you can to gain money from it, and your clients are disappointed from the results.
To me, there has been little indication that spoon does YT for fun, in fact she makes video-making appear as a chore for her.
So is YT still fun spoon?
Or Do you feel obligated to “clear your name” from some source of revenue that apparently causes you to stress and copy articles online ?
No. 876177
File: 1570148335754.png (240.43 KB, 617x564, yAF0xuU.png)

>>876130Anon how did you miss this mess?
No. 876215
File: 1570164456674.png (54.47 KB, 848x560, inktober2019.png)

>>876180To be fair, the official inktober website says digital inking is allowed so… this is a very dumb nitpick.
Spechie's drawing looks like rushed shit, though, like why bother participating if you aren't going to take it seriously to improve.
No. 876550
File: 1570228594984.jpg (123.02 KB, 1066x1200, hK0JEWB.jpg)

>>876177Full image.
She seems to trace something for art every other image at least. Just look at the clock tail compared to the rest.
No. 876553
>>876186For someone as unskilled as Sprechie, doing the challenge at all will mean good practice, skill building, and a better mindset towards art.
but for the most part, it's pretty bullshit to do digital work for Inktober. The entire idea of Inktober is to challenge oneself with an unforgiving medium. Digital is the exact opposite. Go onto any art focused forum – most people get called out and criticized for going digital. i would know, i'm also doing Inktober.
No. 876596
I prefer digital and I think that it’s bullshit to use digital in INKtober
>>876553 claps AGREED, Anon!!
No. 876619
File: 1570241011912.png (96.46 KB, 234x461, ZlH7D7g.png)

>>876550She really has no idea how to do proper lines.
No. 879400
File: 1570896175432.png (1.24 MB, 800x1200, iFH4XnO.png)

Dropping off some of spechie's "art".
This is meant to be Jenna Marbles.
No. 879402
File: 1570896596240.png (1.11 MB, 899x1200, 8u2ZXIh.png)

No. 879403
File: 1570896682194.png (548.28 KB, 899x1199, HYtzHyw.png)

Why does she never properly crop things?
No. 892139
>>814737why did she delete her birthday video. I was looking forward too rewatching it
does anyone have it archived? I like watching spechies videos and I am disapointed you people bullied her into deleting this fine work. now spechie only has 6 whole videos for the entire final year of the decade; I don't have expectations that she will make another video before the year ends because you people make her change her avatar.
No. 898503
File: 1574867300420.jpeg (247.42 KB, 750x626, AED89F41-0DA0-4291-86BA-388B8B…)

No. 898510
>>898506>>898503“Guys, I’m diagnosed now!!! It explains so much for my tracing, defensive behavior, and me bullying a girl that I didn’t even know in class to the point of suicide!”
I’m still convinced that she has a narcissism disorder but the depression/social anxiety I can see.
But good luck to her and her endeavors, it’s good to see that after a year of not looking at this forum, she’s getting help for her nasty behavior
No. 898532
>>898521Honestly, I know so many people with depression and ptsd, all behaving differently, but none of them use it as an excuse for this shit.
It’s like the girl takes shows like bojack horsemen or tuca and Bertie as a template of tragic characters that mean well but are absolute douches- spoon, even these characters didn’t go on crusades to threaten to sue people who wanted to talk to a
victim of theirs.
Fuck you spechie, follow your own advice that you look up on google
No. 902044
>>898503I don’t think people really 100% doubted that specie had some form of depression, but I guess that specie still doesn’t realize that in her Depression video, she grouped depression together, telling people to “do this” and you’ll get better.
“I was sad and angry and I made YouTube videos expressing that”
Spechie, you were fucking deranged for exaggerating events to make yourself appear as the
I know that she’ll never reveal her ‘childhood trauma’ online for obvious reasons, but I am curious in what it was because from her past twitter posts she and her sis appear spoiled.
She’s like a Pacifica Northwest character, except unfunny and lacks the redeemable traits from the show
No. 912289
>>911614Ah yes, laughbull.ranch the brother site to
Nah but seriously, i think Spechie might actually come out on top and is actually taking steps in the right direction. Ill probably still hate her and her new content when she comes back to the youtube scene, but as long as she learns from her mistakes and realizes how terrible she was then thats all i need as a resolution
No. 915499
File: 1578560639992.png (2.12 MB, 1076x1730, 5CBC3AAC-1B3C-409B-88B2-1A6FA0…)

2020 vs 2016.
I cant believe someone can post this and not realize how bad it is. Its so stiff, the expressions are so boring compared to the last one, the proportions are all wonky and theres no sense of depth AT ALL.
Honestly I just feel bad for her, she was taking criticism at some point and tried to improve but it just seems like a lost cause
No. 915503
>>915499So she spent all this time working on making her rendering "better" (more random lines and colors thrown around = better right?), instead of learning how to draw.
Shep has dwarf proportions, a giant scar dividing her torso and her boobs are attached to her collarbones. What the fuck girl hahahahha
No. 915586
File: 1578589735545.jpeg (1.79 MB, 1242x1938, B8540D75-7E49-4A71-A86E-C9FBE2…)

Did she delete that “art improvement “ post? I can’t seem to find it on her instagram anymore.
No. 915622
File: 1578597391741.jpeg (372.78 KB, 1195x1547, DECFBDD7-547D-4F86-8371-5CE978…)

She’s redrawing it, happy to see she’s trying to improve at least..
Any anons wanna try a paintover or point out what can be fixed since she’s definitely lurking here?
No. 915623
>>915622Spechie, here's some advice:
- start from scratch, this isn't salvageable.
- Measure body parts!! There's a ton of tutorials on proportions out there, use one. This woman is 2 heads tall, her arms are way too short even if you ignore the head
- just look at a real human being in this pose or a similar one. I'm sure you can find a good photo reference somewhere.
No. 915625
>>915622Imo the darker black looking shading doesn’t mesh with a very sunny island background. Looks really dirty and like shitty wood carving if the black shadows aren’t blended correctly. The rim light doesn’t make a whole lot of sense where it’s placed, I don’t understand how it’s on the her crotch where if it was 3D the light from the pool would not shine all the way through her leg.
Just blurring background objects doesn’t mean it’s truly in the background. The mountain shouldn’t be as green as the foreground trees unless it’s like
toxic neon green and not a natural green. She should try to contrast the brighter foreground objects with a less saturated background mountain. Atmospheric lighting really helps determine what’s in the background and what isn’t not just making it look like I’m near sighted.
Also the clouds look like whipped cream sperms, add some volume to them please.
No. 915652
File: 1578601602021.png (8.29 MB, 3400x2000, 055FF813-31FA-4458-A852-BF1A9E…)

I did a rough paintover, didnt finish it because I couldnt be bothered but main things I tried to fix were the overly unnatural saturated colors, made the mountains look more like mountains, tried to add more depth by adding some palm trees to the background as well as making it a bit blurry and less saturated. Fixed the girl (mostly with liquify), made her more expressive and tried to fix the wonky body. Added some reflections on the water, composition is still not the best but thats all I had the patience for.
Of course this is subjective, to me this looks a little better although its unfinished
No. 915740
>>915652Wow, this is really good!
I would change a few minor things in this to add on top, as I would maybe move the sun to be in the middle of the piece with the mountain, so it feels more like the middle of a sunny day and doesn’t put too much “weight” on the right side of the drawing. . Then remove the extra sandy beach shore in the background on the right, as it gives a wonky perspective here.
No. 915841
File: 1578624116398.jpg (1.38 MB, 3400x2000, IMG_20200110_023821.jpg)

This is the final version according to her Twitter. I still prefer the 2016 drawing and a lot of the main issues are still present, but I guess she tried..?
It's nice she took some feedback and tried to make it better, definitely a step in the right direction though the art is still uncomfortable to look at.
No. 915874
File: 1578633052761.png (938.64 KB, 1187x685, Untitled-1.png)

>>915841are bans still being dished out for redlines? if so direct me to where we can post them. i can never resist with spechie. honestly the rendering is so bad on a fundamental level that it just needs to be re-done and would take ages to fix so a paint over wasn't on the cards for me today
also i am the culprit for the first hand hide, oopsie
No. 932214
>>932213oh nevermind, shes sucking other billionaire dicks
also i think she and tim broke up
No. 932319
>>932214 Agreed anon with the whole break up.
For a second, it sounded like she agreed with communism.
Like, she does know that what makes up capitalism is the “unfairness” of it all. That’s how people are able to be ‘popular’- and I think she knows how envious she is on how she kinda flopped
Btw, Welcome back spechie :)
No. 932322
>>932213She’s surprised that she couldn’t afford having the apartment for a full year while she:
- only had support from YouTube
- spent her money/commissions on games/purchasing animals and feeding the two (so we can assume that she impulsively buys things)
- bought the essentials like food
(We don’t know if the apartment
room/electricity was bought by parents)
- barely graduated from highschool- doesn’t plan on going to college (you know with all of her
research, she would find that getting at the bare minimum an associates may guarantee her an actual stable job that may pay her higher than a minimum wage job?) ((Also I’m pissed that she’s upset that her minimum wage job “only pays $15”, stfu))
And she blames these rich people for her inconveniences?
sips tea No. 932333
i agree, fuck rich people wtf, but her reasons other than the hoarding thing, is just "im poor so fuck them"
there are genuine reasons to hate billionaires, like the fact that its literally not possible to become one unless you're heavily exploting your workers, but does she mention that? no
No. 941674
File: 1583457632554.jpeg (229.75 KB, 1024x1449, 7987BA02-3209-484B-A524-9B7B66…)

Well, she was 18-19, got a free ride to Cali as a youtube animation panel- now, who’s to blame for their own downfall in a career that they stated that they didn’t even enjoy?
No. 942488
>>941674I thought this was the same person (spech) in all 3 panels and a self-deprecating piece by spech showing her career through the years (like many other dead youtubers) but then I realized the person in the monitor was supposed to represent someone else.
I hope spechie gets better all this self-deprecating postings are making me concerned
No. 949398
>>949300I really cant believe most of this.
I can believe she could possibly have BPD but she spends half of the video blaming her stupid BS choices on her mental illness and then tries to claim she's not blaming it.
She's also obviously back to tracing as the art style shifts between at least 10 completely different styles and several points where she obviously traced the faces. There's one point where even how she draws lines completely changes into having super thick and actually appealing looking lineart
She just wants this to be her catch all for all the shitty stuff she's done without actually having to bring any specific thing up just that 'the past her was shitty uwu but she's all grown up now' so she can try and scrape by through youtube again.
No. 949651
>>949398Agreed with your points anon. I’m especially weirded out by her saying how she had so many issues- her tweets in the past just made her seem spoiled. Everyone faced shit, because your doc diagnosed you doesn’t mean that you’re some tortured soul.
But I’m interested in seeing what specie will do next.
No. 949652
>>949300Lmaoooo, she sounds like a person who just found out about Zodiacs.
OmG gUys, tHiS iS sO mE!!!!
I’m still sure that she has narcissism
No. 955447
File: 1586267958221.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1125x2364, 8A8E21DA-2A4F-438C-BC0C-277968…)

actually it looks like they’ve been broken up since march.
No. 955448
File: 1586268114255.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1125x1956, D9711E69-AC19-45F7-881F-017895…)

yea, probably around march bc this was the first photo him and his new gf posted. was on march 16
No. 965275
File: 1587857824520.jpeg (356.01 KB, 750x756, E20BD46B-FC0B-4113-81D9-900521…)

No. 966798
File: 1588191893306.png (93.02 KB, 1206x476, Spechietweet.png)

>>966797This is an imageboard, post it. Sage next time so you don't necro the thread about a benign tweet.
No. 967388
File: 1588293917646.jpeg (471.22 KB, 750x902, 35270C47-93C4-413E-BCA1-1B8792…)

>>966798Spoon- you ok, or did you just want attention ?
No. 967621
>>967601Honestly- I feel kinda bad for both of them. Spoon probably seen him as a social latter, while also wanting another person to be around her.
But Tim never looked happy in pics/videos with her- so why did he stay with her if he never liked the relationship
No. 967627
>>967443Simp - lol jk
>>967601I don’t think that spoon would ever share relationship details directly (although she is pretty translucent) because she won’t be able to spin it in a way that makes her look good without bringing her BPD in the mix to save her ass from the consequences.
No. 971898
File: 1589135269503.png (1.29 MB, 1080x1489, 20200510_142404.png)

Anyone else thinks this was referenced from a picture of her and Tim? The resemblance is uncanny. This look s more like her than any other attempt of a self portrait she's done and her default "attractive" male style is just her ex boyfriend lol
No. 972837
File: 1589294098808.jpeg (1.47 MB, 750x936, E0F29436-5880-4B73-9159-9DE8BD…)

>>971898I always found it weird that she seemed to give up halfway into her drawings. It’s like she wants to 3d-ish (realistic?) like Miray but gives up. Still doesn’t know anything about clothes, but can’t really blame her
**the file for the pic was literally too large for this website, so sorry if it looks pixelated
No. 992616
File: 1592931923816.jpeg (663.72 KB, 750x1057, CCBCE348-E100-49B6-BB02-662156…)

Is this art improvement?
After four years*
No. 993232
>>972225I thought it was weird as fuck too but anons were hailing her like they do Venti so I just let it go. Letting people know you go on this hellhole is one of the dumbest things you can do kek.
>>971898One of her better pieces but Marco’s skull and all,of the clothing is still fucked. Maybe the new girl can tell Spech to do some life drawings.
No. 997070
File: 1593275231224.jpeg (473.68 KB, 750x1050, C7F5632B-D2B0-4599-ACD3-F68AAE…)

I just want to put these here… just for later
No. 1001919
>>997070Maybe people wouldn't "use her vulnerability" against her if she just owned up to the shit she's done in the past instead of trying to excuse it as "well I was depressed uwu." If what she's saying about her family is true that sucks, but 1. Many people have gone thru way more traumatic childhoods that you and still haven't done even half the fucked up shit you've done and 2. using people's words against them is smth she's been doing her entire career and she's profited off of it. She wouldn't have her thousands of Youtube, Insta and Twitter followers now of it wasn't for her past self that manipulated and bullied others that she's trying to act like is some separate entity. (Imo if she really wants to show that she's changed she should apologize first and delete all her old accounts and restart from 0 but that's just my opinion). The people she hurt deserve a real apology, not this "I have bpd so we're good now, right" shit.
Since I know you lurk here Spoon, people are "hard" on you because instead of owning up to your tracing, bullying, and all around clownery, you're deleting evidence that it ever happened (all her youtube vids are gone, all her mean tweets are gone, and all art that she traced has been deleted off her Insta and DA) and pretending like it never happened–just like the "old girl" you pretend isn't you anymore, who gaslighted and lied to fans and critics to their face about your actions. Grow a pair and own up to what you've done if you've really changed. Otherwise, you're just the same girl as before who just knows how to hide her spite and vitriol better.
No. 1024102
>>1014709Wait, could you elaborate? I know that she uses and dumps people when its inconvenient for her based on the drama surrounding her depression video and sending people to harass the person that video was about here to talk shit about them but it'd be interesting to hear more from someone who was actually involved in her clique.
Also, she's just uploaded a Laura Lee-tier apology video where she fake cries about how hard people have been on her and claimed she was just "misunderstood."'t read the comments if you don't want cringe. Proof that if you're rich, white and good-looking you can get away with pretty much anything.
No. 1040278
>>972667Because of the facial features retard, Anyway she probably can only draw her ex since being obsessed with him.
Now all her drawing of men are going to haunt her.
No. 1043268
>>1039885Honestly still not convinced that she and her sis were abused. From her past stuff, her and her sis just seemed rotten and spoiled. Maybe it’s the other way around…
Also, I think she’s 21-22, refusing to get a job(or in her words, it’s covid’s fault despite her never having a job before the whole shit hit the fan) and complains that her parents won’t fulfill HER needs despite bringing home not only herself but a cat and a dog- so more mouths to feed
No. 1044987
>>1039879Hooooly shit. This girl still exists? And this thread is still semi-active?
At this point, what a sad comeback. Maybe the girl doesn’t realize this, from how low self aware she is, but all her videos seem to directed towards her “haters”
No. 1082243
Ntsa but when I seen it, I was actually bothered by it, how she has this romanced view of death. It’s not peaceful, she needs to stop watching tv
No. 1084754
>>1083463If anything, it was probably demonetized, just like her apology vid. She reuploads her vids to profit, including her video about wanting to die.
Personally, idk why she would want to be so open about that stuff, especially when she shit on others for it.
No. 1299788
File: 1628930951360.png (275.14 KB, 515x584, unknown.png)

and the drawing is so blatantly traced you can tell by how intent the lines and form are + animu style in contrast to her muddy art(sage)