File: 1465832130029.jpg (82.34 KB, 590x584, leage.JPG)

No. 139506
This is a general thread for this "group" of league 20 something league streamers/youtubers who leech on each other and act like perpetual teens. Generally all the girls are kawaii ugu s-shy but are actually sluts and the guys are creepy lolicons. Feel free to add anyone you wish to talk about
Some of them in this group.
>xChocobarsfake voice, leeches off professional players, acts kawaii shy but is slutty IRL
>ariasaki the biggest fucking leech of them all
>Wendy/Natsumi Chinese but want's to be korean. Fat IRL but pretends to be a tiny kawaii loli.
>alittlejennyHad a "girl gamer" league team that was shit and the laughingstock of the whole league community.edgy af and writes pseudo intellectual writing which people pay her thousands for on patreon. biggest try hard with a strange bloated face where you can't tell if she is fat or just deformed. No. 139507
File: 1465832321504.jpg (28.94 KB, 470x591, bekkuh.JPG)

>bekkuh One of the bigger whores, was talking to a league player then goes to a party and hooks up with 5 guys. Fucks HotshotGG (while he had a GF, who later broke up with him) and manipulates him into making horrible team decisions. Despite her hideous nose weebs still lust for her because she is asian. No. 139509
File: 1465832527297.jpg (36.07 KB, 416x295, nikki.JPG)

>Nikkismitf/QuorraaJumps around dating pros for attention, very ugly and cringy personality. Always looks out of place in the group of mostly asian league girls. No. 139576
>>139556Typically blanket terms for jobs that players get companies to make to give gfs jobs so they don't feel as 'kept'/can brag that they aren't JUST GFS GUYZ.
It's popular in football/soccer as well, basically after a guy starts dating a girl for a while he introduces her to his company/whoever is dealing with his sponsorship and they find some shitty job for her to do for a lot of pay. (Usually some sort of PR/'Analyst'/Secretary position)
No. 139645
>>139576makes sense. I started to notice a lot of these girls were either attractive or if they were like
>>139509 they were dating a professional. I wonder what they actually do honestly, especially ones that do "social media marketing" for a team or gaming company
No. 139650
>>139645Usually menial paperwork or handle some sort of social media aspect (controlling the players twitter/fb page, doing little events on the team twitter, organizing giveaways). Basically imagine an unpaid intern who is the boss's son that is there for the summer.
It's either something they do that they never have to show up to the office and if they do they're there for like half a day photocopying shit, kek.
No. 139725
File: 1465895221027.jpg (435.44 KB, 797x952, 1350142334519.jpg)

>>139507I found behkuh to be the most annoying.
No. 139735
File: 1465895882374.jpg (97.18 KB, 955x861, 1359838661784.jpg)

>>139507She joined a christian thing at college as well, go figure.
No. 139790
File: 1465916936534.jpg (78.86 KB, 826x422, how are they always all togeth…)

No. 139793
File: 1465917231316.jpg (57.1 KB, 476x559, 121pic.JPG)

>>139790pokimane looks like shit in candids
No. 139850
File: 1465929747844.jpg (33.46 KB, 415x410, aria1.JPG)

>>139786which guys did she try to leech on? I'm genuinely interested.
also pic related, it's her on her stream yesterday. holy shit she looks way worse than I ever expected. Super Haggard. Guess it makes sense no pros would date her
No. 139861
File: 1465930531226.jpeg (329.08 KB, 1242x1834, image.jpeg)

I always see her on my Instagram her face gives me the creeps
No. 139879
File: 1465932398815.jpg (61.07 KB, 592x577, pokihgair.JPG)

>>139845her hair is even worse.
No. 139891
File: 1465933877236.jpg (70.59 KB, 475x599, contrast.JPG)

>>139886Honestly I think she tries to hide her nose more than her jaw. Most of her pics/stream are so overexposed you cannot see it.
No. 139895
File: 1465934100121.jpg (55.47 KB, 598x459, natsumi.JPG)

Chocobars is the only cute one out of the whole league e-sluts group. Here you can see natsumi and alittlejenny (jenny is most right, and natsumi next to her)and how alien-like/ugly they look compared to her.
No. 139903
File: 1465934821811.jpg (74.58 KB, 603x580, Capture.JPG)

>>139793A less filtered similar picture. looking rough af
No. 139948
File: 1465947411918.jpg (5.58 KB, 236x354, c7d2aa28bb56e7d0ec6283940e03f6…)

>>139861Why is the eyes area so creepy, reminds me of Franku's special glasses
No. 140048
File: 1465989920901.png (630.55 KB, 593x593, 8fashkfjakr.png)

>>139861these three are all the same people as far as I'm concerned
>annie (boxbox gf), xpori (artist?), igumdrop (???) No. 140050
File: 1465990616433.png (503.46 KB, 997x374, jasminacop.png)

One of the cringier league girls (imo), mostly because of her shoops and singing vids. But she's finally managed to get herself an LCS coach, good for her dreams do come true
>@jasminabae> No. 140056
File: 1465991785527.jpg (45.65 KB, 640x480, TbG0nqX.jpg)

Hafu (she has noodz)
No. 140058
>>140050Like edits herself? Like in Instagram pics?
>>139903What did this poor girl do to her hair…
No. 140059
File: 1465992648849.png (1005.36 KB, 960x673, leaguemoms.png)

>>139511you're probably just trolling but I have been wondering how those two got popular so fast. They were literal nobodies just last year.
No. 140110
File: 1466008034791.jpg (46.6 KB, 583x429, 123412.JPG)

>>140109It is. Here is a heavily filtered/washed out pic and even here you can see her fried hair and heavy ass nose contour
No. 140125
>>140118do they not like each other?
>>140124I'm the last anon lol. She does look dirty compared to her instagram pictures. I think she whitens her skin with filters maybe
No. 140152
>>139850Loco I'm pretty sure. He was posting a ton of pictures with her awhile back.
What about Angela? She's dating HuHi from CLG, pretty sure she was dating some other league dude before>l0lliconShe also looks alot different in candids than selfies..think everyone does a little bit but seems to be pretty drastic with these league girls
No. 140400
>>140057>>140060Well she is a dumbass for including her face.
I'm real sorry that you are too.
No. 140405
File: 1466070834529.png (839.21 KB, 599x725, 1382798659756.png)

>>140261He's got mad yellow fever. I think Aidama was asian too.
No. 140445
File: 1466077327016.png (768.87 KB, 588x695, l0llicon.png)

>>140152Angela's a weird one. She stays under the radar by not having drama with people. It's weird but I think she deleted all evidence of having been with Rhux. I was trying to find a photo of him from her Insta/Twitter but everything's gone. He's no longer an LCS player. Some stuff I've noticed about her:
- Changed her name from l0llicon to Choa since people were teasing her about what lolicon means, which she didn't know (bullshit kek). Surprising to see her switch it back, maybe because Choa never caught on and l0llicon is such an attention-grabbing pseudonym.
- She and Aria were both "working" for NRG, what happened to that? Maybe she was just helping out for a bit but she and Aria seemingly got cut at the same time.
- Constantly acts innocent on Twitter, butting into conversations where lewd remarks are being made and acting like she doesn't "get it" and people have to either explain to her what a joke means or they just play it off. She's either genuinely dumb or is keeping up this act really well.
Aside from that, I still think she's cute but she does overshoop herself. One of the less annoying League girls.
No. 140447
>>139787This this this.
Its clear they don't play the game for the fun of it (or for the money) but they wanna date these dudes because they make money. But newsflash for these golddiggers, esports changes so much that in the next year LoL will be out and something else will be in. And their cash cows will get old and not be able to play competitively anymore
Just gross. I kind of feel bad for these guys . for being duped so hard to spend money on these girls. Money they earned too.
Also, politesage for selfposting a bit, but if they were genuinely interested and in love with these guys more power to them. Some of us have bfs who are not model handsome but we obvs think are sexy due to attraction in personality but there again, our bfs are probably not making 600k for esports and we're not sponging off them.i don't think these women are with them for their stellar personalities :/
And how do they not feel like a complete waste of space letting someone buy them expensive shit? They didn't even earn it…
No. 140516
File: 1466091522463.jpg (15.22 KB, 336x130, 21831.JPG)

>>140505>>140463From Aria's twitch. Apparently she was the "chef" for both NRG and CLG. Holy shit how desperate can you be?
No. 140668
File: 1466101757638.jpg (29.88 KB, 555x197, aria.JPG)

>>140638>>140644I'm surprised she is attempting to be a full time streamer/not getting another job when her numbers are so low. this girl is so lazy. she could barely get 50 viewers in April. She is 22 not 14
No. 141277
-has a japanese name as an alias
-pretends/tries to be korean
Is natsumi pulling a momosweetcosplay? Lol
No. 141759
>>140445Lol I noticed that too. That she replies to all these things acting like she doesn't's so obvious she's just doing it to act "lol so ditzy xD"
It's not cute though..she just graduated college. How is she going act so stupid? And not at least get a job with her degree, but continue leeching off her boyfriend kek. I also noticed there's 0 evidence of her ever dating Rhux too. Wonder why she would delete every single tweet relating to him..kinda odd. And calling herself Choa was always so cringey to me. Almost as bad as l0llicon lmao. You don't name yourself l0llicon without knowing what the word means, how dumb does she think people are?
>>140516>>140625Not surprising, Aria comes off as the biggest leech of them all.
No. 156317
File: 1468749358661.png (24.81 KB, 578x188, imnotaleechstop.png)

guess someone found lolcow
No. 156359
>>156317 >"helping" out at parents businessAka doing nothing. Ok
>part time sushi server jobs What? You're always complaining about not having enough money and the way she says this, makes it seem like she only has on and off "jobs". She's a lazy leech
A very delusional one at that
No. 163112
>>162482lmao its definitely the reaction. she looks over, notices its there, swivels her chair to hide it and quickly looks at the guitar and says that.
dame, at least pick up your room before you stream
No. 163667
File: 1470519310780.png (18.11 MB, 4000x6000, fatyoonie.png) autistic korean girl who pretty much got famous for dating Xpecial years ago.
ex-siren, shit at league and now sells porn for patreon.
it says shes creating ART and PHOTOGRAPHY aka posting sub-par pictures of her ugly ass for all the weebs to wack off to
No. 163709
>>163667she actually has absolutely zero boobs.
This is the literal definition of 'flat as a pancake'.
No. 175081
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Which league guy did she date again?
No. 175807
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>>163667>>175080This is all it takes to make over $1k per week.
No. 175810
>>171199fuslie is really pretty, i just hate her fake personality.
>>175080wtff did she wear this on twitch?? when??
No. 176049
>>175983screen? It's a youtube video.
>>175960I just thought it would be easier to show how she looks like through a video vs a still photo.
>>175966tbh her noses is kind of ugly to me but that's about it. What do you find ugly in her?
No. 176273
>>176053The thing with fuslie I think, and why is so popular is the fact that she doesn't look "skanky". Like she always wears these v neck shirts where she looks flat/no cleavage EVER, hair down, "etc. I think this is part of her "appeal" to nerds who want "a real gamur gurl and not a whore". She also doesn't curse, uses words like darm etc. So weird to me how many men/children have this weird "clean virgin girl fetish".
are you saying her makeup looks skanky?
No. 203379
>>202980>>203285imaqtpie recently said he makes about 2 mil a year, but he's a retired pro that streams fulltime. Kaceytron has mentioned before in her private streams that she makes a few thousand a week through hatemail donations alone.
Don't know about the league hoes though.
No. 204175
File: 1480169683783.jpeg (80.63 KB, 1280x720, pokimane-qcAE63ewUCgPzTKkRmXyg…)

>>139891Its true. She tries very hard to hide her nose. Off cam she looks nothing like herself.
No. 205658
File: 1480342082282.png (705.43 KB, 914x807, Screenshot_2016-11-26-09-16-10…)

>>204224For some reason I remember she had half Asian as well at one point. Weird.
No. 217934
File: 1482229187846.jpg (Spoiler Image,7.98 MB, 4000x6000, 2085118253999196631.jpg)

Decided to check on Yoonie and she's still doing her Patreon lewd thing? If you're going to get nearly $2k from Patreon per week, at least rent out a studio that won't show how cheap you're being on everything.
No. 217959
File: 1482232934119.jpg (14.7 KB, 183x275, IMG_3952.JPG)

>>217934I know right? It's like every photo is so fucking lazily sloppily put together and most are like she just woke up with no makeup and threw on something. Jesus.
No. 242982
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No. 245710
File: 1486342523522.png (560.29 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-02-05-19-02-24…)

No wonder poki filters the fuck outta her pics
No. 262350
File: 1488500438750.jpg (267.18 KB, 688x1070, CYMERA_20170302_191957.jpg)

Any deets on kimi? Her troop seems to be I'M KOREAN LOOK AT ME
No. 262353
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She looks south east asian too
No. 262359
File: 1488500865694.jpg (137.74 KB, 1200x900, C4GmGbcWQAA1wvM.jpg)

>>245710I thought this was this girl I follow on twitter for a second, surprisingly this girl could totally be a streamer and be the best one but she doesnt?
No. 266812
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>>266809i have a few candids saved
No. 274581
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No. 274587
>>266813>>266812Wow I didn't know that, this is mind blowing for me.
Do you have more candids of her?
No. 274807
File: 1490153409509.jpg (68.91 KB, 956x725, contacts.JPG)

Does anyone know what kind of contacts she wears? I really want a pair like this
No. 274878
>>274788take your tin foil hat off lmao
are you that sad and insecure that the only thing that gets your rocks off is thinking above average girls lurk here and are just as terrible as the rest of us? Crazier than kaka at this point smfh
No. 274911
>>274903there's at least two other people calling this to be a self post, take your own advice and take your tinfoil hat off
>obsessedsays the person replying within a couple minuted of everyone's call out post, whatever helps you sleep at night retard
i dont use twitter or follow people who arent challenger/pros so idk who she is
No. 275063
File: 1490196376528.jpg (1.06 MB, 320x240, 2f9.jpg)

Stupid sluts mad at being called out?
No. 275257
File: 1490217971112.jpg (58.71 KB, 750x555, q4hdokvu2d0y.jpg)

The best league girl <3
No. 275265
File: 1490218483186.png (467.98 KB, 600x462, CUoaqqTWEAAW4kI.png)

someone's #triggered
No. 275288
>>275265>>275257who is this and why do they look so odd?
I can't tell if they're botched, bad shoop, or both. Such a shame.
No. 275308
File: 1490221993187.png (440.06 KB, 600x415, CUoaqpBWwAEXnZh.png)

~triggered~ and not contributing, post better looking League girls, I dare you
No. 275328
File: 1490222856308.jpg (33.49 KB, 500x384, large.jpg)

>>275319sure lol
>>275324>i-i'm not ~triggered~, you are!Going to keep posting these cus you guys get so buttmad
No. 275335
File: 1490223230972.jpg (143.15 KB, 600x400, OWCSzui.jpg)

>>275331should we bring the amazing non asian streamers in here
No. 275573
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No. 278168
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>>278099tfw you bump a 4 day old thread, how butt mad are you
No. 278242
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>>278176are you not ugly yet salty chan
No. 278408
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>>278168Common anon chan is that the best u got??
No. 278506
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>>278434you probably have more than her though.
The more the better right?
No. 278510
File: 1490638608676.jpeg (58.4 KB, 480x480, 130c2d611981a6c895ef9d6acf3051…)

>>278506Yesterday 3-2
Today 3-1
What's wrong anon chan? You are seriously lacking the expectation here.
No. 281195
File: 1490921618990.jpg (409.57 KB, 720x720, CYMERA_20170330_205237.jpg)

Is dyrus dating a pornstar?
No. 281201
File: 1490921920658.jpg (145.64 KB, 700x1244, a2dwqZO_700b.jpg)

>>281195She does look like one
No. 281205
File: 1490922049686.jpg (333.7 KB, 720x854, CYMERA_20170330_210126.jpg)

No. 281221
File: 1490923246894.jpg (179.13 KB, 969x1200, Cx-abAbXUAISN4g.jpg)

>>281195I wouldnt be surprised if dyrus is her sugar daddy, she flirted around with other streamers or something and once she started dating dyrus, she moved from kansas to texas to live with him and keep in mind they've only just met at this point. She was 18 and he was like 25 when they met, what else is she with him for? Obviously money and a nice place to stay and for dyrus sex and eye candy.
No. 281238
File: 1490924111964.jpg (441.04 KB, 734x734, CYMERA_20170330_213519.jpg)

Is there a factory for this shit somewhere?
No. 281368
File: 1490931692477.jpg (95.89 KB, 1024x768, C46ca8gVUAAZWkK.jpg)

>>281221The winner is clearly dyrus. He's a lucky dude that found himself a nice stay at home prostitute
No. 281369
File: 1490931757550.jpg (56.59 KB, 540x960, s49wfQdCUXn7LqrE.jpg)

Are her tits fake?
No. 281378

>>281369Guess they are real
No. 281384
File: 1490932602408.jpg (10.23 KB, 300x168, images (3).jpg)

>>281369>>281378I wouldn't be surprised if she got implants, her tits look pretty flat here
No. 281427
File: 1490938737240.jpg (136.93 KB, 1280x720, IMG_0660.JPG)

Anyone know about jennythesquirrel?shes another lol whore who sucks at lol but thinks she's good and pretends to have mental illnesses for pity No. 281433
File: 1490939179823.png (144.52 KB, 1242x716, IMG_0666.PNG)

>>281432Begging for donations and crying
No. 281592
>>281195For some reason this is the only e-girl that I've ever been jealous of. I don't know what is it. I don't even like dyrus at all I guess I'm just jealous of her boobs while she's so thin. I'm pretty convinced it's a really padded bra, but still. I guess it's also the fact that she's not much older than me at all and still got able to move in with some e-celeb and gets to ride off his coat tails and have everything handed to her. Now she doesn't even have to get a real job. Anyone could stream, but you can't deny the huge help that is being associated with dyrus, it gives a lot of exposure and thirsty 13 year old boys.
Sometimes I wish I was born haffu just to get that yellow fever attention kek. Pathetic right?
No. 281598
File: 1490966301183.jpg (403.47 KB, 900x900, CYMERA_20170331_002952.jpg)

>>281592She's not wearing a padded bra, those are her nudes. You don't have anything to be jealous of anon. She's just another leach valued for her body, no one cares for who she is as a person. She prides in believing that she's doing something with herself, better off than her friends, living better than them and "getting to places" (her deleted social media posts) when all she's done is expose her body and is now a live in fuck toy for an jobless austistic nerd who has 0 future ambitions.
>receipts for the nudes No. 281606
File: 1490967257683.jpg (107.49 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg)

How emily looked not too long ago
No. 281615
File: 1490968425481.png (611.88 KB, 836x432, 4896727.png)

>>281592>>281606>>281597yeah like what other anons say, dont feel so bad. She just got really lucky at the right place at the right time. TBH there are much prettier asian girls out there, they just weren't fangirling or tryharding as much.
Also, don't be fooled by camera angles and shit tons of makeup. I actually have the generic asian face she has, and it can really be abused if you angle things properly. Here she is in actuality, and it's really different from her streams. It's on dyrus newest video, and there's good reason why she wasn't linking it around or anything.
No. 281621
>>281616she STILL uses that low res webcam even though she is SWIMMING in money. She seems so fucking insecure.
she did a "makeup tutorial" only showing closeups with actual good quality and you can see how shitty her makeup/skin and how creepy her contacts look. I'm guessing this is why she used potato cam still in her streams and selfies
No. 281635
File: 1490972340158.jpg (382.62 KB, 720x720, CYMERA_20170331_105852.jpg)

Candids of emi, she looks alright but not a goddess like how she makes herself to be on stream
No. 281643
>>281635Damn. This helped. Thanks farmers. For some reason I always tend to forget about angles and makeup, even though it seems like everyone and their mother uses them these days (which I don't think is wrong, I'm just at a disadvantage by not using them and should probably learn how to utilize my resources).
I always wonder what these e-sports guy see in these Asian girls. Like do what do they talk about ? It's always boggled me how people with little to nothing in common have good relationships. I know you don't have to be the same person because that would be boring but it's always fun to do activities you both enjoy or talk about topics you're passionate about.
Also, wouldn't emi's parents be kind concerned that she's moving out to some older guy after a month of knowing him? I know it's normal for 18 year olds to move and live in dorms or share an apartment but it's not like she moved to go to college ..
No. 281648
File: 1490973757945.jpg (86.25 KB, 634x795, 35DDA42800000578-0-image-a-13_…)

>>281592That kind of body (stick thin with huge tits) can only be achieved through a vist to the doctors. A famous example would be emily ratajkowski.
No. 281663
>>281659breast tissues doesn't necesarily have to be pure fat. I had a very thin friend with HUGE tits.
I do emily got implants because she seemed to have magically grown tits in the span of less than a year. possibly a late bloomer? idk
>>281661yeah extremely weird and desperate
No. 281691
>>281679And what's wrong with that? All the e sports guys are ugly as shit so that's why they needed to git gud.
I don't care if people just want to watch a pretty girl be bad at games and pretend she's into them, but there's nothing wrong with focusing on gameplay when you're.. playing games kek
No. 281725
File: 1490981257268.jpg (519.62 KB, 1024x1024, CYMERA_20170331_132733.jpg)

More candids of em
No. 281726
>>281705nope, pretty cute with pretty good gameplay, especially compared to most of the other girls, but nice try.
i really like when girls are actually good at what they do though, like kaypea.
No. 281735
>>281679>>281691>>281705>>281726I'm going to say that honestly WHO CARES what someone focuses their stream on? if you are ugly or hot or gameplay or just chat honestly I don't think it's a big deal.
It's only annoying to me when people are liars or pretend to be something they are not.
I hate the highhorse of some girls who think they are above all others because their "gameplay" is so good (this doesn't even make you a "real gamur" since some people will always be shit). Kaypea is a perfect example of a smug girl like that.
No. 281756
>>281735is she smug? i haven't really seen much drama with her.
but tbh, why wouldn't she be a smug bitch when she's cute and has so many viewers. she's clearly above some of these asian chicks that have to wear 3 push up bras to get a fraction of the viewers she gets.
No. 281766
File: 1490987104759.jpg (136.73 KB, 1330x780, kay.JPG)

>>281756Smug in the sense of "i'm a REAL gamer girl because I dress the way I do ;)) I'm not a SLUT like the other girls". Personally I find it an annoying stereotype that you have to be "one of the guys" to "be a real gamer" or not.
She has over 600K followers but only gets around 700 viewers. Keep in mind she has dated professional players which has greatly helped her career.
>clearly above some of these asian chicks that have to wear 3 push up bras to get a fraction of the viewers>>281238Most of the streamers here (that I recognize)
(aria, fuslie, pokie,kimie, bekkuh, the main "asian" ones) don't wear big pushup bras or have a "cleavage" cam. Not denying that they may use their looks for their advantage but they are not wearing anything revealing on cam.
Keep in mind that most of the growth of any of these girls including Kaypea is due to being at the right place at the right time, which is nothing to be smug about IMO. Sure, if you started dating so and so and got viewers that's great but you aren't mainly watched for your gameplay usually as a streamer. None of these girls are usually above diamond 3/exceptional players. It's all about entertainment or looks mainly.
No. 281904
>>281766Poki is a lowkey slut as well. Poki is even worse, she tries super hard to be a bro, cool girl, girlnextdoor kinda thing, she then sprinkles abit of asian in there for the added pandering. Poki is probably the biggest attention slut out there.
Oh you did know No. 281906
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She also looks terrible in cosplay
No. 281908
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>>281726Hey anon, if you gonna say you're cute you better link your 2 viewer max stream.
No. 281916
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>>281907I showed poki to a friend and he says she def does that "asianthing" for views and Idk what he means by that
No. 281918
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Poki, like many of the other esluts edits the shit outta her face and looks shit in candids. She edits her big ass jaw, nose and face wrinkles.
No. 281921
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Poks probably tries the hardest. She fakes her "bubbly" personality ao much so it's cringey at times.
No. 281925
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No wonder she shops her nose
No. 281928
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Suddenly everyone likes sailormoon again
No. 281935
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>>281904Poki isn't even that good at lol nonetheless
No. 281937
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>>281906>>281904Poki without any makeup
No. 281940
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>>281916Can't forget about the asians and weebs! She can't lose competition to those asian sluts!
No. 281942
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>>281918She has a pretty big jaw, i'm sure she already shopped this pic tho
No. 281945
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Another thing esluts have in common is that they don't look good in normal lighting
No. 281952
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>>281947Solitica. They are a brazillian contact lense company
No. 281955
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>>281942poki shops her jaw and it's still square, that must suck.
No. 281956
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she kinda looks trans
No. 282606
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Rinnieriot looks off but I can't pinpoint what it is
No. 282824
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Emiru is also friend's with veteran twitch skank Kelly Jean
No. 282831
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Is kelly jean still a thing last time I remember her tits were the size of a balloon ready to explode
No. 282851
>>282850We have/had attention whores in dota it's just a dead game now so they all fleed
The sayuri drama was fucking funny. I miss when dota was relevant
No. 282860
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Did chocobars leave wildturtle after she leached him for fame?
No. 282863
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Kireiautumn used to be good until she got her eyelid surgery. She's completely changed.
No. 282875
>>281621sage for makeup rage
holy fucking shit where do i start
those blood shot eyes and using HAIR EXTENSION GLUE for her eyelashes. then fuucking dragging the makeup sponge and not dabbing…
No. 282887
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Pok still looks old even with the ps
No. 282891
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emiru is def not an attentiongrubbing egurl that traded her body for fame, money and a place to stay.
No. 282977
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>>282901Tbh I think she was legit a gamer/geek, seeing how she really was long ago. Being e-famous got to her head and she's gotten quite cocky, superficial and thinks she's all so great.
Pic was taken just last year so this is how she is without makeup if anyone is curious.
No. 282985
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>>282901Too bad she deleted quite a few of her posts, they were pretty kek worthy
No. 282986
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>>282824She probably gets her ideas from kelly jean too
No. 283010
>>282977i think she still looks cute (in a highschool neet girl who's approachable) but like a totally different person.
to me she looks average here, not many people are natural beauties but it's kind of astonishing how much makeup she cakes on.
i guess anyone can look good with a good bra, eyeliner, contacts and fluffy falsies.
No. 283044
>>282977I like her natty look a lot actually. Her face looks clean, she has nice cheekbones and a pleasant spacing to her facial features. Her jaw is a bit masculine but I don't mind that on some women. Strong jaws aren't always ugly.
Too bad about her personality, though.
No. 283145
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I think anyone can "look" like a specific character with the right hair, lense and makeup
No. 283149
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Pink sparkles got perma banned from twitch for her camgirl shit but she keeps coming back, seems like the twitch staff don't care
No. 283257
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I don't understand the hype with korean girls and why everyone strives to look like them. They all try to look like irl bjds, you should love yourself more natsumi,yeoreum,wendy whatever the fuck your name is
No. 284268
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What about jenabella? A vietnamnese ho that dated sneaky for a few years and then dumped him for a csgo pro
No. 284577
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We get it emi, you think you look like every lol champ
No. 284915
>>282986dont mention Kelly, you'll summon her.
She lurks here and then cries on stream about it.
No. 284931
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No. 284944
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Emily doesnt look that good when shes not controlling the angle
No. 284945
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Why does she always make it seem like people begged her to do a cosplay?
No. 284947
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>>284915>>284883>>282986Who the fuck puts a picture of kelly jean on their fridge? Wtf?
No. 284953
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Her nose is a literal lump
No. 285125
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No. 285406
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Her side profile is so unfortunate.
No. 285749
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Why not get rid of the pantyhose or wear something else? Oh right. For the attention bait.
No. 285750
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No. 285755
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>>285750>>284944Emirus everyday eye makeup looks like boxxys crazy eyeliner
No. 286180

>>282977I can't believe she's half asian. I really don't see it.
I find her attractive without the makeup, I like her features, especially her sharp jaw. She does have that generic Asian girl face (that some anon mentioned) but I do like that look.
She's disgusting with makeup imo.
>>284944this picture is gross to me, her face looks so wide. I have a wide face too which is probably why I hate it so much.
I'm not too sure whether or not her boobs are real or not. She's pretty skinny fat, and she is mindful of what she's eating. Video related, she makes sure she buys single serve bags of doritos. For thanksgiving, she doesn't give herself any steak (since it's too much) only has a bite of mac n cheese and ate a bag of those doritos (260ish calories.) Easily under 400 calories for everything she ate.
They also mention how he's always trying to feed her things (even stuff she's allergic to) which is a sign she doesn't eat a lot… which Dyrus has definitely picked up on since they live together. I've had ex's try and force feed me when I used to runway model (I had to be super thin) because they knew I didn't eat enough.
She also likes to paint that picture of not watching what she's eating and not working for her body. think it's a dickhead move if she made fun of Eugenia Cooney by comparing her body to her own.
I don't watch her stream but the comments say that she's always eating on stream. I can space out eating two bags of doritos on stream and make it seem like I'm eating a lot more than I am, too even though it's only around 400 calories.
I guess what I don't understand about her having a boob job is how could she afford it? I barely know anything of this girl, and imagine that she came from a poor family or something hence why she ran away with Dyrus. Push up bras are pretty magical, although I can't quite achieve the affect that she has. Admittedly, I am thinner than her and I'm pear shaped so I don't have as much fat to push up.
No. 286191
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No. 286377
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>>286326>>286314You mean this?
I like how she blatantly lies to her fans. Gurl, we all know you eat 1 bag of chips the whole day. No way someone can "stuff their face" in junk food all day + regular meals + no exercise be that skinny. That is complete utter bs. It's either she's lying about not working out or lying about how much she really eats
No. 286385
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Her bro looks way better
No. 286388
>>286379It's big and square.. that's just a fact.
Just take a look at pics like
>>282977 &
>>281635that's not square to you? lol.
And a square jaw to me (and I think a lot of other people) is super masculine.
No. 286392
>>286377I hate girls like this lol.
It used to be that people lied to appear healthy, now they lie about their intake to humble brag.
No. 286714
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>>286392eh tbh I get it. we live in a society where overweight/obesity is the norm, and for some reason "I don't eat a lot for this body" is unpalatable. calorie restriction is actually proven to increase longevity, and it shouldn't be looked down upon, unless it's to an extreme. obviously in that circumstance, the person needs help, and when someone is overeating to an extreme extent, they need help too.
lying and saying you don't work for your body makes you seem relatable and helps people to stop worrying. when i was working in the industry, i assured basically everyone that i was skinny because i ate healthily (i did) and had a fast metabolism(bs). it helped people not to worry, but still a few people assumed i had an eating disorder. but they wouldn't do the same to someone who was three times my weight. i was aware of what i was eating because it was literally my job, i earned way more than what i would've if i worked retail. i mean it wasn't a stupidly high amount, but i enjoyed the experience.
i've worked with many girls who are like emiru. they just eat <1000 calories of junk a day so they can pose with it and drink coffee and smoke/do drugs to keep the cravings at bay. unsurprisingly those girls have shitty skin, poor health (when older) and burn out because you're eating shit.
and fyi emiru doesn't work out, she has zero muscle tone. she could be a cardio bunny. and she doesn't really have the "visible ab lines despite never looking at a dumbbell" look. gigi hadid has it, and she barely works out, its all coke.
No. 286728
>>286714>lying and saying you don't work for your body makes you seem relatable and helps people to stop worrying. That's BS. If anything that kind of behavior encourages people to not strive for a healthier lifestyle. People who eat like Emily will probably not feel the need to change their diet or workout.
"if she can look like that while eating that crap and not working out, I can too" kind of mentality is bound to happen.
No. 286784
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Any milk on Celestia Vega? I'm not really sure what to think of her as a person.
No. 286932
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Rinnieriot should slow down on the plastic surgery, she's starting to look like an overdone asian.
No. 287359
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Not that she does many League videos anymore, but what do you all think of Popushi? I was moved over here from a LilyPichu thread and knew her back in the day. She was, and apparently still is, a very immature and cringey girl.
No. 287383
>>287359I'm anon that asked you to post here, and tbf I only met her a couple times recently the past one or two years but this girl annoys me so much. We met through some esports-related stuff since that seems to be her schtick now, and I have never met a girl so desperate to make everything about her before. I don't want to get into specifics about what we did together, but basically she specifically asked if she could be super special and do things different from the group, just so she could stand out even more.
And this is the personal petty story:
We're friends on FB, and I posted a profile shot of myself while joking about a racially-tied physical feature of mine, and she makes this comment: "(feature)… I will say you're very pretty but, I definitely don't envy you for them D:". Thanks???
She definitely still latches on to people with connections, and it's painfully obvious how she tries to call their attention all the time. Also, the fact that she keeps touting her work at Atlus is hilarious considering she was a temporary QA tester.
No. 287506
>>286784She's had several drama revolving around her. She's just another eslut who made way for fame with gross gore. Idk she's not really well liked for those who knew about it, but there's been videos about it and how she was fucking gross gore over and spreading lies about him I think ? Gross gore posted a rant about it sometime back.
>>286388>>287354And about emiru- she doesn't have a large ugly jaw, maybe for some it's big but its certainly not disgusting or anything. However, I don't agree about her being a goddess. I think in some cases she can be extremely photogenic, but her candid videos show otherwise. If anything we should have more of a problem of how egotistic and conceited she can be. I hope her head gets big that she makes a cow of herself tbh. chocobars is arguably be just as good looking but I havent seen as much arrogance the same way.
No. 287534
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>>287506Gross gore is a special little snowflake that started drama like wildfire. I remember when he was still big on Twitch he would have a new girlfriend like everyweek or something. He ruined his final lasting relationship by cheating on her and giving her an STD. He got banned from Twitch after he accused Krepo of having sex with 13 year old girls or something. After he got banned he went on a tyraid on social media and youtube saying that his life was over and he's suicidal. Last time I heard from Grossy is he got a nose job and is streaming on hitbox or something?
No. 287567
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>>285749Emiru deleted that post. I wonder why..
No. 287573
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this kind of makeup is not flattering on anyone
No. 287942
>>287573Damn she looks bad here. I honestly think caked makeup, big eyelashes, good angles and a filter can make any girl look super good.
She's def not as good looking as I previously thought, but I was only ever exposed to her good selfies that she angles well. I wonder how much time of her day consists of taking selfies kek
No. 287982
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Looks like an asian hoe to me
No. 288015
>>287982I thought duck face died in 2008?
Anyways I love how she thinks she's so unique because she's barely above a shit tier elo in games and wears a lot of makeup. Twitch girls are the basically the norm now she should stop acting like she's hot shit because we all know she only gets attention because she's using dyrus's name. Without him she'd have to do what celestia vegas does (which considering her old nudes Emi sent out it seems like she'd be willing to do it again)
No. 288046
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>>288015She does duckface for every pic, once the money goes dry she's gonna look for a new sugar daddy asap.
No. 288051
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No. 288065
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>>288051>>288046>>288015Emiru doesn't look that good looking to me anymore
No. 288131
>>287359>>287383Oh hey, I'm the original anon that knew Sandy back around 2009-2010ish. I have several crazy stories from back then.
>Dated a guy, forced him to do everything she said, completely whipped him and he got the nickname "doormat" because of this. Sandy can even be seen setting fire to a doormat as a sort of inside joke in one her videos.>Had her youtube channel (HAN0N1) hacked and deleted, threw an absolute tantrum, removed herself from all group calls and swore to never sing again. She quickly came back in under a day with her new channel HAN0N1viBritannia.>Did a cover of that "Just be Friends" vocaloid song and pretended to start sobbing in the middle of the song because she was so ~emotional~. She also claimed it was because of how things fell apart with the doormat guy (iirc).>Would flash her tits to guys for attention, screenshots were shared around the group, nearly every day someone would set it as the skype group picture as a joke.I have even worst stuff to say– but as they personally happened to me, it's a bit weird to share. I know someone mentioned that any other girl would be seen as a threat to Sandy, and that's absolutely true. When I had known her, she would do everything in her power to try and get me to leave the group. It started as petty things like whenever she got god-powers, she'd spam kick and then re-add someone over and over and over again until they didn't even want to bother rejoining the group call. But it got a lot worse over time.
Sandy is by far the biggest attention-whoring cunt I ever met. And it's true that she would take advantage of people; she basically surrounded herself with artists and other talented people just to use them.
No. 288184
>>287534Woah, woah, woah. HE HAD AN STD????
I wanted to enjoy a nice throwback and watch his old break up video with Shannon but looks like he deleted that. That was my favorite video of his, he's such a trainwreck.
No. 288426
File: 1491827901670.jpg (275.12 KB, 720x705, CYMERA_20170410_083817.jpg)

Why does everyone like to think that they're Ahri?
No. 288429
>>288426Honestly the first time I saw her I thought she looked a bit like ahri, not an exact match though. I mean If her makeup wasn't so heavy I think she could pull it off really well.
idk i might just have seen too many horrendous bad Ahri cosplays in my time.
No. 288435
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Why does she look so bad in candids
No. 288565
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>>288131>>287383I am the anon who knew her around 2007-2008 or so. There were multiple cases that happened to me directly, or friends of mine, in which she would put them down to bring herself back up. I stopped speaking to her within a year of knowing her, so I don't know more recent things aside from a few personal tidbits here and there that she has said to my friends regarding others that I know, but I'll share what I remember:
>She would befriend people to use them for their abilities, i.e., mixing, video creation, lyrics, art, etc. and then show off about it.>She would join skype calls and talk about how she brought the "cuteness" to the call or something along the lines of that. >Would lust over men then drop them if they didn't fit her definition of attractive. Caused a bit of drama in the group, since she would go complete "tsun/yandere" (in her terms) for them then suddenly want nothing to do with them. I remember her doing this to some Johnny-Young Bosche sound alike that she lusted over just because he sounded like her "husbando" Lelouch Vi Britannia.
>Would shit talk girls with other high voices and make sure to put them down a peg by making rude comments in the skype call or trying to declare dominance as the "cute one.">Idolized a girl so much she used her name in MMOs to try to be like her I see this one as cute rather than malicious, but she would also get her friends to comment mean things on this girl's videos to bring her down a peg. Granted, she was 15-16 at the time of this, so I don't think it's as bad as it would be now.
>Has spoken to friends of mine how she finds LilyPichu to be annoying and fake but continues to be friends with her.>Would tear down her friend's accomplishments and make sure to add that she's a better singer/voice actress/etc. than them.>Puts on a "kawaii/cute" persona when guys join their skype calls. I had multiple instances in which a guy would join our call and her voice would shoot up super high and she'd become stuttery, suddenly shy and withdrawn, but rude at the same time. I guess she was trying to be "tsundere" to attract the weeb gaze?
>Every compliment was followed with a "but" that pertained to her."You sound good, but I think I did the song better."
"You look good, but I think I could cosplay the character better."
Something like that.
Not to mention, she recently shared this on FB which made me cringe: mean, you have a public audience of many girls who may or may not be overweight. I think you should try to build up your fellow females rather than pull them down.
I have more stories I could share on this matter, as I was a female who was close to her for quite some time, but I don't want to disclose anything super personal as it still stings and hits hard. Plus, I don't want her figuring out who I am and trying to retaliate despite her not speaking to me for many, many years. She scares the dickens out of me with her fiery temper.
No. 288575
>>288565A few more things that popped up:
>She would always make sure to comment about her flat chest and call herself an irl loli.I remember she told me she was B cup now, and went on to say how she's losing her appeal or how she wants to be loli looking.
I'd still like to share some of the more personal things, but I'd rather it be private as I don't want to disclose too much. If anyone would like to speak to me about personal things Sandy has done, please add this throwaway discord account: annie123#0068
No. 288576
>>288567can you learn to reply? Also im not seeing the dry skin anywhere, you need to point it out to me.
this thread is full of the same newfag.
No. 288612
>>288520>>288542>>288563>>288566Mix Racing is disgusting and i can't believe people think some are better than others.
Spoilers, there all gross.
(racebait) No. 288708
File: 1491857906707.png (497.96 KB, 630x502, crop.png)

How many posts does she has about looking like Ahri does she have now?
No. 288769
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Why would you publically post a personal email that someone wrote to you??
No. 288773
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>>288046>>288015I guess she has to do duckface cuz that's literally the only expression that makes her look good
No. 288925
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atleast she looks more like ahri than the himetrash weeb.
No. 289290
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I doubt emiru even met dyrus's parents and vice versa, let alone meet in person before moving in together. I think it's weird how a mid 20's guy is dating a teenager..
No. 289299
>>289290i honestly dont see them lasting too long. she seems like she would slip up somehow and flirt with a lot of e-celeb/e sports guys.
i just don't see him being together with a literal teenager for that long. eventually streaming might not make enough money and she has no college degree so.
is she just going to be a starving asian streamer grill for the rest of her life and live off of dyrus or what
No. 289383
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>>284944for real. i skimmed through a few of her vids because i never really checked her out before besides her twitter twice and she isn't the same to me anymore. for some reason hearing her voice and seeing her move kind of ruined it. her selfies are good so maybe that's it. she looks much more ordinary than i expected
No. 289394
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From her latest stream highlights video. She looks kinda wonky now. I wonder what it is
No. 289607
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Angelskimi looks like a guy
No. 289610
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Teenager that found herself a sugar daddy and is fucked without him?
No. 289819
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Why does every eslut likes to cosplay?
No. 289827
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Poki is pretty annoying as well
No. 289833
>>289819She looks old and her cosplay is ugg.
I think it would be super fun to showcase the cosplays you make of the characters you love because it would be an excuse to dress up, but most of these stream girls just get a wig, do a characters makeup and wear a push-up bra. I've seen so many "kitty cat katarina cosplay stream!!!"s where it's just a red wig, whiskers and some white cat ears kek.
No. 289835
File: 1492006200261.png (758.79 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-04-12-09-15-00…)

Poki looked better back then, now she tries to look like a insta hoe
No. 289858
File: 1492010495250.jpg (622.4 KB, 1200x1200, CYMERA_20170412_112135.jpg)

>>289833All of poks cosplays are either ugly or awkward
No. 289930
File: 1492020693084.jpg (108.96 KB, 1200x900, C7A9EzsUwAAzfN8.jpg)

How cute, a sugar daddy with his sugar baby.
No. 289936
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>>289930dyrus is such a beta
No. 290259
File: 1492046539412.jpg (102.04 KB, 1200x900, C26MdzOVQAEOnGP.jpg)

Looks like she can only pull of the heavy makeup look
No. 290370
>>289930from the thanksgiving vid i watched people often joke that she's his sister but honestly.. this looks like a family vacation and the much older cousin takes a silly quirky pic with his younger cousin.
but somehow she looks so differant than here
>>289936last note, their bedrooms seem so barren. im pretty sure theyre renting, and if not would it hurt to throw in a few cheap ikea pieces to make it seem more roomy? everything is on the floor and there's just a bad. seems empty/lonely/sad
No. 291497
File: 1492172595620.png (291.86 KB, 720x543, image_crop__2017_04_14_08_19_4…)

Is a little jenny in her late 20s? She looks like a desperate aunt trying to be sexy.
No. 291521
>>291511I think it's a combination of things. Extremely heavy westernized mu, lenses, posing and angles.
I think she tries to look like a manga / cartoon but to a westerner she might just look white.
Her images and streams are usually overexposed. She tilts her head down and widens her eyes which makes them appear bigger and her face shape rounder. She also stretches her neck and holds her shoulders down, making her neck appear thinner and her face rounder again. The boob job adds to the western impression, too. This whole style of posing, pouting, borderline empty/frozen neutral, big-eyed expression is pretty non-typical for azns.
No. 291779
File: 1492211325410.png (132.11 KB, 285x236, Untitled22.png)

Emiru is back to playing on the side angle so people don't notice how weird she actually looks
No. 291880
File: 1492230115744.jpg (314.3 KB, 720x703, CYMERA_20170414_200247.jpg)

>>291870Becuz she's totz not like the other girls anon! She has no personality whatsoever so I doubt anyone would want to hang out with her. She only values her body and the only thing she knows how to do is whore herself out like the other esluts.
No. 292010
File: 1492256787842.jpg (176.17 KB, 441x452, CYMERA_20170414_200316.jpg)

Poki should fix her butterface
No. 292013
File: 1492257321875.png (194.14 KB, 800x332, image_crop__2017_04_15_07_54_0…)

Idk who's more annoying poki or emiru. They both try so hard to seem quirky and relatable. Emiru was doing some obnoxious fake ass laugh when someone said something stupid in her game that wasn't even funny.
No. 292027
File: 1492260944690.jpg (1.17 MB, 2048x2048, CYMERA_20170415_085301.jpg)

>>292010Poki should shave her jaw and get a nose job, she has such an irritating face.
No. 292074
File: 1492269475537.jpg (625.88 KB, 1024x1024, CYMERA_20170415_111653.jpg)

>>292027>>292060Poki has a pretty washed out face. I wonder how she haggard she really looks, even in the fan photos they used a filter
No. 292076
File: 1492269596552.jpg (33.92 KB, 480x320, thumb53802117-480x320.jpg)

She should really stop the whole cosplay thing. Lol, It looks terrible on her, mixing instagram slut with twitch slut does not go hand in hand. Just pick one Poki.
No. 292111
File: 1492274077081.png (835.52 KB, 600x595, picture shot.png)

>>291880>>291779tsuruko pulls off the fake blue eyes and black hair look better than emi. She's not even half asian, she's part and somehow looks more natural than emi.
No. 294456
File: 1492602786484.png (113.71 KB, 750x956, IMG_8167.PNG)

Waaah waaah give me asspats I'm a great singer right ?
No. 294541
File: 1492613372961.jpg (52.08 KB, 614x411, pokimane-qcAE63ewUCgPzTKkRmXyg…)

>>292074Poki is honestly really haggard for her age. Plus her giant ass nose from the side holy shit. Someone caught this one a stream a while back. All about heavy makeup and the angles/lighting.
No. 294926
>>292111wasnt tsurko in deep shit for pretending to be part asian though?
if you look at her features they just look like basic white girl features, especially in her older photos, she looked like an emo 12 yr old white girl
No. 296012
File: 1492802605057.png (33.25 KB, 720x258, image_crop__2017_04_21_15_22_4…)

Em has no friends to talk abt this stupid shit with so she blabs it on twitter
No. 296122
File: 1492814717254.jpg (187.49 KB, 701x672, CYMERA_20170421_184414.jpg)

Why is dookiemane living with 2 guys? Is she under the same circumstance like Emiru? Just pimpin herself out?
No. 296134
>>296122he's fat. are the guys pros in league or something and maybe she wants to dickride for more fame/free rent?
Does she not have a boyfriend to live with or are these fat neck beards the best she has?
No. 296757
File: 1492890266659.png (249.88 KB, 720x1152, image_crop__2017_04_22_15_38_4…)

Just how much pandering does poki do? She caters towards the weebs, people who are in to the insta slut look, autistic nerds and now sex voice kinksters?
No. 296779
File: 1492891912585.jpg (185.11 KB, 720x720, CYMERA_20170422_161149.jpg)

>>296012Emi deleted this post. I wonder how much does she check up on this board. Also you should work on your grammar Emi.
No. 296784
>>296779Are you kidding me? She thinks she's so special and unique because she plays jhin? A lot more girls than just her main jhin/adc, why does she think she's so different.
It honestly seems like she's insecure and would flip if a girl were to do the same thing as her, especially if the girl were to do it better, which considering she can't get out of low play despite all those ranked games is kind of sad. Git gud emi. Have your boyfriend boost you if he didn't already
No. 296804
File: 1492894958009.jpg (184.82 KB, 720x559, CYMERA_20170422_155101.jpg)

I would love it too if I got a all expenses paid lifestyle
No. 296975
File: 1492917002311.png (231.09 KB, 651x956, JBPpHOL.png)

>>296779did she really? it's still up for me. that comment tho
No. 297206
File: 1492953174349.jpg (342.63 KB, 720x1060, CYMERA_20170423_091326.jpg)

I don't understand why people post stuff like this
No. 297212
File: 1492953789099.png (1.03 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-04-23-09-19-46…)

Emi is so insecure she only puts her cam in side view so people don't see how bad she actually looks in hd in the front view
No. 297241
File: 1492958088022.jpg (118.21 KB, 1200x900, C235ZvgUsAAPSK0.jpg)

Is she anorexic? Her arms are literally sticks
No. 297249
File: 1492959787999.jpg (9.99 KB, 297x169, images (3).jpg)

>>297242>>296975It's hilarious that she thinks people are playing a character because of her. How big of an ego she must have to think that people associate jhin with her eslutty ass. Emiru is so full of herself lmao.
>sucks at jhin >started "maining" him last month >low elo Plus she started playing him cuz she thought it makes her "different"
Lmao Emiru you're not good enough like other one tricks like brna, dianas2, tyler1, etc to be known for their champion. Keep dreaming.
No. 298025
File: 1493036520203.jpg (39 KB, 800x600, C-JUdO5UIAAc1-w.jpg)

No. 298034
File: 1493038930076.jpg (65.1 KB, 650x867, C7uaBH6VUAAiq2v.jpg)

Rinnieriot is a big koreaboo. She wants people to think she's korean to make money off of that
No. 298038
File: 1493040659917.jpg (98.38 KB, 720x718, IMG_20170424_093012.jpg)

>>298025She looks like to dude to begin with
No. 298288
File: 1493075618891.jpg (107.75 KB, 1200x973, CpZeB_IVYAAPDQ6.jpg)

Why does emily think she's ahri? There so many pics where she put ahri and herself side by side
No. 298300
File: 1493076866093.jpg (83.56 KB, 417x675, IMG_20170424_191706.jpg)

>>284947>>282986>>282824Two feathers of the same flock
No. 298425
File: 1493089551306.jpg (160.93 KB, 720x1035, IMG_20170424_230559.jpg)

>>298408Her foundation and contouring is bad too
No. 298431
File: 1493090258071.png (332.69 KB, 663x646, image_crop__2017_04_24_23_14_5…)

>>296779If emiru says shit like this about a character she plays I wouldn't be surprised if she thinks that people who wear blue contacts and heavy makeup is copying her when actuality she's the unoriginal bitch jacking other people's style
No. 298435
>>298288because black hair and eyeliner means totes ahri silly anon, she's such canon original only ahri gamer girl XD
>>298038she looks so weird in candids, or just any picture that isn't angled by her
>>297212 lastly, for some reason this pic spooks me.. cursedimage.jpg
No. 298471
fucking christ that nose '''''contour'''''
No. 298613
File: 1493124743847.png (1017.34 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-04-25-08-48-54…)

>>298471>>298462Looks very asian without all that eyeliner
No. 298633
>>298626She's still wearing make up, just less.
Look at her eyes
No. 298644
File: 1493130787111.jpg (111.18 KB, 1200x786, C9zR6c-XgAEQK7k.jpg)

>>298300Kelly is like what 28-29? And she hangs with a 19 year old?
No. 298870
File: 1493160800003.jpg (95.04 KB, 675x1200, C-SOjbUUwAA8muR.jpg)

Not gonna happen
No. 299007
>>298613Is she really lurking here this often to suddenly do this and let lolcow dig in her skin or what?
>>298626Shes still has controlled lighting and angles that really helps, but she does look nice in a different way.
No. 299071
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No. 299172
File: 1493211076768.png (353.54 KB, 720x549, image_crop__2017_04_26_08_50_3…)

Why does she like bowling ball tits kelly so much?
No. 300778
>>298613she looks like man to me.
a prettier type of man but still a man.
No. 301318
File: 1493519631666.jpg (86.28 KB, 562x917, 1111.JPG)

jesus what is wrong with this girls
No. 301644
File: 1493579345491.png (449.38 KB, 800x400, lilypichurealchange.png)

How to look like an ulzzang by Lilypichu: just do a winged eyeliner and wear circle lenses and voila!
No. 301665
File: 1493582081173.jpg (93.86 KB, 720x474, IMG_20170430_155440.jpg)

Aria too. Terrible look.
No. 301751
File: 1493592383468.png (376.54 KB, 704x383, hai.png)

is hai's new gf a little jenny?
No. 301900
File: 1493611614428.jpg (130.49 KB, 720x532, IMG_20170501_000641.jpg)

Does chocobars photoshop her pics? I don't remember her looking this bad.
No. 301903
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>>300778She kinda looks like a bobblehead
No. 303434
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Like dyrus could ever throw a punch lol
No. 303826
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Why does bekuhs nose look so weird
No. 305036
File: 1493975459657.png (373.47 KB, 655x526, hbysTgf.png)

>>303826Dude, ages ago when Behkuh was still dating HSGG I saw her and thought. DAMN, how did George get a girl like that. THEN I NOTICED HER NOSE AND REMEMBERED GEORGE'S NOSE. LOL
I think HSGG likes girls with huge noses. There used to be posts on the general discussion board of LoL joking about how his kids would have the biggest noses ever.
No. 305097
File: 1493985678205.jpg (311.5 KB, 720x628, CYMERA_20170505_080039.jpg)

Alot of the streamers are not attractive at all, fuslie and kimi look so weird and out of place.
No. 305147
>>303277You don't actually believe she made this right? and that conventions are too expensive for someone making so much bank?
This is a store bought cosplay, not that there is anything wrong with that IMO if it's just for fun but don't be so delusional.
No. 305151
File: 1493994998741.jpg (62.12 KB, 872x493, 1st of may.JPG)

>>305097Honestly I think fuslie has some sort of charm? her face is pretty nice looking besides her nose and even that isn't too ugly like bekkuh's or something.
That being said I'm always surprised by how much Fuslie makes compared to all these other girls. She even surpasses kimi who was "popular" for longer (and I thought kimi was more "cute" IMO)
This picture is just in the first day of may.
No. 305337
>>305152She does look washed out here but what I mean is that I'm very surprised at how much she makes for not showing her tits (she must pander in other ways though)
Her top donator of the month is always 1K+ and she almost always seems to make easily 200+ a day
No. 305374
File: 1494017120472.png (130.47 KB, 750x1087, IMG_8726.PNG)

Man poki looks beat
No. 305441
>>305113Yeah, I think Annie and Jaime are some of the only girls I can stand. Partly because Annie always jokes about filters and shops so at least she admits it, partly because they have the only league relationships I think are genuine.
Jaime finally fixed how she did her eyeliner before, and she has the kind of long legs that I always wished I had ngl. She panders to weebs and projects the 2D anime girl image hardcore though.
No. 305930
File: 1494084438724.jpg (142.36 KB, 853x720, IMG_20170506_112603.jpg)

Emi really hates her nose she talks abt her dislike for it on tumblr and her makeup vid wouldnt be surprised if she does her nose
No. 306369
>>305930i just skimmed through some of her tumblr… i watched her q&a where she talked about meeting dyrus and i thought it was quite cute and thought she seemed nice from that and her tumblr.. but her twitter makes her seem like a huge defensive immature bitch.
are there any league female streamers that aren't like awful in one respect? i think poki seems alright, i don't understand the hate against her here other than… how she looks? can someone explain the hate?
No. 306553
>>306459They aren't using each other, but it is true that their relationship was only possible because they were attracted to superficial things.
I know both of them, and Emily is very friendly (although a bit egoistical). I can attest that they love each other a lot. He didn't even know she was 17 when they started talking. But even if he did… she was legal. This wasn't a case of an older idol taking advantage of an impressionable follower.
Knowing a lot of people in similar situations (losers who no hot girl would bat an eye in the direction of if they weren't a streamer) they do usually start with an attractive fan approaching the streamer. But you people are all so ignorant to assume that both parties are so socially awkward that they don't make any effort to communicate prior to meeting in person for the first time. Emily and Dyrus talked skyped for several hours daily. The same can be said for every single relationship like theirs I know of.
I thought that people on image boards would be relatively forward thinking, and probably be aware that you can form emotional bonds online. This has been possible for over 20 years now.
And holy fuck, Emily's tits are real. She just has a strawberry body type. I thought this was a mostly female forum? Even with her nudes, I can get that effect by pushing up my B cups, you guys are fucking morons.
No. 306577
>>306553>he didnt know she was 17Don't people usually state their ages or ask when they first start talking? That's like the basics.
>it is true that their relationship was only possible because they were attracted to superficial things.For emiru it was fame and money
For dyrus it was a fuck toy and eye candy
Good for them if they have a relationship, but it doesn't change the fact Dyrus is Emily's sugar daddy and she is his sugar baby.
No. 306639
>>306553thank god im not the only one on here that feels like her tits are real. Even the pictures of her flat chested are prob just her not wearing a pushup/contouring her chest ?
You guys should check out the up-bra I feel like its looks similar the the same one jennythesquirrel wears 24/7
No. 306936
>>306742Is this thread mostly rival female streamers/retards? On other threads, most farmers aren't this retarded. I don't really like emiru (I'm that anon who said she sounded like a bitch on Twitter) but I'm not going to desperately pry for some milk… Like trying to argue she has had a boobjob. I looked through previous comments and in the pics where she looks flat, it's usually due to the top she's wearing covering her chest.
Don't we all know someone who's boobs have always been too big for their frame? Usually they're a larger weight all over, but emiru is just that but thin. I'm very thin like her but all my weight goes to my butt and thighs. It doesn't look as interesting though because push up butts aren't a thing and I don't use padding.
No. 309023
>>306742Because I'm a woman, and I have 28 years of experience with the female body, and 17 years of experience with how fucking tits work considering I HAVE THEM.
No. 309997
File: 1494487113262.png (538.85 KB, 1399x1625, 382037391192782.png)

Lol her egotism doesnt go unnoticed
No. 310000
File: 1494487979236.png (71.96 KB, 583x618, kek.png)

so mad
No. 311391
File: 1494620639653.jpg (544.06 KB, 1200x1200, CYMERA_20170512_154408.jpg)

Why is emiru such a bitch? She seems nice on tumblr
No. 311601
File: 1494636286906.jpg (73.31 KB, 720x517, IMG_20170512_204245.jpg)

Why is Emiru trying so hard to deny it? There's nothing to be ashamed of, saying that you're not a gold digger doesn't mean you're not one.
No. 311604
File: 1494636403612.jpg (75.95 KB, 720x552, IMG_20170512_204614.jpg)

And it seems that what people say about her really get to her, people talk abouy poki too but I don't think she cares, shows how secure emily is, kek.
No. 311916
>>311391Hmmm she feels like the bitchiest out of all the streamers. Shed be alright with more humility, but she thinks too highly or special about herself. Shes just playing nice on tumblr because she likes all the special attention she gets, other than that shes the type to throw a fit if a girl prettier than her is in the same room.
>>311601Shes so dense and naive.Thats how the real world works and people are in toxic abusive relationships everywhere due to financial hardships.
No. 311922
File: 1494677392383.jpg (60.8 KB, 720x329, IMG_20170513_080710.jpg)

Oh the irony. Emi was attracted to Dyrus for shallow reasons; money and fame. Once the money is gone, she'll be gone too. Funny how she's trying so hard to come off as "not a sugar baby" when she only came to him for the exact same reasons. Em flirted around with other well known streamers and Dyrus was the only one that caught the bait and flew her to Texas to live with him.
No. 311925
File: 1494678778120.jpg (127.83 KB, 720x736, IMG_20170513_082923.jpg)

She looks 100 percent asian as a mix. No wonder she has such a complex about it, she hates the fact that she doesn't look special like the other mixes so she wears all that makeup, lenses and pushup to get those "hot mix girl" compliments and to feel better about how ordinary she looks.
No. 311965
File: 1494686146635.png (350.71 KB, 576x1024, image_crop__2017_05_13_10_35_2…)

Did she purposely scrunch the dress up so her ass would be hanging out?
No. 311978
File: 1494688333365.jpg (498.6 KB, 999x1000, CYMERA_20170513_110926.jpg)

Sugardaddy shit isn't just exclusive to just a dude old roch dude 40+ older than the accessory next to him. Emily's dumbass thinks that Dyrus has to be an old man for it to count. Kek, think whatever you want sugar baby.
No. 311980
>>311965And also I don't know what kind of boyfriend Dyrus is but my boyfriend would NEVER be ok with me posting revealing ass pictures on social media for guys to gawk over, it's almost like Dyrus is showing Emily off like some kind of expensive accessory or charm hmm…
Even when she was dating Dyrus she had selfies (now deleted) of her posing in nothing but a bra with some humblebrag shit as the description. How sad that she can't get validation for her beta daddy that she has to turn to little kids and her autistic viewers for attention.
No. 312727
File: 1494779146233.png (117.92 KB, 720x593, image_crop__2017_05_14_12_25_0…)

What is emiru's deal?
No. 312728
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No. 312841
>>312836Why does she have to make a big deal about it though? Like she's so special that someone wanted nothing to do with her so they simply blocked her? I've blocked accounts that have never followed me before simply because they were annoying and they were in my orbit, so it was possible I'd see them or vice versa in the future.
I mean. These tweets reek of attention. All I see is "OMG DIS BITCH BLOCKED ME EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW?? IM SPECIAL". Plus pink sparkles has been doing her bullshit for a long time now. Why doesn't emi just keep this info between friends or dyrus instead of looking stupid online?
No. 312934
File: 1494804267799.jpg (164.15 KB, 720x926, IMG_20170514_192104.jpg)

And she's still going on about it, honestly it seems like she's trying to make herself look better and emily's tweets this lately screams OMG LOOK AT THEM VIEWBOTTING TYPICAL GIRL STREAMERS I'M REAL CUZ I PLAY JHIN AND ALL MY VIEWERS ARE TOTALLY LEGIT!!11!!
No. 312935
File: 1494804292266.jpg (50.19 KB, 720x283, IMG_20170514_192203.jpg)

No. 313093
>>312737Nah emi is just your average textbook definition of a bitch, and the other streamers really have nothing worth talking about or nitpicked for. They dont go around harrassing or targeting their own audience or other girls randomly, or stroking their damn egos blatantly all the time that you end up being featured in an article for it.
Idk about lily bumping the threads, buts its also possible that the same demographic are just interested in similar cows?
Sage for no contribution
No. 314424
File: 1494989623141.jpg (97.25 KB, 331x305, CYMERA_20170516_225128.jpg)

Does emiru purposely makes herself sound boring and frumpy? She sounded different on reckful's stream, maybe she's trying to fulfill fanboys fantasies that she's the "female" Dyrus?
No. 314952
File: 1495060171289.jpg (40.14 KB, 800x600, 14469550_1101104143318927_6625…)

Emiru looks good with makeup on but at the same time she looks like a emo hooker
No. 314955
File: 1495060496773.jpg (116.99 KB, 720x914, IMG_20170517_183431.jpg)

>football player
lol who did this?
No. 314993
>>314952I do agree, I used to think she was really pretty but this pose makes her look weird honestly. I also feel like her contacts are so try hard at this point. Why does she want to be white so bad? Every other haffu goes for weeb makeup while this chick is stuck in 2005 scene America.
>>314424 she looks so odd in candids or when she can't use her angles. Her face shape is super chunky and manly.
No. 315937
>>314952She is hiding her square jaw with her hair and her fingers so she looks better than she would if her hair wasn't there…
>>314955Lol that's hilarious. If he actually got buff, i could potentially see him as a football player, but maybe it would be a stretch
No. 320018
File: 1495572378954.jpg (37.46 KB, 345x282, IMG_20170520_225004.jpg)

Em's contacts look kinda strange
No. 320363
File: 1495597399657.jpg (44.9 KB, 640x640, 11378538_913949995313951_12872…)

Guys. I've skimmed this thread, and I've been seeing a lot of claims that Emily got implants or some silly shit like that. It makes me wonder how many of you posters are clueless guys. I posted this pic to show that her boobs are not big at all, at first glance most people are probably like oooo cleavage oooo huge tits must be implants!!! no.
Most bikinis in that style are made of rather thin material without much support, but you can see that HER bikini has UNDERWIRE and is a harder, molded cup that "shapes" your tits. The cleavage you see in the pic is mostly shadow cast from the lighting from the side. I know because my bathroom has similar lighting, and my tits look like that even when I'm only wearing a normal bra (and I'm only a B cup, mind you).
OK, now that that's said and done, the annoying part is that when people compliment her huge tits or ask about them on tumblr, she doesn't directly confirm it (because she probably feels uncomfortable about blatantly lying) and instead encourages people to think she has huge tits by saying shit like "oh most of the ladies on my white dad's side are blessed in that department" (she said this on tumblr). Also, somebody asked her where she gets her bras from on tumblr, probably to see if she wears pushup bras, which she clearly does– and she responds with "Forever21". Like how vague can you get girl? Who you tryna fool?
I think she feeds off of insecure/jealous girls in all honesty, because apparently she likes to set a very unrealistic standard by pretending she has naturally pushed to the chin-buttcrack cleavage while maintaining a slender stomach, and then shits on people when they point out that she's cheating her image with a good bra by saying they're jealous. No, we're not jealous, we're just annoyed that you're trying to pass off your fakeness as realness.
No. 320509
File: 1495625045318.png (97.91 KB, 648x674, image_crop__2017_05_24_07_22_2…)

Emiru deleted all her bitchy posts I guess she is scared of people talking about her, I can't help but notice every now and then she makes posts with simple grammar mistakes
No. 320644
>>320544yeh honestly her nose looks fine to me (I might be biased cuz i have the same nose lol)
Forreal she needs to cut down some of the eye makeup, everyone I've asked has said it looks freakishly overdone. Also I think you guys think she looks "manly" cuz of her super dark thick eyebrows, not her nose. Some of her pics from like a year ago has nicer, thin eyebrows and I think she should go back to that
No. 320659
File: 1495642395699.png (556.9 KB, 1111x816, 1c047ae93cdaf3c433b35f76a41426…)

Ayy the thread's alive again. Still about Emiru though? I have some oldish pics of her a little before she started dating dyrus, if anyone's interested.
This was from last summer, I think her style now is just bad cuz she was way hotter back then lmao. Also the tags are cringe af
No. 320676
File: 1495644248717.jpg (266.43 KB, 721x916, d763fa35382089cdb1ecfbfb53147c…)

Also heres very recent pic of emiru before she starting using crazy pushup bras, she has like no boobs here even with a padded bikini top. There's a tiny bit of cleavage but only because she's trying to casually smash her tits together with her one arm. Again note the tags…"#white girl" "#hentai" LOL ?? and why did she even tag "league of legends" and "model" I'm so embarrassed for her
the caption she put was funny tho i gotta admit, props emily
No. 320681
>>320663you hit the spot. I couldn't put my finger on what I found annoying about her, but all her bios are like "WASIAN TERROR IN 3D" or someshit about her being half white half asian. like bruh you don't see me going like "ITALIAN BRAZILIAN MENACE IN TECHNICOLOR"
She also loves bragging about how young she is. calls attention to being a TEENAGER in all her bios even though she's 19 and a half. :thinking:
No. 320686
File: 1495645009769.jpg (335.97 KB, 717x751, CYMERA_20170524_125121.jpg)

I can see why emily has fans cuz she tricks ppl into thinking shed hot and all but what abouy poki? Major butterface and bad at the game
No. 320696
>>320686I used to idolize Pokimane actually, my boyfriend says she's really hot and is "actually pretty for a gamer" which makes me sad :( Idk if I'm qualified to speak cuz I'll admit I'm kinda jealous
It makes me kinda annoyed that my boyfriend can't see through the thick makeup and filters she wears. Even her stream is overexposed so you can only see her good features (eyebrows hair eyes and lips)
But honestly, her gameplay is decent. I watch all of her youtube vids and some of her streams, her decision making is about on par with my own. The only laughable aspect is her ults on Orianna……..
No. 320736
File: 1495649033184.png (399.94 KB, 720x1024, image_crop__2017_05_24_14_02_3…)

What is she trying to say? Lol
No. 320752
>>320696Dump him don't date gamer bros who think someone with layers of makeup is natural
Sage for ot
No. 320859
File: 1495658810415.jpg (608.04 KB, 1024x1024, CYMERA_20170524_163337.jpg)

Emily has to be a wizard
No. 320863
>>320859where're you guys finding the pink bikini pics? I cant find them anywhere. I remember she'd always get questioned if she was emo or scene and she'd deny having a phase, but her tags on her old posts all say #scene
She actually looks ok in those pics, just the 4th one her teeth look kinda horsey
No. 320866
File: 1495659226692.png (539.44 KB, 1432x1817, 24-13-38-58.png)

>>320525She feels threatened a lot by other girls. Attention whores who attack other attention whores lol
No. 320873
>>320866Ewww. I used to like her, in Dyrus's last cooking video I thought she looked great and basically thought we looked a lot alike in that vid, but Jesus girl.
She's just a bully, she overdoes her makeup and sells her body, she's putting too much pressure on her tits with those pushups everyday so they're gonna get saggy as shit if they aren't already. If being a complete bitch to others isn't fixing your stutter and cracky voice by giving you confidence then it's a sign it's not helping your self esteem, maybe if you stopped being a bitch to everyone and focusing so hard on looking like a basic slut you'd like yourself more and be more confident.
No. 320876
File: 1495659693444.png (635.76 KB, 416x727, 2e113f2fe1682a2e09bc7653635a2f…)

>>320866Here's a pic of Emiru without makeup that nobody has posted yet.
There's a reason she's craving attention. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it's because she wasn't used to getting compliments on her appearance until this year because she was a plain duckling before she learned how to do her makeup better.
I think if she fixed her hair in this pic she would be cute? Her cheekbones are pretty bomb and she aint bad lookin at all
No. 320890
>>320873Friend just showed me this thread because I'm a big fan of her
Not in a creepy thirsty way though, I just thought she was really chill and honest and true to herself? It was really hard for me to stomach this thread, but now that I read it, I'm thinking to myself…yeah this is true…this is also true…wtf. Is the Eugenia Cooney thing real? How can she be so cruel to say something like that? I just can't imagine Emily posting something like that. And wow, I didn't know push up bras could make double D looking boobs out of nothing. The more you know.
I'm mostly shocked at her post on twitter about another girl playing Jhin and feeding. I saw that in person but didn't really think too much about it until now because I thought she was kind and didn't mean it maliciously. She seems to have the attitude that she has dibs on playing jhin, which is just ridiculous because there are thousands of other female players out there who play Jhin. Why did she have to say "lady streamer"? It's like she's trying to promote the "female league players are brainless bimbos" stereotype but twisting it by saying "but i'm better than them cuz i'm hot AND can play a male champ!" There were probably countless male streamers who fed on jhin after "watching her stream", but she didn't call them out. Sigh.
I'm so disappointed. I thought I finally found a decent girl streamer. I just didn't keep up with her social media so I didn't realize how obnoxious she was. /: Emily whyy you're better than this. I hope she reads this thread and changes her toxic behavior, otherwise it would be a goddamn shame.
No. 320892
File: 1495660612210.jpg (229.09 KB, 546x819, 34afebe4b2a488207edc4da27cdf7f…)

her body looks weird lol. she looks bangin on stream but in candids she looks awkward asfuck //cringe
No. 320895
File: 1495660893385.png (711.43 KB, 527x825, 67cf8143adf77e9625a3640c6aa3fe…)

I feel her pain honestly. Candid photos are almost always unflattering unless you're somewhat photogenic. Asians aren't usually blessed with strong features that look good on camera and it tends to make their cheeks look chubby like she does in this pic
No. 320922
File: 1495662664949.jpg (208.24 KB, 1270x806, fa6e51b7bfa98801add1ec86d21039…)

emily was a cute chubby lil kid 3 years ago? btw her eyebrows here are A+++ why cant she do that now
No. 320923
File: 1495662789351.png (93.19 KB, 226x188, emiru.png)

she was rolling around the floor gotta be quirky someway
No. 320932
File: 1495663660524.jpg (237.43 KB, 1055x561, 13367332222EXT__324532311.jpg)

the fake eyelashes make her look hawwt
No. 320940
File: 1495664315413.png (652.07 KB, 955x539, loll.png)

she sucks
No. 320964
>>320876I can't help but see a man here. Sure a man with a soft face, and like you said good cheekbones, but she's nothing without her false lashes. Also her chest? She looks beyond flat, so this must be a few years old.
I've concluded that 99% of girls (yes that includes me) look like shit without makeup. Some women both about beauty standards but honestly makeup has helped us achieve a lot of things for our own personal gain. I wonder if dyrus sees her without makeup or she's the type to put it on first thing in the morning and last thing to take off at night.
No. 320975
>>320970Holy shit.. I'm so confused then. She looks totally flat here and those pictures at Disneyland but then her nudes they don't seem like a cups. how much does she pad/stuff? unless her boobs grew in the last burst of puberty but we're almost the same age.
She honestly has an average body now that I see her candids. She has her thinness going in for it but I'm certain she's trying much harder to keep it that way than she would ever admit. Yeah she's not "working out for these ab lines lmaoo" but she is definitely restricting or just not eating a lot in general considering she was heavier only a year or two ago
No. 320989
>>320975i think she's just naturally skinny tbh, her cleavage is definitely fake though. I have the same pear shape body type as her and my boobs look like that with a normal bra– splurged at a sale at VS and their pushup bras give me the same look she has in her streams but they're uncomfortable =/ mad props to her for dealing with that torture for hours a day
No. 321010
File: 1495668927170.jpg (29.18 KB, 309x400, z26.jpg)

>>320979Jealous of a low self esteem bimbo with no post secondary education that takes pride in being a fuck toy for an unemployed autistic fat nerd?
No. 321021
>>321010Idk several posts sperging about how she looks "totally like a man, has a hueg nose, omg looks azn without eyeliner" and "omg how can't men tell thats shes fake", seems pretty jealous to me.
There are plenty of valid reasons to dislike her and critique her, but her being "unattractive" isn't one of them.
No. 321050
But back to the point she's mediocre like the rest of these twitch girls, nothing too special just more pretentious than some of the others.
No. 321052
>>321038Dude. Mid plat is fucnjg garbage. If she was actually good she would be at least high diamond with the amount of ranked games she has played.
Also I never said she was unnattactive, but emi does have a mannish face to me and look so different without her lashes and push up bra, that's it.
No. 321062
>>321052Yeah mid plat isn't
amazing, but keep in mind that she's a streamer and also like
super self conscious. It's probably hard for her to concentrate on the game and hold herself in a pretty way at the same time :P
No. 321130
>>320922Jesus Christ, she looks a lot like my full Asian 50+ year old mother here. The frizzy hair and everything… I had no idea she used to be that bad. I guess that explains her behaviour. I don't like the contacts and I think the eyemakeup needs to be toned down a touch and she'd be very attractive to me.
>>320859I don't watch her stream and I had no idea her teeth were so bad.
No. 321149
File: 1495682343959.jpg (140.2 KB, 720x1009, IMG_20170524_231515.jpg)

Judging from emily's old ask fm it seems like she was always stuck up, she's so full of contradictions
No. 321150
File: 1495682389695.jpg (47.31 KB, 340x600, avatar (3).jpg)

No. 321152
File: 1495682423719.png (20.49 KB, 720x353, image_crop__2017_05_24_23_16_0…)

No. 321153
File: 1495682501151.png (447.83 KB, 600x449,…)

No. 321154
File: 1495682540793.jpg (115.48 KB, 720x720, CYMERA_20170524_231916.jpg)

No. 321165
File: 1495683357493.jpg (93.26 KB, 720x656, IMG_20170524_233503.jpg)

And she ends up posting them anyways
No. 321166
File: 1495683520505.jpg (106.66 KB, 720x720, avatar.jpg)

I can't believe that emily looked like this not too long ago, just makes dyrus look even creepier
No. 321168
File: 1495683858119.jpg (114.26 KB, 720x596, IMG_20170524_234319.jpg)

Apparently she had ptsd? Was she ever diagnosed?
No. 321170
File: 1495683899958.jpg (144.62 KB, 720x716, IMG_20170524_234400.jpg)

No. 321172
File: 1495683992696.png (440.24 KB, 450x600,…)

No. 321186
>>321179Sad girlfriend anon here again
I think guys just can't see through makeup and filters because they don't use them. When I was around 15/16 I used to think some girls were gorgeous, but now that I look at them again 3 years later, I realize it's all just makeup and flattering angles. I don't wear much makeup around my boyfriend and I think it's unfair that he'll never see her without makeup for a fair playing field, if that makes sense. I'm just hurt because he acts like she's "special" because she's the only "actually pretty" streamer he's seen :'( I could copy Poki and fry my hair to bits every day, slap on makeup and act cutesy and look just as good, but I'd just feel worse because that's uncomfortably fake for me. sigh.
No. 321189
>>321186Oh you silly thing. You have nothing to be jealous of and your boyfriend is a retard. No offense lol
Poki is attractive to idiots because she likes to girlishly squeal every 5 seconds like she's orgasming or something. She claims it's just how she naturally tracts, but that's all bullshit. Did you see her do makeup on scarra? He actually kinda had her face going on after that. If she can make scarra look pretty with her makeup style, imagine what she looks like lol. Also she looks like a legit man, unlike emirutard
No. 321195
>>321062She can't be pretty and be good at a game at the same time? True, but it's almost the same as walking and chewing bubblegum kek. Please get out of here white knight ":P"
>>321172 oh shit I see the bump now. Weird
No. 321221
>>321216haha this so much. I know some guys who still get fooled by girls and when they meet them in person they are shocked but get tricked again with their photos. In this time and age, photos are the worst things to accurately rate someone for their attractiveness. It's a double edged sword, but still hilarious
sage for no contrib and kind of derail
No. 321448
>>320979>>321021True. You can see it's the same 2-3 people, both in this and Ahripoop's thread. There's a particular anon who posts screencaps always named "Cymera" and it gives them away every time, lmao. And the typing pattern is always the same, big snozz, man jaw, manly face etc.
At this point these two threads should be locked or moved to /sty/
No. 321481
>>321461I was the one who suggested it. I think there is at least some milk to be had with Emiru but I guess the right people aren't around to really spill it.
I am really curious about her demeanor / the way she spoke before she started dating Dyrus/ Reckful. Or what kind of stuff she says on her priv twitter. I hope someone comes through eventually v.v
No. 321496
>>321489That is exactly the kind of milk I am looking for, the rest is kind of meh.
She hasn't really done anything to piss her friends off I don't think so I doubt anyone will leak anything new/relevant.
I feel like a lot of her acquaintances, fellow booby streamers all have dirt under the rug so some might be cautious to actually give info if there actually is any?
Me waits paitiently ;v;
No. 321527
File: 1495742140331.png (103.9 KB, 266x266, Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 9.15…)

Looks like emily did the shotglass lip challenge here
No. 321540
File: 1495743189183.png (245.64 KB, 326x463, tumblr_o1zwamT4uU1sbrbyeo2_r1_…)

umm………………………can someone with tits tell me how the fuk she is a 30DDD bra size when she looks like this.
No. 321553
>>321522Really? Really?
>>321540Who released the newfags? Where did you even come from?
No. 321569
>>321540hey leave him alone we love kiddies
anyway. 30DDD is basically equivalent to a 36B, she's just giving the sister size to make herself seem more busty¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 321584
File: 1495747213606.jpg (34.72 KB, 450x600, 1235952_511160972299637_114333…)

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Emiru gets a nose and boob job in the future, she seems so insecure about her features. Like what one of the anons said; she tries to pass off features that she fakes are real ex. Hair, body, face etc. Too bad her personality is fake too. Emiru just seemed too good to be true, in the end she's just like the other attention whoring bimbos that she like to trash.
No. 321585
File: 1495747369244.jpg (172.05 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg)

Poki likes attention too but atleast she's not as obvious
No. 321601
File: 1495748733313.jpg (349.52 KB, 1131x555, 347422658905111000001.jpg)

every comment on dyrus's cooking vid is like omg ur girlfriend is hot, your girlfriend is gorgeous, but i thought she looked different than usual
why she tryharding on her face makeup but is wearing a casual bumming around hoodie? isn't that kinda contradicting– or is it another one of her im-one-of-the-guys-only-hotter tryhard ploys
No. 321604
>>321600OH. I know exactly who she's talking about 100% guaranteed. It's this girl.'m 100% sure because I asked Emiru if her name started with an A and she said yes. There's one clue. Some comments were like I found her on instagram (that's how I found her too, she got all over my feed randomly). Emiru also said she hasnt streamed in over 2 months. I check out this girl, hasnt streamed in almost exactly 2 months and started exactly when Emiru called her out on viewbotting. She also looks kinda like Emiru when she's wearing her blue contacts. I wonder if she blocked Emiru because she was afraid of being accused of copying her style?
No. 321612
>>321604A lot of these girls wear contacts take for an instance angelskimi, xchocobars or occasionally behkuh.
I think Emiru also shat on pink sparkles or w/e her name is - another titty streamer at one point but in general there's a lot of jealousy and spite between these girl streamers competing for gross basement dwellers.
No. 321616
>>321614I think
>>321604 is just self promotion, she has a small following and no one knows who the hell she is, every now and then some wannabe tries to promote themselves through this thread.
No. 321619
File: 1495749982353.png (647.71 KB, 469x563, 1.png)

>>321612lmao emiru makes fun of titty streamers when she has her tits out and back arched in basically a silk lingerie bra on top of her pushup bra while pouting seductively? :thinking: and then she makes twitter statuses calling out guys for being thirsty hmmmmm i wonder why
No. 321626
File: 1495750502718.png (144 KB, 710x903, 132463222111560000023453563553…)

>posts a public status calling girl out
>person asks why shes making such a big deal
>"oh i dont really care lol"
also checked up on anhdamn bitch or whatever, I think she is the one emily's referring to. her stream was nonexistent for about 2 months and then she reappeared. the timing of her stream and emily's bitching is too accurate for it not to be her
No. 321723
>>321395POKI - 9/10
EMILY - 10/10
CHOCO - 9/10
No. 321818
File: 1495764134385.png (13.39 KB, 643x220, frame.png)

She says self respecting stuff like this and then she ends up posting nudes and cleavage pics all the time, she tries to be a sex object
No. 321822
File: 1495764257164.jpg (21.09 KB, 600x138, IMAG0563_1.jpg)

Her asian complex really stands out in her old pics, Emily opens her eyes as wide as she can in almost all of them
No. 321827
File: 1495764533801.png (7.36 KB, 639x141, lol3.png)

No. 321830
File: 1495764630609.png (362.14 KB, 303x552, em 2.png)

No. 321831
File: 1495764657201.jpg (55.63 KB, 340x600, em.jpg)

No. 321834
File: 1495764746651.png (13.99 KB, 643x229, em 3.png)

And apparently she tried drugs?
No. 321856
File: 1495765796804.jpg (144.82 KB, 1200x900, CqxMD5eW8AIKwex.jpg)

If anything emiru just learned about angles and lighting
No. 321858
File: 1495765904710.jpg (76.07 KB, 600x600, avatar (2).jpg)

No. 321860
File: 1495765963007.png (62.53 KB, 206x329, image_crop__2017_05_25_22_33_1…)

No. 321869
>>321186stop hating on other girls just because your boyfriend thinks they're cute. your boyfriend will never ONLY find YOU attractive, just like you will never ONLY find HIM attractive. as long as he respects you and is faithful to you, what's the problem?
and if he doesn't respect you and isn't faithful to you, dump his ass. don't blame it on poki. she's ~*fake*~ because she wears makeup and you don't? please. get your life together
No. 321907
>>321877 said. You clearly do not know how bras work yourself. The people at Pink in the mall can't fit you properly, they're about as trained as a random college guy is. Go get PROFESSIONALLY FITTED or follow my directions below at least, it is much more comfortable trust me.
A good rule of thumb for sizes, though not exact, is that for every 2 inch difference in strap size you can add or remove a cup size for generally an equivalent sized bra. This is what
>>321877 is trying to spell out.
Typically what you do is find generally a proper fit, then try bra sizes +2 inches in strap and -1 cup size, and then the opposite direction as well, until you find one that feels best, that one will be your actual cup and strap size. Basically you are probably actually not a D cup, and you'd benefit from trying different sister sizes.
It's amazing how even the vast majority of girls don't know how to properly fit their own bras, it really makes a huge difference if you do it properly.
No. 322032
>>322027I have a theory that she feeds off of attention from the comments that are like "omg dyrus so lucky to have u cuz you're soo much hotter than him" when in reality they're both just okay looking people and are totally in each other's leagues even if he wasn't famous. you were spot on with the comparisons tho, the fact that she's trying to give us a I'm exotic and special image grinds my gears.
she likes to make people think she has naturally blue eyes and says she "forgets" what brand her contacts are when people ask. they're solotica brand and are $100 a pair, $120 with shipping. I've bought a pair for my girl for Christmas, but she makes sure people know they're contacts when they ask
No. 322061
File: 1495798036927.jpg (158.5 KB, 1200x900, C1f505GUUAE6tjv.jpg)

can I draw your attention to her eye makeup. you can't see this on stream because of the shitty quality, but she literally draws on a fake eyelid line to make her eyes look bigger/more caucasian lmao?
No. 322071
File: 1495800326893.jpg (34.87 KB, 750x485, C7DRQ0nVwAAa3DS.jpg)

All of her bios for her social media all say ima mixed teen!!11! catering to fetishes much?
No. 322082
File: 1495801564933.jpg (128.45 KB, 720x727, 201705262126896304.jpg)

Yeah like jhin takes anymore skill
She's a special snowflake
No. 322089
File: 1495802325334.jpg (152.52 KB, 720x794, IMG_20170526_083656.jpg)

Has she even worked a day of her life? Playing video games, flirting and taking titty pics is not hard work lol
No. 322575
File: 1495854840099.jpg (194.81 KB, 720x404, 20170526-1660366518.jpg)

Poki doesnt look asian at all
When I first saw her I knew she was middle eastern
This girl looks like the asian version of pok
No. 322650
File: 1495860665710.png (588.09 KB, 750x1334, 1494605801318.png)

No. 322830
File: 1495892371918.jpg (97.2 KB, 494x355, 20170527-1883347322.jpg)

>>321827This + lenses and angles
Emily has such a big ego cuz when she was younger she was constantly praised in the internet for her mediocre looks and photos
Her features hasn't really changed other than clothing choice, makeup, angles + lighting and lenses
Emily seems like a sham but tries to come off as legit in every department such as gameplay, appearance and personality.
No. 322832
File: 1495892483846.jpg (108.81 KB, 1200x900, DAKyCKNU0AIhuH4.jpg)

No. 322889
File: 1495903187583.jpg (Spoiler Image,183.53 KB, 720x1002, IMG_20170527_123931.jpg)

Is yoonie doing porn now?
No. 322890
File: 1495903210743.jpg (198.05 KB, 676x1010, IMG_20170527_124003.jpg)

No. 323111
File: 1495923129665.png (105.8 KB, 236x200, emi.png)

is it me or did her tits suddenly deflate?
No. 323152
File: 1495927152196.jpg (27.59 KB, 320x254, IMG_20170527_191832.jpg)

The reason why emily doesnt smile
No. 323162
>>323152Honestly I find her smile charming. I like awkward smiles.
She's still a bitch though.
No. 323182
File: 1495929916626.png (865.25 KB, 862x539, em stream.png)

she loses every game lol
No. 323303
File: 1495942541187.jpg (Spoiler Image,157.26 KB, 720x994, IMG_20170527_233426.jpg)

How did yoonie
go from xpecials gf to siren member to this?
>>322889 >>322890
You can literally see her asshole
No. 324290
File: 1496048690310.jpg (166.43 KB, 1200x679, IMG_0800.JPG)

There's a new ahri skin out and it's called Butterface Ahri!
No. 324338
File: 1496059141416.jpg (56.89 KB, 338x600, avatar (1).jpg)

So Emily's hair is fake?
No. 324339
File: 1496059204275.jpg (142.65 KB, 1200x675, C_uWzHMU0AAA7q8.jpg)

I still think it's creepy as fuck that pok does that fetish thing..
No. 324390
>>322971she still looks like she's some human trafficked slave in all her shots
Jfc thank you. I know guys don't give a shit, but there's a tasteful way to do nude/sexy poses and then there's her pics which are so creepy looking and sad. Her eyes look fucking dead in
>>322890 No. 324920
File: 1496110613416.png (124.44 KB, 639x613, angry sluts.png)

Ayy the hypocrites bimbos are back, and why do they care about this viewbot thing so much? 1/2
No. 324922
File: 1496110632875.png (34.2 KB, 612x339, angry sluts pt 2.png)

No. 324995
>>324658Doubt it, after she broke up? with Xpecial and became a siren and shit she was already getting sponsored from fakku (which I don't think any other streamer girls even jennythetitty took an offer on that)
I recall friends telling me that she was doing this as a "lifelong dream of becoming a model being true" supposedly because she has MS so she can't be a "traditional" model. Whatever shitty excuse it is she does make like 60k a year for doing those shots just like moomoo
she still strings along plenty of desperate betas in mmos so why does she even have a boyfriend
No. 325027
>>324920>>324922Likely their convo is linked to this stream incident?
> all the stuff they could talk about regarding that idiot they decide to settle on boring view bots jeez!
No. 326113
File: 1496235580717.jpg (151.03 KB, 720x725, CYMERA_20170531_085920.jpg)

You'd think Emiru would be nicer when talking about her autistic fans
No. 326880
File: 1496322635448.png (401.23 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170601-084704.png)

okay so here she claims she's only been recognized once
No. 326881
File: 1496322759564.png (404.19 KB, 1439x2052, 20170601_091133.png)

but here in an older post on Twitter she claims to have been recognized 3 times?? which is it Emily?
No. 326974
File: 1496333761017.jpg (319.65 KB, 716x981, 201706011708881740.jpg)

Emiru must love getting comments like these
Look at her tumblr and alot of the question she answers has something like this attached to it. She looves it when insecure people want to look like her or are jealous of her
No. 327676
File: 1496421255675.jpg (109.47 KB, 631x826, IMG_20170602_123245.jpg)

Am I the only one think that rinnieriot's face is abit strange looking? Homegirl should really calm down with the cosmetic treatments
No. 327843
>>327769I wouldn't doubt she encouraged him to do it. But I feel like she likes it more for the popularity aspect. I'm sure it'll give a jump in popularity for both their streams and she can come off as the perfect pro waifu and have more people kiss her ass/admit their jealousy towards her.
Of course more people to her stream = more money so it's a side benefit
No. 328031
File: 1496452996205.png (307.88 KB, 530x378, af19e178f1fcf1b701982100afec0a…)

>being this cute without makeup
Way better than her usual hooker makeup. she should at least do a minimal makeup look
No. 328090
>>328031what the fuck she's gorgeous. she'd be so pretty with a no-makeup makeup look with filled in brows.
what a waste
No. 328186
File: 1496467048353.png (1.78 MB, 2560x1440, 22411.png)

I dont see what the rave is all about? She looks pretty average to me. Maybe its because im used to seeing asians without makeup or have been living in a city full of asians.
She does look more fresh in a way, and should put some minimal make up on but i doubt it wouldnt have helped her stand out from the league grills
No. 328294
>>328186I've never really liked the "conventionally" pretty Asian girls with big round eyes and stuff. I think full Asian (looking) girls with strong jaws, wide faces and small eyes are gorgeous. E.g. Liu wen, Ming xi, this YouTuber Kicki Yang Zhang.
There's just some je nais se quoi about them. I'm a straight female if anyone cares.
Sage for blogpost. But I wonder if Emily finds what I said to be insulting…
No. 328311
File: 1496485378084.jpg (129.68 KB, 720x404, CYMERA_20170602_215128.jpg)

>>328186>>328031She's still playing with angles and lighting though
I don't like she'll ever stop doing thick makeup, it's the only thing that makes her look good on stream
No. 328403
>>328186this might seem a little weird to you guys, but I've noticed something. I can relate pretty well to emily- i'm of filipino and irish background, and I've also struggled with self image issues.
alright, enough background info, this is what i wanted to point out. At the beginning of the makeup video where she's barefaced (but also throughout the vid), her face is very "posed". as in, she's holding her face a certain way to make it look "better". if you look at her nose/jaw, you can see that she's flexing her nose/mouth into a pouty face, which slims the nose and pouts the lips. I know this because I used to do it for years IN REAL LIFE- pretty pathetic of me, until i realized I couldn't smile or do anything that would disrupt my carefully posed face. I just mimicked the face I described in my mirror and it's pretty much what emily does.
No. 328425
>>328412its a shame she only feels special when she does her makeup to look more white
anons are also forgetting things like AE, angles, facial expression and lighting
for the whole video she was pouting and that makes your facial features look abit more defined
either way emiru's face matches with her personality, not pretty.
No. 328452
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>>328447She looks so asian though, you can't really compare her with other mixes
No. 328478
>>328467Mad? Nah, it's just funny to see the delusion in this thread. This girl is probably a bitch but she's pretty, period. Every time I come here there's the same 3-4 vendettanons who go on about she's average at best, ugly, manjaw yada yada. And judging by how they type (
>>328472 ) they're also probably underage.
>y>:) >u guys lul No. 328497
You don't have to be the cow herself to realize the simple fact that one should be able to separate appearance from behavior. See
>>>/g/56436, shockingly you will notice how more than one person comes ITT to laugh not at the cow, but at the farmers posting.
Also, you have to be 18+ to post here.
No. 328506
>>328497Youre still ignoring the fact that calling her average without makeup isnt bad at all and youre the one getting so butt mad about it.
And who gives a damn anyways about what people think? Very few even call her ugly, about 3 other people? while everyone else thinks shes pretty. I clearly dont give af if you think shes the hottest person alive, but it must kill you inside for very few to even think otherwise. Clearly
No. 328514
File: 1496515694693.jpg (104.73 KB, 736x918, 9eef160ac61400b0b6a726638892e6…)

Emily wishes/wants to look like this. Give it a few before she ends up getting her eyes,nose,lips and tits done since she hates looking asian so much.
No. 328531
>>328506Butt mad? You're projecting. I just said that the vendetta in this thread is funny. How is this being mad you have to explain it. Is everyone who disagrees with you "butt mad"?
My point was: if you look at few threads currently in /snow/, there clearly are some anons posting in a very juvenile and nitpicking way, they also happen to use the same typing style and even the same insults. This is one of the threads in question. Now, since a lot of anons are sick of the nitpicking, because it gives the board a bad name and is also irritating to see when you're past your teenage years, my original post was just making fun of this behavior.
I'm not whiteknighting anyone and I don't think she's the hottest person alive. It's just common sense. This thread is a shitfest that gets bumped nearly every day for some lame comment about this girl's appearance, let's face it. I don't care about her, but there's an obvious vendetta and it's cringey.
>>328510Again with "y u so mad": it's called disagreeing. And no, threads in /pt/ and /snow/ are not made to vent. Some lurking might be useful, before posting.
No. 328579
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>>328541>>328568I… I don't know if you keep missing the point intentionally, but I'm out. There will be mods again soon and probably another hellweek. Enjoy the sperging and emojis while you can
No. 328626
>>328579anon it's okay, this sperg
>>328568 is the same one in the lily thread.
So far it's clear:
-They don't know what make up is
-They don't know fashion
-They have a weird hate for asians
-Not bright(often misspelling or misusing terms)
Honestly they deserve their own fucking thread for the amount of vendetta and insecurity they rage out into these threads
No. 328627
These dumb bitches bringing the rest of us down
No. 328712
>>328697You have a worse princess complex than any of the people on /snow/
Repeat after me retard
No. 328717
File: 1496546968658.jpg (93.08 KB, 960x860, GY91LP9.jpg)

>>328712I never said that
>>328626 was a wk. I just simply said lily's knight comments on this thread.
No. 328733
>>328722>do people even know what thicc isno
anisajomha is considered thicc LOL
No. 329073
File: 1496606616174.png (24.8 KB, 961x201, 117ce7e932f263f8e7562de85f706d…)

emily's tumblr faq and she answered this question. didn't she have a post on twitter and insta saying she had abs even though she eats junk? yet here she says she has squish on her tummy….well, which is it, emily?
No. 329339
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She looks like danielle beaulle and that's not a compliment
No. 329340
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No. 329342
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Keep jumping on the bandwagon emi
No. 329349
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I really don't think she looks like a goddess she makes herself to be
No. 329360
File: 1496639297420.png (1.84 MB, 1439x1441, 20170605_010306.png)

here's a thing Emily made back in the day… lol @ skeleton hands
>touch it gently
No. 329374
File: 1496640482598.png (Spoiler Image,352.46 KB, 616x851, Screenshot (77).png)

>>139506do i have to censor a muppet dick?
No. 329380
>>329046Jesus youre so keen on whiteknighting that you didnt even get me, you tard. Im meaning to say that all these girls never scammed anybody, theyre nothing but titty streamers or people who slept their way up to fame. Its a milkless discussion of snowflakes that got out of control.
And seriously people, we have to stop it with the incessant nitpicking. I honestly dont find her attractive, and no one needs to put up multiple pics of her to try and convince anyone she isnt, or sperg about it. At this point, I think a troll got ahold of lolcow ever since it got noticed in another board with lilypichu.
No. 329476
File: 1496664287951.jpg (171.69 KB, 713x944, IMG_20170605_075959.jpg)

Funny how she defends the average lol girl stereotype and calls out people for bullying, emily feels special and 'not like everyone else' hence why she's ok and defending it but god forbids any other girl from playing jhin! Emily will flip her shit and become one of the 'bullies' she's criticizing.
No. 329477
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No. 329480
File: 1496664473159.jpg (68.65 KB, 720x390, IMG_20170605_080659.jpg)

Emily urks me so much because pretends to be humble, sweet, nice, etc, when she's actually bitchy and always trying to make herself look better
No. 329490
>>329488I think anon was alluding to her previous statements about herself not being the
>typical egrill>support main>lux is boring and face roll>other ladies feed on jhin when they try to play him after seeing mesomeone asked her why she played so many games of Sona in ranked if she thought that about lux, and she got super defensive,even though she has over 100 games in ranked this seasom as support and ironically, sona is her highest win rate champ at 57% with her jhin at 48% and at barely more games than her games as support
>I was forced to play supp so I picked sona >my janna is so bad, must be boosted girl >my lulu is so bad, our top must be boosting her that's so annoying omg she had a series of tweets about the last one– why tf would u call someone out like that in front of ur army of white Knights? is that not bullying?
yet in her most recent tweets, she seems to be defending the stereotype… until someone says she plays sona, then she denies it like it's a sin to be the typical egrill caring support main
No. 329499
>>329495She did the same with her older posts about her supposed ptsd, she kept making posts about it on her but whenever someone asked she would be like 'can't tell you'
Tbh it's pretty clear that she just wants to show off or make herself seem special in any way. Also I think she fakes her voice but unlike lilypichu she makes it sound more monotone, boring and deep so she can sound similar to dyrus. Emily loves getting comments about how she's the female dyrus to make their sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship look more legit.
No. 329503
File: 1496669428852.jpg (349.03 KB, 720x1095, CYMERA_20170605_093012.jpg)

Emis got to be the fakest streamer girl out there and wtf was she doing on this meet up chat app when she was like 13-14??
No. 329504
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No. 329509
File: 1496671177079.jpg (60.9 KB, 720x338, IMG_20170605_093757.jpg)

No wonder she calls him marcus now
2 reasons: cares too much about what people think and wants to look more close to him
No. 329516
File: 1496672154700.png (1.24 MB, 1439x2151, 20170605_101502.png)

2 of 2
No. 329519
File: 1496672318225.jpg (70.41 KB, 800x600, Cx-abCBXUAAyf21.jpg)

doesn't eat for the next 2 days
No. 329524
File: 1496672772175.jpg (54.46 KB, 800x600, CqbyAboUAAAbh3q.jpg)

>im not like the other sluts ima real bro checkout how much i love my fatty snacks!
No. 329535
File: 1496674405806.png (438.61 KB, 445x767, lmao right.png)

This reminds me
No. 329538
File: 1496674548499.png (574.14 KB, 500x2849, prg meme.png)

of this
No. 329552
File: 1496677000706.jpg (176.44 KB, 720x993, IMG_20170605_113609.jpg)

Reposting this again to remind everyone that emi lurks here
Hi emi, you're still a gold digger :)
No. 329553
File: 1496677093001.jpg (92.84 KB, 720x652, IMG_20170605_113840.jpg)

Wonder who she does this to
No. 329633
File: 1496690373762.png (819.51 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-06-05-15-11-15…)

Did emiru make dyrus wear that? He looks so uncomfortable in it
No. 329634
File: 1496690438654.png (787.78 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-06-05-15-11-01…)

And where did her big ol tits go? Kek
No. 329712
File: 1496697758498.jpg (165.46 KB, 900x601, litten_1_by_daniellebeaulieu-d…)

>>329339idk what point you were trying to make but they both look fine. You're nitpicking
No. 329783
File: 1496706491519.jpg (635.98 KB, 959x960, 20170605-1333146174.jpg)

>>329712So, why did you chose an overly shopped picture of her? Was it to prove me wrong? When I typed Danielle beaullieu this is what I got.
No. 329806
File: 1496709198220.jpg (1014.79 KB, 959x960, 1496706491519.jpg)

>>329783edited her without makeup out of curiousity, eww
No. 329829
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No. 329843
>>329829She looks 10 million times better with out all that makeup.
>>329783Danielle does pretty good work but she is just so ugly. The way she photoshops her pics is hilarious.
No. 329846
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No. 329884
>>329878I find it weird that she posts so many makeup tutorials, too. She probably is trying to become a guru or something.
Awesome music choice though, metal gear rising has the best soundtrack ever.
No. 329888
File: 1496716439995.png (220.38 KB, 461x736, oh you emily.png)

No. 329889
File: 1496716769318.png (211.28 KB, 492x633, right on emily.png)

No. 330047
>>329846She couldn't do this ~cosplay~ makeup look without constantly using that inane duckface or whatever the fuck that expression is? It just ruins the whole look IMO since the character she's trying to ~cosplay~ is rather tight-lipped.
sage for nitpicking
No. 330386
>>330377Emily always loved attention, when she was a young teen and now. She took alot of bra, bikini and body shots, did the hashtag hentai shit, sent out nude pictures, flirted around with other famous streamers,
always has her tits out so people can oogle over her body, loves baiting for compliment posts
All of this is symptoms of an attention whore. Why would she not be ecstatic that she`ll be getting even more attention soon, now that Dyrus is returning to the lcs. People are already interested in her now, why don`t you read the whole damn thread first before you open your mouth.
No. 330725
>>330202I really don't mind Emi, to me she's one of the lesser snowflakes.
But for the love of all god why does she do that with her mouth, it looks awful and it's plain cringe to watch.
No. 331933
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Sage for ot
Whatever happened to jena? The last tim i heard from her was a few years ago when she was with sneaky. She should had left her eyes alone, she looked cute before and now she looks like some older lady
No. 331968
File: 1497035840117.png (191.41 KB, 451x255, untitled 2.png)

em should give up on this whole makeup guru thing. I've never seen a makeup vid where someone does a fugly duck face while applying the shit for the whole duration of the video
what urks me the most about her is how she tries so hard to come off as relatable and chill when she's the exact opposite
like what the other anons say, tries to make her fake features seem natural (tits, hair, body, face)
it's hella pointless for her to make these videos as her gaming videos aren't particularly popular or known. The only thing she's known for is leeching off Dyrus' popularity.
No. 332166
File: 1497054920486.jpeg (38.63 KB, 640x640, jennabella.jpeg)

>>332130Gee, I never knew you can go from - _ - to this O . O through aging. Lol it's painfully obvious, personally I think Jena looked cute and had that natural asian beauty. Now she looks like every other asian trying to look white, her new eyelids don't suit her at all
No. 333265
File: 1497077488193.png (198.46 KB, 750x1052, IMG_0385.PNG)

I always laugh at the dumb fake deep shit Jenny posts. She's so full of herself she reeks of a super insecure girl that tries so hard
No. 333297
>>333266>>333265Yeah I agree with
>>333292 it's not exactly the worst caption to an instagram pos imo. Plus she has worse captions on there where she's being ~pseudo philosophical~ if you look back.
No. 333366
>>333353I did read one of her blogs about missing an ex or something. She does seem very dramatic, but I do respect her for being honest with her audience about binging and stuff.
I guess being exposed to famous people (e.g. ex models, Alexis Ren) who only come out about their eating problems when it's profitable for them (losing jobs, new fitness line) with Jenny it doesn't seem like there's any advantage to it.
Maybe I'm just desensitized. I don't know much about her other than being toxic during her siren days (and maybe still now)… I think she's got a nice body imo.
No. 333775
File: 1497191509488.jpg (45.88 KB, 800x600, 14725467_1116215738474434_5596…)

>"hey guys checkout my tit-I mean this cool keyboard!"
No. 333788
File: 1497194830686.jpg (883.56 KB, 362x544, 1495660612210 (2)_LI.jpg)

>>333775her "boobs" without a super padded and pushup bra smh
No. 333848
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No. 333851
>>333845How do you think Dyrus feels about Emily posting completely unnecessary "cosplay" pics, aka her arching her back and duck facing in a pink wig and a bra top over another bra? Her pink wig pic isn't even cosplaying anyone?
>I just wanted to see how i'd look with a different hairstyle aka
>I look hot in everything hehe xdDoes he want her to show herself off so she can be a "trophy waifu" maybe? Or do you think he's more like, sigh Emily, this isn't the real you but I'll deal with it. I feel like Dyrus isn't compatible with the sexy ehoe type…honestly lilypichu would suit him better
No. 333920
>>333851Tbh it seems like Dyrus shows her off like some handbag or something
>"HEYGUYS I CAN ACTUALLY GET A HOT GIRL, SHE LOOKS LIKE A INSTA GIRL"with emily it's like she's so starved for every kind of attention there is, she needs the attention from every beta bitch around the world. Just attention from 1 guy who is her "bf" just isn't enough. Honestly I would just dump her and get someone who isn't a hoe that just only wants me and my validation.
But then again I doubt it cuz Dyrus probably thinks this will be the only time he can get a moderately attractive girl and Em will hop off when she finds a better sugar daddy or when there's nothing else for her to leech off of.
No. 333928
>>333920I agree with most of this, but why the hell is this girl so hungry for attention? From what I've seen, she got plenty of thirsty messages and sad
jealous girls on the she opened when she was 15.
She also claims to hate the thirsty messages on her, but also tells CLEARLY THIRSTY ANONS that she has made out with her female friend in middle school On her tumblr, she said some shit about how it feels to have
so many guys lust after her
>I've been getting "that kind of attention from guys" since way before I started streaming (humblebrag much)
>I don't go out much but people always compliment me when I go shopping
>I get hit on a lot ;__; (the emoji doesnt hide your humblebragging, emily..)
>I don't mind going without makeup (yet hides herself behind meticulous lighting and angles and makeup all the time?)
>I like my face (yet covers her face or hides it with her hair or covers her face with a dog in every candid on dyrus's instagram and also covers her face in a makeupless pic dyrus took)If she gets compliments every time she goes out, why wouldnt she just go outside for attention? Also wouldnt that amount of caked on makeup look shockingly cakey in real life?
Another thing I'm surprised about is how many FEMALE admirers emily has. It seems like every eslut on twitter or female artist is kissing her ass and whiteknighting, saying omg you're so beautiful, so kind and perfect. Jenny even sent her a $150 gift card to sephora and she didnt even know her yet?? Are they actually being legit or might there be bad intentions behind their actions?
No. 333991
>>333977if she almost
got killed, wouldn't she be smart enough to contact uber support by herself? instead of making a status about guys flirting with her I mean
No. 333996
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>>333991She just wanted a reason to put it out there that another person finds her attractive
And to further let the world know that everywhere she goes people can't get enough of her, not even uber drivers apparently. Lol.
All of her social media is just to bait for "U SO BEUUUTIIFULLL N HOT" Or her posting about how hot she thinks she is or how much she "looks" like ahri.
This bitch acts like she's the most hottest thing in the world since sliced bread. Subtract the makeup, contacts, pushup bra, lighting, angles, photo edit apps and she's a completely average looking girl.
No. 334328
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>"hey guys checkout my handbag"
No. 334373
File: 1497279393401.png (231.48 KB, 406x380, znyrs7E.png)

>>334342When Dyrus first joined TSM, I thought he was very cute. He was skinnier back then and was young… he also had really bad anger problems so I found him less attractive after I found that out. After seeing HD footage of him I also noticed he had really bad skin.
It's crazy that was 5 years ago now. Time has not been kind to Dyrus physically. Although he's got a fat(ter) wallet now, I guess that helps getting things up.
No. 334401
He was cute. Wtf happened??
No. 334411
>>334401Unflattering glasses, defined jaw gone, weight gain, and unflattering facial hair/haircut is what happened. the shaggy look was cute on him.
it's sad to say, but people view boring and attractive people as acceptable and boring and fat people as quite the opposite
No. 334598
File: 1497308127034.jpg (627.99 KB, 720x905, AirBrush_20170612185324.jpg)

How many pics does she have with chips? Just cause you take pictures with snacks it doesn't mean you're a chill bro
No. 334599
>>334598Fatty-chan here
Judging by the very crumpled texture, she probably keeps using the exact same bag as an accessory. Pathetic.
No. 334662
File: 1497312441494.png (62.73 KB, 643x562, em tweet.png)

>>334607I wouldnt be surprised if she only eats one meal a day
emily is such a stupid bimbo, she always likes to make it seems like being a sugar baby and playing video games is some how 'hard work'.
>>322089 No. 334670
>>334662While it's true that some streamers had to build up their fanbase through hard work, she isn't one of them. Hell, all titty streamers have to do is wear low cut tops, pretend like they know how to play vidya and thirsty nerds will give them a follow, a subscribe and a donation.
Meanwhile, you've got people who made it to the top on Twitch without even having a facecam and their streams are purely focuses on entertaining people by sharing actual gameplay experience. It's disgustig that she dares to compare herself to them.
No. 334686
>>334599Wow, you're right. Sometimes I buy chips and forget so I leave them in the cupboard. This one time I forgot about them for a month. They still looked pristine because I wasn't like sleeping with the bag or posing with it.
What the fuck is wrong with this girl. LOL
No. 334710
>>334670I think Emily is a titty streamer at heart, but tries hard to not come off as one. On her twitter, she always complains about how guys on stream ogle her tits
>tried to wear a pretty top today, but chat made me change into a hoodieI was watching her stream that day when she started and she was wearing a low cut black crop top lol how is that pretty girl? It's literally a plain black top and the only special thing about it is that it shows off your body..? I understand freedom of expression and shit, but you know that 90% of your viewers are thirsty little boys, why egg them on with raunchy clothes when you know that fact, and then complain about it after? Why not a hoodie in the first place?
Additionally, she's too inconsistent with her bras to be able to pass off as naturally big busted. Some days she ditches the padding and looks completely flat, other days she has lilchiipmunk-esque cleavage.
No. 334714
File: 1497317768828.jpg (383.14 KB, 1183x726, 21435687924358769832.jpg)

>>334710Yeah, she's a hypocrite about that lol… If I may draw your attention to her latest cosplay…….
Her makeup is on point, good job on that. The problem is… why did she put so much effort into making her boobs look huge…. when widowmaker's are small? If that's not baiting for guys to
ogle her, I don't know what is. The cleavage was completely unnecessary for cosplay reasons..
No. 334721
>>334714Whatever gets the compliments and attention rollin amrite?
No matter how much proof there is emoly is always gonna say >"YOU GUYZ ARE JUST JEALOUS HATERZ!"
¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯
No. 334733
File: 1497319951887.jpg (159.95 KB, 718x789, CYMERA_20170612_221000.jpg)

What's the point of telling her if she's already aware of this thread? Lol. She lashed out a few times on twitter and now she's pretending like she doesn't know? The contrast is like day and night between her tumblr and twitter, emily just doesn't know if she wants to be bitchy or fake nice
No. 334771
>>334763below average compared to guys, but above average compared to girls because for some reason the majority of girls are either boosted or play like silver shit. the small handful of girls who take the game seriously and are skilled in mutliple games in general are all easily diamond+ and way better than emi.
i mean, considering how many ranked games she has she's pretty shit. it's taking her so long to climb out of plat..
No. 334778
File: 1497323825625.jpg (67.37 KB, 633x518, IMG_20170612_230724.jpg)

>don't care/ ignore
>talks about people talking about her
No. 334781
File: 1497324108024.jpg (156.23 KB, 720x995, IMG_20170612_231910.jpg)

>im use to it, i don't let it get over my head
This girl is so full of contradictions.
No. 334787
>>334750I think emily has more female white knights and fans than people assume. tbh she's the most interesting eslut out of this group to me because she comes off almost 100% wholesome at first glance, that snags girls (like me in the past lol) instantly and keeps her fans coming back for more
But the more you watch her the more shit seems off little by little - her bitchy attitude, her weird interactions with dyrus, the try hard reality (only somewhat) covered up by "effortless" image
Did you guys see the post on her tumblr abour taking a break from streaming for a while? I get the feeling it's finally starting to hit her - she doesn't want to be a live in fuck toy and use her body for money anymore>>334750
No. 334796
File: 1497326257367.jpg (278.23 KB, 711x718, 20170612-382547065.jpg)

So many other mix white asians look so much better than emily. This girl is chinese white and the same age as her too
No. 334799
>>334787wow, you really hit the spot with the reason she's "interesting". This thread is 70% emily at this moment. It's weird because back when I discovered her in December, I thought she was some brainless bimbo that Dyrus was using to decorate his room. Then I got to know her more and thought she was really sweet and pretty and honest, and I felt really bad for judging her. But now? I see the real her is coming out, and whew
How is she gonna break up with Dyrus without getting a ton of hate/drama anyway?
No. 334800
>>334799exactly. I think that's the exact cycle (because of one reason or another) that everyone who was a fan of emily went through.
Every other eslut is just an obvious hoe using her tits for money but emily is playing the long con. She's carefully groomed a public image but made the mistake of building everything she has on it without the mental fortitude to keep it up (see: her tumblr vs. twitter rants lol)
I'm excited to see the break up. I think she'll get a bit but quickly move onto another e-famous person and do damage control… how is the question though
No. 334810
>>334807Also if you look at her ask fm (search queenemiru) even going back to when she was super young, she has always wanted internet attention and has always wanted it to be about "her looks"
I guarantee she has several years of plans set up to make sure she achieves that
And she doesn't look like other super pretty mixed girls because she's not attractive for the reasons they are (aka multi ethnic features), she just wishes she was. The most she got out of her dad was probably the bumpy nose and wide jaw
No. 334815
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>>334771 looked her up and she's plat 3. She's a lot better than I thought. I don't think she has played a crazy amount of games too, I was stuck in diamond 5-4 last season and almost everyone I played with had 1k games played. Obv that is ~elo hell~ and the bottom of each tier has people who have a crazy amount of games played without climbing.
And she doesn't play support either so props to her. I don't know anything about how good she is as a player since I don't watch her stream.
Speaking of her stream. Pic related really gets on my autism nerves.
Only 5 of those are peripherals… And "Intel i7 processor"? At least she linked it to amazon, and I can see she found it by searching "intel i7." Do streamers have their computers premade for them? Because they usually put up useless/inaccurate info such as the mobo/psu.
No. 334816
File: 1497331224249.jpg (131.16 KB, 1615x750, GVwwf5f.jpg)

>>334796anyone else also amazed at the transformation emily underwent in a matter of a few years? She looks like a completely different person… solotica lenses really make that much of a difference lol?
No. 334817
>>334807I'm pretty sure her nudes were taken when she was underage. It's illegal to send underaged nudes (even if you are the person in the photo) and she can be charged with a lot of shit. Distribution and posession of CP to be more specific. There's nothing wrong with denying them, I'd deny the shit out of them in her situation too…
What can she gain from publicizing her nudes?
No. 334823
>>334714im looking through her stream clips and honestly they're full of hilarious shit I feel like a lot of her viewers just meme on her
idk if this is allowed but here's her doubling up on bras to make her boobs look bigger lolllll probably tripled + padded for the "cosplay" tutorial
No. 334825
>>334823holy fuck, good catch anon. I knew she did something like this, but now there's proof. did nobody in chat notice that she was wearing 2 layers of bras? you can literally see the bra cups ffs. also lmao at the two clips where she pulls up her shirt. she literally says
>LOOK HOW SKINNY I AM >Look at my ab line her waist does look small, but only because the huge boobs make it look that way- I know because I have the same body type. when I don't wear padding I look like a thin 12 year old boy, but when I do pad, it makes it look like I have a tiny waist in contrast to my bust… saged for OT just in case..
No. 334827
>>334825Clips referenced: rib cage muh ab lines muh humblebrag
I'm cracking up
her makeup in rare HD lmfaooo love how her viewers find all the questionable weird stuff for us
No. 334830
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she sure loves to make other girls think she's just naturally perfect…
No. 334839
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No. 334840
>>334839she really is your avg asian girl in terms of looks but props to her for the 11/10 effort put into being hot.
is it just me or can anyone else just not picture her and dyrus having a normal sex life…
No. 334841
File: 1497334717243.png (1.82 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170613-021244.png)

she looks cute on stream, but why does she look so bloated in candids?
No. 334842
File: 1497334868779.png (2.91 MB, 1439x2277, 20170613_021925.png)

she said she gets her boobs from her white side and that they all have big knockers, but her cousin looks pretty flat? also note her on stream look vs candid once again
No. 334843
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>>334825I'm surprised that her waist is as "thick" as it is. This was the first time seeing it at a normal angle. I'm guessing she just ate or something.
Looks like she has the column body type ala Delevigne
No. 334844
File: 1497335025670.png (126.73 KB, 281x254, xUTJ1HS.png)

>>334843i just realized I sound like a huge ana-chan over that post. I meant that her waist isn't as small as I thought it would be after seeing pics like these. But after looking at pic related again, I guess she just doesn't have a super defined waist.
No. 334847
>>334842how do you guys find these pics?
and yeah her cousin looks flat bc the "white side" being responsible for her boobs was a lie to get people off her back over her ridiculous looking boobs at that weight/figure
She has a lie prepared for every single thing that looks fishy about her
No. 334848
File: 1497335342944.png (2.14 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170613-022756.png)

she doesn't have a waist, she's a rectangle body type. it's all angles and her being skinny
No. 334910
File: 1497352577938.jpg (199.94 KB, 1280x671, IMG_20170613_071240.jpg)

>i hate the nasty attention i get from guys!
>"hey guys checkout my fake tits with these super reveal sexy clothes that I don't even wear irl that I specifically bought to make you all rowdy and say pervy things to me! Watch me lowkey make you oggle at me with these angles!"
Alot of streamer girls do that kind of shit and pretend that they are innocent and dunno what's going on. Poki is another offender of this lowkey slut bait thing
No. 334911
>>334852For as much as she humblebrags about not working out, she has the body of those female athletes whose stomachs end up completely rectangular without any curve at all
no offense to them, it's just ironic lmao
I remember she tagged one of those old ass pics as "#noass" when I googled her at first… she's prob so insecure about not having an ass or hips in this age of thicc instagram girls… probably why she has to wear so many bras at once and break her back posing
No. 334912
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>>334847I officially feel baited by the angles+lighting of social media
No. 334913
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No. 334915
>>334913to anyone who's ever felt jealous of emily: just be thankful you dont have to be a live in fucktoy + use your body/take off your clothes to low key slut bait old pervy guys and preteens into giving you money every day on a camera all while trying to maintain an innocent image
There are a ton of times where emily ranted about how showing a stomach isnt sexual or "its just a stomach" … imagine having to convince your audience(+yourself) that you're not the slut you're trying to be… every day
discovering all this stuff made me really grateful for my life tbh
No. 334916
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The only person sexualizing emiru is herself. Christ, she always talks about how sick and tired she is of people treating her as an object and oversexualizing her. Lmao. Oh the irony.
No. 334917
>>334750I don't understand why people say this, you talk as much shit as you want and no one cares or WKs her here.
Lily on the other hand….
No. 334918
File: 1497353721260.jpg (257.61 KB, 720x816, CYMERA_20170613_073334.jpg)

Wow what an amazing relationship everybody!
Em always tries hard to make it seem like they are somehow close and show how much they LOVE each other
No. 334921
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>>334831You can so tell her crease is drawn on by brown eyeliner, I had a asian roomate that did that too with her eyeshadow
No. 334932
File: 1497356171547.jpg (349.33 KB, 1024x1024, CYMERA_20170613_081514.jpg)

Did she get bad makeup tips from dakochin?
No. 334949
File: 1497361891771.png (2.06 MB, 1439x1470, 20170613_094730.png)

she looks quite average in older photos of her that aren't angled by herself imo? her eyes are smaller/nose wider
she also said on tumblr
>my nose is small because of my white side
>my white relatives have noses slimmer than mine
(feel free to find the post cuz I'm leaving for work)
but in all the pics I've seen of her relatives, they have the same German nose and they're on the wide side. but where did she get her strong jaw from? her white relatives have slim ones? maybe a strong white jaw plus her mom's round one wide one equals square?
No. 334954
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>>334842Same clothes
Different angle
No. 334961
File: 1497364397542.png (2.14 MB, 1600x900, rrm.png)

>>334831reminds me of the way taylor r does her eyemakeup for the illusion of bigger eyes.
i think it's kind of weird she legitimately tries to look white
also although she may not be huge in general, her waist to hip ration is basically 0 and she her waist doesn't really dip in. at least she's skinny because with 10 extra pounds she'd look bloated and simialr to anisa's body type. i like her legs but i saw before i took the screenshot that she's skinny fat so the texture is still that of a normal girl with cellulite (which we all have but i feel like emi would lie about not having any of that either, like some girls brag about not having stretch marks).
also i love when she's showing off her 'ab line' you clearly see a little rice pouch (as i like to call it). the flub is there but she just has a flat upper stomach, which is normal since it's a lot easier to have less fat there
No. 334964
File: 1497365022098.jpg (23.59 KB, 480x272, vod-111932734-offset-226-previ…)

>wears 2 pushup bras and padding + only wears revealing clothes
Emily is the type of bitch that wears super short articles of clothing and then will say shit like >"my eyes are up here!"
Like bitch your fake padded tits are the focal point of your whole face
Keep pushing those pads up until you get plastic shoved in there.
No. 334971
>>334964can she just admit she's a tit streamer and she's just as bad as any other girl who's at an average elo.
she wouldn't even be nearly as big without dyrus.. she owes him her life.
also maybe it's because i haven't seen much of their house, but most of the rooms look empty? it seems sad and lonely
No. 334986
>>334971B-but how will she get the admiration and worship if she admits that she's exactly what she bashes?!
Please. How can you be down to earth and 'not like the other bimbos' when she hangs around all of them like Poki, alittle jenny, etc.
not to mention she is bffs with Kelly Jean and she has pictures of that std infested broad on her fucking fridge! Kek!
No. 334992
>>334986ugh, poki is the ultimate guy baiter, at least from observing the reactions of my male league friends. every time she uploads a selfie on insta, my friend Dan goes omg look at this perfect girl and blabs about how cute her peppy personality is- he thinks when she squeals and over reacts when she makes an average play is "adorable". he also can't see through her thick contour and he doesn't know she overexposes every pic to hide her jowl lines. although this isn't the case for every guy. if you look on her insta comments, a couple of guys always say "why do you look like a grandma" or "you look so old.." how the heck did this girl even get so popular?
how did she get a third of a million followers on youtube in a couple of months? and just uses cringey posed selfies for every thumbnail
(blogging) No. 335003
File: 1497370266390.jpg (16.92 KB, 300x300, pokimane-9.jpg)

>>334992She caters and panders those kinds of people, she also does the weird voice fetish thing on her other channel. Alot of guys are blind, they literally don't know what filers, makeup, angles and lighting does. That's why Emiru is so famous amirite? and for some reason some people think this middle eastern girl is half asian
No. 335028
File: 1497375102368.jpg (1.06 MB, 1280x1280, 201706131202962739.jpg)

I like how Emily thinks she's special or hot shit just because she's mixed and she tries to milk other people's fetishes and not to mention the whole "modeling agency" thing. Emily looks painfully asian and she really doesn't look nearly as special like how she boasts to be. Alot of more asian looking mixes looks better than her
No. 335032
>>334971You know she's lurking here by now sooo… when are you gonna recognize that you're using boobs you don't even have to get the $$$ Emily?
Or at least stop trying to credit every positive feature (nose, boobs) that you also don't have to your Caucasian genes… :thinking:
And yeah their apartment/house looks depressing as hell. The small rooms without much decoration or furnishings kind of give me anxiety feelsbadman
Another reminder to everyone how far social media is from real life
No. 335041
>>334992Agreed. Poki is THE ultimate baiter because she also, like emiru, doesn't look 100% slutty at first glance. She looks cute and innocent and juuuuuust dumb enough to accidentally show her ass and tits sometimes to keep the dicks hard and wallets opened. Guys (especially beta orbiters who will lick any Asian girls foot in the first place) eat that up. I see the same thing irl quite often honestly
Emiru is using a similar strategy but doesn't have the skill or finesse with it that poki does to replicate her results. Emi is srsly over here wearing 2-3 bras and probably stuffing socks in the bottom while humblebragging like a 12 year old who just hit puberty idk….
No. 335042
>>335039That's emily without makeup, controled angles and lighting
No. 335123
>>335046"I never get stretch marks or cellulite because muh white side has perfect skin and I'm so young!"
"You guys are just fat haturz!"
No. 335195
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>>335191No this is how dawn looks like now
Homegirl gotta chill on the surgery
No. 335231
this is pretty good imo it a trace?
(it's emiru's btw)
No. 335243
>>335123I mean honestly the reason there's so much confusion about her boobs is because she still has the body of a 12-14 year old girl.. just skinniness, and the boobs look so wild
Idk I feel like from the back she probably still does look like a 12 year old girl without any curved.. with her mid 20's sugar daddy smh
I wonder what dyrus's reaction was when she showed up to his house and took off 3 bras, 3 pounds of makeup, the contacts, and suddenly had an Asian gf on his hands
No. 335270
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>>335247Interesting how she also cosplayed for him as well. You think Emiry is jealous of his ex?
No. 335277
>>335270it's possible since eimru is very in secure
>>335243Dyrus probably felt cheated when he saw her without all her trinkets and shit
No. 335279
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No. 335284
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No. 335287
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>>335279Midi could not help him forever.
No. 335292
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>>335277It must kill Emily that this is on his fb but she's not on it lol
No. 335315
>>334844fuck. guys I know the reason she always replies with
>some bra from forever21 idk when someone asks what pushup bra she's wearing
guys you're asking the question wrong smh. you're supposed to say "Emily, where did you get the 2 padded bras (plural!!!) ur wearing at the same time?"
when she pretends to have natural huge boobs while being stick thin at the time is quite annoying because it sets unrealistic expectations for the girls that watch her- they think, i'm 100 lbs too, but why am I not busty like her? and it makes guys think she's some magical genetic goddess she tries to make herself seem like
No. 335347
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>>335315another instance of doubling up on bras lol.. odd shot has a ton of clips from her older streams. how can you fake big boobs, brag about big boobs, and not be careful enough not to let it show?
nip slip from how far up she was pushing those boobs out of that poor shirt lolol: can you be a wannabe titty streamer but not have the titties?????
No. 335348
>>335347Wow she really took that Jenna Marbles boob tutorial to heart.
If you're gonna do that, at least be smart enough not to wear a cami or tank top where it's clearly visible. Ugh. It's like she enjoys parading her insecurities for everyone to see.
No. 335422
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>>335296In comparison to Emily she is better but that's like comparing a coffee bean to a pile of shit. She was trolly and snarky.
>>335003I found a better looking Poki
No. 335473
File: 1497451500457.png (1.63 MB, 1439x2448, 20170614_103621.png)

>>335292actually no, she isn't even capable of taking a casual selfie with marcus like that. marcus literally took pictures of her in her full makeup getup for
15 minutes and she "hated" all of them?
and she finally took a selfie by herself with "dyrus creeping in the background" what?? (referenced from her Christmas insta post) for someone like emily who says stuff like
>I like my face>I think im attractive>I have nice bone structurehow hard can it be to get a flattering posed picture taken by someone else? most people only get 2 or 3 photos to choose from, but you don't even choose 1 out of 15 minutes of consecutive photos, and supposedly you were scouted by a modeling agency.. also note that dyrus is taller than her, so all the pictures would be taken at a flattering angle
No. 335477
>>335473"Christmas ahri costume" but it's literally just a party dress she posted a normal selfie of in her underage hoe days and extra fat eyelashes with whiskers
and shes in denial about being what she is
No. 335511
>>335473Why else does she always look bad in non selfie pictures? She only looks good if she controls the angles
Emily doesn't like how she looks, if she did why does she use so many things to change herself? (Bras, contacts, makeup, etc.) She slways mentions how much she hates her nose and stuff.
No. 335607
during her streams she gets a lot of people asking her if she got implants and shes like LUL no?? I'm fresh outta high school guys [insert pedo bait] and then just brushes it off casually like shes annoyed by the question when in reality, she tries so hard to get comments like that because it's validation and a "compliment" for her.
do none of her fans remember back when she was still streaming in her parents house and wore the same white tank top she spams these days, but back then about a year ago she had no cleavage whatsoever? oh, probably not because she didn't get a big following until dyrus fame boosted her
No. 335648
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damn pokimane so cute uwu
No. 335687
>>335674nice sage.
Anywho, I don't really disagree with you, but it is pretty normal for people to watch porn while being in a relationship. I never minded when my partners did.
Any clue to lack of sex in their relationship is likely indicated by their body language when they are around each other. They still act quite frigid and awkward when together, even in Dyrus' most recent cooking video.
Also, I remember Emiru talking about how Oddone doesn't really talk to her? In most cases, if a someone's best friend doesn't warm-up to their partner, isn't that also very telling that their relationship is fabricated somewhat. Especially considering how much Emiru gushes about how in-love they are and all Dyrus has to say is "she's hot and good at video games."
(I don't remember the source about oddone comment but I can try to find it. It was around the time when they all moved to Texas. Were they all living together.) beforehand as well?
No. 335776
File: 1497504399061.png (1.58 MB, 1439x2456, 20170615_012147.png)

is Emily actually qualified to get into UT? shes saying she's gonna take classes at UT like it's no big deal? she also said she's gonna get a quote on quote real job… for some reason I can't imagine her as a cashier or something
her eyebrows look so odd recently like in this pic. they're like… wiggly instead of a smooth arch
No. 335787
File: 1497506686022.png (1.21 MB, 1439x2453, 20170615_020308.png)

people who don't understand how bras work get duped so hard by this chick
No. 335831
>>335568Oh who'd behkuh cheat on?
She seemed to be with that kappa guy for a short while.
No. 335910
>>335802I'm from Texas and UT is very hit or miss honestly. Some programs are stupidly competitive while others are laughably ez to get into
However for programming, I know that there are several different related majors that are hard to get into as I've seen plenty of people with lengthy credentials stress over it
I bet Emily will take online community college classes and try to pass it off as her being a UT student lol… something tells me she also won't have all the paperwork sorted to be able to even apply in the first place…
The acceptance letters for colleges (to attend in the fall) went out in like April or march and you had to apply in November lolol
No. 336237
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she finally did a "natural" makeup look
No. 336411
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>>335687ugh, typed up a more lengthly reply but accidentally closed the tab and lost it. I was just going to say I agree that their relationship seems fabricated but oddone seems like the type that is extra judgemental and skeptical of women but only because he gets duped by hot ones easily.
Mainly because of the pooksie shit, his rant about becca when she had drama with chaox, and also because his only public long term gf dumped him after he retired because of 'distance' even though that didn't really make sense because he had way more free time after retirement and enough money to move anywhere, more like she didn't want to be in a real relationship with him. Plus some other shit he said on stream that gives off the lowkey bitter at women vibe but I am too lazy to type up again. screen cap is of chaox's drunk rant in the midst of the becca stuff, because I could't find anything better. I know titty streamers are the main source of milk but I also find it funny when dudes only pay attention to hot chicks then get mad that they end up with the users.
No. 336659
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>>336411Hrm, must research about this becca x chaox thing. I think speculating / analyzing the actual relationships between egirls and pro players is more interesting than just nitpicking at peoples’ appearances or general whorish-ness.
I know someone who is Masters (he's not famous, though) and his relationships/interactions with some girls are very strange still. He once flew out to Cali (800mi.) saying he was going to Worlds but he actually went to meet this girl he'd been boosting. She was kissing up to him pretty hard for some time beforehand but it did not work out irl, it seemed like it was honestly a horrible interaction between the two. I am guessing she couldn’t handle the possibility of actually having to fake an irl relationship with him because she found him a little repulsive? Now he's boosting/dating some other chick from Twitter. I feel like it is definitely possible to have genuine relationships as a pro player / streamer / high elo, but those relationships tend to be more lowkey (lisha x qt, regi x leena, annie x boxbox).
Girls like Emiru who try a little too hard to make their relationship seem legit end up stumbling over their own lies eventually. I am not one to say if their relationship is on the rocks or not (I personally don’t think so) but I am sure the whole university thing would be a pretty smooth exit.
Someone posted a cap of Dyrus’ Facebook acct. listing him as single but that page hasn’t had any public posts shared since June ’16 when they started dating. There is also another acct where it is more active.
No. 337596
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her eyes look lopsided sometimes, is it because of her falsies?
No. 338329
>>336659>Hrm, must research about this becca x chaox thing.I actually wanted to use another pic but couldn't find it. I wanted to use screen caps of the chat referenced in the following link (has other info as well), but lol forms and reddit mods deleted a lot of stuff. It's not clear if she truly lead him on or if it was just one of those possessive male things, I feel like it's mostly the later. It's not a good idea to get drunk and make out with multiple people under most circumstances in my opinion, but she ain't responsible for chaox's feelings if they're not dating, ya know? And just boosting a chick isn't dating her. I couldn't find the oddone rant either, but if it helps your research I remember it didn't call her out by name but his chat brought it up and he started with something like "those kinds of girls, yeah I know those girls well they just want attention". Which, I mean, he's not wrong, some girls are like that, but some guys are dumb enough to keep falling for the same tricks and blame all women for their own mistakes. yeah, I agree, I think genuine relationships are possible but most of the time they aren't for a combination of reasons. Not going to list them all for the sake of keeping this post short, but in general I think a lot of e sports dudes are just emotionally stunted man children who don't have to grow up because of the bubble they live in.