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No. 676496
> former wannabe scene queen turned pastel princess turned ka-why (kawaii) ambassador turned ultimate weeb turned G@M3R GuRL> tattooed, bust-enhanced pushing-30-year-old with a major identity crisis> serial blocker and comment deleter of those who don't lick her pastel asshole> infamous for selling gifts, PR packages, and other free stuff on her Depop for a major markup> has a designer dog she uses as an accessory - as every other living being in her life> alleged mental health advocate with at least four self-diagnosed illnesses including body dismorphia, depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder - all of which she conveniently uses as excuses for her lack of interesting or creative content> Proved what a terrible mental health advocate she truly is by LIVE-BLOGGING and Vlogging her little cousin's tragic funeral, and posting rampantly about suicide while paying absolutely no heed to any of the official guidelines designed to protect innocent people. > Wildly insulted any fans who were mildly critical of her insensitive behavior, (see thread image) including getting a tattoo after the funeral, then going on holiday to Mexico, then going on holiday to Las Vegas and spending $1,000+ on concert tickets> Got her audience to entirely fund her little cousin's funeral to the tune of $10,000> Made monetized videos in the location of death, described cause of death, videos and photos from every part of the funeral process> Fake crying video where not a single tear hit her cheek> Grinning family photos posted before and after the funeral> Absolute disaster all round> Death obsession continues for 2 months, and now a family friend Kyle has died so she has also added in content about him>Just the kawaii content we subscribed for!!> Bonus: Posted a racist meme and then played dumb when people called her out on it> has a Patreon account which is meant for funding Sailor Moon skits, yet not a single whisper of said skits has been heard of for approx. 2 years - nor do her patrons receive any promised gifts> makes and disposes of friends as quickly as a girl with a heavy flow disposes of tampons> has no concept of who she is and finds her identity in whatever is popular at the time> Got expensive computer equipment donated by companies but is yet to ever stream playing a game on Twitch>LARP helps her to be someone else (blue hair and a skimpy black outfit)> major drama surrounding an Angelic Pretty dress and attempted/succeeded return of said dress> known for harassing professionals (artists, galleries, companies) to sponsor or collab with her - sends her sheeple followers after said professionals> spends most of her time whinging on Twitter about her lack of romance> pretends she's kinky by posting suggestive stories on IG or retweeting similar tweets> constantly complains of being broke while simultaneously traveling, attending cons, buying 10 lbs of sugar, paying for a personal trainer, and a maid, and a $600 microwave, and lip fillers, etc…> maintains a wishlist with expensive items that she's too cheap to buy because "my student debt tho"> collects friends with a similar "aesthetic" as she and has dubbed them "The Fellowship of the Rainbow" - talk of said Fellowship is permitted in this thread if milk is to be found>Tweeted for weeks leading up to some "secret surgery", creating tons of hype prior to and thereafter, promising a video once healed only to fall radio silent on the topic allowing her followers to believe that her body was achieved by "hard work at the gym and a healthy diet"> finally posts video after 3-4 months admitting she got lipo> compares lipo to getting a tattoo or a piercing> continues to abuse photoshop on her pics even in the wake of her new body > "Best friend" Dre is nowhere to be seen two months after moving out> Whatever happened there remains a mystery> lolcow lurkerSocial Media: thread:
>>>/snow/622818 No. 676963
File: 1535694367528.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180830-225434.png)

Hey guise did you know kelly eden invented pink hair and pink fuzzy jackets and the color pink in general? Who does this company think they are??? Ugh I'm so mad!!
No. 677008
>>676496love this summary lol
btw, are those real comments? people have already started calling her out for all the bullshit she's doing, especially with the cringy fake no crying video?? i'm impressed. her followers don't have much of a brain
No. 677270
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No. 677367
Can this be taken out? Last thread the mods finally said The fellowship aren’t allowed to be discussed here anymore due to suspicious circumstances about who was doing the posting and the infighting that would occur after.
They have their own thread now which, hmm imagine that, isn’t updated as much as the derailers insisted there was “so much milk” about the rest of the fellowship.
If you want to talk about them:
>>655208 No. 677369
>>677367DUH I mean to paste:
“> collects friends with a similar "aesthetic" as she and has dubbed them "The Fellowship of the Rainbow" - talk of said Fellowship is permitted in this thread if milk is to be found”
Is the part that needs to be taken out
No. 677395
>>677367That's because you've killed both threads by splitting them. Calves don't have enough milk on their own and neither does Kelly you guys are still going on and on about an event that happened OVER 2 months ago. That Steph post about Kelly was perfectly relevant.
Also, the mods aren't as organized as you think they are. One mod will say it's okay and another mod will say it's not. It's just like reddit, the mods are just users that volunteer. They don't even have any actual power, they can just do an IP ban and then someone can just reset their router.
But yes, congratulations on killing both threads, you have really helped Kelly out a lot.
No. 677607
File: 1535767919068.jpeg (714.83 KB, 1936x1936, 0B016C6B-86B5-4B57-A728-50AFFC…)

Phi posted this pic to her Instagram and twitter and is it just me or does it look like Kelly got her nose and lips done? Might explain the long absence (and maybe to take heat off of the GoFundMe thing)
No. 677667
File: 1535776700096.gif (1.29 MB, 195x229, giantbomb.gif)

>>676496mfw when I haven't been keeping up with the Kelly Eden drama in a few weeks and I read this OP. This is so much trainwreck to try and process in so little time.
No. 677762
>>677639She was just in Mexico wasn’t she? Why would someone like Kelly Eden
not take advantage of the cheap fillers? I’d be surprised if she didn’t have a little something done while she was down there.
No. 677996
> 0:00-5:10It's just her feeding her dog, playing with her dog, and being very impressed. Did you guys know that you can train dogs? They can learn things. You can throw a ball and train them to go get it and bring it back. It's called fetch and he even likes it. Wow, my dog is so smart.
She rambles about random things that nobody cares about like ordering food and getting an AC unit for her room.
Nothing of substance is said.
> 5:10-7:32Never-ending grieving talk.
She talks about how upset she is about deaths in the past 2 months.
> Her cousin who was so much younger than her (12ish year age gap) who she barely knew and never lived with.> Her ex-boyfriend, that singer guy who she claims to have talked to recently but only recently started following him on instagram, possibly post-mortem.> An old friend from high school that she was no longer in contact with.7:32 - 9:20
> New YouTube schedule Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun(Taking bets on how long before she breaks it? Second week.) Claims she is a workaholic, "works" about 6/52 weeks out of the year from home on her own schedule.
Playing with the dog again.
Through the entire video, she get's distracted by playing with Toshi every 15-20 seconds. She acknowledges that it's a problem frequently but never stops.
Nothing of substance is said.
>11:00-12:55Talks about taking her cousin out to dinner and being surprised about him treating her like family member and being unable to reciprocate.
>12:55-15:28Begins with her trying to remember she's supposed to be upset in the video and not just pretending to tell her therapist what they want to here. Takes a moment of silence with a feigned somber look. Now we're talking about ex-boyfriend singer, relates to The Black Parade. Shows footage of her actually crying at Jareth's ball while singing it.
> 15:28 -16:23Cuts herself off mid sentence for a play with Toshi break. Forgot she's supposed to be sad again. Now is laughing and smiling while talking and is talking very rapidly.
>16:23-17:50Now she remembers that she's making a sad video again. Pretending she's talking to her therapist again and telling her what she wants to hear. (I hope this isn't really how she talks to her therapist because she's going to get 0 help just telling him/her what they want to hear).
>17:50-18:42Making sure we all know it was Kyle Pavone and he's a celebrity in case we didn't know since she was referring to him by his first name only, so casually. Found out on twitter that he died after it was already trending. Had to take a break from social media because people were posting photos of Kyle everywhere despite posting photos of Austin non-stop after he died and not having an issue with that.
>18:28-22:34Remembering to start laying on the sad tone and long pauses again while being distracted by Toshi. Lots of pretending to understand mental health talk, talking to us like her therapist talks to her. Talking about exploring feelings and steps forward and acceptance and life is beautiful, you get the picture. Makes sure to tell us how sincere she is being throughout the whole video, seriously says it 20+ times. Ends with some very contrived sign off with her best, "I'm being sincere" face.
It was a very long and boring video with no new information, so I recapped it while watching it for those that don't want to watch. She has very clearly overdone it with the lip fillers and is starting to get duck face. Hopefully she didn't get them in Mexico, because if she's ever seen botched she'd know to never get fillers in Mexico because they end up clumping up and moving around your face.
No. 678078
>>677865i don’t normally follow these threads but i saw the description post for this video and was intrigued so i clicked on it.
wow. it’s hard to even put into words what she sounds like, but it’s like when someone kills themselves in high school and then a bunch of random people pop up claiming that the deceased was their best friend. she seems like the embodiment of that. i know grief is different for everyone but laughing and giggling and staring at oneself in the fucking viewfinder while you relate your supposed “sincere” struggles is so goddamn off putting. it feels so wrong. this is staged and doesn’t feel even one bit like genuine hardship. sickening
No. 678505
>>677996>>677865i skipped through the video with the sound turned off, and it looks like she's constantly suppressing a grin or a smile.
several times, it's like this half grin but then she stops and does her " /sincerely/ staring into the void" before continuing to talk.
if she is a sociopath she's certainly not "high functioning" in terms of charm/faking empathy.
No. 678529
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>>678492This is the end result. She never cleans off the mascara dots.
No. 678560
>>676963Imagine being this entitled
>>678529She's looking pretty tired here. oof
No. 678791
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>>678492I’m sorry but there is nothing appealing about this look. Her eyeliner looks ratchet. Her skin looks puffy and dehydrated. What even are those brows? And of course, that wig… it looks fried. The tutorial came across like it was half heartedly thrown together at the last possible minute. Like at least throw on a pair of lashes so it looks like you’re trying. “It’s a look to like, match the computers!” Boring.
No. 679870
>>678529Totally stole the eyeliner idea from ahitsrosa, who did it 100x better. why did she not use any concealer under her eyes? Those dark circles and tear troughs are heavy!
No. 680058
File: 1536007877257.jpeg (Spoiler Image,541.49 KB, 1118x1932, D7140441-BDB3-41D0-892F-4C89B1…)

Looks like a bunch of bondage photos are coming based on her Instagram story and this photographer
No. 680161
>>680058all I can look at is the pink sugar. who the fuck actually uses pink sugar in coffee?
nitpick, i know. but that's just weird.
No. 680194
File: 1536018414538.jpeg (Spoiler Image,562.24 KB, 1125x1915, 8AA6D3AD-595E-43D4-BB59-D8EADE…)

I wonder how these photos will turn out (1/2)
No. 680195
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No. 680232
>>680194Kelly Eden on mission I Need a Boyfriend, Stat
Good luck gurl
No. 680308
>>680195this hurts my eyes for so many reasons… the rope work is so messy and off centre. I would be embarrassed to be tied up in such a lazy, unpolished fashion.
Also, wtf are those tattoos? i knew they were bad, but had no idea how bad they actually were
No. 680355
File: 1536031352771.png (Spoiler Image,1.29 MB, 750x1334, 5DBBBF92-9A4A-4FCB-9DB0-BCFC39…)

She’s on one you guys….. she thinks this is cute
No. 680356
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No. 680371
File: 1536032444852.png (Spoiler Image,423.39 KB, 815x509, kelly eden.png)

Saw this image on PULL so they get the credit for pointing it out first. Great "mental health advocacy there."
No. 680392
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No. 680395
>>680392“Down to clown”
Please stop it’s so embarrassing. CRINGEEEE
No. 680417
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>>680416"This only attracts clowns and you need a guy who doesn't wear makeup"
No. 680715
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No. 680742
>>680707…says the woman who obviously posts in her own thread regularly.
P.s. you must be 18+ to post here, Kelly, but I know it’s easier to dismiss criticism when you can pretend your critics are ignorant.
No. 680752
>>680707Lol back to calling anyone who calls your out on your bullshit "evil"
Most of us are 18-30 actually Kells, but speaking of youth audiences, don't you have a lot of actual preteens who will be checking out your shibari?
No. 680760
File: 1536083996093.png (4.37 MB, 1242x2208, EE231AD0-3240-453D-8121-F03F26…)

Damn! She’s got the worst form ever! Rounded shoulders and a dropping neck. That’s an injury waiting to happen. And her trainer isn’t correcting her? She’s wasting her money lol. This explains why she isn’t seeing results.
No. 680802
>>680707"This is their way of venting"
What's your excuse?
Also didn't know that kids and preteens could be "the most insecure, hateful, evil people"
No. 680810
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Yes Kelly, because I'm a kid who is sooo insecure about my guilt over turning my cousin's suicide into a money grab and then galavanting about having soo much fun with the money that I suddenly have to spare and spend despite "muh student loans". Oh hang on, that was you
>>680105Funny how somebody posted this yesterday and today she's posting workout videos
Way to remain "unbothered" Kelly.
No. 680813
>>680795Kelly's not even 30 and already has desperate cougar levels of plastic surgery and regular cosmetic procedures. She's washed up in her 20s any wonder she can't find a boyfriend. She might be fun for a fuck but any sane man will see she's unhinged and not wifey material.
Also I'm sure her over sharing on social media is off putting af.
No. 680821
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No. 680884
>>680392Sloppiest ropework ever. Good job, Kelly. You really showed all of us how experienced you are in the world of BDSM. Good lord.
>>680760This pushup form is almost as bad as that ropework. SLOPPY. Definitely a waste of money if her trainer hasn't corrected her. Quality over quantity, honeypie.
>>68081031 here. Not ashamed by it. Just found a place where there exists people who aren't easily distracted by your pink hair and see you for what you are.
>>680821Lina, you ARE creepy. You're as thirsty for Kelly as Kelly is for boys (but not girls - bitch ain't bi)
Also yeah girl looks old as fuck in those stills from her recent makeup tutorial. Has she never heard of antiaging routines? Water? Maybe some SPF? Jeezooz.
No. 681115
>>680282Bitch, whatever. Bondage is for everyone. Don't be mad because you don't have any T&A and your body shape is out of style. She's clearly trying to find a branding to start Patreon whoring, looks like she's going for kawaii kink. I wonder if she'll get into tentacle stuff? She's pretending to be kinky for branding, not even doing it correctly and your issue is her weight? Wonderful priorities, captain bondage defender.
She's also not fat, she's out of shape. I am not seeing any results from the gym, she must not be doing anything in between sessions. She needs a sports bra that is actually capable of containing her tits instead of a fashion sport's bra, it would make it so much easier to work out and reduce post-workout soreness.
No. 681191
>>680832Everyone is wrong but her.
Just like the lolita shop she forced to accept the return of her used dress, despite her being the one who read the price correctly.
Nothing is ever her fault because she is a woke mental health advocate boi.
No. 681379
>>680490Right? I'm studying shibari right now and this
triggers me to no end.
there's barely any tension in the ropes and the tiny bit that is there is uneven and tight in all the wrong places. the initial knotting on the hands is so terrible and not even the right knot for that. i could list everything thats wrong in just this one photo but i'm going to stop before this turns into a no1curr blog post lol
No. 681654
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Okay so, she poses and does the same damn dress thing EVERY DAMN TIME. Her face is all weird like she’s trying to concentrate to not fart. And, is that the only damn crown/head piece she owns? I thought she made some antlers and shit. Smhhhh, Kelly, for being a so called model, you’re a one trick pony.
No. 681876
File: 1536187649538.jpeg (160.12 KB, 746x983, 6FC3AE05-9ED9-49F2-836B-A56273…)

I just can’t…
No. 681971
>>681966Yeah that too. It’s just deranged. I understand that people have their kinks and that’s totally cool, but I think romanticizing kidnapping/sexual violence is crossing the line. Especially coming from a woman that claims to be
triggered by everything. What if her kidnapping ASMR
triggers one of her followers? I bet she hasn’t even considered that. Because In her fantasy land, only Kelly’s feelings are valid.
No. 682377
>>681883In the Labyrinth ball video she also admitted she has "been in bed for 1 1/2 months" while griiiieeeeeving.
Most people don't have the luxury to miss more than a day of work, let alone be a fatass in bed for nearly two months.
No. 682582
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Such a youthful and vibrant face.
No. 682592
>>682580Alienware once again helping her create such a shitty q&a video.
Let's see if she actually streams but this time something interesting. Unlikely tho.
No. 682752
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I’m convinced she found this Pennywise Tumblr that was popular like over a year ago (she’s always tardy to the party), and is trying to make it her new “thing”. She probably didn’t even have a Pennywise dream.
No. 682838
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No. 682910
>>682752Holy smokes! Kelly totally copied it, way to call it anon! Her depravity isn’t even original! Her recent content is literally “inappropriate content” and is
triggering as hell , glamourizing of all the wrong things. Too bad she refuses to acknowledge it or take accountability ever. I have never seen one genuine act of accountability.
Anyways, with her recent content, she’s going to alienate a lot of viewers and attract a new breed of disturbed and I guess interesting ones..
No. 682982
>>682910I know she reads this thread but it's pretty funny that she really went for inappropriate content right after it was posted
>Pennywise sex>Bondage>Kidnap ASMRWill be very interesting times for the preteens who watch her videos (And there are plenty of them based on the old fanmail videos)
No. 683241
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No. 683242
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No. 683249
>>683242Why is she like this? I feel like going back and forth between yelling about death and suicide to posting ~cheeky~ pictures of myself in pastel bondage when I'm mixing it up from photoshopped to hell images of me staring blankly into space in a dress or being an ass on twitter would be so emotionally exhausting. No wonder she is always tired and can't get out of bed. Who would want or choose to make their life this kind if circus because they just love attention
that much.
No. 683284
>>683242You don´t want to know what I thought what the thing in the upper right corner is..,
Why does she have to post these unflattering pictures? Yes, I know, attention, but still… use nicer ones? And maybe people loose their shit because of your attitude. But what do I know…
No. 683295
She seems so desperate! What the hell this caption is cringey.
She does look a tiny bit slimmer though.
No. 683380
>>683242All I can see in this image is all the veins through her skin. I can see why she goes for photographers who photoshop to high heavens.
Also I'm pretty sure she has already reversed some of the effects of the lipo from a few months ago looking at the waist.
No. 683406
File: 1536359758491.png (173.47 KB, 1080x732, IMG_20180907_233332.png)

Yet she has stated before how she doesn't drink or like being around drunk people because her dad was an alcoholic and it killed him. She's a walking contradiction.
No. 683425
>>683242I guess props to her for finally posting an unphotoshopped, but gross photo of herself. Finally get to see her real body and skin for once.
But that wig, and that neck. And that tanned upper chest is starting to look like a 40yr old womans. Suntan lotion, kelly.
No. 683544
File: 1536371867834.jpeg (Spoiler Image,110.94 KB, 750x821, A488242D-D80F-48E5-8141-549C50…)

This could’ve been a cool photoshoot, but she just looks terrible. These last couple years she has not aged well at all
No. 683549
>>683242Pick up the clothes on the floor.
Hide the bottle of cleaner.
Wear a bow where the tag isn't showing.
Get a better wig.
Learn how to smile or show a feeling while posing.
No. 683585
>>683544Who shot this again? They should be ashamed.
Also whoever did that liquify job between each rope on her hips should be shot - it’s laughably bad.
But hey, her unshopped cry for attention was just as bad. How shit do you have to eat and take care of yourself to reverse effects of lipo that you LITERALLY just had done???
Lewk at meh I’m so kinky Kat blaque come drink wine with meh even tho I don’t drink cuz I got all my daddy issues from my alcoholic daddy, I’ll put his ashes in there if you want!!
Bye kelly, you’re a desperate walking punchline
No. 683587
File: 1536376101370.png (456.34 KB, 673x475, whoa.png)

Some caps of her upper lip melting.
No. 683588
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No. 683589
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No. 683590
File: 1536376226806.png (378.06 KB, 623x475, sendhelp.png)

No. 683591
File: 1536376241767.png (474.63 KB, 708x475, yaboi.png)

No. 683592
>>683590Wow that’s bad. What a hot mess. The awful fake hair, awful fake lips, sorry kelly but men are so not attracted to that. At
Least not serious ones. The fact that her goal is marriage and a baby is so tragic. Her home screams “I’m not ready or willing” for a partner or room for anything beyond her own damn self
No. 683636
>>683589Jesus christ.
>>683592Its clear that Kellys going to be single forever. Maybe she’ll have a few boy toys. But someone who is genuine, down to earth and sane will never come her way. No guy looks at her and thinks, THATS the kinda girl i wanna spend my entire life with.
Kinda sad for her that shes so oblivious to…well…everything that she is.
No. 683673
>>683657Watched some other videos + clips
>LARP at labyrinth was cringey, but they looked good>in "we'll carry on" she talks about the deaths and says "I don't know how to talk about it. I talked to him only 4 days before he was admitted to the hospi-" AD BREAKStill monetizing your touching moments I see
Also all the ads I'm seeing are for beauty treatments/anti-ageing which really shows the bracket Kelly is moving into
No. 683675
>>683456I know right? Maybe the Tim Curry one if you were a fan of his voice or something…because there are weird people out there who wanna fuck frank n furter…I mean I don't, but I semi understand.
Tim Curry has a nice voice. Even then, it's such a cry for attention and bizarre, because clowns are not hot. Especially the IT clowns.
Joker? Cringey but understandable to have a crush. Heath Ledger and Jared Leto are attractive men and I can see the appeal of fangirls.
Even if she said she found tim curry or the bloke that plays the new pennywise hot, I'd be like yeah okay. Because there are chicks that want to fuck Christian Bale but hate Patrick Bateman. There's also the opposite effect, eg- dudes wanna bang Khaleesi but aren't that into Emilia Clarke herself. But Pennywise the actual character is fucking ugly. I want to know exactly what 'attracts' her to Pennywise.
Like other anons said, it sounds like she has just picked an outlandish character to pretend she wants to fuck to appear weird.
And the newest IT clown has a lazy eye and giant lightbulb forehead. What the fuck man.
No. 683696
>>683553to me it looked more like a sleep mask. but then the questions is, why would she lie and say it's underwear?
also, her shitty "artist" impressions of the packaging are so cringey. especially alongside mistakes like pronouncing vignette as "vig-net."
No. 683729
File: 1536400083510.png (53.97 KB, 1350x622, 09.png)

Someone posted her last video on Reddit, a few of the comments pic related.
No. 683803
File: 1536418258946.png (1.45 MB, 1334x750, 53F7D5AE-E6F7-455E-BA7A-C50F16…)

“Kelly thinks she’s hot shit because she’s bipolar.” Girl, Interrupted remake, 2018
But for real, why does Kelly look like she literally escaped a mental institution? Does she sleep in that wig?
No. 683871
File: 1536424495906.jpg (85.53 KB, 983x705, uh.jpg)

>>683811Is that outfit she's wearing a joke? She looks like she is headed towards an erotic themed night club. That's what she wears for a casual, day light LARP practice? Needs attention really bad as usual.
No. 683880
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No. 683903
File: 1536427416405.png (8.26 MB, 2436x1125, F9516E05-EB4E-4B8C-995B-EC3069…)

I wonder how long it’ll take Lina to get into shibari too now that Kelly went on the band wagon.
No. 683932
>>683880Very proud of you?
Sounds like a mom talking to her child. Weird.
No. 684505
File: 1536501500506.png (827.36 KB, 750x1334, 315BDDDD-B0F1-4FE7-B014-9BF111…)

>>684478One thing I’ve noticed about her, even with the Backstreet Boys thing, she has to go above and beyond to try and prove she is this diehard super fan. It’s just weird how she can’t ever just like something and go about her life. Instead she has to broadcast it everywhere and make sure the whole world knows like “HEY IM KELLY EDEN AND I LIKE THIS THING AND IVE LIKED IT SINCE I WAS 12 IM SO SPESHUL I ACTUALLY LIKE IT THO BC I HAVE SINCE I WAS 12 VALIDATE ME”… it’s like pls settle, no 1 curr.
No. 684534
>>684365when i read that i was like wtf is this bih talking about but you're right.
jfc. she looks like she could be lily's cringy mother, kinda like how moo looks at least 10 years older.
she aged badly because she eats shit all day, she does not in fact work out, idk what her alcohol/drug consumption is like but even small amounts next to a high-sugar, high-processed diet and her botchy surgeries will do a number on anyone…
(and to be fair, she didn't start out looking like collins, et al. - she started out looking a luke warm 5)
No. 684579
File: 1536512796224.png (373.65 KB, 640x1136, 56A6D9BE-EA38-4D1B-B1E7-4D6212…)

>>684575Was just about to post that, is she fucking serious? She’s not even in the line. The other car is fine.
No. 684580
File: 1536512861971.jpeg (165.89 KB, 640x410, 2559566C-9ADA-4070-946F-105D5C…)

>>684579Better screenshot, sorry. Not letting me delete the post.
No. 684635
File: 1536517647448.png (742.14 KB, 1104x599, Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at 1.12…)

Come join grandma Kelly!
That wig has gotta go.
No. 684840
File: 1536535339626.png (133.95 KB, 579x552, k.png)

I see she's been lurking again.
As a previous poster said, please don't reproduce, Kelly.
No. 684984
>>684509Near the beginning, Kelly says, "I wonder how many people think Phin is my girlfriend… probably a lot." That would have been a perfect time to say, "but my type is actually short girls" or something like that. I know this is old, but I got so pissed watching her coming out video where she talked about "knowing she's queer" but didn't say anything about being attracted to any girl, ever. Wonder if she'll ever talk about what kind of girls she's attracted to. (I'm sure the answer is no because she isn't attracted to them.)
Also, I love how her "friends" choose to float the raft on the other end of the pool rather than be near Kelly and Phin. They're discussing normal things and then Kelly begins screeching about Titanic again. I cannot imagine someone less fun to be around.
No. 685120
File: 1536561418330.jpeg (137.75 KB, 750x1334, 6C848064-2FF6-46E7-A881-99012A…)

>>684984Speaking of kelly dating…..I swiped and found this
No. 685131
>>68512Lmao does she want to be single forever?
There's nothing necessarily wrong with putting your nerdy interests out there, but when your career is "youtuber", I think that's a red flag/shorthand to most guys worth dating around her age for delusional narcissist at worst and someone to probably not take too seriously at best.
It's not like she's super well known or has over a million subscribers, or viral videos, or a good camera/lighting/editing/content in general. And I can't see anyone looking to date a youtuber for mooching or exploitative reasons finding her channel at this point and thinking "she's the one for me!"
The no hookups part is probably the last nail in the coffin for her. If you build your whole identity around shallow things you have no actual passion for, people are going to see through that and see your ugly, self-absorbed personality and not want to do more than casual sex, if that.
No. 685164
>>685131I think we shouldn't speak for men who do casual sex or give them "reasons" for it. There's plenty of girls who are "wife material" who men still use for casual sex. Off topic but it's a little misogynistic to say "she's only good for casual sex!" We can do better than that. (And I'm OP of the thread!)
Anyway, she has to work on SO MUCH if she wants to get a man. One is the legit crazy that radiates from her, like in the sugarpill review with the messy wig. Second is not lying about your sexuality. It confuses the issue. Her friend Kota who is actually married to a man, frequently retweets LGBT+ content and cute selfies from gay girls. Has an actual lesbian song and video. Yet Kelly has a clickbait coming out video and nothing.
Another thing; actually work on your damn art. You have a skill, Kelly, even if it is limited to copying photos, they are nice paintings. Try digital art or making comic book style art.
Actually stream something on Twitch.
Be consistent with your behavior and beliefs.
Don't think your mental illness makes you a uwu manic pixie dream girl, and work on it instead.
Don't take all criticism as an "attack" from "evil" people.
Stop with all the surgery and treatments. Leave your body alone for a bit. Zapping it with lasers, getting lipo, lip injections, it's constantly recovering from surgery and you wonder why you feel like shit.
Eat better. Eat a damn vegetable. Learn how to cook simple meals and don't order take out daily (which it seems she does from her mukbangs)
I could go on. But her problems are not limited to being attention seeking and shallow, plenty of women do well in life with those traits alone.
No. 685392
>>685131Her whole profile is basically a red flag. I guess that's not surprising because she's such an awful and inauthentic person though.
>>685263Tinder bios are usually pretty short, and actually many people don't read them because the app is mostly about swiping on people you think are hot; it's more of an app for casual dating/hookups so I always think it's weird when people act like they're going to find The One on there (not that you couldn't, obviously, just that it was made for a shallower demographic). Saying you're not on Tinder to hook up is like saying you're going to McDonalds for a salad.
No. 685425
>>685164I don't see how it's misogynistic to point out that she's shallow and fakes her interests and that's not an attractive trait if you're trying to point out reasons why no one wants to date Kelly.
Of course there are garbage men and women out there who will use people regardless of what they're like and I don't mean to excuse that behavior or blame women. I can't imagine any decent, well adjusted person trying to go on a date or even hold a conversation with Kelly and taking her seriously as a potential partner.
No. 685749
File: 1536651215111.jpg (434.64 KB, 1536x2048, DmyayYzUwAARCBM.jpg)

Dat neck and those lipo holes
This photo is so sloppy. The rope work is terrible, it's framed horribly, and it's all cluttered. They couldn't move some stuff before the shoot? Her house looks so dirty too
No. 685752
File: 1536651876096.png (776.58 KB, 1151x546, l.png)

No. 685762
>>685752>>685761Not to mention how potentially
triggering that kind of thing is- Kelly acts as if she's a safe-space
tw friendly mental health advocate but never gives any warning to shit like that….. ok girl…
No. 685804
>>685749Ffs the photo isn't even straight. If you're gonna have huge horizontal lines in a picture you gotta make sure they're straight.
But yeah this is so cluttered she looks like she's in a storage room
No. 685820
File: 1536663720073.png (194.96 KB, 1080x895, IMG_20180911_065837.png)

On Kelly's Twitter asking for video ideas. Has this girl never watched Kelly's channel? Little girls? Her channel is really not kid friendly. Wtf. What would Kelly even tell them?
"Get whatever surgery and procedures you want because you're not good enough the way you are"
"Be sure to oversell any interests you might have to make sure everyone knows you're the biggest and first fan of said interests"
No. 685831
File: 1536665442256.jpeg (176.71 KB, 750x929, E089578F-DB5E-4952-B470-CDB844…)

Grandma Kelly is off to bed, children.
No. 685856
File: 1536671689693.jpg (80.23 KB, 750x927, 41564759_10212579823677363_162…)

>>685831Ah yes. I too sleep in tights and lashes.
No. 685910
>>685761Phi pisses me off too. She really up Kelly’s ass and I hate her fucking tangents. I had to unfollow her on ig because she wouldn’t stfu about “best boy!” or “I feel personally attacked!” Or band wagoned Voltron because ~she’s not like the other guys~. Which is all what Kelly does, but idk why when Phi does it, it looks EXTRA forced.
Too much energy to be extra disliked.
No. 685931
>>685910I cant stand Phi also. She seemed down to earth in the beginning but gradually became annoying like the rest of the rainbow bitches.
>>685749 she looks like she can be someones mom trying to act kinky. I would love to know what nutjob would want to date this ugly bimbo after seeing these type of pictures.
No. 686014
File: 1536692517332.jpg (35.04 KB, 259x330, 2.jpg)

such beauty
No. 686070
File: 1536699678051.jpeg (856.13 KB, 1125x1471, 5033BC6C-B8DD-45AE-908A-E4D98A…)

Is it bad that I wanna see lina’s Photos out of morbid curiosity
No. 686091
File: 1536702788440.png (6.94 MB, 1125x2436, 3A6EF2D5-595B-48C3-AE4F-7480A1…)

No. 686249
>>686091Lots of air horn, “were queer!”, call out culture, asmr, husbandos, voltron, larp and plastic surgery.
(On that note, I could attend this con and I kind of want to to see this train wreck. But also this con looks beyond sad.)
No. 686261
>>685749>cousin dies by hanging….
>Kelly does photoshoots with hanging ropesI…no words
No. 686269
>>685910I think it's telling that about a week after moving in she's got a Youtube channel and the first lines of her first video were something like "Hi, you probably found me through Kelly"
Does not seem organic at all. Dre kind of bloomed in that house whereas Phi is coming in hoping to use Kelly as a career boost and, while being a nice girl, it is very transparent. Peep the free counselling she gives Kelly in some of the videos too (example: beginning of the LARP at Labyrinth one).
A normal housemate - and person you
just met - wouldn't be rushing to be your therapist unless they thought they had something to gain.
No. 686324
>>685749The rope work in this photo is so terrible it's
triggering me.
its uneven and isnt even tight! if youre gonna tie someone up in sloppy kinbaku at least make sure that you do it tight enough so that you can see the flesh bulging out between the rope gaps. like the whole point of shibari is to feel constricted and slight pain at the same time as pleasure and for it to be tight enough to constrict the bloodflow at jussst the right amount.
i could go on, but i'll stop my sperging.
also, yeah. super in poor taste to do a photoshoot like this after your cousin hung himself.
No. 686419
>>685963I've never really given much focus to her house, but the dirty furniture might be because she bought it from those tiny stores that sell extremely cheap furniture that's poorly made and spray painted.
You can see the broken hinges and crooked wood. So, her upping the saturation would make them even more apparent.
No. 686799
File: 1536787720736.png (607.03 KB, 750x1334, D841F4C6-AA32-4F86-BCEC-CC2E68…)

No. 686840
>>686799>>686802At this point all her content is her rambling for as long as possible saying nothing for ad revenue, sometimes while eating, sometimes with free makeup, sometimes while shoving her dog in front of the camera, and now with creepy violent sex fantasies for her young audience.
It's not like she's powerless to turn her channel around, she just doesn't care about doing her job well. She doesn't care enough about gaming or interacting with her audience enough to actually stream on twitch. All she wants is money and as much attention as possible, good or bad.
No. 686841
>>685831Is this bitch really tryna act like she goes to sleep in a purple mumu, full footed tights(?!?!) and a WIG?!
Also, love that her neck is such a plastic surgery nightmare. She has like 5 double chins it’s amazing
No. 686932
File: 1536800976912.jpeg (138.41 KB, 1242x654, E1A21542-8275-46E5-AC97-FDE9C1…)

Looks like she is still trying to milk the whole death thing. I wonder if this person will agree to collab.
No. 686948
>>686932I'm going to be so
triggered if Caitlin by some horrible nightmare decides to work with Kelly -
She's even made videos about the improper monetization of suicide, it's almost like kelly doesn't even actually watch her.
Can she PLEASE not further milk the deaths of people in her life? It's like she ran out of attention for Austin and now she's DESPERATELY seeking other people to memorialize for attention..
No. 687108
>>686950You have a way with words Anon.
>>686992Henlo I luv ur bideos can we collab??
No. 687471
File: 1536869575815.jpg (72.78 KB, 720x572, _20180913_210844.JPG)

She literally had a vision but okay
No. 687714
File: 1536882132483.png (384.16 KB, 1280x1280, Screen Shot 2018-09-13 at 7.36…)

I would honestly be so upset if Caitlin actually went through with this.
No. 687903
File: 1536901948244.jpeg (386.72 KB, 1242x1639, 7B4AB731-C49B-4FD6-9C09-9E10E3…)

>>687900>>687714Looks like someone beat you to it anyway
No. 688136
File: 1536941982262.jpeg (989.42 KB, 1125x2093, 0E3017B2-A910-4F40-BB07-AE716F…)

No. 688415
>>687936>She has always been one to do stuff for attention and her ethics have been questionable in the past. She's a joke to most professionals in the funeral industry.Spill the tea fam, I'm going to be disappointed though.
>>687903Honestly, it's not hard to just Google Kelly Eden and come across these threads and it's also not hard to read through them. Probably petty, but if she does a collab I'm going to "slam that unsubscribe button" but idk, maybe not? Maybe Caitlin is a secret farmer and wants to milk Kelly for our entertainment?
No. 688922
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No. 689342
File: 1537092907571.jpeg (122.62 KB, 1242x646, DE612A2D-3A80-42D8-B123-19BFB7…)

>>688562I don’t know if you’re talking about another Claire but she does follow Claire M
No. 690085
>>689571Obviously Kelly found out it was harder to connect with nerds/weebs about Digimon and hopped off her special snowflake "I liked Digimon better than Pokemon" train in order to get more views.
Honestly though, I grew up never watching Pokemon because I favoured Digimon and they were so similar that I picked only to watch one - not to mention they played at the same time on my local TV and you had to only really watch one. Not only that but I didn't have the games so I never got in on the loop, which kinda sucks when you are the only one who doesn't like Pokemon out of your friends - but also you don't debate which is better because personal opinion aside, you lose the argument every time due to Pokemon being, that popular, so honestly Kelly, you aren't special.
No. 690368
File: 1537212485985.jpg (663.27 KB, 1080x1503, Screenshot_20180917-202504_Ins…)

Yes, because crop tops really scream 'autumn vibes…fucking idiot.
No. 690392
File: 1537214665007.png (7.66 MB, 2436x1125, D5B702AF-5F87-482D-B262-70EFBF…)

Kelly is again, discussing stuff we’ve brought up on here. She’s talked about how people have her backlash for posting about being on cloud 9 after Austin’s death. Lmfao oh Kelly, you seriously don’t get it. There’s a time and place for things, and you just don’t get the concept of that, do you?
Also, Jesus Christ, someone burn this ugly ass wig.
No. 690783
File: 1537250691167.jpg (245.51 KB, 625x1024, IMG_0934.JPG)

Erm… what the fuck.
No. 690899
>>690205I don't get why they have to act like they're such vintage queens of gaming, like atleast have some custom ps4 controllers or something atleast alittle relevant to things you actually use and (fake) play for your social media accounts.
I'm not gonna sperg out about the whole fake gamurr shit but yikes how removed from yourself do you have to be just to portray this strange perception you have of an aesthetic.
Like theres this hidden rule that the only "kawaii" consoles come from nintendo'h and unless you're gobbling cocks while playing animal crossing in a bodyline dress its not photo op worthy.
If you want a throwback thats cute and original Ps2 did come out with a Pink lite version for example with matching Dualshock controllers, theres a BUNCH of games they atleast have heard of that came to the ps2 and carries titles that are relevant and nostalgic to their audience.
Fuck me if i ever see anything original from the fellowship of the cockring.
No. 690992
File: 1537285827311.png (2.1 MB, 1080x1503, kellyshoops.png)

>>690368Her injections are uneven/deflating.
No. 691282
File: 1537305539854.png (619.32 KB, 606x768, v.png)

angling photos to hide the botched lip I see. kek
No. 691764
File: 1537354719608.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180919-093735.png)

No. 691984
>>691891 I honestly think this is one of the better photos she's posted lately. Wig aside, her makeup is actually nice, coordinates well with her earrings. Her lips aren't super over done like in
>>691282 (speaking of, what is that makeup look? and has anyone else ever noticed that she's really bad at applying lipstick evenly around the edges? kek) Idk sometimes I think the farmers in this thread are so desperate to hate on Kelly that they'll pick apart everything she does from a looks perspective. She's not an ugly girl, she's just ruining herself with surgeries and injections, mukbang videos and not working out like she claims she does. Her attitude and personality are the truly ugly parts of her.
>>690992 — this one terrifies me. Her lips look so fucked.
No. 692216
>>692022Where do you live that Kelly would be considered ugly? I don't think such a place exists. We're just being realistic.
She looks good still, her looks are declining though because her lip is melting from cheap mexican injections and whatever she did to her jaw made it saggy and lopsided instead of the nice sharp jawline that she had before. She also abuses the crap out of her wigs and wears them until they literally fall apart. Her fashion choices are juvenile, tacky, unflattering and rarely cohesive. But even with all of that, compared to the average person? She's still above average. There is no moral high ground, you're just either blind or retarded.
Too bad she can't move her face to model anymore. She had a pretty low range of facial expressions already.
No. 692265
>>692216Let anons have their opinions, she looked barely average before the plastic and she managed to pull average to good but then you see her in motion on video and shes honestly not a beauty. The fact that her personality is corrosive plays a part yes, but subjectively I know people who wouldn't exactly find her attractive and im not reffering to ana chans w/ impossible standards. (She looks permanently ashy for example like the girl has never had a glass of water in her life)
People can be nitpicky duh but don't fucking spam a paragraph cause you're
triggered over somebody calling her ugly lmfao
No. 692452
>>692265There's a certain video I watched a while ago where she appears with no makeup at the start, and it's honestly pretty bad. She's good at styling and makeup to get to an 8/10 (which I think she looks like on a good day) but on a bad day with no makeup it's like a 4.5/10.
And whoever did lipo on her neck botched it, but I guess she doesn't care because it was free.
No. 692479
File: 1537425781858.jpeg (754.09 KB, 1125x2010, 5D1005ED-5534-4501-B576-7584F8…)

What a model
No. 692480
>>692170She's going to want to hold on to Phi for as long as she can. Kelly has used other people to make her content more interesting since forever.
She loves any situation where she can sit back and let others do most of the work or talking while she gets that ad revenue.
Phi also obviously loves to hear herself talk. Kelly doesn't even react to what she had to say. Phi is just another exploitable attractive friend in a long line of roommates.
No. 692688
File: 1537458992888.jpg (659.41 KB, 750x1093, 1508551176266.jpg)

>>692480Old stale milk, but the hairstyle reminded me of when she posted this.
No. 692763
>>692716SUUUUPER OT but well fuck i must be healthy as shit with my giant ass man chin
like no, it's not a sign of good health, it's your fucking genes anon. American/English women tend to have larger/wideset jaws than compared to an asian(round) or middle-eastern(oblong) woman not saying other races dont have big chins/jaws just it's more prominent in Caucasian/African women from what i've read
just…sayin… magic voodoo grandma shit isnt real, not all broad shoulders are a sign of strength…y'know?
and i think kelly is like…meh at best, she's not my type and i wouldn't call her 'beautiful' she could pull as a dude in drag for me sometimes
No. 692776
>>692716I can totally understand people not finding her beautiful at all, I think some are just getting jaded by the way she photoshops the shit out of almost all her pictures to make herself look better but whenever you see her on camera and definitely without make up shes definitely not stunning, her skin is incredibly blotchy and I while I definitely agree with that she isnt fat at all, her posture and height still makes her look pudgy, the height part cant be helped but maybe her posture is bad because her fake boobs are too heavy for her which btw is also making her look very top heavy causing her to look just the tiniest bit off. maybe if you give her a side way glance you can say shes an average beauty but if you look critical to NOT her photo's its not that difficult for some people to say she isnt all that pretty, not to mention some people just dislike the look of tatted up bodies which alone could be enough reason to find her ugly.
in the end I believe being attracted to someone also has to do a lot with their personality, and Kelly definitely seems like a very loud obnoxious one which can be the reason she struggles so much with finding a boyfriend, I get that social expectations suck and people just want to be themselves, but maybe taking a boy to see your sephiroth shrine in your bedroom on the first date isn't the best way to go, at least not with the type of guys kelly is looking for
I dont think she's butt ugly, I think she just needs to become more self aware of herself (like maybe cover up that really bad rash she seemed to have a while ago during filming) instead of always blaming everything on the haters and others around her and never taking responsibility, especially when she receives any form of setback and expects to receive special treatment from everyone around her instead of learning to deal with things in a more mature way
No. 692852
File: 1537471484113.png (4.81 MB, 1242x2208, 7DFA1108-466D-4D4A-8CF5-F48BF2…)

is she insane????? Serious question.
No. 692998
>>692899On one hand yeah I wouldn’t put it past her - but it’s way more likely that she actually did all that.
If for no other reason than she’d make the replies way more ass kissy than the single weirded out line of “thanks” she actually got lmao
No. 693154
File: 1537491285986.jpeg (8.72 KB, 245x336, images.jpeg)

>>692763Stop exposing yourself as a Koreaboo child. If you knew anything you would know that east Asians have characteristically prominent jaws and the only races that do not are Jews and Arabs. Please do some research outside of plastic kpoop. May I point you to the beautiful Chinese actress Gong Li.
No. 693217
File: 1537498392925.png (4.74 MB, 1242x2208, B457D932-F6B0-4B9B-BF51-0B3213…)

I guess this is how she gets over being “sad”. Ugh. This bitch.
No. 693301
>>693217Imagine being this pathetic that you stay home all day long pining over fictional characters, wearing wedding rings, and pretending to be married instead of working on yourself and finding a person irl while constantly bitching about how alone you are
(not to mention that her stories right before this were of her deceased cousin and the character that she's pining over is a child murderer)
If she didn't have early e-fame to build her sheep to pay for her surgeries and other luxuries, she'd totally be an old, fat, poor spinster right now
Wonder what she's gonna do when her sheep finally move on from her
No. 693435
>>692899Didn't they try to contact apple to unlock his phone? I wouldn't doubt much she just faked it with any phone either way. She is hiding the time and date and the sides of the screenshot for some reason.
Sage for tinfoil anyway.
No. 693473
File: 1537533432167.png (801.79 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180921-113039.png)

Does anyone else find it wierd that she puts her own picture on tumbnail of video about figures?
No. 693679
File: 1537556183750.jpg (238.36 KB, 908x2206, IMG_20180921_195241.jpg)

Kelly using her friends for content again. No one cares about the IT thing kelly that movie is old news now
No. 693684
File: 1537556272804.jpg (169.25 KB, 906x2218, IMG_20180921_195232.jpg)

(her roots tho)
No. 693719
File: 1537559754215.png (349.28 KB, 1058x503, pfft.png)

She added "mental health advocate" to her bio
If anything she's the opposite
No. 693922
>>693869Previously: Cousin no. 2
The posting of private conversations seems to be a problem with Kelly. What are boundaries.
No. 693924
>>693719See also
>LARP elf>has larped like 3 timesShe's the epitome of fake nerd girl.
No. 694139
>>693719Oversharing about your mood swings doesn’t make you an advocate, Kelly.
For real though, it’s really irresponsible to make a claim like that without any sort of training or education. It implies that there’s a level of authority behind what the person is saying about mental health, whereas Kelly is just sharing her personal experience and opinions. Claiming to be an advocate implies that what she says about the topic carries some weight of authority.
It’s so arrogant and just plain dangerous to imply that she has the knowledge or skills to educate the public about mental health issues. She doesn’t even get basic statistics right, and flips the bird at ethics and best practices when they don’t suit her opinions.
No. 694735
File: 1537678931002.png (6.79 MB, 1242x2208, AFE34567-525C-4607-A5F7-5026D4…)

It’s kind of weird that her dog is with Davey, considering how much shit she talks about him.
No. 694736
File: 1537678958532.png (3.69 MB, 1242x2208, DE3CC2B6-9EA4-48B1-BD09-18AC24…)

No. 694865
>>694821The note is from a neighbor which he assumedly only found quite a while after it was left. Though dogs really shouldn't be barking non-stop while you're gone so the neighbor has a point.
Pretty weird for him to be dog-sitting also unless they are dating again. (was it that last round of surgery that lured him in, or the obsession with clowns?)
No. 695543
File: 1537755183025.png (187.24 KB, 750x1102, IMG_6903.PNG)

Is this one of the reasons she got lipo? To be on an issue of a tattoo magazine that she was on 10 years ago? She thought she needed to look the same or better than that one?
No. 695662
File: 1537772654551.png (46.43 KB, 833x543, 9241201.png)

samefag, didn't mean to sage that post so i'm not saging this one, but i skipped around a little she mentions a sponsor somewhere around 24:23 and says the info will be linked down below, but it's not linked. i looked up the name she says and check out this website kek for comparison when she reads the thread and changes the description
No. 695733
File: 1537785417246.jpg (97.36 KB, 720x869, _20180924_113038.JPG)

This is the most bizarre subject change, I struggled to understand what the first tweet was asking because I couldn't comprehend how Kelly's reply fit lol.
Also Kelly not getting the significance of batman and the joker is just more fake nerd girl points honestly
No. 696532
File: 1537883474418.jpg (103.47 KB, 907x573, Kelly eden.JPG)

Seriously, who else is tired of the same LARP outfit/character? Also, we get it, you're LARPing!! But could you please stop trying to be cool because now you're doing it…
No. 696698
File: 1537904607616.png (77.98 KB, 611x376, ew.png)

wonder what her therapist thinks of her wanting to fuck a fictional clown. yikes
also is she still trying to fool people into thinking that she's working out like crazy? kek
No. 696760
>>696698I don't think my face could be more expressionless when I see yet another one of these dull pennywise Tweets. This is like 14-year-old-tier edgy.
>>696736When I first saw these threads I didn't think she was very milky (I found lolcow via the scene memories thread, and coincidentally /snow features quite a few e-celebs I already found interesting)
But as the months have progressed I've been really shocked at how she handled the family tragedy, the way she speaks to critical fans, the hypocrisy, and now I'm just eyerolling at this attempted rebrand into #racy content. Not that long ago, she used to read out children's letters that were sent to her and Dre.
No. 696857
>>696698Kek, feel sowwy for me uwu + 3edgy5u sex stuff in one post.
I wasn't so hot today, i was late and vomited my empty stomach, but i didn't make it a framing device for… whatever that post is for.
No. 696900
>>696241I think its actually in regards to the new Joker movie that was just announced a couple days ago for 2019
But like its also gonna be an origin story soooo?? Thats new??
But i guess she can only like one homicidal clown at a time.
No. 696901
Also samefagging but
>>696698Wtf?? If i was an agency/recruiter and saw she missed an audition, but was calm enough to watch porn instead i'd be livid
No. 696924
File: 1537922504800.png (1.43 MB, 1136x640, IMG_9267.PNG)

WHAT is going on with her chest?! And of COURSE she's unboxing a wedding dress. Kelly, please stop pretending that you're getting married.
No. 697011
>>696924I can't get a screencap but by her belly button it looks like there's a scar/scab. I remember she said her body would reject belly button piercings. (That wouldn't e an incision for the lipo would it?)
She oddly looked calm and seemed more at ease in this video for me. She may benefit from shorter unboxing videos. Let pressure for content and easier to tolerate.
No. 697019
>>696924She propably had a new laser treatment. it looked the same after her last session, when I remember correctly.
Shouldn´t she be happy for the new Joker movie regarding her weird obsession with clowns? Or is the Joker not edgy enough to get attention?
No. 697189
>>696924>>696931>>696932>>697019In the description of the video, it says that this video is from early June. Which explains why her wig looks a little more decent from the dirty ratty shit she's sporting now
Also can someone gif this or something? I don't know how to put videos from twitter here but this shit is so cringy kek she's so embarrassing: No. 697212
File: 1537950545876.jpg (Spoiler Image,65.05 KB, 640x360, dp0821.jpg)

>>697189dude she looks like a 60 year old woman what happened
No. 697220
File: 1537951409273.png (3.46 MB, 1242x2208, 985519E4-BDA7-47C2-B182-59280D…)

I don’t think “cute” equals looking like you’re wearing a soiled adult diaper
Srsly wtf is she wearing
No. 697517
File: 1537982365402.jpeg (498.75 KB, 1935x1548, 429A6F4F-8233-427D-9009-903FBB…)

Her wig, skin, tattoo, arm, and lips all look so terrible yikes
No. 697711
>>697627I don't know anything about how youtube works in regards to ads and monetization, but are you able to choose what kinds of ads you get, what kind you don't want, etc.; or is it completely up to whatever system YT has going on that chooses for you 100%?
Getting mad at someone for an ad seems a little silly to me (unless it's within her control, that is)
No. 697720
>>697711companies basically "bid" on the videos they want their ad to play on, the higher "quality" video the more they pay for it the more you earn, this is all based on subscribers, viewer numbers per video, percentage of the videos being watched etc.
You have no control over the content of the ad but you have control over what kind of ad's are played (A banner add under your video, an ad at the beginning, midway ads, stuff like that)
I can't imagine an anti immigration ad willing to pay out of the ass for commercial time on youtube, and I can't imagine Kelly's viewer value (10 to 15k per video)being that good which is probably why she is getting them.
No. 698104
File: 1538023009066.jpg (862.63 KB, 1080x2088, 20180927_003514.jpg)

>>697817Her current hair. Guess she just gave up dying it.
No. 698108
File: 1538023151330.jpg (661.43 KB, 1080x2083, 20180927_003457.jpg)

>>698104Also, remember when she used to pretend to hate alcohol? Guess she gave up on that too
No. 698398
>>698104Ew dude wash your fucking nasty hair
Also wtf she looks 60
No. 698500
>>698108I wonder if she is being lazy or actually giving her hair a break and a chance to be healthy? If she is, I support this!
Also, way to be a hypocrite regarding alcohol.
Is alcohol recommend for people with bipolar? It seems like it would be a bad mix.
No. 698518
>>698500I agree if she's giving her hair a break, that's awesome. Her hair is so fried.
If she's actually taking medication for her mental illnesses, I highly doubt alcohol is a good idea. Yikes!
No. 698553 seriously mentions in this how her and her sister want to do more for suicide prevention and are looking at the possibility of going to Austin’s school and trying to get together an assembly and talk about the seriousness of mental health, how to deal with suicide, etc. Lord help those kids.
Kelly, what if those kids don’t have Twitter or YouTube to constantly talk about how they are the victims and to monetize off of it? What then? Please explain how you know SO much about the healthy way to grieve. She’ll probably post a Go Fund Me to pay for her plane ticket and trip.
Maybe she could use all that money she’s been making off of his suicide and PAY for an actually mental health advocate or professional to talk to the students.
No. 698712
File: 1538076831237.jpeg (50.33 KB, 750x248, 26BBFA99-AC15-44AB-92BE-F657A8…)

*Uploads a video reviewing lipstick, specifically a “Best Red Lipstick in the World?!”
*Is wearing a different red lipstick product in the thumbnail…you can see how old the pic is because she still has the tattoo of her mom. So this has to be around a year old if you consider before she got any lasering
I seriously can’t stand her or her YouTube. Kelly is 100% one of the laziest youtubers. How are people so oblivious to this?
No. 698789
>>698770She’s likely not doing her hair to show how “distraught” she is about her cousins death.
“See, I can’t even do my hair because I’m so down and hurting!”
No. 698935
File: 1538091423681.jpg (55.32 KB, 307x321, hag.jpg)

She looks so old and haggard here.
What is going on with her lips jfc
No. 698980
>>696532“My body is so broken from running and fighting”
So…you’re admitting you lie about working out and seeing a personal trainer?
No. 699337
File: 1538138710575.png (1.22 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180808-105946.png)

Happy dreams children.
No. 699441
File: 1538150093402.jpeg (622.23 KB, 1125x1738, 6F2AAC36-FD39-43B1-923C-725BEA…)

>>699337Wtf is going on here?
No. 699570
File: 1538162744336.jpg (70.04 KB, 844x488, kellyeden lady.JPG)

>>699441And somehow some people aren't bothered by it… :/
No. 699575
File: 1538162964994.jpg (38.26 KB, 578x562, Capturetwitter.JPG)

Ok Kelly… We get it, you're trying to be more racy and stuff…
No. 700102
File: 1538212768089.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1535, IMG_20180929_051811.png)

Nice flab there, Kelly. Lipo was totally worth it.
No. 700164
>>700110A shitty man, which explains why all her previous boyfriends were problems.
Maybe it's the way she goes about getting men's attention that might be the problem…advertising herself as a thot and then trying to morph that into the perfect Barbie housewife after she "snares" them.
There are nerdy dudes who would think she is great in her everyday form, but they would not be attracted to this charade she does to get male attention. And probably pretty embarrassed about it.
No. 700319
>>700110Shitty entitled people attract shitty entitled people, her thottetry is the least of any future partners worries.
The issue is people like her always run off once things go sour to cry about how they weren't treated right when even if the person was fucking God themselves, in people like Kelly's eyes they become something of a redemption arch for her. She's once again been hurt and now shall rise from her ashy feet until the true clown charming comes along who not only doesn't leave her but goes along with all her gagging on anime dick and self diagnosed daddy trauma.
No. 701257
>>700110Idk a lot of perfectly fine guys don't care about skanky IG pics. If anything, the sort of guy who would hold that against a girl he would otherwise find great is the type of low quality man who should be avoided.
However, with Kelly it's not just a matter of "racy modelling" but a symptom of her desperate need for attention. She also seems to me like the kind of girl who gets into relationships with guys with obvious red flags, but either thinks she can change them or romanticizes them (like possessive behavior for example).
No. 701396
File: 1538355223008.png (980.39 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6957.PNG)

Slight derail. But
Someone asked Stephanie who her best friend is on her stories
No. 701628
File: 1538391271555.png (1.95 MB, 1334x750, 9FBA3F70-28CA-409A-82F7-05506A…)

>>701620She looks like a crazy bridge dwelling gypsy cat lady who time traveled to 2018 and discovered how to use a basic notebook for the first time in her life.
No. 701629
File: 1538391492822.png (2.07 MB, 1334x750, 7A27669D-5AD2-4B79-B30B-FCEB33…)

No. 701737
>>701620She's acting like she's never seen a notebook before. Like it's a revolutionary new invention…
Also why did she include her tmi pennywise/asmr shit in this video? "my September fave is masturbating" great thanks Kelly
No. 701963
>>701620It's hard to watch her videos because she seems so stupid or fake. "Nsfw halloween type stories, so cringy and weird but god it's so magical!" Yeah, you're so different for jacking off to fan fiction. It's sad she has to broadcast this, she must be lonely.
And I get liking stuff from your childhood but low quality childrens markers and unopened bubbles aren't ingraved into your soul. Is she going to play with Playdoh when she's stressed about her easy ass life of recording herself and getting her pictures taken?
No. 702486
File: 1538488999409.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181002-162128.png)

No. 703017
File: 1538542627146.jpeg (217.54 KB, 1242x1122, B67FC10B-8339-436A-A67E-8F13D3…)

re: davey?
No. 703142
>>702989Idk Kelly herself has admitted they never spoke
>>703017God, this feels like her not understanding the antisemitic meme all over again. I mean ofc it's not the same as being outright racist but the conversation was definitely someone else telling Kelly it's appropriative and now she's looking for justification on twitter
No. 703254
File: 1538580429833.png (72.47 KB, 397x99, Screen shot 2018-10-03 at 10.2…)

Kelly's thumbnails are so out of control. Using model pictures of herself, then in the actual video being in her gross ratty wig and pajamas. Also I get so angry with how she pulls the wig back. Ponytail wigs are wefted in a way that they can be pulled back, that wig is not meant to be pulled back so the way the hair drapes over her ears, hugging her head like a helmet, is so grandmom-ish. I don't care how pink the wig is its styled in an old lady hairstyle and looks like a granny wig.
No. 703347
>>703200From her own text screen shot in
>>692852>I know we barely talkLoads of people never speak to their extended family honestly it's not that hard to believe they never spoke
No. 703386
File: 1538592055761.png (78.29 KB, 720x415, Stalker.png)

Not saying that this didn't happen, but Kelly is normally not shy about screencapping personal conversation or interaction (Steph's texts, the texts to Austin and Kyle)…
My theory is it's an ex boyfriend and a screencap would give it away/show that she's not always the good guy. Kelly, you're welcome to prove me wrong here.
No. 703391
File: 1538592148589.png (596.45 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181003-173347.png)

No. 703395
File: 1538592461399.png (70.86 KB, 720x452, Dreads.png)

>>703017Someone in the comments connected this Tweet back to Davey, maybe a reference to him. She also @Skillrex two tweets after that, congratulating him on a game soundtrack song, so she's on the ex-boyfriend train this week.
No. 703573
>>703551Weird to Tweet about it, if it's the same person, since obviously the recognition would
trigger someone like that. She didn't really reply to the suggestions in the thread which makes me suspect she's over-emphasising how creepy it was for effect. If someone is dangerous you don't Tweet about it. Idk it doesn't add up, especially posted at the same time of referencing her last two boyfriends via Tweet, sorta like announcing how obsessed guys are with her despite only one male (transgender Lina) ever commenting on her stuff.
No. 703961
File: 1538648021016.jpg (441.05 KB, 931x601, feDMrCU.jpg)

a photoshoot for a hair dye company, wearing a wig (that is dyed with a different brand, if that comment is legit) ???
No. 704048
File: 1538661297058.jpg (684.88 KB, 1069x1775, Screenshot_20181004-145453_Ins…)

Lina really said cute bones wtf
No. 704051
File: 1538661612002.jpg (259.96 KB, 1080x1063, Screenshot_20181004-150009_Ins…)

Samefag sorry but wow
No. 704353
>>703986yeah normal not to
tell anyone tho.
No. 704384
>>704176I don't know how they still used her after how much shit she talked about their hair dye after the last ad. She styled herself, did her own makeup and her own hair. What did they even do, have her come by the warehouse and they hired a photographer? Is this normal for campaigns?
That wig is going to require so much photoshop. It looked okay when she first got it but it got trashed really quickly. It looks baggy and stretched out, she fucked up the baby hairs badly and half of the hairs are broken and dried out. What did she do to that thing, put it through the laundry? The funniest is when she puts her hair up in it and she looks like a grandma because it's so baggy.
Just let your hair go, Kelly. It actually looks fine when she has her fine natural hair up with just the ends pink. Just do a pink ombre or something. If you can't deal with the upkeep, just don't do it. However, I am just thankful that this pink dried squid that she has on her head replaced that awful pink bob wig with grey roots.
Also… she knows a chiropractor is not a real doctor right? Like, they aren't qualified to read x-rays, tell you what is wrong with your bones and sell you some bullshit service to "fix it", right? Acupuncture? Bullshit. "Adjustments"? Bullshit. Cupping? Bullshit.
Massage? Actually works a bit, just usually not covered by insurance. What she needs is a physical therapist that will tell her how to fix her posture and tell her that her circus tits were a bad idea and are causing at least half of her problems. But, yeah, let's just cure it with crystals and essential oils, maybe she'll start selling them!
No. 704411
>>704384Agreed with everything except the chiropractor statement. Most insurances cover chiropractor care and it's still a field that requires years of medical training (unlike something like acupuncture). Lots of clinics combine physical therapy and chiropractor techniques too.
sage for slightly off topic
No. 704435
>>704415I have no idea about the particular chiro she's going to. I'm just saying chiropractor care in general is fine and is not comparable to stuff like acupuncture or cupping.
Also, agree about the implants. I don't get why she hasn't gotten them fix considering how much sponsored cosmetic surgery she has gotten.
No. 704437
>>704274no1curr she is milky enough by herself.
>>704048I'm guessing she was born with some slight problem, and her cartoon blow-ups made them worse. Otherwise she'd be more surprised about it/exploit her suffering.
I don't think she'll remove the implants any time soon, if ever. Especially if she paid, does anyone know if she did? I don't think she was getting sponsored much at the time.
No. 704541
>>704048Speaking as someone from the medical field, this is hardly an issue. It's probably due to having poor posture from being on the computer/a smart phone all the time as well as her huge breast implants. But of course she tries to milk medical issues now.
ib4 her next gofundme to pay for her "chiropractics" or plastic surgery to reduce her implant size.
No. 705039
>>704541In 2017 sometime she ordered a special chair to use for editing to help with her back problems, she's also posted a video where she visits another chiropractor, so none of this is new.
>>704274Hi Jake
No. 705472
>>705467Holy shit she is the epitome of a nightmare first timer / player.
I mean jfc I bet they're all subtly trying to write her out of the whole thing while giving sympathy responses to her flake of a character background.
No. 705579
File: 1538860022961.jpg (697.69 KB, 1030x1704, Untitled 1.jpg)

From above. Don't know why this didn't upload.
No. 706023
>>705579Kelly is just getting too old to be a model - or at least the kind of model she wants to be. She is in her late 20s, and at that point if you don’t have the genes, you have to invest a lot of time and be exceptionally disciplined to maintain your appearance - and even then, not everyone can do it. She already has her height working against her, and we’ve seen her mom. She’s a lovely lady for her age but still fairly average.
At this point, Kelly needs to give it up, or hop on the “body positivity” modeling trend. She
is naturally pretty, but she’s short, has acne, and quite a bit of softness to her physique. If she actually took care of her mental health and learned to be confident in herself, she could do very well in that niche.
No. 706067
>>705889>did they just shove her in cos she has some subs on social mediaIf companies did that, just about anyone could be a model.
But I agree, it looks bad. They should've used someone else.
No. 706232
File: 1538950624528.png (240.78 KB, 653x973, Kelly_Eden.png)

Here's another pic from the website. They made a tag for her name too, but there's nothing else under it.
No. 706360
>>706232never noticed before, but she has some really rugged labourers' hands.
and… deodorant stains on top of her shirt? powder? something?
she's fucking sloppy for a model.
No. 706593
File: 1538999989052.jpg (551.1 KB, 764x431, 06ZXhTa.jpg)

>>706232>>706353geesh it makes my eye itchy just looking at it
No. 706780
File: 1539022218699.jpg (89.73 KB, 484x640, tumblr_l1ta5pvEtr1qb6p4p.jpg)

>>705889did you guys never see these ads back in the day or in older threads? i'm assuming they went with her because she guilted them into taking back one of their old models
No. 706934
>>706780The date there says 2010, but next to the recent pic she did, it looks like 10+ years age difference.
>>706725>>706851Well she has no real hobbies to milk. Pop culture and quirky/edgy is all her persona is. Shibari failed so now it's pennywise and kidnap fantasy, and being a uwu deep mental advocate over her kid cousin's death. She really outdid herself.
Is ask a mortician still gonna collab?
No. 709388
>>708847Yeah when I read the texts she posted, I legit thought it was her answering a fan's DM or some shit. Not her cousin. Seemed so impersonal and distanced.
It's obvious they weren't close but she wanted brownie points. I agree it probably made things worse for Austin - and better for Kelly's bank account. Mental health is a popular-ish topic and I guess she realised she could leech off of that. And her family agreed.
No. 709418
>>708847Yeah the texts were very impersonal and distanced. I legit thought it was her answering a fan's DM or some shit.
I agree it probably made things worse for Austin - and better for Kelly's bank account. Mental health is a popular-ish topic, I guess she realised she could leech off of that. And her family agreed.
No. 709695
File: 1539231343235.png (751.38 KB, 806x591, dem arms.png)

dem balloon arms and that awful wig
her head looks swollen
No. 709714
>>709695I tend to think most comments about Kelly's appearance are unnecessary, but damn, this terrible wig styling makes it look like she has a 5 head.
I don't know Kelly's money situation, but even someone like me, who is dead broke, could get a better looking wig on Amazon for $10. I just don't get why she is hanging on to this wig and wearing it when it's clearly past its expiration date.
No. 710051
>>709695I thought she'd given up on this in favour of her husbando Pennywise.
And peep lina being the first comment as always. "Cute bones", and now that Kelly makes shibari artistic. Why is he so obsessed with her?
No. 710889
File: 1539323929481.jpg (84.56 KB, 720x611, _20181012_065150.JPG)

Kelly trying to shift the attention away from her dead child profiting I see. YouTubes ads are garbage sure, but she's so in denial about doing anything wrong
No. 710932
>>710913>>7109241.) Sage your shit, or get the fuck out
2.) You didn’t correct anybody. If anything, you just made yourself sound like an elitist with a hard on for King
3.) You’re trying to sound eloquent and intelligent on a fucking lolcow thread. Sort your life priorities.
4.) You’re trying too hard to semi-wk the cow and then throw in a vague insult such as, “lol Kelly is dumb I’m totes one of y’all!”. Not very convincing. Go back to lurking unless you’ve got some real milk.
No. 710989
File: 1539338117148.png (839.89 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20181010-210216.png)

Her lips…
No. 710995
>>710971Lmao ofc. She's definitely already boasted about how much she's into the Tim curry movie, but sperg-chan is taking issue with why she finds Bob grey attractive when in the recent film that name wasn't even mentioned. It's barely relevant to her current state of weird clown sex kek, kelly is too dumb to go that deep honestly
>>710989Jesus she looks about 45. I barely recognise this as the same person from her heavily edited Instagram
No. 711742
>>710989Voting this to be the next thread's image
Also kek @ her keeping the shibari ropes on her dresser. Think she used them with that guy she complained about in the video? Or she put them there for attention
No. 711746
File: 1539413306315.png (1.38 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181013-093119.png)

She got new tattoo
No. 711748
File: 1539413431783.png (1.68 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181013-093416.png)

Also her unfinished back tattoo. Wvy get new tattoo insted of finishing this one?
No. 711763
>>711746>>711747Not new, looks like she just got it touched up
Still tacky though
No. 711777
File: 1539420776797.jpeg (664.89 KB, 750x711, 2EB46CB0-12E0-4DEA-A33F-4E7C6A…)

Looks like Katie has replaced Kelly as the ‘pink hair friend’
No. 711778
>>711748Never paid much attention to Kellys back tattoo and now im loosing my shit over the literal disformed hoof that looks like a horse version of the buttlers hand from Scary movie.
Disproportionately Small yet oddly round
No. 711814
File: 1539430382869.jpg (1.62 MB, 2044x1920, fixedtattoo.jpg)

>>711748damn the proportions are off for a horse.
Fixed it on the right, on how an actual horse proportions would look.
No. 711843
>>711814What is
No. 711859
>>711748The composition is awful, the face is off and shrivelled, and those legs look like a birth defect.
If she's a former tattoo artist, how is she ok with this?
No. 711935
File: 1539451508570.jpg (937.12 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20181013_132046.jpg)

I believe this is the image that she's trying to reference with that awful tattoo
No. 711967
File: 1539454392210.jpg (660.32 KB, 1080x1992, Screenshot_20181013-141246_Ins…)

No. 712425
>>711748>> 710985If you have ability to read, could you follow the first suggestion that the anon made you and start saging your posts?
>> 710989I don't understand much of wigs, but
can'tt she wash and dye the wig again? Would it not be more presentable?
>>711748This one is atrocious.
No. 712629
File: 1539540869343.png (128.6 KB, 705x1035, IMG_7098.PNG)

>>711935She used to have Marilyn there as well
No. 713119
>>712945i think it's due to the curves of your back and how your body is shaped in that area- niko is an amazing artist but massively failed her with this one, the placement is so unflattering and the ghorn is stupidly long / looks wonky due to her shoulder blades, it should have been a thigh piece or just the top of her back where its a more flat, square area…. i feel sorry for her honestly as she was done dirty with this piece- he should know better. the reference image is bad too, the horse is getting up from lying down and the position captured is unnatural for a horse to be in, so the whole tattoo looks awkward and strained.
take it from someone who's had horses and been in the tattoo industry……
No. 714220
>>714174I got a really forced vibe from this. She's trying extra hard to be quirky and odd and it's like she's making her family do it too. Why try so hard, Kelly? Your channel went downhill long ago. It's not coming back up.
OT also but where I'm from in the UK, a lot of us would kill to have a house half that nice. She really takes shit for granted.
No. 714221
>>714174>>714210Property value depends entirely on where you live in the US, there is no "American standard". Where I live a house like that would only cost like 200k, but in some areas it would cost over a million.
Judging by how much houses cost on the Evergreen Trulia, it's a normal middle class house by that area's standard. Also, keep in mind they had that house before her dad passed, meaning her mother most likely isn't doing as well financially as they probably were when they bought it. Still doesn't negate the fact that Kelly chose to buy thousands in luxuries instead of put that money toward the funeral, though. Then had the nerve to cry on camera about how bad she felt that she couldn't help out more.
No. 714239
>>714216Her digitized video rewatch just consisted of her behaving exactly the same as she always does, but interjecting it with invented backstory about how bad she had it, where no evidence exists of said bad times.
It's like she has to have a sob story and can't just look back at fun memories without making some shit up about it. She had plenty of friends, family, money and boyfriends. She had close best friends who are still her pal(s) now. There is no sob story. See also: Recent tweets about being mistaken for being stuck up, which is word-for-word something that was posted in an old thread about her by someone who went to college with her.
Then claiming she has only just got used to being on camera. How was your video from 2006 or whatever "acting" if you're no good at being on camera? I would say her very first videos on her channel
were awkward, but she can't stop lying about her past self and how she was perceived. Which is kinda a weird thing to be obsessed about.
No. 714249
>>714223Kelly's poor spending habits doesn't mean she comes from a poor family. If anything, it shows what she thinks is a reasonable standard of living. Poor people buying an Xbox to make their poor people lives more enjoyable don't tend to live in huge houses and casually drop $40+ on pies and pumpkins.
That may be the "average" house in the area, but that probably means they live in a wealthy area. I grew up in suburbs where McMansions like that were common, but I can acknowledge that housing and real estate is really pricey where I grew up, even if my family didn't have a lot of money.
It's stupid to do mental gymnastics trying to figure out why they look like they have money while Kelly claims that they are struggling financially. She also described herself as struggling financially, which is laughable.
>>714239She lies because she can get away with it and doesn't know how to not frame herself as a victim. It's that simple.
No. 714287
>>714249I thought she lied about her back story to seem more uwu relatable or even to excuse her current vapid lifestyle.
Can definitely see her milking a victim sob story for views though, she is a real money hungry cow.
No. 714585
File: 1539741784371.jpg (1.57 MB, 1920x2560, 18-10-17-02-58-14-304_deco.jpg)

Yeah, great "painting". You'd never guess she went to art school from this
Also Kelly is so self obsessed she has to include herself (awesome roommate!!!) and her lane clown obsession
No. 714608
File: 1539743435542.png (7.74 MB, 1125x2436, 143E0901-BCB0-4B65-94DC-90344D…)

Here we go with that “brand new” jacket. Also uhhhhh wtf is this makeup and outfit, Kelly?
No. 714632
File: 1539744977191.png (5.57 MB, 1494x1658, colorado.png)

>>714210>>714216>>714221>>714249Colorado anon here and I just wanted to call absolute bullshit on Kelly's "we wuz on foodstamps" claims once and for all.
Kelly lived in Evergreen Colorado, which is upper middle class to rich. There's no exceptions to this rule, really. If you're in a moderate or small mountain town in Colorado, there's only one "class" of people there. If you're in a rich town, you're rich or commute outside the town.
Even if a town looks very quaint or rustic, especially downtowns, some of the Colorado towns are super deceptive. Telluride Colorado, for example, looks like it's a middle class town, but look at homes for sale there and you'll see it's full of million dollar mansions with actual movie star second homes.
If you don't believe me about Evergreen, all you have to do is look up houses on zillow or something. Pic related even has some fucking chateau in Evergreen someone just decided to put down there. The reason why they move to these towns is because they're "cute" then go back to fancy houses like Kelly's.
No. 714725
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I noticed that Kelly has not been liking any of Kotas IG photos lately and Kota gave up kissing Kelly’s ass on her IG. turns out she unfollowed kota altogether. RIP fellowship. Kelly only wants you if you have something to offer her.
No. 714974
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This is what she wrote on Limecrimes wall. She's so fucking stupid
No. 715106 with the constant fake crying?
and gotta love the self insert of her LARP character at 10:45
No. 715182
>>715106Man you'd think with all the fake crying she did for her cousin's videos that she'd have gotten better at it by now.
Funny she is allegedly friends with Doe but didn't know that Doe still helps out and hadn't left Limecrime entirely.
No. 715242
>>715124I'm convinced a farmer made that second video with the Windows Movie Maker graphics hahaha.
The psychology behind this is that Kelly just wants to be edgy.
No. 715249
>>715124I couldn't make it through the entire video. Cringey all the way.
The second video…calling out Kelly for sure. And Steph shading her.
Also, noticed on 3:43 when Steph said she didn't know IT was a Shapeshifter…really? They're just pretending to be edgy/nerd/geek but they know nothing about IT…smh
No. 716035
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Girl please you put on a persona for a living
No. 716188
>>716140Yup, I think that's exactly it. She seems to really want to present herself as some type of underdog. Her 'Draw My Life' video always bugged me because she made herself seem like this soft, sad/shy little thing, all her teachers were mean to her, her classmates, her family, they were sooo poor and disadvantaged, etc. etc. I get the sense that she's had her same loud/self-centered/controlling personality for longer than she'd ever admit. And that her family's financial struggles are exaggerated.
Like, if they were really THAT poor, I'm suprised they were able to keep the house in Evergreen all these years, and were never forced to move to a shittier neighborhood
No. 716288
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>>716188People generally tend to compare their financial status to those in their immediate area and not the rest of the country. They probably aren't doing as well financially as most people in Evergreen, so it's easy for her to think of her family as destitute. That being said, you would think living in a place like Hollywood would put things more in perspective. The poverty in some parts of LA is literally third world level (pic related is skid row in downtown LA which is literally an entire neighborhood of mentally ill homeless people in tents) so it's pretty gross to see someone living a few blocks away from that in a nice house getting to buy and experience expensive things on a regular basis complain constantly about how poor she is.
No. 716568
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>>714937It does matter because you're an idiot and they're both still following each other. Just stop posting and get your shit straight before posting again. Also sage.
No. 716671
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Issa look
No. 716736
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Even with gigantic heels on, Kelly still looks like a midget next to phin, who quite honestly looks ridiculous. She looks like shes auditioning for a part in 'Oliver', not going to a pastel dreamy makeup party. God these clowns.
No. 716775
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makes sense why she was asking stuff about white ppl with dreadlocks recently
No. 716786
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Her skin is so terrible, or maybe she should change her foundation
No. 716796
>>716736God she looks so top heavy. Those shoes are stupid and her legs are shapeless. This is a disaster lol
Also Oliver audition is spot on kek
No. 716853
>>716736She just has no class whatsoever. Those chunky heels do nothing for her legs, also could you please give that jacket a vacay Kelly? And what about that top… She has all that somewhat amazing clothing and chooses to go like this? So lazy tbh.
Also, is Phi auditioning for "Anastasia"? Seriously, no fashion sense at all…
No. 716878
>>716775So cruel and abusive he's willing to be in a stupid monetized video where she publicly is unwilling to let go of their relationship.
>>716736I love how after getting constantly dragged here for that disgusting wig, she's switched back to exclusively wearing her own hair.
I think she's styling it fine but she could really just buy another wig? This has always seemed like a really difficult concept to grasp for someone who loves to waste money. That an the concept of "independent thought."
No. 717102
>>716188You guys are so stupid, the house was her paternal grandfather's, they just lived in it, they inherited it while she was in high school. Hard to lose something that you don't own. Also, despite income and assets, you guys seem completely unaware of how quickly an alcoholic/junkie can blow through money. Have you ever been to a bar? How frequently do you think her dad had a job?
I mean, Kelly is NOT poor right now, she makes a lot of money, it's just not a consistent amount of money and she blows it all the second she gets it on cosmetic procedures because she has 0 impulse control. But I don't see how people can be skeptical of her being poor growing up given her family history (alcoholic father) and that we've had her sister, mother, former best friend and her sibling confirm it on camera.
Edit: Lol, using the "r" word gets you auto-banned now. From a website who uses the word fag for everything, hilarious.
No. 717134
>>717102>Enough generational weath to inherit an entire huge house>So poor you guiseThe way some rich people get sooo defensive about their privilege or act like it's normal or "My grandparents worked HARD" like poor people are all just twiddling their thumbs is always hilarious to me.
Outright owning a house like theirs in some bougie mountain town means they always had the option of renting or selling it and moving somewhere much more affordable. Actually poor people living in poverty, paycheck to paycheck, with no resources don't have that option. A house is a massive asset that some people work their whole lives and are never able to buy.
No. 717142
>>717102All you're saying is that someone in her family did have money. If it wasn't the parents, it was her grandparent. It doesn't make Evergreen any less expensive to live. There is no "lower class" like a ghetto or how it'd be in a metropolis.
I don't think she makes as much as some people here might think, but she definitely makes more than most people. Stop trying to downplay how privileged she's been her whole life and how she always had good income.
No. 717192
>>717175Uhm… nah. 1. Not a newfag. 2. Not a whiteknight because I have an actual argument. Maybe you would know what a wk was if you weren't a newfag.
I'm all for the criticisms of Kelly, half of them are valid. However, some people just come on her and spout off about stupid and inaccurate shit, and that's not how this thread was 6+ months ago. It's devolved in to a third grade shouting match about who is a whiteknight and the Hi Kelly and the Hi Kelly's friends where occasionally the bickering stops and you pick apart her arm fat.
As for the reason I was banned, try it yourself. Type up a post where you say the "r" word. You will see an autoban from today with no reason. Then clear your cookies, try posting again without that word, annnnd problem solved. But, welcome to the thread, you'll fit right in with the 50% of people in the thread that are intellectually challenged.
No. 717213
>>717192Okay, retard.
What really happened is that you probably caught a autoban because the IP currently assigned to you has been banned before, which is a known bug you'd be aware of if you weren't, again, a newfag. Lurking this thread for 6+ months doesn't make you any less of one because you clearly have no idea how this site works and don't branch out into other threads. You're probably
>>692216 as it's the only use of retard in this thread and it was another WK post. You're bad at this and should feel bad.
No. 717219
>>717213Wow, someone else used a common word and you assume we're the same person. Nice try detective, Anon, but don't quit your day job (if you have one). You must be
>>709714 because this person also used the word clearly. By your logic, you're also me and
>>692216, because you used the same word.
>>717483I can’t wait to see her saggy tits and now misshapen “I had lipo but didnt change my diet at all and have gained weight back” body squished into a sailor moon costume like “Lewk ITZ meE 14-YR oLlD Uusaagee!!”
I’m making myself ugly laugh just thinking about it
No. 717669
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No. 717728
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I was scrolling on Facebook and saw this ad posted by Splat. They even changed their cover photo with this picture and are using it to advertise their dye.
Shows how much Kelly and the brand are full of shit
No. 717742
>>717736It think it is. I believe she sold the latex and went for a new one instead after the first skit.
She’s probably only making another skit to gain more patrons again and get a sub boost since things have been going downhill for a good while now because she’s been so lazy.
No. 717919
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ok mr. "traded-one-pink-bitch-for-another"
didn't he also shade kelly with tweets regarding mental illness kek
think it was on thread 4
No. 718007
>>717857Some weird things in this video. She conflates/confuses
sexism with
sexual harassment. It sounds like she got both, but it was primarily
sexism whereas the term she uses most often is
sexual harassment.
She says she went through all that (working willingly for free for years in an unpleasant/aggressive environment) and DIDN'T turn into an asshole, which is supposed to be an inspiring take-away. Most of us go through shit and don't turn into assholes. It doesn't mean you're wonderful. It's because weak/sensitive people are targets for assholes. They know you aren't going to become one yourself.
Also lol at her saying so-and-so was her apprentice "brother" and supported her, and then roasting his art.
If your art is so good why don't you
make some Kelly.
No. 718495
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>>717890Well if her tattoos are anything like this…
No. 718496
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>>717890Also i guess she had a portfolio on myspace? this is from tumblr (i went looking for any hence the horse pic before)
No. 718497
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>>717933Final pic! Heres the words on davey
No. 718533
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>>718530she tattooed the diamond on herself, the dia de las muertos lady was "her first tattoo" according to the caption, and the HK was done by her on a friend
No. 718534
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No. 718535
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the tattoo/piercing pictures peter out after this, except for ones on her body. looks like she quit after this
No. 718565
>>718535the tank girl is allllllllmost actually pretty good but the thread doesn't connect to the stitches???? it's like, a dot of ink missing and it makes it hard to tell what the thread is even supposed to be at first glance. it's still, by far, the best of the bunch IMO
>>718534i had a hearty laugh at the flower with the birds coming off it. how many of these do you think are covered up?
No. 718820
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Girl that expression is hideous. Kelly and Phi hanging out on a stream… I wonder if Phi is disappointed that her social media career hasn't began to show signs of taking off in the way that Dre's did. This is purely speculation but I wonder if Kelly includes an offer of social media mentions/ occasional video features etc for her roommates in exchange for cash? Why else would she be pushing this boring person on us whom she has no chemistry with but pretends that theyvare somewhat best friends. No one is buying it Kelly.
No. 719052
>>718923This. Kelly is obviously extremely needy when it comes to her friends and needs someone around her constantly. Also, if we're sticking to the theory she has borderline, one of the primary traits is that they get really intense about people really fast. There is no such thing as slowly building a friendship.
I actually remember being shocked and slightly weirded out when she posted an IG photo celebrating one year of knowing Dre because she had been calling Dre her best friend so long that I assumed they knew each other for years.
No. 719740
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No. 720395
File: 1540414374263.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1290x1935, 48060FD1-FEE8-4DD3-95F4-E2AC90…)

Nowhere in any prior threads has anyone referred to her art as good, and now “several” anons think her paintings are wonderful amazing or otherwise actually decent? I smell multi-posting.
If anyone wants to challenge that I invite you to revisit the attached pic
And duh,
>>718711 she’s the literal definition of a snowflake. Someone who was told they were amazing at a certain talent or skill when in reality they were shit and now they think they’re special.
No. 720414
>>720395I found this thread not very long ago and chime in every now and again when I feel like it. I've only stated that I liked some of her finished paintings once; if anybody else did, it's probably because, uhh, we're having a discussion? Not sure what you're 'smelling', pal.
And you can say 'duh, she's the definition of a snowflake' about literally any of the things we bring up about her. No shit.
No. 720421
>>719815Seriously - creates a story of hardship when she attended literally one of the most EXCLUSIVE schools in Denver.
"Denver School of the Arts: Elite or elitist?" No. 720428
>>720395Artfag here. The bottle is decent but the rest is flat overall, the smoke looks shit. And no Kelly using your dad's ashes wasn't uwu deep and artsy.
She could improve with practice and morals, but she's lazy ofc. I wonder what grades she got?
Also does she still see a therapist?
No. 720443
>>720428>>720395You people are retarded. Kelly is objectively a better artist than 98% of people alive on earth. That's a pretty good picture she made there and it would take people YEARS AND YEARS of practice to achieve something like that.
Overall I think Kelly is an obnoxious hoe who keeps crying about MUH DEPRESSION and scams people out of money for funerals (while she uses her money for expensive tattoos, trips and whatnot)… so she's a scummy, selfobsessed person that I don't like one bit.
That aside, her act is just objectively pretty good. It's not genius tier, but still good and takes plenty of practice.
No. 720453
>>720451>>720450Copying a photo to such a realistic degree is still incredibly hard and it would take years to get to the level of her skill for the average person. It's objectively good art, if you like it or not.
You people lose all credibility if you just hysterically hate on everything for the sake of hate. You can argue that she has no creativity or heart, yeah that seems to be true. But her skill as an artist in her specific niche is still very good.
It makes you look like a bunch of jealous haters if instead of hating Kelly for genuine reasons like being a garbage person who profits of suicide… you decide to nitpick and get butthurt over "HER ART ISN'T THAT GOOD!!!1" when it actually is.
No. 720454
>>720453we get butthurt…right
No. 720464
>>720443seriously? you think she's better than 98% of the 7? 8? billion people on this Earth? That's a fucking stretch.
Her paintings look like the work of a decently talented high school student at best.
And they're only good when she's directly coping a photograph or something in front of her.
If she was better than 98% of the people alive right now, she wouldn't just be a human photo-copier.
No. 720596
>>720525this is my problem with kelly's art. aside from the fact she doesn't even really MAKE art anymore… she calls her work hyperrealistic, which is an actual art term that has nothing to do with what she paints because the proportions and colors are usually a bit off. but it's a buzzword that can generate her some attention, esp since hyperrealism can go viral so easily
she has some skill/talent in being able to copy and render things in paint. however, the actual legwork like composition, colors, etc, is already done for her in the vast majority of her art. i honestly couldn't really call most of what she makes "original pieces" tbh, it's more a collaborative effort between her and whatever photographer actually took the shot.
No. 720688
>>720453You can tell from her drawings that aren't referenced from photos that she knows nothing about anatomy, shading, or creativity. Copying a photo is just copying from one 2D surface to another. Realistic painting is about translating 3D space into 2D through your eyes as an artist, something that's very difficult to do. Or, the ideas come from your head and you apply what you know about real-world lighting and volume to your imagined idea, even more difficult. Anyone who takes art seriously knows this.
artfaggotry aside, even though I don't respect her skills, I would respect her more if she had any output. She sits around her house all day eating cookies and masturbating to pennywise. She has plenty of time to do some art and yet… we haven't seen anything new in forever.
No. 720759
>>720751what's your issue with that statement?
people should get regular mental health check ups just like people (should) get regular physicals.
No. 721055
>>720464If she's better than 98% of the population, it still means that 160,000,000 people are as good or better than kelly
Doesn't seem that much of a stretch to me
No. 721151
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I can’t tell if this is a cosplay or just some random bullshit costume they made up
No. 721217
>>721191should have included the video in this but yeah i agree, watching this was awkward, same with kelly constantly bringing up the "rule that isn't really a rule" like we know if someone else dyed their hair pastel pink in their friend group kelly would absolutely have a meltdown
This video also further kinda shows how hollow the bonds between the "fellowship" really is in a way, imagine not having much of anything else that makes you stand out as your hair color to where you joke about feeling threatened by the idea of a friend having that color too
No. 721259
>>721217Bitch bitch moan.
Kelly was such a cunt in this video.
Every colour Phi liked, Kelly said it looked bad or made an excuse as to why she shouldn't get it.
Light blue- I want to dye it that colour, so don't do it.
Dark pink- I feel threatened *jokes that it's HER colour.
She admits later in the video if Phi got pink she'd be annoyed.
She shat all over Silver and Grey.
Green isn't allowed because that's Dre's colour.
One of the colours (I think dark pink) she flat out said it looked bad before they looked at another.
You can tell she really wants her to dye her hair yellow.
Also, forgive me for being an sjw and reading too much into it but when she went on about Phi having yellow pigtail buns and the way she squealed and grabbed her hair gave me the impression that Kelly wants a token black/ethnic friend.
I say this because yellow is used as an 'ethnic' colour in heaps of media.
Example- Barbie wears pink, her ethnic friend Teresa is usually in yellow.
Power rangers used to have a yellow suited female ranger and she was asian. The pink one was white (although they changed this later on)
I also don't like the way Kelly acts like she's a hairdresser. Yes she's right about some of the things she says about maintenance and certain colours, but her hair is completely different texture and type to Phi. What works on her hair may not work for Phi. I really hope she goes to a salon or settles with a wig instead of letting Kelly fry it.
No. 721264
>>721217Um…so she's not allowed pink because apparently it's Kelly's colour but she can't have powder blue either because Kelly MAY dye her own hair blue next year? Wow. Selfish.
Also Phi said she always wanted to try silver and Kelly shits all over it and says it washes her out.
Like yeah, light hair can wash certain people out, but she could pull off like a Storm from xmen kind of look. Greyish hair on tan skin would look nice when her makeup is done.
I feel like Kelly tries to be the 'honest' helpful friend but comes across as rude and pushy in this video. I agree with some of the comments on the video that Phi should get a wig instead.
She seems like more of an introvert than Kelly and coloured hair might make her anxious if she wants to be low key. She's better off getting some cute wigs instead of wrecking her nice thick healthy hair.
No. 721270
>>721217If I was Phi, I'd dye my hair pink just to spite her. Kelly can't stand not being the centre of attention. I think she's also jealous of Phi because Kelly is now the dumpy less hot friend, whereas with Dre, she was the little cute one with pink hair uwu and Dre was bigger than her.
Her insecurity is probably very high having a tall half black, half japanese, naturally pretty girl with nice skin and exotic looks around, while she looks like a squat stumpy dwarf pumped with fillers and pink clown hair.
I bet she's the type of girl to playfully make digs and puts down her friends in front of dudes or new people to impress them or make herself look better.
No. 721281
>>721272I agree, the dark pink would look nice, not sure why Kelly said it looked bad, there was other colours that looked worse.
I think she should go a dark colour like dark purple or maybe start with burgundy so that she doesn't have to bleach her hair as much and ruin it. Also if she got a dark burgundy or berry colour, it would be more wearable if she's shy about bright colours. I feel like reds and plums are the least 'crazy' of unnatural hair dye colours and probably more comfortable to wear everyday. But I guess we'll see how Phi reacts after getting it done. I imagine she'll like it intially, but hate the maintenance.
I wonder if Kelly will be successful in bullying her into the yellow.
No. 721297
>>721259This exactly. Her comments aren't even consistent like she says she can't have peach because it's high maintenance (super patronising) but says the light teal is nice etc.
Admitting the yellow looks gross in the picture then following up with "I've always wanted someone to have yellow" just shows she's completely ignoring how it'd look (it's definitely not phis colour) and also like… How on earth does sunshine yellow go with phis closet??
No. 721310
File: 1540512568546.jpg (145.15 KB, 720x1128, IMG_20181025_190806.jpg)

Im about to unfollow this guy. He won't stop posting her. She looks like shit, you'd think he'd fawn over a better looking tattoo model considering the reach he has.
No. 721335
>>721217The hot pink, icy blue, and silver looked best on Phi tbh. The orange looked nice too
Get over it Kelly
Funny how she threw a mini fit and next-ed the hot pink but then talked about the loophole for her and Katie both having pink hair. Like that makes any sense?
No. 721337
>>721259Agreeing with this and adding that the yellow one looked like somebody who tried to go blond and didn't know that you're supposed to tone it after. It just looks bad. It looks too much like piss.
Kelly can take it up though. It'd match her piss poor personality.
No. 721339
>>721297It wouldn't go with her outfits at all, you are right.
I could see yellow looking cute for a photoshoot or something, but day to day, she'd look ridiculous.
You can tell Kelly tries to make shit up to get her own way. She kept saying you have a warm skin tone, you should go a warm colour hinting at the yellow.
Also, isn't Phi getting into acting or something? She won't get many jobs with bright hair. Or maybe she will…I thought acting gigs are like job interviews. They usually want you makeup free and not covered in piercings or tatts or coloured hair. I'm not into acting so I don't know, but one of my friends is a model and her agency doesn't let her cut or dye her hair.
No. 721340
File: 1540515006443.png (1.44 MB, 1366x688, ew.png)

y i k e s
No. 721342
>>721337I have ALWAYS thought this, especially when that yellow hair trend got big years back.
It looks like a bad bleach job that wasn't toned properly.
The only time it looks good is in instagram photos on young alt girls and even then, they usually wear yellow in the photos or have sunflowers around or bright yellow eyeshadow so it looks good in photos. Like Billie Dawn Webb looks kind of cute with yellow hair because her makeup and outfits are kind of quirky and she styles it into a look. Phi kind of wears normie-tier clothes, so wearing normal clothes with yellow hair makes you look like you just fucked up the bleach job.
I used to have blue hair back in the day and it'd look cute when I was all done up, but in normal clothes/pjs, it automatically made me look trashy.
No. 721365
>>721348i've always thought this too. she's really close to being conventionally pretty but her eye distance makes her look homely. she kinda looks like kelly clarkson to me, who can be kinda cute but definitely doesn't have an exotic or edgy model look that i'd imagine kelly wants. although idk why the fuck she puts black eyeliner in her inner corners. it would probably help if she didn't. i do that because my eyes are pretty far apart and i
want them to look closer.
No. 721390
>>721378Same. When I went blonde, my friend and I bleached our hair together. Matching can be a cute thing.
I noticed someone mentioned Billie, she and her friend Ayallah had blue hair together, what's the fuss if your friend has it too?
Funny how Stephanie and Envy were chill about matching hair, but Kelly gets jealous and territorial even if said hair colour is a DARK pink and not even the same shade.
She seems like kiki with her stripes.
So pathetic.
No. 721416
>>721259>Green isn't allowed because that's Dre's colour. Kelly is such a cunt who acts like she has a law that no one can get dyed certain colors. Like, wtf. Why is Phi even her friend, unless she wants that e-fame too? She acts like she owns pink and Dre owns green, so no one else can have those.
I also agree that yellow tends to be used as an 'ethnic' color, so that seems so underlining of Kelly, even if she doesn't mean it.
No. 721425
>>721416I feel like Phi is just polite and too nice. She probably wants to keep the relationship more housematey but Kelly always attaches herself to whoever she lives with. I've noticed that she seems to prey more on girls who don't argue or disagree with her.
Even in the video, she starts it off by commanding Phi to the camera. She's a bossy frumpy midget who likes to boss her friends around. I could never be friends with someone that controlling.
I bet Phi was only thinking about the haircolour thing and mentioned some shit like 'sometimes I'd like blue hair' and Kelly immediately saw that as a sign to recruit her into her retarded rainbow cult of thots.
No. 721456
>>721390Sure, I can understand why someone would feel a bit unhappy if a friend does the same haircolor at first but in the end, stfu Kelly. It is not even the same shade and to forbid light blue, because in case Kelly tries it, is just as stupid. And yellow, really? That suits nearly no one.
Didn´t make Phi at some point the announcement she has to move back to Germany? Any news about that?
No. 721608
File: 1540562274938.jpeg (129.88 KB, 748x608, 3B10AE4E-35C4-4D49-BDCD-FBC063…)

Still on about pennywise…
No. 721610
>>721608The whole pennywise fetish is made up as fuck. I watched the video on why she's supposedly attracted to him and she just keeps saying because he's hot. Like no other reason. How is he hot? He has a lightbulb head and squirrel teeth and a lazy eye and he's a fictional clown.
At least EXPLAIN why he's hot, jeez
No. 721822
>>721800I like it too, it looks really cute on her (unlike that HORRID wig)
he looks rough tho
No. 721976
>>721217She prefaces the yellow hair with, "I know it looks bad, but–" Bitch, then it looks bad. It looked the worst of all the hairstyles on her and most ethnic people have to work really hard to get even a normal blonde to work well with their natural colors. I imagine if she did neon yellow, she might get flack for it like she tried to look like a blonde but failed.
She goes on about it like it's such a cool color, too. Why don't you have it then, Kelly? Because she knows it's not a "main girl" color and it's not that desirable. Anyone who does unnatural hair colors knows bright yellow is one of the least popular fashion hair colors because it's so hard to work around it. Wouldn't a good friend let her talk about what she wants?
No. 722017
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I feel like Kelly hasn't really been advertising this but she's gonna be at pmx on Sunday. Couldn't find anything about it on the schedule for a panel and I don't think they're guests so I guess they're just showing that they're gonna be there as a group?
No. 722022
>>721921Good god this was cringeworthy. She’s sat there whinging and screeching like an obnoxious brat whenever Davey says anything that doesn’t contribute to this “Kelly Eden: Innocent Victim, Woe Is Me” image she’s trying to uphold.
Why did Davey even agree to do this? Did she offer him money? Seems like, on the account of him even writing what he calls a “bad song” about her, there is still at least some grievances he has about her and the way she is… why put yourself in the position where she’s just going to whine at you for not making it look like she was the best girlfriend ever and he was The Worst?
No. 722084
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Remember when she claimed to hate alcohol?
No. 722130
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The black feet….
No. 722288
>>721921Is it just me or does he seem like he could be Social Repose's brother? His voice, way of speaking, and horse face are so similar.
It's hilarious that she finds asshole losers like this attractive, you can almost feel the tension on how she wants to get back together. No wonder she is never happy if this is her type.
No. 722290
I think its really interesting that the guy confirmed pretty much what most people here where assuming about her. and I am honestly surprised she uploaded this video at all, I think it just shows how much she lives in her own bubble, she really does believe everything was completely his blame and she was the innocent victim who got played, or at least it's the narrative she's pushing. It's funny she uploaded a video last week in which she claimed she lives very frugal so she can afford her lifestyle but he mentions one thing that bothered him about her was her frivolous spending.
Also shed push questions on him like "what don't you like about me?" and then get offended or screech "that's not true!!!" at every answer he gives? and his answers are very tame, he never puts the blame on her alone, I get the feeling he's trying to answer honestly from his point of view but she almost attacks him with every word that comes out of his mouth, why ask him these loaded questions if you don't want to hear the answers or won't even let him finish?
it's like she hand picked the ones that would make her shine in a better light but due to her behavior and his calm demeanor it doesn't really play out.
It's also funny how she mentions time and time again that his feelings are valid but if he tries to tell something from his side she shuts him down 9 out of the 10 times because that's not how she remembers it. Kelly is used to dumping her issues and feelings for all of the internet to see, this video being a perfect example but a lot of people are just more guarded than that which isn't even weird, I can see how she thinks this guy is emotionally stunted compared to her but that just tells me she was a lot more inconsidered about his feelings than he of her.
Also on a final note I feel like in the end she was really pushing the whole going out to dinner with an ex as the only reason they broke up.
Now I understand there are people who don't like the idea of their partner hanging out with their exes but I feel this depends purely on the relationship? did she have reason to mistrust him? also I wonder if this is what she meant whenever she said that the wedding was called of because her ex cheated on her, she also mentions him cheating in the video but then he corrects her to say he only went to have dinner with a friend who happened to be his ex. having dinner with someone isn't exactly cheating in my books, did they go out for dinner every weekend? was he flirting with her a lot? is this guys current girlfriend breaking up with him because he hang out with Kelly who was his ex for an afternoon? I'm not saying he wasn't acting sleazy but from what I've seen of Kelly I wouldn't be surprised if shes the type of crazy girlfriend that would get mad if you only so much as said hi to another girl
No. 722308
>>722290It didn't even sound like they were actually engaged from what he was saying, she was just like "I thought we were gonna get married!"
Was there an actual proposal and ring and plan? Did I miss that part? With all the "one foot in and one foot out" stuff it sounded like it was all in her head.
No. 722355
>>721921Whew lad, the mixed messages Kelly is sending here. She is clearly interested in Davey, yet screams and nags at everything he says.
I think she's attracted to an
ideal of him, and gets pissed when the real one does it "wrong". She also has an ideal of herself, whining at negatives said about her.
Kelly really is as manipulative and selfish as we thought. I guess Davey agreed to this vid to share his side…but instead of confronting him about a break up she clearly is not over, Kelly just yells at him. There is no hope for this cow.
No. 722367
>Davey: I love that you're independent…some people need emotional/financial support from others to existNah the second part sounds more like Kelly to me
>And I like how you're creative and have a visionKek she's creative with scamming
To his credit, he is trying to be nice to her. But, why?
No. 722465
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>>722017Tfw you arrange a panel that doesn't exist, and then have to cancel said panel
No. 722585

>>722313thanks for sending me down that rabbit hole! so, i googled and she was on Say Yes to the Dress but the clips I found didn't talk much about their engagement or Davey at all actually, just her wanting a pink dress. I looked up the requirements to be on the show and you don't have to have a date listed and it says they prefer "alternative" brides so they probably jumped at the chance to pull out some pink. Then they were featured as a "styled shoot" on rock and roll bride which means that they just hire people to play a bride and groom as advertising for the photographer, and the blogger mentioned that they only posted it because she follows kelly on instagram.
So I googled "kelly eden fiance" and nothing. Kelly eden engagement, nothing. Davey suicide, same thing. She never announced an engagement on Twitter, they didn't mention it in this video besides Kelly saying she thought they'd get married. Wouldn't the engagement story have been part of that video some how? Like when Davey asked her what the sweetest thing he did was? I would think the engagement story would come up!
And then the final nail in the coffin for me is that she was still calling him boyfriend in 2016 before their breakup. I think she would've milked an l engagement/fiance for all the asspats she could. And a ring not on a ring finger?
I don't think they were ever actually engaged. People asked her a few times and she never responded.
>>721856>>722010I think Davey is actually closer to 38-40. I lived near him in 2000 and he was already about 21. If you want a laugh, look up Gold Mind Squad-Butterface
No. 722586
File: 1540695629661.png (2.73 MB, 1936x1282, Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at 10.3…)

Sorry, was trying to post this with the last one.
No. 722736
>>722585Yeah I don't believe she was ever actually engaged.
The engagement looking photos are from a shoot that includes more shit like Kelly in lingerie and her dumb pink house'm surprised any of you actually thought she did an engagement photoshoot when this shoot is easily Googled and shown to just be a concept.
I'm sure Kelly loves that people can Google her and Davey and find the wedding-esque photos and assume she's some jilted bride. So fucking ridiculous.
In the video it's so blatantly obvious that she still is not over him in the slightest. It's pretty embarrassing. I don't understand how she thought that video was a good idea at all. Her sheep followers fell for it all because the comments are full of people saying how shitty Davey is.
No. 722768
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>>722736Lol she clearly had no control over the editing of these pics
This back tattoo makes me feel sorry for her jfc. Can’t wait to see what she looks like with this when she becomes middle aged.
No. 722802
>>721359She won’t though. If I remember correctly, in one of the previous threads there was a screenshot from Phi (i think her IG? Can’t find it now) talking about how she couldn’t believeee she was getting to move in with someone she admire so much and how it was such a dream come true and all thanks to Stephanie. (It’s possible she changed it after she found out about lolcow - cause remember, that happened).
So yeah, kelly is being an absolute cunt like always - but remember, Phi
wants to be there. (Or she did, at least. I wonder if she’s cracked and figured out how much of a nightmare it is to live with Kelly yet.)
No. 723059
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Her gross feet are her "brand"?…
No. 723062
>>7219213 minutes in and kelly is trying so hard to make it seem like she can't stand him and its clearly bullshit. Also wow she really can't get over the ex thing and it's just… So minor. "how dare you not get my permission to leave the house!" like what?
Also her bringing villainizing up the whole time, he mentioned it as a joke. She was really grasping at straws to point out how mean he is and how completely innocent she is.
When he starts questioning her her body language is so guarded geez. Also "why were you with me", such an attention whore lmao.
He seems so much more mature and less bitter than her this whole thing makes her look like a psycho
No. 723103
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>>723059Yep it's totally her brand now that people are calling her out on it more
No. 723282
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Here Kelly
No. 723716
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No. 723732
>>723716I NEED more on this.
What do you want him to do, Kelly? Beg you not to leave him? Right now you’re airing laundry that isn’t even dirty.
No. 723754
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oh jeez
No. 723763
>>723716hahah fuck. women like kelly are so unbearably pathetic. "i wanna get marrieeed why wont any date meee"
"copy that" this guy is my hero.
No. 723769
>>723754wtf is the context of this??
>>723716Kelly is legit cringe.
No. 723848
>>723716How about starting a serious relationship before saying that Kelly? Honestly, I think Kelly is not really formal with relationships, also, the type of guys she's into aren't the husband type guys but still, she wants to change their mind.
Maybe if Kelly changed the type of guys she dates and not allowing an on/off relationship, also, improving herself, she would be able to find a nice guy…
Nothing against on/of relationships btw. You do you boo but don't have high expectations.
No. 723893
>>723716One of the things that really bothers me about this is that she's just broadcasting it - I'm sure some people in her life know who he is. If you read the comments on this tweet it's full of people demonizing this guy and saying how shitty he is for not feeling the same way. Basically telling her she was mistreated.
NO, KELLY you were not mistreated. Some people just don't feel the same way. Feelings are not right or wrong. They just are. His don't match up with yours. Okay. Cool. Move on. Stop being a little whiny bitch about it on Twitter.
This is probably a lot of WHY he doesn't feel the same - because she just willingly spews her life and drama all over the internet for people to read. Suppose it was a person she was in a legitimate relationship with, and they had a spat. She turns - as she always does - to Twitter, to gripe and complain and whinge and victimize herself to get all the comfort she's bound to get from her followers. Then suppose she and this guy reconcile over the spat - as most often happens when couples have little arguments. Well now what was originally a tiny little problem between TWO PEOPLE. Is now a mess she's smeared all over Twitter for people to interject their opinions into. Stupid, Kelly. You're stupid. This is why you can't make meaningful relationships. I cannot BELIEVE you've made it this far in life without ever learning a single thing about how to properly interact with other people on a platonic or romantic level. You're an embarrassment.
No. 723988
>>723916Kelly's plan: He will say he has feelings for me too in order to not lose the sex
What actually happened: Kelly crying all day, he's completely baffled and confused that this happened.
From her videos it seems like all the guys she likes are kinda…bums. They don't do formal organized relationships, and just want to "chill" and breeze through life. If you want a guy who takes relationships seriously, it's usually a guy who is organized in other areas of his life (job, social media, personality, commitments). Davey with the locks shaved off is just a typical band guy who is ageing poorly. She's so caught up on aesthetics she dates bums and scroungers and wonders why they won't commit. I do feel sorry for her though, just because I know guys DO take advantage of romantic women. She should just avoid these guys who keep breaking her heart, she definitely has a type.
No. 724033
>>723893I think she's broadcasting her life online to create a persona. She wants to be a ka-why bisexual uwu deep and sexy mental health advocate…But she's not.
Her dirty feet and clown bolt-ons, and how controlling she is, aren't kawaii at all.
She beat a dead horse (well, dead cousin) claiming to be a mental health advocate, while monetising a suicide video.
0 depth, hobbies are just trends and friends are just hair colours to her. Relationship fails are free asspats and her fans demonise the man (never a woman, huh, "bisexual" Kelly?).
And she wants to be told she's speshol and kinky with her probably fake clown/kidnap fetish.
This fucking mess of a cow. Does she never think about self-improving IRL? Wtf are her "therapy sessions" for?
No. 725088
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A fan commented this on the video above.
No. 725380
>>725375She's just uploading for the sake of it, but she's not focusing on the quality of the content. Also, when you have too many back to back videos, people lose interest.
Also her videos are getting cringier and cringier, the one with Phi tied to the chair, it would be a perfect video for torturing someone actually…ugh
No. 725400
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>>725088I love seeing her called on her bullshit - people are doing it more and more.
>>725088 No. 726020
>>725400I want to buy this person a cake. Bless them.
Kelly needs to stick to shallow content and not try to relay any insight or wisdom. She’s just an airhead and ends up saying retarded shit that’s plain wrong every fucking time.
Just do your sailor moon skits, Kelly. I know you’d have to spend your income on something other than yourself…like what it’s actually intended for…but it’s literally the only thing you’re good at.
No. 726301
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>>726228>>726221>>726216>>726161>>726150It's an old tcg meme inspired by Yu-Gi-Oh. I'm surprised it's taken this long for anyone to even pick up on her casual "whoops I didn't know better, I'm from a wittle town in Colorado and the only black people I show on my channel are mixed with white" racism.
No. 726313
>> this the second time she's "accidentally" referenced a racist meme?
It's a weird title to choose on a good day. Notice how she referred to Davey saying offensive/inappropriate things repeatedly while they were dating, and at the end of the video he basically says the right-wing calling card "things have gone too far the other way" (or something to that effect)
Sage for tinfoil, but it's pretty likely that growing up in an all-white town and spending time with "tough" band/tattoo guys exposed her to racism, ableism etc. It would be good if she spoke about this on her channel.
No. 726540
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No. 726655
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>>726540This comment on her dnd character post
No that's just Kelly in really life
No. 726855
>>726659I strongly dislike Kelly, especially after the cousin-suicide disaster, but this is a very smart move for her. Pivoting into tabletop gaming, which is booming right now, and filling in a "cute pink nerd girl" spot at the table will probably have some success. D&D is slightly more niche than the other nerd hobbies she's pushed before now, like anime, and there are probably more opportunities at conventions for someone like her. She fills in a "diversity" spot at panels for this sort of content, because super pretty tabletop girls aren't necessarily abundant, and she won't cost organizers the same amount as more well-known gamers.
Not to mention the fans that follow this type of content are fine with hour-long, unedited content, which we all know Kelly loves doing because she's remarkably lazy. She may have struck gold.
Kelly, if you lurk, I know you don't like Twitch because it involves lots of effort, but you should really consider Twitch instead of YouTube for this shit. That's all.
No. 726944
>super pretty tabletop girlswell. not sure how Kelly "Turkeyneck Eyebaggins" Eden is going to represent that demographic…
>"I'm Phi, still Kelly's roommate. Who knows for how long even - how this is working out between us?"WOOOOOOOOOOOW, the shade. already getting to see what an annoying cunt kelly is, eh?
No. 727291
>>725400I have to side with Kelly on this one tbh. I know 8 people with a BFA and not a single one of them makes over $16 an hour even though most of them are in big cities. I myself considered one until I did the research. Sure theoretically you COULD do something (relatively modest) with it, but the majority don't and I don't think there's anything wrong with Kelly warning her audience about the reality and encouraging hey pick something more secure. Commenter honestly sounds like one of those moms that wants to blindly be supportive of anything her kid wants to do. Sweet, but naive.
>>727086I don't think she can handle being alone.
No. 727316
>>727086>>727291Her whole persona is so fake and hollow it's no wonder she has to latch onto someone, and that she can do it so fast.
I wonder how many room mates she's gone through that we don't know about.
No. 727426
>>727291I have a BFA and I made more than double that and I’m only two years out of college. You just have to be worth a damn and have talent
Sage for useless bs
No. 727500
>>727442BFA grad here.
See that’s the thing - people always think they know how art works because the ones that are vocal and visable (like Kelly) are such fuckups that never took accountability for their choices and never realized the potential they had. There are jobs - arts nonprofits, after school programs, tutoring, gallery work, sales, auction houses, graduate work and academic teaching, the crafts, all which provide liveable income. There’s a very real career path. I mean, can anyone here tell me what a political science majors first job is? For fuck’s sake, everyone has an opinion about art/artists and how/what they should do.
Yea, you’re never going to own a vacation home, but people don’t go into art with that in mind. If they do, they are a fool. I’d rather make 17/hr at a nonprofit doing work I love than working in a cubicle listening to Karen from Finance bitch about her bunions/sports/whatever for the rest of my life, while my idiot boss talks about how important the profit margin is. Fuck that.
No. 727634
>>727501"I'm a LARPer" Ugh really Kelly, nearly 30 and acting like a child, also when she explains what LARPing means, she says that is the "nerdiest of the nerd things you can do"
Kelly must be like: Look at me, I'm a cool kuhwai nerdy girl… so dope
Cringefest. Also, that ratty wig looks awful and her face looks really old too…
No. 727684
>>727501man i'm itching so badly to comment under that video how shitty her wig looks and that it isn't even dyed with splat's colours.
(ofc i won't)
No. 728143
>>727980Yeahhhh, if you think that's the case outside of STEM, you're as delusional as her. Even full time at $15 an hour is only like $24-25k a year. IIRC from the beareu of labor, the vast majority of Americans work in some kind of retail or service industry.
Even if that stat is off or a strange interpretation of data, she's living an extremely cushy life for how little she does and how little she has done to get there. No slaving for years in entry level jobs to maybe get stuck in middle management for this creative!
No. 728203
>>728145Completely OT, but world and economy would not survive if every single person became a doctor, engineer, or programmer. That's such a stupidly myopic way to shame people for not chasing after high paying professions they have no passion or skill for and a good way to make sure those jobs get flooded with candidates. It would make sense if people working in construction, agriculture, and retail, like people whose jobs also meet very real human needs, were paid and treatead respectfully.
To call those or any jobs unskilled implies everyone should be able to build their own houses, grow all of their own food, make all of their own clothes, etc. That's just as unrealistic and unsustainable as a world full doctors healing themselves.
To bring it back to Kelly, she doesn't really contribute anything to this world that warrants anywhere around $40k a year. Sporadically filming the same half assed makeup tutorial or tired "review" or mukbang or straight up rant about her personal life on camera only has so much entertainment value. She's a terrible role model, and there's nothing positive or redeemable about her content at this point.
No. 728292
Like that post from so far back - it’s capitalist af to call a degree “valuable” based on how much money you can make from it. If that’s the case, then social workers can fuck right off then. For some people, that’s not the end game - happiness and the persuit of the field they love, and the change they wanna make is. The smart ones know what they are getting into, are stratigic with loans, and don’t bitch (like Kelly does).
Plus, on the subject of perceived value, MBAs can be pricey as well and not necessarily pay off - with the flooded market (see: how many online programs there are now) it’s becoming the school that counts, not the degree. That’s what happens when everyone goes in it for the money. (Obvs I know average MBAs make more than BFA/MFA grads, but food for thought)., I’d rather hang out with social workers, creative writers, philosophers, and artists any day of the week too.
No. 728443
>>728355>they should be aware of what they're signing up for financiallyBut Kelly is awful with money. And it isn't even for art or YT, just splashing on kah-why clothes.
I guess she wasn't kidding about the degree being a waste (on her). She doesn't seem to be creative at all. Did she ever mention why she took it?
No. 728456
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No. 728471
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oh brother
also kek, steph changed her twitter avi to her with pink hair, and she did wcw stories on instagram with a lot of the failoship and didn’t include kelly. wonder if there’s trouble in the waters or if kelly will throw a fit over the pink wig since she thinks that she owns the pink hair color
No. 728474
>>726150>>726446This. She could have easily titled it 'blue eyes white dragon inspired makeup' but didn't. She pretends not to know racist memes but she aint slick.
>>728456Why is her face foundation three shades lighter??
No. 728657
>>728145>implying getting an art degree and getting a STEM degree are the same level of achievable for everyone and similar in any wayWrong. There are already too many under-skilled drones in STEM who are just in it because they think they'll make money, an art degree is just fine if you actually put in the effort to hone your skills and get somewhere with it. Kelly just does not care and wants to be paid for wearing wigs and being tied up.
>>728456What the fuck is going on with her torso, is it the combination of sucking it in and shoop? Also that ropework looks shit as usual.
No. 728676
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>mfw all the mad art majors overly defensive of their degree choices in this thread
No. 728679
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Why, Kelly?
No. 728714
File: 1541695245561.png (2.49 MB, 750x1334, 9462DAB2-63BF-4309-80BB-D3A327…)

Kelly is really pushing this yellow down Phi’s throat!! And Phi is really allowing her to influence the hell out of her, out of all the colors that would look cute on phi yellow ???!!!!!
No. 728732
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Kelly finally got wig installed professionally in that baby blue color and still won’t let any of the fellowship have pink
No. 728862
>>728855Just listened. Basically she claims peers didn't like her modeling. Word got around that another art student hated her "for no reason." This art student's final piece was a series of lewd photos of herself. Kelly was told by a friend the photos were a mockery of her. Shouting match in class. Kelly states most of the class was against her, professor did nothing to mediate. Kelly calls the girl out after class.
Most of the milk is Kelly trying to tie the story into internalized misogyny and jealousy. Basically the same stuff where it sounds like she read a Psych 101 textbook.
No. 728878
>>728714Hope Phi or Kelly get to see this but please Phi, don't dye it Yellow, it doesn't compliment your skintone. Also, what about her acting gigs and auditions?
So sad that Kelly has to manipulate her roomates to this extent…
No. 728882
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What the fuck @ those edges
No. 728965
>>728456The ropes are so minimal and she isn't even trapped. Not an expert but this definitely isn't shibari. How more obvious can you make it that you're just faking for edgy points, Kelly?
Are you going to rope (kek) Phi into this too? She's already forcing her to do dumb shit like this
>>728714 No. 729107
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Didn't someone say a while ago about Lina will end up doing rope play? The caption! (yes I'm aware she's says it's an old pic)
No. 729279
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New IG posts
In the first one she looks like a 60/70 year old granny trying to look young. Cool tones really do not match her kek they make her look so old
In the second one she looks like the frumpy weird girl who never made the team and can’t let that go
Phi actually looks cute and like a cheerleader though
No. 730667
>>729431To be fair, she did say she was directly told it was about her.
I don't get why it upset her to the point where she's still so angry years later, though. If someone tried to humiliate me by showing all our peers trashy unflattering photos of themselves, I'd be laughing my ass off telling that story.
No. 730995
I don't get how she misspelled it when the little image she used in the photo has the ACTUAL WORD in it right there
No. 732541
>>732483I actually thought this was a better video of hers. The story was interesting and the chemistry between Kelly and everyone else didn't feel forced like it has in recent videos.
That said, I rolled my eyes when someone said their character was "portly" and Kelly didn't know what that meant. She said "I've never heard of that word before." Really?
No. 732611
>>732318I saw these girls the other day and it secretly got mad at every comment comparing them to Kelly and Dre. It's like noone has seen mismatching friends before. I have friends who are polar opposites to me in fashion and aesthetics, I hate how Kelly and Dre are the pioneers of the cute/goth mix apparently.
Also the pet snail that the lolita girl had made me fucking puke but I liked their apartment ect. It's cute how everything was evenly decorated but in Kelly's place she only let Dre take over her own room and the remainder of the house was pink and the way Kelly wanted it.
No. 733113
>>732483I watched about 10 minutes and then quit!
it seems like she's trying to copy Jester from Critical Role too
No. 733744
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Ass so shooped
No. 733745
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No. 733748
File: 1542476616776.png (3.3 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-11-16-19-48-34…)

How loving
No. 734040
Looks like the first one is probably for “support”. That other one on top looks like some flimsy, see through, decorative one. Or she just didn’t want to have to edit out her nips.
No. 734156
>>733748I hate posts like this, who are they for? He's dead, he doesn't look at IG stories, and the people who might care are already there. It's all a charade for other people.
sage for misplaced rage I guess.
No. 734634
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No. 734903
>>734634Sounds pretty fake for something tagged #speakfromtheheart. That list of personality traits looks straight from a horoscope.
Haven't they only been roomies for under a year? Kelly latches onto people like a leech.
>>734635And Dre also replaced Kelly huh
No. 734907
File: 1542660457672.png (680.89 KB, 750x1334, FE3AEBB7-F1F5-4F80-96D4-2E6B70…)

That last line kek
No. 734921
>>734635Dre has been posting photos "kissing" this youtuber, basically repeating the charade she did with Chris, who has disappeared from her photos. She is so tacky.
Recall the "shipping is bad" video while constantly fake-dating people (see also Jaclyn Glenn) and hashtagging it misleadingly. Half the comments are "I ship it" and it's been reposted a ton of times.
Dre seems like more of a cow than Kelly now.
No. 734928
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>>734916Phi is in the background but it's a pretty awkward picture lmao
No. 735251
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uwu so depressed uwu.
No. 735271
>>734907Ugh she's one of those people who thinks ~depression~ is an edgy personality trait, and shoves it in everyone's face. But she doesn't actually have it so she piggybacks off real people to get those asspats.
And the people can't fight back cos they're dead, right Kelly?
No. 735360
>>735325Maybe, but it still goes in the calves thread. Not only had she been posted here almost always under suspicious circumstances, but Dre & Kelly as a unit aren’t a thing any more. That was literally the only reason talk of her was permitted in here. When it became a way to derail from actual kelly milk, it became a problem.
So yeah maybe, still belongs in the calves thread.
No. 735398
>>735360It actually seems that Dre or the fellowship pop up when there's almost no Kelly milk.
>>735251She's REALLY been trying to post photos showcasing her sad ass. Trying to prove she has a shape that isn't her malformed breasticles?
No. 735441
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"oh hey mental illness is becoming a hot trend again better remind everyone on all social platforms!!"
No. 735442
>>735441>I'm depressed, yoYeah man, that's exactly how you express that usually.
I guess I'm not following her threads closely enough but when did her Dad pass? She seems to be milking that a lot less than Austin although it seems like it would impact her much more.
No. 735486
Btw someone needs to make a new thread. We have a lot to add, some ideas:
-fake clown fetish, oversharing about this
-new PA phi.amin, her bff, and possible PA/servant
-Bondage stuff, bit awkward rather than hot
-Kidnapping ASMR video
-much more active on Youtube to less views
-Spilling tea on ex boyfriends, family, school, tattoo job etc
-starts up advice videos which are just her talking about herself for 20 minutes
-LARPing more
-Trying as many things as possible to get views, no consistency, varying quality of videos
-growing out hair/roots
-gatekeeping hair colors of her friends while considering blue/teal hair
-Possible reference to Toxic tears in "Toxtic friends" video thumbnail (met last year, Toxic dressed up in pink constantly ever since, her BF has a crush on Kelly)
-Fellowship arrange "panel" at convention which was never confirmed. Blame venue for "bad organization" when they have to cancel it on the day, after the meetup never existed in the first place
-hardly hanging out with her friends/Fellowship (on camera at least) compared to last year
I made the last thread but don't wanna dictate the narrative too much, so hopefully another Anon can take the reins with the next one
No. 735592
>>735438She says the most cliché things, i swear she's pulling it all from her ass. So desperate to milk the mental health trend cos she totes felt really sad once.
>>735542They're for herself, to keep up her fake persona. Girl doesn't even know who she is, her existence is feeding off trends and her "friends". Early mid life crisis?