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No. 655208
Kelly Eden’s Los Angeles calves who are all clawing for a taste of that sweet social media relevance, all between their mid twenties and early thirties -personality wise, they’re all unique variations on weeaboo middle schoolers from 2008 - down to the public sperg-fests.
>Most notable sperg-fests occur at giant holiday get togethers where they act like obnoxious, INCREDIBLY loud children, usually in nice restaurants/tea-houses - often complete with air horns for some fucking reason. >Like many cults, members are indoctrinated with a matching tattoo - now in two variants: phallic sparkly anime crystal, and blown out dragon ball z sailor moon weeb tat - both done by Courtney’s husband. Notable Members:
Dre Ronayne
>Kelly's (ex) ”best friend" and roommate. Dre has been distancing herself from Kelly for a while now, the most telling moment being when Dre requested they start doing a lot less videos together and Kelly proceeding to throw a shitfit over it on Twitter (literally saying it was wrong for Dre to leave her out of the spotlight she helped create for her)
>Following this, Dre and Kelly are seen in less and less of each other’s social media posts, and Dre announces she is moving out.
>Receipts are dropped that Kelly may have unfollowed and refollowed Dre’s social media. >Incredibly defensive and sperges out when people make positive comments about her weight/body, while literally selling “Gothicc” tee shirts and promoting being thicc as part of her brand. >Claims recent weight loss occurred simply due to carrying a water bottle >Recently dropped Kelly for Chris Villain, her new ‘best friend’ who she constantly does couple cosplay with - again sperging out at fans for asking whether or not the two of them were dating, despite posting countless pictures of the two of them almost kissing. >tries to promote positivity and antibullying - but also does a ‘basic white girl’ makeup video, complete with blown up prosthetic dick sucking lips. >Currently teaming up with hot topic for an atrocious mall goth revival, either in an act of newfound self awareness, or total lack thereof. Stephanie Michelle’s best friend and the first to martyr (Moo-Tyr?) herself to defend Kelly’s bad behavior - Also the oldest of the fellowship, at 31-32.
Seems to be the most genuinely kind out of Kelly’s friends, but can still be a total cringefest.
>Is a ‘body-positive cosplayer’ who posts semi-nudes and lewds, while, in trend with most of these types of cosplayers, really hams out on the photoshop>Recently married, her husband films/photogs most of her nudes/is completely supportive of her sex work - probably because it rakes in major bank. >Is always the first to come to Kelly’s defense when Kelly has a shitfit on twitter, will blindly follow her pink leader no matter how stupid/crazy kelly is being>Used to self-post to r/bimbofication, Envy>Was added to the fellowship suspiciously soon after Kelly was called out for only having white friends. Quickly rose the ranks as the most annoying member.>A patreon costhot >Works in animal rescue (apparently?)
By far the most annoying of the fellowship.Phi
>Not TECHNICALLY a member of the fellowship, but she’s Kelly’s new roommate and best friend forever so it’s really only time. Courtney Dawne>Generally one of the more quiet (sane) of the group>Husband is a tattoo artist, and is responsible for the fellowship’s questionable tattoos >A fellow cosplayer - suffered through an entire con of Kelly Eden complaining that she should have been cosplaying that character>Kota
>Was/is in a band with Dre Ronayne - some kind of emotional revival shit >another one of the more quiet members of the fellowship>another victim of Kelly’s trigger happy unfollow finger. Claire
>Another queen of the pastel-vomit aesthetic>Cosplaying didnt gain her fame like she wanted so she started wearing lolita more. >Now popular/famous within the lolita community - despite many Lolitas hate-boner for her >Seems to have a more rocky relationship with Kelly, but was a bridesmaid in Stephanie’s wedding, indicating closeness with the rest of the fellowship >As a lolita, Claire claimed to have offered Kelly help during The Dress Incident. >Also complicit in the great Final Fantasy Gallery Nucleus scandalKatie>Disney ‘expert’/enthusiast>Confirmed lolcow lurker - mentioned the website on her instagram live, proclaiming her hatred for it. Even mentioned donating to a petition to have the site taken down. >Another nominee for the NHK’s Kawaii Ambassador thing >Constantly hounding Kawaii.i and kissing their ass as much as possible >Of all of the fellowship, she’s the reigning queen of bizarre and obnoxious photoshop jobs - to the point where it’s almost an art form of her own >Was assigned the job of “Vlogging” Steph’s wedding - thus leaving her out of most of the video of it. VividVivka
>Another plastic cosplayer/patreon cosplayer, but actually produces content daily >Gets a lot of unnecessary and costly procedures, like a brazilian butt lift and lipo, despite already having a great bodyLindsay>Seamstress, usually sews the rest of the fellowship’s cosplays No. 655216
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Envy is probably the worst at taking artistic liberties with her cos-thotting. This is supposed to be a genderbent version of Greg Universe - THE DAD from Steven universe. There’s literally not a fucking thing drawing any kind of a resemblance here.
No. 657653
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>>657433Wow, that was A LOT. I did not need to see Stephanie's asshole. Anyway, what is with the confused face she kept making? She seemed out of it in most of these videos.
No. 659329
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>>658468I'm not sure if there's any real milk on her, the most I've seen is some hate on lolita threads and BTB over posting photos of coords that are pretty much the same.
No. 660931
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I had posted this in the Kelly thread because I didn't know about this thread. But here's Stephanie photoshopping herself smaller. Embrace the thigh squish. There's nothing wrong with it. Also she had apparently bought the cosplay from italisalouwho (mentioned in the video)
No. 661648
>>659329Honestly? The Lolita culture is one of the nastiest and cattiest places on the internet. Yeah people in it can be nice but it’s overrun with bitches like this. She’s being criticized for wearing a dress she likes a lot??? Wha…
Im just saying if y’all ever wanna see some REAL pettiness over nothing, set foot into the Lolita side of the internet.
No. 662633
>>661648I don’t understand this, maybe because I’m not a lolita. Is it really not okay to wear a dress more than once? Aren’t these dresses super expensive?
If anyone in the lolita community can explain what’s actually wrong here that would be cool. Sorry if I’m being stupid.
No. 662835
>>662737I think that not only was she posting similar coords, but she was posting them really frequently too so people were getting annoyed of her spamming.
>>660931The difference in the roundness of her cleavage is laughable too omg. The anon in Kelly's thread who said this doesn't looked shopped must be blind. Even without the right pic to compare the shop on her legs is so obvious and janky.
No. 668881
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Looks like Dre is in on that photoshop game. Not quite Envy/Katie/Kelly level yet but she's getting there.
There's nothing wrong with not having a flat stomach… until you start pretending that you do.
Looks like Kelly, Dre, Phi, Courtney, Stephanie and Envy all went to Disneyland and hung out at a pool this weekend.
Kelly was vlogging the entire time, so I'm guessing that's what video we'll be getting Sept 1st(as she says). Phi and Kelly didn't swim, they just sat in the poolside chairs, fully clothed, what bummers.
Envy was wearing a thong one piece with her boobs spilling out everywhere, I didn't see any kids around but it looks like an apartment building and I'm sure they have windows.
No. 669130
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Looks like Phi is starting to do YouTube.
She says in her intro that she wants to use the channel to:
> express herself> talk about issues like racial issues in entertainment/cosplay, mental health> that's it?Hopefully she will be serving tea. No. 669176
>>669130God no. this is the last thing anyone needed.
>>668881THIS is what gets me about Dre- which is something that has been brought up in the Kelly thread a MILLION times. Dre's whole "brand" is about body positivity, but she photoshops her body flatter while simultaneously contradicting herself and hiding her weight loss/ignoring fans who tout her as anything other than "thicc goth goddess"
No. 669186
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>>664857Now that you've brought her up - this is really weird. Some rudimentary googling shows that she was obviously a fellowship member at some point. Do any of the people who were commenting on her from the Kelly thread have more intel on this? Kind of strange that a fellowship member with a social media presence just disappeared from the friend group - there has to be some good milk there.
No. 669715
Molly McIsaac overview:
> Original Fellowship/Hogsmeade Hotties member, seems to have been kicked out some time in late 2016 for unknown reasons. (Not present at the '16 xmas tea party but was present at all summer activities> Current or former roomie of Claire Max> SJW, triggered by everything, posts trigger warnings> Substance abuse issues (alcohol/benzos/weed)> hypochondriac extrordinaire (endometriosis, allergic to everything, BDD, anorexia, PTSD (from rape/abusive relationship), anxiety/depression, insomnia, night terrors, social anxiety> "pansexual" that only dates men> member of the child-free reddit group> starving artist that wants to be in the entertainment history but has no real focus(stand up comic, actress, writer, model)
> been on a failed reality show (Fangasm/Syfy) and a music video (Hotel Sex - Explode)> She said she was drunk the entire filming of Fangasm because the producers kept supplying her with unlimited alcohol.> Grew up in Alaska/northern Idaho in a very conservative family> Has lived in Alaska, Idaho, Seattle, LA and now Pasadena (on a hobby farm, with chickens + hipster fiance)> wiccan, talks too much about astrology> Obsessed with wine culture> Basically a goth version of Kelly, attention seeking, narcissistic, owns poms, obsessed with Kylo Ren and J-culture, complains constantly about her family yet visits them often and then gushes about them until she goes back to hating them, constantly complaining about her weight and not understanding why she is gaining while eating junk and consuming alcohol> seems to have deleted/made private all posts on facebook/twitter pre-2018That all being said, despite her affinity for over-sharing on social media, I can't find any info on what happened between her and the fellowship.
Facebook: No. 670133
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>>668881 So, she models for this company Foxblood, makes pins and Dre merch for it and whatever.
Anyway, she posts this tweet. So, I searched Fox Blood plus size and I get 13 results out of 238 in the store, a store that carries her Gothicc merchandise. And get this, the Gothicc merch goes from S-XXL. So, if you're thick you're gonna be like, at least a large.
She also posts a conversation between her and flat tummy tea ( saying that she does "not believe in the morals that they push on impressionable women about their body image" and then proceeds to shop herself in a flat tummy. What a hypocrite.
No. 670170
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>>669715Molly and Claire have not been roommates for several years now as both live with their significant others.
Saged because not really milk, but Claire is dating (or possibly engaged to, but couldn't find any sources to confirm that) Kyle Hill of Because Science. He has a huge following and I wonder if that is why the fellowship girls keep her around, since she doesn't seem to hang out with them at all.
No. 673699
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Well, it looks like she still hangs out with Vivka and Claire so she's not that far removed.
No. 677406
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>>676680Guessing it was related to this twitter meltdown.
>>676740The fellowship is fractured for sure.
Kelly doesn't seem to get along with Dre, Kota, Vivka, Courtney and Claire. They're seen around the least so I think they're reluctantly showing up to major events and that's it.
Nina and Racquel never seemed to be in it to begin with other than dying everyone's hair.
So that leaves… Kelly, Steph, Phi and Envy? lol, friendship fail.
I'm guessing it's 50% Kelly antics and 50% that most of the models to moved to LA to model more are just sex workers now. Which is silly because, you don't need to be in LA, paying LA rent to be a sex worker, you can do that from Iowa.
No. 677424
Re: Molly
The Fellowship is dramatic as hell, as we know, but I wonder if it’s due to Molly’s suuuuper negative disposition. She changes friends more than she probably changes her undies.
I now see her constantly commenting on threads started by equally dramatic/shit stirring girls that are deeply involved in the LA pinup and burlesque scene.
Same shit— “TRIGGER WARNING: guy commented on my dog while I was walking it… SEXUAL ASSAULT”
While I have some mutual friends she is Facebook friends with, I blocked her w d many of those girls because they seem to spend their spare time trying to ruin the lives of others that don’t agree with.
There’s a girl named Dollie something that was more or less run out of LA due to a tattoo she got, inspired by a trip to a slavery museum and also for breaking free from a bad relationship. Everyone, including Molly, called it racist and I saw comments from Molly saying she wanted to find out every bit of info on this Dolllie chick (like employer, real name, etc) so she could “ruin her life”. This is someone she had never met, who was doing nothing to affect the lives of these random internet people.
So basically she jumped on the shit stirrer bandwagon with all of these bored dummies who unhappily sit at their 9-5 and cause Facebook drama while on the clock, pitchforks out, and forced this girl to move from LA and sort of go into hiding because they were hellbent on screwing her over.
No. 677705
>>669715>>677696Wow this Molly chick really pisses me off. She is a spoiled woman (seeing that she has no steady employment history) while acting oppressed and badass at the same time.
I'm assuming her fiance/family must be supporting her? So much for being a super magickal mysterious witch feminist then.
>>677406But life in Iowa isn't ~glamorous~ anon.
No. 677870
>>670170Not engaged. She was married to a guy who she claims is abusive.
Don’t be surprised that she ends up to be just like the rest. She left her perfume? job and now wants to do the kofi/patreon route. Doesn’t want to do lewds like her friends do big time well tell.
No. 678180
>>677696I remember a long time ago kelly, steph, Dre, Kota, everyone BUT Molly were in a live video on ig during a drunken movie night….and someone asked what happened to Molly and they said she “betrayed someone” in the fellowships trust - but to me it seemed like they were bullying and targeting her.
I think they are jealous she found a hot and cool boyfriend honestly. Kelly has copied so many of her interests, quirks, and even mannerisms in some videos. She’s Kelly’s secret inspiration but instead of being able to admire stuff like normal people, kelly must destroy anything that threatens her. I think Kelly’s larp character Leora the blue haired witchy elf is legit Molly’s style. It’s some single white female shenanigans here.Just my theory.
No. 678384
>>678180I have no doubt that Kelly is jealous of everyone around her, but Molly isn't exactly an inspirational figure. She's an unemployed alcoholic with nothing on her resume but a series of short lived jobs who can't even write a referral letter because she got fired from all of them.
Some minor Molly milk. Back in 2012 she got a lot of heat on 4chan for accepting paypal donations for a breast augmentation. She claims she got tons of emails from people totally willing to throw money at her so she just decided to add a donation button to her website, which is long since deleted. She obviously never got the boob job, so I guess she just ran off with the money. No. 678816
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>>678384So Molly is really unemployed then? I guess she is mooching off of her boyfriend to do important things like go to fancy Vegas pool parties? What a feminist and inspiring figure.
No. 681064
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No. 681142
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You know you're a narcissist when you are so "upset" that you are crying and you're like… let's take a selfie and post it.
How upset can you be and how genuine can your tears really be if you stop midway and think of taking a selfie? It's so calculated.
No. 681352
>>681064Well now we have another confirmed lurker it seems- and judging by Kelly and Stephanie's replies it seems they regularly lurk too.
If you look up your name in a 'gossip forum' you're asking to get burned, girl. You're literally going out of your way to find stuff written about yourself. AFTER BEING WARNED TOO.
No. 681383
>>680163She used to be mass follower. She started following my boyfriend out of nowhere. Nothing about him is of interest to her at all. He was even like… why the fuck is this weird goth trying too hard chick even following me? Kinda think it was to get him to follow. So she could, you know. Unfollow
I peeked at her Instagram profile and she unfollowed a shit load of people. She was one of those that made you wonder how the fuck could you manage following 1k+ profiles
No. 681385
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So I’m i this beauty group and we get discounts with one of LA’s top plastic surgeons. I was stunned to see Molly replying to one of the posts!
So I guess she’s marrying that dork next year (I swear she used to say she was already married) and wants to show up to the wedding with a whole different body and face!
No. 684764
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My god, she's this well trained already.
She put out one video and she's already e-begging her followers for some patreon-esque rewards.
How do these people in Youtubewood think regular people deal with unexpected expenses?
No. 684766
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Dre is at it too, albeit more subtle. Where does she make videos now, does she do twitch or something? I thought she didn't do YT anymore.
I also thought she was a brand ambassador for hot topic, a paid guest for emo nite, working at Foxblood and a makeup artist working on sets. Doesn't she have like 10 jobs(according to her) that makes her SO busy that she can't do YT anymore, how can she not afford a camera?
No. 685142
>>684842Kelly seems scary codependent. Like Phi or Dre can't leave her side without her getting cranky about it and calling them out. It seems like she's still in the honeymoon phase with Phi, but it also seems like Phi is happy to have the attention, gifts, and money that can be thrown your way when suddenly strangers pay attention to you.
Kelly probably feels like she lucked out with an aspiring actress who is tall and pretty and 100% down to be loud or weird if it means being ~on~ on camera. However you feel about Dre, I'm glad she got away from that live-in amount of smothering crazy.
Kelly very obviously seems to seek out people who she can use to elevate her image and brand, especially tall friends to use a props to highlight how relatively short she is and to get and keep viewers using her friends and their audiences.
No. 685282
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>>684842I haven't watched Kelly in awhile but whatever she is doing with her hair and makeup lately is making her look really washed out and haggard.
No. 686081
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I wonder which ones will actually turn up
No. 686181
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Looks like dre is already moving again
No. 686303
>>686221They also had the bad scene in Fangasm where the group was at a bar and there were women onstage in skimpy superhero Halloween costumes and Molly was OMG
TRIGGERED and then there was the worst dialogue about Cosplay Not Consent. It was bad. Trying to remember if there were any other stand out moments in the show. It was pretty bland.
No. 686806
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Definitely showed her boobs.
No. 686813
>>686806why in the hell would she post this? she trying to get in to porn or something?
or is this not actually her? I don't pay enough attention to her to know what her tattoos look like.
No. 686817
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Found this on google and it was posted on her former Snapchat and looks like her chest tattoo. The irony is she’s in escape the fates new music video holding up a sign saying she’s not attention seeking
No. 686953
>>686458Honestly I can't believe you would bring this up, this was obviously a mistake her posting this, it was up for less than 20mins before her entire snap was deleted
>>686806The fact that you have this and saved it for almost 2 years is sad and pathetic. You could be ruining her life by doing this
No. 686974
>>686968her chest tattoo is extremely generic. i'd agree if it were identifiably her, but it's not.
at the same time. it's the internet. she's the one that posted it to thousands of people. unfortunately, shit happens. i sincerely doubt anon that posted it is the only one that grabbed it, and it's probably been posted plenty of different places by now.
No. 687039
>>687026Agreed. The Dre white knights were horrible on the KE thread, was hoping they wouldn't come over here too.
How does somebody go through that many steps and have it be a mistake?
1. Take an intimate photo.
2. Edit and Caption it.
3. Snapchat it to thousands of people, even if it was meant to be one person… WHY?! lol
No. 687109
>>686968Literal member of the fellowship in the thread, otherwise why would you care? Also she was still 20-21 when that was posted and has never said anything about being intellectually challenged or having learning difficulties. Therefore, she should stand up for her dumb choices. Also not like actual sex tapes haven't
helped women's careers
No. 687582
>>687260HARD AGREE I have the same feeling. It’s obvious Phi knows about lolcow, which means Kelly knows and had to tell Phi they were talking about her too, which means Dre knows because I’m almost sure it was Kelly stoking some of the fire about Dre in her own thread, which means Kota and Stephanie absolutely know because kelly tries to make herself look like a victim to anyone and everyone.
TL;DR: yeah it’s pretty confirmed that all the cows lurk here, it’s not a stretch to feel like they’re posting about each other and airing their shit about each other because they can’t publicly.
Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if they all secretly hated each other..
No. 687989
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KK white knights but it's definitely her
No. 692219
>>689607Dude, you're on a forum that refers to everyone that uses it as fags and you have a problem with the "r" word? Are you lost?
Also, that is definitely Dre in the cumshot, if you can't tell from the stretched and faded tattoo, you can tell from the wide-set outward facing tit.
No. 694116
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Just why
No. 697636
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looks like steph got surgery yesterday. anyone wanna bet that it's cosmetic?
No. 701008
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So she masturbates on camera and is naked most of the time, but is not as sexual as people "thinks" she is? Girl, who are you trying to fool?
No. 701046
>>701008I mean, I hate dealing with legal stuff and reading medical records bores the shit out of me, but 90% of my job is reading and summarizing medical records for legal purposes. So…
Sex work is her job.
No. 701107
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>>701046It's not adding up. It's hard to see her being asexual when everything is does is so sexual. Even outside of her patreon/ig. Like hanging out with her friends. (Photo from Kotas Easter party a bit back. Hand between her legs) not like the most sexual thing but more than others.
And if she's not a sexual person why is she doing sexual things for money.
No. 701331
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>>701107Exactly. Here she is at a convention. That's not a professional picture or anything yet there she is being sexual with someone.
No. 702435
>>701008I don't want to wk her but I've been there and kinda get what she means
There a difference between being sexual with yourself and being sexual with others. Some might be comfortable just touching themselves but might not like others touching them. And some dress a certain way only for themselves because it makes themselves feel good. If that made any sense?
I don't get why she wouldn't think that people find her a super sexual person now though. If she's not happy with it then why continue to do it? Especially since she has other options to branch out on for money. Guess she just wants to take the easiest route (even though it makes her uncomfortable)?
No. 702855
>>701107>>701331>>702435She said she isn't as sexual as people think she is, not that she isn't sexual. She said she went through a time in her life when she wasn't, but that she isn't like that anymore. And she never said she was uncomfortable with it.
Her entire life is on display and even if she isn't actively working (making a video or doing a shoot), she is promoting herself/her work.
I really don't care for any of these girls, but if you're going to judge them, do it with accuracy. Otherwise completely legitimate complaints/milk will be overlooked.
No. 711953
>>711307you probably should have included the link lol.
Here you go.
No. 712016
>>711953Kota has gotten fat, sheesh
All play and no work really adds on some weight.
No. 712598
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>>712596Forgot the photo of the post
No. 713407
>>711953Oh my god, if 13 year olds had to do an extra credit assignment in choir, this is what it would look like.
Usually Dre brings down the whole group when she's signing but they were all awful in this. The mashup was terrible, the Maroon 5 bit was the worst of it. Dre is always so awkward in everything she does, you can see it in her face, you can hear it in her voice, every bit of it screams PLEASE LIKE ME. I like that they don't even bother to auto-tune out her inability to hold a note, she's just jumping all over the place from lack of strength.
Chris just over-acts everything, he'll never be able to do anything except amusement park shows. Odd that those two were the worst considering they both supposedly have training in acting.
Kota just seems like she hasn't been keeping up with her voice training, she's much better suited for rock music, every time she strays into pop it sounds strange, she sounds like a kid. I didn't notice the extra weight though until it was pointed out, Dre should have given her some contour. The bitten lip look they did on her did not help, her lips are already so tiny, it made her look like 100% cheeks.
No. 717206
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I don't believe Dre is as busy as she says she is, in fact, I think she lacks focus and motivation but blames everyone else for her lack of success (YouTube, Instagram, Instagram MUAS, her audience). But, I do love how she just fired shots (albeit, unintentionally) at how literally all of her friends make a living. The patreon bit made me actually LOL. Friendly fire.
No. 718917
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I had first followed kota because of her super cute outfits. But this outfit is not cute nor flattering
No. 722015
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I'm not sure what they're doing (they're not on the schedule for a panel and they're not guests) but they're gonna be at PMX
No. 722791
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I was just checking out Bad Wolf's twitter wondering if they came out with any music lately and they posted this awful pic of Dre, lol. I hope that wasn't their best shot.
No. 722814
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>>722636They all likely decided to say the same thing.
No. 722915
>>722814Yikes the entitlement.
“Now it’s just a shitshow”
Yeah or you and your friend group aren’t as important as you think you are. A panel for what? Who would attend that?
“how to have a group of friends where everyone secretly hates each other but somehow you get your shit together collectively to trick companies into treating you like you’re special”
Side note: now I tooootally understand why people don’t like Claire. She sounds like such a stuck up bitch
No. 723032
File: 1540765677015.png (1.78 MB, 1125x2436, 0982229E-1268-48B8-BAB8-F56045…)

Dre seriously out here tryna start shit with a cosplayer who has the triple amount of followers and more talent by a landslide.
No. 723051
>>723032Can you post the original post? I follow ModerlyOkay and he is a really good cosplayer.
Why is Dre trying to start shit with him? Over what? Emo culture? is she serious? that's really pathetic.
No. 723056
>>723052This! It's for really offensive shit like Geishas (putting on a bathrobe and yellow facing..) or wearing a xia pao and pretending you're chinese.
She is a scrub and a joke tbh
No. 723074
File: 1540771002016.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1125x1919, 11270B5F-6D07-4FB1-959F-1C54FA…)

There ya go
No. 723090
File: 1540772165582.jpg (42.73 KB, 396x567, CMazPi8.jpg)

>>723052>>723056are you actually autistic? it's clearly a joke, it's been memed to death. can't find the emo example, but see pic related, it's a whole series of parodies. lurk more
No. 723091
File: 1540772232497.png (200.45 KB, 490x355, utzTCyo.png)

>>723052>>723056I smell samefaggotry. Like someone trying to be talked about and relevant, for what is obvious a non-event.
No. 723139
File: 1540779333608.jpeg (155.4 KB, 720x835, D0679B56-DDB1-40F0-9A51-C3C599…)

Sage for maybe unpopular opinion but I think the way they reacted was justified. If I planned an event an announced it and the con didn’t follow through I’d be upset too. They even retweeted stephanie’s Tweet about it so it’s not like they were just pretending to have a panel. I agree that giving these nobodies a panel in the first place was stupid but If they agreed to it they should follow through. It seems like a small enough con that anybody who requested a panel got one.
No. 724516
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>>724494I guess they’re cute. It’s just a green version of the brands other shoes.
No. 728969
File: 1541724540076.png (2.12 MB, 750x1334, 62F3602F-32BB-4EB5-AAD4-EE526F…)

>>724516 it even legal for this company to ape so much from T.U.K.’s creeper designs? Like everything down to the grommets is exactly the same- just slap a different material and some ugly bat wings on them.
No. 734736
File: 1542641323357.png (70.24 KB, 155x275, Dre Jessie.png)

Thoughts? Are they for real? I ship them.
No. 735071
File: 1542686437546.png (181.46 KB, 750x1180, IMG_7690.PNG)

>>734736Well the girl has an insane amount of followers so Dre's probably doing it to up her follower count.
No. 735516
File: 1542756755621.png (7.94 MB, 1242x2688, 00E38310-8BED-4C22-835D-D3D480…)

>>734773queer baiting coming Dre who constantly had a stick up her ass over people assuming her relationships and made entire videos dedicated to how “two people can just be friends” eg her and Chris villain and how she was always complaining about the people who said they ship her and kelly, fucking kek
I hope they are dating and she’s not just being a cow
No. 735608
>>735071Isn't Jessi Page the latest girl that the Onion and his boi wife are super creepily obsessing over?
cow crossover. they happen SO often. not that I'm saying Jessi's the cow. I don't know shit about her other than she's another Billie in the creepers' eyes.
No. 736838
>>736797>>736822Fucking weird since Jesse is the one who tagged the post #girlfriends #gaystagram
Gave me the impression that she was announcing that relationship with those tags, but if she’s spouting about being single, I guess not.
While Dre is the nastiest relationship baiter in the fellowship I honestly think the fault falls 50/50 on Jesse for this one then.
No. 738057
File: 1543171764528.png (1.53 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7755.PNG)

Kota had a friendsgiving and Dre is the only one from the fellowship there
No. 739510
File: 1543367614958.png (Spoiler Image,100.42 KB, 619x1011, IMG_7797.PNG)

>>738463Well it wasn't Lipo from what I can tell but it doesn't seem like she ever revealed what it was
No. 740859
>>739510What's up with her face? That's scary
Anyone notice how Kelly didn't wish Steph a Happy Birthday? Also how she hasn't interacted with any of them for a while? Makes me wonder if the "toxtic" video she made was about Steph
No. 746142
File: 1544342841662.png (2.28 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181209-094751.png)

No. 746513
File: 1544395487508.jpg (373.28 KB, 720x659, ihifohefoih.jpg)

>>739510Tinfoil but i think she got a second boob job. She's gained a lot of weight since her first one and on her bigger frame her boobs weren't as bimbo/ridiculous looking as she wanted them to be.
pic related, left is now and right is a year ago. They're also farther apart which would be the case if she just got them done.
No. 746709
>>746612She looks like a blow up doll. It’s gross.
Also I can’t believe the day has come that the rest of the fellowship basically dumped kelly. She is barely hanging on by a thread.
No. 746713
>>746612She looks like a blow up doll. It’s gross.
Also I can’t believe the day has come that the rest of the fellowship basically dumped kelly. She is barely hanging on by a thread.
No. 747483
File: 1544544548835.png (141.54 KB, 747x791, IMG_7987.PNG)

>>746513The photo on the left is old not new. She says in the comments it's from her first patreon set
No. 747617
File: 1544562121908.png (945.5 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7984.PNG)

Fellowship 2.0
No. 752124
File: 1545416045228.png (770.12 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181221-194516.png)

Anyone knows more about this
No. 752228
>>752163Even if it's 'real', it's probably mostly just more publicity for Dre.
This wouldn't be Dre's first foray in to queer baiting. Or just straight up relationship baiting to get people to pay attention and follow her.
No. 752230
>>752163Even if it's 'real', it's probably mostly just more publicity for Dre.
This wouldn't be Dre's first foray in to queer baiting. Or just straight up relationship baiting to get people to pay attention and follow her.
No. 752232
>>752163Even if it's 'real', it's probably mostly just more publicity for Dre.
This wouldn't be Dre's first foray in to queer baiting. Or just straight up relationship baiting to get people to pay attention and follow her.
No. 752640
>>752277Looks like a new fellowship. Katie and Dre were a part of kelly’s now dissolved group
Also I think dre fucks around with a lot of people (m & f) anyways..but Jesse and Dre are taking advantage of their young followers liking the stupid ships/fiction bs. They both have a ton of followers so it’s likely a lot of them will go to each gal
No. 754613
File: 1545927602809.jpg (761.35 KB, 2048x2048, 8E22A467-EB83-4919-A8CE-C0BB14…)

I think Stephanie may have gotten bigger boobs looking at the different here. Left is new photo. Right is old.
No. 754854
File: 1545960602578.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181227-202604.png)

Dre's moving to NYC. Kinda wanted an apartment tour just to see how her room changed from the one at the Doll house
No. 755205
>>754854Living there “for a bit” typically implies work. Maybe she got a gig/some kind of contract in New York?
Time will tell. Unless she pulls a typical Dre by responding “UGH HOW RUDE AND INSENSITIVE HOW DARE YOU ASK” to even the politest of questions.
Dre’s biggest problem is and will always be how she chooses to speak to her audience. She’s young so maybe she’ll learn? But as of now she’s so rude and condescending that I can’t figure out how she has a fan base.
No. 757605
File: 1546399332966.png (195.53 KB, 745x935, IMG_8235.PNG)

This boob job is just ridiculous. Is she trying to be like penny underbust? also she just looks so disproportionate since her head and shoulders are small since she's not an hourglass. end rant
No. 760249
File: 1546820557551.png (1.22 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6209.PNG)

>>757605She used to be so cute
No. 762943
File: 1547247304994.png (158.45 KB, 750x1334, 808ADFC0-64AA-4414-B9F5-9A397F…)

samefag but I just saw this on Courtney’s Twitter. Why do I feel like this involves Kelly somehow? She seems to have been pretty ostracized from the fellowship lately.
No. 764797
File: 1547436870099.png (116.51 KB, 750x639, IMG_8375.PNG)

This is why people have a hard time thinking of Stephanie as a "serious cosplayer". Because it looks like it's headed towards porn
No. 764818
File: 1547440436114.jpeg (420.23 KB, 1486x2009, D739CA14-45FC-4E4B-91C2-0487E2…)

>>760249 this was just on her insta stories. She was so pretty, kind of looked like a young Stevie Nicks. I’m glad she feels better and isn’t starving herself anymore. She just went waaaay in the opposite direction.
No. 765123
>>764797Pearshaped body+implants=you end up looking fatter than you are
Both her and Kelly did this and look worse as a result.
No. 767264
>>767074Probably learned all of it from Kelly lol
Except for the Twitch because Kelly never got her shit together enough to stream like she promised everyone hah. Not surprising though, she's probably too scared that she'll get called out in chat and you can't photoshop a livestream
No. 767353
File: 1547780109219.png (64.24 KB, 536x256, c.png)

kek, meanwhile Kelly is tweeting and instagramming about how alone, depressed, betrayed, etc she feels
No. 767614
>>767353The fact she wrote "ya girl" when kelly's catchphrase is "ya boy"
The pettiness of these cows
No. 768615
File: 1547963747171.png (870.36 KB, 1366x594, cd.png)

Courtney dyed her hair blue. It looks quite nice on her. Wonder if this is why they fought kek
No. 769399
File: 1548103616325.jpg (529 KB, 2048x2048, 3DAFA8FD-A008-43D0-9CFA-3CF15D…)

Screen shot of video on the left vs shooped photo on the right
No. 769422
File: 1548105252311.jpg (737.73 KB, 2048x2048, 50A4B4F6-E272-4870-9B00-6C1A77…)

>>769416It gets worse. It's gotta be so awkward to be on vacation and be like let me take photos for my fans
No. 769605
File: 1548117025832.jpg (181.55 KB, 1080x1092, IMG_20190122_002908.jpg)

>>769399Ehh crotchless or very badly shooped? She looks horrendous on all these pics.
No. 769647
>>769422wtf is this? lmao. i too enjoy squatting and looking off into the distance while i adjust my ill-fitting swimwear.
the shoop on the one on right makes it look like her legs are on backwards.
No. 769895
File: 1548179999008.jpg (66.78 KB, 400x312, IMG_0995.JPG)

>>769724>>769603Stop bringing it up in both threads. It's not milk
No. 770578
File: 1548274134039.png (99.35 KB, 750x909, IMG_8547.PNG)

Those lips are tragic