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No. 674885
Previous Threads:
>>638289>>631315Christy Lynn Walker is a 26-year-old Nice Lady!, Tumblr artist with a phobia of pencils, and 4chan tripfag obsessed with putting underage characters and characters from children's media in graphic, disturbing, and often sexual drawings and fantasies. They usually involve vomit, radiation poisoning, and scat, all of which she very vocally fetishizes.
>>636919>>637030This thread is also open to talking about her orbiters. They are extremely aware of Christy's actions and are just as bad as her, if not worse. Many of them have stuck by her side since the beginning of her creating her first Tumblr. One thing to point out, Christy has trash talked many of her orbiters multiple times, thus confirming they're delusional.
She can be summarized with a sentence from an anon in her first thread:
>>637932>She's honestly a combination of Shadman, Suzy from Game Grumps, PK, and Nick Bates (minus the actual child molestation conviction, yet) with a heavy dose of Tumblr thrown in.Her MO includes grooming teens (for example urging a 14yo to get her nipples pierced), encroaching on children's spaces like the Fairy Oddparents wikia, where she linked her fetish deviantART page, and calling herself a "nice lady!!" and "mama" whenever she can. As if that wasn't bad enough, she also used to be a substitute teacher. Despite desperately wanting children, she has decided not to have them because she knows what she would inevitably do to them. At some point, she decided that she had a sex addiction and renounced porn altogether, harassing others for drawing or enjoying porn while she kept fulfilling her weird-ass fetishes.
The first thread started on /ot/ and was intended for reminiscing about a *~harmless and kooky and really nice!!~* artist, which was then moved to /snow/ and almost immediately suffered an influx of whiteknights and ex-friends coming to relay their witness accounts.
She's known to excuse her
degeneracy paraphilia with tales of child sexual abuse at the hands of her father and being groomed by 4chan, though former friends have spoken out in the last thread and it was implied that she admitted to lying about it.
She has an obsession with fucking "fat and ugly" (her words) incels which includes her boyfriend, David, whom she cheated on with the help of a GoFundMe campaign under the guise of getting away from their abusive relationship. In reality, she flew across the country eat a virgin's ass. Her boyfriend David Hoernlen himself has come into the last thread to speak at length about their tumultuous life and has all but confirmed that she's a manipulative psycho and compulsive liar and he also doxed her while sperging about her age.
>>636932Some of the fetishes she has claimed to have acted out irl:
>eating a shota WarioWare fanfiction at school>stuffing vomit up her vagina or having her vagina used as a barf bag>a threesome with her boyfriend and their dakimakura involving decapitation>wrapping pizza in saran wrap to stuff it up her vagina>shitting in a bathtub with her bf to engage in scatplay and eating itHer main orbiters, but not all of them so feel free to discuss others:
magicallgoojelly/monstertingles/Jenelle - former roommate and colleague
polterheiist/Milo - got caught sharing CP on Twitter and bragging about experimenting sexually with their sibling
drdala - has been called out for dating a minor years ago, also Nemu made a public blocklist once with her name on it
mandibleism/The_Bad_Batter/Ersatz - notably lived with Christy at some point and is one of her biggest tattletales
Kimispace/lustysheep/otacum/Kimi - she's been on Christy's good side despite her constantly talking down about how Kimi worked with HotDiggityDemon
Piinkhamster/Debirukotchi/Gabu - Christy's token latina friend that replaced Xan
history1970s/RadRoach1994/Emma - an ex-nazi fetishist turned SJW communist, also part of the early web / animecore community as discussed in
>>665145impiccat0/iwpiccato/Eris - has a shit fetish and is wants to fuck one of the female M&Ms
faunafauna/fauna93/Jenna - mostly known for her Prince drawing that got popular after Prince's death, currently making a tokenism web comic no one even bothers to look at
Upon getting called out for her freakish behavior and her thread making the rounds on Twitter, she has gone into full damage control mode by disabling social media accounts and announcing to get mental help for the umpteenth time, so remember not to post links or screenshots without archiving them first via or the wayback machine.
Known usernames used across multiple websies:
>olimarpuke-chan>angrypauly>malfunction54>krocodilekore>_miserymire>ppauly>nemu-nemu>ippycake>lovexshine>mintypuke>love-ribbon>ocdmrcrocker>000trachea>nemulife>clockwork-pauly>pushypauly>paulybreath>m-iroslava>pook-san>toganou>breaker137>castlecrush>ruined84>weddingcake>milkwalker>ruinedreactorSocial media and other links: [some defunct]
Google Drive of her art: Public Twitter: Twitter: and OddParents Wiki Page: changed to's Twitter: The Sims: Old /cgl/ thread reminiscing about Christy: fake voice: her normal voice as David tells a bedtime story: Farms thread: No. 675027
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i cant find any proof on the cp thing im starting to believe the claim came from the poster*s behind
No. 675079
>>675077oh so this is all about some shadman tier shit
k just saying say what you want about loli but you do realize calling it cp is deceiving
They are both illegal but one is kinda tolerable and the other is insta arrest/witch hunt
No. 675154
>>675088>anyone got any dirt on her or know why she and nemu fell out?This was a while ago, but Carol made a post saying someone (can't remember who) said they didn't like Undertale or some shit and Xan got upset about that. Nemu got pissy and called the person that didn't like Undertale a pedo for having a diaper fetish and that basically split the group.
The post got deleted quick and this was a couple years back (about a year after Nemu left Tumblr for good and started the Mormon anti-porn shit iirc)
No. 675236
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>>675088Oh THAT'S debug-fly? I recently came across a text post they made that got some rounds. Looking through her blog, she seems unsure about how she carries herself. Like she wants to be offensive edgy so bad.
No. 675295
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anyways i hope carol posts more about her experiences with nemu, the two seemed close. i also remember she was friends with krystal and moth. i dont know if they still are or not
No. 675417
>>675415thanks i think a lot of us still wanted to keep tabs on them
also wow… milo really was out there defending known child porn artist kalematsuba, huh
No. 675424
>>675417Funny thing about kalematsuba, their Pixiv used to be filled to the brim with really creepy shota porn up until they got attention from the actual developer of that old game they're obsessed with and started their own Kickstarter. Now it's all been purged and they refuse to answer asks about it.
I find it real funny how shotalolicons will grandstand their love for fictional children and go on about how it's totally okay and normal and not gross as fuck but as soon as an opportunity to make money or any measure of notoriety comes along they're the purest thing.
No. 675500
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polterheiist also used to go by xprinceling, particleghosts, and princelingexe.
No. 675687
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Poor Justin…
No. 675693
>>675615Weren't they drawing stuff for eachother just last year? i swore i saw them interacting still.
i do know for sure carol and emma (history1970s) are still friends despite emma posting cp in the past (and is a racist)
No. 675708
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transoffdensen/huvely/Trevor was one of her orbiters, don't know if he still is. He's a trender with 26 kins, including Daggett from the Angry Beavers and Vegeta from DBZ. He also has 6 "system members" who all have their own Twitter accounts.
No. 675766
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>>675708I lost several brain cells reading this.
No. 675835
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>>675817Holy shit this is a fucking ride gathering all these orbiters
No. 676096
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nemu orbiter i haven't seen anything from in a while:
kat (@fearfuzz on twitter)
known for wanting to fuck underage characters such as dipper from gravity falls, teenaged spiderman, cody from total drama island- as well as weird niche characters like fear from inside out and the catman from fairly odd parents. commissioned fetish porn from nemu a few times (see attatched pic)
got outed as a pedo and disappeared from twitter but apparently has a new account out there. anyone have any intel?
No. 676242
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A couple people on her Kiwi Farms thread has been posting some memories recently
No. 677072
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i wasn't kidding when i said she's a broken record. this is what feels like the millionth time she's posted about being an 'adult' with a job. she feels the need to remind others constantly she is this mature hard working professional who has a life outside of the internet, above every one else. bitch is insecure as fuck.
No. 677416
>>677390I'm surprised they kick out the vocal pedos, most of these online cliques double-down and bend over backwards to protect their "smol bean friends"
>>677336So she wasn't creeping on her cousin it was just another teenage boy,cool. That's totally better.
No. 677450
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I found art Nemu commissioned from when she was into One Piece. I think her character’s power was vomit bending (lol) and making others vomit. So the usual.
No. 677567
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>>677476i know that exact picture you described anon, her snake-sona also vores him in the end,probably for the best we cant find it
No. 677867
>>677708I thought she was a sales associate now? (Not sure where)
She was fired and banned from her substitute job in the district anyway
No. 678296
>>678139she’s around but all her nsfw stuff has been wiped and confined to a private twitter. she was essentially chased off tumblr for people calling her
problematic for shipping herself with josuke and okuyasu among other things. good stuff.
she still wants to fuck giant disgusting fat guys and is pretty vocal about it.
No. 678738
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>>678678only nemu can have a relationship anon! she tries to one-up each of her friends. i'm tinfoiling if that Dead to Me drawing she did about her was partially because of xan losing her virginity, she was no longer use to nemu anymore, only saw xan as no use after that. honestly sad.
Also does anybody know more about protagonistheavy/Adam? Adam is obsessed with Hex Maniac to this day. Nemu used to do sexual RP stuff with Adam as Conan Edogawa, the little kid from Cased Closed. They'd also sext even while David was at home, she's drawn a couple things for Adam too.
I've also seen a user called Lucky67/sticky-gem draw art of O'Hare for Nemu. Looking at Lucky's deviantart and NSFW tumblr page, she draws pedo, shit, and shota art as well.
No. 678851
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>>678738I went to go see if I could find any photos of Adam and I'm unsurprised. Literal neckbeard.
No. 679487
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>>679420How long ago did they start dating? Adam's currently 25. If you search his full name one of the first results is from a Tumblr post from Nemu reblogging something and adding his name to the caption. She really has no respect for her friends'privacy, but privacy for Nemu is required and cannot be revealed!
No. 679525
>>678678>>679487She's blabbed her full name all over the place for years anon, it was only once she left Tumblr that she stopped broadcasting it.
>>678661>>678678Her jealousy issues were HUGE back in the day, that's where all the "only kissless virgins" thing came from, which led to situations like her being jealous of a canuck diaperfur. At some point she dropped the "must be virgin" prerequisite though she still had a tendency to go for ugly or unpopular or straight up random background characters.
No. 680154
>>679970Tbh I'm not surprised at all.
I've never seen a photo of Adam before and I was honestly waiting for someone she's into IRL to be at least lanky. It's always the fictional YOUNG boys who aren't fat.
No. 680630
>>680559>>680429anyone know which ow discord servers she was in? i'm in a few myself, maybe there's potential milk hidden? if i remember right, she had an LGBT ow server that jenelle was also apart of. (despite nemu barely being LGBT herself lol)
we all know she'll never stay away from social media, she'll be back as soon as these threads go dead. like other anons, i'm still waiting for an explanation from her.
No. 680700
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>>680630Searching "LGBT Overwatch" on Twitter brings up a number of servers. There's an "official" one though. Might be worth a check. I think her Discord name is Milkwalker.
No. 689321
>>689105I know a few already know Nemu has some incest fetish, mostly due to her sharing that same incest porn video of the woman and her dad at the family table every couple weeks.
Poor guy.
No. 690337
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>>690332Who? Therapists advocate for open relationships? Are you retarded?
No. 690351
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Somewhat off topic since this is one of Nemu's orbiters but doesn't this bitch have a husband? What is she crying about someone not texting her back for?
No. 690358
>>690196nemu is very manipulative and it would be great if every shrink could catch every instance of manipulation, but they can't literally read minds, so that isn't the case. Just like a medical patient can lie about symptoms to a doctor and get a misdiagnosis, narcs can and do sometimes successfully manipulate their own therapists.
My point is, if she's revealed her waifuism at all, she's probably phrased it in a way that makes it seem like not a big deal and makes her even more sympathetic. So instead of saying "yeah i have extreme sexual obsessions with obscure childrens media characters and constantly masturbate to them vomiting" she says something like "oh gosh oh gosh this is so embarrassing and i don't even want to say it b-but…sometimes…when i'm really upset about my childhood trauma…i'll imagine romantic situations with my favorite tv characters >_<" to which the shrink would maybe say that that's ok in small doses. Then nemu gets to say "see!!! i was honest and everyone still thinks there's nothing wrong with me!!!" narcs are great at doing that
No. 693058
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I can bet this didn't happen
No. 695265
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One of Nemu's popular Tumblr posts showed up on my dash and these comments were added to it lol
No. 697959
>>690201>>690337She never revealed the kind of feedback she recieved from her therapist unless it was in support of her sexual fantasies/hang ups.
She never even told Chom that she got an "ok" about having an open relationship when talking to him. She just declared it, flat out lying to the guy in order to trick him.
I really wonder how things have transgressed with her, David and Jenelle after its been revealed she loves to lie and slander her friends.
No. 697962
>>697959Also that she lied so fucking hard to David and he trusted her. Is this idiot seriously going to stay with her? There is no way after how she handled her former friendships that she is going to just suddenly have a change of heart.
David is a fucking mess if he wants to stay with such a major source of pain.
Jenelle must also be deep in denial about everything if she didnt step up to Christy about her trash behavior through all this
No. 709286
>>709125I feel like I've seen that tweet. I swear someone mentioning pyramid head being one of her waifus in one of the past threads but I rarely ever remember her talking about him. Now it makes sense because her fantasies about him aren't Nice!
>>706000Was this an Ohare drawing?
No. 709538
>>709125I remember that. She went through a period where she posted A LOT about that type of
Stuff with Pyramid head. She seemed to keep her Pyramid head stuff on the down low since she got more tumblr followers
No. 709956
>>709125YEAH back on tumblr i believe
i wish i screenshotted that now, aw damn
No. 711947
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>>711221iirc, she said that many characters that she left behind (like characters no longer on her waifu squares) were ones that she still loved, but associated with a Bad Time in her life?
then most recently on her twitter when she was talking about the curious village game for mobile or sth like that, she mentioned how she was glad Pauly was a robot cos she could erase his memories of how gross she was back then (something along the lines of that)
Pauly always was her waifu for laifu…
No. 712627
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No. 712636
>>712483Yes. She'll still be active somewhere, just give her time and she'll come back out. She can't help herself.
>>711947Interesting, I really thought she had dropped Pauly quite some time ago
No. 712725
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I found some interesting stuff she used to post on Gaia 12 years ago. No. 712732
>>712725This is full of wild shit
Reminds me of the one Gaia person I defended for their extreme poop fetish and having scat all over their profile
No. 712737
>>712725“I am a pedophile”
“I got in the shower with my baby cousin”
No. 712899
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No. 712971
>>712922I'm sure her pedo pandering warped her self esteem a lot. It's easy to think you're hot shit when a bunch of older guys are giving you loads of attention and acting like you're totally irrisistible.
If I had to guess that's probably where her obsession with ugly/weird looking guys comes from. She needs the validation of being the "hot one" and she's far too insecure to handle being with someone who's equally or more attractive than she is. Basically she has to surround herself with ugly, gross, slobby losers so she can look better by comparison.
No. 713626
>>712922she's mentioned she has severe body dysmorphia and horribly low self esteem. she said she bragged about being a 'cute lady!!!' as a fake-it-til-you-make-it thing. all of her 'ugly' selfies are fake 'teehee i'm so goofy' poses.
she said on tumblr before that her dysmorphia is so bad that she had to do her makeup in the dark, because if she saw a spot or pimple she'd sit there for hours picking at it. i honestly suspect she's the type to spend a lot of time practicing smiling and posing in the mirror. her candid pictures always look so dead-eyed and fake. she's trying her hardest to look conventionally pretty at the expense of looking actually happy.
No. 714135
>>712922>>712929She did have body dysmorphia but she honestly truly believed her face was 10/10 hot babe material. Her dysmorphia came a lot from having small boobs (which I didn't think she had, she had like, slightly below average size especially considering how thin she is)
She seemed did start posting bikini pics and topless pics so I think she started to embrace the whole lolicon/flat chest movement going on atm.
No. 714141
>>712725As disgusting as this is I wouldn't expect anything less from a child that age who did most of their socialising on 4chan. What makes it so bad is that she continued a lot of the themes mentioned here into adult hood. She was still posting about that infant from WarioWare when she was 20. She was also posting vore, bestiality and gore porn shit when she was on tumblr too and was posting about jerking off over car accidents and radiation poisoning as recently as the castlecrush twitter.
Also compare the "no pedophile shaming" to "no kink shaming." There may also be a comparison between "I'm a big boob sexy woman and these children are amazed by me" to "I'm a hot sexy babe to these ugly nerdy virgins who are amazed by me."
No. 714886
>>714875I remember, she posted a pic of the "nipple". Shit looked like a mole.
Everyone's got some lopsided boobs I swear she just wanted to be a unique reason as to why.
No. 715175
>>715073>>715117Yeah, part of the reason why tumblr is so insane about fetishes now is because the pendulum swung too hard in the other direction back in 2011/2012. On Livejournal the hardcore pedo incest rape also someone is drinking piss for some reason fanworks were in members-only comms or kinkmemes that you actively had to look for. on Tumblr you could be browsing a totally innocuous character tag and immediately get smacked in the face with it.
There was also very little judgement on other people's fetishes no matter how out there, that's the only reason why nemu was allowed to get away with talking at length about how hot she got over pictures of radiation victims. It's worst kind of environment for someone who developed maladaptive tendencies as bad as Nemu did.
Basically, a bit of this is on tumblr, a lot of this is on 4chan but frankly most of this is on whoever the fuck did such a bad job raising Nemu that she felt she had to go to 4chan to get attention in the first place.
No. 715310
>>715195Honestly not sure. I don't think she explains that in the comments history.
She gets really jealous of "ugly" people with a sense of self esteem. It's been like that for years. She always talked terribly about her friends in private, even recently.
She always told her friends how creepy and uncomfortable she thought Harlot was, in public she praised her.
No. 715381
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The day she left social media, I used a program posted in a previous thread and saved approximately 3000 of her most recent tweets and retweets, if anyone is interested in that.
>>715310 >She always talked terribly about her friends in private, even recently. Does anyone have any caps of her doing this? This has been brought up a couple times but I haven't seen anyone actually post proof. Not to say I don't think she's the type to talk shit (honestly everyone in the ""fictional other"" twitter-sphere does) but rumors without proof aren't very interesting imo.
No. 715395
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>>715378her being schizotypal makes sense and i don’t like doubting people’s mental disorders but i seriously can’t even believe it given how much she’s lied over the years. i see all her lying and distorting of things as unchecked narcissism from having to seek attention so much as a child since her parents obviously didn’t give her any. i mean hell, i believe david more when he said she had BPD in one of the previous threads, though he was unclear if he was talking about bipolar or borderline. both can have psychotic traits and, if gone unchecked and untreated for a long time, can make a person almost sociopathic in how much they lie and mistreat other people.
No. 715830
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>>715381Damn I wish we could've seen the full tweet about Chom
No. 716224
>>715404Do you think Nemu give a second thought about the mental conditions of any of the people she's hurt or harassed? I also think people are so quick to sweep ALL her behaviour under the "she's ill ):" blanket because Nemu herself has set it up this way from day one. Yeah, she clearly has a mental illness, but no, that does not cover every disgusting thing she's done.
Also David said himself that he doubts any of that abuse was real. Please stop putting "puzzle pieces" together when most of them are concocted by Nemu to get sympathy points. Some people are just born fucked up and horrible.
No. 716274
>>715404i didn’t know there was hospital papers, wow. still, given how she manipulated people’s perception of her on tumblr and even with her own fucking boyfriend, wouldn’t it make sense she’d craft the same elaborate pity-seeking narrative for professionals? that’s the scary thing about abusive narcs, they love distorting people’s perception of them to protect their own ego. and like
>>716224 said, even david doesn’t believe the extent of the abuse she’s claimed. if she were truly schizotypal, i really think she’d be less performafive and self aware about it. not trying to come after you or anything, if anything i’m frustrated with myself for how much i bought into her bullshit over the years.
No. 716336
>>716274ive been diagnosed as schizotypal in the past I was reassessed and its identified as post traumatic stress badly recognized because of my eccentric nature.
but in her case at and I preface this saying I hate her obsession with this diagnoses and her using it as an excuse, - she seems genuinely to be schizotypal.
I followed her since I was in early hs, and felt relatable to her to a point (definitely no longer), and a lot of things about her weren't consistant but the one thing that was is how her low days were like. her personality she puts on is incongruent but when she was otherwise it was always the same tone
No. 716349
>>716224>>716274I think she can't conceptulize other people well enough to empathize with them completely, I don't think its exactly malicious or me first. I think everyone is something of a npc to her, she's impulsive acts in the moment and stubborn in admitting her way of thinking is wrong because then she'd have to change the way she thinks about everything (see the porn and fight the new drug phase)
I take David out of the whole entire puzzle because he is kid fucker no matter what the fuck is up with the fucking yellow Tupperware mess. both of them are untrustworthy but I don't doubt a past of abuse with nemu the details I have no idea I remember posts about their finances (her parents), their drug issues, and her relationship with her mother versus her father
No. 717043
>>716848Nemu has never talked about having BPD, borderline or bipolar. Not on her private Twitter or even in private chats. The only time it was brought up was when David mentioned it in thread, and even he didn't know which disorder the acronym meant. I don't think Nemu exhibits very many 'classic' borderline symptoms and to be honest I think everyone here just calls any flake or cow that's a manipulative bitch borderline.
I followed her private right up until she found out about the thread and she still drew, she just didn't post a lot of finished art. I think once she stopped drawing so much porn and fetish content, her output slowed down. But she was posting unfinished Inspector Gadget doodles and even got super into Retsuko and had a self insert and art for that.
No. 719173
>>716274> that’s the scary thing about abusive narcs, they love distorting people’s perception of them to protect their own egothis is so important to distress. she doesn't have to tell the whole truth to anyone, not even mental health professionals. she can even think she's technically telling the truth but tell it in the most flattering, sympathetic way possible. a really good therapist can notice suspicious things, but at the end of the day, they can't read her thoughts and figure out what she's covering up.
>>716342she might also get off on the challenge of tricking everyone to think she's a nice lady including therapists. if she was all humble and scared of her insane inner world being exposed, she would never put herself out there to the internet including fucking 4chan the way that she has, and never ever link that persona to her job at a teaching institution. i mean would you ever do those things? she does some really ballsy shit for someone with so much taboo content out there, she's certainly not paranoid. she seems like the type of person to think that they're so good at what they do that they can even trick authority figures and people who could dox them and ruin their life, aka a delusional narc.
No. 719195
>>719173yep, she's certainly convincing.
i have a strong feeling she's taken so long to come back is because shit hit the fan really hard. her threads were active and she even got featured on KF. her tricks are harder for her. i mean, no doubt she's probably just keeping her presence to a few discord channels, but her narcissistic chicken tendencies will force her to go public again.
under a different name? who knows.
tbh it really does look like jenelle cut the rope with her. i wonder how that all went down.
No. 720576
>>715381>>715381She would tell me about unpleasant stuff about her friends on occasion. Where she'd end up saying "okay im gonna be petty for a moment" and would say stuff like "this cosplay would look better on me". She also told me about how Xan was really dirty, had piles of clothes or trash, and food left around her house, pet droppings, etc. How Jenelle smelled awful too. As well as the story on how Harlot was a weird perv and kept trying to molest her.
>>715830I havent checked this thread in weeks and i probably should have never come back, but my stupid self and impulsive curiosity brought me back.
I cant see her without getting hurt all over again and am reminded just how much of a bad guy she wants to make me seem. This shit is traumatizing. The tweet is just another twist of the knife and a reminder of just how awful of a communicator she really is.
She actually told me a few times she was a compulsive liar when she was younger because her remembering something would always be different from reality. But the thing is, it seems her lying happened regardless of weird memory parsing. Looking back at it, it was a huge red flag, but i wanted to trust her.
Honestly i feel bad for revealing even more private stuff about her, but at the same time i want her to see the damage she causes.
No. 720585
>>720576Yeah don't hold back, you're brave enough to reveal who you are. By the way I hope you come back and see this, has Christy even tried to contact you when this whole thing happened?
I've heard about how she criticized Xan and Harlot, but not Jenelle. That's new for me.
No. 720609
>>720585Now that ive started, ill probably be checking it a little bit at a time.
I havent heard from her since she said she was "extremely emotionally tired" from us fighting about how shitty of a friend/girlfriend she was being to me. That was way back in April.
Her friends already had blocked me way before then, because apparently they thought i was being bad to her. This includes Jenelle, which i was surprised to see, because i thought she knew me better. None of them tried to contact me or confront me either. It feels like a high school clique shunning someone because of a rumor. Really sucks.
No. 723541
File: 1540848579773.png (513.99 KB, 1177x1156, Screenshot_2018-10-29-16-21-45…)'s Steam account.
She changed her name multiple times to hide her previous names that were posted in the last thread.
I'm also skeptical about the date she decided to do this. In the last thread, they showed her Steam name changes a month before August. She changed her name a few days after anon pointed out she might be lying about her military brother ever existing.
No. 723689
>>720576How she treated you is transparent and that’s from her own accord of what she’s said and what’s she’s posted and this tweet where she seems to be afraid of what you have to say about her - you contacting her, she has this narc delusion that she was forging about you contacting her which otherwise nothing has been mentioned about you harassing her, meaning she’s just afraid of what you have to say
It’s her twisting the knife and trying to change the perspective out of petty fear
No. 724354
>petty fearThis is the same conclusion ive come to and its really sad she did this at all.
I was always willing to let her talk to me about her anxieties when she was having a crisis, and id at least try to talk her down from it. But obviously she had stuff she didnt even want to mention to me. Often thought of herself as being too big a burden on me, no matter how much i told her she wasn't. I cant change her brain or thoughts tho, so… it came to her freaking the hell out and making shit up again i guess
No. 725346
File: 1541166598740.png (896.19 KB, 1319x2248, Screenshot_2018-11-02-08-49-28…)

Some milk from the KF thread
No. 725430
File: 1541182340733.png (220.13 KB, 500x500, 3B38AB45-165E-4E07-91C9-48D56F…)

>>725346i know exactly which orbiter posted that and it’s hilarious to see her playing with fire on kf while she’s an embarrassing lolcalf herself. the milk is good but exposing her would be funny as shit if there were enough receipts
No. 725774
>>725714sage for slightly off topic, but Kiwi Farms is legitimately full of self-hating autistic and otherwise mentally ill people. Lagoona isn't a special case, she just got a lot of attention by alogging cwc and she left an easy to follow digital footprint. Lurking on KF and looking a bit into the posters reveals that a good chunk of them are insecure about their autism, diagnosed or otherwise.
I've noticed that this type of person joins KF over vendettas and partakes in more aggressive behavior. They're markedly different from someone who genuinely goes there for laughs.
No. 742628
>>742618None yet, I happened to have checked her orbiters' follower lists yesterday and haven't found any suspicious new accounts following them. It seems she's migrated to Discord channels, Facebook, and playing games on Steam in terms of online content under her internet presence.
>>742346Yep, Christy's milk is too memorable for us all. It's insane.
No. 745097
>>744226Y'know, i was just thinking about this today actually- if tumblr purged nsfw content back then like it's going to now, would that have stunted nemu's popularity growth at all?
I feel like the thing about tumblr is that it's so so easy to create tight little bubbles for people and a huge part of nemu's rise in popularity may have been because of how easy things spread around on tumblr. idk, just a little food for thought.
No. 755288
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I know she was only mentioned in passing last thread but it looks like Collared Ginger/Blood_Moonstone was asking about Christy so I guess Christy hasn't come back to Twitter under a new name (yet).
Side note, I've been seeing this person's art on my timeline recently and apparently they ship themselves with hotdiggedydemon.
No. 755316
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>>755299Here's her public art account which is only milky in so far as cringey art.'ll have to dig out some old screencaps. But I don't think she's as interesting as some other orbiters listed in the OP. All she does is complain about people more attractive than her having the same waifus as her, post 'lewds' of her flat chest and ass, and get
triggered over not ugly people posting pictures
No. 758061
File: 1546477440044.png (38.02 KB, 408x595, D3847CF4-27BD-4FEA-917C-EA0AB4…)

>>755405oh my fucking god she ships herself with hotdiggedydemon ahahahahaha
in other news fauna made a shitty poetry zine she’s selling for 8 CAD if anyone is interested :^)
No. 758289
File: 1546508486786.png (2.3 MB, 1440x1449, Screenshot_2019-01-03-03-40-55…)

Looks like Nemu and Jenelle aren't best friends anymore. Jenelle held a New Year's Eve party and there was no Nemu in sight in the pics she posted.
No. 763782
>>763410tbh i want to, but i'll wait a little longer to see if christy ever shows up again, she can't go longer than a year.
also kinda on topic, xan and bitsy follow each other on twitter, which means they probably discussed some shit.