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No. 663922
21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/648895The basics:
> Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Several pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after "rehoming" them. Fails to give proper enclosures for many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.> Jonny Craig is the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He has been in and out of rehab centers for a decade now and has been kicked out of multiple bands and off of tours for his behavior. He is usually homeless when he does not have a girlfriend to leech off of.> Several of Jonny's ex-girlfriends have come out with stories of Jonny's physical and sexual abuse, including rape at knife-point. His ex Chelsea confided this in Taylor when she and Jonny first started dating, in which Taylor's response was to laugh with Jonny and make a public spectacle of it.> Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge around the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.Taylor's Links:
Twitter: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook (private:) Jonny's Links:
Twitter: Instagram:’s Links: of all Taylor's pets: Milk:
> Uses her plethora of illness to excuse not posting, yet she’s somehow able to care for 30+ animals everyday, stating that when she is too unwell to tend to her animals she pays "people" ~$600 to take care of them for her, as if that's somehow better> Suddenly starts ranting about being vegan and saving the planet despite not even being vegetarian herself> Finally got the cheese tattoo, looks terrible (not surprising)> Got the new monitor sage, lies about its size repeatedly, still too small for the monitor and provided next to no substrate, hides, inadequate lighting, and climbing area for the monitor.> Kovu died at 3 ½, Taylor claims it was a result of bad breeding and she expected him to die way earlier. He likely died of heat exhaustion in the wake of the heat wave that struck Texas when he was living in a tank, after months of neglect in a closet> Jonny went on tour in Brazil, was drinking the whole time, holding open alcohol> Decided to put all of her snakes into breeder racks> Still hasn't bothered getting a proper set up for the mantis shrimp> Posted a link to a podcast not realizing that it didn’t paint her in a positive light (link to the podcast and summary of the podcast with time stamps is in #15 thread)> Lying constantly about the sizes of her enclosures, sometimes within minutes of each other> Finally got a slightly bigger enclosure for the monitor (though not the size he needs) that she hasn't bothered to actually fill in properly, nor set up the lights for it properly> Pacman frog is very unhealthy, legs splayed out, eyes blown out, bones and muscle deteriorating> After months of neglecting to treat her bearded dragon for what started with a small tail injury and possibly losing just the tip of its tail, the tail became necrotic and about half of the tail had to be amputated.> Actually showed up to Petfest, but in a sports bra, tank pants, and a lace cardigan> Has been bragging about purchasing a chimera ball python for the last three weeks and continues to push the arrival date back, however snake is still for sale on morph market> Still claiming that she isn't impulse buying her animals, and totes supports "adopt don't shop", despite claiming that she bought a $7500 snake that hasn't been shipped yet (still not clear if she will get the snake), and buying another snake at Petfest> Misidentifies the species of the snake that she just bought on twitter, despite claiming that it's one she's totes wanted forever No. 664385
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No. 664389
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Yeah, let's encourage people not to give their pets access to water! The tarantula keepers I watch on youtube generally make sure their tarantulas have a bottle cap of water just in case, especially before/after molting. But she has one tarantula and is somehow an expert?
No. 664390
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No. 664394
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No. 664409
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Mama Dean really needs to get off twitter. Here she is talking about Em being "kind." How's that feel Taylor?
No. 664469
>>664389This is grossly incorrect. Speaking as a keeper of 16 tarantulas, even species that are kept in a completely dry environment should have access to a water dish.
5 minutes of research would have told her the same thing.
No. 664585
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No. 664594
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She's claiming she hasn't gotten a snake in 6 months, yet she got this one for Jonny in May… and we all know Taylor is the only one who takes care of it
No. 664614
>>664389It's not about when you LAST got a snake, you dumbass. It's that fact that you already have too many animals yet you buy more.
She talks about her animals as if they are shoes. Like she needs 'this seasons' snake.
No. 664660
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>>664654I know. It's just mind boggling that her fans have such short attention spans that they can't see through her constant lying. I'm surprised she hasn't deleted this.
No. 664674
>>664594i don’t get the whole “it’s been 6 months since i got a snake so it’s ok to get some more uwu!!!” argument from her. even though that’s a lie. like hell JC is the only one responsible for the snake “she got for him” AKA herself too. but it’s completely irrelevant and sounds like a fucking child’s reasoning. “oh i was good for x amount of time so i can do this.” an immature and irresponsible way to go about your life but i digress. most importantly, why are all of the other pets she’s hoarded in the meantime exempt from this reasoning? she is already in way over her head with all the other animals but alright let’s just focus on the snake hoard, Tay. has anyone brought that up to her?
no genuine animal lover would ever do this, knowing they cannot feasibly provide the love and attention each one deserves with so many to look after. living beings are paying the price for her idiocy. fuck her and anyone encouraging her.
No. 664698
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she's been bragging about getting this chimera for literally weeks
No. 664717
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>>664708The date is the 28th of JJly.
The date on this regarding the same snake is from the 20th. And now three weeks later she's claiming it's going to be there on the 21st/22nd of August. Who on earth holds onto an animal for a customer with that level of uncertainty for a fuckin month?
Lord knows she probably isn't paying the breeder for the boarding and upkeep of the snake for a month. Every breeder I know (granted, I know mainly livestock breeders, but I do know someone who breeds beardies) either has a date set for the pick up or shipping of the animal coordinated usually within a week, if the buyer isn't ready to receive it but wants a hold on the animal then they pay deposit (at least) and board for the time. Why does anyone believe this shit? (sage for bloggish post)
No. 664727
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No. 664741
>>664739I read
>>664660 as coming on tuesday/wednesday. Seeing as Tuesday is past now, I was reading it as Tues/Wed next week because I hadn't seen the 1030 tomorrow tweet.
No. 664745
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No. 664811
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Imagine what he's going to do to her as an adult, if he lives that long. She really did not think this through at ALL.
No. 664815
>>664811I have my fingers cross to that being an attack rather than her just handling him
She will probably re-home him with the excuse "she didn't like how he was behaving" like she did with her Clownfish lol
No. 664819
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It’s definitely the chimera that she’s talking about. Whether she actually gets it or not, we’ll see tomorrow. She definitely couldn’t get some other snake and pretend it was the same though because it’s one of a kind.
No. 664820
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>>664811good to see her animals turning on her
No. 664831
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She minimizes how dangerous her monitor is going to be so much.
No. 664863
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I mean it actually kind of is. The outside dimensions are big but the inside where the water will be is pretty small.
No. 664907
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Sabor is the only snake that bites!! They're all so tame and cuddly!!
No. 664909
>>664760Because it's most likely not that one.
The breeder was quick to say it was already sold to her when she was lying about getting it for free, so it'd be strange for him not to remove it for sale if it was indeed the one she got.
No. 664948
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No. 664949
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No. 664950
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No. 664956
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No. 664960
>>664952Which screenshot is sarcastic? You can point out the exact one by clicking the comment number and including it in your reply.
As far as we can tell from what you've put out in public, you were calling Taylor out now you seem to be encouraging her to get new animals. Her husbandry hasn't changed in the slightest between those two positions.
No. 664968
>>664952> I can very well disprove most of your guys claims here if I really wanted to take the time. Then do it.
You already took the time to come here and write that paragraph.
No. 664972
>>664952Hi Jayce, as someone who respected you for calling out Taylor’s obvious misinformation/false claims and awful husbandry, do you really think the small amount of clicks you might gain from “befriending” her are worth it?
Also just a friendly tip, even though you’re here white knighting her, she probably won’t like that you’ve posted here. It gives the impression that maybe you’ve posted here before but not things that Taylor would like.
If there’s a chance that you can steal her away from Jonny then I fully support that for her well being and her animals sake. If that’s your end goal then by all means carry on. Cause I’m my opinion the only thing that explains your sudden flip of the switch in rationality is either romantic interest or clout.
No. 664978
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No. 664992
>>664980From the first pic here
>>664955 it's a different angle and the tail looks pretty straight. She's in damage control.
No. 664993
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No. 664994
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No. 664995
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No. 665000
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>>664994Bitch is
still insinuating it's Joe. She doesn't want to call the company out because she can't fucking remember who
really sold her Twisty.
No. 665009
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My favorite parts of this quarantine set-up are the thermometer, thermostat, hydrometer, and that it's in the quietest part of the house.
No. 665010
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No. 665011
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"sterile" lmao
No. 665019
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1st pic is comments from her July 25 amputation post.
2nd pic is comments from the post today (
>>664994 )
No. 665020
>>664995"I literally don't wanna call them out"
Could literally just reply to the tweet with a screen of her instagram post going but you already did?
No. 665048
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No. 665050
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No. 665051
>>665019she sounds like such a spoiled brat.
She’s allowed to spew whatever shit she wants without a second thought, which is proved by the fact that she doesnt even remember posting the name of the breeder.
Not to mention that now she’s made it even worse, she KNOWS she has the power and followers to fuck their business over. They were just upset she got it wrong in the first place, and were pretty respectful.
I love when she spergs out though, sip sip sip
No. 665054
>>664952>You don't know what's going on behind the scenes in private messages or peoples personal comes that excuse again. of course we don't see the whole picture, but if what little care she chooses to display to the world is painfully lacking, what are the chances the rest is any better? she obviously only shows the best parts.
also, you seem to be missing that people liked you here. before you started encouraging her hoarding.
No. 665055
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No. 665060
>>665011“This is my first time doing quarantine”
What the actual eff??? You have 30+ animals and you’ve never done quarantine on any of them???? Are you stupid or do you literally just not care about the animals welfare jfc
No. 665061
>>665055No Jayce, her care is still subpar and she has a chronic illness that prevents her from taking care of her animals everyday. Taylor isn’t a breeder so she has absolutely no reason to have as many snakes as she does.
Look at it like this, if she was a breeder those snakes would be stock. She would have little emotional attachment to them and wouldn’t try to handle them everyday. But as it stand these are her PETS and she should be giving them time and attention everyday.
No. 665064
>>665055Taylor can get as many animals as she likes!!!111
My care is also subpar!!111
Love me Taylor!!111
No. 665070
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No. 665083
>>665078Lmao I thought the same thing, oh I forgot, I bet it was a 'friend' that showed her.
I mean Jayce has just shown he's just like Taylor in the sense they're both naive kids with no education but think collecting pets and gaining a following will somehow result in them in conservation positions. Nice dream but it won't happen.
No. 665101
>>665055She knows she fucked up with her monitor? Except she hasn't mentioned or acknowledged this publicly, so no… she hasn't. In private she probably knows, but to the public she remains unable to handle criticism or address her mistakes, so that she can actually learn from them.
If she realized she fucked up with her monitor, she would rehome him. But she won't, because Taylor can't admit she's in the wrong under any circumstances. She can't shoulder any blame and points fingers at others.
No. 665110
>>665081She showed to Tyler, her cousin, Jonny, her stans and now Jayce
And probably more people
No. 665149
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So she posted today that it was phoenix’s fourth birthday. But she posted that he was 8-10months old when she got him in feb ‘16, which would mean he was born June ‘15 at the latest. So he was either younger than she claimed when she first got him or she forgot his bday… I mean with all the animals she has I’m surprised she can remember what year she got them.
No. 665153
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>>665149She said he was 1 1/2 years old when she first got him, so he probably is 4 years old, but it is funny that she can't keep track of when she gets her animals or how old they are, it changes all the time even though these things can easily be checked as she posts everything online.
No. 665174
>>665072He finally replied to me in the crackhead hours of the night. Surprise surprise someone offered above asking.
And instead of coming back to me and negotiating he ghosted. Real fucking professional.
That rare beautiful snake is going to be slowly starved to death now.
No. 665181
>>665174Yeah.. called it.
Any idea how much she offered? Did you try and counter offer again despite?
No. 665193
>>665186He's an idiot too if he doesn't follow through with this.
There's a good chance she'd be too high to bother showing up and then he'd win by default.
And as long as he shows up with documentation it was bought from the other person he's been in contact with, there's tons of evidence of her stans saying they will never purchase from him now. And she will have to cover his lawyer fees as well.
Do it.
No. 665233
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Fucking hell.
No. 665240
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I love that she has to lie to her own fans that we're accusing her of breaking his tail when the speculation all along has been Jonny did it.
No. 665244
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No. 665251
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Nothing suspicious? You lied about the breeder, what the sex was, how many the breeder had, what vet you used. Literally everything. And you fucking stand by while your stans continue to defame South Texas Dragons in your honor without telling them they weren't the breeder, nor are they accusing you of hurting Twisty.
No. 665261
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No. 665264
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No. 665266
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No. 665268
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No. 665271
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No. 665274
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No. 665277
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No. 665278
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No. 665281
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No. 665289
>>665083>I mean Jayce has just shown he's just like Taylor in the sense they're both naive kids with no education but think collecting pets and gaining a following will somehow result in them in conservation positions. Nice dream but it won't happen.What Jayce said actually made me laugh out loud. You learn absolutely nothing related to conservation by being a hobbyist keeper and no legitimate conservation operation is ever going to hire someone without a biology background. Handing animals is not what conservationists do, we do statistics, statistics and more statistics. It's not a fun job where you get to run around with animals.
Jayce, go back to school. I just finished uni at 25, it's never too late to go back. The path you see to your dream does not exist.
t. biologist who is applying for conservation positions at ZSL.
No. 665300
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Do ya'll remember when she made the bold claim that she was buying him just because she loved him so much and wouldn't show him in any videos hahahaah
No. 665344
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Not sure what’s pissing me off more, the amount of times she’s gonna flaunt that she spend 7.5k on a snake, or her god awful over use of that damn emoji
No. 665346
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She literally just woke up lmao so much for being productive
No. 665481
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No. 665482
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Also, he ended up blocking me when I explained to someone a few things she's done wrong. So that's great
No. 665486
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No. 665523
>>665481>>665482>>665486If she really wanted to be better, act mature, and do the right thing she would start by publicly stating, across social media platforms, that she has been slandering an innocent breeder for weeks to make herself look good. She would call-out all her stans for their delusional bullshit. She would stop blaming everyone else for her fuckups. She would get all her snakes out of those sub-par tubs in racks. But she won't because this isn't her becoming a better keeper, it's her running a woe-is-me PR campaign.
>>665502I can already see it now. Something will go wrong with that chimera and Polyamorous Ball Pythons will get a taste of what it's like to be blamed by Taylor and her horde of rabid fans. Frankly, local expos/breeders should just fucking blacklist her.
No. 665539
>>665481But if she cared about her reptiles she'd of course quarantine them every time and only get as many new reptiles at a time as she can quarantine.
Keeping an animal in the bathroom isn't a sterile environment.
No. 665546
I rarely check these forums and only recently started to because Taylor herself told me that you guys were bringing me into the whole issue.
If you want to talk to me like an adult instead anonymously on a forum, you're welcome to message me on my personal facebook. my personal twitter. then, I wont be replying to these forums as I don't see it as a way to actually behave as an adult and talk about things.
So! if you reach out, thanks!
if not, then oh well I suppose.
and yes, I blocked the people who I found taking screenshots. If you're not willing to talk, you don't deserve access to my account lol.
Like I said, not in this for the followers. doesn't bother me to leave my account on private.
No. 665549
>>665546>rarely checks these forums>but taylor showed me the screenshots>doesn't realize he just confirmed taylor lurks these forums regularlyAlso, the only reason you're virtue signaling about bEhAvInG lIkE aDuLtS is only because you know you can't block people here when you don't like what they're telling you, so fuck off.
godspeed, jayce.
No. 665563
>>665546This is an imageboard, not a forum. Forums have usernames/accounts. Please don't use this place as a way to promote yourself. We are all aware of who you are thanks to the namefagging, you don't need to post additional links.
Some insight if you care for it; we prefer this over open discussions for a few reasons - because someone like Taylor with a sizeable following of young, overzealous fans can and will send her following to harass us. Even if she doesn't do this on purpose, she's too careless with leaving identifying information in screenshots. Most of us are adults with jobs who just can't deal with harassment from that many people from a logistical standpoint.
It could also damage our work lives - regardless of whether we were right or wrong in our criticisms. I'm a biologist, and it's not worth identifying myself and risking my career just so I have enough clout or authority or whatever to correct someone's poor husbandry. In this sphere educational attainment etc. don't seem to matter compared to follower count or number of pets. There are plenty of anons like myself who have far more experience and expertise than Taylor whose opinions have been completely discounted when we have tried to call her out on named accounts purely because we don't have as many followers or pets. This is the only place we can talk about our issues with Taylor without facing harassment.
tl;dr speaking anonymously levels the playing field and erases the advantage of follower count.
No. 665576
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They are both so pathetic.
No. 665588
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Too late, you spineless asshole.
>>665578Total conspiracy obvs, but I wouldn't put it past Taylor to lure him in like she does with everyone else for the purpose of getting his semi-educated call outs to stop, knowing that people would turn on him for being a hypocritical sack of shit and take some of the attention off her.
No. 665602
>>665597You said you weren't going to post here again, yet surprise, here you are. How predictable.
Stop being so patronizing. If you don't want to post here, then don't post here.
No. 665612
>>665602>>665599Oh, I just knew you guys wouldn't actually have the guts to message me even though I extended the offer.
So I knew I'd have to come back.
I also knew by posting on twitter you guys would eat it up since I made my instagram private.
I knew if I was going to actually /talk/ I'd have to remain active on here unless one of you actually took my offer. Which again, I assumed you wouldn't which is why I checked back after awhile.
I'm still learning how to use this website so bear with me if I make mistakes replying.
Ya'll are welcome to ask me whatever you want, since I'm no longer at work and I redid my buzztail enclosure I can have free time to talk.
No. 665614
>>665606I've been focused on talking to Taylor about husbandry issues. Jonny is an afterthought.
However I do still plan to bring it up later when her and I become more comfortable with talking.
It's quite personal to talk about someones relationship, especially to someone who actively posted about how they hated you.
So it's not an area that's OPEN for discussion.
Which doesn't bother me because my main focus was talking about the animals anyway. Her personal life isn't all that important to me.
No. 665616
>>665612Maybe no one messaged you because no one really cares that much
>>665613Ari I actually like you please dont turn into jayce you have so much potential to be a genuinely good person
No. 665617
>>665615Anonymity is useful for someone like Taylor.
I don't have her following, so your point is moot.
it also makes you a chicken shit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you're worried about your career and what you say on the internet maybe you shouldn't be saying it if it would affect your job.
No. 665626
>>665612This is coming from someone who purely lurks: just stop. Posting/namefagging on this type of site is not going to "win people over" so to speak.
>>665617nta but anonymity is like internet 101. I understand it's 2018 and kids have basically thrown that out the window but it still stands.
No. 665652
>>665624"I agreed that if you are able to help animals in a bad situation under her care then I am all for it."
Except that's not what he's doing at all. He's supporting a rape apologist, breeder slandering, impulse buying, pathological lying, animal hoarder who literally neglects animals to death and faces no reprecussions.
>>665643Agreed. They don't want to contribute to a conversation about Taylor, they want to derail about themselves.
No. 665658
>>665642There are lots of (vocal) people who think commenting on people’s appearances, jumping to conclusions, etc are not okay. But this is an anon forum that discourages user policing, and tons and tons of different people post here because it’s one of the first search results when you look up Taylor and Jonny.
Sometimes you will get people solely concerned or disgusted by her pet care. Sometimes you will get people like Emzotic who post here saying “wow what an ugly b, her face looks like a monkey butt.” It’s what you accept in a low moderated, highly trafficked anon site. It’s still the best place for the former group to discuss issues.
I understand where you’re coming from, but you’re advocating a type of self-policing that the site expressly does not allow (mini-modding). Continuing to press for it is futile because that’s not how this site works.
On topic, any new news on the Jonny front with him being gone so much? I see she finally got the chimera.
No. 665666
>>665659And even then, at the beginning people were concerned about her relationship with Jonny. The shift in attitude toward her didn't happen out of thin air. She's proven herself to be incredibly manipulative and a liar. Even people who were close to her admitted it.
I'm not here so much for the animal care. I'm here because she knew about the allegations against Jonny. She got shown proof of what he'd done to his exes. She laughed at Chelsea, when all she did was try to help her. I have no sympathy for a rape apologist who keeps talking about mental health and abuse as if she didn't excuse those things. She has a sizeable amount of children who look up to her and who will think this type of relationship is okay. Like, no, sorry. I'm not gonna be nice about someone who excuses abuse and rape as "mistakes".
No. 665672
>>665667Because you have said you will answer question: What is your opinion on the bearded dragon tail situation? Taylor says its end had to be amputated because of necrosis caused by a kink in it that was the breeder’s fault. The breeder has denied this.
This also evidence (screenshots from their own videos that can be found in the last thread) of Jonny lifting the lizard up solely by the tip end its tail several times back when they first got it. Contrary to what they claim, there is no kink in the tail back then. The breeder keeps trying to ask them to stop the “slander”, which Taylor recently replied to insisting it was the breeder’s fault the tail was injure and the necrosis set in.
No. 665675
>>665617>If you're worried about your career and what you say on the internet maybe you shouldn't be saying it if it would affect your job.You know full well that it doesn't matter what the person actually says or does, once twitter decides you've transgressed against a popular figure they can and will ruin your life. It's not professional to use your job or qualifications to correct people on the internet, even if you are right and animals are being mistreated. There's a lot of tension between actual biologists and zoologists and hobbyists and breeders as well. Lots of seniors (mostly incorrectly) see you as the people who make our jobs in conservation necessary.
When I said levels the playing field I'm referring to discussion of Taylor. Not you two, as neither of you are the subject of this thread. The follower count of the subject being discussed vs the critic is the important factor. Don't pretend you don't understand how this works.
I've considered messaging Taylor as a professional but her behaviour has shown she can't be trusted not to leak personal information. Now that you've chosen to associate with her despite this track record I can only assume you share the same attitude as her and can't be trusted with personal information.
ps. actual biologists think she's a terrible person and you're ruining your chances of getting a real job in the field by associating with her.
>>665667Not removed, outed. They're saying you'll have the right to anonymity waived like emzotic did, if you made any post anonymously they'll be marked.
No. 665679
>>665672Taylor sent me videos and screenshots from before they bought the Dragon. It had a kinked tail in the videos.
If there is evidence of this exact Dragon before being handled without a kinked tail, I'd be happy to see them.
I simply don't have time to scroll through every comment on all these threads about TND.
No. 665685
>>665673My posting record isn't clean. I couldn't care fucking less either.
- I've said shit years ago and probably only months ago that you guys would throw a fit over.
- I've called people stuff I wouldn't say now but oh well.
- I have nudes and other things somewhere online. Could probably easily find that stuff.
- Whatever I've said in the past, I could very easily have changed my opinions on, difference stances over time.
That kinda comes with being 23 and still growing up. A lot of what I said and believed when I was 18 is vastly different from 21 or even now at 23.
So if people wanna use my posting history against me, whatever. Doesn't bother me. lol.
No. 665688
>>665685>I have nudes and other things somewhere online. Could probably easily find that stuff.
Ew gross why.
Also you're basically admitting your Emzotic 2.0. Called it. You're hilarious.
No. 665697
>>665694He's all "I'm engaged" and "I posted nudes" probably as self-validation because he has nothing to hide unlike us anonymous chickenshits
-tips fedora-
No. 665699
>>665677Sorry didn't mean to ignore. Simply didn't see it, as since multiple people are commenting under anonymous it makes it hard for me to find specific comments.
To answer the persons question.
I collect animals based on rareness a lot. A lot of the animals I personally enjoy are rarer in the hobby.
However I also keep the most common snake in the hobby, my normal BP.
Collecting based on color or rarity doesn't bother me I don't really see how that's an issue?
Many of her mistakes were not admitted publicly but privately between her and I.
I talked to her for about 10 hours straight one day on a lot of her mistakes and things shes working on fixing.
None of her snakes are in awful care anymore.
So the whole "impulse buying" while having animals not properly cared for is kinda moot.
Her rack system is fine, she also has more enclosure upgrades on the way that of which takes time to arrive.
(I build enclosures for part of my living, it's not always a quick thing to do)
What your guys opinions on proper care and what the standard is, along with what's exceptional care is somewhat based on opinion.
As many people consider my own care above and beyond but I myself consider it standard.
People who have bioactive would probably consider me poor quality.
So I'd need more info on what you guys consider bad care before really answering more on her care because from where I stand, her animals have clean enclosures, enough space and access to water as needed along with none of them dying or sick.
No. 665702
>>665695So he's gay/bi? Ari's a dude, not a girl so they were pissed because they were assumed to be the girlfriend?
No. 665704
>>665681You do realize there is like 15 threads that pop up about her? Idk where they are exactly.
I have over 30 animals that I care for while also trying to maintain civil discussion.
Between taking my dogs out, making sure they and my cats have food and water, along with checking on my reptiles about every hour.
I don't wanna sit here and scroll through 1,000 comments and pictures to find the exact ones.
No. 665706
>>665691Never said I never heard of it.
I said I don't stay active on it.
No. 665707
>Her rack system is fine, she also has more enclosure upgrades on the way that of which takes time to arrive. No it fucking isn't. Give me a break.
>Many of her mistakes were not admitted publicly but privately between her and I. She trusted me with her secrets!11
So what man? She didn't correct them publicly where they were doing the most harm.
>So the whole "impulse buying" while having animals not properly cared for is kinda moot.No it's not. She has a lot of very long lived animals, no stable income and she acquires a new one a week. She's a hoarder.
No. 665708
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wonder what your chances are of taytay fucking you if she knew you were the type to make fun of her disabilities
No. 665713
>>6657041) how do you feel about her not taking the beardie to the vets for months on end?
2) how do you feel about her not taking care of her animals while she’s sick or when she leaves for weeks at a time?
No. 665714
>>665696I'd say it's stupid for her not to unless she already knows how to care for a kink.
(assume she didn't because I'm aware her knowledge in animal health care is very minimal if not, non existent)
I think the animal should have seen a vet asap of course. Especially at any signs of necrosis.
No. 665718
I mean you only need to see a list of the dead to know her pets never make their natural estimated lifespans.
No. 665722
>>665700Hoarding and collecting are two different things at least in my opinion.
Hoarding would be that the animals are in outright awful care, dead, or on the verge of death.
Such as cat hoarders that have piles and piles of shit everywhere.
As where collecting is more so that the animals are healthy, even if in minimal enclosures, they're not dying.
I myself place myself above minimal care. I don't like seeing baron enclosures. I prefer going a little more above for my animals, if not for their own "enjoyment" but for my own aesthetic.
Even my racks are filled with things based on the species in them. Although I plan to upgrade everyone in racks hopefully before the end of near year.
So to specifically answer, I don't have a problem with her getting new animals currently. As the rack system she has is fine.
and the V322 vision cage was perfect for the Ball Python she just got. (Gemini right?)
As for her housing the Short-tail in the bathroom, I plan to talk to her about that.
No. 665724
>>665721Her mouse didn't. She lied about his age. He was 1 year 7 months as evidenced in a previous thread.
The betta is honestly questionable too.
No. 665727
>>665702Haha, Ari and I are both male and both straight.
My fiance isn't on here.
Sorry if you guys got confused between Ari and I.
Some former followers of mine are in here, which is how I got dragged in.
and some of them obviously also follow Ari as well.
So people tend to associate Ari and I together since we're good friends.
No. 665728
>>665715I'm too lazy to screenshot and edit so here's a link: dude you're a fucking hypocrite. Go back to /b/ lmao.
No. 665731
>>665705I also buy Wild Caught animals.
but I also have quite a few friends in the biology field that don't disagree with it, so long as it's not an endangered species.
No. 665738
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>>665728I got you. Just in case he decides to delete it.
No. 665739
>>665708HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I was wondering when my tumblr trolling would get brought up.
I'm be completely clear about this.
I don't use tumblr for anything other than trolling.
What I post on Facebook/Instagram is my actual beliefs.
What I've said or done on tumblr? Was purely for my own personal boredom.
also, I called someone a retard. I don't think Taylor would care. lol.
No. 665740
>>665724Mice have super short lives, sadly. That's pretty average, unfortunately. The estimated lifespan of pet mice are 1-2 years.
Yes, she lied about his age to make herself look better, but Gus isn't going to live a super long time. He's a mouse, and they're cursed with a really short lifespan.
No. 665744
>>665731Few friends in the biology field? Are they ecologists? Field specification is important. But FYI WC is hugely
problematic with high mortality rates. It's an issue regardless of if the animal is endangered right now or not.
No. 665746
>>665709I totally feel this issue.
I planned on talking to her about this at some point because it does seem odd to me.
I fully support adopting but I'm also the type of person to say "Get the animal YOU want"
because even when adopting you can't always get the specific species/breed of animal you want. So sometimes going to a breeder is better for that.
I see it as, get what you want and you know you'll enjoy so that the animal doesn't need to be adopted again later because you don't enjoy it as much as you were hoping.
That's why I only keep Siberian Huskies. If I got any other dog breed, I wouldn't enjoy them as much. One was from a breeder but I was lucky enough to adopt my second boy from someone who was taking him to the pound anyway.
So idk. I'm kinda in between on that stance because I see both sides of it and I fully support both sides.
Like, you're never going to be able to adopt a Chimera Ball Python. Wont happen. It's a 5,000+ dollar animal.
So if you want one and you know you wanna keep it, then get it.
But for instance if you want like.. a Pitbull? I live in California. You can go to literally any shelter and find a good Pitbull. There is no reason to go to a breeder.
No. 665749
>>665739I don't use tumblr for anything other than trolling. With my real name attached. I call people 'faggots'.
You're trash man.
Thanks for outing yourself as literal flaming poop.
No. 665750
The second one, Idk? I've never personally seen that issue as I don't stay updated with her like you guys do honestly. I work a lot.
If she does leave them unattended for weeks that's an issue.
I can understand leaving snakes for 24-48 hours at most.
but if she doesn't have someone coming over to take care of her animals while she's gone for longer than that, then yes, it's an issue.
No. 665752
>>665750She doesn't just have snakes, though. She has cats, hedgehogs and other animals.
I get that you're focusing on her reptile care, but she has other animals that NEED daily attention and honestly, I do not believe that she has someone coming over that is knowledge of all the species she keeps. Like she claims she has an assistant that cleans for her, but in many of her selfie photos her apartment is a fucking mess.
No. 665754
>>665723Used to.
I haven't in quite a long time.
I have no shame in admitting this lol. I've publicly posted it.
but I stopped due to the recent amount of bites and other issues pertaining to hots recently in the United States and didn't want to risk being added to that list any longer until the new legislation that was presented by kirsten gillibrand goes through or not.
because a lot of my future in this hobby is based on that legislation anyway.
No. 665757
>>665731>but I also have quite a few friends in the biology field that don't disagree with it, so long as it's not an endangered species.Clearly none actually in conservation or ecology.
Supporting any wild caught animals regardless of whether they're endangered or not supports animal trafficking as a whole. The poachers don't distinguish between endangered and not, and not endangered species become so because of wild collection. Every living wild caught individual animal represents tens, if not hundreds of dead ones. Go and look at a pangolin or slow lorris seizure and see how many of these animals make it out alive.
If a species needs to be collected from the wild because there aren't enough in culture to meet demand, that indicates it shouldn't be kept in captivity at all, or that hobbyists have failed in their husbandry - either limiting the gene-pool of the captive population so as to stunt their reproductive ability, or by failing to understand the animals needs and translate them to a captive setting.
It is so, so gross and irresponsible for someone with a following as large as Taylor to buy wild caught animals. Do the maths. If 10% of her followers copy her, how many dead animals does that represent?
No. 665760
>>665752That's a fair point.
You kinda just have to take her word for that though, just because her apartment is a mess at times doesn't mean she doesn't have someone come help with the animals.
I'd need more evidence before actually forming an opinion on that.
No. 665762
>>665755What do you mean? She got a larger enclosure recently? It's both horizontal and vertical.
I believe you're mentioning the one that came custom under all the other enclosures? I didn't approve of that one. It was trash for a monitor, especially a roughneck.
No. 665765
>>665757That's a fair argument. However there are quite a few articles stating otherwise as well.
The way I look at it is, we need captive bred populations. It's why I have a wild caught Boiga. I plan to get a female eventually and work on breeding so that we can hopefully have melanota in captivity.
but as far as im aware hardly anyone breeds melanota. So its why I dont have an issue importing them.
but if people import Ball Pythons still… i have an issue with that. Its redundant.
No. 665770
>>665764Proof of these dead animals?
She had a mouse that died from the average lifespan.
She had a hedgehog that died, from what she says was cancer.
Whether or not thats true, I'm unsure.
As I've had an animal die from cancer, so I can sympathize if its true.
I was also aware of a fish(i think?) that jumped behind her tank?
Other than that. That's not 1/3rd of the animals.
No. 665772
>>665765>That's a fair argument. However there are quite a few articles stating otherwise as well. Are you stupid? The evidence is there that WC animals = dead animals. This isn't a debate.
>The way I look at it is, we need captive bred populations.No. We don't.
>but as far as im aware hardly anyone breeds melanota. So its why I dont have an issue importing them. So people don't want them. There isn't a demand for them… and you're going to breed more. k.
No. 665777
>>665769This is true. I work in a shop. Most feeder mice and rats die long before 2 years even. Some of them not even reaching several months old.
Its one of the worst parts of the hobby.
No. 665778
>>665774Taylor keeps more than just reptiles. Taylor keeps her animals in the bare minimum. She buys a new animal every other week. She buys animals /for/ other people that she then claims.
She's a hoarder.
No. 665780
>>665772There is a massive demand for melanota actually.
A lot of people aren't even aware it's a snake species that exist.
The people that are aware, want them.
WC animals die. Yeah. It's the shitty part of importing.
I sure hope you don't own any reptiles though because all of these reptiles started as imports other than the native species.
>>665774 >>665775 The list. It's up at the top of the post, but I guess it's hard to scroll for some people.
No. 665782
>>665777Her mouse was from petco. While I'm not saying it's much better, it wasn't exactly from a bin of feeders in some back ally either. Her /boss/ wanted to use him as a feeder.
A mouse only living a few months is a /very/ sick individual.
No. 665783
>>665776Also just wanting to add, she
shouldn't need you to help her. She should be able to educate herself but she refuses to.
No. 665786
>>665780>There is a massive demand for melanota actuallybut..
>A lot of people aren't even aware it's a snake species that exist.Ok…
>WC animals die. Yeah. It's the shitty part of importing. Which is why animal lovers don't buy WC.
>I sure hope you don't own any reptiles though because all of these reptiles started as imports other than the native species.Actually /I/ don't. lol. But this isn't about me.
No. 665792
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This is jayce's fiancee. I have been following her for a long time and they had each other in their bios but they deleted it probably because he's been posting her.
No. 665793
>>665765>The way I look at it is, we need captive bred populations. It's why I have a wild caught Boiga. I plan to get a female eventually and work on breeding so that we can hopefully have melanota in captivity. This is so misguided and wrong it's not even funny. That isn't how anything in conservation works. In order to ensure the future of a species you need to guarantee the genetic health and diversity of those animals, which you as a hobbyist cannot do with two individuals whose origin you are completely ignorant of.
If the two animals you got were related, which is likely given poaching methods and how reptiles reproduce, you'd have created an inbred population that's completely useless except as a last resort for bringing something back from wild extinction. It's that easy to fuck it up. Morphs are evidence of this, btw. They only exist because the genepool of captive bred populations is so small. Any animal carrying an exotic morph gene is useless to any legitimate conservation effort.
I'm sorry but you can't help in any meaningful way as a hobbyist. You are the people creating the problem that we are trying to solve. Leave this stuff to the people with an actual education in how to do it properly, and stop trying to justify your poor decisions and cruelty with some lie about the greater good. You're supporting the decline of these animals in their native environments and there is no two ways about it.
Also you can both collect and import animals in a legitimate way that doesn't damage their wild populations, and obtain animals for yourself from zoo collections etc. when you are a real biologist.
No. 665799
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>>665781Thank you for posting this.
Milo is listed as "status uncertain" but is actually dead. He joined the 3 year club.
No. 665800
>>665780Tbqh, you made a mistake posting here.
You should have just left everything as it was, but I figure as taylor believes, any attention, even negative, is good attention.
No. 665803
Can we please ban Jayce? I could honestly not give a single fuck about him and there's now 100+ posts about him while he advertises his Twitter. No one fucking cares, this is a thread about Taylor not your massive incel ego or whatever the fuck you are. Go to the general pet tubers thread if you want to whine.
>>665344The price we agreed on + shipping was close to $7800 (I live across the US though)
Either Taylor is lying or the breeder really cared about the exposure on YouTube over money.
No. 665809
Jayce, I get you’re trying to talk to her and that once you’re in the hobby it’s not a big deal to have a lot of snakes. However how can you reasonably rationalize that Taylor only owning snakes for just over a year, is capable of going from one to what fourteen? She claims new enclosures are ALWAYS coming, but isn’t that something that should already be set up and prepared in advance? And I don’t just mean throwing whatever you have on hand in an enclosure the day before it arrives. To me that’s a bit extreme , especially since YouTube is not a permanent source of income, for all she knows in a year she could have no money coming in and have no way to care for all these animals. It just seems to me that Taylor is like a kid in a candy store with no supervision, she’s stuffing her life with all these beautiful creatures, with no backup plan for the future. Like for example, I have three cats and a dog, I have a college education, if I lose my current job, I have money saved and i already have connections for other forms of employment. If I got sick and couldn’t care for them , I have plenty of people that would take them and that I know would take them and they would be in phenomenal hands. Can Taylor really say the same when she can barely take care of them herself and regularly leaves them just for fun.
No. 665810
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>>665799Yoshi died as well.
No. 665817
>>665803She probably negotiated with him and told him she'd feature him and his shop in exchange for free shipping. I actually think this might've been what originally happened. She probably approached him about the snake, then flexed about her youtube channel, and he told her he'd sell her the snake but that she wouldn't have to pay for the shipping. And that's probably when she fucked up and said she'd only have to pay for the shipping instead of the snake.
>>665812He's just like Taylor. He doesn't care about the animals other than "collecting" and showing them off. Look at his post
>>665738 where he whines his super rare snakes don't get reblogs and acts like a 13 year old who just found 4chan, which he calls "trolling".
None of these people care about animals. They only care about instant gratification and being seen as that cool kid who has a lot of reptiles.
No. 665821
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>>665810I also found a death for an animal of some kind (maybe an apple snail?) which I don't see on the list.
Jesus, this makes a total of three new animals to add to her death count :/
No. 665822
>>665817Honestly, my bets are just on her offering more money. Probably enough so that the seller didn't bother going back to the other buyer here as a counter offer didn't seem possible.
So at least $9-10k
>>665821Honestly there are probably more we don't know about… animals replaced etc. We still have heard nothing of the Mantis shrimp. That's unusual… honestly in about a months time I bet we'll get a 'he died after a long illness that I tried to treat'. When in reality, he's already dead right now.
No. 665835
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>Evidence he's just trying to use Taylor for the fame. Which is exactly why he came here.
I honestly didn't realise how few followers this guy has, even on his 'main' instagram account it's only like 5k. Hell I have more than that and my accounts just a personal one. No wonder he's so thirsty for a TND promo.
No. 665851
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What''s the matter jayce? Stopped posting when your girl got mentioned?
No. 665852
>>665783>>665773>>665794>>665804Agree. I didn't know who Jayce or Ari was before them jumping in but all of this just shows how Taylor manipulated people into publicly defending her meanwhile she continues to lurk the thread, ~*~helpfully~*~ give screenshots to stir the pot, derail discussion, and STILL doesn't admit her mistakes on her own publicly. She's a grown ass adult and shouldn't need all these other people "speaking up for her".
Well played Tay.
No. 665856
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No. 665882
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So I googled him and his FB pops up first…
Honestly there's so much on there to unpack and he posts so much that I got bored scrolling through… so here are some highlights.
>Cringeworthy I'm really smart shit
>Supportive of things like scaleless
>Has actual shit enclosures, the monitor one is particularly awful
>Impulse buys frequently (too many cases of this so it's not in the screenshot)
>Refers to his animals as a 'collection'
>Went from I want a lizard to getting a monitor in a very short space of time
>Has something weird going on with LGBT
>Enjoys telling everyone about his nudes
>Probably a lot more stuff I'm forgetting…
No. 665886
>>665882Oh yeah forgot to mention;
>live feeding.>wanting to sell all his snakes, and then a few days later buying more.Oh and the image is so large, so sorry, you'll probably have to open it in a new tab to see it all.
No. 665889
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>>665886 Missed two, the first is when he first said he wanted a lizard. The second is some of his snake enclosures.
No. 665893
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And a last one of him being a shitty live feeder again.
No. 665894
>>665882You don't get to decide how LGBT+ people celebrate pride. It's not for you. It's for US. Fuck off with that shit. At least you're a good enough person to vote for us and not against us, but christ this mentality is sickening.
Glad he got banned.
No. 665897
>>665893At least Taylor has common sense to not post photos or videos about live feeding and merely mentions it.
This is nasty. This is literally just 'here watch this rat suffer from venom'. He seems like the type of sicko who live feeds because he likes watching. Gross.
No. 665902
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No. 665905
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Er yeah Taylor… because they were your pets… that died… that's the point.
No. 665909
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No. 665913
>>665902lol what’s funny is that was literally one person who no one agreed with, but of course they have to skew it as if everyone who posts here was appalled about an apple snail dying
No. 665927
>>665902Hours? It takes literally 5 seconds to keyword search "passed."
>>665905>>665909She sounds like a fucking sociopath to be honest. No wonder she always looks so insincere when telling us an animal has died.
"I don't know what the other two are." They were her "beloved" first fish Milo and an animal named Yoshi, both of which she tweeted about being sooooo sad about dying. I guess that was an act. Funny how she's hyperfocused on an unnamed snail instead of those two.
>>665913>>665918I personally wasn't trying to give the impression we should all be "appalled" by the 3 deaths I posted about on the same level as the kitten or Kovu. I just noticed inaccuracies for a future update of the list. And I think if we "care" about the death of a leaf insect with a lifespan of months, then we could also care about these animals with a lifespan of 3-10 years. That's all.
No. 665936
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It's so "dumb" yet she doesn't want to give the name out because if people actually come here they'll see all the compiled evidence about Twisty.
No. 665958
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Mama Dean strikes again!
No. 665975
>>665972There was a list I made in one of the previous threads about the pros/cons of live feeding. Maybe the pettubers general thread.
But basically it's about more than just the ability of the snake to take down the prey without damaging itself. There's risk of parasites, of disease, of cruelty to the prey etc.
If you have an animal that isn't endangered, it shouldn't be eating live. I've seen plenty of cases of folks converting supposedly refusing snakes, onto prekilled or f/t. Although from the way Jayce is mocking this on twitter; it's clear he wouldn't even bother to try.
No. 666009
>>666001"Pettube" is very much a fad that is peaking popularity at the moment, but it won't last. The problem is there is no "new" content like gamers (for example) have and so they have to make their own content by buying new animals, new enclosures, etc. But there's only so many animals they can hoard and there's already a ton of "how to care for" videos.
Taylor has already run into this problem and that's why she keeps buying animals to make videos on. She talks about wanting to work with animals, but has nothing to show for it. She's going to struggle immensely when her money runs out and she has no degree and her only work history is working at Petco.
No. 666010
File: 1534397012765.png (838.5 KB, 816x1111, 1533868321381.png)

Reposting this cap of Jonny picking Twisty up by his tail for all her Twitter stans to see
No. 666071
>>666049wait lol I'm all for shitting on them, but I had a completely different idea of what this was.
I was under the impression they were picking up the lizard by the tail, but this is just putting it down and letting the tail trail through their fingers.
Although it is kind of choppy and hard to tell
No. 666079
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No. 666080
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It is beyond unethical for her to let her idiot stans continue to think Joe is the breeder instead of admitting she lied.
No. 666180
>>665930In an older video of hers, didn't she keep one of her betta in a 10 with some sort of tetra?
Edit: Here it is.
Things of note:
1) Plastic Plants instead of silk
2) Kept with guppies which is a bad idea
3) There seems to be some other fish in there, tetras maybe
Bonus: "If you don't care about the quality of life of the animal you are caring for, why do you own that animal?"
No. 666269
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Maura "cancelled" Taylor a few months ago after the weed event with the satanic geckos and now she is far up Taylor's ass again.
Idk what's wrong with the Pet community but it's so weird how they change their mind from one moment to another regardless Taylor.
There is less shit in the beauty community by far lol
No. 666322
>>666314And it happened, as evidenced by
>>665902They keep outing each other, it's hilarious. We're not idiots, nobody wants their actual identity tied to your bullshit.
>>666269>Not caring and making fun of the fact that a living thing in your care diedOk?? Good for you Taylor?? What are your aquatic animals, just something pretty to look at?
No. 666428
>>665936Lmao don’t flatter yourself Taylor were not obsessed. Your life is just such a shitshow of lies that it’s entertaining.
Always wondered why she lies so much though. Like what does she gain from it? Is she scared to admit she’s wrong or what? Her stans will support her and accept any apology no matter what and people who dislike her will respect her more. Seriously, what does she have to lose? Just own up to your shit and do better, at this point it’ll be easier than keeping track of all those lies and making up excuses.
She seemed so much better before Jonny, I liked her then. He lies constantly and loves showing off and flexing on his 13 year old fans and I think that definitely rubbed off on her. Either that or he just encouraged her to expose herself. She was not like this before she started dating him and even admitted to Chelsea that she doesn’t feel like herself. But she’s so far gone now that she values her image over her own wellbeing and that of her pets. Her animals are accessories and she willingly dates a rapist because he’s a famous musician.
No. 666476
>>666428Trouble is she doesn’t keep track of her lies!
And Jonny is hardly famous…now Post Malone, maybe.
No. 666513
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Taylor a la JoJo Siwa style
No. 666598
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No. 666601
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No. 666628
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No. 666640
>>666476True, but apparently she was a Jonny Craig fangirl since she was 12 (ew? Imagine your girlfriend telling you she was obsessed with you when she was 12 and you were 21) so it makes sense she’d conveniently ignore his abusive history because she really wanted the title of “Jonny Craig’s girlfriend.” She’s DEFINITELY regretting now, she admitted to it, but the label and the attention are just too important for her. Of course he’s also manipulating her into staying but she doesn’t really want to leave either. Her ex said that she’s the type of person who would stay in a shitty relationship just to keep bragging about how “in love” she is and how “perfect” they are on social media.
Somethings just not right with this girl, and I don’t even mean that in a hateful way. Like she sincerely needs professional help but she doesn’t want to get better and I can’t sympathize with that. Even if she is just really oblivious the fact that she lashes out at anyone who calls her out certainly isn’t helping.
No. 666800
>>666629It's from a vlog by PugPibbleHedgie
Also her short tailed python was supposed to arrive today. I guess that didn't happen which sucks because I was so looking forward to seeing her "bathroom quarantine."
No. 666802
>>666799I don't even get why she does it, because her body is fine. It just shows how insecure she is if she has to present herself behind an illusion online with filters and angles.
Like an anon said above, I believe she needs professional help too. She has no self-esteem and buying all these animals is just a way to fill a void. She's already said she uses animals to cope with mental health, which CAN be healthy, but not on the scale she does it. She thinks buying more animals = more happiness, but that's not how it works.
No. 666812
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No. 666817
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No. 666820
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No. 666837
>>666820Words of a narcissistic person who doesn't even see why they feel so low when the attention runs out.
>>666428Didn't she have a track record of attention-seeking on the internet before Johnny?
No. 666887
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>>666800she got some serious Hank Hill ass going on
No. 667082
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>>666820She even talks about her emotions like an addict.
No. 667182
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I love how he can't even pretend he's sober
No. 667188
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No. 667205
>>667188Wearing my win like 96 Jordans? Is that like
he jizzed on her foot?
>>666924this just made me laugh so much.
Her outfits are bizarre. I don't understand how someone so obsessed with instagram thot culture can't figure out how to dress. Even just plain tank tops would be a thousand times better than jonny's giant striped shirt and the track pants outfit.
No. 667210
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No. 667216
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No. 667219
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The guy's face says it all, really. And she can't even be bothered to hold the snake properly.
No. 667424
>>667385Around 9:11 does she say "That's me! Trailer Nicole Dean"?
I can't figure out if it was on purpose or a lisp.
No. 667427
>>667385I can't get over her lips. Slight blogpost but I have lip injections and holy shit, hers are just so weird and plastic and overfilled. They aren't supposed to look like that… It is more than possible to have well done injections. She has to be rocking a vial and a half-2 vials.
Ugh. Uncanny valley shit.
Also lol @ her comment about her $10 Louis Vuitton bag off eBay. Sure, Jan.
No. 667442
>>667424It's an ongoing joke she's been using for weeks calling herself "trailer nickel ding." I guess she thinks it's funny.
>>667425I agree. They seemed like the most annoying and obnoxious people in public. Particularly in the petshop that Maddie brought them to, but also when shopping at sam's club/walmart.
No. 667463
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No. 667465
>>667463It's pathetic in a really sad way that they both act like high schoolers.
I mean Taylor is still young, but Jonny is just some sad motherfucker. He's like a toddler.
No. 667539
>>667463I’d be sooo pissed if my bf kept comparing me to/mentioning/thinking about his exes… she was very clearly joking, but Jonny legit looks for any excuse to bring up Chelsea, Amanda or Liz.
RED FLAG Taylor.
Also Jonny must have been drunk or high to tweet that angrily back at her bc he clearly missed the lighthearted tone Taylor was going for.
No. 667542
>>667539What's even worse is it's not just ONE ex. It's multiple exes, and that's a HUGE GIANT DO NOT PASS GO flag, yet Taylor is somehow fine with this?
Also she only mentions Ghost lol. As usual Nemo isn't mentioned because he isn't the cute designer kitty.
No. 667638
>>666269Is she implying that she doesn’t care about her snails and fish? I guess they’re not ~cool~ enough to matter?
And she stated that her mantis shrimp can kill every fish in that tank yet STILL keeps it with them? Why would she take that risk? It’s like housing a hamster and snake together but saying “oh it’s okay as long as they’re both well fed it’s safe”
No. 667673
File: 1534609179049.jpeg (654.72 KB, 1242x1490, 213342B2-CEAE-4B44-BB88-99BABE…)

I understand that many petcos are problematic with their animals and housing, but the person handling the twitter is just trying to find out what location she took the video of, however Taylor nor her adult child mother are unable give an exact location -even though it would help this specific animal she recorded. Instead they choose act like snarky 13 year olds and “Mama” responds with this…
No. 667683
>>667673Jesus fucking christ. 'shame on you for thinking it's my daughters responsibility'…. And here friends is exactly why Taylor can take NO blame for anything. They asked if she WOULD LIKE for them to FOLLOW UP WITH AN UPDATE that they would reach out… For that they need her phone number. Is it not Taylor's responsibility to give them her number? Are they psychic, or does she have an assistant for that too?
Fucking hell mama Dean needs to learn how to read and write proper sentences.
As for Taylor's sarcastic comment… Well that just sums her up. Will complain about issues but offer no help and be a rude bitch. She's got her likes and comments, she doesn't give a fuck about the animals suffering now.
No. 667692
File: 1534611622091.jpg (62.66 KB, 680x510, Dk3o_ICUUAElHvX.jpg_small.jpg)

Weird. That doesn't look like quarantine to me.
No. 667695
>>667683It pisses me off so badly. Taylor is always on about helping animals. Here’s a chance to possibly make a difference, but she’d rather be a snarky bitch because her retarded stans are going to high five her for telling them off. Solves nothing but TND fans are too mostly too fucking stupid to think critically or long term.
And Jen makes me want to just slap her. She is really so fucking retarded thst she can’t realize she’s doing the equivalent of yelling at the cashier in Petco about shit that’s not their department. This person has no control over what goes on in the store. All they do is talk to customers. I bet she thinks she’s talking to the CEO or some shit. Fucking stupid.
No. 667698
>>667188I just noticed the caption on this, ew wtf? He probably just got done sleeping with another girl before writing this. He love bombs to appear like an amazing boyfriend on social media when in reality we know he’s not sober and he’s definitely cheating while away from Taylor.
>>667542That’s the thing, she isn’t ok with it. She seems miserable with Jonny around, she hates her relationship with him (although she loves the constant public attention). She just doesn’t want to end it and look like she was wrong about him all along. She won’t swallow her pride, ever.
>>667508I do agree anon. She has really fucked up her looks with that fried hair and botched lips, but something about her looks healthier when Jonny isn’t around. Like she actually takes care of herself while he’s gone. I wonder if it’s because she has more time for herself, or if she purposely does that to go on a selfie-posting spree on social media to try to keep his attention on her when he’s away. When in reality she knows her manlet is gonna cheat anyways.
No. 667735
>>667692I've made other posts about this but why does she keep handling her snakes days after getting them!! Snakes do not do well being over-stressed out.
I work at a Petsmart and we don't touch the new snakes at all until they've settled for a week and other snakekeepers I've met wont handle new snakes for 2-3 weeks.
No. 667879
File: 1534634440468.png (18.5 KB, 416x91, Picture 10.png)

Her STP was supposed to arrive this past Thursday but still no announcement about it. She never mentions it or seems excited about it. She's also been promising a hedgehog video for weeks along with a new krono's enclosure update. And no news about her sleeve either. Having a hard time following up with all the lies I guess.
No. 667961
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>>667879(same anon)
She makes it so obvious when she lurks here. lmao.
No. 668106
almost feel bad for her, she literally has no life besides being at home and giving her hoard of animals minimal care… she just stalks these threads all day. If she wasn’t such a terrible person, she could be doing so much good for animals and actually going out in the world and being proactive in what she preaches… but why do that when she can sit at home all day on her phone I guess. It just sounds sad, lonely and boring. But that’s her fault.
No. 668125
>>668117Yeah. It was on Wednesday I think.
>>665233The STP was supposed to come the day after, but we haven't seen it at her house yet.
>>665070 No. 668271
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No. 668272
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No. 668273
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No. 668274
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No. 668275
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from Chelsea's twitter
No. 668276
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No. 668280
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No. 668288
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No. 668305
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How is Taylor okay with him constantly talking about his exes? And saying that one of them is hot?
No. 668335
>>668305I'm sure deep down, she's not okay with it. But what can she do?? If she called him out I bet he'd just turn it around on her being crazy and he'd continue on doing it. So she has to pretend like his Twitter behavior is totally normal lol. You know, most men his age don't act like 15 year old boys. If she were dating at 31 year old who was actually a normal productive member of society I don't think I'd judge her as much.
>>668276Yikes can't she just smile or look at the camera like a normal person? She does these basic bitch poses to look sexy but fails miserably.
No. 668349
>>668335She is okay with it because she's a narcissist and it didn't affect her.
The only thing that matters is HER made up convenient mental health issues, no one else's.
Same as her mom who attacks Twitter users with EDS. Because only her daughter has it, everyone else is a liar.
No. 668361
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No. 668362
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At least she knows Taylor's care videos are garbage.
No. 668474
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No. 668586
>>668582Pretty sure it's Liz. I believe Chelsea mentioned that while she and JC were together, he would go back to Liz in a heartbeat and was always trying to get back with her.
That being said, all his exes are beautiful and he's so clearly still obsessed with all of them.
No. 668588
File: 1534728254054.jpeg (86.42 KB, 453x680, D6644BFF-BDAF-4505-A229-D9CEBA…)

Here’s Elizabeth for anyone wondering what she looks like
This girl is drop dead gorgeous
No. 668609
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No. 668623
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what is self-awareness?
No. 668624
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No. 668629
How do you even be with someone who has that shit tattooed on their body?
No. 668633
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The reply that says “We’ve all been there. Sometimes you just need it” gets me. No, sorry, I’ve never slept a whole day away like that unless i was sick or had the flu. She seems to do this a lot, especially for someone who doesn’t do jack shit every day.
No. 668634
File: 1534733054465.jpeg (66.96 KB, 743x376, 6598943D-7A85-4AF4-B498-17E057…)

He’s such a materialistic, superficial little bitch.
No. 668637
>>668633Actually it's pretty common for people who don't have a fixed schedule (like work, study, etc) to just sleep whenever they want. They have no responsibilities to wake up for, so they'll stay up as long as they want and sleep when they want.
It's just another sign of her laziness to not keep a proper sleep schedule.
No. 668640
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pure speculation, but doesn’t she seem to go on these animal crusades whenever Jonny is saying some dumb shit on twitter or beefing with Chelsea.
No. 668643
>>668640As usual she's sperging on about animals but not actually doing anything other than complaining online.
And no, she shouldn't be going and buying these turtles to "rescue" them and then unload them onto a turtle rescue like she did in that video. That doesn't help stop this practice.
Yes, turtles shouldn't be sold on the side of the road. But as usual, those people aren't going to see this message so she's preaching to the choir for ass pats from her stans.
No. 668648
>>668642Yes… except in this scenario, this doesn't apply to her. It's laziness, but of course she'll use her 'disorder of the day' to justify it.
I mentioned people who do not have a fixed schedule for a reason.
No. 668660
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Is she being serious? This is exactly what she does.
No. 668699
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No. 668710
>>668704Ngl I fucking bet the hairdresser was trying to convince her to go brown orany colour that wouldn't need
bleach but she is so hellbent on image she doesn't care. I mean jesus just let your hair rest, you can bleach your hair but recognize when you over process and learn to kick back. You can be 'out there' and not completely wreck your features, the lips not so sure her duck lips to make up for the fas ontop of injections leaves pre-mature wrinkles and she doesnt know what water is cause shes too busy eating & drinking gluten free.
No. 668782
>>668710>>668746kek it's gonna snap the next time she tries to do her roots. You can tell by looking at it that's it's one chemical process away from turning into chewing gum. She probably uses a ton of silicone containing products (Most people do, it's not an issue if you don't colour/heat style your hair excessively) so the extent of the damage is worse than what's pictured.
I have a feeling she's not washing it as often because as soon as she uses a shampoo, the silicone is washed away and the true extent of the damage is revealed. Although she looks gross and greasy, it is better for her hair to leave it like this. It'd be even better if she used a good brown dye and left it tf alone. Blonde suits her fine, but not when it's shitty and damaged like this.
No. 668874
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No. 668972
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No. 668973
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No. 669091
>>668972It looks like the enclosure is still under her huge ass tv. Not what I would call "settling in." And no signs of a thermometer, thermostat, or hydrometer.
>>668874Still no substrate for burrowing. Where are the thermometer, thermostat, or hydrometer? Basking lamp is not diffuse enough to cover him evenly–will likely cause burns. The height is pitiful. Those shelves don't look all that stable. This is petty but does she not know there are jungles in asia? "Too many hides will make him antisocial" WTF? Yes, Taylor, making animals feel secure will totally make them antisocial. More harness training. This is ridiculous. I'm glad she's telling people monitors are dangerous but all her advice after that is literal shit. I'm not seeing any real improvements in care.
No. 669136
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No. 669138
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No. 669142
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No. 669144
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No. 669158
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>>669113Can’t imagine what she’ll look like in 10 years.
No. 669169
>>669158JFC those lips…
I don't know anything about cosmetic procedures, but can she have that reversed? It's seriously awful looking.
No. 669173
>>669169Yes, she can.
Lip fillers can be dissolved, and they aren't a permanent procedure that require retouching.
There is still the possibility of scar tissue forming in her lips, which could give her a permanent pout.
Whoever did her lip fillers, though, really didn't do a good job. But I also think her lip shape also played some part in this. She didn't need lip fillers because she already had thick lips.
No. 669235
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>>669091God she's such a lurker. I love how she addresses the jungle mess up and not my actual critique of her shitty care. She's right about one thing, though. she's an idiot.
No. 669241
Jesus Christ
She will never get anything through her thick head. This is the most important thing your dumb brain pulled from your thread??
No. 669370
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No. 669435
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Jayce is sperging out on twitter. Taylor is retweeting so that her fans know that other "animal experts" are agreeing with her care. She's still not going to fuck you Jayce.
No. 669439
>>669370Shows how much she knows fuck all about genetics. Chimera/paradoxing is not breedable. It hapens randomly.
Those two snakes would make nothng more than pastels and black pewters (with double het albino pied). Aside from the double het (which won't be visible on the babies), it's really not that impressive Taylor, you dumb bitch.
No. 669444
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At first i was like UGH i truly dont want to be at an event near her but now im so excited to see what she looks like irl
No. 669485
File: 1534848587090.jpeg (189.65 KB, 746x1202, 0624C483-9044-4FCD-9D9D-9DAE3A…)

The breeder of Gemini posted this on his business page
No. 669487
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Wonder why he edited to include her name. Probably wanted the views from the name drop
No. 669490
>>669487I really hope that by attaching Taylor's name to his business will lead customers to see Taylor's abysmal care and outrage follows.
What's hilarious to me is that when Taylor found out people had contacted this guy about her horrible care, she had a fit and said she would never a) take photos of him or b) make a video about the snake because she didn't want him to flaunt or whatever.
How predictable that Taylor immediately takes photos and handles the snake before letting him settle/quarantine and of course, she's already hyping up Gemini's upcoming video. And of course, flaunts the price she paid for him around and brags.
No. 669547
>>669497I think that's an issue of American standards on most pet care being sub-par ranging to awful though, I mean declawing cats and tail and ear docking are still legal ffs.
Sorry clapistan anons with pets, nothing against you I know if you're in this thread you're probably good pet owners, it's the more so legislative side that's the issue.
No. 669553
>>669467Seriously. He's more of an attention whore than Taylor is and that's impressive.
Also, he live feeds, he handles hots, he sold out so she'd give him viewship boost, he has no education… he's the furthest thing from an animal expert. He's just another hoarder by any other name.
No. 669568
>>669548They like to dig/burrow, it's good enrichment for them basically.
Animals don't "Need" anything beyond shelter, water and food. Taking care of them properly means going above and beyond that though, and providing things so they can be in optimum health, both mentally and physically. Alive =/= thriving. Most of Taylor's pets aren't in immediate danger of death, they're in danger of long, slow drawn out issues resulting from barely adequate care. Especially as she keeps a lot of reptiles, which have slow metabolisms and take a long time to show any issues. Often before it's too late.
Things like her lack of proper quarantine and having pet cats; cats have bacterial colonies specifically geared towards killing reptiles and small mammals (it's a kind of symbiosis) her handling her snakes before they're settled i.e. stressed, weakens their immune systems and exposes them to bacteria that are particularly harmful to them. You often can't tell until it's too late
The kinds of problems Taylor will face are things like Twisty's tail - Alive but obviously injured by her care. If she doesn't step up her care, she's going to have a lot more animals with issues like this. It'll become obvious eventually, when she has multiple non-rescue amputees, un-socialised reptiles and MBD starts to set in etc.
No. 669585
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No. 669673
>>669645I just find it amusing how she says "think of their babies"….. we don't have to, many people could tell her exactly what they'd be.
Does she not understand in the slightest how breeding works? You don't just put two animals together and hope they breed on a whim because you think their babies might turn out pretty. There's a lot of time, thought, and planning to put in to breeding snakes or you'll end up with dead babies before they even reach full term, or just slugs straight out of the mom. Or the female might not even want to breed with the male and just refuse to. She's so absolutely ridiculous.
If she can't get their temps and humidity conditions monitored correctly for their basic enclosures, there is absolutely no way that she will do anything properly if she breeds them and needs to incubate eggs. Does she know anything about snake ovulation and how the eggs are made, and what temps are best to use during that time. Or how to properly set up eggs in an incubator, among many other things that go in to breeding snakes.
None of the snakes she has will make any sort of crazy combination like she seems to think they will. She's dumb and deluded.
No. 669989
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No. 670117
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>>669585Interesting that it looks like she deleted this tweet. Also, we all know who lives in Sacramento. LMAO.
No. 670477
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Anyone else notice this person?
No. 670567
I love how she only brings up the one wrong thing we say on here to make us look bad on twitter but doesn't say shit about all the other legitimate concerns.
>>670558Exactly there's no reason she can't fix all her care now. She needs to give her pets proper enclosures before going out and buying more animals. Doesn't she still have a hedgehog in her closet?
No. 670631
>>670539This this this this. She brags all the time that this is her job. She literally does nothing else. What the fuck is the excuse for the enclosures to not be perfect and ~"above and beyond"~ right away???
>>669568I also want to emphasize this anon's comment.
What is the point of having like one inch of substrate? That is not what they would have in the wild.
She's running out of excuses. Keep whining about the "nitpicking" tho Jayce. This girl has tons of money but refuses to give her animals the best care and enclosures she can afford. She brags about her money and promos enough so it's no secret how much she makes. People would love to have that much money to pamper their pets. I've seen people with less money give their animals HUGE and AMAZING handmade enclosures. It's obvious that her pets are not put first.
No. 670743
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>>670632>>670484his feet are fine. learn to google sweet anons
No. 670775
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>>670381Yup! He responded to the Walmart version of Taylor.
No. 670805
File: 1534985003509.jpg (802.31 KB, 1065x1447, Screenshot_20180822-174144.jpg)

Why is Sabor so thin? also, Taylor having to soak her snakes and pretending like its no big deal when in reality, their sheds get stuck because her care is not up to snuff. nice.
No. 670836
>>665979Probably that Jayce will climb behind the barrier and start touching them all while screaming about how free handling hots is fine. kek.
But seriously, because Taylor might be encouraged to get a hot next… I can honestly see her going down this route using Jayce and this reptile show as inspiration TM.
No. 670838
File: 1534987636184.jpg (66.56 KB, 498x332, python.jpg)

>>670805This is a photo I found of a GTP of similar age (still with juvenile colours) and he looks extremely thin in comparison. This python's body looks to be of similar width to its head. Sabor's body is like half the width of his head.
No. 670841
File: 1534987845291.jpg (141.67 KB, 1200x960, D256_37_665_1200.jpg)

>>670838In general the upper part of their neck is thinner than the rest of their body as you can see in this image. But I agree, Sabor looks uncomfortably thin… the angle her picture was taken at should also serve to make his neck look fatter, not thinner… imho that animal doesn't look well.
No. 670843
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This photo is from her Instagram story right now. Dude looks fine
No. 670850
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No. 670852
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No. 670900
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Is she broke already lol
No. 670901
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No. 670903
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No. 670908
>>670900When you claim you love animals, but spend thousands on designer snakes instead of helping those in need.
I'm not saying Taylor has to donate and pay for other people's animals. But that money could have gone to a shelter, rescue or other charities/organizations that help animals.
Just shows where her priorities are.
No. 670918
>>670914Exactly. Plus she's donating to people for one animal.
Imagine if she donated elsewhere, like to an organization that could help hundreds or thousands of animals.
No. 670960
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Lol, priorities. She’s spending her money to go to some reptile expos (which she’ll most likely purchase some more animals instead of improving the lives of the pets she already owns). Who actually believes she’s “short on cash”?
No. 670961
>>670908I mean she already bought those snakes and tickets to Sacremento.
She has rent and bills, plus animals and Jonny to pay for. Surely you can't expect her to pay the whole 5k.
That's a reach.
I'll agree on a fair bit but this is too much.
No. 670974
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Chris Fronzak posted a picture with Jonny (which is annoying bc I like Chris)… is it just me or does he look like he's swelling a ton??
No. 671022
>>670800In all fairness, the expo here in SA she normally attends is about 40% hots but they’re strict about who they sell those to.
But then again Jayce could always encourage her to get hots whenever she gets back to Texas
No. 671441
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No. 671577
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No. 671699
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First thought was she’s probably going to blame the breeder for underfeeding him.
No. 671804
File: 1535073797721.jpeg (516.94 KB, 449x1078, EAE6D465-2AA4-4DFC-8CF3-C634C0…)

4 days ago in Bakersfield, CA. I left in the eye of the fan next to JC to show a pupil comparison. Note he also has a freshly shaven face, which his exes have claimed he does when he’s high. So far this tour: cannabis edibles, alcohol, appears to be opiates, and based on a tagged pic of him on his page with two girls in a bar, probably snagged him some puss too. I am living for JC partying it up on tour while the zookeeper Taylor is left to watch the animals and do online damage control. Homegirl lookin like a whole ass fool getting played by this bag of herpes.
No. 671838
>>671699If I remember right, Gemini is part vorta so he technically should be bigger than Maui
Probably got bred too early and stunted his growth
No. 671878
>>671804I do think she's broke now, that's why she's shitting out videos consistently and couldn't follow this fool around.
He does look swollen and honestly he looks like he smells too idk.
No. 671934
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In his tagged photos from a little bit ago. Looks like scabs on his face…
No. 672093
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No. 672111
>>672093Jayce is so desperate for attention, it's pathetic.
Also, "…career as a hobbyist…"
Does he know what a career is?
No. 672176
>>672093Yup he LOVES the attention he gets here. Clearly just trying to ride Taylor's coattails and scrape some viewers off of her, explains his total 180 he did from before when he wasn't up her asshole, because we all know her husbandry habits are still garbage.
Agreed that we should stop giving him the attention he craves from hereon out
No. 672240
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No. 672251
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I love it when she subtweets her own daughter. And the tweet to Howie Mandel is just cringe.
No. 672252
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No. 672311
>>672280I would say shove him in the general pettubers thread… but honestly he's not big enough or important enough to go there.
His 'career' is laughable. The moment someone sees all his posts about free-handling his hots and live feeding; he'll be laughed out of the place. Conservationists don't have time for that edgy 12 year old with the first pet snake shit. Not to mention the fact that he literally has no qualifications… hoarding is not a qualification.
As far as him protesting not encouraging Taylor to get a hot. idk if I believe him. Especially as he's said it's now 'on her'. lol. Aka she fuckin' might.
No. 672444
>>672273He's annoying is what he is, best not to give him the attention he craves
We all know he's a million miles up Taylor's ass at this point so he's moot and full of shit .
No. 672700
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No. 672751
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It's so obvious why she's paying for ppls vet bills….especially when she's posting all about it. Like I dont feel the need to publicly announce that I donated to rescues and donated to my local Spca. She needs to get her ass kissed somehow
No. 672854
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>>672751yep, absolutely brazen.
No. 673020
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I love how she can get asspats for claiming she'll start doing quarantine but never actually has to follow through on it. We've never seen Gemini in his quarantine enclosure under the tv, and we have no idea what kind of bullshit enclosure she put in the bathroom for Duck.
No. 673094
File: 1535223975460.jpg (732 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180825-130635.jpg)

Handling the new snake and touching her in the face….nice Jonny. So much for giving the new snakes a proper quarantine.
No. 673119
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No. 673120
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No. 673121
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Her stans are absolutely ridiculous. The one girl is making valid points on quarantining but it’s ok guys Taylor has so many animals and is an amazing person so she knows what she’s doing!!!!!!
No. 673206
>>673121this is so incredibly frustrating, fuck me. The given advice was so well put together and highlighted the importance of what should and shouldn't be done perfectly- and it was polite, too. Logical thinking would automatically lead to the question, why Taylor wouldn't mind things that are so easily pointed out.
"but owning cOoL pets totally equals knowledge so please don't question her care!"
No. 673483
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Agree completely, especially given that she preaches Adopt Don't Shop. But her stans' only defense is "Oh you're just jealous/mad that you can't afford a $7500 snake"
No. 673487
>>673483Why does she feel the need to twist everything anyone says. They're not saying the snake itself is a joke, they're saying that the price tag on the snake was a joke.
Maybe she's just simply too dumb to comprehend the idea. She certainly gives off the impression that would be the case.
No. 673602
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>>673431Just why couldn’t he “see” the new babies in the quarantine enclosure?! Why did he have to touch it and why, if in quarantine, was it on the same bed the monitor was just on. I imagine that comforter is disgustingly filthy…look at the backgrounds. She never cleans!
No. 673639
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Liz’s (Jonny’s ex) post
Imagine wanting to be with someone where he has caused 3 girls PTSD and they’re all open with it and telling Taylor it’s a terrible idea to be with him.
No. 673698
>>673602It was hilarious when that one girl point out she put the monitor and the snake on the same bed and Taylor said "I'm sorry to have the same blanket twice, it's a different room ~"
But you can clearly hear Jonny and the TV on the same places like in the first IG story.
Also is that the box where one of her snake arrived open on the counter? Lol cause it does look like it
No. 673728
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Taylor with one of JC’s fans at his latest show
No. 673798
>>673465The only problem I have with "everyone makes mistakes" is that yes, this is true. However, she has no other jobs, schooling, hobbies, or responsibilities. This is supposedly her #1 interest and hobby and job in life. She has all the time in the world to research something as basic as this, and if she loves animals so much and is just so interested in them, she would. By my second reptile, I knew what quarantine was. You don't even really have to go out of your way to research. Just add yourself to any reptile group on facebook and you will learn so much. Or join a forum. If you love your pets
that much you would. But she doesn't. There is no excuse.
>>673728Just want to point out that this is an ugly romper, not a cute mini dress like I originally thought. Why not highlight the shape of your crotch?
No. 674026
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No. 674027
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No. 674033
>>674027lmao this is so funny
Imagine needing to police your boyfriends language like you’re some 12 year olds mom jesus
No. 674050
>>674027Whenever she defends him, she really paints this picture of him being such a little bitch! Like, here is Jonny Craig, watching his P’s & Q’s at all times now around Taylor, and when his punk ass steps out of line, then Taylor gives him a lecture on how to behave - even though he is ten years her senior. Based on her descriptions of him, he seems unintelligent, completely lacking an awareness of common sense, and an all around weak bitch dude obsessed with her. She’s talked with him about abuse, domestic violence, rape, online bullying, drug use, alcohol use, how to be civil to people online, how to take twice weekly drug tests, treating wamen with respect, and so much more. Riiiiiiight, this is all SO believable. Why not just include some quotation marks and dialogue between her and Jonny? It would definitely add some milky flair to her constant stream of bullshit exaggerated stories. We all already know Jonny’s character, and I find real hard to believe he’s as submissive as she makes him out to be.
No. 674106
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She better not. Jesus christ.
No. 674108
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>>674106If you have the room for an animal that means you can take care of it! She's got all her old snakes stuffed in a rack and is just itching for more interesting ones.
No. 674111
>>674108It's so weird how delusional her stans are? Every time someone offers her advice or criticism, no matter how polite they jump down with "Taylor is SO amazing, she's the perfect pet mom, she knows what she's doing, she takes such good care of her animals!!!"
Every time. It's always the same reply. Here's a lesson - we can always better ourselves and learn. There is no limit to knowledge. Taylor doesn't know everything and she is very poorly educated in her animal's care, despite trying to come across as she's an animal expert. The fact that she's only JUST NOW quarantining her snakes says it all, that she's inexperienced as an owner and would benefit greatly from listening to experienced keepers. But she won't, because stans like this continue to assure her that she's amazing and doesn't need any advice.
No. 674112
File: 1535337902427.png (35.09 KB, 414x229, Picture 10.png)

She's really pushing the fucking lie that what she's doing is quarantine. Newsflash to all her pre-teen stans: calling it quarantine doesn't magically make it quarantine. You actually have to follow proper quarantine protocols. Weird, I know. Mingling new pets with established ones is the opposite of quarantine. "Settling in" for a week will not cut it. She doesn't have the maturity, will power, or self control to do a proper quarantine which would involve 100% isolation for her new snakes–separate enclosures, separate tools, cross contamination prevention, fecal testing, minimal handling–for 90 days. Letting a pet that's under quarantine in your fucking bed is downright disgusting. Let's all stop calling what she's doing "quarantine." It's not, she's manipulating people that don't know any better.
No. 674118
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No. 674121
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My head hurts actually trying to understand the logic of this Stan.
No. 674127
>>674124That's what I keep thinking. She really only cares about how his behavior impacts her. He can call
other women ugly bitches, he can call
other people the r-word, he can rape
other women, but if any of that came her way she'd cry and be a victim. How many "lectures" can you give one grown man?
No. 674158
I just want to point out she's been really emphasizing the ~learning to quarantine uwu~ shtick recently, but before she had ANY SNAKES she was the "fish girl" on youtube. Like, many tanks, many fish, new fish and corals and inverts all the time.
Guess what you're supposed to do when getting new aquatic animals? QUARANTINE. Fish are recommended 4-6 week quarantines. I know we saw she just plopped the mantis shrimp in a community tank, so it's not shocking to realize she's probably never quarantined any of her animals until now, but what kind of ~animal educator~ goes through so many different types of animals so publicly before realizing quaranting is a thing (didn't quarantine any fish, didn't quarantine new hedgehogs, didn't quarantine new reptiles, didn't quarantine Ghost from Nemo, didn't quarantine the first 10+ snakes).
It just boggles my mind she's been publicly posting about animals for as long as she has and to as many different pet keeping communities as she has, and the quarantine advice from so many different sources is just NOW getting through.
No. 674190
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What kind of twilight zone are we living in? Taylor, you'll get cookies for all your "improvements" when you…actually make improvements. Saying you're quarantining your snakes and actually doing it are two different things. Saying you're getting thermometers, thermostats, and hydrometers and actually doing that are different things. There is never any proof to back up any of the claims she makes. You can claim to care about mental health and violence against women all you want but if you're dating a rapist that caused ptsd in 3 women your words mean nothing. How gullible are these people? She says she's doing something so it must be true? It's like all her stans are caught up in a folie à deux.
No. 674195
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Who forgets their meds for three days!? But guise she definitely never forgets to take care of her pets.
No. 674328
>>674027"apologizes to me immediately if it slips. Hopefully he continues to work on it."
"my boyfriend doesn't care about what i think so he'll apologize asap to shut me up. He's probably never gonna stop being an asshole."
No. 674542
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Taylor better pray that Duck doesn’t carry IBD. It’s totally not safe to have Maui on or near that blanket that all her other animals have been on
No. 674819
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She speaks the "truth" but we're all a bunch of "toxic haterz." Makes total sense.
No. 674821
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No. 674824
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I'm surprised her and her mom even talk
No. 675030
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>so it’s also being held incredibly improperly
You mean like how she always holds her hedgehogs improperly? How is she so unaware of her hypocrisy.
No. 675064
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No. 675097
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No. 675112
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No. 675113
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No. 675203
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Seriously, though. What the fuck is up with the art on this tattoo
No. 675205
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I like how many times she mentions it’s unfinished. Also can’t believe this took three hours
No. 675208
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>>675064>>675203Sry for bad photo splicing, but I can't get over this. How the fuck do you fuck up such a basic template this badly.
No. 675225
File: 1535494420569.png (Spoiler Image,618.56 KB, 590x555, theworst.png)

>>675205What an awful tattoo. The crocodile isn't great but this is embarrassingly bad. I went to the tattooer's instagram and he's ridiculous. 80% of his pictures are of him flexing with his pants pulled down. Hardly any pictures of his tattoo work. She doesn't research how to care for her animals, clearly she didn't do any research on tattoo artists either.
No. 675233
>>674839I just have to think this too. This is like some rorschach test thing lol.
>>675030We're not allowed to nitpick something about someone's care based off of a photo but she can. We could see some of her snake's spines at some points in photos, but go off I guess.
>>675205God her tattoos are fucking ugly. Imagine what this sleeve is going to look like finished. An ugly mishmash of blurry shit.
No. 675248
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No. 675285
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It’s so creepy how she uses her poor kid like this
No. 675362
>>675205Quite honestly, I don’t normally comment on people’s tattoos, but I think the concept is pretty cool but she did not pick a good artist to achieve it. The perspectives on the faces of the snakes are skewed, they aren’t really clear on the species of snake they’re intended to portray. I think the movement in the piece is alright, like your eye does move around, the flowers are framing the heart, snakes looking different directions, but it’s reallly thrown off by the technical errors and I do find that Tate feels very forced in the piece. The flowers look a bit more traditional almost (in my opinion, though I’m not a tattoo expert) and the snakes are almost more cartoony, which could work but it has to be consistantly recognized as a hard line of melding different styles not the bleeding in and out of realism vs traditional vs cartoony. The line work seems kind of inconsistant, and the shading is very amatuerish so far. All of the different pieces in the tattoo are like one flat texture. A heart is smooth with veinous structures spidering through, it shouldn’t look dry like paper, it should be shiny, wet, have some depth, snakes have all different kinds of scales, from smooth to keeled, ridged, etc, they can be dull, shiny, look rough, flowers certainly don’t have consistancy to texture from petals to leaves. Realism is so much about the imperfections that make something look raw, that’s what gives so much power and depth to a piece. I’ve had my realism artwork published in books, I’m not ignorant to art per se, but tattoos are not my forte, I’d love to hear from someone who’s more familliar with tattoo specific techniques.
No. 675367
>>675362>>675203I agree. And even the anatomy of the snakes are horrible. The 2 should be relatively the same size, and if you look at the back snake it makes no sense. I assume the lines are supposed to be belly scales, but that means the doesn't have a spine. Then the composition of it is horrid because the back lines up with the front so it's hard to read the difference of belly scales and whatever markings it has. The line work is pretty awful since if you look at where the back snake first touches the front there's a weird lip, almost making it look like the bottom jaw is under the front snake. The front snake has the same anatomy issues. You shouldn't see belly scales, so it's spine is fucked. The composition is odd making the head look disconnected from the body. And lastly, both snakes look like they're just cut and pasted there. They don't appear to come out of the heart or be wrapping around the heart or anything of that nature.
This tattoo is so fucking bad.
No. 675374
>>675208And I thought the crocodile and the cheese tattoo were bad.
This is the worst one yet.
The snakes look so flat and misproportioned
No. 675379
File: 1535513951132.jpg (10.58 KB, 190x265, index.jpg)

>>675205Even with an image to copy line for line he still managed to do shaky as fuck line work? Were they both fucking high when this was done? And this doesn't look like the beginning of a cohesive, well-planned full sleeve that she keeps acting like it is. I can't wait to see how these two butcher Medusa.
No. 675399
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As with her croc tattoo, this idea has been executed better by other artists.
No. 675414
File: 1535518740080.png (903.43 KB, 1221x671, jayce1.png)

I don't know where or if I should post this, but I just stumbled upon Jayce's Reddit account.
No. 675478
File: 1535528500115.jpg (83.03 KB, 564x705, 75ba457b57574cf914efd3ee2a0dc8…)

she could've just had something like this. but that's what happens when both parties lack imagination
No. 675491
>>675478Even if it were 3 snakes in this style, it would have been far better than what they did with the heart.
The heart just looks like a mess. Reminds me of a ratchet biker tattoo.
No. 675492
File: 1535533774419.png (68.97 KB, 573x395, heytaylorndeanfans.png)

No. 675510
File: 1535538928733.png (927.18 KB, 950x833, instastory.png)

No. 675520
>>675510You mean he had an exact picture of how the snake should look, didn't have to use any imagination at all, and still managed to fuck up its shape? All he had to do was copy it lmao Jesus. The body shape he drew made no sense. At least it has a body, unlike the one below the top one, I guess.
He also has no idea how shading should look.
No. 675521
File: 1535543944342.png (63 KB, 540x280, Screenshot_2018-08-29-05-55-30…)

No. 675522
File: 1535544117388.png (222.64 KB, 540x691, Screenshot_2018-08-29-05-37-50…)

She is so trigger about her tattoo, it's impossible not to say something about how bad it is..
She said they haven't put shadow on it but it does have and thats even mess up cause there is shadow literally everywhere
You don't even know where the "light" is because every part of the heart has a shadow in the center of the sides randomly
No. 675572
File: 1535554136979.png (1.81 MB, 750x1334, 0ED41C57-F05D-43C7-B747-D45161…)

This video better be a masterpiece with how she’s making it out to be
No. 675586
File: 1535556129211.jpeg (582.79 KB, 2224x1668, AFBB4562-D84F-4EC5-8F35-424A07…)

Ok Tay lets compare directly then. I outlined where Tates spine is, the way his body curves, and outlined the high points the artist created, as well as the huge difference in the head shape. How can you think it’s even close?
No. 675588
File: 1535556264591.jpeg (489.04 KB, 1668x2224, E945CF8C-125E-4702-8C7A-EE6995…)

Also, are bps supposed to have that loose of skin and their spine showing? He looks very underweight to me but I am not a snake expert.
No. 675672
I don't get it, maybe her tattoo research is just as shit as her animal research, but how can you look at amazing tattoos, and then look at hers, and think they're good? Like she just paid 7.5k for a snake, surely there's better local tattoo artists. This guy doesn't even understand proportions or shading, it's laughable. Is she really that desperate that she'd rather go to someone with a bigger following that's shit at tattoos (and isn't popular for his tattoo work), than someone who will actually leave beautiful artwork on her skin? Like does she really think her crocodile tattoo looks anywhere near as good as the original she ripped off? I just don't get it…. She can afford to get amazing work done.
Also, if you knowingly got an amazing tattoo you wouldn't be crying about people criticising it, you'd just ignore it and laugh because you know it's amazing (it also wouldn't get any criticism if there was nothing to criticise). How long has this guy even been tattooing? It's pretty obvious he cares more about his dick than art, what a great choice she made.
No. 675685
>>675670she probably wants pieces that aren't connected to each other throughout her arm..
coughlike JC's ex's tattoos
cough No. 675749
File: 1535570929471.png (976.05 KB, 1080x1252, Screenshot_20180829-132424~2.p…)

Surprise surprise, she deleted her Instagram post about her newest tattoo.
Thanks to these screenshots, though (specifically
>>675205), we can see her lying… AGAIN.
I understand that sometimes you lose track of time while tattooing took place, but was it 3 or 4 hours, Taylor? You paid the guy based on how long it took, so you should definitively know, especially since it's brand new.
No. 675814
File: 1535574568003.png (74.18 KB, 202x217, 1535570929471.png)

this part bugs me the most because the flower's stem makes it seem like the heart is larger than it really is. lol took me a moment to realize that it's a stem and not the outline of the heart.
No. 675875
File: 1535578003272.png (318.29 KB, 593x499, shouldausedfacetune.png)

No. 675924
File: 1535581523642.png (Spoiler Image,2.25 MB, 750x1334, 4394FCF3-BD7B-4FD3-B43D-A2F3AF…)

The artists instagram is just basically pictures like this. Why wouldn’t he showcase his actual art? I wouldn’t trust someone to tattoo me if this is what they have to show for it. As “proof” they can do good work
No. 675928
File: 1535582016388.jpg (264.73 KB, 1080x1763, Screenshot_20180829-163334__01…)

How about you DONT sex your snake on your own when you probably have no idea how. And she definitely should NOT make a video on how. Only people with experience should be sexing snakes
No. 675959
File: 1535584275050.png (528.89 KB, 812x582, jonny1.png)

No. 675981
File: 1535587240318.gif (2.17 MB, 320x240, mxyl9fvc9lpirxohrurm.gif)

>>675959This guy is so repulsive I can't. He doesn't even have a good personality to make up for his looks, actually I am not sure what's worse, his shit personality or his down-syndrome looking ass (although I feel bad, because I don't want to insult ppl with down syndrome by comparing them to him) . And idk what's more swollen out of proportion his ego or his liver-failing manlet bod.
I know many farmers don't think Taylor looks nice either, but personally I always found her to be really pretty. That's why I can't wrap my head around her dating this nasty twink, because I am 100% sure she could get someone so much better.
No. 676001
>>675586Oh my GAGGLES the tattooed snake looks like its coming out from under a limp long thin penis of some sort KEK!
Where the first left turn the snake does in the picture, in the tattoo he cut the body off from where it continues to turn (and its wrinkly yes, but those details could have been made to fit in the tattoo)
Now that I see this
>>675924 that image is like the snake. its just hanging there awkwardly.
No. 676116
>>676063do y'all think she's still going to this artist because she can never admit to making poor choices or because she wants to hook up with this
>>675924 dude? he's got shitty tats and a seemingly shittier personality. just her type.
>>676063 No. 676233
>>675814I'm still struggling to find the other snake.
The entire thing is so so confusing
No. 676403
File: 1535651614527.png (6.55 MB, 1242x2208, 5388B705-89C3-455B-BB66-D562ED…)

No. 676439
File: 1535654395113.png (948.03 KB, 1507x2048, 2028656643.png)

It's great that she wants to sex Maui but why not take him to a qualified veterinarian instead of doing it herself?
No. 676464
File: 1535656174405.jpeg (158.73 KB, 750x1037, 279FD124-0CE8-44B8-B424-73CF06…)

Anxiety taking over, or you might be a sociopath and don’t have a loving bone in your body?
No. 676487
>>676464She looks like a psychopath in this picture. Like you would be able to tell the context of this video even if you didn't know what it was. God her lips. I mean if she likes looking like a bimbo with shitty tattoos.
Goals amiright
No. 676555
File: 1535665913339.jpeg (217.09 KB, 1237x1913, 2EC1A3FF-192A-4E2C-8495-F3C47A…)

Did she delete her Instagram? Checked on multiple accounts and it’s gone.
No. 676562
>>676555It looks the same for me also.
Wouldn't it just… Not show up if it was deleted? Up at the top, it lists the number of posts she has, along with her followers etc. Surely if it was deleted, none of that stuff would be there.
No. 676564
File: 1535667292036.png (81.88 KB, 1279x945, 12456672.png)

>>676562Looks like this on the computer, it's gone. She might've changed usernames, I guess?
No. 676641
File: 1535672586304.jpeg (635.68 KB, 750x1255, 2B33DFC0-158F-498B-8AAC-01BAE0…)

Lol someone posted her on Facebook Inkshaming page
No. 676741
>>676641lol i think the op of the post is a farmer too
bet she deleted her ig either because of the tattoo drama (she could have just deleted the post then tho?) or because there's some shit going down, like with jonny
No. 676755
File: 1535676632196.png (747.03 KB, 1009x570, clothes.png)

In her latest video her clothes are everywhere. I think I even see a bra? Why would you not just shove that out of view, her frame is not even that big. She could easily have put it on the other side of the room.
No. 676759
>>676755Jfc, is she balding?
Sage for nitpick
No. 676807
>>676755jesus, she's a mess. is this rly what she wants to portray im the internet?
what happened to her face? she looks like a blow up doll
No. 676829
File: 1535680272762.jpeg (228.52 KB, 1242x575, 2EEF43CD-5C20-4A86-9A44-9A0345…)

So someone got their hands on her popular ig and decided to delete it instead of posting anything, right after she was having anxiety about her tattoo. Sure.
No. 676854
>>675749is it possible she meant 3 hours for the outline and 4 hours for the shading? theres no way this piece has 7 hours of work put into it though
>>675522love how she blatantly lies to defend her shitty tattoo here, then literally blows that story with this before and after pic of all the shading
>>675749 No. 676857
>>676641>>676854I still can't believe someone that claims to be a tattoo artist can do something like this. lol.
first, the stem along side the heart makes the heart look bigger than it really is. second, the veins are connected to the spot lines of the center snake so it confuses your eyes on which starts where. Lastly, the shading and overall shape is horrible. the flowers are the only ones that actually look nice.
No. 677018
File: 1535703562913.png (763.25 KB, 750x1334, 1FB1716B-F0E0-40F7-B063-9A4757…)

Lol okay Taylor whatever you reckon.
No. 677024
>>677018…Or you could just not handle them?
I mean we all know this is a stab at the 'haters' but come on.
No. 677074
File: 1535715986862.png (972.61 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-08-31-07-44-57…)

No. 677083
>>677074From what I’ve read, mushroom spores only grow when bedding is stagnet and is ready to be changed
Does anyone know if this is a bio-active tank? Because if it is then mushrooms are okay
No. 677147
File: 1535728829432.png (397.49 KB, 610x428, quarantined.png)

No. 677162
>>677147She has such a poor sense of composition (or lack of patience or effort). Find a contrasting solid background and get him fully in frame.
Then again she thinks the awkwardly foreshortened snakes in her tattoo are fine art.
No. 677211
File: 1535737716521.jpg (84.23 KB, 735x632, tndgemini.JPG)

>>677147No wk, but the picture on the right is actually from the day she got it.
No. 677649
File: 1535773944585.png (3.06 MB, 1242x2208, CA5E574C-C2C0-434A-990C-552525…)

No. 677719
>>677649We're experiencing unhealthy levels of salt right here.
I know the Manda stans on this thread are gonna come for me for this, but this chick needs to move the fuck on and stop letting Johnny and Taylor live rent-free in her head forever. She acts like she doesn't care but she obviously does to invest this much time into being salty
No. 677749
>>677728What? She isn’t posting this shit because she cares so much about Taylor she’s trying to show her tough love. If anything, she’s upset because of how Jonny treated her, not because she’s a Taylor fan.
Manda is great but she’s not perfect. Posting a picture of old track marks on twitter and passive aggressively asking if you can be a part of your abusive ex’s club with his new girlfriend is weird. Understandable, but weird.
No. 677754
>>677749I honestly don't think any of his exes moved on. To be abused like that and then be thrown in a ditch is hard and then seeing another person to go through the very same is harder.
The amount of contacting they try to do with Taylor who clearly doesn't want help is also just as bad.
No. 678033
File: 1535838194851.png (2.22 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-09-01-17-42-38…)

No. 678138
File: 1535847644359.jpeg (1.01 MB, 3444x3444, A3DF7CD3-BC84-4A67-9B14-B9B6B5…)

Really? She can barely pull off 1 vid a month! So now we can expect maybe 2 without an excuse?
And these girls wanting/taking advice from her? Like why would a 1-year old snake just die?!
No. 678159
File: 1535850785762.png (21.79 KB, 417x122, Picture 6.png)

Mama Dean is now directly linking to Taylor in her bio.
No. 678165
File: 1535851134812.png (81.2 KB, 413x536, Picture 5.png)

No. 678203
File: 1535858239638.jpg (392.25 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180901-211741.jpg)

"she won't get yellow guys she's special the breeder told me :))))"
No. 678260
>>678033Lmao she is so pathetic and such a liar. I didn’t know that ear infections literally just pop up overnight with zero warning. Guess we shouldn’t expect more uploads like she’s promising because anything and everything Taylor goes though is such a crippling event that she can’t do her job. I like how she’s promising LOTS of videos in September, like bitch you mean maybe we’ll get 2 or 3 in the entire month if we’re lucky? Her stans just eat that shit up.
I know everyone wishes they could have a carefree lazy lifestyle.. but honestly her life is just sad. The fact that she uses potential simple medical problems (that seem to occur every week for her) as a crutch to not do anything and complain for attention is really sad. One of these days YT won’t pay the bills, and she will have to get a real job, and she will not be able to handle a real life problem. She is going to be a mess in years from now, I just feel bad her animals will suffer for it.
No. 678404
File: 1535880526850.png (587.83 KB, 1080x917, Screenshot_20180902-032454~2.p…)

Pretty sure several anons pointed out that Egg was male.
It is pretty funny to hear people like Taylor and Jayce say that no one here knows what they're talking about, only to have this sort of thing happen lol
No. 678412
File: 1535882512552.png (Spoiler Image,796.36 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-02-12-00-21…)

Did he just post her fucking nude on Instagram story??
No. 678416
File: 1535883818121.png (1.11 MB, 1125x2436, 01C9AB85-68C9-4D41-A14B-F5221A…)

Woooooooooooow what an actual fucking sleeze. What on Earth does she see in him
No. 678435
File: 1535889414316.jpeg (2.26 MB, 2085x2687, 37D32E22-FCA5-4A58-B60A-86AAE1…)

God her hair is fried. This is pickles’ video and I honestly thought it was a 60yr old woman from behind
No. 678468
File: 1535896108494.png (1.82 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-09-02-09-36-16…)

No. 678470
File: 1535896210708.png (1.5 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-09-02-09-47-05…)

No. 678471
File: 1535896315170.png (986.74 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-09-02-09-47-19…)

No. 678474
File: 1535896450082.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-09-02-09-47-12…)

No. 678475
File: 1535896542660.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-09-02-09-45-38…)

No. 678477
File: 1535896649615.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-09-02-09-46-56…)

No. 678480
File: 1535896815116.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-09-02-09-59-28…)

No. 678482
File: 1535896897432.png (260.25 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-09-02-09-59-32…)

No. 678487
File: 1535897007082.png (974.27 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-09-02-09-58-26…)

No. 678488
File: 1535897103923.png (314.77 KB, 1080x1920, 2018-09-02 10.03.16.png)

No. 678504
>>678441Not necessarily, the lifespan of mantids is genuinely short and you really do have a "days are numbered" feeling when you have them, esp when they're adults. Wanna bet he's still in that shitty plastic pot though. Just another accessory for her to pull out for pictures.
>>678412JC is such a disgusting pig. Who has this little respect for their gf? Wouldn't be surprised if he straight up pushes her into the porn business if it could make him money at this point.
No. 678506
>>678412Holy shit lmao
Based on HER story, was that just a screenshot he took while they were facetiming just so he could j/o instead of cheating while he’s out???
He has 70 IQ who does that shit, she has so many young followers
No. 678517
File: 1535900000560.jpeg (249.59 KB, 640x817, 279C67A6-90AE-4C31-BBFC-6134D5…)

the way they talk to each other is so cringey
No. 678526
File: 1535900388419.jpeg (143.58 KB, 750x900, A6A54195-4114-4147-8CFC-058CF8…)

I guess it’s only okay to blame being a shit person when it comes to addiction, huh Taylor?
No. 678537
>>678506Yup if you look at
>>678412 and
>>678470 she's wearing the same underwear and all.
No. 678558
File: 1535902468975.png (339.26 KB, 449x841, bombshell.png)

No. 678575
>>678412Jesus what a disgusting excuse for a man. He has zero respect for her. I HIGHLY doubt he asked “hey babe can I post that picture of you in a thong and your tits?” and she replies “oh yes of course that’s perfect for my family friendly audience!” Like honestly, Jonny must be very high/drunk to be making decisions like this that could make her regret them forever.
Someone should call her out on Twitter because I really don’t see how her response would be “yeah I gave full consent, I’m ok with those being all over the internet!”.
No. 678594
File: 1535906265506.png (18.23 KB, 416x103, Picture 11.png)

First it was a double ear infection, now it's an ear infection plus the flu! I know when I'm blessed with multiple infections my first instinct is to take sexy pix for my bf.
No. 678600
File: 1535906474951.png (89.23 KB, 413x646, Picture 10.png)

No. 678603
File: 1535906881679.png (238.93 KB, 1258x653, Picture 10.png)

No. 678614
File: 1535907557236.png (22.97 KB, 415x142, Picture 5.png)

Lying causes health problems…Taylor take note, love Mama Dean.
No. 678621
File: 1535908898505.png (137.96 KB, 750x1334, D50BF0CA-65B8-41A1-AFB5-1290EB…)

>>678606Go fund me has been changed to $1 and this update was added. Way to go Johnny
No. 678805
Wow, takes me back. Taylor is about as graceful at taking crit.
No. 678822
File: 1535923240701.png (149.76 KB, 540x762, Screenshot_2018-09-02-15-12-54…)

Liked by Taylor
No. 678838
>>678404I said it in the first thread. She'd actually taken a really clear photo of him and you could count the segments clear as day.
She is right though, he'll live a month, two tops as an adult even with the best care in the world.
He's nibbling her finger because he's dehydrated as well. They do that to get water.
No. 678848
File: 1535926256502.jpg (39.28 KB, 472x325, pair[1].jpg)

>>678487>>678488Okay I had to double post because I didn't see this scrolling down and she's actually fucking retarded.
Female orchid mantises shed eight times and males shed six times. Consequently females are much, much larger than males, pic related. You can tell which moult will be their last as you can see the wings developing underneath the exoskeleton quite clearly. If she'd have been paying any attention whatsoever to egg, she'd have known he was a male long before he shed the final time.
It's amazing how people think she's credible at all when most of the shit she says is just wrong and makes her look stupid. She mentions all of these other traits that differ between the two sexes to make herself look knowledgeable, as if it's actually really hard to tell them apart and she's a genius who solved the great mystery of his sex, but they're completely irrelevant! She reminds me of a kid using big words they don't actually understand to appear intelligent.
No. 678853
>>678621>>678606I thought this day would never come but I actually agree with him?
Underage girl trying to meet an internet boyfriend? That sounds like a perfect recipe for failure.
No. 679406
File: 1535933432179.jpg (433.7 KB, 720x1280, 1535882512552.jpg)

Thoughts on this for new banner?