File: 1533154773742.jpg (304.26 KB, 953x717, 1531706665305.jpg)

No. 653753
Instagram: feminist recovery queer needs no man, so she's back at her parents' house and sharing a room with her brother.
-Her stressful internship is over, so she's hijacking Ma C's lunch breaks.
-The dang hard work made her relapse and she lost 4lbs. Her last period was light spotting, so she's basically a full blown anorexic again (!) But don't worry, she beats anorexia by eating the first carbs in forever
-She's getting ready for her new munchie identity and becoming a hypotensive ambassador
-if she can squeeze herself into a small bathing suit, she's still BMI 18.6
-she blocks all fake accounts, but not before she screenshots their comments to get asspats
No. 653919
>>653789Makes sense.
Thinks she's a mermaid, is an anchovy.
How she sees herself / how we see her.
No. 654532
File: 1533203680242.jpg (459.73 KB, 1080x1554, uwjwb27eks.jpg)

Aly is sucking up to this girl she gave a shoutout to and pretty much encouraging her to quit? Seems like Aly is bombing her with messages too
No. 654570
File: 1533213809382.jpeg (566.1 KB, 1635x2048, 1E6D381E-CB89-4AEA-BB2D-08307F…)

No. 654577
File: 1533214501097.jpeg (683.93 KB, 2048x2048, 3DE2D5F3-684E-4E52-8E19-1110D4…)

No. 654629
File: 1533220012048.jpeg (186.38 KB, 640x1021, D17BFC11-32C7-42AA-8A71-46E95E…)

>>654578Exactly, and her excellent advice of the day - if you feel like shit, eat a Nutella waffle
No. 654675
File: 1533226224685.png (1.13 MB, 640x1136, FBA93B37-BF66-46F5-8318-4DDA9C…)

Bestie aka mommy
No. 654676
File: 1533226254941.png (1.45 MB, 640x1136, 29C23C39-F57F-4A03-8FD0-A8068A…)

No. 654761
>>654564Aly's got to be jealous that girl's got her shit together, is doing a degree and has better food pics.
No job is worth your health? I'd say sticking at a job is better than leaving and fucking up chances of a decent future life. Duh me, what am I saying, Aly doesn't need a job because her parents pay her lazy assed way.
I hope the girl fucks Aly off.
No. 654903
File: 1533243510592.jpeg (362.05 KB, 640x933, 308EA414-F13B-4EC1-8EB6-5957D9…)

No. 654904
File: 1533243533892.jpeg (194.36 KB, 640x826, 9A01A8E1-BEE2-4F7B-82D1-CA8FC4…)

No. 654907
File: 1533243608996.jpeg (178.49 KB, 640x826, 312C8AEF-FFFF-441E-B79C-70EF35…)

Aly, there’s literally no difference between these pics and the pics you post every day. You’re just as ugly as you always are
No. 654909
File: 1533243897125.png (73.19 KB, 208x208, Screen Shot 2018-08-02 at 2.04…)

>>654742But her mouth like why does she do this it is not cute it's so smug
No. 654948
File: 1533245273617.png (191.37 KB, 475x455, wp_ss_20180802_0002.png)

Main problem for Aly here with this quote she posted, she doesn't know who she is and really isn't an anything. Just a…void.
Her definition of a full life is drinking a Corona, eating waffles and dressing up for the camera? Please tell me there's more than that.
No. 655000
>>654996saw mods in another thread say they're having an influx of bots right now
report posts like these
No. 655087
File: 1533249806798.jpeg (383.2 KB, 2063x1013, 1CFB6E5A-753C-40B8-95F5-A0B848…)

No. 655110
File: 1533251109729.png (561.18 KB, 640x1136, 0D9F6AFF-E94A-43D3-9BA8-FBABF9…)

No. 655115
File: 1533251644471.png (1.49 MB, 640x1136, 7F686ADD-7786-43BC-83B6-0B587C…)

What in the fuck does she mean
No. 655122
>>655108Tbh I thought she was using a wonk setting to take that pic because that forehead proportion doesn't look real. Agree she's done incredibly well and definitely didn't have shallow reasons for her ED.
>>655110She appears to be giiglung motivational quotes about being yourself. Would be nice if she just did it, or had a self to be.
>>655115Must say, I noticed that her English has made a lot less sense the past couple of days. All this extra weird behaviour makes me feel she's going to spaz out again tonight in a day or two.
No. 655145
File: 1533255339341.jpeg (462.76 KB, 1493x929, BA87479C-C49F-4641-A5D7-0362C1…)

why is she so full of spite and going out of her way to ‘prove the haters wrong’? if she actually had an interesting life and was happy with herself she wouldnt care about what others have to say or feel the need to prove them wrong.
not like she gets that many hate comments anyway and i feel like half the time she is actually referring to what she reads on here or something. i maybe just dont get to see all those alleged hate comments since she deletes them, but i always feel like she makes it up
No. 655147
>>655115no wonder she worries about change when she takes all advice as hate. if she actually listened to some things people say to her she would be in a better place,
… or at least have semi-acceptable looking hair
No. 655156
File: 1533257014316.jpg (635.64 KB, 1074x1074, dante.jpg)

>>655153Those were the days
No. 655170
>>655156Oh Dante how I miss thee.
Bless the anon who was posting Dante fanfic way back when.
No. 655221
I missed the beer guy
No. 655269
>>655145Her life ~out there~ has never been so beautiful. How? Out where? The shopping mall? It's beautiful when she's so stressed at her supermarket job she loses tons of micrograms and cries on Instagram?
>>655150No, she doesn't. I was
>>655122 and only mentioned it because she looks totally not freaky now. I started following her. Not only because I like her account, but I'd prefer Alys followers jumped ship and gave E. The support she deserves.
>>655153It's scary when I mention something about past Aly and go back to find it was a year or so longer ago than I thought. Three years and no sighting of Dante. We should probably let him go, but the feelings are too strong.
Am I personally disappointed Alys having a beautiful life? Nope. Aly, we're disappointed that you AREN'T. Great inspiration you are if hard recovery brings bought but waffles in a mall and getting your mother to take numerous pics of you at a waterpark. Don't get me started on your reluctance to work because ~muh hollowed fragility~.
No. 655586
File: 1533310167232.jpg (1.31 MB, 810x3004, uwuehd62.jpg)

"Make your Woody Allen inside to worth more than your self shame", what does that even mean
No. 655626
>>655619He's always set my gaydar off.
Would you be pissed off if your SO went to a place as amazing as Norway with friends for 10 days when s/he only takes you to Venice for 2 days? I would.
No. 655672
>>655656I think that's the one called Fede? He's the one she left for Berto? They've been friends but twice he broke their friendship off because of her ED. I may be recalling incorrectly, but that's how it looked to me.
>>655659When she hits 30 though, she's going to have to offer more because the pool's going to get a bit boring later in life.
>>655663Haha! I've been chuckling over his comments. That emoji with hearts for eyes. I see he has a son, so at least she'd have a ready made family.
CAN I JUST POLITELY REMIND EVERYONE TO SAGE if there's no milk so we get to stay off autosage? Love yas!
No. 655713
>>655626Not if I would be Aly haha
No, seriously, I always told my boyfriend to have fun (ofc without betraying me in any way). But I find it really important for people to still have their friends while being in a relationship
No. 655720
File: 1533320273536.jpg (100.13 KB, 423x384, 1533257014316.jpg)

And by 'dude', I mean that one.
No. 655726
File: 1533320552109.jpeg (Spoiler Image,106.31 KB, 640x761, 840F6D2F-E7B4-46BA-AD85-391B15…)

this expression and those far left yellow teeth she missed with the filter…holy crap. cant imagine what her teeth actually look like and honestly not sure i want to.
No. 655743
>>655713No, I didn't mean I'm a selfish girlfriend. I was getting at how he does much better things with his friends than with her. Id be fine if my bf went away to erm Pragur for eg, for 10 days with friends but all he did with me was two days in, erm…the Lake District, for eg. Kinda divide the good times fairly. It cant have been cheap to do this holiday and she's always banging on about wanting to travel. I'd just expect that he'd be willing to do something as good with me. (I mean with Aly. I dint wanna go anywhere with ol' janky teeth Berto).
(blog) No. 655762
>>655743Ah yes, no, I didn't want to say you are a selfish gf.
And: dentistry is DEFFO a thing in Italy. You know, I am from Italy so it's always so funny to hear Aly saying "In Italy.." and I'm just like "What a bullshit. Stronza!"
No. 655801
>>655786People in Italy are both chilled and impulsive. I don't know how to explain it.
And the clothes: Italy has the best. Aly must have a special talent to fuck this up. And in all my years I was in Italy there was not ONE girl walking around like that. But indeed, Italian girls have an Instagram obsession.
No. 655827
File: 1533326988926.jpg (99.71 KB, 854x582, woody.JPG)

>>655586She changed her caption to saying "Zeus" instead of Woody Allen after people called her out on it. The picture of the quote is still there though.
No. 655830
File: 1533327300375.jpg (14.82 KB, 300x387, gary glitter.jpg)

>>655827How can she not know about Woody Allen though? It's like when she quoted Monica Lewinsky.
Be #positive! Wouldn't you rather say OH YEAH, OH YEAH, OH YEAH to yourself than OH NO, OH NO, OH NO (!)
No. 655874
File: 1533330367926.jpeg (Spoiler Image,200.55 KB, 640x618, 8521EF6C-AF18-4699-B71A-EEEF53…)

her dinner looks like a baby puked on it
No. 655878
File: 1533330610582.jpg (35.83 KB, 241x603, thinspoo.JPG)

>>655874The green stuff looks exactly like geese/duck shit.
This classic ana pose though. No need to channel her inner Narcissus. She's the embodiment of it.
No. 655881
>>655877Since I know the italian school system. It's VERY easy. Every dumbass passes University.
I know that the English and German school system ist very alike.
Anyways, the same topics you learn in England or Germany in the 5th or 6th grade, in Italy you learn them in the 12th grade.
When Germans are in the 12th grade, the brain of Italians explode bc they never heard from it.
No. 655983
>>655156Bless. I miss the days with father Dante.
>>655153I seriously can't believe it's been that long either. damn
No. 656339
>>656333That bird needs proper care, not sticking in a tiny cage. She's trying to make herself sound like Mother Teresa, but it's making me rage to see the bird caged up.
Abandoned Aly, abandoned animal…I think I see what she's doing there.
No. 656393
File: 1533392833397.jpg (18.16 KB, 319x119, Capture.JPG)

The day Dogs writes a comment that isn't all fucked up I will give my life savings to some dodgepot on the dark web to kidnap Aly and force a new hair do on her*
*I could only afford an intensive conditioner at this point, but I'm not holding my breath over Dogs and her fucking typo situation.
No. 656494
>>656484As with everything, her details are really sketchy.
The bird could be wild and a dog got at it or something. I don't know how she knows it's wing's broken. If it's a new break a vet could wrap it.
It could be a domestic bird that got out of it's cage and other animals attacked it? I know they do that with budgies and shit.
I don't see how it's been ~abandoned~. What, it fell off a ladder at home and the owners threw it out the door?
I'm sure we'll never know, but she'll milk this for a while. I hope it's wing heals so it can go free. I'd rather die than live the rest of my life with Aly.
No. 656499
File: 1533405576297.png (1.33 MB, 640x1136, 62D4C86B-4203-421E-B4F6-C5962B…)

She must really need to make up calories after lounging around, doing fuck-all, all day every day
No. 656504
File: 1533406676790.png (339.01 KB, 310x553, Untitled.png)

>>656499I was about to post this one. Why is she complaining she's lonely. Isn't it only Berto who's away? I thought she was going away with her family.
No. 656509
>>656499>I need to stop self-hateis taking a posed selfie so basically saying look at how pretty I look.
this bitch…
No. 656511
File: 1533407932079.jpeg (200.64 KB, 640x886, 32B92682-B560-458B-ADB2-E4D064…)

Definite neah from me
No. 656512
File: 1533407971230.jpeg (74.72 KB, 448x615, 7D77D7BC-F2AC-443C-B3F7-5F13C5…)

No. 656514
File: 1533408028228.jpeg (216.86 KB, 640x876, 02315E1F-2EF8-49F0-B4AE-16035B…)

What is with this fucking pose, it’s so unflattering I kill me
No. 656515
>>656511did she buy that dress in every goddamn color?! it looks awful. and those black straps..
No. 656517
>>656514alien pose.
trying to make her moonface appear slimmer only making her forehead and the overall expression look ridiculous. girl wtf.
No. 656518
File: 1533408217189.jpeg (197.56 KB, 640x1007, 95766D2D-68E0-4A85-BD4C-9520A3…)

>hasn’t mentioned self arm in months
>suddenly starts talking about it again when a hater brings it up
>seems legit.jpg
No. 656521
File: 1533408413658.jpeg (Spoiler Image,175.86 KB, 640x682, C28E8D7F-48D9-4EB8-81FB-D31106…)

trigger warning
this dinner looks like it's already been eaten once before and then purged holy shit. does she have absolute zero taste in both good food AND good clothes??
No. 656525
File: 1533408632332.jpeg (747.65 KB, 2826x2826, 69BAABB9-588B-478F-ABD0-D75592…)

she truly is the obsessive girlfriend meme inside and out. how havent we realised this before?!
No. 656534
File: 1533409147686.jpeg (443.7 KB, 1392x2811, 0D0B8A14-9076-4062-BFD1-FD1081…)

No. 656540
>>656518~muh abandonment issues~
Just like a poor, broken winged bird.
I still don't get how she's alone. Who took the McFlurry pics? She wouldn't eat that full revolting pizza. It does look spectacularly gross. She's a magnet for ugly things, debunking the theory opposites attract.
No. 656547
File: 1533409790433.jpeg (48.15 KB, 472x555, 7A6B06C6-F147-419C-9E32-4F8944…)

that poor bird actually looks like it is crying. i mean… I'd be crying if i was in its position too.
No. 656552
>>656484Zebra finches apparently don't live in the wild in Italy, so I'm pretty sure it's a pet. It might have gotten out and the owner is looking for it. They also need at least one partner that I'm sure Aly won't buy.
>>656511Holy shit she looks so trashy. I get it, it's hot in Italy, but she looks like she forgot to put on pants.
>>656518Yes Aly, because turning to food to fight self harm urges (that she doesn't have, and never had) sounds like a very healthy coping skill. Wtf.
It's so offensive she still claims self arm. We've seen pretty much her whole body except nipples and pubic area and she has no scars, cuts, burns or bruises anywhere.
No. 656555
>>656547It's very telling that her narrative is that of a heroic animal rescuer, when in reality birds mostly simply escape instead of ~getting abandoned~.
Normally the first thing you'd do is take it to a vet, and then try and find out if anyone in the area is missing their bird.
>>656552Oh we've seen a nip slip and a lip slip alright, we're just trying to suppress those memories.
I agree that it belittles the struggles of people who do self arm. Remember when she claimed she was struggling with purging because she threw up after having gotten a little too drunk once?
>>656514>> ~PuRe LoOk KiLLeR sOuL~so edgy.
No. 656593
File: 1533414896851.jpeg (104.54 KB, 640x946, 03987013-8851-46CD-A766-4DF9BD…)

She got 7 comments, the ungrateful bitch
No. 656605
File: 1533415404769.jpeg (84.01 KB, 640x450, A8987DD2-794E-4C05-B4A6-AD9705…)

No comments yet, best add more emojis to get more attention
No. 656608
>>656593deadweight must be a word of the day and also a new one in her
bomb vocabulary
No. 656610
File: 1533415619466.jpeg (74.58 KB, 640x441, 732A05CB-F04D-48BF-A295-567B2D…)

Best add some brackets, too. Nothing says self-hate like brackets
No. 656615
>>656552Her account is redundant anyway. She's weight restored and eats and drinks shit. It's no longer a motivation to see her eat YET ANOTHER pizza when she lost her fear of fear ages ago.
I don't know how people can't see through all this shit.
YES, YOU ARE A DEAD WEIGHT. I know you don't think it, but you are.
No. 656620
>>656615You know what? Make that dare triple.
if she was really about to go purge she would be doing it instead of dramaticizing about it on the internet for attention.
No. 656623
File: 1533416331507.png (354.12 KB, 640x1136, 1F5AF0EE-6050-4478-A1BD-17054A…)

Crazy bitch.
No. 656629
File: 1533416918455.png (511.65 KB, 640x1136, B5BA9397-0EEE-43C5-A0F2-31A1A1…)

What in the fuck does she mean
>for my weight
No. 656632
File: 1533416951964.jpeg (448.19 KB, 1392x2811, FCA4A075-0580-4233-A208-5F582D…)

No. 656633
File: 1533416975524.jpg (478.58 KB, 1080x1920, Ififiei2.jpg)

Now she's referencing the post to guilt trip her followers into commenting
No. 656641
>>656633At least she mentions her own account.
As if.. for being able to purge I would lie and manipulate. Like "purging comes first". Purging and then posting. Not vise versa. She is so dumb.
No. 656748
File: 1533425929857.png (277.18 KB, 640x1136, 62A07142-A83A-4023-8B8C-4F1D84…)

Hypocritical cow, also I guess now that she got 17 comments, she isn’t gonna purge anymore lol
No. 657071
File: 1533461534204.jpg (314.86 KB, 800x1128, AlysSanctuary.jpg)

I do wonder about her "rescuing" animals.
No. 657116
File: 1533469962129.png (1.62 MB, 640x1136, 69574CD2-6625-4562-B2B9-7387B6…)

No. 657166
>>657087She's a manipulative bitch. Not once have I heard of someone fighting purging urges by bullying people into commenting on their post.
And I doubt she has BDD. She posts too many hilariously unflattering pictures for that. And I don't even mean the ones she shares as "imperfect" to hear that she's perfect anyway. I mean even her regular pics. That super moon face with her head tilted back and down like a turtle that highlights her neck fat and cheeks, that tongue between her teeth pose, this one
>>654909 with her teeth half showing, or this
>>656514. She's too in love with herself to have BDD.
No. 657188
File: 1533477326196.jpeg (194.49 KB, 640x969, BE930B69-4006-4A25-9934-2BCF0D…)

Poor Aly has been starving herself for half a day. Yawn.
No. 657202
File: 1533478845304.jpeg (172.96 KB, 640x799, 7F6741FB-A393-4D76-AEDE-7B5A39…)

It amazes me how she still manages to come up with even worse poses
No. 657204
>>657188"Nobody wondered if I'm safe"
>grown adult>in her 20s>skipped breakfast>unsafe You're fine, Aly
No. 657205
File: 1533478955389.jpeg (218.08 KB, 640x885, E89C4951-1C16-4F55-9B67-D76370…)

No. 657230
File: 1533482474535.png (1.73 MB, 640x1136, F6E925C2-64D5-47D8-80EC-CA84B5…)

Aly, you’re 22 years old. Grow the fuck up
No. 657231
File: 1533482755617.jpeg (111.57 KB, 640x986, 72E0721E-698D-4CF9-A006-FFBE8C…)

that poor ear.
also, she said that today she had ice cream for lunch and almost fainted. i dont think a healthy weight person faints after not eating for half a day. it is hot but still.
and also how will she ever truly recover if after a day of being alone she is acting like an abadoned child. if she only wants to eat when 'others care' and never does it for herself she wont get too far.
No. 657242
>>657230It was mentioned a while ago, bur she looks like Shelly from Thin here.
No update about the bird. I'm more concerned about how it's doing than Alt.
No. 657254
File: 1533486455009.jpeg (83.73 KB, 544x655, BC14ADF3-328B-4A39-85F2-E09AA8…)

No. 657290
File: 1533490950074.png (1.51 MB, 640x1136, 6F3DB44C-8897-4C9E-BD06-3A62B1…)

Looks like uh, a really fun, busy party ya got there aly
No. 657383
File: 1533503616564.jpeg (166.74 KB, 640x832, 8C8F239C-0E83-4DC0-B01C-947B81…)

Her face is so fucking punchable.
That party sure looks fun too.
No. 657389
File: 1533503867285.jpg (24.2 KB, 350x360, 3.JPG)

>>657383So obviously she's out with Ma, but I can't figure out who's taking this pic. From the reflection, looks like a giant hedgehog's doing it.
It gives me hope that one day I can overcome a day's breakdown of intense depression and intrusive thoughts to get dressed to the nines and go out on the piss as if nothing happened. What a true worrior.
No. 657390
File: 1533503955091.png (392.37 KB, 750x1334, 6DCD4A8D-154B-4DD2-8C9A-C906BE…)

why did she post this? I’m confused. Did she read the last sentence only?
No. 657394
File: 1533504097803.jpg (57.7 KB, 519x631, 3.JPG)

>>657390Idk, but I hope she speaks Polish better than English.
This is how Aly photographically represents "numb".
No. 657397
>>657290no one else is in that reflection. No one around for the whole block…
>>657390wtf? has anyone asked her about this?
No. 657400
File: 1533504392407.png (117.45 KB, 622x450, so numb.png)

Her use of ➗ makes no sense in her captions.
>>657397Someone wrote they speak Polish too and didn't know it was a superpower. I really don't know.
No. 657402
File: 1533504573236.jpg (118.99 KB, 1211x636, huh.JPG)

This Polish thing appears to be a … thing?
No. 657412
File: 1533505148364.jpg (342.36 KB, 1417x667, mmmk.jpg)

>>657394she mentioned something about not wearing heels in 5 years. When she wore them last year the day before she left for budapest with Bert.
No. 657422
File: 1533506386787.png (1.08 MB, 640x1136, 142D90AB-9881-44D2-9145-134D42…)

But Aly.. what the fuck do you mean
No. 657426
>>657422is she thinking nail polish or? jfc she never makes any sense.
>>657412>>my way to dress and make up reflects my moodok Aly.
No. 657454
>>657439That's THE only Polish word I know because the Poles on Tibia (remember that?) used to call me kurwa and so I googled.
Is she laughing that she fucked up with meaning of the "topic"? I thought she wanted to know what their superpo…oh nvm.
No. 657473
>>657412kek five years my ass
also, for some reason i feel like she doesnt even know what the word numb means but uses it just to sound extra sad and depressed or something
No. 657475
File: 1533511545100.jpeg (138.36 KB, 640x890, 3E12DB16-9374-493E-94A6-D6C3EB…)

No. 657722
>>657389I can't make out a person tbh and I also see the hedgehog lmao
Could it be a selftimer somehow?
>>657674No way in hell does she speak Polish. From where would she learn it? She can't speak basic English that's she uses literally every day.
My boss is Italian and he has a hard time speaking Croatian (after learning it for years and living here), which is quite similar to Polish, so no. Doubt she'd ever put in the effort to learn another language.
No. 657742
File: 1533540196943.jpg (78.58 KB, 700x525, alys friend selfie.jpg)

>>657722I think the superpower part's connected to the fact that Polish is supposed to be the hardest language to learn. In that case, no way does she speak Polish. I looked into learning it because there's a large Polish community where I live and thought it would help broaden employment opportunities. Ten minutes on Duolingo and I sacked it lol.
No. 657824
File: 1533557367962.jpeg (507.24 KB, 2224x1563, 0F2C99C1-5A1A-4664-917D-161C3E…)

No. 657854
File: 1533561886591.png (1.48 MB, 640x1136, 657B3D6D-5B10-4473-A606-059215…)

I never want to be looked at like that, that’s horrifying
No. 657903
File: 1533567326111.jpeg (845.86 KB, 3490x3490, 41B83F88-E77F-4141-AE02-3ACA14…)

i apologize for nitpicking in advance, but did anyone else notice the outlines on her photos looking strange? its probably just her using an app to shoop her backgrounds blurry, but i wonder what other things she edits like this that we are not aware of.
No. 657914
File: 1533568186101.jpeg (245.89 KB, 640x816, 8A8DCD5A-CCB4-465C-956F-91DC0F…)

She really thinks she’s just too fucking hot, doesn’t she?
No. 657916
File: 1533568311462.jpeg (313.08 KB, 640x1025, B02C58E9-CB41-40C8-AF77-D3B15F…)

How on earth will our recovery queer cope on a cushy family trip to the seaside?!
No. 657930
File: 1533569916911.jpeg (413.33 KB, 1664x2218, 1F95CA5B-97DA-49C7-93A5-7917BC…)

No. 657949
File: 1533571077657.png (636.52 KB, 640x1136, BBCE8DF1-5E35-4A0C-8016-21A870…)

Time to sperg
No. 657952
File: 1533571167078.png (909.16 KB, 640x1136, B8D339C9-D08E-4468-AAD8-5FFD32…)

Black and white to convey her sadness. So deep
No. 657970
File: 1533572973844.jpeg (149.16 KB, 640x894, 4A22A93C-7C83-4B99-99EA-35321D…)

Her fucking minions are almost as bad as Aly herself. That was sound advice, she’s just a manipulative cunt
No. 658000
>>657949Is she this retarded that she doesnt know that swimsuit sizes can vary by brand
>>657966not other anon nor am i sticking him for them but you’re can’t excuse the shitty things she doesnt on ~recovery~
recovery doesn’t make you humiliate and guilt trip people, lack empathy, lie without remorse, and do anything for attention. there’s a chance for redemption when she realize she needs help from her obvious histrionic personality. as of now, she thinks she is perfect and theres no sign she wants to change
No. 658008
>>657894Oh do you feel kinda attacked. Aly is this you? Lol
I do know, if you like it or not.
No. 658061
>>657916Can someone translate this?
Is she leaving in one week? On the 11th? Has she been on vacay since July? My Aly is so rusty
No. 658239
File: 1533594293594.png (1.24 MB, 640x1136, 23989CBC-888E-4A26-B4F2-635F15…)

>so chic…
No. 658320
>>658239That's the exact word I thought of when I saw this photo. Total chic.
So she's complaining she's alone when she's off to the cinema and a restaurant with Ma (and probably her brother) and she has a week at the beach to look forward to.
No, I don't wish Aly had died or hadn't recovered, but I sure as hell wish someone deserving had these things and not her.
No. 658549
File: 1533627962779.jpg (Spoiler Image,139.48 KB, 2000x1050, image.jpg)

>>658446idk if you're being serious or not, but here's an image
No. 658602
File: 1533637788291.jpeg (282.06 KB, 640x789, 12B4D646-956C-4181-AF88-D8DD61…)

No. 658611
File: 1533638962510.jpeg (363.77 KB, 2048x2048, 3CD4C02E-451E-44D9-8CC6-816987…)

No. 658635
>>658567Aly's always been boring to some extent, but most of the cows here are. The general ana thread's dried up of fresh meat (or bones), but I still read it.
Idk, I don't expect these people to be massive wankers constantly. I'm satisfied with watching Aly making a total tit of herself 7/24. I really still can't believe someone so banal exists.
I agree with the sage though. Please sage everyone kiss kiss
>>658602See, this is ludicrous. Her poses are becoming more and more ridiculous. She's blossoming into a terminal laughing stock and I enjoy watching.
No. 658695
File: 1533655148097.png (453.13 KB, 640x1136, E5E58D84-87BE-4A5E-B156-3B33C0…)

She actually thinks people envy her. Delusional bitch.
No. 658702
>>658695I'm envious that I never thought of the Spiderman pose and I'm a woman. I envy her creativity and breathtaking shoots.
Fucking lighten up, Aly and stop taking your disgusting self so seriously. Everyone else laughs at you so you might as well too.
Really though, anyone with a sense of humour would reply something funny to that comment. She's the most vanish person I know (immature too).
No. 658782
File: 1533663268347.jpeg (473.07 KB, 1897x2048, 867EE995-3D98-41E4-BF4E-3BDAFA…)

No. 658887
>>658834Oh okay, bc I have a specific anxiety disorder and I try to be as invisible in public as much as possible. So I try not to sit in the bus too dumb looking bc I'm scared people could laugh at me.
I never wear too mixed coloured stuff etc.
(blogpost) No. 658943
File: 1533676187032.jpg (165.33 KB, 1080x548, 73uejeje0901.jpg)

This is now deleted.
No. 658967
>>658887>>658446>>658353Seriously, sage your shit. Please. If you don't know why or how, read the rules. Or ask. I don't even care if I get banned for mini modding at this point because we all want to keep this thread off autosage, yeah? So do your part in keeping this going and learn how to use the site, ffs.
On another note, I have strong mental images of the ever so grumpy Pa C taking care of the bird, gerbil and cat while Aly and Ma are off on a beach vacation.
At least I hope that's the case and someone's taking care of them.
No. 658977
>>658967If I was her brother I'd offer to stay and look after the animals to avoid inappropriate photo shoots with Aly.
Weird trait of Aly's to go on about something at length for a couple of days then behave as if it never happened. She can't be arsed with the bird now.
No. 659008
File: 1533680525005.png (480.87 KB, 640x1136, 6F5C5887-1C50-4AC4-AAA1-506FAB…)

Whoever keeps commenting this shit, stop, it’s only giving Aly fuel to look like the victim.
No. 659017
>>659008I agree, but it never fails to amaze me how unashamed she is of the truth. That comment sums her up yet she posts it in stories so everyone can see.
I understand how frustrating she os and wanting to comment but she doesn't take anything from it even when it's the plain truth.
No. 659214
File: 1533698056951.jpg (22.65 KB, 240x245, 37784048_302292240545054_43293…)

Feel free to laugh at my shitty crab hand outline, but I'm pretty sure the blue outline is Ma and the purple outline is phone.
No. 659499
File: 1533740010689.jpg (96.91 KB, 927x594, liquid fat.JPG)

She's at the water park with Ma again. Warning: bikini shots imminent with caption about bloated belly and #tb to "bulge" comment.
No. 659502
File: 1533740493010.jpg (113.32 KB, 815x598, delivered.JPG)

>>659501Looks like the lower calorie option that Pizza Hut offer.
No. 659503
File: 1533740574521.jpg (62.96 KB, 479x595, 3.JPG)

Oh, that pizza's larger than it looks.
No. 659507
File: 1533741082088.jpeg (200.65 KB, 640x998, 3EE4D7BC-D48C-4236-89B8-CDA813…)

No. 659512
File: 1533741694000.jpeg (130.12 KB, 1280x720, 84F7503E-51F1-44ED-84B8-8CA116…)

No. 659525
File: 1533742794260.jpeg (Spoiler Image,483.4 KB, 1857x1601, 17E1C807-F5B9-46AF-9251-FC4608…)

No. 659547
File: 1533745016172.png (1.44 MB, 640x1136, 92C45EA0-890F-4604-ADAD-4F1F26…)

No. 659564
File: 1533745702418.jpeg (Spoiler Image,135.41 KB, 662x640, 6190D3DB-D9E5-4155-8C5E-A84709…)

what even is that pose?
No. 659635
>>659499Looks like the shitty square pizza I got in my elementary school hot lunch.
For an Italian she eats the worst pizzas in the world and I just can’t fucking wrap my head around that. Same goes for her fashion sense. Living in Milan she should be one of those OOTD fashion IGs.
Instead she’s wasting her life wearing clearance rack clothes from 10 years ago, posing with elementary school pizza.
No. 659653
>>659635this is exactly what crossed my mind today. she lives in italy, one of the worlds most famous countries when it comes to good food and yet she eats trash like mcdonalds or doesnt eat at all. how ungrateful. also yes, her pizzas most often look disgusting and terrible.
also did she ever mention why she is mostly pescetarian/eats just fish and not meat? i know she sometimes does eat it but not too often. is it a calorie thing?
No. 659667
>>659653Sorry to nitpick but well if she eats meat, she's not a pescetarian. That's like the people who say they are vegetarian and they still eat meat each week, it's not something she should be compared to. She still eats trashy Mc Donalds burgers so i don't think she has that much of a problem with the calories in the heavily processed garbage.
Plus a lot of foods tend to be seasonal, a lot of people favour things like fish in summer and more heartier things in winter. Scrolling down, i see meatballs, mince, vomit-worthy looking burgers, kababs etc. It's not like she only eats them once in a blue moon over fish?
No. 659738
>>659635If you have a Tally Weijl near you you should go there. Aly gets a lot of her clothes there and everything she has been wearing this summer is off the
TW clearance section
No. 659809
File: 1533761401386.png (1.41 MB, 640x1136, 1ABEBF24-9B3D-4E83-988F-A136C0…)

Looking so chic there, babe
No. 659813
File: 1533761518192.jpeg (168.15 KB, 640x795, AE76095F-20D9-41A8-9509-C5888E…)

Please continue smiling at food forever, Aly
No. 659819
File: 1533761741883.png (1.44 MB, 640x1136, 58AA6CCB-ADC0-41EE-B951-77480B…)

What a weird combination of character traits?
No. 659834
File: 1533762683537.jpeg (196.28 KB, 637x878, 52F20F76-E1FE-4F58-BC8D-636AEB…)

Some nice humblebragging about her >unclassifiable BMI
No. 659932
File: 1533769088125.jpeg (697.65 KB, 1668x2224, 7E902E9C-ECFF-431F-AD02-E1A91B…)

alice, the peace queen and animal saviour
No. 659950
File: 1533770321708.jpeg (Spoiler Image,580.5 KB, 1668x2224, 1EC116FE-490F-41E0-8B7F-F0D48D…)

No. 660410
>>660385exactly. and how now she labels the spoopy photos as
triggering when back in the day it was normal
No. 660419
File: 1533812570941.png (661.85 KB, 480x800, wp_ss_20180809_0001.png)

I also sit like I'm about to start flicking my bean.
No. 660422
>>660419I can't wait for fall so she''l stop posting trashy pictures like these.
>>660421I second this question if there was really a reason.
I remember she got hit by a car, had a broken leg and then started gaining.
No. 660423
>>660421>>660422I think it was the accident that somehow made her want to recover. Who knows what goes on in her head, but it was straight after her leg was shattered (!) and she looked death in the eye that she started baking loads and gaining weight.
She really might think that she was so close to death that she didn't want it?
No. 660434
File: 1533817017242.png (1.32 MB, 640x1136, 6B6F4DFC-DB76-401F-AED8-E5CEE1…)

Her expressions really can be terrifying
No. 660458
File: 1533819749214.jpeg (162.45 KB, 640x1136, 3309A223-6AB8-4434-B378-066E2A…)

No. 660465
File: 1533820786355.jpeg (59.1 KB, 375x612, A9F13799-C50E-4DF2-B977-85C809…)

No. 660567
File: 1533829519451.png (662.9 KB, 593x564, Bildschirmfoto 2018-08-09 um 1…)

Out with "mum, auntie and friends". She can't even stop with her stupid posing when she's in a pic with others. And no Aly, these are certainly not your friends, these are mum´s or auntie´s friends.
No. 660574
>>660423another theory: she realized that sufficient nutritional intake made her leg heal faster thus the pain lessened and she wished to keep it progressing toward that direction.
so her simple lil brain was rewritten into thinking: f00d = G00D?1!
No. 660591
File: 1533833095286.jpg (56.6 KB, 477x617, jan14.JPG)

I just looked at her aunt's profile on fb (Aly linked her today on her own profile) and they actually do seem to have been close for a long time. Pics of them both when Aly was thin. She seems cool too and it looks like she helped out at some poor kids school in South Africa. She must be a nice person to deal with Aly.
I think this is Ma here. She looks amazing.
No. 660597
File: 1533834056986.png (143.99 KB, 331x587, dumb fountain.png)

Here we go.
No. 660647
File: 1533837164136.jpeg (Spoiler Image,112.35 KB, 640x1043, 198DB96F-A508-4083-98D3-5CB419…)

back at it again with the same photos
No. 660670
>>660591OT but actually Ma C is so pretty, now and then.
>>660419Why on Earth Aly worked a couple of months, bought a bunch of clothing and not a white or yellow bra?
No. 660733
File: 1533845210381.jpeg (196.66 KB, 640x899, 193F6BDA-3E62-4546-971E-9DE9C2…)

She doesn’t know shit about anxiety. She only feels anxious when the attention isn’t on her.
No. 660740
File: 1533845821724.jpg (10.04 KB, 178x283, images.jpg)

>>660733That's bollocks about struggling mainly when lonely. How dare she speak for everyone with anxiety. Before teetotal, I didn't sip a fucking Mojito, I drank enough vodka to pass out with a couple of valium. Maybe some of us aren't all as classy.
She's so full of shit. These are the only trifles she cares about [img].
>the coming week>two days leftwHAT??
No. 660779
File: 1533849028688.png (1.32 MB, 640x1136, D56E72DF-6173-4994-B3D6-4383A6…)

No. 660789
File: 1533850350505.png (951.92 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20180809-232943.png)

So she wants her followers to dm her now? Thought you are to anxious to receive dms Aly
No. 660793
>>660789samefag for translation
"eh i don't get it, aren't you recovered, why are you still like this?"
No. 660851
File: 1533856831122.jpg (73.04 KB, 460x817, nolook.JPG)

>>660842agreed, this is made obvious by the story she posted right before
>>660789 she is already responding to it.
No. 661070
>>659809Wait a minute…does Ma Casati have a tattoo of a clam?
New tinfoil! Ma is a lesbian! Jk but i have always thought that she looks like kind of a cute older lesbian.
No. 661212
File: 1533898786963.png (1.47 MB, 640x1136, 00B48681-D03F-41D3-BCA3-17D896…)

>totally not trying to make my legs look skinnier u guys
No. 661214
File: 1533898969475.png (1.39 MB, 640x1136, D86A8132-B8B7-4263-832A-1B5B4B…)

Her entire life is a >free minute
No. 661221
File: 1533900348515.jpeg (220.83 KB, 640x884, 83018B62-EC17-4C0B-A34E-D2E0A7…)

She has a new term for herself
>the party queen
No. 661222
File: 1533900411099.jpeg (189.92 KB, 640x785, 87AEBA1B-191C-4CED-9D59-ACF912…)

No. 661287
File: 1533910116111.png (1.05 MB, 640x1136, 1B99BCB0-EA9A-41BD-A729-C32F93…)

Oh fuck off you insufferable twat, just cause you got less than 20 comments on your last pic
No. 661313
File: 1533912787552.png (1.48 MB, 640x1136, 8EBAAFDC-4118-4B2D-8E5C-4AED61…)

No. 661315
File: 1533912915948.png (1.52 MB, 640x1136, B725E438-8507-485E-ACCA-3D720C…)

No. 661372
File: 1533918083865.jpeg (135.84 KB, 640x604, 91CE0614-0088-4C0E-AA0C-4886C6…)

is it just me or is she eating lighter food recently? isnt she on a slippery slope considering she is allegedly the lowest healthy weight? is she trying to be underweight again?
No. 661443
File: 1533923595300.png (360.14 KB, 351x626, oooookay then.png)

This totally happened.
No. 661501
>>661490Yeah, I said the first time it was autosaged that there're other threads that're worse at nitpicking or just posting shots to debate shoop. This thread is by far the most entertaining, and I don't mean just Aly. The jokes we have at her expense and the art etc. makes it really laid back whereas most other threads (if not all) are devoid of humour.
People. just. won't. fucking. SAGE. (!) It's making me cry and I can't breathing (!)
On the subject of Aly, I find her most irritating trait is her reluctance/inability to actually describe what's going on. I'm confused as hell about this holiday. I thought she'd arrived at the resort (Italian version of Butlin's I bet) with all her relatives, but she's not going for two days??
It's depressing me to see the same tards comment - sailorvnicorn, dogsnpos, tinyboosteps, caterpillar, sydney_j, ohhhh you know the ones. I wonder if Aly gets pissed off that nobody new comments?
No. 661506
>>661501Even the sage problem makes no sense! People mostly
do sage and a lot of the ones who weren’t saging were definitely ESL anons, who all seem to not quite get it. Look at the Altcows thread, for example. Same thing happens in there all the time. I seriously do not understand the bias in moderation against Aly threads.
No. 661510
>I find her most irritating trait is her reluctance/inability to actually describe what's going on. I'm confused as hell about this holiday. I thought she'd arrived at the resort (Italian version of Butlin's I bet) with all her relatives, but she's not going for two days??Sorry for kinda armchair but I think this is common in histrionic people. They experience pretty much
everything on such a shallow level that even their descriptions of events/people/experiences are impressionistic and lack detail.
No. 661516
File: 1533927905236.jpeg (79.04 KB, 488x493, 85069B6D-D028-4CE3-8C8E-6F1735…)

No. 661523
File: 1533928352062.jpg (40.67 KB, 466x459, 71oif2oCuTL._SX466_.jpg)

>>661516That's how I imagine she behaves irl. Really ditzy. I bet she pushed the window the wrong way and broke it but did the dramatics that it was because SHE COULDN'T BREATHE.
>>661506With original moderator I thought it was because Aly wasn't a weeaboo because he seemed to be obsessed with that shit. Now I've no clue.
No. 661526
File: 1533928770584.jpeg (90.15 KB, 530x639, C2910138-CFC4-4DBC-B804-E6CBAC…)

No. 661536
>>661490> I've done a bit of minimodding myself in the recent pastwell that's against the rules so… congratulations. you played yourself.
>>661516this would be perfect if it said "strenghtlss" like she typed in
>>661313 but I still have love for you art-chan
No. 661540
File: 1533930061951.jpeg (58.64 KB, 750x414, 1F828951-80B1-40FE-A914-3B72F6…)

No. 661560
File: 1533931247743.png (1.44 MB, 640x1136, 4C958AF5-AD05-47F2-A4C8-7C6F94…)

No. 661623
File: 1533934636738.png (206.12 KB, 302x502, Untitled.png)

Someone's desperate for followers on her other account.
No. 661920
>>661536Anon I just politely asked us all to get it together at the end of the last thread, since it was already on autosage and not being modded. Everyone seemed to agree and it was not A Big Deal, so if that had anything to do with this thread being autosaged it’s an extra layer of bullshit.
>>661526I’m genuinely surprised at the variety in her wardrobe lately! She still has no idea how fashion works, but she’s broken out of the formulaic dressing it seems. God, I’d love a set of Aly paper dolls.
No. 662093
File: 1533986973993.jpeg (230.11 KB, 640x891, 6B3A3AF0-BC08-4DF2-9233-5D55FE…)

So your journey is devastating because.. it’s a long journey? Life is so hard for The Party Queen
No. 662094
File: 1533987040870.png (1.46 MB, 640x1136, 68A3B98D-0C61-4D2C-82E8-77CD48…)

>>661920Spoke too soon, we’re back to the mustard nightmare
No. 662161
File: 1534000702300.jpg (448.24 KB, 672x1064, Screenshot_20180811-091456.jpg)

>>662099Sure I'll try.
One thing I've noticed is she actually responds in the comments to people with this account.
No. 662167
>get rid of toxic peopleShe obviously means online because she has no one irl. She thinks moving to another account is going to get rid of anyone who doesn't agree with her?
>and negative energySince when did Aly become so new agey. She'll be wearing crystals next.
>>662163Thought the same. She probably expected a flight. She says she loves travelling yet complains about … travelling. I managed three days away in my own country this year and was very grateful even though it was all budget. I take it that it's okay to complain if everything's being paid for you. Nice.
No. 662239
File: 1534008845091.jpg (61.13 KB, 643x564, 0.JPG)

This isn't nitpicking or being nasty about her looks for the sake of it, but does anyone else think she looks ill? I can't figure out what it is. I know she looks tired but her whole face makes her looks really ill.
No. 662515
File: 1534038778512.jpeg (79.5 KB, 564x494, ECB8C0F7-CF20-4DFD-99FE-A7BA02…)

>>662239Eyebrows help her, too. I just changed the colours of the makeup and hair and whacked some eyebrows on and she almost looks like a healthy normal girl.
No. 662745
>>662705She didn't even post on her other account?
If so, that's incredible and almost a new record.
No. 663033
File: 1534103591995.jpg (104.97 KB, 809x592, 0.JPG)

She posted this.
No. 663036
File: 1534103677146.jpg (92.27 KB, 930x450, 0.JPG)

and this
No. 663548
File: 1534165546222.jpeg (241.84 KB, 640x900, BDD81E5A-59EF-4DC0-AE1C-E3369A…)

Oh for goodness’ sake, not this pose again
No. 663624
File: 1534178064470.jpeg (199.21 KB, 640x734, E233A485-3505-4344-9101-14BF40…)

And this is just terrifying
No. 663638
File: 1534178715305.jpg (34.61 KB, 612x522, 88545492-612x612.jpg)

>>663624When a seal looks cooler than you do wearing shades.
To mention her tash would be nitpicking, but we're autosaged, right?
>>663548This is her new "signature" pose. She's been practicing it. She'll be doing the same at the City Life food hall, McDonalds, out with ~friends~ and even when she's having a post-holiday breakdown on her bed (!)
No. 663705
>>663698Oh, thanks. I take back the tash comment, but I did sage.
Her bro's on hols with her, I see. I thought it was a ~womans holiday~
No. 663750
>>663705She's also talking about another food "challenge", eating a fucking croissant at midnight and is bitching about how her friends only eat fruit.
She also lost another k of followers.
No. 663756
>>663750So she isn't getting enough attention on her other account.
I love how she makes staying out until/past midnight sound like it's a really decadent thing. As if you go to bed before midnight on holiday (unless you're walking or something and it's not a "leisure" (ie doing fuck all) holiday).
Of course everyone's eating fruit 7/24. Yeah, try that chocolate croissant. You've still a long way to go with that recovery, huh.
No. 663763
File: 1534188485174.jpeg (158.69 KB, 640x1065, 616664D7-957B-4075-9554-9DA689…)

What is her stomach doing
No. 663773
>>663763I'm not sure. That's quite strange because ~bloat~ is usually hard.
I clicked on the geotag expecting some kind of healthy resort where everyone eats fruit and radiates health, but no such thing.
Sorry Italanons, but this place isn't doing anything for me.
No. 663832
File: 1534194421314.png (1.08 MB, 640x1136, 3BDC7226-6315-43AD-A86C-B749C3…)

No. 663890
File: 1534199911885.jpeg (495.28 KB, 1867x1668, 94E0329C-F292-475C-AFDD-80934B…)

No. 664309
File: 1534255002794.png (1.18 MB, 640x1136, 50846452-9293-478D-A423-3E2FAA…)

Ungrateful cow, also
>what no I’m not trying to make my legs look skinny like this, just taking a shot of the beach
No. 664318
>>664309Does this bitch really think people care and think about her all the time like she's close friends with her followers? Oh why am I even asking, of course she does think she's the centre of the universe.
I wonder what she'd do if she lost her account and all of her 47k followers. Suck up to people? Have a giant meltdown?
And no Aly, not eating for like 4 hours isn't "restricting". She really thinks unless you eat 4-6 times per day you're "disordered".
No. 664323
>>664309and it's so easy to not give a fuck about a whiny, self-centred bitch on instagram nobody even knows irl.
I'll just sit here under the blue sky doing fuck all lounging on a beach. hard life.
No. 664357
File: 1534262314759.jpg (70.65 KB, 816x599, 0.JPG)

No. 664359
File: 1534262393872.jpg (82.14 KB, 813x598, 0.JPG)

No. 664362
File: 1534263559816.jpg (65.02 KB, 475x600, 0.JPG)

Our sickly, hollowed mermaid could manage a chocolate croissant last night.
No. 664363
File: 1534263711286.jpeg (394.08 KB, 640x885, DA8C668C-6411-4703-9CFC-95C9FF…)

No. 664429
File: 1534269126381.jpeg (600.86 KB, 750x1037, 06D889BB-79BD-4EB5-86B3-8B7AF8…)

Half of her ass hangs out of those pants. So classy
No. 664886
>>664668What's his IG?
I don't but it's not hard to imagine.
No. 664957
It’s a pretty uneventful account.
No. 665102
File: 1534335702973.png (1.34 MB, 640x1136, AFEA94B9-C2CB-4ED1-B02F-C9C9DB…)

Most punchable face
No. 665252
>>665102When will she understand that this mouth looks like an anus and not sexy or hot.
No. 665407
File: 1534360346405.jpeg (81.85 KB, 640x762, 0C7606F7-03F3-477D-9DE8-5674F6…)

Such shoddy attempts to make her teeth look whiter. They all just blur into one another
No. 665509
>>665441She only started doing it when there were comments about her yellow teeth. If someone told me my teeth looked yellow then I'd think, oh that'll be the coffee and fags so I'll get a whitening/smoker's toothpaste (in Aly's case those peroxide treatments) and NOT, oh I'll find an app.
Is there no way to make the white more subtle on those apps? The teeth aren't too bad, but the eyeballs look really weird.
Lack of wifi must be killing her. As much as I dislike her, I hope she's finding she's enjoying herself without instagram. The bad side to that is when she gets back home she'll start obsessing over lack of comments and she'll be attention seeking ten times worse.
No. 666045
File: 1534402421603.jpeg (358.86 KB, 1242x1189, 9C0433C9-FD03-4928-AEC3-8743D1…)

Her second account went private. Interesting since just yesterday it wasn’t private, until I lurked at who she followed and found Bert’s account and posted it here.
Totally unbothered by us still huh Aly?
No. 666177
File: 1534421112682.jpeg (417.93 KB, 640x796, ED5828A1-4371-43B0-AFB3-002647…)

A still from a 5 second video of her, holding this god-awful mouth pose
No. 666182
File: 1534421749736.png (269.52 KB, 480x800, wp_ss_20180816_0001.png)

This is an over generalisation. Of course you can do those things if you're not skele, but Aly thinks you can only be a real anorexic if you're BMI 12.6
No. 666238
File: 1534431453446.png (1.38 MB, 640x1136, C48B434B-99E3-4BDC-AD81-EDB7D1…)

Just shut up and enjoy your holiday, ungrateful child
No. 666260
>>666238She hasn't belonged in that ~community~ for a long time, but what else has she to offer other than being a one-time skele?
There are people more deserving and far from the recovery point she is that deserve #support, but NO, it has to be attention for Aly, plx.
No. 666290
File: 1534436548098.jpeg (199.84 KB, 640x889, EE8B1CE7-3B4C-4AD0-9175-940635…)

No. 666297
File: 1534437088213.gif (352.53 KB, 250x190, our mermaid.gif)

>>666290Okay, so she's bored pretending to be a mermaid now. How long until she gets back home?
I really don't understand what she wants. She's with her family in a nice setting with the opportunity to try the things she's been doing. No stress from a shitty agency job, no beatings (!) from her demonic Pa YET she complains a few randoms aren't telling her…what?? What does she want them to say/do?
I understand phones are a big thing today, but when I was away last month I only kept it switched on in case there was some emergency, like someone died, back at home. Even though it was a laid back holiday never once did I think of getting on instagram and posting let alone begging for comments.
No. 666409
File: 1534447420185.jpg (100.84 KB, 936x572, 0.JPG)

No. 666442
File: 1534449043993.png (141.96 KB, 720x861, 20180816_134525.png)

>>666290Funny how on one account she's crying about feeling alone, but on the other she's a happy fierce pirate.
No. 667049
File: 1534520628510.jpg (75.68 KB, 812x594, 0.JPG)

>>667035matty wishes he could escape.
No. 667400
File: 1534560149920.png (359.41 KB, 480x588, wp_ss_20180818_0001.png)

Nah. No good reason to stay. Might as well delete.
No. 667524
File: 1534577756298.jpg (857.69 KB, 1062x1666, Screenshot_20180818-093213_Chr…)

Jfc why. I know it's the flash but why post it
>>667400She also got no comments on this or the previous post. Now she'll come up with a bs reason not to delete or a b&w post how no one supports her
No. 667545
>>666957what evidence do you need? Video? I not sure anyone can say definitively if she ever purged. Her ED seemed to be anorexia nervosa but a lot of AN sufferers purge (esp during "forced recovery"). She talks occasionally about wanting to purge, without shame. That alone for me suggests she has done it in the past.
In my experience, the anorectics who had never purged were on a high horse about that, as if it made them better than dirty bulimics.
No. 667717
File: 1534615995128.png (390.77 KB, 461x483, wp_ss_20180818_0003.png)

Meanwhile, on her 2nd account she's loving life and being…er…Pocahontas.
No. 667848
>>667802She needs to do something new if she expects attention in ig. Her need for attention's the thing that rules her life but she can't keep faking problems with food for years.
She obviously functioned without stans before she got her following on instagram for being a spoop, but now she's experienced it she can't do without it.
I think we're in for a lulsy week back in Milan. Breakdowns. I hope Berto can save her.
No. 667911
>>667545Are you kidding me? Back when was in fake recovery and now when she’s maintaining, it hasn’t been long enough for for her teeth to become THAT damaged if she purged meals or snacks + we all know what she classifies as a “binge” so she doesn’t b/p. She gained all her weight back so she obviously didn’t purge her meals when she she was gaining.
You’re obviously extremely new to this thread. she talks about wanting to purge for sympathy and attention. She’s claimed that she wants to self-hame. She’s even claimed that she does sef harm. One day later, bikini pic with zero cuts. Also, her fathers beats. Do you see any evidence of abuse or scars on her body?
If she’s ever tried to purge, I’m willing to bet she was incapable if doing so, or she was just able to puke up a teaspoon of fluids.
>>666794Scratched bug bite probably. “track marks” kek, she claims she abuses alcohol after 2 beers. Aly wouldn’t be able to find or ask for drugs if her life depended on it
No. 668167
>>668160Literally in the previous thread? She never used that image as a profile pic, which is why anons said it was fake
How new are you?
No. 668175
>>668167Nobody proved 100% for sure it was fake, calm down.
I would think if someone was faking Aly they would pretend to say something a lot worse than what was said in the screenshot. You remind me of an edgy /b/tard trying call someone newfag for no reason lol
No. 668266
File: 1534692498500.jpg (40.47 KB, 475x600, 0.JPG)

Best pic of Aly ever. First one that won't give me nightmares.
No. 668268
File: 1534692989432.gif (11.3 MB, 600x1065, sad disco.gif)

What a sad disco.
No. 668358
File: 1534706567150.png (1.38 MB, 640x1136, 79579FDD-897F-4B02-9452-5EE304…)

No. 668360
File: 1534706622468.png (1.24 MB, 640x1136, D3E1C6B7-88B7-4F2B-B121-D688BC…)

What a chic pose
No. 668375
>>668358If she says she's lost weight she's a fucking liar (although that's already been established). Bet she does though.
Imagine that miserable face tagging along if you go on a road trip.
No. 668787
File: 1534764659593.png (1.62 MB, 640x1136, 43DC8705-82B6-462F-87ED-7111DE…)

No. 668836
>>667911Been here since 2015. I'm just saying that some people do purge occasionally. There's no way to prove it either way unless she has obvious signs (which she doesn't). But it's stupid to perpetuate myths about purging. It's not always a binge/purge cycle (one can purge a snack or normal meal), people don't necessarily do it all the time or at every meal, and there aren't always noticeable signs. There's no way to prove she has never purged.
I agree she probably does not self-harm and she exaggerates her dad beating her. But that's a different topic. Those are things that would leave obvious traces on the body. We can say, lol, she has no cuts or bruises or scars. With occasional purging, you often can't point to any particular signs.
I just hate seeing this thread contain false assumptions (i.e., she couldn't get pregnant because she didn't have her period - it is possible to get pregnant even if you're not menstruating bc of a low BMI).
Prissy bulimics exist. That's all.
No. 668900
File: 1534784757956.png (867.17 KB, 640x1136, 7E0B1140-BCAB-443F-8449-BB964F…)

No. 668902
>>668900Where did she get the shitty advice about dark lipstick?
That cat post is weird to me. Nothing about it makes sense. Like, a random cat…she's talking about it being imperfect…and solitude at the train station…
No. 668957
>>668948Why didn't she travel back with her family?!?
Ohhhhhh, Aly's the latter day St Francis, of course! What a fucking hater though, posting on instagram pointing out the cat is flawed. I see no flaws. Bitch needs to check herself out before bothering a cat who'd probably much prefer to clean its genitals than have to look at her moonface.
No. 669077
File: 1534800484154.jpeg (235.86 KB, 640x1027, 7897764D-7528-435B-AFDF-C2BF84…)

Underweight my ass
No. 669079
File: 1534800614825.jpeg (151.45 KB, 630x963, 349D1224-19B4-4048-BF2D-B548DC…)

That arm looks so fragile and underweight(!)
No. 669097
File: 1534802401144.jpg (183.81 KB, 929x595, 1454814300490.jpg)

Anyone else kind of miss this hair on Aly? I feel like if she took care of her hair now this colour would look waaay better on her
No. 669165
>>669077The last time she ~left~ her main account it lasted a few hours and she faked a breakdown as an excuse to make a comeback.
I think she really expects thousands of dead accounts to start following her other one.
She wants to detach from ED themes, but feels the need to say she lost a ton (!) of weight.
…and, yup, I called it
>>668375Forever Aly. Never change, Aly. Erm…actually, please do.
No. 669726
File: 1534876893993.jpeg (224.51 KB, 639x904, EA2BF48B-0463-404C-9AD5-A609E5…)

Something about her just looks so.. off?
No. 669834
File: 1534885090144.png (1.45 MB, 640x1136, 0D171C7C-A2AC-489C-8A58-2C252E…)

No. 669936
>>669834She stopped using the shit coloured lipstick.
I bet her compliment's about a physical thing. Her hair? I'm thinking hard how I could compliment her but really there's nothing. That's bad.
No. 670289
>>669936She says in her post
>> red lips freckles and ‘your eyes kill.’ so I'm assuming the quoted part was the ~compliment~ she received. Congrats on having the eyes of a sociopath, Aly. Best compliment ever indeed.
No. 670365
>>670081I thought this was the original at first and was surprised to see her looking so normal like "I don't remember her looking this good".
J F C Ally. It's not 2004.
No. 670402
>>670371It's around 800+€ per year, depending on the college iirc
Some people can't afford that and in Alys case it would be a waste of money
No. 670481
File: 1534963326426.png (1.49 MB, 640x1136, 4284C3E9-9971-4796-993C-5DAA31…)

No. 670485
>>670460I'm in the UK and fortunately went to uni when there was a full grant. I'd kill to do a Masters but it's way expensive. If I was Aly though - living at home, nothing to pay out for, I'd get a job and pay to do the degree. It's obvious she doesn't gaf about it though. I'm surprised she had the intelligence to get a place, tbh (and I'm not saying you have to be uber intelligent. All you need is a passion for a subject and they don't do Aly Studies as far as I know).
>>670481So the Pocahontas plait is the new thing. Even Berto's face has become punchable.
No. 670979
>>670977Also, the tax lowers as you conclude study years.
My University is a public one, the private ones could costs easily 4000+€ yearly.
No. 671087
File: 1535023547777.jpeg (220.25 KB, 640x994, 8354BCA3-A245-4509-A146-9B20B9…)

So.. she can’t even braid her hair by herself?
No. 671196
File: 1535032053856.jpg (20.86 KB, 239x320, rats nest.JPG)

>>671131You'd think Ma would've taken the scissors to it.
>>671101That'll be the henna. Why anyone uses that shit is beyond me. Sometimes you HAVE to go chemical.
No. 671329
>>671237>>671252>>671270Oh, yeah. Wow, I forgot it was done over bleach. That awful ombre look that, in retrospect, is ten times better than the mess she's made of it now.
she must've done it herself the first time. I can't see a hair stylist agreeing to do that.
Anyway, how long before the calm breaks? Will she hold her breakdowns in or start black posting on her other account?
No. 671415
>>671237Henna is fine if it’s the only kind of color you ever use, and it will progressively darken with more and more colorings over time. You also can’t lift it out of hair without severely damaging it. Non-oxidizing demi- and semi-permanent color has all the benefits of henna with none of the drawbacks. To each his own, esp. if it’s cultural, but people are getting scammed af by the “all natural therefore best dye!” thing right and left.
Aly’s hair is the perfect example of why henna should be avoided by most people (especially trendy idiots). The damage from combining it with oxidizing color, the discoloration that happens over time, patchy fading and unattractive contrast with re-growth. Just ew. I’d love to color correct this, because it’s gonna cost her at least $300 to have it done right.
No. 671424
>>671087This photo is
triggering me hahaha. Just want to snip off that dead hair and all she would have to do is adjust her dress straps up a little bit so her bra doesn't show
No. 671478
>>671415I dye mine black and I've contemplated using henna when I saw it in Lush but I don't trust natural all the time. I've only known one person use the red henna and it looked shit like Aly's.
She doesn't even suit red. She's clueless about EV-ER-Y-THING.
Her new account is boring me shitless. Same old stans commenting.
No. 671485
>>671478ot as fuck still – but same anon from
>>671252, don't use the lush henna, it's absolute garbage. def something you need to research before you jump into.
No. 671548
>>671485That was me (!)
Tbh, I must be one of the few people who aren't impressed with Lush products AND their prices are a joke AND tax dodgers.
If henna's a hassle I wont bother. It's not a pleasure colouring regrowth, is it. I'm also off about being a slave to henna forever. Ta for advice. I'm going to do some googling…like Aly should do (to make hair posts more relevant lol).
No. 671556
>>671548the process itself is an actual bitch if you have thick or long hair. if you're non-committal i don't recommend it as if you ever want to dye your hair with traditional dye again you will have to wait for your entire length to regrow or you'll end up with some type of catastrophe like aly's got going on.
it's a major hassle but i love the way it makes my hair look and i've never had an inclination to dye my hair another color anyway.
sorry for the derail but i never get to sperg about this dumb shit. look up Henna Color Lab, that's what I use now. there are some review videos people have made on youtube and text reviews on the actual site. they have different colors to choose from depending on what you're trying to do.
No. 671650
File: 1535064492938.png (1.26 MB, 640x1136, 2235008F-44D1-4705-A0CC-691C95…)

so classy
No. 671743
>>671556As long as nobody else is complaining about the hair sperg I’m kinda into the OT. Aly’s boring at the moment, it’s not really nitpicking her personally, and I think a lot of us are into the hair/makeup stuff.
Plus she reads here and occasionally takes tips for improving her appearance so, win/win?
No. 671794
>>671743I was going to suggest that. I rarely venture out of /snow but I might hang out in /g and /ot because I can't stand the cringe of Aly looking like a cheap ass hooker.
It's in /g. I'm original contemplating henna anon. I need to sleep but I'll be in there late afternoon (Friday, uk anon). I keep flip flopping with the different opinions of henna soooo…
Sorry, Aly, some of us need to leave you with your sparkling wine and get decent advice about hair colouring. Ciao, sweetie. Have pretend fun with pretend friends (!)
No. 672069
File: 1535112439696.jpeg (127.55 KB, 640x845, 82408CCE-40C1-4F43-AA92-B8AE00…)

So THAT’S why her lipstick is always terrible. She does it with her eyes closed!
No. 672117
File: 1535119916057.jpeg (172.73 KB, 640x883, 67730F89-5915-40F4-A23F-96BB56…)

>>672101Here’s the caption. Also it
triggers me when she says ‘yes or not’
No. 672149
File: 1535121486427.png (1.2 MB, 640x1136, 9AC5777D-6B3C-47F4-B4D4-2C5B74…)

Looks like this is her new fave pose.
No. 672191
File: 1535125831682.jpg (48.55 KB, 720x340, Screenshot_20180824-094348_Ins…)

Just Google translated this.
>Do you have a driving license?
>Aly: no, I do not drive; I have a difficult relationship with cars
Is she talking about her car accident? Wasn't she just trying to get her driver's license? What happened with that?
No. 672287
>>672149Jfc did her face get puffier ? She looks like she got stung by a bee.
Curious how long she’ll hang out on her personal account. Seems like it’s doing fairly well.
No. 672308
File: 1535134290928.jpg (36.31 KB, 620x400, pob.jpg)

>>672287I'm surprised she's stuck at it so long. What will she do when she gets sick of taking pictures of her pets and uploading holiday snaps though?
No. 672824
File: 1535193467777.png (34.59 KB, 480x211, wp_ss_20180825_0003.png)

I think she's trying to create drama.
No. 672874
File: 1535202929500.png (1.67 MB, 640x1136, 390D41B0-ACB0-4CEF-BD26-1B1D90…)

I really hope we get a new saga of Spoonie Aly
No. 673129
File: 1535226623135.png (1.53 MB, 640x1136, CF20DE62-39FC-408A-92E4-3CA58D…)

No. 673183
>>673129what exactly does she think the point is of switching accounts if she's just going to whine on that one, too? the only point to switching is if she thinks her ~Brend~ is tarnished beyond repair on her ED account and she can build the other one into a standard instathot account.
it already made more sense just to adjust the content of her larger account. (think of what someone with even entry-level social media competency could do with a 47k follower account, even if half the follower aren't in use anymore??) but if she's going to do the standard unflattering whining and unexotic food…bro. what the fuck.
No. 673570
File: 1535280894453.jpeg (192.06 KB, 640x883, FFE84770-7814-4545-B792-AB7F9F…)

How many times is she going to reuse this shitty HP quote
No. 673727
File: 1535304665270.png (1.42 MB, 640x1136, F96BE2F4-1B03-4730-9A67-C6115D…)

How very sexist(!) of her! Berto is allowed drinking cocktails and being classy af if he likes!
No. 673779
File: 1535309699234.png (1.4 MB, 640x1136, F8324E3C-28BC-47F2-9A8B-AD8343…)

She has a knack for choosing the worst possible angles!
No. 673932
>>673785She looks hollowed. Nah, she's exactly the same.
She's shrugged off her #edwarrior self because she can't get away with saying she struggles eating. Now she's pretending she's in an ideal relationship and…what? Is this her Berto and beach account?
No. 674411
File: 1535385317790.png (1.12 MB, 640x1136, 308F2CC9-0E27-426C-A145-69B3AE…)

Great lipstick choice for a dentist’s appointment.
No. 674413
File: 1535385370593.png (1.72 MB, 640x1136, 19C5A990-5BD8-4DA9-AAC2-CD1586…)

No. 674416
File: 1535385528828.jpeg (181.9 KB, 640x846, ABBD2DAC-78E6-4D0F-AAFF-AA5F2F…)

Does anybody believe her teeth are actually that white? They change colour in every picture ffs
No. 674443
>>673785Her body's simply settling. It's completely normal for people in recovery to overshoot their natural or target weight at first, and then have it slowly balance out/redistribute.
Her ~dramatic relapse~ was fabricated.
No. 674445
>>674411… Does she mean she has never been to the dentist in her life?? What the fuck ew
Is this normal in Italy???
No. 674555
File: 1535402164126.jpeg (240.01 KB, 640x944, 43B3BF3D-7C55-41FA-B170-F59978…)

Well, the first part is true
No. 674568
File: 1535403567183.png (1.06 MB, 640x1136, 1F323298-A6D6-4B33-976F-F08440…)

No. 674572
>>674555All dressed up for the dentist.
I hate heels. I hate shooz.
No. 674897
File: 1535448475250.png (1.15 MB, 640x1136, B60F5DE2-6780-45A2-8DA2-1DCFF8…)

No. 675000
>>674910They never questioned her not living with Berto either.
Alys busy having serious avo cravings and she's doing nothing with her life.
No. 675007
File: 1535466934364.png (1.23 MB, 640x1136, 1FBB3273-8F3C-4155-A602-721A11…)

Spoiler alert - her new pic contains another shade of teeth
No. 675009
File: 1535467023327.jpeg (199.98 KB, 640x817, 21127EFD-B276-484C-8223-DF7D91…)

Samefag - and god awful sunglasses
No. 675122
>>674910>>675000very few of them read her captions or care at all. She barely gets any engagement for an account with 47k followers, and of the few thousand who ever interact with her at all most of them are just liking and moving on, and many probably found her through hashtags. The few who do read and comment are all huge asskissers bc anyone who ever questions her gets banned. Tbh even most of them just comment with empty "omg you are inspirational" shit and seem to skim her posts and may only be looking for new followers.
Ironically her ~haters pay more attention to her than anyone else lol. We're probably the only people who have translated enough of her word salad to even realize she's a chronic liar
No. 675828
File: 1535576066155.png (1.4 MB, 640x1136, 58C8C985-5E9F-4A2B-957D-16D06E…)

So, now she says she’s pescetarian.
No. 675936
File: 1535582300835.jpg (227.02 KB, 536x711, Screenshot_20180830-005312.jpg)

I really hope this is just a short, oddly calm phase. There's no way her histrionic ass gets enough attention in real life and through this numbingly boring account. I don't want the Aly saga to be over.
No. 675940
File: 1535582876823.png (38.78 KB, 465x318, wp_ss_20180829_0001.png)

>>675828She's said that before so no she isn't.
>>675936I dropped by to say I wonder how she snapped out of attention seeking so suddenly. Two comments.
More proof she's nuts even though she's behaving less nuts. It makes her seem more nuts.
That pic of the book and owl watch is ollllld and she posts holiday pics. She must struggle to think of something to post with only Berto as her new accessory.
No. 676238
File: 1535628551702.png (838.35 KB, 640x1136, B35E2ACC-CA33-4901-9644-9F7B9D…)

>my women
No. 676290
>young couplesAly, you're almost 23 and he's 25. You're not 16. Maybe people would take your 6 year (lol) relationship seriously if you didn't call staying in his room on a Saturday "living together".
How bleak is her life. Maybe my own isn't thrill a minute being much older now, but if I'd spent my early 20s hanging out with my mum and aunty I would've probably been so bored I'd gone to work on a Kibbutz to see life.
No. 676624
File: 1535671694189.png (567.92 KB, 640x1136, DDA47EE5-5144-4634-B582-7C2F1F…)

Trouble in paradise, Aly?
No. 677051
File: 1535712644822.png (1.44 MB, 640x1136, 8FF6F299-7087-4D73-B388-2C1AF9…)

No. 677182
File: 1535731857702.png (768.49 KB, 640x1136, 48C92690-0FB8-4AE8-81A5-60D965…)

>end of the story
Because there is no story. Your life is boring AF
No. 677236
File: 1535740420841.jpeg (203.13 KB, 639x864, 55F92BBD-D0A3-4953-A08C-15069A…)

We got crazy eyes and a new hand pose today
No. 677525
File: 1535762433211.jpg (36.66 KB, 720x397, _20180901_033910.JPG)

So odd to see them actually interact. Can anyone translate?
No. 677563
>>677525Lol. This is online translation
They are beautiful we are even if it seems that I take you to nasa
This is why I don't have the nose
So, yeah, need italanon. Something about noses.
Wow, I wish my boy would take me to NASA
No. 677574
>>677525>>677563i'm rough on reading italian but i think it says something like:
how beautiful are we?!? even if it looks like you took my nose :D
No. 677578
>>677574bad italian anon again to correct myself on bad italian. i think his second sentence actually says:
"even if it looks like i took your nose."
and she replies:
"this is why i don't have a nose." which is apparently funny?
No. 677907
File: 1535821944785.png (23.09 KB, 467x172, wp_ss_20180901_0001.png)

>>677854Rofl omg haha, now it makes sense they really are a hilarious, fun couple!
Other followers are still struggling with her humour though (img).
I've been trying to figure out what kind of person would follow Aly's 2nd account. Mostly the comments come from her Ana stans, but one outlier has a profile where she's basically bragging about her foreign holidays, her wealth, running marathons and multiple pics of her fuck trophy and husband. I wonder what she sees in Aly that's interesting.
No. 678002
>>676238Her "girls" are her mother and ma's friend. Yikes.
Ever wonder why you have no friends of your own, who aren't your boyfriend's friends? Because you never developed a personality besides "needy". Shallow affect and insecurities are normal when you're a young teen. By the time you're in your mid twenties it's expected you've grown. Recovering in your body is not enough.
They have DBT in Italy or nah?
No. 678009
File: 1535834532523.png (111.32 KB, 452x509, wp_ss_20180901_0002.png)

Ha, she's pretending she knows about architecture posting descriptions copypasta from a wiki
No. 678013
>>678012Bollocks argh…shouldve ended that sentence with "…is weird".
(soz fell asleep and just woke up with brain still lazy)
No. 678446
File: 1535891474966.jpg (218.36 KB, 1080x1080, 6tag-246030931-185948645900405…)

I'm gonna say it. She's noticeably dropped weight.
She's using her old account to pretend all is great as she did before admitting her ED.
Guys, I believe she is relapsing and with her not trying to convince us she is it makes it more believable.
No. 678448
File: 1535891740620.png (19.01 KB, 480x108, wp_ss_20180902_0002.png)

>>678446No longer banging on about her 2kg weight loss.
No. 678500
>>678448That's…Interesting. You may be right, anon.
I was wondering what could have happened to her to drop her other account and I didn't understand why she was suddenly acting all normal and not desperate for comments so it would make sense.
At the same time we can't know for sure it it's just another way of claiming attention but idk, after seeing her for so long wanting to kill herself because a few comments and haters this is…Unexpected.
No. 678509
>>678446she's just the worst kind of skinny fat, isn't she.
even though her legs are clearly reverting to spoopy territory she still looks so fucking flabby.
i don't understand why there are so many insta anas that won't just hit the gym, either in recovery or while full-blown, from what i understand, very often the ED is one manifestation of a control issue so why not control all factors that determine weight..
No. 678555
>>678542Idk. That was her food pic, selfie, food pic, selfie account. If she isn't eating as much she can't jeep that up so it's Milan pic, selfie, Milan pic selfie.
It's boring af but now I'm interested in how her weight's going.
No. 678679
>>678590I've only ever dropped into classes at fitness centres so presumed wrongly gyms gaf. The waiver makes sense though in case some roid freak busts a vessel lifting a ton
She's being active riding her bike. I bet her excuse for walking a lot is that she needs shots of her city.
I deffo think she's gonna go spoopy again. Haven't seen her legs look weird like that for ages.
No. 679439
>>678446I think she freaked out when someone pointed out that she needed to go up a size in her swimsuits, and decided not to eat for her entire vacation. Plus, not eating on the family vacay is a great way to make the whole holiday about her, and ruin Berto's holiday for leaving her.
She's got no idea how to bind people to her without self harm. Most people would build their own lives and personalities, but not our Aly.
No. 679571
>>679492Even if I don't like her, I really hope she doesn't relapse. I hope she could get into the mindset that she can live both without cramming McDonald's shit all day, both without losing too much weight.
I know she likes the drama but (miniblogging) been there done that, I wouldn't wish another ride into the ED to my worst enemy.
No. 679731
>>679648I was looking at that on my phone and looked at the pic on my laptop for the first time and she doesn't look as weird on here, ha.
Hm, idk. It's still weird how suddenly she's convincing people her weight's the same when she was desperate to convince everyone she's becoming hollowed again.
That BDD though. Makes her feel so huge she leaves the house looking like she's not wearing anything with a shirt.
Those sunglasses are really awful. They make her look really ugly.
No. 679761
File: 1535977125981.jpeg (1.13 MB, 750x1108, 59255D56-B109-46C9-8C77-05871E…)

No. 679764
File: 1535977300171.jpeg (401.89 KB, 640x909, ED14B5CB-7740-44D2-B4AE-A66B2F…)

New angle, not spoopy at all, calm down. Also kek at this fucking pose
No. 679888
>>679761I … don't know what to say.
She should check for ticks maybe.
No. 679988
>>679947Yeah, I posted that then posted this
>>679731I've discovered phone screens make people looks slimmer. It's still odd that she's switched accounts etc, but not really odd because she's insane.
Btw, she's asking which shade of Kiko matte lipstick to buy. Idk if she's being loyal to an Italian brand, but that brend is so shit. Even though I hope she doesn't get to a level where companies see her as a marketing tool and send her freebies, I wish she'd spend more for better quality makeup.
No. 680650
File: 1536074058970.png (69.21 KB, 462x364, wp_ss_20180904_0003.png)

A new day, another job #apprentice #secretary
No. 680714
File: 1536080849885.png (1.35 MB, 640x1136, DBA325E3-482A-4BAF-9580-1F5BA8…)

The eyebrows. I can’t.
No. 681020
File: 1536102731342.jpeg (183.56 KB, 640x821, 06FD1883-7A4E-481F-98A8-5D4357…)

She fully looks like she’s taking a shit on Terrazza Aperol
No. 681497
File: 1536160000027.png (17.97 KB, 467x113, wp_ss_20180905_0001.png)

No. 681535
File: 1536164774405.png (1.32 MB, 640x1136, 82DF61A1-87D9-49D1-90E6-69CEC0…)

No. 681581
File: 1536167793798.png (1.49 MB, 640x1136, 189D8B04-C26D-4ED9-8966-1E3CAD…)

Well done; you put on a bra??
No. 681632
>>681581I'm not making sense of this at all.
She took her bra off after work for pleasure? Good job nurturing your future saggers there, Aly.
No. 681892
File: 1536188483249.png (377.49 KB, 498x480, wp_ss_20180905_0002.png)

Matteo was an intuitive baby and already knew what a horror his sister would be.
Got to say, she was an ugly kid. It CAN ne said she improved with age.
No. 681950
>>681535She does
look a bit thinner here, but it could be the fact that the clothes are not too small and not as hideous as usual. I'm not sure.
Why did she use a pig sticker?
I wonder if she's blocked people already for telling her what "queer" usually means.
No. 682296
File: 1536239035221.png (977.48 KB, 1409x313, theresa.png)

>>679761>>679764fix. your fucking. hair.
why are anas always so disgusting when it comes to personal grooming/hygiene.
mfw i'm someone who regularly uses henna
No. 682315
File: 1536243052058.jpg (Spoiler Image,97.95 KB, 932x596, Capture.JPG)

Aly's now a multiple. As if one wasn't enough.
Spoilered img because triggering spex n heavy on teeth and eyeball whitener.
No. 682353
File: 1536247564067.jpg (635.51 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180906-170615_Ins…)

This is gross. And she has to be fucking with us with the whole "queer" thing
No. 682357
File: 1536248281691.png (1.4 MB, 640x1136, 4DAAE557-B53B-4189-B7CE-827C79…)

>works one day at new job
No. 682530
File: 1536268042543.png (226.77 KB, 640x1136, 2374FD85-EF39-4627-B7BF-6BE049…)

No. 683763
File: 1536410943360.jpeg (264.56 KB, 639x865, E71E1573-8490-47B4-916E-43AA9C…)

.. is that the same fucking skirt she wore as a spoop
No. 683787
>>683763I knew her style was strange, but I couldn't point my finger on what makes it look so off exactly. Now I've realized.
She dresses like a troon.
No. 683890
File: 1536426102352.jpg (21.86 KB, 277x167, Capture.JPG)

>>683763She's already getting more needy on her new account. Dressing for attention and now asking for #goodvibes. Oddly, she's starting to feel bad when she's started a new job…like the last X amount of times.
No. 683970
File: 1536432611169.jpeg (259.59 KB, 640x947, 10321A17-59F8-48B9-97B0-9AD3E6…)

You’ve worked for two days, babe. Calm down.
No. 683998
I recommend she ditches that awful DVD collection. If I sound a snob idc. I wish she had the inclination to watch at least one film that gets her brain working and introduces her to the real world. She thinks being a secretary is like The Devil Wears Prada. This is why she needs a shot if reality.
>>683978Got to admit I had to google urban dictionary for that. It says it's a trans who gets it wrong going all cutesy. I agree with that if it's correct. The v high skirt and socks. Spot on.
No. 684093
File: 1536442109221.png (817.99 KB, 640x1136, 920F115A-D70F-4C8E-9990-CA8E57…)

So #individual, so #unique, so #feminist
No. 684202
>>684093I take it that means Berto didn't ask her out then. Or is she too tired and hollowed from working for two days? Those snowflake tats. That looks how they're going to look when they fade. Blobby.
Btw, it's odd that Aly blocked my account from seeing stories. I googled why they weren't showing and found out there's an option to block someone from seeing story posts. I've never even commented on her account. Anyway, I unfollowed because SOOOO RUDE! and can see them now. Not that I'm missing anything. I mean, braless Aly?
No. 684456
File: 1536494863259.jpeg (192.78 KB, 640x835, 23ED583C-4077-4AC7-9ABE-E78A64…)

all I can say is
No. 686624
File: 1536773561260.png (946.5 KB, 640x1136, 1308C085-675D-452D-97A1-A47452…)

So this is the peak of aly’s exciting life
No. 686769
File: 1536785005618.png (75.37 KB, 480x376, wp_ss_20180912_0002.png)

#notice #how #she's #going #really #overboard #with #hashtags #?
Yep. So incredibly dull.
No. 687610
File: 1536876817929.jpg (49.85 KB, 396x400, Capture.JPG)

>>687569I really, #really don't get how she suddenly switched the #attention plz button off and #went #all #dull.
How does that happen?
She's still a wreck, I mean, can she hitch her skirt any higher?
She keeps going on about people judging her, but there aren't any negative comments??
>#eveningthoughts #sceptical #tb 🤨 dealing with #people can be hard #mood #judgmentfreezone ⛔️ #goodvibesonly to G R O W STRONG . agree or not? 🙂 write #kindnessisfree word or emoticon 👇🏻💕 No. 687619
File: 1536877125132.jpg (67.35 KB, 997x336, Capture.JPG)

She's also started following someone a bit odd (odd person for her to follow, that is). Maybe he's her dealer?
No. 687801
>>687619Well, that would be tremendously stupid to do.
In Italy the law is pretty strict about drugs, just recently it was released on shops a low THC weed, that it's pretty enjoyable - but from your screen, it looks like some serious dealer. Maybe it's a brand account?
Or maybe she just did it for looking like she's ~edgy~?
Anyway, this whole calm situation is just weird. Maybe she took the advice to distance herself from all the ED things and she tried her best to look like she's okay on her public social media, since that account it is followed from some people she knows in real life. I still hope she's giving signs of progress, real ones, but it's Aly, so I wouldn't have the nerve to believe it blindly.
No. 687879
File: 1536897255312.jpg (146.98 KB, 650x433, The Twilight Zone.jpg)

>this whole calm situation is just weirdAbsolutely. Looks like she's trying to get back in with Sonia again. Idk what she's doing, but it's not convincing me. It's the same "I'm okay" stuff she's always posted on facebook. She's posting the same content there and get very few likes and no comments.
No. 689634
File: 1537126260274.jpg (706.87 KB, 1080x1356, Screenshot_20180916-202829_Ins…)

Hahahahahaha. Oh, Aly. Never change your style. I really hope Aly has a weaboo phase next.
Also is it me or has she dropped a bit of weight …?
No. 689653
File: 1537127275346.jpg (90.45 KB, 652x509, uh oh.JPG)

Her legs tho
No. 692107
File: 1537388400639.jpg (376.71 KB, 1080x1501, Screenshot_20180919-221706~2.j…)

I just noticed that she's tagged a bunch of people in her most recent post and is asking for opinions
Is she finally getting tired of not seeking for attention? Will we get a proper comeback?
No. 692524
Did she actually abandon the other profile for so long?
>>692107Also, she tagged dogsandpos, she can't really live without ed related everything
No. 693105
>>692627Last year she was making the dead uncle into a huge deal for several days and ofc made it all about her. Even with the subtle begs for sympathy the difference is massive.
What happened? How does someone just turn off their crazy? There has to be an explanation. As previously mentioned, maybe she's actively restricting. Or maybe she's taking it all out on poor Berto.
No. 694274
File: 1537638456298.jpeg (215.54 KB, 750x1178, FC05EBB1-42AA-49DE-B248-932FCD…)

>>694254Has to check for myself but it’s legit. She’s even mentioned in on her personal account. I’m actually kind of shocked.
No. 694276
File: 1537638551302.jpeg (657.23 KB, 750x1055, 457B4F08-24EA-421F-8397-9A4889…)

Same fag, but here’s the post from personal. Her face creeps me out. Mad crazy eyes… also she’s banging on about her hair being red/purple… I don’t see it.
No. 694283
>>694274Oh shit! She'd better undo that before the deadline or she's gonna regret it.
Or, it's totally possible she's just doing it for attention.
No. 694376
>>694254I know why she's done it. I checked earlier today how many comments her Rome post had. Someone linked her @aly_sjourney then posyed Oops linked to @aly_sjourney by mistake. Now the comments have gone, so she more than likely panicked because she has family on her new, improved Aly account.
>>694283Good job most of it's archived here (!)
No. 695214
>>695155Wow, I must be really dang (!) stupid. Sorry.
I think it's hilarious she deleted that account to keep it hidden from her real life people.
No. 696668
File: 1537902393522.jpg (38.21 KB, 478x562, Capture.JPG)

She posted a "sneaked" video of her co worker's crotches today.
Obv. not on medications and obv. not normal behaviour.
No. 698158
File: 1538026977134.gif (3.18 MB, 420x525, mouse.gif)

No. 698250
File: 1538032942992.jpg (51.52 KB, 480x360, 20180927_081945.jpg)

I think I'm getting milk withdrawal, I can feel the shakes now.
Aly, if you're out there…Please leave this imposter behind and come home. Lush (!) Donnies await you.
No. 698439
>>698346True. Crying Emily was hilarious at her peak, but I feel all warm and fuzzy (not a common thing lol) at how she's started a new life.
Aly, on the other hand, doesn't appear to have even found a life. She posts old pictures from her holiday, selfies making bunny faces, Ma and … that's it.
>>698355I wouldn't want anyone to see me if that was my old account either! She'll have to come up with some stories about how she's spent the last 3 years and I'd love to hear the BS she's telling them. There's still the massive mentalness with Aly but she's choosing to hide it for now.
No. 699362
File: 1538143324768.jpg (95.18 KB, 807x594, Capture.JPG)

Today she dressed as Satan Claus for her #businesslunch
Back to posting food pics and #tentaclepr0n
No. 700390
File: 1538252194974.jpg (131.9 KB, 720x1054, _20180929_231050.JPG)

Okay now I'm actually curious. The company name seems to be "miogest" but searching it only gives results in italian. Anyone able to tell what kind of a company this is?
I'm just amazed if she's actually gotten somewhere after all the shitty jobs. Good for her, I guess. But HOW.
No. 700453
File: 1538255389873.png (66.98 KB, 478x332, wp_ss_20180929_0006.png)

>>700390Nah it's just another shitty placement.
No. 701640
>>701602I thought something a bit less drastic. Her miraculous healing of crazy happened on the holiday with her aunt. I was thinking maybe her aunt had said something even though I don't know if she was aware of the other account.
I really doubt she's seeing a therapist.
No. 702717
>>701701I disagree, anythingzhe may have acknowledged is superficial asf. Not only did she post things that were embarasing for her, she also posted things that hurt other people. Whether it be guilt-tripping/manipulation (“no one cares about me, now i kill me”), public humiliation (postibg people’s unwanted questions and comments for her 50k gollowers to go and attack them), and promotion of unhealthy habits/bevahours/idea (ie. “a dietician is
a step back in recovery!!!). Full acknowldgement should have her accepting and hopefully trying to ammend for??) all of these
No. 703210
File: 1538574136492.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1125x2182, D67274EC-B88E-49AD-9D28-E66FA2…)

>>701341You were correct, anon!
No. 703266
>>703210It's private though.
Maybe she's going to start being wacko again because people are saying she looks like she lost weight.
No. 704074
File: 1538664437100.jpg (344.67 KB, 1080x1320, Screenshot_20181004-164615~2.j…)

At this point I am 100% sure she is relapsing.
No. 704142
File: 1538669855849.png (1007.94 KB, 640x1136, 5AFB70B7-5712-43D3-97FF-C45168…)

Still looks utterly insane
No. 704285
File: 1538681528220.jpg (48.63 KB, 334x596, h8r.JPG)

>>704121Nah, when she was becoming her spoopiest previously her face was the last to go. She has a lot of salt in her diet.
The crazy of alys journey is creeping into its aly. She's pretending she's had hater comments. I don't believe for a second anyone's called her a #fashionblogger.
Her new thing is shirt off the shoulder pose.
No. 704301
i've been reading the aly thread for a year now and i'm genuinely worried about her, she's dropped a lot of weight recently
hope it's just her body adjusting to her set point or whatever
No. 704429
>>704404I agree that it's difficult to feel any empathy for her. I can't say I'm distraught at what looks like a relapse but it's sad that she obviously has some problems that make her so dull and needy.
Definite relapse, guize. Even ignoring her recent pic, the way she's communicating with people is getting close to the denial of her spoopy days. A couple of months ago she'd be bleating about losing weight at work but now she's telling everyone she's thriving with self love. Yeah, and I look in the mirror and want to make love to my reflection. Pft.
No. 704434
File: 1538698843899.png (444.15 KB, 475x585, 1529770163335.png)

>>704074I couldn't find a recent picture of her wearing pants since she's been wearing dresses all summer, but pic related is about three months ago. She definitely looks like she's lost some weight. How much is suspect, considering even at her highest weight she tends to have a sizable thigh gap. She's also no longer wearing skimpy clothes, and correct me if I'm wrong, but does she still post about food at all? I definitely think something is going on.
Maybe when she was on holiday all her relatives were telling her how "healthy" she looks and it
triggered her or something.
No. 704436
File: 1538699137755.png (99.86 KB, 202x275, 1524501367563.png)

5 months ago.
No. 704438
File: 1538699409791.jpg (41.19 KB, 267x564, nw.JPG)

Different angles and all that but…
and all she posts is her Starbucks coffee cup (thankfully not her old plastic one) no food.
No. 704443
File: 1538699676367.jpg (474.17 KB, 614x800, 5422101689114.jpg)

Last one, another comparison to 5 months ago. Same pose, but the angle is different.
No. 704450
>>704443Relapse confirmed.
>>704447It's bizarre (!)
No. 704470
>>704443Is it relapsing tho if she just lost a bit of weight? I’m not seasoned in anorexia but I suppose it’s like an alcoholic and only having “one drink a day”? One drink turns into two.
One restriction turns into many and then you spiral down back into anorexia
No. 704494
>>704447lol this one’s pretty obvious…
she’s histrionic. at her highest weight her body wasnt giving her enough attention on its own so she dressed provocatively in bright crazy colors, wore standoutish makeup to get attention.
at a lower weight she dresses the way she wants to dress because people give her enough sttention with comments worrying about her weight
No. 704776
>>704074Before she abandoned her recovery account, there was a period where she posted pictures of salads, tuna, all that healthy stuff - a stark oontrast to the mc fries and donuts she has been posting throughout her recovery.
So she's either:
1) eating more healthily, her body reflects her cuting out excesive salt and sugar
2) restricting again, and the change in diet indicated the gradual start of restriction
I hope it's no 1.
No. 706186
File: 1538946678895.jpg (51.3 KB, 559x442, sweet 16.JPG)

Matty's turned 16. That boy is depressed. The eyes say it all.
No. 706207
>>706186I would be too if I had to share a fucking bedroom with my crazy histrionic sister.
Poor kid. I’ll bet he avoids home until bedtime.
No. 706648
File: 1539010040194.jpeg (273.02 KB, 750x654, 350CAD48-EE79-4B0E-AA15-5CF43F…)

She edited the post to the sibling pic, before she asked if anyone else is in love with their sibling and it sounded so wrong.
No. 706748
>>706186She presents her brother more like a concept than a person. Like, the way she props him up with all these superlatives on her instagram, but never conveys more than a shallow concept of who he is as a person and his identity is always communicated in the context of his relationship to
her as opposed to seeing him as a multifaceted individual with his own thoughts and desires.
Sorry for seeming to read into it a bit much - and for the minor blogposting I’m about to do - this picture just made me realize how much the way my HPD sister presents me on social media is exactly the same as Aly displays her brother (minus the Flowers In The Attic vibes).
TLDR The way Aly sees other people as stock characters in her own story is the most histrionic shit.
No. 706857
File: 1539028580689.jpg (21.29 KB, 299x159, Capture.JPG)

>>706648I wish someone would explain to her the real meaning of "brotherhood".
>>706748I can imagine her bro rolling his eyes if he ever saw what she wrote because it doesn't say anything about their true relationship.
#ohlook she's #sick #at #work like she was #before she #quitted the #sports store one. she's #unable #eating
The crazy hashtagging and using a sore throat to get comments and attention is really embarrassing. I really don't think she's coping well with being less "liked" on that account.
No. 706870
>>706857My prediction:
She'll lose more weight/relapse
Go back to her "recovery" account
Quit her job
Ask for support as she starts over with her recovery
I know at this point it's still just speculation, but she definitely lost a lot of weight within a short amount of time. She talks about how much she eats which is what she did in her fake recovery and the opposite of what she did before she left her main account ("omg I'm restricting" when she had to skip even just a snack). Also she keeps reposting old photos, the last up-to-date full-body picture was posted like 5 days (?) ago.
No. 707008
>>706648Waited 16 years for what? His 16th birthday? "Did it"? She didn't do anything.
Poor kid.
No. 707211
>>706648She makes it seem like he's terminally ill or something and that nobody expected him to live to 16
Or is she implying that she didn't think she'd live to see him turn 16? If so, way to make somebody else's birthday about you Aly, can't give up the spotlight for even a moment.
No. 707323
>>707211>>707008Relax people, we all know Aly loves attention more than anyone else but I think she's talking about waiting for 16 years to drink alcohol with her brother.
Also I'm sure she's restricting again.
No. 707384
File: 1539087456122.png (177.97 KB, 640x1136, CF402F6A-49C6-4B71-A135-2DE86A…)

Spoonie Aly strikes again
No. 707413
>>707008Maybe they did if 16 is the age of consent in Italy.
>>707384Oh there she is again with webdoctor where a simple rash becomes a ~dermatological reaction~ What was the bullshit name she gave her last cold, or was it tummy ache?
Boring pic of a castle in Budapest. She wants to travel. If she was that determined she'd get casual jobs in Europe.
The trip to Barcelona didn't happen unless I missed that one. She was meant to be going there with Berto. She never made it to London either.
No. 708005
File: 1539121281469.jpeg (177.89 KB, 631x1091, F9AB136A-3CA6-4099-8D26-4050FC…)

What is up with her eyelid in this pic
No. 708691
>>706748She does this with every single person she mentions online, including dead relatives
>>707323Isnt the legal drinking age 16 in Italy? i mean, it makes sense that she’s referring to alcohol when she mentions “waiting 16 years”
No. 708853
>>708005She's always had wrinkly skin in that area, it's more noticeable in some pics.
How long before she gets fired for being off ill with her mortal sore throat? She hasn't mentioned Berto in ages and today her hamster is the only thing that gives her unconditional love.
No. 708982
File: 1539191908340.jpeg (213.15 KB, 639x792, E7BBC4BD-6C03-4C5D-A368-A340AC…)

What in the bloody fuck is this outfit
No. 708983
File: 1539191955446.jpeg (176.12 KB, 640x872, 7FBC8340-E353-4E0A-9FE6-1976AC…)

Also I guess she’s now back to drinking Ensure?? What??
No. 709044
omg the cup is back maybe she will finally fix her hair!!
No. 709089
File: 1539199710942.png (1.29 MB, 1080x1834, request plz.png)

>>709006>>709044Okay, so she's got the spoopy cup. Relapse 100% confirmed (!)
She feels ashamed of wearing specs yet no embarrassment at that ridiculous ribbon in her hair?
As my ma would say, if you're well enough to go out youre well enough to go to school.
Odd how her health was really good when she was a sp00p - no colds, no viruses…as soon as she has to work she has a different one for every job she has.
I would love a return to img.
No. 709090
File: 1539199779751.png (922.51 KB, 934x598, cup.png)

Hello darkness my dear friend #tb
No. 709202
File: 1539206259152.png (714.23 KB, 640x1136, 0C1F578C-D930-45D2-A8EE-BA494C…)

Copying tinyboosteps with the steamed milk? It would go along with her constant asspats she doles out to her
No. 709243
>>709202Ugh, Disney. She's retreated into dangerous ana territory there.
She'll see Boosteps as thinspo probably.
No. 709244
File: 1539209264421.jpg (52.76 KB, 730x548, cute.jpg)

(fuck soz forgot sage. here's a cute kitten to say sorry)
No. 709259
File: 1539209786673.jpg (14.19 KB, 240x210, images.jpg)

>>709251Because next it'll be heart shaped bowls, unicorns and pink, teddy bears and childish interests.
No. 709264
File: 1539210014324.jpg (31.93 KB, 500x300, 48358e1eb47df42026d2822eb9f4a5…)

tfw you suspect this is Aly's confession.
>>709261Stacks of insta anas are into Disney. Ash is into Disney. Cooney's into Disney. It's a symptom of ED for many young women. I'm a doctor.
No. 710433
File: 1539291720254.png (818.32 KB, 640x1136, 3B9963BD-FD8A-4C71-90CF-052A3D…)

Guys, she’s delving again. 100% relapse
No. 710441
>>710433I'm waiting for LUSH (!)
Damn, she's dragging this sore throat out.
No. 710949
>>710440>>710537I actually wanted to write that. I can only talk about my experience, I wasn't obsessed with Disney stuff but with small cutlery/utensils because by using them my portions would not look that small and it would take longer to eat.
So I do think thats one of the main reasons behind why they all get obsessed with disney, even though I think for some it really is a way of regressing into being a child, the whole "not growing up" is a huge thing behind some peoples EDs
>>710530wasn't there a "where are they now" thread already?
No. 710974
(*disabled it. It was completely gone just a minute ago but I went back to check again and now it just says no posts yet so I guess she disabled it again.)
No. 711948
File: 1539452686093.jpg (41.7 KB, 469x364, no.JPG)

How will she react when she has only 3 viewers?
No. 712489
File: 1539525376855.png (457.4 KB, 1048x1367, Screenshot_20181014-155132.png)

No. 712494
>>712489Man, I wanted to say good for her but it's probably just her trying to restrict more. She also never really are a lot of meat, apart from burgers.
>>711948Anyone going to watch if it happens?
No. 712499
File: 1539528014508.png (414.58 KB, 610x457, He6BRkx.png)

>>712489I don't see how she can be comfortable looking at and eating baby octopi and fucking tentacles on her plate yet she's suddenly all into animal welfare. She likes to pick up on trends to seem relevant, so I'm waiting for her to come out as being vegan.
Not sure about watching her live. I feel like sleeping and I'm not going to put it off if she's going to cry ~muh social phobia~ :sadface:
No. 712504
File: 1539528746414.jpg (42.5 KB, 486x446, aww cute.JPG)

She's back to wearing her sp00py skirt.
No. 712524
File: 1539531505065.jpg (84.19 KB, 1080x518, Screenshot_20181014-173505~2.j…)

Wow when was the last time he commented on one of her posts
No. 712602
>>712592Yes, she seems so kind and nice, idk if it's just pure facade but she's being really sweet and thanking everyone all the time, really different from what I've seen from her in pictures / videos. I'm surprised tbh
She said something along the lines that she had to go back to her parent's but I didn't get why.
No. 712876
File: 1539563333445.jpg (50.41 KB, 313x500, aly.jpg)

>>712602> it's just pure facadeConstant lies, passive aggressiveness, controlling her followers, etc etc. Lest not forget.
She's as genuine as an "authentic" Gucci bag for £20 on ebay.
No. 712898
File: 1539565663188.png (3.28 MB, 750x1334, 02D4DD48-45E8-4723-BFE6-2E48BD…)

Screencap from her live, she chose a bad angle with terrible lighting which makes her face look super puffy, unfortunately. But I was surprised by how well spoken she was.
No. 713079
>>712898what exactly do you mean by well spoken?
just the extent of her english vocab or..?
No. 713441
File: 1539628471674.png (324.61 KB, 480x588, wp_ss_20181015_0002.png)

She's dying in hospital or something
No. 713601
File: 1539640651390.jpg (34.52 KB, 293x333, private.JPG)

>>713560and ever more elusive…
Same old attention hoe
No. 713658
>>713651I thought she's done a wrist paper cut with the padding on there.
>>713652I agree. As much as I'd like more people to be veggie, it's difficult (or it used to be, maybe things have changed?) to find the right balance of nutrients at first. Her Ma seemed to cook a lot of things with minced beef. Aly can't cook and so who knows what she'd eat.
No. 713721
>>713658>>713682I didn't even notice that.
Considering how out of character she's been lately I do wonder if something more serious than usual is going on (not necessarily in regards to the hospital visit, but in general).
No. 713941
>>713419No shit, eating disorders are a coping mechanism/addiction. In some people starvation can mute anxiety and other unpleasant feelings, she didn't become a spoop entirely for attention even if seems that way.
I'm not surprised she seems more stable now, she was also less nutty back then too. She is clearly relapsing which is ironic considering the title of this thread. Hopefully it's a short one and she gets actual help. She never recovered, just did a 180 which sent her spinning right back.
No. 713951
File: 1539666356695.jpg (434.11 KB, 720x1891, IMG_20181016_070513.jpg)

I guess, spoonie confirmed?
Someone knows the fuck happened?
No. 714234
File: 1539711447374.png (1.41 MB, 640x1136, D2198B0C-8253-4258-ADFB-C47AC7…)

Our poor immunosuppressed recovery queer
No. 714267
File: 1539714065247.jpeg (171.55 KB, 640x898, B65F1F08-A603-4F90-991A-804FA3…)

I always get the creeps whenever she asks
>can you feel me
No. 714269
>>714267Lol. All that for a blood test, Jesus.
I remember when "I feel you" was a popular saying. She picked up on it too late as usual. Nobody feels me and I feel no one. Too much touchy feely can be a bad thing.
No. 714329
>>710433She really needs to hit up therapy soon, if she relapses I doubt she'll get hit by another car and gain weight again.
I wanna be optimistic and say she's just leaning out after months of recovery bloat but who knows.
No. 714829
File: 1539759224414.png (234.06 KB, 640x1136, 589BE712-6601-4F96-A927-5E1720…)

Oh my god you have a cold you dramatic cow
No. 715301
File: 1539809244325.jpeg (428.52 KB, 640x1005, 7BAA3047-5766-407D-85DA-4BA47A…)

She really is becoming a munchie
No. 715303
File: 1539809337486.png (1.25 MB, 640x1136, B65100F7-9FFE-4F96-8786-D64F0F…)

Got a glimpse of the actual colour of her teeth here too
No. 715454
File: 1539818331960.jpg (27.88 KB, 601x375, which shade.jpg)

>when we’re #weak or sick it is the moment when we most need #love and #helpspeaks volumes.
>>715303Oh god.
No. 715704
>>715454Definitely got that Flaxen shade.
>>715301I noticed a fair amount of anachans seem to also be munchies. I’m surprised Aly was never really on that wagon too often. She just acts like a guy when they get a cold. Acts like a baby and whines for someone to care about her. Blowing symptoms out of proportion.
No. 715946
>>715704The friend I have who exaggerates basic illnesses and gives them fancy names (Aly style) had a mother who treated her like a child. I spent a weekend with her family when we were at uni and that's when it clicked that her ma was the reason she was a pretty useless person (Aly style) because the mother never really let her grow up. It's odd because I can't see Ma C being like that somehow, although we'll never know.
The ana chans who're Munchie all have that mother attachment thing going on.
No. 716036
File: 1539877346963.jpg (41.75 KB, 310x463, Capture.JPG)

Whether she's off with the sniffles or a tummy ache, her stans always tell her to stay off work longer. They're a lazy bunch of dipshits.
She's fooled with her 5 year old plastic cup though,
No. 716439
File: 1539912092976.jpg (76.84 KB, 275x239, 1439569483705.jpg)

Aly is still around?
And she's still the same old attention whore.
Manipulation, drama and control.
See you again next year.
No. 717191
File: 1539993502863.jpeg (220.15 KB, 640x892, FBA62DF6-0DB6-4536-ADDF-5B0E8C…)

Thank GOD they found a cure for princess Aly
No. 717394
>>717191"Cure for the infection" aka they gave her some overpriced cold medicine and she rode it out.
I'm sure getting doted on by nurses and concerned Instagram followers was a huge accomplishment in her mind.
No. 717438
>>717425Yeah, I was thinking that. Did she once mention migraines because maybe that's the new unbearable (!) illness she'll come up with (and making everyone think it's potentially a brain tumour while she's at it).
>cure for the infectionShe finished a 7 day course of antibiotics.
No. 718871
File: 1540242356603.png (904.45 KB, 640x1136, D01E5CB7-33D3-4396-85D8-1A1420…)

>not a bodycheck
No. 718879
>>718871So tiring sitting on her arse at a desk all day.
I reckon she's fuming that everyone keeps telling her she looks great when she really wants comments saying she looks thinner.
No. 718989
>>718871Relapse over? She’s back to showing off her body instead of hiding and trying to convince everyone she’s fine
Was her lapse from being ill for a few weeks?
No. 719629
File: 1540319758141.png (944.25 KB, 640x1136, C09FB622-34C3-4687-B4AF-1C7649…)

Aly wtf
No. 719638
File: 1540320115358.jpg (39.01 KB, 375x349, the H diet.jpg)

No. 719674
>>719629Based on a quick research I'm guessing this is a vitamin B12 injection. (First guess was she found a syringe and drew cranberry juice in it for drama.)
Also, those air bubbles? Isn't that shit dangerous if she were to accidentally stick that into a vein?
Alice Casati, died of a venous air embolism after self administered injection of cranberry juice.
No. 719859
File: 1540341938154.jpg (5.25 KB, 310x163, vit b12.jpg)

>>719674My bf has vit B12 shots. He keeps the shit in the fridge but has to go to the docs to have it injected. It's weird that they're letting her shoot it up herself.
This is SOOO Aly. Doesn't say what things are and makes people concerned (although nobody seems concerned). You're not so special, Aly, but do continue nurturing that Munchie within. It gives us lols.
No. 720233
File: 1540397526373.jpg (93.73 KB, 812x588, clingy.JPG)

>>720048A #clingy #significant #other. Just what #everybody needs.
Wait until the #pounds drop #off, Aly. He'll #leaveyou #again.
This is an old pic. She doesn't see much of him considering she's ~clingy~.
No. 720279
File: 1540401942244.jpeg (174.79 KB, 640x873, B3688002-A438-4A52-8C2D-E8A2FC…)

Spoop skirt again
No. 722352
File: 1540662000223.jpeg (150.1 KB, 640x792, 44E585BD-F44D-4FAF-BBE4-824EDB…)

So that’s why she’s lost weight, she’s been eating her glasses
No. 722365
File: 1540664541440.png (950.37 KB, 640x1136, 2352D68B-3DEC-4DF7-95A9-3F7F17…)

No. 722397
>>722352That one tooth she forgot to whiten.
Anyone going to watch her live tomorrow? I didn't bother last time and tbh I'd rather watch reruns of some shitty sitcom on telly for the 1000th time.
Can't believe she's struggling to become vegetarian. I don't believe there isn't a veggie cafe in Milan. She's so fucking idiotic I bet she hasn't even googled for one.
No. 722746
File: 1540736107349.jpeg (166.59 KB, 640x647, 29F450E6-297D-4721-8A7A-2607B7…)

Looks like this ugly fucking skirt is going to be a regular thing
No. 722920
File: 1540756277129.jpg (104.49 KB, 809x598, Capture.JPG)

She went out especially for a shoot (!)
>>722746At this point, this "skirt " is nothing more than a belt. How does she think this is a good look.
No. 723105
>>722710>>722807Me three! Favorite thread and best anons, didn't expect some of you are so close.
Followers are pointing out her weight loss again, and she is ignoring it, again. Also no live because of #insecurity. Worried of getting tough questions and being called out, I'd imagine.
No. 723107
File: 1540773865387.png (1.11 MB, 640x1136, 296CC290-8231-44F1-8E5F-DD4B36…)

Okay aly
No. 723146
>>723105I thought the same about her not doing livestream, seeing how someone said they liked the last Q&A plus she didn't address the question of her weight loss on a recent pic.
>>723107Damn, she looks older than early 20s sometimes. I'm going to #animalfiltershame her. I don't care if she's fat or thin, but that animal face filter has to go.
No. 723999
File: 1540930716827.png (466.15 KB, 800x447, Untitled.png)

The donnie with one bite has returned.
Also looks like she's giving dogsnpos the brush off. Passive aggressive much?
No. 725192
File: 1541128105782.jpg (113.17 KB, 720x612, _20181102_050407.JPG)

The.. the comments on this are seriously "omgg I didn't know about the cats that's so awful!!"
Always amazes me how simple these people are.
No. 725280
File: 1541150548692.jpg (21.87 KB, 278x241, Capture.JPG)

>>725192Her cat ears are the bunny ears she wore for Halloween last year.
Has she never heard that cats and dogs are taken from the street to be used in labs or used for their fur or for dog training bait? If she really knew how harsh life was she'd fucking die.
No. 725308
>>725281girl visit a damn hair dresser or just do it yourself.
that shit needs to GO.
No. 725360
>>725339Black cat owner here–the ASPCA definitely fear mongered us into thinking the week of Halloween was like the Purge for black cats. For a while, I wouldn't let my indoor/outdoor outside at all during October, but we've never had an issue. She's just adding to this gross and stupid stigma of "black cats are evil and seen as satanic!".
>>725281 sucks so much. You're telling me she couldn't put together a better costume than that?
No. 725763
>>725740Yeah. I went back to the Halloween post last year to make sure they were the same ears.
She only really looked puffed up earlier this year. All the McDonalds must've caught up with her.
No. 725861
File: 1541247111393.png (1.34 MB, 640x1136, 5C7F1A73-C775-42FE-8BA3-EDFA6A…)

She keeps hinting that she’s “a mess right now” like bitch you never stopped. Interesting she’s using her new account for the same old reasons
No. 725878
File: 1541250722442.jpeg (178.49 KB, 640x902, F00F044F-5419-43E1-A7D1-1AD7E6…)

Yeah Aly, everything you do is vain
No. 725902
>>725861And same old fucking earrings. Who the f is Dobby?
>>725878At least she's realised it isn't "vanish"
No. 726022
>>725902Character from Harry Potter (that's literally all I know about Harry Potter, please don't ask more lmao).
And even more than the earrings, I hate that goddamn ugly as shit cat filter.
No. 726032
>>725902As said above, a HP character, a house elf.
"Dobby is a free elf" is a quote of his.
The fuck this has to do with you, Aly?
No. 726160
File: 1541289402483.gif (2.74 MB, 498x249, dobs.gif)

>>726032>>726022Thanks. I've never fancied the HP films or books. I just googled it and it's something to do with socks.
I hope this treat she's book herself is a hair cut and colour. A PROFESSIONAL one.
I notice she wussed out of the live stream again.
No. 726521
File: 1541343185607.jpg (73.73 KB, 595x548, 1433356162159.jpg)

Does anyone remember?
Those were the golden days!
No. 726593
File: 1541356115323.png (1.31 MB, 640x1136, DDF0D445-0D19-4D13-A7C9-C37663…)

She’s terrifying
No. 726594
File: 1541356190364.png (1.18 MB, 640x1136, D00CB49E-A3CA-4E35-819E-44F6B4…)

No. 726654
>>726593Her face looks so old. She shouldn't have that eye skin at her age.
>>726594Her desperation is so cringe re: Berto. Being her boyfriend must be a fucking nightmare. Being her mum, dad, brother, friend must be a fucking nightmare.
No. 726688
File: 1541369332119.jpeg (150.93 KB, 640x761, DDCFF8F6-E104-4BC9-96FB-49BFF3…)

What is this
No. 726699
>>726688It's touching the popped kernel of a corn with the tip of one's tongue while elegantly holding a paper bag containing other popped kernels of corn to touch with one's tongue.
Everybody's doing it. You're square if you aint.
I'd believe that was a green screen projection if someone said it was.
No. 726862
File: 1541395979385.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1242x2076, 877A8448-76A9-4906-9942-621A45…)

>>726688She looks like a creature void of a soul. Look at those eyes….like a lizard person.
No. 727004
File: 1541430380664.jpg (305.22 KB, 1204x1200, 1431550219073.jpg)

>>726976Nah, it sounds not 'unpopular' at all.
That girl just gains weight (if ever, hehe) at some of the most unfortunate places on her body…
And she's got no fashion taste at all. And a distinctively shitty sense of hairstyle.
>>726976 No. 727008
>>726976What the fuck are you talking about, she had those horrible folds around her mouth back in her spoopy days. The bloated look was bad but that would've settled eventually with a better diet.
I think a big part of the problem is her manic expressions, but you can't fix crazy.
No. 727016
File: 1541432985780.png (3.1 MB, 1214x1226, 1432496738006.png)

Oh, the irony!
She will starve herself to death in the land of the most gorgeous pasta meals.
Dumb whore. (Picture related)
No. 727040
>>727016Anyone who thinks this looks better than
>>726688 is delusional. She looks bad either way but at least she looks like a young woman with some fat on her face, as a spoop she looks like an old dude in a wig
No. 727072
>>727036Sounds like some wannarexic who just found the board and self posts in the ana chan thread (ie that glitternoodles fuckup).
If you think the Aids look is good, then print some old Aly pics out and stick em in your thinspo scrapbook.
Nobody wishes Aly a relapse. I find her lulzier now. Her weight was never the thing we laughed about.
It's sad that no shrink ever bothered to look at why she behaves the way she does.
No. 727139
>"Nobody wishes Aly a relapse."Well,
I do. Just to watch her suffer a bit more.
(a-logging) No. 727540
File: 1541522704416.png (899.39 KB, 601x596, Immagine.png)

We are there: relapse.
No. 727584
File: 1541527278031.jpg (56.36 KB, 394x383, unbelievably puffy.JPG)

she has been puffier
No. 727594
that's the way she's supposed to look.
Like some fat, Italian supermarket cashier.
No. 727709
File: 1541542857384.jpg (28.95 KB, 316x275, Capture.JPG)

>>727540These are just normal slim legs. We're too used to seeing her with them all puffed up like those hideous undies pics.
I'm not even sure she's losing weight. It's more like she lost the bloat/water retention.
Now she's encouraging her snowflake followers to tell her to quit her job because of migraines.
I do think her ~clinginess~ with Berto is related to her restricting though. Maybe. She's probably shit scared he'll leave again if she does the full on spoop thing.
No. 727868
File: 1541573761918.jpg (6.45 MB, 5000x5000, 1234.jpg)

>>727709It probably is mostly bloat/water weight but it looks to me like she's definitely lost some fat too.
I think it's more obvious when you put it side by side with pics from the last thread. Left is five months ago, center is 3 months ago.
No. 727931
>>727868she has the worst case of skinny fat i've ever seen.
where. are. your. quads. girl.
No. 727991
File: 1541605651883.jpeg (160.09 KB, 640x795, E05B9D2F-07BD-40A0-8B20-2EC703…)

This is the new pose now, huh?
No. 727994
>>727991I like how you can tell how long she stood there trying to get the picture
just right from how melted her cotton candy is
No. 728754
File: 1541701091232.jpeg (209.57 KB, 640x762, E55D18AA-F281-4C21-A09C-C8CA54…)

No. 728755
File: 1541701142183.jpeg (42.37 KB, 640x304, 61F55EB9-6C52-4CA3-B5A6-779B56…)

>>728754The caption to go with it.. what is it even supposed to mean?
No. 728844
>>728754That woman hasn't got any sense of style at all.
There are a lot of teenagers dressing and doing their makeup better than Aly.
Goodness she's driven by pure self-importance.
No. 728879
>>728755She means she felt liberated when she went from performing human ablutions in a bathroom to pretending to be a bunny and squatting in a bush. I could be wrong.
>>728770I'll nominate one when I get on my laptop.
>>728844That's a pre ED jacket she's been wearing and the other one's her bro's.
No. 728909
>>728907Sage pls. Your newfag is showing.
Is anon with skills still here? There haven't been any new Aly artworks for a long time and I think the theme could be updated a bit. There're at least 90 posts left to this thread and things are moving slowly atm, so no rush.
No. 729372
>>728770please don't use these, because she doesn't really look like this anymore. Use some other idiotic one, maybe one with the bunny filter she loves so much? We need a recent version of our recovery queer.
In the thread text, please also mention her obsession with tinyboosteps (she comments on every single post).
No. 729413
>>729032oh it's the typing style sperg who swears everyone is the same person
go shit up /ot/ lmao
No. 729919
>>729904Imagine having such a low amount of brain cells that you completely fall for Aly’s bullshit like this.
Also take in the hypocrisy when whiteknights are like “how dare you insult aly you pathetic losers!!!!!”. Cringe
No. 730567
File: 1541969795837.jpg (118.33 KB, 813x597, nay.JPG)

#winter #freezing
> #miniscule spoop skirt
> #0.05 denier tights
She certainly knows how to dress for the #WINTER
No. 730573
File: 1541970048662.jpg (54.29 KB, 417x588, chic.JPG)

She put a ribbon in her hair for this #firsttime (this year) hot chocolate. #recoverywin
That ribbon must've given her some extra heat.
No. 733853
File: 1542494766552.jpg (147.76 KB, 720x1046, _20181118_004155.JPG)

So her big birthday "aspect change" is a nose piercing. Waving fireworks at it must help healing it nice and well.
No. 733910
>>733853They still pierce noses with an ear piercing gun then? How 1980s.
It's an annual thing where she goes out with Ma to set off some pyrotechnic for her birthday. Remember her holding a sparkler outside the 12oz coffee joint?
Disappointed her big reveal wasn't a decent hair dye and cut.
No. 734139
>>733853I didn't notice it until you guys mentioned she had it already done. Was expecting a septum for some reason lol
It doesn't look that bad on her, but we'll see how it'll go with the rest of her tragic outfits
No. 734787
File: 1542648225346.jpg (82.36 KB, 593x598, effort.JPG)

Her birthday cake was a flan with a tealight/votive perched on top.
No. 734918
File: 1542662235652.jpeg (238.1 KB, 640x760, 12FBD0C2-3B05-45BC-83BC-E94898…)

She’s back on the “I’m underweight” train
No. 734986
File: 1542671274234.png (70.31 KB, 447x388, wp_ss_20181119_0001.png)

>>734918Bet she expected concern, but received none.
Img - guess lolcow is what brought these two delicate mother obsessive flakes together.
No. 735524
>>734986I can't help feeling like her and and many others just feel obligated to always comment and praise Aly, but it's just the same hollow, forced phrases.
Also, not trying to wk but Becky really isn't a cow and doesn't deserve any more shit, despite Aly's weird obsession with her.
No. 735788
>>735524Are you kidding?!? I'm with
>>735780 she thrives on attention more than Aly ever did. She won't recover in hospital because last time it gave her PTSD. Lol. Great excuse to hang around with her mum all day doing fuck all for the rest of her sad life. Wants asspats for being "brave" enough to wear her specs in public, daily spoopy ana pose bodychecks, constant whining and being a shit to her mother, 24/7 ~breakdowns~ yet manages to go out and do something almost every day…the girl's a fucking dick and mental illness is no excuse for that.
No. 735793
>>735788There are two things I wonder about her:
1 does she only eat that almond milk?
2 how does her face not look like a corpse?
No. 735798
>>735793She's nourished by psychic vampirism, draining the energy from everyone around her.
Btw, Onion shows her profile pic on his last vid about Cooney. He uses her as an example of spoops she follows. Lol.
No. 735826
File: 1542818673057.png (1.16 MB, 640x1136, D0CAA457-4D6A-44F4-A367-CC9C70…)

Regardless of weight, her facial expressions will always piss me off
No. 735833
File: 1542819819006.png (309.01 KB, 640x1136, C65B7B42-D259-4794-B96F-B7C8E9…)

>>735829Unbearable I guess? Also more shitty basic bitch tattoos incoming
No. 735893
>>735879She probably isn't looking after it and it's all red and crusty.
Has she quit this job? She's stopped taking dumb pics with the headphone mic on and she's around a lot fannying around with her cat. Vague references to ~co workers~ but I'm not convinced.
No. 735933
>>735893Given her history of self-importance and nutty stunts…
I would've kicked her out soon enough. People like her are poison in a work environment.
No. 736199
File: 1542886018639.jpeg (202.19 KB, 640x784, 895EAC35-3788-4DD8-B056-D1A2A3…)

She just gets more and more terrifying
No. 736332
File: 1542909882457.png (218.66 KB, 640x1136, DFFF5B2B-91A9-4138-A56F-DEC200…)

What is she trying to say here? That ‘women in the street’ think she’s spoopy again?
No. 736384
>>736275Aly recycling pix multiple times from some other photo session.
Film at eleven.
No. 736441
>>736332 Caring about "what people say about you, behind your back"? That's, first of all, a typically female thing.
But maybe for Ally it's more of a reassurance that she's still in the center of attraction.
Instagram was MADE for her ilk.
No. 736839
File: 1542995192045.jpg (36.76 KB, 394x429, cs.JPG)

>>736833She thinks what her ana followers think about eggs is important! How they cook them is important to her! She thinks it's important when her followers put up their Christmas decorations! She's so interested in other people like she asks what their favourite #winter #treat is! (Mine is staying in bed for 3 months under blankets and pretending the world doesn't exist) #motivational (!)
Img: Chew and spit?
No. 736862
File: 1542998818863.png (804.63 KB, 482x600, dumb_whore.PNG)

>>736839So she's asking her "true" Instagram followers for feedback. - That's just like vomiting up in the air and then pretending it's a warm rain.
No. 736868
File: 1542999135686.png (305.36 KB, 480x601, dumb_whore_2.PNG)

Ohmigod! Look, it's philosophical Aly again!
She's squeezing it very hard now.
"But Aly, what are those troubles in your life?" (Well, apart from being an orthorexic attention whore, that is).
No. 736893
File: 1543000928015.jpg (48.35 KB, 600x397, iceberg theory.jpg)

>>736868That's too deep for me.
No. 736906
File: 1543002522366.jpg (56.2 KB, 450x276, puff_aly.jpg)

I want old Aly back.
No. 736923
File: 1543005066520.jpg (199.09 KB, 1080x1919, 1668937372623762546_1347294776…)

I miss her breakdowns
No. 736924
File: 1543005105730.jpg (408.43 KB, 705x979, alice_casati.jpg)

And these shenanigans
No. 736927
File: 1543005477344.jpg (111.44 KB, 847x391, aly_wars.jpg)

>>736924Yeah, old memories come alive.
No. 737275
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I'm honestly curious where she works that they have "offices" like these? Startup company or something?
No. 737296
>>737275>>737277That's not a proper office or a work environment at all. Man, those are some shitty, cheap plastic chairs.
Looks more like one of those "Supervised injection sites" where heroin addicts can shoot their stuff so they won't dump their syringes in the childrens' playgrounds…
Stay classy, Aly!
No. 737338
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>>737275She works for this company. They advise people about property or some shit. offices are in this building. Near a Disney shop.
No. 737342
File: 1543084347961.jpg (145.78 KB, 1166x643, drow in my hot choc.JPG)

STREGHT is back
…and she's started talking about #cyberbullies again.
No. 737346
File: 1543084777228.png (680.31 KB, 816x600, boo_hoo_aly.PNG)

The war is on!
No. 737352
>>737346Props to the "So much fat in your face" guy.
That must've hurt, lol.
No. 737363
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The straw that broke the camels's back?
No. 737367
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Doubt this self proclaimed cutie is looking so serene right now.
No. 737380
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She'll be back soon enough, guys.
Dang, how could she live without her public asspats. Dat Girl needs to feed her compulsive craving for attention. - That's why she's here in the first place.
No. 737390
File: 1543088369786.png (865.55 KB, 1635x1014, 1533213809382.png)

>>737367Now that's more like it, I guess.
No. 737456
>>737338She went private again so I guess she's lurking.
Also yes, I remember that, I think she even posted something or tagged the company herself. Still incredibly odd for them not to have a proper office.
No. 737500
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>>736941Ha! Found it in an archived thread!
No. 737931
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This stupid hair ribbon triggers me so bad. That hoodie is probably whiter than her unedited teeth
No. 738044
>>737931It's freezing and she's wearing a cheap pair of thin leggings and top with a hoodie.
Her eyebrows
trigger me most and her crepey eye skin. I think she's plucked them even thinner.
No. 738053
File: 1543170912927.jpeg (522.86 KB, 640x790, F86A9C35-C2EE-46D4-B10A-FD26E3…)

The crazy eyes are coming back, slowly but surely.
No. 738087
File: 1543176693393.jpeg (89.84 KB, 1200x675, cq5dam.1200.675.jpeg)

>>737931Ladies and gents, we're getting closer.
No. 738540
File: 1543256201269.png (871.36 KB, 816x605, flip_aly.PNG)

"The girl from Italy who speaks out with a bow-tie in her mouth."
Mumble mumble.
No. 738559
I would make one, but it'll be shit. If nobody else makes one within the next hour, I'll post my shit effort.
We need a new thread to discuss the joys of lying on a park bench while your mother takes a picture of you with a bow shoved in your mouth (!)
No. 738568
>>738559Whatever you're planning - Just do it, Anon.
It cannot be uglier than Aly's clothing and her moronic poses.
It cannot be shittier than her character and her social behavior.
No. 738673
>>738658I'm LOVING it!
Bring it on!
No. 740431
>>740421That's good to hear.
But not exactly a surprise :->