File: 1524429918022.jpg (54.86 KB, 540x960, 30708542_2053027244712275_2067…)

No. 562452
Current phase: Gay
Facebook (currently deleted but may come back) background:
>Known for radically shifting "phases" often involving scene or emo aesthetics.>Is extremely religious and homophobic>Posts embarrassingly bad raps online including ones where she uses the n word>Has a nasty boyfriend who she breaks up with and gets back together with every so often>Gets large ugly tattoos to match each phase and then gets them removed when she moves on>Live at home with her parents who seem to not be bothered by her>Popular theory that she shops specifically from the clearance section at Hot Topic>Current phase is Melanie Martinez, may or may not be into ddlg>Posted a video of herself riding out of Walmart on a children's bike while dressed like a babyNew milk:
-Lil xan phase
-Got a butchered face tattoo
-Broke up with Willie. Did facebook live of him being arrested
-Came out as gay
-Got a girlfriend with 2 days. She's homeless and has gone to prison multiple times
-Deleted her facebook after someone pretended to be her as a joke.
No. 562465
File: 1524430491387.png (6.83 KB, 283x148, handicapped.PNG)

>>562460Yes. Fail to see how a batshit cow who formerly worked with the handicapped, who should know better, admitting her intent to cause serious harm is 'a joke'.
No. 562468
File: 1524430563672.jpeg (115.94 KB, 540x960, 07BB1373-FDA7-45CD-9FF4-E26183…)

>>562457This OP sounds like it was written by Kyle Smith.
Kyle is a ween who tried to troll Abby by dressing up as Abby and posting a picture pretending to be her on that weird Facebook Abby Brown Fan Cult page. She justified her weak attempt at trolling by saying she was trying to initiate a “Liquid Abby” saga, a la Chris Chan. (And proved to all of us how laughably new she is to the internet in general by acting as if knowing who Chris Chan is was a big deal.)
She posted a long justification for her actions in the previous thread and somehow managed to make herself sound even more pathetic than if she had just left it alone. She’s an overweight, malformed ween who picks on Abby and deliberately tries to tip the cow for her own 15 seconds of fame, once again proving that fat ugly chicks will do anything for attention.
Your OP sucks anon, and glosses over most of the important stuff that happened in the previous thread, like her face tattoo.
No. 562518
>>562487how does one join this cult
>>562499please, for the third time, can you post a screenshot of the bender quote
>>562512yeah i think this thread got taken over by facebook normies tbh
No. 562540
File: 1524433306430.png (407.31 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180421-225921.png)

No. 562542
File: 1524433327826.png (334.4 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180421-225913.png)

No. 562553
File: 1524433709816.jpg (85.1 KB, 1036x256, Screenshot_20180422-154744.jpg)

Yup within the last hr
No. 562616
>>562539well no shit. this fugly pig bitch ran abby off so there's no milk to post about. we might as well shit on the cunt who scared her off for ruining the milk.
her idea was retarded. the metal gear chris saga only lasted because he's autistic. abby isn't and she would know anyone trying to start that with her wasn't worth actually fighting with. not to mention kiwi had a board where they turned on liquid and his girlfriend because they kept trolling chris and raised his suspicions, and they turned out to be giant cows themselves. if anything chris should be a lesson that cowtipping ruins everything and cows are better left to be themselves because they're plenty milky.
No. 563628
>>563598Her snapchat public story.
No. 563720
>>563584aw she’s so happy in the video to receive it too. She says something along the lines of “thank you for the makeup wipes cause I really needed them”
this just makes me more bitter towards those fucking idiots from Facebook
No. 564103
File: 1524550064217.png (668.33 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180424-020623.png)

She is done with all social media. And just want to live her best life.
No. 564119
File: 1524551363698.jpg (80.18 KB, 720x960, realabby.jpg)

>>564096Who is the REAL Abby?
No. 564479
File: 1524594371132.jpg (60.13 KB, 540x960, IMG_8035.JPG)

No. 566472
File: 1524773374140.jpg (98.81 KB, 540x960, IMG_8099.JPG)

No. 566593
File: 1524781573808.jpg (296.16 KB, 870x1278, IMG_8116.JPG)

No. 566600
>>566593i think this is just fortuitous timing. she was already well into the gay thing because of her xan thing.
>>566575no that's his album cover. he's alive in the photo.
No. 567743
File: 1524890321524.png (1.43 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5751.PNG)

She's back on Facebook. With one friend so far - Hog boy of course.
No. 567846
>>567840He really doesn't like it though. That's why her going back to him is significant.
Oh, and that police thing about them staying away from each other.
No. 568088
>>568065whyyyyyyy abby why are you doing thisssss
at least try a new phase. punk, mori girl, kawaii, classic, like emos been done, go big or go home
No. 568167
File: 1524939422627.jpeg (395.73 KB, 750x849, E5F7F6D6-4D46-4BC2-ADCB-0B1500…)

The modern face of viral marketing
No. 568205
File: 1524942646986.png (1.54 MB, 1440x1820, 20180428_150709.png)

I give it a day before she is back with him. Its sad that she is so self aware of the phases, but only after she's done with one. Its sad to see her doing this again. But the attention of a cash cow never stops. I bet her parents are thrilled bosshog is back.
I can see her LGBT therapist helped!
No. 568241
>>568224Like , dating back with him? I knew she was hanging out. Just wasn't sure if she is done being gay.
>>568239Sad part is, a fan sent her things to remove her makeup. Doesn't look like she's using it.
No. 568283
File: 1524948566294.png (2 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_3591.PNG)

Cool knucks, bruh .
No. 568619
File: 1524966704186.png (102.58 KB, 750x1004, IMG_5763.PNG)

New YT video starts with her saying "waking up in my car" next to Boss Hog. Go Kathy Brown for not letting him back in her house again. I hope she sticks to her guns this time.
No. 569474
>>569463What is her new one?
Because "therealxabby" still has nothing on it.
No. 569496
File: 1525044857308.png (1.98 MB, 1440x1768, 20180429_192940.png)

Emo zero.
No. 569499
File: 1525044947160.png (728.99 KB, 670x936, 2487923474.png)

>>569368Thatb is a fair bit of blood there and, unfortunately, we know she probably didn't clean them out very well. It needs to be sanitized after. God this is going to get infected. Why do you do this to yourself, Abby? This is real physical damage. She's lucky the face tattoo didn't get infected, she keeps pushing her luck.
No. 569558
File: 1525046997457.jpg (451.16 KB, 703x1179, Screenshot_20180430-010925.jpg)

And just like that lil xan phase is done and sold lmfao
No. 570007
File: 1525092011933.jpg (40.66 KB, 640x537, IMG_0728.JPG)

>>570003If your definition of hardcore is piercing your lip without crying then you are a cow yourself, every emo/scene/alt kid has in some way experimented with it the same way they play with diy hair styles.
Jfc the abby thread is nothing but new fags and kids, I have never seen a thread with more white knights and ass lickers since Lainey and her gay husbands patreon start up.
No. 571527
File: 1525227413362.png (1.43 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180501-221352.png)

>>571511I can't even comprehend why this was made..
No. 571737
>>570003Homegirl has commitment, with that level of cold determination who knows what she could be capable of if she actually could keep a cohesive decision for more then a hot minute?
>>571565If the therapist hasn't told her to break up with Will within their first meeting then we already know they're garbage
No. 571908
File: 1525282042657.png (15.34 KB, 580x91, abby.png)

>>571879Lmao what. Comorbidity is very much a thing and if it's her therapist telling her that, she needs to get a better fucking therapist.
No. 572037
Let’s not start armchair diagnosing anyone, it’s as cringey and embarrassing as Abby herself.
Also, lol at the anons jumping down the throat of this therapist she’s seen once or twice. You’re really going to 1. take everything she says as gospel, and 2. make your own judgement based on that, after
one session? Go off I guess but your assumptions there are even more baseless than hers considering none of us are in the therapist’s office with her.
>>572012>>572000>>571737this thread reeks heavily of the Abby facebook groups.
No. 572058
File: 1525294703624.png (3.13 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_3634.PNG)

She's coloring Boss Hoggs hair .
Looks good , Bruhhh
No. 572638
File: 1525354354991.png (1.33 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5795.PNG)

Another video saying she's waking up in her car with Willie.
I think she's considering "homeless" to mean that she's not allowed to sleep inside her parents house with Boss Hog. I'm betting she's parked in the driveway and doing everything but sleeping inside.
No. 572829
File: 1525375796308.png (194.26 KB, 1038x546, Screen Shot 2018-05-03 at 2.29…)

So overjoyed that Abby is back… but look what I found while rummaging thru her fb.
No. 573167
>>573067Guess it's officially summer now
I didn't see Homeless Abby coming, ngl. You would think after she saw that girl actually living in her car she wouldn't be about it but I guess the allure of Willy's stench dick is just too strong? Or is it that she is allowed to park in the driveway and still use everything? If the Browns told her to kick rocks though, it'd last til the cops show up to take him away again
>>573142Pretty sure Kyle made this thread, she probably made the twitter so they could use screen names this time. Calf evolution in progress!
Abby is okay as far as cows go, I mean I wish most cows would just get it together but if they could, they wouldn't be cows to begin with. Abby doesn't necessarily deserve all that though, it's not like she is tuna or anything. Her thread wasn't even that mean til FB showed up here and I think even that was because someone directed them here the fucking ween
No. 573503
File: 1525434811974.jpg (83.95 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1525434491516.jpg)

No. 573639
File: 1525450376529.jpg (103.12 KB, 539x960, IMG_5815.JPG)

Oh my.
No. 573708
File: 1525455880139.png (2.03 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180504-134344.png)

Made her mom go emo swimming with her since hog boss was busy. I can't imagine the amount of uncomfortable it has to be when filming her. Kathy is such trooper.
No. 573794
>>573725Gays aren't executed in some part of the Middle East, or beaten up sometimes in Western Countries.
And Willie isn't a fugly fatty with swollen pink eyes. Shameful propaganda!
No. 573975
File: 1525478012810.png (1.14 MB, 898x596, hogboy.png)

A wild hog boss in it's natural habitat of the worlds most famous discount store, Walmart. If you look closely you can see an emo Abby leering in the distance studying her prey for the upcoming hunt, that will most likely last 2 years.
No. 574146
File: 1525495446120.png (174.57 KB, 1440x2447, 20180505_004215.png)

Looks like boss hog did something wrong already.
No. 574161
File: 1525496115901.png (146.59 KB, 1440x905, 20180505_005356.png)

>>574148 Read that wrong. Here.
No. 574315
File: 1525522023320.png (125.45 KB, 500x675, D84A06F0-9259-464B-813A-CC2523…)

>>573872>hog boy fully opening his eyes onceI refuse to believe that! It’s impossible!
No. 574845
File: 1525578377987.png (422.04 KB, 720x1024, 20180505_234420.png)

>>573639Same exact picture posted to their cancerous group around the same time. So more proof there is cancer infiltrating this thread
No. 574849
File: 1525579173542.png (124.25 KB, 720x934, 20180505_235643.png)

Facebook cancer that lurks and posts in this thread pt 2
No. 574850
File: 1525579189832.png (641.27 KB, 720x1199, 20180505_235714.png)

No. 574852
>>574849B O S S H O G
Funny how that nickname is suddenly being used over there now
No. 574856
File: 1525580126349.png (217.97 KB, 720x1217, 20180506_001426.png)

>>574845Upon further investigation, I'm convinced jo is not (one of the many) lurking here but Bianca is. I've been suspicious of her possibly lurking here and this just sets it in stone for me. Here's her comment under Jo's post
No. 574862
File: 1525580822571.png (131.76 KB, 720x579, 20180506_002531.png)

>>572012>>571294 Not only did Bianca post this to Facebook too but she's also parroting what other people said I'm the comments of her Facebook post
No. 574872
File: 1525582931883.png (412.4 KB, 720x937, 20180506_010107.png)

What kind of creature is This?
No. 574876
File: 1525583428952.png (95.84 KB, 720x532, 20180506_003743.png)

>>567700She's double posting. Funny how 8 days ago she was posting in the fb group about monetization and YouTube content while there was also someone in this thread posting about it too at the same time. Wow what a coincidence
No. 574979
>>574872talk about getting hit with an ugly stick, that stick straight up disrespected her ass.
can these fucking retards fuck off back to facebook where they belong?
No. 575091
File: 1525622605692.png (1.52 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20180506-115908.png)

She gave her mom an emo makeover…
Imagine bring her dad and filmimg/watching your daughter doing this to your wife..
No. 575123
>>575119I gotta disagree with you
I think it's adorable. A lot of people don't have good relationships with their parents, she's clearly very comfortable being herself around them and they support her through her identity crisis issues
No. 575407
>>575123there is a line between supportive and enabling…her parents passed that line long ago.
I know you're like desperate to see the light in the crazy that is abby brown, but you gotta see the reality kek.
A cute moment having fun with her mother would be grabbing ice cream together and sharing a laugh, or doing a craft together or something …. but turning your mom "emo" while your dad films is rather unsettling - especially when you realize this chicks in her mid 20s.
No. 576044
File: 1525723173748.png (1.81 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180507-155633.png)

In other news. Abby stuffed zero in a bag and took him to hottopic. The bag is pretty big, but I still don't feel this is right.
No. 576557
File: 1525757259781.jpg (140.5 KB, 539x792, IMG_8458.JPG)

No. 576630
File: 1525770480403.png (2.58 MB, 1080x1326, IMG_20180508_100228.png)

>>576557Hog daddy has his fucking instagram handle tattooed on his arm. Blurred the face because it genuinely makes my feel sick and no one needs that rosacea and acne ridden pug face in their life. Also apparently they're both trying to 'move on', how long do you give it before they're living in a box together again? I say a week max
No. 576633
>>576630I feel like he smells sour and yeasty. Also Abby made a
great job of that dye if that's after she did it when they were homeless. They've had so much drama and bullshit in that relationship and it's only been two years. I thought they'd been together way longer by the legacy of fuckery but nah they're just both insane.
No. 576934
>>576630It's his motto.
"Where there's a Will, there's a way."
See what he did there? kek
No. 577495
File: 1525890197437.png (1.15 MB, 1440x1530, 20180509_142152.png)

Hog boss low key posting pictures of him and Abby. Guess the scene girl from dollar general didn't work out.
No. 577497
File: 1525890419290.png (199.16 KB, 1440x1298, 20180509_142538.png)

Emo bois only guyz.
Waiting for her to start using "rawrr xD"
No. 577526
>>576952Who wants to be like Attila lmao
Only Willie
No. 577542
File: 1525895550020.png (1.31 MB, 1440x2123, 20180509_154746.png)

The amount of uneven her piercings are make me uncomfortable.
No. 577627
File: 1525901445538.png (155.22 KB, 1440x906, 20180509_172923.png)

>>577620She certainly is.
No. 577715
>>577554coming out and accepting same sex attraction is a process after growing up thinking marrying the opposite sex is your only option. i don't think that's all pig boss, it's also abby making sense of things and coming to terms.
>>577610ben savage
No. 577849
File: 1525918871308.png (357.84 KB, 750x1334, F3919D36-990F-43A3-A35D-E77CC8…)

Willie is live-streaming right now and I don’t think he’s handling the break up well. He’s legitimately so fucked up his friends think he’s gonna die.
No. 577858
File: 1525919740351.png (919.15 KB, 1136x640, 8A6271D2-C97D-4ABF-B638-0DC65C…)

>>577851>>577849samefag, I made an account to watch it and his profile is public so I didn’t have to add him. He looks like he’s about to nod the fuck out.
No. 577888
File: 1525921840825.png (733.25 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5862.PNG)

Wow… that video was eerie to watch. He was nodding out the entire time and couldn't open his eyes. It ended abruptly in the middle of passing out.
No. 577890
File: 1525921875403.png (563.94 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5864.PNG)

No. 577958
>>577865There was a popular post on Instagram about her. She probably deactivated again because of the "attention".
She also started to follow hog boss on Instagram again about 3 hours ago.
No. 578217
File: 1525973414174.png (2.23 MB, 1440x1950, 20180510_132842.png)

>>578202She's literally turning into hog boss.
No. 578779
File: 1526006662521.png (600.9 KB, 1440x1270, 20180510_224225.png)

At least she gave an explanation this time. She'll be back, as always.
No. 579101
File: 1526019508583.jpg (100.44 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3811.JPG)

Here's the insta post about her. The account has about 50k followers. No. 579179
>>579101There was another one going around too. It was made about 2 days ago. But damn.
Funny how she deletes her Facebook and not instagram, when the bullying was on Instagram.
No. 579402
>>579358Thank you! these newfags don't seem to get how it works and just start posting without thought.
>>578779She'll definitely be back because her numbers are highest on facebook.
No. 579515
File: 1526061492063.jpeg (388.79 KB, 1183x2102, 50865DF5-AFA2-4130-8433-0FAAB2…)

No. 579516
File: 1526061552548.jpeg (247.87 KB, 1024x1820, 8D219B11-6C3E-44AA-9733-31902C…)

Just her tagged in his weird video. I’m sure she was recording. Also if youre on insta, he’s got a weird pee stain in this video
No. 579636
>>579629>>579585>>579358are all correct. the obvious Facebook users in this thread have got to go. the report button probably gets used in this thread at an alarming rate.
posts like these:
>>579625>>579404>>579344>>579227>>578586are completely ruining any good potential the thread has for true criticism, turning it into another Facebook group where posting old milk and saying things like “I would fight Abby I hate that dumb bitch!” are perfectly accepted and encouraged.
if you are here from facebook, please read the site rules. we can all tell you’re not an integrated user of this site and you’re shitting it up for all of us. not to mini-mod but i’ve reported so many things in this thread, half of it by now is clearly not farmers.
No. 580866
File: 1526173413054.jpg (241.23 KB, 876x960, IMG_8584.JPG)

No. 581231
>>580866It's still so difficult for me to not see this as performance art. She's so far past the point of post-irony it's satirical. Her phases are all mockeries of shitty youth subcultures of the 2000s; DDLG, Soundcloud rappers, Fake gay kids, and now 2006-era scenemo.
I think the most interesting aspect of her current phase is that it's over a decade past its expiration date. Emo was already falling out of fashion when she was in high school. And yet, she weirdly is able to encapsulate like, such an absurd representation of emo that there's no other way she could be anything but parody.
Like the edit here:
>>576557This looks exactly like it was made on the family's desktop computer using MS Paint, and then uploaded to an album on Photobucket named "rAnDuM pIcS oF mE XDD". Honestly all she needs are some Blingee stickers.
I mean, on a realistic level I understand she's a mentally ill girl in a toxic relationship who has become the internet's freakshow. But at the same time, if she came out as an incredibly elaborate troll, I wouldn't be totally surprised.
No. 581271
>>581231idk how many times this has to be said on this thread: it was a melanie martinez phase not a DDLG phase. she copied everything melanie did down to a T - and melanie wasn’t/isn’t openly into DDLG either so there’d be no reason for abby to be. melanie’s interest in childlike aesthetics was apart of her crybaby character, she didn’t dress like that in every day settings. abby just took it way too far and started wearing pacifiers in public, because this
is abby we’re talking about.
No. 582521
File: 1526312144856.png (30.72 KB, 672x268, Screenshot (226).png)

No. 582552
>>582262if i was trying to help/control her i would have sent that to her, but that would be useless. its just my opinion
this is an internet thread to talk about abby you guys are so nit picky about what is said on here, why? its like no body can say anything for conversation here unless you deem it 'good enough'
No. 582581
>>582552Have you missed all the posts that are clearly from people who have no idea how to use this imageboard? We have countless bored Facebook weirdos in here masquerading as informed users. Of course that gets nitpicked. We’re trying to observe the cow, not whine about her
abusing the gay community!!1!1 or “make conversation.” This isn’t like a forum or a Facebook group, it’s called an imageboard because you’re meant to post milky screenshots/videos. Sage for off-topic but several anons have noticed this problem, that’s why you see a lot of visible warns/bans in this thread.
No. 582797
>>582683screen cap?
>>582710stop bumping the thread
No. 582805
File: 1526332039409.png (2.03 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-05-14-14-06-08…)

UH, guys. Is this real? Dear God, I think she's gonna have a downward spiral really quick if she's having a baby.
No. 582813
File: 1526332317006.png (2.51 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-05-14-14-12-00…)

Side note; I'm the anon who just posted the ultrasound, I've been on these boards just lurking for like 2 years now so forgive me if I didn't post that as I should. I'm on mobile and I've never really understood how to post and sage and all that. (Hence me never posting till now.) I'm also not sure if that's actually her Instagram because she keeps deleting and remaking them and I'm not sure if it's a troll pretending to be her, because they're posting weird edited images like this, as well.
No. 583097
>>582813we all gotta start somewhere! will teach you about board functions, saging etc will teach you the rules
No. 583099
File: 1526347142647.png (100.11 KB, 750x1334, 241E5709-6B8A-4B26-83F6-AC4047…)

Instagram is confirmed fake by Abby herself.
No. 583165
>>582813Sure jan
You're probably the same loser who made the fake Twitter. You Facebook freaks will stop at nothing to keep harassing her. Y'all are so desperate for attention you can't just sit back and enjoy the natural milk flow. Pathetic. Abby is plenty milky on her own she doesn't need to be tormented into hiding again
No. 584734
File: 1526473262941.png (1.31 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5933.PNG)

Here we go again.
No. 584735
File: 1526473324886.png (345.96 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5935.PNG)

No. 584802
File: 1526479081958.jpg (121.15 KB, 960x1280, FB_IMG_1526478937910.jpg)

That didn't last long.
I'm waiting for her parentds to set up security cameras to catch hog boss and xabby in the act.
No. 584907
File: 1526485857145.jpg (59.72 KB, 639x691, 32416508_1263658900430964_3636…)

>>584905You can see it here, don't know if it's new or not, maybe why she's been keeping her gloves on?
No. 586899
File: 1526602564913.jpeg (447.52 KB, 1200x1783, 5F809808-6BE2-479F-9DAB-AFA65F…)

No. 586988
File: 1526610016160.jpg (28.04 KB, 355x355, 517be1-KkPL._SY355_.jpg)

>asymmetrical crooked lip piercingsTheir eyes look like [pic related]
No. 587464
File: 1526664044130.gif (1.35 MB, 472x266, 4B7A6F04-39E7-4B5A-BCC2-8E6480…)

>>586952I agree tbh. I can’t think of any other people that could handle their personalities as they can with each other. Though when she dated Robbie, I really did think there’d be a change, but I guess her real self couldn’t be contained for long.
I’m still banking on this
>>581231She reminds me of this very passionate IRL parody of the MySpace era emos/scene queens, a parody of kaka herself, if she put more effort into it. I’d pay to see her do a rendition of kota and kaka.
I think the FBfags are realizing they suck at integrating (and were not taking it), so they’ve fucked slightly back off to their mothership, and that’s why we’re seeing more alt Abby accounts, more mean comments, and somewhere most likely a new Facebook group for Abby has probably popped up.
Good for us, but bad bad for the future milk, if the FBfags keep it up she’ll either sperg out and shut down or start filtering/privating/posting less the delicious, whole milk she generously and publicly provides, to a trickle of 2%. Either way they’re going to fuck everything up,
again. No. 587960
>>575868Seriously this video was made for a joke between friends then some fucker steals it and tried to out me
call me a cow all you want but that aint my youtube channel or my name and you fuckers wont find my content for a thread
(no one cares) No. 588535
>>583029 no Abby will just cut them out even if they are nice to her. Like she's judmental and acts high and mighty when really she's a pos. Example say she meets someone and they have a car one piece of garbage she'll go off on them and block them. Your shoes dont match guess what she blocks you, make her a picture thats a blocking, got a tattoo with actual meaning and oh you better believe she'll block you. She's a shallow human being.
and quite honestly cancer personified. Put that cow out pasture. gotta find Better milk sources
(newfaggotry) No. 588602
File: 1526756353322.jpg (146.95 KB, 640x960, FB_IMG_1526756190650.jpg)

The poses she does makes me uncomfortable… This isn't sexy or seductive at all.
No. 588754
>>588703wonder if she did it herself just to have an excuse to push merch so she can get funds for future fashion purchases. which one of her many phases would she put on a shirt? would there be abby and willie shirts you could change when they break up and then get back together?
why do i kind of want this to happen, just to see how bad it would be.
No. 588766
File: 1526768841148.png (506.07 KB, 958x849, Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at 23.2…)

Girl doesn't even hide the extension, just fucks it in there and calls it a day
No. 588790
File: 1526772003626.png (296.52 KB, 994x957, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at 00.1…)

>>588754Some girl joked about it and they jumped down her throat as always
No. 588852
File: 1526775722172.png (219.2 KB, 996x749, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at 01.2…)

>>588602She's such a stereotype, and she seems to love it. I love it.
No. 588958
File: 1526782538449.png (424.1 KB, 750x1334, 26FE350B-01C0-45D2-B6A3-F0E537…)

Her being upset over the test being negative would imply she’s active trying to get pregnant, right? Ehhh…
No. 589337
File: 1526833528107.png (1.29 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5989.PNG)

Cash cow mode is officially activated. She is selling this cheap Walmart iron on shirt to the "highest bidder". Someone jokingly offered $100+ so she's going to go list it in Poshmark for that now. She really thinks someone will pay that.
No. 589344
File: 1526833927054.png (2.46 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5991.PNG)

No. 589345
File: 1526834014683.png (3.51 MB, 1536x2048, 0726CCB3-56BE-47A4-A8D1-085A25…)

No. 589371
File: 1526835492994.png (362.08 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5992.PNG)

Trying FB sales since clearly it didn't sell on Poshmark… and she lowered her price but it's still not reasonable.
No. 589398
File: 1526837512853.png (292.28 KB, 995x1141, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at 18.3…)

>>589371True colours maybe? I don't know, she flips personality so often but she's really going in on a girl who asked why it was such bad quality
No. 589401
File: 1526837898149.png (117.47 KB, 1004x458, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at 18.3…)

>>589398Reckon it's a manic phase right now?
No. 589438
File: 1526839554283.png (160.29 KB, 1440x872, 20180520_140409.png)

No. 589490
File: 1526842432556.png (176.4 KB, 1440x925, 20180520_145058.png)

I don't think she understands that's not how it works…
Her ego just keep setting as big as willies nose.
No. 589546
>>589490god Abby pls
what was that a few posts ago that your therapist told you not to overshare on Facebook?
No. 590466
File: 1526936420130.jpg (98.66 KB, 638x960, FB_IMG_1526936329572.jpg)

The amount she over saturated her hair when editing this picture makes it look so fake. .
No. 590594
File: 1526944580306.png (215.1 KB, 1440x1357, 20180521_191429.png)

The cringe
No. 590638
File: 1526948531041.jpeg (178.12 KB, 750x749, DE8F45FE-DE01-4FC8-81CB-019ACE…)

She has a job interview tomorrow. I can see her going to it dressed like this. When she had her scene phase she wore her rat nest scene wig and 2005 style clothes piercings and all to the interview and she wonders why she didn’t get the job. When you’re 24 and you can’t even get a minimum wage job that’s pretty damn sad.
No. 590763
>>590638>>590466She tries so hard to hide that crybaby tattoo that she got. Literally got it and hated it so much that she jumped phases the day after.
>>590739They are in Abby Brown's world.
No. 591038
>>590594They found a time machine and went back ten years. That's all that makes sense at this point.
>>590638Retarded question but has she ever tried applying to Hot Topic? She'd probably get an employee discount and could blow her whole paycheck outside of the clearance section for once.
No. 591136
File: 1527006445258.png (2.37 MB, 1440x2279, 20180522_122551.png)

I really hope she takes her piercings out, as well as the hair bow, and skull top. She won't get many jobs looking like that.
No. 591148
File: 1527007330932.png (335.09 KB, 1440x2016, 20180522_124030.png)

>>591143She said it wasn't, but nice try. 👌
No. 591380
>>591136Man she is looking worse than usual, I've been busy and not paying attention but wooow
>>591264FYE maybe? Fits the 2008 theme, shitty hair and piercings a must have, all the terrible cds your paycheck can afford..
No. 591595
File: 1527041573816.jpeg (99.87 KB, 720x960, 88A29B59-F067-406F-8DB2-C6DDCF…)

I’ve noticed she keeps writing her name in red text on all her photos lately. Does she think someone will steal her pictures and catfish using them? I think a catfish would use someone hotter and not someone so damn cringey who dresses like they’re 15
No. 591867
>>591309what would she do at a tattoo shop lol. they don't pay people just to hang out and considering her diy face tattoo and shitty lip piercings, no one respectable would have her do anything at a shop except leave.
she claims to have been to cosmetology school, forget if she has her license, why doesn't she try to get a salon job?
No. 592051
File: 1527097934545.png (2.15 MB, 1440x1704, 20180523_134710.png)

You don't say.
No. 592061
>>592051She's made another song. It's extra cringe Willie's response? "Rawr, you're so talented baby"
No. 592160
File: 1527105571168.png (158.3 KB, 1440x1172, 20180523_155742.png)

>>592113What makes it worse, that pink eye shadow/eyeliner she has been using.. It is just cheap dollar store LIP LINER. Not to mention her and hog share it.
No. 592346
>>592283Quite literally.
You can tell they're wearing the same shade of eyeliner (lip gloss). So sharing, and not washing it off. I'm waiting for the infection that the lip piercings didn't give us.
No. 592364
File: 1527119310552.jpg (26.85 KB, 720x703, FB_IMG_1527119122489.jpg)

Will looks pretty rough without the makeup.
No. 592817
File: 1527176632463.png (2.4 MB, 1048x1733, IMG_20180524_163958.png)

Scene phase 2.0 imminent? She's wearing things not strictly considered emo again
No. 592902
>>592817That, or she's just recycling the dress from her gay phase.
>>592849She actually looks like she's at a healthy weight though.
No. 593043
File: 1527200839764.jpg (174.85 KB, 303x960, 20180524_182044.jpg)

Oh god, no… Why
I feel like this is a look into the future. Once she realizes she can't get a steady job, she will be left with prostitution.
Imagine being her parent and taking this picture of her. How proud can you feel?
No. 593097
File: 1527206026555.jpg (229.04 KB, 750x1500, 1527205909245.jpg)

Someone tell me what's going on here.
No. 593407
File: 1527227107167.jpeg (277.62 KB, 638x960, C255128F-B784-4B62-A4C7-595167…)

>>593043Did she take this picture down? I can’t find it
Recycled scene phase incoming. That big stupid bow from her Melanie Martinez phase making a come back. The bow, pants, and pose are the scene phase creeping slowly
No. 593513
>>590638>>589398>>590663She thinks she's gorgeous and so much better than you.
No. 593563
>>593558>>593513Omg so you mean Abby doesn't totally hate herself and want to die? Omg what a bitch!! Lmao go back to Facebook you fucking retard lol
Abby thinking positively about herself isn't milk
No. 593700
>>593574Ntayrt, but it seems kinda obvious to me that she is just parroting faux-egotistical sentiments because that’s what people do on the internet. She doesn’t know how to handle anything without mimicking someone, and talking about how you’re the hottest and the best is what “famous” people do on the internet when others get hateful. Saying grandiose shit isn’t the same thing as being a narcissist,
and she’s bipolar, so she’s bound to spout grandiose nonsense from time to time, regardless.
No. 593782
File: 1527275402263.png (647.84 KB, 637x690, ab2.PNG)

newfag/lurker here and long time lurker on fb. the fb trolls really think they are clever.
No. 593785
File: 1527275462311.png (803.4 KB, 812x684, ab.PNG)

full size
No. 593789
>>593782>>593785Theres a separate thread for the fangroup cows
>>562569That said Abby looks nothing like that lol. Why are the people dedicated to hating her even bigger cows than she is?
No. 593793
>>593789thanks! I'll go post this there too.
Just yesterday one of the admins in one of the hate groups posted photos of abby and then a rant because abby is skinnier than her and about how it's just not fair. …eyeroll… like bitch, go to a gym. wtf.
No. 594176
>>593782>>593700exactly this. she's very impressionable. she's essentially a child. when she is vulnerable and isn't trying as hard to be efamous/liked, she's fairly normal and sweet. i just see this as part of her being hyperdefensive, that she now feels in order to be famous she needs to toughen up online and emulate more successful efamous people.
>>593785like, why even make something this nasty? her boobs aren't even saggy, nor does she even have a stomach. this just isn't accurate at all. she's not a mean enough person to deserve this much vitriolic shit.
No. 595845
File: 1527511472631.jpg (112.4 KB, 721x960, 33714972_1272919849504869_2417…)

she took the bottom ones out too, hasn't it been less than a month since she put them in? they're going to close up fucking fast if she doesnt put them back in
No. 595944
File: 1527524394385.png (169.04 KB, 750x1334, 25A11419-585D-41B1-8E58-6B217F…)

>>595845Nope, she’s trying to keep it classy.
She better be careful, she pierced them super high up, way higher than angelbites should be. And they look super red and angry, way more than a new piercing should be. She’s asking for a really dangerous infection if she doesn’t take them out right away.
No. 595993
>>59530524 is young though, who cares if she still going through cringy phases? Its not that serious so why are you so
triggered by it? Her phases are what makes her an interesting individual. Majority of people in their 20s go through cringe phases, maybe not to her extent, but nobody knows who they are in their 20s. You act like she's supposed to have it all figured out at 24. Lmao hell when I was in my early 20s I thought I was some granola hippy who loved festivals and shit. You do realize people are still developing mentally and physically at her age? Shes not even done growing up.
No. 596382
>>596374really hate that shit like this is allowed on YouTube.
anyway, once again no gloves, probably used the same needle for both holes, starts the first one the wrong way and ugh, just get an infection already. also lol at her classy comment b/c this right here is far fucking from it.
No. 597190
File: 1527641731342.jpeg (1.69 MB, 3345x2509, 7A5CE661-E163-40D2-81F3-1C34FC…)

Looks like we’re in a new phase guys. Scene queen is back, and she’s much better at it this time around. Also notice, the awful face tattoo is covered up.
No. 597196
File: 1527641815196.jpeg (161.13 KB, 739x739, 692C5881-BAEE-4957-814C-C0FC33…)

There’s also some recycled Nightmare Kid and Cry Baby gear thrown in there for good measure.
No. 597231
>>597190God I fucking love this crazy girl.
I feel like I'm taking a trip down memory lane watching her revive this phase
No. 597574
File: 1527692622913.png (220.16 KB, 750x1334, 8893212C-045D-429B-9518-137D49…)

I hope things will get better for her from here. She looks much better like this and was even able to get her job back.
No. 597624
File: 1527695382107.jpg (Spoiler Image,51.49 KB, 875x463, FB_IMG_1527695296306.jpg)

When people from her fb group think they're being witty and funny, but its really just sad.
No. 597673
would give me an excuse to be a little more eccentric
No. 597709
>>597701I agree. Abby seems like the type to absorb a bit of the personality of whoever she’s spending time with so some good friends could be a good influence on her and make her feel less dependent on Will. She seems genuinely sweet and carefree as well, so I feel like she’d be super fun to let loose with.
This is probably an unpopular opinion, but if you actually speak with Will he’s genuinely a nice dude and I think being away from Abby would be wonders on his mental state as well. He has a problem and needs to be in rehab, and they’re both super codependent and feed off of each other’s negative energy making them both abusive to each other. If they would just let each other go and move on I’m sure they’d both be able to grow up and have healthy relationships with other people.
No. 597735
>>597624Lmao all those sad women from Facebook are so jealous of her. They literally lose their fucking minds whenever she makes even the smallest bit of progress. Stay pressed retards . Try all they might, they will never be as interesting or iconic as her.
>>597667Samefag. I second this notion
No. 597777
>>597624That's fucking horrible, no matter how they feel about her she's a human being and they don't know her at all other than her appearance. She has a clearly strained relationship and it's not like we like him but we don't try and step in to their relationship or bully either of them. Ironic that these kinds of people run groups like "
insert thing ruins the party again" while doing this
No. 597792
>>597709I totally agree. you can see how toxic they are for each other(fingers crossed to them staying apart)
#team get Abby irl friends
No. 597941
>>597792did i miss something? i thought she was still with boss hog? they post back and forth on fb "i love you baby" "i love you too XD rawr"
when did they split again?
No. 597965
File: 1527719306865.png (1.64 MB, 1080x1086, IMG_20180530_232505.png)

Hate to say it but they look cute here. I think they love each other deeply, but that's the problem. They're obsessed with each other and they're really toxic to each other emotionally. I don't know how I feel about them being together
No. 597973
>>597965She posted the cutesy part of the Miss You lyrics, but I find it so ironic. The song fits them cause it's about an unhealthy, if not abusive relationship, probably without a happy ending. Wonder if she realizes that or just focuses on the Nightmare Before Christmas reference. I could see her thinking the "don't waste your time on me, you're already a voice inside my head (miss you, miss you)" lyrics are a cute confession.
And yeah, I know the song is rather self-explanatory, but Abby ignores the dark undertones.
No. 597982
>>597190The bangs are iffy but she looks a lot cuter with long hair.
>>597574I'm actually proud of how proud she is. She's trying to do better and getting results. With how childlike her demeanor can be and how dumb some of the decisions she makes are, it's really easy (for me at least) to forget that she's completely sound and wants to make progress. I still think her and Will are better apart, but I'm always wanting the best for her tbh. She can be naive and ignorant sometimes but I genuinely believe she's a decent person just trying her best.
No. 598142
>>597965this is actually a cute look for her, just wish she had more long hair than just the two chunks in front.
No. 598399
>>597965>>598243They seem like they have the potential to be a cute couple, but they both need a
lot of individual therapy before either one of them can be in a healthy relationship, with anyone. I have a feeling that if they were both emotionally healthy, they might not even want to be together. They don’t really have a whole lot in common other than some superficial shared interests of the Hot Topic variety, outside of their codependency.
No. 598488
>>597709As much as we’re all rooting for Abby I really do not think you all should be doing the same for Will since I don’t think he’s the type to ever change. Like It’s obvious he needs help and therapy for drug addiction/ his mental state but at the end of the day it’s obvious he’s not a good person.
>goes to trump rallies>is homophobic>pulled a knife on Abby and hits her>probably enables her impulsive decisions whenever she goes into a new phase (Abby suddenly started hanging out with Will again when her last bf sad no face tattoo allowed)>manipulates her back into a relationship whenever they break up and probably only wants to be in a relationship with her because he knows it’ll benefit him for fame, money, whatever else he could wantI wouldn’t even be surprised if he was stealing all of Abby’s clothes/possessions so he could pawn them off later for drug money. Does he even have a job? Her parents most likey know he’s on drugs and that’s probably why he isn’t allowed inside their house, because drug addicts steal whatever they can to support their habit. It seems like Will’s upbringing made him the person he is (which I’m not sure since since it seems like he has a half brother or something linked on his Facebook under the family section who seems to be doing pretty good for himself), not like Abby who was allowed to express herself but had things happen in her life that scared her into having contradictory views because she’s gullible and a people pleaser. Yeah Will could get help but people like him usually don’t especially when he has Abby in his shitty hog-grasp free to manipulate and ruin so I think it’s best to not wish will to get better but for him to fuck off. I’m not gonna continue shitting on Will because this is an Abby thread but I just wanted to put it out there: Just because they’re taking couple photos where they look cute really doesn’t mean anything and at the end of the day he’s bringing Abby down and she’ll never be at her full potential with him
No. 599850
File: 1527907489185.png (304.2 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6201.PNG)

Scrolling through comments and this pops up. She's comparing her mental imbalance to being a cancer patient.
No. 599861
File: 1527908367992.jpg (137.71 KB, 644x1024, 934e653e959a33e390a7a077fcfb9e…)

>>599850I think that she's trying to explain that her mental illness is an actual illness. The brain is apart of the body. Mental health and physical health are two sides of the same coin. She's surrounded by ignorant douche bags that constantly breath down her neck and laugh at her suffering.
No. 600443
File: 1527984805870.png (48.39 KB, 455x455, 4f5.png)

>>600441Do they feel no shame?
No. 601030
File: 1528053671464.png (36.72 KB, 1206x403, abbybrown1.png)

>>600983Seems she has lost weight! Proud of her. Now if she could just lose that piece of lard next to her…
No. 601774
File: 1528130003135.jpg (37.31 KB, 539x960, FB_IMG_1528129742143.jpg)

People from her fb group keep trying to tip the cow.. Spamming all of her posts with this screenshot.
Abby made a post (deleted it of course),stating there was a fake account going around of her posting mean things being said.
There has been fakes accounts of Abby before, so it might not be her. From the comments the way Abby talked doesn't seem like her. I've never seen her use 'smh'.
It could easily be her trying to grab attention too. Either way, they need to stop tipping.
No. 601820
File: 1528133755171.png (52.82 KB, 418x333, ab3.PNG)

>>601774I was just coming here to post this.
fb folks need to stop.
Although the admins of one group are doing some hardcore PI work to figure out if it is her or not.
There is also this:
SS might be shitty- but they now have her mother involved in this stupid shit.
No. 601831
>>601825>>601825Youre obv a facebook tard.
Ofc its faked. Jesus christ these groups are so pathetic.
No. 601997
>>601967can you blame her? these facebook tards will never fucking stop. no matter what she does, these groups full of fat, uneducated, insecure teen moms are always going to be waiting for her to post something so they can comment on it and try to bring her self-worth down to zero. it’s fucking sad. it’s a thousand times sadder than any of the shit i’ve seen in my three years on lolcow and that’s saying something.
PSA, if you’re here from facebook: do yourself a favour and don’t fucking post here anymore. we all know who you are within half a second and you’re never ever going to fit into the board culture that’s been established here. keep your stupid shit in your groups and don’t post it here again.
No. 602393
>>602095>>602101they fucking doxxed her. they bragged about it in one of those fb groups. they sent that latest screenshot to giant eagle, along with ss from years ago.
one girl went so far as to go on abbys youtube and comment a bunch of malicious shit, like hoping she gets cancer and sepsis. and again, bragged about it in that fucking gross ass group.
why are these people so proud to be so fucking disgusting to someone who is clearly and admittedly mentally ill?
No. 602597
>>602393yeah i saw that shit too. wtf is wrong with these fucking people? don't doxx her. shes got the mentality of a child. she works at a fucking grocery store, its not like she has some important job. these fucking fb groups take it too far.
No. 603000
>>602993Oh well let's all pile back onto that bitch. Thanks facebook!!
Her parents are obviously helping her get treatment and are prepared to tolerate what's happened. If they don't see those things as the end of the world, why should we?
No. 603006
>>603000You're welcome.
having a mental illness is an excuse to hit others now? Abuse is abuse. Hitting your family is abusive. Hitting your boyfriend is abusive (which she admitted to also doing). You can spin it however your sympathetic mind wants if it makes you feel more comfortable with that behavior. She needs to get her shit together and stop abusing people the few people she has left.
No. 603071
>>603026She has BPD and bipolar, and she takes responsibility for it as best as she can. She takes her meds, and stays in therapy when she has the insight, which is actually pretty impressive, considering that BD fucks with your self-assessment, and BPD distorts your thinking. She’s trying, which is more than can be said for most cows. Plus, the facebook autists are so cruel that i think a lot of people get white knighty
>>603006 >>603026obviously its not an excuse, and its never okay to hit someone, but there is a HUGE difference between an abuser and a very ill person who can be provoked to the point of lashing out physically. “Abuse is abuse” is a fucking retarded meaningless circular thing to say. Your black and white thinking is really juvenile.
No. 603383
>>603311Misdiagnoses and missed diagnoses happen all the time, and trauma is the core of BPD. There is a lot of Co morbidity with PTSD and BPD, then there are her identity issues, black and white thinking, clinging to toxic relationships,
being toxic in a relationship, needing to always be in a relationship, hx of self harm, splitting on people…I could go on.
No. 620903
File: 1529935135820.png (3.65 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6454.PNG)

She's back! I hope some of the trolls have died off.
No. 620942
File: 1529937325619.png (Spoiler Image,3.08 MB, 750x1334, 31191699-D465-454E-BD6D-14AB58…)

Whoever guessed ICP for next phase please collect your prize
No. 621083
>>620942I. Fucking. Knew. It!
Other anons called me crazy but I fucking knew she had a dormant Juggalette streak somewhere deep within herself. This is only the beginning. Juggalos are very rare in my neck of the woods so getting to watch one in action is very exciting.
No. 621154
File: 1529950694353.jpg (526.99 KB, 2000x1000, o-INSANE-CLOWN-POSSE-facebook.…)

>>621083Its not really juggalo.. She looks more goth/indie goth/rocker to me.
In case you didn't know what a juggalo looks like.
No. 621175
>>621154lmao anon… everyone knows what a juggalo looks like. a lot of female juggalos (juggalettes) don’t wear any facepaint at all. it’s a bit of a mixed bag from what i’ve gleaned over the internet in the past few years.
definitely not “indie” though, don’t know where the hell you got that from.
No. 621365
File: 1529965588988.jpeg (436.88 KB, 960x960, E29A098B-9B3F-47F5-B141-61DC39…)

Honestly she seems like she’s doing really really good. I hope she can stick with it, also even though her eyebrow is half gone this is not a terrible picture. I hope she can handle social media and not fall off again. WE WANT TO SEE YOU GROW AND BLOSSOM ABBY
No. 625151
>>623572I honestly hope this is all true and that she sticks with this. She seems more bubbly in a sincere way.
Also why would she not have this talk with her mom before or maybe they have who knows, but I'm happy for her.
No. 626215
File: 1530436367095.png (29.21 KB, 531x341, Capture (1).PNG)

Nicked from KF.
No. 627807
File: 1530620518745.png (183.19 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6535.PNG)

Here is where Will re-enters the picture. Ugh, I hope not this time around.
No. 628140
File: 1530653291092.png (160.84 KB, 750x1334, 18E800EC-EE56-4012-BB6A-BE9C4B…)

>>627807You will be disappointed.
No. 628198
File: 1530657698999.png (1.68 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180703-154145.png)

No. 628203
File: 1530658412227.gif (375.62 KB, 244x186, 325E4901-345A-4ACE-B327-C518C6…)

>>628198 NnnnnnnnooooooooOOOOOOO goddammit!
No. 628233
>>628226Why would she need $5 to get home from anothe town if she was on ecstasy…think…also don’t kids just take Molly these days? I haven’t heard anyone call it “e” in years. Anyway, Abby’s too broke for a drug habit and if she had one it would be all over social media. I think that’s one area that Abby probably isn’t being totally degnerate.
>>628223Kek it’s been said a thousand times in this thread - her parents aren’t like, southern baptists or anything. Abby picked up aggressive Christianity elsewhere (a nurse, apparently). Besides, her parents know better than anyone how meaningless her phases are. I guarantee they’re patting her on the head through this one just like the last.
No. 628240
File: 1530662491802.jpg (38.37 KB, 539x960, FB_IMG_1530662455457.jpg)

No. 628251
>>628240That is the most…uhh…
aspirational Bitmoji i have ever seen.
No. 628276
>>628240holy fuck I'm never calling my nose big ever again
he looks like a koala
No. 628300
Abby lacks the experience and foresight to realise that therapy and finding your identity are long processes. Being bipolar she probably can't settle her thoughts for long enough? I did think she looked worryingly hyper in his vid:
>>623572 Hope that through all these cycles she keeps up the therapy and keeps breaking it off with Will. Then one day it will stick. Her parents have the patience of saints.
No. 628507
>>628478The talking fast is classic mania. And she makes spontaneous decisions like hair changes and tattoos.
But correct me if I'm wrong, people wroth bpd have mania too, right? I just haven't seen her depressed. She should get on a mood stabilizer regardless. Lamictal or latuda could do wonders for her
No. 628611
>>628507People with BPD do not have mania in the sense that people with bipolar disorder do, but they can display symptoms that mimic it (impulsivity, elevated or agitated mood, sometimes full blown -but transient- psychosis, although that is not by any means common or 100% established as related to BPD).
>>628478Yes, there is more than one type of bipolar, not sure what point you’re trying to raise by asking that. You can definitely have both, and
>>628401 is right about them having a lot of overlap - they’re commonly mistaken for one another even by professionals. Identity issues aren’t a part of bipolar, but her type of mania isn’t part of BPD. She probably has both, but none of us know because none of us are clinicians evaluating her in a clinical setting.
Can we stop armchairing over this, now? All of these things have been said in this thread, and the previous one, multiple times, and most of these questions are very googleable.
No. 629276
File: 1530782827943.jpg (56.1 KB, 1024x905, abby.jpg)

>>629010Sigh, yes. Same with these types of comments surely.
New Youtube up, Abby singing in the car with Will.
No. 629978
File: 1530851374317.png (181.64 KB, 750x1334, 5C4E03E5-AE40-4BE2-BCF1-587658…)

They’re already broken up again.
No. 630074
>>629978It’s like the universe is
trying so hard to help her dodge this bullet and she just keeps loading the gun.
No. 630199
File: 1530888783929.jpg (337.68 KB, 1076x1047, Screenshot_20180706-095120_Fac…)

I wish Abby would just chill by herself. I feel like she's always grabbing on to others to validate herself. Broke up with the hog and is already onto the next. I saved a screenshot from another user of the guy in question I'll post next.
No. 630201
File: 1530888832883.jpg (203.88 KB, 640x975, 20180706_094945.jpg)

Has she ever mentioned him before?
No. 630207
>>630199She's very unstable, a little spacey, and impulsive, so I don't see that happening, although it'd be ideal.
>>630201Since I know she isn't put together enough to go it alone, I'm so hoping for him to be the prince charming that distracts her enough to forget about Willy
No. 630494
File: 1530918703930.png (105.18 KB, 1070x292, 20180706_161044.png)

I can't watch it right now but Abby just went live with this and I'm kind of concerned.
No. 630595
File: 1530927892272.jpg (704.8 KB, 1080x1498, 20180706_204112.jpg)

>>630583I can't see that. He has almost no friends on his Facebook page, and I mean, he has 19 friends BESIDES Abby. Anything's possible though. Why did he choose to put it out there for everyone to see vs just sending her a private message? It'll be interesting to see what happens between the two.
No. 633223
File: 1531249374229.png (162.68 KB, 750x1334, BA565393-83DA-4F9A-84D3-47BE0D…)

Poor bastard didn’t even last two hours after meeting her in person.
No. 633227
File: 1531249582367.jpeg (1010.28 KB, 2896x2896, 3DFF6A93-AA71-4E6E-B518-6E6E45…)

No. 633351
>>633227good, they look cute together. admittedly, he'd look less like a hick if he still had an 'emo' style. hope this really does keep her mind off willie, even if she did just humiliate him a little, it wasn't done purposefully, i'm sure.
i get it when you're still emotionally attached to one guy and you spend time with another and sometimes it just makes you feel more lonely, etc. hopefully their long convos made her less alone enough to realize she's not missing much by letting willie go
No. 633459
File: 1531266607543.png (1.74 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_3851.PNG)

Poor bastard
No. 633521
File: 1531273067837.png (150.63 KB, 1440x956, 20180710_213625.png)

No. 633522
File: 1531273146579.jpg (770.77 KB, 1080x1844, 20180710_202730.jpg)

His friends count jumped over the course of the day from 20 to 227. And he just put her phone number on Facebook!
No. 633523
File: 1531273232323.jpg (207.26 KB, 720x1280, 20180710_203119.jpg)

And I also picked this up from another user before Abby deleted it.
No. 633529
File: 1531273782417.jpeg (151.63 KB, 540x960, AC4916CD-C1FA-4AB4-BE76-8BADD6…)

This is Abby’s screenshot, I didn’t censor it. But damn Jaden takes no shit, guys.
No. 633538
>>633529that was really mature of abby, and a very nice message, and he goes and shits on her progress. what a trashbag.
>>633534no, she didn't. flirting with him and sleeping with him or not, he knew they weren't in a committed relationship and had to have known she was still emotionally attached to will. you don't humiliate a girl that was intimate with you just because you got rejected, especially when you know she's not all there. he sounds borderline worse than willie tbh
>>633523ew he's fucking disgusting. he'd be another willie anyways, possibly worse. good call then, abby
No. 633540
>>633539he said she rejected him here
>>633459so what if intentions were not clear? this isn't how a decent person responds to rejection. he's clearly the guilty party here. you sound like a fb fag already tbqh
No. 633807
File: 1531322075725.jpg (43.49 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1531322042874.jpg)

Didn't see anybody post this that I know of, but she doesn't look that bad in this pic…its just the eyebrows that piss me off.
No. 633833
File: 1531324990935.jpg (92.42 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1531320355194.jpg)

She's quite literally turning into Abby Brown.
No. 633834
File: 1531325019498.jpg (85.81 KB, 410x375, 20180711_120057.jpg)

No. 633850
File: 1531326762079.jpg (199.12 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1531326655944.jpg)

Recycling old picture poses.
No. 634190
>>633833Gyaru phase incoming.
>>633850Mom! Help me take another coffin pic!
No. 634566
File: 1531420018490.jpg (1.05 MB, 810x3031, 20180712_132535.jpg)

Abby got fired and is trying to turn it around on other people instead of understanding life is hard and sometimes you just have to suck it up.
No. 634657
File: 1531427130654.jpg (58.27 KB, 538x269, 36982987_1045525305601241_4957…)

Someone track down this video
No. 635251
File: 1531471516234.jpeg (204.26 KB, 605x979, 495AD72C-7FDA-4AC0-8647-44F30E…)

She has been telling people that Will is abusive to her. Of course this was a false allegation. I feel bad for her mother. Imagine adopting a child and raising them the best you can only for them to beat you up when they’re having a bad time.
No. 635252
File: 1531471659343.jpeg (211.16 KB, 990x925, 1395DC1F-9171-42C0-A324-3A6F96…)

No. 635350
>>635340Didn't she change up meds recently (in her gay phase)? See
>>574862 and
>>564009 from a few months ago.
No. 635371
>>635251So we have an edgelord phase now.
But in all honesty, even if what shes saying isn't true I feel bad for her mom that she'd boast about this.
No. 635403
>>635356speaking of facebook groups, anyone here have any ss? I left all the groups when she left the internet, and now I can't find them because they always have such obscure names.
Just curious as to how they are taking this 'new and improved' abby.
No. 635579
File: 1531508006396.png (679.73 KB, 597x599, hoggsnap.png)

Will and Abby got matching Friday 13th tattoos. Here's Hogg's one, can't find an up close picture of abby's.
No. 636494
File: 1531609174523.jpeg (328.72 KB, 1262x1800, image.jpeg)

britney WHO?
No. 636703
File: 1531624377281.jpg (91.05 KB, 720x960, 37024792_1317899818340205_4522…)

posted with the caption "My therapist and I decided to take a break on reprocessing emdr work until I get the Wellbutrin out of my system. So today he did a creative story writing thing with me just to get my mind off stuff. So here’s my silly story. I’m Andy and William Berkebile is Winona. 😆"
No. 637046
File: 1531667211389.png (1.97 MB, 1440x2109, 20180715_110409.png)

Please do not breed.
No. 637085
>>636744>>636783Y’all this was my immediate
what the fuck?! too.
EMDR and Wellbutrin are perhaps the most retarded possible responses to her symptom profile. She needs evidence based therapy and meds that won’t make her worse. A year of DBT and the right meds would change this girl’s life.
No. 637086
File: 1531669418715.jpg (79.29 KB, 539x960, 12MjQ8P.jpg)

Nicked from KF.
No. 637203
File: 1531673968070.png (240.58 KB, 509x593, wok6fOg.png)

>>637115The same kiwi posted this candid of Abby at work last week.
No. 637236
>>637203If this person actually went out with her, why would he have to take creepshots of her from the parking lot of her job? This sounds like some facebook autist nonsense, to me. I’m not even sure how this is supposed to be evidence of those claims….
The amount of fuckery and cowtipping that goes on with the people who follow her drama makes it impossible to believe 99% of what they claim.
No. 637242
File: 1531675023049.jpeg (394.41 KB, 2048x1536, B3DF31E6-AB2D-446E-A4AC-171248…)

>>637203This is probably an unpopular opinion but I don’t hate this hair concept, and would love an Annie Lennox phase.
No. 637248
>>637236The person who went out with her is not reputed to be the person who took
No. 637331
>>637271no. all her posts are public. screenshots of her selfies were shared on a bunch of meme pages, this is also how a lot of other fb cows get known. when i still used facebook i’d see accounts like hers all the time, there’s tons of messy people out there who don’t care about how many strangers they’re exposing themselves to. these people have all had mini scandals within their own little audiences, abby’s was her homophobic comments. another girl named aakkii cera was in a very similar position but unlike abby, she was a giant malignant tumour who didn’t care about who she hurt, and that culminated in her smoking her cat’s ashes after it apparently died from neglect. there’s tons of these cows that also have hidden dedicated facebook groups full of weird fat mid-20s housemoms from the midwest who dissect their every move, just like the ones for abby.
TL;DR facebook = lolcow for normies, most of the action is hidden away from the surface but some of the shit always floats to the top. sage for offtopic but i hope i shed some light on this for you
No. 637553
>>637086>>637203i nicked these (and all my Abby content) from the super secretive facebook group. not sure who took either of them at this point. shit on the facebook group is so hard to keep track of because they have to nest everything to avoid the zucc.
the people on there (and on KF) are autists sure, but Shrek did mention that Abby gave a guy an std on that one dramatic facebook live that ended with her calling the cops on him.
No. 639608
File: 1531872367122.jpg (92.1 KB, 329x598, 20180717_200211.jpg)

That foundation
No. 639625
File: 1531873010154.png (2.3 MB, 1440x1777, 20180717_201158.png)

No. 639626
File: 1531873055956.png (2.36 MB, 1440x1764, 20180717_201225.png)

Xabby in the wild.
No. 639627
File: 1531873085369.png (2.1 MB, 1440x1800, 20180717_201252.png)

No. 639632
File: 1531873352725.png (1.33 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20180717-201822.png)

"Will the real Slim Abby please stand up".
Sad because she doesn't even know her real self.
No. 640081
>>639979idiots is right. bipolar people are not supposed to take antidepressants. it causes mania. i work in a mental health clinic and have seen it happen first hand because a patient was lying to us and covering their symptoms. but once that mania hit it was very clear what the deal was.
i rather her smoke her lungs out than to continue on her manic cycle.
No. 640314
File: 1531943447737.png (11.96 KB, 521x187, IqpAu84.png)

>>640161She buzzed off her hair because it was full of glue from the death hawk. She dyed it orange cause it's her favorite color. But then [pic related].
No. 640321
File: 1531943536716.png (283.83 KB, 513x557, KHiszoT.png)

No. 640325
File: 1531943645999.png (965.12 KB, 558x695, Capture (1).PNG)

No. 640330
File: 1531943828777.png (919.72 KB, 520x834, Capture1 (1).PNG)

No. 640365
>>640120>>640161I'm convinced she's getting the "smear eyeshadow nothing else" look from Will
>>640321She looks sick. Like some shit you'd see in the pro-ana thread. Aw Jesus….gross.
No. 640768
>>640602That makes perfect sense.
>>640330I get that it’s Warped Tour, so wearing a small amount of tacky clothing is to be expected, but there’s still something particularly “how is this even an outfit, in Abby’s mind?” about this look.
No. 641189
File: 1532020785226.png (303.73 KB, 405x678, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2.PNG)

so abby posted a status asking for a meme harvest of her and hogg. someone posted this photo (saging because it's been posted here already) and she responded to it. pt 1 of 2
No. 641192
File: 1532020816682.png (130.33 KB, 433x664, aaaaaaaaa1.PNG)

>>641189She dropped names lol
No. 641572
File: 1532041887927.png (3.3 MB, 1440x2438, 20180719_190812.png)

Wonder if she's done with the whole 'I worship Satan' thing already. Or if she's just doing this to be edgy.
No. 641661
>>641572Kek anon there’s an upside down cross on her forehead. We’re still in heavy Motionless In White phase. Can’t say it’s a great look, but it’s less grating than religious Abby.
She really has lost quite a bit of weight, if she wasn’t slightly demented she could be really cute.
No. 642123
File: 1532070341768.jpg (79.54 KB, 960x712, bqRORpb.jpg)

Milk from the other farms.
No. 642125
File: 1532070410540.jpg (77.39 KB, 603x960, 27VMRyt.jpg)

No. 642127
File: 1532070486524.jpg (62.55 KB, 540x960, WI8Rah4.jpg)

No. 642128
File: 1532070510417.jpg (65.01 KB, 540x960, lMmGeZT.jpg)

No. 642192
File: 1532079115317.png (1.28 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-07-20-02-05-46…)

>I'm here to be myselfAs inspired by her oh so deep heart to heart with her mom
>>623572 three weeks ago.
No. 642194
File: 1532079386455.png (1.14 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-07-20-02-05-20…)

That sunburn.
No. 642197
File: 1532079450570.png (1.28 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-07-20-02-08-21…)

No. 642198
File: 1532079558631.png (1.28 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-07-20-02-18-51…)

No. 642199
File: 1532079621796.png (1.25 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-07-20-02-20-59…)

No. 642230
File: 1532087095135.png (696.21 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-07-20-04-39-57…)

>>642229She did her lips twice, and they looked the same the second time around.
No. 642234
File: 1532087292343.png (39.8 KB, 168x187, Screenshot_2018-07-20-04-39-57…)

>>642230Girl, what is you doing?
No. 642236
File: 1532088120866.png (997.57 KB, 800x1155, Screenshot_2018-07-20-04-56-54…)

She's selling a grip of Hello Kitty and Nightmare. I never thought I'd see her part with that Sally dress. Bonus for the buyer: Hogg has squeezed himself into it, too! No. 642595
File: 1532117484992.jpg (51.64 KB, 640x960, 37410022_1323754061088114_2615…)

cant even bother to hide the nasty dildo
No. 643104
>>642245I knew he was overweight but this is just nauseating.
He has the same skin folds as the pale man in pans labyrinth.
No. 643644
File: 1532210628871.png (341.05 KB, 1440x2449, 20180721_180053.png)

Looks like she dumped will because she wants a girl again, but is still going over to his house.
No. 644035
File: 1532257264395.jpg (35.54 KB, 306x423, F2012111616174759967201152.jpg)

>>642245lol he looks like pic related
No. 644544
File: 1532303877919.png (942.15 KB, 1440x2075, 20180722_195120.png)

Abby getting her bio mom wrapped up in her internet fame bullshit.
Also sad she hasn't talked to her since Abby and Robbie went to visit.
No. 644545
File: 1532303911640.png (804.4 KB, 1440x2043, 20180722_195148.png)

No. 644787
>>644544>>644545How is this Abby's fault? it's the facebook stalkers.
Also please learn to post: No. 644927
File: 1532336008222.jpg (115.18 KB, 581x960, IMG_20180723_041433.jpg)

>>644925Did she delete and repost, omitting "Thanks for leaving me again mom" and cropping out her reply?
No. 645063
>>644971 >>644927
Fuck off, Facebook. Y’all are absolutely terrible.
No. 645067
File: 1532356190916.png (1.19 MB, 1440x1424, 20180723_102648.png)

No. 645113
>>645067Yeah no she has every right to be pissed. Plus you have these fb fags who make everything 10x worse for her for no reason. Like stay tf out of her private life don't harass her birthing-unit when she is trying to get along with her.
These fucks wont even be happy when shes dead, they'll still try to find some fault in how she'll off herself.
No. 645148
>>645113People messaging any of her family is downright low. But at the same time. She wants to be a meme, she wants to be internet famous. This is what happens when you're a celeb, musician, actor, etc. If you do something to make people dislike you when you're at the "fame" status, people are going to do everything in their power to ruin you.
She knows how many people hate her. As well as tagged her family's full name in multiple things. With the way she pisses off the internet this is something that unavoidable sadly.
No. 645243
>>644790>got adopted>normal kid, in gifted classes, 127 IQ>turned 11, had a best friend also called Abby>touched each other, "normal kids shit">friend told everyone Abby molested her, everyone called her a dyke, got bullied out of school>(she used to think that maybe she actually did do something wrong but everyone told her she didn't)>used to come from school screaming, crying, completely fucked up, parents didn't understand>new school>acted as dumb as possible so she wouldn't be the weird nerdy girl, role model: Paris Hilton>felt broken, alone, fights at home, took everything out on her mom>a boy introduced her to emo, started cutting herself, obsessed with the boy, first kiss and love, really happy>broke up after 2 weeks, then prankcalled her all summer telling her how fat and stupid she was >hospitalized for cutting herself>16, found bio-mom, hurt by her having another child which she kept>got back to school she got bullied out of>senior year, stopped taking meds bc it made her fat>taken out of school by an ambulance>didn't go to her high school graduation bc she was in a psych ward>went to college>lost her mind again>got committed a couple hours away from her house, miserable>got out, found out she couldn't go back to school>went to get her cosmetology license instead>2 suicide attempts in 2 months (year 2013)>(Will at 6:50 casually strolls by)>woman at the hospital after attemp #1 her to accept Jesus as her savior and stop liking girls>so she did>attempt #2: totaled her car on purpose>got a job at Hot Topic>"i was trying to be anybody but me" hence the phases, "i hated myself">stopped cutting June 2016 and got a friend request from Willie>"i rubbed my darkness off on him">Feb 2017: had an abortion, doesn't regret it but it was the hardest thing she ever had to do>had to have it bc she was on lithium and zyprexa (doesn't take these now bc it made her fat)>more phases, more hating herself>"finally kinda dropped it", got glasses>the pain made her stronger, proud of herself>everything happens for a reason>"you say it's my own faul for being so personal online but it's actually a really huge coping skill" No. 645920
File: 1532431012643.png (322.18 KB, 435x611, IkpkXjB.png)

In the past 24 hours she's gone from
No. 646104
File: 1532454009445.jpg (70.97 KB, 1080x888, FB_IMG_1532453720845.jpg)

Welp there it is
No. 646132
File: 1532456392501.png (40.06 KB, 511x304, upload_2018-7-24_15-11-19.png)

Nicked from KF.
No. 646691
File: 1532503808101.jpg (60.38 KB, 750x656, kePQI8S.jpg)

She dyed Zero, too.
No. 647572
>>646787>wants to be covered in inkAbby, no.
I wish she'd get treatment and stabilised first.
No. 647995
File: 1532617015882.jpg (176 KB, 1080x722, Screenshot_20180724-204752.jpg)

>>647939Associated pic dump from KF.
No. 647997
File: 1532617109655.jpg (421.46 KB, 1067x1068, SmartSelect_20180725-204359_Ch…)

No. 647998
File: 1532617217988.jpg (233.98 KB, 1080x1067, Screenshot_20180725-204426_Chr…)

Oh, honey, no.
No. 647999
File: 1532617248477.jpg (66.3 KB, 960x752, ZZdv6He.jpg)

No. 648000
File: 1532617305429.png (1.01 MB, 1125x2436, 3A1AB51A-39D2-4763-97E3-4170C5…)

No. 648138
File: 1532625084231.jpg (40.52 KB, 960x596, 37837601_1331359063660947_1229…)

She's actually pretty cute with her makeup & eyebrows done right?
No. 648708
File: 1532688858732.png (120.85 KB, 675x700, 96536533.png)

No. 648709
File: 1532688882015.png (75.97 KB, 630x562, 934232232.png)

No. 648710
File: 1532688899376.jpg (43.79 KB, 539x960, 9624562424.jpg)

No. 648782
File: 1532703399174.jpg (25.13 KB, 750x466, FB_IMG_1532605603833.jpg)

No. 648790
File: 1532704036275.jpg (84.33 KB, 720x960, 37661388_2034196476632447_4732…)

>>648715After they split up he went on a road trip with his friends. KF is compiling the deets on them.
No. 648791
File: 1532704205275.jpg (172.37 KB, 610x960, IMG_20180727_003034.jpg)

Pic dump from KF. Interestingly each thread collects different milk.
Apparently she quickly deleted this.
No. 648794
File: 1532704323745.png (21.1 KB, 483x283, iiBTemn.png)

>>648791The worst of the criticism which is so OTT to be satire of transnowflakism.
No. 648799
File: 1532704619576.jpg (56.51 KB, 493x848, abbytara.JPG)

No. 648896
File: 1532712264827.jpg (46.22 KB, 960x960, 37839784_633857333662027_83481…)

she posted this and immediately deleted
No. 648907
>>648799>>648800>>648801>>648802>>648804These facebook shitheads need to stop. This is creepy af. Abby is mentally ill and does stupid shit, yes - but doesn't deserve being harassed and threatened constantly by these cows. She should call the cops if it escalates because this account definitely seems unhinged.
>>648896All the trans people commenting sound like whiny little tumblrinas. Like wow, if some chick experimenting with her sexuality and gender
triggers you so bad, that's your own problem. Go back to your safe space.
No. 648914
>>648794imagine being
triggered by abby brown
No. 648921
>>648794I would love for someone to point out to these absolute retards that they’re being super fucking “ableist” by their SJW standards. Like, the girl is open about the fact that she has massive identity issues and can’t control her behavior when she’s manic, and the second commenter even fully admits to being conflicted about it. They really do just want to justify bullying someone they think is cringe because it makes them feel good to shit on someone else for once, since they’re obviously all losers who have been shit on themselves their entire lives.
Punching down is always really pathetic.
No. 648944
>>648138She looks decent when she smiles with her teeth instead of doing that ridiculous smile she does in most of her pictures
The smile she's doing in these pictures is what I'm talking about, for reference:
>>647997>>646134 No. 649130
File: 1532736150648.jpeg (93.72 KB, 540x960, 1B4FAF92-45B2-4F2C-8ACB-86D72C…)

Imagine harassing someone then playing victim when they finally fire back at you. These Facebook fags need to chill.
No. 649131
File: 1532736179455.jpeg (174.96 KB, 744x1110, 377D10F6-BE36-476E-942B-BB1409…)

No. 649200
File: 1532742391842.png (661.98 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180727-214521.png)

No. 649221
>>649130Good for Abby fuck these cunts.
She should go after every single one and block them/report them for harassment.
No. 649223
>are you schizophrenic or somethinghow the fuck do these people justify their "ableism"?
also, what abby experienced while hospitalised was closer to "conversion therapy" than what these troons are always claiming they're being "forced" into when they flog their paypal email/GFM campaign, which is usually just a gender therapist who wants them to be certain they want to transition because hormones can have irreversible effects on the body.
No. 649252
>>648907>>648914Seriously, it's pathetic. We all know Abby is mentally ill, but sometimes people do come out in their own terms. And hey, why aren't they going off on the trans people who came out as trans and then went back to being cis? Why pick on Abby who isn't harming anyone?
They should like the 'words hurt more than swords' type of tumblrinas.
No. 649389
File: 1532767272678.jpg (54.65 KB, 590x885, 9442222q2.jpg)

Trans phase incoming.
No. 649476
File: 1532783639798.jpg (77.78 KB, 540x960, jSp97pE.jpg)

No. 649479
File: 1532783680279.jpg (48.91 KB, 750x748, DZsHCVe.jpg)

No. 649575
>>649200I mean I guess I can kinda see how they think Abby is genuinely sane enough to really be blamed for how she acts out on her identity issues when she’s manic. Abby may be unstable, but these people are literally deranged.
Like, there is no denying that Abby is bipolar and BPD. Do these people not understand mania or identity problems? Being manic makes you literally delusional - obviously she’s not really any of her phases at her core, but what matters is that when she is in them, to her
they are very real. No. 649581
>>649252Also isn’t she pretty clear about the fact that she’s only questioning/experimenting? I haven’t seen anywhere that she says anything like I AM A GUY, I AM TRANS, HE PRONOUNS ONLY. They’re already frothing at the mouth and she hasn’t even done the thing.
It’s so weird that the “queer thing” is the one excuse they have for being absolute monsters, because struggling with her sexual identity is one of the only consistent things about her. Even her homophobia was in response to being shamed for her own sexuality.
These people are the worst intersection of mean and dumb.
No. 649716
>>647939>>647995>>647997>>648896>>649200fuck I called it. I was joking, but it really happened.
These people harassing her are disgusting. At least 50% of "trans men" have similar life stories to her, she isn't any less valid than they are.
I hope she doesn't so anything permanent to her body. Shit.
If anything positive can come from this, at least Willie might lose interest in her if she goes full trans.
No. 649744
File: 1532812040224.png (1.22 MB, 750x1334, 07ADDAC0-CFF8-46FA-A85C-67A6B5…)

For fuck’s sake she was doing so well this time too.
No. 649760
File: 1532813072952.png (210.35 KB, 750x1334, C7EF1ABE-8EC1-4F17-B50F-18D3C6…)

I don’t know how true this is, but apparently that girl Abby was talking with is Will’s cousin.
No. 649770
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No. 649778
File: 1532814285064.png (287.07 KB, 1440x1691, 20180728_173625.png)

No. 649967
>>649927She has STD's, she pierces herself with no form of sanitation, she is continously nothing but grimy and dirty as fuck, we all see the man she frenches, fucks and sucks.
If that isn't
disease then I guess its just "Bipolar???????"
No. 649968
>>649950Im pretty sure it has more to do with her internet obbsession and readiness to latch onto whatever fad she can for 30seconds before she flops and drops.
She isn't gay and she isn't trans big whoop.
No. 649975
>>649967She has mentioned getting treatment/going to gyno for an STD.
She could do better with the piercing or just fucking knock it off, yes.
>grimy and dirty as fuckYes but you don't die from applying fresh makeup over old makeup
>the man she frenches, fucks and sucksHe's a pig but again, not a terminal diagnosis.
And yes all of this comes from her bipolar. She's at higher risk of dying from that.
No. 649980
File: 1532833196843.png (90.06 KB, 501x615, wabby6.png)

she does what she knows will get attention. she watches her groups/lurks her LC and KF pages. kf was joking about a trans phase. she tested the reactions in her hate groups and liked it. shortly afterwards we got Alex Brown.
No. 649983
File: 1532833364959.png (36.1 KB, 495x416, uwu.png)

No. 649987
File: 1532833717420.jpeg (119.36 KB, 539x960, C288DA94-C870-445F-A5DD-3F1872…)

Not my screenshot, I ripped it from Facebook so I’m not bothering to censor whoever’s profile is on the bottom. I don’t know if this is confirmed a real account or just a troll.
No. 650005
File: 1532835447077.jpeg (222.58 KB, 750x1197, DCA20D64-B8C3-4AE4-BF43-AFDB9C…)

I just got accepted by the private Instagram. It’s just some bad troll cow tipping.
No. 650045
File: 1532840129611.jpeg (57.54 KB, 750x573, EB4F88E1-94F4-4B08-807D-206827…)

>>650029The instagram was fake but Abby going by male pronouns is confirmed true.
No. 650118
>>649983I like how at no point does this psychopath suggest….just not following Abby.
Don’t drink the milk if you’re lactose intolerant, idiots.
No. 651517
File: 1532997700435.png (160.92 KB, 750x1334, 6E6C5F30-E050-4A1E-989A-E22688…)

I’m sure the police won’t do anything but tell her to take a break from social media, but part of me wants to see those Facebook fags taken down.
No. 651591
File: 1533005734042.jpeg (238.64 KB, 750x1334, 5DBAA634-07FC-4CBD-B27C-131DA5…)

And of course, they’re back together. What was that, a week? And according to some people in the comments of the post, Will broke Abby’s leg but it looks like she deleted the post about it before anyone got screenshots, and Will is deleting all the comments mentioning it.
No. 651598
File: 1533006195752.png (197.62 KB, 750x1334, 2B822F0B-CB75-488A-8A54-E5EE18…)

There seems to be confirmation from Abby’s friend Gary who has appeared in some of her livestreams and videos. I’m concerned, this is escalating to a dangerous place.
No. 651640
>>649983sage for pointless rant but this legit makes me so fucking mad. these people using their ~sjw rhetoric~ to justify bullying someone who is clearly mentally ill and not harming them in any way makes my blood boil.
abby/alex exploring gender identity/sexuality should be the one thing they support abby on but they're acting like abby is
triggering them when what abby's doing literally doesn't affect them at all, and if it's ~sooo bad~ they could just idk… fucking leave the facebook groups and stop being stalkers and bullies? these people are so stupid and hypocritical
No. 651818
>>651640They are retarded for acting like Abby is some Hitler that is planning to end the genderspecial issue kek. Bet those idiots are the same once claiming there is nothing wrong with people ~exploring~ their gender and coming back to the sane side once the ~enby~ phase wears off. How dare they have an audacity to speak about "supporting vulnerable genderspecial members" when their community is built on bullying a harmless mentally ill girl (who is currently trans or something). Let's be honest, they act like a bunch of middleschoolers angry that a prep dared join their super special real goffs only club.
I hope Abby
triggers them more kek.
No. 651819
>>651640Right? As if seeing Abby Brown do her fakeboi phase for five minutes is really gonna make the public at large go, “y’know, I was starting to change my mind but now I’m not so sure about transgender people after all!”
I’m sorry but Abby is pretty high on the list of “powerless” people - she has no resources, no influence, and not even basic life stability. Nothing she does really hurts anyone but herself.
Also if Boss Hog literally broke her leg and it has anything to do with this trans phase, and these people don’t rally to defend her against gender violence, they are literally worthless and not even their sjw morals mean anything.
No. 652001
File: 1533044443622.jpeg (252.92 KB, 750x840, 58B4A47B-D898-4718-AB33-45B14C…)

No. 652015
>>652013that won't happen until she finds herself. so probably never…
also it's only cowtipping if you post here bby.
No. 652084
File: 1533052620281.png (193.71 KB, 750x1334, C15E6997-17AC-43C9-8596-BED5FF…)

She intends to go all in on this but I really don’t see her lasting two years in this phase.
No. 652188
>>652131>>650045just another phase. this wont last that long.
no trans person i've ever met IRL or online has EVER been okay being called 'it'.
she does not have dysmorphia. SHE WAS JUST WEARING A FUCKING SWIM SUIT AT WARPED TOUR with her tits and ass hanging out everywhere.
im done with phases, this is the real me +-
Yet she's changed her look how many times since she's come back?
No. 652199
>>652188but anon, bois can wear bikinis and have boobs too uwu
uwu maybe she was trying to repress her dysphoria by acting overtly feminine?
i've known plenty of fakebois and trenders who use "it" pronouns.
the kweer kommunity does insane gymnastics to condone this shit when it's literally anyone else. why is it somehow different when it's Trabby?
No. 653069
>>652084How can she say Shrek supports her unconditionally when
>>652002 >>652003 these aren't very supportive? I hope she opens her eyes one day.
No. 653483
>>653069because she isn't really trans. so for hoggboi to misgender her, doesn't really cause an internal stir in her. as long as he says
i love you bby she thinks it's fine.
he knows it's a phase too, that's why he's sticking around. if it was legit, he'd be gone with how anti lgbt he is.
No. 653818
File: 1533158499933.png (238.86 KB, 275x342, aaaaabby.PNG)

or the one im attaching
No. 654200
File: 1533175091960.png (76.83 KB, 928x504, alexbrownscreenshot.png)

>>652012>>652014>>652869>>653867>>653871Whoa all of her recent videos have been deleted. Checked her Youtube account and all videos are gone. It says she has 41 videos, though. Must have set them all on private? What happened? Is she leaving social media again?
No. 654349
>>654259She announced her new Alex Brown Facebook, Twitter, and IG accounts. Did she take them down after
>>654200 ?
Has she mentioned her broken leg? I didn't get to watch her live videos before she took them down.
No. 654647
File: 1533222921667.jpg (31.67 KB, 540x960, 38124069_460999801035381_22519…)

she deleted everything but snapchat
No. 654648
File: 1533222958647.jpg (35.12 KB, 540x960, 38223831_460916214377073_27534…)

also this
No. 654677
>>654673But gender speshul bullying is the worst bullying of all.
She has fully become one of them.
No. 654684
File: 1533226958148.png (2.4 MB, 1600x2064, abby brown phases summer 2018.…)

>>653657>>653857I made a collage of her recent phases, as requested.
graphic design is my passion, etc.
No. 654786
>>654673did you miss the part where the facebook fags were literally
wishing her dead because of the trans thing or
shit, i’d delete my social media too if i had a horde of weirdos wanting me dead for extremely trivial reasons. especially when those same people have taken pics of her at her work and contacted her family.
No. 657409
File: 1533504978783.jpg (526.55 KB, 893x1065, Screenshot_20180805-173325_Sna…)

Abby's snapchat story
No. 657411
File: 1533505125704.jpg (280.2 KB, 896x832, Screenshot_20180805-173136_Sna…)

part 2
No. 657775
>>657425Considering the pic and that it says "Wilbur" at the top I'm pretty sure it is.
No. 660085
File: 1533779382023.jpg (46.25 KB, 539x960, 38742155_359486301256181_69711…)

She's trying to sell these.
No. 661071
>>660134Everything Luna owns looks like she either pissed on it, vomited on it, or wiped her ass with it. Abby's worst offense is her grimy makeup. I'd take old dollar store eyeliner over Luna's sludge any day.
>>660958Not quite yet. She's still Alex on YouTube. It might be the beginning of the end.
No. 662678
File: 1534067669362.png (353.58 KB, 800x950, Screenshot_2018-08-12-02-50-13…)

There are five snapchats on Youtube since August 8th. No. 664690
File: 1534292898800.jpeg (996.49 KB, 1125x1708, D8A5FBD9-E897-4F78-ABE1-B8B51E…)

>attempting to capitalise on her gender change
>handwrites a letter in lieu of posting on social media
Just open a Patreon account if you think people will pay for your content and scrawled t-shirts.
No. 665490
File: 1534365098039.png (1.8 MB, 1440x2240, 20180815_162802.png)

She really is that delusional.
No. 666174
File: 1534420895126.jpeg (952.92 KB, 1125x1289, 7339B4D0-C2BE-434C-BECC-981CB9…)

Steppin' it up for her VIP tier fans.
No. 666868
File: 1534487834453.png (875.6 KB, 988x644, Screen Shot 2018-08-16 at 11.3…)

>>666860lol you're right. her sales rate is fantastic. a $25 'dead name bundle' is also sold. imagine someone like kyle smith buying this shit and paying poshmark's $6 shipping. abby wins.