File: 1524434334466.png (114.19 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180422-170844.png)

No. 562569
Abby Brown is a new cow on the farms, but her moo-lets are already louder than she is and that's something. Previously skilled at dodging their queen's attentions with Facebook trickery, they have been discovered. In true hipster fashion, in an attempt to win the title "TRUE AND HONEST" they tipped the cow.
Two autists, Kyle Smith and Mtty Ayche, obsessed with the idea of their very own ED pages, posted a picture of Kyle pretending to be Abby in an effort to start their own "Liquid Abby" saga. Kyle then comes to the farms (>>561774) for asspatting, and so do several other FB autists. One, Patrick Golden (>>561540), claims his shitty Abby meme ran her off the internet, is proud, thinks he can change her (>>562179). Another, is a Twitter camwhore (@victorique_cb) who doxxes herself in the email field. Currently, they are mooing all over the new Abby thread and possibly even hijacked the OP. They are fatter and somehow even more poorly dressed with equally uggo boyfriends. They want the attention, their profiles are mostly public, so here you go children.
Abby Brown Fan Cult is now marked secret, but they need attention almost as much as their queen.
Kyle Smith Golden Palmer (admin) Chitwood (admin) No. 562578
File: 1524434808468.jpeg (5.18 KB, 180x280, saluki.jpeg)

>>562575Don't get in touch with her family. She worked with the handicapped at a camp but you don't have to have any real qualifications to do so at a summer camp. She's just a tumblrina with an inflated sense of self importance who has made up a gender for herself and has a boyfriend that looks like a Saluki
No. 562579
File: 1524434848116.png (356.89 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180422-143622.png)

>>562575Going by this you could be on to something anon
No. 562581
File: 1524434925241.png (202.59 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180422-180821.png)

I feel like I'm looking at young Gravy
No. 562585
File: 1524435091162.png (312.85 KB, 449x525, dfddd.PNG)

>>562578>>562578No, you don't have to have qualifications, but it's worse to know she has worked with handicapped people, and still thinks it admirable to taunt people that seem outwardly intellectually disabled or mentally ill. It's embarrassing and it's too bad her behavior and attitude toward people that obviously are unwell, outside of work, won't result in a stain on her resume, esp when this nutjob is asking people to dox her.
No. 562606
File: 1524436811559.jpg (195.81 KB, 480x692, Screenshot_20180422-183151.jpg)

Elise Marie knows her pt
No. 562625
File: 1524437389800.png (221.34 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180422-184909.png)

Abby is so uggo
I am laffin
No. 562635
File: 1524437727007.png (27.21 KB, 851x262, cap.PNG)

>>562630My bets are on Kyle cause she has to have people tell her to shower
No. 562639
>>562578"Don't get in touch with her family"
But Kyle you asked to be doxxed so…
(cowtipping) No. 562640
File: 1524437900553.png (501.05 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180422-185424.png)

No. 562642
File: 1524437925665.png (462.94 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180422-185450.png)

Bitch you look like beans from even stevens
No. 562648
File: 1524438144354.png (195.95 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180422-190007.png)

Adam Lanza chic
No. 562659
File: 1524438669694.png (193.81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180422-190849.png)

I'll 'take things that never happened' for 500, alex
No. 562663
File: 1524438787657.png (422.5 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180422-191231.png)

>>562659Looking like a real winner
No. 562667
File: 1524438916653.jpg (161.96 KB, 708x613, Screenshot_20180423-001321.jpg)

Take your own advice, kyle.
No. 562672
>>562645i lol'd.
>>562640legit how is this not just as embarrassing and attentionseeking as everything abby has ever done
No. 562674
File: 1524439160201.png (179.93 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180422-191842.png)

o rly
No. 562677
File: 1524439303262.png (341.15 KB, 328x498, jade.PNG)

>>562674the forehead wrinkles and cletus face on this dude indicate that he's way too fucking old to be doing this shit.
>>562675abby dresses better and has a better figure than all these women tbqh
No. 562681
File: 1524439443451.png (348.75 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180422-192335.png)

Ow the edge
No. 562683
File: 1524439509525.png (695.63 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180422-192329.png)

>>562606The lack of self awareness is real
No. 562684
File: 1524439551466.png (182.26 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180422-192453.png)

Suddenly it all makes sense! of course they are fucking juggalos
No. 562701
File: 1524440104465.png (588.42 KB, 640x1136, 70E37A24-F42C-4A0C-8875-1DF56F…)

the middle aged men in that group creep me out
No. 562702
File: 1524440122962.png (458.61 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180422-192955.png)

She says that like she doesn't look like am emo loser
No. 562705
File: 1524440183150.png (220.29 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180422-193531.png)

No. 562715
>>562703Never said i wasnt a loser. So thank you :)
Just saying i was surprised she didn't dress up zero like that doing her emo phase.because she did in some of her other ones.
I only ever made two posts in that group. And that was one, and another was stating that Abby was on post block. Never did I do anything such as cowtipping or saying cruel things about Abby. I'm simply here for the entertainment.
(emoji use) No. 562717
File: 1524440675584.png (351.17 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180422-194324.png)

If you guys are walking around like that not high on anything I don't even know what to say
>>562713I'm dying irl youve no idea
No. 562721
File: 1524440750195.png (636.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180422-193452.png)

>>562715Lmao they are arriving to the thread farmers. Honey you shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house. Also, nice Photoshop kek
No. 562728
>>562721Wasn't throwing stones at all. Didnt anything anything rude to anyone. I don't comment on anything because the two posts I made. So don't say I'm another cow. I'm aware I'm not attractive, but I'm not the one
triggering or making fun of anyone.
No. 562729
File: 1524441083620.png (333.29 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180422-195015.png)

Has your boyfriend been frozen since 1994
>>562715 No. 562737
>>562732I didn't. I legit joined 2 days ago. I've been on this thread for a month now.
And went to the group to see if there were anymore details about Abby and Willie. But its basically everyone just bashing each bother and feeding trolls ego. In learning very quickly. Lol.
No. 562745
File: 1524441634351.png (218.5 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180422-175859.png)

It seems this group has been against Abby all along. It was made when Abby got some hate groups shut down and we decided to start some support groups so this group just blended in with the rest. Abbys smart, calling the girl a cunt and the whole group can fuck themselves
No. 562758
>>562743Nahh. Just not attractive in the least.
>>562751Probably would have. But oh well. Just giving a little bit of explanation. Please, continue with the thread. I'm going back to not posting anything until just today. Its better that way.
No. 562763
File: 1524442114331.png (231.06 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180422-200533.png)

>keyholder at hot topic
No. 562784
File: 1524443470668.png (361.22 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180422-202756.png)

ngl I laughed
No. 562786
File: 1524443599849.png (146.2 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180422-203249.png)

This one face barely changed
No. 562808
>>562721who has hair like this in 2018? nice perfect 365 editing you dumb twat.
>>562728no you're a snowflake, not a cow.
>>5627291994 is being generous. that's some 1990 axl rose realness.
No. 562815
File: 1524445443850.jpg (56.79 KB, 480x640, 31230362_2030860900568199_1658…)

This ugly bitch pretending to be Abby Brown… smh.
No. 562832
File: 1524446883023.gif (4.04 MB, 480x360, IMG_3274.GIF)

God, this is so weird. I was following the original abby thread for the past month before it took a turn. I'm from New Jersey and know basically all these people. I wish I had substantial milk but I kept them at a distance for obvious reasons. I know them through other people. A lot of them try to be ironic and fake-trashy on fb but it just comes off as sad and strange. There's like this group of people who do livestreams of nothing and weird shit for no reason and they go to shows together. If you guys keep digging I'm sure someone will pop up who I know more about. They're basically ultra-townies who spend a ton of time online.
No. 562834
File: 1524446913635.png (398.89 KB, 707x620, 20180422_212742.png)

Those are some saggy non gendered boobs you got there, kyle
No. 562847
>>562839Mostly early 20s I believe, but some might be seniors in high school. If anyone pops up who I know is a minor I'll say so. I know "Steely Dan" is old though. I'm pretty sure most of them are (/sort of) in community college or just graduated high school and didn't do anything after.
>>562843Yeah, I got out as soon as I could.
No. 562861
>>562729>>562721Those bangs lmao Megan marie anyone? Do all fat slanty eyed bitches look like they got the downs
This thread is amazing. You gotta be a special kind of retarded and narcissistic to openly make fun of people Whilst living like this
>b-b-but I’m not a cow No. 562890
File: 1524448796349.png (263.14 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180422-195501.png)

This weirdo.. Abby didn't want him to be an admin anymore, before everything collapsed. Strange man.
No. 562896
>>562832sage for samefagging but I forgot something
A lot of them are in shitty crust-punk/folk-punk/power-pop/queer-punk/etc bands.
No. 563152
File: 1524500321200.png (114.43 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180423-091916.png)

No. 563156
File: 1524500504358.png (139.88 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180423-122132.png)

OK so this morning the autists created a Racheal Galbraith page. For those of you who forgot last week already, homeless jail girl who dated Abby for six minutes.
Already, hilarity ensues.
No. 563158
File: 1524500608196.png (131.24 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180423-122211.png)

No. 563162
File: 1524500664538.png (136.83 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180423-122413.png)

No. 563163
File: 1524500731899.png (120.55 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180423-122357.png)

No. 563171
File: 1524501885636.png (182.13 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180423-124416.png)

No. 563323
File: 1524511307403.jpg (384.27 KB, 810x2295, Screenshot_20180423-100746.jpg)

I'm rolling with how hypocritical they are
No. 563378
File: 1524514255217.png (113.37 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180423-161005.png)

Lol you mean homeless
No. 563384
File: 1524514406666.png (131.53 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180423-161220.png)

She's hooked herself a winner this time, he has had not one but TWO Walmart cart pusher positions
No. 563386
File: 1524514545934.jpg (170.97 KB, 480x784, Screenshot_20180423-161431.jpg)

No. 563404
>>563323>>563158god forbid they use a gay slur, but supporting the bullying of unstable girls into having a mental breakdown is a-ok. very cool.
>>563152LMAO are they talking about us??
No. 563427
>>563420You just sound like you get upset over things on the internet.
This site is for making fun of people on the internet. If Abby was posted it was for a reason. Aside from anonymity there’s not much of a difference between the Facebook groups and this.
No. 563441
>>563430>>563427lolcow doesn't encourage cowtipping and the interference/harassment in the lives of cows, dumbfuck. that's an enormous difference. cyberbullying cases hinge on the fact that these people try to harass and interfere in the lives of other people, not just call their noses big, anonymously, on an imageboard. jfc, how retarded are you?
>internet prisonbeing convicted on actual charges and being sent to real life prison is 'going to internet prison', lmao, you sound like you do some really dumb shit on facebook with your actual name and expect that the fact that it's the internet will protect you. good luck staying employed.
No. 563445
File: 1524517717374.jpeg (37.6 KB, 400x462, 11C565B5-BECE-4FAC-9E8C-718DED…)

>>563420In each one of these cases the cyber bullies had direct contact with the victims and doesn’t mention anon boards.
No. 563462
File: 1524518112856.jpeg (14.02 KB, 219x219, 8E021B2C-23C5-4894-843D-CBCA5C…)

>>563459Posting that you’re Abby Brown is top tier cyber bullying
No. 563467
>>563459I’ll think of you when I don’t get job at fruit loops because I pretended to be Abby Brown online.
No. 564128
>>563666it looks like all he did was gain weight and take out his piercing
if anything dating someone like racheal, is probably the last perosn he should be with for his sobriety and kid's sake
No. 564235
File: 1524570861727.png (191.49 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180424-075345.png)

No. 564236
File: 1524570914244.png (116.77 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180424-075437.png)

No. 564237
File: 1524570965108.png (116.21 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180424-075537.png)

No. 564238
File: 1524571043899.png (146.01 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180424-075647.png)

No. 564245
File: 1524571989090.png (277.1 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180424-081241.png)

No. 564248
>>564238It's not doxxing if you post everything under your real names with pics of yourselves, dumb fucks.
>>564245Geez these people are a mess.
No. 564254
File: 1524573977459.png (130.52 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180424-082333.png)

my couch is nice as hell actually
No. 565123
File: 1524659363346.png (391.95 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180425-082811.png)

>>564502Don't dox my couch it's minding it's own business unlike Lilyy Ann here
No. 565176
File: 1524665139236.jpg (25.96 KB, 640x360, poster_2da19fd829d643fb82f00c8…)

>>565168>>565169It's still a case that involved digital text and was cyber harassment. It resulted in a persons death.
No. 565189
File: 1524666481783.png (99.59 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180425-102736.png)

>>565184Are you referring to this rule?
No. 565197
File: 1524668082639.jpg (155.52 KB, 480x711, Screenshot_20180425-105303.jpg)

They have changed their name to Remembering Abby Brown
No. 573247
File: 1525399578793.png (378.08 KB, 720x531, 20180503_220558.png)

No. 573250
File: 1525399961375.png (279.34 KB, 713x871, 20180503_221205.png)

No. 573254
File: 1525400162011.png (83.21 KB, 720x624, 20180503_221539.png)

No. 573255
File: 1525400198587.png (348.33 KB, 720x1129, 20180503_221444.png)

No. 573257
File: 1525400224174.png (404.4 KB, 720x1099, 20180503_221458.png)

No. 573258
File: 1525400266571.png (87.57 KB, 630x943, whateven.png)

>>573250Oh this is so good. Bless you anon for all these sources of milk. But she lurks here so how soon til it's all set to private?
No. 573260
File: 1525400348325.png (401.99 KB, 720x618, 20180503_221845.png)

No. 573262
File: 1525400421385.png (634.14 KB, 720x522, 20180503_222002.png)

No. 573264
File: 1525400473124.png (500.77 KB, 702x535, 20180503_222105.png)

No. 573265
File: 1525400540696.png (133.47 KB, 720x676, 20180503_222211.png)

She works at Sperrys in nj
No. 573267
File: 1525400835682.png (50.39 KB, 720x300, 20180503_222707.png)

No. 573269
File: 1525400967941.png (539.74 KB, 720x1060, 20180503_222912.png)

No. 573281
File: 1525402847676.png (50.07 KB, 720x300, 20180503_225843.png)

She says that like she's not a shit person. Kyle, you seem to be the common denominator in this scenario. Maybe, just maybe, the problem isn't all those friends , maybe the problem is you honey
No. 573283
File: 1525402906407.png (90.26 KB, 715x505, 20180503_225719.png)

No. 573284
File: 1525402947442.png (51.37 KB, 720x300, 20180503_230225.png)

No. 573286
File: 1525403003979.png (102.19 KB, 720x535, 20180503_230315.png)

No. 573288
File: 1525403143185.png (80.5 KB, 720x348, 20180503_230535.png)

What a fucking loser lmao
No. 573345
File: 1525408251966.png (519.23 KB, 720x534, 20180504_003039.png)

No. 573349
File: 1525408499097.png (185.19 KB, 720x965, 20180504_003329.png)

She lives with her boyfriends parents in their basement now too
What a rude bitch pt1
No. 573350
File: 1525408522725.png (192.3 KB, 720x974, 20180504_003350.png)

No. 573357
File: 1525409803266.png (292.58 KB, 720x1019, 20180504_005325.png)

But anons she was just a nice girl who was bullied and had shit friends lol
She's rly a nice girl
No. 573358
File: 1525409826833.png (61.68 KB, 720x430, 20180504_005353.png)

No. 573360
File: 1525409870635.png (61.49 KB, 720x300, 20180504_003244.png)

Sorry about your smelly pussy kylie
No. 573492
File: 1525433681001.png (155.74 KB, 720x872, 20180504_073238.png)

How pathetic. Bitch can't even cook couscous or make coffee
No. 573493
File: 1525433703357.png (44.23 KB, 720x300, 20180504_073141.png)

No. 573494
File: 1525433870309.jpg (74.66 KB, 768x1024, DcMVEVnUwAAbniC.jpg)

No. 574787
File: 1525570624827.png (329.38 KB, 720x540, 20180505_213601.png)

Out here looking like an ugly, fat, no neck having little boy
No. 593795
File: 1527276604446.png (647.84 KB, 637x690, ab2.PNG)

it's not even funny. just sad.
No. 593796
File: 1527276646829.png (803.4 KB, 812x684, ab.PNG)

>>593795double posting to add larger image
No. 602200
File: 1528172014787.jpg (286.46 KB, 718x932, IMG_20180604_231127.jpg)

now that's what I call cringe
No. 602228
>>602200I mean… I guess if Abby was balding and ate hogboy?
Can you imagine being so desperate for validation that you'd spend actual money to cosplay the person you are trying to make fun of? Girl should be using that money for a gym membership and rogaine.
No. 602304
>>602200wrong side ya fuckin moron.
these people.
No. 602409
File: 1528213359432.png (147.3 KB, 565x446, 1522363952183.png)

well heres one of the people fucking with her.
No. 602657
File: 1528232699342.png (686.09 KB, 496x539, cryptids.png)

>>602409And she looks like this, works at McDonald's, etc. It's really funyn they all get off on harassing Abby when they are literally on her level or worse.
No. 602933
File: 1528251704555.png (3.44 MB, 1242x2208, 3DA1269B-4BAC-4705-AF3A-93B43E…)

Been following Abby’s clownery for a while, at least officially since her first thread was started on here. Went on Facebook to experience how tragic everyone on there is first hand. Had an encounter With one of the few Abby Brown “call out” posts currently circulating outside of the groups. My comments were deleted by the poster and she blocked me so I’m not worried about being outed. Sorry if none of this was interesting, but I thought it showed how fucking dumb and actually mean Abby’s fb haters are. Her post should still be up, the amount of mean and aggressive comments directed @ Abby is gross, and how many people commented on how she should kill herself. If you’re interested there’s a good few posts outside of the groups If you’re too lazy to try and get added to them.
No. 602938
File: 1528252031723.jpeg (517.35 KB, 1536x1536, F57C6BA4-BB6B-4965-BB9C-A591AB…)

>>602933Pt. 2 couldn’t handle the call out on the call out post, deleted and blocked. People who publicly hate/criticize Abby on fb can’t even handle someone else’s opinion on their posts
No. 604598
>>603115"Trying to blow out birthday candles with a fire hose"
That's a good one in going to steal it lol
Hey Facebook fags, I know you read here, gay people should die in the pits of gonna try and ruin my life too because I said something you didn't like on the internet? Get the fuck over yourselves, your pathetic attempts at your Abby smear campaign only make us like her even more
No. 606003
File: 1528564576033.png (541.74 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180609-131305.png)

Here's a Facebook fags who's promoting this site to all the other losers in the group so don't be surprised at the sudden influx of autistic single mothers from facebook start invading the threads
No. 606005
File: 1528564671073.png (621.92 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180609-131728.png)

Girl you wish you were as cute and iconic as Abby. What an ugly couple
No. 606006
File: 1528564738376.png (931.52 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180609-131913.png)

Literal trailer trash
No. 606008
File: 1528564851941.png (206 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180609-132033.png)

No. 606011
File: 1528565243800.png (641.67 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180609-131440.png)

When you're an fat piece of trailer trash who has to autotune your ugly face to hell and back
No. 606026
File: 1528566402101.png (304.8 KB, 720x895, 20180609_134631.png)

Eww she's a mom who's into ddlg wtf No. 606034
File: 1528567595443.png (507.14 KB, 720x1108, 20180609_140522.png)

The way Victoria shifflett posts her square, pimple ridden , hank hill ass for the whole world to see and ridicule is so brave to me
No. 606060
File: 1528569922060.png (327.8 KB, 300x534, 20180609_144422.png)

>>606050Lmfao I cackled. She really is throwing stones in a glass house. That Jamie zitaner/offenberg jew with the super chin who clearly "trolls" these threads isn't any better either tbh. Mrs."gotta love lolcow" bitch go eat something ya damn cow
No. 606152
File: 1528575376705.png (231.72 KB, 720x1232, 20180609_161542.png)

>that's not even my house
Sure jan
No. 606166
File: 1528575920048.png (172.57 KB, 720x922, 20180609_162513.png)

No. 606176
File: 1528577276390.png (Spoiler Image,893.7 KB, 720x1222, 20180609_162715.png)

>>606026Jesus Christ at least Abby isn't some ddlg furry lover. Most of the people that bully abby are 100000x more cringe and gross than her. Case in point
No. 606420
File: 1528591128448.png (197.07 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180609-203859.png)

And she deleted her Tumblr
No. 606438
>>606176they drew abby with saggy tits despite her having pretty pert ones, when all of them have tits this saggy tbqh. the level of projection coming off these smelly-ass bitches is so fucking embarrassing.
>>606419but "i love this thread i stg"!!! bitch please, you're a shit mother publicly signalboosting pedophilic bullshit like ddlg to please your crack-baby of a boyfriend.
No. 606449
File: 1528594001304.jpg (95.58 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_oq2bckgRHT1rry2epo1_128…)

What a fucking ham beast
No. 606453
File: 1528594694077.png (111.07 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180609-213731.png)

Yo she's watching this thread like. Hawk. Her fiance put his ig on private as I was in the middle of scrolling through it just now. Stay pressed Victoria shifflett
No. 606454
File: 1528594725329.png (72.1 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180609-213907.png)

>>606443His Tumblr is down now too lmfao
No. 606456
File: 1528594815536.png (454.34 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180609-133504.png)

Here's his old Instagram. Doesn't seem too happy tbh lmao
No. 606460
>>606449>>606445>>606443How does karma taste Tayler
Act high and mighty some more hoe
I know her boyfriend hasn’t been directly involved
But why tf he got perma sad brows like that
No. 606467
>>606460>>606460Probably because he's in a state of perpetual sadness.
Probably cries himself to sleep in his semi truck every night before he has to go home to his filthy trailer and stick his shrimpy smegma dick inside that flubbery ham beast he calls a fiance
No. 606468
File: 1528595279964.jpg (186.27 KB, 900x1200, CczExqRUYAA2u64.jpg)

She's btfo
No. 606469
>>606152holy shit they’re such fucking retards lmfaooooooo
literally took screenshots of us mocking facebook fags and used it to out themselves, it truly does not get better than this
No. 606488
File: 1528596667749.png (483.09 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180609-221043.png)

No. 606494
File: 1528597290563.png (467.24 KB, 720x1126, 20180609_222110.png)

Here a gem from her Tumblr before she started backpedaling
No. 606532
>>606454Lmao can you imagine having to tell your husband he has to delete all his social media because you decided to bully a girl on the internet and got caught?
So pathetic. The people who make fun of her really are bigger cows.
No. 606813
>>606176That's Dylan Wolver.
>>>/snow/400295Is she in the Abby group? She is probably still in jail.
No. 640574
>>562667>>562961 holy shit balls.
I KNOW THIS PERSON. I saw this post and I'm like, hm, that face and name sounds familiar but sorta shrugged it off bc fakebois are a dime a dozen online. Then I saw their location and I was like- oh, so THATS the fakeboi whose mom bought him 400$ worth of clothes from my work. lmao. In my area there are very very few "alternative" people, and a fakeboi tends to stand out quite a bit when you live in normiesville full of old people.
They were polite enough but I heard Kyle complain about our store's sizing bc certain items in the mens section were too long for him. but he's pretty dang short and theres not really much I can do as the cashier of a chain store. It's not like I personally dictate the size chart. I'm just the register monkey my dude.
No. 648302
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No. 648313
File: 1532641423604.png (30.33 KB, 469x484, ZumV6Fv.png)

they sure are!
caps from KF incoming
No. 648314
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No. 648315
File: 1532641471462.png (17.49 KB, 490x223, XpEliOx.png)

No. 648316
File: 1532641476882.png (174.8 KB, 460x409, cornell.PNG)

>>648302holy shit, this is what ivy leagues are letting in/working with nowadays? this is so embarrassing that this retard is at cornell. uni is a joke. these hoes are so embarassing
No. 651840
This makes me so fucking angry. Like, even if a few of them are legitimately trans, at least trans people have the option to be stealth if necessary. People with severe mental health issues never have that option. Abby cannot hide the fact that she’s bonkers, she can’t even really do much about it because bipolar disorder by definition often includes a tremendous lack of insight into your state of being. Aka when Abby is manic and doing shitty things, she’s not going to realize they’re actually shitty until she’s stable. Like, if some homeless crazy person was transphobic to them, would they bully them too? Or realize “gee this person is pretty fucked up and has it pretty bad, my rhetoric doesn’t really apply here only human empathy.” Because if it weren’t for Abby’s parents keeping a roof over her head, that’s probably what she would be (and probably why they allow so much of this nonsense). I’m sorry but what the fuck. If anythin is consistent about Abby Brown, it’s her issues with her sexuality and gender. And now apparently Bosshog broke her leg? Like I’m genuinely feeling like his wildly homophobic ass decided that if she wants to be a dude then she can fight like a dude. He’s never gone that far before that’s for sure. Sorry I’m rambling and sperging I just absolutely hate these people, they’re the worst of all SJWs and it’s insane to me that they don’t see that THEY are the kind of people who make regular people not take transgender issues seriously.
No. 657985
File: 1533575295857.png (26.37 KB, 566x301, dawn ptsd.png)

(this was posted in a hate group by an admin/creator of group in response to the texts to will)
this chick has a serious hard on for alex. she posts every fucking day it seems like. like get off your high fucking horse dude. find something better to do with your time then talk shit about a seriously sick girl.
No. 658438
File: 1533606877194.jpg (43.29 KB, 443x960, 38511578_2281186558575099_4942…)

>>658429alex posted this ss on snapchat along with others of him texting will about how he's trash cause he cheated on alex because he's trans and this
>>657985 was her response.
No. 658677
>>657985get more screens from the group anon. it's about the only milky thing we have currently.
i love when people post the hate group bs ha
No. 659331
>>658677Dude me too. Abby is pretty entertaining, but watching these people get
so pressed about her is sublime.
No. 659546
File: 1533745001827.jpg (153.3 KB, 558x776, cps.jpg)

these are kinda old but its when people thought abby/alex was pregnant. i kept em cause its fucked how people talk about this poor girl/boy.
(sorry i'm not good with doin past to present pronouns)
No. 659550
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No. 659553
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No. 659566
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No. 659609
>>659546>>659550>>659553cps would take one look at her living situation, and move on.
blogpost; my mom was a heroin/crack/pill/booze addict and she got my little brother taken, and then got him back like a week later. if she can get granted custody to keep her child, so will fucking abby.
lmao i genuinely dont understand why they get so wound up over her/him. but it is HILARIOUS.
No. 667786
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hahahahahah she actually fucking bought something from him
No. 672134
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No. 680063
File: 1536008286475.jpeg (169.08 KB, 750x354, 1B9EFB2D-4E57-40F5-A7C9-D245B2…)

Dawn and her sister Heidi are back
No. 821701
File: 1560440980512.jpeg (466.25 KB, 750x851, AFB98F61-5796-4D0D-BB1D-27254A…)

The moderator of the biggest current Abby Brown Facebook hate group
No. 821715
File: 1560443365769.jpeg (97.05 KB, 749x465, 49E2AA71-F369-4305-944E-746911…)

Calling for the group to harass Will/Abby
No. 822163
File: 1560522478783.jpeg (557.89 KB, 750x876, D045A7E9-817D-4CA2-BCEB-E24872…)

Another shot of Jasmine from her fb page
No. 822164
File: 1560522956826.jpeg (717.56 KB, 750x926, 34FE17C4-CD9F-4E6C-B07B-FBBA37…)

Unbelievable. This chick is patting herself on the back for having a fb hate group against a mentally ill person