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No. 531836
20 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber and her 31 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/522836The basics:
> Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 30+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Several pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after "rehoming" them. Fails to give proper enclosures for many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.> Jonny Craig is the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He has been in and out of rehab centers for a decade now and has been kicked out of multiple bands and off of tours for his behavior. He is usually homeless when he does not have a girlfriend to leech off of.> Several of Jonny's ex-girlfriends have come out with stories of Jonny's physical and sexual abuse, including rape at knife-point. His ex Chelsea confided this in Taylor when she and Jonny first started dating, in which Taylor's response was to laugh with Jonny and make a public spectacle of it.> Recently moved out of her parent's house and into an apartment with Jonny Craig, which caused public drama between her and her mother, who adamantly disapproves of Jonny after hearing of his history and discovering that together he and Taylor were snorting coke and heroin.> Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge around the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.Taylor's Links:
Twitter: []
Instagram: []
Youtube: []
Facebook (private:) []
Jonny's Links:
Twitter: []
Instagram: []
- Fans are still tweeting at her expecting their goddess to save their impulse bought pets' lives, but Taytay has better things to do!
- Bought THREE new Satanic Leaf Geckos, who are super fragile!!!
and have very specific care needs.
- Plus point is that apparently these geckos were wild caught, not captive-bred.
- Posted a picture of her holding one of these fragile creatures and insisted 'she stayed still while I was moving her so I snapped a picture' when people asked her about it
- Jonny tweeted that Taylor was coming to his tour for the first few days and then meeting him in Vegas and 'ending the tour with daddy' puke emoji
- But wait, she just got three sensitive geckos with very specific needs? No worries! She has not one, not two, but three experts who will come to her house three times a day to check in on them and her fish!
- Also has been putting off editing her videos because muh invisible illness and joint pains.
- Flirting with someone called Karizma on twitter (handle @callmekarizma), the guy asked her to adopt a kitten with him in LA.
- Said guy has apparently been called out for doing bad things like: singing about mental illness and romanticizing it; sexually harassing women especially minors and generally being manipulative and abusive. ( if interested, check this thread: ) Taylor just can't keep away from trash.
-Got called out for buying wild caught animals
-Brought a monitor, but claimed the store lied about its species
-Followed Jonny around on tour. He was arrested for breaking a mic, but the charges were dropped. She immediately flew home that night
-Got a shitty new tattoo
No. 531895
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No. 531897
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Taylor you realize most animal experts go to school for something right? And if they don’t they do a lot of field study. They don’t just get a TV show or become recognized for rambling in front of a camera for ten minutes every two weeks and regurgitating the most basic care info you can find online
No. 531958
>>531897I honestly don’t think she’s be able to handle college. She’s had this mentality for so long that if she’s not feeling good then she can just blow off all her responsibilities. You can’t do that in college and her professors aren’t just going to pass her because she has illnesses or because she’s an internet celebrity.
Now this isn’t me saying that someone like her couldn’t do it, since I know someone with the same issues as her who’s in veterinary school atm, but I am saying that Taylor couldn’t do it.
No. 532041
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No. 532070
>>532067It was her 21 birthday yesterday or two days ago, i think.
I dont think Jonny was there to celebrated it.
No. 532156
>>531958>>531974If her illnesses are actually "severe" and she has the proper documentation, she can let the school know and they have to provide her with "reasonable accomodations", which could include extending due dates, letting her do alternate assignments or allowing her to take as many online classes as possible
But then again, that's if her illnesses are "severe" enough and she has proper documentation, so…
No. 532183
>>532156Yeah, she can definitely do that. I have EDS and get most of those accommodations you mentioned. But school is still a little hard for everyone, accommodations or no you have to want a degree at least a little and put in some work at all, and I doubt she will do that. She'll probably make an effort for a couple weeks, give up, and make a video about how she isn't doing school after all because of 100 reasons that were not her fault.
But then who knows, maybe she'll just do an easy college or a party school and prove that "Cs get degrees." It would probably improve her life prospects a lot if she did get a degree, and maybe being around people who don't care about her youtube fame would be good for her too.
No. 532220
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No. 532221
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why am I not surprised her tattoo is an uncredited ripoff of another artist
No. 532260
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This is what the original tattoo artist has to say about it. Honestly if I were him, I’d be upset that they can’t even give him credit for it but I understand why he doesn’t want to put them on blast because it could harm his work.
No. 532315
>>532270same, not only does it break my heart for the original artist but for the owner of the original tattoo. He choose that tattoo just for his daughter and it's very sentimental.. and then here comes Taylor, crashing the party, copying his tattoo on impulse so she can dedicate it to the Irwins for inspiring her to hoard animals.
sage for rant
No. 532404
File: 1521431735335.jpg (597.94 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180318-204648.jpg)

Their kitchen is horrendous
No. 532435
>>532270She SHOULD give a quick apology, credit him, and her following would give him a good amount of exposure. But of course that won't happen.
I'd love to be proven wrong. sage.
No. 532446
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The corn snake is still alive and currently crawling all over JC's face
No. 532451
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Makes me so angry how she keeps her gecko so closed to the T.V, in a busy room, with loudass music. I feel sorry for the little guy…
No. 532470
File: 1521434532300.png (1.46 MB, 1074x1608, 20180319_004038.png)

Lol at this bitch front and center like she was part of the tour.
No. 532473
>>532466“You represent me! Stop it!”
Such a family friendly person by showing them lighting a blunt and smoking off camera /sarcasm
No. 532489
>>532466I just saw Taylor's ass and I really didn't want to. So much for being family friendly wow
I unfortunately didn't think I screenshot it and now I can't find it but I swear in Jonny's live thing she rolls over and is completely bar assed. It looks like all she's wearing is a thong and a t-shirt on his live thingy
No. 532494
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The live starts with taylor lighting his joint
No. 532518
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Caught this comment…okay tay
No. 532519
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And this…trying to be cute but it’s just annoying
No. 532579
File: 1521444283028.png (Spoiler Image,1.81 MB, 750x1334, 6B02C25F-F08A-45D1-9FCE-D27C13…)

Lol, no ass whatsoever. The whole livestream was just Jonny showing his ugly face and Taylor being annoying in the background. Also Taylor’s hair looks fried as shit.
No. 532648
File: 1521453485791.jpeg (167.85 KB, 640x506, 259F9847-A5EE-4113-8DA6-3145C2…)

Did you dig the fucking crab out then? I don’t know too much about crabs but I’m pretty sure they’re nocturnal and only do that in the day time. You stay up all night so it shouldn’t be a problem.
No. 532651
>>532648How does she think this sounds BETTER. So instead of just taking it out to manhandle it, her defense is that she actually had to dig it out from where it hid itself under the substrate, likely causing great stress to the animal whose instinct tells it to do this to escape predators. As usual “these are observation animals” applies to us, not her.
This probably seems like a lose/lose situation to her, we think the crab is dead so she takes it out to prove it’s not, then she gets attacked for taking it out. But why can’t she just take a pic of the enclosure, or a video of her opening it and pointing to where the crab is buried (I keep burrowing animals, you can almost always tell where they are once you know what to look for). She simply does not use her head when it comes to showing animals in a natural and safe way. They’re always taken out of their comfort zones for her to get the better aesthetic, the funnier video, the quirkier photograph. That’s what it always boils down to and she just doesn’t seem to understand.
No. 532665
>>532260Her tattoo has a chrysanthemum which he says was the original design. Was the original design his? If it was, then her getting a chrysanthemum was pure coincidence?
It sounds more like both artists used the same source design.
No. 532684
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>>532665found this one on google so I think you could be right
No. 532711
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The cats look soooo happy. /s
If they’re going to smoke, whatever, but leave the damn animals alone.
No. 532777
>>532221Wow I wonder how pissed TND is that someone has her tattoo but with flowers instead of a ripped up cabbage patch?
>>532711Those cats are definitely big enough to get fixed. Hope she has been keeping them UTD on shots, otherwise she'll have to start the whole series over again.
No. 532833
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hereee we go
No. 532855
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Not surprised this is the tattoo artist she chose. He's as much of a fake positive bitch as she is.
No. 532914
>>532855The asterisks aaaa.
This whole thing just belong somewhere on Reddit.
No. 532923
>>532909I foresee her abandoning them because they spray due to her negligence.
"I just couldn't handle their bad behavior and had to do what was best for my other animals"
No. 532948
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trying to prove she takes them to the vet, def still reading here
No. 532951
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in the comments
No. 533014
>>533006So basically an impulse animal hoarder has met someone just like them, along with the same personality.
Perfect. /s
No. 533169
>>533147Merle has always been controversial because of double merles, which are often born blind & deaf, or worse, stillborn. Breeding merles just creates more potential merle/merle breedings. One big issue I have with it is hidden merles; dogs that have the merle gene but it isn't strongly expressed or it's hard to see. Then you have people that think they are just breeding a merle and non merle, but end up with double merle pups. Really shady shit to be breeding only for color anyways, let alone a color linked to such horrible defects.
sage for off-topic.
No. 533222
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>>532967In her last story I think you can see Ghost moving behind Nemo, hopefully she's not lying this timd. But yeah, she was just scheduling now.
No. 533350
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Post by the girl who designed her hedgehog tattoo. Ayyye it's getting personal lmao
No. 533412
>>533394Hope she does read it so it can knock some sense to her and move them to another room.
I feel like the whole internet has to babysit her and her animals or else she kills them all from negligence. She needs to go back home to her mom and not leave until she finally grows tf up
No. 533479
>>533451I wonder if that's grounds for eviction. Swearing not to partake in illegal activities has been on every apartment lease I've ever signed,
but I suppose I can't afford to pay an apartment complex enough to let me keep three dozen animals when everyone else is allowed like two pets.
No. 533488
>>533393Can she even move them to another room? They need cooler temperatures than her other reptiles so they can't be in there, and she's already got her rat and hedgehog in a closet and cats in the bathroom.
>>533451Her mom said back in December that the apartment complex knew there were drugs and all in the apartment but didn't care. Unless the complex is somehow liable due to state laws, I'm not surprised. I lived in a "luxury" complex for a semester in college that couldn't care less what the tenants did. Neighbors called the cops on one person for parties at all hours on weekdays and the police even gave them warnings for having pot and underage drinking, but the apartment never cared. Hers is probably like that.
No. 533518
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I guess even people who are still fans aren’t able to defend this one.
No. 533520
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No. 533523
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>>533350Wonder what Taylor has to say?
No. 533528
>>533524 I know it's really bad for snakes too, and I'll bet her doors aren't airtight so there's definitely smoke in all her rooms. It's so irresponsible.
Plus, those geckos have a screen on at least one large side of their tank so they're getting the full blast of everything in the room, the LEAST she could do is cover it with a damp towel to block out some of the smoke, but even that wouldn't make it safe.
No. 533529
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No. 533531
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I have so many tattoos and I’ve never heard of an artist making you wear a bandage for 2-3 days. They always Saran Wrap the tattoo and make you take it off within 2-3 hours. You want that tattoo to breathe to heal properly, Taylor. Wtf are you talking about and why are you listening to some artist that has practically no experience.
No. 533556
>>533551You don’t sound like you smoke lol. Blunts aren’t trashy nor more potent in smell, and tons of people smoke a j or a blunt indoors. Taylor just doesn’t have that luxury since she has so many animals that are sensitive to second hand smoke.
She’s dumb as fuck for not anticipating this response from her audience. Or she’s trying to abruptly change her image.
No. 533557
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From jonny's live stream
No. 533574
>>533562Not white knighting either, but that would actually make sense, a medical grade wrap would be a good idea for someone with EDS, and adhesive allergies are also super common in EDS so that could be why she reacted.
Not sure why she needed to delete the tweet if that were the truth though, lol.
No. 533627
>>533619If she wanted this lifestyle she should have stuck with a manageable amount of animals with reasonable life expectancies. She has more ball pythons than anything else and don’t those live for like 40yrs?
If she had stuck with what she had before she started hoarding ball pythons and other fancy exotics I don’t think she’d get as much hate. It’s the fact that while she’s smoking and parading naked online she’s still actively hoarding animals, and the species are getting more and more rare/expensive/delicate. She’s punching above her weight in every sense right now.
No. 533630
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She always has to fucking pose
No. 533724
>>533711Unfortunately Taylor can’t use any aerosols without potentially killing all her reptiles.
Slight blog post but I’ve heard a few horror stories where people have killed their entire collection by using those wax warming “candles” (scentsy types), regular candles or aerosol sprays
No. 533737
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Sadly some of her fans are still fucking delusional and willing to excuse it
No. 533740
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No. 533746
>>533541What picture are y'all talking about with the marks/rash?
Also, anyone else notice how she's constantly in nothing but underwear and a teensy shirt in his Livestream in the same room as the geckos who apparently need cold temps? How cold do they need?
No. 533764
>>533760Yeah I'd believe that's a rash, if it was needle marks the lesions/spots would all look different from each other cause they'd be different ages
At least if she was shooting up she'd have an excuse for being such a callous piece of garbage
No. 533793
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No. 533820
>>533787Still sad to see alot of young kids still looking up to her and defending her. Young teens are easily influenced and seeing her publicly showing her half naked body while smoking and being with someone who doesn't respect women at all is infuriating. She knows that almost all of her fans are young, yet she's trying to manipulate them that what she's doing is okay and being stupid is cool.
Tbh, i'm happy the members of my family could care less about her or else i'll slap them on the face with research.
No. 533825
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No. 533827
File: 1521560720021.jpeg (412.78 KB, 750x1263, CCDF7A4A-C0D0-43EB-85FE-7F7B72…)

That snake hasn’t gained weight or size at all
No. 533832
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Here's the other pic
No. 533850
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I hate stans
No. 533877
>>533760I dont own any snakes–cuz im not an impulse hoarder–but after a few google search and a couple snake dedicated websites later, Violet is obviously underweight by how her body is more trangular. If she was on a normal scale, her body would be more oval with more meat around the area around the base of her head. She also has weird scar marks around her body that isn't shown in the photos of when TND got her. I could be wrong but if you compare her with other snakes.. they don't have that triangle shape.
Ugh! Makes me so mad. Poor little snake
No. 533937
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No. 533940
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>>533937It’s funny how that’s not what she said on Instagram
No. 533943
>>533935If she is then, hi Taylor! If you have to go to this thread just to see your mistakes, then you needa reevaluate your life. Take a moment to look around and see what you're doing to yourself and your animals that you swore to take care of. Think about all the young kids that you're influencing and think about the family that raised you. Lastly, look at your boyfriend.. if ever you run out of money, get kicked out, and lose everything.. will he be there for you? What will he do?
Just take a moment and to think what you did, what you're doing, and what you are going to do. THINK
No. 533994
>>533937“Quiet ready” fucking idiot lol
she’s really turning into Jonny
No. 534058
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Is she trying to get sympathy for not just answering her mom in a simple way? How hard is typing "It wasn't a goby, it was a blue dot jawfish."
Also like how she's putting out there that she ignores her moms texts (first text)
No. 534065
File: 1521577521957.png (442.19 KB, 1242x1830, IMG_0247.PNG)

Saging for old photo, but this is her excuse for keeping so many snakes. Basically she's saying, "well other people own more than dozens of snakes so i can too! All i need to do is clean the cages and feed them because they're not like dogs! That's all and they'll be happy forever!"
No. 534078
>>534065There are many people in the hobby that have hundreds of snakes. But they spend a good portion of every day checking over their animals, feeding them, making sure temp/humidity is correct, making sure there's no illness or stuck shed etc. She doesn't have the time to do all of that with the small number she has not to mention her lack of knowledge and experience. She also seems to keep buying underweight animals that aren't healthy to begin with. The snake in that photo was clearly underweight and dehydrated the day she got him. They should not have wrinkles like that. It's possible to have 100+ snakes, but not the way she does it.
Sage for ranting and rambling
No. 534123
>>533711I had an apartment neighbor who smoked weed and we could only smell it when we were outside, never inside our apartment. I have no idea how her complex is set up but if it’s like most common ones then yes, people could definitely smell the weed
>>534058it’s really sad that her mom has to resort to guilt tripping to get a reply out of her. whenever taylor and jonny break up im sure she’s gonna really regret treating her mother like such shit just because she didn’t approve of her druggie rapist boyfriend and was just trying to prevent taylor from getting harmed. what a horrible mom huh
No. 534199
>>534158She wanted the high life so it makes sense she'd get a love bracelet.
It was an impulse buy and she'll probably regret it considering her channel is dying.
No. 534237
>>534215What pisses me off the most is that she could care less about her own parents who obviously love and care for her. Not only does she not care about them, she just abandons her animals at home when they are already caring for her little brother.
she also never seems to talk with them without being rude or not making fun of them. And the only time she does if her mom has to use some sort of manipulation to get her to even answer.
Goes to show how heartless she is.
No. 534247
>>534234Thats true, and considering it's her 'job' and her personality type is to take a photo of anything and everything, you'd think she would have and be uploading a lot more photos of her animals, from this it's probably safe to assume that the only time she handles them is when they make an appearance in a photo, which isn't very often.
Also where is this mental health video she promised a few days ago??
No. 534288
>>534261I used to think it was strange as well, but once you start paying more attention it's because she lies a lot, so it makes sense she'll delete things she feels could get her in deep water.
Not to mention that she's lost track of the many lies she's told by now, so she probably deletes things thinking people will call her out for lying even when she hasn't really lied about what she posted. She flip flops a lot with how she wants to be perceived.
No. 534361
>>534352>>534087I'm copypasting this from the last thread:
this girl is a problem.
jupiter (pac man) (deceased)
asteroid (pac man)
mushu (axolotl)
moon crab
80 turtles
milo (beta)
emo nemo (black clownfish)
zazu (lionfish)
5 female betas
target mandarin
2 clownfish
snowflake eel
jaw fish
puffer fish
kamohara blenny
school of killifish (multiple deceased from 'suicide jumps')
leopard ctenopoma
2 black storm clownfish
nova (deceased)
misty (deceased)
nala (deceased)
piper (deceased)
3 satanic geckos
echo (crested)
phoenix (crested)
drogo (croc skink)
dany (croc skink)
atta (leopard gecko)
bindi (blue tongue skink)
black throated monitor
twisty (bearded dragon)
toast (sand boa)
celia (hognose)
maui (python)
louie (python)
violet (python)
tate (python)
salem (???)
frank (python)
green tree python (deceased)
sabor (GTP)
gucci (king)
corn snake
cersei (tarantula)
mori (budwing mantis) (deceased)
leaf insect
nemo's sister (deceased)
No. 534439
>>534361updated this list to edit a couple errors and add which animals have been "rehomed" (that I'm aware of). I definitely know there are quite a bit of fish missing that are more than likely dead at this point
jupiter (pac man) (deceased)
asteroid (pac man)
mushu (axolotl)
moon crab
80 turtles (given to rescue)
milo (beta)
emo nemo (black clownfish)
cheese (cowfish)
zazu (lionfish)
5 female betas
target mandarin
2 clownfish
snowflake eel ("rehomed")
jaw fish (deceased)
puffer fish (???)
bumblebee gobies (???)
kamohara blenny
school of killifish (multiple deceased from 'suicide jumps')
irwin (naso tang)
leopard ctenopoma
2 black storm clownfish
nova (deceased)
mystery ("rehomed")
misty (deceased)
aurora ("rehomed")
maleficent ("rehomed")
nala (hedgehog)(deceased)
solara (hedgehog)(deceased)
kovu (hedgehog)
piper (hedgehog)(deceased)
gus (mouse)
3 satanic geckos
echo (crested)
phoenix (crested)
drogo (croc skink)
dany (croc skink)
atta (leopard gecko)
bindi (blue tongue skink)
roughneck monitor
twisty (bearded dragon)
toast (sand boa)
celia (hognose)
maui (ball python)
louie (ball python)
violet (ball python)
tate (python)
salem (???)
frank (ball python)
green tree python (deceased)
sabor (GTP)
gucci (king)
lego (cornsnake)
cersei (tarantula)
mori (budwing mantis) (deceased)
leaf insect (deceased)
kiara (left with family)
kida (also left with family?)
nemo's sister (deceased)
No. 534450
>>534439Salem is a Mexican Black Kingsnake.
It's kind of surprising all those reptiles she has are still alive, I wonder when that's going to change because she kills the Satanics and gets rid of the monitor.
No. 534451
>>534429I hate Taylor for her bad attitude and animal care, but I can’t stand that she lets this ugly sponge treat her that way. He’s a fucking lowlife nobody who is only famous for his fuck ups. He lives off her coin, in her apartment, parades her like a fucking trophy as his “hoe” and for all she’ll claim otherwise (most likely because she doesn’t want to prove her mom/fans right about him) he gives absolutely nothing in return.
All he seems to do is get high and leer at her. Do they even speak, and if so what about? They have nothing in common? The dude is brain dead from hard drugs and drinking. He can hardly even spell, or portray anything resembling personality through text let alone his creepy dead eyed livestreams. It frustrates me beyond belief that he’s living how he is. Taylor will bring about her own downfall with how she’s behaving, and she’ll have to live with that. But he’ll just move on to the next young woman he can leech off, and won’t remember Tay’s name a week later.
No. 534479
>>534361Gus is the only rodent. Hedgehogs aren't rodents. Irrelevant but things like that make me twitchy.
I do think she is lying about Gus's age. 2.5 isn't unheard of for a mouse, but it's very uncommon. 1.5 years is the average lifespan of a pet mouse. She posted her first video about him in Sept. of 2016. That would make him less than 2 years old. He still had bite wounds from the pet store in that video. I'd estimate him to be around a year and 9 months. Where she comes up with 2.5, I have no idea. Not a huge difference and still quite old for a mouse, but still…
sage for my being nuts about mammal terminology
No. 534492
>>534483Taylor is a trash person because of how she treats people and because she murders animals.
Anything else just adds to that.
No. 534507
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I think she change the description
No. 534529
>>534058it's "so much work" because you answer your mother like a fucking surly asshole teenager going through puberty. your bullshit one-sentence responses don't fucking explain anything.
imagine having this asshole as your daughter. "so much work"… this coming from a lazy self-obsessed cow who hasn't seen a day of honest work in her life.
if she were mine i'd disown her. not just because she's so fucking rude and disrespectful to her own parents, but because she airs her parental conversations out to her huge audience of tweens. and that's not even going into the fact she mocks the women her boyfriend raped and abused. i'd be embarrassed to admit she kicked her way out of my womb. yuck.
No. 534550
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No. 534557
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Excuse me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure they moved the geckos. Or I just can’t see them in this angle.
No. 534565
>>534557Or they died
Excuse me, "rehomed"
No. 534569
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Nit-picky, but this shows how much they don’t give actually give a shit about their animals when they have plenty of money to spare. They feed Nemo out of a Tupperware container. Like Jesus Christ you’re a real big spender huh. Went the extra mile.
No. 534585
>>534569Is his food just thrown on the floor next to it?
Couldn't buy a $5 bowl but could buy a $6300 bracelet? No wonder she killed that kitten. No way she paid for vet visits.
No. 534589
I can't fucking believe and yet am not at all surprised she feeds those poor cats like that. The water in the tupperware and is the food just on the floor? That's so unsanitary.
Plus, plastic bowls aren't recommended for cats because they're harder to clean and more easily harbor bacteria than ceramic, metal, or glass. Someone who "knows all about cats" should know this.
>>534575With the vets she (barely) sees and her inability to research animal care I don't trust her to feed her cats raw so I'm glad she's not, because it can be super dangerous. But apparently she feeds Fromm and is obsessed with it, which isn't terrible but isn't the best food. She just likes it because it's "higher end" for petco brands.
No. 534592
>>534587I was thinking this too. Plus she left them locked in the bathroom all day while she went to reptile expos.
What a terrible human being. I hope she ends up with permanent guilt over all the animals she's killed.
No. 534605
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More specifically, that's the kitten formula which she'd better be feeding them rather than adult food.
No. 534608
She also barely has any furniture so that apartment must be fucking depressing.
So much for muh dream apartment.
No. 534609
>>534593what's the point of buying your cat expensive food if you're going to serve it on the same surface you throw all your dirty laundry? I wouldn't want filet mignon served on this bitch's used panties
I thought wet food was better for cats anyway. Is there a reason to pay extra for dry food other than sloth?
No. 534655
>>534392I agree with everything you said. If I even give a rude tone to my mother or even posted something like this, she would throw me into another dimension to never be seen again.
Now that I think about it, her parents probably spoiled her so much so that if she throws a tantrum, they’ll just give her what she wanted. Not just that, but how her brother is, they probably gave her less attention which she’s trying to get from people all the time to make up for it. As for her mental health, it could just be her mother’s way of scaring Taylor to just stay home or Taylor has been lying about it sooo much just to get the attention her brother has that it actually happened. Cuz you know, the mind can do crazy things.
Sage for blogging/speculations/rambling
No. 534662
>>534652Eh, to be honest I don't think it's a rape fetish. She's just a hypocritical cunt who also happens to be an edgelord.
And also she probably thinks she's not "like other girls" and "too mature for her age" but really she's just fucking stupid and that's why she's dating such garbage lmao.
No. 534676
>>534674You are all assuming Taylor cares about others aside from herself. That is a mistake.
Reasons she is dating Jonny:
1. Increased "fame"
2. Access to drugs
3. (Maybe) Jonny will reveal her lies and she will lose her YouTube money if they break up
No. 534723
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No. 534725
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Taylor’s liked tweets are always interesting.
No. 534770
>>534767Yeah I think he’s mean enough to try to hurt her in that way but I agree that he’s probably too fucking stupid to think of it. His awareness of those animals as well as people extends only so far as what they can do for him in the moment.
Her mom tweeted a pic of the animal room once right? Or maybe she just mentioned it but I could swear she said something about it being a mess, and that was in the early days when Taylor had just moved out. It has no doubt gotten much worse since.
No. 534785
>>534609Dry food is good for oral health, wet food is good for water content and jazzing it up when the cat gets picky about its food.
But honestly, why is she using plastic to feed her cat? That’s really bad. Taylor please.
No. 534862
>>534785Dry food being good for oral health is a myth that won't die. Cats don't chew the same way humans do so it really does nothing for their teeth. Feel free to look it up.
There is plaque remover wipes, stuff you can put in their water, and toothbrushes for cats that actually works. Dry food just leads to diabetes, UTIs, and obesity.
No. 534875
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>>534058this stan trying to claim her mom is emotionally abusive. Literally her mom saying "you won't reply" because Taylor ignores her is abuse now, guys, but Jonny is NOT abuse. CLEARLY!
No. 534889
>>534875It is emotional manipulation, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it abuse. Her mom knows that Taylor will respond if Tanner is mentioned, so it is clear that she said that to guilt her into responding.
I have very little sympathy for the mom, tbh. I followed her on Twitter back when she threatened to expose everything and didn't. She posts about Tanner doing things a lot, but she just about as much posts things to shade Jonny and Taylor and she posts emo song lyrics a lot.
No. 534947
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No. 534949
>>534862Looked it up, seems raw is the way to go? Thanks though, I would’ve just been a fool to continue believing it. I would say those depend on the brand of dry food. Some brands are plain unhealthy and causes extreme shedding too.
That aside, I still can’t believe she can’t buy proper bowls for her cats with the amount of money she splurges on extremely exotic animals, accessories and other things that aren’t necessities.
No. 534967
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JC once again smoking in the apartment on live stream last night, with how many animals they have they shouldn't be smoking in the apartment at all. Doesn't she have a frog too? The smoke would be terrible for their skin in any amount.
No. 534968
>>534949Dry just tends to be packed with carbs. Fancy brands will load kibbles with "high quality" ingredients that look good to humans but do shit all for cats (like apples, yams, blueberries). Peas are added to up protein on the label but it is plant protein that is useless to cats.
A cheaper wet food with a quality meat source is better than blowing your money of a high quality kibble full of fruits and vegetables.
Also the smoking thing bugs the shit out of me. I have a cat I adopt that grew up with smokers. She's got mild asthma but can't take meds because she has a heart condition. Either way, even third hand smoke can cause her to wheeze.
A smoker friend petted her without washing her hands and I was so pissed off. Had to get her a bath because I could smell it on her and you know, cats lick their fur. So yeah, didn't want her ingesting it.
Sage blog/rant.
No. 534977
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No. 534979
>>534949>>534881It is possible to feed cats dry and still be healthy as long as the food is majority protein and you're not free feeding with it. But there's no benefit to it aside from convenience. It's not recommended for male cats specifically because it gives them UTIs a lot.
Wet food is the way to go according to my vet.
No. 534989
>>534978This stuff is always infuriating to imagine because Johnny was a rising musician until he kept falling off the wagon and now he's in a small time band and nobody wants to work with him anymore.
Redneck hick gets blessed with an amazing voice, breaks into an industry so well that he can earn solely from his music, but then he fucks it all up so badly that instead people only know about him as the bad boyfriend of a crap YouTuber or from bandbro memes about how he sold imaginary MacBooks to fund his coke addiction. He's such a fuck up.
No. 535030
>>534949the simplest and the best rules:
- if you're going for dry food - pick grain free
- if dry is the main thing your cat eats, then he needs to eat at least 30% wet or natural (raw meat and other stuff like veggies, natural yogurt etc, depends what the cat likes)
- if you go for wet - pick the ones that have at least 50% meat (make sure it's meat not some shady derivates); mincemeat is the best but usually cats like filet or chunks more
No. 535093
I want to know why Taylor would pay for a high class apartment only to trash it. She takes no pride in her surroundings. Her kitchen is loaded with too many Pop dolls so there is no charm, it's almost like she's just using the location a crack den slash storage unit. She could have paid for a much cheaper place with her budget, but had extra rooms to keep her animals in. Let's say 3 - 4 bedrooms. I know what the floor plan looks like in her place, but does she even have a room to keep the wild caught Monitor in? It will need a whole room to itself, better the Landlord know. What is her future plan with this dangerous animal and the cats? I also think that maybe, she doesn't keep her animals all out in the common area of her crack den because she doesn't want the Landlord/maintenance to see them. If the living room was so hot as Jonny said, then the other animals should be in there, and the Geckos elsewhere. She only moved the Geckos after people complained. I bet she was super annoyed to do it, like fuck, why do I have to take care of these little shits to please the internet. No bitch, you have to take care of them because you chose to BUY THEM.
No. 535108
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>>534947i cant tell if that emoji's supposed to be threatening because it looks exactly like his normal face
No. 535141
>>535126It would last 3-4 tweets after multiple people start asking things like "I haven't seen ~snake~ in ages, how are they?" not being able to display her new nails/hair of that week she would then try to get sympathy with two possible options 1) "There was just nothing I could do!!!" or 2) "It was so sudden, I can't even begin to understand how they died!!!" She would then start to blame anyone and everyone else for killing them/getting them sick/starving them, most likely the breeder or previous owner. She hasn't turned on her "care takers" yet but that is another option. She'd go back and forth for about 2 hours trying to construct a lie that is just believable enough for her tween fan base to nod their heads at. After it becomes Swiss cheese thanks to obvious errors she would delete everything having to do with ~snake~ and never mention them again.
She's really starting to remind me of South Park's version of Paris Hilton who moves on to a new pet as soon as the current "popular" one kills itself.
No. 535163
>>535152So 31 living + 18 dead/"rehomed"
Means 1/3 of the animals she has owned are abandoned or dead.
No. 535164
>>535157I included the seahorses in with the fish
did a death recount, 8 without fish, 12 + Killifish including
No. 535260
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I’m sure she was really happy that you were holding her like that too
No. 535261
>>535260oops I don’t think I should’ve saged that
Oh well
No. 535341
>>535309Actually Em has said this before in her previous videos. Not everything that can be said about general misconceptions/practices of reptile/pet keepers is shade about Taylor from her.
I could see the thing she said about switching to live feed immediately possibly coming from Taylor's latest drama about her snakes, but who knows anymore.
No. 535347
>>535309Em should be a bannable topic in this thread. Everytime she posts a video her 5 fans run to THIS thread to 'spill tea', when she has her own thread. But thanks for shitting up and derailing this thread, ya autists.
Anyway, does anyone have the live ig downloaded? Specifically, the weed smoke/cat/gecko controversy one. It's not posted up-thread, from what I can see.
No. 535361
>>535356I love how they had the fire on too, wonder if they had that on whilst the geckos were in there.
Also find it strange that shes moved the geckos from the room but left the spray bottle for misting where their cage was? I know shes lazy given the state of her house but wouldn't it make more sense to move the bottle next to the animals that need it?
No. 535365
>>535206They all had low self-esteem and were vulnerable when they met him, which is why he thrived as an abuser. He used his status as a musician to get with them, so that's another factor.
There's also a pattern in age. The older he gets, the younger the girlfriend, so it's easier to groom and control her.
I agree, though. Liz is honestly gorgeous.
No. 535372
>>535359 That would be a great way for her to prove to us that all her animals are still alive and in clean enclosures with the things they need, but she can't do that because they are in messy, improper setups.
Taylor we know you read here, if you really want to prove your animals are ok show them on these livestreams.
No. 535382
>>535274I used to think that maybe it was a coincidence, but she's been doing shit right after it's mentioned here, so I do believe she reads these threads now.
I mean as long as it benefits the animals, whatever.
No. 535402
>>535396Yes. You don't need to follow the account, unless they're set to private.
It's on the stories' feature, by tapping on their profile picture.
No. 535440
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Taylor liked this
No. 535557
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>>535260Her other hedgehog’s nails were also super long in her all my pets video.
Also, she hasn’t mentioned those racks she said she was getting in 6-7 weeks, which she said over 2 months ago.
No. 535591
>>535365definitely this. jonny, as awful as he is, is a really good singer and has the perfect "bad boy" (ugh) look that certain types of alt girls love. he's literally gotten so many chances in the industry because of his voice/talent being miles above anyone else in his scene (tho I bet he wouldn't be special/last very long in like actual pop music where everyone is pretty talented)
Not that any of these girls deserve their treatment from JC at all, but if you look at their twitters, you'll see most of them still pining after band dudes too. He was high status to these girls and they were in a vulnerable spot.
sorry for no new information, JC has been my personal lolcow for years and I've been endlessly fascinated by how such an obviously bad person and compulsive liar gets as many chances as he does both professionally and from fans.
No. 535602
>>535591>has the perfect "bad boy" (ugh) look that certain types of alt girls mean tattoos? hard to look "bad" when you look like ed sheeran knocked up the pillsbury doughboy and the baby somehow came out with chinky eyes.
>his voice talent being miles above anyone else in his sceneno. if you're taylor, go clip your hedgehogs nails. if you're not taylor you should probably just kill yourself. I hope they play kidz bop at your funeral.
No. 535616
>>535611sage goes in the email field and yes that has been brought up. She already threw the shop that sold her the monitor under the bus when she had buyer's remorse, so you can guess who she's going to blame if her failure to quarantine the monitor makes any of her other living accessories sick.
Of course as soon as she's done collecting asspats for the death of her dear pets (totally not her fault) she'll go out and buy half a dozen more because they match her nails that week.
No. 535669
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Found this in
Band groupies that had sex with their idols, how did it affect the way you saw them afterwards?''
No. 535753
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Repost cause my IG was showing
No. 535793
>>535784Oh, god. You're one of those.
Anyways, back to topic.. her replies to people are so irritating. I don't get how people are still defending her if she's rude af to them.
No. 535796
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Just a reminder for people that are new or only know her b/c of JC: she has been taking long breaks from videos, making excuses, etc way before he ever came around
Another favorite line of hers is “I never take pics of myself anymore” or “I never post selfies anymore” even tho half her pics have always been her posing. Personally I think she really wanted to be a model and settled for animals when it didn’t take off. She doesn’t really have a passion for animals, its just what she could become known for.
Sage for old posts and ranting
No. 535885
>>535883Exactly. For someone who gets sick and has chronic pain a lot that sure doesn't ever stop her from doing her hair and makeup.
I suffer from chronic pain as well but you don't even need to suffer from it to relate that, when you feel like shit you don't want to do anything. You're irritable and in pain and annoyed and can't focus and don't want to waste any extra effort on anything you don't have to until whatever pain you're dealing with goes away.
But with the exception of two photos where she met a fan out in public while just running errands, she's always done up and clearly put a lot of effort into her look for the day. But when she has to do actual work it's suddenly "muh chronic pain syndromes :("
No. 535920
>>535885It also never prevents her trips or ability to purchase animals.
Or prevents her from driving 9 hours straight like she did on tour with Jonny.
No. 535941
>>535934Because of her dumb pitbull video I'm just imagining her doing a video on declawing and being as vague and stupid as possible
"You shouldn't….get your cats declawed because it hurts them and stuff and….yeah…."
No. 535942
I honestly don't believe her when it comes to her mental illness. From the amount of lies that she creates that if she does suffer from said EDS, i still wouldn't believe her. For me, all this excuse is just one way to get people to treat her as a fragile princess so she can do whatever she wants. If she wasn't a compulsive liar then maybe i will believe her. If she can pack all her things, take road trips, stress in an airport, sit in a plane, and party around with her hobbit of a man then she can make videos everyday or at least a couple a week.
Everything she says from now on, i don't believe her. You're in pain to do videos and have a job, Taylor? Aww poor you.. well guess what? I don't believe you. This is the real world. There's women out there suffering from intense dysmenorrhea but they continue to work, there's men out there that suffers from severe chronic migrane yet they go to work. There's real people with real mental illnesses, and everyday they try their best to do their work. Get over yourself.
Sage for extreme ranting. I'm so pissed at her lies and deceptions and lack of animal care.
No. 535970
>>535942Oh she definitely has some mental illness (no normal person acts this ridiculous) but where I start to lose sympathy is her constantly using it as an excuse.
She is EXTREMELY LUCKY in the respect that she doesn't have to go to a regular job and work 8 hours straight 5 days a week. She can create her own work schedule, and use some of that free time to focus on her mental health by taking things slow.
Plenty of YouTubers have taken mental health breaks or life breaks because some major shit goes down and they just can't focus on YouTube. But the main difference with those is they usually post a video BEFORE they leave, or attempt to schedule some videos ahead of time, or in some cases STILL post videos but just focus on minor content.
Taylor goes completely silent on YouTube, if she is active on social media she's just posting pictures of herself or talking to her Youtubey friends ad acting like nothing is wrong, and THEN after weeks of not uploading anything and people being rightfully annoyed she goes "sorry I was really sick n depressed :("
No. 536076
>>535970I think the biggest difference between Taylor and other youtubers who take breaks for mental illness or physical illness is that Taylor ONLY ever takes breaks. Even pre-Johnny she didn't have a regular upload schedule, half her 2017 videos start with her saying, "sorry it's been so long…" or something to the extent.
Most youtubers with channels as popular as hers, or even with far less subscribers than her, have regular upload schedules of 1-3x per week. They put out tons of videos, THEN take a break when they need it. She doesn't do that, and she doesn't seem to care to.
No. 536140
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>>536139Her social blade keeps going down for sure
No. 536266
All she does is make false promises and turn to blaming it on her mental illness when everyone starts to question.
>>536209If you think about it, She already looks like she’s 30 with a lisp. So add drugs, and her ugly attitude, i’ll Give it 5 more years of what she’s doing now and she’ll be a nobody.
No. 536334
>>536325as far as I know, it's MOSTLY just ad revenue, meaning you get money from the ads that play before your video. That's why when the adpocalypse hit and companies began being a lot more stricter on the kind of content they allowed youtube to show their ads on/next to, some youtubers saw a cut of up to 80% of their usual earnings.
Besides that youtubers make a lot of money off of sponsorships, but I can't imagine too many companies will wanna work directly with Taylor with the path she's going down.
If im wrong feel free to correct me guys
No. 536358
>>536348Could it be she's working on new content?
No. 536416
>>536209>>536156>>536141Right now I feel like her youtube career can be sustainable as it is for maybe the rest of the year.
But I also feel like most of her views have plateau'd. You can only do so much with the actual content she's willing to create.
A great deal of her most viewed videos often involve the crazy amount of animals she has. In the long run, for her to have a successful youtube career she'd need to keep buying pets, because that's really her selling point.
It's not how much she cares about animals.
It's not about animal care and educational videos.
It's all about "look how quirky and unique I am for having a ginormous amount of pets".
Eventually she'll have so many more pets than what she can handle and it will stop being profitable. It's already an issue for her, but there'll be so many of them she will not be able to afford them anymore.
Like in a lot of ways her "career" is limited. A lot of youtubers go on tours and make stupid shit to keep the bucks flowing, but she doesn't really have that option unless she decided to play Steve Irwin and let a bunch of 12 year olds manhandle her pets.
As for her illnesses, she's already talked about that and it was dilluted as fuck. This is honestly such a short-termed view she's having and it's really sad, not for her, but for all the animals that are under her care.
sage for blogging.
No. 536503
>>535260do hedgehogs need fresh air? sad to imagine a creature stored in a closet
No. 536507
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Her mom also commented Taylor has been quiet now for 2 days and someone said she might be waiting out the weed drama.
No. 536523
>>536521Not sure but I think that might refer to the first one which was sick when she bought it. It of course died, she complained, and the breeder/shop sent her a new one.
Unrelated but I believe there was speculation that the place it came from sold wild caught gtps but I’m not sure if that’s true. If it is it just adds to the hypocrisy though.
No. 536558
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so tate recently refused f/t and was apparently her first snake to refuse frozen, but shes had violet since december and she's been refusing frozen?? girl what
No. 536590
My boyfriend keeps ball pythons (and other snakes) and he once had a female refuse food, and didn’t even mention it to me until almost a month had passed. Even then he wasn’t worried, because it happens and once you’ve ruled out environmental causes it will sort itself 99% of the time. Two weeks is such a…non concern? I don’t know any bp keepers who would advise switching to live after two weeks. It’s absolutely crazy she just jumped to that.
No. 536593
>>536558Because she's setting the stage for when
1. They die so she has an excuse
2. She starts doing live feeding videos and needs an excuse
No. 536598
>>536563>>536590>>536593She worked at Petco, after all.
Since the only options that Petco sells are frozen and live, and she's an idiot who obviously does two seconds of research before deciding she wants an animal, it makes sense how she just assumes that's the logical progression.
Not saying that some people who work at Petco don't know anything about animals, because a lot of them do. But then you also get the lazy kids who want to work there because they think they can just play with the animals all day and, at best, know basic trivia about the animals in the store.
Taylor definitely seems like the latter to me.
No. 536605
>>536602 She might have been primarily on cashier duty, but in order to do the opening 8-4 shift at Petco, they have to train you to clean the animal cages (at my store, Sunday and Wednesday are deep clean days, and every other day is just spot cleaning/straightening the cages) But other than that, I'm sure she didn't touch them.
But my point is, as a cashier, she probably saw people bringing up live and frozen mice/rats all the time, so that was her only exposure to what snakes could eat before she impulse bought all of them.
No. 536755
>>536740 (Sorry if that didn't work I have no idea what I'm doing lol)
I'm not sure if this is what others are referring to but in her "My experience working in a pet store" video she talks about being not being on the floor as most of the time they had people who could do heavy lifting in those positions, so most of the time she was on the cash register. Just rewatched part of the video to check (it's around the 12 minute mark) and man she's changed a lot. She sounds pretty logical and I'm honestly baffled as to how she's become okay with buying from pet shops and lying that they came from "respectable breeders".
No. 536782
>>536590When my Ball python started to refuse food (he is on live and will only eat live, tried multiple times to transition to f/t) he went four months without food, I was worried but two weeks is nothing. I checked his weight constantly to ensure he wasn’t losing any and eventually he ate. The fact that she is “freaking out” over two weeks just goes to show how bad her snakes must be doing or worst
Sage for blog post
No. 536787
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I know this subject had probably been beaten to death but I came across this post today about crocodile skinks. Multiple people seem to have issues keeping them alive sense they stress so easily in captivity. Taylor seems to want to breed hers and handles them frequently so how long do you think it’ll be until one dies?
No. 536793
>>536787That’s interesting, I know someone who has some and when I asked how he finds keeping them he was of the opinion that once you get the setup right, they’re usually fine. Not a beginner reptile, but maybe not on the level of your Satanic Leaf Geckos.
If they’re really that difficult to keep alive then either Taylor is doing something right, or, more likely, she lucked out and her lizards are now somewhat desensitised to the manhandling. Or it’s just a matter of time.
No. 536807
>>536793Or she replaces them like what she does with the hedgehogs. Only difference is that no one can tell if she did, like with cheese. She can’t replace the snakes because of their markings. That’s my speculation.
Or maybe she just finally did something right
No. 537001
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>>536416>A lot of youtubers go on tours and make stupid shit to keep the bucks flowing, but she doesn't really have that option unless she decided to play Steve Irwin and let a bunch of 12 year olds manhandle her pets.Didn't she do that at vidcon or was that just an exaggerated rumor? She definitely brought pets and it wasn't tough to find footage of Taylor letting her skink lick her skank friend's face at vidcon, but you'd think if she let anyone else manhandle her pets like she does there would be photos or footage of it. Maybe I didn't look hard enough.
No. 537008
>>537001Skank friend?
Thats Paige.
No. 537409
>>537049This thread is about Taylor,
why call someone you don't know anything about, a skank?
No reason to be mean to someone who hasn't done anything.
No. 537614
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Guess we can count on no videos for the next week…
No. 537627
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No. 537637
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This might be reaching a bit, but does that look like a mark on her vein to anyone else? I thought maybe it was her tattoo rash, but it was nowhere else on her arm.
No. 537699
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Even her fans noticed the marks
No. 537708
>>537694My sister was a heroin user for a long time and I asked her this once
She said when she tried to shoot up in her feet it was extremely painful so she just stuck to the elbow and long sleeves
No. 537780
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comparison of arm nine days ago vs. today.
that's an oddly specific place for a rash or snake bite.
No. 537790
>>537783true, especially if the bandage is rubbing on the crease of the elbow, skin is thinner and more sensitive there. it also looks like she's got a similar bump in the first picture.
that's good, i was worried for a second there lol.
No. 537812
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>>537699This is what a ball python bite looks like for everyone’s information. Definitely not a snake bite.
Sage for no relevance to Taylor
No. 537832
>Those aren't track marks, it's just a conveniently placed rash from wrapping her tattoo!Well I guess we know how Taylor's going to explain it to her gullible fans, assuming she addresses it at all.
>>537409I wrote it that way because skank sounds like skink and that brought me a moment's entertainment, not because I have a problem with whoever Paige is. Sorry I hurt your feelings, anon. I didn't mean it.
No. 537859
>>537857My ex had joint pain and he had to get regular bloods taken to monitor the medication he had to take. (not sure on specifics but something along those lines)
Why is everyone assuming heroin? I think the furthest shes gone is shes sniffed a bit of coke. I don't like her but I think her laziness lately is due to her lying smoking pot and drinking non-stop in her house, that can make you pretty fucking lazy
No. 537861
>>537857Having seen quite a few track marks in my day, I agree that it looks suspicious, for sure. But last month I pulled off a bandaid from the ER too fast in the same place and my skin literally ripped out with scarring. So I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that it's a skin sensitivity.
She's not the smartest, but i don't think she's dumb enough to shoot up next to a new tattoo.
No. 537862
>>537859People are thinking heroin because Taylor told people she and Jonny were already smoking it (unless you believe her when she says she was just trolling/the DMs were faked and everyone who confirmed that intel was lying), and IV usage is the natural progression when you want that stronger high.
She'll act like anyone who asks her about it is just being stupid either way, so it tells us more when she ignores the questions completely. Sure, I'd like to think she's smarter than to post a photo showing track marks on her arm, but even people here are happy to believe it's just a rash, and I think most of us would have liked to think she was smarter than to film Jonny smoking in the same room as her Satanic Leaf Tailed Geckos, too.
Everyone wants to believe she's smarter than this… but is she?
No. 537879
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No. 537913
>>537906Because it IS forced. I think there was an article about how couples who feel the need to broadcast their relationship on social media all the time are actually not that happy.
He's definitely doing it for the attention, and this is actually not uncommon for him as he's done it with all of his exes.
No. 537956
>>537879jonny can't even cook, give her rent money, sign a lease with her or drive her anywhere what world does he even have to give. i bet you he hasn't bought her one useful household supply.
it takes barely any effort to gift a bouquet of flowers. try again champ
No. 537966
>>537879This is such insidious manipulation it's gross. He keeps painting Taylor as his saviour and the only reason he stays sober and it's clearly so that she will feel crushing guilt about leaving him should she ever choose to. Like if she leaves he'll relapse when that is 100% not ever even remotely her fault.
It's tragic enough to watch it happen to her, because regardless of her flaws, I wouldn't wish an abusive relationship on anyone. But it's even worse knowing her young fans look at this and think it's what a relationship should be. When in reality the opposite is true.
No. 537969
>>537879It sounds ridiculous because it's the most cookie-cutter 'I love you more than anything' I've ever seen, just like every other message he's written about Taylor has been.
Also, the language he uses just sounds so clunky and out of place it doesn't sound like it's coming from him at all.
No. 538145
>>538025fucking enough with this shit. it’s not a track mark, dummy isn’t dumb enough to post that and she wouldn’t be injecting this quickly anyway. you’ve clearly never met a junkie before, those don’t look anything like track marks.
now everyone can stop derailing with this stupid shit. also, you’re replying to nobody with that sage comment.
No. 538158
>>538145Lol recovering addictfag here. You’d be surprised how quickly you begin injecting. But okay buddy boy, you’re probably one of her 13yo stans who’s upset she hasn’t made a video and “muh idol wuld never do heroin.”
Not detailing either, it has to do with Taylor.
No need to reply to all the comments not saging, just a general reminder kek.
Go back to PULL or GG or her Twitter faggot.
No. 538261
>>538235why does everyone keep forgetting anything about Taylor here goes
we aren't vigilantes exposing cruella deville or some shit
it's a gossiping site.
anyway, I'm personally more bothered that if she was caring for all her animals at night that means any diurnal animals weren't getting attention when they were awake and most diurnal reptile species need enrichment
hognoses and blue tongue skinks especially are known to get bored and glass surf if they have nothing entertaining them
though ig its not that awful she was up at night because she has mostly nocturnal species
still can't be healthy to be up all night and asleep in the day doesn't that cause you to become stressed or some shit? since you get no v-D?
No. 538274
>>538261She ain't gonna get rickets anytime soon mate, the rest of the human race functions in the day- even night owls have to do the shopping.
Also, I know it's coming from a place of concern, but hognoses and skinks are not social animals- an entertaining enclosure is far more valuable that human interaction. They're beginner reptiles for a reason.
Sage for adding goddamn nothing.
No. 538275
The rash was posted three or more times upthread.
>>533760It's clearly not a trackmark and you've all wasted more than thirty posts arguing about some shit that was already resolved days ago. Stop being so retarded and learn how to read.
No. 538279
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>>538264Wouldn't it be funny if the reason he didn't tag Taylor is because he's talking about someone else?
>>538228>doesn't know how to sage>excuses willful ignorance by blaming the website's format>wants to move the discussion to reddit which is apparently somehow betterlol. pic related
No. 538296
>>538274I'm not so much saying they're social more that they just need enrichment
I highly doubt her tanks have anything entertaining for Bindi and skinks are pretty intelligent lizards they enjoy stimulating activities
it's not necessary of course but getting them out for enrichment goes a long way since they get to enjoy a new environment instead of sitting bored in her bare minimum vivs
and you're likely right about the night owl stuff
I know jack shit about human psychology
No. 538315
>>538313The track marks are spreading all the way up her arm!!!
No. 538355
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God this is like her fifteenth “I’m not spending my 21st birthday getting drunk or partying” post on the last month
We GET IT, you’re not like other girls, shut up already
No. 538364
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>>538355 another on her story
No. 538387
>>538184Came here to say this. Idk why people are saying no first time user ever in the history of ever chooses that spot first… that was about my first spot, has someone else do it for me as i ironically hated needles. We'll see in time if it's true though. In Taylor's case, if she has constant access, it will be much harder for her to quit. It is kinda lining up with JC's tour money and shit.
Has there been ANY news on how any of her pets are doing since the pot smoking incident? Wee bit worried about the leaf geckos…
No. 538453
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She always makes sure to quote any hate in order to respond so everyone can see (pretty sure it’s not called quoting but I don’t use Twitter) but she didn’t do that for this one.
No. 538481
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Bring it up again cuz i just read the thread, and i got an opinion about her rash/track.
Yeah, totally looks like a dot of a rash that so happens to be on top of her vein. /s
my skin is sensitive and gets irritated/rashes quickly and that looks like what i get after i get a needle in my vein to get my blood drawn.. i dont think she was out getting her blood drawn near her birthday. She was probably celebrating her birthday under the influence with something
No. 538537
>>538527After reading through r/illnessfaker how are they not talking about Taylor 24/7?
What is a munchie or OTT? jw
No. 538546
>>538537Subjects who exaggerate (Over The Top) or make up their illnesses (Munchhausens) were recently stopped from posting here, not because they aren't good subject matter but mainly because the threads started to attract large numbers of
problematic posters. As Taylor has some overlap (for some anons) there might be an argument for crossposting her to that subreddit (which was created by users who had to leave here). But getting into the illness side of things too much here might be frowned upon for now.
No. 538743
>>538548Are you sure? Every video starts with “I’m so sorry this and this wa shappening and I’m just so ill”.
Her animals are literally the last and least things we hear about.
And I agree that this whole sage thing is a bit of a mess, especially for new users because how many people actually check that part of this website?
No. 538853
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Tried to get as much of it in the screenshot as possible but you get the idea
No. 538859
>>538853I'm not saying that you have to go somewhere fancy for your birthday because I know a lot of people aren't into that, but the fact that Johnny only had the money to take Taylor to an arcade is both telling and hilarious.
Where do you think they went today? The zoo? Chuck E. Cheese?
No. 538867
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>>538364lmao @ this chick in the background
TND is the narcissistic type who would totally mention something about a fan noticing her or Johnny in public and being starstruck, so I'm gonna assume this girl is appropriately horrified at Johnny's man child trashiness. I don't think I'd be able to stop myself from shuddering in disgust if I saw him in public
No. 538890
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lol okay Taylor
No. 538933
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But…. isn't Jonny not a part of dance Gavin dance anymore…?
No. 538937
>>538890Taylor likes to claim that she has PTSD from past relationships, which implies to me that she was either assaulted or abused by some druggie/rspist type.
Unless she's got some severe ass Stockholm Syndrome or something, I'm inclined to believe that was a lie. Because there's no way a person who went through that would willingly put themselves in that situation again.
The whole "he's not the same person when he's not drugs, that's not the real him!!" doesn't matter. You literally become so traumatized by the image of that person on drugs that you can't tell the difference once you're exposed to it long enough.
Taylor's a fucking idiot and an abuse apologist. If she really gave a shit about his exes, she'd give Jonny shit every time he talked bad about them. Which she clearly hasn't, otherwise Jonny would tag on a little note about how "kind of forgiving" she is or some other vomit induing crap.
No. 538966
>>538890Dumb bitch is literally EXCUSING sexual assault and rape. "Oh, he's a better man now so his past rapist behavior is totally forgiven". Yeah, that's not how it works, Tay. His victims will never forget what he's done to them. His victims will never be able to move on…this will always be a part of their lives and experience and it will impact them for the rest of their lives. But as long as you're happy and he's not doing it to you then GREEEAT!
I swear. I hope that disgusting piece of trash never harms her like that, because I would never wish that on ANYONE.
No. 538968
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No. 538974
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This shit pisses me off
No. 539015
>>538976Probably some of the anons up the thread saying
>it's definitely not track marks guuuyyyss without any reason to back it up.
No. 539034
>>539028I mean, if she was sitting there and going "If you have these symptoms, you must have this" or trying to self diagnose people or advocating for a specific treatment, probably. But I don't think her giving advice about small things people can do to help feel better or sharing experiences would be that much of an issue.
Not that she would though, because she's clearly complacent with whining about her depression and sleeping all day and putting off her adult obligations rather than trying to find things to improve her mood.
No. 539056
>>539050You forgot an important step:
5. Cuts contact with people in their lives that are not clean & sober
I don't know too much about the lifestyles of his band members, but the fact that he hangs around with a dealer is a bit of a bad sign.
No. 539074
>>539001The thing about mental illness is that, yeah, it can make you do stupid shit.
But it's not an excuse to keep doing it. JC is incredibly mentally ill but he's not fucking stupid. He knows what he's doing and he's exploiting a 21 year old's inexperience to excuse his behavior.
Taylor lives in this little bubble in which she can "talk" him into not doing stupid shit, but the thing is that that façade will stay up as long as she has the means to sustain his bullshit or until he finds a bouncier, stupider, richer girl. He gives her what she wants by playing into the "you're my savior", "you're The One", "you'll be the one to make me get over my demons" narrative. Like she's really far up her ass but she's still an inexperienced girl entering adulthood who also happens to thrive on social media validation because she's insecure as fuck. I mean just look at the things she posts about their relationship. It's pretty much "us vs the world" and all about how people's legitimate concerns are "negativity".
I find it laughable she (and he) claims that he's sober when fuckboi is drunk or drinking all the time as well as smoking pot. He has done virtually nothing to better his situation, and getting shiny white teeth doesn't count. That's a cosmetic procedure.
I am not experienced about animals and I actually liked her videos because she was fun to watch, but what made me stop was basically her excusing or straight up ignoring and dismissing the rape allegations as well as his behavior. It's completely inexcusable to have someone throwing other women under the bus, who have legitimate concerns, just to bring you up. The way he expresses himself about his exes, as well as the way he takes criticism is beyond repulsive. Not to mention that he looks very fucking gross too lmao. But she's gonna keep on doing this shit for as long as the bad boy fantasy lasts.
sage for blogging.
No. 539087
As of today not only has Taylor not apologized openly to Jonny's rape victims for making fun of them, but excused his behavior of said rape. She excused his behavior of smoking around her animals by lighting up for him willingly, allowing him to do it, and then ignoring people's concerns over it. She still has not apologized to the reptile shop for lying about them, nor addressed what she will do with her wild caught Roughthroat Monitor that she cannot keep in that apartment complex, that she inappropriately keeps in a too small of an enclosure with the wrong substrate. Taylor is a slimball, if she wants someone badly enough then whatever they do, as long as she wants to be with them she doesn't care, because she can't do anything by herself. She is that desperate to be in a relationship that she will put them far above her own family, her pets, and her reputation. There is no lie she will not create if it means keeping herself in a relationship.
No. 539120
>>538890so you can come right out and admit that he "was" (lol right) addicted to drugs but you completely downplay the accusation of actual harm to other people, the RAPE, the ASSAULT, by calling it "crossing lines" that they "weren't comfortable with".
no shit taylor, ya fucking THINK? i don't doubt for a second his exes "weren't comfortable" with being raped, beaten, and forcibly injected with heroin against their will.
god, you're almost as fucking disgusting as jonny is, you shitty rape apologist creep.
oh and wow congrats jonny on being "sober" while you get shitfaced drunk, smoke trees of weed, and tantrum like the angry manlet you are on stage. fucking fantastic work there, we should all be inspired.
downgrading the criminal, sexually violent actions of your boyfriend with a bullshit excuse like "uwu he was on dwugs so he couldn't help it" is absolutely revolting. by that shitty logic, rapists who were drunk when they committed rape are excusable. seriously, get fucked with that toxic, misogynistic, backward, insulting shit. read a fucking book or something, you piece of shit.
these two cunts deserve each other. i really hope someone with clout calls them both out for this disgusting mess.
No. 539141
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This blog from one of his ex fans sums up my feelings perfectly. As a survivor of abuse it’s sad to see someone in a position of power over young adults sticking up for someone that’s been accused multiple times of assault and rape . I
No. 539168
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Her fans are just as disgusting as she is.
No. 539196
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No. 539197
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No. 539205
>i'm not supporting rape BUTsupports rape
>EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKESno, they fucking don't
rape isn't a *~mistake~* you asshole, it's a deliberate conscious choice
i can't believe anyone has to spell this out
No. 539209
>>539196getting hate for:
being a rape apologist
laughing at rape victims
financially supporting a rapist
how absurd!
No. 539217
Jonny: Oopsie, I just tripped into that woman and raped her, not my fault, it's here fault for being there when it happened, tee hee, oopsie! I'm the VICTIM not the woman my dick rammed into, how dare you internet! And how dare you attack me for saying things like I hope that woman gets raped! I'm a manlet and need my 21 year old girlfriend to defend my raping because I'm already insecure about it jeeeez back off internet!
Taylor: Yeah internet, you are so MEAN, LEAAVE muh boyfran JONNY ALOOOONE!!! Rape is NEVER the rapists fault, especially not my boyfriend's!!!
Holy fucking shit, Taylor might as well get a T-shirt personalized now that says "rape is never the rapists fault, get over it! Especially if Jonny Creg did the raping!"
No. 539237
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No. 539251
>>539247I will take that bet
I was thinking that too. Those deleted unsaged posts were rough
No. 539290
>>539284>>539261the woman truly deserves to be cut some slack. i’m sure the majority of us in the thread are not mothers to adult children both with separate but very troubling issues. from the documentaries i’ve seen about prader-willi syndrome (the one her brother has) it is a lifelong suffering of never being able to feel satiated by any amount of food and almost always presenting with learning and other disabilities. that has to be super fucking rough for any parent. imagine having a child who will essentially never grow up and be independent and whom you must sacrifice your own easy access to food for. (having to lock cabinets/fridge and not having any holiday meals etc.)
personally i find it really hard to fault her mom. yeah, she’s made some pretty desperate and irrational moves on twitter and that livestream situation, but honestly if your barely legal daughter ran off with a druggie rapist and cut all contact with you, wouldn’t you also be terrified and desperate as fuck to get her back? i get why anons criticized her for not calling police again but it’s obvious to me that it’d just make everything about a thousand times worse. her mom is never going to win in this situation until taylor has the lightbulb moment she’s been sleeping on for months and runs like hell away from jonny as fast as she can.
No. 539300
>>538853>people don't understand how two people from such different upbringings can be "happy" togethernobody cares about your upbringings so that's a lie but why the hell is the word "happy" in quotes? lol
>I see so many people try to give us hate because of his past struggles with addiction, but that's something that has always confused me.Confused? Okay, let me clear it up for you, Taylor: nobody hates Jonny Craig for struggling with addiction, people hate Jonny Craig for assaulting and raping women like you. Most addicts are not rapists.
>>538890Moving past the understatement, Taylor's showing everyone she KNOWS what Jonny Craig did to the women who were there for him and she still chooses to push this ridiculous narrative that people only hate him for being an addict? Okay Taylor, well now we know you're happy to date a man you know is a rapist, as long as he's not a drug addict anymore. Jonny Craig is the real victim here, he doesn't deserve to be hated for raping people because the drugs made him do it and he's "clean" now so he won't do it again, right?
'I know being high isn't an excuse for rape but I forgive him because he says he won't rape ME!' Wow Taylor, you're never gonna find a man with standards that high.
>>539227>posts 7 times in a row over 2 hours just to whine that everything's retarded but thempls have some self-awareness, anon. If this thread were on reddit you would have lost so many precious internet validation points over this sad little temper tantrum you're throwing, but this "retarded" format saved you from the unbearable humiliation of seeing exactly how many people disagree with you, so be happy. Nothing but sheer laziness is stopping you from posting a Taylor thread to reddit yourself, so I can only imagine you keep posting here because you're hoping someone else will do it for you.
Anyway, chemical infatuation lasts about two years so Romeo and Juliet's uwu forbidden romance might last another year or so.
No. 539342
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No. 539354
>>539352I check this thread while I shit, and I imagine many anons do the same/similar.
Taylor seems to think that we are all on this thread and checking it 24/7, but what else would you expect from someone so self obsessed.
No. 539371
>>53934253k could've been a huge downpayment on a house with some property. Where she could grow her channel, maybe get some livestock animals, truly give herself a headstart at life. Have plenty of room for all her current animals and no apartment management to possibly make her get rid of them all. But nah. Gonna buy teeth for a disgusting druggie manlet. Smart move, Tay.
Once she stops making the YT bux she's gonna be so pathetically sad
No. 539373
File: 1522159178657.jpg (700.08 KB, 1060x1224, Screenshot_20180327-095712.jpg)

Observe someone who really knows animals Taytay.
Can someone photoshop Taylor over Bindi posing with her hand on her face or whatever other creative genius u can muster. Wish I could do it myself
No. 539387
>>539371It’s not even the fact that she spent a ridiculous amount of money on her boyfriend
She spent a ridiculous amount of money on her boyfriend who she moved in with after
less than three months of knowing him which almost guarantees they’re not going to last because that kind of impulsivity and dependency does not a healthy relationship make.
To springboard of anon’s last example, if JennaMarbles spent that amount of money on Julien I wouldn’t think twice about it, because they’ve known each other for years and are clearly very stable and happy together without having to broadcast it every ten minutes (they also
own their own house)
So yeah, I hope she doesn’t regret spending a ridiculous amount of money on a dude who will probably never pay her back and will probably ditch her for someone younger and hotter within a year.
No. 539448
>>539343I posted it a few threads back when Jonny was first getting the implants, but he's not exaggerating. A friend just got them done and his were about $42k when all was said and done after insurance. If Jonny didn't have any dental insurance, then 53 is totally feasible. Isn't that crazy? Meanwhile, dentures are a much more reasonable 4-6k.
Do we know for sure that Taylor paid for them? Not that Jonny has any money.
My friend was in pain and couldn't eat anything but soft foods for months and I was surprised to see Jonny go on tour right after like nothing ever happened.
No. 539489
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then why couldn’t you have just said this to him in person??
No. 539549
>>539489Because she needs to broadcast her bs relationship all over social media. Adults who have to do this shit to feel comfortable in their relationship must be real fucking insecure and unsure. If she actually was happy and content with him she wouldn’t feel the need to write these ridiculous novellas showing her „love“.
But she‘s not. Nobody would be content in a relationship with a 30+ year old druggie rapist.
No. 539607
>>539549It's less about insecurity and more about emotional immaturity. Think about all of the dumb shit middle schoolers say about their relationships.
Except this is decidedly more cringey, because they aren't 12 year olds and don't realize that no one gives a shit about their Lion King 2 romance or whatever the fuck it is except for her diehard fans…which coincidentally seem to be 12 year olds.
No. 539625
>>539619At the end of her pointless "educational" video about pitbulls where she just rambled for five minutes, she made sure to add a clip at the end of buying a bunch of supplies from a pet store and giving it to a shelter.
But the one thing that I noticed was that she bought two or three giant cases of Milkbones, which are absolute garbage and are sometimes infested with bugs.
But who am I kidding, Taylor is a
cat expert, not a dog expert, of course she wouldn't have the common sense to realize those are garbage.
No. 539730
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No. 539738
File: 1522195880850.png (1.1 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180327-200833.png)

Taylor only moved the gecko enclosure for the live streams. It is back on the stand by the TV, she obviously wasn't smart enough to keep it moved, but she clearly doesn't care about these poor animals. Her self image is more important to her than her animals and this is just another example of who she really is. She clearly tries to cover things up to seem like an perfect little angel for her fans.
No. 539747
File: 1522196781906.png (897.2 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-03-28-02-23-50…)

That fucking pile of laundry
No. 539758
>>539755Well it's not like she has space in her actual closet considering she has animals crammed in there.
I feel like she never opens the windows or at least the blinds, so that apartment must fucking stink, no doubt about it.
Honestly being her neighbour sounds like hell not gonna lie. So much for luxury apartments.
No. 539759
>>539738I like how there's a ripped up bag of trash just chilling on the floor
No. 539761
File: 1522197387680.png (515.1 KB, 724x690, 20180327_203629.png)

She definitely did move it at one point, heres proof. Kinda messed up she moved it to seem like she listened, and cared. She didn't though, as expected.
No. 539776
>>539765Oh definitely. I don't think she would miss on the opportunity to "model" in the pool.
I imagine people probably talk about them and just glare whenever they see them considering it's an upscale place.
No. 539782
File: 1522198495102.png (1.1 MB, 750x1334, AA78DA0F-5633-4649-8E86-797A10…)

He’s not driving unless Instagram flips pictures
No. 539784
>>539782He isn't, I just watched.
Someone is driving them somewhere.
No. 539817
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No. 539835
File: 1522203214077.png (1015.87 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180327-220715.png)

She looks 12 here
No. 539837
File: 1522203358083.jpg (506.27 KB, 1080x1845, Screenshot_20180327-221459.jpg)

Who let her touch a baby with those grubby cut up hands???
No. 539862
File: 1522206050080.png (1.24 MB, 1242x2208, ABDA77DF-446B-4A1A-83E3-BA1FA3…)

Has to point out her fake ass celiacs like always. Also, why does she always take 10 hours to reply to people? Like she’s sooo much better than everyone else. Jfc.
No. 539877
>>539866The reason she got so many subs was because she has a shitload of animals and her content is very superficial.
That's really it. People who aren't experienced and who also have short attention spans are gonna click a "look how I clean all my pets enclosures!" over an actual educational video about say, a gecko.
No. 539887
>>539882Taylor has so many animals at this point, that's it. That's her personality. She's edgy and owns a lot of animals and listens to alternative rock and doesn't like to go out drinking and is totally not like other girls.
I've literally never seen her have a single meaningful conversation with depth (that doesn't involve her) Like…..what else is she interested in? Fuck if I know dude.
No. 539905
File: 1522210188043.jpg (286.04 KB, 621x850, now-with-manlet-inked.jpg)

>>539413>>539632first anon did better than me but i added JC's tattoos. weird angle to be able to see his track marks and I feel like taylor should be wearing something sleazier but i tried lol
>>539831Heidi was vulnerable to Cartman's attention because she felt isolated before she met him, and she's kind of garbage too if she's so easily manipulated into blaming it on the Jews. If Taylor weren't so shitty to her animals independent of JC's influence it might be a better comparison, but no amount of support will stop Taylor from being a self-serving piece of shit.
>>539837Yeah that's pretty disturbing if you've heard about anti-vaxxers inadvertently killing babies that are too young to be vaccinated… that baby looks young, and whether Taylor is straight up diseased or not she's fucking dirty. 0/10 would not let Taylor touch any infant in my family tree.
>>539882I actually kind of liked Taylor's sense of humor until I noticed everything she was doing wrong. Part of the tragedy is imagining she might have been a decent YouTuber if she weren't so busy hoarding animals for attention, but…
>>539887 is fair. She may be younger than she appears, but holy shit I could never falsely accuse my own family of assaulting me (and some of my immediate family is diagnosed as personality disordered) so honestly I have no idea what chance Taylor had at being a respectable human being. I wouldn't say Taylor has no charisma or personality though, on the contrary I'd say that's all she does have. That and 10x more animals than she can manage.
No. 539915
>>539905Her charisma goes about as deep as her fake positivity and the quirky #relatable humor, both of which aren't anything special or different than what hundreds of other girls do.
When I think of charisma, I think of being so interested in someone's personality that you want to be their friend (regardless if they have money/influence or not) People who are either just naturally fun to be around, or are so genuine and passionate about something you just want to sit there and listen to what they got to say.
Taylor's got none of that because, like I just said, I literally have no idea what she's even interested in. I can't even say that she's interested in animals because she doesn't give enough of a shit about researching anything. All of her care videos sound like Petco care sheets. As far as my opinion goes, you can own a lot of animals and maybe like looking at them or taking care of them, but it doesn't automatically mean you're passionate about animals.
No. 539950
>>539944I'm inclined to believe she visited the thread after
>>539196 this happened.
I mean it's pretty obvious lmao.
No. 540050
>>540037She laughs because she assumes it make us upset or some shit. In reality, we
do hate her, but most of us aren’t devoting huge chunks of time to this shit and just check it when we’re bored.
Only narcissists would respond by acting that way in response to hearing a bunch of people hate them.
No. 540169
File: 1522257301670.jpeg (32.86 KB, 750x268, AF5CF2E2-9377-452B-A959-9CE940…)

Terminal illness?
No. 540217
>>540169We've upgraded to terminal illness for sympathy now I see.
We should care about her made up illness but not the illness and death of all her animals I guess. Because they don't have boobs.
No. 540220
>>539866>>539877Sorry for slight blog but I ran an exotics pet tumblr a while ago, and this shit is endemic. You can't get popular without showcasing your animals in ways that are potentially harmful to them. Normies don't want to see good animal care because it's boring, they want something that awes them or makes them go "Awww!" This is why you get shit like someone hamndling display pets, holding eight different species of insect that eat each other in one hand, making animals who should never meet interact etc. etc.
you have to remember that most people don't know shit about animal care, and would willingly do things like tiger temple if they were given the opportunity.
No. 540342
File: 1522269386791.png (254.59 KB, 1238x1727, IMG_1787.PNG)

for someone losing weight in his frame his hands are extremely puffy
No. 540346
File: 1522270040251.png (14.43 KB, 547x127, Capture.PNG)

taylor is a fucking miracle, i thought no one could be this self-absorbed narcissistic dumb piece of shit
No. 540384
File: 1522272520695.png (5.42 MB, 1242x2208, CAAE6353-3F94-425A-9756-E2B96A…)

Idk her eyes looks pretty pinned to me
No. 540401
>>540384Her eyes aren't pinned and if she was on heroin in that picture there's no way she would be getting her hair done at a salon.
Seriously unless you actually know what you're talking about wrt to drugs just don't say anything.
No. 540426
File: 1522274919008.png (135.14 KB, 894x825, kek.PNG)

what the actual fuck is this conversation
>heard u had money problems
>sorry u look rich
seems like something straight out of her delusions. i do think it's real but it's too fitting, she would absolutely write this
No. 540464
File: 1522278131906.png (136.86 KB, 1080x738, IMG_20180329_000101.png)

Ha ha ha…
No. 540639
File: 1522290608043.png (2.49 MB, 750x1334, C8284FA9-6764-4066-8AF9-7733C1…)

Her hair looks so fried and dried. Looks like after bleaching it so much she also got a bald spot
No. 540674
File: 1522294320512.jpeg (301.94 KB, 1312x1559, 4C1D15F0-6A65-493F-9714-2DC605…)

So I guess she can’t get her snakes nice bowls either. If the paint rubs off that easily, then the snake is probably drinking it… not that hard to replace a $5 bowl.
No. 540701
>>540639That looks more like breakage from being bleached an unhealthy amount (without any keratin treatment) for already SHIT hair. Member she went back to dark hair before Jonny, from already having shitty light hair. Her cheapness and impulsiveness is just really showing itself now with the dull ugly color and all the breakage
Sage hair stylist here who has always cringed at her hair
No. 540737
>>540674why would you buy painted bowls in the first place
she seriously gives 0 fucks about her animals
No. 540762
This website is great to rewatch her instagram stories and lives to recheck info e.g. on the satanics for no actual milk
No. 540770
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No. 540771
File: 1522305561685.png (4.01 MB, 750x1334, B1B49A1B-8EE8-4E12-B6C1-A8859D…)

No. 540772
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No. 540774
>>540770what are thoooooooose
nice use of your tour money, manlet.
No. 540915
>>540771In her satanic leaf gecko video.. They where all brown/ dark green…Not white.
Can they change colors?
No. 540975
>>540937Do we even know if the store knows/cares about the whole monitor scandal thing? Or if they were negatively impacted at all
Everyone keeps saying ooh she slandered them, ooh she embarrassed them…but if you notice with Taylor, she never says the names of the breeders/shops she gets her animals from (most likely so she doesn't get called out for complaining once she kills the animal through neglect but anyways)
The only person I saw bringing up the name of the store were sleuths in the comment section, I don't think she actually said the name.
But I could be wrong since she deleted all of that after the mess anyway.
No. 541076
>>540921I'm pretty sure satanics don't fire up/down like New Caledonia geckos do. I'm pretty sure that's just his belly color. My gargoyle has a lighter belly.
sage for reptile bs
No. 541113
File: 1522357921355.jpeg (320.63 KB, 1000x1250, BB4C3649-89CA-4CD4-81F2-4C0622…)

Taylor’s ex, Will posted this (not having to do anything with her, just showcasing his best photography)
But she looked SO much better here
No. 541134
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No. 541179
File: 1522361547956.png (727.63 KB, 746x878, yikes.png)

>>541134video is trash content, taylor looking especially fucking haggard and wearing a fleshy dress.
No. 541182
File: 1522361648524.png (1.31 MB, 1020x814, kek.png)

This is shaygnar level embarrassing
No. 541203
>>541179The individual items might be trendy (among instathots maybe) but they look awful together. If you have a decent body it's hard to go wrong with a bodycon dress but she did it. I think Taylor wanted people on the street to look twice to see if she was actually wearing a dress under that… shrug tshirt.
More importantly, what the fuck is that on her cheek? So that's what she's been covering with her hand poses the past few weeks. At least her lip injections have settled down.
No. 541216
>>541203>More importantly, what the fuck is that on her cheek? So that's what she's been covering with her hand poses the past few weeks.Could either be from skin picking due to drug use, or maybe the manlet hit her. I'd say the former seems more likely based on the way the mark looks, it looks like it came from picking at continuously, rather than blunt force trauma.
normally I'd say maybe she had an acne break out when I see random marks on peoples' faces but taylor's never had acne issues in the past so it's doubtful
No. 541258
File: 1522367216503.jpg (367.68 KB, 1080x1068, Screenshot_20180329-194526.jpg)

Lmao. She never smiles with her teeth like a normal person.
No. 541308
File: 1522387967032.png (1.47 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180330-063413.png)

Could she look any more miserable to have him promote her channel
No. 541309
File: 1522388032167.png (1.74 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180330-063032.png)

Some of the pranks
No. 541310
File: 1522388059997.png (1.75 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180330-062917.png)

No. 541311
File: 1522388130342.png (1.47 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180330-062758.png)

The outfit
No. 541360
>>541311Reminds me of Suzy from GG. Violin hips are second only to apple shape bodies in ugliness. Leave the skin-tight dress for true hourglass women, hunty.
I somehow don't completely hate that stupid crop top thing she has but it does not go with the outfit at all. Why not use that with a sportier, loose fit look? Or a less form-fitting dress at least. And what are those shoes?? I get she's going for the Kim K thing but it only arguably works on Kim herself.
I will say her ass looks good in this shot BUT her face looks like that tranny Blaire White before her facial surgeries. So angular.
>>541309Also the hair color is nice on her. The texture is lookin hella crispy, though. What the fuck is her natural color? I bet she could pull off a shorter hairdo and give her hair a break.
I wonder if she'll stay as a petthot or move on to beauty or something. She doesn't actually care about animals and is always trying to vlog about her looks in her animal videos. Not that she can keep up with beauty gurus, they tend to stick to very strict upload schedules due to how competitive their genre is.
No. 541365
File: 1522397670207.jpg (8.08 KB, 344x71, no.jpg)

Girl, why
No. 541395
>>541364Think main difference here is that some of us are aware of what suits our bodies.
>>541311A) Why is she wearing that dumb top with a dress?
B) The colour of the dress could have been different… I think she's trying to go for 'I'm the naked' look? Maybe with a different colour the top would have looked better too?
C) She generally just looks short here, nothing wrong but deffo not flattering her proportions/face.
She might find some confidence if she starts wearing more flattering clothes? Maybe even heels tbh
No. 541403
>>541364Start us off anon, it's only a $15 dress.
>>541385Taylor is 90% histrionics. She wouldn't be recognizable if she weren't doing something to draw attention to herself. I doubt it even matters whether the attention she gets is positive or negative, just as long as somebody's looking at her. Maybe that's why she didn't cover up that shit on her face with makeup.
I'm not sure why her hair extensions don't match when she was just at the salon getting her hair colored though, it's not like it passes for ombre. I wonder how we'll know when she runs out of money.
>>541395heels? But muh EDS!
No. 541427
>>541311tbh I don't think she wouldn't be able to rock a bodycon dress, even with her body type.
Hourglass figure is the rarest one and I've seen women who aren't hourglass wearing a bodycon dress in a flattering way.
The problem is that Taylor's is of a color that washes her out, highlights her features in a bad way because of the shadows, and the way she styled it is bizarre. I get what she's going for, but she failed.
I honestly thought she was slimmer and taller considering she wanted to be a model. But she's stubby and short, with a chubby face. She really does look like her mom when she can't control the camera's angles.
No. 541446
>>541443 Triggered much? No one gives a shit how
triggered you are by fat comments. Taylor is responsible for herself and I’m not going to feel sorry for a kitten killing drug using POS who made fun of rape victims and pathologically lies over insane things like Monitor lizards. It’s no one’s fault but her own that she’s starting to gain weight from all the alcohol she does with Jonny. Yeah she has put on weight, tons of it, like drugs, a beer belly, and the weight of her reputation. No one is going to get an eating disorder because of a fat comment towards Taylor JFC.
No. 541533
>>541524>she’s blown up like a balloon since she’s been with Jonny, so it’s fair gamelol she's not changed in weight that much at all. She's always been fairly average, she's never been super slender her face especially has always been camera angles. You only need to go so far back as to look at videos she doesn't edit herself.
>She’s not a fatass but she’s really nailing that white trash mom look, saddle bags and all.Her dress sense is whack, but saddle bags? kek What is this, thinspo?
No. 541581
File: 1522422422514.png (854.83 KB, 1138x776, Screen Shot 2018-03-29 at 11.5…)

I think her body type is pretty average but that was a shitty outfit choice as already stated. But this hair disaster is unforgivable!
How old is this video?
No. 541592
>>541581I can see why people might think she's fat. She's skinny but she definitely has a fat girl face.
I used to think she was hot but I guess it's all angles.
No. 541602
>>541304I think she’s wearing panties. You can see the outline for bikini panties I think. She’s possibly wearing a bra too because I don’t see any nip.
She’s not fat you anachan
Her boobs aren’t small. SMH
No. 541641
>>541446That’s not the point. Nobody will get an eating disorder from the comment. The point is fat-shaming, especially about someone who isn’t fat, in anti-feminism. We women need to support each other.
Another point I’d like to make is that fat-shaming Taylor or making all the comments about her appearance takes away from the purpose of this board, which is poor animal care. All the comments about appearance takes away from that and just makes this board seem like a bunch of vengeful catty bitches.
(no one cares) No. 541646
>>541640But it's pretty obvious she's gained little if any weight and while not 'fit' her body type isn't unhealthy. So it's a dumb ass complaint when there are real issues. I'd complain as much if someone said she was beating her cats, because there's no evidence, just like there's no evidence for her gaining weight.
If you're complaining about her perfectly normal weight then yeah it comes across as proana.
I dislike Taylor as much as the next person in here, but this shit is retarded.
No. 541651
>>541641Taylor isn't fat, and i won't call her fat. But i will not defend her, or support her just because someone is calling her fat.
So fucking what, someone thinks she's fat. She still neglects her animals and takes advantage of them for her own gain. I hope no one will support her just because she's a woman and "women need to support each other". Did you even read what you wrote before posting? It's ridiculous.
No. 541707
File: 1522429534135.jpeg (445.44 KB, 1536x2048, 2767F2A0-173B-4279-82DB-768807…)

This isn’t me trying to ad hominem or whatever but you think with all the time she spends on her dastardly hell nails she’d give a little love to her feet
No. 541730
>>541443>>541463>>541629>>541715agreed. the fat comments are stupid, people can say whatever they want on this board but that doesn't stop others from calling out their dumb opinions.
her hair and face is gnarly in this
No. 541743
>>541735yeah, everything is up for discussion. we're discussing the fact that she's not fat like others are saying.
The nitpicking always happens when theres no milk
No. 541833
File: 1522437258486.png (617.36 KB, 761x613, 2018-03-30 (3).png)

She literally couldn't be bothered to take 2 minutes to clean her hognose' bowl out
No. 541836
File: 1522437775314.jpeg (42.9 KB, 1129x207, AE097D3E-AA73-4EFF-BF49-D2C929…)

No. 541863
>>541833So sad to know all her animals are alive, but barely because they’re living in their own filth, muck, and fake everything.
I don’t own reptiles, but if i were to own one, i would want the best of the best for it. I would pimp out their terrarium with all sorts of plants, hiding spots, and try to make it look like their home if they were in the wild. But no, this girl just stuffs them in tanks with plastic plants to be bothered forever.
Sage for blogging
No. 541895
>>541641>we women need to support each othershe never supported jonny’s victims of abuse and instead laughed in their faces.
she doesn’t deserve support just by virtue of being a woman. i don’t agree that “only hourglass figures” can wear bodycon dresses, and i don’t think she’s fat, but her outfit does look like a mess and it does make her body look unflattering.
No. 541911
File: 1522444733778.jpeg (284.75 KB, 1668x928, 789B9DCA-A6ED-4E51-80EC-70B225…)

Can anyone who knows anything about beardies say if this is what she should be feeding him? I know they need veggies, but I thought it was supposed to be collared greens or things similar.
No. 541936
>>541923Not the anon you're replying to but
Feminist agenda would be supporting the women Jonny's raped. Taylor is anything but feminist and supporting her just for being a woman is anything but feminist.
>IMO, she is ballooning around the middle, classic sign of drug usersYeah, she's really not in this vid… comments like this are just dumb. I've said before there's loads of physical things you can pick apart about her… stuff she's done to herself. She's made herself ugly in a lot of ways… but she's not ballooning anywhere.
No. 541937
>>541911 That food was previously frozen and is very low in nutrition from the process. Look at those pr-frozen pees and the frost burn around the red kraut Brassica oleracea, the lizard doesn't look interested. She is so fucking cheap she won't even provide her animals with fresh cut market vegetables which she can certainly afford it. Didn't she just get her hair toned so she spent money on that of course. I don't know anyone who has reptiles that require veggies in their diet, that give to them previously frozen, I thought that was a big no no. Maybe someone who knows more than I can clear this up.
>>541707 her apartment is such a mess, if she lives this way in her own filth, how filthy are her pets enclosures? What kind of a dumb ass rents a luxury apartment to trash it? She's such a wasteful trashy person.
>>541833Oh FFS, the animal enclosures are filthy… She can't even give them fresh water? Is that substrate or shits in the water? Why is this snake being forced to drink dirty water… I really want to know if she even thinks about how upset this will make people, or if that is her goal. You know Taylor, if it is intentional which I think it could be because you will take attention in any form, it's a really sick form of animal neglect because you know what you need to do, won't do it and want to piss people off. That maybe is your goal above actually taking care of the animals.
No. 541943
File: 1522446818694.png (482.93 KB, 648x687, allinayearsselfneglect.png)

>>541646Are you all done blubbering about pointing out Taylor's weight gain being anti-feminist proana fat-shaming? I think too many of you are comparing your body to Taylor's and taking the criticism aimed at her personally. Keep in mind that when you dislike someone's personality, you perceive that person as physically uglier than they would be if you didn't hate their guts, so you're being really unfair to yourself if you're comparing yourself to a cat-killing rape apologist. I hope you don't really deserve that comparison, anon.
Taylor looks like she's still in a healthy weight range but she has noticeably gained weight since getting with Jonny. Compared to a year ago, her hair was much healthier, her face was slimmer, her skin was smoother, and yet she claims she isn't doing drugs? Wtf is she doing then; nobody clean ages that fast from 20-21.
>>541715>i bet you guys are even fatter than she is! you're just jealous!!pls go fat stan
No. 541951
File: 1522447357881.png (9.08 MB, 1242x2208, 73E742E7-D755-4938-82CF-E715F3…)

No. 541952
>>541943>posts two pictures showing little difference except the earlier one with her in baggy clothing and a more flattering hair cut.kek Anon you're retarded. There's literally next to no difference. Other anons have already pointed out the video was likely filmed very early on in her and JC's relationship. She's not overweight due to drugs.. she's not ballooning or has saddle bags or any other shit. And while she certainly doesn't have an athletic body type calling her fat is so obviously untrue it looks like proana shit.
Has she gained weight? Honestly it's so borderline it's not even worth mentioning it's possibly BC with the addition of her poorer complexion. Her hair was healthier 1 year ago because she's since re-bleached it multiple times, dyed it and added shit extensions (all valid critics, along with her sense of dress as she continues to actively make herself ugly).
If you want to prove she's on drugs, the track mark on her arm is far more compelling than this shit.
No. 541956
File: 1522447525249.jpg (35.05 KB, 600x444, image.jpg)

She's not fat imo, but if someone calling her fat upsets you so much you shouldn't be posting on anymous image boards.
If you want to support other women don't post on a site that ridicules and picks apart women constantly.
No. 541970
>>541961She's so dumb…
I mean she could return it to the shop, but I'm betting she doesn't want to show her face in there after the lies she spread about them. So instead she'll oust it onto some poor already overrun shelter.
I've also no doubt she /wants/ to keep it… at least in part, even though it's not the larger (and therefore more showy) species she wanted. Not sure which desire will win her over in the end.
Either way, I've no doubt she'll go out and buy the black throat after if she does get rid of this one. She's more reptilian than her snakes in that regard. She seems to have no attachment to the animals she keeps.
No. 541977
>>541969>>541971>>541970>>541965The dumbest fucking thing about all this was the whole premise of her video was
>"I let my friend pick out any animal…but only the ones I know how to take care of!!!!"And she just gets the completely 'wrong' fucking species because she had no idea what the fuck it was and is blaming both the store employees and her "expert herp" friend who told her it was a blackthroat.
Also ain't that bearded dragon supposed to be Jonnys? It's sort of weird that she keeps buying animals for her friends but then ends up taking ownership for them anyway.
Oh wait, I know why she does it. So she can continue to stockpile animals but not have people call her out on hoarding them because "they're not mine guys!!!!!!"
No. 541982
>>541980As far as I'm aware frozen isn't that bad, although some nutritional value will be lost (more over time as food ages in the freezer). Freeze dried is marginally better than that and of course fresh is best.
Which says nothing of course as to if you can persuade the animal to eat it or not.
No. 541983
>>541952"little difference" "next to no difference"
I said there's a noticeable difference and you clearly notice a difference, so I'm not sure why you're so mad about this. You're admitting yourself the quality of her skin and hair is visibly different. I pointed out how Taylor's poor self-care is showing in her face and hair; drug use is only a part of that and her attire is irrelevant.
If her weight gain is "so borderline it's not even worth mentioning" why was it worth your time to argue over it? Especially when you're essentially agreeing with everything I said, just whining that it's not worth discussing. Why are you being so defensive, anon?
No. 542002
>>541994Anon drop it. Calling Taylor fat is retarded because she's not fat not for any other reason. She has plenty of other issues. The fact you're so hung up about this says more about you than anyone else. Go back to fph on voat plenty of actual fatties there to hate on.
>>541998This is exactly why she's not feeding fresh, judging by the state of her flat it's doubtful she could work her lazy ass up enough to prepare fresh too… much easier to open a bag and pour into some water or defrost. Especially when she has as many animals as she does.
No. 542034
File: 1522452223244.png (2.19 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180330-171453.png)

I'm not a monitor expert (I'm more of a tegu person) but I am pretty sure it's recommended that black roughneck monitors eat a diet of more insect based protein especially as juveniles. Like dubias, mealworms, and crickets.
No. 542068
File: 1522454386416.jpeg (614.32 KB, 1260x1912, CD59B018-9D42-428D-9792-9EEE7A…)

She changed the substrate. No idea if this is better or not though.
>>542034Looks like it’s cooked too?
No. 542076
>>542073She fed her BTS dog food before, so maybe that's what that is.
What kind of absolute fucking idiot feeds their reptiles dog food as a substitute for meat/insects/protein?
No. 542112
File: 1522458575532.png (2.82 MB, 1242x2208, A55F7F85-2E11-4DDA-8BCB-3D5598…)

Here’s the growth update we asked for ;-)
No. 542135
File: 1522461180999.jpeg (639.84 KB, 1272x1647, 5CC84F40-0B0E-435D-8E9E-C938C3…)

>>541961She’s totally reading here.
No. 542139
>>542135Why the emphasis on him being a roughneck? Like…lol…Taylor you didn't fucking realize it until your fanbase pointed it out to you, now all the sudden you're an expert on RNs too….
Also "I was told to feed him this specific diet, but I know more than you so I'm gonna feed him this stuff!!!!!"
No. 542166
>>542135In all honesty I think she's just buying herself time until the day she can say "After much research, I've deciding he's well adjusted here and I'm the best care for him, so we are keeping him!"
You can even start to see her setting it up in her post.
No. 542172
File: 1522463516397.png (1004.05 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180330-212920.png)

Yikes, a Twitter "moment" based on her tweet (idk if these are tailored but I don't think I've ever gone on her Twitter?)
No. 542180
>>542172they aren't tailored, I switched over to the tab that has the "moments" for today and it's on there
No. 542195
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No. 542196
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No. 542197
File: 1522464638818.png (1.07 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180330-224923.png)

No. 542207
>>542178It’s rabbit.
>>542197She claims those texts about her doing heroin were fake but everyone’s expected to believe these? Also in one of the first threads she faked an email and text to “prove” Ghost wasn’t from that Craigslist breeder, so it wouldn’t be the first time.
No. 542212
>>542196>>542197This would be easier to believe if this supposed rando who she only met once wasn't 100% sure that she was a fantastic caretaker because "she talks to her animals like people" lol. like what?
People talk to their dogs like people but that doesn't mean they don't give them shitty food like Pedigree or Beneful because that's whats advertised on the fucking TV.
What kind of "professional" would just tell some random girl they don't even know and clearly knew NOTHING about the lizard when she came in the first time "yeah you should just keep the animal!" They don't even suggest to return it back to the store?
I work at fucking Petco and my store manager doesn't even like people who've never kept a reptile looking to buy chameleons and will try to convince them otherwise that's not a good idea until they're experienced.
Also what? How is that "proof?"
No. 542218
>>542214I don't know how busy that particular store is since it's locally owned, but I have trouble remembering even the
regular customers that come in weekly (or even several times a week) at Petco.
Why? Because I deal with dozens of customers all fucking day, no way I'm going to remember the specific details of some random instathot's purchase, remember her name so I can look her up on Twitter later and conveniently justify her decision to keep it, or even give enough of a shit.
If this person loves the roughthroat's "like they were my children"…………. why the hell are they not suggesting they surrender them back to the store? They're only giving her the options "keep it or give it to a rescue….but the rescues are bad so you should keep it!"
No. 542225
File: 1522467056091.png (363.12 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180330-212837.png)

It looks to me like she's just regurgitating lllreptiles HORRIBLE caresheet. They're arboreal lizards as well, which this caresheet doesn't mention at all (in fact, it seems to suggest that they're not arboreal). Taylor needs to give that guy some climbing space asap, they're not ground dwellers all the time.
No. 542227
>>542220>>542221inb4 Taylor writes another post saying "the owner didn't reach out to me, it was an employee who didn't want to be named!!!!"
(probably because their dumb ass would be fired for acting so ridiculous…if they actually existed)
No. 542241
>>541905guys seriously, this thread's about to be locked in 2-3 posts.
>PLEASE stop posting unless you're linking a new thread.I'm sorry I can't make it myself, I am organizationally retarded.
No. 544744
File: 1522717876145.png (252.96 KB, 750x1334, F4BD849E-D91B-43DB-90D0-D4C2B4…)

Found this while looking at city ordinances for SA. Very interesting, Taylor. Very interesting.
No. 547891
>>541309Sorry if this is a bit derail-y, but is she wearing fuckin butt pads???
They started making these ''butt enhancing underwear" (such as booty-pop and a few other brands) and it's supposed to boost the profile of your ass. In the photo, you can see a clear outline of the sides of what looks to be some type of padding. What the hell else could it possibly be?