File (hide): 1520130813985.jpg (117.43 KB, 321x319, c1vBgIy.jpg)

No. 520081
File (hide): 1520131240197.jpg (241.95 KB, 1269x1172, CSFGCbb.jpg)

He's tinfoiling pretty hard that sam and onion are best friends, all over onion auto hosting sam one night on twitch.
No. 520100>>520161
File (hide): 1520131697468.png (116.76 KB, 1370x649, part1-2.png)

He's trying to push a rumor that Sam and Onion are still friends and are trying to make money off of it. There's speculation that he's mad that Sam wouldn't edit her streams so he can have clips of her stream on his shitty channel.
No. 520109
File (hide): 1520131915858.png (90.68 KB, 822x486, deleltingcomments.png)

Here's some proof of him deleting negative comments on his video with masked babe.
No. 520161
>>520100yeah that's true and that happened, I was there during the stream where he hosted her and she had no idea why. (other didn't either). For all we know he could have been auto hosting or trying to intimidate her.
It doesn't mean they're friends lmao
No. 520167
File (hide): 1520134928643.jpg (175.5 KB, 852x411, H43ycF7.jpg)

He does this thing where he dramatically zooms past some of his youtube comment section.
No. 520223
File (hide): 1520142538229.png (30.93 KB, 1286x153, ggnerd.PNG)

TFW you're so irrelevant your fans don't even want to see you at the club.
No. 520519
File (hide): 1520189878244.png (62.49 KB, 720x437, yeaokay.png)

Claims to be "done" talking about Sam, posts a video the next day about Sam. Hi Onion.
No. 520533
File (hide): 1520190635928.png (109.78 KB, 608x152, lurking.PNG)

>>520526He probably does since he's used a photo manip from here for a thumbnail
No. 520535>>521053
File (hide): 1520190711014.png (194.33 KB, 1249x1197, realcreepnews4.png)

Some of his comments on his new video "Sam’s Shameless Promo When Being Called Out As Fake (3/4/18)"
No. 520540>>520548
File (hide): 1520191311042.png (45.35 KB, 1247x380, blarghy.png)

Also The Blargh left a comment on the video and RSN gets butthurt.
No. 520548>>520552>>520566>>520568>>520639
>>520540well it seems like the blargh blocked them a long time ago for no reason other than that bc obv rsn is their competition and there wasn't anyone taking up their potential revenue stream. tbh it seems like the blargh is salty that they're no longer the only ones doing stream drama anymore.
i dont see why this guy has a thread. he posts milk and publicly shows that he hates onion, which is great. who cares about his stupid theorizing about sam? how does that make him milky? i don't want to scare him off. i can't possibly catch all these losers and their streams so i'm thankful he posts the highlights.
there's nothing milky here, imo.
No. 520566>>520571
>>520548If you can’t catch their streams then watch the blarg or often times anons will reupload them for us.
Maybe he’s not thread worthy but ur acting like he’s a prized possesion here
>I don’t wanna scare him off No. 520605
>>520598I personally don't give a shit if The Blargh is better or not. Like someone else already pointed out: if calling him out on being a huge moron and a creep scares him away then tough shit for him.
If this isn't "thread worthy" nothing is stopping admins from removing it.
No. 520635>>521053
>>520598tinfoil but
it's highly speculated he lurks …
and suddenly white knights appear in a thread about him to defend about why hes so much better than the blarg and doesn't deserve a thread despite there seeming to be milk/interest…. kek
No. 520639
>>520548If you don;t think he deserves a thread, then move on to the next thread.
I definitely see the potential for milk here, especially since he has been sperging so much over the past week.
No. 520883>>520891
File (hide): 1520221391319.png (102.86 KB, 1263x776, blargh.png)

The Blargh commented this on his recent deleted video about Sam "faking" drama.
No. 521053
>>520635This is a pretty believable tinfoil especially since apparently both the WK and RSN use the phrase "the scene" which I've never seen thrown around here before:
>>520535 (screenshot of RSN saying it)
>>520571Similar typing style in general though.
But either way WKs gtfo.
Someone posted this in the onion thread:
>>>/pt/491664I hope he fizzles out quickly.
No. 521063>>521077
File (hide): 1520244522479.jpg (12.24 KB, 1816x108, wfcM9NS.jpg)

>legit 5% of this thread is true
this thread is based off your own videos, public statements, and youtube comments. Delete faster next time.
No. 521064
File (hide): 1520244605901.png (50.51 KB, 679x591, edge.png)

This guy is just too much lol
No. 521067>>521073
File (hide): 1520245194834.png (113.37 KB, 1235x743, keepitup.png)

There is no doubt that this guy deserves a thread now.
No. 521077
File (hide): 1520247387251.gif (1.34 MB, 800x533, 8f5160e1930ad749da6bf19f9c3dce…)

>>521063You don't want to start off a cow if you're a new drama channel. 3k subs and he has this big of an ego.
No. 521078
File (hide): 1520247542649.jpg (18.18 KB, 895x197, rGR1KY7.jpg)

No. 521079
File (hide): 1520247567356.jpg (58.05 KB, 717x734, GaKoUAR.jpg)

He's sinking faster than joshvlog
No. 521081>>521082
File (hide): 1520247757852.png (66.22 KB, 720x635, downloadcec5d062__2fstorage_2f…)

Recently, RSN claimed not to get info/leaks/milk from, LC on tjis video. No. 521085
File (hide): 1520247983563.png (41.84 KB, 720x271, ebeg.png)

Ebegs for a nice diamonte grill. Classy, eh?
No. 521091>>521094>>521517
File (hide): 1520248264643.png (368.19 KB, 849x1000, 68786456.png)

The thirst is real
No. 521098>>521124>>521137
File (hide): 1520249249871.png (50.4 KB, 720x444, bitchplz.png)

"Guiz I'm not liek the blargh" You REUPLOAD streams, you entitled twunt.
No. 521100>>521581
File (hide): 1520249518296.png (104.56 KB, 967x845, stop.png)

No. 521101>>521137
File (hide): 1520249969979.png (24.53 KB, 1255x205, rsn.png)

Entitled little prick.
No. 521112
File (hide): 1520251930716.jpeg (118.54 KB, 740x1044, C8672E80-E138-4DB7-84AA-09AA63…)

Giving me josh vibes
No. 521124
>>521098“get more dirt and aren’t afraid to make people upset!!”
wew don’t cut yourself on the edge there
No. 521137>>521139>>521140
>>521101Can't argue with this logic to be honest, but this channel is a shitshow of misinformation and a glaring lack of research. The maxieboxie debacle was just embarrassing, sam is hugely entitled and will continue to victimise herself for internet pity points.
>>521098 "get more dirt"… yeah, no. No you don't. Investigative Journalism at it finest people.
>>521134Uhhhm ok?? Is there something I'm missing here?
No. 521378>>521461
>>521135Has he actually seen maxxie's face or just her tits?
>Straight bi lesFucking ew
No. 521461
>>521134I had a tinfoil that he had some kind of crush/infatuation with Sam which is why he's been sperging so hard over her. Seeing these conversations makes it a lot more likely.
>>521120Agreed. Also his transparent wounded-ego pettiness of fav'ing youtube comments that are calling him out on the limpdick piece of shit he is.
He's so damn salty and I am getting actual secondhand embarrassment here. Good on Maxxie for leaking those chats. I bet there are countless more with other girls.
>>521378And yeah, he obviously has no fucking clue how to have a normal conversation with a girl that doesn't reveal him to be the total predatory creep that he is.
No. 521874
File (hide): 1520326598572.png (386.42 KB, 607x910, 212552453.PNG)

The tinfoil and his obsession with Sam continues.
No. 522133>>522153>>522241>>522447
File (hide): 1520360409817.png (110.65 KB, 720x826, keksure.png)

RSN saw the thread
No. 522155>>522230>>522241
File (hide): 1520361628303.jpg (202.8 KB, 750x773, image.jpg)

Why are you worried about a video YOU aren't making?
No. 522241
>>522133He's linked lolcow and tried to send hordes of newfags our way and literally posted in this thread early on.
>>522155He's such a fucking creep.
No. 522436
File (hide): 1520379201187.jpeg (58.21 KB, 1242x319, 17DD1EF5-9001-4B7F-B465-34D18C…)

At it with the 2 week late JSBS drama.
No. 522447
>>522133>we You mean…. me myself and I?
You have a team of 4
>I mean 3People and still have to rely on others to get you videos?
No. 522515
>>522230It's a continuation.
He asked her to make a video.
No. 522556>>522561>>522928
File (hide): 1520383653807.png (51.89 KB, 681x533, cry.png)

He is really butthurt about the thread.
No. 522567>>522574>>522624>>522928
File (hide): 1520383985670.jpeg (513.13 KB, 1242x1130, C7D999FF-DA4E-440C-B7EF-CCD876…)

There’s here, other forums, tumblr, Twitter. A YouTube channel not getting its milk hand fed to it isn’t going to stop flow of milk coming in.
No. 522597>>522625>>522638
File (hide): 1520385152759.png (59.55 KB, 680x423, Bye.png)

No. 522624
>>522567oh noes does that mean he has to get his videos and shit himself and do his own research? guess this really
is the end of his channel
No. 522631
File (hide): 1520386351469.png (13.88 KB, 589x164, 546541-lol.PNG)

It was a twitch stream hosted on Gurg's periscope. Dude's a bad liar.
No. 522891>>522972
File (hide): 1520405584898.png (23.94 KB, 591x233, 3359584.PNG)

Guess he's trying to cover up the ugly.
No. 522972
>>522891It's pathetic that he couldn't keep up his internet tough guy personality before he stopped calling us fags and telling us that this thread was causing damage because no one will submit videos to him.
>>522928Right? How'd this retard get through high school without learning what to capitalize?
No. 523093>>523170
File (hide): 1520436822949.png (30.24 KB, 1311x230, 564564654564654.PNG)

Why would you give this creep this info?
No. 523345>>524077
File (hide): 1520453140607.jpeg (623.29 KB, 1242x1355, B84CA733-4DDB-4127-B6B0-E48121…)

Just because theblargh was in chat viewing the drama as it went down doesn’t mean they’re biased. You just uploaded late.
No. 523972
File (hide): 1520519194266.png (119.32 KB, 750x1334, DB946FB7-4EE3-4E17-A060-543E27…)

>reuploads a revideo
>doesn’t watch it before he posts
Jesus Christ this dude is a moron.
No. 524014
>>523997“Drawing more attention to this”
Dude you did that yourself by reuploading it from a link you found on a board.
“It’s uploaded on other places”
Lol and? Don’t take part in being a pos
No. 524077
>>523345 The bias in his deluded eyes was the fact that the blargh censored out "RSN" in the video when Lainey said it. It's not biased, what a tool. I couldn't help but laugh because apparently, it is a toilet flush sound? i thought it was just a muffled mic. Least now the sources he can steal from are dwindling.
It's not like the blargh censored out important information, just the name of a "competitor", who wants to provide free advertising on their channel for someone they have issues with? RSN needs to keep their ego and mouth in check.
No. 524691
File (hide): 1520589513804.png (130.96 KB, 959x474, bitchboy.PNG)

He's starting to block people or calling him out
He really is like a mini-greg
No. 525943>>525954
File (hide): 1520728750293.jpg (110.33 KB, 889x507, rr.jpg)

Rag Reynolds is on younow, Sam and the blargh are in there. There was some talk about realstream but I just got there and the this has been going on for over an hour so I missed a lot obviously. Any farmers know what they've been talking about?
No. 525954
File (hide): 1520730010769.jpg (140.58 KB, 912x620, rr2.jpg)

>>525943I missed most of this stream but it seems the topic was RealStream is a douche. Rag Reynolds ended by saying he would make a video about RealStream.
No. 526049>>526235
File (hide): 1520738081606.png (407.95 KB, 590x862, bahleated.PNG)

RSN deleted his stream with rag.
No. 526332
File (hide): 1520786322547.png (373.25 KB, 575x925, onioncritic.png)

Saged for tinfoiling, but I'm pretty sure theOnionCritic is RSN. RSN is the only idiot rolling around in his own shit and loving every second of it, while trying to badmouth the Blargh. TheOnionCritic also had a group of friends that liked talking about old, spoiled Gurg milk. Maybe they're RSN's team that helps him with his old af Onion news, too?
No. 526339
File (hide): 1520786698867.png (234.19 KB, 724x568, onioncriticmore.png)

OnionCritic also shared the account with Lisana, who was trying to troll Sam. Why would he care so much, unless…? I think the entire Discord was in on OC's juicy, little secret, and alluded to the milkier stuff being in their locked chat.
No. 526687>>526712
File (hide): 1520815525372.png (114.83 KB, 851x571, jg.png)

>>526657so sam has forgiven onion? did he pay her off or wha
No. 526712>>526748
File (hide): 1520816998246.png (1.15 MB, 485x829, 00811032018175953.png)

>>526687did you even watch the entire video? she has no issues shitting on onion. forgiving someone doesn't mean you can't hold them accountable. and it's not like she's going to sit there and continue discussing onion with a shitstain like rsn who keeps pushing his own version of events and presenting half truths just like onion.
No. 532347
File (hide): 1521429429632.png (Spoiler Image,1.91 MB, 1920x1080, rsnsfw.png) having a playground debate with Rag Reynolds. They both act like babies and RSN reveals his face @ 8:05
No. 532653
File (hide): 1521454816954.png (29.71 KB, 675x295, garbo8.png)

This will surely be some high quality journalism.
No. 533338
File (hide): 1521511537767.jpg (50.9 KB, 340x331, 18j4zsv6ryrbsjpg.jpg)

>Rag Reynolds thread gets necro'd from 9 months dead as soon as RSN starts petty e-beef with him.
No. 533687
File (hide): 1521549656743.jpeg (856.47 KB, 1242x1684, 0629B0D8-0A63-4B3B-9669-50F196…)

Dude just Show your side bar on Twitter on video.
Everyone has thought that you are that account for a bit now.
No. 540092
File (hide): 1522248295110.jpg (49.38 KB, 720x960, craigisgrossaf.jpg)

>>539993You should really stop attention whoring Craig. Don't you have important shit to take care of?
No. 540291>>540365>>540661>>540680
File (hide): 1522265265980.png (44.94 KB, 677x434, Bye.png)

RSN tapping out.
No. 540623>>541211
File (hide): 1522288733321.png (36.24 KB, 610x405, Untitled.png)

No. 540661
RSN's made a cute little video about reviewing us (like a restaurant? okay.) and deleted it.
>>540291This is the tweet he made after deleting the video.
No. 541211
>>540623Literally no part of that statement made any sense to me.
If you want your thread to be forgotten, stop posting/responding. Ignore it and within a week you'll have to search the catalog for it. Why can't lolcows understand the more attention they throw at a thread here the more predominant said thread becomes. It's really very very simple.
There's probably only handful of people who are aware of this specific thread, try and keep it that way. Focus on your business, thrive.
No. 541473>>541797
File (hide): 1522415173549.png (625.98 KB, 611x827, reelhiphop.png)

"A-ha ey yo!
Who woulda thought
That a white boy would bring hip hop back?"
No. 541573
File (hide): 1522422189691.png (113.99 KB, 720x626, hanh.png)

Please learn basic english grammar RSN.
No. 541861>>541901>>541906>>541929>>541935
File (hide): 1522440183515.png (2.06 MB, 1920x1042, chessin.PNG)

RSN did an "interview" with PoopBeck. guess he'll guest anyone who wants attention.
No. 542435>>542450>>542503>>543281
File (hide): 1522506095034.png (1.05 MB, 1158x1189, Screen Shot 2018-03-31 at 10.1…)

cringing so hard…he uploaded a video of himself dying his hair
No. 542503
>>542435Onions wannabe sisterwives and now this..
Truly an investigation journalist par excellence.
No. 543222
File (hide): 1522591292833.png (204 KB, 1116x816, stealstream.png) rips the Onion hentai video from a user and doesn't even bother to crop out the watermark.
Not to mention that the Cyr video is super old news. Next he'll probably "leak" the Laineybot house tour.
No. 543228
File (hide): 1522592026308.png (9.96 KB, 575x98, wah.png)

And here's RSN being a baby after being called out.
No. 543281>>544111
File (hide): 1522597043140.png (622.95 KB, 1159x1198, Screen Shot 2018-04-01 at 11.3…)

literally why would anyone post this lol is he slow or something? I genuinely cannot understand whe posts shit like this and
>>542436 >>542435 No. 543334
File (hide): 1522601042176.png (75.28 KB, 578x772, stop.png)

It's his "job" guys!
No. 543413>>543419
File (hide): 1522607058045.jpg (54.37 KB, 479x551, allie.jpg)

Seems like he's asking this girl questions about Greg/Lainey. Is she one of the onion flakes?
No. 543419
>>543413Wasn't she the girl who loved Lainey, sent nudes and was an all round nut job? Changed her name from AnaLovesLainey to AnaLovesPain or something.
>>432327 is the Flakes thread for info on them. Anas listed under main thread and seems like she has her own threads too.
But damn this guy is getting creepy with all the ladies it seems. Has he tried hitting up on any of the guys yet?
No. 543511>>543641
File (hide): 1522615288438.jpeg (205.15 KB, 750x631, F6F7B4D5-4031-46EF-8E11-C32015…)

I’m dropping the DMs as well
No. 543641>>543695>>544111
>>543511Ffs. How hard is it for him to do the tiniest bit of research before sharting this stuff out on his channel? The fact that someone sent the clip to him is irrelevant.
Rag Reynolds is a dipshit but made a decent point by feeding that fake abuse story. If you want to portray yourself as a "news" channel, maybe put the smallest effort into checking into the sources of stuff. This isn't rocket science.
Also I'm still scratching my head at that hair bleaching vid on his news channel instead of the personal one he keeps hyping. He's either a misguided attention whore or he's actually trying to
become a clone of Lainey's gay husband. Like I think we're watching this dude start to unravel.
No. 544037>>544066
File (hide): 1522657584569.png (509.64 KB, 736x1102, kekkel.png)

RSN sure is a thirsty bitch.
No. 544066
File (hide): 1522663676043.png (192.95 KB, 603x925, xdideet.png)

>>544037It totes wasn't him guize!
No. 544072
File (hide): 1522664541197.png (77.7 KB, 607x763, sperg1.png)

RSN's latest sperg out on twitter.
No. 544073
File (hide): 1522664547593.png (160.62 KB, 609x1650, sperg2.png)

No. 544074
File (hide): 1522664634837.png (325.93 KB, 609x1764, sperg3.png)

No. 544075
File (hide): 1522664644540.png (167.97 KB, 593x1860, sperg4.png)

No. 544076
File (hide): 1522664720144.png (134.52 KB, 594x1511, sperg5.png)

No. 544077
File (hide): 1522664760243.png (82.42 KB, 589x910, sperg6.png)

Scroll through a whole thread?! Preposterous!
No. 544083
File (hide): 1522665113976.png (99.7 KB, 611x975, threat.png)

No. 544111
>>543281I think we're past the point of needing to wonder if he is slow; it's self-evident. He's also desperate for attention and relevance, which is why he revives the thread if it dies off. this is the best he's ever going to manage, and some part of him knows that.
>>543641he seems to be legit autistic. I don't think it has ever occurred to him that he could do his own research, since he thinks copy/paste from here is a 'job'
No. 544289
File (hide): 1522688850953.png (1.62 MB, 1117x881, Untitled.png)

Another "interview" with Beck coming up. No. 545679>>545866
File (hide): 1522801557625.png (68.91 KB, 1162x636, nicetry2.png)

You're not that smart are you RSN? How about you clarify that the convos were private? Of course you won't, that would expose you as a complete retard.
No. 545866
File (hide): 1522816339097.jpg (6.78 KB, 460x140, xeYzahc.jpg)

>>545679>I didn't even know if they were real in the first placeOh that's some first class journalism right there. You're going to put things in videos without even confirming them as real? Holy shit, Craig.
No. 546768>>546783>>546819
File (hide): 1522901900138.png (460.48 KB, 898x942, dumbass.png)

RSN continues to fail to double check his sources. A quick reverse search would give you the image below.
Besides being an idiot, he made a video using CBS' footage about the shooting. Because it's hard for people to use google. No. 546783>>546819>>546883
>>546768I am a little shocked that his video hasn't been taken down tbh. He's literally just jacking CBS's footage.
Why he thinks doing this and then showing screenshots of tweets is "journalism" I don't know.
No. 546819>>546883
File (hide): 1522910074348.png (23.68 KB, 607x287, Untitled.png)

>>546768>>546783He claims he never said he was a journalist, but maybe don't have "NEWS" in your channel name if that's the case. Also the shooting isn't gossip, it's not even related to the trash he usually uploads.
So either he's a gossip channel who takes advantage of a tragedy just for views while stealing footage in the process. Or he's a news channel who can't even double check facts or sources, while also stealing content. What's it gonna be Craig?
No. 548728>>548793
File (hide): 1523101199461.png (681.1 KB, 1088x786, Bye.png)

When RSN can't rip videos he found on LC because of a watermark he just rips the audio. What a pathetic loser. No. 548795
>>548793The videos were only posted on lolcow lmao
Also why didn’t the dumbass show the video too? Oh right, because he doesn’t want to get caught stealing for a
fourth time.
No. 548797>>548804>>548807>>548816>>549690
File (hide): 1523113416929.jpeg (772.37 KB, 1536x1986, 5DE09347-053B-40FF-8E96-1F1A03…)

Anon he didn’t get it from anyone else(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 548807
File (hide): 1523114530905.png (1.21 MB, 750x854, C7856472-BF69-452D-A785-4FDC58…)

>>548797What a fucking idiot. Isn’t it too early to stir up drama in your own thread?
No. 548816
File (hide): 1523114805217.jpg (37.74 KB, 413x395, 1455868328882.jpg)

>>548797You dun goofed, Craig
No. 549684
File (hide): 1523200902576.jpeg (55.82 KB, 806x422, 9D884BF5-DBFB-4BAD-9F98-B82CE4…)

Looks like Craig is hiding comments again! After taking a screen cap of this the comment disappeared afterwards. Can’t take criticism?
This is a “grown” man, btw.
No. 552733
File (hide): 1523474062088.jpg (1.1 MB, 1440x1409, EbL60fC.jpg)

In another comment he says his main "news" channel is being disabled and he links to a video where he talks about his videos getting flagged by Onision through multiple accounts.
I might feel bad for him if his content wasn't so blatently ripped of from us. There's no one to root for in this fight, but it's pretty amusing to watch.
No. 558604
>>557326>>557742I believe hooktube doesn't work for livestreams. Lucky for him I guess.
His streams aren't too interesting to be honest. He seems way too self-involved in the drama.
No. 558661
File (hide): 1524049328128.png (70.68 KB, 714x800, nottheblargh.png)

Even-though he has a serious hate boner on the blargh, he sure likes to tag his videos with their name.
I'm not gonna post the interview because it was total cringe trash, nothing interesting.
No. 559173
>>559148This guy is too much! He was under the impression he was working with Sam? God what a tool! That's totally a valid reason to harass someone over twitter DMs.
The way he shits on The Blargh and other channels is fucking hilarious. Mate, you record streams. Your channel is fucking trash.
And you're clearly not butthurt! That's why you spent the last half of your stream arguing with trolls lmao
No. 561532>>562053
File (hide): 1524332443255.png (246 KB, 853x979, ok.PNG)

how much you want to bet he deleted his channel to hide the fact he was stealing content straight from here?
No. 562053>>562058
>>561532Nah, his channel got taken down because his dumbass decided to make "his" leaks public (we all know that the discord convos and the hentai leak were originally on LC), making it easier to flag. He was also about to be monetized so fair use goes out the window whenever he profits from other people's content.
I hate to say LGH is right about anything but, he is well within his rights to take down RSN's channel. Good luck with that legal battle.
No. 562058
>>562053If he's just gonna straight up reupload content like he did with the hentai video, then I don't know what he's surprised about.
lol I feel you anon, I hate this guy for making me side with LGH on something.
No. 563308>>563320
File (hide): 1524510699867.png (53.77 KB, 215x194, Screen Shot 2018-04-24 at 5.10…)

Hi RSN, you really should have kept that mask on mate, that ugly mug of yours really isn't doing you any favours.
No. 563320
File (hide): 1524511253833.jpg (13.9 KB, 480x360, 1498649123343.jpg)

>>563308He doesn't get why he has a thread but does shit like this.
No. 563351
>>563321Holy shit! He can't just let this be can he? Dude your thread has been ready to die on several occasions, but you won't let it! Either you bump your thread with self-posting, tweet about your thread or you just won't stop being a scumbag loser. Why would you think doing a video about your thread would help in any way what so ever?
You are just proving to everyone else why you have a thread by doing this.
No. 563377>>563714
>>563368His joysparkes leaks? Originally posted here.
His audio with onioncord fags? Originally posted here.
I'm not even going to even get into him taking videos from others.
There wouldn't be a problem if he didn't try to claim he did all the work. Our main issue with him is that he takes info you can easily find here as new information and try to make a profit off of it. Too bad his channel got shut down before he could make money off of it.
>>563321He claims Sam wanted money but she never said that he needed to pay her.
Nobody would record a three hour stream, edit it, and encode the video for free. That's hours of work.
Is he actually retarded?
No. 563392>>563456>>563738
File (hide): 1524514724195.png (54.81 KB, 1304x325, crysummoar.png)

>>563383Yep. I think he wants people to wk him, but that's not really working out too well for him.
No. 563736
File (hide): 1524534782123.gif (54.97 KB, 300x200, 9c9.gif)

>>563727You're missing the point. Go back and read again.
No. 563738
>>563392Obviously this person isn't actually reading the thread if they think that's what people are talking about here.
>Why would they make a thread about a channel they don't like?Um, yes. Welcome Lolcow. We aren't making threads about people we like. It wouldn't surprise me if this is his own sock account commenting. It sounds as retarded as RSN. That attention you think the thread is giving you hasn't really helped you at all yet.
Hey, RSN. Trying to get fans to WK the thread doesn't work for LGH who actually does have brainwashed fans, unlike yourself.
The autism is strong with this one.
No. 564018
File (hide): 1524545975738.png (752.9 KB, 1079x1080, rsnbaby.png)

irl photo of RSN reading his thread
No. 564061
File (hide): 1524548252242.png (25.27 KB, 1205x245, ytComment2.png)

Nah fam you always do a backhanded apology that doesn't mean shit. Like when you were being a perv towards Maxie or being a pestering creep towards Sam.
"I did sooo much for them!"
Get the fuck out of here you niceguy creep, you didn't do shit. Even if you did, it doesn't excuse your disgusting behavior. Apologies doesn't mean shit when you constantly talk shit about the people you apologized to.
No. 564169>>564177>>564200
>>564134RSN why would you bump this lmao
And the patron girls, read they're whole 2 threads unless you're illiterate. They were doxxing each other and posting each other's nudes.
No lolcow does not have the official source, but we were the first public platform with the information. Try and get an interview with FatBecca or keep doing interviews with the girls that are known self posters and can't keep their lies straight.
No. 564541
File (hide): 1524597658637.jpg (119.5 KB, 896x515, moreallie.jpg)

He talked to this one some more today, not too interesting but just a couple parts where her stupidity was kinda funny.
No. 564616>>564814
>>563756Yeah, they were "LEAKED" by each other. I believe even one girl posted her own. To say they weren't credited is ridiculous itself because whenever someone on Lolcow posts a pic or video they say where they got it. So, yeah they actually do get credited to where the media is from. It's also an anonymous forum. Although, that isn't the point really.
The point is him putting videos out that he claims are his own. When a creator puts a video on their YouTube channel, people assume the video was one they created and edited unless otherwise noted.
He not only doesn't credit so that people assume that the video is his but outright lies and says the videos are his when questioned.
If RSN is the hill you want to die on I just feel sorry for you.
No. 564823
>>563706according to
>>564809 he does have a kid….yikes
No. 565081
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u sexy gurl u sexy
No. 565082>>565085>>565151
File (hide): 1524649697000.png (541.63 KB, 724x1256, rsnewww.png)

Sweet beer keg you got going there Craig.
No. 565151
tbh I don't get why he's so pissed about MB recording the discord chat, he says it's bc people will be afraid to talk but like if the info was that valuable they wouldn't say it in a discord group chat anyway
his sperging gave me major second hand embarrassment, but what else is new
No. 565957
File (hide): 1524720568888.jpg (82.73 KB, 936x608, jGrPucj.jpg)

day 4 of RSN server
-masked babe banned
-many other randos banned
-everyone gets a ban
you get a ban
Don't question his authority,this is onioncord 2.0
No. 565959
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No. 565960
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No. 565962
File (hide): 1524720727584.jpg (125.64 KB, 1228x866, fJDsT2q.jpg)

tl;dr server is a shitshow because RSN wants to bang allie and amber and any girl he's interacted with in the past month via twitter. Craig will pretend that these girls are feeding him exclusive dirt on lainey but he's really just beating his pathetic cock.
even his mods and admins know craig is a retard.
No. 565975
File (hide): 1524721510381.jpg (541.57 KB, 724x1256, 1mlK5SG.jpg)

Demoting your admins and mods isn't going to change the fact you're an embarrassing trainwreck Craig J.
They may never voice their honest opinions ever again but it doesn't change what everyone really thinks of you har har har
No. 565986>>566043
File (hide): 1524722157001.jpg (36.91 KB, 599x625, iXmliAA.jpg)

do you think ana sends him nudes for free?
No. 565993
File (hide): 1524723087733.jpg (507.23 KB, 560x472, W1jV2ff.jpg)

the angles are hiding his egg head
No. 566080
File (hide): 1524733391097.jpeg (57.96 KB, 961x572, 80644921-4547-479E-B968-2C6C35…)

Dude no one gives a fuck. Keep self posting though.
No. 566109>>566114
File (hide): 1524738199348.png (7.38 KB, 354x107, suuuure.png)

He really sounds like Onion.
No. 566114>>566139
>>566109Extreme tinfoil, but what if they’re in it together and this is all an elaborate piece of performance art for the views?
After typing that out I realised how daft it is, they’re both too stupid and lacking in creativity to pull that off.
No. 566791
File (hide): 1524793437284.jpg (50.23 KB, 1400x180, ragequit.jpg)

Big daddy blobfish is being boolied so bad he wants to delete his server
No. 566907
File (hide): 1524804043686.png (281.06 KB, 750x1210, 45476mjlkjlk455741.png)

RSN is in masked babe's server so he knows Keks didn't make the video. His vendetta against her is kind of scary.
No. 566974>>567016>>567020>>567398
File (hide): 1524813077016.jpeg (316.05 KB, 750x645, C3402B4E-6303-4A93-BAEF-576CFC…)

Imagining two potato sacks smashing currently.
No. 567016>>567018>>567025>>567037
>>566026Why does the mod sound like she's on pills?
It's super nasally and it's like she's struggling to put her thoughts together.
>>566974This entire stream was a trashy mess but here are some highlights in no particular order
>RS and Amber drinking>Amber already tipsy before the stream, admits to it, then drinks a little bottle on camera>Awkward flirting between RS and Amber>Amber gets quiet when RS mentions he has a kid and asks where he kid is, RS refuses to reveal the information on stream>RS also refuses Amber proposing giving a tour of the hotel they'r staying in>Things get awkward, RS sits on the bed>Amber kept talking about how Greg is her friend and she loves him and that watching his videos makes her love him more>Amber won't chew candy with her mouth closed and it's disgusting >Revealed that she was using her mom's card for supporting Onion and Lainey and had a friend donate $75 to Onion>Revealed that she still lives with her mom, hasn't graduated high school, and is working on her GED>Claims that she's told Greg her entire life story from the time she was born >Doesn't know what Sicesca is or that Greg even had his own religion>Amber claimed to be a master at manipulating people despite obviously being duped by Onion>Commenters kept trying to get RS and Amber to play truth or dare but they refused>Amber admitted to having low self esteem and that she posts nudes publicly and sends them to her friends in hopes of boosting her confidence >RS all but confirmed that he paid to fly Amber out for a week>Unsurprisingly, Amber brushed off any comments suggesting that Greg didn't care about her>Tried to claim she could text Greg, but then revealed that she doesn't even have his number, it would be over a messenger; then she refused because she acknowledged that she was drunk and was scared of waking up to a negative message from Greg No. 567018>>567020>>567096
File (hide): 1524824055119.png (859.83 KB, 779x663, amberdrinking.PNG)

>>567016Remember Amber isn't 21 yet. She turns 21 on May 3rd.
>>565704 No. 567096>>567173
>>567018He thinks hiding out after all of this is going to work?
He dun fuckin' goofed, man.
I guess he was just trying to do some real investigative reporting by flying Amber out and getting the inside scoop.
No. 567173>>567278>>567646
>>567096Is he hiding out?
I noticed the stream hasn't be been made public and there were only about 33 or so people there last night
it feels unfair for my eyes to be one of the few pair scarred
No. 567310>>567362>>567512
File (hide): 1524854444405.png (80.95 KB, 653x790, bropicsperg.png)

>>567278Bro pic (A mod who is still 3edgy5me at age 44) had a spregout and kicked everyone out of the discord. Craig lies and said it was a glitch.
As for the underage drinking: No. 567362
>>567310Wow what a mess. Yeah I've seen him in the comments going on about Jaclyn.
Thank you for the link. Very interesting. Still concerning.
No. 567512>>567516>>567862
>>567310Hi Kiddo. I am Bro Pic and no I'm not trying to be edgy, at all. I literally have nothing to prove. At all. I'm a fat bastard with a giant nose.
I just like to cause havoc. Because I sometimes get bored.
>>567512I don't think you are allowed to selfpost or say your name just so you know you might get banned idk.
You are also not allowed to tell people off for it so I might also get banned.
No. 567658>>567694>>567914
File (hide): 1524881503728.jpeg (44.09 KB, 405x427, 9B9D20F7-A942-45C3-8D5C-4EFE16…)

>>567398At least we’ve solved the mystery of Ogrease’s wife and her bizarre facial structure. Lainey, Amber called, she wants her chin back
No. 567862
File (hide): 1524906864529.png (19.09 KB, 879x104, brop.png)

>>567512Get your 40-year old, pasty, slut shaming, niceguy™ ass outta here bropic.
No. 567864>>567880>>568904
File (hide): 1524907088958.png (46.54 KB, 573x397, rsnconspiratard.png)

I love Craig's retarded conspiracy theories.
No. 567880>>567906
File (hide): 1524911182345.gif (1.43 MB, 301x250, FCD7EB5E-7D9B-4011-9655-CC27A3…)

>>567864Jesus christ. The thirst on this guy. Keep bringing the cringe, Craig.
No. 567986>>568163>>568780
File (hide): 1524922143175.png (39.3 KB, 767x247, bropic.png)

Go tip your fedora somewhere else bro pic.
No. 568780>>569015
>>567986In the chat of one of RSN's live streams today Bro pic kept repeatedly hinting that something's coming that RSN won't like. I don't know if he's sperging about having his mod powers taken away or what, but when asked if he's doing an interview with Masked Babe or something he said it was something better and RSN wasn't being very "imaginative" or some shit.
Tbh I'm kind of on the fence about RSN (the enemy of my enemy and all that, and it's kind of fun to see LGH get so
triggered by him) but he has terrible judgement. Flying Amber out has been a predictable shitshow and isn't going to end well. Why would you invite someone so desperate for attention and clearly unstable into your world?
Makes me think he's as crazy and desperate as she is.
No. 568904
>>567864"I like that LC is talking about me. that's why I threw tantrums and went full retard about it. Multiple times."
seems legit.
No. 568963>>569028>>570013
>>568938Regardless of whether or not he lives at home, I'm guessing that he approached Amber like some kind of professional to even get the interview
And then from there he was like "I'll put you up in a hotel room" knowing full well what a ho Amber is
And if he didn't do his research on her here at lolcow, he found out quickly with the interview how thirsty she is for validation and attention
He saw how much she latched onto Onion and is trying to get her to latch onto him that way with actually spending money on her and telling her she's pretty or whatever
So I think he intended to smash her from the beginning, which could be the case with how sadly pathetic he is
But also that could be giving CJ too much credit I doubt he's that cunning
No. 569195
File (hide): 1525020482946.jpg (8.67 KB, 337x60, sadcj.jpg)

He's streaming now. He's going to let Amber give him a piercing because having it done professionally at a shop is boring. They both think that's safe and Amber said in the background that she's pierced herself before. Masked Babe is also there to poke at him a bit lol.
No. 569203>>569277
File (hide): 1525020964836.jpg (37.65 KB, 480x360, hqdefault2.jpg)

Craig is accusing MB of being a stalker. It's hilarious that he sounds just like LGH and it just took him a couple of months.
No. 569277
File (hide): 1525029373116.jpg (2.91 KB, 204x200, 4452452.jpg)

>>569203>sounds just like LGHPretty sad when you're the discount version of Greg.
No. 569393>>569408
>>569349Agreed, anon. I have been a fan of RSN's but his recent behavior has made me question a lot of things about him and I know I'm not the only one.
If MB wants to make an imoact with us, she needs to tone it down a little and stick to the facts because so far she's not convincing me that she's not just another cow herself. I'm definitely open to what she's saying, she just needs to say it better because right now it's just a bunch of sperging from everyone involved.
When Amber seems like the most sane person in the drama chaos you really need to reconsider your approach.
No. 569408
File (hide): 1525040574128.gif (1.4 MB, 490x299, 245FFF18-590E-4AFF-9628-3C9846…)

>>569393Hamber seems like the most sane? Gurl.
No. 569526
>>569518You can't hooktube his streams anyway.
I recorded it. I'm gonna post it in a bit.
No. 569543>>569550
>>569540I mean he supplied her with alcohol. And he even admits that she said no first with a
“but then you said yes right?”
To which she said she told him whatever.
I mean the dude fucking took her into a livestream to talk about it when she clearly looks upset and uncomfortable just so he could get it recorded that he didn’t rape her, and when it’s not going to way he planned he looks visibly panicked. I don’t know what to think, but one things for sure if this is real then RSN needs to actual be cancelled and never show his face again at the least.
No. 569612
File (hide): 1525049680489.jpeg (201.51 KB, 750x393, 180A1748-159E-4BBB-A472-1A16A3…)

Anyone know where or what footage she’s talking about?? This is actual some reality tv shit going on what the hell
No. 569634>>569641
File (hide): 1525050941950.jpeg (119.47 KB, 750x421, FAF65274-20AB-4DA4-82E4-190DEA…)

Becks comment on his video. God. This is all too fucked. Yeah MB confirmed again Ambers with police now.
No. 569642>>569701
>>569635All I can think is if I was in a hotel room with some guy I’ve only just meet irl for the first time, drunk, him rubbing up my leg.. and I say NO twice and he still persists? I’d be terrified man.
I don’t know what to think. The only things we know 100% is that she was drunk. He supplied her with alcohol whilst she’s underaged. She said no twice. Both parties have confirmed that. And they had sex anyway after she said according to her “whatever” and according to him “yeah okay”
Seems a little strange he just left like that? Like he says “I’ll help you get home” then next second he’s in a car driving away and he thinks ambers still at the hotel room and he thinks she might’ve called the cops? Like what the hell happened?
No. 569730
File (hide): 1525057015023.jpg (52.29 KB, 607x492, there is no fire.jpg)

>>569635maria d in chat really wants to be Potato Mike Shinoda's spin doctor in this situation
>I think she planned it all No. 569735
>>569554Damn this dude should have fucking quit while he was ahead. He always rubbed me the wrong way, but this is a new low. This is fucked, the girl is crying. She is uncomfortable. He seems to think you have to be violent with someone in order for it to be rape and in order for it to be traumatic.
Fuck him, gross
No. 569917
File (hide): 1525078868408.jpeg (408.82 KB, 750x810, 8CD66CDB-68C6-4AC7-97AF-25C9A2…)

Her response to his latest video.
This is sick. Real or fake this is sick. If she’s faking it, he still tried to fuck a girl who told him no twice and that’s some kind of dangerous behaviour I want to be far away from any woman. If she isn’t faking it, he fucking raped her.
No. 569933>>569936
File (hide): 1525081330101.jpg (250.82 KB, 1058x718, Screenshot_20180430-023613_Twi…)

This was so fucking nice.
No. 569937
>>569934Yeah the fact Craig invited an obviously troubled and vulnerable young girl with the sole intention of getting his dick wet is fucking disgusting.
And the fact there are other girls coming out and saying he tried to convince them to meet them is also disturbing.
No. 569947>>570487
>>569554Who's first thought is to livestream such a traumatic incident and question where all the "fans" are??
>4:27 and now he's leaving. Why would you be upset about that after you'd just been violated?
Something is hugely off about all of this.
Isn't this almost exactly like the Adrienne/Onion coerced sex scenario??
All of these people are fucked up.
Sidenote: amber wasn't raped before, she was touched innapropriately in a hotel room.
No. 569948>>569950
>>569943>Realstream & Amber Having A Discussion About False Claims After Her Blargh Vid 4/28 (Her 2nd Night)Choice comment:
>Ugh CJ that is so fucked up man. I believe you didn't rape her, and there's others who don't think you did either. It seems like she couldn't get what she wanted out of you, so she is pulling this stunt. I feel for you, truly. Ive seen asshole women completely destroy good men by doing things like this, and then actual rapists get away with it. Its all disgusting. Keep your head up, and keep fighting. Not all of us are so quick to turn our backs on you.He really is a piece of work. Hpw many girls has he raped or assaulted, I wonder? There's never just one.
No. 569963>>569965>>569966
>>569943Rage transcript. For any REAL victims reading this, I'm so so sorry.
>C: I wanna ask you this… why would you tell ppl..>A: yelling tell 'em what??..>C: why would you think of telling people that I raped you??…>A: beligerently I didn't think I was.. I didn't, YOU said it, I didn't say anything about rape bro'.>C: then why did u say..>A: stirring something I'm pissed off about what just happened on LOLCOW.>C: that's not important, who cares about it??>A: Me.. not really.. I need a tissue blows nose>C: sighs So you wouldn't do that?>A: No. Not unless you piss me off really bad.They continue talking about the blargh and amber tells Craig she's been raped twice previously but he wasn't aware of it, warrant is mentioned but it was for $100 for unpaid court fees.
I feel sick. These are fucking dangerous games.
Tl:dw Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
No. 569973
>>569957He basically thinks he's Onision Jr.
That the girls just can't get enough, and that he's a brootally awnest YouTuber.
He seemed to have some pretty big illusions of grandeur for his channel.
No. 570013>>570022
>>568963>he intended to smash her from the beginningI fucking called it
>>569554When he says "this is my fucking life here" he sounds legitimately scared serves him right
No. 570022
>>570013You weren’t the only one, anon. I wonder if lolcow will hold up as source of admissible evidence in a court of law.
>When he says "this is my fucking life here" he sounds legitimately scared serves him rightDamn straight it does. His life is defined by internet drama and being a cross-channel cringe factory, so he has made his bed.
No. 570148>>570161>>570168
File (hide): 1525103326603.jpeg (198.33 KB, 750x473, 79D61AFE-2AFA-4CC3-A2A2-EEAA5A…)

An update on Amber. We don’t know what happened to CJ but he deleted his discord server around 5:28 EST.
No. 570161>>570181
>>570148What a world we live in when the onion stans become more reliable and decent people than the onision “hater”
Wew lads, what a ride this thread has taken us on
No. 570181>>570196>>570469
>>570161It's pretty easy to look good when compared to a fucking rapist dude…
I'm glad these girls are being so supportive of Amber. No matter how much Craig protests his innocence, the optics look horrible.
>already has 3 arrest warrants out>fails to pay court fines yet is in a custody battle>flies a girl he hardly knows to his state, buys her a hotel room>plies her with booze and promises her fame>forces her to sign an NDA>crawls in her bed and starts touching her even after numerous rejections>nuts in her anywaysI seriously hope he rots in a jail cell for a long, long time.
No. 570207>>570222
>>570196Very much agreed. It’s now a legal matter, and only a judge and jury can convict the man. Her testimony is rather shotty. It has her several times say8ng she was not raped, and it even has her consenting . As weak is it may be, he may get out of this one with the right legal council.
If anything he is guilty of coercion, which is not against the law. He also told her he was attracted to her to which she did not bother to tell him that she wasn’t and proceeded to fly out there to be on streams with him. She is a little off, not the brightest bulb and listened to the Internet when she called the police, not herself where she has stated multiple times she did not want to call the police.
No. 570222
>>570207My guess is that she was scared of him and didn't want to set him off. I don't know tho, since I have never been unfortunate enough to be in Amber's situation. What we think doesn't matter tho. The police are involved and she has gotten a rape kit so like you said: it's a legal matter now.
However I have to say that running from the police doesn't look good for Craig.
No. 570286>>570290>>570308>>570344>>570404
File (hide): 1525115181770.png (557.47 KB, 713x959, 1524074123333.png)

>>570257Whatever gurg has to say on the matter, remember he sent her this message.
No. 570295>>570296
>>570257Surprised LGH didn't try to push the "my haturz are rapists" narrative.
>>570290Nobody deserves to get raped. I really hope she actually learns her lesson (as unlikely as it is) and doesn't go out with creepy bastards like Craig anymore.
No. 570310
>>570296lol the moron literally said that these types of channels are second to literal criminals.
Funny how he brought up that Craig had make upwards of 60 videos about "the same person and how fucked up it is yet LGH himself has made dozens of videos about the same people such as Eugenia Cooney… staying his good old hypocrite self.
No. 570337
>>570330If I were Amber, I would have punched the shit out of him and said "it's just a broken arm, not a heart attack"
>>570307He'd probably say that because AJ wrote an apology email and invited him to hang out after giving him her phone number meant all his rapey sins were washed away.
Craig sounds like he could be LGH's brother tbh.
No. 570344
>>570286I think we all know that if she was prettier and a bit less unbalanced he would have had zero issues with those nudez.
Mentally unwell people are his bread and butter, but god forbid you have
too many issues or he'll kick you to the curb. Only pretty, young, slightly damaged girls allowed.
No. 570378
File (hide): 1525121437341.jpg (61.88 KB, 812x453, squeeze.jpg)

>>570257Well this is sadly predictable, he couldn't even wait until a full day had passed to feel morally superior on the internet. In light of the circumstances he could have done without the squeeze at the end, we all know it means boob squeeze.
No. 570431
>>570299Jesus Christ. Not that I want to befriend this moron, but the reason I and so many of us have blayent disdain for LGH is
because we're good people.
Craig just happens to be a creep. She might want to educate herself on correlation vs. causation.
No. 570466
File (hide): 1525127474707.jpg (122.42 KB, 1773x790, 20180430_171807.jpg)

No. 570486>>570517>>570787
>>570482She has been backed up by so many people now though.
Also it was admitted by both of them on stream it happened. I don't think that part should be up for debate.
No. 570487
>>569554why the fuck would anyone stream this? Holy shit are people this stupid? Whether or not he raped her, who in their right mind would decide lets stream this to the internet to clear it up live online?
Also it should be a known fact by now that the most vocal onion haters who want a lot of attention end up being psychos and creeps themselves similar to onion boy, especially the male ones.
>>569947>>570307yup this reminded me of the adrienne thing. She also said no plenty of times to onionboy then just gave in when he continued. And he also came inside her when she told him not to. But hes acting like hes better than him and would never do such a thing.
No. 570488>>570787>>570816
>>570275Amber clearly has mental instability.
From the outside looking in, I don’t get it because she absolutely destroyed her reputation.
No. 570492
We all know CJ is a creep but don’t just make shit up.
No. 570523
>>570465I'm the anon that wrote that first post in the screenshot and for the sake of transparency, I was a former supporter of RSN because I enjoyed watching him make LGH get his knickers in a knot.
I watched that stream and she was clearly wasted (taking a bunch of shots without even flinching, slurring her words, behaving
very differently from earlier in the stream- but to be fair, I never saw him encourage her once to drink, she tried unsuccessfully to get him to take shots, and she also insisted she is a regular drinker) while Craig remained completely sober.
That night had disaster written all over it, but I didn't expect it to play out like this.
Such a horrifying and upsetting turn of events. I honestly don't think she was in the right frame of mind to give any form of consent, and as a 28 year old man, he should have recognized that.
Best case scenario: he has terrible, terrible judgement. Worst case: he preyed on a naive, intoxicated, mentally unbalanced troubled girl. Based on the way he has handled it so far I don't have any reason to give him the benefit of the doubt here.
There was absolutely no reason they should have been sharing a hotel room in the first place. Keep in mind that he railed against LGH for "paying" Sam with room and board and "hugs", insisting that his own collabs would be far more professional.
Like many predatory creeps, he targeted a troubled young woman who obviously was looking for attention and validation in the wrong places, cloaked his true intentions and took advantage of the situation.
People like Craig (and LGH, for that matter) who point fingers at everyone else's bad behavior while painting themselves as morally superior are often the most dangerous. Craig even had me fooled for a bit, and I'm a grown adult with a lot of life experience. I hope he is held accountable for his actions.
No. 570525
I don’t know where everyone is getting that Amber is mentally a child. She’s mentally unstable, sure, but I feel like anons are saying she’s mentally a kid because they’ve never encountered someone who literally is mentally a kid.
Anyways, I get when people question the victim especially when it seems suspect and the victim is 20 almost 21, but this isn’t about a woman who’s almost legal to drink and who got drunk and made herself vulnerable. I saw some anons sugggest it’s her fault because she stayed in the hotel with him and I have to disagree. This is a woman who thought she was staying in a 2 bed room with a guy she had been talking to for some time. He wasn’t a stranger to her. She was drinking because she was having fun. And maybe she was attracted to him or wanting to have sex with him eventually, but that can change especially when you’re unable to even function. If she was sober and said this shit happened then, yeah I’d be a little suspicious. But she wasn’t and no woman should have to worry that if she drinks too much something like this will happen when literally almost everyone drinks. This guy took advantage of her and no matter how or why she was there, she said no. How difficult is it to comprehend that she said no and that she actually meant it? I’m not talking to all anons, because thankfully you are all decent human beings who know this, but for the ones who are trying to blame her, just don’t. She may have been looking for attention when she got there, but imagine some guy on top of you when you are drunk and your mind is fuzzy and you probably feel sick and you don’t want to do it, but he won’t stop. She’s a victim and RSN is scum. No woman should be accused of putting herself in a position to be raped.
No. 570541
>>569641im starting to think this is how he has a child
i feel sick
amber is a dumb cunt but no one deserves to be raped
No. 570545>>570581>>570615
>>570534I was raped and guess what? I continued being on friendly terms with my rapist because we were coworkers and i was terrified of losing my job or causing drama in the workplace so I had to maintain a professional relationship and was also nice to him because I was terrified of him until I had to quit my job.
Not everyone is you, you obnoxious piece of shit. Not everyone reacts to things the same way. Not everyone is in the same situation. Piss off.
No. 570575
>>570561Who gives fuck whether or not this blobfish looking fucker had fee fees for her. Having feelings for someone is not an invitation to rape them. He is 8 years her senior, he bought her alcohol and presumably drugs considering she said at one point during their first hotel stream that she was high. She was drunk and alone in a hotel room in a strange state with a man she's only just met in person.
What you would do in that situation doesn't matter because you aren't Amber. Hindsight is 20/20 and I'm pretty sure she doesn't need to be told what was a bad idea or not.
No. 570576
>>570551I think he wanted to fuck her and the signs were all there. No doubt.
That being said, whether or not she wanted to fuck him seems like a huge grey area by it doesn’t matter now. She says rape and so rape it is.
Even if it was consensual. It’s a cautionary tale. Both of them made absolutely stupid and terrible decisions, but the court of public opinion definitely has decided that Amber is the victim here. I’m just skeptical of all of them. Even Onion realized that continued communication with Amber was a bad idea. (Doesn’t stop him from touting how she’s a fan now.)
All of these people are bad news.
No. 570581
>>570545Thank you. Rape is a very nuanced issue and no two people handle it the same. I was raped by an acquaintance and it was a very confusing experience which caused me to second-guess everything and even blame myself, even though I physically held down and raped against my will.
It's this kind of caveman-style thinking that stops people from reporting rapes as a society we should be beyond this.
This whole "it's invalid if it's different than my experience" way of thinking is so ignorant.
No. 570613
>>570568>She might be dumb/retarded/crazy/attention-seeking/a thirsty cockmonster, but none of that invalidates her experience. Agreed, anon. While these attributes may make some people more sceptical about the veracity of her claims, they also make her a perfect victim for predators.
People like Amber are not only vulnerable, but they're also often believed when they come forward.
No. 570633>>570644>>570645>>570708
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>>570626Amber also retweeted this, does she think that he said "it's just rape" too?
No. 570637>>570640>>570677>>570695>>570986
he definitely said rape. after I cleared up the audio and enhanced it. here is the cleaned up video clip. testing reverse meme arrows)
No. 570644
>>570633"rudeboi," Chronic, can fuck right off. Add hearing problems to her list of issues, because that obviously isn't what was said.
Oh, and obligatory fuck you CJ, since you're always here.
No. 570653
>>570645Not everyone here believes her judging by the replies and it probably should be that way. Look how many people lie about rape only because they know that people will take it as 100% truth. Most likely not what happens here, but it's understandable for people to not be completely on board.
And honestly, both sides of this whole thing are terrible. Both are lying assholes who walk along the creepy boundary and can't take no for an answer.
No. 570654>>570692
>>570543tell me how exactly females get the upper hand?
is it the
just barely double digit rape conviction rates? If that?
is it the victim blaming and shaming and doubting?
being called a slut and a liar because of the statistically minuscule amount of false accusations?
is it our reactions being picked apart because they don't suit how you and everyone else thinks a sexual assault survivor should act?
go fuck yourself. if someone is drunk, they cannot consent. badgering someone until they let you do what you want is coercion.
in this situation as
we know it, this RSN fuck is a rapist. full stop.
No. 570658>>570686
>>570615Ever think of not talking about something you never experienced? People who are raped might not want to have to report it and relive the trauma every time they have to retell it to the police or in court, possibly not be believed and have to be grilled on every detail of what happened to you, and have everyone around you know what happened to you. And in many many cases, in the end to not even have your rapist convicted because its just a he-said she-said situation that is tough to prove or have them just get a slap on their wrist.
People who make things sound so simple are dumb as hell. The girls who are raped are not the ones hurting others or the ones responsible stopping their behavior. It's the rapist who is.
No. 570677>>570680>>570691>>570702
>>570637The conversation goes
A:I'm waiting for people to come in
R: Yeah, they're gonna come in, don't worry (.33 mumbles something illegible)
A: I'm gonna have a heart attack..on stream
R:Don't do that, let's just wait, don't have a heart attack, it's fine.
Based on just the context it seems clear that he's saying "let's just wait"
No. 570692>>570744>>570813
>>570654I’m talking in terms of support. She will get support.
Public opinion definitely favors her in the situation.
I’m just confused how everyone is an expert on what happened between them. Everything seems really murky.
And for the record, that is not supporting CJ in the least. He definitely wanted to fuck her. His intention couldn’t be more clear from the beginning.
No. 570698>>570700
>>570695I think this anon was actually talking about the original accusation made on Twitter.
It makes absolutely no sense for him to say that.
No. 570735>>570740
>>570725>How could you all stay silent and allow your friend to go to the house of a stranger of this nature?None of those girls are friends with each other, anon. They’re sad bitches that compete for Greg’s attention. They don’t give a fuck about what happened to Amber, this is them wanting to get points for being good people because they’ve fucked up their reputations associating with that piece of shit. I’m sure Greg is in a private chat with them all right now discussing how to Amber had this coming to her and she shouldn’t have “associated with a hater.”
Does anyone even know what happened to RSN? He hasn’t posted anything, but if Amber has gone to the police and hospital he should already be in their custody. It takes cops less time to arrest someone on a simple accusation, but now they supposedly have evidence?
No. 570748>>570756>>570770>>570810>>571173>>571243
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>>570725This comment is so accurate it hurts. It's no coincidence that the biggest attention whores with the most drama in
>>>/snow/432327 were the same ones in this story, all too caught up in giving interviews and making plans to collaborate and promote themselves. Beck went to Greg's house to film the infamous shaving cream video, Maxie lied about having lupus and a tragic past as a sex trafficking victim, and Aileen doxxed her own mother and treats the Onion clan like a Mansonesque cult. They're all tripping over themselves competing for who's the biggest hero.
Amber deserves the support, but these are some fickle bitches. And Ana isn't doing her a favor by blowing things out of proportion - he was giving a 20 year old a drink, not a vodka enema to a 13yo. All of them thought RSN was creepy, but they still agreed to interviews. They thought he was creepy, but they still talked about working together. This guy found the absolute most desperate fangirls of a manipulative moron and managed to attract their interest despite being a doughy nobody. I hope this is a wake-up call especially for Amber 'I want to be famous at all costs' C.
She doesn't deserve what happened, but let's not pretend it wasn't completely avoidable. He tricked and took advantage of her because she's devoid of logical thought and her brain freezes up when she smells attention. She needs to realize that she makes terrible choices and abstain from unsafe behavior like meeting strangers in hotel rooms at the very least.
No. 570764>>570769
>>570257>pretending he ever gave a fuck about Amber just to look morally superior Of course.
Also his analogy about wolves and lambs is fucking retarded.
Predators don't eat prey to be vicious they do it to survive.
Don't compare Craig to innocent predator animals.
>>570299Because Onion fans are so full of tunnel-vision RS proving himself a scumbag just increases these girls' trust and faith in Onionboy
So not only did RS rape Amber now all "anti-Onion" people are "garbage people" in their eyes.
>>570394>can't pay child support>pays to fly a 2/10 Onion fan with mental issues who looks like she'll be easy to smash No. 570765
>>570756That's what I meant. I don't think she's doing it on purpose, she's just naive to the point of it being pathological.
I really, really wonder if this will be the thing to stop her blind defense of other accused rapists and offenders, but my bet is she's gonna keep idolizing them.
No. 570770>>570882
>>570748These girls aren't even liked or accepted in the onision community. Telling you all right now, half the people who are active in that community thinks they're a joke(including LGH), attention whoring slags and no one likes them or talks to them.
They circle jerk each other to Oblivion. Absolutely no one likes them. It's a mystery as to why they still call themselves fans when they're all social rejects.
No. 570771>>570816>>570872
>>570769Even more disgusting is how so many people on the video are giving him thumbs up and praising him in the comments
"It's about coming together for a good cause!" seems to be the consensus there which is exactly what Onion wants
Funny how Onion berated other people for expressing condolences in mass shootings or bombings just to make themselves look good
And now he's doing the same thing just because this happened to "a fan"
No. 570774>>570783>>570804
>Craig contacts Amber telling her that he finds her attractive and wants to stream (read: smash) with her
>Amber claims she never responded to his advances because she didn’t want to ruin the opportunity to stream with him (thirsty attention seeker is thirsty)
>They shack up at a hotel presumably because Craig was determined to get his peen wet one way or another and that wouldn’t be possible seeing as he lives in his grandmother’s basement
>Amber wants to get drunk so he obliges (duh)
>Drunk Amber invites him into her bed to “cuddle” after he verbalises disappointment over the fact that their room has two beds
>He starts trying it on, she says “no” twice because she’s “into girls”, he ignores her, she throws the towel in and apparently tells him to “cum inside [her]”, a comment she claims to have no recollection of making (see the stream uploaded by Masked Babe)
>Craig clearly freaks out as soon as he realises that what he did constitutes rape, and subsequently films the two of them discussing the situation, wherein he states “this is turning into a rape thing real fast” and Amber retorts with “I dunno, is it?”
>Arguing over semantics
>Craig records Amber and her mother discussing the situation without their consent
>Craig hightails it out of the hotel and uploads a stream screeching that he’s not a rapist (nice try, bro)
>Craig is now a fugitive, whereabouts unknown, Amber has been put up in hotel courtesy of Beck and the fuzz, because apparently her mother is happy to donate to Onision’s pedo sex cult but won’t help out her daughter who has just been assaulted. Even if Amber were lying (which is unlikely, because her mother mentions previous assaults on stream) she should give her child the benefit of the doubt
>Unremarkably there are a few edgelords getting all REEEEEE and insisting that Amber is lying
>The internet continues to be a shitty placeSuccinct enough?
No. 570787
>>570488reputation doesn't really come into rape. and see
>>570486as CJ is an almost daily self-poster here, why would he stop now? some of these posts about her faking it are really whiffy.
No. 570808>>570816
>>570783I did see that, but there were several comments about her paying for Amber to be in the Greaselord’s patreon prior to him kicking her out over the “gross” nudes she sent to Draineybot. Anyway, I don’t want to tinfoil any more than I have already.
tl;dr: people are assholes and even in the age of #MeToo and #TimesUp, there will always be victim blamers and slut shamers. We’re all fucked.
No. 570816
>>570808>>570769>>570771>>570488In this same stream
>>570769 Greg said that Amber had recently "raged" at him and demanded a refund from him. He was laughing as he said this.
To you people thanking Greg for his video… shame on you. He used it as an opportunity to tell people not to trust his "haters."
This is the same guy who said, "[AJ] tried to insinuate that, when we did make love, that I was forcing her into it. That I was pressuring her into it, that she didn't really want to… That's funny, coming from someone who slept with over 20 people. That's really funny."
No. 570854>>570868
>>570849That’s exactly what you’re doing? At least the anons you’re bitching at are contributing. You’re just bitching about not contributing while not contributing.
Right now there’s nothing to say because no one knows where RSN is. He hasn’t posted anything and he’s deleted his discord. And Amber hasn’t posted anything more about what’s going on with her. So, everyone’s just waiting to see what happened to RSN since he took off from the hotel, live-streamed in his car and disappeared.
No. 570868
>>570854I agree, anon. No need to complain in such a derogatory way. Personally I hate the term "newfags", it's immature. I understand though why some people are getting a bit irritated because there are a lot of anons adding information, as you did in your quick update on the situation just now, (appreciated), but many are also having conversations about personal feelings and experiences and that isn't something lolcow is used for… talking about yourself isn't usually allowed. Opinion is of course though.. but it is starting to become hard to find the actual info littered throughout the past several days because I think a lot of people are panicking over the situation. Which is understandable.
I do think people should definitely limit their personal experience mentions, and try to post sparsely when there isn't anything new. Unfortunately I've seen people banned for these types of things.. and it makes the thread difficult to get through when searching for the important informative versus the mass opinion and debate that's occurring now. If you look on other threads, it isn't something you see much of on a site like this.
No. 570882>>570990
>>570770So if I am to understand this insane situation correctly, these weirdos are basically
tolerated because they throw a ton of money at the Onion swamp?
No. 570884>>570890
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>>5708832. Sageing a post
By writing "sage" in the email field, you keep your comment from bumping a thread to the top. Do this when your comment doesn't contribute any new information. You don't need to announce or mention your sage. Users will be able to tell by hovering over your Name ('Anonymous'). You can hide a thread's saged posts by clicking "Hide saged posts for this thread" in the top right of the thread. Note: Sageing a post doesn't make wildly off-topic comments okay. You still have to follow posting rules.
Rules - Info
No. 570889
>>570887Rich, coming from someone who hadn’t read the rules/has any clue how to integrate.
Good job ruining the thread.
Fucking lurk moar.
No. 570896
>>570887I get that you were trying to be funny by writing "saged anonymous" but honestly you just look like a douchebag and anon is correct, you are making a fool out of yourself. Is that you, Craig?
I just checked the Real Stream channel and he HAS deleted the recordings he took of Amber without her knowledge, both of them. The one of her crying on the phone with her mother, and the one on April 28th before the livestream he forced her into. This gives me the impression those clips weren't as helpful to his narrative as he hoped they would be.
No. 570899>>570902>>570968
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>>570887I can honestly say most of these people you guys are accusing of being newfags aren’t new at all. People are treating this thread slightly different because it’s a snow and about RSN who’s had the same thread for over a month. No one does this in /pt. People are also contributing to this thread, so can you guys stop bitching about it or just leave? At least everyone’s talking about RSN and the situation. You’re just pointlessly bitching.
Anyways, I just saw this after lurking on Beck’s Twitter and RSN was basically begging her to meet him in person it looks like. No matter what happened between him and Amber, the guy is a creep and he’s probably in trouble that’s why he hasn’t been anywhere online. I have a question though. If Amber called the cops, talked to them, had a rape kit done in the hospital and now has the cops looking for her alleged rapist, is she allowed to fly back home? I obviously don’t know how that works, but is it not strange that all of this happened and she’s immediately leaving the state? Is there no investigation or anything. How the hell is that going to work if she goes back home.
No. 570902>>570956>>570968
>>570899Honestly, I have a feeling that after the police finished questioning Amber and after the doctor who examined her were concluded, they probably came to the conclusion with her consent that she wouldn't be pressing charges. Of course this is only theorizing, but it seems to me that you are correct when you say that she would absolutely not be leaving the state so hastily. They would keep her there for a longer period, I'm sure. No rape victim pressing charges against their assailant would leave the state so quickly if they are pushing forward with pressing charges.
Also this would explain Craig deleting his recordings of Amber on the Real Stream channel recently. If she is no longer pressing charges, why keep those videos up? It will only prolong a very negative situation that now he must hide and pretend it was no big deal and just some crazy bitch trying to ruin his life. Back to discount Ice Poseidon streaming ASAP if he isn't detained for at least one of those three warrants.
No. 570969
>>570963Fucking hell will you cunts stick to the one topic per thread and stop spamming the /pt thread and patron thread about how amber deserved this rape.
FatBecca and the like have been bullying Amber for a while. Amber is clearly a mess. As I said before, starved for attention. She even said in that livestream she never fancied RSN.
If RSN wants to derail and go off topic lets talk about how shit you must be at sex. You're a fat ugly guy, I can imagine it being the worst thing in the world to have you touch someone.
No. 570985>>570986
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>>570983who are you suppose to be
No. 570986
>>570985I logged into the gmail account associated with the account I posted
>>570637to and noticed I had a single new email, and it was that copyright claim. so I assumed without reading that it was a claim on the enhanced audio clip that I posted of RSN's stream, but it was actually an artist that was present in a plainey video I reuploaded so I deleted because it was irrelevent to this thread.
No. 571067
>>570956They wouldn’t keep her anywhere, that’d be her responsibility. Just like it was the responsibility of the women who went to that doctor’s trial. She’d have to figure it out.
Something I don’t understand is even if she decided not to press charges, the police and judge don’t care because they can still charge the criminal with something. So if she was taken seriously, it wouldn’t matter what she wanted to do. If she wasn’t taken seriously then that explains why nothing has happened. And I don’t think Craig is on the run or hiding out because he’s deleting his YouTube videos so he’s probably just at home.
No. 571076
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Forgot to attach the picture to my last post
No. 571125
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Drugs, not even once ladies.
No. 571127>>571240
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I wonder what happened in his life to make him turn out this way? Turn yourself in and get help, Craig
No. 571207>>571220
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Amber is at the airport and spamming a Joker actor. She really went straight back to her typical behavior like nothing happened.
No. 571221>>571231
>>571178Too lazy to hooktube or download and convert… also I am not well versed on the rules of lolcow but I think it's frowned upon to add a direct link to videos from YouTube.
The title is
>Realstream Interviews Amber About Sending Laineybot Nudes and We Talk How Onision Treats PatronsVideo consists of a comically bad interview with an odd "explanation video" of Amber speaking on the Onision situation at the end.
>10:00 Craig shows Onision's message stating he doesn't want Amber contacting him or Lainey anymore because she sent them nudes, brought him into a suicide attempt, insulted him, brings drama countless times, she has creeped him out and he doesn't want her to contact him again.>10:20 She appears to be talking directly to Greg in this video and begins her monologue on why Greg banned her>11:30 talks about "jokes" she made to Greg and begins talking to him directly once more, saying "I know these "jokes sounded really bad but swears she was only joking (??)>12:00 says she sent Lainey nudes>12:10 (this is where it gets weird) says she had a crush on Lainey and wanted to be part of their polyamory. Says she would have joined the "poly thing" but kept it secret, people caught on, then says "but I said no but I still wanted to be friends. Greg caught on and blocked me." >13:00 says she messaged Greg and told him "I got on my medicine again" (proof she has been diagnosed with psychological disordersThe rest is just spurging on her love for Gergles, how she loved him so much that she wanted to be back on patreon and was willing to get a prepaid card for him but brings up that entire "I couldn't because I'm going to London", something she brought up in Craig's streams before. All in all, very weird and hard to follow.
No. 571243>>571284>>571387
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>>570748>>570725Spot-on anons. Both Gingerbeck and Allie retweeted this yesterday. They don't give 2 shits about Amber, it's all about the asspats from LGH.
No. 571271>>571438
>>571231Oh okay thanks for the info! I was under the impression that I had to upload it to this site, I've lurked forever but actually posting is new to me. Thanks for the help and I'll make sure to do that in the future.
And yes, that is the video I am referring to. It's honestly very disturbing how she is tweeting so cheerily like she doesn't have a care in the world… Clearly none of us know truly what went down, only second-hand accounts, but I can't help wondering if she would have even went to the police and filed charges in the first place if so many people weren't telling her he raped her.
On top of that, I'm very curious to know more about these jokes she references in that interview video.. her mental state is very questionable if she were sending Lainey and Greg nudes while also more or less claiming she was invited to be their next poly victim. To say this in the nicest way possible… Amber isn't exactly their "type". The girl is clearly delusional.
No. 571284>>571309
>>571243The fact that Greg and his cult sheep are using this horrendous situation for their own personal gain is… Well fuck I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. Pet your dogs on their heads, Greg. We all gave Beck too much damn credit thinking she would actually do anything out of actual kindness.
Greg's video What Happened Last Night was the most self-serving bs imaginable. You could actually see him attempting to hide a smile in the beginning because he's gleaming inside - he thinks he's proving to everyone how truly monstrous all of his haters really are. To make things worse Greg made almost the entire video about himself, how amazing he is and how he would NEVER do something like that. I also like how he made it 10:02 long so he can get double the money from monetizing the video. Also somehow forgot to mention how he told this particular fan to never contact him again and that they were creepy AF. What a stand up guy, round of applause ladies and gentlemen.
No. 571311>>571314>>571338>>571342>>571387>>571431>>571457
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>>571309Straight from Ana's mouth; it's the haters that got Amber raped! We guided Craig's dick straight into Amber's vagina by providing him with a catalog of rape-able girls.
No. 571342
>>571311For those who missed it, one of Ana's best friends is an attentionwhore from PULL who started all the leaks, most notably with Ana's information
cross-thread link for those wanting to read up on the history of these flakes
>>>/snow/462409 No. 571387
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>>571243Even Amber is enjoying Gargamel's attention now too.
Amber, if you are reading this, Greg has done practically the same thing to another woman. Someone that told him no, but he coerced her anyway.
It is absolutely baffling that anyone is defending him in a time like this.
No. 571403>>571407>>571416>>571431
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Apparently this is what RSN’s arrest warrant is for. And the 3 warrants were incorrect. Don’t know who told Beck any of this, but sounds like it was made up bullshit that everyone believed. Still don’t know if he’s being charged with anything regarding Amber. How long does it take for someone to have a warrant for their arrest in Massachusetts? Where I’m from it takes a few hours, kek.
No. 571416>>571417>>571419
>>571403Again, play stupid games - win stupid prizes.
These girls have already compromised ambers case tenfold solely by the amount of misinformation they're giving out as fact, at this rate there is a chance amber will be charged for not allowing the investigation to run smoothly and perjury.
No. 571431>>572011
>>571311Didn't they leak their own photos? Discordfags were constantly posting in that thread shitting on each other.
>>571403Lol beck hardcore wanting that attention. Why don't you worry about the rapist you pay money to and want the approval of?
>>571419Honestly this case is gonna go nowhere. She was saying she didn't think it was rape until people were telling her/convincing her it was rape. That's hardly gonna stand well if its taken to court.
No. 571438
>>571271Depending on how wasted she was, she might not remember it very well.
Plus, she's said she's been raped before…
I don't know. She's so weird.
No. 571534
>>571506Come on guys, this is a relatively short thread that literally started 1 month ago. Before posting, for the love of god: lurk more.
I know Craig's drama has brought a lot of new people in to see this shitshow play out, but it would help everyone if you clicked on the "rules" tab and familiarized yourself with how this works.
Not trying to be an ass, but it's frustrating when all the info is right here and people
still need to be spoonfed.
No. 571559
>>571494no one calls fatbecca beck. if that makes it easier to remember.
i used to get confused all the time with them
No. 571887>>571900
>>571865>false rape accusationoops, he probably shouldn't have admitted to it then.
pretty tiring watching various factions of discordfags attempt to shit up threads.
No. 571900
>>571887If it was actually rape she probably shouldn’t be have said “I’m going to say it was rape if you piss me off” and when asked why when would do that she said “I don’t know” casually.
Oops. Attention whores on attention whores.
Also I’m not affiliated with any discord servers. Not even a member. Nice assumption.
No. 571930>>571937>>571974
File (hide): 1525284329875.jpeg (59.41 KB, 750x294, 722628D9-2A2F-4BC0-A17E-5F59CC…)

Guys guys guys…. Amber has moved on from this. Why can’t we?
No. 572017>>572026
>>572011Yes, different states have different ideas of what constitutes rape though it does not vary much at all.
I have no clue how likely it is that this will go to court (nor does anyone on this thread)
Him being wanted for Misd. charges could affect whether or not he gets bail after he is booked.
Yes it is easy to find out if he is wanted for a felony if you have his full name.
No. 572363
>>572020Anything to get on gurgs good side, i guess.
disgusting bitches.
No. 572403
>Collecting theories Are you going to add how she was there to try and get Gurgles attention, boy she sure got it.
There is literally no need to create a public account full of "theories" (something we've criticized him for on this very thread) and any evidence needs to only be given to police to do an investigation and not out for the public to decide on.
It should be about finding the truth of what happened and not just her version and giving her online attention like she so desperately wants.
God. Shit like this is making me half ass try and defend the scumbag.
No. 572406>>572411>>572438>>572450>>572475
File (hide): 1525324119565.png (47.74 KB, 864x878, capture.png)

>>572373you listed a name on that profile. not sure his DOB but 89 would make him 29 this year.
No. 572413
File (hide): 1525325055010.png (6.45 KB, 755x113, capture.png)

>>572411I just searched rhode island using his name and assuming he was 26-30 years old. that's the only match, but this person only has DUI, driving with suspended license and weapons related charges. if it's him I presume it was a katana. but this person has no active warrants, no. last was executed without incident
No. 572438>>572478>>572485>>572487>>573410
if the name listed on that cringy tumblr is true, he has no warrants, isn't on a registry and hasn't been accused of anything beyond
>>572406age fits. first name fits but without confirmation of his last name it's a lost cause.
if it is true, this is detrimental to the credibility of channels like maskedbabe and fagrenolyds. I would presume the former would have done her research, so maybe the information on the tumblr is invalid. we need someone who was present in the discord when he revealed who he was to confirm name before I'd believe the court info or the warrant info
No. 572474
>>572452Not much new info here. I really wish she would quit sperging about the discord shit. It's boring, and the fact that she can't seem to let it go lessens her credibility with the allegations that really matter.
Yes, discords can be shitshows if mismanaged. But RSN
raped someone. Who gives a fuck about your discord experience?
No. 572478>>572533>>572831
File (hide): 1525333352675.png (26.23 KB, 569x390, fag.PNG)

Both of them + blargh applauded gregs call out video
>>572438Masked Babe
2 days ago
Sophia Jane Lose it, he made a video about something that is worse than Onision YouTube drama. Sorry, but rape is more serious than what he reported to the IRS. It's good to see people come together in this time, rather than fighting. Stop being drama hungry and pay respect for Onision bringing light to something so small and stop being petty. Thank you.
The Blargh
2 days ago
What is so wrong with appreciating someone's focus for the greater good? This is a subject that needs to be discussed more often. There is nothing wrong with applauding someone for putting it out there.
No. 572485
File (hide): 1525334911359.png (130.12 KB, 507x383, CJ2.PNG)

>>572438Elliot Rogers=REALStreamnews=Craig Silva
His music and name can be found on SoundCloud>>572438
No. 572533
>>572478That's very disappointing, since the video was all about stroking his ego and using the situation to make himself look morally superior. Oh and also compare every other hate channel to a rapist.
No. 572548>>572553>>572563
>>572535Some how I now feel even more sick over the situation.
Would the hospital have drawn blood?
No. 572562>>572564>>572572
>>572556Yeah unfortunately it says the video is unavailable.
For anyone who didn't see it it was mostly MB proving with audio clips that everything craig has claimed about her was false.
Some audio clips of him saying if the cops ever wanted you you should hand yourself in, like if you had a warrant out…
And then some more audio of a girl having a complete meltdown in his discord over a song I believe. That's as far as I got into the video.
No. 572566>>572568>>572579
File (hide): 1525344901075.jpg (54.23 KB, 715x558, scar.jpg)

>>572531Yeah he has a nasty looking scar on his neck but in the stream someone brought it up and he said it was from a car accident. Clearly I don't know if he's being honest about that.
No. 572572>>572577
>>572562You forgot the best bit; the song the girl was
triggered by was by fucking Social Repose.
No. 572577>>572582
>>572572Yes, she freaked out they skipped the song lol
I have no context for any of that shit she posted, it was all bizarre.
Also had RapeSN talking about having sex, next to his grandma driving him home from said sex??? What a pathetic, creepy loser.
No. 572608>>572922
>>572569GHB/residue can be detected for up to 72 hrs. Forensic pathologists know what they're looking for, her bloods/urine will be tox screened along with the normal precautionary swabs (if any were taken) although none of that proves rape especially when sex was consensual despite coercion. I hope to fucking godbear that this isn't a falsification although how anybody could ever prove that a severe sexual assault did in fact take place after the victim willingly made choices that supported consensual relations is open to debate. Hindsight is always 20/20 and sadly a huge number of women have that one regret, this doesn't make it rape though in the eyes of the law. This whole allegation is incredibly nuanced and I'd be very surprised if amber gets the outcome she's hoping for.
Tl:dr If you have to be persuaded you've been raped then you haven't been raped.
No. 572619
>>572571Not the same anon, but here you go. Just for you., everything done during a SANE exam is up to the victum. Meaning they'd can decline any type of examination. Blood draws are also almost always done during one of these exams unless declined. Source: I work at a sexual assault treatment center.
No. 572868
File (hide): 1525378435484.png (125.17 KB, 750x1334, 7A9C4222-3605-46B2-B210-E3F111…)

Here’s more screens of him being creepy.
No. 572906>>572909
File (hide): 1525380669451.png (205.18 KB, 1042x1046, tellmemore.png)

Also some more just proof of him being overall creepy.
No. 572909
File (hide): 1525380767267.png (221.26 KB, 1048x1088, tellmeless.png)

>>572906The first one was posted just to show that it was the start of our conversation. I dm'd him first but check the dates, a message every day for 3 days
No. 572922>>572927
>>572608"Tl:dr If you have to be persuaded you've been raped then you haven't been raped."
So much this. In the videos she is repeatedly saying it wasn't rape and then pointing at the screen and saying, "but they say it is"
facepalm are we really crowd sourcing now to determine whether or not we have been sexually violated? Fucking ridiculous. Right there with everyone saying it's automatically rape because she said no, which discounts every time someone has ever changed their mind. If this happened in a state like California with their yes means yes policy, she gave consent, and then gave it again when she told him he could cum inside her. I don't like the dude, he's turning into a prime cow, but rape is a serious accusation and not one you throw around, especially if someone has you recorded saying it wasn't rape, "unless you piss me off"
No. 572940>>572959
>>572935"Whatever" is not a clear and enthusiastic yes.
GTFO with your RSN whiteknighting.
No. 572990
File (hide): 1525384452475.png (1.09 MB, 2960x2069, craigthecuck.png)

No. 573201
>>573199That doesn't look remotely like what that anon said.
Did Amber say she was drugged? People keep mentioning it but all I saw was that she was drunk.
No. 573287
>>573278When was that ever debunked?
It was obvious she was intoxicated on stream and she even previously stated she was drunk before the stream. This isn't a thread about Amber, this is RapeSN's thread.
No. 573312
File (hide): 1525405385913.png (195.97 KB, 570x332, 365_2_2.png)

CJ is an utter fuckboi with no game, so he prays on people he sees as easy. That much is obvious
No. 573388
>>572887Thanks for being one of the very few posting something pertinent my dude. Definitely some interesting info here.
I feel like most are just beating a dead horse at this point.
No. 573576>>573580
>>573572Ooh, give us the milk! THIS THREAD NEEDS IT.
>Is he a heroin addict like so many speculate? >Do you know anything about his whereabouts and the current situation with warrants or if he is evading questioning by the police regarding the rape allegations?>Were you still friends with him recently or did you lose touch a while ago?Anything you can give us, even thoughts on the current situation, would be welcomed.
No. 573579
>>573572Welcome, confidant! Thanks for being here.
So what can you tell us about Craig? Does he think he's internet famous and gloat to his irl friends about it? I know he's obviously obsessed with Ice Poseidon and wants to be a streamer so I'm guessing he tried to get you to stream with him… I'm sorry you had to have a friend as embarrassing as him, that must have been difficult.
There is nothing bad with being an addict, it makes you a stronger person in the long run and helps you gain empathy for others going through something like that… but I know many are wondering about his drug use. There has been a ton of speculation on Heroin/pain killer abuse. Does he actually have a legitimate hand injury? or was this an excuse to get pills? Also, does he actually have a job? Because considering the hours he chose to stream and the amount he was able to drop everything to watch streamers, I always doubted that he was actually employed.
Does he have custody of his child..? That's another thing that's bothered me, he clearly is abusing SOMETHING because the guy always looks and acts messed up on streams. Last question I can think of off the top of my head is has he done things like this to girls in the past? And what kind of trouble was he in with the police prior to the rape allegation?
No. 573580>>573584
>>573576He doesn't do heroin I know that for a fact. I stayed at his house / mother's house an entire week and never saw him using anything but he drunk a lot. He told me he sometimes uses bathroom chemicals. It seems insane but he told me he once drunk a bottle of hand sanitizer because he couldn't afford to buy alcohol, I thought he was joking but not anymore.
He's at his mother's house, he's always been there. He invites girls over when his mother goes to her sister's.
I was friend with him till the "accident" happened.
No. 573589
>>573587I don't know whether that really happened but I ended our friendship because I couldn't decide who to believe.
He's a funny person don't get me wrong, but that's some serious stuff I don't want to get involved with.
No. 573591>>573594>>573600
>>573585OH MY GOD HE DOESNT EVEN HAVE A KID?? So he just made that up to get people to feel bad for him…? That is fucking DISGUSTING! He went on forever about how he didn't want anyone talking about his "son" and it was all complete bullshit… I shouldn't be surprised but I am. What the actual fuck.
So what trouble has he got in with the police..? And I agree with anon, why did you guys stop being friends?
Seriously thanks so much for taking the time to be here.. I can't believe he lied about having a son that's a whole new level
No. 573600>>573602
>>573591Correct, he doesn't.
To confirm his paternity ask him to post other pictures of his son. You'll see.
The woman on his twitter profile is his brother's wife. In that pic they just happened to kiss the kid at the same time (so he told me) he decided to use that because it really looks like he's got a family and her face's not visible.
I don't mind if you don't believe me, I'm telling you what I know.
No. 573602>>573604
>>573600I mean of course he isn't going to post pictures of his son. He is in "hiding" from police/ internet mobs. It doesn't seem massively unlikely someone would pretend to know him on this thread to create added drama to this situation.
If you can't prove it why would any of us believe it.
No. 573604
>>573602can you prove me you are not Craig? Post a picture of yourself next to your pc's screen showing this thread. See? You're free to believe me as much as I'm free to believe you.
This is what being an Anon means. Again, I haven's said anything so unbelievable.
No. 573607
>>573605His mother doesn't even know what internet is while his brother works two jobs and never uses anything. He's got a Facebook account but I don't think posting his url here is the right thing to do, that's a real family we're talking about. Do you usually do that here? I've never used this site, sorry.
Anyhow his mother and brother don't know anything about his internet character.
No. 573620
>>573617kek the edge
hey steal stream, stop hanging out on lolcow and turn yourself in to the police
No. 573624>>573629>>573633
>>573617LOL what's honestly the funniest part of all of this is that some people actually consider you to be such a useless pathetic individual that they believed you were drinking hand sanitizer, were almost murdered by your drunk mother and stealing your brothers kid. The fact that there are people who wouldn't put any of that above you is golden.
I'm glad you're hiding at your gammy's and shooting up while trolling your insignificant snow lolcow thread instead of dealing with real life. You have a warrant out for rape you pathetic, fat, lonely, sad little man. Thanks for the laughs today though, much appreciated.
No. 573629>>573635
>>573624Classic, as soon as someone's got a different opinion you accuse them of being the guy you're literally harassing, this is the real pathetic thing (I don't even know who this Craig is) but I know you're too stupid or too young for uni (otherwise you wouldn't waste your time here), too cowards to show your face and too full of shit to consider the fact that apart from you the rest of the world knows you're pure shit, so this Confidant must be Craig. Do you really think to be relevant? But let's talk about facts, this is the website of a pedo nazi, right Joshua (so I've read). Still living with your mom? Fuck me you're 29 man
No. 573635
>>573629Im gonna assume the rumors are true about the cocaine/heroin and you're really on something
go get some help and stop wasting your time here acting like a psycho. last response, just report him
No. 574007>>574013
File (hide): 1525480665800.png (354.1 KB, 970x538, Kiks.PNG)

This is a recording of a RS Discord stream. The important bits are the first 16 min. You will hear Vega Galaxy who WAS a small YouTuber commenting and uploading the same streams as RS and Kiks. She tried to arbitrate beteween Kiks and RS. She closed down her channel. Some blame Kiks. moar) No. 574012
File (hide): 1525480944340.png (17.85 KB, 884x215, Sage.PNG)

If you have no information but want to comment on a post - SAGE it.(mini-modding )
No. 574610>>574774
File (hide): 1525554329777.jpg (58.34 KB, 477x522, ginginterview.jpg)

Gingerbeck is getting interviewed by Lowkey Loki right now. It's about what she knows of the realstream rape incident. this is on younow guest sessions are viewable afterwards if you miss it.
No. 575640>>575678>>588994
>>520070 audio (1:15:47) but:
>Said he wanted to date her before she flew over>She said no but it was a cute no>Says Amber wanted to get pregnant>Says she took birth control in front of him (but wanted to have his baby? okay).>He's running away from the cops because he has a warrant>Pretty much admits Amber was drunk when they had sex>"She wasn't anywhere near blacked-out."There's more bits.
No. 575927
>>575743>>575745Hey Craig, nice to see you still have time to post in your own thread while on the run from police. The recordings are cute, but won't help you at all. MA is a two-party consent state, Amber didn't consent to these recordings– making them illegal, thus inadmissible in court.
This could have all been avoided if you just kept your dick in your pants. lol be mad.
No. 577188
>>575743Top stuff scum bag.
It's illegal to record someone without their consent.
These recordings also prove you pressuring her not to accuse you of rape, especially because she had no money to get home. Then you pull an Onion card "you know how much I spent on getting you here?"
She does not owe you anything, it was your dumb choice to ship her in, your dumb choice to pressure her into having sex. Now live with the consequences.
No. 577743>>577748
File (hide): 1525911223651.jpg (Spoiler Image,186.32 KB, 1032x581, 1525902018577.jpg)

This was in the snow thread
No. 577764>>577767>>577820
File (hide): 1525912079506.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.44 MB, 1920x1080, 1525894781333.jpg)

It's definitely Ana. The crown was supposed to be a hint. RSN's logo is a crown. So…….. well, shit.
No. 577788>>577792>>577820
File (hide): 1525913489711.jpeg (Spoiler Image,176.51 KB, 1080x1080, 1523033734421.jpeg)

>>577773I suppose it could be her, the glasses are current, and the hair could always be a wig
No. 577831>>577847
File (hide): 1525917060114.png (199.15 KB, 390x221, Capture.PNG)

>>577820I hate being wrong but that is her in that video. but is it Craig? since it randomly showed up and it's a picture and not a screenshot I bet it was him who posted it. but I went through her vids to find a similar expression I could juxtapose and keep it SFW.
No. 577885>>577891
>>577884You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Deepfake may be able to produce a similar looking face, but you're only trying to compare two faces, you don't need Deepfake for that you absolute blithering moron.
It's like trying to determine if something is the color blue by asking for a sample of the color and then asking a convolutional neural network trained on colors its % confidence in what color the sample may be closest to. Instead of using your eyes and your god-given ability to (hopefully) recognize faces, unless you've been gifted with prosopagnosia, in which case I'm deeply sorry you have to deal with that on top of your autism.
No. 580312>>580492
File (hide): 1526137090535.jpg (41.55 KB, 661x474, return.jpg)

This dumbass is teasing a return on the 15th apparently.
No. 580665
>>580317It's 100% going to follow him. All but a few of his original supporters have washed their hands of him.
Even allowing for the notion that the truth may be somewhere in the middle, at
best he has extremely poor judgement and is an absolute creep. And at worst, he's a predator.
Why would he feel the need to resurrect his channel? Is it arrogance paired with stupidity? He wasn't making much money on YT- does he not have any other legitimate way to make money? It's mind-boggling.
No. 581092
>>580711 after his potential sexual assault trial. his first channel was not monetized. not a lawyer. but he wasn't making money from the start.
but he's not known for good judgement
No. 581162>>581223
>>580492Double posting is
not samefagging. Samefagging means pretending to be more than one user.
No. 581771
>>581228then I'm just a big ol newfag then. goddamn it.
>>581412>>581505I have faith that rsn will be back to sperg out some more, and amber will be farming the story around for all the attention she can get.
No. 581989
>>581835That's great for you, but not really how it works for everyone.
>>581963RSN will try anything to weasel out of it at this point. And the way he's acting makes me think he's done this before.
No. 582049
>>581723I mean he edited the google drive recordings so of course he’s gonna try to take Amber down with him lol
I don’t see why Amber would lie about all of this. Craig has a very weak fanbase. I understand why some of you are skeptical though.
No. 582333>>582336
>>582331They always do. Always. They will even try and fill in an old person with severe dementia. Hell, they even explain to little kids whats wrong with them and what they are about to do.
Her mother having munchausen by proxy? No. She has munchausen. Just plane muchausen.
She lies about shit and then marvels in the attention.
Thats her deal. Plane and simple. Her reactions on the stream after the alleged rape was also "strange" to say the least. A normal woman who has been raped will get the fuck out of that situation ASAP, no matter if they fucking have to crawl home. But here little Amber sat next to CJ wandering where the fans where.
No. 582348>>582350
>>582343What about your posts about going blind and spots on your brain?
After awhile all these little things start to add up.
No. 582371>>582374>>582375
>>582355CJ, is that you? Aren't you supposed to be in jail?
Dude,talkin to Amber at all is disgusting, if that's you Craig.
No. 582416>>582424>>582437
If this really is Amber posting in here, you do realise you are posting on a thread about your alleged rapist, right? It does not look very good on your part. I would suggest you stay away from this site, stop worrying about your image, stop trying to be important. You really need to get yourself together.It is always a bunch of excuses. All u have to do is fill out an app for health insurance. Go….do it…right now. It is open enrollment. Sadly though, I don't believe you about any of this health stuff. Stop trying to make people feel bad for you. Seek therapy, get a job!, maybe stay off of the internet for a little while.
As far as your whole issue with RSN… you already posted on a thread about him, "exposing" info, so why not just prove that you have paperwork? It will do a lot for your credibility. I am personally not buying it, but hey, prove me wrong.
I will give u a hint though, police do not email about alleged criminal cases.
No. 582424
Amber, just go. You don't need to check these threads and you shouldn't worry about explaining yourself of all places, in here.
No. 582437
>>582416If this is Amber posting, Amber just stop. Entirely. Do not try and prove anything, do not post e-mails. Stop it. All you're doing is hurting any potential case that you have and making yourself look more obsessed/stupid by the minute.
And if CJ is actually posting in here, wew. I hope that your ex keeps your child far away from you. I can't imagine the hurt of that poor little boy growing up knowing his father is a monster who can't accept his own guilt. If you ever want to see him again maybe you should disappear from the internet and actually work on bettering yourself.
No. 582499
File (hide): 1526311026251.gif (842.1 KB, 480x270, 7D5F151E-4495-4B6B-A52C-D6677D…)

>>582363Wait….what? But don’t you (amber) take psychiatric meds? You’re 20 years old. That means you’re covered by your parents medical insurance until 26 years old. And you take medication right now. You said it on the streams and recordings from the hotel. You even take birth control. Which is a prescription. ???
I work in the medical field, yes you can sign a paper allowing your mother to have access to your medical records (most young adults do, so there parents can sort out appointments,insurance, etc)
But I’m call bullshit HARD. Before a surgery the surgeon, anesthesiologist, doctor all meet with the patient while they’re in surgery prep to explain the surgery, why they’re doing it, what they’ll be doing, and to answer any questions. Every.time. It’s required.
>my mom talked to them on the phone bc muh phone anxietyThat’s also BS. Your mother can’t call the doctor and get that information. The doctor has to call her (to avoid a stranger calling and pretending to be you) and in the case of any DIAGNOSIS, he would be required to inform you first, not your mother. And unless it was an emergency with a time limit, they would never disclose a cancer diagnosis over the phone? They would call you if you inquired about test results, but would generally ask you to schedule an appointment, then give you the diagnosis in an in-person appointment. And pre-cancer cells (as the doctor would have 100% explained to you) is not a cancer diagnosis. And in no way shape or form would a doctor tell you that you are diagnosed with cancer. They would test the cells, then depending on the results, do nothing or start on a treatment plan.
And you wouldn’t be “going blind” from TREATED ra, at age 20.
So you’re either actually severely mentally handicapped (youre not, “she has the mind of a child” is bs, you’re just naive or stupid) or your lying to cover up the fact you extremely dramatisized and lied in munchie fashion to get attention, gofundme, and asspats.
I highly doubt you’re mother forced you to blogpost online about brain spots and cancer, and that she encouraged you to start a go fund me that you and all your friends supported and shared. But somehow your mother was the mastermind, sure. You didn’t know much about your diagnosis, but thought it important and enough of a time-crunch to start crowdfunding for emergency medical funds?
I’m sorry, I’ve been on you’re side, but stop lying. It’s making everyone believe less and less you’re other claims. Either don’t respond or tell the truth. And others in this thread are finding it difficult to sympathize and believe you when you spout BS, contradiction, and lies.
>”the paperwork is somewhere around here…” said every munchie ever
>I have phone anxiety. My mom is evil and convinced me I had cancer.But you use your phone and voice chat and streaming CONSTANTLY. You literally are on your phone almost 24/7. You were even
on the phone with your
mother seeking her advice right after the RapeSN incident.
>pic extremely related/rant
No. 582515
>>582341Double post. But doesn’t Lainey and several other cows claim to have “phone anxiety” when caught up in a lie?
Esp when theyre the same people who are glued to their phone, calling people constantly, discord, stream, etc. kekek
I’ve noticed onionflakes, when faced with an accusation that’s untrue, will address it once, maybe twice (mostly vague tweeting on their social media), but when it is something true, that paints them in a bad light, they seem to spam posts, have their friends post on anon to back them up and try to convince everyone it’s ~toatally not their fault~, and sperg way more than usual with excuses that make 0 sense. (Ex: allie rn with the porn screenshot in patron thread)
No. 582714
>>582341Are you that fucking stupid that don't know that your stomach is nowhere near your uterus? When presented with classic symptoms of endometriosis, why the would a doctor suspect your problem was GI related?
Hurr Durr the doctors aren't that good here lololol is the dumbest excuse. Doctors still have to pass certain federally regulated standards to be able to practice medicine. Even a graduate at the bottom of any given medical school is still way smarter than the average person.
Just admit you fucked up and lied for attention. You're 20 years old and while what you did is extremely not cool, your youth and fact that you're owning up to it will be a saving factor. People will be mad about lying, but will at least be able to respect you for owning up to your mistaks. Other anons have pointed out that your story is very inconsistent with actual medical practices. Just accept the fact that you are not smart enough to keep up the lie, fess up, and move on with your life.
No. 582733>>582757>>588075
File (hide): 1526325182364.png (133.82 KB, 750x1334, image (31).png)

Amber, I'd like to advise you to not tell Maxie any more shit. She sends everything to the lolcow Discord anyway including messages with your 'mother' if it really is her. She's been doing it to you and Aileen mostly and it's been going on since last year. Reconsider who your friends are.
I'd post a current screenshot, but I don't want to humiliate you like she did. If you want proof, I'll send it privately. But you can see this cap was taken recently because it has Aileen's current profile pic and name.
No. 582780
File (hide): 1526330417875.png (76.1 KB, 579x357, twitter.png)

There she goes, let's hope it'll stick
No. 582959
File (hide): 1526340873863.jpeg (221.87 KB, 1242x1132, 5A49DFB9-2538-4BD3-9F98-12B028…)

>>582954She’s unfollowed Maxie and Allie and is shading them (rapesn and us,as well) all over her curious cat right now. She’s agreeing they’re backstabbing cunts and saying she cut them off and responding to ones that say allie fucked rsn. She’s also agreeing they used her for attention. she confirms RSN was buying coke “everyday” at the hotel. Percs, H, Coke, niggas a speedballer fuccboi trash confirmed; hide your sister, mothers, and yo daughters.
No. 583009>>583419
File (hide): 1526342361987.jpeg (331.66 KB, 614x1599, CEA406AD-D7D0-450D-B3FC-7E5C0F…)

Apparently poop beck and Greg have seen the evidence and proof? But she can’t show it to anyone bc the police said she couldn’t? So are Greg and beck somehow still allowed to see it, and that’s okay? And also she public posted and shared the photo of her in the back of the police car?
This whole thing is just a shit-tornado
No. 583419
>>583009Nobody is doubting the fact that you went to both the hospital and police station amber, anybody can report an alleged rape at both of those institutions and have correct protocol followed, it's the "rape" itself that I doubt.
>>583238Nothing new covered as such [with the exception of 27:38 Amber discussing "exposing" craig for having sex with her, craig states he's not relevant enough to be "exposed" lol, amber then states she's sick and may be pregnant..]
I'm just waiting for the "I'm pregnant" amberdrama to start, she made it very clear that she was throwing up which can affect the effectiveness of bc then after the pregnancy drama will come the sadmiscarriage drama, please don't. Women like this can hurt real victims. Women like this can have real world consequences for victims. Yet women like this larp through life without any understanding of actual trauma. All I can do is hope that she gets the pertinent help she clearly needs. Immaturity and attention seeking behaviour are not significant mental health issues when the person displaying them is in fact immature and attention seeking, she is not outwardly mentally impaired in any way. It's time to stop amber, it really really is.
Live your best life but not at the expense of others.
No. 583485
>>583369But anon, it was her mom who
persuaded her to go to the police (rightfully so she was a minor at this point) and then the police charged him against her will*. As a result of this criminal case she was fully aware of the evidential proceedings which she then followed in this latest allegation.
*As documented by amber herself in onionflakes thread linked by anon above.
No. 583853
File (hide): 1526411326973.jpg (127.55 KB, 1076x418, 20180515_150413.jpg)

That's not what the new report said she said she was sexual assaulted but burt
No. 583905>>583910
>>583238Two things I found interesting:
-Mentioned that he can't pull anyone's pants down because of his hand. Not sure I buy it and it's a strange thing to focus on, but I've never heard him say this before.
-Says he has bench warrant for $300 fines, but managed to afford plane tickets to fly a girl out and pay for her expenses? Something isn't adding up.
Also, he's livestreaming on his channel right now for anyone curious.
No. 583910
File (hide): 1526414299665.jpg (65.27 KB, 661x463, back.jpg)

He's streaming again right now. I don't get the fascination he has with streaming his mundane daily activities but I guess there's going to more of this shit.
>>583905>-Mentioned that he can't pull anyone's pants down because of his hand. Not sure I buy it and it's a strange thing to focus on, but I've never heard him say this before.That part stuck out to me too! He has one injured hand but I'm sure he manages to dress and undress himself daily just fine. It seemed like a weak justification to me but he'll use whatever he can it seems.
No. 583953>>583988>>584240
File (hide): 1526416943110.jpg (368.92 KB, 1080x1595, 20180515_164059.jpg)

Amber there is audio of you saying that you might be pregnant(ban evasion)
No. 584064
>>583238Sadly it's not bait. It's verbatim from Craigs upload.
Oh what a tangled Web we weave when we practice to deceive.. You gotta have a good memory to be a good liar amber.
No. 584186>>584240
File (hide): 1526430035571.jpg (20.98 KB, 224x236, cucktales.jpg)

>>584073He's definitely not dead, he's streaming again. Also using an image that an anon here made.
No. 584240>>584269
>>584186Ah back to stealing content, stay golden craig, never change.
>>583953I don’t remember them saying they had sex twice and anal? That doesn’t seem true at all
And the pregnancy thing from the audio confused me. Ambers on birth control. Was she really implying she was pregnant from CJ after 2 days?! Bc I was extremely confused as to who she was implying “impregnated”(not really) her. Can some wonderful anon explain it to me?
I was assuming she said the “cum inside me” to Craig bc she was on birth control, as weird as that is to say to someone you are being made to have sex with….
No. 584310
File (hide): 1526434681934.jpeg (29.33 KB, 300x300, 4E370D93-432D-49A6-AC77-EE11BA…)

the retard has a discord server again because the last one wasn’t a shit show
No. 584517>>584617
File (hide): 1526444323881.jpg (179.31 KB, 1068x402, 20180515_235535.jpg)

So amber didn't go to the cops after all
No. 584631
File (hide): 1526454648143.png (19.44 KB, 565x164, 5648767645846.PNG)

>Guys I was so depressed that people are calling me a rapist, feel bad for me. I almost committed suicide!
No. 584731
>>584711>half-hearted nooowhere you there? The livestream was visible. There are a number of factors that suggest Amber was coerced. One being she's under the drinking age yet he supplied her with drink. He even put her under pressure to livestream with him to discuss it and it was obviously awkward and tense, she was crying lol.
He's a creep for sure, at least this will hopefully impede his hook up chances with others.
No. 584744>>584937
File (hide): 1526474130542.png (108.85 KB, 797x346, Screenshot_2018-05-16-12-12-07…)

I watched the livestream, amber has pushed this narrative of rape whilst simultaneously denyning rape where convenient(??!), she's gone from being a "fuck you bruh" character to a demure blameless "victim". She's now an "internet person" with a "community" to pander to. Girl needs to grow the fuck up and either be accountable or queitly allow the courts to serve justice where applicable without demanding asspats and attention from complete strangers because of her "terrible ordeal" that's left her too scared to sleep without a light on. She portrayed a lot of questionable emotions during those livestreams however "terrified helpless victim of heinous crime" was not one of those portrayals.
I have slightly more sympathy for craig at this point and that truly pisses me off, these people not only see no wrong in their respective behaviours, they fucking upload it for public consumption then revel in the attention it brings. Wtf.
No. 584937>>585093
>>584711>>584744exactly. and amber has a history as a liar and a lolcow, but she's still getting WK'ed?
tinfoil, she went into this eyes wide open, and is playing it out as planned. giving her credit for intelligence she doesn't seem to have, sure, but other than that … desperate attention whore uses the tumblr playbook.
(and what the fuck was with all the omg underage drinking!1!! shit? she was out by what, a month? in a country where the drinking age is higher than a lot of others, ie 21 vs 18?) gtfo)
No. 585159
File (hide): 1526499427975.png (12.3 KB, 546x120, 6d03b761de2d4e19f838c4431cd57d…)

I can barely tell what's fake or real anymore
No. 585254
>>585231Amanda is his "friend" he met through his channel. She has a boyfriend and 2 kids though so
obviously they aren't bumping uglies.
No. 585913>>585932
File (hide): 1526543263508.webm (7.78 MB, 1280x720, realtits.webm) [play once] [loop]
Craig talking about making merch referencing him "complementing" Maxie's tits.
No. 587006
>>586986Absolute shitbag.
He's also kicking people if he finds out you're in ragcord and his cord.
No. 587080>>587089>>587096
File (hide): 1526618065462.png (566.69 KB, 1242x2208, BA67618B-E88C-4973-905C-09D1DA…)

>>582346Ambers go fundme for stomach cancer
No. 587088>>587096
File (hide): 1526618491187.png (Spoiler Image,6.4 MB, 1242x2208, 1A832557-7F13-4586-9D5C-3A76EC…)

>>582337Ambers go fund me
>>587077>>587080This isn't Amber's thread. If you can't even link between threads then please refrain from bumping your own thread with pointless shit, CJ.
In other news, Mr Blobby's new server is just as much of a wreck as the last one. He's dishing out mod roles to anything with a vagina and despite being told to lock down his shit down by all of his fans he's playing wilfully ignorant and refusing to do anything to better the thing.
No. 587145
>>586986samefag… what the hell is he talking about?
I think poor RSN is losing his marbles.
No. 587158>>587160>>587197
File (hide): 1526630906240.png (226.48 KB, 500x612, 6787845.png) Allie came into Craig's stream earlier and he flipped.
Other notable moments during his trash stream:
>Talks about his "REAL TITS" merch, yet again.>Goes on about how Maxie is into incest and wants to suck her brother's dick (dude what)>Laughs at every amber is bad in bed/her pussy game weak joke in chat.Reminder, CJ is almost thirty but has drama with girls almost a decade younger than him.
No. 587197>>587219>>587232
>>587158Here we go again with the "I did sooo much!" and "I tried to help you!". Nobody fucking cares you white knight loser! You're a fucking creep dude, and you are not really one to talk about self posting.
Holy shit what a trainwreck.
No. 587232
>>587197>>587219He is a shitty person. He likes to pretend to be like mister nice guy and acting like he's your friend to backstab you the next.
He doesn't give a fuck about anybody else. He really doesn't. And yeah he did steal streams and he did rape Amber. No = no. Amber might be crazy that doesn't mean you can rape her.
No. 587468>>587670
File (hide): 1526664189970.png (222.08 KB, 578x413, BlobCraig.png)

Craig's final form.
No. 587512>>587523
File (hide): 1526667618175.png (40.35 KB, 597x286, playfulbanter.png)

'No' always means 'No' you fucking creep! "Playful banter" wtf?!
No. 587721>>587725
File (hide): 1526674400921.jpeg (Spoiler Image,29.78 KB, 603x458, 4DDD5D65-BBAC-4481-9A5A-76C518…)

He’s planning on interviewing pornstars now.
No. 587831
>>587740Interesting how he only ever wants to interview women with histories of sexual things on the internet (leaked nudez, porn, drama involving sex). Never men ofc.
Judging how all his past "interviews" have gone, these will naturally be cringy attempts to hit on these women as well. Pretty curious behavior from a dude trying to distance himself from rape allegations. You'd think he'd at least
attempt to be less creepy for awhile.
No. 587980>>588053>>588057>>588060>>588075
>>587967All sounds like a bad idea, maybe entertaining but you have to remember that Maxies 'ex' was not even her ex but a stalker who was obsessed with a minor even though he himself was not a minor. That and Allies ex is having a hard time currently so bringing all this back up when he is low is not a good idea. No idea who Amber's ex is but I can't imagine him quizzing his victims ex would help his case just make him seem even more creepy.
I just wish the police would finalise shit, but I know it's slow going.
No. 588053>>588075
>>587980Maxie confirmed it was her ex multiple times, are you daft? Not only on lolcow and Discord but on her Twitter too.
Also I would like to know how you know Ana's ex is having a hard time right now.
No. 588057>>588075
File (hide): 1526697939418.png (181.19 KB, 585x795, geohammer.png)

>>587980Hi Geo, are you still not over her?
No. 588060>>588075
File (hide): 1526698047641.png (56.15 KB, 610x228, allie.png)

>>587980hi george adair-sunderland x
please leave her alone chap, she moved on a long time ago.
No. 588075
>>588057>>588060Way to kick a man while he's down? Kind of a low blow, don't you think? Also, there's a rule against posting legal names on here (not trying to mini-mod but George isn't relevant to RSN or this thread). Although it's hard to feel even a pang of sympathy for someone who thirsts over this girl like Allie (she's not really my type I guess).
>>587980>>588053Either Megan (as was recently uncovered here
>>578437 and many times before, it's impossible to count) or Maxie (see
>>521134 &
>>521135, I'm not saying she shouldn't have posted this, RSN was clearly creeping but this a sign that she does post on this thread occasionally. not new info though, see
>>582733) posting as they self-posts like crazy in these threads just like all the other flakes. However, I'm most inclined to think it was Ally who posted this out of empathy for her ex (she is a very misguided, but a well-meaning person). Amber is the least subtle so we always know when it's her, lol (no link needed) so likely not her. Please stop posting and move on with your lives, girls. Self-posting always leads to more drama.
>>587967This would be entertaining. Although RSN has made it pretty clear in the past couple streams, he'll never collab with the flakes again (although their ex's might be open to it). Let's cross our fingers.
Also, the last several posts should be in the flakes thread. Not this thread. Why can't you retards post in the correct threads?
No. 588208>>588222>>588225>>588226>>588267
File (hide): 1526710853315.png (295.14 KB, 1050x450, bad dental hygiene or meth.png)

What the fuck is up with Craig's teeth? When someone asked in his stream today he got really butthurt about it and blamed it on braces but it looks like he has meth mouth.
No. 588225
>>588208They're crowns made with amalgam filling
He broke his teeth or didn't brush enough as a child
No. 588749>>588750
File (hide): 1526767191800.png (856.65 KB, 1286x777, pooperpeeved.PNG)

Guess who is still lurking on his thread
No. 588774>>588775>>588789
File (hide): 1526769683704.png (428.46 KB, 696x600, perfectGF.png)

Since you like the blobfish meme so much Craig.
No. 588866
File (hide): 1526777789655.png (17.07 KB, 599x157, 545845454.PNG)

he's still sperging on twitter btw
No. 588887
File (hide): 1526778429533.png (66.18 KB, 605x550, saddfgfdtretrf.PNG)

No. 588940>>588943
File (hide): 1526780830291.png (173.66 KB, 586x706, nailgate2018.png)

No. 588953>>588961
>>588946Yeah, him and his merry men haven't stopped blowing up my mentions, trying to defend his stupid moves of publically rallying hate against Amber.
It goes to show that although Amber likes attention, she hasn't once on social media sent brigades of hate to him like he has to her, posting his images etc. It's not doing him any favours.
No. 588961>>589138
>>588953Megan, how do you manage to post on this site after being blocked dozens of times? How many IP addresses do you have? All you do is post on this site and backstab your friends over, and over, and over, and over, and over… I don't understand. You've literally been doing this for years. Aren't you bored yet?
If you invested this kind of passionate energy into a hobby or a trade, you're life would be so much richer than posting tweets about how you're going to be alone in your room for the next week and how you wanted to get wasted because you're depressed.
Just saying, fam.
No. 588994
File (hide): 1526785805260.png (742.18 KB, 1125x969, notevenonce.png)

>>588990Her still having her nails done isn't evidence lol
There's a lot of evidence that CJ has a history of creeping on girls who are associated with Shregg. Listen to
Read before you post.
No. 589004
File (hide): 1526786218247.png (142.58 KB, 809x643, 8789849786y87.PNG)

No. 589036>>589037>>589040
File (hide): 1526789823058.png (46.13 KB, 606x533, ada3435r8.png)

Now he's saying he came prematurely.
No. 589037
>>589036He came before it started?
Man he must have got really turned on by her saying 'No'
No. 589040>>589138
>>588982Having tried this, multiple times, it’s not that easy and still really messes up your nails. Either way, her still having her nails on doesn’t prove anything.
>>589036Interesting how his story keeps changing.
As a former heroin addict, I can’t even imagine how much worse his rock bottom is gonna get. It’s not the drugs or methadone though, he’s just a shit person from what I can tell.
No. 589089>>589090
File (hide): 1526798306500.jpg (40.98 KB, 508x618, craigheroin.jpg)

Just incase anyone was on the fence about him being a junkie, here's a cap from his reddit account.
No. 589138
>>588226methadone produces the same effect (and so does heroin, to a lesser extent)
>>588961lmao who the fuck would she send? a sock-puppet?
>>589040he seems to be literally slow and/or autistic. I don't know wtf the deal is, but he's exceptional even among cows.
>>589107meh, she gets all her shit from here anyway, so it's not far off
No. 589145>>589155
File (hide): 1526806926513.png (1.51 MB, 1284x967, ClassicCraig.png)

No. 589155
File (hide): 1526808949733.gif (2.98 MB, 500x368, B8EC2F54-6155-4AF6-86CD-F41CBB…)

>>589145Anon, this is a fucking masterpiece. You are a national treasure.
No. 589221>>589249>>589299>>589361
File (hide): 1526820048633.png (664.87 KB, 1280x720, 2018-05-20.png) went on and on about suing Masked Babe over her "slandering" him.'s CJ finally admitting he used heroin after lying about it, dodging the question or getting overly defensive about it. But of course it had to be posted here first.
Also CJ, not everyone who posts here is a youtuber who dislikes you. Some of us just come here to have a good laugh at the train wreak that is your channel. It makes you look fucking stupid when you assume who is posting on an
anonymous forum.
No. 589249
File (hide): 1526824648542.jpg (15.37 KB, 600x375, 1512601493162.jpg)

>>589221God, he's such a dumbass. He must feel real threatened because his sycophantic fans have been shitting up the thread and MB's livestream chat.
No matter what yall or CJ say, we know he's a pos. Nothing can make us believe otherwise, there's too much damn proof. Even before the Amber situation went down he looked like a shitty person, what happened with Amber just drove that point home
No. 589361
>>589221He's a fucking retard. I sincerely doubt he has a lawyer. The fact that he doesn't have his own place isn't really a sign of someone who has the money to hire a lawyer, or take someone to court for that matter.
I love his fucking retarded conspiracy theories:
>The Blargh and Rag are the only ones posting in his thread>No actually MB also posts there>Onion is trolling my streamsGet a fucking grip moron. You are not hot shit. The fact that a heroin addicted blobfish has 1k subscribers is a miracle on it's own. You should just have cut your losses there.