File: 1518563548645.jpeg (95.87 KB, 528x960, 1510098692481.jpeg)

No. 502056
Previous thread >>3866978chan thread is a disgusting, hambeast, tumblrina who claims be a csa survivor, sexual assault victim, bisexual, and have 8 mental illnesses. She's extremely disliked among her local community because of how much drama she causes and her tendency to lie. She started the "Kawaii Black Girls" page and group, both toxic like her. She's been recently trying way too hard to come off as a hard hoodrat from the ghetto, when in reality she's a scary wannabe valley girl suburbanite.
Aliases: Micky Martyrdom, Micky Moon, Micky Bunnie, Micky Magica, Miki Akemi
Real Name: Mikaila Jones
Notable Things- Tried to get a girl doxxed by using tumblr simply because she didn't like what she said
- Posts her nudes on 4chan's /b/
- Constantly looks for SDs on /soc/
- Tried selling nudes on FetLife while in a relationship with current boyfriend
- Cheated on every single one of her boyfriends
- Continually starts shit with Amina simply because the latter is more likable
- Tried to play tough guy by picking a fight with Taylor online, only to actively avoid her irl, out of fear.
- Claims to dislike lolicon and ddlg while actively posting both on her blogs
- Only started to claim mental illness when she got into menhera
- Made multiple threads about Taylor and Amina on here
- Whiteknights herself and Himeka very often
- Tried to get her threads shut down by threatening suicide
- Got dumped by her boyfriend for lying and cheating. Now claims he was abusive and racist.
- Tried to manipulate him into staying with her by faking a suicide attempt.
Social MediaTwitter:
Tumblr: Menhera blog:
Main blog:
PULL: inactive
Make sure to screenshot and archive anything you find. She has a habit of going on a deleting spree.
No. 503486
File: 1518677615263.jpg (171.09 KB, 1920x1080, splice5747.jpg)

>>502056>>503459Is OP shopped or are her eyes really that beady and far apart?
No. 503490
File: 1518677950277.jpeg (127.19 KB, 413x960, 5B57240C-C6B6-4235-8878-D7FC04…)

>>503486Yep. It's hard to tell with her selfies, but in tagged photos of her it really looks like she has Waardenburg syndrome.
No. 505150
File: 1518808177444.png (1.44 MB, 1440x1721, Screenshot_20180216-140550~2.p…)
>thattotallyhappened.jpgOh yeah, that's definitely something a therapist would say. Totally not some made up bullshit to seem cool and different on Tumblr. Yep, 100% realistic.
No. 507065
File: 1518948483571.png (402.04 KB, 1440x2127, Screenshot_20180218-043138~2.p…)

Looks like Micky is still trying an failing to get a SD. She's also lying about her age now too.
No. 508497
File: 1519059980187.jpg (199.37 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_p4emd61qcv1uctaoto1_128…) taking angled mirror selfies while sucking it in and then shooping them, I see. When will she take the time to actually exercise and stick to a healthy diet?
Also, that's a pretty obnoxious outfit to wear to the movies. The pants don't look like they fit right and that shirt is about to bust at the seams. Sad. Oh and look at that, her room is dirty still. So much for cleaning it.
No. 509193
File: 1519098435439.png (1.81 MB, 1440x1741, Screenshot_20180219-222617~2.p…)ω-dont-work-at-mac-but-ill-beat-aShe's too "depressed" to clean her room but can put on makeup, style her wig, put on a top and bra, take a selfie, edit the selfie, and upload it to Tumblr. Micky is so full of shit.
No. 509342
>>508299Sugar daddies, the real deal spend on types like the model like Russians or actual beautiful women. Good personalities, have that companionship vibe ect as well as being and keeping attractive. Thats the whole point of sugaring as well as giving something sexual back.
If i was a guy though being honest I wouldnt pay Micky as my sugar baby. Id go for someone better.
No. 509344
>>507065Oh Micky…
As someone who is a former sugar baby she needs to actually interact with men. You can’t just expect them to get videos or pictures and they pay you. Doesn’t work like that and if it DID then you’re very lucky to find a relationship that discreet. Needle in a hay stack because most want to obviously meet you, fuck and suck you dry despite getting to know you and have you around.
My experience lasted half a year as I only needed a few grand to help pay bills. Thats it and I had a good time. If you enjoy pleasant conversation, enjoy sex and preferably not get too attached it can be okay. Just make sure you’re safe too.
But you as a sugar baby need to keep up at the gym, continue being a precious diamond for him. To be honest it isn’t difficult its just Micky is a lazy fucker who wants money asap.
Micky just sell on products online like fake bags or something - profit from them. Craft, make an online store that sells weeb shit or something because it’d be easier than sugaring.
No. 509347
>>508299Most sugar daddies would think she doesn’t act or dress like a normal human being.
Weeb shit isn’t normal
No. 509615
>>509352She's deluded herself into thinking she's a catch. Horny tumblr weebs and her friends on Facebook compliment her and comment heart eye emojis, so she thinks that men with actual money would be interested in her. She has no idea how the real world works lol. Especially when it comes to sugaring - there are gorgeous, interesting women who men actually want to spend money on she's competing with.
Even out of the hundreds and hundreds of girls online making cheap video sets and selling videos she's absolutely nothing special. Why would anyone choose to spend money on a lazy, fat girl in her bedroom who obviously only wants to do the bare minimum and thinks that should be enough?
No. 509973
File: 1519171120504.png (117.28 KB, 1440x839, Screenshot_20180220-184104~2.p…), you can't fight yourself.
I don't know why she's so adamant about this imaginary catfish "living" in Chicago. Also, an IP address isn't going to tell you where she specifically lives, dumbass. Especially since you already know she "lives" in Chicago. I feel like she only brings this shit up when she's getting ready to slander a girl she envies.
No. 510015
>>509615As a female myself if I was a male with piles of cash and wanted to spend it on a woman Id make sure I was getting the best.
There is a fucking reason why these women make themselves top notch and look unobtainable. Money, money.
Now Im not saying Micky is ugly because she has nice features and being light skinned too… lucky girl.
If she dropped the weight, toned, got educated, maybe a decent wig or went natural, dropped the ratchet attitude and had SOME grace. Sweet, cute and flirtatious attitude MAYBE she could actually find a guy to spend a good sum of cash on her. Its not about race - it’s about presentable, being an adult, having some kind of life skills and people skills.
There is no point being a sugar baby if you’re a shut in. They dont want a lazy introvert who is only obsessed with anime and weeb shit.
Sugar daddies not only speak about their day and obviously want to fuck you and show you off. But they ask about you too! You can’t just sit there and be all awkward saying “Ah um… I watched Sailor moon today and uhh… I ate a burger? I like plushies!” They’re not interested.
They’re not going to take a slob to a posh restaurant with a fucking matted purple and pink dead beat wig off Aliexpress. Dressed in… a fucking extra tight otaku top with a skirt up your hole. They want classy, sexy, DECENT MICKY.
You need to grow up Micky if your actually serious.
Plus if you have all these mental issues like you claim and anxiety then sugaring is NOT for you.
Just ask for extra shifts at your part time job ffs if you need more jiggy titty anime girl posters for your cess pit.
No. 510134
>>509973"Omg it's not me trying to be a sugar baby!!!1"
Ya I mean she was just some random girl who is pretending to be an overweight weeb who somehow found pictures you have never uploaded before lmao.
You would think if you were a catfish you would pick someone attractive and not a hamplanet to try and reel people in
No. 510281
File: 1519188907281.png (356.38 KB, 1440x752, Screenshot_20180220-221553~2.p…)

How did she find the catfish so quickly? More importantly, how did she find her at all? Tinder only let's you expand the radius up to 50 miles, right?
No. 510311
File: 1519190589903.jpg (1.42 MB, 2560x1920, 18-02-21-00-22-10-706_deco.jpg)

>>510293So, she wants people to believe that this girl is the catfish?? Yeah, I'm not buying it.
No. 510362
>>510311Is Micky like. Dunning Kreugar syndrome only instead of being so autistic she thinks she's talented, she's so autistic she thinks she's attractive?
Why would someone prettier than her pretend to be her. Hell why would anyone ugly person pretend to be another ugly person idgi
No. 510365
>>510362I don't know anon, while
>>510311 may not be a model, she's easily more attractive than Mickie.
No. 510620
File: 1519226875193.png (294.4 KB, 1440x1911, Screenshot_20180221-101406~2.p…)â-m-catfishing-as-youI imagine Micky going to a whole nother city to fight someone would end with her getting the shit beat out of her.
No. 510646
File: 1519229167610.png (163.22 KB, 1440x1224, Screenshot_20180221-110124~2.p…)
>I’m tired of having to just sit around and take it and not being able to do anything about. Did she just fucking forget that Taylor and her friends were straight up asking to fight her irl? What all those times she encountered Amina? This girl is full of shit.
No. 510684
>>510620If this was true, which everyone knows it isn’t. There would be a strong chance she’d get shot, those Chicago girls won’t let her leave without at least breaking her nose after she’s been talking all this shit!
I bet she’ll say the girl was too scared to send her location but Micky, you can send yours instead of being scared of your imaginary catfish friend!
No. 511051
File: 1519261790689.png (160.48 KB, 1440x1241, Screenshot_20180221-194615~2.p…)
>My friend was pulling a prank!Micky, we're not stupid like your followers, we know you did that because you wanted Farmers on here to think someone bought you those things. Pathetic cunt.
No. 511054
File: 1519262101324.png (160.54 KB, 1440x1247, Screenshot_20180221-201123~2.p…)
>I was 17You were well into being 18, meaning you were an adult.
>I’ve watched a lot of bad girls club since thenBitch you'll still get your ass beat, the fuck? Watching BGC doesn't teach you how fight. It teaches you how to get your ass beat quicker and be unlikable. Fuck off.
No. 511517
File: 1519324396225.png (65.75 KB, 1440x489, Screenshot_20180222-114940~2.p…) yet she doesn't hesitate to do whatever she can to get their attention and sleep with them. Pathetic.
No. 511614
File: 1519330272740.jpeg (721.39 KB, 1242x1419, 56BB840B-C957-4696-8BE0-3CF2FF…)

>>511517Like Micky doesn't act like a literal fuck boy. She makes pathetic grabs for attention, cheats on the guys she dates, and ghosts them. Yet if anyone acts like this towards her she takes it as the biggest fucking offense in the world. Like if some guy vagueposted about her like this and she saw it, she'd be in tears crying about how traumatic and abusive men are.
No. 512588
File: 1519407260933.jpg (668.27 KB, 1080x1740, Screenshot_20180223-122825.jpg)

Reading this made me cringe. Also, how does she expect anything like this when she cheats on all her partners and is lazy to the point of being content with wallowing in filth.
No. 512643
>>512588Lmao what.
>> "You can see through my shirt and I blow smoke in your face" romantic.
No. 512899
File: 1519427937298.png (111.48 KB, 1080x624, 20180223_181804.png)

Guess she finally got tired of us clowning on her crooked piercings.
No. 514801
File: 1519625626660.png (39.6 KB, 738x131, the source of the fucking catf…)

>>513138Right? She definitely a normie herself. Most of her genuine interest are more basic bitch than any thing.
Also, I googled some of the usernames in that catfish "evidence" post and it led me back to pic related.
No. 515705
File: 1519720509386.jpg (385.77 KB, 1078x2072, Screenshot_20180227-032904.jpg)

Micky, you and your sister are solely responsible for your own laziness. Not your parents. Every time your parents try to make you clean and shit you cry abuse anyway. Now you're trying to say it's your parents fault you're both lazy? Get the fuck out of here.
No. 516117
>>516099Saying her patents have something to do with it
is an excuse.
No. 516548
>>516541>partly her parent's fault that she's such a loserYou're placing blame on her parents when it should solely rest on her. Read the threads, she had no one to blame but herself for her actions. Just in the last thread she outright calls herself lazy and unmotivated. It has nothing to do with her parents and everything with how she carries herself and acts. The only way her parents could be held accountable is if they took care of everything she herself should do. But they don't and they rightfully feel she should carry her own weight but
she doesn't feel that way at all. It's made clear when she plasters her wishlist everywhere and begs for money.
She feels that she deserves it all without having to do anything to truly earn it. Even with her room. She feels it's not her job to clean her room and it falls on someone else.
No. 516820
Seems like I struck a nerve, but ok
No. 517002
>>516820You didn't strike a nerve, you wanted Anon to show your proof of your retarded, wk-statement and they did. Now you're backing down cause you realize that it was a stupid ass blame game to mention people who have nothing to do with an adult's lazy ass behavior.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I promise she'll let you see her saggy ass udders even if you don't wk for her.
No. 517029
File: 1519851982035.png (962.81 KB, 593x900, adult-double-wave-striped-funh…)

>>516947she's shaped like a funhouse mirror reflection
No. 517235
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>>516947She's got the same kind of fucked up body shape as Wendy Williams, it's crazy
No. 517382
File: 1519876427452.jpg (169.09 KB, 1070x585, Screenshot_20180228-224625.jpg)

>too emotional and needy, too much baggage, stand out too much.
Micky, that's not even close to the reason why your relatuonships never work out. They don't work out because you always cheat on your partner. You're untrustworhty, manipulative, and sneaky. You only use your partner to buy things for you. They don't get anything positive in return for trying to help you be better either. You just go back to doing nothing but panhandling for money and gifts and posting your crusty ass all over /soc/ to find a sugar daddy or someone to fuck. So fuck off with that bulshit you're spewing.
No. 517390
File: 1519876650637.jpg (227.09 KB, 1080x1004, Screenshot_20180228-224512.jpg)

Here's another bullshit one. Micky is usually the guy in situations like that. Hell, she tried that with her current ex's friend. I don't why Micky is thoroughly convinced that people she fucks want a relationship with her when they only want her as a fuckbuddy.
No. 517632
File: 1519909755005.jpg (500.39 KB, 1075x2074, Screenshot_20180228-225910.jpg)

There is nothing worth hating on. She's a lazy slob with a terrible sense of style and a shitty attitude.
No. 518359
File: 1519961277248.jpg (336.38 KB, 1078x1177, Screenshot_20180301-221145.jpg)
>I take a bath every other day Definitely a lie. It's probably more like every two or three days. Especially since many people she use to hang around said she smelled bad.
>Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? Yes absolutely. I’m lowkey yandere af so yknow. Total devotion and all that jazz. Did she forget she cheated on a boyfirend with his friends and then left him for said friend? Then cheated on that with his friend. Then cheated on that guy with some random dude that dropped her after fucking her twice. Or that she had been exchanging nudes and sex for money on kik, fetlife, and /soc/ while with her most recent ex? Her whole relationship record is shit. Total devotion my ass.
No. 518363
File: 1519961647492.jpg (102.21 KB, 1080x694, Screenshot_20180301-223020.jpg) does she keep saying normies like she isn't one herself? She listens to mainstream ass pop and rap, she's interested in basic IG thot makeup, she watches reality tv, and acts like a wannabe hoodrat. Does she think just because she likes the aesthetic of nerdy/weeby shit she's suddenly not a normie? Because she definitely is one.
No. 518528
File: 1519978885325.jpg (299.81 KB, 1080x1017, Screenshot_20180302-030847.jpg)
>i want to be in a relationship uwu
>no wait i don't want to get close to anyone uwu
>sike i want a relationship
>jk jk i don't want one and don't want anyone to get close to me uwu uwu uwu
>guy she likes decides to respect het wishes and distant himself
>waah waah why won't this guy get close to me? Even though i said i don't want him to get close waahWhat the actual fuck is wrong with this girl?
>idk the devastation from my last heart break hurt me so bad I literally ended up in the hospital???What? Your ex broke up with you because you were cheating on him. So you lied about your suicide attempt and had your dumbass friend tell him that they were going to call the cops on him for it. You tried to set up him up for jail just because you cheated and acted like a bitch.
No. 518536
File: 1519979185820.jpg (216.45 KB, 1080x1029, Screenshot_20180302-032235.jpg)
>This guy is respecting my wishes>that means he wants nothing but a relationship from meMicky, he's either giving you space because he trying to be nice and let you sort yourself or he's trying to get out while he can to avoid being caught up in your sickening bullshit. Most likely the latter
No. 518587
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No. 518631
File: 1519997832092.png (79.54 KB, 750x1051, IMG_3056.PNG)

No, Micky. No man should trust YOU.
Every relationship you have there's always a terrible outcome on someone else's behalf. You're always perfect, right? You're always the victim to your own bullshit. You're not the victim, you victimize everyone you've dated. You have a TERRIBLE taste in men, but they can do something better or decent rather than being with you; a soul sucking leech. Even your relationship with your own father is strained and it's your fault. Your daddy issues are psycho.
These men who keep trying to fuck and be with Micky are absolutely pathetic but Micky takes the cake leading men on to think she's decent and worth loving.
No. 518754
File: 1520009236939.jpg (337.32 KB, 1080x1271, Screenshot_20180302-114708.jpg)
>I’m literally only 20 years old? To say that I’m hazerdous and that I should never get into another relationship again just sounds like a vendetta filled reach and I’m honestly embarrassed for you.What is this bitch even trying to say? It does not matfer what your age is, if you are toxic, then you are toxic. Accept it and work on growing out of it if you want a better life.
No. 519225
File: 1520046281882.jpg (140.58 KB, 1080x565, Screenshot_20180302-134644.jpg)

I feel like she's getting closer to sperging out pretty soon.
No. 520268
File: 1520146428194.jpg (90.36 KB, 1080x625, Screenshot_20180303-211244.jpg)

One day she's shit talking her parents online for asspats, the next day she's asking her mom to do her hair. How pathetic.
No. 520460
File: 1520183687742.png (65.64 KB, 746x370, IMG_3159.PNG)

Micky, you're a fucking cow. You can lose weight if you wanted to, but you're lazy and you stink. Who are the poor saps that are asking you to sit on them lmao.
No. 521002
File: 1520233996750.jpg (663.67 KB, 1080x1512, Screenshot_20180305-020624.jpg) she really going to sit here and pretend like she didn't shoop her face? Not only that, this pic is from 2016. Why lie about the year too?
No. 521010
File: 1520234626527.jpg (137.19 KB, 1280x1189, 28514636_10211903308523738_796…)

Another heavily edited pic, but now we can see that she is in fact putting on more weight. She can barely suck in her gut now.
No. 521012
File: 1520234701828.jpg (281.94 KB, 1080x2021, Screenshot_20180305-021646.jpg)

Micky's racist friends being annoying as all fuck, yet she doesn't tell them to stop.
No. 521013
File: 1520234806461.jpg (289.09 KB, 1080x2021, Screenshot_20180305-021713.jpg)

>>521012>actually upholding racial stereotypes by genuinely barking at someoneThis isn't a fucking comic book.
No. 521019
File: 1520235325061.jpg (228.97 KB, 1080x1685, Screenshot_20180305-021736.jpg)

>>521013>it's just a joke!What a wimpy response. Micky, grow some balls and check your racist ass "friends".
No. 521041
>>521012Micky's only saying this because she buys her wigs off Aliexpress, a wig for her is about $7.
>>521013>>521019Jesus, the guy is being genuinely nice and trying to make a joke and Micky and her friends just shit on him. Heaven forbid he be taken aback, then she's the one just playing and he needs to lighten up. She's a fucking glass cannon, she could never take half the shit she spews without crying and playing the victim.
He's friends with her ex though, I'm sure he knows exactly what she's like.
No. 521198
File: 1520264348600.jpg (139.95 KB, 1080x715, Screenshot_20180305-015235.jpg)

She's trying way too hard with her attempt at shock humor.
No. 521330
>>521296He's one of her ex's best friends, who would stoop that low? And wasn't she the one shitting on her ex for being a huge racist??
Talk about Y I K E S.
No. 521668
File: 1520300207659.png (184.04 KB, 750x1102, IMG_3295.PNG)

This repost randomly popped up in my IG feed. I vomited at the use of Kawaii, pastel, goth and babe- I vomit at Micky, in general. Micky is none of those. Lel. She's just a cow who rides aesthetics like she's a cool kid and original. This is probably her least atrocious outfit but she still has no sense of fashion but this repost will go to her head and she'll post more vomit inducing fashions like she's hot shit- but she's not. She's just shit and she looks like shit.
No. 521864
File: 1520325330120.jpg (291.03 KB, 1236x1280, tumblr_p55cv9lYaP1uctaoto2_128…)

>kawaii gothLmao fuck out here with that bullshit, Micky. And she seriously needs to stop editing her pics, we know your face doesn't look like that.
Honestly, this outfit would only look good on someone small. Not a big hambeast like Micky. I can only imagine how vomit inducing she looks irl with that on. Her gross gut jiggly everywhere with her sloppy grandma tits popping out every so often. Yuck. She really needs to focus on losing weight and getting her hygiene in order.
No. 522280
File: 1520371215542.png (96.7 KB, 750x765, IMG_3321.PNG)

>Retweeting that you love Lana Del Rey more than you'll ever love any boy
You'll never love anyone. It's a sad attempt of excitement to fill a void so you can make drama for yourself and your fans so you can cry victim and anyone who disagrees is "victim blaming." All two of your fans with no brain power will cry victim blame.
You don't love anyone. Not even yourself or you'd hit a gym rather than retweeting that you wish your weight would drop like your moods and self esteem. But what self esteem does Micky have to begin with? You'd go to the gym if you cared about your weight and self esteem but you're getting fatter and more greasy looking than I thought possible.
For the millionth time, Micky, you're fucking fat and disgusting. Do something about it.
No. 522823
File: 1520399086489.jpg (104.99 KB, 1080x678, Screenshot_20180306-235617.jpg), she's trying to make us believe that not only was she just ~172~ but only gained about 12 lbs? Bullshit. She's definitely 230+ lbs now. She doesn't exercise and she's always shoveling food into her fat face. Plus there are unedited pics of her at Youmacon showing that she's quite obese. This only proves that her head is buried deep up her own ass.
No. 522874
File: 1520403112576.png (156.45 KB, 750x1239, IMG_3381.PNG)

"Rumors" nah you mean the truth, Micky. You're lying about your weight. There's no fucking way you're 184lbs.
Anyone who wants to know about "allllll" your business is your own fault. You put it all out there from cheating, to your disgusting crusty sex toys, to your bad attempts at shock humor and whatever cuck decides to buy you gifts in exchange for a pic of your udders and bubblegum so you can brag about it on social media.
No. 522884
File: 1520404104050.png (194.85 KB, 749x1087, IMG_3410.PNG)

Micky has the nerve to "try" and fight a person catfishing as her (still hasn't been proven) yet she catfishes with these edits.
No. 523438
File: 1520456885869.png (49.05 KB, 750x572, IMG_3411.PNG)

Micky sending herself compliments.
Lmao she's fake offended to be perplexed and she can't accept a compliment, even if it's from herself more than likely.
She has problems.
No. 523461
File: 1520458404489.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x1401, 382E122D-3FEB-4948-AD79-808E0E…)

The irony
No. 523498
File: 1520460715469.jpg (104.71 KB, 1080x722, Screenshot_20180307-171035.jpg) are not even remotely on the same level, Micky. She can kindly fuck off with that line of thought.
No. 523501
File: 1520460823576.jpg (61.73 KB, 1080x312, Screenshot_20180307-171257.jpg) you're a female incel. They're not going to go after you. Especially since you barely leave your house.
No. 523617
>>523501What is she even worried about, even if she wasn't a fucking wildebeest, incels almost always go for traditionally attractive, thin white women. At worst she'd be collateral damage from an incel doing a mass shooting.
>>523498God it's like she sees that people think x thing is bad but she doesn't have the comprehension to understand WHY it's bad so she just applies it to everything.
No. 523884
File: 1520505974866.jpg (160.34 KB, 1080x638, Screenshot_20180308-054223.jpg) she goes again pretending to be a victim. Micky,
you cheated on your boyfriend. Which makes you the bad guy here. Ugh, I wish someone would openly call her out about this shit.
No. 523919
>>523884People have tried calling her out about her consistent cheating but she doesn't care. She deflects and shows barely any emotion towards it or she cries that there was abuse during the relationship.
She deluded herself into thinking cheating is okay as long as she's the one that's cheating. The next cuck she dates is definitely going to get cheated on. Micky is going to ruin people's lives with trust issues and that's why I told her she's hazardous yet she deflected and said she was embarrassed for ME calling her a hazard. She does not care at all about cheating on someone she "loves." It's all for a storyline for her fans and she's going to keep doing it and men will keep dating her for some reason.
No. 524046
File: 1520527605607.jpg (141.4 KB, 1080x960, Screenshot_20180308-114307.jpg)

What's the context behind this?
No. 524753
File: 1520604882847.jpg (178.31 KB, 1080x994, Screenshot_20180309-050705.jpg)

Ew, she is so desperate. Micky, he doesn't wasn't your smelly, diseased vagina.
No. 524775
File: 1520607153193.png (757.09 KB, 720x1280, 20180309_095144.png)

>>522884Lmao what an unfortunate boob shape
No. 524875
File: 1520620585944.jpeg (233.92 KB, 1242x413, 01303292-0415-4455-B4CC-60B2F6…)

Things that definitely, totally, really happened.
No. 525314
File: 1520657115664.jpg (126.61 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_p5cwlnaKSo1uctaoto1_128…) this is actually hilarious. Her face, her orthopedic looking milanoo lolita shoes, and her grandma outfit come together in a way to make her look like some middle aged woman that's in a midlife crisis. Lol Bonus for her room still being dirty.
This also gives us a good look at her shape. It's boxy af. Plus she's got muffin top going on and her waist is wider. Sad.
No. 525331
>>525314Lmao and this is what she was wearing when she supposedly got all those compliments? Okaaayyyyy…..
Love how she's cocking her hip to try to give her the appearance of having some semblance of a shape other than rectangular.
No. 525767
File: 1520717214313.jpeg (372.63 KB, 2048x2048, A8572B11-C2B6-4C33-9A4D-B07F54…)

I'm so gAY GUYS
No. 525786
File: 1520718305690.jpg (789.13 KB, 2078x2078, IMG_3383.JPG)

Micky's fashion choices give her no room to judge anyone.
No. 525791
File: 1520718820930.png (140.27 KB, 750x1022, IMG_3503.PNG)

Bum bitches quoting lyrics that aren't pertinent to their actual lives.
No. 525823
File: 1520721389849.png (56.48 KB, 750x448, IMG_3504.PNG)

1. Cheating. You ALWAYS cheat.
2. Daddy issues. You hate your dad so much and you take it out on every man you've ever dated, whether they are shit or not- you abuse everyone who even has an interest in you and you cry about your "abusive" father but continue living with him at 20 years old.
3. Self-victimizing yourself. You claim men hurt you, but you've hurt them by continually lying about your age, location and sexuality.
4. Being a fake sad girl.
5. Catfishing. You're not that pale, you photoshop your nose and eyes smaller but your eyes are too far apart and you're gonna have to deal with it instead of lying.
6. Narcissistic disorder. You know you're delusional but you use it as a e s t h e t i c to be cute and cool, but it's really ugly of you.
7. Doxxing girls your jealous of because you're a sweaty ham beast.
8. Blackmailing people you don't like because they disagree with you.
9. Being Loli-con. You deny it but you are.
10. Being obese and photoshopping yourself because you know being obese is wrong.
11. Your unhealthy obsession with fast food, specifically Mcdonalds.
12. Lying about fruit allergies, you don't like fruits or vegetables and your looking for excuses to not eat clean.
13. Perpetually lying. I.e, being in a mental hospital.
14. Backstabbing nature. You can't have girlfriends because you're jealous of them in some way and you're quick to back stab them in order to feel dominant.
15. Hierchary system: You rank your cucks and WK higher than someone who's suppose to be a friend to you who's honest and disagrees with you, you suddenly find anyone and everyone disposable the moment they disagree with something you've said, no matter how much they love you.
And 16. Your viewpoint of people being disposable, but you are the garbage can they go for. It all starts with you but you deny it.
If I'm missing anything, add some more to the list.
No. 526079
File: 1520742268421.jpeg (221.92 KB, 1242x409, 2B675C39-418D-4B99-8718-3ED76D…)

Did you guys forget that she cut herself because she's here to remind you
No. 526082
File: 1520742549829.jpeg (346.76 KB, 1242x772, B8E3577D-001E-4F7A-8190-8073F3…)

Micky has literally posted pictures of pacifiers she wants tho
No. 526139
File: 1520749783338.jpg (185.31 KB, 1080x576, Screenshot_20180311-012437.jpg)

Micky you know damn well you made the group so you can brag about your gross ass sex life and collect blackmail against other girls. Also, if she was bisexual like she says she is, not only would she not be trying so hard to come off as bi, but she would have already ran through and ruined plenty of girls. Likely would have cheated on one of her boyfirends with a girl.
No. 526159
File: 1520754625730.png (137.24 KB, 744x992, IMG_3515.PNG)

Her make up has always been shit and catfish so her WK's needs to stop hyping her up and letting her live a lie with shit make up and (bad) photoshop.
No. 526163
File: 1520754950425.png (61.55 KB, 750x635, IMG_3516.PNG)

Things that never happened.
She's not linking up with anyone in her dirty ass room and she's definitely not going to have sex with a woman at all. She's just bicurious- if at all. She would never sleep with a woman but has no problem getting dicked down by losers but claims bisexuality to fit in. She's heteroflexible at best, but only when it's convenient and that's not the case.
Micky, it's okay to be straight. Stop trying to ride a wave to be more different than what your basic ass actually is. We know you don't like other women, especially when they're remotely more attractive than you. You being Bisexual is a ticking time bomb.
No. 526279
File: 1520776667873.jpg (103.47 KB, 1080x447, Screenshot_20180311-095353.jpg)

>>526163 me not shocked that right after that post, she made this one. She must think all her followers are idiots. Micky, we know you're lying. You didn't suddenly have some random girl over.
No. 526663
File: 1520813044562.png (74.86 KB, 750x449, IMG_3553.PNG)

That's what happens when your day to day diet is junk food like McDonalds all the fucking time.
No. 526975
>>525767>>525525So fucking tired of girls who probably never even hugged another girl pretending to be ~so gay~ uwu
Like fuck off
No. 527100
>>527012She's also the reason why there are a lot of "bisexual" women in the community that give off false hope for Bisexual people. I run into Micky's kind too often "hehehe I'm Bisexual I like titties rawr :3c" but they never take you seriously, they don't actually want you and they slap on labels to be appealing to men they're trying to fuck; in Micky's case; cuck. I don't know what satisfaction she gets from lying, but she always lies about something pertaining to herself to be more alienated and unique than what she actually is; a straight cow. Being bisexual isn't cool- there's nothing wrong with being bisexual, it's just either you are or you're not and that's okay, either way.
Micky, it's okay to be straight. Just be honest and stop leading Lesbian anons on as if they have a chance with you; but more than likely it's you sending submissions to yourself, conveniently.
No. 527193
File: 1520874326318.png (161.2 KB, 750x986, IMG_3568.PNG)

She just wants to dox people.
No. 527272
File: 1520880140160.jpg (376.12 KB, 1080x1387, Screenshot_20180312-143925.jpg) she forget about Amina, Taylor, that asian girl she posted on her kin blog, the girl she accused of being the "catfish", etc? I can guarantee you that if you messaged someone from her local community and asked about everything shitty she's done, they'd tell a novel worth of shit. Not to mention these threads exists.
No. 527328
>>527193>>"if you don't like me you're just insecure!"Is that truly as far as you're able to think. Are you really truly THAT simple and narcissistic that you think the ONLY reason someone would dislike you is because they're jealous. If so that's really, really sad.
It isn't anyone's job to tell you how to improve yourself. No one here is or wants to be your life coach. Don't like anon hate? Turn off anon. Or ignore it. Be an adult. But no one needs to sit you down and hold your hand and explain to you why you're a shit person and besides that you are a manipulative person and no one wants to be in a 1 on 1 private chat with a manipulator lmao why would anyone subject themselves to bring alone with you? Grotesque.
No. 527347
File: 1520887365729.jpg (138.25 KB, 986x368, IMG_3575.JPG)

Reiterated evidence from a different Micky thread that leads to her questions of playing innocent:
Micky airing someone who tried to have an open dialogue with her (twice) in private messages. When she asked for receipts they brought up Lolcow, so then she airs them and accuses them publicly (she's wrong, as usual) She also ended up getting their account suspended for 30 days when they tried defending themselves after finding out she posted their name publicly on a social media they don't use.
It's just like the alleged Catfish, Micky airs people out without evidence or well calculated thoughts. She just wants her fan base to blindly hate someone she name drops because someone disagrees with her and have evidence of her disgusting behaviors. She always plays naive to whatever she's done to others but there are at least three threads about her recorded history being vindictive and untrustworthy.
No. 527636
File: 1520908117091.png (120.58 KB, 750x871, IMG_3599.PNG)

What a coincidence she'd share this.
No. 527716
>>527636Insulting for someone who only dates and fucks men, only wants to use women for their bodies and not actually love or date them and who also has a history of lying to make themselves seem special for attention to claim to be bi, whine about "biphobia" or call herself "femme" when that is an exclusively lesbian term. Micky would never eat pussy or actually date a woman, you know, like an actual bisexual person or an ACTUAL femme.
But no, clearly I'm just jealous and not just an irl femme lesbian sick of straight cunts like this.
No. 527745
>>527636"There's no wrong way to be bisexual"
How about exclusively having sex with and dating men?
No. 527995
File: 1520956864469.jpg (278.17 KB, 1072x1256, Screenshot_20180313-115838.jpg)

Micky, spacing out is not disassociation. Stop acting like you have a mental illness.
No. 527999
File: 1520956949364.jpg (377.29 KB, 1080x1841, Screenshot_20180313-115941.jpg)

>>527995Lol And here Micky thinks she knows better than medical professionals. Girl, using web md and tumblr does not make you an expert.
No. 529487
File: 1521077084040.jpg (203.29 KB, 1080x1306, Screenshot_20180314-211607.jpg)

Micky tries so hard to sound smart and deep but comes off as stupid and shallow.
No. 529530
File: 1521080744404.jpg (502.92 KB, 1078x2096, Screenshot_20180314-212006.jpg)

Looks like her sister likes to lie about their parents too. Why am I not surprised?
No. 529805
File: 1521123521008.jpg (203.27 KB, 1078x639, Screenshot_20180315-101816.jpg)

Again with the lies, Micky? The only thing you look like is greasy.
No. 530663
File: 1521169756283.jpeg (812.83 KB, 1242x1488, 6A762686-005B-4B2A-A67B-35DA18…)

It gets better.
No. 530666
File: 1521169913293.jpeg (397.14 KB, 1242x843, 0F85EBBC-46B6-48C6-B1B1-C5F4B0…)

>>530663>THINGS THAT REALLY HAPPENEDMicky stayed as the the most lax psych facility in the US apparently. They didn't force her to take out her face piercings and patients were able to sneak meds around. And of course he was in love with her, just like the nurses who told her she was too pretty to be there.
She makes me want to hurl she keeps adding the most unbelievable shit to her stories. She's incredible.
No. 530688
>>530666The fact that she would lie about something that would get the nurses fired is astounding. Also they don't wake anyone up for vitals at 3am. The most they'll do is check on you to make sure you aren't having an asthma attack or something breathing related. Plus vitals are done around the same time as meds, twice a day.
Micky, if you're going to lie at least know wtf you're taking about.
No. 531287
File: 1521344589677.jpeg (312.67 KB, 1079x1920, 5CE4063D-9EB9-4C66-B14C-8296D0…)

Nice pee pose.
No. 531320
File: 1521346045636.jpg (457.73 KB, 1080x1749, Screenshot_20180318-000446.jpg)

>>531287The caption underneath is so cringy and her response to one of the comments is just as embarrassing.
No. 531332
File: 1521346582332.jpg (188.1 KB, 1080x726, Screenshot_20180317-125012.jpg)

Can she stop thinking she was the first and only person to make that face? There were girls thar were by far better than her at making that face.
No. 531648
>>531622Right? This fake deep shit is so embarrassing.
>>531287She seriously needs to clean her dirty ass room. She has all the time in the world to take selfies and talk shit on Facebook live about fighting people but can't take a couple minutes to clean her crusty ass room. Wow.
No. 531835
>>531597she left out "and then i sucked his dick again which is the only reason he puts up with me"
And in a week when he's on to the next she'll post about how abusive he is uwu
No. 531868
File: 1521401096281.jpg (284.85 KB, 1080x1480, Screenshot_20180318-151738.jpg)

Micky you are definitely an E.
No. 532123
>>531613Because if he was really as abusive and violent as they keep claiming, either a) that "restraining order" Micky had against him would still be in place, b) Micky would be making some kind of attempt at saving up money to get the fuck out of her "abusive" household, and/or c) we wouldn't have posts FROM Micky herself talking about the helpful shit he does like take her to/from therapy or that story she told about how he had charged her ipod or whatever and gave it to her when he picked her up from the psych ward.
Different people handle abuse differently but other than when she wants pity, Micky makes no effort to change her abusive situation. Hell even the laziest pos kid on tumblr can crank out a go fund me to get donations to leave their absuive home.
No. 532254
File: 1521423733257.jpg (296.57 KB, 1080x1085, Screenshot_20180318-212918.jpg)

Anything to try and validate your lie, huh Micky?
>>532123This. Also, if she had actually went to the police and got the restraining order, cps would have gotten involved and removed her since at that time she was underage in an allegedly abusive household. She also wouldn't have been able to leave the hospital because she doesn't have a household they consider safe. Oh, and if she had said anything to her "therapist" ot would have to be reported to the police and the police would have to investigate it. It's really not hard to poke holes in her lies.
No. 532952
File: 1521490491011.jpg (175.55 KB, 1080x768, Screenshot_20180319-154746.jpg)

Is she trying to imply that she's a model?
No. 532953
File: 1521490570141.jpg (203.48 KB, 1080x936, Screenshot_20180319-154652.jpg)

>>532952God, i wish she would stop with this cringe shit.
No. 532958
File: 1521490805372.jpg (737.57 KB, 1078x1772, Screenshot_20180319-154905.jpg)

Holy shit, look at how cakey her makeup is. Lol And she didn't blend it at all either.
No. 533091
File: 1521499927620.jpg (1.31 MB, 1920x2560, 18-03-19-18-45-37-245_deco.jpg)

>>532958She looks like a whole different person. Also, she lied about lightening her skin.
No. 533176
File: 1521504172521.jpeg (211.79 KB, 1242x597, 6710A0E4-F064-4230-BDF1-DFA63F…)

>>532958Uh anon she WANTS it to look like that, duh. It's totally not an excuse for her makeup to look like shit.
No. 534130
File: 1521581572629.jpg (251.6 KB, 1080x1034, Screenshot_20180320-173137.jpg)

Micky, forever a hypocrite.
No. 534444
File: 1521597574377.jpg (200.25 KB, 1073x833, Screenshot_20180320-215254.jpg)

Oddly enough, the last two things this cow describes is accurate in describing Micky.
No. 534876
File: 1521643061546.jpg (68.46 KB, 1075x396, Screenshot_20180321-103643.jpg)

Says the person who's constantly publicly posting all their business.
No. 534970
File: 1521653621077.jpg (61.22 KB, 1080x372, Screenshot_20180321-132954.jpg) I live in an echo chamber that only tells me positive things about my makeup and outfits and I am unable to handle any critism towards my appearance nor do I wish to improve. If you try to tell me to improve I will cry to my echo chamber and possibly doxx you. uwu
No. 535073
File: 1521662825261.jpg (109.26 KB, 1080x429, Screenshot_20180321-160418.jpg)

>>532123 like she's been reading this thread again. Lol Honestly her dad sounds like a loving ava kind parent. She just seems like an asshole for posting this.
No. 535303
File: 1521676711496.jpg (174.68 KB, 1080x984, Screenshot_20180321-195411.jpg)

Can't wait for her to ignore anything that calls out the toxic shit she's done and isn't from her shitty hugbox/echo chamber.
No. 535463
File: 1521687197877.jpeg (156.95 KB, 1242x338, 92A89B04-11AE-46B9-8667-1D17AF…)

Can't wait for more pictures of her saggy udders sans bra.
No. 535875
File: 1521744476406.jpg (99 KB, 1076x515, Screenshot_20180322-144258.jpg)

Micky, you've been on OkCupid and only listed interest in men. Same for Fetlife. And /soc/. Hell, you don't even try to date any of the single les or bi girls in your local community who give you the time of day. So just give up the ghost already and admit you're just straight and not really bisexual and only say you're such to attract men.
No. 535909
File: 1521748086361.jpg (1.07 MB, 1814x2560, 18-03-22-15-46-22-058_deco.jpg)

Imagine being so dumb you don't realize that the two words are synonyms.
No. 536344
File: 1521770866782.jpeg (76.96 KB, 575x1024, B0A948F4-0805-44F7-9C34-0EDDF0…)

This was posted on cgl and I didn't remember ever seeing it here. Literal ddlg onesie + heart choker + lolita but she's definitely not into ageplay
No. 536349
>>535944She always does and she's always really condescending while doing so.
A couple days ago she posted a status asking people about religion and anyone who replied that they were a Christian she harrassed them with questions about why and how they are, and told them why she thinks their religion is dangerous and stupid. Someone linked a video for someone else and she told them to "stop spreading Christian propoganda on my post".
I'm not slightly religious but she was just gross and rude and shitty. Her and that guy Jared kept mocking everyone and you could tell she was trying to impress him with her ~deep thoughts on religion~. It looks like she deleted it now but it was really embarrassing.
No. 536376
File: 1521773185371.jpg (930.92 KB, 792x3783, Screenshot_20180322-224457.jpg)

>>536349She didn't delete it. I'll post some screenshots. Posting the rather long ones first.
No. 536391
>>536380Like a month ago she made a post saying she wasn't going to let what people thought stop her from using crystals to "help her mood uwu" anymore or something, does she really have the right to make fun of anyone?
Oh wait, a boy's giving her attention, she'll say whatever she thinks he'll heart react to.
No. 536392
>>536380And he made that Andy Weir reference, do you think she ACTUALLY knows what he's talking about lmao
She was impressed when a boy had books in his room, this bitch doesn't read
No. 536396
>>536376So wait, did she make a post asking about people's religions just to mock them?
What the fuck
No. 536407
File: 1521775947739.jpeg (500.44 KB, 2048x2048, 76BF23D3-7A2D-4786-9432-B7FF26…)

Funny how quickly things change when there's a boy around. Her ex was a mega atheist too.
No. 536412
>>536380Honestly its pathetic how she behaves just to impress whatever guy she wants to fuck atm. And she truly needs to stop embarrassing herself by trying to sound intellectual and then just replying with gifs because she can't think of anything better to say.
I sincerely dislike both atheism and Christianity but I keep it to myself because its encouth to behave this way towards people.
It's also so pitiful to need online facebook debates to make you feel better about your low intelligence. Yawn.
No. 536447
File: 1521783825907.jpeg (127.47 KB, 1242x312, 6E2D39A9-1F60-4802-9D96-1A8CBC…)

What is the baby bottle supposed to mean tho
No. 536687
File: 1521824242783.jpg (242.21 KB, 1080x1277, Screenshot_20180323-125424.jpg)

This is kinda OT but Jesus Christ her sister is a piece of shit. Why don't we have a thread on her yet? Like, she says some off the wall shit constantly.
No. 537055
>>536344What ddlg onesie? Do you mean the salopette? They're actually fairly common in lolita and are good for chubby/busty girls since they are completely open on the sides.
Not going to lie, this is probably one of her better looking outfits, for what it's worth. The colors actually match and the salopette/cardigan isn't terribly unflattering on her blocky apple body. My only real complaint is coupling the salopette with a sailor fuku instead of a proper blouse and like
>>536345 said, she is in desperate need of a petti to give her some illusion of a waist again.
No. 537133
>>537086Idk either, everything about her just brings my piss to a boil. I don't even know why she annoys me more than most cows even if she isn't the milkiest. Her fake bi-ness is the worst, same as June's (and arguably Jillybean) I literally cannot stand people who fake being anything but straight.
But yeah. Other than that she really isn't too milky but then again this is snow and a ton of people here aren't too milky.
No. 537146
File: 1521869044313.jpg (236.18 KB, 720x960, 1409504899613.jpg)

>>537086>>537133Pretty sure she originally became a cow due to constantly trying to stir drama up over Amina and posting nudes underage? I poked around a bit in old threads and she's kind of milky, but has become kind of stale as it's literally always the same thing with her.
I did find this though and wow, she was always kind of chubby, but she used to be almost half the size she is now.
No. 537635
>>537146 . I'm not saying she isn't deserving of her own thread, just that she seemed milkier in earlier threads simply because her ongoing milk is the same stale shit she's been doing for years now. It's still milk, and she's still milky enough for her own thread, she's just kind of boring.
Also, I started participating in these threads maybe within the last thread or two, so I never knew she was ever somewhat reasonably shaped, that's why I shared that picture. Compared to now, it's a huge shock.
No. 537738
>>537201So me saying I basically hate her but don't think she's too milky means I'm Micky? Nice logic.
She's a total idiot who deserves a thread but it'd be a lie to claim she's the milkiest cow ever. Come on now.
No. 538173
File: 1522009395255.jpeg (423.87 KB, 1056x2048, 056F92E7-AA94-4E9B-B68C-CECA59…)

No. 538174
File: 1522009441314.jpeg (283.11 KB, 1242x698, 0FB43BD6-AEFD-4D41-9F1A-CD4EAD…)

No. 538182
File: 1522009962068.jpeg (541.55 KB, 1242x1576, 6E10F30C-C420-48EA-811A-5B6003…)

Just had to mention my kinks in case you forgot!! (っ´・ω・`c)
No. 538644
File: 1522078294375.jpg (81.49 KB, 1080x354, Screenshot_20180326-112651_Sam…)
>nothing I'm doing is workingWtf is she talking about? She hasn't done anything differently. Is she mad that nobody in her local community wanted to see her toxic ass at Shutocon? Is she upset that she had to turn anon asks back on so shecan seems herself compliments? Like, what's the deal?
No. 539092
File: 1522119148246.jpg (93.21 KB, 1079x484, Screenshot_20180326-224543_Sam…)'m really confused about what this girl is whining about. Did that Jarrod guy stop fooling around with her?
No. 539106
File: 1522120683652.jpeg (607.21 KB, 2048x1152, D92B222A-A8F1-41CA-BAD0-8BCF85…)

No. 539193
File: 1522128171936.jpg (382.27 KB, 1078x1524, Screenshot_20180327-011834_Sam…)

I bet she feels stupid af for saying she didn't need meds and could function with just weed.
No. 539327
File: 1522151300044.jpg (425.04 KB, 799x1547, Screenshot_20180327-074514_Sam…)

>>539193>>539199The first guy actually presents her with a good idea, considering she doesn't actually need medication, and she just brushes him off to continue to play pretend. I honestly believe she only claimed illnesses so she could get the drugs for recreational use. Which is pretty disgusting but not unexpected from our pos Micky.
No. 539330
File: 1522151849626.jpg (96.52 KB, 1078x438, Screenshot_20180327-075304_Sam…)

This is just fucking daydreaming with the lights off. Just call it daydreaming.
>>539328Her continuous treatment of mental illness as some type fashionable aesthetic is so gross.
No. 539414
File: 1522163351041.jpg (183.56 KB, 1072x901, Screenshot_20180327-110650_Sam…) how she starts receiving these kinds of asks the moment she turns anonymous ask back on. Micky, who are you trying to fool?
>>539363Ngl, this gave me a hearty chuckle.
No. 539510
File: 1522175878354.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1242x1626, 3CFA4EB9-316E-4669-950C-19CEB6…)

This has to be from herself lmao.
No. 539874
File: 1522207746871.jpg (243.61 KB, 1078x965, Screenshot_20180327-232207_Sam…)
> I wake up early every day to meditate and do sit ups A lie. She stays out late at night when out of her home and spends her evenings getting high. There is no way she's accomplishing any meditation or exercise when she lives like that.
>I post all the detox water (cucumbers and lemons biiiiitch) on snapchatThis is a huge lie. The only thing she posts is selfies and her sucking dick.
>I literally bought a water bottle with a special fruit chamber in it so I could drink cucumber water because I’m obssed with itYet she's constantly drinking everything but water out of a regular ass house cup or guzzling pop when she's not at home.
No. 540749
File: 1522301858467.png (104.86 KB, 750x751, IMG_6646.PNG)

No. 541121
File: 1522358201564.jpg (90.36 KB, 1080x494, Screenshot_20180329-171338_Sam…) God, please don't let this bitch claim to be trans. You genuinely need to have dysphoria to be trans.
No. 541239
File: 1522366300028.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1242x1786, E0BDB444-03FE-4445-8706-005695…)

When cows collide!
No. 541241
File: 1522366490433.jpeg (158.79 KB, 640x1316, 30169E2E-1066-458A-9F7F-4C513D…)

No. 541243
File: 1522366533176.jpeg (214.15 KB, 1242x476, 636A39F9-F088-4218-98C0-B2D9BC…)

Hi Micky glad to see how totally unbothered you are when you're hanging out here :^)
No. 541248
>>541241Hey Micky, if you love being fat so much, why do you try to shoop yourself skinny or thicc?
Gurl, plz. Who you tryin' to foo'?
No. 541251
File: 1522367013462.jpeg (562.78 KB, 2048x2048, 7EBA0F27-26A3-4920-872D-7763AA…)

>>541248>>541241>I love being fatGirl those curvy blinds and bookcases and stretched out stripes say otherwise
No. 541284
>>541241She was just going off on an anon about how she exercises wha everyday. So, does she want to be fat or not?
>>541251>>541248She had about zero self-awareness.
>>541243Why does she keep thinking ours or anybody else's boyfriend would want her? Her disgusting reputation proceeds her, so no one's bf would lower themselves to sleep with her. Also, why doesshe think gett body isn't disgusting? She doesn't bathe often(she said this herself), she has herpes, her skin is greasy and covered in acne, and her weight is unevenly distributed. There's nothing attractive about that.
>>541239Ofc she whiteknights Mariah. Wouldn't be surprised if she had defended her in previous threads. They're almost the same brand of toxic.
No. 541320
File: 1522388876943.jpg (206.11 KB, 1079x919, Screenshot_20180330-004713_Sam…)

>poor ugly sad pathetic livesShe says this but no one in her local community likes her at all and want her to get her ass kicked, she only bathes twice every one to two weeks, she lies about how her parents and exes treat her, cheat on her boyfriends, catfishes people for shit she could have bought herself or gone without, lies about her illnesses, abuses drugs,harassed people she didn't like for years and lives in a filthy ass room. But we're the poor, sad, ugly, pathetic one. Bullshit, Micky.
No. 541323
File: 1522389122357.jpg (450.98 KB, 1080x1769, Screenshot_20180330-012132_Sam…)

>>541320I feel like she sending herself not only the over the top compliments but also some of these "mean" ones too, and puts on this shitty act of being super hurt by them. Just so she can get asspats from her dumb echo chamber. Some of these reek of her. She was probably lurking on here tonight. Hell, she's likely lurking right now. How sad.
No. 541554
File: 1522421296020.jpg (349.15 KB, 1080x1698, Screenshot_20180330-103651_Sam…)
>they don't know shit about youWrong, dumbass. Not only does Micky air all her business everywhere, people from her local community have posted about the shit she's done. Especially former close friends she's crossed.
I hope that dude knows that Micky wont sleep with him and she does he'll get herpes. It's really embarrassing how some of her followers are willing to blindly defend her without a lick of researching. I can't imagine defending someone considered one of the most toxic, hated people in their community. Yikes.
No. 541612
File: 1522423812822.jpg (216.84 KB, 1080x977, Screenshot_20180330-112039_Sam…)
>dey is wittol scawedy cats afwaid of duh big bad mickersLmao This isthe same girl who tried to hide from Taylor after Taylor said she wanted to fight. The same girl who claimed on a live she would fight her catfish but has the girl suspected blocked. Even though the girl wants to fight her. This girl gets plenty od opportunities to fight and go off on people irl but does nothing but run away and hide. She's even said in a recent ask she wouldn't go to Youmacon because an anon said they were going too.
No. 541737
File: 1522431546404.jpg (153.75 KB, 1069x574, Screenshot_20180330-133555_Sam…)

Micky is definitely the last person who should be posting anything like this. She's blocked many people, always screenshots every little petty disagreement, and only surrounds herself with people who thinks like she does. Not to mention she openly mocks others who disagree with her. She should really delete that status.
No. 541769
File: 1522433374494.jpg (388.18 KB, 810x1900, Screenshot_20180330-140439_Sam…)

>>541766Micky is really digging herself into a hole here. Lol
No. 541777
File: 1522433775161.jpg (232.06 KB, 1073x1070, Screenshot_20180330-141359_Sam…)

>>541774Micky, nothing about the things you says scream equality. You're racist and sexist. You've started witch hunts on other because you don't like what they said. Stop acting so self-righteous.
No. 541815
File: 1522436496218.jpg (51.4 KB, 1080x266, Screenshot_20180330-145932_Sam…) being assblasted because someone suggested you drink water and exercise to help combat your "depression".
No. 541819
File: 1522436677948.jpg (183.19 KB, 1080x880, Screenshot_20180330-150322_Sam…)

Imagine mocking people for not wanting bigots on their pages on the same posts where you say you should listen to different opinions and be nice to others. Wild.
No. 541838
File: 1522437954350.jpg (95.81 KB, 1072x606, Screenshot_20180330-152209_Sam…)

Is she throwing shade at Micky or am I going crazy?
No. 541866
File: 1522440899947.jpg (223.98 KB, 1080x1225, Screenshot_20180330-154653_Sam…)

Oh boy, here we go.
No. 541934
File: 1522445928076.jpg (391.33 KB, 1070x1726, Screenshot_20180330-172716_Sam…)

>>541878It got better. Lol
No. 541976
File: 1522448832550.jpg (604.61 KB, 810x2445, Screenshot_20180330-182516_Sam…)

>>541945Micky can't go two seconds without being bitchy.
No. 543336
File: 1522601448028.jpg (72.59 KB, 1080x346, Screenshot_20180401-124804_Sam…), you should take your own advice . Oh, and since you made it clear you're lurking, bathe everyday and clean your disgusting room.
No. 543346
File: 1522602107645.jpg (413.3 KB, 1080x1890, Screenshot_20180401-125211_Sam…)

I can't wait for Micky's anti-Semitic opinions to backfire on her.
No. 543364
>>543346How the fuck is this meme anti-Semitic? Holy shit. I'm not saying Micky isn't anti-semitic but that meme is not. It's funny.
t. a Jew
No. 543447
File: 1522610402290.jpg (356.23 KB, 1080x994, 20180401_145655.jpg)

No. 543572
>>543336Thing is Micky, I have enough self esteem to exercise, take my meds, and not try to fuck all my ex's friends.
But can you say the same? :^)
No. 543579
File: 1522619275054.jpg (90.66 KB, 1077x478, Screenshot_20180401-174515_Twi…)

>>543447Then she follows up by saying she eats cereal like that's any healthier. Especially since she's been going on about eating chocolate lucky charms.
No. 543599
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No. 543605
File: 1522620384349.jpg (149.26 KB, 928x1651, 29664929_1395393423940823_4300…)

>>543599When I think kawaii, I think of a tacky ass outfit worn in a filthy Walmart. How did this thing get away with calling herself the leader of the kawaii black girls movement? This outfit is something I expect from a middle schooler who just discovered jfashion and parents decided to let them dress themselves for school.
No. 543827
File: 1522634569186.jpeg (139.74 KB, 1242x504, B9C08625-CED3-4937-A515-1CEDB8…)

>>543802Yeah she loves FNAF lol, it's almost like she's mentally a child or something.
Also ofc she's too cheap to get an actual pleated skirt and just wears the one that came with her DDLG onesie
No. 544611
File: 1522711806066.jpeg (566.23 KB, 1242x765, F8FC48FF-E8FF-4248-B387-1F40C8…)

Pretty sure this is in reference to Momo from earlier, but the irony is too real. Micky was the one who refused any submissions of Amina to her fashion group because she didn't personally like her and said she wasn't "kawaii" enough.
No. 545955
File: 1522826643234.jpg (348.72 KB, 1080x1627, Screenshot_20180404-032228_Sam…) Micky supports people ignoring facts about mental illnesses to continue being special snowflakes.
No. 546792
File: 1522905103775.jpg (130.9 KB, 1080x574, Screenshot_20180405-010616_Sam…) doubt they want to fuck some smelly fatass who can't even go one second without throwing herself at anything that moves.
No. 547026
>>546792Its always so funny when she acts like she isn't a massive slut who is totally dtf anytime any guy
But money on after she fucks HIM she writes all about the ~totally gay shit she did with his gf.
No. 549723
File: 1523205196623.jpg (244.11 KB, 1078x896, Screenshot_20180408-123053_Sam…)
>and then one of them had the nerve to say “ooh I like your hair!!” 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 I looked that bitch right in the face and said “fuck OFF”This totally happened, you guys. 100% authentic story!
No. 549738
>>549723lmao no shit this didn't happen
>gold digger>2018>not the censored version>anyone liking micky's hairnothing adds up.
No. 549752
>>549723>>549738Maybe I don't understand as I'm not from USA, but why is white person singing song lyrics offensive? Where they supposed to go silent or change them?
I understand why calling someone nigga is offensive when done by a white person, but they were not calling anyone that or even quoting the song lyrics at someone. Am I wrong, or is Micky too sensitive?
No. 549850
>>549751Depends on where you're from. Here in Chicago, I wouldn't even dream of saying it. But it is rare to actually call someone out on it, unless you're in one of the more dangerous neighborhoods… Usually people just get offended and give you a scornful look while walking away.
If that actually happened, the girl probably had no idea what they were upset about, and just thought they were being really rude.
No. 549853
File: 1523217193559.jpeg (168.58 KB, 1242x362, 8C85EDA8-63C4-42B9-A0BF-D349C3…)

hmmm who could she be talking about hmmm hmmmmmm
No. 550727
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No. 550729
File: 1523295317245.jpg (411.59 KB, 1075x1250, Screenshot_20180409-133134_Twi…)

>>550727That beer gut. And this is her sucking it in, mind you.
No. 550736
File: 1523295517293.jpg (Spoiler Image,403.63 KB, 1079x1140, Screenshot_20180409-133310_Twi…)

>>550731And it still doesnt fit her. Maybe she should take the time to get properly measured and then buy a better fitting bra.
No. 550738
File: 1523295577076.jpg (157.68 KB, 1075x739, Screenshot_20180409-133203_Twi…)

>>550736Because nobody wants to see your nasty ass, acne covered, grandma body.
No. 550876
File: 1523303340069.jpg (139.21 KB, 1079x618, Screenshot_20180409-154717_Twi…)

Micky, you're not even that attractive yourself. Cool it.
No. 551859
File: 1523389308914.jpg (196.96 KB, 1074x980, Screenshot_20180410-153840_Sam…) being this salty over some cheap ass Hot Topic earrings you could have bought at any point. Imagine acting like this is more important than your friendship.
No. 552074
File: 1523402583608.jpg (549.05 KB, 809x2367, Screenshot_20180410-191928_Twi…)

She really needs to chill the fuck out with the bitchy act. She could have been polite and DM'd her if it was such a problem. Instead she has to make it public and she has to drag her. Seriously Micky? Fuck off.
No. 552083
File: 1523403379296.jpg (78 KB, 1077x413, Screenshot_20180410-193003_Sam…)

It's so fucking stupid how she tries to equate spanking a child to beating them within an inch of their life. News flash Micky, it's not the same and it's insulting to those to went through childhood abuse to say so. It's even more insulting to assume that a kid getting spanked or a slap on their hand would cause them to grow and have hypervigilance.
>>552080I bet.
No. 552084
File: 1523403475177.jpg (266.94 KB, 1080x1810, Screenshot_20180410-192836_Sam…)

>>552083>My Netflix and HuluI'm 99% sure it's not hers and likely belongs to the ex or a friend. Either way, she doesn't get to have a say for who can use it when she doesn't pay for it.
No. 552086
File: 1523403526220.jpg (96.29 KB, 1078x694, Screenshot_20180410-192924_Sam…)

>>552084Micky, it's obvious you're e-begging.
No. 552148
File: 1523407655985.jpg (435.19 KB, 1080x1459, Screenshot_20180410-202725_Sam…)

>posting shit from tumblrYeah, such a credible source. /eyeroll
No. 552150
File: 1523407792095.jpg (240.78 KB, 1080x921, Screenshot_20180410-204127_Twi…)

Yeah, that's fucking normal to do because you didn't post where the pieces came from on an ootd post, dumbass.
No. 552151
File: 1523407836607.jpg (135.24 KB, 1080x661, Screenshot_20180410-204153_Twi…)

But we're supposed to believe she's not insecure and totally loves herself. Yeah, ok.
No. 552196
File: 1523411266969.jpg (489.5 KB, 1080x1169, Screenshot_20180410-202632_Sam…)

>wanting something with chloroform in it
What kind of rapist shit is this?
No. 552204
File: 1523411778881.jpg (1.12 MB, 810x6090, Screenshot_20180410-215309_Sam…)

>>552083>>552148Ah yes, because now Micky is more of an expert on parenting than an actual parent. Oh, and there she goes equating a spanking with being beaten bloody by your spouse or parent. Ugh.
No. 552624
File: 1523465948137.jpg (59.44 KB, 1079x300, Screenshot_20180411-125816_Sam…)

That's pretty pathetic, honestly.
No. 553259
File: 1523512959093.jpeg (165.97 KB, 742x1124, 4A9CBDD6-EC8C-4AA8-922F-F6E26B…)

Kawaii baby changing station
No. 553262
File: 1523513040383.jpeg (350.78 KB, 1056x2048, E0D604CB-C1A4-41E5-BFFE-0AACA6…)

>>553259This is like a Meijer bathroom. She gets so dressed up to go to the grocery store apparently because it's the only time she leaves the house.
No. 553530
File: 1523553018600.jpg (81.65 KB, 1080x415, Screenshot_20180412-130844_Sam…)

I highly doubt she's anyones first choice. So I don't see what she's getting mad for. Also, I doubt this happened.
No. 553841
File: 1523573925965.jpg (460.81 KB, 1080x1711, Screenshot_20180412-185146_Sam…)

Micky can't talk. She got that crusty ass adult hair laid over her acne covered head and calling it "baby hair". Bitch it's not baby hair if have to take some shit off the top.
No. 553844
File: 1523574022471.jpg (705.25 KB, 810x4671, Screenshot_20180412-185228_Sam…)

>>553841Mind you, if it was a white guy doing this she'd be crying racist and trying to get him jumped. She and her "friend" are so anti-black, it's sad.
No. 553881
File: 1523576133134.jpg (62.58 KB, 720x1280, FB_IMG_1523575880491.jpg)

Imagine being such a coward you post the profile of someone you hate just to get people to go after them.
No. 553917
>>553693I know it's hard for Micky to wrap her head around, but maybe other girls aren't so insecure that they would be upset over reacting to a Facebook picture
Also Micky wants genuine relationships and friendships with people but gets upset when guys… Continue being nice to her even when they get girlfriends… Okay…
No. 553958
File: 1523580234874.jpg (65.15 KB, 1079x279, Screenshot_20180412-204253_Sam…)

>>553841Now she's accusing her of shit with no evidence in typical Micky fashion.
No. 553970
File: 1523581068416.jpg (1.4 MB, 1920x2560, 18-04-12-20-57-28-196_deco.jpg)

>>553844Ofc her friends are selfhating blacks.
No. 554025
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No. 554044
File: 1523585379077.jpg (201.17 KB, 1079x720, Screenshot_20180412-220602_Twi…)

She keeps calling her a pedophile sympathizer even though she has no evidence of this. That's not something an innocent person would do. Also, she does realize she started this? And that most of the shit she posts is public and can be actively used against her? Don't forget the many people who can attest to the terrible shit she's done, boyfriends included. She honestly deserves to lose her job with all the bullshit she's spewing everywhere.
No. 554048
>>554044Forgot to point out that she's again ignoring the two posts to the left here
>>553954 just so she can "drag" someone. Micky, give it up.
No. 554054
>>554028What the fuck anon.
That's the shit crazy tumblrinas would do. Grow up.
No. 554060
>>554044Micky, the one who uses avatars of lolis getting fucked and reblogs porn of grown women wearing little girls' underwear, is calling someone else a pedophile apologist
Girl you better make sure your books are in order before you go throwing around accusations like that
No. 554083
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No. 554095
File: 1523587740580.jpeg (229.76 KB, 857x2027, 1506926874173.jpeg)

No. 554096
File: 1523588060752.jpg (1.49 MB, 1920x2560, 18-04-12-19-23-03-783_deco.jpg)

>>554083Micky can't talk. Especially since she has to take hair from 20inches from behind her head to have "baby hair" and "edges". Not to mention she doesn't know how to wear a fucking lace front. Micky, the damn thing isn't supposed to be pulled past your hairline.
No. 554101
File: 1523588595929.jpg (592.62 KB, 809x1919, Screenshot_20180412-225753_Sam…)

>>554096Her "baby" hair reminds me of this shit.
No. 554102
File: 1523588667364.jpeg (283.71 KB, 1242x378, 6DAAC93E-231D-448C-8F5D-0846CE…)

Maybe you shouldn't be publicly calling people out and starting drama when you've got something to be "exposed"?
No. 554126
File: 1523589960743.jpg (1.29 MB, 1920x2560, 18-04-12-23-25-21-823_deco.jpg)

>>554083The people commenting look far more tragic then the person Micky is trying to drag. Lmao
No. 554132
File: 1523590789451.jpg (662.3 KB, 1080x1646, Screenshot_20180412-233531_Sam…)

>lurk for a while
She means she's going to continually check here and the profile of that person she harrassed while vagueposting on her Twitter for sympathy points.
No. 554153
>>554132it astounds me that she can photoshop that much and also think she can get away with it
you don't look like that mickey.
No. 554157
File: 1523592707343.jpg (84.89 KB, 1070x452, Screenshot_20180413-000604_Sam…)

Trans man are transitioning to become men why would they do something traditional feminine that could have them mistaken for the wrong gender, especially if they just started to trasition? This isn't fucking tumblr, Micky. Also, didn't this bitch just claim that she was going on a break from social media?
No. 554964
File: 1523668428609.jpeg (Spoiler Image,148.85 KB, 640x1084, FE9909A2-8ED6-418D-906C-E7BEF9…)

Micky, stop reporting for cow tipping or talking down peoples board posts. You created false paedophile allegations on a girl on Facebook who, had criticized you and you’re offended over something so little that could’ve simply been ignored or taken privately. The fact that you had dox people, false accused, reblogs ddlg paedophilia, Lolicon, and many more terrible things “”” Your job needs to be informed immediately of what they are working and how she manipulate and accuses people she don’t like online ((destroying their reputation. The girl you just accused is deleting her Facebook because, of you and your sick followers falsely spamming and harassing her.
No. 554975
File: 1523669054085.jpg (1.08 MB, 2560x1920, 18-04-12-20-22-49-709_deco.jpg)

>>554964Just want to point out that the girl tried to do the right thing and tell Micky's mom about what her daughter lying to everyone about her parents being abusive and that Micky brought pedophiles into the house. The mom responded and essentially doesn't care then micky tried to contact the girl's boyfriend with a sob story.
No. 555050
>>555036Yep. The screenshot is in the last thread. She always seems to have an odd fixation on people she hates. Like she'll blame them for any negative thing that happens.
>>555018Her mom needs to grow up too. Look at where she gets her shitty personality from. I feel like the dad might just be the only sane one in the household.
No. 555088
File: 1523674233832.jpeg (95.71 KB, 639x568, EB7F3806-0C50-4DEA-A7B7-B344FD…)

So micky and her had beef. Micky wants to accuse her to tear her down????
No. 555096
>>555088This is the same girl she was calling out
>>553881 too?? Why would you let a girl you're claiming harrasses you into your super secret "hoe stories" group to begin with?? Shes so stupid.
No. 555276
File: 1523693019647.jpg (855.74 KB, 1079x1888, Screenshot_20180414-040009_Twi…)

Lol she pointed out this was an arcade like that makes it any better. Biiiiitch, please. Put your skirt down before somebody mom at the arcade reports your ass.
No. 555284
File: 1523693564811.jpg (262.57 KB, 990x1920, IMG_20180414_040058.jpg)

>>555276Now she's uploading her crusty lewds. Seems like she's trying to grab attention from Himeka and her merry band of musty SWs.
No. 555300
>>555276She makes it so obvious she's lurking again. Welcome back Micky.
>>555284She does know that's not how that's supposed to be tied, right? She looks like an idiot. Also I guess "break from social media" just meant a break from the websites people actually call her out on.
No. 555317
>>555276Micky’s body low key
triggers me. Bitch is Wendy william’s long lost daughter
No. 555347
>>555339Can’t be worse than Micky if her personal life isn’t on display for the world to see.
>>555342Thanks for saging but please have some respect for yourself, or at least don’t post. Ya nasty. Just remember that she has the herps.
No. 555539
File: 1523728311496.jpg (177.36 KB, 1080x780, Screenshot_20180414-134230_Twi…)

The fact that she thinks just slapping those two together automatically makes the outfit nice is sad. Micky, the outfit is tacky, nothing matches and it all looks cheap. Oh, and claiming this is you "not trying" is a lie because we've seen what it looks like when you put together an outfit while putting in effort and it looks horrible. Learn how to dress better.
No. 555683
File: 1523739696189.jpg (220.06 KB, 1080x668, Screenshot_20180414-162724_Twi…)

First she says she doesn't try now she's saying she gets too high to dress right. Micky, just admit that you don't know how to dress.
No. 555694
File: 1523740126497.jpg (218.26 KB, 1078x850, Screenshot_20180414-162756_Twi…)

Someone as dirty as Micky should refrain from wearing thongs.
No. 555704
File: 1523740854532.jpg (441.82 KB, 805x1890, Screenshot_20180414-170300_Twi…)

I can't imagine having standards so low that I would try to slide into Micky's DM.
No. 555745
File: 1523744651573.png (774.57 KB, 606x551, no.png)

>>555539>I wear a shirt skirt and knee socks and ppl say "oh my god your outfit is horrible"Micky please. We aren't saying the outfit is horrible because it's a skirt/knee sock combo. We're saying it's horrible because your outfits are a horrid mix of budget ddlg costumes, cheap chinese weeb wear, and walmart brand clothing, all of which are clearly at least a size too small on you. Short skirts and knee socks can look plenty cute when styled correctly.
No. 555748
File: 1523744953920.jpg (167.76 KB, 1080x790, Screenshot_20180414-182622_Twi…)

She seems real eager to spread herpes around. Smdh
No. 555749
File: 1523745068444.png (85.35 KB, 623x201, tmi.png)

>>555748Gotta take care of that yeast infection somehow, I guess.
No. 555829
File: 1523753120608.jpg (122.64 KB, 1066x543, Screenshot_20180414-200039_Twi…)

>>555748The follow up to that tweet.
>hennyThat's such a cringy way to type honey. Why is she so insistent on pretending to be some hoodrat from the eastside of Detroit?
No. 556059
File: 1523785230329.jpg (196.16 KB, 1074x847, Screenshot_20180415-053513_Twi…)

Now she's making an excuse as to why she's still posting on twitter despite saying on tumblr she was taking a break. Micky, Twitter is still a social media site regardless of how many follwers you have. Also I find it real pitiful that she had to point out she has 2K+ follwers on her other pages. That's not an accomplishment, at all.
No. 556525
File: 1523828747794.jpg (172.78 KB, 802x1465, Screenshot_20180415-174518_Sam…)

>>556524And look, she even sent herself some messages. Lol
No. 557029
File: 1523885090545.jpg (584.91 KB, 1080x1748, Screenshot_20180416-025635_Twi…)

Surprise, surprise. Look who's she sucking up to now.
No. 557067
File: 1523889612710.jpg (435.17 KB, 1080x1348, Screenshot_20180416-103814_Sam…) like a bunch of bulllshit. Especially since she was cheating from what seems to be the very beginning.
No. 557118
File: 1523893767261.jpg (139.79 KB, 1077x613, Screenshot_20180416-114817_Twi…)

She's trying way too hard to act like Kitty and Himeka.
No. 557222
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No. 557223
File: 1523898629715.jpeg (1.7 MB, 1242x1760, C69C17A7-A7A7-4737-968D-66F4BB…)

She has the grossest taste jfc I don't know if this is better or worse than lil xan
No. 557384
File: 1523905801658.jpg (163.26 KB, 768x1024, creep.jpg)

>>557118How sad is that. If Angela/Himeka is the dollar store brand Amina, what does that make Micky? The clearance bin at the dollar store?
>>557223This dude is way worse than Lil Xan. Lil Xan just looks like a 12yo boy who slapped some temporary tattoos on his face for laughs. This guy seriously looks like a pedophile stereotype with bull body/face tattoos. Yikes.
No. 558375
File: 1524013100128.jpg (531.25 KB, 810x1348, 20180417_205519.jpg)

Pretty sure someone pointed out here that she only got into kawaii fashion after she started copying Amina. Also, it's really disgusting that she's claiming to have those illness whenwer know she doesn't actually have them and just uses them as an excuse to be shitty.
No. 558465
File: 1524019773127.jpg (385.21 KB, 1079x1439, Screenshot_20180417-224644_Sam…)'t wait for her to cheat on him while they're together and then break up with him in a dramatic fashion and make him out to be an abusive, racist asshole who made her suicidal again and never cared about her feelings.
No. 559158
File: 1524088430039.jpg (189.53 KB, 1080x849, Screenshot_20180418-175114_Sam…) a bunch of bullshit. Just a few days ago she was saying they would beat her and kick her out, here
>>554975 . She needs to be completely honest before she ends up getting her parents sent to jail for her bullshit.
No. 559540
File: 1524100189706.jpg (759.47 KB, 1080x1410, Screenshot_20180418-210701_Sam…)

These still look edited considering in candids she looks a lot bigger, way less pale, and has a weird FAS kinda face.
No. 560100
File: 1524159849271.jpg (72.67 KB, 1074x347, Screenshot_20180419-132948_Sam…)

Why is she taking nerve medication? I'm confused.
No. 560604
>>560152>>560100Her saying "because I have two moods" is clearly her trying to say that it's meant for her anxiety, too bad she is too stupid to know that it isn't for an immediate fix lol
She might as well have said that they were Flintstones vitamins
No. 561010
File: 1524264207717.jpg (85.48 KB, 418x810, tumblr_p7i9cgwSPu1uctaoto3_540…) about this picture is a mess. Why is she so content with looking musty and living in a filthy room?
No. 562963
File: 1524451570906.jpg (327.75 KB, 1079x1269, Screenshot_20180422-223739_Sam…)

>posting gore, loli shit, and talking about weird rape fetish shit.
>posting owls
These are not on the same level, Micky. I also doubt you have a fear of owls and just looking to add to your special snowflakeness.
No. 563139
File: 1524499612252.jpg (796.26 KB, 1920x2560, 18-04-23-12-03-44-939_deco.jpg)

This guy, who seems like a hotep from what his comment says, is legitimate talking about her and her friends but she doesn't even know that and decided to share it in some desperate attempt to seem "savage". Micky, check the whole post before sharing. Dumbass.
No. 563491
File: 1524519019213.jpg (1.03 MB, 2560x2560, 18-04-23-17-27-08-366_deco.jpg)

No. 563730
>>563139Gotta love Micky when she pretends she is blasian and poses to make it look like she is part Asian
It's like this rule doesn't apply to her
No. 563775
File: 1524536682814.jpg (Spoiler Image,519.14 KB, 1069x1855, 20180423_222215.jpg)

There she goes again acting desperate. Seriously though, it's really feels like she's trying to join Kitty and Daisy's shitshow with these posts.
No. 563790
File: 1524537335147.jpg (106.91 KB, 1066x548, Screenshot_20180423-223049_Sam…)

I can't believe she's still pretending to have gone to a psych ward. Micky, that shit ain't cute, stop pretending.
>>563730It's highly likely that she only saw the status and shared it thinking she was going to make whomever she doesn't like salty. All she really did was make herself look like a duckling hypocrite. Typical.
No. 564552
File: 1524598344271.jpg (101.69 KB, 1080x685, Screenshot_20180424-152953_Sam…)
>personality Almost everything she's interested in revolves around being a flavor of the month. Take that away and she's just a shitty and bland person.
No. 564966
File: 1524634363699.jpg (553.45 KB, 1080x1277, Screenshot_20180425-013031_Sam…)

She finally changed her hair. That color actually suits her way better.
No. 564972
File: 1524634504722.jpg (47.81 KB, 1080x360, Screenshot_20180425-012911_Sam…)

>>564966 she has a new boyfriend to cheat on and abuse now. Wonder how long this one will last and what she'll make up about him when he eventually breaks up with her to find someone better.
No. 565042
>>564993>>565018I don't see anything on his FB that insinuates he's in a relationship with anyone right now. What exactly are we supposed to be seeing?
Going to have to agree with the other anon though, you shouldn't bring up things you don't want posted about on lolcow? It is an image board. Chances are most people would favor the new girlfriend regardless because Mickey is the cow here, not her.
No. 565047
File: 1524643811015.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.38 MB, 1223x2086, DCFA4FE3-451D-4F01-99EB-5C426A…)

Does anyone know if this is her? Which ex is it?
No. 565109
File: 1524655783973.jpeg (223.75 KB, 960x1280, 5211E1A0-E0B2-4C33-BF44-D83861…)

Her name is Chloe and is definitely the type Micky would obsess over and try to steal her skin. You can go to her profile and see she's in a relationship with him. She and Micky also used to be Facebook friends and definitely aren't now.
No. 565110
File: 1524655860102.jpeg (149.18 KB, 1242x396, BE0CAF13-813F-41C1-BCDB-9954AF…)

No. 565206
File: 1524669048007.jpg (298.37 KB, 1070x777, Screenshot_20180425-105445_Sam…) did and said this shit when she was wirh her ex. She's most definitely going to cheat on this guy too and say he was abusive and racist when they break up. Smh
>>565109Definitely much cuter than Micky. Probably less stressful to be with too.
>>565111Micky doesn't know how to cut and curl her bangs properly. Maybe if she took the time to practice how to style her real hair it wouldn't look so ridiculous. Also, it looks like she's wearing a half-wig.
No. 565295
File: 1524674386428.jpg (118.49 KB, 1073x601, Screenshot_20180425-123742_Twi…)

Lol Didn't someone in the previous threads say she might do this?
No. 565314
>>565206This is CWC levels of cringe. Like,
>You woo'd me with your soft kisses and thigh rubsFucking hell.
>>565295Gravure =/= Taking low-quality selfies of your dirt speckled ass with empty food wrappers in your unmade bed.
No. 565433
File: 1524683497992.jpg (131.54 KB, 1080x777, Screenshot_20180425-123803_Twi…)

That is some cringy shit to say.
No. 565657
>>565109She's cute, not sure why anon thought we were going to randomly hate on this girl. She's clearly a big upgrade from Mickey.
>>565295Looking forward to her halfassing her Himika/Angela skinwalking phase.
No. 565727
File: 1524700411295.jpg (482.32 KB, 1066x1842, Screenshot_20180425-194939_Twi…)

>>565657>Looking forward to her halfassing her Himika/Angela skinwalking phase.Honestly she started awhile ago when she initially began listening to shitty soundcloud rap and trying to act ghetto.
No. 566003
File: 1524724394787.jpg (276.19 KB, 1080x1035, Screenshot_20180426-023114_Twi…)

Micky isa still running with that abusive parents bulllshit? Also, yhr only thing stopping her is herself.
No. 567977
File: 1524921344838.jpeg (182.99 KB, 1242x383, 34AD340D-4870-4158-BF32-0BE270…)

She has IBS now. First she'd said she's allergic to fruit, and now the girl with McDonald's and Lay's bags always hanging around the floor of her room has IBS.
No. 568070
File: 1524931164162.jpg (265.16 KB, 1079x749, Screenshot_20180428-115216_Twi…)

Micky, you only delete your asks now because they would expose you for the shitty person you are. I also doubt she's going around being nice to random bloggers when she really only interacts with Angela.
>>567977I still don't understand her obsession with acting like she have multiple illlnes.
No. 568386
File: 1524953862865.jpeg (388.38 KB, 1242x833, 670A8706-3396-469F-B29E-4CE5E5…)

Ok but you have a history of infidelity and have literally called yourself hypersexual, I wouldn't trust you either
No. 568453
File: 1524957818580.jpg (107.44 KB, 1080x392, 20180428_192252.jpg)

>>568386How convenient that Micky can just pretend she didn't get caught trying to sell nudes on tumblr or get a sugar daddy on fetlife or was talking to dudes on kik while she was dating Adam.
Also how long has she been claiming to be
triggered by owls?
No. 569080
File: 1525006356403.jpg (75.49 KB, 456x810, tumblr_p7xo4elXzw1uctaoto3_540…)๑-ﻌ-๑These pictures canbe it clearer that she's copying the look of her ex's new girlfriend.
>>568802You don't. She's jusy lying about her phobia just like everything else.
No. 569087
File: 1525007134304.jpeg (79.19 KB, 540x960, 7B3882BD-929C-4661-AA1B-1660DD…)

I just think of how goofy that much highlight and blush has to look in real life.
No. 569090
File: 1525007195982.jpeg (68.71 KB, 1418x1000, CBC68C50-FD90-4DC1-8BE4-7F0233…)

Someone drew her, saggy titties and all.
No. 569757
File: 1525060012739.jpg (150.98 KB, 1080x814, Screenshot_20180429-234531_Sam…)

It's quite embarrassing to see people so worked up over her pics even though she looks like a hot mess irl.
No. 569868
File: 1525072839739.jpg (38.33 KB, 1080x317, Screenshot_20180430-031738_Sam…) is she crying about? Isa she upset her ex isn't falling all over himself to get back with her?
>>569784Exactly! Idk why she's out here giving hair adivce when she isn't even hygienic.
No. 569922
>>569080eugh, that $1 tamagotchi knockoff
glad she parades trash
No. 570788
File: 1525150286522.jpg (106.41 KB, 1080x681, Screenshot_20180501-004652_Sam…) is coming from the same girl who admits to not bathing regularly. The same girl who has been noted to smell like piss, period blood, and pit stank at nearly every event. Why is she claiming this lie now? Hell, she even said she hates the smell of fresh laundry and we've seen her clothes covered with dirt and stains from lack of washing. Don't even get me started on that natsy ass room with that filthy stained floor and dirty old blankets.
No. 570818
File: 1525152450804.jpeg (1.86 MB, 1242x1969, 445BCD1A-C30C-48A8-8FAB-D34125…)

More like we didn't show enough appreciation for that wiggly bookshelf, holy shit. It literally bends in and or with her body, the mirror too.
No. 570824
>>570818Did she try to cover the warped frame with the teddy bear clipart and still failed?
This pic is so heavily filtered/lightened too.
No. 570876
File: 1525161476800.jpg (58.42 KB, 1080x567, Screenshot_20180501-035503_Sam…)>>570818I didn't even notice that the first time. Holy fuck. Lol Also look at how her arm is warping around her body. Omg
No. 570879
File: 1525161709663.jpg (45.38 KB, 750x550, jazzy-90s-solo-cup-design-t-sh…)

>>570818why is micky cosplaying a solo cup?
No. 571077
File: 1525196180757.jpg (268.7 KB, 1080x1129, Screenshot_20180501-133357_Sam…) can't believe she would sit here and just lie like this to that anon and her followers. Nobody buys her anything except for cheap socks and panties. Also, she claims to be so busy but we rarely hear about her going out? Who is she trying to fool?
No. 571080
File: 1525196416640.jpg (347.46 KB, 1077x1235, Screenshot_20180501-133831_Sam…)

>>571077 delusions are through the roof. Omfg lol Where does she has any visible collarbones? And why does she think momokun linebacker shoulders are desirable? She's crazy.
No. 571089
File: 1525196689163.jpg (265 KB, 1080x1161, Screenshot_20180501-133730_Sam…)

>>571084 she still won't take account for lying about how her boyfriends have treated her. She's still playing the innocent act. Wow.
No. 571118
File: 1525199051596.gif (6.26 MB, 480x270, OaI.gif)

No. 571126
File: 1525199693731.png (281.28 KB, 587x462, 51b.png)

>>571083As if this wasn't already a known fact, but this reply shows how much she truly depends on the neckbeards and lowlifes of tumblr for her self esteem. She can't leave the internet because without the "hundreds and thousands" of people reblogging her she might actually recognize how disgusting her existence is. What a life she's in for when she dries up and everyone stops giving her the validation she clings to so she can feel like she's worth something.
No. 571564
>>571276Probably because she knows that anon is right. Like, here
>>571077 she didn't even deny she smells bad. She claims many people want to hangout wwith her but we've seen the opposite. If she's out she's usually alone or just with her sister. She claims to get free stuff but we're always see her saying she just paid for an ofte item and borrowing items from your friends isn't the same as actually getting something for free, you have to eventually give it back because you don't own it. I'm not sure why she thinks it's impressive to have someone call her an Uber, everyone has that happen to them. Same with someone driving to see you, many peole have friends or family drive out to see them if they don't live close. She also seems to forget that in her case, dudes meeting her off the internet aren't going to know much about her hygiene and actual appearance until she gets there. So of course they'll show up. As for others, they'll stay around solely for the fact it makes good ammunition when they finally fall out.
No. 571610
File: 1525233855296.jpg (75.98 KB, 1080x369, Screenshot_20180501-235510_Sam…) more she posts shit like third the more obvious it is to me that she's going to cheat on him. Also, she deleted this ask
>>571084. I guess she didn't want to her followers to inquire a victim of hers.
>>571599It's a combination between Angela's and her ex's new gf styles. But it's starting to lean towards the latter.
No. 571631
File: 1525234688886.jpg (361.33 KB, 1080x1315, Screenshot_20180502-001046_Twi…)

Micky doesn't have a routine and just washes her face when she bathes, which is twice a week. So her posting this was pointless.
>>571614I don't think so. If she does she probably barely uses it like her Facebook.
No. 571689
>>570818lmao, she's not even trying to be sly with that edit.
>>571077>>571080>>571083It's really almost sad how desperate she sounds, trying to convince herself that she is popular, beautiful, wanted. She has given up on trying to improve herself and now just spends her time trying to convince everyone she is something she's really not.
A person's worth doesn't have to be decided by how many social engagements they have or how physically attractive they are or how many followers they have on the internet. Real people understand that there are more important things in life, like being a good person, doing good acts in the world, being a good friend, working on a career or a hobby or an education, ect.
Even though she is really just an incredibly insecure young woman with few prospects in her future, my empathy for her is limited. She's honestly just so cruel and mean and turns all the hate she feels for herself outward. Micky really needs to accept she is not a good person and should work to be better.
No. 571709
File: 1525243253058.jpg (46.9 KB, 1076x529, Screenshot_20180502-023555_Sam…)

>>571689 mean, this girl willingly sleeps in filth, doesn't wash her clothes, doesn't bathe regularly, has toxic relationships with others and thinks that's a-ok. Her mother doesn't care that she does this shit either. So, don't feel any level of sad because she's ok with this. If she wanted better she would have changed when she was first posted here.
No. 572250
>>572126Don't forget she mentioned being
Triggered by someone she bullied. Her life is pitiful but she tries so hard to make it seem like it's amazing.
No. 572364
File: 1525319135070.jpg (154.73 KB, 1080x890, Screenshot_20180502-234305_Sam…)
>she didn't trigger me thenSo why did she spend all those years trying to slander and bully her. Also, she completely ignored the other point anon brought up about Amina warning her about her ex being abusive. And wtf is Angela even trying to say?
No. 572416
File: 1525325099247.jpg (240.81 KB, 1075x1058, Screenshot_20180503-011938_Sam…) keeps saying Amina bullied her, but the truth is that she was bullying her and there's evidence of it. Also now she's claiming her ex Anthony raped her? When they were together she says they didn't have sex until after she turned 18.
No. 572420
File: 1525325468295.jpg (268.3 KB, 1077x1138, Screenshot_20180503-012822_Sam…) didn't do anything to her. So what the fuck is she going on about? It's like she's trying to sabotage her again. Also, if she's so
triggered by her why did she mention her in a Facebook live she did? As well as make a status about her when Amina was dealing with that BGAK bs? Sounds like a load of shit to me.
No. 572623
File: 1525351702437.jpg (408.39 KB, 1070x1313, Screenshot_20180503-071051_Twi…)

No. 572728
File: 1525364446635.jpg (223.11 KB, 1078x922, Screenshot_20180503-121742_Sam…)

Wow, she is really milking this bullshit trauma story for all it's worth. Meanwhile, the real victims of her shit behavior just have to suck it up and try to move forward with their lives. This bitch makes me sick.
No. 572823
>>572623>I'm a collector!!!BOY there are so many things you can do with a junk Tama or even maybe an artists version but no you go for the worst looking Chinese-looking bullshit you can find
I call trash when I see trash, Micky.
No. 572865
File: 1525378205401.jpg (128.97 KB, 736x1686, 9eeb30c4ddc910938ba29b27870e96…)

>>572728Even if she wasn't lying YOU GET OVER YOUR TRAUMA BY ACTUALLY GOING TO THERAPY AND NOT STOPPING YOUR MEDS COLD TURKEY BECAUSE LEL WEED IS BETTER. If she would spend even a fraction of her time trying to legitimately better herself she would be well on her way to working through her supposed trauma. But instead she'd rather take the easy way and post edited to help pics online for validation.
But it ultimately doesn't matter because Micky hasn't experienced any trauma. She's just spoiled and lazy and too stupid to realize that if she sits around with her thumb up her ass for too much longer she won't be able to fix the shitty path she's going down.
No. 573346
File: 1525408290556.jpeg (91.21 KB, 720x960, EB5508CC-EDA8-42BF-BD8A-3F04A3…)

Posting pictures in the midst matronly bra.
No. 573376
>>573356She's fairly cute, but she's the typical edgy tumblr trash type. Generic.
>>573346That bra is in rough shape too. It's barely holding them up and it's horribly frayed in the middle.
No. 573479
>>572728Lmao this is so over the top edgy
>I wish I could get electro shock therapy>Everything hurts so much>the inside of my head feels like multiple horror movies playing at once>I get flashbacks from my ptsd>I just wanna forget everythingLiterally all you did when you were younger was attack a young black idol because you were jealous and never leave the house because you were pampered
No. 573495
>>571089The Anthony guy she mentioned dated Amina and rebound to Micky right after. Amina was 14 at the time but deleted everything about it because of the aidoru shit. When Amina warned Micky he was an abusive pedo Micky literally had people attack ami for it and blame her
I have no sympathy for Micky
No. 573511
File: 1525436048582.jpg (257.69 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_p3kejg3PiZ1tivip9o1_128…)

I thought farmers were exaggerating but Adams gf is exactly what Micky wishes she could be.
No. 573664
File: 1525452354900.jpeg (108.26 KB, 660x1280, B4830D42-2116-47AE-9611-81877B…)

>>573511Micky's like a bad knockoff lmao
>>573623>>573376Honestly. This is about Micky. Seeing where Micky is stealing her style from is hilarious but I don't think this girl should be brought into any of this. If her and Micky used to be friends on Facebook and aren't anymore she's probably thankful she doesn't have to deal with her crazy doppelganger ass and the shit she stirs. Leave her alone.
No. 573665
File: 1525452393252.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1242x1862, 9A66A504-7285-4FEF-8889-60596A…)

But why's her tongue shaped like this
No. 574467
File: 1525542450092.jpeg (340.88 KB, 1242x487, 190A5552-871A-47FB-8C12-AAD709…)

No. 574468
File: 1525542862634.jpg (158.25 KB, 1440x1721, ZYI0cHM.jpg)

>>574467>people give me so much shit and tell me it's my fault for not liking itremember when she tried claiming her therapist told her that? kek
No. 574473
File: 1525543466439.jpg (126.23 KB, 1080x547, Screenshot_20180505-140101_Sam…)

She says this but she's had more drama than most people she's associated with and usually the obe broadcasting it for everyone to see.
>>574467She keeps saying this but she's the one who was dealing out all the bullshit and trying to ruin people's lives and well beings because she's bitter and too lazy to change. So she can fuck right the hell off with this.
No. 574475
>>574467>>574468It's all just excuses for her to keep acting the way she does and not take any responsibility for the consequences. It's ALWAYS someone else, always Adam or Amina or Amina's ex or her parents or white people or lolcow or her fifteen different illnesses
It's never just
No. 575710
File: 1525679096616.jpg (102.9 KB, 1080x411, Screenshot_20180507-034155_Sam…)

Sure they did, Micky.
No. 575713
>>575709>he was 20 she was 16. That isn’t a pedo. It’s gross and inappropriate but it’s not “pedo”.
I literally have zero respect for Micky. She harrassed a victim of domestic violence for being warned about an abusive partner. After that she bullied said girl (Amina) and made up lies about her, had BGAK harass her and contact her family. I’ve not seen one public post by Amina about Micky or Himeka and if it exists I’m sure it’s from 2012. They both mention her frequently so even if she was/is a shit person they look bitchy as fuck.
No. 575788
File: 1525697253438.jpg (178.82 KB, 1080x785, Screenshot_20180507-034657_Twi…)

Once again she's trying to copy you-know-who. Lol
No. 575999
>>575982>first of all I get 500 likes lolShe's so dense and missing the anon's point completely. She's still just a nobody, and most of those likes are thirsty dudes and bots liking heavily photoshopped images of her. Wow, such "worth" Mickey.
>I base my worth on how I make others feel, how I make myself feel, and how much knowledge I can obtain that I can teach to other people.Micky, you have straight up harassed multiple girls and participated in drama in addition to other toxic behavior so much that you have had an active lolcow thread for over three years now. That's how "you make people feel".
You make depressed posts all the time. So much for "how you make yourself feel". And obtain what knowledge to teach other people? I've yet to see her make an intelligent post. Usually it's some "uwu my crystals" or some other nonsense bullshit.
She's just trying to word salad the anon away while trying to sound better/smart and failing terribly.
No. 576006
File: 1525720245814.jpg (316.93 KB, 1080x941, Screenshot_20180507-150818_Sam…)
>Do you know how devastating it feels to look down at my self harm scars everyday
>the ones that still haven’t healed since my attemptShe keeps saying this but there arent any scars to be found on her at all. Even in the candids.
>Even tho no matter how many times I spoke about it, provided screen shots, and even posted a video of the messages between us, people still called me a liar back thenThere is no evidence of Amina ever bullying her. There's far more evidence that shows she was doing the bullying.
>Tell me why the fuck I would put in any effort to defend myself over some beef then has been not mattered and that I been not thinking about for years. On purpose.Micky we know how dedicated yout are to lying to others.
> I literally black listed that persons name and any variation of it with xkit. I’m p sure I blocked them on anything and everything. Except they had to block you, Micky. Even then, that didn't stop you from bringing them up every so often.
>Stop asking me questions about them they’re not relevant in my life anymore. You need to move on from the past.Until you genuinely stop posting about the girl and trying to send people after her, don't expect anyone to stop sending questions about it.
>>575999This. She's just pissy because she couldn't reach the same level of notoriety as Amina. So all she can do is flaunt meaningless likes and shit like that.
No. 576013
>>576006I like how she makes this post, same day as this one
>>575982 . While one is saying she bases her worth on "how she makes herself feel" and then in the other goes on and on about how depressed she is, how she has self harm scars that won't heal, and how her mental state is "10x more fragile now". She's literally shooting down her own argument.
If she was smart, she'd let this Amina thing die and just stop talking/responding to it, but she seems to love the attention. Also, does this girl not have a job again or something? She seems to post these long essay like posts multiple times a day throughout her days. She seems to basically live on the internet.
No. 576017
File: 1525720877818.jpg (140.47 KB, 1078x719, Screenshot_20180507-151713_Twi…)

>six years agoMost of this shit happened less than 4 years ago and she was shitting on the girl last year when the BGAK drama happened. The fuck does she mean? Even now could be considered drama since she's hamming it up and trying to make Amina seem like sone kind of horrid abuser.
>>576013I'm beginning to think she got fired but won't say anything about it.
No. 576283
File: 1525739918920.jpeg (139.02 KB, 1242x315, F24D0E0E-0610-444C-9902-D1E731…)

The absolute last thing she needs right now is a piercing. She's lucky her cheek piercings didn't get infected considering how notoriously difficult they are to heal, that she wore jewelry that was too long because she was too cheap to get it shortened, and that she covers them in makeup every day. Not to mention the fact that at 21 she still doesn't even have a license, let alone a car. She claims she's saving but recently posted about wanting to do Aliexpress haul videos - she doesn't need to be dropping money on piercings that she's only getting be one step closer to wearing that new girl's skin.
No. 576606
File: 1525765557758.jpg (465.02 KB, 810x1951, Screenshot_20180508-034211_Sam…)

Why do people gas her up like this? She doesn't look anything like the picture unless she shoops her face.
>>576283>the fact that at 21Anon, just want to point out she's 20. You're right about everything else though.
No. 576619
>>502056I sent Micky an ask asking why she should be forgiven for things that happened in the past(like her bullying a domestic abuse victim, Amina or her sending BGAK to attack Amina and her family) but for some reason everyone else is guilty of past sins. Amina has never even alluded to Himeka or Micky I’m the past few years despite both of them throwing a massive amount of shit at her, yet they keep bringing her up.
Although it does make me question why does Amina have a lot of drama with cows that other people don’t seem to have? She seems indirectly related to at least half the cows on /snow/ so she must have some milk. Either way Angela and Micky make themselves look like idiots.
No. 576921
File: 1525807984272.jpg (299.66 KB, 810x1775, Screenshot_20180508-151841_Sam…)

Looks like she's busy kissing her own ass again.
No. 577258
File: 1525841404594.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.65 MB, 2560x1920, 18-05-09-00-47-37-538_deco.jpg) was just going on not to long ago about being creeped out by lolicon shit and being against pedos yet she posts this borderline creepy bullshit and calls it "looks".
No. 577272
>>577259>they're covered so it's not badDon't kid yourself. This is still gross lolicon bullshit.
It's the same people that make this shit here. That's from Micky's NSFW blog, btw. It's fucked up, don't defend it.
No. 577293
File: 1525848724936.jpg (101.09 KB, 1079x520, Screenshot_20180509-025019_Sam…)'s still really gross that she lied about trying to commit suicide just because her ex was going to dump her for cheating.
No. 577523
File: 1525894230871.jpeg (256.78 KB, 1242x1720, F1F9DB51-1C12-4189-A83C-EEC520…)

How much do you have to come off as a desperate whore to get something like this at your job
No. 577525
File: 1525894297662.jpeg (145.87 KB, 736x1440, 4A9BA1CE-41D1-4BD1-A726-5707C3…)

>>577523Like I know girls get hit on at their jobs and wiatresses put up with shit from men but to give off SUCH a vibe that you get propositioned lmao
No. 577651
File: 1525903889240.png (88.28 KB, 750x703, IMG_7146.PNG)

don't forget the best part! the "sugar daddy" only left a $12 tip.
No. 577762
>>577523>>577525Funny how this happens after anons start wondering if she still has a job.
Also, bragging about some illiterate, old hillbilly named Jim, leaving you a $12 tip on a $10 meal? Her standards of "sugar daddy" are on par with Angela's. Jesus Christ. Like I know this is probably not real, but still. That's like a fiver and a stack of ones in that pic.
No. 577791
>>577782its definitely not just weebs and gaijin, even pikarin has a makeup tutorial for the style here and was a model for the article in KERA, and the fairy kei artist Fancy Surprise even made art dedicated to it too.'m not excusing it or saying it isn't creepy pedophile bait but there is an overlap aside from "stupid ignorant weebs" parading it around.
No. 577808
>>577798correct me if I'm wrong but the group is called "otona nanoni joji fuku kiteru" or 大人なのに女児服着てる
there's a lot of results on twitter of that hashtag and the official twitter for the group is I belive
There really isn't an official fashion brand since it's literally kids clothing but if it counts for anything the most popular brand for these girls to wear appears to be Mezzo Piano.
No. 577840
>>577834likely. looking at this stuff, they're def ageplayers tho.
> diapers and girl's panties on here.
to me, they're probably really small anachan types and they look to be wearing tshirts and stretchy things to fit it (a common tactic) and japanese children's clothing goes up to fitting height of 140cm or 150cm. a quick browse of mezzopiano's site shows 140cm. a lot of the long sleeves are too short on them, but that kind of just adds to the child-like grown-out look, which is gross.
No. 577878
File: 1525920999633.jpg (294.19 KB, 1078x968, Screenshot_20180509-225208_Sam…) fake ass story. Wow.
>I don’t feel comfortable trusting someone who would just go off on me and accuse me of stuff with absolutely no evidenceThis is absolutely hilarious considering she acted that way towards Amina and other people she hates. Constantly making accusations with no proof and expecting everyone to take ger word for it or pushing doctored evidence.
Girl is throwing stones in a glass house.
No. 578166
File: 1525968696255.jpg (270.76 KB, 1080x835, Screenshot_20180510-120629_Twi…)

Does she even care about her actual boyfriend at all?
No. 578656
File: 1525997949355.jpg (77.04 KB, 418x810, tumblr_p8fsfbxo9P1uctaoto3_540…) fact she has no shame in posting dirty room selfies is sad. She's going to look back on this and be extremely embarrassed.
No. 578666
File: 1525998233056.jpg (143.6 KB, 1077x640, Screenshot_20180510-201517_Sam…)

This is coming from the same girl who thinks she's an angel, demon, succubus, and moon goddess with 15 mental illnesses, uses crystals despite being atheist and claims to be blasian. She doesn't really have room to talk about people who use the zodiac to find a decent partner.
No. 578705
File: 1526001850472.jpeg (71.64 KB, 495x960, 6E506E1C-482C-4E82-8D4B-B9F1A9…)

No. 578748
File: 1526005050993.jpg (27.41 KB, 300x230, keen-utility-mens-ptc-slip-on-…)

>>578166This is so hilarious. I like how she can't resist posting this shit even though she was ranting about "omg cheaturz!" just the other day. Here she is ready and willing to hop on some supposed "soundcloud rapper"'s dick all the while having a boyfriend.
Let's be real though, if there is any truth to this story. Any soundcloud rapper willing to hit up Mickey and ask that beast to "be his gf" right off the bat is a desperate nobody looking for an easy lay.
>>578656While this whole outfit is obviously a mess… the hell type of shoes are those? They look like no-slip restaurant loafers. Ugly.
No. 579110
File: 1526020057606.jpeg (157.11 KB, 960x780, 90EBA2FD-1C4D-4B38-BF47-FEEEF9…)

No. 579112
File: 1526020068172.jpeg (147.34 KB, 960x829, B8BDECCA-59EA-4FD7-9AEA-E6E4A7…)

No. 579135
File: 1526023101638.jpg (569.53 KB, 1080x1431, Screenshot_20180511-031431_Dep…)

>>579124She didn't make it. She bought it, and likely lied about gett size because she's not wearing the bottoms abus can barely fit the top.
>>579112She looks fucking disgusting. The trash behind her and the dirty phone case on the equally dirty bed don't help either.
No. 579166
File: 1526025362607.jpg (37.69 KB, 827x225, Screenshot_20180511-035150_Sam…)

>>579110>>579112They commented this on those pics and I think it's a major insult to the Bratz.
No. 579183
File: 1526029189116.jpg (500.26 KB, 768x1024, 20180511_035717.jpg)

>>579166Like a cheap bootleg bratz babyz maybe.
No. 579296
File: 1526044647177.jpg (1.5 MB, 2560x1920, 18-05-11-09-16-37-102_deco.jpg)

She's so pathetic. Lol
No. 579378
File: 1526053953292.jpg (593.11 KB, 1080x1501, Screenshot_20180511-114836_Sam…)

Look at her taking credit for something that existed before she put her grubby, toxic hands on it and is worse off now because of her and her friends.
>>579374Exactly. I hope she gets called out for this disgusting shit.
No. 579854
File: 1526079577813.jpg (115.11 KB, 1080x656, Screenshot_20180511-185659_Sam…)

>>579378It's not an accomplishment, at all. The hashtag already existed and already had a decent amount of people using it. That's like trying to take credit for 1 million people using the hashtag selfie. You did nothing to influence or create that.
No. 580106
File: 1526102247501.jpg (91.06 KB, 1080x2094, 31222750_377830206053462_47065…)

She posted this to her IG story and I can't stop laughing at how she shooped her nose. Also her bellybutton looks like a wound.
No. 580138
File: 1526107604557.jpeg (457.46 KB, 2048x2048, FC0592C9-CFA5-4305-B339-ECE509…)

>>580106Lmao the Snow app is working overtime.
No. 580164
File: 1526114468579.jpg (179.7 KB, 1080x903, Screenshot_20180511-190122_Twi…)

She makes tweets like this but she's forgetting she looks like this
>>580106>>580138>>502056And on top of that she barely bathes. She doesn't have room to talk about anyone's appearance.
No. 580169
File: 1526116441350.jpg (1.34 MB, 1920x2560, 18-05-12-05-09-10-269_deco.jpg)

>>580138So I went back to the first thread to compare faces and yikes, she's aging a little hard.
No. 580171
File: 1526116524806.jpg (1.58 MB, 1920x2560, 18-05-12-05-11-41-212_deco.jpg)

>>580169I feel like ifshe had followed the advice given back then, she wouldn't look so gross now.
No. 580172
File: 1526116596668.jpg (1.42 MB, 1920x2560, 18-05-12-05-12-48-362_deco.jpg)

>>580171I think any one of these would be good for the next thread.
No. 580187
>>503490That lightening though…
She’s trying to look mixed at most… but her features say otherwise.
What is it with her and Bibi and the lightening thing?
No. 580444
File: 1526147726377.jpg (178.46 KB, 1077x686, Screenshot_20180512-135400_Sam…)

She turned her asks off. I wonder what was said to finally make her do that.
No. 580591
File: 1526156732626.jpg (110.27 KB, 1080x2094, 31818768_2128696323813340_3730…)

Another post from Micky's IG stories. How's she going to learn anything if she's not taking a class for it? Like, that's clearly a book for a college class and we all know she dropped out awhile ago.
>>580189There's no correlation between the two, but she's still not actually blasian. She just claims to be.
No. 580634
>>580591That's a book for DBT and most likely not for a college class. Its basically a bunch of skills you can learn to help you manage and properly cope with your mental illness. For some people who can't afford to see a proper DBT trained therapist, you can get workbooks and kind of learn the skills a little bit on your own.
This is really just another way for Micky to go tee hee don't forget I have mental illness. Like when she poses with pill bottles or talks about her "suicide attempt".
No. 580959
File: 1526179166010.jpg (57.21 KB, 1080x324, Screenshot_20180512-223700_Sam…)
>"i love my boyfriend so much"
>actively looks for a paypig without his knowledgeWhy even have a boyfriend if this is the route you planned to take?
No. 581225
File: 1526210780916.jpg (145.77 KB, 1080x432, 20180513_072521.jpg)

No. 581272
File: 1526219922974.jpg (200.06 KB, 1076x905, Screenshot_20180513-082301_Twi…)

Is this her way of trying make it look like she loves her boyfriend? Because this is pretty laughable if that's the case.
>>581225She knows she only started doing that shit because I'd get ex's new girl. Idk why she's in denial.
No. 581280
File: 1526221093569.jpg (659.56 KB, 809x3649, Screenshot_20180513-100946_Sam…)

Once again Micky is arguing with someone.
No. 581283
File: 1526221240550.jpg (579.17 KB, 809x3501, Screenshot_20180513-101606_Sam…)

>>581280The post in question.
>>581279The bar isn't even on the floor. It's buried underneath the ground.
No. 581921
>>579135this is missing the best part: the literal cheap pillow fabric with ribbon two piece was $80
she spent $80 on something that doesn't even fit her/she can't wear, and still complains about being a broke ass bitch
No. 582053
File: 1526266195120.jpg (136.03 KB, 1080x881, Screenshot_20180513-224448_Sam…)

Yeah, because a man hitting you is something you should consider attractive despite you saying you've been abused before. Ok, whatever.
No. 582062
File: 1526266695574.jpg (804.47 KB, 1920x2560, 18-05-13-22-51-08-415_deco.jpg), you're kidding right? There's
seven threads documenting your cringeworthy behavior. The shit you've done makes everyone else on your list look sane and normal. Gtfo with the bullshit.
No. 582070
>>582053>romanticizes pedophilia, dd/lg relationships, abuse, and rapeThen turns around and accuses all of her exs of doing exactly those things.
>>582062It still amazes me that some people lack this much self awareness.
No. 582080
File: 1526268304868.jpg (171.05 KB, 1080x642, Screenshot_20180513-232327_Twi…)

Look who's lurking and Totally Not Bothered!™ by us. Lol
No. 582283
>>582124Can some of you guys go a single day without saying some creepy lame shit that’s borderline homoerotic?
Pussy smells like pussy dumb ass.
No. 582418
>>582080>Stop bullying me! Stop butting your noses in my life! Mind ya'll own fuckin business! Week later.
>Omg degradation fetish lol so kinky ;)Does she not realize the more she does this back and forth shit, the stupider it makes her look? Sometimes I woder if she thinks before slamming her sausage fingers on that poor keyboard of hers.
No. 582430
File: 1526305731925.jpg (306.87 KB, 1072x907, Screenshot_20180514-094629_Twi…)

Don't cut yourself on all that edge, Micky.
No. 582431
File: 1526305857594.jpg (389.85 KB, 1076x1364, Screenshot_20180514-094504_Twi…)

>>582430>>582418But anon, she's
Totally Not Bothered!™ by us! That means she's so much better! /sarcasm
No. 582434
File: 1526305995696.jpg (120.06 KB, 1077x668, Screenshot_20180514-094611_Twi…)

>>582431That's quite pathetic to be content in being a toxic person that nobody wants to be around.
No. 582530
File: 1526312611792.jpg (226.36 KB, 1078x1049, Screenshot_20180514-114222_Sam…)

No. 582533
File: 1526312700999.jpg (127.09 KB, 1076x922, Screenshot_20180514-114040_Sam…)

>>582530Not only is Micky missing the entire point she just zoned in on this girl even though two other people gave a similar answer. New vendetta?
No. 582540
>>582533Of course she did lmao, she's the same girl who disagreed with her earlier, and Micky wants an echo chamber.
Also why would you repost the picture to begin with if you hadn't figured out it's intent lmao it's not that deep
No. 582545
File: 1526313345155.jpeg (775.73 KB, 1242x1859, 95BFEB73-B2FE-40FA-AB2D-DE4F31…)

Also uhhhh not quite Micky.
No. 582567
File: 1526314768114.jpg (58.59 KB, 1080x2094, 30918136_433333137089103_49113…)

>>582545This bitch. Oh, and she shared this pic on her ig story(pic related). You would think someone who's been in the position of have their nudes shared without their consent wouldn't post shit like this. But no, she posted it thinking it's cute.
>>582551That's what I was thinking. She doesn't like it when people hold up a mirror to her face
No. 582580
>>582569dead. Thanks anon.
I still can't believe she thinks she looks like this. She's completely out of her mind delusional.
>>582545 No. 582725
File: 1526324687191.jpg (195.05 KB, 1080x1095, Screenshot_20180514-150354_Sam…)

>>582533Micky continues to be retarded.
No. 582831
File: 1526333947108.jpg (64.28 KB, 1079x360, Screenshot_20180514-173606_Sam…)
>but I can't justify spending my own money on thenThen stop fucking asking other people to waste money on you. You have a job, therefore you have the money. If you really wanted them you would have bought them or asked your boyfriend to do it.
No. 582838
File: 1526334265111.jpg (166.61 KB, 1080x950, Screenshot_20180514-174117_Sam…)

>>582725She can admit that to a guy but she makes a fucking vendetta post for the girl. Wow
No. 582840
File: 1526334341585.jpg (346.28 KB, 1080x1787, Screenshot_20180514-174003_Sam…)

>>582838Like, wtf is this? Micky, all you had to do is say "oh, maybe you're right" or "oh ok". This shit is so unnecessary.
No. 582841
File: 1526334366128.jpg (311.26 KB, 809x2480, Screenshot_20180514-174039_Sam…)

>>582840The comments are no better.
No. 582962
>>582841Micky always begging for that sweet internet validation.
>>582910She only said that because Micky has been rude to her multiple times before in comments. Out of context it does look bad, but she's not wrong.
No. 583224
File: 1526358887345.jpg (83.19 KB, 1080x401, Screenshot_20180515-000049_Sam…)

Micky, you stay cheating your partners. You don't get to speak. Take several seats.
No. 583256
>>583249Sage for potential micky white knighting I guess but I'm pretty sure that's now what that means
I took it as "if you'd be pissed at someone doing this to your gf, don't do it to me"
Agree that she's got no room to talk though
No. 583295
File: 1526367624009.jpg (73.47 KB, 1080x438, Screenshot_20180515-025836_Sam…) can understand having friends of the opposite sex and shit but that whole interaction seems rather inappropriate when you remember she has a boyfriend. Like what the hell are you discussing for it to lead up to that?
No. 583298
File: 1526368090956.jpeg (530.56 KB, 1242x853, 2E5B43FE-B28D-485E-8B5C-2A0220…)

Also this is the weakest "proof" that you're bi lol, like straight girls don't get into threesomes? Making out with a girl isn't the same as dating one.
No. 583592
File: 1526396133593.jpg (60.26 KB, 1079x271, Screenshot_20180515-100733_Sam…)

Her new IG bio is cringy. Micky, bipolar and mania aren't quirky personality traits, they're serious mental illnesses. Stop lying about your illnesses just so you can use them to makeup some quirky persona. It's gross.
No. 583717
File: 1526402929341.jpg (135.79 KB, 1080x725, Screenshot_20180515-124605_Twi…)

And this tweet proves that she won't amount to anything worthwhile and still be living with her working a shit job in her 30s.
>>583654It's a shame that's how she operates. That's why she barely has any real friends now.
No. 583724
File: 1526403249776.jpg (108.47 KB, 1080x697, Screenshot_20180515-125000_Sam…)

>>583717These passive aggressive posts are sad. Lol
No. 584016
File: 1526420204255.jpg (78.04 KB, 1077x411, Screenshot_20180515-173615_Sam…)

What a load of bulllshit, but ok.
No. 584021
File: 1526420401389.jpg (1.17 MB, 810x7248, Screenshot_20180515-173528_Sam…)

>>584016And here's her purposely misconstruing everything this person said, on her status, because she needed someone new to harass.
No. 584066
>>583298"I kissed a woman for a man's attention, that makes me bi!"
No that makes you an attention whore because we all know if the man wasn't there you wouldnt have been within ten feet of her
No. 584595
File: 1526450483020.png (206.12 KB, 750x1019, IMG_7332.PNG)

lmao she actually looks retarded here.
No. 584625
>>584595That doesn't even look like ahegao anymore.
Looks like she tried to sneeze with her eyes open
No. 584633
>>584595she pisses me off something fierce
she goes around claiming she MADE this face, and then it's
>why y'all like it when I make this face y'all weird uwuit's the same bullshit attention-seeking shit she pulls with everything, including here
>>584016>make a post about being miserable>yell at people hoping you get help and that they like youcall off your fucking dimwit dogs and turn off the internet you fucking retard
Micky this is why you have no actual, real life friends
No. 584644
>>584625What do you possibly mean, anon? Does sucked in cheeks, a peace sign, and expressionless cross-eyes not scream pleasure to you?? /s
She looks vacant, like a corpse.
No. 584690
File: 1526466276325.jpg (887.72 KB, 810x4427, Screenshot_20180516-061455_Sam…)

Idk why she's intent on trying to come after people. Like in this status some girls were talking about their personal experience and Micky just keeps trying to "lowkey". Also Micky is trying to make it seem like she's schizophrenic. Micky, that is a very serious mental illness and ruins many people's lives. Stop pretending to have something that serious and get a real personality.
No. 584829
File: 1526480534391.jpg (792.31 KB, 1077x1619, Screenshot_20180516-102029_Sam…)

Sorry Micky, they don't allow smelly, conniving uggos.
No. 584844
File: 1526481548737.jpg (170.6 KB, 1077x658, Screenshot_20180516-062637_Twi…)

No. 584861
File: 1526482187426.jpg (486.35 KB, 1078x1837, Screenshot_20180516-101805_Sam…)

Why does she think shit like this is cute? Being a shitty, greedy partner is not cute at all.
No. 584891
>>584829Can someone tell me where this is?
I need to know, for science.
No. 586015
File: 1526560495850.jpg (191.37 KB, 1079x766, Screenshot_20180517-025437_Sam…)

No, Mikcy. You're just lazy and incompetent. Which is your own fault.
No. 586072
File: 1526565401903.jpg (507.77 KB, 1075x1266, Screenshot_20180517-025338_Sam…)

>scene revival
How about no?
No. 586626
File: 1526593564139.jpg (504.75 KB, 1080x1467, Screenshot_20180517-174146_Sam…)

Micky, don't pretend to be tough now. Several people had already made it know they would fight you. Your response was to run off with your tail between your legs.
No. 586668
File: 1526594591812.jpg (138.78 KB, 1079x562, Screenshot_20180517-174848_Twi…)

Of course this bitch is ok with being musty and trifling. Yuck.
No. 586676
>>586668>she touches her disgusting, unwashed privates and then wipes the lady-smegma on her keyboard
>proud of itthe image of this is almost as bad as that old /x/ copypasta where the girl
put rotten meat in her vagoo to harvest maggotshope I'm remembering how to do spoiler tags right on lolcow, otherwise, I'm sorry to those who have to read the above comparison unwillingly
No. 586692
File: 1526595273790.jpeg (208.25 KB, 1125x2083, E4CDA8E7-FD82-486B-B993-FD73EE…)

>>586655It’s not really milk and I realized she @‘s a lot of other (inferior) SoundCloud dudes, it was just a shock to see/I didnt expect it.
No. 586838
>>586626Taylor LITERALLY tried to fight Micky at a con and Micky hid like a baby lmao.
Micky has no muscle it's not like she's all that threatening
No. 586845
File: 1526599595278.jpg (294 KB, 1076x1838, Screenshot_20180517-174234_Sam…)

Um, why is she even entertaining other dudes like this? Micky, you have a boyfriend. Just tell them, "Sorry, I have a boyfriend." or "Sorry, I'm taken." and leave it at that. If I was her boyfriend I would jist dump her already. It's clear she doesn't love and respect him at all.
No. 586917
>>586908She's mentioned in the OP, you'd have to go back a few threads to get the whole story but basically Taylor and Micky got into online, Micky was threatening her and saying she was gonna meet up with her at Youmacon to fight. When they finally saw each other at the con Micky hid and ran away, literally. There was a bit more to it, I think Micky even tried to get Taylor banned from the con because she was so scared of her lol.
Point is Micky will talk shit and act like she's hard but she's a pussy who will never square up with anyone.
No. 586983
File: 1526609097651.png (24.95 KB, 620x303, 223847.png)

she's going live on younow under the name mickymoon
No. 587103
File: 1526620857441.jpeg (98.25 KB, 495x960, 55BDBAA3-FA56-4B05-9873-6E6393…)

No. 587105
File: 1526620909970.jpeg (1.42 MB, 2560x1920, 6B3C6F9B-D991-4541-A507-40F9F5…)

Was going through old threads, reminder of what she looks like behind a pound of highlighter and three Snow filters.
No. 587118
File: 1526623587625.png (683.09 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180518-020520.png)

>>586374I can't remember what his name is but his shit has been a meme on the Chans for a long time due to how bad they can get, I cropped a pic and you can see it's the same art style
No. 587123
File: 1526624294045.jpg (543.48 KB, 1063x1265, Screenshot_20180518-021512_Sam…)

>>587103Shit like this only further proves she's bothered by these threads. Lol
No. 587180
File: 1526637656634.png (590.13 KB, 1440x2712, Capture _2018-05-18-05-59-01.p…)

She's comparing sexual assault…to disliking the taste of fucking cookie crisp?!?! I hate people that lie about being 'taken advantage of'
If you were, you wouldn't refer to it like that.
No. 587488
File: 1526665681154.jpeg (743.07 KB, 1242x953, C935BF12-7D5A-4EFD-BDF2-10C46A…)

No. 587572
>>587501Right? Like, does she not realize that there's like seven threads that disproves the shit she's talking about?
>>587502The only thing she changed is who's style she's copying. Lol
No. 587593
File: 1526671482755.jpg (425.88 KB, 810x2368, Screenshot_20180518-152225_Sam…)

>lot of people just self doxx
That's exactly what you did, Micky. It's the reason why you have so many illnesses under your belt. It's stupid and gross. Stop pretending like you have any mental illnesses.
No. 587603
File: 1526671654939.jpg (783.85 KB, 1080x1354, Screenshot_20180518-152635_Sam…)

Yeah, but you stole that whole shtick from Amina, Micky.
No. 588088
File: 1526701532164.jpeg (304.99 KB, 1039x2015, 56036C3A-08EE-4CE5-98E5-BC5D15…)

No. 588109
File: 1526703391489.jpg (775.04 KB, 1080x1759, Screenshot_20180519-001241_Sam…)

>>588088Don't forget the caption, anon. They both look smelly, ugly, and tacky. Astounding.
No. 588203
>>588163I mean, I think I get it. Water dissolves rain. But it's the dumbest fucking idiom ever.
Did she make it up, or something?
No. 588205
>>588203fuck. water dissolves sugar.
No. 588393
File: 1526741382117.jpg (371.57 KB, 809x1243, Screenshot_20180519-104800_Sam…)

She damn near shooped her nose off her face. Lmao
No. 589066
File: 1526795435511.jpg (189.45 KB, 1080x788, Screenshot_20180520-014815_Twi…)

Wtf is she talking about? She's still saying the same shit as usual while trying to look like his current girlfriend. Lol
No. 589070
File: 1526795895669.jpg (707.33 KB, 1080x1745, Screenshot_20180520-015150_Sam…)

>>589066Speak of the devil. Now she's wearing a septum piercing just like her. Next thing you know she'll be wearing glasses like hers and change her name to be exactly like the other girl, as usual.
No. 589263
File: 1526826821631.jpg (220.71 KB, 1080x635, Screenshot_20180520-014843_Twi…)

Micky's gonna be in for a world of hurt when she finally realizes that likes are meaningless.
No. 589645
File: 1526850789959.png (174.48 KB, 1440x954, Capture _2018-05-20-17-08-07.p…)

What about your BOYFRIEND?
No. 589739
File: 1526854559628.jpeg (190.62 KB, 905x1749, 54BB4E56-9E91-416C-994D-6D93CD…)

I think she's covering her entire face in highlighter and concealer four shades lighter than her actual skintone so Snow's skin whitening feature has less work to do. Plus she's doing fake freckles again? Micky, girl. You aren't white. It's time to stop.
No. 589754
File: 1526855547713.jpeg (662.65 KB, 2048x2048, E4067879-49AA-4D8F-9145-40160B…)

No. 589757
File: 1526855645892.jpg (2.17 MB, 2560x1920, 18-05-20-18-31-50-094_deco.jpg)

>>589739This is reminding me of Single White Female. How long before she tries to kill the other girl and take her place ? Lol
No. 589763
File: 1526855882725.jpg (167.66 KB, 1080x720, Screenshot_20180520-175130_Twi…)

>no pantiesThat's absolutely disgusting as hell.
>>589754>>589756Oh shit, you beat me to it. Lmao Seriously though, I feel like she's gona buy the same glasses and change her name to something similar. What a fucking creep.
No. 589998
>>589757Lordy, putting these two pictures right next to each other makes the similarities so obvious.
-Full fringe
-Long black hair
-Eyebrow shape
-Eye makeup (cat eye)
-Septum piercing and jewelry
-Lip color
-Black choker
-Black shirt
Everything micky is doing now is just a cheap imitation of this other girl. And it's not like they started out looking similar anyway– she's actively copying pictures.
No. 589999
File: 1526877960662.gif (7.98 MB, 352x640, 20180520_170858.gif)

Snail trail lmaooo
P.s. how does she find this attractive?
No. 590045
File: 1526885489076.jpg (961.95 KB, 941x1830, Screenshot_20180521-024653_Sam…)

Her room just gets dirtier and dirtier. Also, what in the fuck is this outfit? It looks horrible. I feel sorry for everyone who had to see this mess in person.
No. 590049
File: 1526885770641.jpg (410.62 KB, 1080x1070, Screenshot_20180521-024537_Sam…)

And she continues to glamorize psychopathy.
No. 590116
>>590047Her boyfriend looks like methhead white trash. They both look like they have FAS
Micky sure does pick winners
No. 590597
File: 1526944822565.jpg (848.28 KB, 1077x1745, Screenshot_20180521-175512_Sam…)

Her face looks greasy.
No. 590670
File: 1526951397442.jpeg (151.39 KB, 1242x306, 85A26834-4151-4AE9-B3BA-BA7846…)

>some guy's girlfriend is justifiably sus of Micky's ahegao ass
>guy respects his gf enough to listen to her instead of fighting for the right to talk to fucking Micky lol, wow how dare he
>likes her picture on facebook which is literally the most thoughtless, meaningless action in the world
No. 590795
File: 1526959921553.png (3.91 MB, 1242x2208, F5A31BCD-5D9B-4E8A-9248-4A6F62…)

>>582545So I think she’s trying to emulate the artist and her drawings more than new gf
No. 590812
File: 1526961784441.jpg (378.86 KB, 1027x1827, tumblr_p93wtpJK2q1uctaoto2_128…)ωDoes Micky know you're supposed to take off your wig and groom it to keep it looking nice? Also she needs to start going to a salon because obviously can't take care of her hair at all.
>>590795Nah, that's a big reach. Everything she's into currently and her look is way closer to the other girl and not this artist.
No. 590863
File: 1526966270770.jpg (61.04 KB, 1080x308, Screenshot_20180522-011400_Sam…) right. If you have the time to type full sentences and reblog stim shit, you're not having a panic attack.
No. 590871
File: 1526968106093.jpg (318.45 KB, 1080x947, Screenshot_20180522-012430_Sam…)

Micky acting edgy because her "bpd is acting up" is hilarious.
No. 591149
File: 1527007379335.jpg (81.43 KB, 1078x358, Screenshot_20180522-124148_Sam…)

She cheated on all her boyfriends, so what the fuck is she talking about??
No. 591745
File: 1527057421538.jpg (516.73 KB, 1075x1223, Screenshot_20180523-023338_Sam…)
>p.s. if u get me ANY sort of clothing item i’ll dm u pics of me wearing it just for u ~That's not the kind of shit you should be posting if you have a boyfriend and dislike cheating. I knew it wasn't going up be looking before she did this shit.
No. 591747
File: 1527057894105.jpg (264.62 KB, 1080x723, Screenshot_20180523-024118_Sam…)

>>591745She's making it seem like it's so far away when it's not. Lol Also she continues with the bare minimum shit.
No. 591750
>>590046>>590047A bit late to the party, sorry, but THAT HAIRLINE I'm cackling holy crap. I always love seeing cows' ugly ass boyfriends after they've been hyping them up, it never fails to amuse me how they never live up to it. Just look at Shay and FUPA guy and now this dickhead. Holy fuck.
Also I don't know why she doesn't get a breast reduction. Those udders look painful and really don't fit her ~uguu aesthetic~
No. 591869
File: 1527081103477.jpg (193.81 KB, 1080x678, Screenshot_20180523-090822_Sam…) you already fucked up by saying you'd send people personal pics of you wearing the lingerie they buy you off your wishlist. That's fucking cheating. Just break up with him and stay single until you're honestly mature enough for a relationship.
No. 591872
File: 1527081351058.jpg (150.75 KB, 1078x540, Screenshot_20180523-091245_Sam…) do not have depression and PTSD, you are just lazy and vain. All you care about is getting e-famous and mooching off your parents and "friends". Cut the shit, Micky.
No. 591876
File: 1527081707037.jpg (550.33 KB, 1080x1794, Screenshot_20180523-091855_Sam…)

>My hair
We know it's just one of your old wigs, girl. You don't have to lie. Lol
No. 592272
File: 1527112242637.jpg (119.62 KB, 1074x729, Screenshot_20180523-174656_Sam…)
>I’m 5'6" and 175 lbs
>175 lbsThis bitch. Micky you're about 220+ lbs. Please stop lying about your weight to seem small. Also, I highly doubt your're 5'6. You're probably about 5'9.
No. 592437
File: 1527125493071.jpg (332.74 KB, 1080x1782, Screenshot_20180523-212930_Sam…)

That story is so fake, it's hilarious.
No. 592701
>>592599i am REALLY not defending Micky and can't stand her at all, but my extremely abusive dad would say stuff like this all the time, didn't always have to follow through with it. Even threatened to cut my pets heads off, shit like that. Never could be arsed to destroy my room by his own hand regularly enough.
>>591869she's really pushing the sugar and rain phrase she pulled out of her ass recently. It makes no sense whatsoever, and isn't an old misquoted phrase either, i looked it up and can find no phrase like it.
No. 592897
File: 1527184606117.jpg (297.92 KB, 1080x1100, Screenshot_20180524-134456_Sam…)

Micky isn't really in the proper position to act like she's anti-cyberbullying when she spent years bullying Amina and other girls for years on end just because she doesn't like them. Even now, she still participates in trying to drag Amina any chance she gets and she spent her time making fun of that Kassandra chick. Or how she accused that one girl of catfishing as her, sent her friends to harass said girl and then threatened to fight her. Or that time when she harassed Taylor and threatened her as well. I'm sure this list goes on and on. All in all, Micky should really shut the fuck up when it comes to shit like this. A bully has no right to speak on this at all.
>>592701Yeah, but she lies and acts like he follows through on his threats. She's really hellbent on making her dad seem like a super crazy and abusive straight out of a work of fiction.
He's probably mentally sound and fair in reality but she just doesn't like him because he actual does his job as a parent and expects Micky to act like an adult.
No. 592930
File: 1527188468161.jpg (291.64 KB, 1077x1272, Screenshot_20180524-145848_Sam…)

Getting offended because someone used the word female is actually retarded. Also, female can be used as a noun, Micky. You'd know if you actually paid attention in school instead cyberbullying and looking for dumb shit to be offended over on the internet.
No. 592940
File: 1527189939741.jpeg (281.28 KB, 750x1137, 0028E718-4C7D-4CC1-A526-2358AB…)

>>592930How hard is it to google this shit before posing? “Female” can be a noun, too.
No. 593050
File: 1527201126852.jpg (490.68 KB, 1080x1218, Screenshot_20180524-182701_Sam…)

The fact she just defaults to cheating on her boyfriend to get money instead of just asking him to get it or saving up for it, is legitimately super pitiful.
No. 593053
File: 1527201342735.jpg (229.87 KB, 1076x787, Screenshot_20180524-183332_Twi…)

Right. That totally happened. I doubt anyone's blown away by her cakey makeup and greasy looking highlights irl.
No. 593332
File: 1527221849675.jpg (580.44 KB, 1080x1287, Screenshot_20180525-001607_Sam…)

The shoop looks so horrible. Like, look at her fucking neck.
No. 593333
File: 1527221895372.jpg (655.43 KB, 1080x1922, Screenshot_20180525-001631_Sam…)

>>593332Does she not see how weird this looks?
No. 593452
>>593332I swear, she is so fucking boring
same faces every time, and always of just her
she's fucking obsessed with herself, constantly fishing for validation. can't wait to see her self-sabotage her relationship
No. 593477
>>592266Really? She looks like Lil Miquela but in all the wrong ways.
>>592957Sage for OT but is she the girl who did the ‘4 Laptops’ troll vid? I can’t find anything about her or a suicide anywhere.
No. 593549
File: 1527253348644.jpg (452 KB, 1080x1310, Screenshot_20180525-021236_Sam…)

Her view of bpd and splitting is overly childish.
>>591745 is any indication, she's going to honestly ruin it pretty soon.
No. 593665
File: 1527267351956.jpg (633.31 KB, 1080x1677, Screenshot_20180525-125509_Twi…)

Lolicon and gore shit is ok, but this is where she draws the line? Girl, bye.
No. 593746
File: 1527272449711.jpg (101.63 KB, 1080x328, 20180525_142102.jpg)

Bitch, where
No. 593772
File: 1527274177577.jpg (Spoiler Image,357.92 KB, 1080x882, 20180525_144625.jpg)

So either she's talking about this shit and her boyfriend has no idea, which is awful.
Or her boyfriend knows and she's basically outing him for the giant cuck he is.
Micky no one is gonna pay for your nudes, or did you not learn your lesson last time you tried? And why does she only ever seem to make these kind of posts when she's seeing someone? She did this shit while dating Adam too.
No. 593804
>>593772She's definitely doing this behind his back. He likely doesn't keep up with social media. So, she's using it to her advantage to cheat for the sake of money. Despite having a job and no real responsibilities. Which is honest fucking disgusting considering the guy most likely loves her and wants to shower her with gifts and shit. I'm assuming once he finds out and tries to leave, she'll use suicide as a threat to make him stay, just like she did with Adam.
>>593746Micky lacks the capabilities to be called a mommy. She's selfish, irresponsible, manipulative, and bitchy. Those things do not make a mother in the slightest.
>>593738Yeah, I feel like once she sees an actual doctor and they weigh her and shit, she's going to be in for a rude awakening. Especially since she seems to think her waist is around 27 in to 31 in. Since all she buys are Medium and Large clothes with the occasional Small. Which she clearly isn't. That's probably why she's reluctant to post that haul video she made.
No. 593816
File: 1527279295665.jpg (156.63 KB, 1077x651, Screenshot_20180525-160124_Twi…)

How is Angela's life of sleeping on a dirty couch, begging for money and eating fast food appealing in any way? They both live the same life already, except Micky lives in a filthy ass room and smells like wet garbage.
No. 594055
File: 1527297576357.jpg (724.3 KB, 1080x1798, Screenshot_20180525-211807_Sam…)

I hope she isn't trying to be genuinely intimidating, because she is far from it.
No. 594347
File: 1527345541215.jpg (113.88 KB, 1075x536, Screenshot_20180526-103456_Twi…)

This really isn't cute or funny.
No. 594348
File: 1527345698386.jpg (128.87 KB, 1080x607, Screenshot_20180526-103405_Twi…)

>>594347I really wish her boyfriend could see this shit so he could have a valid reason to leave her and find a better girl. The way she tricks these dudes into relationships just to cheat is sickening. If you wanna do shit like that, stay single.
No. 594351
File: 1527345966705.jpg (242.19 KB, 1080x795, Screenshot_20180526-103649_Twi…)

He previous boyfriends have done the same things. I don't know why she's acting like he's any different. Especially since she's itching to cheat.
No. 594666
>>594612Glad we could help.
>>594661What is she like at parties? I'd assume she'd be off to the corner somewhere looking at her phone or making out with some random.
No. 594748
File: 1527381501990.jpeg (636.6 KB, 2048x2048, 6234CDEC-0D9A-4706-ADDF-5AD97F…)

No. 594807
File: 1527386160224.jpg (415.46 KB, 990x1920, bc32fc31-ff4c-47c4-8f6e-1339ce…)

>>594661She kept to herself for the most part. Emi was there but they didn't even seem to know each other it was awkward. She said something about "I should have worn underwear"
gag i usually don't try to smell people cause ew lol and Some guy at the party said "you look familiar" and some girl said "probably from the internet" I only knew two people at that party. P.s. pic is what she was wearing at the party.
No. 594814
>>594807>>594748Wow. What a lame ass. No wonder she tries so hard to seem interesting and popular online. Smh
>>594747Girls like her always tend to be chickenshits irl. Lol
No. 594848
File: 1527388648635.jpg (317.24 KB, 1080x1352, Screenshot_20180526-223216_Twi…)

So her boyfriend has a twitter.
No. 594907
>>594894That's probably the name she gave him. There were post she had on /b/ with that name. Which is dumb because it's not even that far off from the name she has plastered on her pages.
>>594896So she stayed at the hotel the con was at and didn't shower once? Wtf.
No. 594938
File: 1527400809195.jpg (443.15 KB, 1080x1646, Screenshot_20180527-015726_Sam…)
>I’ve always said I’d be 10x hotter if I could sing!!You'd be completely wrong about that.
>I accidentally make myself bleed a lot and sometimes I claw off chunks of skin oopsSure, Jan.
No. 595106
File: 1527428588204.jpg (127.02 KB, 1080x672, 20180527_094147.jpg)

oh this is gonna be good.
How long until she goes full Angela and starts sucking and fucking randos for drug store makeup and cheeseburgers while calling herself a high class escort
No. 595366
File: 1527454696162.jpg (158.96 KB, 1078x713, Screenshot_20180527-125955_Twi…)

Right. That totally happened.
No. 595370
File: 1527454956879.jpg (191.95 KB, 1080x874, Screenshot_20180527-165950_Sam…)'s real deep in denial about her weight. I can't wait for her to see a real doctor so they break her delusion. Also, she seems to think people are dumb enough to believe that the same anon comes on everytime, typing exactly like her? Come on, Micky, we're not stupid.
No. 595582
File: 1527472933208.jpg (186.43 KB, 1080x881, Screenshot_20180527-215927_Sam…) is with this holier than thou attitude? She cheated on her previous boyfriends and claims to be in an ldr despite her boyfriend only being a hour away.
No. 595749
>>595370>i don't have the time to do thatyeah, probably because she's spending all that time photoshopping her selfies kek
>>595582>if you cheat youre trash sorryglad she can admit that she's trash
No. 595912
File: 1527520916508.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1242x1867, 4BB8A462-B121-4FBD-B232-A618E1…)

No. 595922
File: 1527522187774.png (381.85 KB, 762x848, download.png)

wonder if this person will call her out on her photoshop or anything
No. 595999
File: 1527530702353.jpg (596.75 KB, 1080x1523, Screenshot_20180528-135545_Twi…)

She says all this but hasn't improved at all. In fact, she's gotten worse. I don't know why she's act like she's changed and gotten better.
>>595912Who is she even talking about? Emi? If so, that should have been obvious.
>>595922Probably not.
No. 596081
File: 1527537983778.jpg (114.9 KB, 1078x665, Screenshot_20180528-155932_Twi…)

Now we know why she's begging people to buy her stuff, she's been busy buying followers. Lol
No. 596192
File: 1527546693952.jpeg (347.74 KB, 2048x2048, 52C50E02-7C74-4AEC-97C0-256F0D…)

How does she not see the absolute irony in this
No. 596212
File: 1527548313598.jpg (118.32 KB, 1079x367, Screenshot_20180528-185410_Sam…)

This comment is rich. Micky, have you seen how you dress??
>>596192You know she lacks any self-awareness that would help her understand this kind of shit.
No. 596226
>>596212Literally, she's complained about people copying her a dozen times when she's the most unoriginal girl.
And reallt she missed the part about the effort that goes into Meitu-ing the fuck out of your face and body until you're unrecognizable. That'll do it.
No. 597152
File: 1527638569150.jpg (111.29 KB, 1076x436, Screenshot_20180529-195936_Sam…)

Micky, everything people have said is true. Not to mention you've outed yourself a few times as well. Also, if you didn't want people "talking shit", you wouldn't pretend to act tough online and spew bullshit all the time.
No. 597270
File: 1527651254159.jpg (289.35 KB, 1080x976, Screenshot_20180529-233210_Twi…)

I couldn't imagine being this fucking basic.
No. 597307
File: 1527656781148.jpg (170.06 KB, 1079x634, Screenshot_20180530-010136_Twi…)

Back at it again with the
Totally Not Bothered™ posts. Lol
>>597287Exactly. It makes me sick that she goes and does stuff like that, but then triesto act better than everybody.
No. 597779
File: 1527707017347.jpg (241.16 KB, 1080x1017, Screenshot_20180530-150007_Sam…)
>5'5She can't keep up with her own lies? Also, there's absolutely no way this girl has a 39in waist. 49in is more likely.
No. 597835
File: 1527711665266.jpg (137.99 KB, 1080x609, Screenshot_20180530-161819_Twi…)

>constantly wears greasy makeup
>slathers coconut oil on face
>barely drinks water and eats healthy
>eat junk food all the time
>rarely bathes
>sleeps in a dirty ass bed
Yeah, totally a mystery as to why your face has acne.
No. 597839
>>597779>pretending she actually eats vegetablesAlso, a 39” waist is
enormous for a girl her age. It’s amazing that she’s still lying to make herself look better, but even her lie paints her in a bad light.
No. 597923
>>597779>allergic to fruitOnly fat bitches say stuff like this. Amazingly enough all the fruit she can eat is sweet without much nutritional value.
Any waist over 32” for a girl without babies is hambeast territory.
No. 597954
File: 1527718986866.jpeg (161.49 KB, 1242x336, 8742E3E4-00F7-4184-8D46-A85856…)

Micky no one wants to pay money for your fuzzy over edited cell phone pictures oh my god
No. 597960
File: 1527719237670.jpeg (225.42 KB, 1242x379, 9D6A8AB2-5611-4B23-AE59-600B3C…)

No. 597962
File: 1527719255717.jpeg (43.14 KB, 495x960, 88BE3827-4101-4262-B913-916334…)

No. 598169
File: 1527731829051.png (275.7 KB, 470x492, dgfhklj.png)

are her nudes even up anywhere? y'all keep mentioning em but I'm not seeing any
No. 598180
>>598174public where
i aint rating the product til i see it out of the wrapping nigga, give me a link
No. 598205
>>598186Here's some stuff and it's only from two threads back. you go farther you can probably find some of the stuff she used to post on her porn blog(s)
No. 598238
File: 1527737858013.jpg (Spoiler Image,174.1 KB, 1280x960, 1472536757114.jpg)

>>597307The least you could do is clean yourself up before attention seeking
No. 598267
>>598238how delusional does she have to be to put this online
>the pillowcase-less pillow>the clenched ass>the pimplesshe's built like a fridge
No. 598307
File: 1527745125097.png (108.76 KB, 878x731, wew.png)

>>597779>>597839>>597923Seems about right. I'm surprised her bust size is only 8cm more than her waist, but I guess if you take her gut and how saggy her boobs are into consideration, it makes sense.
>>598238Gross. How old is this? Before she started filtering and shooping everything, clearly.
No. 598321
>>598275I'm guessing she was asked to sharpie in pooper and… didn't really get it.
>>598307That looks about accurate, yeesh. What an unfortunate body shape.
No. 598557
File: 1527785990213.jpg (498.1 KB, 1078x1361, Screenshot_20180531-075523_Twi…)

If this is what she meant by "garvure pics" then she needs to go back to the drawing board because this is not appealing.
No. 598618
>>598609>Bitch if you don't take a goddamn shower.Showers aren't kawaii or baddie, anon. So she can't do it. Lol
Honestly, she's probably too far gone to save her ph balance and smells like rotting fish, considering how she hasn't clean her room in nearly a year and just sleeps in filthy and she doesn't wash her clothes either.
No. 599168
File: 1527826796432.jpg (664.24 KB, 805x2453, Screenshot_20180601-001352_Twi…)

It's hilarious seeing her pretend to be tough and sassy online when she's just a wimp irl.
No. 599214
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No. 599215
File: 1527829852847.jpeg (121.75 KB, 1219x880, 7CCF304D-DFAC-4CE8-AD2E-A4508E…)

No. 599216
File: 1527829873453.jpeg (199.17 KB, 912x1763, 55F8FC63-082A-4C3E-91BC-5DAE1A…)

No. 599268
File: 1527835483758.jpg (242.92 KB, 1079x1074, Screenshot_20180601-023822_Twi…)

>>599215She made a tweet about this and it's rich coming from her, since she's a serial cheater. Lol Pic related
>>599216Of course she'd post one where she's lying down, sucking it in, and flexing her neck to give heck herself collarbones. She wouldn't have to do all of that if she would just exercise. Also, why post shit like this when you whine about loyalty and loving your boyfriend? It's so tasteless.
No. 599318
File: 1527847409207.jpeg (394.05 KB, 1242x1100, AFFBB6CA-9E2B-4607-A745-5C262B…)

>>59926899% sure this is about Adam. She's so fucking bitter that a guy she was crazy over is happy and in a good relationship with someone other than her. If she was so satisfied with her own boyfriend she wouldn't be freaking out over someone else's.
Also surprise Micky, when you constantly, publicly talk about having a cum-stained keyboard and touching yourself, are you surprised that no one actually cares about you?
No. 599334
>>599318What the fuck was she expecting?
Her fuckboi facebook friends can't read her fucking mind and I'm pretty sure if you actually wanna be taken serious you don't post underwear pics while complaining about some stupid rash.
No. 599338
>>599268… A heart react on Facebook doesn't mean all that much Micky… it really doesn't
Just shows that the dude has bad taste and probably jerks it to your grandma underwear while his gf isn't home, which really isn't that dramatic.
Doesn't mean he wanna suck your titties girl.
No. 599418
File: 1527859761873.jpeg (203.46 KB, 1242x402, 327E2620-22FE-4827-8161-A40D2F…)

How is she genuinely surprised lmao
No. 599420
File: 1527859956617.jpeg (186.51 KB, 1242x295, DE56F80F-86EE-49EF-A2A0-831D15…)

"Why don't people respect me???"
No. 599429
>>599418I don't get why she's mad. She kepts talking about sex and being a succubus , so ofc people are going to respond in kind. Also, why is she blaming guys when most of the people who comment and like her shit are girls?
>>599420It's crazy how she thinks she's entitled to other's respect when she doesn't give respect to others or herself.
No. 599435
>>599418Why do I get the strong feeling that she's never been the type to show an ounce of legitimate concern for any of the few friends that she manages to hold onto whenever they might have been going through shit?
You only get back what you dish out, Micky.
No. 599474
>>599435I'm sure she has shown zero compassion towards anyone that isn't herself. This
is the same girl who laughed about Amina get abused and regularly participates in group harassment.
No. 599496
File: 1527867622173.jpg (199.89 KB, 1080x785, Screenshot_20180601-095556_Twi…)

No wonder her face is breaking out. This bitch is so gross.
No. 599551
File: 1527875290897.jpg (124.82 KB, 865x799, okay.jpg)

which is it?
No. 599562
>>599418yeah as if people were going to come out in droves to comfort you about a fucking RASH
shes acting as if she said she was in the hospital or something and no one said anything
also why does every other word out of her mouth have to be “lewd” yes we get it micky you know what 4chan is you big weirdo
No. 599802
File: 1527902684611.jpg (316.62 KB, 1064x1188, 20180601_212243.jpg)

Is Micky mad cause she found out that if you spend all your free time building your online brand as a uwu so lewd borderline cam girl instead of having genuine interactions with people, you won't make friends other than nasty dudes who are interested in your saggy tits
No. 599872
File: 1527910258929.jpg (162.81 KB, 1080x766, Screenshot_20180601-233048_Twi…)

Girl, shut the fuck up, it is neither of those things.
No. 599883
File: 1527912015419.png (341.71 KB, 1013x795, Screenshot (8).png)

>>599869 to take a shot in the dark and say maybe that's why 'no one cares about her feelings' uwu. Can't be pressed over someone stating the truth.
No. 599978
File: 1527922280630.jpg (26.54 KB, 558x564, 1527135198411.jpg)

>>599872>This bitch just implied that all transwomen have broad shoulders>Calls everyone else transphobicThis is like when people call real trans men "soft" lmao it's so fucking fake