File: 1516065749813.jpg (172.11 KB, 615x412, momokunmakeupkawaii.jpg)

No. 471559
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>465628Facebook: Twitter: & Snapchat: mariahmallad
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her lackeys have their own thread here
>>>/snow/386826The basics:
>”body positive”, but photoshops her body. Resorted to getting liposuction to keep some semblance of figure (and failing miserably) all while lying by saying she's exercising >so laughably bad at making cosplays; gets 90% of costumes commissioned/bought and then makes gloves so she can credit herself as a talented cosplayer and claim her money is "hard-earned" >does "boudoir"/softcore porn shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame where she'll loiter around booths/other cosplayers or pretend to be a con guest>has to beg for money, con passes, or just ghosts at cons despite +$10k/month on Patreon>Spends chunks of her Patreon income on food, drugs, alcohol, etc. rather than on actual cosplay>pretends to know about the series she cosplays, despite evidence proving otherwise; will tweet profound essays to prove her expert fan knowledge>Has lewded young characters for the attention; backpedals after backlash >Goes on crazy media tirades against people like old fuckboy KBBQ, old photog, yet preaches about being nice to everyone>constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that are happening to her when she’s done the sameRecent Events:
>A-ntares a.k.a JustcallmeCatok makes her casual!Saber costume and it fits horribly. Everyone commented on it, forcing Cat to have a nervous breakdown. Mariah could care less because she only wears costumes as a excuse to be a ho. >Evidence pops up that she finally sent some prints out. Only took her the entirety of 2017.>Proud of her "gainz", shows off non-existent progress of her tire flips>Still a shitty binge eater/alcoholic, gains weight>shades Vamp during a shoot for their ~lewd Mello~ costumes. Vamp said she was sick and didn't want to take photos together even though they had shoots the day prior/traveled down to LA together. >argues with Devilman autists over the relationship Akira and Ryo have, saying it's not gay. Says she's read/watched all of the series despite it being way too expanded to have read/watched in 2 days>Vamp, in a live stream, confirms Mariah will not be going with her to the new apartment. See >>470610>printed out her key chains, assembled the ring/clip wrong, charging 15 dollars for shitty acrylic keychains of her stolen OC in poor saturated colors>COLLEGE GATE IS NOW: despite multiple bits of evidence and confirmed timelines, Mariah seems to think she is going to college. She apparently has a 3.8 GPA and is ~totes stressed out my dudes~ No. 471562
>>471431>implying colleges aren't now moving into "customized for your school" looseleaf sheets of paper called textbooks that are extremely hard to find online or for rentMomo has legit not had a class at all since her first year.
I can't wait till she buckles under the weight of her own lies and makes a 50 minute long apology about how body dysmorphia led her to drop out of college or something.
No. 471574
>>471563While she hasn’t done the “crying into the camera” bit in a while, she has taken to Twitter essays about “OMG I’m legit crying right now. Thank you all so much for still caring about me so much!! It’s so worth it despite al the hate I have to put with!”
I’m expecting that in the next few hours.
No. 471578
File: 1516067123552.png (1.59 MB, 750x1334, 9BF1A1F3-DD6F-49D2-A260-3837D1…)

Meanwhile that Sabrina chick who accidentally let Mariah’s lipo slip (and was never seen or heard from again on Moo’s end….until she reads this anyway…) is doing cowgirl Sonico I’m laughing this is too good. Can’t help but think it’s a not so subtle jab at Mariah.
No. 471579
>>471575She totally had to one-up a highschooler furry planning to go into medical school by bragging about her non-existent accomplishments.
It's hilarious how she could've avoided this entire thing by not trying to be a tough guy on the internet.
No. 471581
File: 1516067388980.jpeg (473.28 KB, 1231x1099, 72E663DC-FE3E-4FC0-A597-B285A4…)

Hey guess what moo? So was my college FGC podcast with ~500 listeners. They’re giving out PR invites like candy, Were on their worst tier for PR emails and we got invited too. You’re not a guest, chill out.
No. 471583
File: 1516067424866.png (2.28 MB, 750x1334, 3E287696-E282-40B0-8928-DA153D…)

hey at least we know where not to buy from now…
No. 471584
File: 1516067526033.png (308.74 KB, 354x617, justcollegetips.png)

No. 471586
File: 1516067643007.jpeg (199.55 KB, 750x1057, 969DEA19-AFC5-4560-8826-62BC79…)

I went to the website to get a rough estimate on how much she spent on these, I used the 3 inch size since it takes up like three or four of her fingers
No. 471599
File: 1516068266817.png (725.6 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2018-01-15-18-02-56…)

No. 471604
File: 1516068358193.png (79.25 KB, 607x693, Screenshot 2018-01-15 at 6.png)

No. 471606
File: 1516068395765.png (229.7 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180115-200517.png)

No. 471608
File: 1516068409008.png (1.75 MB, 750x1334, B3A8B4D5-2B6D-403B-9C4C-19E1BE…)

>>471603dropping for proof
No. 471619
File: 1516069008975.jpeg (328.71 KB, 750x568, 848CDF31-718E-4BE5-AD9A-6F6B41…)

>>471618 you’re right, she has a print section but maybe that’s why no one ever gets them
No. 471621
File: 1516069100475.jpeg (Spoiler Image,37.55 KB, 660x660, 71AEF889-7C34-4196-87E2-870C68…)

>>471619speaking of her prints what’s going on with her nose in this one?
No. 471629
File: 1516069605250.jpg (73.26 KB, 1080x718, momoo.jpg)

>>471619sage for old bullshit but oh my god I forgot about this.. I cant believe how much her gross body has changed
No. 471667
File: 1516071209109.jpg (110.14 KB, 528x960, 23231409_492506544465801_79872…)

These were posted in November, but holy crap, full shots of this hideous outfit. That she sold.
No. 471668
File: 1516071221021.jpg (125.12 KB, 640x960, 23244082_736496323205961_34444…)

That thigh size
No. 471681
>>471667i cant believe someone paid for any of that garbage pile
No. 471702
File: 1516073126127.jpeg (725.92 KB, 3072x3072, 984AF7F8-7202-4E21-94D7-0F807E…)

It’s scary seeing how she’s ruined her body so quickly. Even after two+ rounds of lipo.
No. 471705
>>471702and before someone goes POHOTOSHOPPZ
theyre both fucking photoshopped and its still a nightmare comparison
No. 471708
File: 1516073328629.jpg (102.36 KB, 800x462, sGeapS7.jpg)

No. 471724
File: 1516073842612.png (51.65 KB, 729x448, Tp9TTf1.png)

As for Momo's fans, there are female fans who support her through her body positive empowerment and feel inspired by her, while being too blinded to realise they're being fooled. OP in Twitter calling her out isn't a neckbeard it seems.
No. 471728
>>471717The blue haired photo:
Amanda F. first got into Cosplay after she shot an empowering budior set showing off her post pregnancy body. This “cool mom” is a Mei main and will make you FREEZE with her million dollar smile!
No. 471740
File: 1516075154847.png (438.68 KB, 500x1014, amanda2.png)

>>471728you're good at this caption anon
No. 471742
File: 1516075390499.png (818.06 KB, 750x1334, 412579CB-4AC9-4A5F-9599-25D64F…)

I’m cackling so hard at how desperate she is at proving she is enrolled, this book is literally the book they give us at freshman orientation. She literally took any and all books in her house and just plopped them on the floor.
No. 471748
File: 1516075598496.png (22.6 KB, 551x193, lifeisshort.PNG)

here we go again
No. 471750
>>471742This photo is even more damning because there's a Chinese
and Japanese book in it.
No. 471762
>grades quiz from a past class>Japanese and Chinese language books (claims to not speak Chinese or Japanese)>has a book from college orientation for freshmanTotes in college my dudes.
Why is she so pathetic. Sometimes I feel sorry for her. I pity that she has to lie like this to make herself look big. Give it a rest Mooriah. Like even with her trying so hard to prove herself she never showed us proof she's enrolled in classes (which all she needs to do).
I couldn't care less whether she goes to college or not. She's making the kind of money people go to college to make. There are plenty of great business people who never even went to college. Yet she tries so hard to pretend she does. What is she trying to gain?
If this is her excuse for why she is lazy and doesn't make any cosplays, it's a terrible excuse. I would rather believe her being busy with working out with her tire flips than her going to school (with a 3.8 gpa?? Kek)
By the way guys, colleges post honor roll students when they graduate. So if she actually graduates with a 3.8 gpa she will graduate magna cum laude. If she bullshits and says she graduated with anything above 3.5 she would have graduated cum laude. You can find either list online.
No. 471768
>>471748Yup. Totally fucking called it. The bullshit, saccharine “Love yourself and don’t let anyone’s negativity get to you” speeches are coming.
>>471742Seriously. It’s like she took any old book lying around the house and just tossed them on the floor to say “Look my dudes! I’m totally swamped with schoolwork!!”
This is just embarrassing at this point. Just stop Moomoo.
No. 471769
File: 1516076637847.png (51.98 KB, 565x389, HOTD.png)

Just noticed this.
No. 471772
>>471771High School of the Dead, anon.
No. 471774
File: 1516076821947.jpg (Spoiler Image,19.47 KB, 660x660, Highschool_of_the_dead_profile…)

>>471769pic related is from this shoot, anon
No. 471779
File: 1516077447628.png (512.18 KB, 750x500, uq8qJuXF-D3gb9Pr_QUYNjzGO1YUkF…)

OKAY YOU GUYS. I have a lot of milk, but not sure how to post it all without really spamming and making sure each post is easy to find for anyone going through the thread.
Proof of milk
No. 471782
>>471778lol i told you she was trying to out the person in the texts
if its "fake", why does she care?
No. 471785
File: 1516077592986.jpeg (84.67 KB, 716x781, 2EE8FCEC-3985-4C29-A2D6-FED091…)

>>471779give me the milk.
No. 471787
>>471778She's such a dumbass.
WHY would someone randomly come out of the blue to say, "Yep it was me" knowing damn well how she's going to blow up on them like she does to everyone else? Why is she even trying to harass people over something that people stopped bringing up an hour later? She's so fixated on that one girl that she roomed with instead of the other college lies that she's been caught in. What a bitter fool.
No. 471790
>>471778Ruh-roh. Looks like she is getting ready to blow up now. Get your popcorn ready folks.
>>471779Now is as good a time as any. Just go ahead and do it.
No. 471792
>>471779Like this anon said
>>471788I love you in advance for the milk
No. 471801
File: 1516077928313.jpeg (327.61 KB, 2048x1365, Fate 026_preview.jpeg)

>>471795That's a big bitch.
No. 471807
>>471799Her eyes look fucking
swollen in these.
No. 471808
>>471799stained ass
Gil is that you??
No. 471815
File: 1516078132523.png (186.6 KB, 469x346, Screenshot 2018-01-15 at 8.48.…)

No. 471819
>>471812This thread is starting off so great.
Seriously when can she move back to /pt/? She's about to have the memorable breakdown.
No. 471821
File: 1516078309306.png (312.21 KB, 549x427, Screenshot 2018-01-15 at 8.51.…)

Fupa-chan arises
No. 471823
File: 1516078390887.jpeg (1.28 MB, 3025x2616, 6B44E53E-7D64-4338-8154-6765B0…)

This face???
No. 471833
File: 1516078739344.jpeg (240.01 KB, 1242x1090, 750FAC60-FE2F-49BD-8EC4-3E7481…)

No. 471837
File: 1516078791573.png (291.68 KB, 444x466, Screenshot 2018-01-15 at 8.59.…)

No. 471845
>>471834She flip flops like crazy! If she thinks it's fake why is she all worried and paranoid? Only reason why would be because it's true and she's afraid of being caught even more lying again. It's like Sabrina and Matt outing her for lipo all over again. If it's not real then she should be chill about it.
Seriously. Does she think anyone will come out and admit it with her already blowing up? She could have privately asked people without making the first post about it.
No. 471848
File: 1516079073163.jpeg (Spoiler Image,934.5 KB, 3072x3072, 7EE820BF-B542-4182-8974-66992D…)

Nothing sexier than long thick asshairs
No. 471850
>>471834Samefag but
>don't talk about meBitch, you talk about everyone and talk shit about everyone. Besides you talk about yourself more than any other human could.
No. 471852
File: 1516079127281.png (634.21 KB, 832x627, Screenshot 2018-01-15 at 9.04.…)

gUYS I think I found her cutting scars!!!
No. 471854
>>471848Why do her pores look so nasty down there holy shitttt
There's fuckin sebum coming out of all of them
No. 471861
File: 1516079357897.png (312.03 KB, 512x407, Screenshot 2018-01-15 at 9.08.…)

>>471859pure sarcasm, anon
For the anon who was wondering about her Pochaco waist this is how it should look
No. 471865
File: 1516079417206.jpeg (Spoiler Image,526.57 KB, 1242x1933, 2396BB88-E55A-41B8-8DF8-4E0727…)

This one is my fave. Her ass is indeed, a square.
No. 471868
>>471789all that blur can't hide how pimply her ass is.
how embarrassing.
No. 471874
File: 1516079656099.png (Spoiler Image,2.07 MB, 1317x925, Screenshot_2.png)

No. 471877
File: 1516079741464.png (133.87 KB, 433x267, Screenshot 2018-01-15 at 9.14.…)

Mariah, you should get your money back if the waxer didn't wax the other half of your ass?
No. 471878
>>471874Stomach: sucked in
Pussylips: out
No. 471884
File: 1516079881841.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.11 MB, 1317x925, 369A0AE1-362B-4F87-B103-0107D8…)

>>471874…maybe I shouldn’t have brightened this
No. 471885
>>471872It's not even like the person who replied to her friend was trying to intentionally harm her reputation. She's just having a basic conversation. I feel like Mariah will try to find out who asked from the person who responded. Probably doxx the person too.
She's so psycho.
No. 471887
File: 1516079975267.jpeg (Spoiler Image,718.38 KB, 1536x2302, EC8637C9-6C6B-4AF9-A612-95DDDC…)

this reminds me of those pictures where people put pantyhose on their dog or cat
No. 471892
File: 1516080127987.png (Spoiler Image,193.86 KB, 566x315, Screenshot 2018-01-15 at 9.21.…)

>>471890You win 10 dollars
No. 471896
File: 1516080245333.png (Spoiler Image,2.06 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180115-212223.png)

Full vagina lip out oh my god
No. 471900
File: 1516080371983.png (451.95 KB, 868x451, staches.png)

What a day to be alive.
Why can't she wax her moustache?
No. 471902
File: 1516080480663.png (Spoiler Image,350.85 KB, 529x553, Screenshot 2018-01-15 at 9.27.…)

No. 471911
File: 1516080759844.gif (498.81 KB, 464x348, 0A62DE25-8EB1-4FFA-B395-7F31C6…)

>>471896jesus christ those pubes why
No. 471913
File: 1516080863542.png (483.4 KB, 500x750, GJAa8vfPIi2EccCbEbedE3591dgg_B…)

>>471912Its not a set. Its days of lewmas.
No. 471914
File: 1516080891951.png (538.69 KB, 422x750, OjPFAYHhH13oWXqvaFpMjhpl0ZoUJe…)

No. 471916
File: 1516080912041.png (904.25 KB, 750x750, ri-EKus4TRQr6Deui4k1HE4PdN-7mO…)

No. 471918
File: 1516080963507.jpg (104.97 KB, 936x536, 1335658989306.jpg)

Jesus fucking Christ…
She looks unwashed in all of them.
No. 471926
File: 1516081167442.jpg (3.04 MB, 7360x4912, Fate 156.jpg)

No. 471934
File: 1516081423885.jpg (2.17 MB, 3025x2616, shoopdawhoop.jpg)

>>471823Just 10 min I photoshop and this image doesn't burn my eyes so much.
No. 471941
File: 1516081557198.jpeg (151.04 KB, 1212x1212, 6E355A3C-8B48-41E2-98C6-3F4394…)

>>471934Yeah but now it’s even more cabbage patch kid somehow
No. 471952
File: 1516081960058.png (537.09 KB, 633x607, nastyassmoo.png)

>>471823Looks like Howie from Benchwarmers
No. 471960
File: 1516082259998.jpg (28.86 KB, 640x427, LJ1p7yo_d.jpg)

>>471945Couldn't even be bothered to cut that damn tag. I'm not even gonna talk about her bizarre lumpy waist and butt.
No. 471962
File: 1516082338551.png (2.04 MB, 750x1334, 964B8199-51D4-4E89-ADD6-34C29C…)

>>471934Her photographers must hate her. How do they not do exactly what you just did?
Her skin makes me ill.
No. 471963
File: 1516082351803.jpeg (180.47 KB, 750x1011, 9AF12411-B001-4BAD-8939-EB4E0F…)

plastic crap is up, inc tweet about how she SOLD OUT IN MINUTES!!!! I’m sure so remember that there’s on 45 of them
No. 471966
File: 1516082504653.jpeg (706.49 KB, 2032x1906, 4D3B21A0-D390-4E7C-8CE1-D01B8E…)

These two were next to each other in the Dropbox and she looks like shes sniffing her gross asscrack fingers
No. 471970
File: 1516082689196.png (96.66 KB, 117x535, punkmei.png)

>>471710Sorry it isn't great, I grabbed it from an album on a cosplayer's page I follow, but there it is.
No. 471976
File: 1516082817287.jpeg (106.8 KB, 750x471, 4F97962C-4A12-4ECA-89C9-D38073…)

LOL “we only have 43 left!!! get them before they sell out!!!” Bitch you started with 45 calm down
No. 471977
File: 1516082827237.png (3.83 MB, 750x1334, 9AEC0164-5610-439F-895F-E8B42D…)

oh so you sold uhh..two?
No. 471983
>>471968I can list 50 things that $33 would buy me that would actually benefit my life in a positive way.
Who the fuck would spend this much money on this shit?
No. 471986
File: 1516083009039.jpeg (190.66 KB, 750x716, E9ED9E2C-4C05-4EE0-83C0-064F40…)

She’s doing like a countdown could this bitch be any more obnoxious
No. 471987
>>471962Theory time:
What if photographers like Gil and Marvin hate her guts so they are purposely editing her photos very shitty to ruin her?
No. 471993
File: 1516083200703.jpg (10.68 MB, 4912x7360, xKejYmk-b.jpg)

i spent onbly about 10 minutes on this just to edit out the boob vein and to make her thighs look less lumpy. homegirl needs to find someone better to edit her picures.
No. 471996
File: 1516083425029.jpeg (54.21 KB, 750x176, 61D1ECE8-5055-4965-A9B6-42ED2C…)

No. 472005
File: 1516083577846.png (3.48 MB, 750x1334, 13B548B6-509F-48BD-82F5-255172…)

>>471997that was 8 whole minutes ago!!!! It’s 32 now!!!!!
No. 472016
>>47200513 sales in half an hour is sad. I've sold books which provably sell worse than charms faster than this damn girl.
Either way this also proves how bad her sales usually are. If she thinks this is a lot of sales she's really never made good money off of her stuff
No. 472018
>>471981i'm probably wrong indeed because we just call it wax here. since i'm brazilian lmao
never knew brazilian wax meant everything.
so she lied again.
sage for ot
No. 472019
>>471929>>471929They have a weird cut, someone posted a reference a thread or two ago
Because Mariah mallad pussy lip supreme has such a good eye for detail she just cut holes on regular pantyhose and they ripped presumably immediately
No. 472025
File: 1516084377863.png (Spoiler Image,861.42 KB, 1036x644, Screenshot 2018-01-15 at 10.32…)

>>472011plz save her failing ass
No. 472026
File: 1516084389766.gif (19.13 MB, 4337x5634, Shoop2.gif)

>>471959I'll just do this one and be done! I don't want to piss anyone off. I could have really spent hours trying to make that awful top and stocking duo perfect, but I'm not /that/ bored.
How is this? I went a little overboard with body shaping
No. 472032
>>471966All those poop bacteria on those fake nails
Lbr she prob did smell em
No. 472033
File: 1516084593974.png (215.65 KB, 750x1334, 8484B9E5-058D-49D1-8444-1656B9…)

No. 472037
>>472034“You have done nothing but make wild accusations”
God she’s sounding more and more like onision everyday
No. 472040
>>472034They were completely polite and this bitch took full offense. Of course she would.
>I talk to my fans in private where people can't tellShe's told so many lies today that I guess she figured, "What's one more?"
No. 472043
File: 1516084805577.jpg (4.98 MB, 4000x2595, SideBySide.jpg)

>>472027Diff anon, but thank you!
>>472029of course. I should have made the gif slower. Here is a side by side.
No. 472045
>>472034Bitch shut the fuck up and stop lying. Interact with your fucking fans on patreon who pay you money yet don't receive their rewards.
And the only fucking interaction you do on twitter and insta is when you feel the need to clap back and people
No. 472048
File: 1516084990051.jpeg (49.77 KB, 296x370, 1213ED05-73A1-4A55-81B7-7F8B1B…)

This isn’t your average processed milk, this is milk straight from the cow’s udder.
No. 472052
File: 1516085040183.png (1.07 MB, 750x1334, FB89A86E-1431-4BF2-9344-309296…)

stock: 49%
No. 472053
Her poor pussy area being strangled to death. Just horrific
No. 472056
File: 1516085137266.jpeg (145.57 KB, 750x651, 60377629-11B1-45AA-BEE3-153C66…)

No. 472058
>>472056next batch release night:
No. 472064
>>472051I'm not worried about it, I'll call her out on my personal if she does. I know quite a few big cosplayers that know her.
Tbh I hope she does.
No. 472068
>>472066Bare the Hair, more like it.
Moustache, Vag, and Ass
No. 472072
>>472064I love you anon
>>472068"Can't we all just love each other's appearance the way nature intended my dudes"
No. 472088
File: 1516086809067.jpeg (289.15 KB, 750x778, 545D1D3E-EA69-4A3A-81A5-B79FDC…)

Someone asks a genuine question and she jumps down their throat what a surprise
Can’t wait to see the next batch sell like two
No. 472090
File: 1516086970651.jpeg (76.18 KB, 750x592, 5E432A51-7284-47D9-9DDE-E58EF8…)

>>472089supposedly shipping in February so you’re probably right
No. 472101
File: 1516087789930.jpg (11.36 KB, 300x168, IMG_1545.JPG)

>>471742This is hilarious. The college shit was never a big deal until she started revealing more. Now she has to prove to everyone she's a smart college gurl but without being too obvious about it. She's like a child.
>>471789What the fuuuuuck is this wig? Her ass is always discolored?????
>>471848>>471887Fml I am dyin
>>471962Next thread pic pls.
Imagine actually thinking these were good photos of yourself. I can't believe her face and ass are so grainy. Also why the fuck has she not put on some chapstick for these shoots yet? She needs a scrub to get the foundation off and then she needs to moiterize the fuck out of those crusty crusts.
No. 472103
File: 1516087896737.png (184.96 KB, 507x450, furby 2005.png)

>>471823this pic reminds me of the 2005 furby i begged my parents for christmas. Thing ended up creeping the hell out of me cuz the eyes were so wack and the skin was detailed to have these ugly ass wrinkles, looked like furby was on crack.
No. 472104
>>472103It's got her eyebags but has more upper lip than she does.
Oh and sage goes in the email field.
No. 472106
>>472088>in advancedLinguistics major, guys
No. 472110
File: 1516088970649.jpeg (540.54 KB, 750x1001, 24185290-8881-441C-8187-5D4F41…)

>>471916I’m assuming that’s what this is for uggghh it’s gonna be so weird depending on how lewd she gets with that wolf around
No. 472117
>>472115>>472110This is the vet friend that works at the Petco vet.
Can confirm the biting thing. She took a story about it way back.
No. 472121
>>472118Every time I think of moomoo interacting with an animal, I think of the petting zoo she went to vamp and how all the goats flocked to vamp over moo, and the corgi(?) shiba(?) at the Vegas con park thing where she was manhandling the poor animal
It’s true what they say about animals, they’re true judges of character and they know moo is shit
No. 472126
File: 1516091541439.jpg (64.93 KB, 597x597, 26814698_539970286365303_46179…)

I just had to bring this from her failbook comments. kek
No. 472139
>>471823Next thread pic auto-nomination.
>>471891The dogs. Definitely the dogs.
No. 472142
>>472139Fucked up my replies, I meant
>>472131 and
>>471891, forgive this overly excited anon.
No. 472164
File: 1516098134691.png (195.84 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-01-16-02-19-17…)

Oh so that guy that I was all "who the fuck is this weirdo" turned out to be that neckbeard who gave her "reportedly" 5k lol. I guess it turns out it was true.
No. 472168
File: 1516098957927.png (54.08 KB, 580x530, bs.png)

No. 472179
File: 1516100468310.png (333.96 KB, 651x490, A01UxYS.png)

>>472015>>472025All I thought seeing these shots was
No. 472187
>>471779Anon providing the milk, I love you.
Moo, if you are reading this:
Your Saber pics are disgusting. As someone getting so much money for your hobby you should at least invest into somebody who will retouch you pics. That acne on your face and badly edited, blurry ass look gross. The quality of your photo shoots is sinking rapidly too, the lightning is atrocious.
No. 472229
File: 1516110296865.png (41.78 KB, 750x375, IMG_4928.PNG)

Pic related.
I had interviewed Mariah at a con for a joke segment on my podcast. At the 30 minute mark she mentions going to school with a major in marketing and a MINOR in linguistics. So now we know she can't even keep her lies straight. No. 472230
>>472229samefag not trying to shamelessly plug I just don't have the audio in any other form.
sage for no new info.
No. 472235
>>472229but anon! What if she loved linguistics so much she bumped up to pursuing a major in it? Don't you see those Japanese and Chinese books? She's passionate about the subject, my dude.
(or, she didn't think this would come back to her. It's probably this.)
No. 472240
File: 1516113507568.jpg (75.99 KB, 500x485, 1488100919818.jpg)

Me reading this thread rn like
Is …is this real life???
Damn mooriah got snow lit as fuck
No. 472251
File: 1516114440295.jpg (497.65 KB, 976x1314, Screenshot_20180116-085145.jpg)

her moohog cosplay should be done soon, right?
No. 472260
>>472251If she sucks her gut in for roadhod cosplay i swear to God
No. 472288
>>471939when internet anons can actually stand to edit your photos better than your paid photographer, something ain't right…
Great touch up by the way.
No. 472305
>>472168Right about to graduate my dudes
Two more semester my dudes
No. 472434
File: 1516127624551.jpeg (285.3 KB, 1125x1610, 1465195730545.jpeg)

Throw back to 2016
No. 472436
>>472401True, she seems to be of that whole bullshit mentality that if she repeats something enough, by golly it must be true.
Moo, you're not pretty, you're not famous, you're not a good cosplayer, and you sure as fuck are not a good person.
No. 472439
>>472402She's a good person at being a shit stain. I've never met anyone like her in my life. She hasn't been doing this for long she already has such a bad rep.
The worst part is instead of improving herself she just tries to deny everything and overcompensate by lying! Which ironically makes her look even worse when she's caught!!
Her life would be so much better if she shut up for once and kept professional. All she has to do is truly accept she isn't a good person and grow up. Heck, when she went on that 2 day social media break, lolcow was quiet.
No. 472466
>>472456what do you mean
shes too busy lying about school
No. 472475
File: 1516130616099.jpg (Spoiler Image,98.9 KB, 640x1136, 1466021234171.jpg)

>>471804Man, and just over a year ago you guys made fun of her for looking like this. It's insane.
(I only say you guys cause I wasn't around at the time)
No. 472479
>>472478She was eating at a KBBQ called Honey Pig or something within a week of posting that lol.
She didn't mention it this year, huh
No. 472483
>>472475That's still a little chubby and she's stretching, anon. She also did some criiiingy stuff back then like she does now.
With that said, she was at least more healthy then than she is now.
No. 472517
>>472498She really does deserve this. She did this to herself. No one told her to get lipo. Yeah people picked on her for her weight but no one told her to get lipo. That was her decision to make as an adult. She could have just gone on a diet and gone to the gym instead of faking that she was doing them anyways. Like why the desperate rush to lose weight? The funny part is she gained weight gradually. She could have taken earlier measures to lose all the weight. I'm sure she had friends to help her too. Maroon cosplay is pretty fit and her mama Nigri seems to work out herself.
For someone who shows off that she was an athelete growing up, she sure lost the work ethic.
No. 472531
File: 1516134559093.png (Spoiler Image,681.99 KB, 750x563, XCsVmADhqIQ0j4PxrPEBk_wubE_M9G…)

No. 472533
File: 1516134616347.jpg (Spoiler Image,85.48 KB, 620x929, JpRU3XVGPZ9XHqfTvEOuVFBKeuquTu…)

No. 472535
File: 1516134636341.jpg (Spoiler Image,5.97 MB, 6826x4550, Fate 048.jpg)

No. 472536
File: 1516134925694.png (101.11 KB, 1401x577, deplorable.png)

>>4725353 days ago. He didn't even ask for a refund. This guy has been asking about the chat since October.. Its either you give them the fucking rewards you are making them pay for or don't put them in your tiers.
No. 472538
File: 1516135116981.png (40.86 KB, 584x279, Screenshot 2018-01-16 at 12.37…)

Difference is what
No. 472548
File: 1516135642200.jpg (151.01 KB, 1187x793, 1516134595370 (2).jpg)

I'm gonna throw up
No. 472550
File: 1516135844443.jpg (202.58 KB, 800x572, SomethingInedible-Pork_Loin03.…)

>>472548I can't tell what I'm looking at cause it looks like this.
No. 472554
>>472532wtf is that on her sock? or are these just ripped because it looks dumb af.
and you can see her natural hair peeking out from underneath her wig. "professional cosplayer" my ass, anyone who isn't a complete newbie to cosplaying knows to hide that shit properly
No. 472556
>>472554she ripped the stockings instead of buying special ones to match the character art
so of course they ran like hell but she doesnt care cause she has such an eye for detail
No. 472557
File: 1516136580293.png (899.55 KB, 678x768, one.png)

No. 472558
File: 1516136590407.png (84.49 KB, 667x606, two.png)

No. 472559
File: 1516136653948.jpg (143 KB, 804x1199, DTJ43n3UMAA6PRW.jpg)

No. 472568
File: 1516137169295.png (379.57 KB, 512x724, Caesar2.png)

>>472557She should cosplay Caesar if she's such a fan of FGO now
No. 472572
>>472558It's sad she feels the need to lewd everything. It's to the point everyone expects her to lewd each and every one of these characters. She really has no other way of making money does she? I remember when I first heard of her she only did boudoir and it was just once in a while. She kept a lot of her regular cosplays separate from her "sexy" stuff most of the time. Now she feels the need to do lewds with every cosplay.
I use the term boudoir for her old stuff instead of lewds because compared to her recent stuff, her older stuff actually looked classy.
No. 472575
>>472559This is so nasty. I'd have more respect for her if she just did straight-up porn instead of disguising it as "cosplay".
>>472475Even stretching and angling, she doesn't look that bad imo. With all the lipo her body is completely ruined now.
No. 472585
File: 1516138563798.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.11 MB, 4912x7360, Fate 248.jpg)

No. 472589
>>472584Oh look at me struggling my dudes totally dont think about raping me as Saber in this position and outfit. Oh noooooo. Should I make it look like Im trying to undo the rope with my fingers? Think thats sexy? I think they think thats sexy.
Like fucking seriously. Don't do rope if you won't take it seriously. The whole point of this isn't to be sexy, but it is usually a consented project two people do together without struggling or trying to look 'scared'.
No. 472591
>>472585I posted this, but forgot to add… Her ass is supposed to be in focus. Her ASS is SUPPOSED to be in focus.
Not with all that editing though. Good thing we have such clear shots of the front of the bed sheets!
No. 472596
File: 1516139166739.jpg (Spoiler Image,616.02 KB, 1304x1304, Screenshot_20180116-224142.jpg)

They did not edit them AT ALL wtf
Her shoot before this was overly edited and now they are doing nothing?
Also wtf is that dicolouration? Is that part of her anus ? I looked anus discolouration up and most quacks on Google say it's a health issues. Help fellow farmers.
No. 472598
File: 1516139233724.jpg (Spoiler Image,935.15 KB, 1304x1786, Screenshot_20180116-223828.jpg)

>>472596Wrong picture the anus discolouration is in this one sorry ya'll
No. 472599
File: 1516139255887.gif (1.21 MB, 400x224, tenor (1).gif)

>>472559What makes her think that this expression makes her look anywhere sexy or alluring? She looks like she's going to puke. Gif related.
Anyway, I loved Collegegate. Hope more of it comes, provided how she keeps tiptoeing around it.
No. 472600
what self respecting ~professional~ would release photos as terrible as these? Whether or not Fate was "originally a hentai" or not it doesn't excuse how trash these photos are. Omg. I don't know whether to keep laughing or vomiting.
Mooriah you have to understand this isn't sexy at all. People who liked Fate for the sexy stuff probably only like it because the characters are actually attractive. Saber is a fit and petite classy looking woman while you're…. well… you. Fat, greasy, overweight, slutty, smelly, and lying cum dumpster.
No. 472605
>>472559someone paste those college tweets on here
or the infamous old if you dont wanna be called a slut dont look/act like one
i dont have any programs downloaded or id do it myself
No. 472608
>>472584This is the only picture in the set that's slightly in character, since Saber would struggle to get out of the ropes. But her face looks terrible and her though is the size of Saber's waist.
Like I have a morbid curiosity to know how big around her thigh is.
No. 472611
File: 1516139633186.png (705.03 KB, 750x1334, nerf.png)

>>472606oh, is that what this photo was referencing?
No. 472612
File: 1516139662969.jpg (921.8 KB, 1304x1304, Screenshot_20180116-224200.jpg)

This underbite tho.
No. 472629
File: 1516140617858.png (Spoiler Image,790.92 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180116-220815.png)

>>472584I just can't get over the fact she didn't even wax/shave before literally shoving her bare ass into a camera lense. Who shot this shoot? I wonder how emotionally scarred they are, would love to see the RAWs of this shoot.
No. 472636
File: 1516141153648.jpg (30.6 KB, 641x211, here we go again.jpg)

No. 472639
>>472636She realized her opinion about Devilman was unpopular so she literally jumped ship.
I'm laughing so hard holy shit
No. 472642
>>472636I predict after she gets called out for all of a sudden supporting the ship, she will say the following:
"You guys misunderstood what I said. I just said they weren't a canon ship. I never meant that they weren't MY favorite ship!!!"
"You guys are twisting my words."
"OMG Gabby! Look at the conspiracy I created!!!"
"They have always been my ship lol You should improve your reading compression lol"
No. 472647
File: 1516141923909.png (1.75 MB, 1185x800, thefaceoffear.png)

No. 472658
>>472611no, the way she's trying to make her ass center focus and that's her ass is just as blocky as chel's is why it reminded me of this video
saging since this has another cow in it
No. 472667
File: 1516143427566.jpg (90.43 KB, 1200x675, DRHoRSDUMAE3o58[1].jpg)

>>472612this is a pretty good armin cosplay.
No. 472672
File: 1516143760220.gif (1000.08 KB, 500x281, sweatpants.gif)

>>471809I really wish fat chicks would not do Shibari. this is fucking disgusting
>>471962Holyshit, this bitch does not wash her skin or drink water, does she? I bet she sleeps on filthy pillowcases.
No. 472675
>>472636She is being so passive aggressive still. They ARE a canon ship. The creator mentions this for the past few DECADES. Thank goodness I don't have to explain much since you guys already know.
But it just goes to show she is still salty "They aren't a real couple guys lol. But I still think it's cute if you think so when so clearly he likes girls." She clearly only watched the netflix season and ignored all hints that Ryo is attracted to both his friends. It's canon Momo, get over it
Other than that, her Fate set was haunting. All that money and she never once thought to laser off the hair from her body? Or is it by the time she has some cash saved up it is time for another round of lipo so she can more resemble cottage cheese?
No. 472681
File: 1516144404717.jpg (57.38 KB, 460x304, tara_reid_lipo.jpg)

Looking at results for botched liposuction, how can Mariah even think she continues to look good?? She has severe cases of botched lipo which I'm gonna do more research here and see if it's a health hazard
No. 472686
File: 1516144618015.jpeg (133.12 KB, 640x898, image.jpeg)

>>472649Someone tweeted this at her and she has t responded yet
No. 472687
File: 1516144618157.jpg (75.51 KB, 736x1039, e2eb6b3d18a06f13151154c192cc24…)

>>472681moo literally thinks she looks like pic related.
No. 472688
File: 1516144640188.png (754.39 KB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2018-01-16-15-15-13…)

No. 472693
>>472688… is that her fucking address.
or po box
No. 472698
>>472649He would want to kill Miki too if she caused the end of the world. The reason why he is so hurt is that he does love Ryo. If he was just another devil he wouldn't be talking it out and explaining his feelings. In the end you see he first comes to Ryo seeking answers and comfort. He would rather have Ryo kill him at this point since everyone is dead.
Oh but if Miki was the one destroying the world he tots wouldn't care guys. He would still wanna date her.
No. 472702
>>472697>>472696she's actually made more than a cam girl, because she wasn't actually being paid for services, but to better her skills and stuff. that's what she doesn't get. patreon patrons don't just give money to pay for the stuff in the tier, it's for you to become better at x (for her it was supposed to be 'cosplay' but she acted as if it was just income and spends it frivilously. that's why so many hundreds of people keep dropping her. not only is she not using the funds to better herself, but she's not even giving them anything.
camming takes work anyways, she only wants to put in the work a few hours a month.
No. 472711
File: 1516146031780.gif (1023.45 KB, 500x375, ryo-shades.gif)

>>472636But. They. Are. Canon.
She's such a homophobic cunt, and now she's backpedaling like us farmers predicted. I hate this cow so much. I hope someone does call her out.
No. 472713
>>472704be careful i got banned for 'cowtipping' for saying that a month or so ago.
(better idea is to send her food or something so it rots in there)
No. 472733
File: 1516146912381.jpg (77.45 KB, 1108x826, Screen Shot 2018-01-16 at 3.52…)

No. 472735
File: 1516146998284.png (882.02 KB, 1535x744, not stretch marks.png)

Her stomach is a mix of stretchmarks and hair..
No. 472738
File: 1516147227722.jpg (53.83 KB, 493x353, 1432620372989.jpg)

>>472733Did she not look over this before uploading it?
No. 472740
File: 1516147338059.png (147.49 KB, 353x307, Screenshot 2018-01-16 at 3.58.…)

if i open my eyes the widest they can be anime
No. 472743
>>472722This was the period I thought she was actually cute, albeit chubby; to me she did look pretty on her first CK B&W shoot. But now…. Bloated face and lines all over.
>>471837 Legit looking like a southern Mom of 4.
No. 472744
File: 1516147576373.png (190.42 KB, 500x281, yui_jeez.png)

>>472709fucking hell, I saw her right knee and at first I thought that was part of her right arm
>>472733that look on her face here will never fail to horrify me
No. 472752
>>472725love u anon.
I hate looking at these pics because I want to vomit, but I also appreciate how nasty she looks. Appearance to match personality, I guess.
No. 472788
>>472783>>472785if i wasnt shit at shop and didnt leave the foot/shoe of the dog in, u guys would have no chance
i mean, i guess the dog didnt make the hose run right away at least
No. 472791
File: 1516150535569.jpeg (169.49 KB, 750x646, D25697D4-A6B4-4227-98BC-11B0D0…)

100 titty pads coming up
No. 472793
File: 1516150537719.jpg (239.32 KB, 814x779, theonlydickshesgetting.jpg)

>>472710I paused and got some good stuff
How do you get to this point?
This entire video reeks of her watching JNig's videos and trying to copy things she does
No. 472796
>>472099It's like angeled from below, so some of the bed "hides" her jabba body
or shes kind of leaning over the side
as for the butt itself, i have no idea but i pray its photoshop cause it just looks like a tumor
No. 472799
>>471974>>471974she was bragging on twitter about how smooooth her pussy was
heavily implied it was full wax + i think the hair growth is weird if she didnt get full
or maybe she got it on on side of her ass kek
No. 472802
>>472798Of course she did. She will never respond to things that prove her wrong because in her eyes it's just haters being ~negative~. Plus if she responds she knows she will be backed in a corner. I bet you she's going to delete the tweet and block that person quietly so people won't call her out.
No. 472808
>>472709well, her patreon bucks aren't going to buy nice wine for her shoots.
I googled the name on the bottle and it's ~$7 from Trader Joe's?
No. 472810
File: 1516152018421.png (377.27 KB, 680x411, the body of an athlete.png)

No. 472812
File: 1516152150909.png (423.12 KB, 680x411, 3 rounds of lipo and still loo…)

No. 472815
>>472110is she gonna get naked with a goddamn wolf
you guys i know that sounds far out there but i just dont know what is going through this bitches head anymore
i guess wolf girl herelf woul…
wait, i think i know wolf girl
No. 472819
>>471562So Mariah posted on twitter during the last thread that she gets her books ahead of time for super cheap.
Well… I actually work for a textbook rental company. Textbooks don't usually fluctuate that much in price between summer and fall, not any more than other terms. So could you find a $100 textbook for $70? Sure, I've seen that pricing change before. But if she's implying she gets her textbooks for anything under $30, they're either 1) standard freshman books with tons in circulation 2) not a textbook but some type of required reading novel. Especially if it's a newer edition, those bad boys aren't gonna be that much cheaper just because you got them a couple weeks early. Plus, as she was being told on twitter, your required books often change after the first couple days of class. That's something I see daily.
Tl;dr Momo is full of shit as usual, but absolute textbooks this time
No. 472823
File: 1516152702214.png (201.22 KB, 750x1334, 9C0A7349-A105-4087-9E4E-B15697…)

Sorry for shitty screenshot, too lazy to upload multiple pics
No. 472825
File: 1516152799379.png (149.97 KB, 750x1334, 22F977A3-D297-4DF1-B991-496D24…)

No. 472826
“why do you think you’re entitled to a reply??”
No. 472832
>>472823>>472825>you wanted me to tweet at youno one said that
>unfollowing someone for not responding is shittythey literally said the opposite. also fuck she's rting him right now, isn't that defeating the point?
No. 472837
File: 1516153155795.jpeg (198.22 KB, 750x518, 23C6415D-A139-40A8-A691-053FBD…)

watch out guys she’s basically a hairdresser now!!
No. 472857
>>472659brazil calls it a hollywood hollywood calls it a brazil nsfw vagina cause no duh
No. 472858
File: 1516154192229.png (2.68 MB, 750x1334, 8533E8E1-0EF3-4915-85D2-056B62…)

her “dye job” she got her hair done like 3 days ago. no wonder your scalp is fucked
No. 472860
File: 1516154393468.png (2.74 MB, 750x1334, C983BFCB-34E6-4C1F-B007-7BD019…)

>>472858here’s a “before” from a few days ago, I don’t know why she’d touch it seriously it looks the same
No. 472865
File: 1516154628476.png (922.01 KB, 720x1020, Screenshot_2018-01-16-17-57-58…)

Cosplay tip: make 0 effort on your makeup but say it's a makeup skill test!!!!
No. 472876
File: 1516155135930.jpeg (113.44 KB, 738x507, 887AE9BC-D8EA-42E6-9CB1-83C630…)

No. 472882
>>472865G E N J I
she has eyebags thats enough droop
No. 472909
File: 1516156704359.jpg (160.33 KB, 444x466, triggermoo.jpg)

>>471837Cant help myself.
No. 472923
File: 1516157226364.jpeg (202.07 KB, 749x1331, 527C2D89-FC7E-4B37-A35B-4BCEAB…)

>>472876My phone died as I posted that and I’m just now getting to the rest. Sorry. Incoming screenshots.
>>472896 Yes.
No. 472926
File: 1516157359642.jpeg (209.45 KB, 749x1331, 53E838B1-501D-49D1-B5C3-60F02F…)

No. 472928
File: 1516157414742.jpeg (139.78 KB, 749x1288, C8E6A4AA-B1E7-41C3-9092-05258F…)

No. 472929
File: 1516157440982.jpeg (165.77 KB, 749x1260, 62CCCC74-A113-4B29-A8A4-CEB4F0…)

Last one.
No. 472935
>>472858Are her roots still blonde?
I didn't notice in her original dye job pic, but with the way she's holding it now, I don't think they were lightened enough and toned out instead of going grey.
No. 472962
File: 1516159632438.jpeg (742.69 KB, 1242x1255, A8165E60-ED9B-446D-AD02-C96C76…)

The person who grilled her about her prints also pointed out the quiz thing yesterday and momo ignored it.
No. 472978
>>472976they don't offer her majors online though, and if they did, they wouldn't only offer some courses. if she had someone taking her classes for her, they'd be going in person and it'd be a non issue.
atleast get your facts straight before you tinfoil…
No. 472989
>>472986If you aren't a lazy fuck and mail the content private, it's a non-issue.
No offense to the anon above. I don't know what kind of content they offer.
No. 472992
>>472982The fees really aren't that bad. If you use PayPal it's a percentage with a $20 cap per transaction. So if you withdrew $5k the fee would still be $20.
>>472986It does suck for those of us who actually use the money to better our production value. The bots can be disheartening; but eventually you learn to hit that banhammer hard so that you're not relying on money in the bank that probably isn't real.
>>472989No offense taken. Patreon newbies get shafted by being taken advantage of by scammers and bots for their digital rewards; but more seasoned users know better. I would say Mariah is so fucking stupid she probably mailed PHYSICAL REWARDS to the scammers… but Mariah never mails any physical rewards… so, there's that.
No. 472996
>>472977This ONLY applies to anyone who doesnt have charge up front. you need to pay up front to get access to hers.
On an unrelated note, patreon doesnt take that much, youre losing pledges. Get better at managing your patreon.
No. 472999
File: 1516161830912.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.38 MB, 5472x3648, lala-extra-11_preview.jpeg)

I looked through her sets and this is one of the very few pics of Moo I actually liked. She has no sex appeal on her pics, and always looks out of place. I wonder why men pay to fap to her boring sets…
No. 473012
>>473001How does she have any professional cosplayers following her? Seriously, she attacks people on a
daily basis.
No. 473018
>>472857Sage because useless, but I am from Brazil and honestly never head someone calling it "Hollywood wax". Just "Full wax" or "Complete Wax".
>>472909No anon, you left out the best part - her double chin
>>472907You shouldn't have said her name. She clearly was trying to avoid momo on her ass. Oh well
No. 473020
>>472996Holy fuck you're a little retarded. Patreon gives you an itemized breakdown of who was charged for each cycle and what their payment status is. (Paid, Declined, Fraud)
There's no mystery "losing pledges" when a cycle gets charged. Patreon will LITERALLY say "$____ of $XXXX paid by ___ Patrons". There's no way for Patrons to just evaporate. jfc I'm almost tempted to believe you're Mariah herself.
Also, if bots have been pledged since BEFORE the "pay up front" feature (which is super new and STILL IN BETA, by the way) and Mariah never blocked them after months of non-payment; they will still show as a contribution to her "$____ pledged by ____ patrons" on the main screen.
No. 473037
File: 1516163115312.png (280.42 KB, 581x640, Screenshot 2018-01-16 at 8.24.…)

jfc you're using a book that's been packed away to write on? You have a sewing table, hell, A KITCHEN COUNTERTOP? Anyone else taking crazy pills reading this??
No. 473040
File: 1516163275905.png (619.99 KB, 750x1334, 5E0F3C89-9490-4C80-95F8-D1B9E5…)

she opened a promo gift from the app game summoner wars and was talking about how she “finally got it” and was taking all the stuff out on her instastory….
No. 473041
>>473011>doubting our Momokun's Japanese skill when she used to be a prominent fan translator for a mangaMy dude…
>>47303790% of that box is probably pillows or scraps from her cosplay attempts (or her actual cosplays). Nice try.
No. 473044
>>473037"thats all good" she says, despite her fb freakout over SOMEONE SAYING I DIDNT BRING A LAPTOP TO CON PARTIES
ps buy a bookshelf you retard
No. 473048
>>473044but she's ~packing to move~
i wanna take a pic of all my 2000s gal mags and tweet to her about how i'm going to fashion school or some shit cause that's literally what she's doing.
No. 473061
>>473053man, she'll probably just not say anything or act happy for us. all for a lie.
>>473058or the shitty bootleg pc game
No. 473062
File: 1516163898461.png (190.67 KB, 750x1088, IMG_2805.PNG)

Im just waiting for Moo to say something. Everyone having a "Cowgirl OC" would make it so less special for her/harder to brand herself with it and honestly that would be amazing.
Saging this for going off topic, but since Bunny recently unfollowed her I though it was worth noting.
No. 473069
File: 1516164344819.png (51.06 KB, 580x422, oh fuck.PNG)

No. 473072
File: 1516164382101.png (107.3 KB, 245x269, fghjk.PNG)

>>473062Can somebody explain to me the appeal of paying for dumb stuff like this/pics of momo? Like, is free porn not enough? I don't understand
No. 473077
>>473069ahaha ha get her
>>473072I’ll never get it either. It’s been asked many times and pretty much all we do is speculate.
No. 473083
File: 1516164914314.jpg (39.39 KB, 500x500, tgtgho1168029_0.jpg)

>>473053training to be a vet rn ugh busy day at vet school
No. 473085
File: 1516164955801.jpeg (255.53 KB, 750x746, E4D21C25-428F-4310-B9A5-E86E18…)

No. 473093
File: 1516165105342.jpeg (308.51 KB, 750x1075, C9674991-98B7-487F-9956-E9A8BE…)

No. 473098
>>473069ratty ass pink cow-girl wig SNATCHED
RIP MooMoo
No. 473099
File: 1516165317893.jpg (1.58 MB, 2000x1896, momokun.jpg)

Ya bitch got bored. Didn't touch her body aside from skewing horizontally coz there isn't enough time in the day to fix that mess
No. 473126
>>473085>>473088This is going to go just like her lipo did.
She’ll keep denying it and giving whatever bullshit excuses she can while acting like a sanctimonious dipshit to anyone who tries to call her out until someone close to her accidentally reveals the truth. We can keep hounding her, but she isn’t going to give up the truth and she is going to be an insufferable dipshit the whole way through. Where she’ll brag about blocking people who call her out and be he passive aggressive bitch we all know her to be where she’ll blow up at every little accusation the try to be all like “Lol no big deal my dudes. It doesn’t bother me. Have a nice day”.
No. 473131
File: 1516167142750.jpg (60.43 KB, 858x536, operation_3089915k.jpg)

>>473083busting my ass on med school, anon. Been taking online classes since NYE. I am the best student, have a perfect GPA of 1000.
No. 473141
>>473094Fucking giggled
>>473088I'm not bothered by this person!"
continues to be bothered No. 473146
File: 1516168453373.png (55.18 KB, 217x190, thumbs_up_anime.png)

>>473143literally my sides
this is like something she would say about herself
No. 473147
>>473142she is taking theatre, business, chinese, and japanese my dude
also "languages" and linguistics.
No. 473148
File: 1516168612710.gif (2.9 MB, 290x189, laughing cowboy.gif)

>>473130underrated as fuck
No. 473149
>>473145yeah, her high school is showing hardcore.
moo gonna have a lot of new lies to spin after reading us ripping into her
No. 473158
>>473069Oh damn. I bet she's looking over every single picture, cringing at the hair and clogged pores everywhere. You can have a friend that won't mind wax you at home. It's not that hard. Although I don't know who want to be in that horrible position, and you'll have to scrub your ass yourself.
Is there a how-to guide out there for porn stars? That's what she needs.
No. 473159
>>473150>>473157remind she used to be fluent in japanese my dudes
oh wait she backpedaled on that but i guess this time for real!
>>473158she has paid for two waxing sessions
No. 473161
File: 1516169668149.png (176.46 KB, 750x1334, B7457C60-EC52-41FC-9ACC-81A7F5…)

No. 473163
If she hasn't taken the last three summers off and claimed she's a been full time student this entire time, wouldn't she have hit 120 credits by now?
Also I could've sworn in those screenshots from a roleplaying or anime forum with posts from her in HS, she was bragging about being an AP student, which should also shave off her credits. I can't find the thread they were posted in, but even if she actually bragged about that, it's likely she was lying then, too.
Her tweets about her usual semester credits is here
>>471150, then about summer
>>471154>>473142>It's hard to tell is by languages she means one or two courses>implying there aren't integrated Japanese-Chinese linguistic classes for polyglot savants like MomoShe's improved so much since her "ching chong" Mei days. An inspiration to us all.
No. 473164
File: 1516169737499.png (208.08 KB, 750x1334, C6C6935E-0D60-4B2B-8BB3-65590B…)

No. 473169
File: 1516169919860.jpeg (312.83 KB, 1242x1200, 01D07A81-0F40-42CB-9F24-5649D8…)

No. 473170
>>473164Yup. Like I said. Sanctimonious dipshit.
She always tries to brush off every “rumor” as a joke. Right up until it’s proven true.
No. 473178
File: 1516170482561.png (59.57 KB, 761x287, Screen Shot 2018-01-16 at 10.2…)

posting for proof incase she changes prices again
Also $30 for a mouse pad you have to be joking. But since its her, I can believe it.
No. 473181
File: 1516170505167.jpg (173.15 KB, 1067x1600, mooooo.jpg)

>>471559Sorry anons. With the new influx of pics and milk I was inspired.
No. 473189
>>473188And yet every time we see her or her calendar, you never see anything related to school.
Does anyone still have that screenshot of her calendar from a few months ago?
No. 473192
File: 1516171465535.png (41.92 KB, 662x142, JY9qXnw.png)

Wow, she's been obsessed with this idea, huh?
No. 473199
>>473192Her wording in this is so awkward… "new major for","minors being in"? I can see why she 'dropped' linguistics lol.
No one changes majors/adds TWO minors this late in the game, Momo.
No. 473207
File: 1516172733178.png (47.26 KB, 750x186, jesrjAQ.png)

>>473199It's from 2014, when she would be starting her freshman year, I think?
>>473201Not many people get to blatantly lie on a relatively large platform like this, though. I find this entire thing just really fascinating because there was no point in trying to convince people she's going to college.
Also, this seems to be one of her last major posts about college in 2016 according to that FB status compilation by an anon. The next post in the archive mentioning college is her talking about leaving lacrosse, UNLV for doing Patreon content full-time.
No. 473209
>>473199This tweet is from 2014, when she was probably actually in school. Which would explain her having textbooks for those classes. But there's no way she'd be passing Japanese and Chinese with never studying. How do we know she never studies? Because the only time she's not live blogging her life for longer than 20 minutes is when she passes out.
Also, do colleges even have online language courses? Part of languages is you know, speaking it and learning pronunciation. Kind of hard to do online Moo.
No. 473210
File: 1516172969658.png (397.63 KB, 500x1178, 9rl5j26.png)

>>473207Maybe I've got shit reading comprehension, but this with the context of the last post makes it sound like she dropped out (which was perfectly fine–she was making bank).
I find it really hard to believe she took a semester or two off and is still on track to graduate within 4 years, and with a minor. Even with summer courses, there is no way with her con, traveling, and shooting schedule that she would be able to take on that much of a course load.
No. 473214
>>473037Notice she doesn't show the books close enough for people to see the titles when she is the type who would if it would save from this lie.
>>473088Hold up.
She is class of 2014. Meaning by the time she stopped going to college in May of 2012, she would have ONLY taken GE's.
…… SOOOOOOO that means she could have taken 4 semesters of business… unless it was all general ed business course (which means she is nowhere near graduating). She even claimed most business courses are supposed be taken on campus. So between when she stopped going to campus and started taking online courses, how did she manage to take enough to say she's going to graduate soon/on time?
Also… why is she taking so many classes not related to her major??? Isn't the point of going back to campus to finish up school and take the classes she needs to be on campus for?
Schools also have a unit cap (meaning the total amount of units you're able to take total in your college career). By double majoring, you're literally using most of the unit cap. So how does she have space for these electices?
Come on Mariah… make a more convincing lie.
And look, I have tried double majoring until I changed my major to be solely art history. The reason was because of how much time you have to invest into your classes. There's no room for bullshit…. so how is she able to take so many elective classes? There's not ONE linguistics course???? Double major means you need twice the normal amount of upper div units.
No. 473229
File: 1516174341764.png (46.62 KB, 668x164, VnF7hGU.png)

>>473217Lol, she probably realized she bit more than she could chew around the time of this status post.
No. 473235
>This isn't a humble brag.>> Continues to humble brag for a long ass post. Personally I feel like posting anything about how much money you have on social media is trashy, but thats neither here nor there.
Besides that here is current timeline:
Fall 2014 Semester: Enrolls in College Undeclared
- December declares a major International Business w/ minor in Japanese and Chinese
Spring 2015 Semester: Continues College
Fall 2015 Semester: Continues College
- Begins not passing/failing classes which is why she ends up having to "reinstate" in the spring time. Basically got suspended/ put on probation.
Spring 2016 Semester: Says UNLV has screwed her over once again to where she owes money. And that she "done with them". This is possibly due to the fact that if you take out financial aide on classes, when you don't pass them the aide no longer covers it. You have to pay that money back. Government is not gonna pay for you to fail.
August 2016: Long ass post about how she hates college and wanted to do cosplay full-time, leading the likely idea that she dropped out.
Also cant find who said it early about her taking AP classes. But just cause you take AP classes doesn't mean you get college credit. You don't have to take the test. I graduated HS at the same time as her with no AP credit, and barring any catastrophes I'm graduating on time in the spring this year. So if she was a full-time student she could be graduating. But we all know thats not the case, because full time double major = no outside life.
Maybe she'll use school as an out because she's finally fading out of the spotlight now that no one considers her that"thicc cosplayer" anymore. She'll re-enroll and disappear forever.
sage cause i went a little school ranty
No. 473237
>>473163Home girl can't even speak English!
I studied both Chinese and Japanese. This Bitch gotta be taking (and failing) beginning classes. I refuse to believe she has survived to see even a sophomore level class due to the tremendous amount of prescribed study hours just to scrape by with a the bare minimum. Falling behind is super easy and trying to catchup is akin to walking thru hell. Moo, would be spending a huge chunk of time studying, maybe even meeting regularly with a tutor, especially of she was taking both at the same time (jfc, why?). So there's no way she would have been able to slap together over 50 cosplays, completed photos shoots for all 50+ aformentioned cosplays, gone to dozens of cons, and taken trips to cali/Disneyland evey other weekend while juggling such demanding classes as those. Plenty of cosplayers can juggle heavy course loads while still remaining fairly active in the community but Moo is not one of those people.
No. 473239
File: 1516177352104.png (199.73 KB, 583x644, Screenshot 2018-01-17 at 12.21…)

She magically knows how to play piano. She mentioned in a past instastory that she played the flute and piccolo but I don't remember piano.
No. 473246
File: 1516178210550.jpeg (587.81 KB, 1170x1884, 289B232E-CE0F-435A-A35D-50ED2B…)

So much has changed in the past couple years but that wax-corpse expression and caked foundation are always reliable.
No. 473256
File: 1516179995627.jpeg (175.59 KB, 623x615, 68F9F3A7-DF45-44EA-9F89-F51B2B…)

Wow. Her make-up looks like it’d start melting off immediately if she began sweating or if it were too hot… a novice mistake…
Sage for make-up sperg but I just can’t why would someone do this bleach provided
No. 473262
>>471874you can SEE. A PIMPLE. ON HER PUSSY LIP.
No. 473288
File: 1516183526856.jpeg (98.17 KB, 480x368, A8B541A1-3BE7-40BD-ADF4-FF351B…)

>>473262And my dumbass went to look at it…
No. 473296
File: 1516185128223.png (9.82 MB, 1242x2208, 2163C052-EBBB-4DB5-A518-E34E1A…)

She just uploaded this to Twitter. “Muslim” who would never wear the cross not only because it’s not a symbol of their faith but actually blasphemous because Jesus wasn’t crucified in Islam, they hate the cross.
No. 473321
>>473320Oh my god
Nothing has changed
No. 473336
File: 1516190820434.png (125.97 KB, 1334x750, B5FCF73E-684B-49AE-86F7-FFF644…)

I don’t think she realizes that my.unlv will show all the information that would squash all of this college talk in one instance without being specific enough for stalkers. In addition it would let her brag about her oh so awesome grades my dood. You know she can’t pass up an opportunity to brag. Idk maybe it totes slipped her mind since she probably hasn’t opened the student center website in like, two years!!!¡¡¡!
No. 473338
File: 1516191016188.png (218.87 KB, 750x1334, DE0F0323-2436-4DDD-9027-F8A5AF…)

>>473336Some/she can argue that they didn’t know that this feature exists. But wouldn’t you think blocking out section numbers and professor names from a screenshot of Webcampus or even the Blackboard mobile app would shut this down faster + let her gloat? Yknow, instead of hastily dumping her book graveyard on the floor. The veil of “but my privacy!!!!” is such a weak defense. In addition to the points brought up like how she will show her p.o box address, general class information is public information on the unlv website.
No. 473348
File: 1516192748911.jpeg (199.78 KB, 750x702, E1CEC5C3-1A46-4D4F-AC44-3CB060…)

>>473320Can confirm, she’s #9
No. 473421
>>473069>>473088>has her phone in her hands literally all day, recording/taking pictures of everything she does to the point that on her instastories you can see her whole day >"ThAt'S pRiVaTe InFoRmAtIoN!!1"You know what, even without all the proof of her alleged majors not existing online, first grade books etc. we could've known she's lying for this simple fact: if she REALLY went to college, we wouldn't have seen the end of it. She brags about the most trivial things, she would've flooded her feed/stories with college pictures, pictures of her actual books, pictures of her studying, complaining about assignments etc. but NO. She only started posting "books" and talking about college as damage control because people started calling her out.
There's no way she goes to college. Not online, not in person. Period. And by acting like this she's only digging her grave deeper.
Soon enough one of her "friends" like that dumbass Sabrina who outed her lipo will confirm it further.
No. 473433
>>473178Amazingly beautiful business woman sells shitty phone charms for same price as a big titty mouse pad
She's so retarded.
No. 473455
File: 1516206955525.jpg (74.6 KB, 720x526, IMG_20180117_093410_381.JPG)

She'll quit talking about devilman forever in a few more weeks,hang in there guys
No. 473460
File: 1516207738230.png (132.11 KB, 249x315, sayaka smug 2.png)

>>473304>>473239ohhhhh, so now you're trying to claim band geek! well I'm lookin' forward to seeing a video of you playing piano/flute–that you won't post like you won't post
actual proof of you going to school
No. 473470
>>473465it's a capybara
sage for OT
No. 473486
>>473459Sorry typo.
She is high school 2014 and stopped going to campus 2016.
Either way it's only 2 years. Most college people know that even with AP credits and because she is "double majoring" it would be nearly impossible for her to have taken any upper division courses. So she couldn't have taken a "business" course when she went there on campus unless it was an intro course.
No. 473523
>>473498Also, double majoring and taking only the basic full time units and still being able to graduate within 4-5 years is absurd. The only way she could is if she did summer school full time.
I'm not saying it's impossible to go to cons while going to school. But she's always going out of town. She's been to multiple cons out of state and even one out of the country. If she's been working hard on her grades we would have gotten "I'm so stressed from school" tweets a lot earlier.
Normally I would say a person isn't entitled to share their whole life with the world. But Mariah does exactly that. She shares her WHOLE life. She made tweets about how thick her pubes are! She showed off her lipo marks without thinking people would see them. She has instagram stories that document every 10 minutes of her life. You would think within the 2 years she's been doing this people would have seen her do school stuff.
No. 473598
File: 1516217007763.png (1.19 MB, 750x1334, 1507090872821.png)

>>473585Thanks, anon!
I went looking and in thread #37 she was talking about taking her finals. We all know that she was lying her ass off.
Found the image, though. Two weeks of absolutely nothing and blank days here and there doesn't look like the schedule of a student doing dual majors.
No. 473600
>>473598yeah, sorry i didnt look for it myself, my internet sucks haha. glad you found it.
i remember we ripped in to her hard
>so busy my dudes>weeks of nothingwhat a cow
No. 473605
File: 1516218507958.png (2.09 MB, 750x1334, B4C90F9A-B82F-444A-A2D8-3EA19C…)

bitch where?
No. 473620
File: 1516219349479.jpg (64.74 KB, 584x960, tumblr_ozbyjckbNq1wgdp08o1_128…)

>>473320She's always been retarded.
No. 473621
>>473584i think if she bothers to do them, she will lean into that kind of behaviour. but not, 'heres a mirror and its in my video but i didnt write it off so that ones free' kind of shit
even moo isnt that insane lmfao
No. 473624
>>473605Aww bless, every time someone drags her out about her constant lies she plays either of these cards:
1. Love yourself positivity bullshit.
2. Fuck the haters I'm doing me.
3. I'm so vulnerable and being bullied plzhelp.
Fuck off Moo your narcissistic waste of air.
No. 473642
>>473637yeah, also we were arguing about beserk, and it looks like it was on there. to me anyway.
im too stupid to make her laptop readable
No. 473663
>>473541tbh, a lot of people do. Even outside of this whole community and online in general. Its always been a thing. I don't doubt she thought wearing them would make her more popular in the nerd circles back when she first tried to break it into cosplay and tbh, I bet many people on this thread has done it at least once or twice or put a non-prescription pair on to see how they would look and thought about buying them.
Its the same thing with straight haired people wanting curly hair. Grass is greener on the other side. That sorta thing.
No. 473676
>>473663sage for glasses faggotry but I don't see why anyone would want to fake wearing glasses, sure they look cute but they're uncomfortable as hell, you lose them all the time, shit's blurry when you take them off, etc
it's a lifelong commitment and suuuucks
No. 473679
>>473678Lol me too. I'm
>>473663 and I used to pretend I needed them in 4th grade though and now that its, like, 17 years later, I need them.
No. 473682
File: 1516223002325.png (81.57 KB, 603x589, edgelord.png)

She's such a load of fucking shit.
No. 473684
File: 1516223059118.png (748.48 KB, 1152x788, Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at 11.0…)

>>473680ah, I'm far-sighted and my eyes are different strengths, I should probably consider contacts though
posting moo to go back on-topic
No. 473689
>>473686She needs her street cred to show what a true fan she is. No one who isn't a true fan would go to such lengths to prove that Devilman Crybaby is a work of genius to someone who has never seen it except a Netflix edited small series run.
I honestly think the whole thing went over your head. Sorry.
No. 473694
>>472688wasn't this the fucking company we gave shit to for sponsoring her?
>>472819pretty sure she was suggesting you pirate the books, which is extremely professional and legitimate advice from a
businesswoman like her
No. 473716
>>473690Oh ffs, you need to type "sage" (minus the quotation marks) in the email field to actually sage
>>473605Bitch stop playing the victim, you lied and won't own up to it, you're the one digging your own grave. I wouldn't tell you to kill yourself, I want to see the day your "cosplay career" die and you resort to doing full-on fat fetish porn
No. 473722
File: 1516224990494.jpeg (236.47 KB, 1242x1573, ABA4EAD5-831F-469D-8181-035A54…)

The みきuser who was calling her out on her shit I kept ❤️ing her tweets and only once commented “bless” under みき’s pic, and this cunt blocked me kek
Literally that’s all it took
No. 473724
>>473665The point wasn't to read it, it's to see how many empty days there are on her calendar. If you have double majors, wouldn't there be
more filled days, not less?
No. 473726
File: 1516225156150.jpg (63.08 KB, 432x768, SONlnqq9ixciVHUYUcEoYNmoJS5ks8…)

No. 473735
>>473720She went from "I started school two weeks ago" to "there's special classes that you can take early" to "I got ahead on my own by 'predicting' the semster's coursework based on text books"
She's clearly lying. If her school really had courses like that she would've stuck to that lie but instead she keeps trying to weasel herself out of the lie with more lies.
No. 473754
File: 1516226202567.png (783.18 KB, 1273x800, 4cmp8Ur.png)

>>473684She's so desperate to be acknowledged by H3H3. You're nothing but a Patreon thot Moo, keep dreaming.
No. 473764
File: 1516226910028.jpg (64.38 KB, 590x423, i'm such a good person my dude…)

She retweeted this.
No. 473765
File: 1516226930772.png (729.93 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2018-01-17-14-05-35…)

Her hair…
No. 473769
File: 1516227206965.jpg (34.2 KB, 381x748, go cat go.jpg)

>>473765I'm currently watching those too and she just keeps bothering the cat and the cat tries to bite her face and hands several times but she just doesn't back away.
No. 473803
>>473140i think her logic is her using that one year she was actually enrolled in UNLV before she got ~cosfamous~
but last i heard she was only there as a freshman, so two semesters, not four, and i didn't think she was a buisness major at that point.
either way, if we are to take her word for it that means for the last year 1/2 she's been doing nothing but taking electives and "languages" online. and as someone who has graduated with a liberal arts degree from mostly online courses, those classes are fucking EASY to just shit through. so if she is telling the truth about at least taking waste of time elective classes i could believe she has a decent GPA.
but thats also why she's worried about going on campus to do her actually classwork for her ~major~. Its going to be serious university level schooling and she can't just BS her way through it
No. 473807
>>473764Mariah… you demonize people all the time. You've doxxed countless people and everyone here can name at least 2 or 3 people you've demonized out of going to conventions or cosplaying. You are the least self aware person that I know. You're constantly obsessed with how people portray you or what people say about you, but you don't think twice about the harm you do to others. You always talk about being the better person and spreading positivity but you haven't done any of that. The only time you do is when people catch you doing something shitty and you have to save face.
Stop being such a fucking hypocrite and become self aware for once.
No. 473815
>>473676How is losing your glasses a regular thing? They're always on my nose or on my bedside table.
I think glasses are cute and people still assume that you must be somewhat intelligent/read books so I understand why people want them, it just sucks when you're super near-sighted and your glasses make your eyes look about half the size.
>>473684She got the fupa right that's for sure.
No. 473841
>>473684Again with this dead meme!! Ethan will never notice you.
No. 473854
File: 1516231544747.gif (765.77 KB, 244x180, 1465727987638.gif)

>>473130bitch, i'm scalped. hahaha
No. 473893
bad food
irregular sleep
sentient lifestyle
not actually white, just white passing which tbh her hair is the only time this poc shit is relevant lmao
former for her fat, genes for the hair
No. 473938
>>473933Came here to say the same. Including Kay bear who she shouted out on her twitter earlier that is more talented than her but nowhere in kays instastory to pay back her love.
No. 473954
File: 1516237650886.png (82 KB, 547x407, Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at 8.05…)

>>473938how can someone be such an ass kisser and an attention whore at the same time?
No. 473959
>>473954 3 years? Wasn't she showing off that she's been doing it for ONLY 2 years not too long ago?
Also what's with people's standards? 3 years and this is her talent level? You think this is talent? I didn't realize buying costumes on eBay required any sort of talent at all.
Comments like this piss me off because I know numerous people who have been cosplay way less than her and have 100x the talent. They just aren't recognized because they aren't busy sucking penis shaped candy and lying about school.
No. 473970
>>473956No ones her real friend. Because she attacks them. She literally tried to attack and call out someone she roomed with at a con just because she responded to whether or not she had a laptop. It's not even like the person was saying anything secret.
I can almost guarantee her so called friends are only around because they don't want to deal with her harassing them. They're likely afraid she will blackmail them, doxx them, get people to harass them, and all that. She's clearly not above doing that either from what we've seen.
Maybe that's why she's afraid of losing popularity. She knows the moment she becomes irrelevant people will trash her and no one, not even Collette will have her back.
No. 474087
File: 1516244969315.png (108.9 KB, 628x925, shade.PNG)

>>473674But people are still trying to call her on her shit. the white knights and fucktards are out in force defending,.
No. 474114
File: 1516246127441.jpeg (144.55 KB, 750x598, 0ED42D18-8B59-43F3-B254-12B547…)

she finally posted about her Peru invite and wants everyone to know that she will be brushing up on her espanish for her bueno tripo.
No. 474125
File: 1516246422678.png (2.74 MB, 750x1334, 49E5B4AA-9760-4EA0-8E28-95FD25…)

when was the first????
No. 474143
File: 1516247668656.jpg (102.75 KB, 1920x1040, maxresdefault.jpg)

Languages? Business? I remember those classes. Weren't they between Recess and Lunch?
No. 474156
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No. 474158
File: 1516249125715.jpg (519.5 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-01-18-12-18-17…)

No. 474161
File: 1516249298622.png (317.08 KB, 872x311, mysides.png)

Saw this earlier in an art group and lost it. I'm surprised Moomoo didn't suddenly appear in and try and act like it was her ~oc~.
No. 474182
>>474156I bet it was one or two people and they were only her cucks.
No. 474186
>>474125>>474132lol, idk about america but for canada post its just canada mail, america mail, THEN international mail
like bitch its north america fuck off
also i thought she just went there and hasnt been invited to anything
No. 474206
File: 1516254252441.png (631.45 KB, 554x618, so bad.png)

Its so bad looking.
No. 474216
File: 1516254976753.png (152.83 KB, 618x651, mario2.png)

>>474215 I just tried to search for any more sideline mentions to her and this shit came up!
No. 474218
File: 1516255002323.jpeg (354.1 KB, 1242x1223, A0CF7798-D8A0-44E4-BB11-283121…)

Roughly translated they basically say we’re excited to announce another international guest this time cosplayer, cosmaker and prop maker momokun!
Kek, moomoo a propmaker? Everything in her promo was bought or made by OTHER people!!! Clearly this con has done zero research.
No. 474225
>cosplayer>cosmaker>propmakerBitch where?
She's a sex worker, liar, and manipulator.
No. 474229
File: 1516255655477.png (276.87 KB, 446x599, welp.png)

No. 474231
>>474229wtf lmao the skin is her most defining feature
No. 474234
File: 1516255912116.jpeg (70.54 KB, 707x1000, E4C03EF1-0D4F-4169-819A-45492D…)

>>474231>>474230so it’s basically going to be her, in a white wig, with her normal pinkish eyeshadow and normal pink or red contacts. if she’s not painting herself pink there’s no point in making the tail either. why not just go for her normal form which yes even Roxy did but you could look thicc and decent???????
No. 474241
File: 1516256418493.jpeg (75.98 KB, 1199x664, 7228A73E-E802-4713-9B43-5EE599…)

i’m sure the only reason she doesn’t want to do the body paint is because she’ll look like majin buu’s ugly sister
No. 474242
File: 1516256638820.png (432.36 KB, 458x759, hairylikemanmookun.PNG)

>>474218According to the FB translation they think she is a he. Those linebacker shoulders and hairy square manass sure paid off.
No. 474252
>>474242Oh fuck no. She does not make her own cosplays and armor. So much for giving credit to people Mooriah.
I can already see her defending herself by saying she never proofread what they wrote about her. If she has any decency left she should correct them and tell them she doesn't do shit.
Better yet give her an armor making panel. It would be like that Black widow video all over again
No. 474261
File: 1516258360422.jpeg (130.49 KB, 750x825, A3427A46-00BC-4A11-AAFA-9FC51F…)

>>474258yeah but now ~she’s hot~
No. 474272
File: 1516259382014.png (923.63 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2018-01-17-23-05-58…)

Red riding hood and probably bunny Lucoa. Gabby had a similar cosplay recently.
No. 474285
>>474272return of the blonde wig-chan.
here I thought she forsaken you for pink wig-kun.
No. 474306
>>474286>dumbass rappersfirst off, how dare you
In Crybaby, Akira seems to appreciate Ryo as a really good friend but Ryo loves Akira– That only becomes apparent in the last episode, though. People are mad at Moo because Devilman spans a ton of different storylines and adaptations centering around the relationship between Ryo and Akira which is far deeper than platonic. Multiple creators and Go Nagai have said as much. Moomoo, as per usual, is spouting her interpretation as if it's the gospel truth despite the fact that Crybaby is literally the only Devilman media she's consumed.
No. 474313
File: 1516264157495.png (26.32 KB, 465x227, Screenshot 2018-01-18 at 12.28…)

I await this con
No. 474314
File: 1516264167986.png (1.07 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-01-18-02-25-16…)

Even jessica won't kiss momo's ass
Sage for not moo related
No. 474326
File: 1516265374400.png (40.43 KB, 469x359, Screenshot 2018-01-18 at 12.44…)

sage for cross posting
No. 474327
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No. 474332
i'm here for it. i wanna see how bad she screws it up and the fgc calls her lazy, fat, and half assed like with her android 18
No. 474345
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>for the first time
No. 474349
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No. 474359
File: 1516269971687.png (61.85 KB, 588x374, Screenshot 2018-01-18 at 2.05.…)

"y wont ne1 stand up 4 me ;u;"
No. 474361
File: 1516270155926.png (965.48 KB, 720x1174, Screenshot_2018-01-18-02-07-19…)

Cried too hard in the shower my dudes
No. 474362
File: 1516270212612.png (960.96 KB, 720x1181, Screenshot_2018-01-18-02-07-23…)

No. 474366
>>474361>Doing some SUPPER cool stuffCan she get her mind off of food for one minute.
>I'm feeling a little under the weather and my voice was totally goneTranslation: I got mad jealous over Nigri patting Collette on the back publicly but not me and I threw a tantrum about it.
>>474355Damn even Gollum decided to try out cosplay.
No. 474387
>>474252I was almost tempted to email them and tell them whatever she told them is untrue and to give receipts of every one of those pictured cosplays as being heavily commissioned and not made or built by her…..
But then I thought…. nah. This is going to be really fun to watch go up in flames. She doesn’t know a lick of Spanish, ohh my goddd they’re going to find out she’s a fraud LIVE it’s going to be MEGA MILKY.
No. 474402
>>474355Fuck you anon I'm in the Library right now and I'm trying not to laugh.
Should be next thread picture.
No. 474403
File: 1516279275454.png (747.36 KB, 1078x1771, 20180118_063945.png)

Mariah only does what others are doing. Point in case. She needs to be better though and can't do the same costume. Esp since there are no boobs
No. 474417
File: 1516285225455.png (667.93 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1413.PNG)

No sight of Vamp, and Vamp didn't even include her in her WCW posts, it's obvious Moo can't keep her around anymore so she's leeching off Elizabeth now
No. 474431
>>474359Her whole world is completely crashing down and she is stuck wondering why no one will stand up for her.
It might have something to do with the fact that you burned every bridge imaginable. Or the constant lies you surround yourself with. The people you have chased out of the cosplay community. The work you have still stolen and tried to claim as your own. The constant clap backs at people who try to call you on your bullshit. And yet you still have the nerve to act like “I didn’t no nothing wrong. I’m always innocent”.
You’ve got no one to blame but yourself and you deserve all of this. No one is coming to save you, not even your “cosplay Mom” Nigri, who in a funny twist of fate, has no issue publicly giving support to your so called “best friend”. And no amount of crying for sympathy will change that.
No. 474449
>>474206She's trying to be Nigri so bad that its sad.
this also looks terrible
No. 474458
File: 1516289849551.jpeg (118.56 KB, 1242x364, 63066F11-6939-4B71-A9C4-2E8F02…)

Facebook sperg incoming
No. 474462
File: 1516289955556.jpeg (130.58 KB, 1242x1454, 5DBF8E05-0797-4A29-BB90-4A8048…)

>>474460They all only have a few likes and one or two comments. No ones really responding and definitely none of her “cosfamous moms”
No. 474474
>>474472i honestly don't get how she thinks she helps people. maybe all those fat girls who decide to become cos-sluts (but one could argue it's not helping anyone, especially them and the comm) i spoke to her a few times before under the guise of a fan around that time her lipo came out, and while she acts really nice to you if you're kissing ass, she immediately turns on you if you stop. before she posted her 'confession' vid i asked her about it on dm because we'd been chatting, and she immediately clapped back and blocked me on her private account. she didn't block her on her momo account until i ripped her on the funimation pics tho.
it's just so pathetic. she's not doing anything for anyone and she tries to act so good and gracious as if the world is at her back ready to stab her.
No. 474479
>>474474I’m sure she is speaking of all the hotel rooms, dinners and other expenses she treats her “friends” to. Which aren’t out of the kindness of her heart, but instead leaverage she tries to hold over their heads so they can’t call her out on her bullshit.
>>474477She always tries to play “big bad tough bitch who don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about her” on the internet but is too much of a chickenshit to follow through on it and makes her look like a cunt to her fans so she always immediately tries to walk it back and make up excuses until one her “friends” accidentally spills the truth or she gets so much shit she can’t possibly lie anymore.
No. 474483
>>473928Only the ones descending from Arabs, so it adds up. She's just an usual Arab girl. If she really had PCOS she'd have already taken advantage of it for pity points at any time possible
>>474314Mariah must be fuming right now.
>>474326Honestly, birds of a feather flock together. Whoever associates with Mariah for such a long time is most likely very similar to her.
By the way, why is this thread still in /snow/? Anons have been behaving lately, plus milk is pouring again.
No. 474493
>>474483To be honest her move to snow did the threads something good. There is so much less infighting and it started to annoy everyone here.
If people would stop being saging nazis it would be even better.
Anyways I kinda doubt vamps will spill the milk directly on here (if she ever does) since she is included in that moomoos calves thread.
She'll probablly tell it friends only.
No. 474501
File: 1516293785526.jpg (166.51 KB, 1304x827, Screenshot_20180118-174123.jpg)

Apparently the reason why they did not shoot their marshmellow, whatever the fuck that was, together
No. 474518
File: 1516295406907.png (Spoiler Image,437.21 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180118-104725.png)

From the set of her just rolling around on the couch. I think it's funny to see the cow in her natural, unposed,unshopped state.
No. 474523
File: 1516295935063.png (265.75 KB, 1074x931, Screenshot_2018-01-18-14-13-45…)

>>474242They have several guests, probably some are male. They said "quinto invitado" because in Spanish neutral colective nouns are always masculine no matter if the group includes women or not. They address Moo as a girl when they talk about her afterwards.
Don't nitpick.
No. 474526
File: 1516296076524.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1365, Screenshot_2018-01-18-14-19-54…)

>>474523Samefag/OT, there are males invited as well.
No. 474534
>>474460B-but Mooriah you do this exact same shit. You trashed people who helped you. You stopped crediting photographers that you worked with because you have whatever personal issues with them. It's both unprofessional and hypocritical. Especially because those photographers are the ones who were there with you when you started. You wouldn't be where you are without them. You even shit on a guy who made most of your armor and props for you. And worst part is you're still taking credit for them because people seem to assume you're a propmaker and armor maker, and you don't even have the decency to correct them. Now it looks like Vamp is cutting ties with you too. Maybe because "she didn't open any doors for you". You can't even appreciate the people who stuck by you.
You've cut ties with many people because what? They 'hurt' you? Grow up. On your Facebook post you're basically asking people who cut you out of their lives to still have some sort of appreciation for you. Well excuse me, princess of the cunts. You cut out plenty of people and all you did was trash them and their reputation. And talk shit about them. You can't ask people for the same when you can't even do it yourself.
And you wonder why people hate you….
No. 474535
>>474417She did it without vamp and without telling her she was going to
Vamp was like lol idk!
It's prob in last thread
No. 474547
>>474535I'm pretty sure Mariah told Vamp to make up a lie so she could cover her ass. It makes no sense that she would already do a Marshmello shoot after planning on doing it together BEFORE Vamp shot it herself. If things went as planned, she would be shooting the same thing twice. Once by herself and again with Vamp.
Also we see her stories. Mariah was clearly fine.
No. 474576
>>474459God damn she REALLY needs to just take ~6mo off. She really needs to take longer off but we know shes too greedy to put her mental health above $$..
Mariah, you can pause your patreon. You wont lose all your patrons, and they wont leave because theyre not getting charged anyway. You need to step back ASAP because youre already approaching a point where there's genuinely no fixing your reputation or your life. You want respect from friends and fans then earn it, SHOW THEM you're the strong person you claim to be and just take the fucking time off. They havent all stepped back from you because of the "drama" that follows you or your "crazy fans." Theyve all pushed you away, even vamp, because they KNOW your impending unfixable implosion is coming and no one wants to watch a friend go through that. Theyve all spent months and months trying to gently help you and you wasted all of that because you're so greedy and full of yourself, and hide behind it by calling yourself a "business woman."
The people who are still friendly with you dont care about you, Mariah. Theyre only along for the ride to watch and laugh from an inside view while you crash and burn.
No. 474579
>>474568One of the previous threads talked about a well known Asian photographer who worked with Nigri saying she doesn't like Mariah at all. It's sounding more and more true with all of this evidence. Why else has Mariah never been a WCW? Like yeah they interact but never in a way that would show her public endorsement of Mariah. They have also never done work together. Mariah seems to have been pushing to work with her too. She's always suggesting Nigri should cosplay from a series that either Mariah is obsessed with or Mariah is going to cosplay. Mariah is doing Roadhog the same time Nigri planned on doing Junkrat. Coincidence? Mariah clearly is trying to work with her while Nigri pushes her away. It's pathetic.
It also looks like elizabethrage is Mariah's new Vamp.
No. 474580
>>474459Cry me a river Mariah, people are mad at you because you're
not truthful and open, lying about lipo, lying about college, lying about sending out rewards, lying about bringing the discord back. Hot tip: stop lying and treating people like shit and maybe they won't pull away.
No. 474587
>>474459Another anon commented about Moo needing to take a step back, and I'm just adding in that I agree. That was my first thought while reading this.
Take some time to actually partake in some self care - mentally AND physically (get that skin under control and actually workout and take care of her body rather than continually subjecting it to lipo).
Take the time to actually watch/read and absorb all the anime/manga she claims to be a mega fan of and learn to be a fan without obnoxiously tryhard posting about it.
Take the time to decide if she wants to be a serious cosplayer or if she wants to just be a damn sex worker. Make a choice and stop flip flopping about it. And if she chooses the damn cosplay route, then learn how to actually put real effort into her costumes and props.
Learn how to be nice and decent to her fans and how to actually take criticism.
Learn how to swallow her pride and come clean about the shit she's lied about and just give herself a fresh, humble start.
I know this won't happen, but these are the things she needs to do. Slow down, breathe, and learn to be a human being rather that whatever this mess is she's being now.
No. 474598
>>474576>youre already approaching a point where there's genuinely no fixing your reputation or your lifeShe's pretty much at that point already though
She would have to make a complete 180 as a person in every aspect of her life to fix anything at this point.
She'll never get real friends because she consistently uses and then throws away people. She'll never get a job outside of these and most companies will stay away from her because googling her real name gets you pictures of her bare ass. It will take months of strict diet and exercise to get her body to repair her body, skin and hair.
the 6 months would be needed to be spent doing nothing but busting her ass and really changing her shit. She would have to apologize for all the lies, to all the people she doxxed, clear up any bullshit she spread about people (publicly and privately). Just disappearing for a few months and coming back without coming clean would be a moot point.
(repost for sage)
No. 474603
>>474459How many other well known cosplayers do you know that go on attention seeking rants like this? I would assume not many. She unfortunately has a big follow and she does make decent money but she still is unhappy. It's all because of her lack of professionalism. In her short time cosplaying she has garnered a lot of hate. And despite what she believes, it's not because people are jealous. There are plenty of cosplayers who shot up in fame that people like. You don't see people hating on hendoart as much as they hate on momokun. Momokun is utter trash. She hurt her own reputation and career with her constant lies and flip flopping. If you ask anyone to name a costhot, most of them will say Momokun. That's why she probably feels the need to do things or buy things for people because she knows if she doesn't people will leave her and see the shit stain she truly is.
She's had many opportunities to clean up her act. She could have actually taken that long social media break a while back . Instead she came back a day later as the same exact person. The only thing stopping her from quitting cosplay is her love for seeking attention and knowledge her family and friends will leave her once she's a nobody.
No. 474610
>>474281>she's been trying to pick at it and remove the pimples herself. did she seriously say this
because shes so dumb i dont know if youre being sarcastic/noticing her mannerisms
No. 474622
>>474610No she did not say it but you could see it. No pimple looks like that if left alone.
Ahe definitely picked at it
No. 474629
File: 1516302689462.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180118-200920.png)

>>474622>>474610Here you can see her nasty skin
No. 474634
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No. 474642
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No. 474648
File: 1516303548306.png (812.55 KB, 720x847, Screenshot_2018-01-18-11-20-03…)

Delete your social media then. Tired of her blaming inanimate objects , even, for her shortcomings and fuckups
No. 474653
File: 1516303747409.jpeg (45.98 KB, 750x120, 1F4C7A3D-07B7-49E6-8AA1-6E7FD3…)

>>474643:( we aren’t specshul double jointed like she is
No. 474659
File: 1516303947209.jpg (449.29 KB, 2896x2896, 20180118_133113.jpg)

No. 474662
>>474614Yaya is actually talented though. If she told me my cosplays were shit or if someone said she's a propmaker/ craftswoman I would be okay with it. Mooriah on the other hand has made fun of people's cosplays or tried to give an input into other people's cosplays but she has no talent. The fact that people think she's still talented after that Black Widow atrocity is amazing.
Really? 3 years of cosplaying and that's your skill level?
No. 474663
>>474636i can kind of do it
but its not normal, ive freaked my friends out by how much i can lift my fingers up off a flat surface
but i still cant get it to look like hers do. is that a double joint kind of thing? nah, shed brag about that too
No. 474668
>>474645thats like 7 shots in one tweet alone are you trying to kill us
>>474648"i want to be famous" you literally wrote that on your da
congrats mariah.
No. 474669
>>474653>>474663samefag, nm i see she claims double joint
still surprised she never mentioned it before
No. 474673
File: 1516304403026.png (414.11 KB, 720x1171, Screenshot_2018-01-18-11-38-12…)

Remember to keep a lookout
No. 474675
>>474667>>474667who fucking cares where we are
shit posters are too stupid to find us in snow
i like it here
No. 474697
>>474686We all know she won’t do shit to anyone in public. Every time someone talked about confronting her at a con she talked shit all the way up to the actual date, then hid in her hotel room the whole time. They don’t have anything to be afraid of.
Also, Moomoo’s reputation is shit right now. She really can’t rally her troops like she used to. If anything, she’ll get even more shit if she tries to doxx or harass them.
She really is at her weakest right now.
No. 474706
File: 1516305278508.png (10.41 MB, 1242x2208, B74898A4-2F0D-4BB7-A5A1-540729…)

Looks like moo dropped vamp from the shoot today
No. 474717
File: 1516305712872.jpeg (171.02 KB, 750x1073, 39DDAFCF-239D-4AE5-9C1A-6255EE…)

>>474706Adding to this… just proof that Vamplettes confirmed she was to cosplay. If we don’t see her on footage today then something is definitely up between her and Mariah.
No. 474719
>>474697A few of them normally see her around at cons and she will go up to them like they're buddy buddy. So I guess they're afraid because they aren't "randoms". I can't blame them for being afraid of her because shes the type to do any underhanded tactic she can based on her track record.
For crying out loud, she tries to come at someone who just told a friend that she never saw her with a god damn laptop!!!
I'm glad to hear they at least have an intention to delete her off of their stuff because it shows me that maybe her other "friends" feel the same.
No. 474747
>>474719Fucking do it. The faster you rip the bandaid, the faster you get over the pain.
>>474718Elizabeth is just Vamp with a nosejob tbh.
No. 474771
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No. 474779
File: 1516309706123.jpg (164.79 KB, 856x856, Screenshot_20180118-150710.jpg)

No. 474798
>>474460Bitch can't even vent her feelings without being a cunt.
>>474462Good, suffer well.
No. 474807
>>474758i don't get this shit. i don't like yaya either but WHY is so hard for someone on a anonymous board to admit she has talent? holy shit
sage for ot
No. 474814
Come on guys, let's not end this thread by talking about Yaya, there's a thread for that already.
>>474706I am seriously hoping that Mooriah doesn't try anything lewd around the wolf. Especially after riding someone's ass about being a furry.
No. 474834
File: 1516314668405.png (771.84 KB, 1080x862, Screenshot_20180118-172806~2.p…)

Bunny Ayumi (who unfollowed Moo recently) is promoting Vamp now too. Moo has become the poop no one wants to touch!
No. 474845
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No. 474847
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No. 474848
File: 1516315133447.png (154.11 KB, 261x230, dog.PNG)

>>474845Looks like a dog tbh
No. 474855
File: 1516315369051.png (1.05 MB, 720x1182, Screenshot_2018-01-18-14-40-42…)

When your vet looks better than you at your own shoot
No. 474895
File: 1516316866193.png (939.72 KB, 720x1184, Screenshot_2018-01-18-15-05-31…)

Segoni bit her already. There a bruise on the other side of her arm near the elbow too
No. 474898
>>474834Vamp's janky face kind of fits the character design style tbh kek
Go Vamp, go.
No. 474901
File: 1516317097743.png (1.07 MB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2018-01-18-15-04-33…)

"I pet him when he didnt want to be pet and I paid the price"
No. 474902
>>474837Dual major and double jointed, excuse you
>>474848Hahaha can't unsee
>>474895Wow, already? Animals are truly real judges of character.
No. 474905
>>474901>>474895stupid fucking cow
i wish your cats could destroy you, but you like to pick on tiny animals the same way you do smaller cosplayers
No. 474914
File: 1516317540730.png (214.76 KB, 227x350, Horo_Horo_no_Mi_Bath_Salts.png)

>>474903Bad example in case no one knows wtf we're talking about
No. 474915
File: 1516317593646.png (45.29 KB, 634x438, attn.png)

well she finally got mama nigri to reply
No. 474918
>>474895>>474901This dumb bitch really doesn’t know how to act around but animals. I hope she keeps getting bit. I have no doubt she was told not to mess with it and she was like “Lol what are you talking about my dude. He luuuvs me!!”
>>474893Moomoo somehow always manages to look the worst in every group she is in.
No. 474924
>>474910guzma has clawed the shit out of her, this is hardly an unexpected outcome. to the point he bullies the other cats.
my point is she probably treated the dog the same as her cats, but a dog is bigger and more unwilling to tolerate - especially from a stranger hes bit in the past.
No. 474925
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No. 474926
File: 1516318063003.png (1.21 MB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2018-01-18-15-17-21…)

No Vamp…give us the deets Vamp we know you lurk
No. 474931
File: 1516318199607.png (1.33 MB, 720x1199, Screenshot_2018-01-18-15-16-52…)

>>474927Mariah is a social liability. You know that if she did an hero she would've blamed Nigri like a psycho.
No. 474941
File: 1516318485823.png (892.24 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2018-01-18-15-32-18…)

I guess Roxy was invited but no Vamp
No. 474944
File: 1516318618163.jpeg (568.03 KB, 1242x948, 84190D06-9824-458E-824E-F3B326…)

>>474889Vamp is at home actually making cosplay.
Vamp is shit but god I feel sorry for her, mono is so fucking shitty to her.
No. 474954
>>474944People should go to her stream and be nice to Vamp just to
trigger Mooriah kek
No. 474955
File: 1516318949202.png (30.41 KB, 587x205, Screenshot 2018-01-18 at 3.41.…)

>>474944According to this, Vamps picked Roxy up to drop off cookies she made for Mariah.
No. 474960
>>474952ill be a fan of her just to
trigger mariah.