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No. 14997
I'm surprised there hasn't been a thread yet. (or maybe I missed it) and overbearingly Christian, Traci Hines (formerly Traci Oden) dubs herself as "The Real Life Ariel" and "Hipster Ariel". Traci enjoys lying to people about having been employed by Disney to show up at D23 and when she worked as a party princess, as well as scheduling meet and greets with herself to sign autographs at California Disney as well as local Starbucks. She enjoys trying to steal thunder from actual cast members, making shitty music on Youtube, shoving her religion onto you, and acting like she's the only person who can ever be a Disney Princess.
No. 14998
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>>14997Traci is seen here trying to guilt FireflyPath.
No. 15000
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>>14998's husbands Instagram. Pretty sure she's a gold digger who married a much older man in order to avoid getting an actual career. Also, two years of college according to her website and this little tidbit:
"I attended Azusa Pacific University directly after High School for 2 years. I got in with a music scholarship for vocal performance, but had a heartbreaking ‘Ariel’ experience and lost my (singing) voice 3 days after moving in to the dorms. It forced me to drop out of the music program early on, though I continued to take music and art classes while I was there. My 2nd year things began to turn around and my voice started healing and returning. I took a musical theater workshop that really impacted me, and after I completed my 2nd year made the decision to move back home and work on my music. College was a great experience for me though. Regardless of classes, it really helped me become more independent as a person and helped me solidify my career goals."
More like she realized she wasn't as good as she thought she was an ragequit.
No. 15001
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>>14998Here is the Cher Lloyd accusation post:
Pic related is what Traci is accusing her of "stealing".
A fucking pose that has been done for ages? Especially in old pin-up art? This girl needs to get a life, she's going to be 30 next year.
No. 15002
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Comparison between Disney Parks Ariel cast members, True Enchantment's new Ariel which replaced Traci after she left, and Traci herself.
No. 15003
File: 1411775159553.png (34.34 KB, 569x383, mmkay.png)'s clothing line, which is nothing of her own creation and profits solely off of Disney intellectual property. Same case as most of Traci's shitty music, which is her leeching off of fandoms she isn't even a part of.
Pic related is some delicious irony of the entire situation.
No. 15004
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No. 15005
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No. 15006
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No. 15007
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No. 15008
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No. 15009
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More fandom bandwagoning? More fandom bandwagoning!
No. 15010
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No. 15011
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No. 15012
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No. 15062
>>15006Of course she'd work with a shit person like Doe Deere.
Traci's smile bothers me
No. 15070
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>>15069It is, but she and her friends have shown up in cosplay AND the Disneybounding thing that is going on. I don't know why nobody has thrown them out yet. I had even sent corporate the link to her website to let them know she's copyright infringing and nothing has happened yet.
No. 15071
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No. 15074
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No. 15075
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>>15073Eh, there are many, many, many other pictures of her if one were to Google 'Hipster Ariel'. She acts as if she's responsible for the creation of the Hipster Disney Princess meme.
Speaking of Scene, she was actually Scene for a period after high school when she started trying to move out of her normalfag territory. She's naturally blonde and actually looked like a drag queen Taylor Swift in high school.
No. 15093
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2008 on American Idol.
Lol bitch never made it.
No. 15094
>>15092Because she was a casual all her life and after she graduated, she began to hop onto bandwagons for shit. She also attended a Catholic high school, so that obviously limited what she could do with makeup, fashion, and hair during her teen years. Photos of her didn't begin to surface until she started trying to make her claim to fame as IRL Ariel.
Lol, she's said it before. Go ask her. She'll be thirty.
No. 15102
>>15094But I mean, she must have graduated in 2002/3 but Scene wasn't really a thing until maybe 2007 onwards.
She must only be a year or two older than me and scene was always "lol kids" from my viewpoint.
No. 15110
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Why are all Ariel cosplayers so nuts? She reminds me of Mika Nightingale.
No. 15115
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>>15098Agreed. She reminds me of Anastasia when she was trying to smile.
No. 15169
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No. 15171
>>15167>>15168I agree with both of you Anons.
As a music Major, she really sounds like what I call the "casual pop star" there's already tons of singers who sing just like that, and also, she really doesn't seem to have good dynamics either, which is why she sounds unemotional. She really has a lot of work to do. Like TONS.
>>15093As other anon said, Link to video please?
>>14997>tfw I'm planning to transfer to APUHoly jeebus, I don't even- I'm dying lol.
No. 15186
>>15176Hmmm interesting, then that would mean that she would need to improve her technique even more bc she doesn't sound like it (pompous much maybe?). I heard all of her songs, especially her originals. She really used some auto tuning on those lol.
I believe that personalities have to do with vocal technique flaws. So, I'd say she should stop inflating her ego if she wants to succeed in the music industry.
I'm not supporting her though, she really needs to leave her ego scepter.
No. 15187
>>15186her voice has not changed in ages.
it's always the same rehashed shit over and over. she can't reach high notes and you can tell she strains a lot because her voice lacks force.
she actually tried to audition for Glee
>'s just a girl who thinks she can make a living out of something she doesn't have. She just doesn't have the voice.
No. 15188
>>15169This horrible mermaid makeup tutorial gets me every. Fucking. Time. It's horrible! So much god damn cake face and those eyelashes are too over the top. That lipstick… Augh…
What I hate the most about Traci is her ego. Thinking she's the greatest voice ever when she's so damn mediocre. Getting super butthurt when Joellen makes a similar Jasmine costume for someone else. Gets angry when people make affordable versions of her overpriced shit. Then of course, the way she thinks she's the greatest Ariel ever… I'm glad she had her guest status taken away at MerCon several years back. The mermaid community has so many crazies and what makes it even worse is that so many people look up to Traci. What the fuck is up with the obsession with Ariel? She's basically the patron Disney saint for crazy women at this point.
No. 15189
>>15188Why was it taken away?
I only know of her making up stories about when she worked for True Enchantment, about how they were employed by Disney when they actually weren't and how she has lied on social media about being a special guest at D23 when she was just a regular cosplayer like everyone else. I remember when an animator for TLM said her costume was nice and she took that to mean that she was the best representation of Ariel ever and flipped a thousand shits over it.
Her ego is irritating and it doesn't help that she's quite evidently a gold digger. I'm also curious as to what happened with her leaving True Enchantment, because her and Lisa Fabio used to be super close and now they're not even Facebook or Instagram friends any longer. I had only heard tales about Traci making party princesses about herself being the princess and not engaging the children.
No. 15190
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>>15188Her makeup in general gets me. She cakes it on so thick that without it, she looks like a haggard, effeminate boy. Bags, wrinkles, massive pores, sunken in as fuck eyes. It's like shit, just wash your fucking face and wear makeup less, you stupid whore. Or, here's an idea; Stop using cheap ass Lime Crime and MAC and get something that is quality.
All makeup ages you, but fuck you at least buy ones that are better for your skin.
No. 15191
>>15189It was taken away when the organizers found out she was lying about working for Disney and such. Honestly, I don't get
why so many people in the mermaid community look up to Traci and think that Ariel is the greatest thing ever. There's way more interesting mermaids to follow. And Ariel has such an ugly color scheme anyway.
Still though. I was surprised as fuck to see so many people in the mermaid community buying her shit, wtf?! All they're basically doing is paying for her name and knowing that she touched the shit lmao
No. 15194
>>15191Oh god, do you mean those tacky starfish hair pins or her retarded clothing line she recently made?
>>15192Yeah, and like that anon said, they're psychotic bitches.
No. 15195
>>15191I think that Traci gets looked up to in the same regard that Yaya Han and other cosplay whores get looked up to. They see the lip gloss and sparkles or tits and take it at face value instead of doing any research on the person. So, they become invested in them and still stick to what they're spoonfed and when the dirty pasts of these girls are brought up, they're unable to handle the fact that they were lied to. Their illusion is shattered, but they insist upon going into full white knight mode and raging at anyone who dares to tell them the truth.
Retards like Traci give average girls with nothing to offer the delusion that they're special snowflakes, when in reality they don't have anything. Traci herself is nothing without tons of makeup and auto tune. Her voice is awful and she has such a shitty ego that it's a wonder how anyone can stomach being around her for more than five minutes. Especially with that fake voice she puts on. I mean, really, who the hell gets so asshurt about not being noticed by Disney that they schedule meet and greets with autograph signings at friggin' Starbucks OR the Disney park itself? It all screams mental issues. Was she not hugged as a child or some shit?
No. 15196
>>15187>>15195>>15188Exactly those, You took the words right out of my mouth, very well said, guys.
(And I would like to apologize for my weak English too btw, I'm bilingual)
No. 15198
>>15194Both, really. Actually, more like everything. Wigs, hair clips, those mermaid shell crop tops… None of those are even original so I don't get why she's so bothered by it. Starfish clips have been around for ages, those wigs are modeld after the Disney park actresses, and
everything in her fashion line is based off of Disney rather than the original stories which Disney drew inspiration from.
tl;dr, she's unoriginal but gets angry about "copycats."
No. 15222
>>15192>>15194Fucking hell, the first thing I found on google was this excuse my autism, but is that 'about this blog' ironic or is she actually fucking serious? I really can't tell.
No. 15513
>>15501Already posted
>>15155But yeah, it's shit. I did like that song when I was 10 though. She sucked all the nostalgia out of it.
No. 15549
>>15093>Got more questions and video replies to come, but here is the first part of our Q&A with Traci Hines! :) >How far did you manage to get through American Idol? Would you audition again?
>I auditioned for American Idol a few times. The first couple times I didn’t make it past the 1st round, and back when I first auditioned, it was absolutely nuts. We had to sleep in line on the street for 4 days, they wouldn’t tell us when the actual audition was, people were shoved out of line by other wild, would-be contestants…it was madness. So much so, I didn’t try again for a few years! When I heard things had become more civilized and streamlined, haha, I decided to go back and try again. It was a San Francisco audition, and some friends and I took a road trip from LA for it. We figured if we didn’t make it, at least it would be an adventure! And it was! I had very little money so I used the last of my Little Mermaid costume fabric and made a shiny green dress to wear, rocked my red hair and matching lipstick, and walked in looking like a modern day Ariel (or what I thought to be a modern day Ariel look!) I sang a pop version of Part of Your World, and made it through the first cut! One more trip to San Francisco a few months later for the next few rounds and I was singing in front of Simon Fuller, the exec. producer, and a few other people in casting. They had me sing 2 songs for them (POYW and a bluesy pop song I had prepared) then they sat and stared at me for about 2 full minutes while they deliberated. They asked me about my youtube channel, and clearly had done some research on me. If I made it through this cut I would be in front of the celebrity judges and on tv). Simon Fuller ultimately told me that I was too “Disney” for that season, and that they were looking for someone with a breathier sound. He told me I was a bit too “High School Musical” and that he could see me in Wicked. I was at least flattered they were so nice to me. He said all really nice things, just not exactly what I was hoping to hear. Many of the others auditioning with me that day told me they only got out a few words before they were shushed and sent home. I got about 10 to 15 minutes with the producers. They still filmed those auditions, even though they weren’t the celebrity judges’ rounds yet, and when the show came on tv, I was surprised to see myself on screen for a few seconds as Ryan Seacrest described the “fashion” of Idol that year. I was hoping my voice would win them over, but at the end, it was just my Ariel look that made it onto tv screens. I never went in expecting to win or even get close, I was just hoping for some exposure, but they didn’t show me sing…just what I wore. Ah, well. It was an experience and an adventure and I still had fun! I think technically I made it 4 rounds that year, which was the closest I got. TV doesn’t show the multiple trips many of us have to take for the audition rounds (on our own dime of course!) and what you see on tv is not all it seems. From the way things were that year, I’m willing to bet every person you see singing on tv has gone through multiple audition rounds. You don’t sing for the judges until you’ve been approved over and over again through many producer rounds. I auditioned once more after that, but didn’t get through the first round. It’s such a crapshoot, haha. I feel like I’ve been through my share of Idol auditions, so I don’t have much interest in auditioning again. Can't find the video though. No. 15554
>>15549It was a really stupid idea for her to go into an AI audition dressed a a licensed Disney character. I can
probably understand if it were aired on ABC (since they're owned by Disney) but FOX??? Idk, either way I think it's dumb to use someone else's artwork and trademark to try making a name for yourself. It's not original and no serious company would willingly invest money in someone trying to emulate one of Disney's most popular characters.
No. 15573
It's like something out of an SNL skit
No. 15590
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>>14997I don't.. understand why she thinks black or purple lipsticks look good on her.. She legitimately looks like a drag queen..
No. 15648
>>15611Ew, I fucking remember that contest. I sat there like, "Really, nigger?" She has to fucking bandwagon onto every little thing possible, despite her lack of interest in anything of the sort prior when she was just a fucking normalfag. And, feels the need to find some way to profit off of it. Mass Effect, Sailor Moon, ANYTHING Disney, Jem, and as of late she's been hopping onto Magic the Gathering only because her husband is into it. Typical fake ass whore who is as bad as those "guilty by association" girlfriends who feel the need to like whatever sports team their boyfriends do, because god forbid you have develop your own fucking personality.
But, I forget that asking Traci to develop any sort of personality is like asking for the impossible.
>Her ego is off the charts thinking that a major movie company would want to cast them as the main characters.Speaking of.. this was hilarious; On one of her IG pictures (I believe it was the most recent Ariel ones), some follower of hers got all butthurt because she actually thought Traci was going to play Ariel in that shitty 'Once Upon A Time' series. She was like, "Oh, I was so disappointed! I thought you were on the show!"
Lol, just as you asked, why the fuck would a major company want to cast her for anything? She isn't even an actress. She has zero experience.
No. 15667
>>15501The only thing I like about this is the arrangement.
I really want the instrumental track though. Lol.
No. 15718
>>15698The comments are so fucking painful to read. Nobody is ever allowed to criticize anything that Traci does without her knights appearing to cuddle her. No wonder she never improves upon anything and has such a terrible ego.
She makes me nauseous, no exaggeration. I don't understand how a person can be so content with being so fake.
No. 15720
>>15663The fake ass voice.
The bad singing.
"I've been friends with.."
That's.. That's what Disney cast members say if they play a character and don't want to 'ruin the magic'. You lying cunt, you never worked for Disney, what the fuck..
No. 15723
>>15698Every time I see this is gets worse somehow. This woman will
never break out since everything she does is copying off of Disney. Companies don't want that in a performing artist (unless it's one of those princess party companies, of course).
No. 15728
>>15611Can we just talk about how Sugarpill took part in the actual movie and Doe Deere got this shit.
I love to see her fail.
No. 15746
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>>15071I tried to make her look more like Aurora
No. 15751
>>15746This is still horrifying.
Dear god, her face..
No. 15758
>>15690Yes, those would be how Disney Park Ariels look. The one on the bottom left is the new Ariel hired to replace Traci for True Enchantment princess parties.
Traci's makeup is always awful. Her brows are too high and drag queenish for a Disney Princess, her horse teeth are ew, and she blatantly looks too old.
No. 15760
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>>15753Wow, is True Enchantment really the best/most well known "Princess for Hire" company? I don't really follow the Disney drama, but I remember reading that "I'm a party princess" Ask/Tell on the Something Awful forums a while back and she made out like the standards were really high, so I guess I just took her word for it? Most of them look nothing like the character they're supposed to be portraying and all of them, with the exception of Rapunzel and maybe that other Ariel, are very clearly far too old.
That "Belle" is a dead ringer for Kailyn.
No. 15762
>>15760Wow, that Belle really does look like Kaylin. Both look really old forthwith age an pretty ugly.
And idk as much as I dislike Traci, she doesn't seem to make the parties all about her. She doesn't seem too bad in this video but then again, I've never been to one of her party events.
No. 15765
>>15762It's a video made by her. Of course it's going to show the most flattering shit.
Dense as fuck.
No. 15776
>>15763That actually looks pretty fun.
If it weren't for her pretentious attitude all of the rest of the time, I'd say that she's great at what she does.
No. 15777 cringed. A lot.
That wig she is wearing is so off. Which is surprising, because her hair is usually really on point, in my opinion.
No. 15819
>>15815Yep, I read every post in the thread. Did you even read my post? I never said anything about a job.
Are you confused about my saying it would be cool to play the part of the princesses? She dresses up as each of them and does photoshoots, makes music videos, has access to the costumes…she has the chance to play those roles. Whether or not she does it in public is irrelevant. I would love to be able to be a Disney princess even in my own home. I don't know where this assumption came in that everyone has to only enjoy doing things for the attention of other people?
No. 16042
>>16015Dear spokesperson of the entire Mexican race,
It's a sugar skull. Literally a sweet. Not an actual human being. If I do my makeup like a Swedish fish, does that mean I'm offending the Swedes?
Traci is annoying but keep your SJW shit on dumblr.
No. 16095
>>16042If I do my makeup like a geisha, am I offending Japanese people?
Or are we only allowed to take meaningful things from Mexican culture and turn it to shit because they're Mexicans and they're taking our jobs?
No. 16096
>>16095Doing makeup like a sugarskull, the Japanese equivalent would be doing makeup like idk pocky. its a sweet. its not a person.
Sugarskull =/= Geisha
No. 16142
>>16042>>16096Oh shut the fuck up.
I am guessing you're either too white or too third gen mexican to understand the significance of this.
Sugar skulls are a sweet that is produced and eaten during Day of The Dead, same for Pan de Muerto.
These things are associated with a holiday, so yes, even though it's "candy" it's not on the same level as fucking pocky you fucking weebs.
By doing this shit, you're promoting the idea that sugar skulls AND day of the dead are on the same level as halloween, when they're not.
There's nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with sharing this part of Mexican culture after all, but the least white people could do is to at least show respect to something that is an actual holiday in my country and not degrading it to a mere costume.
So please keep your narrow minded view of calling everything SJW because your pasty asses can't comprehend shit.
No. 16153
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>mfw this thread
Can we stop turning every single fucking thread on this board into a "what is and isn't racism" shitfest? It's happened in at least 2 other threads over the past couple of days. I feel like it's the same people doing it in every thread, too.
No. 16155
>>16015Poorly done
>>16152Yeah, same with cinco de mayo.
So, let's celebrate july 4th dressing up as burgers, fatsuits and trashy rednecks?
No. 16156
>>16142omg you're a fucking idiot. Listen here, buddy. I've never met a single Mexican person who was offended by this so I'm just gonna assume you're about as white as half the members of this forum. It is indeed a sweet for Day of the Dead, but I've never seen anyone compare it to Halloween. So some people wore it as a costume, boo fucking hoo. Would you rather them put on a mustache and a poncho and a sombrero and start mowing lawns? And whoever said it was even on the same level of geisha makeup needs to get a big slap to the face.
Sugar skulls aren't racist so get over yourself.
Now stop getting brainwashed by tumblr and take a deep breath. Maybe drink some tea.
Oh wait, then you'd be appropriating Asian cultures. nvm Just go back to your bedroom and pretend to be an activist some more.
No. 16167
>>16156>I've never met a single Mexican person who was offended by thisYou just did.
>so I'm just gonna assume you're about as white as half the members of this forum. Mexican living in Mexico, bitch.
Now what?
>but I've never seen anyone compare it to Halloween. Oh my God you're too retarded for this.
Did you even bother to read the caption and comments on her IG? Nah assuming you didn't because you're too lazy to open that shit I'll actually do that favor for you, I mean obviously you're too busy doing other stuff.
Traci Hines did this tutorial for Hot Topic, which uploaded a video on YouTube. Since obviously you can't be assed to look it up here: since I know you won't be assed to look at the description here:
>Traci Hines shows us how to create a jaw-dropping Day of the Dead look for Halloween, using temporary face tattoos and makeup from Blackheart Beauty.Do I need to read it aloud for you or are you cool just doing the effort of using your eyes and reading it on your own? Yes? okay.
>So some people wore it as a costume, boo fucking hoo. Would you rather them put on a mustache and a poncho and a sombrero and start mowing lawns? How about you don't do any of that shit?
How hard is it not to demonize and diminish a culture so you can feel exotic? It's not a matter of "well just deal with us doing any of these equally offensive things because it could be worse!"
That's how retarded you sound right now and I hope you never breed you piece of shit.
No. 16168
>>16167ughhh you are so fucking annoying can you take this shit to tumblr where people actually give a fuck about "IM SO OFFENDED OFMMG THIS IS MY CULTURE U STUPID RETARDED WHITE BITCH OMFG~!!!!"
you're just shitting up this thread
No. 16171
>>16168If all you can offer as a rebuttal to shit is to scream "TUMBLRRRR", I hope you realize how asinine you sound.
People are allowed to be offended by their cultures being shit upon and just because YOU don't think it's a big deal, doesn't mean it isn't a big deal to someone else. I get that this is the internet and it's cool to be edgy and apathetic, Miss 12 going on 13, but you don't impress anyone. You just sound like a broken record.
No. 16172
>>16156not the anon you're replying to, but I'm an actual Mexican living in Mexico and the whole stupid catrina sugarskull makeup piss me off.
>>16159yeah maybe, but my point is in these celebrations retarded people tend to emphazise all the ridiculous stereotypes instead appreciating the true culture of each country.
No. 16174
>>16171Different anon
This is not the place for that shit though. This is fucking lolcow and you SJW's are trying to shit it up. If you have a problem then make a thread dedicated to the racism done by snowflakes, otherwise keep it on tumblr.
No. 16176
>>16171My point is no one here gives a shit,
you sound like a broken record.
No. 16186
>>16185Posting stupid shit that a retarded girl does is.
Kiss my ass.
No. 16201
>>16198Except that the thread wasn't derailed. Just because it isn't your brand of drama doesn't mean it isn't drama, period. Traci did retarded shit, end of story.
I made this thread and if you don't like it, you can get the fuck out. Nobody is making you stay.
No. 16202
>>16201>rude ass crackersIt was, actually. You're banned for the same length as they are now. I don't care if you're the OP.
If you guys want to argue about race or social justice please do it in /b/. All bans in this thread are /pt/-only.
>>16198I was still reading through the whole thread to determine who started it and what actions should be taken.
No. 16204
>>16202I feel like lolcow admin is my new favorite. Because they actually terrify me like an admin should.
Please forgive me admin.
No. 16205
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lolcow admin don't take any shit.
No. 19426
>>19344"Autists" tend to be more annoying than real autists.
It's just a word. Like faggot.
I don't have any issues with people who actually have (high functioning) autism and some degree of self-awareness. In fact, I usually enjoy the company of such people.
However, I can say I've known a few people who were completely obnoxious, and had utterly no ability to detect humor or sarcasm (or to use humor or sarcasm themselves). That made talking to them very difficult.
But in general autists are good people. It's just used entered the lexicon as an insult, so sadly you just have to accept it and distinguish it when you see it.
No. 19513
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No. 19743
>>19736That could very easily backfire as she could send an assload of white knights to clutter up this board. Do you
really want that from someone who has an annoying as fuck fanbase of idiot teenagers and creepy women?
No. 19860
>>19853It's those circle lenses, I think. Makes her look retarded.
>>19854Probably. Her husband makes enough money for her to not have a real job and just sit around playing Starbucks Hipster Princess all day.
No. 20647
>>20638She was a normalfag like any other for her entire life, married a really rich older guy who lets her sit on her ass all day and not have a real job, started doing party princess gigs with True Enchantment, then after Lisa Fabio and her clearly had a falling out she went on to continue her shit with her YouTube videos and terrible "cosplays".
She's just famous because she has been able to delude people into thinking that she's a real life princess, when she's anything but. She's a giant child, a brat, and completely full of herself.
tl;dr YouTube and lots of self whoring.
No. 21258
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No. 21270
>>19881Adella can't really be called e-famous at this point, more like a has-been. After her Attention (erm… Zelda) Project basically failed, she finally grew up, got married, started a family and has more or less vanished from the attention whore scene.
I think they met through Joellen though.
No. 21674
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No. 21707
>>21705..Holy shit, it does look like that.
It's supposedly Flounder inspired, but it looks pretty shitty.
No. 21718
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I guess she wants to be Courtney Love.
No. 21962
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She looks friggin' horrifying.
No. 22496
Her voice just makes me think of those people that have to get jobs on kids shows singing because they couldn't make it any further.
FURTHERMORE. That song is fucking atrocious.
No. 22566
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No. 24262
File: 1416104792518.jpg (143.39 KB, 640x640, you are not ariel.jpg)

>Happy 25th Anniversary to a film & a mermaid that has influenced & changed my life in so many ways. The first time I heard #Ariel sing (when I was just a little kid) I knew I wanted to be a #singer, and a voice actress. Her voice touched me & inspired me, along with her charisma, drive & passion to go after her dreams. Alan Menken's #music has moved me ever since, and the #Disney Renaissance that began with #TheLittleMermaid went on inspire me even further with my love for music, #fairytales & believing anything is possible. The biggest compliment I could receive as a kid was hearing that I sounded like Ariel, or that I reminded someone of a Disney character. There was a beauty and a positivity and a wholesomeness that these characters had that I strove for. I don't know, I guess something clicked when I connected with this film, and many other #classicDisney movies. It's become a part of me, an inspiration & an outlet. I don't by any means feel like I AM Ariel, haha, I'm my own person, with aspirations of my own, but she's certainly been a kindred spirit, #fantasy as she may be, and I'm thrilled I've been able to take on her likeness from time to time to make little kids (and maybe some big ones too!) happy. Because The Little Mermaid had such an impact not only in inspiring me towards music, but also in any success of my music on #YouTube & beyond (b/c that's really what gave me my start- doing #Disneycovers! Specifically mermaid songs) I wanted my first real #musicvideo to be for my favorite song, the one that inspired me to sing in the first place, "Part of Your World." I'm dying to get more of my original music out there; I want my own voice to be heard, but first I wanted to do my own version of the song that gave me wings…or #fins, (literally! Haha). As a kid I never planned on donning a #mermaid tail & actually portraying this character, but life takes you to the craziest & most magical of places if you let it. Never let that inner child grow up. If you believe anything is possible, it is. Thank you @disney & the Little Mermaid team, for inspiring me to no end, and for making countless others feel the very same way. #littlemermaid25thanniversary
No. 24263
All this time I thought she was a sea horse. I feel embarrassed now.
No. 24264
>>24262>I don't by any means feel like I AM ArielWhich is the biggest load of bullshit, Traci, and you know it. The same way you didn't think you were Jasmine and yet you pulled
>>14998What a tiresome, old bitch. Glad she's nearing 30.
No. 24291
>>24262she doesn't look anything like ariel……ariel looks cute and adorable not like an fucking old hag horse creature. she looks more like one of cinderellas evil stepsisters. that's who she should cosplay as from now on.
also that thick ass cat eye. ariel never had that shit. her eyes are big and round.
No. 24300
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No. 24330
>>24291Ariel is a naive, sheltered sixteen year old girl. Traci in Ariel-mode looks like a streetwise stripper in her 30's who wears heavy warpaint so that nobody will recognize her when she picks her kids up from school. I keep expecting her to sound like Nicki Minaj.
>>24292I feel the same way. It just looks so off to me. I never got the hype around Ryan Gosling because he looks like a bad caricature to me but eh, different strokes.
>>24300I'm so glad I never liked Frozen. Imagine having it as your favourite Disney move and seeing all these people constantly fuck it up.
No. 24385
File: 1416157519465.jpg (103.18 KB, 640x640, drag queen chan.jpg)

Her friend looks like she's trying to be the whale sympathizer from the all about that bass video.
No. 24431
>>24292Nah, it's easy to hide that with GOOD make up. Tracy's make up is shit.
Like the other anon said - I think her mouth is far worse. I often wonder what's going through Traci's mind when she smiles.
"Oh hey I'm massively horsefaced with misshapen lips and gigantic horse teeth… maybe I should paint my mouth like a clown and grin like a crazy mass murderer"
"Oh shit my make up ages me, better slap on even more make up"
No. 24437
>>24431easy to hide with makeup but still disturbing as fuck. people with close together eyes look creepy, thats why alot of "ugly" disney characters like the evil step sisters have them. it makes the main character look cuter.
also she tightlines all around her freakish eyes like a retard. just like miley cyrus does.
No. 24440
File: 1416174915618.png (875.62 KB, 1286x767, Screenshot (320).png)

>maekup secretz hue XDDDD
Nigbitch, you use Lime Crime and it's never been a secret that you're weeb ass scum, circle lenses wearing self works with Doe Deere. Seriously, fuck off already.
No. 24453
File: 1416176963665.png (412.55 KB, 640x640, eyebrows.png)

>>22566not even touching on her horse face, but she'd look so much better if she did a natural eyebrow arch. and ugh those eyelashes. when your eyelashes hit your eyebrow they are too damn long. god invented scissors and gave them to the cavemen for a reason.
No. 24454
>>24450You're right… I suppose I should have answered my own question. the answer is always "for attention" with these idiots.
I just looked up her Jasmine cosplay and man that ain't pretty. She has way too manly a facial structure to be wearing costumes where she doesn't have her hair at least partially down.
No. 26055
>>24453based anon thank you
this is glorious
No. 29530
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So, apparently this is her shit now.
No. 29531
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No. 29535
>>29531I like how her friend reacts.
That's how we all feel.
No. 29566
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>>29530Jesus Christ
> what is acting > what is concept singing> what is good singingShe needs to quit singing all pop-sy. It sounds like she's trying to be a pop star,
>dem pop squeak noisesGirl, that's not gonna get you far, you sound EXACTLY like the typical pop singer I've heard.
She ruined my favorite musical number from Annie.
(Sorry for venting, I had a bad day)
No. 29752
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No. 29753
File: 1418515566622.png (1009.83 KB, 1293x769, because we didnt have enough r…)

So, she's late in doing so, but seems to have hopped onto the fucking retarded Jack Frost x Elsa bandwagon shit. Also, I don't know why she thinks she makes a good Elsa or a good anything. Her makeup is always too drastic for any of these characters. Especially here. She looks old as fuck.
No. 29770
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>>29753She does look like Elsa, though…Elsa Mars.
No. 29791
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>>29753well that's unfortunate
No. 30002
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No. 30008
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>>30002She's going to look retarded.
Violentchildhood said it well.
No. 31272
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No. 31276
No. 31744
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No. 32467
File: 1419374813671.jpg (101.33 KB, 640x640, GAIS WE'RE A HIPSTER…)

Supposed to be Melody and Eric and Ariel.
No. 32510
>>32467I was so confused as to why they were hanging out with some random angry emo bitch.
They all look nothing like the characters they're suppose to be.
No. 32560
>>31271JUST STOP.
No. 32994
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No. 33781
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It's disturbing how much makeup she needs to look remotely decent and even then, how she does her makeup leaves her looking like a man in drag..
No. 33818
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>>33813She looked really good when she dyed her hair brown. Her natural hair color is blonde, which still could have looked nice had she styled it properly. This clown red isn't flattering her, but she wants to be IRL Ariel in everything.
No. 33851
>>33818is that her hair? it looks like a wig, especially the way it sits off her scalp. either way it's miles better on her than the red.
i think she looks best as a blonde tbh. the red hair just draws too much attention to the "loudness" of her busy facial features and she looks like a clown. the brown hair isn't too shabby, but she'd need to tone down the heavy makeup to make it work best. though honestly she needs to tone down the heavy makeup altogether, it really does the opposite of its intended effect (bring out the natural features of one's face) when it's caked on in such an exaggerated way. she looks like a caricature. or a Sim.
No. 33881
>>33867Eh, going off of
>>15011>>15074 I feel like she's pretty unfortunate looking
No. 35106
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No. 35149
I'm dying
Die if you try, die if you try, die if you try
Jesus, I'll have nightmares tonight
No. 35881
File: 1420097684168.jpg (113.6 KB, 640x640, everyone here is…)

Note her Tumblrite friend with the blue hair who constantly wears lipstick shades which don't suit her, flower crowns, and has the ugliest fucking manface.
Also, that stupid fucking peace sign weeaboo shit. Fuck you, Traci.
No. 36286
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No. 36303
>>35882was it really necessary to cover your face in makeup in order to film this in your living room?
also that lipstick is really unflattering and only draws attention to the weird way her upper lip moves when she's trying to create a vibrato effect. also
>trying to stare sexily into the camera @1:15 then going back to awkwardly wiggling shoulders & staring off into space (presumably reading her lyrics) No. 36314
>>36286I probably have terrible taste and this'll sound stupid, but I think she looks better doing her makeup like this. (Even though I'm sure it's been shopped.)
To me it just doesn't seem so….harsh when compared to her Ariel makeup.
No. 36780
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No. 36793
>>36323And I take back what I said.
Those circle lenses make her eyes look scary and it creeps me the fuck out.
No. 36828
>>36823What do most people think?
It looks to vibrant, full and healthy.
No. 36971
Why does this woman insist on drawing her eyebrows on a fucking solid 90° angle. I mean, fuck, I would kind of understand if they're naturally super arched but as seen in
>>15000 and
>>15007 they're straight as shit. Bitch straight up looks like a drag queen.
I think if she toned down the heavy ass make-up, drew her eyebrows straighter or with just a modest arch and stopped wearing bright and bold colours on her lips she might actually look not completely terrifying.
No. 38635
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No. 38648
>>38635I swear to god, that picture just blinked at me.
Maybe I'm sleep deprived because this is my second might of mo sleep.
But I swear it did like a arrogant cutesy flutter.
No. 38657
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No. 38679
>>38657the picture on the right is probably one of the only good ones I've seen of her. Sure, the eyebrows are a little much, but her makeup seems…. subdued? for her?? and the brown looks nice and natural with her skin tone.
However, that redness around the pendant makes it seem like the jewelry is super cheap and made of irritating materials… probably is.
No. 38683
>>38657How to make Disney princesses look like a high end hooker!
Step one: Be Tracy Hines.
Aaaaand you're done!
No. 38699
>>38685yeaaaa even though ariel is supposed to be young, she's not 8, and that shirt just draws attention to the fact that she has baby budding boobies
it makes me really, really uncomfortable
No. 38849
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>>38685Yuuh… Ariel had shells because she had boobies… this just looks weird seeing how most child merfolk have at least a tub top, but not a fucking bra >.<
Even Disney made sure that the tube top they drew covered up most of her upper body
Also how vain is it for the shop owner to be in her promotional videos… she is even in the kids part like "Wee look at me!" I only see attention whores do this
No. 39009
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No. 39013
File: 1420861522960.jpg (34.83 KB, 600x600, 7de5fbf84fcdd8f4b8c245a419f3c8…)

does anyone think she'd be a really good anastasia? and doe deere can be the other stepsister
No. 39178
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No. 39433
File: 1420999333550.png (407.47 KB, 422x620, untitled_by_thereallittlemerma…)

It's at least better than before
And what even she makes memes of herself lol
No. 39532
File: 1421036131187.jpg (42.9 KB, 500x502, 5217855 _0d3eff429d2185ec670eb…)

>>39433she needs to become a feminist
No. 39550
File: 1421040621835.jpg (90.81 KB, 640x640, fuckface.jpg)

No. 39645
File: 1421092722835.jpg (93.5 KB, 640x640, OMG ATTENTION YES FOR ME.jpg) using a kid dying with cancer as her attention platform.
>ib4 b-but anon it SAYS to smile!1!!!Lol nigger, it's Traci and she'll do anything for attention. Even if it means pulling a Tara Strong and milking a dying kid for some limelight.
No. 39653
>>39647Tara used to be cool until her MLP fame. Then, she just turned into a massive attention whore. Despite having a husband and young son, she purposefully takes tit shots (clothed, but still her cleavage and spams them everywhere), images and gifs of her licking her lips, her feet, poses with her mouth open like she's about to give head, and there's a gif of her pole dancing floating around. She went from a cool VA who was a part of like everyone's childhood to just a haggard attention whore at 40 or 50 something and it's embarrassing. When a kid was dying of cancer, she spammed the fuck out of her FB and Twitter feed with mushy, Gretchen Weiners style I AM SUCH A GOOD PERSUN!1!1!!1 posts when everyone and their mother could see it was just so she could get good PR.
Some of /co/ likes her and some of /mlp/ likes her, but then there are those who see through the ruse and are like lolnoew.
No. 39706
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No. 39927
File: 1421204972656.jpg (68.48 KB, 640x640, still whoring it out.jpg)

she still won't shut up about this
No. 40130
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tongue pose needs to stop. you don't look cool.
No. 40223
>>40213When will people learn that heavy makeup just ages you more? All the lipstick, eyelashes, eyeshadow and super arched brows just make her look like an aging drag queen, not a 16 year old ~mermaid princess.
Though to be fair to her they trowel on the late 80s/early 90s beauty pageant makeup on the park princesses as well, so I suppose that's where she gets it from? It's never really made sense to me because the characters are supposed to be like 16-21 but end up looking in their mid-30's once it's all been slathered on.
No. 40335
>>40223>Though to be fair to her they trowel on the late 80s/early 90s beauty pageant makeup on the park princesses as well, so I suppose that's where she gets it from? It's never really made sense to me because the characters are supposed to be like 16-21 but end up looking in their mid-30's once it's all been slathered on.
I don't get that either, it's easy to get pretty young girls for these roles, why slather on so much makeup? It looks especially bad in strong sunlight, no idea why they do that.
No. 40406
>>40223I don't think her makeup is necessarily aging, it's just not appropriate for what she's cosplaying, or even for a woman because it looks exactly like drag queen makeup. You're right in that it makes her look like a drag queen, but she looks like a drag queen cosplaying whatever character.
She's a bit like JNig now that I think about it, in that when she cosplays she looks like herself dressed as <character>, not like the character herself.
No. 40447
>>40434Bragging about just a grand means he's not wealthy at all and must have worked hard for it. I don't see them doing luxury activities or wearing designer anything on the instagram.
Just noticed that username, this woman is ridiculous.
No. 40479
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Sorry for double posting but this is a good example of her looking like squidward.
No. 40518
>>40508I think she has the Disney princess market covered. Admittedly I'm not hugely familiar with the cosplay community, but if I was asked to think of just one cosplayer who does Disney princesses, Traci would be the first one to come to mind. She has her fame because a) Ariel is quite a popular princess and b) she was the first (if I'm not mistaken) to do the hipster princess thing, and if she wasn't, she seems to have popularised the idea. She's got to have done
something right to get to where she is now.
No. 40526
>>40518really? that's weird to me. i'm not a part of the cosplay community and was never really allowed to watch disney growing up, so i don't know much about either. also, even though i've never really been to any cons yet, i don't think disney belongs in a con. i hate to sound like an autist but if i'm going to otakon, i want to see stuff from different japanese series being cosplayed. if i'm going to comic con, i mostly want to see comic characters, but i'll let cool video game, tv, and movie characters slide. i just want to see more "nerdy" things in cons, disney is far from "nerdy." also is hipster ariel all that clever? i remember seeing the hipster meme years ago and it was never funny.
idk i don't think i'll ever get this girl's popularity.
*okay maybe disney could belong if you're cosplaying someone from kingdom hearts but that's really it imo.
and i apologize for going on a bit of an autistic rant.
No. 40572
>>40512I've never once seen her do anything anime or gaming related, so this is news to me.
I just realized that Tracy is trying to follow a geeky gamer cosplayer who became an official singing disney princess (including Ariel) many years ago. Tracy does similar covers to her but she sounds and looks terrible in comparison.
No. 40678
>>40447It's loaded if you're someone like Traci, who has no career and no degree. This is a woman who never worked in her life and went to a private catholic high school. They also live in Cali and I'm sure that's his regular pay, not just a one timer. Especially if Traci can afford to not to anything for a job (because let's be real, she's popular but not so much that her clothing line covers Cali cost of living) and drink Starbucks three times a day. She doesn't wear designer because that's not how she is. Traci is about buying cringe worthy, 'nerdy' clothing like HT and Castle Corsetry in order to keep up her image. She knows fuck nothing about anime, games, comics, and only band wagoner onto this for attention. Traci was a casual, once upon a time. She still is.
Also, nobody else seems to make more of how her husband is barely spoken of or shown and she does everything with her 'Eric'.
No. 40694
>>40557Former face character from 09 to 11 here.
It isn't just her face, but also the height. She's only 5'3, which they will SOMETIMES make an exception for in terms of Alice or Wendy, but they usually would like princesses to be 5'5. I'm not sure if she ever auditioned or not, but I just can't see her passing because of how.. conceited she comes off. Being a princess isn't about you. It's about those families and that child. It's about making the experience special and wonderful. She also doesn't do her makeup properly. We're given sheets on how to do makeup for a certain character and its so much more toned down than anything I've seen her in.
Our auditions were three parts; Dancing, Acting, and an acting segment with three judges who ask you who your favorite character is and pretend you are meeting them. I'm sorry if it sounds mean, but I just couldn't have seen her passing these..
No. 40718
>>40694sorry but, how do you get into being a Disney face character?
I'm 5'4", 19 but I look about 16. My hair is naturally blonde and people tend to call me cute. How does one apply to be a Disney face character?
No. 40745
>>40678Profit from cheap online shop clothing like that is at best 2k-5k a year. She doesn't have a huge churn of product. But they definitely aren't wealthy by the looks of that couch and cheap window blinds alone.
Half the internet who doesn't know her thinks the Eric guy is her husband because they don't read. That has to be awkward for him.
No. 40805
>>40749Oh, yes. They will sometimes make exceptions, but they'd prefer princesses to be like 5'5/5'4. 5'6 can be pushing it, because they'd rather you not tower over children in photographs. It makes you appear less princess-like. Shorter girls who audition and don't make Alice/Wendy are often cast as suit characters, where it's okay to be on the shorter side. I'm from the Florida park, but I've noticed that the SoCal Disney park has always been a bit more lax with their standards. I know that there's currently a girl at their park who is Peter Pan and she's in her final stage of transitioning from female to male, they are aware of this, and there are no issues with it. The most anyone at my park had gotten away with was an Aurora who possessed a VERY thick, obvious Georgia accent. However, without all of our makeup and wigs, I can assure you that we look pretty average. It would be nice to have been born looking as exotic as someone like Dita Von Teese. There are even times where our makeup can look pretty garish, such as certain girls who play Belle and go WAY too thick/dark on the brows. That combined with the very eccentric wig (because we need to be honest, peasant Belle wig has pretty funky bangs) can make you appear.. just top heavy.
It also used to be a big deal to have your work spoken of on social media accounts years ago, but now it's either more lax with certain parks or people are better about hiding it. If anyone remembers Bri-Chan, she actually got into a bit of trouble years ago when she made posts about work on LiveJournal and was told to remove them by her superior.
As for Traci and princess parties, I don't know what happened, but I have noticed that she and Lisa Fabio (owner of True Enchantment) are no longer friends. She also has employed a former Peter Pan of SoCal, which some SoCal cast members are actually pretty upset about. While I obviously can't speak to what really happened, seeing how Traci is, I feel like she made princess parties more about herself than the child. I feel like her ego may have gotten in the way and Lisa noticed this.
No. 40815
>I'm from the Florida park, but I've noticed that the SoCal Disney park has always been a bit more lax with their standards. I know that there's currently a girl at their park who is Peter Pan and she's in her final stage of transitioning from female to male, they are aware of this, and there are no issues with it.In the UK (but there's not a Disney park in the UK), young male characters like Peter Pan are pretty much always played by a woman.
So I don't know if Disney is being progressive or just sticking to theatre tradition.
No. 40843
>>40821Some of them feel as if it ruins the magic. I realize that it probably sounds ridiculous to some people, but there are people who feel that strongly about their work as a cast member. There are others who just aren't very fond of the fact that it had to be TE, where Traci herself happened to have started out. People obviously aren't able to do much about it, but many are well aware of who Traci is and they don't really like her. She's a very exhausting guest, I had been told, because she frequents the park on a nearly twice a week basis and has always made it a point to try and steal thunder from face characters. She's set up meet and greets with herself there, where she signs autographs as herself. It can be pretty frustrating when you're already working a performance job where you must be on your toes and in character at all times (until you get backstage) and then some obnoxious, glorified fangirl waltzes in and tries to be "much more Ariel than you" about everything.
Like I've said, I don't know if she actually ever DID audition (she claims in an interview in the past that she's NEVER wanted to be a face character, but I'm not so sure I can believe that given her party princess work..), but if she did and was rejected she should have taken it a lot more gracefully than she has been. She truly does seem incapable of distancing herself from the Ariel image. It never feels like her with red hair in outfits. It's just 'Ariel as a Hipster' or 'Ariel as a bride', or 'Ariel as a punk'!
Just.. she is a truly exhausting and upsetting person. Her voice also bothers me. It just seems so fake..
No. 40846
>>40843Also, it was pretty low of her to go around saying that D23 hired her as a special guest when she and her friend were just normal cosplayers. She also needs to start giving more proper credit to the people who make her cosplays, because she never makes anything on her own. She's very good friends with Castle Corsetry, the aforementioned, who makes most of her things while FireflyPath makes the other, more elaborate pieces. For her to have given FP the crap that she had over the Jasmine costume was incredibly tactless. That woman works hard on her pieces and could have easily turned Traci down to take on her celebrity clients, who would further her resume much more than a YouTube blogger. I do recall a time when Traci was still employed by TE and she was making princess wigs made of real human hair, just like Lisa was, and selling them on her Etsy. They're all gone, though. They never sold and it's probably because no one wanted to pay $400 to $700 for them.
>>40845It depends, really. They have different package deals, discounts, etc. You could check on their website for quotes. People like Traci and Bri-Chan's friends (the girls who would make YT videos years ago with face characters, especially the Hatters) have VIP passes which they paid for. Bri-Chan is still technically employed by Disney even though she no longer does park work (her last project was Disney Infinity).
No. 40862
File: 1421508707884.jpg (33.03 KB, 500x496, traci-hines-4.jpg)

Only cosplay I like from her and I think it's because she doesn't have fuck tons of makeup on.
No. 40960
>>40910omg same anon. She looks much better as a dude than a chick.
I wish I could work at a Disney park.. I've always had a weird desire to go into acting (because I'm really good at being aware of what my face/body is doing/looking), but I live in bumfuck nowhere. ;_;
feels No. 40986
>>40974This also comes up. maiden name was Oden, according to a wedding page that also comes up.
No. 41002
>>40910>>40960Anon who posted the picture. I know right, such a cute Peter Pan but than I imagine her smiling as a dude and it's ruins it.
Wait… she should cosplay the Cheshire cat XD
No. 41044
>>40974Tracy Hines, 22
This is funny as hell. Does her silly fanbase believe the fake age?
No. 41132
>>41045That is true, man. I even heard that Adella plans on using her son as a living prop although she's washed up as fuck. Traci would do the same. Imagine if she had a girl… She'd dye her hair black and name her Melody.
…God, that sequel was awful.
No. 41165
>>41159and I'm 22 already and she looks like she has at least ten years on me.
Then again, I get carded on everything and even get skeptical looks at my DL, so I'm probably not the best judge of age.
Like, I feel as though she stuck in doing stage make-up because she probably feels like the world is ~her stage~ for whatever the hell she's doing.
No. 41166
>>41165*is stuck
oops. sorry.
No. 41225
File: 1421637022241.jpg (152.1 KB, 612x612, horsecunt.jpg)

She almost looks better here but I think it may just be the lack of drag queen makeup. She needs her teeth filed down
No. 41317
>>41232Yeah I know she still has on makeup but it's not her heavy ass drag queen shit like usual
>>41244And yeah her eyebrows definitely need some help, that alone would make a huge difference but nothing in the world can help her if she doesn't chop those chompers
No. 41348
File: 1421677174083.png (164.85 KB, 1238x778, Screen Shot 2015-01-19 at 14.0…)

feeling genuine fear she'll lie about her age even more and go in for this
No. 41350
File: 1421677313163.jpg (223.46 KB, 640x640, j895iuo2.jpg)

>>38657normally I really love heavy make up but she's someone who looks 200% better with more "natural" make up.
>drop the bitch eyebrows>voila, look less bitchy No. 41356
>>41353in her old one
>>38657or my shooped version?
No. 41411
File: 1421703573513.jpg (69.58 KB, 640x640, yeah fucking right.jpg)

"Alice in Wonderland" inspired, guys. looks like garbage. Why the fuck does every woman need to ruin AiW with her own uncreative ~*interpretatshun*~?
No. 41423
>>41418Nobody said that Traci designed it? Do you know how to fucking read?
The fuck is with the influx of retards lately.
No. 41728
File: 1421783646042.jpg (207.95 KB, 640x640, no no.jpg)

Alice didn't look like a crackwhore, Traci.
No. 41730
>>41411It looks like the makeup artist is really inspired by Camille Rose Garcia(who also did illustrations for AIW book not to long ago.)
I like it but fucking Tranny Tracies face ruins it.
No. 42407
>>42352Why is there a video for this?
The thought of all the bacteria and gunk getting stuck in her scrimpy pointed nails is grossing me out.
No. 42442
File: 1421933808359.jpg (95.08 KB, 640x640, totally necessary.jpg)

>>42407She's been on a kick lately (as far back as the god awful Sailor Moon she did) with making mini-videos of her fingernails.
No. 42931
File: 1422000648830.jpg (136.86 KB, 640x640, uglytypicalstarbuckssuckingwhi…)

No. 43428
File: 1422162760922.jpg (70.44 KB, 640x640, traci in utah.jpg)

No. 43446
>>42931these people, all but the one on the far left, look so ghetto
like beyond just putting a shitty costume together, it's to the point where you'd assume they found the clothing and accessories in a dumpster
No. 43573
File: 1422204621497.jpg (106.94 KB, 640x640, ugly clothes.jpg)

No. 43589
>>43428From the thumbnail I thought she was with Lindsay Lohan.
>>43573These make my brain hurt. I never want to see anything like these in motion.
No. 43616
>>43595what's the good way?
also, idk if it's a tumblr thing or not, but I've noticed so many people are into designs like these, where a shitty pattern is taken and basically projectile vomited all over some fabric and calling it fashion.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that a large portion of people on tumblr are young teens, but I detest when young adults agree with them and start donning these clothes.
No. 43775
File: 1422276000754.jpg (73.95 KB, 640x640, gross creep.jpg)

her husband really grosses me out. he just looks like some old ass, greasy creeper.
No. 43783
>>43616not that anon, but i have a weird love for tacky things sometimes. idk sometimes i look at something and i'm like, "omg that's so ugly/tacky i need it in my life." i feel like most people have those kind of things for them that are incredibly tacky/ugly that they love for some odd reason.
but with traci, i think she's just tacky in general.
No. 43794
File: 1422288060452.jpg (113.48 KB, 634x897, article-2711491-20247EBB000005…)

like, look at this tackmaster fusion 5000 set of ugly dresses and ugly shoes
theyre terrible and so trailer trash (the feathers omg) but id dip my spleen in silver to get my hands on that left dress
No. 43795
File: 1422288181007.jpg (89.29 KB, 666x1000, tumblr_ne4dgjSzPT1r5jp9so1_128…)

so the photoset of her wedding came across my dash. Has the cake been posted yet? I don't remember. Anyways, it looks so… cheap. It's not even pretty.
No. 43800
>>43795While I love looking at expensive wedding cakes, sometimes I find myself being taken aback by how much people are willing to pay just for appearances sake. So in regards to this, I wouldn't fault her for getting a cheap looking cake as long as it tasted amazing. Plus, I have seen a lot worse.
On a side note, fondant is so fucking gross.
No. 44002
File: 1422356530933.jpg (64.31 KB, 640x640, traci as elsa.jpg) on the bandwagon and of course, yet another costume you didn't bother to make yourself yet call yourself a cosplayer.
No. 44339
File: 1422481869152.jpg (75.66 KB, 640x640, stop it.jpg)

No. 45526
File: 1422807224008.jpg (52.28 KB, 640x640, haggard hipster.jpg)

No. 45965
File: 1422933563984.jpg (145.1 KB, 640x640, grossshit.jpg)

No. 46075
File: 1422977880186.jpg (221.67 KB, 640x640, impossible.jpg)

>>46074And of course I forget the picture.
No. 46153
File: 1423013897057.jpg (93.92 KB, 640x640, you dont look nice.jpg)

I wish she'd stop with these Lennon shades. She doesn't look zomg quirky and cool. She looks like an ugly retard. Especially with her haggard, sunken in man face.
No. 46420
File: 1423102270284.png (21.22 KB, 499x246, Screenshot (393).png)

>>46309Oh, how cute, Traci!
You going to hop on the fake bisexual train for more attention?
Note: Yeah, I know this is fictional but its blatant gibs meh attenshun so biiiii XDDDDD
No. 46809
>>46735Her hair is gross.
Or whatever it is.
No. 46813
File: 1423174203851.jpg (166.36 KB, 640x640, muh music.jpg)

No. 47054
File: 1423262922685.jpg (92.57 KB, 640x640, horseface and sleazy 80s lawye…)

Her husband is so creepy and gross looking. He reminds me of those sleazy 80s car salesman stereotypes or the sleazy greaseball lawyer.
No. 47261
File: 1423348193875.jpg (121.52 KB, 640x640, can you stop you lame ass cunt…)

This try hard, bandwagoning bitch buying lame shit from Hot Topic trying to be nrrrdddyyyy XDDDDDD all of the fucking time. Harley is an overrated and useless fucking character. Nobody is impressed that you're yet another stupid slut who fawns over her.
No. 47333
I don't know a non-attn whore fan of HQ. None of them gave shits about her until a few years ago, either.
No. 47342
Inb4 "omg i like harley quinn i'm not an attention whore u guiz hurt my feelings!!!"
No. 47368
>>47357Yep, that timing sounds about right.
This happens to a lot of characters, you know these bitches don't care about the characters and only wanted a piece of the attention which the slutted up design was getting.
No. 47439
File: 1423417526242.jpg (103.82 KB, 640x640, tumblrtard friends.jpg)

No. 47594
File: 1423435009670.png (1006.04 KB, 1302x789, Screenshot (402).png)

And, we care, why?
No. 47989
>>47594She's an uber christian too? Oh lovely.
>>47439This entire photo oozes tumblr.
No. 48599
File: 1423629175725.jpg (131.46 KB, 640x640, crooked horseteeth.jpg)

No. 48600
File: 1423629249802.jpg (92.44 KB, 640x640, TEEHEE SO 90S.jpg)

No. 49178
File: 1423784774586.png (919.84 KB, 1302x784, Screenshot (407).png)

So, looks like the bitch is still avoiding getting a real job to help pay her bills and I guess the clothing line money still isn't enough so she's bandwagoning once more and following in the steps of other attention whores by getting a Patreon.
This cunt never ceases to amaze me, really.
No. 49191
>>49178Her makeup is great for photography, esp. flash (I guess she uses a SHITLOAD of white powder) but I wonder what she looks like in a candid photo.
Real life, natural sunlight, no angles etc.
I suspect it's drag queenish, as some have suggested. She should really go for a more natural look, I mean it's like she's wearing a mask.
No. 49243
>>49178She looks pretty gross without makeup. Post related:
>>15074I know people will say that everyone looks gross without makeup, but that really isn't the case. Some people just look like themselves sans makeup and others look like a man or a completely different person– which Traci does a great job of showing us.
>>49234She won't, because her ego is too massive and she's too good to work a normal job. This is someone who took five pictures of her FROZEN YOGURT in order to brag about how she uses five different toppings and how that makes her unpredictable and not boring. And, hey, having a husband who pays for everything for you while you live in the house once owned by his Father STILL isn't good enough! Clothing line where you rip off Disney intellectual property and profit from it? Nope! Not enough! Need more monies for that ratchet makeup she purchases from Doe Deere and more hair treatments to stipulate her already worsening alopecia.
No. 49244
>>49243EW NO WAY
She looks so different without makeup
her makeup is some high level sorcery wtf
No. 49248
>>47989Yeah, she can get pretty obnoxious with it, too. She uses anything as an excuse to talk about it on her Facebook or Instagram. And, like your typical Christian, only when it makes her feel good about herself or justifies why it's okay for her to do something. There was one post two or three months ago where she talked about how if opportunity doesn't knock then you should build a door because God wants you to and then it has to come knocking. She used Robin Williams' death as an excuse to talk about her religion and she'll randomly drop aggravating Bible quotes that look like they belong as framed, cliche decor on the wall of a retirement home. They can usually be summed up by her thinking that everything she does is absolutely perfect and God wants her to do those things. Let's not forget the story about how she listens to her dead pastor's sermons every night before she goes to bed, because she has them recorded.
There's being religious and then there's just being fucking insufferable..
No. 49452
File: 1423853630335.png (1.44 MB, 1326x876, Screenshot (408).png)

Let's milk the dog's death for our own needs and make it all about ~*TRACI HINES REEL LIL MERMAID*~ instead of, you know, the owner and shit who is far more upset than you could ever possibly be right now because it was THEIR fucking dog.
No. 49454
Oh wait, she's BFFs with Doe Deere so we all know how that would go over.. :^)
No. 49589
>>49539God, she's so annoying
Feel sad about the dog passing away though.
No. 49612
>>49587No idea. I was a cunt last year and sent emails to them about her clothing line, but heard nothing back. It's funny, because there's a screenie earlier in this thread of her complaining about people using her photos without permission.. yet she's allowed to profit from Disney artist's IP without permission.
>>49589>Feel sad about the dog passing away though.At least somebody does.
No. 50209
File: 1424044687708.jpg (102.51 KB, 640x640, 10963982_1411975932432487_2036…)

No. 50584
File: 1424128905437.jpg (102.39 KB, 640x640, hrnnk.jpg)

I wonder if she likes sugarcubes and carrots.
No. 50902
File: 1424211330537.jpg (114.4 KB, 640x640, lockeship shoot.jpg)

No. 51219
File: 1424301124215.jpg (103.27 KB, 640x640, gross mouth.jpg)

No. 52708
File: 1424562211406.jpg (146.95 KB, 640x640, IM SUCHA GOOD PERSON.jpg)

No. 52722
File: 1424563620386.jpg (69.41 KB, 640x640, uglybitch.jpg)

No. 54027
File: 1424763909527.jpg (117.73 KB, 640x640, go away.jpg)

No. 54726
File: 1424903336269.jpg (111.03 KB, 640x640, traci with a beaner.jpg)

Traci being painfully obvious in light of the Lime Crime drama and wearing Cashmere on her horse mouth.
No. 54907
File: 1424932763186.jpg (99.22 KB, 640x640, HAHAHA.jpg)

No. 55135
>>55083Ew, Lana.
Bitch is a fucking joke who got her music because daddy, literally.
No. 55136
File: 1424994718268.jpg (66.1 KB, 640x640, ew stop.jpg)

No. 55460
File: 1425088373187.jpg (60.4 KB, 640x640, ratchet white girl.jpg)

Baaaannndddwagoninggggg everything she fucking does.
No. 56166
File: 1425294794193.jpg (63.47 KB, 640x640, yeeshung.jpg)

No. 56229
File: 1425307679950.jpg (188.54 KB, 640x640, tracy.jpg)

>>56166When will she learn to draw her brows on so that she doesn't look villainous and use a tamer lip colour on her horse mouth?
She needs to stop doing that hideous fade brow too; just adds to the drag queen-ness, but I cbf shoopin' dat shit.
No. 56396
>>56229I saw this edit first and thought wow she's really learned to put on flattering makeup and then noticed the original one. God fucking damnit, these eyebrows.
>>56166I think she's trying to pull off a quirky disney cartoon style like Rapunzel/Elsa or something and failing miserably.
No. 56508
>>56229you softened her forehead wrinkles, too
nice touch
No. 56509
File: 1425347176220.jpg (116.78 KB, 640x640, ew why.jpg)

No. 56519
File: 1425348912789.jpg (47.33 KB, 321x381, plastic crap.jpg)

>>56517Holy shit, I just googled locketship and you're not kidding
>that awful colour scheme>those cheap plastic roses>shit's probably hotglued on>that badly photoshopped cabochon>that cheap metal cameo setting>that etsy-tier everything>20 dollars No. 56597
>>56524I was in the US like three weeks ago and I was just flabbergasted by all the Disney stuff in Hot Topic. It's so weird. Years ago Hot Topic was just goth punk stuff from what I remember but now it's a tumblrcore nerd haven. Just weird to me. I would have never thought something kitchsy like Disney would ever be their main demographic.
I remember my goth friends would cringe at my love of Disney stuff.
No. 56598
File: 1425374156992.jpg (494.34 KB, 2000x3000, Edna_Mode.jpg)

>>56517Shit, really? I genuinely thought the girl next to Tracy was trying to be Edna from the Incredibles…in like…her pajamas or something.
No. 56603
File: 1425376595418.jpg (595.12 KB, 1302x784, tracy2.jpg)

>>56508I know, I just couldn't help it. They were niggling at me like a loose tooth.
Did another shoop of this one
>>49178 because I thought it was one of her better pictures that she actually looks nice in
even with the evil brows. She has a lot of potential to look pretty, in a more feminine way.
No. 56625
>>56603i didn't read the text at first and thought this pic was legit and was like "DAMN, traci looks 900% prettier than usual, what happened?"
ugh she really needs to take people's beauty advice
No. 56762
>>56597Ehhh, Hot Topic has always been lame pop culture shit. Idk why people think it's changed so drastically. When I was a kid my mom was a manager there for 8 years, and I had a ton of My Little Pony (the old kind) and Napoleon Dynamite stuff from there I even bought an evangelion shirt there ten years ago! I mean it's mostly disney stuff now, I'll admit,but it's always been kitchsy disposable pop culture bullshit. Maybe a lot of people had parents when they were kids that steered them away from the store which is why they thought it was sew spooky, and as their getting older they finally realize that it's not really? idk it's always been the same crap for as long as I can remember. Fun fact: Hot Topic was the first company to produce black fingerless gloves (why they even had to be produced is beyond me though lol)
Hot Topic rant end. Sorry for OT haha
No. 56793
>>56777Lol what? You don't have to be that old to remember that shit at all.
>>56772I bought my old MLP stuff there at least 13 years ago…
No. 56930
File: 1425434255085.jpg (57.31 KB, 640x640, really drag queenish.jpg)

No. 56939
File: 1425435067594.png (115.33 KB, 626x269, neigh.png)

>>56930its really too bad theres no facial shortening surgery
No. 57129
File: 1425466886401.jpg (16.21 KB, 236x324, 727e536efe1dd90157164a5e24d7d4…)

She reminds me of Demi lovato…but even Demi looks better than Traci
No. 57439
File: 1425536047845.jpg (70.48 KB, 640x640, amg gais new shirt.jpg)

No. 57484
>>57439Wow, so creative. Did she even try?
Literally just printed 'HIPSTER MERMAID' in black bold Arial (lol puns) on a white shirt.
No. 58063
File: 1425691710713.jpg (109.55 KB, 640x640, ruining belle.jpg)

No. 58082
>>58063sigh Disney intellectual property…company is too big to give a shit. There is zero artist quality to claim anything other than blatant plagiarism.
See this is why I can't help laugh at this small time bitch businesses that are an extension of the owner's ego (Lime Crime, etc). If I owned a business I sure as hell would want a beautiful 10/10 modeling my products, making shit look purchasable instead of my goofy face. Aging tumblr hipster isn't marketable.
No. 58166
>>58078books + yellow-ish clothes + red roses + brown hair = belle,
No. 58167
>>58166oh sorry, I meant,
hipster belle.
No. 58516
File: 1425793361948.jpg (95.72 KB, 640x640, cheap hot topic dress.jpg)

No. 58522
>>58516I can't even look at her fucking Cruella de Vil face anymore. Why does she do this to herself with those
fucking eyebrows. Now that we've seen how nice she can look with normal shaped brows it infuriates me every time I see her still having those ugly things drawn on her face.
No. 58529
>>58522Because arched brows are in. Traci clings to anything that is "in", whether it suits her or not.
No. 58598
File: 1425817362665.png (907.16 KB, 1300x786, basic bitch.png)

The caption is even more sickening.
Bitch, the only fucking things you read are the menu at Starbucks and any asskissing comments on your Facebook feed and your dumbass knows it, shut the fuck up already. You are not "just like" every single Disney Princess, you're a fucking lying, obnoxious, self absorbed cunt and the sooner you get your horse teeth curb stomped the better.
She and Doe make me sick.
No. 58750
>>58672The saddest part is all the real nerds (men and women) are ignored while these basic bitches keep getting attention because they're loud and obnoxious "LOOK AT ME. I'M SUCH A NERD. LOL. I PLAY LEAGUE AND I READ GAME FAQS. I PLAY MY DS AND POKEMON"
I hate them all. Everything I was bullied in school for (included wearing glasses because I needed them to see) is new a trend. Fuck this world.
No. 58884
File: 1425865985684.jpg (92.43 KB, 640x640, traci elsa.jpg)

No. 59679
>>58529Magic? Seriously? I thought her attention whoring would stay away from one of my most beloved hobbies but I guess not :(
Magic is so obscure that most attention whores don't even bother with to it which is nice. I just want to play my cards in peace.
No. 60647
File: 1426115108109.jpg (107 KB, 640x640, payy atten plss.jpg)

No. 60649
>>60647*forgot the words, fml
The lardass and the faggot are wearing her clothing line shirts.
>all dat pathetic self promo No. 60995
File: 1426176667548.jpg (77.9 KB, 640x640, granny traci.jpg)

No. 61043
>>60995What is this supposed to be?
Also I think Traci would make a better Ursula due to her face. That purple-shirted woman's face looks too innocent.
No. 61047
File: 1426186746249.jpg (69.04 KB, 640x360, 7e46250ad7cf503903200e792d5224…)

>>60995The make up and contact lenses(?) are completely wrong… as usual.
No. 61235
So which one of your glorious people got even madder than I am (I'm OP) and went ahead and made this thread? I fucking love you so much right now.
No. 62721
File: 1426452757765.png (959.27 KB, 1295x770, Untitled.png)

No. 63749
File: 1426542147818.png (659.93 KB, 1285x769, ruining cinderella.png)

Give me attention! Buy my shit!
No. 64446
File: 1426630389919.png (546.44 KB, 1291x781, omggaiz.png)

No. 64564
File: 1426640901049.png (474.51 KB, 425x676, 71762793558311d450ab13444c1ae9…)

Traci as Justin Bieber.
No. 67287
File: 1427142767978.jpg (81.13 KB, 640x640, hideous.jpg)

No. 67427
File: 1427156563180.jpg (75.03 KB, 640x640, egyehfuji.jpg)

No. 67626
>>67427why does she smile so wide?
I know americans are obsessed with looking like sharks, but this takes the cake
No. 67706
>>55136 >>67287
>>60995 >>47261
>>46153 >>46075
No. 68620
File: 1427326077351.jpg (154.34 KB, 640x640, into the woods bullshit.jpg)

No. 69323
File: 1427410351282.jpg (98.07 KB, 640x640, psycho.jpg)

No. 69987
File: 1427488216499.jpg (101.03 KB, 640x640, GAIS WITCHY NAILS XDDD.jpg)

No. 70031
File: 1427490564377.jpg (96.58 KB, 640x640, hernk.jpg)

No. 74017
File: 1427980062524.jpg (78.32 KB, 640x640, leozomb.jpg)

No. 75830
File: 1428214924869.jpg (67.62 KB, 640x640, let the fuck go already.jpg)

No. 76053
File: 1428255031565.jpg (38.77 KB, 245x244, image.jpg)

>>15663She sounds like Tammy from Bob's Burgers.
No. 80537
File: 1428854143906.png (855.06 KB, 1317x798, this tryhard bitch.png)

No. 80543
File: 1428854530861.png (798.09 KB, 763x764, no.png)

>>80537That's too much, Traci.
No. 88121
File: 1429916291001.png (702.17 KB, 1029x623, ew.png)

I follow traci on instagram (including most other cows) for teh lulz.
This just came up, and dear lorde she looks fucking awful. Her hair is wrecked and it's so obvious when she doesn't have her extensions in.
No. 88122
File: 1429916395248.png (599.81 KB, 1037x621, horsealien.png)

>>88121do you think if she saw ashleigh 'horsemaw' coffin she would think "a challenger appears!!"?
No. 88338
>>88125Is there proof she's 30? She looks a ton older and most 30 year olds would not have given up on life like she seems to have done.
No. 299283
Wow, coming upon this thread for the first time and this is actually so sad. She looks nothing like Ariel, or any other Disney princess for that matter. Her face is just so plain and average, bordering on unpleasant. Then add on top of that the overdone makeup, the attempt at 24/7 cosplaying and the obviously fake red hair and it just screams "tryhard". I almost feel bad about how oblivious she is to how much of her delusion is seeping through. Like, it's clear that she's based her entire personality on resembling Ariel, and gets all of her self confidence from that when there's literally no single feature that they have in common.
Why would you choose Ariel out of all people anyway to mould your persona after? It's like she's aspiring to be the most generic, boring kind of girl that you could be.
>>15000lel. Gotta force that connection somehow.
The only people who feel the need to tell you about their unfinished degrees are people too arrogant to accept that their failure was caused by their own incompetence.
No. 299306
>>299296Were there any receipts of her actually being wigged at Disney? I feel like it's part of her own personal narrative.
>Usagi KouI'd kill for a nostalgiacow thread.
No. 299341
>>299304>>299306There's already a thread dedicated to her here
>>76893Please unleash your nostalgia over there. I miss those times.
No. 300312
File: 1473728435877.jpg (148.94 KB, 1080x1349, 14156322_1179238605472174_1736…)

>>300304Her eyebrows are basically Ursula.
No. 300323
>>21258>>21962shes got one of those smiles where she tries so hard to smile that it looks like shes in pain.
>>31268She could have benefited from being one of those uncanny valley hoos and having her nose look smaller …
BTW, are all of her shirts just … putting shit on the boobs? Like … thats it?
No. 300332
>>300312I usually don't give a fuck when people smile or pull facials erratically but this chicks gonna get some nasty ass deep wrinkles if she exerts her face muscles like this on a daily basis.
Not encouraging stoneface but shit…
No. 300336
File: 1473760556480.jpg (206.49 KB, 1280x694, fhd011BTC_Lucy_Punch_028.jpg)

>>15004She reminds me of this actress at times. Mostly when she's smiling all crazy or acting psychotic.
No. 301679
>>301677Not sure how you want me to prove it. If anyone can come up with a reasonable request that wouldn't give away my identity or too much information about me, I'd be up for it.
I can tell you this, a lot of the "information" talked about in this thread is false/rumors/made up. For example… her husband isn't some "older rich guy". They dated since HS and he is only a year older than her.
No. 324093
>>324065thank you for bumping this 2 month old thread to provide us this important piece of insight.
next time might i suggest sageing?
No. 324138
>>324085wow, anon, you sure showed me
except wait it's actually you who is the giant faggot whoops :^)
No. 352667
>>352647 sage for blog post
Mary Poppins has been my favorite movie since I was two. I know everything about that movie, the cast, etc. I have a giant-ass poster in my room, clothes, and $200 custom MP Disney ears (that I only wear when I'm at a Disney park…). Cried at the tender age of 20 when I met Julie Andrews herself.
100% Mary Poppins fangirl. inb4 autistic but I'm not; I'm just a fuckin' weirdo.
Watching this video actually pains me. She sucks at lip syncing and it's just so utterly cringey. Her voice is not technically awful, but it's nothing special. Her speaking voice is like knives in my ears, though. Honestly I should sue her for my chemo since I got cancer from her horrible "performance."
holy shit this is so cringe I can't… just.. wow
No. 352704
File: 1487275105476.jpg (72.23 KB, 400x600, bhQb1_do4uMdPSozTw0zJzq96-xwGH…)

>>352647This is fucking embarrassing. I don't know what's worse, her fake accent or singing voice.
also, for someone who only dresses as princesses, she really doesn't have a "princess" face. it always looks like she's constipated.
No. 352719
>>352699I own Mary Poppins shit and wear it to the Disney parks. I apologize that dressing in a fashion appropriate for these amusement parks is somehow a problem.
My entire life and existence does not revolve around dressing up like other characters and being legitimately psychotic like the subject of this thread. but please, stay on your high horse; if only we could all be as perfect and normal as you.
sage for derailing.
No. 352830
File: 1487322737959.jpg (82.92 KB, 1280x960, original_Becky-Sapp-Halloween-…)

how does someone pluck their eyebrows like this and think it looks ok?
No. 353076
File: 1487445855176.jpeg (156.93 KB, 1080x718, neigh.jpeg)

That shit-coloured lipstick is fucking tragic.
No. 353078
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>>352647This makes me want to commit suicide. She might as well slap Julie Andrews in the face. Her and her husbands accents are cringe.
No. 354216
>>352647As a videographer, I can't watch. Some of the shots are overexposed, they're not in focus and the color isn't synced with other shots.
As a fan of Mary Poppins, fuck no.
No. 379497
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Traci did a 1920's themed Disney Princess shoot and it was endorsed by Disney. She looks nothing like Ariel. No. 379581
>>379542Yeah the Rapunzel has the perfect face for that era, the huge doe eyes and small lips.
The one thing that bugs me about Belle is the hair, I thought he was supposed to be Snow White for a second. I wish he had done something a bit more creative with it.
No. 379711
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>>379497The outfits are alright but the oddly composed photos, tons of shoop and super fake circle lenses was too much at once. I have no idea what I'm looking at.
No. 380691
>>379497this woman's mouth scares me a lot. i flinch every time her thread gets bumped. nice dress tho.
sage for wetting my panties.
No. 692022
>>691345Holy cow Tracie is still just as ridiculous as ever…what is she now like 35? Her and Amber Arden are fucking crazy, like she really believes she Snow White. Girl you're gonna age and then what? Cosplay as the Witch? lol
Blog post but I'm actually sometimes apart of that vintage group and yes… Ranitra Coleman (Tiana) and her friend Star are total bitches… but not much milk unfortunately, at least online.
What is Tracie doing now, is Disney paying her???
No. 692083
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>>692022Traci gets work singing in jingles for kids commercials, she's re-posted a few that have made it onto Youtube before. Not hired by Disney directly but makes weird roundabout ways to say she's involved with companies that are licensed by them (IE: Irregular Choice shoes and Loungefly bag promos on social media, paid to do cosplay promos for Ghibli re-releases).
She released the same song twice and tried to play it off as new content for her Patreon supporters this last year ("Neverland for Christmas" or something). She used b-roll footage from the year prior and filmed a few new scenes to polish the turd. She made a big deal about having hired the original model who was Tinkerbell to be in the video; which, while cute, the woman has nothing else to do since she's retired and I'm sure was happy anyone would acknowledge her/her work. But she's def toeing that line of copyright with Disney, especially since she hired a Disney legend to participate in that project.
Is Star the girl that didn't kiss her husband until her wedding day?
No. 692085
>>692083Wow… well it seems that she's doing okay expect making herself still look haggard.
Yes, BStarfashion or whatever is mental. I was in her vintage group and at the time he was her fiance… I asked her if her engagement ring was vintage and she said "No fucking way, I demanded a blue box!" (Tiffany I assume..)
She drags him around Disneyland to take and pose in pics all day long, he seemed fucking miserable and I really felt bad for him. She was bossing him around in a bad way, poor guy. She uninvited a shit ton of people at her wedding because the venue wasn't as big as she dreamed of or something. She's a terrible person with insanely bad fashion sense (looks like a grandma 100% of the time).
No. 692323
>>692085Haha… My sister tried taking a photo with someone that was with and Ranitra and Ranitra just shoved herself right in and my sister didn't even know who she was but was too nice to say "hey stranger please get out of this photo". They're so full of themselves.
That girl Star is fucking crazy, I've heard things too. I wish there was more milk. Honestly I'm surprised none of these girl are very milky especially considering how terrible they are IRL.
I also feel like Amber should have a thread but she's just so fake online I doubt she'd make any personal drama happen. It really seems like she really thinks she is Snow White, though. It's like a mental condition similar to thinking you're a dog or baby or something.
sage for no milk but I hope we get some…
No. 692335
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>>692119Amber looks special and Tracie looks like a witch. She should probably start on doing old lady cosplays like the villain, since she always looks like an evil Ariel and is like 40.
Amber Arden recently got married at some animal sanctuary, like Lion King themed, surprisingly. She had the opportunity to have a beautiful fairytale wedding and instead was full of showing off and posing with a bunch of cheetahs and other weird animals… it was pretty cringe, actually. Her honeymoon photos consisted of her posing in cosplay in front of castles, no "couple" pics… she is really in love with herself.
No. 813264
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>>813174And, she still sounds terrible. Imagine that. I don't understand how or why she's never improved her technique. Its as if no one told her that she can't hold a note and that she sounds like a loli Fran Drescher.
As per usual, her husband has been her photographer for this entire time because no one else can stand her shitty personality.'s going to be 36 years old this year and is still more or less a pretentious nobody who thinks everyone forgot about the days when she'd lie at MerCon about working for Disney or how the entirety of the SoCal Disneyland face characters can't stand her or her posse.