File: 1514671330935.png (116.35 KB, 368x460, 1514669901763.png)

No. 457426
Our recovery queer has struggled more than any of us will ever struggle. She knows hardship.
SO what a #motivation to us all that she's climbed her perilous way out of the abyss and has the amazing life she dreamed of.
She has a wonderful relationship with Berto (second on her list of priorities with the numero uno being FOOD) and rightly so (!) Overnight Aly has turned into a self-proclaimed "good fork"! (with periods!!!)
She can't get enough of those fries, burgers, chicken nuggets, donnies, fraps, fries, burgers, chicken nuggets, faps and it's all documented by her tons of friends (her Ma).
Soon to begin her new work as a nun.
We look forward to RAISING UP with you as you travel at the speed of light to SUCCESS (!)
Last thread:
Oh yeah, was cow tipped and sperged over being a stalked public figure (then quickly forgot about it).
No. 457456
File: 1514673850271.jpg (930.64 KB, 1035x1448, Screenshot_20171230-164240.jpg)

The fork strikes again
No. 457464
File: 1514674648305.png (8.95 KB, 246x205, angsty.png)

>>457456The tentacle makes me feel very sad and moreso because she uses the octopus emoji. I hope she gets food poisoning (for real this time).
Okay, prediction. Today she's really up, like she's on coke and ecstasy and she's wanting to root on food SO tomorrow she'll start to crash.
How can she sweep aside finding out about lolcow and being ~stalked~ so easily? She doesn't usually do that with attention/haters. Berto's back so she's going to be
triggered by him. She has to become a nun. She's suddenly hanging out with "friends". WHAT'S GOING ON? Is there a #GLOBAL full moon?
I really, really hope tonight isn't the night she decides to vom it up because … tentacles.
BTW that emoji with the heart eyes looks like a special needs.
A really bad eating sound ASMR has made me really angry tonight and I'm wishing ill on the world. When I read Aly's WEIGHTED it tipped me over. PLEASE FOR BLOOD OF THE MARTYRS someone tell her it's WEIGHED. And Jesus what's going on with farmers being Aly's bff?
I need to lie in the dark with a cold flannel on my head. Too much BS here.
No. 457680
>>457670The first time I remember seeing one of "ducks" comments was back when Aly was still posting before/after progress pics. And "duck" said something like, "right up there is happiness". Aly took it to mean, "the pic on the right (skeletal side) is better" but someone pointed out what they really meant. "Duck" has been an asslicker from the start.
I've never seen them write anything funny, over the top, or criticizing. I'm not sure where we got the idea that they are a farmer.
No. 457986
File: 1514739317101.jpeg (54.64 KB, 484x573, 6EACCA38-A007-415D-8B73-C07926…)

Spot the swollen salivary glands. Im actually horrified of how her face turned because she used to look so much more beautiful and slimmer on her face when she was a at the same BMI she is right now, but long before her actual anorexia…
Seems like she BP or eats too much too often
No. 457989
>>457986I think it's in part due to high bodyfat% as well. You can have high bf at a low BMI and it makes you look much heavier than you are. I don't doubt her when she used to say her BMI was still underweight despite looking to be already in the healthy range, because I'm in the exact same spot and we have really similar bodies.
She was saying how she was considering exercising again, I think that would be good for her.
No. 458028
File: 1514745117148.jpg (139.2 KB, 1004x342, Screenshot_20171231-123039.jpg)

Can we like banish duck
No. 458032
>>458004I agree about the salt. If she didn't eat so much salt in processed foods she definitely wouldn't get the water retention she complained about when she had her period (SHE HAD A PERIOD!!!).
She's stupid to not book an appointment with a nutritionist. I'd be worried about her cholesterol and maybe liver and seeing how a WRONG (!) diagnosis of high cholesterol is one of the numerous (!) reasons she became anorexic I can kind of understand she'd want to avoid a test. BUT definitely see a nutritionist.
>>458028I wish.
>Get sillyAnyone else staying home alone with snacks, knitting and a film? Why do people put themselves under pressure to pretend to be happy and social on NYE?
>>457906Ta! I don't have photoshop and made the pic in seconds in Paint (and it shows!) I hope she mentions being a good fork again though or the pic is redundant.
Going to look at this amazing little black dress she's wearing. Hope the thigh socks aren't an accessory.
No. 458036
File: 1514745805400.jpg (133.92 KB, 906x1612, Screenshot_1.jpg)

the dress
No. 458104
File: 1514751484883.jpg (46.56 KB, 420x544, Capture.JPG)

See her flinch at his kisses.
No. 458153
File: 1514756600443.jpg (8.7 KB, 187x269, by aly.jpg)

>>458145We're not even seeing each other tonight, ha. Nah, just want life to be back to normal.
>>458151That's definitely not a good humoured fuck off face either which is odd considering she probably wanted a kissy picture with him. Looks like he could have his arms around her waist. He always looks like a corpse when he's supposedly kissing her and she just doesn't want any of it.
So they're out with HIS friends. I wonder when she starts being a nun? Looking forward to it.
No. 458772
File: 1514808836990.jpg (42.61 KB, 364x622, Capture.JPG)

>>458682Back atchya, anon!
Nice to know Aly thinks being homeless is funny.
Although (next pic →soon) he certainly roughs it. WHERE IS THE BED LINEN.
No. 458812
File: 1514817744322.png (11.19 KB, 296x65, screenshot 2018-01-01 15.40.34…)

She seriously thinks she looks "classy" most of the time?
No. 458816
>>458043It's obvious newfags who do this. Constant cowtipping, namefagging (because saying "I'm duck/fence/whatever on insta" is basically namefagging) and most of the comments they leave are cringey as fuck and bordering A-logging. No idea why this thread attracts so many newfags, but it's them who do this. Let's hope that now given the negative feedback in here it's going to stop
>>458773I love when she has to remind everyone that she has sex. So special (!)
No. 458821
>>458773wow that looks jank, so now its her "mans place" where she said they'd be living together but shes not living there? ok w/e
what are yalls predications for aly? i think she'll stay exactly the same, probably have a breakdown at work because she can't pack a lunch and keep banging on about everybody deserving recovery
No. 458830
>>458772>>458773I don't understand… those are two different beds. First one is ikea's fjellse (have that one at home lol) and second one is some sort of sofa-bed.
Also with "finally bad for two and said all" she probably means "finally bed for two and that's all I say
wink wink we'll have sex hehe"
No. 458841
File: 1514822539272.jpg (468.94 KB, 1029x1103, Screenshot_20180101-100048.jpg)

You're gonna get nothing duck (!)
No. 458843
>>458773that's fucking bleak. no sheets, wtf? two random unmatched pillows and no decor and two mops (?) in the corner? wow that really sets the mood. her obsession with making sure everyone knows about her sex life reminds me of a high school boy. like calm down, you're an adult, no one cares and it's not some remarkable thing to occasionally hook up with your boyfriend who hates you
"looking like a homeless" is a great alyism tho
No. 458864
File: 1514825458657.jpg (165.5 KB, 540x635, homeless.jpg)

>>458772>>458773>>458830So is the bed in the first picture Berto's roommate's? And her ~man~ doesn't even have a bed large enough for the both of them (or even his own?) so they have to crash on a shabby AF convertible couch?
>>458772This reminds me of the good ole days when Aly would wear sweatpants 8/24 as a fashion statement. Pic related.
No. 458867
>>458864lol I was thinking the pants from
>>458772 are actually the same ones she wore in that pic where she's wheeling her IV pole during her super serious two day IP stint
No. 458887
>>458867werent her hosp ones like simpsons ones?
she always has to draw attention to what she looks like when its not her typical terrible makeup/hair, huge trousers outfit but usually she looks "better" when she doesnt try
>>458773shes about to have sex with bert but shes gotta snap a pic first lmao i think she checks her phone behind his head tbh
No. 458968
File: 1514832936405.jpg (171.77 KB, 978x499, Screenshot_20180101-125341.jpg)

What the fuc* is she talking about she always gets cheese fries?
I hope anons will stop giving her motivation(!) from now on
No. 458972
File: 1514833385452.jpg (306.59 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20180101-130154.jpg)

No. 458975
>>458968>Satisfying my body without even thinkingYET posts about how she's afraid she's going to binge on the cheese fries pic.
Damn someone commented. I was hoping for a #breakdown
>>458972Oh dear.
No. 459006
>>458975well there's only 1 so far
haters incoming?
No. 459014
File: 1514836504128.jpeg (101.79 KB, 637x1013, 18CFBF89-296F-434F-B47F-B134CB…)

Kek did anyone notice this? I’m surprised she wasn’t blocked!
No. 459038
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No. 459039
File: 1514838979058.jpg (169.42 KB, 978x393, Screenshot_20180101-143508.jpg)

No. 459041
File: 1514839191238.jpg (397.2 KB, 720x1111, 20180101_213605.jpg)

>these are the lush fries I want to make myself throw up
>#foodlove #foodheaven
No. 459042
File: 1514839226153.png (1021.32 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5793.PNG)

She's not wrong, she is a pretty shitty person.
No. 459053
File: 1514839792468.jpg (43.37 KB, 333x346, Capture.JPG)

She's right about this.
No. 459061
No. 459064
>>458816Ugghhh again the misuse of the word cowtipping to mean trolling and numerous Chris-chan references. Who put you on your high horse?
>>459039>omg guise I’m fully recovered and a good fork!>doesn’t get enough comments on photo>calls normal portion of fries a binge>threatens to purge unless she gets more comments Bringing in the new year Aly style!
No. 459066
>>459064She made the mistake of deleting her threats too soon, so hardly anyone saw. I guess shes working on a everyone deserving recovery post
I wonder when she starts working? I could ask but she'll just like the goddamn comment
No. 459089
File: 1514842747202.png (203.88 KB, 279x402, Xub5lvHXap4.movieposter_maxres…)

>>459041>purgeFor the next thread I'd suggest we make a purge themed picture.
Pic very related.
No. 459117
Aly really is the funniest when she gets no attention at all. That's when she posts ~sad face~ pictures in her stories.
Like when we agreed on not commenting for a couple days, that was when
>>446594 and
>>446597 happened.
I'm guilty of making that mistake myself, my advice to you lovely girls still considering to comment would be: ? waste your time. She knows good comments and bad comments and that's it. Really doesn't notice/care if you mock her as long as there's ❤ and isn't interested in constructive criticism either.
You'll either get deleted and/or give her something to whine about and attract wks -> asspats4asspats.
Or she'll get off on what she perceives as ~support~ and she'll tag you and ask you for moar and moar support via dms.
TL;DR: less attenzione=more fun
No. 459124
>>459096Not to derail, but you said CONSTANT cowtipping, which it wasn’t because there was one main incident. The rest was just trolling. Also I’ve seen more than one reference to Chris Chan so I assumed the comments to come from the same anon, judging by the holier-than-thou tone used.
Cowtipping is against the rules but beyond that you can’t control what people do.
That aside, I agree it’s way more fun when Aly gets no comments at all, as all she actually cares about is attention (whether good or bad).
No. 459134
>>459124I made one reference to Chris-chan, the rest was coming from other people. Why would it be holier than thou to say that people should back off, since the commenting experiment has led to farmers either going full up Aly's ass or sperging hard in her comments just to screencap it and post it here looking for approval? It's pointless, and we aren't supposed to directly interefere with cows' lives (since Aly's life is heavily influenced by instagram comments).
Now the problem is the word "constant"? Alright, *cowtipping and constant trolling. Better?
No. 459147
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No. 459149
File: 1514850309363.jpg (302.37 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20180101-174147.jpg)

No. 459155
File: 1514850605446.png (1.56 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180101-174620.png)

Sorry one more
The "so much changed"…"but most of all dangerous(!)" suddenly popping up is so funny like nothing has changed for her at all
No. 459252
>>459124>>459117I agree, no comments are best. But also, I think we have built her up for so long with comments, that a sudden drop in comments gets a reaction.
I'd say, if you simply must comment, do so on the food pics. It drives her crazy. LoL
No. 459294
Nightmare fuel. Albeit well done nightmare fuel.
No. 459528
File: 1514893690800.png (1.03 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5795.PNG)

No. 459573
>>459213Next thread pic, 10/10
>>459571For fuck's sake drop it already
No. 459582
File: 1514903874479.jpg (468.63 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180102-153243.jpg)

No. 459596
File: 1514906253761.jpeg (257.63 KB, 612x624, 5B4D1AA7-EF18-4B89-815F-2BDFCA…)

>>459147I noticed dogs responses have become more and more irritated and quickly written. I don’t know why she continues, after this gem, I lost it. 2018 Aly, starting the year off with her histrionic mouldy spoon butter loaf. Her breakdown cycle annoys the foodbaby out of me.
No. 459611
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No. 459722
File: 1514917075006.jpg (346.1 KB, 1026x925, Screenshot_20180102-121519.jpg)

I'd like to think she could stop using instagram but there's no way she can go cold turkey, she'll just keep posting but say it's not an update it's motivation or some shit
No. 459726
File: 1514917328966.jpg (26.22 KB, 232x274, 2.JPG)

>>459722Her life is more exciting than a sparkling rainbow. Really?
She always comes back with a purge threat and says she realised she really needs her followers.
Her English has been noticeably a lot more shit the past few days. Has she started using a different online translator?
squeak squeak No. 459755
>>459722This is getting so fucking cringey
Day 1:
>"I am EX anorexic and will close this account to LIVE!! I am free from ED!"Day 2:
>Black post "NO ONE CARES. Brb purging now never eating again I kill me" No. 459924
File: 1514931576803.png (1.14 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5802.PNG)

No. 459940
>>459924i can never quite place aly's particular off-ness but i think i've figured it out: she seems like she's from country much more un-westernized than italy. between her shitty english, her weird lack of understanding of insta despite being on it 8/24, and her out-of-date fashion and TV/film preferences, she seems like she's from some tiny unconnected country in eastern europe or central asia, like moldova or georgia or sth. milan is a major cosmopolitan city with top-tier fashion, so it seems strange that she struggles so much to fit into the culture of insta or to look current. but it would seem normal if she were from a small city in a former soviet satellite.
#deepthoughts lol sorry she's just so odd. i'm going to start a petition to get rid of her janky peace sign earrings
No. 459948
File: 1514932829093.jpg (112.1 KB, 1013x273, Screenshot_20180102-163909.jpg)

lmao yes what a normal thing to message someone
No. 459949
File: 1514932852744.png (Spoiler Image,174.92 KB, 640x991, IMG_5803.PNG)

Such a change, she's back to posting spoopy pics. Haven't seen this one before, though. At least it isn't the gross bikini pic.
No. 459979
File: 1514934800998.png (1.43 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180102-171213.png)

No. 460048
>>459979I THINK she is implying that her presence on instagram is absolutely crucial during this difficult time when the media purports the notion that you have to diet or detox after the holidays, and that her unnecessary #transformationpic was also very much needed to keep ~spreading awareness~.
That's what I got from the post she circled.
No. 460062
>>459948This totally happened.
So what if people want to detox. Eating a lot can make someone feel sluggish. If anyone needs to cleanse their system it's Aly. They'd find #
TW #HORRIFICIMAGE year old chicken nuggets if she had colonic irrigation.
No. 460076
>>460048Ah thank you for the translation anon
>>460062yeah it's like everyone is used to this by now, some people want to use a new year to start a diet cus they want to, other people don't care, its only spoops that always hyper focus on stuff like this because "normal" people dont let dieting or detoxing get out of control
No. 460446
>>459940i think it's because italy is (according to the friends who live there) is much more closer to near eastern/mediterranean countries rather than west/northern europe in conservativeness, societal norms and attitude towards women.
i live in a near eastern country and most women here are exactly like aly. they ape the things they see on the internet but they don't know why those things are being done or popular because they don't know english. they just do what everyone in their suggestions do. they don't have much of a personality or skills (even if they're "educated") because they're raised to be someone's wife, not a person of their own. they're taken care of by their families until they're married. all they care about in life are their family, their looks, their three female friends, following dumb local tv series and eventually getting married/showing off their husband, children and housekeeping when they're married. it's a very sad and infuriating state of affairs. so aly doesn't surprise or shock me, just makes me very, very ANGER AF (!).
No. 460447
>>459940i think it's because italy is (according to the friends who live there) is much more closer to near eastern/mediterranean countries rather than west/northern europe in conservativeness, societal norms and attitude towards women.
i live in a near eastern country and most women here are exactly like aly. they ape the things they see on the internet but they don't know why those things are being done or popular because they don't know english. they just do what everyone in their suggestions do. they don't have much of a personality or skills (even if they're "educated") because they're raised to be someone's wife, not a person of their own. they're taken care of by their families until they're married. all they care about in life are their family, their looks, their three female friends, following dumb local tv series and eventually getting married/showing off their husband, children and housekeeping when they're married. it's a very sad and infuriating state of affairs. so aly doesn't surprise or shock me, just makes me very, very ANGER AF (!).
No. 460469
>>459940for me she's very Italian. This 2006 fashion sense and Internet awkwardness, not being very good with English, popculture… She's like a not very bright town girl, even though from Milan lol. It's a mentality, big city doesn't change anything. Obviously those type is not Europe exclusive, you can see those girls in America too. Is she that different from your "white basic bitch" in leggins and uggs, plastering Live Laugh Love all over her house, not knowing what a "meme" is? No, that's the same type
Okay, enough
No. 460486
>>460447Italian anon, Aly is the excess, full stop. As you can find the excess in all the other countries of the world.
>>460469I don't really think so, she's obsessed with copying Internet/American/English stuff, and doing it badly. It's just a poorly made potpourri of things.
No. 460497
File: 1514981805841.jpg (262.82 KB, 720x1026, 20180103_131401.jpg)

No. 460499
File: 1514982260569.jpg (470.95 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180103-130844.jpg)

>cba to exercise and meet my friend
>#recoverywin #bodypositivity
No. 460503
>>460499>don't think will must exercisehow do you fuck up a sentence this badly.
now that she gets her period again, there will be mentions of it every month lol
No. 460508
>>460497aly "cardio fitness" doesn't sound at ALL like "burn fat/calories", it sounds like heart/lung fitness…which is good for you…and if you honestly think that any exercise or healthy food is bad then have fun with your t2 diabetes and heart disease, which are two of the leading causes of death in developed countries, while anorexia is not on the list at all (!)
yes it's great that she can eat her fraps and fries but ffs she's a year into weight restoration and she still is so defensive about her ~fat~ and ~society~ that she's putting herself at other risks and also surely exacerbating her obvious anxiety/mood issues by NEVER FUCKING MOVING HER BODY OR EATING A VEGETABLE
No. 460569
>>460447It would be somehow understandable if she lived in some bumfuck nowhere small town in the South, but she lives in Milan. A super modern city, the capital of fashion with tons of tourists and events every day.
What you said applies to some (small) places here, but city people, especially in the North, aren't like that at all.
Aly is just… special.
No. 460599
File: 1514995193647.jpg (944.76 KB, 809x1846, Screenshot_20180103-095525.jpg)

Is she ever going to take a new photo?
I'm pretty sure aly thinks the gym and detox/diet is wrong because she can't get out of this black and white thought process that comes with her ed, like I either eat mcdonalds every day and talk about my fat and stay "recovered" or I eat a salad for lunch then go to the gym and become anorexic again
No. 460634
File: 1514997741067.jpg (102.41 KB, 1017x237, Screenshot_20180103-103955.jpg)

>>460627How can she possibly think she can stop posting on Monday, she's gonna be all "girls, if I can support just one of you and make you feel not alone, well then I stay(!) This account remains opened(!)"
No. 460639
File: 1514998389144.jpg (150.96 KB, 510x337, histrionic_symtoms.jpg)

>>460632She probably doesn't, she's just boring and lonely and has become obsessed with the attention that instagram gives her
No. 460646
>>460632Look at HPD traits then come back and say if you still think she has NPD lol
The one cluster b PD she definitely does not seem to have is BPD, I don't understand how people thought that in the past… her emotions are so superficial and fake.
If she doesn't have HPD, (doubt we'll ever know as it's not just a lightly diagnosed personality disorder, she'd actually have to go see a psychiatrist and complain about the symptoms) we can all at least agree that her personality is very histrionic.
No. 460654
File: 1514999768823.jpg (294.67 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180103-131341.jpg)

No. 460656
File: 1514999848637.jpg (458.22 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180103-181447.jpg)

>>460654Sorry, meant to post this screenshot
No. 460667
File: 1515000734812.jpg (445.19 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180103-182756.jpg)

No. 460674
>>460656italian anons, is there a word/phrase that she could be deliberately interpreting as meaner than it really is, and then translating poorly? like how in english you can describe a baby/toddler as being "chubby" and it's meant as a good/cute thing? ie is it possible people are actually just saying, "hey you've gotten curvier!" as a compliment or just an observation compared to her skelly days, and she's deliberately self victimizing?
……or is she just making it up entirely lol
No. 460679
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No. 460686
File: 1515002233014.jpg (386.57 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180103-185154.jpg)

she acts like deleting (and reposting) was some common type of dysfunctional coping mechanism.
Like self harm or binge-drinking.
>I was so triggered, I just couldn't help it, ended up deleting and reposting… so sorry, delete n repost-free days: 0
No. 460713
>>460686right? it doesn't even make sense like deleting a post cus you're not "strong" enough? what does deleting and reposting a post have to do with that?
reposting things on insta has become her like idk only form of control? it probably is like self harm to her, to delete this post she thinks is amazing and inspirational
No. 460737
File: 1515006772125.jpg (240.77 KB, 978x1239, Screenshot_20180103-130651.jpg)

ok so I left her a message about seeing a therapist and this was her reply, I'm only posting this because of how ridiculous she is (!) she herself is saying that she's only acting this way because she's getting her period, everything is just for attention like always. How she can't see that her behavior is fuc*ed up is outstanding really haha
No. 460755
Oh wow haha
No. 460773
File: 1515009249073.jpg (124.36 KB, 1006x285, Screenshot_20180103-135147.jpg)

Now she's changed it to breakdown because of that damn period, no mention of not eating. God, just fuc* off aly, you need your head looking at but just keep asking for support on insta that'll get you thru life fine
No. 460831
File: 1515013516339.jpg (52.87 KB, 389x579, Capture.JPG)

She's realised that thinspo pics get her more comments so she's posted another.
No. 460833
File: 1515013864050.jpg (27.89 KB, 567x172, Screenshot_20180103-150846.jpg)

2 hours lol no one struggles like this bitch ugh cant wait for monday and her excuse for why shes staying on insta
No. 460836
>>460686HAHA oh my god you can just see how superficial her emotions are. she was so triggerred and in such pain that she deleted a photo! wow what an act of self destruction!
>>460737the first time reposting a pic in weeks? what a liar. she probably got so
triggered at that message, she doesnt realize how insane and attention seeky she is. she doesnt need help for her fake ass "breakdowns" and "mood swings" and "purging" she needs help for everything else
No. 460838
>>460836Two hours then SHE RAISES UP! Jeez. I had a panic attack at around 9 this morning and still feel like death. So yeah, superficial emotions with Aly. (Sorry for slight personal blog and sorry I didn't upload my #breakdown on insta).
I'm not bulimic but I feel rage when she talks about how she wants to purge. It feels to me like she's giving the wrong idea about mental illnesses when she flips out then suddenly "pulls herself together". Sorry, Aly it doesn't work like that. It's the same as saying she had flu yesterday and now she's in great physical health.
She's lost a lot of followers the past 24 hours. I'd love to hear what non farmers think of her when they follow her not knowing about her then feel they have to unfollow her. I want to experience the WTF for the first time again.
No. 460839
File: 1515015230175.jpg (20.85 KB, 299x132, Capture.JPG)

Noticed that Ashley's friend Jackie's commented on a pic.
No. 460918
>>460912yea in my experience they become irregular for awhile when it returns but everyones different. Aly has either been getting it for awhile or is just being dramatic like usual and using her period as an excuse
It also ticked me off that she was saying how she was upset because someone called her fat and said she wasn't going to eat and then changed it to ohh im just sad because of my period, much recovery
No. 460960
File: 1515023838279.gif (1.16 MB, 500x280, breakdown breakdown.gif)

>>460737>I've had a break down AFTER WHOLE DAYS OF POSITIVITYBitch what, you have a breakdown every single day.
Unless she's lying…
No. 461137
>>460656So now she claims the dude was saying "You've changed".
Wow, what an awful comment indeed, Aly.
Apparently he had a "disgusted face".
Bitch, please. You've never experienced fat shaming in your whole miserable life.
>>460918She probably claims the entire 3 weeks when she isn't bleeding as being struggling with terrible PMS. Followed by a week of pure hell because she has menstrual munchies.
No. 461163
File: 1515036593147.jpg (485.69 KB, 2048x2048, 6DBEDCC4-2731-4D5D-B38D-9AFC64…)

>>461137yeah tf im so confused?
No. 461241
File: 1515040615340.gif (1000.15 KB, 250x200, giphy.gif)

>>460599>>458972There are a lot of things about her that I don't get, but one of the most confusing is why she seems so unable to smile genuinely anymore. Even when she was really sick her smile was okay because she used her whole face, not just her fucking teeth. It's the first thing I notice and it creeps me out a bit.
Also, for an ex(!) anorexic, I'm shocked that her favourite angle is one that gives her multiple chins. Oh well.
No. 461255
File: 1515041667196.jpg (100.67 KB, 691x614, 20180104_055149.jpg)

Lol whut
No. 461456
>>461255>>461261that user just said "well done" and didn't asslicked, probably that's why she felt the need to mark on the fact that she struggled so bad today.
Two hours are a lot, uh. Two whole fucking hours.
i hope she chokes on a donnie No. 461533
File: 1515065484612.jpg (46.51 KB, 287x381, Capture.JPG)

>>461494>Berto breaking up with herShe didn't really bother when he left her last time. I don't think she'd care tbh.
Wow, she used to have an identity. Not sure I believe that.
No. 461536
>>461533YOU focus ALWAYS on your ED. The other people, the ones that actually fucking recovery, tend to stop.
I hate how she talks like she was anorexic since she was 10, and didn't have the chance to develop a personality.
No. 461600
File: 1515077211472.jpg (542.38 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180104-154553.jpg)

Sooo apparently posting multiple pics is her new thing now since she gets more attention that way
No. 461601
File: 1515077217740.png (2.21 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-01-04-07-45-41…)

She looks like she has a mustache. This lip color is so unflattering on her and it's all she ever wears! Aly stahhhp! You live in Milan, get it together!
No. 461602
File: 1515077277459.jpg (Spoiler Image,421.05 KB, 720x1147, 20180104_154617.jpg)

>>461600And I still can't get over how fucking basic her tattoo is
No. 461610
File: 1515078409723.jpg (91.85 KB, 377x293, Screenshot_20180104-090513.jpg)

No. 461613
File: 1515078848593.jpg (71.66 KB, 1006x162, Screenshot_20180104-091203.jpg)

OMFG I can't believe I missed this, it's the return of tanga and glitters lol she's reusing her "I care about other women" post
No. 461617
File: 1515079695957.jpg (399.34 KB, 1011x978, Screenshot_20180104-092650.jpg)

Duck is this it? this is your big plan
No. 461640
File: 1515082986295.jpg (381.68 KB, 720x986, 20180104_172047.jpg)

I just had to think of that traumatizing scene in chihiro spirited away where her parents stuffed their faces and turned into pigs
No. 461645
File: 1515083195257.jpeg (101.88 KB, 750x495, 66B2B962-BE9C-4F21-A4D3-92DCE5…)

>>461601Someone commented this on this post, just looked now though and it’s gone so she must have deleted the comments or blocked the girl already
No. 461651
>>461494She needs 10 tabs of LSD and an existential crisis lol, berto already left her once and nothing happened. Obviously not wishing this on her but maybe if she was told she only has a year to live or something, her outlook on life would radically change
>>461601She needs to wear bright lipstick, it's how she gets some extra attention!
No. 461654
File: 1515083653645.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180104-103306.png)

Yep, pretty much
No. 461656
>>461601she looks SO BAD in her posed "glamorous chic" pictures. we all agree her face/styling was better when she was skelly but she looks so much better even now in the "unposed" pictures in her stories. like she looks so much cuter even in
>>460656 because she hasn't upped the saturation to 10000%, done a combover, and bitten her tongue + bared her teeth for her trademark triple chin grimace. i think irl she prob looks pretty cute and i don't understand what kind of reverse body dysmorphic glasses she's wearing to think her hideous face-pulling and terrible outfits are somehow an improvement.
if she'd be honest and post normal looking pictures she wouldn't be half as insufferable. like just being straightforward instead of all fake-inspirational word salad, McDonald's pics, and cringey poses would make her ~struggles~ feel somewhat honest and real instead of like manufactured drama.
sorry for pointless snowday psychobabble analysis of a girl who has no self awareness and will never change
No. 461701
File: 1515087430768.jpg (101.18 KB, 978x280, Screenshot_20180104-113421.jpg)

Her new thing is definitely several pics in one. This post is so funny, she didn't know if she wanted to get dinner with ma cus of her 2 hour breakdown yesterday but I guess she's going for it #warrior also hey does anyone else know about these museum things? anyone else love their mum???
No. 461707
>>461533i don't think she's ever had a sense of self. looking at her personal account, before the ED she was already attention seeking (in a normal teenage girl way with the #beautiful #blonde tags and bikini shots), she had interests but they were shallow and basic, like watching tv, clubbing, and "traveling" ie going to starbucks in large cities in other european countries. but none of that distinguished her from any of her friends or the average 16-20 y.o. girl.
in her ED she dropped out of uni, lost any sense of direction she did have, and got weirder. in recovery she got WAY weirder and seems to have lost any meaningful contact with her old friends. she never had a passion or a sense of self other than being "the hot blondie babe", but whatever bits of (basic) personality she did have have been consumed by her online ED persona.
(it really is fuc*ing (!) annoying when she tries to sound like this is bc her ED started when she was a child, like no, Aly, you're just boring. even skeletor Ash has more interests and personality than Aly, as embarrassing and grating as they are)
No. 461740
File: 1515090139882.png (190.19 KB, 620x1006, IMG_5816.PNG)

Accidental typo but Aly really does "own" her mother.
No. 461789
File: 1515092852361.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180104-130615.png)

No. 461880
>>461789Drinking game:
take a shot evertime Aly
fails at grammar
posts something in capslock mode
posts about McD
posts a #tb
No. 461908
>>460954People with BPD are typically extremely manipulative..they do have intense emotions but also usually play mind games and become emotionally abusive.
Sage for ot
No. 461956
File: 1515101466107.png (1.6 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180104-152907.png)

dont understand how she differentiates between a normal post and a "blog" post cus she said she loves her mom?
No. 461971
File: 1515102214106.jpg (646.97 KB, 1031x1553, Screenshot_20180104-154141.jpg)

>>461951This probably isn't the post you're talking about but I looked at the location tag for the sushi place and this is her fun word salad from last year
No. 461978
File: 1515102517525.jpg (81.61 KB, 923x579, Capture.JPG)

>>461971Not the anon who posted the original sushi regurgitation, but this is it from her other account when Denise, Sonia and Martini still bothered with her.
You can tell she took a menu home so she could write what she ate.
Same old shit she writes a year on smfh.
No. 461995
File: 1515103486732.png (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5817.PNG)

second spoopy pic in two days. Ffs aly.
No. 462012
File: 1515104899834.jpg (299.16 KB, 720x720, i hide myself.jpg)

>>462001She SAYS she covered up when spoopy but we witnessed her skin tight clothes when she was at her spoopiest. It's another way to make herself sound tragic.
I cba to look at all the pics she posts at once but if it's a substitute for ones where she's holding her coat hood then I take the multiple posts.
No. 462039
File: 1515106788340.jpg (92.8 KB, 978x269, Screenshot_20180104-165752.jpg)

You mean yesterday? She also said she was going to starve herself when that neighbor called her fat or w/e lol She's so fake
No. 462048
>>462039>some months agoA couple of days ago when she said she was "bingeing" on cheesy chips
Damn. I keep saying this, but please, please, please I want to do a gofuckme to get her English classes to sort out her verbs.
No. 462050
>>461908sorry for derailing but what anon was trying to say is that bpds arent usually consciously manipulative or emotionally abusive if they are, they're usually too lost in their own misery, turmoil and self hatred to notice how they hurt others. many bpds are far more self destructive rather than outwardly abusive too. see: "they dont intend to manipulate". npds and aspds usually consciously manipulate
>>462039um wtf she literally said she's "trying not to purge" 3 days ago
>>459039 No. 462318
>>461640THIS is your "women's positivity"? Advising us to CONSTANTLY stuff our faces with shitty mcdonalds trash?
No fucking thanks Aly, keep your ~motivation~ to yourself. I'll get my ~positivity~ from women who actually advise women to make good choices, not ones who tell me to gorge daily on shitty unhealthy processed food that causes diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, gut problems, hardened arteries and obesity.
Encouraging women to treat themselves like goddamn garbage cans is. not. motivational.
No. 462504
File: 1515140181477.jpg (113.65 KB, 640x800, 21227308_476235309401493_32538…)

>>462497last year, I guess that pic is even older
(it took me too much time to reach this through all her post, I'll try reaching two years ago)
No. 462506
File: 1515140422654.jpg (85.37 KB, 640x640, 21224203_1968302173381692_1093…)

>>462497>>462504Okay 18 weeks ago. 29th of August for being precise. Eyeballing it,
>>461601 belongs to July/August.
I just wonder why she decided to shoot herself in lingerie. If I was Berto, I'd be really fucking annoyed.
No. 462509
File: 1515140869709.jpg (92.82 KB, 640x800, 19052002_1616296631714306_2728…)

>>462506Sorry, I think I found it in the end. June 2017.
No. 462510
File: 1515140980523.jpg (127.36 KB, 640x800, 18512454_1516137331770591_3776…)

In May 2017 she figured out how to dress better and forgot it…
No. 462519
File: 1515141627147.jpg (121.06 KB, 640x640, 13741440_1790546474527574_8151…)

>>462504>>462506>>462509>>462510I've put way too much effort in this, I'm putting a July 2016 pic here for comparison.
Anyway, I had the immense pleasure (sarcasm) to check all her account during the time… it's shocking. You can see her going insane. Like seriously.
No. 462525
File: 1515142119227.jpeg (151.61 KB, 721x714, 828B4C95-C1A2-44FB-80B0-14CD0C…)

>>462506She’s posted shit like this before… I can’t see how it’s much different to her endless bikini pics tbh. She’s histrionic AF, what can you expect.
No. 462535
File: 1515143372037.jpeg (499.64 KB, 1536x1536, 6A543FE0-7D91-4035-AB17-F50546…)

>>462519It’s sad, like even 7 months ago I feel like her posing wasn’t quite as tragic as what we see now (such as her current faves, the “manic soulless smile” and the “I’m-having-an-allergic-reaction-so-my-tongue-is swelling” tongue bite)
No. 462537
File: 1515144186210.jpg (48.94 KB, 627x345, stache.jpg)

>>462497it's here my lovely girl
4 months ago ?
No. 462538
File: 1515144187651.png (675.48 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180105-022148.png)

Soooo busy. She starts working on Monday right?
No. 462541
File: 1515144638371.jpeg (436.83 KB, 1536x1536, F09A4B67-B5F1-4A4C-B4A5-FE9C48…)

>>462535Soz for spam but lol
No. 462548
>>462535Top right though:
>mh where do I put my finger, mouth or nose? Unsure, may I ask for your advice?>>462538She's very (!) busy with bus(y)ing
No. 462560
>>462537Thank you thank you! I got sick of her face, couldnt place what year it even was! Thought 2016 but not 2017 i went slightly crazy trawling older threads.
>>462535Where are these pics found? Never seen before!
No. 462564
>>462560its from a trip she took to idk where but with her fam
>>462541>>462535it is definitely weird to see the comparison here lol shes not interesting but anything is better than "standing outside food chain" its so dumb how she thinks she'll just use v similar pics over and over cus shes desperate to post her world salad but then people see an old pic and dont look at the post
No. 462579
File: 1515156171685.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-01-05-05-41-16…)

>>462519I can't sleep so I scrolled way back through her account too. It was around this time last year she really did start to go insane. She started making those ridiculous faces and started posting multiple times per day. I wish she would go back to looking down at her food….it was way less uncomfortable to look at.
No. 462588
File: 1515159241608.jpg (460.08 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180105-142637.jpg)

>my asshole ain't gonna lick itself you know…
No. 462589
File: 1515159287490.jpg (65.69 KB, 362x639, Capture.JPG)

>>462579Better give Aly some asspats or she's gonna have a #breakdown
No. 462595
File: 1515159749760.jpg (49.72 KB, 367x573, damn pressure.JPG)

So much pressure making stupid face video clips for instagram.
Second call for attention.
No. 462609
>>462535>>462541these comparisons really do show how much crazier she's gotten in the last year/six months. if i had to chart her progression of insanity i would say it's been exponential growth since the great leg-plastering of 2016. she keeps getting weirder and weirder at a faster rate. amazing.
my only theory is that she's so self conscious of her body now that she reacts by posing harder (bc she thinks her poses are flattering?????), wearing stranger clothes/lack of clothes (the things she thinks she looks good in), and doing more attention seeking things bc people are no longer paying attention to her for being skelly. she is desperate for validation and for someone to gush over how pretty and still thin (!) she is, but she doesn't get the response she wants, so she keeps ramping it up instead of trying something new (like more candid pictures, not acting like a fucking loon, or posting shit other than mcdonald's and her underchin).
>>462579lol this was from the phase where she posted videos every day of her sitting in milan's least scenic areas, staring into the distance and fluffing her ramen hair while holding a donut and then saying some cheesy attempted food pun. hard to believe that that was pretty normal compared to her current shit.
No. 462643
File: 1515165821785.png (1.42 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5820.PNG)

So much pressure that she.. goes to the same fucking food stand.
No. 462647
>>462643Too busy to take new pics. Ooook.
Gotta psyche herself up to do the same #recoverywin she does every day.
No. 462667
File: 1515168808707.jpg (331.88 KB, 978x978, Screenshot_20180105-101113.jpg)

No. 462677
>>462643Omg I thought she put Waka Flocka Flame lyrics for a second, I thought the "K" was an "H"
>>462667Nothing makes me laugh like these zoomed and cropped pictures of her with her tongue out. Thank you guys.
No. 462717
>>462667this is terrifying and also v depressing at the same time
>>462617she's dropping faster than ever, isn't she? i'm sure she's freaking out but she's still no closer to understanding why she's losing hundreds of followers every week.
No. 462718
>>462717its cus shes not anorexic anymore anon, duh
i think she keeps posting #tbs of her when she was v thin to try and remind people lol
No. 462736
File: 1515176384867.jpg (800.75 KB, 809x1565, Screenshot_20180105-121740.jpg)

>barely strawbs
is she not going to mention she was pretending to be recovering in this pic? and ya she's outta control with the throwbacks
No. 462776
>>462736good thing deleting your insta history means it never happened!
it's hilarious how she still gets so pissed when she gets comments saying that pictures of food don't mean she ate it or w/e, when like all she did for a year was post food pics and ALL CAPS (!) and EMOJIS (!) captions about how FREE this LITTLE BLONDIE CHILD (!) was, eating #lush crepe-#bombs and #fishporn
No. 462791
File: 1515182041199.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180105-135239.png)

omfg are you getting zucchini starter and seafood pasta (!)
No. 462895
File: 1515188631654.png (1.4 MB, 640x1136, 66EF9404-F515-45D2-85B0-E24E35…)

The salt caked on that plate/fries tho …
No. 462913
>>462895I looked up reviews for this place. The first one tells me Aly will love this restaurant - the place is stuck in the 90s style.
>All you can eatThose places are usually trash.
No. 462914
File: 1515189673368.jpg (25.7 KB, 520x200, Capture.JPG)

>>462913SORRY dropped pic AND forgot to sage. I kill me.
No. 463249
>>463176She said the job hours are 4pm-8pm. Those are the hours she was doing when she supposedly started in December.
As for not being on insta much come Monday, ohhhhhhhhhh, take it with a pinch of salt (you can take some from those fries delved in salt (!)). I was thinking about this and I can see her STILL saying that her routine's all screwed up and she isn't eating enough. That or she's so busy she's burning off too many calories.
I can't guess how long this job's going to last this time. It's not like the hours are as much as in the retail job but she IS lazy and obviously doesn't like working. I'm looking forward to her first week. If she keeps up this fake motivation for more than a week I might have to take a break from her. Way too dull when she's not having a #breakdown.
Wait! Maybe a child she's in charge of calls her fat or asks if she's pregnant. Something like that will make her freak out and she likes to pretend randoms call her fat in the street.
No. 463314
File: 1515221410669.jpg (1.04 MB, 1200x1574, Screenshot_20180105-234720.jpg)

how long has she been tagging people in her posts? I would be really annoyed, like, I'll look at and comment on your posts when I feel like it, you don't have to tag me multiple times everyday…
No. 463383
File: 1515236687145.jpg (688.26 KB, 1200x1533, Screenshot_20180106-035844.jpg)

doesn't she order cheesecake every other day at McDonalds? what is she talking about not ordering dessert in ages?
No. 463385
File: 1515237381199.jpg (278.57 KB, 1200x526, Screenshot_20180106-041436.jpg)

me again… what is this? a holiday? like Christmas? with witches? im curious…
No. 463421
>>463385>I'm not catholic but my parents arebut Aly you're becoming a nun (!)
really though this was interesting to me, like clearly she's not all that religious but it feels unusual for her to take a decisive stance like this. like i can easily imagine her not going to mass every week or being a "practicing" catholic bc it's too much work and not all about her, but it seems out of character for her to actively break away from the church, since she seems to have no values of her own.
or maybe i'm just interpreting this like an american since people here will call themselves catholic/baptist/whatever if they grew up in the church even if they only go on xmas and easter. maybe in a heavily catholic country like italy the standards are higher and you'd be considered "not catholic" if you stopped going to mass, not just if you dramatically left the church?
No. 463432
File: 1515249868776.jpg (27.33 KB, 374x163, poetry.JPG)

No. 463437
File: 1515250153715.png (1.42 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5822.PNG)

She looks so much better without makeup, but her eyes still look unhinged.
No. 463441
File: 1515250758934.jpg (44.1 KB, 791x199, control cravings and weight ga…)

>>463436With me I get the munchies for 3 days before a period, but not cravings and, y'know, self control. I'm not about to stuff my face with sugary shit AND ALL THAT SALT ON HER FRIES when it makes the situation worse. So yeah, binge eating excuses.
>>463437Maybe I'm in the minority but I don't think she's pretty at all. Idk, she leaves me cold in every way.
No. 463453
>>463441I think aly can look kind of cute, sometimes but like, this will sound weird lol but theres something about her face that makes me uncomfortable like i always imagine the skin on her face to be real cold and elasticy and she also looks real grey idk creepy
>>463444its back again now
No. 463456
File: 1515252699960.jpg (214.14 KB, 720x981, 20180106_162715.jpg)

>>463432Us women teehee we are like soow crazy when on our periods uwu #bloodzflowingfrommyvagoOogOoO
No. 463480
File: 1515256270204.jpg (465.68 KB, 1009x1093, Screenshot_20180106-102959.jpg)

omg stop
No. 463522
File: 1515260690541.png (535.1 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-01-06-11-43-48…)

No. 463532
>>463522not a very nice part of the city. makes me even more sad for her parents as she won't move out and i assume guilts her mom for money to fund her 'food blogger' career.
whats chav in italian?
No. 463533
>>463522THIS FUCKING DUMB CUNT literally tags the fucking lorenteggio MCD in her geotags like what does she expect from that? That people assume she lives on another continent?
She is so fucking demented I can't
No. 463548
File: 1515263189606.png (185.57 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5826.PNG)

She's obsessed with her BOOTOMLESS(!) pit of old pics again. God help us all.
No. 463554
File: 1515264274849.png (1.02 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5827.PNG)

No. 463593
File: 1515269067161.png (939.54 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180106-130304.png)

No. 463617
File: 1515271149256.jpg (533.74 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180106-212519.jpg)

No. 463629
>>463441>>463453I know what you mean, her skin is pallored and corpse-like, most likely because she’s so unhealthy from lack of nutrition. Something about her thin upper lip bothers me, as well as that weird space of skin between her eyes and clown eyebrows.
I think our primal instincts are telling us there is something wrong with this person and to stay away.
No. 463742
File: 1515280051233.png (890.77 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5834.PNG)

God Aly shut up about your food baby and go get a different fucking bra.
No. 463805
>>463742I don't even get why she wants to post a food of her bloat. What point is she making? Is she saying it's okay not to have a flat stomach because not many people do have a flat stomach. If anas see that they're going to think that's fat or something. Idk, I fucking hate her at this point tbh.
It's her whole mouth that makes me shudder. Especially the way she purses it and has those mice teeth showing. Weird someone not ugly can be so physically repulsive. So I agree it's
>I think our primal instincts are telling us there is something wrong with this person and to stay away.even if that comment was half serious.
No. 463885
File: 1515292439406.jpg (29.29 KB, 294x133, Capture.JPG)

Why does she delete random comments? I didn't see what this person wrote/writes but Aly deletes their comments. I don't get her.
No. 464003
>>463887Looks weird to me, too. Like she tries to suck in but it's not working at the upper and lower area? Not saying she is. Just trying to find answers.
My honest opinions and advices would be to go poop.
No. 464027
File: 1515310513057.jpeg (149.01 KB, 1280x720, 6E1CA1D9-3800-4687-B527-B252B6…)

>>463887I think she just has a little lower belly pooch of fat combined with anterior pelvic tilt making it look worse.
No. 464144
File: 1515333250004.png (186.71 KB, 640x922, IMG_5835.PNG)

Only one comment in 2 hours, so REPOST
No. 464145
File: 1515333608815.png (1.01 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5837.PNG)

No. 464167
>>463593>>463599and she even says "throw up" not "purge" when referencing what she hasn't done "in ages." so basically this is her referring to that time she had a hangover and threw up the morning after a night out drinking and eating, and tried to pretend she "purged."
i really wish someone would call her out on pretending to struggle with bulimia, it's annoying af (!)
No. 464172
File: 1515338950190.png (1013.27 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5842.PNG)

So black and white. So edgy.
No. 464175
>>463742Why does her belly look like a ripple? Just curious, I've never seen someone with a rippling belly. It's so unnatural, almost looks like a shoop fail
>>464172>so much is happening out thereSure, Aly
No. 464184
File: 1515340797612.png (727.2 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5843.PNG)

Is she saying her family just left her alone today?
No. 464224
File: 1515345345550.png (965.74 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5844.PNG)

The weird angles continue..
No. 464225
File: 1515345382066.png (481.09 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5845.PNG)

No. 464229
>>464225Yes bitch thats what you left to this account. How is she so fucking in denial? this is so pathetic, did being snoopy really destroy all of her brain cells?
I want her to take an IQ test with a psychiatrist
Who wants to bet that it's 80-90?
No. 464232
File: 1515346346466.png (1002.92 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5846.PNG)

No. 464274
File: 1515349754930.jpg (688.13 KB, 809x2292, Screenshot_20180107-122753.jpg)

HATE (!) and on her last day too
No. 464276
File: 1515349944235.jpg (389.35 KB, 652x827, Screenshot_20180107-112933.jpg)

I think it's funny that even out of the people she tags only 2 make comments regularly.
No. 464295
File: 1515351619505.png (55.55 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5847.PNG)

You guys know how to kill
No. 464297
File: 1515351882642.png (309.22 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5849.PNG)

>>464295It's in her story now, too.
No. 464303
>>464297Nobody bullied this stupid bitch! She just cannot take some very honest comments about her obviously disordered behaviour. Instead of deleting them and not bringing attention to them she has to flip it around to look like she’s being attacked.
Sage because same shit different day
No. 464311
File: 1515352622976.png (353.7 KB, 435x710, crazy bitch.png)

No. 464313
File: 1515352679983.jpg (162.69 KB, 553x683, 20180107_191343.jpg)

>>464274You big fat meanies
No. 464322
File: 1515353355031.jpg (39.66 KB, 553x683, 1515352679983.jpg)

Jesus anon, post the original. This is Aly's thread. (!)
No. 464348
File: 1515354720149.png (73.42 KB, 750x508, IMG_5121.PNG)

No. 464366
File: 1515356982849.jpg (148.3 KB, 652x433, Screenshot_20180107-132832.jpg)

Seriously, look how happy she is now
No. 464430
File: 1515362260840.png (147.27 KB, 640x890, IMG_5851.PNG)

Seriously stop it, she's not going to change because she loves herself too fucking much. These comments are only driving her further up her own ass.
No. 464434
File: 1515362522531.jpeg (147.79 KB, 741x725, 34C10F23-A014-4E08-9192-BD66B3…)

What’s this all about?
No. 464435
File: 1515362564837.png (791.97 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0445.PNG)

I am speechless
Did she take this pic in the vanilla bakery toilet? wtf
No. 464507
>>464435for someone so completely self-obsessed, i'm surprised she'd take a titty shot in a filthy toilet cubicle
ah who am I kidding, Aly doesn't mind a squat in a toilet (while eating chocolate)
No. 464510
See this
>>463742 It's the family bathroom.
No. 464518
File: 1515368368599.jpg (110.98 KB, 1059x566, Capture.JPG)

>>464513She's still public so I checked the Bakery tag but that pic doesn't show up. Maybe insta doesn't count pics when they're a multiple upload?
I know this titty shot isn't outrageous or anything, but it's definitely indicating that Aly's becoming more unhinged. She's recovering for big tits and posts a pic of her lifting them up? #feminist It's not something I do, but I'd even feel weird posting that on a facebook account with close friends only but a public account? It's not the tits, it's how weird her mind is working…unless I'm missing something.
No. 464524
File: 1515368850969.jpg (436.01 KB, 720x890, 20180108_004638.jpg)

>>464518It actually shows up for me?
No. 464537
>>464172>>so much is happening out thereSure, Jan.
>>464224>>can't use DirectSure, Jan.
>>464307What "positive period"? Your incessant whining is only ever interrupted by a night's sleep.
>>464435This pic is captioned
>>"2️ #sorrynotsorry never had more than a AAAAA bra size but improving"Sure, Jan. It's not like we've all seen your pre-ED bikini pics with perfectly average tits.
No. 464559
File: 1515371427557.png (742.37 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180107-171742.png)

When she says shit like this, about deleting the weirdo and the comments stopped, makes me want to comment lol she acts like she won an argument or something…its driving me nuts
No. 464630
>>464559or maybe people just want privacy…? fuck these idiots who are like "ur hiding behind a screen!!! coward!!! u wouldnt say that irl!!!" it's called PRIVACY unlike aly who posts where she goes every second of the day and pics of her family and bf? why tf would one want their real name on aly's account and lolcow, im sure many farmers have successul careers n shit. ~we need professional help bc we're calling her out on her manipulative behaviour omg guess we need to go see a therapist now! we are the sick ones! we're all sociopaths!!! thanks recoveringq~ i hate these asskissers who stand up to aly for comments that have zero "hate" in them, just solid advice, and call them haters too. brainwashed by our recovery queer
@_lisaschaefer 's comment. farmers who are mentally ill, are you insulted? no? didnt think so
sorry but these asskissers are worse than aly sometimes
>>464518 it's the histrionic tendencies in her, anon
No. 464642
>>464559When aly really gets to me I just remember that her life is her own punishment…like, could you imagine being her lmao
I really think everyone should stop commenting on her though, she loves this attention and then her followers feel the need to defend her too
no mention of being gone from insta? cookies post at 8am?
No. 464703
File: 1515380184249.jpg (244.13 KB, 1200x588, Screenshot_20180107-195456.jpg)

No. 464850
File: 1515397507726.jpg (163.41 KB, 888x499, 22b0ew.jpg)

>>464322good job anon <3
>>464559>>464630>>464274Wouldn't be surprised if you or one of you was that ragefag who tried to make Aly check out the farms several times. Yes, she's a fucking nutcase. But you need to chill. She WON'T change. She's dumb as a rock and of course her asslickers are, otherwise they wouldn't lick her ass, duh. If that
triggers you sooo much you can't help but write hate novels over and over again, maybe look for a different cow to follow.
You shouldn't have hard feelings because of a cow.
No. 464863
>>464850Different anon, it's not directly because of her, it's because she's a dangerous person speaking about things she barely know. The average 13-years-old could try seeking for "inspiration" for recovering from someone like her - or since she's hyperfollowed and preached by real users and lolcow users (wateroffaducksback, I am watching you) it's something pretty much automatic to think that she's actually doing something good.
In addition to that, I think it's common sense to get angry at a 5 years old that is actually legally adult.
No. 464892
File: 1515400335133.jpg (33.17 KB, 500x350, 22b1se.jpg)

>>464863I know, there are legit reasons why one would try to talk common sense into Aly (and her asslickers) by writing comments and/or dms
No. 464925
File: 1515406927663.jpg (465.1 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180108-111914.jpg)

Lololo, hamster fell (because I made him lol)
No. 464956
File: 1515410552789.jpg (69.59 KB, 351x361, mars.jpg)

No. 464966
I’m convinced duck is actually some sort of old man sexual predator and the plan is to groom Aly to send nudes etc
No. 464968
File: 1515412981392.jpg (361.73 KB, 3072x1536, ducks and aly.jpg)

>>464966Possibly a feeder.
>>464956Good question though. If a farmer (if duck can be called that at this point) wants to write gushing comments to Aly then fine, but bashing someone for doing what it does here is not okay. It's not okay to be not okay.
No. 465028
File: 1515425631841.jpg (493.28 KB, 978x1130, Screenshot_20180108-093005.jpg)

Well this is her 2nd post and she said shes updating as soon as she can
No. 465033
>>465028they're called ringo THINS. Idiot.
She's starting already with "I have so little time I can't eat", we have the premise.
No. 465040
>>464956okay i get it, you guys don't like duck and her vaseline but like please don't cowtip? stop mentioning lolcow you duck_off moron.
I think a Farmhand should look up into this thread and decide if you guys are not taking the tipping to far. Like tempcow got a warning to not scare off Lainey for something sooo much smaller than this. Not gonna report but the situation is getting weird here.
No. 465063
File: 1515429989920.jpeg (522.84 KB, 746x998, 183A5339-B0D2-45B6-94BB-B3F8DD…)

Aly deleted ducks post?!
No. 465071
>>465040agreed, aly is clearly funnier when no one pays attention to her anyway so idk why you guys are constantly commenting
ig there's nothing really to be done but if you're reading this and are one of the constant commenters then at least…chill?
No. 465093
>>465043new fence hasnt commented in weeks .. and those occaisonal comments are ott ridiculous shit that makes people laugh. it's just people like duck that ruin everywhere
>>464850Wtf are you talking about, Im one of the people you replied to, Ive havent sent her shit, but many farmers are clearly seriously just bothered about how she can get away with being a manipulative liar who has suggestible young girls bowing down to her. it doesnt seem to just be one person sending her these things, lots of people hate her and are
triggered by her bullshit, theres tons of rants like that on lolcow. if you're not affected by anything she does or says, whats the point of being on lolcow. everyone rages at her bullshit. you're not above anyone else lol
No. 465098
>>465071seriously, the few days after New Year were farmers managed to stop themselves from commenting were a drama mine. breakdown after breakdown! let's just wait for aly's current asslickers (unfortunately she seems to have found some new ones) to get sick of her and her sure-to-come job drama and see whatever crazy shit she pulls off then.
like, i know the itching feeling to make a throwaway ig account to call her on her bullshit - trust me, I KNOW, but remember, ignoring her is the absolute best way to piss her off.
No. 465135
File: 1515437162242.png (1.88 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180108-124413.png)

guess how the people who follow you feel
No. 465137
>>465098agreeeeed x1000
she has new asslickers but they'll lose interest once they realize what a bitch she is, or else she'll end up blocking them bc they say something she takes the wrong way. farmers commenting on her shit is no longer funny, she's too dumb to get sarcasm and she'll never learn from constructive criticism anyway so there's no point.
and duck or anyone else who thinks they're going to pull off some ~master plan~, get over yourselves bc she's never going to give you any ~juicy info~ (as if she's deep enough to have any interesting secrets?) or get hurt if you dump her bc she's literally only in this for the numbers. any and all asskissers are disposable to her, just look how she treats dogs.
No. 465164
File: 1515439281717.png (172.7 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5852.PNG)

She's foof-blogging now. I kill me. Also is it me or has she posted a pic of one of the kids on her story? Their face is covered up but still. Yikes.
No. 465206
File: 1515443176878.jpg (75.94 KB, 978x337, Screenshot_20180108-142500.jpg)

honey, you updated 3 times
No. 465257
>>465140I think you are mixing up user names. I don't think duck said that
>>465206Aly likes to play semantics. When she says "break" she means posts about her "personal life". She doesn't count stories, or food pictures, or motivation topics.
No. 465311
>>465263looks like she's babysitting a few kids, not at a day care or anything.
And she's already having a breakdown after a day of work, asking followers to compare pictures of her. it's never gonna change
No. 465344
>>465338No you may not. If you hate asking it then don't.
She looks awful right now but that's not the weight gain, it's her fucking ill fitting clothes. She looks better in the summer when she's slimmer because her clothes actually fit. All she needs is a size up and drop the chin highs.
Is she going to use this I can't work ever because I lose weight excuse all her life? Like, she can't even be arsed to pick up those toys on the floor she took a pic of without complaining.
No. 465348
File: 1515452930788.jpg (861.54 KB, 1000x1500, pt2018_01_08_16_06_33.jpg)

>>465338Here are the pics in the post she's asking about.
No. 465599
File: 1515466177140.png (142.16 KB, 642x673, IMG_4847.PNG)

Comments coming in
No. 465600
File: 1515466196952.png (94.1 KB, 556x676, IMG_4848.PNG)

And a few more
No. 465749
>>465138no fence is emilylove
>>465348I'm so fucking confused is she saying that she looks emaciated in the third pic? There is no difference?!? What the fuck? How does an anorexic think they look THINNER than they are, i am screaming
No. 465815
File: 1515487342439.jpg (62.77 KB, 397x234, advices.jpg)

please never change you lovely anons
No. 465832
File: 1515489828442.jpeg (432.93 KB, 1536x1536, 87DB8A7E-8816-4D31-927C-717B36…)

>>465348Ok I know it’s hard to believe this isn’t beyond Aly’s capabilities but I think she has stretched the “emaciated” photo to make herself look thinner. I found 2 very similar photos taken around the same time in the same place, and they look… different. Is it just me or does the middle pic look weird?
No. 465836
File: 1515489997046.png (881.58 KB, 750x1334, 235861B2-64EB-4046-8E12-BB05A3…)

Eat me and Go reposted this bizarre hotdog that Aly posted a little while back. The word salad is laughable. Such a #realfoodbloggger
No. 465837
>>465832Well indeed… the rotation is really similar. In the middle one she also has a more flat chest. It's weird.
(i think thr middle one is where she looks better tho)
No. 465845
File: 1515490641360.jpg (40.46 KB, 346x595, Capture.JPG)

Wow just noticed she's taking sneaked photos of the kids
No. 465846
>>465836>forced but worth it Indeed
>>465832I thought the same thing when I first saw it.
No. 465864
File: 1515492005207.jpg (91.17 KB, 796x420, feed aly.jpg)

>>465862Well tonight thank God it's them instead of you.
No. 465867
File: 1515492333679.png (1.64 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180109-040420.png)

haha (!) who did this
No. 465919
>>465917She HAD one, now she's recovered (physically) but in denial.
Mentally she's unstable, exaggerates everything, has no conception of being an adult and it's just an overall mess. HPD is a common hypothesis, someone proposed NPD too.
Sage those kind of posts.
No. 465920
File: 1515503209618.jpg (78.88 KB, 640x800, 26309210_917739648391020_31457…)

No. 465928
File: 1515504203211.png (884.74 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5858.PNG)

But Aly, you do deserve nurish, mint faps and wearing tanga and glitters with pizza in your mouth. Isn't that what you say every fucking day?
She's so fake I swear.
No. 465929
>>465832i also thought it looked odd. she def doesn't look "emaciated" but just less lumpy than usual and with a more defined waist. i don't think she just stretched it bc it would throw off the proportions of the leg that's resting against the wall, but it really does look odd.
it's possible she just got a flattering angle, bc she clearly took the left and center photos within seconds of each other and she looks much better in the center one (inb4 ana–just less awkward and lumpy i mean).
it's like those things where they show you how "weight loss" before/afters cheat by using lighting and posture.
No. 466018
>>465815She liked emilylove's comment Im deceased. But she blocked c_bish? Whaaaat. How has emilylove/fence had such a long run?! It's been months. I think the key is to add heart emojis
>>465832I think she takes a million different poses and just choses the ones that make her look the thinnest
>>465867Dead. How is it scary? She's public
No. 466144
File: 1515523992518.png (1.66 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180109-125119.png)

oh so she's a babysitter
No. 466147
>>466144haha also
>they helped me todaythey helped her, the little children…maybe shes not even at work maybe ma put her in daycare
No. 466163
File: 1515525627389.png (1 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5860.PNG)

No. 466190
File: 1515527458314.jpg (183.44 KB, 1013x433, Screenshot_20180109-134849.jpg)

>>466163You're not a fuc*ing teacher aly, you're a babysitter and does she really not understand how to count?
No. 466203
>>466190No, she's obviously a teacher, nurse, medical practitioner, and a spinal surgeon. /s
>>466163#helpforhelp ???? LOL ok aly
No. 466305
File: 1515534616897.jpg (11.86 KB, 283x65, eat shit.JPG)

This MUST be a fake account (even though 2,952 followers and a legit food writer).
No. 466414
File: 1515541612480.jpg (346.27 KB, 978x924, Screenshot_20180109-174406.jpg)

christ aly please shut up
she said she was going to use instagram less because the real world was out there or something but shes just using it the same…
No. 466417
File: 1515541939273.jpg (931.43 KB, 1200x1440, Screenshot_20180109-043801_mr1…)

No. 466509
>>466457uhhhh as in "inb4 someone calls me an ana for saying she looks better in the thinner looking photo; i'm not ana and i'm only saying she looks better bc she looks less lumpy and odd and not bc she looks 2 pounds skinnier" …just seemed a little more concise to say "inb4 ana", no? but ok~
>>466417omg thank u anon this is beautiful (!)
>>466414i fuc*ing hate when she says KICK-ED bc it's stupid and also she can never decide if she's being cute by hyphenating "kicked" or if she means kick-ED like kick-ass or w/e. and "goofy", wtf is her obsession with this word?
No. 466527
File: 1515592986413.png (501.71 KB, 731x533, passive aggressive monkey emoj…)

another day another spoopy pic. gotta love the cognitive dissonance and delusions in this morning's word salad
No. 466551
File: 1515595093686.png (918.89 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5870.PNG)

Our good fork only got one comment this morning so of course, repost. Same shit, different day.
No. 466552
File: 1515595187019.png (135.5 KB, 640x804, IMG_5871.PNG)

She makes me rage.
No. 466640
>>466552Makes me think of people who lavish their job titles on a resume to sound more appealing.
I’m sure she wasn’t a sales associate at her last job, she was a “shoe specialist” and her job required her to “educate the skate hobbyists on how important proper footgear is for their podiatric health.”
No. 466668
>>466457that was an accurate use of inb4
>>466552 where does she get all of this bullshit positivity from? does she read other captions and copy people? how is she so motivated to write this crap while she believes nothing?
No. 466780
File: 1515611382688.png (999.04 KB, 720x887, 20180110_120734.png)

How much farther do you guys think she will go with the underwear shoots?
No. 466794
File: 1515612761143.jpg (107.04 KB, 978x234, Screenshot_20180110-133058.jpg)

You're posting the same amount, you idiot
No. 466810
File: 1515613888068.jpg (33.13 KB, 978x155, Screenshot_20180110-134937.jpg)

when youve seen the same post 500 times and you have nothing left to say
No. 466848
File: 1515622810820.png (97.19 KB, 750x921, IMG_5211.PNG)

does aly rly think she's gonna get these kinds of pages taken down
No. 466861
File: 1515623441760.jpg (182.28 KB, 978x540, Screenshot_20180110-162704.jpg)

>>466854yea p sure i've seen that pic before too
love how aly has no problem making bert sound like hes abusive and uh happy w your identity? ok hun
No. 466874
>>466861> what do you think about working womenI can't even comment this.
much feminism, such equality
No. 466877
File: 1515624625519.png (288.32 KB, 712x421, Untitled.png)

I was going to post this hours ago but the site was down so it's a bit slow news. I didn't bother checking her stories until this morning and noticed that yesterday she met with a "sister" (I think Sonia's the only one who can be arsed with her now). Then she posted in the evening how unsupportive her friend was. You'd think she'd cling on to her last friend for dear life.
As for that photo, I agree it's an old one because I'm p sure she posted it in the summer and LET'S BE HONEST she does not look like that now.
No. 466910
>>466861ok I don't know Berto, but this is a painfully subjective side of the story. Maybe he was simply worried she's out and about during the night, or he said he wished their schedules were in sync so they could spend more time together, but I highly doubt he insisted she shouldn't ~work as a woman~.
Also I hate that her dumb ass keeps asking these stupid-ass questions with such OBVIOUS fucking answers only so everyone will agree with her and she can feel like she spread the Holy Word.
No. 466933
File: 1515627559052.jpeg (344.3 KB, 465x648, B0D69F6D-9DA8-44FB-A21A-7CFB03…)

Yeah no way the mirror bra shot is new. She is literally about to bust out of those ridiculous pants now.
No. 466953
>>466947She's probably also scared that a "fake" might say something stupid while using her pictures and people thinking it's actually her, because she is inherently narcissistic and convinced she says incredibly smart things, no matter how much self-hate she claims.
Which is funny, because a "fake" could virtually speak out of a prolapsed anus and it would still sound less dumb than her word salad.
No. 467098
>>466937I think she likes it. Like most snowflakes/cows, a fake account pretending to be them makes them feel more popular/internet famous. I think anons should stop doing things that make her feel good/feed her ego. I bet she loves the hate comments too. She just likes any kind of attention. And she uses the hate comments for even
more attention because it gives her an excuse to post an instagram story about it.
>>466933Also this is hilarious, how is she even moving in those
No. 467158
File: 1515645328614.png (1.06 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20180110-212617.png)

I think she likes hate comments so she can play victim. but I think it's different with people filling their own accounts with her photos. I think of all things it really gets under her skin. but, who really knows what's happening in her mind.
No. 467257
>>467177I thought that was bird shit at a glance
Thanks for pointing that out
How did she not clean up before takings pics?
No. 467261
>>467257I´d rather have creamy stains on my womanly body than be a zero size! Like the lovely Sophia Loren!
Delved into a fap IT´s OKAY
No. 467286
File: 1515659854603.jpeg (63.6 KB, 750x354, 21A61101-19E2-41DE-B000-1E2C64…)

>>466937I think if it’s true the photos are being slightly altered to make her face look fatter… that is simply masterful, brilliant.
No. 467329
File: 1515668698086.jpeg (173.87 KB, 750x842, FBACF51D-AB96-4038-9C0E-6BFECC…)

>>467305It’s not on Aly’s page, it’s on the hater page’s post (!)
No. 467414
File: 1515683148436.png (150.7 KB, 640x1005, IMG_5902.PNG)

She's obsessively body-checking but made a post that reads "I'm not body checking but HERES WHY IM BODY CHECKING" 1/2
No. 467415
File: 1515683173009.png (168.05 KB, 640x917, IMG_5903.PNG)

No. 467416
File: 1515683259112.png (192.85 KB, 640x890, IMG_5904.PNG)

No. 467417
File: 1515683275572.png (177.09 KB, 640x887, IMG_5905.PNG)

No. 467422
>>467414there are a million thing wrong with this picture and i can't even begin to explain them all.
like, what the fuck is she doing with her eyes closed like that? the double chin, the (now) ill-fitting jeans, the pose. i can't get over it.
No. 467514
>>467451Not an ana chan either but fuck me looks like someone pasted a little top half on a bigger lower half. Her jeans don't help and the pic being taken from that angle but she looks dreadful.
>>467424I think she's on the spectrum tbh.
No. 467553
File: 1515694305146.jpg (111.66 KB, 741x732, muchrecover.JPG)

On the left is a body check from almost a year ago, on the right from today.
>>467424I've been wondering whether she has a mild developmental disorder. Her way of processing new information, often a very shallow, child-like reaction to situations, shallow emotions, tantrums, repetitive and restrictive patterns, seems to be oblivious to the fact that other people have emotions and needs, and I see no "depth" to her intellect.
No. 467571
>>467415from the side she looks bmi 20 from the front she looks bmi 18? so weird lmao. i wonder what she looks without sucking in
>>467098i dont think she likes those accounts bc someone else is getting "her" attention
No. 467573
>>467553The today one could even be… you know, there're countless youtube videos about how to pose to look good in a pic, I think she's doing this. Her legs look fuller.
Or it's just that really unflattering pants she likes, and the layers of shirts that make her look like she's about to explode.
No. 467577
File: 1515697857041.gif (57.27 KB, 1000x1000, PeopleAreSaying.gif)

>>467553You know how there're mirrors that make you look thinner or fatter? Primark have thin mirrors. I think Aly's bedroom mirror's one that makes her look thinner than reality. She really is starting to look hefty in rl. Hefty as in "well built". The mirror pictures don't even look like the ones from the spa or when she's at the water park thing.
No. 467593
File: 1515698535074.jpg (269.28 KB, 582x947, Screenshot_20180111-122012.jpg)

I find it hilarious her asslicker doesn't even read her captions. Just mindlessly comments.
No. 467611
>>467553the "today" one is definitely from september at the latest. she doesn't look like that anymore.
also irrelevant but she wears her underwear so weirdly low…like that must look stupid from the back and also be rly uncomfortable?
No. 467616
File: 1515699590705.png (470.7 KB, 720x1117, 20180111_193808.png)

>>467553This is her bedding from yesterday so unless shes changed her sheets this morning i doubt its a recent photo of her body
No. 467620
File: 1515699722135.png (2.52 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180111-144102.png)

No. 467622
File: 1515699752541.jpeg (160.99 KB, 676x932, 2C79B8FF-6198-42F9-8110-55E942…)

>>467414Hehe I made her teeth the same colour as the donnie
No. 467656
>>467638her mama looks nice and classy though, peep that beret and how the colours coordinate, cute. can't she tell Aly to chill with that
weirdo makeup and give her some wardrobe advice? lol.
Also her eyebrow shape is really unfortunate… she needs plucking. Looking at her face, her features are all ok. If she just changed the makeup, plucked eyebrows and changed her hairstyle (I have a long bob in mind) she could be cute.
But yeah, that won't happen
No. 467669
File: 1515701616490.jpg (155.82 KB, 742x647, IMG_5247.JPG)

>>467646I have completed a thorough data analysis and have come up with a 1 year projection
No. 467671
>>467656all the pics of her with her mom are like that. her mom looks pulled together and understated and she seems to dress perfectly for her figure. she also just looks comfortable and natural. meanwhile aly is always next to her pulling some manic grin in her terrible makeup and ill-fitting, poorly styled clothes.
last summmer when aly forced mama casati to be in her ~pool party~ ~shoots~ mama was honestly rocking her one piece while aly was contorting herself in her "PRE-ED BIKINI (!)"
imagine having aly as a daughter. wowww
No. 467685
File: 1515702206096.png (1.02 MB, 605x684, Untitled.png)

>>467669too conservative. yours is like 6 months tops, this is a year.
No. 467700
File: 1515703221361.png (57.5 KB, 940x1128, ALY.png)

No. 467712
File: 1515704434919.jpg (360.74 KB, 669x1111, IMG_20180111_135501.jpg)

>>467620>>467646She should just connect them, making a loop around her eye
No. 467732
File: 1515705437383.png (2.45 MB, 1080x1342, 1515699722135.png)

>>467620She could be really cute if she tried.
No. 467766
File: 1515709403214.png (193.38 KB, 639x914, IMG_5907.PNG)

Ha! Take that, haters! Aly makes tongue at you!
No. 467769
File: 1515709461706.png (57.72 KB, 640x571, IMG_5908.PNG)

No. 467774
File: 1515709723129.png (190.42 KB, 640x909, IMG_5909.PNG)

Here's some advice, Aly. Don't use your geotag and then get so FREAKED OUT when people know which places you've been to!
No. 467848
File: 1515715422530.png (189.42 KB, 750x794, IMG_5252.PNG)

No. 467864
>>467857>>467861yeah. it's not funny and she's enjoying it tbh, it gives her a villain and lets her live out her persecution-complex dreams.
at this point i think duck is just doing it to annoy farmers, there's no other explanation.
anyone else who's only asskissing sarcastically, it's not funny anymore (if it ever was which is debatable tbh) and since she never interacts with commenters it's not like we can get her to answer dumb questions or anything. it's pointless imo
No. 467900
File: 1515720974031.png (1.55 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20180111-183347.png)

what do you guys think she will do, if anything?
No. 467909
>>467900I think she actually believes she's scaring the haters off by threatening… undisclosed measures.
Like she said in
>>467774 "the security or a good psychiatrist" seems her go-to solution for them.
She also says there she wants to trace cyborgs.
The delusion is real.
No. 467935
>>467909then here is the tricky question; do we stop commenting on her posts? give her the satisfaction of "defeating the cyborgs"? or continue the way we have to prove her wrong?
I'm on the line, some comments are just harsh and not funny, some like the "asslicking" type, have become stale and not funny…but, then every so often there are truly unique and funny ones. does it make it worth it? to me, kinda yes.
this cow is unique in that we get to interect with her for the milk, instead of watching from a distance. like an interactive movie lol
No. 467945
>>467766I wouldn't have her tongue at me if she was the last lesbian on earth.
HOW DO WE KNOW DUCK IS/WAS A FARMER? I've read sketchy "evidence" about being sent an emoji but no proof. That cunt can't be a farmer. If it is, it is one fucked up cunt.
No. 467971
>>467960We don't, just stop mentioning them. They have obviously gone full-on Aly stan.
>>467935We've already discussed this over and over. The general consensus was that farmers should stop commenting.
No. 467980
>>467960We didn't until they started crawling up her ass so hard.
But ya, I guess it doesn't matter. We just won't mention them anymore.
No. 467985
>>467982Not feeling the fringe. Could be the angle but I don't think her face shape suits it. Can we try dark brown hair like her natural colour? Her mum's giving me the creeps.
Also if poss can you do something about the crepeyness and puffiness of her eye (above, not below). That part of her always ruins her entire face for me.
No. 468016
File: 1515728134258.jpg (816.65 KB, 2048x2048, 1E3269BC-661A-45B7-A2AF-ADA222…)

>>467985different anon but here. her eyebrows are hard to work with and idk what hair looks better. i agree with that anon who said they have an urge to give her a makeover
>>467971the general consensus was that the frequent asslicking ones & the rude unfunny ones should stop, but nothing much has been said about the infrequent funny ones
No. 468026
>>468016the infrequent funny ones have always been good i think, then people started copying them by being over the top supportive and then they just became plain supportive lol the ones like duck probably ended up liking aly, its not like they're nice yet critical of her
ive tried to do that like explain her insanity to her, say like obvious solutions and she doesnt care bitch wants to live like this so we should just let her. if duck and others wanna comment them who cares theyre just wasting their time
No. 468051
>>468044Oh, forgot to give my opinion on the comments. I love when she gets barely any and reposts. I get a kick out of that more than her sperging out, but I suppose everyone here has different opinions on the comments.
I agree it's a waste of time trying to get her to listen to a point of view that'd benefit her said in a non nasty way. She sees it as criticism and hate and she'll always think that. The way she is now IN ALL WAYS I imagine she'll be that way for eternity.
No. 468073
File: 1515731155208.jpg (275.3 KB, 810x1440, res_1515730954141.jpg)

>>468016Wild how something as little as eyebrows can make someone look vastly better.
No. 468090
File: 1515732195529.jpg (284.81 KB, 810x1440, res_1515732100154.jpg)

Why is this so fun to do?! Yes, if she fixes her eyebrows and that horrible makeup she would be pretty.
No. 468093
File: 1515732661379.png (1000.2 KB, 680x1130, Aly_018111202543811.png)

>>468090I know right? This is fun!
I think if she wants to wear red lipstick she could go for a darker shade.
No. 468095
>>468026ya I agree, old fence always holds a special place in my heart tbh
>>468019yeah the brows were hard to make look natural and better bc her current ones are shit
>>468093lol we're all getting so off track but i agree it's fun. i wonder when someone will first get pissed off
No. 468099
File: 1515733180770.jpg (137.21 KB, 529x737, IMG_5259.JPG)

Please forgive me for this I just had to lol. I'm gonna stop now hahahah
No. 468106
>>468099lol I like how you kept the original eyeliner
>>468095I hope no one gets pissed, its fun! and I like to think of the Aly thread as pretty chill.
No. 468114
File: 1515734368698.jpg (265.55 KB, 810x1440, res_1515734286506.jpg)

Some pictures cannot be salvaged. Her lipstick was too bright and her smug expression was too…stupid I guess is the best word.
No. 468131
File: 1515735121375.jpg (296.35 KB, 652x817, Screenshot_20180111-024628_mr1…)

Making her pants really high is fun too
No. 468137
File: 1515735653404.jpg (1.84 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoGrid_1515735477732.jpg)

Okay after this I'm finished. This became slightly addictive.
No. 468155
File: 1515737230556.jpg (686.3 KB, 666x1306, 1515699722135.jpg)

>>467620this was really fun and also a lot harder than I thought
No. 468162
File: 1515737663285.gif (1.06 MB, 750x1306, whoops.gif)

>>468155(also sorry I've tried to post this more than once, it kept giving me a ? icon)
No. 468163
>>468155i really like this one but maybe with lighter lipstick like on here
>>468016>>468131LOL! how do you guys do this btw? is it photoshop (that you pay for)?
>>468106yeah it's generally quite chill just the occaisonal rude anon comes by every so often. the onion threads are filled with those kinds of anons thats why i like tempcow
No. 468166
>>468163oo yeah. good idea. let me see if I can lighten it.
I did this In photoshop!
No. 468172
File: 1515738249344.jpg (784.65 KB, 750x1306, igmodelaly.jpg)

>>468163I couldn't get it just like it, but I like this lighter nude better! good suggestion
No. 468195
File: 1515742012896.jpg (849.03 KB, 2896x2896, 20180112_002452.jpg)

>>468179meitu doesn't really have makeup options, but it has a handful of other tools like "warping" tools. I use a combination of apps to edit pics.
I kinda like this ash blonde on her
No. 468203
File: 1515742551487.jpeg (182.72 KB, 749x742, C48580FC-B694-465B-965D-E16D1B…)

She has potential
No. 468223
File: 1515747985633.jpg (365.53 KB, 720x1091, 20180112_095918.jpg)

Does it usually take that long for instagram to delete an account that's been reported for using someone's pictures? This account is still up, did Aly even report it herself or did she ask her lovely girls to report only? Because the latter won't be too effective I think. Maybe Aly report that account so she has sth to talk about
No. 468232
File: 1515750126928.png (416.7 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5911.PNG)

Oh my
No. 468250
Why didn’t we think of doing fanart before
No. 468265
>>468241yessss this, please, lol.
It also would be fun if the account that posted the fanart acts like it's offended because Aly made fun of their artwork that took a lot of dedication (!)
No. 468268
File: 1515760359472.png (337.1 KB, 390x693, santa claus.png)

No. 468286
File: 1515766677050.jpg (107.83 KB, 906x1000, Goodforks.jpg)

Contributin' for Art anon
No. 468307
File: 1515768552726.png (215.89 KB, 750x912, IMG_5290.PNG)

Lmao @ fan art page
Srsly tho, these asskissers are like how DARE you be mean to aly & then they do this
I hate reconstructingemily tbh
No. 468434
File: 1515782440926.jpg (101.94 KB, 978x280, Screenshot_20180112-123759.jpg)

i think she worked about 3 days this week, obvs didnt work the last 2 days cus she was out getting food. shes a part time babysitter obsessed with instagram, well done aly you really showed those haters
No. 468445
File: 1515783180339.png (1.02 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5922.PNG)

Only two comments, of course she's gotta play the "may I post sth PERSONAL(?)"
No. 468447
>>468445what counts as a personal update to her? they're all personal
>am i allowed?no shut up
>dont want to be boringstop saying the same thing over and over then omfg
No. 468450
>>468322>>468353it's funny seeing her send her herd of asslickers to defend her. they're obviously all morons and will never change their minds like lousrecovery did. i mean look at them: "How dare u BULLY, you piece of shit fucking loser asshole!! i'm totally taking the high road!!!"
>>468434i thought her man was a sexist controlling woman hater :/
No. 468455
>>468445She needs some #womenpower to discuss being a woman who works with Berto? What century does she live in. Why is she going out with someone with outdated gender role stereotypes if she's such a #feminist? How would a relationship like that work?
Why is she so upset over that fanart? It wasn't like someone stuck her head on an obese body. Imagine if the kids she babysits for drew a picture of her. She'd beat them with a wire coat hanger.
No. 468456
File: 1515784136629.jpg (18.5 KB, 359x356, 11.JPG)

All the hair/fur on her coat and scarf is making me itch. Please buy a lint roller. They're £1 in Poundworld or whatever the Italian equivalent is.
No. 468466
>>468450they always say stuff like the people who "attack" her dont know what it's like to be mentally ill a lot too like how would they know that? my favourite is that people are jealous of her though, yeah haha thats it
i doubt bert even said anything to her she just wants some boring ass drama to post
No. 468468
>>468466my favourite is "it's only one person making all the fake accounts"
i think all of lolcow is the same anon guys. it's all me
No. 468487
>>468466YES!!!!! Every time I read someone write about how "they don't know what it's like to have an ED" and how they're jealous of her recovery I scream internally. Soz but if I was an ana (not but mental in other ways) I wouldn't be jealous of Aly's so-called recovery. If I wanted to recover then I'd want to gain weight and also be less fucked up. The more she's gained the more fucked up.
The other one is how we're cowards hiding behind a screen. Yes, because recovering4peanubutter9393931!! with a private account isn't a coward hiding behind a screen also OR there're dumb fucks like Sara who makes it so easy for anyone to doxx in ten minutes. Aly complains about being stalked yet gives a snapshot of where she lives which can be found on google maps near her favourite McDonalds in no time.
They need more nutrition for their brains.
Oh and she'll be all loved up with her ~man~ tonight after scarfing muscles at that cheapo restaurant. Same old, same old…
No. 468510
>>468487>The other one is how we're cowards hiding behind a screen. Yes, because recovering4peanubutter9393931!! with a private account isn't a coward hiding behind a screen also OR there're dumb fucks like Sara who makes it so easy for anyone to doxx in ten minutesThis one always gets me because the argument is usually
>You wouldn't say it to my face IRL! Such coward!Actually, I'd personally be more inclined to say it to your face because at least IRL you don't have an army of people watching your every move ready to lynch anyone you point the finger at. Of course people aren't going to use their real accounts to say this shit, only someone with the same amount of followers or more has the social capital to attempt that kind of move without ruining their life potentially forever. Taking measures to prevent the inevitable harassment that comes with criticising someone with a rabid fanbase is not cowardice, it's just common sense.
sorry for rant anons this line of thinking has always infuriated me.
No. 468530
>>468487>>468510THIS. we're not "cowards" we probably just have reputations, future and potential employers and don't want our full names associated with aly and lolcow…. how is that cowardly that's called understanding PRIVACY fucks sake lol. they should be ashamed that they have so willingly associated their full names and faces with aly… and we're the "losers" who work at mcdonalds lmao OK
i just cringe when i see that shit. like do they really think we're gonna be like "Omg they are right :( we are clearly cowards :( I am so ashamed of being this cowardly I guess I'll just expose myself now"
sorry for the blogpost i think it's relevant but a long time ago once I corrected this girl (very nicely!) with 20k followers on twitter about some information (i was right) and she got so butthurt she quote retweeted my tweet and was like "look at this girl with 300 followers tryna tell me i dont know shit go get this lame bitch". what a narc, she was such a cow. i got like 14 insulting dms one told me to kill myself. ummm i really doubt she'd be able to do that to me irl so yeah i'd be way more inclined to say that shit to her face. same goes with aly
No. 468560
File: 1515793843563.jpg (1.29 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180112_144349.jpg)

I'm sorry if this is getting old. but I wanted to challenge myself to keep everything classically Aly, such as, winged liner, red hair, highly arched brows, red lipstick; but make it look nicer. eh?
No. 468588
File: 1515794809476.jpg (2.01 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoGrid_1515794648840.jpg)

Seriously the smallest changes make her so pretty! She's still crazy though and that doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon.
No. 468631
>>468510I'd prefer to have a debate/argument with someone in person. That way you can actually speak without being blocked. I bet Aly's one of those annoying bitches who still goes "TALK TO THE HAND, TALK TO THE HAND". And I bet the reason she was bitching about her friend the other day not being "supportive" was because she didn't give her the ~advises~ she wanted to hear and gave her some home truths about how she's not going to lose weight eating chocolate with a couple of kids for a few hours.
>>468560She should definitely go for a darker red and matte lipstick like this on the right. We got her to ditch the monstrous jeans, so what next - the hair or the lipstick? (not promoting commenting on her ig btw). The eyebrows are perfect.
Still don't think she suits light hair.
No. 468738
File: 1515802875630.jpg (52.73 KB, 1271x1204, FB_IMG_1515800482316.jpg)

Right up Aly's alley.
No. 468754
File: 1515803594892.jpg (127.79 KB, 926x557, seafood.JPG)

this is different. You guys think maybe shes changing a litte? First it was the pants, now this food picture?
No. 468763
File: 1515804106460.jpg (1.21 MB, 1200x1804, Screenshot_20180112-173950.jpg)

for posterity
No. 469014
File: 1515863369075.png (7.94 MB, 1125x2001, 8FB7C942-313D-4CDC-A29F-959010…)

From her ig today new old pictures of fork and berto
No. 469015
File: 1515863414606.png (5.33 MB, 1125x2001, 762E1650-16A8-43C0-896B-0B35DE…)

No. 469018
File: 1515863480570.png (8.78 MB, 1125x2001, FC582F1A-6ED9-4B49-8E61-E29219…)

No. 469020
File: 1515863540880.png (8.08 MB, 1125x2001, 8AC86C50-DDEF-4AA5-B501-421241…)

No. 469021
File: 1515863562977.png (1.24 MB, 1125x2001, B3366CE4-954D-4801-905B-AA116C…)

No. 469022
File: 1515863583473.jpg (246.96 KB, 679x978, Screenshot_20180113-100207.jpg)

tfw your gf hates being with you and says you won't let her work but you're dumb as shit and won't break up with her
No. 469023
>>469021Omg SHUT UP. I seriously doubt he's not allowing her to work he probably just said something like "Can you switch shifts? it's dangerous walking in milan so late"
and how the fuck do they not trust each other after 5 years? if my boy didn't trust me after only 1 year he wouldnt be my boy anymore. 5. years!!!
they are "rushing things" bc they wanna move in together after 5 YEARS loool is that a joke?
No. 469032
File: 1515864568181.jpg (92.28 KB, 724x550, Capture.JPG)

Omfg ewwwwww
No. 469034
File: 1515864835656.jpg (139.61 KB, 453x411, Screenshot_20180113-113204.jpg)

oh honey you really need to stop the fries
No. 469038
>>469032>Make peace with your body, shape, curves, in underwearxx sucks in taking selfie wearing underwear xx
How is this special underwear? Is it because she only ever wears that shabby other one? Couldn't she at least make the set match in colour?
I hope this never escalates into her telling women how #empowering it feels to have sex with the lights on and not being ashamed of your curves.
No. 469041
>>469038$10 says she freaks out if berto ever tries to keep the lights on so it's a ritual now for him to turn them off
lol why is she posting so many pics of her body ffs she's lucky she doesnt have an actual career to worry about
No. 469046
>>469034When she was trying to gain weight it wasn't the healthiest way to do it but now she's in the healthy range she's going to really start getting heavy if she's eating this shit every single day.
>>469041TMI but sex in the dark is weird. I'm a bit Barry White and like low mood lighting. Still, I've always imagined Berto being a wham, bam, thank you ma'am kinda man with sex.
Yup, it's odd she's suddenly stripping off. It's body checking really, but if she's wearing ~special~ sexytime undies shouldn't she at least keep it between him and her? The whole of instagram gets a gander before he does!
>>469042I notice she's standing at an angle that makes her hips look not as…prominent…as usual. Idk if it's intentional but the way the light's reflecting on her from the wondow makes her appear slimmer too. Is that foot raised thing the latest pulling-the-hood-of-her-coat type pose?
No. 469070
>>469046> TMI but sex in the dark is weird. I'm a bit Barry White and like low mood lighting. I always figured everyone liked this sort of thing. sex in the bright light makes me feel like a porn star/uncomfortable and sex in the dark is also uncomfortable. i bet Aly needs it to be like PITCH BLACK. "My boy turned on the night light for sex, I think he saw my stretch marks. Opinions?"
>>469061I think everyone figures she eats only junk bc of one or few reasons:
1) she was orthorexic before and now doesnt understand how to eat healthy, thinks eating normally = junk 24/7 bc of a lack of dietician (she said seeing a dietician is a step back)
2) calorie dense foods
3) she wants to prove to everyone around her that she's ~EX anorexic~
4) she just likes junk food and craves it constantly and thinks it's ok to eat that much, see #1
any other ideas?
No. 469073
File: 1515868623903.jpg (68.32 KB, 602x748, check.JPG)

At first her discovering she can upload multiples pictures for one post seemed like a nice enough change to her repetitive instagram feed, but all she does is publish body checks, old skelly pics, and fattyori, and it's even more annoying.
>>469068She probably focuses on how her legs look, and that has priority over a bad face.
No. 469074
File: 1515868681021.jpg (44.94 KB, 736x414, the fuck suite.jpg)

>>469069Pretty sure that latest fries pic's a recycled one from not long ago.
I reckon she's addicted to msg. I don't think I'm going too tin foil hat to say that's why McD's is so popular. All the msg in the (what passes as) food is addictive.
As for Aly and sex (ugh) I kind of feel she'd love romance. Tacky stuff like rose petals on the four poster bed and that kind of stuff. We've seen Berto's fold away bed without linen so she's not getting that kind of romance. Oh, poor thing.
No. 469140
File: 1515873881841.jpg (511.97 KB, 2048x2048, A1AB804F-AF19-47E2-814C-09ED4E…)

>>469073LOL confirmed that she sucks in in every other photo. you can just see how her chest looks relaxed in the black and white photo and suddenly she becomes a swimmer in the next. what a mess lol
No. 469148
File: 1515874402466.jpg (48.5 KB, 359x561, Capture.JPG)

They're out at the all you can eat again.
Berto looks white as a ghost. Really ill looking.
Gotta document everything including pre sex all you can eat!
No. 469149
>>469140yes that´s why
>>463742 looked so weird… what´s the point of ~bravely showing muh food baby~ if you suck in (even if it doesn´t help much)
No. 469215
>>469148i wonder how would she react if someone asked her if they split the bill
or how would berto react if he knew about the underwear selfies
or how does his brother react to the same selfies since he follows her
also, does aly ever drink water? i mean, i would be thirsty AF (!) with all that sodium-loaded foods she eats every day
how come she is so stupid and ignorant about those things?
No. 469261
File: 1515881806575.jpg (190.88 KB, 1031x456, Screenshot_20180113-160800.jpg)

I hope this girl starts to get irritated with aly, like how aly always eats junk and doesnt (seem to) gain weight but always talks about "her fat" like that would piss me off if I was hot model girl who literally had to stay thin for my job…I guess aly commented that she was beautiful a couple times so she thinks she's okay
No. 469262
File: 1515881872473.jpg (398.35 KB, 652x834, Screenshot_20180113-151517.jpg)

The fuck? I get it, she's trying to show how she's just a regular person…but, she's not even pinching anything.
No. 469280
>>469070I think anon
>>469061 was asking why she likes so much fries specifically, out of all junk food.
IMO because fries, like chicken nuggets, are small and "cute" to pose with. You can even use them as a hilarious frystache!!!
On the other hand I imagine if you take 50 shots with a pizza slide or burger on your hand, it's likely you drip all that cheese and sauce on you.
Also what
>>469068 said.
No. 469288
File: 1515883589599.jpg (18.29 KB, 272x254, fugfeet.JPG)

>>469262NOOOOO,M8! Seriously, Aly, wtf are you doing??? WHY???
I thought she was going to go back to Bertos so he could root on her.
Her feet though.
No. 469295
>>469261I think most people get pissed off with her at some point and sounds like this girl's getting to that stage.
Being a model's harder work than anything Aly's ever had to do. It's full time maintenance for them to keep their skin and hair and body in check. I think Aly thinks she's model material when she's so sloppy with her appearance there's no way she'd even get a gig modelling for a homeless charity. What happened to being poster girl btw?
(Unfortunate tattoo)
No. 469331
File: 1515885780276.jpg (540.99 KB, 978x1432, Screenshot_20180113-182010.jpg)

>>469261Surf is actually a super cool model. I really, really like their look. But being LGBT and in such a culture based on progressivism, how do they read through Aly's fake feminism?
Also, I've been blocked. No clue why. Rip.
No. 469336
File: 1515886249307.png (2.19 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180113-172855.png)

cmon bert aly changed her underwear for this
No. 469364
>>469032Imagine poor Teo seeing this…
>>469262Those panties are literally digging in her skin. I bet she bought them when she was spoopy and thinks that going a size up means being "fat"
No. 469384
>>469336If her idea of the BEST evening ever is crashing on a convertible with grandma sheets, and drinking wine out of water glasses while watching TV on a tiny laptop, then she'll be happy with 3-minute missionary as well.
>>469262God can she just find a new IG obsession already, I'm fucking tired of her underwear.
Taking body checking mirror selfies each morning for an hour after getting out of the shower. Much progress, very recovery.
No. 469406
>>469394rolling around in glitter and tangas with pizza in her mouth (!)
>>469393i don't get how she posts pictures of herself with such unflattering editing. all she seems to do is turn the saturation up so her hair/lipstick/skin looks even worse. she doesn't seem to care what her expression, hair, makeup, or clothes look like. clearly she THINKS she's creating something awesome since she won't stfu about "pretty poses" and "foodblogger modeling" and her "perfectionism" but i honestly can't figure out wtf she looks for in a photo since the only times she ever looks half decent is in her semi-candids in her stories with the saturation at normal levels and a somewhat human expression. it's not even like she looks thin in her "shoots" (exhibit A: exploding fly on her chin-highs, constant double chin).
does anyone have any theories?
No. 469413
>>469406shes fuc*ing crazy anon who knows
i think she values the location and just getting a picture over what she looks like, this is a job to her. i mean could you imagine posting that double chin pic she did today? she even posts pics with her eyes closed(!) as long as she has makeup and an aly outfit on she'll post a pic
No. 469426
>>469413>shes fuc*ing crazy anon who knowslol so true. i'm sure it's a waste of my time trying to figure out a method in her madness but i just can't stop (!) bc it's so weirdly addictive to watch her move from one bizarre pose/hairstyle/food arrangement to another, seeming to think that they're "good" in some way when to the layman they look terrible.
i don't have any body image issues and i STILL wouldn't post 90% of the pictures she does, just bc i fucking like to look nice and not like a slightly drunk hooker wearing a small child's clothing from 2006
No. 469432
File: 1515891594709.png (1.09 MB, 1078x432, just fucking eat it.png)

I'm sick of her posting this donut. There was another but it wouldn't fit on the page.
No. 469458
File: 1515893853073.png (694.47 KB, 1045x288, a.png)

>>469449She switches hands in this set as well.
No. 469527
File: 1515900131936.jpg (107.22 KB, 778x779, fatberto.JPG)

for fun, I just wanted to bring this over from tempcow.
No. 469732
File: 1515923396076.png (3.65 MB, 750x1334, 45E00048-492F-4011-AEA6-1F4687…)

That naked photo is creepy
No. 469751
File: 1515925701296.png (1.2 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5928.PNG)

Mmm, chipped coffee mugs. Nothing better right?
No. 469801
>>469527It's like their stomachs were like-magnet poles in the first pic, and unlike ones in the second.
>>469732Am I incorrect in thinking that IG's reporting system doesn't work on a "the more the merrier" basis? As in, the people on the other end go through the reports one by one, and so someone with 47k followers sending them after a single account and thus generating multiple reports would only hinder/prolong their work?
No. 469824
File: 1515941452765.jpg (35.58 KB, 357x235, a.JPG)

>>469751A man who also makes you some lunch would be better imo.
No. 469842
File: 1515944833377.jpg (61.24 KB, 913x248, delusions.JPG)

>pretty and chic
No. 469867
File: 1515947436593.png (165.25 KB, 640x903, IMG_5929.PNG)

Praise Jesus, berto's finally got wheat!
No. 469875
>>469867ah we all knew he'd come thru, that guys a winner
super early too? i thought she hadnt had lunch, i was so upset she hadnt eaten (!)
No. 469884
File: 1515949068487.png (1.2 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5931.PNG)

whyyyy does she do this with her face? The brows are crazy, the mousey teeth, it's not good
No. 469885
>>469021Why on Earth is aly writing like her boyfriend is abusing her?
I'd be so pissed if I was her boyfriend and saw all this crap
No. 469921
File: 1515952807937.jpg (97.95 KB, 523x450, parentsroom.jpg)

>>469915My guess would be, the room she does her underwear-shoots in is her parents´. Or her grandparents´. The lamb and picture are so old-fashioned and not her style. Her room is probably ugly too, but in a different way
No. 469944
>>469921Yea but Aly lacks any sort of personality or interests. So I wouldn’t be surprised if this was her room.
I’m surprised more people haven’t called her out on the obvious body checking and half naked photos. As if her posts weren’t annoying enough, now she figured out she can upload multiple photos and her account has gotten worse.
I’m surprised she hasn’t been losing as many followers as she did a couple months ago.
No. 470097
File: 1515964911442.png (27.5 KB, 320x320, IMG_5333.PNG)

No. 470113
File: 1515966400485.jpeg (99.73 KB, 1242x397, 12C33F40-848D-4391-8307-B91CD0…)

No. 470162
>>470113just delete this or she'll go on another body shamimg rampage
>>470097ok is aly just fuc*ing with all of us
No. 470178
>>469935also with the Holy Mother in the photo for added sexy vibes
honestly she's like one hashtag away from fake-underage amateur camming. parents' room + slightly teenager-ish underwear + awkward pose + dirty thigh-highs + religious icon = sorry berto
No. 470184
>>470097why do so many young women with personality disorders and leftover ED hangups have this exact face? why do all of them have the same awful lucille-ball-but-in-2002 eyebrows? why don't any of them realize they look crazy af?
it's honestly a really specific look. and they all are obsessed with their current/former EDs but their real problems are raging Cluster B shit. one of the girls on the Thin documentary had the look, plus that thane_of_windhelm girl and many other internet ana chans
soz for samefag, hit post too soon
No. 470188
File: 1515970096208.jpg (24.66 KB, 279x371, alice casati.JPG)

>>469921Wooly socks, lol. This is getting beyond a joke.
I think this really is her parents room. I noticed a red diary/planner on the table in a previous pic. It's not like Aly has to keep track of appointments. The way she's spoken about Catholicism I doubt she'd have a Madonna and child painting over her bed. We've seen some kind of football poster on her wall.
>>470184Do you mean Shelley from Thin? She looks like her tbh. Her skin is hella dry here.
No. 470197
>>470184lots of recovering anorexics have this face i agree lol idk… i can't imagine being something other than histrionic and posting this picture to my 47k followers
>>470188i wish her ~abusive~ father would walk in on her one day lol
No. 470264
>>470188is Shelley the one who was a twin? if so, yes! the same weird eyebrows and dazed mouse-tooth smile. i'm sure it's confirmation bias but there are several other online anas i've seen with the same look, including bella/thane and some other nobodies i won't link bc they're not milky.
but it's such a certain face. somebody do a doctorate in cluster b face morphology plx and thx
No. 470269
File: 1515975652101.jpg (22.25 KB, 300x386, thin.jpg)

>>470264Not the anon that lined faces, but this is Shelly. I remember watching it and her wonky eyebrow was irritating. Can't put my finger on what it is that makes these people all look kinda alike. I looked at what Shelly looks like now and she's changed her brows. They're thicker. Idk about her life because I don't follow her but she's married with 4 kids (apparently) and works as a nurse. She was sicker for longer than Aly and got it together (there was her substance abuse issues too). I bet we won't be saying how far Aly's come in ten years time. I bet her eyebrows are still wonky.
(I hope Brittany from Thin washed her since the docu).
No. 470271
File: 1515975781518.jpg (72.81 KB, 500x528,…)

Oh wait. From another photo I see her brows are still D- but they're improving…slowly.
No. 470285
>>470269Maybe it's just the combination of
>prolonged unhealthily low bodyfat making the same facial characteristics/lines>not being able to leave eyebrows alone due to ocd/perfectionism/discontent with appearance>crazy eyes for obvious reasonsother than that who knows, but i would think that this look is more of an unintentional result of the same neurotic tendencies, rather than an intentional ideal look shared by all these people
No. 470287
File: 1515977254561.png (451.3 KB, 720x539, bpdtho.png)

>>470269yess that's her! and see pic related for another
>>470285yeah i don't think it's that they're all trying to look the same way but some of the things aren't just ED results (like shitty skin), they're choices (like shitty eyebrows) and my procrastinating ass wants to know why so many of this brand of crazy girls make this brand of crazy styling choices
No. 470291
>>470285Over tweezing fucks up eyebrows for life. I used to pull all mine out for years and years after growing them back there're still patchy places. Aly's obviously over plucked and she never got the hang of shaping. I'd like to see her develop an interest in cosmetics though and discover other eye liner techniques and how to do brows. She thinks she looks pretty and classy though so I suppose that's what counts.
>>470287She's one of the countless anas who go out of their way to wear low cut tops and short sleeves. Aly had a skull face at a low weight whereas this one's got a pretty normal looking face weight wise. She must hate that.
No. 470361
File: 1515982858407.jpg (389.77 KB, 720x1108, 20180115_030540.jpg)

Lul what happened here?
No. 470371
File: 1515983230431.jpg (174.04 KB, 460x1356, Screenshot_20180114-192421.jpg)

>>470361It's a little strange right? A bunch of people speaking various languages, tagging eachother over kinder chocolate.. its fishy
No. 470379
File: 1515983828137.jpg (13.69 KB, 386x90, Capture.JPG)

And a jump in followers, yeah.
No. 470388
>>470353holy fuck anon, this made me literally lol. thank you. also petition for this to be the next thread image
>>470361lol i saw this post like 2 hours ago when it had 16 or so comments all from random brazilians and i just assumed some popular BR IGer had @'d people…but now there's french and spanish and like turkish or something? something's definitely up. i wondered if she followed one of those "free likes/comments" accounts but it somehow only applied to that post, like she somehow was able to get that one "boosted" to the bot accounts or somethig? idk, even in her skinny days she never got close to that many likes.
No. 470413
File: 1515985837889.jpg (38.17 KB, 550x197, Screenshot_20180114-200919.jpg)

LoL really? It just keeps going..
No. 470415
>>470391haha yea
those comments are kinda weird like asking where the chocolate is from when its obvious? but they could just be idiots i dont think aly would buy comments or anything, she doesnt understand stuff like that. i was thinking before that i hope she gets more "normal" followers cus they wont be as nice as her recovery fam
No. 470579
File: 1515996860502.jpg (11.51 KB, 301x66, Capture.JPG)

This was her last comment so she's been doing something to get comments and followers?
No. 470612
File: 1516003583860.png (385.43 KB, 640x1136, FBA34041-2185-4DFC-8246-CD196F…)

No. 470613
File: 1516003613403.png (498.49 KB, 640x1136, BF18397E-1DFB-414D-A515-CA5761…)

No. 470617
File: 1516003802274.jpeg (255.63 KB, 750x1120, 95EE453D-22F5-4D5C-B9A1-8B3B60…)

What happened to all the comments?
No. 470618
File: 1516003822146.png (1.41 MB, 640x1136, 39B40C01-9C12-47D3-8AB8-0D23CF…)

Who made Aly cry? I kill me (!)
No. 470624
>>470617She probably disabled them.
>>470618Half sister? Wouldn’t it be her grandma too? Not her sisters G’ma?
She’s never gone a whole day without posting. Don’t know why she says shit like that.
No. 470627
>>470618She's crying because her friend's grandma died. Erm…okay.
(More likely crying because the truth about her life hurt).
PS She really does look like Shelly here.
No. 470630
>>470628So she’s torn up about her friend gma who she probably barely even knew?
Anything to get attention.
No. 470666
>>470663I'll never be convinced that anyone's actually genuinely depressed or despairing over something if they upload a sad face picture of it on ig. It's the last thing you'd think of doing if your mind's in darker places/
I notice she's up and about a lot earlier these days. She didn't usually get out of bed until 10am Italian time and now it's before 8am.
No. 470669
>>469148I don't really get how Berto doesn't get mad for Aly always being on her phone. If my SO and I want to have a nice night together, we rarely stay on our phones - we even rarely take pics of where we go because you know… being present.
Also, I swear to fucking god, I'm no #patriarchyfriendly nor #feminist, but if my bf would find me posting my (semi)nudes on Instagram, he would definitely break up with me and I think it would be something right. Otherwise stated, a relationship is monogamous/non inclusive. I would get mad too if he posted underwear pics on some social.
No. 470690
>>470676For me, at least, if you're monogamous you don't go around showing off your underwear to a huge audience.
It's a private thing - I don't know if you get my point. There are things that should remain in the privacy of a couple, if you "break" this privacy… you're not really in a couple.
I wonder why Berto
>>469021 doesn't trust her. Who would dare to question the trust a person showing off, lying, and overreacting? Bad Berto, bad Berto.
No. 470698
File: 1516012988044.jpg (57.34 KB, 376x562, Capture.JPG)

Aly's not posting.
Ohhhh go on then. Just one.
No. 470701
Is she saying her grandmother was an asshole?
Who is the asshole?
No. 470749
File: 1516019660777.jpg (48.3 KB, 392x303, priorities.JPG)

She's definitely got her priorities straight.
also kek @ nanny.
so nun = nanny,
nanny = granny.
No. 470870
File: 1516033714646.png (1.2 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5944.PNG)

No. 470872
File: 1516033738256.jpg (98.84 KB, 587x715, lush.JPG)

Who the fuck eats their burger like this, and why would you post a picture of it.
It looks like she had picked it up from the sidewalk, and pigeons had already had a go at it.
No. 470883
>>470875Yeah that was my guess, showing off her soOpEr wEiRd eAtInG hAbiTz
pLz ? bE fOoLeD bY hEaLtHy wEiGht
Goofy weird way to eat a burger lol
No. 470901
File: 1516036418384.png (38.08 KB, 750x155, IMG_5362.PNG)

reason #82938482 for anorexia
No. 470937
>>470870>>470872this annoys me way more now than it did back in the day when she was skinny. back then it made some TINY amount of sense bc she obvi wasn't eating most of the ~lush~ things she posted so like…at least she had a reason to have to fake the "bite marks". but now she definitely eats so what the FUCK is the point. just take a bite if you somehow think an "already-biten" burger is aesthetic somehow.
it's like that shit she does with the off-brand m&m pic she reuses every few weeks where the candy coating is picked off. NO ONE takes a tiny bite of a single m&m and it just looks gross, like it's been in the bottom of a vending machine for five years.
No. 470956
>>470793Might get a blackout tonight. She hasn't had enough comments.
>can anyone understand my emotions?Hahahahahahahahaha - gl with that.
No. 470987
>>470957>>470901my god she really is making her friend's grandmother's death all about her. i can't stand people who do that. bitch, you barely even talk to sonia anymore, and you're sitting here trying to get insta love for HER loss? maybe put your phone down and support her instead of begging for comments and making it all about how ~oh no the funeral conflicts with my ED checkup even though i've been weight restored for months~
she really does have an endless list of "reasons" for her ED, which makes it clear she never did meaningful talk therapy to talk about real underlying causes. she's blamed
-getting heavier than a BMI of 19 (which is weird bc who other than anorexics actually sits around calculating their bmi and worrying if it's over 19?)
-high cholesterol??? this one's maybe the weirdest but she also mentions it the most consistently
-her father's beats
-being always the "hot blondie babe" or something
-her last grandmother dying
-i think she blamed it on her uncle's first bout with cancer at some point
-something about the "pressure" to be like "size zero" blah blah
-stressed about uni/the future?
-being "orthorexic" and obsessing about healthy foods
-once she did actually say it was for attention lolz
in reality it seems like it probably started as an OCD/OCPD thing (she really does/did seem to struggle with some OCD type behaviors even though she's been too dumb to explain them–like her old photos a few years ago were super obsessive and she does seem to have some anxiety issues) and then she realized she could get tons of attention for it and also not have to worry about adult responsibilities and just sit on her phone all day
No. 471010
>>470987I think out of all of these the high cholesterol one is the most true. I think basically what she's trying to say is that she went to the doctor and was told she had high cholesterol and needed to get her diet in check, and then that spiralled into actual disordered eating. In turn I think the orthorexia thing is also partially true at least.
She def has other issues though. Obviously.
No. 471025
File: 1516043860902.jpg (Spoiler Image,496.54 KB, 567x800, it's raining fries.jpg)

so, we still doing fanart lovely girls?
No. 471028
File: 1516044124463.jpg (22.8 KB, 361x121, takingthefunoutoffunerals.JPG)

>>470901>>470987I don't believe for one second that she was as close with this allegedly dead person as she's saying. Whenever one of my friends or family experiences a loss, there's always a story accompanying the announcement, something like "she was like a mother to me, she taught me how to ride a bike, and I remember when we were little we used to do weekly trips to the toy store" or what have you.
Yet, with Aly and her uncle/countless grandmothers, there's nothing.
Also, pic related. How convenient (!)
>>471025>>471026I'M THIS MONSTER.
No. 471030
File: 1516044259718.png (827.28 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180115-122237.png)

I came here to post this, and here you all are with the fan art lol
No. 471046
>>471030What a vicious hater/persecutor. Is this really what I have become, girls and guys?
Can't post caps rn, but she also posted an IG story of herself and a kid's leg on a couch. We were all already suspecting it, but private babysitting job confirmed.
No. 471049
File: 1516044939140.jpg (47.03 KB, 359x586, Capture.JPG)

>>471046Thanks, anon.
This is creepy.
I bet the kid can't wait for her to leave either.
No. 471074
File: 1516046103626.jpg (31.91 KB, 508x290, alyminati.JPG)

She's totes taking the kids to McDonalds for her "lunch breaks".
>>471049No one can expect a person to survive such a strenuous full-time job of leisurely sitting on a couch for a couple hours.
No. 471103
File: 1516047517985.png (357.21 KB, 517x272, Untitled.png)

She should've stuck to natural make up. Even her eyebrows aren't bad here. Would you even think this was the same person?
No. 471114
File: 1516048161261.png (835.81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180115-132710.png)

See, this is why I always say, if your going to comment, at least only do it on her food posts
No. 471147
>>471026I'm collecting all the art on "@[insert aly's full name]art" if anyone wants to see it
(no I won't comment on Aly's profile and give her attention lol)
No. 471254
File: 1516054499054.jpg (185.02 KB, 760x662, confused.jpg)

No. 471292
File: 1516056530444.jpg (15.08 KB, 372x50, when.JPG)

>>471028Now all of a sudden the funeral will be on Tuesday instead of Wednesday.
How is it possible to arrange for services so fast, assuming her friend's gran died presumably last night or the day before?
Rejoice, farmers: Finally another Day Hospital Control (!) ??
No. 471293
File: 1516056546948.jpeg (166.27 KB, 750x356, EF0F972E-1A5C-407F-8294-1824C0…)

Confirmed Aly is butt mad about the 5k likes on her chocolate photo.
Also, she clumped her mom into her physical abuses.
No. 471297
How come Aly isn't really fat? Look at what she's eating - cake, fried food and drinking faps with whipped cream EVERY SINGLE DAY. I swear I've gained 100 lbs just looking at the shit she comes out of these cafes with.
must be going halves with Ma. Really if she's eating all this it's a fact she'd be really big by now.
No. 471298
>>471293Sorry, emotional* abuses.
What happened to not posting all day because your friends Gma died?
No. 471312
>>471297>how come Aly isn't really fat?1. she's like 22
2. she's naturally slim, everyone in her family is
3. she was spoopy 2 years ago and still pretty skinny 18 months ago. she'd gained 22 kg (!) as of last fall and has definitely gained more since then. takes awhile to get fully fat if you start out a skeleton with a bmi of 10.6 (!)
4. she doesn't eat normal meals, she just eats shit. if she has cookies for bfast (200 kcals), nuggets (300), a frap (600ish), a donnie (200), chocolate (200), and maybe a normal dinner like pasta (400) + wine (200) that's not necessarily a ton of calories. she doesn't really seem to eat huge portions and despite what she says it seems like she basically only has one healthyish meal a day, at dinner, so she can graze on shit all day and still not end up eating 5000 kcals.
5. it feels like she eats more often than she does bc she takes like 5-10 pictures of every mcdonalds visit and then posts each one separately, sometimes over several days. so in one day she might post 3 different mcdonalds meals but they're from 3 different days.
6. just keep waiting! she's already bigger than she was pre-ed and admits she's at her highest weight ever not to mention that her body comp is terrible. if she keeps eating like this and refusing to exercise, even her good genes won't keep her from getting chub.
No. 471346
>>470353fuck me lmao, I'm crying. Thank you for this wtf
this should probably be the new thread pic for the rest of eternity holy shit
No. 471349
File: 1516059553535.jpg (12.04 KB, 270x63, lol.JPG)

One of her main lovely girls sounds pissed off with her here.
No. 472078
File: 1516086006170.jpg (35.11 KB, 418x134, scary.jpg)

>>471946nah anon, you obviously didn´t read Aly´s latest motivational personal posts carefully. She´s mentioned that lately she is working even eight hours, at least occasionally. So (!).
also, who of you scary assholes wrote this comment, Aly already has a funeral to attend today and is too fragile to handle any more cruelty from cyborg weirdo persecuterz!
>>471147this is beautiful <3
No. 472210
File: 1516107046292.jpg (98.1 KB, 806x589, Capture.JPG)

>>472137Seems like she hasn't been to any funeral. She's been scarfing muffins and doing body checks.
No. 472225
File: 1516109594861.png (1.19 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5949.PNG)

Aly fuuuucckkk offfff
No. 472317
File: 1516119942788.png (189.77 KB, 640x990, IMG_5954.PNG)

Yes Aly, you're a healthy weight, deal with it
No. 472329
File: 1516120839574.jpg (57 KB, 456x593, what again.JPG)

>>472317Boots are horrible.
I'm sick of the body checks.
Physically she's recovered, mentally she's a fucking mess.
(Fast forward two years she's back at the weight clinic being treated for obesity → soon )
No. 472332
File: 1516121355602.jpg (261.85 KB, 652x652, Screenshot_20180116-094541.jpg)

>>472225This is the muffin that made her so full?
she waited until the day of a funeral to do a new photoshoot and buy new shoes?
No. 472342
File: 1516121915263.png (938.22 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5956.PNG)

So desperate.
No. 472352
>>472342Does she want everyone to write a sodding essay? God. Even when you answer questions for market research you get a free box of washing powder or something.
I don't like anything, Aly and clinics BLAH ~wide eye emoji~
>>472343One day an employer (I know this takes some imagination) will google Alice Casati and find tons of pics of her posing in front of a mirror in her parents room wearing her bra and drawers. How does she not think these things through?
No. 472387
>>472352Weird to think that actually.
To think of someone finding a crazy "private teacher" who is addicted to Instagram and posing half nude.
I doubt there hasn't been one potential employer to stumble upon this place, it's all that comes up online
No. 472507
>>472317uhm what? i thought she didnt need ed services like 3 months ago!?
>>472352she obviously is too stupid to think that through but she's definitely never gonna get a decent job, she'll obviously be working part time where teenagers work in the summer her entire life like fast food or retail. the highest up the ladder i can see her climbing is maybe a receptionist for some tiny ass company lmfao
No. 472628
File: 1516140548075.png (535.27 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5957.PNG)

Sure Jan
No. 472742
>>472342this is how she wants this to go
- like the shoes? >i love them Aly!
- the text? >omg you're sooo inspirational and my role model Aly!
- clinics? >but you're still at a dangerous af(!) bmi, i'm scared for you
i want someone to say they don't like the shoes, just to see how the narcissist in her reacts
No. 472761
>>472742When anons have commented that her chin highs are awful she's taken it as she looks awful (fat) in them and not that they're just a disgusting, unflattering style.
If you say her boots aren't nice she'll probably say you're saying that because they make her legs look fat.
Those boots are awful though. Everything she wears looks so market bought. (Not being a snob because I buy a lot of what I wear 2nd hand, I mean market bought as in cheap fabrics and horrible style).
No. 472768
File: 1516149012368.png (311.2 KB, 1267x1366, IMG_4862.PNG)

Well said from an actual account.
No. 472782
>>472768And tbh I read the ebrownie comment and thought it was a farmer. Of course she'll be labelled a hater.
(I don't like desserts, but that woman's dark chocolate mint trifle is speaking to me. She's a real food blogger, I see. She posts pics of sugary crap mostly, but at least she makes it herself. Soooo Aly's really going to see her as a food pic rival therefore hater).
No. 473306
File: 1516186054837.jpg (66.3 KB, 657x238, 20180117_114019.jpg)

>>473302 dropped pic sigh
No. 473329
File: 1516189914352.png (551.18 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5962.PNG)

No. 473351
File: 1516193657104.jpg (211.02 KB, 720x701, 20180117_134917.jpg)

Aly will explain herself better from now on.
First of all: good morning. She considers 1:45 pm morning time. Also, she does not consider her bodychecking pics to be bodychecking. It's all a matter of perspective and you need to change yours
No. 473377
File: 1516197830723.jpg (13.3 KB, 600x352, 1.jpg)

>>473351she just doesn't get it does she
fucks sake aly, take all the damn underwear pics you like, but why post that shit to 40k people?
you're putting yourself under this "pressure" cause you think you're a goddamn celebrity/model and the globe needs to be seeing this bullshit
>> letting our belly breathingwut? her damn trousers are too small so she can't sit down in them without being in agony. crazy bint! those chin highs rolled down pics are hilarious
makes my snatch hurt thinking about em
No. 473383
File: 1516199009342.png (929.7 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5963.PNG)

Nobody caaaares
No. 473401
>>473329best part of this is how she indirectly admitted she does NOT have a healthy relationship with posting all her stupid undie shots. if she really was just doing it to ~celebrate~ her body or whatever the fuck, not doing it for a week (or even a day ffs) would be no prob but if it's that much ~freakin pressure~ she's actually addicted to it.
that's healthy
No. 473404
File: 1516202519927.png (69.91 KB, 214x261, 1511370810030.png)

>>473306Am I the only one who feels lowkey disgust whenever Aly talks about her tummy like this? "My tummy is swollen, belly full of food, food baby" just stop, it's revolting
No. 473441
>>473351Sure, Jan. It's like those people who put "I do not promote eating disorders" on their purposely
triggering profile.
It's not true if I don't say it is!
No. 473446
>>473415Omg ikr!! I was gonna write about this too. It's easy to post bloated pictures because she can just be like "Look at how brave I am to post this picture without sucking in!" to get asspats and then 2 hours later post a picture sucking in like "but this is actually my normal body, no bloat!"
I actually think her normal everyday tummy looks similar to her bloated pics, just that she really sucks in in pictures. I had the same problem back when I wasn't working out and skinny-fat, had a massively proportionate tummy 24/7. She definitely has that type of body shape
No. 473577
File: 1516215997574.jpg (15.61 KB, 288x76, Capture.JPG)

Of all the comments I don't remember her followers "attacking" her for wearing too much make up. They've said they like the natural look but to Aly that's an attack.
She's been "attacked" for eating crap. The (non-farmer) people who do that are concerned about her eating crap.
She's "attacked" for posting undies pics when (non-farmers) have said it's not a good idea because it's ed behaviour and, you know, perverts.
She's so fucking arrogant I'd have no time at all for her if I didn't enjoy watching this shit show so much.
To the anon above (mouse is being a twat so can't link) FOOD BABY really pisses me off as well. Any of these stupid euphemisms really ruffle mine. You're going to shit those chicken nuggets out, not give birth to baby chicken nuggets. Stop being a dick.
No. 473583
File: 1516216063719.jpeg (77.81 KB, 428x588, 89CD6DF2-6031-4BEA-9F77-37C960…)

No. 473591
File: 1516216409417.png (948.62 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5966.PNG)

Mad is right.
No. 473592
>>473589double post, but to clarify i know it's not. it just. what
>>473588 said.
No. 473640
File: 1516220628346.jpeg (26.25 KB, 450x450, use this lazy.jpeg)

>>473622>As are most people’s in the winterMine isn't because moisturiser exists. Why so
No. 473672
>>473583how is she 22 ffs
i'm going to go lotion my face immediately
No. 473677
>>473672Drink water and use sun screen high protection factor in summer!!!
Haha, aww I miss myspace. I used to love fancying up my page. I'd love her to discover PS, but I think she's still trying to get her pretty little head around Corel Draw. In 2025 she might be at 2017.
No. 473719
File: 1516224747518.jpg (374.93 KB, 652x884, Screenshot_20180117-142841.jpg)

>>473591So she's hanging out all around the house taking pant-less selfies?
>>473377 lol
No. 473756
>>473719She found herself a hobby!
>>473742I'd do this. I used to report every one of her skele pics. I can't do this though because I've got a crap Windows phone that doesn't even have a proper ig app. I don't think it's possible to report posts like that on a laptop. I'd kill to have her account deleted.
No. 473773
>>473591The second I saw that I SCREAMED. What the fuck is wrong with her!? How histrionic can you be!?!!
>>473742I'd do this. Pisses me off when she calls people out and then people tell her to stop and she deletes their comment. what an actual bitch. she's clearly purposely hurting people, i'm sure she knows that her moronic asslickers will defend her and attack the "hater"
once I got a DM from struggling_for_peanutbutter after commenting "A dietician is not a step back" and she told me I'm retarded and that Aly can say whatever she wants to say
No. 473777
>>473761It’s like she thinks closing comments on food pics will get her more on her personals. She’s getting more desperate. Everyone keep not commenting. I feel like we’ve surely gotta get the meltdown to end all meltdowns.
She will never realise that no one comments cos her shit is boring and insane and everyone’s sick of her, and she’s bullied those who do comment so aggressively that even the fawners are scared to comment.
No. 473792
>>473789Soz, mouse fucked up and it posted before I finished
The stories asking people to look at her "text" is cringe. The desperation is turned up to 11.
No. 473802
File: 1516228482080.jpg (596.09 KB, 1000x1209, 20180117_153346.jpg)

>>473761I just noticed this too. Haha! It's so people are forced to comment on her body instead.
No. 473804
File: 1516228605004.jpg (480.73 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180117-231710.jpg)

No. 473808
File: 1516229130438.jpg (79.59 KB, 573x402, 20180117_234203.jpg)

>because of you I recovered
Yeah sure you fucking airhead.
No. 473926
File: 1516235642677.png (61.67 KB, 594x486, crepey.png)

>>473824>>473827lol idk if it was you guys or someone else but there's now a whole convo about crepes on her latest inspirational~ picture
normally i'm not a huge fan of farmers commenting but this is p funny since she so obviously hates the food comments. wonder what she'll do
No. 473974
She pissed me off blocking comments on food. It's so attention seeking.
>>473926Tomorrow's forcast: i kill me
No. 474057
>>474017I wonder…but Aly is still tagging her, and everyone else.
You guys ever read Alys comments on surfs instagram?
No. 474168
>>473779Ha I wouldn't be surprised!
>>473808jesus this is like onision and his "you cured my self harm" teenage followers
>>474057Yeah aly probably only comments on her stuff bc she has tons of followers and aly thinks she can redirect some people towards her lmao!
No. 474220
>>473591These selfies max out my cringe-o-meter.
This new era may be the best one yet
Though I still sometimes wonder if she's trolling, especially with the latest wing thing. Also "selfing"? It can't be real!
No. 474268
File: 1516259234806.jpeg (95.25 KB, 608x608, 48A5056A-DBE5-4A63-A6DE-E57344…)

Surf is losing the will lol
No. 474269
File: 1516259301514.jpeg (150.9 KB, 713x714, 36338CBF-F6A1-4C56-8EBB-1E980A…)

God I wish I could see Aly’s reaction to these.
No. 474325
File: 1516265248077.png (1.38 MB, 1843x1083, Screenshot_6.png)

I can't find her SELFING on her account, but I noticed there are a lot of people commenting on her diet, and they don't really look like cows.
Also, i hate when she writes "strawbs" for "strawberries", she sounds so dumb.
No. 474339
>>474269She’s gone thru and liked most of them, possibly she liked the attention since there’s more comments than usual.
Or, she might just passive aggressively complain about it in stories.
No. 474381
File: 1516274031240.jpg (457.74 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180118-121322.jpg)

No. 474385
File: 1516274749108.png (158.35 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5969.PNG)

Yes Aly, don't throw the baby out of the bath water.
No. 474388
>>474385Why she can't even do a proper copy-paste of common sayings?
I would be honestly happy if she did a whole day of eating, I want to believe she doesn't eat all this crap everyday. She's far too slim for eating like this, and it's been months. She should also have a lot of health complication for the diet she seems to have.
No. 474397
>>474396So lucky, now im getting dms.
Seems like she is gonna brush it off and pretend it didnt bother her
No. 474401
File: 1516278853854.png (164.94 KB, 1080x876, 20180118_063331.png)

This is what i got this morning
No. 474406
>>474388You'd be surprised for how long the human body can keep up with shit food and drinks
I guarantee if this is all she's eating, then in a few more months everyone will see her posting about her chubby gut and complaining of exhaustion
No. 474412
>>474406I'm surprised even just hearing about this - I don't really understand how can she be so unaware of the consequences of this behavior on her health, considering she was firstly orthorexic, then anorexic. She should have so many nutrional informations and facts to be able to figure out what a balanced diet looks like, with occasional splurges too.
>>474401i'm so jelly ? (!) it must be so LUSH ? to receive DMS ? from the STRAWBS QUEEN ??
No. 474433
File: 1516287812208.jpg (38.37 KB, 555x469, dontthrowthebaby.jpg)

>>Why she can't even do a proper copy-paste of common sayings?What is the proper saying? Cause I laughed like hell at whatever Aly is trying to say
No. 474491
File: 1516293212563.png (267.11 KB, 1312x999, bathwater.png)

1000 hours in MS Paint
No. 474571
File: 1516298808745.png (1.16 MB, 713x1012, 20180118_180539.png)

Milan the fashion capital of the world. And then this grandma.
No. 474583
>>474388I could be totally wrong on this …but when I visited Italy some years ago I noticed their foods weren’t jam packed with shit ingredients like American food. Even their soda tasted different (better). It’s possible she’s not huge because Italy has standards on what they put in their food? Shit even the McDonald’s she goes to has stuff that I don’t think the US even has ?(wouldn’t know, haven’t eaten McD’s since I was like 10). It’s totally possible that even the McDonald’s has better ingredients than US mcDonalds.
Maybe an ital anon can confirm or deny.
No. 474644
>>474571WTF's UP WITH SONIA? Why is she looking like a retired kindergarten teacher? I thought those spex frames were discontinued in 1978.
Hahaha, taking Aly to an organic cafe. LOL. Aly might be allergic to some of the non-ingredients.
Does she say FOODIES because she thinks it's the plural of food or does she think it's cute?
No. 474647
>>474613yeah, but come on, would you accept any styling tips from
No. 474651
File: 1516303601284.jpg (124.82 KB, 624x594, eroticaly.jpg)

No. 474661
File: 1516304001580.jpg (61.56 KB, 486x602, Capture.JPG)

Not a body check.
No. 474670
File: 1516304343518.png (187.26 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5970.PNG)

Cmon Aly why.
No. 474683
File: 1516304684215.jpg (77.81 KB, 606x614, a child apparently.JPG)

>>474670> I never had a woman's body.Img = Aly in 2012.
No. 474818
File: 1516313368390.png (575.91 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5971.PNG)

No. 474843
File: 1516314960629.jpg (785.72 KB, 2048x2048, 9D32FE32-5D16-4D07-9B82-3401C9…)

Wtf? "in the past" um more like 2 days ago?! Also lol at how she used "
triggering" right after that fake account did. she literally cannot come up with her own ~insults~. There was literally nothing insulting about that comment, it's all very true, but did she delete, humiliate and guilt them? Yup! So delusional
>>474818Is she seriously screenshotting and trying to humiliate a random fucking spam account? dumb bitch
No. 474863
File: 1516315490851.png (255.26 KB, 750x1175, IMG_5515.PNG)

Someone told her to seek help! The world is so evil and stupid!
No. 475077
File: 1516326548547.jpg (98.82 KB, 640x640, IMG_5519.JPG)

for thise who haven't seen the art account, I just got this submission! haha
No. 475079
>>474863>>which I continuously apologize for.Um no you don't, bitch.
>>474571Fun times after the alleged funeral that was never mentioned again!
No. 475239
>>475227@[Aly's first and last name]art
There's also an account with inspirational quotes, to be found among the art account's followers haha (no I'm not the anon who runs it)
No. 475326
File: 1516360160207.jpg (410.99 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180119-120707.jpg)

No. 475379
>>475326its. a. fucking. spam. account.
trigger her
No. 475479
File: 1516384806494.png (47.3 KB, 683x326, 20180119_175917.png)

No. 475488
have you guys noticed that aly is suddenly getting a lot more comments from non-farmers and asskissers? she used to get like 3 or 4 max from people like dogs. i don't understand why ugh. I just want her asskissers to stop fucking commenting
>>475328does she actually not realize that it's a spam account? It's pretty fucking obvious lmao… is she really THAT stupid?
No. 475502
File: 1516387220912.jpg (405.1 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180119-193822.jpg)

No. 475504
File: 1516387268964.jpg (Spoiler Image,412.77 KB, 720x894, 20180119_193840.jpg)

No. 475506
File: 1516387312323.jpg (Spoiler Image,417.9 KB, 720x891, 20180119_193854.jpg)

No. 475535
>>475520I guess dhe's trying to get some "bomb" "you're sexy" comments
Berto must be so happy i really want to tell him
No. 475538
>>475479this comment confused me
>they harass and bully, just like I'm doing, just like you're doingWhat?
No. 475541
File: 1516389746661.png (788.17 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180119-120646.png)

No. 475555
File: 1516390668679.png (653.4 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180119-123529.png)

>>475479This comment is about asslickers? Or about farmers? Then in the end they call Aly a bully too?
No. 475561
File: 1516392036884.jpg (128.77 KB, 414x760, kill.jpg)

>>475520>what is she trying to show offher clogs
>>475541I´d love a gif of her ~sobbing~ loop but I don´t have the skillz
>>475555ragefag once again…
I don´t get it. You actually want Aly off the internets don´t you? Why?
No. 475578
>>475541Makes a video look like she's running away
She's probs just going out for dinner again
No. 475604
File: 1516395244977.gif (11.9 MB, 600x545, the sob.gif)

>>475561One needs not skillz when there is
For you, anon.
No. 475623
File: 1516396896061.jpg (61.17 KB, 501x527, tyanon.jpg)

>>475604thank you so much!!
No. 475630
>>475535fuuuck i really want to tell him too. tfw the cowtipping urge is so strong but… (i obviously won't dw)
>>475555LMAO it seems like people can
trigger her so easily. Just write a confusing ass paragraph insulting everyone and she has a "breakdown"
>>475604almost as fake as onion's cry face
No. 475810
File: 1516408218414.webm (1.36 MB, 640x1138, aly_sjourney_26820095_58069890…)
Not sure if this works but I like the idea of having the full thing
No. 475814
File: 1516408930206.jpg (127.93 KB, 618x1040, Screenshot_20180119-174026.jpg)

The spam thing is happening again on her last chocolate post.
No. 475880
>>475814I came here to post about that. She forgot to disable comments on the Lindor hearts.
Chocolate - 539 likes
Aly ~sexy~ poses - 184 likes
No. 475970
>>475904He supposedly cares that she works so I’m sure he would care she’s half naked online. But who knows.
I remember when Aly was offered a poster girl job(??) she said berto got jealous. Maybe I am remembering wrong.
No. 475983
triggered just annoyed with nitpickers clogging up the thread with irrelevant shit. And yes now I’m doing the same in the hopes that all nitpickers read this before posting dumb shit again
No. 476008
File: 1516436476523.jpeg (102.61 KB, 640x378, E07A6533-7B9F-4F68-B558-192EBF…)

No. 476067
File: 1516449339574.png (1.31 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5984.PNG)

Don't hate, make tongue (!)
No. 476070
File: 1516449906881.jpg (20.34 KB, 300x300, sc.jpg)

She's going to be off on one about #bodyshaming and #bodyposi today now someone called her fat.
No. 476088
File: 1516452395220.jpg (19.9 KB, 394x94, orlyaly.JPG)

>>476070How rich coming from someone who literally points out that she hasn't been "so fat in 5 years" several times a day.
No. 476183
>>476008Did anyone respond to this before she removed commenting?
>>476176I agree, I didnt think it was so unbelievable when she claimed she was 17.5 (even 16.9 probably in the morning after a shit). she just has zero muscle.
No. 476234
File: 1516472524266.png (1.49 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5986.PNG)

She looks so much older than 22, geez.
No. 476254
File: 1516474854169.jpg (106.67 KB, 652x419, Screenshot_20180120-115911.jpg)

I'm waiting for it to all finally click in surfs head.
No. 476266
File: 1516475317507.png (789.51 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5987.PNG)

Sure, IG problems
No. 476356
File: 1516483924609.png (2.12 MB, 1080x1712, 20180120_212808.png)

Really abusing that tag feature there, Aly
No. 476524
File: 1516501636256.jpg (92.46 KB, 976x630, Capture.JPG)

I'm seeing a few other accounts posting Aly's pics under that tag. The latest is posting her in her scanties (!)
No. 476710
>>476602maybe but some farmers also just seem biased
>surf is suuuch a stunning beautiful androgynous LGTB model so of course she has to be totally not like all the other asslickers even though >80% of her comments are the same random asslicking!K sure
No. 476713
File: 1516525365548.jpg (76.48 KB, 927x602, Capture.JPG)

First time Aly's posted without a caption? It's dead fish anyway.
No. 476731
File: 1516530681455.jpg (867.87 KB, 1080x1990, Screenshot_20180121-112840.jpg)

>>476713It was on accident it seems
She also posted 2 other pictures of the food. She's with Berto
No. 476737
>>476731They only ever see each other over seafood then.
>I really have never been happier about recovery than in this morningShe's gonna crash any minute.
No. 476758
File: 1516540921507.png (110.75 KB, 638x976, IMG_5989.PNG)

1/2 Totally not a selfie, you guys
No. 476759
File: 1516540948157.png (144.43 KB, 640x747, IMG_5990.PNG)

Apparently Berto took that pic lmao
No. 476762
File: 1516541403039.jpg (113.51 KB, 505x637, 20180121_142927.jpg)

No. 476767
File: 1516542903324.jpg (44.36 KB, 600x623, slippin.jpg)

>>476758>>476759Ah, a true classic.
No. 476884
File: 1516556817620.jpg (43.5 KB, 396x533, imaginary.jpg)

>>476758Oh look. She definitely had sex because she's naked in bed. She took this when he went to rinse himself off.
>>476762Shit, son.
She said she's moving in with him soon. I thought they were going to take it slow and wait (even though they've been together for 5 years including the break).
No. 476886
File: 1516556892771.jpg (21.97 KB, 354x116, suddenwheat.JPG)

So their house with no wheat is suddenly out of the picture, but they can finally share the crummy convertible couch 8/24!
No. 476889
File: 1516556936942.jpg (73.58 KB, 587x555, Capture.JPG)

This took two adults to make. Stir a pan of pasta and stir some canned mince. They're both special needs.
No. 476910
>>476759oh yeah thats why you can see her arm stretched out
>>476886i thought this was the house with no wheat and she simply made that up because her boy’s roommate didnt want her there
No. 476914
File: 1516558649836.jpg (20.02 KB, 429x103, icky.JPG)

Is ICKY the new GOOFY?
She'll never move in with Berto. She'd miss her Mama too much ??
No. 476926
File: 1516559737781.png (Spoiler Image,135.03 KB, 636x988, IMG_5991.PNG)

Ffs these mega spoopy pictures don't help anybody Aly. stop.
No. 476936
>>476926Reported it even though it'll do no good.
> hope I won't trigger anybody ? If you think you might, then DON'T. Dumb bitch.
No. 476950
File: 1516561186706.jpg (82.22 KB, 810x593, kek.JPG)

No. 477089
File: 1516571570425.jpeg (565.55 KB, 750x936, 11DACA59-4FB9-46FC-AC7A-2D72DE…)

… I’m sure berto loves you posting pics of you in your special underwear
No. 477377
>>477089Eyeliner touching eyebrows again.
No. 477490
>>477089I wonder how many pics she took from this "shoot" this is like the 4th?
>>476935Attention/comments. Aren't these people the ones who usually comment? She's desperate
No. 477519
>>476914Not an English speaker, but isn't "icky" something negative? Like unpleasant?
Or has it some uses I do not know?
No. 477520
I really want to make a fake account for emulating
>>476950 and tag roberto in all her sexxxxy shoots
No. 477584
File: 1516622006127.jpg (415.78 KB, 1472x800, 26870075_1977712079161328_1328…)

Today she has a thing for princesses, she said it in the cookies picture too.
>I've been called for a pretty prestigious job interview and haven't said it to anyone yet cause got kinda superstitious
Sure Jan.
> but when I said & #39;much is gonna change I was not talking just about the move
If you're gonna move, the fuck are you going to have interviews? Unless she's going to travel back and forth for job interviews, which it would be an intelligent thing for an adult that's really going to move in another city… but it's Aly.
No. 477590
File: 1516623113823.png (258.4 KB, 471x572, retarded ape.png)

Yeah Aly, we totally believe Bertolini took two pics of you in the same pose!
No. 477612
>superstitious Did she mean suspicious? What about the interview would be superstitious or even suspicious??
I wonder if she just says these positive things (i.e moving in with Fatty, job interview, etc) to garner attention from her followers. “Wow good job Aly. You are superwoman and totally not fat.”
No. 477652
>>477590you can see her arm extending out
>>477584>prestigious job interview>mcdonaldsI think if she actually got an interview she’d make a way bigger deal and definitely tell everyone
No. 477658
>>477654>>477612She means superstitious.
It's a common belief in Italy that telling someone about something that has an important outcome (and you care about it being positive) crates bad luck and expectations. So you avoid it.
It's plain superstition, for once she said what she meant.
No. 477709
File: 1516639531555.jpg (55.53 KB, 353x386, sure jan.JPG)

No. 477734
File: 1516640600843.jpg (45.14 KB, 374x600, 11.JPG)

What abandonment syndrome? Wtf is she going on about here? Who left?
No. 477735
>>477722Lmao! If there’s a “hide from google results” setting, uncheck that. Hope her ~prestigious~ future employer finds these pics
Btw if you google her name, lolcow is one of the top results haha
No. 477739
>>477709samefag but what .. so she got the news about a job interview and like 3 hours later she’s hired? riiight! It’s probably actually a rly shitty minimum wage job at a decent company. Probably answering phone calls all day. So prestigious! I hope she enjoys working these kinds of jobs for the rest of her life as she doesnt wanna go back to school and is incapable of working better jobs let alone doing somethig like starting her own businss
Who would hire her lol? her resume has like, one job, at which she worked at for 3 weeks. How do people wanna hire her with her histrionic outfits, bright red lipstick, insanely long wings, and fake looking orange hair
No. 477753
>>477750She's not giving real info as usual
>they'e beginning the practicesWHUT?
>i should be hired in a few daysSo she hasn't got it yet?
No. 477811
File: 1516645360319.png (140.11 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180122-182214.png)

>>477805Maybe pyramid scheme?
No. 477818
>>477806No you didn't. Fuck me, I sold Avon YEARS ago. I only sold a pair of PJs and she wanted a refund!
Pyramid scheme, hmm. Don't you have to go to a meeting first where they explain it because unless she was arsing around on her phone she would've pretended to have gastroenteritis and left after 15 minutes.
I bet the childrens parents had her fired.
No. 477820
File: 1516646086024.jpg (52.68 KB, 652x373, Screenshot_20180122-113258.jpg)

>>477811That kind of makes sense. Trade is another word for goods, if it's no-trade then this could fit.
I also looked up this, I have no idea if it makes sense.
No. 477838
Oh it was THIS
>>470353Can someone make the thread plix? I would but I'm doing too much at once atm and multi tasking aint my strong point. Just mention her shitty jobs and selfies in underwear etc.
No. 477893
File: 1516649750681.jpeg (96.36 KB, 750x852, 242E2199-3F54-4BF7-AC88-E90EB1…)

Lol look what she’s using as her LinkedIn pic
No. 478054
>>477709As usual her nonsensical word-salad job descriptions are the absolute best.
"Commercial operations assistants are entry-level staff members who are present in virtually every business that offers goods or services for sale.
Tasks can range from following aspects of the manufacturing or marketing process to receiving calls from customers."
= secretary
"An applicant for a position as a commercial operations assistant should have a high school diploma or its equivalent. To qualify for entry-level clerical work, the person should have completed some business courses in high school. These could include typing and an exposure to statistics. Some companies expect associates' degrees with industry-related course work. Some exposure to accounting is desirable. Other courses that appeal to hiring managers are business writing and basic computer skills."
Seeing as out of all those requirements she would only qualify for having completed school, the most she would get hired for would probably be working the front desk.
>>They're beginning the practices"sounds to me like it's a young startup.
And, compared to a babysitting job, almost anything could be deemed "prestigious".
>>477818Seeing as she didn't mention her babysitting job today and has been posting all day, you might be right.
No. 478728
File: 1516709919757.jpg (707.57 KB, 810x1911, Screenshot_20180123-071614.jpg)

This is just too good.
Hi, Aly! I'm so afraid the authorities are going to arrest me!
No. 478730
File: 1516709988137.jpg (596.09 KB, 1079x1681, Screenshot_20180123-071641.jpg)

Where did she even submit this lol and she used an emoji even here.
No. 478777
>>478728>they suggested me to text him/her firstwho is she going to contact, admin?
If she showed her insta or this thread to anyone really, it probably made them realize how crazy she is.
tho I do dislike that anons are reposting her images, "fanart" and are commenting in order to get some milk. but that's the nature of the site now