File: 1510771647038.png (182.02 KB, 363x275, 123456.png)

No. 424667
Aly_sjourney, 21 going on 8, wants to go on medication to cure her #real OCDs, anxiety, depression, eating disorder, and suicidal af tendencies. (!) Expect her to go on an SSRI, claiming full recovery after 4 hours since taking her first pill, despite the medication taking weeks to build up in her system. After all those years of Ma enabling her, it's only natural that now she threatens suicide unless enough strangers give her attention. And if you don't give her attention, you are the hater who made her self-arm. Thanks so much. Black out post. Now she's having a panic attack and is suicidal af. Now she's purging, 3 hours after her last meal.
Wait, nvm, she just got 13 comments, time for a bikini pic!
Previous thread:
> still recovering on a delish diet of fries and donnies> quit retail job after 1 month of extremely strenuous clothing folding which caused her to …> suddenly drop to bmi 16.6 despite looking the same as when she was bmi 18.4.> her self arm on her harm is as visible as her father's beats.> number of reposts is inversely proportional to the number of comments she receives.> threatens suicide, account deletion, self arm, starvation, purging, etc, until she receives a satisfying amount of attention…> then suddenly her #real depression is meaningless (!) she feel worthy, and everything is ok.> is apparently going to ask her psychiatrist for medication because medication will definitely cure her… > but has no money for therapy or medication despite eating out every day.> abusive parents will not give her money for therapy, Aly is the victim here! No. 424677
File: 1510772448376.jpg (750.92 KB, 1079x2122, Screenshot_20171115-114719.jpg)

Posting for those who are banned.
How can her gynecologist help with her bones?
No. 424686
>>424677what hater? lol
wow getting your period back huh? thought your bmi was 16?? would it be that its actually closer to 19? its almost like youre physically recovered. i predict a blackout + thought she was giving up yesterday and closing
No. 424687
File: 1510773126107.png (174.52 KB, 650x1003, IMG_6915.PNG)

I wanted to point out (as I did in last thread but realized new one started) that the bikini pic Aly posted is likely an old one. Anons wanted to know where her self arming was.
I know an anon said it wasn't a pool party but actually hot springs or whatever. But she's wearing the same wrist jewelry and has the same hair color (isn't hers a neon orange right now?).
I'm guessing Aly seriously hates her body at the moment and wants to show off a time when her BMI was "just a point under recovered" , because she thinks she's a bloated fat whale right now.
No. 424696
>>424687even if she made that whole hot springs post up she's "self armed" in the past and then posted bikini pics with no self arm. just like her father's beats
her hair does seem less orange there than today but could be the light. Her makeup looks different in those two pics tho. Idk
No. 424792
File: 1510782723565.png (4.99 KB, 246x122, 15.png)

>>424786Daily follower update.
Yesterday 47, 823
No. 424884
File: 1510788348224.jpg (1.18 MB, 1304x1908, Screenshot_20171115-162328.jpg)

Here we go. She's going to cling on to this photoshoot forever. Saying how hard it is to show her body.
No. 424893
File: 1510788641065.jpg (865.37 KB, 1080x2234, Screenshot_20171115-162747.jpg)

All the anons that predicted she would complain about side effect of drugs and asking for opinions in mediation were right.
No. 424903
>>424893shes probably just gonna feel slightly nauseous and blow it out of proportion. i mean if they give her anything, which i guess they will cus its only anti depressants shes asking for, its kinda dumb that shes making a big deal about it and she hasnt even got a script yet like is she gonna go in there and say "give me pills" like..
she doesnt even have depression, she gets upset cus she obsessed with insta and her weight, maybe they'll give her some xanax if she talks about her "panic attacks" and she'll be real chilled for once
No. 424936
>>424917almost 100%
its like her saying she wants to get her period back (she p much only ever mentioned that because other people asked her about it too) but you know she doesnt really want it. that would be too "normal"
No. 424955
>i dedicate my success to MY OWN FUCKING SELF (!)fuck you everybody! i don't need you at all, i'm not alone, i have myself! my strengt! my courage to stand!
… aly pls, you can't do a fucking thing without a hundred ass pats.
also massive kek at
>keep up the fight, we're gonna SUCCED No. 424961
>>424677lol I was laughing earlier at the "I donut if I sound dumb"
not only does it sound dumb to use the "donut emoji" instead of saying "do not" but she also used it wrong. So yes Aly, you sound dumb.
No. 425077
File: 1510797337791.png (459.8 KB, 500x800, what a monkey.png)

No. 425083
>>424893what the fuck… like you might get tired or slightly nauseous. if the side effects are too uncomfortable there's this cool thing called switching to a new med. she'll probably complain of stress related herpes 4 hrs after the first pill
And SHE DOESNT "NEED" MEDS oh my god she doesnt have depression. i cant wait for the meds to not help her, she'll be all confused. she literally thinks they might cure her.
"continous suicidal thoughts" she literally has no clue what a suicidal thought is
Or if her psychiatrist actually pays attention to her they won't give her anything kek
No. 425260
>>425165I hope someone tricks her into posting them.
>>425077yes, exactly this lol…I cant believe she hasn't been made to answer to this claim…
No. 425261
>>425165I don't think so.
Like Aly is stupid and attention seeking but she's not a munchie yet.
Maybe she will post her prescription, but not actual pills or anything as melodramatic as posing them on her tongue or something.
No. 425286
>>424687Thermal baths are used all year round in Europe, especially places like budapest Italy etc they have the outdoor and indoor pools open just as much as in the summer
Its quite possible she was just wearing same bikini
No. 425492
File: 1510838264040.jpeg (60.52 KB, 750x1070, 8E42723B-587E-427D-B880-2ECCE6…)

Report report report!
No. 425517
File: 1510841854876.jpeg (568.41 KB, 750x1037, 35CCE696-4FD7-416B-8617-FA02F6…)

No. 425526
>>425517I love how she keeps creating these HUGE (!) dramas about her well-being and then every doctor says she's fine and sends her home.
Yes Aly, you're fuck*ing malingering, and you're not even good at that.
Granted, she's still a complete nutcase, but it sure af isn't ~muh depression~, self arm, or suicidal attempts.
No. 425606
File: 1510852082860.jpg (488.13 KB, 1409x1806, Screenshot_20171116-100621.jpg)

She's switching it up now with the black posts
No. 425609
>>425606god i wanna punch her in the face
uhm how many posts do you comment on aly??
No. 425610
>>425606Whyyyy does she always have to guil trip her followeeeers.
I just can't believe how obsessed she is with IG. I started working last month, five days per week, only two hours. In my free days, the last thing I want to do is to be with my phone 7/24. I can't understand how she prefers comments and feedback of strangers (apart from lying) instead of enjoying her life (which must be pretty sad tbh). It's exhausting just having to think about it. I'm kinda scared that's the only way of living she knows, being an attention seeker just to modify her personality all the time.
No. 425621
File: 1510853337732.jpg (921.32 KB, 1304x1508, Screenshot_20171116-102634.jpg)

>>425611This is another from Yesturday. I believe she really went to the thermal baths. I don't see what's hard to believe about it
No. 425633
>>425517FUCK YES!!!!! ladies and gentlemen, this is what real psychiatry looks like. She must've seen right through her bullshit. All hail Aly's psychiatrist
>>425606There's no such thing as abandonment syndrome wtf. This whole post just screams "I have HPD"
>>425621It's just that there isn't any self arm on her harms lol she either she lying about self arming (betting my life on this) or it was an old pic
No. 425634
>>425627I dream of being able to hack her account.
I've been out all day (therapist, support pls girls) and missed the drama. Lol at her not being given anti deps. That's the funniest shit. Wish we had an mp3 of what was said at her appointment. Comedy gold.
I think it's also spoopy Ash's birthday tomorrow. Must be something about 17th November.
No. 425663
>>425634"Hi Alice, what brought you in the see me today?"
> Nothing I just need to be on meds and inpatient please""And why do you think that is?"
> Um well I just need it I think because no one cares about me so I feel suicidal af then I purge and self arm and have depression and my bmi is 16.6"Describe to me what goes through your head when you're suicidal and feel depressed?"
> I dunno like sometimes I dont get support and then I say Im suicidal to get support but Im actually suicidal like my brain thinks the worlds "I want to die" and then I just say it. "Ok… and how about your purging? Do you eat a lot of food and then vomit it out?"
> No I dont vomit it out I just like lean over the toilet like a few hours after eating I dont actually puke thats gross""And your self harm? May I see it if you're comfortable?"
> Um I dont have any self arm, I just think about self arming and then I say I self armed so people think I did so they can care about me..that's what self arm is right?"psychiatrist turns to her desk and checks off half the diagnostic criteria for HPD
"Well Aly, I don't think you any medication would be necessary at this point, but I can offer you some extra extra therapy"
>BUT I'M SUCIDIAL AF"we can talk more about that your next visit, but it seems like out time is up!"
No. 425668
File: 1510855911968.png (234.57 KB, 750x1216, IMG_3678.PNG)

you root for who….?
No. 425671
File: 1510856167027.png (7.08 KB, 269x138, 16.png)

>>425668She really has no idea why people think she's a big bitch, does she?
>>424792 No. 425691
File: 1510857459676.png (129.43 KB, 750x616, IMG_3680.PNG)

Watch her like this comment.
If she does, she has zero empathy and has no idea how hard she guilt trips everyone
No. 425696
>>425691>suicidal afI too support Aly af
Someone could write how their kid Sudokued over them thinking they're not being as perfect as Aly and she'd like it.
No. 425698
>>425691"im standing on a bridge now and might kill me"
a little far?
No. 425710
>>425696This already happened, look at the old threads and find Jack Fisher and his mom Emily Fisher. Aly gave no fucks
>>425698How the fuck is it a little far? She threatens suicide for attention all the time.
>>425691SHE LIKED IT
No. 425717
>>425714I agree with that except this one
>Avoidance of disagreeing with others for fear of losing support or approvalShe's too pissy to fit that one. Self confidence? I think she thinks she's hot, but really she really must feel a disappointment in other areas because her life's so shit compared to her friends.
No. 425718
File: 1510858914005.png (1.37 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5220.PNG)

No. 425719
File: 1510859021319.gif (1.1 MB, 450x288, lol at aly.gif)

>>425718…and the purge post to follow after the date. Woo hoo!
No. 425720
File: 1510859057271.jpg (55.2 KB, 478x569, oh fuck.JPG)

No. 425721
>>425714Could be a mix of both. It's not all black and white, people with PDs are all on a spectrum. Technically every person in the world is on the spectrum but most wouldn't get diagnosed lol. We definitely cant diagnose her from the internet but we can say she has traits of HPD (and maybe DPD), but she seems to have the most HPD traits.
People used to think she had BPD and that was such bs. BPD people have genuine strong feelings, when they really want to kill themselves they'll follow through, not fake being suicidal for simply for attention. We all know Aly hasn't ever felt "sucidal af", she probably felt mild sadness and calls it suicidal so people pity her
No. 425722
>>425717same anon
"Dash of narcissism"
No. 425731
>>425720Those chins suggest a much higher bmi than 16
If she was 54kg and 5'10 or something then yeah sure but she's 5'6
No. 425733
>>425721here's why shes def not bpd
(1) frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment. (well yeah ill give her this one)
(2) a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation (not really)
(3) identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self image or sense of self (her life never revolves around anything other than instagram and recovery lol)
(4) impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (nope)
(5) recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior (definitely not, she's lying)
(6) affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days)
(7) chronic feelings of emptiness (she rarely feels this)
(8) inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (probably not)
(9) transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms (no)
No. 425736
File: 1510859772647.jpg (16.11 KB, 361x195, pls no.JPG)

Is this a wardrobe malfunction???
No. 425739
File: 1510860029851.png (518.9 KB, 1072x1552, 20171116_141807.png)

I screenshotted these, but assumed another anon would post. Aly got creative with her blackouts today. (1/2)
No. 425740
File: 1510860066926.png (329.49 KB, 1080x1563, 20171116_141837.png)

This is such a strange picture for her to choose.
No. 425741
>>425712The first post by Jack Fisher or something seemed pretty real tho, like "I think I'm going to kill myself now, I cant do anything right. You thought I was a hater, Im worthless. Goodbye world." and she deleted his comment and blocked him
It was only when the mom came and went hilariously OTT saying that she's contacting her laywer, telling tressee, said her full name and her mom's full name when she probably figured it out. Hell I bet she didn't even figure it out tho cuz she freaked out and went private after that
No. 425746
>>425742Did you mean to reply to
>>425736 ?
No. 425754
I wonder if berto lowkey has a problem with her not shaving but doesnt wanna say anything lmaoooooo
No. 425763
>>425755lots of hairy dudes still want their girl to be shaved. he's probably just scared to say anything because she'd throw a tantrum.
but enough with this nasty talk lol i'm picturing him naked now ewwwww
No. 425768
>>425762Remember the nip slip. She's an #exhibitionist.
Who the fuck is _gedanken_frei_ ? She pisses me off. She's ruined chances of the last pic getting 0 comments.
No. 425770
>>425762I have one other sock puppet account that follows her, what should I say? "omg aly im a feminist too, dont listen to the haters who tell you to shave!" kek
I don't really wanna get blocked cuz I only got two following her and that's my backup but oh well if I do.
No. 425771
File: 1510861066172.png (Spoiler Image,323.86 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171116-193715.png)

>>425736I zoomed in and it looks like the shadow has been drawn on..
Major massive crotch shot under spoiler image you've been warned
No. 425772
>>425771Really though, what's going on there?
>>425770Nah, save the sock for something better. I need to make another sock puppet tonight. I'll go on live journal or somewhere derelict for photos. I really need to comment on her account sometimes, but I'm down to one account.
No. 425778
File: 1510861591103.png (496.79 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171116-194610.png)

>>425736The shadow on the left looks drawn on too
No. 425782
File: 1510861881202.png (49.4 KB, 746x319, IMG_3682.PNG)

anyone notice this? she really doesnt understand why she's losing followers
No. 425786
>>425782yeah, that's what I meant here
>>425671She has no idea and it's bizarre.
No. 425796
File: 1510862818089.jpg (32.9 KB, 311x381, sure jan.JPG)

>>425792It was 16.6 seven days ago. Could be as low as 15 now though.
No. 425799
>>425796oh thats too funny
i know i sound like a bitch but id love to see her get real chunky and still claim her bmi is underweight
No. 425820
>>425796There is NO WAY she weighs 103lbs 7st5 or 47kgs in this photo (5'6 16.6 bmi)
Add a stone (53kg) and yeah thats realistic
No. 425915
>>425718What is she talking about?
>should date my manHer mom should date her man? What about a dress? Wtf is she trying to say?
No. 425923
File: 1510871345953.jpg (173.33 KB, 575x741, Screenshot_20171116-152450.jpg)

Me again. She looks so uncomfortable here.
No. 425972
>>425959Nah, coabitation's too much responsibility for Aly innit.
She's wishing herself a happy birthday on ig.
No. 426031
File: 1510879886964.jpg (833.17 KB, 1080x2118, Screenshot_20171116-174904.jpg)

She's sad that she came home after midnight and everyone was sleeping instead if wishing her happy birthday.
No. 426039
File: 1510880485976.jpg (44.04 KB, 702x417, i kill me.jpg)

She's had 7 happy birthday comments and 39 likes in an hour. I bet she's expecting at least a hundred comments.
No. 426287
File: 1510916311986.png (1.01 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171117-105633.png)

Her "sister" gave her a printout of old photos in a plastic wallet. Really old photos. Probably because they have done literally nothing together for the past two years. True friends.
No. 426295
File: 1510918349153.jpeg (697.55 KB, 750x1111, BC8FF5A5-C828-448E-838E-4A5CBB…)

Holy fuck Aly nobody cares about your birthday except you
No. 426298
>>426294i think the actual gift was the alice in wonderland phone case, and she just also gave her some pics fr th mmrs, and prob just put them in the case to protect them as opposed to like gift presentation buuuut who knows
also if i were sonia i wouldn't be knocking down the doors to versace to buy aly something fab, i mean can you imagine trying to be friends with someone as toxic and needy as aly? one the one hand they were good friends before and you don't want to abandon someone, on the other hand there's no way it's been any fun to hang out with aly for the last several years. i'm sure when they hang out there are a million things you can't talk about bc
triggering, and she probably is constantly on IG and only wants to talk about herself and constantly asks about if she looks fatter.
No. 426300
File: 1510919466868.jpeg (622.18 KB, 750x1117, 4A670C9F-2FCD-4DFE-95A4-9E2F0E…)

No. 426304
>>426301it's like a shitty auto-translate from german lol
>>426300>Do you want me to share the other presents and B-day moments as well (?)yes aly please do update us about how you count orgasms not calories when you and your boy-friend have B-Day Sex (!)
>the day of my B-Day that I'm always too afraid to face bc of past experiencesholy fuck she makes everything so damn dramatic. literally nothing traumatic has happened in her life that wasn't self–inflicted or just her own brain going rogue, and she's acting like she's Elizabeth Smart combined with a WWI veteran
No. 426336
>>426274Thirded. I actually think she's ballooning (at least in her head if not in reality) because 9/10 in recent weeks her pics have been throwbacks. The last believable one (at a current date) she looks a good 120-125lbs. Slim yes. But nowhere NEAR a 16 BMI. She's ridiculous. She's been posting lies from the off. First it was how she was recovering/eating when she wasn't. Now it's the opposite. She's obviously disordered as fuck, but she's grasping at straws because she can no longer control her intake. And she's gaining AF(!)
I wouldn't wish this shit on anyone. But this narc hoe? Different ballpark
No. 426342
>>426294It's also the kind of gift you give when you've lost touch with one another for a good 10 years + or something
Like "remember us in this old as shit photo booth 10 years ago pulling faces? well, i blew it up and framed it etc" cause HEART
Not. I saw you a couple of months ago, and VOILA! here we be
No. 426406
File: 1510932197058.jpeg (716.19 KB, 750x1067, AE3B9808-D4A0-42E0-9EE8-DB0D4A…)

No. 426409
File: 1510932403831.jpeg (241.36 KB, 750x1101, 211A782F-BB49-452B-A8B8-CD7326…)

Imagine you’re walking down the street and then see that idiot
No. 426413
File: 1510932456921.jpeg (248.92 KB, 743x831, D1441875-A61E-4DEF-9FF7-9B4ABD…)

HAPPY (FRIE ?) B - DAY!!!!!!!
No. 426417
>>426413She really makes me sick.
(asking for support i purge i kill me)
No. 426418
>>426413"my 22 years are a bit your credit too"
without instagram she'd already be an hero
No. 426436
File: 1510934272809.jpeg (89.85 KB, 750x264, F1B46D5C-ED96-4B57-9433-2DD588…)

Nooo wateroffaduck ruined it ffs
No. 426475
File: 1510939183306.jpg (79.55 KB, 925x569, halp.JPG)

No. 426505
>>426475Literally all I want in life at this point is for her to learn how to disable comments for individual posts so she can stop instructing people to go back
back emoji and comment on the last post instead.
She has also singlehandedly reduced my opinion of Milan, shit like
>>426409 destroys the mystique about Milanese people being chic and glam
No. 426506
>>426409why is she blowing at that candle?
makes no sense.
I would not buy this and light it on the streets only for a photo on instagram, because they are really expensive where I live.
Also left my slightly sarcastic "happy birthday" comment. I hope I don´t get blocked now lol.
No. 426509
File: 1510941333095.jpg (63.84 KB, 345x640, gift.JPG)

>>426505I feel like that about certain cities. I really want to go but don't want to have to see my vision destroyed. You can't even tell yourself the people look crap because they're tourists because she'll be living in some crappy area of Milan where they don't get tourists (unless we do a gofuckme so we get to see our recovery queer but no doubt we all look fabulous).
Have you gifted Aly some motivation today?
No. 426537
File: 1510943482087.jpg (761.19 KB, 1079x1794, Screenshot_20171117-112358.jpg)

Just this for now. I'm expecting maybe some drunk midnight posts.
No. 426542
File: 1510943987211.jpg (11.06 KB, 165x129, 1.JPG)

Oh dear. Looks like no one cares.
No. 426577
>>426537>i ask support as giftlol when dont you
maybe this year you'll learn that comments from strangers online dont help you or make you happy but maybe not
No. 426617
File: 1510950870654.jpg (24.19 KB, 309x163, hmkay.JPG)

There were no hater comments, of course.
No. 426621
File: 1510950961376.jpg (69.94 KB, 354x593, fuck off yrself.JPG)

>>426617Strange how the hater writes just like Aly does.
(Forgot to sage above. Soz).
No. 426636
File: 1510951823157.jpg (16.54 KB, 290x110, hurted.JPG)

No. 426640
File: 1510952156827.png (933.04 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20171117-135337.png)

>>426636she really doesn't get it. Thanking everyone in general, but specifically pointing out the names of "haters" is different.
to answer your question Aly, yes you're shitty.
No. 426641
File: 1510952291964.png (1.85 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20171117-125657.png)

also… she went out with Berto
No. 426642
File: 1510952343436.png (1.55 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20171117-125700.png)

…then suddenly she's home and mom is making her dinner?
No. 426646
File: 1510952648772.jpg (19.67 KB, 281x122, 1.JPG)

Why bother arguing with the bitch
No. 426648
File: 1510952879145.png (2.84 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171117-140608.png)

>>426287Oh ya also, in case anyone was interested what Berto got her.
No. 426666
File: 1510954079506.jpg (936.27 KB, 1079x2233, Screenshot_20171117-142227.jpg)

How many times is she going to copy paste this 80 years life expectancy thing?
No. 426669
File: 1510954211863.png (420.9 KB, 1262x1923, IMG_4708.PNG)

Has this ungrateful bitch thanked ANYONE for Birthday wishes etc. Seriously?
No. 426671
>>426669Is that tart the cake? I bet it's a normal family meal but she's making it seem like a birthday party.
Those dates/years she gives are a bit random. Studying, work, wtf. It's like
10 years being short sighted
3 years since I last visited Wales
Stupid me was adding up the numbers to see if it was some kind of code. 5 years with her boyfriend. Okay.
No. 426679
>>426642um yeah that is a lot of food lol who goes out for dinner and then comes home and eats pasta?
>>426640>>426640obnoxious bitch
and omg "he hurted me" im rollin my eyes so hard
No. 426768
File: 1510963060378.png (2.92 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171117-165331.png)

>>426757Yep. She's trying to initiate a Q&A at midnight.
No. 426775
File: 1510963342340.jpg (377.05 KB, 1304x1080, Screenshot_20171117-165538.jpg)

>>426666She also edited this post to include the Q&A
No. 426805
>>426768So she'd be thanking someone by answering their questions about here.
Lol, no one appears to have any questions.
No. 426810
>>426768this post should be used in class when they talk about narcissism or something
>22 y/o >offically 22>colour coded links to posts about her birthday>#birthday>up to midnight on her birthday asking people to ask questions about her birthday to thank them for wishing her happy birthdayaahhh
No. 426831
>>426671>3 years since I last visited Walesfor some reason this killed me, thanks anon for a needed laugh on a shitty day lol
but yes every time she reposts this numbers nonsense i read it again and try to figure out what point she's making, and every time it continues to be a random collection of things that don't make sense together or add up. i feel like she ripped the idea from another blogger and in the original blogger's post the things DID make sense/add up, but she missed the point like always and just threw down random numbers.
and the "maybe less bc i smoke" thing is always weird too, like if the point (?????) is supposed to be "yay value life, we still have many more years and 2 years of sickness isn't much!" you'd think she might want to address that idk
No. 427086
>>426641This pic looks downloaded from internet.
I don't really remember any of her photo being so nice, it's in portrait mode, I mean - also feel like one of those fancy pics you'd find on facebook's page of aperitif places.
No. 427088
File: 1511009716372.jpeg (703.58 KB, 731x1107, 14CFB45A-9334-4A2A-A7E1-05A030…)

>>427084No because it didn’t happen.
And the fuckery continues today (pic) she had the post up for 2 hours and got 60 likes n zero comments. Time for a repost!
No. 427089
>>427088She’s so desperate for attention she’s even willing to settle with hater yells. Wow.
Love yourself, Aly.
No. 427099
File: 1511013378579.jpeg (198.36 KB, 749x1009, 72562568-2AE7-40D4-9D36-47A273…)

These are the comments (plus the usual asslicking)
No. 427100
>>427096It's like she hasn't gone past the mental age of a toddler. I remember being that unaware when I was 4, thinking of a particular thing that happened (and my parents told me off for it) when a friend was taking a nap in the afternoon and I really wanted to play with them. Thinking back on it, I was an entitled little shit, but I'm glad my mother explained to me that people aren't there to please me and entertain me and they have their own needs and might even just not want to deal with me, and that's life.
That is to say: what the hell did her parents do with her? How can you get all the way to 20 years of age and not understand that if you yearn for interaction with other people, you first have to be someone people would want to talk to? If she was a man, I'm pretty sure she'd be an incel, always worrying about his wrist size.
No. 427101
File: 1511013426328.jpeg (692.56 KB, 750x1095, 3223608B-6439-43D9-A85F-E61EDF…)

GOD FUCKING DAMMIT ALY just shut up and go away you idiot sandwich
No. 427188
File: 1511025416774.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x2645, Screenshot_20171118-101427.jpg)

Is she going to repost every picture?
Also, have you noticed she doesn't geo tag Amsterdam Chips? Why is that?
No. 427193
>>427188>again repost!what's she talking about? no one hurt her and pretty much everyone in her precious #edcommunity knows that eds are more than your weight. bitch cant face is that shes physically recovered she keeps having to remind us that shes still a spoop in her heart
so much breakdown today
No. 427211
File: 1511027694755.jpg (24.42 KB, 308x173, threat to leave o no.JPG)

She's dealing with weight gain fine if she has no problems stripping down to a bikini at any opportunity. It's the lack of attention she can't handle.
No. 427224
File: 1511028809006.png (5.43 KB, 259x136, 716.png)

>>424792Haven't done this for a couple of days. Last post was 47,788, now 47,716.
No. 427232
File: 1511029765374.png (25.68 KB, 297x401, 1.png)

No. 427243
I love you
No. 427257
>>427247Ikr. Aly's the one who fakes it, or pretends to fake it?? This time of year's shit for depression. Hang in there, it'll lift.
She posted another pic and doesn't say anything about the hater. Probably hasn't read being so busy writing about herself.
No. 427279
File: 1511033923615.png (56.65 KB, 892x371, yawns.png)

>>427269Nope. Only this comment followed it
>foodrecover2Pretty!?This was her last post where she says she'll probably fuck off of instagram soon because she's 22 and all recovered.
No. 427308
File: 1511036416916.gif (914.91 KB, 500x200, cheers.gif)

>>427232recoverychicken is a hero
No. 427377
>>425733Fuck, 5 of those are me to a T.
But yeah, she sounds histrionic more than anything. I mean, afaik personality disorders are just general markers of behaviour not something set in stone, but even just the word "histrionic" describes her behaviour to a T.
No. 427414
File: 1511044470409.jpg (828.75 KB, 1080x2250, Screenshot_20171118-153302.jpg)

She seems upbeat now dispite the yells and lack of support today.
No. 427440
>>427414That'll be because she's been doing things. She's been seeing people and being given attention elsewhere. If she hadn't she would've done a blackpost after the 2nd repost.
When she's alone she'll crash, so tomorrow she'll be back to normal.
>>427350Tragedy that she hasn't seen it. Tragedy.
>>427379They usually take your height at ED clinics so they can work out your BMI. If she didn't ask it'll more than likely on paperwork.
No. 427538
File: 1511057749938.png (2.59 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171118-191420.png)

(1 of 2)
No. 427539
File: 1511057809510.png (1.53 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171118-191424.png)

(2 of 2)
Isn't this pie? Not cake
No. 427543
>>427539yea they had it yesterday
what's she gonna do now its almost the end of bday week
No. 427804
File: 1511113019812.jpg (649.13 KB, 1304x1304, Screenshot_20171119-103525.jpg)

>one proper update a day
Proceeds to post 2 more times.
No. 427807
File: 1511113231317.png (2.95 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171119-103747.png)

This honestly looks fun. I would like spending time with my big family in the country side eating pasta and pizza.
No. 427810
File: 1511113664731.jpg (939.57 KB, 1421x2270, Screenshot_20171119-104534.jpg)

Me again.
I hate that she acts like she doesn't know what's normal. I don't believe her.
No. 427840
File: 1511117540174.gif (437.83 KB, 472x758, muh bmi.gif)

>muh 16.6 BMI (!)
No. 427863
File: 1511121012100.png (1.23 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171119-124903.png)

Black stories now
No. 427898
File: 1511125521043.jpg (670.9 KB, 1375x1554, Screenshot_20171119-140332.jpg)

Wtf is she talking about? She posted 4x today not including stories.
No. 427928
File: 1511129828234.jpeg (277.1 KB, 750x1334, 893506B4-0224-4860-A9C6-C9CC5E…)

How many of these will Aly get before even SOME of it begins to set in…
No. 427950
>>427898What is it with Anas and only eating junk food when trying to "recover" exactly?
Isn't that just asking to fall back into old habits? What minder or whoever watches her would allow her to keep eating this crap?
I also question how no one in her immediate family has found any of these threads yet and revoked her internet access
It's hilarious in a sad sense that an Ana recoverer is so attention starved.
No. 427997
>>427928kek is that the girl who accidentally wrote her real email on here
>>427950at first it might just be to make up for all the junk food they didnt eat when resrictung, like their body naturally craves sugary stuff. but idgi aly's been "recovering" for so long now how does her body not crave a fresh fucking salad!!?
No. 428024
>>427928HAHAHA, which one of you started that account.
Idk about her eating crap food because I don't like junk food (as a normal person). Idk if it can be equated, but when I stopped eating meat and fish aeons ago I never craved it, even though chicken and fish had been a favourite.
>>427810I don't believe her because she's surrounded by people who eat normal meals and snacks. Of course she knows what normal is. I'd say she eats more crap than most people but then again I don't think she does eat all the chocolate she posts and probably bins half her chips or whatever she's eating. She's dragging on her recovery thing too long. On her 50th birthday she's still going to be saying OMG DID I BINGE???
No. 428069
>>427898I think she's trying to say it's the only picture she "took" today as all the rest are throwbacks/old pics.
I'm guessing she's either rapid gaining so is avoiding pics, or she's actively losing and waiting until it shows. Either way, it's odd she's not posing as usual.
No. 428397
>>428392>>428393And she had to post this in her stories instead of just replying because ??? jeez Aly
>I don't wanna take different pictures every day>not get obsessedPosing the same way for almost a year now is exactly that lol
No. 428402
>>428397She's been posting the morning cookies in the exact same way for 2.5-3 years now. Since the beginning of that account.
I thought working had cured her social anxiety. It's back now she needs a reason to delete a pic because of lack of comments.
No. 428445
>>428392What is this fucking obsession with being a model or not being a model. You get more obsessed by the HOUR you deranged loon. Like WTF does that have to do with Jennie's post??? This bitch is insane.
Off topic AF(!) but she reminds of that girl Charlie who was on Big Brother UK about 10 years ago, and she was being interviewed after leaving.. After answering a question she started doing bizarre shit like saying "and back to you Dermot" It was the cringiest thing ever. Like "christ I can't look" tv.
Aly has the same narcissistic "I'm a movie star/model/actress/presenter" mindset. Get over yourself Aly! You were 'somewhat' known in a very small sector of the ED community on Instagram for a very short amount of time. The ED community itself is nothing/irrelevant to your average Joe.
No. 428451
….and here she goes again FFS
>>GLOBAL ANSWERDear Aly. No you are NOT a model(!)
Soz for shitty screenshot. I suck on this laptop at grabbing the whole thing.
But here is the rest .txt
aly_sjourney GLOBAL ANSWER - I'm not a model, not even a role model. I still want to improve and SO I ask you advices. But I can't stop BEING HONEST ?? #throwback and good start into the week my #edfighters ? Which are your plans (?)?
I could read your comments about yesterday's 'changes' (basically one long comment where many of you agreed and I pointed out everything in stories for everybody ?) and even if things are rough I'm trying to put the pieces together:
1️ No excuses for the posting deleting: I want to fight social anxiety, abandonment syndrome and self-shame and I hope with your help ?? I want to improve and stop guilt trapping.
2️ How to do it?
I know that ppl scroll fast on IG and 'tb' are not interesting ? But I don't wanna become more obsessed with taking different pics everyday.
- OCDs are hard to be defeated ?? plus I've conventions with some specific restaurants: they may be boring but that's why I often eat there ? (money saving ?)
- I'm not a model, I've a life and I don't walk around with a personal photographer ? so how to communicate with you when I don't take pictures? I use throwbacks. And I wish you to understand ?
- Last but not least, on days like today when I HATE what I see ?? have much stuff to do and Idk if I'll be able having even a meal in between ? What should I do? Not writing at all? I don't want to lose your precious support because of 'images.' ?
• It's OK to post less ??
• It's USELESS to fake being always happy.
• It's PERFECT to post one/two updates only and leave space to discussion ?
And I hope these little steps will be enough for now.
?? Meanwhile: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE/READ MORE (?)?? Interests? Life-plans? #prorecovery tips about past experiences? Or again #bodypositivity ?
I really want this profile to be a 'escape place' and I'll give my best to improve it.
I wish you a fabulous Monday and thanks to everybody who is still reading
No. 428454
File: 1511186873744.jpg (73.42 KB, 480x623, IMG_20171120_080636_448.JPG)

Hahaha THE POST OF THE DAY it's the fourth.
No. 428457
>>428392But she does take photos every day to communicate ? Everyday she takes new photos. Is she lacking in that much self awareness?
Also the Jennie Newman thing was hilarious. Funniest thing to happen in an Aly thread until her fan page replies.
No. 428480
>>428459She recovered from her brief stint in BMI-16 land rather quickly.
>>428392>>428393>>428451She is so incredibly dense, oblivious, and lacking of self-awareness jfc.
Jennie D. Newman was saying the complete opposite of "you should take MORE pictures!" you stupid fucking cow.
>>how to communicate with you when I don't take pictures?Umm, how about commenting under other people's pictures for a change? Use DM? Twitter? Jfc I can't with her.
top kek at her thinking about having a photographer follow her around. The narcissism and entitlement is strong with this one. Also, wasn't that Ma Casati's job?
No. 428484
File: 1511191679883.jpg (41.61 KB, 230x229, Screenshot_20171120-102127.jpg)

A face of a model, BMI 16.6, hollowed face. No one knows where her eyeliner ends.
No. 428523
>>428483I thought that maybe she meant 'connections'?
Maybe it's literally just a 'eat here 10 times and then you get a free appetizer' or something deal, but to Aly it means that she's some real celebrity and it's an exclusive thing or something, idk.
No. 428596
>>428480it's so annoying when she willfully "misunderstands" shit like this.
>blah blah i'm not a model i don't have a photographer to follow me around so what should i do??take selfies like a normal fuc*ing person? take pictures of shit other than yourself? she takes tons of more candid pics and vids for her stories, why the fuck not just use those?
oh right it's bc she actually does think of herself as a model/celeb and therefore will only post the cringey "shoots" she thinks are so fab
No. 428602
>>428596Yeah, the ones in stories are crap quality for some reason and won't have them on her usual page. Same way she does the 1 food, 1 me, 1 food, 1 me layout it has to all look nice (to her).
I'd much rather see her hamster, some scenery, something she's seen in a shop, a shot of something she's reading, ANYTHING except her fucking stupid cheesy poses with food in her hand.
I've notices with sly comments she puts down other recovery accounts and she definitely feels hers is superior although … why?
It wouldn't be as bad if she had decent clothes and it was more like her lookbook than instagram. Idek what she thinks instagram is. It's supposed to be like a telegram (kinda) - a shot like a postcard with a few words and she wants hers to be like a forum or a sodding chat room.
I almost want instagram to fade away like myspace did and (I think) fb is going the same way, just to see what she'd do. The last remaining person on instagram. Saying that, although I don't use my account there, I like browsing subjects I like on instagram. The only recovery ones I look at at the ones who do really nice food because I can't cook and hope I get some ideas or a rocket up my ass to learn.
Is she wearing Berto's ring? Haven't seen her wear it yet. If someone's partner bought them jewellery you'd at least do a picture where you're wearing it (even if you don't like it). I bet she shoved it in the back of a drawer she's that kind of ungrateful bitch.
No. 428604
File: 1511206977977.jpg (22.94 KB, 272x146, fuck me.JPG)

While I'm here, why they hell do these people bother with her?
No. 428616
File: 1511208404116.png (11.06 KB, 199x111, IMG_3764.PNG)

>>428602yeah she's wearing it but take it in that he gets her a pandora ring and aly literally never talks about him, never talks about doing nice thigs for him or how great he is or all his good qualities. she feeds off his attention and loves that he loves her. thats why she's like "my boy got me a ring (!)" not "my boy is so thoughtful and caring, im so happy to have him in my life"
No. 428617
>>428616Hmm, it
is quite overshadowed by the waffle, innit.
No. 428637
File: 1511209574083.png (63.3 KB, 750x205, IMG_3765.PNG)

HAHAHA is that why you block everyone who is even slightly neutral
No. 428685
File: 1511213565417.jpeg (574.88 KB, 740x1095, A3798EF6-6687-46F9-91F3-32369B…)

Must be a shitty club
No. 428696
>>428685"cajoled" lol nice google translate
and wtf does this mean? a club for HPD awareness and they need her photo for an ad brochure
No. 428697
File: 1511214666568.jpeg (38.03 KB, 750x171, A80192DF-EA1A-439A-B079-18CCCF…)

Good question
No. 428725
File: 1511216702380.png (2.45 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171120-151551.png)

Just posting these because they hasn't been posted yet.
No. 428727
File: 1511216745443.png (2.61 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171120-151556.png)

No. 428919
>>428907probably, knowing how aly blows things out of proportion
its like the eatmeandgo people saying she should design milkshakes and shes like omg i got an interview
also i love her faux worry over being a model (in her mind anyway) like as if she has any ethics, every time she spouts off about being a feminist she always has to include how everyone thinks shes beautiful
No. 429074
File: 1511245342727.jpg (627.37 KB, 1200x1518, Screenshot_20171120-232100.jpg)

is mint chocolate an unusual flavor in Italy?
No. 429183
>>429077Is that milk chocolate?
>>429074 I can't tell. There're mint fondant chocolates in the UK (Fry's Peppermint Cream, After Eights (above) and some others but it's usually with dark chocolate. (Personally thing it's too sickly).
She's had 14 comments about her being a "model". She's going to keep on about this now she's got attention for it.
No. 429210
File: 1511267141000.png (501.75 KB, 1064x514, model.png)

Still not a healthy weight.
No. 429235
File: 1511270255688.jpeg (741.62 KB, 750x1095, 53331C82-95DD-4BED-A8A3-3DA22E…)

Someone is desperate for comments (and YES aly, you DO look fucking healthy and not underweight anymore!)
No. 429237
her english is pretty simple, "poster girl" means she’s just gonna work as a model for advertising. it’s just a couple of pictures, not working in the actual club.
it’s pretty obvious she made that up and had the idea yesterday when she said “i’m not a model, not even a role model”. she desperately wanted someone to reply “but you should be one! you’re gorgeous and inspiring! you’re a model AND a role model!”
it failed, so she made up this job offer story
>>429074not. (!)
I wouldn't say it's popular, but you can find it pretty much everywhere
No. 429246
>>429183it's dark chocolate with a sickly sweet minty sugar filling
>>429235Such recovery, body checking by instagram comments.
No, Aly. You are obviously hollowed. Just look at that black hole inside of you.
No. 429248
File: 1511272108635.jpeg (103.47 KB, 750x225, 459821E6-6099-42CA-A83C-173C30…)

Is apple a farmer or
No. 429283
File: 1511278465677.png (1.54 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5303.PNG)

No. 429294
>>429283>should gou out partying soonIt's fucking Tuesday.
She's probably going out to eat again
>>429262She's probably aware that being "healthy" won't get her as much attention and acting offended still makes her seem "sick"
No. 429297
File: 1511279943512.jpg (898.24 KB, 1080x2229, Screenshot_20171121-085615.jpg)

No. 429301
>>429283That's the first time I notice that she lines one third of her waterline.
Aly, why.
No. 429323
>>429283who does she make smile……? She does nothing for anyone. her boy gives her a ring, takes her out, wants her to stay w him and not pay rent, not once has she even fucking complimented him. Why is he with her??? I wanna slap some sense into berto omg poor guy wtf
>>429297oh my god she's been recovering for so long "you look healthy" should start to be a compliment by now…. whatever happened to her going to therapy? She's so deluded.
1) you're not recovering from anything, you're just eating and transferred from having anorexia to having an obsession w being anorexic
2) you're not anorexic anymore you're physically healthy looking omg. i dont even think she has an ED anymore, it's all based around her histrionic traits and needing to be sick to get attention. she clearly doesnt even have body dysmorphia nor does she hate her body, no one who posts bikini pics is as insecure as aly claims to be
3) you're not fucking depressed lol. even a psychiatrist wouldnt give her ssris and they give that shit out like candy
No. 429345
File: 1511286366703.png (3.03 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171121-104236.png)

I hate that she's so dramatic that she "survived" everything. Can't she just have an ok time? Why is it always a struggle? Why is she so useless?
No. 429350
>>429345So she went for a drink with Berto and that was a party?
No you can't update us, Aly. You promised you wouldn't you failure.
No. 429382
File: 1511289816341.jpg (332.18 KB, 955x1660, IMG_3784.JPG)

1) why does she make it seem like 1 snack skipped and she risks spiralling down into severe anorexia w a bmi of 11
2) there obviously is "too much" in recovery what the fuck? it's about BALANCE. why does she try and delude herself like this? keep eating your fries and milkshakes then
No. 429414
File: 1511292776147.png (176.8 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5305.PNG)

No. 429424
File: 1511293511082.png (1.31 MB, 750x1334, 0D0F918C-8FBB-499C-BBAC-8C450F…)

Wow. Much has changed eh Aly?! Yeah… no.
No. 429425
>>429414There's the rope…
Those damn guilt traps.
No. 429446
>>429414what kind of projection…..
omg people tell her she guilt trips everyone constantly, is she legit this stupid?
Take it in that you can actually tell this girl "you should try and express gratitude" and you'll successfully make her threaten suicide.
No. 429450
>>429446-Get your priorities in order, Aly. Maybe things aren't so bad,
No. 429478
File: 1511296992621.png (1.38 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5306.PNG)

That fucking skirt I want to kill me
No. 429479
File: 1511297010888.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-11-21-13-38-13…)

I kill me.
No. 429547
>>429478ffs Aly, it's time to let go of that skirt.
It's a skirt, not a wrestling belt.
No. 429577
File: 1511303860793.gif (1.99 MB, 280x302, confus.gif)

>>429414>>429424>I kill meAm I the only one who's really bugged with this? It's like the 6-7th time she says "I kill me". Given her age and how much time she spends on the internet she should know very well that it's "I'm going to kill myself". It's like, basic English. Entry level shit you can read everywhere (especially ED-related accounts and stuff). She can form more articulated sentences, knows what "guilt tripping" is and yet she can't say "I'm going to kill myself"?
I kill me, guys.
No. 429671
>>429479That eyeliner, that eyebrows, that skirt with that coat…
I kill me, can't handle this.
No. 429716
>>429424this fucking manipulative bitch. i have fantasies that she wakes up one morning to find every last one of her inactive/bot/paid followers have been removed.
think she's have about 500 actual followers?
No. 429730
>>429479This is so embarrassingly bad.
Most people go through their cringy fashion phase during their teenage years, not in their twenties. Unless she just gets progressively crazier, she's gonna look back on these pictures one day and wonder what the fuck she was thinking styling herself like that.
No. 429764
File: 1511322280742.png (1.59 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20171121-204103.png)

hold on…what happened today? the "guilt trap"? lol is that going to be her new complaint?
No. 429898
File: 1511347604160.png (1.31 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5307.PNG)

Hello darkness, my old friend
No. 429917
>>429577yeah, and she uses more complicated tenses correctly, most non-native people I know (including myself) still have problems with them way past becoming somewhat fluent. It's weird to see her use correct tenses and some "complicated" words and the next sentence there's something bonkers like I kill me or succed lol.
But she wouldn't be so funny without her lingo and I crack up at farmers using it in their posts
No. 429937
>>429730it seems pretty clear that she dresses to show off her body no matter what size she is. i think her current terrible style is her attempt to show off the parts she feels the best about (her legs and ass) while covering up the parts she doesn't like (her stomach and arms). having to add the coat bc it's cold has taken it another step in the wrong direction lol. plus of course she's still clinging to things from her spoopy phase so she can pretend she's still close to that size.
>>429504god damn how did she look SO much better when she was skinny? i'm not ana and i'm not into the skelly look but everything about the old pictures is better. she doesn't look crazy, her styling is decent, her hair looks good, her makeup is fine, that shirt is actually cute, and everything basically fits and goes together. but the current picture she actually LOOKS like a crazy person. this honestly looks like a pro-ana before/after picture with the order switzhed oops
No. 429938
>>429917I think some of her grammar can be credited to Google Translate tbh. It's generally pretty good at verb tenses if your syntax is simple enough, and it also explains the weird formal or archaic words she throws in sometimes (like "annihilate" or "cajole"). It's when she thinks she
doesn't need a translation bot to help that her english gets shitty, such as on her black post captions when it's all a jumble of I KILL ME and arm/harm and other Aly-isms.
No. 429940
File: 1511358147267.png (1.9 MB, 750x1334, 585546B0-7BB2-49E0-9337-48727B…)

No. 429941
File: 1511358166776.png (794.79 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5308.PNG)

Ffs Aly
No. 429957
>>429940Am I dreaming things or did her therapist and her family agree that she was better off leaving her job, according to her account?
It seems to me that ever since she left she'd even worse, trying to replace anorexia with depression to fill her life with something.
I mean, just go to some art class, become decent at something and post that. Or take a sewing class, since she likes fashion, to a degree.
Really, no one is going to take it out of my mind that her problem is that as a person she's completely empty. She needs to get into any activity (work, volunteer job, whatever) and stick with it even if at first she feels anxious and feeble. After a while she will notice that she's a lot more resilient, if she keeps at it.
No. 429980
File: 1511363243961.png (1.61 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5309.PNG)

She's really revelling in the depression atm
No. 429986
File: 1511364246008.png (495.24 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5310.PNG)

She's not wrong lmao
No. 429992
File: 1511364759644.png (248.21 KB, 750x1048, IMG_3803.PNG)

bitch regular people fluctuate a kilogram in 3 hours
"i hate myself my depression is so real i want to purge"
>posts bikini pic, photoshoots, and 7 paragraphs of fake positivity
No. 430007
File: 1511366601510.jpg (494.04 KB, 2048x2048, 1408E70E-2C89-4795-9376-2CFB4F…)

Someone go give her fake positivity and see if you get copy pasta
No. 430008
>>430007Does Aly say she’s struggling, so she can be like “I did it! I worked through it” and her praise for being a strong EX Ana. Or do you really think she struggles like she says? I mean she obviously has issues and she exaggerates her problems.
She just never goes through with her struggles. Her depression is cured with a candy bar and lovely comments stop her from purging. She never actually self arms and she never leaves her IG account even tho she threatens to at least once a week.
No. 430058
>>430048Her interpretations of comments say a lot about what she thinks about herself.
>>430056I'll say it as well ALY IS A SHITTY PERSON. I'm not surprised she's lonely. Berto must have really low standards. REALLY low.
No. 430121
File: 1511376571859.png (37.78 KB, 750x238, IMG_3809.PNG)

why is she so obsessed with this 2.5kg "loss"?
she claimed she was like bmi 18-18.5 (probably closer to the latter) once so at 5'6 that puts her at 114lbs. If she lost 2.5kg her bmi would be no less than 17.5 rn…. "16.6" my ass. Why even bother posting full body sefies if you're just gonna make up such an unbelievable bmi
No. 430125
File: 1511376794467.jpg (681.99 KB, 1222x2019, Screenshot_20171122-115020.jpg)

No. 430135
File: 1511377274568.jpg (795.55 KB, 1080x1902, Screenshot_20171122-115810.jpg)

Speaking of fake positivity. Do you guys think she will go back to that? I think she's convinced herself that she gets more comments if she is fake positive.
Also, she used the word "harm" correctly this time, in the end of this post.
No. 430139
> she used the word "harm" correctly We were talking about her shit English usage earlier and I've always suspected that the ~motivational~ parts are copypasta from a site/someone else or copied out of a book. The English is good and it's really noticeable because the first part, the "personal" part is always really bad grammar or spelling.
Idk, but what I do know is she's weight restored. She's heavier than she was before she went spoop.
No. 430224
File: 1511384057980.jpg (217.89 KB, 556x1654, IMG_3813.JPG)

I can't believe Aly's followers are as naive as Aly
No. 430243
File: 1511385202879.jpg (20.68 KB, 480x475, IMG_20171122_150855_222.jpg)

Guys (!) Aly reached a new level of attention seeking (!)
She Tagged me in her last post.
No. 430267
File: 1511387152003.png (2.65 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171122-144249.png)

No. 430295
>>430243She is either the worlds most elaborate troll who frequents lolcow (if this is true I will eat my underwear) or the farmers are just really good at giving Aly EXACTLY what she wants. ANd she is so excited she finally has REAL support.
I can’t with her. I just can’t. She is so frustrating.
No. 430302
File: 1511392029774.jpg (20.54 KB, 236x299, farmer troll.jpg)

>>430295I think this
>the farmers are just really good at giving Aly EXACTLY what she wantsYou've got to admit they're doing excellent work.
She loves the over the top praise from them. She'll get meh praise from people like Dogs and that German girl, but never the kind from farmers. I'd immediately think someone was taking the piss, but Aly believes it's real. Incredible, innit.
No. 430378
File: 1511400607566.gif (706.2 KB, 500x212, amusd.gif)

>>430224You farmers in the comments… GOLD
No. 430384
File: 1511400998273.png (74.68 KB, 308x402, Screen Shot 2017-11-23 at 01.3…)

Sarah is also doing the Lord's work
No. 430631
File: 1511436841397.jpeg (302.66 KB, 750x1095, 524B2B10-A9A3-4BE1-A59E-48B5E6…)

Good morning girls and guys (!)
No. 430632
File: 1511436925589.jpeg (327.89 KB, 749x1094, 0B7F69C3-43B5-457C-BC60-B728C2…)

I don’t think she knows what S4S means, she just saw it on other profiles and copied it
Also, english is not my first language, but „who‘re“ is not correct, right?!
No. 430633
>>430632I'm native English and use it
They're - they are
Who're - who are
To be fair I'm not 100% certain if it's correct. I wouldn't use it in an official letter for example.
No. 430635
>>430633Same fag and not to go off topic with bullshit. But I wouldn't use what're (what are) you doing either in a proper format. I think of who're in the same way. Lazy speak. I can be a dense fuck though so I'm open to correction.
That said. Aly using it is pretty funny
No. 430640
>>430635Ex English teacher tells me it's grammatically correct.
(soz for 3 posts not about Aly)
No. 430645
>>430640Oh ok, thanks for clearing that up. It looks so wrong in my eyes!
Now back to Aly: she still sucks.
No. 430719
File: 1511455805364.png (3.37 MB, 750x1334, EDB8CB63-C77E-41F2-BCE2-9C9976…)

So beautiful
No. 430723
>>430719WHAT…THE…FUCK ? ? ?
If I'm having a nightmare here, please wake me up.
No. 430739
File: 1511458580386.jpeg (591.71 KB, 750x1233, A30A5443-49E3-4A80-A731-00058F…)

Okay i’m a mom with a strange style so I never make comments like this, but serious, WTF are these pants, do they come in normal hip wearing or is your vag always pulled up to your tits? She really wants to hide whatever pouch she’s getting obviously, but those are a BAD choice.
No. 430743
Please will someone explain wtf she's doing?
>>430739>Recovery for curvesWell you're trying to suck in and hold in your stomach, ALy. Your thighs and hips tell a different story.
Strange style mom, I'm OLD and stuck in my decades old look but have an interest in fashion. At first I thought she was wearing maternity jeans but now Idek what the fuck those things are. Maybe Milan is so fashionable they get those things first. PLEASE MILAN, KEEP THEM. They're so so sos os so disgusting. It's like she's special needs and has problems getting dressed. So unflattering, especially on her shape.
No. 430747
>>430739I have a similar pair of trousers, but people here (neighbour country) wore them like 2 years ago. And Aly pulls them up very high which looks awkward.
It kinda looks like she bought them in the department for pregnant women.
No. 430754
File: 1511459805098.jpg (60.44 KB, 350x1000, collectif_rebel_kate_denim_pan…)

>>430747Yeah, definitely look maternity.
I tried to find a pair like Aly's. These two were the closest. Even though I really dislike high waisted, these two don't look as bad as Aly's. She really does hoist them up too high.
Remember crotch skimmer pants? I had a pair of those and loved them except they dug into your hipbone when you sat down.
No. 430755
File: 1511459873961.jpg (70.06 KB, 408x585, yhst-45547213099599_2269_70438…)

>>430754How do mannequins wear them better? Oh yeah, they're not pulled up to their tits.
No. 430779
File: 1511462980282.png (2.72 MB, 750x1334, 3AA382F0-1116-4919-9986-B3D202…)

She’s so uber happy and positive lately, what’s going on? Does she not want to kill her anymore?
No. 430784
>>430777The only thing she's ever said that I believe is that she starved for attention. You've got to want attention really hard to go to the extent she did. Now she has to try some other way.
>>430779Nah, 2 or 3 days she wants to purge/arm/kill her then 2 or 3 days later she's all woop woop look at me being a #rolemodel #inspiration.
No. 430794
File: 1511464368592.jpeg (718.42 KB, 750x1105, 1C831ED0-4259-4BF9-869B-3452E4…)

Wow so natural <3
No. 430808
File: 1511466429055.jpeg (4.33 KB, 190x266, download.jpeg)

These buttoned down the sides look much smarter
No. 430809
File: 1511466453793.jpg (59.59 KB, 700x700, 9a_3.jpg)

Compared to these trashy cheap ones
No. 430896
File: 1511477001881.jpg (849.47 KB, 1080x2110, Screenshot_20171123-154101.jpg)

they want her to be a guinea pig for electro shock therapy….
No. 430904
File: 1511477735555.jpg (11.85 KB, 301x167, images.jpg)

>>430896She's being MKed, guys!
What the fuck research is that? Isn't her head messed up enough without playing around with electrical impulses? THEY DON'T KNOW WHO THEY'RE DEALING WITH!!! LOOK AT THE PANTS SHE WEARS FFS!!!!
No. 430911
File: 1511478484654.png (2.45 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171123-160634.png)

This is in regards to the electro shock experiment
No. 430922
>>430809The worst thing are the belt loops in the middle of the fucking pants. When I first saw that pair on Aly I thought she was wearing two pairs of pants at once.
They're completely hideous.
>>430896Why can't she fucking articulate herself? It's the same as the ~poster girl~ thing.
Like no Aly, no one in the entire world has ever heard of clinical trials in the history of ever. You are the first and only one, because you are SPECIAL.
No Dr. would just vaguely ask her about something this important, they'd provide links, pamphlets, etc, so the patient can make an informed decision.
No. 430945
>>4308961) Lol what the literal fuck? "I'm strong enough to stand it" um wtf. I hope she does this and gets a weird side effect and blows it out of proportion. "GIRLS I have NAUSEA (!) ? Opinions back post? CANT STOP THROWING UP I KILL ME. Purging ALL DAY!"
2) Those pants she was wearing fit her snug, "one size up" my ass
No. 430974
File: 1511486609867.jpeg (97.87 KB, 640x495, 9A60A651-C603-43C6-A107-AD0816…)

No. 430984
>>430957>Nah, it won't be ECT. They only do that as a last resort and she isn't even on meds…or depressed. (Personal blog) I had to have 12 sessions of ECT in the 90s and it's disgusting. On the upside, it really affects memory around the time it's done so she might forget that she wears such awful clothes.I'd believe what she said if it was one of those brain scan research things where they want to look at the brain workings of an anorexic or whatever. Electrical impulses? You'd think she'd want to find out more before she agreed to something like that. Still, at least they're frying Aly's brain and not some innocent little monkey.
>>430974>I do it for the shops/restaurantsAhahahahahahahahaha. Oh god too funny.
No. 431051
>>430974Doesn't make sense. Any of the insta accounts of 12 Oz, eatme&go, ciocolati…(whatever) and obviously mc Donalds have even ONE of the horrendous Aly's pics.
She's believing that her shitty pics seems professional only because Ma C has a 18mp camera?
No. 431149
>>430937She's so over dramatic I kill me.
Anyone remember earlier this summer when she was being "stalked" for all of two days?
No. 431224
File: 1511536927330.png (238.91 KB, 750x1142, IMG_3835.PNG)

1) she's had second breakfasts like a million times, that's basically brunch. stfu so caught up w labels.
2) she actually doesnt know meals consist of both savory and sweet….?!!
3) lol bmi 16.6 my ass. "one size up jeans" yeah bc you gained weight and are now one size up lol those jeans fit her fine
No. 431259
File: 1511540376734.png (257.95 KB, 596x586, IMG_1846.PNG)

>>431224Aly's posts always remind me of the student athlete meme. She's just so fucking weird, why does she think talking like this is normal?
No. 431292
File: 1511546841995.jpg (1.31 MB, 1080x2956, Screenshot_20171124-110426.jpg)

She's saying this picture was "sneaked"
She's going back to her fake positivity ways, like when she was spoop
No. 431293
File: 1511546915992.png (1.12 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-11-24-11-07-17…)

>>431269Also her "brunch" is at McDonald's…
No. 431294
File: 1511546960281.jpeg (406.33 KB, 1256x1879, image.jpeg)

>>431292The McMuffin she picked apart
No. 431298
> Her brunch is at McDonald´sThat´s sad…aren´t the places where you can have brunch a little bit fancier?
Like in a "normal" restaurant and with a buffet with different kinds of foods and drinks..?
No. 431313
File: 1511550343478.jpg (47.4 KB, 548x516, babyshitz.JPG)

>I always thought brunch was like shit its too late for breakfast too early for lunch ill have a big breakfast type meal?Yeah, that's what I thought.
This muffin though. Ew.
I really need to know how Aly doesn't feel like a twat when she poses for these.
So no mention of the poster girl job or the electric shock mind experiments?
No. 431447
>>431294HOLY FUCKIN WOW ALY, brunch at mcfucks! how fucking DELICIOUS! enjoy feeling fucking gross for the rest of the day!
No. 431500
>>431447ikr honestly how the fuck does she eat so much mcdonalds
one large fries and i literally get so nauseous
she must be so used it it it's disgusting
No. 431531
>>431500god i know! the only thing i can stomach at mcds is the fries (and the occasional mcgriddle if im feeling unhealthy)
everything on their damn menu is so processed and disgusting i can't even imagine eating it every day, no wonder she feels like shit! like, look on the cheese on that muffin. can you imagine seeing that and wanting to put it in your mouth
No. 431634
File: 1511602134573.jpeg (112.68 KB, 640x967, A460C839-2D04-4877-B26F-ABB8F3…)

Her last post got 91 likes in 13 hours lmao
She will legit kill herself one day over IG likes/comments
No. 431662
File: 1511615579947.gif (724.74 KB, 320x240, pathetic-o.gif)

>>431634Could she be any more transparent??
Jesus H!
>> nobody commented>> so she (pretends) to have purged>> PLEASE(!) COMMENT CAUSE I PURGED (!)>> deleting everything(!) you evil people(!) don't you see how i SUFFER AF(!)>> it's all your faultWhere is pa Casati to slap her sensless
No. 431663
File: 1511615612961.png (302.28 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-11-25-06-11-41…)

Poor aly has a stomach ache. She may lose 0.004 of a kilo…
No. 431664
File: 1511615686810.png (1.29 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-11-25-06-12-01…)

Picture that goes with text.
No. 431665
>>431663She's probably got period cramps, but won't ever admit it. Like ffs woman. Do what any sane person does and take some paracetemol or shove a heating pad on your stomach and shut the fuck up.
Not to keep harping on about personality disorders either cause I'm no shrink. But the post above about purging is some borderline as fuck bullshit.
She needs an intervention STAT
No. 431668
File: 1511616376299.png (1.78 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-11-25-06-24-38…)

Of course he did!
No. 431669
>>431668Thanks for posting these stories cause I can't see them.
Aly, EVERYONE is sick to death of this bullshit. How many times has she threaten to "an hero" in the last week alone?
and hat cleavage shot is deeply disturbing for some reason…
No. 431694
File: 1511621415949.png (145.34 KB, 502x223, Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 14.4…)

Nobody CARES if you eat this shit or not(!)
Everytime she types "sth" I hear a person with a speech impediment
Like when Simon Cowell says someTHINK instead of some THING.
Fuck off
I hope she chokes on her own (fake) vomit
No. 431725
File: 1511627546829.png (1.32 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5368.PNG)

Does she go to McDonald's every day now?
No. 431743
File: 1511630351587.png (2.26 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171125-101711.png)

>heart 4 Aly
No. 431745
File: 1511630510202.jpg (927.13 KB, 1080x2346, Screenshot_20171125-101955.jpg)

Her stomach ache is psychological because her boy cancelled plans.
No. 431754
File: 1511632593169.png (151.99 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5370.PNG)

God damn, those invisible haters called her fat again.
No. 431758
File: 1511632949518.jpeg (278.21 KB, 750x1139, 084B85D8-2FD6-47A6-9DE2-290087…)

Seriously though
No. 431762
>>431758Dear Aly, you FAT FUCK!
Imagine the meltdown she would have from being given exactly what she is asking for!
No. 431763
File: 1511633140367.png (976.12 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5371.PNG)

No. 431764
>>431763I'm about to blow my sockpuppet cover!!!
Can't hold back!
No. 431777
> we all do deserve taking care of ourselvessure. when I´m sick McDonald´s food is the first I can think of.
why not eat soup or a banana? I guess she would consider that as disordered
No. 431845
>>431807Nice email address too. Way to put your info on an anonymous hateboard.
It’s Jennie Newman all over again.
No. 431935
File: 1511651335133.jpg (419.39 KB, 2896x2896, 20171125_160747.jpg)

No. 431982
>>431665she's not bpd omg she has like, one of the criteria. if anything she has a lot more hpd traits. it's annoying af seeing people claim she has bpd just because she acts "crazy" and some other cows have bpd. her emotions are extremely superficial, she doesn't actually self harm or actually want to attempt suicide, there's nothing bpd about her…
>>431935i literally just noticed this omfg her mother legit probably stood there for 30 mins taking 100 pics while her daughter posed in a bikini
No. 432151
File: 1511696051714.png (949.18 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5387.PNG)

No. 432183
File: 1511703842623.png (348.19 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-11-26-06-42-59…)

Aly's word salad for the morning.
No. 432205
>>432151It's those same ugly ass jeans
>>432183"one of them told me you got fat" shut the fuck up omg they probably just said "you're looking better". if they really said "fat" she'd threaten suicide
No. 432211
>>432183>2/3kg far from the healthy rangeI read this as two thirds of a kg. I thought Aly was being all OCDs.
She's told the story of a relative saying she'd got fat before. I think it was at some family do with the side she can't stand af.
Aww, she's sulking because Berto rn went out with his friend and didn't take her out and pay.
No. 432236
File: 1511716774685.png (2.26 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171126-101709.png)

>>432151Before that one. She did post her thigh gap for no reason
No. 432280
File: 1511723355697.png (1.69 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171126-130629.png)

Image 1/4
No. 432284
File: 1511723450613.png (Spoiler Image,1.28 MB, 1080x1479, 20171126_130717.png)

Image 2/4
No. 432285
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Image 3/4
No. 432286
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Image 4/4
No. 432326
File: 1511727697872.jpg (9.32 KB, 187x269, poor aly.jpg)

>>432284Thanks for spoilering that pic, anon. Those pants deserve spoilering.
>>432285She's not severally underweight.
>>432312I think so too. Even with the captions the way she repeats the same things over and over. Even the way she lists these things about herself is weird, especially "I'm 22". So? That tagline about if she can help one girl she's doing well with her account. Over and over. I'd say she's fucked with more heads with her account than done good. I'd kill for her password.
No. 432348
File: 1511730696902.jpg (303 KB, 1418x798, Screenshot_20171126-140833.jpg)

>>432285Repost because no comments.
No. 432349
File: 1511730857778.png (2.11 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171126-141258.png)

No. 432353
File: 1511731092459.gif (1.93 MB, 440x247, aly.gif)

>>432348Does she delete because we're not worthy?
No. 432362
>>432285She legit acts like she's had an ED her entire life. she's had one for like 2-3 years, tbh this last year i dont even think she has an ED anymore, everything just revolves around her histrionic tendencies. people have had an ED for decades, she is so dramatic
>>432349she feels too dumb and worthless to keep a post up but doesnt feel dumb and worthless enough to not announce feeling dumb and worthless to the internet… right ok. Attention seeking bitch, how the fuck do people still follow her and give her praise when she does this?
No. 432367
>>432362>she's had one for like 2-3 yearsThat gets at me as well. Three years is nothing. Now she's physically healthy enough to get on with a normal 22 year olds life and there're people who never get to grips with recovery and don't have a chance to get back to a relatively normal life. (Not saying she's normal though). Still she bangs on about being an nth of a kg underweight and quits a job.
Has she even even bothered to get to know someone else who has/had an ED? She writes as though she's really special yet most of the followers are going through it even worse.
Absolutely no psychologist, but wanting attention really is the root of her problem. I can believe she starved for attention, and to me that's not a legit eating disorder.
No. 432383
File: 1511734620774.jpg (566.83 KB, 2896x2896, 20171126_150822.jpg)

she's wearing those tights under her pants.
No. 432388
File: 1511735529946.jpg (16.03 KB, 209x216, Capture.JPG)

>>432383I think those are her long socks which is even more bizarre.
The way she holds this cake though and gazes off into the distance. I kill me.
No. 432403
Within the last hour she's accepted new followers. She was down to 47, 515 and now she's 586 (and I got another sock puppet through woohoo!)
>>432400I'm feeling destroyed rn. I can't be a #rolemodel farmer anymore, I'm sorry. I failed. I'm going to harm me and kill me. But as I was saying UPDATE X Make a big smile and stay positive. Keep pushing yourself, you can do it, blah blah.
You mean like that? Ha.
No. 432438
File: 1511742150745.png (211.07 KB, 750x972, IMG_3877.PNG)

Omg she knows she's not fat nor is she getting chubby, she has a bunch of people following her, you'd think she'd be a bit more sensitive with her word choice. She's objectively underweight why can't she just say something like "I'm feeling uncomfortable in my body" nope she has to be like "Im getting chubby and turning into a binge eater". A binge eater omg… For an EX anorexic, she doesnt seem to know much about eating disorders
No. 432440
>>432280"back on this profile" as if she ever left
tbh in ways i don't think she ever really had an eating disorder so much as she had/has hpd and realized an ed was a really really good way to get attention
No. 432444
>>432438Yeah, I had an issue with that when she posts a regular portion meal and says she binged. Anyone not as far as her in recovery's going to believe what she says and think normal portions are a binge. She needs her fingers chopped off.
>>432440That's what I was alluding to here
>>432367 in the last sentence. Now she's trying to put forward bulimic tendencies and still tells everyone she's so frail and underweight so they'll worry and give her attention. I don't think she has a problem with food.
No. 432457
>>432444eh i think eds can definitely form from a need for attention (sorry to blogpost but mine certainly did - i didn't realize i was seeking attention from my parents until i explored it in treatment though and i am relatively sure i dont have hpd lol so the situation is obv different) and doesnt mean that they are entirely invalid.
and the fact that she did manage to lose a significant amount of weight makes me think that she has ed tendencies, you can't just do that bc you feel like it, otherwise pro anas wouldnt be so salty all the time
but the fact that she has ALWAYS been on ig, always been trying to get attention, always ignored everyone's advice…and obviously all she's doing now. it really makes me question how genuine her struggles ever were. it's just more obvious now.
No. 432484
>>432457eating disorders and disordered eating can definitely co exist (and regularly do) with cluster b personality disorders (like hpd, she obviously has tendencies). her core issue obviously isnt her ed, she'll continue transferring from obsession to obsession in order to get attention whether it be an ed or made up alcohol abuse or whatever. it really doesnt seem like an ed is her problem rn, and while she may have had one for a short period of time it wasnt her real issue. that's why she can't "recover" for the life of her, bc she's targetting something that's irrelevant
just look at her outfits, her makeup, the way she writes and how she makes up "feeing suicidal" and is "depressed" but then is fine 2 hours later. she craves to be noticed and her emotions are extremely superficial (so it's 100% not bpd). she doesn't seem to ever feel truly bad, but has no problem making up "cuts on her harm" because she was "suicidal af"then posting bikini pics with no self harm 7 hours later
No. 432540
File: 1511757047364.jpg (74.73 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>432539(just adding this from a page about Bobby Sands who was on hunger strike for 66 days. Not that I'm proving a point but I do think Aly's so driven by attention she could starve to get it).
No. 432595
>>432484She did have a 'real' eating disorder - the way she obsessively arranged her food, became extremely emaciated, and relapsed all show that. But people with EDs almost always have major issues that contributed to developing them as a coping skill, so in recovery, instead of everything being fine again, the original problems tend to resurface alongside newly awakened emotions.
In Aly's case I'm sure her need for attention and possible PD tendencies contributed to her developing an ED. Those things are just coming back out now.
No. 432657
File: 1511780332939.png (1.42 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5408.PNG)

sure jan
No. 432658
File: 1511780397021.png (3.3 MB, 750x1334, 6A5E3EE0-97F3-4E60-A707-7C86B7…)

Here’s some news from Aly
No. 432659
File: 1511780501726.jpeg (730.94 KB, 750x1105, 40D27540-6079-49A3-8ECB-6D029D…)

No. 432660
>>432658 >>432657
What have I missed?
Can someone make a recap?
No. 432662
File: 1511780547454.jpeg (572.06 KB, 750x1108, B225D20F-E6BE-4742-AE5B-9F33D2…)

No. 432663
File: 1511780579758.jpeg (129.31 KB, 750x345, 3601806C-61C0-4D13-95AE-B95EED…)

No. 432689
>>432662>>432658Exactly what is she afraid of?
She's not sharing any tips, unless it via DMs, even so, no one would really care.
I tried to find the article but without luck. Maybe some Italian anon will do better. Or she's lying. Again.
No. 432695
File: 1511787273902.png (177.3 KB, 748x969, IMG_1900.PNG)

>>432689There's loads of articles about it online in Italian. I just searched "ivrea anoressia" and they came up right away
Disturbing how she's kinda empathizing with someone who seems very fucked up
No. 432705
File: 1511790795126.jpeg (263.22 KB, 750x1102, 4C3F673C-F00A-4777-B634-717CA6…)

Looking stupid as usual
No. 432706
File: 1511790812984.jpeg (537.54 KB, 750x1081, A488C505-B01D-4577-9D8B-9B24A9…)

No. 432708
>>432706Oh God, it's gone from 'family member mentioned my weight in a positive way' to 'family member called me a fatty.'
Next it will be that they smashed her face in a cake and called her obese.
No. 432724
>>432595yeah that's exactly what i said, I didnt say her ED wasnt real, and from what I recall she was diagnosed with orthorexia early on? she [may have] had anorexia for a short period of time, but it wasn't her "real issue", by real issue I mean the underlying problem that
triggered it. as in, she can try and recover from her ed all she wanted but that won't help her feel any better. if she targeted her underlying problem, she'll have had a chance to recover from both her ED, and all her other problems. but now she's probably wouldnt be diagnosed with an ED, and yet she's still messed up
>>432662wait is she disgusted at what the girl did, or is she disgusted at how this girl was "denounced"?
>>432706omfg i can't wait for the surge of hateful comments
No. 432736
File: 1511797551428.jpeg (269.12 KB, 750x1101, A74A3593-5B64-414C-A396-44F53A…)

You. Fucking. Bitch.
No. 432740
File: 1511797924141.jpeg (717.62 KB, 750x1115, 2FF1E41C-7ACC-4B10-B35E-EDF8F9…)

Different version
No. 432741
>>432736yeah you always appreciate the "fuck you, Aly" comments the most, Aly.
She almost literally just spelled out her modus operandi for her followers.
"struggle" af - conquer with a #recoverywin(!) - expect comments
No. 432746
File: 1511798501650.gif (472.2 KB, 250x167, I heard a bitch talkin.gif)

>>432736>"I can't believe people have their own lives and didn't line up to comment my shitty pictures!"Soon she will start insulting her own followers, I can foresee it. Her desperation for comments and likes is less and less subtle, she guilt trips more, speaks in a more bitchy way.
A day will come when she will straight out write "FUCK YOU ALL I DIDN'T RECEIVE ANY COMMENT REEEEEE"
No. 432780
File: 1511802022889.jpg (844.35 KB, 1080x2181, Screenshot_20171127-095829.jpg)

So is she public or not?
No. 432785
>>432780nope went private after 3 seconds
she needs to fuck off with her fake ass purging/self arm threats. and what is a "crisis/breakdown" to her? mild loneliness? reminds me of how she has "intense panic attacks" as if it's possible to take selfies and write captions when you're having a panic attack. she has no fucking idea what a breakdown or panic attack truly entails
also, a crisis when people are FUCKING BUSY LIVING/SLEEPING/WORKING to comment??? spoiled bitch i'm glad she's getting no comments
and WHAT SCARS LOL bitch you post bikini pics every day and there's no fucking self arm
end rage
No. 432791
>>432788>>432789did this happen during the time she was public?
Did she only go public for 2 seconds to accept the friend requests? To up her follower count or something?
No. 432793
>>432788She's blocked over a dozen of my accounts. After a while it doesn't bother you. Get another one ready in case she does actually go public. I'm keeping silent with this new one but she ALWAYS makes me rage and I can't resist becoming a h8r.
She can't hide her scars, lol. Unless they're on her fucking face of course she can hide them. Not that there are any.
She doesn't deserve friends. I imagine it's all one sided. She hasn't mentioned Berto since he went out with his friends and have you noticed there're no kissy pics since he moved to Milan.
No. 432800
>>432793why does she post bikini pics but actually has the audacity to claim she has scars and self-arms. i'm honestly surprised she isnt using a red sharpie to draw them on for bikini pics, but she probably doesnt want Ma C to be like wtf.
either she like, self arms her vagina and boobs, or she has no fucking scars lol. she has claimed she arms her harm though, so it's definitely the latter
Berto either isnt giving her enough attention or she's starting to resent him bc he actually cares about her. like how he didnt want her to be a club promoter and told her that she shouldnt be working, and she took it to mean that he's sexist/thinks she's weak. Now that she is getting attention from him, she doesn't want it, and looks for attention from others
No. 432828
>>432824once I said something to Aly about how she should find a hobby and I got a dm from her ass licker whatfuckinqevr telling me "Don't tell Aly what to do with her life, why dont you get a life idiot" and I was like "Grow up" and her response was that I'm a fat ugly moron who should kill herself (despite my profile not even being public or having a selfie as my profile pic?)
Aly ass lickers are fucking imbeciles
No. 432876
File: 1511810149315.jpg (46.08 KB, 285x384, a.JPG)

Erm, but she said she was still 2kgs underweight since forever.
No. 432882
File: 1511810233301.jpg (43.6 KB, 284x380, a.JPG)

Here's the rest. She might be hitting the gym.
No. 432936
File: 1511813618705.jpg (1.63 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171127-130708.jpg)

>>432657I'm confused about this picture. I drew on it with blue. who is behind these words? Also… why is the date at the Bottom November 24th? Today is the 27th. And who will she see asap?…wtf is going on in this story?
No. 432966
>>432882her bmi isn't fucking 17 lol obviously she's "allowed exercising" omg she won't break in half after 10 mins of the treadmill
and why is she weighing herself like every single day, how has her psychiatrist not advised against this? jfc
>>432936she probably took this pic a while ago on her stories and posted it pretending like it's from today but missing the date at the bottom
No. 432991
File: 1511816698975.jpg (902.06 KB, 1080x1644, Screenshot_20171127-140332.jpg)

Ya Aly… you've never shared a picture like this.
No. 432994
>>432882-if- she did end up going to the gym, she will obsessively talk about the other girls at the gym and judge them. She already judges girls who eat salads and drink Diet Coke.
But this is Aly. Aly who couldn’t handle lifting shoe boxes. Who freaked out and ate candy on the toilet. She will never set foot in a gym.
Also, I am convinced she is much heavier than she it letting on. And she doesn’t know how to deal with it. Because she can’t relapse and she can’t mantain her weight. So she is just going to balloon. I suspect a year from now she will be huge.
No. 433006
>>432811I think he may have lost some of his chub again while she's gaining and she doesn't want pictures of them standing next to each other online.
She's always so obsessed about "omg I ate like a man today I'm vile" so it wouldn't surprise me if she thought that the female in a relationship should look smaller. #muhfeminism
No. 433010
File: 1511817685552.jpg (892.54 KB, 2896x2896, 20171127_141859.jpg)

No. 433039
File: 1511820045367.png (2.09 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171127-145955.png)

No. 433149
>>432438Id say it's /because/she has an ED that she thinks she binge eats
>>432662>INCITE HAVING HOT DOGS ?dont wanna moralfag but isn't that a bit insensitive
>>432706>eating BALANCED not cleanI have legit only ever seen her eat one balanced meal and that was the chicken and fig wrap a few threads back ? I dont even think the burger with bert even counts because there were two microns of lettuce on that nasty thing
other than that the only fruit was a banana in the age of spoopy
>>432882I think she's baiting about the gym tbh, just wants to get "omg nooo ur so perfect the way u r dont giv into societyyy ??" comments
No. 433162
>>>432662>INCITE HAVING HOT DOGS ?dont wanna moralfag but isn't that a bit insensitive
It made me think wtf. It's something you'd expect someone with a learning difficulty to say because they didn't really understand the severity of the situation, or didn't think the situation was that serious. Aly doesn't think about much other than herself, so…
No. 433264
File: 1511827581632.jpg (525.04 KB, 2896x2896, 20171127_170521.jpg)

What does goofy nervous mean? She keeps saying it
No. 433332
File: 1511832028171.png (1.14 MB, 640x1136, D18A0453-82BB-4BD3-9262-319F3A…)

She actually thinks S4S means “Support 4 Support”.
No. 433476
>goofy nervousWhy is it she has to over use things to the point of insanity? It’s like she finds something new she likes and just over uses it. Those fucking pants, her thigh high socks, the hair clip, the t shirt dresses, various phrases. Over and over and over again. It’s mind boggling. And ‘goofy nervous’ of all things to suddenly say? Who says that?
Also, she is public again. Her posts are barely getting liked. She’s desperate for anything.
No. 433571
File: 1511867991800.png (177.78 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5414.PNG)

Pray for our recovery queer, she's got headache, blaring and nausea.
What the fuck is blaring.
No. 433581
>>433571I think she means burping or bloating.
>>433578I can only second this. It's incredible how much she has to blow up everything
No. 433587
File: 1511872443167.png (843.37 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-11-28-06-31-21…)

No. 433601
>>433599She's gotten a bunch of those generic "hey nice pic, please check out my profile as well" comments like everyone does when they're public and using hashtags.
But of course for her it's PUBLICITY.
>>433571And here she goes again with wanting "opinions" on whether it's ok for her to quit something important because it's DESTROYING her mentally.
Fuck off, Aly. If going through puberty again really is that unbearable go the fuck back to your doctor and ask about the possibility of switching to a different brend birth control.
No. 433628
File: 1511883579078.jpg (56.72 KB, 736x552, 60b5ae338b16d1707a2c1a59fb478e…)

>>433607>>433571Are you fucking kidding me? She's NAUSEOUS? bloated? And has a headache? Take a fucking aspirin, some pepto, and shut up. She probably just ate too much yesterday and it has nothing to do with the pill lol. And why is she blaming her fake ass superficial mood swings on birth control, she's no different than she was before the pill
No. 433641
File: 1511885257309.jpg (54.76 KB, 485x491, Adobe_20171128_160538.jpg)

Aly should definitely keep going with her 3000kcal plan(!) Look at her hollowed spoopy face.
No. 433677
File: 1511889644934.jpeg (185.6 KB, 728x878, AF5427E2-0091-41EA-85D5-714774…)

The comments are up now for about 10 minutes, I’m sure Aly is preparing an „i kill me“ post and she took already 10 crying selfies and tries to decide which one she wants to share in her stories
No. 433680
>>433641she didn't censor the word fuck*ing, I'm
No. 433681
File: 1511889953497.jpg (24.42 KB, 289x175, e.JPG)

>>433680That face did it for me.
I notice the girl who said she thought Aly was an ignorant bitch (more or less) and can't support her any more is posting at her again.
No. 433697
File: 1511890559362.png (1.29 MB, 640x1136, BE1284F7-63EE-41FC-8FF6-169F30…)

It bothers me. The weird brows and lipstick. Someone help her! She wears the same 3 outfits, how can you be sure this was today? Someone take her recovery clothes shopping if she’s that short on clothes now.
No. 433703
>>433697with "a friend".
What word does she mean instead of "about"? I can't figure it out. ABOUT today's lunch? She keeps saying about in the wrong way.
No. 433713
>>433703I believe she means something like "speaking of", but who knows with her.
She's too goofy nervous to use phrases correctly.
No. 433718
File: 1511892043356.png (301 KB, 1080x1779, 20171128_123946.png)

Aly has been commenting on other's photos?!
No. 433745
File: 1511894438886.png (1.34 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-11-28-11-39-04…)

>>433719I agree with you 100%. The less comments the better for that girl. On an unrelated note, her always sticking her tongue out like this makes me want to cut it off. I may have to unfollow her soon because I'm getting so ragey.
No. 433749
>>433719>>433734The people who comment to "encourage recoverywins" are enabling her. Her ED clearly isn't her main problem at the moment, and instagram comments only feed into her cluster b issues.
She won't see any reason to address her underlying issues as long as she has instagram to fall back on.
No. 433750
File: 1511895083292.jpg (621.95 KB, 1079x1575, Screenshot_20171128-114847.jpg)

Before this post. Did someone call her histrionic? I'm surprised if she already knew that word.
No. 433752
>>433728idk some are funny. aly has people who comment on her photos who arent farmers so there's never gonna be zero comments, and even if she goes from 12 comments to 4 comments she might freak out initially but she'll get used to that number bv at least it's something. she'll never have 0 so why cant farmers post funny shit to see how far they can take it.
who cares if it boosts her ego it's hilarious when hey ego is boosted, she's expecting to get everything she wants and then something happens and you just see the crash where she's like I KILL ME
>>433749i dont think she has a chance of addressing underlying issues anytime soon unless she loses everything in her life, not just insta, and then goes through a high dose mushroom trip which
triggers a 5 month existential crisis. she'll find attention somewhere else if it isnt for IG
No. 433753
>>433749She's the only person I know who says "pegged" in that context. Pegging's when a woman shoves a dildo up a man's ass.
Idk about farmers commenting. I've done it, but only as a yelling hater. It's not like anyone can tell another farmer what to do. It doesn't bother me because I think it's funny most times and idgaf about Aly's mental state.
No. 433757
File: 1511895815964.jpg (11.89 KB, 202x114, Capture.JPG)

>>433750this too but she deleted it lmaooo i hope she googled it
No. 433758
>>433750she clearly looked HPD up, since there are no typos. someone must've mentioned it.
of course she only addresses the "anger" part.
No. 433762
>>433757sorry this was me but I just noticed that she mentioned hpd in her post im dumb
That's so funny, made my day. what a moron lol why did she even have to respond to that, she could've ignored it. nope she got hella defensive tho. I wonder if there's even a part of her that knows her entire life is full of seeking attention
No. 433768
File: 1511896821294.png (1.41 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171128-121845.png)

Ooooooo you guys.
No. 433770
File: 1511896890514.png (1.71 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171128-121839.png)

No. 433795
File: 1511898241627.png (11.28 KB, 284x328, ooopsie.png)

looks like jack 2.0 is here
No. 433806
>>433802ikr old fence has said some shit about staying up all night just to comment on aly's profile and how her house burned down and aly fell for it..?
i think it's when there's even a slight potential insult "i have hpd too" she thinks it's a fake account but when it's 1000% positive (yet ott) she'll fall for it.
No. 433874
>>433829I'd be all Beavis & Butthead if I heard anyone say it.
Maybe I only know perverts?
No. 433877
File: 1511904840531.jpg (804.63 KB, 1080x2169, Screenshot_20171128-143139.jpg)

Your not the first or most creative. Check out how unbothered she is.
No. 433893
>>433877lmfaoooo I love how much it bothers her and how she's trying to cope by joking about it but is fuming on the inside
obviously you dont know you suffer from hpd if you've never been diagnosed with it dumb ass, your ed psychologist that you see once a year cant fucking diagnosed you with a pd. she's starting to piss me off a tenth as much as onion boy, and that's a lot.
No. 433900
>>433829>>433874lol hers come across as sexual bc she always just says "I'm pegged" or " I feel pegged" instead of the phrase as it's normally used, ie "pegged as" or "pegged for". without the preposition she's accidentally talking about how she and berto count orgasms not calories
I can't believe she only gets like 100-300 likes per post, I know tons of people who are just normal college kids or whatever who get like twice that many likes with less than 1000 followers. Where would her follower count be without long-dead pro ana accounts for girls who decided starving was too hard?
No. 433913
File: 1511906843528.jpeg (84.46 KB, 638x544, 108656EC-4528-4BE1-953E-DF9259…)

It’s lit in her comments just what she wanted I guess. LOL
No. 433918
File: 1511907082862.png (154.1 KB, 640x1136, DF0B6039-FAC6-4C77-AC47-863BDF…)

This one kills me. I’m 8000% Sure they’re lying and mixing the pot but boy is it pure gold
No. 433936
File: 1511908331256.png (2.54 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171128-152929.png)

Your all cyborg bullies.
No. 433939
File: 1511908492924.jpg (473.93 KB, 1304x1282, Screenshot_20171128-153321.jpg)

She's asking for more opinions o her latest chocolate post.
No. 433943
File: 1511908869901.png (136.36 KB, 640x1136, 82AC72B1-7E18-4D80-8C75-298DD7…)

This just keeps getting better.
No. 433947
>>433939omg all these comments haha
love how aly probably thinks everyone has haters, no bitch its cus you awful
No. 433950
File: 1511909151405.jpg (359 KB, 1246x1304, Screenshot_20171128-154446.jpg)

No. 433963
>>433936oh my gawd I am actually choking from laughing
>>433947right? her ego is so inflated and she completely lacks introspection that she's like "ah, haters… the price of fame! muh PUBLICITY"
No. 433970
>>433943LMAO THIS ONE. Gold. Alicerecovers4donnies
we're gonna make her go private again. Make like 5 new accounts to follow her with ao you can send her stuff like this when she's private
No. 433976
File: 1511912079533.png (109.24 KB, 750x636, IMG_3978.PNG)

6 likes already, and none from fake accounts! How much will there be when she wakes up? Lol @ scars on the inside
No. 433991
>>433936Im a Cyborg but it's okay.
Youre getting fat again, Aly.
No. 434060
File: 1511920782939.jpeg (166.37 KB, 1242x2208, 62DE50DB-2CDE-45A2-A1EC-53AB86…)

>>433963So many of these trolls are getting too obvious. People need to be more subtle.
No. 434063
File: 1511921202715.png (132.19 KB, 749x807, IMG_3988.PNG)

im pretty sure water is a farmer
"aly_sjourney proana" leads to lolcow as the third result… sarpopals if you are a farmer delete this
that saralin girl tried messaging aly about lolcow once and she didnt read it i guess but if she sees it as a comment she might google it
No. 434135
>>434081I might be wrong but I feel like
>>434072 was being sarcastic, duck definitely seems like a farmer.
No. 434141
File: 1511931070319.jpeg (243.83 KB, 640x895, 32B9B0A1-80D0-4BD3-A232-2F270F…)

I think this person is genuinely pissed off at Aly, they’re not holding back and are being extreme, in a sense.
No. 434154
>>434141Can't be arsed to dig through the last ten threads but I know wateroffaduck was posted on here for some shit that made it clear she was either a farmer or at least agreed with what most of us think about Aly. But she just toes the line in comments and generally says supportive shit instead of going way over the top in either direction. I actually think she might have owned up to being one of us but I'm not certain about this.
Sage for literally no contribution oops
No. 434157
>>434154>>434141Samefag but even that quoted post feels like a farmer posing as a supporter. The "back off" feels like a call out to how Aly's "back off" phase. She doesn't have haters, even genuine ass kissers like dogsandpositivity don't believe that shit, so I feel like wateroffaduck is just a low key farmer
Sage again ofc
No. 434183
>>434163Clever, and how cute is JINX!!!
(obv saged cause irrelevant)
No. 434287
File: 1511965241819.jpeg (297.37 KB, 750x825, BB64EE68-D4AA-4011-B65F-DCC089…)

You… I like you.
No. 434311
>>434308I was a farmer follower who asskissed Aly to the extent she commented and thanked my alter ego on her ig (not in the flamboyant way duck's getting thanked though).
Next post I made didn't mean to come across as pissy, but she took it as pissy and I was blocked.
I think with Aly the longevity of your stay is the battle. Say one thing she misteakenly (!) thinks is against her or her views and you're gone even if she'd just snogged your face off on ig.
I don't get what duck's doing, but okay I'm going to #trusttheduck and see what happens. I'd rather a farmer throw her praise than some dumb fuck who means it.
No. 434313
File: 1511970599549.jpg (62.33 KB, 741x445, lol man.JPG)

Even the gingerbread man thinks Aly's ridiculous. He lols @ crazy lady.
No. 434316
>>434311lola? the post where you told her to be grateful? kek
I've been in the game for way too long, aly constantly dms me to thank me (probably copy pasta bc she never responds to my dms, only sends me some when it suits her) as fence and now my new name, it's insane how she doesn't realize my sarcasm but blocked you for saying "you should feel grateful"
she did delete one of my comments where i told her "i didnt know 3000 calories was a binge thank you aly for opening my eyes, im now on the path to real recovery" prob cuz it made her feel bad about her "binge" lmaoo
No. 434330
>>434316I was akaris_recoveryjournal and yes! she did it to me on that account but she's done it before but I can't remember which account it was. Same thing though, she was Thanks for your support, darling and next comment she blocked me. I was defending her.
She's so weeeeeeiiiiiiird.
>>434327I notice he's at the Vanilla Bakery (Ginger, not Dante). She hasn't been there since she was 70lbs!
No. 434348
File: 1511972962329.png (244.16 KB, 750x1032, IMG_3993.PNG)

I cant tell if this is a farmer or if its someone who's actually worried bc candycande obviously was lol. but i hope more of her asslickers see this before she deletes it
No. 434365
>>434358lol holy shit aly is such an unempathic bitch
but it's back from a new account on the same pic kek this is probably gonna make her go private. everyone have your sockpuckets go follow her
No. 434367
File: 1511974950166.jpg (406.03 KB, 976x1163, Screenshot_20171129-110010.jpg)

she gained 2 kg and didnt take pictures of herself for 1 day because she was self conscious or something…2 kg..would that mean youre at a healthy weight now aly
No. 434368
>>434367she's posted and reposted her new psot 3 times so far.
does she not understand what a weight fluctuation is???? for an ex anorexic she knows nothing about weight/food/nutrition etc
No. 434369
>>434367That's one hollowed face.
>>434365Who cares about her post leading to the death of a kid. Focus on the cheesecake, girls!
No. 434370
File: 1511975210296.jpg (20.33 KB, 793x148, a.JPG)

Sort your shit out Aly. Jesus.
No. 434375
File: 1511975389752.jpg (14.33 KB, 288x66, a.JPG)

Yes, they do. Nothing to do with your weight though. They're fucking disgusting. Give them a wash, you vile being.
No. 434385
File: 1511976709429.jpg (90.37 KB, 1008x336, Screenshot_20171129-112957.jpg)

i feel like we should market alys word salad as some kind of surreal meme or something like put this on a xmas jumper
No. 434409
File: 1511980740781.jpg (106.7 KB, 605x454, aly brend.jpg)

>>434385I think img is one of Aly's designs.
No. 434415
File: 1511981508995.jpg (409.67 KB, 1231x1272, Screenshot_20171129-114317.jpg)

Just thought I would post these couple of replies from Yesturday.
No. 434417
File: 1511981630603.jpg (618.84 KB, 1238x1971, Screenshot_20171129-114259.jpg)

No. 434457
File: 1511985891923.jpeg (310.68 KB, 750x1099, 8A398972-6A05-4FD6-8CFE-D950E9…)

I managed to catch some drama on her most recent upload. I wonder if she will delete and repost…
No. 434459
File: 1511985988512.jpeg (258.42 KB, 750x1033, 727F5B85-1DDE-4B13-BD44-69D278…)

The replies to the last message made me chuckle. Pretty sure this is enough to trigger a mini-meltdown in Alyland
No. 434464
File: 1511986334623.jpg (416.85 KB, 785x1231, Screenshot_20171129-141010.jpg)

lol this too
No. 434491
File: 1511989184242.png (189.91 KB, 750x1334, 7E653ED4-677E-4DA1-8538-125028…)

No. 434498
>>434494The farmer who claimed to be duck wrote in that same tone of writing that duck writes.
Duck, if you're a farmer, please send emilylove354 a smiley face lol
No. 434505
>>434496True. I don’t think it’s true cow tipping but it just has a taste of it. More so because someone might wonder why Aly gets so much hate and may look her name up. And one of them could be inclined to tell her. Not that it matters since Aly doesn’t bother reading DMs or she knows about lolcow and can’t figure it out or she just ignores it (like she ignores comments she doesn’t like).
I think Aly does know about lolcow but won’t read what we say because she refuses to be self aware or be told she is doing something wrong. She will never change.
She’s like someone who is shown proof that their spouse is cheating but refuses to acknowledge it and continues life as normal.
No. 434508
>>434505yeah saralin99 was an asslicker who lurker here, told aly about the old fence & about lolcow, and nothing happened. either aly doesnt check her dms, doesnt read them, or doesnt care to click on a weird link
If she knew about lolcow/read even the intro description and saw lots of people comments, i feel like she'd throw a huge tantrum, i mean she freaks out over one insult on her account
No. 434511
>>434508I thought all PUBLICITY is good PUBLICITY.
It must make her OCDs bad seeing all the scrawl in her comments section. She might wanna purge her seafood.
No. 434547
>>434525Shes probably writing out all her captions for tomorrow about haters and how they totally don’t bother her at all.
I swear she doesn’t even read her own captions. She will says “don’t let the haters win! I don’t let their words get to me” And then deletes her photo 10 times and says “THE HATERS JUST LEFT YELLS. IM WORTHLESS. I KILL ME”.
Tomorrow will be all about haters. Might be a good time for Aly bingo.
No. 434554
>>434367wow I wish she had an Amazon wish list so I could air mail her some Crest white-strips.
obviously it's an ED thing to freak out about tiny weight fluctuations but for someone who has supposedly been on recovery for 3 years she should at least know not to post her full out meltdowns every time she gains or loses a kg? and also you'd think she would learn that a kg or 2 is really easy come easy go. like how is this still a huge deal every time? her weight has been stable for like a year now.
>>434534lol for real, thank you anon
No. 434566
File: 1511994884416.jpg (409.96 KB, 2048x2048, B41DDAA3-D01A-4638-8F24-A2A643…)

She doesn't care [that someone was suicidal and she deleted all the comments that were about someone else's suicidal af feelings because the only feelings that matter are hers when she's suicidal af]
No. 434575
>>434567And she doesn't care?
She just blocked 2 of my fake accounts that have never even interacted with her in any way apart from followed her she's hit para ?
No. 434576
>>434572Give her a break. She just got home from having dinner with Berto, to a nice quiet evening of… frantically deleting comments and blocking accounts on instagram.
What a life.
No. 434589
File: 1511995714510.png (1.56 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171129-154702.png)

>don't they know they make me stronger?
No. 434612
File: 1511996836864.jpg (301.02 KB, 943x1125, Screenshot_20171129-170558.jpg)

i just passed out
No. 434626
File: 1511997722767.png (2.53 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171129-162028.png)

She loves this. The only thing she can't stand is silence.
No. 434630
File: 1511997877330.jpg (814.63 KB, 1080x2069, Screenshot_20171129-161141.jpg)

This is the "midnight reflection"
No. 434636
>>434627she's proven herself to be untippable even if someone sends her a dm about lolcow, which they once did lol. I dont want her to find it cuz then I'm exposed as being a hater not a fan :(
>>434631do mean comments count? anyways i think if like, the 5 or so farmers who praise her stop, she'd still have like 5-10 real accounts praising her so it wouldnt mean much
No. 434666
>>434644omfg what alcohol doesnt make anyone wiser. it probably just inflates her ego.
and didnt she once say alcohol makes her "break down"
No. 434685
The comments WILL bother her but she made up with Berty this afternoon and guilt trapped him into taking her out to make up for Saturday. She's a bit tipsy and she's been on one of the days like before she crashes.
> in five years I even wish to get merry, to have a baby with him. Oh, Aly. In five years time he won't be there for you to merry and breed with (thank god).
See, she's being all pisshead positive. It won't last.
No. 434748
File: 1512012571793.jpg (Spoiler Image,593.2 KB, 2048x2048, 68BF2B9C-410A-427E-9E03-273E29…)

Bmi 19-20, healthy VS now, bmi 16.6, hollow
i think her scale might just be fucked up (or she was on her tippy toes at the ed clinic) bc even with the 0 muscle she has, there's no way she's less than 18 now. like whaat
No. 434764
>>434748i know she was just some generic blonde girl back then oh sorry i mean a hot blonde babe but she looked so much better, now shes just pale and ginger ugh aly. she needs to get addicted to weight lifting like a lot of ex spoops or something
her weight prolly fluctuates a lot like lots of people and she has next to zero muscle so she probably weighed herself one morning after takin a shit and was on the bmi calc in an instance to be at 16
No. 434783
File: 1512018241590.png (182.1 KB, 640x1136, 1C26024C-18BC-441E-A521-0CC6BF…)

>>434308That bitch. Same shit she sent other farmers. Trust me, it’ll be worth it. I’ve been experimenting with being overly supportive and then suddenly dropping off for a day or two, days she is not fed ott comments=black outs, days with comments=#recoverywins This is for science.
No. 434801
File: 1512020781828.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171130-003821.png)

she barely pays attention to who's writing what. That's why she'll delete people who have made nice comments for months if they say one wrong thing. She can't be bothered to notice who's who until they say the wrong thing, and then they're blocked. So long con accounts are kind of pointless. If the goal is to upset her by being a friend for months and then being like, lol I was a hater this whole time, she won't even get it and I don't think it will mean anything more than any other hater comment.
Not saying not to post, it's entertaining, just that I don't think her self obsession is going to allow some big betrayal moment for her.
>>434730She mentioned that he was studying medicine or something vague like that (his graduation post last spring), but idk what that really means.
Went looking for the graduation post and didn't find it but relived many memories of outfit repeating, junk food, awkward poses, and kissing. Her hair has gotten worse, she's gotten crazier, and compared to last spring she's had a huge drop in likes. Also pic related kills me (!)
No. 434804
>>434801That caption is ironic considering she keeps Fatty around to feel validated. What’s a pretty girl without a boyfriend? An ugly one.
Also, he looks thinner here. I’ll bet Aly guilt trips Berto into eating more. She’s always going on about “feeling greedy”. She probably rages at him when he says “I’m not hungry”. Which is a normal thing to feel, Aly.
No. 434855
>>434801> donut pillow :| LiterallyWhat does it means? We can see it.
>"I can't breathe without him.">"I never loved myself but I love him">"I can't survive without him"Sounds like the correct premise for a healthy relationship.
If they will have a child, Berto would be a father of two: the baby and Aly. Poor guy.
No. 434885
>>434859I don't follow her, she blocked me, I can only rely on the screens here.
For once she said something smart - even if she behaves just at the opposite.
No. 434900
File: 1512048843262.jpeg (659.82 KB, 750x1104, 13843748-B7D6-421B-8C7E-9E4E41…)

Today’s post
No. 434901
File: 1512048911150.jpeg (543.62 KB, 750x1084, D1019BE6-E116-4A9E-A0DE-44D2E0…)

Reposted a picture of breakfast cookies
No. 434905
File: 1512049316389.jpeg (623.21 KB, 750x1103, BDC60E2A-23D5-4546-81C3-1FC51A…)

No. 434906
File: 1512049341534.jpeg (608.6 KB, 741x1117, C559E5E8-387D-45D1-A036-27D0C7…)

Part 2
No. 434908
File: 1512049597370.png (Spoiler Image,3.92 MB, 750x1334, 9108A6BD-A07F-466D-97E4-C9AAC4…)

Eww bitch you so ugly
No. 434912
>>434905>I made my hair curlyYeah that will show the haters
>>434906She looks like an extra playing a crack ho in a low budget 80s detective show
No. 434913
>>434905You farmers are killing me!
Ya know when you laugh at shit that isn't that particularly funny. Black/dark humour.
It becomes funny because it's so fucking ABSURD and a major stress relief from the reality of crazy.
I called it. Poor Aly is BLIMPING UP AF(!)
(i went to college once, but all they found was RATS in my head)
Aly babe… the rats have already nested
No. 434926
>>434923lol anon i thought that too
that bit at the start where she takes that tiny bite out of an already tiny cookie to post a pic of it is aly af
No. 434929
>>434801there's no way he went from "communication studies" to med school lmaoo she lying
>>434906she doesnt care about haters guys!!! definitely doesnt care!!!!! she doesnt care so much that we make her delete some pictures!
No. 434939
File: 1512055087163.jpg (86.34 KB, 803x681, noodletransformation.JPG)

So Aly is now recreating an image she took 2 weeks ago down to the exact same outfit, jewelry, location, and pose, so she can body-check.
If it weren't for the ramen hair I wouldn't have known the left one was a new image.
bitch b cray.
Also, she vandalized the wall.
No. 434981
>>434974It's the outfit. Makes her seem like her upper body is huge. She looks proportionate here
>>425720 It was a couple months ago when she had really weird proportions due to fast weight gain like when she went to rome and took that bikini pic
No. 435004
File: 1512063735503.jpg (1.09 MB, 810x2567, Screenshot_20171130-114050.jpg)

She doesn't care about haters but heres another post about it
No. 435010
File: 1512064053173.jpg (38.6 KB, 377x519, Capture.JPG)

>>434974Her legs are normal, it's this part that's expanding making the bottom of her legs look thinner. Those appalling jeans do her no favours.
No. 435016
File: 1512064536655.png (18.4 KB, 299x307, robotz.png)

>>435013here you go my darling
No. 435041
>>435036Learn to sage plis ty
I wasn't the anon you're replying to but I get you. All the weight's collecting on her top half. Don't worry it'll drip down although she deserves to be out of proportion. Let's face it, she'll still think she's god's gift to humankind.
No. 435053
>>435022Because she has an IQ of 16.5.
But seriously I think she’s a total idiot. Her brain is probably a literal potato.
No. 435059
File: 1512068509682.jpg (124.24 KB, 500x350, secbird.jpg)

>>434939>>434974>>435010>>435036Yeah, she reminds me of a secretary bird. pic not unrelated.
No. 435062
>>435004She actually loves the haters. Most cows, even the dramawhores, seem to be genuinely somewhat uncomfortable and upset when people hate on them. Aly revels in it. They give her comments, inspire her to write more "live laugh love" recovery bullshit in response,
trigger her followers to comment defending her. They're the antagonist that allows Aly to play her victim role online. Her instagram is much more boring without them.
No. 435069
File: 1512069275561.jpg (640.43 KB, 1408x1304, Screenshot_20171130-121201.jpg)

We should all just start correcting her grammar.
No. 435071
File: 1512069763955.jpg (57.87 KB, 570x851, jt.jpg)

>>435059I think jodhpur thighs. Pic somewhat reminiscent of Aly's legs in the chin highs.
No. 435073
>>435069Bitch you have stuffed your ugly face with sweet sugary shit for months this has nothing to do with hormones ffs
I asked her if she has found a job and she blocked me lol
No. 435078
>>435073I just hovered over her follower count and notice the number's been dropping. How many are new people who got sick of her face and how many did she block.
Anywaaaay, an Aly related ~personal blog~ moment. I've mentioned here before I'm underweight because of some biology fuck up where I find it hard to maintain/gain weight (ie not an ana chan). It's great! NOT. So two weeks ago I was weighted and I'd lost 3lbs. Today I was weighted and after following my nutritionists plan GUESS WHAT I'd gained the 3lbs. Fucking miraculous! So no, I'm really not believing Aly eats all this shit yet she struggles to gain, what is it 2/3kg over, ummm, 6 months?
Why is she writing xxxfats and xxxcalories. Is it ~number
No. 435089
File: 1512071188680.jpg (78.36 KB, 978x217, Screenshot_20171130-134158.jpg)

why is she pretending to have osteoporosis? or does she actually have it? also shes bloated and hungry from hormones, yeah bitch so are a lot of people lol deal with it
>>435074she public anon, you could do it
>>435078alys been at a healthy weight for ages, she just cant accept it
No. 435093
>>435078 Aly was drinking ensures for a whole 2 days because she was so hollow and smol after lifting shoe boxes for three weeks. Yet, despite all her efforts, she couldn’t gain the weight back. /sure Jan
Her phases are so weird and inconsistent. No mentioning of moving in with Fatty. No more smooch Photos (thank god). Even tho that’s all she talked about and posted about over the summer. Noticed how she’s stopped talking about depression after her therapist schooled her. No more talks about driving, no more talks about her fathers yells and beats…
She just find something that gets her attention and when the attention from that fades away, she needs new bait.
Aly is the strangest person I’ve ever see.
No. 435097
>>435093or the poster girl job or the job interviews. She said she wants to get merry with Berto though.
I need to spend 30 minutes in her head because it kills me that I don't understand how she sees things, like how can she not see people can't see she's a normal weight? I want to be her for that time and I'd be sure to SfS her insta and fb log in details.
Yeah, her system's fine from what we know so there's no way she can't put some pounds/kgs on by eating that shit. How can she not see we know that?? Sometimes it really makes my head hurt y'know.
Anyhow, I'm predicting a breakdown soon and she goes private. No way would she let the whole of insta see her self arm and Sudoku threats. Ma might see them…or Berto, and he wouldn't merry with her.
No. 435107
>>435078you can "gain" 3lbs in a day just by eating heavy food and then shit it out and lose 3lbs. she's at a normal weight now, if she eats all the junk she posts now, she's still far under 2000 cals/day. she probably eats enough to maintain and isnt hungry for more as her body is at her set point (or close to it)
>>435089IKR she was snoopy for TWO YEARS. only two fucking years! shut up
No. 435119
File: 1512073431756.jpg (13.46 KB, 225x225, hey mickeh.jpg)

>>435107>IKR she was snoopy for TWO YEARS. only two fucking years! shut upAly's like a one hit wonder who lives off the fame of one song for ever. She's just as annoying too and probably still reminding people she was spoopy in 50 years time.
No. 435138
File: 1512074246047.png (992 KB, 640x1136, 27B50E06-5022-4035-9068-751023…)

Well if this isn’t aly to a T
No. 435168
File: 1512075261021.jpg (653.55 KB, 808x1378, 20171130_144855.jpg)

I was looking thru alys posts cus I have nothing better to do apparently, and this is back in January where she says her bmi is 16.something so according to her in almost a year shes managed to get back to where she started
No. 435183
File: 1512076211477.jpg (19.92 KB, 247x306, march.JPG)

>>435168see now THAT is a bmi in the 16s. And here's a pic of her 2 months later in March, probably past bmi 16.6, and look how much smaller she looks here. no way she's less than bmi 18 now.
No. 435196
>>435184im sure she's sucking in here
>>425720 too lol. anyways compare her waist, chest and thighs (not the gap). you can see her bones in march, today not so much. even her face is rounder now. i dont understand why shes lying about her current bmi… or maybe her scale is just fucked
No. 435201
>>435168This is a joke tho innit. Much progresses.
>>435196I reckon she lies so she can still be considered anorexic. If she was a higher BMI she probably thinks she couldn't be a ~recovery blog~ because she's got no weight to gain. I get how an anorexic brain sees being healthy as an insult but then most of the best recovery accounts I've looked at are the ones who look healthy and aren't always sperging out when someone says they look great.
No. 435360
File: 1512094451865.png (54.1 KB, 750x326, IMG_4014.PNG)

birth control side effects are rarely ever this bad omg she just has to blow everything out of proportion.
wasn't she "constantly hungry" before her she was on bc? she's probably craving a salad and thinks that is weird. "rapidly gaining" my ass, she weighed herself in the morning after a large shit, saw a bmi of 17 and now she's shocked when she's bmi 19 after a meal.
No. 435460
File: 1512107354937.jpg (47.06 KB, 588x381, bmi16.JPG)

>>435197I don't comment on her pics nor her fan page, but here you go.
No. 435513
File: 1512111818971.png (1021.39 KB, 720x1152, 20171201_065726.png)

This is her transformation pic from august, her belly looked swollen/ soft even at this low weight
No. 435633
File: 1512136270340.png (264.88 KB, 750x1072, IMG_4015.PNG)

YES, she has osteoporosis guys. no doctor told her she does, she just knows she has it, after only two years of being snoopy.
No. 435646
File: 1512138551100.jpg (60.34 KB, 302x349, Screenshot_20171201-082723.jpg)

she looks so stupid..
No. 435652
File: 1512139320726.jpg (288.33 KB, 2048x986, IMG_4019.JPG)

aly after seeing doctor vs aly, 1 month later, after realizing being healthy doesnt get her attention
No. 435654
>>435648Not that anon, but I remember she posted that picture saying that's a holiday with her uncle and aunt where she didn't stop crying. There's a spoopier one where she really looks like a wire coat hanger stood in front of her full length mirror. She said she took it before she went to hospital because she didn't want to lose what she looked like.
>>435646These poses are dragging me down now. Time to try a new one.
As for the omg i'm so hungry it's the hormones, I think a lot of women get the raving munchies before a period. I do. Thing is, if you don't want to pig out then don't. Strangely enough when I was on the Pill I didn't get the munchies or other PMS symptoms. She should be more concerned about quitting smoking because there're higher risks of all the scaring side effects it can give someone if they're on hormones. I gave up the Pill eventually because I couldn't give up cigs.
No. 435658
File: 1512139816233.jpg (10.79 KB, 297x51, mister aly.JPG)

Were her hormones for … transitioning? Lol, they're working.
No. 435662
>>435654> She said she took it before she went to hospital because she didn't want to lose what she looked like.If she said that, this just confirms she doesnt have body insecurity/dysmorphia. i can see her looking in the mirror thinking "wow i'm so skinny and everyone is pitying me, i never wanna lose this body!"
she's been flaunting her body forever, she stopped for a few months when she gaining weight (around last december?) but then she realized she can get attention by pretending to be anorexic/suicidal af/self arming/very sick/fainting even tho she isn't, and then the full body over the top photoshoots arrived
No. 435672
File: 1512141371932.jpg (123.25 KB, 930x599, 1491594845774.jpg)

Here you go.
No. 435723
>>435690Yeah there's no way her anorexia was
triggered by anything other than her hpd tendencies. hpd & eds coexist very frequently. that's why she's still messed up now that she doesnt have anorexia anymore. she needs to focus on this selfish desire to stand out, get attention and validation, her apparently lack of true empathy, her exaggerations and fake threats, etc. even if she doesnt have hpd SHE HAS TRAITS 100%.
has she really convinced herself that she's truly "self arming" when she just says that to get attention, and probably just places a knife to her arm? Or does she know she's doing it for attention? If it's the former damn she's really deep in denial and there's not much hope anytime soon
No. 435772
File: 1512153836200.png (110.27 KB, 1050x529, 20171201_184259.png)

No. 435773
File: 1512153909499.png (291.41 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-12-01-11-43-26…)

Thank you to whomever posted the bottom comment. I almost blew my account to say the same thing. She really is just so so delusional.
No. 435777
File: 1512154171464.png (1.13 MB, 750x1334, 9E5BACD3-6F10-4D2C-954A-04DD47…)

Apparently she was gone all day?
4 hour not posting on IG and she was gone “all day”. Whew Aly. You are delusional af.
I am very goofy nervous for her mental health and potato brain.
No. 435800
File: 1512155298801.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171201-130648.png)

I don't get it…
No. 435814
>>435813I can't think of much worse than having a cold drink on a rooftop in the cold weather.
I love that Grumpy Cat's histrionic's profile pic. I can imagine him saying this tbh and it raised me up.
No. 435816
File: 1512156800989.jpg (552.86 KB, 1247x1453, Screenshot_20171201-123014.jpg)

What the fuck is this person saying? And how the fuck does Aly say she gets it?
No. 435818
File: 1512157019780.jpg (64.78 KB, 472x568, Capture1.JPG)

>>435777whats sad about when she posts from here is that there is a beautiful building right next to it, and you have a gorgeous view from that rooftop, but Aly NEVER shows it.
pic related is from the geotags.
No. 435832
File: 1512157923555.jpg (8.43 KB, 332x152, sonic.jpg)

>>435816Idk but running, jumping and rolling reminds me of Sonic the Hedgehog.
It may be a special language only really mental people understand. yeah, that's what it is.
No. 435838
File: 1512158401253.jpg (62.14 KB, 480x480, RIP.jpg)

>>435777Is she with Ma or Berty? On the subject of the boy, shall we take a moment to reflect how they had joy they had fun they had seasons in the sun before he moved to Milan. Now all they do is yells.
No. 435885
File: 1512161873450.jpg (761.18 KB, 1080x2069, Screenshot_20171201-135608.jpg)

I hate when she's smug.
No. 435890
>>435885bitch is gonna be back to zero soon dw
is she ever gonna do anything w her life? shes just dootin around, doing nothing all the time
No. 435894
>>435890She's going to merry.
>>435892Maybe she really is pregnant and the weird cravings are coal and pickles with custard.
No. 435917
File: 1512166295383.jpg (53.02 KB, 597x312, haters.JPG)

Haters made her delete the last pic
No. 435945
File: 1512168509265.jpg (233.29 KB, 1006x545, Screenshot_20171201-164636.jpg)

No. 435947
File: 1512168814084.jpg (13.71 KB, 277x69, Capture.JPG)

What a fantastic idea! Then she won't have any comments to feel less lonely over.
No. 435951
File: 1512168856999.jpeg (231.24 KB, 741x1143, 4008010A-C547-42BC-8537-C6D427…)

No. 435953
File: 1512168898800.jpeg (265.09 KB, 749x1209, 50266291-4BE3-48F8-9723-FA26B4…)

No. 435978
>>435818it's like she secretly hates milan and is on a personal mission to make it seem as unappealing as possible by posting zero scenery, only shitty fast food, and dressing like a damn loon.
but whatever i still love milan bc dante, so mission not fuc*ing accomplished (!)
No. 435979
>>435978Imagine if she worked at Tourist Information. She'd be telling them about McDonalds and places where she buys her crap clothes. Oh, and that cheap place she gets poisoned seafood with Berty.
I want to go to Milan ONLY to sit on the same chair as Dante rested his beautiful soft yet solid at the same time, smooth asscheeks at NHero.
No. 435990
>>435986She flip flops about how ~strong~ she is with everything she does.
Yeah, I hate when people say that thing about "hiding behind a screen". No, not cowards, we just understand how important privacy is on internets. They should learn how to be more discreet too.
No. 435996
File: 1512173552015.jpg (12.61 KB, 295x69, Capture.JPG)

No, of course you couldn't, Aly.
No. 436004
>>435990Ahh I'm glad someone gets it. It's about privacy, not that I'm "insecure" and dont wanna show my face. Like fuckkk. It's always the people who post the most private shit about themselves to the internet who say "Ur hiding behind a screen!!!".
>>435996Aly translator: I need instagram comments because that's the only way I get the attention I desperate need!
No. 436010
>>436004It's like Crying Emily using her full name as a user name. From that a farmer found out where she lived and tried to match google street images to the place she said she was being stalked (turned out to be near her garden). When she found out we knew she was sperging out over being stalked by us! Like, don't put your name out there when you've got thousands of followers and you're an attention seeker in general.
Do I want potential employers knowing which petitions I sign, where I go, all the bad language or w/e I do? No, so I fake a name or go private.
We should compile an Aly translator. Translate things like what she means by suicidal, self arm, struggling, etc etc.
No. 436019
File: 1512175573778.png (283.36 KB, 1046x1395, IMG_4794.PNG)

At first I wasn't 100% sure this was a piss take, then I checked the profile & pic & omg well done Chez. That wing made me kek hard, I hope she sees it.
No. 436028
>>436010exactly lmao like maybe these cows don't have future employers to worry about but we do. the last thing i want is an employer to see my name on lolcow.
and remember when aly freaked out bc someone (jack's mom) said her full name and aly was like WTF????!! like it's not that hard to find her… her fb photos are public
No. 436062
>>435816this is the best troll tbh.
it's basically just stoner word salad, and yet Aly took it as something completely meaningful and enlightening she agreed with. She even mentioned it in her stories.
A+ anon.
No. 436123
File: 1512191073232.png (2.44 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171201-220335.png)

No. 436245
File: 1512214965243.png (64.24 KB, 886x396, histrionic who.png)

No. 436254
>>436253Of course she's making it up!
>>436250There was no cowtipping.
No. 436271
>>436245Is she basically admitting by omission that she's weight restored here? Her English is hard to understand but it sounds like she's saying "they said I was weight restored so I went to weigh myself and I would've posted to prove then wrong since I want to get back to bmi 16 anyway" and since she didn't post a number…she didn't prove anyone wrong aka she really is weight restored or very close?
Either way it's clear she wants to be a bmi of 16 and anything higher is scaring to her, which may be part of why she kept trying to say that was her weight after the stomach virus
No. 436273
>>436271I read it as that but it'd be too weird if Aly really was admitting she was weight restored. Idk why she didn't just say she'd just weighed herself and she was still BMI 15.2 so nur. Sounds to me like she saw she was 18.5 or whatever and so couldn't prove to the h8rs that she's still underweight.
Her profile really is redundant now though. The food she posts isn't even the sort of junk food someone would crave. I don't think I'd bother to follow her if I had an ED because she's at the end of the gaining weight process. If I was weight restored I wouldn't follow her because she's boring and eats too much McDonalds and Amsterdam Chips.
No. 436278
File: 1512222562825.png (439.98 KB, 688x440, dcmb.png)

No. 436279
File: 1512222583734.png (315.12 KB, 830x419, dcm2.png)

No. 436280
>>436278Thanks to the farmer who posted this. Very civilised and it made me feel all warm in my tummy that it was so gentle but true.
It's bizarre that someone can't find an interest. Just ONE thing to do other than instagram. Not even make up or fashion.
No. 436283
>>436280<33 (Thanks for the nice comment).
At this point she doesn't make me rage as before, she just makes me feel…Overwhelmed and mad. I think it's so unfair how people takes just a few minutes to try to make such an horrible person happy, just to get nothing in return, just the same photos over and over again. And let's not talk about her feeling suicidal and guil tripping her followers…
No. 436293
File: 1512224934393.png (232.19 KB, 737x1080, IMG_2077.PNG)

Browsed her old account after another anon mentioned it and wtf Aly
No. 436296
File: 1512225478561.gif (17.66 KB, 220x310, tenor.gif)

>I'm so happy for you to be weight restored and healthy!
No. 436345
File: 1512234090792.jpg (152.4 KB, 1440x647, _20171202_170041.JPG)

Muh 17 bmi
No. 436359
File: 1512235442339.jpeg (567.45 KB, 750x1097, CD9E414F-ECAD-48EC-850E-62653F…)

That shit looks moldy af
No. 436399
File: 1512239512995.png (66.11 KB, 720x356, 20171202_193116.png)

No. 436402
>>436396McD used to be her "fear food", because it's so OILY (!) and full of calories. It was the food she was most afraid to eat of all and which she never allowed herself, so now she can't have enough of it.
Such kind see of cravings are normal and do last for a while as after recovering. The obsession should pass in due time (but this is Aly, she's completely bonkers, so how knows if it will).
No. 436404
File: 1512240212816.jpg (89.57 KB, 468x893, h4h.JPG)

No. 436420
>>436412I completely agree.
Or maybe do an account to ''expose'' her. It should be something not too hateful, you know? Like just stating facts: taking screenshots of her 'suicidal' moments, when she saysthat ''nobody commented'', post the comments in the -probably- deleted pic…And of course the non-edited texts of her photos which she posts at first (when she says REPOST I KILL ME I'M WORTHLESS)…ugh.
Now that someone told her she's looking healthy and recovered she claims that body image shouldn't be what defines us lmao
No. 436421
File: 1512242146769.png (2.86 MB, 1948x1282, 1435497318020 (1).png)

>>436404>safe space>>436405Idk though. She doesn't have to do anything but has nothing to fill her time because she's too dull to have hobbies. Being free to do what she wants is wasted on her. In her position I'd want to do an MA or look into setting up a small business doing something I like. She's got nothing but going for greasy food.
>>436307Here's that pic.
No. 436519
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No. 436520
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No. 436537
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When I bloat my stomach looks like a ball and isn't separate. I've never seen it like Aly's before. There's food poisoning brewing in there. She keeps going to that cheap seafood place.
Hi, Bish!
No. 436549
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No. 436556
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I hate when she uses the phrase "anything but" wrong
No. 436574
File: 1512260192707.png (1.64 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20171202-171431.png)

>>436560she's just reminding people through stories
No. 436585
>>436519thats a weird looking stomach lol
shes still having trouble with basic recovery stuff like they always go on about how bloating is normal but like normal people dont inspect their bodies after they eat
No. 436633
>>436250>>436270Do you even know what cowtipping means? Read the rules. Just bc it's a comment thats obviously a farmer doesnt mean aly knows it's a farmer
>>436279fucking this. it blows my mind how she blocks people who ask her for help because they're suicidal. fucking bitch
>>436534yeah it's normal to have that kind of bloat especially during ana recovery. I'm bmi 17 (i dont have an ED im just naturally thin) and I look far thinner than her lmaoo, but I get that same bloat/lower tummy bloat when I eat a massive meal and drink a lot of liquid (sorry about the blogpost but i think it's relevant). Body shapes are different. Not to mention she has zero ab muscle. she's definitely not pregnant lol
No. 436664
>>436633I'm the anon who bangs on about being thin because of other issues. Weird question and OT kinda, but can you see gasses under your stomach move around and swell up?
>>436655Farmers troll her account to in a way make her change the monotony of her posts and hope she takes some advice. I understand she can be massively frustrating. I don't see any harm in it tbh. Cows on this board have regularly interacted/caused drama by googling themselves and being tipped by non farmers that they're mentioned here. I don't think it's a banable offense and farmers are going to do what they want on ig. Idk, I don't really care and I find it amusing whatever that makes me as a person.
>>436662She's barking up the wrong tree using ig for debates. The way she's going she's going to be doing this for at least another couple of years.
No. 436688
File: 1512275289274.png (16.85 KB, 302x129, Bildschirmfoto 2017-12-03 um 0…)

>>436399She´s really stupid AF, people have to explain the most obvious things to her.
No. 436690
File: 1512275505295.jpeg (251.71 KB, 750x1073, 55E9DAF9-2514-4228-B92E-1B156F…)

Uh-oh, more haterz
No. 436708
>>436655um people like oldfence and lola are hilarious, they arent harassing her whatsoever and it's comedic seeing how naive aly unable to see their obvious sarcasm. a tiny perfect of alys milk comes from farmers commenting. anons are ANONS, rarely does someone self-post, and it isnt for asspats. this isnt a bannable offense. the admin doesnt know who the farmers are on ig anyways, they dont have access the the ip addresses of accounts ion ig. Have you seem a farmer say "hey look at this comment i wrote on aly's profile hahaha"? no. why are you even on this thread if you're so offended by people trolling aly? there is no harm done and it isnt embarassing seeing a hilarious comment where a farmer says "my house burnt down but i realize my struggles are meaningless compared to yours. aly is a cow, and it's entertaining. if you're so butthurt over this, lolcow isnt the right place for you.
>>436664 no i cant relate to that sorry! when i bloat i get a rumbly tummy sure but nothing visibly moving and swelling
No. 436811
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Y'know Aly, I genuinely have no idea. A breakdown + black posts maybe?
No. 436813
File: 1512304472317.jpeg (318.41 KB, 747x1209, 66EAC743-95E6-4419-8584-73F11F…)

From stories. This is getting ridiculous, 90% of the comments the last couple of days seem to be farmers. Without us she’d have nothing.
No. 436820
File: 1512306604622.png (3.14 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171203-060809.png)

she's dying her hair. You think it has to do with the comments?
No. 436822
That would be the voices
No. 436826
>>436728In agreement with this. It's cow 'prodding' if anything.
I do prefer the blatant calling her out comments (hoping they get through her thick skull) that she deletes and the very subtle ones (kek) as opposed to the really OTT (i kill me too) and arse-kissy ones (just inflates her ego).
Seeing her wobble can be hilarious but I want her to stay upright.
No. 436866
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does she have food in this pic or can she not resist making the "holding food position"? isnt that a little fork but there's no visible food lol
No. 436869
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>>436867Brit fag. Confirmed
Nah mate she's forever "blowing bubbles"
No. 437034
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Shes not weight restored you guise. Shes still a smol underweight anachan
No. 437048
File: 1512331418340.png (244.81 KB, 750x1334, 459C4884-D975-43E3-B11E-943C57…)

Samefagging to laugh at her 45 like in an hour. Thats what happens when you ban all your active followers. Is she private?
Also noticed no blackout posts or I kill me’s. Maybe shes learning thats one of the reasons people are unfollowing?
No. 437075
File: 1512333705897.jpg (41.97 KB, 736x1104, dainty aly.jpg)

>>437037Not weight restored yet heavier than her ~set point~ pre ana.
Lol@ not yet 18.
No. 437092
File: 1512335371477.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171203-150721.png)

omg that post was sooo special. sitting on a table outside mcdonalds!!
No. 437093
File: 1512335373548.png (1.76 MB, 1080x1831, 20171203_210642.png)

I can't deal with this, kek.. apart from anything else the food looks like literal shit. She really doesn't get it
No. 437094
>>437093Fucking hell, how patronising! Omg.
>>437092Like she hasn't posted make upless face pictures before. She posted her gut last night.
No. 437138
>>437133Aww, so you didn't get to taste that plate of excrement?
I said I'd blast at Aly if she was sitting on tables. I haven't yet but I'm so close DESPITE what she wrote about table sitting yesterday. Her scummy boots are even on the seat in her last pic. Yes, I'm t r i g g e r e d every time. I need a #selfcaresunday sometime. Henna my hairs to a neon orange.
No. 437143
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>>436867Lady Leshur is NOT kidding about her WINGS
Take note Aly!
No. 437165
File: 1512339878747.jpg (372.34 KB, 1007x978, Screenshot_20171203-162053.jpg)

She desperately wants more comments on her no makeup pic, she hardly looks different at all cus all she wears is eyeliner, how can she think theres a huge difference?
No. 437178
On her latest post she's saying how she hasn't updated all day. Whaaat? It's sad how she has to go out with her mum every day.
>>437165She just wants people to tell her she looks beautiful.
No. 437217
File: 1512343875398.jpg (1.43 MB, 2896x2896, 20171203_162432.jpg)

No. 437225
>>437217if I weren't lazy af I'd make a gif/collage of her sitting ~casually~ on fucking McDonalds tables, and then I'd go through her instagram and screenshot all those times she bravely wore no make-up (!) which was always a HUGE (!) deal.
also, remember her phase of pointing out her "soft thighs, big hips, cellulitis [sic], flabby belly, not perfectly made-up, no perfect poses and stylish fashion"? kek.
No. 437273
>>437217she said her post the other day was completely different too and there was nothing other than the norm
idk how she managed to post 6 times with her phone off too
No. 437285
>>436728That's exactly what I said. i cant tell if you're agreeing with me or if you misunderstood me
>>436813HAHHAA it's not good to be too healthy. And aly agreed with this. she's so fucking in denial oh my goooddd
No. 437358
File: 1512354289078.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0374.PNG)

It's sad how badly her ED has destroyed her mentally and physically. Her current face bloat is so bad it's obvious she purges heavily.
No. 437360
File: 1512354416913.png (1.59 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0373.PNG)

>>437358I think her hair has a lot to do with how terrible she looks too
No. 437389
>>437378Only recently for attention. In the past she's said she used to binge but then restrict heavily. No actual binge vom thing has happened, even though she's pretending it happened the other night.
>>437364I think her face is just … face fat. She did look bloated early on in recovery, but apparently that can happen. Now it looks normal with parts of her heavier than others. Yeah, I'd say it's just a full face. Maybe that's where it collects first for her.
No. 437396
>>437360>>437358I'd say she was just at the beginning of her anorexia here too.
Also, didn't the girl pictured with Aly also have anorexia? And a few years ago confirmed with a farmer through DMs that Aly is actually huge whiny bitch? LoL
No. 437399
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Oh and she's definitely spoopyish here.
No. 437407
File: 1512359113685.jpg (351.2 KB, 2896x2896, 20171203_204320.jpg)

>>437399She looks like a dum dum. Look at the size of her hand compaired to her whole arm. And her knees. Her head is huge.
No. 437431
>>437358lol she wishes she purged heavily, or at all. then she could still be "sick" at any weight. i think she realized nobody bought her "fighting the urge to purge all!" bullshit bc she's not posted about that for a couple of weeks now, thank fuck.
as other anons have said, she's never purged.
>>437364>>437389exactly, she's got more face fat than before and her diet is almost entirely processed sugary carbs with lots of salt. her face just looks fat bc it IS bigger and bc she's eating shit. the weird bloat from last spring is actually gone (when her eyes were puffy 8/24), so it's pretty clear this is just where she's settled plus terrible eating habits.
she did used to look WAY better though.
No. 437441
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>>437378You've obvi new cuz you can't sage. No she doesn't purge, she lies about it. She threatens to purge 5 hours after a meal. She's not actually b/ping.
>>437358this is her before ana. same round face
No. 437443
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Before she was anorexic. That blonde hair looks so shit, she needs to go back to dark blond/light brown. Also "not weight restored" my ass. She looks the same now as she did here
No. 437471
>>437378Um, could you read the thread and sage pls? This is ridicilous.
>She's talked about purging before. Yeah she's also claimed to have had panic attacks, OCDs, depression, to have self-armed several times and so much more. But it's all bullshit, so.
No. 437534
File: 1512388729064.jpg (35.51 KB, 294x329, so busy.JPG)

I want to know what makes Aly's days so action packed. For someone who says she has a lot to do there's very little evidence she does anything at all.
No. 437545
>>437534Further on in her post she said
>>?? Am I the only one who kinda 'forgets' about eating when busy (?)?kek, sure Jan. you're positively obsessed with food, but sure, we believe your typical ana excuse of ~forgetting to eat~.
and yes, we get it. you are so busy, having to collect benefits and buying a one-size larger jeans that you have to mention it twice in every single sentence.
No. 437585
>>437518the fact that you got so butthurt over that insignificant sentence from that post from hours ago makes you seem like way more of an anachan loool. theres literally no other post from anyone saying theyre recovered and have a bmi of 17 but that one
>>437479noooo ocd is a looot more than just arranging food (normal anorexic behaviour)
No. 437591
File: 1512399301165.jpg (96.61 KB, 830x460, Screenshot_20171204-085304.jpg)

>in truth
just admit you're not gonna live together ffs it doesn't take this long to harvest wheat
No. 437594
>>437591prediction a) berto is lying about it not being ready cuz his roommate doesnt want her there
prediction b) she's never moving in bc they want her to pay rent and she cant so she's just lying about it now
No. 437628
>>437594i dont think she was ever going to live with them like i dont understand how their apartment couldnt be ready and if its so uninhabitable wouldnt he just look for a new place?
i wonder if she'll ever get another job after that interview that made her self arm it looks pretty doubtful
No. 437639
File: 1512405534945.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171204-103732.png)

ah i love eating chicken in the street with the friends
No. 437653
>>437639Eating? No, anon, it clearly says "when you CHICKEN NUGGETS in the street with the friends"
Idk about you but I constantly CHICKEN NUGGETS in the street with the friends. So relatable
No. 437659
>>437653oh you're right, i've never been nugs in the street :( i kill me
can't believe we used up another thread and nothing has happened lol
No. 437693
I like this one for new thread
>>429980Ideas for new thread:
> Birth control making her extremely nauseous, hungry, gaining weight, etc. Is she alone? > Still no wheat, 3 months later, where she is supposedly going to move into home with berto> Psychiatrist didnt give her meds, did she make the right decision girls? > Was going to work as a club promoter! No mention of it again> Went public for 3 full days (!) Said she definitely doesn't care about haters at all (!)> Turned private due to haters> Still claiming bmi 17/hollow face/very underweight despite looking the same as she did before ana> Sends copy pasta to everyone, never responds to dms, despite claiming she "wants to help her followers"> Deletes any comment that's not about her. You're feeling suicidal? BLOCKED!> still has no money for therapy but eats out every day No. 437705
File: 1512414424866.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171204-130544.png)

oops its coming girls
No. 437706
>>437545(Late to the party but I've been out all day christmas shopping and came back with NOTHING)..ANYYYYYWAAAAY, shame she couldn't forget about eating for 15 minutes when she was busy at work. Poor girl had to scarf down Mars bars sitting on the toilet.
>>437594It was always meant to be a Berto and friend set up. They both came to Milan to study and houseshare. She suddenly decided that he meant he wanted her to move in and her fantasy escalated.
>>437705Back home just in time. Niiiiiiice.
No. 437714
File: 1512415047664.png (1.11 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171204-131611.png)

No. 437723
>>437399I can´t describe it, but something is really different compared to now.
Not only the body and the face, her whole aspect (!) is….different.
maybe it´s just the "craziness" in her eyes? duh, still looking for the right words to name it in my head.
You know like it´s on the tip of my tongue.
No. 437729
>>437723>>437725Fuck, I love when things turn philosophical. It makes me so horny.
I think she looks more … serene. The madness is probably bubbling away inside but she seemed a lot quieter and calmer and yes, not filled with madness.
No. 437734
File: 1512416911363.png (216.25 KB, 352x554, fancy weird neck.png)

>>437725Imagine her bones slowly turning into fries. That´s also the reason why she has osteoporosis.
And her kidneys are two nuggets now.
>>437729yeah, like more introverted maybe?
No. 437743
File: 1512418083505.png (1.98 MB, 750x1334, FAFE2792-F3C9-4467-9A2A-6110F5…)

Oh here we go again. Not enough support so she wants to skip dinner…
No. 437748
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No. 437752
File: 1512418982746.png (1.03 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171204-165713.png)

All of today's christmas pressure caught up with her eventually
No. 437766
Aly might be the only person alive for whom becoming a heroin junkie would result in an improvement in mental health.
Sage because not related to anything specifically, I just get overwhelmed by her overall insanity
>>437740By now she's definitely a living McDonald's mascot. The resemblance with Ronald with the red hair and manic smile cements it. I vote this the next thread picture
No. 437771
>>437751I had a friend in high school who was bulemic and she was miserable to be around. All she had to talk about was her weight and “omg i look so fat in this”. Not to mention how easily
triggered she was if Any of us wanted to eat.
Sorry for blogging but i am not surprised Aly lost all her friends during her ED. She wants to pretend she still has friends, and we know shes truthfully gone out a coupple times with actual friends. But look at her behavior these days. She is impossible to be around, needs all the attention on her and guilts people all the time.
Everyone hates her except her mom, because moms have unconditional love and no matter how insufferable their kids are, they will love them. I also think Mama C has a lot of guilt for Aly’s ED and Aly constantly reminds Mama C and guilts her on a daily basis .
No. 437783
>>437771many anorexics and bulimics hide their eating disorder they dont go around whining about being fat and how much they're eating. aly is just very attention seeky and i can see her doing that, but not all anas are like aly. That's why Aly is a cow and other mentally ill people arent
>>437752So fucking dramatic!!! "i hope i will survive" bitch you'll obviously survive
No. 437928
>>437817yeah fr it's always the ones who don't have it bad that feel the need to talk about it so much
like some cows who are "addicts" but probably take like 1 oxy every 2 weeks and claim to be addicted for pity votes. same goes with eds. I've met people like this irl too, they're so dramatic and extra.
Is this just a histrionic thing or? I dont understand what posesses some people to exaggerate serious illnesses for sympathy. the people who have it bad and know how terrible an illness/addiction/ed can be rarely talk about it
No. 437945
>>437931>if someone wants to be anorexic they'll blog about nothing else and obsess over calories while not losing any weight because they don't have an ed.That's 90% of mpa then.
I can't even remember Aly's first #motivational recovery post when she was clearly not eating what she was holding near her face (spoop era). On her other account she casually writes about being on holiday with Berto and having anorexia but otherwise she was normal.
I can't figure her out. As hard as I try I can't make the pieces fit.
No. 438076
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This wasn't posted yet, so here. Its like a black post.
No. 438197
File: 1512486482236.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171205-090540.png)

No. 438208
File: 1512488012449.png (225.74 KB, 750x1084, IMG_4215.PNG)

her shortest caption ever!
her "panic attacks" are probably just mild anxiety