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No. 408794

Elbow-san's face was accidentally revealed in a window reflection at a Christmas dinner party >>220938 So Taylor posted a full pic of them together.

Taylor's brother did a Nazi salute and goose-stepped in the background of her presents video.

Sperging continues to abound.
taylor is now leaving japan. in her video admitted she got weeb fever, wanted to be Kota, didn't even learn the language properly, then failed in what she wanted to do there

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TaylorR1488
Instagram: https://instagram.com/taytay_xx/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamtay_tay

Last thread reached limit >>222185

No. 408796

No. 408798

Honestly, I think she's grown a ton since her early days. I really hope that she continues to do what is true to herself instead of trying to be someone she is not.

No. 408799

The old thread is not full, it is on auto-sage. There's nothing to talk about. Read the rules.


No. 408801

She was very honest and sincere in this. I like that she acknowledged that she didn't try hard to learn Japanese and admitted she didn't leave the house much which I get if she didn't see it as long term. Taylor is cringey sometimes but I respect her for not burying her past as she grows up or moves on, and that she isn't afraid to look stupid tbh. I'm excited to see her in Hong Kong. She was much happier there and made much better vlogs. She's come a long way.

No. 408809

>wanted to be Kota
did she literally admit this?

No. 408815

I’m proud of her for being totally honest with herself and her viewers. She’s so genuine and I’m glad she woke up out of her dolly phase.

No. 408816

agreed, Taylor's personality is effortlessly likable imo

No. 408817

Nope, that was just the opinion of the person starting this thread.

She did state that she was trying to be someone she was not and that Hong Kong and Canada are home.

I feel like Taylor is one of the more honest YouTubers.

No. 408820

What a cornball lol, but good on her for being genuine. It's refreshing. I wish her the best tbh. I think vlogging and YouTube are definitely her niche. She knows what she's doing.

No. 408826

Did kaka make this thread?

No. 408828

Nah, OP, err, kiki is just on one of her trips again. Check the kota thread, it's ridiculously obvious that she's back.

No. 408851


another jvlogger is leaving awwww
kind of missing the cringey girl group that used to exits.

BUT I have to say that her current make-up is so much better and she looks so much prettier these days than she used last year around this time tbh.

No. 408877

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No. 408917

Taylor's thread is here >>>/snow/331466

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