File: 1487134290761.png (462.58 KB, 447x715, DR.png)

No. 251831
Daphne Rimmel
>Insane nurse that believes in every conspiracy theory around the world.>Harassed a doctor for days on IG trying to prove HIV is a hoax.>Believes the earth is flat and satellites don't exist >Science books with artistic representantions of planets and the universe are BS according to this galactic nurse. >Deletes comments with evidence and scientific explanations of round Earth. >Sleeps with an eye open and makes her IG account private at night. >Obsessed with Venus Angelic, claims to have the same history with her narc mom. >NASA and Margo are her worst enemies>Claims to have gained 20 pounds with a Freelee's diet. >Wears a corset 24/7. Still fat. >Self posted her YT channel in PULL >Caught sockpuppeting and using different names Join Daphne on her galactic mission to destroy NASA and narc moms from the surface of this
plane earth!
No. 251875
File: 1487143056499.png (194.9 KB, 720x1124, DR1.png)

No. 251876
File: 1487143086329.png (171.93 KB, 720x934, SP.png)

Self Projecting much?
No. 251886
File: 1487144518390.png (48.21 KB, 720x512, N.png)

Emma Wright (her sockpuppet) always defending "Daphne".
No. 251890
File: 1487144933589.png (670.89 KB, 720x1027, D-1.png)

"Daphne" or "Addie"?
No. 251921
>>251831>wears a corset 24/7Wait, what the fuck? How does that even work?
Also, let me guess, is she also an anti-vaxxer?
No. 251926
>>251921Yeah she's anti-vaxxer too. She believes every single conspiracy theory on the internet. She believes Phoebe from FRIENDS was brilliant because she believed in all that shit too. LOL
About the corset, idk anon she believes too many things… corsets are bad for your health but she probably believes that's a lie too.
No. 251952
>>251921I'm pretty sure people who sleep in their corsets are batshit or have BDD or something. It's dangerous, uncomfortable, and completely unnecessary. Just more evidence that she's got mashed potatoes for brains.
This is the reason why I'm paranoid of nurses. Does she go telling people not to vaccinate their kids and shit? That would be a horror story.
She's just another person that rejects reality (aka science) because she's too stupid to understand it. She doesn't even try. I'm not opposed to rounding up people like that and dropping them in the ocean. We should at least sterilize everyone that believes in FEMA camps and flat earth.
Maybe she's schizophrenic or something and induced delusions from smoking so much weed. Disclaimer: I'm about as much of a medical professional as this crazy bitch.
No. 252058
>>251953Sadly, she's being serious.
>This is the reason why I'm paranoid of nurses.Loons like this woman working at hospitals or schools should be immediately reported and examinated.
Maybe that's why she uses different names.
No. 252128
File: 1487184134636.gif (934.79 KB, 500x200, Leo.gif)

>>252115I decided it was time to share this galactic milk.
No. 252202
File: 1487191076280.png (796.86 KB, 720x1143, Screenshot_2017-02-15-14-36-07…)

Hahaha thanks insane bitch for my daily keks. Those hashtags tho!
No. 252204
File: 1487191208636.png (618.91 KB, 720x993, Screenshot_2017-02-15-14-35-35…)

#tranny #fakepregnancybitch LOL
No. 252214
File: 1487191817316.jpg (843.2 KB, 1200x944, 20170215_144757.jpg)

Leave Beyonce alone! cries hysterically
No. 252297
>>251831>NASA and Margo are her worst enemieskek
Also, she doesn't even know how to properly wear a corset
No. 252318
File: 1487201611149.png (715.41 KB, 720x939, 20170215_170721.png)

>>252297What she did to her friend is even worse. She looks like she can't breathe.
Why does she wear that sweater in all her videos??
No. 252319
File: 1487201981125.gif (229.31 KB, 500x382, xI8SF2X.gif)

>>252318Holy shit I didn't notice the laces before now
She disgusts me
No. 252369
>>252319She's demented.
Meanwhile in Margo's thread she's making more conspiracy theories about an old woman she harassed once on IG, months ago. (She used a sockpuppet then posted everything in PULL). Imagine how many people this woman has harassed before using her sockpuppets?
Doctors, Scientists, Freelee (kek), IG users, Beyonce and her unborn child, Satanists, Round Earthers, narc moms… she has hate for everyone.
No. 252384
>>252369I wouldn't say she is straight up demented, she is way too active for it.
She behaves like mentally ill person, and there are mentall illneses which you can mistake with regular dementia.
No. 252398
>>252384I think that anon was saying demented about the corset laces (sorry if I'm wrong).
You're not supposed to tie your laces around the waist, unless you want to look tacky, lazy, and damage your corsets - and corsets are damn expensive. My eye is still twitching.
She sure doesn't know how to wear corsets for someone that's constantly wearing corsets. Shows her incompetence.
No. 252426
>>252403It's like I said in
>>252115Flat earthers are uber agressive for some reason. Recently a radio show host I listened to wanted to speak to some of the Flat Earth people and he was swamped on twitter with bile and abuse.
She seems like ANY belief she holds, she can't deal with being challenged because she KNOWS she's right and everyone else is a fuckwit. You can't even debate with her, because SHE'S RIGHT. Never known anyone hop onto so many things and be this way. I can't even think of a mental illness it could be. She's batshit in a Asha kind of way (but without the vagoo pics and ingrown hairy breasts).
No. 252445
>>252398Yeah that's the word: tacky.
>>252426I couldn't describe her better.
She says that you need to make a video to prove her wrong, according to her logic, experts and people in the comments are lazy and uneducated because they never make video responses.
No. 253205
How easy is to debunk Flat Earth but how difficult is for them to accept it.
>>252426, check this out:
Behavior Flat-Earthers psychological study:
- Borderline personality disorder
- Narcissism
- Reality anxiety
All her rants about narcs are pure self projecting.
No. 255223
File: 1487652713496.jpg (208.67 KB, 1443x1076, daphne.jpg)

>>251831"How hospitable is a place that is trying to kill you and SEND YOU the bill for it?"
That is the description of her new video. I can't believe this girl used to be a nurse. I think clearly she has some mental issues.
Thinking a hospital is trying to kill you so they make more money!? Just sad to be honest.
No. 255252
>>255223What a horrible person, maybe she got fired, that's why she's a "Full Time Youtuber" now.
She's moving to Iceland, I just hope she never works as a nurse ever again. People like that shouldn't work in the health sector. It's dangerous.
No. 256042
>>255696We all agree on that. Hopefully no one will hire her in the future.
Her rants and opinions about Hospitals, Aids and Cancer donation can be considered as insensitive and slanderous statements. I doubt someone wants a nurse like that in a Hospital.
>>255779She's a
Corset Queen kek
>>251890She thinks she looks fabulous that's why it's funny.
Notice they call her "Addie" there..
Isn't her name "Daphne"?
No. 256053
File: 1487792105578.png (368.97 KB, 500x777, SureJan.png)

There are more Space agencies around the planet that aren't NASA…. omg flat earthers live in a fantasy world and they will refuse to listen because they don't want their illusions destroyed. No. 260538
File: 1488312101919.png (618.27 KB, 720x783, 20170228_121456.png)

The obsession is real..
No. 262417
File: 1488508819980.png (519.82 KB, 719x1138, EC.png)

First Beyonce, now Eugenia Cooney is a Satanist too and "the reason why your freedom of speech will be revoked by 2020"
Now Daphne is liking Onision's videos lol
The list of the things she hates is insanely long
No. 268252
>>268190She has been deleting comments and accounts and changing some usernames but these are
some of the
suspected accounts:
Twitter: Emma Wright @emmss999
(it was @snich1954)
fb: susan.nicholson.756
Yt: Emma W now Emma J
don't worry be happy
Mr. Salty
IG: suzii_qt, jonimulroney, therealmarge.p (exposed account recently deleted) , massagememargo, koka
Pull: Andromeda Galaxy, So Pink
Someone mentioned that "Ren" has a very similar post history too.
KF: Um…
No. 268552
>>268252>IG: jonimulroneyHa, funny to know that's her and she was busy stirring the pot through the Marge saga. But I guess that's a big obsession of hers.
>KF: Um…Well, there you go. I had thought Um might be multiverse (name changed from Everything Is Chemicals) talking to herself. They sure are on the same page… not a claim to fame I would enjoy.
No. 268590
>>268552>I had thought Um might be multiverse (name changed from Everything Is Chemicals)oh kek thanks anon.
No, that's a different person.
No. 268596
>>268455Hahaha When was the last time So Pink posted? She has been very quiet lately…
>There is speculation that she is doing vote manipulation.Yeah… sockpuppets are useful in many ways, this is why I said those accounts behave like a horde.
No. 268601
>>268590It's just when Um turned up she was maybe… expected? Someone at KF already knew her, or it looked like that from the outside. She seemed expected, maybe. So I thought it was an account reboot attempt. I rarely visit so I didn't delve further.
The problem with following Margo is one ends up in conversation with people like Daphne (facepalm at how many conversations I must have had with her). Saged for wandering ot.
No. 268628
>>268601Um.. joined after Vexxed's thread was created, she thanked OP for the thread. One of the characteristics all of these accounts have in common is that they only comment in VA threads.
>The problem with following Margo is one ends up in conversation with people like Daphne Yep
>(facepalm at how many conversations I must have had with her).Kek she's very dedicated.
No. 269327
>>269319>and Tranny friendKek
samefagging but I want to see the original video and I can't find it.. they aren't just talking about flat earth like the title says (I see what you did there Daphne), they are talking about a specific youtuber.
No. 269329
File: 1489480605202.png (103.83 KB, 720x605, TheEarthISRound.png)

Yeah it was about her and her stupid video about Eugenia…
No. 276370
>>276326I did message Nyx mentioning evidence we found and have been ignored for days now…not even a "we know" or "I don't care"
>>276329Are you talking about the other white knights or something else?
No. 276445
>>276370I think it just takes some time! But.. well, it's pretty obvious that fat cows like Daphne and Jamie are sperging in these threads.
In fact, Um and Emma Wright have been liking Jamie's tweets and posts on KF…
>Are you talking about the other white knights or something else?About a different spergelic, yes. She was mentioned earlier itt.
No. 276478
>>276445They have read it twice now, It shows when they last read.And no collected evidence was given yet, just asking if they have looked into it and that others have been talking about it in secret and that we have some evidence.
I can understand why someone would be delusional and see things in black and white.(I don't agree but I can get it) I will NEVER understand ignoring facts and saying clear bull crap to hold onto a delusion, and making so many fake accounts to fervently do this. Like what is so fucked up about you that you cant accept anything that contradicts your fantasies.Case in point Daphne "my parents are both lazy and narcissistic and narcissists target me" and then "I know the truth and the whole world is about what I believe is true" ……..I mean she sounds more like Margo every time she talks lol
No. 280298
>>276478>we have some evidence. So…where is this
No. 280415
File: 1490846733360.gif (1.35 MB, 350x197, 350x197px-LL-181dfe2b_oprah_wo…)

meta data?
Sounds like you got a real bombshell, anon!
No. 280420
File: 1490847187792.jpg (454.06 KB, 1726x1513, IMG_3038.JPG)

>>280418You need to get the authorities involved immediately. This is WAY too big for amateurs.
No. 280444
>>280432This is no laughing matter, anon. It needs to be investigated NOW.
Daphne is
worse than margo, just ask
>>279970 No. 280494
File: 1490852657145.jpg (37.91 KB, 401x470, IMG_3046.JPG)

This calls for some top flight investigative journalism. Someone call vexxed!
No. 280496
File: 1490852787276.jpg (128.55 KB, 1185x784, IMG_3045.JPG)

>>280494Oh wait…you already did.
And notified Mira too.
Guess y'all are SERIOUS about this.
No. 280502
>>280498Sure. Just one person "on their own" at the exact same time you retards were sperging about 'DAPHNE!" all over Venus's thread.
No. 280506
>>280498>>280502Vexxed + Mira + lolcow sperg-chans
Onward to take down DAPHNE!
No. 280507
>>280506It's the autist A Team
No. 280528
So what other A-list youtubers besides vexxfag and Mira did you losers try to recruit to join your retarded 'EXPOSE DAPHNE' crusade? This is gold..
No. 280589
>>280543Oh, right. That's why you're
compiling EVIDENCE (lol) and emailing the admin of PULL and Mira and who knows who else, you're just "tracking."
Love it.
No. 280765
File: 1490890124940.png (420.53 KB, 720x864, Oops.png)

No. 280814
>>280502Hahaha oh you mad? Why would you care about that? Ah yeah, because…
You are Daphne.
>>280334>It is being compiled in private.Just like NASA, we hide the truth from Daphne.
>>280506>Vexxed + Mira + lolcow sperg-chans>#autisticarmy #theearthisROUNDAnd Eugenia, she knows you too now, and remember that she's an evil satanic witch, be careful! maybe she can tell Beyonce in the next illuminati meeting ~~~
No. 280931
>>280814Not "mad" and not Daphne! the object of your autistic obsession. Just an amused and entertained anon, enjoying the show.
Sperg on!
No. 281044
File: 1490911514281.jpg (91.32 KB, 955x537, IMG_3129.JPG)

>>280793>I see someone has been contacting people… wait, who's been "contacting people" and which "people?" Only contacting I see is you spergs tipping off your boy vexxed the Intrepid Journalist and emailing Mira to get her onboard your DAPHNE conspiracy train.
which is the best shit ever, btw…the dynamic duo of vexxed + Mira, heading up this army of autists.
Oh, and messaging PULL with "Muh EVIDENCE! REEEEEE!!!1!1!!!"
No. 281310
>>281044Aw don't cry, at least you have Jamie, and Melissa.
No. 281337
>>281044>wait, who's been "contacting people" and which "people?" I bet Beyonce was informed too.
>>280674>On pull she is breaking the rules. Yes, very fishy activity.
>No one has contacted mira or vex.Even if that's true.. it's like anon said, they did it on their own.
>Who sounds like the conspiracy theorist now.She's the expert. Her youtube channel is 100% conspiracy theories.
No. 281417
File: 1490937496228.gif (78.92 KB, 200x200, IMG_3157.GIF)

>>281385wait, is this …. DAPHNE??!?
No. 281455
>>281417No, it's not Daphne.
This is EverythingIsChemicals
>>281388Jamie is a youtuber who recently created an account in PULL (now banned) and kiwifarms using he real name.
She followed some fishy accounts on PULL that are believed to be Daphne's and apparently she's into VA drama. Some of the accounts previously discussed in this thread have been liking Jamie's posts and tweets.
No. 281468
>>281385Some days ago a list of suspected sockpuppets was posted, including an account in KF, then one anon said the following:
>>268552>I had thought Um.. might be multiverse (name changed from Everything Is Chemicals) talking to herself. I understand why anon thought that.. they are rabid, very dedicated, so it's just in order to avoid confusion.
No. 281558
>>281455Oh I get which Jaimie, that dumbass youtuber. I had thought you were talking about a guy for some reason and I've been scratching my head about who. I haven't paid enough attention to the Daphne story/drama.
One day I would like to know why everything is chemicals / multiverse has a compulsion for doxxing herself.
No. 283851
File: 1491281624398.png (720.19 KB, 720x760, Screenshot_2017-04-03-15-43-09…)

94 videos.. $$62$$
Wow. I'm so proud.
love it
What did you do with all that money?
Beyonce albums?
An annual subscription to NASA/National Geographic?
a VA official t-shirt?
A box of liquid chlorophyll?
No. 283864
>>283763I see how much that
triggered you.
No. 283885
File: 1491283231004.png (315.27 KB, 720x671, SATANismylordandsavior.png)

Maybe the fact that all her efforts aren't aknowledged/ thanked by her queen is causing her a meltdown.
No. 283911
>>283888Lol maybe that's her biggest fear. After Mira tweeted that she had a breakdown here, maybe she's worried about what others youtubers know.
love it She's spending all that time in someone that doesn't even aknowledge her.. isn't that sad? Venus clearly enjoys to be an edgelord now while this cow still believes she's an innocent little princess who still needs to be saved from… her own stupidity?
No. 284046
>>283929Hahha really?? Can you post the video?
>>283930She deletes comments and blocks people all the time because she can't be challengend.
No. 284097
File: 1491300686011.png (Spoiler Image,128.99 KB, 325x290, RealEarthhasCurves.png)

Daphne look! NASA finally revealed the true shape of the earth and the moon.
No. 298003
File: 1493032921805.jpg (24.7 KB, 880x420, bONEEYb.jpg)

>>298002as in, I'm interested to hear what you mean but I'm not far enough down the rabbit hole to know what you're referring to.
No. 298161
>>298072>I'm wondering where / what the troll accounts being referred to are? In this case, Instagram.
>And are they all Daphne or other people?The accounts listed itt are most likely Daphne's.
About the troll accounts that have a connection to Ashley Isaacs..
Two examples..
Jonimulroney suggested for months Ashley's account and other cows.
Kyrillus is supposed to be a guy but randomly follows Venus' aunt and Ashley too (This account has a long story..)
And well, basically Daphne is really into lolcows and tends to talk a lot about "narc moms", I wouldn't be surprised if she's into Ashley's drama too.
Anyway, a girl with many sockpuppet accounts is not a crazy idea imo.. there are crazier theories, anon. Such as.. Eugenia Cooney is an illuminati, OP is Vexxed, aids is a hoax or.. the flat earth theory.
No. 319428
File: 1495504618104.jpg (30.04 KB, 700x323, Art_MyAss.jpg)

100+ videos about Flat Earth and conspiracy bs GONE.
Humanity 1
Daphne 0
…Like literally 0 views, 0 $$, 0 channel, and the world won't stop turning girl.
No. 319500
File: 1495509206655.png (524.68 KB, 1280x720, ClassyNazi.png)

>Yt won't pay me 12.50 dollars per weekHahaha
>YT deleted my channel bc my name "Daphne Rimmel" doesn't match my birth certificate.
>I tolerate ads on my precious videos
>If you can't pay me 12.50 dollars for full-time labor you really are Jews.
>I'm free to work because I have values that come from my lineage and my values include being able to work hard every day.
>I don't need 12.50 dollars a week from you but it is the principle.
>If you put 1 more ad I WILL SUE YOU YOUTUBE.
>Let me tell you a short story yt: My parents sued my abusive teacher. (She also has claimed that her parents abused her. see
>>251876 )
>it's worse than a fraud!!1
>Fuck you!!1 (In German) …
No. 319520
>>319512She is nutty as a fruitcake and a neo nazi/white supremacist type too. I tuned her out after a video or instagram post (I forget which) where she talked about wanting to live in Iceland because hashtag #nojews. And now that reference to "my LINEAGE?"
No. 319526
>>319520She's fucking insane. She's all the things that are fucking wrong with this world
White supremacist
Male supremacist
Flat earther
Paranoid and Slanderous
Just to name a few..
No. 320306
>>319521>I don't think she has a zillion sockpuppet accounts all over PULL, Youtube, Instagram etc. though.Sockpuppets are the last point in the list. I just take note of fishy activity and share some of it with other anons, but it is a fact that she's obsessed with Venus and that many sockpuppets have
conveniently defended Daphne on Youtube.
Everything is Chemicals (Melissa Feuer
>>280765 instagram: misfeuer ) has claimed that she has sockpuppets too.
No. 320413
File: 1495604292217.jpg (132.05 KB, 1149x763, IMG_5071.JPG)

You and the vexxfag are convinced DAPHNE is that girl who was mean to him on Twitter too, right? As well as anyone who doesn't hate WEENOOS here, on kf, IG, PULL and Youtube, they're all DAPHNE too!
You're as cracked as margo and every bit as delusional and obsessed. Entertaining as fuck though, I'll give you that.
Watch out, Daphne…vexxed and his followers are ON TO YOU, girl. Oh and Mira's in on dis too!
No. 321037
>>320413This is why I call her my girl, I know how much it
triggers people.
No. 321051
File: 1495672888614.png (236.64 KB, 720x1280, emw.png)

Emma Wright and other sockpuppets always to the rescue…
No. 321053
File: 1495673628229.png (154.63 KB, 720x1280, k.png)

Then So Pink went to pull with Daphne's sob story…
No. 321082
>>320413You said the same shit here:
And why are you so
triggered by this thread? Why you sure those accounts aren't hers? is it one of them yours?
please, tell us.
No. 323104
File: 1495922749991.png (606.96 KB, 720x1132, Staymad.png)

>>323102Here we go…
This one.
No. 323106
File: 1495922892755.png (430.54 KB, 720x1131, Samefag.png)

>>323102>>321895Samefag used this same picture here
>>280420Notice the writing style and what she's saying…
No. 323107
File: 1495922996193.png (887.84 KB, 720x1130, Samefag-1.png)

Most of them screenshots from lolcow threads.
No. 323114
>>323102The oldest posts of that acc are liked by Daphne and she was her first follower..
When this thread was created she unfollowed the account and deleted many comments.
No. 323122
>>323115It's not the first time it happens something similar.
That case with the doctor was also like that. Daphne spamming his account with hate and delusion, followed by sockpuppets defending her shit after she blocked him.
No. 323282
>>323124learn to reply, or learn to make your point clear
>>323235learn to sage
>>323243learn not to spam
I'm pretty interested to know more about Daphne but frankly, some of you are coming off as being as mentally disorganised as our thread subject. It makes it hard to learn anything at all.
No. 323308
>>323302Oh please grow up. You have no idea.
>>323292I'm an ex-Margo thread anon and have been trying to follow what's going on because obviously that was her haunting ground, but vague posts like
>>323243 are ridiculous. Same with 'google', come the fuck on anon. Get it together, because frankly I'd be happy to sperg about Daphne if I can follow…
No. 323314
>>323308This is OT and ridiculous. There is nothing to hard to follow here. You refused to answer and the google was not a one off post but a possible answer for you. Yes that anon
>>323243 posted something short vague and unneeded but this thread is not full of those and your continued complaining is not needed. If you need information ask, if you have something relevant to say then please do, but If all you want to do is complain about anons then please go somewhere else.
No. 323389
File: 1495958648920.png (1.57 MB, 3748x2148, samefag.png)

These are the sockpuppets from twitter, instagram and youtube.
Notice the writing style, claims and insults.
No. 323393
File: 1495960793543.png (2.08 MB, 2960x2090, smf2.png)

Here you can see some of her comments and likes and her interaction with many fake accounts.
No. 323400
File: 1495964429877.png (1020.28 KB, 2980x1528, sopemjv.png)

TherealMargo.p, So Pink shared the same screenshots and wrote the same.
As you can see, Emma is the person who liked all of those tweets and it's clear that those are her own screenshots since only she can see the read hearts.
No. 333860
File: 1497201261071.png (412.91 KB, 1269x1700, 1497194939100.png)

Reposting this here because it's relevant.
Thanks to the anon who made this one.
Original post:
>>>/snow/333791 No. 333953
File: 1497210698975.png (209.72 KB, 719x1228, TheEarthisROUNDlikeyourdogsSto…)

I doubt it, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
Btw I just watched your video and damn stop overfeeding your doggies Wtf
1 pound more and all your thesaurus and weed pots will start orbiting around them
No. 923979
>>923972What did you get? I have a few times and have found her product formula is inconsistent each time. I ordered the same couple of fucking products and the consistency and smell was different each time. I think she bulked her product with the cheapest ingredient and reduced the percentage of the more expensive quality ingredients, hence the change in texture and smell each time. And her beeswax isn't even genuine. She gets it from Amazon and a few people have reviewed this particular brand as "not real beeswax, synthetic, fake." I know this because she posted a video showing how she makes one of her sleeping face masks and I searched up the beeswax pellets she uses. Fucking Amazon, and possibly fake.
Would explain why some of her products make me break out with terrible acne. It must be this low quality beeswax. She also uses cocoa butter for a lot of her face creams and balms which is a big no-no. It's highly comedogenic. The dumb fat bitch.