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No. 2087620

This is like the troon threads but instead of of being about people who think they are the opposite sex it's about people who think they are gerbils or Naruto.






No. 2087624

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Thanks for the thread OP. It is interesting how they pick a PURPOSEFULLY sexualised character (Angel here being a porn star) and then complain about the fans being sexual towards it. Also
>moodboards of ME!
The wording absolutely cracks me up.

No. 2087625

Kekkk, I bet this is one of the people who thinks Angel Dust is somehow asexual and thinks he only acts perverted out of ~trauma~ or something

No. 2087632

They still exist? I remember otherkins were a thing on Tumblr almost 10 years ago (yes I'm old), I thought this trend died off eventually.

No. 2087672

How about people who identify as “systems”? I don’t believe we have a DID thread

No. 2087685

Ugh, it mutated into "therians" with today's youth. Unfortunately, we've discovered that my niece has therian interests. It started with animal drawings, which I said looked suspiciously furry-adjacent. Then, modifying her shoes to look like animal feet and a tail. Eventually, it was discovered that she was on therian tik tok and was doing that fruity jumping shit. Quadrobics. God. Horrible. She's 14.

No. 2087691

Yes. The Therian ones now do "quads" to walk like dogs and the fictionkins now believe they can permanently shift to other realities if they meditate hard enough.


They all have pride flags and use tranny terminology like dysphoria/euphoria to describe what they're going through.

No. 2087710

arent most of the people in these communities actual children

No. 2087744

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There's definitely adults in there too.

No. 2087762

Adult therians hung around in online pagan communities a decade ago.

No. 2087780

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10 years!? Try 35 years. These losers have been online since "online" was invented, see picrel. They've also been an Internet punching bag for a comparably long time; there's even an old 4chan meme from 2003 about it (FUCK YOU I'M A DRAGON/"FYIAD") that has fallen out of use. Sorry if anyone saw this before I fixed my math, kek

No. 2087794

It's weird why there's a thread on these people when most of the community is children and they aren't harmful like other communities convincing people to get life-destroying surgeries to feel "valid."

No. 2087800

The Starseed community could fit in this thread too, it’s a bunch of people who claim we’re living in the end times and that they’re the reincarnation of aliens that were sent to evolve humanity and grant them some sort of esoteric knowledge. Not a single one of them actually has changed anything beyond just saying “the end is near!!!!” though

There was a thread or two for that >>1137319, >>663556

No. 2087826

>most of the community is children
It varies, actually, depending on which sect of the "community" you're familiar with. On Tiktok, yeah, it's mostly kids. On Reddit, it's mostly adults. I agree with you in the sense that kids playing pretend isn't milky, but adults playing pretend is milky, especially if they're fucking weird about it.
>they aren't harmful like other communities
Does a community need to be "harmful" to warrant a thread? Is it no longer enough to be stupid and cringey?

No. 2087827

My coworkers 12 year old daughter changed name to "Kai" (not a name here) and identifies as a therian so that OP picture hits hard. The parents enable her by letting her do what she wants and let her go by the new name, even when talking to the rest of us at work. It's tragic seeing it. I really hope she grows out of it but the therian spaces overlap with the trans spaces so any event/meetup she gets to go to is trans central. She even took her daughter to the local pride parade because she wanted to be a proud therian, afterwards she talked about them seeing signs that featured cartoon gay butt sex between two disliked political figures. I feel like I'm watching a ticking time bomb from afar.

No. 2087830

>adults playing pretend is milky, especially if they're fucking weird about it.
Even more so when they are grooming kids into doing it too. It is basically just as harmful as troonism. They'd have all the surgeries offered if they were allowed, and the adult males absolutely would fuck animals of their preferred species if they could and were allowed.

No. 2087862

>It is basically just as harmful as troonism
kek sorry but no, there's no way you could convince me that someone who thinks they're a rabbit is as bad as a fucking TIM

No. 2087867

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I wouldn't call therian shit as harmful as troonism, but it sure seems to be trending in that direction. There are some surgeries for therians already, like ear pointing (picrel, spoilered for stitches just in case) and sub-dermal implants, but they're nothing compared to a TIM's rotpocket. Who knows though, maybe in 20 years there will be a surgery that can turn a man into a hideous approximation of a dog, and we'll start seeing "Species: Homo caninus" on legal documents.

No. 2087895

It would make more sense to pretend to be a monkey or something but they always choose canines lmfao makes zero sense

No. 2087964

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>genital dysphoria

literally the same shit as troons but with animals

No. 2087965

>there's no way you could convince me that someone who thinks they're a rabbit is as bad as a fucking TIM
It's the literal same men, nona. It's not really two separate groups, otherkin is another flavor of troonism.

No. 2087967

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They sell animal dick packers for transspecies people like they do for TIFs

No. 2087969

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No. 2087971

Whether or not one anon or another doesnt think this thread is milky, is not a dictation on this threads ability to produce milk and for other farmers to enjoy laughing at these retards. If it isnt your fancy then scroll to the fucking troon thread or dana or lexity or whatever other retards thread you like. You dont have to engage it. But if farmers can keep it afloat with milk they garner from online sources then its no different from any other thread and youre not required to find it a milky subject.
That being said, whether its a tranny wanting to be the opposite sex, or a goddamn dog, it all stems from an amalgamation of things, like being terminally online, having porn addictions, being actually retarded and having no self reflection or basic logical thinking.
Anyone who is mad about this thread is an otherkin or something because these retards can be pretty fucking cringey and laughable. Why are you mad that someone wants to laugh at them? Unless….

No. 2087973

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Anyone else remember seeing this guy on TV or something like years ago? That was my first ever exposure to this shit as a kid and how anyone has any other reaction besides recoiling in disgust is beyond me, because even my gradeschool self was cringing with secondhand embarrassment.

No. 2087977

Lmao i remembered him in an interview. He told people that he could walk quietly as a cat and demonstrated by walking on gravel that made the crunch, crunch, crunch sound.

No. 2087982

I don't think people should be allowed to do this. I don't care that it's "their body" it's the fact that he then does shit like >>2087977 and actually thinks he IS a cat on some level. It's just exploitation of mentally ill people, so no medical or beauty provider should be allowed to do it the same way they're typically not allowed to do plastic surgery on mentally ill people. Wanting it IS mental illness.

No. 2087989

yes, im pretty sure this guy killed himself because of regret of his body modifications, its actually very sad.

No. 2087991

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The dog thing is also extremely common in the trans community to various degrees, especially with the troons who are in the furry community too. For some it 's definitely just fetish "puppygirl" type shit, but some troons really walk the line into therian territory for sure. Especially TIFs with all the werewolf bs.

No. 2087996

Worse than trannies. I'm convinced these people want to fuck animals.

No. 2087997

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Old otherkin site. There's a forum too but you have to sign up to see posts.


No. 2088005

>"Why I Left My Fiancé to Become a Dog" | Secret Life of Human Pups | Full Documentary

No. 2088017

can’t confirm this but the biggest influencer in this sphere, therian terrority was exposed for allegedly associating with zoophiles. unsure if this is actually true but it goes to show that there is overlap in these communities if accusations like this are thrown around all the time

No. 2088075

aw, she'll be alright. i'd be more concerned if she was older. she's just an awkward kid playing pretend in a pseudo-serious way because she thinks shes too old to play pretend normally. shell probably grow out of it sooner rather than later
the kids playing are fine, the adults are suspect and odd at best and outright predatory freaks at worst

No. 2088096

kek these delusional retards need to get a job and get off the internet. remember nonnies keep your kids off the internet unsupervised and you won't have to worry about this shit

No. 2088140

I used to be in a community where there was a popular fan artist, who also had a spicy/porn side account of fanart of these animal based creatures. She had an animal persona that she felt connected to, the usual. Eventually she would openly admit she's a furry, and her male partner is a furry too. But they still swore up and down they were "normal" furries, despite the spicy furry fandom art she drew. That was just a "fantasy" and they just really loved and felt connected to animals. Flash forwards and it turns out her male partner (and likely her too as she knew about it) was training their dogs to perform sexual favors (unspecified exactly what) and he'd also pimp the dogs out to other furries so they could use them for sexual pleasure too using those commands they had been taught. Because apparently that is a common thing they do. So yeah, therians absolutely want to fuck animals.

No. 2088152

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their profiles are public, if you want to check them out

No. 2088184

One thing that bothers me is that for the ones who are just pure cringe they probably could have been great creative minds, but instead they waste their time navel-gazing about how they're really a wolf and then they walk on their hands like a monkey. Maybe they're just the group of people that would have been deeply religious zealots back in the day, their minds need something to "believe" in because they're not very intelligent on their own.

No. 2088540

Tbf starseed people seem more like wannabe hippies with new age nonsense and pseudo-spiritualism, vs therians who seem to be a bit more severe. Therians feel more in line with the DID pretenders and troons. But I wouldn't be surprised if there's overlaps.

No. 2088891

>it mutated into "therians" with today's youth
Therians date back to the ‘90s

No. 2089233

>currently they only make canine and equine
lol. lmao. i wonder why that might be? surely has nothing to do with the fact that they’re literally pandering to disgusting freaks who want to fuck animals

No. 2089362

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There are therians who believe shit like that they were aliens in a past life/lives. I think there were some who believed they were. Picrel is a funny example I found from the other farms though this was an Otherkin not a Therian

No. 2099983

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This guy's account is a trip to browse through. It's an autistic 32 year old scrote who identifies as a multidimensional shapeshifter. He has a wife and a kid but his post history is full of stuff about dog dicks, fetish porn and how he hopes maybe one day his wife will give up monogamy.


No. 2099986

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No. 2100027

He posts a lot in the “incest confessions” subreddit too, I didn’t even know that existed. I genuinely hope this guy is just rp’ing and that he doesn’t actually have children.

No. 2100104

He's DEFINITELY grooming and will soon abuse these poor girls.

No. 2100461

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KEKKK he's one of those insane starseed people too
> A starseed is a person who has lived previous - usually extraterrestrial - lives (you may have encountered this idea within the concept of reincarnation). Earth souls reincarnate on earth, but starseeds are conduits between other realms and the Earth. An otherworldly spiritual aura inhabits their human form. They have a profound connection to the cosmos and, using mediation, they can communicate with other galaxies. They can also communicate with “light language”: a way of bypassing conventional limitations and making connections via the language of the soul.

No. 2100911

Legendary OP

No. 2101147

>they aren't harmful


>The principal told me today as well that her therian identity is severely affecting her learning and behaviour. Before she was a very smart kid and now refuses to do work opting to scrunch her work up and play with the paper like an animal in class. She gets upset if people don't refer to her by Luna ( I didn't know until today that she has changed her name) and she wants people to refer to her as a cat. The worst thing is there have been occasions were teachers have caught her and her friend pretending to "hump" each other like cats. This is what has pushed me over the edge.

No. 2101150

Being harmful is not a requirment of being an lolcow. Making a public spectacle of yourself on social media, lacking self awareness, being fun to make fun of, those are lolcow requirements. Plus the posts being shared here dont specify an age. So if they are minors, then they are undercover minors in adult spaces and that isnt our fault we are laughing at their retardation in this quiet little corner of the internet where they dont see it.
Whats with all the newfags thinking that all lolcows have to be "harmful people", farmers out here laughing at funny retards and then some whiteknight has to be like "leave them alone! They are harmless children playing pretend." They arent. These are the same people stupid enough to fall into a trans trap once they get bored of pretending to be a wolf or whatever. They probably ALL are TRAs anyway.

No. 2101151

Did you forget about the therian who got major plastic surgery, later regretted it and killed himself? Look up "dennis avner" and youll see. To encourage mental illness rather than treat it is a new plague on society we have yet to see the long-term affects of.

No. 2101156

Ayrt is so transparently a zoomie from Tumblr or TikTok who deluded herself into thinking that gossip is "morally righteous" so long as the person being discussed is "harmful" or "toxic." Lolcows are just people who are fun to laugh at, there's no moral basis for it and these newfags need to accept that or fuck off to another website.

No. 2101157

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fork found in kitchen

No. 2101168

I hate how those therian videos (the ones where girls jump) are becoming popular with pedos, gross(post proof)

No. 2102670

To be fair the spirituality, aliens/ufo subreddits, and highstrangeness subreddit are way more batshit but what else could you expect from the new age movement?

No. 2103007

No. 2103076

Who stretched this man's face down the Y-axis? He doesn't actually look like that, right?

No. 2103083

HTV (horse to vampire)

No. 2103118

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He’s like if Bunnicula were a horse

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