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No. 2045809

previous thread: >>>/snow/2000480


Doodoofartface101: new potential cow, claims her mother withhold nutrition from her and that she’s on death door; but her videos show us a different scene
Fairy: she started a goufundme for some fancy treatment; in the last months she looks good and she lost weight healthily, we hope she continues to get well and go on with her life
Stef: for once she gives us, indirectly, a cup of full fat milk. A friend of her, met in erc, released a google drive ( https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1HI6kcjtcCjjPvg7zYxLIMzMIPaTeaSMe?pli=1 ) complete of screenshots and explanation, that shows us how much Stef is really a manipulative, selfish and spoiled rich baby.
Livingwithanorexia: reappears after years, she’s bolding by the day
Sunshinedays.recovery: she birthed a football team but her only motivation to recover is her new horse (spoiler: it didn’t work and she went back to hospital while taking care of a newborn). She’s a narcissist and a nut case, her husband too.
Momsfav: reappear on social media, she’s discharged and started uni again this fall, we hope she graduate for good this time.
Lyss: everyday she seems to become more retarded, between a number of mirror selfies that look exactly the same and a stupid collection of cup holder. She spends money on ice every day.
Cece: she’s married, good job former cow, we wish love and happiness.
Ghostofme: She's stayed at a healthy weight. She doesn't post much, but when she does it's always asking for money or trying to sell nudes or similar. She doesn't claim that her weight gain is just 'swelling' anymore.
The Twins: they’re alive, theoretically.
Smoothibowlmia: she’s continuing shooping like a freak, hoping that nobody notices (we all do), and posting meals that would make a rabbit cry
Fi: same old same old. Worth mentioning the beef she received by former proana cow May (now full-blown cluster(B))
Lavipop94: continues to baffle and confuse people with old pics, vague captions and big delusions. Her selfies are hunting.
Find.ingrfances: posts her 150cal meals and calls them challenges; became famous after sharing the most dry and sad looking Nutella (not detected) crumpet. Only Zara, who by the way still looks like a pale raisin, was more delusional than her about “rECoVeRinG”
Jaycie: she thanks her follower for helping her during this year of recovery in which she wasted a copious number of feeding tubes without ever changing her appearance
Nikol: briefly named, her captions on social media are only in arabic. All of her follows are muslim men. She posts quotes from the Quran almost daily. She's lying about her age now too (she's 24 claiming to be 19).
Abby: always haggard and looking like a meth-head she finds her way between this and the cluster(b) thread. She’s been called out for shooping like always, but a holiday video gives her out
Ganer competed as a bikini bodybuilder; her veneers leave anons very uneasy
EC: still alive, still flaunting around her bones
Lucinda: still standing our unicorn queen
Ash: still alive, still kicking

No. 2045814

Great recap and perfect choice of thread pic nonnie, thanks for stepping up

No. 2045815

thanks, was my firts time. i'm just sorry for the spacing that went away

No. 2045818


anon you forgot the social media links

No. 2045860

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luka’s looking good

No. 2045867

If by good you mean a disgusting pile of tendons. Yeah.
Seriously annoying that these bitches lose all this weight and buy new clothes… they wont fit into these clothes when they weight restore. Its extremely wasteful. Fatties should lose weight to fit into normal sizing and skellys should gain weight to fit into normal clothing. Leave specialty sizes to those who need them. Fucking nasty walking crypt-keeper-looking-ass wastes of resources.

No. 2045909

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What’s the odds on Kali ending up in hospital again? She already looks like a spoop again after only 3 weeks out of hospital. It took her 2 weeks last time. She’s not posted for 10 days so it’s doubtful she’s doing well

No. 2045918

she looks like a tim burton animated movie dog

No. 2045959

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thank you for your service nonna

doodoofartass or whatever her name is LOVES being in hospital and acting like a victim when she gets called out for pro ana behavior. might do better in the bpd thread tho kek

No. 2045975

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For those who miss Laura Ingram's terrible photoshops, here's a new one from facebook

No. 2045980

She honestly is looking really really unwell. Skelly body, chest bones, that god-awful scraggly hair. Christ. I'm always surprised she's alive.

No. 2045982

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Does anyone know if Lavipop actually left ERC or if she's still just recycling random pics

No. 2045986

Is this a minor or just baby faced behind since the threads have been so dead

No. 2045994

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Luka: "I don't edit my pics, I don't use filters or Photoshop"
Also Luka's eyelashes:

No. 2045997

Tinfoil she's still there

No. 2046006

She discharged a little while ago, so a lot of her pictures are actually current now

No. 2046008

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good news, Zara is back to give more smug recovery advice

No. 2046011

she doesn’t look so bad tho

No. 2046012

She looks pretty good for Zara, but she's still objectively quite underweight

No. 2046013

I've always found anons over exaggerate zara's spoopiness no matter what and underplay it in other cows kek

No. 2046014

She looks really good then. Maybe it actually helped her? One can hope

No. 2046038

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Another new one

No. 2046043

All I see is a skeleton that desperately needs a haircut

No. 2046044

Wasn't she certed? Wonder how she wormed her way out of that one. Momsfav was there for months.

No. 2046047

was she? I wasn't following her at that point, so I don't know. She does seem to have gained to a healthy weight, so maybe she was just more cooperative than momsfave. I think Lavi was there for like 2 or 3 months total.

No. 2046048

Yes I think so she was messaging tons of people panicking because acute certed her. I guess if you get healthy they let you go.

No. 2046050

oh, yeah, acute transfers certs to ERC regularly once they've gained enough weight to get to ERC. She must have cooperated enough there to get ERC to feel like she was ready to go back home.

No. 2046054

Kind of makes you wonder why momsfav etc don't just cooperate to get out faster

No. 2046057

who knows, but momsfave seems to actually be doing well now so maybe she needed all that time in treatment. She doesn't seem to have lost weight since getting home and is back in school.

No. 2046061

Good for her. I hope she gets to finally enjoy college.

No. 2046071

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Been wanting to discuss this new cow for a while kek, she irks me so bad. @thatonegirly8 on tiktok, posts pictures like this of her face and does so many facial contortions to seem spoopy yet in tiktok’s with her whole body she’s bang ass average. i’m not bone rattling, she’s not fat by any means but definitely not underweight and acting like she’s the spoopiest ana on the planet. idk whether to be annoyed or secondhand embarrased

No. 2046106

She’s been back a while. Just seems to be on a ‘wholesome’ happy recovery path complete with cutesy emojis and conveniently covering her stick limbs in all photos. Same her, just more boring now.

No. 2046107

Reminds me of may and her weird face pulling

No. 2046109

my favorite thing about zara is that she's always very excited to tell you about how she wasn't really recovering well a few months ago but now she is, ignoring the fact that the rolling window means she's constantly admitting that she was exaggerating

No. 2046140

May 2.0

No. 2046143

Surprised this one’s still alive.

Anyone know what’s up with Marie these days?

No. 2046218

not denying that, just for her she doesn't look like a 90yo like always

No. 2046258

but anyone know what is stef up to? after the drive drama nobody heard from her (?)

No. 2046260

someone posted links on reddit to a court document showing that she got committed and her father refused to take medical guardianship. I stupidly didn't screenshot and it got taken down, but it also contained her weight and some other details. I can never remember her last name (M something?) but if someone else does then I can try to find the document via google. It's public record. because it's a court document. I think it was at a hospital in NYC and not back in Denver again. Tbh, I think she might have been the one to post it because I'm not sure who else would have known to go looking for it.

No. 2046269


could be this? i can't screenshot the documents but if someone wants to

No. 2046296

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No. 2046297

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No. 2046298

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No. 2046302

and before someone comes for me: these are public documents so i'm not doxing or endangering the privacy of any of the people nominated.

No. 2046305

I'm not white knighting Stef of all people but this does feel gross as hell to post somewhere like here. At least you left off her home address. Did you pay to access this?

No. 2046349

Agreed. It’s completely crossing the line. This is a pro-ana thread and she’s not posting anything on the internet to snarn on. This is gross.

No. 2046356

Yeah Jesus christ posting her medical records is next level. I'm all for a good laugh at someone being ridiculous, but it makes me wonder what these girls have to do to be left alone. It's like Cece. Bullied completely off the internet and still anons try to dig up ANY random snippet of her life. This is why I wish this particular thread would just die. The only people who care what anachans do anyway is other anachans. Also if doxxnon paid money to read those that's genuinely loser behavior.

No. 2046377

Marie went dark on social media after a couple threads ago when she came into the thread to selfpost/defend herself against anons accusing her of self-infantilising after posting photos of ordering off the kids' menu at some restaurant.
Hasn't posted anything since.

No. 2046378

ntayrt but court documents like these are unfortunately free to access lol

No. 2046383

The cat weighs more than her.

It's still a weird thing to post and I'm saying this a farmer and boolie

No. 2046385

honestly i’m not convinced that she didn’t originally post these on reddit herself. they were posted there a few weeks ago before they got removed and in those screenshots it was a pdf from an email. all very sus

No. 2046387

Maybe she thinks the documents make her look sooper sick

No. 2046388

she probably does, she was practically begging to be certed (proof in the google drive) and then the drs at acute saw through the act and she had to write up this whole thing to explain herself. it was hilarious. anyways i don’t feel bad for her in the slightest, she’s probably in glee about being under a court order

No. 2046395

It sounds like she’s doing her same old behaviors at another inpatient program. I feel bad for the other patients who are trying to get better

No. 2046409

Princeton’s EDU and Vasquez doesn’t fuck around either. They’re really nice but they have rounds every morning and will look you dead in the eye and say “you will restore weight here.” If Stefania keeps not choosing any options then Vasquez will either send her downstairs to general medical and/or she will get sent somewhere for forced feeding (and I mean forced with restraints) that does not give two fucks about her feelings or intentions. I do feel bad for her, but seriously at some point she’s got to face herself and be honest about who she is as a person and take the opportunity to grow from it. I dont wish death on her but she’s got serious issues and its in her best interest to deal with them at Princeton instead of some random shithole hospital in New Jersey because nobody deserves that.

No. 2046444

Yeah she probably posted it herself to prove she finally got skinny. She's probably loving it like cece when she finally got admitted to acute after months of planning

No. 2046485

Even more reason not to feed into it.

No. 2046491

The fact she’s refusing the IV says all we need to know

No. 2046492

What gets me with this one is that apparently she’s on the waiting list for an edu. All of her tiktok lives are pretty much just to discuss it. I thought the NHS was notoriously bad for finding spots for ed patients, suprises me that she would qualify

No. 2046511

why do we never talk about CHOP here, the hospital in philly? i thought it was similar to acute in denver, a hospital that takes people really underweight because it's technically a hospital unit (not a psych one) that refeeds and does eds

No. 2046514

Why would we? This is a thread about pro ana scumbags, not the poor doctors/nurses/techs who are forced to deal with them

Can’t imagine working at one of these places kek

No. 2046525

chop is a children’s hospital, not all of the cows there are old enough to be posted here

No. 2046527

Honestly i wouldn’t take too much stock in what she says, she was talking about her psychiatrist wanting to section her. I call bullshit. Sectioned in the uk AND at that bmi of like 20/21???? Ya must be joking, no way. That’s americow behavior only, no other health system (except aussie) would put up with that.

No. 2046528

Is Katy still in hospital on an ng?
What’s Maria doing?

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