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No. 2045809

previous thread: >>>/snow/2000480


Doodoofartface101: new potential cow, claims her mother withhold nutrition from her and that she’s on death door; but her videos show us a different scene
Fairy: she started a goufundme for some fancy treatment; in the last months she looks good and she lost weight healthily, we hope she continues to get well and go on with her life
Stef: for once she gives us, indirectly, a cup of full fat milk. A friend of her, met in erc, released a google drive ( https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1HI6kcjtcCjjPvg7zYxLIMzMIPaTeaSMe?pli=1 ) complete of screenshots and explanation, that shows us how much Stef is really a manipulative, selfish and spoiled rich baby.
Livingwithanorexia: reappears after years, she’s bolding by the day
Sunshinedays.recovery: she birthed a football team but her only motivation to recover is her new horse (spoiler: it didn’t work and she went back to hospital while taking care of a newborn). She’s a narcissist and a nut case, her husband too.
Momsfav: reappear on social media, she’s discharged and started uni again this fall, we hope she graduate for good this time.
Lyss: everyday she seems to become more retarded, between a number of mirror selfies that look exactly the same and a stupid collection of cup holder. She spends money on ice every day.
Cece: she’s married, good job former cow, we wish love and happiness.
Ghostofme: She's stayed at a healthy weight. She doesn't post much, but when she does it's always asking for money or trying to sell nudes or similar. She doesn't claim that her weight gain is just 'swelling' anymore.
The Twins: they’re alive, theoretically.
Smoothibowlmia: she’s continuing shooping like a freak, hoping that nobody notices (we all do), and posting meals that would make a rabbit cry
Fi: same old same old. Worth mentioning the beef she received by former proana cow May (now full-blown cluster(B))
Lavipop94: continues to baffle and confuse people with old pics, vague captions and big delusions. Her selfies are hunting.
Find.ingrfances: posts her 150cal meals and calls them challenges; became famous after sharing the most dry and sad looking Nutella (not detected) crumpet. Only Zara, who by the way still looks like a pale raisin, was more delusional than her about “rECoVeRinG”
Jaycie: she thanks her follower for helping her during this year of recovery in which she wasted a copious number of feeding tubes without ever changing her appearance
Nikol: briefly named, her captions on social media are only in arabic. All of her follows are muslim men. She posts quotes from the Quran almost daily. She's lying about her age now too (she's 24 claiming to be 19).
Abby: always haggard and looking like a meth-head she finds her way between this and the cluster(b) thread. She’s been called out for shooping like always, but a holiday video gives her out
Ganer competed as a bikini bodybuilder; her veneers leave anons very uneasy
EC: still alive, still flaunting around her bones
Lucinda: still standing our unicorn queen
Ash: still alive, still kicking

No. 2045814>>2045815

Great recap and perfect choice of thread pic nonnie, thanks for stepping up

No. 2045815

thanks, was my firts time. i'm just sorry for the spacing that went away

No. 2045818


anon you forgot the social media links

No. 2045860>>2045867>>2045994

File (hide): 1728916869742.jpeg (557.91 KB, 1179x2385, IMG_7331.jpeg)

luka’s looking good

No. 2045867>>2058541

If by good you mean a disgusting pile of tendons. Yeah.
Seriously annoying that these bitches lose all this weight and buy new clothes… they wont fit into these clothes when they weight restore. Its extremely wasteful. Fatties should lose weight to fit into normal sizing and skellys should gain weight to fit into normal clothing. Leave specialty sizes to those who need them. Fucking nasty walking crypt-keeper-looking-ass wastes of resources.

No. 2045909>>2045918>>2048439

File (hide): 1728926692974.jpeg (978.15 KB, 1179x1302, IMG_7398.jpeg)

What’s the odds on Kali ending up in hospital again? She already looks like a spoop again after only 3 weeks out of hospital. It took her 2 weeks last time. She’s not posted for 10 days so it’s doubtful she’s doing well

No. 2045918

she looks like a tim burton animated movie dog

No. 2045959>>2045986

File (hide): 1728937507156.jpeg (398.75 KB, 827x931, IMG_5960.jpeg)

thank you for your service nonna

doodoofartass or whatever her name is LOVES being in hospital and acting like a victim when she gets called out for pro ana behavior. might do better in the bpd thread tho kek

No. 2045975>>2045980>>2046038>>2046143>>2046383>>2048843

File (hide): 1728938631993.webp (63.88 KB, 1070x1071, 1000004779.jpg)

For those who miss Laura Ingram's terrible photoshops, here's a new one from facebook

No. 2045980

She honestly is looking really really unwell. Skelly body, chest bones, that god-awful scraggly hair. Christ. I'm always surprised she's alive.

No. 2045982>>2045997>>2046006

File (hide): 1728939104251.jpg (431.09 KB, 1071x1873, 1000046514.jpg)

Does anyone know if Lavipop actually left ERC or if she's still just recycling random pics

No. 2045986

Is this a minor or just baby faced behind since the threads have been so dead

No. 2045994

File (hide): 1728940406152.jpg (694.68 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-10-14-22-47-33…)


Luka: "I don't edit my pics, I don't use filters or Photoshop"
Also Luka's eyelashes:

No. 2045997

Tinfoil she's still there

No. 2046006>>2046014>>2046044

She discharged a little while ago, so a lot of her pictures are actually current now

No. 2046008>>2046011>>2046106

File (hide): 1728941521803.png (905.26 KB, 1240x583, Screen Shot 2024-10-14 at 4.31…)

good news, Zara is back to give more smug recovery advice

No. 2046011>>2046012>>2046013

she doesn’t look so bad tho

No. 2046012>>2046218

She looks pretty good for Zara, but she's still objectively quite underweight

No. 2046013

I've always found anons over exaggerate zara's spoopiness no matter what and underplay it in other cows kek

No. 2046014

She looks really good then. Maybe it actually helped her? One can hope

No. 2046038>>2046043>>2048724

File (hide): 1728943156474.webp (88.43 KB, 1080x1080, 1000004784.jpg)

Another new one

No. 2046043

All I see is a skeleton that desperately needs a haircut

No. 2046044>>2046047

Wasn't she certed? Wonder how she wormed her way out of that one. Momsfav was there for months.

No. 2046047>>2046048

was she? I wasn't following her at that point, so I don't know. She does seem to have gained to a healthy weight, so maybe she was just more cooperative than momsfave. I think Lavi was there for like 2 or 3 months total.

No. 2046048>>2046050

Yes I think so she was messaging tons of people panicking because acute certed her. I guess if you get healthy they let you go.

No. 2046050>>2046054

oh, yeah, acute transfers certs to ERC regularly once they've gained enough weight to get to ERC. She must have cooperated enough there to get ERC to feel like she was ready to go back home.

No. 2046054>>2046057

Kind of makes you wonder why momsfav etc don't just cooperate to get out faster

No. 2046057>>2046061

who knows, but momsfave seems to actually be doing well now so maybe she needed all that time in treatment. She doesn't seem to have lost weight since getting home and is back in school.

No. 2046061

Good for her. I hope she gets to finally enjoy college.

No. 2046071>>2046107>>2046492>>2047388>>2047559>>2048930

File (hide): 1728946347205.jpeg (956.82 KB, 997x1929, IMG_6762.jpeg)

Been wanting to discuss this new cow for a while kek, she irks me so bad. @thatonegirly8 on tiktok, posts pictures like this of her face and does so many facial contortions to seem spoopy yet in tiktok’s with her whole body she’s bang ass average. i’m not bone rattling, she’s not fat by any means but definitely not underweight and acting like she’s the spoopiest ana on the planet. idk whether to be annoyed or secondhand embarrased

No. 2046106>>2046109

She’s been back a while. Just seems to be on a ‘wholesome’ happy recovery path complete with cutesy emojis and conveniently covering her stick limbs in all photos. Same her, just more boring now.

No. 2046107>>2046140

Reminds me of may and her weird face pulling

No. 2046109

my favorite thing about zara is that she's always very excited to tell you about how she wasn't really recovering well a few months ago but now she is, ignoring the fact that the rolling window means she's constantly admitting that she was exaggerating

No. 2046140

May 2.0

No. 2046143>>2046377

Surprised this one’s still alive.

Anyone know what’s up with Marie these days?

No. 2046218

not denying that, just for her she doesn't look like a 90yo like always

No. 2046258>>2046260

but anyone know what is stef up to? after the drive drama nobody heard from her (?)

No. 2046260>>2046269

someone posted links on reddit to a court document showing that she got committed and her father refused to take medical guardianship. I stupidly didn't screenshot and it got taken down, but it also contained her weight and some other details. I can never remember her last name (M something?) but if someone else does then I can try to find the document via google. It's public record. because it's a court document. I think it was at a hospital in NYC and not back in Denver again. Tbh, I think she might have been the one to post it because I'm not sure who else would have known to go looking for it.

No. 2046269


could be this? i can't screenshot the documents but if someone wants to

No. 2046296

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No. 2046297>>2046491

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No. 2046298

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No. 2046302>>2046305

and before someone comes for me: these are public documents so i'm not doxing or endangering the privacy of any of the people nominated.

No. 2046305>>2046349>>2046378

I'm not white knighting Stef of all people but this does feel gross as hell to post somewhere like here. At least you left off her home address. Did you pay to access this?

No. 2046349>>2046356

Agreed. It’s completely crossing the line. This is a pro-ana thread and she’s not posting anything on the internet to snarn on. This is gross.

No. 2046356>>2046385>>2049563

Yeah Jesus christ posting her medical records is next level. I'm all for a good laugh at someone being ridiculous, but it makes me wonder what these girls have to do to be left alone. It's like Cece. Bullied completely off the internet and still anons try to dig up ANY random snippet of her life. This is why I wish this particular thread would just die. The only people who care what anachans do anyway is other anachans. Also if doxxnon paid money to read those that's genuinely loser behavior.

No. 2046377

Marie went dark on social media after a couple threads ago when she came into the thread to selfpost/defend herself against anons accusing her of self-infantilising after posting photos of ordering off the kids' menu at some restaurant.
Hasn't posted anything since.

No. 2046378>>2046383

ntayrt but court documents like these are unfortunately free to access lol

No. 2046383>>2046742

The cat weighs more than her.

It's still a weird thing to post and I'm saying this a farmer and boolie

No. 2046385>>2046387>>2046444

honestly i’m not convinced that she didn’t originally post these on reddit herself. they were posted there a few weeks ago before they got removed and in those screenshots it was a pdf from an email. all very sus

No. 2046387>>2046388>>2046485

Maybe she thinks the documents make her look sooper sick

No. 2046388>>2046395>>2046409

she probably does, she was practically begging to be certed (proof in the google drive) and then the drs at acute saw through the act and she had to write up this whole thing to explain herself. it was hilarious. anyways i don’t feel bad for her in the slightest, she’s probably in glee about being under a court order

No. 2046395

It sounds like she’s doing her same old behaviors at another inpatient program. I feel bad for the other patients who are trying to get better

No. 2046409

Princeton’s EDU and Vasquez doesn’t fuck around either. They’re really nice but they have rounds every morning and will look you dead in the eye and say “you will restore weight here.” If Stefania keeps not choosing any options then Vasquez will either send her downstairs to general medical and/or she will get sent somewhere for forced feeding (and I mean forced with restraints) that does not give two fucks about her feelings or intentions. I do feel bad for her, but seriously at some point she’s got to face herself and be honest about who she is as a person and take the opportunity to grow from it. I dont wish death on her but she’s got serious issues and its in her best interest to deal with them at Princeton instead of some random shithole hospital in New Jersey because nobody deserves that.

No. 2046444>>2047581

Yeah she probably posted it herself to prove she finally got skinny. She's probably loving it like cece when she finally got admitted to acute after months of planning

No. 2046485

Even more reason not to feed into it.

No. 2046491

The fact she’s refusing the IV says all we need to know

No. 2046492>>2046527

What gets me with this one is that apparently she’s on the waiting list for an edu. All of her tiktok lives are pretty much just to discuss it. I thought the NHS was notoriously bad for finding spots for ed patients, suprises me that she would qualify

No. 2046511>>2046514>>2046525

why do we never talk about CHOP here, the hospital in philly? i thought it was similar to acute in denver, a hospital that takes people really underweight because it's technically a hospital unit (not a psych one) that refeeds and does eds

No. 2046514

Why would we? This is a thread about pro ana scumbags, not the poor doctors/nurses/techs who are forced to deal with them

Can’t imagine working at one of these places kek

No. 2046525

chop is a children’s hospital, not all of the cows there are old enough to be posted here

No. 2046527>>2046933>>2046934

Honestly i wouldn’t take too much stock in what she says, she was talking about her psychiatrist wanting to section her. I call bullshit. Sectioned in the uk AND at that bmi of like 20/21???? Ya must be joking, no way. That’s americow behavior only, no other health system (except aussie) would put up with that.

No. 2046528>>2046785

Is Katy still in hospital on an ng?
What’s Maria doing?

No. 2046742>>2046951>>2047425

I find it real hard to believe multiple farmers supposedly think it’s “gross” to post public documents that don’t even really contain any sensitive info. Say you’re not all you want but yall are wking her and she does not deserve that at this point in this context. There is way worse shit farmers post on here, it’s embarrassing that THIS is where your supposed moral compass draws the line

No. 2046785

katy doesn't post since mid august, maraia is private and i don't follow her

No. 2046933>>2047225

I thought that too anon but she recently said that they’re just waiting on an admission date now. Bet it will ‘fall through’ though and we’ll be blessed with more tiktoks about how the system failed her whilst pretending that she didn’t secretly want to go in the first place. Can’t be sectioned if you want to go kek

No. 2046934

I thought that too anon but she recently said that they’re just waiting on an admission date now. Bet it will ‘fall through’ though and we’ll be blessed with more tiktoks about how the system failed her whilst pretending that she didn’t secretly want to go in the first place. Can’t be sectioned if you want to go kek

No. 2046951>>2047004>>2047028

Being cert’d isn’t pro-ana cow behavior. Dragging up someone’s sensitivelegal documents, publicly available or not, is next level fucked up. This is a space to call out cows who post pro-ana content, this isn’t that. It’s not rocket science, retard. She has taken herself off the internet and should be left alone at this point. She’s a POS human but that doesn’t make doing this right.

No. 2047002>>2047028

Why does everyone seem to have an obsession with protein bars? They aren’t cheap and taste grim.

No. 2047003>>2047010>>2047014>>2047040

The only two cows who have apparently recovered are Elzani and Fi. — they are also the ones with loads of money and get everything from their parents still living at home .

No. 2047004>>2047133>>2047134

It is when it’s been clear the whole time that’s what she wanted. Honestly I’m sure she’s absolutely thrilled, seems like she was doing the most to make it happen.

No. 2047010>>2047013>>2047346

there are other retired cows - crying emily, n2f, italian ali, ghostinmypocket, etc (and tentatively maybe momsfave if she keeps it up). We just don't talk about them anymore because there's no milk.

No. 2047013

oops, sorry, I meant ghostofme not ghostinmypocket - couldn't even remember her username because it's been so long. Also, cece stopped posting, got married, and looks healthy

No. 2047014>>2047348

We'll see how long Elzani lasts now she's training three times per day. Yes, she was a competitive swimmer in the past, but she can't pretend her ED never happened and she can just go back to the way she trained before it with no possible issues.

No. 2047028

I think people forget this is, at its core, a hateful website kek like if you're here you're kind of a bully. It's not just "calling people out" the farms are actively pretty nasty. There's no moral highground being involved with this.
Diet fad. It's the only non-demonized macro right now.

No. 2047040>>2047042

Fi is considered recovered? Hard disagree

No. 2047042>>2047347

I feel like Fi is the eating disorder equivalent of a dry drunk. She's weight-restored, but she still has no real life outside of thinking, talking, and writing about her eating disorder and food. And like 75% of what she eats is expensive protein bars or desserts.

No. 2047133

Thank you nonna, Christ this white knighter needs a reality check

No. 2047134>>2047135

we know it was an explicit goal of hers from the google drive leak. she literally snuck food out of a vending machine at night to look like she wasn't eating and wrote a weird ass letter to the doctors at acute trying to claim that she didn't "come wit h the intention of getting her rights taken away" and didn't mean to seem like she wanted that

No. 2047135>>2047136>>2072651

File (hide): 1729140611562.png (2.98 MB, 750x1334, 32. journal entry lying to ACU…)

the letter

No. 2047136>>2047226

File (hide): 1729140677613.png (552.36 KB, 750x1334, 29. waiting for ACUTE eligibil…)

saying she wouldn't go to sanford because they kick you out for non-compliance

No. 2047225

Kek i’ll believe it when i see the ip tiktoks. Until then as far as I’m concerned she’s lying lmao. May #2

No. 2047226

stefania is a fucking weirdo, everytime i remember she’s like near 30 it creeps me out because she acts like a goddamn child

No. 2047268>>2047276

File (hide): 1729180370961.jpeg (244.24 KB, 1170x982, IMG_1516.jpeg)

Whoever this guy is dodged a bullet by breaking up with Lyss. Imagine if he read all the posts about him 11 years later he'd want some type of restraining order

No. 2047276

She posts about this every year it's fucking bizarre. He's /married/ now she name dropped him and I'm nosy. She needs to shut up.

No. 2047346>>2047371

They all never claimed to recover.

No. 2047347

Expensive bars and things bought by mummy…

No. 2047348>>2047491

I think she’s more recovered than Fi.
Would always liked to have seen Elzani video about the Haldon edu.

No. 2047371

Emily is recovered

No. 2047388>>2047480

I’ve just caught up with this one and yikes, she’s like a cross between May and Ham (remember her?) No way is she gonna get an adult bed (not bone rattling, just have a working pair of eyes which apparently her “doctor” doesn’t)

No. 2047425>>2047478>>2048847

I know a lot of people from /r/edrecoverysnark lurk these threads and there’s a lot of overlap between milk posted here and there. That might partially be why some ppl are offended (personally I don’t have an opinion)

No. 2047478

honestly you can almost always tell who on here was a transplant from there lmfao

No. 2047480>>2047487

how could i forget “inpatient bed with my name on it” ham, ah the good old milky days. and yeah i doubt she gets one also, the uk health system is so fucked up that it seems only those on their deathbed get one (and she’s far far from it). i honestly wonder who’s putting these ideas into her head

No. 2047487>>2047492

Because the UK EDUs run like a summer. Camp instead of weight restoring these cows and sending them home so other people can access services. The docs over there must be complete morons to keep doing this piss poor style of treatment that clearly doesn’t fucking work.

No. 2047491

Maybe. I want to see that doc too but I doubt it'll happen now. She just posts the same old recycled reels every day with some boring mantra over the top about loving yourself and loving life. Which is pretty easy when your parents are loaded and you're still living like a student rather than someone in their late 20s.

No. 2047492>>2047493>>2047502

at least they’re actually underweight in the UK ips lol, erc/walden will admit and tube any fatty over and over with good insurance for no other reason than moneymaking. clearly they have no problem stuffing food down their gob, anyone with eyes can see that.

No. 2047493

the us has such a weird dichotomy with the larpers with good insurance spending ages in treatment over and over and then a lot of people with serious EDs who can't get treatment because their insurance won't cover much or they can't afford to take time off work

No. 2047502

Yeah because the UK system of waiting until they’re emaciated skeletons with little chance of recovering is working so well. UK fags wouldn’t last a week in a US hospital where you’re forced to gain 4+ lbs a week or get your ass kicked out and lose your supply of attention for the gram

No. 2047559

How old is she?

No. 2047581>>2047582

Wait how do we know Cece got married and stuff? This is literally the first I've heard. Are there pictures? Also good for her!(sage your shit)

No. 2047582>>2047583

nonnies found her wedding website and posted pictures from it at one point

No. 2047583>>2047589

Okay interesting. I wonder who she married. Wasn't she already divorced at some point? I hope she really has moved on, she was one of the most annoying.

No. 2047589>>2050546

a hippie woo lady who does photography and massage

No. 2047652>>2047840>>2048490>>2050210

edrecoverysnark is ridiculous and has at least one mod that’s a munchie, they barely allow any discussion there nowadays. Reddit is shit for posting milk or really anything worthwhile

No. 2047680

File (hide): 1729248621719.jpeg (534.87 KB, 1179x2096, E1541565-61F7-473F-B110-A17F54…)

shoutout to this spoop for finding another way to body check without being called out (almost)
if: agapepearl

No. 2047840

It’s basically just bellsbitesback, katie statton or colleen (who even has her own sub). All the comments are just the same, because there’s only so many times you can respond to the same posts

No. 2047972>>2048357

What did journeytoemma die off?

No. 2048039>>2048633

Any updates on the Twitter cows? I’d look myself but I don’t remember their users.

No. 2048357>>2048399

Not been said publicly but wasn’t her eating disorder according to family.

No. 2048399

So it was complications of her prolonged munching?

No. 2048423>>2048433>>2048439

well kali is back in hospital

No. 2048433

this is an image board, caps?

No. 2048439>>2048459>>2048474>>2048845>>2048895

File (hide): 1729440825554.jpeg (938.28 KB, 1179x1677, IMG_7685.jpeg)

Are you actually fucking joking me? She is disgusting beyond words. I did call it, though:

No. 2048459>>2048528>>2048677>>2049605>>2055612

i will never understand what’s up with the uk cows and head banging. why does nearly EVERY person admitted to a uk ip have that goddamn forehead mark?? i’ve never even seen one here

No. 2048474

It’s giving personality disorder. Even the sickest of Anas don’t go back into hospital that quick it’s clear she wants it

No. 2048490>>2050210

agreed nonnie, a few of the mods are sus & there’s way too much sympathizing with cows and feeling sorry for them. which is ridiculous lmaoo bc then why are u on a snark page

No. 2048528

new wave of british mental health

No. 2048591>>2052893

File (hide): 1729460077544.png (2.11 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_8036.png)

ash delighted us for halloween with a view of her artery

No. 2048633

I don't know the other twitter cows but Kate (of bird posing fame) seems to have deleted her account and recovered. She had a lulzy recovery tiktok video with crying/post-purge befores and happy smiling afters but it either got deleted or she deleted it herself so you'll have to take my word for it. Overall looks like she isn't active, at least on her tiktok (@baasically).

No. 2048677

Didn’t smorven really start off the trend?
It’s a way to get attention and get yourself on 1:1.
And look like a twat

No. 2048679>>2049366

Is Katy (twins) still in general on a ng?

No. 2048718>>2048747

File (hide): 1729478644466.png (1.93 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5469.png)

She admitted being in recovery from an ed. This grown woman is the worst. She was at etc, rosewood etc, then jumped on the munchie chain to keep the ed. It’s repulsive she’s sharing vomiting online. I hate this pos.

No. 2048724

Pathetically edited

No. 2048747>>2048925

hasn’t she always admitted being in recovery from an ed?? haven’t followed her in a while so idk if she’s been lying about it lately but she used to post tiktoks dancing around erc. no one liked her there kek it was probably all she had to do

No. 2048843

File (hide): 1729514003856.jpg (49.22 KB, 875x1000, 1000047108.jpg)

She looks like this

No. 2048845>>2048860>>2049229

Is there some reason she doesn't wash the blood off her face before posing for pictures it's grim

No. 2048847

Its especially funny that they lurk the threads given that it's a always extremely obvious when they run to post stuff from here there and b they think they're not also boollying the cows. They're no better than we are.

No. 2048860

For the gram nona

No. 2048895

i swear it looks like a cosplay of emilyjonesx when she was in the priory. the posing, the clothes, the forehead
or it is just me?

No. 2048909

Any claim of “gastroparesis” is an immediate red flag for munching anachan (unless there is a legitimate cause for it like having real diabetes). It’s such an obvious munchie pipeline, idk who they think they’re fooling

No. 2048925>>2049045

For a while she deleted everything Ed related & started claiming chronic illness. Then some twats here said she was legit chronic illness & no ed wrongfully & tried to toss her out of the thread. This b is the worst of the worst in attention seeking. Then she has piss fits the drs refused to do what she wants lol bc they aren’t stupid

No. 2048930>>2048978>>2048994>>2051781

File (hide): 1729531952869.jpeg (422.38 KB, 1170x2335, IMG_1666.jpeg)

Kek it just gets worse and worse. Why do they always claim they’re days away from death

No. 2048946>>2048956>>2049086>>2050821>>2051249

File (hide): 1729534029140.png (1.28 MB, 1012x1096, Healthyish Mama TikTok.png)

This chic popped up on my TT feed and is definitely using her "illness" as cover for her ED eating habits.

No. 2048947>>2048956>>2049041>>2049082>>2049129>>2051874

File (hide): 1729534168188.png (519.44 KB, 486x701, wow.png)

Someone said she used to talk about her ED on her page back in the day but deleted it all and now says its her Crohns disease problem…

No. 2048956

Holy shit the bones of her skull are all visible

No. 2048978>>2049230

Her face says otherwise, looks adequately nourished. Very deluded, very delusional, very May

No. 2048994

the mascara/eyeliner on the bottom lashes is always so blatant too kek they think it makes them look sick but it just looks stupid

No. 2049041

Oh hell no, if she is blaming this on her Crohn's disease, then she wouldn't actively be making all of these videos and flouncing around with healthy recipes or whatever bullshit is up on her page. She'd go to a gastro doctor, they'd give her a picc line with TPN, and she'd go from there on her recovery to a healthy weight and being in remission. What a fake.

No. 2049045

There are always idiots who fall for the munchie schtick. Every time. You’d think farmers would be better than that but nope

No. 2049082

Seens to be cow worthy. The healthy eating videos are hilarious…reminds me of EC. Takes a bite and pretends to eat normal So many people kiss her a** to.(sage your shit/learn2integrate)

No. 2049086>>2049275>>2050808>>2050875

File (hide): 1729554771286.jpg (347.32 KB, 1073x1906, 1000021542.jpg)

House tour of her pantry. No normal food. Mostly powders for drinks and organic snacks for her kid. She's definitely got ortho/ana eating habits

No. 2049129

She has kids too…

No. 2049229

Gives them the vibe that they look sooper mentally ill nonna!! when really it looks like they just need a good scrub kek.

No. 2049230>>2049300

KEK May was the first person who came to my mind when I read this too! Not bone rattling but she genuinely doesn’t look like she’s anywhere close to death. Yeah she’s probably underweight but not life or death tier (and in b4 “ED’s aren’t all about weight!!!” yadayada). But even if it wasn’t purely based on her weight and was to do with electrolytes or whatever, it can’t be that severe if she isn’t on constant bed rest and/or connected to ten million different drips. The histrionics of these cows, and as a UK fag it’s even more embarrassing.

No. 2049275

you just know that bitch got the 30 calorie vanilla almond milk

No. 2049300

agree except she actually doesn’t look underweight at all in whole body tiktoks, it’s just her face structure. which makes the whole thing funnier

No. 2049366>>2049388>>2049918

File (hide): 1729623119801.jpeg (312.91 KB, 1806x1309, IMG_3080.jpeg)

Been discharged.
Interesting the TT story has her with a bridle on her ng so I guess she wasn’t cooperating doesn’t look much better than when she went in.

No. 2049388>>2049458>>2049478

It’s an NJ not an NG and standard practice to insert a bridle with an NJ

No. 2049458>>2049461

Is that standard for any patient in the UK with an NJ? Because it’s not in the US, unless they’re a young child, a mentally disabled or impaired adult, or an ED patient. Other patients with NJ tubes don’t have bridles, only tape. Anyone posting tube selfies with a bridle here is either a noncompliant ana or a munchie.

No. 2049461

Usfag here and yeah they do though I’m sure not always but it prevents the tube from moving out of the jejunum. NJ’s need to be more secured into place than an NG. I’m sure it’s more common than you think it’s just that normal people who have an NJ with a bridle for non-ed reasons usually aren’t posting it all over social media for others to see

No. 2049478>>2049481

Why has she got an nj not an ng?

No. 2049481

severe and long-term anorexia can basically give you gastroparesis (which can often be reversed with nutrition and weight gain but obviously the twins haven't allowed that in a long, long time) which makes it hard to eat a lot or makes you vomit, or compression syndromes like SMA where it really hurts to eat. So if she complained to her doctors about GI symptoms, they probably decided to do an NJ in case one of those things was going on.

No. 2049561

I know some want this thread to die but I love it so thank u to the thread creator

No. 2049563

If you want the threat to die, why are you still actively contributing and reading it? Get a GRIP

No. 2049605>>2049652

The worst part is that they're NOT headbanging. They are either scratching their foreheads, or if they're hitting their head somehow, they're deliberately choosing the way that will cause the most visible wounds with little actual pain or danger. Most of those cows don't ever have even the tiniest bruise.

No. 2049652

eh, i’ve seen a fair few with those fucking forehead lumpy bruises that make them look like bottle nose dolphins. not most tho, you’re right

No. 2049659

File (hide): 1729704517688.jpeg (552.35 KB, 1170x2150, IMG_9373.jpeg)

She seems to get “food poisoning” every week kek. Is she hinting at being bulimic?

No. 2049734

File (hide): 1729719126852.png (3.17 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_7313.png)

I’ve been holding onto this one for a while because I didn’t want lick asses defending Han on this one. It’s very simple to put this stuff into google. If you weren’t looking for “omg you’re so brave and admirable” messages, you wouldn’t post this on your public story to however many thousands of followers she has. Yes, Han has been gaining weight and doing “better” in recovery, but at the same time she still doesn’t eat hot meals/dinner, and posted this on her story. Still an attention seeking cow

No. 2049801>>2049824>>2049839

File (hide): 1729733058800.jpeg (171.34 KB, 790x909, IMG_2747.jpeg)

I came across this and it gave me gypsy rose blanchard vibes it was a gofundme and a fundraiser
Dear Friends -

On Sunday, April 30th about 300 people gathered in New Jersey to save my sister, Stephanie.

Thank you to the Portuguese community, and those that commuted 5+hours, for coming together in this fight against Anorexia.

It has been a very difficult situation for our family and everyone's support is really appreciated. You have all touched Stephanie's life - including mine. You are the living example of change -makers that are committed to elevating humanity and I lift you all in deep admiration.


No. 2049802>>2049803>>2049811

File (hide): 1729733118683.jpeg (192.86 KB, 828x452, IMG_2748.jpeg)

And when her sister died she created a gofund me for the funeral. So odd. Is that common in the US?

No. 2049803>>2049805

kek at a giant banquet to fight anorexia

No. 2049805

Beyond weird

No. 2049811

Yes it's actually pretty common, the median emergency savings in America is only $600 and a funeral costs on average about $7000. It's sadly not uncommon at all from what I've seen, especially if someone had a lot of medical expenses before they died.

No. 2049824

You going to share a username for the potential cow or just be a retard and give zero context as to who these two people are?

No. 2049839

I know this chick she's disgusting and stuck up(sage your shit)

No. 2049918>>2050044

Katy and Maria are the ultimate sadcows. Can't imagine how bleak it must be being in your 40s and having no job, no partner, no prospects and no interests other than starving yourself and being a revolving door patient

No. 2050044

Can’t help feeling they are victims of the screwed nhs system - they haven’t helped themselves but the ED mental health set up is awful. And being twins must make it harder. Not the oldest anorexics I’ve seen though. Amazed they are still putting Katy in hospital- at what point do they say no more.

No. 2050210>>2050320

No. 2050320>>2050505

idkjgmabofc is a munchie and munchie-defender. Not sure if the other mods are.

No. 2050322

You’re not even allowed to say someone is a munchie on that sub any more. Which is insane considering the high overlap. And there was 0 community consultation about that new rule.

No. 2050461>>2050464>>2050759

Is Paris still alive?

No. 2050464>>2050656>>2050759

File (hide): 1729906220901.png (910.5 KB, 1093x689, Screen Shot 2024-10-25 at 8.29…)

you could literally have just gone and checked her instagram where she made a post about her usual bullshit seven hours ago.It would have taken less time than asking to be spoonfed.

No. 2050505>>2050547>>2050776

kek apparently that one also reads here because now all evidence of munchieness is gone from their profile, it was still there a couple days ago.

No. 2050546>>2050550

Y r so many of these ppls happily ever after end up in a gay/lesbian relationship????(learn2integrate)

No. 2050547

Ouch. And they pretend to be higher than tho

No. 2050550

Maybe there's a link between not being comfortable with being gay / suppressing it & having an ED

No. 2050656

I don’t have an instagram account so no I couldn’t

No. 2050759>>2051097

File (hide): 1729991537808.jpeg (264.03 KB, 1557x1026, IMG_3090.jpeg)

What is going on with her trousers!

No. 2050776>>2050876

Also any mention of this thread gets the banhammer over there. They reeeeealllyyyy do not like it being even implied.

No. 2050806>>2050894

File (hide): 1730004539274.png (3.28 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5752.png)

This woman is going to die. I’m over people posting videos as if they are some kind of grand influencer when what they actually have is a severe ed.

No. 2050808

I call total BS about her. She’s definitely got an ed. No one lets themselves get that bad or has a pantry like that without one. It’s clearly a lie.

No. 2050821

You can literally see every detail of her skull as if her face isn't even there. My genuine question is do these women somehow not able to see what their face looks like? Because she seems so looks-obsessed yet looks like an ugly and terrifying horror movie prop. I don't understand.

No. 2050875

Kek @ the box of ramen half behind the trash can

No. 2050876

Most of the posters there are cows themselves going on about wHeN i WaS iN tReAtMeNt LoL CAMHS amiRiTe!!1! and pretending they’re just “concerned” for the people they post, kek, do they really think they’re better than the rest of us here

No. 2050894

She posts so many food videos and pictures like sorry you expect us to believe you eat that? Or aren't compensating you look like a skeleton with skin

No. 2050942>>2050950>>2051267

File (hide): 1730052330321.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.57 MB, 1179x1682, IMG_8361.jpeg)

why in the everloving fuck would she post this.

No. 2050950

Desperate need for validation and attention

No. 2051007>>2051011>>2051022>>2051025>>2051267

File (hide): 1730064801756.png (5.87 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_8483.png)

can we please appreciate how delusional frances is? like she was sooooo all -in and getting better

No. 2051011>>2051018>>2051088

mate you saved that post…?? why? i’d like to scrub it from my mind. she’s beyond unbelievable and thank fuck she’s shut up in hospital now. hope they actually keep her there this time. it’s an IP unit rather than a general hospital so hopefully they aren’t quite as incompetent

No. 2051018

just bc i saw it on the bus and i couldn’t post it here then, i already removed it don’t worry i’m not that masochistic

No. 2051022

Yeah no one saw this admission coming.

No. 2051025

It's legitimately just fucking sad what a state she's in and the fact that she is so beyond delusional

No. 2051088

What unit is she in?

No. 2051097

Pretty sure she folds them over so her hip bones are bare and visible for extra attention. She often wears her bottoms low for that reason

No. 2051199>>2051210

File (hide): 1730120939172.png (613.47 KB, 538x899, 126.png)

Just another day on TT for her showing off

No. 2051210>>2051213

the fact that she's around young children (hers and the ones friend with hers) is so sick and vile. i hate her and her stupid fake narrative around crohn's in order to be this shit looking. i hate her and the influence she has on social media, i so hope cps gets involved, like this can't be a functional and healthy home for thos babies, her husband is either a fetishist or a total shithead if he doesn't do anything

No. 2051213

Ah yes, it's the crohns killing her and not the fact that she only consumes almond milk protein shakes. Makes perfect sense. She reminds me of Steve Jobs trying to cure his cancer by only eating fruit.

No. 2051249

She says she gets edema in her limbs from cronhs or smth but I get it from being bmi 12 so she definitely gets it just from standing and existing(blogging)

No. 2051267>>2051475

I know she’s a cow (and one of the worst for the “LOOK HOW *~SICK~* I AM” at that) but sweet baby jesus, there is no amount of money in the world you could pay me to post these. She should never have been discharged from general to home in the first place, especially with a couple of nutters for parents just letting her carry on because “NHS bad”

No. 2051475>>2051972

what amazes me is the fact that she was admitted excatly one year ago iirc, but how the hell did she managed to last a year without any medical professional admitting her involuntarily? like she went to appointmets and such and nobody raised a finger? it baffles me

No. 2051549>>2051550>>2051903

women need to stop tearing each other down. She is such an inspiration for women every where to be as wonderful as she is….

No. 2051550>>2051774>>2051903

File (hide): 1730224657206.png (508.56 KB, 474x783, Easy dinner in under 20 minute…)

How to teach your children disordered eating habits….lets have sweet potato sliced pizza bites..yumm…it has to be low carb, keto and always "healthy".

No. 2051592>>2051647

File (hide): 1730229334095.jpeg (465.07 KB, 1179x2096, 6FE3E320-1812-4F2B-B5C3-4602BF…)

i know she’s in the cluster b thread now but this is too good not to post it here
a blast from the past

No. 2051647

I'm not usually one to WK but she looks okay. She'll probably never be back to the body checks in Kew Gardens era but last I saw of her she was the size of a small house.

No. 2051675>>2051869>>2051963>>2052066

File (hide): 1730243949830.png (1.85 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5124.png)

Jaycie in treatment saying she still has more weight to gain. She’s truly delusional

No. 2051717

File (hide): 1730255248747.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1094x1921, IMG_1975.jpeg)

The brain rot is real. She can’t even spell out the word that’s blazoned across the package in her hand.

No. 2051774

kek at the fact that she “doesn’t have an eating disorder”…just the cliche eating disorder recovery tattoo on her arm…

No. 2051781>>2051828


I'm trying to dig up her youtube channel, I remember about a year or two back she had a video where recovery Ro was deciding what she eats for a whole day? As they were both in recovery, now I can't seem to find it and it's driving me insane. If a nonna can spoonfeed me a link I'd be eternally thankful.

No. 2051828

Are you thinking of Dora?

No. 2051869

That sounds like her choice

No. 2051874>>2051878>>2051910

File (hide): 1730303040190.png (306.08 KB, 684x611, image_2024-10-30_114459257.png)

She scrubbed the internet of all things related to her ED except for this post on her facebook I guess she forgot to delete kek.

No. 2051878

Also as a sidenote pretty stupid for an "influencer" to post all the details of her personal life online. Looked at her fb for less than 10 minutes and saw the names of her entire family including her children, their home address, her and her husband's places of work…Jfc what a complete retard

No. 2051903

Welcome back, Michael Jackson.

No. 2051910

nice to see 4 years later how successful she has been managing her ED… I mean Crohns my bad.
She really looks like she has been thriving years later…

No. 2051911>>2051928>>2052603

File (hide): 1730309289938.jpeg (381.92 KB, 1170x2063, IMG_0301.jpeg)

She’s been a completely normal weight for months and months now. I can’t imagine how much resources she takes up for others that need it and also how much she’s willing to embarrass herself

No. 2051914

File (hide): 1730309614896.png (940.46 KB, 1470x876, jdiojd.png)

She can barely hold her child for 30 seconds here while her dress falls down in this video. Its amazing how many morons praise her on her videos and say how much of a wonderful mother she is.
Such a Toxic platform

No. 2051928>>2051974

Kek she 100% does not need to be in a wheelchair based on the photos she’s shared, and this one. Also that fucking maxi pad on the forehead gets bigger and bigger each time I see it. The secondhand cringe and embarrassment I get from these cows is next level ngl

No. 2051963

Have yet to find a picture of Jaycie where she doesn’t look over-weight. I’ve never understood what the feeding tube is for? I believe her when she says she eats her meal plan. I just don’t believe her when she says her labs are bad

No. 2051972>>2052439

She's with steps who are apparently notorious for being shit

No. 2051974>>2051978

iirc she has FND or something that has affected her ability to walk so I don’t think the wheelchair is because of her weight

No. 2051978

FND can be real, but I am so sure that she is not one of those people and it's just another vehicle to get attention

No. 2051979

In Jaycie’s case, she lies to doctors/therapists in order to get the tube in. It’s all for show and attention, she’s never had real anorexia(sage your shit)

No. 2051993>>2051996

File (hide): 1730329655646.png (713.57 KB, 1080x1837, 1000037867.png)

sunflower_saff made a petition to try and get off of having an ng tube. Always guessed the NHS use it as a tactic to try and stop people coming back.

No. 2051996

kek at the spoop who obsessively posts pizza reviews thinking that an internet petition will get doctors to believe she's totally going to eat enough without an ng tube and supervision

No. 2052035>>2052067>>2052225

File (hide): 1730338782324.jpeg (Spoiler Image,497.3 KB, 1179x2107, IMG_2853.jpeg)

Another Steph wanna be anachan trying to act like the sickest acute has ever seen… embarrassing to be in your 20s & bragging about having a tube hospitalised


No. 2052036

File (hide): 1730338896913.png (526.26 KB, 428x698, Screen Shot 2024-10-28 at 6.01…)

lavi with the extremely normal meals (note that she claims her ED is entirely due to serious digestive problems that would make it a bad/painful idea to eat this quantity of raw vegetables). The screenshot is from two days ago because I was going to wait a little to post it for anonymity and then forgot

No. 2052066>>2052165

more weight to gain is hilarious. she’s already overweight, does she want to be obese?(rattle rattle)

No. 2052067

Kek I just came across this one earlier today. There’s just something off about her as well, she seems to be a bit slow

No. 2052165>>2052219

Which fatty said this was rattling? You can’t actually believe Jaycie needs to restore any weight at all

No. 2052219>>2052374

she looks bmi 22 — 23 which is average, as well as pretty typical for most young burgerfag women. there is no way in hell she needs any “weight restoration”, but she’s definitely not overweight or close to getting obese anytime soon, nonna.

No. 2052225

barely milky. Learn to sage. I don’t care about some random acutechan - being an admit there is barely a “badge of honor” anymore. ERC denver adult is at capacity and they can’t handle the suicidal patients so they’re all sent to ACUTE.

No. 2052227>>2052495

File (hide): 1730407829307.jpeg (190.66 KB, 1022x1442, IMG_6430.jpeg)

> Cries about not being let go from treatment (while actively having a tube? what made you think they’d discharge?)
> Goes trick or treating 4 hours later, dressed as a pig

No. 2052264>>2052287>>2052288>>2052302>>2052390>>2052603

File (hide): 1730418482267.png (3.66 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_8765.png)

happy halloween indeed nonas

No. 2052287

Fucking hell her whole face is green!

No. 2052288>>2052293

this is what it looks like when someone actually is bashing their skull in not a little scratched circle on the forehead like the rest of them sport

No. 2052293>>2052299>>2052548

How hard do you think she’s banging / on the ground instead of the wall maybe because it’s harder? This looks so much worse than others that I’ve seen other than that ginger Amber girl

No. 2052297>>2052359>>2052365>>2052512

File (hide): 1730424450278.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1151x2127, IMG_0468.jpeg)

It’s sad that she’ll only ever be known as the anorexic one in her sorority

No. 2052299>>2052439

Very hard I'd gather unless she just bruises very easily, but hard enough to be causing concussion or brain damage if she isn't careful, against a hard wall too not hollow or something

No. 2052302

I would imagine she’s punching herself as well?

No. 2052359>>2052365

Hello reddit transplant. Y'all on Reddit are obsessed with this person. No milk, yet so much harping on her. Kek.

No. 2052365>>2052655

> dg letters
nonna, that’s the standard across the us for dgs, from sec to hicksville to nowhere illinois. she’ll be fine. i agree with >>2052359, could be a cow but not for this thread.

No. 2052374

some of you reddit anons need to be so for real. jaycie is not bmi 22-23 in any universe. she’s definitely not obese, but definitely overweight. if i had to guess, bmi 25

No. 2052390

Fucking hell I thought it was makeup at first, that's terrifying

No. 2052403>>2052470

redditors deal with your munchie mods before bringing inadequate milkless cows over here please.

No. 2052439>>2052578

I wonder if there's some degree of her platelet count being wildly off, and that's why the bruising looks horrendous. I'd initially assumed she's passed out and hit something on the way down, but if this is deliberate, that's absolutely wild.
Can confirm STEPS are notorious for being awful.

No. 2052465>>2052586

File (hide): 1730475995492.png (665.33 KB, 551x899, Disney.png)

What is it with Disney and anachans. Maybe she will run into Eugenia when she is there and they can twin together

No. 2052468

File (hide): 1730476142511.png (926.01 KB, 1471x858, Screenshot.png)

She has to post she gets her period still and how healthy she is now thanks to what she eats…her followers are so ignorant

No. 2052470>>2052530

Girl is milky she posts restrictive eating pretending she’s recovering and also posts about how obsessed she is with Diet Coke all the time and her emaciated body but ok

No. 2052495

US treatment expects ~2lbs a week of weight gain. Is she seriously saying she needs to gain 10-18 more lbs. She has got to be trolling at this point

No. 2052512>>2052522

Maybe post account name?

No. 2052522


But her restrictive WIEIAD’s were on another account which I think is private now

No. 2052524>>2052525

File (hide): 1730489354770.png (5.5 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0545.png)

She deleted a bunch of comments on this post saying her posting this shit was a cry for help

No. 2052525

File (hide): 1730489401213.png (7.33 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0542.png)

No. 2052530>>2052531

Diet Coke?! OH NO, the horror! You redditfags need to integrate or gtfo

No. 2052531>>2052533>>2052588

Then bring your own milk

The Diet Coke isn’t milky, it’s that she deleted a bunch of concerned comments to preserve her image online as not being Ed despite it clearly being that

No. 2052533

I’ve bought plenty in the past and it was better than your skimmed almond shit, people are allowed not to find this same person interesting and bemoan the influx of a bunch of Reddit retards

No. 2052548

you've got to be smacking your head pretty damn hard to achieve this super spooky look! obligitory sorry4blogging but i've been in a looney bin with this calibre of sped and have only known one person who's managed to fuck up their face this bad just by handbanging, she was at it solidly for 4-6 hours before staff gave her a shot of tranq in her ass. it all honestly depends on where you're bashing your head, how hard and how long you're doing it for. also how damaged your skull is from doing shit like this factors in too. if she keeps this up she's going to end up with a serious brain injury and won't be able to starve herself or even form a basic sentance anymore.

No. 2052578>>2052579

I also assumed her face was bruised from passing out, I feel like that makes more sense unless I’m missing something?

No. 2052579

There's no way she could end up looking like this with one blow to the floor, like anon above you said she must have been repeatedly slamming her face into something

No. 2052582

i think frances is one of the most hate-able cows these days, she’s so proud of her spoopiness and bruising and so up her ass with her confidence that she knows better. i think only 2016 Fi was so unhinged and “triggering”, but at least she was getting some help (for asspats , but still) and showing people that treatment is helpful

No. 2052585

I put Frances in the same category as Zara, both so unhelpful too

No. 2052586

Invite kara too while you're at it

No. 2052588

How tf is that milky?

No. 2052603

By the time the forehead maxi comes off, there better be scarring equivalent to the broken skin version of this >>2052264

No. 2052655>>2052714

Wtf are you even saying? This makes zero sense

No. 2052714>>2052718>>2052725

Actually it does. Nonna is saying that everyone in the DG sorority across the US has an eating disorder

No. 2052718>>2052770

There’s a difference between having an ed and looking normal vs looking like a starved praying mantis

No. 2052725>>2052753>>2052770

File (hide): 1730569129057.jpeg (43.14 KB, 225x225, IMG_5209.jpeg)

yes, but that’s nonsense; all of these women look perfectly normal

No. 2052753

NTA but I think it’s what they call “a joke” considering she’s literally with her sisters and they aren’t also anorexic. Ironically depending on the chapter size/whether they have anything better to do they could kick her out for a visible ED. Lesser sins have gotten girls the boot.

No. 2052770

Y’all are actually retarded. I’m not saying literally that the sentiment is true, I was just responding to the first dumb anon that the OP comment wasn’t nonsense. Eat some fucking food and try to regrow some brain cells.(infighting)

No. 2052773>>2052904>>2053043

File (hide): 1730577391853.jpeg (725.49 KB, 828x1439, IMG_4676.jpeg)

Han is actually looking dare I say….pretty?

No. 2052816>>2053059>>2053100>>2053102

File (hide): 1730590582127.png (3.68 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_2758.png)

On story(namefagging)

No. 2052839>>2053056>>2053356>>2053943

File (hide): 1730598066262.png (4.22 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5126.png)

I guess Jaycie thinks she looks sick in this “before” pic

No. 2052858>>2052859>>2052862

what is the deal with the forehead wounds on proana girls? Is it some sort of trend in the ed world to have a self harm wound on that exact spot because it makes you look cool and sick, or is it something medical? Can someone pls explain its so bizarre

No. 2052859

it's just the usual social behavior contagion - people pick up behaviors from other people that they interact with. If you put a bunch of these proana morons in a psych ward together and one gets attention by headbanging, the others will pick it up as an attention seeking behavior too. They also probably like that it makes them seem more mentally ill because it's usually a behavior you see in psychosis or seriously impaired people with autism, etc.

No. 2052862>>2052925

The forehead skin is stretched rather taut by default and anaing out will make it stretch even tighter which makes it prone to tearing.

No. 2052893>>2052904

I haven't checked the farms in ages, I'm surprised she's still going strong(sage your shit)

No. 2052904>>2059699

Can’t say I agree, she’s always reminded me a bit of a Chucky doll

nonna, Ash would survive a nuclear winter

No. 2052925

Lol, no

No. 2053043>>2053811

Aww I've missed seeing her itt, I hope she's doing good and eating more. She seems like a really sweet person

No. 2053056

what the fuck is this hahahahha she’s actually comedy gold

No. 2053059

What are this girls socials?

No. 2053100

Literally no one cares

No. 2053102

I think we need a refresher for the reddit fags on what constitutes as a milky cow.

No. 2053279>>2053305>>2053314>>2062916

File (hide): 1730738642878.jpeg (504.31 KB, 1170x1755, IMG_1637.jpeg)

I swear the older Lyss and many of these other Ed people online get the younger they act

No. 2053294

File (hide): 1730740665517.jpeg (1016.84 KB, 1170x2047, IMG_0915.jpeg)

I wonder what keeps “landing her in” the ER because they never actually admit her or even keep her long kek

No. 2053305>>2053404

I thought this was a Halloween costume jfc

No. 2053314

And the older they look

No. 2053356

Her claiming to be her school’s valedictorian whilst using the wrong “you’re” in a 4-word phrase is so funny to me

No. 2053404

pretty sure she’s supposed to be a low budget chuckie from the rugrats

No. 2053517>>2053641>>2053781

File (hide): 1730783310066.jpeg (645.12 KB, 828x1213, IMG_4693.jpeg)

I get this girl on my feed a lot. I just find it fascinating how she is able to actually do ballet at that weight.

No. 2053641>>2053699

She's a professional dancer.

No. 2053699

Yes but ballet requires tons of strength and stamina. And you need calories to fuel yourself.

No. 2053781

Not that hard(sage your shit)

No. 2053811>>2053812

No. 2053812>>2053818

You're posting from a device with the internet. You could google the acronym and find out what it means way faster than waiting to be spoon fed.

No. 2053818>>2053821

I did google it, all the came up was shit about a manufacturing company and a bunch of other irrelevant shit

No. 2053821

File (hide): 1730861525854.png (30.22 KB, 657x105, Screen Shot 2024-11-05 at 8.51…)

you need to work on your keywords game when googling

No. 2053943>>2053950>>2054066

File (hide): 1730908385140.jpeg (434.15 KB, 1170x1846, IMG_1679.jpeg)

“I still have weight to gain” get tf outta here with that face the shape of a circle

No. 2053950>>2053951

Would doctors really tell someone who is on the upper end of a healthy weight, if not overweight even, to gain more weight, even if they had an eating disorder? Maintaining this current weight should be her aim in my opinion. Forced gaining when already at a healthy weight would just aid in a relapse later that she fears so much.

No. 2053951>>2053970

I’m pretty sure she’s trolling to get more views. We all know that no doctor has actually told her she needs to gain weight

No. 2053970>>2053984

My tinfoil is that relapsing is more justified the fatter she is because being a fatty is hecking triggering, she can have her cake, eat it, have seconds and receive more asspats/coddling along the way

No. 2053984

I agree, it’s just if you think you’re underweight when you’re fat you can’t have anorexia. So she doesn’t have to worry about relapsing when she never had it to begin with

No. 2053985

No, Jaycie just lies about everything and wants to be sick(sage your shit)

No. 2054066>>2054172

Why does she look like the full moon emoji

No. 2054172>>2054173

because she fat

No. 2054173>>2054174

Well, obviously. Not all fatties have a dinner plate for a face though

No. 2054174>>2054254

She reminds me of ham, but she's prettier. Speaking of, I have to check if she's obese yet

No. 2054214>>2054403

File (hide): 1730989005611.jpeg (500.79 KB, 1170x2048, IMG_1184.jpeg)

“Look at how sick I am” vibes kek. If her body actually needed the ER they would admit her

No. 2054254>>2054330

Ham disappeared when she went to uni.

I like to keep up with old faces. Posh Molly just graduated from Oxford and is doing her drama and looks like she has a bf. She has a new profile and mentioned she once had an ED but she's just doing her posh life. Wonder what happened with her "brother".

No. 2054330>>2054387>>2054507

Honestly, I recently checked on Molly too. Good for her, going about and living her life. I like to occasionally stop by cows of old to see where they are at for nostalgia.
A lot of them disappear from the internet once they outgrow their bullshit, some like Crying Emily or N2F really turn themselves around despite grim beginnings, hell, even one of the She Who Must Not Be Named girls got normal. But some, unfortunately, like Laura, remain stuck in their need for attention.

I feel like Laura getting hospitalised for so long fucked her up more than anything.

No. 2054387>>2054443>>2054467>>2054658

Elzani is doing good too.
It’s always the people who come from families that are well off and have money who seem to do - like Molly and elzani.

No. 2054403

How does her hand look like it’s playing the violin wtf?

No. 2054443>>2054466>>2054489

Elzani has the benefit of her 'job' being working for her dad. She also thinks training hours and hours per day is fine just because she swam for 4 hours a day as a kid. Intention is different - is she training for the olympics now? Nope. Just obsessed.

She always tries to turn into other people, basing her life on who she follows, or else becoming a clone of her sisters. I don't think she's doing well in any respect other than weight restoration.

No. 2054466>>2054469>>2054482

Seems a bit harsh. To me she just seems like a normal person. She has her issues & flaws but she's not a complete mess or a pro ana scumbag.

No. 2054467>>2054481>>2054658

Was Zara's family quite well off? I wonder if she'll go the same way eventually

No. 2054469

Probably not a pro-ana scumbag anymore, no. But she has an incredibly easy life, her parents bankroll her and are absolutely loaded, and her whole be grateful shtick gets old pretty fast when she has more than 99% of people her age.

All she has to do is recover. She has no other challenges.

No. 2054481>>2054487

Very well off, fully loaded, private school doctor/pilot parents, multiple Edinburgh properties

No. 2054482>>2054511

Idk about normal. How normal is it to get up at 3am just to fit 3+ hrs of exercise into the day? Or have manic cleaning episodes at 2am? She seems hyper and wired. Who needs to always be posting about well they're doing if they really are? Same energy as Mia Goth at the end of Pearl, holding this fixed false smile when they're unhinged underneath.

No. 2054487>>2054936

the definition of a spoiled brat. does anyone else remember how she used to larp as a commoner because she had a teenage part-time job at mcdonald's, kek. i'm no a wker but i feel kinda bad for her cos of all the health shit she went through as a result of anachanning. still the most sanctimonious, insufferable cow of the lot.

but remember guys, if she has 'zarvived' this far it is because she is a true anorexia warrior and is just smarter and more hard-working than all those other evil pro-ana cows. nothing to do with the bank of mum and dad

No. 2054489>>2054509

She has these LARP stages with other content creators, like when she was trying to be Grackle/Grace, now Nuttiefoodiefitness. I reckon her dream life would be an influencer just getting paid to post every detail of her life and do nothing.

No. 2054507>>2054620>>2054709

File (hide): 1731083891070.jpeg (457.64 KB, 1170x1708, IMG_1723.jpeg)

Hopefully Laura can now successfully wear socks without eating them

No. 2054509>>2054510

It's worse than that. A while back someone asked her what she was studying and she said hypotherapy. So scamming vulnerable people from home. My best friend's ex racked up every remote and online hypnotherapy course. They are all just an exercise in bullshit and gaslighting and will only work if you're so suggestible literally anything else also would cure you. No-one should ever give her or anyone else a penny of their hard-earned money if their only qualifications are online or remote.

No. 2054510

Side note: he was also a lazy, loser pos who hid the fact he couldn't hack a real job behind the guise of helping people. Only on his terms and if you overpaid him though.

No. 2054511>>2054512

I don't think she's been able to handle transitioning from eating a weight gain amount to maintenance.

When she first recovered she clearly hated how she looked and hid in oversize sweaters and pants. Now she's lost some bodyfat she's always in sports bras and leggings.

I guess she followed a bunch of super active influencers who all eat how much she wants to and copies their lifestyle. All her stuff talks about eating a lot as fuel for exercise now.

I guess that's the peril of not seeking help and deciding to recover by yourself because you know best. You end up lost and directionless and bouncing from one obsession to another.

No. 2054512

Too many I guesses. So sorry, so retarded.

No. 2054620

Kek. Nike socks, too. Those are thickkkkk.

No. 2054658>>2054852

What about Fiona? Are here parents really rich too ?

No. 2054709

She's so ugly, she looks like a middle aged wine mom now

No. 2054818>>2054854>>2054855>>2054937

File (hide): 1731174090058.jpg (299.19 KB, 720x1079, IMG_20241109_183356.jpg)

This cow was posted a while ago showing off her tube on her tiktok.
Just stumbled across this new post of hers; to no surprise, no progress to be seen (Although I'll give her a gold star for the ketchup (light, I guess) costume. You tried)

No. 2054852

Pretty sure they both own businesses/properties (she alluded to some sort of business ownership of her parent’s previously) and her house seems pretty big from photos she’s posted on her socials previously. She also lives in Oxfordshire so I’d say they don’t need to worry about money.

No. 2054854

It's hot sauce. Even better costume for an anachan.

No. 2054855

kek, nonnie, please tell me that you know what sriracha is

No. 2054873


No. 2054936>>2054944>>2054955>>2055150

Ah yes but if you’ll recall, she was financially independent (aka- her mum refused to enable her and kicked her out from what I remember, and her dad is the absent-father type). Worked at McDonald’s (despite looking like a starved waif), went to uni (no tuition fees, student loan for everything else) and then got other jobs (that she probably was equally too unwell to be undertaking) all because she was too stubborn to get a grip on her illness and stop deliberately making her position harder. Makes me sad because she could’ve been another Ro- if she actually behaved well towards her parents she would have easily been supported to get treatment and not even needed a shitty job. She might have (gasp!) got better! Cutting your nose off to spite your face exhibit a.

No. 2054937

Sriracha is now ketchups light

No. 2054944>>2054951

The fact that she was caught self posting here a few threads ago is enough for to think this is a self post. There's always "anons" running to say "oh but she has a job and shes so indépendant and strong !" , suspicious

No. 2054951

I was thinking the exact same thing nonnie

No. 2054955>>2055017

What does zara look like now?

No. 2054956>>2055048>>2055103

In Paris’s latest TikTok she has red marks on her face - any idea what they are? It went too fast to get a good screen shot.

No. 2055017>>2055897>>2057041


Like shit. I saw her in the street recently, and no amount of layers will hide the fact she is still emaciated, or the outline of her skull.
Never seen her not vaping. With the amount of self righteous posting on instagram that she does about, I’m always quite surprised to walk past her and see she has made very little progress

No. 2055048

Imageboard though. Screenrecord and stop to a good frame, it's not that hard.

No. 2055079>>2055087>>2055146>>2055308>>2055314

File (hide): 1731250489521.jpeg (223.89 KB, 812x1211, IMG_2086.jpeg)

KEK I guess we were wrong about thatonegirly0 and her confirmed sooooooper severe anorexia, turns out she really does have a bed with her name on it?

No. 2055087

she’s in supermarket kek maybe i’m too literal but her post makes herself sound like she should be in medical care at this very moment waiting on a sedu transfer

No. 2055103>>2055110

File (hide): 1731260284298.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1179x2051, IMG_3019.jpeg)

You're lazy as shit Nonna. Looks like she picked spots to me.

No. 2055110

jfc you can cook with the amount of grease on that fringe

No. 2055146

Reeks of self post, no one would really say that about her

No. 2055150>>2055170

Her dad is a pilot, working for Virgin on long haul flights. Sometimes absent in the physical but by no means what most people would consider an absent dad

No. 2055170

If he's a commercial pilot he's probably earning £100k+, must be nice

No. 2055267

File (hide): 1731312907640.png (3.54 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_4375.png)

Am i the only one thinking “BUT YOU ARE EATING”

No. 2055308>>2055339>>2055399

“condition marked severe” my ass, the only spooky part of her is her face. she’s clearly a normal healthy weight

No. 2055314>>2055339

Who does she think she’s fooling? People don’t get carted off to hospital just because their ED becomes “severe” (assuming she means weight wise) there are plenty of spoops rattling around in the community, so “outpatient longer appropriate” is bs. Not that it matters coz she isn’t underweight anyway but I can’t get my head around this particular flavour of cow. Her, May, Jaycie, dear old Ham, their delusions are pathetic

No. 2055339>>2055367

Agreed, only spooky (not spoopy) thing is her ugly ass mongoloid troglodyte face

As a general rule, the more cows larp the less severe their eds actually are kek

No. 2055367>>2055516>>2055572

topkek at mongoloid troglodyte nonnie that was hilarious thanks

No. 2055399

This. Also spoops (especially the ones that give themselves an aneurism with the LARP) literally will purposely dehydrate and/or sleep deprive themselves to look as shit, gaunt and hollow-eyed as possible. Extra ana points if you get the crusty ass split lips too. Ffs I’ve seen people who have had the common cold look shitter than that kek.

No. 2055516

How is it hilarious, it doesn’t even make sense? She doesn’t have any of the prototypical physical traits of someone with Down’s

No. 2055533>>2055568>>2055572

File (hide): 1731385914725.png (3.02 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_2962.png)

She Lives in comments of other accounts saying how amazing recovery is like your not fooling anyone(sage this nonmilk )

No. 2055568>>2055573

Sorry to whoever is self/vendetta posting this girl but where is the actual milk?

No. 2055572>>2055573

You’re welcome nonnie, glad my services are of use somewhere

Was thinking the same thing, either self post or vendetta. But god she is fucking boring. Whoever is posting her should just go back to Reddit and deal with their retarded mods

No. 2055573

I had the same reaction. The reddit refugees need to learn how to integrate and actually show/articulate what makes someone milky (if there's even any milk at all)

No. 2055594>>2055672

File (hide): 1731411104892.png (6.83 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_9623.png)

another day, another frances’s jump scare

No. 2055597>>2055600>>2055650>>2055672

File (hide): 1731411708278.jpg (329.66 KB, 1080x2145, Screenshot_2024-11-12-11-38-04…)

Extremely happy family photo. They are evidently thrilled to be visiting her.

No. 2055600

Kek wtf they look so miserable and disturbed, it’s crazy she would post this.

No. 2055612>>2055634

File (hide): 1731415223044.jpeg (536.59 KB, 1170x2059, IMG_1801.jpeg)

Gotta get that bloody forehead in the frame

No. 2055634

The slice down the nose is a new one.

No. 2055650

Jeez that's grim

No. 2055672>>2055904

Again, not enough money in the world to make me post this. She knows what she’s doing though, one of the scummiest scumbags imo.

I’m surprised they haven’t tried to break her out, aren’t they ~~against~~ doctors and formal treatment?

No. 2055897

if this is real .. kek how embarrassing

No. 2055904

she’s likely sectioned. i doubt any doctor with half a brain would ever let someone that underweight, who head bangs constantly, out of hospital.

No. 2055977>>2055979>>2055981>>2055989>>2056086

File (hide): 1731496278496.jpeg (1.63 MB, 1170x2109, IMG_7165.jpeg)

thought yall might enjoy another fatty larper! seems to be in the uk (?) based on how she talks, no clue how she managed to con her way into a tube. @kateleigh.smith on tiktok

No. 2055979>>2056001

There is no way that fatty is in the UK. She would be laughed at for turning up at the hospital at that weight claiming anorexia, not be admitted and tubed. Has to be US or Aus.

No. 2055981

she’s australian, it says queensland in one of her videos

No. 2055989

Fucking hell forget “rail thin” kek the word thin near her face is practically blasphemous

No. 2056001

To be fair she looks like one of your typical fatty LARPers you see in Cygnet wards (UK). Personality disordered as fuck but they get given tubes because they can’t let em “starve”. Why do these ana faker girls all look like same. Grimy, piercings, unnatural hair

No. 2056086>>2056343

Why do medical professionals tube people who obviously don't need it? If anything tube feeding more calories to a fat ass is going to do more physical harm than good kek

No. 2056343>>2056344>>2056387>>2056400>>2056469

people die from micronutrient deficiencies sometimes even at high weights

No. 2056344

be for real, the overweight bpd girls who performatively stop eating for a few days to get attention while on a psych ward are not about to die of nutritional deficiencies

No. 2056387

Fatty detected

No. 2056400

U sound fat nonnie

No. 2056469

micronutrient deficiencies is the only micro thing about them. high weight “annas” are pathetic attention seekers who should intentionally be starved by their doctors, maybe then they’ll have a good relationship with their bodies

No. 2056924>>2056926>>2056967

File (hide): 1731694723711.jpeg (960.47 KB, 1170x1856, IMG_2490.jpeg)

I keep seeing her commenting under every sick person’s post and exposing herself kek

No. 2056926>>2056934>>2056942

File (hide): 1731695280592.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1170x1796, IMG_2498.jpeg)

Damn this doesn’t look like a body a dietician would harass to gain weight

No. 2056934>>2057506

looks like a body a dietitian would sexually harass amirite kek(weird nitpick)

No. 2056942

who tf is this omg u reddit fags are so annoying

No. 2056967

You’ve already tried to post this person 5000 times and nobody’s interested, fuck off back to Reddit

No. 2056982>>2057041>>2057092>>2057145

File (hide): 1731706144454.jpg (107.58 KB, 972x848, Screenshot_20241115-152601_Chr…)

Someone please tell me what the heck this is? And as a profile picture? I'm cringing.

No. 2057041>>2057090

File (hide): 1731718395022.png (493.26 KB, 422x697, Screen Shot 2024-11-15 at 6.51…)

but nonnie, according to zara her weight is fine and not her real issue right now
I see that chii is still as underweight and socially defective as ever

No. 2057090>>2057091

Her rhetoric is so harmful that i wish she would either get offline or croak tbh

No. 2057091>>2057094

File (hide): 1731728643011.png (543.36 KB, 563x658, Screen Shot 2024-11-15 at 9.43…)

yeah, she's busy showing off her medical complications under the guise of "raising awareness"

No. 2057092

she's got that classic anorexia-induced hairline recession forehead

No. 2057094

god you can so easily tell that she was just loving every minute of being asked about the complications of her ED. extremely grotesque behavior, she looks exactly like the insidious little goblin she behaves as

No. 2057140>>2057141>>2057181

File (hide): 1731745673851.png (1.26 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_4411.png)

What does she expect people to do When alle she does is to post blatant bodychecks of her emaciated body. Its kind of funny tbh, shes so delusional

No. 2057141>>2057150

Well you could have at least translated what she's saying

No. 2057145

Just recovery things showing off the tendons in her wrist

No. 2057146>>2057301

File (hide): 1731749295796.png (554.47 KB, 1081x625, Screen Shot 2024-11-16 at 3.27…)

incredible choice of facial expression for a "guys, I'm so happy" post

No. 2057150>>2057155>>2057180

Well you could also just read the top pink box? I dont speak german but i Can clearly see and read for the english box that people are reporting her bc of her Ed/Mh

No. 2057153>>2057172

File (hide): 1731751436336.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1179x2007, IMG_7370.jpeg)

Is it just me or has bells binged herself back to a healthy weight in a matter of weeks? Lets hope she actually sticks with recovery

No. 2057155

And you could sage

No. 2057172


are we seriously shitting on her for gaining weight too fast? I don’t like her but be for real

No. 2057180>>2057181

this reads like a self post lmao. this is an english image board idiot so ntayrt but it’s reasonable for nonnie to ask you for a translation. and learn to sage or go back to reddit

No. 2057181>>2057202

kek, they even slipped up and wrote "alle" (the german word for "all" in the original post >>2057140

No. 2057202>>2057217

File (hide): 1731768647331.png (958.82 KB, 1080x2236, 1000050337.png)

Kek you're right! The original screenshot is from a phone set to German, as you can see from the 'see translation' at the top and 'send message' at the bottom.
I thought May posted it because she's posted on her stories complaining about this account and reporting it. But, no, I think it's a self post.

No. 2057210

people would probably be less antagonistic to you if you bothered to read the rules and sage your non-milk

No. 2057213

Welcome to lolcow.

No. 2057217

I do feel ignorant for not checking the language and finding out the 'translation' and 'message' bits were Danish and not German. Sorry for that.

No. 2057220

>Doesn't know what sage means
Holy moly.

No. 2057246>>2057281

Yes, it is. Users are expected to integrate and remain anonymous by typing sage into the email line, not using emoticons, using mostly correct grammar, and minimizing writing quirks. Otherwise, people start to stand out and personalityfags can develop (thus removing anonymity and leading to lower quality posts focused on only being "funny"/shocking instead of genuinely contributing to the thread)

No. 2057281

why do you keep schooling newfags just let them get banned

No. 2057301

Her eyes look dead. Very recovery. Very happy.

No. 2057462>>2057473>>2057474>>2057476

File (hide): 1731814815300.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1585x1273, IMG_3172.jpeg)

Anyone else remember these two off IG about 10 years ago ?- Irish Mary and Helena.
Always wondered what happpened to their friend Laura who went for treatment in South Africa.

No. 2057473

She recovered, went and studied speech therapy, graduated from that and also took up running.

No. 2057474

Mary has recovered, finally after all those years. Never expected that. She got a bf and moved to England I think. She seems to be studying some kind of healthcare qualification.

No. 2057476>>2057497>>2058052

Helena is the one you should be wondering about.

No. 2057497>>2057785

Didn’t she have BN? - but never seemed to go ip anywhere

No. 2057506

No. 2057632>>2057666>>2057668

File (hide): 1731857366860.jpeg (144.8 KB, 1179x888, IMG_3313.jpeg)

Sage because it’s not really that milky but Stef is so sad the SEED program isn’t running so she can’t get the extra special treatment for her super severe ARFID, I mean anorexia, errr ARFID…

No. 2057666>>2057687

What facebook group is this even from post more of the context

No. 2057668

Definitely not milky. Who cares? Also sage ffs

No. 2057677>>2057685>>2057786>>2057825

File (hide): 1731865281179.png (1.94 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2632.png)

She looks awful and has deleted like 20 comments like this to make her account seem normal fucking kek. None of your stupid sorority friends actually think you look good they think you look disgusting and are weirded out by you

No. 2057685

My god can you guys STOP posting this retard on here??? Go back to your stupid subreddit and post her there all you like fags, she’s boring. Yawn.

No. 2057687>>2057714

ntayrt but it’s a private ERC alum group, some rando anon there was asking about suggestions for SEED treatment so this was in reply to that. surprised to see stef pop up though, guess she’s not super uwu on the verge of death sick like she’d have us believe

No. 2057714

last we heard she was committed by Princeton, but I'm not sure if they allow electronics so I don't know what this implies about whether or not she's been discharged.

No. 2057740

File (hide): 1731879490113.jpeg (269.48 KB, 1170x1996, IMG_2652.jpeg)

Why the fuck is a full grown adult posting on their story like an edgy 14 year old

No. 2057785>>2058087

She seemed to have various forms of Ed. Various weird physical issues for years after a vacation in India where she got sick. None of it was really explained but she was in a wheelchair for a while because her leg stopped working or something. She got a partner who seemed to introduce her to IV drugs, apparently didn't sleep for 3 months and invited a load of homeless people to live in her house and smoke crack in the bathroom.
Never went IP but she went to some kind of hippy retreat for a long weekend at some point, claimed to have a revelation, be healed and changed her name to Luna. (I forget the order this all occurred in).
Notorious for being bff's with all the UK cows. Suspected of being a major farmer but she doesn't just touch the shit, she bathes in it. Used to hang out in person frequently with all the sickest cows and visit in hospital etc. Leaked info between cows about each other to stir shit. Filmed Emily having a screaming meltdown during an IG Live.

No. 2057786>>2057824>>2057879>>2057946

Who? She's not even that skinny.

No. 2057824

Rattle rattle

No. 2057825>>2057865

every time you post this person, people tell you that they're not interested. seriously, give up or post some actual milk about her.

No. 2057827>>2058134

File (hide): 1731900561249.png (2.98 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2647.png)

She only ever seems to last a few days at home. I have no idea why she seems to want to live in the hospital

No. 2057865>>2057944

i am beginning to think it’s a self-post as op seems ridiculously unable to take a hint. lily also used to self-post wildly in the subreddits as well a few months ago, they had to ban her multiple times. she’s so desperate for attention

No. 2057879>>2057931

She's a pretty average size. I don't get the obsession with her either.

No. 2057931

Yeah lily quite literally feeds off people calling her skinny, she loves it so let’s just leave it at that and not do that. If calling her average is going to get her selfposting ass off of here then so be it, I am sick of her.

No. 2057944

She should be be posting on the bpd sub then.

No. 2057946>>2057977

I agree. She looks normal. White basic American bitch build and all that. Blends right in .

No. 2057977>>2057984>>2057986>>2057988>>2057989>>2058026>>2058039>>2058083>>2058085

File (hide): 1731949363645.jpeg (717.37 KB, 760x1414, IMG_2881.jpeg)

Rattle rattle this is not a normal body

No. 2057984

Kek. Are you delusional? She looks fine. She's not scary thin or whatever. Also her face is full. Looks like a typical 19 year old. Reeks of a self post. Go to the bpd cluster. You belong there(rattle rattle)

No. 2057986

shut the fuck up lily if you keep posting here i’ll keep telling you you’re a fat cow(infighting)

No. 2057988>>2058038

she could stand to lose another 20 pounds tbh(rattle rattle)

No. 2057989

Accuse us of rattling all you want, I’m not going to give you the validation you’re begging for. For the last time fuck off to that goddamned subreddit

No. 2058026

when you don't get the response you wanted, so you post yourself again… fuck off.

No. 2058038

Agree. Or even more and she'll still look normal thin.. not sure if she's self posting for validation but that's another disorder in itself(rattle rattle)

No. 2058039>>2058625

whether or not any given anon thinks she's thin, we can all agree that she's boring as fuck and nobody cares

No. 2058052>>2058087

Does Helena have an IG or anything? I’m not on IG anymore.
What’s she been doing over the last 10 years?

No. 2058083

This is not the same pic as OP. This is more shooped.

No. 2058085

All her limbs are blurry from shooping kek.

No. 2058087>>2058167

Basic bio on her here: >>2057785
She has/had a couple of accounts but I haven't looked in a while.

No. 2058128>>2058131>>2058132

File (hide): 1731979798935.png (3.02 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3269.png)

How can no one “heaR you ScreAm” when you won’t shut the fuck up about your little trial subscription to an eating disorder for attention?

No. 2058131>>2058132>>2058192

File (hide): 1731979945064.png (2.13 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3270.png)

Kek I can’t with her

No. 2058132

File (hide): 1731979969741.png (1.25 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3271.png)

No. 2058134

File (hide): 1731980343658.png (332.15 KB, 425x693, Screen Shot 2024-11-18 at 6.01…)

apparently aidel is a headbanger too

No. 2058135>>2058137>>2058327

File (hide): 1731981265816.png (2.54 MB, 750x1334, 1000050776.png)

Fi vague posting about a police incident. I guess Christmas is coming so she's due a relapse.

No. 2058137>>2058651

So weird when they specify autistic brain, tryna be so special, just say brain (coming from an autistic person)

No. 2058167

Thanks never knew any of that.

No. 2058192

idk who she thinks she’s fooling….she looks spoopier in the face but when she has tiktoks of her whole body she looks completely average and healthy. she’s an adult in the uk, there’s no way she gets an inpatient bed

No. 2058327

~my LARPed “autistic” brain~

No. 2058358>>2058397>>2058398>>2058399

File (hide): 1732041456318.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1072x1927, IMG_2092.jpeg)

May seems to be LARPing (badly) as Zara with this latest bullshit- except it’s not convincing because she doesn’t look sick and only posts about it when Zara has been posted beforehand. Pick a more convincing storyline

No. 2058397

The amount of over sharing. Isn't she embarrassed

No. 2058398

You’re on the wrong thread, nonnie

No. 2058399

nonnie heads up may was banished to the other thread

No. 2058541

Who are specialty sizes even for at that point? Besides maternity

No. 2058625

Anyone looks thin using photoshopp. She actually looks pretty average, if she's going to larp being a spoopy ana at least she could use losing some weight

No. 2058651

Totally agree nonna (from a fellow autist)

No. 2058719>>2058721>>2058722

File (hide): 1732123875948.jpeg (922.61 KB, 1005x1499, IMG_3248.jpeg)

She’s not milky enough to be shared but I went on her page andeveryone saying she’s a normal weight sounds delusional or jealous

No. 2058721>>2058734

assuming this isn’t lily, you guys need to stop arguing on her behalf. it fuels her selfposts, she used to create multiple accounts to post herself on the reddit sub before they banned any post talking about her. she’s a rabid attention whore

No. 2058722

Actually this reeks of a self post, fuck off.

No. 2058734>>2058741>>2058743>>2058764

You’re right. I just posted it because I think it’s stupid when ppl on here call underweight people normal. Like it’s obvious she isn’t well, even if she’s not milky and doesn’t need to be posted on here pretending she’s a normal weight just feels like yall trying to be the best ana

No. 2058741

ntayrt, if you scroll up a bit people were purposefully rattling to deter her from self posting

No. 2058743

>yall trying to be the best ana
That’s dealt with pretty quickly here, it’s your own dumb subreddit you want to fuck back off to and have a look at.

No. 2058764

My god you redditfags make it so obvious

No. 2058795>>2058796>>2058808

File (hide): 1732140451249.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1179x1829, IMG_8640.jpeg)

It seems Aimee has finally been moved from the hospital she was in for over a year. I googled it and it’s a specialist eating disorder hospital with only 10 beds. Yet they’re still pandering to her and wrapping her head and arms up in matching bandages every day. I still don’t understand the point of these bandages. And the tube? Neither makes sense to me. Why have the NHS paid for this girl to be in hospital for 8 years?

No. 2058796>>2058801>>2058828

she's been in the hospital for eight years? what the actual fuck is wrong with the uk

No. 2058801

Same hospital or different ones? Which one/ ones ?

No. 2058808

The UK healthcare system is so fucking odd. We have fully weight restored girls playing disabled being kept in hospital for YEARS. Meanwhile spoops are running around out and about and only being hospitalied for a few weeks or almost dying

No. 2058828

File (hide): 1732145188099.jpeg (105.89 KB, 904x613, IMG_8641.jpeg)

I worked it out and she’s been in hospital for around 4 years. It’s very easy to work out as it’s all documented on her public Instagram. All of the other girls she’s tagged in photos seem to have moved on with their lives and actually put in the work to overcome their EDs. This Aimee bitch, however, loves all the free jelly cats and ass pats she gets with being “sick” and in hospital

No. 2058865>>2058895>>2058931>>2059281

File (hide): 1732152744821.jpeg (990.35 KB, 828x1248, IMG_4923.jpeg)

Are we familiar with Zumba girl? Imagine signing up for Zumba and this is your instructor.

No. 2058869

File (hide): 1732152936318.jpeg (681.72 KB, 762x1234, IMG_4924.jpeg)

Just three years ago

No. 2058895>>2058901

Is she in her 50s or 60s???

No. 2058901

Based on her username I'd guess she's 33, and some posts on her instagram confirm 1991 is indeed the year she was born in. Definity looks more like someone in their 50s or 60s though.

No. 2058919>>2058921>>2058940>>2058942>>2059011

File (hide): 1732168759751.png (7.4 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_0273.png)

is not looking good here

No. 2058921>>2058922

Why do all the anas and wannas say "yummy food" are they 7

No. 2058922

because they love to infantilize themselves in order to look more young/small/fucked up

No. 2058931

Bulimia face

No. 2058940

She looks fine and healthy.

No. 2058942>>2058944>>2058966

File (hide): 1732176709730.png (343.69 KB, 432x611, Screen Shot 2024-11-21 at 2.11…)

I think her face is just wrinkled there from the big forced smile - she looks normal still in this other clip from five days ago.

No. 2058944>>2059180

File (hide): 1732176839616.png (493.23 KB, 445x755, Screen Shot 2024-11-21 at 2.12…)

and this one from two weeks ago. the real pro-ana bullshit is all the before and after stuff she's posting to remind everyone that she used to be the spoop queen

No. 2058966>>2058972>>2058974>>2059026

i really hope this is the case, sydney is one of the cows i root for, but she goes downhill so fast everytime that i see how anon got defensive about that pic

No. 2058972

Same here, I like her. With most of the cows their only personality traits are attention seeking, infantilising themselves, avoiding responsibility and not much else. But Sydney seems to have a lot of positive ones that sort of balance her out a bit, she's very easy to root for imo

No. 2058974

yeah, she seems to be really into the identity of being a student again though which is promising in terms of branching out from the ed identity

No. 2059011

She look totally fine.

No. 2059026>>2059042

I root for cows that don’t constantly have to remind everyone how sick they were. Just irks me so much

No. 2059042>>2059135

You can’t be rooting for many of them then.
I think the only ones I’ve ever genuinely felt positive towards are the twins (just genuinely sad) and nourish. I hope her and the kid are ok

No. 2059066>>2059142>>2059144

File (hide): 1732216806057.jpeg (814.2 KB, 1170x2141, IMG_1847.jpeg)

Kinda shocked to see her not underweight but also not surprised she replaced restriction with #StrengthTraining. Typical route around actual recovery

No. 2059125>>2059134

File (hide): 1732226217774.png (245.48 KB, 478x895, Screenshot 2024-11-21 214928.p…)

In between running and her other 2.5 hrs of exercise for the day, Elzani just loves to tag companies begging for free shit. Either that or she's already being sent it for free and not disclosing, which is also all kinds of scummy. Pisses me off when ppl from rich backgrounds like her get sent free anything, but the begging Gymshark last week was the worst, pretending she only had one set of gym clothes. Oh plz go back to your parents' multi million pound house and cry me a river. As if she can't afford to pay for bloody Gymshark.

No. 2059134

It’s the ones who have money like Fi and elzani who annoy me. Especially Fi taste testing protein bars that aren’t cheap.

No. 2059135

How’s Maria ? I know Katy has been in hospital on. Tube but Maria doesn’t say or do much.

No. 2059142

She's been really shredded in the past. I had no idea until she posted a throwback. She actually looked good and strong, not like a bodybuilding freak. But the caption with it said that she was unhealthy with it. I'll see if I can find it.

No. 2059144>>2059145

File (hide): 1732228742103.jpg (147.18 KB, 750x1044, 1000051002.jpg)

It was actually easy to find.

No. 2059145

File (hide): 1732228877372.jpg (259.26 KB, 749x1105, 1000051003.jpg)

So the picture is from Sept 2017. Achieved apparently by unhealthy means.

No. 2059171

File (hide): 1732233172414.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1170x2038, IMG_3421.jpeg)

The way she words this is giving narcissist

No. 2059180>>2059196

Sydnee isn’t that “special”. She probably loves being shared bc she keeps posting. FYI: you & your previous self-deprived brain— LOTS of people go to ACUTE & have been just as sick or even sicker. It’s no merit. Congratulations. You’re going to roll onto 30 before you know it & still be a life failure bragging about when you were sick & still be in your parents house living a total shit show everyone sits back to watch, pity, & gossip about. It’s not bragging rights you dumb shit.(learn to sage)

No. 2059196

Sage your shit

No. 2059281

That zumba instructor is unreal. People commenting saying their KIDS love her classes. People PAY her to literally exercise for an hour.. WHY??? Why would you want to support that?

No. 2059415>>2059501>>2059588

File (hide): 1732287754485.jpeg (1.9 MB, 1179x2090, IMG_8690.jpeg)

I hate this bitch. She does nothing all day and spends extortionate amounts of her rich parents’ money every day. Grow up and get a fucking job

No. 2059501

Her parents aren't even rich. She spunks all her PIP/UC on this nonsense.

No. 2059560

File (hide): 1732314237087.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1179x1988, IMG_4189.jpeg)

So guess who else is adopting a autism dubious

No. 2059588

Not to WK but Han has been way less cowish for a long time now. She's been doing normal stuff and she does actually work doing bits and pieces as background/an extra in TV and movies from what I gather.

No. 2059634>>2059682

Where tf did Jaycie go? Or did her obese ass block me.

No. 2059676>>2059732>>2059914

File (hide): 1732339970636.jpeg (596.29 KB, 828x1343, IMG_4948.jpeg)


No. 2059682>>2062931

She deleted all of her videos but then recently posted so idk

No. 2059699>>2059723>>2073803

File (hide): 1732351301386.jpeg (220.78 KB, 1013x748, IMG_1872.jpeg)

At the rate she's going its actually far more likely she'll to outlive all of us

No. 2059723

Exactly, that’s what I meant.

No. 2059732>>2059733>>2060290

File (hide): 1732367806437.png (391.17 KB, 426x693, Screen Shot 2024-11-23 at 7.15…)

I don't know if she's been posted before, but this is a hypocritical little sanctimonious screed from someone who regularly posts pictures of herself while very underweight

No. 2059733>>2059734

File (hide): 1732367869271.png (187.65 KB, 260x422, Screen Shot 2024-11-23 at 7.16…)

a recent selfie that she posted

No. 2059734>>2059736>>2059738>>2059753>>2059915

File (hide): 1732367982937.png (389.21 KB, 321x707, Screen Shot 2024-11-23 at 7.19…)

and another where you can see recent self-harm on her arms for more hypocrisy

No. 2059736>>2059737>>2059805

Yass girl show us those tendons under ur leggings. Real recovery queen here

No. 2059737

I can't find any pictures because she's hopped accounts, but she was previously on instagram as a muslim convert who covered her hair/etc at all times and then disappeared for a bit and came back underweight and dressing like this

No. 2059738

File (hide): 1732368728141.webp (53.84 KB, 479x1039, IMG_5319.webp)

Kek the smirk. Paired with her self-satisfied bullshit speech it’s hilarious how self-important she is. Imagine your only hobby being bragging about how inspiring and mentally well and brave you are for doing normal human shit like eating regular food sometimes and meanwhile you look like roadkill Olive Oil.

No. 2059753>>2059758

Oh yeah I know this one. She posts / lurks LC.
She got really friendly with May while posting her in the bpd thread

No. 2059758>>2059775

kek, is there confirmation that she's a farmer?

No. 2059775


I don’t have any caps but it was a few months ago.. they were v friendly on IG a while back. They fell out and May was posting stories that someone she was close to in IG had betrayed her and been posting her here.
The same day this girl was posting on her stories about how she’d done a terrible thing, let people and herself down and needed to repent LOL.. may blocked / unfollowed her the same day.

No. 2059805

This is her main account not a recovery one

No. 2059914

Always the same spinning BC in some public toilet block. Lovely.

No. 2059915

What on earth is this oufit?

No. 2059965>>2060006>>2060276

File (hide): 1732436369233.jpeg (663.99 KB, 828x1378, IMG_4977.jpeg)

Does anyone remember her? I’m wondering if she has a new account. She hasn’t posted since 2018.

No. 2060006>>2060162

well it might help if you mentioned the username

No. 2060110>>2060165>>2060276

File (hide): 1732469174366.png (2.08 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3726.png)

Does anyone know why she needs red light therapy?

No. 2060162

Sure it’s asdfghhjklasfghuj

No. 2060165

I don’t think it’s red light therapy. Erc doesn’t do that

No. 2060276

Who the hell are all these random people?

No. 2060290>>2060302

yep she’s been posted before, several threads back, but then deleted all her accounts. pretty sure she’s a farmer, or at least a frequent reader.

No. 2060302

kek, she just deleted 2/3rds of her followers so she must be lurking to have seen that she was posted so quickly.

No. 2060433>>2061917

File (hide): 1732526796382.jpeg (477.27 KB, 1179x1674, IMG_4291.jpeg)

First time posting here so hopefully I get it right. But look who popped up posting anonymously on group looking for their doppleganger.

No. 2060712>>2060713>>2060797>>2060808>>2060935

File (hide): 1732560740679.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1170x1822, IMG_3825.jpeg)

If she was severely uw this video would’ve featured her in loose shorts showing off her bone legs but now that she can’t show off her spoopy body it’s back to hiding in baggy clothes fucking kek. And for her to say they weren’t bodychecks is obviously a lie because we know this video would’ve looked very different if she was severely u

No. 2060713

No. 2060797

No one cares kara

No. 2060808>>2060810

Or it could be that she’s in minnesota and it’s cold not everything is that deep kek

No. 2060810

or maybe it's cold and she's insecure about her body which makes sense for someone like her but isn't really milky in and of itself, it's just a run of the mill anorexia symptom. Better for her to hide in baggy clothes than start losing weight again.

No. 2060935

Like every other weight restored anorex does? That’s not milk, you twit.

No. 2061011

you're lost, anachan

No. 2061491>>2061506>>2061596

File (hide): 1732676978053.png (Spoiler Image,2.25 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0587.png)

Is the forehead wound from self harm or skin being stretched? Somebody said it is only from headbanging but you have to be really precise with your headbanging to get a wound on the exact same spot everytime and even if you bang your head at a wall or whatever, it does not necessarily cause a wound even if you do it hard. So I am starting to think its more the skin stretch thing but I cant find any information except one nonna telling me abt it…. I just want to know wtf this phenomenon is.

No. 2061506>>2061511

nonnie from what i have heard if the wound looks stretched vertically/is an oval or a line then it’s from scratching/a combination of both. pure headbanging will probably be just a round-ish circle. u don’t necessarily have to be precise, because it swells & then becomes “easier” for it to be hit on the same spot again

No. 2061511

Its such a strange thing. That this girl and other ed cows wear their head banging self harm as a badge of honor…. Its boggles my mind. It looks so ugly and gross. she takes selfies with and without the band aid like its pretty

No. 2061552

I hope Abby gets better some day.

No. 2061596>>2061728

Why does this girl always look like she smells

No. 2061728>>2061762>>2062125>>2062642>>2062672

most of the uk fags look like they smell. idk what it is exactly, i can’t pinpoint it. they just always look grimy

No. 2061762>>2062375

it’s because they’re inbred as fuck

No. 2061862>>2061897

File (hide): 1732770164829.jpeg (685.47 KB, 1170x2422, IMG_8185.jpeg)

More grown women who are useless to society & post against the rules from acute

No. 2061897

She’s so fucking ugly my stomach churns, I understand why some girls need their ed

No. 2061903>>2061915>>2061916

File (hide): 1732784634413.png (6.48 MB, 1170x2532, F6208E7C-3AF1-47FE-8BF4-8E278C…)

This one has been coming up on my fyp for a while. Constant body checking, every single post.

No. 2061915

that's it? ok.

No. 2061916>>2061943

She doesn’t even look underweight. Where’s the milk?

No. 2061917

File (hide): 1732789179669.jpeg (976.18 KB, 1179x2014, IMG_7493.jpeg)

Speaking of, Rachael is on reddit as u/emilia_of

She’s quick to delete posts when users identify her and is probably lurking here so will deplete more soon, but she’s posted some ridiculous things. Including multiple posts like this one about herself looking for validation.

No. 2061943>>2062123>>2062988

nonnie are you a bone rattler too? look at that woman's muscle it looks like it's being absorbed by her body because she doesn't eat enough. shudder

those fucking proportions, tho. she looks like a badly drawn cartoon

No. 2061978>>2062004>>2062007>>2062054>>2062113

File (hide): 1732800379818.jpeg (374.81 KB, 1179x2096, 1AE61FC0-4160-4422-9C28-12578B…)

people can tell me she’s not a spoop like last year but from her vids from september (under) and the one from today,she evidently lost weight

No. 2062004

I was thinking that too

No. 2062007

Does she do anything other than weight cycle? Maybe she could get into fulltime shitposting

No. 2062054

she’s just boring lmaooo she’ll be doing this for the rest of her life. i give her under 2 months until she’s back at acute. maybe they should give her a frequent flyer card so she can check in 4 times a year

No. 2062113>>2062141>>2062163

Maybe she was just swollen from the weight cycling? Or medication? I'm just going to hold onto naive hope and delusion because I'm rooting for her recovery.

No. 2062123

oink oink she looks healthy to me(rattle rattle)

No. 2062125>>2062131>>2062152

because for some reason white middle class girls here love the grimy poor skins aesthetic for some reason

No. 2062131

Skins has never let go its hold on our collective psyche and possibly never will

No. 2062141

Not meaning to WK her but I agree with you nonna. It’s normal for weight to redistribute at some point as well. It could also very well be a relapse (I hope not, I’m rooting for recovery too) but only time will tell

No. 2062152>>2062488

There’s the skins aesthetic and then there’s looking like you reek of chip fat, yeast infection and stale vomit. For someone so obsessed with her own image you’d think she’d present herself a bit better

No. 2062163>>2062165

She said that she got kicked out of outpatient treatment and will likely be going back to treatment next year

No. 2062165

where? I looked through her recent tiktoks and didn't see anything like that.

No. 2062375

Such a fucking kek omg thanks nonnie

No. 2062488>>2062635

That’s exactly skins aesthetic. Everyone on that show was gross and unwashed.

No. 2062635>>2062655

L don't remember it like that. But I only watched the first couple of seasons right when it started. I'd be surprised if many people on here were around for those.

No. 2062642>>2062672


kek. it's part the lighting nonna, very grey and dark so it gives everything that smoggy look. also ukfags are very into every new brainrotted tiktok subculture, popular choices being tiktok alt grimy depressed bedrot girl & also the 'hippie aesthetic'which is basically making a mockery of yoga/mindfulness/colourful clothing. and not showering

No. 2062655

Oh, I think plenty of us are oldfags

No. 2062665>>2062669>>2062677>>2062678>>2062698

anyone remember marie? she came across my FYP on a new account

No. 2062669

Everyone remembers her.

No. 2062672

I think it's fake tan giving the unwashed look with a lot of people tbh. And bad skincare/foundation/makeup. But also shitty light and lack of sun.

No. 2062677

she looks so stupid

No. 2062678

I got about 5 seconds in and I can’t with the fake high pitched widdle baby voice it’s disgusting

No. 2062698

Marie is known for self posting and this definitely feels like one. She likes all types attention good and bad, don’t give it to her

No. 2062916>>2063235

File (hide): 1732938748843.jpeg (366.97 KB, 848x1322, 9DD0F079-DAE6-4AF0-9482-037030…)

Lyss talking about her “first full year in recovery” while simultaneously having salivary glands larger than her legs

No. 2062931>>2062959>>2062962>>2063032

File (hide): 1732941393413.jpeg (386.59 KB, 1170x2121, IMG_2219.jpeg)

Even without the tube in its still her entire personality/way of proving to us how “severe” her ed is

No. 2062959

who is she trying to kid? she was not skinny while she had the tube, her face was just as round and fat and honestly she looks the exact same.

No. 2062962>>2063199

File (hide): 1732948162530.jpeg (122.87 KB, 570x2083, IMG_7231.jpeg)

I don’t know why she’s trying to lie. Here she is a la tube and in the bodychecking/pushing hips back stance and she still looks overweight. This is not a bmi of 23/24, nonnies were trying to argue that last time. This is definitely over that. Maybe not much over, maybe 25/26 but that’s OW all the same. Jaycie is hilarious kek

No. 2062988

She’s underweight but there’s definitely a filter on this

No. 2063032

I’m sorry but she’s just simply fat. No way around it. Should’ve confiscated her tube

No. 2063199>>2063220

File (hide): 1733000932025.jpeg (304.22 KB, 1170x2137, IMG_2258.jpeg)

Since she’s praying for me I already know I’ll sleep better tonight

No. 2063220>>2063680

she should pray for herself to lose some weight. don’t waste all your prayers on others jaycie, you selfless angel, you need all the ones you can get

No. 2063235>>2072256

She looks like the girl from the original exorcist. Horrific.

No. 2063252>>2063253

File (hide): 1733008966369.png (512.83 KB, 428x691, Screen Shot 2024-11-30 at 5.21…)

Lavi must have incredible insurance given how frequently she goes to the ER (it's starting to seem like she just eats something that doesn't agree with her "gastroparesis" and then runs to the ER to complain?). Does anyone know if she's young enough that she's still on her parents' insurance?

No. 2063253

samefag, sorry, but I just zoomed in on her hospital band and apparently this bitch is 30?? Is she just racking up medical debt or are her parents rich and paying for great marketplace insurance given that she doesn't seem to have ever really had a full time job?

No. 2063424

File (hide): 1733042308788.jpeg (344.54 KB, 1170x1576, IMG_5151.jpeg)

Shes definetly going the wrong way again. Wonder how months before she will end up in hospital again? Lets hope that she will atleast make it to Christmas this year.

No. 2063444>>2063450>>2063457>>2063513>>2063520>>2063656>>2063765

File (hide): 1733048240048.png (1.1 MB, 1240x1295, Screenshot 2024-12-01 at 5.16.…)

New cow found. Maureen Sabiski is a 75-yr-old woman with anorexia that goes around harassing random people on edtwt

No. 2063445

File (hide): 1733048398161.png (346.19 KB, 1200x1380, Screenshot 2024-12-01 at 5.19.…)

No. 2063450


Good thing everyone on edtwt deserves it, then.

No. 2063457>>2063553

maureen has been around for years. she's best left ignored tbh.

No. 2063513

calling the most boring interaction on social media harassment is incredibly stupid. she's probably a much better person than you are, calm down.

No. 2063520

wouldn’t say she’s harassing everyone, telling that fatass that she looks good is certainly…something. idk why edtwt attracts all the fatties(*bones rattling*)

No. 2063553

I hope this is the same lady who has the hearing problem. She’s unhinged and has been doing this forever on more than one platform it’s so funny

No. 2063656

No. Fuck off back to edtwt, she was discussed here ages ago

No. 2063680>>2063705

File (hide): 1733091583811.jpeg (702.92 KB, 1170x2142, IMG_2270.jpeg)

Her study tip should be to go to the hospital repeatedly anddo “school online” to be in a position where your teachers would feel guilty failing you. Hope this helps!

No. 2063705>>2063881

The bracelet “fuck ED” lmao

No. 2063765

She's not new. Did you really think a 75 year old hasn't been noticed in, you know, 75 years?

No. 2063881>>2064018>>2064268

Ironic because if we’re going with that metaphor “ED” has never touched her, she’s just another wannabe LARPing fatty. I’ll always find it baffling how burgers end up getting tube fed without any clinical reason ($$$ I guess but still insane)

No. 2064018>>2064104>>2064223

the US is a land of contrasts, where you have both these dumbass LARPers who seem to easily get lots of residential treatment and excessive medical intervention and then you also have a lot of spoops who either can't get treatment because they're on shitty insurance policies or who refuse it

No. 2064104>>2064105

Welcome to a for-profit medical system. My favorite is the fact that if you need to leave a job for medical treatment you lose your medical insurance. If you’re under 26 you’re still able to be under your parents insurance. I just don’t know how people like Stef and Lyss who are thirty manage all these trips to the hospital when they don’t work

No. 2064105

Stef's parents pay for medical insurance for her and I'm pretty sure Lyss is on Medicaid. Lyss actually does work now as one of those personal health assistants who helps disabled people (mostly developmentally disabled based on her posts) run errands or go out and do stuff, but she doesn't work that many hours. That's why she's constantly at the movies - she takes her people there all the time.

No. 2064109>>2064727>>2064774>>2064856

Katie the twin is scheduled for a PEG-J on Tuesday. Wonder if we’ll see any updates.

No. 2064141>>2064155

File (hide): 1733197915876.png (595.17 KB, 424x693, Screen Shot 2024-12-01 at 8.59…)

Lavi went to the ER a little while ago after eating macaroni and cheese that she said "wasn't GP friendly" yet is perfectly fine eating raw leafy greens. The GP LARPers are so transparent.

No. 2064144

Is Smorven still around? Is she still in an edu denying she has an ED and head banging?

No. 2064155>>2064158

I never understand the food choices she makes.because they are not GP friendly at all. And wtf does the ER do for her that they can’t have her do at home? Does she have her own private room they keep reserved for her at all times??

No. 2064158

I think she probably doesn't have GP other than the general slower digestion that people with eating disorders have and just likes to lie about having GI problems s o she can explain away purging and/or refusing to eat

No. 2064223

know an ed larper who has been in res at least 3 times, shes obese. for ‘ana’. shes still on her moms insurance, my personal lolcow but she isnt popular

No. 2064268>>2064423>>2064454

File (hide): 1733239704460.jpeg (324.72 KB, 1170x2045, IMG_2286.jpeg)

We all know she never lost her period but ok

No. 2064423

I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt. Binge eating is known to affect the menstrual cycle.

No. 2064454

her moon face was already huge before treatment, i doubt people notice the difference. i definitely don’t

No. 2064585>>2064631>>2064654>>2064716>>2064979

File (hide): 1733284368455.png (2.97 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5150.png)

enough with the before and after’s, jaycie. its just embarassing at this point.

No. 2064631

That’s a normal-sized face (and a shit attempt at a collarbone pop) but honestly if the comments get to her that much maybe don’t get a feeding tube you don’t need, idk, just a thought

No. 2064654

the sucking in of the cheeks kills me topkek, jaycie you’re not fooling anyone this just makes you look slow

No. 2064716

ED, yes. Anorexia? No.

No. 2064727

Honestly not sure why the NHS continues to use money and resources on these two, they've been spoopy for years and are clearly never going to get better

No. 2064774

i don’t understand the point of community/at home PEGs or NGs. if they’re not going to eat by mouth they’re definitely not going to feed themselves through a tube either. If anything the tube is going to be used as an easy way of purging

No. 2064856

Any update?
A home peg is probably cheaper for the nhs than a hospital bed a community nurse might do the feed.

No. 2064979>>2065010>>2065023>>2065208

What the actual fuck is this retard doing with her face? As if that makes it less obvious her has the same build as a gigantic cheese wheel. This bitch sweats off half a pound from fatigue after her binges and then goes to the hospital begging to be tubed, for whatever reason. Why the Docs treating her aren’t getting their licenses revoked for stuffing this whale’s face with the spoop formula is beyond me. Her parents are rich, they can afford to spend a few thousand on her luxurious hospital endeavors. Does anyone know if she still has that job where she teaches kids to ski? Or did our dainty Jiggly Jaycie have to quit because she was soooo sick.

No. 2065010

nonnie this made me chuckle thank you

No. 2065023

>gigantic cheese wheel
I cackled

No. 2065183

File (hide): 1733423222615.jpg (753.74 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-12-05-19-26-39…)

This woman is posting reels about what she eats in a day and how much she works out even though she was just very sick. She blames her eating behavior on her emetophobia which is complete bullshit. Ignores all comments and is clearly proud of her body.

No. 2065186

File (hide): 1733423856068.jpg (413.82 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-12-05-19-34-29…)

How is she always the victim, auch bpd behavior

No. 2065208

When I read this I CACKLED(namefagging/unsaged)

No. 2065556>>2065652

kek nonnas how has the thread gotten so dry that we are debating medical insurances and healthcare plans… even tistic blogposting would be better

No. 2065652>>2065654>>2065705>>2066903

I feel like the nature of cows have changed, in a way where it’s harder to distinguish between true cows and people who are just living their lives. All cows claim to be just living their lives, and they have become more curated with their posting (mostly), so that the real cowish behaviour only comes through in glimpses. I guess what I’m trying to say is that it seems they’ve become self conscious. Many also devise elaborate excuses for their followers, and it’s impossible to distinguish between. I miss the days when cows were just unashamedly cows.

No. 2065654>>2065668

we need another italian ali or n2f

No. 2065668

Nikol was also something else. I wonder what she’s up to

No. 2065705

Paris was good for a laugh at times with her dancing over chocolate bars. Don’t get people like journeytoemma or smorven anymore.

No. 2065707>>2065711

Jen Peach is going back to vegan, guys. She changes extreme diets more than most people change underwear. I think she’s seriously mentally unhinged though so it’s sad.

No. 2065711>>2065712>>2065713>>2065934>>2066225>>2066230>>2069634>>2071838

File (hide): 1733546280052.png (1.3 MB, 1226x743, Screen Shot 2024-12-06 at 10.3…)

wait, nonnie, it's way worse than that - she's setting up a "healing center" and conning spoops into working with her instead of getting real help

No. 2065712>>2065722

File (hide): 1733546335843.png (48.07 KB, 453x278, Screen Shot 2024-12-06 at 10.3…)

No. 2065713

What else does that last comment say?

No. 2065722

Ed recovery and raw foods.. Nothing better than having to eat buckets of grass to meet your daily calorie needs, making you so full you're about to burst, sounds perfect for spoops what could go wrong

No. 2065934>>2065944

JFC what mental illness does she have? She’s definitely suffering a break of sorts.

Take note, Redditfags ^this^ is milk. This is a cow. This is pro ana scumbag material.

No. 2065944>>2065979

Is she the one on the right of the photo?

No. 2065979

she's the one in the middle - closer to health than the other women, but that doesn't cancel out how delusional she is. She might lead these people to their death's, and she's had many warnings.
I don't care that she might be a healthy weight - her thought pattern is disordered and fatal. Hope the law brings a reality check.

No. 2066222>>2066227

File (hide): 1733686246307.jpg (698.27 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-12-08-20-31-30…)

Girl is begging for money for a hospital bill while living in a country with free healthcare.

No. 2066225>>2066684

Thank you anon for bringing good milk, I see the potential in this cow. Would love if other anons brought more from this one (not asking to be spoon fed, just thinking she's a good incorporation to the thread, so do as you wish)

No. 2066227>>2066377

Has this one been posted before? I don't recall her

No. 2066230>>2066810

File (hide): 1733686635877.png (66.17 KB, 465x396, Screen Shot 2024-12-08 at 1.36…)

No. 2066232

File (hide): 1733686737065.png (57.81 KB, 433x309, Screen Shot 2024-12-08 at 1.38…)

No. 2066233>>2066254

File (hide): 1733686817791.png (20.35 KB, 456x82, Screen Shot 2024-12-08 at 1.40…)

but don't worry, freelee supports her!

No. 2066254

Plot thickens, this is going to be good.

No. 2066286>>2066303>>2066351>>2066776

File (hide): 1733693517644.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1179x2406, IMG_7778.jpeg)

Possible new cow. This girl preaches recovery, yet in every post she strains her neck and arms and angles the camera really awkwardly to make herself look sicker. Notable cow behaviour - posting a video of her NG insertion to “unglamorize” anorexia

No. 2066303>>2066312

Seen her on TikTok - still trying to work her out. Wish she’d cover her arms.
Wonder why they sent her home when she’s clearly not recovered .

No. 2066312

In one of her first videos she says she signed out ama because they wanted her to have a tube and she didn’t want to

No. 2066351

'Exposing Myself' KEK.

No. 2066377

Yes she’s on EDTWT and posts reels of her bingeing on instagram and sometimes tries to pass it off as recovery content, even though there are thousands of calories on the table around her

No. 2066684

She’s been discussed plenty before. She’s got a very colorful history including going missing after running from hospital. Look her up. Jen peach. Canada.

No. 2066776

She’s already getting slated on TT for triggering people.

No. 2066777

Any news on Katy and her peg?

No. 2066810

Studying psychology, even as a major at college, doesn't make you a therapist. That's a whole extra level. That's like saying you're a qualified surgeon because you took biology.

No. 2066903>>2066911


kek truth. this new pseudo-cow behaviour is more dangerous than the anachans who would straight up log onto my pro ana and post weight loss tips. it's rexie tism disguised as vlogging,recipe channels or even worse 'recovery content'

No. 2066911

eh anyone who believes that shit is an idiot. at that point it’s natural selection because how stupid do you have to be?

No. 2067055>>2067075>>2067111>>2067112>>2067137>>2067168>>2067212

File (hide): 1733888933428.png (3.44 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5151.png)

Oh no, poor Jaycie has to go to school like a normal person instead of taking up a hospital bed she doesn’t need

No. 2067075

She’s so pathetic. In no time she’s going to be lying to her treatment team about her always starving, beg for a tube. She likes acting like she’s sick. But girl has NEVER been underweight, always had a bmi 25+.(sage your shit)

No. 2067111

Does she say anything in this video?

No. 2067112>>2067113>>2067169

as if this big fat beetroot head has ever skipped a meal in her life

No. 2067113

topkek at beetroot head, thanks nonnie i had a laugh

No. 2067137>>2067206

The jowls kek, i know crying makes your face puffy but bitch looks like she got overfilled at build a bear

No. 2067168

Why is one of her eyes so much lower and on an angle compared to the other? And the eyebrow even?

No. 2067169

Kek, beetroot head.

No. 2067206

damn nonnies, yall brought your a game today. i’m crying tears of laughter

No. 2067212>>2067276

Voting to move this one to cluster B

No. 2067276>>2067365>>2068252

This is the reason there is never any milk. Always moving everyone over to the cluster b thread

No. 2067365

It would help if the cows here were actually pro ana/eating disordered. Chronic attention seeking is too dull
I think bringing back Jen was a good idea. She's always preaching something else, but still 100% sick and obsessed with food. With her background and what she is doing now I'm afraid there is no way back for her. I just hope she won't actually take others with her to the grave. That picture was haunting

No. 2067490>>2067546

File (hide): 1734018389683.jpeg (729.93 KB, 2048x2048, 67FD222D-5A35-48B2-9D68-5E554D…)

Sage bc I don’t know if it counts as milk, but does anyone know if this chick was actually born in 1991?! I honestly hope not because she looks old as hell. She popped up on my fyp on my throw away insta account where I check out cows so thought maybe others have seen her in this community too

No. 2067546>>2067561>>2067563>>2067721

1991 is old as hell that’s like 33(bait)

No. 2067549

I just ran across this girl.. I looked around and I don’t think she’s been mentioned here.

She makes some food content. Someone even asked her if she just throws it away and she responded that in her country they treat food sacred, and that they are in a war zone so they’re starving.. but she’s making really meat heavy food. Make it make sense.


No. 2067561

Kek okay gen z tard. To most normal people that’s not old. Besides she looks 50(report and ignore)

No. 2067563>>2067614>>2067725

have you ever seen someone in their early 30s? that face is not normal for her age(report and ignore)

No. 2067614

Scroll back a way on her account and you'll find healthy weight pics. Her ed has certainly aged her face horrendously. It doesn't help that she never wears make up either. I'm surprised she's still employed as a fitness instructor looking like this, and that people come to her classes.

No. 2067721

but only when you're thirteen yourself(report and ignore)

No. 2067725

No her face isn't normal for 33 but neither is severe anorexia normal for the body. It ages the anas, despite their childlike bodies.

No. 2067844

Has anyone else noticed that Han (@thelifeofhan) has not been on IG since November 5th? She was posting every day from the start of Nov doing this daily ice bath in a wheelie bin thing. She said it helped her mh at first and then made a story saying she was actually feeling worse and really depressed. Then there has been nothing.

No. 2068014

File (hide): 1734132028632.jpeg (385.71 KB, 1170x2045, IMG_5907.jpeg)

I wonder if Lavi should be switched to cluster B. Maybe I’m completely off but her many ER trips with no admissions and always trying to get medical devices (she had a G tube at one point) is giving Munchausen syndrome

No. 2068093

Paris should

No. 2068252>>2068334

You have to actually be anorexic to be in this thread. This fat fuck ain’t anorexic.

No. 2068334

FACTS(sage your shit)

No. 2068368>>2068386>>2068387

File (hide): 1734218606763.png (3.52 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_0055.png)

Just in time for the annual Christmas relapse! I used to feel bad for her, but atp idgaf anymore, she’s a cow just like the rest

No. 2068386>>2068390

Eminem phenotype

No. 2068387>>2068390>>2068451

I don’t like her either but I don’t get why you posted this. She looks fine

No. 2068390

kek nonnie that made me giggle

Trust, give it two weeks. I’m not saying she doesn’t look fine, it’s just what happens each year

No. 2068402>>2068408>>2068416

File (hide): 1734226039031.jpeg (764.64 KB, 962x1320, IMG_7252.jpeg)

Yet another version of Jaycie reincarnate for your viewing pleasure, my dear farmers. @izzysrecoveryy on tiktok

No. 2068408

I don’t like her content but she’s not overweight

No. 2068416>>2068463

This girl does NOT compare to Jaycie. Though I do agree that it’s never helpful dancing around in a tube.
She is no where near overweight, Jaycie is OBESE.(bonerattling, not saged)

No. 2068451>>2068452

Her entire skull isn’t protruding from her face like her low weights but it’s obvious she’s lost quick again. I agree it’s such a pathetic cycle to watch like she has every resource anyone could ever want or need to get better and doesn’t use it

No. 2068452

It’s also odd because she has a choice as an adult to get treatment or not. Others that are SEED like her seem to stay out of treatment more. If she doesn’t even want to recover she should just stabilize at a normal hospital that won’t cert her and force her to be in residential for months, but no she had to go to acute over and over again to feel like the sickest. Honestly it’s a waste of resources at this point.

No. 2068463>>2068476

Not this anon and not trying to shit stir but, she is obese right? Unless I'm thinking of someone else, but I'm pretty sure Jaycie is fat. Isn't bonerattling reserved for anons who call thin girls fat, are the mods new to the farms or extremely overweight kek

No. 2068476>>2068483>>2068484>>2069106

In this thread BMI talk used to be banned and the conversation revolved more around antics than "this girl is so fat!! Fat fat fat!! " Which arguably gets old. She's also not obese whatsoever, she's a chubby regular girl cosplaying death's door but heading anons just post her and talk about her cheeks and how huge and ugly she is is giving the vibe that the thread is filled with proana scumbags

No. 2068483>>2068545>>2068637

Usfag right? Outside of your blubber land Jaycie would absolutely be considered obese. She is unhealthily overweight not just normal chubby

No. 2068484

>Arguably gets old
Whenever a thread devolves into "cow is fat" you know there's no actual good milk to talk about kek

No. 2068545

She's probably not obese just slightly overweight or high end of normal with not much muscle

No. 2068637

No french, and she is overweight but see this comment is what I mean, all this is semantics, it's not milk and name calling doesn't a thread make

No. 2068718>>2068738>>2068981>>2070213

Brooke Paintain any opinions ? Not really a cow but had an Ed - recovered now out on a huge amount of weight seems to spend all day eating

No. 2068727>>2068733>>2068768>>2068855>>2069004

File (hide): 1734327519254.jpg (1020.42 KB, 1080x1883, 1000009275.jpg)

Eugenia being a Trump supporter was not on my 2024 bingo card

No. 2068733

Not surprising at all kek. She definitely would just parrot whatever Deb believes and her family have been known conservatives for a long time.

No. 2068738

Go back to Reddit. Shoo.

No. 2068768

For real I'm loving this final arc of 2024

No. 2068769>>2068770

Getting another rando moaning about suing us was actually on my bingo card

No. 2068770>>2068787>>2068788>>2069071

File (hide): 1734349669244.png (55.63 KB, 1879x196, _snow_ - Pro-Ana Scumbags 110 …)

In case anyone missed it since it was deleted

No. 2068787

Does she think that women are immune to also posting in this thread?

No. 2068788

Shiver me timbers! I’m more scared than the scale when Jaycie’s about to step on it.

No. 2068855

She'll do anything to keep people talking about her it's so transparent. Although she probably is a Trump "supporter"/voter (not that she actually cares or even knows anything about politics) because her family is.

No. 2068981

Have watched some of her vlogs and TikTok’s. Don’t know how sick she ever was but now she looks like she spends her day just eating McDonald’s and putting on too much weight.

No. 2068999>>2069107

File (hide): 1734395247661.png (2.49 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_9884.png)

Imagine being related to this POS and actually having to be next to her for life. You know her family has to just barely put up with her. Please go ahead and get that lobotomy so maybe you’ll use social media less(a-logging)

No. 2069004>>2069097

Why the fuck is she wearing that thing and standing by a fucking giant garbage bin?!

No. 2069071

Kek nonnies, any guesses to who this disgruntled baby is?? We haven’t used last names in a while afaik….

No. 2069097>>2069341

Democrats called trump supporters ‘trash’ and so trump picked it up and decorated a garbage truck with ‘trump 2024’ on it. She’s just catching up on the election meme

No. 2069106

Ayrt, very true but I still think "bonerattling" should be saved for anons who call anachans fat, like it used to be used for. I mean it's in the name after all kek, funny to see a mod using it like that.

No. 2069107

Eh, I think there's way worse family members a person could have. She's also very easy to ignore, she's not the type of cow to make her problems everyone else's she's just kinda being cringe in her own little corner. The only ones actually being impacted are probably her parents and siblings, which isn't cool but still, way worse family members a person could have. And this is just lame edgy doomer humor that zoomers love.

No. 2069341>>2069721

Oh wow. So she really is all in on him. I'm really not up to date on politics but surprised I missed this.

No. 2069342>>2069348>>2069432>>2069438>>2069617>>2069678>>2072293

File (hide): 1734490733211.jpg (224.59 KB, 749x1124, 1000057510.jpg)

I have no idea. I saw a story of a plane window though so I guess she made it to the US.

No. 2069348>>2069376>>2069678

She is so my least favourite cow. Her painfully obvious fake typing bullshit is annoying as fuck

No. 2069376>>2069387

Even worse is the whiteknights in her thread who swear up and down she iSnT lIkE oThEr LoLcOwS, just because she isnt actively harming anybody and they believe her retard typing and schizo larp.

No. 2069387

Her wks gross me out. They treat her like a cute quirky little princess, it's condescending, enabling, worshippy, all at the same time.

No. 2069432

I see she has the restraints on her wrists. I'm sure the nurses loved seeing her emaciated cut up body before Christmas.
She really has mental issues(sage your shit)

No. 2069438>>2069563

i know shes an attention whore but her posts always make me laugh

No. 2069563

Same idek why.

No. 2069617

I almost forgot about her

No. 2069634>>2069716

Apparently the girl on the right died…

No. 2069653>>2069713>>2069719>>2069727>>2069733>>2069912

File (hide): 1734572869391.jpeg (304.39 KB, 1329x1114, 2C6B8ED0-D9DA-4D29-8FD6-EC9BBD…)

not sure if this girl has ever been posted here before but she’s your typical recovery account: dancing with a feeding tube, body checks, cringey attention seeking posts. Normalize laying in your hospital bed (@lilyisbloomingg)

No. 2069678

the typing quirk pisses me off too, shes like almost 30 now

No. 2069713>>2069750

Eh this is a nitpick, you sound very much like you have a personal vendetta. She only recently started posting these, afaik she was out of treatment for a long time and has been in college, just graduated as well. That izzy’s recovery girl is much worse and way more annoying

No. 2069716>>2069741>>2069744>>2069745

Do you have caps?

No. 2069719>>2069720

This is another one of Reddit’s pet accounts, right? You lot make it so obvious

No. 2069720

ntayrt i don’t think she was talked about on reddit but you’re right in that that’s obviously a redditfag that posted her

No. 2069721>>2069860

She's not all in on anything or anyone other than Jeffree. She's just parroting his, and probably her family's, opinions.

No. 2069727

Where’s the milk? She literally just has a tube and is inpatient. Not tryna wk but is milk really this dry ?

No. 2069733>>2069738

I guess all the other anons are new here, because Lily used to be talked about here for more than a couple of threads. There's a reason she stopped being posted though, she's boring

No. 2069738

Exactly. Was posted a lot in 2022 and early 2023, but I don’t see how a relapse and a tube is cause for calling her a cow. She’s uninteresting

No. 2069741>>2070587

File (hide): 1734605675839.jpeg (246.11 KB, 1174x1929, IMG_5003.jpeg)

No. 2069744

File (hide): 1734606004639.jpeg (379.48 KB, 1179x1945, IMG_5004.jpeg)

No. 2069745

File (hide): 1734606177837.jpeg (233.89 KB, 1179x1958, IMG_5005.jpeg)


Commented by someone who looks like they knew her on her actual page. Heartbreaking. May she rest in peace, and may Jen experience the full consequences of her actions.

No. 2069750>>2069843

>She only recently started posting these
Nta but she's been posting stuff like this on and off for years. Every so often she deletes her tiktok and starts a new ~recovery/autism awareness~ tiktok and the cycle starts all over again. She's not as milky as she used to be though, but if anything she's more BPD than pro ana. She's had like 5 or 6 half assed suicide attempts where she jumps off an easily survivable height building or takes 10 Ativan and then leaves a goodbye tiktok so her followers report her and she gets saved "just in time." The funniest time period of hers was when she jumped off a grocery store or something and sprained both her ankles because she aimed herself feet first, and then spent months talking about how she might never walk again despite her injuries being limited to her ankles/calves and no where near spinal. And then when she got the foot braces off she kept making inspirational tiktoks about how she "beat the odds" and it's some miracle she's able to walk again kek. Her shenanigans always make me laugh. She's a cow, but a milk less cow rn unfortunately.

No. 2069843

I think she’s at children’s hospital right now which is funny because she’s like 25. Mentally though she is a child so I guess it fits

No. 2069860

True. She was really floundering around in all the hate coming at her about supporting Trump until Jeffree came into her Live and saved her by insulting all her followers. Then she went from scared and 'I just want to do my make up, guys' to being as big a bitch and vile person as he was being.

No. 2069912

I say it every time I'm in this thread. Do NOT give this woman attention. She wants you to talk shit about her here.

No. 2069925>>2069959>>2069977>>2070047>>2071839

File (hide): 1734652167798.jpeg (426.38 KB, 828x1433, IMG_5531.jpeg)

Is this Marie or another child larper?

No. 2069959>>2069964

She's like the same size as baby yoda

No. 2069964>>2069969

It’s so crazy that a 20+ year old could be the same weight as a three year old
Like girl!!!! What did she weigh when she was 3?

No. 2069969

more probably

No. 2069977>>2069997

probably fake but that's how much my 4 year old weighs(blog)

No. 2069997

I actually believe it because Marie is this height and she really did weigh that much.

No. 2070047

It's 100% Marie

No. 2070213

My opinion is you’re an idiot. How is Brooke pro ana scumbag material? Take your personal vendetta elsewhere.

No. 2070587

It blows my mind it's not illegal what she's doing. Watch this be the first victim of many.

No. 2070719

File (hide): 1734962868344.jpeg (293.9 KB, 1170x1935, IMG_5430.jpeg)

Danica whining about being in hospital for the holidays, when she literally admitted her self. Like, just go home and stop wasting everyones resources. Her self-pittying is so pathetic and tiresome

No. 2070789>>2070817>>2070927>>2072315

Aprile (the Stefania whistleblower) is back on Tiktok, complete with a sick olympics “treatment lore” video. Sydney in the comments cheering her on , as per usual.

No. 2070817

can’t stand her, she (and sydney) recently left comments on another person’s video saying they were posting triggering sick pics and had a responsibility to post sensible content blah blah blah when she’s doing the exact same thing. that person is an idiot and a cow but so are april and sydney so they need to take a long hard look in the mirror. hypocrites lmao

No. 2070880>>2070881

Did Katy get her peg tube?

No. 2070881>>2071090

why do you keep asking about this? it's starting to get weird

No. 2070927

No. 2070992>>2070993>>2071054>>2071157

File (hide): 1735061198852.jpeg (369.02 KB, 1170x2080, F928776C-2EE1-40B5-BBFE-BC81E8…)

This is beyond delusional kek. The ana brainrot is there but not there enough that she doesn’t know to move her hair for that oh so spoopy back shot. “Progress is progress” my ass, just say you want asspats for starving yourself.

No. 2070993>>2070994>>2071408

File (hide): 1735061367058.jpeg (676.36 KB, 1170x2009, IMG_6944.jpeg)

She’s also been complaining on socials about her bodychecks being deleted while her bio says “no one regrets recovery”. what a piece of work

No. 2070994>>2071156

File (hide): 1735061476243.png (2.67 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6942.png)

“Look at my spoopy back” again kek

No. 2070995>>2071070>>2071140>>2072149

Do any spoops ever lose their hair? Thought that was meant to be ana symptom 101 but all of them seem to have it super healthy and long, moreso than most normal weight ppl.

I just don't get it. How the hell does it grow when it isn't getting any nutrition, particularly protein?

No. 2071054

'Progress', 'recovery', here is the skinniest angle of me and my popping scapula. Honestly there is something to be said for cows who actually just cow, and post a body check without pretending it's anything else.

No. 2071070

Genetics. (Not a blog) but my hair never fell out, it just got a tad dry

No. 2071090

Because I’m not on instagram and I’m curious.

No. 2071140

Genetics, luck, amount of nutrients their supplementing and which ones, predisposition to alopecia, and youth. A lot of these anachans are in their 20's and 30's so it's possible the detrimental affects just haven't caught up to them just yet.

No. 2071156

This one actually does seem to have shitty hair, it looks thin and dry but shiny because it's greasy. Look at the scalp area

No. 2071157

The (lack of) ass I'm gagging

No. 2071236>>2071238>>2071253

File (hide): 1735157324803.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1004x2054, IMG_7085.jpeg)

Oh god, another ana that caters to fetishists aka Eugenia 2.0. Most of her bodychecks are her half naked in boxers but this new one is taking it to a next level

No. 2071238

File (hide): 1735157400408.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1170x2032, IMG_7086.jpeg)

No. 2071253

yuck. grimy

No. 2071408>>2071453>>2071629>>2071666

Don't get me wrong, I get why her post get taken down, but why is it that on Instagram you can post your 300lbs body but suddenly when you are spoopy you're promoting eating disorders and your post gets taken down?

No. 2071444>>2071474>>2071511>>2071884

File (hide): 1735236234671.jpeg (369.15 KB, 1170x1721, IMG_6716.jpeg)

This makes absolutely no sense. Why would you get a g tube if your body is tolerating ng feeds? No doctor in their right mind would place a g tube and risk complications or infection if the patient had a functioning digestive system.

No. 2071453

It should be obvious. Being skinny is aspirational but no-one wants to be fat, let alone morbidly obese 300lbs fat. There's a reason it's called thinspiration. If anything, fat pics are a deterrent because it would be a nightmare to end up looking like that. I guess you could argue anas use them as reverse thinspo, but fat people can't be accused of promoting EDs in the same way unless they're actively encouraging people to eat what they do. With anas, just the images are enough.

No. 2071474

ahhh the fatty never fails to deliver milk. thanks for the good laugh jaycie

No. 2071511

more convenient for lomg term use. but this bitch is obviously lying tho

No. 2071629

Majority of celebrities are thin, young people see celebrities and want to be like them. Seeing "normal" people with emaciated bodies makes it seem like something they càn achieve too. Also seeing how many likes and followers those posting emaciated images of themselves get, influences the teens regardless of what the original posters say!

No. 2071657

File (hide): 1735276039804.png (3.89 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_8118.png)

Pretty sure this cow hasn’t been posted before. Classic ED to chronic illness/munchie pipeline, flaunts her underweight body online, is still very thin despite supposedly being on nj feeds. Kookes333 on tiktok

No. 2071666

Because it's much harder to become spoopy and it always requires a certain degree of mental illness to get your body to that degree of emaciation. Being overweight or obese is easier in comparison given how accessible junk food is, so being fat is not an indicator of an eating disorder. Not saying people can't suffer from binge eating disorder or comfort eating, but statistically the number of obese people is higher than that of severely underweight people, so you get a higher representation across

No. 2071834>>2071836

File (hide): 1735335742407.jpeg (2.47 MB, 1170x2271, IMG_7216.jpeg)

Has this one been posted before? She never seems to leave residential and constantly posts videos with new groups of patients. She also went to a residential high school and posts a bunch of throwback pictures of her with a tube. I wonder if she’s ever had to truly live life

No. 2071836>>2071877

File (hide): 1735335795664.jpeg (1.75 MB, 1170x2032, IMG_7215.jpeg)

Also her pinned video is full of bodychecks probably intended to prove how sick she is even though she looks kind of normal

No. 2071838>>2071970

The girl on the right actually did end up dying. Unsure if she died while on the retreat or immediately after, but it has been confirmed in the comments of the girl’s most recent post as well as in a news article.

Jen of course hasn’t said a word about this.


No. 2071839

This is 100% Marie’s edtwt. Her bodychecks also have the same backgrounds as before and the whole fake sweet innocent girl act

No. 2071877

So shopped and none of her pictures look really underweight anyway.

No. 2071883>>2072150

File (hide): 1735343874472.jpeg (358.71 KB, 1133x1438, IMG_2665.jpeg)

How are people not embarrassed enough to post stuff like this

No. 2071884>>2072151

I bet the tube is for gastric reflux since she cannot stop eating full up to her incompetent cardias(sage your shit)

No. 2071940

It was the good old days when there was a lot of milk with smorven , journeytoemma, Paris’s etc and then Fi and elzani

No. 2071949>>2071978

You’re going to need to read back

she left Princeton a few weeks back and chose not do any step down program

No. 2071970>>2072600

Jenn has taken the retreat website down, so I bet she died whilst on the retreat. Let’s hope Jenn gets investigated and held to account

No. 2071978>>2071986

I was also wondering and guessed I missed it. Last I had heard she was trying to sue the hospital because they were keeping her involuntarily and her dad refused to be her medical guardian to get her out.

No. 2071986

Not sure why she tried to sue because she wanted it. Heard from inside sources/ the legal papers she probably posted that they gave her a PICC line because she refused all food and water to be made involuntary on purpose. Then she picked at her PICC line so much that they had to give her a central or something. At this point it’s giving munchausens on top of her personality disorder.

No. 2071988>>2072020>>2072249>>2072643

She’s off of socials because her old bestie exposed that she was a proana monster and would encourage this poor girl to lose more weight and convinced her not to go to the hospital for suicidal ideation because they would make her gain. She also planned her admission to acute down to the day so that she’d be at the exact weight they’d take her and made sure she cancelled her secondary government insurance exactly 3 months before that planned day so they’d take her. The funniest part is that acute staff saw through her bullshit and she had to write an apology letter basically admitting that she tried to manipulate them into making her involuntary.

No. 2072014>>2072027

File (hide): 1735407083122.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x1909, 20241228_183042.jpg)

Looks like she'll never have a life then

No. 2072020>>2072166

i think stefania is an idiot & i agree with everything else ur saying but her old bestie that exposed her isn’t exactly innocent poor girl herself….she’s also a proana cow. judging by april’s behavior on tiktok i heavily doubt that stefania was fully to blame in that situation. they definitely encouraged each other & i don’t doubt the messages posted are cherry picked to make april herself look like the good one in that situation. april is also a fully grown adult and has been for many years now, even before that friendship with stefania began. everyone makes it seem like stefania took advantage of her but tbh i believe the fault lies on both sides, they both used each other to trigger themselves. i can’t stand them both but at least stefania is off tiktok. april is still posing as sickest girl in the world what with all the never ending acute & erc posts

No. 2072027

But at least she loves how she looks kek. She was in and out of inpatient for years with a tube looking healthy as fuck so this is her dream and what she wanted honestly

No. 2072109>>2072163>>2072186>>2072416>>2072578>>2073195

File (hide): 1735430416965.jpeg (346.1 KB, 1179x1981, IMG_9862.jpeg)

It can’t just be me who hates both these bitches. The one on the right is considerably worse. @yoyochlo_ is the tiktok username. The way they both half squint their eyes and talk with a vocal fry to seem so unwell and tired. Constantly “ending up in hospital” when you’ve got yourself there because you feel a little suicidal uwu. Grow up and put in the effort that it takes to get better. It doesn’t all just get handed to you

No. 2072149>>2072249

It depends on how malnourished they get. Lack of iron can definitely cause hair to thin out, and not enough folate causes dry and brittle hair. At the most extreme, when they have literal organ failure from anorexia, hair will go to shit because the body has to work hard just to keep alive and hair is less vital.

(but skeletal bodies will grow hair on their stomachs and arms and stuff to try and keep warm!)

No. 2072150

I can sort of understand the psychology here. I was a small preemie too, didn't catch up to my peers height/weight wise until puberty, but I guess I wasn't as neurotic and also my mom never made a big deal about me being short and skinny.(blogging)

No. 2072151

A tube for reflux (acid level testing) is much thinner and is only in a for a few days.

No. 2072163

They are awful.

No. 2072166


No. 2072186>>2072204

These two belong in the cluster B thread.

No. 2072189

File (hide): 1735469717074.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1179x1791, IMG_8131.jpeg)

Recent reddit post by rachael. God her pathological need for validation and attention is ridiculous

No. 2072204

Not everyone belongs in the cluster b thread. They both have EDs and are insufferable

No. 2072209>>2072274

File (hide): 1735484038182.jpeg (370.98 KB, 1167x2106, IMG_6727.jpeg)

Yes, I forgot that this entire website page is dedicated to Jaycie!

No. 2072249

I'm not one to defend a cow but April's entire social media presence is about how she's the sickest anachan that ever lived, tons of toob pics,and I think curating and sharing a public document of your pro ana friendship with somebody and making sure it includes your stats to show how uwu sick you are when you are both in your mid to late twenties knowing it would cause explosive drama and end up seedy places like this is cow behavior too. I hope they both get better but I think it's unfair to say "poor girl" when she posts incessant toob pics, body checks etc. Idk they both seem pro ana.
I've never seen even a superspoop totally bald I think there's a difference between shitty hair and literally it all falling out kek

No. 2072256

File (hide): 1735499242503.jpeg (509.42 KB, 1170x1822, IMG_2680.jpeg)

Can someone contact the ex and be like “how does it feel to have her still obsessed”. If I was his wife I’d be like this girl needs fucking help but the thing is she went and got treatment many times and this was the end result

No. 2072274

File (hide): 1735502031136.jpeg (59.92 KB, 640x960, IMG_7603.jpeg)

kek it’s giving vector

No. 2072293

beautiful unicorn

No. 2072315


No. 2072318>>2072347>>2072434

File (hide): 1735511221051.jpeg (Spoiler Image,240.88 KB, 433x723, IMG_0770.jpeg)

has anyone heard from/ about ham lately. infamous from a year or 2 ago. hasn’t posted on insta since 2023

No. 2072347>>2072348>>2072387

No idea but I'm trying to find @lifeofhan. She just vanished about 5 days into November. She's been radio silence about Christmas and her bday which is apparently Dec 27th iirc. Nobody else bothered?

No. 2072348>>2072352

Check her tagged. Photo of her at a baby shower or something from December 11th

No. 2072352>>2072355

Thanks Nonnie. I didn't even think of that. I wonder why she just vanished but seems fine.

No. 2072355>>2072362

maybe she's starting to move on with her life? she seemed like she was doing pretty well in general around the time that she stopped posting

No. 2072362

She did seem to be doing really well. She did do a story saying she was having a bad depressive episode and her wheelie bin ice baths were making it worse. That's the last I saw of her but hopefully that was just the shitty English weather and time of year and she just doesn't feel like posting. I was rooting for her.

No. 2072387

I hope she's doing okay, I really like Han she's got so much personality and she's very sweet.

No. 2072416>>2072441

What is actually wrong with them in terms of an Ed or mental health? Apart from they are drama queens who one minute are struggling with fortisips and the next eating cake.
Pretty sure they are high most of the time too.

No. 2072434

I believe she faked it all to get a mini influencer status to make friends at her uni easier.

No. 2072441

BPD and larping anorexia. Which is why they belong in the cluster B thread

No. 2072578>>2072598

They both look totally healthy/normal range. But the one on the left started copying off of the right ones fake lack of energy HAHA.

No. 2072598>>2072673

Or maybe they’re just blazed as fuck lmao

No. 2072600

Oh she still is fully intending to run them. Just on the DL now that she is clearly going to be investigated.

No. 2072643>>2072650>>2072651>>2072666

she def planned her admission but i heard that she never had to write an apology letter to acute and it was a rumor. someone told me that what april said wasnt true bc even though she wasnt court ordered that stefania complied with treatment there then went to res. i agree with what people are saying about april. she's the one posting insane body checks and toob pix and whining every day about how sick she is. she seems like the real cow at this point(sage your shit)

No. 2072650

There’s picture proof of it kek

No. 2072651>>2072655

nah, it's real, I posted it when the leak happened, here: >>2047135

No. 2072655>>2072657

>>2072651 tbh why are people still so obsessed over the stefania thing, those messages were from two years ago and sharing stuff in a private convo, which is way different than posting online. she hasnt posted in almost 6 months and there are way worse cows that post that shit publicly every day. i agree too- april seems way more fucked up sharing a private convo and personal info online, while also actually being pro ana on her tt but that’s just me. people need to move on from the stefania thing imo it’s creepy(sage your shit)

No. 2072657>>2072658>>2072729

agreed at least stef got offline to work on herself
can’t say the same for so many other pro ana scum(sage your shit)

No. 2072658>>2072797

She got “offline” because she couldn’t handle being flamed so bad. She still has a private account where I’m sure she posts the same triggering shit. At least it’s private now though, but that’s not because she actually gives a fuck on working on herself.

No. 2072666

What are April’s socials?

No. 2072673>>2072693

I'm sure they want people to believe that but it looks more like sober people trying to look faded, their eyes aren't even red kek

No. 2072693>>2072701

Smart. Not sure why I'm wasting so much money on weed when I could just pretend to be high

No. 2072701

No. 2072729

She got offline to go to Princeton and do the exact same thing she did online, fool around in treatment and play games. She has no intention of actually getting better

No. 2072744>>2073231

Can someone please just post this April girls account name, or screen cap some of this alleged milk ffs.
Image board or stfu

No. 2072758>>2072759>>2072770>>2072776>>2072780>>2072920>>2073236

File (hide): 1735658478696.jpg (260.39 KB, 749x1186, 1000058947.jpg)

I raise you one cow. Australian. Cptsd, FND, 'anorexia', online pyramid scheme pusher. Makes motivational speeches from the psych ward with a tube in her nose even though she is actually on the overweight side. Was counting off her admissions and got to 50 a couple of months ago. Literally cannot stay out of hospital for more than 3 weeks at a time, despite all her posts while she's out being about all the healing she's doing and all the therapies and support workers she has every single day.

No. 2072759>>2072766>>2072769>>2072773>>2072979

File (hide): 1735658740666.jpg (188.69 KB, 749x857, 1000059082.jpg)

You wouldn't have been given charcoal unless you poisoned yourself. Always playing the 'I'm so healthy and healed, I don't know how I got here!' Then back in hospital again. Also keeps referring to herself as 'we' so potential DID arc.

No. 2072766

File (hide): 1735659235285.png (2.59 MB, 750x1334, 1000058949.png)

No. 2072769

File (hide): 1735659749805.jpg (176.89 KB, 750x1166, 1000061090.jpg)

Looking super anorexic with those rolls.

No. 2072770>>2072789

File (hide): 1735659815414.jpg (230.66 KB, 750x1027, 1000061089.jpg)

No. 2072773

File (hide): 1735660370679.jpg (176.33 KB, 750x776, 1000061091.jpg)

'We' ?

No. 2072776>>2072777

File (hide): 1735660444089.jpg (203.96 KB, 750x982, 1000061093.jpg)

She must be at about 55 admissions now.

No. 2072777>>2073887

File (hide): 1735660480621.jpg (353.16 KB, 750x1126, 1000061094.jpg)

Sorry for all the posts.

No. 2072780>>2072955

File (hide): 1735660565762.jpg (202.72 KB, 750x1017, 1000061092.jpg)

Always has an NG when admitted (which is literally about every 3 weeks after she is discharged). Not underweight though.

No. 2072789

She blew up! She did actually used to be thin/maybe slightly underweight

No. 2072797

ntayrt but i so badly want to know what happened in their friendship that led to the whole google doc fiasco because exposing someone like that when they were clearly very close friends is insane. this is pure speculation but it kind of reads like it was bpd rage-fueled

No. 2072920

she's baffled by taking a myspace angle selfie then opening her phone camera at an unflattering angle 24 hours later? dear.

No. 2072940>>2072966

File (hide): 1735701807733.png (720.85 KB, 1138x638, Screen Shot 2024-12-31 at 9.22…)

Lavi is using the new year as an excuse to post a bunch of spoop pics from before her most recent stint in treatment

No. 2072955>>2073064

How in the fuck do you get admitted to the hospital more than 50 times. Here in Burgerland you could be in the ER that many times as a frequent flyer, but actual admissions? Aussie nonnies, how does this happen?

No. 2072966>>2073301

File (hide): 1735716553164.png (507.33 KB, 430x702, Screen Shot 2025-01-01 at 1.28…)

how many times per week do we think lavi goes to the ER?

No. 2072979>>2072986

>three days stabilising in Emergency
lol no. it doesn't work that way. you mean three days waiting in the er because you weren't seriously ill enough to get a room before that.

No. 2072986>>2073064

idk about other countries but in australia a lot of hospitals (or at least public hospitals) if you're expected to be in hospital for like 2-3 days and don't require ward care then they'll chuck you in the short stay area of emergency

No. 2073064>>2073065

File (hide): 1735748342601.jpg (310.66 KB, 750x1064, 1000061305.jpg)

No. 2073065

File (hide): 1735748463816.jpg (262.75 KB, 750x1126, 1000061304.jpg)

Sorry, wrong order.

No. 2073105>>2073125

I was away for long time, what happened to my favorite cow Georgia?

No. 2073125

Id like to know too nonnie, haven't heard of porgie in ages, perhaps she finally have up her super special anachan larp and decided to live a normal life? (Chance would be a fine thing)

No. 2073151

File (hide): 1735762933912.jpeg (1.71 MB, 1179x2016, IMG_9961.jpeg)

Kali’s 2024 roundup is pretty much what we expected: endless tube pics and her savaged, scratched face. It also showed the entire two months she was out of hospital! Such an achievement for a 21 year old

No. 2073195

They are really annoying

No. 2073206>>2073297

File (hide): 1735778856861.png (2.46 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_7473.png)

Always the victim, jfc

No. 2073218

oh shut up, Aidel. the girl never stops whining about something(sage your shit)

No. 2073231

This, holy fuck

No. 2073236>>2073523


she used to be a cow 3 years ago

No. 2073297>>2073300>>2073557

Then don’t live at the hospital if you want privacy and to not be subjected to diseases lol. I can’t stand this one.

No. 2073300>>2073302>>2073558

I think she got herself committed (or whatever they call being made involuntary in canada) because she kept taking overdoses, which is why she was always at the hospital (even though she liked implying that it was for ED symptoms)

No. 2073301

I don’t understand why her docs don’t have her on some sort of home infusions. Clearly whatever she goes in for isn’t that big of a deal because she’s munching on subway and chips and a bunch of other crap right after she gets out. Much gastroparesis kek.

No. 2073302>>2073303

She’s been living in and out for years. She needs to cut the shit, get a real job and move on. This has nothing to do with her recent section which she is super happy about despite her constant bitching. She loves her daddy coming to visit and dote on her in hospital. It’s weird.

No. 2073303>>2073317

ayrt, sorry if my reply came off like I was defending her - aidel is insufferable and she put herself in this position with the constant suicidal gestures for attention

No. 2073304>>2073347

File (hide): 1735808708868.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1170x2058, IMG_1849.jpeg)

Kali had to make sure the head wound was visible for Christmas

No. 2073317

She’s a resource sucking POS that comes across into the US for treatment taking up resources she definitely isn’t entitled to just because her daddy doesn’t want to hold her responsible to be an adult and just throws money at her to go to treatment to shut her up probably because he doesn’t want to deal with her attention whore antics.

No. 2073347

I cannot imagine having a child like this… Take her phone away and see how quickly she "gets better" without an audience kek. Also "Liked by bpd_user" hahaha

No. 2073430>>2074331

File (hide): 1735848840078.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1170x2192, IMG_7515.jpeg)

The “surprise” decline. When is she not declining kek

No. 2073462>>2073475>>2073476

File (hide): 1735852882304.png (563.88 KB, 594x736, Screen Shot 2025-01-02 at 3.20…)

Lyss needs attention too, apparently

No. 2073475>>2073476

God shut the fuck up kek, why does she talk like she's on a Disney show. And I've never seen someone happier to be in an ambulance.

No. 2073476>>2073742

also notice that whatever happened while she was at her new job, working in a care home. So it seems like maybe she's freaking out about finally getting a full time job and having to work a normal adult amount.

No. 2073523

Well she still is one.

No. 2073525>>2073530>>2073711

File (hide): 1735870309068.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1179x1988, IMG_8198.jpeg)

Seems like she might be making a change this time. We’ll see.

No. 2073527>>2073532

File (hide): 1735870487962.png (264.88 KB, 750x1334, IMG_9743.png)

Check out this dissertation from our “homeschool valedictorian”😂 apparently RAPPORT isn’t on her iPhone autocorrect (or she is so slow and has spelled it wrong so many times she even trained her iPhone to be a stupid fat cow like her😆)(unintegrated newfag)

No. 2073530

'Succumb to the atrocities of my ed…..Declining, hospital, blah blah…..Denial. I don't think I'm unwell' Just spent a paragraph glorying in how unwell she thinks she is. It's been said so many times but just take the phone and the social media away in treatment!

No. 2073532>>2073534>>2073537>>2073559>>2073634

File (hide): 1735870893499.png (319.84 KB, 750x1334, IMG_9744.png)

Dr Claire is not impressed by Jaycie’s moo-trum (a cow tantrum). This nonnie is impressed by the doctor’s ability to placate the cow and cater to her fragile frail ego (because what she lacks in body she makes up in ego) and make her feel like she is going to keel over and die from her sooper specschul anorexia. We all know the truth is this doctor would rather starve herself to death of the most miserable kind than put up with that whiny entitled TikTok filming fatass monkey pj wearing heifer in her hospital again. Of course she is going to call its mom and tell its mother to parent her stupid brat. Maybe take the car keys away and phone away and ground your kid for once.

No. 2073534

So she's actually underage.
But she's faked and malingered and tantrumed her way into so many admissions and tubes and God knows what and she's still a fucking child?! I am equally appalled and impressed.

No. 2073537

Dr Claire's English leaves something to be desired too, with those run on sentences and odd grammar. But she is a Dr; maybe she dictated this in a 3 minute break, or maybe it isn't her first language. I'm surprised she even replied tbf.

No. 2073550>>2073551

File (hide): 1735877404662.mp4 (821.02 KB, 720x1280, Snapinsta.app_video_AQMddn8RFq…) [play once] [loop]

Anyone slup the milk that is kxprova on instagram? a model who post what i eat in a days, what her boyfriend eats, her weight, before vs after (normal model days vs spoop now) and step counts all day long

No. 2073551>>2073554

The growing elbows kek

No. 2073554

I’m not seeing what you’re seeing

No. 2073557>>2073685

I feel like it’s reasonable to want help for mental illness and be unhappy about how crummy the resources/system are

No. 2073558>>2073673

Why are you just making stuff up? All of those admissions were medical, not psych. Until this one

No. 2073559

Publicly posting emails between you and your doctor is NOT a good look for someone who’s been bragging nonstop about getting into nursing school kek. You’d think she’d know a thing or two about patient confidentiality or using the right you’re*.

No. 2073566>>2073632>>2074477

What happened to Dora ( dora is exploring ) or Emily jones - I don’t do instagram so can’t go in there(spoonfeed request)

No. 2073632>>2073760

you can do instagram if you choose, the app is literally free so it’s not that you “can’t go in there”. spoonfeed requests like these are so annoying, stop being lazy

No. 2073634>>2073789

>fatass monkey pj wearing heifer

Rofl nonna, thanks for that. Accurate and hilarious

No. 2073673>>2073859

you don't always get admitted to psych for an overdose and she mentioned overdoses in a story, so uh I'm not making things up? I'm reading what she posts?

No. 2073685>>2073862

That’s not what Aidel does you fool.

No. 2073711

> calls herself obese

Not holding out hope

No. 2073742>>2073743

File (hide): 1735944131387.jpeg (622.34 KB, 1170x2040, IMG_2812.jpeg)

She posted this because she “looks tall”. No alternate motivation

No. 2073743

I feel like Lyss must be genuinely kind-of stupid because her posts are all always so transparent

No. 2073760

Had very bad experiences with stalkers on there and some dangerous situations - soon I’m not going on there again(blog/derail)

No. 2073789

That’s what I’m here for-to inform and entertain haha(sage your shit)

No. 2073797

File (hide): 1735958105650.png (3.45 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_5192.png)

“Eat whatever I want” doesn’t need to be a goal jaycie, you’ve been doing that all along with no problem

No. 2073803>>2074017

I honestly can't believe Withers is still alive. Been hearing about her since the PULL days and I figured she would be dead by now.

No. 2073859

You are making stuff up though by filling in blanks you don’t actually know. She had ONE overdose, that’s what led to this current admission. The several medical admissions she had last year WERE for physical ED complications. Way to make up your own story though by thinking 1+1=3

No. 2073862>>2073863>>2073981

I don’t think you know her well enough to deduce that. I know Aidel and I know she’s a good person who is struggling to find support in a broken ass system. She’s not a cow so this isn’t wking(wk)

No. 2073863>>2073994

> She’s not a cow so this isn’t wking
kek, your posts are the literal definition of white knighting.

No. 2073887>>2073989

600g is about 1.3lbs. I assume she's referring to her weight at birth ("28 years ago"), but even premature babies weigh 3+ pounds, so… she's just lying, I guess?

No. 2073981

>This isn't WKing
Gets red texted for WK.

No. 2073989

Correct. She talks a lot about her 'birth trauma' of being sewn into her mother's uterus and then still being premature. Apparently there was something special about her that made the Drs keep fighting to save her life (her literal words). I wonder if they regret it since she has spent her entire adult life resource hogging.
She's been on a TV show in Aus about preemies which she mentions a lot but I haven't seen it.

No. 2073994>>2074344

It's not WKing when it's yourself…….

No. 2074017>>2074019>>2076267

I want to know about Dasha. Her account just disappeared.

No. 2074019

Do I mean Dasha? The Russian spoop always hanging out at the Grey Goose restaurant.

No. 2074178>>2074179>>2074185>>2074230>>2074346

File (hide): 1736019882626.jpeg (371.96 KB, 1170x2080, 348F036E-1DAB-4F3F-9FD3-EE6872…)

Is this account fucking satire jfc. She gets 3 walks a day meaning she has no issues with vitals or getting in enough calories and looks quite healthy. Why is she constantly tubed and in the hospital

No. 2074179

Also all the crying and #ngtubeawareness I’m cracking up

No. 2074185>>2074345

This fat cunt pisses me off, taking resources from genuinely sick patients. Her hammy legs and body can sustain her for a while without the yoghurt. Kek I think they’re trying to get her to lose weight(rattle rattle)

No. 2074194

Izzy is similar to Jaycie, both are totally fine, just won’t eat when in the hospital to get tubed. Izzy was recently kicked out of erc for noncompliance and like a day or 2 later went to the hospital. If she really needed the hospital, erc would have transferred her(learn to sage)

No. 2074230

Someone brought her up a few weeks ago and got shut down lol. Thanks for reviving the discussion nonna I can’t stand her

No. 2074286

File (hide): 1736039289822.jpeg (192.53 KB, 968x1597, IMG_0014.jpeg)

Does anyone know what happened to Jayda? No hate, worried for her.

No. 2074291>>2074307

File (hide): 1736040891089.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1170x2406, IMG_1060.jpeg)

Potential new cow- a super spoop who’s just at home losing more weight & ready to die. All she does is post crying/life is so hard videos or videos of her having difficulty walking while she says it’s not for attention. She only created her account when she started losing weight..

No. 2074307

There's no way she was born in 96; this retarded bitch looks ancient. What is that shoulder bag thing? (Heart monitor?) Why is she trying to fly in the first pic? Why is she a Russian dictator in the 3rd one?
So many questions,

No. 2074331>>2074486

File (hide): 1736051022812.png (240.45 KB, 426x700, Screen Shot 2025-01-04 at 10.2…)

I guess she was teasing a return to treatment

No. 2074344

Funny you didn’t get red text for hi cowing kek I’m not Aidel. No offense to her but she can’t really string together a sentence so

No. 2074345>>2074392

How tf is this rattling?? Kek this thread has gone soft, she’s a big girl. God when did the mods become Reddit fags?

No. 2074346

I don’t buy that that’s her whole lunch tray. She’s obviously not at risk for refeeding so why tf would they put her on such a low meal plan

No. 2074392

same nonnie. mods need to get a grip, the girl is legitimately chubby. low muscle tone which is why she has disproportionately smaller calves and forearms, but if you actually look at her tiktok she’s a regular porker around the middle

No. 2074403>>2074419

File (hide): 1736076026204.jpeg (294.16 KB, 1169x1830, IMG_5699.jpeg)

Was Dana ever skinny though? Shes been always been fat as long as ive seen her online

No. 2074404>>2074405

File (hide): 1736076401308.jpeg (272.85 KB, 1170x1513, IMG_5700.jpeg)

Potentially new cow, Laurie Gauvin? Posts tons of videos ofher self crying over food, while in her other reels still works out for like 2 hours,eating literally yoghurt from a mug and calling it a challenge. What do you guys think?

No. 2074405

File (hide): 1736076621573.png (440.16 KB, 434x704, Screen Shot 2025-01-05 at 5.28…)

I found her recently also and I think she's pretty cowish. This meal from her stories today is pretty funny - the little square of bread is like the size of a piece of broccoli.

No. 2074406>>2074453

File (hide): 1736076805114.png (472.38 KB, 914x739, Screen Shot 2025-01-05 at 5.31…)

I also feel like this "crying" face seems pretty fake? And she only shows herself eating one bite. (Oh, her username is @lauriegauvinn for other anons who might want to take a look)

No. 2074407>>2074414

File (hide): 1736076961294.png (Spoiler Image,764.49 KB, 592x542, Screen Shot 2025-01-05 at 5.35…)

And she posts this weird shit where I guess she's trying to look sexy.

No. 2074414>>2074415>>2074416

Uh I don't think being sexy is remotely on the mind of an anorexic woman doing a body check

No. 2074415>>2074416

it was part of a series of modeling pictures that her friend took

No. 2074416>>2074439>>2074453

File (hide): 1736080354421.png (Spoiler Image,507.18 KB, 1094x577, Screen Shot 2025-01-05 at 6.32…)

From the same post, see the comments

No. 2074419

File (hide): 1736081281662.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1170x1655, IMG_1889.jpeg)

Doesn’t look like she’s ever been even remotely skinny before

No. 2074439>>2074452>>2074456

The massive feet holy shit

No. 2074452>>2074456

Flippers kek!

No. 2074453

That Eli person took the photos in the shoot and also commented on the crying food picture that she's so hot and she needs to teach him(?) how to starve.
(Kek at everyone else in the comments saying 'such strength.'

No. 2074456

yeah, the friend is a shitty photographer

No. 2074470>>2074473>>2074499

File (hide): 1736093165848.png (259.1 KB, 470x585, Screen Shot 2025-01-05 at 10.0…)

Today she chopped up half a quest bar, air fried it, and put it on top of 0% greek yogurt (with blueberries, like five sugar free white chocolate chips, and a few pecans) for breakfast. Such a recovery-oriented meal.

No. 2074473

File (hide): 1736093241345.png (379.68 KB, 415x742, Screen Shot 2025-01-05 at 10.0…)

but don't worry, then she immediately burned off all those calories

No. 2074477>>2074578

Dora still has tiktok and appears to be doing fine, or has been the past few years

No. 2074486

How is this unemployed 30 year old just cycling in and out of ER’s where she isn’t admitted and then her acute vacays??? She doesn’t seem particularly wealthy.

No. 2074499>>2074500

this girl gives me rachelisrising vibes with her fake ass recovery. i hope she wakes up and gets some help frl. in her state, actually trying to do refeeding at home would be dangerous. but it seems like she has plenty of friends/family who support her in her 'recovery' and i don't understand why they aren't taking her to a hospital. she lives in canada so she would instantly be sectioned and actually made to gain weight iàif they did. she must've been avoiding doctors for a long time.

No. 2074500>>2074559

File (hide): 1736103291140.png (22.75 KB, 456x106, Screen Shot 2025-01-05 at 12.5…)

how can you tell that she's canadian vs french? Unrelated, but look at this fucking weird comment on one of her posts

No. 2074559>>2074560

"Bon appétit" actually takes a T a the end + we don't have quest bars in France imho

No. 2074560

thanks nonnie, I was having trouble telling because I'm not a French speaker and I didn't see any obvious (to me) tells.

No. 2074568

File (hide): 1736120620457.png (638.81 KB, 430x762, Screen Shot 2025-01-05 at 5.42…)

Sorry for the obstruction at the bottom, but the text on this says "recovery starts now". Because this is totally what you'd eat right before going into treatment if you had such bad gastroparesis that you'd landed at ACUTE several times.

No. 2074578


No. 2074674>>2074678>>2074683>>2074836

File (hide): 1736163157995.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1170x1915, IMG_7689.jpeg)

Delaneylampinen on tiktok. Another insufferable, completely average looking cow. Loves to post in the hospital and flexes that she’s on a pediatric ward, hashtagging child life while a full grown adult (nearly 24!). I get crazy secondhand embarrassment when she pops up & she loves to interact and comment with minors posting tiktoks in the same hospital. She can’t seem to stop the embarrassing posing with the collar bones as well, if you watch her tiktoks she sticks them out because she’s not thin enough to have them do so naturally.

This one is definitely one that’s admitted purely on acute food/fluid refusal because we l know if she was actually restricting she wouldn’t look the way she does.

No. 2074678>>2074713

Most women look less thrilled than this in their wedding pictures. I don't fucking get it.

No. 2074683>>2074690

these us fags get admitted so easily it’s actually insane. They would be laughed at in countries with tough admission criteria.

No. 2074690>>2074700

They’re there as long as insurance will pay.

No. 2074700

don’t understand why insurance pays for her then bc she’s clearly fine. she just likes to larp as a child and get asspats for (allegedly) not eating

No. 2074713>>2074837

True kek. Did she also remove her hospital gown for the pic?

No. 2074794

File (hide): 1736202538776.jpeg (1005.14 KB, 1170x1124, IMG_7700.jpeg)

Ana brain rot hypocrisy is always something else

No. 2074795

i’ll take the ban if this isn’t allowed but there seems to have been a lot of cowtippers lately (looking at you redditfags and lurkers). so to the lurkers: if you tell someone about them being posted on here, get it through your tiny smooth brain that you’re no better than the rest of us. cowtipping has no positive intention, it doesn’t come from a good place so fuck off.

that’s all carry on nonnies

No. 2074814>>2074815>>2074824>>2074839>>2075294

File (hide): 1736208618215.jpeg (792.31 KB, 1179x2270, IMG_4810.jpeg)

For the gatekeeping tards, here is just one of many examples of this shit not being as simple as CICO. Super spoop account who meticulously weighs food and tracks calories and even she has gained on not enough calories. Yes there are definitely a ton of larpers but some of yall get too trigger happy to say people must not have a real ED if they’re not losing a ton of weight

No. 2074815>>2074906

what the fuck happened to her legs

No. 2074824>>2074905

Yeah bc everyone knows that once you reach a low low weight you plateau and it becomes way harder to lose if at all. So your point is moot and does not apply to the fatties you’re defending. Quit wking and fuck off back to reddit

No. 2074836

Very average weight (for most places; maybe Burgerland is so far gone with fatties it doesn't know what a normal weight woman should be).
That smug grin says it all.

No. 2074837

Omg you're right! Took the gown off to show the ECG shit and attempt to show her clavicles which are severely not protruding, no matter how much she tries.

No. 2074839

So you are fat, is what I'm hearing.

No. 2074856>>2074859>>2074861

File (hide): 1736214324444.jpg (228.08 KB, 750x1104, 1000062610.jpg)

Not really milk but she had to make a video to say what?!

No. 2074859

File (hide): 1736214442831.jpg (221.22 KB, 749x1102, 1000062611.jpg)

Bitch loves the sound of her own voice so much she makes anything into a ted talk video.

No. 2074861>>2074862>>2075242

File (hide): 1736214554706.jpg (239.48 KB, 750x1033, 1000062608.jpg)

Why do these cows love having chapped lips? I could not stand this.

No. 2074862

File (hide): 1736214579617.jpg (252.28 KB, 749x1073, 1000062609.jpg)

No. 2074864>>2074868>>2075176

File (hide): 1736215232400.png (844.19 KB, 1080x1936, 1000062620.png)

Mary is crowdfunding to set up her own ed support centre.

No. 2074868

File (hide): 1736215384303.png (1019.15 KB, 1080x1923, 1000062618.png)

After decades of NHS mooching she finally decided to get up and use her 'lived experience' (and sick pics) as so many cows seem to be doing right now.

No. 2074904

Is the Atticus Ashley lady still alive

No. 2074905>>2074926

Then why does it happen at other weights too dipshit kek. And fuck off im not from reddit, i just have a functioning brain despite the AN

No. 2074906

Severe self harm

No. 2074926

learn to read, i said at low weights. it doesn’t happen at other weights retard, definitely not at a normal weight like the people you’re trying to defend. if you’re not from reddit quit WKing and acting like you are

No. 2074930>>2074932

File (hide): 1736234999240.jpg (979.72 KB, 1080x2340, 1000039887.jpg)

This girl cracks me up. The forlorn stare directly into the camera while eating grapes. Fucking ridiculous behaviour

No. 2074931

File (hide): 1736235065140.jpg (859.82 KB, 1080x2340, 1000039888.jpg)

No. 2074932

Bloody pathetic

No. 2075014>>2075052>>2075175>>2075382

File (hide): 1736271114036.jpeg (111.07 KB, 922x837, IMG_7723.jpeg)

Very old milk but does anyone remember smallervanilla/Nikol/Naya? She used to post fatspo and then she binged her way from BMI 10 to BMI 25. Where is she? Last I heard she became Muslim and disappeared from the face of the earth. Chiara kind of reminds me of her

No. 2075024>>2075054>>2075064>>2075106>>2075264

you guys are so strange. do you not believe people can be sick at healthy weights? i lost 30kg from an overweight bmi to underweight and when at a healthy weight i was hospitalised over 10 times and got tubed(unsaged blogposting)

No. 2075052

she was a golden cow but not anymore. i think she moved to marocco. she seems fully recovered. i'm happy for her tbh.

No. 2075054

omg look guys its best ana

No. 2075064

>hospitalized over 10 times and got tubed
no one cares fatty maybe you should invest in a diary

No. 2075106

>do you not believe people can be sick at healthy weights?
not in the way most of the normal weight cows discussed here pretend to be, no. anorexia nervosa criteria specifies a “significantly low body weight” whether you like it or not. which often comes with particular mental and physical symptoms, again, whether you like it or not. no1curr about your tube girl, who at a healthy weight lets themself get hospitalised 10 times kekkkkk gtfo

No. 2075111>>2075119

File (hide): 1736287034327.png (2.05 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2889.png)

@thatonegirly8 cow is actually insufferable. Suprise suprise, she’s not getting sent to an EDU after all due to her sooooper severe ptsd which might get triggered, definitely not the fact she is no where near needing a bed. Also, apparently she’s been referred to the ‘early intervention psychosis team’ on top of the crisis team and about 3 other resources. KEK psychosis where??

No. 2075119>>2075319

>psychosis where
idk nonnie, believing you’re emaciated and need an EDU bed at a bmi of 20 seems pretty delusional to me

No. 2075152

File (hide): 1736298538908.png (Spoiler Image,205.96 KB, 467x468, Screen Shot 2025-01-07 at 7.08…)

In one month, Laurie has apparently learned how to lift her arms. Spoiler for spoopy body check.

No. 2075175

It wasn't that long ago really.

No. 2075176

She's also engaged if anyone cares.

No. 2075242

They probably think it makes them look dehydrated and malnourished kek

No. 2075263>>2075295>>2076395>>2076571

File (hide): 1736340714828.jpeg (2.02 MB, 1170x2077, IMG_1912.jpeg)

What had she possibly done to need the head bandage and matching arm bandages plus the wheelchair and feeding tube for over 4 years? Surely at this point the head and arms are just for decoration. Why are uk cows on feeding tubes and inpatient for years at a time

No. 2075264

Okay fattie kek, ur insecurity is showing, continue larping

No. 2075294>>2075536

Wouldn't you consider it typical anachan behavior to either be lying about "roughly" 1000 cals or overestimating how much she is actually eating? Plus she is not meeting her BMR even if she is being truthful about eating 1000 cals, she needs more. This is like a fat person who would need to be eating a max of 1200 cals to lose weight but is shocked that they are stuck by eating 1500.

No. 2075295>>2075312

Extremely good questions for the nhs, Nonnie. The staff where she is must be so useless if they can't stop her headbanging and injuring both arms constantly so that she is never without a maxipad pirate head and matching wrist bandages. If they can't stop her doing that in a hospital then may as well send her home because they're not 'keeping her safe' or whatever their justification is.

No. 2075312

Headbangers (like this) are treated with way more kindness than they deserve imo, like if you're so petulant and ill that you have to repeatedly hurt yourself like an extra in Bird Box, you need your shoelaces taken + a straight jacket. Munchies who headbang so they can look sick and have bandages are psychotic omg and to always want to take a ton of pictures right after an episode so they can show off their bandages like trophies–unwell. It's just rewarding them for manipulative behavior.

No. 2075319>>2075334>>2075345

Granted she isn’t tiny but she’s definitely not BMI 20. You’re just bone rattling.(sage your shit)

No. 2075334>>2075341

no, I picked a number off the top of my head that isn’t underweight because she isn’t. do you think bmi 20 is big?

No. 2075341>>2075344>>2075595

It’s not big but she is not bmi 20. Have you seen her full body videos(sage your shit)

No. 2075344

File (hide): 1736358677472.jpeg (1016.77 KB, 956x1702, IMG_7708.jpeg)

she is BMI 20 nonnie at least, do you have eyes??? she’s deleted a lot of tiktoks from december showing her actual body & this is the closest I could find but she’s definitely not anywhere under that. wtf is up with all the Wking lately

No. 2075345

learn to sage retard

No. 2075369>>2075371

File (hide): 1736363016778.jpeg (228.85 KB, 1170x1883, IMG_7814.jpeg)

Marie isstill giving the heebie jeebies and looking like a geriatric patient dressed as a child

No. 2075371

File (hide): 1736363051809.jpeg (196.6 KB, 1170x497, IMG_7815.jpeg)

This chick is weird af

No. 2075382>>2075407>>2075426

she changed her name to naila and yes alhamdullilah, she reverted to islam. I think shes doing a lot better now thanks to the marcy of Allahallah subhanahu wa ta'ala. it seems she doesn't want any more drama, and want to be in peace and we should respect that..(retard)

No. 2075407

wtf are u waffling on about

No. 2075426>>2075429>>2075483>>2075485>>2075598>>2075723>>2075919

File (hide): 1736370159424.jpg (99.85 KB, 695x723, adelaide_lucknow_mohammed_bura…)

mohammed (may he be burning in hell) was a disgusting pedophile and warlord who opposed peace(derail)

No. 2075429

topkek i’m howling

No. 2075483

Kek omg!

No. 2075485

kek, amen nonita.

No. 2075536

What the motive be for lying? Are you asking about two complete opposites being typical anachan behaviour? And what, your bmr decreases when you’re emaciated. Body slows down metabolism to preserve energy

No. 2075595

Bruh she’s BMI 20, not thin not fat, maybe your fatass can’t see that

No. 2075598

Omg I love you. Thank you

No. 2075634>>2075734

File (hide): 1736418630693.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1170x1567, IMG_7709.jpeg)

look who discovered head banging nonnas

No. 2075723>>2075724>>2075807>>2075989

may you burn in hall ameen(a-logging)

No. 2075724

*hell sorry English not the first languge

No. 2075728>>2075808

im very glad nikol (naila) won't be burning in the hellfire as people of this forum, many are.(retard)

No. 2075734

All these retards deserve to get fugly as fuck with their headbanging. Im here for it. Have fun when all your older family dies and you have no husband or kids to care for you and your failing health because you live your life like an idiot and destroy your health on purpose. (Not saying a woman needs to have a husband and kids, but these bitches want to ALWAYS be cared for and one day, their parents will be to dead to take care of them and they will be truly alone.)

No. 2075807

ahhh shut the fuck up pedophile lover(infighting)

No. 2075808

You sound slow, like genuinely mentally retarded. Ever take an IQ test nonna? Sounds like you might need one

No. 2075845>>2075865

File (hide): 1736465509468.png (664.73 KB, 431x756, Screen Shot 2025-01-09 at 5.30…)

Laurie continues with the disordered meals that she justifies by working out

No. 2075865

Not a single carb in there, I don't even see that has cheese in it. Screams recovery.

No. 2075904

File (hide): 1736474936793.png (481.23 KB, 432x681, Screen Shot 2025-01-09 at 8.08…)

aidel got discharged with no visible improvement

No. 2075919

Am I the only one lost on this? Idgi

No. 2075925>>2076088>>2076090>>2076095>>2076145

File (hide): 1736481436299.png (3.81 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1242.png)

To the idiots who face value believed she didn’t have an ed bc she said so. Her weight gain meal plan isn’t even a maintenance one. Shes a terrible influence on her kids.

No. 2075927>>2075933>>2076015>>2076016>>2076045

There's something so off putting with this video. Like what happened to having some sort of self respect and not post your ana chan sicko life online for view trying to hide it behind a ridiculous tiktok dance? And what's with her face being covered in bandages, i suppose a mix of sh or headbanging. Lastly who could forget showing off the wheelchair in he background for extra sick points

No. 2075933>>2075938

Also mb if I didn't link the video correctly. I tried my best by following the farm's info page.

No. 2075938

I thought she might fit right in amongst the other self-absorbed attention seekers that are in her

No. 2075989

Kekk you people are so primitive and developmentally stunted

No. 2076015

Moves like a geriatric and looks like one too.

No. 2076016

Someone’s retarded epileptic little cousin is on the loose

No. 2076045

Amalie is not new. She's been rolling around in that wheelchair with a tube and face scratches for literal years without gaining a pound.

No. 2076080>>2076083

Wow such a smol ana chan! Like it's something to be proud of that your sister can fit in your clothes

No. 2076083>>2076210

This is gold. You couldn't even pay me any amount of money to post a video looking like this. I'm saying it, Amalie has a cow potential.

No. 2076088

She has a fucking NEDA tattoo, obviously she’s had an ED at some point.

No. 2076090

Also being underweight and posting about food doesn’t make you a pro ana scrumbag. She’s not doing anything in the ED community, she’s not promoting fake recovery. She’s an ugly alien you’re jealous of that’s it.

No. 2076095

Does her manlet husband just sit there and watch her starve herself to death? At least have a concern for the children she is inadvertently projecting her anorexia onto. Getting off to his reverse feederism fetish must be more important than the safety of his kids.

No. 2076145>>2076146

She’s looked like a skeleton marionette doll for over a year now. No improvement despite all her comments claiming she looks “so much better”. I hate people that claim they’re spoopy because of their chronic illness when it’s clearly their Ed. Makes people with actual chronic illnesses look bad

No. 2076146>>2076148

File (hide): 1736542180276.jpeg (440.58 KB, 1170x1009, IMG_7950.jpeg)

Also her liking this comment is bizarre

No. 2076148

Saw this on the front page and got fucking jumpscared

No. 2076210

You guys are as retarded as her dancing.
>cow potential. She's already been posted forever.

No. 2076267

Dasha is alright. She gain some weight, but not so much. She doesn't like any attention anymore. Please do not try to find her.(unsaged wk)

No. 2076385>>2076572

File (hide): 1736585634662.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1170x1710, IMG_5770.jpeg)

Cow crossover, with yoyochlo and abby

No. 2076395>>2076426

not to be rude, but is she a bit slow? or does headbanging cause brain damage?

No. 2076426>>2076466

Nonnie it's called autism now. This is how all the special autistic cows are.
(Actually she has a poetry page and writes a lot so she might not be as stupid as she looks).

No. 2076466>>2076478

hate to disappoint you nona but many actual published poets are stupid

No. 2076478>>2076585

kek I’d like to read some of her stuff actually because what does she even have to write about? Grifting hundreds of pounds worth of teddies and wearing jam rags on her head? Still probably better than Rupi Kaur tbf

No. 2076571>>2076590

Why are they all obsessed with jelly cat ?

No. 2076572

Those two are really annoying

No. 2076585

Autism and trauma and how she doesn't get help from services (are you fucking kidding?!)
Titles include Tears Of the Strong, Not Your Story, Knocked Down, Please Be Careful With Me, and Just A Misunderstood Autistic Girl.

No. 2076590>>2076600

It's part of the uniform for these cows. They're literally all the same, which is hilarious because they think they're different and special because they're autistic, non-binary, not heterosexual, have semi-colon and other shitty recovery tattoos, some combination of hypermobility, POTS, gastroparesis, FND, headbanging self harm…..When you get all those you get the uniform (Lucy & Yak clothes, ugly haircut/color, Crocs, sunflower lanyard, big headphones, septum piercing etc etc) and a shit ton of Jelly cats.
Jellycats are not even that special and hugely overpriced. Personally I don't see the attraction. They took over from Squishmallows, which were arguably a bit nicer; at least they were all the same shape and texture afaik (nice and soft for the special sensory issues of course).

No. 2076600>>2076651>>2076654>>2076729>>2076749

Slightly ot but is there a reason why all these munchie cows have the same combination of illnesses (POTS, Ehlers Danlos, gastro, fibromyalgia, long COVID etc)? And all have the same shitty haircuts, septum rings, obsession with children’s toys etc?

No. 2076641>>2076743>>2076770

File (hide): 1736658465642.png (2.49 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1274.png)

is she wearing a diaper or a pad?? Gross.

No. 2076651>>2076672>>2076749

They all have the same obsessions as they all follow each other on social media. I don't know who started the whole thing but it's copycat behaviour and somehow mental health services especially in the UK haven't figured this out yet! It's frustrating as whilst these mostly under 30's are prancing around, headbanging when needing attention but fine at special occasions there are people literally dying as there is no bed space on psych wards.The fact they are even well enough to prance around making videos shows they don't need to be there.

No. 2076654

Because none of these conditions have clear diagnostic procedures. No blood test or genetic test etc.can confirm them. Basically, a lot of these bpd cows have a lot of munchie behaviours, anything to get that precious attention. You see it a lot in recovered anas, they suddenly develop some vague collection of chronic illnesses because they can’t stand not being special anymore

No. 2076672

I agree, copycat behaviour is a big issue. Not straying into blog territory but I know people who work in special ed with kids who have been kicked out of mainstream school for behavioral issues and they said they experience trends in how the kids act up, like for a while it was kicking teachers’ shins to the bone, and now it’s spitting in their faces. The same issue is also very commonplace in inpatient psych like these girlies are showing.

No. 2076729>>2076745

i mean, obviously those are real diseases but i think that for some of the cows gastroparesis/pots/eds is an excuse to refuse eating and get a feeding tube or to be on hospital several times

No. 2076743

I thought that in the dance video. I doubt she gets her period so I assume it's a diaper. She want's everyone to see it though.

No. 2076745

They're real illnesses but the percentage of ppl really suffering from them is very small. Problem is they're so easy to fake - it isn't just ana cows. There are a bunch of shitty booktok authors who suddenly have one or several of these illnesses on the list so they can trick hack agents and publishers into producing their shitty fanfic because representation. Shows through in the way none of them really understand what it's like to have these conditions, how it would affect their characters etc. Cows are the same, always making mistakes and slipping up, posting meals no-one with gastro could possibly digest, for example.

No. 2076749

Social media is a real issue. Eds used to be really private things that you thought were your own special world that you invented yourself (and God forbid, anyone try to take a picture of you, ever!) Not saying that's a good thing either because it's so isolating and full of shame, but the whole landscape has changed since social media.

No. 2076764>>2076862

File (hide): 1736690503094.png (3.42 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_0757.png)

Girl stop straining kek dreadfully embarrassing, you don’t look skinny uwu, you look retarded and physically disabled

No. 2076770

File (hide): 1736692064876.jpg (356.75 KB, 2000x1500, a-clock-work-orange-thamesmead…)

No. 2076772

Anyone claiming those illnesses online at this point should be instantly suspected of faking and being a munchie. They are giant red flags and overwhelmingly the claims made are totally false. Even in this thread it’s blatant,y obvious anons are skirting the edge of blogging about their tOtAlLy rEaL fake illnesses unlike when the cows have them. Gastroparesis is induced by restricting! The way to get rid of it is, big whoop, recovery.

No. 2076862>>2077772

this one is actually clinically insane. she’s so borderline that it’s painful to watch. constantly contradicts herself & she’ll say one thing and do another

No. 2076883>>2076890>>2076918>>2077057

File (hide): 1736709401659.jpeg (277.84 KB, 828x1408, IMG_9772.jpeg)

she’ll be back in acute next month, just like clockwork every 5 months since 2021

No. 2076890>>2076904

She’s nowhere near acute level, she still looks healthy(*bones rattling*)

No. 2076904

ntayrt but can you read? anon said next month & we all know how fast she deteriorates. she’s already lost a ton. quit trying to be best ana

No. 2076918

Only reliable thing in my life is Sydney going to acute

No. 2077001

File (hide): 1736727684295.jpeg (219.13 KB, 1514x1249, IMG_3296.jpeg)

Really flattering screen grab

No. 2077057>>2077202

Nooooooo, dammit I was rooting for her. Guess I'm retarded

No. 2077202

Yeah sorry nonnie, rookie mistake to believe she would actually recover and break this cycle. Been hoping for years too

No. 2077772

Account handle?

No. 2078839>>2078860>>2078890>>2078892

File (hide): 1737110748768.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1170x1739, IMG_7065.jpeg)

Reminiscing over what Amalie? being IP? Seems like it..

No. 2078860>>2078890

Are those her real tattoos? For some reason I don't remember her being so heavily tatted. They look really good though I'll give her that

No. 2078890

About toilets kek. Like Antonia.
Yea she's had those a while.

No. 2078892

File (hide): 1737123790435.png (1.74 MB, 750x1334, 1000064731.png)

No. 2078992>>2078996>>2079094>>2079153>>2079331

File (hide): 1737144873023.jpeg (351.89 KB, 1170x1965, IMG_2919.jpeg)

Overweight people on tiktok will do anything to prove they actually don’t eat, except not eat (zip down their sweater to show a holter monitor/try to pop out that collar bone that is under there somewhere) Kinda hoping this community dies with the app itself but we all know they would just migrate to another platform

No. 2078996>>2079065>>2079078

she actually went to acute a few months ago looking not that different than she does now. idk how they accepted her tbh…they’re notorious for denying anyone over like a 15 bmi

No. 2079065>>2079067

That’s not true. I’ve seen them take countless patients that aren’t underweight. As long as they meet some other ACUTE medical criteria and have private insurance they take them. ACUTE is still a hospital in the U.S. and wants all the cash it can get. Hence why they only take people with private insurance, and why many patients that don’t necessarily seem to need the ACUTE level of care are revolving door. If you have even secondary government insurance they refuse to take you because it won’t pay as much.

No. 2079067

And then the revolving door patients love it and post all over their socials how often they’ve done to acute in a year

No. 2079075>>2079076

Is _ghostofme still discussed in these threads?

No. 2079076>>2079097

not really because she barely posts other than the occasional thinly veiled begging for money for her drug habit on her IG story. If you have milk, though, definitely share

No. 2079078>>2079079

I’m guessing she went to acute for AFRP (acute food refusal protocol) from ERC versus being a direct admit to ACUTE. This girl tends to exclusively label her ED as “Ana” and will vaguely reminisce on being “so sick” and missing her “sick body” meanwhile being overweight

No. 2079079>>2079088

wait, does erc really ship people over to acute for refusing food? why? erc can tube and file for involuntary orders, so why don't they just deal with it unless someone is really unstable and actually needs to go?

No. 2079088>>2079090

It’s not protocol to send to acute for strictly food refusal but I am guessing if she was refusing other cares such as fluids or glucose tabs that got her sent out.

No. 2079090

erc must’ve changed bc a few years ago they hardly ever did that shit..all the overweight ones with tubes who were refusing didn’t get sent to acute, they got discharged kek.

No. 2079094

This shit is ridiculous. What has happened to Drs?

No. 2079097>>2079100

She was just posting about smoking blues and her brother and dad trying to kill her and I was curious if anyone else saw it.

No. 2079100>>2079105

The name is familiar but I don't recall who that is.

No. 2079105>>2079107

No. 2079107>>2079108

Yea I found that but it's private. I know the username though. Maybe I used to follow her but apparently not now.

No. 2079108>>2079201>>2079234

File (hide): 1737169972838.png (640.43 KB, 558x743, Screen Shot 2025-01-17 at 9.12…)

her name is May. She was severely underweight for a long time and crashed a car. She gained weight at some point and stopped posting, presumably when she got really into drugs.

No. 2079121>>2079122>>2079312>>2079874

File (hide): 1737174767844.jpeg (718.06 KB, 1170x1087, IMG_8230.jpeg)

One of the weirdest ana accounts I’ve stumbled upon

No. 2079122>>2079312

this has marie vibes

No. 2079153

The popping the collar bone with the thunder thighs is taking me out. Careful girl ur gonna dislocate ur shoulder. You can always tell real weight by the legs

No. 2079201>>2079204

May was discussed a lot on here about 5yrs ago. It was the dame shit over and over. She didn't want to get better but was force tubed. I thought she had attempted recovery but obviously not

No. 2079204>>2079227

she's been at a healthy weight for years now even though she still tries to claim it's all just edema. It's really unclear to me if she still has an ed or if she's sometimes using complaining about her weight to try to get sympathy, tbh, considering that most of what she does now seems to be geared towards getting money.

No. 2079227

She just wants people to tell her that she’s still drastically thin, kek

No. 2079234>>2079235

she also used to cam from her hospital bed it was really disgusting, tubes and all. the car wrecked was insane too, she literally drove onto the wrong side of the highway and caused a major collision.

No. 2079235>>2079239

she was high when she crashed, right? or was that never confirmed and nonnies just assumed because she was, you know, on the wrong side of the highway?

No. 2079239>>2079241

I don't remember her being high when she crashed, but I do remember that her excuse for being on the wrong side of the highway was because the gps told her to go that way lol

No. 2079241>>2079457

If I recall correctly, she admitted to being on benzos, and/or percs, she was obviously at a very low weight, starving and bping a lot, and I think she was going to buy more percs or something. Not fit to drive in so many ways.

No. 2079310

File (hide): 1737241807335.jpg (432.83 KB, 1074x1908, Screenshot_20250118_150738_Ins…)

No. 2079312>>2079356>>2079493

File (hide): 1737242361025.png (259.45 KB, 368x446, 43534.png)

even down to the eyebrows kek

No. 2079331

They’ll migrate as long as it doesn’t include walking

No. 2079356

She's been posted but she never did much except spin around to BC in public bathrooms. Now she's started making little vlogs to answer questions she might be a bit more interesting. Mostly in German. Last one I saw, someone had asked her if she was afraid of death and she was very excited to answer it.

No. 2079448>>2079503>>2079504

File (hide): 1737278901234.jpeg (297.18 KB, 1170x1617, IMG_5866.jpeg)

I really Think this pictures shows just for sure that Sydney is back to old habits. How Long will she last this time?

No. 2079457

driving high is vile but it doesn’t surprise me

No. 2079493

True. Anybody know why these poop smear brows are a thing?

No. 2079503

If she was back to her old habits she would’ve already been to acute by now. She’s definitely lost but I think she’s doing better at least compared to the past insane deterioration

No. 2079504>>2079510

Reeks of self post.

No. 2079510>>2079515

I honestly think it's someone that Sydney knows in real life who has been posting her every couple weeks with similar comments. It feels like they want validation about their opinion of her.

No. 2079515

i'm one of the anons who posted here and i know for a fact that i'm not the only one who posted her, so this comment feels like sydney trying to find out if one of her acute besties is pulling a vendetta on her.

No. 2079679>>2079681>>2079682>>2079683

File (hide): 1737339295138.jpg (170.11 KB, 750x1110, 1000065754.jpg)

Antonia pulling a giant Eugenia move kek.

No. 2079680


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2079681

File (hide): 1737339414885.jpg (150.44 KB, 750x965, 1000065755.jpg)

>I don't need help right now, but money? Money I'll take.

No. 2079682

File (hide): 1737339516376.jpg (156.68 KB, 750x973, 1000065757.jpg)

Doesn't understand the question. My ass!

No. 2079683

File (hide): 1737339650333.jpg (154.35 KB, 750x961, 1000065756.jpg)

Has EC's soul finally left her body and moved into this one instead?
>I don't understand the question you guys. Why would I need help?

No. 2079690

oh my god why is the only woman spoilered in your horror thread cute and healthy(learn2reply)

No. 2079874

Is that her boyfriend…?

No. 2079999>>2080024>>2080100

File (hide): 1737418860506.jpeg (561.6 KB, 1179x1815, IMG_4156.jpeg)

April has to make sure people know she’s super sick and inpatient, not res! Meanwhile everyone knows IP and RES are literally on a shared unit at ERC with same programming

No. 2080024>>2080208>>2080242

>>2079999 How is this milky? Not to wk but she’s just specifying. yes April is problematic and proana, but not for this comment.

No. 2080100

It’s been brought up before, but usually the only difference between res and IP at US treatment centers is what they can convince insurance to cover. If someone’s insurance covers IP, they are of course billing for it since it’s more expensive than res. Even though it might not be any different, except maybe an extra check in with a doctor a few times a week compared to res. Really much more about insurance and money vs how sick someone is.

No. 2080208

Post caps of her actual ig or fuck off baiting. Feels vendetta.

No. 2080237>>2080509>>2082596

File (hide): 1737477434450.jpeg (827.37 KB, 1170x1390, IMG_8985.jpeg)

Well, we already knew this but here's confirmation that this is Marie's new Edtwt

No. 2080242>>2080307

Milky because there's no difference between ip and res programming and she just wanted to make sure op knew she's "sicker" than they are.

No. 2080307>>2080315>>2080319>>2080337

also april seems way more problematic than stefania if u think about it…shes the one posting on her insta abt how she got kicked out of acute for "exercising too much" as if it’s a flex and her victim mentality about stefania as if she wasnt participating equally in those messages, which were private. she was the one who publicly shared everything for clout and her posts are way more proana from what i can tell. she seems insufferable and desperate to blame anyone and everyone for her behaviours. i heard everyone at erc can’t stand her bec she's constantly showing off her SH and pacing. major cow.(sage your shit)

No. 2080315>>2080316>>2080317

April and Stefania’s messages are milky though. Only posting because this thread is dry kek

No. 2080316>>2080340

File (hide): 1737488902725.png (608.02 KB, 750x1334, 2. _do you ever take bodycheck…)


Sorry forgot to send the pic

No. 2080317

ya but still think it’s cringe to post them all for clout to victimize urself. private messages are different than posting pro ana stuff online for everyone to see- april did that, stefania never posted shit like that publicly and april def cherry picked messages that made her look better lol plus those messages were years old but aprils the only one still whining online about how sick she is so i agree that shes the cow(sage your shit)

No. 2080319>>2080339

This is an image board

No. 2080337

oh april is giving psycho. dropping a whole google drive of shit about an ex friend is INSANE behavior. there are very few situations in which that’s warranted and hers is not one of them. she seemed all too happy to play along in their little dynamic.

No. 2080339

Shush if you had any common sense you’d know her insta is private & anon should stay lowkey as to not get kicked out (if they haven’t been already)

No. 2080340

the way april paints herself as a victim in the whole thing is laughable. she was only too happy & gleeful to participate. there’s no power dynamic in this, it’s not like she was a child.

No. 2080509

The way this woman probably looks like a 60 year old irl is sending me. Some people would really do best just having their internet connection cut off

No. 2080911>>2080912>>2080913

File (hide): 1737599214028.jpg (114.36 KB, 749x1102, 1000066560.jpg)

Found a new (to me at least) Aussie cow who is making my blood absolutely boil already. She's beaten fellow Aussie Han's 50 admissions by at least 10. So far. For anorexia. And she's never underweight of course. What the hell is wrong with Australia?

No. 2080912>>2080914>>2080925>>2081123>>2081365

File (hide): 1737599361573.jpg (247.25 KB, 750x1276, 1000066561.jpg)

After her 57th admission for 'anorexia'. NG each time. I actually want to vomit.

No. 2080913

File (hide): 1737599494741.jpg (304.04 KB, 749x1076, 1000066568.jpg)

No. 2080914>>2080915

File (hide): 1737599673661.jpg (196.23 KB, 749x1118, 1000066563.jpg)

I only just realised she had a fucking cake to celebrate her 57th admission.
How is this heifer needing 57 admissions for refeeding?

No. 2080915

File (hide): 1737599837503.jpg (140.44 KB, 750x1027, 1000066564.jpg)

Make it make sense.

No. 2080925

No. 2081123

Her shirt says 'Main Character.'

No. 2081365>>2081673>>2082513

57 is wild even for a skelly but this bitch looks average?? And having 57 candle on the cake wtaf?? Almost as batty as having a cake to celebrate having autism

No. 2081673

I think it's worse (the 57 cake)!

No. 2081917>>2082119

Where’s the new thread?

No. 2082119>>2082426

Can’t find one

No. 2082426>>2082648

>>2082119 >>2082119

well it's not going to make itself is it? retards

No. 2082490>>2082491>>2082515

File (hide): 1737954114678.jpeg (575.68 KB, 1170x2102, IMG_8586.jpeg)

Truly everything always has to be about her. Her poor mum. I bet her family feels tortured and she’s already claimed she’s awful to them “due to her Ed”

No. 2082491>>2082515>>2082649

File (hide): 1737954189406.jpeg (565.05 KB, 1170x2072, IMG_8585.jpeg)

No. 2082513>>2082518>>2082781

File (hide): 1737963975433.jpeg (420.11 KB, 1284x743, IMG_7106.jpeg)

From my understanding, the ng is due to digestive issues. They have said on their account once that they had a tube to “pre-empt” the anorexia

No. 2082515>>2082617

Is she the same as issybinnellx on TikTok ?

No. 2082518

Ah so she’s a munchie

No. 2082596

At what point will she stop remaking accounts after pretending to leave edtwt is literally cancer they're all killing each other not to sperg but it seems so much worse than tiktok or ig "please recover" if you really want to encourage other people to recover you don't post nearly naked pictures of your body and brag about medical complications this is fucking creepy

No. 2082617

Yes and she’s a Reddit favourite, they’re all ~so very worried about her~ between the constant bitching, moaning and blogging (that sub are all cows themselves imo). Her mum is going about this completely the wrong way though, surely she’s been told by the professionals that cancelling stuff is just totally enabling Issy’s bullshit? This is how tyrants like Fiona are created, parents completely willing to do anything to accommodate the ED for fear of ‘relapse’ when they’d be better off looking after themselves

No. 2082648

You’re gonna make it then, are you? Calm down ffs

No. 2082649

Insufferable cunt

No. 2082765

File (hide): 1738028451350.png (448.89 KB, 431x691, Screen Shot 2025-01-27 at 6.08…)

Laurie spent the day cross-country skiing and then ate this for dinner. Such a convincing recovery.

No. 2082781

'Pre-empt' anorexia. What in the Minority Report? KEK. I hate this cow. She's literally addicted to the hospital and constantly posts that the worst bit is coming home. She treats it like a free vacation and books her stays ahead of time somehow. Aus is weird.

No. 2082964>>2082992>>2083094

File (hide): 1738091748041.jpeg (611.69 KB, 1170x2031, IMG_8634.jpeg)

Wow her mom is sooo mean and annoying for caring about her. Smfh

No. 2082992>>2083041>>2083147

God how does someone’s face end up looking like that?! What is it, just super low body fat or dehydration or both? And didn’t Aidel use to binge and purge a lot and then end up with a peg tube? My bad nonnas if I’m getting her confused with someone else or misremembering

No. 2083041

she's still bingeing and purging all the time, that's why her electrolytes are fucked up. I think the face is a combination of being at a really low weight and dehydrating herself through purging. (She did have a peg for a while, but not at the moment)

No. 2083094

So these two were just shouting at each other and staff in front of people just trying to get their blood work? The fact that she proudly described the fit she threw is so telling.

No. 2083147

gaunt, dehydrated, and stupid is a hell of a way to go through life

No. 2083317

Was @healthyish_mama (on tiktok) mentioned before? Idk but her videos just make me so mad, Crohns my ass it's obviously not just that….

No. 2083320

File (hide): 1738171063780.png (1.12 MB, 1008x2244, 1000016861.png)

Sry follow up but she "healed her young children's eczema holistically bc medicine is so bad" …. Just a nut job altogether imo

No. 2083335>>2083348>>2083516

File (hide): 1738173826098.jpeg (830.48 KB, 1179x2023, IMG_4187.jpeg)

@rheasrecoveryy on tiktok…. Good lord. This girl is obsessed with trying to prove she is so sick. Her photoshopping skills (or lack thereof) aren’t fooling anyone

No. 2083348>>2083670>>2083973

i’m so sick of her…idk who she thinks she’s fooling at this point. it’s clear to everyone that she’s a big girl and always has been, even at her “lowest” unphotoshopped she’s never even looked under bmi 23, and that’s a generous guess(rattle rattle)

No. 2083516>>2083683

God I miss the haydays of this thread. This reeks of vendetta. If this random nobody is shooping to look skelly, post proof. THAT would be milky. Not some tiktok retard.

No. 2083670>>2083676>>2083690>>2083691

File (hide): 1738233344826.jpeg (986.97 KB, 1170x1555, IMG_7942.jpeg)

are mods retarded? how is that rattling

No. 2083676>>2083682

"She's fat" isn't milk retarded vendettafag

No. 2083682

i’m not the original anon who posted her you fucking dumbass, maybe you should brush up on your comprehension skills

No. 2083683

She was posted about and talked about earlier in the thread, it’s not nonnie’s fault you’re too lazy to scroll

No. 2083690>>2083713

I genuinely think one of the mods is fat because earlier itt or maybe last thread an anon was banned for rattling on an obvious overweight woman kek

No. 2083691>>2083760

woof. anon wasn’t rattling at all, is she in a PD rehab or something? nobody would be tubing that anywhere else

No. 2083713>>2083761>>2083973

Nonnie I’ve been thinking the same thing, sure calling a bmi 14 fat is a rattle but calling chubby people chubby is just pure objective description. I’m sick of all the HAES bs and body positivity, the scale of thin-fat has been wildly warped. If u feel insecure by someone calling a fat person fat, you’re probably a fattie urself

No. 2083760>>2083767>>2083975>>2084152

Nope that’s the ERC in Denver, it’s an eating disorder unit. She also loves to talk about being at acute, she displays her acute blanket on her bed in college though god knows she didn’t need to be there clearly

No. 2083761

Agreed, there have been so many people banned lately for “rattling” on cows who aren’t even close to underweight. A couple years ago that wouldn’t have flown

No. 2083767

ah right, for some reason I thought she was british and forgot NGs are basically pay to play over there. the thought of her thumping around somewhere like ACUTE is ridiculous

No. 2083973>>2084008

Tbf, the photo that this >>2083348 anon replied to the girl looked much lower than bmi 23 in that photo. I’ve never seen her before so that photo alone may have thrown off the farmhand too if they weren’t familiar with her

No. 2083975

Whoa seriously?! So they don’t just take the worst of the worst anymore?

No. 2084008>>2084013

yeah that one’s photoshopped, she’s never looked like that

No. 2084013

Terrible shoop too, the curvature on her legs is inverted

No. 2084103>>2084105>>2084106>>2084147

File (hide): 1738347619922.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1125x1963, IMG_0185.jpeg)

Well well well… she’s finally got what she was after

No. 2084105>>2084108

guarantee she got it by restricting fluids lmao. and the neck straining she always does is so obvious kek

No. 2084106>>2084147>>2084204

File (hide): 1738348403712.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1170x2176, IMG_3274.jpeg)

Kek I laughed when I saw that, No.1 drain on the nhs. ‘Don’t tell them I’m not in my wheelchair’ the delusion is hilarious we aren’t blind

No. 2084108>>2084113

true the tube looks too small anyway

No. 2084113

right it’s definitely not a longer-term one. willing to bet they’re only dropping it because of acute refusal, it only looks like a 5/6 fr.

No. 2084147

oh she’s totally loving this, how embarrassing. very healthy weight, full face, nice head of hair, literally no signs of illness or wasting whatsoever. she’s fine. drink your fluids, dumdum.

No. 2084152>>2084161>>2084187>>2084205

File (hide): 1738355389312.jpeg (306.75 KB, 1207x812, IMG_3119.jpeg)

Looks like she went to ERC on a mission to actually be sent to Acute

No. 2084161

this is hilarious, she’s honestly such a laugh. every single one of her videos she makes sure to push out her collarbones & mention “ana” kek i love the delusional ones

No. 2084187

>which part of my treatment lore are you
the one where all the real anorexics laugh at you because you look fucking ridiculous and the doctors can’t figure out what a baby elephant’s doing in room 5

No. 2084204

Looks different standing up. She looks normal. The bed photo almost convinced me.

No. 2084205

What the hell? The cows have some kind of reverse body dysmorphia but do the drs as well?! She is overweight.

No. 2084227>>2084230>>2084236

File (hide): 1738370603898.jpg (214.92 KB, 750x1128, 1000068695.jpg)

This is kinda old (Jan 3rd) but I cannot get over how despicable this cow is.

No. 2084230>>2084233

File (hide): 1738370791373.jpg (220.71 KB, 750x1104, 1000068717.jpg)

She 'volunteered' to go IP for Ng feeding when no drs were recommending it or concerned about her weight or 'ed' at all. I guess she kept 'volunteering' all of the almost 60 times she's been admitted for an ed she clearly doesn't have.

No. 2084233>>2084241

File (hide): 1738371174181.jpg (169.69 KB, 750x1126, 1000068721.jpg)

>We will never go back to that
KEK! This bitch is so delusional. She thinks this is the body of someone emaciated and in dire need of refeeding?!

No. 2084236>>2084238

Holy shit the boots, literal brat doll shoes. I admire the zoomers fashion ngl

No. 2084238>>2084239

File (hide): 1738371594094.jpg (247.42 KB, 749x1129, 1000068699.jpg)

Don't encourage it.

No. 2084239

File (hide): 1738371659045.jpg (146.32 KB, 750x1003, 1000068700.jpg)

No. 2084241>>2084261

She also recently had another cake for 58 admissions and said she was going BACK in the next day….She must be very close to 60 and desperate to get that but I'm sure she'll post a 60 cake when she does. I'm actually so disgusted by this one she manages to make me speechless every time she posts.

No. 2084255

does anyone have updates from lostallsanityx? she was the most entertaining anachan on here, gutted she went private

No. 2084261>>2084263>>2084264

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It's a race between Cherrycore and this one to see who gets to 60 admissions first. What is in the water down in Australia?!

No. 2084263

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It's going to be close. She's on 55. Cherrycore might be on 59 already though.

No. 2084264>>2084266

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No. 2084266>>2084269

do these people not realize that saying you've had 55 or 60 or whatever "admissions" makes it obvious that each one was really short and you're probably just acutely dehydrating yourself or fucking up your electrolytes? the actual spoops need longer admissions to gain enough weight to convince someone to let them go.

No. 2084269>>2084271

Most of them seem to be a few weeks. Han (Aussie Han) was in for something like 8 months in 2022 or 23 for FND apparently though. The numbers are just insane though. I wonder how many Enara is on. She's probably beaten them both actually

No. 2084271>>2084272

jesus, at that point they should just rent her a room

No. 2084272

I think that's literally how Cherry views the hospital. She books her admissions ahead of time somehow. I don't understand Aus.

No. 2084388>>2084389>>2084406>>2084408>>2084438>>2084592

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This gal was posted before I believe (Kalimoore.04 on TikTok) and she made a big deal outta getting discharged then wound up back in hospital with a tube 3 months later…why does the NHS cater to these absolutely time wasters

No. 2084389>>2084409

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Currently posting videos with a clear head smash wound and some other girl I assume is in hospital with her (Quick look on her page and she seems to be one of them average weight girlies who somehow get tubed anyway - @maddieflemming on TikTok).
She’s live on TikTok right now so I assume her and maddie do that a lot which I always find weird from a psych ward.

No. 2084390

Can someone post April's SM. Idk why people are gatekeeping, multiple people have asked! Plus it's an image board!

No. 2084406

Kali is old news. Lurk more.

No. 2084408>>2084411>>2084413

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The only interesting thing about Kali imo is that her mother has a chest tattoo and that's pretty cool, kek.

No. 2084409

girl on the right isnt in hosp w her, just visiting, tho im pretty sure they did me in an edu just a few years ago

No. 2084410


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No. 2084411

The mom's expression here says it all though.

No. 2084413

the side eye here is incredible. I always feel sorry for these parents though (well apart from enablers like Fi and Becky’s). imagine birthing such a dud

No. 2084438>>2084448

Is she sitting on her mums lap like that, as a grown adult?

No. 2084448

yes bc she is very smol and light anon, she is but a feather (I don’t wanna see it either)

No. 2084592

It wasn’t even 3 months it was 3 weeks. This girls tiktoks make me rage like no other, she seems absolutely insane and has no shame or subtlety whatsoever in showing off her freshly bloodied face and bones. And Freud is rolling in his grave at that photo with her mother, they seem to have a creepily close relationship

No. 2085883

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Hard to miss something that never existed. Could she make her photoshopping any more obvious? Does she think people believe this?

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