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No. 1653688
Arrow De Wilde is a pickme singer of a rock band Starcrawler, most promoted nepotism baby in the indie scene. A daughter of a mainstream photographer Autumn De Wilde and and indie drummer Aaron Sperske, granddaughter of another famous photographer Jerry De Wilde. Her mother staged up her career, with a help of her industry friends. Failed wonder child blogger and teen model who finally got some clout in the rock scene. A delusional attention whore flexing „achievements” that were handed to her by others. Hasn’t worked a single day in her life for anything she’s got, but has an ego of a diva.
1st thread:
>>>/snow/11149792nd thread:
>>>/snow/1495016Most notoriously shitty stuff she’s „known” for:
>nepotism child with an instant career >>1115476 >>1115373 >an awful case of pickme NLOG who thrives off old males attention while hating other women >>1203067, >>1129394, >>1372745, >>1372801 thinks being called female vocals band is reverse feminism >>1144228>arrogant edgelord always praising herself >>1116347, >>1226340, >>1199790, >>1199821, >>1117046, >>1117048, >>1117283, >>1310697, >>1310697, >>1339766, >>1339768 >acts bratty towards venue workers >>1227664 and her audience >>1370985 >>1330366 >>1115951 >skinwalked Katie Jane Garside for several long years >>1115031, >>1115032, >>1115033, >>1129050, >>1129075, says she takes inspo from Ozzy, never mentions actual ppl she rips off >>1129080>steals ideas and rips off other rockstars and celebrities >>1116923, >>1121893, >>1122233, >>1122257, >>1121841, >>1234140, >>1362524>boasting how her „punk” band completely accidentally gets huge billboards in NY and LA. What a surprise! >>1117046, >>1117581, >>1117750>lies she grew up struggling. Her mother is on board too, pretending she had it so hard despite growing up in a rich artfag family and being a nepotism baby as well >>1117186, >>1119582, >>1226207, >>1226220, >>1120355, >>1202469, >admits to watching and taking inspiration from schizophrenic/mentally ill people and faking epilepsy onstage >>1311346 basically entire shows are based on pretending she’s schizophrenic and epileptic >>1311364, >>1408149 >posts pics pretending she needed to be hospitalized >>1117737, >>1346083 >pretended she „died” onstage at a festival, turned out it was a stunt performed for attention and paramedic involved was a family friend who agreed to take part in that nonsense. Only admitted to it in a obscure japanese interview, so in fact nobody knows it was fake >>1140475 >Admits she tried to make people think she hurt herself for real>Arrow posts several times a selfie with bandaids and fake self harm cuts drawn with a lipstick >>1176304, >>1181310>and like a total idiot, she recorded a whole ass show dressed as highly sexualized suicidal case with fake cuts on her wrists >>1200820, >>1201978, >>1201982, >>1362599 >Arrow lies that she was never a model and blogger prior to Starcrawler >>1187811 Receipts of Arrow’s teen fashion blog >>1187813, receipts of LA fashion websites promoting her blog and shilling Arrow as the next „it girl” of fashion >>1187817, >>1192310 >Arrow was promoted hard by Rookie Magazine when she was 13, despite having basically nothing to show off >>1344084, >>1344091, claims she took the photos but some of them look like taken by her mom >>1344117, >>1405246, >>1405248 Teen Vogue shilled her long before Starcrawler>The band had a manager and contract only after playing a couple of first shitty shows at their famous friends backyards >>1140325>both Autumn and Arrow use their industry friends for clout >>1122286, >>1122320, >>1197928, >>1198091, >>1198106>dates another nepotism brat, Gilbert Trejo (Danny Trejo’s son). When they started dating, Arrow was 18/19 and Gilbert was 30. Both are DDLG degenerates >>1116734, >>1129168, >>1361217, >>1361851, >>1361219, >>1361528, >>1464314, >>1361529In recent thread:
>Arrow copies her idol, Lilith Levisis >>1497511, >>1497515>in another sponsored & ASTOUNDINGLY terribly written article (>>1500152) Starcrawler keeps bullshitting that Arrow knew nobody in the industry and nobody on Rough Trade while starting the band (both blatant lies) >>1500016 Starcrawler’s managers, producers etc. have all admitted they are friends of Arrow’s parents >Starcrawler plays a „soldout show” for about 10 unenthusiastic people at „a space a group of private school parents rent for their kids’ graduation dinner” >>1506915, >>1506919, >>1507250>Donita Sparks and a convent of washout boomers come to celebrate Arrow’s birthday party >>1508261, >>1508339, >>1508425, >>1515370>Arrow spotted with a strange face bloat, anons speculate fillers >>1508270>Mommy Autumn lands Starcrawler a sweet Jack White support deal, thanks to their longtime friendship. Autumn and Arrow flaunt it nonetheless, as if it wasn’t a nepotism deal >>1510650, >>1513586, >>1513589, >>1513592 >Arrow LARPs as trailer trash chick and fetishizes poverty places again >>1516444>Arrow aimlessly promotes her latest white trash pornified photoshoot, in which she’s dressed as a bimbo from bimbofication meme >>1518939, >>1518943, >>1518951>Arrow gets photographed as a dead, naked prostitute lying among trash in the row. Her pervy grandfather ofc comes again to thirst on her naked ass pics >>1519044>Starcrawler’s song gets used in Nissan commercial >>1523283>Starcrawler does an incredibly dated, 2010 hipster tier lame music video for their awful new single. >>1523285, >>1524542, >>1528034, >>1528176 >Arrow begs her fans to make a tiktok to promote her new song, nobody gives a single fuck >>1524549, >>1524555>Starcrawler uses Steve-O this time as their „guest celebrity” to exploit >>1528049> Starcrawler is so kind to do a shoutout to farmers, in a form of a car shattering bottles of milk >>1528092>the song is so fucking bad that even starcrawler boomer fanboys hate it >>1528857, >>1528948>Arrow and Henri get about 5 min long lazy promotion on Zane Lowe. Arrow looks bloated from fillers >>1528891, >>1528894>Gilbert transforms himself into Ronald Mc Donald >>1533735, >>1534897>Autumn and Arrow’s embarassing asses in the wild >>1535590, >>1535592>Starcrawler buys a huge tour bus, even though just a year ago they bitched to Dave Grohl about their tough, tough life and LARPed as „punks” who have to cramp and „struggle” in a tiny van >>1536218, >>1536956>Starcrawler goes on tour with My Chemical Romance, because Gerard has a shit taste and shilled them since their first single >>1536221>Absolutely nobody likes Starcrawler’s shows on MCR tour. Some of the anons who went to these shows report how awful it was, and how people reacted. Other anons post live videos showing the crowd is dead >>1536436, >>1536457, >>1537405, >>1542938, >>1542943, >>1542953, >>1552126, >>1552190, >>1548958, >>1547148,>>1547150, >>1547533>Starcrawler crop out a few seconds of their show, pretending the crowd is loving them. Tik Tok zoomers have none of it and leave hate comments >>1552132>Out of lack of ideas, Starcrawler releases dd/lg sadbbydoll toy themed merch >>1547597>In thirst of ANY sort of compliments after a disastrously bad tour, Arrow spends hours googling her own name and searching her band’s indirects >>1549455,>new photoshoot, Arrow cosplays Taylor Momsen this time >>1549458, >>1549463, >>1549466, >>1549467>Some anon who attended Munich show reports they overheard Arrow and the band boasting loudly about „snorting some more lines” in a crowded food court before the show >>1552620, >>1552906 another anon confirms to have seen Arrow in the restaurant in Munich too >>1553182>Arrow does the damage control and tries to pretend the tour was „actually a success” >>1594833, >>1555300, >>1557705>Arrow „stars” in a music video of Father John Misty, which happens to be a band her father used to play in >>1556340>Starcrawler does a cover of „If You’re Gonna Be Dumb, You Gotta Be Tough” for a new Jackass movie. Like total idiots, they sing with shitty fake southern country accents >>1561326>sheltered ass rich little girl quotes >>1562200>Because of Tiktok comments hating on her body, Arrow finally speaks on the matter. Explains she doesn’t have anorexia or health condition, claims it’s genes and metabolism. Except incidentally, she copied arguments from farmers on lolcow… >>1562973,>>1562975, >>1562976, >>1563260>Arrow does tiktok video of her feasting on chicken, as a snarky reaction to „she should eat” commenters. Anons think that now it’s just cringey attention stunt, because she never cared to deny anorexia gossips before >>1573903>a new boring album cover is revealed >>1564278>a new uninspired single is out >>1564275, >>1565216>new tempting merch for boomer fans >>1565218>Arrow copies Gwen Stefani >>1567124, >>1567135>Dylan Carlson of Earth, who’s friends with Gilbert and Arrow, is exposed as an old pervert foaming at Arrow in her comment section >>1566405, >>1566413, >>1566414, >>1566416>old pics of Arrow running from celeb party to party just to show up, Arrow’s pics with industry predator Oliver Zahm >>1571121, >>1571128>Arrow dies from excitement boasting that she is in new American Horror Story season… trailer. Which is just short TV promo they always pick models unrelated to series for >>1577061, >>1577065, >>1587462>Starcrawler’s song gets on the Top 50 list! On… whooping #50. >>1578228>A pic of Henri’s house gets posted, turns out that „poor boy” actually lives in a huge house with a swimming pool. >>1581283>new video in which Starcrawler LARP as struggling, hard working kids with broken dreams >>1594781, >>1594784>this Phoebe Bridgers related cringiness >>1596078>turns out Henri’s aunt owns a guitar strap company >>1596583>Arrow rips off Taylor Momsen again >>1596339, >>1596340>Arrow orders „distressed eyes makeup” for her working class struggle larp music video >>1597604>Examples of Arrow cosplaying heroin kid. She twists her hair and stylizes it in a way to look like a greasy heroin addict >>1598116, >>1598666, >>1598681>Arrow makes a video about a dress she went in to prom, calls herself a „motherfucking pretty in pink” >>1599545>Arrow does another heroin/poverty cosplay in a „shady” place, down to strategically ripped and stained jeans >>1600905, >>1600908>Nadia Lee slaps Arrow’s tits on a huge wall in her new art gallery, because you gotta support a narc >>1603970 The shoot is just Arrow skinwalking Gwen Stefani in her music video >>1621157, >>1621148>Arrow lands on the cover of a fanzine made by a photographer scrote that always takes her pics, zine turns out to be another lukewarm project just so all the related LA alt bumfucks get their narcissist gratification >>1621127, >>1621134, >>1621137, >>1621144>LA narcs throw a party to celebrate this very important and incredible happening that is shitting out a fanzine >>1621965>Starcrawler organizes meet & greet, only boomers come >>1621591, >>1621601>Autumn shills dollars just so Starcrawler gets about 1 minute of screen time on MTV >>1622045>a live video of Starcrawler in which Henri stops the show to lecture a bunch of old men that are at least 30 years older than him >>1622773>fear and embarassment in Las Vegas >>1622786, >>1622793, >>1622834>Starcrawler opens for Nick Cave, thanks to Autumn being friends with his wife Suzie Cave, so Autumn and Arrow lick Suzie’s ass and thank her profusely >>1629213, >>1629218>Arrow freaks out about going to Suzie Cave’s „The Vampire’s Wife” fashion brand party full of Hollywood party >>1629231, >>1629232, >>1630483, >>1630489>Aaron Sperske’s old twitter account is found, turns out to be in 99% dedicating to promoting Starcrawler >>1629308, >>1629348>Arrow gets photographed SEETHING MAD next to the band who opened for their show, because she hates all the other women her age that are in music industry >>1637995>new unflattering white trash/bimbo larp photoshoot which turns out to be ripped off from Aweng Chuol and a guy who took bimbo photos of Arrow in the past >>1638163, >>1638167, >>1638172, >>1638170>new interview in which the band boasts and sucks their own dicks as usual, claims their music was in a long list of movies and do delusional spergout on how there weren’t much of rock bands back when they started, but it changed thanks to them >>1639652>Arrow bitches to Dave Grohl how fucking „hard” they struggle living in a van, and how much she wishes she could have a tourbus! Impossible dreams! Dave Grohl tells her to write a hit single to get a bus. She doesn’t, but she gets tourbus anyway >>1639675>Henri lies that they didn’t have enough money to afford more studio time >>1639688>Arrow goes to Billy Idol show and buys meet & greet ticket just to make Billy Idol promote her shitty band >>1646614>Arrow claims she’s been begged by advertizing campaigns and agents all her life and calls modelling „oppressive”. Omg, poor Arrow >>1647365>Arrow quotes farmers again, pretty much confirms that she hated music but her mother wanted her so hard to be a star >>1647366>annoying cope boasting >>1647431>Arrow confirms that she keeps the books on the shelf for the aesthetic only, but doesn’t actually read at all >>1647469>Henri gets salty that 3 year olds on Tiktok are better guitarists than him >>1647772>Arrow posts thinly veiled bodychecks >>1648320, >>1648322>admits to fetishizing other people’s tragedies, poverty, addictions and suicides >>1648483>Starcrawler releases their new country pop era album, promotes it in outdated, cringey hipster garage rock suits a’la 2009 >in a newest interview Arrow makes herself a victim in all the ways possible, most probably lies that she got an „influx of I hope you die” comments >>1651213>paints herself as a victim living in „unorthodox family” just cause her parents are in showbizness, gets shocked when her friends family says prayers and eats together around a table >>1651215>”I was a little bit like a Tumblr girl, but that did help me find that there were like other ~not-as-basic of bitches~ out there”, says the basic bitch coping >>1651219>lies that she isn’t an industry plant and that nepotism „in LA doesn’t matter”, just because no label besides Rough Trade wanted them (RT was a label her father was on) >>1651221Social media: No. 1653717
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who opressed her again by making her wear Gucci? i mean, it's so ~oppressive~ and "not rock'n'roll"!
No. 1653722
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No. 1653749
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>>1653722I fucking hate this Gucci x Adidas collab so much, and this styling just does not work, fuck me. It’s giving me flashbacks to this Off-White (RIP Virgil) monstrosity Kylie Jenner wore to the MET gala, but with more corpse paint
No. 1653753
>>1653749Yup, it's so ugly. And pointless. very much Too Poor/soundclout tier.
oh, and of course she only got those photos taken because @richgreens got her the gig.
No. 1653763
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>>1653753Yes! I was going to say that too, this woman does not have a single original or creative bone in her body (spoilered for blood, just in case)
No. 1653766
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LOL, Gilbert even made a video for Too Poor in which she had a very, very similar dress to what Arrow wears, just more "traditional" ofc… no creative bone in her body indeed
No. 1653767
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>>1653763i think you can post without spoiler, it's not very bloody
No. 1653769
>>1653763 is from that video, I wonder if Layla and Arrow are friends (though I feel like we’d know about it if they were, maybe they’re not because Arrow is friends with recently turned neo-nazi Lilith Levisis)
No. 1654197
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She should go for hair like this if she wants to have messy bleach blonde hair. But it would take actual money and effort.
No. 1654608
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>>1654197Or go as avant garde as possible because this middle ground isn’t working.
No. 1654666
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i'm surprised to see that journos are waking up and seeing how shitty their music is. they got a lot of bad reviews, which is new. even positive ones mention that their album is mediocre
>>1654197>>1654608don't get her free ideas, she's already taking everything from lolcow
No. 1654668
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even more accepting ones generally agree they're boring. refreshing to see.
No. 1654673
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Eww, that pic. also
>a lolcow spilling the milk
someone's a bit too obsessed with the "unbothered" references
No. 1654681
>>1654679Anon, read previous threads. She's not anorexic or ill in any other way, it's genetics. Her mother was the same height and weight her age (look at this post
>>1493949 ) she also has other extrememly tall and bony members in her family. It's been said 1000 times before. the only issue is she has only commented on this case now, for the last couple of years she had no problem with ppl gossiping.
>Because of Tiktok comments hating on her body, Arrow finally speaks on the matter. Explains she doesn’t have anorexia or health condition, claims it’s genes and metabolism. >>1562973,>>1562975, >>1562976, >>1563260 No. 1654690
>>1654681samefag, here are pics of her as a child. she looked the same.
>>1405246from what i've seen, most of her family members are deathly thin in their younger years, but eventually a lot of them got fat. she'll probably get fat, just in her 40s.
I'm just kinda done with the anorexia speculation, when it's been explained long time ago. There are other actually troublesome things about her & her behaviour to talk about, and that is cosplaying self-harm, mental illness & hospitalizations.
No. 1654709
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who are those idiots, lmao
They're going to be on an MTV talkshow today, whew. Arrow's ego must be in a state of perpetual self fellating
No. 1654717
>>1654703>she treats this like its a healthy/safe weight for people to maintain while trying to appeal to underage and zoomers.i hate this bitch, but what is she supposed to do? sure, she doesn't look healthy in the least, and i agree she's aging incredibly fast (so is her mother), but so what? should she hide at home and never show up, lest zoomers see her and get
triggered? she isn't saying "hey kids, get thin like me!" that's stupid.
(i mean, perhaps she should, but for another reason. at least we wouldn't get our ears hurt from her shitty music lol)
No. 1654749
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caption this
imagine this uuum like, and, um like california sheltered girl talking to an actual artist
No. 1654799
>>1653717i'd punch my best friend if it meant i could model for that big of a brand
what's her problem with it??
No. 1654806
>>1654799>I like fashion I guess, but I kind of find the whole high-fashion thing to be wierd. Like, all these bands wear Gucci, but then they still profess to be called a rock'n'roll band. It's kind of contradicting themselves in my eyes.>boohoo i find modelling oppressive>i refuse to allow fashion world put me on platter>models are stupid they don't listen to rock blahsays Arrow, while dying to get new modelling gigs, trying hardest to get noticed at Gucci galas and overall jealous of Dani being a Gucci ambassador. like damn, no fucking brand wants you to be their model, Arrow, shut up.
(imo Gucci sucks & clothes are ugly af, and ppl behind it are idiots, but who wouldn't model for them, when you actually do modelling?)
No. 1654828
>>1654814true, that's what i was trying to say. i honestly don't give a fuck about her weight, i care for her insulting mentally ill people and behaving like an asshole.
>>1654817imo Gucci's "normie prizes level" stuff is the ugliest ever. you know. those Gucci shirts, Gucci caps, Gucci bags with green and gold & bee pattern
No. 1654830
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JFC not her trying to say fucking Echo Park was "not safe and fun place for little girls" now. sure, children can get kidnapped everywhere, but saying Echo Park is such a dangerous neighbourhood, just to keep up your "we were poor" bullshit, fucking sure jan.
Yes Arrow, you're so tough, you had to live in a literal hood~
No. 1654968
>>1654796I know right, it’s disgusting. She has looked 40 since she was 17. Not that there’s anything wrong with 40, but it’s an absolute disgrace that she felt it mandatory to get surgery that’s aged her so prematurely. Bella Hadid isn’t far behind
I actually feel sad for Bella because she seems like such a sweet person, Kylie is a vacuous, repugnant, exploitative, parasitic piece of shit, no sympathy for her>>1654806>Gucci sucks & clothes are ugly af, and ppl behind it are idiotsDon’t get me started, the disdain I have for Alessandro Michele is astronomical. The brand is so incongruous with Arrow’s aesthetic, I don’t know why she’d want to be “in” with them beyond being jealous of Dani and Amy for getting campaign deals (Gucci doesn’t gel with their image either, I get why they were chosen to represent the brand but it just screams forced and awkward to me)
>>1654830Echo Park in the 90s was a very different place to what it is now, but she’s too young to have been exposed to it pre-gentrification, she’s probably just parroting her mother, who would have been around when it was all gangbanger cholos with their firme hinas and low riders
No. 1655033
>>1654952 i already told she could've been kidnapped/harassed eveywhere, that's not the whole point. Back when Arrow was running away from home, it weren't the 90's but solidly 2009+, probably. my point is what this anon said
>Echo Park in the 90s was a very different place to what it is now, but she’s too young to have been exposed to it pre-gentrification, she’s probably just parroting her motherI agree women are unsafe everywhere, but i read her claim as yet another attempt at exaggerating the financial "struggle". i could've possibly misunderstood her intention, though.
No. 1655291
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>>1654873It looks like they watched too many The Hives/The Strokes/The Jet/The Whatever videos from early 00's and thought slapping ugly suits on is "innovative", and everything in pink is an "art concept"
No. 1655298
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Where is this "aggressive punk voice" that she's talking about? where is the "improvement"? the only change is that they're mixing her flat, monotone, emotionless, quiet vocals and occasional sheep bleating a little louder than usual
No. 1655751
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"I have a weird thing where certain words and numbers I associate with colors" = i'm a plain bitch who tries to be an NLOG trying to pretend you have synesthesia (except i don't know that tough word, but it's still very ~weird~)
No. 1655758
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> I think it would be cool to play with rap artists and stuff.
Yes? Really? Is this the same Arrow who likes to shit on rap music and call it rap more like crap (or whatever)?
it's paperthin obvious how desperate they are, with all the "our new album is not very rock, it's not just for punk and rock fans wink wink" and "we'd like to open for everyone, and be listened by everyone, hey uh, rap musicians, can you take us on tour?" fuck me, this is so funny from the perspective of time
No. 1655763
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>>1655748i'm really done with this weightsperging but
>When you see a skinny person with skinny parents it's more indicative of their parents passing on their eating/exercise habits>parents eating habits>parentsdude they're both fucking LOADING fast foods. if anything, they're eating much too fatty food. that thing about ppl thinking Arrow eats 2 pieces of pea a month is a myth
No. 1655796
>>1655781>If you look at photos of her mom and dad when they were younger (and probably actually living with Arrow) they are very thin.I know, i know. i've seen her old pics. i'm the anon who said her parents were same as her & who said it's genetic thiness.
I said Arrow eats a lot of fast food, because that's what i take from what she posts online. idk what she eats at home, probably more varied food, but her online pics show that she eats a lot of fast food. Aka something that anorexic chick would never do.
No. 1655828
>>1655817well, no1curr, i'm underweight as well, bc of health reasons. (So other people, probably including particular anons on this site as well.) Does it mean i have to eat more, even if it doesn't work? God forbid someone's less than ideal weight, right?
Haven't it came across your mind that maybe she TRIED to eat more, and it didn't work?
No. 1655850
>>1655842So what are you going to do about it? you won't force her to eat and gain weight, i'm not sure where is this discussion going. And
we've had these weight discussions 1000 times before. she does way worse things than… what? looking the way she does?
i personally care more about her being an asshole to others and a nepotist brat who fakes schizophrenia/cutting onstage, idk about other anons.
No. 1655865
>>1655842because of what
>>1655850 says. this thread is pointless if it's just post pics of ugly girl and say "wow, she ugly".
No. 1655878
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holy shit, or rather who faked that chart. somehow i refuse to believe it.
No. 1656318
>>1656271i think it's weirdly counted, bc i don't believe Behemoth would get as high as no. 3
ot but perhaps i should post Behemoth's singer as as a cow in indie thread, he's fucking pathetic and acted like asshole to his ex
No. 1656772
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why does it look like she intentionally went out to choose adequate pink shaded liquor store or another 3dGy~ place to pose against
damn, she reposted this 3 times already or so. no actual talented bands & musicians get obsessed over their faces being printed on the front page of magazines, no talented musicians loudly boast about it. narcs
(and that magazine looks like toilet paper)
No. 1657315
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yeah, told you there's something wrong with this chart. i understand no. 1 (Pink Floyd) sold only 7000 albums this week, so imagine how few thousands sold starcrawler on no 6.
what's the fucking point of a chart like that nowadays? 10 years ago not even Pink Floyd would chart with as shitty count as 7k
No. 1658848
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Any perpetually online zoomer here with Bereal application? (first time hearing of this) wonder if there'll be anything milky
No. 1659783
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annoying ass bitch, no matter what she does
No. 1659859
>>1659831i approve courtney love, arrow - ew
>>1659832it's the "oh we met our idol Nick Cave" for me, like she even knows anything besides Where The Wild Roses grow
No. 1660761
>>1659783>>1659859plus showing she is very dumb and/or has no values. she made a big deal about "feminism"(she's not a fucking feminist come on) in her post about the growlers stripper assault, but clearly has zero knowledge of elvis'
abusive/pedo-ish/incestuous obsessions.
heartbreak hotel, his version of blue moon, and milkcow blues are kickass songs but he was a fucked up dude and isn't just a cool fashion icon - he represents some fucked up male shit that her supposed punk image should be against or at the vety least be AWARE of. she comes off like she's literally never read a book?
No. 1660851
>>1660761True. Priscilla was 14 when he met her/started dating, and later when they married he treated her badly (her sole existence was catering to his needs, and he felt disgust for her when she got pregnant.)
I personally don't like Elvis at all, but still there are millions of people who do and completely ignore it. That shows how forgiving is societyof those things. I usually try to separate artists from music, sometimes there are cases when you just can't (Marilyn Manson, Davie Vanity, that other pedophile musician). not sure where to place Elvis.
i'm not surprised in the least she doesn't care though, because again, she only cares about herself. I think she 100% mentioned what Growlers did to her not out of concern for other women, but because it touched her directly, and she was affected. which is fine since what happened to her was not ok, but no need to pretend she cared for others. After her experience, she was still out there kissing and rubbing her crotch against other people (women included). Because when it's affects her, it's abuse but when she does it to people, they should be grateful, right.
she's no feminist for sure. it's very telling that when asked about feminism & her views, all she has to say is how "calling Starcrawler female singer band is reverse feminism".
No. 1661034
>>1660916she also used to hang out with Ryan Adams and that predator from Nylon magazine or something idr. it's not like she cared about what Elvis did, maybe she approves it since she's a DD/LG degenerate who has no problem with teens dating much older fucks. every show she exploits women with mental illnesses and self harming (before she got one bad comment) so it's not like she cares for any other woman's wellbeing. Really nothing shocking about that, she's just a yucky bitch with no morals and sooner or later she'll get her comeuppance for stuff she does.
i'll be just laughing hard if Autumn tries to sell her as master feminist next. they already do, what she said about Growlers thing in this interview sounds incredibly insincere No. 1661049
File: 1664400332758.png (177.26 KB, 1132x1282, bus.png)

I see they're back to larping as uwu poor band travelling in a bad bad van
No. 1661241
File: 1664410415047.jpg (323.76 KB, 1080x1672, abcd.jpg)

Recommendations of what? can't you google and read anything on your own?
They're going to Korea tomorrow, which i don't understand at all. they're shitty band that can't even get moderately famous in their own country, so who tf would go to watch literal nobodies in Korea or Dominican Republic
No. 1661265
File: 1664411590997.png (1.18 MB, 994x530, wtf man.png)

Damn, scrotes from her band are just getting fatter and fatter.
And this is just the dumbest 1 braincell type of stare i've seen
No. 1661270
>>1661265Poor arrow, her band mates are eating all of her food before she can put down her phone and waddle to the dining table! She should’ve trained them properly when they were smaller. The only solution is to put them in shock collars now. Zap them when they pig out.
She must be seething, the pleasure she’s denying herself by starvation must be downright painful, and this scrote is allowed to stuff his mouth like a butterball pork chop. Sad!
No. 1661271
File: 1664411943386.png (2.3 MB, 1002x1080, wwww.png)

wtf did i just watch. Arrow is constantly picking her nose, scratching herself on her armpits in this interview
No. 1661284
File: 1664412313369.png (991.94 KB, 716x690, xxxsdefdsd.png)

>>1661277well, there's still this useless scrote copy of her who does idk what in this band, just in glasses. But he's Henri's younger brother, so there's a high probability he's gonna get fat as well.
No. 1661670
File: 1664451755875.jpg (45.94 KB, 770x1139, Sable-Starr-and-Iggy-Pop-770x1…)

Here, a lesson of history. (i didn't know about it either and just… ew)
>Iggy Pop was one of baby groupie Sable Starr's many celebrity lovers. There's no ambiguity here — besides the many pictures of the two together, Iggy wrote a song, "Look Away," from the 1996 album Naughty Little Doggy, about their relationship. "I slept with Sable when she was 13 / Her parents were too rich to do anything / She walked her way around L.A. / Till a New York Doll carried her away." (Pop is about 10 years Sable's elder.)
>(Starr moved to New York City to live with New York Dolls member Johnny Thunders at age 16, and their relationship ended in a torrent of abuse. "After I was with him, I just wasn't Sable Starr anymore. He really destroyed the Sable Starr thing. Se made me throw away all my diaries and all my phone numbers down the incinerator, and he ripped up my scrapbook," she says in Please Kill Me: the Uncensored Oral History of Punk.)
>"Look Away" is a mournful song, a blurry reminiscence through a hazy lens. Pop seems to carry a little shame at how he treated Sable, and how when he saw a nasty situation developing between the teenager and the New York Doll, he simply ignored it — looked away.
>"I found her in a back street with her looks half gone / she was sellin something that I was on," he sings. He later concludes the story, "So a few years later Thunder died broke / Sable had a baby back at her folks / Me, I went straight and serious too / There wasn't much else that I could do."
>Around the same time as her younger sister, Sable Starr was also in contact with Iggy Pop. Ron Asheton, co-songwriter and musician with Iggy in the Stooges recalls in the book Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk:
>“We had a gig at the Whiskey-A-Go-Go when we first moved out there and that’s when we met Sable Starr, who was a really nice girl. First, she was Iggy’s groupie, then with me, then went back to Iggy, then back to me, and then went to my brother, and back to me.”
>“We would do two sets at the Whiskey, and in between sets, Sable would say, ‘Can I suck your manhood?’ She was real open about stuff, that’s what I always liked about her. So in between our sets Sable would suck my manhood in the upstairs men’s bathroom.”
No. 1661673
File: 1664452058512.png (646.78 KB, 868x834, iggy pop arrow.png)

>>1661670Here. This is a cool, awesome male who endorses you in press. This is the cool man who you pushed elbows in people's faces just to crowdsurf to. this is the man who held your hand and said "Hey baby" to you, Arrow.
Yes, perhaps you shouldn't have boasted to the press about this thing, Arrow, because there's nothing to boast about.
No. 1661676
File: 1664452249318.jpg (98.7 KB, 800x825, sable-starr-1.jpg)

This is Sable Starr with a scrote from Slade, you've all probably seen this photo bc it's popular.
As for Arrow, i've seen that she posted this exact pic onto her instagram stories once, with generic heart emoji or something. If you like her so much, Arrow, perhaps you should've read more about her and scrotes & cowards who fucked and abused when she was a child.
No. 1661682
File: 1664452900280.jpg (344.72 KB, 1080x1439, bust.jpg)

arrow also did a photoshoot in which she dresses as a groupie, or at least she says so.
ironically, it's the one where she sperges about her retarded idea of what feminism is No. 1661687
>>1661682The second pose looks like a CSA themed stock photo which is awfully on theme with her playing dress up as the 13 year old rape
victim of her icon.
No. 1662255
>>1661284that dude has a fat ass
what does he do all day? sit on it?
No. 1662274
>>1662250I didn't care about his music at all before, so it's new stuff to me. What bothers me is how everybody seems fine with a famous scrote fucking 13 year olds and boasting about this shamelessly. i thought this "punk" crowd cares, or likes to act like they care about feminism & criticize sexist fucks scene
Notice he wrote that song about baby groupies in… 1996. so he didn't regret or realize his wrongdoings. no, he bragged about it decades later. How is he any different from Polanski or whoever people like to rage at? why is Iggy Pop excluded and not considered a pedophile? last time mentioning this but… yeah wtf.
No. 1662288
>>1662281adding to my thought, moid-unrelated but still. Arrow THEORETICALLY should be loved by zoomers, bc she's anorexic thin, now has clothes liked by zoomers or has pics in bimbofied y2k woman-degrading style that they like. Amd yet nobody cares.
i don't get why boomers like her though. it feels like they're always projecting something onto her & refuse to see she's mean fake idiot, not adorable kid, except in prostitute clothes. bt maybe its bc their fans don't take time to do research.
No. 1662600
>>1662506>Bowiethis one made me so fucking angry bc i like his music. Some people think these chicks are unreliable about Bowie bc they changed the story how and when they met/fucked significantly each time they told it. But idk, honestly it's not that hard to believe it considering all these menchildren in the 70's thought it alright to fuck teens, as long as they looked like adults. not to stray too offtopic i'll say that Arrow's retarded af for posting/taking inspo from 13 year old groupies without caring about their history. but then again she prob approves of teens fucking old men bc it's so "babygirl and daddy uwu"
No. 1664238
File: 1664669289418.png (720.91 KB, 654x862, korea.png)

And like clockwork. They cut out a few damn seconds where the audience is jumping/looking enthusiastic. except nobody even knew who they were, the vids show it was full of random drunk people who honestly had fun at all the concerts because they wanted to dance and have fun. meaning they didn't even know this band.
it cracks me up a little, all these tactics to make it seem like they're so successful and play for big crowds. maybe saying they get 20 ppl per show got under their skin, lol.
No. 1667042
File: 1664922334187.png (109.61 KB, 1340x698, starcrawer.png)

Lol what is irony?
>It's about being sincere. I believe that the work must come from a real place. I think the reason why there are so many people who don't feel connected to rock is because it feels fake, like the costumes.
>I don't think that kind of attitude will work anymore. Because it's too far from normal people. I think it's important to be sincere.
I'm fucking cackling, this all said by the most fucking fake person in rock right now, the one who fakes everything throughout her nonexistent "career", with most insincere attitudes, lyrics, image, promotion tactins EVER. Costumes are fake? Yes? said a talentless nepo brat dressed by her mommy, skinwalking a little known artists to a T and ordering replicas but pretending it's "all herself". It's about being sincere. why aren't you taking your own fucking advice, Arrow?
No. 1667043
File: 1664922411086.png (46.99 KB, 648x608, lmao.png)

Jesus, these self important, delusional, narcissistic morons. Will Henri shut up with this "Back when we started there were no rock bands on the earth except us but now thanks to us young ppl are starting bands and rock is trendyyy" bullshit, this is just laughable.
>Because we don't claim to be bigger than we are, I guess
KEK my fucking sides. Yes you do. Yes you do, you and Arrow both claim you're bigger than you are all the fucking time, every single interview you sperg about how fucking succesful and influencial you are,when in reality nobody knows or cares about your shitty nepotist band. Zoomers see right through your shit & boomers like you because they don't care to research you. nobody knows you in Europe. you're just a bunch of narcissistic losers seethng about lack of success, so you just say deny deny deny and keep lying through your teeth in all the interviews, because Arrow's mom told you "fake it til you make it"
No. 1667111
>>1667042word salad
>>1667043feel stuff
No. 1669133
File: 1665106759173.png (605.44 KB, 690x584, mtv.png)

imagine how much time she spends on meticulously sticking and greasing and back combing those spaghetti strings to make them visually as dirty and destroyed and junkie as possible. and 3/4 of it are just extentions. pathetic
No. 1669270
>>1661670Sounds like she had shitty parents who probably also abused her. Running around offering to blow strangers just because they're famous isn't the behavior of a normal teenager.
Men are so fucking evil. A little girl runs up to them and asks to be assaulted and they just oblige her despite that being an extremely obvious indicator of mental illness. They clearly knew she was on drugs and mentally ill, but instead of taking pity on her, they used it as an excuse to rape her like the opportunists they are.
I've seen scrotes try to excuse this by saying that rock stars don't run around checking groupies' IDs, but in this case Sable Starr and Lori Mattix were famous for being underage, calling themselves "baby groupies." These guys went after them
because they were kids, not in spite of it, and these girls leaned into it because these men gave them attention when their parents didn't.
The one good thing about social media and all the surveillance going on is that it makes it a little more difficult for men to get away with this shit (though still not impossible unfortunately.)
No. 1669290
>>1662600While I don't doubt he slept with underage groupies, I think that the story about Lori Mattix is specifically a crock of shit. She says that she and Bowie had dinner with John Lennon the night they had sex, but the date she gave was years before Bowie and Lennon met. She also said his eyebrows were shaved that night, but there are literally photographs of him with his eyebrows around and after the tour date she gave.
Plus Lori always took pictures with the guys she saw; there are plenty of her with Jimmy Page, who she is fully confirmed to have slept with. There are zero of her with Bowie. She also constantly lies about who she had her first time with. Typically she says it was Jimmy Page, but she gives several different answers. She's a lying, bpd attention-seeker. If you're gonna try to cancel Bowie, at least pick something that's actually verifiably true, like the Nazi phase.
No. 1671632
>>1669290Yeah, i have the same opinion. There's too much of inconsistencies in this story, changing versions, lack of pics and whatnot. they probably haven't met Bowie.
As for nazi phase, it was stupid af of him but once he quit coke he quit his stupid black magic/nazi obsessions. Idk how much of "muh hailing photo was just paps staging, i was just waving" is true, but at least it was over after Station to Station era. still very cringey for sure.
No. 1671643
>>1669270Yes, and note that they were 100% fine with her going out and fucking around at 13 with rockstars as long as she came back in the morning and was going to school! jfc Yeah alot of rock stars didn't know the groupies age and assumed to be older than they truly were. But in this case, their age was publicaly known, they were famous for being 13 and fucking rock stars.
Ok last words on this subject but I'll never understand people's attitude "B-b-but she said she liked it! She said she never regretted anything!" like shut up you fucking moron. That doesn't change the fact it was a stupid teen who was used and abused by in fact pedophiles. And Iggy Pop never regretted it
Btw we know you're reading here, Arrow, you're supporting a pedophile.
No. 1672441
File: 1665496597646.jpg (297.13 KB, 1080x1920, scr.jpg)

>>1672440samefag, i see they're going to tour shitty USA clubs for the rest of the year. perhaps you're right they can't tour Europe. not that i doubt Autumn can afford Euro trip money but their christian label probably wouldn't give a green light anyway.
No. 1672445
File: 1665497085111.png (3.01 MB, 1080x1920, vv.png)

Ah yes Arrow, it's some white trash ruin in Utah. fascinating. you would think as a poorfag born and raised in such a poverty with mother "struggling to put food on your plate", you would hate such places
No. 1677023
File: 1665955021404.png (1.02 MB, 1120x528, pumpkins.png)

Whoa, somebody help this sad dying band, the bar is on the ground. how good that some thoughtful some boomer mom gardening & craft TV invited them to carve pumpkins, to help pick their career off the ground!
Weight updates: boys do be pigging out still
No. 1677028
File: 1665955158001.png (649.4 KB, 716x470, a2.png)

>>1677023…while others, on the other hand…
No. 1677029
File: 1665955242368.png (457.77 KB, 704x472, a3.png)

>>1677028i'm usually team she doesn't have ED but she's getting even thinner now for some reason
No. 1677031
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No. 1677233
>>1677174she's on weed and she probably only does coke very occasionally, when someone smarter than her scores some and when she goes to meet other terrible LA nepo "friends". No way sheltered moma's girl could go out and buy coke on her own, she's too fucking dumb
even her screaming aloud about snorting lines with ppl witnessing & how that info leaked to the internet shows she's a drug noob
No. 1677261
>>1677023HAH oh my god henri is a genius to be able to play guitar and shovel pasta in his face at the same time.
his brother must be done growing because he's gaining now too
if this band was an average looking male with two greasy fat women and two boring looking women they'd be laughed out of every bar in the world. i'm so sick of moids, you guys
No. 1677263
>>1677174>>1677233it's not drugs. i think what happened is she's now overcompensating after getting her first glimpse of the metabolism slowing down.
some people who are naturally skinny take it really hard/get really freaked out the first time they start to put on weight, even if it's just going from a bmi of 16 to a bmi of 18. if you're a fatless skelly for 25 years, the first time your waist goes above 24" can be really shocking and lead to overcorrecting/disordered eating because you don't know how to deal with it
No. 1677544
>>1677263that one i kind of could believe, because her skelliness is clearly 1) admired 2) desired 3) supported by photographers that surround & document her. All these people chase after her because she can be dressed as y2k bimbo anachan - she's an awful model but enough for friendly LA "artsy" clique that licks her ass.
I've also noticed that her mother in her later 20's-30's was just very tall but normal slim, but not ana skinny like Arrow, or in childhood pics. obvsly Autumn's fat now, but even those of her crazy tall relatives she posted seem to be fat/normal now.
No. 1677622
>>1677544ayrt -
my theory is based on my and other models' own experiences after age 23 or so - forgot to mention that arrow is also not small-framed, her skeleton is tall and wide (look at autumn in
>>1677545 - not a tiny person in terms of frame, just not a lot of meat on her bones)
, she just has no fat or muscle and no boobs. she's never been muscular or athletic, so the size increase she started to show in the past few years is probably all fat and the difference in her arms could have really freaked her out at first. she has good support systems though so i don't think there's a risk of her going full ED. she's just gonna put more effort into retaining her early 20s body than her mom did at this age.
sorry for the sperg, but when i read this thread it seems it's mostly normal sized women from the USA who aren't super familiar with the life of someone who is born very small. all the stupid details i've written should make arrow's appearance make more sense and hopefully we can all go back to making fun of her shitty band and ugly clothes instead of explaining metabolisms to each other.
No. 1677672
>>1677622>but when i read this thread it seems it's mostly normal sized women from the USA who aren't super familiar with the life of someone who is born very small.who, we? Thread is full of euro anons as well & if i remember even asian one, we're not all fat americans or whatever you think. quite the opposite, i have a feeling this thread baits that sort of annoying anons who boast they're ~just as skinny~ as arrow, or ones who admit to liking skeletal chicks, like that one moron from indie thread.
I posted her pics cause she's never been as drastically bony as she is now, and there's lack of milk anyway. i won't weightsperg longer from now on, but i find it weird that it's fine for us to talk about Henri getting fat, or Dani Miller getting fat, but if someone mentions Arrow losing it's all no-no.
No. 1677715
File: 1666027722593.png (966.65 KB, 560x690, henri.png)

>>1677699no way this yesterdays pic isn't an old photo lol
No. 1677722
File: 1666028097487.png (2.23 MB, 1376x900, famous celebrities at the part…)

I'm sorry but this makes me wanna giggle, they look fucking idiotic but is Nick Cave's son & his stranger thing trying to be next Robert Pattinson & Kristen Steward, their hair and styling is unfortunate
No. 1677930
File: 1666045281175.jpg (49.1 KB, 612x406, gettyimages-818522136-612x612.…)

>>1677899no, no, you got it wrong. Autumn is his mentor. here, grab a couple of pics of Henri cosplaying Autumn.
No. 1677934
File: 1666045376920.jpg (47.98 KB, 525x656, c3cac99d56a190fc000591aed22299…)

No. 1678031
>>1677934it's way too obvious that he is professionally styled. which is fine if you're just being a regular pop music plant, but these guys try so hard for this "authentic" "DIY" thing that they need to make it less obvious that fashion professionals dress them.
>>1677930always happy to see a picture of "i hate being here" drummer! he's like the official mascot of this thread kek
No. 1678074
File: 1666056691294.png (1.16 MB, 594x1196, milk.png)

oh the sheer regret of not putting this on the thread pic. they even made a themed lolcow album art just for us, how considerate!
No. 1678772
File: 1666126826486.jpg (567.6 KB, 800x567, copy-of-starcrawler-devour-you…)

"I hate my life"
No. 1678773
File: 1666126867132.png (359.64 KB, 798x448, Screen-Shot-2019-05-10-at-9.45…)

"Send help"
No. 1678938
File: 1666140285147.jpg (548.14 KB, 1080x2021, 19102022.jpg)

Lol a month passed and the world didn't change. Label bought them all the Spotify lists spaces, mommy called and sent them on tour with remaining friends, stuffed a couple of famous ppl in music videos as marketing strategy again. flexed getting #40 on Billboard alt Top 40. they sent them on stadium tour with MCR and bought MTV time for Arrow, and literally gave them a tourbus just to take it back few weeks later. Starcrawler got shit reviews for the first time ever. they're on a "mainstream label" now, but looks like now's the time in their "career" that they're the least talked about/cared about ever. trouble in paradise already?
No. 1678941
File: 1666140519232.jpg (272.05 KB, 1080x1423, 19102022_2.jpg)

who is this shit addressed to? who is supposed to be playing this? starcrawler's devoted boomer fanbase?
No. 1679217
>>1679106they're on Saints Row soundtrack? I haven't seen them flexing that one yet
Someone's trying hard to place them on as many games and films as possible. too bad zoomers won't care! Jesus, that's just patheticly desperate
No. 1679219
>>1679117full name is Arrow Plume Sperske De Wilde. lol
she also goes along with De Wilde instead of Sperske for maximum clout. i support kids getting their mother's last names but this was a pure clout move
No. 1679285
>>1679211i'm out of tune with what's trend but my bet is, absolutely not. Are zoomers even playing these games? i remember that Guitar Hero was a big thing in 2010, not now.
>>1679103this is so fucking blatant, I will not stop laughing at them and pointing out every evidence they're industry plants until even boomers notice. they're so fucking full of themselves, they already are claiming "Young people are now starting their own bands because of Starcrawler" (LMAO). i'm sure they're gonna pretend after "years of hardships & pain" they turned to international superstars and some sort of "veteran" true punk band lol
No. 1679311
>>1678938why did she take this picture that you do when you're 19 and have your first apartment
she looks like a sheltered kid from one of those gated communities making "badass" photos in 2003
No. 1679462
File: 1666207484568.jpg (302.72 KB, 1080x1352, cake.jpg)

>those teeth
>that fingernail on the bottom
stuff of the nightmares
No. 1679827
File: 1666234509361.png (1.36 MB, 740x780, austin smith.png)

>>1679753Anon, this is not Austin (aka depressed drummer). This is their new garden gnome drummer Seth. Austin (picrel) quit Starcrawler in 2020 and clearly alluded to not having fun in this band. Appears they split in peace and wished him good luck, but it doesn't seem like Austin hangs out with them anymore. None of Starcrawler kids post birthday wishes for him and he doesn't wish back, don't leave likes on IG etc.
No. 1679836
oh damn i can see the difference now
n e way i nominate this
>>1679827 for next threadpic
anxd henri is a shitty model because this post with the skintoned shirt is making it look like he's peeing on arrow
No. 1679849
File: 1666236906988.png (929.83 KB, 976x712, austin.png)

>>1679827I found his original post where he announced
>I’ve decided to take time off to focus on finding the joy of life with friends and family and take a much needed break during these difficult times to rediscover my love for music.notice he quit in october 2020, when they didn't play shows anyway. Nobody quits a band with connections enough to take the everywhere and literally talks about wanting to be happy, find back lost passion for music and spend time with anybody else unless there's been an argument, or he's majorly done. i've seen a youtube interview with them all in 2018, and back then i disliked him like everyone else from this band, but still noticed Austin was the only one able to form any coherent sentences. And seemed pretty chill, while Arrow and Henri tried hardest to look "cool" and gloom and gave shit instead of answers. he also seemed to be the only one genuinely enthusiastic about music, so implying he kind of lost passion for it just 2 years later says a lot.
No. 1679850
File: 1666236965628.png (1.66 MB, 1102x840, before.png)

i mean even just looking at his face on starcrawler pics from early days and comparing with later years tells a lot lmao. good for him that he left.
year 2018
No. 1679851
File: 1666236990327.jpg (474 KB, 1280x1912, before2.jpg)

>>1679850(wtf is even this pic lol)
No. 1679885
>>1679850>>1679851>>1679852>>1679856seeing these pics in order really shows how manufactured and "handled" this band is. they look so focus-grouped and each image is carefully calculated to match the tumblr trend of 5 years earlier (im' guessing their stylist/management is baby bust generation or early gen x, like old enough to be 5-10 years late to a trend).
wrt austin, it looks like he signed up to play his instrument that he loves, and got drained by the soulless image/looks focused job that was not what he thought being in a band would be
No. 1680015
File: 1666265800268.jpg (172.93 KB, 682x858, shsht4.jpg)

>>1679885>>1679886That's because that's exactly what it is. This band is ANYTHING but "real" and non-calculated. It's funny to see their pics in order cause it shows perfectly. Arrow used to have very poor sense of style and worse hippie hipster sort of clothes often clashing with each other, and her mom was dressing her in starcrawler early days. she has all the "thank you to brands" on her IG n Arrow wearing these clothes, and literally how which peace of costumes she was keeping for Arrow in the future.
No. 1680016
File: 1666265982428.png (1.68 MB, 1172x794, photo-of-the-band-members.png)

This band literally went from ugly styled boring idiots who can't dress who hair metal morons who thought they'd charm anyone with the throwback, sudden jump to these grunge kids and then Katie Jane Garside finally to full time 00's pop bimbo, to country phase, to The Hives sort of all in suits garage band cringiness.
No. 1680019
File: 1666266148942.png (952.95 KB, 606x826, tv.png)

>>1680017they are modelling for Teen Vogue here, because ofc Teen Vogue cares about literal whos playing for 20 ppl per show and who only have their 1st shitty single out and nothing else
No. 1680024
File: 1666266526544.jpg (6.91 KB, 273x185, p.jpg)

No. 1680026
File: 1666266757678.jpg (179.82 KB, 1000x750, P1130288-Starcrawler.jpg)

And this, out of the sudden. LMAO.
No. 1680737
>>1680518It's just for show. With how much she obsessed over Ozzy Osbourne and Marilyn Manson, not surprised. she always had this "i'm this creepy occult high priestess! I also wear crosses uwu i wear rosary how cute and scary" bullshit and in that welcome to my white trash house video she had voodoo dolls and Jesus figures. i think in first thread there was a screenshot from back when she just bought all the candles, tarot and crystal ball gear and dumped it all aesthetically for instagram. a typical "normie basic bitch trying to be cool" collection.
I also think it's funny how hard she tries to make "i love horrors" her whole personality No. 1680744
File: 1666363233685.png (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 744x830, martyrs.png)

>>1680737Adding to horrors, i'm quite surprised that she based "Chicken Woman" video on "Martyrs". haven't seen this personally and definitely don't plan to, but after searching online it turns out it's a very violent and disturbing horror that's full of excessive torture and trauma. One of the characters was growing up with sadists and was an object of torture & experiments, and was raped as a child. she comes back to her house for revenge (and idk, probably gets tortured again?). first off, it's full of shit like ripping skin of the
victims bodies, and the main character has a lot of flashbacks of her being raped.
looking at he video this part def looks like Martyrs scene. idk it's kind of disturbing they based the thing on a child who was tortured and raped. like ew chill out edgelords, you're still boring.
No. 1680936
>>1680744there actually isn't much rape in the movie. she thinks about it like..once. what happens is the first character, who goes back to the house, dies and then her friend is imprisoned and takes her place as the person getting chopped up by sadists. it's a good movie, it's just stereotypical ultraviolent french horror.
i agree it's weird that she copied the 5-second shot from the beginning that features a little kid. the rest of the movie has tons of spoopy/gory shit that isn't bleeding children, why not copy that. especially because one of the leads is really skinny and dresses in stuff that arrow would wear, it would be so easy to do that instead
No. 1680947
File: 1666384613486.jpg (348.29 KB, 826x1148, ArrowHeartDress.jpg)

>>1680935Eh her clothes aren't even that great, especially not from her stage shows. the clothes i liked were a few of everyday clothes (vintage 70s boots, or shorts, or whatever). Her stage clothes currently are just shitty suit/bell bottoms with idiotic arrow points or laced bikini + really shitty boxer shoes. early Starcrawler fringey clothes from her mother were cringe af too.
Corset + knickers and white gauze dresses were thread after thread ripped from Katie Jane Garside so it doesn't count as "Arrow's clothes"
No. 1681023
File: 1666391638098.jpg (431.86 KB, 1080x1568, trash.jpg)

Eew wtf? this is just a pic of a rich trust fund standing among some wood and scrap of metal. alright we know it Arrow, you're obsessed with cosplaying poor people. But why "unhealthy trash person"? why unhealthy, Gilbert?
damn LARPing as "unhealthy poverty person" something these millionaire trustfund fuckups so obsessed with. congrats Arrow, you scored a guy who likes you because you look "unhealthy :3 eks dee"
No. 1681185
File: 1666405622840.jpg (78.89 KB, 484x718, f8ddd185e6caa27164c84303f27f47…)

>>1681096ok i said that but also your description is spot-on lol, to the great white north i go i guess. i am such a massive sucker for floppy hair, it's almost a problem. and when they're also a musician i lose my fokken mind
No. 1681663
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>>1681087>>168109522-23. true if she & her mother were "struggling so fucking much", she'd have a VERY different attitude towards shop workers. knowing all that it makes even uglier how they dress up as "hard working liquor store kids from tough situations" in Stranded video and how everyone get "saved" and "invited" to party with Starcrawler (cringe). like fuck off
just realized how ironic to bring up Arrow hating guitar center workers because pampered kids apparently visited Ernie Ball factories today
No. 1681835
>>1681663why is she wearing my first day of 11th grade outfit from 2004
is this shit actually back in style? can i go to work with my stomach showing and my sparkly lip gloss again?
i miss those times.
No. 1683342
>>1682931I don't think so. I don't think it's practiced in Europe but in Burgerland the underage bands/audience members when they go to a venue with alcohol they got Xs written on their hands as a sign "underage" to alcohol sellers. she was 19 or20 att. i see Henri who is younger doesn't have Xs on his hands though so maybe it was some other nonsense like they're obsessed with band X.
unfun fact: Gilbert made a video for X in which Henri played John Doe. Exene was played, but of course, by skinwalker from Skating Polly. i think his friend blondie nerdy brother & drummer were there as well.
No. 1683736
File: 1666654020691.png (1.84 MB, 1080x1920, saved.png)

Aw look what i found btw while deleting useless screens from my phone. she met Jack Saunders (the MTV guy) at a party for "I made it just to fuel my narc friends egos" zine. met at the party, got him invited specifically for the party, whatever. can someone explain why entire LA just closely collaborates to make and sell this idiot, why entire music industry circles "work hard" just to make her every egocentric dream come true? (even though she never even had to "dream about it" so bad, cause she's used to just getting everything she wants like that) i swear MTV is gonna make a whole documentary about Starcrawler one day just cause Arrow wants (and Autumn pays) lol
No. 1684820
File: 1666741855929.png (2.19 MB, 1080x1920, starcrawl1.png)

Fresh Henri looks degradation updates just for you anons
No. 1684821
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lol is this what she meant by "i was not like other basic bitches tumblr girl"
No. 1684828
File: 1666742201544.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1920, starcrawler4.png)

btw you were right anons all these early "Arrow is the most dangerous woman in music right now!1!" articles were written by friends that Autumn mail ordered for her No. 1685025
File: 1666760114232.png (3.13 MB, 1768x1378, john connolly in black…)

>>1684829ok so he's stopped looking fat and has now started looking old? he looks 32 in this and i predict he'll be picrel by 45
No. 1685067
wait, seth isn't in the band anymore? i obviously don't keep up with this shit 'cos that's how boring and non-milkworthy it is to me but he was literally the only fuckable one so nevermind :/
No. 1685160
>>1685067i'm bored with explaining who is who and it's not even important, so you're gonna have to figure out this on your own. Seth IS still in the band, but he's likely not the one that you're thinking of.
my fav cows are these sort of alternative/music adjacent idiots, but ever since soundclout fell out, LBW died and nobody made new trashley thread it's slow here lately. Arrow's on her shithole tour rn. if anybody has milk, bring to indie bands pls.
No. 1685172
File: 1666781781491.png (1.12 MB, 718x718, tour.png)

>>1685007if USnons want to take a look and tell us something about the venues they play here's the tour flyer (lmao). it won't be surprise if a lot of that will be very shitty clubs with like 20 devoted boomers per show.
No. 1685234
File: 1666792820352.jpg (393.31 KB, 1080x1254, 21412.jpg)

>>1685197>>1685211also wasn't the Foundry a tiny room that's hired for private family parties or something? the only place they manage to gather any sort of audience is LA outside of that, they seem to play weird nobody pubs in weird periphery towns. i noticed then they're in town they usually play acoustic sets in music stores during the day as well (and offer "meet & greet" lol) are they trying to make more money this way or what? it's so pathetic, the only people who come to these (and main) shows are self-described "devoted huge fans" who are always old fucks starting at 50+ at least. imagine your parents & their friends travelling across the states to see their fav band Starcrawler lmao
No. 1685276
>>1685172Tucson instead of Phoenix? Thats fucking sad considering they aren't good enough for any interested parties in Phoenix to make that drive for a shitty dive bar
Also a garbage venue for Madison kek none of these venues are places bands with "notoriety" like Starcrawler claims to have would ever touch
No. 1685743
>>1685690>>1685712>>1685708this is just incredible. i find it pretty interesting because it in no way lines up with Starcrawler's "we're so successful" cope and really does shine the light on how much of a bullshit lie their whole career is.
i'll try to find fliers from a few years back, i'm kind of curious how it was then vs now.
No. 1685933
File: 1666857188467.png (190.47 KB, 864x1064, Screenshot_20221027-035057.png)

>>1685743There's this website that has a loooot of info on their past concerts. This has me really intrigued as well lol No. 1686439
File: 1666913019310.png (1.2 MB, 628x802, danim.png)

Funny sort of update involving Dani of Surfbort. remember that awful tour promo shoot she did with Arrow in which Arrow looked like some orgasming narcissist and Dani was uncomfortable? some anon commented it seemed like she used Dani as a fat friend prop and Dani should make a revenge photoshoot, and i can't help thinking she did exactly that. it's still boring porny shot and she's still in sub position but it still looks so mch better in comparison. even if she's "all cool" with Arrow i believe she's doing a "fuck you" reference shoot a little bit because this pic was shot by the same photographer, Dani uses same cow boots and even location is the same ugly porn motel room that Arrow had her trashy dominanarexic porn photo shoot.
No. 1688270
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Lmao but WHY
No. 1688271
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>>1688270why doing elvira dirty like that
No. 1688273
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no idea… default bimbo nurse sex shop set?
No. 1688278
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Apparently yesterday and again today they're playing at Foundry Endmonton, it's the shit venue for private graduate/wedding/baptized party. i really want to see the pics from the show to see if they played next to maybe 10 half-hearted non enthusiastic ppl
No. 1688281
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are these two gays their roadie crew? everybody here looks ridiculously awful whew
No. 1688374
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>>1688273She’s Elle Driver’s character from Kill Bill.
No. 1688467
File: 1667098347923.png (483.49 KB, 446x796, lol.png)

Lol bitch ofc is flexing tickets are sold out on both accounts. really looking forward to concert pics, last time Starcrawler was in Foundry there were literally 10 to 15 people in the shot.
>>1688451i wasn't even expecting anything better tbh, it's just another occasion for her to dress in trashy porn clothes
No. 1689374
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the cringe and uncomfortable vibe this whole show must've been lol
No. 1689376
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>>1688612i very much doubt they sold 80 tickets lol
40 at the very most
No. 1689382
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>class of 22
does it mean the show was just some sort of reserved ball for graduates? Why the fuck is Starcrawler willing to play shitty hirable venues for ppl uninterested in the band? i thought they're so "big" and "successful"
No. 1690351
File: 1667257532198.png (608.08 KB, 612x778, esh3.png)

Lmao. she fits those horror/monster shit thanks to her old looks, but this makes we laugh because of fucking Gilbert. i'm sorry but how can they practice their pedo DD/LG degenerate garbage? imagine saying "daddy" to this fucking manlet kek
No. 1690352
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>>1690351wonder if these ""feminist"" idiots are both Johnny Depp apologist as well
No. 1690354
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eww imagine showing him around and thinking he's "hot"
>>1690353 No. 1690387
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>>1689382I feel like the past events held at the Foundry Room confirms they were the band at ball/dance/party for a group or association rather than a concert. Starcrawler has no fans. No. 1690396
File: 1667260900138.png (698.1 KB, 821x913, asdfdfffsfdfsaa.png)

Damn i somehow expected it is onlyy the matter of time before she releases article like this and tries to pass herself as some sort of creative costume inventor. Love it how she admitted she ripped New York Dolls but ofc no word on how half of her shit was ripped from Katie Jane Garside. Quite fucking telling that she didn't mention that gauze dress with sacred heart bc it's an obvious rip off No. 1690397
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>>1690396this gauze shirt is obvious KJ rip, pink paint added
No. 1690402
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>>1690397this white bat thing was already worn by Freddie Mercury, so idk what the fuck is that she thinks she designed. fake crystals placement? the pic on the left reminds me of Daisy Chainsaw shoots for some reason too
No. 1690408
File: 1667261374032.png (521.42 KB, 782x898, asdfdfffsfdff.png)

this one always looked like some failed Emilie Autumn x KJG mashup for some reason
No. 1690623
>>1690351>>1690353his dress doesn't even fit its fucking falling the fuck down in the back and isn't lined up with his ass at all
i hate these people
No. 1690640
>>1690542> she's visually interesting>she has the looks of someone who should be naturally cool/oddWhy? she looks unusual because of her skeleton weight, but scary thin doesn't equal interesting person. her look can make herseem like someone who's odd only cause haggard and grungey = not a norm. she only looks like that because she tries very, very hard to look this way, as opposed to some genuinely odd artistic people. without the right clothes she's nothing.
i guess maybe people just like to see starved trashy chicks, so they think a poser is a 100% true revelation. she slaps on copycated costumes, people think it's cool bc they associate old musicians, but delude themselves thinking it's "fresh" and "new". I paid attention to Starcrawler because of her costume, then i realized it's cause i liked the costume on someone else
No. 1690645
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>>1690640i'd love to see how it would look if she played onstage looking like that, but it's obvious. she had zero fans then and not much more even now
No. 1690648
>>1690640i think you are right. with zero makeup and in just some $10 pant and t shirt from the charity shop, even though she is tall and thin, she isn't very magnetic. some people are like richard hell and patti smith, who can't help but stand out even in their old age and richard hell actually got fat. but the visually interesting that
>>1690542 says is not there. she's tall and thin but has less charisma than the ESL farm girls like her who are on runways every month
No. 1692129
File: 1667432112020.png (2.16 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot103-001.png)

Hahah the fuck is this. these guys are so lame, everything is so ingenuine and revolving around some fake aesthetic, to the point they stuck around porn cutouts all over their van. with obligatory hot pink tape, of course.
Failed achievement again, Schubas in Chicago is only 200 capacity, and smaller of two rooms at the venue.
No. 1692188
>>1692180>>1692180This, lmao. proclaiming herself as such an NLOG but doing exactly the most normie things
>>1684821 like wow you're 10 years late on this basic girl trend, Arrow. reminds me of when she whined about hot topic sluts wearing crosses upside down, and she is ~different~ bc she wears them the way literal billions of christians wear.
No. 1693005
File: 1667520636791.png (929.54 KB, 490x798, 4.png)

oy vey, 2edgy4us Arrow you're so quirky.
No. 1696291
File: 1667871151760.webm (12.85 MB, 1920x1080, project7.webm)
Eh, so her way of preparing for a show is just to mess up and tease her clipon hair, then half bakedly straighten it out, then fuck it up again? ok lol. wow, what a meticulously controlled cringe. also why is she recently constantly tagging herself as #fakebody? i mean sure, not saying it's not fitting, she is fake lol. but wtf
No. 1696296
File: 1667871308478.png (577.87 KB, 467x826, dc.png)

Wow, a Daisy Chainsaw t-shirt. Trying to tell us something? it's just so ridiculous how she skinwalked Katie of Daisy Chainsaw for 3 years to a single detail and not even once she mentioned her as inspiration at that time (besides posting KJ pic on IG once and deleting shortly after iirc). but now that she changed her style to bimbo and ordered a few lame 00's suit band costumes, she feels safe enough to wear this around. or trying to show she doesn't care for a callout? i'd be ashamed forever in her place, she's still a skinwalker but picked another source now
No. 1696301
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is that some zoomer trend #fakebody or she's flowing out meaningless word vomit as usual?
anyways Jack White is periodically graciously picking up that dying nobody band. they're playing before TWS and Wet Leg soon. wonder if they're seething about not being most praised industry plants anymore
No. 1696324
File: 1667873139576.png (536.45 KB, 578x764, chloe cherry.png)

>>1696314>bisexuality!1nah she just wants to be oneof the ~cool porn girls~ remember her porn motel shoot? I clicked on her follow list by accident and i noticed she most recently followed the blobfish lipped haggard bimbo "actress" from Euphoria. she used to do porn (and still lowkey does, considering Euphoria is just misogynistic director's excuse to do legal tv-tier porn just using normal actresses lol). made me laugh a little, newest point of reference/inspiration i guess. so you see who Arrow looks up to~
she's lame as fuck, praises industry pedophiles fucking teens and does DDLG so no surprise there
No. 1696743
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Lol why is she always lowkey seething in all the photos with their support bands. always feels threatened, haha.
>>1637995 No. 1696745
File: 1668047877826.png (51.12 KB, 625x558, comments.png)

>>1696743in the same pics comment section though. that's how interchangeable are these scrotes, even their fans don't care enough to knpw who plays in this band lol
No. 1696773
File: 1668050693220.png (1.09 MB, 836x902, pic1.png)

Oh but of course. Starcrawler used to have a female bass player but it didn't even last for 2 shows, cause that brainded pickme couldn't stand having another female taking attention away from her. she first got kicked from another band for being insufferable brat, and when Starcrawler was out of "better options" and took a girl player with any kind of actual talent, this retard obviously had to make a fucking scene. pathetic
No. 1696870
>>1696291>>1696301Apparently the TikTok algorithm bans posts for nudity and violence when there isn’t any nudity or violence so people put “fake body” and “fake blood” and even “fake everything” in their captions, I don’t know how effective it is because I don’t use TikTok
>>1696743What a miserable cow, being in a band with her must be excruciating. I imagine her and Henri must be fucking insufferable together, they always look so inconvenienced by other people
>>1696296These cheap polyester extensions are so nasty, I get that looking like a lot lizard is part of her “bimbo” mcbling aesthetic but this is just tragic
No. 1696938
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>>1696930versus this
exaggeration? sure nobody's widely smiling all the time, but there's something about how Arrow looks seething/irritated in all the photos with their female-based support bands.
Arrow being a bitch to club workers and people backstage is a fact though, so her being nice or honest probably depends on how famous you are/how much you're willing to lick her ass.
No. 1697386
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>Sex & (de la rosa) Candy . missing LA.
no wonder. guess people in nowhere towns have no business praising her ass like they do in LA.
No. 1697395
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>>1697319it's like looking at a vapid empty shell
Tinfoils on what she's going to do next year/for next album cycle? she's jumping from "identity" to identity with a speed of light ngl
No. 1699398
File: 1668396482481.webm (10.25 MB, 1920x1080, arrow vid1.webm)
I know there's not much going on with her lately but fuck, this is one of the worst example performance/stage presence i've seen ever. Idk how but her show somehow got even worse than before, it looks like she doesn't fucking know what she is doing anymore. it's all laughable, pathetic jerky hips humping that she thinks is "sexy", flapping arms around, "crackhead" faces and weird figures, wtf. The formula is rapidly running out i see? lol.
No. 1699528
>>1699411Jesus Christ, she’s skinnier than ever. Like Eugenia Cooney levels of skinny, I find it very hard to believe that there isn’t some sort of medical issue afoot, whether it be an eating disorder or Marfan’s or fuck knows what, this is somewhat alarming
and I say this as a tall, naturally very thin woman. That aside, her live performances give me massive second hand embarrassment, everything about her is so awkward and forced
No. 1699836
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>>1699528>Eugenia Cooney levels of skinnyyep, i had same comparison in mind. (now she's gonna follow Eugenia like that another random internet anachan probably lol). that being said, if it was ana wouldn't she get cold all the time and be prone to fainting/no energy etc at that extreme of a weight? same if she had Marfan syndrome, she would never be able to do the shit she does live. she looks fine. don't wanna devolve into next weightsperging but yeah she looks more skeletal than before lately for sure.
No. 1699909
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>>1699873what this anon said, but she's been "known" for wearing fake penis bulge in the past (and thinking no woman ever did this before her lmao)
No. 1699968
>>1699918>she gets her inspiration from mental health PSAsThis is most fucked up and i really want her to get her comeuppance for that shit. And it's not tumblr sjw bullshit bitching on my part. that's wearing mental illness as cute uwu quirky stage personality this is actual thing ppl like her should get real shit for.
My pet has epileptic shocks, that means praying he survives each time, cleaning fluids he can't hold up and watching disorting body strangely not being able to help much. seeing this ugly bitch doing "cute" stage epilepsy ad mental illness makes it hard not to a-log tbh
sage for blogpost
No. 1700133
File: 1668483628928.png (1.12 MB, 672x1198, girl who doesnt lift.png)

idk why anons are saying she looks skinnier than ever. she looks the biggest she's ever been, like almost just regular runway skinny, in
>>1697395and in picrel there's a shadow in the exact right spot to make you look skinnier but she just looks like runway levels of below average weight same in
>>1699836i mean she's going to make sure she never gets fatter than model size, why would you want to get rid of your only strong visual quality when your music is so bad. but she can look as bad as she wants, it's a free country and she doesn't appear to be sick or tired and her hair would look much more disgusting at th roots if anorexic.
the fake dick diaper thing is confusing to me though because she doesn't do anything, no lyrics or even interiew answers, that sound like she's some kind of feminist activist or GNC or wants to examine gender roles in any way. she seems pretty accepting of them imo. so what, she's just trying do a joke maybe? it's not really landing.
i hope this makes sense. i am esl and somked a blunt tonight.
No. 1700143
File: 1668484677541.png (848.51 KB, 552x712, 171717.png)

>>1700133the shopping mall pic youre pointing is a months old pic. this
>>1699836 js most recent and look at top of her arms, bones protruding never looked as prominent before. Idk it doesn't seem shadow only imo. these recent pics show it well
>>1677031 comparing to this older (summertime?) pic. i know it's day pic but still. her arms seem thinner now. but honestly its misleading, i may be wrong about it
No. 1700161
>>1700133adding to the rest of what you said. She did fake dick thing for attention, as anything else. she thinks she's "shocking" and "original". there's no message.
>For a while I’ve been really into freaking people out. In the ‘Bet My Brains’ video, I wear a codpiece. I was thinking about what could be shocking in an atypical way and I’d never seen a chick wear a dick onstage before. That was one of the first things that came into my head when I was trying to think of stage costumes. It's really cute she thinks she's the only one girl to wear a fake dick or a diaper, cause it's so untrue. Just a quick google shows Christina Aguilera and Lady Gaga wore fake dicks onstage. In the fucking 90's Rammstein had chicks walking onstage with fake dicks on. you're not original, Arrow.
No. 1700170
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From the same interview. hahah she's just talking random shit words without any meaning, and uses very general description but never clarifies. So what is feminism, Arrow? And what are you trying to do? how are you redefining feminism? Cause in another interview when journo asked her what is feminism to her, she said it's about how calling Starcrawler "girl band" is sexist and that's reverse feminism bc there's more of men in her band. genius. mind blown
No. 1700204
>>1700143she used to look so much worse that this
look up the fake paramedic photo, or the one where she's eating at some diner with gilberto. her arms and legs used to be like sick kid skinny
No. 1700210
>>1700161>when i was trying to think of stage costumeswhy does she think you have to have costumes ready right away
as if it's on the same level as like, having enough songs to fill a set
even the most image-heavy costume-wearing bands did the music making first, and wound up having a set aesthetic after starting playing shows. depeche mode didn't have anton corbijn until AFTER they had made some music
bands make music, arrow
just go be an actress
No. 1700252
>>1700210because she knows she's boring af and thinks being interesting = putting on a costume and pretending to be everybody else.
I think it's kind of telling how much of a gimmick this band is because they didn't even start playing live yet but got their song played straight on BBC by Elton John and other famous buddies. because sure that's what punk bands do right
No. 1700771
File: 1668554684995.jpg (129.72 KB, 800x1000, STARCRAWLER-RESERVED-COVER-ARR…)

Christian country rock nepo plants managed to score a new print magazine interview, which is lucky for them i guess since all the press basically stopped caring about them No. 1700772
File: 1668554763996.jpg (168.19 KB, 800x1000, STARCRAWLER-RESERVED-COVER-1-A…)

gonna post this trashy photoshoot cause oh boy, dedicating shots to each scrote was a bad idea
No. 1700773
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>>1700772still getting fat
No. 1700779
File: 1668555459660.png (87.39 KB, 788x878, aaaa.png)

> I saw a video of you at Austin City Limits where you put your finger in a lady’s mouth. She looked like a mom but seemed to love the gesture
Arrow putting fingers in boomer moms mouths and making older ladies enjoy this. that's it, i don't need anything more. the essence of their fake career lol
also why does it feel like she doesn't understand at all what the interviewer is asking her about when they start to talk about higher consciousness
No. 1700805
File: 1668556710625.png (110.37 KB, 682x730, bbbb.png)

Henri is STILL having a meltdown over 3 year olds on tiktok being better guitarists than him. i'm seeing him whining like a baby 2 or 3 time. like chill boy, you're raging jealous over literal 3yo's
No. 1700915
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>>1700774the bar is on the floor for men
No. 1700917
>>1700780in the early 2000s when extensions you could just grab at any store were still new, there were fewer colours so they didn't always match your hair exactly, but this was considered ok.
there were also these really shitty fake buns with extensions hanging off them that we used to call "head hamsters"
anyway, i think arrows literally googling "2001 hair style" and getting pics where the extensions don't match and not realizing that was accidental because we didn't have all the colours yet
No. 1700921
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>>1700915this guy has the same sort of empty brained dumb open mouthed stare that Arrow, lmao. he looks more like Arrow than like his own brother
No. 1700954
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>>1700915he looks like if you put napoleon dynamite in a garth costume.
No. 1700959
File: 1668569437513.gif (851.56 KB, 336x252, AdeptUnpleasantCalf-size_restr…)

>>1700774So glad Kelly got back into music!
No. 1700993
>>1700921If that coke tshirt is real original from the 70s it is a very expensive item
im jealous ngl but yes really showing nepobaby cred here
No. 1700994
>>1700954jon heder was hot irl so
>>1700969 is probably right
No. 1701603
File: 1668638844238.png (606.89 KB, 634x780, candies.png)

>not so ordinary candies
Lol not again. doesn't matter if this story is true if they found drugs in dressing room, or brought these drugs or made it all up, they ofc needed to tell everyone around about it. same energy as standing in a food court and boasting about snorting coke in front of random ppl like a few months back. they're the kinda lost causes who'd post a snap of their drug dealer.
No. 1701733
File: 1668647608480.png (Spoiler Image,1.3 MB, 860x638, empowerment.png)

This all reminded me of this super ugly shoot and wow, haven't seen all of these before.
Arrow doesn't look like a ~kinky domina~ at all, she looks like awkward malnourished traffiking
victim. whose brilliant idea was that? WHY did they pair her with this random girl? it looks like weird lesbian baiting or maybe even asian fetish reference, idk. it's not kinky, it's degrading and plain weird No. 1702430
File: 1668726631113.png (1.59 MB, 1080x1920, 215940.png)

lol guess Arrow's catching up with the thread with her basic girl drinks rageposting
No. 1702431
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No. 1702480
File: 1668730389331.png (1.48 MB, 1070x822, 55226688.png)

>>1702475>I wanna triple platinum1! I wanna be on the radio! (why?) Because it's where the moneys at!God she's just so fucking dumb, like… genuinely low IQ. funny how she just has NOTHING to say, just goes hehehe or says yeah all the time
No. 1702501
File: 1668732154780.png (757.5 KB, 776x528, part1.png)

>>1702434her face normally
No. 1702594
>>17025692021 would be the first time she started messing with her face
>>1702480 this cringey interview is lockdown timed, her face was so swollen round that she had a second chin when smiling or angling head down slightly which she deosn't normally have. She acts fucked up on something, or tries to look as such but would she really get bee stung swollen from weed? weird
No. 1703262
File: 1668818495802.png (846.24 KB, 497x873, 234234.png)

>club dad
No. 1703267
File: 1668819069511.png (29.73 KB, 589x361, www.png)

Uh, so it's true she picks and rejects people to stand in the front? And no, it's not "girls to the front!" thing to be like Bikini Kill or something, cause bitch always has first rows full of pervy old men lined at her shows. Very weird behaviour
No. 1704006
File: 1668895355884.png (1.08 MB, 584x784, henri1.png)

>>1703665samefag, the comment is deleted. pussies lol
new Henri fat evolution pic
No. 1704142
File: 1668904880823.png (752.08 KB, 740x682, actress style cheekbones.png)

wrt filler i think she sometimes gets the ones that are supposed to give you apple cheeks/flesh that sits exactly on top of the cheekbone like in picrel, that's why it makes her eyes look weird and pushes her real face fat down where it has no room to go, giving her the temp double chin thing
No. 1704995
>>1700772her moids are so crappy wow
ugly unstylish AND awkward
how did they get hired
No. 1705089
File: 1668989872117.png (828.34 KB, 502x612, dfdfg.png)

Wash your hair, Henri.
No. 1705191
File: 1668993737465.png (606.78 KB, 698x702, gb.png)

Lol Gilbert is leading some filming workshops for whatever reason and being pushed as "latino professional". Remind me again, what has this guy ever done besides music videos for friend of a friend bands? He has not made a single feature film, and whatever film he was editing a year ago was about his famous father. The guy probably doesn't work and gets all the filming and life money from his daddy. how is he a professional?
Also professionals usually do pay their friends and give out salaries, even if the project gets shelved.
No. 1706995
File: 1669159972792.png (396.56 KB, 574x1062, tt1.png)

Someone's been catching up with the thread! No worries Arrow, nobody thinks you're a party girl, or that you're actually on drugs. that being said, if you wanna pose as clean straightedge kids, i'd advice you to NOT go to the bar before a show and boast aloud to everyone around whether you should "snort some lines before or after the show" lol No. 1706998
File: 1669160112016.png (732.71 KB, 1042x884, tt3.png)

oh oh wow, how 3dGyyy she SO told everyone off!
No. 1707035
File: 1669162817313.png (680.36 KB, 490x793, 867.png)

>from the 1800s
Bitch of all the cool stuff from the 1800s you could have they picked this? she does NOTHING in her life, all hobby she has is just… collecting ugly shit?
No. 1707116
>>1702475she looks pretty stoned in this interview, unless it's just next "performance" shit where she tries to act fucked up.
(Didn't she say she wrote Goodtime Girl because she wished she was like that? everywhere else she tried to cosplay such a girlboss party girl bitch fucking around and stuff. I know she does none of these things, it's just funny how she does 180 & goes uwu my pyjamas i don't party~) flipping a website off like it's revelation. bitch we been knew.
No. 1707277
>>1707208She does, because she responds to exact shit said in the thread. she regularly passive agressively responds to something, just not listing LC out directly cause otherwise she'd expose her own dirt to her fans.
>Posted salty/cope story about being Alaska Thunderfuck twin within minutes or hours after anons said she looks like Alaska >>1339248, >>1346686 >whenever anons speculated she doesn't eat, she'd lazily post burgers >>1344492> got a ton of weight shaming comments on tiktok, and incindentally right after we discussed she could make a post explanation with family photos, or if she shouldn't, she DID. And she basically copied the exact words and reasoning from lolcow posts. >>1562973, >>1563260>posted corset right after anons said they hate seeing her low quality ripoff corsets >>1344492>now in articles she says her mother never made her do anything, and sounds like an answer to a lot of stuff anons said >>1647366>Does strange fuck you "milk" references in her album art and music video but could be incidental >>1528092, >>1654673,>>1678074She googles her own name nonstop, to the point of combing search for 2 comment twitter accounts who said something about her without even using , just so she finds some compliments
>>1555300. no wonder she came across lolcow, it's quite easy to find through google graphics or even regular search.
No. 1707291
File: 1669197460230.png (537.39 KB, 506x816, bornxraised.png)

Ah well, what is our poorfag punk princess flexing now? Bornxraised a clothing brand and that event is invite only. Imagine the desperation to flex your truffle soup and being invited to some lame ass "celebrity invite party only". yes Arrow we're so impressed. yawn
No. 1707890
File: 1669246421571.png (440.79 KB, 502x795, 11111.png)

Tragic. "Moid darling" really did style her like himself, probably (ugly drag queen). This is how she went to a formal celeb party? Fried face makeup makes her look 40+yo, and she's wearing shitty party city wig. WHAT sort of "hair styling" was even there?
No. 1707893
File: 1669246575168.jpg (104.24 KB, 667x1000, wl_37469_5208246.jpg)

>>1707890and lol she whitened that photo, here's original
No. 1707922
File: 1669248284191.jpeg (35.57 KB, 300x200, 9C635634-84C9-4D7B-AAD9-1F3E1F…)

>>1707893HOLY MOTHER OF GOD this is so fucking unfortunate, how is this a 21 year old?! She genuinely looks like a man, this has to be the worst she has ever looked
No. 1707946
File: 1669248861721.png (66.44 KB, 900x498, fruit.png)

"Bruised fruit Biba realness" if i didn't know it's her "makeup artist" i would think somebody's roasting her kek
No. 1707959
File: 1669249655560.png (618.42 KB, 572x770, hamsterhair.png)

Moid has already given her an ugly makeup before.
No. 1708062
File: 1669252733426.jpeg (220.38 KB, 500x333, 4A69803B-3772-4E40-B3DF-94331F…)

>>1707893very hedwig of her
No. 1708221
>>1707981smiling/showing genuine feelings. also seems to have minimal makeup and yes like
>>1707989she has eyebrows
No. 1708467
>>1708455Anon who said this:
>>1707208…um what? Arrow is exactly one of those not-occupied terminally online zoomers glued to phone all day. she likes obscure tweets, pictures, even googles her own BFA/getty images HD pics (and literally flexed being famous enough to be on getty) relating to her. she really doesn't get comments like that on her social media. This is frankly the only place online where she is discussed in ANY way. Tiktok & twitter are dead zones, youtube are all 70yo men sperging about saving rock, instagram goes predictably. if you check her comments on any kind of pics then all the negative voices are "eat a burger", never "our observations" or anything like that.
i'm not trying to argue with you guys and i disbelieved it at first, but she 100% found LC by now. sage for long post
No. 1708483
File: 1669294766242.png (986.54 KB, 1028x3374, lolcow.png)

not the anon who said she copied her responses, but i agree. tiktok hate was what directly was set her off, but still she went through the thread and used paraphrases. she isn't really well spoken. clearly her promise didn't stick around long either, she later made a nice promo trending story all about "bodyshaming trolls" with Yahoo and how she was getting a-logs (she didn't).
No. 1708487
File: 1669294948028.png (146.26 KB, 1242x982, yahoo.png)

>>1708483which to clarify, would be alright imo if that interview didn't come across as total fucking bullshit. her SJW arc is just so ingenuine. Sorry but i really don't believe Arrow de wilde cares about anybody else but herself. No. 1710320
File: 1669472041188.webm (5.3 MB, 1920x1080, vdeo.webm)
I thought she stopped her epileptic/ face grimace bullshit, but oh well guess i was wrong. she just made it shorter or less effort.
No. 1710715
>>1710699ayrt epilepsy is also not uncommon so idk why she thinks it's so cool to act out. lots of people make seizure jokes/do impressions until they meet someone who has some form of epilepsy in university or at the bar or whatever, and then learn that it's not SJW bullshit to say "hey i think your fake seizures are really offensive". people crack their skulls open and can't get drivers licenses and have to take medication that makes you lose so much weight you're at risk of heart attacks. it's a massively inconvenient disorder to have unless you only get those really minor deja-vu seizures (i'm not a doctor or epileptic so don't remember what they're called)
i hate to sound like a "omg NEVER make cancer jokes" sperg but some "disease" are more like lifelong disabilities and they seriously suck ass and most people who have them can't make money off of it (unless you write a book i guess? which is not easy.). but she makes money from acting it out.
No. 1710921
File: 1669505801722.jpeg (43.92 KB, 400x400, rilo-kiley1.jpeg)

Hell this bitch just CANNOT come up with anything on her own huh
No. 1710966
>>1710921i used to hate jenny lewis for being a classic 2000s straight girl libfem (she's what i call a "terry richardson feminist" if that makes sense? those girls who were so outspoken about being "alt" but who always had to do a "sexy" photoshoot every time they were in a magazine.) idk sorry for sperg i just hated how as a young lesbian, every supposed "strong female" was just STILL CONSTANTLY catering to men.
anyway, arrow's so annoying and untalented she's made me sympathize with jenny lewis. sad.
No. 1711023
File: 1669510782706.png (521.56 KB, 964x2696, articlescreen1.png)

>>1710967I hope so too. So far there's this one article about Starcrawler that has a lot of observations we had aswell. Pretty much this person writes they're ingenuine nepo band and how fake it is. He/she also notices that Arrow fakes schizoph. and seizures onstage and you can tell the writer is uncomfortable about it. i like it because it summarizes everything nicely
honestly i'm gonna post screenshots for this bc this article already disappeared from the net before, idk why. No. 1711999
File: 1669592052675.png (1.21 MB, 754x694, 666666.png)

i guess weight tinfoil makes sense? look at this pic
No. 1712099
>>1711999what tinfoil? she looks basically normal skinny here.
>>1711995 i went to one of their shows in LA and now i think all famous people add 1-2 inches to their official height. i was also on set of a show my brother's friend is in and everyone was not as tall as i thought IRL.
No. 1712178
>>1710322i would like to formally request an alog exemption please
>>1710715nta but deja vu seizures are a type of focal-aware seizure. the epilepsy grimace is a type of impaired-awareness focal seizure. Epileptics don’t know they’re doing it because they’re briefly unconscious when it happens, but don’t fall down. So you don’t know you’re scowling, and the person you’re scowling at doesn’t know you’re having a seizure. This can have absolutely ruinous effects on your relationships with literally everybody, your job, etc. tonic-clonic seizures are worse but at least onlookers can tell you’re not doing it on purpose.
Sorry for the spergy epilepsy longpost, it’s just a really misunderstood condition and it’s lonely and scary and fucking shit. She’s a dick for using neurological disabilities for edgelord pantomime
No. 1712262
File: 1669610160846.webm (4.8 MB, 1920x1080, stupid cunt.webm)
>>1712178No, you don't have to be sorry, let's talk. i think it's important to talk about her forging epilepsy and mental illness. that is what's makes her a disgusting person and that matters more than other shit. why is everybody fine with this? What is next? making "stage persona" based on deep autism?
idc, at this point i hope this bitch's career tanks completely
No. 1713103
File: 1669684565813.png (773.2 KB, 926x922, fff.png)

>>1713007but Arrow follows Grimes. she skinwalked her in this shoot. if she met Grimes, she'd lick her legs just to have one tiny instagram shoutout. if GRIMES met Arrow however, she'd be angered that Arrow is thinner her and there would be blood.
No. 1713112
File: 1669685000904.png (572.68 KB, 624x950, 7dd1.png)

wtf is that milk bottle emoji shit.
No. 1713127
File: 1669686157757.png (115.14 KB, 774x896, zcvbn.png)

yo she really tries to push this "i was a ~tumblr girl~ angle, lmao. she really thinks it's something cool or unusual. not that it matters, but she was never a tumblr girl. i found her old tumblr, it's very underwhelming to say the least, and her other fashion blog, for all the promotion Rookie mag did for her, was a failure and now she lies it never happened.
No. 1714145
File: 1669769057602.png (2.69 MB, 1008x1376, tumblr shit.png)

>>1714093Yeah you could compare to Myspace scene queens, except scene queens were more original and truly more fun, tumblr are normie girls thinking they're alt. pretty much it's just skinny to anachan girls with chokers and tennis skirts and obsessing over american apparel and sperging about smoking cigarettes. that's like the most basic bitch ever. alot of the cows here started out on tumblr.
No. 1715038
File: 1669853581198.png (625.68 KB, 524x894, ttt2.png)

Oof, it looks so bad. sad drag queen vibes.
No. 1715047
File: 1669853721102.png (556.54 KB, 520x898, ttt4.png)

>>1715040or even next aiden vibe
No. 1715146
>>1715107I'm sure Arrow would be delighted with this comparison, guess that's what she was going for. She loves to draw fake self harm, after all. ~*Bruised fruit Biba realness!1!*~
a definition of desperate attention whore, who faked everything from cutting wrists, to seizures and schizophrenia to fake dying at a festival. wouldn't be surprised if she gets the idea to apply fake domestic violence bruises onstage.
No. 1715153
File: 1669857236744.png (876.08 KB, 704x776, mm.png)

>>1715095i'd love if there was a way to prove this, but i'm not sure how to point out her skinwalking besides Arrow posting a photo of Sable with Sweet and doing " groupie styled" photoshoot where she didn't mention her by name. tell this (and about Iggy) and everybody would be screaming it's a reach and praising her for glorifying both Iggy and a 13yo he statutory raped. Arrow sure is interested in groupies, she and Gilbert werefriends with Miss Mercy.
No. 1715438
>>1714145Tumblr was for terminally online girls who wanted to be “alt” or thought they were but in reality were just basic white girls with no sense of real style and shit taste in music
>>1715047This is so fucking hideous. Not only does she look like a tranny she looks old and haggard as fuck
No. 1715661
File: 1669883288236.jpg (249.15 KB, 2048x1470, Medusa.jpg)

>>1715038Does she think this looks avant-garde? The makeup kinda reminds me of Madame Medusa, a more bastardized version obviously.
No. 1715733
>>1712262It's not okay, it's fucking annoying.
Sage for blogpost, my mom has epilepsy and during grand mals, she screams for her mom in Spanish, scratches her own face, death grips anything and everyone within arm range. Yeah, totally cool and entertaining & not worrying at all. She also has a 50/50 chance of pissing herself in public since obvi has no control of her body.
Arrow, if your gonna borrow a condition for funsies, steal the whole thing, not just the "cool" parts. Piss on stage like the spoiled baby you are, the middle age men would totes be into it
No. 1715779
>>1715733yeah, she scratches her face a fairly lot as well. she very obviously watched that shit on youtube closely (as she herself admits).
i just wanna say that she WAS called out on faking schizophrenia and she has seen what others think of it. back when she posted that awful pic with fake slashed wrists, someone called her out in the comments, very clearly laying out what is wrong with that
>>1181310 and she ignored it. not a long time after that comment appeared, she disabled comments and nuked the post completely. guess she chickened out and ditched the slashed wrists look after that, but not schizo/seizures. she has seen what people think, she just doesn't care. awful human being through and through.
No. 1715791
>>1712262AYRT & being a performer with real epilepsy is really difficult and scary. You have to run lighting tests with your crew (if you’re photosensitive), have lots of awkward conversations with venues, cancel dates last minute, explain epilepsy over and over… Lots of people tell you you should just quit your job.
This is before you even get into the fear of having grand mal seizures in front of a crowd and humiliating, injuring or killing yourself. It’s bad enough having a focal seizure on stage. People think you’re on drugs. You don’t even know what happened because your memory gets wiped.
Arrow gets to choose. She can just turn it off. She doesn’t have to sleep for three days after her “seizures.” She hasn’t been through the shame of trying to explain to security that she doesn’t drink and she’s not on drugs while slurring and unable to balance or string a sentence together. Her memory isn’t affected. She has no idea how lonely or frightening epilepsy is. She’s at no risk of dying from it. She’s at no risk at all.
And worst of all, as with all munchies and fakers, she makes people who really have it look like attention seekers.
No. 1717855
File: 1670117558313.png (816.85 KB, 808x552, shitty band, shitty meme.png)

No. 1718534
>>1718488@seeyahhh on IG
i don't think he's got any musical project rn, at least not publically. from what i see he got into photography and some sort of minimalistic art. heh would be sad if Starcrawler spoiled drums for him forever.
No. 1721583
File: 1670456955077.png (724.17 KB, 617x1052, nw.png)

why does it always look like she's wearing someone else's skin
No. 1721665
>>1721603hah then you can go for a walk and report to us back if you spot them & they do stupid shit. How's your backyard chair capacity
No. 1723415
File: 1670625961717.png (576.15 KB, 854x574, enthusiasm levels are through …)

Lmao it's over for them. Even Jack White is fucking fed up with them, that face says it all. Compare with his pic with Wet Leg just seconds away and you can see clear as day
No. 1723418
File: 1670626122549.png (336.34 KB, 581x562, wet leg.png)

>>1723415Starcrawler was the opener btw, Wet Leg got higher support rank.
No. 1724418
>>1723471He’s not that tall
I’ve stood next to him several times and he’s not much taller than me, I’m guessing he’s about 6ft and I think Arrow frequently has her height overestimated. I really don’t think she’s 6’4 or whatever gets reported
>>1723423LMAO me too nona, we can share him
>>1723415Arrow is such a cringeworthy edgelord, my god
No. 1725177
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No. 1725178
File: 1670801024750.png (282.02 KB, 448x382, nw3.png)

Wtf, she's turning bald.
No. 1725180
File: 1670801209109.png (1.02 MB, 638x808, adw.png)

No. 1725920
File: 1670886048970.png (18.85 KB, 670x216, 00.png)

No. 1726748
File: 1670974861064.png (1.05 MB, 624x894, sss.png)

Geez it's so fucking pathetic, she thinks she told everyone off so much, and proved herself omg you're so famous! yeah enjoy that 100k default thing, cause that's the only "award" you're ever gonna get. i'm really curious how much of that 100k are ppl who randomly gave a follow 5 yrs ago and forgot about it, or bots.
No. 1726816
File: 1670982811663.png (410.34 KB, 506x574, z.png)

i think it's kind of funny how she wears around this Daisy Chainsaw shirt every single fucking day on tour now (considering fan photos & whatnot). back in the day when she skinwalked KJG she never ever mentioned her even once. she really thinks people won't ever discover that she's a copycat?
No. 1726820
>>1726702agreed 100%
omg i took acid now im basicallyyy a shamen..?
No. 1728306
File: 1671151827984.png (1008.7 KB, 594x922, scr1.png)

No. 1728313
File: 1671152686933.png (614.1 KB, 594x956, scr3.png)

girlie's bald at the front.
isn't this some Viviene Westwood tier design? or she just bought a randum!xD shirt with a scrote fisting another one; anyway
>Fuck your mother and don't run away
oh nonono Arrow! don't wear such ~offensive~ shirts! you should be grateful to your mommy, she bought you a "career" after all. kek
No. 1732420
File: 1672097698712.png (2.99 MB, 1032x1668, wtf.png)

Damn is this bitch thriving on intentionally making herself look more and more like a crackhead or what. she's almost 24 and still pulling a shit like that. this is literally one of the most childish spoiled rotten airhead people i can think of. i know it's just a tiktok with popular trending sound track but i'm talking about how she's pulling an anorexic Luna Slater.
No. 1732421
File: 1672097928203.png (888.85 KB, 1040x886, nasty girl..png)

>nasty girl manicure
ok Arrow. this is such a forced, unfunny childish shit its just painful to look at. a tutorial to make your nails look intentionally dirt soaked. wow. fake hair grease and lipstick drawn SH cuts tutorial when?
No. 1732483
>>1732463Yup, and it's not even ironic video, it screams rich hollywood neet. You know, we the real world people just do any sort of manual job, and cleaning your nails afterwards is the norm. Rich nepo kids have to paint their nails "nasty" to look "cool like trash" because they get no opportunities to get their hands dirty. poor little rich babies!
She's so fucking sheltered my god, disconnected from the real world altogether. she's lucky that she's a total nobody on the internet, if people paid attention to her online, they would roast her ass and mock the shit out of this video. And not only this video.
No. 1732507
File: 1672109557508.jpg (50.47 KB, 600x338, ae269395196cf0ce-600x338.jpg)

>>1732420i'm sure someones made the comparison before but literally identical to dee when she and dennis got addicted to crack
No. 1732568
File: 1672119869985.png (1.23 MB, 764x774, arrow.png)

new pic of a ~nAsTy gIrL~ on a "dirty matress". kek these cringelords just carried a mattress to some slightly decayed building (properly hired from the owner) because they wanted a "dirty squat life" themed shoot. its so dumb considering that Arrow and her mother were pushing this fake "we were living in poverty" narrative
No. 1732574
>>1732507lmaoo true. seriously wtf happened to her, why would you post yourself while looking
that bad. Isn't she naked in this video and just covering herself with the blanket? this almost looks like post-sex pic or waking up too early after a drug binge…
No. 1732592
All Arrow's attempts to very obviously market herself as - well, see above, are stuck in the past where there was this idea of being a prim and proper perfect housewife, and the more brash but still manicured personalities like Blondie or Siouxsie Soux was something refreshing. Now there is really no cultural pressure for western women to be prim and proper, it is more common to get your hands dirty, be messy, tough, whatever, and actually the trend now - the way to get the attention Arrow craves - is to be unhumanly perfect via wigs, makeup, and generous use of facechanging filters and editing.
Arrow fails at getting attention since she tries too hard to prove she is grungy and tough, when that is essentially the norm for irl women due to the general expectations and financial pressures we face today.
So she will literally never get attention for her escapades because the actual tough women can see she's faking it, and the trendhoppers can she she's about 40 years off trend, so all she has left are the pro anas
In summary she should follow Grimes' lead and lean into being a weird arty perfect alien robot girl rather than a faux tough woman, which is the least controversial or novel image in 2022
No. 1732674
>>1732577>I’ve seen this woman off and on butPlease elaborate, any milk?
>24even worse she was only 21 when her first thread were made but she already looked old at 19. She's 23 now but she still acts like a 10 year old.
No. 1732836
>>1732592No no, don't give her free ideas! Anyways, weird arty perfect alien robot girl has been already done to death by Poppy and Grimes, and in both instances it was fake and got boring fast. Arrow has already been called out even by her fans on skinwalking Grimes for that one stupid photoshoot, i think it would be just another iteration of fakery. she had one opportunity to be original while doing the weird lanky alien i-D photoshoot and she just fully copied weaboo Grimes & bimbofication meme instead. she just doesn't know how to be honest/herself, because she has no personality. "Being herself" is for her copying others
that being said, maybe she tries to larp as otherwordly alien nymph next, considering she's friends with that weird pro ana chick who's into that ~aldeeran alien nymph being~ bullshit.
No. 1734868
File: 1672497924018.jpg (261.71 KB, 666x944, rammstein.jpg)

>>1734866>Electro and industrialwhich i meant it was obviously robotic in its sound primarily. It's a little harder to find robotic image-wise, but an example would be Rammstein. They had a vaguely robotic theme. Their first 3 albums were meant to have robotic machine-like sound, and they had silver metallic costumes. in 2001 they had a few variants of these Tron like shining stuff.
i think the robot girl concept would work but for metal/industrial bands only, and Arrow is not someone that would know what to do with that shit. she'd have to remodel her look, live behaviour and music completely.
that is, unless she ditches music and becomes dime a dozen Instagram thot with robot pics, then yes.
No. 1735543
File: 1672616069343.png (641.47 KB, 684x448, starcrawler2.png)

Something for you anons since you love to shit on him for his weight gain.
No. 1735544
File: 1672616110166.png (762.67 KB, 682x446, starcrawler1.png)

No. 1735638
File: 1672624425700.png (334.33 KB, 450x714, pic.png)

Imagine hating yourself so much that you decide to spend a New Years Eve watching Starcrawler.
Idk, maybe i'm a nitpicker but this whole thing looks laughable. Every move of hers is so contived and boring. That outfit is entirely ripped from Jenny Lewis. Literal confetti looks more interesting and fun that this chick and her band.
fuck it can't upload videos and imgur doesn't work either, i'll leave a link to a video then: No. 1735639
File: 1672624504089.png (788.08 KB, 526x774, pic2.png)

Whatever she's doing onstage is just horrid level cringe and somehow even dumber than before, ideas running out. If her mediocre band doesn't get fed up with her narcissism finally and split up, i can imagine she'll be still flaining and flapping her limbs around onstage at 30 and then 40 year old lol: No. 1735736
>>1735727It's because she's so gaunt and can't dress for shit. Being an ana-chan (or potentially just looking like one in her case) prematurely ages you. She could probably counteract this with better fashion choices, but instead she makes it worse with the shaved eyebrows and Avril Lavigne raccoon eyes. She probably thinks it makes her look like a spooky heroin addict or some shit, but in reality it just makes her look like Gollum.
She looked her age a couple years ago when she made better fashion choices:
>>1680020 >>1680019
No. 1735799
File: 1672656547873.png (1.31 MB, 1104x804, a.clothes.png)

>>1735725Both skinwalking Taylor Momsen and Jenny Lewis in one
>>1549463 can't believe there are still people who think she's "sooo original and herself" like it's so blatant and she just walks someone's skin every new year.
No. 1735800
File: 1672656595939.jpg (120.99 KB, 400x398, the-pretty-reckless-light-me-u…)

No. 1737449
>>1735543>>1735544the bassist is blowing up too
i want to know what's with the henri rapid aging
No. 1737453
>>1736393I am retarded but at least my retardation proved the above
nonnie's point lmao
No. 1737459
File: 1672882626689.png (669.15 KB, 808x572, arrowdw3.png)

New beautiful posts by Arrow
No. 1737462
File: 1672882717231.png (830.34 KB, 826x542, arrowdw1.png)

>>1737459i'm amazed how she picked the worst, most derpy shots strictly
No. 1737464
File: 1672882785809.png (740.36 KB, 812x566, arrowdw4.png)

No. 1737470
File: 1672883440648.png (755.83 KB, 500x781, arrw.png)

>>1737451i would say almost all of the band members are aging prematurely and getting fat (the latter except for Arrow). Not very cute for a band that makes their entire career on being "so yooungg can you believe"
Anyways seems that Henri made his own tiktok in december and nobody noticed, kek.
No. 1737519
File: 1672888094623.png (56.67 KB, 748x446, autumn.png)

Anyways here's Autumn's newest post about her father Jerry De Wilde, who's also a famous and wealthy photographer. "Thanks for helping to raise Arrow"- alright, Autumn was maybe living at her papa's home or getting comfy papa trust fund whilst raising her child at the very least, up until she turned famous indie/celebrity photographer in like 2006-2011. She was getting help of RICH PARENTS, up until getting rich herself. That's alright. Why are you lying then, Autumn? why this whole pathetic "i was sooo struggling we've been through hell" LARP? You could always fall back on your famous wealthy dad, after running around with hottest new music stars, sorry but that's not poverty. not even close
No. 1737569
also similarly, taking photos of Garbage for Vanity Fair at your home is not poverty, she had enough money to rent dozens of art studios in the area. that's perhaps the most kekworthy of the poverty stunts they tried to pull
i'm sorry but everything around this band, from Arrow's history to her family to fake career and reception is one of the most bizzare nonsense things, and since first threads OP Arrow turned into a full blown cow
>>1737558she tries to be too ~sexy but messy whory feminine but also so nasty dirty girl but desired by old scrotes, can you tell~ now, but in a few years? possible
No. 1738047
File: 1672952056518.png (4.83 MB, 1508x2236, mtv.png)

And WHAT is that statement? i pretend to be mad cause i'm attention whore? kek
look at the faces she makes, she just melts getting her ass kissed by the program host lol. i'm bringing it up because she's reminding everyone she was on MTV for 100th time
No. 1738105
File: 1672956323160.png (818 KB, 522x870, photo.png)

the bondage pants on her are amusing, idek why
No. 1738175
File: 1672960848142.png (944.27 KB, 524x825, om.png)

Why… did she get a shitload of (free?) Omighty shit? She also got stuff from Midnight studios and Carola Monteleone brands. why do you thank/flex, if you just ordered online? still trying hard to be model or get noticed by popular 3dGy brands?
No. 1738178
File: 1672960982528.png (516.38 KB, 602x746, picture2.png)

Anyways the chick she bought from is very on brand, same anachan/heroin larping style kek. honestly this account is blatant No. 1738183
File: 1672961155960.png (1.3 MB, 1022x804, e.png)

No. 1738379
>>1738296>but i 100% blame the parents.That's not what i meant. Parents set her up as a teen and failed in ways that they'll never acknowledge, but that doesn't mean Arrow is not to blame for her antics. No matter how much she's babying herself, she's a 23 year old adult woman who makes her choices, and still she's the one who chooses to cosplay mental patients, drug addicts, and so on. she could have gone any other way, but nah. There are countless people with narc stage parents who then grow up to be humble, nice persons who find their own hobbies instead of being mommy's toddlers & tiaras kid onstage, Arrow really has no justification for her crap. Eugenia Cooney at least seems to be genuinely mentally disturbed, Arrow is not. i meant more it's creepy and completely unresponsible on their part (parents etc) how they're enabling all that shit and nobody ever tells her off. It creates a super weird situation, like has anyone ever told her no? has anyone close to her criticized her once? she's like Grimes, but even worse
No. 1738426
File: 1672979435983.png (27.11 KB, 738x268, kek.png)

Most retarded post ever, girl power has been doing well and a plenty without Arrow, lol. they're flexing now because Starcrawler was mentioned in some sort of "5 Trends That Ruled Rock in 2023" shitty article by Grammy. she's literally been given one unenthusiastic sentence
No. 1741570
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No. 1741580
File: 1673399329599.png (785.27 KB, 1016x890, arrowdeww.png)

Gotta love their "promotional campaigns" they use to push their singles, witty aren't they. begging and zoomer baiting woo woo use this song or i'll come haunt your family with my fake beaten eyes and contact lens~ Lol and to think they used to be on "indie" label as nobodies but played night live sort of programs like Jools Holland, Canal+ and some more, and now just… this.
And in case you wonder, the song she's promoting here is the one they meant to be "like Nick Cave but sexier" kek
No. 1742343
File: 1673491074350.png (931.16 KB, 748x1038, st.png)

Kek boomer boys are shocked that Starcrawler is at the bottom of the bill.
most perculiar "mainstream" career i've ever seen. i wonder if Arrow's seething, this whole thing overall probably isn't what she expected last year.
No. 1748464
File: 1674169399452.png (1.24 MB, 746x826, bush.png)

who did they fuck to go on tour with Bush? mommy's best friends with Gavin Rossdale? quite fitting, two shitty bands on one bill. a musical torture
No. 1749273
File: 1674268239585.png (1004.52 KB, 607x761, arrowdw1.png)

Lmao what is this carefully staged up new crackden LARP. she looks horrible. i would say she's on some drugs, but then again that's probably exactly what she wants others to think…
No. 1749275
File: 1674268539074.png (623.29 KB, 605x758, arrowdw2.png)

that #dottiedanger tag, it's so lame in a way that she and Gilbert always flex buying these original vintage punk clothes and memorabilia. desperately trying to get all that unavailable,
"legit" stuff to fill up something there isn't. Gilbert literally has a GG Allin tattoo, lol.
No. 1752867
>>1752426i meant the movie makeup and fakeass hair look more natural in those pics than in her other "candid" photos
i didn't say her self-chosen outfit was a big sign of something just that she looks more chill here
No. 1754089
>>1753817Kek wtf is that post, please write more! Idk if that's a shitpost i'm sorry idk what to think. But if it's true then its major, honestly i'd believe bc Arrow's parents seem to be major retards especially mother.
do you have any sort of proofs/screens you could post? Also my second question is, do you have any info on Arrow from that starcrawler-related friend of yours? insiders say Arrow has a horrible narc richgirl attitude and treats "less famous than her" people like shit, especially venue workers, photographers and women playing in support bands, i wonder if there's more gossip.
No. 1754249
File: 1674865393536.png (802.32 KB, 1430x742, sex cult guru.png)

I checked her insta and it doesn't seem like she's totally estranged from her father. she has a couple father's day posts and he leaves comments. they sure were on good enough terms that Aaron plugged her to Rough Trade. But then again, it doesn't seem like they meet at all maybe once a year for obligatory deadbeat father meetup, maybe LA anon is was right.
Arrow didn't stray far from daddy influence though, she's been dating a 30+ yo manlet since in her teen years and clearly having a DDLG kink. (possibly a homewrecker as well since just a few weeks before they dated Gilbert was married to another Arrow lookalike.)
No. 1754323
File: 1674872038134.png (784.06 KB, 524x934, newv.png)

Dude wtf… she looks terrible. doesn't even look like herself, reminds me of Toopoor or all these egirl chicks with Ashley/Maddie tier shitty bangs and bad mullet cuts.
No. 1754392
>>1754011No not the singer. There are other people that play in that band lol even if they aren’t technically “band members”
Will def keep everyone posted lol shits wild
No. 1754406
Alright, anon dates some other member ffrom whichever version of NIN lineup. lets leave NIN bf talk though its not the milk we want.
>>1754392can you pls post screenshots from that app or whatever? like anything showing its Aaron. am i getting this right, did he self-post on some dating app?
No. 1754418
File: 1674881848795.jpeg (206.36 KB, 750x708, 8950C75B-5071-4292-BA5A-B2206A…)

So this was the original message I got about weirdo cult dude…interestingly, had more confirmation about this creep (starcrawler dad) from another friend. Will post that next.
No. 1754420
File: 1674882039690.jpeg (172.7 KB, 750x966, CB1345E0-B695-4B04-9E02-FA27A0…)

Second person now to confirm he’s a weirdo creep….I wish I could post more than one image at a time….forgive me nonnas I’m a lurker I don’t do this like “posting shit” too often!
No. 1754421
File: 1674882330061.jpeg (28.28 KB, 750x313, 7E017494-24E1-4F08-8E67-04FB69…)

And just to make sure she wasn’t joking.
I mean look everyone in LA is fucking weird but lemme tell you as this dudes fucking neighbor he’s next level weird. Like playing bongos naked at 6am weird. That also happens. My bf has def gotten into screaming matches with him about it…hilarious watching two older men call each other faggots as the sun rises.
Anyways that’s all I got for now. For all the Trent Reznor fans, I don’t have much gossip on him other than that he’s a natural redhead and his assistant shaves his back cuz he’s afraid people will see his red body hair. Enjoy lol
No. 1754576
File: 1674893805733.png (576.62 KB, 904x682, cult1.png)

>>1754418>>1754420LMAO thanks guys, this is so fucked up hope you update us if you hear more of this hilarous shit n Aaron freaks out again (or if you have milk about Arrow). scrotes gonna scrote i guess. Well, Autumn always sperges on about being "weird/proud weirdo like everyone in this family" yeah we see lol.
I'm just gonna say that's so ironic considering Arrow is always tryign to act like this satanic, candle/voodoo/creepy-christrian collector "weirdo" poser onstage and offstage (remember her Aleister Crowley books and "witch/magic" gear she bought? she legit had "high sorceress" in her bio and whatnot barf) also i this reminded me of this article, i know they're joking but ths took on a whole new meaning, kek.
No. 1754578
File: 1674893933233.png (135.36 KB, 904x837, cult2.png)

>>1754576also poor Trent, ngl redhead gossip is hilarious lel
No. 1756137
File: 1675036914802.png (1.23 MB, 1050x808, bush.png)

Holy, this old lady styling.
it's first day of her Bush tour, i see she thought it would be flattering and cool to start off their first meeting the right way, which is flashing her nipples at Bush and Jerry Cantrell.
No. 1756242
File: 1675048230932.png (1.03 MB, 746x998, scr1.png)

Lmao, whiteknights discovered the site. Idk if it's someone close to Arrow, could be a random stan though.
Whoever's lurking: This is a place where internet personalities get exposed for shitty things they do. A lot of things mentioned here is legit criticism. everything included here was willingly posted online by Arrow and others. some of the site is shitposting and dumb shit, but there are important issues raised, which seemigly ppl ignore.
>exploiting/mocking REAL, DOCUMENTED people with mental illness (which she herself boasts about)
>acting like a bitch to people working and hanging out backstage, for no reason, confirmed on a few independent occasions by different people. just because she was nice to you doesn't mean she wasn't a bitch to others.
>stealing art and skinwalking other artists
>nepotism issue & lying about it.
No. 1756243
File: 1675048416432.png (528.38 KB, 502x882, scr2.png)

Henri's video that's being referenced, transcript here.>Arrow… exposed. Now we know all your secrets!A: There's nothing to expose!
Someone else: Eyebrows aren't really blonde?
H: She's a fucking liar!
lol, someone's pressed. they obviously lurk.
No. 1756261
>>1748464based Bush hater
nonnie, please keep us posted
>>1756242this person can't be older than 13
No. 1756269
>>1756261Yep, seein now seems to be very young, i thought it's someone older.hopefully she grows out of this naivety one day.
Bush fucking sucks, idk who'd willingly go watch Bush in the 90's, let alone fucking 2023. Gavin Rossadale is a serial cheater also, Gwen wasted her years on that shitty marriage.
No. 1756417
>>1756269Bush fucking suck great big hairy bollocks and Gavin Rosedale is a piece of shit but so is Gwen Stefani, she’s a vapid tradwife so no sympathy from me
>>1756242I fucking hate it when normies find our beloved lolcor. Pointing out her shitty behaviour is not bullying, jfc these people need to get off social media
No. 1756542
File: 1675095104335.png (286.26 KB, 404x774, 1f.png)

A stoned eyed guitarist guy from Maneskin came onstage yesterday to play guitar with Henri Cash, and Victoria chick reposted. damn they must be jacking tf off about it, can you imagine that much of clout?? (and completely in vain, bc Maneskin's million followers couldn't care less about some nobody band from LA lol.)
they're gonna try to leech Maneskin so hard now that they're vaguely "acquaintances", waiting til their inevitably post about it like 100 times hoping to ride the coattails.
No. 1756937
File: 1675125087314.png (669.25 KB, 516x916, 66161.png)

Lmao, as if she fucking cares. so funny she pretends now to care about this guy's camera, when she used to straightup steal ppl's phones & cameras and smash them tf on the floor, and then laugh it off in interviews acting like the people who were upset about it were fucked in the head bc apparently they should be thankful, i guess.
No. 1756943
File: 1675125335052.png (564.02 KB, 540x814, vczzcz.png)

"i'm so cool and wild guys look"
guess that's a step forward since she ditched posting hospital pics (and fake hospitalization/reanimation pics) but cringey nonetheless
No. 1757461
>>1756945her tiny face doesn't have room for the lip fillers she gets, let alone the additional cheek ones.
i get it, i have this type of sunken corpse/horse face too, but the only way to cope is to go for natural looks, use a lot of moisturizer, nude makeup at most. you can even have straight hair, just don't make it a harsh colour or dry it the fuck out with bleach when you're already really dry and gaunt looking. you can't dress up as britney spears when you have a skeleton body, it just makes you look like an old prostitute.
No. 1757537
>>1757461you think she gets lip fillers? I'd like to see a good past/present comparison pic tbh idk about that but then again Dani Miller is also this fake punk/i luv being uglee type of bitch, but she gets a shitton of lip fillers so who knows.
i mean yeah, shes just not gifted when it comes to genes/appearance, happens. i think it's kinda shocking sometimes bc she looks like she aged good 10 years in a really short time as well, she doesn't help her case with the crackhead prostitute styling she so insistently goes for. i meant more extreme swollen/bloated face like
>>1702480 she almost looks like she has some allergy sometimes.
No. 1757547
>>1757462no idea, but it's clear they must've called them and invited them for this show ~just for that sweet sweet promotion~ which failed
spectacularly. Maneskin has no interest in playing/hanging out with Starcrawler, it's like Metallica or AC/DC hanging out with a local pub band from buttfuck nowhere. i mean popularity levels are so so distant. both Maneskin and Starcrawler are about as "genuine" or "authentic" as you can expect lol, but ManeskinxStarcrawler crossover is something i'd never expect, it's so so clear Arrow's existence would NEVER be known to them if not for Arrow's mother cred & getting invited to the same VIP celebrity Gucci/hollywood kinda parties n photographers introducing each other. Btw is Maneskin milky, i wonder what thread would be fitting for them. there was a Rock cows thread but it's never active because it's on /ot/.
No. 1757899
>>1757885As a young lady, I went to the show with my dad. But yeah. It wasn't good.
Arrow was calling people 'millennials', 'lazy fucks', 'dogs', 'losers not from L.A.' and so on.
No. 1757902
>>1757899WTF that's pathetic. no fucking wonder she considers "millenials" a bad thing, i mean they're not her beloved pervy male boomers.
Do you remember maybe the songs during or after she was saying that shit? it was the show at Holywood Palladium right?
No. 1757956
>>1757901yah i was
>>1757461 and that's what i meant. she's using makeup and hair that is the opposite of what you need with her body type
No. 1757989
She sounds completely out of breath. Her mic is always so low, or she just can't sing, you can never hear her. There's one starcrawler fan that sings along and funny enough she's louder than Arrow. her voice is not just boring, it's shit.
After they played I Love LA, there's literally one person that can be heard clapping at the end. Same
>>1757883 only one guy claps when she tries to guide the crowd.
If they thought Maneskin would be a cherry on top, a legendary show or what, then they just embarassed themselves, even Maneskin members must've been questoning what are tjey doing here.
this is it, this band is over. if that's not a hard reality check then what is?
No. 1757998
>>1757957I've never heard of anyone decent being proud to be from LA, it's just always rich artfag people like Arrow who obsess over "LA culture". I mean even naming song "I Love LA"? even boomers who like them cringe at that. it's one of the ugliest, most boring places, but she'll tell you it's incredible because of a mixture there's high success buuuut theres also a ~seedy underbelly~ full of junkies and hobos who "came here and failed"!
imagine using millenial or "not from LA" as an insult,this girl is te saddest she's seething and coping hard at this point. Arrow, if so many people can't enjoy your show, then maybe YOU are the problem, not them.
No. 1758020
File: 1675222519500.png (161.79 KB, 942x920, clip.png)

after playing so many failed shows and reading callouts you would expect her to humble herself, but no. what stands out to me to this day is how in some article she outwardly said she considers herself above everyone, and repeats like 10 times that she thinks of herself as better than her audience and compares herself to god constantly. Speaks volumes.
All the punk/truly good musicians always speak a total opposite, that they aren't better than their audience, they're the same humans beings, and if you think you're better then you're an asshole with awful personality who will inevitably fail at what you do.
No. 1758665
>>1758599in further part of the interview she talks "Music is of course most important BUT" etc etc but it's like one sentence compared to a spergout of "ya need to feel better than/i'm a god/i'm above" bullshit.
i'm very curious how the last night's show on Feb 1st went, because they didn't say anything/post any pics or videos at all (like they usually did). feels like LA show was a mild shock to them.
No. 1758919
>>1758001 is right; she just sounds mean
No. 1759481
File: 1675370061220.png (822.34 KB, 488x778, 11x.png)

tfw your the audience doesn't want to think of you as a higher god
No. 1759483
File: 1675370112686.png (631.36 KB, 494x778, 11x2.png)

jfc their faces just tell everything.
No. 1759486
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No. 1759506
>>1759481she's wearing a passable stage outfit for 2006 that was unoriginal even then, but has 100% gen z hairstyle. it's a fashion fail sorry arrow
>>1759483dressed as 2008 for no reason, zero cool points but at least his clothes fit unlike henri
>>1759486looks like he was grown in a lab by a label that signs your rock band if you agree to pivot to dance-pop and use their sessions guys instead of your own backing band & make you take dance lessons
No. 1759531
>>1759506that outfit is 100% ripped off from Jenny Lewis, but since we called her out, she took off the pink bow and changed heels for these dirty boxing shoes (how original). you're right about the year, i think it was 2005/2006 era JL.
The box dye blonde guy in a pyjama is Henri's younger brother.
No. 1759538
File: 1675374718121.png (820.09 KB, 914x1376, bowie.png)

Arrow calls this her "Bowie era", if you didn't know. there's nothing Bowie about her besides very loosely relation in a form of suits and shirts i guess. other than that i have no idea what she means… maybe that she could skinwalk Thin White Duke with this weight, lol.
no but seriously, i get it, she says she makes up fake personas for the stage, but that falls flat. I see no change in her persona, she's the same "i'm a schizo bitch with seizures teehee" except she stopped spitting blood and started skinwalking Jenny Lewis. wow, the evolution is real.
No. 1759811
>>1759538??? wtf is she saying
why do i read this thread
No. 1765401
File: 1676078208865.png (597.27 KB, 534x908, screenshot1.png)

>~Hollywood Princess is in NYC~
KEK wtf is wrong with her. talking of herself in 3rd person and announcing herself as princess of her shitty city, typical cow. That wouldn't normally be milky at all if she joked once, but it's like 100th time she calls herself "Queen of LA" or some variation. this honestly reminds me of Kathy Parkavenuepinup with her "Your findom mistress is gracing 7-11 with her godly presence this afternoon at 5pm! Indulge and send your tips!" type of tweeting lol
No. 1765403
File: 1676078335281.png (1.09 MB, 526x914, screenshot2.png)

she went to Rodarte gala ofc
No. 1765459
>>1759538I wish just once arrow would try performing instead of performing performers performing.
Whenever she talks about her process or influences I am reminded of something I read once about how when normal people see a terrible accident they’re sad, shocked, horrified etc. A psychopath in the same crowd will study those faces with dispassionate curiosity and then try them out in the mirror when they get home.
I’m not saying she’s a psychopath. I am saying that it’s fascinating and very sad to see someone devote their life to doing a poor performance of performing, for no other reason than to be perceived as a performer. There is no soul to what she does, and no amount of her obsessive studying, copying or reflecting can ever recreate that.
No. 1765479
File: 1676087619525.png (433.09 KB, 524x774, tiktokq.png)

Lol, their label orders them to make more Tiktoks, Henri had to make account of his own. that's pointless, zoomers just don't care for them. idk maybe they think it's the last resort way to make them happen, but it doesn't work.
No. 1765528
File: 1676093353206.png (833.34 KB, 526x912, xxxx.png)

I kind of wonder if they let her walk the runway for Rodarte. After years of Arrows public seething about runway, maybe they figured out she's dying to do it.
No. 1765529
File: 1676093433728.png (447.81 KB, 520x912, xxxx21wzxcc.png)

>>1765528but then again, this dress is too plain and shitty for Rodarte so idk.
No. 1766246
>>1758020This is so far and beyond what any music fan thinks or wants. Good musicians can show up in sweatpants and nobody cares because they love the music. The tl;dr is literally
>I think I am higher than you and a god because I wear old thrifted clothes unlike you, person who buys new clothesquite the assumption, thrifting is very normie
>and this means you should worship meIdk what job she should be doing but being a musician is not it
No. 1766784
>>1766246>>1766351Nobody coming to shows, even less rock shows, wants to see performers as gods. Attitudes like hers are openly resented and laughed at by both audience AND people in the industry. She just admits she thinks of herself as better than everyone, in another paragraph she talks about expecting people to kiss her ass and mocking people who aren't "stars" like her. i will add it wasn't an "official" sort of article that matters, it was interview for a nobody fanzine made by a student or whatever. Instead of playing nice for benefits as usual, she basically flexed and boasted to a random girl bc she knew she could.
as one of the contributors to this thread, will say she surpassed all my suspicions about her from couple years ago. Girl is a narcissist. not in a medical way, but one of those fucked up insufferable people who are convinced everything they do is godlike.
No. 1766786
File: 1676244355278.png (776.38 KB, 602x760, chelsea.png)

>Morning babes, @gilberttrejo38 and my baby bat @arrowdewilde 🖤 @hotelchelsea
They're at Chelsea Hotel, surprised that she isn't taking time to skinwalk Nancy Spungen or Taylor Momsen yet. Autumn posted this, not that it's inappropriate or whatever but makes me sort of cringe when i remember she liked to sneak at night and photograph Arrow & her ex boyfriend sleeping together. weird vibes.
No. 1767605
File: 1676338155557.png (1.04 MB, 622x744, g.png)

But of course she spends days looking for her own gettyimages…
No. 1767606
File: 1676338289708.png (857.12 KB, 542x814, 33.png)

>>1767605…and tells her boyfriend to photograph photographers photographing her like she's surrounded by some paparazzi. and then you realize she literally had to go to her mother's WORKPLACE to get celebrity treatment. crazy
No. 1767609
File: 1676338411087.png (1.02 MB, 630x798, adw2.png)

that's not even subtle. she had a similar white + black lingerie old pics as well
No. 1767673
>>1767624I don't get how her fans/acquaintances don't notice how narcissistic or arrogant she is, even her social media mirrors a very self-obsessed owner. not mentioning how she behaves in the videos or interviews. i'm honestly weirded out by industry people perceiving Arrow as a child and caping for her shitty attitudes. even recently Suzie Cave sends her stuff and comments somr shit, that comes off so stupid. ~cute baby bat uwuu~ She cannot be rude because she's nice to us~
At least good thing is less and less of these people promote her, all of these celebs/musicians and journalists who pushed her in 2018 never speak of starcrawler anymore
No. 1767812
>>1767605I have to say the cheek fillers are making her look way less uncanny. Being so thin with a thin face at her age, looking much older while acting and talking like a teenager, it was very strange.
>>1767612This is too similar to be a coincidence, such a "god" with superior fashion, yet makes 1:1 copies of other artists
No. 1768211
File: 1676414951756.png (742.25 KB, 608x758, tttt.png)

kek i guess her new way of grabbin attention is taking these "slutty" pics in underpants, garters and same old stockings. btw i said "weird she isn't skinwalking Taylor Momsen at Chelsea" way too soon, that's exactly what she went for.
No. 1768247
File: 1676418029116.jpg (22.53 KB, 203x275, 1616721687923.jpg)

>>1768222not that it matters at all, but here, examples from early threads. look beyond the way-pulled-up thong string and where her hips start. this pic especially
>>1339205First time hearing about this "trend", which will prob flip around in a couple of months, and which literally nobody beyond perpetually online model-obsessed coquettes knows or cares about. buy low cut jeans. or grow up and stop worrying about idiotic zoomer trends.
No. 1768318
File: 1676423189049.png (1.87 MB, 1032x894, tiktok1.png)

Her new tiktok shows the contrast she looks embarassingly out of place. not original, just kinda stupid. Everybody watching is dressed plain and even runway models wear long dresses covering body, and she's the only one walking around in kitch lingerie. just the amount of photos, videos and takes show that she came here expecting to be a well-documented celebrity.
Taylor did that style amazingly way, way better.
No. 1768321
File: 1676423339432.png (454.53 KB, 512x904, tiktokk.png)

always that same smug ass face.
No. 1768386
File: 1676431135891.png (1.36 MB, 1038x858, 123v.png)

>>1768361No, it WAS Rodarte runway show, but people sitting on chairs look rather normally dressed. Idk if ALL of them, but judging from the videoclip. Models ofc wear goblin/fairy witchy costumes but these were elegant long ish dresses, not trashy prostitute Taylor Momsen ripoff stuff. dress was probably Rodarte but she obviously ripped overall look from Taylor & not even her first time.
No. 1769131
File: 1676511158614.png (968.04 KB, 606x756, 2.png)

>THANK YOU @bush for having us on tour & to those who came to see us, we had the best time!!!!
you guys pissed her off with your comments how everybody hated them at Bush shows, in fact she had ~the best time~
No. 1769134
File: 1676511496932.png (824.68 KB, 514x896, qwrrrrtyeyue.png)

is that her way to tell us she's fine with her father's satanic orgy cult? jk but just, lol at all this whole situation, LA sucks.
No. 1769964
File: 1676599308486.png (999.2 KB, 640x827, 7166cxx66.png)

I really don't get anon's psycho obsession with her torso.
No. 1776119
File: 1677286322698.png (78.67 KB, 976x734, xx2.png)

A miracle, she publically said she's inspired by Katie Jane Garside for the first time ever. or second, at the very least.
Funny how she puts Sable Starr on the first place, a 13 year old statutory raped by Iggy Pop, and broken by the very next person she mentions as influence, Johnny Thunders. Sable was in a harmful relationship with him, as underager, and he was
abusive to her to the point she felt her whole self was devastated after that time.
Since you're lurking here Arrow, congrats on glamorizing
abusive relationships. nice to see you suddenly feel safe enough to admit you rip from Katie Jane, but it doesn't change you're a skinwalker. same habits, she just changed objects of her copycating. No. 1776120
File: 1677286415943.png (88.69 KB, 974x638, xx113232.png)

>>1776119didn't she brag about being babysitted by Tom Petty and his friends just a year ago? and now suddenly it's "my boyfriend did a video for him", okay.
No. 1776130
File: 1677286693373.jpg (198.01 KB, 1430x953, star-crawler.jpg)

pic from said interview. I know it was not her intention, but wow, those old tumblr proana vibes.
No. 1776195
File: 1677292754632.jpeg (237.43 KB, 827x1474, 1614289222883.jpeg)

>>1776189Nayrt, yeah Arrow is not anorexic and doesn't starve herself. But if she's aware of being a treated as thinspo for others AND enjoying it, that is another question. i think she definitely is aware of the possibility. she's that kind of douchebag starved for all sorts of attention, so wouldn't be surprised if she felt flattered. i'm sorry but she does oddly proana poses sometimes. like her usual pics are normal but she suddenly pointed attention to this for some reason.
No. 1776208
File: 1677293697419.png (627.69 KB, 710x756, arrowc.png)

… here's another modeling example. she follows a sort of known popular pro ana account that looks up to her, wonder what she thinks of that. it's sketchy in an asshole way like anon said, like not her having a problem herself but being ok with pandering to these women. to finish my post on a more positive note, Arrow doesn't seem like popular thinspo fuel, well at least judging by how few pics of her float in tumblr search. though in 2011 tumblr era it would've been different case.
No. 1778192
>>1776531ehhh now you sound a biiit like a jealous fatty
i wish there was a threadban on weightsperging. its not milk
she's showing off her size because it's the only category in which she can "win", that's all it is.
normal-sized anons are trying hard to explain why it's bad because it feels shitty when another woman is super thin without being ana. even if you think it's completely unattractive, being thin has been so valued for so long that we still feel like we need to point out when someone's gotten so thin that it's unattractive. reacting like this is what she's trying to provoke because she wants you to be jealous.
No. 1778401
>>1778192that's nobody's business but since you assume that's personal. i go between normal and underweight at times because of illness (not ed). dropping a lot in weight all of a sudden makes you wonder if you'd have to go to hospital again. (wouldn't call myself naturally skinny cause before my health issue i was on normal bmi, i don't know if that's fatty enough for you or not. i thought it was in my teen years.) i wouldn't post a pic like that at lowest weiht cause i'd feel like its showing off my illness. yes i know
she doesn't have illness so it's different way for her.
idk posing in a way to make bones protrude is a bit like teens who post pics of their xanax and coke, to show they do drugs. that back posing photo is immature & weird to me but you're free to think otherwise. i think i'll leave it at that.
No. 1778408
File: 1677513446257.png (685.68 KB, 514x924, 44w.png)

what is this new obsession with "victorian ghosts"…
No. 1784664
File: 1678235134422.png (860.74 KB, 760x758, arrowv.png)

damn every time she's attention whoring via posting ass or tit pics, there's ALWAYS Dylan Carlson thirsting in her comments. wow, congrats on exposing your own self as a yucky pervert. i mean this one's tame but there's a lot of more straightforward comments. that nasty scrote must've loved it when she gave him that lapdance a year ago.
ngl that guy is getting laughable like… Dylan, you're aware all these comments are visible to everyone not just Arrow? kek
No. 1784669
File: 1678235408067.png (62.81 KB, 738x510, c22.png)

>>1784664comments related. i guess this other accounts calling him out.
No. 1784687
File: 1678237268113.png (266.84 KB, 526x818, tikt.png)

Guess we have another one to add to links, she made a new Tik Tok account.
No. 1784824
File: 1678256032022.jpg (151.37 KB, 1284x806, IMG_5711.jpg)

>>1784668>>1778644different anon but i tried looking up her name a few months ago cause i was curious what her fans were like. no joke the only place outside of lolcow that discussed Arrow more than once were the proana faggots making threads about how skinny and "goals" she is. not even redditor moids or tumblr edgelords talk about her. i didnt post about it then because even the proanafags were not fans of her music so im yet to find her fanbase. anyways i was not surprised that she started to take more and more pics with her clothes off. shes obsessed with attention and obviously would have noticed her only followers are anachans and fatties. legit her latest pic of hers is just another shoot of her in underwear again, groundbreaking rock n roll shit. its not accidental and even if it is acting like she looks fine or normal is retarded.
No. 1784993
>>1784824her "fandom" is weird, because you won't see a reflection of it online. Like, first off its such a small amount of people compared to how much they were advertized and shoved in people's faces a few years ago, at the height of their promotion they only had a few likes per post, and ppl who went to their shows were there by accident (mostly as Starcrawler was a support for huge bands for no reason, ahem, i mean the reason being nepotism). Their fans are largely boomers starting at 50+, which even Arrow admitted. look at any random live pic/meet & greet pics and it's all old people. these people will go to her shows, but don't care to check her out online or read any info about her so they're unaware of how shitty a person she is. The other half are her parents friends hollywood washouts twice her age, who worship her, objectify her and encourage her in being an exhibitionist narc. young people absolutely don't care for starcrawler, theoretically they should have no problem getting fanbase on tik tok right? bullshit. let their TT followign and reception of their MCR tour be a testament.
No. 1785006
>>1784993samefag adding what i forgot to mention. No surprise she was introduced on lolcow, cause this person's "fame" vs behaviour is an absurd, and she's been a cow for a good while. Her band's "career" is already on the way down, but Arrow will not let go of that sweet sweet attention easily. Great deal of her photos are bikini/nip slip/ass pics, or "thirst traps" like she says, easy attention. and imo it's directed at scrotes, but she must be aware of anachans looking. My objection is more towards that Yahoo article. in which she speaks about her body, among saying a couple retarded things, but the most insincere imo was insisting she cares so much for girls with actual eating disorders. Which sorry but i don't believe, unless she's very "picky" with who she feels for. This person has absolutely no empathy for people with schizophrenia or self-harmers. people are only good to her as long as they give her attention, or serve as a source to rip from.
No. 1785251
File: 1678315940203.png (705.4 KB, 520x908, screensht1.png)

Lol, speaking of overload of nude pics… i'm sorry but this cracks me up a little. She's way too skinny but Gilbert is so small that he makes her look massive & in this pic. kinda MTF
No. 1786352
File: 1678492018735.png (219.16 KB, 652x520, 0002.png)

I searched for any reviews of that Bush show after reading that one anon's post about the show and i found a couple of tidbits i thought relevant to thread. first off a new interview, it's one of the worst article i've ever seen. They typed out all of her "and like, you know, like, uh". it's odd how genuinely dumb this person is, its same kind of nothing talk, total null meaning self-praising shit Grimes spews but somehow even worse. The motivation for starting the band they listed is really telling, kek. No. 1786357
File: 1678492342827.png (147.13 KB, 666x490, 0001.png)

>>1786352>no offence, thanks for listening to our music, but you're not funlol the way she talks about her "fanbase", i'm sure they'd be so flattered. I thought she loves boomers? She bitches about not having younger fans a lot lately, hoping for appealing to naive 15 year olds cause nobody aged 20 to 40 likes them
No. 1786360
File: 1678492571498.png (1.2 MB, 950x1454, 0004.png)

>After mesmerizing the crowd for a few songs, de Wilde spotted a cool young couple. She demanded that the two come closer to the stage. The singer wanted them… to be… right… where… I was… standing. I stood aside agreeing that they were much more appealing than an old guy at the show.
And lmao, the info that Arrow's telling audience members to fuck off and move elsewhere, and let others fill place instead is 100% true. I recall she told a gay dude to go stand elsewhere, and i think there were receipts she pushed her fangirl in other people's places, and now this nonsense. Imagine the nerve to just stand ppl around the room like that, when they came early to take place to see HER. You know, all these people paid money and all, only to have this narc breaking their cameras or shooing and standing them around the room just cause. i'd be ok with the couple incident if it was just 1 time, but guess she does this all the time for no reason. And no, it's not cool "Kathleen Hanna moment", its for no reason other than her inflated ego i guess. None of those people should listen to her. she's fucked, should be grateful that anybody comes to her shows at all instead of picking out and shooing others, wtf.
No. 1786385
>>1786365Because it's not just her mother beign tall and skelly, Arrow's uncles etc. looked similar. One of her uncles is gigantic (they had photo together and Arrow looks like a midget in comparison). And it's not passing diet habits or whatever, Arrow looked the same when she was 5, 9, 10 - she posts her childhood pics sometimes. Her toddler pics, she had really tall long limbs bc of growth. Idk if Arrow has ED
now, but i really don't think Autumn fed a toddler some ana diet. This post has more pics of her family. i think there was more way down her insta. not posting screens because it's photoset & some of the family members are unrelated to thread, so i guess you can check yourself instead. No. 1786388
File: 1678499594771.png (309.12 KB, 522x796, big impact.png)

I see it's bothering them lol.
unrelated but they're going on tour with Rival Sons now
No. 1786701
>>1786410alright sorry. i just think if that was the case i assume she'd first eat normally in early childhood, so she'd have at least a few years of looking normally, then if she consciously followed these habits she'd go super skinny let's say as early teen on, but Arrow looked the same all the time (way too tall for a toddler, child then teen & creepy levels of skinny). like there was no drastic change. Idk what her family eats but i don't think they're psycho levels obsessed healthy vegan freaks for example, and Arrow talked about eating fastfood for breakfast. (and likes to show herself around online eating fatty food like an achievement, aka "look i eat" which imo was stupid but that's another thing.) imo she's really that weird genes person, but probably doesn't eat that great either, prob fast food/doritos lazy kinda shit. and does ana pandering for attention but not out of ana tendencies idk.
>>1786414she does facially esp,but if she had MS she'd never be able do even half the shit she does onstage without hospital intervention/life endangerment.
No. 1786703
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No. 1786704
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No. 1786706
File: 1678555761768.jpg (137.56 KB, 980x735, Taylor-Momsen-–-Vans-Warped-To…)

>>1786703Dress probably from Rodarte, but whole look ripped from Taylor down to a T. Then sold as her "own original thing".
who is this girl trying to fool?
No. 1786714
File: 1678557071197.jpeg (114.06 KB, 880x1100, 0000_2.jpeg)

>>1786706It's really pathetic to steal Taylor's unique style
No. 1786717
File: 1678557201107.jpg (69.22 KB, 640x838, 28b51d8c5f77fbdd2e5a1b53105f2f…)

>>1786705Like get your own style, arrow and stop copying the Gossip Girl actress
No. 1786719
File: 1678557403766.jpg (66.67 KB, 600x979, formula-1-germany-1.jpg)

>>1786703Everyone knows Taylor Momsen is the original blonde girl rock and roller
No. 1786732
>>1786357>We love you, thanks for listening to our musicThey're forced to because you're the opener
>As an audience they just stand there and they're all like …She's so close to getting it. Your music sucks.
No. 1786735
>>1786719It's a bit obvious it's a direct rip off of outfit and styling, being blonde is not new but I literally thought that was Arrow
>>1786706before enlarging the pic. Same pink lace and visible black underwear, same straggly blonde hair. It's a specific look versus your examples with different hair and outfits.
No. 1786973
File: 1678582689822.png (336.08 KB, 1032x910, 71db660b8f.png)

>woke up feeling like a viking
kek ofc she's on her Grimes-tier ~viking~ phase now. tomorrow she'll be a slavic larper (or did she try this already? aka her visit to Ukraine in russian hats and shitty mukluks, lol). or is she again taking inspo from ~norwegian metal aryan nazi princess~ Lilith Levisis? ofc she put Venom as sound lol. what's next?
No. 1786976
>>1786973forgot the link that made me remember no one's made a new Grimes/Elon thread yet, i will if nobody else does before)
No. 1787000
>>1786981i think you replied to a wrong anon than intended, but i agree 100%. Taylor at copied vibe not entire outfits, and she listed her inspirations at least. Arrow steals every element of other artists outfits. And then she boasts to journos that "all of her style is 100% her, all original, i always get clothes like nobody else has bc i don't want to be like others and i'm so godlike". pathetic.
Do you anons think her red hair/diaper/corset/crystals encrusted phase was based on Emilie Autumn?
No. 1794041
File: 1679614224026.png (771.56 KB, 828x616, ch_a.png)

new pics
No. 1794043
File: 1679614419383.png (698.25 KB, 828x618, ch_c.png)

I know not much is going on with this cow lately, but i just wanna say she's so predictable. The moment she started posting about being in Chelsea Hotel in NY i just KNEW she's gonna walk out the balcony and take pics in EXACT same pose as Taylor Momsen. reaching? i mean if that was any other person posing like that in this place, wouldn't think anything, would say it's unrelated, but never with this one. i mean sure, Taylor Momsen doesn't own leaning out the barrier moodily (kek) but the point is one peak at Arrow and you know who she's copying/having in mind. if it's not copypasting her clothes, its trying to vaguely act out certain poses/looks/images. same thing like her ripping of KatieJane but to a lesser degree. that's obsessive
No. 1794389
File: 1679669742757.png (111.67 KB, 398x729, 0005ddg3456.png)

Looks like they went to Ellen Von Unwerth's party… these insider hollywood parties must be the only way to boost her ego. the sheer amount of top photographers she hangs out with thanks to her mommy, and yet they act like they had "humble beginnings", "no nepotism" my ass.
No. 1804366
>>1794391this picture is really sad it's like if you made a chatbot watch tiktok and then it made a person
what kind of shitty parents dont let their kid hav a personality and let it end up like this
No. 1804942
File: 1680903854745.png (188.32 KB, 598x792, 22ee2e.png)

>>1804366shhh, don't break the illusion, she thinks she's doing something very important and iconic here
No. 1804978
>>1804942this reminds me of all the duckface myspace emo pics that were all excatly same, but this is now the zoomer version.
she's doing zoomer photo actions but not even using the right filters? idk its like she has the awful gen z personality but the pop culture of gen x
No. 1805179
File: 1680948243565.png (198.72 KB, 512x912, tik0tok.png)

samefag but adding onto that, she's attention starved but she rarely posts. The only time it's pics straight from famous photographers, getty images etc. kinda curated. My guess is she's out of ideas for the most time, hence all the dumb aeshtetic jumping every few days.
Her tiktok is completely retarded (not that tiktok isn't retarded overall), but you know pity invoking stuff like pics of her coated in blood along to christian music (woow, 3dgy5me). or the recent flexing of all the unhealthy trash food she loves, the "omgz i eat such trash so randum!" vibe. i know it's just a tiktok trend but… i'm just NOT surprised she only has 257 followers. No. 1805915
>>1805381i mean… literally read previous threads or at least summaries.
tldr; yes.
No. 1809979
File: 1681678674850.png (28.98 KB, 656x738, 0050.png)

Any burger anons seen this advert? No idea how they get these totally random adverts/promos every once in a while, in weirdest of places. In Nike commercial and still nobody cares.
They're also going to play in Mexico for the first time ever, which is kinda surprising. for such a ""mainstream"" band lol.
No. 1809982
File: 1681678789676.png (146.93 KB, 504x756, 2028282.png)

These photos give extreme flashback to old Maddie & Trashley threads kek
No. 1809986
>>1805179Incredible. There are literal nobodies from third world countries who have tens of thousands of followers on TikTok, even people from my secondary school. How can she only have fewer than 300? It's so easy to gain followers on that shit app kek
>>1809982She truly has not an original bone in her body. It must be tiring to be so boring all of the time.
No. 1809988
File: 1681679356622.png (438.22 KB, 708x560, 11.png)

>>1809986>She truly has not an original bone in her body. yep same thought i had immediately after looking at those piercing pics lol. As for Tiktok, even Sabrina of Pretty Sick manages to pull a couple thousands followers just on her boring shitpost stuff, Dani pulls tons on her boring food bullshit… and then here's Arrow and less than 150.
No wonder she can only get her narc fuel on Insta with shit like that. She has 80k on IG currently but that's still pretty… low
No. 1810222
>>1810058Well that only proves looks/unusual body give absolutely nothing, when you have no charisma, personality, originality, creativity, ideas of your own. Models are boring, but some of them at least know how to contribute to a good photo or present a clothing piece. she in theory has a body that would be good for sort of horror/alt modeling (like AHS shoot), but she looks awful in modeling shots. Even her recent aesthetic is a boring, pity inducing mess: it's bimbo sometimes and sometimes it's kindergarten party/shitty prom with random pink and custom arrow stuff that frankly looks like fucking sweatpants.
>>1810152EDtwitter and coquettes/moids in their 70's have entered the thread, i see.
No. 1810652
>>1809988>>1810222>>1810058you have to be the world's worst stylist and world's least fashionable person to fuck up being born looking like she does
it shows how next level sheltered she grew up because she clearly never went through any of the experiences freaky looking women (and men) go through that often lead to them growing up to be somewhat interesting/fun people
>>1809991the money gilberto spends on acquiring "cool stuff" totally defeats the purpose of hermit-crabbing yourself a look together from secondhand shops or "vintage" things you found in grandmum's house
No. 1811128
>>1809983it is odd to me when someone with such fine hair texture bleaches it. blonde isn't even mandatory or important right now compared to like in 90s or early 00s
her natural hair is dark but not coarse or "asian" so she wouldnt even get the stuff your mom says about your hair and how to cut it when you are asian.
without her extension it looks really bad and a big part of what makes people think she is ugly. she shouldn't be doing that to her hair IMO
No. 1812866
File: 1682112239873.png (473.8 KB, 512x890, 346.png)

kek the cringe. The way she picks Lisa Rowe every time, then hesitates when she has to pick between her and Thirteen character. guess Arrow's freshly discovered some coquette movie checklist and now ~identifies~ with Lisa Rowe, like all the chicks without a shred of personality do.
No. 1812867
File: 1682112535653.png (684.26 KB, 546x858, asddf.png)

>>1811128her hair looked good back when she died it red, but she gradually turned it to shit. All for the ~uwu damaged punk madgirl~ larp, lol. Even down to well-planned, meticulously planted fake "roots" and intentionally "dirty" hair (which always amused me). Anyways guess bleaching and strapping ratty extentions to ratty unbrushed reedy strips of hair wasn't the best idea, her hair looks like shit.
No. 1812878
File: 1682112982492.png (593.91 KB, 492x766, untitled.png)

why does she always look like most annoying/boring person in the whole room
I find it kind of amusing that she showed off that she got some gift pack from Paco Rabanne. Every once in a while she posts pics how she got gifts from various brands and boxes signed "for Arrow de Wilde" and whatnot. wonder if it's free shit or she just placed a regular order and they signed it like that bc she's "famous". Ngl it's pretty funny she flexes this as if she's some influencer or celebrity, very "rock'n'roll" of you Arrow lol
No. 1813024
>>1812867why did she shoop her thighs here and not in any other recent pictures
one fucked up shitty edited pic really stands out from all the other ones
if u gotta shoop, shoop em all
No. 1813102
File: 1682145646599.png (420.21 KB, 686x562, h.png)

>>1812900not really, this seems to be both the guy's and Arrows real hair, considering their other pics from different dates. As for her, she chopped her hair on the top and backcombs i guess
>>1813024This pic was posted on this guy's insta, she only reposted to stories
No. 1813148
File: 1682158813314.jpg (34.07 KB, 382x571, David Bowie as Jareth, Labyrin…)

guess that's what she went for kek
No. 1813217
>>1813130she's holding her hand and arm at the perfect angle to make the hand look as big as possible and the arm as big as possible
the forearm would not be so vertical if she was just natural spraying her hair
she's using poses you do in editorial photoshoots for high end stuff where all the girls hired are so skinny they look fake irl.
which is now more weird because she clearly knows how to angle the body like good models but then why does she get no work and is never on a runway or in a normal advertisement or magazine? she doesn't need the money?
No. 1813219
>>1813102>This pic was posted on this guy's insta, she only reposted to storiesoh ew so then a moid shooped her
all the adults in this kid's life seem to have failed her
great job creating a douchebag, autumn
No. 1813301
>>1813217>she clearly knows how to angle the body like good models but then why does she get no work and is never on a runway or in a normal advertisement or magazine? she doesn't need the money?Kek, delusional anon, please go back to earlier Arrow threads and see just how much she doesn't know how to pose, and how horrible she looks in posed shoots. Especially that disaster flashing mesh bra/thong shoot she had with Dani Miller, or literally any example of band pics. She did a few modeling shots for nobody brands of a friend's friend of a friend etc. and she looked bad in each. Answering why she's not on runway - she's 6'3 which is too high for runway, and her proportions are weird. It was honestly explained way too much by anons who are more in the know of the specifics than me. Not that she didn't try though - her mother tried so hard to make her a model/trendy fashion blogger back in Arrow's teens. Nobody wanted her in fashion industry, and now she's frequently seething about models in interviews and how "she would 100% rock the runway but i'm above that~" Like not that it's important or anything but anon… she absolutely knows not how to pose. is this really a wonder why she's never on runway/magazines?
>she doesn't need the money?she's a trust fund who was growing up rich with an artfag mother (they both pretend they were so poor, but Arrow's a 3rd generation nepo baby so they're bullshitting). Living with another trust fund (Danny Trejo's son). I'm sure they can make a couple of additional pennies on Starcrawler, but just know she definitely isn't in the desperate need of money lel
No. 1813335
File: 1682192587766.png (226.78 KB, 624x746, shoop.png)

>>1813309Fucking hell, i guess you might be onto something. Not sure if i noticed everything, but here's most suspicious areas (clear blurring on her knee and wobbly wall behind).
No. 1813336
File: 1682192702015.png (617.92 KB, 804x824, ig.png)

Her legs in unshooped recent pic for comparison.
No. 1813502
File: 1682213796578.png (196.89 KB, 624x746, 1682192587766.png)

>>1813335there is supposed to be another black bar (from the fence) behind each of her legs too. i tried to show how the one on the right could be hidden, you know sometimes optical illusions happen, viral photos etc. but the one on the left should be showing a little. imo the one on the right should be showing like right at the bottomr of the dress.
tism i know but for all the noise they make about not being the type of people to have fake ass insta shoop, this photo makes them look stupid. something is up with her left leg (our right) because if she's bending the other one her hip on the straight leg's side shoudl be up a lot higher to make their legs look like they do from the front
>>1813336yeah, she's 25 now and has a 25 year old's body, and since it's not her pic it kind of seems like some 70s-fetishist lolicon moid intentionally made his pic of her look like she did when she was in hs.
the shape in the second pic is an adult woman (a cryptid-y model or niche track and field adult woman, but an adult)
No. 1813620
>>1813502Bars could be missing "naturally" irl for whatever reason aswell but idk. Legs/knees tend to look stick thin depending on angle, especially when stnding like that and someone takes pic from the front, but i see clear blurs here. her left leg looks odd. knee goes slightly inward left but her ankle goes kinda sharply right leaning on one side in her shoe… maybe opticall illusion but her shoe looks kinda bendy as well. also: blur/smudge on her lef thigh right under her dress.
To make it funnier, the scrote who took this pic is Brad Elterman. That's a 70+yo guy who took a lot of famous pics of The Runaways, Joan Jett, David Bowie, Blondie etc. Could it be it went through other person's shoop first (Arrow? assistant?) cause kek you wouldn't expect candid photoshops from ~lEgEnDaRy~ analog photog.
No. 1813622
File: 1682238521485.png (1.11 MB, 776x840, 234234.png)

>>1813620forgot the pic, it's this guy.
No. 1813896
>>1813620well, whatever the reason, his pic has a whiff of scrotiness to it that i notice this one
>>1813622 doesn't
gross old man behind the camera ,what a shock
No. 1815566
>>1815346It's all about trying to be "punk" and "artiste" and pretending they have any sort of personality when in reality they're fucking boring and have no original bone in their bodies. Dani is cringey as fuck, but even her bullshit seems more interesting than Arrow who just orders replica clothes and skinwalks chicks that aren't mainstream enough so that her retarded fans won't notice. Living in a white trash-styled hole, buying vintage punk shirts for enormous money. Kek she even sticked her hair with some product to make them look greasy, she admits she paints on eyebags, and remember that time she made that tiktok tutorial on how to paint your nails "black plague" style to look like you have dirt under your nails? (she deleted after she got mocked on lolcow but screens are still there on the farms) She pretends to be so badass and rockstar etc. but the minute she opens her mouth aand spits "like you know its like so cool like wow" or sings, or when you see she cosplays next girl whatever "charm" her simps think she holds disappears.
As for her boyfriend, Arrow is just dumb af but what would you expect from someone raised in LA artfag pervs. He had a girlfriend looking eerily like Arrow just few weeks before he met her and to me this situation still seems kinda creepy,he traded for a younger dumber copy.
No. 1815570
File: 1682519968735.png (261 KB, 1062x734, 12345.png)

>>1815296Speaking of goblin males and hollywood nobody cliques meeting to suck each other's dicks… this one's from an article about this party, and frankly everybody here looks like cows or their affiliates. Wtf is with his teeth, is going to the dentist not "punk" enough in LA? No. 1817505
>>1815296>>1815659It can be a subconscious shield from attention, a way of either rejecting or taking control of that attention. Having people stare at you because you’re wearing weird clothes can be more comfortable than having people stare at you because you’re hot. It feels safer and less intimate.
In Arrow’s case she probably also feels a pressure to perform the frontperson role at all times (because she has no personality outside of it). Who even is Arrow if she’s wearing natural hair, no makeup, plain T shirt and jeans? She doesn’t know and that’s uncomfortable. Much easier to play a part, and wearing a costume 24/7 is part of that.
No. 1817742
File: 1682809710385.png (722.34 KB, 528x914, _1.png)

Her new stories. She's on Hawaii but instead of posting scenery and nature etc ofc she's posting… this.
Okay one can try hard and insist she was just trying to show off her bra or whatever the fuck. But that doesn't explain the ana poses she strikes, especially the exaggerated back bones pose… again. All 3 poses really look damned too unnatural for to be "just a random relaxed pic!1" imo. It's just like the other anon said, she's now anapandering and showing off how ~thin but naturally~ she is (inbetween abundant pics of fatty food) because she has nothing else to show off lol.
No. 1817745
File: 1682809962578.png (709.69 KB, 526x910, _3.png)

>>1817744this one looks most natural sans the smug face she makes
No. 1817797
>>1817744this one is actually good kek. good pose, nice colours
can't see whatever stupid face she's making
No. 1817893
>>1817790i know, but always can't shake that impression that she has only two face expressions: smug & endlessly satisfied with herself OR open mouthed numb and dead eyed stare
>>1817797kek pose is awkward but stupid face being out of view is a good point
No. 1818080
File: 1682883527751.png (475.67 KB, 528x800, 0.png)

that myspace tier angle though
No. 1818146
File: 1682889777040.png (188.32 KB, 516x902, y.png)

Alright, a little update on this it's screenshots from a video.
>>1817744 but still it looks so weird, like an odd mix of bodychecks and scratching herself lol. She's trying to act like she's fixing up her outfit or whatever and putting on lotion but really it just looks like awkward scratching wtf No. 1818238
>>1818146nah man
>>1817744 is the only shot that looks like it's from an actual ad or fashion editorial. that's a pose they show clothes in to emphasize long lines
she looks like garbage in motion because she seems to have NO RHYTHM at all. in videos of the band she's bizarrely not lined up with the music , is so fucking awkward
No. 1828480
File: 1684273195754.png (359.98 KB, 614x844, 23411.png)

Anyways they're on tour now with Rival Sons, from the looks of it seems like its gonna be even worse that their tour with Bush where everybody hated them. nobody even posts any pics or stories about getting excited to see them, but from the only 1 i've seen so far… wtf is that costume? She looks like she has a flaming pink leaf down there, or like she slapped Patrick onto her crotch
No. 1831967
>>1828480kekekekeekkk rival sons are BAD. they were cringe when they first appeared in fucking 2011, and only homeless teenage girls who wanted to fuck them listened to their music. this is like some shambling has-been death march, not a music tour
arrow is like if an AI art app made a band after being fed all of america's second-gen rock music
No. 1832431
File: 1684789968157.png (529.41 KB, 528x916, 000xz.png)

New stories she posted. I'm ESL so i might have wrong picture of this, but isn't playing on race track… an equivalent to playing local hillybilly redneck state fair? No idea how "prestigious" are racetracks in Daytona but correct me US anons if i'm wrong, but that sounds like that one local country horsegirl artist playing at every local show and being the attraction of town culinary competition festival or something
No. 1832440
File: 1684790387634.png (173.23 KB, 998x562, dates.png)

>>1832434other dates of the tour for reference, wonder how does it compare to shithole tour they did previously that anons rated upthread. Honestly this Rival Sons tour seems like playing at redneck townhalls and damn, Starcrawler's clout is long long gone at this point
No. 1832541
>>1832440kek her moids all have fat butts
they all have that kany fat distribution
tweedle dum lookin boys
No. 1832694
File: 1684822975859.png (227.13 KB, 656x836, arrow.png)

Kek i find it funny how she's trying to pander to this ~weirdcore shitty blurry quality photos taken with Y2K digital camera~ thing zoomers & coquettes on tumblr love rn. Even bought digital camera on her own for this aim~! that's evident where the "inspiration" came from, because they ALWAYS took pics with analog only.
No. 1833881
>>1833596That's probably what she wants you so bad to think, she would put fake grease/salt in her hair to make it look dirty/tangled, bitched about never using shampoo, did fake growing out roots as well. I mean it's the person who literally made tutorial on how to make your nails look like you haave dirt under & paints on pronounced/fake eyebags. (And painted on fake self-harm as well.)
All meticulously planned for ~aesthetic~, but i guess she never predicted that she'd fry her hair for real.
No. 1834866
File: 1685098603632.png (746.04 KB, 1080x1920, 1614892897393.png)

>>1834768Well since there's new readers to this thread let me dust off these pics, showing Arrow's true class & empathy… Worth mentioning also that Arrow's one trick pony show's attraction is faking epilepsy and involuntary face movements onstage (example upthread
>>1710322). she proudly admitted to watching real life patients on youtube "for hours" for inspo.
No. 1834868
File: 1685099310438.jpg (169.18 KB, 1662x942, 1617426749853.jpg)

>>1834866Bitch got called out by one person and so panicked & deleted comments as well as photo, but there's a whole livestream show of her dressed like that. Stopped dressing in a self-harmer cosplay, but she still does the fake schizo - epilepsy bullshit onstage even on current tour.
>>1201982 No. 1835717
File: 1685219387013.png (146.94 KB, 572x897, Screenshot_20230527-162933~2.p…)

No. 1835967
File: 1685260378493.png (769.22 KB, 676x800, 5.png)

naked dungeon girl? this sounded totally different from intended first time i read but ok
They got her chin wrong though. she doesn't have such a big chin
No. 1835969
File: 1685260596080.png (800.66 KB, 846x810, 2.png)

I know it's sun and wind blowing etc. but holy fuck, her hair looks awful. They both look awful, what are those costumes kek
No. 1842512
File: 1686173797168.jpg (67.32 KB, 520x914, 1.jpg)

Forgot about this cow lately but i see she's still delivering cringe. Every time i see her new posts i feel like each time she has less and less hair, and cuts more of her back hair to form some sort of almost nonexistent bangs. she must be teasing that hair now not for ~aesthetic~ but out of necessity…
No. 1842515
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No. 1842518
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No. 1842521
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No. 1843941
File: 1686378670535.png (Spoiler Image,196.97 KB, 674x832, ig1.png)

>coming soon… @indiana420bitch
She must be starved for that sweet sweet attention which she didn't get from anyone in long while. She's been "modelling" again for the scrote who shot her "motel porn tape" photoshoot… Apparently it's from some shitty ~kinky bimbo~ video made which he implied he might or might not drop.(emoji and please spoiler your shit)
No. 1843942
File: 1686378954188.png (Spoiler Image,151.78 KB, 656x898, ig3.png)

>>1843941I'm sorry but this looks horrible, and not in a good way they aimed for. i know anons said she should just drop her shitty "music career" and do horror stunt shoots, but i'm getting more and more convinced she'd absolutely suck even in that sort of career.
No. 1843945
File: 1686379239431.png (Spoiler Image,284.62 KB, 668x838, ig2.png)

>>1843942That bone emoji is an… interesting choice, considering this pic looks like something that could come out of proana scumbags thread, lol. (Except the cakey-dirty makeup on her body really made her look like a skeleton with a stomach bloat, especially in pic above.)
Mommy Autumn must be heaving proud from this pure expression of artistry~
No. 1844323
File: 1686437154499.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20230608.png)

all her attempts at Y2k/2003 bimbo thing are quite pathetic and clash terribly with the 70's shit/cowboy country shit style of her band, lol.
Not sure if she even knows who she is, but she honestly looks like Shmegeh skinwalker oftentimes, especially that "Now we use alot of black because i want my eyes to look dead" bs from that tiktok makeup tutorial reminds me of her. Or maybe rather Taylor Momsen skinwalker if not Shmegeh skinwalker.
No. 1870761
File: 1690321044563.jpg (Spoiler Image,433.46 KB, 1320x2048, Tumblr_l_65782982711518.jpg)

That awkward moment when youre attention whoring and posting your tits on instagram in hopes you get validation and praises from your old moid followers… but instead you get it from your mom. Kek wtf is wrong with them, i'd be embarassed in her place if my mom (and grandma as well apparently?) enthusiastically left heart emojis on my nudes
No. 1871671
>>1870761that's so fucked up
is her mom a narc or BPDfag irl? arrow is like a photographers verssion of gypsie rose
No. 1872274
File: 1690578167141.png (1.25 MB, 1022x788, 1c21c.png)

Wtf is going on with her face and lips, is that a face altering filter or?
I see Autumn sent them on stadium tour with Foo Fighters, calling literally every last association hoping it helps. I don't get though why are they playing supports now for Bandmaid? Any alt anons know this band?
No. 1872276
>>1871671No idea, but its clear as day her mother is living vicariously through her, wanting her to be the biggest star and "wildest altest girl to alt". Autumn herself behaves like NLOG.
Autumn also took photos of Arrow topless which she posted online years ago around the time they did the shitty I Love LA song. Arrow's actual grandfather posted heart eyes emoji on her faux dominatrix/porn shoot in which she poses in a thong.
it's an photographer nepo family that loves to stress online they're ~not like boring normies!~, so they probably think nude pics are all fine and dandy. Which they are in itself but it's… a family ogling their daughter's nudes. Idk but to me it's not extremely prudish or normie to say it's fucking weird for entire family to like their daughters "sexy" pics tho. would they like and subscribe if she made onlyfans as well? lol
No. 1888348
File: 1693002764380.png (1.03 MB, 646x830, screenshot23.png)

She's rather quiet lately but lol anons saying she's going to larp ~2006 rAwRXD scene queen~/bimbo were right. What is she doing now anyway, are they still promoting their flop album? Or is this considered the end of this failed "mainstream" era? seeing all she's left with is getting crumbs of attention with these half naked y2k photoshoots
Like damn she's the most uninspired, bland and boring i can think of, even comparing to other cows posted on these boards.
No. 1888351
File: 1693003067904.png (920.74 KB, 664x826, screenshot25.png)

>>1888348That "intentionally filthy" stained mattress just sends me, of course she'll never let go of this LA poverty LARP. I know it's just a dumb photoshoot, but it's just amazing she ALWAYS dresses up as junkie and always photographs in these "filthy" places and houses, fucking laughable when you remember she's a nepo kid who dates another millionaire nepo kid. Reminds me of other insufferable master poverty larper Yolandi Visser of Die Antwoord tbh.
No. 1899935
File: 1694985581558.png (6.5 MB, 1920x2880, runway.png)

Lol anons guess she finally broke down and asked mommy dearest to land her a deal at runway. She's at London Fashion Week (Autumn's in London atm too) and walked for Ashley Williams/Ugg collection. And it's. Fucking bad sorry.
I just find it so funny, after all the seething and coping "I could rock the runway! I had all these propositions but i always say no to, fashion is oppressive!" bs. Guess she realized her band fails big time despite all the nepo touring, and thinks modelling is an alt way to get that clout these days
No. 1899937
File: 1694985813831.webm (4.22 MB, 1920x1080, rnway.webm)

Here's the video. Wondered how did she even get casted, but after watching it appears this whole showcase was full of not very "modelesque" people overall. Like sure some were but there's been a LOT of mid weight/short people too, one girl seemed 162cm tall max
No. 1899938
File: 1694985926330.png (722.13 KB, 580x874, 282u422q.png)

More pics
(also kek at the cow pic application on the shirt, on brand).
No. 1900168
>>1900008Yeah there's something wrong with her posture, looks either like she's slouching (even if she's not) or flopping around pointlessly, idk. The clothes she wears also make her look really stumpy, maybe its the uggs but still. Nowhere close to catwalk/any type of modelling, though i see a lot of "models" walking here weren't either: who said she has no chance at modeling were right, but we maybe mom's name will magically open yet another doors for her
No. 1901427
File: 1695238693615.png (1.58 MB, 982x816, 4443.png)

Kek she's trying SO HARD to look drugged out #heroin chic in every fucking photo taken. That's not how she looks normally, you can just see how hard she's trying to give that heroin chic heavy lidded look. of course
she must be gloating, she got much more attention from ~LA/NYC famous~ people from this alone than she gets from anyone playing in her shitty band. Her comment section is delusional, surprised Autumn was pretty quiet & wasn't boasting about Arrow's runway adventures though. i mean that's what she wanted since her childhood, kek.
No. 1907142
File: 1696116334764.png (934.57 KB, 696x760, v.png)

and damn he's looking rough these days. I keep forgetting he's turning 40 in 5 years. It's crazy how he basically still has no job, like what does he make on these occasional music videos he makes once in a few months? 35 and still just a chugging money from his rich dad. Funny thing is if he wasn't a trustfund, Arrow would be a breadwinner in their poverty larp household
No. 1910905
File: 1696800854947.png (410.53 KB, 732x500, 23044544.png)

Cow crossover, guess Arrow modelled for Maya/Coldstoneddreamery, a chick from coquette thread. It's a girl who takes very mediocre Petra Collins tier pics and got famous bc she fucks Cobrasnake i guess, she's loved by retarded coquettes and she calls her photos "lobotomy chic"
No. 1910907
File: 1696800932302.png (794.59 KB, 796x564, 230445.png)

I know it's her normal weight, but anyone else thinks this gives a particular vibe? she seems weirdly obsessed with showing off ribs sticking out on her back. Which i always found odd because LOTS of thin/normal weight people have prominet ribs as well. i remember she had a few IG stories posing and showing it off like it's something very unusual, lol.
No. 1910909
File: 1696801054762.png (796.12 KB, 726x1084, 23044544_.png)

>>1910907random but these pics are the first time i've seen arrow on Tumblr. Normally nobody gives a fuck about her there
No. 1910910
>>1910907this isn't worthy of unsaged posting.. all this reminds me of is a kidnapped person whose been abducted and starved for years, all that's missing is bruises or something. even slightly reminds me of photos a murderer would take of their
victims an hour before murder. wouldn't be surprised if she paid someone a tenner to post this very poorly photographed crap on tumblr.
No. 1911070
File: 1696837682936.png (821.07 KB, 696x1095, arrow.png)

i thought she'd still be way better off being modelling/instathot rather than a shitty singer, but she's kinda shitty at this job too idk.
No. 1911072
>>1910972>This is weirdly shooped, look at the foot. Her legs look different That's what i wondered about even if just because i'm curious if Stolenbesos shoops her "oh so real totally candid party girl" pics. Arrow's legs always looked kind of… stumpy in the lower area though, compared to her thighs. not nitpicking just noticed comparing to other chicks of her built i've seen.
Can't say whose idea was this and if "malnourished kidnapped girl" was the idea behind this shoot, but it's "skinny Y2K chick in a
sus shabby motel" at the very least. LA morons like that sort of thing for some reason now. Moni Hayworth (another chick she posed for) takes pics like these and she's a cow in her own right bc she worked for junior high tier awful The Opioid Lookbook zine (which i think was started by Maggie from Nicole calves threads). That's a whole loop of rich idiots loving the shots of "junkie lifestyle", ALL these people are cows and dying to shoot this bullshit "junkie party girl sorta maybe traffiked aesthetic"
No. 1911075
>>1910974Well one can argue she'd look like this unintentionally bc of her naturally body look, but i have mixed feelings about this. I'm not saying she should not pose or cover up for the good of the kids!1!~ or whatever, but yeah sometimes i get slight "wannabe thinspo" vibes from her. All the weird "look at my dinosaur back!" stuff, even this year she posted this pointless video screen of her back. Instead of, you know, more interesting pics from her vacation she slapped same back photo
three times in a row on regular post, stories and saved stories.
But that's whatever, she'll always be a nasty scumbag of a person to me because of slashed veins cosplays and aping schizophrenics/epileptic ppl. someone really needs to tell her off.
No. 1911664
File: 1696946518125.png (222.08 KB, 1284x1750, lobotomychic.png)

This was already posted in coquette thread but for those who didn't see. It's one of the funniest things i've read on Dazed, this girl really thinks she's doing something revolutionary. "All dolled up in a dank, disgusting bedroom" on brand for Arrow, all pics she takes always must be some form of homeless/junkie/pornstar/abuse
victim cosplay.
>I was done with how males photograph girls my age, objectifying them >"I'm not trying to make them look sexy! I photograph them cute in ribbons but actually rolling in the dirt"!Also Maya:
>picks skinniest chicks, makes them wear bikini and shorts/lingerie and strike sexual poses>tells them to pout and look deadpan like literally every male fashion photographer evermake it make sense No. 1925744
File: 1699480209401.png (776.1 KB, 718x922, clip.png)

Anyone seen her new posts, she "starred" in another "concept porn" tier video. Idk if its the whole clip or just a teaser but it's so goddamned boring and idiotic. ~Monster hot bitches~ in thongs and stilletos strolling down La with knives in their hands, like wow. So artful, much meaning. LA people are just genetically devoid of any sort of creativity i guess. No. 1925745
File: 1699480317655.png (462.44 KB, 684x446, 1.png)

The moid behind this video (indianabitch420) sounds like such a cow himself. a video of a scrote getting power "charged" plugged to half naked bimbofied women, but such a deep metaphor behind this all!
>when I am in pain she is in me
>blood drain is my life line. the thoughts and tribulations that take over my brain. this is just the beginning. let the girls from my brain emerge.
No. 1925746
File: 1699480398030.png (676.19 KB, 810x456, 2.png)

I guess she has the right bodytype for that kind of creep/creature bullshit photoshoots, but honestly she yet again presents her absolute lack of personality or any type of interests besides wishing so badly to be a boss bitch. but that's one thing, mostly i just passionately hate that kind of indianabitch uninspired moid photography, don't get how anybody finds this cool.
No. 1925748
File: 1699480560448.png (590.45 KB, 664x826, edgelords.png)

also seeing this just now but kek at Gilbert as Anton La Vey, they both look that bad way oompa loompa trashy. guess that's how Arrow would look like if she porked up like Autumn btw.
No. 1931738
File: 1700606644211.png (233.64 KB, 590x876, Screenshot_2.png)

Are we getting Emilie Autumn tier "i'm an artiste" phase from arrow now? I mean, i guess it's good she's doing something creative instead of showing ass as usual but still. First time posting her doodles and already planning art prints?
No. 1931739
File: 1700606697005.png (657.81 KB, 658x832, p2.png)

First one & fairie drawings are not objectively terrible, the rest kind of are though. I can see her pandering to coquettes especially with ~little sadbbydoll with bloody knees~ one, but SELLING these? I'm sorry but these are doodles anybody can do, drawn in a faceless style that anybody uses, even ppl without a shred of drawing talent.
No. 1931746
File: 1700606978975.png (130.22 KB, 584x800, p3.png)

You gotta be either extremely confident about your abilities or extremely narcissistic to plan to sell tht one…
No. 1933737
File: 1700964088918.png (1.14 MB, 1017x1154,

>>1933736the way she moves and dances in this video, the cringe is painful. It's waaay way worse than any of her starcrawler videos which says a LOT. I've noticed she posted a story about collaboration track but never posted the video & hoenstly i can see why kek
No. 1933743
File: 1700964374884.png (902.07 KB, 926x820, g.png)

From what i've just noticed she's been caking up her face powder white with smudged eyes & lips a lot lately and teasing her hair, ending up with some sort of bad 3edgy5you "i listened to 3 songs by The Cure and also Marilyn Manson" style cringiness. Guess she's trying to go gothic/"tradgoth" next (lol).
It's kind of weid, she's never dressed or expressed any interest in gothic rock, despite apparently being nicknamed Babybat by her mother & adult friends for some dumb reason. all of her teen pics posted in earlier threads also show she was always rather a cross of expensive brand, slightly hippie/psychedelic leaning normie
No. 1933752
File: 1700966143857.gif (16.47 MB, 568x320, Arrow.gif)

>>1933737Omg what is this goofy ass dancing. This is so bad and I can't stop snickering.
>>1933743I am so excited, I can't wait for all the cringe.
>>1933744I love how bad this looks. Hope she continues to post more.
No. 1933754
File: 1700966822586.jpg (44.05 KB, 530x636, 666d0d0d3e79ef67f47a47158c2c04…)

>>1933752Her new skinwak appears to be Pris from Blade Runner, might explain the awkwardness since she's supposed to be like a robot doll
No. 1933763
File: 1700969639197.png (665.23 KB, 594x834, 11s.png)

>>1933752Lmao the gif cracks me up, she looks ridiculous in motion!
>I am so excited, I can't wait for all the cringe. Honestly same, she looks so so bad in goth stylistic, and she's doing this
seriously. Idk if it's just another 5 min phase of hers or autumn's new genius Starcrawler image plans to arrive and fail, but tbh i'm all for this embarassment, kek. i guess the country album cycle is over? Not sure if they have any new plans but wonder if they plan going for shitty The Cure revival/radio vanilla take on goth rock like Pale Waves
No. 1933765
File: 1700970081967.png (778.46 KB, 466x772, 12.png)

Ot but kinda shocked to see her hair is so fried and balding lately, she has short length but even that are just short extentions barely hanging on a few short clumps of hair. You can see it bc it's differently colored from the middle
No. 1934371
File: 1701098274177.gif (1.89 MB, 446x296, IMG_3824.gif)

>>1933752her beetlejuice possession era
No. 1934521
>>1934371>posessionthis reminded me she recently "starred" in another video in which she's enacting Isabelle adjani in "Posession" lmao. apparently this band is a sideproject of starcrawler's new drummer
Not that it matters ofc, as a polishfag i've always considered Posession severly overrated (it's loved to death by burger tumblrinas but nobody gave a fuck for this film in Poland, Żuławski was always known for different films there). it's sort of cringe how Arrow is always taken as a default posessed girl cliche though, whenever these oldfag bands wants edgy video collab. What they don't know is arrow never had a "posessed" persona, this idiot's distasteful ~alter ego~ bullshit was entirely built on faking epilepsy & schizophrenia
No. 1935689
>>1935642anon, Julia Fox isn't original either. Rich nepo bitches from 'artsy" wealthy families, aswell as less rich but still plain talentless attention whores do "trashy homeless meth addict on a homeless mattress" shoots since times immemorable, unfortunately. Julia Fox is objectively even more terrible than rrow with taking trashy glamourous~ pics of doig drugs & badly shooting up herself (which is kekworthy bc iirc in one photo she literally shoved the needle DOWNWARDS the arm not upwards, and there was a bump forming).
that's not to say Arrow is any better morally ofc. I don't know a single other person in rock/pop music using schizophrenia or seizures as scene persona.
No. 1935690
File: 1701358253495.png (744.63 KB, 682x822, 00000000.png)

Why did this make me think of It's Black Friday/Freya lol. maybe it's the teased hairflop and formless black sack dress IBF sometimes wears
No. 1941211
File: 1702257605493.png (1.13 MB, 897x560, tragic.png)

>>1941210Starcrawler comes in at around 8 minute mark and then there's awfully cringe performance aswell (what's with this dumbass scheduled "kicking Pauly Shore off the stage" bs).
I've just noticed how little promotion they have, it's truly over for them. they're on "mainstream" label and yet they don't get invited to any night live type TV shows - but somehow in their fresh out of highschool "independent" Rough Trade years they played on Jools Holland, Canal+ and random French night shows iirc. Comparing, Amy Taylor of Amyl and the Sniffers was featured a lot TV, she even was a guest judge on Drag Race. Surfbort and Sabrina are doing way better too. They still rely on nepotism but somehow, most of the musicians and journalists that promoted them hard in the beginning are mysteriously quiet now
No. 1951726
File: 1704584754206.png (1.11 MB, 802x586, blob boysband.png)

I know how much you guys like to hate on arrow's oompa loompa boyband, so let me bring to you a new offshoot iteration of Starcrawler. The boys decided to spread their wings and try ditching Arrow along the way, if just for one day. (Not for long though, if they want to play anywhere else than just a freaking local Pasadena parade lol)
No. 1951730
File: 1704585097707.png (1.4 MB, 1077x1405, dewilde.png)

Autumn gets even more cringey than her daughter sometimes… I sometimes check up on her instagram page like twice a year or so and she's saying the same exact thing every year, likea broken record. she's what? 50yo? 40s going on 50s? and still trying to make everyone know she's ~not like other normies~
>i never needed normal
No. 1952182
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>>1911070I came back because her face here has been reminding me of someone and it's been driving me insane
No. 1954469
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got this thrown on my main and i'm amazed. Wtf is that? Courtney Love goes to McDonalds after waking up from heroin binge?
she could work with literally anybody in LA who'd stylize her somewhat flattering or At least interesting. But nah, better go on your 7th year or such of cosplaying meticulously stylized drug addict/hobo, with "trashy america" idea that's been wornout to its death. just marvelling why fashion burgerfags always do shoots like these, and each and every time they think it's oh so camp and witty and totally never done before #concept photography
No. 1954471
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No. 1954472
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Am i going insane or did she gain weight? Not that it's milky or important at all, just a little surprised. she looks tall and thin like her mother used to, but no longer spooky skeleton tier
>>1952182kek anon. I think you meant this video thumbnail,10/10 comparison
>>1941210 No. 1954580
>>1954476>Punkkek you need to go back if you think arrow is punk.
>Hobos and drug addicts are people too and it is cool she isn't afraid to look like that if she wants tooPrecisely, hobos & drug addicts are people too. and so hey don't deserve to be mocked by used as tools for aesthetic for some spoiled hollywood brat who knows nothing about homelessness, drug abuse or mental illness. She's a spoiled nepo kid who came out of a family of rich photographers with tons of connections, but loves to play up the "we were so poor" fake story, it's all been exposed in previous threads. it's just idiotic how all these rich ppl who were coddled all their lives go for "homeless" or "lunatic" aesthetics. This girl passionately watched schizophrenics on youtube so she could adequately mimic their behaviours and seizures onstage as a show staple, or played with fake self-harm sores painted on her wrists with a lipstick. Still think that's cool?
bitch has never experienced any of the things of she uses as aesthetic, and while it's ok for some looks, a line is drawn when you cosplay someone else's tragedies. People look down on rich girls being wiggers, but this is even more pathetic cause its like wearing mental illness as a costume. (not relating to the photoshoot above rn, just what she does on a daily basis.) as for dressing hobo, it's laughable considering her upbringing.
No. 1954824
>>1954816>it is not that's not, just expressing how i feel about this as one having to deal with a close person having seizures. I really don't need to go watch arrow perform epilepsy symptoms onstage, i see them everyday. but personal shit /moral standpoint aside, it's just pitiful. It's funny how she needs to resort to faking mental/physical illness because she has nothing interesting or charming about her to show otherwise.
>let people make artKek i'm actually waiting for her to make ~art~, sadly she has never done such thing in her whole "career". if you think stuff mentioned above is art then idk what else to tell you.
No. 1954860
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>>1954476>>1954816can't tell if bait or sincereposting
No. 1955086
File: 1705260008870.png (1.14 MB, 786x762, strcrwer.png)

I'll prob get accused by whiteknight of nitpicking (lol), but i find these photos amusing, it looks like it could be a NLOG meme. This gives off "i'm that one HOT~ girl in the gang hanging with da bois" vibes. Yeah it's just posing & probably wasn't intended. but knowing how she can be a bitch to other women in rock scene, and her retarded comments on feminism (for me feminism means we shouldn't be called a girl band! We are a male band! that's sexism!) i couldn't help snickering a little.
No. 1955523
>>1954860kek nona I love you for this reference
>>1954824I feel you, I’m
>>1715791 & the seizure faking really makes my skin crawl. It’s such a weird condition to romanticise/larp anyway, but I think anyone who has it - or is close to someone with it - would find her behaviour particularly distasteful because most people just don’t know how savage epilepsy really is and how much the burden of it bleeds into every part of your life. Fucked up shit.
No. 1957540
>>1955523Thanks anon, i thought i was going crazy. People are going mad about most unimportant sjw tier tumblr shit, but i don't think it falls into this category - imitating actual people and their illnesses as an "art project" is just being plain scumbag, nothing more nothing less. i don't get why she gets a pass.
And one more thing, she knows what people think of it but still continues her mental/seizure shit. I'm sure she knows of this place, and she's been called out on social media before for faking self harm for a photo. She didn't deny anything, just turned off comments, which says a lot. Guess this was 100% the intention, just wasn't the reaction she expected.
No. 1962018
File: 1706917843750.png (683.87 KB, 552x978, 001.png)

>it was pandemic so i had no pics
Uh, somehow I doubt she couldn't take any basic ass unstyled selfies in pandemic? Feels like she just really wanted to show this photo so she can go on this "i had fake ID" rant, like it's something so cool and incredible lol.
This is maybe the 3rd time I've seen her bragging how turning 21 is no big deal to her cause she was drinking since age 16. Yes Arrow, just like millions of people around the world. Even without ~fake ID~, believe it or not. how boring you must be to think it's even anything brag worthy?
No. 1962030
File: 1706919080245.jpg (526.2 KB, 1920x2560, EDIT-27-2-scaled.jpg)

Picrel, what i find nasty is their clear DDLG leaning relationship. I remember her posting a lot of stuff like "babygirl", milk bottle emojis and whatnot, and she still uses these dumb ass various "Daddy" pins on her outfits. This maybe would fly in 2018 but these days DDLG is passe everywhere and people just cringe/roll eyes when they hear it.
also the thought that this manlet would consider himself "daddy" is kekworthy when you know he's dating a girl so tall she could pickhim up by the collar and throw out the window lol
No. 1968475
File: 1708554010068.jpg (121.12 KB, 792x1198, 4b6af37a-e02b.jpg)

Had to show you anons, cause it may be the worst magazine photography (and interview…) i've seen ever. I don't think it was her "concept" specifically, but it's not just cringe, it's horribly photographed.
No. 1968476
File: 1708554123921.png (1.21 MB, 1100x816, THE-FACE.png)

>>1968475that "le 2010 memes" tier addon
No. 1968477
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Plus the "interview" or whatever this is… (seriously, Face Magazine wtf). Not sure what were the categories tthey used while picking out the people for this section, she was included along people Gabriette and Trisha Paytas. The state of nowadays magazines No. 1988595
File: 1713992122200.mp4 (5.13 MB, 488x858,…)

Haven't checked up on this cow forever, forgot how annoying she comes across. 25 and still hasn't developed a single shred of her own personality, it's blantantly obvious if you see her tiktoks or selfies or whatever. somehow it's even less than she had a couple years back when she did stoned faces and posed as katiejane garside
No. 1988598
File: 1713992223590.png (1.41 MB, 1306x800, screencs.png)

Starcrawler's going on tour with Boris, but they're flopping as ever i guess. Tiktok blocked their new album and essentially all the "promotion" they prob were forced to do was pointless. their career track seems pretty weird, genuinely forgot they're on "mainstream label" right now. they have less clout/relevance than they did back in Rought Trade days and waving mommy's friends coattails. feels like nobody has any idea what to do with this band.
Kinda telling how much it flops when the only "boast-worthy" thing in your life is having your photos taken by fucking Cobrasnake.
No. 1988600
File: 1713992469274.png (524.83 KB, 626x800, a.png)

Welp i forgot, should've said smoking is her latest identity staple. she's posing a lot with cigs/joints.
No. 1988601
File: 1713992555811.png (1.02 MB, 798x574, starcrawlerx.png)

Have this terrifying photo as a bonus. i'd say it explains well one of the reasons what's wrong with this band kek.
No. 1988614
>>1988598wtf is this look supposed to be, rape
victim core?
>>1988601kek dude on the right sucking in for dear life
No. 1988628
>>1988614"trashbag slut danceparty" according to party theme but she's that kinda dickhead that would try rape
victim look as "fashion". She's been wearing fake self harm and faking being schizo as "alter ego" so there's always more, uh,
fashion opportunities. Maybe she should team up with Maggie from Nicole theads to cam fake snuff porn or shit like that.
>sucking in for dear lifeif you only knew how bad things really are.jpg worthy, that face says it all
No. 1988645
>>1988614The writing of a derogatory word on her body with lipstick, messy hair and the tiara make it seem like she’s cosplaying as Courtney Love, who was known for wearing rhinestone tiaras and participated in the trend of writing things like “slut,” “whore” and “rape” that a lot of women in the riot girl scene did. Wouldn’t be the first time Arrow was “inspired” by Courtney’s aesthetic (which sometimes did seem to be “rape
victim” tbh).
No. 1988725
File: 1714021705374.jpg (2.2 MB, 2576x2536, 6344654239_7b82d8a658_o.jpg)

>>1988645Yep the tiara + listick scribblings is pretty obvious indicator. Not as egregrious as the way she wore Katiejane's skin (interstingly though, KJG wore trashbag onstage too one time. Don't think it was the inspiration
this time but interesting in context of how much Arrow cosplayed her up 3 years ago)
>>1954469 this as well
>>1988686yeah, thats exactly what i thought. She really acts like she's "hot slut among a harem of guys" but it's just ridiculously funny seeing her striking poses among most pitiful looking guys
No. 1988729
File: 1714023489610.jpg (108.71 KB, 484x778, 6c8ce3e7fdfba10e66bae2d698230b…)

>>1988690She used to look pretty normal as a teenager. normal meaning she dressed very different, like a wannabe hippie in
very expensive ass vintage 70's clothes. but even then she was dressed up by her mother as evidenced by old posts. the slutty look started when starcrawler started getting promos, i would guess someone encouraged her. And now she builds whole thing around Y2K like most of zoomers
It's just kind of stupid how she destroyed her hair all in the name of posing as ~dirty rockstar living in a cheap trashy house~ (even up to using products to make it look greasy lol). Maybe it's just root shadow but the hairline is pretty bad. That's another annoying thing about her and her mother, pretending they're from struggletown coming from some kind of poverty, not like Arrow's a 3rd generation of this wealthy artsy family.
Very fitting for her to date Danny Trejo's son, who can't bother to fix his missing teeth bc 3edgy~punk!rock No. 2039225
File: 1727419025766.jpeg (2.59 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_7476.jpeg)

Went to see Boris tonight and snagged some pics of the cryptid herself… their merch line was completely bare… Boris fans calling her a string bean and laughing at them
It was amazing
No. 2039230
File: 1727421167155.jpg (14.94 KB, 236x346, eca2a38ed6f95f0ef562d1d927349c…)

>>2039225Did they steal this picture for merch, lmao?
No. 2039907
File: 1727561117821.png (2.22 MB, 764x1156, festival.png)

>>2039225Oh boy, haven't checked up on this disaster in a while. they just sometimes resurface playing support slots for mommy's friends, but seems like Arrow eased up on abhorrent self promotion a bit. like yeah they tour with Boris now but before they played with Eagles of Death Metal on a literal town fair hillybilly beerfest for motorbike dudes. the pics from that show look sad af.
To contribute somehow, i seen some interview with her some moths ago but decided it's not worthy a thread update at the time. But from more relevant things:
>finally commented the anorexia rumors, said she doesn't have marfans syndrome just hashimoto which somehow contributes to fast metabolism (wtf? i thought metabolism slows with hashimoto but idk)>said weight comments are even more upsetting bc she "knows people who are anorexics and junkies">now says she was "constantly model scouted" as a teen, whereas she always denied she modelling storyline>"our last album was on universal" No. 2039912
File: 1727561469131.png (863.9 KB, 592x788, shirt.png)

>>2039230I mean… yeah it's kind of blatant. what is the source of this picture? obviously it makes rounds on traumacore tumblrs but idk
No. 2039981
File: 1727573763951.png (642.4 KB, 587x671, annie.png)

>>2039912Sage for irrelevance to Shartcrawler, but I'm pretty sure it's a sculpture/doll by Annie Montgomery. Capped her site bio (picrel) from but it doesn't include many photos of her work. I'm not on Instagram but if anyone wants to take the plunge she appears to be at @annie_montgomerie_art. I wonder if she knows kek
No. 2040083
File: 1727602610540.png (1.05 MB, 638x1014, 87876.png)

We're running out of post space, gotta prepare new thread later today perhaps? tbh i like music cow threads & i'm curious what's their next uninspired era will be
>>2040019I mean yeah she comes across sympathetic towards her on sm but i can't help but wonder how tf they paired such shitty band with Boris… there's sO much of better rock/alt genz bands. they even could've chosen Surfbort if they wanted "default trashy fake madwoman" onstage.
>>2039981Thanks anon, this drawing is straightup copied from the sculpture. Arrow usually types photo credits but never mentioned A. Montgomerie, just "logo by me". Annie prob has no idea.
No. 2040859
>>2040748I'm sure it's just her family genetics but thyroid shit? she clearly says in the vid
>Hashimoto also contributes to how fast my metabolism isYou know i'm not sure i got everything right cause i'm ESL anon but yeah. if anybody cares to listen themselves, here's video but i warn you about overt and insufferable "you know like like yeah like" bs (I listened to it at 2.0 speed lol.) They start talking about anorexia/marfans subject around 49:25 and thyroid around 50:00 mark
No. 2042286
File: 1728082571442.png (151.47 KB, 846x1084, 3333s.png)

>recorded at Dave Grohl's studio
>After stints with the Rough Trade and Big Machine labels, Starcrawler is releasing “Learn To Say Goodbye” independently, with no tease for a full-length LP
lol so they got kicked out even from that christian country pop label full of nobodies…
No. 2056169
File: 1731538238254.png (663.58 KB, 570x828, arroww.png)

Lol is that something to brag about? I thought it's a pretty normal thing to tour US, for US rooted bands. That's not indicative that they're famous or well liked in anyway. Count in all the shitty bars they played in but never managed to sell out. Weird flex but i guess when you have nothing else…
No. 2056175
File: 1731538506264.png (123.49 KB, 936x1074, article.png)

>>2041700I'm pretty surprised Boris liked them. Apparently Wata came out onstage and played a song with them serveral nights. It's safe to guess that audiences didn't like them though kek (picrel)
I checked and she's in Tokyo rn with Sickysab trying to pretend she's famous in Japan lol
No. 2056282
>>2056175Oh my god her interactions with the audience are so cringy kekkkk "You guys gotta get better at responding"
The whole shrieking and convulsing on the floor just doesn't match their boring music. You'd think with stunts like that that they play some harsh, heavy music, but it's pop rock at best.
No. 2056468
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>>2056282They're really stunted and this point, all their shows are the same (must include Arrow convulsing on the floor, then doing that acrobatic shit, then Arrow striking schizo faces. but i guess she stopped spitting fake blood so she thinks it's a development kek.)
That Japan thing amuses me tbh. They were sent to Japan to pretty much kickstart their career bc they were nobodies in US and thought "big in Japan" thing would impress the media. From what i understand they were received well but haven't been relevant there since they were teenagers. this is way overblown
No. 2056470
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Sorry but is this snowflake ever capable of NOT being headliner for anybody her age? They're playing soon for some Hysteric Glamour anniversary show in Japan with a couple of bands, and Sabrina. Realistically, Pretty Sick should be the headliner. Ofc she has bigger reach thanks to mainstream fashion connections and rich parents, but Sabrina genuinely has actual engaged fanbase. Starcrawler is hated everywhere they go, and now they don't even have record label deal. Same thing in the past, Surfbort and i think Amyl & The Sniffers were infinitely more successful bands, but they had to open for Starcrawler. would Arrow throw a tantrum or what
No. 2057016
File: 1731712340486.png (1.22 MB, 860x674, kiki.png)

I've been binge rereading oldass Keekz and Dakota threads and found this lol. Anons already compared Arrow to Kiki before, and i couldn't agree more. She reminds me of her not only bc she was talentless teen that her stage mom was pimping out & trying hardest to make famous, they're even similar in some dumbass expressions in selfies, lack of interests and cardboard personalities. Arrow even had shitty myspace hair as of late.
Not saying she stole it from Kiki bc it's basic ass bikini design and they're both unoriginal hacks, but i find it a funny coincidence. if only Arrow had spergchan tendencies lol.
>>2056990I Love LA, Pussy Tower, Ants and Roadkill has got to be their worst. she halfasses a scream on Goodtime Girl but the rest is same old emotionless mumbling and mixed so low. I'm sure albums as entirety must be even worse
No. 2058451
>>2058443Nonnie, all that bad music was "bought" by pimp (her mother lol) already. Starcrawler worked with acclaimed producers like Nick Launay (recorded Nick Cave), fucking Ryan Adams before he got cancelled, Tyler Bates (Marilyn Manson) Steve McDonald of the Melvins etc strictly bc they're friends with the pimp. From what i understand, skeletons of their shitty songs are written by Henri and majorly finished by producers like Ryan. & they still couldn't help it
Their sound is fucking Jonas Brothers and constructionwise songs are shit, but i believe 90% of why it sounds so bad is Arrow's bland, boring voice
No. 2063256
File: 1733009308667.png (116.85 KB, 726x764, f909663844.png)

I gotta say she matched perfectly with her bf, both nepo kids with fake careers existing only on paper. Gilbert's "job" is listed online as director and actor. seriously, what has he done yet besides videos for Starcrawler and friends? He's seemingly about to debut his movie, starring Danny Trejo. I mean good for him beating addiction, and i might be cynical but it's such a contrast of stories though. Danny Trejo vs bored nepo baby idolizing GG Allin kek.
Kind of curious how much money is Starcrawler making monthly. Weird to think they're just living on a trust fund straigh out of Danny Trejo's bank account
No. 2063262
To add onto this something relating Stacrawler: they recently flew out to Australia just to headline event that looks like local tavern fest with cotton candy, mechanical bulls and dance instructors(?) tbh which I just find funny considering how big and great they thought they are.
From what i've heard, Arrow is still a cow and she's throwing actual temper tantrums that aren't really staged, insulting audiences etc. is an imageboard) No. 2098595
File: 1741883902520.jpeg (139.89 KB, 1080x1350, 20250313_122541.jpeg)

Starcrawler confirmed for the re-release of Tony Hawk 3/4.
No. 2102143
File: 1742772817091.webm (4.95 MB, 478x836, blooddrain.webm)

Posting as Arrow update but also to laugh the fuck at LA people attending this en masse and thinking it’s prime art.
Arrow’s been a part of some shit performance that will probably be her peak achievement (kek) as in: something that wasn’t funded and initiated by her mother. Kind of weird to see her in proximity of all the LA models and soundclout fuckboys also attending. Like a total 180 away from her usual scene. This bimbo shit vs Starcrawler lambs lol.
No. 2102145
File: 1742772974498.webm (6.77 MB, 814x824, bd2.webm)

This whole thing is some promo for Indiana420Bitch’s video and it’s him using medical equipment/ creeping around with „girls from his mind” along to ridiculously shit music defeaning everyone. And that „art” are half naked chicks in thongs, either of plastic surgery addict (like Ch111oe) or anachan variety, dressed as bimbos but with fake long claws and „monster” white contact lenses, you get it? ~Art~
No. 2102271
File: 1742823575837.jpg (Spoiler Image,618.75 KB, 1080x1477, Screenshot_20250324-133509.jpg)

This dude apparently worked with her before. He took a picture of her ass four years ago.
No. 2102425
File: 1742859533334.png (769.32 KB, 1284x1795, 7474.png)

>>2102271i've googled and found some info on him on some Gabriette/Matty Healy snark reddit of all places (also damn that asshole is looking rough these days). Indiana Piorek creep is a social climber that tags along celebs and steals art. He "works" for IAMGIA like once a year and just films Gabriette going places. He gets away with portraying women as blowup dolls cause he's allegedly gay but idk. I know depicting women as subhumans is men's standard fetish but this is next level cringe shit.