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No. 164103
>>164096>getting fat>doctor tells her to eat less>she describes it as "one of the rudest things I've ever seen""Doctor, I cough a lot and run out of breath easily!"
"Have you tried cutting down on the number of cigarettes you smoke?"
No. 164106
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>>164096"put down the fork"
well he's not wrong. Also how is she managing to say gross shit about bleeding into cysts and sound so high pitched and chipper?
shivers Real talk though, are doctors really that bad in America? Not that they are much better here, everyone has anecdotes about awful doctors, but it sounds like such a waste of her time.
No. 164120
>>164096>joke among friends What friends???
Your husband's coworkers=/=friend
>>164106Doctors usually go for the worst case scenario so for example
You have a random bump -> must be cancer
No. 164140
>>164135I hope he is finally seeing someone that will keep on making him happy ,honestly.
Would rather seem him in a happy relationship than in jail for statutory rape kek
No. 164142
>>164140seeing as he cut his hair and he's looking cleaner, probably lmao
idk he's probably got tons of females thrown at him due to gg and he strikes me as a casual and chill guy, like not intense and weird, so the teen banging stuff sounds almost comical because why have teens when you could have adult women?
No. 164150
>>164096I call bullshit on this.
How can she go from "I can't afford this $600 medication" to "omg you guys I got the medication I wanted"
I also really doubt this would have gone on for so long if she was seeing as many different doctors as she claims.
I think she put this problem on the back burner and said whatever as she ballooned in weight and then blames the doctors for her weight gain and their unwillingness to help her even though they probably did what they were supposed to do.
No. 164153
>>164146yeah I wondered that too, like that's really damn big, her throat would be sticking out like popeye's adams apple.
So like, deep talk, I'm sure there's youtubers who used to be on these type of gossip sites (toxic tears on pull for instance) and who used to fling shit at famous youtubers and are now on the same level or followed by them or whatever. If you guys were gaming or beauty youtubers and you gained enough of a following that you got the GG's and Suzy's attention and you even hung out with them, but you knew you also used to frequent these sites, how would you behave? What if she was nice to you?
I'm not asking for myself it's just something I think about sometimes. Like these people who were unreachable gossip sources and you never thought you'd ever encounter suddenly are within your reach and actually listen to
you and not just think you're a rando on the internet. I guess most people end up like kissing ass and pretending they never said a mean word about them but heck, wouldn't that be exhausting? I dunno, I just spend a lot of my time contemplating shit, especially with Suzy. She seems like the type who would be friendlier in person and who would give you a totally different idea of who she is if you met her irl than what we see from our perspective, and I don't mean that she's misunderstood, because she does very cringeworthy things and lies, and if you heard that about her after meeting her you'd be like "no way!"
am I making sense?
No. 164155
>>164096Oh Snoozers, you and your hair drama.
People write about how her hair style looks unattractive on her, even in an old thread some discussed how bangs would suit her better.
Suzy gets bangs.
People notice how laughable bangs look on her.
She starts hiding them under wigs and now, in her most recent video wears them in this crazy ass side parting situation.
And we're back to discussing how shitty her hair looks.
Girl, stop the goffic shit, wear your natural hair color. Get a modern but simple shoulder length cut with a slightly shorter front so it frames your hippo muh thyroid face and see how you can actually make something out of yourself.
Jesus fuck the lack of taste in this woman can make me rage for hours.
No. 164159
>>164142>why have teens when you could have adult women?Teenagers are easily impressed, easy to manipulate and easy to abuse.
Not saying that he strikes me as the kind of dude who would do stuff like that (He seems rather nice and big hearted to me) but who knows?
He could be a giant jerk in real life for all we know
No. 164161
>>164153I don't think Suzy is necessarily rude. I am pretty sure she can be actually quite nice. Her character would just be unbearable for me but thats my personal issue.
I just can't believe how stupid and naive she is. It is making my head explode i s2g.
She is making so many stupid decisions, is -at least in my eyes- super dishonest with herself and the rest of the world, and on top of it all is totally dependent on this grease wiener Arin.
No. 164180
>>164161idk she strikes me as those whiny annoying types that are either really friendly with you if they have something to gain or really bitchy and mean if you looked sideways at them. maybe that just me tho~
She is very stupid. Like not mentally slow she just doesn't use common sense, she doesn't think.
>>164159 I had answered this and my internet decided to crash, thanks net. Dan striked me as those "older women have confidence and experience" types, although I'm sure there's tons of teens willing to throw themselves at him, even if legal laws are kind of muddy between states.
No. 164186
>>164184he can often make kind of iffy comments about women in videogames being hot and then he'll find out they are actually young/underage/teenagers, etc.
I believe some people on tumblr have claimed he's slept with teenagers but… tumblr.
No. 164188
>>164184Because he (and everyone else on the internet) made jokes about banging underaged characters people jumped on this idea that he wants an underaged GF
Even though he's mentioned 3 times that he likes girls between 26-his age
No. 164237
>>164203I would probably leave the fact I've insulted the cows out to that degree, but say something how I enjoyed the speculation even if I knew it was 100% bogus. Same reason people go on celeb gossip sites.
Like, whatever, I talked shit about you. Get over it. You're probably totally fine IRL but on the internet you're insufferable, what a shocker.
No. 164246
>>164096That's the great thing about being 'rude'.
Sure Suzy, you were offended by something the doctor said - but just because it was rude or mean, doesn't make it a false statement.
Would his claim have any more or less weight (heh) if he had told you that your cottage cheese thighs were only slightly repulsive or that you only needed to lose a teensey weensey bit of weight?
Face it - you're an overweight hog and being told that by a doctor shatters the illusion you've desperately tried to forge over in your ignorance.
How rude, sure.
But how true it was.
He's right and you're fat, stop whining and fucking do something about it that isn't glazed in sugar.
No. 164251
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>>164247this is a good post.
No. 164252
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When the doctor tells you that you need to lose weight…
No. 164270
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>>164148we got two big boys here
No. 164453
>>164446dang suzy, you're so boring you even have to unbox stuff in video games
No. 164603
File: 1470846305100.png (843.35 KB, 851x478, 3rdch.png)

Suzy has a new Loot Crate video - there are three big items in this one; one for every chin! No. 164604
Go to 1:24, where Suzy tries to hold up the poster, she leans back to get it all in frame and you can see that her weight pushes the chair back! There's a look of panic on her face when there's suddenly a jump cut and Suzy tries to play it off like nothing happened.
Except that the chair is in a different position and she's being a lot more careful holding it up.
Oh man, I wish Kevin would have left that outtake in like he has the ASMR videos; I'll bet Suzy made a crater when she landed on the ground.
No. 164617
>>164604Im not a fan of how Suzy has been dealing with her weight either but holy fucking shit your so shallow. HAHA OMG SHE ALMOST FELL HAHA OH WOW! OMG!!
sorry but how youve commented sounds so smug holy shit dude.
No. 164632
Guys through a rando's word we're supposed to take that Kevin is gone and someone else is editing
(crosses fingers that's true because if it is fuck yeah it's been a long overdue from the day he gave that skype interview)
No. 164701
>>164632holy shit thank god. That guy fucked up so much and I stopped watching a while back. Dead Rising's editing is infamous for being shite and his fuck ups were happening every episode with that. He honestly seemed bored with it.
Most fangirls dont care because "omg hes sooo cute!!!" and honestly..e-e;;
(e-e;;) No. 164754
Turns out the Game Grumps were on a recent episode of Red vs Blue. Spoilers: Suzy still can't voice act for shit.
(I don't think RT has uploaded it to YT yet, but here's the site link:
No. 164829
>>164754Glad to see I'm not missing out on anything, I only really watch Funhaus now.
Although speaking of FH, Adam's wearing Suzy's D.Va ripoff shirt design in the newest podcast.
Kinda wish people I actually liked would stop associating with the Grumps.
No. 164834
>>164829Something tells me Full Screen will do whatever it can to probably try and get the Game Grumps under their name as well since they just signed The Creatures.
It's easier to sign up and introduce new content and people if you show or pretend you're bffs with all the youtubers in that circle.
No. 164837
>>164813Dan didn't went to the art thingy too.
He still has "Baby Grump" in his Twitter description and retweets stuff from Ross, I don't think he got fired
No. 164893
>>164887That's true. He has pretty much sucked from the beginning.
puts on tinfoil hat maybe it's because of the recent fuck ups on Suzy's channel? The ASMR video that had her annoyed whining halfway through and the video falsely uploaded/not having cut out scene of her just sorta staring or whatever it was. I know Kevin edits KKG, not sure about her Mortem3r channel.
I can see Arin and Dan (and even the other guys) not really caring all that much. But Suzy does not like it if someone makes her look bad.
tinfoil hat off No. 165059
>>164913I really wish Suzy would try and do more videos by herself instead of using pretty much anyone who'll put up with her as a "guest" for her boring gaming videos.
Does she even do anything outside of hanging out with Gamegrumps? You'd think with all the money and time she has she'd actually get into a hobby she's genuinely interested in. All the gaming, makeup, and fashion videos are just so half assed.
Would be cool if she even showed her process for her overpriced taxidermy.
No. 165083
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Suzy's losing brain cells at an alarming rate and vernon knows it
No. 165257
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I don't get how this is supposed to be savage? I guess this is savage to basic white girls like Suzy
No. 165343
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>>165336I thought you were kidding until I looked myself
No. 165344
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No. 165353
>>165343I've had the Doritos things (bf bought them on a whim when 7-11 had them.) they're disgusting. super salty, kind of tastes like you ate a bunch of Doritos and then puked. Not very crunchy off the rollers there so I'm assuming that in the microwave…yuck.
Oreo churros probably seem like something you could eat one or two of before you got sick of how sweet they probably are.
No. 165360
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oh look! we can bid on clothes and shoes Snooze never wears out once again!
No. 165380
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>>165375This is just….pathetic. Getting this "offended" by random marketing shit on a lotion? And you can tell that she's faking it. It's like she skimmed through a 'how to be sarcastic' wikihow and figured that's what she's gonna do for her next video.
pic 2:12
No. 165414
>>165375She picks the stupidest things to get mad at because thats all she can comprehend. She has never had to critically think about anything.
Reminds me how in another unboxing video (surprise) she got mad that an eyeshadow sample had sexy men on the front and she thought it was dehumanizing and over sexualising men, completely oblivious to the tongue in cheek meaning behind it.
No. 165415
>>165375Even (especially) with depression or other "mental problems", remaining positive and forcing yourself to think of what you're grateful for is extremely helpful.
Part of the therapy for depression, depending on your therapist, is making positive thinking a habit, taking stock of what you're grateful for, etc
And yes, self care when you're feeling down/apathetic/etc especially when you DON'T feel like you have the energy for it is suggested as well!
If it's a spa day, getting out of bed, making a nice dinner, going to see a movie out of the house, whatever pushing your boundaries and forcing yourself to do something when you don't want to is absolutely what you WANT to do.
Having depression doesn't mean you can just give up because it's easier, snoozy. It is hard work to try and get better and improve yourself.
No. 165423
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>7 fav youtubers
>lists nine people
Suzy also apparently can't count or read
No. 165470
>>165464She probably gets these clothes for free from sponsors and now she's gonna let her dumbass fans fight over them and let it get sold for probably 10x the price it actually is. Just like how she overprices her shitty jewelry and taxidermy.
I hate this greedy hoe.
No. 165490
>>165464notice how all the clothes for sale is small and medium
guess she's accepted that the stuffed sausage look wasnt for her
No. 165491
>>165464As someone who has that cupcake bag for under $10, people are getting ripped off. I guess owning something that was close to GG is worth throwing money away.
I'd be concerned over the smell (due to her sweat/BO, and pets).
No. 165495
>>165490This is the start of a vicious cycle…
>Suzy sells shit that doesn't fit her on eBay>Suzy takes the proceeds and spends it on deep fried chocolate and larger clothesrinse, lather, repeat.
In a year we'll probably see her trying to pawn off 3XL shirts.
No. 165570
>>165470I don't think D.I.A would sponsor her, seeing as how that's a Japanese brand that you can't directly buy outside of there. That's one she buys to "show off" to her weeby fans.
…but if it doesn't go too high, I might bid on that blue/black D.I.A top. I like it in a weird way… that, and I don't think Suzy's ever worn it so I don't believe I would have to worry about what
>>165491 mentioned.
No. 165575
>>165572If it doesn't go above $20 towards the end of the last day, I'll bid. Any higher and I don't think it'll be worth it.
Unlike Suzy, however, I know I fit into a small from D.I.A.. I had wondered if this was in the lucky bag unboxing she did, but I skimmed the vid and don't think I saw it. You could tell that she's put on weight since January, though…
No. 165791
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Suzy looks a bit unrecognizable in this recent photo. Other than being heavily edited her makeup is different too.
No. 165802
>>165791>>165791lol shes trying to look like those insta baddies
someone please give her makeup lessons smh
No. 165803
>>165791I just don't understand what's the point shooping your jawline when the rest of your Instagram is total triple chin potato face.
That aside, despite her failed efforts it's good to see her trying more things when it comes to makeup. I hope those fucking inner corner eyeliner goes away soon.
No. 165805
>>165791Is she trying to look like a drag queen?
I bet she applied that contour with her finger.
No. 165826
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>>165791The comments are fucking hilarious
Stop lying to her like that lmao
No. 165835
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>>165375Why does she always look so greasy in her videos now?
Like whatever honestly that she doesn't want to put any effort into her videos but at least do yourself up a bit first.
That mixed with the crap outfit and hair: it's a clusterfuck.
triggering of the lotion was the cherry on top though. It sincerely just wrapped up the package of what a mess she is.
I can't wait for her to go full Tumblrina.
No. 165840
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>>164096I hope Suzy ignores the doctor's warranted advice, keeps eating junk and gets even worse health issues. This shit is fun.
No. 165979
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I thought the first one was bad…
No. 166013
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No. 166135
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>>166013Is she trying to attempt drag? Wtf is this?
No. 166151
>>166013 just didn't put in the caption she wrote. I think it was something like, still trying to learn how to do drag but it's so much fun, or something like that but a little more obnoxious
No. 166228
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>>166216Her lips lmao. I hope she doesn't think this is a good look because you can see where her real lips are underneath the lipstick.
No. 166310
>>165983Arin's chemistry with Chris is 100x better than with Dan
This is watchable. Game Grumps is not.
No. 166344
>>166216I have a hair straightening brush myself… it's one that looks a bit more like a comb and it works pretty well. It definitely helps me get the back of my head a lot better than a typical straightener (my hair is only, like, to the top of my shoulder blades and has some grown out layers. it's also naturally wavy, a bit more so than Suzy's, I would say). It does, however, make my hair kind of frizzy towards the ends in comparison… but that's easily fixed with a pass of a regular straightener.
Therefore, I wouldn't completely discount a straightening brush because Suzy didn't like it. It doesn't straighten perfectly, but it does save me time overall because I can get the bulk of my hair done with the brush and just fix a couple problem areas with my normal straightener.
I think if she divided her hair up more, did less thick sections, and took a little more time it would've worked out better for her? It looked pretty straight to me so I'm not sure what her deal was? Other than it not getting her roots?
No. 166353
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Oh she'll be able to fit in snoozy's clothes soon enough
No. 166358
>>166344>>166216I was curious about how something like this would work on actually non-straight hair (tbh I don't see a difference in suzy's hair) looked up some videos, and it seems like her technique is just shit. her passes are too quick and there's not enough contact between her hair and the device.
I also wonder if her hair is too thin for something like that? like the bristles are set apart too widely for it to be fully effective. or maybe the one she bought is just cheap shit, idk.
also, is her hair really considered 'loose wavy'? like it's not pin-straight but I never thought her hair wasn't straight.
No. 166365
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This lazy bitch makes 6+ figures with her husband in one of the easiest fucking jobs in the world that millions would die for, and she still whines to the Internet? The literal definition of an attention whore.
No. 166404
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Didn't she say she applied but wasn't picked? It was in one of her old deviantart journal entries.
No. 166414
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>>166404It's all in this thread
>>>/pt/93631 No. 166449
>>166404I don't think they "invited" people for ANTM…Also pretty sure you have to be a certain weight/height ratio to get even considered in the first place.
>>166435Look at that pic again
No. 166537
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No. 166538
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Lol it looks like she put one greasy fat thigh in the right leg (right on the pic left when wearing) and stretched it out soon realizing it didn't fit and didn't bother with pulling on the rest
No. 166551
So I always end up coming here for a ramble(if I dared open my mouth on tumblr if have fangirling taling me) but wow. Arin can't not be a stuck up ass hole about "game design" for 5 seconds nowadays. I took a break from grumps, got into the hidden block group(made me realise how un-genuine Arin and Suzy are these days tbh) and settled watching them for a few months. I came back after hearing good things about Dark Souls, Danny actually playing a game for once and Dead Rising. Was pumped and took a gander and 9/10 it's Arin shitting on the game/other games for not being like this game or constantly bringing up how the game looks/moves. We get it Arin, you've seen how games are made now, read some books, even made some sprites but God man, give it a rest. Even Danny has grown sick of it, hearing him say oh well a few times.
Rayman today was another example of him trying to show off to Dan with 2d/Snes is best!! Haha notice me when I talk about games!!! These retro like games are the best!! Nes/Snes for life!! Arin is constantly trying to score points with the cool kids when he doesn't need too. Arin always seemed to like Mega Man, the more wierd games and original games for gamecube/playstation 2. I really liked that about him and it reflected in his animations/art(rip the wasted potential of that). Nowadays though he's just a poser, if he's trying to improve his image that's great but honestly man, people are getting fed up with this cocky, smug persona you have. Go back to being the chill guy you were once and not constantly trying to score points.
(Ramble over)
No. 166568
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>>166414Thank you for this, i found this place like 2 months ago and you just sent me down a thread rabbit hole.
Does anyone have the threads when the Suzy Etsy scam happened? I'd love to read through that one.
No. 166757
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Comparison from the newest episode of Table Flip to one taken from the middle of the series.
But trust Suzy guys, she says she's been losing weight right?
No. 166774
>>166770Calm down someone was just asking since it was partly related and I think a lot of people bring him up a lot for the same reason Holly is allowed to be brought up. They're heavily associated
Sorry if that comes across as rude have some good tumblr accounts to make up for it old but fun to read for game grump fan cringe
No. 166795
File: 1471587009956.gif (2.78 MB, 720x404, uM1FbAN.gif)

She even moves her body like a fat-ass
No. 166812
>>166795She kept on tilting far back in her chair as her stomach rose up from beneath the table this episode - I was half expecting her to unbutton her pants and let out a sigh of relief.
That's a figure made possible by deep fried sugar coated garbage from Disneyland; if she keeps this up she'll be modeling XXL clothes, waddling as she tries to show them off.
No. 166815
File: 1471595446116.png (1.4 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-08-19-04-28-42…)

On my phone but I took a screen shot of her new IG post. All I got to say is the new Snapchat filters go hard
No. 166877
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hoo boy
No. 166953
File: 1471652174480.png (552.69 KB, 933x585, Whorewards.png)

Suzy decided to be shameless and brag over her instagram about YouTube plauques
>"2 of those plaques are mine"
It's true - in very tiny font, the one on the right says, "Fattest whore to leech off of her husbands success" and the one on the left says, "Biggest thyroid ever recorded".
No. 166968
>>166670Wow so I laughed through these threads with slight regret so far but this post just confirmed to me just how shit of a person Suzy is.
She can't even own up to blatantly lying to very young fans and ripping them off. She only "apologised" after she was caught and then continued pulling the same shit. Not crediting artists or websites is absolutely disgusting imo. And she's still pulling the same shit today with no shame.
So keep posting pictures of her multiple chins, anons! I feel absolutely no regret laughing at this absolute cow now!
No. 167003
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No. 167074
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>>166757This is such a glorious trainwreck.
No. 167094
File: 1471697598602.png (750.93 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-08-20-08-43-01…)

Thanks for your AH-MAZE-ing review snooze! I never knew that a murder case book would be drawn out and boring, it's almost like their trying to document what happened rather than try make it super intense like they do in the movies. I know it's just a little thing but it bugs me so much that her explanation to not reading the last book is that it's long and boring rather than an actual explanation as to not reading it. "Ugh this book is so boring and has too many big words that I don't understand and all it is about is a crime force trying to find enough evidence that can lead them to a killer and alot of clever cases can take years to figure or track down. Ugh instead of pointing out any of the books highlights or point out its flaws going to say it was long and boring because I'm too lazy to actually write a review or actually do a review on them." Also I thought she read her books at 2× speed, how could it be boring and drawn out since everything would go by faster and not be as drawn out?
No. 167118
>>167094Someone should send her a link to this so she doesn't have to listen to someone else reading all these boooooring books.
I bet this one is her favorite #spookybugs #notlikeothergirls
No. 167365
File: 1471790288273.jpeg (68.96 KB, 640x577, image.jpeg)

Suzy literally thinks everything is bad for your body and that everything gives you cancer. Maybe she should take her own advice and stop shoving soda and donuts down her throat
No. 167369
>>167365>there's a reason they have to advertiseCoke also advertises, yet you still double fist sodas at the speed of light. I'm surprised you haven't choked on your goiter yet.
It's hilarious she tries to be so uppity about heath and eating when she's got an inner tube poking out of her neck from neglecting her glandular problem for over a year, refusing to take medication, all the while gorging herself on donuts and Oreo churros.
No. 167394
File: 1471797451647.png (652.36 KB, 586x629, sohealthyomg.PNG)

>>167365This was her direct previous tweet. Stay a hypocritical fatass, Suzy.
No. 167449
>>167446Snoozy probably got it in one of those Japanse Kawaii Snack sub-boxes.
She tried to do an unboxing video for it, but she found herself stuffing her face throughout the video, so there was nothing left to unbox.
No. 167477
File: 1471823243168.jpeg (486.37 KB, 1920x2560, image.jpeg)

I was looking for her "soda causes cancer" tweets and found these two. Thought it was hilarious lmao it's like her Zelda tweet all over again. The tweets are barely 2 months apart btw
No. 167478
File: 1471823424250.jpeg (58.6 KB, 640x435, image.jpeg)

>>167477Here it is. Also note that the tweet about her missing Pepsi and her saying her mom said that her bone cancer was caused by drinking Pepsi are from the same day lmao
No. 167482
>>167394Salsa/salad flavour? kek. Those are lightly salted flavour with no other flavouring.
Even if they were salad flavour, they are still gonna make her fat, even if it's named after a healthy food.
No. 167757
File: 1471919259673.png (955.55 KB, 1366x667, when ya neck says small but ya…)

the photoshopping looks terrible on this. Even the shirt is more fucked up
No. 167776
>>167767Check out the Emily Hu/AVNP thread if you wanna see Star in there shitting it up.
Sage for off-topic.
No. 167790
File: 1471928897741.jpg (353.46 KB, 1366x667, IMG_20160823_010455.jpg)

Why is the line of the books wavy where her arm is?
No. 167793
>>167790Check out the blurriness around her neck as well - if you take your hand and cover her face, Suzy is left with a neck that would snap under the weight of her double chin alone.
I would love to see the original photo just to see the comparison between the two; I'll bet Snoozy photoshopped about 60 pounds off her frame. Poorly as well.
No. 167803
File: 1471936991006.jpg (19.51 KB, 212x217, datwaist.JPG)

>>167790She also screwed up editing herself a waist on the opposite side.
How long until she deletes?
No. 167806
File: 1471939626814.jpg (590.31 KB, 1080x1080, Untitled-1.jpg)

>>167790>>167803the fuck is going on her with other arm?
No. 167810
>>167806I can't stand Suzy as much as the next guy but… I don't see anyung wrong with the picture? At least the games/cases in the background don't show any signs of a shoop. I might just be a blind ass person but idk man the clues don't really get me here. The waves could just be from the sleevemjust like on the other arm.
Her face however looks absolutely slimmer than irl.
No. 167837
>>167803>>167806P sure that's just her love handle and there's nothing wrong with her arm, the games are just laying on an angle.
But the other arm you can see the bookshelf curving up a bit.
No. 167936
>>164096This video was basically "Why I'm a huge cards and it's not my fault". Like fucking really, the trained professional Doctor literally told you to "Put the fork down"? Like, get the fuck out of here with that shit. I'm pretty damn sure he told you that your weight gain wasn't because of your "thyroid" and there were other possible reasons, one of the more common ones being a poor diet. We see the kind of shit you stuff into your fat maw Suzy, so there is no sense in lying about it. The chips, the fried Oreos, the doughnuts. All of it. I will bet she only said that to gain sympathy because she still thinks the reason she is fat is never her fault. Instead of taking responsibility, she is looking everywhere to place blame except herself. So yes Duzy, put down the damn fork and exercise, then maybe you wouldn't balloon into such a bloated cow.
And fuck the retards in the comments defending this shit acting like every time a doctor didn't give them a quick fix pill, it means that they are incompetent jackasses who just want to rip people off. Maybe the problem isn't as bad as you think it is and reading the Wikipedia article doesn't count as a diagnosis.
Seriously, fuck this fat whale and her stupid fans.
No. 168131
File: 1472068857582.jpg (92 KB, 750x750, c989610d-60c3-4fc7-8ea5-54c4e8…)

She could have at least done Arin the favor of face tuning his face as well. He looks like garbage. I'm sure without the blur she'd look just as bad as him.
No. 168251
File: 1472093015477.jpeg (600.59 KB, 2560x1920, image.jpeg)

>>168131She's always only airbrushing her face and whitening only her teeth. It makes it look even more obvious. I seriously hope she doesn't think she can fool anybody.
No. 168421
File: 1472160638619.jpg (130.11 KB, 800x794, winter_fashion_by_rosalindharr…)

throwback rip
No. 168428
File: 1472162832432.jpg (139.2 KB, 496x705, tumblr_n7ssrfLX7y1tfvzavo1_500…)

>>168423it's just a chinky scandinavian face
No. 168430
File: 1472163110412.jpeg (143.88 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpeg)

Guys, don't you understand? She just HAD to try out this Canadian candy. She just HAD to.
No. 168446
>>167478The phosphorus in soda absolutely does draw calcium out of your bones, but that causes low bone density (osteoporosis) and has nothing to do with bone cancer.
The effect is especially pronounced if you're female, drank soda throughout childhood (when you're supposed to be building bones) and have low calcium to begin with.
No. 168454
>>168430And yet according to her, her doctor was so rude to tell her to "put down the fork"
It's not your "thyroid" Suzy. It's you stuffing your fat face with shit like this.
No. 168648
File: 1472221919600.jpeg (121.26 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpeg)

>>168430This bitch doesn't know when to quit, does she?
No. 168650
>>168648But apparently it's her "thyroid's" fault that she is becoming a bloated cow and her doctor was so rude to tell her to "put the fork down"
Maybe you shouldn't Instagram all the disgusting shit you shovel into your fat face Suzy
No. 168703
>>168685All Dressed chips are the best and Coffee crisp is great too. The rest is nothing special imo.
Suzy just makes me laugh now. "Put down the fork" and "I'm actually losing weight" but then she posts TONS of junk food constantly. Like, I don't think you're fooling anyone, not even yourself girl.
No. 168718
>>168709And then she'll come back with some horseshit about how she "is happy with her curves and loves being "thicc" then complain about how she feels miserable about not being able to eat like she used to. Then she "loses" (aka, she photoshops an Instagram picture) the slightest bit of weight and then brags about how she is just shedding pounds.
So yeah, she can go fuck herself
No. 168727
>>168703All Dressed should come to the states and not just as a limited edition thing.
I think she might do the thing that Arin does which is "diet" (mostly bullshit I'm sure) and then travel and binge eat a bunch of junk. It's really unhealthy for people their age.
No. 168745
File: 1472250905146.png (725.84 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2016-08-26-18h29m48s72…)

>>164270Here's a still taken from the Grump Out Pokemon GO video:
No. 168764
>>168735Apparently, she has polyps on her thyroid that could potentially be cancerous and would have to be removed and according to her, makes her suffer from hyperthyroidism
Which, shocker of all shocks, doesn't affect weight gain. Her weight gain is mostly because of a shitty diet that includes tons of fried and processed foods and very little to no exercise. So her doctor's "put the fork down" comment wasn't too far off. She's just upset that someone (A completely unbiased party mind you. This wasn't just the internet being mean again, it was a licensed professional) finally sat her down and told her the truth instead of trying not to hurt her feelings to she can't keep blaming her thyroid for her ballooning into a bloated pig.
No. 168779
>>168770Her weight meshes with how shit of a person she is
Tweet 1
~Oh i'm so fat, wish I could be thin~
Tweet 2
~Hey guys it's fatemer here's a
Japanese/mexican/canadain/british junk food haul! :33333333~
No. 168790
File: 1472259428636.jpg (114.3 KB, 956x956, CqvK6gBVMAAfkX5.jpg)

Her face does not even look real in this.
No. 168808
File: 1472263808491.jpg (49.16 KB, 900x537, o-100-LAYERS-OF-FOUNDATION-900…)

>>168790Reminds me of that 100 layers of foundation makeup.
No. 168833
>>168131Sage for off topic, but does anyone know what app smoozy is using for these frames and shit?
I've wanted a cute new pic decorating app as mine lacks in the decorating department.
And now, back to your regularly schedule programing.
To kind of stay on topic here though, about the photo where she edited herself but not hubby,
maybe she wanted it to seem like she's so beautiful and he is so below her that he really scored by getting her to be with him and not the other way around.
No. 168909
>>168871…huh. Interesting. As far as I know, having goiter/nodules on the thyroid without presenting some kind of deficiency would be pretty uncommon.
I have Hashimoto's so I have a small goiter and hypothyroidism so I can sperg a little about this topic I guess. Goiters usually form as a result of either an iodine deficiency, which is really uncommon in the US because of all the iodized salt, or hyperthyroidism. Thyroid nodules can cause symptoms of hyper-, if they grow large enough to produce hormone, or hypo-, if they're associated with Hashimoto's.
I'm not a doctor, and I could see them giving Suzy synthroid for the cysts, but to have NOTHING show up in her blood work is very weird imo. And if she's not having abnormal blood work as she claims, then she really can't blame her weight gain on her thyroid. If it's functioning properly other than the goiter, then you're just fat, Suzy.
It's entirely possible that she misunderstood her doctors, though.
No. 168911
>>168909I thought the same thing about her blood work being "normal" honestly, especially if the cysts are as large as she says. It also seems a little ridiculous that she's so uppity about her doctors not giving her medication when she asked for it if her blood tests really have been fully normal - because what would they be medicating her for if her thyroid was functioning without problems?!
However when watching the videos I get the impression that she doesn't really fully understand her condition or what the doctors have told her (she wasn't even really able to correctly explain what an endocrinologist is/does). It doesn't sound like she's really asked many questions, done much reading or tried to educate herself that much about her medical condition and I get the impression that she thinks taking medication is a magical cure-all that's going to fix everything within a few weeks and that the doctors were just in some way being unfair by refusing to give it to her before now.
No. 168912
>>168909Wouldn't surprise me if she did. She claims that her doctor essentially told her to "put the fork down" in regards to her weight gain.
More than likely he told her that blaming her weight gain of her "thyroid" was bullshit and there are probably other more common factors that caused her to gain weight such as a shit diet that consists of fried foods and sugary drinks.
No. 168922
>>168911>>168912Well, in all likelihood, the synthroid is not going to help her lose weight then. For someone who is hypo-, synthroid helps rebalance your hormones and will kickstart your metabolism so you can lose the weight you might've gained (which is usually mostly water weight). For Suzy, if her thyroid function is normal, then synthroid just tells her pituitary gland to stop making the hormone that
triggers thyroid growth, thus shrinking the cysts over time.
Ok, so, piecing this together - her thyroid function is completely fine, her cysts are benign and not cancerous at this point, and she is fat because she eats like shit. Her weight problems have
nothing to do with her thyroid. It's 100% her.
No. 168929
File: 1472318138975.jpg (296.94 KB, 1440x1920, sds.jpg)

>>168922I used to feel bad for her because thyroid problems suck, but the more I read here the more I'm convinced it's really not as bad as she is making it out to be.
>The doctor won't help me until I get cancer!!1! No. 168970
>>168966Oh sure, I've had it happen myself. But she's been to the doctor multiple times for this issue, and had blood work done on her thyroid several times over the course of a couple years. If she secretly has hypothyroidism and they haven't caught it, then whatever lab is handling her testing is really,
really incompetent.
As far as we know, Suzy does not have hypothyroidism, by her own admittance, according to several normal blood tests. She has benign growths that are being treated with Synthroid and that's it.
No. 168979
>>168909Well, it can be an "individual deficiency" - when you thyroid produces less than enough T4 for your body, but the level itself stays in the "normal zone". I had something like that - weird nodules on my thyroid and 10kg weight gain, yet completely normal bloodwork. (I had cancer, though, so maybe it is different? And I lost the 10kg gain after surgery without major diet changes, so I think it was hormonal after all.)
No sources on this except for my doctor, sorry.
Actually, it is kinda weird she's got sythroid for a cyst. My boyfriend had a golf ball sized cyst when he was a kid and he was given surgery for it - they only removed the cyst itself and it hasn't bothered him ever since. The surgery was pretty quick and non-invasive, too. So idk why the sythroid, really, if you can just get rid of the cyst forever?
No. 168985
>>168979Sorry to hear about your cancer anon, I hope you're doing better. I have no idea about how cancer would affect things; I'm just going on personal experience with Hashimoto's, my endo, and research I've done.
Maybe because she has multiple cysts they'd rather just give her medication to shrink them instead of do surgery instead, but I'm not really sure. It's hard to say because Suzy exaggerates/lies, and doesn't really know what she's talking about. She's been dealing with this problem for at least 2 years as seen in this video
>>168871, but like
>>168977 said, she's changed her story a couple times - either in a video or on twitter she said she'd been going to the doctor very frequently, but in one of her health update videos, she said she hadn't gone in a year.
There may be more going on that she's not mentioning because she doesn't understand it or ignored it or something. Her having a normal thyroid and taking Synthroid only for cysts is just what can be taken from what she says in her videos.
No. 168991
>>168985Yeah. It really sounds like she doesn't have a complete grasp of what's going on and she is clearly the type of person who only hears what she wants to hear and just listens for buzzwords.
Like she went in believing she had hypothyroidism because of the polyps and the fact that she had been gaining weight (because in her head hypothyroidism = weight gain) and was told they were simply cysts and they weren't cancerous. But because she heard cancer it means she could take that to the bank and fish for sympathy from her fans and haters with the excuse that she could potentially have cancer.And when her doctor told her that her weight gain may not be caused by her thyroid but, instead something else like a poor diet that maybe consists of too many fried foods and sugary drinks so she took it as "Well, obviously you need to put the fork down fatty" instead.
I have no doubt she has been lying about her doctor visits. Sometimes it "I haven't gone in a year" sometimes its "I have been going every couple of months to get it checked on". It's probably more like she got her initial diagnosis, decided it wasn't a big deal and used the excuse of the medicine was way too expensive, the pigged out on junk food and got bigger and decided she hated the way she looked, then went back in asking for the medicine expecting that it will somehow magically make her lose weight.
No. 169004
File: 1472348968982.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-08-27-21-47-24…)

Why am I so fat :<
No. 169031
File: 1472354205429.jpg (67.16 KB, 500x500, tumblr_oclibrmIqT1qils0po1_500…)

>>169004Don't forget the sushi burrito she had after it.
No. 169036
>>169035I'm sure her excuse will be that "she was on "vacation", so it okay"
Her and Arin seem to have this retarded idea that they can jump on a fad diet, go on "vacation" and eat like shit and think they'll be just fine after.
No. 169043
>>169042She's so desperate to feel important that he brags about the smallest, insignificant things like it suddenly makes her important.
Seriously, anyone could get 100,000 if their significant other was one of the more notable people on the internet, yet she tries to pass it off as if she did it all on her own and Arin has zero to do with her "success". You know, besides putting her on Game Grumps and allowing her to advertise her shit merchandise on the channel.
No. 169049
>>169034That icecream alone comprises the daily limit of what she SHOULD be eating (1200-1400 calories) to lose weight at a constant pace.
I don't mind Suzy eating shit junk food if she ate them in moderation.
The problem with her is that she has no restraint when it comes to portion sizes. She'll eat a gigantic burrito or an extra-large ice-cream cone meant for a heavyset landwhale like it's a snack.
Skinny, healthy girls eat junk food as well. But they eat really small portions of junk food. They actually—GASP!—save food for tomorrow!
If Suzy would stop being such a fatass and respect her body for a few seconds the pounds would just fall off.
No. 169081
>>169049I've noticed a lot of skinny people when they're younger eating like shit, and thinking they're special for eating junk food all the time and not gaining weight.
Then going into adulthood continuing to eat like shit and wonder why they're gaining weight so fast.
>>169004 I'm laughing so hard, she is putting Arin to shame with that. It's like twice the size of his plus the oreo chunks on the cone. I actually thought it was his until I saw the nail polish. And she wonders why she's ballooning up?
No. 169141
>>168929Thyroid problems are one thing, but acting like your diet couldn't possibly have an impact on your weight is just stupid if not arrogant. We all know how much crap Suzy stuffs into her pie-hole.
She doesn't seem to complain much about any other typical symptoms of hypothyroidism, does she?
>>168963>>168970Eh, I've been diagnosed with hashimoto a few years back yet my blood work still comes back within "healthy" brackets so I can believe it could've been missed in her case.
No. 169181
Please watch, I laughed.
It is so fitting.
edit: doesn't work with timestamp, so here you go: No. 169257
File: 1472412389995.jpeg (60.93 KB, 640x481, image.jpeg)

>>169205Remember when she said she would quit doing unboxings? Two months have passed and she's still doing them
No. 169267
>>169205I like this lootcrate mockery.
She's never going to stop, is she?
No. 169426
File: 1472446590543.jpg (405.44 KB, 764x780, image.jpg)

crazy what 4 years can do to you
No. 169442
File: 1472452658237.png (1017.49 KB, 848x900, i married a whale.png)

>>169426Hahaha oh god, that current picture of Arin.
>pic related No. 169532
Anyone know what's going on with Ninja Sex Party? Apparently they've recently started deleting/setting some of their older videos to private (skits? old gigs, perhaps some of their music videos) (link to a playlist that had all of their stuff
idk, maybe Suzy just ate them….
They've also asked people not to upload videos of an "intimate" (??) version of dinosaur laser fight from their recent live show.
No. 169541
>>169532Dan Era Game Grumps has always had this idea of "If you weren't there to see it live, then it sucks to be you." It's the reason they didn't want to archive their streams and why they don't want people recording footage of their live events. Some horseshit about it being special for those who actually paid money to show up.
Which, is like fuck them. These fuckers think they are Marvel/DC at Hall H at Comic-Con or some shit. Apparently they think that they are so fucking important that if you didn't pay money to see them, then you don't deserve to see it. And even those companies know to realize that shit online later because they know more fans will see it that way. It's just another sign of how sleazy and gross Game Grumps has become and how Jon was right to leave when he did.
Then again, you'd have to be a special type of stupid to pay nearly $100 to see something you can watch on the internet for free.
No. 169556
File: 1472496021221.png (213.84 KB, 444x449, 1457997163200.png)

>>169454You're the best, anon
No. 169584
>>169570Yeah. I caught on to that shit when they first started streaming. When people asked if they would be archived, Arin and Dan kept coming up with every excuse under the sun as to why they weren't until Arin flat out said "Well this is only for people who showed up for it. Nuts to you if you couldn't be there", completely disregarding people in different countries who could watch and those who couldn't watch it live due to work. It soon followed suit for their charity streams and live shows, and they even started going after people who posted their convention panels.
That was one of the many moments where I went "Fuck this guy"
No. 169628
>>169613I remember Dan talking about one of their studio sessions and how Arin went in super hard on a verse and that he thought Arin had legit "flow".
A couple of years later and I'm still waiting to hear that verse. Seriously, Arin's "rapping" is shit-tier.
No. 169846
>>169592So much this.
>>169584I work retail and my hours can vary from 10-3pm or even 4-10pm, so fuck NSP and GG for not wanting to archive. People have lives outside the internet.
No. 169916
File: 1472589459597.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-08-30-16-35-21…)

That waist tho, where is it? It's starting to merge with her love handles
No. 169952
File: 1472599841409.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-08-30-19-24-35…)

>>169933We'll now everyone will know how unique and dark she is now. It's a tat of a taxidermy bee and human skull mashup
No. 169955
>>169952Lol. How old does she think she is? 14? (Although considering her current health/weight, I'm sure she wishes she was)
She's so tryhard edgelord that it's not even funny
No. 169974
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No. 170001
File: 1472612019405.jpeg (92 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpeg)

Nice muffin top, Snooze
No. 170355
I wonder if Snooz will hop on the How I Did My Makeup in High School bandwagon. It'd be pretty funny for us, because it's basically the same
>>169931it's really weird. I personally don't mind busy tattoos (old school stuff, when it was sailors and bikers and whatnot who'd get random shit on their arm over the years) but hers' tries to be one coherent artwork but it's just a mess of dots and circles and butterflies.
No. 170357
>>170036Pretentious as shit lol
>>170001I don't mind her tattoo that much, to be honest, I think it's kinda cool to have a lot to look at, however, I find it kinda weird that like half of her arm is covered up with patterns rather than real drawings, i dunno how to explain it. Like if she wanted most of her arm to be filler, idk. But I don't find it particularly ugly.
No. 170444
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Her shooped torso compared to her arm kek
No. 170456
File: 1472707866052.jpeg (72.46 KB, 640x640, image.jpeg)

>>170444What is going on right there? Is that supposed to be her other arm?
No. 170536
File: 1472742216600.png (1.22 MB, 1440x2198, 20160901_110144.png)

Why does she think this counts as reading? Personally I haven't tried audio books but how much can you really absorb from listening to them at twice the speed? Suzy is such a vapid person…
No. 170555
>>170536Audiobooks are fine, especially if it's read by someone with a great voice and/or reading abilities that really grabs your attention. It's great when you're doing something else like crafts or drawing, for example. However, I am skeptic about the 2x speed thing. I bet they would just sound like chipmunks and the words would be too smashed agains each other? I don't know.
Also, it doesn't count as "reading", I don't know why the fuck she keeps saying that? Why doesn't she say "the books i've listened to"?? It's so stupid, makes her sound dumb as shit.
No. 170565
>>170558It's cringey as shit. She's like a 14 year old tryhard edgelord who thinks being into that kind of stuff makes them "dark" and "unique" and "deep". It's completely obvious that she has no personality of her own so she flaunts that gothic shit to make it look like she is more interesting than she actually is.
She is about as basic and boring as they come and she is scared to death of that. That she is not the center of attention and and more unique than everyone else. She wants to be the special snowflake that stands out from everyone else, but she is no different than any of them and she doesn't care what lie she has to make up to keep convincing herself.
One day it's the "Gamer gurl who plays more video games than your boyfriend", next it's the "creepy goth girl who is totally into death and skulls and stuff, maybe it's the "makeup/fashion guru who has no style of her own and just copies what other people do" or how about the "girl who thinks she is just like one of guys and can't be friends with girls because hey cause too much drama". Point is, she'll say or do anything that will make her look more popular so much that at the end of the day, she has no personality that is just her.
And it's so fucking pathetic to see.
No. 170571
File: 1472751147533.gif (144.48 KB, 340x340, 1472562545618.gif)

>>170536I feel like she just googled "murder books nonfiction" and picked the edgiest looking/sounding ones. We get is, Swoozy, you're so deep and ~dark~ with your "interest" in true crime and death.
No. 170605
>>170555Yeah I mean I like audiobooks myself but it's literally not reading, the act of reading does not take place. She sounds like an idiot.
And as for the speed, if she's using a built-in setting in whatever player she uses, it would probably just speed the voices up, not change the actual pitch. Out of curiosity I listened to a few minutes of the first full audiobook on youtube I could find, and then listened to a few more minutes on double speed, and it was definitely difficult to process information. She's "reading" all these books and not actually absorbing anything kek.
No. 170627
>>170615Which is why it's way easier to just admit when you don't know something. Admit that you aren't nearly as much of a gamer as you pretend you are. Admit that your makeup is great. Admit that you don't really have a sense of fashion and are just copying people who do.
If Suzy just showed the slightest bit of humility, I might actually like her and support her. But she is so damn concerned with everyone liking her and not appearing to know everything that everything about her is so fake because it's just a manufactured image she puts out there so everyone will like her and buy her stuff. There is no bandwagon she won't jump on if it makes her more popular and she'll say anything as long as it wins her points with whatever crowd she is trying to get in good with to use to further her internet fame.
No. 170664
File: 1472773729302.jpg (73.94 KB, 500x500, tumblr_ocumc7CUyn1qils0po1_500…)

>>170608>I can think of 3 instances at the top of my head where she didn't know words or was unable to pronounce/read them.same here. She's becoming self-aware, maybe? like, she may be beginning to learn she might be an absolute moron, but she isn't willing to put in actual effort to correct it.
In other news, I'm hoping she went on a Starbucks run for everyone and that these aren't all for her… but you can never be sure with her.
No. 170679
File: 1472777641607.png (4.38 MB, 1826x1815, the diet of suzy bercow.png)

>>169035Here are all of the edibles Suzy has posted to Instagram in the past month. A good indication of her overall diet, which we all know is, of course, utter shit.
She never used to post this much food in the past. It practically quadrupled.
No. 170770
File: 1472825047932.jpg (39.59 KB, 600x610, 50shadesofkek.jpg)

>>169013You can hear a deep fryer in the background
No. 170774
>>169563His insta went private? Didn't know that.
>>169570>>169587It doesn't help that Dan likes Neutral Milk Hotel which is well known for no pictures and video at shows. Like the lead singer will flip his shit about it and stop
No. 170828
>>170774If I ever become someone e-famous and my opinion actually matters on their viewpoint about streaming/shows being recorded, lemme say something:
clears throat and approaches microphone"Hey, Game Grumps! Have you ever watched a movie that you didn't see when it was released in theaters? Did you ever say to yourself 'wow, I now get a chance to enjoy this piece of media that I couldn't before! Isn't technology great?' Did you ever go on Youtube and watch snippets of amazing concerts of bands you love? Did you buy the recorded stage shows so that you could appreciate the original cast of a performance?
What, is that a yes?
Why, it's because fucking dvd's exist! It's almost like, wait for it… circumstances exist! Did you miss the hype for the Titanic movie because you were too busy being a douchebag? Too bad! Only theater watchers got to see it, you snooze you lose. Did you become sick or were unable to see your favourite band? Too bad! No tour dvds for you! You didn't buy the ticket so no rights for your enjoyment.
Now now, before you hurl Suzy's food at me and heckle me, check this out: There are, actually, people in DIFFERENT time zones. Amazing, isn't it? People live in the future! Whoah! Did you know that for lots of these people who watch your videos, who support you financially and as entertainers, they can't watch some of your content because we literally have lives to attend to and can't shit all over our jobs and sleep to watch your shitty live stream?!!?!?!?!?!?!111?!!?
Look, I know you're pissed. You have your reasons, right? WRONG! You have literally no excuse to go against archiving of your content when you literally watch your archived tv shows on Netflix. You literally have archived movies in dvds and blurays. You have archived live show cds and dvds. Everything you own and love is archived because you want to watch it again. You want to watch it when you can. You want to cherish it years on from now and look back on it.
Ah, but who am I to judge, right? I'm just the person that could potentially be a more profitable resource for you but you deny me that because you're fucking idiots who think you're edgelords for opposing archiving of content. Well cheerio you motherfuckers, good luck losing out on that sweet, sweet Eastern half of the globe, you troglodytes!"
walks out covered in Suzy's donut glaze and coca cola No. 170831
>>170828Very well said!
I really don't get their attitude. I
could potentially understand it if they were, lets say, folk musicians who've been around since the 70s and don't get why ppl are standing around with their phones these days. But they are INTERNET celebs, and internet celebs only. Whatever fame they have comes from the internet. And a large section of the internet (the section they're a part of) has been about sharing shit. Who the fuck would know what Ninja Sex Party was if they didn't have their videos readily available?
I guess they just know that their streams are usually a bit shit, at least the ones I've seen, so they figured it's best to not have them around after the fact?
No. 171008
File: 1472923292851.png (504.24 KB, 511x628, filter.png)

No. 171045
File: 1472936009076.jpg (69.48 KB, 597x748, fivehead.jpg)

>>171008and now without the filter
No. 171141
File: 1472966449830.jpeg (604.47 KB, 2560x1920, image.jpeg)

>>171108She got them and fucked them up / couldn't take care of them and then wore wigs for a while until they grew out
No. 171223
>>169532found a video of that supersecretamazing dinosaur laser fight thing.
starts at about 23:10
No. 171276
>>171223Who does he think he is? It's shittier than I imagined and that's saying something.
Danny has a real ego problem. How do you sing a song that is over two year old, and wear the same outfit you have your whole music career, and think it's the best shit ever?
No. 171284
>>171223this song reminds me of the 2004 "lol so randum" trend.
Also wtf even is NSP? Is it just supposed to be joke songs or something?
No. 171452
File: 1473103221277.jpeg (149.72 KB, 750x750, image.jpeg)

Arin and Suzy are streaming right now if anyone wants to check it out
No. 171454
>>171452She a big bitch
link for anyone who wants to see this let down to one of the greatest artist of the later 20th century 70th birthday No. 171468
>>171454Watched a part of it, she couldn't even remember what year Freddie got diagnosed or even died. She had laugh it off when realising she fucked up until a few of the others playing Overwatch with her as well as the people in the chat corrected her.
What a fucking wreck.
No. 171474
File: 1473108410267.png (75.81 KB, 205x157, Arinhenry8.png)

>>171454Arin's King Henry the Eighth impression is spot on!
No. 171478
File: 1473108881908.jpg (64.47 KB, 263x319, fat_hitler_by_sodium_benzoate.…)

>>171477I hope Barry and Dan are in separate rooms, don't want them to be eaten by fat hitler
No. 171493
File: 1473110528839.png (66.27 KB, 432x300, vlcsnap-2016-09-05-17h21m21s93…)

>>171454Suzy just tried to sneak off camera to raid the fridge - you can see how round her middle is in this screengrab.
No. 171495
File: 1473110607980.png (75.51 KB, 432x300, vlcsnap-2016-09-05-17h20m32s14…)

>>171493And she returns glugging down some sugary crap - streaming is exhausting work after all…
No. 171496
File: 1473110771115.png (357.68 KB, 680x403, kek.png)

That Mama June realness
No. 171499
File: 1473111073141.jpeg (22.14 KB, 534x432, image.jpeg)

>>171497oh god, the cringe
surely she must realise how big she's gotten…
what dress size do y'all think she's at?
No. 171513
File: 1473112641755.png (536.81 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2016-09-05-17h57m17s81…)

>>171506It got a proper burial and everything.
No. 171516
File: 1473113022565.gif (27.19 KB, 350x198, 246.gif)

>>171513does suzy know this thread exists?
I can't stand the idea of a fatty finding an entire thread of people calling them a fatty
No. 171532
>>171531Because she hates not being the center of attention. Even during that Valentine's Day episode a couple of years ago she and Atin did with Ross and Holly, she couldn't help but butt in and talk about herself when Holly and Ross got super personal about their childhood and how they were bullied. Which is even funnier considering before that, she kept talking about how all the boys wanted her when she was younger and how she was popular.
Apparently, everyone has to listen to every stupid thing that comes out of her mouth and she gets upset when no one is paying attention to her.
No. 171540
>>171537She sucks at the game in general, regardless of what character she plays. She charges into enemy fire with no semblance of a plan, dies and then does it all over again, then gets mad when she loses without realizing her shitty play may have contributed to the loss.
She also uses her ultimate sat the worst possible time, with the wort lay example being Mercy, where she will mash the ult even though none of her team is dead. She gets mad at the team when she loses and never wants to accept blame, yet more often than not she is the one being carried. And making her more insufferable is that when she gets a ton of eliminations or medals, she thinks that equates to "Well I obviously did all the work, so it's your fault we lost" when that couldn't be further from the truth. She is just like every idiot who thinks Overeatch = Call of Duty.
Yet everyone fellates her and tells her how great she is at the game
No. 171572
>>171540I mean I kind of suck at Overwatch as well and I definitely die a lot due to my half-assed plans but when you play like that and then get angry and refuse to take the blame for your own shitty playing, it just makes you look like a salty idiot in addition to a bad player.
>mashes the ult as Mercy even though no one's deadThis made me actually laugh out loud, holy shit. She wants to be a gamer girl so bad but she can't get even the simplest things right.
No. 171596
>>171572Yeah. It's pretty obvious that she gets carried through matches and expects everyone else to do the hard work while she does whatever the hell she wants regardless of what the team needs. She constantly bitches at people for not wanting to switch characters yet she is guilty of the same. She has zero spatial awareness and almost all of her deaths are her just standing in one spot because "talking and shooting at the same is too hard for her".
She is definition of "The girl who tries to play video games with her boyfriend and is just awful at it".
No. 171651
>>171596she did that in her monster hunter plays too. I watched basically all of them recently (MH4) and everyone in the comments constantly gets on her for only spamming X,X attacks on her weapon and never ever trying to do the right combos.
She would basically run around like a headless chicken while everyone else in the group actually killed the monster.
No. 171679
>>171673Really? I just checked and it looks like it's in tact. Just a bunch of shit about how they love what she is wearing and how they feel bad for her after eating the pepper.
Although it's nice to see people calling her out for how terrible she is at the game. Unfortunately, the typical Game Grumps crowd seems to be in full effect with the "If you want to see a pro play the game, go watch someone else" horseshit that tends come up when the Grumps suck at games.
No. 171849
>>171825This show is a trainwreck
It looks like baby's first toon boom cartoon, unfunny and Grey DeLisle's voice is terribly forced.
No. 172012
File: 1473278861994.png (443.38 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2016-09-07-16h06m47s16…)

The snooze has a new video, and this should have been the thumbnail.
No. 172013
File: 1473278914951.png (440.65 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2016-09-07-16h06m26s53…)

>>172012Unboxing_Bot.EXE has crashed.
No. 172037
>>172029She plays a lot, but it is very obvious that she is constantly carried by her team. Why should she take the time to learn the characters and the maps when her team will just do the hard work anyways? She'll just run around and get killed, then do it again, then nice when she loses because she thinks having a high elimination count and high damage means that she clearly did the most work and it's everyone else's fault that she lost.
It's not Call of Duty. It doesn't matter how many kills you got, if you aren't helping your team with the objective, then of course you are going to lose.
No. 172133
>>172012>>172013Jesuuuus, all that weight she carries on her face and neck, poor thing.
I'm not perfect, I carry extra weight but I'm not in front of a camera all the time and constantly taking selfies. I think people can be a little harsh about her weight but I guess if she's constantly shoving herself in front of a camera for attention it's fair game. If I was plastering my face all over the Internet I would bust my ass to shed the weight that would lead to such unflattering shots as those. I don't know how she can be okay looking at herself that big and then uploading it, as much as her fans kiss her ass she has to know that people are going to look at her and be appalled by those chins. And why does she always look shiny now?
No. 172140
>>172133What's funny is that even though she shoves her fat face into the camera for attention and selfies, she'll come right back at you and say "It's none of your business if I gained weight!".
Like, what kind of horseshit is that?
No. 172153
>>171223So basically he's like a lulsorandum high school kid in a totally awesomesauce garage band who's finally able to live out some of that concert fantasy he's always wanted despite being in the body of a 37-year-old man with a fandom that only got to know him through GG and StarBomb.
Damn, that's sad.
No. 172400
File: 1473383407978.jpeg (108.38 KB, 640x730, image.jpeg)

No. 172402
File: 1473383507367.jpeg (42.76 KB, 640x539, image.jpeg)

>>172400Also I just noticed how fat her wrists are. They're almost non-existent
No. 172412
>>172405Looks like a shirt from killstar.
Also that wrist to arm size is really terrible.
No. 172414
File: 1473385952833.png (85.52 KB, 277x266, 1459207985989.png)

>>172402Just noticed the shopping on her chin there, so jagged.
No. 172435
File: 1473388881732.jpg (109.01 KB, 834x845, ss (2016-09-08 at 07.40.45).jp…)

suzy is off her thyroid meds
No. 172474
>>172470i watched the whole thing. It has zero sense of any sort of plot for there to be any actual comedy about and you can hardly hear Danny in it at all so I spent most of the video wondering what the fuck was going on.
By the end of it I realised it's really supposed to be like an Tenacious D 'Tribute' style video? I can't believe this nonsense took them two fucking years to make
No. 172484
>>172435Actual nurse here; when you take a medicine like that you have to get blood tested and your weight checked all the time. Chances are:
A)it was the wrong dose and her hormones are more fucked up than before
B)she kept gaining weight and her hormone gland in her throat became normal size again which means the synthroid was working and her diet needs changed (I see a lot of people lie about diets when they do this.)
She will most likely lose her thyroid in the future and then the real shit show will happen.
Sage for not really adding I guess.
No. 172486
>>172484It's probably the latter. Though, from her videos we managed to figure out she never had a thyroid deficiency so she's probably not in danger of her thyroid being removed.
Hard to say because she clearly doesn't pay attention to the doctor visits. Can't wait to see what bullshit she fabricates for her next health update video.
No. 172496
>>172470This is giving me flashbacks to The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Love
Seriously though, how did this take over a year to make? With today's technology I feel a bunch of high schoolers getting together over the summer could probably do a similar job.
No. 172549
>>172470I enjoyed the song back when the album was released (mainly because I like Danny's voice, not because of the questionable subject matter), but the video was such a let down.
They couldn't get Steel Panther in to play the Dick Elders in the video. So what do they do? Cast all of the male Game Grumps cast. So fucking lazy.
No. 172569
>>172561Of course all the comments are all about how "pretty" she looks and how great her tattoo is. The thing just looks like a complete mess and made of stuff she thought would make her look as edgelord as possible. Not a single comment about how fat she is getting and how it's her own damn fault. Just constant fellating about how "unique", "dark" and "brave" she is and she is their "queen".
Fucking hell man.
No. 172582
>>172575Yeah. They've been doing it for this long and all they make are the same Jewish/dick/lol random jokes. It no wonder the only fans and Game Grumps fans and creeps who constantly go on about how they want to bang Danny.
You know what, it makes perfect sense that he is on Game Grumps now
No. 172588
File: 1473446671525.jpg (60.11 KB, 650x471, tat.jpg)

She looks like she wants to eat the tattoo artist
No. 172635
File: 1473455146431.jpg (452.49 KB, 618x776, image.jpg)

I don't think this is funny anymore, just depressing
just 2 years apart
No. 172639
File: 1473455657406.gif (160.19 KB, 275x207, 1439610956209.gif)

>>172635fuuuuuck…im with you, that's intense…
No. 172643
>>172590It has been a long time since uploaded a new OOT video.
Now I know why.
No. 172652
>>172649Same here. I was a fan of hers at first, thought the tattoo was pretty cool, even thought she was kinda cute.
And then she just kept doing more and more shit that I couldn't defend anymore and I just gave up on her. I felt like I was in an asylum where I was the only one who saw what she was doing and everyone else was pretending like it never happened.
No. 172822
File: 1473521520449.png (290.46 KB, 500x429, tatart.png)

>'Jesus Christ I still can't believe I'm filling this arm up with all of this edgelord goth-alt Hot Topic bullshit… Still the money is- ugh, her arm feels like a sausage casing filled with sourdough, the needle is almost sinking in. Look at this tweeny shit; skulls, insect wings, illuminati all-seeing eye… sigh the money man, focus on the money…Still, I wish I had known that she wanted to be this extensive with her sleeve; I could have planned in advance, made it all cohesive, really tie it all together. Instead I feel like I'm building a house on shaky foundation, adding floors onto a roof that ended three storeys ago.
Ugh whatever, I'll just finish up with this and then… Jesus. Her stomach just let out the deepest growl I think I've ever heard. I can't believe how much weight she's piled on in the last few months, its turned the tattoo into a fattoo - its all stretched and…
Holy shit, her stomach is still sounding off like an underwater woodchipper -oh, her camera man is bringing her another one of those overpriced frappedrain-O's topped with whipped cream.
Augh! She just lurched forward to grab it and nearly ruined the tattoo. Moron.
Maybe if I take my break in the next ten minutes I can still - eugh, she's slurping it back like a burst dam, and her double chin is bobbing with every swallow, this is revolting.
Holy shit, she just moved again and almost smudged it all.
Oh, I see - unbuttoning her pants was really that important - why don't we just nudge my shoulder next time?
Another? She's asking for another!?
This is insane.
Eugh, and a burp to finish it off - what happened to the woman three revisions ago that sat in this chair? She's been replaced with this overfed, self-indulgent blob.
I don't get paid enough for this shit.'
No. 172949
File: 1473556990014.gif (765.77 KB, 244x180, 1465727987638.gif)

>>172537I love you, anon.
No. 173247
>>173242Hallelujah. Fingers crossed this is the beginning of quality improvement on Grumps. I miss looking forward to their videos.
Plus, Matt and Ryan have already proved themselves to be infinitely better than Kevin in their editing, especially with the audio problems they had with Deadly Premonition.
No. 173337
>>173248What does Vernon and Brian even do? I know Brian shows up in the second timeslot every now and again, but I ignore them since I find him unfunny.
>Look guys, I said "who's your daddy again to Ross"Does he do something else for the Grumps?
No. 173403
File: 1473703505771.png (532.84 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2016-09-12-13h52m48s53…)

>>164094Here's one from Suzy's latest video - those aren't Violin hips - those are hips akin to a Cello. A Cello stuffed with Jello.
No. 173404
File: 1473703556003.png (588.35 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2016-09-12-13h52m55s11…)

>>173403That poor fucking corset…
No. 173411
File: 1473706187556.png (479.24 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2016-09-12-14h48m09s24…)

>>173403I can't believe how round her stomach is.
No. 173412
>>173411This might be the worst outfit she's ever worn. Usually if I saw her out on the streets wearing one of her hideous OOTDs I'd think: "Oh, here's a person trying to be unique and edgy." With this one I'd think: "Did this poor chick just lose a bet and some asshole made he wear this…thing?"
2:29 "and I already have kinda big arms" kek. Well, at least she still has some self-awareness
No. 173414
>>173412That red and black dress it pretty cute. It looks pretty good on her too considering it's nice and flowy/loose.
That paint splatter dress though. The look is too tight for her.
No. 173415
>>173412It's truly astonishing the lack of style she has. It's so obvious that she bites what other people are wearing and then runs off and tells herself how "unique" and "edgy" she is.
Although I'm truly surprised that she found the time and effort to stuff her fat ass in another ugly dress and prance around like a moron. Although anything that cuts into her shoveling fried foods and sugary drinks into her fat face he to be a plus, right? Or does she have a trough sitting right off camera she can go to after changing from one ugly dress to another?
No. 173425
>>173412I actually thought the red and black outfit was the worst one out of the three. The wig on that outfit looks ridiculous, like she bought a used party city wig.
I think the paint splatter dress could of worked if she wore not such a cheap corset and the dress wasnt too small for her. The way she styled her hair is also a million times better then those fucking wigs
No. 173427
File: 1473711298057.png (609.95 KB, 473x951, 744509ae78d2006ff577838ad8e3a3…)

>>173411how is it possible to decline so fast lol
No. 173450
File: 1473720477922.png (721.74 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-12-18-45-44…)

>>173431What are you talking about dearest anon she clearly lost weight just like a fellow fan pointed out
No. 173453
>>173438Fuck this is so sad, I find this so suzy so tolerable and passionate with what she's talking about compared to today, her makeup isn't too intense and fuckyshe is dressed nice and cute and though has a bit of a double chin just seems so much happier and full of personality taht you don't even judge her for it
Its so weird taht I hate suzy so much but after seeing her old video just actually like her and that makes me sad because she instead like that now
No. 173473
>>173450It really infuriates me when retards say stuff like that. You know damn well she is gaining weight, not losing any.
You're not helping her by lying to her. She's not going to suddenly want to be your friend just because you say nice things to her. All you're doing is inflating her ego and making her even more of an insufferable bitch
No. 173480
>>172470This is the first time I've actually bothered looking at anything NSP and I mean… I actually kind of enjoyed the tune and all? I'm into 80s style shit. It's just the lyrics and stuff… god it's so embarrassingly juvenile.
Also Dan kind of grosses me out. He's like a greasy daddy long legs. Especially with that low cut body suit. Just eugh…
No. 173510
>>173498Yup, I feel that too. For awhile I was more her dan than GG. She knew what she liked, she didn't seem as try hard, and she did her own thing.
Now she's obnoxious trying to get all the attention and seem like someone she's not. A hilarious, edgy, hot (in her mind), gamer girl.
Part of me wonders if she was always this way, and she was just better at hiding it/less exposed, or maybe being in the spotlight so long really did warp her.
No. 173519
>>173509god if you actually watch the whole video you can see she's was still a massive cunt back then too. oh my god arin doesnt buy me stuff i buy it with my own money cause i dont drink or go clubbing or do drugs!!11
kek she used to go to gym on a regular basis
No. 173630
>>173601Holy shit. She's become the exact person she said she wouldn't become. She said she would never be on Game Grumps because she thought she wouldn't be that funny, yet she then shoves her way in to Game Grumps then starts her own shitty lets play channel. She says she wouldn't be the type to wear just a t-shirt and jeans, yet that's all she is ever seen wearing in public because the dresses she wears are too small for her and are inches away from showin her gross flabby ass. And to top it all off, she's become this bloated cow who shoves gross, unhealthy food into her fat face then cries about how it's her "thyroid" that's causing it.
And it's honestly, aside from hopping on the lets play train because it's the most popular thing now, it's the fans to blame. They are the ones who encourage her bullshit. They are the ones who tell her she is funny when she isn't. Who tell her that she has lost weight when she hasn't. Who tell her she is "unique" and "deep" and "dark" when she obviously isn't. All in this deluded creepy obsession with being her friend and thinking that if they say nothing but nice things she'll want to be their friend and invite them to be on Game Grumps and be friends with them. So they keep encouraging her bullshit in hopes of her turning it into something for them.
No. 173645
File: 1473777643557.jpg (11.71 KB, 245x188, pucklaugh.jpg)

>>173480>greasy daddy long legsThis is the perfect description of Danny. And I hate his weird body suits that show off his chest hair.
No. 173757
>>173438First time I saw her was in that Hot Pepper Gaming review and thought "wow, it's no wonder she use to be a model, she's really pretty" and now I'm just in shock at how she let herself go.
She certainly lives up to that "after a person gets married, they get fatter" belief.
I feel sorry for Arin because she's dragging him down with her.
No. 173816
File: 1473839285210.png (30.1 KB, 686x519, Untitled.png)

oh god, suzy
No. 173817
File: 1473839530012.jpg (80.3 KB, 540x370, tumblr_o2ex16harW1qenaf3o1_540…)

No. 173984
File: 1473888921750.png (300.11 KB, 400x719, thyroid.png)

Oh god why
No. 173993
>>172435So, is she gonna tell us why the doctor took her off her thyroid meds or what?
I just wanna hear her try to make up more stupid excuses for this one. That, or just flat out admit that she's fat because of her shit diet.
No. 174290
File: 1473983029631.png (1.03 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

I didn't realize having 60+ in stock was "almost gone"
No. 174458
File: 1474053195675.png (507.91 KB, 800x600, Thumbnail.png)

>>164094Suzy has the most misleading thumbnails on YouTube - and that is saying something.
No. 174480
>>174458I saw that face and almost shit myself. That shit is horrific.
>>174464Yeah. No one is saying anything to her unless they want her to go to Arin to get them off the channel. Not only that, but other than Ross, most of them are a bunch of pussies who always walk on egg shells around her so they don't hurt her feelings.
No. 174537
File: 1474069970132.png (621.11 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2016-09-16-19h35m29s81…)

>That triple chinned face when you'll never have that Night Elves' body ever again.
No. 174618
File: 1474096735576.jpg (99.64 KB, 1062x644, ss (2016-09-17 at 12.17.51).jp…)

Couldn't even get her eyeliner to be symmetrical, Suzy what the fuck
No. 174620
File: 1474097019778.gif (2.03 MB, 720x404, neck fat.gif)

Her chin is getting swallowed by neck fat
No. 174622
>>174621Isn't this one of her ugly wigs from her last ootd?
Can't even be bothered with her real hair these days
No. 174652
File: 1474108974679.jpeg (74.2 KB, 640x727, image.jpeg)

>>174643's her Instagram. She's basically what Suzy could have been if she didn't put on that weight and wasn't an edgy try-hard.
No. 174660
File: 1474110097385.jpg (60.66 KB, 597x596, suzyberhow.JPG)

>>174643>>174643This was taken a week ago
No. 174662
File: 1474110258234.jpg (75.28 KB, 593x598, jeanberhow.JPG)

>>174652>>174643>>174660And here's a wonky full body pic, just for comparison
No. 174663
File: 1474110608707.jpg (101.6 KB, 680x680, keks into another realm of bei…)

>>174549Holy christ, Anon. You really want in on her with that.
(Not that I'm complaining)
Thanks for the vocal laughter.
No. 174667
File: 1474111314177.jpg (136.34 KB, 672x802, Capture.JPG)

>>174458she knows just how bad she's gotten
No. 174669
>>174667Lmao her bangs. Aren't they grown out enough for her to get them fixed at this point instead of shoving them off to the side? They look horrible.
>>174652Jean is so cute. Even though they have the same fassy face, Jean just looks so much more normal than Suzy. Everything Suzy does just emphasizes how weird her features are.
No. 174671
File: 1474112055658.jpg (111.68 KB, 1052x668, IWearAMedium.JPG)

Suzy "I wear a size medium" Berhow.
No. 174678
>>174480Hm? Did Ross say something to her which rendered him "not a pussy"? Or is this just a general statement?
(asking for real, no sarcasm/etc)
No. 174689
>>174678Ross can sometimes get away with talking back to Suzy because she acts bitchy towards him for no reason. He's still nicer to her than he is to the guys.
The Push Me Pull You episode with Brian is the only video where anyone has really trash talked her, and Barry was desperately trying to stop him the whole time.
No. 174699
>>174694Shit like this is why despite the glaring flaws of most of the other people on GG, everyone actually likes Ross
As far as I know he also hasn't given up on his own creative work which is a plus
No. 174745
File: 1474135500234.png (211.24 KB, 376x382, Screen shot 2016-09-17 at 2.12…)

>>174713>>174714No it isn't. Some people just have that flab naturally in fact I'm sure most people do. My god this website is insane with its beauty standards
No. 174752
That's not how "just skin" behaves. There's something giving it volume. Spoiler: it's fat.
No. 174773
>>174652Dang Jean is cute. Still weird looking, IMO, but she at least knows what works for her.
>>174662This would legitimately hurt me if I was Suzy. Jean's body is so much nicer.
No. 174815
>>174812I wouldn't even call them fans. They are leeches who think that being nice to her and always kissing her ass will make her want to be friends with her and by extension, the rest of the Grumps as well.
If they gave any shit about her well being, they would have stopped lying to her a long time ago.
No. 174894
File: 1474208431679.jpg (27.04 KB, 400x600, annasofia.jpg)

>>168428>Finnish.pngThankfully not all Finnish women look like Mongolian FAS sufferers
No. 174898
>>174895Not Finnish personally, I just posted a Finnish woman for comparison.
But I did look that Jukka up online.
Thanks for the new info, Anon.
No. 174982
File: 1474239686948.jpg (80.65 KB, 540x540, tumblr_odpyt1m4dl1qils0po1_540…)

Suzy posted a throwback pic.
She probably wishes she could fit into any of this again.
No. 175001
>>174982>>174994>>174995She's definitely not skinny here, but compared to how she looks now she looks tiny…
I probably would have slightly judged this back then, but now I think it looks kind of good just because she looks so much worse now. Suzy's weight has really spiraled out of control.
No. 175077
>>174982Wow, she has a chin here.
This is one heck of a throwback honestly
No. 175158
>>175145>>175150Exactly as stated, any doctor will take a blood test and from thereon distinguish fact from fiction.
Whichever doctor she saw just gave into a screaming baby at the time I'd say.
No. 175166
>>175154She's working 'so hard on dieting and working out'?
"Today I decided to have 3 slices of ice cream cake and pizza rather than 5"
No. 175181
>>175176Obviously poor Snooze needs a pump to shove all those Doritos and Hershey's down.
I'll start the Kickstarter project to help Suzy fund a new neck and some liposuction.
No. 175192
>>175145>can't take meds because she might go baldSnoozy why do you even care you pretty much only wear shitty wigs these days anyway.
Also those stupid star freckles or whatever are so fucking ugly and distracting. I couldnt stop staring at them…
No. 175204
>>175145A chocolate cyst is just a cyst filled with old blood, non cancerous.
"Omg the cyst juice looked just like Coca Cola" yeah… cause old blood is brown Suzy.
No. 175214
>>175145She mentions in this video that she's had cysts often in her arms and other body parts. Wouldn't that send up red flags that something isn't right if you get multiple cysts around your body?
Also isn't that something that should be brought up with a doctor to maybe make the connection that she doesn't have a thyroid problem and it's just another cyst???
No. 175264
>>175259I have to imagine that as her sister, she wouldn't publicly be too jazzed about it. To her, it may simply sound like mean comments made about her sister. But deep down I'm sure she appreciates that attention. Also, I don't think she is nearly up her own ass about her looks as Suzy is and isn't one to brag about them.
I'm sure if she were forced to make a comment, she'd say something along the lines of "I appreciate the compliments, but please don't talk about my sister that way".
No. 175273
File: 1474339666659.png (694.16 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-19-22-36-38…)

No. 175277
File: 1474340034242.jpg (131.59 KB, 469x348, 1450062404704.jpg)

>>175273colin_h you saucy wench!
No. 175278
>>175273Lol damn
Of course I expect to see it be deleted by tomorrow. She'll have none of that. Everyone needs to know how hard her "job" is and how her life is so much more difficult than everyone else.
Which makes sense considering she is married to a retard who thinks that he has it harder than Olympic athletes.
No. 175319
>>175273I just checked and that comments already gone lmfao!! She probably blocked him. There's only positive comments on that pic now.
Also why the fuck does she complain about Mondays and is always like "can't wait for the weekend!!"? I guess she wants to seem relatable but like surely nobody believes she works all week or works for long hours at a time? Maybe her stupid fans that are still in high school?
No. 175356
>>175354It's that kind of shit right there that makes me actively root against her. Instead of simply accepting that she gained weight because of her shit diet and lazy attitude, she has to always come up with some bullshit excuse about how it's not her fault and she constantly looks elsewhere to put out the blame on instead of herself.
And then she still has the nerve to lie to everyone about her "thyroid" to make it seem like she is still in any kind of danger like she has cancer or something so that people will still feel bad for her so she can't kill sympathy out of her. Even though there is nothing wrong with it, she will still tell everyone that that there is so they will shower her with compliments and tell her how "brave" she is.
She is just as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside now
No. 175382
>>175376100 percent agree with all of that. She goes around pretending like she is so perfect and everything bad that happens couldn't possibly be her fault. She pretends her life is so god damn hard when all she does is sit on her fat ass and open boxes or play video games and then goes to stuff her fat face with junk food. But don't tell her that, braise it's clearly her "thyroid's" fault and no one else's, and if you say that hen your just a sexist hater of women on the Internet.
From eyeball to asshole, everything about her is so fake. Yet she thinks she is so relatable to everyone else. She obviously has no friends outside of the YouTube community, because no one in their right mind would put up with her shit unless it meant gaining more noteriety and all she ever talks about is what famous person she is a fan of or is a fan of her husband.
Every time she opens her stupid fat mouth to say something, I just want someone to tell her to shut the fuck up, because more than half the time she thinks she is saying something more deep or important than it actually is and just wants the attention to focus back on her. And when it's not that, she is regurgitating some tired meme in an attempt to be funny because she has zero personality of her own, has no identity other than what's popular on YouTube at the time (other than being simply known as the girl Egoraptor's married) and the comedic humor that is the equivalent to a lynching in the south.
Everything about her makes her just this insufferable bitch that you can't help but hate.
No. 175431
>>175416Danny: "You don't even like mocha frappuccino where it's like 3 drops of coffee in like a fuckin' gallon of sugar milk?"
Arin: "No, not at all. Suzy gets those and then she's like 'Try this! You can't even taste the coffee!' And I'm like 'All right…' and I try it and I'm just like 'UGH GROSS.' It's so fucking potent to me."
The way Arin insults Suzy with such a deadpan delivery is absolutely hilarious.
No. 175432
>>175354When Snooz started posting shit like "Waaahhh wahh I read thyroid removal stories online and they're so SCAAARRRYYY I'm crying :((((((" on twitter, something just broke in me. I don't normally hate celebs/e-celebs, but this was just… disgusting. And of course she got herself a nice bunch of people licking her ass in her mentions. Gross.
And yeah, that medication? What medication even is there for thyroid disorders, except Sythroid, T3, and the ones that kill the thyroid in case of extreme hyperthyroidism? Sythroid isn't 600 bucks per months.
No. 175437
>>175432It's because it was so obvious what she was doing. She was looking for sympathy because surgery is a concept people always will be sympathetic towards, so that people would kiss her ass and tell her how awesome and "brave" she is.
And that's how she's always been. Every now and then she will vaguely mention her medical problems and leave out important information so people will feel bad for her and heap praise on her so she can feel better about herself.
No. 175483
File: 1474413665540.jpg (103.91 KB, 960x960, PPP.jpg)

No. 175484
>>175479Yep, all the proof is in one of her past health update videos. It's linked in this thread i think.
>>175430Lel, too bad it doesn't matter how much you "exercise," or eat well otherwise, if you're consuming 60 gram sugar drinks every day multiple times a day the beetus will come for you. And we know snoozy doesn't just drink pure sugar, she eats donuts and junk food on the daily too. Women are only supposed to have 25 g of sugar a day max…that's prob only a quarter of what she has daily
No. 175495
>>175491It is.
suddenly suzy is the fat one, kek
No. 175503
>>175491Arin has been saying he has been dieting on the show recently and now we are finally are seeing results.
I guess Suzy doesn't like the no sugar and once a month cheat day to join him.
No. 175510
File: 1474417520071.png (28.26 KB, 582x208, well.png)

No. 175514
>>175510That's called lying to yourself, you dumb fuckwit. Your brain is literally telling you that you are getting fat and need to put down the fork, and your response is "Nah"?
You deserve every pound of fat you've gained Suzy and then some.
No. 175516
>>175514Probably in denial. Did she say this after this
>>175483 was posted?
No. 175532
>>175530She's probably being a passive aggressive bitch about it and pretending like she is fine with it or awkwardly trying to act like "one of the guys" by talking about how hot she is and how she would want to bang her too and it just comes off as gross.
When deep down, she is actually fuming with jealousy that there is not only another girl that is prettier than her, but is also getting more attention than her and she can't stand it.
No. 175658
>>175652She'd probably give up after a month because she got mad that she didn't instantly lose 15 lbs and would try to claim to her fans that her trainer was being sexist so that she can still play the victim like it wasn't her fault.
Which is funny, because I think I seem to remember a while back Arin claiming to have a personal trainer that both he and Suzy had, but I'd course Suzy stopped right around the time she tied to scare everyone into thinking she might have cancer and how her "thyroid" was acting up.
No. 175681
>>175274Yeah Suzy, I fucking bet that you don't like being compared to your prettier, skinnier sister.
I haven't watched many videos with Suzy, but next to Jean she's waaaay more irritating than I previously thought, flapping and throwing her hands around, her screechy, obnoxious high pitched voice, constantly fake laughing and moving around. Jean sits calmly, talks normally, and I love her she rolls her eyes at Suzy like twice.
No. 175796
File: 1474499509368.jpeg (142.45 KB, 640x827, image.jpeg)

Am I the only that finds it weird that every time she goes to Japan she goes to get dressed up like that? Like not in a sjw "appropriation!!" way just like…she's a fucking weeaboo.
Like I get doing it once for novelty but after the third or forth time? We get it, you're a weeb and you want people to think you look Asian.
And she's probably gonna do it again next month when she's there.
No. 175800
>>175796Do you have to look like a droopy eyed pig to be a weeaboo these days?
This pic is like looking at Mira.
No. 175804
>>175802Honestly, I think it's kind of a cute little thing to do as a tourist, I see the appeal for a fun little photo op while on vacation. Kind of like the "wild west" photos they do in the states.
Going four times though? For real? That is really weird. I guess this goes back to her desire to be exotic and Asian though. Like when she had her DNA test and was excited over the what, 3% or something? Suzy please, you're just a wonky looking white girl.
No. 175838
File: 1474506304826.png (784.64 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-21-21-02-54…)

ends sarcasm
No. 175869
>>175796How much do you wanna bet she tries to speak to Arin sexily in broken japanese
"Ara Ara, Arin-kun~ does anata think I'm sekushii desuuuu~~~?"
No. 175874
>>175867>>175870If anything, it perfectly encapsulates exactly the type of person Suzy is. A tryhard edgelord who thinks she is more deeper, unique and interesting than she actually is.
The shirt advertises nothing other than its a "dark"design that will make you look like you are so damn edgy and cool regardless if you actually are. And that's the kind of fake bullshit Suzy is made of.
No. 175952
>>175910I'd have to say, not nearly as she thinks it does. Considering her prices, coupled in with the shot to her reputation with the scandal she had a few years ago, I'd say that unless her stuff goes on sale, no one is buying it.
But I'm sure if you asked her, she'd say that she sells so much stuff that it'd make your head explode and how everyone wants to wear her shit jewelry.
No. 176022
File: 1474571002499.png (54.82 KB, 1011x346, lol.png)

>>175838According to your image, 24 hours ago Snoozy had 6 Male XL shirts available.
I'm still able to buy the maximum amount of Male XL shirts available (she limits you to 5 shirts). That tells us Suzy didn't sell a single male shirt in a 24 hour period.
Wouldn't surprise me if Suzy took some of them off the market herself to give the appearance of "demand" when in reality nobody gives a shit about her egotistical, overpriced trash.
No. 176057
File: 1474577393261.jpg (93.24 KB, 700x440, coke.jpg)

Recent Instagram post
No. 176087
California is currently going through a drought and what does suzy do?
She fills the bathtub to the fucking brim, Suzy what the fuck? No. 176114
File: 1474583952171.png (679.87 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2016-09-22-18h34m52s92…)

>>176092It's funny how Arin had to put on an act to appear more shallow, whereas Suzy hardly had to modify anything at all.
Also, the entire gallery showing could have been just canvases smeared with Arin and Suzy's shit and they would still have their fans flocking in droves; they might even give it a lick to prove how their worthiness. Fucking celebrity worship, it's almost as much of a cancer as Suzy's bullfrog tumor.
No. 176119
File: 1474585456582.jpeg (24.08 KB, 550x293, a30cc152_killer-shrimp-beetlej…)

>>176087Jesus Christ that hand
No. 176138
File: 1474589060829.png (468.65 KB, 667x423, lmaowhy.png)

Can we talk about how red her chest is compared to the foundation she's wearing.
No. 176148
File: 1474590664292.png (51.01 KB, 384x305, 1371548976888.png)

>>176072>>176076Not sure if you're joking.
>>176138Holy crap I know she paints it on but her face is like yellow.
No. 176215
>>176213More importantly, she thinks it makes her compelling.
Suzy thinks that if someone sat her down and asked, 'tell me a little bit about yourself', she could answer confidently that she's a unique snowflake that likes goffic things that other people think are dark and brooding, but she's a multi-faceted and interesting gamergurl that refuses to be pigeon-holed by your institutionalized thinking, maaaan.
In reality Suzy is easily pigeon-holed into the 'suburban borefest trying much too hard to seem captivating with her outside-the-box interests'.
If you strip away all of her rebellious punk-chic-goffic you're still left with a fucking snoozer that uses entirely too much makeup to compensate for what she doesn't have.
No. 176413
File: 1474678835623.jpg (197.76 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

>>17640610/10 anon!
In other news, here's her latest instagram picture. I wonder how long it took for her to crane her neck at such an angle that the quadrachin was fully hidden. I haven't seen her jawline in at least a year, so it's nice to see her mould one out of fat on her beauty app.
No. 176418
File: 1474680376413.jpg (711.63 KB, 1436x1698, Screenshot_20160923-212306.jpg)

How can Suzy tout herself as a ~HUGE~ mgs fan if she doesn't know the difference between Big Boss and Venom Snake? Fuck her. And fuck her for enjoying mgsv, that game was a garbage fire (minus the gameplay).
No. 176453
>>176217Sage for OT
I don't know exactly what she's wearing but you could probably find something similar here've been drooling over some of those polishes for a while and man they're just fucking wasted on snoozy. Buy me nail polish pls suz
No. 176466
>>176418You know, you would think she would know because Arin kept bragging about beating the game so many times at home during some of the TPP episodes on GG and I recall her saying she watched him, but I could be wrong.
Or maybe she doesn't want to spoil it for her fans who have totally played games from the MG series /s
No. 176482
File: 1474696764750.png (676.78 KB, 817x611, 1474696367076screensave.png)

Apparently her and hubby went to Club 33, a 35,000 dollar to start, 10,000 dollar a year club at Disney. This is what she picks to wear.
No. 176491
>35,000 dollar to start>10,000 dollar a year It's a good thing we sorted out that whole starving people thing or else this would be a ludicrously gross waste of resourses.
Oh shit.
Enjoy your $45,000 VIP Mickey Mouse treatment you spoiled, perpetual children.
No. 176516
>>176482Damn really? They seriously have that kind of cash for something like that?
Is it mostly from Arin's YT-bucks? Although I assume she also makes a little (or a whole lot) from her overpriced shit and her own YT-account.
No. 176531
>>176529Good thing we established there's no thyroid problem for her to need that imaginary medication for. Snooz the eternal liar.
And with money like that you'd think she could go to a good stylist and get her shit ass bangs sorted out. They look so fucking bad. I know she's growing them out but they need to be blended back into her hair.
No. 176549
File: 1474721595065.jpeg (138.94 KB, 424x470, image.jpeg)

>>176482Honestly I don't think they actually have a membership here. The wait list is years long and obviously that price tag. But what you can do is extend your membership to friends for a day/night/whatever and put them on the list. Most of the people who have real memberships are executives and the like, so I'm thinking someone they've worked with probably let them in for a bit.
>ngl as a Disney nerd I'm waaaaaaay salty No. 176590
>>176482I think its pretty obvious that they arent actually in the club, but god this post makes me rage so hard.
like you can tell she just wants people to think they make enough money as real celebrities to get there.
The other thing that bothers me is why the fuck would anyone want to go there?
>>176544it looks like such shit and a total waste of money
No. 176597
>>176138Looks like a case of not being able to find her proper shade/too lazy to find it
Heck, she should even be able to afford Illamasqua's white foundation to mix in or something with whatever else she uses
No. 176610
File: 1474735271155.png (909.96 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-24-12-30-57…)

Jesus christening
She ate this all in a night, I know they look small but when you add them all up that's more than a normal sized meal filled with tons of excess calories and she didn't even upload the dessert
Fuck she probably ate food when she got home as well
No. 176612
>>176610Scratch that it's definitely a bit more than 2 meals for someone her height and what her weight
should be
No. 176635
>>176610She missed taking a pic of the desert cus she was still so hungry she gobbled it up within seconds? Hmm.
But honestly, eating like that once in a while is ok, but we all know that's not really the case with Suzy.
No. 176829
>>176764Just look at their quadruple chins and ask yourself again and you'll see why.
I'll bet they have Wendy's for dinner 5+ times a week, they both strike me as lazy greedy children who never learned to cook.
No. 176893
File: 1474836510480.png (495.43 KB, 1080x1497, Screenshot_2016-09-25-21-45-39…)

And it still looks terrible
No. 177073
File: 1474879153711.jpg (52.1 KB, 500x380, poundland.jpg)

>>176893Ugh, I have to hand it to Suzy for putting pounds of eyeliner ontop of pounds of foundation caked on to the pounds of her big fat bloated face. Way to raise the bar kiddo.
No. 177080
File: 1474881093492.jpeg (125.43 KB, 640x632, image.jpeg)

No. 177108
>>177080Holy shit, that nose contour.
How is this "turning your makeup to 11" if she's not wearing any lip color? Does she ever take a picture with her mouth closed? No one wants to see those fugly gerbil teeth. ?
No. 177200
>>177080That fucking block wing and this wonky eyeliner under her eyes.
Did she have a seizure while making these lines?
No. 177204
>>177158Notice how the videos are being more and more up on a higher angle
No. 177235
File: 1474928531826.png (777.35 KB, 1100x600, Poorbutton.png)

>>177158Oh man, that poor button is one bite away from leaving the stratosphere.
No. 177240
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>>177235With great blubber, comes great elasticity.
No. 177251
File: 1474931235636.png (835.16 KB, 649x822, 2f6465712e100d3e45e4e27cb07f7a…)

When you abuse the eye enlarge tool
No. 177260
File: 1474932124713.jpg (25.43 KB, 322x479, 52152209-b845-4c69-a066-ec8927…)

>>177158According to her, the third dress is "super flattering" on her figure. Yeah okay Suzy.
No. 177267
File: 1474934257262.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-09-26-19-55-12…)

Taylor knows what's up
No. 177325
File: 1474952046042.png (1.01 MB, 613x927, thyroid.png)

Suzy showing off that beer belly
No. 177333
>>177325Why not at least take the outfit pics in a nicer location than your grubby backyard?
Is it a deliberate tumblr-y 'ahaha I look like trash in a trashy looking place what irony' thing?
No. 177369
>>177334It's literally a concrete square with some scrubby looking, half-dead pot plants and dead leaves.
At least find a nicely lit spot if she can't be fucked finding somewhere decent to shoot.
No. 177379
>>177235>>177240Fucking lol.
The cardigan is a medium you guys! She gets it for comfort!
>>implying that medium is too big for her and she is actually a small No. 177432
>>177325I know it's bad when i know that sometimes i absolutely love white trash, and this photo does something for me.
It's very strange.
No. 177535
File: 1475027269401.jpg (124.46 KB, 720x910, IMG_20160927_214244.jpg)

Way to make a poor dog uncomfortable so you can hide your triple chin, Suzy. If you look at all the recent pictures on the GG Instagram you can see her desperately trying to hide her chins in every picture.
No. 177597
File: 1475043988921.png (51.94 KB, 346x360, 1453751578656.png)

>>177266Are we watching the same video?
No. 177647
>>177325I get
triggered every time I see how thick and rectangular all her limbs are
No. 177722
File: 1475090543059.jpg (131.72 KB, 720x946, IMG_20160928_152027.jpg)

>>177701Hell, just compare it to this pic that Dan took. The dog looks much happier and relaxed.
No. 177753
File: 1475100559599.png (643.99 KB, 511x594, 0f268e58905ce083eca37b8aa15416…)

No. 177756
>>177754I would be that anon. And yes, dogs do have a specific body language that tells you how they will behave around people, especially ones they aren't familiar with. And it is clear as day that dog does not want to be around Suzy, does not trust her, and if held longer like that is liable to bite her. Like in the same picture with Dan, you see that it has put itself on a vulnerable position, like saying "Hey, everything is good, go ahead and pet away". With Suzy, it's more like "If this bitch doesn't let me go in he next couple of seconds, I'm going to start biting".
And I say that as someone who has been around dogs my whole life and have family members who are vets and breeders.
No. 177819
File: 1475122006052.png (618.7 KB, 938x596, 2…)

So the grumps are going on tour for 3 weeks
>They had to do 3 weeks of filming
>That has to be like 4 hours of actual work
No. 177908
>>177902>>177903Neither one of them drinks apparently. Arin because he doesn't like the feeling of being drunk and doesn't like being unable to control his actions. Suzy doesn't because Arin doesn't, being a sheep as usual.
So I assume that's either Sprite or some "virgin" drink.
No. 177970
File: 1475176581306.jpg (19.17 KB, 480x360, eheheh.jpg)

>>177904oh anon i love you
No. 178002
File: 1475186822540.jpg (97.96 KB, 518x660, chinnigan.jpg)

hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide your triple chin!
No. 178023
File: 1475193494270.jpg (44.64 KB, 596x628, ed7.jpg)

>>178002Her sausage fingers can't even contain her chin fat. It's spilling out of the side
No. 178155
>>178028He still looks fat as fuck and talks about fast food ALL THE TIME on Game Grumps. I honestly doubt he's dieting like he says, seriously.
Also, who is cooking for him? Suzy looks like the sort of woman who can't boil water and orders out all the time.
No. 178397
File: 1475301794830.png (1.12 MB, 898x602, Snoozechin.png)

>>164094Suzy Presents:
"How to hide your belly with your legs & your triple chin with your hand."
No. 178400
File: 1475303501936.jpg (20.32 KB, 630x421, 2014-07-04T191726Z_702048396_G…)

>>178397What's funny is Arin has learned to not give a shit about how stupid his body looks when taking photos/videos. He's completely embraced the fact he was a chinmonster.
Suzy? She has a history of being a "model" and tryharding to be a "pretty makeup guru". When she inevitably got fat there is so little she can do other than make excuses on why she's gained weight. She can't embrace the fatness and look absolutely terrible on camera, what if "clients/fans" see it? How can anyone take me seriously if i'm a huge hypocrite to my "craft"?
The one thing in life that could ruin her reputation is getting fat, and she's done that. Unable to get rid of her habits caused by Arin bringing in enough dough to provide the food shelves to be filled at all times, him, buying delicious treats because he's just trying to show his love to Suzy. Going out every (or other) night and eating more food than Kobayashi during an eating contest, just because they have the money to do it.
She's too used to the lifestyle. Vacations, Cons, traveling and eating at fast food places because it's easier. She's never been fat before, she's only known being thin and loving food. Now that Arin can afford all the food in the world, she ballooned.
Trapped in her jiggly body, she's become even more self conscious (see pic). She knows she's a landwhale. She's like a cornered fat baby deer and the camera is the wolf. That deer hasn't been in this situation before, the wolf was so friendly before… All that fat baby deer can do is try something that doesn't work, throw excuses at it and pretend to be "cool" in attempts to calm the wolf.
I hate myself for writing this. Why am i even enjoying this thread?
No. 178489
>>177535This picture pisses me off so much. Dogs hate hugging. They tolerate it at best. Judging from the picture, it also looks like she grappled the dog,
dragged it into chin-hiding position, and then obviously forced it to stay like that. Talk about stressing out an animal.
She's lucky the dog is so submissive or she would be sporting some nice bite marks.
No. 178541
File: 1475355995946.png (29.15 KB, 525x739, 1372564922442.png)

>She's like a cornered fat baby deer and the camera is the wolf.
No. 178595
>>178576"I'm a model so I can't get fat"
>Gets fat"I'm going to stop doing unboxing videos"
>Keeps doing unboxing videos "I'm .3% Asian!"
>Is 97% retarded. No. 178629
File: 1475385620053.png (463.75 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2016-09-16-15h07m34s36…)

>>178627How many chins is average, exactly?
No. 178645
>>178639So she has fat arms, fat legs and a fat face - but we shouldn't call her fat because her torso isn't as fat as it could be?
Fuck outta here
No. 178648
File: 1475395897495.jpg (95.94 KB, 587x592, suyber1del.JPG)

No. 178659
>>178627>curvyThere are no curves, just lumps.
At best she's a tubby chubber.
No. 178840
>>178648It must suck to live in LA/have a full sleeve tattoo and have your fat go straight to your arms (and face).
Either way, I think it's dumb to base fatness on the "average woman" because average weight is constantly being skewed by megahams and maybe now or at least eventually average weight would be incredibly unhealthy even if it is average. Even if average weight for a woman in 200+ lbs it wouldn't cancel out the fact that having too much excess body fat is damaging to your health. Suzy was never "model thin" either.
Also, is she wearing flip flops with that dress? At least invest in some spoopy wedges.
No. 178882
>>178627I don't fully disagree with you. Having been a model, she is now a plus size model.
Would i still bang someone with her body? Probably, i've done worse, but at least they had their own identity and really nice characteristics.
But srsly, large chicks just engulf me the right way sometimes.
File: 1475480972739.png (212.7 KB, 240x616, 20161003_084845.png)

That dress makes her look like this except with fat instead of muscle
No. 178954
File: 1475516372039.png (19.09 KB, 1247x181, on point.png)

Sometimes I refuse to believe how delusional some people are
No. 178956
>>178729yeah I was pretty much the same way back when I gained a freshman 15, i'm an hourglass and my weight distributes evenly in that sense but when i got chubbier all the weight went to my face, upper arms and upper thigh areas and i wasn't used to looking like that so i kind of ALMOST feel bad for her?
except i don't feel bad because i was self aware enough to know how to dress in a way that would accentuate my better features, and also it took the most minimal amount of light exercise and eating moderately healthy to lose all that weight i gained in college in a matter of months
No. 178967
i hate her so fucking much holy shit
No. 178978
File: 1475523631411.jpg (48.08 KB, 322x536, shitty.jpg)

What the fuck is this ugly cheap ass looking outfit anyways?
That doesn't look good at all.
Who thinks these bodysuits look good? And those shoes…?
No. 178988
>>178400>What's funny is Arin has learned to not give a shit about how stupid his body looks when taking photos/videos. He's completely embraced the fact he was a chinmonster.Suzy? She has a history of being a "model" and tryharding to be a "pretty makeup guru". When she inevitably got fat there is so little she can do other than make excuses on why she's gained weight. She can't embrace the fatness and look absolutely terrible on camera, what if "clients/fans" see it? How can anyone take me seriously if i'm a huge hypocrite to my "craft"?
fucking this. I'm pretty sure most of us here wouldn't give half a shit if she weren't so dedicated to hypocrisy, denial, and food blogging stuff that no one really wants to see.
There's plenty of "plus size" model and makeup types out there that this board doesn't give a hoot about, because they don't scream their hypocrisies and problems everywhere.
Suzy just does not have the personality to have notoriety like this. Really should've just stuck to Deviantart while being a little more reserved after marrying Arin.
No. 178994
>>178988Agreed. I wouldn't give nearly as much of a shit if Suzy didn't constantly try to portray herself as this totally perfect gamer girl who plays more video games than your boyfriend/makeup and fashion guru/creepy goth girl that's just like one of the guys when it's all just a front to pretend like she any any semblance of a personality.
And then she continues to lie her fat ass off about how body positive and comfortable with her curves and being "thicc" she is. When all she every does is whine about how she looks. And instead of getting her lard ass to the gym, working out and putting down the fork, she'd rather keep blaming her thyroid and blames sexism. She doesn't know how to just be fat and accept her flaws, so she'll just keep denying it and call anyone who disagrees a sexist hater.
She is just the worst, and instead of doing anything to better herself, she always has an excuse and looks to place blame at everyone but herself. It's no wonder she doesn't have friends outside of YouTube, because unless you were looking to promote yourself and leech like she does, I can't imagine any sane person who would volunteer to spend an extended period of time with her. And even if you did, you'd be forced to listen to a vapid idiot yammer on about useless shit than more often than not is factually wrong, yet she thinks she is always the smartest person in the room.
No. 179011
File: 1475530415743.jpg (1.3 MB, 1439x2395, 20161003_173207.jpg)

>>178952> I love bioshock! I'm such a gamer gurl, so much cooler than your boyfriendAnd yet you're wearing the big sister bodysuit backwards????
Also I love how the printing in the bodysuit doesn't even line up in places
No. 179025
>>179011I'm wondering what kind of non-apology she has for this.
"Oops, guys I was so busy eating.. eh I mean working hard I didn't notice it was backwards. I REALLY know everything bout vidya games. #gurlpower #gamergurl"
No. 179043
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No. 179052
>>179043But she's totally a "real gamer girl who plays more video games than your boyfriend". How could this have happened?!
That's classic Suzy though. So quick to brag about her nerd cred that she didn't realize the damn thing was on backwards.
No. 179061
File: 1475539463815.jpg (591.24 KB, 1439x973, 20161003_200153.jpg)

Using her cat to cover her chin now.
Also thyroid video coming soon cause she needs money
No. 179066
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Mfw mimi couldn't even hide all three
No. 179076
>>179074*cat, not dog
>>179075rofl her pronunciation of everything makes me cringe
No. 179085
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>I'm sure her fans are crafting their excuses as we speak. They'll spin it as "everyone makes mistakes and she's only human!" Or some dumb comment about how she is their queen and how she can do no wrong.Turns out her fans just go straight for denial, warping the fabric of reality around so that Suzy is never wrong. Provide any argument with as much evidence as you can find and you'll be met with an apathetic 'no its not' and that's it.
These same fans are the ones that dismiss her ballooning bloated stomach with a triple serving of chins as 'losing weight'
No. 179091
>>179011You can even tell in the video that she's struggling with the collar since its on backwards and is almost choking her.
da fuck
No. 179092
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Could this person kiss snoozys ass anymore???
No. 179105
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>>179092Is this person fucking stupid or??? You're literally not even allowed to point out she's wearing her clothes backwards because it's "criticism".
The sad thing is this is exactly how Suzy thinks too.
No. 179119
>>179118Yea its gone she must have deleted it i can't see my notifications for it anymore.
Still other people on there commenting the same thing though.
No. 179121
>>179117It's the same reason why Suzy continues to make unboxing videos and eats like a pig - to do the alternative would take effort on her part to change. Effort is work, and Suzy doesn't do work.
She would rather film in front of dying plants in a dimly lit house because its easy and doesn't require her to go very far or dress up her set. She would rather keep doing unboxing videos for the money than drop them to save her integrity, because opening boxes is easy and sticking to your convictions is hard. She would rather keep shoving Fools Gold Loaf Sandwiches into her greedy mouth because eating junk food and blaming it on a thyroid is easy, and accepting responsibility for poor eating habits and working out is hard.
No. 179133
File: 1475579326197.jpg (534.31 KB, 1436x2137, Screenshot_20161004-110734.jpg)

The comment is still there, that person is still defending snooze.
No. 179197
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>>178952her face looks so dirty! why can't she try and just look… clean? like… make her videos at least nice to look at? this is so horrible
No. 179211
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Sooo accurate!
No. 179243
>>179133how is it even "in a disapproving way" when the comment was sandwiched between lol and lmao
it's not like the person called her a fucking mongoloid for wearing the suit backwards (though they should have)
are these people 11
No. 179247
>>179079I know she has, I thought the person I replied to was referring to the picture of Suzy with Mimi.
No. 179250
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>>179197Oh dear fucking God. Did she really think that "drag" makeup was so good she had to do 2 OOTD videos in it? Fucking hell she looks like she did it so bad on purpose for a parody video.
No. 179251
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>>179133Fedora confirmed. By his logic I can live in opposite land cause fuck norms am I right
No. 180064
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No. 180071
>>180064Haha rip.
I guess she needs more admoney huh.
No. 180082
>>179305Come on guys, we all know 3 x 8 is the best way to train
How else is she gonna get those gainz
No. 180181
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No. 180216
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>>180181Where would this even work? I could theoretically imagine some of the top most-watched lets-players on YouTube getting free shit from related stores as a sponsor or something, but Suzy is basically a nobody. She could never just walk into a store and demand items for free.
No. 180228
>>180181Lmao, good luck with that.
I don't mind seeing her waste money on trying to sue someone for something so minor. She's probably just mad she didn't get freebies herself tbh.
No. 180672
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That purple makeup is so splotchy so gross
No. 180677
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She looks more like Winston than Widowmaker
No. 180678
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>>180669These comments are just as bad as the bioshock ootd ones.
No. 180680
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>>180669She's more blue than purple, jfc this is so inaccurate. She also does the make up uneven?
She also doesn't have a cateye, she has a smokey eye, dark lids but not that stupid liner Suzy always needs to do.
No. 180692
just admit this tutorial is shit or get ur eyesight checked
No. 180709
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>>180672She looks a lot more like Grimace than Widowmaker
No. 180712
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Her gaming channel now has more subscribers than her main one that she's had for years.
It's also a shame she has to have guests on the show because she's not interesting enough by herself
No. 180718
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>made me think of this
No. 180768
>>180669>>180672Loving the contrast between shooped and unshooped.
Why does this mongoloid ruin everything I love :(
No. 180805
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I thought maybe she would even it out…no…it's all splotty and shitty
No. 181025
I feel like this has been state before, but I guess needs stating again
Literally, the only reason she is high ranked is because:
1. She doesn't work a conventional job, so she can afford to sit on her fat ass and play the game all day long if she wants to
2. She only plays with people who aren't complete shit at the game (Arin/Barry/Ross/Sunder) and she just gets carried to wins.
She still makes the same mistakes that even beginners learn from. She still solos choke points only to get killed by the other team. She still uses her ults at the wrong time, and she still doesn't use her characters abilities other than shooting. She goes in with no semblance of a strategy and just hopes that the team is good enough to cover for her mistakes and goes right back to do the same thing after dying. More often than not, she has little impact on whether her team wins or loses, and is often the reason the other team wins.
Its no different than letting your little sister/brother play with a unplugged controller and letting them think that they are playing.
And as if she wasn't insufferable enough, she thinks that because she got a serviceable kill count, that means she clearly was the best player.
Except eliminations don't mean you were solely responsible for a death, it just means you did damage to them before they died. And since it is literally impossible to not get any eliminations unless you simply weren't playing the game, anyone can get a high count for it. But Suzy equates that to it meaning she was the best player and that it's everyone else's fault that she lost. Not because she kept getting killed by the other team by going off on her own and ignoring the objective because she thinks its CoD and that the most kills means you win.
And when she isn't failing completely on attack, she plays support and just hangs around better players so that when they lose, she can absolve herself of any blame.
If you see her playing solo with her "friends", she is actual shit tier. Typical girl who thinks she a gamer because she watches her boyfriend play video games