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No. 1508519

Last thread: >>1497013

Rachel is a known stalker of final fantasy roleplayers and community members. She’s targets mainly Sephiroth and Genesis focused accounts. She’s been banned multiple times on Twitter and discord for her behavior which leads her to making a new account to stalk again repeating the process. >>1497087

She’s known to seek out minors and talk to them a out explicit things regarding sex and masturbation and claims she’s educating them since their parents refuse to teach past abstinence. >>1500912

Hi lights from last thread
>posts in her own thread trying to be someone else>>1507738
>talks about her imaginative sex life >>1507602
>posted someone’s new born baby image and said she would sell it on the black market
>constantly calling people fatty patty, boomer, nignog and terfs
>Inesposting to deflect when someone proves her wrong
>insists only one person is in the thread, Ines.

No. 1508524>>1508530

shit thread, JFC learn to reuse the old thread summaries instead of rewriting every time. You didn't even talk about the real reason she became a cow: barging into discord and faking multiple people in her own threads. it's not too late to delete and re write the thread. I'd recommend it. Also don't start the title with "thread 4" wtf are you a newfag?

No. 1508526>>1508530

Can someone else write up a new thread? this one sucks too much

No. 1508529>>1508531

Nice pic, shit op.

No. 1508530>>1508532

okay lol, not op but ill make the new thread. taking suggestions for highlights from the last thread and thread pics, also what should i name the thread ive never made one before and im a bit drunk, so im afraid im not too witty at the moment.

No. 1508531>>1508532

Someone make a new thread and use the same image. Last thread was too long of an op.

No. 1508532>>1508533>>1508534>>1508535

I'd recommend using the second thread's summary and just adding the recent highlights at the end. Pic is good tho

No. 1508533

samefag, remember to link to previous threads! very important part i didn't notice this OP skipped

No. 1508534>>1508536

Op here. I’ll remake it like this with the pic. I was in a little rush and made it during my lunch break.

No. 1508535

i am but i still need to add the highlights from the last thread and im not sure what to add except the baby thing and maybe the weight sperging and that horrid dress

No. 1508536

its fine, youre at work anon. i cant make it, i dont have shit else to do until my bf gets here.

No. 1508539>>1508544

Reminder that rachel sometimes says she's making a new thread to stall the process. Don't trust other anons claiming to be working on it, just write it yourself

No. 1508544

File (hide): 1650608811692.png (10.38 KB, 1838x45, Screenshot 2022-04-21 232521.p…)

im actually making it but it might take me a while. heres the best proof i can give that i am in fact making the thread as i just started, and am having to go through the old threads to grab posts.

No. 1508549

New thread up. Can’t delete this one.

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