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No. 1215061
firstly sorry this is my first time making a thread, apologies for any tardness and mistakes
Our last thread was evidence of the rapid drying of milk- but some cows just can’t stop themselves!
Ham is still munching away- (youtube channel well and truly deceased thank god), on regular cHaLLeNgEs with mumsie and a near miss with her first toob (drink straw dw, no NHS resource wastage)
Ro’s looking better and farmers live in hope that her (slightly) reduced posing and straining for the camera angles will continue to fade.
Gainer’s glorious return to the gym included a “meltdown”, perhaps an allergic reaction to anything that doesn’t involve posting spoop to oompah loompah transformation pics.
Eugenia Cooney and her total moronity (and lifespan) was a brief subject of wonder, but nothing particularly new.
in contrast, the sheer scale of porgie is blowing our minds- a non-selfie picture of her reassured us that we needn’t worry about her wasting away…. nuff said.
in other news,
Anna’s GI issues are ever boring, Remi’s wasted legs seem to work just fine, May admitted to piling on the pounds, and the ever flowing OOTDs from han and AD are persistent and highly amusing.
we saw the rise of new tiktok BPD cow @lilvodkaflavouredjuulpod, another dramatic teenager with enough self-harm on display she should open a museum, and a soops severe (invisible) case of anorexia.
anons noticed she was friends with zara (whose spoopy videos mixed with recovery preaching aren’t fooling anyone)
newfags: read the rules, put sage in the email field. No. 1215090
File: 1619209362860.jpg (514.48 KB, 2880x2880, 20210422_224645.jpg)

Thanks anon.. I was too chicken to make a new one, you did fab.
Anywho.. Grace wasn't accepted into the Melbourne clinic kek. I wonder why? Hmm. So we had a wee tantrum so we could get some attention and a ride in an ambo. Typical.
No. 1215093
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(Part 2) And then we got bored of hospital so did a wee runner (or a waddle) to waste more police time. The ER was probably pleased to see the back of her.
No. 1215100
>>1215087Not thread creator, but her WK. Nobody bothered to submit a pic last thread, why should one anon do all the work? You do it next time, maybe.
Ty for the thread, anon. Excuse pissy farmer.
No. 1215101
File: 1619210092286.jpg (241.06 KB, 1520x720, Screenshot_20210422-161848_You…)

Ah, jaysus lads, Molly had a routine for a few days so now it's time to challenge ourselves to totally normal breakfasts in the latest installment of Molly Hamming it Up
No. 1215103
>>1215093Gracie: Can I go home? I know I'm super sick and wast….
No. 1215114
Thanks for the thread anon, much appreciated (and dw you did fine)
>>1215101Do you, Molly? Really?
No. 1215116
>>1215093> has 0 comments asking about her well being 21 hours after video posted top fucking kek
how delusional are these bitches? they must spend hours on these over the top dramatic tik toks just for three people (tops) to comment. imagine wasting your life away on that. jesus christ
No. 1215117
>>1215100>>1215109I apologize,
No. 1215138
File: 1619213425293.jpeg (175.69 KB, 750x881, 17C34AFE-8012-4420-A51C-ED900A…)

nothing like a photo of your deceased grandad followed by a picture of your tits and skelly body
No. 1215139
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samefag. haunting photo
No. 1215178
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sage bcs no milk but ro is looking well- as irritating as she was i rlly hope this is her cow status diminishing
No. 1215246
File: 1619221857812.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.58 MB, 2888x3464, D1567CA6-4B21-43EF-B500-A895BE…)

Some updates and a body check from Ovi.
No. 1215247
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K's nurses are happily stating the obvious. Imagine the laughs they have about her behind her back. She looks so stupid with that toob.
No. 1215300
>>1215246If you're coming back from work,, couldn't you just,, buy your own pizza???
"Encourage recovery".. kek gonna relapse because mum wouldn't allow her to eat her leftover pizza crust. Gross.
I'm really convinced every OW cow here considers eating vegetables and fruits/exercising is considered an eating disorder and rEsTriCtIoN.
>>1215090This is why everyone thinks OSFED is a fucking joke
No. 1215303
>>1215246Sorry samefag as
>>1215300 but the more I read this it's so fucking stupid HAHA.
>Eats 2 cheese sticks>Gets mad at mom for not "supporting recovery" (won't let her eat pizza crust) >"Purges everything" (2 cheese sticks but still OW) >"Malnourished from years of ED" do they not even read their own posts? none of this shit adds up at all and apparently they can't even make their own food or buy it despite wOrKinG All dAY and aChInG
No. 1215306
>>1215246That is defo the body of someone who can just have two cheese sticks a day, and otherwise purges everything she eats. And what.. does her poor mother just have to stop eating food that she bought for herself to encourage her obese daughter to eat like shit. Fucking entitled i'll say.
And vaccines give side effects to even well-nourished people… she aint special there.
No. 1215311
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I checked out Ovi's Twt and they retweeted this pro-ana(??) tip saying 100 steps backwards burns more calories than 1000 steps forward. I think they're just retarded
No. 1215417
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Sage for no milk and possibly heading into a no-go zone.. as far as I can see Rachael has been discussed very briefly in thread 26.
Just watching her most recent youtube video.. is she actually getting any better? I totally get that she was dreadfully sick and it would have taken ages to stabilise, but it was six years ago that she released her first "help me" youtube vid, and raised $200000 .. six years? And no real noticeable weight gain (aside from the first 6 months where she gained a tonne of water weight). She is able to walk now I think, or at least stand. But I'd think if she was actually recovering.. in six years there would have been noticeable progress. Maybe I'm going to get myself into a whole lotta shit.. and i apologise in advance if she is a no go.
No. 1215473
>>1215246how is she not embarassed to post this? That body check actually looks like she's gained weight
Ovi you are morbidly obese
No. 1215514
>>1215476>>1215417People called her out on being a fentanyl addict and how a lot of the money must have gone on that. Last I saw she finally did a video admitting her addiction, don't think people who donated were massively pleased as the money wasn't spent how it was said it would be. Scroll through some vids to find the addiction video.
A lot of her assumed spoop brain is because she's high on fentanyl. Easy to see it once you know. Sad all round, wish her the best.
No. 1215524
>>1215306>Can confirm. Own experience and nobody I know hasn't felt like shit after the AZ vaccine (none malnourished).>>1215417Idk how much her addiction affected her body and recovery, but she was p much like Ash. Her situation confuses me. How far could she go to be physically well after the state she was in? She's definitely gained, but still seems as fucked up mentally.
>>1215138>He's watching over meThat's a grim afterlife to watch his granddaughter b/p non stop.
No. 1215529
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I was hoping Ganer would've stopped the spoop comparisons now she's busy at the gym. She moved her location to the gym for her "before"s instead.
No. 1215583
>>1215529Rest assured, Anon. She'll ruin the rest of her bodily health with her overtraining soon enough…
Hannah's continuous bodychecking is (still) all part of the same old problem… We know.
No. 1215594
File: 1619262815404.png (286.08 KB, 750x1334, 9D4B27C4-6B1F-4D94-AB87-EA1981…)

This from the ‘you are sick even if you have zero ED behaviours!’ queen
No. 1215595
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Creepy Nik is skinwalking Ham
No. 1215607
>>1215595Oh, those recovery braggers with their treats again.
Call him a li'l fatty one single time and the fear will be back in a hurry.
No. 1215615
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Been seeing jonzie, at least I’m fairly certain it’s her, pop up in groups I lurk for munchie antic spotting
No. 1215620
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this is so fucking funny ‘normalise weight gain’ ‘anyways here’s my underweight body check’ goodbye
No. 1215631
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Omg the Ig explore page is like mining for gold (manure?) normal weight cow who routinely crawls around taking selfies with a blank white paper so she can add preachy messages later about an illness she’s only pretending to understand.
No. 1215655
File: 1619276722293.jpeg (170.64 KB, 750x1238, F0541C97-17B9-47D7-95CA-82FC2D…)

How many times are we going to hear that Anna got her period? This is definitely the second.
Let’s put bets on how long it will be before her ‘informational’ posts on hypothalamic amenorrhoea (I miss the good old days when people just called it ‘missing your period’) and 50 tiktoks on how she got it back… including stretching, sleeping and meditating and ignoring that actually you just have to gain weight.
No. 1215692
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>>1215655Oh yeah, periods are popular as well. This random uses hers as a before shot opportunity.
>>1215680Yeah, she posts here and that's more than likely her reposting.
No. 1215720
>>1215692Meh, how else can you brag (how sad…) to have lost your period? There's really no other context that would work, which imo is what's prompting all these completely wrong informationals from teenagers
Does anyone know if thane_of_windhelm died? Search these threads and online, couldn't find anything
No. 1215795
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>>1215655marin hitting the nail on the head
No. 1215827
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>>121579521st Jan she made this post.
I do get it that when you get your period back it can be irregular maybe this is the first period she’s had since Jan. But she is acting like she has only now got her period back
for the first time ever akin to all the
first time ever eating food ever posts splashed on all the recovery accounts. Because you don’t get as many asspats if you’re just having your period like a regular healthy NORMAL person.
No. 1215831
>>1215827Someone tell that person, that this 'period' thingie is supposed to return every four weeks!
Just in case she doesn't know already.
No. 1215844
>>1215841Samefag here. Now THAT ticks me off. How in the world? Too good to know that nutjob wouldn't get a degree anytime soon (or ever).
Going for a pizza and a can of beer now just to add some healthy calories.
No. 1215852
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>>1215720>>1215735>>1215736Yeah this is her now. I think an anon in a previous thread follows her and said she's gone on more of the munchie route
No. 1215909
>>1215895It must be over two years ago she was saying she needed a load of her stomach taken away and/or a colostomy.
Hope someone took that red sofa away and she washed her knickers.
No. 1215912
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>>1215905That comment isn’t there any more…
Also this part just seems so insensitive… like she’s sticking her finger up at people who don’t have their period saying ‘haha at your osteoporosis and infertility’
No. 1215917
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Anna also didn't realise that the element in the oven gets red hot. it's not particularly milky but also shows she is not the most observant or smartest cow in the herd. gave me a laugh anyway.
No. 1215934
>>1215912Yay! You got
toxic shock syndrome to look forward to instead.
No. 1216145
File: 1619342713191.jpg (1.04 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_04-25-07.22.50.jpg)

OMFG! Was scrolling through all the threads, I didn't think it was even possible for Georgia to get even fatter than she was 2 years ago… But look at this comparison of just her face 2 years ago and now. Her face has pretty much DOUBLED in size. I don't understand why she isn't being FORCED TO LOSE WEIGHT! She's BEYOND obese for goodness sakes!!
No. 1216150
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jfc it looks like ham put almost half of the jar on her porridge
No. 1216190
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Has her face always been so lopsided? What’s going on with that?
No. 1216195
>>1216190It's exaggerated from headbanging.
She used to look somewhat normal, her face is serving stroke-chan vibes cause she's constantly either bloated or head-banging or both.
No. 1216207
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is this a threat or a promise , kek
No. 1216246
File: 1619366025923.png (698.64 KB, 641x637, Screenshot 2021-04-25 at 16.52…)

>>1216190I was going to say "at least she's not holding her leg above her head" then found her Depop store… (although this listing is from over a year ago)
No. 1216254
>>1216205Over 4 years. She's one of our original cows because she was friends with Crying Emily.
>>1216245Same. Some things are worth paying an extra quid for.
No. 1216261
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>>1216151Found a meme on Reddit, immediately thought of Porgie. Except this is how she really looks and for some reason she sees herself as dainty waif.
No. 1216333
File: 1619375286015.png (4.21 MB, 828x1792, D97C4044-B51B-487A-B5D0-874CC6…)

Not everyone who has an eating disorder is white and female but here is a collage of white females to contradict that. The ED community is a dumb place
No. 1216338
>>1216333They're all young people as well. She could've used some pics of males,
POC and older people with eating disorders available online. Oh, and they all have long hair.
No. 1216343
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>>1215675I just noticed she started posted there within the last few months, I wonder if mama bear is still around and treating here.
No. 1216345
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>>1216343Jonzie in 2021, guess she got bored of the seizure helmet too
No. 1216349
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>>1216345Here ya go Jonzie.
N2f inspired teletubby hairdo.
No. 1216364
>>1216333she's blocked comments on the post as well. She could have used the responses she got to talk about how the ~community~ does not represent older people/males/
POC/people with EDs other than AN or LARP. Like, I can think of maybe 3 male ED accounts when 1/4 sufferers are male.
No. 1216443
>>1216190>>1216195>>1216200>>1216204Medfag here - 99% sure this is Bell’s palsy. Easy way to know is look at the eyebrow. If the eyebrow droops too - it’s Bell’s palsy.
If she can raise her eyebrow, that’s when you think mini stroke/brain bleed from headbanging (it’s to do with which nerves in the brain are responsible for eyebrow movement).
No. 1216608
>>1216452Bells Palsy is viral and can come and go in the form of flare ups, which can be related to stress.
Has Laura never mentioned this before? You would think a munchie would be ecstatic to announce a new diagnoses
No. 1216912
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The way ovi does her makeup legitimately makes her look like a brow-drooping neanderthal. Why would anybody do this?
No. 1216917
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I've been following these threads since the beginning and can't for the life of me remember if this girl has been posted, and wasn't able to find a mention on google.
Came across @moonchild.etc on instagram today, claims to be recovering from restrictive ED and various chronic illnesses, meanwhile her FDOEs are mostly fast food and carbs and sugar loaded coffee.
Every post has roughly 5 or so comments while having hundreds of views, and all of them happen to be positive. There's the stray criticism here or there but they get spammed by her whiteknights.
No. 1216970
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>>1216917this comment section KEK
No. 1216976
File: 1619455603944.jpg (87.9 KB, 702x839, Capture.JPG)

>>1216917She really is disgusting. If I was morbidly obese and wanted to find a bodiposi person to feel an affinity with, no way would I look at this fashion blind whale flashing her gunt and calling herself cute and think she's someone to bond with. I'd cross the fucking road.
Loads of health problems…oh I wonder why.
No. 1216982
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ovis notes for her therapist
>wanted to binge but brushed teeth instead
>mum worried about ed behaviour
No. 1217030
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>>1217021She mentions "allergies". If it's hayfever, then she's a dick playing in the grass.
>>1217028P sure she'd get alcohol poisoning with 2 litres unless it's really shit rum.
No. 1217036
File: 1619459949165.png (468.04 KB, 1002x652, 2.png)

She might have arthritis because she shows herself taking some chemo stuff, methotrexate
>Methotrexate is a type of medicine called an immunosuppressant. It slows down your body's immune system and helps reduce inflammation. It is used to treat inflammatory conditions, including: rheumatoid arthritis. That's probably her chronic pain, which would probably improve if she wasn't carrying so much weight on her knees.
No. 1217079
>>1217067I agree. It's none of my business if someone's obese, but pretending to be restricting or being ill because they're big and putting themselves forward as #plussizeinfluencer is revolting. It's that debate about how profat is the same shit as proana.
I want to know how many donuts less a day she consider to be "restricting".
Any word on Georgie while we're on the subject? Bet she's tubed.
No. 1217098
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Sage b/c no milk really but do y’all remember when nikki sharp was really big??? She clearly has disordered eating habits / underweight
No. 1217120
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what is it with all the posh twats trying to get a manilife sponsorship?
No. 1217123
>>1217120Bet she saw where we sussed out Manilife makes you recover successfully and bought some.
OR Elzani really is their role model and they copy everything she does.
No. 1217196
>>1216997Plenty of average people are on steroids. Yes they do make you bloat but mainly you just get a moon face. Most people don't even change clothes size.
Of course some people do get significantly puffier and the fluid retention can make moving around harder bit it's very different to just genuinely being morbidly obese…
No. 1217215
>>1217212you have posted the same comment 3 times in 17 minutes
the influx of newfags on this thread is fucked
No. 1217235
>>1217225Jesus okay
nonnie, point taken. Can we stop derailing and get back to comparing manilife to explosive diarrhea now?
No. 1217276
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>>1215720>>1215735>>1215736This is the stuff she currently posts about
No. 1217305
>>1217158>>1217175>>1217184a lot of these site eventually move toward recovery as people age out of their EDs (happens for some) or reach an equilibrium. There are much worse things online than pro-ana sites, and restricting discussion of EDs only leads to more isolation and problems imho. There's no reason for all the censorship on various social media platforms; it's not like showing people how to inject an illegal drug. People were EDed before the internet.
People in positions of power like to blame grassroots websites (created by sufferers) for eating disorders and mental illnesses while absolving companies who advertise with bone-thin models and send starving underage girls/boys down runways to show off clothing. It's easier to say "wow, look how fucked up those mentally ill people are, get that shit off my internet" rather than take on some huge corporation or suggest that companies be prohibited from photoshopping their models.
Harm reduction is a thing for drug addicts too. I'm not sure why it's being vilified.
Pro-tip: if you see some thread where people are seriously urging each other to starve, those people are probably normal weight, or maybe you went to skinnyfans. Someone with an ED doesn't really need a group of people cheering on their fast. Maybe it helps some people do it but I highly doubt it's even a factor. Pictures and models on the other hand…
No. 1217320
File: 1619479323686.png (2.39 MB, 828x1792, 7E43CFA9-FCE5-4597-8ABE-7B4161…)

still claiming water retention….
No. 1217322
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>>1217320and this comment made me kek
No. 1217407
File: 1619484892858.jpg (427.37 KB, 2880x2880, 20210427_124422.jpg)

K did a "what I ate today" .. garlic bread and chocolate/raspberry bullets. I guess a good reason to LARP anorexia is to eat these things and claim its a challenge, and then pretend to feel guilty. Hun.. we know this wasn't hard for you
No. 1217618
>>1217611>>1217407she looks so… tragic.
do you think she fucks up her bangs and eye makeup on purpose to make her look more sick?
No. 1217699
>>1217621She posts a LOT of videos (I think hoping they’re going to go viral) giving ‘inspirational’ speeches like ‘PUT DOWN THAT ROPE’ ‘you need to be here’ ‘I know you feel worthless but you are not’.
The latest one she said ‘I don’t even know you and you might not follow me but if you weren’t here tomorrow I don’t even know what I’d do’ …..well you’d carry on your life as normal because you’d have no idea? kek
No. 1217754
File: 1619533696051.png (591.98 KB, 1069x1932, Screenshot_2021-04-27-15-17-17…)

A HAES activist in recovery from restrictive behaviours and purging.
According to her posts, maintaining any level of thinness is unhealthy but the BMI scale is "a lie" when applied to healthier weights.
No. 1217755
File: 1619533759267.png (136.87 KB, 1068x1398, Screenshot_2021-04-27-15-20-38…)

HAES activist logic:
No. 1217756
File: 1619533880554.png (366.9 KB, 370x573, polaroidsushi.png)

Anna says she has had to go Gluten and dairy free because of her GI issues, but the said she had this whole box of sushi, which contains cream cheese. In fairness it is not much cheese, but I am going to post it here in case she was lying about a) eating it or b) the severity of her GI problems
No. 1217773
File: 1619535749772.png (882.53 KB, 796x1266, Screenshot_20210427-160017.png)

Dharma well and truly proving that she's not right in the head.
1500 calories 'bulk' with an absolutely excessive amount of protein given she claims to be about 70lbs
No. 1217791
File: 1619537232578.jpg (96.09 KB, 1328x441, shit thapist.JPG)

Found this title on a lit site. Can't help thinking how this would be the antithesis to Paige's dull, miserable, self-pitying Trauma, My Therapist and Me/I.
Does Paige have a sense of humour?
>>1217787I'm finding sushi is becoming a trending middle class recovery food, like Manilife. Looking forward to Ham eating one of those cheap sushi packs from Aldi.
No. 1217842
File: 1619541557490.png (216.81 KB, 2136x540, Screen Shot 2021-04-27 at 12.3…)

>>1217773Sorry if this has been talked about but do we know if Dharma genuinely has lipase deficiency or not? Cuz after reading the wikipedia article on this condition it seems conveniently like a fat-fearing ana's perfect excuse to restrict.
No. 1217856
File: 1619542982251.jpeg (233.66 KB, 750x1291, 667D14F1-3C31-4280-AAFA-D9FA84…)

>>1216343She’s on the munchie train now I follow her. She munched her way into two feeding tubes by using her ed and starving herself… she also has a port for fluids. And of course blood letting for those sweet iron infusions
No. 1217873
>>1217773Came to post the exact same picture. She’s a classic pro-ana cow: posting low calorie, high volume recipe ideas for other anorexics, flexing her skinny body, pretending not to understand why she can’t gain weight or why she’s having digestive problems. I find her especially despicable because she clearly comes from a wealthy family that coddles and caters to her by buying her the fanciest blender, expensive diet foods, etc. but she frequently accuses them of being
abusive and awful on her Instagram. Ungrateful little wretch.
No. 1217930
File: 1619547576608.png (422.7 KB, 638x406, anna.png)

>>1217922 anna is actually looking really good these days, but she still has a stomach asshole
No. 1217971
File: 1619551619858.jpg (42.22 KB, 360x480, blogger-image--2037292597.jpg)

>>1217922>>1217924Bon appétit ladies!
Seriously though FVG was one of my all time favourite cows, her abomination recipes were horror cow tier, kelm
No. 1218065
>>1217801well, this is also true imho. I don't know why people who literally grew up alongside the internet think it's some kidsafe place. It isn't. For every Eugenia, there's someone out there who directly wants to cause your kid harm. So you teach them skills for dealing with tough stuff in life.
Seeing a bone queen isn't going to make people or kids anorexic. to It's disgusting to look like that. The media and society romanticizing anorexia and mental illness and sex and alcohol and drugs… that has a far greater effect. OnlyFans is a cancer that will cause many more eating disorders and addictions than eugenia's carcass could.
No. 1218077
File: 1619555559190.png (2.82 MB, 828x1792, D689D6F2-2348-426B-ACB4-B2F142…)

Another cow on the headbanging trend but at least she has some decency to not show it off
No. 1218078
>>1217971she blocked me for gently telling her that God wants her to heal, not overexercise and hurt herself. It was actually a kind comment and I'm still shocked she did it. This was back when she got her ostomy and would detail her poop blowouts but also show off her hours at the ice rink + brag about her sheer exhaustion. It was really gross.
But that also wasn't the first nice comment I ever made to her. That finsta was always supportive and had some photos and followers too.
She's a bitch. I remember her bizarre dreams about little boys with ostomy bags dancing ballet.
No. 1218081
>>1217791literally what is scary about sushi? You are right though, Anna was once talking about going all in and all the food she could magically eat… she drew in this big dramatic breath and moaned "suuushi…!"
yeah sushi, that low-fat pseudomeal
No. 1218133
File: 1619558036633.jpeg (322.24 KB, 750x970, CBF16028-50C7-48B5-8B26-23B1C0…)

To break up the FVG sperging, here is a post Hxn made (pretty much an exact replica of the one shared a few days ago here, but with some black people in it)I like to think she placed herself next to our Ham to emphasise her spookiness.
No. 1218174
File: 1619559783002.png (4.13 MB, 750x1334, E1AA6E5D-9E5A-497A-8712-BFCBDF…)

>>1217974She got them because of her “gastroparesis” which is basically her just starving herself. Also she got two bc one is gastric for venting and draining which is just purging and then she has the j tube for feeds that she restricts and barely runs. Honestly she reminds me a lot of when we talked about amy Lee fisher.. Rest In Peace. I say this because amy went through the eating disorder like she admitted to that, and Jonzie is even talking about going on tpn the similarities are striking.
No. 1218405
File: 1619572398534.png (2.74 MB, 1125x1811, image_2021-04-27_211321.png)

The varying sizes of bean are stressing me out. Purely unhinged
No. 1218633
>>1218405Never thought she weighed her food, but she let slip she does.
>>1218630Britfag and I love spices. Savoury not sweet. It's unfortunate Ham and n2f post their shit food. I think it's representative of Brit food though. No idea what went wrong. Partly laziness and not know to shop.
No. 1218653
>>1217930Ohmigawd. Good ole Vegan Ginger is back.
Look, Anna-rexic has got some flesh on her bones! Thick arms! And do I see some hips there?
And who's Prince Charming?
Now that's some excitement.
No. 1218723
>>1218657Before he really complains about being repressed and/or treated badly, he should check out Anna's cooking ability and her mental state…
I'd rather be gay and shunned by the church than eating noodles made of celery and stevia sauce for the rest of my days.
Run, guitar boy, run!
No. 1218753
File: 1619621429498.png (212.46 KB, 465x271, annaorange.png)

I know it has been established that Anna is definitely not critically ill or anything, but in her most recent tiktok she recycled this plate of oranges for breakfast and a snack. Is she trying to make it seem like she is eating more than she is for her ~Hypermetabolism~ claims? or going to lose weight for more views? or actually relapsing?
No. 1218809
File: 1619626381846.jpeg (199.42 KB, 828x382, ADC7BBF9-29A0-4AD1-8175-152B9B…)

Not real milk but I couldn’t help noticing this in molly’s vid description
No. 1218950
File: 1619632677044.jpeg (762.61 KB, 828x1607, BDA938B4-CE3B-4406-AA6F-9EF120…)

oh shut up anna. is she delusional or just larping
No. 1218984
File: 1619635536428.png (437.04 KB, 550x528, anaarms.png)

I've been waiting for the opportunity to bring this up! So the top photo is the one she posted on her account, and the bottom is the one her mum posted. It's obvious how hard she tries to appear thinner than she is. I wonder how long she is going to continue with the ~community~? Her number of followers has been static for months, and a lot of the engagement she gets is pretty negative.
No. 1219019
File: 1619638421250.jpeg (475.84 KB, 828x1851, 87877A5A-7903-4B3E-99CF-1A2304…)

Rem is really diving into her munchie period now that she’s apparently weight restored. Bonus body checking and bragging about how sick she is.
No. 1219126
File: 1619644148600.png (457.45 KB, 720x802, Screenshot_20210428-220631~2.p…)

Tiny Ham are FOUR pancakes with thick spreads. Here's her usual looksatfoodlikeitsshit face.
No. 1219128
File: 1619644282506.jpeg (66.09 KB, 1024x571, 8D1A01F5-F2CF-427A-B2A6-EE0D0F…)

>>1219126Four pancakes, Ham? Four? That’s insane
No. 1219484
File: 1619690069534.png (398.01 KB, 363x622, anna.png)

In Annas most recent tiktok she talks about how her parents would take her to the polling station "Because my parents were raising children that knew how important voting was" and I'm not sure why but it rubs me up the wrong way.
Maybe showing off how functional her family is? bragging about her political awareness when it is something she was raised with? because she never talks about social/political issues otherwise? because she is loaded so however it turns out she will still be financially comfortable? maybe because I just find her an arrogant cunt? who knows
No. 1219495
File: 1619696330624.png (1.09 MB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210429-123652.png)

>>1219484>my parents were raising children that knew how important voting wasAnd how important they vote Conservative to keep the proles in their place. No sushi for the plebs, Co Op PB.
No. 1219503
>>1219493Go back to twitter anon, poor
poc don't need your babying, we already know you can vote by post.
No. 1219541
>>1219226yup. overweight isn't healthy, nor is underweight, and tbh both ends of the spectrum are annoying af
if you love your body at 400 lbs, whatever, good for you, but don't tell me I'm fatphobic if I say I'd literally want to die rather than be 400 lbs… because that isn't fatphobia.
No. 1219645
File: 1619713309472.png (642.66 KB, 891x591, Screenshot 2021-04-29 at 17.19…)

molly's on medication. does anyone recognise these
No. 1219668
File: 1619715211595.jpg (266.75 KB, 1080x1962, Screenshot_20210429-195216_Ins…)

What the fuck's going on here?
No. 1219676
>>1219668uh wrong thread?
this girl just has long legs and also put her phone on the ground to make the angles extra weird.
Also I dont think she claims to have an ED or anything either
No. 1219691
>>1219645Nobody thinks there IS anything shameful. Some would in 1950 when people whispered "cancer". What's with these bitches wanting to flash their pills. Who tf isn't on something?
Let your fucking issues go, Molly.
No. 1219719
>>1219705You’re not wrong and also two pills like… come back when you’re on ten kek that’s like when people says ‘mental health awareness I have mild depression and anxiety!’
However pregabalin is a strange thing to be prescribed in the UK for MH - usually a 4th or 5th line drug, I can bet it was something given by a private psychiatrist and definitely not an NHS one
No. 1219741
>>1219705sorry for potential medfag but sertraline ain't shit, especially at so low dose, unless she's just starting on it. she probably can't take olanzapine bc it has a big potential for weight gain and that might
trigger a relapse for our poor girl>>1219705
No. 1219832
>>1219828ayrt here, It's just the impression I got but it could definitely be wrong. It's one of the first meds you get prescribed I think? I certainly don't want to imply people who take it don't have serious MH problems, it's just very common and I haven't experienced any stigma around it (but I have seen stigma around antipsychotics)
I guess it's hard to quantify severity of depression/ anxiety anyway because you could talk about treatment resistance or self-reported pain or how much it inhibits your functioning. I don't know if sertraline is less effective against the latter two than 'stronger' medications.
No. 1219900
>>1219832It's an entry level one, but she looks to be taking something for anxiety too. Some people take an antidepressant and that suits them. If she's fine on what she's on, it's better than taking some combo that makes you feel knocked out all day.
Antipsychotics definitely have a stigma, but that's probably because of the word "psychotic" and people imagine you're Norman Bates when something like lithium can just be a mood stabilizer if the antidepressant doesn't cut it.
No. 1219904
File: 1619734300437.jpeg (7.73 KB, 290x174, images.jpeg)

>>1219897Anon sleeps with a stuffie she calls Boris and has a voodoo doll she calls Carrie Symonds.
No. 1219906
>>1219887ofc I had to give it a watch as soon as it was posted. Truly a haydur with no life.
>5 minutes long>reminder of how so very sick she was this time last year>recovery body yoga montage>shot of 2 different varieties of maniflife>unnecessary sound of her chomping down on toast added over stock music>shows us birthday present from mummy of a plate that was broken but put back together with gold adhesive in the cracks. Something something japanese, reminder that imperfections are beautiful <3>shot of annotated book she's reading, reminding us of the literature student she was before her ana LARP commenced. Quite sad tbhThat's about it. The milk's dried all the way up with Molly I'm afraid. Maybe we should just let her go. Being a bit cringe on the internet isn't pro ana scumbag behaviour in and of itself
No. 1219916
File: 1619735279632.png (817.86 KB, 821x719, valid.png)

>>1219906She still struggles every day (…)
I'm fine without her. Room 101.
No. 1220026
File: 1619747436112.jpeg (766.1 KB, 1196x1800, 125EC231-893A-4196-8F92-29434F…)

Not an established cow here or even a popular ed account but the entitlement is off the charts like most cows. Has insurance but won’t go residential where insurance covers because being vegan isn’t allowed, asking for $38k on IG instead. And her “disability” is anorexia and ofc bpd but she’s almost ‘brain dead’ kek
No. 1220136
>>1220026Where do I start!
In that photo she doesn't look 10lbs underweight, and certainly I do not believe at that point she 'could have died from anorexia,' 'ate 500 cal a day,' or 'was basically brain dead.' If she's gained a lot of weight since then, she's hardly going to be on deaths door. What does she think IP will do for her… coz at some point she is going to have to fix this herself.
No. 1220205
File: 1619767092313.jpg (77.29 KB, 700x1017, a76451Db_700w_0.jpg)

>>1220136>>1220192>>1220194You sound like a self-poster though.
No. 1220242
>>1220230early 20s munchie cunts ebegging online with bpd are almost always some type of begendered lmao
>>1220026genuinely had a laff at this though. the dismal amount of likes only makes it funnier
No. 1220243
File: 1619777517203.jpeg (429.38 KB, 1125x979, E894D8CD-21FF-4039-BA7E-25B7AD…)

Ham “rechallenging” pancakes for the millionth time kek
No. 1220293
>>1220243Have you noticed she doesn’t make them properly? People who make multiple small pancakes make American fluffy pancakes, they’re thicker and darker. She’s trying to copy Elzani’s ‘American’ pancakes but using the crepe recipe (like when you fill the whole pan) so just making them smaller
Is this a nitpick? Or just more of Ham not knowing how to do food
No. 1220314
>>1220293She doesn't know how to do food. Same as that hideous dry pasta she puts a bit of chicken with - no sauce.
She does pancakes to be like Elzani. She copies her fave ana accounts. She's started doing the thing Molly does where she posts the same pic in stories but adds a bit more text to it every time she uploads it.
Her food looks shit because it's really cheap food and cheap ingredients too - eg Co-Op peanut butter, Aldi fake biscoff and nutella.
No. 1220339
>>1220243Really, why is she eating all this crap for breakfast? Does she think she's weight restoring, because that's the only reason anyone would pack that lot away.
When she writes she rechallenged her fear with her mum, I hope her mum didn't eat it as well because she's already one pancake away from a heart attack.
No. 1220345
>>1220314 said it best, she wants to be Elzani. Which is sad in itself but whatever people think of her, at least E actually did need to weight restore and wasn’t a LARPer.
I reckon Hammum would be quite good in an EDU tbf. Her talents are wasted.
No. 1220367
File: 1619795574443.png (309.98 KB, 684x686, palm oil sad monkeys.png)

>>1220346NO WAY would Ham ever use Skinny Syrups! She LOVE LOVE LOVES sugar. Also, they're £2-£3 in Home Bargains which is more than her cheapo PB. She might buy a generic if it was under a quid, but ofc she'd add lots of white sugar.
No. 1220370
>>1220367It was Anna not Ham with Co Op PB.
Only the best ALDI PB for Ham.
No. 1220400
File: 1619798407096.png (312.22 KB, 389x551, Untitled.png)

Anyone else find it really patronising when people, in this case Molly, post things like this? Like, who gives a fuck what colour a person is. Can't everyone just be ~welcomed into the ed community~ as a person and not a label? A lot of recovery accounts are doing this lately (note the ones that picture mostly white girls). I'm not being all twitter or tumblr (never used it), but having to announce black people are people too and have people problems is really condescending. Obv Ash and the Trump fanatic wouldn't give af, but…is it just me?
No. 1220431
>>1220429or begging for money.
plus, why do these people all assume that others just have money to give to them? and why do they feel that they're entitled to it?
No. 1220524
File: 1619808007823.jpeg (714.81 KB, 2906x1251, 7B0DD8F2-6646-4D89-A404-B1765E…)

I always end up feeling confused when Ovi posts these before and after comparison photos. I believe she has an ED but I don’t think it’s the one she thinks…
No. 1220525
File: 1619808083768.jpeg (607.9 KB, 2585x1117, 06B78C91-6C6D-4B83-95C0-BBE0DB…)

>>1220524Also posted this for some reason?
No. 1220642
File: 1619823473477.png (123.88 KB, 720x1010, Screenshot_20210430-185419~3.p…)

what's new with Becky?
No. 1220665
File: 1619825940078.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1125x1796, 4BFB5FB0-7C8E-45EC-A421-A7DDEB…)

Slightly ot but What is it with the recent influx of cows playing ‘little’. Winter girl recently announced her ‘little’ persona and is now uploading videos of her sucking her thumb and watching kids cartoons with a dummy. Top kek
No. 1220782
File: 1619838882246.png (567.52 KB, 708x1189, Screenshot_20210501-041201~2.p…)

>>1220642Still terminally dull, writing messages of hope. Her art is all she has left to cling to, apparently. She doesn't post much nowadays.
No. 1220860
>>1220525> totes suicidal> "low suicide risk" on assessmentkek
also shitty of her to dox her therapist
No. 1220918
File: 1619870609201.jpeg (150.24 KB, 960x960, A9303FEA-1ED2-45E6-B1F4-657571…)

>>1220917forgot the photo, my bad
No. 1220927
File: 1619872425850.jpeg (215.09 KB, 750x446, 43B1D22D-35E1-431A-A557-207E13…)

No. 1221069
File: 1619888294533.png (606.14 KB, 720x1013, Screenshot_20210501-175657~2.p…)

New Laura pics. Scratch free.
No. 1221155
File: 1619895583376.jpg (411.16 KB, 1080x2048, Screenshot_20210501-215715_Ins…)

Another fattie claiming restrictive ed popped up in my discovery page
No. 1221156
File: 1619895629737.jpg (314.35 KB, 1080x1998, Screenshot_20210501-215727_Ins…)

No. 1221160
>>1221155from the looks of it, they've recovered and THEN some. They could actually do with some restriction.
Oh, the irony…
No. 1221165
File: 1619896305007.jpeg (51.72 KB, 874x469, 43975D52-A28E-47DB-BDFF-DF729C…)

>>1221160Ngl, I use these threads to remind me to eat normally. Cheaper than therapy.
No. 1221170
>>1221155This is speciesIST, but all these obese LARPers look the same.
>>1221165Is this how women have evolved? Eating crap and being obese is the norm? Ham could've been brainwashed by these fat fatties and thinks her weight is too low.
No. 1221172
File: 1619896899712.jpeg (220.44 KB, 828x1018, FF96EA8E-397D-4236-B5AE-36A069…)

Anyone follow amyonthemendd?? reminds me a lot of Ham. “Anorexia recovery” but proudly eating an entire box of millionaire shortbread followed by a mcdonald’s… feel like she’s pretty milky
No. 1221174
File: 1619896965732.jpeg (26.53 KB, 503x307, 1273A277-02BC-4D80-82DB-885922…)

>>1221170Lmao, not the tiktok cow, just a twig farmer
File: 1619902132852.jpeg (162.83 KB, 750x1214, 5F0045E0-28E9-48A3-BBC6-1E3FCE…)

Kek at this comment
Also how she hasn’t replied to many comments… except to one to confirm she is still underweight
No. 1221297
File: 1619910258386.jpeg (917.42 KB, 1170x1492, 6F9395C2-8631-4252-A9CE-2CC263…)

Ovi is going to be working in a bakery. Surely that’s a great idea for somebody with Binge Eating Disorder.
No. 1221341
File: 1619916473127.jpg (529.33 KB, 2160x3840, 20210502_124253.jpg)

Anna just needs to exit the internet. Her videos over the last day are so cringe.. im actually embarrassed for her. The more she tries to explain the more pathetic she sounds.. does she actually not realise you just don't brag about shit like this?
No. 1221399
>>1221357No, it's an obscene amount. Why would you have a coffee when all you can taste is corn syrup and flavourings?
That's about 100cals and 25g sugar from the syrup alone.
No. 1221472
>>1221297grocery store bakery
not a real bakery
No. 1221527
>>1221510It's asd-tea
and holy shit no idea how i missed that: wish i had a bingo board on hand.
No. 1221550
File: 1619947702265.png (1.84 MB, 750x1334, 1F0EC580-10CA-4DCC-B737-D7D4D9…)

Do you think your parents could buy you a sense of humour Anna
No. 1221559
>>1221554Harrod's sell cups that's only as expensive as a one off nice cup or mug. £20 for a limited edition or something. I'd have no qualms about trying to pinch for fun from there. Not like they can afford the loss.
Has she ever shown she has a sense of humour?
Just want to add, I've only ever used the toilets at Harrod's. It's fancy and free spray of perfumes!
Do you think the digs at her being well off even affect her?
No. 1221565
File: 1619949167351.png (28.34 KB, 550x354, munchie.png)

No. 1221569
>>1221559I think it must to an extent, otherwise why would she try to downplay her wealth?
what I find funny is how she is trying to portray her parents as benevolent, when she has talked about her Dad having anger management issues on tell before and how her home environment isnt great.
Also why is she trying to give parenting advice? Because she turned out sooo well?
And shouldn't her parents be trying to help with her and her sisters ~severe anxiety~ instead of giving them money?
No. 1221575
File: 1619950965103.jpg (89.71 KB, 1080x2280, sfcroaolhlw61.jpg)

not sure if it's been posted, but plus size model Tess Holiday is claiming anorexia now.
No. 1221576
>>1221569I don’t understand why she has started this series of videos about her amazing upbringing and home life, unless she has realised that she can’t milk her AN any more and this is the new angle she needs to take? She’s crashing and burning hard because TikTok is full of people with shitty parents and poor backgrounds who do not want to hear her brag about her wealth and privilege!
I think she lost her way a bit bragging about their endless access to money and yet… her sister was so anxious to ask for anything she didn’t even have socks she could wear because she was too scared to ask for any. She must think TikTok is as stupid as she is if no one is going to notice the glaring inconsistency.
No. 1221577
File: 1619951143198.jpeg (273.05 KB, 493x806, AF7E3EA2-7A7B-43F6-93A0-523899…)

>>1221565Ooh ooh I remember this one from illnessfakers! She’s a huge munchie faking both physical and mental illness although the real issue is supposedly - surprise surprise! - BPD. Not sure if she’s ever mentioned an ED but picrel is the legendary bucket of oatmeal she once inhaled despite claiming to NEED a tube guise!1! Still makes me chuckle.
No. 1221599
File: 1619953971487.jpeg (2.07 MB, 1125x1967, 65A7C006-71CF-4364-9649-9B7964…)

Lee complaining that her father won’t pay more of her medical bills. He already shills out for her 5+ trips a year to New Farm. The entitlement of this grown ass woman
No. 1221625
File: 1619958418966.jpg (988.17 KB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20210502_052600307.j…)

>>1221619Same fag but picrel.
No. 1221633
>>1221625don't tube feed her, wire her jaw shut so she stops eating the entire fridge
who the fuck tubes these fatties
No. 1221635
>>1215061>>1221599bet he funds her dinners of fortisip and booze.
weird kind of anorexia she has. pizza, fortisip and alcohol are her safe foods.
No. 1221669
File: 1619966066118.jpeg (68.94 KB, 750x648, 202ADEAB-BB83-4F37-BF4A-C49C93…)

Possible Kelsey?? No posts yet but that icon looks scary similar to kelseys old photoshopped photos
No. 1221676
File: 1619966644012.jpg (35.55 KB, 750x1000, redballrocker.jpg)

>>1221554also to add for the next time Anna says she is not super rich - she has a modernist rocking horse that sells for £550 on sale (from her house tour tiktok) Pretty damn loaded to me.
No. 1221677
File: 1619966672841.png (1.28 MB, 828x1792, 48699AF1-7C32-4B11-8863-B076FD…)

>>1221660the pics that depict an average looking girl with an unecessary feeding tube? please god no
No. 1221691
File: 1619968903453.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1242x1689, A48872E9-524F-4474-9D69-4433F4…)

No. 1221692
File: 1619968934148.jpeg (330.59 KB, 1152x2048, 0AC6EC5C-DB18-4082-A092-331936…)

The face of longterm low restriction
No. 1221694
File: 1619969031991.jpeg (692.45 KB, 828x1387, E5F955E7-C4D5-4896-BA1A-6CCA5B…)

>>1221692self harm scars strategically placed in the photo. or just some weird obese person skin condition
No. 1221696
File: 1619969139401.jpeg (115.43 KB, 750x309, B07B9575-5F8E-4A43-90D8-FD8CE6…)

>>1221690I thought I was the only one who knew but didn’t want to bring it up in case it counted as doxxing. Don’t forget their allotment (they seem to own the entire plot) and the fact they probably have a property in South Africa as well.
In other news. Dharma shames her Mum for eating those disgusting chemicals. Does she think her daily Halo Top pint and copious protein powders are all natural?
No. 1221704
>>1221677idk if I’m overthinking it but doesn’t the “365 days free” kinda imply her tube was a regular thing? We all know that wasn’t the case, ugh she’s so disingenuous. Did mummy and daddy pay for private treatment? It’s much less common for ‘just’ slightly underweight ones to be tubed here unless they’re in a PD ward that has a ton of hunger striking LARPers like Laura.
>>1221691[insert Pam *they’re the same picture”]
No. 1221766
File: 1619977159200.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1242x1909, F19E9C21-4C55-4173-BF28-8B3E6E…)

>>1221577lmao the oatmeal, reminded me of her tofu and raw onion monstrosity binge. She's honestly pretty fascinating. Definitely one of the ones who is actively faking instead of just deluding herself into thinking she has real problems, as evidenced by the baby-sized feeding tube she puts in at home and pulls out before she goes anywhere with medical professionals.
No. 1221783
>>1221745Oohhh curious to hear more about the corrupt therapist
As long as it doesn’t derail
No. 1221786
File: 1619980384365.png (271.47 KB, 1920x1248, Untitled.png)

>>1221782That's a definite YES
No. 1221805
File: 1619982055747.jpg (23.78 KB, 1061x152, 1.JPG)

>>1221795This is how much was paid for the Highgate place ELEVEN years ago. A second residence.
No. 1221807
>>1221805im still shook she lives in this area and is claiming not to be rich
her parents have a successful architecture company. ig this is all public info so its fine to share?
No. 1221811
>>1221807 no address posted, so it's no problem.
As anon above said, the info is all available online.
No. 1221827
>>1221573At least half of the psych meds, she's massively overmedicated. Christ, no wonder she has tardive dyskinesia.
Calling bullshit on vascular EDS too, because that's both very rare but crucially it's life limiting. People with actual vEDS don't need to munch to get their medical kicks.
No. 1221908
>>1221676Is that thing supposed to look like a sex toy? If so, looks interesting. Are her parents those decadent wealthy kind who are into free love and naturism?
Apologies, just looking to spice up a dull person's background.
No. 1222179
>>1222036Totally. She retweeted the top tweet, really explains why there were so many obese holocaust
Also kek at claiming AN diagnosis
No. 1222214
File: 1620030185576.jpeg (170.88 KB, 828x1234, 0F185F07-F395-46E3-B57D-545E30…)

>>1222212Not quite but close.
No. 1222222
>>1222215Girl hasn’t even started uni yet so she has no clue what she’s in for.
She thinks she is. She always acts so high and mighty.
No. 1222238
File: 1620031711769.jpeg (112.64 KB, 576x663, F1AA6A2C-C3C1-4E0A-9538-1C56C2…)

Photoshop anons, does the space between Anna’s legs look a bit distorted or is it just me?
No. 1222239
File: 1620031729393.jpeg (259.53 KB, 1800x1800, 91BB27C3-1F3F-430C-9733-93A23B…)

>>1222179Soz forgot to attach image
No. 1222240
>>1221691So Ovi's real name is Marian?
That's a nice name. I wonder why she'd make her e-name something that brings to mind ovipositors
No. 1222245
File: 1620033341960.png (855.58 KB, 640x1136, 88B3A094-8B0C-4A4C-86E7-F0EE2A…)

>>1222238She’s the one on the far left for reference
I mean posing aside there may be a difference??
No. 1222271
File: 1620041638960.jpeg (586.44 KB, 1125x1492, 315FC7AF-E866-482C-BEFD-8248AB…)

after some posts about her ab workouts and body checks showing zero abs, uploads a post of her making her bed and VACUUMING the sheets??? girl just change the sheets, yuck
No. 1222273
File: 1620042499449.jpeg (825.06 KB, 828x1466, 20D5C7BB-73EF-46B6-9298-D7E044…)

audio says
>people take one look at me and go “ahh! help! run! big stupid ugly ogre”
lol who’s gonna tell her it’s not the tube?
(sage for no actual milk)
No. 1222277
File: 1620044143467.png (647.9 KB, 828x1792, 0BD4FDE4-BE07-476B-B4C2-67D6F4…)

>>1222214not to WK her but she’s talking sense
No. 1222303
File: 1620048305897.png (3.07 MB, 828x1792, 5B0B9C14-EAB0-4C6F-808A-07EDA3…)

>>1222293top left shows what she rlly looks like
No. 1222310
File: 1620049585836.jpeg (231.15 KB, 828x1416, B96B5DE3-136C-45E0-AF6C-BE8C9A…)

Zara again. So arrogant.
No. 1222312
>>1222277I'd agree if it weren't for the fact Zara does the same shit.
>>1222306yeah but Anna said the other flatmate was 'much further along in recovery' than her (bc Anna is the sickest little waif ever) so they don't
trigger each other. It must be fine that Anna edits her photos to look as thin as possible while leaving the others normal-sized!
No. 1222318
>>1222310I followed Zara for a while and thought she was ok but had to unfollow because I couldn’t stand her arrogance. She would correct everyone’s grammar constantly (which I think is such a snobby thing to do… things like dyslexia exist, not everyone is so good at English or even has English as a first language).
Then one day she announced she was ‘recovered’ despite being v underweight (and she looks shocking without makeup on) and anyone who called her out on she would shit all over saying some people don’t need to be a healthy weight, don’t need to eat a healthy amount of calories etc. When people said a part of recovery is basically eating a lot to restore weight she said basically ‘that’s not good for you so I won’t’ and just acted like people were imbeciles for suggesting she needed to weight restore.
I finally had enough and unfollowed when she posted that doctors were trying to make appointments with her and she was ignoring them because if it was so important it should be on their time not hers. In the middle of a fucking pandemic.
(I know imageboard but she’s private and I unfollowed)
No. 1222319
File: 1620050589053.jpeg (198.2 KB, 828x1472, 2B66E2C8-4739-46E6-8E2E-33BDA1…)

>>1222312yes much recovered … there’s often an occasional spoop check on this account too
No. 1222323
>>1222310samefag but doesn't she moan about her crippling low self esteem?
If she were at E's weight she would have done the same, I'm sure. (I know she is underweight but not quite Elzani-tier)
No. 1222391
>>1222376After I left school I chose a bunch of GCSEs to do at college that sounded (weren't) interesting. I thought she might have to do Law at A level, at least. That's going to be tough as fuck. Idk about Scotland's qualifications, though.
>>1222380They all read here. Class does not discriminate. I don't think Ham wants attention drawn here because of all the fake follower and true things we write about her.
No. 1222393
File: 1620060851335.jpg (81.67 KB, 420x757, oat muffin klub.JPG)

Speaking of Ham, she joined the ana oat muffin recovery club. Cliche. Put some strawbs on and she's instantly Paris thin.
No. 1222399
File: 1620061096702.jpeg (395.65 KB, 750x1228, D609794A-A495-4EDA-A741-6C0B97…)

Kek Anna attempting one of Ham’s motivational stories, but upper class.
No. 1222402
>>1222397white knighting by:
replying to the anon who said Zara wasn't as thin as Elzani was, and saying 'how dare you say she isn't that underweight!'
Then going on to claim Zara isn't pro-ana and asking why we are so obsessed with a 'literal child'
No. 1222415
File: 1620061787310.png (85.83 KB, 733x433, youwillbehappier.png)

>>1222399It's the caption for me.I keep misreading it as restriction won't NOT solve your problems (as in it is a thing that won't happen when you restrict)
No. 1222478
>>1222463Funnily enough her issues started the week she went ‘all in’ (and are common symptoms in recovery) but she insists it’s nothing to do with recovery and definitely IBD
(From what she’s said I think it’s diarrhoea)
No. 1222507
>>1222479 said, most courses if not every course has a law class in scotland. hell i did media for 4 years in college in glasgow and there was a law class in every year.
No. 1222511
>>1222483 derail but that's not true. It makes little difference other than you have a
slight head start
No. 1222568
>>1222553is that you, Anna? Trying to convince us your life is sooo hard?
I knew plenty of rich kids and as long as they went to uni it was OK, regardless of subject. If you're rich enough it doesn't matter if you get a job but a degree still looks good and means you're not a layabout. You can always get a job at Daddy's company if you need to.
No. 1222627
File: 1620070460444.jpg (231.77 KB, 1080x1429, 20210503_153242.jpg)

I came across this on my usual Twitter surfing. The fuck is up with this chick? She has other questionable tweets as well.
No. 1222628
File: 1620070543722.jpeg (299.93 KB, 828x779, 7F551B2C-904B-48C8-B97D-FF5454…)

sorry if this is OT but ed twt is so fucking hilarious. all the kpop ed larpers are crying over the anorexia weight criteria for the millionth time because of all the people calling out tess holiday.
No. 1222631
>>1222628I mean, the people are right in the sense that tess holiday doesn't have anorexia
in fact, tess might be the biggest ana larper we've seen… literally
No. 1222635
>>1222630I saw them get shit even by fatspo posters, she also mentioned wanting to be raped or shit wild shit like that.
>>1222628Gave me a hearty chuckle. They should realize that anorexia and bulimia aren't the only EDs. They likely have BED but I guess that isn't as cool or cute as having ana or mia to them.
No. 1222638
File: 1620071078247.jpg (177.75 KB, 1221x796, suuuuuuuuuuugarrrrrrrrr.JPG)

Everything she eats is XL sugar
No. 1222643
>>1222630theres two sides to ed twitter: the edgy 14 year olds who are genuinely pro and use fatspo, and the other lot of 14 year olds who cry over feeling invalid, will put
trigger warnings on food and have she/they/pup/kit in their bio. massive kek.
No. 1222669
File: 1620072200854.png (2.26 MB, 1896x873, Untitled.png)

>>1222646She does a long ass video talking about how a fucking biscuit tastes. Wolfs it down, mind. Hammum Debs chips in as per.
No. 1222671
File: 1620072256109.jpg (39.92 KB, 395x509, frail.JPG)

>>1222669In the depths of her eating disorder…apparently.
No. 1222743
File: 1620077208768.png (608.89 KB, 716x1087, Screenshot_20210503-222249~2.p…)

You know how these LARPers want to live with their mums forever and real ana's like Paris do too? A year living with her parents would be fantastic for Maria, yet she lives independently.
No. 1222752
>>1222750She stayed with her parents. Her mum is amazing at giving support and Maria tried new foods and slept well.
>>1222746Being in London and under her sister's influence kills any chance of progress when she gets back home.
No. 1222753
>>1222743‘Eating without judgement or scorn’
Am I reading this wrong in assuming she means that her twin judges her every time she eats?
No. 1223140
>>1223015I think someone somewhere read in a medical journal ‘you can be anorexic without losing weight’ but it was referring to young children who are small, then restrict and grow without gaining weight hence becoming underweight without technically losing weight. Obviously these people have just jumped onto being able to have anorexia… without the symptoms of anorexia.
They could of course just change the dialogue to ‘you can have an ED without losing weight’ but I guess that isn’t special enough
No. 1223156
File: 1620121780900.png (109.09 KB, 204x285, smug.png)

In Anna's second most recent tiktok she says she has gained 'what society would call a lot of weight' in the past few months. But she still claims to be underweight? You've never had to gain a huge amount of weight, Anna. Her smug face irritates me so much
No. 1223157
File: 1620121892528.png (502.22 KB, 478x597, Screenshot_2021-05-04 Hannah G…)

In her latest IG Ganer babbles about "adapting" to situations, but still she comes around with the same dumb pose as always.
No. 1223165
File: 1620123894665.png (1.4 MB, 712x1103, Screenshot_20210504-112114~2.p…)

>>1223157I thought this was a weird one for Ganer. IMG.
I'm not sure the people at the gym would appreciate her covert filming. They're all sweaty, making fuck faces and minding their own business, and she's planning the camera around.
No. 1223173
>>1223156Going by numbers she’s dropped and doing some calculations… to have gained weight but still be underweight she will have gained less than 7 pounds. Hardly a lot of weight.
She can’t be in all camps. The ~underweight ana~ camp, the ~all in recovery warrior gaining loads of weight~ camp, ~calling out body checks~ camp AND ~posting shooped body check~ camp.
No. 1223185
File: 1620127700901.jpeg (1 MB, 1125x1394, 724D6A95-855F-4E75-B969-7D1148…)

Yay we got another obese ana
No. 1223193
File: 1620128507403.png (4.98 MB, 828x1792, 394404A0-F704-4092-86D5-CE83A3…)

sorcha blossoms on tiktok… fucking hell how embarrassing. so none of them have lives that aren’t focused on their old eating disorders
No. 1223204
>>1223184What even is this whole thing about ‘optimum weight’ or ‘set point weight’ ??? It makes literally no sense…if your BMI is overweight, YOU ARE OVERWEIGHT. You can’t just say that it’s healthy
for you because it’s your
natural, unrestricted weight. If you’re BMI is above 18.5 there is no way you cannot be at a ‘proper healthy weight’ it’s literally just an excuse to continue stuffing your face. ‘Minimum’ healthy IS healthy. And a BMI under 18 isn’t always underweight either. You get so many anas saying it’s ‘okay to overshoot’ while they’re sat there either flabby and unhealthy or still restricting and sticking to the lowest weight they can function on. Just go to a doctor ffs they’ll tell you if you’re healthy ‘for you’ or not
(Bone rattling ) No. 1223276
>>1223157ganer do something, anything, else with your hair challenge
she looks like Popeye and Olive Oyl had a daughter with the father’s proportions and the mother’s dimensions
No. 1223288
File: 1620141810924.jpeg (726.34 KB, 828x1449, 837DD985-F2E7-493C-AFEB-390E33…)

Or you could take an Uber, a bus, ask mummy for a lift, literally anything else. But that wouldn’t show true dedication, would it?
No. 1223319
>>1223301ayrt. It turns out for St Andrew's it is 17 (>>1208090)
Although for most it is 16. On lives she has said she won't reveal the number you have to be before because it is different for every uni. Probably just doesn't want to admit her requirement is higher.
They need a guideline so they can send people home if they get medically unstable/ to avoid liability and I guess 16 is a good a number as any.
No. 1223373
>>1223015she probably thinks skipping one of her dozen meals a day means she's anorexic now.
If she was truly anorexic, she'd be MUCH smaller, and she'd also understand that you can't go against the basic laws of thermodynamics. She's such a cow (and the size of one, too!)
No. 1223388
File: 1620151091603.jpg (59.41 KB, 409x743, n2f v02.JPG)

Wasn't it n2f who used to heat up protein bars in the microwave?
No. 1223393
>>1223390She pick n mixes all the cows little habits and foods.
Sad that Hammum forks out £1.70 for a protein bar and the family have to exist on cheap convenience food.
No. 1223400
>>1223388It’s something I’ve seen on a few recovery accounts.
What I don’t really understand is why people are suddenly eating protein bars when they don’t need to gain weight and aren’t hitting the weights in the gym. A normal diet should give you the protein you need.
No. 1223440
>>1223424I came to lolcow at the beginning of the Ash thread, so THAT recovery era is what I remember and it was Quest bars and the tail end of pint parties. Don't remember Lara bars. Can't remember the other fad snacks, but they all used to do giveaways with the exact same recovery foods!
Don't protein bars go hard in the microwave?
No. 1223485
>>1223406normal people eat a protein bar for lunch when they’re too busy to have actual food and want more nutrition than a candy bar would provide
spoops and larpers eat the protein bar instead of the candy bar because it’s more virtuous
No. 1223493
>>1223427>>1223440>>1223442shit anons we're getting old
I remember the giveaways oh goodness. also, nakd bars boomed when there was a huge influx of orthorexic khm… vEgAN recovery girlies!!
No. 1223561
File: 1620164426479.png (3.44 MB, 828x1792, F9BA9B61-F1AA-4AB3-86B9-0E9500…)

congrats to ro for gaining weight but it’s a shame she insists on using horrific angles to film herself, and now looks like a man. sage because nitpick but come on.. do they think unattractive angles / close ups make them look “sicker”??
No. 1223674
File: 1620175376102.png (1.61 MB, 750x1334, 1971F5BE-96A9-470A-BD6F-B35B4A…)

Wait is this Ham? Or Porgie?
Ffs no wonder they feel free to LARP so hard
No. 1223815
File: 1620195004413.png (2.94 MB, 750x1334, 50E20DA9-A9DC-40EE-89CB-19F52B…)

Niamh finally admitted to binging. Took a while, but she's no longer claiming to just eat toddler sized portions and miraculously gaining weight
No. 1223859
File: 1620205537850.png (195.19 KB, 580x444, beav_recover.png)

>>1223561Oh yeah, those were the 1990s!
No. 1223865
File: 1620208535054.png (389.41 KB, 438x737, anaphone.png)

Anna is begging her followers for very underpriced artwork now. Of course, we've already discussed her family money but a few weeks back she was also bragging about how the money she earns on insta and tiktok paid for her £1200 phone (and more followers kek). Any talented anons want to submit something worthy of that price tag?
No. 1223869
File: 1620209368543.jpeg (140.72 KB, 750x907, 492A9079-9660-4FE6-BCC9-EDEEB4…)

Samefag but when I was looking at all the portraits people have given her for free I came across these comments. Anyone know what it is about?
No. 1223876
>>1223869amazing catch, anon kek
lets see how she explains this
No. 1223879
>>1223869Yes this was about Niamh (disposablesmile) who is underage so…
Anyway Anna called her out on some of her social media behaviours and got bombarded by a lot of her fans.
No. 1223947
>>1223903Yup she has said a number of times underweight body checks are so unnecessary but also said she doesn’t have an issue with tube pics.
I wonder why she finds one invalidating and not the other……
No. 1224053
>>1223865Could it be that she's just looking for nice messages saying "I'll do it for free you're so cute ! ! "
10£ gee way to say you think art is worthless
No. 1224231
File: 1620251612481.png (2.87 MB, 828x1792, EAF92C53-598B-4AB6-A46E-128D93…)

anna said she had a bad physical health day and bangs on about how “getting healthy again” is how she got her period back and says shes still underweight?
No. 1224239
>>1224231she probably had a sore throat or headache and is trying to make out she is chronically ill. Munchie crossover anyone?
did she try to imply she has sooo much weight left to gain? she normally does in her livestreams
No. 1224387
>>1223826She's not studying medicine. Med schools have stricter rules about health, partly because it's such a stressful and competitive subject full of Type As.
Sometimes personal tutors at unis here just don't know their students, or she might hide under baggy clothing. I doubt she's able to take much in though, an anorexic brain is not a functional one.
No. 1224388
>>1223891Molly did it so Anna wants it too.
Fan art is how you know you've made it!
No. 1224474
File: 1620291176384.png (465.25 KB, 1448x572, ovi is fat.png)

Ovi seems to be laying off the ana larp and becoming an alcoholic
No. 1224555
File: 1620305009695.png (Spoiler Image,8.16 MB, 1125x2436, C4939494-9898-4173-807D-CC90E4…)

Y’all see N2F’s latest creation? Spoiler cause it’s both NSFW and disgusting.
No. 1224575
File: 1620309144673.png (4.01 MB, 750x1334, 3C3C1ACD-FFFC-496D-BF94-6606A8…)

Look at all that water retention, surely no gained fat at all
No. 1224586
>>1224534Is she also being discussed on MPA? Because she said
a) pro-ana site (this site is not pro-ana)
b) guessing her clothes size (no one has guessed her clothes size)
c) sharing her address (no one has shared her address)
Either she is exaggerating what has been said or she is also discussed elsewhere?
No. 1224591
File: 1620311276713.jpeg (111.47 KB, 2000x1333, penis.jpeg)

>>1224555Radioactive custard.
>>1224575May would make more dollar on chaturbate like this. She suits this body.
>>1224586We said she lives in Highgate. She's stupid enough to claim that's sharing her address. Kate Moss lives in Highgate. Oh no, I'm a stalker doxxing Kate Moss.
We've discussed her dress size. Ofc she means here.
No. 1224597
File: 1620312045458.jpeg (861.47 KB, 1800x1361, 1F372724-54A7-4D0C-AB48-DEDF22…)

Still playing it off as swelling kek
No. 1224612
>>1224602BAHAHA no they're dragging her to absolute filth (rightfully so)
almost no one is validating her, and those that are get called out for it
there are a few threads, all around 8+ pages
No. 1224670
>>1224575Sorry bone rattlers, she looks a million times better like this. I know it's incredibly difficult for her, though.
>>1224598Is no one going to post about the MPA being sold drama? I haven't because I can't be assed to screenshot it and write it up but I will later if no one else wants to, assuming anyone's interested.
No. 1224679
File: 1620320535621.jpeg (194.17 KB, 750x1334, 2C1A02FF-D5B9-4291-8A76-AF4490…)

Anyone know what this video was about?
No. 1224692
File: 1620321114307.png (146.75 KB, 720x812, Screenshot_20210506-180801~2.p…)

Anyone know who this person's talking about? It could be hundreds, but others in this thread know who it is.
No. 1224709
File: 1620321891490.png (577.51 KB, 2157x1254, mpa-announcement.png)

>>1224672Yep. The previous admin (not sure if she was the founder or if it'd changed hands before this) didn't want it anymore so she sold it to some dude who wasn't part of the community, I think he just wanted to see if he could make a few bucks off ad revenue. When it wasn't profitable he abandoned it, until out of the blue he shows back up to announce the site has been sold to a for-profit company called VerticalScope that runs a bunch of forums and they will be "rebuilding it into a proper ED and mental health support forum". Everyone assumes it means they'll be deleting all the explicitly pro stuff and thinspo, which probably is what that means. There's now a 73 page thread full of drama about it.
No. 1224719
>>1224709Holy shit, end of an era
MPA has been having a slow death for a while though
No. 1224741
File: 1620322720925.png (22.44 KB, 604x243, 82359259329523058-4732483959.p…)

>>1224474Don't worry anon, she's been tweeting about how "nauseas" she is because she isn't eating as well, though it's more logical that it's the copious amounts of alcohol she's drinking lately. A lot of larpers claim they're too sick to digest anything except what they want to, of course. But going vegan will surely solve it!
>>1216917Looks like it might be @moonchild.etc who was mentioned earlier
>>1224692 No. 1224804
File: 1620325664679.jpeg (64.59 KB, 402x577, 1635D8A6-25B9-4D5A-A30E-0FC88F…)

>>1224791You’d think so but……
How does one person have the time for these insane post counts she must do literally nothing else
No. 1224892
File: 1620330205722.png (248.15 KB, 713x1269, Screenshot_20210506-204233~2.p…)

>>1224804I never bothered to look for personal cows at EDC. I suppose I might have to. The. MPA ~community~ are more concerned about losing their safe space than the recent global pandemic.
Love the post about how their naked body checks are now going to be perved over by "normie straight guys".
No. 1224919
File: 1620332677094.jpg (72.37 KB, 1606x426, genocide.JPG)

>>1224896Yeah, but I've had a couple of ~omg this forum is my life~ sites RIP during the age of internets, but it's hardly the end of the world. If lolcow ever disappeared, loads of us would be gutted, but there you go.
Might do some of them good to not live there 24/7
No. 1225283
File: 1620375365006.png (378.92 KB, 720x1044, Screenshot_20210507-035006~3.p…)

No. 1225313
File: 1620386325229.jpg (714.4 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210507-121812_Chr…)

Our obese but anorexic cows are in great company!
No. 1225376
File: 1620398396855.jpg (167.72 KB, 800x1055, daniel lambert.jpg)

>>1225340She looks like a real life caricature. It's not often an obese person's head is so pea sized like that. Her face should be fatter.
No. 1225436
>>1225433Larpers like Ham and the obese ones are twats, but it's good to know they think "too skinny" is just above a healthy weight range.
I never understood wanting to be a living skeleton, but with some I suppose that's the only way to prove that they're a "good" anorexic, and they all want to be the skinniest skinny who think Ash is a fatty.
No. 1225443
File: 1620405258488.png (711.76 KB, 720x1077, Screenshot_20210507-123235~2.p…)

No. 1225451
>>1225283Damn and it’s lots of followers for that content.
Did Ashs Instagram change? I remember it being but i can’t find it
No. 1225499
File: 1620411714751.jpeg (596.22 KB, 2048x2048, 99225FB0-0174-4942-A2E2-AB7688…)

>>1225494>>1225495I do. It's very interesting.
No. 1225511
File: 1620413105958.jpg (63.93 KB, 500x500, jelly-mini-teeth.jpg)

>>1225499I thought she was a super restrictor, why does she have a mouth full of Pick n Mix?
No. 1225528
>>1225521It is, but even though those shoes are fugly, she really needs to know how to wear boots and shoes. She needs SOCKS. Thick socks. Slouch socks.
Those fuck me shoes are so tacky.
No. 1225540
File: 1620416705466.jpeg (606.14 KB, 2048x2048, 89CDF3F1-F00B-49D2-8EAA-86DB0D…)

>>1225533Yeah, it's so clear she chose a bright colour so the fetishists would really be able to see her panties. I mean, neither the panties nor the eyeshadow even match the rest of her clothes.
No. 1225542
>>1225540how long until she makes an onlyfans?
remember that pic of her gross flaps hanging out
No. 1225630
File: 1620425689938.jpeg (140.52 KB, 827x939, 1A3EF35C-A038-470E-BC82-A36C96…)

Let me suck in my stomach as much as possible, wear Spanx and then tell everyone how I’m a chronic anorexia SEED. Dafuq? Proper attention seeking moron
No. 1225651
File: 1620427308241.jpg (19.46 KB, 364x389,…)

>>1225630Even trying so hard to look spoopy, she still looks only a little underweight. Not even bone rattling. When Madonna was on her yoga health kick she looked similar. Same with Jennifer Aniston, albeit without being toned.
No. 1225652
>>1225499That smug look on her face.. it’s chilling
I genuinely don’t know how she still manages to do anything without being exhausted
No. 1225694
>>1225557Yeah it looks about as normal as genitalia squished around underwear can look. The size is exaggerated by how small the rest of her is.
As funny as it is for this thread to become like a Shayna thread, Eugenia isn't doing bimbo porn so she doesn't need to have a bimbo porn vulva.
No. 1225710
>>1225660>>1225694It's kind of obvious how naive some people in this thread are. Some women have large labia minora. These, in rare situations, can get caught on underwear. Any woman with larger labia minora pretty much has darker labia.
She was stupid to expose herself like that but aside from that, her shape is probably normal. I did a practicum in gynaecology. There are very few labial shapes considered "abnormal" and your shape is almost entirely based on genetics (with some very uncommon exceptions). Of all the things to nitpick on lolcow, something a woman cannot influence or change about her body (without literally slicing off healthy tissue) is kind of over the line for me.* Aren't there more fun things to criticize?
*I'm aware of where I am. But the gyn I did my practicum with told me that over the past 20 years, younger and younger women are asking about labiaplasty. Some for their own daughters. Why? Because the labia minora stick out.
No. 1225718
>>1225545not trying to medfag, just answering this q
you're not looking at her vagina at all. The labia minora are flaps of skin and will hang; the labia majora are a type of skin fold. Labia majora correspond to the scrotal tissue in males and the labia minora to the skin on the surface of the penis.
So these skin folds and flaps of skin don't really indicate elasticity except in terms of the actual skin: whether subcutaneous fat is puffing the flaps up or not. They hang lower in some women, especially women who have completed adult development and are not overweight. But like everything, some women have different shapes and just don't have a lot of fat or puffiness down there. I don't really want to put any images in peoples' heads but the fetish men have for hairless puffy clam is rooted in pedophilia, and it's highly disturbing. Sure, some adult women look like that. But most don't.
No. 1225839
File: 1620460218702.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1242x1724, 551FC238-CDE9-4105-9706-39F3C3…)

I can’t understand why she pulls her bra above her nipples?
No. 1225852
File: 1620462415216.png (553.55 KB, 416x739, ham.png)

there's more biscoff then porridge in this bowl. you may as well just eat it out of the jar ham
No. 1225860
>>1225821This is why posting her here is a bad idea. Someone always drops her vag slip. Just because know-all bullshitter Erbs made a video about ~skinny fetishists~ that's all anons talk about, as if pervasive are interested in her flashing her knickers.
>>1225839Is it that her sports top is too small?
No. 1225925
File: 1620477324619.png (472.35 KB, 607x672, DHARMA.png)

Not sure if people are interested in Dharma but since the milk is so dry she is being SO rude.
Someone asked her to not mention her LW if she is using recovery hashtags and she said 'I didn't know the unwritten rules of tiktok. if you can't cope with realistic numbers get off the internet' like the scumbag she is.
Another asked her why she eats low-carb and she got really defensive and claimed it was 'because she wants to'. sure jan. went on to brag about her personal trainer qualification which is probably just some shitty online thing.
No. 1225926
>>1225924*spoopiness, obviously.
Although she is also pretty damn spooky.
No. 1225986
>>1225968She has only been ill for a few years and although she hasn't gotten very very spoopy I'm not sure if that alone is enough to cause the kidney(?) damage she claims caused it. She is clearly scared of carbs as well - someone in a (now-vanished) comment said she doesn't eat that low carb and she basically said "You don't know me !!11! come back when you have looked at my videos"
But TBH I think most anas who claim fears of specific food groups are probably still more worried about total calories and are "challenging" those 'fears' to get asspats while avoiding eating enough calorie-wise to maintain or gain
No. 1226011
File: 1620491703132.png (1.03 MB, 1132x703, herbs.PNG)

new herbs video about tess's larp
No. 1226016
>>1226014Yeah, I won't give her a view either. She's a twat. Her make up's shit but that's okay because she's a literal basement dweller in her 30s who lives with her parents and has no friends and goes nowhere.
She's an ED expert. Self confessed.
No. 1226063
File: 1620501240870.jpg (41.1 KB, 750x611, ibeatanorexia.jpg)

Oh god, Tess is going to be the living embodiment of this meme without the intended humour.
No. 1226079
>>1226070they could rename it to specify weight? because we all know there are changes in brain function when underweight which mean therapy is normally pretty useless before weight restoration.
the people who sperg about the atypical diagnosis are just reinforcing the 'hierarchy' around EDs. No one (apart from the worst pro-anachans and uninformed general public) thinks you are worse at eating disorders because you were diagnosed before you reached an underweight BMI.
No. 1226118
File: 1620509674013.jpeg (164.64 KB, 960x1088, 6FF26385-0B5B-4FCB-8BD0-119102…)

>>1226063For your personal use.
No. 1226206
>>1226051Thanks anon!
Also when did Tess LOSE weight??
No. 1226417
>>1226206The article I read says she lost weight whilst recovering (saying please don’t congratulate weight loss because I’m recovering from anorexia).
so…. she gained weight having anorexia and lost weight recovering and is upset when people question her diagnosis…
No. 1226419
>>1226385TBH I can see Tess having a form of BED/OSFED where she restricts for a while, then massively binges, averaging out to a huge daily intake to gain/maintain her weight. Some people with BED or bulimia have binges of 5-digit numbers of calories, even if she restricted to 1000 outside of binges she'd only need one big binge per week. Not to WK her because there's no way in hell any reputable professional diagnosed her with anorexia and she's an awful person, but I can see why she'd focus on the majority of her week rather then the hour or two she feels the worst about.
>>1226417Sounds like BED recovery to me!
No. 1226463
File: 1620557586588.png (95.77 KB, 184x247, annapasta.png)

Anna mad a tiktok about 'how her brain convinced her she didn't deserve dinner' and the melancholy music when she goes to eat her pasta has me howling. Who the fuck films and edits clips of themselves struggling to eat?
No. 1226568
File: 1620581763590.png (804.86 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210509-183302.png)

At least she's definitely gaining even if binning or puking some of the food she posts.
No. 1226612
File: 1620586612389.png (511.46 KB, 1914x1248, tiny fingers.png)

>>1226607Some of it looks like fingerprints, but the streaks look like she shakes her hair like a dog shakes its fur after getting it wet.
>>1226588Someone on mpa wrote the post on the left in img. Many times TH mentions how she gained weight during 2020 on twitter.
No. 1226646
File: 1620589207324.jpg (441.94 KB, 1125x2436, costacon.jpg)

Ham really struggles with liquid calories guys! Guess the bucket of hot chocolate she pours down her throat for nightly ~~snacktime~~ doesn't count
No. 1226678
>>1226176kek she's "ofherbsandaltars" not ALTERS
although i understand your suspicions as the ana/munchie/DIDlarp circles overlap a lot.
No. 1226685
File: 1620591801737.jpg (689.05 KB, 1641x1257, capuhchino.jpg)

>>1226646Can't be that scurrred of liquid cals if she gets a cappuccino "every time" (let's be real, it's not like she orders mini/small)
She's so incredibly bad at this.
No. 1226775
File: 1620599996201.jpeg (366.13 KB, 582x1340, A6C84240-0712-4035-9339-2588EE…)

sage bcs no real milk just found the horrendous shooping hilarious ….
No. 1226779
File: 1620600201611.jpeg (65.63 KB, 492x290, 09823A79-7E23-4894-9E4C-5FDF59…)

>>1226775samefag but the only “motivation” anyone can get from this post is maybe to take a photoshop class or something… recovery accounts are just the new pro ana with extra steps
No. 1226826
File: 1620603888086.png (716.91 KB, 1059x596, 248A010E-A74E-40E3-BC15-C7B522…)

>>1226646>>1226648Go Ham, choosing something with fruit. That might even count as one of her 5 a day. Recovery is possible!!!
No. 1226944
>>1226612Of COURSE her marriage was "
toxic and
abusive". It's a dead cert that when narcissists like Tess have a relationship end that their ex will end up being labelled as such.
No. 1226945
>>1226891Yes, she'll look scared as she bites/sips it, then look down at it, raise her eyebrows, look back up at the camera, and look back at the food/drink like she wants to have its babies.
She's so predictable.
No. 1226955
File: 1620618570642.png (1.11 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20210509-214256.png)

No. 1226974
>>1226118This has to be thread pic either here or on the deathfat thread.
She's so fat, she's spread over multiple threads on lolcow.
No. 1227041
>>1227016If you’re following this person, why would it show that you’re not in this screenshot? Their account is private.
100% self post.
No. 1227090
File: 1620648049339.jpeg (197.12 KB, 588x793, 3B2EF3BA-CA92-41E5-9C73-BA1294…)

followed this account for a while but never noticed just how big of a twat they are… what are these poses?? saged because not rlly milk but deffo pro ana scumbag behaviour.
No. 1227091
File: 1620648084006.jpeg (438.69 KB, 828x1071, 7ECD7306-6A00-4416-A35B-CE6F85…)

>>1227090another one just for keks
No. 1227113
File: 1620651572805.png (279.2 KB, 675x311, photoshop-goes-quackquack-wind…)

>>1227090Looking at her pictures she photoshops her photos a lot. And she was a "healthy" weight back in late 2020 going by her facebook. Cheeks, neck, etc. And it seems like she's got a bit of the 'tism, her public facebook is just as cringey with the photos.
No. 1227115
File: 1620652014751.jpeg (Spoiler Image,85.13 KB, 728x503, 3A2F7DB9-DE35-4563-8681-BEA6C3…)

>>1227090A promising cow? IP counts went out of fashion years ago
No. 1227121
File: 1620653711374.jpeg (16.5 KB, 392x280, neck-ligaments-revealed-man-st…)

>>1227090jfc shes really trying to act like this is normal? she's straining her neck so hard and any idiot who has seen ana chans before know this isnt what spoopy a spoopy neck looks like come the fuck on she's delusional. the fact people like this shit makes me think theyre underage girls who want to have anorexia. this is literally just a girl straining her neck. this is worse than when girls fall for photoshopped selfies and shit, shes retarded and her followers are retarded.
No. 1227136
File: 1620655503642.png (3.07 MB, 750x1334, 06CB77C5-0FA6-4963-8017-B7AA24…)

Anna: I’m sensitive to gluten
Anna: I ate gluten
Anna: I just got a huge rash
Anna: the rash is because I restricted
… that was literally a 2+2 sum and she still got 7, how does she do it
No. 1227154
File: 1620657473366.png (494.32 KB, 744x744, no more ovi.png)

Ovi seems to be drifting away from her 'disorder' despite her bio still containing a MAJOR trigger warning for EDs. Sad, I will miss this cow if the milk goes dry
No. 1227158
>>1227136For context, this was posted just after she 'messed up' and 'her head convinced her she didn't deserve to eat dinner', here:
>>1226463surely someone with a restrictive ED would conclude 'I ate and got a rash as punishment for eating' especially if the cause was pasta, which she has said is a fear food before?
>>1227143she is now saying that she had issues before she started restricting and didn't connect it to gluten. Regarding coeliac shit, I don't think she has got the results from her tests back (or if she has, she didn't get the results she wanted and hasn't shared it)
No. 1227160
File: 1620658409798.jpeg (282.24 KB, 828x1643, 05E8B1C3-6875-42F3-B726-8844AE…)

No. 1227161
>>1227143It isn't even difficult to do a gluten-free diet. There are whole sections of free from gluten foods in supermarkets. Making it her thing is like saying she has asthma it's that common.
>>1226881In her in the car with Debs vid, she states she needs the juice because it helps her gain weight and she needs to gain weight.
No. 1227203
File: 1620664010070.jpg (4.71 KB, 279x181, vitawhat.jpg)

>>1227182My misake, it's so easy to zone out listening to her sloppy speech. But as anon above says, she didn't need to gain weight.
Img = Ham's face when Hammum tells her there are vitamins and minerals in her fruit juice.
No. 1227246
File: 1620667378028.jpeg (Spoiler Image,501.39 KB, 750x912, 5DEE73FF-EB1F-4868-95C4-52927D…)

No. 1227267
>>1227265Some disease she caught from the pillow?
It's concerning that she walks around topless a lot of the time.
No. 1227292
File: 1620671563533.png (696.64 KB, 750x1334, FDC8F72B-01AF-4D73-A419-956668…)

>>1227282It’s not the same as a political governor, more like being on the PTA of a high school if there had to be a comparison. But with a lot more responsibility - it’s a serious post.
No. 1227311
File: 1620673762100.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1242x1814, 5FD670AE-F044-4485-8DED-9A487A…)

Potential new cow I just came across? Idk
Teaghan Gosley, (former?) ethot and stoner bitch, who now broadcasts her b/p sessions and body checks on tiktok to prove she’s totally eating normal amounts of food, she just has no clue where it’s all going!!
Supposedly the founder of #clitbait, which is a clothing line or… something? No clue.
I can’t decide if she‘s just the usual attention-seeking ewhore slowly killing herself for everyone to see, or if there’s some actual milk hidden somewhere. I’ll let you decide. And apologies if she’s already known around here. for her other socials and OF etc
No. 1227334
File: 1620675281067.png (5.14 MB, 750x1334, 446C59E6-BF50-4F2D-BD6E-D423C4…)

only recently started following n2f, I’ve seen her talked about here so knew what to expect but am still in shock over the things she consumes wtf
No. 1227349
>>1227334If you didn't catch the baker anon bake n2f's creations last year, it's worth going through the threads to find those posts.
>>1227345They must totally ignore information the nutritionist gives them. I'm surprised after restricting from sugar that their taste buds don't find sugar too sickly sweet when they start stuffing down the chocolate and cakes.
No. 1227424
>>1227246Why would anyone post pictures of themselves in this state?? Her hair is perpetually up in a sloppy, greasy bun that looks like it smells rank. It's fine for lounging around, but if you're going to take pictures at least get ready for the day…And that thousand yard stare. Topless for some reason as well (because who cares about your relatives or colleagues think).
And always N2F with the clutter piled up behind her. At least she didn't take this picture in her filthy mirror with grease fingerprints all over it.
Eugh, just the way she lives makes me squeamish. I get the sense that she grew up in a household where she never learned to clean properly. Probably had hoarders for parents, so her sense of 'clean' is out of whack.
No. 1227527
File: 1620697064682.jpg (1.01 MB, 1077x1840, Screenshot_20210511-023718_Ins…)

Countdown until Porgie's next scheduled breakdown?
No. 1227628
File: 1620708549140.jpg (34.62 KB, 450x600, deirdre.jpg)

>>1227091Which 'Deirdre' face do you reckon is hiding behind the phone.. kek
(Deirdre is from Coronation Street.. the sinewey bits in her neck used to make me cringe. Don't think this Marnis chick realises it's not an indicator of thinness)
No. 1227673
File: 1620719518183.jpeg (32.68 KB, 500x333, proxy.jpeg)

>>1227628Deirdre top right, but cow's teeth are more clenched (almost to cracking point)
No. 1227733
File: 1620734295477.jpeg (283.94 KB, 1229x1800, EA8EA836-5EEB-477F-A0CA-ADE58A…)

>>1227628>>1227673KEK anons I was thinking more along the lines of Gail
No. 1227806
>>1227791"I'm in the ICU, just came out of a coma, time to take an insta selfie!"
Yeah, no.
She's an attention seeking cunt and very privileged to go on looney bin holidays, and I dont believe she was in a coma for one second, as waking up like that is traumatising and distressing and you wouldnt just take a selfie like that
No. 1227841
>>1227791also it still stands that in the UK, even if you've attempted suicide, you may not receive decent care following discharge, let alone an IP admission.
>>1227806 this. who's taking a selfie in ICU?
No. 1227905
>>1227870She might've chugged some alcohol back with pills, but doesn't look like she has a hangover in her ~woken from coma~ selfie. She'd be lying on a bed groaning REALLY wishing she was dead…that kind of hangover.
That was a really long stay at NF this time. The depression place must tolerate her more than the Tess Holliday Clinic for Anorexics at NF.
No. 1227935
File: 1620756260232.jpeg (179.98 KB, 828x362, 67899E3A-3173-41EC-8DA1-8211B0…)

dharma is slowly progressing towards being able to spell ‘tiktok’! we’ve got tic tok & til tok today, baby steps
No. 1227936
>>1227802privileged doesn't dictate whether or not you can be depressed, suicidal, ED tendency prone,etc.
lots of these girls are larpers, but there are people with privilege who still suffer mentally
No. 1227995
>>1227984Yep, Porgie could take enough to fell an elephant (and considering her size, she'd need to) but that doesn't matter much if you've got an ambo on speed dial
>>1227989Because she's a well-established attention-seeking cow who drains resources and generally makes a huge fanfare about every one of her weekly admissions. Not everyone who blogs about mental illness is an insufferable twat
No. 1227996
>>1227992The question was ‘in what was is it appropriate or dignified to cry about suicide online’ which I was pointing out is stupid.
Just because she’s a cow doesn’t make every behaviour cow-ish
No. 1228034
File: 1620763369308.jpg (23.53 KB, 590x350, 165529.jpg)

>>1228028Damn it anon, had second left saved but I can't top that, bravo
No. 1228039
>>1228034We should start a gofundme for Gail to get a chin implant, although Ham could donate some chin. Strange how these Weatherfield residents have craggy necks.
I hope when lockdown's over in the UK in June there's some new action/milk. Laura's been posting about having good news, so she might be getting out just in time to do some leg lifts at Starbucks.
No. 1228046
File: 1620764174078.jpeg (187.04 KB, 750x978, 10E3529A-86E6-48B4-ADDB-85653B…)

>>1227928Is this really that excessive? She has talked about not struggling as much with eating as other people do so it is not like she is a Hamesque account
No. 1228055
File: 1620764695381.jpg (90.15 KB, 912x786, Capture.JPG)

Although Gail's pretend son in the show has an ed irl, so maybe they'll do a storyline. With a helpline at the end, ofc.
No. 1228064
>>1228054Still a thousand times more believable than Ham
>>1228055If you've been affected by any of the issues raised in tonight's show…call Beat. Or self-diagnose yourself and start a recovery instagram, either's good
No. 1228084
File: 1620766824096.jpeg (539.49 KB, 828x1262, 96D695BB-40B9-41D5-8C2A-C979A8…)

sage bcs no milk but it’s nice to see accounts actually gaining weight and hopefully (?) shedding cow status. my prediction of the ceasing of overposing and straining came true tho- haven’t seen any of that from ro in ages
No. 1228091
File: 1620767905111.jpeg (68.88 KB, 602x337, 48E84B60-20B4-4E28-9A23-9608CD…)

>>1228084Apart from the dead eyes she does look healthier tbf
No. 1228099
File: 1620768588513.jpeg (309.49 KB, 1603x368, 55EA50B0-EB11-4ABD-8B67-96FFF2…)

>>1228094Aw I thought you meant the old ones anon but one week ago? Gross
No. 1228245
>>1228084All in is a red flag for relapse imo. Only imo, but rapid weight gain is really difficult to deal with when your brain isn't on the same page as your body. Still, as with all cows, I hope she's okay and only has the usual recovery glitches.
>>1228069Unlike Anna,. I'm no doctor, but would fatty liver stop damage in any way with an od?
>>1228210REAF THIS.EVERYONE. We will need a new thread soon. It's sometimes not made because LACK OF HEADER PIC. It'd help if art anons could knock one up or suggest something in the thread. That way, I for one, would be willing start the new one as soon as this is full. Thanks for listening!
No. 1228264
File: 1620783585142.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1125x1951, 32C696F5-74A0-49F5-B5DC-58F7BD…)

Dunno if anyone’s still interested in the shining beacon of joy and positivity that is Morven but has she ever not been such a friggin martyr?
>>1228245Appreciated anon. Just tried to whip threadpic up but only have my phone atm and it wasn’t having it. If nobody else comes through I’ll try again in the morning
No. 1228343
>>1228050 >>1228054
Bethany's Storyline was pretty boring to be honest and short lived. They haven't done one - they should. It would be good. I could see it happening to Asha.
>>1228055Awwww not David. Interesting, Gail's other TV son Nick Platt (played years ago by Warren Jackson) also revealed an eating disorder. Poor Gail!!!
No. 1228382
File: 1620796421794.jpg (1.25 MB, 3647x2509, IMG_20210512_071240.jpg)

It's a quick one, I don't mind someone making a better one.
No. 1228428
File: 1620806293189.png (414.25 KB, 375x625, anna.png)

Anna is on Tik Tok again, telling everyone her address has been leaked on a 'pro-ana forum' when it fucking hasn't. She's also moaning about how she is being talked about a lot. If you don't like it stop being a cow, it's that simple.
Also she made a 'how to make money on social media' video which includes making stories or posts for brands. AFAIK she has never listed any content as sponsored/paid, isn't that against insta's rules?
No. 1228465
>>1228461“All in” wasn’t ever supposed to be about eating disorders or extreme hunger or whatever else. It was designed as a way to rapidly increase weight and reduce stress hormones so women could restore their period. Somehow the
toxic body positivity community got its claws into it and have twisted it to mean “eat whatever you want, all the time, even if you’re not underweight, still have a period and have never restricted”
No. 1228483
>>1228464Sorry for blogpost but when I was very underweight I was still anxious and scared of weight gain but couldn't stop eating, I'd eat plain rice and beans because even dirt looked amazing. lol It's impossible to think of anything else really, I couldn't watch TV, read or do anything because my mind was 100% on eating whatever was available. It stopped when I reached a BMI of about 23-24 though…
I think cows doing "all in" even when they aren't underweight is for psychological reasons, feeling "free", even if they don't have a physical reason to eat extreme amounts of food. Not saying it's right, just giving my 2 cents. If they truly have an ED I can understand but an "all in" def isn't the treatment they'd get in a professional setting if they're normal weight or even overweight
No. 1228522
File: 1620826403031.png (65.73 KB, 533x360, calories are scary.png)

>i could barely sleep last night because i was so worried about it
kek when is she going to realise that the world does not revolve around her and her triggers.
No. 1228530
>>1228428She has her email in her Instagram profile. Her email address is her full name… and now she’s saying on TikTok that her address is essentially easy to find on the internet. She doesn’t exactly help herself.
I know her address hasn’t been shared here but it has been discussed and if she didn’t want people to know it… why keep saying that it is here? She’s directing her 13.7 followers to this website to find it!
No. 1228531
>>1228437I think we do have two definitions of all in, and honestly I can’t see Ro bingeing just seeing the fear she still has around food. Plus her weight gain really doesn’t seem rapid. There is the ‘all in’ that is seeing the meal plan as a minimum and eating more if you crave it.
This is of course different to those who are ‘all in’ which is ‘eat anything and everything’.
Sometimes I think people on this site are only happy with people gaining 1kg a week to BMI 21 and zero binges. Mental health just doesn’t work like that.
No. 1228546
>>1228540People get so het up about diet culture and it creating eating disorders but it doesn’t.
You don’t go to therapy to cry about calories on menus. Isn’t it common knowledge that food is a symptom of a much deeper problem? Childhood trauma, perfectionism etc?
Diet culture can cause low self esteem and low body confidence but it doesn’t cause eating disorders.
No. 1228613
>>1228596Hi newfag. Everyone here already knows and has probably been through typical treatment, but thanks for the recovery 101 education.
I highly doubt anyone with severe enough anorexia to be at risk of refeeding is going to independently be able to jump all in right from the start. Any of the actual ana cows who have done it (elzani is the only one that springs to mind) gained a lot of weight before making that final leap.
No. 1228644
File: 1620838575985.png (394.98 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210512-175521.png)

Oh look, sensitive Molly's against calorie labelling. Poor chicken.
No. 1228661
File: 1620839852342.png (79.08 KB, 715x555, Screenshot_20210512-181507~2.p…)

She's a bigger twat than I originally thought.
No. 1228694
Molly does know this is only relevant to businesses with over 250 employees, right? Her swedish bakeries and cute little greek cafes are safe.
>>1228677In fairness how will this help obese people? Calories from eating out are not the problem, their general diet is (and tbf if people want to spend their money on restaurant food they should feel free to choose what they want and take it into consideration for the rest of the day or week) But I agree the snowflakes need to get over themselves
No. 1228702
>>1228661Obesity is a much bigger problem (no pun intended) than eating disorders are, and anorexia is actually the least common eating disorder, so most people with EDs won't be too adversely affected by calorie labelling anyway. It could actually
help people with say, BED, to make healthier choices. If gaining weight is necessary to recover from anorexia, surely losing weight is necessary to recover from BED if that person is obese? Molly is so insufferable, and this position is actually selfish. If she can't eat out in public with calories on menus, she needs to work harder on her recovery before eating out. Guess what, the world doesn't revolve around you and your
No. 1228710
>>1228702I doubt it will help people with BED, if they are in the binge mindset they won't be paying attention to calories. Maybe for people who are overweight but not disordered though. AFAIK losing weight is not 'prescribed' for people with BED, unlike gaining for anas because it does not affect the brain function in the same way. When they stop binging they will gradually lose some anyway.
>>1228697The bone rattling is loud. There is no such thing as being 'unable' to recover (although obvs it is harder for chronic cases than people like Anna or Molly)
No. 1228810
new thread
>>1228808 sorry if i fucked it up
No. 1228831
>>1228661>>1228522>>1228644if you get that
triggered by numbers on a menu then you shouldn't be outside jfc. All these bitches are so spoiled and coddled and have clearly never had any actual problems. Imagine sending a letter to your MP about something that trivial. Moonface needs a hobby.
No. 1229124
File: 1620897365797.jpg (134.34 KB, 522x852, calories.jpg)

While you're all sperging here that calories on menus help obese people, Porgie has some opinions
No. 1229395
>>1229124calories on menus help normal sized people
obese people are all “fuck it, i’ll eat whatever”
No. 1232726
>>1229340Yes, it literally damages the liver, one really good way of reducing the effects of the OD is again… NAC treatment.
OD can take a while to kill people, without treatment in time, it's painful and long. Sorry for the medfagging
No. 1290343
File: 1628026575762.jpeg (241.26 KB, 717x1472, 13056D26-5AA2-44BC-8DDB-073C10…)