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No. 1201609
Our favourite pro-ana scumbags have all been curiously silent for a while, although as lockdown restrictions continue to ease around the world we may be in for a flurry of sudden milk as the LARPers return to #recoverywin #fearfood #challenges at supermarket cafes, Ganer returns to the gym, and daintyalytoo returns to the earth. RIP.
Ham has been MIA since March 24th and has locked down her personal account, as well as removing pretty much all trace that she ever made that one Youtube video. Maybe Hammum revoked her allowance for her nearly-adult daughter to make a Youtube channel. Farmers fear the worst as the lack of snack plates and 👏🏻 challenge 👏🏻 repeats 👏🏻 could indicate a serious relapse.
Ganer posted some progress pictures in which she actually seems to have put some mass on. Well done, Ganer! However, unfortunately these celebrations don’t last as she posts another ‘do you remember how spoopy I was? I was spoopy, right? Remember this? I was spoopy, y’know’ comparison video alongside a more current one of her gurning whilst lifting weights.
Porgie was strangely silent for most of the thread, but rumbled in to save the day with a tagged photo of just how much of a heifer she is. Anons were shocked, somehow - maybe her Myspace photo angles do more for her than we thought. She insists on Instagram that lolcow doesn’t get to her, that she doesn’t care what we think, that she’s totally in recovery from anorexia and learning to love food again…coupled with some photos of pizza and poorly hidden fries underneath a massive steak.
Aly joined the club of shufflers off their mortal coils, and farmers speculate it was a drugs-related death after examining the wording of all 5 of the tribute posts she received. A friend of hers seems far too eager to push a Gofundme right after her death. We speculate on whether her death was legitimate or faked as no obituary pops up, until family members and ex-partner’s mothers chime in about her ‘untimely, unexpected’ death.
Eugenia Cooney was the focus of the end of the thread as the milk has ran drier than her exposed dusty cooch. Her discussion was proven to be just as boring as the last time she was mentioned and the thread locked itself after chatter fizzled out. Yawn.
Herm— uh, Ruby Granger started to be discussed as rumours flew around of a potential new ED cow. She’s started to show sparrow-like portions on her Youtube channel, although she’s at a healthy weight. Farmers discussed her terrible book and whether she has milk potential.
Old friend Posh Molly also resurfaced and took an interest in Ruby, re-theming her Youtube content around studying and ~aesthetic~ videos instead of focusing on scawy ceweals. Her acting hasn’t improved an ounce as she films Instagram reels of her making ‘the first lunch ever for herself in recovery’. Evidently she needs to work on her lying ability too, as she made plenty of lunches in her old videos. Keep up, Molly!
Gracesfight_ on Tiktok proved that you don’t need to be underweight to have anorexia as she bravely shows her size 22 body alongside her #anoress1a awareness and storytimes of her rolling down the psych ward corridor with staff running (walking) after her.
In other news: lifeofhxn selfposts to no end and some anons have a bone to pick with Remi. N2F is posting from a new account with glands the size of golf balls and foods just as disgusting as last time. One farmer created their own rendition of ‘Come Dine With Me’ featuring all of our favourite cows.
Dora and Ro throw eyebrow-based shade at lolcow despite their ramblings in the last thread on how they don’t want to be discussed. If you can’t handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen! They’re now up for discussion again, although the only things going on right now is Ro’s excessively long Youtube videos on how to eat ‘diet culture’s WORST foods’. Anna also let us know that she’s not ~severely anorexic~ anymore, just a regular old anorexic! Still anorexic though, guys! Just not super severe! Still anorexic!
Ovi couldn’t even purge her followers successfully to avoid being posted and kept at least 4 farmers in the mix with access to her account.
Other cows were boring enough to evade discussion, although we can only hope for their swift return to save us all from the lack of milk.
If you’re new, read the rules, and sage goes in the email field. Refer to previous threads before asking why someone is lolcow-worthy. We’re not here to spoon-feed. No. 1201635
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Anyone seen Anna’s latest IG video? Seems pretty healthy to me so good for her I guess?
Pretty bored of her senseless posting now tbh and think she’s just desperate to stay ~relevant~
No. 1201650
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Ty for new thread, anon!
Img - Georgie thinks ~diet culture~ is fucked up while she "fuels" herself with enough junk food to fuel a fucking rocket to the moon and thinks that's a better option.
No. 1201724
>>1201609She filmed this video when she made the notorious beach pic
>haha guys, the weather is warmer now so I went to the beach>is wearing tiny shorts and a crop top>wind is blowing like crazy>you can literally see someone wearing a jacket in the backgroundI can't
No. 1201733
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>>1201635she seems okay tbh, haven’t seen a toob in an abnormally long amount of time… dare i jinx it by saying she’s moving on with her life??
No. 1201773
>>1201724I know Eugenia provides 0 milk, but she is undoubtedly an anachan and does slip up at times because of her 64 IQ. I’m only interested because the internet likes to REEE and I don’t quite understand how she can hold her head up.
Sage for non contribution
No. 1201777
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No. 1201779
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Why is the fake cows forehead and teeth so big… sat binging on chocolate today when all she goes on about is how she fasts and purges ALP THE TIME…. nothing to do with her cocaine addiction WHICH SHE ~apparently~ has
No. 1201781
>>1201779you are genuinely retarded
tell us who it is and why they're milky or fuck off
No. 1201817
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She started following fat women bodyposi accounts, so I take that as challenge accepted and completed numerous times today. No chocolate is enough!
No. 1201829
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It’s from a few days ago but Anna was literally considering a phone case with the ana butterfly on. My hopes for her moving on have been dashed.
No. 1201835
>>1201832From Google:
In 'Starving in Suburbia' there was a character called 'butterflyana' who gave tips n tricks to the main character on how to be ~ana~. Now 'butterflies' are wannas/ people who worship Cassie and Eli/ glamourise EDs etc. I don't think I have ever seen anyone other than Anna use it in a recovery context?
No. 1201893
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Has Shira ever been discussed here? Eating disorder therapist with an active eating disorder. Asks followers for donations for treatment and service dog despite (presumably) paid-partnerships with different brands. Has almost 100K followers…. (not saged because new milk?)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1201911
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You don’t need a reason besides “I eat too much food and that’s why I’m fat”
No. 1201938
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as if nourish’s teeth and skin weren’t dirty enough, look at the melted chocolate on her bed and her filthy wall
No. 1202013
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I guess Ro is back on her main account again. Not sure why every anorexic has to emphasize that it’s their “first time having insert food IN YEARS!!!”
No. 1202023
>>1202013She was mentioned on a sub Reddit. Six people saying she's inspiring. I feel like it's an Italian Aly situation where it's pointless waiting to see her gain despite saying they're~all in~. Congrats will be given when she isn't doing these videos still exposing parts of her body and looking healthier.
So many of these watch me eat my first…vids. after Elzani, Molly and Ham it's like being in yt purgatory having a billion suggested.
No. 1202053
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Sage for wk but Gina is actually starting to look kinda shocking. Maybe she isn't LARPing after all. In saying that, her childish tantrums are making her that dreaded patient that supposedly "50% of nurses hate", she's been refused admission to one ward for her behaviour, and she very nearly got herself kicked out of this one.
No. 1202089
>>1202087Seen it in the former thread:
She's wearing extensions and her scalp is balding.
No. 1202114
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>>1202076Oh my apologies. She was spoken about probably 5 threads back, she was basically constantly being admitted for anorexia and self harm, tubed 3 or 4 times since mid last year, a good few suicide attempts, kicked out of residential for her behaviour.. typical BPD stuff, and the Australian health system playing along as usual.
No. 1202143
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>>1202076She's spoken about being in a psych ward off and on since she joined tiktok. She's clearly lost a fair bit in the last few years.
No. 1202145
>>1201893I reckon Shira ticks multiple cow boxes (ED therapist while being obsessed with size, HAES adherent, e-begger, possible munchie)
>>1201938Bar of chocolate underneath the cake box too. That's a binge for sure. I am legit worried that one day she'll stop posting and we'll find out weeks later she died in her cesspit of a room.
>>1202135Yeah when Eugenia goes (and I reckon it'll be before Ash finally bursts into flames trying to enter a church) there will be a lot of internet soul searching about What Could Have Been Done and such. But you can't help people who don't want help, you have to convince them to accept it. I wonder if her face starting to sink in will be a wake up call to her, she is pretty vain.
>>1202143Jesus she's literally half the girl she was.
At this point I wonder if getting OUT of the hospital would be the best thing for her.
No. 1202152
>>1202151fueled by her unearthly spite and battery acid for blood!
queen of the Lich!
No. 1202224
>>1202166Can you please just create a thread for Ruby already? Or do you not know how to do that? Maybe go back to Tattle Life in that case
She’s not relevant to the thread and nor is her video about being a Victorian child??? Was the Victorian child anorexic by chance? No? Then it doesn’t belong here.
No. 1202255
>>1202234She's not really a pro-ana cow. I can see nothing really
triggering in her vids and her IG.
Just another YT attention whore, maybe.
No. 1202263
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Looks like Ham was/is on an art and design course at college.
No. 1202267
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This cow is some of her artwork. Bacon is vegan, guys.
No. 1202272
>>1202166Ruby Granger seems to be a nice and educated young lady.
She does not feign any kind of illness and gives some constructive advice for studying and personal organization.
There's nothing wonky about that.
No. 1202279
>>1202013Oh yeah. She's partying hard at the birthday of her brother and letting the cam roll, all for her very own YT glory.
Classy move, beeyotch.
No. 1202306
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The audacity of this bitch, when every other reel features her dainty fragile tubed face
No. 1202312
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Just to make a point
No. 1202321
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So here's some fresh hateen for y'all…
Our favorite skelly complaining in a squeaky voice about being misunderstood.
No. 1202327
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>>1202321Her real hair peeking out from under her extensions
No. 1202348
>>1202346You talking about some of them mentioning her upcoming early funeral? That's not trolling at all, but in fact very realistic.
She just shrugs it off like any other addict.
No. 1202349
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I think I found a new ana larper
No. 1202350
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This is her profile
No. 1202353
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She gives me Ham and Molly vibes
No. 1202360
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>>1202353Maybe it's a language barrier. She admits she was never spoopy, unlike Ham
>I was never severely underweight but I am weight restored in the sense that I gained healthy weight, it took me about 5 monthsShe mentions having friends and a life, so she's not a saddo wannarexic. The sad part of her is the stick n poke on her wrist. Hope she was bored and it's just pen.
No. 1202459
>>1202053Before actually reading your comment I went over her tiktok and was gonna say, she looks like she legit has an ED, tube seems actually given rather than requested kek. Weight has varied a lot and she does seem to be going downhill right now. So the antics aren't killing me like Laura's
>>1202083RIP the good old days where people actually did things like hide food rather than insist everyone know exactly what they're thinking and doing 24/7 (/s)
No. 1202556
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This is the "thinnest" I've ever seen Porgie. She was only 16/17 here yet looks older than she does now. Wow, amazing how all that fat can make someone look so much younger. She must literally waddle when she walks. Its absolutely disgusting how fat she is
No. 1202559
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Laughing my ass off. Just checked the posts Georgia is tagged in and here's a screenshot from a video a few days ago. Her forearm is literally the size of my THIGH. She's holding that basket of chocolates probably secretly going she gets to take it home and stuff them all down into her huge fat gut
No. 1202573
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"I was skinny"…. Wowza, she truly has a warped perception of what "skinny" looks like… Because even in this photo she looks on the larger size of "average" if not overweight
No. 1202587
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So as it happens, ovi has been hollering for attention for years, including posting about drinking nyquil to her friends and family on Facebook. She gives me massive (no pun intended) Kaydee vibes, but at least she's not faked a therapist text thread yet.
No. 1202593
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>>1202559Damn those hips don’t lie… but Porgie does. No one in their right mind would be encouraging her to eat the crap she does in the name of “healing her relationship with food”. Where’s Dr Now when you need him?
No. 1202612
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So we all know about how Remi goes on and on and on about "DONT DO FDO'S" and "DONT BODY CHECK" well then what the fuck are these TikToks???
No. 1202618
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>>1202612Wow anon you went back almost a year on tiktok to find those videos? Either youre just trying to find milk but this is old or youre the vendetta person again.
This vendetta is old and boring. When the vendetta started it was ash and cj posting rem. They used to be friends with rem but had an argument, and rem stopped speaking to them. You can see they stopped following each other. I think rem blocked them and then she started getting posted here with heaps of stuff she'd never spoken about publicly. So obviously someone who knew rem. Pic is of the post cj and ash had a go at rem, I think there was more said privately from what I heard rem stopped speaking to them.
I doubt its the ex-wife posting here. Thatd be a desperate reach for her if it was. It doesnt make sense to be her, im pretty sure they broke up last year and the vendetta "milk" only started this year.
Tldr; vendetta posts Im pretty sure is ash and cj. Boring.
No. 1202629
>>1202556Incredible how much a person can change in 6 years. To see how much she gained since then is as sad as seeing how much Ganer or Dasha lost and went spoopy. NF should be helping her and not fucking her up.
First time I've had a twinge of pity for Georgia.
No. 1202634
>>1202615omg… no that was not a self-post. I am certainly NOT Georgia, but why should you believe me anyway I suppose. She was beautiful then, healthy and normal. She is not now.. and I agree with this comment -
>>1202629 I actually have a twinge of pity for her too. That's a shitload of weight for anyone to gain, and if I was in that position I would want to kms too. It's no wonder she's miserable.
No. 1202643
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Does anyone else find it weird she took "POTS" out her bio? Saged for mini med-fag but medical recommendation for this disease is to focus on muscle building exercises (swimming, yoga) and reducing your carb intake and eating smaller meals. Alcohol is also a known POTS trigger.
POTS also causes a lack of appetite, and many anorexics can develop POTS due to significant weight loss, which makes the LARP extra hilarious.
No. 1202650
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…so someone asked her to pose with his skateboard…but for some reason didn't want to be on the picture himself…?
No. 1202654
>>1202653Because it's more likely that she bought her own skateboard and changed her clothes during the beach photoshoot. A fan would have wanted to be on the picture themselves and also would have taken said picture with their
own phone. She lied, the whole thing looks staged
No. 1202683
>>1202680Eugenia is pro-ana and a scumbag.
Now take a look at the title of the thread.
No. 1202684
>>1202681Yeah I remember a time before the Shane Dawson documentary when Eugenia hadn’t admitted to having anorexia yet and so there were always these regards who would argue that Eugenia was naturally skinny or maybe she had some sort of medical problem and that people should leave her alone etc etc. But I noticed a shift in people’s opinions after Shane’s documentary because people realised that yeah she does have an eating disorder but ignores the seriousness of it and acts like it’s normal and nothings wrong and constantly posts
triggering photos, so people have realised she’s actually not a nice person
No. 1202688
>>1202684That "interview" was rigged since Dawson had to avoid certain questions.
But he is as clickbaity as her, so why bother…
No. 1202690
>>1202689Her organs will ban her soon enough.
I want to be here and witness it.
No. 1202694
>>1202686How is being YouTube famous not interesting? Besides, the only difference between Eugenia and the other cows here is that those cows pretend to recover while still losing weight etc. Eugenia is straight up pro-ana and doesn’t acknowledge any issues and so doesn’t try to recover.
Maybe we need a refresh on what this board is actually for and put it in the OP. Like what are the requirements to be posted here? Because currently, Eugenia fits the pro-ana scumbag title.
I’m guessing milk is considered to be someone who posts only eating disorder related stuff on their social media (I.e it’s their whole identity) and pretends to recover but still loses weight or is still unhealthy with food etc, or they are just fat and larping
No. 1202696
>>1202694 She fits the criteria imo but I can understand that she might be considered more trouble than she is worth if the infighting continues
Subjects must meet 3 out of the 5 following criteria:
An unhealthy desire for attention
Failure to accept criticism
A lack of self awareness
Delusions related to their skill or self importance
No willingness to improve upon their behavior
All subjects must have:
A documented history of bizarre behavior displayed online
Some sort of public presence outside of private circles, groups or irc channels. Personal cows can go in the personal lolcows thread
No. 1202711
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Sage because not quite sure if it’s milky but Ovi posted that they were 14/15 when they originally posted this. Why would you post something like this on Facebook? Just a really weird situation idk it makes me uncomfortable. Not something you would post on Facebook.
No. 1202730
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>>1202728This is from one of her makeup videos, she might have concealer on, I'm not sure. Her eyes look really weird without makeup
No. 1202733
>>1202730Her gums have retracted so badly, I sometimes wonder if that’s even her real teeth.
Also where has her upper lip gone
No. 1202770
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>>1202766You little teenage dumbass…
No. 1202795
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What the fock is this
No. 1202804
>>1202795Looks like some retarded Klingon.
sage your shit
No. 1202827
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for all she’s still going for the angles, dare i say ro is looking slightly fuller ? she has openly said that she’s gaining weight so maybe her “all in” sperging is real (just very over dramatised?)
No. 1202848
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mentalhealthwithk is no longer private and her tiktok is a goldmine of self obsessed ED-larping … “fans” kek
No. 1202852
>>1202827Throwing her therapy overboard?
Now that's a fucking bad idea.
"I can recover by myself", my ass.
Maybe the nutrients of that single chocolate bar overloaded her skelly brain.
No. 1202858
>>1202827I get therapy not helping but how can it stop you progressing? probably just doesn't want to hear what they are telling her
It will be like when lifeofhxn, emma etc moan that the services they receive are crap (despite the fact most people would give an arm for the same help) all over again
No. 1202862
>>1202827Just some days ago she made a vid about eating her first fries in years. Now she thinks she's invincible and cancels her therapist, that sick cunt.
Absolutely not a recovery, but rather some fishing for pity points, huh.
No. 1202958
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z is trying posting a quarter of an apple whilst preaching recovery… scumbag behaviour if i ever saw it
No. 1202998
Cooney in a nutshell:
27 year old with a 3 year old brain. Lives with her wealthy parents, never integrated at school, never made a career out of modelling, still makes videos for youtube with fuck all content. Like, like, puffs up her hair and like, stands with her arms out and like, like, makes sure to get her legs in shot, like. Oh COOOOL something cute!! Shitty ten dollar cosplays, like Jack Skellington is my boyfriend, like, I'm fine worry about yourself, hahaha, I'm really sorry you feel that way haha
So sick, you're ill, get some help, you're in my prayers, we don't want to lose you
SKINNY LEGEND!!! I want to look like you!!!1
Is that a wig? What happened to her mouth? How long will she live? She never drinks or eats on screen! Her mom is an enabler! She's doing this and that for skinny fetishists because Dorian, he (ha) said so, omg look at the colour of her legs, omg she's getting worse
People on youtube wanting hits:
The rest of the world
No. 1203010
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>>1203002This skele "art model" has a reasonably okay face. She contours it to make it look thinner. No. 1203070
File: 1617753175518.png (3.67 MB, 750x1334, C180A43A-6BC9-462A-9542-45856A…)

No. 1203075
File: 1617754287040.jpg (421.06 KB, 1075x2101, 20210407_101120.jpg)

Ah yes, in the ICU yet well enough to take a selfie and post it to Instagram
No. 1203111
>>1203075Shes got central lines in and a ngt thats not for feeding through so i’ll believe she’s in ICU—or at least an acute ward.
But her pupils are nowhere near blown enough to be coming down off the sedatives used in intubations. Girl, quit lyin. Its embarrassing.
No. 1203129
>>1203119Theres black shit in the salem sump so ill second on the charcoal flush.
I dont believe she was ‘just extubated’ though, if shes posting on social media. On her left cheek theres some evidence of those sticky things icu’s tend to use for tubes though so maybe she was intubated.
Either way, it takes a real histrionic mf to wake up from a coma and immediately go announce it to the world. Obviously she cares more about what’s said about her than she claims.
No. 1203133
>>1203075She tried to khs
Porgie i know you lurk, just go to the nutritionist and get on a real 1600 cal diet. You will feel better
She's going to end up a Kaydee if she doesn't get things straight. She deluded herself into thinking that she is anorexic for 10 years now and can't deal with the cognitive dissonance of knowing she's obese and never was dainty
No. 1203161
>>1202924Don't mean to tinfoil but from what I see, there are 'two types' of people with anorexia. One.. the 'environmental response' - where anorexia is like a response to historical trauma/abuse, and alongside it is a whole range of other MH issues. Their lives are usually quite chaotic, and usually have addictions in other areas - drugs, alcohol etc and many comorbidities. Then there is the 'genetic' type - where people who have nothing remotely traumatic in their life, they're very sheltered, perfectionistic type people who are essentially ticking time bombs.. waiting for that first diet, or the first self-esteem issue.. and then anorexia just takes off. It comes on rapidly and severely, but with proper nutrition, it can be 'reversed' and a person can go on to have a relatively normal life, because they don't have any trauma etc to work through. The ED may persist for many years, but they're generally able to function relatively well. That's Elzani I think. Of course, it's not black and white. But that's how I see it.
No. 1203162
File: 1617768297270.jpg (Spoiler Image,488.16 KB, 1080x2032, IMG_20210403_135739.jpg)

>>1203002She uses filters in her videos and and her face is already contoured here. She hides it really well, but on her Instagram stories it's obvious that her face has started to sink in. Picrel from previous thread. Spoiler because living dead.
No. 1203256
>>1203075When things are really, really bad…
…you just don't post on social media.
No. 1203295
>>1203220Many people with BPD retain the diagnosis because the symptoms flare up under stress, but find that on the whole their lives are way less chaotic and awful than they used to be as teens or younger people. I can buy her having it, she's definitely had trauma.
But damn, posting that? Oh Georgie honey no.
No. 1203306
File: 1617800899506.png (16.75 KB, 402x96, shade?.png)

>>1203279Oh also this comment on it. I'm not sure if it is a genuine question or pointing out Anna could never have experienced severe malnourishment but I like to think the latter.
No. 1203337
File: 1617803116964.jpg (513.9 KB, 1080x2280, 20210407_143936.jpg)

saged bc she isnt posted often but milk is dry and shes currently milky as hell
of course the first thing youd do in resus is take a photo of other ill ppl? shes spammed her story with multiple photos of gulcogel tubes practically posting how after 15+ tubes her BGLs are fucked (she gotta prove shes the spoopiest ana that ever did ana. yet goes on to post biscuits the nurse gave her as a "suprise" (of course theyre lotus/biscoff because #anarecoveryfood).
No. 1203365
File: 1617811515635.png (135.71 KB, 639x671, yanoseycow.png)

SO Han (lifeofhxn, not our Ham) is in general and being her typical cunty self to people asking about it on her tells. Multiple people have asked if she is going ip, she says to DM her and then doesn't reply and says she doesn't want them to know. OFC Zara is there kissing her arse as well. I know she is not one of our main cows but the way she never fails to be so rude amazes me
No. 1203375
>>1203357A washcloth. Charcoal lavage makes you vomit like nobody's business, she's probably sweaty.
Not sure if it's been mentioned, but ana/munch crossover Amy Lee Fisher has been confirmed to have died at the start of the month.
No. 1203407
File: 1617816232712.png (172.29 KB, 413x440, bestunit.png)

>>1203365I sort of understand that she needs to take up a bed 70% of the time to stay alive but honestly, why do they send her to the 'best unit in the country' when we all know she is not trying to recover and someone who actually wants to could really benefit from that help?
No. 1203410
File: 1617816435453.png (753.54 KB, 598x598, Screenshot_2021-04-07 Hannah G…)

Yes, she's bodychecking all the time.
Yes, it's all about nutrition and training and posing for her.
But one has got to admit that she grew a really nice ass.
No. 1203420
>>1203413She has also done similar videos on:
1) how she was so embarrassed by her tube that when her uncle came to visit she hid in a cupboard or smth
2) she wanted to convince her nurse to let her donate blood to burn calories . She lied and said all her friends were doing it and they would bully her if she didn't as well. Even made a poster advertising it.
Which is a really stupid lie because a) it's not like they would know or could stop her and
b) plenty of healthy weight teenage girls can't donate anyway because you have to be over a certain weight/ blood volume
No. 1203456
File: 1617822544879.png (3.07 MB, 828x1792, BF21C31C-7A68-451E-AEFC-C77AFA…)

>>1203407when did OOTDs stop being to show your nice outfit and start being … whatever this mess was??
No. 1203464
>>1203409Except she is still obsessed by food!
Was that a self post?
No. 1203483
File: 1617825528480.jpeg (271.84 KB, 750x1120, 43F0F3E8-06A7-49BE-B1EC-41C6B2…)

Hams back!!!!!!
No. 1203484
File: 1617825556030.jpeg (399.57 KB, 750x1208, DBF338AF-1F8A-4934-8790-62827E…)

No. 1203491
>>1203486never mind, I see she was SENT those messages
>>1203484We don't criticise Ham for not talking about doctors, BMI etc, we criticise her because what she does say does not add up. Years of restriction would not leave someone her weight, she would not have a bed' with her name on it' under the NHS, inconsistencies in the first time trying x etc.
No. 1203505
>>1203484But if she doesn’t want to write about doctors, treatment etc. what is the actual point of her account then? Not saying people deserve all the details or that oversharing like some of the other cows here is the way to go but I mean? She’s styling herself as an ANOREXIA. RECOVERY. ACCOUNT. How is mentioning therapy or a diagnosis ~
triggering~ for others? I just… it just proves she’s lying about all of it. How dense can one person be
No. 1203515
File: 1617827678492.jpeg (348.78 KB, 750x1236, 423A7011-826C-45CC-A609-FB9CB1…)

No. 1203539
>>1203297Okay, so she probably made a serious "attempt" but then
immediately sought help for it. That's still parasuicidal behaviour which is what I was getting at. This cow is utterly shameless. I can totally imagine her doing that.
No. 1203559
>>1203515'stalked my friends'
ummmm what friends are we talking about here
No. 1203629
File: 1617839450713.jpeg (94.9 KB, 776x719, image.jpeg)

Amy was discussed on here many many threads ago because of her ED and feeding tube- this came up on you tube- death unrelated to her ED.
No. 1203681
>>1203671Something to do with her heart and lungs.
I only posted it because I know a few farmers have been her a while and might remember her. No disrespect
No. 1203742
>>1203515Deleted her YouTube channel. One video. AHH shame. Here's me thinking she'd gone back to college and decided to drop her LARP.
Btw, this
>>1202263 would've been her after years of restriction.
>>1203539Georgia tells staff when she self harms, so no doubt she told her dad she'd taken some pills. If she was serious, she wouldn't go the OD route. I mean, great she's not dead, but how long can she keep doing this until the hospital's stop humouring her.
No. 1203811
„Serious attempt” my ass. She did bare minimum for attention without any consequence. She will go to NF later to get tubed to speed up her road to infinifat.
No. 1203822
>>1203817Sage your shit.
No. 1203830
File: 1617881378181.jpeg (115.15 KB, 640x718, 73B2906F-9B7B-4B74-A696-C44A00…)

That’s some burnt toast
No. 1203888
File: 1617891463184.jpeg (315.89 KB, 1125x879, 2529A0B8-D49E-42A4-B907-0B1396…)

>>1203885Idk funny that she’d openly admit without prompting that she was diagnosed in a personal message, but never even hints at it in public posts. And yeah anon, things like treatment and appointments etc are quite a big part of recovery and stressful in themselves…it tends to be what people talk about etc even just to motivate others to get help…and thinking about it, does she ever tell people to reach out and get help? Or is her only real advice to her followers to stuff their faces with sugar?
No. 1203891
>>1203888>is her only real advice to her followers to stuff their faces with sugar?That and reposts of shitty ~motivational~ quotes.
The thing that tells me she doesn't have therapy is how she insists on eating what you want when you want. Idk if it's the same with all therapists, but usually they encourage you to stick to set times (3 meals, 3 snacks) to regulate eating times so you don't get into binge eating. I can't imagine a psychologist encouraging eating all you want when you want to.
No. 1203914
File: 1617895018102.jpeg (132.69 KB, 750x729, 76BA54AB-8E00-4142-B525-428D53…)

New Ro video! Anyone willing to take one for the team and skim it? I’d offer to male a bingo but all 25 squares would end up involving chest bones or flexed arms
No. 1203916
>>1203817Kek if you’re going to show up just to whiteknight a dead cow, at least sage your shit. Amy was an ana turned munchie who didn’t have EDS or gastroparesis or any of the shit she claimed, she was an ana chan who realized she could get way more asspats by munching instead. She died because she got unnecessary medical treatment and fucked with her tubes and lines and medication which lead to heart failure, especially on top of all the purging she was doing with her tubes. She’s not some poor sad
victim of physical illness, she was a pro ana scumbag turned chronic illness larper who accidentally offed herself doing shit for attention.
So easy to forget about her secret ana IG account when you want to paint her as a martyr, huh? And the drinking and partying and b/p’ing she did. Take your pathetic wk pity party elsewhere, we don’t give a fuck here. She got exactly what she wanted, got to be the sickest little snowflake ever and now her poor friends and family have to deal with the fallout. Feel sorry for them, not the dead cow.
No. 1203927
>>1203914My browser has a filter that blocks ugly eyebrows, so I couldn't watch even if I was a masochist.
She's so obnoxious.
No. 1203936
File: 1617897575787.jpeg (729.49 KB, 828x1410, F46F1DDC-8397-4137-835E-3659EF…)

if anyone’s been paying attention to chii lately, she’s been on a bit of a tangent about the need to distinguish between atypical AN/‘regular’ AN/etc since the internet has been making such a point of trying to lump them together to make sure everyone feels super special and valid. i actually agree with her on this one — real shame she decided that the pics to go with a pretty legit caption should be a bunch of body checks
No. 1203967
>>1203936TBH it just seems like she is angry to be lumped with other 'non-severe' anas. I get what she is saying about not everyone needing xyz treatment but to classify severity we shouldn't just be looking at weight (which I think is what she is suggesting we should do?)
Just wanted an excuse, no matter how very flaky, to remind us how spoopy she was
No. 1203984
>>1203505>>1203883>>1203891Just waiting for her to read all this and desperately scramble to backtrack. Seriously, those like Ham are the reason people roll their eyes at self-diagnosis - it’s near impossible to be objective about yourself, especially with mental illness. Maybe you don’t need a diagnosis to be ~
valid~ but Ham is definitely not in that camp.
No. 1204032
File: 1617907667457.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1242x1803, FA327E08-19F5-4BA6-89EA-456D14…)

makeup skills on point
No. 1204109
File: 1617911939278.jpeg (671.9 KB, 828x1346, 09C7E712-0FAE-42F0-893F-E2112A…)

>>1204072feel like credit where credits due, she does look way better now than she used to (img) and it’s good to see skellies getting “healthy”,tho agreed her makeup is shite it feels that anons are nitpicking rather than posting real milk
No. 1204125
File: 1617912959982.png (3.64 MB, 828x1792, 6764C49F-3181-48D0-970E-F0F87F…)

>>1204121speaking of ro- our definitely recovering warrior celebrates her fiRsT eVeR!!!! percy pig
No. 1204141
File: 1617914410260.png (3.64 MB, 828x1792, 7B3B1E14-3EB5-4D55-8D06-FABEAA…)

>>1204130very sneaky/ villain-esque i agree
No. 1204232
File: 1617921887479.png (1008.93 KB, 828x1792, 7BAAAB8C-D67A-4179-AFE0-1B9E80…)

ovi just posted this to twitter with the caption “tag yourself as my problems”
i thought she was straight up lying about the anorexia diagnosis but what the fuck. who in their right mind would diagnose her with it? i also wonder what the crossed out diagnosis is (probably bed)
No. 1204405
File: 1617937144741.jpeg (260.2 KB, 1242x1155, 3A8D7BAF-8551-493B-878E-BAC256…)

Her longest fast was probably well she was asleep.
No. 1204471
>>1203816kek she was definitely a munchie
who the hell else would beg NG tubes off a teenager to insert them herself? actually sick people get that shit from doctors
once she moved to Australia it went innto overdrive as they seem to be far more indulging there as long as you can pay for it (see: Georgia)
No. 1204478
File: 1617948103083.jpg (216.21 KB, 1080x1330, Screenshot_20210409_160159.jpg)

>>1204370Certainly seems like stuff she's just been claiming
No. 1204484
>>1204232Ovi is Amerifag isnt she? They use the DSM where anorexia no longer has a weight criteria.
I will also note gabapentin makes you gain weight so badly, so why is she on it? Wouldnt a true ana refuse to?
No. 1204490
>>1203936I seriously agree with her (and I'm not underweight haha!) An ED that causes someone to starve to emaciation is very different to a an ED that doesn't involve extreme starvation. But it's just DIFFERENT, not more or less severe/mentally distressing. For example - binge/restrict cycles, binge/purge cycles, or eating disorder thoughts that are relentless and debilitating, (obsessive/controlling behaviours around food but the person eats a normal number of calories).
I wish people would stop trying to convince the world that you can be overweight with anorexia, because.. not only does that invalidate the suffering that an anorexic goes through (with severe weight loss), but it basically just invalidates OSFED and atypical anorexia. People just need to increase awareness of those disorders and how serious they can be, not trying to lump everything together.
P.S. This is literally coming from someone who has a fucked up relationship with food but no diagnosis.. so I'm not trying to lump myself in with anyone!!!
No. 1204562
>>1204540The fluffy dressing gown is draped over the tv with her YouTube set up slowly gathering dust (toast crumbs).
The lolcow tab on her desktop is still open and slowly burning in to her monitor…
No. 1204564
File: 1617962926465.png (452.04 KB, 414x672, Screenshot 2021-04-09 at 11.07…)

seems like another molly vlog is on the way
No. 1204610
>>1204599Sage for off topic but you can buy cardamom at Tesco at least near me. Sincerely, Scottishfag
Is there any actual milk with Molly though or is she just posting food vlogs? Doesn’t seem as milky as our other cows tbh.
No. 1204624
File: 1617971085480.jpeg (723.54 KB, 704x1344, 168E3D4E-164F-4B18-899E-5938D2…)

for all the scepticism ro is definitely looking better so more power to her, ig, but the cringe fest videos show no signs of stopping
No. 1204710
File: 1617981997969.png (586.26 KB, 427x748, ham.png)

apparently this 108 calorie coffee was very scary for ham
No. 1204714
File: 1617982739078.png (406.29 KB, 709x1162, Screenshot_20210409-163807~2.p…)

>>1204710Almost in the tubed club
No. 1204749
File: 1617986283390.jpeg (650.21 KB, 1125x1926, 94028537-D6E0-4DAF-AE28-91B772…)

Oh and just in case anyone was worried…see pic. Thanks for the laugh Katie!
No. 1204841
>>1204303Well clearly. Look at her, kek.
>>1204417Yeah, she takes Olanzapine so that's probably a factor.
No. 1204911
>>1204714her smug mouth-at-right-angle expression is so annoying
she literally has 600 cals happily for a snack but is scared of a 100 cal coffee? fuck off
No. 1204926
>>1204911~~liquid calories~~
conveniently forgetting the bucket of hot chocolate she pours down her throat every night (we've seen your 'snack plates,' ham)
No. 1205021
>>1204564I'm so glad she's back, she was my fave cow besides porgie
>>1204572also oh my god Butterflysuggababy I love it lol.
No. 1205039
File: 1618020811231.jpeg (464.82 KB, 828x2051, 19D903A3-E534-4643-8BF8-DC06F1…)

Rem is still trying to jump on the munch train while simultaneously body checking and showing off her SH scars. Classy and pathetic as ever, Rem.
No. 1205041
File: 1618020857192.jpeg (530.51 KB, 1125x1347, 082588BE-6B80-4303-83C4-EE4B62…)

> claims lower cal, vegan coffee is fear food
> openly admits to regularly drinking normal coffee
I understand fear foods are irrational, but come on ham, this one is just lazy,
No. 1205158
>>1205039She looks to be completely weight restored now. I’m so curious as to what’s causing this muscle/leg weakness. Many people who’ve had anorexia for longer than she has have been able to re-build strength/muscle mass and walk completely fine. Does she just need a bit of physio or what? Have NF actually given her a diagnoses for this inability to walk at random times?
At this point she needs to post a video of her losing her balance/struggling to walk, just so that I can laugh harder.
No. 1205174
File: 1618045816497.png (425.67 KB, 328x598, Screenshot_2021-04-10 Hannah G…)

And Hannah's still like "where's my period at"?
What a ridiculous goon she is.
No. 1205212
File: 1618056366602.jpeg (984.15 KB, 1242x2014, A56B19E5-14AC-4A15-B268-8490A2…)

as if her dumbass does not post triggering stuff
No. 1205289
>>1205282True dat. As long as she's pumping up her midget muscles, she's got a negative body image. I'm sure she's still calorie counting and avoiding 'dangerous' foods.
There's still enough of that ED inside of her to fuck it all up again.
Time will tell.
No. 1205364
File: 1618074274754.jpeg (156.12 KB, 822x1562, EyoIA-7WgAUUp0a.jpeg)

>>1205357not really a shock, given her weight last time she posted it.
No. 1205381
>>1205364Genuinely sad to hear this even though it’s not at all surprising.
Ham, Porgie, Ovi: real cases like this are just one of the many reasons you dense fucks should quit the LARP. Utterly shameless.
No. 1205394
>>1204710108 cal coffee - scary
Slice of "5 month recovery cake" - not scary
Frozen pizza - not scary
400 calorie snack place - not scary
Stirring sugary spreads into oatmeal - not scary
I call bullshit on being scared of the coffee. She's probably salty it's not the extra sugary dairy version.
No. 1205400
File: 1618077341220.gif (3.06 MB, 498x274, WHO IS SHE.gif)

>>1205364Awww, this is sad, although not surprising. She was great on BB.
No. 1205430
File: 1618079902110.png (80.64 KB, 347x288, Trollface_non-free.png)

No. 1205432
>>1205422fuck off
also it's more like three? four? we've lost a handful recently.
No. 1205435
>>1205431It's nonfuckingstop innit. He's suddenly gone from an un PC racist big game hunter to a mischievous conservationist.
I know we've had a load of spoops die this past year or so, but an incredible amount of anas you think have no chance recover. I find it interesting when celebs have a touch of the anorexia (Olsen twins, Vic Beckham, Keira Knightly etc) but it doesn't last with them. Possibly a reflection on the quality of healthcare for wealthy famous people.
No. 1205449
>>1205435No idea if it is true or not, but there is a rumour that whichever Olsen twin had AN was actually on heroin and they chose the ED storyline as it is more sympathetic.
I think Victoria is still pretty underweight? But a lot of celebs I feel probably have more disordered eating than full blown EDs and when they are under less scrutiny they can relax around food a little bit. Just tinfoiling here.
No. 1205453
File: 1618082051699.jpeg (170.22 KB, 750x745, 6FE40AEA-FC20-4E09-9861-F60670…)

saw this, reminded me of Ham
No. 1205506
File: 1618090439224.jpeg (372.42 KB, 1125x1861, A2FC69D4-EBA8-4A28-BE81-FB5633…)

Happy “Sod off eating disorder Saturday” Farmers! You all better have challenged your fears today. Here’s Ham to remind you how scurrred she is of cake despite wolfing it all down in approximately 20 seconds
(also Is it the angle or are her trotters going full Porgie pork chop?)
No. 1205509
>>1205506jesus christ shes ballooned
looks like she gained a lot during her two week ‘relapse’
No. 1205515
File: 1618091411809.jpeg (15.33 KB, 303x166, 1CD0F88A-1840-4E2B-BB11-3FE678…)

defo some Bruce Bogtrotter in there too
No. 1205529
>>1205428>>1205472>>1205497Unfortunate, yeah, but why are people so shocked when a cow dies after abusing themselves for years? Besides, there’s no evidence yet her ED killed her, she could’ve committed suicide. Anyone dying is sad, but it’s hard to be sympathetic when someone is actively killing themselves either directly or indirectly with their ED. Especially when it’s one who’s been obviously pro and publicly too and who’s been offered treatment so many times. On top of that she knew she was famous yet still posted spoopy pics for attention.
Sorry we’re all not willing to make her a sudden instant martyr/
victim. Being pro ana and dying doesn’t magically excuse her past behavior or make her some sort of ED deity who should be worshipped now that she kicked the bucket. A cow dies and suddenly everyone here is their best friend and how dare anyone say anything remotely negative even though the whole reason they’ve ever been discussed here is because there’s some sort of milk. Kind of hypocritical, don’t you think?
No. 1205530
>>1205529shes not a martyr or
victim and im sure she was manipulative etc etc but she was quite clearly very mentally ill and loved by her family so not everything has to be black and white? she wasnt perfect, she wasnt evil, blah blah
No. 1205535
>>1205530No one she was evil. Just that she’s suddenly become some sort of worshipped
victim, rather than the objective view that while any death is sad, it was due to the consequences of her own action. EDs are mental illnesses, yes, but if someone has been given years and years of treatment and support yet still engages in behaviors serious to kill them, then it’s not like it’s not inevitable when they do die.
It’s sad, but the hero worshipping around here is getting gross. You can all play holier-than-thou when a cow dies, but we’re all on a message board that exists to mock pro ana scumbags, which she was.
No. 1205576
>>1205535Wow who hurt you,
nonnie? Takes a special kind of person to out-scumbag most of the subjects discussed here. Congrats.
No. 1205590
>>1205535not a single person has worshipped her. people merely said it was sad and sad for her family and someone asked what
triggered it. thats literally all. your bpd black and white thinking is showing anon
No. 1205620
File: 1618105190233.jpg (435.07 KB, 1080x2057, 20210411_113706.jpg)

I'm sure all of this is just over dramatisation. Why does Remi act like she was skin and bones on deaths bed? It's all just over dramatic so that she can continue getting the attention she wants and seems to be getting, its fucked.
No. 1205695
File: 1618114772352.jpg (698.23 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210411-141818_Gal…)

Well well well… Would you look at this!? JACKPOT! Georgie finally admits to never having had an eating disorder! We all KNEW IT!!! So fucking glad I saw this post when I did because classic Georgie, already taken it down. Probably thinks "well I admitted it, so taking it down is doing no wrong". I'm absolutely disgusted by her but also not surprised by this confession
No. 1205696
>>1205691I legit dont understand the fixation with remi. Not to wk but she really doesnt have the same pro ana attitude as some of the other recovery warrior bs and larpers that this thread is riddled with. Her story hasnt ever really changed either. Can someone enlighten me what constitutes as ‘milky’ with her because i dont see it. I just see someone with hairy armpits who is starting to get herself back together. A bunch of you claim she is but never elaborate how beyond ‘massive hypocrite’.
Inb4 “hi rem”.
No. 1205702
>>1205696Are you kidding? Her entire story is milky. Her ED behaviours are evident and her body checking is constant. She claims to be part of the recovery community but also constantly posts images which are blatant body checks. Her “holier than thou” ED attitude is sickening. And also being a product of NF almost automatically gives her cow status.
It’s also evident she reads and posts here since it’s Aus times almost every comment that occurs. Eg. Now.
So get off your phone Rem or scroll past anon if you’re not interested.
No. 1205705
>>1205702I agree she body checks a lot. The midriff tops she insists on wearing are constant. But what anachan doesnt bodycheck constantly.
Whats her story thats so milky. Anachan gets sick, goes to hospital, fights for a while, then engages in treatment? Sounds pretty typical if you ask me.
Aside from the body checking, she’s boring as hell. Start talking when she ends up back in NF with the other skeles.
Also nice try but its 10pm where i am. Multiple time zones exist, anon.
No. 1205719
>>1205531>>1205529One article I've read today says she died the day after returning home from the ED treatment facility. She wasn't in very long, I wonder if she left AMA. This makes it more likely she offed herself, but she has stated her previous suicide attempts were out of frustration and self disgust with weight gain when she was very ill.
Either way, it'll be heavily entangled with her ED. In her physical state I doubt she could tolerate the trauma of an otherwise nonfatal OD.
No. 1205748
File: 1618128827995.jpeg (240.44 KB, 822x909, 1A2FB5B8-CCF2-460B-8B48-B932EA…)

>>1205719Did they know eachother?
No. 1205751
File: 1618129581832.jpg (350.57 KB, 1080x1636, 20210411_182517.jpg)

>>1205695If you're going to doctor/fake a post, at least do better. Heres the original.
No. 1205832
>>1205785spoop means skeletal. remi is normal sized. kek learn2integrate
can we stop harping on about remi
No. 1205889
File: 1618159597107.jpg (Spoiler Image,645.01 KB, 1080x1514, Screenshot_20210411-184443_Ins…)

anyone remember her? what happened to it
No. 1205912
>>1205748>>1205771The thing with Paris and the twins is they don't want to change or recover- they can say how sad it is about Nikki etc but will they change? No. Paris enjoys being sick and the attention she gets- she could easily get help if she wanted to, and the twins are too far gone/ institutionalised to change and just compete with each other.
How was Nikki able to self discharge without being sectioned?- must be more to it.
Anyone follow Smorven? Has she made any ' how sad' post? Or is she still in total denial about her ED?
No. 1205918
File: 1618161707378.jpg (79.01 KB, 641x853, yawn.JPG)

>>1205889She was doing this on March 20th
No. 1205928
File: 1618162372763.jpg (67.75 KB, 753x648, Capture.JPG)

>>1205925Still posts emo quotes and she's in her 30s and stuff like img. Embarrassing much.
No. 1205958
File: 1618164922210.jpeg (316.91 KB, 1187x1321, 05EB3736-169F-4BF0-B100-408D32…)

dusty looooooooves attention.
No. 1205959
File: 1618165045314.jpeg (492.21 KB, 1182x1753, 4288B1AE-040B-47F1-A6B6-E073FE…)

she clearly doesn’t want to ever recover……
No. 1205984
File: 1618166219429.png (27.05 KB, 787x191, han.png)

99% sure Han sent herself this tell. Ik she is underweight but she is hardly sub-10 or anything (even if she was forcibly fattened up under section)
No. 1205998
>>1205958>>1205959Jfc, does she think she’s the next Hornbacher/Kaysen? Not
quite as bad as Paige but bad enough
No. 1205999
File: 1618167194742.jpeg (318.95 KB, 1169x1218, 51D75835-9C39-4EAF-BDF9-8BFBB0…)

>>1205997i might have posted this previously but it’s my fave
No. 1206013
File: 1618168734520.jpeg (461.42 KB, 1242x2039, 10266F7F-6986-47EF-91D4-1AA571…)

No. 1206017
File: 1618169147832.png (5.71 MB, 828x1792, A6563D7C-C58D-487F-AFC9-56B94E…)

sly fuck couldnt make a video without a jawline check and she wonders why her account gets banned.
No. 1206021
>>1206003Yes lmao she was. It was a weird spat over self harming depth or some shit.
Also I am surprised dusty has yet to be 100% dropped by doctor V. I doubt she has a therapist anyway. Poor dude has been thru the wringer with her, she loves writing weird fanfiction about people too so. Her tumblr also gets deleted every once in a while and she just makes a new one which makes her hard to track or I would post her more
No. 1206075
File: 1618176706422.png (Spoiler Image,4.89 MB, 828x1792, A6DCAB67-2F06-4AC3-B388-6D9AF3…)

>>1205984took me a while to find this but this screenshot was sent to a gc, in august? NO i’m not han, she was definitely extremely sick (and didn’t neglect to post about it). i agree she sends herself tells, no one else cares that much
No. 1206084
>>1206017If you're that easily
triggered maybe you shouldn't be TikTok, anon.
No. 1206085
>>1206026Sure, as long as the mods also do something about the "stop talking about her" stuff, because it smells of Remiposting. The people who think she's milky are the same people who say the "hi remi" stuff btw, because it sounds like she's trying to stop getting people to talk about her by pretending to be a farmer. Or people (who may or may not be her) will cry "vendatta!"
whenever she's mentioned, which is annoying as fuck and it doesn't happen to other cows nearly as much, which is sus.
No. 1206119
File: 1618182704334.png (3.9 MB, 828x1792, C5FF1783-B554-42B1-B403-74D232…)

if ro is taking early retirement from body checking tiktok we have a replacement in this one ig… replacing spoopy chests with spoopy shoulders kek
No. 1206120
File: 1618182756558.png (4.56 MB, 828x1792, 30149A62-4406-47BB-92E6-11E61C…)

>>1206119samefag but this isn’t even subtle.
No. 1206308
>>1206302“Why are you so demanding of me???”
Because you’re sitting there with your sinewy legs and toothpick arms out, ignoring everyone telling you that your bodychecking selfies and posts are harmful and dangerous, and pretend that everything is fine when it clearly isnt.
Honestly, she’d get far less hate and concern trolling comments if she just acknowledged that she has a problem and stopped posing half naked. That aint much to ask.
No. 1206322
>>1206312Its its own vicious cycle, as much as the positive sweet and loving comments are. The hate directed towards her appearance just fuels her even more. Shes such a snide, spiteful thing that pissing people off to get views is becoming part of what she does under her veil of positivity, and those comments enable her.
Theres no real way to get through to her from an audience perspective. The only way it’ll happen is if she gets away from her creepy mother.
No. 1206323
>>1206320She loves the validation she gets from the comments being read aloud. Her viewers might not have the chat window open or not be following the written chats, but they can all hear the people talking about how thin and ill she is when the bot speaks.
Plus, then she gets to react to those comments, just like she does here.
No. 1206331
File: 1618226959876.png (2.72 MB, 828x1792, AE322764-008F-4CA8-9C50-54D0B9…)

>>1206326 speaking of strains on services…
not sure if shes been mentioned before. bpd anorexic who has headbanging tantrums and is in and out of inpatient units/general hospital/police cars multiple times a month. pretty sure shes 17/18.
No. 1206332
>>1206331-her username screams 'teenager trying too hard to be ~edgy~'
- brags about being drunk every day in year 12(for non UK-fags, that is age 16-17) before getting kicked out for 'being in the psych ward too much' (pretty sure that expelling her on the grounds of MH reasons would be illegal)
-I've seen her insta, her posts aren't milky other than the fact she tags her hospital as the location
- and she is friends with zara ofc
- at least she is not bodychecking in her tiktoks, but that is probably because she is not a superspoop
No. 1206347
>>1206336not a self post.
anons will complain about old milk/lack of new milk and then when someone new gets posted its ‘self posting’.
No. 1206357
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>>1206332she doesn’t body check because she’s pretty much an average weight
No. 1206358
File: 1618230978643.png (2.74 MB, 828x1792, 69DDE986-570F-43DC-AA31-999183…)

>>1206357samefag but interestingly she claims to be admitted constantly for ODs/ drinking / drugs but then twists it into being because of her ED.. which is likely just another attention seeking BPD behaviour
No. 1206373
File: 1618232227759.jpeg (664.48 KB, 670x1525, 23BE9EC3-4DDC-4941-A68D-9B7175…)

>>1206360shes not thin / underweight so maybe the hospital bragging is a way of validating herself..? not sure who would be falling for it
No. 1206375
File: 1618232394174.png (2.11 MB, 828x1792, 4508532D-F0A2-4C5D-83F2-6E309D…)

>>1206373pic kind of irrelevant but another thing i’ve noticed is that she gets off on talking about drugs and EDs explicitly to a very large audience- there’s lots of old HBing wound videos around further down the feed
No. 1206378
File: 1618232674152.png (3.4 MB, 828x1792, 578C30B4-BD3F-4D2B-9041-38E7AF…)

>>1206375shes “almost died” due to her ED…. really? sure it wasn’t the binge drinking /drug taking /suicide chasing?
worth noting that at least the inpatient unit she was at dont wait for them to be sooper skinny before treating their eating issues (unlike most UK units)
No. 1206379
>>1206302Jesus. What a fuck up she is. Lunatic asylum material.
Won't last long, anyway.
No. 1206382
File: 1618232985924.png (4 MB, 828x1792, 5D076F10-4E39-4B22-9D53-CD21F1…)

>>1206379also besties with zara (featured in this video)- surprisingly i wouldn’t expect posh anorexic to be friends with stoner BPD cow… kek
No. 1206383
>>1206378I bow down before you ana-kween. ED at 11. what goals. /s
I guess it is possible she has heart issues if she purges, which seem to be way more common in people with BPD? But do people really count their IP admissions like that for anything other than trying to show off how sick they are?
No. 1206384
File: 1618233098220.jpeg (646.48 KB, 828x765, FDAB718E-0FC7-4B8F-929A-3AF01F…)

>>1206383ED at 11 yet still looks normal… LARP harder! image related for some serious BPD shit
No. 1206399
File: 1618235997894.png (834.01 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210412-145842.png)

At least one of the herd is happy.
No. 1206542
File: 1618251088111.png (4.48 MB, 828x1792, CFE71907-01AA-45EB-AE85-EE4B96…)

>>1206499apparently this face issue is the result of burst blood vessels from hanging
No. 1206586
Really happy to see this thread here. Few things piss me off like these people maliciously trying to damage others.
>>1202573You can see collarbones. She's not an athlete. This places her solidly inside the bounds of average female BMI.
No. 1206597
File: 1618254975423.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1242x1810, 570AE793-C205-4D39-B914-F6A934…)

why does she have to ruin every picture with her sad af captions.. like she does not say anything new just the same things over and over again
No. 1206598
File: 1618254986695.jpeg (103.07 KB, 828x1236, A08222D8-AC65-488A-9070-7DEA08…)

couldn’t work out how to get the full video but posh zara’s taken to posting spoopy shoulder check videos under the guise of “recovery wins” ….the win was “letting myself go in the hot tub”. i ask you.
No. 1206608
File: 1618255777198.png (1.63 MB, 828x1792, B9683561-45EB-4B08-97D6-4C6113…)

>>1206603it started out well…. and then lost its way, kek
No. 1206611
File: 1618255886586.jpeg (Spoiler Image,362.49 KB, 1242x2208, 34753339-A8FD-4DC6-A20B-ADBFBE…)

she looks like she is about to poop.. she tries so hard to show that her neck is bony
No. 1206615
File: 1618256148456.png (3.43 MB, 828x1792, EC0CE9FB-E118-43E1-9903-48B2B4…)

sage for it’s another boring ana tiktok but this made me laugh- claiming to have almost died whilst looking like this…?
No. 1206616
File: 1618256174420.png (3.62 MB, 828x1792, A93907D6-B531-4544-98C4-85027A…)

>>1206615samefag but come on now….
No. 1206628
>>1206597I think the same. Always. Sometimes it's a nice picture of her with her pets like this one, but she always bangs on about wanting to die.
>>1206601This is true. There's a lot to be said about having to live independently. You have to recover to some extent to deal with basic responsibilities like shopping, learning how to be alone, not being so self engrossed because there's nobody around to say aww, you poor thing. Maybe it's me, but wanting to stay with your family doing everything for you well into your 20s is just - why?? Nothing's going to change. Possibly Ganer's success (again, to some extent) is because she has her own place and a job.
No. 1206629
File: 1618256886441.jpeg (349.63 KB, 1242x787, 566B5320-E08A-49FD-A274-9D3A1D…)

this is the first time I’m actually reading her bio and I cringed so hard
No. 1206813
File: 1618268083305.jpeg (211.88 KB, 828x736, 8B2E7321-69C7-40D0-820A-F5AFD9…)

>body can’t process food
>cuts out entire food groups
>is still medically obese
KEK there are so many inconsistencies in her larp it’s ridiculous.
No. 1206815
File: 1618268136136.jpeg (435 KB, 828x1101, 2839249F-D8BA-4AE6-9078-6C0F42…)

this made me laugh
No. 1207000
File: 1618287399283.png (9.97 MB, 1242x2208, 92B84A4F-03F6-4231-8BA4-0EA473…)

“I do not know if I should I eat my 200 cals muffin that I carefully adjusted it to my daily calorie deficit so I will not gain and show it to the tik tok world so they’ll think that I’m a FiGhTERrRR and think Aw you poor thing and buy me things that I have on my wishlist”
No. 1207016
File: 1618292697840.jpg (2.44 MB, 1440x3200, Inkedntfwr_LI.jpg)

>>1206804N2F goblin has emerged from her B/P dungeon and into the kitchen which looks just as rank as her bedroom
No. 1207082
>>1205898She was an obsessive self poster and super obsessed with Georgie Porgie. Typical 30 something bpd loser. Chronic attention seeking, no personality, no redeeming qualities, unfunny attempts at trolling, and slathered in scars from previous attempts at getting noticed. Edgy posts about being bad at suicide and bad at life. Seems like her crowning achievement is being thinner than porgie.
The milk is thin and sour.
No. 1207112
File: 1618312132374.jpg (267.47 KB, 1000x778, pastaslag.jpg)

>>1206815more Hamtwts. restriction for 3 years, my arse
No. 1207145
File: 1618316547843.jpg (126.21 KB, 1257x750, Capture.JPG)

>>1207112This guy she follows gives me the creeps. He's apparently in recovery and eats better, but he still looks like he's done a runner from Belsen. He pops up on my ig suggested all the damn time.
He just started a recovery channel on yt, he talks about being an actor. His slick(ish) presentation on sm makes me think he's using an ED to further his career in some way.
And I still don't get why Ham is doing any of this.
No. 1207150
File: 1618317324432.png (2.6 MB, 828x1792, 484CF319-F618-4A43-A6E3-300BDB…)

>>1207095one of her first videos (november) she says she’s bulimia ??
No. 1207154
>>1207145omg yes! i couldnt agree more. we need more male cows (lolbulls?). he is another cookie-cutter "recovery" account that seems to thrive off the asspats he gets for eating* fear foods, & holding up those cardboard quotes and yet not actually taking their own advice (a la @im_powering) remaining emaciated for the views and staying as far away from actual recovery as possible.
*eating and yeeting ofc
No. 1207161
File: 1618318356986.png (2.01 MB, 828x1792, 7F25C47A-51E6-4AF0-A461-502527…)

phew took some digging but she’s officially 17! milk available
No. 1207164
File: 1618318906945.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1170x2074, 98FFAE55-AA65-4E74-895A-80F3B4…)

>>1206962>>1206626You guys upset Morven.
No. 1207177
>>1207164>been informedLike she doesn’t read here
>not affectedProbably took it out on the poor unsuspecting agency nurse babysitting her
No. 1207179
File: 1618319884382.png (3.92 MB, 828x1792, 0B2913D1-169D-472F-ABF0-3E32CE…)

>>1207161her tiktok is a goldmine of keks if anyone fancies a laugh
No. 1207196
File: 1618322099944.jpg (Spoiler Image,250.47 KB, 1080x2160, 2021_04_12_21_14_45.jpg)

georgia update for curious anons. she posted that she OD'd and went silent for a week (which I guess is the "coma" (???), even thoughI'm pretty sure she's been online in between that time) and then this yesterday.
Dunno why she has people who've never talked to her on her cf list but here I am
No. 1207218
>>1207196"I just woke up from a coma, but can lucidly post on instagram and remember all the details of what happened, and people are telling me I should have died. Please dont question how I went from a charcoal wash to a coma."
For real though, no one who wakes from a coma is that compos mentis
No. 1207222 was in a general hospital when she was disharged:
'An insider explained that due to a lack of beds Nikki had been discharged and was due to attend a specialist clinic but tragically never made it. 'Her loved ones pleaded with them not to as she wasn’t ready and was then supposed to enter a private outpatient clinic from this Monday, she sadly never got to and died within 24 hours of leaving hospital.''
No. 1207252
File: 1618325783388.png (4.08 MB, 828x1792, 384D239B-DF7C-4E88-B861-AD462D…)

>>1207095this is the body of a true anorexic waif
No. 1207260
File: 1618326299148.png (2.41 MB, 828x1792, 7C51F1C3-62C1-4A21-990D-DC3D79…)

and to be as fair as possible she does admit she’s never been underweight
No. 1207262
File: 1618326728213.png (4.91 MB, 828x1792, 713DE81B-B890-4042-A5F9-734702…)

>>1207260she still finds other ways to be a scumbag tho kek
No. 1207325
File: 1618331574294.png (2.59 MB, 750x1624, 0EE407D5-F5B1-4E21-A369-AFFCA8…)

jesus christ her contour is horrendous, she’s definitely trying to make herself look even more emaciated with that mud on her face. what’s up with spoops trying to appear dead?
No. 1207341
File: 1618332676780.jpeg (Spoiler Image,53.95 KB, 349x640, C4923AD0-963F-4FF4-ACDD-99529F…)

that explains a lot @ovie
No. 1207342
File: 1618332697740.jpeg (Spoiler Image,197.9 KB, 1169x2088, 36EFBE9F-7402-406C-93D6-C66B99…)

pt. 2
No. 1207347
File: 1618333043919.png (4.42 MB, 1242x2208, 9BAD3D46-833F-4898-8516-0EA543…)

1 “at least I can still take aesthetic photos”
No. 1207348
victim of the incompetent NHS. RIP Nikki.
No. 1207353
File: 1618333158708.png (10.33 MB, 1242x2208, 4250EC43-5165-4D73-AAC7-06F7CF…)

Does she STILL really think that this is water weight? I mean.. why doesn’t she just say that she really gained weight and not blame it on swelling
No. 1207355
File: 1618333258223.jpeg (496.47 KB, 1447x1242, 7EF8CEC8-6E43-496B-AC35-A2839B…)

I mean it’s obvious at this point
No. 1207364
>>1207350>We're lucky to have it, but the tories have destroyed it. An unnecessary caveat, and I'd disagree that we're "lucky" to have it because universal healthcare is pretty common in the Western world, so it's not unreasonable to expect it… and I'm pretty sure the NHS always been shit compared to countries like Germany, which is what I was getting at, but whatever. I'm not going to get into an argument about it because people always get annoyed when people criticise the NHS for any other reason than "muh tories destroying are enhaychess".
>>1207361Kek, what cope. She must have upped her bingeing and stopped purging completely.
No. 1207384
>>1207325Quit trying to make this girl milky.
>>1207348While they keep ungrateful shits like Morven IP for years. Sigh.
>>1207340Ayrt. I doubt she actually complains to them it was more a “gonna throw a tantrum displace all my anger on the nurses” since she’s apparently really horrible to everyone
>>1207347Cope harder, May.
No. 1207388
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>>1207157To an extent, but this is beyond yer average skinny guy. Recovery. Oookay
No. 1207488
>>1206399Still sporting that concentration camp smile?
Way to go, Ganer! Lift your heart out until your period comes back. Or not.
No. 1207580
>>1207565Damn right. Should have used her TV fame money to get a decent therapy.
At the end of the day you have to carry responsibility for yourself.
No. 1207621
File: 1618346805212.jpg (29.03 KB, 400x400, amy_winehouse_4_wenn1832955_40…)

'Memba that ugly skank?
Made millions with her albums.
Bulimia, hard drugs, alcohol. Drank herself to death one fine morning, whoo-pee-doo.
No. 1207629
>>1207623It's got everything to do with it.
'Cos Drugged skellys die even faster.
No. 1207632
A heap of money.
All that doesn't help much when you down three bottles of vodka, eh.
No. 1207634
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No. 1207640
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>>1207636AH SAID
File: 1618352661851.jpeg (246.52 KB, 750x1223, 2324420F-8875-4249-849F-2EEE6B…)

Anna just needs to let us know she is still underweight, doesn’t she?
No. 1207735
>>120772318.4 is literally not in the “healthy weight range” for white people
I mean, yeah, she’s basically almost there, but
No. 1208051
File: 1618391008974.png (309.09 KB, 302x540, dharma.png)

Dharma is promoting her great ~macro friendly~ 'meals'. Features fat free italian dressing, 1/2 a turkey sausage, egg whites etc. This girl is moving 10 hours away from home for college in a autumn, we'll see a full-blown relapse if we haven't already
No. 1208070
>>1207863She SHOULD have been sectioned. That's why I said the NHS acted incompetently, but that appears to have
triggered a few of 'are enhaychess' workers here.
No. 1208090
File: 1618398083612.png (165.18 KB, 482x715, annatell.png)

Anna has her tellonym up so I scrolled through to look for inconsistencies and milk. We have:
- The infamous BMI 13 claims. I blocked out the other girls name as she is under 16
- Saying no one noticed and then that it was obvious
- Inconsistencies in when she developed anorexia
- I've got the minimum BMI 17 in there just for posterity in case she tries to claim it was lower
-Does she think people 'let themselves' get sectioned? Isn't the whole point that choice gets taken from you?
- Saying she has struggled with exercise when she is now claiming it was never an issue for her
- the 'friend not visiting her' one irritates me. Wouldn't COVID have been getting bad when she was in hospital? I get it is disappointing but having ill friends can be very difficult. But the world revolves around Anna ofc.
- and saying her anorexia started due to stress and body image when she is now claiming trauma
No. 1208093
File: 1618398470156.png (2.11 MB, 828x1792, 5EBBEEDC-709B-4886-B8E3-31B27E…)

bangs on about having anorexia and then tells everyone else not to cling to their illness???? are they all bread dead?
No. 1208097
>>1208093I think she means that you are still anorexic even if you gain a little/ are in recovery etc and you dont need to be at your worst to be ~
valid~. But then why do you have three social media platforms dedicated to anorexia if not to cling to your illness?
No. 1208100
File: 1618400130850.png (1.01 MB, 705x1250, 20210414_123119.png)

That's right fellow wannarexics! Absolutely no ED traits needed to join Ham's ED larp club
No. 1208140
>>1208100So everyone has an ed? If you've weighed the same healthy weight for years, have no problem with food and eating and don't gaf if you gain weight, you still can still be a ~
VALID~ anorexic? Can I be a conjoined twins but not have a twin so it's not conjoined like other twins?
No. 1208165
File: 1618408718940.png (66.01 KB, 804x296, validation.png)

>>1208100ham needs to stop making posts like this. she's feeding into fatties' delusions
No. 1208281
>>1208165Good lord, if someone’s maintaining a
morbidly obese weight is it any surprise. Ham and her fellow wannarexics are delusional. “Restrictive eating disorder” doesn’t = “restricting fruit & veg” you fucking mouth breathers
No. 1208334
>>1208270Eating disorders teams say that under 20 isn’t ideal as it doesn’t allow a buffer for relapse…the BMI NHS takes into consideration ethnicity and it states 18.5 is a healthy weight. However if you have an eating disorder, and have previously been lower, is it deemed as underweight or not ideal as it doesn’t allow a buffer. Most adult teams once you’ve been under 18.5 for extended period of time don’t care anymore, and accept anything over 18 really, as there is such a high demand for services they need to focus on more severely unwell patients. Once 18 and over, your bloods and medically you are far more stable. No one then makes sure or is focused on you reaching a BMI of 20…some units might suggest this, again for the sole purpose of a buffer. But 18.5 is healthy, it’s the very far end of it, but it is.
I mean I don’t super agree with the BMI scale as in terms of eating disorders it doesn’t help all that much, because you could have gone from BMI 26 to 19 suddenly and therefore be medically compromised. But statistically. 18.5 for normal people is fine.
Ed patients they suggest 20, but if you’re an adult they’ll rarely continue to aid you once over like 18 or 18.5
Children teams do try to focus on making the patient reach higher weights as they are currently more in control of them, and have more power and things.
No. 1208342
File: 1618424940904.jpg (688.34 KB, 2160x3840, 20210415_062203.jpg)

I dont know if this girl is milky enough, but she's an advocate for HAES and fat people in recovery from restrictive eds, claims she was misdiagnosed as BED for years because of her size (i wonder why!), was mega pissed off when the VOH clothing line didn't make clothes of her size (bigger than XL) and so they're now a fat phobic organization.. and claimed that thin people own eating disorders. I think she's hilarious to watch.. have a look. @mollyinprogress (tiktok)
No. 1208344
>>1208341you do realise people can see you posting, deleting, and reposting your even longer braindead replies in real time, right? stop parroting '
triggered' and go back to twitter to seethe about muh NHS bad, mouthbreather
No. 1208345
>>1208344Thanks for proving my point that you can't criticise 'are nhs' without people like you getting
triggered hun x
No. 1208381
>>1208257This is true. If you've seen Caraline's Story, right at the beginning the letter from the mental health boss ( or whoever) explains how even though she's fucked, recovery attempts haven't worked and all they could offer at that point was access to her usual MH team if she wanted. She died at under 4stone, b/p non stop and lived alone in a flat. That was in the early 90s, but it's not changed.
Nobody here knows what went on with Nikki, but many spoops go the same way without being sectioned.
No. 1208407
>>1208345'hun x'
you do not belong here
No. 1208426
>>1208323U wot m8
But back to the topic the topic.
Has anyone heard about fitvegan or tilly(if anyone remembers her or am i the only one), ofc if she isnt banned anymore like ember.
No. 1208454
>>1208450Self posting iirc.
>>1208442Wow, I should catch up with Ginge. A lover. How…ewww.
No. 1208463
File: 1618430711066.jpeg (494.81 KB, 828x1032, DEDB3B17-706E-4A0F-94FD-24550C…)

Chii back to subtle flexing her spoopy pics. I don’t have tiktok thank god, can some brave farmer do the dirty work of watching?
No. 1208470
File: 1618431295338.png (3.72 MB, 828x1792, 809EFED4-4A37-4781-A4C1-FEEB90…)

>>1208468“and this is where things went from bad to worse… fuelled by disappointment and spite i began my year long death march” …. just say you want attention and go
No. 1208473
File: 1618431570740.png (4.12 MB, 828x1792, 5CB7A04C-4D9B-478C-8A86-FC2971…)

not fighting the “pro” anachans whilst showing off her spoopy arms, kek. the false superiority complex is sending me
No. 1208540
File: 1618436934096.png (22.25 KB, 409x118, chii.png)

what. a. scumbag.
No. 1208557
File: 1618438188225.png (295.02 KB, 321x537, dharma.png)

maybe it is something in the Canadian water because Dharma is showing off her 'progress' as well
No. 1208590
File: 1618441220997.jpeg (281.85 KB, 750x769, 27A87FED-EECA-41CE-B261-054D5C…)

Another one going for the let’s show off our ribs look…
No. 1208621
>>1208450yeah the banning of tilly to the point of not even being able to say her name, never seemed to make sense to me when sooo many other cows have been proven to be self-posting.
regardless, shes moved on with all that "im a sex worker ana queen" bullshit and now just posts the odd filtered af photo/story.
No. 1208715
File: 1618452525588.jpg (621.06 KB, 1142x2623, thesun-co-uk-tvandshowbiz-1439…)

>>1207222This timeline the DM's said doesn't make sense. Nikki passed away April 9, which according to this article would make her planned admission date to a private clinic April 12. But on March 19 a rep of Nikki's told The Sun she'd be starting treatment "on Monday" i.e. March 22. Perhaps Nikki couldn't be convinced to go through with the private clinic admission in the end?
No. 1208823
File: 1618461617397.jpg (231.53 KB, 1080x1630, 20210415_143807.jpg)

Shay we get it, you're trying so desperately hard to convince everyone you're super ana that you've posted 6 of these "how did i get here" videos in the last 15 days. You arent fooling anyone, especially with the vending machine food you sneak at new farm with your super sick bowel issues.
No. 1208951
File: 1618488312803.jpeg (954.57 KB, 1170x2136, 44E22D7D-A2F5-4887-A45F-C93937…)

>>1208590I remember this girl from the early 2010s. She used to be semi-popular on aesthetic grunge tumblr and was posting the exact same kind of stuff back then. Her old recovery account used to be filled with spoopy leg shots, videos of her disposing of food and bragging about drugs and sex. Wish I still had screenshots.
Screenshot is from her tumblr circa early 2014, she’s one of the OG (albeit lesser known) pro Ana scumbags.
No. 1208954
File: 1618489015232.jpeg (162.83 KB, 1166x471, 1E699583-7F0A-4884-87CA-53EC37…)

the milk might be “thin and sour” but dusty is still my favourite proana scumbag
No. 1208995
File: 1618494196649.jpg (575.57 KB, 1038x1471, 20210414_214637.jpg)

Cecelia now claiming shes a SEED anorexic
No. 1209014
>>1208951> tumblr circa early 2014> she’s one of the OG pro Ana scumbags
> 2014> OGnot sure if you're underage or i'm just an old hag, but pro-ana communities were rampant on the internet in the aughts, so you can't call a cow that didn't operate on the internet in the 2000's an OG in the lulzy pro-ana/mia scene no matter how milky. tumblr was relatively proactive about shutting down pro-ana shit compared to xanga and livejournal where these communities really ran around with free rein. (plus, tumblr has/had a massives body-positive/HAES userbase that actually bothered to report pro-ana/mia content.) for further temporal context, pro-ana/mia sites started getting mainstream media attention around the mid-2000's. here's a NY Times article from 2005 discussing pro-ana/mia websites and a published research paper from 2005 profiling the phenomenom as well No. 1209022
File: 1618496863917.jpg (720.04 KB, 1021x1676, 20210415_102751.jpg)

No. 1209038
>>1209031Did she ever give details of why she was "too sick for acute"? (Which is laughable, since they take direct transfers from medical ICUs)
I think the term 'SEED' is used in research in the US but not really diagnostically/clinically - I did a google search and I can find some articles written by people who work in the US that use the term 'SEED'. Diagnoses in the US are used for billing, after all, and it's not like you're going to get more money than if you're already billing for anorexia or bulimia.
No. 1209163
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god imagine being the autocorrect / grammar check on this computer… would quit
No. 1209271
File: 1618511937959.jpg (48.6 KB, 720x251, 20210415_194643.jpg)

>>1201609A comment under a video Molly uploaded about an hour ago. I bet she fucking melts everytime someone validates her "teehee I'm just an innocent child" thing
No. 1209294
File: 1618513739600.png (534.61 KB, 707x556, molls.png)

is it just me or is there a red mark on her forehead? i wonder if she's head banging again
No. 1209311
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>>1209291Exactly - well explained
No. 1209323
>>1209020Is she WR? Not familiar with this one but doesn’t /look/ like a “hopeless case” either. So many cows jumping on the SEED bandwagon lately when they’re either barely out of their teens or just clearly…not. We’ll be getting Porgie or Laura claim it next.
>>1209294I’m too dumb to come up with something witty but I cant just scroll past this without mentioning that hair.
No. 1209365
>>1209306Bingeing, probably.
>>1209309How come sectioning isn't a thing in America? I know they don't refer to it as that, but I had assumed that anorexics in America could be detained? I mean, Eugenia was…
No. 1209438
>>1209309Sectioning patients isn't a thing in the US? Umm.. a quick google search will disagree with you there. Eugenia Cooney was put on a 5150 (72h).. a further 14 days is a 5250, a further 14 days is a 5260, a further 30 is a 5270.15 and a more indefinite (up to 180 days) is a 5300. I think it's called 'involuntary commitment' in the US, but all countries have to have pretty tight laws around this stuff to protect the vulnerable person.
She very well be labelling herself to seem sicker, but it doesn't mean that SEED doesn't exist.
No. 1209446
>>1209443Given the competitiveness anas experience between non-siblings (or with non-ED twins) it must be crippling. I think an anon was talking about how Katie would intentionally
trigger Maria a while back? Anyway, they walk around London all day together (at least one anon has spotted them) so exercise is pretty equal. If you are thinking of twins who did die, the Wallmeyers died in a house fire in 2012
No. 1209450
>>1209446Yes it would be crippling, I can't even imagine.
Oh yes that's right, I remember that story too. The parents of these girls must be heartbroken.
No. 1209478
File: 1618529262761.jpg (1.09 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210416-112405_Ins…)

I should have larped anorexia when I was a child. Imagine the cakes and maccas and ice creams I could have had if mum thought I was frightened of them and had to be challenging myself. Hams going to be continuing to challenge herself for years - what a good excuse to eat crap all the time.
No. 1209512
File: 1618531262711.png (301.51 KB, 828x1792, BAE56667-A7AB-4F63-A294-A5E839…)

>>1209451>>1209456Yeah it varies by state, some states have more power in detaining people but there’s nothing nation-wide other than a 72 hour hold (not national but pretty standard across the US). After that it’s much harder to hold someone, a person has to be pretty much actively suicidal or homicidal. ED patients no matter how sick are rarely kept against their wishes unless they are an imminent danger to themselves or others. How else would Ash the skele queen not be in treatment? American is the land of the free, even if it’s the freedom to starve and purge yourself to death. Plenty of states require a court order for even a 24-hour hold, involuntary commitment beyond that requires further court orders and typically requires a considerable reason beyond eating disorder because “muh freedoms”. Involuntary ED treatment is very rare, tho iirc Colorado (where both Acute and ERC are) orders patients involuntary much, much more than other states. In most cases long term involuntary psychiatric treatment is mainly only used as an alternative to prison.
No. 1209518
File: 1618531678774.jpeg (429.12 KB, 1792x4074, F7DA7D33-8344-43CA-B732-57F3CB…)

>>1209512Most states it’s hard to hold anyone who’s not in immediate danger of killing themselves or seriously injuring or killing another person. Partially why the US has so many in and out of IP and resi spoops, they get admitted then check out AMA after their 72 hours (or less).
No. 1209523
>>1209456As others have said, it really really varies by state. The problem with getting a court order for involuntary treatment for an eating disorder is that most states don't really have a precedent for that counting as an "imminent threat to self or others" - that's pretty much just "I am literally in the middle of trying to kill myself" or "I am literally in the middle of trying to kill someone else". There are a few states (Colorado and Minnesota are the two that come to mind, but I'm sure there are others) where involuntary treatment is more common for EDs, but there are also states where it's basically impossible to get anything more than the standard 72-hour hold. There are also states where you have to get separate orders for holding someone vs tube feeding them vs giving them medication. The legal arguments all hinge on what you consider to be "capacity" and often the standard is being able to state the consequences of the choice you're making - so if an eating disorder patient admits that leaving AMA might result in their death, then technically they've demonstrated capacity. It's kind-of a new idea that they might not have the capacity to weigh that risk rationally against the desire to continue with their behavior.
It also really depends on what medical professional they see. Almost no ER physician is going to order an involuntary hold for an eating disorder. If you're seeing specialists at an eating disorder center, it's more likely because (a) they'll know that it's something they can do and (b) they've probably done it before and are more confident that they'll win in court. Most non-specialists aren't going to do anything unless you're literally in the middle of cardiac arrest or something like that.
No. 1209535
File: 1618535459587.png (4.47 MB, 828x1792, C276A787-5768-4612-AFBD-EBA325…)

quit the legal sperging plz and have a good laugh at this
No. 1209537
File: 1618535640326.jpeg (590.26 KB, 828x1511, 1603A4B7-328F-4F55-86B0-18B5DB…)

She would look so much better if she just let herself gain weight without so much strength training. Her training has fucked up her proportions so much that she looks terrible! Just gain some damn fat, ganer!
No. 1209539
>>1209478>recovery winpls give me asspats and indulge my fake ED
>whilst out with mum earliermade mum drive to costa for muh insta, stopped at mcdonalds for a big mac on the way home
No. 1209578
>>1209537she needs bangs/fringe for that fivehead more than anything
then someone needs to teach her to smile like a human
No. 1209603
File: 1618545899595.jpg (436.14 KB, 2880x2880, 20210416_160350.jpg)

Does she think she looks fab with that make up? Anyhow.. how does she still have that blasted toob. What a joke.
No. 1209711
File: 1618563107998.png (8.31 MB, 1242x2208, 549BC0B1-C6DE-4F50-8B90-DF3357…)

the way she walks, poses and opens her legs to flex her weird legs is funny af
No. 1209717
>>1209711She's on the comedy festival line up.
She must have permanent headache with that Croydon facelift.
No. 1209719
File: 1618564118771.png (12.88 MB, 1242x2208, 23EB9623-FC1B-4A76-8DD2-FCFC48…)

one word: her nose
No. 1209722
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No. 1209775
File: 1618574217484.png (221.45 KB, 302x473, Screenshot_2021-04-16 Hannah G…)

"I accidentally the whole gym"
No. 1209780
File: 1618575005119.jpeg (615.3 KB, 828x836, 0BD5D514-7EE9-4CF7-BC4B-C5E86B…)

>>1209725Still smaller than chii’s. So unfortunate
No. 1209810
File: 1618580675983.jpg (126.71 KB, 447x447, Rookscavengingonpicnictable886…)

>>1209780They want to look like crows. Especially the legs.
No. 1210102
>>1210092Definitely. If she genuinely cared she would say smth less specific to HER. Like "before and after pictures fuel comparison and competition" or "weight does not determine mental suffering and anorexia is ultimately a mental illness". Her true colours are really coming out now.
Also, I could have sworn I heard her BMI was at one point below ten but in her reddit posts she says her LW was 60lb at 5 ft 3, making her BMI ~ 10.7 (which I have seen mentioned elsewhere) Did she lie about this or did someone else make it up? Sorry for numbers (ik they're technically banned), but I thought potentially lying would be relevant if she is being mentioned more often
No. 1210166
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No. 1210462
>>1210395Not to armchair, but if her mom isn’t the textbook definition of a dee dee Blanchard level sufferer of munchausen syndrome by proxy, I don’t know what is.
Not the first in the ana community and probably won’t be the last. It’s not just the cows who get off on the attention.
No. 1210472
>>1210395Im not sure how to link stuff because I'm a techtard, but on YouTube there's a clip that was taken from one of her recent streams where she was asked if her mom was worried about her, Eugenia loosely explains her mom was only worried for her while she was getting help while being vague as possible, but straight up said at this time, No, her mom is not worried about her at all.
Jaclyn also said that when Eugenia was 5150'd she started balling her eyes out panicking because if she got help or went away her mom would die of heart problems because she has a weak heart.
Eugenias mother is very much involved in her daughter's condition, just how much involvement will never be revealed, I don't think much about Eugenias true past will ever be revealed even after she's gone.
No. 1210510
>>1210462The whole munchausen by proxy armchair is retarded.
Intentionally making your daughter sick for medical attention doesn't manifest as an eating disorder that desperately avoids medical attention. Munchies by proxy play the good caretaker of their poor sick loved one for asspats. Eugenia's cow of a mother is probably some kind of malignant narcissist who lives vicariously through her daughter, but she doesn't look like a good caretaker and for years denied there was anything wrong with her at all. that's not munchausen
No. 1210521
File: 1618665448991.jpeg (327.41 KB, 1242x2093, ECF8D436-0C47-4FB6-9AA8-0F9190…)

why does she pouts her lips like this? she will do anything that will make her look like she is the skinniest queen to the point of looking like an old woman kek
No. 1210538
>>1210521just looks like a
triggering triceratops
No. 1210604
File: 1618676461066.png (3.71 MB, 828x1792, 7517E9AC-00B3-4A98-B6DF-F42A61…)

this ones back- this video was a collection of gross open wounds, a couple of my tubes, a perfectly healthy weight body check, and general BPD substance abuse… under the guise of inspirational recovery content kek
No. 1210667
>>1210521She's starting to look and sound a lot like morven in her ' I can't go on' posts.
What unit is she in ?
No. 1210676
File: 1618688640323.jpeg (123.58 KB, 640x995, 58D040F1-290B-4322-BE6E-5932D1…)

Ham skipping on her veg again
No. 1210691
File: 1618689563614.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1242x1739, B886BA46-AC7C-4DC9-B17B-2AB250…)

Elvis Presley would be jealous of those sideburns imo
No. 1210706
>>1210704its like turning an illness into a
toxic club of borderlines
No. 1210711
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No. 1210763
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>>1210731whatever it is it looks gross
No. 1210777
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>>1210676Looks like tomatoes are her #fearfood on this plate, eh.
No. 1210779
File: 1618695229364.jpg (404.19 KB, 1076x1912, Screenshot_20210418-092818_Ins…)

But we went out for a challenge with mum the other day too and that wasn't a sod off Saturday. Ham.. these aren't challenges, you're just getting mum to take you out to eat like a normal teenager would.
No. 1210786
File: 1618696308059.png (Spoiler Image,2.14 MB, 828x1792, 4DBAD366-E827-4671-BEE1-2CE6D4…)

dear lord…
No. 1210828
File: 1618701388731.jpg (128.24 KB, 532x879, 20210418_090358.jpg)

Kek We know you're inwardly shitting yourself about not having "a visable tube on your face" so everyone wont be able to see how soopa sick you are. Obviously its not actually required and/or urgent as "futher discussion will take place over the coming months and we will come to a decision." You either require it or not.
Taking bets on your team finally removing your unnecessary NG off you and instead of finally admitting you don't need it and can eat (because we see you eat) you'll "spontaneous decide" to not have the PEG which probably wasn't even offered as an option kek
No. 1210831
File: 1618702023473.gif (2.34 MB, 551x400, grinch.gif)

>>1210779Her face made me think of the grinch, kek.
No. 1210878
>>1210462While I don't disagree that Eugenia's mum is likely enabling her condition, or perhaps neglecting her medical needs - this is not Munchausen, or anything remotely close to what Gypsy-Rose went through. MBP is literally subjecting a healthy
victim to harmful procedures, medications and treatments leading everyone (even the
victim) to believe they fit the picture of a particular illness. They can even inflict physical abuse to produce real symptoms. Gypsy-Rose was wheelchair bound and everyone was convinced she couldn't walk. Eugenia has anorexia, she is inflicting the harm on herself. She isn't claiming to have co-morbidities or treatments that her mum could be feigning - and even if that was the case her mum wouldn't be claiming anything from that because the internet doesn't know about it. The only thing I do believe is that perhaps her mum wants her to stay unwell because of the $$$ that are coming in.
(just typing this I did have the thought.. imagine if this whole time eugenia's mum was the one starving her - she didn't have anorexia but has grown up to believe she did and now she kinda does. Crikey what a plot twist that would be!)
No. 1210974
>>1210828Shays god honestly pathetic. She creates her own pity parties and legitimately thinks the world cant see it.
I cant fathom how she has so many tiktok followers either when all she does is sit in the same greasy pajamas, and repeat the same 4 fucking tiktok dances. Its a yawnfest kek
No. 1211074
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>>1210711Guys, May's telling the truth. She's not eating, the vampire bats are feeding her while she sleeps.
No. 1211131
>>1210786This is hands down the cringiest shit I've seen all year wow
It reads like a parody, I can't believe someone posted it seriously
No. 1211168
File: 1618741333127.png (659 KB, 720x975, Screenshot_20210418-111938~2.p…)

Here's some #motivation for Sunday. Gyms reopening has stopped her posting spoop pics, so that's a blessing.
No. 1211170
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>>1211168But please take care of your hands, anons. Ouch.
No. 1211176
>>1211168lunch lady arms much? where is all the muscle after hours/days/months/years of training? …. oh thats right, you need to actually eat proper, diverse food and not just the same shitty bowl of pre-workout garbage.
and them hands… my god! redder than a baboons arse!
and wtf is going on with her belly button and hip dips? god she is a conundrum.
No. 1211201
File: 1618747501114.png (538.73 KB, 437x727, nourishin_d.png)

I don't know how to upload video with sound, but ppl with if you want a laugh check this video on Dharma's tiktok (to tictoc as she calls it). I'm no expert but her shaky camera/ shitty automatic voiceovers are honestly the cringiest I've ever seen. And who eats PB2 and yoghurt on rice cakes?
No. 1211219
>>1210395Eugenia doesn't have SEED. She just never gave a real shot at recovery.
>>1210472>panicking because if she got help or went away her mom would die of heart problems because she has a weak heart.jfc that's manipulative as fuck on the mother's part. and watching your adult daughter decay before your eyes isn't doing it for you?
No. 1211245
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>>1210786This reads like every pity me post on ig. I don't deserve help, I'm not worthy, I'm ugly, bullied, nobody likes me, I don't fit in, Does her therapist know they're part of this masterpiece?
No. 1211298
File: 1618760816503.jpg (96.22 KB, 1364x592, sugar andmore sugar.JPG)

Ham started following some woman who wrote a book "The Fuck It Diet". Sugar isn't bad for you, guys. She needs to read this bullshit to feel less guilt at eating only sugar.
Sugar keeps you alive!!1
>When you eat excess sugar, the extra insulin in your bloodstream can affect your arteries all over your body. It causes their walls to get inflamed, grow thicker than normal and more stiff, this stresses your heart and damages it over time. This can lead to heart disease, like heart failure, heart attacks, and strokes.
No. 1211474
File: 1618776447047.jpg (Spoiler Image,660.97 KB, 1080x1546, Screenshot_20210418-220327_Ins…)

please i know she's irrelevant but i can't with her fashion sense. why would you wake up in the morning and choose to put this on
No. 1211543
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i feel so bad for her boyfriend, they’re in a long term relationship, like 10 years or so so he’s probably seen and been through some shit. the way she posts about their interactions he sounds more like a brother or a caretaker than a romantic partner and i wonder if he feels like he has to stay or she’ll do something drastic, it cannot be easy having to watch someone you love gloat about starving and cutting.
No. 1211553
>>1211501>are you actually linking the daily mail as a credible news source? KEK. Idk, anon, this seems pretty credible to me: "We know people are falling through the cracks,' says Kerrie Jones, NHS eating disorder psychotherapist and chief executive officer of Orri – a private day treatment centre. I see too many who go from having round-the-clock intensive care for six months to virtually nothing in a matter of weeks. We call them revolving door patients – they don't get consistent treatment in the community, which is crucial for long-term recovery. Inevitably, they end up spiralling and land back in hospital again."
Did you even bother reading the article?
No. 1211561
>>1211557The NHS is something we are incredibly lucky to have but it has many flaws yes. I don't think it failed Nikki though. (Did she not choose to discharge herself from a private facility?)
How much money can be thrown at people who have no desire to get better?
No. 1211565
>>1211561>The NHS is something we are incredibly lucky to have Not really. Most developed countries have universal healthcare, so the NHS is the very least we can expect. It's a low bar. America doesn't meet that bar, of course.
>>1211563I don't but believe me, I would if I could afford it. It's a shame NHS incompetence killed Nicki before she got a chance to try private treatment. I'm sorry but discharging someone with a BMI as low as hers is negligent, and it would be negligent if a private hospital did it as well.
(nhs sperging) No. 1211699
File: 1618798519980.jpg (142.24 KB, 884x756, Shayactingafool.jpg)

Was to be discharged today. But then this happened…. doesnt feel comfortable disclosing but makes a tiktok about it…. mmmmmkay
No. 1211785
>>1211776I mean, yeah, to start with. You choose to start cutting things out of your diet. You choose to exercise that little bit longer. You choose to restrict more. You choose to recover, and you choose to resist treatment.
Just like choosing to do drugs. Just cause it starts out as a choice doesn’t mean its any less debilitating. Its not wrong to claim eating disorders are choices that become compulsions.
No. 1211865
>>1211565>It's a shame NHS incompetence killed Nicki before she got a chance to try private treatment.Nikki didn't die of malpractice, she died of a mental illness she suffered for decades. She had this illness virtually her entire life. She'd been inpatient before adulthood. Before she got a chance? What number of chances do you think she was on? There's no guarantee she could have been saved from herself this time even if everyone did everything perfectly anyway. If you want to place blame, blame her chronic, treatment-resistant illness instead of the people who just couldn't invest enough of their limited resources into another revolving door patient.
Can we stop sperging about the NHS then?
No. 1211870
>>1211776Please sage your bullshit; you're conflating the compulsion with the resulting behavior and there is an important distinction. You don't choose to be itchy, but you do choose whether or not to scratch that itch. And yeah, scratching too much just makes you itchier.
Even according to MPA, they don't choose the drive to restrict, you don't choose the illness driving the behavior, but they do choose to starve. It may not be your fault you got sick, but it is your responsibility to do what it takes to get better instead of making it worse.
No. 1211887
>>1211699I don't find her milky at all. She just posts dances to TikTok and as someone who has been at New Farm (I've never met her though) I know that when all belongings are removed they let you have your phone, laptop, iPad still but take the rest of your clothes, chargers and anything else that isn't necessary.
In other New Farm news, guess who's been getting Uber eats for dinner every night? That's right, good old Georgie. Soooo soopa Anorexic right?? Lmao
No. 1211895
>>1211875You’re saying the same thing but with more words. Anorexia always starts with the choice to diet and restrict. Then it becomes debilitating and compulsive, and the choice is lost. And the thoughts might not go away, but you’re still choosing to ignore them instead of falling to them when in recovery.
Tomato, tomato.
No. 1211946
>>1211651slightly ot but given all the seed talk lately—is it actually possible for someone who's had a (legit) ED for 10+ years to really recover? I get that in cases like ash or the twins the physical/brain damage would be irreversible but for example, someone with anorexia and a slightly less extreme bmi, or someone with bulimia maintaining a healthy weight, but whose symptoms were severe and debilitating to real life and well-being.
could someone like that ever really recover or are they always going to be chronic? is there a ~point of no return~ or are there examples of people who actually have gone from decades of ED to a functional life?
No. 1211954
File: 1618835442813.jpeg (264.66 KB, 827x1534, 5CE9265E-A862-4709-AC28-169595…)

are we still posting larpers on this thread?
>trying to calm down at my grandpa’s wake
…by filming shit tiktok dances and tagging anorexia because your parents don’t talk to you enough? for fuck sakes grace, get a grip
No. 1212060
>>1212057And the Mirror. She works as a counsellor now. remember her on ig. She was mentioned here way back in these threads with her kids. She was still a spoop. Then one day I checked on her and she was…recovered. Yeah, it was a shock. No. 1212195
>>1211870Yes, cause MPA is a good source for anything. No, you do not choose a mental health issue. It takes over your mind, and it makes you behave certain ways. The concept that somehow anorexics have more of a choice than let's say, Bipolars or people with depression, it's a hilarious amount of ignorance and Pro Ana bs.
Grow up.
No. 1212292
>>1211776choosing not to recover, choosing to bounce in and out of treatment when you're intelligent and you know exactly how youre manipulating around you, choosing not to put food into your mouth, fuck it yeah i'll say all that's a choice. anorexics are not psychotic or possessed.
the amount of ana chans rearing their heads on this thread is insane. maybe you guys just havent woken up to how you really come across and how many resources you drain.
No. 1212719
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>>1212716Forgot to add the image and can’t delete so here it is
No. 1212738
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No. 1212976
File: 1618938024235.png (2.78 MB, 828x1792, EAAF49BD-3388-4B8B-8C76-F8E3C8…)

i say this with the utmost caution but Ro is looking like maybe she was genuine about recovery after all, she looks noticeably different already (in a good way i’m not bashing her.)
No. 1213013
File: 1618941466200.jpeg (734.42 KB, 1800x1800, 316B87C5-A962-469B-9964-F4FEC4…)

Remi brought the milk today, showing off a holter monitor (given out pretty liberally to anyone who claims hr problems) and doing a full standing dancing. Pretty impressive for someone with such severe muscle wastage they can barely walk kek
No. 1213058
>>1212976And because her parents are keeping a tough watch on everything she eats
Glad she's covered up
No. 1213070
File: 1618948031192.jpg (328 KB, 476x563, K7kCOR6.jpg)

Ganer having fun in the gym…
No. 1213226
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Georgie obsessed with food, as always
No. 1213228
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Has anyone else noticed how much Remi's face has filled out?
No. 1213238
>>1213228Because shes following her recovery plan, id assume.
Also, sage your shit ffs.
No. 1213248
>>1213070Does she mean an emotional breakdown? This isn't some gym bro term is it?
>>1213220The no emoticon rule is the best rule anyone ever invented.
No. 1213314
>>1213226Didn't the pizza she posted last thread have brussel sprouts on it?
Went back to look and yup, clearly has brussel sprouts. But hey, one of the 4 foods she can't eat without gagging yeah? Even after sperging about how this pizza was the best and her most favorite ever?
>>1199073 No. 1213349
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So the first screenshot is from a video of Remi ranting on about how it is "utterly inappropriate to post body checks etc" yet here she is posting a photo that's VERY obviously a body check with her entire stomach showing… Nice job Remi, maybe you need to take your own advice
No. 1213356
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>>1213349Obviously both cows but this interaction made me chuckle. I think rem was triwwigered by chii hence her little high horse psa tantrum.
No. 1213402
>>1213303I'm definitely no wk and even I am happy to see cows actually recover. But I agree that a minimal weight gain is not something to cheerlead about.
>>1213349TBF there is a difference between spoopy half-naked body checks and clothed normal-weight body checks. Although we know the reason Remi doesn't post the former is probably because she doesn't have any.
No. 1213415
>>1213226Cauliflower, sprouts and potato. Vegetables, then. Maybe try semi skimmed milk instead of full fat. It's not as sickly.
Maybe she'd be more successful at b/p if she used cauliflower to get that gag reflex working.
>>1213349Please. anon who posts Remi, sage.
>>1213402>I'm definitely no wk and even I am happy to see cows actually recover. Same here when they actually do recover and get a life. A few pounds gain and lying about how much they have to eat isn't recovery. People like Crying Emily, Little Sprout and Han Elizabeth, even Italian Aly - that's good. Nobody's properly recovered if they make their life about recovery accounts and food. Why stick on with a ~community~ of people with eating disorders when you're in a better place? Move on.
No. 1213423
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>>1213422For nostalgia purposes
No. 1213424
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And for anons who were asking about Erika, here she is from 2 years ago.
No. 1213433
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>>1213432dp.trendsetter now. still alive surprisingly, still looking awful.
No. 1213486
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N2F looking like fresh garbage as per usual. is it just me or is her Frida Kahlo moustache getting more prominent?
No. 1213504
>>1213356Chii is so scummy. I am convinced she is just a bad person on the inside. I wish she could be banned from spreading her
triggering, self validating garbage all over the internet.
No. 1213614
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>>1213603I think her ed 8s connected to her mum dying.
Meanwhile, Miss Skeletal much queen gets deep.
No. 1213690
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You slayed it girl! So proud. You're so strong, etc. with heart emoji
No. 1213741
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>>1213433Holy smokes I've never seen her before.. jesus thats sad. Her face is hollow (just me.. or does she looks like Cruella de Vil?)
No. 1213776
>>1213741You should look at her in old threads. She was pretty then went spoop really quickly.
Someone post a new thread pic and if nobody starts one then I'll do it tomorrow (I'm on UK time).
No. 1213913
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No. 1213914
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No. 1213965
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No. 1214002
Sage & give context or gtfo
No. 1214023
>>1214002Wow you must be new. Korey used to be discussed a lot in these threads. She was in ‘recovery’ for years but never put weight on and posted
triggering content all the time. She seems like she’s actually finally recovered. Kek I guess her degree in nutrition has taught her something about healthy eating
No. 1214044
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She finally admitted