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No. 1190662
Last thread there was an important breakthrough in the ED recovery world as farmers discovered that Manilife peanut butter is, in fact, the key to #recovery. An interesting finding was that ED LARPers favour budget supermarket brand PB. Interesting…
Thread #53 was an embarrassing shitshow of certain cows flailing around for lolcow's
attention. Want to play the
victim and receive asspats and comments about how lolcow anons are boolies and they shouldn't listen to haters.
Shay and Georgie are keeping a low profile at NF. Unusual.
Anna came top of her class on her med course despite her struggle with dyslexia and displaying very poor knowledge of medical issues on her sm accounts. Her WKs, Ro and Dora, frequently popped into the thread for attention. Nobody really cared. When not lurking lolcow, you will find them in their hugbox in the corner crying because their tiktok has been deleted.
Ganer strikes her He Man pose for us as she juxtaposes her NOW self to her spoopy old self, just incase you forgot she was once a spoop.
We waved goodbye to Molly as she headed to the Ruby Granger (Manilife fan) pasture and continues to be kind during lockdown.
Ham self congratulated herself on her 5 month anniversary of something by posting a long ass video of herself eating a slab of cake. She also launched her youtube channel with another long ass video where she ate and received words of encouragement from her parents as the crocodile tears fell. Launched her tiktok with a video of her stuffing that cake into her face. Very Ro-esque, even down to the werewolf eyebrow brushing!
Notsolittle Lee came out as autistic with the powerful words, "I have autism. I am Leah". Whew!
Little Gracie's restrictive ED hurt but not enough to hang around hospital for her review so went home. She found validation by getting herself admitted for treatment.
Ovi sent us the proof we CRAVED that her texts to her ex weren't fake. We really are obsessed with her. She is currently chugging full sugar Monster energy drinks during her period of relapse.
British Z list celebrity, Nikki Grahame, a SEED anorexic made an appearance as she battles being spoopy even though she doesn't want to because #nothingtastesasgoodasskinnylyfe.
We left with Anna swimming in the cold Scottish sea with friends, wearing a bikini and looking quite healthy despite her GI issues.
If you are new, READ THE RULES before you post. We are not here to spoonfeed you with our special "Nourish To Flourish" engraved spoon. Speaking of, our n2f is using a new account. Link below: missing, post it below…
No. 1190668
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Did anyone notice Ham said insta removed that post where she ate that brown slop?
Also, I see the latest post from Ash (the ribs exposed one) has gone.
No. 1190681
Many thanks anon, wasn't sure we'd see a new thread after the massive influx of very ~
triggered~ anachans on the last one.
Missing Ovi, (with whom we are all obsessed of course) No. 1190687
File: 1616454352944.jpg (384.29 KB, 720x1229, 20210322_230306.jpg)

Not milk but for those who remember Laura shes still about, can't tell if its the angle or just a weird shoop. She also has to use a wheelchair now.
No. 1190689
>>1190681Gah! Ahhh. Grrr (etc). I thought she was so magickal that her link would appear without even typing it because she buried some bird seed in the garden (or something). You'd think she'd do a spell to stop us bothering her.
Yeah, could not be arsed to start this thread tbh, but maybe we'll find some new milk at some point. The newfags get bored struggling to figure out our soooo 2006 "website".
>>1190687Oh god, this was the bendy yoga one?? Yes but IS she recovering?
>>1190688 No. 1190690
Hi to the person on Tattle mentioning Molly and Ruby! Since Ruby is now pretty openly baiting an ED are we interested in discussing her here while the milk is slow?
(for anyone not in the know, Ruby is a YouTube who follows Molly and a 14 year old recovery account, posts meals of only raw veg, reads lots of ED books and has claimed to exercise 5 hours a day in the past. She has lost some weight over the past ~6 months but imo nothing alarming. She was mentioned here if anyone wants a summary:
>>1187453 No. 1190710
File: 1616455382978.png (5.31 MB, 828x1792, 1C3C689B-AF1A-4236-937A-C56F0C…)

jesus christ look at the size of her wrist. it genuinely puts me off food
No. 1190715
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>>1190710>>1190713she’s eating her own fingers, is cannibalism a new ed thing?
No. 1190718
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>>1190713Her profile pic always reminds me of Edith Massey.
No. 1190724
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Thanks for making the new thread OP you da best. Let’s hope the WKs, bone rattlers and bloggers don’t shit this one up as much
No. 1190731
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>>1190710>>1190713That septum piercing does her no favours whatsoever
No. 1190750
>>1190731Amazing work farmer.
Thanks to the anon that used my pic for the thread.
No. 1190798
>>1190750Good job back at ya for the thread pic anon, not to make it a hugbox in here since we’re all such nasty nasty boolies but the chipmunk is A+
>>1190764Agreed lol poor as these shoops are, British Laura could never. She’s just happened to strike gold with one of the PDUs willing to tube any old attention seeker. BPD patients ~starving~ themselves? Groundbreaking.
No. 1190805
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Have we talked about this girl? Potential milk. Claims she's too small for adult women's clothing. Also claimed to be too sick for erc ip.
No. 1190834
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Just in case anyone forgets to eat beige/sugar today. Stay strong warriors x
No. 1190879
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The irony of Remi's new post…
No. 1190901
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Darling Grace has hit a new lowest weight and couldn't wait to share that.
No. 1190906
>>1190901“Doctors orders”
So, like, the weigh ins most wards do weekly? Of course she “doesn’t like other people knowing her weight” but it’s not as the staff haven’t got eyes. It’s like her, Ovi, Georgia and Ham have reverse body dysmorphia or something
No. 1190930
>>119090Its literally like they have reverse anorexia. Anorexics are often in denial about restricting/their illness, need assuring things are their ED "talking", are smaller than they look etc, but I'm starting to think these cows genuinely see themselves as spoops and think they are actually medically unstable and seriously ill with anorexia. They say things anorexics wouldn't say in a million years.
Sage for half asleep, they fascinate me.
No. 1190933
>>1190901So… how was she half the size 2 years ago?
Does she mean since being over 18? Maybe she went to the toilet and lost 100g since her weigh in a week ago
No. 1190992
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Anna shares this yesterday. So she is fainting but still went swimming? It seems very inconsistent to me. Also the gluten free/FODMAP thing sets of alarm bells. I love how she took the time to highlight ‘fainted’
No. 1191001
>>1190992I don’t feel sorry for anna because she’s such a blatant pro scumbag, but I do feel sorry for anybody else in her position. Having an active ED and a GI condition that means heavy restriction at the same time means basically everything in that persons life becomes about food, even if they’re trying to recover. I’d be interested in listening to someone who was actually trying to recover (and not painfully stupid like anna) talking about it.
Side note, did she really give a
trigger warning for content that ISN’T about her eating disorder?
No. 1191004
>>1191002Ugh this girl boils my piss. She actually makes me irrationally angry. If she was having an IBD flare up there is no way she would be out and about and certainly not swimming! Plus It's almost like she doesn't put a
TW on ED stuff because she actually WANTS to
trigger people. Cunt.
No. 1191099
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>>1191091Yeah, yeah, nothing we haven’t heard before. Run along now
No. 1191145
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She acts like she’s dangerously underweight but tbh it looks more like she just uses filters and poses and in the pic of her swimming she was sucking in so much
No. 1191164
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does she think she’s severely underweight or sth?
No. 1191174
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>>1191158This photo is from 2 days ago. The henna freckles around her eyebrows look a little different to the ones from today? I could be seeing things though
No. 1191188
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>>1190784Never explicitly said anything, but is dropping a lot of hints lately. People are saying she is looking really thin but tbh I think she looks fine. Have I been blinded by the spoopy skeletons here?
No. 1191190
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saging bc i don't know if people are interested in ruby or not but her body looks surprisingly healthy for someone who seems to eat so little.
No. 1191192
>>1191188kek i just posted this
>>1191190at the same time as you. personally i think she looks very normal sized
No. 1191245
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@wateremelons is totally not body checking and is looking great for a 90 year old woman
No. 1191246
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>>1190805 this is a few days after she claimed to need ACUTE and have a bmi of 12
No. 1191258
>>1191196>she is writing another bookI only know of this one through the last thread. What was the book she wrote? (Not asking to be spoonfed, the Tattle threads are too much to trawl through).
She looks flippin' old for her age. She looks like she goes horse riding. As for her weight, she looks average. Needs to ditch the leggings without a skirt look.
No. 1191259
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i dare you not to facepalm at this.
No. 1191273
>>1191259what is the point of putting a
TW on a post like this that includes mention of the
TW subject in the image……………..???
No. 1191283
>>1191259Stuff like this pisses me off because the insistence that you can be normal/overweight with anorexia and soooo
valid actually just invalidates EDNOS/OSFED. If people felt that EDNOS/OSFED was a
valid diagnosis you wouldn’t have so many normal/overweight people desperate for an anorexia diagnosis.
And duhhhh if you’re not underweight you’re not anorexic (or you’re part of the VERY small percentage of normal weight atypical anorexics).
No. 1191288
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People on the tattle thread did not give glowing reviews
No. 1191293
>>1191288It looks self published. Sounds shite - Erimentha?? Sounds like she's trying to be Jacqueline Wilson set in a middle class world.
Thanks, anon. I'll not put it on my amazon wish list.
No. 1191297
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There are some good reviews on goodreads, but I guess they're her friends who read it. Some are bad. Apparently, Ruby's shit at doing characters.
No. 1191305
>>1191283I feel like if they gave ENDOS a name that wasn’t a long acronym it would be more easily recognisable in the news and whatever and people would be more okay with being diagnosed with it, rather than hoping for an ana diagnosis, but maybe i’m wrong and it’s just people subconsciously sticking to the blessed hierarchy of ED diagnosis.
>>1191297Dear god did she really call the main character Erimentha
No. 1191319
>>1191297How is this at all relevant to the thread? Just create a Ruby thread already and discuss it there.
The state of these threads my godddd
No. 1191328
>>1191319Someone mentioned she'd written a book and might be LARPing an ED for a new book research. I asked what her published book was to see if she'd previously drawn on personal experiences.
It that offends your gatekeeping, I'll be sure to post a ~
tw next time and keep this a ~safe spave~. my godddd.
No. 1191333
>>1191243>>1191246Aside from the fact that bragging about her alleged BMI is imo pro ana scumbaggerry, does she think her followers are blind? Especially being an uwu anowexia recovewy account, her followers are going to see right thru this bs. Like if you're gonna tell a blatant lie, dont be so stupid to post evidence that it's a lie kek
>>1191259But anon, how can they LARP as anorexics if they have to actually go by the DSM criteria? Stop invalidating them!!11!1 dont you know the REAL anachans are in it for the IG asspats not the weight loss!? ARGHHHH!!1!
No. 1191367
>>1191341cry me a river anachan. No one cares that you don’t feel
valid in your more real, sooper serious, most severe, very spoopy eating disorder. LARPers are ridiculous because it is absurd that someone would want to have a debilitating mental illness. Not because they make you feel like you are not as special as you believe yourself to be with your really real eating disorder.
No. 1191370
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Please be our guest Gracie! We are all ready to see you blossom.
No. 1191413
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here's an example of the kinds of meals ruby is posting.
No. 1191467
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>>1191246First post on here, lurked for a while. I saged properly I think. This is Cecilia on her way to ERC IP. Def not at 12.
(namefag) No. 1191488
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No. 1191494
>>1191467Hmm yeah I'd say 16, 15 minimum. Really larping the severe anorexia label lol.
But yeah anon up there is right, only posted this on her personal because it's so obvious to anyone with knowledge of anorexia, lived experience of some sort, that this is not someone in immediate physical danger due to critically low bmi… good find anon
No. 1191575
>>1191305I agree with this 100%, EDNOS needs a different name or they need to spin off a new diagnosis. I feel a level of sympathy for people who are reluctant to use that label because a lot of normies don't know what it is, and the full name "eating disorder not otherwise specified" is vague and sounds nonserious. The reality is that a key part of anorexia is having a very low body weight but still insisting on restricting, so people who are normal weight or overweight who struggle with ED behaviors and thoughts deserve a name for what they're going through that will be understood and taken seriously.
Also perhaps fewer people would want to larp ana if there was more widespread understanding of orthorexia. But I guess the whole issue boils down to the fact that anorexia is one of the few mental illnesses that's taken very seriously by almost all normies and cows want to take advantage of that.
No. 1191589
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>>1190901Grace is lying she is bigger then ever and this is from 2018
No. 1191644
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Face palm
No. 1191675
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>>1190901congrats grace, you finally did a minimum of research on eating disorders and mentioned a typical buzzword, proud of ya
ok, i am not an expert on ed recovery cause idrc that much about the spoops, but i have seen a few documentaries on inpatient ED treatments. if she's in the ward for an ED (and like she claims a restrictive one), should she be allowed to have a room with a bathroom?
like in the documentaries they weren't allowed to close the door in case they threw their food or purged and stuff, if she was in there awaiting diagnosis at least they would've taken those measures?
No. 1191679
>>1191675Nah she's in a general psych. I've been in general psychs where I've been able to get the canteen server to plate me up what I ask for, can go straight off to the toilet after and noone even bats an eyelid.
Sage for blog post but relevant.
No. 1191712
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In her video she, very out of breath, talks about just wanting to go home and having been pacing around her room from nervous energy. Her recent insta post explains this
No. 1191713
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The face of an anorexic when presented with food…
No. 1191714
>>1191713so fucking ugly i cant
no anorexic has EVER looked like this when eating, even look at fucking dora and ro's videos and they look tense and uncomfortable when and after eating, they don't look mid-orgasm. anorexics just dont do this!!! fucking sperg
No. 1191721
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Thought this was ham on first discovery.
Not anywhere near as milky but has potential
No. 1191723
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Her partner is clearly sick of her attention seeking tik toks lol
No. 1191724
>>1191722My thoughts exactly.
Has claimed she cant eat or drink water (or air) due to medical reasons, has anorexia, bpd, however also posts cooking/food videos, seems to larp past anorexia diagnosis but looks healthy in all old content. Will update if I find more. As I said, potential. Sick of dry milk so will keep an eye out
No. 1191727
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>>1191713this is fug. no shame.
No. 1191825
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Sophiewestling obviously has to cut her legs of to not post body checks on Instagram
No. 1191848
>>1191843Those chipmunk cheeks say something else.
Also, sage your shit.
No. 1191867
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and here…
self post
No. 1191883
File: 1616602921035.png (907.64 KB, 1010x701, dirty bitch.png)

I think the greaseball ate blood pudding and filmed it. That video's going on and the world will heave and know what a disgusting mare she is.
No. 1191907
>>1191877Not UK, Norway or Sweden iirc. Still shouldn’t be in any health profession she’s been a pro ana scum bag for years.
>>1191491Some of us find her milky, if you don’t just keep scrolling. Plenty of cows only appeal to some people, no one gets to tailor the thread to only what they themselves want. I think Ham and Ovi are boring af but I’m not going to shit up the thread whining about it every time they’re posted.
No. 1191921
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>>1191918It's just a really fucking disgusting thing to eat. She'll be eating Balut on video soon.
No. 1191948
>>1191800I mean, probably yes to your last sentence? Lol. Although depending on what type of unit she’s in it’s not always possible to separate those with EDs (unless/until they’re moved to a specialist unit). Either way resources like dieticians can be scarce and depending on shifts generally they’re not gonna want to spare a staff member to sit with so-and-so for meal support when they’ve got, say, psychotic or manic patients to deal with. Wherever she is, she’s 100% delusional in assuming her “ED” is gonna be a priority. sry2sperg.
>>1191922Nothing wrong with a fry up, anon. Not all of them are the swimming in oil type Ham probably scoffs!
No. 1191959
File: 1616608405436.jpg (12.01 KB, 225x225, Hams fry up.jpg)

>>1191948Oh, I'm not knocking a fry up per se. If your digestion's all chipper early in the morning there's nothing wrong with a cooked breakfast BUT we're talking Ham's family. It probably all swimming in a pan full of chip fat (lard). No little ramikin of baked beans like at a B&B, a large tin of generics on a toast not even cut in half. I'm thinking transport cafe. A real greasy spoon.
As for Gracie, with her being a bit slow, I get the impression her BPD or w/e other mental issues she has is what she's hospitalised for, but they humour her and pretend they're treating her…anorexia.
No. 1191963
>>1191954Tinfoil but I get the impression they’ve put her on a food fluid chart and she’s just running with all this ~they’re monitoring my intake~ shit, not realising in reality they have to document it for /anyone/ eating too little/too much, ED reasons or otherwise.
Is the Melbourne one public or a joke like New Farm?
No. 1191972
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>>1191959Oh yeah, I’m under no illusion what constitutes a fry up in Ham’s household. Proper truck stop shit. If we’re right and that’s indeed what our brave little warrior ~challenged~ this morning I’m quite looking forward to it
No. 1191991
>>1191972Ham: There's no reason to be afraid of this. It's just blood…animal blood…mixed with chunks of animal fat, stuffed into skin
Hammum: Yes! It's no different really from a Linda McCartney Vegetarian sausage, but it's got meat in it and it's full of protein WHICH YOU NEED!
No. 1192020
File: 1616612153444.png (27.2 KB, 345x156, Screenshot 2021-03-24 at 18.53…)

i swear molly made lunch for herself before in one of her vlogs. i don't get why recovery accounts are so obsessed with the idea of doing/trying something for the first time.
No. 1192027
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>>1192014From a past thread. She can't fool anyone while we're here.
No. 1192034
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>>1192025seems like molly's acting hasn't improved
No. 1192036
>>1192034~overthinking~ tomatoes.
No. 1192040
>>1192037The novelty of muddy boots, dog walks and mindful reading with mummy in the afternoon must've worn off.
If she's recovered to the point where she's filled out, can eat 10 different kinds of cereal in one sitting and blah blah, then she's doing this only for attention. Otherwise she'd do something else for the camera and just get on with eating and not keep banging on about it.
Saying that, Ham IS the worse. Molly's ignorant in that she doesn't know much about the world and it makes her seem stuck up, but Ham's common and ignorant as in doesn't gaf what she's doing.
No. 1192043
File: 1616613068909.png (438.11 KB, 366x654, Screenshot 2021-03-24 at 19.10…)

why is she pulling this face lmao
No. 1192055
File: 1616613616366.jpg (166.96 KB, 1200x720, hammum.jpg)

Mollmum on meeting Hammum
No. 1192074
>>1192051>>1192054better yet, a lolcow come dine with me
imagine mollmums reaction to getting served reduced aldi pizza and oven chips
No. 1192094
File: 1616615290800.png (4.66 MB, 750x1334, 7004F224-AD67-4DFC-8DB5-7F1698…)

Can't make a story w/o showing off those chest bones
No. 1192103
>>1192094@ wateremelons
>>1191245 I think. Not to WK I know milk is dry but does she belong here?
No. 1192122
File: 1616617101853.png (1.54 MB, 1584x972, fud.png)

>>1192097Why is she IP? Surely that bed would be better off occupied by a poor sickly child who at the start of recovery "hadn't eaten crisps" IN 3 WHOLE YEARS? smh the NHS sucks
No. 1192128
>>1192125Nope, was replying to
>>1192097. Read.
No. 1192134
>>1192130I wasn't into that whole thing either. Why did people suddenly become fans? I get it with Elzani, we thought she was bullshitting about eating but she proved us wrong so yay for Elzani. Molly's made a BIG DEAL about having a touch of the food fears for a month, making a career out of it, goes off to read books and suddenly she's amazing?? Her entire family is UNBEARABLE. Especially that brother/sister whatever it is.
>>1192127Childhood foods to them are things they ate less than 10 years ago in most cases. Like they're some kind of retro Spangles thing.
No. 1192137
File: 1616617768891.jpeg (530.66 KB, 1420x1800, D763A8E4-A6E0-4A8C-8F71-FA1D2A…)

I find it very hard to believe her claims she is just showing her outfits and it has nooothing to do w showing off her body
No. 1192155
File: 1616619270705.jpeg (835.44 KB, 828x1187, D1D6058A-0A48-4EB9-8F3B-9E27F1…)

am i tripping or did she eat pancakes on pancake day too? i didnt just imagine that did i?
No. 1192156
File: 1616619318231.png (1.03 MB, 755x749, recovery win.png)

she made pancakes (served with off brand spreads)
No. 1192163
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>>1192155looked through her highlights and shes eaten those cheapskate packaged pancakes loads of times but i swear i saw homemade ones on her story on pancake day…
No. 1192184
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No. 1192219
File: 1616622647071.jpeg (241.97 KB, 828x1126, FA20FC1F-3462-4A75-A711-62139D…)

Han said pancake post “never cooked for myself before” clearly forgot her own “omgggg I cooked for myself!!” post.
Seriously someone throw this shit human into a psych ward for disgusting hypochondria and fantasy delusions, as if she has ever been truly hungry
No. 1192324
File: 1616632890593.jpg (72.07 KB, 595x523, hannahslimesthis.jpg)

It's the face!
No. 1192369
File: 1616636620843.jpg (167.16 KB, 720x1560, 20210324_214038.jpg)

Get you a man that looks at you the way Ham looks at her vErY sCaRy pancakes
No. 1192437
>>1192181they're Scotch pancakes>>1191948in my psych experience ppl with EDs not severe for specialist unit were shipped out to outpatients at the EDU while psych dealt with the rest of the mess
No. 1192464
File: 1616647387092.png (571.53 KB, 720x978, Screenshot_20210325-044011~2.p…)

>>1192414Paris is IMG 24/7. Body checks in her mirror, muffin Monday, restriction Tuesday, cats and wanting to die.
No. 1192528
>>1192156What the fuck is this shit?
Nutella, Biscoff, Lemon and sugar? Very nutritious. No anorexic would be happy eating that crap. No wonder she looks so greasy, her poor gut.
No. 1192532
File: 1616661671382.jpg (349.42 KB, 2880x2880, 20210325_121134.jpg)

Shit porgie has gained a lot of weight
No. 1192533
>>1192528You underestimate the power of anorexics who live on pure junk.
What's really irritating though is Hannah calling everything a fear food. If it only makes you go "hmm, maybe I shouldn't eat this, I'll have to pretend to feel guilty to feel like I'm still starving- so I'm definitely not fat" it's not a fear food, it's a guilty pleasure at most. However, she doesn't even display guilt.
No. 1192540
>>1192517She's clearly body checking but that's not milk in itself
>>1192538Not in the amounts ham devours
No. 1192541
>>1192532damn you motherfucker, NSFW/spoiler that shit next time pls!
gotta love the fact that she discharged herself the day before her bday! bitch couldnt wait to binge out on alcohol and burgers
No. 1192544
File: 1616663134125.jpg (Spoiler Image,400.55 KB, 719x1117, Screenshot_20210325-090351_Ins…)

Spoiler for numbers in pic.
But is Twin Maria really praising Nikki Grahames rediculously low weight?!
No. 1192562
>>1192561I think it's an optical illusion because big toe nails are so much larger than other toe nails - so the same amount of growth is a way bigger percentage of the other toe nails, if that makes sense.
There's no way that's not black nail polish.
No. 1192565
File: 1616665309711.png (268.38 KB, 717x660, Screenshot_20210325-094132~2.p…)

>>1192561Looks like she reapplied to only the big toes. Maybe didn't have the energy to do the rest.
No. 1192571
>>1192547Terrible circulation and blood pooling, yes.
Bunions, no. Those are caused by tight footwear, high heels or just bad luck.
No. 1192579
>>1192544Her feet are horrific.
>>1192550It isn't?! Jesus!
No. 1192598
File: 1616671971705.jpg (15.72 KB, 346x270, Capture.JPG)

You can see where she's painted over the cuticle. End of debate.
No. 1192661
File: 1616677824459.png (1.68 MB, 750x1334, 29AE9586-C693-475E-B471-DD8060…)

This user herself isn’t milky but what is with this trend of eating other people’s fear foods. What is with the jump from ‘I want to eat my fear foods so tell me yours’. Why can’t people just concentrate on their own recovery??
No. 1192669
File: 1616678268963.jpg (442.58 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20210325-131347_Sam…)

It says in this article her previous relapse was due to having bunions removed and being unable to exercise so she cut her food intake drastically.
1. The nails definitely have nail polish on, lol wtf anon
2. Her feet have 0 fat or muscle
3. Bunions or previous bunions may be contributing to the shape of her feet.
No. 1192670
>>1192607I noticed that.
She follows herself on her main ig, maybe now there's publicity around it she was worried it would be found. I have all the pics since day dot though haha
No. 1192679
>>1192669Imagine relapsing because of bunions.
No. 1192698
File: 1616680512752.jpg (Spoiler Image,318.15 KB, 720x1115, Screenshot_20210320-155438_Pho…)

No. 1192699
File: 1616680588066.jpg (Spoiler Image,358.55 KB, 720x1143, Screenshot_20210320-155131_Pho…)

No. 1192702
File: 1616680858829.jpg (Spoiler Image,342.07 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20210325-140105_Pho…)

No. 1192711
>>1192533I think you pointed it out in the first sentence. A lot of Ana’s live on sugar or have a lot of unhealthy foods when they do eat but that would mean they arnt really fear foods ya know? They might be binge
triggers but that’s different and she should address them differently if so. There’s no shame in binging and be afraid of certain food because they have caused binges many times before. Just be honest ham
No. 1192800
File: 1616688112726.jpeg (346.49 KB, 750x1129, 64A4064E-3A04-4555-B2E7-309E82…)

Anyone know this girl?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1192814
>>1192776 It's on the kindle store. I tried for ages to find it for free, but I failed. The two books are actually the same book just one has a lil update at the end.
I highly recommend the book, she really was an awful patient and nowhere could handle her because of it esp as this mostly happened during the 90s.
No. 1192971
File: 1616697945662.jpeg (419.17 KB, 1125x1997, 7EC26F12-B56B-4C40-8CD4-3681EB…)

>>1191174Well Thank the lord she’s just plain old anorexic now.
No. 1192978
>>1192973I like Nikki but she definitely always liked attention. Pre BB, she posed for softcore porn, 5hen went on a reality show, then opted to take up the opportunity for TV work. Wanting to show off her body is no different. Being well known possibly made her have to scale down the skele pics.
Still sad to hear she's bad again. Last I read, not long ago, she moved to France and said it changed
her relationship with food for the better. Makes me wonder why she's been alone all lockdown to get in such a bad state.
No. 1192984
File: 1616699131928.jpg (317.11 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210325-130421_Ins…)

Aly passed away???
No. 1192990
File: 1616700080636.png (8.07 MB, 1242x2208, 428E9941-E42E-44E2-96D5-2D907D…)

in case you wanted to see sth funny today.. she looks like a dancing dork
No. 1192995
File: 1616700470414.jpg (14.21 KB, 344x154, SEVEN FOUSAND.JPG)

>>1192989"Severe" isn't a diagnosis as such though, is it. Idk what she thinks constitutes as severe. Maybe someone like that watermelons and when the Russian girl was getting spoopy. It's like when people say they have "severe" depression for effect when it'd really be called Major Depressive Disorder. ?
Ham used to do a challenge and make a big deal of hitting a fousand milestone. She ignored 6k, and she really quickly got to 7k in less that two weeks (so popular! so proud!) but now she doesn't acknowledge it…funny, that.
No. 1193051
>>1192971OMG .. why would you post that on your fucking story. Everyone knows that people with anorexia don't like to be seen as less sick, so I reckon the only reason she posted that was to show off that she'd been deemed 'severe' (utter bullshit) and then had to claim that it's not a weight based change so we all know her weight is still "severe" and she is still "super skinnnyy" (utter bullshit x2). Ugh Anna you really outdid yourself that time, fucking
No. 1193064
File: 1616704259895.jpeg (575.02 KB, 1242x1702, D94560A1-388B-4545-ADC5-DEC3AF…)

here’s my yummy breakfast! mashed cereal with spit and semen,super yum and low in cals
No. 1193088
>>1193043At the end of this delightful evening, as our troupe of rEcOvErY wArRiOrS exit the Hog House, they catch a glimpse of something brightly coloured nestled in the front bushes.
Whatever could it be?!
Why, 'tis a collection of N2F's discarded sauce bottles, casually tossed out of the window throughout the course of the evening!
No. 1193096
File: 1616706425102.jpg (86.42 KB, 770x625, spit.JPG)

>>1193094It looks even tastier here
No. 1193135
>>1193086Like another anon said, social media kinda distorts this because the people who stand out are the people with extremely low BMIs.
It also has to do with the actual use of this categorization, which is to decide level of care (partial hospitalization vs residential vs inpatient vs medical hospitalization, etc) and most people who are <15 are going to get sent to either inpatient or a medical hospital regardless of how far under they are. So no real point for professionals to have more gradations. After all, they're using it for actual treatment purposes and not for anachan dick measuring.
No. 1193138
File: 1616708450525.png (1.47 MB, 830x726, p.png)

Pre Covid.
I notice that during lockdown she's not beaten her face up like in pre covid ones earlier than these ones,
No. 1193161
>>1193043top kek, anon! i usually skip over the walls of text as this is an img board, but im SO gllad i made this exeption!!
the lines about n2f disappearances (to puke), and the short jab at Ganer were my highlights!
10/10, would read again.
No. 1193191
>>1193043Anon. You are a legend. I was waiting for this in hope you would follow through with your claims. This was read aloud to my parter and much laughs were had.
Thanks anon.
No. 1193217
>>1193195Hah, I literally just did the same thing today. Definitely very strange. The way she talked about her family at times rubbed me the wrong way.
Still, I can only imagine how dealing with an illness for that long would completely alter your identity for life. Ultimately just feel very sorry for her.
No. 1193230
>>1193226She doesn't look as crazy as many other examples we have seen here, any word about her death not being ED related ?
*Sage for no adding anything to the thread
No. 1193233
File: 1616716291382.jpeg (110.14 KB, 1080x2012, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-ima…)

Why has nobody ever addressed this cow? Another one from QLD, was constantly in Hospital for her soopa severe Anorexia. UNTIL she got a diagnosis of Gastroparesis and got a permanent tube and all of a sudden she's magically recovered from her Anorexia…. Obviously just wanted the tube and now that she has that permanently she's stopped the Anorexia facade
No. 1193235
File: 1616716329542.jpeg (203.73 KB, 1080x2035, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-ima…)

And this is her Instagram
No. 1193248
>>1193235Just another BPD attention whore who realized it was easier to munch gastroparesis and ‘chronic pain’ than larp
an ed. Self-perpetuating too, claim vague chronic pain, get pain killers, induce slow GI transit with said painkillers, get a permanent toob and endless asspats. Why do you think so many ed larpers go munchie, especially the chubby ones? New Farm does seem to produce them at an above average rate tho
No. 1193317
File: 1616723849048.jpeg (450.73 KB, 1125x1388, C9A9C2EA-CD90-43C5-AE51-4E6D9D…)

Think I found hams old Twitter account from pre-recovery oops
No. 1193324
>>1193285>>1193295oh no dont start having sympathy for the dead girl now. a week ago you guys would be right with everyone else calling her retarded for being a drug addicted spoop. but its different now because being dead absolves her of living like an asshole.
this happens every time flake dies without fail
No. 1193389
>>1192745I'm guessing she's reached some near-Ash-level of stasis where her body is doing the best it can with what she gives it.
She was inpatient not so long ago on the NHS but they have limited resources especially for SEED patients and I guess once she was stable enough they released her and she knew exactly what to say to make them believe she was going to keep up with her recovery. Once she's home, doesn't followup with the aftercare, dietician etc. She's been anorexic for the majority of her life, she's never known anything else and while she's scared of it killing her and wants a life, she's also scared of losing the one thing that's always been a constant for her.
No. 1193391
>>1192776Like many celebs who release autobiographies she may have had a ghostwriter who interviews her and puts it all together in a comprehensive and readable way. I can't find exact details though on who this might have been.
(Not knocking her btw, writing a book is not easy.)
No. 1193394
File: 1616728978407.jpg (135.35 KB, 1125x1887, 164962155_1531527050376130_171…)

>>1193382it's not lolcow's fault she abused drugs, get off the internet
No. 1193463
File: 1616738443352.jpeg (50.45 KB, 1125x233, 519FECA1-E114-44BD-AA87-332276…)

>>1192984if she died night before last why does instagram say she was active yesterday
No. 1193467
File: 1616739036125.jpeg (52.35 KB, 1125x214, FD48AA69-ACB0-4026-9B44-A35C8C…)

>>1193463did someone just now change her account settings to not show activity? sage for tinfoiling but this entire thing is so shady.
No. 1193487
>>1193467ok i’m retarded, nobody changed her settings (instagram doesn’t show activity past 24 hours and it just passed midnight between these screenshots). but someone is using her account and deleted that discord link.
>>1193484obituaries usually take a few days to go up, but yeah, i’ll believe it when i see it
No. 1193493
File: 1616741869817.jpg (274.78 KB, 1600x720, Screenshot_20210326-065513_You…)

Breaking the drama with a Ro shot, she untenses her arm for a split second and this whole scene you can see her looking and awkwardly tensing to look more spoopy. So cringe.
No. 1193522
File: 1616744364403.png (731.18 KB, 720x720, Cupace20210326073851.png)

Happy Friday
No. 1193528
File: 1616744834025.jpg (343.56 KB, 1080x1903, 20210326_174520.jpg)

Because them alcohol calories don't count, do they Porgie??
No. 1193531
File: 1616744882528.png (533.28 KB, 720x511, Cupace20210326074629.png)

Come dine with me still from anon's episode 1
>>1193043 No. 1193592
File: 1616753580904.jpg (430.46 KB, 1075x1910, 20210326_101156.jpg)

Holy shit. I never thought it was possible for a 19 year old to look like that. Ham needs to see shit like this and realise what an absolute cunt she is being
No. 1193619
>>1193600yh shes 15
what does atypical even mean
No. 1193752
File: 1616769969546.jpeg (480.74 KB, 750x1024, 27546524-2BE4-40BC-9AC5-68384F…)

>>1193229Also Nikki in March, shared by BB Pete.
No. 1193813
File: 1616772236070.jpeg (552.38 KB, 828x823, 11E975D4-C060-460F-BE95-9B1F9B…)

One of the most disgusting obnoxious people out there. Her personality is literally her “eating disorder” and there’s nothing else. She’s damaging young children including her own sister
No. 1193821
>>1193803why is it someone (I wonder who) periodically comes to these threads to say "you guys haha do lifeofhxn next!"
So desperate for attention
No. 1193822
not your personal army
No. 1193843
File: 1616773620242.jpg (420.44 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20210326-154630_Tik…)

I'd pay her good money to see Gracie pack a punch.
No. 1193854
File: 1616774353663.jpg (557.79 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210326-155512_Ins…)

Hard to tell from a screen shot but did anybody see how wasted Sam is in his recent story about Aly? Absolutely off his nut on some kind of downer. Fucking ridiculous given that his best friend died from a very likely OD 3 days ago.
No. 1193867
File: 1616774959620.jpeg (974.46 KB, 1125x2168, 2F98D023-B972-4969-A8D3-D407BE…)

>>1193854Definitely on something while posting about how it should be a wake up call. And it almost seemed like he was slightly smiling talking about how much Allegra would have loved the attention
No. 1193912
File: 1616779191718.jpeg (478.74 KB, 828x1006, 93C0CB3F-72FF-4A0E-8827-49D389…)

who is she trying to kid
No. 1193971
>>1193958>>1193964How is everyone seeing his stories? He's a random and he's private but anons are following him?
I don't care either way if Aly croaked or not. She's not a person who was discussed a lot here except by one or two anons. She's had more coverage right now than at any other time. Hadn't she been recovered for a long time? 18 months ago she looked fine. Her ASMR sucked, but oh well.
No. 1193990
>>1193843She's so caught up in being a mentally ill eating disorder
victim that for once when she posts about something else she can't even hashtag it. Just the usual "BPD" "mental health" tags.
No. 1193991
>>1193984I'm not sure. There are pictures and stuff of them together and they're FB friends. Maybe grew up together and he moved or maybe met through social media. Maybe this guy was friends with her flatmate and that's how he found out so soon. Fuck knows. All just guesses.
It is starting to look pretty sketchy but I just don't see it being fake. Surely they'd know people would find out
No. 1194027
>>1193984He's from WA, they've been best friends for ages. He frequently bought her things (I'm p sure he bought her a new phone for her bday)
She promoted his account when he made it, which is how lots of people started following to begin with, until this
No. 1194037
File: 1616789838613.jpeg (211.88 KB, 750x1190, D58B3A2B-67BC-42E9-BD2E-B785E3…)

Wow good job, you had vegetables and a few potato patties
No. 1194050
>>1194048Oh right, can't remember which one she was one presumed it was a spoop who pretends to be eat a lot.
>>1194049Still don't care. Go away.
No. 1194093
File: 1616793409382.jpeg (650.78 KB, 1800x1683, 7DC2AFC2-5D10-4445-8501-60FC06…)

>>1194083I second this. Portions like this didn't make her gain that amount of weight, she probably snacks a lot
No. 1194099
>>1194093So she is milky. Because she's lying about how much she eats. Posting ridiculously small meals like this only makes people feel bad and it must be
triggering for people. So that's pro-ana scumbag behaviour, no?
No. 1194120
File: 1616795789851.png (96.35 KB, 1127x530, n00dlez.png)

The ~sensitive~ anas who're too interested what other people eat freak out over her portions.
It's up to her what she does, but she's either relapsing or posts these for concerned comments or some other reason. Maybe she stuffs biscuits down her throat all day and hates veg like Ham. Idk. She knows this is a small portion and she's faking being Oh gee, really? at comments where they say it's not enough.
No. 1194141
File: 1616797743525.png (5.05 MB, 1242x2688, 77694EE1-1E19-4D29-8A9C-A00CDA…)

I don’t know if Aly is dead but I know the only people donating to the gofundme are people from Instagram.
No. 1194159
>>1194141Do his eyes normally point in different directions?
Also not saying its a scam like other anons but I'd be extremely surprised if some of the gofuckme money isn't spent on his drug habit. Hope the lot is donated and proof posted. Shame it isn't done directly or I'd donate.
No. 1194181
>>1194174read the rules and lurk before posting or get the fuck off this thread
and for gods sake SAGE
No. 1194204
>>1194121Hardly can be "bone rattling" when she's not even spoopy anymore, kek. Her face is objectively chubby, but maybe that's just what her face is like at a healthy weight. She deliberately
triggers people with those pics of her "meals". Either that's not all she eats and she should be honest about that and show what she actually eats, or she's relapsing, but even if she is, no need to broadcast that to the world. So she is a pro-ana scumbag imo.
No. 1194234
File: 1616808884737.jpg (369.11 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20210327-013305_Tik…)

God, Gracie is now on the "I bake for other people" anorexia trend. She's obviously never baked anything other than potatoes in her life
No. 1194241
>>1194230Honestly though. "I didn't find an obituary" like bro she died at
most a few days ago, how sheltered are you
No. 1194247
File: 1616811029049.png (77.62 KB, 2254x1148, sod off haters!.png)

Hannah privated her Youtube video
No. 1194332
File: 1616819746750.jpg (99.85 KB, 536x787, noodles.jpg)

>>1194121>>1194204>>1194204I don't think anyone is bone rattling if they call this chubby.. like - she's average sure - but this isn't lean by any means. Sorry.
>>1194348She didn't bother nurturing her personal ig or tiktok. YouTube was probably too much of a hassle. Not enough subscribers? That, or her mum told her to delete it.
She needs to put more energy into recovery (…) instead of playing sm. She still has a long way to go.
No. 1194512
File: 1616847949228.jpg (518.5 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210327-122403_Ins…)

Chii on her story making sure everyone knows she's still a spoop despite being sooooo totally recovered. She just can't give it up
No. 1194529
>>1194473>>1194482I mean, isn't the point of them bringing it up that if she is faking it's the milkiest thing that's happened for a hot minute kek
I don't think it's ot
No. 1194565
>>1194544>>1194563chii used to flaunt her recovery all over the internet for asspats before it was a widely done thing then proceeded to milk it for ages before i guess quieting down because she relapsed p hard. not exactly entertaining but she was annoying for awhile there. now i guess shes just struggling with hairloss and finding a place to rent
No. 1194576
File: 1616853927990.png (2.31 MB, 828x1792, A5DA4931-C271-4144-A642-D765DB…)

>>1194566monumentally she has more than one dress!! and tbh this wasn’t very body checking
No. 1194583
>>1194363Her body isn't sure, but her face definitely is, and again, you can't "bone rattle" when she isn't even spoopy anymore, unless I'm misunderstanding what bone rattling means. It's not trying to make her relapse by pointing out that her face is chubby when she's a healthy weight; that's just an honest observation. She should be honest about her food intake instead of lying. If anything, her lies could
trigger relapses.
No. 1194637
>>1194589I'm not an anachan. I'm just pointing out that her face is chubby. I'm glad she's not spoopy anymore, I'm just saying it must be difficult to recover when that's what your face looks like at a healthy weight. It's unfortunate. Also her behaviour is scummy.
>>1194595You can be a normal weight but have a chubby face, anon. I'm not sure what's difficult to understand.
>>1194576kek, it really is. She's stretching out that arm and trying to look as skinny as possible. It's kind of a known body check pose?
Why does she wear such babyish clothing? This would be a nice dress if all her other clothing didn't look similar - these very "teen girl" necklines and brandy melville patterns. I mean, it's a feature of her style to look like she shops in the kids' section I guess.
No. 1194971
>>1194944>>1194949>>1194947id say she could even be a big size 6, depending on the brand, does anyone know how tall she is? she just looks like a short person with a small frame.
the blatant bodycheck pose though kek
No. 1194994
File: 1616879909036.png (1.91 MB, 1774x1460, 82397222-38A4-42B5-913B-09A518…)

>>1194944>>1194947>>1194949>>1194971can you all stop bone rattling. she looks nowhere near a size uk 10, picrel, not anna etc etc
No. 1195009
>>1194994Obvious vanity sizing here. That woman's more than an 8. I worked in retail long enough to gauge what clothes sizes are. The 10 and 12 look basically like the size 8 woman, but a different shape.
tl;dr Can we stfu about Anna's dress size? She looks like 50% of uni students.
No. 1195053
>>1195043ffs, everyone here has been sperging out each time a newfag doesnt sage, and giving very detailed instructions on how to sage, yet cunts like you are now on your high horse acting like youre such an O.G because you knew how to sage 'before it was cool'.
…fuck outta here. this is the reason this thread is derailing. bring the milk or STFU!
No. 1195095
I don't know any normal thin people with arms like that.
That doesn't mean I think Anna needs a tube up her nose stat. But in this pic, in this pose, she looks unnaturally thin and like she's flaunting the fuck out of it.
No. 1195169
File: 1616888367946.png (633.98 KB, 720x480, Cupace20210327233649.png)

Meanwhile amidst all the fighting, Gracie, Ham and N2F are facing fearfoods together. This week in #togethetwecan they tackled tomatoes.
Elzani and Molly were spotted in the crowd cheering on their team mates facing their fears head on. Tomatoes however have previously been beaten by the fighting duo. #strengthinnumbers(fan art)
No. 1195216
>>1195169Lol, Molly's face.
I miss watching the little snowflakes. As annoying as 5hey are, I miss watching them in action…Elzani, Molly, Ham even at their dramatic best. Tiktok doesn't cut it. I hope we find a new one on YouTube. Soon. Too much infighting is lack of milk, lockdown fatigue and nostalgia for more active thread times.
No. 1195300
File: 1616898555547.png (4.4 MB, 828x1792, 83939BA5-F494-4102-B24C-4D643C…)

sarahfinallysmiling is doing the usual ‘i’m so recovered’ act complete with “ootd” spoopy leg showoffs and these nightmare purger cheeks
No. 1195441
File: 1616918975191.jpg (443.44 KB, 1080x1498, 20210328_090712.jpg)

I would actually love to know how much measurable damage has been done to the twins brains. Looking at the stuff Katy in particular posts, it must be a lot. They boggle my mind.
No. 1195532
>>1194332“Average” does not equal chubby you fucking bone rattler. You’ve made it so obvious you’re an ana-chan who’s got a vendetta against this cow because I swear you’re the only one calling this girl chubby when she looks normal. She’s skinnier than a lot of the cows here tbh.
We get it, you want everyone to know how skinny you are and that average equals chubby to you, but I don’t think any of us are tolerating that pro ana bone rattling here. Fuck back off to myproana.
No. 1195608
File: 1616938962580.png (4.1 MB, 828x1792, BE4FCB32-2A26-484A-AAEA-8A4172…)

Again May trying to get some meds to „treat her symptoms“ but we all know she‘s addicted, god she‘s so pathetic
No. 1195802
File: 1616952752355.png (408.71 KB, 581x586, spooptramp.png)

Say what you will, but it fits.
Way to go, Ganer!
No. 1195809
File: 1616953310611.png (3.67 MB, 750x1334, AF494645-1AC0-42B4-B945-7900CD…)

May is still claiming she gained a noticeable amount of weight eating 400 calories a day
No. 1195820
>>1195816Just by comparing her to a regular sized door, she's around 5'3 (160 cm)…
Not a exactly a dwarf, but she f**ked up her proportions with all that musclemania.
No. 1195897
>>1195441Maria went through a phase of buying the baby/toddler food in pouches.
I don't get why she eats this. For 5he same calories she could find something decent-ISH. I imagine weaning food is tasteless mush? I get "safe foods" but this seems more like it's for effect and to make Maria feel bad for eating "adult" food now. Idk 8f she eats solids (only follow M), does she have digestion issues or is she really eating this by choice?
No. 1195939
>>1195703Anon above is correct. Farmers do not have a
victim complex so do not consider being told to get fucked or w/e an attack. There are no bullies here, only occasional pissy posts and straight talking.
No. 1195948
File: 1616966997465.png (164.11 KB, 709x1018, Screenshot_20210328-222809~2.p…)

I looked at who Maria was following because I noticed every.single.spoop is followed by her, so looking for milk. Anyhow, noticed Mary got her account back.
No. 1195954
>>1195948maria defo lurks here.
and is any of this sperg from mary true?
No. 1196017
>>1195553She’s being tubed as we speak. In that hospital bed with her name on it.
>>1195957They’re both hopelessly fucked but I’ve always got the impression Katy’s the more
toxic one (sick as she may be) it’s sad.
No. 1196060
File: 1616975930679.jpg (599.14 KB, 2880x2880, 20210329_125011.jpg)

So we now know why porgie conveniently got 'discharged' this week .. she had a holiday planned! Suddenly not suicidal enough to miss out on that. And then.. she goes and does the exact thing that defeats the purpose of restrictions and causes covid spread - evade a lockdown by leaving the city before it starts. Selfish brat.
No. 1196081
>>1196060She thinks restrictions are harsh in Australia? Hahahaha. Can't even go to non essential shops for two weeks.
Georgia, being obese, you're fortune you didn't contract covid. Be thankful for that. Waiting a while for a holiday isn't as traumatic as living with never ending lockdowns and worrying about elderly relatives like your dad for example. Selfish prick.
No. 1196104
File: 1616980752478.png (766.13 KB, 828x1792, 55116188-27DE-445C-A1B4-4B59F1…)

>>1196085Apparently a common thought from her enemies
No. 1196109
>>1196025Is k back in hospital again?
>>1195897I guess it is the not wanting to grow up
No. 1196114
>>1191800Yes, exactly.
>>1192020That's how all these kids have SEED diagnoses, tru ana since birth.
No. 1196250
File: 1616999609764.png (886.59 KB, 1125x2436, E02D2436-EF75-40A9-A14E-9C24C2…)

press x to doubt
No. 1196301
File: 1617004656431.jpg (367.93 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210329-085630_Ins…)

I thought anons were being ridiculous disbelieving Aly's death but this is fucking weird
No. 1196369
File: 1617010311492.jpeg (486.13 KB, 1792x1388, E8AB79F1-D0EC-447C-9911-0A5949…)

>>1195956Come on this isn't water weight
No. 1196371
File: 1617010546442.jpg (348.19 KB, 1080x2091, 20210329_193442.jpg)

Even Georgia's FEET are stumpy and FAT! Disgusting pig
No. 1196398
File: 1617014773689.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1125x2079, CC73FADB-3D66-443B-85CA-29916A…)

>>1194286I don’t think he does though. He literally posted this pipe/bubbler whatever on his story after her “death” and he’s posting beer/cider from Seattle. I HIGHLY doubt he got Seattle craft beer in New York.
No. 1196449
File: 1617018088441.png (4.07 MB, 828x1792, F746D2A6-B9D4-486B-89BA-104D4B…)

not sure what counts as milk anymore with the state of this thread but this is a pro ana scumbag if i ever saw one.
No. 1196450
File: 1617018149218.png (2.84 MB, 828x1792, BE9846C3-FBE1-4143-9D34-451DAC…)

>>1196449yes this is the message to send your followers - this is what recovery looks like kids!
No. 1196673
File: 1617036343166.jpeg (872.03 KB, 828x1560, C6E111D7-C782-4513-B88D-D5DBB3…)

bored with ana GI update : it’s not crohns, it’s probably gluten or something…. not that anyone cares.
No. 1196689
>>1196449>>1196450>>1196451>>1196488this girls been called out a lot on tiktok for blatant bodychecking, i cant remember when exactly but shes had loads of different usernames.
i follow her personal ig and she posts a lot of her "recovery" meals on her highlights, aka vegan orthorexic as fuck meals. her ed twt is @skinboneangel (inactive as of dec 2020) but she posts/rts pro stuff and posts HELLA bodychecks. ive thought she was milky for ages but never brought it up.
No. 1196718
>>1196704ok "anonymUs"
first of all, type sage in the fucking email field. it really isnt that hard.
second, who are you referring to here? we're not denying that the people mentioned here are sick (some more than others) but this thread is to call out PRO ANA SCUMBAGS, its literally in the title.
and before you sperg, this is not cyberbullying, its free speech. these people put themselves and their illnesses out onto the internet and make it public. if we want to talk shit about them then whats stopping us? you coming onto the thread WKing isnt gonna do shit. get lost.
No. 1196719
File: 1617038359397.png (181.22 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210329-131621.png)

I feel like this is a super weird thing to do. Offering up the parents' address to dozens or hundreds of people who all wallow in and enable the disorder their daughter potentially died from seems…stupid and tone deaf
No. 1196722
File: 1617038727233.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1125x1223, CD7A0DF0-E80E-4065-A805-4CD393…)

okay so we’re all a bit tired of n2f but LOOK AT THE VEG??? IT’S STRAIGHT UP STILL FROZEN.
No. 1196727
>>1196722She's waited all winter for clocks to go forward. She can hold her food out of the window for shoots now!
>>1196611It's surprising there's never been a Real People documentary made about them.
No. 1196787
>>1196722I think it's seasoning
Guys, I miss Ham
No. 1196922
File: 1617050203534.jpeg (375.5 KB, 1242x2208, EF5EEAB6-FBB2-41B4-A5C2-5879C5…)

does she still believe this is water weight
No. 1196931
File: 1617050541371.jpeg (216.38 KB, 1242x572, 38D8C76C-D209-4F74-A7A7-9980CD…)

She also believes this is muscle.. like since she started yoga her muscles got so big because of exercise. Straight science here
No. 1197007
File: 1617055350050.png (1.4 MB, 843x1485, ntf2932021..PNG)

ntf looking thicc!
guess this just further cements the fact that she excersize-purges in her room. still looking wire-y and lean as fuck tho. clearly still purging any (all) food that contains sugar and fats.
No. 1197057
>>1197040pls do this!!
>>1196418it would be the most inconspicous way of outing her
No. 1197072
>>1197055Sudden and unexpected death is enough of a reason for an autopsy and family can pay to have an autopsy performed.
Pretty sure official autopsy results take longer than this, so if she’s actually dead these are still just preliminary results. I wasn’t suspicious until the friend said “natural causes” because the results of a tox screen can take weeks. He’s also not next of kin and would have to be getting this information from her parents.
No. 1197128
File: 1617067021006.jpeg (752.4 KB, 828x1687, CCBC6CFE-C32B-4B29-B04D-551564…)

Proof enough for you?
No. 1197173
File: 1617071909929.jpeg (262.2 KB, 828x1792, E72CCA5E-37DF-4E05-8F40-79B190…)

Had to do some major digging. But I found this. The mother of the boy in the pics is the one who posted this. Idk if I should blur his face…. let me know and I’ll repost
No. 1197174
File: 1617071984595.png (1.85 MB, 828x1792, 99745063-4ED1-487A-9CC2-64E3B3…)

No. 1197196
File: 1617075248003.jpg (365.04 KB, 1070x2061, 20210330_110403.jpg)

Wow Georgia, most definitely the diet of an "Anorexic"
No. 1197260
>>1197253Doubt it if she's scoffing food openly and not depressed so going on holiday. Maybe I've had Georgia burnout, but it's all rinse and repeat. We know she's going to be back at NF soon.
I hope it's back to normal here when anons are happy with the dead 9r alive Aly verdict. She's overtaken the thread right now and I'm missing the usual cows usually posted I do have access to.
Can we just say she's dead and get on with it. No one cares while she was visibly living, but now people are concerned? I'm waiting for May to pretend she's dead and start a gofuxkme for herself. She's so useless you KNOW it'd be hilarious Jamie.
No. 1197334
>>1197327It’s her ex boyfriends mom. If you go through her pfp she comments on a photo, that’s how I found her page. So they are friends. It’s public. Idk what more you want. Her ex’s name is Nick Murphy. There’s literally pictures of them together. Sorry you don’t like the truth!
>>1197328The memorial part of Facebook must be changed by someone. You’re assuming her parents care about that right now instead of planning a funeral. Grow the fuck up. Stop dragging a dead girl cause you hate her.
No. 1197336
>>1197334Firstly they aren’t actually friends on Facebook…like you go through her friend list, neither of the two are on there…also no one who actually knows her has commented on any of those posts or the change of profile picture. It’s all telling the women that they’re sorry for her loss, nothing about Aly…Sus…also there is no Nick on her friend list either. The only Murphy is someone called Kelly. No Nick no whatever her name is.
The fact no one has gone and out crying faces on her picture which everyone does now someone dies, the fact no one close to her has shared or done anything…it’s all sus. I call BS on the entire thing.
No. 1197345
File: 1617097584662.png (2.34 MB, 828x1792, 70864A3C-EC2D-4464-B328-F568FB…)

>>1197336It’s right fucking there. Also I’m not linking the ex’s profile because it’s against the rules. He’s using a different last name. It’s Nick Davis.
No. 1197370
>>1197364Firstly I was wrong sorry, I assumed all PP would have comments and that one couldn’t see them. Upon swiping I realise I have seen the ones with comments.
But I still don’t believe it haha, it is bs and sus. Other then Sam, and the mom of an ex, which by the way neither her and Nick are actually friends with Aly on Facebook…search her friend lists if you don’t believe me…have acknowledged the death. Other then a whole bunch of people who only knew her via her online platform and was told she was dead. By no one related to her.
Until I see concrete evidence to prove it, instead of concrete evidence to disprove it like I am now…I will continue to call out the BS
No. 1197380
>>1197378So no one cares that there’s two people scamming others out of money?
She is the ultimate cow? Faking her death?! Like wtf
No. 1197391
>>1197362You have to be 18 to post here.
>>1197385This especially shows how ignorant you are. Do you really think government officials are
fast at their jobs? It's only been a week, why would everything immediately be updated the instant she died? Shut up already. If we find out she's actually faking, then talk, but until then you're just being an asshole over nothing.
Sorry for dragging it out longer, other anons, luv u
No. 1197410
File: 1617105823386.png (1.69 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20210330-080253.png)

omg the neck splatter is just…
No. 1197642
File: 1617124960895.png (395.56 KB, 720x766, Screenshot_20210330-182150~2.p…)

It's that famous baboon pose, I see.
No. 1197665
File: 1617127846403.jpeg (133.77 KB, 828x382, 30C8A71F-7E66-4FB4-BC1B-91F0AF…)

Kek. I’m still here Ovi.
No. 1197749
>>1197649somebody shouldn’t have skipped arm day
this is the healthiest she’s looked yet, though
No. 1197766
>>1197749She's made progress. That's a decent body. However, progress with bodybuilding? How can she train so much but see no muscle? Oh, food. I forgot. Posting spoop pics as transformation is great for congrats. Yes, well done, Hannah. Holy shit, that took some guys, but it's a waste to invest in coaching, gym merch, videos, shoes, equipment, time spent training but wrong nutrition spoils it all, or at least slows it down.
She HAS done amazingly well. I hope something happens where she can do what's needed to get her where she really dreams of being.
No. 1197769
File: 1617136393510.jpeg (268.46 KB, 750x1299, 306FB6BF-33E9-45AB-B3DD-0B3356…)

I haven't seen this person before, but Sarahfinallysmiling shared her "giveaway". She offers recovery coaching and seems to have no education or experience aside from having had anorexia. 18 or 19 from what I've gathered. Not exactly milk but I can't believe people are paying for advice from an unqualified teenager
No. 1197770
File: 1617136435983.png (1.88 MB, 750x1334, 1F6F9037-B096-4173-B814-BB3F5C…)

No. 1197778
File: 1617137006459.jpeg (159.36 KB, 1242x1117, 0DF668E1-DF65-4058-AE62-17E10A…)

>>1197665She can’t even purge her followers right
No. 1197871
File: 1617141315963.png (893.93 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20210330-225235.png)

>>1197781I'm here to tell you it's okay to eat what you want, when you want. There is never enough food.
She's gone done a Molly MIA.
No. 1197910
>>1197864'she HAS done amazingly well'
No. 1197931
>>1197900>>1197907Theyre just typical bodybuilder poses. You see it a lot on fitspo insta. On people with muscles it emphasises their physique, but on gainer it just looks odd because she’s still so lean.
Good to see her actually gaining though.
No. 1198187
File: 1617175377073.jpg (428.91 KB, 1080x2102, 20210331_172208.jpg)

I first read "stinging" as "swinging" and pissed myself laughing thinking "there is NO WAY that ANY degree of wind can "swing" that fat bitch kek
No. 1198218
File: 1617177973490.jpeg (425.32 KB, 1536x1955, 95F71AD0-A460-4A03-8B91-706037…)

>>1197921I'd say moderate case of anorexia. In her "anorexia story" video she frames it like she was seconds from death though. Says she was rushed to hospital but managed to convince them to let her go home after a few days. And convinced them to not section her. If you're really close to death you don't convince your treatment team to get to leave
No. 1198224
>>1198218I’m gonna argue she was pretty legitimately anorexic. I don’t think we need to gatekeep severe anorexia with a single digit bmi qualifier. She spent some time in the hospital but was medically stable and had rich, supportive parents so the hospital decided it was an acceptable risk to send her home.
Still dislike her for preaching all in and profiting off of ana larpers who want permission to overeat. I suspect she’s going to become decreasingly popular as she continues to gain weight since it doesn’t play to the “set point theory” to see her getting bigger and bigger thanks to being all-in. People only want to watch all-in people who remain relatively lean (Stephanie buttermore, tabitha Farrar, rebbeca Leung) yet they fail to realize all these women are incredibly active as well.
No. 1198277
File: 1617184560404.png (462.93 KB, 478x597, 2021-03-31 Ganergram.png)

Why. Just why.
No. 1198278
>>1198234'not to blog post'
… proceeds to blog post
no1curr about ur kidneys as an anachan
No. 1198298
File: 1617186888269.png (5.38 MB, 828x1792, 4233DF89-3015-425D-9DB3-E93D5D…)

This grubby skelly enjoying epic body checks on her stories and saying “it may be too late” okkkkk hun great recovery acc
Anybody else missing ham a little? Reckon she’s prepping her big relapse post for engagement
No. 1198406
>I'm only letting myself down by restrictingThat one's p fucked up. It's like thinking you're letting yourself down by having a stress/tension headache.
Hope her conscience kicked in.
No. 1198430
File: 1617204155587.jpeg (79.9 KB, 768x686, image.jpeg)

It used to be that you weren't a 'proper anorexic' unless you had been ng-tubed. Now I get the feeling from YouTube videos that you aren't a 'proper anorexic' unless you've been talked about on here. With people pretending / making up they've been discussed when they haven't ( unless I've missed it- but there's not much worth discussing on her)
No. 1198508
>>1198430you have not provided any milk
and yh shes a wannabe
No. 1198547
>>1198544what is the point then
this is an imageboard
No. 1198884
File: 1617234672275.png (245.67 KB, 750x1334, B142899A-4BBB-48C3-8437-5A30AA…)

Ex bf’s mom of Aly posted on the gofuckme
No. 1199073
File: 1617248404059.jpg (454.16 KB, 1080x2087, 20210401_122436.jpg)

I forgot to add the photo…
Georgia eating a full pizza. How can she ever claim to have EVER had Anorexia??? Like, no "Anorexic" will happily go eat a full fucking PIZZA. She's just embarrassing herself and proving our point that she NEVER HAD ANOREXIA
No. 1199074
>>11990731) for the love of god sage your shit (again)
2) this pizza is absolute blasphemy. It appears to have some kind of seafood, ham and avocado (among other things). She is a beast. N2F could have concocted that combo.
No. 1199158
File: 1617259798557.jpg (231.42 KB, 1080x1918, 20210401_164924.jpg)

Remi needs to take her own advice…. Says nobody needs to see her body checks (OOTD's) yet every single one of her TikToks are CLEARLY body checks. Get a grip.
No. 1199174
File: 1617262266369.png (2.96 MB, 828x1792, IMG_8608.PNG)

No. 1199175
File: 1617262323507.png (3.62 MB, 828x1792, IMG_8609.PNG)

for someone claiming she doesn't care about our opinion, she sure does read these threads constantly and gets worked up about everything that is said here!
No. 1199233
File: 1617269023954.jpeg (818.63 KB, 828x1621, 2026BC69-63A5-44BA-A141-C11EEE…)

trying to source potential new cows because the aly sperging is out of hand. not sure about this one but this story made me laugh- another atypical (?) fan of hyperbole
No. 1199234
File: 1617269122001.png (2.91 MB, 828x1792, B489A573-DE6D-488A-8A7C-E2D6A5…)

>>11992332/2 yes so so sick how could they possibly save you?? and no this is not a self post or vendetta, just feel anything is better than aly / newfaggery
No. 1199239
File: 1617269374330.jpeg (748.93 KB, 828x1696, E975ABC9-9588-4DB9-82C8-3E2612…)

Ganer coming in hot with the weight gain tips! Condiments! Yes, that’s absolutely the key to weight gain! Your sugar free ketchup and carefully weighed helping of yellow mustard are for sure going to help you make dem gainz
No. 1199243
File: 1617270379277.jpeg (350.02 KB, 828x1429, 84BCC783-A16E-46E9-AD8D-B36325…)

this girl on Tik tok says she’s in recovery, but her lunch is a bowl of low cal veg
No. 1199250
File: 1617271063581.jpg (326.69 KB, 1080x1899, Screenshot_20210401-225615_Tik…)

Imagine this lump running down the corridor. Kek.
No. 1199253
File: 1617271175390.jpg (201.89 KB, 1080x1020, 20210401_143105.jpg)

The only mention of Alys death. Make of it what you will
No. 1199260
>>1199253lmao this is a bot that searches for keywords
>>1199240right? More like, "you're determined to be sooper sick, so treatment is wasted on you"
No. 1199263
File: 1617274124691.png (851.58 KB, 640x1136, 71655498-E0AA-4718-BB58-F457F0…) can’t resist reminding everyone how sooper underweight she is. Do I have a dry sense of humour or is this just completely not funny?
No. 1199294
>>1199239I feel like the condiment thing may have been something recommended to her by her new trainer, she's getting more than enough nutrients from protein powders, and sauces ARE high calorie compared to everything else she eats.
>>1199271I think a couple anachans in this thread are going through some shit right now, the nitpicking over meals has gotten insane.
>>1199270Ganers still pretty underweight, nitpicking her meals for "almost spilling off her plate" is weird. The combination of ingredients is disordered as fuck, but there's nothing wrong with Ganer eating decently portioned meals, instead of posting 5 100 calorie snacks over the course of the day like the rest of the anas on insta.
No. 1199309
>>1199294i'm not so much nitpicking her portions as i am nitpicking how impractical it looks to have so little room left on your plate. you take one forkful of rice and the rest is falling off the edge lmao
>>1199306…why are you imitating typing styles to make it look like you're not talking to yourself
No. 1199326
File: 1617278154069.png (593.02 KB, 516x770, perfect fit.png)

No. 1199328
>>1199310KEK i didn't think you could get more sad
this is just embarrassing
No. 1199360
File: 1617283300573.jpeg (558.65 KB, 828x1634, A2E7BC55-BEEA-4229-82AA-99EC29…)

>>1199265followed up by a bodycheck … the cows aren’t even bothering with the recovery facade anymore
No. 1199378
File: 1617284739914.jpg (348.12 KB, 960x1792, Hehe.JPG)

No. 1199383
>>1199360I’m genuinely trying to understand the point of those videos besides body checking. Is she literally just posting videos of herself walking?? Who wants to see that besides other anas trying to
trigger themselves ??
No. 1199390
File: 1617285360370.jpeg (709.82 KB, 828x1436, 29E68A0B-D2C5-4096-B916-211F2F…)

peep that #moo comment…does dora think she’s funny? she is mistaken
No. 1199391
File: 1617285367645.jpeg (390.32 KB, 828x1129, 6AC7B33B-0A14-4275-AC93-0A862A…)

Also samefag but look what I just stumbled upon. Ovi isn’t even interesting anymore but the fact that they keep proving that they’re checking lolcow is funny.
No. 1199399
>>1199391they're so obsessed its sad
good thing they're not that milky anymore
No. 1199432
>>1199294Yeah, but unlike the 'other' ana-chans Ganer will burn that calories with her Ultra-Triathlon weight training in her home gym in a hurry.
She's got quite some exercise purgeeen going on there, just to maintain her naughty bulldog figure.
Gorl's not over the hump yet, not by far.
No. 1199474
>>1199107I always read it like algebra at first glance, kek.
>>1199158She's a massive hypocrite.
No. 1199516
File: 1617296508512.png (306.37 KB, 655x879, Screenshot_20210401-180047~2.p…)

>>1199486I don't think Georgia's sad ENOUGH to do all those posts.
First Georgie mention.
No. 1199758
File: 1617314694129.jpg (351.1 KB, 1068x1872, Screenshot_20210402-010422_Tik…)

God help us, what a state! And of course, we have discovered headbanging. And suddenly the fringe is no longer - gotta show off that egg head.
No. 1199780
>>1199390Kek, and anons keep reiterating how Dora isn't a cow and is absolutely
off bounds cause we called her mum fat lol.
No. 1199836
File: 1617321974263.jpeg (80.07 KB, 828x1164, 7A57807E-FF2E-409D-8BC9-8E1D0D…)

guess she’s really dead
No. 1199850
File: 1617323343906.jpeg (510.27 KB, 827x2462, 12101394-98A5-4F2C-A5C0-818538…)

>>1199836Wasn’t sure if this was legit (sorry OP), but yep she’s dead. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Sad for her family tho even tho she was nothing but useless drain on everyone around her. At least they didn’t have to pay for a couple dozen failed rehab stays first I suppose
No. 1199906
>>1199758gotta beat your face (do your makeup) before you beat ya face
"mentalhealthwithk" aka watch me act unhinged for attention
No. 1199948
File: 1617332373582.png (96.95 KB, 720x594, Screenshot_20210402-035503~2.p…)

Death. Blessed to be alive one second, no longer blessed the next. Jesus failed.
Okay, when a cow dies we let them go. Board etiquette. Only sadness is for her family.
No. 1199979
File: 1617334992207.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1124x1765, 9D62F5F9-B51E-4ECB-83E8-159B11…)

rem has such severe muscle wastage, but only when it earns her brownie points for being a sooper sick ana
No issues hiking through a rainforest though I guess
No. 1200055
File: 1617342202525.jpg (348.06 KB, 1080x1859, Screenshot_20210402-184030_Tik…)

Don't even know if you guys care about K or not.. but I cant not post - that make-up kek. I can't deal.
No. 1200058
>>1199861her? that dumb? absolutely. this is the girl who went to the ER for invisible bugs under her skin.
still, i feel sad for her family.
No. 1200281
>>1199312Georgia, you're obnoxious, your delusion of being smart due to graduating journalism is laughable, and by your whole internet presence we can tell you are dumb as fuck. Your
victim woe-is-me mentality is disgusting. You need to be a
victim so bad you deny the obvious truth that you just fucking love food and you have zero self-control, hence your uber-fatness. You can’t stand the truth so much that you made yourself up an eating disorder, but anyone with IQ higher than room temperature can see your bullshit. Even in smallest things like “going to bed” you cannot stop but to make yourself a poor
victim. ED recovery is not for you because learning to not be ashamed to eat is for those who need to eat more, what you need is a fucking diet because you’re on a straight way to become infinifat. Congratulations, now your body manifests your fat toddler mind.
No. 1200532
File: 1617394680205.jpeg (240.43 KB, 750x736, DEA91F25-537A-47FD-8C03-D844D5…)

Now this is what I call a body check. Whoever argues that Eugenia isn’t milky needs help because she’s the pro-ana queen.
No. 1200561
>>1200532Oh my fucking goodness.
That thot's beyond help.
No. 1200562
File: 1617397803344.png (122.12 KB, 438x348, skellington.png)

That shoulder.
No. 1200567
File: 1617398703657.jpg (27.04 KB, 281x330, Screenshot_17.jpg)

>>1200562…and those thighs. Jesus christ
No. 1200575
File: 1617399530052.png (3.01 MB, 1191x1198, ec.PNG)

>>1200532>>1200562>>1200567also, that is the 'modest' photo. take a gander at this photo that she is copping fire for 'exposing' herself at the beach infront of kids.
No. 1200578
File: 1617399635251.jpeg (64.26 KB, 640x640, BD98A939-8DBE-4E3C-B7BA-77C02C…)

>>1200570She's wearing extensions.
Photo courtesy of Kiwifarms.
No. 1200579
File: 1617399703492.png (2.99 MB, 3240x2915, 0C18DA3F-8092-4765-A7DE-D17015…)

>>1200575From r/EUGENIACOONEY
No. 1200581
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>>1200575and this was from the EugeniaCooney reddit. pretty spot on when you know the backstory about her mom (the fat photographer) being her enabler
No. 1200653
>>1200652Well, if the topic is called "Pro Ana Scumbags", why not include Eugenia Cooney?
Your point being..?
No. 1200661
>>1200656As long as this cow is alive, why not.
She'll be pushing up the daisies soon enough.
No. 1200857
>>1200655I think the tide is turning on Eugenia and her fans are getting sick of her behaviour so they are less likely to come running here to defend her.
I mean she just casually drops a picture like that and then sits back and watches the internet explode over it. She’s knows exactly what she’s doing and shouldn’t be off limits here
No. 1200863
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Lol… Can clearly see she's tried to hide the majority of the chips under the steak. Nice try Georgia
No. 1200865
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Well clearly it IS affecting her or she wouldn't feel the need to post and explain herself… Also I can't even count the number of times she has "vowed" to never look at this site again
No. 1200885
>>1200867well it is known fact that people always choose the most flattering pics of themselves to upload to social media.
the fact that even in her most f(l?)attering of photos that she chooses she still looks like an obese downie should be a dead giveaway she's the size of a 2-seat sofa IRL.
if you ever want a more honest view of what ppl really look like, you need only to check their SM tagged photos.
case in point, the photo that notsolittlelee(??) posted showing Porgies MASSIVE cankles
No. 1200917
>>1200871“It’s not a good drawing, it’s harmful”
Eugenia is beyond deluded. So the drawing is harmful but the actual real life picture is completely fine?
No. 1200959
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smorven is still alive, not that anyone cared
No. 1200962
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>>1190662what the fck is this it looks like meat
No. 1200967
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>>1200963Samefag, forgot picrel
No. 1200975
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>>1200963She started using filters recently because she got a lot of comments saying her skin has turned grey. The only reason people follow her anymore is to express their concern or because they are pervs. Her vocabulary consists of like a 100 words and her content is ridiculously boring, showing the same make-up tutorial and cosplay with ill-fitting clothes because of her emaciated body. She also responds to every single comment that “she’s sorry people feel that way about her”. But honestly, you can literally SEE the lack of energy on her face
No. 1200983
>>1200865The delusion is insane. We know you have an eating disorder Georgia - it's Binge Eating Disorder. You don't need to learn to love food, you need to stop using it to fill up the metaphorical emptiness inside of you.
The state of her. Bizarre.
No. 1200986
>>1200575when people told her that her undies are showing in that pic, she was like „i don’t know what y‘all think you see? The shorts are multicolored, so maybe you just mistaken a part of the shorts for my underwear haha“ like we‘re all fucking stupid
also i agree that we should include Eugenia more in these threads, she‘s the holy mother of cows
No. 1200989
>>1199326>>1200951>>1200951jesus fucking christ… honestly this whole anorexia larp has become 100x funnier now
she's a literal whale
No. 1201020
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>>1200986>>1200575There’s a video from about 5/6 years ago of her flashing her vagina on accident. She’s wearing a leotard and her vagina is hanging out the side.
Though, I got in trouble in another thread for posting nudes so I will censor this one just to stay on the safe side.
She’s been doing shit like this for years.
No. 1201024
>>1201020>on accidentI saw that video and after flashing she looked at the camera and
smiled. She knew exactly what she was doing. She noticed her beefcurtain hanging out and she uploaded the video anyway
No. 1201032
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MentalhealthwithK update. Still bad at make up, keeps going through a new video type phase every few days (currently it's "stay alive" videos, and theres even videos of her whispering "put down the rope" kek). She's also not BPD anymore I guess? My guess is she's never been diagnosed with anything if the diagnosis keeps changing.
No. 1201037
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My submission for next thread pic
No. 1201245
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No. 1201258
>>1201217Milk is where? I'd do it but what's the point if it's all about a yt bore.
>>1201245Someone needs a toothbrush desperately.
No. 1201273
File: 1617486403866.png (Spoiler Image,723.56 KB, 768x405, c00ter.png)

Dang. Not fast enough ;-)
No. 1201278
>>1201267>>1201273Fucking spoiler.
See, this is why a new thread is not forthcoming.