File: 1612766989248.png (430 KB, 864x1017, Screenshots_2021-02-08-00-12-1…)

No. 1155598
Posted caps from lolcow's server (currently closed) which is all full of milk of various types from white supremacists, weird gore, anons oversharing, multiple very very bad takes etc. Etc.
Do not race bait ITT or cow tip this is for keking at loonsUsers of milky note:
> Overtly horny coomer aryan sperg who only ends up on dates with your classic gross /poltard chincels> Allegedly has been claimed to be babivampire/fake babivampire in >>>/snow/1155445 >even if untrue then babivampire still lurks and reads this which is still kek> Thinks nazi japanese are based> Thinks og nazis were good> Spends an embarassing amount of time tinfoiling over the inner workings of the Nazis when she's not coomin to WWII movies Eldrichterven
>self-admitted middle easterner who engages with aryan spergs for whatever reasonNun two
> Amerifag aryan sperg > overshares weird shit like wanting to see severed body partsP(butterfly emoji)
>aryan spergas op I don't have the discord so I have limited sauce mostly donated from other oldfags who are on it. Thus my descriptions are likely lacking No. 1155601
File: 1612767239295.png (468.51 KB, 1080x1080, 1612766995486.png)

Cow crossover.
Not sure if actually her and not sure if kek or not that shes dragging another cow into this. Amusing at best
No. 1155606
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>>1155601I think this might get moved to ot. Reposting from the Things You Hate thread
They talked about this yesterday. I think Nefeli is a fake babivampire, the way they're joking about it makes me think so.
No. 1155607
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Reposting caps.
No. 1155622
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>>1155621Weird cause she also posted this lmao. The context is they were stanning for Grimes and talking about how she will take over Elon's company
No. 1155627
File: 1612770159216.png (664.58 KB, 500x2000, comp.png)

Ok heres a comp of the Babivampire stuff that was said in the server (at least as far as I've seen). This was before
>>1155606. So basically, I think Nefeli is not babivampire, but maybe someone cowtipped and said Nefeli was pretending to be her? Idfk.
No. 1155645
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And finally, just some caps of Nefeli being a nazi pick me. I won't post anymore for tonight unless something interesting happens. Nefeli's definitely not the only nazi fetishist on this site though cough cough /g/ cough
No. 1155648
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>>1155645Samefag, one more of Eldritch claiming to be related to a Greek musician Ξυλούρη. Obviously this could be true, but I'll just post it here anyway
No. 1155664
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here we go girls
No. 1155669
File: 1612773927309.png (198.67 KB, 444x532, k.PNG)

>@imposterSending subs.
>>1155661The only mod is Yokaipussy so there's no way Nef and the others can delete the server. Look in the fetishes you're ashamed of and uniform kink thread