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No. 1007397
A thread devoted to all things related to the Youtube Beauty Community and Beauty Drama. Please direct all Jeffree Star, Shane Dawson, and Karmageddon discussion to the Shane/Jeffree thread.
>Makeup>Hair>Fashion>Tutorials>Gossip/Drama/Tea>Beauty Drama Channels>Gurus, Personalities, Beauty VloggersShane/Jeffree Thread:
>>>/pt/783058Previous Thread:
>>806516Youtube General:
>>980242FTC DISCLAIMER: This thread is Not Sponsored - I bought all this milk myself and there are no affiliate links No. 1007398
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Doe Deere and her husband have stepped down from the Lime Crime board to “make room for BIPOC candidates”
No. 1007455
>>1007398Wasn't Dee and her husband scamming horrible people anyway? So in hindsight, it's good that there gone but funny how they want to give up their position to black people because….they're black.
Honestly, the company should just scrap itself
No. 1007953
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….and tiktok fakebois and egirls everywhere rejoiced
No. 1036251
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does anyone want to talk about Ethan Supremes death or does nobody care about him because he was such a sad problem person? I haven't seen it posted on lolcow so sorry for necro but since Shane and Jeff got their own thread I figured relevant bump
No. 1036271
>>1036253He was very troubled. It's sad. But when he died it was just people saying thank God, hes so
Off the top of my head he black faced and told people of color to kill themselves often, posted as being legal age at 15/16 and baited adults to screw him, made fun of people with eating disorders, and just wasn't a good lgbq ally. My most recent memory of him was being a trend starter for going in a grocery store, sticking his fingers in some ice cream, licking the container, and putting it back at the start of covid. I know he was friends with Manny and some others who are shocked by it all but apparently his parents supported and encouraged every shit thing he did. During the whole time
speculation was he was abusing benzos
No. 1057369
>>1057349Holy shitt
knew something happened with Mykie. They seemed close, then Swoop had another serious bout of depression and never mentioned her again. Flying over to that video to watch it now, thanks for the thread bump anon.
No. 1057405
>>1057400>13:42 Swoop is misleading viewers with this part. Mykie made a bruises makeup video which she briefly joked was a Rhianna makeup tutorial. That's awful, I agree, Swoop says she "called it" as if it was the video title, which is false (she shows the actual title screencap)
>She then brings up a second video which was online for maybe 2 hours which was a poorly-aimed satire video of "how to recreate (poor passenger violently dragged off plane by airline company)
>Said video was a terrible idea, but this was in the stage when Mykie did a lot of troll videos to boost her channel. And it was deleted very swiftly, Swoop describes it like it was a sincere makeup tutorial and was online for a long time "some time" are her exact words.I think Swoop fails in this video by not being 100% accurate with her information, and also obviously still being emotional and regretful about her relationship with Mykie. Most videos of this type usually aim for greater accuracy rather "be angry about things after the fact" since she was friends with Mykie either after or while she did these things.
I think Mykie's content is shit right now, and she obviously hurt Swoop a lot, but there is excessive vitriol and inaccuracies in this video which I think reduces its quality.
No. 1057420
>>1057414Not a lot of facts
in the video, it's more "Systemic racism and my friendship with a white woman: a trueish story" rather than a commentary/drama video which I think people would expect. It's barely about Mykie but she exists as a figure representing what Swoop can't have (Youtube success and social approval) due to systemic racism.
Anyway, I hope I saved anyone the watch via my attempt to summarize this mess, since it's not what you expect, and is a slog to watch.
No. 1057442
>>1057420Book anon back after watching most of this: no milk whatsoever in this video, literally 0 and also ironic Swoop is crawling up Jeffree's ass in a video about why racism is bad, and complaining about Mykie's mild crits of Jeffree and James via text when Jeffree is known for being an absolute backstabber to everyone he knows. None of the texts and Tweets shown are controversial in the slightest. Swoop also kinda comes across as a stalker to make a whole hour video full of screenshots and discussion about nothing. I was very ready to hear what Mykie "did" since there
is something off about her, but turns out it was nothing of note.
No. 1057460
>>1057349She's right about James Charles though
>>1057420Ty for the write up. Mykie is an asshole but i don't think swoop is bringing any milk.
No. 1057541
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>>1057460Doesn't matter if she's right when she still appeared on his channel kissing his ass when it was beneficial to her (on more than one occasion, pic related). Same with Jeffree, iirc that video said she got like 800K new subscribers from the Jeffree collab alone (which given she has like 4M means she owes almost a quarter of her success directly to him while still whining about how she works soooo much harder than all gay men). Plus the racism allegations had been out for years with Jeffree when she did her collab with him. She's bragging now about how many followers she's loosing being a woke kween but had zero problems gaining almost 1M of them directly from a known documented racist in the first place.
The thing I'll say about James and Jeffree in comparison to Mykie is that while they're both ubiquitous and cliche now, that cliche only exists because they introduced it into the beauty space in the first place. I don't like either of them, but they
were introducing new unique ideas to the space back in the day. Mykie had to cover herself in fake blood and shove her sO qUiRkY nOt LiKe OtHeR gUrLs EdGeLoRd personality down everyone's throats to get any success at all because she looks like any other white bread arian wet dream. Or she used to, now she just looks like a plastic surgery disaster.
No. 1059053
For context, there are now like 10 reaction videos about the Mykie saga, with 20k-500k views each, so this doesn't look like it'll die anytime soon.
So the Peter stream is enlightening, but very few (only 8k) have watched it so far.
>The people in chat make him "admit" he's white when he says many times he's half-Spanish, thus invalidating his race and demanding he agrees with them. He of course bows down to the SJW. Yet nobody demands Spankie call herself "white" since she is also half-white. >Spankie complained in her video about Mykie's slightly shady texts about James Charles not deserving his fame a few days before a collab with James comes up>Peter mentions the last time they all met Spankie, they chatted for hours about working hard, race and the rest, all went fine, only to find Spankie upload "Mykie's worst makeup looks" video a few days later>So Spankie did the exact same two-faced thing she criticized Mykie for doing; pretending to be friends while shading/roasting themThat's the milk from the first hour, there's a lot of him sighing and expressing his sadness at this turn of events. He mentions several times that they all used to be close, but have been out of each other's lives for years, (Mykie and Peter are still very close, but Spankie has been absent) so essentially what Spankie talks about in her video is old news and things have changed since. He mentions Spankie messaged him thinking the boyfriend reveal video would be him; at that point they hadn't dated for a year and a half.
No. 1071134
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>>1071128Case Details
>Los Angeles County Superior Court>Case Number: 20SMCV01573>Case Title: CLARK SWANSON, ET AL. VS HALO BEAUTY, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, ET AL.>Case Type: CIVIL>Filing Date: 10/20/2020 No. 1071143
>>1071134Out of all beauty drama, Tati's the most fascinating to me. Her sudden downfall from 'Only non-
problematic beauty guru' to 'evil maniupulating bitch' is bizarre. From the likes of J* and Shane Dawson you expect shitty behaviour or there was a lot of foreshadowing but Tati's on a whole another level. Most people never saw it coming.
No. 1071199
>>1071128what the actual fuck? I always thought she was quite non-
problematic. A bit dramatic yes but participating in literal scams?!
No. 1071590
>>1071581this pretty much all but confirms bye sister was about vitamins. she cried and openly moaned about being embarrassed that james charles promoted sugar bear hair. she was embarrassed she told her co-owner she could get loads of money using her loyal beauty guru friends, so she openly slandered james charles as revenge and probably as "proof" james was unnecessary to their company's success because he was
problematic. when her influence tanked because james had receipts she tried to blame it on jafar and shane because they became
problematic again with the breaking my silence video, trying to rebuild her squeaky clean image. too bad so sad the cracks already began to show and she has all but destroyed tati westbrook as an influencer brand.
No. 1071618
>>1071590>>1071581She is never going to recover from this. If her former business parter wins the lawsuit she'll never get another partnership or business deal again.
She'll probably not get any favors from other influencers as well once they find out she'll accuse them of being a sexual predator if they are a threat to her money making.
No. 1071687
>>1071581The fact that she is the true evil behind all of this doesn't surprise me. She kept contradicting herself in Breaking my silence and the editing was also super manipulative. I don't understand how some people saw her as a
victim of Shane and Jeffree's manipulations. Those two are horrible people, but they had no actual reason to start such a big drama by themselves. NOW I would be curious to know what was exactly their involvement, especially Shane. Also, I still want to know what Jeffree's recording was about
No. 1074285
Tati Westbrook and her husband are being sued for fraud by their business partner.
Article link: No. 1074338
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>>1074285She's suing Without a Crystal Ball for 5 mil in a defamation case. Tati sent her 4 cease and desists before.
No. 1074364
>>1074338I watched this lawyer's take on the lawsuit.
Apparently Tati's business partner may have used information from one of Crystal Ball's articles in his suit, which lead them to finally pulling the
trigger on her. She also claimed they would never sue her, so she kind of tempted fate.
Things will probably get really messy
No. 1075254
Without a Crystal Ball removed a lot of content from her channel that was made pertaining to Tati Westbrook since the news of WACB being sued by Tati, but someone has reuploaded them. If you didn't get a chance to watch before they were taken down, and have as much free time as I do, enjoy. Sage cause no new milk.
The Past James & Tati Westbrook Dont want you to Know Truth about Tati Westbrook Response to the Tea Channels Westbrook Sends My Boss a Letter Business Reveals Why She Called out James Charles Experience With Tati Westbrook Westbrooks Channel is Tanking & Shes Blaming YouTube Tati Westbrook the Mastermind behind Bye Sister Or Did Shane Dawson do it more becomes available will share if the links come this way, the uploader has these vids unlisted.
I may not personally care for WACB but damn she found some rich creamery milk
No. 1075281
>>1075254I’m getting caught up on these and whoa I has heard that WACB had a serious hate boner for Tati but she sounds bitter abs jealous af even though she dug up good info
Also Katie Joy describing Tati as “pasty” but herself as “medium brown” is too much kek
No. 1075436
>>1075281It will be interesting to see if other commentary channels start modulating the way they talk about drama after this suit.
Katy fucked up by constantly stating things as fact instead of covering her ass like a lot of reporters do. And if it turns out the business partner used some of the info she didn’t fact check they will be able to prove harm.
I don’t like either of them so this is all pretty hilarious, but Katy is such a narc I’m kind of happy she’s finally facing some consequences. I hope they don’t settle out of court so we can watch the mess unfold.
No. 1076116
>>1075254I'm still waiting on further uploads to be shared with me so I can in turn share here.
In the mean I watched the archived videos for the first time and wow this woman has problems. Without a Crystal Ball/Katie Joy is def a cow all on her own. I knew she was strongly disliked and I wasn't aware of all the info (outside of her nasty attitude and obvious hate boner for Tati) but she is just as slimy as the people she makes videos about.
She also is very much a quantity over quality type of "creator", which is used lightly in reference to Katie.
No. 1076401
>>1076318Defamation is hard to prove because you usually need evidence of damages. It would be hard for Jeffree to prove that one specific drama channel was responsible for any financial loss.
The reason Tati actually has some ground to stand on is because 'damage per se' includes falsely accusing someone of being a criminal, which Katie did multiple times without using speculative language.
I imagine drama channels might start erring on the safe side just in case and maybe YouTubers will be more emboldened to send Cease and Desist letters
No. 1077601
>>1075254Tati Westbrook Lists Her Los Angeles Compound She Just Bought - 8:36 Charles Instructed Me to Remove All Videos about Tati Westbrook So they Could End Jeffree Star - 31::49 I Cant Stay Silent About Tati Westbrook Anymore With Receipts - 19:55 video length as well so anyone who clicks knows what they're getting into since so many of these videos have been long and rambling
I haven't watched them all yet but so far everything that WACB has spoken about is either public record or her personal opinion. I don't quite see how there's any viable defamation law suit. Best of luck proving in court that Katies now DeLeTeD eViDeNcE caused financial damages.
I think it shows that Katie sure has no backbone. She talked about how she couldn't possibly be sued, she was within the law and her rights, she didn't care how many cease & desists she receives but the moment someone said she would be sued she deleted many videos. Okay then.
No. 1077668
>>1077601You don’t have to prove monetary damage for statements that are defamatory on their face (“defamation per se”). That includes stating someone is a criminal.
I think Katie wrote an article that said something like ‘James and Tati’s Criminal Background They Don’t Want You to Know About.’ The article was used by the business partner to frame his lawsuit against Tati, so they can also try to prove damage in that way.
Tbh, most YouTubers would just ignore shit like that but I think Katie was so smug and kept saying they would never actually sue her that they probably just wanted to fuck with her
No. 1078199
>>1077668But at the very least James IS convicted criminal.
And Tati had leans for not paying taxes, and not paying taxes is also illegal.
So maybe it’s a stretch with Tati, but how can it be defamation to say that someone convicted of felony charges is a criminal?
I’m not educated in American law so this is all quite puzzling to me.
No. 1078529
>>1078199The criminal background Katie was referring to was an inheritance dispute between James and his sister who had been disowned for suing their mother (their family sounds like a fucking mess). Katie said he tried to steal his mother’s home, which on paper isn’t true.
I think the lawsuit hinges on technical defamation and their request for a jury. Juries are more emotionally driven.
Tati has no record and James was only arrested as a teenager. Would they consider them criminals? How would a jury feel about Katie searching for their records? How would a jury feel about Katie deleting content that is technically evidence?
I really don’t know how it will turn out. Defamation is a lot harder to prove in places like the UK, but I’m not sure about the US. I still kind of think this was filed as a ‘fuck you’ to make Katie’s life a lot harder for the next year(s)
No. 1078731
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>>1078529He has convictions for drug charges as well.
But WACB is 100% nuts and apparently will suing the Westbrooks
My opinion is that all these folks are slimy and may they waste eternity trying to sue each other.
No. 1079049
>>1078731I just watched her "apology" video and its full of gaslighting and not really apologizing at all, while accusing a ton of other youtubers of doing the SAME
she does. God I fucking hate this ugly bitch.
No. 1083054
>>1083029Why does she look like a
somehow racist wax doll? Her mouth just disturbs me
No. 1083671
>>1083308I never heard of Swoop before I saw her first Mykie video. After that I went into her channel to see if there was a reason I would subscribe to her. Man, is that uninteresting content.
The more she now tries to milk the Mykie saga the more it will make her unreliable and Mykie reliable again, sadly. Mykie is a trash human.
No. 1091129
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R/woacb weirdly calling this months ago. “SM” is Steve McRae, the man Katie Joy took out a restraining order on because of alleged sexual harassment and excessive stalking. Apparently a judge considered McRae to be legitimately unhinged and granted a temporary restraining order last winter. It’s still not resolved yet. Seems like the kind of freak who could plausibly go this far. Along with other lunatics KJ has made enemies of or fucked with or simply did a story on and triggered endless narc rage
The thing is people on the subreddit dedicated to calling her out are saying this which makes it seem like there really are multiples involved. I think this is literally dramageddon 3. Tati is the kind of sociopath to make a web of behind the scenes connections to take down someone who aired out a lot of her dirty laundry (IMO some of KJ’s claims seem legit and Tati is in full melt down. I think they would be ignoring if more if it wasn’t hitting so close to the truth. Like career criminals no but shitty unreliable business partners clearly yes lol)
No. 1091138
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>>1091129Comments with more of their predictions / hopes for involving Tati beauty. This literally reads like a parody of how people imagine beauty YouTubers conspire against their competition. but I’m not finding any hint that this post or any others in the sub are ironic. R/woacb is generally just kind of a low IQ zone so I guess no one thought this was incriminating
No. 1184810
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So RawBeautyKristi has been showing some pretty intense cow behaviour lately. She had a kid in November-ish, and it’s been a shit show ever since.
She had an entire melt down, and talked about how THE MOST TRAUMATIC THING EVER happened (pic related).
I wish I had captured her ig story where she speaks about sitting in the car with her newborn while her husband does yard work because she can’t let him out of her line of vision for some reason?
No. 1184812
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No. 1184814
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No. 1184822
>>1184810she's always been dramatic. Before she got pregnant she spent her time crying about how hard it was to renovate a house and upload 1 video a week on youtube and spun this huge thing about how depressed she was from it. She gets away with it because she's pig ugly and no one wants to be the mean girl dunking on the fat makeup guru.
Still find it funny after her she bragged on twitter about her new, totally isolated house that she was only at 3 days a week it got broken into, then instead of installing an alarm system or cameras she just cried about it on twitter. Big shock few weeks later she gets robbed again and only then twigged they were probably locals to the area that were watching her twitter lmao
No. 1184825
>>1184820Call me crazy but I don’t feel falling down and hurting your arm, and your child being totally fine, doesn’t usually equate to the worst night of someone’s life.
>>1184822You’re right. She has always been dramatic af. It was sOoOoOo hard to film and upload one lazy GRWM video a week where all she did was complain. Now I’ve seen seeing her complain that her husband and herself don’t have as much help as other parents and I’m baffled. They both stay home all day every day. Neither of them has to leave for work etc. Even if they don’t have heaps of outside help, it doesn’t get more cushy than that. But she still says she has only has time to shower every three days. Can her husband not be trusted alone with the kid for 10 minutes?
No. 1184863
>>1184847Yes, but who gives an honest to god shit about it? She’s a rich youtuber who makes money for slapping foundation on and a few colors on her eyes. Nobody really cares to hear about her woes constantly.
Because it’s constant.
It’s not even an every once in a while thing. She goes on and on for what reason? And then talks about how people bully her and mom shame her for it, and it’s like - you have a massive audience of people. Everyone parents differently. People aren’t going to agree with everything that she does and they’re going to have opinions.
>>1184822Her latest YouTube video was like an hour of her being dramatic even. I used to really enjoy her but all she does is ramble on about her baby and how hard it is being a new mom, and how anxious she is and how upset she was that she didn’t get the birth story she wanted and god knows whatever else.
And the funniest part is that she didn’t upload for a long time because she didn’t want anyone to complain about her complaints.
It’s beautifully ironic.
No. 1184874
>>1184810This is the most
valid of her recent rants so I don't know why you chose this as an example of her cowish behaviour (however it really sounds heavily exaggerated as per Kristi's style).
I love Kristi, I really do. And I get that birth and post partum can be rough, but the non-stop complaining is driving me absolutely insane. Its her having the worst cluster headaches ever, the most traumatic birth ever, the most difficult baby, the worst depression/anxiety etc etc. Ffs she says she's wanted kids forever and this kid is basically a miracle baby, but it just sounds like she despises it despite her rants about how she LOVES it SO much her heart is constantly BREAKING. It just boggles my mind that she's acting like she's lost her youth and life having a baby at 33! Especially after she's apparently been infertile for 15 years, meaning her and Zach were trying since they were what, 18, to have a child which is kind of weird in itself. Her and her husband are both home, not uploading to youtube and have all day and night to look after the baby. People have parented for how many thousands of years and have somehow managed under crazy difficult circumstances and have been fine. But she's acting like she's every parents' spokesperson by constantly posting about how difficult it is and is "breaking the stigma."
Perhaps I'm being extremely judgmental here, but I think a shit ton of her traumatic birth was shitty decisions on her part too. Insisting on giving birth at a birthing centre w/o doctors when her pregnancy was pretty difficult and her water had meconium in it. Then dragging it out so long before going to the hospital and finally having any progress with a natural birth. Even though she insists the baby was being monitored the whole time I feel like its a miracle the baby was alright (well alright as in not crying and scoring 2 on the apgar scale). It just feels really selfish wanting to have this "perfect" birth seemingly above the baby's wellbeing, especially if its like a one in a million chance baby.
Maybe I'm being an ass but I'm glad anon posted this bc this shit is driving me insane on my feed. It even kind of seems like Samantha Ravndahl (a close MUA friend of Kristi) is pulling away and not associating with this shit at all. Surely even just for the fact that Sam is heavily pregnant and actually struggles with severe depression would be enough reason to think twice about posting all this?
No. 1185033
>>1184874Fully agree that the decisions she made are why the birth had so many issues. She already was high risk due to her extended infertility and then she also developed gestational diabetes. She never should have been trying to give birth without a medical team ready to intervene immediately. The risks with gestational diabetes are no joke. She for sure was on some high horse about wanting to “feel everything” and all that, have a crunchy hippie birth which is cool if that’s what you’re into but putting the vibe of your story ahead of the health and well-being of the baby is super fucked up. I feel like she’s more interested in the aesthetic of motherhood than actually being a mother.
I’ve also noticed Sam pulling away. Sam seems pretty chill so far with her pregnancy and Kristi has been insufferable so it is bly surprising.
No. 1185205
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Looks like the lawsuit Tati Westbrook filed against WOACB has been dismissed according to Katie/WOACB
No. 1186219
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>>1185033I understand that there are a lot of personal decisions to be made when giving birth, but a) you should prioritize safety and b) if you don't want people to give you advice or worry, don't post about it on social media. She gets upset every other day because she says these dramatic things, but doesn't want dramatic responses.
>>1185205It was dismissed in Washington but will probably be filed in Katie's home state
Since this thread was revived, what are your thoughts on SmokeyGlow? A while ago one of her (ex)friends from college said she was a pick-me who didn't get along with other girls and "found herself" in Nepal after flunking her first year. She really doesn't understand how to use products and also talks about anti-consumerism while having extreme hoarder tendencies. Her duck face is also unfortunate
No. 1188007
>>1186219Look it's not illegal to be ugly (I'm living proof) but if you're going to insert yourself into the beauty community why make these choices?
>have small features but squint and purse your lips in every photo to make them even smaller>thin flat hair with She-ra poof to make your unfortunate face shape look exactly like an eggplant>Glasses from the optometrist's budget rack circa 2008Is she one of those "reverse body dysmorphia" people who think they're a 10 and live life accordingly? Bc I thought that mainly happened to troons
>>1184810Listen RBK is an insufferable waste of YouTube data but you're alone in thinking her falling down the stairs with her baby in her arms wasn't a genuinely scary event. Maybe it's time to step away from her content anon, there's having a personal cow for laughs and there's this weird negative thing you're doing.
No. 1198831

Somehow, AGAIN, James Charles has been exposed for being inappropriate with under aged boys. I believe this is the 73rd time. Although Tati has fucked herself over since the Bye Sister video, the things she said about him are practically complimentary compared to this stuff lol How many literal children have to come forward and how many times does James have to ADMIT to exchanging illegal images with children before there are repercussions? Brands dropped the blog squad pretty quick.
>>1186219Smokey is interesting. She def comes off as a pick me, if you’ve ever seen her podcast with her fiancé/husband whatever he is now, he kinda treats her like crap lol He shames her for buying luxury bags, refused to even go into a store with her to buy one, because of some crap about how it’s wasteful and supports human rights violations etc, but he’s a god damn gamer and has no issues forking out cash (that is prob earned by Smokey cause she supported them while he was still in school asaik) which is just the same lol High mark ups, often inhumane labour and sourcing in the chains etc. I also get the impression she thinks she’s way smarter than she actually is and it gives me pretty painful second hand embarrassment. Still laughing about her accusing Revolution of ripping off Jackie Ainas candles when Revolution announced the candles before Jackie did.
No. 1198862
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So nikita started a fight with trisha on twitter and its still going on right now and hes getting his ass beat, the reason? She laughed at his snapchat show. Even people who dont like either of them are finding this entertaining.
No. 1198870
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>>1198867I mean they are both stupid but its pretty entertaining.
No. 1198877
>>1198871no? lol. He adds random boys on Snapchat, boys on tiktok who look 15, act 15, and have videos about being 15. He added this kid first. at this twitter thread, and take a look at that kids account. He is very obviously 15. There’s no way this keeps being misunderstanding. Of course the boys are baiting him, James Charles added them on Snapchat and what teenage boy wouldn’t do it in that situation. It’s unacceptable he is falling into the bait, people who aren’t predators don’t do shit like this. They didn’t bait about their age. He saw the ages.
I didn’t believe this stuff at first either, but it’s all making sense now the more I look into it.
No. 1198898
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>>1198893Nikita getting ratioed thoughout the whole fight is hilarious. Nikita really thinks hes something.
No. 1198916
>>1198910I’m gonna reiterate what I saw someone say about this today.
It’s possible kids add him and lie about their age, I don’t disagree. HOWEVER,
-Legit all of these kids look like high schoolers. They do not LOOK like 20 somethings
-if 18 is james’ cut off age, like we will fuck you if you look like a kid but are 18 legally, then there’s something weird about that. It’s like men who search for “teen porn” and like porn stars that look underage, even if they aren’t
-James Charles shouldn’t be fucking his fans full stop. Underage or not, there’s a gross power dynamic there. Why can’t this dude find men to date that aren’t fans of his and don’t know who tf he is? He’s always snapping his fans this gross shit.
If he wanted to date a man who was in his 20s, looked his age, and wasn’t already a fan of his — he would. But he won’t, so here we are
No. 1198920
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>>1198910i said the same thing in the youtuber thread because i didnt realize this thread was up. people seriously act like jc is worse than jafar, who says nigger and hangs out with convicted baby rapists. i still cant believe jc’s retarded african ebola “racist” controversy. if that is considered horribly racist than jeff is a literal slave owner. but for some reason jc gets all the hate.
>>1198916>Legit all of these kids look like high schoolers. why do people keep saying this. no they don’t. james looks like hes the same age as them.
i remember trisha saying something like this in her schizo rant about james where she said “even if they tell you they’re 18, it’s your fault” and i feel like this is the mentality of everyone calling him out right now. absolutely no logic to that statement or anything else going on right now
No. 1198924
>>1198914Nikita is trying to say trisha is an insult to transpeople. This is ironic as now nikita is trying to make out that trisha and anyone else that has a problem with him its because hes trans and not because hes trash and a lot of twitter tards are dragging him for this bs and its great to watch. He'll still try this oppresshun/
victim "transphobia" narrative in future Im sure of it.
No. 1198938
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>>1198935James adds them first.
No. 1198945
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Nikita dragun is now accusing Trisha of being a domestic abuser.
Also nikita deleted this tweet
>>1198862Wonder how long before he deletes the rest of these, can Trish sue over these allegations?
No. 1198949
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No. 1198953
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Nikita being ratioed to hell and back, top kek.
No. 1198969
>>1198960Now that she ran out of witty things to say it’s over. Blocked and
triggered! I think they’re both worthless but I’m glad trishas
abusive tendencies get called out but of course she has to be a
victim about it. She left bruises on her fiancé just months ago.
No. 1198990
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>>1198952why is nikita calling trisha a pedo if he tweeted this shit?
No. 1199013
>>1198990Because as usual nikita has zero self awareness
>>1198997Clearly someone hasnt been paying attention.
No. 1199021
>>1198920the women that flock to this pedo and defend him because he's a young gay lmao. No wonder spacey got away with it for so long. why is it so shocking to you plebs that a male is a pedo? It's so common.
Grow up, honestly. Any other youtuber, including women, caught texting 4 underage boys in 6 months would be done.
Also James looks 35 with all the "preventative botox" he's put in his face. Get off it. this man brings out the retard in some of ya.
No. 1199154
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>>1198972afaik NOT debunked, did really happen. I like Trisha but she's definitely a fucked up person in a lot of ways, and she did "attack" Moses. Personally I think it's wrong for a woman to hit anybody, but I don't think it is domestic abuse in the same way it is when a man does it. Sorry if that's regressive, I just can't bring myself to care that much. That being said she left a pretty nasty bruise on him. She can go completely unhinged, but I am on her side in this situation versus the groomy gays. Anyway here is more context to the Moses "abuse" pic. Basically he shared this info with some catfish, said he was in an
abusive relationship. I don't know. Trisha is a shitty person in a lot of ways but it's a bit enemy of my enemy with her, and tbh like I said, I can't bring myself to give that much of a fuck about a woman hitting a grown man. Call me old fashioned.
No. 1199235
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>>1198949Nikitas sole reason in life is to shit on bio women under the disguise of “I’m a pioneer for the trans community” fuck off troon
No. 1199321
>>1199106The fact he tried to spin this story as this male model
who he paid to be his bf "breaking his heart" knowing full well the model could not just come out and say he wasnt attracted to nikita on account of nikita being a whole ass man so would be called transphobic, nikita knows what hes doing and really is a sexual predator.
No. 1199529
>>1198938Its funny how James tries to blame the kids as if having James fucking Charles add you on snapchat isn't automatically a manipulation power play on his end. He know those boys would talk to him, he knows their age, he knows what he's doing is wrong which is why he always blames them when info leaks. He's not some poor soul that keeps having probable boyfriends turn out to be clout chasers, he's manipulating young boys so he can throw them away when shit hits the fan.
Also a lot of these snaps are really weird because he keeps asking the kids if they shave/have body hair and if they can send photos of their arm pits.
No. 1199560
>>1198938this is that scrote logic of "the underage girl/guy was coming onto me!! they wanted it!!" yeah and it's your reasonability as a fucking adult to rebuff them
I fucking hate nonces
No. 1199752
>>1199529he has a largely female audience yet only seems to talk to his young, male fans. big hmmm.
Also the clout chaser comment are dumb. Who gives a fuck if these literal children are baiting him? He is an adult. God damn though this freak is going to be 45 and people are still going to be calling him ~basically a child~
No. 1212556
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No. 1259156
>>1259149Supernatural shit/tarot reading/psychics/mediums? Jesus Christ she's such a fucking loon, lol. Shouldn't be surprised by someone who shills placebo vitamins, but damn. Also:
>oops I donated my wedding ring teeheeuhhhh? Okay, tati.
No. 1259159
>>1253790Everyone wants a man to do makeup so he can show us ladies how to do makeup the right way!
It's ridiculous because I subscribe to plenty of women who have been on YouTube for a very long time and they used Robert Welsh's techniques long before he did (I don't care about that, it's about the fact it's man doing the technique which brings it acclaim) and weren't into the whole baking/instahoe look. But of course, they never achieve that quick buck he does. Not to mention he bitches about lack of male representation in makeup, I wish he'd shut TF up.
No. 1259224
>>1259156To be fair she used to be into all that “spiritual” shit even though she’s very christian now I also wouldn’t be surprised if her whole stress with the divorce pushed her back into her faith with her rambling about “god is good” and “prayer helps” plus right after the drama happened Tarot youtubers were doing readings saying her life was ruined and some even went as far to predict death happening somehow to her, I’d be pretty pissed myself if some “Real life witch who can totally predict the future” aka a Kook was making videos about me saying people in my life were going to die or claiming they could predict my entire future
Also in tarot reading doing one for someone who didn’t asked for it is considered incredibly rude and can bring in bad juju or some shit (according to a family friend who practiced it) so I can understand her being uncomfortable with due to her prior beliefs even though its bullshittery
I’m surprised she even came back in all honesty
No. 1259373
>>1259347Sorry I did forget to sage. However anon, its a lot more than just usual mommy posting which I don't have a problem with at all. She genuinely seems like she's losing her mind. She uploaded a IG story weeping that she put up a
toxic carcinogenic vinyl baby wallpaper which took away time she could've spent with her baby. Followed by a story about mommy guilt where she seemed actually manic, plus posting close up photos of her son's gums having absolutely no regard for his privacy now this. After her crunchy granola birth and this saga I'm a bit worried about the poor kid. She seems like she wants him dependent on her forever and it's not only post weaning emotions as she's crying about him growing up since pretty much the day he was born.
No. 1261141
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I have no idea why Taylor Wynn is so popular. She has no personality and is so boring. Her videos are lackluster and she makes mediocre content that is a copy and paste of other beauty gurus’. She has no milk I’m aware of, but I wanted to see if anyone else agrees with me.
No. 1262723
>>1261141I watched her pretty regularly for a while just because we have similar skin tones and it was the best channel I had found to figure out if a foundation would match, or come close.
Then she started her munchie bs, constantly talking about sick she is but asking everyone to never mention how sick she is and that got old fast. I never watched another video after she said that it’s easier for us peasants with “normal” jobs to work with chronic health issues than it is for her to do YouTube. I was so angry I couldn’t continue watching. Holy disconnected from reality Batman.
No. 1269809
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If any of you ever need a good beauty youtuber to watch, I highly recommend Kelly Gooch. She reminds me of a warmer, more honest and happier Tati, without all the drama and psychotic behavior. She’s so sweet I love her sm.(use the thread in /g/)
No. 1288676
>>1057349I've never liked Mykie, but recently I wondered what happened to her after someone posted her in the Gabbie thread and came here.
even though I think Mykie is a total narc, this girl (Swoop) was incredibly annoying (at least in the first half of the video) and kept derailing about a bunch of woke shit, at times I felt like I was watching a Kat Blaque video, kept using the words cis, microaggression, lgbtq+ and a bunch of another annoying woke terms.
at one point she is showing texts between her & Mykie and she (Swoop) says that she feels like she is doing poorly on YT because she's black. Mykie responds by saying she feels the opposite and that people haven't been very interested in her the past few years because she's a generic white girl. Swoop calls this gaslighting and goes on a rant about how white people gaslight
poc. even though I totally disagree with Mykie, I honestly think she was just being stupid/naive/self centered, not intentionally gaslighting. but idk.
and Mykie kept saying that she deserved to be more famous than youtubers like James Charlies and Jeffree Star because she "works so much harder than they do"… which might be true but like, girl. you do makeup. like you turned yourself into squidword using stuff you bought from Walgreens? k, cool. but she acts like she is producing hollywood films or something.
also, I googled Swoop and it says her name is Spankie Valentine. please tell me that's not her real name….
No. 1442708
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Sorry to necro this dead thread, but Karen Yeung (iamkareno) is such an idiot and has truly become insufferable since turning into a mommy blogger.
She moved to Hong Kong in the middle of the pandemic then constantly acts so shocked and disappointed that there are still restrictions in place, which were recently increased due to a surge in new local virus cases. She even wants to fly back to LA with her 1-year-old baby now and fuck around over there instead just because she’s tired of the restrictions that every person in Hong Kong needs to follow, not only her. For a living, she gets her makeup done, films herself shopping, films her baby, films filtered skincare videos, goes partying with friends in Lan Kwai Fong, bitches about being stuck at home – and what’s even more hilarious is that she said she decided to move to Hong Kong for childcare reasons, i.e. so she can hire a foreign domestic helper to care for her baby.
No. 1442858
>>1442807You're referring to mainland China, where the mainland Chinese commute and work long hours (996 work culture) thus leaving the childcare to retired grandparents.
In Hong Kong, most upper middle class and above families employ domestic workers (majority from the Philippines or Indonesia) that do EVERYTHING in the house, all cooking and grocery shopping, cleaning, all childcare. Working 12-14 hours a day, 6 days a week. Literally all Karen has to do is pay the worker and supply the food and rent.
If she had a domestic worker, she wouldn't even have to wake the kid, change her or toilet her.
So Karen's mom won't have to help at all. If anything, her mom most likely has a helper of her own. Occasionally the workers might work together to shop for and make family meals.
Typical lazy and entitled privileged beauty blogger kek
No. 1536916
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I have no idea where to post this since her ancient thread on /pt/ is locked but Michelle Phan claims she healed a guy from using a wheelchair
No. 1537054
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>>1536916Yeah apparently she joined a bdsm cult after she went to a retreat where she could only sleep for 4 hours a night, and would have to meditate for 5 hours at a time. She posted all of this in old stories so I don’t have screenshots. I’m sure you could find them on Twitter. Picrel is one from a few weeks ago where she talks more about healing the wheelchair guy. Princess Mei is also involved in the cult
No. 1757853
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Jeffreak is trying to get attention,IG caption-
>His team didn't make it to the superbowl but he's 6'6 and plays perfect in the bedroom (heart emoji orange)
doing what he did a few years ago
>Getting some DL/hidden sportsball player
>Showing him hoping people find out who he is
And I bet he's some retired or super unknown retarded player, I saw some headlines saying something about "Wives?" I don't know. He annoyed me with how his ugly ass was like, "Bitches don't know how to do x, y and z" when he was talking about that weird looking woman who lied about the falsies. Of course, he had to come back on some retarded ass bitter bullshit
No. 1757866
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>>1757853also it's kind of sick, he likes that some women's wives husbands are being accused of being this scrote, I don't know WHY they are in his Dm's but Jeffree gets a sick thrill out of this. Now people are on the hunt to find some scrote and in the process innnocent scrotes will be accused of dipping their dots into Jeffree's swollen hole. Like it's funny, but what a fame whore