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No. 100733
Continuing from
>UK cosplayer, who sells herself as a "professional">Trying to write her own comic series, with characters ripped-off from other series>Known to copy and even steal other artists characters and gives no credit>Thinks she's god's gift when it comes to art and will insult anyone who says otherwise>Posting Facebook statuses every half hour, mostly of weird shit>Talks about how everyone, including her own family, is against her, meanwhile spewing vitriol about everyone under the sun>Banned from a fair few cons because of her behaviour towards other peopleHas she quit yet?
No. 100740
File: 1457131408346.jpg (146.12 KB, 720x960, 12718046_1050146518408028_6033…)

She drew this recently on her fb page.
Can anyone tell what pic or anime shes tracing from?
No. 100817
File: 1457144181995.png (453.62 KB, 1987x1600, shovelKnightBrandish.png)

she looks like sumthing that's seem the back of a shovel too many times
No. 100835
>>100817Unfortunately, she hasn't been hit enough with a shovel; she's still breathing.
Also, OP, you are a horrible person for bringing this cringecow back because she's easy b8. At least use a different picture next time.
No. 100976
File: 1457190673416.png (170.19 KB, 2000x1522, 2000px-Impossible_staircase_sv…)

>>100835Whoever brought sindy pop back is a horrible person because shes too easy to bitch about while on a page that's all about bitching?
they are the scum of the net v_v
No. 101364
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>>100740She's trying to pass this off as her own art when her "manga pages" look like this?
There's no fucking way those two things were drawn by the same person.
No. 101705
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>>101364Ten out of ten
Ten out of ten
Neil Gaiman award for best narrative
Jack Kirby is jealous
Marvel and DC are fighting to have her
cats and dogs
living together
mass hysteria
No. 113870
File: 1459499521437.jpg (78.53 KB, 720x960, 12108746_152086778517260_12995…)

omg what a motherfucking mongoloi.
sad fuccing butthurt bitch triple-chinned shitposter
she got some nice hips on her tho
No. 126888
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Did she photoshop her boobs bigger for this one?
No. 126930
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Guys, she's too cute to be alone at craft fair.
I think Craft Fair should be concerned that someone let the crazies out of Leverndale.
No. 127487
>>126930hahahahaha X')
you literally HAVE NO idea hunny
No. 127489
1 why i shop my boobs bigger
2. this character is male WHY WOULD I SHOP MY BOOBS BIggER
3. With so much ggoin on in that pic, makeup, abs, room ect
why do focus on the size of my titters. esp when your not supposed to see em
No. 127493
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and if your going to post pictures of me those might aswell be up to date. because i mean you can sit and giggle at 1 unflattring picture from 2 years ao if you want… but that to me tells me you're afraid of posting recent pics
that is ofcourse,unless you dont see anything worthy of being up here?
tell me which gender would you prefre to mock me as
nvm have both <3
No. 127496
>>113870 i thank the scoliosis for that
>>114257 not my room, not my bed, not my problem
No. 127518
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@Dracon yup heres one unedited straight off the camera , she was DRAWING it
No. 127565
>>127518she's inking it, doofus. that's not the same as 'drawing', just look at the fucking scribbly mess underneath it.
also, why is she 'drawing' with a laminated sheet (presumably another image) underneath the paper? that's just going to ruin the plastic liner from the pressure of a pen/pencil.
No. 127574
>>127565Are you sane?
I was finishing the penci>>127565
l before hand then moved onto inking
The scribbly mess you see if pencil sketch something yoy all great I didnt have thierfor traced
now the laminated sheet is a poly pocket from the A3 folder I store my artworks in
I had to lean on it so the deak didnt leave marks on my paper
I hate drawing on table with nothing under it
Allways lean in something
the poly pocket also dudbt leave marks
And I made a nice £100 iff that scribbled mess so everybody but you must b blind eh
Srsly tho
Are you the daft twat that tried to follow ne on instragram. But blockes me seconds after
Cause they seamed awfully interested in art too lok
No. 127578
>>127546wheres my crown and scepter
No srsly tho this place must be Dead if your reviving my thread
I think also going on dates ik exactly whos behind this
No. 127587
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>>127586Oh well I gues being a shitty artist pays lol
No. 127588
>>127586Honestly tho
GREEN is not your colour x
No. 127589
>>127574>you must be that twat who followed me on igactually, this is my first time in this thread, but way to make yourself sound paranoid. although I am an illustrator, so I think I know what I'm talking about when I say that your 'process' is completely unbelievable. the mess that's under that ink might work for a rough draft, but nobody in their right mind would ink over that shit without tightlining it first. her horns don't bear even the slightest resemblance to the pencil underneath, ffs.
I have no idea what you're talking about with 'the table leaving marks' because the photo looks like it's pretty clearly smooth-sanded wood, if not the laminate-wood tables that artist alleys provide to their booths 90% of the time. neither of which would leave 'marks' on your drawing.
what i'm pointing out is that it's intensely stupid to draw on top of a plastic film unless you want to warp the plastic under the pressure of your own pen/pencil. so why ruin a perfectly good liner when you could have just used a blank sheaf of paper? oh, right: because it's protecting another image, which you're using to trace from.
No. 127612
>>127589your arguements are literally bullshit tho. the pencil riht here PROVES just how tight the linework is. tho by the sounds of you not as tight as your asshole right now. is it,. jealousy? bitterness?
but yea. the lineier work is not supposed to be detailed thats for the ink.
No. 127615
>>127589"the mess that's under that ink might work for a rough draft, but nobody in their right mind would ink over that shit without tightlining it first"
except maybe the oriinal artist who knows exactly whats meant to be where,. god your closed mind irritates me.
and what im tellin you is that unless you literally hammer the paper with your pencil you wont scratch extra thick poly pockets with paper inside them. do you know what they say about asume?
its makes an ass of you and me. tho mostly you
No. 127620
>>127612>>127615>>127616oh my god somebody's butthurt
what, a little too close to the truth for you?
No. 127622
>>127620wait.. im buthurt because i not only disaree with everythin this clown said but i also stated valid reasons proof and evidence as to why i it looks that way
are. are you a child.. are you old enouh to be on here?
No. 127623
>>127621dude it doesnt matter how many time you say it. theyll just call you a liar, then when that doesnt wash thell insult your weiht or autism then when that does do it theyll just ive up and say oh well your arts shit.
Like.. no i thouht this place was for adults not the deenerates who droped out in 1st year
No. 127625
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What a beautiful thread.
No. 127627
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>>127620>>127625the smell of hypocrasy is indeed a smell ive missed <3
No. 127631
>>127629top keks when mine barley looks like that
so thier sittin in the same pose. ive told you i do reference alot of my fanart. everybody does it. means shit
No. 127632
>>127629these ifs are old hat. nobody cares. they dont prove tracin because the lines dont fit 100%
by showin this massive blown up imae what you've actualy done is show people how much i stray from the reference picture. so welldone
No. 127634
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>>127631If you spent any time in college you'd know the difference between eyeballing and referencing. Eyeballing and tracing is copying someone's existing work be it photograph or art to the letter with very minor changes (in your case changing facial expression and one or two fingers).
Referencing is studying a pose/an object and teaching yourself how to draw that pose/object. It's not a tool for complete copies of anothers work. That's plagiarism and just as bad as tracing.
No. 127635
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>>127634thouht you miht try to cover it up with OH its only a few finers. actualy sir look very closey. its alot
No. 127638
>>127635did you even read?
>>127634 Note; eyeballing is just as bad as tracing. It's plagiarism.
And like pretty much all your friends, I'm out and done with a moron like yourself.
No. 127639
>>127634you wanna know somethin about plauerism. if i had printed imaqe A off my pc. and printed it straiht onto a lossy paper sheet. that would be plauerism
if i has literlly line for line traced this full imae and coloured it in exactly the same way
that would be plauerism.
i understand that referencin the artists pose and redrawin it can be seen us completly unfair. but tbh your expectin hih end shit here from sombody who isnt exactly MARVEL DC class anatomy here. i do tray hard to learn anatomy but i understand that even advanced artists need a fiure too look at. i choose to look at an already fanart for help. since then 2 years ao) ive widen out abit more and tried referin completly parallel subjects instead of this. because even i do not full like it. but i also accpt a ood 70% of the imae has been chaned,. so i wouldnt call this complete plauerism.
tho if you wanna talk about illial sellin of ones property lets talk about the fact kazaki takashi owns the character and all the rihts to distribute her.
No. 127651
>>127650sure sounds it
want an adult answer, think you can handle that?
i type fast and scim over some keys. and my g key is broken
you may also accept : SIND IS RETURDED :B
No. 127656
>>127653correctin spellin because you literally have nothin to contribute to the conversation
~ the need to appear superior. put other down
~ dis where ever possable
~ bad OCD and controllin habbits mean they cant mentally handle the siht of poor spellin.
~ possable autism as an explination of all of the above
No. 127657
>>127650>>127653tbh they can read exactly what im sayin if not why do they reply in complete context with the original text
they just want to have somethin over you. this is pretty much afterall. everybody on here hates everybody else.
kill or be killed.
troll or be trolled.
No. 127661
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>>127659you thought wrong asshole