File: 1593972975052.png (428.73 KB, 720x839, Screenshot_20200705-184134~2.p…)

No. 1002596
Last thread things became very unsexy when we all became aware of notorious self-poster May's pr0nhub video. There was not enough eye bleach.
Lots of strategically placed nuts etc. to cover n2f's expiry dates, although she unashamedly gave her followers a heads up to the online shop where she buys expired food in bulk. The past week or so we've noticed her meals have become quite bland by her standards, and blatantly showed us the diet shake she was just trying out.
One time recovery darling Elzani is learning to spell with Alphabetti Spaghetti and posted her moving tribute to recently dead dog written with the letters lovingly arranged on toast.
A handful of potential fat anorexics were posted but none can compete with our Georgie. After a holiday, stuffing her face with junk food and meeting up with fellow cow littlelee for alcohol, she decided she needed another break. Following food guilt she ~attempted~ and is back to her favourite hangout, New Farms.
N2f's soulmate, madzemoji is emulating her friend with disgusting food concoctions, skinny syrup, with disgustingly filthy nails thrown in for extra grossness factor.
Shay's been wearing grocery bags and Dasha's been wearing Chanel and showing herself…I mean her clothes…off on video clips. How does she afford this lifestyle, hmm.
Those were the highlights. Kelsey/Kennedy is MIA. Smorven is still headbanging and making bread (maybe at the same time?), some of our regular cows are MIA too, or too boring to mention.
Expect more WKs saying we're evil and hiding behind keyboards and self posts.
A farmer suggested anons recreate and eat n2f's creations. Are you brave enough? (currently incarcerated at a very special PDU) thread:
>>>/snow/1002542 No. 1002663
File: 1593977306681.jpg (130 KB, 719x680, IMG_20200705_202536.jpg)

A bit difficult to see but her cheekbones are bright red? Looks really grim tbh, is this a side effect of having 0% body fat or is she sunburnt maybe?
No. 1002675
>>1002662My icebox is tiny so I couldn't fit her frozen food in there but are we sure she keeps hers in the freezer? Tempted to buy the most out of date thing from that site. Could've done 4 pieces of sweetcorn on a slice of bloomer but not much of a challenge.
>>1002663Makes me wonder if she has AIDS.
No. 1002698
File: 1593979641341.png (45.81 KB, 128x239, Screenshot_20200705-205225~2.p…)

>>1002663Possibly wearing that Chanel makeup. Looks like she's wearing lipstick anyway.
No. 1002807
>>1002794I can't even figure out how to make something like the syrup.
Ingredients: Water, Thickeners (Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose, Xanthan gum), Flavouring, Acid (Lactic Acid), Sweetener (Sucralose), Preservatives (Potassium sorbate, Sodium benzoate), Colour (Caramel E150d)
Thick water with sweetener and flavouring. Yum! I've seen the unicorn stuff for a quid. I want to try something but it's going to be a Michael Moore Supersize Me experience. I treasure my teeth. Going to go through her archive and find something anyway. Tbh, the mouldy bread of Madz is more appealing.
No. 1002809
File: 1593987204767.jpg (389.91 KB, 1080x1341, 20200706_000854.jpg)

i can not get over the fact that she actually used to look pretty and now she is not more than bones being held together by some thin skin
No. 1002812
>>1002809The change I think is negative apart from her weight loss is how she now seems really materialistic and nasty. She gives not a fuck about what the sight of her does to other people.
She's obsessed with the Olson twins like ana chans of old. Are they the gateway to bones or something?
No. 1002819
File: 1593988926561.jpeg (273.45 KB, 828x1284, C4088011-AEB8-4F03-AD1B-65E4B8…)

>>1002598Seems pretty milky to me
No. 1002824
File: 1593989411178.jpg (1.25 MB, 3024x4032, lzzkxmfw3p651.jpg)

I saw this and immediately thought of n2f. She'd definitely eat it.
No. 1002832
File: 1593990758709.jpeg (301.4 KB, 828x1156, E2A7620C-2478-4F75-B689-A61BA9…)

>>1002822She’s claiming she’s healthy now but still very proana. Lots of body checking and her fiancé bought her gifts of flavored gum and leggings.
No. 1002833
>>1002832Oh look, sugar free gum!
I notice this corpse bride comments on Becky's pics a lot.
No. 1003050
File: 1594029362647.jpg (261.74 KB, 802x1370, 20200706_195141.jpg)

New cow alert. Sophie. French. Claims to have anorexia and bulimia. Always uses the anorexia tag. OBSESSED with tube selfies. Theres not one pic on her profile that doesnt have tube showing. No where near underweight or even a healthy weight. Appears to be around Georgias body composition. Doccuments in bio amount of inpatient admissions. Enjoy
No. 1003059
>>1003052>>1003057not to mention the OP left their PFP in the photo and it's different to this cows PFP.
cheers for the fresh Zymil OP
No. 1003073
File: 1594036413685.jpg (484.53 KB, 1080x1895, Screenshot_20200706_125156.jpg)

Umm…don't see anyone chatting about you Gabrielle.
No. 1003096
>>1002807I'm sure if you blended some cornstarch and Splenda with some cotton candy flavoring and a bit of water you'd get something pretty similar
>>1002824That's too close to being actual food plus there's more than 3 strategic corn kernels, our filth queen would never
No. 1003114
File: 1594046520498.png (981.87 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200706-154046.png)

>>1003050Ive seen her loads of times while looking for milk with hashtags. I thought her tube pics would've maybe been worth a mention because of her use of fancy plasters/band aids, but the fact the captions arent English put me off. Wouldn't say it's a self post. She really loves her tube status, but again can't see too much milk. Must try to get Google translate to work because non natives cba to learn English.
In other news, phew, Georgia's safe.
No. 1003134
File: 1594050317024.jpeg (702.49 KB, 828x1458, 35C75EA9-6B0B-4920-9CCD-610FBB…)

I’m not Italian but…is cannoli supposed to be baked until the pasta shell is rock hard? I dgaf if she’s blind, and I’m sceptical of her claims that she is, this shit would slice and dice your mouth to eat it’s so overcooked!
No. 1003163
File: 1594056204477.png (278.97 KB, 715x815, Screenshot_20200706-182004~2.p…)

Here is Dasha's veiny arm. A detail of her lunch.
Idk if the watch is expensive, but it's ugly.
No. 1003168
File: 1594056361693.png (850.35 KB, 720x918, Screenshot_20200706-182319~2.p…)

>>1003163This is where she's taken every day. She do s in perfectly with the glamorous clientele.
No. 1003175
File: 1594057258642.jpeg (272.36 KB, 1536x1833, 18CCC9F1-D210-41D5-9B55-CFF31F…)

Sage bc not milk but adding this since Sophie has been mentioned before. I hadn't seen Hannah McKee before so scrolled down her feed and saw this on a mirror body check. Of course Sophie follows other spoops and of course she think anorexic bodies aren't respected by instagram
No. 1003231
>>1003203She died from suicide, and Hannah and Megan weren't really speaking in the year up to that.
I naively thought that he meeting her now husband might help her somewhat with recovery.
No. 1003306
File: 1594077482270.png (721.89 KB, 720x1114, Screenshot_2020-07-07-00-16-57…)

>>1003304They bought a house together and I think one of them lived in it (I forgot who) but they didn't live together; Hence the "ten days til I wake up to this face everyday"
She also posted something today saying they finally get to enjoy their nest or something but I won't post because no milk.
Maybe they're Mormon or something..
No. 1003316
File: 1594079489573.jpeg (705.87 KB, 750x1112, 3D79DF6D-F2F5-43D4-ABDA-253A9A…)

>>1002596Did OP have a premonition that May might be the one to watch this edition?
Her new man is some rando coke fiend from Snap that she hooked up with.
>they are helping each other with their addictions, she b/p and he coke Thoughts on how this is gonna go?
No. 1003323
>>1003306oh shit my b. that arrangement sounds weird af. do they even have mormons in the UK?
i used to wonder how someone that uncomfortable w/ their body could have a stable adult relationship….makes sense if theyve never boned tho
No. 1003330
>>1003317Oh, he'll turn out to be a pig.
>>1003323Yeah! They have a church near me and they hang around the shopping centres asking if people want to go to their film club (obv would be intro to Mormons film). They target the psych patients at the local hospital, so…
We deffo have them but don't know any irl who do polygamy, but read some who do on magazines.
Crazy people, crisp white shirts.
No. 1003334
File: 1594086080679.png (622.15 KB, 702x909, Screenshot_20200707-023828~2.p…)

Ok I looked at her account. Non Mormon. She's a born again Jesus freak. It would be a sin to live together. This was when she was reborn into god or whatever.
No. 1003492
File: 1594108061491.jpg (383.76 KB, 810x1962, 20200707_174450.jpg)

Emma seems to think that her treating team will decrease the meal plan to allow her "weight to reduce a little bit" despite being "15kg" less than normal. True and she has a shitty treating team OR lies for…. a reason?
No. 1003498
File: 1594110324190.jpeg (183.28 KB, 818x825, B5CEDC69-7042-4885-A8E9-0B48BA…)

she looks same age as her mother!!
No. 1003536
File: 1594123869615.png (1.29 MB, 1024x1024,…)

>>1003515Probably ignorant or ableist of me to say but I don't think she should teach at a primary school personally, kids are beginning to go through body changes, insecurities and EDs stem at young ages, she CANNOT be a good influence. Idk though, maybe I'm just fussy.
She's been doing this for YEARS, same thing in 2014, she's on loads of MPA thinspo threads from ages ago. She 'recovered' and everyone was singing her praises whilst using her as thinspo because she was still very spoopy, there were actually a few drama threads about her back in the day. Here's an old pic, she looks just as spoopy but not as old.
No. 1003593
File: 1594134066966.jpeg (330.93 KB, 1280x1280, 614F0AD2-D6D3-497B-9813-A4F51E…)

Possible new cow, atypicalzan. Claims severe ed and says she never binges. Posts very low intake and much exercise, and dinners consisting of cucumber. Yet she has a bmi of 22+. Oh and of course she has a neda tattoo and borderline
No. 1003617
>>1003593Wow sorry those pictures are unreadable. Well they say "haven't eaten today, but I will have dinner", "I've eaten one apple today, it's 5pm" and "apparently I'm not allowed to walk so that's fun"
That she wouldn't be allowed to walk is bs
No. 1003622
File: 1594138161076.jpeg (716.77 KB, 1242x2034, 13AE164E-311E-43A6-9B0D-345E3C…)

Paris is also a regular commenter…Had to make sure she specified (kids) to her ana buddy!
No. 1003623
File: 1594138169241.jpg (497.75 KB, 1080x1904, Screenshot_20200707_170602.jpg)

… What hospital bills? You live off the NHS bitch. Somebody's been telling fibs
No. 1003628
What was the rush to get married? She made a collage of all the people she couldn't invite (not posting bc kids on it), why not just wait until regulations relax a bit more in a few months like most couples are doing. Idk, it just looks as grim as the bride herself.
No. 1003637
File: 1594141213852.jpeg (280.15 KB, 730x1186, FEC7C41C-4DEC-4AE7-A80B-4A98B7…)

Not particularly milky ( yet?) but from seeing her videos she has definitely been watching too much of Elzani - the phrases “whoop whoop”, constant reassurance from her mum and just the way she talks etc. So if you are bored seeing Elzani enthuse over a custard cream ….
No. 1003640
>>1003636probably really unlikely, however I know a couple people irl that have and have been skinny af
Might give her motive to sort her shit out
No. 1003643
>>1003636>>1003640Crying Emily was skinny before and during pregnancy. Idk her well enough to say if she's the maternal kind. She dresses like a child, perhaps wouldn't do without her expensive buys and Project 7 gum to buy formula.
Not just saying this bc who he's married to, but I get weird vibes from hubster. Can't say what it is.
No. 1003645
>>1003515She is a nice person. I was in hospital with her many years ago.
That said, I agree that she shouldn't be working in a primary school.
I think they wanted to marry so they could live together. She is super religious.
No. 1003704
File: 1594150091915.jpeg (904.72 KB, 828x1590, A226BB68-EDE0-4C24-91CF-C6230A…)

Guys, it’s been 12 posts since ganer has posted a progress picture. Was she even ever spoopy, I can’t remember!!! (Just kidding. I’m only posting this so we can lol at the inevitable progress picture, using the same old spoop panty pics, that she’ll probably post later today or tomorrow.) I’ll give her credit, she’s definitely put on some mass recently. But it’s not recovery, just a whole new world of eating disorder.
No. 1003710
>>1003708Did you just call someone sage as if it's their name? lmfao
>>1003593 imagine your entire identity being an eating disorder. Cringe.
No. 1003733
File: 1594154761555.jpg (292.32 KB, 1080x1737, Screenshot_20200707_214138.jpg)

creepy friend jules is not happy with nourish2purge's recent diet. I mean she's not wrong but why is she acting like her mother? and n2f always drinks skinny syrups by the pint, so how is this any different from usual?
No. 1003735
File: 1594154841504.jpg (565.97 KB, 1080x1884, Screenshot_20200707_214154.jpg)

this entire combo just looks wrong and vile tbh
No. 1003736
File: 1594154916574.jpg (566.84 KB, 1080x1884, Screenshot_20200707_214209.jpg)

let me rustle up a delicious breakfast of checks notes 4 shreddies on toast with peanut butter and jam
No. 1003742
File: 1594155704175.png (1.4 MB, 640x1136, 7FA86527-C3AA-42EF-9FF3-9DF314…)

Melon = difficult, frequent ward outings for sugar filled ice coffees = fine? Kek okay… (I think this Casey cow has been mentioned before, she’s basically a fat Laura)
No. 1003746
>>1003744According to her stories ( someone (Georgia) jumped on her tellonym and told her about it
No. 1003789
>>1003765Google translate fail.
>Do you have anything better to do all day than this?No because lockdown and I don't fill my time b/p ing.
>>1003735Those noodles are really shit for nutrients. Basically saturated fat. Good that she's eating high calorie things, but god, I wish she'd research some foods that are going to benefit her health (if she keeps the bland food down).
No. 1003801
>>1003704Four of these are the exact same pose. She’s figured out very specific ways to stand to make it look like she has muscle, just like the old ana poses. Same routine in a different package.
Also, her lifting form is awful and she’s weak as shit.
No. 1003802
File: 1594171757577.jpg (903.52 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200708-022807_Ins…)

More weird shit. Who mixes cottage cheese with that?
No. 1003803
>>1003751>>1003746>>1003757Does georgia even speak German? The tell was in German.
Anyone still follow Shay? Or georgias vent acct?
No. 1003806
>>1003802With all the uncertainty in the world, I'm just glad n2f's meals are always repulsive.
You can always rely on her dead taste buds.
No. 1003867
File: 1594196947921.jpeg (390.8 KB, 1280x1280, 88F8B508-5301-42CF-8FF2-3C5E9A…)

"I'm not compelled by my eating disorder"
Proceeds to post this
No. 1003869
File: 1594197281143.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1242x1881, B4131C84-962A-4C82-9C80-8486D3…)

the french cow got a new tube pouch thing. 750 calories, 4 kilos down. she hopes the toob won’t make her gain weight :-((((. maybe stop eating 3 full meals on top of the toob then?
she also mentions her weekly schedule. "creative workshop" every day. oh, to be a fake ana who gets to have the schedule of a kid while the rest of mankind has to deal with real life.
si tu lurk: c’est "estime de soi".
she’s also waiting on her second covid test. global pandemics are a blessing for the munchies!
No. 1003870
File: 1594197357184.jpeg (690.82 KB, 1242x1128, D3BFC8DD-4C3C-4BE8-9A36-14624A…)

>>1003869full caption for those who care.
No. 1003874
File: 1594198636911.jpeg (883.27 KB, 1242x1865, 61D4FF12-6340-45BB-A057-3476B2…)

i can’t get the video to upload, but it’s dramatic tiktok audio about being in pain and hurting herself/everyone around her, set to lukewarm clips of herself with the toob and "crying".
she also seems to go to the hospital like one would commute to school, though i’m not a 100% on that. her hospital (Clinique psychatrique du Chateau de Seysses) has a program so patients don’t have to be fully hospitalized, from monday through friday, which seems to line up with her schedule.
she’s friends with a chick with terrible makeup skills there but she’s actually thin/sickly looking, so i won’t post her.
No. 1003877
File: 1594199186693.jpg (595.01 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200708_100536.jpg)

N2f just throwing every flavour at the wall and seeing what sticks
No. 1003878
File: 1594199410259.jpg (251.08 KB, 1080x1737, Screenshot_20200708_100521.jpg)

and her provider of Knoblauch sauce jules is angry about it, keeping a record of her peanut butter choices apparently? n2f has always used zero/low cal stuff so why is she suddenly foaming at the mouth about it now lmao
No. 1003879
File: 1594199442523.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x1811, D254F4CE-1E6C-4FF0-A889-A8711F…)

last post but i wish you guys could see how terrible her spelling is. no wonder she’s cosplaying as a sickly frail womin, she’s probably too dumb to do anything else.
she also speaks like a retard (cf. a video where she talks about her ~struggle~) and has been in and out of hospitals since 14.
personal opinion: i don’t question that she had anorexia, bulimia or depression, but she’s definitely doing it for attention and from fear of the real world.
having a toob despite being fat and still going to the hospital despite being a 21 year old who barely self harms anymore means she doesn’t have to make up for lost time in hospitals and doesn’t have to be faced with work or school.
sophie, faut se grouiller, personne veut d’une employée de 30 ans qui vient de sortir définitivement de l’hôpital et qui ne sait toujours pas conjuguer les verbes.
No. 1003905
>>1003904i'm not the same person who posted her originally and i never heard of her before. it looks like she had a viral video about her life on tiktok and twitter.
i wanted to report my findings in the thread for non-french speakers who might be interested, but she doesn't seem to be interesting beyond what i posted.
No. 1003918
File: 1594211669548.jpg (1.49 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20200708_132837774.jpg)

I've seen Sharn pop up on here before. She obviously missed being back in hospital and leaching off the NHS. She obvs uses her admissions to apparently lose weight cos that's when we see her skeletal ribs hahaha LOL. Scratches up her face just to be like her friend Laura leg lift
No. 1003919
File: 1594211712234.jpg (398.32 KB, 1080x1493, Screenshot_20200708_132641.jpg)

So frail
No. 1003920
File: 1594211769437.jpg (471.22 KB, 1080x1898, Screenshot_20200708_132208.jpg)

Poor soul isn't happy with her curtain though
No. 1003967
>>1003708Now this is hilarious. I've been following her for a while, and considered posting her here but a lot of her content is Swedish.
She seems to be insufferable to be around since she is a bpd-fag and goes from hating her therapist (?) to loving her. She has also taken multiple overdoses for attention.
I would love to post pictures but she blocked my lurking account after seeing herself posted here.
No. 1003978
>>1003708I'm dying also SAGE.
maybe dont self post and then act all hurt and victimized just because noone takes you seriously.
skärpning förfan
No. 1004032
File: 1594225466249.jpg (145.91 KB, 1080x746, 20200708_112316.jpg)

>>1003922>>1003978We are Sage, not Karen!
No. 1004134
File: 1594231570365.png (436.23 KB, 708x890, Screenshot_20200708-175608~3.p…)

Who tf is Karen though?
Here's a stolen picture of her fighting back. Inspirational.
No. 1004143
Still has a public tiktok
(file too big to upload here, so here's a link:
No. 1004156
File: 1594233105110.png (546.93 KB, 720x932, Screenshot_20200708-192840~2.p…)

>>1004153She sounds as sincere as that Lillee Jean goblin.
>>1004148Good to see she's not affected by what's been posted here. You go, girl.
No. 1004177
>>1004170Old hag witch gypsies sell Heather. This photo doesn’t stray far from that truth.
Or it could be a pile of layers of Parma ham.
No. 1004259
File: 1594250273986.png (1.95 MB, 750x1334, F9910C5D-C991-45BB-B620-6E79BA…)

Elzani throwing shade at before and after pictures, despite posting a video filled with pictures and videos of her spoopy self
No. 1004260
File: 1594250535640.png (2.12 MB, 750x1334, 719A851C-CF8C-46E7-9C81-461E58…)

Why would her nan buy her chocolates when she’s in an edu lmao?? Would be no surprise if Georgia starts posting tube selfies soon and complaining how she’s finding it sooooper hard to eat…
No. 1004400
File: 1594257544824.jpg (382.56 KB, 1080x1850, 20200709_111714.jpg)

>>1004394Not georgia. It was on her story. Project elsewhere
No. 1004506
>>1004415Is the eye movement treatment you’re talking about EMDR? Because I was at a dual diagnosis clinic for addiction, and they pushed that shit on
everybody. I refused because I don’t have trauma, but they diagnosed me and everyone else there with C-PTSD. Sorry to blogpost, just saying treatment centers love handing out unnecessary treatments all the time, and the attention-seeking patients like porgie eat it up because they’re boring and talentless and need to feel special.
No. 1004508
>>1004260why even post this?
lol next week she will claim losing her period for X amount of time.
No. 1004521
File: 1594262976264.png (Spoiler Image,3.45 MB, 1242x2208, 032A92D6-0E4C-4763-860A-DA1EA3…)

No. 1004633
File: 1594286961061.png (3.1 MB, 750x1334, 08785C69-4C52-4C3F-A247-C56537…)

Definitely not just bragging about being posted on a thinspo account
No. 1004641
File: 1594289423864.jpg (499.35 KB, 1080x1906, Screenshot_20200709_110819.jpg)

A fact to brighten up your day: Madzemoji gets drinks from Costa to save for later, and drinks them cold after the surface has congealed
No. 1004648
>>1004644Are costa still only doing take outs? Presume so. She took the damn thing home.
>>1004646Kenko tastes like Costa's house blend but if she's so desperate for a congealed brew she should buy a fucking pod machine. Might be her version of eating pizza the next afternoon…but much much more wrong.
No. 1004762
File: 1594314858826.png (1.53 MB, 828x1792, IMG_1596.PNG)

No. 1004764
>>1004753But she gave herself the body shape of an alien.
>>1004762Knew it! Hope she has problems getting booked in.
No. 1004805
File: 1594320513825.png (2.34 MB, 818x1530, IMG_1598.PNG)

You were 100% right anon.
No. 1004832
File: 1594325216367.jpeg (660.86 KB, 917x1545, DFB4CD9A-FD33-42C1-A7C0-77E0B7…)

Why oh why would you need or want this she’s so weird
No. 1004890
File: 1594332671395.jpg (394.03 KB, 1079x1934, IMG_20200710_080956.jpg)

Surprised macaronimills hasn't made it on here yet. She was very unwell and has been IP for a while. She has finally undergone some weight restoration but what has made her milky is that she's now alleging she needs a weight loss meal plan and is proceeding to trigger other anas with her small meal posts..
No. 1004891
File: 1594332705800.jpg (453.86 KB, 1080x2014, IMG_20200710_080945.jpg)

>>1004890She also has a whole scrapbook and highlight dedicated to when she was spoopy
No. 1004892
File: 1594332746204.jpg (531.22 KB, 1080x1965, IMG_20200710_080907.jpg)

>>1004891Now here is the actual milk
No. 1004895
File: 1594333040010.jpg (345.17 KB, 1080x1924, IMG_20200710_081620.jpg)

Shes also trying to make bank off of others disorders, selling her "small" clothes with her depop link readily in her bio…just pushing the idea that ed's are a certaim size of course
No. 1005029
>>1003536>>1003498white people age so terribly when they don't wear sunscreen. obviously, this rapid aging is caused by her anorexia, but being so fair is not helping
anons, if you're reading this and you're white, please wear sunscreen every day
No. 1005058
File: 1594370887246.jpg (530.23 KB, 1080x1892, Screenshot_20200710_094101.jpg)

that pissy looking drink is almond milk with orange drops. I can't imagine how much she needed to add to make it that colour. the raisins look like little rat droppings lmao.
No. 1005060
File: 1594371360763.jpg (75.39 KB, 1080x380, Screenshot_20200710_094135.jpg)

she's so defensive about her sandwich cutting that there must be a weird anachan reason for it
No. 1005061
File: 1594371390184.jpg (532.31 KB, 1080x1894, Screenshot_20200710_094153.jpg)

>>1005060this is the sandwich
No. 1005075
File: 1594379932594.jpeg (261.57 KB, 750x993, 960E68FC-E22B-4B59-9E94-A2A09D…)

Is her hand decomposing?
No. 1005123
File: 1594391326114.png (823.37 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200710-152640.png)

Our suicidal waif was allowed to walk by the river. Good to see she's managing some snacks with friends.
No. 1005196
File: 1594401358335.png (4.96 MB, 828x1792, IMG_1611.PNG)

Ganergains eats the exact same thing every day without a fail. A sad bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and a plate of rice, spinach and chicken for lunch. Very "qualified personal trainer" behavior.
No. 1005211
File: 1594402735067.jpeg (1.02 MB, 828x1716, 09A784D5-9729-4E95-A98E-931D4A…)

“We’re u even anorexic if you couldn’t wrap your hand around your bicep at some point tho?”
No. 1005290
File: 1594413035320.jpg (339.38 KB, 1080x1903, IMG_20200711_062912.jpg)

>>1005289What a hearty meal
No. 1005339
>>1005296Given the severity of her ED, I am shocked by this. I am not sure how this is happening and apparently in the comments, someone whos also been under her same care team alleges they are negligent.
I think shes really trying to push this idea that her ED is sooper complex and unbeatable when really she is just looking for excuses.
No. 1005361
File: 1594425335328.jpg (246.22 KB, 1080x959, Screenshot_20200711_005316.jpg)

She looks like a flipping extra to The Mummy or something
No. 1005362
File: 1594425555842.jpg (Spoiler Image,39.4 KB, 326x354, Screenshot_20200711_005652.jpg)

>>1005361Stuff of nightmares
No. 1005368
File: 1594426486015.png (49.27 KB, 703x263, Screenshot_20200711-011215~2.p…)

>>1005366The dog looks distressed.
Becky's mind's already passed away…she thinks the dog tells her to not be an hero.
No. 1005370
>>1005123I hope that’s not the blanket she uses on her bed, is it her own blanket or new farm’s blanket?
But she’s the only one with a blanket because her thermoregulation is shot after years and years of being a dainty waif and restricting sooooo much.
No. 1005441
>>1005338Calm down! I know she’s
saying she’s a healthy weight, she could also say she’s a purple alien…trying to clarify if there is any evidence to back this up. None of her ig followers have seen her in person as she doesn’t leave her house & she doesn’t post pics of herself.
No. 1005471
>>1005421She made an instagram account especially for her tiktok account - @shay.w99tiktok
The cringe is real.
No. 1005486
File: 1594466127115.png (5.27 MB, 1125x2436, 363C5CBE-81FC-4069-9EB8-62F38E…)

Do y’all remember cassie/now casper who had Xtreme Sooper Serious DID and then suddenly decided she didn’t have it anymore?? they have a tiktok now where it’s cringe stuff about her ED but mostly just milking her autism diagnosis for followers (had to find something to bang on about after she tossed DID to the side)
No. 1005549
>>1005547Something about her therapist making her believe she was an SRA
victim when she wasn't.
No. 1005647
>>1005630She does not have cancer she claims she shaves it in honor of her friends with cancer but honestly when people do that they don’t shave their brows usually it’s just a head shave in solidarity, she shaves it all
to look sicker and evoke a certain reaction from people. It’s really fucked up anon lol
No. 1005694
File: 1594521199214.jpg (1.15 MB, 647x5865, denial.jpg)

why is almost every healthy dessert blog run by anorexic girls? almost every recipe on this blog has some awkward full-body pic in it as a body check. she has multiple articles asserting she eats 2000 calories a day (with exacting to-the-gram breakdowns of each extremely healthy food) that she advertises as much as any of the recipes. does she think anyone believes her when she says "i just had an overexercising problem that put me underweight but that doesn't make me disordered"? i just wanted an oatmeal recipe, not some bitch's desperate delusion that she isn't ana because she says so.
(sage because this isnt a normal thread subject and idk if there's a better thread i should have used)
No. 1005696
File: 1594521491703.png (41.77 KB, 884x459, magicmush.png)

>>1005694why are all of them obsessed with making these weird mushes? does anyone look at this recipe and NOT think that an anorexic person wrote this? i'm not saying to amerifat it up with butter and cheese but damn not even a spice or a fruit…
No. 1005699
File: 1594521956035.jpeg (36.5 KB, 320x210, A225981B-5B70-4DD4-BEFC-7BD07B…)

>>1005694I actually don’t know with her. She definitely used to be spoopy (pic is from 2007 when she was 21) and now in some pictures she looks a perfectly healthy (albeit low end) weight, in others her arms are gaunt. Her hair and teeth are perfect though, which isn’t something you typically see in one who has had an eating disorder for 13+ years.
No. 1005703
File: 1594522359799.png (186.23 KB, 547x805, faxandtruth.png)

>>1005699i agree that she seems to be at a healthy weight now, but her behavior is still totally disordered. if she really eats this much in a day and is still so slim, she has to be exercising a lot. there's simply no way for her to be consistently consuming 2000+ calories a day and not exercising at least half of that off to stay at her weight. her "what i eat in a day" is things like tomatoes and spinach for breakfast, so this isn't even truly representative of her eating habits. it's intentionally deceptive, imo. no one who isn't disordered feels the need to publish multiple posts about how much they eat vs how thin they look. she might be more physically healthy now, but she's definitely not mentally so.
No. 1005704
File: 1594522508258.png (264.84 KB, 325x429, checkplease.png)

>>1005703so many of her recipes also include full body pictures like this for no seeming reason, these have to be body checks, right? i feel like she takes pictures at a high weight and then recycles them when she gets to a low one as proof of some sort.
(sorry for samefag, multiple pics)
No. 1005821
File: 1594551059195.jpeg (1.12 MB, 828x1718, 87D94143-304A-40D7-80DB-87ED21…)

Looks like newfarm wasn’t giving Porgie enough attention. My guess is a few shallow cuts somewhere far from any nerves, tendons, or veins? I don’t know where she got the idea that self harm = suicidal though? She really can’t keep her LARP characters straight, can she?
No. 1005832
>>1005820If you’ve got private insurance, they will try to make you believe you are sicker than you are and push as many treatments on you as they can so they can make that $$$.
Porgie is a prime example of this being taken to the extreme. Idk how any staff/doctors can look this fatass in the face and tell her she has super severe anorexia.
No. 1005836
>>1005821Horrifically suicidal yet has the motivation to use insta. Okay, then.
Second time she's mentioned ~reaching out~ when she doesn't explain who you're supposed to reach riiight out to. Thinking about WWGD, it probably means trying to do the deepest cuts she can then holding her arm out/thigh out ? to the nurse and lapping up that attention and pretend care from staff members.
No. 1005856
File: 1594560776276.jpeg (Spoiler Image,828.55 KB, 828x1474, 8DD88532-EB86-471F-B715-32C9E9…)

Spoiler because I full-on gagged.
No. 1005886
>>1005856Why did she have to be blessed with strong nails?
Showing anorexia the snack she really wanted - Ryvita and skinny jam. She's not particularly spoopy either, is she. Is this LARPing but not in the Georgie sense? Is she obsessed with n2f? Something's wrong with that cream cheese. It's too thin to be Philadelphia, but never seen any look this thin.
Gallery of the grotesque. Thanks for the spoiler. It's so difficult to look away.
No. 1005974
File: 1594577911634.png (197.56 KB, 344x490, Screenshot_20200712-191636~2.p…)

>>1005957Isn't 18 adult though?
I think she cleaned her nail
Omg. Still hideous but less so.
No. 1006007
File: 1594583166727.png (1.04 MB, 700x661, Capture.PNG)

I just watched a video on YT about a pair of twins because twins are weird. I didn't think it'd relate to any of the cows in this thread, but I noticed how much they remind me of Gainer. Carried on watching and they're both ana twins. Very weird behaviour, much like our twins Maria and Katie. Googled them and one's an artist now.
Found her ig and ofc they look older now (oldish docu), but still have the Ganer look. Not sure if they still do the ED thing. Saw her fb and it's food, food, food, so..
Img from the ig. Do any anons get the Ganer vibes?
The docu's good, I'll post it below. Looking to find info about how their relationship's changed, if it has. If they're like M & K then probably not.
No. 1006013
File: 1594583559363.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1242x1801, 33DA3DC6-D967-4623-B1D6-455AD2…)

Nourish update: She broke the only dinner plate she licks clean and keeps in her room so is forced to cram it on her snack plate until she can buy a super special one tomorrow. I wonder how her family eat their dinner, do they own plates or just use their hands like Nourish does with bbq sauce and nuts?
No. 1006018
File: 1594584411052.jpeg (1.32 MB, 886x1615, 5C2B137C-9108-4D66-9320-280712…)

Will she freeze them or eat them for 20 days straight? Best before 15th July so stay tuned.
No. 1006028
>>1006013>smaller plate to make her meals look biggerHighly convenient
>>1006018She does seem to buy food in bulk and order from online shops. Maybe she doesn't like going outside and that's why she hoards food and then eats when it's out of date.
No. 1006060
File: 1594590107983.jpeg (638.87 KB, 828x1538, 6DE1C4F7-6B75-44EC-B0AB-136B93…)

>>1006052As previously discussed, her sandwich cutting is a weird, eating disorder ritual of wanting one big piece. She gets incredibly defensive whenever asked. Pretty much she behaves like a child but I’m pretty sure she’s 18 or maybe older?
No. 1006061
File: 1594590181979.jpeg (443.23 KB, 828x1516, 5AD30D61-9C79-4388-85D1-D82B58…)

>>1006060Tantrum for context
No. 1006063
File: 1594590356009.png (1.89 MB, 750x1334, 417ECA4E-4FD5-41D8-A638-B1EA3F…)

this girl is CONSTANTLY complaining about her room being messy, and supposedly cleaning it all the time yet it’s still a shithole… how if she’s always talking about cleaning?
No. 1006070
File: 1594590482920.png (1.74 MB, 750x1334, 5BFFB738-B5BF-4C97-94EE-08F877…)

wtf. It reminds me of nourish
No. 1006278
File: 1594625502934.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1125x2083, 3E794E9C-0F2D-4B96-94EA-0271FA…)

Randomly came acrpss this account. Sage cause not too milky but these Are the kinds of acc people like porgie follow and end up feeling validated aka suuuper sick
No. 1006279
File: 1594625543438.jpeg (584.76 KB, 1125x2089, B9E7D65B-A6E0-485E-9101-918A4E…)

>>1006278In answer to “what is atypical anorexia” made me lol
No. 1006281
>>1006278why does she only ever post about being bloated? isn't that a medical condition?
kek as if a real ana could do all-in….
No. 1006282
>>1006007oh god i remember this documentary… they are (…were?) insane. absolutely miserable, egging on each other's mental illnesses.
any milk?
No. 1006294"so that we can show people it's not shameful" yeah that's definitely the reason
Also, affordable healthcare? You live in Sweden where you never pay more than 1150 Swedish kr per year (about 125 us dollars)
No. 1006325
File: 1594639667384.jpeg (1.33 MB, 828x1552, 1A1FC0C6-9339-4718-8B45-C6D72B…)

Never have I seen someone so incapable of looking relaxed. Every “”candid”” picture makes her look like she’s got a giant stick up her ass
No. 1006363
File: 1594653997520.png (1.31 MB, 1313x841, Capture.PNG)

>>1006282Got distracted from looking for recent info, but about to look now.
>>1006278When looking for milk on #s on ig, when I click on an overweight anorexic, Georgia's usually following them and liking their posts about embracing being chubby. This is the latest one I found. Georgia's probably okay with being fat but feels guilty about bingeing. Maybe she's fine with bingeing and being fat and only wants attention.
No. 1006373

>>1006282It's difficult to find anything really in depth about their life apart from the art, but they're still pretty much the same mentally.
In this video they talk about extreme thinness in their life and work and how they hate being called pro ana because they think the disease is disgusting.
The one who does most of the art is the one who worked for Gaultier and she's pretty good tbh. If they weren't doing this as ~art~ they'd be pretty milky, but they're not our average pro ana ig kids.
Liesbeth talks about being pregnant here when she didn't even have periods. She talks about anorexia as if it's not something to be concerned about.
Here they talk about how they know they're unhealthy and skinny but it's an ~art statement~'re more or less like Maria and Katie except instead of posting animal face selfies and going to Costa they do a lot of art stuff and they're interesting. Fucked up, but interesting. Unlike K&M.
No. 1006497
File: 1594677104759.png (2.42 MB, 750x1334, 28C62EC6-57CD-407F-84BE-44B189…)

How skinny of you aly
No. 1006514
File: 1594678570086.png (1.22 MB, 1334x750, 759FDE7E-3CC6-48EC-9420-1A89EF…)

Why are all of there legs like bent? I thought it was just Elzani but her sisters legs are like it too
No. 1006679
File: 1594698723753.jpeg (224.93 KB, 627x898, 1235FCF4-4752-4A18-B060-1EA322…)

Why is this fake Tranny britch never mentioned. FAKE “tranny” bitch
No. 1006681
File: 1594698870380.jpeg (247.99 KB, 488x737, E6A24E40-7921-45C7-96F8-B52691…)

She’s so disgustig, always Threats she will go and kill herself… never does(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1006717
>>1006529Looks like knock knees rather than bowed legs.
>>1006514Anon, if you’ve never seen knock knees or bow legs before then you’re either blissfully ignorant or you have no human contact.
No. 1006822
File: 1594724666284.jpeg (988.83 KB, 828x1726, D97DBC76-629A-4AEE-BDA9-5C769D…)

Fat, Georgie. It’s that you’re fat.
No. 1006840
>>1006822Wow, it's as if she thinks she can pull off a ~pretty scary overdose~, have her brain zapped, inject meds and have no side effects at all. Oh, and of course be obese and lie in bed doing fuck all most of the day.
Am I getting sick, lol.
No. 1006978
File: 1594748455328.jpeg (Spoiler Image,364.13 KB, 828x1352, 3869C3AC-1377-4372-8266-C3C220…)

This girl is a Portuguese model who was in the playboy magazine a few years ago but now looks spooky af.
She claims she is completely healthy and posts naked pictures on a daily basis showing off her bones, she even has an onlyfans account.
Everyone who comments about her weight/health gets immediately blocked or attacked by her and a few of her enablers.
I just cannot understand how model agencies can keep enabling these type of behaviors…
No. 1006991
File: 1594750081342.jpg (490.36 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200714-200730_Gal…)

Poor girl
No. 1006993
File: 1594750677187.png (494.54 KB, 705x1041, Screenshot_20200714-190856~2.p…)

>>1006978>>1006991Shame. She had a bangin' body. Being 5ft 3in must stop her doing catwalk. The nudes would be tasteful if she wasn't going down the skinny fetish route.
No. 1006996
File: 1594751517416.png (Spoiler Image,310.4 KB, 692x974, Screenshot_20200714-192717~2.p…)

>>1006993Seems like she went from model thin to ana skinny within the last 18 months- 2 years. Feel sad for her tbh. She was cute and obviously had a potentially successful career.
I can't find a model agency she's currently signed to. Her weight might've been a problem getting shoots with brands.
No. 1007003
File: 1594752821346.jpeg (Spoiler Image,134.07 KB, 828x1710, 9673327B-4695-4ECD-B64F-99AEFF…)

She has two agencies listed on her instagram bio and is on their websites…
No. 1007029
File: 1594756364091.png (2.98 MB, 828x1792, IMG_1736.PNG)

The very "emaciated" fairy is doing well.
No. 1007040
File: 1594757409677.jpeg (528.73 KB, 1588x1275, 4997063A-C2BD-4D36-BB83-5BF09E…)

lol which of you anons set Becky off?
No. 1007041
>>1007029No, it's not happieness, it's happiness. Nothing a nice new hair colour wouldn't fix.
>>1007040Read that earlier as some random in the street said something. I forget to check on Bex she's so fkin dull. Her ageing process is interesting though.
No. 1007043
File: 1594758121689.png (415.59 KB, 720x1062, Screenshot_20200714-212005~2.p…)

>>1007041Woah shit tho. I checked the dog's fake post account. Did she dress it up like this or is it shooped? Dear god say the latter.
No. 1007141
File: 1594768069997.png (678.16 KB, 717x1115, Screenshot_20200715-000500~2.p…)

Maria posted a non filtered pic of herself. She looks pretty good! (As in not nuts or alien).
No. 1007510
File: 1594816611475.jpeg (469.13 KB, 1242x1268, 90464DA5-21B1-44E5-AA0B-58136E…)

Was the roast potato really necessary?
No. 1007512
File: 1594816736369.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1242x1809, 4CA8D54E-A18B-44A1-8C10-550783…)

Her captions are worse than Elzanis for going into unnecessary detail about each component of food.
No. 1007514
>>1007510No it wasn't.
Neither was
>>1007512 the Reese cup sperg.
No. 1007685
>>1007510New plate.
Looks like she went in the freezer and picked out one half of a roast potato and 3 pieces of frozen carrot.
No. 1007723
File: 1594840079682.jpg (Spoiler Image,1014.67 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200715_120633.jpg)

did anyone see aly's weird af shroom trip picture? nightmare worthy
No. 1007726
>>1007725it looks a little less than an eighth- which is usually a low starting dose for new users. but definitely not enough to 'be on another level'
either she's never done them before/doesn't know what 'on another level' is or faking for the attention.
the latter seems more likely.
No. 1007749
>>1007293I dont doubt she has some degree of gp as it's common in anorexics. But it makes me sad that her and Maria went to med school (but never worked
as doctors) and yet totally forgot their medical knowledge because of their starved brains and mental state.
No. 1007758
File: 1594844427701.jpg (495.2 KB, 1080x1748, Screenshot_20200715_211926.jpg)

Anyone who wanted to see N2f's version of a chicken korma, you're in luck
No. 1007760
>>1007758looks like she just poured the cold korma sauce out onto the plate.
if i believed this was all properly cooked, it wouldn't actually be a bad meal.
No. 1007762
>>1007749After reading about and watching stuff about mental twins, there's a lot more than anorexia wrong with them. Have any other spoops been so brain damaged? Even though Ash is pretty dim, she still has her faculties whereas Maria claims she knew nothing about oxycontin. Maria seems to do okay away from Katie. There's always one twin that fucks the other up.
>>1007758Salmonella on a new plate. Is the chicken cooked? I can hear it cluck. Ty for post. I look forward to them.
>>1007760I never feel the food's even warm. There's a look to hot or warm food. Hers is like it was given to an old person at a bad care home who can't feed themselves and it goes cold.
No. 1007787
File: 1594849554569.jpeg (280.44 KB, 749x1131, C54F8E52-6B85-472F-B235-5B06D4…)

This hairstyle tho. What is it with white people an dreadlocks
No. 1007817
File: 1594852156462.png (1.75 MB, 750x1334, C619E52F-72DC-410C-A291-76786A…)

Georgie, you don’t have an ED to relapse into.
It’s cute that she’s calling an ng tube a nose hose though.
No. 1007822
>>1007758You know it’s cold just because she is keeping the damn korma outside the fucking window instead of refrigerating it.
Also when you heat korma it has oil streaks in it, that’s what I find anyway.
I’m praying to god that chicken was precooked in the shop. Do you think her parents see all the shit she stores on the window ledge?
>>1007787That’s a bold move to have dreads, especially during the heat of BLM.
>>1006681Honestly prefer if you didn’t kill yourself, stop posting it on the internet and get help.
No. 1007826
>>1007817Its reverse psychology "I couldn't bare the thought". Sure Jan. Its what you want out of your paid for, planned "much needed" admission.
You could avoid EDP if you didn't request it like a burger off of a menu.
No. 1007839
File: 1594854386350.png (7.82 MB, 1125x2436, BD15F33C-7911-4F1F-B073-360BD8…)

how can she expect to become a social worker when she can’t even take care of herself lmfao
No. 1008063
>>1007758There is no way she ate that raw chicken breast, right? Right?!
Just like those expired yoghurts, it's only a photo prop. I hope…
No. 1008123
File: 1594900268472.jpg (454.56 KB, 1080x1922, Screenshot_20200716_124830.jpg)

Not sure if other anons will agree but this is horrid to me. Crumpets and mayo??
No. 1008124
File: 1594900301239.jpg (439.88 KB, 1080x1916, Screenshot_20200716_124847.jpg)

Chicken (probably medium rare) has a little hair in the ketchup, yum
No. 1008183
>>1007760Eugenia seems to not be able to run to brain cells together. She has multiple accidents with her clothes on stream where she has a nip or vag flash. And her twitch stream is overrun with pedophiles which she refuses to do anything about. and she has said the n word a few times,etc etc.
If anyone questions her, she has her mods ban them and most of her twitch is just her absentmindedly playing games
No. 1008184
File: 1594910029329.jpg (226.82 KB, 1080x1199, Screenshot_20200716_153245.jpg)

Creepy Jules acting like n2f is going to drop to Ashley Isaacs' weight overnight because she didn't put enough mayo on her crumpet lmao
No. 1008187
File: 1594910259857.jpg (589.62 KB, 1080x1896, Screenshot_20200716_153517.jpg)

>>1008184For reference the meal overall is a decent size portion, and she also had a dessert which I won't post because it's not gross enough to be funny. Jules just loves to micromanage n2f's diet like an overbearing parent.
No. 1008194
>>1008183*rub two
Sorry, autocorrect on my phone.
File: 1594914589404.jpeg (637.73 KB, 1242x2000, 51EB8E52-5312-4E5B-B3FB-C5896A…)

>>1008184Her relationship with N2F is so odd, I looked at her account and she says some weird stuff in her captions that I don’t know what to make of. The comments are entertaining too
No. 1008228
>>1008187Yay, another expired twix from that online food shop.
N2f eats like most people who don't gaf about what's popular or on trend in the ~recovery community~ She eats enough to maintain a healthy weight even though the stuff she shovels down isn't nutritious.
What I think about though is how much she must be scoffing the sweets and crap she hoards like all those Twix and the Pick n Mix she buys. I don't doubt her entire day is one long b/p. She's not spoopy but she looks ill. Could do with a turbo vitamin supplement.
It'd been interesting to listen into that conversation with the nutritionist who gave up on making her follow a meal plan and more or less said fuck it, eat what you want.
No. 1008243
File: 1594917666721.png (273.58 KB, 313x476, Screenshot_20200716-173717~2.p…)

She gets taken out for lunch every day. I'm guessing the bathroom selfies are pre or post purge.
No. 1008418
File: 1594932707623.png (1.91 MB, 750x1334, 093532E4-D18A-44FE-BF8C-85CCCC…)

Isn’t he a coke addict? I don’t know what her idea of responsible is but to me that doesn’t sound like a responsible adult.
No. 1008440
File: 1594934189490.jpeg (411.12 KB, 828x1263, ED7CC068-7173-4A77-B53E-F65D38…)

Emma, still desperate to get back to York, claims her unit are allowing her to lose weight because she’s such a super special case, gets called on it in comments and declares it a “waste of NHS money” but she’s gonna do it anyway
No. 1008485
File: 1594939369601.jpg (478.09 KB, 1800x1660, T7ISk3Y.jpg)

>>1007787just been sectioned for potentially half a year but hey lemme get a pic showing off all my dressings and pretend i’m spoopy enough to need supplements
(bonus comment from morven pretending to give a shit about anyone other than herself)
No. 1008561
File: 1594946822862.jpeg (223.88 KB, 731x1167, 6E593257-197B-46D7-A917-3C86D6…)

>>1008542Yeah, when she was at a higher weight she looked even more abnormal
No. 1008583
>>1008485>>1008561She looks like Myra Hindley on a bad day.
>>1007787Does she say anywhere what the ~risk~ is of her being on lithium?
No. 1008703
File: 1594974661106.jpg (552.4 KB, 1080x1892, Screenshot_20200717_093037.jpg)

looks like someone with a bad sinus infection sneezed into her hot chocolate
No. 1008720
>>1008718i think the cup has a stem and the base is under the toast?
Shuddering trying to imagine how one goes about drinking this without getting that dreadful stickiness everywhere but I don't suppose she cares
No. 1008721
File: 1594978638491.jpg (22.6 KB, 600x600, irishcoffeeglass.jpg)

>>1008718>>1005058please see above post, its not a shitty shoop it is known as an irish coffee glass.
essentially it is just a glass mug on a wine-glass stem… filled with the contents of my grandpa's hankey!!
No. 1008739
File: 1594984338010.jpg (448.67 KB, 1080x1926, Screenshot_20200717_120845.jpg)

>>1008418May's lurking and upsetting herself. At least she's taking a brief break from making draugr porn and having b/p sessions.
No. 1008742
File: 1594984981541.jpg (14.78 KB, 275x144, sure jan.jpg)

>>1008739we're all seething with jealousy over her glamorous life of looking like an extra from The Mummy, purging leftover pizza and flashing her gash for a handful of cash
No. 1008780
File: 1594995863309.jpeg (997.06 KB, 828x1546, 33008631-56E1-42EB-ADD8-D15F80…)

Not that it’s news, but n2f confirming that she buys all of her treats from a site specializing in selling past-date junk food. She also misquotes the website, it’s “” not “.com” and it’s horrific. I’ve only checked out the website’s front page and all the featured products have expiry dates in January and April 2020
No. 1008796
File: 1594999920081.png (61.44 KB, 285x451, nourish2purge.PNG)

>>1008780she uses these tilda rice packets all the time, if she's getting them from there she's probably eating rice that expired in 2019
No. 1008797
>>1008791It was a while ago she mentioned it. I just had a skim over past threads but haven't found it yet. It was something about where she wasn't following her meal plan but that's okay because her nutritionist said she can replace something on her plan with something else. All she's done is replace the calorific value and not taken into account nutrients. I'm not even sure she has the intelligence to understand nutrition?
I'll have another quickie look for it because it's bugging me now, but that was the jist of it.
No. 1008799
File: 1595000148175.png (61.41 KB, 659x413, my sides.PNG)

her fave expired over a year ago lmao. you know she buys this in bulk.
No. 1008801
File: 1595000652718.png (40.74 KB, 469x298, knoblauch.PNG)

it appears I was wrong about her german friend sending her the knoblauch. expired in 2019.
No. 1008815
File: 1595003259920.jpg (272.71 KB, 1024x1024, n2f01.jpg)

Found the n2f meal plan posts:
>>866796 link to original post, screenshots for your convenience if your phone is shit or something.
No. 1008817
File: 1595003314639.jpg (546.15 KB, 1067x1974, n2f02.jpg)

No. 1008818
File: 1595003482071.jpeg (1.33 MB, 899x1582, EFCA7354-2C11-41CC-92F7-782841…)

If she thinks this one is unappetising then does she think the rest look nice??? Who tf puts miso paste on toast
No. 1008819
>>1008818"food doesn't always have to look good to taste good"
bitch yours does neither
No. 1008835
File: 1595008202283.jpeg (375.38 KB, 1118x1952, 2D29A67A-CBB9-4E1A-BF72-43D195…)

What is it with these bitches and posting every single thing online? Sage cuz no milk, but I follow this autist just for jokes and don’t get why they have to tell everyone everything.
No. 1008837
File: 1595008327768.jpg (433.55 KB, 1080x1880, Screenshot_20200717_185036.jpg)

Don't forget to send her gifts guys. Such a begger
No. 1008841
>>1008835Same fag>>1008839
Forgot to mention how she said”try to be normal”…. that’s the issue, they ain’t normal
No. 1008842
File: 1595008784058.gif (1.95 MB, 498x272, no one understands meee.gif)

>>1008835Headbanging and skin picking appear to be the latest MI trend on ig.
No. 1008848
File: 1595009481079.jpeg (528.13 KB, 1131x1626, 6F28B7D4-6498-4776-B6D0-ACDC6C…)

>>1008835I feel bad for that animal, don’t know why these people get animals if they can’t even look after themselves, again>>1008836
Like children, they shouldn’t be responsible for pets.
No. 1008849
>>1008842Head banging so there’s a mark on the forehead because they need everybody to know what they’ve been up to. It’s always amusing to imagine what uncomfortable positions they had to get in instead of just banging the back of their heads.
Same for the skin picking, people with the skin picking disorder usually pick at a few different parts of their body but the attention seekers pick a part of their face only.
No. 1008851
File: 1595009878204.jpeg (374.89 KB, 1242x1807, EDB383CF-E060-42EA-AC36-0DDFC5…)

before she “eats with her mum or gran”. sure. do they watch her whilst she films herself eating it and think that’s normal behaviour? I call bs.
No. 1008852
File: 1595009951582.jpg (113.38 KB, 854x883, Capture.JPG)

>>1008837She should be starting a Mental Health Nursing degree soon.
No. 1008891
File: 1595014128729.jpeg (48.49 KB, 750x763, AF7B31C5-5B1C-4639-AA7E-3FC27C…)

>>1008837I can’t get over the shape of her head
No. 1008904
File: 1595016682333.png (1.06 MB, 719x1286, Screenshot_2020-07-17-21-08-30…)

>>1008852I feel like it's the same thing with mental health nursing as it is with Hannah being a primary school teacher. Her neck, arms and legs are covered in visable self harm scars- lots of them are pretty extreme. I just don't see how she can go into mental health nursing with that much visable self harm- would that not be
triggering for her potential patients? I know the ones we can see now are fairly fresh and they will heal but they're definitely deep enough to leave noticable scars.
(Also nitpick but is she pulling this face as a joke? Or is that really her smile?)
No. 1008912
>>1008907Fuck me, I thought it WAS a filter.
>>1008904Dig that edgelord necklace. Thanks for letting us see that, Sharnise.
No. 1008921
File: 1595018452974.jpg (85.5 KB, 675x830, the leg lifters.JPG)

We got another one.
No. 1008923
File: 1595018545054.jpg (44.03 KB, 650x822, Capture.JPG)

Headbanging, skin picking, leg lifting…
No. 1008924
>>1008904It's kinda funny that, as a total ana-chan, she's starting on topamax. One of the side effects is loss of appetite (I know from personal experience).
Maybe she will actually get spoopy now!
No. 1008939
File: 1595021092494.jpg (125.98 KB, 573x732, lol.JPG)

When cows collide. It all makes sense now.
No. 1008953
File: 1595023357800.jpg (61.47 KB, 600x569, buh.jpg)

looks like it's been another rough day for Nimbus.
>>1008950ah, she's Laura's "friend" ? suddenly everything make sense.
No. 1008954
File: 1595023366059.jpeg (254 KB, 750x1123, FD2A6408-4153-445C-AD72-2AB8BC…)

These cows will use anything as an excuse to post self harm, like why is this picture needed seriously…
No. 1008962
File: 1595024760167.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, 6D38C968-D4D3-4FE4-B08C-929817…)

Excuse to post that open wound
No. 1008963
File: 1595024937549.jpeg (198.42 KB, 740x1118, 775693C2-4CD3-4100-95F9-32376E…)

>>1008891She looks dreadful, why would she post this lol
No. 1008990
File: 1595027892428.png (2.58 MB, 1844x1122, Screen Shot 2020-07-18 at 9.15…)

can confirm that she reaches into her freezer and carefully selects four green peas like a peasant foraging the fields during harvest season kek
No. 1008997
File: 1595028499579.jpg (38.7 KB, 497x526, needs a spoiler.JPG)

>>1008962No it's not. Not when you're posting open gashes on ig.
>>1008963From the School of Laura. She knows she looks like shit without makeup, so she posts one and it's when she's ~ill~ Honestly, that's how she looks under this pile (img).
>>1008990Mmm, worth the effort.
No. 1009027
File: 1595031853983.png (4.01 MB, 750x1334, 8F9E5590-FAA1-4BDD-BD21-EB6338…)

d.does.more/Dani in php again!
No. 1009074
File: 1595037994011.png (1.42 MB, 750x1334, FB343FA5-9E45-4589-800B-3C5FF8…)

Well obviously you’re not a lower weight if you’ve grew out of a pair of shorts.
No. 1009082
File: 1595038705756.jpeg (257.8 KB, 719x1051, 55AF4279-7A78-48F7-ACD9-CDE811…)

>>1008915She seems to have lost a tiny amount weight when she was a psych ward, then came out an gained it back plus more. Now she’s gone back in there again. She also doesn’t really look like she’s losing because her legs seem to stay the same, she just learns to suck in more lol. Also if she was eating what she’s claiming to eat then she would have lost loads an it would be noticeable
No. 1009084
File: 1595039175954.jpeg (154.42 KB, 740x935, A968246C-183D-4032-B091-6B01D7…)

>>1008923wonder what happened to her fucked up arm from twirling around? She only done it in June and it’s fixed already ?
No. 1009116
File: 1595042775860.jpeg (94.96 KB, 750x1142, CBA4BE23-475D-445D-B58E-CFD029…)

>>1009090She done it apparently by twirling around in the kitchen and bashing her wrist of the wall. I have no idea how it got fixed, if she had surgery or anything to do with it she would have 100% posted about it , so maybe the swelling went down and it was fine? Idk it literally looks crooked
No. 1009131
File: 1595046699785.jpeg (323.6 KB, 749x1202, C7EC6074-0585-46F2-93C5-A62054…)

Bitch literally gained 1-2kg and has the audacity to post before and afters once a week /much inspiration/
No. 1009293
File: 1595083077854.jpg (618.8 KB, 1080x1879, Screenshot_20200718_153621.jpg)

what is the logic with this burger? who wants to eat a burger with heinz baked beans spilling out?
No. 1009294
File: 1595083135644.jpg (586.59 KB, 1080x1927, Screenshot_20200718_153527.jpg)

I know it's just a chocolate spread but it looks like little turds. she does everything in the most unappetising way.
No. 1009295
File: 1595083163904.jpg (397.32 KB, 1080x1929, Screenshot_20200718_153538.jpg)

do you think when she needs to take a pill she coats it in burger sauce to get it down?
No. 1009303
File: 1595084954293.jpeg (166.07 KB, 1242x877, D1ED344E-2F5D-423E-84A7-CB7092…)

She really thinks that people don’t see her bed in her close ups and videos and is trying to play off that she eats at a table with her mum or gran. Even she knows how weird her behaviour is because she’s blatantly lying.
No. 1009314
File: 1595085999916.png (7.26 MB, 1242x2208, B54C5901-EBAD-41BE-8CB5-F41428…)

ahh yes, because poor georgia definitely needs eating accountability
No. 1009337
>>1009295Whatever she posts I imagine after taking the pic she mashes it all together with a fork. Her need for so much crap with an item and all the different flavours isn't even anything I've seen bingers do. Also looks like she eats most things with her hands
>>1009313Not a shrink, but it don't take one to see she's not all there. Maybe more educationally challenged than brain damaged.
>>1009314It's good she's not on the ed unit as she keeps telling us. She thinks she might catch anorexia if she's sent there. Obv talking about usual depression isnt ig worthy enough for her. Not special enough.
No. 1009358
File: 1595091837538.jpg (314.86 KB, 1080x1333, Screenshot_20200718_175248.jpg)

Niamh has been mentioned briefly in previous threads. But after getting herself admitted to ip again she has now taken to shopping her photos to look spoopy
No. 1009381
File: 1595094776281.png (Spoiler Image,675.05 KB, 720x1045, Screenshot_20200718-185049~2.p…)

I thought Maria was looking better after the last unfiltered, but she still looks terrible.
No. 1009383
>>1009379I thought this but didn't say it. More like she'd
trigger the spoops. She really does talk as though EDs are something that're contagious.
No. 1009445
File: 1595101668725.jpeg (435.26 KB, 750x1029, F7583A99-3BB5-4835-9EFE-C5F71B…)

porgie getting all jealous of the skellies:(
No. 1009452
File: 1595102863127.png (Spoiler Image,947.73 KB, 1146x719, hotnot.png)

>>1009445>my eating was deterioration>i was stealing the anorexic's food Heavily medicated yet can still be arsed to post on insta. Okay.
Hey, our Dasha's got a date with her sugar daddy!
No. 1009497
File: 1595106659818.jpg (511.8 KB, 1080x1889, Screenshot_20200718_221036.jpg)

she's really trying her best to make people think she doesn't binge alone in her hoarder's den lmao
No. 1009539
>>1009385They are probably fearing they will become as huge as her.
>>1009384I wouldn't be surprised if shes on somewhat of a weight loss plan, kek
No. 1009553
File: 1595114153729.jpg (507.06 KB, 1080x1616, Screenshot_20200719_001507.jpg)

Paris's food usually looks okay, but check out this watery tinned bolognese with ramen
No. 1009554
File: 1595114182279.png (647.8 KB, 750x1334, EC2C6EB0-3AC0-4DA1-997A-339C29…)

More reasons for the cows to head bang!
No. 1009575
>>1009553Those look like Super Noodles made with too much water and she didn't drain them.
Yeah, her food generally looks okay, except the flakes she soaks overnight in the fridge makes me gag.
No. 1009577
>>1009445ECT gives you literal brain damage. I know people who have lost massive chunks of their childhood, if not the whole thing, to ECT. It's such a drastic measure, it's nothing to fuck around with.
>>1009452I feel like she could have a sugar daddy and not even know it. I cant imagine what cognition is like at that stage. Sweet words and pampering would go a long way. She might not even know he's a chaser.
No. 1009592
File: 1595119962993.jpg (611.14 KB, 698x1285, Screenshot_20200719-014610_Ins…)

Y'all remember Paige (thenextpaige, discussed a few threads back)? She's treated us to a few more instalments from her book.
How desperate for attention do you need to be that you publish your emo journal as an actual book?
No. 1009594
>>1009576Psychological institutionalisation. It's really sad. Units try to keep on the right side of comfortable, but not too homelike to try and prevent this. Still, when I was IP we all heard the story of the woman in the adult ED unit who was nearing 40 and had been in hospital most of her life since she was 15.
It's probably more prevalent in those who develop an ED as a response to increased pressure and responsibility in adulthood.
No. 1009602
>>1009577Georgia's going to find problems recalling these years or specific things. ECT works in a strange way. The small short term benefit does NOT outweigh long term effects (experience). I expect she's been told about or read up on the downside to ECT, but she's so desperate to be given treatments she doesn't care.
I think you're right about Dasha. Her whole personality's changed since she went spoop. She was a sporty, ordinary young woman and now she's a materialistic thing who now owns expensive outfits she would've once looked nice in but looks awful (but thinks she looks classy?)
No. 1009659
File: 1595130081151.png (2.8 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5192.PNG)

Truly embarrassing.
No. 1009661
File: 1595130356788.jpg (1.3 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200718-224452_Ins…)

No. 1009662
File: 1595130423325.jpg (1.21 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200718-224512_Ins…)

Maybe if you ate less sugar and carbs you might not be so hungry. Just a thought.
No. 1009763
>>1009732Not really any newbies. Shay is dancing with her obese friends in an effort to look smaller and is showing off her medication cups that she keeps for some reason. I doubt she ever showers as she's always wearing the same shit.
The french one is still posting her toobe selfies but no idea why she needs it.
Sabrina hasn't posted regularly enough
No. 1009768
File: 1595156016072.png (3.61 MB, 750x1334, 8FA683C7-266E-4E1C-889F-6F25D8…)

n2fs 6am concoction this morning. How on earth can anyone eat this shit, let alone so early in the morning… was very quickly followed by her typical nightmare worthy toast creations (pretty average for her standard so pic not inc)
No. 1009809
>>1009768Don’t worry, I’m sure her nan & mom, who she definitely ate with at the breakfast table, also had the same thing. 100% normal.
No. 1009829
>>1009768What the fuck is this anyway?
>>1009803Vaginal discharge
No. 1009830
File: 1595172429216.png (315.85 KB, 720x853, Screenshot_20200719-162528~2.p…)

Look who's showing off her sequin makeup. Sounds like people are pity gifting her.
No. 1009844
>>1009661The ana larping is extreme here. Admitted for being depressy, on general psych ward yet speaks as though ED IP.
Oh jowly one.
No. 1009856
>>1009812Would be more interesting to see how many farmers are actually cows themselves. I suspect Georgia is one of them, it’d be just like her fat, bitter ass to poke fun at the spoopy ones.
No. 1009858
>>1009856Phlegm after smoking a cig. It's a bit yellowy.
Oh there are more than half a dozen cows posting as farmers here. Georgie for sure. Many Aus cows because they all know one another so be bitches posting shit about their ~friends~ behind their backs.
Dusty more than likely is still s regular farmer.
No. 1009873
File: 1595178906371.png (5.14 MB, 828x1792, IMG_1872.PNG)

Surprise surprise. Wonder if her "totally not a coke addict" new boyfriend's gonna stay for this one.
No. 1009908
File: 1595181677984.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1242x1854, FD5F8BA6-B9F1-4282-87B8-3C6020…)

Raw chicken, frozen potatoes and some weird sauce. Not a roast dinner…
No. 1010018
File: 1595200316245.jpg (293.97 KB, 1080x1917, Screenshot_20200720_001100.jpg)

ol' cube head isn't happy about being in a dorm
No. 1010069
>>1009990>>1009997Considering the thread,it probably has more to do with her disorder
She's either bland af or overloading with syrups
No. 1010200
File: 1595246703014.jpg (230.75 KB, 1080x1890, Screenshot_20200720_125918.jpg)

Apparently Sharni is finally off her tik tok ban for her "recovery" account. Don't know why she was banned in the first place. Anyway apparently all her fans want her to do more "day in the life" posts so look forward to that bullshit.
No. 1010217
File: 1595251199705.png (2.64 MB, 750x1334, 378CB97B-8588-4064-A6E1-B7D34B…)

>>1010199That classic jaw
No. 1010351
File: 1595275673620.png (Spoiler Image,364.34 KB, 346x614, omg.png)

>>1010345I was hoping the ana chan was talking about the pic on the left. Even that one you can tell she's puffing her stomach out so her abs work looks more impressive when she sucks in.
Sharni is overweight, but I doubt she's obese. She carries weight in the areas female do. Ignore the bone rattlers. They've had too much tumblr.
Img - can't ignore this.
No. 1010388
File: 1595282227650.png (714.45 KB, 720x1019, Screenshot_2020-07-20-22-54-23…)

No milk here but I got this skinny syrup ad on insta and ew? It looks like anybody who buys skinny syrup fails to wash their plates and eats the weirdest most unappealing things ever.
(This isn't a recovery account so no milk there, it's just some weight loss account.)
No. 1010404
>>1010388Okay, haven't checked her account yet but at least her bottles are clean!
Is it the syrups making the food look shit? Sticking a jammie dodger on top of oatmeal. If she's sponsored it's confirmed skinny syrups target ESNs.
Can't remember which diet system does syns, but if this is her idea of weight loss, she needs to fix her ideas about the best things to eat.
No. 1010407
File: 1595285340609.png (715.62 KB, 715x936, Screenshot_20200720-234650~2.p…)

>>1010404Checked. Yes she's sponsored, yes it makes all food look disgusting.
No. 1010524
>>1010407Are those.. novelty candy erasers ?
The eternal sunshine of the spotless mind..
No. 1010526
File: 1595304692461.png (321.66 KB, 505x633, Screenshot 2020-07-20 at 11.09…)

>>1010524I looked up the post because I was curious too. Just some candy.
The post above it had a video of her squirting the syrup on the oatmeal. It was disturbing.
No. 1010530
File: 1595306320527.jpeg (1.9 MB, 3464x3464, A988AF4D-E79D-4D47-9DE9-717B90…)

>>1010526Just went to this candys website…. cant wait to see the concoctions made in the future with these official recipes…
No. 1010552
File: 1595310799890.png (855.34 KB, 720x1077, Screenshot_20200720-235803~2.p…)

>>1010540Her system either couldn't tolerate the syrups any longer or she caught one of the germs under her nail(s).
Saw this tagged with the skinnyfooodco #. Legit could be a n2f upload.
No. 1010582
File: 1595320315837.jpg (223.41 KB, 828x782, IMG_1897.jpg)

No. 1010583
File: 1595321130688.jpg (584.28 KB, 1080x1904, Screenshot_20200721_094124.jpg)

>>1010582If we ignore the fact that she purges it all anyway, this looks like more than enough calories to me. Twix, oats, weetabix and she had her usual spread-fest toast for part 2 as well. Julee is unhinged. She nitpicks more than we do lmao.
No. 1010584
File: 1595321222152.jpg (223.44 KB, 880x880, Squashies-Creations-Recipes-15…)

>>1010530Holy shit this website is hilarious, some of the recipes look n2f tier
No. 1010586
File: 1595321779727.jpg (396.32 KB, 1080x1899, Screenshot_20200721_095015.jpg)

Paris posted her first dancing video in a while, showing off her Dory slippers like a child on Christmas. It creeps me out how stunted and babyish she is, doesn't help that her mum clearly coddles her and just buys her winnie the pooh shite instead of trying to help her properly. I think Paris has found a way to avoid growing up forever and her family encourage it for some reason.
No. 1010624
>>1010605this is a common thing people say but i dont believe it. eugenia and her family were rich before she got famous. they own two nice expensive houses in pricey areas, trips to disney all the time, she talks about being pulled out of school to go follow the jonas brothers tour and go shopping as a kid, she went to a private school before she dropped out, etc. her dad works in finance so im assuming he is the one who brought in a lot of dough. im sure they do take her money as well but its definitely not where all their wealth comes from
besides i saw somewhere she probably makes around 50 to 60k a year. i dont know enough about youtube to know whether or not thats true and yeah thats a lot of money for posting videos of someone body checking, but definitely not millions or hundreds of thousands. her family sucks for letting her stay in the state she is but i dont think its because the money
No. 1010765
File: 1595365015443.jpg (450.43 KB, 1080x1934, Screenshot_20200721_215518.jpg)

this is a shame because the grossest and most feral-looking pics are usually posted to her stories
No. 1010767
File: 1595365065636.jpg (395.78 KB, 1080x1945, Screenshot_20200721_215540.jpg)

>>1010765not sure if I believe her though because she posted this lovely snap of her dinner earlier
No. 1010770
File: 1595365134064.jpg (331.36 KB, 1080x1895, Screenshot_20200721_215601.jpg)

no milk with this one, just thought Distressed Cube was funny and wanted to share lmao
No. 1010798
File: 1595367226196.jpg (242.34 KB, 720x1082, IMG_20200721_233253.jpg)

Looks like the prettiest boi shady can't take criticism lol
No. 1010814
>>1010798What's that shit tattoo at the top of her leg?
She needs to make use of the shower since she spends a lot of time near it. She always looks greasy, and no, not in a "c00l" wa¥ . Even LegoHead above her looks more attractive. Actually, skip them both, N2Fs fish finger puke leaf is more attractive than both.
No. 1010921
>>1010800Kek she should take her own advice and get a life.
>>1010824Same here anon.
No. 1010971
File: 1595404948167.jpeg (Spoiler Image,253.51 KB, 828x1462, F0D922E0-CFD3-40F9-ADBF-71D20D…)

>>1010798Prettyboishady, putting the proana and scumbag in proana scumbag
No. 1010975
File: 1595406417086.jpg (168.6 KB, 720x1320, IMG_20200722_062022.jpg)

>>1010800This was shared on the account that made that first comment. Her braincells seem to be too starved to function together.
No. 1011001
>>1010800I still don't know what it's trying to say. Get a (unintelligible) Ya dumb crybaby?
>>1010975I wish anas would stop regurgitating this conspiracy theory that nobody has a problem with deathfats lying about what healthy means to rationalize their suicidal eating habits.
No. 1011008
File: 1595416902113.jpeg (540.27 KB, 828x1466, 1C77FCDA-EAB6-45B7-8A4E-8BDC34…)

Why is Georgie reposting stuff about how to discuss food with literal toddlers? Can she really not handle being told salad is healthy and blueberries have antioxidants? Is that triggering now?!
No. 1011023
>>1011008She wants someone to explain what these unusual foods are that aren't slapped in a burger.
>>1010975Lol, when I'm feeling down I'm going to think how this fugly cunt is ~trans~ but boohoo can't afford hormones. Life sucks, eh.
No. 1011043
>>1010975lol at "get a life".
Says the person who's whole purpose in life is to look spoopy and share her emaciated body to strangers online just to get validation, while they "have no family" or friends and spend their days taking photos with their stuffed animals on the street.
No. 1011046
>>1011008Real life facts can be
triggering when you are fat but consider yourself an anorexic.
No. 1011151
File: 1595445996277.jpg (127 KB, 887x798, 2010.JPG)

>>1011148I get this:
get a motherfuckin [not sure what the euro symbol is meant to represent, a Mcfuckin?] life you dumb crybaby
read your DMs dipshit
Putting "Mc" before a word must be some r3tr0 thing or she really does think it's new and not something people said a decade ago.
No. 1011193
File: 1595450943136.jpg (125.22 KB, 1292x694, wtf.JPG)

Anyone still go to pancake addiction? I want to know what the deal is with this woman in mpa. She started a thread to get REAL pro ana on mpa.
She posts a load of shit.
>I am petitioning -PEACEFULLY- for Real Pro Ana content on MPA once again. Here is what that means to me.
>1- Having a sub forum for the real dark stuff that nobody wants to talk about. This includes Reverse Thinspo, Meanspo, and Honest Body Shaming. Obviously, it would need to be asked for with consent of the OP or as stated in rules for the forum as a warning that this is ALLOWED here.
I'm not interested in whatever she's plugging but she's like the shady bitch who types nonsense buy with real letters. She's been posting ALL DAY NON STOP. She thinks she's funny but is anything but.
Anyone know the milk?
No. 1011194
File: 1595450964616.jpg (202.85 KB, 1368x921, wtf2.JPG)

No. 1011226
File: 1595455574211.jpg (84.59 KB, 1238x382, MEME ME ME EM EM EME MEME ME.J…)

>>1011219ooOOOooOO! Feel like meeting new crazies.
No. 1011255
>>1011236Phoenix Oliver Isaac. Her sister/brother seems quite normal for a trans. S/he must think a lot of Paris because she's in two of the three featured pictures on fb.
After so long, everyone's probably fed up with trying. She's condemned to lie in bed with her cats talking about how she wishes she was dead.
Faker cows get specialist help, but she' left to it. No idea why.
No. 1011267
>>1011148"Get a motherfuckin life, ya dumb crybaby."
I do enjoy anon's
>>1011151 McFuck interpretation tho
No. 1011288
>>1011255he seems to have an ordinary life. I don't think he lives with Paris and their mum, because Paris sometimes says passive aggressive things in her insta captions about not getting to see him as often as she wants.
I find it jarring when she posts a pic of her cat sleeping and then the caption is something like "wish I was dead I'm such a waste of space, want to end it all". it's so bizarre. she got new meds a couple of weeks ago and of course has already dismissed them as not working, even though SSRIs take longer than 2 weeks to become effective, and you're meant to take them alongside therapy which she claims doesn't work for her. I truly believe she doesn't want to get better, that would mean growing up and facing some hard truths.
No. 1011328
>>1011288She has got to start taking her meds, they may make things worse before they get better during the six week period so, no they might not work,just self destruction. Also if she ma aged to get hold of some SSRI’s then she would have gone to the GP, surely they would have seen her and requested a section or whatever.
Sorry for the rant.
>>1011263Glad you have recovered from SH, yeah I don’t get those who literally show it off like it’s a nice tattoo, it just shocks people and sometimes freaks them out too. Could be a way of getting attention(for help) or they might think it’s “cool” to do it, seeing as some people I once knew thought that in order to be emo they had to cut fml.
No. 1011336
>>1011288That all sounds true. If she.legit felt so bad she'd be jumping on anything to try to feel better. She wouldn't just write about wanting to be dead. There's always a med and therapy to relieve really deep depression but therapy takes work and she mustn't be arsed to even try to help herself.
When her parents die, I hope her siblng doesn't have to take responsibility. She COULD improve her mood and quality of life, but yeah, responsibilities and a bit of work on her part doesn't appeal to her. Are her parents a bit weird? Her name's fucking flouncy.
No. 1011371
>>1011193>>1011194this person left pancakes - they started a thread to trash talk other users and it got deleted. she then went on this while tirade about having a structured place to vent about other users without having to call them out - i guess a place to vague blog. so she gets into it with the admin and the mods and then left. good to see she's still being batty.
note about her name: she nominated herself the "First Lady of ED sites". Guess its some sort of joke from a few years ago when her husband was being a total shit stain, someone compared him to Trump, so now she like… role plays as Melania and refers to her husband as "Donald".
No. 1011403
>>1011371>>1011372You're a star, anon. Now the Donald husband makes sense. She mentions in one post on mpa she can't wait to start losing weight when she gives birth to her layest "parasite" - baby.
Good time for pancake ss if dear admin is doing the K thing.
No. 1011446
>>1011328She most likely had a phone appointment, that's what most GPs in the UK are doing at the moment due to Covid.
>>1011336Definitely, no matter what meds and therapy she has, she also has to want to get better. No med will automatically fix everything going on in her head, and therapy works on people who are receptive to it, not those who just mope and expect a miracle.
I get the impression that her mum is a bit weird. Her and Paris are definitely very codependent. What normal parent would film their skeletal kid eating Maccies and bopping creepily to Imagine Dragons instead of intervening somehow?
No. 1011485
File: 1595504692585.jpg (214.48 KB, 872x503, CDMZSiF.jpg)

samefag this is the only screenshot i have from pancake. really hard to document anything there because admin loves to ban people. anyway see what an unhinged weirdo admin is
No. 1011497
File: 1595507297415.jpeg (1.12 MB, 828x1573, 264B13BB-EE59-4A4F-BCB1-C085D4…)

Them bedsheets though. Yummmmy.
No. 1011500
She wants one of those brain scans that detect demons eh.
No. 1011506
>>1011498Companies make sauces for chips anyway, it's actually alright, I doubt this shit chili sauce is good though.
>>1011497Absolutely disgusting, she needs to clean those damn sheets and integrate into society, maybe then she will discover a fridge and a washing machine.
No. 1011522
File: 1595511379768.png (620.15 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200723-143544.png)

>>1011506Dips are for Doritos. Nobody gets a packet of crisps and uses a dip or sauce on them. They're too thin unless it's pringles which isnt really crisps.
Second comment, fuck yes. She SLEEPS on this.
No. 1011541
File: 1595512669060.jpeg (138.19 KB, 1036x610, CD4A8802-6D0F-4278-8DE1-992A52…)

No. 1011545
File: 1595513377559.png (242.03 KB, 705x1279, Screenshot_20200723-150756~2.p…)

Still reading this bitch. Did she ever post pics of herself?
No. 1011553
File: 1595514715066.png (2.77 MB, 828x1792, IMG_1961.PNG)

I thought she was over the whole "need my followers to tell me I'm still spoopy and I can eat" thing
No. 1011558
File: 1595515575189.png (605.55 KB, 387x682, interesting.png)

>>1011550She posts the most mundane idgaf comments. I used an umbrella today because it started to rain.
Anyone else think she looks like she's gained again? Really looks very depressy.
No. 1011584
File: 1595520017375.jpg (77.48 KB, 1117x380, Capture.JPG)

>>1011561A week ago she posted the dog with her usual comment. She's more into staying in bed with her cats now. That's all it is. Cats and suicidal comments. Fun person to be with.
No. 1011603
File: 1595521709347.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1242x1584, C22A4D8B-559A-4E25-BB37-8779FF…)

It’s weird to me how Nourish follows Paris when they are complete opposite. Anyway her captions at this point are just one long sentence. Got up late for weigh in? So does she go to the doctors or what??
No. 1011607
File: 1595522131248.jpg (97.91 KB, 677x657, Capture.JPG)

Her mum sounds really supportive and not at all fucked up on facebook. Unless in the space of 18 months she's sick of the stench coming from N2's room.
No. 1011652
File: 1595526324075.png (148.19 KB, 720x1221, Screenshot_2020-07-23-19-44-10…)

>>1011648An example of this, it looks like she's actually been pregnant but then again she did a whole roleplay of giving birth as Melania.
No. 1011688
File: 1595531257921.jpg (158 KB, 1274x828, Capture.JPG)

>>1011682It was a super hilarious joke apparently?
>>1011686Mentioned on and off, first mention was in this thread >>>>>/snow/361368
No. 1011759
File: 1595538203762.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1076x1274, 6225C325-0954-45AE-AC4B-A4441D…)

Strategically placed raisins on a muller rice that looks like it’s seen better days
No. 1011770
File: 1595541230898.jpg (215.91 KB, 720x1184, IMG_20200723_235054.jpg)

Not so tiny bean acting like she's a dark web hacker kek.
Be careful guys! She can find you!
No. 1011775
File: 1595541864901.jpg (25.5 KB, 1133x103, crusin.JPG)

>>1011770~cruising~ the very dark web (eek) = downloading tor and pasting this url in the browser and clicking on links under the section DRUGS.
Literal hitmen lol.
No. 1011778
File: 1595542203214.jpg (31.08 KB, 620x413, tinybakedbean.jpg)

>>1011775tinybakedbean hacking all of our IPs
No. 1011780
File: 1595542350223.png (275.95 KB, 602x586, OMFG REAL TORTURE.png)

>>1011778Don't worry, I just sent her to a literal red room.
No. 1011785
>>1011603Medication is fabrication - she never sees a dr /gp - she avoids them and being on community mental health teams ( who might just possibly be able to help her!) - she's admitted way back she won't go to her GP. So, then there is no way she can be on antidepressants or any meds like diazepam . She makes it all up to imply she's so sick.
She does a lot of self diagnosing and gets totally confused on the difference between BPD and BDD !
No. 1011836
File: 1595552092363.png (293.72 KB, 720x1651, Screenshot_2020-07-24-02-53-32…)

Here you go. 5'6 and 125 must be like.. bmi 20? So she's hardly nearly overweight or on the high side of normal like another farmer said.
No. 1011866
File: 1595558737875.jpeg (1.43 MB, 3464x3464, 765BE929-0E1B-4E33-88E5-FE7078…)

Anyone follow this girl? Don’t know her name but always in hospital as soon as she gets out goes back in she has POTS but denies it so she can get admitted and have the toob again she loves it. Claimed to be a BMI of 13 lol bull shit look at her face will post some screen shots of her profile….(no one cares about you)
No. 1011867
File: 1595558789201.jpeg (251.58 KB, 750x1180, 2A58284A-56F6-4B0A-91F3-D0D531…)

Number 1/4
No. 1011871
File: 1595559004173.jpeg (321.16 KB, 750x1190, 5B85165E-9161-440C-8C1F-C28140…)

>>1011867For some reason it won’t let me post any others
No. 1011872
File: 1595559044198.jpeg (303.05 KB, 750x1187, 77D4377E-B459-454D-82C3-72B860…)

Okay it’s letting me now here’s number 3
No. 1011873
File: 1595559089000.jpeg (313.45 KB, 750x1179, 29AA7C20-F790-4879-9794-38EEB3…)

And 4. Not totally sure but it seems like she is in New Farm at the moment lolz
No. 1011943
File: 1595569294075.jpg (347.28 KB, 1080x1825, 20200724_154034.jpg)

Just like shay she has a few accounts. The two appear to bounce off eachother
No. 1012006
File: 1595592637269.jpeg (1.01 MB, 828x1530, 86A2965F-4633-4000-96F6-9BFBA1…)

Okay, is that a filthy blanket or a filthy carpet in the background? Hilarious that she tags the companies in these “product reviews” she does. I’m sure they would rather not be associated (except skinny syrups, who apparently will take whatever promotion they can get their sticky hands on) .
No. 1012050
>>1012006That looks like an oversized cushion. Not a carpet because it folds under.
This would make me heave (the food) anyway, but chocolate and strawberry on a CINNAMON bagel?
>breakfastStart as you mean to go on, Lissy, start as you mean to go on.
"Velvety spread". No ad campaign could portray this spread in such a non velvety way.
I get it, it's fine to eat sweet things in moderation but starting the day off with this must really make her system feel bad. She's got to feel ill most of the time.
>>1012011Think you're replying to an ana chan, because I agree. Her frame's a bit masculine but her weight is good. That's a healthy weight that'd take at least another 14lbs to look slightly flabby.
No. 1012061
File: 1595602000676.jpeg (122.3 KB, 556x857, image.jpeg)

Anyone remember this girl? Had multiple YouTube channels and Instagram and Facebook accounts- most deleted. She's been ill a long time and never makes any progress - and complains about how unhelpful treatment is.
Probably not much milk- just curious to see if anyone remembered/follows her now.- Aisling Bannon
No. 1012072
File: 1595605122942.jpg (39.51 KB, 347x620, that awkward pose.JPG)

>>1012061Don't know her.
I notice that she gains some and loses it. She does the usual ana thing of awkward posing to look even thinner and pops her bones when she's at a lower weight.
This whole caption annoyed me (looked at the fb). Typical selfish ana though. Nobody knew wtf was going on at the beginning of the virus crisis, the medical system were doing their best following expert advice, yet she complains that it's messing up her treatment
>So much at risk psychologically by doing things like this to people.Can't find anything else from her online.
No. 1012075
>>1012074Okay Georgie.
She looks like a perfectly healthy slim normal weight. Because she is.
No. 1012094
File: 1595608752351.jpg (76.76 KB, 859x582, Capture.JPG)

>>1012074If you're not trolling (or even if you're plain fucked), here are the bodies of average young women. Healthy weights. Second from right is most like the "underweight" person we're discussing. She is slim, healthy and probably has a good varied diet and also has chocolate or a slice of cake in moderation.
Case closed.
No. 1012111
File: 1595611284136.jpeg (306.31 KB, 901x1591, 7D59B9B5-64CD-423B-B2F3-C88483…)

Yummy pink chicken
No. 1012117
>>1012111My parents have these regularly. They do not look pink when cooked. And >>1012114 these tatos have seen better days.
(Btw, your ig ppic is showing)
No. 1012119
File: 1595612396879.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.94 KB, 235x403, mmmmm.jpg)

>>1012006Yeah the cushion looks disgusting, but her fingers…
No. 1012120
>>1012118She wipes all the oil onto her bedding and cushions.
>>1012119I noticed that as well. It's like she's dipped her fingers into a packet of raw cocoa and never bothered to wash it off.
This is proof she never goes out. Not to Tesco, nowhere. Those hands haven't seen santiser ever.
No. 1012137
File: 1595615895973.jpg (239.16 KB, 1152x765, words to live by.jpg)

I decided we all need some supportive messages from our herd, so this I'm going to post an inspirational quote every day. This is the one for today.
No. 1012228
File: 1595627510512.png (1.94 MB, 750x1334, 4036C600-924C-41A4-B4AB-BBC201…)

Uhh a dead one?
No. 1012253
>>1012185Tabasco is thin like vinegar, and it flavours plain crisps. Thick sauce on already flavoured crisp is totally different.
>>1012228Looks like a guy with aids in drag.
No. 1012327
File: 1595646533470.jpg (2.15 MB, 1920x1922, InShot_20200725_040109138.jpg)

>>1012228Candy Darling except when he was on his last day of leukaemia. There's a resemblance.
No. 1012487
>>1012061She has loads of different IG accounts. I believe all private. Tbh if people are on private I have less of an issue?
She's confusing/ annoying but I think it's the malnutrition etc. She's been ill and around online for well over a decade.
No. 1012529
File: 1595686083094.png (287.52 KB, 720x1232, Screenshot_2020-07-25-16-07-00…)

Dasha back in her sports gear, it's really sad seeing this after looking at her old posts where she herself used to play.
No. 1012530
File: 1595686355849.jpeg (381.75 KB, 828x1439, F4AFA455-CEAC-4FE7-A322-78B430…)

‘not something I’d ordinarily post’ … anyone else anticipated her return?
No. 1012543
>>1012487Yes she used to make rambling YouTube videos claiming she was autistic and abused and a load of other stuff.
She vanished off YouTube and I wondered where she went.
Going by the Fb post I'd say she's in Vincent square in London .
No. 1012545
File: 1595690225094.jpg (85.86 KB, 855x365, i want muscle.JPG)

>>1012544Possibly went to one of the midnight reopenings, or at least was in the queue waiting for the gym to open.
Meanwhile, lying in bed watching youtube with snacks has been the order of the day here. I
am not an idiot do not have her discipline.
No. 1012550
File: 1595691926329.jpeg (300.16 KB, 750x1089, 0AE860F3-1A74-40A6-AB3F-EFE36B…)

On the subject of exercise, dharmas been telling people it’s totally ok to exercise when you’re a spoop. People have called her out for it and she says they’re jealous they don’t have the drive (i.e exercise compulsion) to work out, unlike her
No. 1012556
File: 1595693555836.jpg (300.95 KB, 1080x1252, Screenshot_20200725-110339_Ins…)

>>1012550Yep, definitely in recovery when you log a spray of Pam
No. 1012567
>>1012556Definitely recovery when you're counting calories to that/any extent.
>>1012550Notice on ig that the pics that are tagged bodycheck are either people with EDs or people who live in the gym 24/7. Not surprising many of the anas cross overlap into the gym addiction territory.
No. 1012571
File: 1595695674874.png (621.1 KB, 481x887, ooo.png)

I bothered to check.
No. 1012574
File: 1595696372693.jpg (Spoiler Image,259.17 KB, 1241x726, totally normal colour.jpg)

Lookin' healthy af
No. 1012618
>>1012574Her legs are so purple
It’s spooky as hell
No. 1012670
File: 1595710203181.jpeg (219.47 KB, 750x1200, 83F24219-50F9-41B7-8F65-327B79…)

>>1012228She looks almost unrecognisable at a higher weight wow
No. 1012707
>>1012618P sure the purple is a filter. If you look at the hands of the friends and the leg of one on the right, there's some purple tint gone astray. corpses dont even get so purple unless they died amndd stayed in one position for a length of time.
>>1012670Sad. She's pretty and actually suits a round face. Extreme weight loss from a face is more shocking than any other body part. Even if legs are purple.
No. 1012708
File: 1595713714981.png (1.81 MB, 828x1792, CDD2CA2D-E3C2-40BB-99C1-77E253…)

>>1012707I don’t think it’s a filter. She posted a video on her stories too
No. 1012709
File: 1595713718002.png (188.83 KB, 272x544, Screenshot_20200725-224559~2.p…)

>>1012707Remembered the vid. Could be wearing tights or is that a reach?
No. 1012740
File: 1595717703741.jpg (2.29 MB, 1920x2833, InShot_20200725_235248007.jpg)

Today's feel good inspirational quote. From Becky, pretending to be a dog.
Stay strong, butterflies.
No. 1012787
>>1012763>>1012749>>1012761She's PRO ana. She's admitted she's thinspo. She's no different from Ash. She knows what she's doing and the fact she's fucking herself up and proudly shows the process INCREASINGLY makes her a cow. Moralfag.
>>1012761>>1012763Learn to sage then maybe we'll listen.
No. 1012829
>>1012817Not forgetting her profile's public and she tags her crap #summer #russia and adds the location of the places she "eats" (which shows on their tagged) and @s all the brands she wears or uses.
Imagine you have a teenage kid on ig and her corpse shows up on their explore feed.
No. 1012890
File: 1595744932514.png (1.82 MB, 750x1334, BC171429-5A4E-4467-849D-BC5949…)

So ~qUirKy~ letting your coke addicted bf ignore your eating disorder. Wonder how he actually puts up with her shit?
No. 1012891
File: 1595744964993.png (1.75 MB, 750x1334, C3717087-756B-46FC-9144-7F9A0D…)

>>1012890Meal for reference.
No. 1012909
>>1012890Wasn't she saying some days ago how *~speshal~* their relationship was because they were "helping" each other to beat their addictions?
This cow makes me roll my eyes everytime she's mentioned.
No. 1012923
File: 1595757177767.jpeg (274.61 KB, 1280x1280, E3862D07-72A1-4A53-845A-C299E4…)

Our poor porgie is struggling again, also a headbangerchan now
No. 1012932
>>1012929Well bc its dramatic,less obvious for others to be sh and they could later make stories about it.If you are not aware about mh world then you wouldn't thinking ppl harm themself that way…
When they scratching face its more about fragile,dramatic,traumatic self.
Weirdly this kind of selfharm I only saw in bpd patients or severly autistic and non verbal.
File: 1595778214956.jpeg (1.97 MB, 1242x1868, C94E0D86-8E86-407E-9914-E637E1…)

‘2 years in the making’ Right who’s going to take one for the team and read this masterpiece LOL
No. 1013000
File: 1595779298040.jpeg (459.88 KB, 1125x1641, 5D1E867C-A078-4CEA-B27F-3E840D…)

I know thatmckeegirl was discussed briefly and isn’t that milky, but she recently posted a DIY disability card that she obviously made herself so she can go out and not wear a mask
No. 1013001
File: 1595779380035.jpeg (386.75 KB, 1125x1281, 4F3C44A8-D22F-45E7-A4FA-CB5760…)

>>1013000The caption. She’s autistic spoop apparently
No. 1013005
>>1012994Nope. I'd rather do the worst n2f food challenge imaginable.
>>1013000I hate these people. Masks are fucking hideous, sweaty, nauseating but ffs just put one on.
No. 1013016
File: 1595781714491.jpg (163.44 KB, 914x596, uk.jpg)

>>1013014yes, she is. she took photos of a shopfront in harrogate recently and the brands/shops she shows are UK - M&S fruit bags being a recent example
No. 1013018
>>1013014Yeah, she's UK. It was only mandatory since Friday, lol.
Becky throws the ~sensory overload~ thing around without even being an autist. If they were so bad they can't wear a fucking paper mask, how come they can go out to shops anyway.
It's unhelpful that she won't mask up tbh. Spraying her snowflake breath all over.
No. 1013047
File: 1595786390643.jpeg (935.79 KB, 828x1546, 5D9F755D-A94D-4A4E-9C46-10A07C…)

The next ganer is here to “recover her own way”. My favorite part of this post is how she posted a series of gym pics to try to show her progress over the past ~month and all that it actually shows is weight loss. That’s not your muscles growing, sweety, it’s the tiny bit of body fat you had left disappearing.
No. 1013050
File: 1595787264838.png (838.84 KB, 882x725, inspirational.png)

>>1013047>I don't need a therapistErrrm.
I know flap all about bodybuilding or exercise or muscles, but I know a toned healthy body when I see one and she aint got it. Her hand bones sticking out are a dead giveaway and her legs are all wrong. There shouldn't be a dip above her fucking knee. Why doesn't somebody she knows have a word with her.
Meanwhile, today's quote for all you #warriors. You got this!
No. 1013057
File: 1595787648300.jpg (344.78 KB, 828x432, IMG_2027.jpg)

Spectacular description.
No. 1013111
File: 1595795189281.png (457.45 KB, 573x582, Screenshot_20200726-212323~2.p…)

Ganers also off to the gym tomorrow. Warn the leg press she's coming for it. Her words.
Nice natural pose and others in the series where she's sitting like a bloke.
No. 1013120
File: 1595795658470.png (643.27 KB, 720x897, Screenshot_20200726-212953~2.p…)

I just took a look at the online fitness coach Ganer uses. Is this what she's aiming for? Wonder how much she pays him. Maybe 50% off normal fee for not bothering with nutrition details.
No. 1013129
File: 1595796973682.jpg (1.32 MB, 809x2549, Screenshot_20200726-155429_Ins…)

>>1012994>>1013057Another taste that doesn't appear to have been posted in the last thread
No. 1013132
>>1013129Unfortunate wording:
I could reflect on things I'd left buried underground… I could grieve for my nan
Eight years isn't long. Not for an ED. She should've thought about ending the book after the first paragraph. Another trashy cliched ana memoir. Good luck, brave anon reader.
No. 1013134
File: 1595797815005.png (746.57 KB, 698x666, Screenshot_20200726-220917~2.p…)

>>1013130Don't think so. Possibly a cardboard cut out of her?
No. 1013135
>>1013132It would be great if she just ended the "book" with "I've got to move on."
Also, I wonder how many pages this is. My guess is between 50-100.
No. 1013218
File: 1595813911591.jpeg (334.81 KB, 828x1006, 749A604B-6DC5-46B0-8C24-B8B6F9…)

No. 1013311
File: 1595836733982.jpeg (111.6 KB, 899x1599, asdf.jpeg)

I'm kinda worried about Kim's kids. Aren't you supposed to wash yourself after being in chlorine water anyway?
No. 1013315
>>1013311it's an inflatable pool, the water is probably from the hose.
>>1013238but don't they get any brain damage from headbanging? their wounds are pretty crazy looking and i can't imagine this being safe in any way… it seems worse than just cutting your thighs or something.
No. 1013331
>>1013311also dont understand why the dad couldn't bathe the kids if kim was feeling lazy.
they drink like almost every night. it weirds me out.
No. 1013335
>>1013253Soz for blogpost but I'm high-functioning and can occasionaly headbang if I have a meltdown (I wear a hat all the time as long as is shows though)
The difference is that porgie and the other cows are probably calm and bang just enough to make a mark, then proceeds to show it off all over social media
No. 1013352
File: 1595857817411.jpeg (197.49 KB, 828x1129, EE12F2C2-9C05-4254-9838-AA89E1…)

What she’s actually thinking
What she captioned
“Eating is my favourite part of the day.”
No. 1013362
>>1013253What about Smorven? She head bangs and is supposedly high functioning ASD - but I think her head banging is attention and not related to her ASD at all.
If people want to claim they have ASD and use it as an excuse for doing stuff they should show their official diagnosis letter.
No. 1013408
File: 1595866434119.png (383.14 KB, 720x1074, Screenshot_20200727-171242~2.p…)

Back to e begging.
No. 1013447
>>1013362Agreed. A lot of Morven’s behaviour screams attention tbh, many of the things she blames on her “autism” are basically just her being rude, obnoxious and wanting a good excuse to trot out to more gullible folk. Apparently she’s a nightmare when on wards.
>>1013408Fuck sake, she’s shameless. Becky there’s a pandemic on luv, the world’s not gonna stop turning because you’re apparently too good for pen and paper. Stop wasting your benefits on tacky outfits and tat for your prisoner…err, dog - and save up like the rest of us.
No. 1013484
File: 1595877914363.jpg (579.67 KB, 1080x1921, 20200727_122448.jpg)

wHiCh ShOuLd I pUrGe?
No. 1013666
File: 1595901712336.jpg (460.98 KB, 2896x2896, 20200727_210211.jpg)

Looks like Jonezie gave up one addiction for another.
No. 1013705
>>1013666Uh… this was from almost 2 years ago.
Anyone got new milk on her??? Last I recall she dropped the DID grab and was back playing sick baby patient of mama bear but would love to see some sweet fresh cream on that crazbo.
No. 1013714
File: 1595908041274.jpg (1.05 MB, 1440x1974, Screenshot_20200728-044603_Ins…)

Looks like Elzani has taken some tips from n2f recently… The chicken touching the nutella makes me want to puke, it can't be that hard to use 2 plates.
No. 1013847
File: 1595939459982.png (1.07 MB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200728-132856.png)

No. 1013892
File: 1595950073179.png (4.04 MB, 828x1792, D1110A2C-3C86-4489-AFA7-6EAE11…)

>>1013880Don’t forget Ganer and her slice and dice apples. Such recovery.
No. 1013934
File: 1595956865408.jpeg (1.82 MB, 1242x2038, 3BDA10BD-5ACA-4D04-A8A6-AE716F…)

The first round of attention wasn’t enough, have to post about it too! That way you get comments
No. 1014013
File: 1595965497929.png (1.29 MB, 812x1354, worriors.png)

Didn't do a motivation post yesterday because I couldn't be arsed.
Here is todays. Food is good.
Question: Why do skele spoops like Dasha and Ash worship the Olsen Twins? I get they had EDs years ago, but they still like them so much Dasha wants her fans to draw pics of her with them. Is it a kind of thanks to the twins for setting them on the road to spoopdom?
>>1013966I think that's only half an apple too, unless she bought it in Lilliput.
No. 1014021
File: 1595966490288.jpg (261.5 KB, 1079x986, Screenshot_20200728-150019_Fac…)

Nice backdoor brag about your extensive messed up life. I'm sure mom is so proud.
No. 1014056
File: 1595972598218.png (282.55 KB, 425x453, Screenshot_20200728-224027~2.p…)

It's a leg btw.
No. 1014057
File: 1595972758262.png (1.54 MB, 750x1334, F767398A-3F06-4CEB-B601-C4042B…)

Sorry but how is this dress too big lmao ? Does anyone else follow this cow, she’s constantly attention seeking an claiming to fast for weeks yet never loses any weight.
No. 1014060
>>1014059Oh, it might be. Yeah, must be because no nobbly knee bone. Difficult to tell at this stage.
I think she must've had a load of pics of herself deleted by ig.
No. 1014061
>>1013934that mac n cheese looks fucking delicious i'm sad that it was purged
saged for autism
No. 1014065
>>1014061Don't worry, I'm sure she kept it down. It's not exactly a binge and she's not exactly a skeleton.
>>1014063I thought it was CGI. Dehydration never looked so good.
No. 1014087
File: 1595976303410.png (Spoiler Image,1.57 MB, 750x1334, FEB49EC8-630B-4E1A-81F8-ECBA71…)

flexing her binge purges I see
No. 1014094
>>1014066I couldn't follow because I find she has such a punchable face over every over cow. One I couldn't even tolerate. I'd be interested to hear more though.
>>1014091For me it's seeing an overweight 20something behaving like a kid with a lollipop and it's obscene. In her other story she was doing that thing where she speaks about how a nurse spent ages talking to her. All that childish crap like she needs attention and that's what her illness is - wanting to be given medical care. It's as off putting as if the Hulk came up to you dancing and saying, "I need to pee pee, where can I go to pee pee".
No. 1014103
File: 1595978662722.png (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 1914x798, success.png)

I saw this confused little button on mpa, but didn't find an ig. She's been a member of mpa since 2016 and despite apparently restricting, has barely lost any weight. She mostly posts about being on testosterone and being trans. Her body checks aren't impressive.
Spoilered because…
No. 1014122
File: 1595981658137.jpg (77.41 KB, 800x450, Gw4eBw2.jpg)

>>1013847giving nourish a run for her money here! she looks so greasy
No. 1014124
File: 1595981760177.jpg (23.72 KB, 409x236, 01.JPG)

>>1014121Our Russian friend Dasha who is "fine". She's enjoying the arguments on this pic atm.
>>1014122Her hair always looks greasy. Surprised she doesn't have a shit loads of spots.
No. 1014166
>>1013362Sorry Blogpost, another autist on here. Head banging is a way of releasing tension, also if they are annoyed at themselves then they may target the brain because they hate that it causes them to act and feel in a particular way.
I don’t know about Georgia and everyone else, but if they are calm whilst doing it then it’s an attention seeking behaviour, the end.
No. 1014208
File: 1595994553308.jpg (907.75 KB, 1080x1707, 20200728_224851.jpg)

Soooooo full!
No. 1014209
File: 1595994625032.jpg (890.02 KB, 1080x1715, 20200728_224902.jpg)

Samefag but I thought our Dainty Georgie was in for depression. Has the ECT fucked her up so much that she forgot?
No. 1014286
File: 1596017209852.jpeg (391.3 KB, 803x1613, 7613453D-3E7B-4079-A02E-832AAF…)

Poor fragile snowflake, it must be so hard to hide how ecstatic she is to be back in hospital with a toob. She’s in sooo much pain but has to post every couple hours just to remind everyone how suddenly sick she is, despite the fact that she’s still at a normal weight and has been for years. Black and white pics for extra drama, too, course kek
No. 1014291
File: 1596018128321.jpeg (624.87 KB, 828x1729, CC509961-1157-48C8-B0D6-9F7532…)

No melodramatic wannarexic post is complete without #laxativeabuse (disgusting, no one wants to know that) and asspats from fellow ana chan/bpd train wrecks/serial healthcare abusers
No. 1014294
File: 1596018935223.jpeg (1.28 MB, 828x1450, A2642282-5A96-4918-B349-10F2D1…)

Hannah’s ana chan friend is “allowed” to only drink low calorie liquids because her doctor “knows how bad hospitalization is for me”. Just another pro ana scumbag pretending to be the most specialest snowflake ever. (Apologies for the double post)
No. 1014396
File: 1596044193853.png (408.98 KB, 485x876, she'd self dishcharge lol.png)

Georgie must've been gutted when her doctor didn't play along with her ana larping
No. 1014404
File: 1596045385151.png (384.68 KB, 908x708, man arm.png)

Paint clipped Georgie's name off (well, I did being inept but blame paint).
Reposting this marvellous uplifting quote.
No. 1014409
File: 1596045759773.jpg (118.04 KB, 702x861, SmartSelect_20200729-140238_Ch…)

>>1014329Yes, there is a weird straight line where it should be curved.
No. 1014414
>>1014410I was gonna say!
If she was going to shoop herself, don’t you think she would at least try to make herself look spoopy, not just healthy-slim? When it comes to cows who shoop, they go big or go home!
No. 1014513
File: 1596059916273.jpeg (Spoiler Image,513.75 KB, 750x1100, 90056559-111A-44EB-84F7-7D9E11…)

Who remembers this chick? Morbidly obese yet had an NG tube at home…. Now she’s tried stabbing herself so that she would get “intense surgery” she can brag about… How ridiculous and OTT. What is it with cows stabbing themselves in the abdomen so that they can get surgery? I’ve seen many
No. 1014515
>>1014513I’m not trying to WK, but to stab oneself that badly is beyond just cow-like behaviour. Cows do a little scrtichy scratch on their ankles and demand stitches or longer a little too long on a short bridge moaning about “suicidal ideation”. This looks like actual mental illness.
And spoiler that shit next time! Jeeze.
No. 1014519
>>1014513I don't remember this one. I thought she'd tried giving herself a gastric sleeve. Jesus.
>>1014515Yeah, this is extreme. Kinda heading towards coldnessinherheart level self harm and light years ahead of our cow's paper cuts. That takes mental illness to do that. Intense mental illness. That would take some balls to do that if not a try hard (as in banging your head and ouch).
Wow. I actually feel bad for this one. Wtf were they giving her an NG for if she was obese? If that's not a change of username, I'll look her up in past threads. Surprised she didn't end up with an infection there.
No. 1014530
File: 1596062539538.png (Spoiler Image,1.6 MB, 1914x840, money plix.png)

Quarantine_13, proana extraordinaire, is e begging now.
No. 1014546
File: 1596066152434.png (2.35 MB, 750x1334, 55B245D3-5943-46E8-A168-A5E17A…)

How can this company possibly send her this shit for free, she literally makes there products look like horse shite…
No. 1014705
File: 1596103306492.png (630.17 KB, 720x1163, Screenshot_20200730-105950~2.p…)

Im sure they don't even remember this happening, Georgia. In fact, I'm sure it never did happen.
No. 1014777
File: 1596121119905.jpg (439.51 KB, 1072x1672, IMG_20200730_094456.jpg)

Have we talked about this girl yet? Her former name was weetababe. Her entire Instagram is just for attention constantly posting pictures of her IVs and NG tubes. She seems to love posting about her anorexia, incidents and suicide attempts. She's known for her bullshit and it's got to the point where an entire hospital group wont accept her any more at any of their hospitals
No. 1014780
File: 1596121325422.jpg (344.01 KB, 1079x1669, IMG_20200730_094520.jpg)

Caption from one of her posts
No. 1014825
File: 1596129273176.png (799.36 KB, 1242x2208, 54A0B2A5-99BB-4EA0-B81F-ACDCC9…)

What, does she think recovery will just magically happen and she’ll be all better? That she doesn’t have to put forth effort? This bitch doesn’t even TRY to recover or keep up on skills learned after inpatient (That her parents shelled out thousands for, twice) Just goes right back to her Instagram account And woe is me… doesn’t try to go to school to get a career, let’s mommy and daddy pay for everything for her to live alone and b/p all day…
No. 1014826
File: 1596129284432.jpeg (434.19 KB, 828x1719, F843D82B-FBF7-4F55-8DFF-06AD3F…)

>>1014824She’s a public account (because of course she is). You can just look it up. I agree OP was lazy not posting the screen cap though, so here ya’ go. Doesn’t seem scripted so much as just coerced. How else was her friend supposed the respond? “Stfu Georgia, you’re fat!”?
No. 1014842
>>1014839The person she's sending messages to, these randoms…~friends~…follow her to laugh at her like we do. She's reverse thingspo for wannarexics. Even her doctor doesn't think she has an ED, but obviously plain depression isn't enough of an attention grabber for her. That's why she stepped it up with the pretend ~attempt~ and her headbanging.
Her ED is binge eating. Without purging. That's why she's fat. She needs to get in with the purgers though for something to talk about. I'd say she needs some irl friends, but it's not like her personality draws a person to her.
No. 1014861
File: 1596135359471.jpg (515.44 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200730-205217_Ins…)

No. 1014887
File: 1596139411617.png (Spoiler Image,2.4 MB, 1914x788, bones of agony.png)

Idk how old this one is, but she's a mother of teenage kids and too old to be doing this shit. Her account is body checks. The usual pervs follow her and ofc she's isn't pro ana.
No. 1014908
>>1014903Ha, I couldn't be arsed again to do one today. Great inspirational quote!
>>1014905I'd be mortified if my kids ifihadany saw that if I was her
No. 1014927
File: 1596144537038.jpeg (Spoiler Image,367.61 KB, 1200x1800, 1A3CCD14-FA1B-4971-8EA5-2E8907…)

this one is a 'model'. has apparently been sick for over ten years. she’s very particular about teliing people she’s supposedly bulimic and not anorexic. puts a disclaimer that she’s not promoting anything on her most egregious pictures. has some body check videos and the disgusting fetishists in her comments salivate over those. some of the tags she follows include #cheeselover, #porklovers, #mukbangasmr and #dobrejedzenie ('good food'). 11k followers.
i think what disgusts me the most is that she lands modelling gigs all the time. the scrote photographers are eager to exploit her for ~artsy~ shoots, i guess.
also i can’t fathom that she’s doing photoshoots and not on hospice care.
No. 1014940
>>1014927i had her show up on my insta randomly. i could puke. her name is wilkomira. did u see her modelling page?'s the embodiment of promoting ed's lmao wish insta would just yeet her off
No. 1014950
>>1014927How do these accounts not get baleeted? Her face is beautiful, her body is fucking gross. I'd feel bad if it was because of MI denial or hides it, but she needs to fuck off and die. She probably models for those skinnyfans sites for the perverts. Ugly ugly ugly mind and body.
>>1014942Cooney's a snoozefest. They tried once, just leave her to it. Marina Joyce was my favourite mental youtube drama. ECs just same old.
No. 1015009
File: 1596160198862.jpg (374.28 KB, 1080x1765, 20200731_114944.jpg)

Why…. just why
No. 1015198
>>1014942eugenia is a mess lol
also what about tals.fight on insta? her tellonym is hella spicy (and attention seeking)
(imageboard) No. 1015218
File: 1596215867747.jpeg (299.13 KB, 828x1164, 4AD18D07-D3D4-4EA6-AD30-30FB40…)

>>1014927This is fucking hilarious
No. 1015254
File: 1596223681089.png (171.78 KB, 262x343, Screenshot_20200731-202529~2.p…)

Looks like a pic by a bad mortuary mua
No. 1015291
>>1015272She looks like a burns
victim. It's not even filter because she looks the same in her live videos. Loads are on YouTube if you search d parxom. She labels them 25kg.
I think those are veins sticking out on her head. I used to think it was acne.
Oh and someone talks about her here but I understand one word in 20.
No. 1015308
>>1015254Anorexia nervosa fucks up your skin. Causes dryness and acne. They're both very common symptoms. And like
>>1015303 said, she makes all her flaws jump out by turning up the contrast so high
No. 1015311
File: 1596232545528.jpeg (145.99 KB, 750x1196, 27C7A444-7E32-47BD-ADB8-43350D…)

>>1014777Yup after scrolling through her account I’ve found that she’s racist too
No. 1015324
File: 1596236428128.jpg (24.82 KB, 403x403, kurtz.jpg)

>>1015303Speaking of horror, this anon is jonesing for some n2f.
All those new syrups and no posts?
Please. Gimme grime!
It's been hot af in the UK today so if she's out in the garden eating with her mum and gran whilst wearing undies and one sock…it will ease the back to lockdown pain. Otherwise, slop will be great.
No. 1015332
File: 1596238280061.jpeg (862.73 KB, 828x1269, B19EA8DF-23DB-4797-8579-2F6316…)

>>1015324She shit on a kit kat on one of her public accounts, but that’s the best I’ve got.
No. 1015333
File: 1596238735538.png (Spoiler Image,840.09 KB, 747x747, Screenshot 2020-07-31 at 6.38.…)

>>1015332You missed the crusty nails…
No. 1015344
>>1015332Your description is so accurate and so lolworthy. I did an irl lol.
Thanks, anons. I needed this. Her food is like a disgusting work of art, like damien hirsts rotting cow heads. So gross but you want to take in all it's horror.
Wonder how many rotten kit kats came in that bulk buy.
No. 1015412
File: 1596247644286.png (2 MB, 750x1334, C8B1D720-6C71-4C4E-B0EC-285837…)

Putting food on shoes?
No. 1015418
File: 1596248169595.png (8.58 MB, 1125x2436, B3D4245C-C832-4806-BA9D-273D02…)

>>1015412>>1015334Nice farming anons, but this is the one that really got me from n2f today….. from every picture of her she clearly brushes her hair maybe once a year, I’m not sure why she’s saying it’s falling out from anorexia and not neglect
No. 1015469
File: 1596255172106.jpeg (319.32 KB, 746x985, FD6D136C-74F2-4635-A00E-3CFA95…)

I can’t tell if this one is milky, just unwell or both
No. 1015470
File: 1596255205319.jpeg (515.39 KB, 2048x2048, C9484A1B-18F5-4097-B3C0-A7A50B…)

No. 1015524
File: 1596268053889.jpg (Spoiler Image,6.08 KB, 164x164, 05de7b94fdc4dfd1538a6cf48cb778…)

I didn't know it was possible to get so skinny you got a tail. How does she even sit down?
(This is Wareneczka)
No. 1015537
File: 1596271540853.jpeg (Spoiler Image,215.25 KB, 956x1543, 9D2450FF-0581-45E7-8A7A-D14DC3…)

If any anons get inspired one of her swimming in milk pics could be new threadpic material.
This is all that came to my mind. Glammed up voldy
No. 1015554
File: 1596279055758.jpeg (793.82 KB, 828x1713, 73EFCE3E-BB7D-4381-855F-40BCEE…)

How big does she need to buy her jumpers in order to make herself feel like a wittlewaif? Is that her LARP costume?
No. 1015559
File: 1596280256299.jpeg (180 KB, 750x1191, 42ECA9A9-A0B7-4EFB-9E8B-3FB8E5…)

Not sure if this chick has been posted yet.. constantly posts body checks and complains about never being able to recover
No. 1015568
>>1015524That's her coccyx, I've never seen someone so skinny their coccyx is visable.
Look though!! She has that weird shield spine that Ember used to have- any OG farmers remember that?
No. 1015578
File: 1596285578029.gif (517.5 KB, 500x297, bubba.gif)

>>1015537Wrap her up and she reminds me of the Eraserhead baby.
>>1015568>>1015571Yeah she was. She flexed her back muscl s because she thought anas had some kind of half shell under their skin at the top of their back.
>>1015418Look out for extra hair in her food after this yearly groom.
No. 1015594
File: 1596290003750.png (Spoiler Image,56.63 KB, 162x262, 1440439677799~2.png)

>>1015568Posting this for post-Whann farmers. I know way back she was a banned subject because she was self posting (original admin revealed the posts it was that bad). I think this throwback is ok though. She went on to pretend she was black and a model.
This is the infamous back shield.
No. 1015649
File: 1596302849252.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1125x1066, B2664A2E-5128-4BD1-AD7C-F818C0…)

How long would it take to place that sweetcorn round the edge like that, good lord
No. 1015666
File: 1596305756259.jpeg (318.14 KB, 1241x1679, 61657AAA-C6E6-45CA-A3FA-560B34…)

No. 1015969
File: 1596350601248.jpg (Spoiler Image,285.04 KB, 1076x1914, 20200801_234300.jpg)

just say you loved the attention, Aly.
No. 1015970
File: 1596350632570.jpg (Spoiler Image,356.99 KB, 1074x1912, 20200801_234316.jpg)

>>1015969the original picture
No. 1016043
>>1015969>>1016037Nta, agree. Like… how is this
>>1015970 an IMPORTANT POST and simultaneously the reaction is only "WOW" and that's it.
GIRL! Like, TRY to evoke a little personal depth ur twenty
No. 1016089
>>1016056I like your mind, anon.
No. 1016116
>>1016068lulz. she deleted the post it looks like.
like I get it. it can be actually
triggering. but how is reposting not only the art AND the picture helful to you in anyway whatsoever? jfc
No. 1016118
File: 1596385794089.png (1.47 MB, 720x1411, Screenshot_2020-08-02-18-28-33…)

No. 1016120
File: 1596386009127.png (1.5 MB, 720x1429, Screenshot_2020-08-02-18-28-44…)

I just got banned from posting because I was attempting to 'flood' so I hope this sends
No. 1016121
File: 1596386124347.png (1.17 MB, 720x1385, Screenshot_2020-08-02-18-27-22…)

Her head looks weird at the top.
No. 1016127
>>1016121She's doing the thing Laura did where it's too difficult to lose weight to larp anorexia and her doctor knows she's BSing so she's doing sh now. It keeps her in hospital linger until they diagnose BPD. When she has that reason for multiple IP, she won't have to restrict for attention.
These cows are so transparent.
No. 1016142
File: 1596389362497.jpeg (128.06 KB, 899x1599, asdfghjklö.jpeg)

is n2f eating food she found in her bed..?
No. 1016149
>>1016142It's her 6 year old's mind's attempt at humour. She thinks that the nut looks like it's in a chocolate bed.
Has she put chocolate peanuts IN MILK?
No. 1016151
File: 1596390838245.jpg (144.84 KB, 800x800, chocapic-de-nestle.jpg)

>>1016149looks like chocolate coated peanuts and peanut butter added to this cereal
No. 1016176
>>1016174Cue a stories pic of a scar for those at lolcow.
I'm a non believer also.
No. 1016246
File: 1596402175612.jpeg (317.04 KB, 828x1578, E87BDF78-A12D-49B5-9030-D504F1…)

Another ana LARPer, claiming her heart is “unstable” yet she’s in her normal clothes with just an IV in. Anyone who’s in a hospital and refuses to drink enough fluids gets an IV, she’s not special like she thinks she is
No. 1016422
File: 1596418266120.jpg (309.9 KB, 1080x1920, 116744281_750952322388626_2765…)

Imagine: you're a public hospital nurse in the middle of a pandemic, pulling 60+ hour weeks to try to crush the second wave of COVID infections that's creeping up on Queensland, and Georgia is thumping around your ward taking bitch-face selfies to post about how 'useless' you are because you won't give her 1:1 attention for her pretend eating disorder and pretend self-harm. Fucking hell.
No. 1016481
>>1016462>>1016469ayrt and soz lol I saw some shit about going to The Royal and thought she'd been moved already. I still can't imagine Georgie is much fun to be around for
any kind of nurse though.
No. 1016520
>>1016506The nurse, if anything like nhs nurses, will be overworked and underpayed. Georgia is not the only person in the world and self inflicted wounds not severe enough to still be able to fuck with a phonecam is not a priority in a hospital full of severe accident v1ctims, genuine accidents and symptoms of yet diagnosed/undiagnosed serious illnesses.
She's fucking grotesque and yes
>>1016441 weight gain has been noticed.
No. 1016547
>>1015690She puts mustard in a lot of things including mashed potatoes
>>1016142>>1016151Honestly this is the least weird combo I've seen, it's like junkie/stoner food. I'd probably eat it after going a couple days without very many calories lol
No. 1016633
>>1016422Hahaha. She deleted this story. I guess she probably realized what a spoiled twat she looked like. Imagine the audacity of being 22, having never worked a real job beyond a part time gig at a failing bookstore, repeatedly self admitting to a for-profit hospital so other people take care of you, and then stomping around telling other people they aren’t good enough at their job?
I’m guessing since we’ve still not seen the evidence of her super serious stitches, they didn’t happen.
No. 1016653
>>1016633> I guess she probably realized what a spoiled twat she looked like.A big fuck you to all the WKs who come here saying we do no good. If we've planted a seed in Georgia's damaged brain, then we done good.
>>1016552I'll have a go in a few mins.
No. 1016669
File: 1596463102675.png (2.5 MB, 1125x2436, DC5AFF94-B143-4ABF-8D3A-F7633E…)

anyone up to date with the latest of morven’s bullshit. does she not realise how fucking ridiculous she sounds
No. 1017308
File: 1596547472296.jpg (672.26 KB, 1080x1692, 20200804_152340.jpg)

No. 1017427
File: 1596564341689.jpeg (294.07 KB, 750x972, 1E31C54E-366C-4E44-ACB9-1CF6FB…)

>>1017423somehow constantly gets ‘hateful’ messages in her tellonym (which she spends a lot of time responding to)
No. 1017613
File: 1596580483035.png (1.34 MB, 750x1334, 41A5F1C9-02BE-426F-9E91-A251A4…)

Her head shape is so abnormal
No. 1017656
File: 1596583109731.gif (1.05 MB, 480x360, _OjDhY3iF2v9BEEtXwNZwMok59w=.g…)

>>1017308Is it bait or is she drugged up and ignorant? The messaging for months now has been covid is NOT like the common cold. I'm the fool regardless since it riled me up enough to comment but jesus
No. 1017725
File: 1596588399357.png (250.12 KB, 500x411, viv.png)

>>>/snow/1016681New thread. You're missing NEW stuff. New Laura. New Smorven. New new.
>>1017722Separated at birth?
No. 1017726
>>1017725Ok, wrong link, but no prizes for who I meant (clue
>>1017613 )
No. 1017945
File: 1596642288771.jpeg (Spoiler Image,552.01 KB, 750x1045, 4EB358CC-E5A3-4264-AA67-819941…)

Kate Kusimina’s latest blatant bodycheck
No. 1017956
File: 1596645010678.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1242x1699, 67109874-66AD-47B2-9AD4-12170D…)

Attention cow of the century, we all know she lurks here, looks like a complete meth head like her friend too
No. 1018837
File: 1596772046165.jpeg (116.83 KB, 748x1110, FBF0DC30-AD00-47A0-A30F-1C68E9…)

Why the fuck is Georgia’s toob selfie marked as sensitive content?
No. 1019131
File: 1596816150206.jpeg (695.76 KB, 1125x1963, 66692839-5079-4774-B9F1-06C7FE…)

when worlds collide…