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No. 834197
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>828666Website: (new) & Snapchat: mariahmallad, btsmomokun (formerly xmariahmalladx), the ragdollranch (formerly mariahthecatlady, momoscat),
Tiktok: (seems to not exist anymore?)
Pornhub: blog receipts are all outdated as fuck (we're talking like when she got banned from twitter) but here they are if you want them
https://mookunbum.tumblr.com need a tumblr account to view this one since it's an 18+ blog)
>Immediately forgets Attack on Titan ever happened while aggressively simping for Douma from Demon Slayer not unlike a weeb in middle school.>Embarks on fine art journey and spends thousands of dollars of art supplies she has no idea how to use.>Only wants to make fanart of her new husbando and continuously posts about lusting for a fictional character at the age of 25.>Rejoins twitter to show shit tier drawings, pretend to pass Maddie/umbranwitch's art off as her own, and harass Japanese artists via Google translate.>Torosos>Buys iPad Pro to trace more easily after realizing art requires skill. >Gets obvious veneers after pretending to get Invisalign on already straight teeth. >Gets cringey tattoo in honor of Douma on top of her Fate seal tattoo against the advice of tattoo sensei, despite anyone with eyes and common sense thinking it looks garish and awful. Plans to add more color. >Potential cross country surgery trip for a nose job.>No Patreon posts since January, profile now flagged for review.> Planned costumes nowhere to be seen. No. 834199
File: 1620109043479.png (2.11 MB, 941x1849, fanny.png)

>>834198She probably realized it's easier to flex via her money rather than by drawing. She did buy that overpriced sunscreen. She's probably going to continue to buy overpriced "beauty" and "skin care" products since she hasn't in a while AND she no longer fits in that Gucci fanny pack of hers. (Yes, she did already have a phase where she bought lots of beauty and skin care products and it looks like she's going back to that).
No. 834238
File: 1620144404951.jpeg (296.66 KB, 1242x1337, 61CF8F5A-C678-4814-A185-F1EF59…)

Her header is her shitty art, she also now labels herself a cosplayer kek!
No. 834263
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>>834262says its because they had a fallout over his anti BLM posts and his thinking of covid as a joke. Says she’s apologized but I don’t remember an apology at all.
No. 834264
>>834263Yes! This scrote seems like the type of respond to Moo's foot in mouth syndrome. Milk.
>>834199La Mer is a great product and she has the disposable income to buy it. I mean, there's always cheaper equivalents to luxury brand skincare, but I don't judge her for that. It's that Moo is such a cunt she makes everything nefarious.
>She says she judges people for not using sunblock. >Clearly would have sunburns all the time. >Has shitty skin >Abuses filters while posting about judging people's skincare >Recommends expensive ass sunblock that she can afford for showing her hair mound No. 834282
>>834263Honestly Moo did this sweet "I'm so innocent. They were just sooo mean and cruel" shit before in her friend groups. It's one sided so we don't know the real story. But knowing our edge lord Moo she tried to sleep with him, he said no, she flipped and black mailed him and he left like KoreanBBQ.
She never gave an apology so we already know she's lying.
No. 834291
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>>834289Speaking of which, it’s only a matter of time before she starts posting old sets there for attention since that’s what her lazy ass is doing right now on IG. She’s too busy obsessing over a cartoon to do what she gets paid for (What else is new). She had how many plans that, as usual, she never follows through with lol
No. 834311
File: 1620185884329.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.18 MB, 3840x5760, mX0t57g.jpg)

Paya x Link x Zelda set. You're not missing anything except these. The rest are basically the teasers she's released before on social media for free. Business as usual.
No. 834312
File: 1620186086758.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.19 MB, 3840x2560, FkQqiDt.jpg)

>>834311As a reminder, Akemi was the "Link" and wore a chest plate.
No. 834317
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>>834315This is what she said was her ~vision~
No. 834318
>>834317she's charging $25 for this shit.
No wonder she's abandoned her patreon
No. 834323
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>>834318POV; you’re an underage anime character and moo needs content
No. 834327
>>834321If I remember correctly, Paya has a birthmark on her butt that's shaped like a Papaya, hence her name.
Looks like a poorly attempted darkening the skin to make that.
No. 834340
File: 1620208927142.png (3.57 MB, 1242x2208, 600B46A1-9CC6-4B4E-9910-F0320A…)
>Is into gay men>gay men are more masculine than straight men>Most men she’s known “displayed toxic masculinity” and are therefore “boys”>ReNGokU iS a MAN111Again, another anon can transcribe this better than I. This whole rant just shows how completely out of touch she really is with reality. Maybe you should have seen an actual shrink, Mariah, instead of playing pretend therapist with Sensei.
Also, Douma and Rengoku are cartoons, Moo, they cannot fuck you no matter how hard you wish they could. You sad fuck.
No. 834350
>>834340Moo, we know you're actually fucking moronic but please shut the fuck up. This is why no man will touch you. You have this fantasy of what being a "real man" is from a fucking anime. They aren't real. What they do in the show does not reflect real life and in no way are the situations the same. You have no idea what it means or takes to be a "real man." That is the reason why you will die alone. Maybe once you start actually living on this plain of existence, fix those sausage lips and actually lose some weight, a guy may actually give you a look. Maybe. And that's just from physical appearance. Good luck fixing your
toxic mentality bitch.
Her thought process is skewed. Beyond delusional. She doesn't know what being a real human is, how would she ever know what positive masculinity looks like. Girl, sit down. Go rub one off to your chibi plushies. I really didn't think she could get even more pathetic. I'm sure these will be deleted before midday today too. Glad someone saved them.
No. 834357
>>834351As I mentioned last thread, she is known in the male escort circles in LV; she can't reliably get a male prostitute anymore because she's rude, disgusting, and then clingy and wants to hang out for free after. Also tries to take photos/videos with them and won't hire anyone twice.
She's gone full neckbeard incel at this point.
No. 834360
>>834344the most pathetic femcel cat lady energy
real snapewives shit
No. 834363
>>834311So I was going back to threads trying to find that original post she liked of Kevin's to debunk her. While going through it I realized this set was shot 7 months ago. SEVEN. And its just now getting released. I don't believe for a second they spent 7 months working on this shit since it doesn't even look good in anyway.
What a fucking embarrassment.
No. 834364
>>834263Biggest pile of BS lies I have ever heard of. How do you live with someone, spend everyday, all day with someone and not know their views? I find that just not possible in the slightest.
And if she really didn't understand Kevin's comment then she is truly oblivious to the outside world and any kind of current events happening around her, which is a far cry from her woke persona she wants to push.
And FYI, her and Kevin had interactions months after his post and was still thirsty for his dick. People called her out immediately for liking it. This is all just her trying to do damage control and make herself be the
victim because she knows if Twitter found out they'd rip her a new one.
No. 834366
>>834364Honestly I don't think twitter cares enough about her anymore. Maybe it's because she's flying under the radar rn, but aside from one or two people early on, no one's brought her up. There's no talk about her.
I hate to say it, but I don't think twitter is going to cancel her again.
Maybe if she does something stupid again they will, but until then she'll continue to fly under the radar
No. 834369
>>834340Translation "I'm stalking and harassing a gay cosplayer just because he cosplays Douma. I don't respect his orientation because it's up to him to fulfill my needs as a man."
She's just salty that straight men don't want to fuck or date her. Though she certainly isn't the problem even though she has the immature mindset of an edgy 14 year old with no self control. Certainly not the fact she refuses to bathe every day.
If she accepts who she is and dates one of her scrotes she will be a lot happier. She will get someone who will happily grope and do her all she wants.
No. 834373
>>834355kek I was going to say. That and never forget when she went on that anti gay rant during the devil man phase. She only likes gay men if she has this fantasy she is the only woman they will fuck. But will go on anti gay rants if that reality is shattered.
Maybe you should see men as more than just sex toys Moo?
No. 834380
>>834361 A lot of them do lurk here but don't want to out themselves. Suffice it to say the lolcow threads about Moo have been passed around enough that, even if not for warnings from other escorts who had first hand experience, no one will work with her.
But yeah last dude she was with(that I know of), she tried convincing to let her film them to put it on OF. The one guy we've seen her actually fuck on camera was an escort, too.
No. 834381
>>834360God I miss the snapewives. Maybe Moo can marry Douma on the astral plane, too.
>>834380The fat guy with the triforce tattoo was an escort? Well, I guess it is Vegas.
No. 834387
>>834380how how how can a paunchy schlub with a gamer tattoo be an escort
i am fucking dying, like moo should have been able to pick up low value dick like that in a comics shop
did she order from wish?
No. 834391
>>834387I'm not privy to the details on how they arranged anything or specifics, unfortunately. All I know is that the dude got paid, and agreed to be filmed only if she didn't show his face in anything.
She asks pretty much anyone who works with her if they'll let her pretend they're an item or film something, and tries to take them on "dates".
Her reputation in both male SW and non-SW talent/model circles is so scuffed in LV that there's basically no saving it. It's why she stalks/harasses people in more insular circles on insta/twitter to try and get them to work with her.
No. 834392
>>834389yeah it's pretty much the same all around the world. Not all escorts are ultra sexy/hot, some just look like your average person, sometimes even worse. They just charge different rates (and allow different things that the more picky escorts wouldn't do).
I'm a little surprised triforce-kun was an escort though, mostly because she was posting them going on 'dates'. That's pretty sad tbh. Doesn't she have a tinder/OLD app? I wonder what her matches are. I feel like you could look like gollum in a bra and
still get a lot of scrotes messaging you 24/7. Does she not get ANY? Especially in a large city like LV?
No. 834395
>>834392She does have dating bios. However she's basically cat fishing with her photos. You expect to meet up with a sexy thick 150 woman. Then you see your date is double the size, you can smell her across the room, the long beautiful hair is really a short tangled mess.
There are guys who love death fats. But she has to take pictures of her real body to attract guys who want her.
No. 834396
>>834391>tries to take them on datesI'm surprised (but I also get why) they don't say yes, and then charge her for a Boyfriend Experience afterwards.
>>834392She probably does, but her standard is too high. The kinda guy that'll do her isn't the kinda guy she wants.
No. 834399
>>834396there are guys who offer that service, but that wont fit Moo's fantasy in her head she got from hentai comics.
"Oh he was a prostitute. But He fell in love with me the moment we embraced. He loves I'm his sugar mama and he doesn't need to work anymore. I saved him from a life of a man hoe."
Kind of like how she has this fantasy of saving some old asian lady on the streets from racists and the womans hot ripped grandson fucks her on the spot. The girl isn't living in reality.
No. 834404
>>834403I'm hardly "in the inner circle". The wearing the same clothes a lot was no more or less specific when I heard about it and could just as easily have meant that she only wears the same "kind" of thing. Stains and cat hair all over EVERYTHING were also mentioned.
I've no "solid proof" to provide, unfortunately. You can take the gossip with the same grain of salt I did; I'm not preaching gospel truth, just relaying what's circulated about her.
No. 834412
>>834411if she wasn't a cunt to the cos community im sure she could have a few guys willing to shoot with her in a professional way and not fear a whale is going to diddle them. Now the only people who will work with her are clout chasing cos thots.
Speaking of, what happened to Moo being an asexual lesbian? She cant keep her lies in order
No. 834431
>>834411Not possible. Have you seen how hideous her fans are? She really thinks she's a 10/10. Moo doesn't care what's real, just what delusion she can conjure. Filters mean she's hot, plastic surgery means she's a small waist-ed thick girl with big lips. She paid for it all and she thinks she can do the same thing with men.
>>834407So you said she was kind of shunned from the higher end, more attractive male escorts? Does she still try to reach out to them and gets ignored? Because that's hilarious.
No. 834440
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>>834437I think it was meant like how parents tend to say something embarrassing you did as a kid when talking to your friends.
Moo just wants to make it known she actually played the game she's cosplaying for once
No. 834441
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>>834263“only my roommate I didn’t know his views uwu we stopped talking a long time ago” my ass
No. 834448
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Does this mean she's bleaching her hair again? Or wig?
No. 834467
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I know it’s a blurry cap but I’m dumbfounded by the sheer size of her despite being squeezed like a sausage casing into those compression leggings. That can’t be healthy right?
No. 834477
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>>834448So she’s forcing her wig slave to make this wig. How much you wanna bet that this is why she raged here
>>834334 moo wants it done exactly like the Asians she worships
No. 834491
>>834431AYRT She has been blacklisted by all of the high-end ones I know of, and the lower end ones up their rates for clients with
problematic reputations. I do know she has repeatedly tried to get a couple of the nicer-looking(in my worthless opinion) asian men to the point of offering double their usual rate only to be rejected for her rep. They all heard how she treated the guy she got to fondle her and want nothing to do with a womanchild who goes stage 5 clinger on a prostitute.
No. 834515
>>834506As I said before, I'm just privy to rumors and gossip, no more or less concrete than anything else,
nonny. I absolutely will not be outing anyone or revealing my identity(and thereby potentially losing my access to gossip) just to satisfy your scrotelike skeptic fixation on the idea that someone would fantasize about hearing gossip from hookers.
No. 834520
>>834491wait , you mean to say that the guy that groped her udders on that photoset was actually a male escort?
AND ON TOP OF THAT he had THAT expression of " i regret every decision in my life so far " while fondling her?!
now i want to know more about her escort shenanigans ,
>>834489 is there any actual video of this?
No. 834527
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No. 834539
>>834531learn to sage anon
kiwifarm is another site like this
No. 834556
File: 1620316062658.jpg (Spoiler Image,603.81 KB, 647x1070, 1597615203046.jpg)

>>834487Nope, you're not fantasizing at all. As another anon said, the video is gone, but here's a screenshot.
>pic related NSFL No. 834558
>>834556no wonder no one saved it , its so bland and forgettable , even if its the cow taking non ubermenscht D as shes supposed to be entitled to .
I wonder how shes going to up the bar to keep milking simp money on OF , do you think she will manage to entagle any chick to do GG stuff?
No. 834560
File: 1620316865983.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 2454x2356, evengaymenarentsafe.jpg)

>>834522Moo hired the same guy Trish did, so other way around.
No. 834572
>>834571oh come on , she does have some positive qualities!
she could feed a whole caniballistic african tribe for 2 months AND they could use her lip fillers and boobs to go fishing !
No. 834576
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>>834467wearing an all black sausage casing from the neck down. The level of insecurity. I haven't seen her wear normal-ish clothes since the tennis video and she was still wearing a body shaper for her waist.
Like, what's her game plan for going to cons?
No. 834587
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>>834556Vids not gone. It's been included in a torrent with seemingly all her other stuff up to this point. Even her simps don't wanna pay for her stuff lol
No. 834590
File: 1620329489753.jpeg (556.31 KB, 750x1082, 79BBB2FB-4EDB-4D36-9EE1-D78FD4…)

“Lebanese Barbie” lmao
No. 834592
>>834589Basic economics really. If she's charging $10 for entry than another $15-$30 per release (based on screenshots) that's ~$30+ for subpar content. How OF models charge less for more? No wonder they don't want to pay.
>>834590Ah, so we're back to Lebanese again.
>Lebanese barbieWhat did she mean by this?
>>834591I was just thinking the same thing. And she mentioned drawing, which was brought up at the start. I wonder what she's traced, oops, I mean I how much she's improved now?
No. 834594
>>834590"Guys guys do you remember I'm not white? where are my
POC points?"
No. 834620
File: 1620347267743.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.08 MB, 3840x2560, zLW1gHO.jpg)

muddy editing
No. 834635
>>834620When I saw
>>834590 I immediately thought that she was going to do some sort of 'sexy' tennis girl shoot, I didn't actually expect her to do it though.
Does she have no decency at all?
No. 834637
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No. 834638
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No. 834646
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>>834638I mean this whole photo set is disturbing but her tongue is freakiest part of this pic for me… that must be a photoshop error right?
No. 834647
>>834638>>834637Images you can smell.
Like, Jesus Christ, how does she look at this and still charge the rates she does? It’s so… I don’t even know what to say. At least most other costhots/porn models put some minimal effort to look alluring and attractive but not Moo. Mariah is under the assumption that just showing her meat flaps entitles her to money. I can’t wait to see her continue this shit well into her 30’s-40’s and charging pennies for it. There’s always an audience for bloated and botched aging whores.
No. 834652
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The leopard geckos cage is littered with dead mealworms that’s further proof she doesn’t clean her animals cages
No. 834660
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>>834620The official promo for the brand of bra she’s wearing literally released all their sets via tennis promo at the moment. She’s not even original lmao
No. 834698
>>834590the quad boob is hilarious. get a bra that fits mariah, this
>>834620 ain't it
No. 834704
File: 1620405738771.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1242x1680, 1C8399D4-4F90-43F6-90ED-E8EAE9…)

That blurred out part under her kneecap lol, she has so much money and yet can’t hire anyone competent in photoshop. I’m convinced Squarecuck is secretly sabotaging her at this point with these awful edits.
She just looks like an obese toddler here.
No. 834707
File: 1620405995019.jpeg (591.22 KB, 1242x785, E812A7E1-94D6-443D-9098-43DA6F…)

Here we go again. Master set designer Mariah needs credit for
checks notes ripping up fabric.
No. 834712
>>834704true, she could get someone better. However Momo asks the impossible from Square. She' asks him to eliminate every pore, wrinkle, cellulite, and to top it all off make her look 100 pounds lighter than she really is. The guy is probably stressed because Momo is basically asking him to repaint a new body but still make it look "realistic"
Momo has reached early Dakota Rose levels of delusion and photoshop. At least Dakota did the photoshop herself. Moo is the very essence of lazy.
No. 834727
>>834720She doesn't take care of her pets currently. Maddie cares for the cats and I believe Square takes care of the reptiles and plants. RIP plants.
I would only worry for her pets if she lives alone, but even Moo knows she can't be by herself. So her animals are okay-ish. Honestly worried for the snake since someone is over feeding it. Other than that they are fine.
No. 834754
File: 1620430545251.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.77 MB, 2880x3840, Ybs1I5s.jpg)

>>834638>>834637My friend, you dropped the best ones. What a shame
How could her newest feature? The crusty lips?
No. 834756
File: 1620430855883.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.73 MB, 3840x5760, 04iDGKu.jpg)

>>834755Actual fucking question: is she just not shaving for shoots? Is Square needing to blur out her leg hair?
No. 834758
File: 1620430978809.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.46 MB, 3840x2560, oboBNfD.jpg)

>>834756Forgot the unnie pointy chin in this one
No. 834760
>>834754Jesus Christ. I would ask if she was trying to cosplay as the dead, rotting woman from The Shining, but whatever this is a photo of, it’s
way scarier than that.
No. 834762
>>834754there is something just terrifying about this. my eyes keep seeing new things that just
>>834758what on earth is that expression?!
help I've fallen and can't get up
No. 834768
>>8347671. I'm under the assumption this court is near or in her gated community. She's being sneaky again and "hiding" her exposed body
2. She's hiding her bingo lady arms
No. 834779
>>834754This is genuinely one of the funniest photos she's ever released wtf. This is how I imagine she answers the door to her doordash orders.
>hey kid, you want to make an extra $20?Strong desperate alcoholic housewife energy, the weird hunched pose and sagging udders down to her bellybutton really sell it.
>>834756>>834758>>834759Her extensions here look like a mangled something pulled out of a gutter drain. kek
No. 834790
>>834754She will get new simps with these.
I dont think people realize that her face is plastic (bimbofication) and she attracts men who like big tits and dont care about fat stomachs or anything.
People here have way too high standards for men.
Men simp for any woman. Even twomwn on my 600lb tv show or whatever can get simps.
Moo doesnt attract normal men. She attracts pornsick men, fat fetishists and bimbo fans. Then again males will believe her photoshop because theyre retarded.
I just hope one day she saves up and go to school or some shit because shes not going to last long.
No. 834792
File: 1620444621176.png (2.74 MB, 1242x2208, 0DF3F31F-542D-4753-9DDC-47472D…)

I thought only “real men” existed in anime, Moo?
No. 834795
>>834792Anon she's cosplaying Lady Dimitrescu, who hunts down the player character and threatens to devour his man flesh.
This is a perfect costume for her, Mariah is going to look awesome as this tall, shapely, sensual character! /s
No. 834796
>>834795I know who she’s cosplaying, it was a joke about her latest IG sperging.
>>834759What was the point of digitally painting her legs into a muddled mess when the edges show how lumpy and cellulite riddled her legs really are?
No. 834798
>>834787Okay, let me rephrase my post. The men she actually wants will never touch her. She will end up throwing thousands of dollars at escorts the rest of her life and that's it. The only way any man will ever touch her willingly is one of her freak fans. And we all know she actually hates her followers. They're just her piggybank to throw cash at the men she wish she could get. What a pathetic existence.
The men she desires have standards. I wonder if she's aware of that fact or is still delusional about it.
No. 834800
File: 1620452816304.png (3.36 MB, 1242x2208, DAC759A4-54EA-439C-8040-1C9BC8…)

Guessing Moo had to churn something out since farmers mentioned she’s already given up on her “artistic” pursuits. What happened to the all new iPad Pro?
She still draws like a cringy middle schooler lol
No. 834804
>>834800I can't believe how much she cares about lolcow or KF
Her art looks like trash and she seems so proud about it, she's delusional if she thinks she has any talent.
No. 834810
File: 1620457363465.jpg (16.15 KB, 250x206, douma.jpg)

>>834800That does not look like a child at all.
>>834803>>834805I was laughing about that too. How do you even manage to fuck up that bad.
No. 834811
>>834758Yoooo why the FUCK does her left leg look like a giant finger
>>834759This pic is even more egregious. One leg is gargantuan in size while the other looks like it got blasted with a shrink ray. It's serving elephantiasis realness. Adding insult to injury, I'm 100% certain that he redrew her fun sized left calf in ms paint.
No. 834815
File: 1620459849908.png (3.25 MB, 1242x2208, 198F709E-8E4E-44D7-94D2-9E842A…)

She can’t even draw uniform circular beads lmao
>>834810Don’t worry anon, she “aged him up” so she can continue to lust over him without looking like a pedo.
No. 834826
>>834815this has "what you ordered vs what you got" vibes
moos has exactly the amount of care put into it that I'd expect
No. 834836
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>>834754All I could think of is her hand looks like one of those Halloween monster gloves with those talons of hers.
No. 834847
File: 1620494217482.jpeg (Spoiler Image,124.08 KB, 583x1134, 0BB03246-D6BC-44FC-A3F4-899133…)

Moo can’t help herself and like shotas still. This was in her Twitter likes
No. 834866
File: 1620514862305.jpg (139.96 KB, 716x1047, Hlva737.jpg)

Excited to see this trainwreck
No. 834869
File: 1620515221728.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 2879x3839, Fmoy2RH.jpg)

>>834867Snow filters cannot blur out the huge fucking red rash on her tit
No. 834870
File: 1620515325667.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.61 MB, 2880x3840, 7hJfGx1.jpg)

>>834869Looks worse here, anon
>>834868I want to know what it looks like without filters. That cannot be normal. She's had this for a while
No. 834872
>>834866he wasn't your boyfriend Moo. he was a prostitute you paid to go on two dates and fuck you half flaccid.
All I have to say to the current dude is… good luck. Any guy that looks at Moo she thinks they're a couple. It's creepy. I'm sure the second they meet she will make him post a pic with her and she will post her infamous rant about how much he means to her and the deep love she has for him.
No. 834873
>>834870This has so much "lonely middle age mom" vibes. Like you go and visit your friends house and their mom asks for your help in their room and your confronted with this sagging mess.
The cat hair all over the thong just sells this image.
No. 834878
>>834873>>834847Her stance on lolis was “they are just drawings I don’t know why people are mad when I sexualize them”
She likes younger feminine looking men
Mommy complex…
Doesn’t surprise me she looks at shota too
How much longer are people going to be blind that she’s a fucking creep in that regard.
No. 834880
File: 1620517981629.png (491.74 KB, 750x1334, 46159068-953B-4F8B-ABF0-8716B4…)

Tinder anon supplying cringe..
“I promise I’m not white guys im just a wacky artist Lebanese Barbie”
No. 834881
>>834878She is literally a female neck beard so her being a sex pest pedo wouldn't surprise me. Well she is one since that whole "moo-lester" saga
>>834880She will find zero success with such a dishonest bio. First, her pictures are basically catfishing and guys hate that. If they manage to get past the fact she looks nothing like her photos they have to deal with her smell and her "lol totally random" personality. Basically screeching on their date as everyone looks at them as the guy says "I have to use the bathroom" and runs.
No. 834882
>>834880Not the "lol randum xD" bio trying to get a man…Jesus
Yes, mention having ADHD for no reason
No. 834885
>>834883She has these outlandish expectations for what a “real man” is… according to some YouTube video and anime men….
Gets off at emasculating men by calling them “boys” when they don’t do things in her perfect design.
She doesn’t know how to act like a human being much less a woman.
No. 834898
>>834866I was going to ask how she keeps up with her lies but then I realized she’s clearly not.
This just seems like she’s trying to erase the travesty that was Gunt-kun by pretending she’s only worked with KBBQ. and the fact she’s calling him her bf… how fucking embarrassing for her. Also wasnt there another guy she did POV with after David? I think he did her moo cow POV set in milk or some shit.
Also I find it interesting after the anon came here talking about her rep in the escort community she’s talking about doing more work with male models, and has to specify he was a male model too. Like look guys, I can work with MODELS
No. 834901
File: 1620531340216.jpg (29.32 KB, 730x487, rnldu651.jpg)

>>834866Uh mariah, KBBQ wasn't your BF, that's the entire reason you doxxed him and sent rabid fans to his house, because he didn't want to date you… We haven't forgotten your lies.
No. 834944
File: 1620579192582.jpg (635.4 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2021-05-09-11-52-25…)

Oh yeah, we can all just throw fuck it money on boujie silk sheets and 100$ sun screen. Just say fuck poor people and move on.
No. 834948
>>834923Wouldn't be surprised if she isn't actually talking to one but more saying she's planning it. She has a habit of suddenly mentioning or showing something right after anons here point it out for her, case in point her "prescription" glasses she won't wear for months until we say something and then she'll be wearing them in her insta stories. I think the male escort stories here really bothered her and she's scrambling to make it seem like she's totally not blacklisted guys!! I'll believe it when I see it because more often than not she doesn't go through with 80% of her cosplay plans anyway.
Also reminded me, what happened to that video of the guy slapping her in the face? The rawdog video was brought up a while ago but I didn't see that one mentioned. Was there even a full video?
No. 834952
>>834944>very harsh and strips the skin and hair So is sleeping in makeup
>>834949Even though everyone is hoping her money will run out, I have a feeling she’s going to be comfortable for a long time. But it doesn’t matter because it obviously isn’t making her much happier. She uses it to compensate for the lack of relationships
No. 834957
>>834948Are you talking about the one where she sucks the dudes fingers, or am getting it mixed up with another one? Pretty certain they were posted around the same time as rawdog was
Even if she stops posting completely, she'll still get people that pay the $10 entry fee, plus whatever else she has pay walled, plus tips. Like it or not, onlyfans was the best (money related) thing to happen to her. Unlike patron they won't care if she's inactive, so she's basically set with essentially passive income now.
>>834916She's generating her own gravitational field now.
No. 834959
>>834958Fucking same. Also I have a feeling once cons start becoming a thing again there will be some new milk flowing.
Before covid she stayed away because of her scandal, so she’s been out of the Sven for a long time. There’s always shit that comes out. I’m patiently waiting.
No. 834968
>>834961At first a lot of anons speculated it was a Tinder hook up that she convinced to post a private video they recorded. So we all thought it was filmed without intent of ever being released until after.
Even with the escort theory I personally still think its partly true. The fact she did 0 hype for it and seems to want to ignore it ever happened, makes me think it was an opportunity for a quick buck and to gauge her follower's interest. Since we haven't heard her do anything else like it, I'm assuming it did not go over well.
No. 834969
File: 1620587498945.png (2.88 MB, 1242x2208, D241D52C-B7F4-4E03-9928-791EE2…)

>>834800Samefag but she’s so goddamn predictable. Keep lurking Moo.
No. 834970
>>834968Well if it was an escort he should be pissed. Some people take videos for the sake of being kinky. But if Moo never told the guy she would be selling it as a porn for profit yeah. Paying someone to fuck is one rate, but paying for a video porno is more expensive.
>>834969That anatomy, wtf.
No. 834989
File: 1620598728217.png (279.37 KB, 551x515, Screenshot (27).png)

Sucks that Momo is cosplaying Lady Dimitrescu right when Capcom hired Yaya Han to cosplay her. Momo hates being compared to better people. I forgot which cosplay but Yaya out staged her before and Momo never mentioned a certain cosplay again. It was the cosplay Moo put tape on a corset and it fell apart in a day.
Not like Momo can cancel the cosplay and flake now since she roped in other people kek.
No. 834998
File: 1620603362202.png (2.8 MB, 1242x2208, B8AA856F-7ECD-42F2-A9E3-74751C…)

>>834996Speaking of Yaya…
I wonder how many hours a day Moo lurks here instead of “practicing her art” lol
No. 834999
File: 1620603511643.png (3.32 MB, 1242x2208, B9B5B21C-9ADE-44D6-B4D4-FB0888…)

Dear lord the anatomy! Good to know those thousands she threw down on supplies and art books went to good use. /s
No. 835004
>>834998Of course she lurks here 24/7. She's been obsessed with lolcow since thread 1.
Watch her try to suck up to Yaya after this. Both Nigiri and Yaya want nothing to do with her.
No. 835008
>>834999>the hair is the scariestthen fix the rest of it first moo, he doesn't even have a head to put the hair on lmao
read your books again PLEASE
No. 835011
>>835004At this point I'm 100% sure she loves our attention. Aside from her small friend group and the men who pay for her content we are the only other people who give her any attention or even know she exists, and we do it for free too! The way she always responds in some way when we bring something up here sounds more to me like she does it because she KNOWS we'll talk about it. She never grew up from being a teen and she acts out for attention just like one.
Btw, no mother's day post today Moo? Has her mom not slaved over something enough for her lately to earn it?
No. 835013
>>835011Mother’s Day post imminent,
(Also if you’re reading this, hi mooriah)
No. 835017
>>835010Oh we all know she does porn. But she's so ashamed of it she will still screech her main income is cosplay.
Also the day is over and no mention of mothers day. Which for her mom… thank god. The last 3 she made her mother work for her, clean the house, pull weeds exc. Seems the only time she posts about her mother is when she's shamelessly putting her to work.
Maybe her dad finally convinced Mama Mallad to disown her like the rest of her family.
And cue in Momo rushing a "loving" post about her mom in 3…2…1
No. 835019
File: 1620613821791.jpeg (498.59 KB, 1241x2202, 52647365-E8C3-438B-B415-8101FA…)

And I rest my fucking case.
No. 835030
>>835026The difference between a sweet woman’s aging process vs a rotten girl’s aging process
I find it funny how in 5 years moo will look 55
No. 835031
>>834969imagine wasting all that money on art supplies and then just buying a tablet. Hope maddies putting those supplies to good use now.
>>834999is she using herself as a reference? because he's as boxy as she is. Also that thumb is massive, learn proportions ffs.
>>835003I think she's going for that rough "draft" look, where an actual artist would roughly scribble a draft to figure out poses etc and then use that as the starting point to work from.
>>835019like clockwork at this point.
>>835023wouldn't you, if your daughter took you out and made you take a photo making kissy faces at a plushie on mothers day?
No. 835036
File: 1620636165140.jpeg (431.09 KB, 1236x1249, E66C83A1-8C61-4779-A334-C3A09E…)

>>834999Oh boy we got lots of errors here. Here’s what I found so far.
No. 835038
>>835036Don’t forget it’s “toroso” not torso
Moo can’t spell anything correctly
No. 835040
File: 1620639244720.png (2.76 MB, 1242x2208, 0BB181A6-3344-43E7-AA28-0EA775…)

How long until she imports her one true love to the states to live with her? And by “true love“, I mean the fucking toilet she won’t shut up about every time she sets hoof in glorious Nippon.
Her fetishization of all things Japanese is so goddamn gross.
No. 835041
>>835040preetty certain that hotels in japan aren't covered floor to ceiling in garish faux marble, cat hair and fake plants.
also why would you capitalize hotel but not Japan?
oh and those tattoos are truly awfull, damn
No. 835052
File: 1620650504515.jpeg (193.34 KB, 457x799, 2C06BA4C-E28E-4B8D-93D9-3CF831…)

>>835042These donkey Kong proportions
No. 835065
>>835032and like a 5 year old she will get bored. Remember when she bought her first rag doll Guzma? She put him in one of those cat backpacks, said she wanted to take him to cons, make him an emotional support animal so she can take him everywhere? Well she got bored of him in like a month and the same year bought another cat.
The only gift you can give Moo is food or bowls to eat the food. Because at least you know she will use them.
No. 835066
>>835040and that amrezy filter is still on. Those sagging tits down to her belly button, those giant arms, those baby legs. Does anyone sit her down and tell her they're concerned about her health? Or did she kick those people out of her life?
>>835063My theory is she spent everything on the mcmansion. She filled it with Ikea and Walmart furniture. If she could control her spending habits every month I'm sure she could get some really good furniture. But everything goes to plastic surgery and dumb purchases.
No. 835069
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No. 835072
>>834969jesus, that level of chickenscratch. apparently she's both too lazy to go jogging and too lazy to study. probably why she's opening her legs instead of getting paid for a career.
what's her 5 year plan? considering she buys $100 sunscreen it's safe to say she isn't buying index funds. welfare? simpbux for a babytrap? even starbucks wouldn't hire her. being a prostitute is one thing since both you and the john want to keep it private, but once you put your face on the internet with your cunt exposed there isn't any HR that will have you. the ethot trend has been fascinating.
No. 835073
File: 1620671252405.jpeg (1.72 MB, 4000x4000, B90F7445-40CE-4C11-B724-FE4990…)

Was reading trough her old threads and well.. her face and body has changed so much, not the best comparison bc the filters on the new pic but yeah.
No. 835081
>>835079She's 25, 300 pounds and doesn't care because showing her asshole pays the bills. Does she hate being fat? Yeah but that requires work. Momo doesn't want to work.
On the plus side, if she keeps destroying herself by the time she's 30 she can be a TV star… on my 600 pound life
No. 835085
>>835084yup, they are almost down to her thighs. Say anything about it she will tell you "this is what a REAL womans body looks like"
Which, yeah she would be right. If the woman was over 40.
No. 835095
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No. 835111
>>835105She does google herself and has a “team” of people who frequently browse her name and aliases to take down people who distribute her content.
I get it but she’s also a narcissist.
No. 835113
>>835036Learn actual anatomy before trying to correct moo.
Cringe and sage
No. 835114
>>834870Her head is 2 shades lighter than her body. It's free to get color matched at any Sephora since you find it so hard moo.
Also her teeth are awful. I have no idea why people think overly white obviously porcelain teeth look good? Her real teeth are little stumps under there. So creepy.
Can't imagine having such low self esteem I refer to my vagina as a cock warmer. She's spent so much trying to look hot and she still has to absolutely beg for bottom of the barrel attention.
No. 835117
File: 1620702436941.jpeg (127.57 KB, 828x552, 575BB819-C150-44FA-ADC4-E7D213…)

>>835095She’s really proud of this ms paint mess?
No. 835141
Maryo Chozuki managed to spin all-around weird-looking boobs into an ero cosplay career and is still at it after 13 or 14 years despite being heavier than ever. She is 33 and looks younger than Mariah. Her costumes are also pretty decent. Who i mean:
> are such low standards with softcore porn cosplay so why did Mariah decide to do whatever the hell she is doing?
No. 835158
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Oc she does.
No. 835159
File: 1620747670741.jpg (32.51 KB, 680x478, e33.jpg)

>>835158Momo during this whole article debacle. This has got to be so cringe. The sad thing is no one cares except for her
If some photoshop savvy anon can edit Momo into this meme it would make my day
No. 835165
File: 1620754601419.png (2.96 MB, 1242x2208, BE03644F-A8FD-4CA8-BD96-63EB85…)

That sad attempt at editing her an ass. I’m also never going to understand why she loves looking like an unkempt hobo in all her shoots with these ratty wigs.
No. 835168
File: 1620758343296.png (339.32 KB, 680x478, bestcosplayeraward.png)

>>835159probably not exactly what you were looking for, but I had fun lol
No. 835170
>>834870There is something equally funny yet tragic about seeing her boob literally melting into her body
>>835165At this point anytime she does something she turns it into onlyfans content.
No. 835175
File: 1620763842009.jpg (Spoiler Image,315.98 KB, 2334x564, 1488649211219.jpg)

No. 835183
>>835181Honestly kinda surprised she hasn't used it as an opprotunity to remind everyone she's ~not white~ and that this somehow personally affects her horribly and is a
No. 835191
>>835175Kek the second to last pic where she used the bedsheets to give herself curves.
And people were stupid enough to fall for it.
No. 835192
File: 1620773462441.jpg (Spoiler Image,743.3 KB, 687x890, JkG4rq9.jpg)

Some more video (why won't God let me die):
>upgraded from American porn star moans to Japanese AV ones
>clutches her stomach fat less in this one
>makes literal coochie cream
She had another feature that was with a gummy dick but who cares.
No. 835194
>>835192Her nails digging into her boob and
>>835193 white hair on her black socks… holy shit.
No. 835199
>>835181three of her four grandparents were born in Lebanon
the “she’s really Italian” mythology is easy to disprove with a quick Google
No. 835206
>>835192>>835193I know it's low on the list of moo's body horror issues, but I wish she'd figure out what she's trying to do with her pussy hair situation. The half grown in, patchy hair spread out almost hip to hip and halfway down her inner thighs is giving me shay vibes. I guess she legitimately is using the thigh highs to hide not shaving like the other anons were tinfoiling. kek
>>835193Moo invest in some razors and a lint roller. It's a couple bucks and 20min tops. You're prob gonna need some monistat for that yeast situation tho.
No. 835210
File: 1620784366833.jpg (141.14 KB, 1080x1009, IMG_20210511_205239.jpg)

No. 835226
File: 1620790476203.jpg (264.6 KB, 1080x1625, IMG_20210511_223427.jpg)

Sure Jan
No. 835230
>>835226imagen being morbidly obese and gloating about health. The level of delusion and self loathing. And of course fat shaming someone else. Good thing we grabbed the screen cap before she deleted it
"I fat shamed in the past! I have changed!"
No. 835236
File: 1620794971937.jpeg (628.07 KB, 1242x1779, 1A38FC06-185A-4EED-84BB-66394B…)

>>835226The last comment on there to add to yours, anon. I think the person deleted their replies but I recognize that username from someone attempting to call her out on twitter during the sexual assault era.
Moo screeches constantly so are we to assume she hates herself and life? lol
No. 835245
>>835242Some people will lie about 5 extra pounds. Momo will lie about 50 extra pounds
>>835243We have seen her kitchen before. If Square isn't cooking she's eating chips and snacks all day along with whatever uber order she gets. We know Moo doesn't cook because she documents her whole life and would show off her amazing pro chef skills. Remember when she was eating JUST beef for a month because Square taught her how to cook meat with a lil salt? She even tried to justify it by saying pro weight lifters eat POUNDS of beef daily to stay fit.
No. 835246
>you cannot out work a bad dietExcept that you can? I've seen countless people do challenges where they eat like, nothing but Jack in the Box for every meal for a month straight and still lose weight and get fucking shredded. I've known people personally that eat like shit but still look good because they put in the work.
She just can't out work
her terrible diet because she's lazy as fuck.
No. 835271
>>835245It’s funny she preaches a vegan diet to people irl… as of that gives her a moral high ground,
If she’s faithful to a vegan diet how is she so overweight.
No. 835272
>>835271Well, you can be a fat vegan. Moo isn't vegan anyway, she has been posted eating fish.
I just want a time machine to see how she's gonna look in 5 years.
No. 835311
>>835192What happened to ‘I don’t grow much hair down there uwu’?
I wouldn’t consider the entirety of your lower abdomen being covered in stubble ‘not much’.
I also feel even worse for the people who have to wax that now.
No. 835340
File: 1620853411813.jpg (265.98 KB, 1080x1915, IMG_20210512_170147.jpg)

No. 835351
>>835340Moo would never have known this if an anon hadn’t brought it up here earlier in the thread. I know this bitch doesn’t read/watch the news.
I’m surprised she’s restrained herself from showing pictures of the dead children since she was cool with showing the charred corpses of animals during the Australian wildfires.
No. 835353
>>835311>>835312Yeah, her being a little hairy isn't what makes her a cow, but her lack of hygiene and upkeep definitely adds to the body horror. A little hair on her thighs ain't nothing, but the fact she keeps wearing the thigh highs and using filters to try to hide her recent laziness with shaving/waxing is kind of funny to me since anons were tinfoiling it for a while now. It was exactly what she was doing. kek
Really tho, I feel like she should be more worried about her chronic yeast infection. That dildo she's using looks like ones of those cheap ones that you're supposed to use condoms with tbh. Probably isn't helping her downstairs situation. You have the money moo, why not buy something that isn't going to make you into ooze cottage cheese?
>>835198 called it
No. 835361
File: 1620856538832.jpeg (740.31 KB, 828x1649, D0E92927-3944-471D-86F8-39122A…)

not an art anon but good lord how can she possibly think she looks good. How can she think this is a sexy face.
No. 835362
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No. 835363
File: 1620856866069.jpg (139.8 KB, 1069x1913, 2.jpg)

No. 835365
The reason why people were present and aware for BLM is because it was happening in their backyard. She's making the public divided with statements like this.
No. 835374
>>835363In later stories she admitts her posts about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict are self serving because she's Lebanese and her family is muslim, kek. She also admitted she didn't hear about this until her family told her because she doesn't keep up with the news herself, but is lecturing others to educate themselves and demaning others to speak out about it. This has been going on for years and started to escalate extremely quick over the past couple of weeks. It's been trending on Twitter since day one it's been impossible to miss. Clearly she sees this as an opportunity to jump on a new bandwagon and talk about her family's religion/ethnicity and how this personally effects her because she's such a
No. 835376
>>835371does this bitch not know that a lot of African countries are Muslim-majority?
Like there's fucking large amount of Black Muslims in part due to immigration/refugees from African countries to North America
No. 835387
>>8353833 things.
1) her face, especially her mouth, fucking yikes.
2) If you cannot spell the name of your own culture/heritage correctly.. your dumbass cannot claim it.
3) no, but seriously, her mouth.. it's peak horror show. Like, it moves in different motion to her words. Is she the cracked out version of that one big lipped muppet?
No. 835388
>>835384Activists are certainly not calling Muslims terrorists. But she is screaming it. Why the fuck is she attacking black people? Why is she trying to silence them? She's being so openly racist towards two groups of people.
Moo, you're white passing in America. You're so privlaged it's ridiculous. No one hates you for your skin pigment. And the bitch ain't even Muslim
And we've been through this, she isn't even part of the Palestine
POC. Her family are Mediterranean who migrated to Italy then America like a century ago. Why they look white and why a lot of them wear crosses… ya know… cuz they're Christian
No. 835389
>>835383moo wasn’t even this angry about the asian hate crimes in the US because she couldn’t claim any
poc brownie points for speaking out, and boy does she love asians. the most she could make it about herself was acting like a savior for all asians because she’d fight people in the streets.
shes so fucking infuriating lmao
No. 835391
>>835383This whole situation
"Where is my attention?! I don't want black people to have any. It's all about meeeeeeee"
>>835389Makes me wonder why she isn't yelling at Asians. She's really transparent
No. 835398
File: 1620861250677.png (970.27 KB, 1037x1800, 3EC64033-5A74-4D10-89CF-A96485…)

Here are two more grabs from her stories to add what another anon posted.
No. 835410
File: 1620864497802.jpg (209.21 KB, 680x478, Moo.jpg)

Welp, may as well add this. Congrats Moo
No. 835411
File: 1620864621322.png (7.65 MB, 1242x2688, A2F4A79E-0BF8-4CE6-B0C1-6DDAD7…)

>>835383She is horrifying to watch in motion. Her mouth is like something from the little shop of horrors.
No. 835416
>>835398I think it says a whole lot she’s using her hug box to say this bullshit. The fact she didn’t even respond to the tweet on Twitter but just went to IG shows that she knows she’ll get dragged.
Also I’m kind of laughing at her getting mad at this pretend idea of activists thinking Muslims are terrorists when she’s the one in her stories talking about Arabic people love their guns
No. 835420
>>835419Not going to get into a political debate, but her GENERAL sentiments aren't awful. It’s how she’s going about expressing them, clearly showcasing her anti BLM opinion, playing the
victim, and openly admitting she just found out today thanks to her mom. While before she was too busy kissing her dimpley ass for being in a article with three likes. It’s obvious she’s doing it to seem woke and that she cares about her Muslim heritage but she really gives no ducks and by tomorrow everything will be deleted sbd she’ll pretend it never happened.
No. 835429
>>835421She's doing exactly what people on are saying she shouldn't do
Instathots and shit giving lectures on this whole issue who don't even know the situation themselves. They're all just playing a game of telephone by repeating what other posts/vids say.
Not to say the issue in Palestine isn't awful, but it's dangerous to have people who aren't versed in this to act as an authority
No. 835435
File: 1620868086650.jpg (290.05 KB, 1080x1703, Screenshot_20210512-200638_Chr…)

Moo coming out as pro BDS and saying she believes Israel isn't a legitimate state means she could lose her business in the state of Nevada.
No. 835454
>>835451My recording app was definitely getting a workout today so at least her foolishness has been documented.
Knowing her, she probably did her usual lurk here after the fact, saw the one post where it pointed out that it could ruin her business and then massively backpedaled. She didn’t take it down because it made her look like an uninformed jackass, my bets are she did it to protect her “business”. Because Allah forbid she lose her platforms and the cuck bucks that come with it. Moo is such a fucking pussy and doesn’t stand for anything unless it benefits her somehow.
No. 835468
File: 1620877923906.jpg (386.49 KB, 1075x1911, Screenshot_20210512-222705_Ins…)

She just advocated for physically assaulting Jewish people
No. 835470
>>835468She could of said "punch Benjamin Netanyahu" or "Punch Reuven Rivlin" or punch any of the other Israel politicians actually pushing for Israel to take over Palestine. But no all Jews are evil now apparently.
Love how she adds "punch Nazis" to try and cover her ass and then implies Nazis aren't a problem anymore as if Neo-nazis don't exist.
No. 835485
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No. 835486
File: 1620881879024.jpeg (65.97 KB, 750x229, 53A05A13-7332-4229-ADF5-8C30B1…)

She added that she’s Lebanese in her bio lol
No. 835502
>>835486you're not the
victim here Moo, stop pretending you are one. You are not the same as those people being persecuted over seas. You're a bored white passing American.
Also wtf is happening today? This milk is as big as the time she came out as a moolester. She just outed herself as every kind of biggot you can be in just one day.
No. 835508
>>835472>>835474Not all Zionists support the way things are going down in Israel & Palestine right now. There's even some Zionists who think Israel would be just fine co-existing with Palestine.
But for her to get that Mariah would have to think and realize things aren't black and white.
>>835506Then record and post the story here.
No. 835509
File: 1620884852813.jpeg (698.99 KB, 828x1580, 61BB2EAB-8D49-43E1-93C8-71D142…)

you’ve gotta be kidding me lol
No. 835510
File: 1620884976717.png (2.06 MB, 1242x2208, B806C81B-73AB-4EF3-BDD8-A107DA…) of her latest rant before it gets deleted like the other two from earlier.
No. 835511
>>835509maybe because they don't appreciate using your platform for hate speech and terroist propaganda Moo.
I just wanna if Moo's "friends" stick around if this racist saga sinks her. Like she threw her male friend under the bus for his anti BLM post but she went BEYOND that.
Moo sit your white lookin ass down before you end your own career. We don't need you being a Kanadajin 2.0
No. 835516
File: 1620886594078.jpg (50.07 KB, 500x671, 89e186381849e339821779705114c1…)

I've had an image in my head of what momokun reminds me of but could never remember exactly what it was. Well ladies of lolcow just Photoshop giant lips and it's our girl!
No. 835517
>>835514I dont think IG is deleting post. i think she is checking this site, then deleting the post and lying about it saying IG did it.
to cover her non existing ass
No. 835525
File: 1620887518747.png (626.39 KB, 1800x1290, 5816F1C5-628B-40B5-A34D-FDCB9D…)

She’s removing comments on the post.
I hope her mom is proud of her daughter’s bigoted outbursts today since she was the one who brought it to her attention. She can’t say she hasn’t seen them since she actively follows her daughters accounts (which must be sad and extremely embarrassing).
If she hadn’t done so, Moo would probably be blissfully posting more Douma crap without a care in the world.
No. 835527
>>835517Here comes the "ig is censoring me because I'm Arab"
victim posts
No. 835529
>>835526it's been under review since last month. She doesn't give a shit
>>835525she didn't even educate herself on the topic. She just admitted she just got the gist of what is happening a few hours ago by her mom. She has no idea what filth she's spreading.
No. 835530
File: 1620888958265.gif (4.01 MB, 853x365, FB453FA2-0792-40B5-A091-26CCF3…)

>>835510Can’t unsee
Narcissism is one helluva drug.
No. 835531
File: 1620890138379.jpg (637.48 KB, 1692x2048, Screenshot_20210513-001310_mh1…)

She changed her bio on her bts account.
No. 835536
File: 1620892949087.png (3.2 MB, 1242x2208, E20ADCDB-4000-441C-8A34-18F877…) highly doubt IG is taking them down, they never work that fast on reports lol. She’s backpedaling and playing the
No. 835542
>>835435did you even read this before you posted it? It stops government entities from dealing with companies that boycott Israel.
>>835470>>835484>>835511>>835508some of you need to stop posting because you have no idea what any of this is about and you're embarrassing yourselves. it's not racist to point out zionists are full of shit and not all jews = zionists you absolute retards. Also the situation isn't black and white, literally 103 Americans landed in Palestine a few days ago to claim land from Palestinians that have lived there generations. Moo is right on this one but some of you alog over this fat useless bith so hard you'll go full colonizer just to be on the other side of their issue to her
No. 835545
>>835542You're partially correct. Some anons have "look at that bitch eating crackers" syndrome.
On the other hand, she's easy to pick on for this shit because she constantly misspells Lebanese, and 90% of the time doesn't know what the fuck shes on about.
No. 835569
>>835562She loves the pity party,
That’s why she tries so hard to sneak in that “Lebanese” into everything she does.
Does she not realize even Hitler said Lebanese people were basically white. (A lot of people with blond hair and blue eyes from Lebanon)
You’re so white passing moo it’s not even funny stop trying to be
POC you aren’t.
Post your porn and keep your mouth shut that way your PR team doesn’t have to keep dealing with damage control from your mouth
No. 835582
>>835577Is moo finally based? Kek no
Anti Zionist…yet supports sex work.
Pick one moo, you don’t get both.
No. 835587
>>835486“aS a LeBaNeSE wOmAn…”
girl you are a white-passing american. you don’t even practice islam. stop.
No. 835590
>>835583Did the comment she make about Israeli cosplayers happen in one of her lives? Where did this comment come from, I’m confused.
The issue isn’t that Mariah is taking a side during a political situation. It’s the way she goes about it. She wants to act like she gives a fuck but she admitted she only heard about because her mom sent her a tweet. And then all of a sudden she’s using it as an excuse to play
victim and make it about herself once again. It’s fuckibg disgusting, it’s like anything else with her. She has to go hard on anything she learns about and she always comes out looking like an ignorant piece of shit.
No. 835608
Does moo even know about the two-state solution? The absolute batshit insane conservative leaders that are perpetuating violence on both Israel and Palestine? The amount of bad blood that dominates mindsets in the Middle East? A woman who can't even spell her own ethnicity shouldn't be calling out one of the most fragile, complex situations in the world. With all her sex work, I almost forgot why I thought Moo was one of the most repulsive cows on this site because she degrades herself better than anyone alogging her.
>>835485>Israel will fall. >>835542She's not just Anti-Zionist if she's posting this terrorist garbage.
No. 835636
>>835631She's projecting, but I have a huge feeling she's very aware she is. Just last month she was telling people that "We Muslims sure love our guns" and now she's screaming "if you don't do as I say you think all of us are terrorists"
she went on an all day hate speech and hid behind the cover of being an activist. Maybe she did it out of ignorance, but a lot of racists are ignorant boobs
No. 835639
File: 1620926332454.png (2.56 MB, 750x1334, D0510969-52CA-4E7B-B3AE-F7F5B7…)

Yeah bullshit Mariah, post a screenshot if you’re not full of it
No. 835656
File: 1620928928960.png (6.8 MB, 1242x2688, 53A2EB7F-1AE3-4991-92A3-9797E0…)

Jesus christ I don’t know what’s worse, the plush obsession, the fanny pack, or the terrible flexing
No. 835657
File: 1620929379915.jpeg (483.69 KB, 1241x1941, D3B21231-0A8B-4A73-8CFE-E117D9…)

>>835639I’m not plantfag but those plants look droopy and bad. And there’s one with dead leaves.
Also I found this fake Twitter using moos pics and it seems they’re ripping pics right from her OF/pattern cause there’s some ive not seen.
No. 835658
>>835608LOL MOO “Israel will fall”
Violently based, but u don’t get to act like a little
victim girl when those Palestinians would murder you in a heartbeat for being an ewhore, go back to doing porn stop acting like this affects your white suburban upper class life at all.
No. 835660
File: 1620929960307.jpeg (90.64 KB, 720x701, 1F092455-B900-4CF3-B74D-5F070C…)

No wonder that Asian prostitute didn’t want to fuck with her. Look at how bad her boobs fit in this
No. 835669
>>835639She's not getting hit with violations at all, she's just doing the cowardly bullshit that she always does. She hides out in rooms at cons, won't post that bullshit opinion on twitter, won't post it on her main account, keeps deleting it on her backup account, and won't keep up any of her opinions because she's a cowardly obese bitch. There is nothing brave about her cause she cowers as soon as she posts. Take care of your fucking plants, you dumb whore.
>>835608Her delusions are making her more unhinged by the day. Can't wait for her to start making threats again with her guns while she's making these racist rants.
No. 835675
>>835542As has been explained before on these threads, the reason people rag on moo for posting her “woke takes” so often is because it’s literally just virtue signaling and performative as hell. she spent all that time sperging about “doing your part” during the covid pandemic and getting vaccinated despite the fact that she travels and goes out to eat literally daily, aka things people have been discouraged from doing during covid. The reason posts like this are so embarrassing is because she doesn’t actually know what she’s talking about + just regurgitates what other people are saying, pulls the “i’m lebanese
POC kween” card because she thinks it makes her opinion more relevant, and deletes all her posts whenever people disagree with her or call her out instead of sticking to her opinion and explaining her side; she’s wishy-washy as hell and a performative activist. I am not convinced she actually knows what’s going on and just wants an excuse to be like “as a lebanese queen i stand with palestine!!!!” to remind us that “she isnt actually white my dudes”
No. 835677
>>835675This, her Snooki looking ass would flip flop if Italians or if Whites (in an alternate universe) were being attacked. Hell, she almost tried that shit with the Asian pride shit and photoshopping herself asian for a week. SHe may as well have since in the past she claimed she was east Asian.
Hell it was just 5 years ago she was saying she was a white Christian. This fake woke shit is disgusting
No. 835717
File: 1620944131330.png (Spoiler Image,1.22 MB, 828x1792, 4908A35F-3E42-4A73-99F9-A07E3B…)

there is a twitter account talking about this though i’m not sure if anyone has picked up on it yet.
No. 835757
"Get well soon"
We know she's sick in the head but is she ill or just got another surgery???
>>835656 No. 835779
>>834567Dunno, you tell me
https://fapster . xxx /videos/105959/thick-ig-thot-trisha-paytas-leaked-sex-tape/
No. 835835
File: 1621035166721.gif (Spoiler Image,12.42 MB, 540x960, momo.gif)

No. 835838
>>835830when mariah needs
poc points she says she leabense
when mariah needs asian points she says she's asian
when mariah needs to sell her nudes she fronts as white for her snowbunny chasing scrotes
she lied about wearing a fucking hijab lmao. you think this is about her being lesbonese? she's no more leabonesese than you or i anon. catch up on moo's threads before injecting your bullshit itt
No. 835842
>>835835These filters are working overtime. You don't look like that Moo. You literally just posted
>>835383 >>835192 just the other day. kek
No. 835844
File: 1621039295063.jpg (321.41 KB, 1080x1470, Screenshot_20210514-173647_Ins…)

I don't even know where to start…
No. 835846
File: 1621039454432.jpg (78.89 KB, 494x462, SmartSelect_20210514-204405_Ch…)

>>835844You could start at the fat-buckled knee… or go to her big hulking shoulders?
No. 835848
File: 1621040055745.jpeg (191.22 KB, 1000x668, how-to-detangle-barbie-doll-ha…)

>>835844Those ratty extensions… I don't know who those other two are but she always looks grimy compared to anyone she takes a photo with
No. 835855
>>835850I’m seriously doubting that they did the entire photo shoot while a kid and mom were there. She’s pretty stupid no doubt but I feel even she wouldn’t be that dumb to lewd like that; and certainly the other two might be smarter.
Also I only hear moo quoting from men in black
Moo- “if you were half the cosplayer I am!”
The other two- “ please we ARE half the cosplayer you are. Together.
No. 835866
File: 1621051843025.png (3.88 MB, 1800x1092, E6C362BD-F7C4-4ABC-8940-20FFCA…)

Moo’s face is truly unholy…
No. 835867
File: 1621052072392.jpeg (109.2 KB, 594x588, 7B54264A-C152-401D-86BD-9FB7FA…)

>>835866Samefag but her face reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode “The Masks”.
Mariah still using oversized sweatshirts to hide her arms/waist. Literally everything she’s worn lately follows the same tired trick.
No. 835871
File: 1621056527375.jpg (100.19 KB, 845x1280, d9dz8h5-d294f591-0614-4efe-82b…)

>>835866Here's what peach actually looks like. I notice moo has been covering up her tattoos with long sleeves.
No. 835872
>>835871She made it infinitely harder for Squarecuck to photoshop her tats out on top of everything else on his laundry list of things he needs to edit into oblivion. Moo never takes that into consideration because she‘s selfish and never plans for these things. I’m sure she’ll regret those tattoos in a few years.
Tbh, I think the sleeves are to hide how massive her arms are too.
No. 835873
>>835872she said she would use makeup to hide her tats. she has done that 0 times. But you're 1000 percent correct. She's using the sweater to hide her arms and upper body.
"lol that's not fat, my sweater is baggy"
So now all Square has to edit is…. everything else. Cuz you know Moo is crying about how thin the other girls are and for him to work his magic.
No. 835891
File: 1621085775055.jpeg (83.63 KB, 422x750, 750x750bb.jpeg)

I thought it was the gif but no, just proof of another filter. There's a white dot that pops up in her belly button. Not sure which program exactly she's using but it's hilarious how huge of a catfish this ho is
>>835835 No. 835904
>>835866Moo serving that XXXXXL Meowri-Peach realness. Good lord, Maddie did Akemi dirty with that Daisy wig. Since Akemi is new to the herd, I guess she's the low calf on the totem pole.
Also way to completely invalidate all of the apologizing you did to people for associating with Moo, Vamps. Ah well we've always known she is just as trashy as Mariah.
No. 835908
>>835906Always funny when moo pretends like people want to be around her for any reason but clout/money
Without money moo is nothing.
Maddie wouldn’t have associated with her if moo was a nobody.
No. 835910
>>835908Yeah before Moo Maddie was trying to worm her way into Nigiri's friend group. Of course knowing Moo's past history she told Maddie she can't be friends with other people or else it will hurt her feelings.
I honestly don't know if Maddie is just autistic or desperate but I don't know why she's satisfied being Moo's maid.
No. 835922
>>835896Why are you so insistent on sperging here about shit that’s not even relevant to what’s actually being said? As his been explained multiple times before, nobody is arguing with what momo is saying (please find me one message on this thread that contains any explicit with anti-palestine propaganda), people are taking issue that she, once again, is being a performative activist. Performative activism is not helpful and she’s not doing anything to actually raise awareness about what’s going on, she’s using this as yet another way to flex her “lebanese woke
POC queen” status. She started one of her posts about the situation with “as a lebanese woman,” because she wants the situation to be about her, not about raising awareness for palestine. Go play keyboard warrior on twitter if you can’t understand why people are upset with moo here.
No. 835945
>>835943Yeah never saw Maddie with Nigiri or her close friends as part of the "squad".
If I remember this was around the time Vamps left and Moo was being a creepy stalker with Nigiri. Like Moo just happened to be in the same places as Nigiri, even the same party, and even when Moo just so happened to be hiking the same place and time Nigiri was. Even to the point Moo said she was looking at houses near Nigiri (yes, that shit happened) The girl was smart though and just moved into areas of the con where it was impossible to ghost your way in without a badge
No. 835947
File: 1621111050324.jpeg (Spoiler Image,174.04 KB, 828x1015, 1B89CC25-FA40-4C50-BCAB-82B49A…)

Emn what is this
No. 835958
File: 1621120980766.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1284x2256, 80547FDA-DC47-451E-936F-0570C7…)

Is it me or does she just look dirty.
No. 835966
>>835958her face looks more bloated than usual
>my favorite scenebitch, you watched the trailer. Why you gotta lie about everything
No. 835993
File: 1621133868657.jpg (Spoiler Image,237.3 KB, 710x1261, 20210515_215733.jpg)

There's so much to unpack here, I don't know where to begin.
No. 835994
File: 1621133893834.jpg (Spoiler Image,191.22 KB, 720x1280, 20210515_215724.jpg)

No. 836000
File: 1621134749433.jpg (76.6 KB, 1000x564, intro-1611929763.jpg)

>>835993smarter cosplayers wore high heels or stilts to make themselves taller. Moo looks so short and stubby. And it's not even her iconic dress. Honestly she was better off cosplaying the Duke. Her fat baby body woulda fit it better
No. 836019
>>835993Good to know she’s gone back to the poop smear makeup jfc… she looks like a walking curtain.
>>836000The one time she doesn’t steal a gimmick from another cosplayer lol. She never thinks these sets through and I’m sure she’s going to get that hack Lagoon to photoshop her taller instead of, you know, using some of those thousands of dollars she gets a month to hire someone to create some stilts for more practical effects. She just looks like a dumpy debutant.
No. 836026
File: 1621142159004.jpg (403.39 KB, 376x666, 6S4XM6b.jpg)

I guess Ericvegasss is the photographer
No. 836032
File: 1621149955596.png (695.49 KB, 604x958, puFPwbF.png)

>>835993I mean it's a pretty accurate cosplay anons
No. 836038
File: 1621162500574.png (4.76 MB, 1800x1623, A53F0D71-A102-46A6-BE73-0E1AA0…)

No. 836055
>>836053Wasn't the situation where Moo met a guy at a con who happens to work there and she hoed herself into a cozy spot with the guy. Also didn't the dude get in big trouble for that? It's company policy not to accept sugar?
The only guys who will work with her now def don't do it for the sex appeal but more like Moo doesn't know the value of money and will easily drop thousands.
No. 836082
>>836000The Duke is too good for her
She should cosplay Moreau
>>836026This cosplay is so simple and she still fucked it up. Dimitrescu's dress is very form-fitting and corseted. But Moo chose a rejected wedding dress instead…
No. 836084
File: 1621194810739.jpeg (Spoiler Image,151.5 KB, 768x520, 7F2E26B1-DFCC-4343-8BEB-D01D0D…)

>>836082I didn’t play REVIII so I assumed you meant this Moreau lol. Both are pretty appropriate for Moo.
No. 836097
>>835656She's carrying around plushies of an anime character that she thinks is her boyfriend in a fannypack.
She's just gone full retard.
No. 836099
File: 1621206022804.png (3.31 MB, 1242x2208, 44FF871E-4C1C-4FF8-97F2-B2756E…)

No. 836111
File: 1621216842464.jpg (238.07 KB, 387x673, 71qALhU.jpg)

>has 11k likes, 642 comments so far
>users are saying that Moo is mass deleting their comments mentioning past drama
>users who liked her videos before are now unliking it
>one user mentioned how she was "antisemitic" this past weekend with her Palestine sperg
uh oh spaghetti-os
No. 836127
File: 1621221035550.png (3.82 MB, 1242x2208, 2085524A-9E40-44D7-873B-E3509F…)

>I’m 210
No. 836142
>>836127She put shapewear underneath and added saftey pins to give the illusion of a waist because she got mad people were calling her out for using a sweater to cover her fat.
Too bad her whole body is a problem area that needs to be covered
No. 836143
>>836127Yes moo, push that waist in with your hand. Suck it in. Fake that waist. You got this.
Really though. It's no wonder she spends most of her time laying around these days. Those little ankles must get so sore and swollen carrying all that heft around.
No. 836149
File: 1621228948275.jpeg (725.17 KB, 828x1473, D7BCCAD6-487F-4F9C-A67E-84B0D0…)

ah. yes. i remember when the witch of the waste cosplayed as howl in the movie.
No. 836150
>>836105OP here, I would reeeeeally appreciate someone else making the next thread. Anyone can do it, and graphic design is not my passion.
>>836149Has she been saying she's going to do this costume for over a year or am I thinking of another cow?
No. 836151
>>836149The cosplay that hasn't left anon's mouths. Lmao
This is just Bimboifcation!Howl. Kek
No. 836153
File: 1621230201851.png (2.99 MB, 2181x1296, weightcomparisons.png)

>>836141She's only about 5'4" iirc. Here's a quick comparison. First photo is from her Hawaii trip, she confirmed around this time that she was
at least 265 pounds. Second is an unedited/unfiltered pic from her tennis shoot a couple weeks ago, and the third of course the Peach from earlier where she's clearly wearing shapewear and using filters. Not trying to sperg about it, but I don't believe for a second she's under 250.
No. 836163
File: 1621238747595.jpeg (Spoiler Image,274.12 KB, 1170x2414, 28488F10-E80E-454A-960C-3B6027…)

>>836149Absolutely horrifying, the insta filter doesn’t even know what to do with her face
No. 836168
>>836159>>836162blogpost but i'm 5'4" and 210lbs and am an XL/16. but i also don't have 30-40lbs of boobs lol.
i'd honestly say she's pushing 300 based on my own experience and body.
the leggings she's wearing in
>>836153 go up to a 3X, with measurements of a 49-53in waist and a 54-58in hip. i don't believe we've seen her in lululemon recently because she probably got too big for them.
No. 836176
>>836174That was years ago now, and she wasn't popular at all at either con. Her iPhone got more action in Peru than she did, after all.
>>836170At this point her lingering 'fame' in porn shit is because she was mooing for years that she's too good for porn. Sick coomers love it when chicks like Moo fall from grace and become as disgusting as they are. They were trying to push her into porn from the beginning.
No. 836179
File: 1621262759423.jpg (29.9 KB, 360x450, Akihiko_Usami.jpg)

>>836163Her face is starting to look like bad yaoi art.
No. 836181
File: 1621263319862.png (1.3 MB, 1640x1640, Cart_Titan_character_image_(Pi…)

>>836163This is just an Aryan cart titan cosplay.
No. 836190
>>836149Ah, yes, the ever popular dirt-stained Ganguro Howl.
Who is this supposed to appeal to? Her neckbeards don't care. Any anime fans that still somehow follow her don't want this. There's no profit or benefit. This appeals to literally nobody but her.
No. 836192
File: 1621273584730.png (397.28 KB, 590x596, Makeupyourmind.png)

>>834577She's definitely over 300 pounds, because according to this tweet from years ago, this is her at "177"..meaning her claims of being in the early 200lb range is definitely bullshit.
No. 836195
>>836192It's Momo and she tells half truths. She was 210 during this picture and didn't lose 30 pounds in a month. That isn't how weight loss works unless you're 600 pounds and on a doctor restricted diet.
She is def heavier than her Hawaii trip and she thinks tying up her mid section with waist trainers is going to cover up the rest of her body. Her legs are disgusting
No. 836198
>>836192I remember now. 177 was the magic number between her being just over weight and officially being obese. That's why she lied about her weight. Her Chun Li was when she started lipo and telling photographers to edit her thinner. This was also around the time she called a cosplayer fat because poor Moo is an insecure mess.
Wow, look at us now. Looking at Moo on the edge of morbid obesity. What a wild ride. Wonder when she will completely give up and waddle towards 600 pounds.
No. 836203
you can tell by the little round bruises where they sucked the fat out zoooOOOP
No. 836210
File: 1621279409805.jpeg (430.71 KB, 2048x2048, D7AE6C3B-42B2-4DD2-B69D-059526…)

>>836201If I am remembering correctly this is the time of the first suspected round of lipo (anons saw the little circular marks in this cosplay) though she continued to deny it for very long time.
No. 836218
File: 1621282702264.png (15.09 KB, 85x93, 1621273584730~2.png)

Sometimes I miss turtle lip moo
No. 836228
>>836159Can confirm. 207lb 5'4" here. I wear 14/16. Also my tits are waaaaaaaaaaaaay smaller than hers, so if she says she's 210 lbs, I'd say at least 10-12 of that has to be here tits, and there is no way she would weigh 198 with out tits.
My guess is she's 250, but thinks her tits weigh 40lbs and she doesn't count them when quoting her weight.
No. 836234
File: 1621293438003.png (1.6 MB, 828x1792, 54EE496F-9A66-49C6-9F01-9FD218…)

It’s always so funny how much momo lurks around here. She got so pressed about us calling her out for looking nothing like the character, so she had to write a whole paragraph about why she does look like her and why she looks so dirty. Keep it up moo, your neck beards may suck up to you but that’s all that you got going for you- oh and your herd of other cows.
No. 836235
File: 1621293579692.png (2.33 MB, 828x1792, 6497AB37-E80F-4F51-83FB-D5758C…)

Maddie, stop sucking up to moo when we can all see she looks nothing like the character. The only difference is that moo has wrinkles and other issues wrong with her skin because she doesn’t take any care of herself and continues to inject shit into her body, compared to a 100+ year old vampire woman who has been affected by a disease/virus- but yet shes still looking better than moo.
No. 836241
File: 1621296045012.jpeg (Spoiler Image,296.39 KB, 1242x1725, C26DE8BF-BDCD-446A-B98D-C2EDCA…)

I bet moo has a secret hard drive somewhere
>>836235Why didn’t she do the same pose? Is it cause she didn’t want to show how big her stomach is?
No. 836243
What I don't get, is why she's still doing cosplay. Now that her patreon is gone where is she posting them? The people subbing to her onlyfans aren't there for cosplay and she's not posting them on her store. Speaking of which, her photobook store page has gone 404. I wonder what happened, I highly doubt she sold them all..
>>836234Ah, looks like we can add "wig maker" to her imaginary repertoire of skills now. And this whole essay just shows that she only watched the trailers and never actually played the game.
No. 836244
>>836243For the ego only. Cosplay got her attention in the first place and if she stops she will feel like she failed at it like everything else she tried. That and it's mainly to feel superior to sex workers.
That and she thinks she can snag a hot guy if she pretends to be more like a dude and like video games. Too bad most guys are shallow.
No. 836252
Anyone notice how she's suddenly pumping out all these "cosplays" after weeks and weeks doing nothing? I think us talking about how she's nothing but a sex worker now is really eating at her. I'm going to predict another manic episode sometime soon.
>>836241She thinks by hiding her nasty shota obsession on her dead "art twitter" that no one is gonna catch on lol.
Speaking of, guess her art phase is officially over?
No. 836255
>>836252>guess her art phase is officially over?Literally every time someone posts this comment, she uploads a hilariously bad Demon Slayer sketch the next day to prove people wrong.
>>836254The jacket is worn over Howl’s shoulders in the movie but what I’m wondering is how WIDE they had to make it to fit her linebacker shoulders so she doesn’t “Hulk out” of it.
No. 836256
>>836255Maybe if we keep mentioning it she'll actually get better since she'll have to draw to prove us wrong.
Or she'll get maddie to draw for her
No. 836295
>>836280it’s candid moments like this when people see her in a public setting that really get a laugh out of me because almost everything that can be assumed about her physical appearance and personality are proven to
be true—i can’t fucking wait until cons come back man
No. 836310
File: 1621338898682.png (Spoiler Image,786.77 KB, 572x768, 2E55389F-22AD-4BE2-9E9A-6C858B…)

Provided from the comrades at KF
Totally not haram my guys
No. 836313
File: 1621339905551.png (5.69 MB, 1800x1554, 5DED80F6-9DDA-4C1E-9274-B20AF6…)

Those Hefty bag lookin’ leggings are holding on for dear life.
No. 836314
File: 1621340013968.png (2.73 MB, 1800x1056, D27CFEBE-7981-4047-A7F6-A2CBC5…)

No. 836345
>>836313"because it's like we get to be together in a weird sort of delusional way"
That's just sad. Even if she's lying about it it's still sad.
No. 836350
File: 1621352701334.png (8.06 MB, 1242x2688, 4BEDFC65-CB84-427C-AC06-19E15C…)

Can’t find the video of high schooo girl coming out but did see the racist vid get posted to tiktok
No. 836353
>>836295You reminded me of the anons (Most likely Moo herself) were mad because a lot of con goers were saying she smelled really really bad to the point of being unbearable to be around her. She outed herself by giving weird reasons why bathing daily is bad for your physical and mental health and that she smelled fine. Even went as far to say people who bathe daily have bad dry skin because lotion isn't a thing in Moo's world.
Either way yeah, I tend to trust people who have seen Moo in the wild because they are proven right
No. 836405
>>836394You think she would aim for the more preferred vaccines. J&J is being used in nursing homes and prisons for people who can’t commute twice, and even that was paused. I guess she just wanted the “vaccine passport” for her Japan vacation.
>>836280Seeing her unfiltered must have been an experience
No. 836412
>>836405J&J has been cleared just fine to use, and she got it before that whole thing happened. She most likely wanted it because she’s too lazy to get a shot twice and probably thought it was a flex at the time.
Jokes on her though because it’s only about 75% effective. There’s been a whole baseball team that got it and are having a outbreak now. Chances are international flights will be requiring either Pfizer or moderna since both are so effective and seem to be working great.
No. 836419
File: 1621370320780.jpg (786.81 KB, 598x750, 1612408957539[1].jpg)

>>836313reusing wigs again?
No. 836424
File: 1621372229643.png (2.94 MB, 1242x2208, 3743D244-28B5-4E58-A4EE-D3D7D4…)

I’m having a blast seeing multiple kids on TikTok trying to call her out (even if they’re all parroting the same sexual assault accusation and not really doing research. Especially considering the wealth of drama attached to her they could use) but I wanted to share this that was among her tags. This is your typical fan, Moo! You’re going to have to settle for one of these chaps once the money dries up and you can’t afford to hire “male escorts”.
No. 836427
File: 1621373254536.png (4.39 MB, 1242x2208, 00975E4B-38C5-40D7-BBB7-38FDBA…)

Wondering if the anon who spotted her in the wild last night caught a glimpse of the unadulterated pure autism on display.
No. 836430
File: 1621373529369.jpeg (706.92 KB, 1242x1988, 36E0E0DF-6929-4583-B459-77D181…)

>>836426Had to double back but yeah, you’re right! Goddamn, I’d be embarrassed if I had a fanbase that consisted of scrotes and whatever this mess is.
No. 836458
>>836445>>836432If I didn’t post, you wouldn’t have gotten those recordings of her recent IG lunacy so stfu.
>you terfs Did you get lost on your way to twitter?
No. 836472
File: 1621383201447.jpeg (368.15 KB, 828x1094, 3F4BEB85-ACF2-47E2-8944-D5D132…)

does she ever put this goddamn plushie down
No. 836476
File: 1621384033985.png (3.81 MB, 1242x2208, 7FC32B4B-237E-4F5F-B145-FA233E…)

>>836472The only place where taking a plushie anywhere with you is looked over is an anime convention… and only if you’re a teen weeb. You’re 25 years old, Mariah. Is this how you cope?
The first pic in that post of her shadow in the reflection is sending me.
No. 836496
File: 1621397319511.jpg (97.77 KB, 680x889, 77f.jpg)

>>836476Looks like she's going to fight me in the Facebook comments on why Kyle Shithouse deserved to shoot multiple people.
No. 836516
>>836515anon you're on a thread devoted to the stronkest woman on lolcow. dont you know that momo could crush your head between her thighs?
or just. crush your entire body beneath her mass.
No. 836535
File: 1621430962229.png (2.98 MB, 1800x1595, EFC12CE8-D6E1-4F63-9A11-6BD979…)

>everyone is replaceable
Just like the friends she keeps close until they no longer serve a purpose for her.
No. 836554
File: 1621437631047.jpeg (380.4 KB, 680x889, 751BBEA4-AC5B-4F72-BEDA-9EBB66…)

>>836496She blends right in lol
No. 836556
File: 1621438376995.jpg (658.28 KB, 1440x3200, Screenshot_20210519-113033_Tik…)

Someone made a tiktok about her @keigokfc
No. 836565
File: 1621442316917.png (1.24 MB, 642x1800, 91940521-8028-4274-8F2D-32510A…)

>>836562Fucking hell. Like, we knew a while back about her bullying that one girl in her high school by nearly suffocating her in a theater curtain in their drama class but this takes it beyond that. If it’s true (and I’m inclined to believe it is given Mariah’s track record) she is truly irredeemable.
No. 836567
>>836562>>836565I really want this to be true because when people lie about these kind of things it really does hinder the hate train.
I hope this girl is doing better now and I hope she's living her best life.
No. 836573
>>836566>>836567Because of things that Mariah has already done that we know for a fact that she did, it makes it hard not to believe this stuff. A lot of the things that she did to other people was to humiliate them.
Now everyone is laughing at her. Hope she spergs like she always does when she's called out.
No. 836586
>>836578A lot of people assume they won't get in trouble if they're a minor selling pictures of minors. Bet she thought if she was caught she'd just get a slap on the wrist.
Considering how she sexually harassed others and made jokes about it later it's really no surprise she'd do that stuff in high school.
No. 836598
>>836562It's hard for me to believe, but only because I struggle to imagine something that horrible. Taking pictures to make fun of a classmate seems like typical bullying behavior, but selling them is on another level. If she actually did it she's pretty sick.
Also, I wonder how the adults following her and her sister are related to Moo? Was she friends with them? That part kind of confused me.
No. 836608
>>836578She probably didn’t consider it cp at the time because it was people the same age as her
I know this is the logic a lot of teenagers use when they send photos between one another (that conversation is an entire other thing but it’s a similar thought process)
No. 836614
>>836613she even leaked her own nudes and it's believed she's still giving them out. Well she might not think much of it since it's her job now. But if she's been doing it since she was a kid.
That and her harassing women she's jealous of has been confirmed at cons where she tore the clothes off a girl who was changing and lifted a girls top on the con floor, that and putting a megaphone near some chicks crotch in public thinking she was funny.
Her harassing a girl in a high school changing room and taking pictures seems right up her alley.
No. 836617
>>836598It's sad that this is common, a kid was doing this shit when I was in HS as well.
People like them don't go far in life, they don't move far from their hometowns, they don't go anywhere past working minimum wage jobs or MLMs (or in momo's case selling herself for cheap online) and crash and burn by the time they're in their mid 20's.
No. 836622
>>836621Can’t wait for the day she gets deplatformed completely, if it ever happens.
Throwing a party for that shit.
No. 836626
File: 1621461278668.png (1.45 MB, 1242x2208, BCC73327-AE5B-4FA5-8446-5685E3…)

No. 836628
>>836617Right before she got outed for sexually assaulting people, she was bullying a cosplayer that couldn't speak in English. That cosplayer went on to cosplay for Blizzard. The one who outed her about the megaphone incident was doing streams with cosplayers that Moo wanted to be around because they were popular. People who she bullied went on to do things that Moo wanted to do and now all she does is sell whore photos to guys who want to see her degraded.
>>836622That's never going to happen.
No. 836659
File: 1621478704341.jpeg (227.08 KB, 1242x1260, A3D0D843-EB52-4C75-AB00-DB9589…)

No. 836673
>>836615So anon, how new are you? She's bragged about bullying others for a long time. She used to sleep with girl's boyfriends and said it made her feel good because they "picked her", even though those encounters led to nothing more than the sex for her.
The thread doesn't need your scrote-like skepticism.
No. 836784
>>836780It wouldn't matter to the Scrotes.
But it matters when it comes to momokun ever finding new lapdogs to make her cosplay shit. The more new artists and new cosplayers that find out about her actions the less people momokun can bribe to be her friend/slave/new clout source.
Plus you know it makes Momokun mad. Why else would she talking big?
No. 836787
>>836784This right here. Not many people are willing to work with her and she created unprofessional work environments by making the people who do work with her "friends". It's emotionally manipulative because even if they don't want to work with her Momo will pull out the "But we're friends" card
She doesn't invite out her hair stylist because the woman realized it isn't worth being Momo's in house slave. And the wolf sanctuary distanced themselves from Moo after Moo made them treat her sick cat for a discount while Moo was dicking around with the wolves in an inappropriate way (she could have taken her cat to the vet wtf???)
Both places will still take her business, but now exclusively as a client and NOT as a friend. Momo is just inappropriate and doesn't respect boundaries.
It's def for the best Moo doesn't rope in anyone else in any community.
No. 836806
File: 1621537209451.png (1.05 MB, 1242x2208, C9F0CE3C-C092-4E91-B41D-FBAB68…)

>I would drink Douma’s piss
I didn’t think this sperg was worth recording but her mannerisms and obsession with anime men make my stomach churn.
No. 836811
>>836806Don't worry, Momo only had vanilla sex before. She's just parroting what her disgusting scrotes say so they will like her more.
Then Moo wonders why normal men want nothing to do with her. If you're going to mirror people, mirror the ones you want around you. You would think as a narcissist she would understand that.
No. 836870
File: 1621559518142.jpg (315.42 KB, 378x670, sJGg75n.jpg)

Making fun once again:
>drops mousepad on counter, Umbran's hand tweak nipple
>Moo swats hand says "Aye, get out of here kid! That's assault, brotha!"
No. 836896
File: 1621572479271.png (3.15 MB, 1242x2208, C10B76C8-DB26-48D1-9F9B-572508…)

She’s so insecure with herself that she maxed out the filter settings on a low res photo, this is not even a video story. She has time to do this but no time to wash her greasy hair?
No. 836901
File: 1621573304291.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1242x2061, E10DC6CA-E539-4129-B338-5FA600…)

On her Tiktok.
Bitch has a lot to learn before lecturing others on accountability. And Moo, crashing Sensei’s tattoo parlor and unloading on him while he’s working is not considered therapy…
No. 836905
>>836901Except she still does shit like this, it's just male sex workers don't come forward. And there has been zero recent cases at cons because there's a pandemic. Who is she foolin?
Doesn't mean she hasn't done more shitin the past year though… like that racist rant that happened literally last week
No. 836907
>>836901They really think people are okay with Pedo James and Pedo Zoe? No idea who Lopez is but I'm pretty sure most people want James and Zoe to be thrown in Jail.
Also Mariah going to Therapy doesn't mean shit when instead of the actual Palestine people you tell everyone you support Hammas the terrorists that Palestine people hate.
No. 836921
File: 1621582224551.png (1.62 MB, 1800x975, 115FEE7B-B864-4AE9-9565-2603D5…)

No. 836922
File: 1621582486039.png (1.86 MB, 828x1792, 3C06935A-0CAA-405C-A4A6-BF5241…)

>>836901Incase anyone was wondering, yes it’s another neckbeard (baby neckbeard) that is sucking up to her and telling everyone he don’t care about her horrible past. He also recently made a video saying ‘people are telling me to kms cause I support her and guess what, she’s gonna go on a mass blocking spree to those that are doing that! She’s more than likely even gonna ban the word die in her comments section.’ As if she hasn’t been mass blocking and deleting comments already to those who are calling her out for all the shit she’s done and will continue doing.
No. 836924
File: 1621583068854.jpeg (685.83 KB, 828x1469, 5D47F6D7-DF56-4E95-87D6-21D040…)

It’s always so refreshing seeing her trying to claim she isn’t an absolute lunatic with no brain
No. 836925
>>836922I hope Mariah sees these are the only kinds of people going to bat for her. Not one of them defending her honor is going to be a built Asian man with the personality of her current anime obsession lol
But this is the audience she cultivated, Moo gotta live with being worshipped by misanthropes.
No. 836961
>>836957by her fat/weight ratio i think she could survive like 4 months on just liquids and vitamin supplements ( you know , for vitamins ).
the longest fast record belongs to a guy called angus barbieri , he fasted for 13 months only eating tea , coffe and some vitamins and he lost like 115 kgs
No. 836964
>>836957Unfortunately, that's never going to happen. As
>>836959 said, her parents have been shit parents so far and enabled her terrible behavior. If she ever becomes broke, she'll just move in her with slave, I mean mother.
No. 836984
>>836949I think she doesn't care because she doesn't know the value of a dollar. She certainly didn't care her paetron was gone (delighted because less work for her)
and in her head she knows she didn't earn that money. She's aware it's all cuck bucks so why should she care if the risk is high
No. 837037
File: 1621648990394.jpg (428.21 KB, 1080x1668, 1604292934770.jpg)

>>836901Remember when she posted her "schedule"? It said therapy every Tuesday but if that were true then why is she constantly getting plastic surgery and selling her body online? She doesn't seem to be improved by any means.
No. 837038
>>837034>>837036I think this is a troll or a white knight. Most def Moo is never at her parents house kek
She barely remembered mothers day until anons reminded her at like 9pm on mothers day to grab some fast food
No. 837042
>>837037>I am excited to go personally on Election DayAnd then she never went lol Then she has the gall to complain about politicians like she ever took time out of her “busy” schedule to do her civic duty and vote.
>>837038And just recently her dad and mom were in her white void of a home. She rarely goes to her parents place from what I’ve seen.
>>837039You gotta love how any time someone calls her out now, her go-to defense is “well I got therapy and changed! You need therapy to get over what I did because you’re all obsessed!” It’s no wonder we see less and less of Sensei, I bet he regrets accepting Moo’s money and gifts now because it comes with a hefty (lol) price.
No. 837062
>>837042Her accusing her followers of being obsessed is rich as fuck. I'd love for some of her previous escort escapades to actually come forward on here, have any done that yet? An anon teased it so beautifully. I wanna hear about her pretend-pornstar sex life with paid escorts so bad, the potential for milk is excruciating.
There's something so deliciously pathetic about female simps.
No. 837067
File: 1621662956070.jpg (153.26 KB, 1076x1435, pleasedonotmentionMooriah.jpg)

don't know if this is milky or not, but Bishoujo Mom not liking Moo confirmed?
I know it's been speculated before with her not following Mariah on social media, but I don't think we've come across actual proof yet.
Any thoughts or opinions? I think Bishoujo doesn't like Moo bc its like Moo tries so hard to be Bishoujo at this point. Both in what Moo chooses to cosplay as well as her plastic surgery "journey." I mean Dimitrescu is very popular rn, but it feels like Moo only had an interest in it once she saw Bishoujo doing it. (Considering how rushed Moo's Dimitrescu feels.) Idk maybe I'm reaching a little
No. 837070
File: 1621665997421.jpeg (222.12 KB, 1172x658, 43AD586D-DF94-4E8C-BC91-5D4867…)

>>837067I mean, you tell me.
But in all seriousness, I think there’s a very good chance she doesn’t want to be associated with Mariah.
No. 837071
File: 1621667150270.jpeg (618.77 KB, 1242x1225, 3BF101ED-3400-448D-8379-EACBF5…)

The original tweet was deleted so I’m not sure what the context was here but here’s another.
No. 837073
File: 1621667764938.png (1.31 MB, 1242x2208, 17DEC212-8DAB-4D04-93CE-32B727…)

No. 837122
>>837067It's not hard to see that Moo photoshops her face to look as close to Bishoujo Mom as possible. Moo's real face isn't even close. Not trying to simp for Bishoujo but she's got the body for a sex worker even if she's had plastic surgery. She's half of Moo's size. She's also got two things Moo doesn't have which is a giant ass and decent tits. Moo's flat ass and botched sand bags are hilarious in comparison.
Dimitrescu has turned into a sex icon so every OF sex worker is going to run it into the ground. I think this was the case of trends rather than single white female.
No. 837151
>>837067Juliette has hated Moo pretty much ever since they worked together on that shitty Little Red Riding hood set. Juliette is also friends with at least 4 of Moo's
victims and literally everybody who Moo copies hates her for copying them
Idk if any of this is really relevant tho since it's pretty obvious Moo is trying to achieve the same plastic look that both Juliette and Stephanie have lol
She might as well change her name to Momo Michelle, with how blatant she's being
No. 837168
>>836925Bad use of “misanthropes”
Social rejects are not inherently misanthropic.
Momo encapsulates everything wrong with mankind in my eyes, and many others.
The ones going to bat for her are hopelessly desperate for attention from her.
No. 837172
>>837160>>837161No sex worker is admirable. They do nothing but beg scrotes for money by degrading themselves.
And I knew posting anything positive about Bishoujo would get shit. I said "for a sex worker" which is a fake, exaggerated freak body usually. I didn't say she was beautiful. I'm just saying she looks the part while Moo has done the same only to look botched and disfigured instead of your plastic porn star.
No. 837177
File: 1621730241905.png (3.58 MB, 1242x2208, B2352609-CC40-4B09-8DC9-4A9462…)

No. 837185
File: 1621735306274.png (394.57 KB, 488x845, nomoo.png)

Mariah, you're the only one that is jealous of a fictional character over a fictional character.
No. 837193
>>837179at some point the surgeon will reach the limit for medical science in tucking away skin and removing fat , and its going to be a shitshow when she gets a NO for the next surgery.
Honestly i would bet like 20 bucks on it happening within the next 2 years unless she switches to a shadier surgeon
No. 837206
File: 1621744247408.png (4.12 MB, 1800x1595, 90992635-A77F-440A-BC17-BFA4E8…)

>>837201She’s even taking the same kinds of selfies she did the last time she got work done.
>and we backVery subtle Moo…
No. 837207
File: 1621745291398.jpg (343.21 KB, 1080x2400, IMG_20210522_234707.jpg)

Does she realize she could buy clothes her size and not look like a busted sausage? She brags about weightloss but she'd look more convincing in clothes that fit.
No. 837252
File: 1621792393466.jpg (18.85 KB, 350x263, droopy_1836.jpg)

>>837207LOVE that she's Shallow Hal-ing herself. Yes girl, show the whole world that you're just as hideous on the outside as you are on the inside. Go ahead and put yourself on blast. Prove these threads right hunty.
No. 837322
>>837319It's terrible that I read that and thought "2.5k for that big place? Man, that's not bad."
God, Seattle rent prices have fucking jaded me.
No. 837325
File: 1621839142519.png (4.1 MB, 1800x1650, 5FF7EB43-D386-4EB0-8F9F-2E8E0B…)

Does this count as being self-aware? lol
Also, marvel at how the filters struggle with her face in motion now. There’s only so much it can take, Moo.
No. 837329
>>837325she might as well call herself 'amrezy' since that filter is doing pretty much all of her work these days.
This has gotta be the longest she's obsessed over something at this point too..
No. 837367
>>837325"Cute baby face filter"
The scary thing is I can still see the inflammation and swelling around her over plumped lips and the discoloration and wrinkles around her face… with the filters cranked up. So yeah, that's scary. No wonder guys run when they see her irl
No. 837376
File: 1621875158888.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1242x2024, 1C580D5E-877E-47AD-939D-6CB1AF…)

She should probably stick to deleting comments because her clapbacks are weak.
No. 837383
>>837381More like she remembers it's a thing when it reaches peek popularity. She starting obsessing over it since Mugen train was released, but she's starting to chill. It was just like with her fate obsession. It's all performative
Moo has no real interests other than food or herself. Other than that she really doesn't give a shit.
No. 837435
File: 1621906155268.png (4.09 MB, 1800x1612, 74CFB7EC-CDA0-4B59-8D4D-3667BD…)

She looks so grimy and generally dirty, what a disservice to the character. Also, her neck is going to snap if she tries to crane it any further trying to hide her double chin.
No. 837437
>>837435she just looks so short and portly. I also hate to be nit picky but she only has 2 roses on her dress. She couldn't even be bothered to watch lets plays to understand there are suppose to be three roses, one for each daughter.
Just, nothing about this works
No. 837450
File: 1621912236426.png (15.09 KB, 534x216, 5n7ne8wsftgzk28831.png)

>>837369it's part of the joke, picrel
No. 837459
File: 1621917895397.png (2.67 MB, 1242x2208, C3A61304-9AC6-497D-888B-85A324…)

Doesn’t she have home gym equipment? She literally has no excuse.
No. 837471
File: 1621921907260.jpg (Spoiler Image,453.71 KB, 560x940, d6WmILC.jpg)

>9 minute shower video
>actual line "I just got back from the gym so I'm definitely gonna relieve myself right now of all the hard work I've been doing and I'm going to enjoy myself. Thoroughly. Thoroughly. Hm. ((kisses dildo)) I'm ready! I'm ready for you! Bring it on!"
>does these weird zoom in shots where I assume she's trying to catch herself "squirting"
>problem is is that she's sitting under the stream of water from the shower head so I don't understand why she thought it'd show up?
No. 837472
File: 1621922020069.jpg (104.42 KB, 344x305, nnvFbjN.jpg)

>>837471I'm sorry I couldn't get a closer picture but the amrezy filter she used thoroughout the video blurred out most of her acne except the shiner on her brow. It's fucking obvious some stress is getting to her and now her acne is irritated.
No. 837473
File: 1621922159357.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 758x940, 6C2ryWX.jpg)

>>837472This is exactly what you think it is.
No. 837475
File: 1621923337061.jpeg (960.21 KB, 1242x1622, 18EE4A4F-8A2B-4BCE-AE91-2E67D1…)

>25 years old…>>837471>>837473She’s really gunning for that “used up Vegas whore” aesthetic. Very fitting for her future stint on Tropicana by Budget Suites and the Adult Superstore.
No. 837546
File: 1621971256679.jpg (32.57 KB, 640x960, 188486756_324270452592529_6196…)

They couldn't even be assed to make accurate versions of the accessories even though the game models and photos are so readily available. It looks like they just went through a Halloween bargain bin and spray painted everything. Vamplette could have been ok as Bela, but she just looks deranged and derpy in their photoshoot
No. 837556
File: 1621975324905.png (2.59 MB, 1028x1500, rd2.PNG)

>>837475I saw this before the spoiler and honestly thought this was a picture of a sex doll that kinda sorta looked like moo that someone posted for a comparison. I can't beleive this is real.
No. 837588
File: 1621988090700.jpeg (154.12 KB, 1000x1500, 238DF462-E0CD-4C55-88EB-D596E7…)

>>837549 couldn’t unsee. Had to throw this together. You were absolutely right.
No. 837592
>>837587Castle Corsetry made it, so you already know the chick has no pride or scruples as long as Moo is throwing money at her.
Why bother putting in your best effort when the cow makes your garment look bad anyway?
No. 837594
>>837546The emphasis is on Moo and she's the worst "model" of the bunch. I feel like she makes the others frumpier so she can look more attractive.
>>837588Fucking Kek.
No. 837600
File: 1621998802908.png (3.36 MB, 1242x2208, 33A3529A-5DA4-414C-BD09-5AA080…)

She bought a custom made cedar tree necklace… We get it Moo, you’re LeBEANese lol
No. 837601
File: 1621999242085.jpg (141.14 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg)

>>837600She just asked the plastic surgeon to give her the Land Before Time look
No. 837605
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>>837490Piggy backing off of this, she’s aging like cheese in the sun, yes…. but.. receding hairline? Moo take care of your hair man.
No. 837611
>>837607oh ouch.
there is literally nothing wrong with her forehead other than it appears larger in some photos. go be bitter somewhere else
No. 837613
>>837611I find it comical(and sad) that of all the reasons to criticize Moo(read her
toxic personality, lack of self-criticism when it comes to put herself in ridicule or even her bigotry) they use the most retarded of all. Priorities, I guess?
No. 837635
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sage for no milk but this description of Cruella's house/cat sounded so familiar somehow
No. 837642
>>837529you responded to the wrong person tard
>>837546looks like a crappy family photo, they're all making weird faces
No. 837664
>>837600I never seen someone so mad they aren't
POC enough to get actual pity points. She's mad that even Snooki is more
POC than she is.
No. 837668
>>837611Making fun of Moo's deformities is funny. And compared to Moo's once thick black hair everyone was envious of in high school her current dried and patchy mess is extremely funny. All that bleaching and tearing out extensions after just a week of wearing them has done it's damage to the point she can't grow it past her shoulders.
Also note that she said "I can't be a lesbian, my hair is too nice"
Yeah, we're gunna make fun of her hair
No. 837670
>>837668>Also note that she said "I can't be a lesbian, my hair is too nice"Funny that she said that, yet pretended that her and vamps were together once upon a time
Also, whoever makes the next thread can you put the correct twitter link in, thanks.
No. 837678
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Here we go again.
No. 837679
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Gotta wonder how much she shelled out for this garbage. They also conveniently omit the part where she didn’t make anything and imply she created the outfit. “Talented” my ass.
No. 837680
>>837679isn't this the same website? Either way, she's certainly at a low point where she has to pay low traffic sites to post her cosplay.
Question is why does she care? Her paetron is gone and her only income now is porn. Or did it hurt her feelings that Paetrons "no porn" policy hit her hard. Wondered if she tried to defend to them what she does isn't porn it's cosplay.
No. 837683
>>837678>>837679"Sets the internet alight"
Literally NO ONE is talking about her cosplay other than here and probably the chan/kiwi sites. If there's any mention it's how dumb she is and how shitty it is.
No. 837684
>>837680She couldn’t be any more transparent in the fact that she was bitter about the other articles focusing on Akemi for the Demon Slayer shoots so she had to pay for someone to write a glowing piece on her shoot where she’s front and center. She’s that desperate for any positive attention that doesn’t point to her past or her porn. Especially since people haven’t stopped ragging on her on TikTok.
This article doesn’t even have a comment section lol
No. 837685
>>837683You're right, the set was released just a week ago and no one gave a shit. I saw more thirst comments and people wondering when the porn set was going to be released
a lot of things have been bothering our poor cow. She's pretending she never failed at cosplay and is just another porn thot. Been like that since day one however. But also jealous people are getting recognized for their craft and actual talents.
Moo could have gained some kind of crafting skill by now. But the only passion Moo has is food
No. 837708
>>837703>>835168Anon was spot on with making this. It's hella accurate.
>>835410though this one gets my vote for next thread pic unless anons add more to it
This thread is wild and I hope whoever makes the next includes the recent racism, weight gain and finally Moo paying websites to do articles for vanity sake.
No. 837717
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inspired by previous comparisons of her living in a hotel.
No. 837779
>>837678>>835168I suggest a combination of these two since the anon damn near predicted the future lol
The Shining one is funny but the other two are more relevant.
No. 837856
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>>837853Anon you beat me to it but here's my shitty edit as well if anyone else wants to add to it
No. 837858
File: 1622146641357.png (1.18 MB, 1242x2208, bestcosplayerawardpart3.png)

>>837853An additional offering
No. 837859
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I was looking to see if Moo's article even makes the front page of Google if you look for RE cosplayers (it doesn't) but, looks like her timing was bad since Lady D's face model just did a cosplay of her too which is arguably far more interesting than one more porn thot throwing their attempt in the ring.
No. 837876
File: 1622150150810.jpg (Spoiler Image,906.6 KB, 1189x1421, 755tnsbdcg071.jpg)

>>837858Next thread pic!
>>837859Honestly Moo should give up trying to be "real Lady D"
Honestly I'm surprised she didn't go for the other giant vampire lady everyone is simping for. And not many people are cosplaying her. Don't know why she's trying to compete with actual models.
No. 837881
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>>837876Except she did? She even promoted this outfit on her IG the same day she went on the Palestine rant.
If she did the armor version, I can only imagine the amount of warped worbla and safety pins that monstrosity would consist of.
No. 837900
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Man, it’d be a lot more believable if she mentioned everyone who worked on her cosplay in the article she paid for and boosted lol.
No. 837901
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>>837900I don't know how her friends can stand her. No amount of money is worth Moo taking full credit.
She didn't do the set, didn't make the cosplay, she didn't even do the shitty make up. She just showed up, was annoying and took full credit. She's that annoying kid in a group project that does nothing.
No. 837930
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She’s definitely buying ads if this is showing up for people. Also no one cares about her on Twitter. It’s only reminds of how terrible she is.
No. 837953
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>>837930I literally was coming here to say, I just got an ad for her dumbass article. I wonder how much she paid to sponsor it on top of getting it written lmao
No. 837984
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>>837859well about that anon
No. 837994
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>>837685Oh so it's really happening! She's doing it for us, what a sweet people pleasing gal! /s
No. 838004
>>837984It's getting boosted because of all the money she's tossing at ads.
>>837992You can buy ads and it will definitely push to whatever platform/subject you're paying for. Of course ads are targeted to you, meaning if you're looking at RE8 stuff, if she paid enough her dumbass shit will pop up more than likely. For example I don't get ads relating to Lady D or Vamplette or belle dapahne etc, I don't look at their stuff but I guarantee if they pay for an ad of something relevant to my interest they'll pop up.
No. 838021
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>>838010The only reason she cosplays is bc she wants to get viral. Too bad she’s way too dumb to realize that it ain’t going to happen, she’s too fat and botched. She used to be ugly but now she’s so uncanny and disturbing looking. I kinda agree with the anons who said she looks like Moreau.
No. 838066
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Why the fuck is she in Oregon now?
No. 838189
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I’m honestly amazed Mariah’s illiterate ass even graduated high school.
No. 838193
>>838189Imagine wasting so much time and energy simping for some rando character just because you Google the person you "kin"'s love interest
She does this with literally every character
Some demon kinda has a crush on Shinobu and she makes it her entire persona
No. 838200
>>838193I figured Moo out. She simps for these fictional guys (Guzma, Fate men, Levi, whatever) but notice she never simps for the actual traits and personalities the characters have.
She is projecting what she believes is a "real" man on fictional characters.
"No he isn't a sexist creep who will tear out my guts while calling me a slaughtered pig. He's that gym hottie that rejected me years ago. But now there is zero chance of rejection because a fictional character can't say no in my head"
I'm sure that gay cosplayer she was trying to fuck since forever rejected her so now she's projecting her thirst on a character he cosplays.
In fact, wasn't one of the guys she was "working out" with into Fate? And when he rejected her she started simping hard for one of the characters?
No. 838235
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I don’t buy for a second that she’s in Portland only to stuff her face, get high and acquire more plants. She’s getting a procedure done there, isn’t she?
No. 838283
>>838271Yes but on the Wiki it says he has a crush/admiration for Shinobu. And that's how desperate she is.
She'll read a wiki and make it her entire identity
No. 838323
>>838283I read that part in the manga and yeah, Douma more or less discovers that he CAN kinda love someone and develops a crush on Shinobu. And she tells him NOPE.GIF when he confesses to her. Mariah OBVIOUSLY "forgets" how much Douma broke Shinobu's life via killing her sister Kanae and how much she hates him for it, and deludes herself into thinking Shinobu is the Perfect Girl for him.
There's nothing wrong with liking enemy ships like DouShino, but damn it Mariah that's not how it works.
I also remember Mariah hissing and whining against Giyu, aka THE guy that Shinobu is mostly shipped with. Insecure, much?
No. 838355
>>838334Moo herself says she hates the "gay agenda". Because in her scrote head there is no such thing as a gay man and they just need to sleep with her because she's the right woman.
She's like those idiots who don't leave lesbians alone because they just need the right dick.
No. 838360
>>838355>>838334Ahh, are you forgetting when she went on her "
toxic straight men" sperg a while back?
>>834340 >>834344
No. 838383
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She got butthurt enough about people feeling bad for her cats that she posted a TikTok about all the stuff she bought them, so she can’t POSSIBLY be a bad cat mom. Just because you have thousands of dollars worth of cat crap doesn’t mean you’re immune to criticism.
>I vacuum all day long
No. 838386
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She brought her weeb shit to the Japanese garden because of course she did.
No. 838390
>>838383Wow the arrogance and shade of this post. Great that you know that you have to feed cats.
>> how do you keep cat litter from going everywhere?The real answer is I make mom/maddy/someone else clean it up
No. 838391
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>>834197Wearing a long sleeve black compression shirt when it's been in the 80s in Portland today. Definitely think she has some more lipo or some other procedure today.
No. 838393
>>838391Not even in a cool way
She’s becoming less human every day, she doesn’t even look like a person anymore
No. 838398
>>838383"Look at the shit brand of catfood I over stock. The basic thing they need for living! Foood!"
But in all seriousness, it's what most cats care about. As long as Moo's slaves clean her house and clean the boxes her cats are fine. But she can't pretend her cats health is her doing.
I never met someone as lazy as Moo. She just lays down and looks at her phone while eating 90% of the time.
No. 838449
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Looking back at threads from 2017, I honestly can’t tell if she’s gotten better or worse
No. 838462
>>838449Damn, I almost forgot what her face looked like before the Amrezy filter took over full time with the heavy lifting.
>>838459Agreed, I’m all for her getting pissy knowing people are on to her grift.