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No. 504321
Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregma/Gurgles/Lainey's Gay Husband (abbreviated to LGH) is a wannabe costhot who was never attractive at any point and has started to whore out his tiddies to fund his lifestyle. His wife, Taylor/Laineybot/Lainey/Plainey/Doormat, is a transtrender and beauty guru with no makeup-knowhow or personality.
A brief summary of the Onion saga:
- Washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been rapidly declining since
- Runs a host of different channels, the most notorious being OnisionSpeaks where he often rages about his current relationships, people he's jealous of, and YouTube.
- Notorious for making videos where he rates and mocks women's bodies of volunteers from his forum, some of which are still high school students
- Nowadays spends most of the day yelling at his supporters while simultaneously begging for cash due to YouTube demonitizing most of his content
A brief summary of the Laineybot saga:
- Started dating LGH when she was 17 and he was 27 in mid-2012. 1-month after publicly dating, the happy couple got married in a secret ceremony
- Gave birth to two of LGH's children
- Partially due to manipulation from LGH to start relationships with women so LGH can have sex with the new member without it being cheating, Lainey considers herself bisexual and transgender and attempts pursuing other women to date
- Makes videos on her Beautybot channel where she makes videos about her makeup routines but instead showcases her severe lack of any skill or personality
- Hosts daily livestreams on YouNow where she sits half-interested and answering the same questions about gender studies while being paid the YouNow bucks
On the last episode of Life of Onion:
- LGH trimmed his bangs while his aunt dyed his hair for a fourth(?) time, resulting in a disaster of a mullet
- LGH returned to twitter to the surprise of no-one under the guise of using it as a third feed to share his patreon posts
- Desperate for rekindling his views, LGH reposts old videos featuring his ex-wife and others with his ex-gf Sh (name abbreviated to prevent lolcow from being associated with her future projects). More on this later.
- A shooting occurred at YouTube HQ where 3 people were injured. LGH made a video insinuating YouTube deserved it.
- LGH flipped his pool table (that was now "basically garbage" due to how much abuse it took in Onion skits). He was so impressed with his strength that he posted how his body still felt sore 7 days later.
- LGH got a notification from Sh's manager to remove the reuploads featuring Sh or to face legal action. LGH posts a video of him narc-raging at the manager on the phone (which is illegal given he lives in a two-party consent state for recording phone calls). Highly recommend reading >>/pt/501629
- LGH continues to become a Twitch-partnered streamer but barely breaks 10 concurrent viewers and 30+ views on his already recorded vids
- LGH streamed twice on YouNow pretending to be insane, one where he's just and wiggling his womanly hips and tiddies for attention and another where he's doing the same but with chocolate sauce all over him.
- LGH posts his man-boobs on instagram for validation. Comment in screenshot taken from this moment.
- LGH and Lainey announced they are going to move to a different house, after exchanging their two Teslas for cheaper cars.
- LGH continues to make videos where he mocks the messages left by ex-patrons and many videos about YouTube defunding his life.
For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules in the future:
- No nitpicking. /pt/ no longer has the sage function.
- Don't liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- TempCow is gone, live blogging can be done in
>>>/pt/490442- Important streams will get their own threads with loosened rules.
Gregma: Thread:
>>>/pt/500325 No. 504343
>>504341image board
post screen shots
No. 504398
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>>504343Not the same anon, but here.
Definitely and Onion reference
No. 504404
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it's been quite some time since the last aldlii onision video, i hope a new one will be coming out soon, can't wait to see the new and improved, blood splattered blonde gurg - skin disease, cavemen brow, floppy manboobs, stupid mullet and all - in 2d action!
No. 504410
>>504380I think greg is perfectly aware that family-friendly content is viable, but i think he can’t do it for two reasons:
1. he thinks his style of comedy is genius and that making other stuff would be a disservice to that. He goes on and on about how patreons “let him be himself” and so on which basically translates to “i dont want to change and these people enable me not to”
2. it would mean his hours and hours of ranting on video about how he’s fighting ~the algorithm~ were for nothing. He’s kept his (dwindling) fanbase engaged by promising over and over he won’t stop making the content he wants to. Him re-uploading old shit is a prime example of this.
Ultimately I don’t think Greg’s talentless (he had some genuinely entertaining videos back in the day, and this is coming from someone who deeply despises the way he behave) and I don’t think he’s an idiot who can’t see the writing on the wall either. But he’s just a stubborn narcissist and when Youtube said “don’t do that” all he can think of is how to do that. He loves playing Devil’s Advocate (“oh you care about shooting X but not shooting Y?“) more than anything.
No. 504413
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>>504410It's like he's trying to rebel against the system from within it. Such an edgy high schooler mentality. You can't bite the hand that feeds and then expect it to keep paying you.
To him, the boundary of 'family friendly' includes things like naked mom body massages, so I don't think he'll ever be able to understand what that phrase means without years of therapy and self-reflection, which probably will never happen.
>>504398She's just straight up posting pictures of onions now? Wow, so relevant.
No. 504414
>>504413my sides
Did you make this, anon? Cuz if you did, brilliant job
No. 504419
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>>504414Nope, just an ancient relic from temp.
Speaking of which, someone mentioned it in the last thread, but I didn't find the pic until now… Can someone confirm if this is the same room? If so, then he covered a wall in printed out anime pictures and tore it down within 3 months. For some reason.
No. 504421
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>>504419It's the same room. The video is called
Please Give Me My Job Back No. 504422
>>504419Hes moving so Im assuming this is how he packs.
He strikes me as the kind of person who fucks the house up before they move out, just to be a dick, like all the scratches and dents he made pulling the 3 ton pool table out of his house all by him widdle self.
No. 504438
>>504435Huh I can't imagine why the onions aren't fucking at the minute? Maybe Onion boys breasts
trigger lainey. She's not gay guys!!!!!
No. 504449
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Greg goes shopping at Target to make GSW (Greg's Strait Wife) a 100 dollar mystery box. He grumps at her for looking at the box and mocks her when she looks to see where she's putting her hand. Lame is impressed that LGH bought the PJ pants in a size small and said she wouldn't be surprised if he bought them for himself. Lainey jokes that she should call the video 'Greg yells at me for 10 mins strait.' Greg proves he's a idiot - he thought women pee out of their vaginas or 'vulvis?' Greg uses the gift box as an opportunity to by himself a snack only he would like. In a video posted the same day, LGH is eating the tic-tacs he got for Lainey. It seems that the gift box made her very happy, in her video description on patreon she says "I loved everything he got and I am feeling very loved right now :)"
I'll post a hooktube link once it goes live on her channel.
No. 504460
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>>504449So she spends $100 on random shit, and at the end of the video Greg says he may have Lainey get him a $100 box of more random shit. Either they're lying about how financially fucked they are, they're absolutely horrible at money management, or, most likely, it's both. Attached is one of Lainey's sad excuses for an explanation.
No. 504483
>>504457It’s been in the last few threads, anon… we’ve mentioned them making comments about it for a while now.
>>504460>we will likely be owing a ton of money to the IRS coming up.So she is planning on helping him pay off his debt. That’s such bullshit, kek. They have a prenup, as we all know, and the only thing they could possibly have that they share is the house IF Lainey’s husband put her name on it when he bought it. And they obviously file separately because he was falsely filing with business deductions. And I just read up on it and your spouse is protected from your IRS debt if you have a prenup and they don’t put your name on any of their property and vice versa. So, this means that she’s actually going to take food out of her kids mouths to help her ignorant husband pay off his debt. Right now she’s making good money and able to blow it like crazy. We all thought she would be the sole source of their income once the IRS came for him, but that’s not the case. Now they are really going to go broke.
No. 504485
>Take food out of her kids mouthThe whole family just eats cereal and cheap burritos anyways, I don't think they have a high food budget.
Now their Fiji and La Croix water, on the other hand…
No. 504489
>>504449kek lgh's hair. he looks like a kid's discarded cabbage patch doll that you find at the back of the closet after half a year, ratty hair and marker scribbled on it's cheeks, with a dented in forehead. it's pretty sad this is all it takes for plainey to feel loved. gay husband going out to buy some crap and stuffing it in a box. this marriage is pathetic. lainey's looking pretty fugly too. that hair is making her look like she's terminal.
>>504486the way i see it they aren't a separate entity. they're in this together and equal parts shit. fuck these assholes.
No. 504495
>>504488Correct. It’s pathetic. Like he helps her with absolutely nothing. At this point she’s basically buying his affection. It’s sad because they went out and spent so much money on a full room of toys for their kids, but that shits not going to matter once the IRS comes to collect and Lainey is the only paying off her husband’s debt. Because I highly doubt he’ll pay anything since he has her help. He’ll make some bullshit excuses, even though she uses her money for the shit they need around the house while he just buys more computer equipment that sits unused and forgotten in parts of their house they use for storage because it’s so fucking large.
We always say “if he was smart he’d do this or he’d do that” because he’s a fucking idiot. But he should be selling the shit he isn’t using. Like that computer sitting unused was a perfectly good computer and I would even want to buy it because I need one, but instead they have all this dumb ass funiture they bought that matches absolutely nothing because they don’t know how to decorate for shit. Like why don’t they sell that instead of all of their greasy ass clothes? Especially since they’re moving to a smaller house. Are they seriously going to hoard that shit?
No. 504496
>>504421 >>504424
Omg. That's amazing. Must have missed that one. Ty anon. RIP anime wall
>>504449Wow, he got her… Food? Basic household supplies? So thoughtful.
No. 504497
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Guys I have a question. Sorry if this is derailing, but I haven’t had a Mac computer in years. So is this like their default background? Because I was watching Shane’s video a few days ago and he had the same background on his computer. Is this like a thing or did Lainey’s husband actually copy Shane’s background image on the computer? Is this how bad the obsession has gotten?
No. 504518
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>>504497It's not the default background but it's one of the Apple wallpapers. The default for High Sierra is attached. It could be that they set it a long time ago though, because if you pick anything other than the default it stays that way until you change it.
No. 504562
>>504460>Most of the income I get goes straight into my savings accountNeither of these dipshits can keep their lies straight. LGH
just said in a Patreon chat that he had come home with lunch from Panera Bread right after saying they were "panicking about survival", Lainey was talking about getting a new suit for their idiotic "prom", they are planning for their new tattos, they bought a shit-ton of hair dye after she spent a bunch of money at the salon, and now they're blowing $100 on boxes of unnessary shit at Target?
I would be pissed if I were a Patron too. And let's be honest, if they were truly "panicking" about their finances,they could have chosen cheaper cars after selling the Teslas.
They are stupid
and dishonest, a truly terrible combination.
No. 504570
>>504500I'm sure he has browbreaten her into it. We all know how he likes to hold everything he's done for anyone over their heads, like plane tickets and food.
"I FED you and put a roof over your head, put you in my videos and you won't help with this, you ungrateful bitch?" Nevermind that she was a teenager he groomed specifically to manipulate for his needs.
No. 504576
>>504413i bet his name is "Onision" in her phone
fuck fangirl
No. 504577
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>>504421Tifa didn't deserve this.
No. 504578
>>504410Spot on. An anon in the last thread also pointed out that he could research what's hot right now, like Conspiracy videos or some of the the things working for other YouTubers but he has an obsessive need for his videos to be all about HIM.
I thought that was really insightful. God forbid the focus be away from him for one second.
No. 504582
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>>504488This post reminds me of my step dad and mom, and now I'm depressed.
>>504496Greg is the kind of man who would buy his wife a vacuum or something else with a warranty for their birthday or Christmas.
Well, if he was willing to spend that much money, anyway. Maybe just a gift that's actually for him.
No. 504584
>>504583Yeah, it was posted in here or temp, I don't remember. Someone else might have saved it.
And yeah, it was a clear move to try and make sure they IRS wouldn't touch it. Prior it was his name only.
No. 504595
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>>504591 is correct. I don't know why farmers feel the need to post completely bogus information and other farmers blindly follow without any kind of verification.
No. 504600
>>504597Ill bet you dollar to donuts that LGH thinks women have prostates.
Didnt someone say earlier that he thinks women urinate our of their vagina?
Ive pulled my hair out watching some of his gaming streams and his basic knowledge, about the human body and life in general is so lacking. You see his inexperience on those streams because its live and he doesnt have the chance to edit or google everything and then pretend he knew it all along.
No. 504601
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>>504595>>504591I might have been thinking of the LLC thing? I swear something was transferred to Lainey's name. Anyway, I apologize.
>Lot Size in Acres - 1.2387kill me
No. 504602
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Lainey and her gay husband are currently in the process of moving to a new grease mansion.
They purchased a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on March 29th of this year for $490,000. 76 acres of private & partially wooded property.
Imgur album of images with no identifying information here: No. 504606
>>504602Hardwood floors, great.
Not only will his screaming resonate and echo that much better through out the house, but the kids messes and the dogs piss/shit will soak into it since we know Lameo doesn't clean in a timely manner.
No. 504610
>>504606No, I think it's vinyl made to look like wood.
Now, THAT is more their speed.
No. 504618
>>504602guys i think im sick in the head
i cant wait to see how they ruin this house too
also lol @ 4 people and two bathrooms y i k e s
i know the kids are too young, but lgh and gsw are going to trash both of them and piss everywhere or whatever animals like them do to claim territory.
also i think you mean 2 bdrm, 1 office
No. 504620
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>>504613His new white trash trailer on stilts
No. 504628
>>504624Highly doubt it'll be worth that much once it's actually appraised. That's just an estimate based on the current housing market.
Old Grease Mansion is 5,477 sq ft with a 1,364 sq ft basement. New Grease "Mansion" is 1,697 sq ft total. K E K
No. 504630
>>504628>New Grease "Mansion" is 1,697 sq ft totalKEK. LGH and GSW will be forced into each others' personal space… They might even have to
talk to each other!!
No. 504631
>>504628With the way they've shitted it up and the fact that they need to sell it fast, there's no way they're getting top dollar for their McMansion.
It's full of flies and there's a busted up pool table in the yard. Kek
No. 504637
>>504602It looks like a flipped house. That island, though. If that's actual wood, just imagine how quickly and gross that's going to get with how they prepare food.
Same cheap oven and microwave set that my current townhome people put in. It really doesn't look like it should be worth that much, but maybe that area is super nice and that's why it's priced so high. I mean, I just bought a house with just under 1800 sq. ft and it cost about $245,000…
The description says it was recently remodeled, so I'm guessing I was right when I said it was a flipped house. I'm sure on closer inspection, a lot of the stuff that was replaced is probably to create the illusion of being worth that amount. The appliances, the cupboards – all things I saw when I was looking through houses and looked at flipped houses.
Knit picking, but I really hate how the driveway sinks in towards the house. I would really be concerned how they're directing water away from the house when the driveway slants toward the garage.
Also the floors… are they vinyl? Depending on the quality of them, if they get wet they can bubble up around the edges.
>>504635Sorry for the slip-up and thank you for letting me know.
No. 504644
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>>504637it was a fixer upper, if you go to the property history section and click on one of the blue sold links it shows you previous listings.
No. 504648
>>504644OMG!!! It was ugly as hell!
Also, just checked. The flooring in the updated house isn't wood. It's totally vinyl. The pattern repeats itself. It was worth 295,000 and they flipped it and sold it at 490,000. I bet that Grease was the only one who bid on it.
No. 504649
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I can see the Onions kitchen already
No. 504654
>>504650Omg you're right. That is really expensive for a 3 bedroom house on less than an acre.
I feel bad for his poor neighbors.
No. 504660
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Let us just appreciate the previous listing. It's the perfect porn room.
And if you get a chance, check on the green shag in the old living room. ALso, looks like the house previously had water damage (from the looks of the ceiling in the kitchen above the stove area). I hope that was dealt with. :D
No. 504664
>>504656This is their new house. At least let them move into the damn thing before we give away the deets kek.
Let losers like RSN and whomever find it on their own.
>>504657I think the chandelier light convinced them it was fancy tbh.
No. 504669
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>>504660I think when they say the house was built in '75, they forget to preface it hasn't been reno'd since then. Damn.
No. 504674
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No. 504680
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That carpet, though.
No. 504681
>>504680Like I said, it hasn't been updated since the 70s when it was made.
Maybe the previous owners died oooOOOOOooo
Greg's gonna live his novel in real life
Trot's gonna sleep above the washing machine, next to the fucking furnace or whatever on a bed suspended with chains.
No. 504682
>>504680Ugh, this house has OLD bones.
If they did a rush job, its going to be like slapping white wash on a rotting fence. Give it a year or two and things will start to break down and the old shitty house will come through all that shiny plaster and vinyl.
No. 504686
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>>504682Check out the water stains on the ceiling in the kitchen.
No. 504687
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>>504686This is exactly what Grease deserves.
No. 504688
>>504683Its Greg, he hates change. Hes going to die in Washington state.
I sort of think theres a string that keeps him tied to his mom also.
No. 504690
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>>504686If you check out the satellite view you can see the moss growing on the roof, before they put on new shingles or metal sheeting.
No. 504692
>>504689I saw that too. That must mean they live in a gated community or something? Does that mean they don't have to tend to the yard and what nots?
>>504690Yeah, that definitely doesn't look good. If they inspected, I hope that the inspector took a proper look in the attic to make sure there wasn't any water damage. But knowing Grease, he probably just said, "Nah – I'll take it as-is!" and didn't even have it inspected.
No. 504694
>>504689To be honest an HOA isnt that big of a deal. My subdivision has one. You can go to meetings and such but you really dont have to deal with each neighbor or the board. They only care if you pay your yearly dues and dont break the rules.
What Im hoping for is a really strict HOA covenant. I can just see LGH bitching and moaning every week about some new rule that he wants to break and ends up paying fines because of it.
No. 504696
>>504693It's a house we all know neither of them will take care of or fix.
Maybe it's a bandaid house, and they're still looking for something better/hoping the IRS doesn't gouge them too hard/think Greg can make money again?
No. 504699
>>504688Probably because of family and the cheap housecleaning and childcare that goes with that.
I live in WA and not all of it is overpriced, you just have to look outside of the cities a bit. He picked an expensive area, but there's lots of military people there so he should feel right at home. Kek
No. 504704
>>504702"kek" implies it's a joke, chill out fam.
Which do you think will happen? He'll steal their stories for YT, or they'll all shun him.
No. 504707
>>504705If the HOA cared why did the house look like such shit before? Specifically how overgrown it was + roof being fucked.
I don't wanna get my hopes up.
No. 504712
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Its no joke that its like a trailer.
How wide do you think it is at that point Ive marked?
I used to joke with some of my classmates that lived in trailers or "manufactured homes" that they lived in glorified hallways.
Thats the new McMansion, the Glorified Hallway.
No. 504713
>>504460"if it was I couldn't survive off it" What? How much money do you NEED to survive? Doesn't Lame get like around $2000 and her gay husband over $3000 just on patreon and they can't survive off this money? And then there is the yt money and sponsorships? How much fucking money can one family need? They earn more than an average working family (if both partners work a 9-5 job) with the patreon money alone.
(repost i typo'd)
No. 504723
>>504660all i can think of is the shining. come play with us cloey.
>>504686oh well, who cares? it's not like the onions are going to treat it any better. they turned their last home into a landfill. can you even think of how bad it has to smell? this trailer's just going to be trashed in a couple weeks of them moving in anyway.
No. 504734
Man if only 2009 Onion could see himself now. He had a loyal fanbase, no parental obligations, was generally accepted by the youtube community and, lets face it, he was sexy as fuck. He literally had the world at his feet and he managed to fuck it!!
No he has: a constantly diminishing fanbase, an IRS investigation, dying channels, 2 kids who are going to demand more and more time/money as the get older, noone to collab with, a dad bod, wrecked/thinning hair, an unbelievably dull wife and a horrible trailer house.
Karma is incredible. His life is falling apart by the day and there's no way back for him lol
No. 504742
>>504734>sexy as fucknah
he was younger, needed less filters, and didnt use hd equipment that showed us every pour on his stupid face
No. 504746
>>504696That's really retarded, if that's the case.
I hope more Patrons wake up and see that they're not struggling in the least. Why fund these extravagant lifestyles for people that barely give you the time of day?
No. 504748
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>>504734Here he is in 2009. Does this look sexy to you?
No. 504756
>>504701No, anon. They literally said for having an overgrown lawn? Wtf, kek.
Which is something LGH would get fined for because he can’t even work a riding lawn mower, so I doubt he’ll mow his lawn in a timely fashion.
No. 504761
>>504749Bedroom 1 - Gregs office/studio
Bedroom 2 - kids room, Lainey cosleeps with them in there each night
Bedroom 3- Gregs private bedroom, Lainey is allowed access for sukmi only
When Greg eventually cons Lainey into getting another girlfriend, he will suggest that the new g/f sleep in his bed, it will be totally innocent, he'll even sleep foot to head so nothing happens
No. 504764
>>504747Samefag but I meant storage unit not stage unit.
>>504755Wtf? Calm down, anon. Everyone knows this. Idk why some farmers get so
triggered over the slightest shit. I thought most of us come here bc we have fun shit talking the Onions, not because we’ve got some kind of raging vendetta. I’ll tell you whose fault it isn’t, the kids’. No one cares about Lainey, because everyone already gave up on her when we realized she was just as shitty. The POINT is, he’s not going to go off on his kids, he doesn’t even discipline the oldest when he throws the youngest off a couch. The POINT is that their relationship is going to get even worse because every time his recordings are being interrupted he’s going to start a fight with Lainey. Since we already know he clearly stated it’s never the kids’ fault but it’s the fault of the adult watching them. So it’s just funny how terrible things will get for them moving into a smaller place. He’s never had a successful relationship in a small house, his only semi-successful relationship is with Lainey and they barely saw each other.
Anyways, I can’t stop laughing because they are literally moving backwards. Most YouTubers get big, make really good money and move out of the kind of house they are moving into and into a house like the McMansion. But not them. They were making it big, now they aren’t and they are moving out of the McMansion and into a smaller, shittier house.
No. 504770
>>504764Who gives a shit. The dumb bitch asked for it. She was his side hoe behind the scenes of every relationship he was post Skye and STILL married the motherfucker.
After all that crazy drama he caused and she still wanted him? Please. She knew what she was getting into and is pathetic as fuck for staying.
No. 504788
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LGH will go stir crazy cooped up in that house with no escape from his family. His life is 100% falling apart at the seams and it’s all his fault. Motherfucker trolled himself.
No. 504804
>>504483Prenups generally only cover assets that both individuals held prior to marriage, so if Greg gets slammed for tax fraud he committed on earnings he made while married, she will too. His prenup is probably shoddy as well.
>>504669>70's architectureOh my god, they are fucked. The 70's was the worst period in US history for architecture. The house is going to fall apart because we all know they aren't going to keep up with maintenance.
>>504670I wouldn't feel too bad, it's probably going to be some idiot who's springing on a 'great deal' for a 'safe investment'.
No. 504809
>Oh my god, they are fucked. The 70's was the worst period in US history for architecture. The house is going to fall apart because we all know they aren't going to keep up with maintenance. Thank you for saying this! Just bought a 1959 house and finished inspection and was told by the inspector that he loves inspecting houses of that era because they're built so sturdy. Red oak flooring, immaculate foundation. The owners took great care of the home.
Poor Greg is gonna have his house fall apart with all that cheap sheet rock walling.
No. 504820
File: 1523593958585.png (101.64 KB, 236x208, rustbucket.png)

What is this rusted lawn ornament? Old lawn mower? Karma for leaving a pool table in the yard?
No. 504848
>>504788Do we have any medical anons here?
Does this spot look suspicious? It seems to have grown in such a short time. Not trying to imply cancer but that's such a strange looking mark that has appeared within the last 2 years.
No. 504849
>>504500Wait a minute. If it was Lainey's idea to use TurboTax, did they do her taxes using this as well? I wonder if the IRS has looked into hers. I mean, wouldn't they have tried to make the same deductions on hers, seeing as how their way of making income is almost identical?
>>504772Can you imagine the shoe being on the other foot? Considering the fact that the only thing he offers to pay for is plane tickets for young girls to cuddle with, if he did help her with tax debt, he'd hold it over her head forever and make 100 videos complaining about it.
No. 504856
>>504848>>504788Medfag here. I doubt he's old enough to get solar lentigo (age-based kind of liver spot), it looks like a nevus-cell nevus (melanocytic benign tumor) to me. Could be a compound nevus. Those aren't typically malign, but I can't say much without getting a better picture.
It's relatively symmetric, uniformly coloured and slightly elevated. The edges are a little jagged and it's definitely >5mm, so I can't really say 100% whether it's hinting at a melanoma. But if it's only grown over the past two years and not over the past couple of months, he SHOULD be okay.
Don't take my word as law, though, this is just from a preliminary analysis of a picture. A doctor would have to see him in person.
(armchair) No. 504867
>>504848I'm not medical, but I can tell you it's not that serious. I know people with moles like that on their heads. It's perfectly normal. And the "medfag" that responded is clearly still in school. Because an experienced doctor could tell you there are simple answers for things. This isn't a new thing that suddenly appeared on his head in recent years.
This video was posted 8 years ago and if you go to :47 you can clearly see he has the mole there as well. He's always had it. No. 504886
File: 1523610134805.png (2.4 MB, 1436x796, Screen Shot 2018-04-13 at 15.5…)

So their new house is at the bottom middle of the pic. It is SO CLOSE to their neighbours! man I hope the neighbours complain all the time about the shenanigans @ the onions. You know they are loud as fuck when they do their moronic videos outdoors (esp gay husband).
I wish all the patreons that donate money to them cause "they are so poor" find out that they got a house that was almost half a million bucks.
No. 504893
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>>504794I believe they are called 'nature's contraception.'
Right Mr Burns?
No. 504894
>>504734“Sexy as fuck”?
Nooo! That is scary…..even in 2009!
No. 504895
>>504886If the neighbours are all ex military they will just knock Greg out. "Mr Dominant" is about to meet some real dominant men.
Is that a Ferrari in the neighbours drive? Poor Gurg and his Toyota…"I used to have two tesla's, I swear!"
No. 504910
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No. 504913
>>504712For Onision this is a trailer but c'mon guys you all don't live in nicer homes than that…d-do you?
It's about time he's had to downsize tho
If he had played his cards right and if he wasn't such a disagreeable and instigating asshole he could've continued to have youtube success
Pride cometh before the fall
No. 504924
File: 1523627724672.jpg (41.81 KB, 514x601, 1416695390872.jpg)

So I did the calculations, the onion's make around 208k a year still. This is no Financhu crisis, it's their inability to comprehend money.
Why they didn't rent out the mansion and used it as a collateral for a second loan, and paid the mortgage on a second apartment with the mansions rent is beyond all of us.
According to socialblade, this is how much they make
>Laineybot - 3.8k - 61.1k a year =28.65k average
>Onision - 4.6k -73.6k = 34.5k average
>Onision speaks - 10.8k-173k = 81.5k average
For Patreon
>Onision ~3.9k a month/1k patreons = ~ 47k a year
>Lainey 353 patreons and based on onions number -> 15.8k a year
This totals a 208k a year, not including other than their THREE main channels and both of their patreons, so the real figure is most likely above this.
For comparison, the mean white household in the US has an income of $79,340.
No. 504928
How the fucking did he manage to convince so many people that he's struggling??? They can see how much he makes on that platform
No. 504930
>>504618Lol, really, watch Grug take two of the bedrooms, one as his room and the other as his office/hentai room. Poor Lame will have to share the last bedroom with Trot and Clot.
In all seriousness, though, haven't they been sleeping seperately for years though? LGH had some old videos when Plain was 18-19 and they were shown sleeping together, but ever since the kids hasn't she coslept with them? So really, won't it be one room for her gay husband, one for Trot, and one for her and toddler Clot?
How depressing, even less space and they still probably can't even be literally forced to share a bed again.
No. 504934
>>504715Ugh, that's exactly what Plainey wants, too, to be seen as teen boy.
I think it would go more like this, though: "Sharon, did you see the way that boy was trying to force his father to kiss him?"
No. 504937
>>504886>>504644>>504620If that's really their new home, dollars to donuts they already have rented offices or will do so in the near future.
They could always argue that there is not enough space to record / stream at the same time - which means less income to pay off their debts - because
1) they hear and record their s/o as well (e.g. Lameyboot video with LGH's screeching in the background)
2) it's impossible to keep the kids completely out of the videos.
If I had a mindset like LGH I'd try screwing my patreons by buying two of those houses (again!), one nice one for my family to live in and the cheap one as a set to film and tell people how unfairly life treats me. Maybe contrary to everyone's believe he still has some funds and blows them on real estate really quickly…
No. 504945
>>504764Right? Look at Jenna Marbles in 2012, she had a decent, but nothing special townhouse in sunny California. Now? She and Julien are still in Cali but with a beautiful, large, decently furnished home.
Yet Grunk and Plain think that copying Jenna and Julien's video ideas in their mess of a Grease home will bring in the same 1-5M views.
No. 504948
>>504946That house definitely has an inflated price because it’s lakefront property.
Grug probably thought that made it more luxurious but for people who never leave their computers it seems like an awful waste
No. 504952
>>504948Lakefront property that will only ever be used as a video backdrop. Although that lake doesn’t look particularly “usable”.
I live in Washington and I’m surprised at how much he overpaid. I guess he didn’t want to leave the Puyallup area, even though his kids aren’t attached to a school district and he doesn’t have a job that would require him to live anywhere.
They could’ve got a new Grease Mansion for 480K if they just moved south a bit.
No. 504956
>>504952They could have gotten that house for a fraction of almost
half a million dollars if they didn't buy property in Washington state. They could have bought property, better property than they bought, in fact, if they had decided to move to another state (pretty much any other state except California or NYC). This is like
prima facie evidence to me that they are not financially struggling at all; they will not do the slightest thing to actually conserve money or inconvenience themselves to conserve money. People that are actually financially struggling make difficult decisions about where to cut. In the meantime, there's LGH and GSW with their symbols of conspicuous consumption, like trashing a pool table or toys or showing off their iPhone Xs. They aren't even subtle about it, either, and their fans are too dumb to notice or care.
No. 504964
>>504861Depends on whether or not she declared her patreonbux. They're taxable too. That said, it's debatable or not as to whether the IRS noticed. But if they're investigating Greg already then why not Taylor?
>>504886I hope their neighbors are busybodies who call in noise complaints and domestic disputes.
No. 504965
File: 1523636679573.jpg (54.27 KB, 550x413, ISizmsy6eoj8jn0000000000.jpg)

>>504956Exactly, even if the just went slightly over the border into Oregon they could have had a house about the same size as their original house for $420,000 and only about $200,000 for one the size of what they are moving into.
Pic of the $420,00 house No. 504985
File: 1523640336295.png (312.53 KB, 543x733, time to throw down.png)

>So I need to talk to you guys about how right I am. I'm really good at doing this, I do this a lot and it's because I'm right. That's why, duh. I was looking at comments on a recent video of mine called 'Story Time, My doctor said I cheated.' In the comments there where snobs, like straight up just snobs.
Ten seconds in and I'm already done with this shit for now… It's too early in the day. I can try reuploading to dailymotion or I can provide a summery later when I have a bit more patience for this imbecile. (It's 17 mins of no doubt him crying and beating his chest about how 'awesome' and honest he is.)
No. 504986
>>504985Can't speak for the video but the thumbnail features perfect first impression hair for meeting new people like neighbors.
Nothing like a visibly crunchy dull brass to make them think you might operate a meth house next door.
No. 504993
File: 1523641923890.jpeg (247.7 KB, 464x436, CE9ADDE5-933F-41CC-BCFA-DBF1AE…)

That’s not a house, that’s a cave — those trees are going to suffocate them in darkness. Goblin Grug and his groom will go from pale to translucent come winter, I can’t even imagine what this will do to their already failing mental health.
No. 505002
File: 1523643627661.jpg (186.06 KB, 790x428, Untitled.jpg)

>>504602Not that anyone asked for it but here is proof that this is a new property purchased by the Onions through an LLC. The removed address is the address of the home shown in the imgur album.
I just can't imagine them living in a 3 bedroom home, maybe they're going to rent it out or something?
No. 505005
File: 1523644186788.gif (895.8 KB, 313x192, 152364478993402583.gif)

>>504999No one knows what video you're talking about. Go find the video at and bring back evidence?
No. 505018
>>504694Well but we are talking about grease here, he is so delusional and
problematic, always makes a big deal about everything; definitely gonna be crazy
No. 505021
Alright guys so I was curious about whether or not YouTubers can make tax deductions and I found this article written in 2016 that says yes, they can, however, there’s a list of the types of things you can deduct and the things you can’t. Literally, LGH would have been perfectly fine had he only tried to write off his office, his cameras, editing software, cell phone etc. but no, he went to the extreme and tried to write off various rooms of his house as well as clothes, etc, which you CAN NOT do. So he screwed himself. No. 505023
>>505005I found it!
It’s on uh oh bro at :38 video name: Koreaboo
“Make up is powerful- it tricks you into marrying dudes”-
A subliminal jab at his own fate?
No. 505033
>>505021but how was he supposed to know if Tax Turbo did not give him a pop-up notification saying so?
Is not like he knew this information before.. aff so unfair..
No. 505034
File: 1523650241596.png (107.88 KB, 1714x336, Screen Shot 2018-04-13 at 22.0…)

Grease post on Reddit 3 months ago, lmao.
Never say never grease
No. 505036
>>505021Plus the number of times "When in doubt, Consult a tax professional" is mentioned in the linked article.
Seems it would be common sense, but we are talking about Gurgles.
No. 505037
>>505026Literally all you have to do is replace youtube with hooktube, the way he says it was pretty aggressive too. So it probably was a jab at Lainey. Wouldn’t be the first time he’s made jabs at her. She doesn’t watch his videos so she never knows but when you tell her, she acts like she’s confused why she should be offended. She’s dumb af. Like sadly, Lainey, you insecurities are validated, kek.
No. 505041
Btw here’s the mystery box video. yells at her the entire time and makes fun of her and does his favorite retard voice while doing so and proceeds to say “this is how I treat everyone in my life. I’m not even kidding.”
So, I think it’s safe to say that, that video he did making fun of babies WAS making fun of his kids and he most likely does it to them as well.
No. 505043
File: 1523651192383.jpg (70.71 KB, 683x355, mctrailer.jpg)

Lame already streaming from the Grease McTrailer on YouNow
No. 505045
File: 1523651252130.png (996 KB, 888x918, 1.png)

looking rough, onion man
No. 505048
>>504591>>504602>>505002>>505043>>505046wow anons we were all right, I am proud of the internet detectivery. new trailer has been officially confirmed. today is a glorious day.
their internet wasn't "down" yesterday they were in the process of moving.
No. 505050
Who wants to bet how long it takes for LGH to start bitching about the new place? I say less than a week.
>>505048 Wait are they trying to pretend like they aren't moving? Why lie about not doing a video and just say they were moving? Or is it cause most YouTubers film an extra video to keep up with their schedule if they are on vacation or what not but the Onions just couldn't be bothered with… Either way sounds like complete bullshit.
No. 505051
File: 1523652006847.png (55.71 KB, 582x452, Untitled.png)

>>505050yeah they've made no public admission of moving or that they have a new house at all.
No. 505053
>>504913I live in Vancouver where a shit apartment with two bedrooms costs 1mil to own if it's not in the middle of nowhere. I'm sad any time I see anyone living in a real house that doesn't look like a crack shack with a price tag like that. :( Anons are probably just comparing this new one to their old place, I think… And the outside does look a little trailer-y.
>>504992Maybe they realised their space wasn't manageable?
No. 505054
>>505051THEY TWEETED THAT THEY HAD NO INTERNET? sorry for the caps but common, how!?
Also, internet cafes exist, bring your memory card, laptop, buy a coffee and done. That's what professional youtuber's do.
No. 505059
>>505053vancouver just keeps getting more and more expensive but you go south to oregon/washington and you get like a 10 bedroom mcmansion for half the price of the types of places you're talking about. especially since these tasteless pieces of shit can still afford a huge house, albeit a hideous exterior, despite their ~financial struggles~
if nothing else, the irs will be on their asses sooner rather than later.
No. 505072
>>504985Kek. He's so butthurt about people calling out his BS in that video, he has to frame it as another "I'm hElPiNg people you guize!"
Yes, it was
very important and life-saving news that his pee was a healthy yellow, and that the OLD stupid lady doctor had the nerve to accuse HIM, of all people of cheating by following obvious protocol.
The best thing about all this is he's definitely reading all the comments and getting super
No. 505080
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>>505041gucci vs walmart clearance bin
No. 505082
>>505053hello fellow housing slave
I'm also so used to the pricing that I'm amazed he only has to pay 500k for a house
No. 505085
File: 1523656616009.jpg (28.24 KB, 603x377, 66770-4-1433989078.jpg)

>>504993This is how we're gonna catch the Gargle looking like by the end of next winter.
Although it would've been even better if there was a swamp… The perfect habitat for the Onions
No. 505086
>>505037He’s doing MORE hentai…
If he says this is “18 plus” that doesn’t cover him from offering adult content to minors, right? Any legal people to weigh in?
No. 505088
File: 1523656896234.png (125.55 KB, 747x739, adultcontent.PNG)

>>505086Check and see if he's searchable on patreon.
To be able to post adult content on patreon you have to flag your entire account, not just a video/photo.
No. 505091
File: 1523657172652.jpg (577.92 KB, 745x576, IMG_36332.jpg)

>>505085….it kind of is located on a swamp
No. 505096
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>>505091I'm losing my shit.
Let the Shrek memes begin
No. 505098
File: 1523658072713.png (74 KB, 200x235, 1523657956154.png)

just need a shoop of horse-faced Lainey looking like Donkey.
No. 505123
File: 1523665436967.png (208.27 KB, 483x393, Untitled.png)

Ogre Onion twitch streamed from his garage today.
No. 505125
>>505123Ogrision (Ogreg?) looking even greasier than usual. Whew.
Is that his old garage or new one?
If old, is he possibly filming there because the rest of his house is empty and he doesn't want anyone to know they're moving?
I'm surprised he's not milking the fact that they downgraded for sympathy points. Either his pride is getting in the way, or he knows that whining to his preteen sycophants about "downgrading" to a house worth half a mil won't garner much sympathy.
No. 505131
File: 1523669431396.jpeg (399.58 KB, 1242x2114, 5AE41DFE-7236-45C7-A3BB-B3A422…)

>>505128Wow a reply on that tweet. So apparently LGH commented on his own post that he “fucked her” and the only girl in the video he had posted was Selena. And then the comment was almost immediately deleted. But this person had screenshotted it the second they saw it.
No. 505132
File: 1523669459625.jpeg (84.27 KB, 576x1024, EFDF11D8-D7A1-4678-B63D-DA224C…)

>>505131And this is the screenshot they posted.
No. 505133
File: 1523669711114.jpg (143.54 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>505091real live footage captured of Laineybot and Onision enjoying their new tighter, cozier quarters on the swamp mansion.
No. 505136
>>505119In the video where he says the doctor accused him of cheating on Lainey ( he said he gets UTIs often so maybe he fucks Lainey in her urethra and they swap UTIs.
No. 505137
File: 1523670934959.jpg (110.22 KB, 854x1138, IMG_2378.JPG)

Don't know if this is the same person as the twitter user but check his fb page, someone posted this two weeks ago.
No. 505140
>>505136Jfc hopefully his dick is really small then.
I doubt he does that, probably just the usual laziness of not peeing after sex, over cleaning and fucking up their PH balance, and just being over all grease balls. Plus with onions claims of just falling into Sh's asshole who's to say he doesn't 'accidently' jam into lameos and then shove it back up her hooch. You can get utis from that, there's a reason they tell ya not to go from A to V I don't see Onion caring or believing the "lies" of doctors who just want to kinkshame him.
Just saying, I mean we know they apparently do it doggie style. Wouldn't be surprised if he's hopping between ass and hooch during sex.
No. 505178
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No. 505181
File: 1523680523028.png (307.52 KB, 740x790, Screen Shot 2018-04-14 at 12.3…)

>>505175>Now, as far as this big announcement, um… I have to move out of my house. That's the… big announcement. Um, we had a lot of good times here, and unfortunately, due to what YouTube has done to my channels, um, it's not reasonable for me to live here anymore, so I have to move myself… my spouse… anyway, so…What YouTube has done to your channels? No, Greg. What
you have done to your channels.
No. 505197
>>505194The OP
>>504602 originally said it was 76 acres, which would be a lot of land if that were actually the case. But no, it is indeed 3/4 of an acre, with neighbors in close vicinity to witness all of the shrieking horrors that occur in the Lainey household.
No. 505202
>>505196Sorry I hurt your feelings.
>what the anon postedno need to pretend to be someone else, embrace your original fuck up
No. 505203
>>505174>>505175why do youtubers seem entitled lately? Like you're not magically gonna get big buxx for a random video if nobody wants to advertize on it. Where do they think their earnings come from?
>>505015Buying as an LLC can prevent his name being found directly in a transfer record. Like instead of the new owner of the address showing up as Angelina Jolie, it'd just come up as Acme Corp. But it's more of a thing to do for celebs and rich business moguls, idk if he's really that concerned about privacy. It can also help in lawsuits if he's planning to rent it out. If a renter injures themselves and the property is owned as a home,
the lawsuit can hypothetically go for all he has. If it's owned as an LLC, only the property is on the line. He's prolly gonna rent a part of it.
No. 505205
>>505196I dont think this anon was harping on the context of what was said, but on how the OP of that post said it was under their breath, whispermode that the comment was made.
Greg was full speaking quite loudly
No. 505209
>>505207He sure can fling out insults about youtubers who never acknowledged his existence, or on his underaged fans.
B-but little greggy is a victim!
No. 505210
>>505207commenting on my shit is harassment!
making fifty fucking videos about people who have asked me to stop isn't tho!
muh fancy cars! muh financial distress!
god he's such a fucking crybaby.
No. 505211
>>505210Reminder that he literally tweeted yesterday(?) that people who leave negative comments (are cancer and cancer) should kill themselves.
The tweets are still there btw.
No. 505212
File: 1523690588970.png (452.11 KB, 1125x2001, IMG_6432.PNG)

>>505207Here he goes again…rounding up his child army
No. 505217
>>504989under appreciated post
you make me cackle, ty anon
No. 505219
>>505043>Grease McTrailerSo it was finally named?
I was online last night when it was revealed where they were moving into and "trailer" was constantly being used, I wondered what was going to be the final form.
No. 505220
>>505207Apparently a home worth less than $500k is a box.
I can't believe he just paid
half a million for a rectangular box, faux-wood vinyl flooring and a view of a retention pond. Despite how much he whines about it, it's like he doesn't realize his "career" is over, or that there are other, cheaper places to live in the US outside of the Seattle suburbs.
It must kill him inside that his house is literally the smallest in his new community though, kek.
No. 505221
>>505220I doubt they’ll be living there long. It was an ignorant purchase and they’ll grow tired of it really fast.
I’m still curious as to what they’re going to do with their current house. LGH never mentioned that in his announcement video. I just still can’t believe he bought and paid off that house, then took a second mortgage out on it just to buy another house and move. There are 17 year olds on YouTube who have been managing money better than this. It’s insane. Karmas a bitch. Lainey’s probably happy about the move because it means her husband has to spend more time with her and that’s just going to make him fucking miserable. She’ll be able to see and hear what he’s doing at all hours, so she’ll know when he’s working and when he’s not. I’m just loving this.
No. 505225
>>505203so could he be trying to avoid a lien on his home by selling out of the one he currently owns and moving to one his LLC owns?
>>505199Surely the IRS is not that easy to dupe.
No. 505227
>>505212Kek. Just further proof he doesn't understand the world, his audience or YouTube. Does he really think he can control
criticism on the
internet? And he's under the impression that his haturz are teens who will be deterred by threats of -gasp!- reporting them to youtube!
Ffs he's going about this all wrong per usual. Youtube is not going to be impressed by hundreds of superflous reports on top of his incessant whining and accusatory emails demanding to know why his sub counts are down. Plus, half the comments on YT are cancer, they literally don't give a shit.
Can you imagine Pewds, who gets tons of hate, throwing such a bitchfit? Greg has no sense of humor about himself and it's pretty amusing to watch him make things worse for himself like a complete dipshit.
No. 505228
>>505082Yeah, and for a HOUSE an entire fucking HOUSE. I could probably make a whole /ot/ thread for sad losers like us dreaming about houses in the middle of nowhere America that cost like 1/5th a house here and are literal mansions.
>>505227I think YouTube even scolds you if you try to report comments on behalf of someone else. It only lets you report it if you're the person being harassed. Its weird that he doesn't realise YouTube encourages engagement aka comments and that nowhere in the ToS does it say that they all have to be positive? Only people who like your content can incidentally click it from their sidebar!!1
No. 505230
File: 1523696552337.png (780.29 KB, 783x521, 7568477651232443.PNG)

GSW: I look like Im in the 7th grade
LGH: thats how I like it… seventh grade boys
They should thank the Kink Gods they found each other. LGH finds fem teen boys sexually attractive (but putting his peen in the butthole is gross) and GSW enjoys looking like a fem teen boy
No. 505234
>>505207He's such a fucking retard. Muh financial issues! Maybe he did get hit hard and start losing money but if he'd been smart and saved, invested, created a little nest egg with his funds instead of pissing it all away on fancy cars, a set house, game consoles, a pool table, not to mention plane tickets for young pussy to come visit, and all of his other useless expenditures he wouldn't be in this situation. He'd still be getting an ass raping from the IRS for trying to deceive them but he'd at least have a lot for his family to live on. But go ahead and report the comments calling him out on his shit because they're the real harassment. His 500 videos attacking Eugenia, Shane, Jaclyn, Richie, Ayalla and Billie were just HONEST CONTENT. He's such a pussy. The perfect example of able to dish it out but not able to take it.
May someone shove a razorblade up his ass when he inevitably gets thrown in prison.
>>505220Smallest house for the smallest cock on the block.
>>505232His years of trying to spin things, manipulate the narrative, and gaslight have caught up to him and he can't bullshit his way out of things anymore. Too many people caught on to his ways and are calling him out and he can't do anything about it so he's mad.
No. 505236
>Making videos with your opinion is one thing, going to people's videos and leaving hate comments directly on them? That is harassment.Hahaha what? In what world is taking 5 seconds to jot down your brutally honest thoughts in the comment section of a video somehow WORSE than
spending hours planning, filming,editing and uploading a video with your opinions, false accusations and obsessions over your exes and other YouTubers?
I know he's dumb, but I'm starting to worry he's given himself actual brain damage from all that spazzing out the other day.
No. 505237
>>505207>>505212Oh how he convinently forgot how he directed his fanbase to:
-Attack his ex-wife's new channel
-Attack Shiloh's channel and social media presence
-Attack Blaire White's video, told his fanbase to call her a "fucking liar"
-Attack Shane Dawson with accusations that he is a pedo
…and many more!
Honestly, I haven't commented on his videos in ages but now I'll do it out of spite, with adblock on of course.
No. 505239
>>505212Kek. He's so enraged it's hilarious. It's too bad he relies so much on the asspats and reassurance of teenagers, because the obvious solution is for him to turn off comments if he can't handle reading critcism.
But he's gotta feed that narcissism so instead of doing that, he'll stomp his feet, whine and threaten to get that echo chamber of praise he wants. Unfortunately for LGH, the rest of the world isn't going to behave like his doormat of a wife.
No. 505246
File: 1523704797712.jpg (169.16 KB, 861x613, Lainey Gay Husband & Gregs Str…)

>>505043>Grease McTrailer >>505091>it kind of is located on a swamp>>504993>those trees are going to suffocate them in darknessAfter living a year under these circumstances the Onion Couple will look drastically different.
No. 505261
File: 1523713571228.gif (285.69 KB, 275x116, 1519353630853.gif)

>>505133Yes please, let this be the new Onionmansion nickname. From the McMansion to the Swamp Mansion
No. 505263
File: 1523714537857.png (331.14 KB, 532x302, gurg new swamp.png)

Gurg is already making use of his new swampfront property. Once it goes live I'll be sure to share it through hooktube if it doesn't get posted. It was just a joke video where he said he had another tesla this whole time. It's just his kids little tesla car but still… starting price for those little cars are like 500 plus upgrades and shipping.
No. 505268
File: 1523717224655.jpg (13.03 KB, 268x188, download.jpg)

>>505263for a second I thought that was one of those bigfoot sightings
No. 505270
>>505263Isnt it a rarity for Grug to leave his home?
Maybe hes checking out the swamp area to see if its secluded enough for him to hang out and fap to hentai on his phone.
So now instead of him locking himself away in his office pretending to edit and Lameo knocking to get in… Grug will be making excuses to Lameo about how hes going to do some filming of by the "lake"
No. 505275
File: 1523720285334.jpeg (448.33 KB, 886x916, 3A3AE8BD-ACD8-48C8-ADEE-0F36E5…)

>>505045I used a filter that only shows red and I tranced over his face. Kek.
The inside of his new home looks nice, but the outside looks like trailer trash. Something tells me this home won’t last long as he’s slowly losing patreons and YouTube bucks. He’ll probably have to downgrade in the future again.
No. 505280
File: 1523722664977.jpg (3.04 MB, 3988x3988, lameosfilter.jpg)

Lame "I don't use a filter" ok sweaty sure. I took these moments apart when i saw the filter flicker in an out
No. 505282
File: 1523723115912.jpg (42.03 KB, 720x529, WmiTf6z.jpg)

>>505280I find this meme to be reliant to this situation.
No. 505284
>>505220I dont even know why hes so set on living in washington. It's not like he really goes out to the city, doesn't collab with anybody who lives in seattle, has no friends, etc. His job is on the internet that he can do literally anywhere. He could get way more space somewhere else. Other people live near big cities for opportunity, family/friends, entertainment and going out, etc. He just sits on his couch and rages. He can do that anywhere.
>>505280I dont get whats wrong with her. Just admit you use a filter. It's like shes so use to lying about everything, that she even lies about the dumbest shit. People would care less if you just admitted to it instead of pretending you aren't using one. Shes seriously a pathological liar at this point.
No. 505285
>>505133they both match the characters absolutely perfectly
donkey is cuter than plain, though…
No. 505299
File: 1523731116511.png (73.96 KB, 840x433, Untitled.png)

>>505246>>505290Hilarious. I totally change my vote for the term of the new house from Swamp Mansion to Swamp Trailer.
In other news, Onion the Ogre has decided to put even more of his high quality content behind a paywall. Patreon only instagram.
No. 505305
File: 1523731759877.jpeg (224.96 KB, 750x411, 8E947B8E-636A-4371-AE7F-778022…)

LGH is looking extra fat today. screen cap from lame’s new vid, turning ogre into her.
No. 505314
File: 1523732813914.jpg (14.9 KB, 320x320, 30078564_805692252962453_61775…)

>>505299It looks like he's wearing a cocktail dress lmao
No. 505315
>>505305I am literally so over seeing this butter troll in his underwear/pants down/pants undone/ken doll bulge/shirtless/etc like I know it's mostly my fault for being interested in his drama but seeing this garbage literally sends my libido into a downward spiral and one day it's just going to leave entirely and not come back
No. 505328
File: 1523735316077.png (765.27 KB, 1074x547, poorboy.png)

for the past month, plainey has been forced to insert her tiny dick husband's name FIRST on her OWN channel…
i'm dead, girl what is you thinking? she's gonna give her channel a swift death like this
No. 505333
File: 1523736231051.jpg (13.65 KB, 320x240, DaxJ5WAVQAAcSgl[1].jpg)

Did anyone catch what LGH's YouNow stream was about (about 15m ago)? It was titled 'not drama' and he looked like he was covered in literal shit again, but with a black and white filter. I couldn't put audio on as my OH is here.
(nabbed cap off someone on twitter)
No. 505342
File: 1523738861815.png (649.34 KB, 594x509, 398.PNG)

>>505333theres about 12 captured moments on his YouNow, along with the usual discordfags giggling in the background No. 505345
>>505342>>505333Im not good at the CSI shit, can someone tell me if this is the McMansion garage?
So Greg is still living there and having Lainey live (with the kids) in the Swamp Trailer?
I bet he keeps this arrangement as long as possible, constantly making up excuses as to why he cant move to the trailer yet. The new home owners will eventually have to kick him out,
No. 505347
File: 1523739373826.gif (1.35 MB, 167x270, man_of_your_dreams.gif)

>>505305WOW! LADIES! Don't you want a piece of that?
No. 505349
>>505339Taylor is going to be so pressed that no one is calling
her a twink.
No. 505353
>>505342If I was Lainey Id be pissed. Hes suppose to be at the old house, packing up their stuff and there he is smearing toilet bowl cleaner all over himself and streaming for his fans.
I hope the whole "smearing things on myself to look edgy" looses its shock value and he has to resort to shitting on cam and smearing it on himself to make his teeny girls giggle and scream.
No. 505355
File: 1523740295741.jpg (73.45 KB, 540x810, clothing-dress-vvv6-xa3326sdbl…)

>>505314Is he turning into a girl and lainey is going to become a boy?
No. 505363
File: 1523741642157.png (448.21 KB, 858x657, Tobias_Blue_Man_For_Less_Green…)

>>505358The job application looked like pic related.
No. 505371
File: 1523743296833.gif (482.21 KB, 291x240, blowhard.gif)

>>505366no, he's kind of a blowhard. i can't wait to see how this anustart phase is going to turn out though. maybe he'll get some meaty leading man parts in his mouth.
No. 505373
File: 1523744061767.jpeg (194.71 KB, 1242x1237, 3F6230D7-54C1-4B5D-9751-64EE78…)

Not trying to liveblog but yes, Lainey is in the new house and her husband is in the old house. Looks like she’s been staying there with the kids since yesterday or the night before and he has been staying in the Grease Mansion alone.
No. 505382
>>505374I don't think he's cheating, he just doesn't wanna be around Plain and the kids.
He's gonna have an awful hard time avoiding it In the new house
No. 505384
I dont think he has young teen-puss at the McMansion.
Its like when your going in for a 10 year stint in prison, the night before you live it up… and for Greg thats pouring toilet bowl cleaner on yourself, feigning suicide with your toy gun, and screaming at your fans on YouNow.
Hes enjoy the little time he has to himself before he has to live in a house where Lainey will ALWAYS be 10 feet away.
No. 505389
>>505386Whatever winds up happening I'm really excited for the future.
They're going from a 5+ bedroom 5400 square foot home to a 3 bedroom 1800 square foot home. From an isolated hilltop property with no visible neighbors to having people just a few feet to his right.
However this winds up in the next year is going to be hilarious.
No. 505391
he gives Lainey and both kids one room
he takes one bedroom as an editing bay (for both of them, he'll talk her into this)
and then the 3rd bedroom for himself to sleep, he'll talk her into this also by saying that she gets a bedroom why cant he have his own?
No. 505406
>>505401Im wondering if it was a lightning strike that blew out the power for the whole neighborhood, or the rain did something to just the Swamp Trailers electrical system.
How fucked up is that if just a hard rain can some how overload the breakers and the whole house goes dark.
This just solidifies my theory that the house flippers just slapped white wash and vinyl over the old house cancer and hoped it wouldnt fall apart until a month later.
No. 505408
File: 1523748849853.jpg (361.11 KB, 1307x776, Untitled.jpg)

for the farmers wondering how far greg is from Lainey now.
No. 505411
>>505406The new house is the equivalent of a used car that was bought under a salvaged title, is 50% bondo, has a shiny new Maaco paint job, and the tires and interior have all been wiped down with 2 bottles of Armor All.
I give it less than 3 months before small things start breaking and then bigger problems start happening. This trailer is going to nickel and dime them to death.
No. 505423
shes learned from her daddy onion how to manipulate with words
the cameras setting is probably called "soften" or "diffuse" but because its not called blur, shes not lying.
No. 505424
>>505410In the last thread at
>>503505 an anon posted a video where she talked about it again about halfway through.
She claimed to haved
stopped using the blur filter and said she hasn't for a few weeks. This means she
had been using one, even though she's always vehemently denied it, scoffed at those asking and insisted people "just don't understand lighting!"
The Onions really have trouble keeping their lies straight.
No. 505429
>>505328Tinfoil: LGH knows his straight wife's viewers can't stand him. On the one hand he wants her to succeed so she can pay the bills, but on the other he resents her success so he is sabotaging her channel.
It's subtle-ish, and he's been cheerleading real hard for her on his channels so he has plausible deniability and can act like he's been on her side while simultaneously destroying her success.
No. 505431
File: 1523751302253.png (23.77 KB, 704x412, kek.png)

Their house is already depreciating in value. KEK.
No. 505433
File: 1523751864600.png (842.22 KB, 1512x572, Untitled.png)

>>505329this was filmed in the new place it seems
No. 505446
>>505432I actually laughed so hard at that. He got super offended when she said that because she awkwardly apologized after saying it. Like what a weirdo. If he wasn’t stuffing it, he would have laughed like a normal human being instead of creepily staring at her all pissed off. (Obviously couldn’t see his face but the way she apologized and he froze is obvious that he was
No. 505450
>>505389>Whatever winds up happening I'm really excited for the future. Anon I love your positivity. Indeed this shall be an amazing , milk-filled year.
We should start checking the "legal advice" subreddit. Who knows if we'll find a post from an angry neighbour " Hasbeen youtuber just moved next to my place and acting like an utter asshole, what can I legally do to stop him from doing shit outside of his trailer?" or
"Uncharged Ephebophile youtuber just moved next door, and Im afraid for my teen daughter's sake. Please help"
No. 505464
File: 1523763838192.jpg (440.85 KB, 599x1800, i8458548a.jpg)

I guess the weird new garage studio is actually in the new house. This seems to be grease's work around to having less square footage. I wonder if it's air conditioned or if it'll get too hot during the summer.
No. 505472
>>505464I guess smearing himself in shit while waving a gun around is what passes for "comedy" now. I never thought I'd long for the days when he'd just rip off Jim Carrey and screech with a mask over his horrible lumpy red face.
Maybe in a few months when he's completely nude,fingerpainting with his diarrhea we'll look back on this time with nostalgia.
No. 505475
File: 1523766898817.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.57 KB, 320x246, gurgsnewhome.jpg)

>>505464He looks like he crawled out of a porta potty.
No. 505476
File: 1523767592657.png (875.85 KB, 640x876, asdfsa.png)

>>505448can you blame him? he looks absolutely fabulous. stunning, even.
No. 505479
>>505476samefag, but i just realized that the sock stuffed in his boxers looks like a boner. a lopsided, lumpy boner. ewwwwwwwwwwww.
>>505464he has to break in the new house, obviously! probably was rubbing up against the walls like a cat in his unsealed greasepaint to mark his territory.
No. 505509
File: 1523774594212.jpg (67.19 KB, 550x425, Scorpion-and-the-Froot.jpg)

>>505434We all know the fable.
No. 505516
>>505447Sorry for spoonfeeding request-
Whats happening in November? Tax fine related?
No. 505523
File: 1523776007897.png (5.66 MB, 2208x1242, 021ABDC1-992E-4D4B-BB4C-4CF95C…)

In the newest Beautybot vid, Lainey is assembling the vanity she got months ago. She’s in the new house but only says «my new studio», not that they’ve moved. It’s on her Patreon and will probably be on Youtube later today.
No. 505526
>>505523Is that faux wood paneling (ironically you find that in most trailers) thats been painted white?
At least the carpet looks new. I hope the house flippers went the cheap route and used the old foam padding and the ghosts of dog piss and spilled food will slowly rise when summer time comes.
No. 505530
>>505523did she mention where the vanity came from
because i fucking remember where she said it came from when temp was around.
No. 505531
File: 1523777428028.jpg (220.07 KB, 1045x357, W5NDUwNDM.jpg)

>>505263I was looking at the photos from the house before the new flip (when it had green shag carpeting and red felt wallpaper) and they had a photo of the "beautiful lake"
No. 505541
File: 1523778430838.jpg (432.14 KB, 2896x2896, 20180415_024529.jpg)

I am really bad at this CSI - Tacoma shit, but do they have a bed in their living room/dining area?
No. 505543
File: 1523778581124.png (322.31 KB, 700x613, 54655.png)

Because of the blown breakers and no electricity they're having to use a gas generator so they can feed their internet/hentai addiction.
I really hope that Onision knows how a generator works and has it running far from the house. If we dont see any tweets tomorrow morning there may be a need for a welfare check.
No. 505549
File: 1523778896024.jpg (4.7 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)

>>505541no, look closer
the bed is smooth and curved
blue mans kitchen is probably like pic related
No. 505552
>>505541The house is in flux. You know when you move you have boxes and furniture all over the place, and sometimes it doesn't make sense.
That doesnt mean that in a month the house will look any better, and the interior decorating will be shit.
Remember when you were 18 and you had that one friend who was the first to moved into their own apartment and when you visited you saw it was a hodge-podge of mismatching furniture, unframed posters and trash was allow to live out its life where ever it fell… thats the Onion household, no matter if its at the Grease McMansion or the new Swamp Trailer.
No. 505556
>>505526kek, anon that's literally what I say about my apartment "the ghosts of dog piss." Seriously though, yes that is and I'm pretty sure it's all through the house. Also those floors in their kitchen are super cheap. In the apartment complex I live in they redo every single apartment with those exact floors and they don't even have actual carpenters do it. They hire illegals and pay them cash. So, that's a basic job that anyone could do and it's cheap. After what LGH did with the sugar water on the kitchen table, I feel sorry for those floors. They're going to be warped soon. And especially with kids running around. Kids are messy as shit, but we know the Onions don't discipline their kids so I speculate a ton of food and drinks, crayons and whatever else the kids decide to throw around will be spilled all over that floor and Lainey won't clean it up, at least not fast enough and LGH won't because he won't be leaving that garage.
Do they really have a basement? Because it seems like the first floor is how they get into the house and where the garage is and then they go upstairs to the kitchen and stuff. But how do we know they have a basement? And if they do, I'm positive it gets flooded and is not liveable.
No. 505568
File: 1523783887050.png (472.52 KB, 1440x2185, Screenshot_2018-04-15-02-12-30…)

Apparently LGH is absolutely swamped with requests from people dying to pay for access to his old photoshopped pics!
No. 505573
>>505571it's a split level or whatever
not everywhere has the same kind of basements, ya know
No. 505574
>>505571I think its just a play on words. Since when you enter the house you go up a small flight of stairs to get to the kitchen, dining room/ lounge area and bedrooms. Then you sort of go down stairs to get to the "basement" which has a weird den vibe. Its obviously not underground. We as anons just want Greg to have a creepy basement for the new teen puss.
Take a breath and learn to play with others. Have fun, dont be so gripey.
No. 505575
>>505571>Either they have a basement under that or they don’t have a basement at all. Do you know what a basement is, anon?Its not a trailer either, but we're having fun calling it the
>swamp trailerdo you want to get all definitive about that too
sheesh, some peoples kids
No. 505583
File: 1523787553041.jpg (118.07 KB, 1920x513, suckitinfupalord.jpg)

they told me I'd be fat by now and I am goddamnit ok time to suck it in
No. 505587
>>505571it's the lower floor with the panelled walls isn't it? unless I have the wrong pic. I linked what people are naming "the basement", afaik.
is this house style what they call a "split ranch"? poor, basementless foreigner here.
No. 505588
>>505583I wonder how the neighbours feel about these spacelords moving into their neighbourhood
Why do they both always look so weird??
No. 505590
>>505464The logic of this man is absolutely ridiculous
>has an incurable skin disease REEE>puts all sorts of odd shit on his face>has to scrub his face once its wash time to get it all out That REALLY doesn't help his crater'y skin not be red 24/7.
No. 505592
File: 1523796305848.jpg (17.54 KB, 480x360, lgh.jpg)

>>505583he looks like the creepy spider from a kid's cartoon
No. 505595
File: 1523796735280.jpg (231.1 KB, 1920x802, 31-00016.jpg)

>>505592>>505583I think its because I watched '31' last week, but when I saw him in his full face make up I thought of Elizabeth Dailys character Sex-Head.
No. 505620
>>505575>>505279So… does that turn "Lamey" into "Trailer Taylor"?
>>505559 No. 505631
>>505621Trayler kek
I like it
No. 505637
>>505464>I wonder if it's air conditioned or if it'll get too hot during the summer.The PNW doesn't get too hot in the summer, and that part of the Seattle Area is always a few degrees colder because it's right on the water. Winter's probably going to be unpleasant, though.
>>505516Shit always goes down in November.
>>505574I've been to a house in that area with the same set-up, and it really does make the first floor seem dingy and creepy. It's a puzzling design decision, to say the least. The Avaroes really couldn't have made a worse choice in regards to where to live. Every aspect of that place is horrible, from the year of construction to the set-up. Oh and things are crazy expensive in that area because it's isolated, despite its cheaper property values.
No. 505648
> Every aspect of that place is horrible, from the year of construction to the set-up.That's 100% true. Yeah the inside looks all nice and fancy on first glance, but a house built in that era was typically built from cheap material. The things that were used to flip the house (cupboards and floor) are pretty cheap. If the vinyl flooring gets wet and stays wet for too long it'll bubble/pucker around the edges. Depending on when the home was built the sewer lines could also be garbage, too. If his HOA is anything like mine, it'd be his responsibility to fix it if something happened.
It'll be an interesting year for the Gergs.
No. 505650
>>505648I wonder if it even is connected to sewer, could be on well and septic. Some properties allow that to be grandfathered in. Gonna suck for the onions if it is. Cuz I highly doubt whoever flipped it emptied it. They'll have to pay someone to come empty it when it inevitably fills up. Or if it's old and isn't sealed correctly they could deal with it overflowing when it floods, I've seen stuff like that.
Would be great to see Greg try to empty himself tho to save money I knew someone who tried to be cheap like that and ended up spilling sewage in his yard.
Course Greg would never get near waste but gosh we can dream
No. 505653
>>505650it is septic.
No. 505660
>>505573>>505574>>505575You all get
triggered because it’s not a basement and you’ve been ignorantly calling it one.
Just because you have this fantasy about them locking teenagers in their basement doesn’t mean you need to make shit up. If I wanted to read a shitty, made up story I’d waste my time reading Onion’s book.
Don’t get mad because you’ve been calling it a basement and I said it’s not because it’s not.
Anyways, get over it. It’s their living room. It’s the downstairs area. They obviously don’t have a basement unless it’s completely under the house.
>>505587I’m pretty sure the whole house has panelled walls, because everywhere Lainey sits she’s in front of a panelled wall.
No. 505663
>>505653This is an honestly curious question, what's so bad about a septic tank? I've never owned a house/apartment with one before and I never really heard it as a main point of discussion.
Is it just that it's old in LGH's case?
No. 505666
File: 1523816862464.png (51.38 KB, 220x214, Untitled.png)

The infighting really isn't necessary. You're making the thread unreadable with the back and forth nitpicking.
If you feel the urge to banter either ignore the post or report it. We could finally have some semi-milky things coming our way soon and I'd hate for bickering to get in the way of the fun guys. No. 505671
File: 1523817106018.png (936.48 KB, 1334x750, 72147540-5944-45C7-BFA2-6E478A…)

Granted we don’t know how long it is but this is her new “set/studio room” and is it just me or doesn’t is just look like a glorified closet? Like I’d hardly call it a room and even if it’s hella long, with that vanity in there this is where she’s going to do her beautybot, laineybot videos and her streams? Daaaamn I guess only LGH gets an actual room?
No. 505672
>>505647That's true, but isn't that house even smaller than their new one?
>>505648Can't wait to hear about the upcoming HOA sagas. There's no way that Greg's going to play nice with them. He's out of his fucking mind to even consider a place with a HOA. Not a shred of self-knowledge to be found.
>>505656It's not a trailer, it just looks like two trailers stacked on top of each other from the outside. And given the period it was built in, it's probably shoddier than the average trailer. Come rainy season, they're in for some unpleasant surprises.
No. 505675
>>505666Lainey's finally achieved her long-time goal.
Look trans. Although MTF rather than being a ~cute shota FTM space transboi~
No. 505683
File: 1523817656165.jpg (181.75 KB, 1086x724, OsNUuQn.jpg)

>>505666According to the only area in the Swamp Mansion that has wood paneling is the basement/ large open lower level of the home.
In this video we see lainey setting up her makeup vanity, she shows a bookshelf storing makeup palettes, and calls it her studio.
It seems Lainey is taking over the lower level room of the home as her creative space and the area just off the kitchen will be their living room. Bedrooms will be bedrooms and Greg's studio is in the 2-car garage.
No. 505691
>>505690I agree, I couldn't figure out how she was in a small cubby-like space but I guess a closet makes more sense.
I think we'll just have to wait for a few more videos to see how they're going to flesh out the living arrangements.
No. 505778
imagine LGH bumping into GSW's stream, to get the cheerios box
No. 505799
>>505637>the PNW doesn’t get too hotI’d like to live in your fantasy-Washington. Sure 95 degree summers aren’t super hot, but that house has no A/C and it looks like it will have absolutely NO airflow. Cracking a window won’t even give them a nice breeze, and they’re trapped with the swampy hot air on the leeward side of the island.
Also, it’s pretty hilarious and expected that he bought the cheapest house he could find in a “fancy area”
No. 505802
>>505760Yeah I currently live in a trailer with Well and septic, we lucked out however because our landlord put brand new one in but screwed up an address form and the huge one he bought that was supposed to go beneath this big building got placed on our acre instead. By the time he realizes his mistake it was too costly to re dig up so we pretty much won't need ours emptied for a few more years.
imhigly doubt the sellers even bothered emptying the tank there before selling it. If it wasn't completely full, save themselves some money since they cheated out on the rest of the renovations. If it runs off well water as well the onion might be in for buying a new well pump down the line as well.
(blog) No. 505804
File: 1523829624257.jpeg (166.2 KB, 1242x756, 4373D35E-C077-4E91-A365-541DEA…)

Someone posted a pic of Laineys bi pride makeup tutorial on a makeup shaming group and this chick got triggered.
>I don’t know this person
No. 505817
>>505809>>505814henny farmers are calling the "lower level of their split level house" the basement because it looks like one and because it's easier than saying "lower level of their split level house".
If you look at the pictures, when you walk in the front door there are stairs that lead to a lower level and an upper level. It's just out of ease of use and nothing to do with some weird dungeon fetish or w/e you're saying. Promise.
No. 505829
File: 1523831171019.jpeg (129.26 KB, 1242x800, 58E90D66-E18F-4B3F-BB6B-0EACA8…)

That is literally a tiny room. That’s not even one of the bedrooms. That’s actually a closet or something. LGH literally took the garage for himself and shoved Lainey into a closet. So, I wonder what’s being done with all 3 bedrooms if she couldn’t even use half of one for her bullshit channels. Are the kids actually going to get their own room? Since it seems like LGH is so desperate to remain as far from his family as possible that he’s going to stay in the garage rather than go in the house where they can bother him.
No. 505839
>>505829They are probably going to make the entire downstairs (den) into the new basement. (Projector editing stations ect.) while the upstairs acts like a normal house. I don’t doubt they put a bed in the den and Greg sleeps there to stay away from the family.
Also out of curiosity I looked at house priced in his town and ofc he could have gotten a house equally as nice and around the same size for half the price. Obviously I don’t know about the neighborhoods but it seems like his lil ego couldn’t take paying a normal amount for a normal house in a normal neighborhood and had to get a normal house in an expensive area so he could cry about the sq footage yet still have a house that cost a shit ton.
No. 505844
>>505829this is probably the first time I've ever felt remotely bad for Lainey, LGH isn't the bread winner anymore so his old caveman looking ass should've been the one shoved in the closet.
>>505841A farmhand literally just told everyone to stfu about the basement, so stfu. All this sperging is only going to give LGH fuel to make a video like "Debunking my HATERS lies!"
No. 505862
>>505856Agreed, Lainey is as much of a bully like greg is only she hides it better, She lives for this shit and enjoys hating on someone mutually with grease. After all she always has to recreate getting shiloh out of the way by lying about sh cheating so that greg will turn to the nearest loyal person as rebound and made damn sure to get her ass knocked the fuck up so that shes in it for the long haul.
Laineys a sneaky narc cunt and she was right they are meant for each other and she's fully aware of what grease is like. Can't wait till it blows up for her kek
No. 505870
>>505842Even if he did he is probably taking it with him. When you buy a home you don't have to leave it in the same shape you got it. But, it will lower the home value even more.
I still don't see why they didn't sell their home first, rent a place for a few months and then get a new place. They don't even know what they are going to get from the first home and how much will go to paying off the mortgage. Depending on how much they put down and how much they have paid into the house they could of outright bought a place to cut a house payment all together or be able to put a larger amount down and not owe as much. If the mcmansion hasn't sold yet and they already bought a new house then they had atleast about 10% down to put on the new home.
No. 505873
So, that also means they will be paying on 2 mortgages while they are awaiting for the old house to sell. Unless I've missed something which is possible since I'm just now catching up to the new thread. If so, apologies for derailing on old milk.
No. 505882
File: 1523839390602.jpg (77.85 KB, 1299x806, Capture.JPG)

So Greg's decade-long asslicker Bootyslayer wrote a script for Greg's most recent sketch video, where he's killed and God has to decide whether he goes to heaven or hell. It's shot in the new house, and yes, it's painfully unfunny. Screenshot is what she thinks his crime was, being "honest." Booty, crawl out of Greg's ass, you're taller than he is (he hates that) and you have two children so how about you accept that he'll never bury his baby carrot into you and save your money for your family, hmm? No. 505884
File: 1523839529161.png (1.37 MB, 1432x2577, Screenshot_2018-04-15-17-40-33…)

Looks like LGH is creating more sockpuppets to comment on his own videos. Such a hardworking youtuber.
No. 505888
File: 1523840274102.jpg (299.25 KB, 772x423, HomeSwampHome.jpg)

It's a mess, but I realized the funny differences between the Ogre and the Ogreg while making it. Note the outdoor play area for the kids, laundry being done, and Shrek's lack of narcissism.
(Very tempted to make him Farquaad, but that would ruin the joke)
No. 505890
>>505855I thought it was an interesting choice of words for him to say he'd "be translucent" about his life on Patreon.
From the dictionary:
>(of a substance) allowing light, but not detailed images, to pass through; semitransparent.
>"fry until the onions become translucent"Kek
No. 505903
>>505882the fact most of the shots jump from daytime to nighttime seriously
triggers me. so much for him being super serious about his video making.
No. 505910
>>505884>has never abused them physicallyThis might be the grossest thing in the whole rant. "If you never physically hurt your spouse,
technically it's not abuse!"
I can't wrap my mind around the kind of thinking that makes it ok to systematically destroy your wife mentally but then cry "HARASSMENT" when people criticize the shit you choose to put on display to the world.
No. 505911
>>505882Wow that was awful. The gun fetishism is getting ridiculous, but the "Allllrighty then!" is downright embarrassing, even for him.
I know he thinks Ace Ventura is the pinnacle of comedy, but who told him doing constant shitty impressions was a good idea? He's literally stuck in 1994 and can't seem to understand why his audience has moved on. Jesus, even Jim Carrey has moved on.
No. 505912
File: 1523842066877.jpg (927.32 KB, 1920x1080, saggy_udders.jpg)

>>505882~muh vegetarian boday~ is looking a little flabby there grek.
We've barely seen any of this new house in their videos but from this one alone, it's already looking like some mismatched shit-tip.
Let's hope that the Gronk Swamp Saga brings us all great milk.
No. 505915
>>505913Two totally different people, and Tomato isnt allowed to associate with Onion anymore.
1k is to collab in a video with him, I think if you pay $100+ (maybe even $50+?), you can send Onion a personal script for him to act out.
Booty is a lonley single mom who has been licking Onions ass for years.
Tomato is just a YouTuber with a small channel that tried to use Onion to boost his channel, but Onion no longer has an audience reach so Tomato wasted 1k.
No. 505916
>>505913jesus christ lurk more and learn how to read
bootyslayer is a long time patron of greg, she is an adult woman with children who has been riding his cock for god knows how long. tomatobisquette was a patron and asslicker of LGH's around last year but then he hung out with someone gurgles doesn't like (i don't remember who) and so he got booted.
No. 505925
File: 1523843518063.png (27.2 KB, 889x169, lemme gregoogle for u.PNG)

>>505590He's already proven he doesn't wash his face properly. I kind of doubt he does at all, and just lets whatever wash off in one of his four showers.
>>505597>>505606Yes, I remember on YouNow she said she got a new vanity, then backtracked and said it was a sponsor. I didn't wanna bring it up because I wanted to know what lie she was telling now.
>>50561150 Shades of Gray Pubes, maybe.
>>505660>no uOK.
>>505663I haven't ever had one either, but I think it means a shit truck has to come and empty it for you. The fact the prissy princesses picked it is surprising. I doubt they even looked or know what it means.
No. 505927
>>505890Yeah, it's an interesting choice of word.
Greg, I believe the word you are looking for is "transparent".
No. 505931
>>505686Trailers scare me because I think they catch fire easily?
>>505799Anon, if they open a window they will finally have an excuse for the flies in their new home.
>>505855>Will Make Unpledge From>>505844It's too early to feel sorry for her. See how this Swamp Trailer thing rides out first.
>>505884>won't rate, date, or whatever well the first minute of this video disagrees, Greggypoo.
No. 505933
>>505925I imagine all Greg heard was "no water and no sewer bill" and slammed cash down on the table. Any way to pinch pennies.
You do need a "shit truck" to come suck it out. depending on the size of the tank it can take a few hours, and it might smell too while it's being done. I highly doubt either Onion or GSW have ever lived in a home that ran off of well and septic.
If you're willing to put the money and upkeep in they're 100% worth it in the long run. We used to have a wood stove at my place too so we originally only paid for electric and that's it. Now we have gas but it's really beneficial if you can adjust.
The downside for gurgles here is well size as well. For example my house has a rather deep well so we can have 4-5 adults taking showers, do laundry, etc and not have to worry about emptying our well. It's usually not even noticeable, but my neighbor has a short Well so she can only do about 3 loads of laundry a day MAX on top of her usual cooking and her husband showering or risk running her well down low. If they do go off we'll we can expect a lot of sperging out from Greg because in no way is his 4 showers a day, 50 loads of laundry, Lainey's showers/baths, kids baths, all feasible unless they got a deep well with a good pump. What I'd give to be a fly on the wall when their water pressure suddenly drops and he starts sperging out.
No. 505937
>>505933Nah anon, they don't do laundry. So that's one less thing to worry about.
I didn't know about the well thing. The only people I've known with homes like that are basically farmers or when you go out to a family cabin. And both of those were probably in the 90s.
I know this is stupid, but the fact the "lake" has no fence and this septic thing worries me. Because kids can run around when their parents don't watch them properly… or at all, in the case of Onions.
No. 505939
>>505935I don't think Grug would lost the opportunity to say his "good human" told him about the infidelity and save him from a cheater
Unless that happen when Lainey was younger than they said she was when they start talking
No. 505945
>>505933>and it might smell too while it's being done.Not "might," it will. And it will need to be pumped soon if they flush baby wipes, tampons, even regular toilet paper down the drain. Septic tanks can't handle that. Most can't even adequately handle family-sized quantities of "septic safe" tp. Heavy rains that cause the already high water table to rise carry the risk of bringing septic fluid into the house through the drains, and given the retention pond next to the house, the water table there is high. And Washington gets a lot of rain.
On rainy days, it's important to limit water usage to prevent backup. No massive laundry binges or long showers. This, combined with their affinity for tampax and baby wipes will cause some problems for the Onions for sure.
It's also worth mentioning that part of a septic system is a drain field, which is a system of rocks and sand surrounding the tank for drainage. The area the drain field occupies can't be dug on or weighed down (i.e. driven on by an F150 or something) or it can be damaged and need to be replaced. Damaged drain fields can cause the above mentioned shit bubbling and are expensive to reinstall.
Don't get me wrong, septic systems are great if they're properly maintained. I've lived with one (and a well) for most of my adult life and it's great. The Onions are willfully ignorant though. I can't wait until they do every single thing you're never supposed to do to a septic tank and then get upset that their house is flooding with feces. It's gonna be great, fam.
No. 505953
File: 1523848215097.jpg (1.54 MB, 1920x1200, caught-fappin.jpg)

No. 505957
File: 1523848398489.jpg (26.14 KB, 294x551, ooo.JPG)

>>505948Patreon anon here
Lame just posted these on discord
I just recently went suit/tux shopping and let me tell you what THAT SHIT AINT CHEAP
The cheapest suit I found was around $200, and that's not for any hemming or tailoring that would need to be done for smol bean boi.
The fact they are throwing AT LEAST $400 in suits for the both of them for some dumb ass home prom makes me wanna table flip
so poor
need halp
No. 505963
>>505933>>505945I’m not sure how septic tanks for houses work, but I know gas stations around me have to have theirs pumped once a month. So, the Onions will probably have to have theirs pumped at least once a month. Do they have to call for that? Or is that done by the HOA?
Also, they’re going to be completely screwed if they flush one wrong thing down the toilet. Especially their kids because kids like to flush random shit. When I was a teenager, my brother used to flush cigarettes down the toilet and we were told that caused clogging and our entire back yard was filled with shit and toilet paper. It was so bad it also flooded the neighbors yard and when their toilet got clogged same thing happened. So if they flush too much toilet paper or accidentally flush anything they could flood their yard with shit. And no one comes and cleans that up, kek. You have to do it yourself. So, not only will the Onions be full of flies but they’ll be full of shit as well.
>>505957They’ll use the excuse that it’s for a video, but they aren’t making a profit off of it so what’s the fucking point. When people pay for expensive shit for a video it’s because they usually make it back. I’m surprised they haven’t run out of money yet. I’m also surprised LGH isn’t bitching because Lainey is spending money that’s supposed to go into HER savings account for HIS debt.
No. 505965
File: 1523849307790.jpg (35.54 KB, 504x559, ooo.JPG)

>>505957Also, they're sooooo interactive with their fans look at that personality shiiiiiine. She only goes on discord to fish for complaints to validate her bullshit since LGH is to busy wacking it to big boobed WOMEN
No. 505966
File: 1523849311658.png (1.4 MB, 2171x1773, temp.png)

Did he set some of the videos to private or unlisted before he made the video then have the creator studio sort the videos by public videos then make them public or listed again?
No. 505970
>>505953that donkey lainey
my fucking sides
No. 505971
>>505953>>505970depiction inaccurate, it shows lainey actually smiling.
realism 2/10
No. 505994
File: 1523856002653.png (94.59 KB, 681x630, 5749677.PNG)

Screenshot taken from the realtor website (address redacted of course)
The realtors call it that, and Im assuming the previous homeowners had input into what to categorize it in the property details.
So if you want to argue, I guess you have to argue with the realtors/seller and previous owners on what its called.
No. 505995
File: 1523856339936.png (114.87 KB, 643x218, still a basement.PNG)

>>505994Thank you for posting this, cause I lost the link when the post was deleted/don't care enough to save it.
No. 506022
>>505980Yeah and when she goes to court her biggest issue will be the fact that they called her "ma'am" and she would actually go on YouNow and rant about that despite the fact that she went to court for something as serious as tax evasion.
Anyways, I just watched LGH stupid ass video he uploaded 6 hours ago shitting on his patreons. That's so enraging. Any normal human being would immediately pull their pledge, but Onion fans are not normal human beings. Instead, they'll take this as a sign that they need to do more so they can TRY to get his approval and attention.
Also holy fucking shit I watched that video on an HD TV and his teeth are actually fucking horrifying. I know this is nitpicking, but have you guys noticed how fucking sharp his teeth are? Like all of them. They are all sharp ass teeth, like actually IT teeth when he's chomping on a boys arm. And they are a mix of dark gray and yellow. How can you NOT be a meat eater with those things. Tinfoil, this is where Lainey gets her sores (not the herps). Why would they need BDSM when all he has to do is bite her and it'll inflict an immense amount of pain.
Alsoo, I don't wanna gross anyone out, but I just feel the need to share this. Does anyone else look at Lainey like one of those women that want to be a "gay fragile boy" who has her husband pull her hair and call her degrading names as they do anal. Because that's just like… what I see Lainey as in the bedroom.
No. 506032
File: 1523865681761.png (696.38 KB, 798x535, notthebasement.png)

>>505994Unless they've listed that carpeted room with a fireplace twice as both a lower level living room AND a basement, we haven't even seen a picture of the actual basement yet. Everyone's been arguing over what to call the lower level family/living room when the house also has an actual separate basement listed, which means that (unless the separate listings are a mistake) anons have been arguing over a huge pile of nothing.
I just checked a few different listings for the Swamp Trailer and they all mention a lower level living space with a fireplace but also a separate basement which was probably so nasty it wasn't even put up on the site.
I look forward to seeing the actual basement, because basements in dingy flipped houses that haven't seen love since the 70s are probably terrible. I bet it smells of dead things.
No. 506033
>>506032Thank you.
We can finally put this to rest.
They called the lower living area a basement.
Cant argue with the previous owners I guess.
No. 506040
File: 1523868945434.png (25.66 KB, 579x218, musical rooms.png)

Looks to me like the owners & house flippers were just making up rooms as the go.
The room details between the June 2017 listing and March 2018 listing get confusing.
The Living Room goes from the Upper Level in 2017 to being the Lower Level in 2018
Same with the Family Room, it goes from Lower Level in 2017 to Upper Level in 2018
A Den/Office appear on the 2017 listing, but nary a Utility Room or Basement.
Then in 2018 the Den/Office disappears and a Utility Room and Basement show up.
If you ask me they were giving double names to singular rooms. Im sure a seller or house flipper wouldn't resort to puffery and fudge with the details of the home.
No. 506044
>>506033Anon, do you even read? kek.
Okay, so everyone was wrong about the downstairs being the basement. Let's move on before we get in trouble for this sperging shit. Patreon anons should suggest Lainey do a house tour or something.
Anyways that house looks sad af. I feel like the 70s had the saddest looking houses and I agree with anons that, that house is full on 70s and outdated. It seems like they had a new roof put on before they bought it so they're lucky when it comes to that because I feel like that's definitely the type of house that would leak and flood. Does anyone else get "My Friend Dahmer" vibes?
Could you imagine being the neighbors to these fucks? You're just casually walking your dog and oh, there's a life-sized bobble head running around naked covered in blood and screeching near that house surrounded by trees. What is it? We don't know. Lock your doors at night! I feel bad for the vets with PTSD.
No. 506047
File: 1523871503608.jpg (51.07 KB, 642x591, duhh_Im_Lainey_duhh.jpg)

>>505666GSW: I like legitimately don't know if like this stuff is like styrofoam or if I need it.
Just one minute into her video and my palm is firmly planted to my face. This slow-witted queer thinks the packing material is some how an intricate part of the construction of her over priced vanity.
Im surprised she didn't confuse the cardboard box it came in as a night stand.
No. 506048
>>506047how did she even do this herself
i thought she was too smol to carry 3 small boxes to the trash
No. 506049
>>506048If you pause the video at the right moments during the fast forwarded part you will see tiny agender/non-binary fairies helping her.
Its like The Elves and the Shoemaker… but gayer.
No. 506050
File: 1523872085004.jpeg (81.25 KB, 600x677, 83F56FB6-C825-446D-8EAC-168043…)

>>506047She didn’t confuse it for a night stand because it will be her night stand, kek. Just like an amazon box is her stand for her laptop.
I don’t mean to derail but I saw this on Twitter and wanted to share. Wish this was foreshadowing and this dog was at court when LGH inevitably gets in trouble for tax evasion.
No. 506052
>>505855Did he fuck up the sentence there?
>This Video Will Make Unpledge From Onision>Make UnpledgeIs he missing a "You" or is that just cut off?
No. 506068
>>505963>>505945It does not need to be pumped monthly and if the septic tank is modern enough (90's , so probably not), it will not smell and it's emptied a few times a year.
If your septic tank is located smartly, you'll never be bothered by it being drained.
As Anon's stated, when well water and septic tank system are properly maintained - they are superior to the centralized system. They require a lot of know how and people to be mindful of them.
If they're ill-maintained - they are the worst nightmare of any occupant. When the tank is about to be full or if you flush things you shouldn't - they will smell up the whole property. Long showers and multiple showers a day are a no no.
Considering how they maintained the grease mansion, the property will smell like a sewer by the end of 2018.
No. 506077
File: 1523880743353.jpg (341.4 KB, 772x423, Greggy.jpg)

>>505888I decided to edit it a bit more, the idea and base was too good to pass up on. Hope you don't mind.
*Reposting as I uploaded before saving the final version.
No. 506080
File: 1523882061553.png (150.71 KB, 747x1052, IMG_5662.PNG)

Speaks video about The Sam saga is up on Patreon this morning, available for $1 and up. No new accusations or real milk - he addresses the "swipe at a child", lap wiggling, attempted kiss all as reasons he and Plain decided she had to go. Overall he says he is grateful for the experience and no hard feelings.
No. 506083
>>506075He looks like Perez Hilton lollll
>>506080>Thanks for everyone who has basically functions as my therapist on DiscordI can't believe people pay
him to be his therapist.
No. 506085
File: 1523883639026.png (324.44 KB, 542x576, the story of onion and sam.png) talks about the Sam situation. It sounds like he misses her but he was really proud of himself that he didn't cheat.
Most of it is things we already know. Also for the temp ladies - the return of Tony.
No. 506086
>>506083Not to mention people try to give him advice on his patreon and streams and he screeches about them 'not knowing shit about life you piece of shit 13 emo' and boots them off discord or whatever if they so much as disagree with him.
Ranting to children on the internet is not a substitute for actual therapy you fucking idiot Greg. You and your wife need some real help.
No. 506103
>>506093I guess I’m just used to people moving here and then being surprised that it still gets hot during the summer. I haven’t heard Greg complain about heat though so it should be irrelevant.
But no heat and poo-showers will certainly come back to bite him in his new house.
No. 506106
>>506075It's weird. his skin really resembles sun damage even though he actually has Roseaca and everyone knows he never leaves his house.
Either way, gross.
No. 506109
File: 1523892436811.jpg (44.61 KB, 500x309,…)

>>506108from a distance he looks like Malachi from children of the corn
pic related, LGH convincing Lame its sukmi time again
No. 506113
>>506075Kill it, kill it with fire.
>>506085>>really proud of himself that he didn't cheatYeah, no wonder Sam doesn't want to get down with the grease tic tac. It's not that HE didn't try to cheat it's that SHE rejected him. Sad sad sad little man getting a pat on the back from his wife for not sticking his dick in things.
No. 506121
>>506117I have no idea. he's so ugly and his general attitude is like a spoilt ugly child.
The only reason is people like/wanna fuck him/have anything to do with him is-
1-They are little girls that don't know his full history amd haven't seen his raw unfiltered pictures
2-Mentally ill, lonely or autistic chumps who share his weird views
3-Girls that want either his money (lol what money) or girls/collaborators that want views and subs through association.
No. 506131
>>506085LGH is lying out of his ass. But of course he is, he’s gotta keep people talking about him.
No one deserves a reward for not cheating. What a fucking moron.
No. 506146
>>506075This looks like a screenshot from a Dateline interview after he confesses to murder.
>>506139The way he fixates on Shane and has always mentioned that he was the kiss that made him realize he's bi pretty much confirms he wants him. He's still butthurt Shane didn't want his puny wrinklies.
No. 506155
File: 1523907088781.png (130.07 KB, 459x472, Untitled.png)

I noticed in this video
>>505855 Onion was back in his phase of "positivity, I love my fans take care of urself first friend"
and now in this video
>>506085 he seems to be reaping the emotional rewards of playing the victim with the whole Sam situation.
He's so textbook.
No. 506157
File: 1523908250513.png (52.31 KB, 560x312, temp.png)

Anyone have any screenshots? I wonder what this is about. trollface.jpg
No. 506161
>>506154Good point, anon. I can hear him saying, "No, that doesn't imply I thought about cheating because I didn't find Sam attractive," or, "I only thought about her as a friend," or, "because why would I think about it when Lainey wasn't interested in Sam, anyway?"
So, what, LGH, you're 'proud' instead that you didn't have an attraction to someone? Who's ever proud of that? Who's ever proud of only thinking about someone as a friend and nothing more? Wouldn't that require actively NOT thinking about them as something more? And why would you be proud of yourself that Lainey wasn't interested in Sam?
Being proud of something implies satisfaction with one's accomplishments, and accomplishments require effort. He's implying that he had an opportunity to cheat, didn't, and is glad he didn't. Having an opportunity to cheat means he had to acknowledge it, meaning he at least thought about it enough to consider it wasn't a good idea and decided not to pursue it. It's illogical to be proud of an accomplishment in hindsight that you didn't make efforts to achieve because you didn't acknowledge the opportunity at the time.
No. 506173
>>506059>>506070I've been thinking about that too.. it seems to me like they sold their teslas and downgraded, so they used that money from the cars with equity on their mcmansion to pay for deposit/get loan for trailer. So now they have two houses and not much $$$, but they have until November (that's when they're getting the IRS statement) to sell the house.
All in all, they still have two houses at the moment and the least expensive of which is $500k. Complain all they want, they ain't poor.
No. 506184
File: 1523911868162.png (392.19 KB, 1418x2080, Screenshot_2018-04-16-13-46-33…)

LGH still has his manties in a twist about haturz HARASSING him. He is such a whiny little twunt.
No. 506197
File: 1523913251014.png (253.45 KB, 1427x1173, Screenshot_2018-04-16-14-02-47…)

New patron inquires about the drama, LGH brings up some bullshit about owning a bus company. Way to be honest, ya greasy money-grubbing fuck.
No. 506210
No. 506234
>>506208Yeah he started doing that again a couple months ago I think. The only reason I can think of is he's trying to recapture those glory years when he managed to pull in more than 40,000 views per video.
"It couldn't be my stale content or constant whining, it must be the boobsqueeze thing!"
No. 506260
File: 1523936881356.png (916.85 KB, 771x906, Screenshot_2018-04-15-18-09-01…)

>>506244"Drama??? Oh, you must be referring to the ENDLESS NONSENSE I have to endure from haters harassing me over silly untrue things like me owning a bus company!"
"Furthermore, there's
NOWHERE on the internet you can find info about
any questionable things I've done, so don't bother looking. All the info you need can be found on Patreon-only forums for $250. Now quit asking before I revoke your patron status. Boob squeeze!"
No. 506265
>>506244This is definitely a new one for me. I like how he picked a "rumor" that actually made himself look industrious, rather than the piece of shit loser he is.
I honestly can't imagine this rumor getting any traction. Like anyone would actually believe he could hold down a job at Wendy's, let alone
run anything when he locks himself into a room fapping himself raw to hentai and plays videogames with teen girls all day. He literally begged for asspats when he did nothing but shove a pool table into his yard, I'm not certain he could take a dump without needing his tween fans to root him on.
No. 506271
>>506085Video still publishing 15 hours later.
It's time to make a new account I reckon.
No. 506274
>>506197that's just embarrassing.
>I'm so shy I only go by a nickname>this account is new because>announcing more money 'later'>tell me about the drama>misinformation spread by hatersPreemptively defending yourself isn't as subtle as you think. I wish all patrons would stop giving him money, but especially when it's piss-poor trolls looking for a drop of milk to brag on lolcow dot farm with.
No. 506276
File: 1523942223052.png (61.44 KB, 618x414, tw.png)

The bus thing looks to be an old inside joke with his Discordians.
No. 506277
>>506276is this "rumor" even a real thing?
if any rumor is actually circulating, it would have been posted here. this one is random.
No. 506283
>>506277I’ve honestly only seen people mention it on Lainey’s younow streams. If it’s ever been mentioned here it was a joke about how he picks up kids. I don’t think anyone ever actually tried to say the lazy fuck ran a bus company. See the thing that LGH fails to realize is that we don’t need to make up “rumors” or lies about him. He provides us with enough milk himself. The only reason he disagrees with the shit we say is because we don’t say it in a way that makes him look good. We say it how it really is. Like the fact that he cheated on his wife when he fucked his blue-haired goddess. But, he’d rather us say that only B cheated on Lainey and he was just as much of a victim as she was! Which isn’t the fucking truth. So he can’t hop the fuck off of that.
Sorry Gregly, we don’t live in fantasy land. We see things how they really are, not how you try to manipulate them to paint yourself in a better light.
No. 506322
>>506320Plus he defended Cuddlegate by saying his mom gave him nude massages and
those were totally innocent.
No. 506324
>>506322Yeah, he cant flip flop like that, not very "honest"
But was the Adrianne thing brought up during Cuddlegate?
No. 506335
File: 1523951516249.jpeg (138.27 KB, 1242x561, 0EABA14F-21E0-4574-9EDD-417155…)

>>506326He really needs to stop giving parenting advice when 1, he’s never even around his kids and 2, his kids are 5 and under. He has no idea how his kids will turn out and already one of them is aggressive and hits him. Kek, this guys a fucking moron. I can’t wait until this bites him in the ass. Come back when your kid’s 15 and beating your ass Greg. Give us parenting advice then. See, things like this make me believe this is why he hides his kids and the safety thing is bullshit. If he hides his kids then he can pretend he’s a good parent with excellent kids and blah blah blah. When in reality he’s such a piece of shit father and a dysfunctional human being that his 5 year old gets so angry he wants to hit people.
No. 506336
>>506326It's pretty gross that he has isolated her from her family while simultaneously having her become reliant on
his family. Pretty classic abuser tactics which would be a lot more obvious to anyone who wasn't groomed as a teenager. He's a fucking dirtbag.
No. 506378
I can try to download it. What's the max file size that can be uploaded directly here? Is it webm or mp4?
No. 506383
>>506382Fucking DED anon.
We can only wish for such scoops.
No. 506404
>>506385When he addresses the child falling on the ground and crying and he did nothing, he never says "that didnt happen" or "its a lie" he just does his word waltz and continues to call the accusation "interesting"
If you understand how he likes to manipulate with words then you can figure out that Trot probably fell down, and since he wasnt bleeding, didnt break a bone, Grug looked over, shrugged his shoulders and went back to eating his Cheerios. But we have to understand that if Trot had fallen and a bone had been sticking out of the flesh, or a pool of blood had formed next to the crying child THEN Grug would have (maybe)comforted the child.
No. 506405
>>506385It seems like every single girl he tries to bring into his life has some kind of turmoil swirling around them.
Sam had her fucked up mom and dad
Billie had her crappy home life
Sarah had her crappy home life
Lainey had her rapey boyfriend and controlling father
Im not sure about Sh and Sk
Thats Cult Leader & Pimp behavior 101. Thats how you get a devoted partner or follower, find the weak minded who are living in hell and pretend you want to help. I mean look at his die hard fans, the ones who actually pay money to be around him, they all seem to have shitty lives and the beginning signs of mental illness.
No. 506414
>>506405Billie had a bad home?
I always thought they let her do whatever she wanted and that's why she didn't even end high school.
No. 506415
>>506414Sounds like a bad home, letting your kid do whatever the fuck they want does not mean good parenting, in fact, probably means the opposite.
However, Billie did struggle with an E.D (as I recall) and had pretty shitty self-worth and esteem. Something Ogreg looks for in a woman, that and being barely legal.
No. 506422
His explanation for telling Sam not to “swat” the kid sounds like he sat down to talk to her about not gasping when’s the kid fell but “in his head” thought he was talking about not hitting. So he never confronted her? He kept everything from Lainey, including her children apparently being in danger from the stranger he invited into their home, until he knew Lainey wouldn’t allow Sam to be in a new trinity. Scummy.
His excuse for having Sam be on his lap to hug because it’s “more comfortable” is SO DUMB. How is he deflecting clearly pulling her onto his lap like he said in an earlier video?
I also love that he finds a way to pat himself on the back for not cheating and getting a dig in at Billie for “being a home wrecker.” Suuuuuuuure.
No. 506429
>>506415I don't think she had an ED, iirc her and Ayalla went on a crash diet together.
But yeah, she didn't have the perfect home and she does struggle with mental illness. I know of her anxiety but she had another one that I can't remember. So there's that.
No. 506430
>>506422if someone swatted the hand of my child, and that same person had gasped when my child had fallen down, which incident do you think Im going to have a serious sit-down conversation about? The only reason he didnt confront Sam about swatting Troys hand is because a few seconds before the swat, Troy had hit or attempted to hit her. We all know the history of that kid, its so bad that Onision admitted that he allows the kid to hit him instead of other people.
He didnt bring it up because Sam would have had a perfect excuse for swatting him, Troy tried to hit her.
No. 506437
>>506435Yup. While on a road trip with his dad and stepmom he got into an argument with pops, pops cornered him in the backseat of the car and hit him and then Greg started kicking at his dad, police were called and Greg was taking to jail.
I love that Gregs only way of fighting is laying on his back and kicking at his assailant (while giving out a high pitched screech Im sure)
No. 506440
>>506431Not to derail into talking about the kids, sorry, but imagine how tense the onion household must be for the kid to want to beat on his dad. I cannot imagine ever hitting my parents, like what the heck.
And he can't just teach him 'only beat me up', that thinking is gonna carry over to his teachers, police, any male authority. That's so fucked.
>>506420Billie lowkey confirmed what he said about her, and was quite upset about it, IIRC.
No. 506447
>>506440This just supports my theory that Troy has Autism or some other behavioral disorder. How many kids do you know that hit people, yes I know plenty that scream, yell and have temper tantrums, but its rare for them to have violent physical outbursts unless they have some kind of mental issues like Autism.
I actually feel bad for Smug-Lameo, because what she has in store for her when Troy grows up is horrible. And Im sure that Grog wont be in the picture by that point because once it gets that bad, Grog will cut the line and bolt. He may take Cloey with him because by that time she'll be in her teens and Grog will be trying to talk her into the idea of "sometimes daddies have a special kind of love for their daughters"
No. 506459
>>506447While that is a valid theory I think it's far more likely that Troy has experienced physical abuse (either he's been hit or he's seen Gurg hit someone) and therefore mimics the abuse cause he thinks that's the normal reaction. Just look at the Do5 kids, IIRC only a few of them had diagnosed disorders/disabilities (the younger two) but the other kids who didn't have any diagnosed disorders/disabilities still would abuse and hit their siblings. It's learnt behaviour if when daddy doesn't get what he wants and start screaming and yelling and becomes violent, the child will think that's an acceptable reaction.
I'm no doctor or child psychologist so this all just my opinion. I do agree that once the kids are older GSW is going to be on a new level of hell. She's got one child that has anger problems, a daughter that probably has shit self-esteem and a husband that won't stop acting like a big baby.
No. 506464
>>506335Wasn’t it just a few months ago when he tweeted something about bullying and parenting that completely contradicts this? Like how you have to tell your kid to suck it up if he’s getting bullied? Such kindness. Does anyone remember that?
>>506459Holy shit I can’t even imagine when their kids are teenagers
No. 506469
>>506405he met sk when she was a teen and still developing, then they got a divorce as soon as she grew up because still wanted a teenage girl. in comes sh who is 17 and yeah had a really rough life, AND a budding career that came with fame. then after he used her up he tried (and failed) to date an actual adult, and then went back to teens. no wonder he is still obsessed with sh, she was his perfect mixture of teen girl to bully and celebrity to mooch limelight from (but not too big of a celebrity hes insecure)
its clear he desires a teen girl with a scewed view of whats acceptable so that he can get away with all his terrible behaviour
No. 506486
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>>506405 Every woman in his life meets the same fate, save maybe Adrienne. I didn’t have enough pictures for Skye, since she’s had a life of internet privacy, but funny how with Shiloh, Billie, and Lainey they all start off so healthy looking and happy and are completely wrecked at the end. The only difference is Shiloh and Billie moved on and are doing so much better. Lainey, we still don’t know if she’ll ever grow a god damn spine and leave, for her sake and the sake of her young children.
No. 506538
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I just had a thought.
Over the past few months LGH has just out of the blue tweeted things about how yelling or hitting your child is bad and how doing A. B. or C. is a better way to discipline. I always wondered why he would tweet about this, its not like hes sharing parenting advice to his core fan group, most are under 18. He usually does these sub-tweets to passive aggressively shame someone. Could it be that hes low key shaming Lainey each time he makes these "dont yell or hit your kid" tweets, because hours early Lainey yelled and/or hit Troy?
We all know shes the main provider for the kids, Greg just does drive by parenting. His big part of the day being a father is when he has to watch them for one hour as she streams on YouNow, and even then I bet you he just drops them in a play pen and crib and watches hentai on his phone until Lainey finishes. Lainey is having to deal with 2 kids all by herself all day long, and having one kid be violent, that takes its toll. I can see Lainey occasionally yell at Troy, Ive seen her yell at Greg plenty of times on her vids, not sure about hitting them though.
No. 506594
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The look of love.
No. 506598
>>506538I love how he steadfastly refuses to discuss his children unless it's to publicly shame someone.
He all of a sudden has kids again when he wants to drag Sam or make cryptic tweets.
No. 506614
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Looks like he ferreted out a couple more Patrons who don't find all his jokes hilarious. At this point he'll be completely broke by summer.
No. 506617
>>506594I hope the next "mystery box" Lainey gets him contains some larger shirts. This one looks like the seams are about to burst.
A piece of advice for LGH: dress for the size you
are, not the size you were 10 years ago.
No. 506618
>>506613This is typical. I mean in every video she compliments him and insults herself obviously wanting him to disagree and compliment her but he doesn’t. He just stares at his own reflection in the viewfinder with a brow raised. The only time he compliments her is by saying she’s “awesome.” And by going on a whole spiel about how she stuck around when he cheated on her. That’s literally it, lmao.
I found it irritated that she was complaining about how they didn’t have smaller dress shirts and stuff in the men’s section. Like yeah… that’s because they’re for men. Not short and skinny women who want to pretend their little boys. And then she buys a suit from the actual little boys section. Kek, just think Lainey, when T is older and MAYBE allowed to go to school events he can just borrow your suit.
No. 506622
>>506597>>506594At one point Lainey gives a speech how she's finally feeling comfortable with herself and is with a partner that loves her for who she is and is optimistic. Then Greg comes in, looks at her with a slight disgust and acts apathetic and snarky. Scene changes to Lainey looking like she's about to cry, announcing prom is gonna be in next video.
What the fuck man?? She should have cut his reaction and her being teary eyed at the end if she wanted to portray that everything is fine because it's obviously not. What level on delusion is she on??
No. 506656
>>506632Honestly idk how he thinks he going to maintain his patreon flock when he keeps kicking people out on top of his patreon eventually realizing he’s horrible or just aging out of his “humor”
His tanking YouTube channel?? I mean maybe… the majority of those videos are from when he’s mid20s so maybe he’s more relatable than he would be as he continues to age and become less ~quirky~.
No. 506662
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>>506644Could Grug be the new hit meme of 2018?
No. 506676
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Two subtle digs at the cow in just one hour.
Shes the fat girl in high school whos just glad to have a friend, no matter that they laugh at her with everyone else. FatBecca talks tough, but I knew she was a pushover the time Greg spanked her in front of everyone else for friendly fire killing him in PUBG.
No. 506699
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>2 of 3 patrons
means theres 3 slots open and of those 3, 2 have been taken, right?
Who wants to bet that one (if not both) are Onision sockpuppets.
Like the piano player, or street performer who puts a few bills from his own wallet into the tip jar to get the ball rolling.
Im sure he fools himself into thinking the moneys going right back into his pocket and the chunk that Patreon takes is fine, as long as it makes him look important enough for 2 people to pay 250 bucks.
No. 506795
>>506437ngl i kind of cant wait for trot to grow up and beat his dad in the way lgh failed
and that time bomb WILL set off if t loves his mom and sister and onion touches either of them in a way he deems unsafe
No. 506797
>>506769He could be like Logan and Jake Paul’s nasty pedo dad that kisses the girls their age “FoR tHe ViDeO!!1!!”
And tries to mooch off their fame and success
No. 506911
>>506900You know, I dont doubt he does that. He cant help but insult or push Laineys buttons even when they are on camera, the one time he should be trying to fake being the perfect husband. I could count off the times Ive seen him insult her, but the one that comes to mind, and may not seem that bad to everyone is when they were doing some kind of shopping haul and he called her Taylor and giggled, she got so sad and whined "dooonnnt"
The one name that she hates, that gives her so much anxiety, and he uses it to "play around"
Im sure as he lurks these threads, he makes a mental note of all the insulting nicknames the anons have given her and uses them, especially during sex….
As hes fucks her doggystyle, yanking on her too tight dog collar he screams "TAKE IT YOU NASTY LITTLE FOOTFACED FAGGOT!"
I apologize, if I could spoiler my post I would. Enjoy the nightmarish imagery.
No. 506951
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>>506944tfw - your gay husband cant keeps the kids quiet for just an hour.
No. 506980
>>506911i think the taylor thing was their "budget" shopping at somewhere not target
sorry not american, cant remember the name
No. 506983
>>506622This comment about sums it up…
>I don't like lainey but thus video makes me very sad. Getting a suit is important to her and her shitty husband could care less.You forgot to mention how he was immediately telling her to tuck in her shirt.
I bet it will be for their "prom".
No. 506986
>>506983holy shit more comments
Being a married mother of 2 youre living a lie. You only talk about women and try to look like a 16 year old boy. Nothing is nonbinary about this newfound style or whatever. You post daily making long videos and i never seeing you being a mother or wife. Youre 100% butch dyke… you just wanna fit in with the nonbinary fad. If she didnt have children and built such a big life and career togrtber youd definitely not be with a man now. You shouldve taken your boy persona more seriously when you didnt have all these strings attached. We all see it and Greg looks like hes trying so hard to go along with it. No wonder hes so excited when you bring cute girls in your poly whatever. Theres no way hes turned ln by this. He doesnt want some 16 year old wanna be butch dyke
You know what "struggling" and "surviving" is? Let me lay it out for you because you are clearly content taking the money out of your underage fans fingers hand over fist. Struggling is not being able to pay for groceries. Surviving is being able to pay for rent, food, and gas, and nothing else. You spend and spend and spend on frivolous shit constantly. You just bought a second $498k house for yourself, you now own over $1million in property. You own thousands in high-end cosmetics, you bought a 30k truck, thousands in electronics and clothing. When is it enough? Does your greed really have no end? Don't answer, I already know the answer. One day, the scales are going to balance, and you are going to lose everything. Make a change.
No. 506988
>>506622I feel like she watches other agender/trans youtubers and is just copying what they say because thats what she thinks shes supposed to do as an agender/trans boy! Nothing she said made sense when you look at her life lmao. Shes in a horrible marriage full of denial and lies. She used to wear dresses all the time in pictures for fun not just formal events like she makes it sound. She acts like she only once had to ever wear a dress that was forced upon her for an event. You can see on her instagram she wore them with greg in the beginning of their relationship and even after the agender shit.
>>506627You can tell she wanted people to note how smol she is. She continuously mentioned how she wouldn't fit in mens. "i hope there is an XS" oop the XS is so big!! I must go to boys and continuously declare what size im wearing even though none of my audience actually cares! Take that haterz I am smol bean!!
>>506641i dont even know what she expected. That he would be excited she dressed like a dude? He was all over billie who was very girly. Why would she think he'd like that shit lmao. Her little monologue about how shes with a great partner and life is so good is fucking hilarious when the next scene is greg looking at her like he wants her to just gtfo and leave him alone.
No. 507022
>>507019I just can't see that humbling them. I see them being one of them ones who lives well beyond their means, thinks they deserve everything they 'need'. Acting entitled to everything from everyone. Then declaring bankruptcy and resuming their old behaviour immediately.
I knew a couple with these two idiots mindset, and that's exactly what they did.
Although who knows? Maybe they
would learn if they lost everything. Stranger things have happened, I suppose.
No. 507040
>>506944I feel like the saddest thing of all in this was her "it really
does get better" moment. Talking about being more comfortable in her skin and having a super-duper supportive husband.
Like she truly believes things are looking up and moving to this new house is going to be a positive change for them. Somewhere in her deluded, idiot mind she's convinced herself that her gay husband being forced to pay her attention because there's nowhere for him to escape is going to be a good thing.
This is a gasoline fire waiting to happen and she's blissfully ignorant. I
almost feel sorry for her, but she's made her own filthy bed.
No. 507046
>>506435Can we stop it with the LGH? Either type the whole thing or don't bother.
Greg is a fagg0t
No. 507052
>>507046Is this really a post in this thread, kek. Like who shit in your cereal
>>506951I noticed this too. It’s kind of subtle but the second the kid screamed she looked away from the camera and just had a “really bitch” look in her eye. It’s only her second video in the new house, kek. And it’s already not working out. The funniest part is that with Lainey she doesn’t really care all that much about the kids making noises and their heads and arms showing. But imagine LGH trying to record a video. The guy literally says he takes 4 hours just cutting his own mistakes. Now he’ll have to cut every sound his child makes because he’s a fucking weirdo and wants everyone to forget he has kids.
Random tinfoil but what if LGH still edits her videos and has been the one purposely leaving the kids heads and voices in her videos in an attempt to make her look like a bad parent? Probably not, but I just thought of it. I mean they always appear in her videos and she used to care like he did, but suddenly she stopped. Either she’s not as weird as him when it comes to that or they are purposely being left in the videos. I just find it bizarre that on his channel he does everything he can to make sure no one knows they exist, but on her’s he doesn’t care that they are making appearances.
No. 507054
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>>506486She and Maya got out earlier enough not to suffer any noticeable damage.
Sam too. The difference with Sam might be that the romantic intentions weren't readily apparent like the others.
No. 507084
>>507065>greg forced her to wear a wedding dressSome of you friendly folk who visit our LameoDyke on YouNow should bring that up.
She HATES dresses and wearing a dress at that school dance was the WORST and ruined the whole night. How did she feel having to wear a wedding dress, was she stressed, did it ruin her whole wedding day?
No. 507091
>>507080OH LOL I've only seen her as a homely girl in high school so I was like damn.
I hope Maya is living a good life and never talks to Taylor again.
No. 507092
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Lainey has obviously always hated to wear dresses guys.
No. 507095
Interview with a patron who sent Lainey nudes>>507092She was never exceptionally attractive but she used to be really cute
What did Greg do to her?
The psychology behind what's going on with Lainey and her gender issues is interesting if nothing else
Lainey reminds me so much of this "transboy" I knew who was into lolita fashion with flowing locks one day and the next day she'd chopped it off and bleached it and was into being called a boy despite still having a boyfriend
Eventually she wanted a poly
Had another "transboy" in her poly, then pulled in another boy, then the original boyfriend got sick of it
Apparently now she's popped out two kids and from what I hear so who knows
And the kids always suffer with these people
No. 507096
>>507095 Interviews Amber About Sending Laineybot Nudes And We Talk How Onision Treats Patrons
Comments are worth checking out.
No. 507121
>>507096Around 8 minute mark is when Amber discusses she sent nudes to Lainey, hopeful to be poly. She states this is how pretty much everyone in their patron's want to be poly. It's like jumping on the bandwagon.
I know this is obvious to most, but good for it to be spoken by a patron. It essentially is a groupie fan club, not that we weren't aware, but the intent is pretty obvious now.
No. 507140
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Notice she doesn't just say "boys section" she has to qualify it as "little boys section"
Check the gut from that vid. No, I'm not "body shaming" or anything. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of her constantly saying "I'm so tiny and smol.." with a gut hanging over.
No. 507151
>>507140“btw guys I’m smol”
“this is WAY too big”
“Because I’m fucking massive”
Omission and Lainey really have size complexes. I never watch their videos and all I could pickup was disguised self compliments and general boringness. Autocorrect changed Onision to omission and I’m keeping that.
No. 507161
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>>506960He called himself a giant. That made lainey feel like a smol bean. Was that the compliment?
No. 507162
>>507161lol that's how she stood with her sister last time they filmed together. Slouched down. Lainey looks about 5'5, 5'6. Even from her cheerleading video she was bigger/taller.
She'd probably love being british having to wear school uniform, that's all this video reminded me of. So manly wearing a primary school uniform.
No. 507165
>>507162or just go to an American Charter/Private school.
She just likes that it makes her feel "boyish" even though as a girl I had to wear a tie and blazer at school yet still looked feminine… she has a very distorted idea of what looks masculine if she thinks what she's wearing makes her look like a "lil smol handsome boiii"
>>507092This is literally what I wanted to make as a response to her claiming in her suit try on video that she was "never really feminine".
No. 507198
>>507187Or if she never said she was anything at all and just dressed/acted however she wanted.
Maybe cause I’m an oldfag, but in my day assigning labels to yourself was not the cool thing to do. I have no idea why people insist on putting themselves in boxes of identity.
No. 507214
>>507207This bitch is almost as sneaky as her gay husband.
I think she just needed formalwear for court or whatever, and decided to make a vid out of it for "expenses." Now they can write off that pricy suit!
I'm surprised that they haven't made more videos with cleaning supplies, diapers, etc. to write it all off as "expenses" kek.
No. 507232
>>507216He looked like he was questioning just how far this was going to go. I wonder if she even told him she was seriously going to buy a suit for their prom, maybe he was under the impression she was joking and he'd just get a regular old fake prom shoot he could use to lure in more teenage fans with "look how I young I totally am! I could take you to prom!" But instead he had the sudden realization there was going to be videos of him dancing with whaout of context looks like a gay dude and it
triggered him. Gregs masculinity is at stake here, now he's gonna be pretending to be part of a gay couple dancing at prom!
I tell ya what if he wasn't Greg, really just any other non narcissistic guy I'd feel horrible for him for having to go through this. Nothing wrong with being trans (even tho she's a trender) but god it would suck for any other person to go through their wife suddenly transitioning and them stuck together to avoid backlash and for their kids sake. Really is a shame he's a douche he could get a lot more sympathy from this situation
Lainey's whole "you're a gay man!" Argument on stream from months ago was the first time in my life's I actually felt the need to defend LGH and god knows I don't want to feel like he deserves it agajn
No. 507238
>>507232I wonder if she’ll actually go all out for the video. She’s so plain and doesn’t ever do ANYTHING for any of her videos but sit there and do as minimal as possible. I mean she got the suit, but will she actually decorate her house like prom night or will it just be 2 of the most boring people sitting there in suits doing nothing. Maybe LGH will play his shitty music.
Honestly though if she does go all out and decorates the place for it, I can’t help but feel sorry for her because I know he’s going to be a cunt and even though she irritates the shit out of me thinking about anyone putting that much effort into something just to get their feelings hurt is a sad thing. I mean she’s obviously excited about it (though you can’t ever tell when she’s feeling any emotion but sadness) and he’s just like fed up with it.
No. 507243
>>507142I had a c-section in December, don't breastfeed (no extra calorie burning for weight loss) and my gut doesn't look like that. Plus I am in my late 20s compared to when Lainey popped out her kids. Sure, there are many factors that go in to how one's body looks postpartum, but it is obvious Lainey does not take care of herself and probably did not exercise during or after her pregnancies. Then again,Lainey seems too posh to sweat since it would require her to go without foundation or risk clogging her pores morethan they already are.
Would it REALLY kill her to do a few crunches if she is so insistent on stripping in so many videoes? Lainey baffles me because she is a walking, talking contradiction.
(blogposting) No. 507250
>>507243Kek, anon, even if she did exercise she’d still have a full face of makeup. This woman uses face masks over her foundation. That’s why her face is really bad.
I don’t think her stomach looks bad, I mean she did have 2 kids and everyone’s shaped differently. However, one thing I do find irritating is how lazy Lainey and her husband are. Lainey passes it off as “I’m a smol weak bean” when in reality she’s just out of shape and that’s not cute. My sister in law is the same size and height as Lainey and she struggles to pick up her 2 year old son. The kids probably never leave the house because if they took off running toward the road, neither of their parents would be able to catch them.
No. 507262
>>507234>and would ruin Lainey's stupid videoHe basically does this in any video shes stupid enough to feature him in.
Read the comments of any video she has Greg in, and her fans are pissed and begging her to stop collabing with him.
I love that, they dont want her to show him in her videos, the man shes married to.
No. 507267
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I'm not sure if this has been posted yet but I had a really good laugh over it.
You can't pay me to put up with your harassment but my pledgers pay me more each time I harass them.
No. 507268
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revenge of the twitter polls
No. 507270
>>507248I hope the comments will be alternating between
"You're a cute gay couple!"
"Gayest prom ever!"
… and nothing else. kek
No. 507278
>>5072682,225 votes
1.183 votes
Thats a huge difference in people voting. The two posts/polls were only a hour or so apart, so the ones who voted in the "ignore rude comments" should have voted in the "creepy following someone on Twitter" poll.
Ive always wondered how many actual fans he has. I cant use his YT subs numbers since thats old news, and I cant use his video views because some people view his videos just by happenstance, they see one of his vids in their recommends and just click, they arent always fans, they just happen to see the thumbnail or title and click.
I think his twitter polls and Patreon numbers is the way to figure it out.
If you are a fan, even a dollar is not going to kill you to shell out to prove your "fandom" Same with answering one of his Twitter polls.
So how many ACTUAL fans does he have? Whats your take? out of the 1,032 current Patrons he has now, you have to subtract the haters who have joined just to get the scoops and leak all his "exclusive secret club" material, then you have to subtract the fake sockpuppets that hes made to bump the numbers up.
So if you really filter everything down, he has maybe 800 real fans? Is that a legit conclusion?
No. 507282
>>507278kek, that sounds too generous to me but still a pathetic number of fans, especially for someone who was given every chance to get a much larger fan base thru collabs, sponsors, help from other YouTubers, etc… It's especially hilarious when you compare that number to let's say, Shane Dawson, someone who helped out Ogreg and basically made him. Shane gets on average 4 million plus views a day, 14k plus new subs, and that's just based on what his socialblade stats for youtube.
(I know talking about Shane is ot but I just hope LGH is lurking thru cause I know how butthurt he gets over any mention of Shane)
No. 507289
>>507121Like we all know it, but it's disturbing to hear it put so plainly, straight out of the horse's mouth.
His Patreon is like a a twisted raffle where troubled, lonely girls pay for the chance to fuck this deranged couple. But if you're not pretty enough or
too troubled, he will throw your ticket right back in your face and attempt to paint YOU as the creep. How do they sleep at night?
No. 507293
>>507096Did you guys catch the part in LGH's msg shaming her for sending the nudes where he tells her to fuck off for
being manipulative about suicide?
Oh the irony, coming from a grown man who trots out his "suicide attempt" story whenever he spergs out about hemorrhaging subscribers.
No. 507332
>>507282I just took a peek at the LGHSpeaks socialblade. This week has been a bad one for him. In the last 7 days alone he's lost around 1400 subs, he's lost almost 200 just today. For comparison, Shane has
gained 8300 subs today. Kek.
At this pace, he'll be whittled down to his few fans and his most fervent haters before we know it. His other channels are following suit, uhohbro is losing 8400 subs/month. Kind of poetic that it's losing in a month roughly what Shane is gaining in a day. That's got to grind his gears.
No. 507348
File: 1524087923286.png (189.11 KB, 1440x962, Screenshot_2018-04-18-14-38-36…)

>>507332Kek. Maybe he's been looking at that depressing Social Blade. Or maybe he finally fully moved into the Grease Swamp and the crushing weight of reality has hit him.
No. 507364
File: 1524088840074.jpg (775.47 KB, 1429x2001, Screenshot_2018-04-18-14-56-48…)

This is amazing.
No. 507393
>>507364I know this is a minor thing, but his profile pic bugs the shit out me. "The KIDS stick their tongues out in pics, I'll do that too and it'll be LIT!"
He's like the world's most embarrassing dad, without a hint of irony as he tries to relate to his kids in what he thinks is "teenspeak".
No. 507400
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>>507393Hes his own variation of the emo-dad meme
No. 507413
File: 1524094347528.webm (2.65 MB, 537x360, emo dad results.webm)
>>507393>>507400Hes not in the top tier of the search results, but Im rolling that hes part of the return.