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No. 322211
God fucking damn it, Billie. latest:
Cyr made a, accurate dis video which has been quite well received, where he describes Greg's ruthless pursuit of money. Of course, greg just HAD to respond with a video where he jumps around like a tard and calls Cyr a fag 1000x, and accuses Cyr's girlfriend of being a prostitute.
Oh, and Billie is back. Because she's a retard.
Beiber boy cover pic because this is how Grug actually sees himself.
Last thread
>>319776 No. 322221
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No. 322225
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Looks like it's new.
Old vid her hair is lighter blue and longer.
No. 322228
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New photo of Billie. Look at the poster behind her… I'm thinking "Death Note", am I wrong?
No. 322231
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fucking goddammit billie
No. 322234
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does this look like one of onision's bathrooms or is it just me?
sage in case off topic
No. 322237
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billie is absolutely there now.
which makes me wonder if she got to witness his cyr induced meltdown.
No. 322240
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>>322238Just a few pics for recap;
No. 322243
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>>322238>>322240>>322241And these tags from Ayalla would make more sense if they all kissed and made up.
No. 322245
>>322240Notice also how she said 'when those girlS broke your heart.
>>322234 You could just be right.
No. 322252
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Anyone catch Felix during his live stream? He reached a goal (dunno what goal) and removed his shirt and screamed "vegan body"
No. 322253
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>>322240Clone is not happy
No. 322256
>>322252He had a goal of 50 million subscribers, I think. Said he'd delete his channel if he got to that number.
And his burn of grug's playdoh body will only make greg feel smug about being acknowledged.
No. 322257
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Holy fucking shit Billie. What ever stopped Ayalla from giving her a good reasoning slap is beyond me
No. 322261
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Apparently Ayala or whatever is trying to find a sugar mama
These bitches only care about money and not their reputation or how they're treated lol. Fuck them both
No. 322262
>>322261Nah ill give ayalla a little credit that she wouldnt let someone continuously treat her like shit since she dumped SR who would obviously have benefited her since he is somewhat popular on youtube. Billie however is a lost cause. Hopefully billie isnt a moron and ruins her 5 year friendship over this shit thats not gonna last.
But yes both ayalla and billie just care about money. I just think ayalla has some standards where billie has none.
No. 322264
>>322260I think we have to acknowledge the core of his hatred which is his inferiority complex of other men. He hates his father, has no male friends anymore, used insults regarding money, homosexuality, parentage, and love life to attack Cyr. Jealous of Shane and many others. Puts up idiotic polls about height, dick size, and attractiveness. Craves female attention at all times. And of course, cant stand the thought of any of his harem being with other men. I mean, shit, he blew his lid over Billie "holding a mans hand", an action taken out of context.
Tl;dr he is insanely insecure about other men, especially youtubers
Hes pathetic
No. 322275
File: 1481412835282.jpg (35.54 KB, 245x245, loogui.jpg)

u know what? laineys the fucking idiot here. oblong is getting just what he wanted. two fuck puppets, one for babies and one who's barely legal.
billie is getting money and she gets to feel all high and mighty that shes obviously gergs favourite.
whats lainey getting? shes trapped in a house with 16 and 19 year old girls that gerg leers over. she has no real job or friends and shes trapped with the greaser until he ultimately leaves her for billie or some other replacement teen.
No. 322277
>>322275Lainey is getting money and a comfortable life where she can roll around like a potato and tweet teenage girls all day. She doesnt have to take care of her kids (nanny) or work (just suck onions dick all day is her job). Some people just look like they have sex for money and some people actually do that. Both apply to Lainey.
Why do you think she embraced the threesome thing? Onion was going to leave her so now shes trying to be the "cool bisexual wife" sitting around rating girls with him and telling him how gay she is so he will stick around because he gets to have shiny new toys with lainey bringing them in.
No. 322279
Who else thinks this shit is fake as hell? So convenient they break up and get back together just like that. Have we not just listened to Cyr tell us that onionboy will fake anything for money? and is billie not clearly just as money hungry?
thats my take on it. we have another month TOPS before the next "MUH TRINITY BROKE" video.
>>322276Sarah doesn't have to go to school or work and she also has the benefit of not being married to gerg. They took advantage of her and abducted her into the grease house, being so young and dumb, but at least she can leave when she snaps out of her phase.
No. 322281
>>322279>>322280I wouldn't be surprised if they start trying to bring her into the sex cult after she hits 17/is almost 18
I mean, it worked with Lainey so why wouldn't he try again?
No. 322283
>>322281That's exactly whats going to happen. Fake or real, it fits perfectly into the narc sitcom gerg wants his life to be.
Sarah will hit maybe 17 and a half, drama will be thin, and then the cryptic tweets start.
If shes still there by 18, I have no doubts she'll have stupid looking hair and makeup and she'll be directly on the oil slicks lap.
No. 322285
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Oh Billie.
No. 322294
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No. 322295
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Possibly not related, but interesting if it is
No. 322298
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I don't know about you but I consider this number of dislikes almost a miracle.
No. 322300
>>322295How would she risk everything if it was about billie/onion. Is it cause onion would try to ruin her? At this point most people think onion is ridiculous, so if she wants to call him out on shit, this is a perfect time. If this is even related to billie.
Also it seems funny how billie's bangs are brushed to the side. Were the purposefully trying to confuse people into not knowing if this video was new or old? She has never styled her hair like that in any picture. She always has her bangs normal and not to the side since she cut it. But in that video it was like they purposefully wanted to make it look like it could be an old video.
No. 322301
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>>322298and this one too.
sage cuz this is kinda old news.
No. 322310
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No. 322314
>>322308nah, anon. don't think too highly of billie, you will just get your hopes crushed (like most anons did when she came back to greg, which was honestly predictable). Billie has never shown to be a "good person" by any means. Read her thread- she seems to be interested in herself and herself only. I'm sure she doesn't even ~love~ Greg, she loves the e-fame he can provide, plus the idea of having money and not having to do a fucking thing to get it (i mean, besides fucking his grease body). Until proven otherwise, she's a nasty blue haired bimbo trying to ride the grease dick. Maybe, just maybe, you are right about her trying to make Lainey leave, but only if that would benefit her.
No. 322316
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On a positive note.
No. 322325
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>>322322oh anon… that would be a dream. It would be hilarious. But tbh I'd feel a little grossed out. I hope your prediction is correct and that we get a baby soon. Greg's mess is so dirty I can barely read it without feeling disgusted enough to think about dropping his drama forever.
>>322323I'm pretty sure that Billie doesn't care about herself that much anymore to bother with BC. She went back to the onion house after all the humiliation she went through with greg and lainey in the public eye. She wants that d now and will do whatever she can to avoid being kicked out.
No. 322327
>>322323Pretty sure Onion is against birth control, so it wouldn't have mattered.
I do hope Billie is on BC tho, even though since she's dumb enough to go back to them I kinda also hope she's just coming back to them to give them a Christmas miracle.
No. 322332
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That luxymoo girl keeps angry tweeting and retweeted someone saying its the worst day ever so im 100% sure its about billie and lainey. Guess lainey did stop talking to her because of bilbo.
No. 322335
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Sounds like she couldnt move her whole life for lainey so lainey ditched her completely because that was oh so horrible of her.
No. 322338
>>322337I'm sure she didn't know that and was sippin the agender space prince kool-aid.
luxymoo was too old for them anyway.
No. 322339
>>322338>>322337Well she was also a greg fan. She liked his tweets all the time and enforced his bullying of eugenia, so she was pretty garbage and up their ally. But yeah she is 21. Too old for gergums and lainey but also she should fucking know better at 21.
But from her tweets she says circumstances on her part made it not work out. I think that means she wasn't dumb enough to drop everything to immediately visit lainey. But from her perspective, lainey was probably ultra flirting with her until a few days ago, then billie is back in the picture like two days later. lol. Like obviously she flirts with every girl simultaneously and gives zero fucks about anyone.
No. 322348
>>322253it's kind of kekworthy that, despite being in the video, sarah wasn't important enough to be in the title. also it sickens me that he totally knows what he's doing when he uses titles like "billie & onision go to war".
all his little fans keep squawking about how it's obviously an old video but none of them seem to care that it's fucking weird to make money off a relationship he claimed was toxic and over.
No. 322353
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No. 322354
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I didn't wanna post this at the time because I didn't want to tinfoil hat but I guess this is about Billie. I had so much hope fs.
Sage for no new news
No. 322356
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>>322354Samefag but then this the day after. It genuinely sounds like it's been a joint effort in beating her down until she's given in to returning.
No. 322364
>>322328While he was with Skye, Greg actually thought he was infertile so I assume they didn't use condoms. It wasn't until he dated Shiloh did he realise he wasn't shooting blanks since she ended up pregnant a few times. There's even a video of him taking a fertility test (because he didn't believe he got Shiloh pregnant during one of their "breaks") and was surprised the results came up positive. Another video exists of him sperging out over said positive pregnancy test.
Perhaps Greg and Skye were just incompatible or something? Who knows.
No. 322365
>>322354That means he argued with them until he agreed with them otherwise he wouldnt think it was progress. He prob kept posting/talking about billie in order to get her to talk to them so he could "argue" her back with them. Also didnt help that lainey is fucking stupid and pining after billie bob. Like ????
Yeah from the tweet timeline it seems like on the 6th they were made up for sure.
This also explains why he deleted the post about billie.
No. 322368
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don't forget she was still friends with onion back in november
No. 322369
>>322332She should be thankful that she won't be caught up in this mess.
>>322356I agree. No doubt in my mind they're working together to manipulate Billie because they're both so unhappy with their lives.
No. 322374
>>322366Well there's always that love-child conspiracy going on so who really knows…
Of course, Onion neither confirmed nor denied those rumors, and we've been talking about this in multiple threads; threads that HE'S been lurking in.
No. 322375
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>>322373Billie was doing it with him, too. They're shitheads for ganging up on her like that.
No. 322391
>>322390sarahbear8500 * fuck typo soz.
saged for illiteracy
No. 322394
>>322332So after Billie left, Lainey was talking to Hayley AND Billie and got back together with Lainey, snubbing Hayley aside.
Looks like Lainey's fuccboi transformation is complete.
Hopefully, Hayley gives up on Lainey after this. There are way cuter girls in this world.
No. 322395
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>>322390>>322388>>322386It's kind of sad to see Sarah there, quietly accepting the abuse. Honestly, given her past interactions with Lamo and the vibe her posts on tumblr give, I legit think she has some kind of one-sided infatuation/love towards Lamo. Greg's abuse and Lainey keeping her in a "friendzone" of sorts, is probably what is pushing her to obsess so heavily on losing weight. This girl is on the road to becoming majorly fucked up, which is sad, because she often seems the most real/likable in his shitty group vids.
Pic is one of her tumblr posts. I swear everyone in Gerg's life is suffering from varying degrees of Stockholm syndrome.
No. 322396
>>322375Greg's probably doing it to isolate Lainey.
Billie's probably doing it because Sarah has feelings for Lainey.
No. 322397
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But if we are going to judge Sarah's tumblr posts, looks like she has feelings for Onion here
No. 322401
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I guess even his fans are sick of it
No. 322402
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Plainey has started the whine engines
No. 322403
all I see is shade that could be pointed towards Greg or Cyr regarding their recent drama
No. 322408
>>322210For a 30-odd year old, he really does.
It's almost like watching water melt a witch.
Maybe it's his brow or something.
No. 322414
>>322410Thanks, I didn't realize it was that video.
I can't believe he tears into Sarah so much. At this point, he doesn't even pretend to just be joking around. It's so awkward.
No. 322416
>>322415I feel like he just assumed he was when skye never got pregnant but a lot could explain that. Stress for one makes it extremely hard to get pregnate, and we know he put her under so much stress she suffered PTSD symptoms. Some women also just have a hard time convincing.
He obviously never went to a doctor about it cause we know how he is with doctors and obviously would have pitched a fit when he told him he wasn't actually infertile.
He could also just have a low sperm count.
No. 322419
>>322332I don't know why she's so upset, she's dodged a bullet.
Billie on the other hand makes me sick, I rooted for her and all she did was prostitute herself back out to an abusive, disgusting manchild who publically humiliated her.
Calling Dasha a "prostitute" was probably him projecting again, because he actually has a real prostitute staying with them again, and Ayalla can fuck off as well, having a "sugar daddy" or "sugar mommy" is the WORST thing to be advertising out to teenage fans… they're essentially trying to make prostitution sound glamourous… fucking GROSS.
I'm done with the lot of them, I said I would be leaving here once Billie got back with them; this is basically to take care of my own mental health; Grease is extremely
triggering and I can't tolerate it any more, I was only holding out on the hope that he was about to crash and burn by new year.
I'll miss talking to you guys, but whatever; godspeed y'all.
No. 322420
>>322417I agree with you 100%, anon. I can see Billie true colors and they ain't blue.
She's smarter than she seems but not in a good way.
No. 322422
>>322419I wish people would stop referring to their relationship as anything but a toxic cesspool.
Their relationship is far more controlling and manipulative than a sugar daddy relationship.
They don't have the boundaries set for it to be polyamory.
It's an abusive gross mess. That's all we need to call it.
No. 322424
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No. 322427
>>322423Out of all this mess the Sarah thing actually makes me angry. Her parents should be strung up by their thumbs.
As for Billie, well, she's made her bed and I guess she's literally going to lie in it.
Also, those "freckles" in her latest pictures look fucking stupid. She looks like an inbred hick.
No. 322431
>>322429Honestly, I'm starting to think that he never really fought with billie and that all that drama was fake. seriously, i cant understand why this blue asshole would go back so easily like that. this shit has to be fake. that or she's really the biggest $lut onion has ever had the pleasure to meet.
a diff anon earlier today abandoned the ship and i guess i will probably do the same soon. i keep saying that but billie's return just proves i really should. fucking greg is a monster and a manipulator who always gets away with everything and he won't stop until he's dead. not even old age can stop this moron. he'd still do his thing dripping in botox.
No. 322437
>>322431>>322419After seeing billie dumbshit come back it also made me want to abandon watching this train wreck. Onion is just so much like Trump and watching both Trump and Onion get away with all their shit at the same time is frustrating. At this point i cant care less about billie, lainey, sarah or any of them involved getting fucked over by onion. They know fully well what hes like and they still bow down at his feet. What garbage.
I had some hope in billie, but not anymore so she deserves the dumb shit shes gonna get. I wonder if Ayalla thinks bilbo is crazy for going back. She should know that if billie talks about her with onion, her own personal life is gonna be spread as well whether shes there or not lol.
No. 322442
>>322439What is it? What did you see?
sage for weirdness
No. 322445
>>322441yeah, check her thread.
she dated a guy who sodomized a minor and later killed himself. someone called her out on it on an instagram post and she replied "so, what bitch?"
No. 322451
>>322448*Now I ain't saying she a gold digger
But she ~~ain't messing with no broke niggas~~ hanging out with Omission so….*
No. 322452
I get that people are upset that Billie got back together with Lainey and Greg, as I am too (and I'm intrigued at the milk Hayley is sprinkling over Lainey playing her for Billie)
but it's funny how before she was an ugly troll who wore too much highlight
and then once Ayalla got her out of there, she was suddenly easier to deal with and "cuter"
and now she's an "ugly, dumb gold-digging slut".
And I can't have been the only one to notice that, right?
>>322261Put down your pitchforks, I'm pretty sure this was a joke (or some thinly veiled shade thrown at Billie, considering the shit Ayalla got dumped on her just to get Billie out of there. I wouldn't be surprised if Ayalla is just done with this shit completely)
Billie's a moron, but I don't think she came back for money
(Sarah had been talking about learning how to edit for a while, so it's safe to say that not only is she the nanny while Selena's away at college but she also took over as editor/other person who runs Greg's social media after Billie left, so Billie doesn't have any jobs to do to get back that easy 2k a month)
Maybe she actually came back because she was dumb enough to catch feelings for those two or atleast Lainey because she was done as fuck when Gurk demanded that she let go of Ayalla.
Either way, I'm hoping when she leaves again, she takes Sarah and/or Lainey's stupid ass with her.
sage bc accidental blog post (didn't want to samefag all over the thread)
No. 322456
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Noticed that this fake account tweeted at onion at how they ~saved~ them. Their account is nothing but continuous spam
No. 322458
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>>322456Samefag. Didn't see this tweet literally right below it
No. 322460
>>322452Nah, I'm one of the few anons who always thought she was a dumb slut, even when Ayalla "rescued" her (I don't think she did, i just think they didn't have another option but leave)
In that old onion video of Ayalla, grease, Bilbo and Sarah you can pretty much see who they are: Ayalla, an attention whore; Grease, the old grease; Bilbo, a nasty fuck always with her hands all over grease, and Sarah a boring wallflower.
Also, i don't think Sarah is the nanny. Did they ever imply that? Or do people think she is the nanny because she said she had a job?
No. 322461
>>322405I noticed that the video was getting dislike-bombed and I'm surprised to see a good portion of the negative comments are from Freyja's (itsBlackFriday) fans, saying that Richie's being an asshole and taking her video out of context and I went to check out her video and she was, in fact, agreeing with Richie on the topic (that everyone should just stfu and let Eugenia live)
I get that Richie, as an actual friend of Eugenia, probably felt like he had a stronger platform to stand on but that's in poor taste (not like he wasn't always an asshole though, he only became likable because he hates Onision lol)
No. 322466
>>322457more like
>be as mean as you want, just don't act like a hypocrite but nice try.
also, lrn2sage.
>>322459I'm not sure, but if buying followers is a thing, buying tweets could be.
>>322460>Nah, I'm one of the few anons who always thought she was a dumb slutWell, thanks for being consistent.
>i don't think Sarah is the nanny. Did they ever imply that? Or do people think she is the nanny because she said she had a job?someone in one of the previous thread implied it and it makes the most sense because one) if Sarah's doing online schooling, then what the hell is she doing over there? Just lazing around and doing nothing like Lainey?; two) Selena's been back in New Mexico and Greg has to be bring everyone in his life into the public eye, so I figured if there was a new nanny she'd be mentioned or shown by now.
No. 322471
>>322462I can't force myself to watch it, I already watched the ur gf is a Russian prostitute video.
Anyone wants to tell us what he said?
Btw, the comment section is already filled with Gregs asshole lickers…
No. 322476
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>>322462Paused the video at this point and I didn't bother continuing. This sums up omission pretty well.
No. 322477
>>322462So now that he's done sperging out he's made another video going at Cyr? Only three more to go!
>>322468And the dumping is a control tactic anyway.
>YOU'RE NOT DOING WHAT I WANT WE'RE OVER!>they apologize or change - HA YOU THOUGHT I'D DUMP YOU NO I LOVE YOU>they realize he's a POS and move on - YEAH I DUMPED THEM THEY'RE SLUTS No. 322480
File: 1481491531706.png (96.35 KB, 750x812, IMG_0387.PNG)

I can imagine Onision running around his house at this point in time, screaming insults to himself at cyr
No. 322481
>>322461hey guys Cyr made a video two days ago. This video got more viewed than any video he's made in the last month. If you actually look at his most viewed videos ever, there i am, there i am, there i am, there i am, there I am. He knows that when I'm involved in his videos, tends to get more views so course he's going to make a video about me, but let's go to his other channel and you'll see again is most viewed videos ever. There i am, there I am, there i am, there i am, there i am, there I am, there I am and now let's go check out what a huge impact series had a my channel in my success let's see where is Cyr on my most viewed videos.
hmm yeah he is nowhere to be found because i was actually his friend because I liked him and obviously he didn't actually bring me success. That's the difference between someone being real and someone being fake. He collaborated with me for personal gain, as many of you know I dumped thousands of dollars into him on housing him, paying for his flights, giving him recording equipment some of which has been key to his success and the only thing I can ever remember Cyr getting me is a christmas gift one time. Out of the eight years that we've been friends, he gave me a Christmas gift once. It was a blu-ray.
So you have a friend that dumps thousands of dollars into another friend who brings that other friend tons of views with their collaborations and the other friend dumps almost no money into the other friend and doesn't bring them views. Gee wizz it's pretty easy to spot the person who's there because they actually like the person and because they're genuine human being or the other person who's only there for their personal gain and guess what i have terminated the friendship with this individual many times. He has never broken up our friendship.
Now why did i break up our friendship this most recent time. Well initially i unfollowed him because of a political difference and then he said some really nasty things when i unfollowed him because of a political difference. So i straight-up blocked him. people say the friendship was terminated because of a political difference actually was a huge number of things again Cyr leeching off me repeatedly and giving almost nothing back. I don't remember a single time the dude ever paid for a single meal. Meanwhile i paid for almost every single time we went out to a restaurant or even ate at home. secondly all the other expenses which amounted to tens of thousands of dollars for very little thanks i got for the things I did for him especially when it came to me texting him and him not text me back.
he in general was a really terrible friend and he was only around when he needed something, not when he actually wanted to hang out with me. no one can argue I have done a crap load for this guy. I gave him one of his first collaboration opportunities which led to him getting tens if not hundreds of thousands of subscribers and now because I dumped him as a friend he has the following to say about me "he claims his channel Onision is all comedy but uses that as leverage to exploit the fact that the average viewer can tell the difference between his fake drama and his real drama" No some of its real.
The Onision Channel used to be my only channel so it actually encompassed everything and Cyr definitely knows this, considering he's been around for so long. so that wasn't very honest was it. all you have to do is go to my channel select date added oldest and you see onisions memories there, that's not a comedy video. How to take surreal photos of yourself, not a comedy video. Suicide: never, not a comedy video. the list goes on and on of course he doesn't acknowledge this fact cause he is sooo still honest.
this is actually accurate, the re:re I betrayed my wife and re:re:re I betrayed my wife those were in fact fake and you know how you know they're fake because I literally put the videos in the comedy section, so it's not even about Onision being a comedy channel, its the literal individual videos are put in the comedy section. literally both videos that he's talking about. if you look them up right now they are as they were when they were published in the comedy section. It's not my fault your stupid. convenient they look so similar is no way of knowing it's real til you click on the video. he's saying that sneaky actually it's hilarious. in fact you know you just ironically attacked jacksFilms because jack has done exactly the same thing you're criticizing and even more awkwardly, oh my god Cyr you've done the same thing too. looks pretty dramatic but in fact it's a joke isn't it. Or how about one month ago you post the video thumbnail be looking angry you say I'm done stop asking me this, or how about doing exactly the same thing I did yourself even using my face as your thumbnail of me looking dramatic.
congratulations on your 334,000 views you hypocrite. why because dramas more profitable when everyone is going through your videos trying to find out what's real and what isn't. Is that even a diss, that's awesome it's a beautiful thing confusing a bunch of people keeps them on their toes. I like that a whole lot more than being boring it's almost like i'm being insulted for being an effective marketer. that's just odd to me especially coming from a guy whose sole job is YouTube but rarely uploads videos what the hell is wrong with you know what happens we don't consistently show up to work? You get fired and yet people are supposed to look at you with respect and [Plays cyrs video] "by the freshest I mean the youngest if it happens in my life than I have it's on my camera it it happens on my camera that happens in my wallet" [Back to onion] Ok you got two things. one fuck you for using footage of my ex-girlfriend crying and two, when my girlfriend told me to upload that footage of her crying you were still my friend and you didn't express a single problem with that going on.
No. 322485
>>322481 What a sad tantrum. Not one indication that he ever even liked Cyr as a person.
>>322480I hope he actually does this. It'll blow onion's claim that cyr's only saying this for the views way out of the water. And bug the hell out of onion.
No. 322487
File: 1481492459151.png (2.93 MB, 1920x1080, okthen.png)

>>322462Lmao, he says all the videos with him in it got more views. But in the screenshot most videos w out him have more views than the ones where he appears.
No. 322490
File: 1481492895149.jpg (60.05 KB, 540x766, IMG_20161211_134508.jpg)

At least it looks like she's already left.
No. 322491
>>322481three, don't act like you don't have exactly the same job as I do. [Plays Cyrs video again] " if it happens on my camera then it happens in my wallet" [Back to onion] If you attract attention you profit you're pretending like you're some kind of white knight hero when in fact you're like me only a less successful version.
[Cyrs Video] "no friends because i'm too busy drawing how I fucked up every relationship by taking what i love and then by taking a shit"[Back to onion] Ok you say I screwed up every relationship yet again the people you're talking about I dumped. they screwed up, i dumped them and you kept your mouth shut till now Cyr because i hadn't kicked you out of my life yet, but here we are I kicked you out of my life so of course now you say something about it because you have nothing to exploit for me anymore so you're finally gonna open up with your true feelings as being fake offers you no more insensitive. [Cyes Video " falling in love and falling and loving and falling in love than having a kid then adding a third girl then ditching my wife" ] [Back to greg] Yo the ditching my wife thing, maybe that was an editing error you actually meant my first wife. Who I again broke up with. but your bad editing made my current wife very pissed off at you Cyr, she was actually ranting about what a douchebag you are for coming in my house eating our food acting all nice and shit to my wife and then after meeting these people acting nice around these people accepting our gifts, you go out there and you shit on us. why because I dumped you for being shitty person.
yet people give you 17 thousand likes on your video, people not know how to do the math. you've done pretty much no significant good for me. in fact you've likely done more financial damage than you've ever done me good. a lot of my videos that you're in probably would have done better if i was in them alone i proved that by showing my most popular videos. As far as emotionally and mentallylook how things turned out, I dumped your ass because you were obviously this entire time just the leech who wasn't very good for me. seriously though Laineybot my beautiful wife now thinks that you're a piece of shit that says a lot considering besides you and me she has the most information on our friendship.
[Cyrs video " part 1 part 2 part three and part four, once you make money always want to make more. but I'm insane and only my wife can stand me."] [Back to Greg] ok he keeps pointing out that i make dramatic videos which get a lot of views and he's clearly upset about me having a tesla car, let me show you guys something. my most popular 18 videos, how many of them are revolving around my life drama. let's see, hmm, damn it, fuck. Ah shit that none of them do none of them none of them none wow what. I just destroyed what he said about me didn't it. well shit, back to the drawing board Cyr. looks like i'm actually successful because the most successful videos I've made aren't dramatic but rather just grab people's attention and oftentimes keep that attention so now you just have to accept the fact i've proven right in front of you just now that I'm successful because i actually earned it. but of course dishonest people like you Cyr would like to assume it's for other reasons rather than doing any research on it.
[Cyrs video " I'll do what it takes to be as rich as I can be so this week on youtube I think i'll fuck bambi then dress up as Bambi then go fuck a tranny. My lifes likes a bad hand"] [Back to Greg] I'll all go Eef a tranny… I'm not sure that you're talking about there. my wife's a gender which is part of the trans community so did you just call my wife a tranny? yeah this is part of why I'm not your friend anymore. then he says enjoy these charming thumbnails as if there's something wrong with them. a lot of those pictures are directly from my forums Onision.XYZ a lot of my viewers submit photos of themselves regarding their body image, how their faces look, etc and I give them my honest perspective based on their appearance. to basically combat any body dysmorphia etc and generally better connect with my audience. so again i'm not sure what his point was there.
regardless cyr still a friend that I dumped still a person i consider a very shitty friend, my wife considers a very shitty person and Cyr, piece of advice. if you're trying to shit all over someone for starting drama maybe you shouldn't do exactly that, while criticizing it. just a little common fucking sense. regardless if you want to check out some of my other awesome videos just click on one of these thumbnails. I work very hard every day so I think I earned a click maybe not, maybe fuck me right. it's okay have a wonderful day
No. 322497
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No. 322501
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this is so depressing
No. 322509
File: 1481496328661.png (266.5 KB, 387x548, image.png)

Sexy veg body Gurg.
No. 322510
File: 1481496374661.png (221.6 KB, 334x518, image.png)

THIS. IS . MY. BODEEEH!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 322519
File: 1481496999818.jpg (39.28 KB, 702x526, gOOTr5u.jpg)

>Lainey is pregnant again
>Billie gets knocked up as well
>Photos of both of them making out with their pregnancy bellies showing plastered all over social media
>Omission declares he's merely the sperm donor, not a father
>Refuses all further responsibility
>Stepford smiles everywhere
No. 322523
File: 1481497581279.png (17.19 KB, 215x79, uuuum.png)

I don't know if I like this idea…
No. 322529
>>322525yes because I'm liking every comment that's opposed to onion right now since gargoyel's fans are flocking to Cyr's video.
>>322519but what will they do with all these kids? it's harder to ignore them when they're so many.
No. 322530
>>322523Cyr and SR would be a terrible fucking colab. Just no, no.
They can agree they hate onion, but they don't need to double team it.
No. 322534
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I've seen the future and it haunts me
No. 322537
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>>322519There's a chance this could happen. Dear fucking lord.
No. 322546
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>>322458Here's another. There were a few tweets between the two but the girl posted first and the fake account then posted.
No. 322549
>>322510Is this in a fucking child's park ?
Like those poor kids that see this middle aged man frolicking around in his skiddies ..
Couldn't he get in trouble or marked as a pedo if reported for indecency in front of children ? I've heard of people getting registered as a pedo from indecency in front of kids. Or does he actually have to be full nude for that ?
No. 322552
File: 1481501785515.png (813.15 KB, 1052x537, 4554.png)

Billie posted a video of her dying her hair navy blue. The first bit was clearly made when she dyed it, but the last bit where she talks about it she's at Greg's on that nasty greasy leather couch that I'm sure is where they boned on.
Also her extensions look awful.
Sage because Billie in Onion thread
No. 322553
>>322550AH, thanks.
I didn't watch the video so I had no idea.
No. 322557
>>322552This is freshly dyed ?? I can see a large clump of hair she missed in the back of her head.
Shit job and shit extensions be making her look like the cheap hooker Greg was singing about.
No. 322568
>>322567Is he really asking for money lol
>>322552Ew her "freshly" dyed hair is awful. She missed parts where you can see they're greenish yellow. Even if it was a week ago she dyed it it should not have faded this fast. Her extensions are not blended in ether and look like ones you can pick up at sallys.
No. 322569
>>322568from the video description:
"If you want to send me to therapy so I can work out my issues, please. Some of the fund will go to therapy, some of them. The rest will go to whatever else, but I will get therapy."
No. 322572
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No. 322574
>>322509fucking disgusting
billie's definitely after his money. there's no way she's in it for that bod alone
No. 322577
File: 1481504600393.png (83.82 KB, 1190x324, Screen Shot 2016-12-11 at 7.02…)

Wonder what this is about.
Man, she really loves Billie until she's actually there.
No. 322578
>>322572We already knew you didnt dump ayalla. people are bashing you for coming back to onion after all the shit that happened??
Idk to me it seems like Ayalla has some principles. When she dumped SR, she dumped him for good. She remained friends with him yeah, but when he kept lying to her, she stopped being friends with him because she didnt like people lying to her. And shes never gotten back together with him and she isn't his friend now. Even though being his friend or gf would give her more views and he could professionally edit her videos for her. So i think ayalla is an attention whore yeah, but she isnt going to let someone walk all over her.
So i dont know how ayalla watches the billie train wreck without strangling her. I see zero sense in billie going back. What is she gonna get out of being with a married couple with kids other than money??
No. 322580
>>322577Damn, already?
Wonder if Grug finally fucked Sarah.
No. 322582
File: 1481504829540.jpg (499.78 KB, 1020x1441, IMG_0400.JPG)

Spent waaaaay too long on this
Ft. Cyr as Darth Vader, and a very shitty Billiegoat crop
No. 322596
>>322570Anon. Sarah is already in plain mode, he likes to take someone that appears to be confident and strip them bare.
I'm sure Sarah annoys him because he can't tell her not to wear make up and to not dress like a slut…she's got that covered.
She will never be his child bride.
No. 322602
File: 1481506221066.gif (2.66 MB, 300x237, 1462935565077.gif)

>>322582Doing Gods work anon
No. 322604
That's the same damn look he gave whilst talking about the daycare situation in his job video a few threads back!
Onion hate Sarah and kids confirmed.
No. 322610
>>322607It's sad, because I don't think that there anything that anyone of authority can/will do. Really hope Sarah doesn't become the ultimate doormat like Billiebob and Lamo.
Sorry if it's been mentioned, but has Sarah dropped out of school? If so then I genuinely feel bad for her. Regurgitate is such a slimy scumbag I would not be surprised if he made her choose him over education
No. 322615
>>322605Not going to happen.
It's implied that she was kicked out by her father and that her mother allowed her to drop out and move to Washington and this all happened just after she just turned 16
this year.Mama don't care and neither does Papa.
She's up a creek without a paddle.
No. 322655
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>>322654He sure don't look at Lainey like that.
No. 322667
File: 1481531704581.png (268.89 KB, 578x272, what.png)

>>322665Nasty rash? Self harm?
No. 322672
>>322670I don't know anon. That would have to be fresh blood. Weird af if she's just casually cutting herself and letting to bleed while they film random vids.
I feel like it's fake. Whatever it is though, it definitely wasn't an accident that it is visible in the video. Anything for attention.
No. 322673
>>322670That does not look like she cut herself. If it was blood, she would have cleaned it. Why leave dried blood on her arm? But it doesnt even look like blood. Also its a really weird shape. Does just look like either paint or makeup that she left smeared on her arm for some reason? Like they obviously would have noticed that and cleaned it off.
Some people in the comments think its the lillie tattoo, but it doesnt look like anything to me lol. That'd be one shit tattoo.
No. 322674
>>322673I honestly thought it was a goddamn flower tattoo too when I watched it the first time until I set the video to a higher quality.
Speaking of the ridiculous tattoo Onion wanted her to get, anyone else find it kinda weird that he gave into her not listening to him so easily? We all know how fucking stubborn he is, and he seemed hellbent on her branding herself and cutting off contact with Ayalla. What changed?
No. 322681
File: 1481535802994.jpg (186.31 KB, 980x552, 140930103747-wagyu-oita-bungo-…)

>>322677He's incapable of love. He's just her current target.
>>322667Her arm looks like a piece of wagyu beef. Could be fake blood, could be a burn.
No. 322686
>>322532wow this is exactly how it would go down anon.
>>322571The email address he used in the video is legit one of his. In the previous thread he told some girl to email that and we all loled at him having a 'manager'
>>322681reminding me of the new abroadinjapan video
No. 322688
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"I'd never" Oh, I bet that's going to go over real well in the long run (again).
No. 322690
>>322688Can't tell if the "I'd never" is sarcastic or not. contextually, she does have a lot of tattoos.
If she got the tattoo imma fucking laugh. How gullible can you BE?
No. 322695
File: 1481549697151.jpg (40.78 KB, 1067x600, tdy_jackson_trump_161117.nbcne…)

Now that Billie’s back I’m starting to wonder how much of the drama between them was real. One would assume it was real because it benefited neither of them in terms of their public image. But it did benefit them in terms of views/money.
This is were I see another parallel to Trump. The fact that it’s so similar to what we see happening in american politics on a greater level is probably the reason for my current fascination with this mess. Grug creates so much drama, his scandals are so absurd that people start to think they’re fabricated. In the end nobody knows what’s real anymore, there are no facts only opinions.
While for Onions opponents it’s enough to make ONE single mistake (Cyr using the word tranny) Onion gets away with everything because he creates so much drama it’s impossible to keep up with it. He says something outrageous but then we’re immediately distracted by another scandal. It’s impossible to focus. Meanwhile Onion’s followers keep going on about the „tranny“ thing because there’s no other drama surrounding Cyr.
sage for sperging.
No. 322696
>>322667I could be horribly wrong but I have eczema caused by allergies and it looks like this when you scratch it aggressively (pretty easy to break the skin and bleed, it doesn't hurt and you don' notice).
If Billie is allergic to dairy like a lot of people with eczema, living in Greg's house would surely make it worse. I'd imagine his "vegetarian" diet consists mostly of cheese and bread.
No. 322698
>>322694You're absolutely right, anon. he stirs up little dramatic details so we will focus on unimportant things instead of focusing on the real drama, just like cyr explained.
forget about billie's arm, people.
No. 322704
File: 1481553569511.png (654.56 KB, 640x1136, christ.png)

Gergles wants his harem to wipe with baby wipes at all times, they have to smell like post-diaper changed babies just to turn him on.
Those also don't look like biodegradable/flushable baby wipes to me, they look like some kind of cheap off-brand… I can't wait until he starts whining that he's having to pay thousands of dollars in drain repairs because he's blocked up the wastewater/sewage pipes in his household.
Bonus points if all that (literal) shit backs up into their water system, there will be brown shower/bath water for all to enjoy.
No. 322706
>>322704there's no such thing as flushable wipes anyway. And they have a newborn baby and Troy might still be wearing diapers (is he? I hope not but I could see that). So… that comment is just plain weird
>>322696She's vegan, I doubt she would start eating cheese just because she stays with them. Greg thinks that it's great that she's vegan unlike Lainey, who was "too weak" to stay vegetarian (they fought about this on Twitter some time ago).
No. 322707
It looks like she's been using the inside of her forearm for blotting her lipstick on and didn't bother to wipe it off.
Bilbo not wiping it off benefits him all the same though, because people are making way more of a big deal of it than it actually is.
Since Cyr's video about him, I've put much more stock into what he's had to say about Greasecock's deception tactics towards his audience… especially considering he's spent more than a reasonable amount of time around the greasy fucker offline.
Onion is pretty good at ventriloquism and puppetry though, I'll give him that considering his little harem are all in on his bullshit and are sticking to his script… I bet they all each have their own "debit cards" that he's provided them with.
No. 322708
>>322706I wouldn't know whether "flushable wipes" exist or not, but he has alluded about not wanting to get sexual with the girls unless they completely wipe their assholes thoroughly; it was in a video that was posted in one of the more recent threads.
Also, when changing a baby, you wouldn't store baby wipes on top of a toilet's cistern that are way out of reach whilst changing the baby, they're within reach of people using them to wipe their own asses though.
No. 322712
>>322710I'm thinking it's for a number of reasons.
But possibly the main one is that he is very desperate to be seen as young, sexy, semi-available and into current trends like the cool kids (and is also into teenagers). So showing off his two babies on the internet will make them have a different perspective of him, instead of looking at him like any of the above; they'd see him more as a bland, aging and unexciting father-figure and it could be detrimental to his YT career seeing as the majority of his demographic are actually thirsty teenagers (that he also wants to fuck).
No. 322715
>>322692Don't be too hard on the anons who thought she had grown a spine and was gone for good, in hindsight; the very slight clues were always there but unnoticeable unless someone came forward with legit inside info. It's just as easy to say you're a bit of a knob because you didn't speak up about these subtle clues and warned anons whenever they were posted.
You're also pidgeon-holing and lumping anons into black-and-white boxes like hate/like or hypocrisy, I can guarantee you that more than 50 anons visit these threads on a regular and seldom basis; there were always anons here that hated her, there were always anons that liked her and there were always anons that were on the fence about her, we are not one collective anon here.
I'm just trying to say that although anons share the same feelings about Omission, you can't expect them to feel the same way about those who associate with him.
If anything, this now serves as a lesson that due to Gurg's nature (re: mental illnesses) he's able to control any situation with broken teenage girls because they're easy to manipulate and thus; we should all take whatever his young associates say with a grain of salt in future.
No. 322717
>>322714You should come join the incel thread in /snow instead. There's definitely more laughter and genuine disbelief to be had in there at least.
That's where I've migrated to anyway, I'm still around on lolcow as there are still some A+ threads to enjoy but I agree though, fake drama isn't as satisfying… it's just boring, the equivalent of watching daytime soap operas.
No. 322719
>>322654Cringy af. Know what, though? This just proves that extreme radfems are wrong when they say that objectifying women is bad.. and I'm a woman saying this.
Sage for shit blog posting.
No. 322723
>>322720You're really feeding into them, ain'tcha.
All of her tattoos are pretty intricate and well done, especially since her mom is a tattoo artist. Why get a sloppily done job when her own family can almost provide it for free or discounted?
If that's a Poké Ball it looks drawn on with eyeliner and filled in with the rest of the lipstick stain color.
Stop plz.
No. 322727
File: 1481561570140.png (200.34 KB, 1920x944, lane_boy.png)

Lainey created a new private Twitter account for her "mutuals". I'm going to tinhat for a bit here and say she created that just so she can talk shit on Billie with her friends that also hates her.
Sage for said tinhat.
No. 322729
>>322728Go to Lainey's main twitter account and you'll see her new tweet where she writes: >for my mutuals: feel free to follow my private account @lain_boy
Also, her and Billie are not following each other on Twitter. My suspicions are rising lmao.
No. 322731
>>322729Hahahaha, I'm wondering now if Ayalla's Tweet poll about "Does your SO have any say in who you talk to or associate with?" was actually in regards to Billie talking to Omission and not Lainey.
NO, bad anon… I'm not getting roped into this shit again, let me be free.
No. 322736
>>322712He wants to be a dad, just not his actual kids dad
There are so many young girls who call him daddy or dad on twitter, it makes me nauseous.
No. 322741
File: 1481562651884.jpg (107.47 KB, 960x540, dxo4MWF.jpg)

>>322732you left your icon in tho. :^)
>>322737>>322738and that's how you make sure she won't let anyone in. stop being obvious. fucking learn not to tip the cows off, you morons.
No. 322746
>>322735She's there for the "fun" and payroll, she probably gets built up by Lainey when Grease knocks her down.
She's fine.
No. 322748
>>322736No, he wants to be a "sugar daddy" and tries to fit the Tumblr stereotype of one by just wearing suits and swinging a belt around with no real purpose or thought.
Once you get over the empathy and care you feel for people, you understand how this shithead's mind works.
No. 322768
File: 1481572309542.gif (498.7 KB, 500x240, post-34175-YOU-ARE-A-TOY-gif-W…)

>>322732>>>"Lain_boy"Holy shit Lainey you are a girl. You are a GIRL. Oh my GOD.
No. 322774
>>322765I haven't been paying attention to the timeline of the thread these past few days but anons here have asserted that Billie has already left?
What if the "my heart is full" tweet is referencing her leaving lol
No. 322776
>>322490 was posted 1 day ago o on her "back up" IG sort of implying she's back home. But gouing by her other uploads she was only there for less than a week, and Laiey made that tweet on the 7th, so probably around the time Billie was just getting there.
No. 322779
File: 1481578457626.png (2.78 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_9529.PNG)

>>322770Lain might turn into a furfag too kek
No. 322791
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>>322789ughhhhhhhh is right. He's riding high on his own farts right now, BillieBlob coming back has delighted him
No. 322794
>>322789Hi Greg! Good to know that you're following us.
If you really want us to freak out, why don't you show us your kids in your next video? :)
No. 322796
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No. 322798
File: 1481583256030.png (476.56 KB, 766x467, Screen Shot 2016-12-12 at 2.53…)

The new doormat: "god Sarah just tell him he's right, he's smiling right now, don't fuck it up"
No. 322799
>>322797I wasn't implying you were. I was addressing Greg since in the video he talks about sitting apart from Billie because it freaks the internet out.
Calm the fuck down and read slowly. That aggression is bad for your blood pressure.
No. 322808
>>322806It says "animals are beautiful".
So yeah, its a cow and rabbit etc
No. 322810
>>322808Okay, I didn't see the video and the letters are blurry in the pic. I was gonna start tinhatting hard.
Saged for mild retarding.
No. 322811
>>322809I think it's those stupid neck collar zip shirts he loves so much.
He's always wearing them and they're the gayest shirts I've ever seen.
No. 322853
>>322845>>322826I think it's the opposite. I think Lainey is allowed to wear makeup because Gerg doesn't give two shits about her or what she does, not even enough to defeminize her like he did with some of his other exes.
Lainey hasn't been in ANY of his most recent videos since Billie returned. I bet she could have just taken the kids and walked out the front door and he wouldn't even notice or care, too busy making googly eyes at Blob.
No. 322862
>>322789Billie looks like utter shit. Like I get wearing no makeup, but she doesnt even brush or fix her hair in his videos. She looks so put together in her own videos and all her instagram pics. Then in onion's videos she looks like they picked her off the street. Makes zero sense.
Also I'm getting why lainey wants sarah around. Shes the only one who talks back to gerg. I hate them all, but i love that sarah made the vegetarian body comment haha.
Also jeezes christ it looks like a dad and his daughters playing video games together. Sarah is half his age.
No. 322866
>>322838it's normal to put a kid that young under when filling cavities tho
would you want to work on a squirmy little shit and risk a lawsuit because you accidentally hurt them?
No. 322870
>>322869of course he shouldn't and it absolutely is bad fucking parenting
i'm just pointing out that's standard practice and not as big a deal as some people think it is. it's bad enough the poor kid has cavities, they're not gonna traumatize him more by making him sit there screaming while they try to fix his teeth.
No. 322872
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>>322490Nope, still there!
No. 322886
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Something I found interesting was the fact that Grease doesn't follow Plain's private account. Probably where she's going to go to talk about how he diddles Billie all day long while she takes care of their children and cries alone.
No. 322891
>>322887He's probably going to say it's okay and then he'll stew on it and put on blast all over social media and then Lainey will baww about her privacy and trust and how Greg broke up with her (but somehow he'll twist it so that he doesn't lose shit in the prenup)
I figure Billie won't be there because of how often they all fight and make up but if she is, I feel like she'll be upset about it and side with Greg if Lainey really goes in on how she really feels about Billie.
Lainey'll probably talk a lot of shit about people on that twitter: Greg, Sarah, Billie, maybe even her own family and Greg's family (although it shows that maybe his sisters aren't as crazy as he and their mom are), Selena, fuck she'll probably talk shit about Lizzie (plainclone) and Haylee (Luxymoo).
IMO, I feel like her personal twitter is now a thing because she has no one to bitch and share her feelings with on anything anymore, now that her only friend makes cringey videos with her husband and hangs out with her girlfriend (which must be so awkward for Sarah…to hang out with the current spouse and the current on and off girlfriend of your crush. Yikes.)
No. 322895
File: 1481625406373.gif (2.14 MB, 384x228, pkZxsp3.gif)

>>322861> same with making them cut their hairBillie just cut her hair recently
No. 322899
>>322898you give barf way too much credit. she's as dumb as a post and is nowhere near smart enough to come up with a cunning plan like that.
more likely its just one of greasenuts rules that she has to be makeup free when hes around.
No. 322906
File: 1481639960874.jpg (591.3 KB, 487x235, Rings.jpg)

>>322872Is it just me or does anyone else think that this ring looks really similar to the Lainey's?
And as
>>322880 pointed out, she hasn't been wearing any rings before.
No. 322912
>>322872the airplane picture must have been when was going there then.
rip billie
No. 322913
>>322909Oh so that's why her legs were cropped/censored from the camera in certain videos (though you can see some footage of them in the spider video) whenever she didn't wore pants?
Gertrude you jealous narc…
No. 322914
File: 1481642898642.png (1.19 MB, 1080x1080, trans.png)

Saged for tinhatting and potential reaching here, but..
Maybe Lainey really is a transman and this whole agender thing is sort of like a half step out of the closet for her? It's rare, but it is possible for a woman to transition to a man and still be sexually attracted to men, and women I guess. I guess she always felt it on the inside but when she met Greg, she was afraid of losing him if she ever transitioned into a complete man since he is heterosexual.
I mean, hey, maybe I'm wrong and she's just being an attentionwhore, but… can't help but feel that maybe deep down she really wants to be a man but can't for many reasons.
No. 322919
>>322914I can see where you would think that anon, but no.
Plainely is keeping up with the times, she frequently uses tumblr and the agender shit is all the rage. It brings in fans.
Both her and gurg do this shit, gurg is a pseudo feminist and wannabe vegan.
They don't have to prove any of it either, the children follow them blindly.
No. 322933
File: 1481657732076.png (130.97 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Hahaha Billie; prostitute confirmed.
No. 322938
>>322805No I don't. Next time sage when you attempt to derail the thread.
(To everyone else - sorry for taking the bait but it's fucking annoying when people think they know your opinion on everything based on one statement. Happens a lot among Onion-Fans)
No. 322942
>>322941Oops, sorry, I forgot we're not allowed to refute anything anyone says here or they get
No. 322945
File: 1481661548221.jpg (20.39 KB, 370x370, claddagh.jpg)

>>322872I might be reaching but it kind of looks like a Claddagh ring? The little bit at the top looks like the crown. The way she is wearing it implies engagement. But I don't think either Onion or Billie would be cultured enough to know what a Claddagh ring is, nevermind how to wear it.
No. 322948
>>322945Unfortunately I think you're reaching. I say that with tears in my eyes because I'd like to see Greg having two wives, lmao. How hilarious would that be. Milk would flow endlessly.
I guess Lainey will really never ever leave. How sad is that
No. 322950
>>322948I heard that it was possible to get around polygamy laws in America (you know since so many religious sects still practise it)? This might actually be more likely than we think.
I mean if he can't get rid of Lainey the next best thing is marrying another teen wife, right? Billie isn't getting any younger…another few years and he won't be attracted to her. Maybe that's why there's a sense of urgency.
No. 322959
>>322950>>322954>>322956I don't know why he'd waste his time trying to make Billie an official greasewife. It's a lot easier to manipulate everyone into an "unconventional living arrangement"
Plus I'm sure it gives Lainey a little pretend power trip. Like they're the only ones with a ~ring~ on their finger. As if that means anything
No. 322967
File: 1481665622656.jpeg (28.57 KB, 377x566, 23d1f4b28b33fe5d565d950ba37173…)

sage if it´s just me, but holy hell billie reminds me of sid with that overbite and the way she talks
No. 322970
>>322969I meant anon bitching about someone disagreeing with them.
Moving on, there has to be some way to peek into Laniey's private twitter. She hasn't posted anything since and onion nor billie follow. Luxymoo however does
No. 322975
but Haylee was pretty damn done with Lainey, once she unfollowed her and got back together with Billie.
I bet she's talking to Haylee, either to keep her as a side piece or something went wrong with Billie again and they're back "on".
No. 322984
File: 1481674957391.png (64.36 KB, 642x455, kalel.png)

A bit off topic but here is Grek trying to shove his cock in Kalel's mouth again like he did many months ago. Looks like even Billie isn't enough for him.
I think Grek is a nymphomaniac, now that I think about it.
No. 322986
File: 1481675504469.png (86.03 KB, 766x473, operationbreakbillie.PNG)

He's so transparent lmao now he's going after Christofer Drew on Twitter because he's Billie's idol
No. 322987
>>322984oh my god the milk that would come from these two dating would be so explosive.
No. 322991
>>322986whenever the women in his life like music by another man, he shits all over them.
With Lainey, it's Twenty One Pilots, Adam Lazzara, and Aaron Pauley from Of Mice and Men who he got into a fight with on twitter and was all "why do you still listen to their music if he hates me so much??? why don't you fight for me????????"
Now that Billie's back, I guess he's going after Christofer Drew. I feel like she's going to gnaw his face off for that, though, because she worships Christofer. And I guess Greg knew that too because why else would he put a period before the atreply? I just noticed that lol
>>322988I think he's been going after her since she was with Smosh Anthony? (take that with a grain of salt)
It's gross but not surprising. Depsite her age, Kalel is exactly his type: hot, nerdy, white girl who's vegan and big on social media.
No. 322992
File: 1481676763542.png (23.27 KB, 500x107, Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 7.51…)

Well, either trouble in paradise or someone's been lurking the forums and anti-o blogs again
No. 322993
>>322959She will hold onto her ring as she pets in exclaiming "my precioussss" after she has gone insane from being discarded.
>>322986Ahahaha billie has said chris drew is her ideal man and she loves him and favorites a bunch of his tweets. Onion is probably jealous and shit talking him to her
No. 322994
File: 1481676839581.png (158.12 KB, 481x428, Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 5.42…)

>>322992and I'm guessing trouble in paradise
(or did they not follow each other after getting back together)
No. 322995
>>322983I wonder if that's gonna be his back-up career… You know, making pornos.
Saged cuz I wanna see Onion's cock.
No. 322997
>>322992Lol. Lainey does everything in her power to make sure she is a doormat so i dont know why shes complaining. maybe she is just embracing it once and for all. If she complains about billie yet again, its ridiculous because she kept acting sad and pining over her when she left. And same with her cheating husband who doesnt love her. oh well lainey.
>>322994I dont think they followed each other back which is weird because they were obviously talking and she came back. They prob thought ppl would notice an kept it hidden that she was coming back so they never followed each other back.
No. 322999
>>322992Nah, she's lurking.
What up Doormat, cry more bitch!
No. 323001
>I wanna see Onion's cock>I wanna see it "in the flesh"…anon, you need to see
Jesus in the flesh.
No. 323003
File: 1481679358273.png (22.63 KB, 640x177, IMG_2931.PNG)

"I'd like some micro penis right now."
No. 323006
File: 1481681564380.png (361.44 KB, 525x431, sb.png)

Again no lainey. Well I guess it makes sense sarah likes hanging out with billie since they are closer in age and not complaining to her about her marriage and making her take care of her kids.
No. 323008
File: 1481681827327.png (1.01 MB, 655x827, lb.png)

Guessing lainey isnt very happy rn. Also lainey, you and onion arent soulmates. Get over it. This isnt a movie where someone is your "soulmate" and "destiny". Hes just shit that u fucked up getting involved with.
No. 323014
File: 1481682477333.png (385.51 KB, 524x629, sa.png)

Sarah starting to feel that e-fame. Time to cash in. Watch out sarah, onion is going to claim everything you do for the next eighty years is all due to him.
No. 323015
>>323010He always was lol haven't you heard Sacrilegious you fake ass NSN fan
Sage for still being 12 inside
No. 323018
File: 1481682899050.png (528.75 KB, 940x599, ol.png)

Lol just saw this. Onion sucking up to lainey today? Wonder why. Also pretty sure hes talking about himself. Laineys eyes are even closed LOL
No. 323020
>>323018dat dingy dirty mirror tho
sage for cum sprinkles
No. 323025
File: 1481683517393.png (69.42 KB, 561x547, ok.png)

LOL. Someones butthurt.
No. 323031
File: 1481684511311.jpg (54.83 KB, 434x653, dennis.jpg)

>>323018GOD he is literally Dennis the narcissist, it's unbelievable.
No. 323037
>>323027 Hallelujah! I thought I wasn't the only one who thought that! I knew there was something familiar about her except no one really cared to notice it.
Do you think that's why she's hanging around Greaseums and Billie-goat? Or one of the reasons?
No. 323041
File: 1481688367476.png (1.95 MB, 1154x1374, wtf.png)

"what does your dad do for a living"
No. 323042
>>323018wash your mirror you fucking slob.
sage for rage.
No. 323050
>>323045I imagine if he dislikes her friends or their parents or feels "wronged" by them, he will make a internet post about it calling them out on whatever it is to the world. Hopefully his e-fame will have died by then so she isnt hated or a laughing stock in school. Bet these idiots are going to homeschool their kids though to keep them away from everyone.
"Daddy I am sad I have no friends :("
"Having friends is horrible. I have none and i am perfectly fine. I had a friend once named Cyr and all he did was take money from me! Oh fuck I'm angry. Hold on, I have to make a video."
No. 323060
File: 1481694759701.png (1.75 MB, 1704x808, Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 11.5…)

Anyone remember those days where Onion would livestream and was making a bunch of videos with Anna Lichty and Deefizzy?
There's that one livestream where Anna, Deefizzy, and Onion are the main focus and Lainey is just sitting in the corner, looking miserable… I imagine that's how it is when Billie's around, too.
No. 323062
>>323060Is Lainey the wet blanket to Onion's right? I always thought she was wearing a wig and on his left, not Anna.
Saged cuz I'm retarded and just realized it.
No. 323069
File: 1481700095491.gif (483.08 KB, 459x243, original.gif)

>>323008'Soulmates never die' is a Placebo lyric.
I'm so disgusted by Lamo reblogging this, even though she has no idea what's the source of the quote.
Live my shit alone, Lamo.
No. 323073
File: 1481703004821.png (169.63 KB, 457x600, hahaha.png)

>>323069Shes probably just nostalgic of when she thought onion was gonna be her soulmate and love only her forever. Rememeber this was the first time they talked. Hahaha. Oh lainey, do you really feel he is your soulmate now?
No. 323077
File: 1481704645924.jpg (312.52 KB, 810x1001, IMG_20161214_092614.jpg)

I guess she makes herself believe acne riddled sociopathic loser is her "soulmate", otherwise she would face the reality that she bore children, wasted 5 years and her own future to this maniac.
Sorry Plainey, you fucked up.
No. 323085
File: 1481707345811.png (41.15 KB, 345x106, greggles.PNG)

I still don't understand why Sarah is there. Doesn't she have school to attend…???
Pic related. Strange new (comedy?) video about bullying, in which he insults her behind some some flattering close-ups and the guise of 'it's comedy!'
No. 323089
File: 1481708643389.png (552.62 KB, 945x514, lilly.png)

she really doesnt want people thinking she got that tattoo hahaha.
No. 323091
File: 1481708922586.png (507.84 KB, 882x604, bs.png)

Another Billie and Sarah picture with no lainey or onion.
No. 323093
File: 1481709797274.png (628.91 KB, 940x422, ba.png)

Ayalla posted this yesterday but looks like before billie dyed her hair so guessing its old.
No. 323094
Anyone else think Bilbo Slaggins might be pregnant? It'd explain why she so abruptly got back together with Onion and is wearing a ring.
>>322962How to become a cult leader:
Step 1. Create a religion.
Step 2. Have a polygamous marriage with multiple young wives.
Step 3. ???
Step 4. Prophet
No. 323098
>>323094plains the hobo clothes, she could be letting herself go.
But I don't think so anon, not yet at least, christ. But lainey will probs pop out another replacement baby to get her 15 mins of attention from oblong
No. 323105
File: 1481718912377.png (460.38 KB, 1230x456, totally.png)

>>323027>>323037Ya'll need to check your eyesight because they look nothing alike. Even compare them using videos, they don't even look like that can be related
No. 323111
File: 1481720310782.png (1.12 MB, 998x1489, Screen Shot 2016-12-14 at 13.3…)

Now that Billay is back I don't feel so bad anymore about this little side project.
No. 323113
>>323103Have you seen Lamo's music taste? She only listens to american bands (Brand New, Taking Back Sunday, TOP, Of Mice and Men…).
Not saying that Placebo are obscure, but they've never became popular in the USA and Lamo's only listening to super well-known bands.
No. 323121
>>323105You're using one of Sarah's 'edgy' pics, try the recent videos for screenshots or the Billie pics, then we'll talk.
>>323099Use some footage from his ustream (livestream) videos. Dude was in complete narc mode he was jammin' to his own music on live camera and begging people for sympathy. Lol
No. 323127
>>323010Onion’s comment is so fucking disgusting. Sure dude,jews died because they only prayed. The Baum-group didn’t exist. The Warsaw ghetto uprising is a hoax. The revolt of the Sonderkommando also was only praying. Granted, there were people who thought god was testing them but this is true for all kinds of people during WWII. I don’t want to turn this into /pol but Greg has a history of using jews and the holocaust for his stupid arguments.
>>322986I don’t think he meant it literally. That’s just the way onion takes everything so he can start an argument.
Sage for Godwin's law
No. 323128
>>323101Absolutely right.
Band-aid baby was their attempt to fix their marriage, they ditched the marriage counselor after their first session according to both of them; probably because the counselor told them exactly what they didn't want to hear.
If anything, having another baby has just helped her to dig her roots in a little deeper into their shitheap and Greaselord probably has now bumped her ranking up to "breeder heifer" in his cult's hierarchy… making her think she has some kind of control of whomever else is accepted into the household (she's delusional as it's Grease who is in full control).
No. 323129
>>323127I was waiting for a anon to say something about this. I'm personally not a religious person, but I don't shit on people that are.
It most certainly is a disgusting comment.
I bet many Jews made it through the worst of times by having faith.
No. 323130
>>323129Same, I don't even want to imagine what they went through when every single odd was against them.
If someone personally gets all up in your face about religion and shiz, yes… by all means, go to town on them if you have the knowledge and capability to refute their preaching.
But attacking every (or certain) religions as a collective, is just plain antagonistic and unthoughtful; you're not going to get anyone to listen to you if you do that… except if you're an inexperienced teenager with little to no social interactions outside of the internet.
Sicesca is the only true religion though… it's no wonder he's all jealous of the other institutions on a daily basis.
No. 323132
>>323130That's the thing! He barely touches on the things people do attack him for.
He'd rather piss people off and shit on the way people live, things as simple as drinking fucking coffee.
He's so butt hurt about religion, it's so left field.
Why doesn't he address why Billie is back in the picture? Or why Lainey isn't allowed to tweet about what's going on there?
Why he keeps making videos about teens and their body type?
All I've seen so far is him addressing the drama bucks he gets, he's such a talentless hack.
No. 323136
File: 1481735975494.png (595.54 KB, 750x1334, IMG_9950.PNG)

Well…this is awkward.
No. 323137
>>323132Because VIEWS anon, just because of that… that is your answer.
He doesn't make money through subscriptions, half of his subscriptions are dead accounts.
No. 323142
File: 1481736784377.png (218 KB, 988x492, sbb.png)

Yeah lainey and sarah probably fighting cause of billie.
No. 323144
>>323139>>323143thats why sarah billie and onion are probably in a room watching anime together as lainey is passively aggressively unfollowing sarah on twitter. haha
Why does she unfollow people on twitter every time she is upset with them even though they are still talking? Like she lives in your house. unfollowing her doesnt make the problem go away ??
No. 323152
File: 1481739554555.png (511.2 KB, 1280x474, totally2.png)

>>323121You're still blind anon.
No. 323158
>>323157you just embedded it, it still gives him views, but thanks for trying!
Mods, can we just have the download button again, please? I still don't now why it was removed.
No. 323159
>>323073Christ, I genuinely just dry heaved; I do every time I see it, actually.
>>323094>Bilbo Slagginslol
No. 323162
>>323157Okay, content:
Lainey, Sarah and Onion play against each other. Sarah's bad at the game (S: "Why are you guys picking on me?" O: "Because our marriage is strong").
Lainey sits next to Onion, not too close at the beginning but touching him at the end. She looks angry and doesn't say much.
Next game: Sarah and Onion against each other.
Last one: Billie, Sarah and Onion are playing, Billie seems happy and interacts with both Sarah and Onion and is engaged in the game. She sits next to Onion, touching him (with her body I mean).
I just skipped through it, I don't think I missed anything important though. Lainey and Billie weren't in the video at the same time.
Also: the title, kek.
>Onision's Battle With Three Women (Billie, Lainey & Sarah)>Women>Lainey No. 323163
>>323162LOL Right?? And the description.
"Three different women all tried to attack Onision in different ways. Women attacking Onision is nothing new to him, so he handle the verbal & digital assault like a champ. Yes, Lainey did make a move that wound up being successful in one round, but overall, I think we know who the winner is… the women."
Tell us more about how lainey is a woman onion.
Lainey looked dead inside and didnt react at all the whole time they were playing.
No. 323165
>>323157Why does he always talk so much? Seriously if I had to be in a room with hin I’d suffocate him with his own dirty socks within the first 10 minutes.
He must get off to his own voice.
No. 323167
>>323163Talking about himself in third person. Just like a certain president elect.
Do you guys remember when Trump called the Washington Post pretending to be his own PR-manager,
John Barron? Totally something Onion-Man would do.
(We should stop calling him Onion-Boy. The name validates his desire to be an eternal teenager)
No. 323170
File: 1481742626483.png (111.7 KB, 1242x829, IMG_8660.PNG)

Remember how Lainey tweeted "doormat" yesterday? Maybe she wasn't throwing shade at us. And she changed her Twitter name to Elaine…Lainey was Onion's nickname for her.
Maybe she's finally over his bullshit. In the video with her and Sarah, Onion says their "marriage is strong" in a sarcastic tone.
I wonder if shit is finally hitting in the fan. Sage for tinhat.
No. 323173
File: 1481742937680.gif (1023.08 KB, 500x281, 200.gif)

>>323170come lainey don't let us down again you can do it
No. 323177
>>323174>>323176I posted a few screenshots of Onion and Lainey's tweets on the lead up to Billie's return here:
>>322354>>322356I thought originally they were both guilt tripping her/trying to manipulate her into returning but maybe Lainey really didn't want her to return, and Gurg was arguing with both of them.
No. 323183
>>323178I think she realized that Greg was doting on her because she "got played" and was really milking it. Until Cyr ripped Grease a new asshole and he became desperate to direct attention he forgave Billie of everything, of course for Lainey's sake, because she's like, you know SO SAD,
Might be reading too much into it but it makes sense to me
No. 323186
File: 1481746437112.jpeg (22.86 KB, 300x225, image.jpeg)

>>323167Trumpanon you need to take a break.
No. 323187
File: 1481746508659.gif (679.09 KB, 360x360, santamilk.gif)

Guys, please, I just want one thing for Christmas, and it's for a huge fucking explosion of milk for all of us to enjoy.
>Billie announces that she's pregnant before this year ends.
>Lainey finally nuts up and either kicks the teenagers out or herself out (divorce?)
>Sarah announces she's pregnant (DEAR SANTA!)
I wonder which one is more feasible?
No. 323188
>>323170So was Taylor's nickname Elaine before he started calling her Lainey? I'm not into Twitter anymore but can you constantly edit the user's name? She might change
it weekly so I don't think it's a big indicator of anything.
No. 323195
File: 1481748270009.png (85.64 KB, 569x495, YS784yR.png)

whoever's doing this, stop being embarrassing.
No. 323196
File: 1481748353122.png (13.33 KB, 348x85, 949lKcU.png)

>>323194no, you're just an idiot.
No. 323205
>>323197fuck, the last tweet kills me. So you're telling the world that your ex gf, i mean, your and your husbands gf didnt have sex with you, but had sex with him multiple times … how humiliating is that? I wonder how her family feels watching her embarass herself like that. And how her kids will feel in the future. Sad.
Billie was really just going for Greg.
No. 323211
>>323205That's why calling him a cuck is kind of an eye roller for me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy people insulting him, kek - but it was obvious that Bilbo was there to satisfy his sexual needs, not Plankton's. If anyone's the cuck it's Plankton - and once Bilbo's gone he's going to continue pulling other girls in under the "my wife wants a GF" pretence.
As for the kids, yup, that side of it is pretty tragic.
No. 323215
>>323211Meh its always been obvious he's not a cuck. He knows it too, which is why he gets pissed when people call him such.
His irritation and desire to prove otherwise is what makes it jokes
No. 323229
>>323228I'd really be amazed if it turned out he wanted
another chick tied to him forever ( + made it public ). It would be really bad for his public image. There's only so much explaining he can do to his teenage drones before they - and perhaps I'm being generous here - realize he's severely mentally damaged.
No. 323242
File: 1481758980236.png (616.97 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Greasecock trying to milk what's left of his failed military career. 'Murica's chairforce yeah!!!!!
No. 323251
File: 1481759605153.jpeg (313.84 KB, 1528x1424, image.jpeg)

>>323242Moar military Onion
No. 323273
File: 1481762281850.jpg (88.04 KB, 640x960, 11329976_10203061795464723_438…)

doormat looks so different
No. 323280
File: 1481763026152.jpg (76.84 KB, 960x720, 14317511_1300492439991320_2072…)

is that troy?
No. 323286
>>323265Wait, so Onion had a working relationship with SocialRepose, and SR's ex's best friend just happened to form a relationship with Plainey/Onion through Twitter?
Im growing more and more convinced this "trinity" drama is just bullshit for views
No. 323288
>>323265In this video (not worth watching yall btw. same shit as always):
I dont regret working with shane dawson and amazingphil because they are popular and got me more famous.Continues bragging about people he has worked with (Andy, Weezer, Hannah minx, etc) only to…you guessed it…bash Cyr and SR yet again.
LOL hes so petty. Hes trying to make it seem like there were all these people he has worked with and not regretted (even though hes complained about like all of them), so the fact he regrets working with Cyr and SR must mean they are extra terrible.
He also brings up the money he spent on Cyr again and said he could have worked with 200 actors with that time and money instead of Cyr. And that his videos with Cyr didnt do better than his videos alone.
And the same oldshit about SR is terrible for cheating blahblah.
No. 323298
File: 1481764283318.png (42.95 KB, 906x390, haha.png)

He is butthurt.
No. 323299
File: 1481764722538.jpg (15.54 KB, 401x300, 300x300.jpg)

No. 323303
File: 1481764870378.jpg (92.41 KB, 600x888, full.jpg)

No. 323312
>>323303He doesn't deserve that nice guitar!
Saged cuz guitar too good for Onion!
No. 323315
>>323310I actually like that hair style on him.
… I hate myself.
No. 323329
>>323319Longer hair made him softer and more…friendlier-looking, like someone you'd chill and smoke a blunt with; if he wasn't a straight up sociopath bitching at others who like to have fun with their lives.
Also, isn't that the same haircut he had in 2010? Guess Onion's so bland he always recycles the same hairdos.
No. 323330
>>323318Not gonna lie, the skinny pact
did make 'em look less uggo and appealing to the eyes.
No. 323372
>>323370goldfish are really fucking hardy
but that thing looks like a deathtrap, jesus christ thats months if not years of fucking algae on that thing
No. 323379
>>323197>mostly emotional not physicalThat's not a relationship, you idiot. What are you, 14?
Oh yeah, forgot she's stuck in her teenage years because she won't grow the fuck up.
All she wants is pity from her husband. She doesn't care about Billie anymore than Billie does her.
No. 323385
Is he even going to address how they (he) wound up being totally fine with Billie all of a sudden? Seems like another cashflow video option so I am surprised he didn't do it before uploading all those shitty gaming vids.
>>323363Kind of tempted to draw this just to see what happens.
No. 323397
>>323344I miss this Onion, he was almost charming. Now he's just creepy guy trying to emulate teenagers. Don't get me wrong, he still comes off as creepy even back then, but almost in the "loner kid at school who only wants to make friends way", now he's just more sexual predator level creep
alsso whys he trying to shound like sean connery?
No. 323508
>>323198Uh, not where I live.
Here Placebo is mostly liked by people with wide music taste and those who were around for the band's glory days in the 90's. It has sort of cult classic status.
I could see why Placebo would appeal to Lamo (especially with Brian's past androgyny), but she's never shown interest in any band that's not american.
No. 323587
File: 1481794191151.png (422.96 KB, 500x420, image.png)

>bitches that his exes should be censored from the public eye
>blatantly shows Skye right next to him
Okay Greg.
Also, dat 2000's fashion doe! Good times…
No. 323588
>>323587I also like how this pic was above his and Lamo's, with his arm placed around her(Skye).
Yes Taylor, you're his #1 and the best of them all.
No. 323644
File: 1481804020109.gif (996.97 KB, 500x250, red woman.gif)

>>323280Wow is the red-haired woman Onion's mom? You can see the crazy in her eyes. It's strange because Onion's sisters have a similar eye shape and color but without the craziness he and his mother share.
No. 323658
File: 1481815996630.png (79.66 KB, 587x542, lmm.png)

I have a feeling she is ranting about lainey's situation with billie and/or onion because it really sounds like it and she follows lainey's private twitter.
No. 323660
>>323658Are they still following each other?
Also, New video up. For awhile I didn't believe the onion lurked here, but as of late… I'm growing more suspicious he does. Guy's don't post any possible video ideas anymore.
No. 323676
>>323660God he is insufferable, poor Lainey
This is almost funny in a "cringe comedy" sort of way
No. 323677
>>323660>>323672>do i need to find another young woman to trade you out with?
>it's like talking to a potatojesus christ…
i didn't watch that baby shitting video but i imagine this is roughly equivalent in terms of cringe
No. 323680
>>323587I don't care what anyone says, Skye was the best looking woman he's ever had. Didn't need makeup, had smooth clear skin, lovely long hair, and apparently had really nice legs. Loyal and was good at editing, good on camera without the crazy.
If I was Onionfart, I would fucking scream in the shower every time I remember her. Sage for shameless worshiping.
No. 323683
>>323680She also was arguably the least insane. Wasn't an attention whore, never faked a pregnancy, and even post-divorce only posted about him in response to his vicious attacks on her character.
Kind of can't believe he got with her in the first place, but from reading his own rendition of how they got together, he bruteforced his way into her life, so… Glad she's free of him.
No. 323687
Since it seems like everybody's doing diss tracks right now I took the liberty of throwing together a lil rap parody using the lyrics posted earlier in this thread! Hope you like it :3 to it in case you can't hear them well:
Two trailer park girls go round the outside,
Round the outside, round the outside.
Two trailer park girls go round the outside,
Round the outside, round the outside.
Guess who's back, back again
Billie's back, tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back
Guess who's back, guess who's back
Guess who's back, guess who's back
Guess who's back
I’ve created a monster, ´cause nobody wants to
see lainey no more, they want billie, forever
so if you want billie this is what I'll give ya
an itty bitty teen mixed with some hard liquor
Some vodka that'll jump start his cock quicker
Than a shock when I get shocked at the hospital
By the Gregster when I'm not co-operating
When I'm rocking the table while poppin out babies (heyyy!)
You waited this long, now stop debating
‘Cause I'm back, I'm on the rag and ovulating
I know you ain't got a job, Ms. Lainey
But your husband's weight problem's complicating
So the twitterers won't let me be
Or let me be me, so let me see
They try to shut me down on the YT
But it feels so empty without me
So, come on and dip, bum on your lip
Fuck that! Cum on your lips and some on your tits
and get ready, ´cause this shit's about to get heavy
just settled all my lawsuits; FUCK YOU LAINEY!
No. 323702
>>323660This video is so… useless? Not that his other videos are full of content or something lmao, but I don't know, this feels like he's definitely running out of ideas
>>323687Good work anon, my only advice would be: raise your voice next time, sometimes it sounded like you were whispering and the track volume almost covers your voice
No. 323703
>>323692>>323695>>323696>>323701thank you!
>>323702yeah you are probably right, i've never rapped/recorded anything with a beat so this was kind of an experiment, thanks for the advice m8
No. 323727
File: 1481827023118.png (338.24 KB, 638x290, lainey.png)

blandys still at it
No. 323732
>>323680I agree. He seemed somewhat overprotective of her during that time, despite what happened.
>>323663She was his girlfriend at the time, she should've said no when he proposed.
>>323683He made it seem like a twilight novel; the "bad boy falls for the innocent good girl" kind of deal but he just came off as creepy and stalker-like towards her. Oh and if you've read long enough, apparently she was playing hard to get! Okay Onion, she
really wanted your micro-cock.
No. 323737
>>323660Lmao she looks miserable! Like, she wants the camera to stop rolling and shit. I understand to NOT give him anymore ideas but here's one: Onion, show the world uncensored footage of your cock and balls! Prove us wrong that it's not a tiny package!
…he won't do it.
No. 323750
>>323687Brilliant. I was scared the audio might be too cringy but it's great. I reported your post stating you deserve a gold star. Don't know if that’s how it works here but I guess it should at least draw some attention to your work.
This should become the official anthem of lolcow.
No. 323751
>>323717i love you too.
>>323750oh wow, thanks dude!
i fucked up, tried checking whether there's actually an option for that in the report-pop up and accidentally reported you, pls forgive
No. 323753
>>323660This was kind of entertaining for the first 20seconds and then it became just awful. Lainey looks fucking awful though, like what the hell. Lainey should learn how to say "no" and stop participating in such stupid shit.
I have no idea how this video is done to be ironically bad but it's not even good at that, it's bad at being ironically bad. He really is running out of ideas.
No. 323757
>>323660I was never 100% that he lurked here and I thought it was more plausable when he called himself "onionboy" in the last video. In this one, he said "You're like talking to a potato."
Now, I'm positive that he lurks here.
Hi, Grease!
No. 323768
>>323660Is this their bedroom or a guest room? I find it strange if Bilbo and Sarah were hanging out in their room all the time taking pictures. This also looked like the same place Ayyylmao and Bilbo took pictures for Halloween.
No. 323793
>>323660First of all, that gnarly fucking fish tank is making me sick, how's anyone having sex next to what now must be a self-sufficient ecosystem that's stinking of mouldy pondwater??
Also yet another case of animal neglect from the Omission household.
Second, this bitch has a kid. I know it's been said hundreds of times, but it's really hitting me hard after watching this video. Lying on a bed wearing a 'daddy's little monster' jersey in a party city wig simulating a sex tape for your deranged husband's """comedy""" channel (and its associated teenage fanbase) only weeks after giving birth to your second child??? I think it had to reach this level of lunacy for me to truly digest the reality of this fucked up 'family' scenario.
No. 323808
File: 1481840181422.png (18.68 KB, 348x206, 75EEsSi.png)

Remember what was going down last time she spontaneously cut her hair?
No. 323811
File: 1481840812199.gif (854 KB, 500x281, anigif_original-grid-image-306…)

>>323793sage for shitposting
No. 323821
She should grow it out. Might soften her face a bit.
No. 323822
File: 1481842608417.jpg (16.62 KB, 320x180, IMG_8671.JPG)

>>323747>>323680Why does this come up in every damn thread? Skye was never that attractive. She was so pale she looked sick, her hair was flat and stringy, her teeth were fucked and if she didn't have long hair she would've looked like a man. And all of her videos had a softening filter on them, of course her skin looked nice.
This happens with every one of his ex's. People bitch about them when they're there but as soon as they're gone, they get looked at through rose tinted glasses. Billie is the most recent proof of that.
No. 323832
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No. 323833
>>323831Lainey a l s o w a n t e d t o c u t h e r h a i r s p o n t a n e o u s l y.
They're not talking about Billie. You're fucking retarded.
No. 323836
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>>323833Anon, are you on drugs or just illiterate?
No. 323843
File: 1481843740427.jpg (33.07 KB, 448x599, l_034753dcf8bf44eab51c7fe4201b…)

>>323840he's totally hip and young and down with the slang
No. 323847
File: 1481844521199.png (22.47 KB, 578x122, aya6ymd.png)

No. 323848
File: 1481844537181.png (42.74 KB, 584x250, NAtbwuU.png)

Coincidence? I think not
No. 323849
>>323822Are you telling us she's the least attractive out of Onion's women? No hate but come on!
>filters Didn't know about the filters, are you talking about her own videos or the videos with Onion?
Not gonna lie though, she don't look good with Marilyn Monroe eyebrows.
No. 323886
>>323877"Greg I'm not partaking in that."
I hope cooney stays away from Billie.
I totally forgot about Billie running to her rescue after gurge threw her under the bus.
What a massive cunt.
No. 323900
File: 1481850536005.png (425.06 KB, 557x448, Screen Shot 2016-12-15 at 8.05…)

Why does his head go so fucking red when screaming ? His head looks like an agitated pimple ready to pop.
No. 323903
>>323900He looks exactly like his dad here. Maybe it's just because the screaming really brings out the red in his face.
Letting the girls bust his balls on camera now? aw cuck a doodle doo
No. 323921
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>>323912he really is old enough to be Sarah and Billie's dad
No. 323924
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No. 323927
File: 1481853305987.jpg (112.59 KB, 1080x1920, 15608448_10202542319435855_202…)

selena's back?
No. 323953
File: 1481854987514.png (113.42 KB, 750x799, IMG_0667.PNG)

i see it
No. 323958
File: 1481855381370.png (3.26 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_8678.PNG)

>>323955Oh, now we're
not supposed to shit on people?
My bad. You're right, look how hawt she is.
No. 323964
>>323960These threads get mad no matter what. If people can say they're attractive, people can disagree and say they're ugly.
I dared defend Lainey once and I got shit on for that, too.
No. 323967
>>323964Let's just remember one thing; Onion once found ALL of them attractive.
(Tbh when I first saw Skye, I thought she had eye problems with how messed up her eyes looked).
No. 323969
>>323958Dat Sarah resemblance tho!
Saged for samefagging
No. 323970
>>323968Of course, Onion and his
sexy vegetarian body.
No. 323977
File: 1481858267329.jpg (57.91 KB, 452x408, OnionNoPhotoshop.jpg)

I was at work this morning and the sweet potato I was cooking reminded me of topless Grek. Pic related.
The sweet potato matches his face better than his arms do. I cbf making it look better so any anons who have photoshop feel free.
No. 323989
File: 1481862493502.png (176.73 KB, 1080x1264, Screenshot_2016-12-16-15-25-07…)

So did plankton passive aggressively tweet about growing her hair and edit the tweet…?
No. 323999
File: 1481864426989.jpg (381.82 KB, 1280x1280, image.jpg)

>>323998 Oops forgot to post pic
No. 324008
>>324003mmm, I should've ..
>>324004Because he's transforming into super insaiyan.
Terrible joke..
>leaves No. 324022
File: 1481870259052.jpeg (21.64 KB, 236x324, image.jpeg)

>>324014Is this more accurate anon? I mean, he's got the "pretty boy" thing down (and gone), and he's
brutally honest.
Granted, he's no Super Saiyan but he's a straight up narc.
No. 324026
File: 1481871081351.jpeg (144.49 KB, 400x400, image.jpeg)

>>324022Sounds like omission.
No. 324030
File: 1481871986976.jpeg (94.24 KB, 600x750, image.jpeg)

Also applicable to Onion. Wonder if that's how he killed his first turtle (not talking about Reptar) and Shiloh's dog rather than sent it away.
R.i.p little buddies! </3
No. 324067
>>324039Anon, the resemblance is all in your head.
Kaiba is successful, has actual talent at what he does, and is arguably attractive. Those are three key qualities that onion would need to meet before you could even start to draw that comparison.
No. 324068
>>324039Greg would never save his little brother if he was kidnapped. He would let the kidnappers have their way and someone in his family wouldn't be smart enough to get out of the situation.
>>322695Ya he's Trump. Despite having women accusing him of sexual assault (AJ and Shiloh) He is totally Trump but not Bill Clinton. Get your bias away from here.
Sage for fucking politics and Onion is seriously retarded.
No. 324101
>>324039Are you the samefag that keeps obsessively forcing this every single fucking thread?
Leave it be, it's not going to happen.
No. 324127
>>323843Can someone please tell me who emo dad actually is? (I already know the fucking backstory) Im curious did emo dad ever outgrow the emo
>>323915In his older videos he seemed to be fine, either he knew how to do foundation correctly back then, or he developed rosacea later in life… or as other anon said… fucked up botox
No. 324139
>>324126He's straining so hard I'm utterly shocked he didn't shit himself.
>>324131So weebs bashing bigger weebs ….
No. 324175
>>324170Hi Greg.
"Well, he's just a handsome millionaire with a nice car who gets all the girls. What's not to like?"
He's a fat, ugly, sociopathic, narcissistic, abusive manipulator who is constantly on the hunt for a new teen girl to abuse. That is milk.
No. 324180
>>324178"comedy" anon
No. 324188
>>324162Chronic brain farts ?
Maybe even actual constipation from his shitty diet ?
Maybe the his body gets confused and sends the blood to the wrong head when aroused ?
No. 324197
>>324191all that wasted paper…
apparently lainey was "so sad" with billie gone yet now that she's back she's just as mopey as ever and we don't see them together at all
No. 324200
>>324189That's very true. It's just that most of the YT community has already written him off as an attention whoring pariah. I think I'm just done trying to point out his abuse, everyone knows already. The girls in his house wanted to find out for themselves and hey, I hope they're having fun.
ON that note:
>>323183called it lmfao.
No. 324203
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No. 324217
File: 1481922523049.jpg (83.21 KB, 810x499, IMG_20161216_220726.jpg)

>I brought back Billie to make Lainey happy
>We are all in love again
Meanwhile on Lainey's tumblr
No. 324220
File: 1481922602945.png (11.69 KB, 576x86, surprise.png)

I almost feel bad for this girl.
No. 324223
In recent news, Lamo got her bachelor's degree today…from online school!
>>324212He was a cuck, and everyone he's ever crossed will be livin' it up and pissing on his grave.
No. 324224
>>324216He might have had it recorded already.
Sage for tinhatting.
No. 324226
>>324202transcript to spare ears and bcos I'm procrastinating
Hello, so a lot of you have been super mad at me for not explaining why Billie’s back. Y’all are saying things like “this is all fake” and I only do what I do on this channel because I’m a “drama whore” and I guess I somehow “tricked” you guys. Well guess what guys your theories about me are wrong. I mean you’re right about me being a drama whore but my job is to get your attention, so I’m not really sorry about that.
So at first Lainey was really mad at Billie, then that anger turned into sadness, so I immediately reminded Lainey what I told all of you: that she lied to Lainey, she verbally assaulted Lainey, and that she betrayed Lainey. But a few weeks passed and Lainey still wasn’t over this girl, Lainey would try to talk to other girls to try and feel something that she used to feel. But to her, it seemed like nobody could replace Billie. Even when she was talking to other girls she was still thinking of Billie.
Now a lot of you know that all Billie had to do to win my and Lainey’s trust again after all the lies, the verbal assault, and the betrayal is get a ship name tattoo of “Lillie” a lot of you said Billie was smart for not getting that tattoo, and to this day she still hasn’t gotten it. But a short while ago I saw Lainey crying after weeks of being apart from Billie, I was reminded of the time she first broke up with Billie, where they were broken up for 6 months and Lainey even then still didn’t get over Billie, so I used the past to come to conclusion that Lainey wasn’t gonna get over Billie anytime soon. I wanted to see Lainey happy again, regardless I still felt like Billie was bad for Lainey.
Initially I refused to contact Billie, I refused to try and repair things, and only wound up texting Billie regarding some information I’m fairly certain she leaked about someone in my life and the risk of suing her for the information leaking and I was just warning her. I wound up falling into the rut of talking about a relationship again, so I thought to myself, how can I make it so this void that Billie created by being with Lainey in the first place could be filled, I thought of alternatives to that tattoo idea, and I suggested a number of things but a few of them were: apology gifts, for her to pay a debt that she owed, and to just generally be honest and never lie again. The apology gifts she already came through on, the debt that she owed she’s still working on, and the being honest thing she’s actively doing
The reality is if you want a relationship to work out a lot of times you can’t just walk away from them when something goes wrong, especially when you can’t even get over that person. All three of us are extremely imperfect but we’ve come to realize that living without each other Is now difficult because we started something we cant go back on . And that is the hard truth about what went down.
No. 324237
>>324226replace she and Lainey with "I". and thats what Greg really means.
> The apology gifts she already came through on, the debt that she owed she’s still working onWhat are the chances the "debt" was actually just the money he paid her for when she was fucking working for him. Lol. Gotta ride that dick more to pay off the debt billie. He has legit become Billies Pimp omg LOL
No. 324244
>>324226So because Lainey wasn't over Billie immediately after they broke up and that she wasn't immediately jumping to a new girl, Onion saw this as a problem and that they should get back together? LOL. Just because he would get over someone immediately as he looked for new teenage pussy. It takes time to get over someone. Doesn't mean you can't get over them or you shouldn't. Jeezes christ.
I knew he was using the Billie leaked info about us just to talk to her. He starts NEGOTIATING how she can win her place back with them to "make lainey happy". Lmao. Wow.
I think Lainey was dumb for keeping contact with Billie, but Onion was playing her and showing her see you can't get over her and you cant find me new teenage pussy because you are starting to think you shouldn't bring another girl into our relationship. That means you love Billie and she must come back because I'm not going to be happy with only you.
No. 324249
>>324245I think Lainey genuinely was missing billie even though she was shit to her, but it's normal to miss someone? I've broken off toxic friendships and i missed the person and wanted to talk to them again, and it took months or even a year/years to fully get over it. But Onion was making it seem like it was a problem, because he cant stand someone not being happy around him and he wanted lainey to move on and find him a new girl. He probably felt threatened that she wasnt going to bring a new girl in and used the see you miss billie lets get her back so he could go back to having threesomes and having a happy girl around him.
I already predicted lainey dug herself her own hole by tweeting about missing billie while onion was saying she was a liar and acting like he just cared about laineys feelings. He was going to make it seem like it was because of lainey, billie was back and he was actually telling her otherwise. He's so fucked up. If you really think she was so bad for your wife, you wouldnt bring her back to "make her happy". You would hang out with your wife and support her through her feelings and move on, instead of pushing her to find a new teenage girl for you or bring the old one back.
No. 324251
>>324191here's what you gotta do to be in love with my wife:
>give me stuff (the bday stuff)>give me moneys (idk what this could even be, living expenses?)>say all the things i want you to sayjfc billie, you're a fucking retard for going back. i hope ayalla can smack some sense into her
No. 324252
>>324251Do you think its because he saw comments about how Billie was only in for the money that he wants it all back as proof now ?
" Give me my money back to prove you actually want me and not the $$$ "
No. 324253
>>324220me too, its clear she was one of the "other girls" lainey was trying to talk to acfter billie left.
its almost as if elaine has no idea how relationships work and think if you just talk to someone on twitter you'll fall in love
No. 324255
>>324251Lainey even said the first time around the tattoo and shit wasn't her idea and she didn't want billie to do anything to reconcile with her. So this debt onion says she "owed to lainey" to make things right was just things billie could do to get him back. I doubt giving lainey "apology gifts" got her back. Didnt she already give her flowers after she fucked up. Are these apology gifts his birthday gifts? LOL What does that have to do with lainey.
Holy shit Lainey, you are goddamn stupid to let this manchild do whatever he wants and blame it all on you in his videos while you have a private twitter since you were told you cant talk about anything? LOL He blasts it all on his own youtube. How do you agree to having a private twitter while he spills everything in his own way.
No. 324272
>>324262IF she's getting $1800 a month that only works out to $10/hour.
But didn't greg say earlier she gets only $1k / month? Which works out to like $30 a day, which is in no way worth anything, particularly considering the nature of the work and the psychological effects.
No. 324283
>>324258>>324271Hey I'm the anon who sorta dated Taylor, I posted about it a few threads back.
I sent a follow request to her new twitter and she blocked me immediately. My experience is so identical to Hayley's (Luxymoo) she's the one I feel the most for. Taylor most definitely lives in an online world, whenever she's done with someone she just drops them completely without a word, just an unfollow. She lead me on, and she lead on Hayley. It's really a shame because Hayley would have been so much better for her than Billie. But whatever that's just my two cents.