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No. 83467
Peter Coffin's "wife" is almost as big of a cow as Peter is. I figured while cow is discussing Peter, us ladies could discuss Ashleigh. claims to have had a double jaw surgery (and her appendix removed) about 6 weeks ago and it completely changed her face.
No. 83473
File: 1429237050730.jpg (346 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nmx5e5YNnY1r5ygdco1_128…) all her earlier pictures with her brand new face.
"double jaw surgery" my ass
Not to mention, they got this surgery crowdfunded for around $16k
No. 83474
>>83471I feel like the doll theory was just used so much because it caused Peter to sperg all over twitter about how he was being harassed and people were being sexism against his wife (remember, he's a SJW panderer)
There's a girl there somewhere, since he has made videos/livestreams with a girl (known as braceface) but she looks different from the girl on the tumblr.
No. 83481
>>83478I hate this bitch already. I hate girls that whine about video games being "sexualized" and then go out and sexualize themselves. Why do her tits have to be everywhere and photoshopped to all hell?
I mean I know it's "choice" blah blah blah but she makes herself look like a vapid pornstar flaunting those things around and then whines about female video game characters looking like vapid pornstars. If there isn't anything sexual about big boobs then why do you have to whine about it in video games? Fucking attention whores, man. It's like they want to keep their tits exclusive or something. Idek. It's not even that hard not to hide big tits. I do it all the time. Just don't photoshop the ever living fuck out of them and don't stuff your bra, tah-dah, modesty.
No. 83483
File: 1429237999847.jpg (44.68 KB, 500x375, wtf.jpg)
its supposed to be this person
No. 83487
>>83482What makes even less sense is that Peter is in massive debt and has been foreclosed on in the past. If they scammed a bunch of suburban housewives out of $16k why would they spend it on cosmetic surgery?
Of course, Peter is the biggest beta on the planet, so maybe Ashleigh is manipulating him. Kind of like Arin and Suzy, except Arin is actually talented.
No. 83489
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No. 83491
>>83488I doubt they're even married/in any kind of relationship.
My theory is Ashleigh is in a relationship with some other guy who is also her baby daddy. Ashleigh pretends to be Peter's wife in order to get money and e-fame (what little he has) from him.
No. 83500
File: 1429239797133.png (290.91 KB, 601x612, 1424502389284-0.png)
it like trying to daw a picture of something you dreamed and is never quite exactly the same as what you know you saw.
except theres someone is taking photos of the memory as it dissipates and gets further and further from the original image
No. 83504
>>83474It was established at one point that there definitely was a doll. There was also an actual woman though for videos etc.
But yeah, this woman is a totally different person unless she got hella surgery. I feel like this would cost more than 16k.
No. 83512
File: 1429240554531.png (270.65 KB, 624x320, 1429237362290-2.png)
The nose looks different..
No. 83535
>>83534I'm 99% sure it is the same person
if so, damn. Peter is so fucked in the head. He basically brought over this mentally ill, insecure girl to another country and mutilated her body until it suited his needs. Sick man.
No. 83537
>>83525just your twenty cents? kek
Anyway, I def believe there is something fishy about this chick. And Peter. They're both fish. They're actually cod. <_< >_>
I can't begin to describe what a shill peter is and I'm sure his 'wife' is even worse. (even if peter controls all her social media)
No. 83570
>>83540she used to look like shit, now she's pretty. 100% crowfunded cosmetic procedure but she still claims it was because she suffered chronic jaw pain from eating since she was 13.
she also is anorexic and takes advantage of calories burned from breastfeeding and she even sells her milk. she claims to pump 8 times a day or something.
No. 83574
Okay. I just read the ED article for this guy and I am almost 99% sure this is a doll.
1. Half of her pictures are fake and traced back to years before any mention of her ever existed on different imageboards
2. He definitely has 1 real doll already
3. Her first social media dates back to Kimi who is definitely a fake
My theory is that the girl in the pictures (body, etc) is a realdoll. He found this mentally ill American girl and decided to get her in on the con. Now he's trying to turn her into a doll I.e. Getting her surgery. But the body pics are 1000% definitely his real doll + photoshop (because I've seen realdoll and used to be a member of the Doll Palace). I'm pretty sure whoever his female friend is is fat IRL based on her collar bones vs the dolls collar bones and the fact that the real girl never shows below the tits
Hope this made sense
No. 83579
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No. 83597
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So, peter spammed /cow/ with a dox.
No. 83598
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No. 83649
File: 1429252476485.jpg (1.04 MB, 950x1280, e4c4e15f-0059-415e-ab42-8304a0…)
Is this her btw?
No. 83655
>>83649Nope that ain't Streetshark.
Also thanks OP. I believe that Ashleigh is a lolcow herself for being a useless waste of space with zero education, no job, a slew of tumblr diagnosis and shitty habit of just agreeing with whatever Peter says because she's farrrr too crazy otherwise to find someone decent whose not a beta sjw.
I do think there is a high probability she was probably Kimi catfishing Peter and then came clean and he decided to bang her since their time line of meeting matched towl when she was proved fake and Streetshark seems like the type of retard to mix up korea and japan and think they're totally the same and interchangeable. Also the whole 'Japanese person from Scotland' which is totally something a weeb teen would think up.
I just find it funny Pete likes to yell how we're all just jealous and it's just hilarious. Jealous of what? A teen mum brigader with no education or job and a bunch of fake photoshopped pics? 'Kay.
No. 83659
>>83473Whoa holyshit her face has changed so much wtf
Also where we're all her surgery pics their supporters were going to get mmmm?
No. 83667
Mostly just look at his behaviour and the stuff he says and tweets and the obsessive begging of his patron and his refusal to actually get a decent job. He is the most unattractive dude on that alone.
No. 83669
>>83655I wish people would explore the Kimi angle more instead of the doll crap.
There are a lot of similarities between Kimi and Ashleigh so either:
1) It's all a scam and Peter/Ashleigh are rerunning a script that was exposed too early with Kimi.
2) Ashleigh was always Kimi but Peter didn't want the internet to know that he was grooming some teen girl so he had her put on a front. This would also make their quick marriage make more sense.
No. 83673
File: 1429254694777.png (270.77 KB, 515x320, 1429251712211.png)
for those of you on twitter, retweet that before and after photo that was just posted. Those SJWs deserve to know where their money went and peter's too busy to provide them with the promised update. he needs our support.
No. 83687
>>83474she's so. fucking. stupid.
& Peter reminds me of this guy I know irl who suffers from unwarranted self-importance syndrome.
No. 83693
>>83687she really does sound utterly stupid, but from what I've figured, she has no job, no education and literally just sells boob milk. And she's utterly stupid from moving from Scotland of all places to Colorado. That is an epicly stupid downgrade.
If her jaw surgery was so important, she'd gotten it free on the nhs which leads me to believe that this was purely cosmetic (which the nhs won't cover) and she's a selfish jerk who conned people into paying for it.
No. 83701
>>83693nah mah nigga, SLC is in Utah, not Colorado.
Otherwise I would already have stalked their home with a video camera. <_< >_>
kidding… No. 83706
>>83702utah is IMMEASURABLY terrible. colorado is actually pretty liberal. they have recreational weed, and a really successful free contraception program (that's groundbreaking for people in the US, what with most of these stupid fucks thinking universal healthcare is part of some commie agenda)
so yeah, this bitch forgoes free healthcare for this shit
she coulve moved anywhere in the EU and had reduced or free healthcare, but this bitch decides to marry a jobless faggot from fucking mormontown, ut instead
No. 83712
>>83706>>83705Colorado sounds cool actually. IDK know much about it other than what I've seen on South Park honestly. But yeah that is worse. Scotland is one of the richest places in the UK, )but with liveable pries unlike London and where I live, free healthcare, she would have gone to uni for FREE (if she had any ambition beyond photoshopping herself thin) and probably managed to get a waaay better job and money than what she currently has. Nothing.
Lost opportunity there. Scotland is great.
No. 83714
File: 1429260273345.jpg (39.28 KB, 540x351, usofa.jpg)
>>83702not even a problem, brother. i understand, all of the little square shapes in the middle are basically the same.
Utah is a lot worse though from my own personal experience. No drugs, all mormans all the time, and no fun allowed. Even in SLC, the biggest city in the state, there's barely anything. It's almost completely barren and not in a way that makes it beautiful. (Unless you live near one of the national parks.)
Colorado has recreational and medical pot, drugs are damn easy to get out here, the mountains are beautiful and if you live in the Denver (capital city) area, there's always shit to do. I love it here tbh.
But yeah, Ashley (holy shit is every lolcow named Ashley????) traded free healthcare in the EU (as well as her entire family) to reside in some shithole with Peter "Microdick" Coffin and birth his retarded toilet niggas. Damn shame.
No. 83717
>>83712double posting to say that south park is pretty much accurate
there's always snow on the ground and casa bonita is the coolest shit in the fucking world
No. 83722
>>83672Oh someone catfishing me I guess haha. Thougth she looked somewhat like this lady but I guess not.
>>83673The fuck happened, she looks nothing like before.
No. 83726
File: 1429260875659.gif (1018.62 KB, 500x319, 1424430521456.gif)
>>83673her eyes are different colors, her hair and eyebrows are darker, her chin looks nothing like brace face or her tumblr rendition, her lip shape is different and her laugh lines are gone. not saying that none of this is achievable with photoshop/makeup/contact lenses, but now there are three different versions of this 'girl'. i'm still calling bs on peter. her reasons for getting the surgery was exactly the same as he made up for "kimi". what a joke~
No. 83731
>>83714Yeah the family thing is really odd. iirc her mother posts like sad statuses about Ashleigh and Peter is always telling her stuff publicly on fb (which is alarm bells in itself) There's a pm function for a reason but at this point he's just doing it for show I guess?
He also told her Ashleigh was okay on her fb wall. Like, if your kid was going in for major surgery, wouldn't you just CALL their partner to make sure? I mean, my mother lives in an other country but she'd be blowing up my boyfriend's phone if I was in surgery asking for updates.
No. 83736
i cannot stand people that are broke and pop out kids my fucking god these people are SAD beyond belief
dude ill guarantee they went into the ER and just didn't pay for it
(cause u know, how you can just leave it up to taxpayers to pay your bill if you go through the ER)
fucking disgusting. this is why most public hospitals are closed. this piece of trash likes to pretend he's sooo into being left-wing and for public safety nets.
No. 83741
>>83734Ahh didn't read that but yeah maybe. It's not so weird that people move to new countries (I did that myself) but usually you move to somewhere for a job or education, true relationships and not a really pathetic beta youtube star who you don't even act affectionately towards in real life.
I think she even said she doesn't like romance? So…yeah. Why would a non romantic person move to be with someone?
No. 83742
>>83664It might be hard to accept but I'm not too surprised. I know enough attractive women, one even of my closest friends, who happily date completly useless jerks because they themselves are insecure and too happy that they got a men to even consider what kind of an idiot their bf are.
One of my friends has been in a relationships for almost 4 years with a man who's 31 (she is 23), they are BOTH still living at his parents' house, he has no job, refuses to move out even though they could easily move out (if he had a job), he has been studying for almost 6 years and still doesn't have a degree, he is jealous of everyone coming near her, doesn't want her to have friends and is probably emotional abusive in more ways than I can describe here.
Still she thinks he's the love of her life and doesn't want to change anything.
And I'm sure I'm not the only one- we all have that one friend with the shitty bf (or gf). I totally would believe that Ashleigh is crazy enough to have married Peter, as sad as it is.
No. 83745
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>>83742>that storywhy do people do this
if i was 31 and still living with my mom i'd probably kill myself
or just get a fucking job smh No. 83749
>>83742Oh man, you are so right. We always have that one friend that is pretty but dates the most horrible men :/ But I do get the feeling that Ashleigh is mentally unstable and suffers from bpd or something like that since she's posted about being in the hospital for what I assume is suicide and such. It explains her really weird contradiction statements too. Like dressing herself up and showing off boob pics but then being anti sexuality in games which is a bigggg disconnect imo.
Ex-friend of mine had bpd/depression and she had a pendulum swing of opinions that never made any sense. She was utterly heartless towards people with mental disorders (and used to mock them!) but would cry that nobody understood her own and throw pity parties about it.
If that's the case I feel a TINY bit bad for Peter. But only a tiny bit. bpd is fucking awful to deal with. That love hate stuff used to drive me crazy to a point where I walked away. Couldn't imagine being in a 'romantic' relationship with someone like that
No. 83795
>>83786>>83786There is no record of her emigrating from Scotland to America.
Which means one or more of the following
1. She is American
2. She isn't actually Peter's wife
3. She emigrated from a different country and they are lying
4. Her name isn't real
5. She hasn't left Scotland yet
If #5 is true then she would've gotten jaw surgery in the UK if this wasn't such an obvious scam.
But I don't believe Ashleigh ever exists as his wife. I don't believe that Ashleigh has ever even slept with him judging on the stream. They don't look like a couple. I like the theory that he had been grooming her since she was a teen but they act like they don't even know each other
Has anyone tried finding braceface on Facebook if they live in Utah? It might be possible that if she's a different person, she'll have her own life.
No. 83799
>>83786shes still a fucking idiot. why waste thousands for this shit, and even so, you dont need to choose the first stupid fuck you meet
im sure there were better people she could get in touch with. there are some decent people if you're not limiting yourself to your area. she clearly wanted to move. choosing him is outrageous.
No. 83804
>>83728>he doesn't have a job>>83795This is why I find it hard to believe that she has immigrated to the US.
Moving to the US on a marriage visa would require Peter to be earning above the state poverty line, which would be around $20k. I don't think they let you count any benefits toward your earnings. Either that or Ashleigh would have to have had enough money in savings to support herself until she's naturalised and allowed to work, which would have been 2 years. She would have probably needed well over $50k.
Not only that but you have to go through interviews and so much stuff to prove that you're in a legitimate relationship. Judging from P+A's videos, they're so awkward, like they are hiding something. Immigration workers and the people who interview you will of course be expecting people to be nervous, but they just don't seem "right", you know?
Usually with marriage or fiance visas, you go through the process for about a year before you get your visas, it's a lot of time, paperwork and money. You cannot go to the US with the intention of marrying -and- living without the visa.
The only way I can see it having happened would be
>Ash visits Peter>just decide to get married (which is legal)>file for a marriage visa while in the statesThis is also a difficult process, because you -still- have to go through procedures to prove that she could be supported, and that they weren't trying to cheat the system.
No. 83830
>>83817Yeah, the timeline makes no sense.
She takes tons of selfies, but none of her wedding or husband and her?
Why wait until you are in the US with no insurance to get this surgery?
My mom got cosmetic jaw surgery when I was young (she denied it was cosmetic then, too) and, of course, insurance didn't pay for it.
No. 83843
File: 1429289673540.png (12.54 KB, 1017x182, 8973.png)
>>83483>>83489i think these two images he took from a stream of that camgirl lovely lilith (she looks older now).
>>83473doesn't this look like he shooped the face onto someone else's body? maybe he used a pic of the camgirl as a body double.
No. 83852
>>83742it might look to you that was as an outsider, but for all you know he's an amazing man
looks and having a job are important to a lot of people, sure, but maybe not to your friend. Maybe he has a great sense of humour and is very kind even tho he doesn't look hot
just some things to think about eh
No. 83892
>>83830I wouldn't say she takes lots of selfies.
Her selfies are suspicious. Compare her to ANY lolcow on this board. She has a # of "types of selfies":
>1. Mirror shot posed all the same way, nearly identical in each shot, no visible facial features>2. Gifs that are created via stop-frame animation and all of them are so white-washed that I am 90% >3. Blurry, overly photoshopped body shots of her torsoThese two are likely Peter's sinthetics doll, posed by peter.
>4. Peter and herThere are only a few of these and they are all claimed to be "years old" and Peter is photoshopped into almost all of them. There is one in particular where he is holding the baby whose face he blurred, and is kissing her. It is the most obvious evidence for the doll theory since she is not pursing her lips or kissing back, her face remains taught. In a picture where you can see the texture of Peter's skin, hers remains poreless and her expression remains blank… Hm.
>5. Close ups of material items, rings, hands, etc.These are the most obvious dead giveaway. I am on my phone right now so I cannot link to them but there is one in particular that gave the entire thing away to me. She is holding her ring and there is a close up of a person's hand. Real hand. When you look at the background, you see the girl's torso. She has a belly. These were taken pre-pregnancy. The big gut on this woman does not look like the flat stomach and narrow hips that belong to his doll.
>6. Stolen picturesSome of the pictures (specifically high quality boob gifs) are stolen. Why would a real girl need to steal pictures? Beats me.
>7. Face photosThese are peculiar. Like someone pointed out in this thread, it seems as though this girl has like 5 different faces.
The frigid real doll face, braceface, the girl whose pictures he is obviously stealing, etc. Mix that up with a bit of photoshopping and it all goes to hell. Even Kiki and Kota were able to shoop consistently, shame on you Peter.
>8. Fucking creepshotsThere are a few pictures on Ashleigh's blog that are taken from the back. Specifically a couple in the store and taken walking down the street.
The one in the store, I am 99% sure he took a picture of a random woman and that was that. He is standing so far away and she is examining some store items. It left me with a dry taste in my mouth. So creepy. Probably the same for the street photo, but who knows.
>9. The first picture of Ashleigh that was uncovered, dating to his photobucket circa 2011?Probably the real Ashleigh. Looks absolutely nothing like Braceface. Looks absolutely nothing like the RealDoll. Looks absolutely nothing like the camwhores he is clearly stealing pictures from. Looks nothing like the recent "post jaw surgery" picture that came out (most likely photoshopped to all shit).
Really, someone like Ashleigh with BDD and BPD would not be fucking around when it comes to selfies and social media. Look at any lolcow and you'll see half of them have BPD and take selfies out of the ass and spread them all online. All we have from this girl are puzzle pieces. Literal puzzle pieces of her body. Highly crappy pictures that have resolution that belongs in 2007 and have been extremely filtered and washed out. Makes no sense. Too suspicious.
Pair that with the fact that Peter Coffin has some sort of sick obsession with running long-term sockpuppet accounts roleplaying as teenage girls (something RealDoll owners do, there are entire communities of them), and I say that something in the water stinks pretty heavily.
You know, all Peter would have had to do was provide jaw surgery photos, you know, when she was bruised up, like they promised. He didn't. Because there was no surgery. And there likely is no wife.
No. 83915
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>>83795There's an Ashleigh Burt who is related/connected to a bunch of the same names that is on the fb pages, and have evidence of being real people elsewhere.
No. 83934
File: 1429299249828.jpg (175.27 KB, 1393x995, moles.jpg)
Hey I just noticed this. Moles magically appeared on her chest.
No. 83939
>>83852>sense humourPeter has proven over and over how seriously unfunny he is.
>kindYea, right. Only to himself and his realdoll.
Nice fucking try.
No. 83954
>>83949I cant either, because of the filters. I can see them here though:
>>83483And in most of the other old pics of "ashleigh"
No. 83955
File: 1429300734490.jpg (78.13 KB, 800x400, Nihileigh.jpg)
>>83945Since when? All the pictures I can find, there are no moles?
No. 83959
File: 1429301926522.jpg (20.47 KB, 480x295, da_fuck.jpg)
>>83955>what is photoshop>what are filters>what's make-upYou must be new here. (The mole is visible in the pic on the far left fyi)
No. 83963
>>83727Who the fuck has a kid without insurance? What if something happened to the baby? Fucking wow.
>>83728You can get insurance if you don't have a job. My parents are self employed and they don't pay much more for their insurance than other people. He could easily get insurance, my guess is that he just doesn't want to pay.
No. 83973
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>>83961>you're retardedWhat, is that all you can do, peter?
No. 83977
>>83955We've been over that a hundred times on cow now. It's the shitty quality.
The mole is visible on the left pic, the picture is simply mirrored and it's on the other boob.
No. 83991
like seriously? you're entitled to do or not do whatever you want but I'm so sick of the attitude that you are better than anyone else because of it. You're not a better person just because you abstain or just because you don't. Get off your fucking high horse, you entitled piece of shit.
Anyway, has coffin reacted to that tweet going around yet? I have a bunch of pictures of doll Ash saved on my laptop (including those creepy pregnancy pics), I'll share them when I get home. (As long as that doesn't cause massive butthurt, cough cough.)
No. 84019
>>83963They don't actually have a kid. I'm pretty sure if that was their kid both of them would be on trial for child abuse and TN would be in foster care.
According to Peter's "story" (which is other bullshit because this is his paywhore who is married to another man, and peter doesn't actually have a wife or a child) she is anorexic and sells her breast milk to maintain anorexia, and that is why their kid came out retarded looking (at 5 months she had like a bloaty stomach or something). This, paired with the fact that they don't have insurance, they don't have healthcare, they live in a debt-ridden shithole leads me to believe this is all a lie, because no child could be born in these conditions.
This and the fact that his paywhore from the live stream literally acted like she doesn't know who the kid is.
No. 84033
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>>84029 also has some pics that aren't in that album. Including a bunch of creepy weird pregnancy pictures and hospital selfies.
Seriously, who the fuck takes a picture like this after giving birth to a premature baby??
No. 84061
>>84049 I dress with Star Trek cosplay and I've gotten shit about me just trying to be a nerd.
Pretty girls can enjoy things too.
No. 84068
File: 1429312481856.gif (649.65 KB, 500x667, stillhorseface.gif)
Not the exact same angle obviously but I tried. Her eyes and eyebrows are the same shape. But her nose is a lot wider and more triangle shaped now.
No. 84071
>>84061I'm so sick of the "oh, you're too pretty to like this" or the "you're not pretty enough"
Meanwhile geek guys can look however and no one will ever question them. I've met plenty of fake geek guys who wear a captain america shirt and have only seen the avenger's movie, but never read a single CA comic in their life.
No. 84075
File: 1429313092403.gif (1.32 MB, 960x584, nosejob.gif)
>>84068someone on /cow made similar gifs. They think (i agree) that it shows a nose job and some kind of chin reshaping. The eyes/brows look the same to me
No. 84079
>>84075I think it's a nose job, the horseteeth surgery and maybe a chin implant.
Someone said it looks like she got her jaw shaved but her jaw didnt really get smaller, only the chin got pointier.
No. 84085
>>84033Someone who did not give birth a premature baby.
>>84066That's because Peter is her personality and the youtube videos are just some random girl who barely knows Peter who is paid to look like the camwhore's pictures he steals
No. 84086
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No. 84088
>>84080quick google search suggests most swelling from a nose job is gone after 2 weeks, and most people won't notice anything at that point - though some swelling remains possibly for months. The chin implant/whatever looks like it could be even less recover time.
In any event I imagine the 'double jaw surgery' is a relatively much more intensive surgery, which she seems to have recovered from remarkably well
No. 84090
>>84086more like kek at the obvious wig which she claims is real hair (to the point where she washed it and put it on and claimed she got out of the shower)
i wonder if peter has to pay extra to get them to wear that wig
No. 84102
>>84088>relatively much more intensive surgeryI believe they said it involved breaking the upper maxilla and resetting it further back into her face? and pushing her mandible back as well to correct the overbite.
Googling Orthognathic surgery results in
>If the surgery involved the upper jaw, then the surgery could have an effect on the shape of the patient's nose>Normal recovery time can range from a few weeks for minor surgery, to up to a year for more complicated surgery.Also, I just realized, have there been any profile shots of this chick? It would be a lot easier to tell if you could see her from the side or close to it
No. 84114
>>84102There is one on her tumblr, quite a few pages back (like page 15 or something, I don't know, too lazy to check) where she is kissing Peter on the cheek and they hold the baby.
It is really suspicious though because her profile looks perfect and the rest of her looks like the doll. But it might be her.
No. 84118
File: 1429318124374.png (21.8 KB, 576x293, 1429212717200-1.png)
So, she regularly posts just boob pics, dresses to accentuate her boobs, positions herself in pics to show off 'sexy' bits of herself, has an avatar of a porn character, but a sexualised fictional characters?! My god, stop the presses! And it's not like Star Wars has ever had a history of strong female characters? Noooope. /eyeroll
For such a big SW fan you think she'd know that there have been plenty of really cool female chars and nobody ever had to bring attention to the fact they weren't sexualised. Ever. You know why? Because they were cool characters regardless of gender.
This has to be peter. This has to be. Or she is just the biggest hypocrite of all fucking time.
No. 84120
File: 1429318285863.jpg (50.18 KB, 500x500, tumblr_ninlbewQzM1r5ygdco1_500…)
Nic wig assley
No. 84149
Why are you so fucking mad that I'm not praising your drug use? All I've done to offend you so deeply was say that I'm tired of ghetto fags and don't do drugs, which pissed you right the fuck off.
>>I'm so sick of the attitude that you are better than anyone else because of itNone-junkie elitism lmao
Gtfo you stupid skank, hope your stupid ass gets arrested.
No. 84154
File: 1429329911955.jpeg (61.15 KB, 322x252, 1421980160294.jpeg)
>>84149…did you really just bump the thread to say this?
>kill yourself No. 84156
File: 1429330029378.png (524.49 KB, 583x706, 1421818739629.png)
pregnancy pics.
No. 84234
>>84156How trashy and mentally ill must this girl be to think these pictures are appropriate? Who the fuck thinks to themselves "Hm, I sure would like to show off my baby bump. Better get naked / show off my underwear / stuff my bra until my 'tits' are bigger than my waist!" And am I crazy, or is she sucking in her stomach in the 18 and 17 weeks pictures?
This girl is fucking wacko.
No. 84255
File: 1429349582335.jpg (23.1 KB, 400x225, 14605.jpg)
>>83473Isn't that Emma Stone
No. 84272
>>84254LOL didn't notice that!
Also I have no clue what's supposed to be in the 19 weeks pic. All her pics are grainy AF.
No. 84276
File: 1429361290993.jpg (18.76 KB, 262x350, 2567865.jpg)
First time I've heard of this chick, but tbh it just seems like she's a chick with little to no self worth, and settled for Peter. She shoops her her body to oblivion to look like Valeria-esque (pic related) probably because she has body dismorphia and because Peter is scum and probably tells her thats what he's into.
They def scammed people out of 16k so she could fix her fucking face though.
No. 84284
>>84277Too many assumptions lol
Jaw surgery was maybe not necessary and only cosmetic, her nose and chin changed too so maybe more than only a jaw surgery. Could explain why she didnt got the surgery for free by the NHS years ago.
Also they aren't posting evidence or post op pictures except for one single fucking xray pic that could be anyone, though Peter said they would post pics and video updates of her 'horribly swollen face'.
Someone from cow called the hospital were Ashleigh stayed, however she used the name Ashleigh Burt and not Coffin, maybe another proof that they aren't really married.
And yeah some still think there is a doll involved.
Also they were just begging for 16k because they are so poor, and shortly after the surgery Peter is talking about moving again.
So no one really knows where the money really went.
No. 84289
>>84276I actually think that the human barbie girl is rly beautiful
who agrees
No. 84294
>>84289She's not ugly but she just doesn't look human. Just plastic.
I'd be scared to blow my nose if I was her
No. 84297
>>84291She isn't diagnosed with anything. Doesn't everyone famous on tumblr have some kind of disorder only for pity and attention.
She obviously loves the attention she gets for her pushed up tits and ridiculously small shooped frame
No. 84298
>>84290>slutty no panties pic that she took immediately after giving birthwtf?
No. 84300
>>84289I actually agree with you anon but that's a pic before Lera went super crazy with the shoop and started really pretending to be dollish in her pics with vacant eyes. She's definitely got a horrid personality by all accounts but I do like her old aesthetic from a arty kind of perspective. She kind of looks like s living stylised character from a drawing and not quite human. Which kinda makes sense given the fact she's shooped beyond recognition.
Lera seems a bit sad tho. She lives off babyfood and liquid diets and exercises like crazy to stay so thin and despite travelling a lot and being all spiritual I doubt she has any real fulfillment. I find it kind of hilarious she keeps de aging herself tho. She's 30 this year and we all know it lol but uhhh yeah. Tldr, agree. Like the look even tho I know it's fake.
No. 84301
>>84156Is no one else creeped out by this?
If she were real, and she was that big at 20 weeks, how the fuck is her kid big and ugly rn? Most premature babies are small and faible. Toilet nigga looks big and huge, even for Peter. Something isn't right.
No. 84302
>>84290No no, that was RIGHT AFTER an emergency c-section.
Because c-sections are no big deal, not painful at all or anything.
While most have to puke or have terrible pains when standing, she just takes a sexy pic.
No. 84314
>>84312>Braxton Hicks classBraxton Hicks classes are essentially false contractions. You don't get classes for those.
Unless they meant antenatal classes. Which is also unlikely, as they don't usually hold those in hospitals, and women keep their normal clothes on.
No. 84319
>>84316Yeah, I was just kinda elaborating.
>>84314I also fucked up.
Braxton Hicks are essentially false contractions.*
I added the word classes by accident, oops.
No. 84336
>>84284hi, i am from the uk
she could have gotten the jaw & nose cosmetic surgery if she was diagnosed with BDD (or even if she just proved she had mental circumstances around it) for free. probably from a better surgeon. my SO had his nose done for free even though he did not have a deviated septum or anything of the sort
tl:dr; she isn't from the uk
the theory i like is from /cow/, who found this "Ashleigh" girl on facebook living from NZ. she was reluctant to admit she knew peter coffin and finally gave in and answered them saying that she didn't know him. i think he is paying her to pretend to be his wife. it wouldn't be too much of a leap to make.
oh yeah, and he definitely just scammed some people out of $16k for his fake wife's fake surgery
No. 84337
>>843011. TN is not peter's, he is braceface's son (assuming braceface lives near peter)
2. the girl in the pictures that peter predominantly uses is a ultra-photoshopped version of NZ girl, who likely does not have children
or even if it is the same girl, the mother (presumably braceface) is actually healthy and "sells" her pictures/time to peter, which he proceeds to shoop to all hell and back, consider he has no concept of body proportions whatsoever.
No. 84340
She says she is from Scotland, just like Kimi Kobayashi.
Also had/needed jaw surgery, like Kimi.
And even shares the same birthday as Kimi.
Idk but it all kind of fits together but also doesn't really fit together.
>>84336>>84337Does that NZ girl have anything do with this except that she looks kinda like Ashleigh?
No. 84360
>>84343Would Peter really be that dumb to use the pics AND the same name of a random girl he found online or maybe even knows?
Could also be just a big coincidence, Burt is a common name and Ashleighs face doesn't look too special either. And so far we've found several girls that look a lot like her.
You never know with Petey but I think he has learned after what Xiaxue did to him.
No. 84372
File: 1429384197206.png (83.71 KB, 609x723, Screenshot from 2015-04-06 09-…)
No. 84380
>>84360>Would Peter really be that dumb to use the pics AND the same name of a random girl he found online or maybe even knows?yes
>You never know with Petey but I think he has learned after what Xiaxue did to himalso hi peter
No. 84382
>>84340Also, the similar style of "humor". Always quick to make oh-so witty jokes and refer to their tits. Daddy issues (pretty sure Ashleigh doesn't fool with her dad, whereas Kimi claimed her's lived in Japan and was an asshole). They both had/have the same damn far-out obsession with Star Wars.
With Kimi, she was just a female version of Peter before he turned to the all mighty SJW train, racist jokes and all the like. Now we have Ashleigh, who is also just a female version of Peter, a social justice retard in which they share the same exact views on everyfuckingthing. Neither never really had/has a thought of their own without them aligning straight up with Peter's views.
Not to mention the ImageShack account ( of Peter's that had all of Kimi's Tumblr stuff from the Sachious and DarthDarling accounts for a layout (last one uploaded September 29, 2011), including photos and resized ones for avatars.
Then there was that one picture of Ashleigh with a finger over her lips that is the earliest known photo of her (uploaded November 2, 2011) that isn't photoshopped to hell and back. That's roughly a month in between each one.
Ashleigh's username was once "DarthAshleigh" before changing over to "nihileigh", which is what she used on an atheist message board that her and Peter supposedly met on….a board that she only made maybe two posts on.
Now, any site we come across that Peter has an account on, Ashleigh does, as well. Not just your common social media sites, but all kinds of odd unheard of sites (like ello, & in which they follow one another (need an account to view, but take my word for it). Ashleigh's accounts are never used on any of the sites, with Peter updating it a few times to only forget about them. It's like Peter just wants to leave a paper trail this time, unlike last time, to make her seem real and that they are married or some shit and into one another's online lives.
I agree, though, a lot of it does fit together, but then again it doesn't. It's all so fucking weird and too much to be coincidental. I don't personally think Ashleigh is/was Kimi, but more towards the fact that it's just a figment of Peter's imagination and he's paying someone else to be his wife.
He's rehashing and using old lies from the Kimi-saga because it's what he can remember the most.
Who this girl is that is "Ashleigh" just stumps me, though. Who the fuck is she, where is she originally from, and why the hell can't we find anything on her BEFORE 2011 when the Kimi shit went down and she all of a sudden popped up in Peter's life within a month of deleting everything of Kimi?
No. 84385
>>84384Probably some girl that lives near him - not too near him but near enough that they can stream once in a while.
Someone without an online presence, maybe a sex worker, who knows.
The kid is definitely not hers, or if it is, it doesn't belong to Peter.
Someone who likely will never be found because she doesn't want to, Peter is paying her way too much to shut the fuck about it.
No. 84387
>>84380Yesss was waiting for this comment.
You got me I'm peter cause I don't agree with one single point.
Is there proof that she is still in NZ? Because the only thing that would make sense to me is that she is simply not from Scotland but from NZ.
No. 84392
File: 1429387309616.jpg (39.93 KB, 640x480, Tc5mKCR.jpg)
>>84385I think the old ones are Lovely Lilith behind ten filters. Thats how he got the shitloads of gifs (from camgirl streams).
The more recent pics, like in the OP and horsemaw are a whole different person.
And i highly doubt that this new face is horsemaw's. There is no way.
No. 84393
>>84392I think he must shoop the eyes onto some one else's face, etc. etc. etc.
I have no idea who would go to such great lengths to ""prove"" they have a wife.
No. 84405
>>84393It's crazy. What even confirms, that there is no wife is him obsessing over and invading these threads, in an effort to convince people otherwise.
Plus, after watching the livestream of him and horsemaw, it became clear as daylight, that they're not a couple.
No. 84407
>>84405He's afraid that it'll be the Kimipocalypse 2.0.
Peter, a word of advice: turn back and divorce your imaginary childbride now, before this all ends poorly for you.
No. 84419
>>84398She was only there overnight? For a double jaw surgery?
Now are you fucking kidding me that's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard.
You're on an iv drip and nothing but a bleeding and drooling mess.
First day is completely blurry, you feel like you're dying or want to die. And she gets sent home on the next day lol sure honey.
No. 84447
File: 1429393626488.jpg (1.75 KB, 72x96, images.jpg)
>>83473This came up as "visually similar images" kek.
No. 84448
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No. 84496
>>84156there's also the point that her belly grew extremely low. I think there were other pictures of later on in the pregnancy, around 20-30 weeks where she looked around 12 weeks. I tried posting a picture on 8ch of a real woman pregnant for the same length and Ashleigh looked NOTHING like it.
Plus, I know genes play around a lot, but everyone in Peter's family, and apparently Ashleigh's have brown eyes. It would be like 1/200 chance for Toilet nigga to have blue eyes.
No. 84498
>>84496to be fair though, a lot of babies start off with blue/green eyes. Not sure how long they stay that way though, and they've been keeping that kid under wraps.
Oddly enough, for new parents they really don't post anything about their kid.
No. 84504
File: 1429400652393.png (178.16 KB, 1024x587, Eye-Color-Chart.png)
>>84496>>84498Here's a chart, also echo that babies are often born with light eyes that can turn brown later on.
No. 84510
File: 1429401217502.jpg (59.68 KB, 513x220, baby.jpg)
>>84498Yeah this gets mentioned every time it's pointed out.
But I can tell you with 1,000,000% certainty that when people say "babies are born with blue eyes", they are NOT talking about blue eyes like you would see on a regular blue-eyed person. They're talking about this color, which is actually a dark steel gray color. They go away at about 6 months. If you see a baby with eyes that look something other than this, that's their permanent eye color. Toilet Nigga has very clear permanent blue eyes (if this picture is even TN and not some other baby they cropped out)>>84504Don't rely on those charts. Genetics isn't something so black and white.
No. 84519
File: 1429403199332.jpg (420.27 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nilwp3EWvi1r5ygdco1_128…)
>>84498>for new parents they really don't post anything about their kidExcept when it gets in the way of taking selfies.
No. 84521
>>84519So many inconsistencies.
Someone needs to compile the Kimi fake gf stuff, I'm starting to feel like she IS the original Kimi the more I think of it. The difference is that she was younger (a teen?) and Peter sockpuppeted her fake persona.
No. 84528
File: 1429404431323.png (234.31 KB, 925x273, somethingbad.PNG)
>>84521>>84526There are a few things connecting kimi/ashleigh. The remarkable 'jaw surgery' they both needed, the fact that kimi was a japanese girl from scotland, a series of intermediate blogs that peter made connecting kimi's old blog to darthashleigh/nihileigh. Some other scattered things too I think, like this old suspicious tumblr post on nihileigh.
I'm still not sure how much of this exists in reality or is all in petes head though
No. 84532
>>84528It could be that Ashleigh is real and was the person behind Kimi or it could be that Peter initially wanted to construct Ashleigh as the perpetrator behind Kimi. At the time, he was desperately trying to worm himself out of the situation and as insane as it sounds to make a fake person that was pretending to be a different fake person, I've seen weirder things happen.
There is a lot of continuity between the two, especially the jaw thing (how rare is that condition anyway?), but it's really unclear what the nature of that is. The prevailing theory on /cow/ seems to be that regardless of whether or not Ashleigh is real, Peter is the one managing her social media accounts. But if that's true then it makes no sense for him to link this new (possibly more tangible) persona to one that was already outed as a fraud. Unless, as I said, he was trying to make this new persona seem like the one behind the fraud. But I think if he was going to do that, he would have maybe been more overt about it. Maybe he got cold feet and aborted that plan halfway through.
No. 84538
File: 1429408398114.png (1.05 MB, 1060x838, 1429407557032[1].png)
New pics.
"time to shoehorn my geeky hobbies into every picture~ I'm so cute and geeky~"
No. 84539
It's from the same exact photo set as the last picture
Do they think we are dumb
No. 84542
>>84532I understand the logic in the argument that Kimi was just Ashleigh cat fishing…. But I don't believe it. At all. Kimi sounded exactly like Peter and Ashleigh does as well. Neither of them post about going out with girlfriends or anything other than Peter. They both have a terrible sense of humor that reads exactly like Peter.
I know that there is a real woman behind Ashleigh somewhere, but I don't believe Ash catfished Peter with Kimi. Peter is just using that as a way to cover up his mistakes.
No. 84549
File: 1429410363745.png (3.84 MB, 1000x1334, 1429409959717[1].png)
She didn't even change her shirt between pics
No. 84562
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No. 84564
>>84551During one of the first /cow/ threads Peter had, someone discovered she was selling her breast milk to mothers who couldn't breastfeed for medical reasons or whatever. They linked to a site with the info [I don't have it].
It's just to get cash because they're poor. She figured that since she's breastfeeding she could get some money out of it, which is kinda gross to be quite honest. I don't know how she'd send the milk since it spoils after 24 hours at room temperature, unless she hands it out personally or something.
No. 84568
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>>84563At least nobody else has donated in the past 26 days even though he's still begging.
No. 84579
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You think?
No. 84584
File: 1429412630962.gif (307.56 KB, 500x667, nihilie.gif)
>>84549>>84538move my face?… noty
No. 84585
>>84568oh my god, he's so pathetic. Trying so hard to get the pity donations.
If she lasted 22 yrs with her chomper overbite, I'm sure she could wait until they were more financially stable. (read: forever)
I agree with the notion it was purely cosmetic surgery.
No. 84586
File: 1429412939045.webm (2.31 MB, 640x360, drop_it_baby.webm)
Its happening all over again! AAAA!
No. 84587
No. 84589
File: 1429413438875.jpg (40.47 KB, 480x480, ggdf4-large[1].jpg)
>>84587someone who hates babies?
No. 84590
File: 1429413980849.jpg (62.78 KB, 612x612, mahogany_doll_hair.jpg)
dont you love it when your hair looks like this?
No. 84601
When I first saw that ad (when it was pasted on /cow/ no male customers and now she said she's willing to sell to men.
>>84600People were saying it looked like it had FAS.
No. 84609
>>84504>>84512This chart is bull on the blue part tho.
Whole family has blue eyes. No one has green.
>>84603That is one weird looking baby though.
But I guess time is the only thing that can tell if it's Coffin's or not. Unless he decides to post childhood pics of himself for comparison.
This whole thing is very weird all around though.
No. 84613
>>84601>>84603idk much about FAS, but I thought the head circumference was suppose to be abnormally
small in them. Also the absence of the dip above the lip, which this baby appears to have.
I googled "baby large head circumference" and found this..'s something called Macrocephaly
>Macrocephaly refers to an overly large head in infants. Not all cases of macrocephaly are cause for alarm. However, it is often a sign of other complications within the head or brain.
>macrocephaly is an inherited condition in which a family is predisposed to having a larger head circumference. No. 84626
File: 1429417919797.jpg (128.34 KB, 750x563, image.jpg)
>>84593He (and Ashleigh) just play it off to be that Ashleigh was the one cat fishing Peter with Kimi's pictures, and that as soon as he was exposed, she came out and they professed their love for one and other.
If this were in any way true at all, it would mean Ashleigh is a HUGE FUCKING RACIST and made really shitty jokes about Asians (didn't even understand the difference between Korean and Japanese either) just to impress Peter-Fucking-Coffin. How ridiculously pathetic is that?
If Ashleigh even is real, she is seriously messed up, and I don't like to say that about people. But it's probably her goddamn fault her baby was born retarded. (If of course that is her baby??? The plot thickens.)
No. 84629
>>84626bruh, I think Xiaxue covered this part. If somebody wanted to be a Catfish, and catfish somebody for like, what was it, over a year? They could have their choice to do it to ANYBODY. Why choose Coffin? An ugly, broke, unfunny nobody, who at the time was getting 200 views per youtube video.
before her breast implants/photoshop she used to be ugly/plain (evidenced by their baby), and she had low self-esteem, and maybe just catfished Peter to feel vicariously beautiful through Kimi, not because she was interested in a relationship. But after dragging the prank for so long and not knowing how to end it, she developed feelings for him. But then when Xiaxue outed them, she went into hiding out of extreme guilt. Then 8 months later on November 2011, she sent a private message to Peter admitting everything and asked if he still loved her. Peter, not foreseeing any other female say this to him in his lifetime, accepted it, and fell in love with her as he did Kimi. He didn't out her as the catfish and endured the ridicule because he didn't want to humiliate her. She came to the U.S, got married, bore toilet nigga, and are now fighting to defend the situation without giving out the truth of the holes in the story.
No. 84639
>>84629Doesn't change the fact it makes her a racist fuck.
Also iirc Ashleigh has stated she doesn't like romance or intimacy.
No. 84666
>>84626The timing sounds about right because if Ashley was Kimi this would make so much more sense.
>>84528And then she married him even though she doesn't totally like him to get away from her shit town?
No. 84695
File: 1429428464292.jpg (9.23 KB, 200x200, again.jpg)
>>84521>>84528>>84666Omg, is peteypoot seriously trying to change the consensus again?
It is confirmed that he was Kimi Kobayashi. The catfish thing as just another try to make 'ashleigh' appear real. At this point he doesnt even care, how fucked up this character he created comes across, as long as it makes her existence that much more believable.
I refuse to believe, that people on here are so stupid to fall for his bs.
No. 84697
File: 1429428726167.jpg (626.13 KB, 1000x1334, 1429425603229[1].jpg)
reposting this from cow:
"Animator fag here.
Ok, I have a simple tool that emphasis's the edges of images. When an image has been altered it will leave tell tale signs due to how poor anti alias technology and standard image formats work.
Well, our boy fucked up, and I'll show you a few reasons why, but first- This is the collage a helpful anon posted. Coffin has edited this image a lot. The first image is close to its original format, the rest have had noise added to it to hide his shopping traces. Notice something /cow/boys? That's right, in the first image, the face has been shopped or pasted onto that body. He made the mistake of not adding in a small amount of noise to that fist image so it picked up on everything. You won't find this girl because its a composite."
link: No. 84700
>>84522>>84508>>84504That chart is utter garbage. Even going by the dumbed down middle school version (brown is dominant over green, both are dominant over blue) that chart is wrong.
The reality is that there are a fuck ton of genes that determine eye color. It's even possible for two blue or green eyed parents to have a brown eyed child, contrary to common belief. Disregard the chart.
No. 84701
File: 1429429842434.jpg (185.59 KB, 898x895, 1421815155220.jpg)
>>84696everyone is peter!!
No. 84707
>>84701Way more likely than this "Ashleigh", who is a construct made of at least 2 women (and possibly a doll) actually existing.
3 women if you count the newly shooped on face.
>>84697Was a matter of time till someone confirmed that.
No. 84721
>>84538Idk what makes me more angry. The fact she always posts doubles and pretends they're different or the fact that her star wars nerdiness is fucking fake as hell and try hard.
also people like her just kind of proves that the ones who are into social justice are utter simpleton morons who can't form their own opinions so they just cling to someone else's definition of things and regurgitate socjus buzzwords at every turn
No. 84738
>>84721Yeah holy shit
the posting doubles and pretending they are different when really they are identical is seriously my biggest pet peeve that peter does. idk who told him it looked good.
No. 84756
>>84234these don't even look real
she's a twig with melons on her chest
No. 84758
File: 1429450134510.jpg (280.29 KB, 612x562, 1421910122437-0.jpg)
>>84255it's a new sexdoll head that looks like emma stone
that's why ashley covered her mouth in all those pics before
because it was ripped or damaged, or maybe just looked too unrealistic
No. 84759
File: 1429450209308.jpg (92.68 KB, 500x500, the-first-pic-must-be-nihileig…)
>>84298no sane woman would take pics like that
she's either completely insane or a doll, because she's acting like a guy who never had a gf would imagine a woman acts
No. 84763
File: 1429450401484.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.3 KB, 1000x380, body_b_comparison.jpg)
>>84336to be fair, it does cost a lot to replace realdoll parts and get them 'modified' or fixed, so he wasn't completely lying about her needing 'surgery'
No. 84766
File: 1429450596815.jpg (2.68 MB, 2448x3264, 1421884956964.jpg)
>>84340>She says she is from Scotland, just like Kimi Kobayashi.>Also had/needed jaw surgery, like Kimi.>And even shares the same birthday as Kimi.Thank you. It just doesn't add up. Also the fact that he took this creepshot of obviously a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT woman with a different body and claimed it was ashley working out
No. 84768
File: 1429450645160.gif (751.59 KB, 500x375, 1421801667607.gif)
>>84372ummm why would she tweet that?
why not just call him?
No. 84773
File: 1429450965089.jpg (72.07 KB, 500x306, i-has-a-real-doll-790049.jpg)
>>84528yeah, it's just too many coincidences, you know?
No. 84775
>>84564thing is, she DOESN'T sell the milk
she just has an account, and tonnes of people asking for milk, whom she ignores
anyone can set up an account like this to play into their weird roleplay/fetish
No. 84777
>>84579this picture is all fucked up
look at the place where her fingers should be wrapped around the baby's leg?
what in the actual fuck
No. 84778
File: 1429451253283.jpg (Spoiler Image,51.86 KB, 660x440, RealDoll.jpg)
>>84589her body looks like a cartoon goddam
did she ever admit to having implants? or is she just super blessed?
No. 84779
File: 1429451335173.jpg (58.63 KB, 500x500, tumblr_ml9pb1u5RA1r5ygdco1_500…)
>>84590that's some really long and healthy looking plastic hair for someone who dyed it all mahogany.
I wonder how she deals with roots? Good thing her hair doesn't grow.
No. 84781
File: 1429451510927.jpg (87.5 KB, 612x612, ygiDTwu.jpg)
>>84613meh, a lot of babies look pretty ugly, doesn't mean they have a condition
>>84629but then why catfish guys if you look like this? it just doesn't add up
No. 84784
File: 1429451692002.jpg (57.78 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mmaft3Lp2Q1r5ygdco1_500…)
>>84767yeah, it doesn't even look like her in that pic
every now and then there's a pic like that where she looks suspiciously different
No. 84787
File: 1429451834821.jpg (403.66 KB, 960x960, QJ3xP0m.jpg)
>>84769Yep. He took a creepshot of a skinny girl with short (not mahogany) hair and claimed it was ashleigh.
If that isn't putrid levels of fishy, I do't know what is
No. 84791
File: 1429452385532.gif (1.4 MB, 400x300, tumblr_n4l88bFj6l1r5ygdco1_400…)
>>84789well that's a bit unlikely
she should be in a world's records list with breasts like this
I mean, they're mostly fat, so she must have some freakish genes eh
the sillicone genes
No. 84793
>>84790Yeah, it looks like a total creepshot, not 'oh I took a pic of my waifu while she was working out, she looks so hawt kek'
in my opinion posting that pic was one of his biggest slip ups
there's just NO WAY that woman is ashley
No. 84794
>>84784Of all the Darths to cling to why Darth Nihilus? He's not even that cool. His ship mission was totally stupid and he's basically just a force spirit that barely even talked. He has zero personality other than being a huge wound in the force.
Darth Sion was ten times more interesting. Or hell, Malak from the first one. She clearly likes the inferior KOTOR, too. 2 was a rushed game with a bunch of loose ends that never got tied up .
No. 84795
File: 1429452533615.png (713.37 KB, 636x462, vlyRw4y.png)
>>84792I get what you mean
I mean just look at this pic
No. 84797
File: 1429452605863.png (2.85 MB, 2034x1228, rrr.png)
>>84794>He has zero personalityI guess that's why a realdoll would identify with him lol
No. 84798
File: 1429452684785.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.11 KB, 600x411, OOS3eMx.jpg)
>>84796I want to know too
No. 84803
File: 1429453026350.jpg (Spoiler Image,201.54 KB, 600x442, enhanced-buzz-16099-1304087014…)
>>84799I find fleshlights creepier in a way
at least with the doll they're having a semblance of a relationship? iono
No. 84807
>>84759I don't know if I remember correctly, but wasn't it confirmed that this picture isn't her?
It was taken from some pornstars facebook.
Peter posted it and wrote something like "Yup. That's my wife".
When someone on /cow found the original one he deleted it.
Also, no boob mole on that picture.
No. 84808
>>84806I think it's just you. Ashleigh is a Sinthestics doll. I need to figure out a way of contacting them (they are small time) and figuring out how to get them to fess up to making a doll for Peter.
Unless he bought it used, then we are fucked
No. 84809
>>84795oh my gooooooooooooooood
this isn't even a picture of a person
this is the doll
No. 84812
>>84791Nah m8, those are definitely real.
It's not like huge sandbags on a skinny girl doesn't happen, although it does happen.
No. 84814
>>84810Confirmed idk or theory for this is that she uploaded that gif of her boobs on tinypic or somewhere, and the url was the same as another picture before that got deleted.
The old url was still in the signature of that one user and that's why it linked to a hamster forum lol
No. 84816
File: 1429455227153.jpg (61.44 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mm57b6oNaL1r5ygdco1_500…)
>>84807oh maaan
this, that gym pic and that gif which was posted YEARS before he was with ashley officially
so much fishy stuff
like, why would you act like other women are your wife? isn't that weird?
No. 84818
File: 1429455305430.jpg (196.77 KB, 900x900, ThQgVPC.jpg)
>>84809nah man, it's 'ashleigh' kek
I think there's both a real person and a doll involved
the real person is a camwhore he pays for gifs, maybe an escort stripper or prostitute, toilet nigga is also real
the doll is the one he poses up for pics like this
No. 84819
>>84812Why are you so sure they're real?
No. 84820
File: 1429455382008.jpg (137.82 KB, 612x612, zoominforjoint.jpg)
>>84813Coffin claimed it's ashley tho.
No. 84827
>>84825>>84822Guess petey was telling porkeys
or his wife is sending him nudes of other women whilst claiming it's her
No. 84828
File: 1429457039631.png (566.72 KB, 683x971, 1423179013214.png)
>>84825I'm dumb and forgot the pic
And this link here
No. 84830
>>84818I'm pretty positive that the photo in question is just a sinthetics doll
look at it
definitely not human. the pose isn't even human, it's stiff and fake. the arms don't look human.
No. 84832
>>84795This definitely isn't a human woman.
It's posed like a fucking barbie, everything about it screams realdoll.
The way the pants drape over the doll is the dead give away.
Had she been a real fucking woman, there would still be creasing and clinging from the pants regardless of how big they were on her. This is clearly a posed doll. If it were a woman you could tell she had been MOVING in the pants, they wouldn't be draped over her like that.
No. 84859
>>84820Along with everything else, a picture like this really kinda seals it for me. This picture looks like he's desperately trying to prove she's a real person by having her in the picture. It honestly would be more believable that she was a real person if she just posted a picture of the box of tea (or any other picture where she's showing off some thing she just found) and not forced her whole body into the picture. I know girls who do this whole thing where they put themselves into the picture but there's still usually emphasis on the thing they're showing off. It's just an awkward photo.
That and there are a few other pictures where's she's trying strike some pose but her iphone kind of ruins the pose. If she's really got a husband at home who supports her nerdy costuming and shit why doesn't she just ask him to take the pictures?
And then on top of that, the BDD just doesn't really add up. I have BDD and I know a few other people with it (mainly from support groups) and I mean, I guess it's different for everyone, but there are honestly hardly any pictures of me in existence. I don't usually allow photos to be taken of me and honestly even hate 99% of my selfies. My instagram is mainly pictures of other things. Even copious amounts of plastic surgery wouldn't help, I'd just find something else.
I have to stand behind the theory that he just kind of claims random girls who look similar enough are his wife, but he's not married, and the surgery money was for upgrades on his realdoll and to get him out of debt/moving fees. The kid belongs to someone else. He checked himself into the hospital. Her jaw surgery was not life-threatening and her face was not so busted that she couldn't wait a while to get it fixed.
No. 84909
File: 1429463459038.png (183.4 KB, 400x326, 6a00d8341c558f53ef01a73dcafc7c…)
>>84850I mean, it's possible that she's one of those lucky skinny girls with huge tits, but those are so rare
and I don't mean skinny girls with medium or big tits, those are at most uncommon, I'm talking HUGE here, which is the DD cup ashley claims
No. 84916
>>84904You know, every time I start to think that the doll theory and every other insane bit of speculation we come up with is just too outlandish to be real, I remember that
he actually has a recorded history of doing this exact same shit before.
No. 84921
File: 1429464021758.png (427.48 KB, 862x512, POP.png)
>>84885oh he poses with the doll too
also in one of his vids, he does a shot of his basement or whatever and lo and behold for one second…on the floor of his basement…
No. 84924
File: 1429464094923.jpg (79.4 KB, 768x597, 551709_3739051049570_123537526…)
>>84917Why not both? A realdoll, pics he shoops heavily and a prostitute/escort/stripper he pays to have awkward 'livestreams' with her where he never mentions her as his wife and talks in vague terms
No. 84931
>>84921That's actually a picture from Katy Perrys music video.
He tried to shoop the guitar away in her hands, looking at this makes me question if he actually knows how to use photoshop.
Everyone is talking about his master photoshop skills but this looks like he doesn't even know how what a layer is.
No. 84932
>>84931that? that's a still from his basement video
it's in his basement
No. 84939
File: 1429465540950.jpg (80.01 KB, 600x400, Ryleigh studying.JPG)
>>84935oh shii
it's the face
does anyone else see it too?
they mix and match the body parts for the dolls, so I think the boobs are different, but the face and hair are v similar apart from the eyebrows
No. 84945
File: 1429465941696.jpg (35.64 KB, 640x480, 14223456787765-0.jpg)
>>84942who could punch a face like that?
No. 84948
This doesn't even look remotely like her.
No. 84958
>>84954so he's a real SJW.
they're always hypocritical like this. boohooo check your privilege, gender neutral bathrooms plz SHUT UP YOU SLUT YOU DESERVED TO GET RAPED CRACKER boohoo he wore a t shirt with naked women on it
No. 84977
File: 1429467514262.png (394.11 KB, 1408x2168, BASEDDOLLFAG.png)
A guy who actually owned realdolls and was active in their community speaks out
No. 84985
File: 1429467857449.png (218.18 KB, 600x700, words-can-hurt-more-than-anyth…)
>>84980I do actually have facial blindness :(
No. 84998
>>84988lol no, just because she has long dark hair and glasses doesn't mean she looks anything like braceface. completely different eyebrows, wider nose, chubby cheeks with dimples, and hair that doesn't look like a wig….
damn anon quit reaching
No. 85003
File: 1429468765828.jpg (121.14 KB, 612x612, 073 - xWgUHLA.jpg)
>>84766I thought this was a pic that an anon took in reference to this photo, and the photo/video of horsemaw walking the (now MIA;presumably dead) dog.
No. 85004
File: 1429468839033.jpg (257.85 KB, 1454x840, ummm.jpg)
No. 85007
File: 1429468901295.jpg (52.32 KB, 405x480, full.jpg)
>>85003no, coffin took that gym pic, or at least posted it while claiming it's his wife
No. 85019
File: 1429469444254.jpg (363.49 KB, 840x840, 1Uamqce.jpg)
>>85014lol top kek, man detected
> implying ashleigh is a 32DDthe bigger the number the larger the chest, the smaller the tits will appear, fatties tend to have huge chests because they're fat so D cups look tiny on them, check out pearchan to see an extreme case of this
You posted a chubby fatty girl. DD on a girl like ashley would look huge
so she's probably 28 DD or less
No. 85030
File: 1429469682873.png (27.03 KB, 560x334, bra-size-table.png)
>>8501428D looks huge compared to 38D
ashley ain't fat
No. 85032
>>85022Thousands lol.
Thats what youtubers in the top 100 make, where he also never was. No. 85035
File: 1429469874482.jpg (158.85 KB, 1024x640, 5285_THUMB_IPAD.jpg)
>>85027ummm…Ok? I don't know what to tell you, but D is big
maybe your tits are saggy? maybe you're wearing bras that are too big for you? either way, I'm very sorry
No. 85038
>>85035Ds are not big. A D cup means that the breast is 4 inches bigger than the underbust. That's it. Mine have a 6 inch difference.
Ashleigh looks like there's about a foot difference with her ridiculous tits.
No. 85039
File: 1429470020651.jpg (41.75 KB, 1003x396, TWNzA.jpg)
>>85035God damn girl, just educate yourself already: No. 85055
>>85044I am not an American, I'm from the UK. And no, they don't, most people just try on bras and whatever vaguely fits, they buy, or they get improperly measured. I don't know why, but fitters get told to add ~4inches to a back size, and add the inches to that. So for years I was wearing a 32C, which is a "common size." This isn't how you fit a bra, and because of this, women are wearing shit bras that don't fit, 'cause they think "I can't possibly be a D, that's HUGE." It makes a big difference tho, forreal.
No. 85056
>>85055I'm a D, and it's huge for my frame. Anyone who claims D isn't huge is being nonsensical. On average most girls are around a C cup.
I'm not talking about fatties here, once you get fat D is no longer rare
No. 85057
>>85056>Anyone who claims D isn't huge is being nonsensical. Quite the opposite. The average cup size would be E/F/FF Look at and and tell me otherwise.
No. 85061
File: 1429470926298.png (740.77 KB, 484x668, wasaaa.png)
what's that blurry thing on her jaw
No. 85067
File: 1429471177843.jpg (140.94 KB, 640x842, average-breast-cup-640x842.jpg)
>>85057look at
>>85035 and I'm not talking about countries where most women are overweight or obese like the UK, US or germany. Those have lots of D cups and higher because they're full of fatties
>>85060Aye, I think this thread is full of men who want to believe most women have huge jugs or fatty chans
No. 85069
File: 1429471202893.jpeg (41.5 KB, 645x645, ChZvQECB.jpeg)
>>85007Oh, alright. Do you remember which photo it was then that an anon took, to give an example of what Petey was doing?
No. 85071
>>85065so did she shoop her jaw smaller or what
'cos it looks like the smudge tool when you make it big and move it
No. 85075
>>85067Gad daym you're dense and have literally no idea how boobs work at all.
Wearing an ill-fitting bra doesn't make you a smaller cup size. No. 85077
>>85072try telling that to this thread
apparently D cups are itty bitty titties
No. 85123
File: 1429472443449.jpg (41.86 KB, 640x480, 053 - 1N8lt5Y.jpg)
>>85108Not my fault you don't know how boobs work. :)
No. 85125
>>85108technically a D cup can look small, but ONLY if you're fat/and or have a wide chest, so it spreads out sorta
imagine orangutan titties basically
No. 85129
File: 1429472631164.jpg (61.13 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mnj46hLqIF1r5ygdco1_500…)
back on topic
is it just me or does the way ashley posts not sound realistic? She's always talking about her tits, milk, being sexy and interests that are EXACTLY the same as coffins (star wars, SJW shit)
No. 85130
>>85127same <3
flat chests have feelings too
No. 85131
File: 1429472669082.jpg (54.74 KB, 640x640, 915666_546950245417386_8663453…)
>>85092Pretty much, it reminds me of when I discovered there were grown women who thought they pee out their vaginas. Sad shit. If you idiots can't even figure out bras how the fuck do you think you can figure out something more challenging, like who the hell this Ashleigh realy is.
No. 85132
File: 1429472707038.jpg (74.16 KB, 612x612, 012 - Zfte97a.jpg)
>>85125All a D cup means is that there's a four inch difference between the ribcage and the bust. Someone who is a 40D has a lot more breast tissue than someone who is a 26D, but the proportions are still the same = basically flat.
Then you get into breast shape, which can make breasts look bigger/smaller even if they are smaller/bigger. Shallow will look smaller vs projected, which will look bigger, etc.
No. 85139
>>85129Star Wars and Evangelion. The two most basic of nerdy interests.
Her boobs are big can we please stop discussing this.
No. 85140
File: 1429472994276.jpg (455.47 KB, 900x900, EYVetsg.jpg)
>>85139her boobs are big and probably fake
No. 85146
File: 1429473224971.webm (5 MB, 1280x720, PuppyLovesHair.webm)
Are we still on the "Ashleigh killed Howl"?
No. 85147
File: 1429473307618.jpg (50.05 KB, 500x500, tumblr_msf5fo8kDz1r5ygdco1_500…)
>>85145that's disturbing but I see what u mean
No. 85149
File: 1429473330279.png (733.72 KB, 639x481, 105 - gSh2UfI.png)
oops :p well some photos are certainly questionable, I know this one have anons saying "peter in a wig"
No. 85153
>>85146OMG this is so creepy
look how she keeps stone still and then THE HAND OF DOOM strokes him once stiffly
No. 85163
File: 1429473702395.webm (904.82 KB, 1280x720, easy_mode_boobs.webm)
More mystery arms from outta fucking nowhere, courtesy of Pete's video Easy Mode
No. 85168
>>85163her boobs seem 'hard' and not the ultra squishy bags of fat they should be
also who the hell posts vids like this?
are they exhibitionists?
No. 85175
File: 1429473987440.jpg (115.05 KB, 427x640, Temptation.jpg)
also not being real probably helps
No. 85177
File: 1429474041746.png (428.07 KB, 823x668, bull.png)
lol she posts this
No. 85181
>>85163The way her hands are placed on her tits in the first 2 seconds, you'd think she'd be mashing them together in a slightly different way (ie her fingers would be moving at least)
But it just cuts to her hands on her sides, completely motionless except to move her tits inward, and even then you don't see her arms themselves moving.
Very legit, Peter.
No. 85184
File: 1429474393665.png (118.2 KB, 496x444, umhhhh.png)
No. 85191
>>85163Never seen this before. Lol now i am 100% sure that a doll is involved.
>>85178I have no words. Peter is a fucking embarrassment to humanity.
No. 85192
File: 1429474650345.png (267.23 KB, 869x737, bichnaa.png)
>>85187well I don't really listen to his stuff because I can't bear it, but she does talk in a strange manner
she's obsessed with her tits for one
and never posts ANYTHING stereotypically female. I'm not saying she has to be a total bimbo or that all women are into the same stuff, I just think it's weird she NEVER reblogs anything to do with fashion, makeup, perfumes, cute things, beauty tutorials etc.
the women that are 0% into this stuff tend to look like star unltranova, hell, even star is into 'fashion'
I just think it's weird that she's this 'hot' girl with 0 interest in fashion, makeup or anything
No. 85197
>>85192she doesn't have makeup stuff, fashion stuff, pictures of her friends or even something stupid like a cake she baked, her new nails, her new haircut, making a derpy face on snapchat, a cute turtle she saw, a beautiful skyline…all pictures you'd see on a legit account
it's like raven's husbando. He was obviously closely monitored. No pictured of hanging out with friend, no hobbies nada
No. 85208
>>85192This is exactly what I said on /cow/
swami on /r9k/ was a man who pretended to be a woman and I had conversations with him and he knew things about women that men don't. It was so convincing, his entire act. Little nuances like that there is no way he'd know without a woman telling him about them. Stuff about periods etc
Literally fucking swami is more of a woman than "Ashleigh" (Peter).
He doesn't know anything about women, it is so irritating. The few things she's said about her hair/makeup don't sound like comments that women would make. She doesn't use social media like women would. She doesn't make friends on social media other than Peter. she is peter
No. 85212
>>85208or maybe she's just an aspie?
there are women like this, basically female neckbeards
No. 85216
File: 1429476031387.jpg (174.84 KB, 568x568, 286565-112-1119653187-purevolu…)
>>85211you should ask /cow/ they'll know
I don't know what the exact origin is
No. 85217
File: 1429476060670.jpg (70.6 KB, 468x496, race1.jpg)
>>85213ching chong ding dong
No. 85232
File: 1429477250146.png (449.03 KB, 593x353, 11111.png)
>>85231if this guy can marry one, coffin can skype his
No. 85239
File: 1429478102130.png (29.31 KB, 848x407, 8fd8df.png)
ok what about this
this is from 2011 (around novemeber, same time assley joined dumblr)
this makes it all seem legit
like they had an online relationship and then met
No. 85244
File: 1429478419545.jpg (25.27 KB, 400x300, 6a00d8341c558f53ef01a73dcafc8f…)
she was also a virgin before she met him, according to her dumblr
No. 85250
I just remembered something
Don't people from Scotland have plugs and outlets and light switches that look different than Americans do?! I'm pretty sure they do. My SO used to say so all the time. I remember him looking at random peoples pictures and deciding where they lived based on that
Does anyone want to go through her pictures and identify her location based on the background of her room? Specifically the ones that are "old" and supposed to be in Scotland? I would ask my SO to do it but I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm crazy for following this.
No. 85255
>>85244Oh yeah, she says she was a virgin BUT talks about sex and kinky stuff like she's some sort of expert. Uhmmm but this was before she supposedly saw Peter in person so how?
Oh that's right, in Petey's narrative a girl has to be a pure special virgin until she meets him, but is also a kinky high sexual person despite this. Spoiler alert, your fantasies are retarded Peter.
No. 85258
File: 1429478852286.jpg (55.92 KB, 540x405, tumblr_lxpmfpKItn1r5ygdco2_r3_…)
>>85250that's a good point
she has v few pics before they met unfortunately, and most of those are like pic related
No. 85260
>>85250I'm in the UK, if you can link me to a few pics, I'll take a look. Also I think the BIGGEST give away is that Ashleigh uses 'zeds' instead of 's' when she types. If she was educated in the UK? There's no way she'd use zeds.
Like in 'analyse' and 'analyze'. The one with the z is the US spelling, but the s one is UK. Also the lack of 'ou' in her stufff as well. Peter clearly isn't smart enough to know that UK english is different.
No. 85261
>>85168Here's the original. Worth adding that, when this video was originally uploaded, it had this picture
>>85052 as the thumbnail. It was later changed to a PS2(?) controller for an unknown reason.
No. 85264
>>85260>>85260I'm on my phone right now so I can't but on the ED in the discussion there is a massive folder with pics I think, also in this thread there is an imgur photo with pics, but they are all of diff girls. The ones when she's from Scotland look like this
>>85244Idk about you but that room doesn't like Scottish to me - I live in America and most of our houses are built that way but when I went to the UK it was a culture shock because you all have some really different looking houses. I find it hard to believe (based on where my SO lived) that that room is in Aberdeen, but I could be wrong. What do you think?
No. 85268
File: 1429479263474.png (357.94 KB, 870x460, big league chew.png)
No. 85270
File: 1429479319249.jpg (45.65 KB, 540x405, tumblr_lv4rw2g4ve1r5ygdco1_540…)
she said 'hi mom' with this pic
No. 85271
>>85264Actually, you do have a point. Most of our houses are quite old in comparison to the US and they do sort of have a different sort of feel to them. Unless, of course, she lives in a newer style estate house.
If I could see the light switch I could tell for sure. US light switches are slim buttons while UK ones are quite thick. We also have switches on all our outlets to turn them off and on.
No. 85274
>>85268Ok call me crazy, but peter looks super cute in those pics
Those little bad boy eyes and that stubble 8/10
No. 85282
File: 1429479670747.gif (488.35 KB, 374x281, tumblr_lw7y7lrdVl1r270l9.gif)
ok I have a theory
ass leigh is a camwhore/random girl he fell in love with
she didn't reciprocate, or maybe broke up with him, so he bought a realdoll to dull the pain
No. 85291
File: 1429480016347.png (2.88 MB, 2468x2472, chronologicallyconfused.png)
oh wow, so I was going through her dumblr, and there's a pic where she posts her newly dyed hair, but then when you go back there's one older photo with exactly the same hair colour
soooOOOOO what's up with that?
No. 85292
>>85270That face vs this face
>>84538 vs
>>84033There's no way. There's no way that's the same face. I can't believe that.
No. 85297
File: 1429480150405.jpg (102.44 KB, 634x413, article-2439522-18699159000005…)
>>85295no, I think they're from wherever coffin is
No. 85307
File: 1429480677002.png (1.11 MB, 1000x614, provv.png)
>>85300sooo she either had an active sex life literally a month before she met peter (this was posted v early on her tumblr) or she's lying
either way ew
No. 85311
>>85309ya and what I think is weird is
1-her hair doesn't seem to grow
2-she has no roots showing (ok, maybe she just does her roots all the time?)
3-she never experiments, never has wild hair or accessories
also the fact that she NEVER EVER paints her nails gets to me
No. 85318
File: 1429481636985.png (166.65 KB, 890x521, sddssd.png)
does anyone live near him?
I mean all it takes to prove she exists or not is to have someone go there right
No. 85328
File: 1429482032292.jpg (78.45 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mdewudaZFF1r270l9.jpg)
>>85324more like he needs to be worried about his family's existence rather than safety
No. 85334
File: 1429482498774.png (725.96 KB, 639x481, tumblr_mc1s1dTawt1r5ygdco1_128…)
>>85331screams doll to me
No. 85337
File: 1429482681460.jpg (124.6 KB, 612x612, tumblr_mh3aoy69O41r22ad2o1_128…)
>>85332yep! she was crying about sherlock
No. 85342
File: 1429482790141.jpg (83.07 KB, 612x612, faaq.jpg)
Can we have a rollcall of who thinks Peter is kinda cute?
I think he's cute. Not super hot or anything, but he's a cute guy. If he has a big cock or something, I can understand why assley (if she were real) would be with him
No. 85346
File: 1429482944916.png (16.73 KB, 689x202, 47fc042a2f[1].png)
I also screenshotted this a while back which I thought was hilarious
No. 85348
File: 1429482998801.jpg (33.62 KB, 612x612, 16997_10151088362786583_852081…)
>>85344He looks fat and out of shape naked, and he's a drooling SJW retard, but I like his face. He looks like that guy from the walking dead
No. 85349
File: 1429483144787.jpg (56.46 KB, 612x612, ppp.jpg)
>>85347thank you, just because someone is detestable doesn't mean they have to have a horrible face to go with it
it's like those people in the peenus thread or berry frothing at the mouth when anyone says they're cute
Peter looks ok, handsome even in my opinion
No. 85355
File: 1429483838425.jpg (607.02 KB, 800x1200, IMG_4360small.jpg)
>>85353no it's a doll, sorry m8 wasn't trying to confuse people, just posted a doll to show people how realistic these buggers can be
No. 85365
File: 1429484517336.jpg (59.21 KB, 612x612, tumblr_mh1ipxXZ5J1r22ad2o1_128…)
>>85359yes his personality is bad but he's not bad looking
I'd hit it, no shame
No. 85370
>>85274You absolutely disgust me.
Also guys, iirc Peter talked about moving recently. He probably did the gofundme to get a new doll and pay for Ashleigh to stay around.
Or maybe he just got his hotwife plastic surgery? What is their baby doing in this situation? I remember PIanon said he got back results that Peter was just a cuck and living in Ashleigh and her husband's home.
Every theory just becomes as unlikely as the next. I don't know if we will ever find out what is really going on.
No. 85375
>>85372the face is ok
and if he has a huge dick I can understand why she's with him
No. 85380
>>85343I love how Peter supports the police when he's in danger but says things like "FUCK COPS" on twitter just to appeal to the SJW.
Also Pete gtfo this thread, you are not attractive, you have a terrible personality, and you don't look like anyone from the walking dead. (Except for a walker, that is.)
No. 85381
>>85374His theory still made the most sense anyway.
Word around twitter is that Peter Coffin is a fat cuck who tests his cock with a Fuck Me Silly Mega Masturbator.
No. 85388
File: 1429485449146.jpg (143.64 KB, 612x612, tumblr_mevt7jCNYT1r22ad2o1_128…)
does he have a legit job in RL apart from making shitty vids?
No. 85404
File: 1429486203694.jpg (35.9 KB, 600x450, full (1).jpg)
>>85389I'd hit it. H8rs gonna hate.
>>85391didn't he tweet during 'work' when his waifu was having jaw surgery? can't be all that busy then. what does he do exactly?
No. 85407
File: 1429486668044.jpg (65.31 KB, 612x612, tumblr_mfc3tcU6i61r22ad2o1_128…)
>>85405this is the berry thread all over again
anyone who disagrees is berry
No. 85447
>>85429/cow contacted his brother, his brothers wife and Ashleighs mum.
But nothing really came out of it. His brother and his wife said they really are married, and they regularly see Ashleigh and the kid. They are probably in on it.
And Ashleighs mums facebook looked really suspicious. Every single post was about Peter or her daughter.
No. 85449
>>85330so do i and most of my tumblr friends.
we are all peter.
No. 85450
>>85342gtfo peter, you're ugly and look like a disgusting shut in. i'm like a 1/10 and i would rather have my vagina rot off than go anywhere near you
stop fishing
No. 85451
File: 1429494189568.webm (6.05 MB, 300x300, goviralsta1.webm)
No. 85453
>>85407except peter has actually been documented to sit endlessly refreshing /cow/, day after day, looking for more ways to "prove himself and his HotWife(TM)"
you really think he wouldn't try derailing threads on /pt/?
No. 85455
>>85447all those facebooks were opened on the same exact day?
what kind of family does that?
you tell me…
No. 85456
>>85447Yeah I wouldn't trust anyone family that is connected to Ashleigh tbh. I don't know what sort of shitty enabling family would be in on a guy using a sex doll to pretend he's married tho.
>>85455Does that include Peter's family or just Ashleighs?
No. 85518
>>85501am I the only one who thinks she doesnt look different at all????????????
its just the fucking angle, she's holding it at 45 degrees.
No. 85521
File: 1429502094837.jpg (80.04 KB, 800x400, ManyfacesofAshleigh.jpg)
Comparison of all her pictures
No. 85527
File: 1429503119831.jpg (76.29 KB, 700x500, videovspic.jpg)
No. 85536
>>85530yeah thats why i said she doesnt look different to me, theyre just using a lighting trick where they're shining it up, so that area in her chin that wasn't prominent with different lighting looks like her chin is protruding
she doesn't look different to me at all
No. 85543
>>85539But looking at the first two photos here:
>>85521 her overbite looks almost the same. The only difference I see is in he chin, tbh. Just looks like she shaved it down a bit on the sides to make it more V like
No. 85572
>>85502>>85496She's from Aberdeen too but sounds nothing like it. Y'know I'd give her the benefit of the doubt but it's so obvious she's not British. My boyfriend is welsh and from midwales but doesn't sound anything like his family due to actively trying to loose his accent but he does at least sound English like proper queen's english accent.
she sounds nooothing like a Scot or a Brit with a more diminished accent. You don't just loose an accent in two years. Hell I've lived in England for eight and I still sound german when speaking english
No. 85580
>>85577Yeah! I noticed that too. She constantly uses zeds instead of s. Also like you said, no proof of immigration.
Also she posted some political US stuff but she's not a citizen and therefore cannot vote. I guess peter didn't know that? She can't be eligible to vote until she takes her citizenship which to my knowledge, she wouldn't have. It takes 5 years of living in the us to become a naturalised citizen.
No. 85591
File: 1429521406464.png (493.96 KB, 466x717, latest.png)
reminds me of warren
No. 85596
Aberdeenfag here, just for all of you who keep saying "she doesn't sound British/Scottish". She sounds exactly like an Aberdonian who has either a) been living in the US and has picked up the local twang or b) is pretending to have picked it up in order to hide our God awful accent/where she's from.
It's very common for people who don't want to be associated with the shit that goes down in the Tillydrone or Northfield areas, for example, who have had the misfortune of growing up there in a one or two-bedroomed box flat given to them by the council with their mum, dad and brothers/sisters, to pretend they're from somewhere else because literally no one here does shit. She might have just been trying to erase that. This city's got a huge divide between the rich people who live in £500,000 to £1,000,000 town houses and people who have the shitty end of the stick and are in some council flat surrounded by single mums, drug addicts and are just generally lowlifes who don't wanna get themselves out of that (despite receiving benefits from the council). So here you're really either already born into a rich family where the father is in the oil industry or something similar (engineer or whatever) meaning you'll never have to experience that council flat shit or you're already from there and you're desperately trying to get out while everyone else is sitting doing nothing. The divide is strong with "Aberdeen/Aberdoom is a shithole! I can't afford anything/to live here!" and "I'm a successful business person/someone in a steady career and have been for years," because if you don't go to uni and instead work, say in retail, like don't even think you can afford one of those box flats without the help of the council.
To someone who has been here their entire life, no, there is nothing here for young people other than free uni, so everyone just does that and then leaves.
TL;DR She could just be trying to erase the fact she's from here by Americanising her accent. Seen people do it before.
No. 85600
>>85597Yes, you're 100% right! I'm guilty of doing it but I just use the excuse of "my mum isn't from here" and "I speak my second language every day" (which I do, but it honestly doesn't influence my accent because that shit stays with you for life and I've never lived anywhere else). I do get second-hand embarrassment for people who quite obviously have Scottish parents, have lived here forever and all of a sudden develop an American accent and say "it's because I watch a lot of American TV". Had a girl in my college class do that and it was uncomfortable talking to her because it was so forced.
It is definitely a shithole. The only nice parts I've seen are when you head into Aberdeenshire - areas such as Aboyne/Banchory but the city is just a nasty little thing with barely anything in it. No nightlife either and no one can admit it.
I get told I sound Canadian by Glaswegians and I'm just sitting there like, "Thank fuck, that was my aim, kinda" after covering that mess up. People from Liverpool sound a bit worse in my opinion though…
No. 85602
>>85600Lived with a Scouse. Can confirm that accent is kind of terrible.
Welsh boyfriend here again, and yeah, he did the same as you. He's from the shitty part of Wales where ambition goes to die and he moved as soon as he was able. If you've ever seen The Valleys reality tv show? His cousins are basically that.
No. 85607
>>85601How long has she been there? Sorry, didn't read the whole thread because I drifted in from the Kaka one after seeing Doom City mentioned.
I hate to say it but Scottish people, at least the ones I've known/know, make fun of Americans who live in the middle of nowhere and have no education because we're so uneducated about their way of life ourselves. It's from the limited crap we see on TV like that Honey Boo Boo show. What if she actually wants to live like an uneducated redneck? XD But England isn't cool enough. She needs 'Murica. I went to uni and dropped out, most boring piece of turd I've ever attended but that's just my opinion. I'm in a much better position now than I would have been if I completed the course so yeah not everyone needs it. I did go to college though so I'm not really on her level and it's kinda ridiculous to just do nothing.
>>85602Haha! Yes, I have seen it. I think I would do the same, though Welsh is a lot nicer, I quite like it. I've resorted to telling people who are close to me (my boyfriend) that I just hate the accent, don't think it suits me and it makes me feel uncomfortable, so forcefully changed it and you'd be surprised how many people just say "fair enough". But it's when you're from here and are suddenly "American" it just makes you go, "You're clearly putting that on, you jackass".
No. 85612
>>85607She's been there two years. And that was my post, phone freaked out and pressed delete when I was trying to uncheck it. Samsungs ugh
I hear you. I'm an artist if I could go back and redo things, the first thing would be not to go to Uni. I would have done an Atelier for two years and spent one year studying and building my portfolio. I could have done without all the bollocks 'what is art' stuff
It just astounds me that someone would run away to the US in a very childish attempt to escape bad things. This doesn't bode well for that kid or this relationship. :T
No. 85618
>>85610Maybe she will. She just sounds so odd to me. Even in that livestream they did she sounded just…weird.
Also nice to talk to more UKanons here. I'm not British but I do live here and kinda love it. Even with all the accents and the continual german jokes
Also sorry, polite sage for shitposting. Back to Asheligh.
No. 85619
>>85612Art? I'm from that background too! Ab Col's HND and then I switched to business school and am doing my degree via distance because I hated uni so much. Art is so difficult to get going with, hope you do well and I get what you mean about the "what is art" stuff. Shit got pretty old after the first term.
I actually can relate to her because it's that "grass is always greener" thing. The "anywhere but here" story. Might be that. It is childish though.
No. 85634
>>85631She sounds like she's scottish, just americanized
No. 85646
File: 1429533571296.gif (986.73 KB, 450x364, jormitt.gif)
>>85348who? if you mean the SLIGHT resemblance to mullet guy, you are so wrong. josh mcdermitt is a hottie compared to fucking peter. and he is actually funny.
No. 85652
WHAT IF horsemaw took the jaw surgery as payment for pretending to be coffin's wife?
would make sense, no?
>>85521the 2 pics on the right are the camgirl (at least her body). weird how ashleigh never has boobs like that in any videos.
No. 85730
>>85652Makes sense but then they could have done this way earlier and not after 3 years.
I don't know what to think anymore.
I'm honestly starting to believe that she is just really, really mentally ill and married to him.
She doesn't come across as really bright.
Let him touch her once a year maybe and then got a baby.
Still doesn't explain all those fishy things. The kimi coincidences, the accent and spelling, the sockpuppets, the weird attempts on social media to come across as a normal couple, why she didn't get the surgery earlier for free…
No. 85741
File: 1429551280886.png (804.5 KB, 800x600, 1234tvb.png)
>>85646>>85591I'm finally realized who he reminds me of. A mix of sjw Dave Dandelion and Judah Nagler from The Velvet Teen.
No. 85769
>>85730>why she didn't get the surgery earlier for free…What if she was simply too young and still growing. Dont you have to be a certain age to have that kind of sugery?
I mean, she does look/talk like a teenager in the livestream. Her age would even moreso be a reason why she'd participate in coffins charade, because she just doesnt know any better.
No. 85774
>>85770>Age restrictions are generally below 18.Well, i was implying she was underage.
Plus, i dont think anyone ever believed that girl is from scotland. Its just the character petey created and she played the role, just like the cam girl before her.
No. 85815
Ashleigh isn't 22. The birth certificate isn't right if she is, and her tumblr has has "22" for years. Plus she looks old as hell with her crows feet (I'm just comparing with 22 year olds I know who don't have mad lines under their eyes and around the edges like she does in that video)
If she's more like 25 it's kind of sick that Peter is misleading people to convince them that he nabbed a hot wife almost ten years younger. It's just weird. He doesn't seem like a nice guy at all, lying about her age and all that
No. 85817
>>85814i don't think Peter was a goon or anything, mostly a suckass at best. He has a distinct face.
I did mention Peter to my ex, who was a goon for almost a decade now, and my ex did the weird thing of completely ignoring everything I said about Peter and changing the subject, but I'm probably reading too much into it
No. 85823
>>85819But that doesn't make any sense because Peter is broke as fuck and he quit his job last decade to pursue a career as a comedian
It's more likely that he found Ashleigh on than he did on a site for sugar daddies
No. 85869
>>85852Reading this made me vomit. How are SJWs such hypocrites? They spend all day sperging out on Twitter about stupid fucking video games and what the characters are wearing, meanwhile they populate dating websites looking for "muh uber submissive asian housewief"
Kill yourself Peter
No. 85897
>>85816Owch. Sucky anon. And yeah the only kinda surgery near my jaw I had was on my severely impacted bottom wisdom teeth that were so bad and difficult to take out that I had horrid bruising all down my jawline and super bad puffiness. That was just my teeth! I was sore and puffy for weeks after and I'd say I'm pretty resilient health wise.
Jaw surgery sounds even more intense if they break and then shift everything back…a month and then tada! All fine? Nah
No. 85938
File: 1429568412137.jpg (24.96 KB, 645x145, seriouslywhat.jpg)
No. 86064
>>85938Her attempts at modesty are lulzworthy. Yeah, okay. If you really thought you were ugly as sin, you wouldn't take selfies of yourself 24/7 and post them online.
When I was at my lowest point in my ED when I thought I was the ugliest person alive, I wouldn't have DARED take photos of myself let alone let anyone else take them. I still feel uncomfortable in photos and I was rehab'd almost five years ago. There is NO way Ashleigh thinks she's ugly. She's fishing in the worst sort of way.
No. 86273
>>86267IDK but they have a weird ass relationship with each other and that baby. Just look at them on cam is like looking at totally awkward strangers that don't feel comfortable even after three years of 'marriage'.
>>86070Yeah, true. I know it is. Just frustrates me anon. If you're going to pretend to be a fake person, why make them the most vapid idiotic representation of a woman you can?
No. 86551
File: 1429652660784.jpg (18.69 KB, 680x119, 773435.jpg)
How does she normally consume macaroni? Does she snort it? Let's not forget those cookies she had days after surgery.
No. 86720
>>86551why macaroni..? why not soup? or smoothies?
peter is getting stupider by the second.
No. 86728
File: 1429670686013.png (117.19 KB, 1282x690, 1429668285619-1.png)
>>86727I sperged and posted too quickly. Derp.
No. 86731
File: 1429670763935.png (58.81 KB, 596x641, 1429660072441.png)
No. 86736
>>86731Does anyone else find it a bit weird how when they do reply to each other, they do it so quickly? Like, are they just sitting at home on their separate PCs just replying to each other on Twitter in silence?
idk, other couples I see who do interact with each other on social media have some gaps in time when they respond to each other–like they're just out doing something and check their phone or something, see the message/post/whatever and quickly respond, or don't live with each other, so communicate that way.
No. 86752
>>86734Cheaper than cans of soup?
nah sun
No. 86821
It makes no sense for a married couple with child to be tweeting at each other at home. At night.
No. 86857
File: 1429698093240.jpg (31.93 KB, 540x496, 2015-04-22_12-17-56_1.jpg)
When i go on i get directed to this image instead of the usual index. Wtf? (Only on my phone though)
No. 86870
>>86857Wow that's creepy as hell
The address bar says /pt/, but it sometimes gets cut off so it's just worth asking, did you open that image in a new tab at some point and it now automatically fills in the image's address for you? Sorry for the dumb question but I've done that before
No. 86946
File: 1429719468739.gif (810.49 KB, 245x180, 239573083297.gif)
>>86870nope, it still happens when i type the address in manually.
am i the only one this is happening to?
No. 86951
>>86946I'm so sorry, anon.
She's coming for you.
No. 87092
>>87087I feel the same way but unfortunately there's not much we can do other than wait for his next eventual sperg out. I hear Internet Aristocrat/Mr Metokur/Jim is going to make an Internet Insanity video about Coffin in the coming weeks. That should garner some hilarious results on Peter's end.
Interestingly, a /cow/boy posted this pic showing the times and dates of a handful of tweets by our favorite happy couple.
No. 87093
File: 1429737623537.png (14.66 KB, 263x641, 1429733439989[1].png)
>>87092woops, dropped image
No. 87095
File: 1429737647771.png (13.43 KB, 132x621, 1429735046571[1].png)
>>87093Peter never sleeps
No. 87098
>>87095Holy shit. Doesn't he have a job? And a kid? My coworkers complain all the time about having zero time due to their kids. Wtf. How is he wasting all this time on twitter being a fucknut?
I'm sorry but I couldn't and wouldn't deal with a boyfriend who couldn't get off their phone or twitter. Fuck that.
No. 87214
>>85527Ashleigh is actually extremely average going by these images. I just realized it's the vision of her being Peter's wife that makes her appear like an unbelievable Goddess.
Still way out Peter's league though.
No. 87291
File: 1429763081796.jpg (378.55 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nn8dhbViqp1r5ygdco1_128…)
My new Queen
No. 87299
File: 1429767228707.png (60.23 KB, 686x155, d7a793702e[1].png)
>>87221Looks like Peter is in the thread, he just posted this on Ashleigh's tumblr
No. 87332
>>87291her tits look like saggy boobs that are being pushed up by a bra. I remember Felice's saggy boobs looked just like this in a bra. They look loose and flappy.
Compared to this.. no fucking way.
>>84768 No. 87338
File: 1429778449613.jpg (273.02 KB, 858x503, lolthisguy.jpg)
>calls people reactionary
>proceeds to sperg out for four hours about people calling him out and bad sjs
And we're the reactionaries? Kay. You are buttmad Peter. Super buttmad. Also why are sjws so militant? Like this is war? Nigga this is literally twitter and the internet. Go outside. Go outside and be humans jesus.
No. 87340
File: 1429778636083.png (315.62 KB, 1186x1168, 1racism.png)
Dumping stuff from /cow/, btw they were linked here again and are wondering how women discuss cows.
>racist fucks
No. 87341
File: 1429778665267.jpg (107.93 KB, 398x720, 2racism.jpg)
>>87340kimi kobayashi was totes not racist tho
No. 87343
File: 1429778845908.png (1.36 MB, 1156x910, xiaxue1.png)
>>87342btw I just don't think they know how to spell Xià xuě.
Comparison between Peter's 'happy family' and Xiaxue's.
No. 87345
File: 1429778892639.png (146.38 KB, 1178x488, xiaxue2.png)
>>87343this just in: Peter is def still butthurt that Xiaxue found him out.
No. 87347
File: 1429779226317.png (65.37 KB, 639x493, lieslol.png)
Guys, just so you know, it's almost 3 in the morning MST right now. I'm up doing homework and Peter Coffin has been livetweeting for the past 12+ hours. I think he's tweeted at least 100 times today, if not 200. He has almost 71,000 tweets. Two jobs and a baby my fucking ass.
Btw Peter, since you obviously lurk: We are not lying about you. We are laughing at you and your sad, disturbing little life.
No. 87348
>>87338Can someone please shred some light on what happened.
I went to his twitter as well as cow and I can't find anything, except for rants and rants and rants that don't make sense and him mentioning Izzy several times. Who the fuck is that?
No. 87349
>>87345Lol also what does RT mean? I see it a lot but I don't twitter
>>87343Xiaxue looks so cute. And looking at her you can totally tell she loves her family. Watching her birthing vid totally kinda gave me more confidence about the whole having kids stuff because I've always been unsure about it. Peter really is a jealous crybaby.
No. 87351
>>87348No clue. I was busy working, lol.
I think Peter is just sperging out like he usually does, and latching on to people who are delusional enough to believe him.
I feel terribly for that baby. Poor thing must be starved to death.
>>87349RT = retweet/retweeted
And yeah, the difference between his 'family' and Xiaxue is astounding. I love how Xiaxue's pictures are all outside with good lighting and peter looks like he lives in some creepy grotto doll dungeon underground.
No. 87354
File: 1429779636502.png (47.02 KB, 594x568, pete1.png)
More caps guys. Idk if we are hitting bump limit soon, if we are tell me and I'll start a new thread.
Also I'm sorry for any reposts too, please forgive me it's late lol.
No. 87355
>>87348Sjs bein' Sjs. Basically, they called out an 'ally' Izzy as transphobic, Petey took it upon himself (white man's burden ayy) to defend them, got called out by Sjs for shitty behaviour and talking over them. He then proceeded to tweet a bunch about toxic sjs and them being as bad as gamergate (or being gg outright)
In short, Peter is a spastic baby who can't handle any crit even from his supposed buttbuddy sjws. And Sjws eat their own at any opportunity because they thrive on drama and being more oppressed.
No. 87357
File: 1429779904775.gif (4.15 MB, 480x360, thanksbby.gif)
>>87350>>87351>>87352Thank you. I am a twitter dummy. Also how do convos flow? Up or down? It's always kinda confused me lol
No. 87358
File: 1429779969509.png (1.12 MB, 1335x645, gamurgurrlll.png)
Look, I'm totally super excited for the new SW movie, but I looked through Ashleigh's tumblr and… there's nothing but Star Wars on it. Except for a few anime pics and selfies. She's a caricature of a 'nerdy' woman. She doesn't even go outside. Does this bitch even know about the new Battlefront game coming out?!?
Idk why but Ashleigh makes me rage harder than Peter sometimes. Maybe it's because she got her plastic surgery crowdfunded for her.
because 'ashleigh' is peter ofc
No. 87359
File: 1429780043961.jpg (167.4 KB, 692x465, lololol.jpg)
>>87357From the bottom to the top, dearie.
I gotta go to bed now guys. The Peter Coffin thread is on the first page of /cow/. Can't wait to wake up to more lolz.
No. 87362
>>87358Naw, ofc not. That's because she's pretend and Peter is a terrible writer. Look at this skits on youtube.
Also new Battlefront colour me excited as fuck. makes for the sting of 1313 being cancelled so much better. All I need is a another Jedi Knight game and I shall burn incense and give tribute to great Lucasgod.
No. 87373
>>86767He uses Tweetdeck. Over on /cow/ we had somebody look at what devices Peter and Ashleigh are using to post certain tweets and we found that Peter uses Tweetdeck.
To give you an idea of the sockpuppeting potential, Tweetdeck allows you to be logged in to nine different accounts simultaneously.
No. 87376
File: 1429783563128.jpg (341 KB, 1168x959, tumblr_mzkskmGs1s1r5ygdco1_128…)
>>87291NOTHING about those clevage creases are natural NOTHING. Learn how 2 boob Peter you virgin.
Also, Photoshop on the right arm much? Gotta make them fake wife tittays huge right.
No. 87387
>>87378You think? It looks like it has roots and doesn't settle like a wig. Maybe half wig?
IDK my hair is as long as hers and pretty healthy (due to lots of care) so it's not unreasonable. I just think her tits are faked and her face shooped
No. 87415
>>87354Wonder if he's including Xiaxue in that.
>>87376When it's not photoshop she's stuffing like crazy. Yeah breasts can be that large on that type of frame, but it's pretty obvious her's are fake.
No. 87428
>>87376This picture is literally LOOK AT MY BOOBS LOOK AT THEM and oh VAGUE nerd references teehee! I love SW!
I mean, if she wanted to show off a new shirt she would have just photo'd it on her bed. But the fact she squeezed her fake stuffed boobs into it and then took an off to the side photo to really show off her tits is so telling.
RFuck you Ashleigh. You are the epitome of trying too hard and fake.
No. 87623
>>87093this is so supsicious
basically whenever pete is online ashley isnt and vice versa
basically proof theyre the same person unless they share a pc or something
No. 87793
File: 1429845761851.png (687.05 KB, 861x797, pete.png)
this fake chillness he tweeted sounds just like this comment he made in reply to someone on youtube, then turned around and exploded as Kimi.
No. 87826
File: 1429853109716.png (230.78 KB, 688x322, 16inchboobchan.png)
A cup here. Busty girls, is this even true? Probably just more misconceptions from Petey.
No. 87829
>>87826Even with stretchy shirts, if her tits are as big as she says she will STILL need bigger sizes to accommodate for them. Which usually (depends on the brand and style obvs) that the size of the stomach would be baggier, not necessarily always form fitting on her torso like her pictures show.
Conclusion: Bitch just shoops her tits most of the time, therefore looks like her shirts fit perfectly around her torso.
No. 87832
File: 1429854254942.png (81.08 KB, 597x601, petah.png)
Peter constantly posting on twitter the entire day as well.
this might sound ridiculous but i can't stop thinking of the american grudge and the way the japanese chick say "petah" lol /ot
No. 87833
File: 1429854447181.png (996.82 KB, 1339x643, harrisonfordisdisappoint.png)
>>87829that's what i thought tbh. can't ignore that noodle arm up there.
still waiting for ashleigh to mention Battlefront3
No. 87834
File: 1429854547145.png (773.42 KB, 1329x591, petah2.png)
yes you are, peter.
No. 87837
File: 1429854900999.png (265.86 KB, 1180x828, Screen Shot 2015-04-24 at 12.2…)
visiting from 8ch. Hi. Twitter people, help spread this.
Hear me out.
Since Peter is kinda on the outs with transfolk and is identifying as a supporter of feminism, I think we should give him a helping hand. It will be cathartic for him and it's a time to heal.
He posted this video and I think we should share it. righteously prefaces the video with, "Domestic violence is wrong. This video brings it up and makes you mad. Maybe even mad enough to do something about it." kek
So when you drop down the menu below the peter's self-righteousness, you would expect to see some websites and info regarding domestic abuse and where abused people could get help, right? Perhaps even a place to donate to victims of domestic abuse.
Nope. None of that. Follow FB, twitter, buy his shit from iTunes, merch like really cool coffin head shirts, iPhone apps and even droid apps. If we didn't know better, you would think he was trying to profit off of this, no?
It's one of his most viewed vids. That's one of the reasons he keeps it up. Let's let everyone know that it was not Peter's intention to profit off of this.
Pic from 2008. Now he claims he can't believe that people call his character into question regarding the video.
No. 87839
Xiaxue has a loving family life, their baby is cute, and she and her husband keep a cosy home without begging for handouts or being sketchy as fuck.
Everything Peter says to her was so fucking mysoginistic and not SJW at all, it's hilarious.
No. 87854
>>87826It's been mentioned already, but a stretchy shirt is not going to fit her waist perfectly, she's actually going to have some space to spare below her chest [something I often complain about because I feel like it makes me look massive when it's just my chest making this empty space], not to mention that if it's a graphic shirt, the design will get distorted on her chest area.
Besides photoshopping, she's probably clipping the shirts from behind so it looks like a perfect fit.
No. 87882
>>83488I reckon he sees it as his best hope of appearing to be a normal human being to the rest of the world.
First, he makes a clown of himself kicking himself in the balls on TV.
Then, he makes a fucking super sperglord autism 9000 pondscum loser clown of himself by being exposed as having been so desperately undesirable that he constructed an elaborate fake relationship over social media.
So then, he's the most worthless and undesirable person on the planet. A complete untouchable. Would you date that guy? Would you want to be friends with him? Would you even want to associate with him in the slightest?
A girl comes along and not only shows an interest in him, but an interest enough that she wants to have a kid with him. For him, it's a complete miracle, and gives him some place in society other than being the lowest of the low. He's no longer a social outcast, but a guy with someone who cares for him, and a family. He's now just a regular guy. He's desperate to hold onto this, as it's his only way to rejoin the normal world. She wants money? She's got it. Whatever it takes, whatever he has to sacrifice, he'll give it up, because he doesn't want to be the outcast loser any more, and in his eyes, having a loving wife and kid means he isn't one.
If he just wanted to rail a girl with big boobs, a hooker would be cheaper and easier.
It's so much more than that, and so much worse.
No. 87918
File: 1429881617926.jpg (38.96 KB, 540x400, Star-Wars-The-Old-Republic-Sit…)
>>87376Original shirt. Look how stretched the design is to the sides.
No. 87923
File: 1429883860574.jpg (201.84 KB, 960x982, tumblr_niuvgn6ia51r5ygdco1_128…)
Forgive me if I'm getting too weird, but this photo is bugging me (aside from the ridiculous body shape). You can see the imprint from the shorts she's wearing, and they go to just under the curve of her belly. How could she wear shorts right there? Wouldn't they constantly be slipping down? Gaaah.
No. 87927
>>87923compare the outline of her stomach to the outline of her back or fingers
it's blurry in comparison huh
No. 87968
>>87829>>87826There's a big gap in measurements between my waist and bust. And no matter how thin I have been, I have almost always had to wear a large even if I was otherwise a small. Sometimes I could wear a medium. A small would compress my boobs unless the fabric is paper thin, in which case the shirt would be see through from stretching too far. I usually end up tying it in the back to fit around the waist like it looks like on Ashleigh, then throw a hoodie or cardigan over it to hide the knot or tuck my shirts in. So, long story short, no, that's not accurate.
If she's not shooping she's at least making some alterations. The only thing that bothers me about that is that she's blatantly acting like she's an exception to this common problem when she has to know what the asker is talking about and this isn't something fixed with stretchy clothes lol. That's like big boob problem #2 when it comes to clothes (behind button down shirts).
No. 88218
>>88171If I remember right she already had one.
Surprisingly most people liked her cause she is a honest bitch
No. 88289
It's not worth having a Xiaxue thread. She's an open cunt, and that's all there is to her. No secret dirt, no exploitable past, and no open holes to insult her with because she's already acknowledged all of them. Nothing new or interesting would come out of it.
No. 88309
File: 1429937869177.jpg (183.76 KB, 1000x635, underbiteblog.jpg)
This is what double jaw surgery looks like irl.
No. 88383
File: 1429957287800.jpg (4.1 KB, 157x193, TNGCaption126b_zps3c618bf2.jpg…)
>>88290We need a psychology anon to make an analysis on him.
Like in the onision thread.
No. 88511
>>88387He has shown that he pretty much always dates girls significantly younger than him. That's all he can get. There are 18 year old emos. But I wouldn't put it past him to date a younger teenager, like 16 or 17.
>>88309Good luck getting Ashleigh to post anything remotely close to this without shoop.
No. 88514
>>88511My going theory is that Peter, a 30+ year old man, met Ashleigh, a 17 year old retarded girl, and proceeded to manipulate a literal retard into flying cross-country to marry him.
Because she is a retard, isn't she? Painfully clear by that stupid stream.
No. 88532
File: 1429997706729.jpg (401.81 KB, 960x1280, 1429997002223-0[1].jpg)
totally normal boob shape
No. 88604
>>88532Jesus christ why does she always post the same angle twice
Dear god this has to be a troll. This has to be. Nobody is this inept. Take different angles of your face you gorram mongloid jeesh!
No. 88605
File: 1430008320312.png (1.04 MB, 1231x594, 1429996350528-3[1].png)
>>88604She literally just posted the same photo on her tumblr, but flipped
No. 88627
>>88605"here's my face"
No. 88772
>>88681And she got a clown face to go with it.
The reason she reposts one pic is because after 9000 hours in photoshop then throwing noise filters to hide the liquify, she needs to get a 2 for 1 deal.
No. 88842
File: 1430050272220.png (767.66 KB, 701x478, overbite.png)
>>84102>>84114Doesn't really look like an overbite worth extensive surgery, compared to this random woman.
No. 88844
File: 1430050719181.png (734.59 KB, 627x559, cocks.png)
Going back through Ashleigh's 'me' tag on tumblr is kind of depressing. Goes from a girl who had some kind of personality to just the same headshot mirrored against each other, with mostly the same face/expression/lighting/pose.
Also this post makes me wonder, what changed? She doesn't even try to keep up with the 'so totes nerdy' persona anymore besides with reblogs but that's not hard for anyone to do.
No. 88921
>>88844I'm trying to understand this picture.
Like most of Ashleigh's, it's taken with a toaster and has 1000 filters to hide whatever, but this looks like Peter took it?
No. 89233
File: 1430097303480.jpg (23 KB, 407x500, $_12.JPG)
Now I'm not sure what's going on with this one (too much shoop? stretchy fabric?) but Wreck It Ralph's face is definitely distorted here: No. 89348
>>89245Iphone 5 is way clearer than that.
I have a feeling the ring light is something peter bought but she can't figure out how to properly use so we get fucked up pics like this lol
No. 89472
>>89462>6k for plane tickets to Scotland Lol no. As someone who flies twice yearly between LA and the UK it's no where near that much.
>long waiting times for the nhsLies. If she's as in much pain as she says, then she'd get priority. My wisdom teeth surgery was free and rushed because of how bad my impacted decay was (due to not being able to brush in between the teeth in the back)
>my parents dont care wahHer parents don't have to get involved. She could have made an app with an nhs ortho at any time.
All these lies. They really are a piece of work. Also that super gross hospital pic was posted eight after she gave birth and along with a bunch of machine pics. Way to back peddle
No. 89552
>>89462You are NOT suppose to have such bad braxton hicks, to the point that you need to go to the hospital at 4 months. This is a warning for miscarriage. I can't imagine a pregnant woman in that situation having the mood for sexy hospital selfies.
And I just googled a round trip from Utah to Scotland's capital for 2 adults and 1 infant, and it costs around $2,400.
No. 89635
>>89472>>89552$2400 for both is for economy though. I bet for some reason Peter would prefer to fly business or first class. I dunno. Are you even allowed to bring a baby into business class? Because you shouldn't be.
It cost me around $1200 to fly to Edinburgh from the US during summer (which is generally peak travel season), and about $1000 to do it over xmas. It can probably be done for less during offpeak times.
No. 89649
File: 1430172067209.jpg (87.75 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n0cgf7Rqjq1r5ygdco1_500…)
>>89648Have you seen her so-called pregnancy pics?
No. 89655
File: 1430172293595.jpg (96.77 KB, 432x277, 18.jpg)
>>89649Ashleigh vs a normal woman at 18 weeks.
No. 89660
File: 1430172694760.jpg (1002.29 KB, 1280x2205, 1422306764471.jpg)
>>89649They've already been posted, read the thread.
Btw here's anon's (possibly falsified) PI report, for anyone who didn't see the thread on /cow/.
No. 89687
>>89675That makes me sad.
I would like to see a rich fuck use an actual PI, otherwise I don't think we'll ever figure this shit out.
No. 89691
>>85264I've lived in both the US and the UK, and everything about "Ashleigh" seems American. She talks like an American in videos. Her room from "before" Peter looks like it's in an American house, she uses American spelling, etc.
Because she's not Scottish.
Because dolls don't have nationalities.
No. 89694
File: 1430175609882.png (209.98 KB, 1180x1114, ashleighslasttweets.png)
>>89674We never heard back from PI anon, so this remains as just another theory.
By the way, idk if anyone ever saw Ashley's final tweets before Petey pulled the plug on her tweeter.
No. 89699
>>85580I'm surprised if she's so Scottish that she didn't talk about the referendum this past September. IIRC she could've still voted even while living abroad, and that's something that would've affected "her" country tremendously had it gone through.
I smell fish. But not haddock.
No. 89703
File: 1430176231736.png (72.07 KB, 525x519, extremeleftistchanners.png)
Forgive me, I guess her twitter is public now. Also checking out her recent tumblr posts has me rolling on the floor laughing, she is really just Peter's sockpuppet agenda.
No. 89704
File: 1430176305662.png (322.04 KB, 1244x748, thankskimiko.png)
Another reminder of Coffin's first fake girlfriend.
No. 89705
File: 1430176354461.png (2.53 MB, 699x1257, tweets1.png)
Some nice infographics from /cow/.
No. 90754
>>89709>>89709maybe she was fat as hell and lose weight. that'll explain her anorexic-like pregnancy, saggy boobs and obsession with taking vanity pics, tucking her clothes at the back, shoping pics..
in her stand up pics she makes weird poses for her waist to seem smaller, when she can't use those visual tricks she used photoshop as confirmed before, scammed 16k for cosmetic surgery…
she is so troubled, poor thing, that could be the reason behind her crappy personality, she is so obssesed with her appearance that she got stuck in retard mode.
also, her boobs could've been DD's in the past, they got smaller due to starving herself, that should botter her a lot since her whole life turns around her "gigantic tits"
No. 93745
File: 1430791247088.png (535.95 KB, 531x598, 1430790924947-0[1].png)
more sameface pics just uploaded to tumblr.
No. 93782
>>93774She's supposed to be 22
>>93775Yeah. It's weird how she doesn't push them up to be perfectly spherical like she did in her old photos. They're looking super saggy and deflated now.
No. 93807
>>93806additionally, Ashleigh is almost certainly very highly autistic or has some sort of mental retardation.
Peter's a gross predator.
No. 93814
>>93811Assuming she's actually his wife and not just pretending of course.
We'll never know because the only tumblr asks she answers are the ones written by her saying how hot she is.
No. 93828
File: 1430800191081.jpg (159.39 KB, 290x290, am-jessroger-rabbit.jpg)
I'm trying to think of an instance where a hot woman is married to an ugly guy, but with a good reason behind it (not being money). And all I can think about is Roger Rabbit. Jessica Rabbit loves him so much because he's funny and makes her laugh.
Peter isn't funny. Definitely not enough to compensate for his ugly.
No. 93845
File: 1430804553092.png (123.12 KB, 1182x432, da.png)
That first sentence screams chauvinist
No. 93852
>>93845I think if my husband said something like this on Twitter I'd be legit pissed.
But then again I don't hate myself to the point I need the internet's attention
No. 94015
>>93745"I need to dye my hair because my roots are out of control, but I don’t know whether to go with a mahogany red color or a less intense reddish brown color.
also it takes like 4 or more boxes of hair dye to cover my hair, the mermaid hair lifestyle isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. "
Maybe we'll be seeing a new color soon.
No. 94074
>>94015who cares?
she's vain as fuck, and what has she accomplished besides nothing? she should be taking care of her deformed child instead of admiring herself all day and making a poll about her new hair color.
No. 94208
>>94203>>94132Do you know how poor people spend? They don't save tons of money for big purchases.
They instantly spend whatever little money they get their hands on and continually stay in debt. Hair dye and videogames are small compared to a vanity surgery which they can't finance a loan for on their own, much less save for.
No. 94243
>>94208Ignoring that shitty comment about poor people, but I can imagine that's how Petey's mind works with money.
Also dis bitch is dumb as shit to use boxes of hair color when she can go to Sally's (or order online) and get actual salon products for 1/2 the price of box dye. It's not that expensive to get a 12oz bottle of 10vol developer (4 bucks) and like three or four 2oz tubes of hair color (25-30 bucks.) would probably save her money in the long run an it's also a lot better for your hair. But she could also be a dumbass who doesn't understand how hair care works at all.
shes also a doll so she doesn't need to color her hair. also Peter doesn't know how hair works so in the end I am not surprised.When is Harrison's birthday party, btw? Do they still have him locked up in a closet while Peter lubes up his realdoll?
No. 94365
File: 1430908907078.jpg (246.94 KB, 598x1387, image.jpg)
A few new pics from /cow/:
Peter spergs out and creates his own batman narrative.
No. 94366
File: 1430909616572.jpg (59.65 KB, 657x258, image.jpg)
Anon asked Ashleigh about being able to afford hair color on tumble. Peteleigh blew up.
No. 94368
File: 1430909730420.jpg (175.19 KB, 669x689, image.jpg)
>>94367But wait, there's more!
No. 94370
File: 1430909883654.jpg (101.26 KB, 1182x432, image.jpg)
>>94369Peter & misogyny(sp?)
No. 94371
File: 1430909956391.jpg (444.74 KB, 1950x1280, image.jpg)
>>94370Just a reminder that this fuck sold his dignity for a 16k cosmetic surgery.
No. 94372
File: 1430910041690.jpg (239.54 KB, 826x1340, image.jpg)
>>94371Finally, the latest development, an OKcupid profile with Ashleigh's pics, which was last logged into around October 2014.
Sorry for any reposts.
No. 94425
>>94372Probably a fake tbh.
>>94369What is this Marie reference that both her and Peter used? He says that name here
>>94365 as well.
>>94366>>94367>>94368Holy Shit, FIVE ASKS BECAUSE SOMEONE REBLOGGED HER AND SAID SOMETHING TO HER? What a lunatic. The fact you have to defend yourself so hard about this proves something is up. Also can someone from Scotland prove that dental work was not free about 10~ years ago?
No. 94436
>>94366What I don't understand is if she could get the surgery NHS funded, why the fuck did she move to America, knowing that she won't get it for free over there? And if she had to pay for it, her family and herself would have money saved up, seeing as she's needed it since she was 13.
>>94425Porridge-wog here, no fucking idea. I did find this, but it's from 2011:
>Will I have to pay for NHS treatment?
>It depends. Many adults over the age of 18 have to pay. In Scotland, NHS charges are set by the Scottish Government.
>If you have to pay, you can ask your dentist how much it will cost before your treatment begins.I'm sure someone less lazy than me can find it from google. Peter wouldn't exactly have to live here to be able to google the costs of dental work in Scotland in like 2003 or so, so I'm not saying it proves jack shit.
I feel like even if she'd be given relatively reasonable payment options rather than "give us money or you're going to have to be in pain for the rest of your life".
Like really, if it was as serious as she claims, she would be given plenty of options other than having to wait 10 years and e-beg for the money.
No. 94704
>>94366>>94367>>94368She sounds so much like Peter.
Am I imagining this? B/c everything she posts is about him too.
Also, in chronic pain my ass. Nobody puts up with it that long and is able to lead a regular life - get pregger and have babies no less.
No. 94750
File: 1430968865116.jpg (418.42 KB, 1709x596, da.jpg)
ashleigh claims she's related to this celebrity
No. 94752
>>94750She wishes she could afford the surgery.
>>94751Yeah that anon made no sense and kept pressing it.
No. 94792
>>94751>>94752The fact of the matter is, hair dye IS a luxury. Even if everyone does it, even if the poorest of the poor does it, it's not necessary for basic survival, therefore a luxury.
>>94750She must be mad jelly that she grew up in poor ass Aberdeen and is married to Peter with an ugly baby and her cousin is some famous model.
Also, anyone who starts a conversation by saying they're related to x famous person is trash and should be avoided.
No. 94798
Holy shit. I've been away from the farm for 6 months and Peter/Ashleigh bullshit is still here. I was hoping to find out all the answers by now.
>>89660While super sketch, I think that PI-anon is probably correct. Things just match up (not in the Kimi/Ashleigh - jaw surgery way) but:
>Peter having no real job>yet still living in a house>the doll only being photographed at certain times of days (you never see the doll at night)>never seeing TN; if it was Peter or Ashleigh's kid you would see posts all over the damn place about it. What new mom doesn't love kid pictures- what grannie doesn't love grandchildren?>or only seeing TN with the doll>horsemaw-Ashleigh having so little connection with Peter in all the YT vids; if she really was just a neighbor/sharing the house with Peter, then she would have no reason to be so close to him.There are inconsistencies though:
>horsemaw getting some type of surgery…maybe. There isn't enough pictures and things to show the proof of anything yet.>horsemaw even wanting to participate in Peter's videos>what the hell happened to the 20kI could be completely off though. I honestly don't know. Peter is obviously reusing the jaw surgery story from Kimi again- only this time he's banking money from it.
No. 94830
>>94792>>94795No, anon. Grab a dictionary. You're badly misusing the word luxury. What is not a basic necessity is just an inessential. There's a big difference between something inessential, like for example, shampoo. And a luxury, like a $3,000 computer. Literally nothing you own minus your protective clothing, food, and roof is needed for "basic survival", so you might as well chitter at anyone who's ever asked for donations online, since they're obviously paying their internet bill, which is a
Seriously though, with all this nonsense you've been going on about, you sound like someone who's below the poverty line and can't round up $4 without sacrificing your lunch money.
No. 94837
>>94836yeah someone claiming to be PIanon on /b/ also said they made it all up.
Considering that he never submitted any proof or followed up on anything, I'm inclined to believe PIanon was just a troll.
No. 94876
>poor ass Aberdeenwow
triggeredI agree with what you're saying though. Peter has a vendetta against everyone who isn't a ~nerd grrrrrl XDDD~ and he probably faps to Nicola McLean but also wants to dislike her for being ~impure~
>>94853It'd be great if she outed Peter for having a fake wife a la Xiaxue
No. 95156
>>95143yeah, though they'd have to have been a close follower of hers. I've tried googling Ashleigh Burt and nihileigh (even looked for profiles on myspace), and I can't find anything about her that dates back from before Peter came in. I'd at least like to see pictures of her or something from when Peter was still preoccupied with Kimi.
Xiaxue outed the Kimi shit on March 2011, and Ashleigh's tumblr was made in October 2011. Still not far back enough.. I guess you could say I'm searching for an alibi lol, like "where were you and what were you doing on the night of this and that"
No. 95168
>>95156yeah it is pretty odd that she has no online presence before 2011. I'm the same age as her and even my online footprint goes back to around 2007/2008 or so as far as I can remember.
I don't have any of the screenshots or anything but cow found some weird images on one of Peter's image hosting account(I think it was imageshack or something, I don't remember) that had pictures of Kimi and some blog headers of suspected older accounts of Ashleigh/Kimi's (I think they were called darth ashleigh and sachilous or something)
No. 95262
That anon is projecting their problems onto Ashleigh and it shows a lack of education and judgement. Also, it's someone who doesn't know how cash flow works.
Get some financial help stat so you can afford your stupid hairdye lel
No. 95264
>>94853I'm of the camp that Ashleigh is jealous of her, it seems that she has what Ashleigh wants. Not horseface, good hair, big
boobs, cute kid and fame.
No. 95333
>>95168Devil's advocate: There's a good chance that she has either locked old accounts, was a faceless anon (someone mentioned she had wrote about being overweight), or she use to go by a fake name.
That said, what I find weird is that no one knows her. No one has come forward and said "oh yeah that's so-and-so from yadda-yadda". I would expect this from some faceless anon but not someone who needs this kind of attention and validation. You won't convince me she suddenly decided to start posting her breasts everywhere after meeting Peter just months after the Kimi fiasco.
No. 95357
File: 1431052562240.png (1.16 MB, 1251x952, Screen Shot 2015-05-07 at 10.3…)
>>95333yeah, one thing that's bothering are these boob webcam pics. They look
exactly like the pictures I would see from "fake busters" circa 2004 ~ 2006. Social media camwhores would get their crappy photos stolen and they would be mass produced everywhere by catfish. Sometimes you never found who the real girl ever was or the original source.
idk, I'm not saying this is it, but there's definitely something weird. I'm 100% sure those must be implants, and this girl was taking these kinds of pictures for attention at some point. The photos also look really old, like they really do belong in 2004.
No. 101139
>>95357Its just an abuse of filters like putting Vaseline on the lens for aging stars. The tits are just padded there's lots of tutorials to get similar results for smaller girls.
I like the cousin theory seems spot on jealous Norma nobody desperately wants what her cousin has but as only managed to get a malnourished baby (thanks to her starving herself and being on a cocktail of ssris while pregnant) and a deadbeat husband who begs for a living.
Absolutely pathetic.
No. 104182
File: 1431974116985.png (1.02 MB, 1070x834, 1431963279118[1].png)
New glamour shots. Looks like she almost made an expression on the left!
No. 104413
>>104182She gets uglier in every picture.
Idk if its her makeup or ugly brows or if she really looked better with horseteeth
No. 129603
File: 1435651876090.png (1.34 MB, 1292x912, 1435632361395-0.png)
Where's Ashleigh's Tits?
No. 130420
File: 1435801495789.jpg (423.34 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_npb4ghSegM1r5ygdco1_128…)
Can she go a day without stuffing her bra?
No. 130426
>>130421Well damn anon. Either i have the lowest standards on the planet or you live with some decent 40 year old moms.
Most I'd givr her is early 30s, I've seen much worse.
No. 130495
>>130426well, i live in miami, and basically every mom in my area is a gold digger that spend their days with their personal trainers trying to stay fuckable for their fat wallet daddies, so…
still, her body isn't great. idk why shes flaunting her tits when she has no ass or hips. it looks weird. like a post op transsexual. no shape aside from some big ass titties.
No. 136794
File: 1436753983059.png (1.33 MB, 622x1526, Screen Shot 2015-07-12 at 10.2…)
>>130784cow, please assess these three pictures and tell me what's missing.
No. 136797
>>136795Good observations. Including the obviously lumpy stuffing in the center set of pics.
What's missing here though? Hint hint, 3rd set of pics.
No. 136807
>>136794I just wanna know why she started tightlining her bottom lid, it makes her look ancient and she looked much better beforehand..
also she's clearly photoshopping her tits as well as stuffing them, is it even physically possible for the top of your cleavage to split like that?
No. 138537
File: 1437078803017.png (209.6 KB, 687x307, happybday.png)
Hey guys! It's Ashleigh's birthday today.
On a side note, this is the first time I've heard of her having a Skype account.
No. 138607
>>138537I remember her Skype being mentioned on /cow/. One of the anons were doing something technical which I don't understand where they were trying to figure out if it was Coffin logging in to the account that was supposedly hers.
Sorry I'm a technoretard and can't explain it, but her having Skype's been mentioned on one of the millions of realdoll threads over on /cow/
Note US spelling of parlor, conspiracy theorists.
No. 143317
File: 1437693687893.png (2.07 MB, 1006x1612, Screen Shot 2015-07-23 at 7.25…)
>>138901The illusion Peter has created is cracking. Ladies, give this a gander and let me know if you pick up on anything odd that I might have overlooked.
>Still has not learned how to make facial expressions. No. 143324
>>143317Is she shooping her head smaller? Compared to
>>104182 or
>>136794 her head looks ridiculously tiny now. or is it the angle?
No. 143330
I haven't been following Peter Coffin lately, is this supposed to be sarcasm or something or does Peter just have no idea how lipstick works?
No. 143361
>>143333>>143336Yeah but
I know I'm not exactly focusing on the important issues here but
How do you manage to screw up lipstick?
No. 143374
>>138537Her skype account is darthashleigh
Peter's is I think petermcoffin
No. 151252
File: 1438712186195.jpg (298.05 KB, 960x1280, 1438709013146.jpg)
>>151085Her husband is still a pretty popular cow (there's always an ongoing thread on him over at fullchan) but Assleigh hasn't posted much lately.
Her blog was just renamed to but I'm not sure why. She has anon asks on though, you could ask her.
Pic related, its her new profile pic. That shooped cleavage tho