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File: 1445239907784.png (255.44 KB, 410x436, k00ter.png)

No. 194193

No. 194195

first for lips

lol she fucked up bad

No. 194196

Her new video for anyone who missed it.

No. 194197


pathetic as fuck

No. 194198

File: 1445240722735.png (308.64 KB, 410x436, kootoo kooti.png)

No. 194199

Hahahahahahahah fuck anon.

No. 194201

I don't get her desire to look like an alien, but I suppose.

Her apartment tour made me jealous as fuck. She has a lot of cute shit.

No. 194203

Omg she look so weird. How could she think she looked good?

No. 194205

File: 1445241740090.jpg (96.13 KB, 853x475, zensokudako.jpg)

This is new to me. Never knew she had asthma!?

The subtitles say "In here I have sweets i don't want to eat and my inhaler. I have asthma"

No. 194208

Haha, oh wow. She kinda reminds me of Abu here.

No. 194209

Probably from all her smoking tbh

No. 194210

File: 1445243675482.jpg (27.29 KB, 362x384, image.jpg)

Even easier to see how fucked up her face/mouth is in a new angle

No. 194213

How she did it:

- Not displaying a lot of things, making the apartment look very clean
- Lots of white furniture/stuff
- Add cutesy shit

No. 194214

File: 1445245028873.jpg (65.98 KB, 620x448, WilliamsSyndrome.jpg)

Holy shit lol, what the fuck is up with that picture? It looks like she has that one genetic disorder, uh, Williams Syndrome. She also looks a bit like a teletubby imo.

No. 194216

it's horribly annoying how she tries to speak without moving her face. Looks so retarded.

No. 194217

why.. why doesn't she have a cupid's bow?? why has she removed her philtrum? those are some fucked up lips I'm so uncomfortable

No. 194218

throw back to the last time dakota didn't look like a full retard

No. 194220


The fucking VW purse and the cat face pillow laying on top of the stove made me snort so hard.

As if her apartment actually looks like this 24/7. Obviously, she's stashing all her shit in the areas currently not on camera, and spreading out her most 'impressive' items in (really fucking illogical) places.

No. 194221

'I am basically just complaining about the problems I had moving. I moved this year in March. A lot of buildings do not accept "celebrities" or people in the entertainment industry over here. Understandable…but infuriating.'

hahahahahahahahaha fuck ok kooter. ooookay.

No. 194222

>having all that shit lying around in your kitchen

No. 194223

Well, the kawasaki picture was displayed on purpose. Apparently she didn't "send it back to kaka"
If anyone could translate what she's saying that would be great. What is she apologizing for? Also is that a guest room? A bit weird that she has pictures of herself all over the place. On another note, that apartment is HUGE for Tokyo standards, when I went there for vacation I spent quite the sum on renting a place, and that was probably half the size of hers. I'm impressed.

No. 194226

Lolcow: kootz is such a cunt does she really think anyone believes her lips are that big/small? Id respect her a lot more if she would stop fucking lying and just admit to makeup and overdrawing her lips! Also why doesnt she acknowledge english fans blah blah blah

Kota: admits in comments to concealing and overdrawing lips. Apologizes for no english captions but is planning an english vid for fans

Lolcow: still whines about stupid shit we and kota already know. tears her apart for doing exactly what was wanted of her.

Lolcow logic. You fat ugly hoes are never happy. I hope you bitches dont scare kota away from youtube again. I for one am happy to see her making more of an effort. Plus shes throwing shadr a kaka? An enemy of kaka is a friend to us.

No. 194230

I agree to an extent, we did say she should make more interactive vids. And she did. What shade was thrown at kaka btw?

No. 194231

idk why you guys are complaining about her apartment setup has been staged.
What, did you really expect her to film that shit with all her trash lying around, everything rumpled and untidy and her bed not even made?

No. 194234

Why can't she edit herself like this anymore? Babby alien dysmorphia is real.

No. 194236

Used this song in the video.

No. 194237

I don't think anyone complained that it was staged.

People complained that it was staged badly, like the junk everywhere, purses on the oven and pictures of herself everywhere.

No. 194238

Ok but do you ever see a room tour where the place looks like shit? The person would get ripped apart. Hell, even on cgl when lolits post new dress pics in their bedroom mirror, if there is one Piece of clutter in the background, people complain.
But i agree with you…. Unless she is just soo busy and never home, i doubt it looks that neat.

She did once sayon tv that she is a clean freak

No. 194240

God that song is so fucking annoying.

No. 194242

Depends on the area you live. With the rent you pay for a 40m2 apartment in the center of Tokyo, you can rent a house a little farther away. You don't even have to go THAT far away. Ikebukuro has two-story houses for less than 20man a month for rent! If you don't mind a tatami floor/older houses that is

No. 194249


She's apologizing for not making videos for a long time because her computer was broken. Also complains about the landlord not accepting foreigners or people in the entertainment business… She kept searching and searching but almost all of them seemed to dislike foreigners etc.

She says the "guest room" is a place where she usually shoots her videos and shit. And those pictures that she has of herself are presents made by fans. Japanese fans love to make those things with their idols' pictures on them.

And I think it's likely she actually keeps that stuff close to her stove because she hardly cooks.
She says she doesn't really spend money on food and doesn't like to eat at home.. She likes to eat at work when they get offerend lunch boxes so she can save money. Doesn't like spending money on food.. And if she does it's probably mostly something like her favorite white rice x cucumber x soy sauce which doesn't require any cooking as she can just buy the white rice without cooking it herself

No. 194250

I was kind of surprised how much she talked about her struggles (whoah personal level! She has a soul!) the apartment hunting and the dislike of entertainers, minors, and foreigners.
And her sense of frustration, though i dont know if it was because she couldnt explain in japanese or she was frustrated by the situation.
Either way it was like one of the only times she shows actual emotion

No. 194251

Which reminds me, do we know where koots lives? Like the general area. It'd be interesting to look into how much rent she pays

No. 194253

creeper mode: Activated.

No. 194256

Japanese Government ought to capture this alien.

No. 194259


Disliked foreigners? BUT HOW COULD THEY THO




No. 194260


It sounds sad though. I don't like spending money on food either but I and a shit ton of other people have to in order to live and function.

Then again, maybe she just feels awkward in Japanese supermarkets or something. I always feel weird when I go into one abroad.

No. 194270

i feel like once she posts that english speaking video, i may end up liking her more.
you guys are saying she's sharing personal stuff. that's what people want. it's fun to watch personal vlogs of people living in other countries and stuff.
now all she has to do is stop lying, be honest and stop shooping her pics to make them ugly alien babies and maybe i'd actually be a "fan"

No. 194273

idk where you live or how it is in other countries, but in america a decent number of people do not cook for shit. soooo many people eat out or buy prepacked food. hence her untouched kitchen. also explains why her sister cant make any vegan recipe videos - she a lazy bum that dont cook either.

No. 194274

Unpopular opinion but I think she looks cute here, overdrawn lips and all. I only even go on these threads anymore to look at pictures of kota and catcch up on her gossip. Guess I've developed a little lesbian crush on our local kawaii goddessu.
>too bad she's a known homophobe shit with a horrible personality

No. 194275

do you have a ghost fetish? seriously, she looks like a plague victim with how much she brightens her videos and pics. Combined with the bulging eyes and mangled lips… it's horrifying

No. 194276

idk man, are ghosts usually this kawaii?

No. 194277

it's one of the things she has to fix to recover her popularity
nobody wants to look at that shit
she needs to revert back to how she was shooping and looking before

No. 194280

I can't find the video but she made an appearance on a variety show once where they talked about how she lives in a 3LDK even though she just lives by herself and I feel like they also mentioned she lived in Shibuya-ku. i might be lying tho cuz i can't find the stupid video… it was on youtube that's all i remember…

No. 194282

She claimed some gifts Kaka gave to her were from her fans.

No. 194288

Ah, lel.

Betcha kristen is pretty pissed now. Dakota swooping back in, stealing her thunder yet again. I love it.

No. 194289

why does she need a guest room? That's sketchy as hell. Someone else lives there. Her stuff is mostly concentrated in the other room and it doesn't take much effort to strew some more around and claim she needs two bedrooms for basic life.

No. 194299

You can't get asthma from smoking dingdong.

No. 194300


>from smoking dingdong

Did you mean to put a comma in there or

No. 194302

They did but you know they were too retarded and didn't pay attention in school or read.

No. 194303


I also like making my lips a little bigger, a little overdrawing, some shadows and highlights make a big difference.
The biggest problem, it's not her overdrawing her lips, it's that she makes it round instead of following her cupid's bow. It looks incredibly plastic and sex doll like and doesn't go with the rest of her image.

She needs to start thinking in the long term and win the japanese over, like trying to be nicer IRL not just for the cameras and start to look more natural, she isn't getting younger.

No. 194309

Found eet. Starts from around 1:09:10. They didn't mention Shibuya though.

No. 194312

Why tf does everyone keep talking about her overdrawing her lips, she clearly has lip fillers now and doesn't do it anymore

No. 194317


I think she's definitely had lip fillers since her tumblr shoop days since her lips are definitely more plump. Although shes still not happy with them as lately she continually draws over her cupid's bow to make her upper lip shape more rounded. It looks really dumb imo because unless you're in a dark room your real lip line is going to reflect light and show where your real lip ends.

No. 194319

The black VW bag looks fake. I own it in another colour and it's actually very sturdy (hers looks sooo soft) and the orb is bigger and hanging from the bow (hers is small and stuck to it to the bow?)
I'm happy I'm not the only one who can see those are fillers and not any sort of overdrawn lips.

No. 194320


OP image isn't a result of lip filler, it's a result of make-up and a ton of After Effects making her look retarded

No. 194321

you're blind if you can't tell she overdraws her cupid's bow.

No. 194325

>"foreigners give off a scary image"

well it would seem that way to japanese if they're judging all foreigners by your completely distorted blow up doll face and lips.

No. 194335

File: 1445279112843.bmp (253.62 KB, 465x186, lips.bmp)

Right, because you can definitely overdraw your lips in such a way that the upper lip is protuding as if it's been stung by bees.

No. 194336

File: 1445279600704.png (473.53 KB, 786x358, Screen Shot 2015-10-19 at 2.32…)

she talked about keekz as a model

No. 194345


That last photo was taken from a totally different angle and is not an exact profile like the first two though.

No. 194346

And she has her mouth open.

Her nose also looks different in all 3 shots, it doesn't prove anything.

No. 194353

>My big sister was a model in America!

What? A model for her dad when she was 13?

No. 194365

Okay now I understand, then stay blind, dear anon.

No. 194367

i kind of thought a lot east asian guys would be attracted to kota.
ive shown korean, japanese and chinese males kotas youtube videos the response is usually "im too old for this" or "looks like something evil".

No. 194368


You're wrong and multiple other people agree.
Leave and take your shame elsewhere.

No. 194378

>looks like something evil


No. 194386

OMG, fck you..I spat my coffee out

No. 194388

First two photos mouth is closed.
Third photo is not a full profile picture, also her mouth is open.
It's okay to be wrong, anon. Either admit you made a mistake or silently leave the thread.

No. 194389

Kota has been know to buy knock offs

No. 194391

I'm actually not even saying she didn't get fillers - but it's still pretty obvious she overdraws her Cupid's bow. Like, in several unedited photos from past threads you can see where her lip ends and where the rest is just lip product.

No. 194395

I don't speak moonspeak, but the fact that she was being very personal and not pretending like it's a goddess place makes it good.

I can't stand her look, but I honestly find her interesting, unlike her sister who is straight up lolcow material.

No. 194398

File: 1445289291610.jpg (47.47 KB, 410x436, imscaringmyself.jpg)

I tried making her less horrifying but I can't anymore cause she feels like her alien eyes are staring into my soul.

No. 194400

File: 1445290031400.png (125.19 KB, 320x340, dako.png)

>>194198 before drugs

and after

No. 194404

Literally in op image of last thread you can see where her lips are overdrawn.

No. 194405


Am I the only one who thinks this is staged as hell?

No. 194407


I agree. The PICTURES which got her famous, the ones where she looked more normal. But since Japan, she's gained a new "style".

No. 194409

No. 194411

meh all tv shows are

also is "you look like a doll" like a stock compliment in japan? i hear it thrown around all the time.

No. 194412


true tbh

my friend, she's basic got told off her japanese pal "omg u look like a model"

so it must be a japan thing

No. 194413

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No. 194414

No. 194416

She reminds me of what PT thinks she looks like here.

No. 194418

>dear anon
>as if there's only one person who thinks you're wrong

Ok then.

No. 194423

Yeah… Don't think people who are complimenting her apartment realize that she probably spent A LOT of time cleaning and rearranging everything. Half her shit is likely stuffed in closets.

Also, I vote that she's living with someone else in a model apartment or something. The last thing a recluse like her would want is a guest bedroom.

No. 194425

Guess the Monstrengas are pressuring Dakota into talking up her sister since she couldn't make it in Japan just for being white like se thought she could, lol.

No. 194438

Maybe she's shopping herself so weird that when she appears on tv or at events, she'll look more normal so that people think she looks pretty.

No. 194443

My guess is that she did like me: She brought her old bed after buying a new one, and threw it into a tiny room.

No. 194444

From GirlsAward twitter, she'll be walking in that soon too

No. 194452

them extensions tho

No. 194453



What is kota doing to herself? I know she's always struggled with styles but…

I miss her 2012 style tbh.

No. 194469


On TV again.
>Dakota Rose and, of large of good friends Combi JOY and Dennis Ueno of 3 people drive the Niigata based in old houses. You will experience the first time of rural life!

No. 194475


idk but she says she uses that room for shooting mainly and she really doesn't sleep on the bed. must be her special shooting room lel

No. 194477


"my older sister models sometimes in america" would be more correct.

as if hahahha

No. 194486

That thing she does with her upper lip makes her look so deformed. It's like she had downs or something.

No. 194489

Does anybody know who that haisokkusu account is that Dakota follows on IG? It's got 21 followers and less than 150 following, the only other people she follows are Kiki, Yula, and Tsubasa so I'm curious. It's set to private though.

No. 194495

wat, now she's being taylor?
cmon kota.

No. 194496

Good for her.

No. 194500

cathy lel

No. 194503


Yours must be from a different release/a different model. I have the handbag from this series and although it does look sturdier in comparison to kooter's, the orb is stuck right in the middle of the bow. Hers might be second hand or fake, since she used to own so many fake VW things

No. 194524

I'm waiting until Koots puts a hat on backwards, then I'll agree.

No. 194526

She is seriously nightmare fuel. Why would you WANT to look like that!?

No. 194527

I think she injected into her area above the lip as well as the lip. Fillers don't cost that much anymore and judging from her lifestyle she has the cash to blow on it.

That said, she still overdraws her lip anyway.

No. 194530

It's worse in motion, the whole mouth area doesn't move right.

No. 194543


Wait, for real? Ew.

No. 194573


the interview where she mentioned living in shibuya
was another interview.
kind of an informal one, with a puppet…
if anyone can find it on youtube.
she's wearing a gray t-shirt, pretty casual.

No. 194575

Oh gotcha

No. 194577

It made me feel a little bad when asked why she is good at japanese and she said 'im not smart but my ears are good'
Like, girll you couldve gone to school, done something more productive. You still can. No matter how much dumb shit she does, i refuse to blieve she is as dumb as kaka

No. 194578

The orb in the previous release of this was hanging from the bow but it's in the center of the bow on the current release.

No. 194580

I really like her tshirt
but I have no idea what brand it would be.

No. 194583

File: 1445345659686.png (1.27 MB, 768x1024, 1445070778767.png)

where is this pic from?

No. 194585

just looks like some general advertisement for a kimono rental shop

No. 194587

No. 194605

brand is illustrated people
it was sold at top shop

No. 194608

wait so japanese are okay with white girls modeling/advertising kimonos?

No. 194609

dont believe everything sjw say on tumblr im sure they dont give two shits in japan

No. 194611

tumblr is brainwashing :(

No. 194612

Actually they don't care if a white girl wears a kimono. They didn't care when Aminyan wore one either lol (yes I know Ami is black). I never understood why the SJW even cared so much because it's just clothes. http://rannokomatsu.tumblr.com/tagged/kimono

No. 194613

that sucks cause didn't PT get so much shit when she wore one normally and took pictures? i feel so bad for her.
but if someone like kota did it, it's fine…

No. 194618

Only weebs get mad about that shit

Japanese usually find it exciting when people pick up on their culture

No. 194619

that explains a lot.
wasn't everyone who interviewed kota so excited about how she liked anime and manga like that's so special lol

No. 194621

I always assumed a kimonos were the Japanese equivalent of special Sunday/Easter clothes

No. 194626

>>194608 It's Japanese-Americans and Japanese-Canadians that find it offensive because they have been ridiculed for practicing their culture for the longest time. Japanese people from Japan don't care but I still personally would be uncomfortable to wear one unless a Japanese person told me to wear one

No. 194631

i just find it funny how she mentioned in her video how hard it was to find a place because the japanese landlords didn't want a white model or whatever but she's okay to advertise kimonos?

No. 194633


No. 194634


No. 194635

apparently. i doubt she forced her foot in that door, demanding to model kimonos. im sure it was offered to her.
jesus it just proves people just need something to be offended about constantly. cultural appropriation is a thing, but NOT EVERYTHING is cultural appropriation.

No. 194637

except when venus made that "geisha makeup" video and got ripped to shreds in comments lol lol

No. 194639

those are obviously two different situations.

she's a model. her job is to model clothes. it's understandable that she would model traditional japanese clothing in japan, where she works. as a model. for japanese clothing.

i'm sure that they saw an unmarried gaijin trying to get a rental as someone who was only going to be there temporarily and flake after a few months, so it's understandable that they would rather wait it out for a japanese citizen who will probably want to stay there long term.

No. 194641

>Dat top lip

No. 194667

She looks genuinely HORRIFYING here and in the rest of the video. This isn't a good look.

No. 194669


I do think gaijin look weird in kimonos though. Even foreigners in saris and chinese dresses too.

No. 194670


Yeah. They don't mind you wearing the clothes but are fussy about their bloodline kek.

No. 194671


I wanna see some latinos, some blacks and indians modelling kimono now then :)

No. 194672


She hasn't taken one of her "professional" pictures in ages though?

No. 194673

No. 194676

File: 1445364009378.jpg (15.12 KB, 598x336, CP6CJTCVAAAkoDp.jpg)

No. 194690


No. 194693

A kimono is a kimono, traditional clothes for various occasions. I don't see anything wrong with foreigners wearing it unless they do it to mock.

No. 194694

It seems wrong and weird when a 17 year old white weeb is trying to lecture others on a 1200 years old culture from another continent.

No. 194700

File: 1445367957039.jpg (337.73 KB, 959x1280, tumblr_nokleda8E61t0ij5do1_128…)

Tumblr won't listen. Japanese tell them it's ok to wear unless you are trying to mock Japanese people. If you want to rub a kimono on your ass or burn it then no you shouldn't wear one. >>194671 Image is for you anon.

No. 194706

its because when white people wear clothes/styles from other cultures and its quirky or artistic, but when poc do it, its vulgar and shameful.


No. 194707

File: 1445369484228.jpg (132.49 KB, 484x484, jimmies-3659.jpg)

imo the cultural appropriation and also fetishization is more or less annoying but nothing to be super angry about.
most of the people that engage in those behaviors are ignorant any way, so there is no need to be so angry over stupid people

No. 194708

and no videos for over a year so maybe someone lived there lol

No. 194731

She's just updated instagram (can't post the video because I'm on my phone…) But the difference in followers compared to keekz is hilarious.

No. 194732

She'll be buying followers again just to catch up!

No. 194753

idk although IG is very popular, it is a bit of a difference audience. and her twitter has been up 3+ years.

No. 194765


Kind of pointless since there's these videos, but Yuka recorded Dakota's runway walk in her video too. She even captioned it "Dako-chan <3". What a brown-noser, kek.

Starts at 3:58.

No. 194787

That was… the most confusing fashion show performance I have ever seen.

No. 194811

what the fuck?? why are they running? what's the point of a runway if you don't even get to see the clothes??

No. 194816

I've never actually watched a Yukapon video before…

Is she always so, crazy-eye stare into the camera? Seems so concerned with her appearance but she looks like a basic bitch the whole way through, I don't get it at all

No. 194817

No. 194821

This might be a weird question but I was trying to track down some of the songs Dakota used in her tutorial videos because I generally enjoy her taste in music. She never seemed to post the songs she used so I was wondering if anyone here new what some/most/all? of them are.

No. 194828

If you watch the video in higher res, you can see how her lips are hella overdrawn.

No. 194842

File: 1445400477469.jpg (13.43 KB, 393x73, beck.JPG)

This bitch is everywhere.

No. 194845

She is ugly and irrelevant and trying to cling to her nonexistent fame. She can only do that by commenting on popular youtuber vids.

No. 194849

She's such old fucking news. I don't get why anyone ever thought Beckii was cute. All she does now is try to suck up to other weeaboos that are more relevant than her.

No. 194850

but why? white bitches look better in everything

No. 194852

Maybe anon has like, different opinions than you? Gasp!

No. 194867

File: 1445410951340.jpg (64.23 KB, 1024x768, therealkyliejenner.jpg)

No. 194871


Raceposting is disallowed outside /b/.

No. 194896

Such a weird rule … idgi

No. 194897

It causes the thread to derail into a race war.

No. 194898

Its a good rule IMO race talk always get out of hand here and off topic. Plus the race views here are so fucking dumb it's embarassing

No. 194914

actually the situation seems to be the complete opposite, at least according to the Holy Bible of Righteousness aka tumblr. anything white people do that isn't stereotypically white is ~problematic~, but POC can do whatever they want because they're "oppressed enough". white people are the devil and all that

No. 194924

because landlords are picky about who they let rent. they usually want business professionals or students who are japanese-born so that they know what to expect. that or families.

not young, non-japanese women who they assume "party" a lot or are dirty. it's the preconceived notion that a young, irresponsible foreigner will messy up their place or be noisy and get reported by the neighbours etc, and generally make life more difficult for them. also communication issues.

it's NOTHING to do with "protecting their culture" because outside of batshit crazy sjws no one cares about that in the real world. its out of practicality.

No. 194925

File: 1445438067733.jpg (54.8 KB, 600x800, CRrNPL1VAAIwkwX.jpg)


was dakota on this show?? (nani shi ni nihon he)
i wanna see that kind of lol

No. 194928

so glad she is irrelevant. basking in her desperation to stay relevant tbh lol

No. 194929

the OP pic still kills me lmao
those fucking lips

No. 194940


IIRC she's been in that show a couple of times, lol.

No. 194944

right??? beckii is one of the least cute lolcows to grace the internet. sure people in japan still remember her, but theyre not lot omg so cute

No. 194945

File: 1445443982660.png (587.74 KB, 593x600, aliens.png)

yep. terrifying

No. 194947

Not only that, but foreigners (specifically English teachers) are known to flee very easily. They could ruin the entire place and still be able to flee. But a Japanese person will be on public record, and it's still their country. So a foreigner who ruin shit can just escape and never go back. Much easier. That's another reason why most apartments require a 2 years contract, and a Japanese guarantor, etc.

No. 194949

Dakota looks like my 9 year old nephew sometimes

No. 194987

Hehe, it kinda looks like the koots is hiding a 6th finger in the OP pic.

No. 194990

She was more relevant than most to be fair. I actually quite like her tbh. Rather than desperately trying to cling to her fame I see it as her attempting to use it to make something else of herself. She definitely always knew the japan thing would be short lived.

No I'm not Beckii. I was one of those who hated her out of sheer jealousy back in the day..I just think these sort of comments are ridiculous when she's only doing what any of us would do.

No. 194993

File: 1445459605630.jpg (8.06 KB, 204x271, 1421963316590.jpg)

The running at the beginning made me literally lol
Also Kooter actually looks pretty cute in this!
Over sized sweater /tons of hair/sunglasses make her look actually petite and cute…

No. 195025

Girls Collection is less a legit fashion show and more an opportunity for brands to get together and generate media attention for the youngins who buy their clothes. That's why you'll see people like Dakota, who has no runway experience, in the shows.

No. 195038

No. 195049

File: 1445470681319.gif (8.88 MB, 465x262, oEXelVx.gif)

Dakota's runway walk is literally just her walking normally, haha.

No. 195051

>she's only doing what any of us would do
Speak for yourself, love.

No. 195054

>>195049 awwww shes cute

No. 195055

Go back to PULL

No. 195057

why can't someone say something nice without being told to go back to PULL? shut up

No. 195059

this is a site for shit talking not ass licking

No. 195061


Wow, someone has sand in their vagina today

No. 195062

Taking an opportunity like that to try and make a living out of shit he loves? Not my type of thing but I don't see how anyone can blame her.

No. 195095

Well, never searched all. But I remember there are one from Persona 4! I got amazed on her taste on gaming, but never searched much others, maybe also games/nerd/japanese songs?

No. 195147

She has black features big lips, huge nose, small beady eyes

No. 195148

Oops wrong thread

No. 195149

Well the first song in her recent apartment video is from Beautiful Katamari. It's called Boyfriend a Go Go.

No. 195150

I've been searching for months for the song In her braided buns tutorial? Can any farmers help me out?

No. 195154

have no fear, i a jpop nerd am here

No. 195156

btw it's Barbarian on the Groove feat. Haruki Shimotsuki - Hikari no Kizuna

No. 195157

oops i posted the video twice.
anyway there you go

No. 195158

there used to be a whole thread on PULL 1.0 dedicated to people looking up all the songs kota uses in her videos since she never tells anyone the names or nothin.
it doesn't look like the same type of thread has been made on the new PULL yet i guess.

No. 195160

Seriously anon, thank you so freakin much. I've been dyinggggg to find this song!

No. 195161

no problem my fellow anon friend

No. 195279

File: 1445529385623.jpg (137.41 KB, 627x357, 2015-10-22 11.55.13.jpg)

Dakota's pics be lookin like

No. 195280

File: 1445529470356.png (70.75 KB, 300x300, ao_oni.png)



No. 195282

Oh dang you are wonderful! Could I bug you for a few others if you/other anons have the time? I never played video games so I am useless!

I am mainly looking for the songs from:

1. アニメチークCandy Dollで作る

2. cute hair style ダコタ - 吸血鬼人形ヘアスタイル

3. ダコタ - Lips (Sherbert Orange and Nude Baby Pink)

4. Kotakoti - Night Time Eye Make
(This one seems to be persona?)

Aww that sucks, I'm sorry I'm late to the game and missed it. If anyone doesn't mind helping me out I'd be super appreciative!

No. 195301

Different anon, but 'Night Time Eye Make' is Secret Base from Persona 4.
Not sure about the others though :3(
The one in 'cute hair style' sounds so familiar but I can't place it, it's driving me insane.

No. 195340

Oh thank you so much for telling me!
Hopefully someone else will know which one Cute Hairy Style is, it's such a nice melody!

No. 195373

This seems so obvious but have you tried Shazam or SoundHound? That's how I found some of her audio but if they're not identifying ignore me.

No. 195378

>Waaaa why don't you hate what i hate )))::

get over yourself

No. 195394

isn't it just like an ostrenga to not give credit where credit is due

No. 195395

Oh thank you I can try that too, I didn't think of it!

Yeah like, shouldn't she be getting in legal trouble if she makes $$$ off her youtube videos?

No. 195432

did the music get taken down on one video and is now replaced by intense classical music lol

No. 195446

yes it did! i got so confused about it. i forget which video exactly but it had sugarless girl playing on it but now it's classical

No. 195528

no, she has white features. because she's white. you're sure a dumbass thinking certain facial features are exclusive to one race of people. have you ever taken an anthropology course?

of course not.

No. 195539

No. 195542

I remember seeing a blog post hating on Angelina Jolie for stealing "the black womans lips" like ffs it was stupid.

No. 195552

Same anon posting within a topic ≠ samefaging

Although it is easy to tell its the same anon because

No. 195572

hi again
I'm glad I helped! and yeah sure, I'll look into them for ya ;) ((don't wanna spend my whole day watching kota vids tho so i'll get back to u later heh)

No. 195638

Are you sure you meant to include that SoundHound and Shazam suggestion? Because I posted that and it was literally the only reply I made. Try again.

No. 195872


if someone is looking for the song in this video it's "Dominant space" by Aira Yuhki, Kota made the song more high-pitched tho

No. 195874

Does anyone know the song at the start of this video? http://youtu.be/IN_NPqNzs6g

No. 195951

Night time eye make up is the one from persona 4.

No. 195992

Omg pulltards get the fuck out. If you wana tongue kooters cunt that's fine but don't do it here, it's so irritating.

No. 196000

And what you do is no better.

No. 196001


I don't even like dakota, I just think it's pretty funny how salty you are

>omg u disagree with me therefore ur PULL gtfo!!!11111

No. 196058

No you're literally the same person that says daw shes so kawaii!! I think its funny how you're this attached to a basic catalog model, and embarrassing.

Nice try tho. Here's a tip pulltard, if you're gona same fag don't make so completely obvious.

No. 196092

Anyone know what this song is?
Someone mentioned Mirai Nikki in the comments and I don't watch anime, so I don't know if that's helpful.

No. 196093


lmao you're genuinely trying to tell me what posters I am, jesus christ
Stay mad, anon.


It's a remix of the opening theme

No. 196122

Nigger you dumb as shit. (ot sorry)

No. 196187

Lol same pulltard greasy weaboo pretending that people give a shit what music is in her vids.

now she's tryna be edgy haha. Nice try waiting a little bit and changing your writing style, still caught you.

No. 196196


Hahahaha oh my god
I can't tell if you're this paranoid or if you're just trolling but it's a wild ride either way, carry on

sage in case I piss people off with bumping the thread for this shit but man cmon this is a million times funnier than kota's mediocre photoshoot #7283

No. 196198

I'd like the names of all the songs from this vid if possible, soundcloud is just giving me random trance music.

No. 196225

I love when a samefagging pulltard gets caught red handed. Then pulls the "uhh no ur just paranoid!!11! tr0l1". Keep trying to cover up your embarrassment lol

No. 196229


You're right, anon. You totally caught me. It's not like anyone else could possibly think you're a turbo retard except one greasy weeb PULLtard. A++

Never used PULL in my life, kind of dislike kota if anything, honestly, and there's at least one other anon ITT who thinks you're a retard which makes this even funnier

No. 196249

Go back to PULL samefag

No. 196253

Holy shit can you shut the fuck up or exchange contacts so you can carry on your petty argument elsewhere?

No. 196297

Yousei Teikoku – Kuusou Mesorogiwi (remix)

No. 196311

> I dont even LIKE Kota!
> Omg she's cuteee! tehehehe ~ gais what music is in her videos??? I wana be just like her?

Inb4 you're actually lauren. Pls go back to making a fool of yourself on pull

No. 196319

File: 1445677951695.jpeg (152.54 KB, 935x600, image.jpeg)

Jeez, look at that massive bald spot

No. 196344

File: 1445684430223.jpg (70.87 KB, 750x750, 12093266_1729507877285294_8726…)

Oh man I love how she started blurring the fuck out of her bangs to hide her balding

The area on her side where blurry meets crisp is just fucking ridiculous

No. 196345

Lies, I saw you on PULL

No. 196347

Yes, yes Dakota's hair is thin, yeah, yeah you think she's balding.

This is getting so old. I'm sick of people posting this shit and won thread space whilst contributing nothing.

No. 196348

tbh I think she always had extremely few hair and tried to hide that. no real balding incoming I guess
I've had receding hairline since kindergarten and it didn't change since then

maybe it's the same for her plus not much hair, very thin hair
looks like crap if not handled well

No. 196349


I agree anon, same shit different day. I don't really mind her newest pic (black and white one) I just saw it on IG. Yeah, yeah and I follow her just because like I follow most jap models. I like to see what kooter is up to.

Guys if she goes bald then we'll know about it, kay? In the time being, move on. It's boring. Worry more about her haggard sister going ape shit over the fact that we finally found snaggle-face.

No. 196352

And yet here you are, shitting it up with you kota-elitism

No. 196354


Of you feel embarrassed for making shit posts don't shit up the thread any further; just leave.

No. 196362

Are you balding too?

No. 196363

her hair is fine and thinning, get over it. i know from experience.

No. 196366


Yep, she's mad she got called out lol

No. 196368

as if this stuff isnt shitting up the thread durther

how about when someone says something you dont like or something that has been said to death already, just DONT REPLY and voila, it dies

No. 196391


People ignore the balding and thinning hair comments all the time and yet they still crop up dozens of times in every thread.
It's getting really fucking old at this point.

No. 196392

>You're a samefag
>No, YOU'RE a samefag
>GB2 PULL!!!11
>Absolutely fucking everyone is a samefag
>Overshooped alien baby pic

Guys, just fucking admit it. Kota is, at best, only funny for the occasional creepy photoshop. Stop getting so fucking salty.

No. 196395

I laughed at "Dickies".

No. 196400

this is kinda cute tho
the hat and scarf

No. 196403

No. 196404

Ikr? This thread is mostly pointless petty shit like omg so kawaii or hurr shes goin bald!!!

No. 196406


Kota has started to take outfit pictures on her instagram. They remind me a lot of Risa's… I think that's the next step. Copy Risa.

No. 196427

File: 1445699672981.png (868.13 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-24-16-13-42…)

This is so fucking cute.

No. 196429

The dress is cute
The coord is weird and the shoop is super alien baby again def not cute

No. 196430

I really wanna know where this dress(?) is from. Her outfits have been pretty on point recently, imo.

No. 196444

(Actually I was the one who wanted to know about the music originally but it's cool.)

No. 196445

>wat is gossip site
That's how it goes here, especially if a new pic is uploaded furthering the complaint. If you don't like it you might want to go elsewhere.

No. 196448


No you can fuck off somewhere else.
lolcow is supposed to retain a higher standard than petty, shit sites like Tumblr or PULL.

If you want a place where you can diarrhoea all over the place and fill up threads with garbage comments people have already heard a billion times over then you can fuck off back to PULL.
I am sick of you faggots constantly dragging down the overall quality of the site.

No. 196450

>completely different anon
Calm down, I never said I agree with it but this seems to be the common flow of what happens here.

No. 196456


Really? I don't think so. Even this is matched weirdly. The hat, dress and white top underneath is fine but the necklace and scarf don't go at all.

No. 196474

If she's going to be sticking neutrals and dark colours together she needs to find accessories that dont stick out but blend with the outfit

It's a big problem for her, she always adds unnessesary fluff to her outfit and it looks odd, or she dresses like an anime school girl wi balding hair

She has no real sense of style, just ideas

No. 196476

With **

No. 196479

File: 1445704660110.jpg (55.47 KB, 600x480, CSFbVXEU8AAg7YR.jpg)

It's her Girls Award outfit, she's walking for Forever21 I think.

No. 196480

In other words, she didn't style it herself.

No. 196481

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No. 196485

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No. 196489


Reckon she'll be doing the Girls award thing next year aswell guys?

It's weird. Seeing how she was just some basic girl who had a tumblr and photoshopped her pictures. Then next minute you're in magazines and on the catwalk in Japan.

No. 196493

File: 1445705636529.jpg (27.56 KB, 599x337, CSFJT_MUAAQf_5x.jpg)

She walked for Forever21 and Dickies. Nothing great, but yeah. Until they find their next flavor of the month model. Reina Triendl used to basically be that and now I rarely hear of her. Then again, Bravo will keep pushing her and give her gigs, so..the case may be different.

No. 196495


Then sweet lord they need better stylists
Then again this is Japan, they don't seem to have a good sense of coronation with pop culture clothing.
Just garbled kawaii crap.

No. 196497

File: 1445705890667.jpg (20.43 KB, 599x337, CSFJSN4UkAAU_Ml.jpg)

No. 196510

I actually think this look suits her. The hat and big scarf look quite adorable.

No. 196517


My apologies then, I'm just getting frustrated at the amount of obviously new users who're coming in from various other sites mistakenly believing that lolcow is a dumping ground for low quality bitchiness.

No. 196518


So do I.
It's a tad on the twee side but it's genuinely adorable.

No. 196545


That's what Japan is like, they don't know how shit fits or works. As long as it's cute then it's fine.

No. 196547


Cute but seen it before lmao this is nothing new but ofc tis on kota

No. 196548


Yeah, Bravo is DESPERATELY trying to get kota out there more. You can just tell.

I wonder when we'll hear from Taylor R though? I mean… isn't she more fit for modelling? This is why Japan baffles me. I get the barbie gimmick thing yeah but… when it comes to actual modelling.

No. 196549

shoot i thought it was nicole fujita lol

No. 196550

its because SHE, taylor, is being probably pushing for all this kawaii shit. she totally had real modelling in the bag in hong kong and her real self was fucking beautiful but she threw it away to try to be a tiny kawaii dolly when thats the farthest from what she can achieve

No. 196551

Watching her walking makes me uncomfortable…

No. 196552

probably because kota went viral? like magibon, beckii, applemilk, etc did in the past

No. 196556


YESS, hide that chin

No. 196558

I dont want to be nitpicky, but her upper arms look huge …for a model

No. 196574


Taylor needs to get back into the serious game tho

its sad

No. 196575


I wonder who'll be next to go viral

No. 196636

If i can be any help,
The song in kotakoti's first outfit video was Sugarless Girl and Mirai Seikatsu, both by Capsule
The panda ears tutorial was Balamb's garden
Some of her music is from nash music library under the "pretty mood" tag
such as "Welcome to the cyberworld" (you can find it on soundcloud for free yesyes) or Selfish Desire (second music from the winter hairstyle) she DID use Persona 4 music in the Night time eye makeup, the secret base music i think and the main theme?

No. 196641

she isn't as slim as she appears to be on some pictures. she has a good amount of chub on her arms and thighs.
still normal weight of course, though not close to underweight (unlike TayTay now that she's mentioned too)

No. 196671

Unpopular opinion but as long as Taylor is doing what makes her happy and not just hopping on the kawaii doll trend, I actually support her. She seems sincerely nice and a lot more personable (and skilled) than Kota. I think she could do really really well with the right marketing and connections.

No. 196673


I don't mind Taylor, she seems normal tbh. She's just spoilt and that's only cos of family really. The dumb move she only ever made was getting into kawaii. Sure if you like cute things, it's fine but to blow off a good career all for puffy looking lifeless every day make up, catering to teenage gooks and wearing childrens clothing while dancing to animu music is just…

Jesus tay

No. 196774


tbh guys you don't get to decide that somebody is a cow or a snowflake because they decided to take their aesthetic preference in a direction you personally disagree with.

No. 196781

I agree with this statement but have you seen Taylor's Miku vids? I think she deleted them but they were definitely at least snowflake worthy. I don't think she's milkable enough to be a cow but it is quite sad watching her Miku vid and then watching one of her previous makeup tutorials side by side.

No. 196785


I have and I actually liked them, but that's just me.
I like cute stuff like that and Taylor has a really aesthetically pleasing slender, lithe body and it's nice to watch it in motion.

No. 196787

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No. 196788

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No. 196789

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No. 196792

Cute, but keep thinking that hair color really washes her out.

Taylor is more unstable than Kota. Ditched her high class work for koreaboo look and didn't she butcher her face? Idk it's like she has no direction in life, I don't know if I'd risk to make business with her, she's got some red flags about her.

I'll give that she can be original and do nice stuff but keeps copying kota's look and I don't think that is helping her stand out

No. 196822


are she and kota doing the same accent? they sound so much alike in the first sequence.

No. 196832


I wish kota would lay off the extensions though. I do like her shorter wavier hair.

Didn't she say ages ago "I'm not allowed to cut my hair?" though?

Thing is, Taylor has the right looks, the height ect for the western world. But Japan doesn't seem to be interested in her. I think Taylor has marketed herself the wrong way in Japan. Another thing is she wasn't given everything on a plate like kota, Taylor has money no doubt about that and probably more than kota due to family ect. But I do think kota has been given "short cuts" over the past few years.

Both of them, both have dodgy ways of getting to where they want to be I think.

I do agree Taylor needs a new look. Something different. Get rid of this animu shit, nothing up with wearing it now and again but… why not go for a Taylor Swift kind of style? She's as tall, blonde and as lanky. Go for cute girl next door kind of clothing. She'd do it so much more. Get into modelling for Jill Stuart, Lillily, Katie ect those BRANDS where this "im a living doll" shit is all happening. She'd get more acknowledgement. I personally think she's far prettier than Dakota, I just like her face more, both are pretty but it's just preference.

No. 196841

Does taylor have her own thread?

No. 196843

She does. It's in /snow/ and you guys should take this discussion over there.

No. 196844



anyone wanna talk about tay tay den?

No. 196845

Does anyone know which song kota used for this video btw?

No. 196847

No. 196983

girl on the left so gorgeous jfc

No. 196985

Agreed, I wanna know who she is

No. 197056

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No. 197057

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No. 197059

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No. 197063

her arms look a little chub
>inb4 ana-chan pls go

No. 197065

Massive shoulders, damn!

No. 197069

They really do though.

No. 197071


Aw leave her alone tho, we should be supporting our little white wonder there on nippon tv!

She's boring af but at the same time she's quite scandalous kek

No. 197072


kota sporting yasai in plaid

aw c'mon anon share the wealth where is this shit from?

No. 197075

No. 197078

>small face and nice figure

No. 197081


Nigger that ain't plaid that's houndstooth.

No. 197083



it look's the fuckin' same material-chan

No. 197085

>I wanted to move out of my house right away
I wonder why…

No. 197087

>i never went to school
>my parents…. were suspicious
>i wanted to leave my house right away

No. 197088

no it doesn't. it's okay to be wrong, anon.

No. 197090




No. 197091

She looks a lot like that old scary pic of her from a halloween or whatever video here.

No. 197092


It does, who cares lol?

No. 197093


Nah, she looks like her mother tbh.

No. 197094


Tbh what size clothing over in Japan do you think kota is? We know her feet are a 5.

No. 197096

It sounds like she doesn't care for school or education at all.

No. 197098

I got em from twitter,I'm guessing she was on another weird ass tv show

No. 197099

>Finally admits that she couldn't speak Japanese or really understand it (and didn't study) until she got to Japan. (Not that I can remember that she ever really claimed to be magically fluent from day one, but it was heavily implied and she did try to speak it before she really "knew" it.)
>Now, she became interested in Japan through "horror movies".
>Lolita doesn't exist at all in America. (lol, ok)

I honestly do feel bad for her, though. She sounds like she was really isolated. Can't blame her for the dumb shit she did with her sister, since it seems like that was all she knew. I do have a lot of sympathy for her. Maybe we'll see a lot more honesty from her now she's a little older, and a little more mature.

No. 197102

File: 1445904206962.jpg (88.6 KB, 600x300, w600c-e_1869114.jpg)

No. 197103


Reckon she REALLY wants to be there tho?

"fuckin' beaners"


No. 197104

Here's the video:
It's on MioMio too, but I can never get that site to work proper for me.

No. 197106

No. 197107

lol the opening screen. "if you do something bad, god will kill you"

No. 197108


She looks like she's had a lip job. She's got them drawn weird again :|

No. 197109

File: 1445905116883.png (541.69 KB, 621x354, daikane.PNG)

she prays for lots of money

No. 197110

Can someone make sense of this?

No. 197112

seems like someone sees dakota's real side backstage

No. 197113

File: 1445905517155.jpg (37.78 KB, 640x640, 12070798_598031733704075_18436…)

A few pics to dump.
These are from the GirlsAward thing she was in.

No. 197114

File: 1445905542818.jpg (42.34 KB, 640x640, 12120236_500466313456291_16092…)

No. 197115

File: 1445905558445.jpg (50.86 KB, 640x640, 10723982_1612368395693175_1700…)

No. 197117


uh,weren't you interested in Japan after watching CCS and doramas?

No. 197120

Not to lick ass too much but I thought the video preview that showed her obviously using AE and admitting in comments that she used to do her lips a different way compared to now seemed a little more grown up of her. She never used to do that kind of stuff and her greasy sister still behaves like a child never disclosing where she gets certain things or how she does different makeup looks. What a difference time away from the Monstrengas can make.

No. 197121


>Lolita fashion doesn't exist in America at all


No. 197123

Tentacle hair

No. 197124

File: 1445906649022.jpg (85.49 KB, 640x640, 12081041_619606524845768_15490…)

No. 197125

File: 1445906676781.jpg (126.63 KB, 640x640, 11356782_302860686504479_69124…)

I think this is pretty old, but never saw it before, so I don't know.

No. 197126

probably not in rednecksville florida

when in japan… do like the japanese.

No. 197127

File: 1445906744049.jpg (91.69 KB, 640x640, 11380979_902493073141913_89190…)

No. 197128

File: 1445906805488.jpg (96.29 KB, 640x640, 11372511_395721093963964_23928…)

No. 197131

Plaid shoes with that dress? Kota, pls. Otherwise this is a pretty cute pic of her. Wish she could style herself properly.

No. 197133

Here comes some ass-kissing, I guess:

I actually respect her a lot more after watching this. I didn't realize she became so fluent, and honestly, she's not only picked up the physical mannerisms, but also the fast-reflecting answers you'd come to expect of other Japanese celebs put in the spotlight. The way she handled the first minute of flattery was perfect for a Japanese audience.

I can imagine her being really embarrassed of the shit she and her sister did, probably because of what >>197099 theorized.

Honestly, when Japanese people ask you why you're interested in Japan, "anime" is a really awkward thing to mention (I've been there, I know), so I don't see it as lying to find another aspect of Japan to mention beforehand. There's just certain dances it's better for Americans to do in Japan, and we might see it as dishonest because it's not "true 2 urself", but that's just not the best way to converse when speaking to Japanese people who aren't your close friends/family. If you look at a lot of the videos she's in, they're a little patronizing towards her because she's American (Like that rice video…no shit, we've seen rice before).

I used to think she was so fucking obnoxious on /cgl/ threads, but now I feel like she's really assimilated there better than most seagulls would ever be capable of. And I can excuse some misses on her fashion, there's always one part of a Japanese girl's outfit that looks totally like the wrong accessory.

No. 197135

No one cares. This is a thread about Dakota.

No. 197136

I think she meant to say that such kind of fashions don't exist in American culture??

No. 197137

She actually looks cute in this interview. If only she dropped the alien baby PS act.

No. 197138

Dakoto "exposed" this comedian named Goto. Though comedians are loud and constantly throw jokes on the set, she found out that they are unexpectedly quiet off the set. Of course the "expose" isn't anything serious. Just a gimmicky way of saying.

No. 197142


Anon, she's never been able to match things properly with outfits. It's not about a Japanese girl outfit either.

Kota just doesn't know how to combine properly.

No. 197151


congrats, anon, you did good.

I wonder how much it's killing Kiki that Kota is emerging as the more visibly mature one

No. 197154

Ok but do u even japanese? Being able to answer quickly doesnt and form sentences doesnt mean its good japanese

No. 197174

ayyy lmao

No. 197178

Only people who don't know Japanese say kota is bad at it.

I don't even like her but I'm not gonna lie. Her Japanese is very good. And her pronunciation is near fluent.

No. 197184

It still wouldn't be true.

No. 197186

I find it hard to believe it's not scripted and proofread. Whenever she's in spontaneous popteen videos, she seems very awkward and slow and doesn't really say much.

Not that I blame her, since Japanese isn't her first language. But the interview is most likely not an indication of her ability.

No. 197189

>I don't even like her but I'm not gonna lie. Her Japanese is very good.

Same. It's good.

No. 197191

Oh god, she looks like Taylor

No. 197195


I do do Japanese and her Moon is good.
The fact she is already able to translate internally and select a series of conducive responses with virtually no lag at all really displays to me just how clever she is, whether you guys want to accept it or not.
I'm N3 an I still find myself stuttering and ano'ing out my ass.

I really do think Dakota is rather intelligent.
Kirsten on the other hand…

No. 197196

Intelligent or not, she has been in Japan for quite a while now, is constantly surrounded by native speakers and her job/daily life require at least some interactions with Japanese. Most of her media is also in Japanese too. So it would rather be embarrassing if she wasn't as fluid as she is now.

She might have seen the questions before the interview, and has been prepared though.

No. 197199

3 years is not a short time

No. 197200


That's a big might without a whole lot of substance there Anon.

Dakota MIGHT be a lizard woman in a skin-suit.

No. 197207

I agree with this so much. For how long she was been exposed, her japanese is not as good as it should be. She probably sounds so fluent because either she gets prepared beforehand or it is scripted

I don't want to be mean but level 3 is somewhat still low. I approved N1 but I don't feel even close to being fluent and I still stutter all the time and always mix my godamn keigo.

No. 197210


>I don't want to be mean but level 3 is somewhat still low

Doesn't stop it from hurting though ;__;

Muh hardwork and dedication…

No. 197219

Nah, don't worry about it (I'm another anon). Don't let shitheads demotivate you

No. 197222

well yea man, if you are talking about JLPT, there is NO speaking or writing portion
so while people can read and hear the complex material on the exam, the test doesnt train you to think for yourself or speak.
which is like 50% of the point of learning a language.
but i feel you. N2 here and i am hella hetakkuso

No. 197223

ok but u ignored what anon said.
being able to answer quickly doesnt mean it is GOOD japanese. like in terms of natural language. she still says weird phrases. you CANNOT translate literally from english to create japanese.

No. 197226

Who gives a shit

The girl clearly knows well Japanese, it works for her and everyone she's involved with. Why are you so concerned?

No. 197232

She looks so out of place in this picture. It looks like someone just superimposed her into the background or something.

No. 197234


copious amounts of salt and jelly

No. 197241

File: 1445960705549.jpg (59.07 KB, 480x720, tumblr_myswf8dbaU1sq4va7o1_500…)

I need help.
I am REALLY obsessed with kotakoti. Not who she is now (modeling in japan,wearing pastel kawaii clothing,…all that shit), but her "persona" from 2011/2012. I have a LOT of her pics collected on some file, i even made a PLAN OF HER BEDROOM from when she was back in america, i repertoried ALL the clothes she wore on her videos and such that i actually liked, or lists of items she had in old pictures/videos i liked. I think she is really boring now but why am i so obsessed…i'm not efamous nor do i want to be efamous yet i feel so obsessed.
Something about it comforts me somehow…help me gulls i feel like a creep. I'm not even daring enough to be cute and feminine and i keep piling on cute clothes she would wear or wore in her vids

No. 197243

You've posted about this three times now. The first two times you claimed that you "used to do it" but now you're over it.
What the fuck anon

No. 197244

Um anon this is the first time i post this here?
Anyway besides being creepy/stalker as fuck sometimes i wonder if that have some meaning/explanation/name?
I wonder if anyone here is obsessed with some of the cows

No. 197245

Maybe you want to be her

No. 197246

I'm not even that anon and I've seen the post about making a room plan at least twice before. So either you have a doppelgänger on this board, or you've posted about it before. My money is on the latter.

No. 197247

File: 1445961684209.jpg (113.36 KB, 1531x337, wtf.jpg)

You really should stop posting this shit everywhere

No. 197249

we're not gulls and you sound fucking disturbed.

No. 197252

>translate internally

Sorry, a little OT but I wanted to clarify since I'm only still learning:

Aren't you not supposed to translate internally? I thought to really learn a language you should be thinking it, etc. Not translating it to your native tongue to come up with an answer?

Maybe I misunderstood what you meant. I'm really just curious, to see how other people do it. I can't imagine dakota is thinking in english to be able to reply quickly?

No. 197263


Different Anon but that is correct.
When learning another language the most important thing to learn is to not keep creating automatic equivalents between the two languages.

You need to think about what a word REALLY means, for example taberu, taberu does not really mean "eat", not in the English sens
You cannot try to equivalate those.
What taberu really means is to consume and that is something you understand without having to give it a name.

It's a little hard to explain properly but it's like, you know where your arm is without having to feel it right? Even without having it touching anything, if someone told you to flex your bicep, within your mind you recreate the mental sensation of a bicep flexing, and without even really having to think about it you know how to do it on a whim right? But that sense of knowing, there is no name for it, just an internal, base instinct.

It's like how Laozi said within Tao Te Ching, once something is given a name, it loses all meaning.

Do you guys know what I'm talking about? Am I ranting?

It's like, how do you translate genki really? Or komorebi? There is no English equivalent, it is its own individuallity and to learn a language is to practice and understand the manipulation of those indivi(dualities) wink wink play on words wink

No. 197267

How? There's really nothing like lolita fashion here.

No. 197274

You should probably seek professional help.

No. 197276


Kota is this you or mama ostrenga? lol

No. 197277


If you live in a foreign country, work there and have to communicate in that country's language with the locals and your colleagues all day every day, your brain will get more accustomed to the language and you start to respond quicker. If you study that language in an environment where you don't have to use it all the time, you respond slower, because you still primarily communicate in your native/whatever language.

Not saying Kota can't be smart, but at this point her being able to respond in Japanese rather quickly and being able to speak Japanese altogether doesn't mean she's a genius or in any way different from the average asshole living and working in another country.

No. 197278

Yeah you need to calm down. Like what do you expect posting this over and over will accomplish? Someone to tell you that you aren't crazy? It is fine to have an idol but if you are feeling psychotic about it you probably are and should talk to your family, a friend, or a professional.

No. 197280

i know what you mean anon. it made sense.
there are plenty of phrases and words alone that have no direct english translation.
itadakimasu, yoroshiku, etc

for short phrases and ideas, its pretty easy to translate english to japanese, but even then its not even direct.
i like cats
neko ga suki
but in japanese, 'like' isnt a verb, its an adjective.

so fun right.

No. 197283

You need serious help but i have to agree i REALLY miss Kota when she looked(shooped) like that.
That and her style overall was more…interesting?
Now it's basically super uguuh pale pinku kawaii sailor moon nyan garbage.

No. 197297

You guys say this all the time but I think you underestimate how difficult learning a language is for most people. I can count on one hand the number of people I know who immigrated to england and can speak it properly. But the amount of people I've met who've lived here for 20 years plus, got married to a native, had kids who speak English as a first language and who they can't properly communicate with is huge.

Idk if this is just eurofags who take having a second or even third language for granted, or just people who're naturally more adept or what. But it's a really difficult thing for most people.

No. 197299


There are so many people I know personally who've moved from places like Pakistan, Poland or Slovakia tot he UK and years on they still struggle with English despite being surrounded by it everyday.

No. 197302

its not that i have no sympathy but i literally dont understand it.
while to some extent, language seeps in, so to speak, but you need some conscious effort.

No. 197305

It's not as good as people "expect" her to be. Languages are difficult, and though it may not be perfect she doesn't spend ages trying to think of how she wants to say stuff.

No. 197307

I don't know anyone like that TBH, I don't know where that's normal to move to a country and not learn the language properly, but it's nowhere near where I have lived.

No. 197313

You sound fat tbh.

No. 197322

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No. 197323

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No. 197324

File: 1445982429357.jpg (164.03 KB, 1121x389, 2015-10-27 17.45.14.jpg)

Honestly she looks so huge in this one.

No. 197325

ana-chan go back to mpa

No. 197326


Anon those are totally normal teeth shut the fuck up you lard ass bitch.

No. 197328

Her smile is cute but damn her arms really got big.

No. 197330

Delete all the pics you have of her and stop coming on lolcow. Find a new hobby in which to immerse yourself. Read some books or manga, play some games, learn art. And like others have said if that doesn't work out go see a professional.

No. 197331

Tbh I thought she was talking about how she looks like a horse girl.

The long hair with straight bangs.
The round, dumpy face.
The Christian fundamentalist-ish dress.

No. 197336


Holy fucking shit, she really does look like a horse girl there

No. 197341

The weight gain suits her, though she looks a bit mature here. Maybe it's the frumpy clothing and necklace

No. 197346

anorexic-chan pls go

No. 197350

Pls. She's obviously chunky/skinnyfat.

No. 197354

And if you do move somewhere and do t learn its because you secluded yourself to your family or found a community of other people like yourself that enables you to use your native language rather than branch out

No. 197358

>zomg dakota is sooooo fat
You keep using that word but i do not think it means what you think it means, ana chan.
Go back shitting up MPA or that filthy normalfag gossip site where if you weigh any more than 110lbs you are gasp fat
>inb4 i sound fat
keep telling yourselves that girlies. I am a kawaii skeletton in disguise doot doot.

No. 197366

the full bangs really dont suit her

No. 197368

The people who do this are usually indian/pakistani shopkeepers anon. They speak to people all day, every day. Learning languages is really difficult for most people, it just doesn't happen magically through immersion.

No. 197369

Listen bitch I am 130lbs I know a fat arm when I see one.

No. 197374


"Japan dolly"

oh god are they still trying to pass her off as hafu?

No. 197375


Gimmeaflakeman has been in nippon moon land for 20 odd years and is STILL learning

kota has a long way to go

No. 197376


Well duh, if you're going to live and be in the public eye for ANY country. It's ALWAYS A GOOD IDEA to know the bloody language

No. 197377


my jap friend said her japanese sounds boyish and there IS mistakes.

it's just that we ain't fluent and sushi languages speakers from birth

No. 197378

You both fail to understand that Japan is not the UK in terms of foreign immigration. There are so many Polish people (Pakistani, Chinese, etc) that they form some sort of enclaves already, and of course if a Polish comes to the UK they most commonly group together with other Polish. So you basically get a person who speaks Polish mostly throughout the day, while they speak English mostly at shops, restaurants, work and such. In Japan there is not such a huge amount of foreigners so of course you use Japanese more than your mother tongue and therefore learn it faster and better.

No. 197379


I know, I'm learning moon talk myself and I don't really care about kota's Japanese. She can speak a good amount of it because again, she's there in the public eye with OTHER foreigners who can ALSO speak Japanese. Kota is no doubt STILL learning new shit everyday. No way can someone know ALL kanji and EVERYTHING over night. It takes years and years.

You'll always in any language you're not fluent in have to keep learning, practising and keep speaking it in order for the shit to stick.

I'm tired of seeing either "her gook ain't good" or "her sushi talk is amazing amg aamg AMG ALL HAIL KAWAII GODDESSU BARBI AND HER LANGUAGE SKILLS".

Give it a rest guys, you're making a big deal out of nothing. I actually miss her speaking English if anything.

Her English voice was nicer, I don't like her Japanese speaking voice. Sounds forced and weird. But then again weebs always do this.

No. 197380


Japs can't speak eigo that's why and the ones that do, well it's decent amount or kinda okay and rare the good ones.

So foreigners have NO CHOICE but to learn it I guess.

In England, you've got Chinese here who only know like 5 English phrases but get around fine in their day to day life and refuse to talk to anyone else who isn't Chinese.

Like any country, if you go there and start learning the language you'll pick it up. Stop acting like Japanese is god's gift. It's a language that's been given too much attention because of it's pop culture, young girls who want to be animu characters, video games and gross fish food.

I'm learning Japanese too and to be honest, the more I see and hear people boast about "ma nipponese is beta den urs" makes me kinda not want to learn the language anymore. Well… not entirely but it gets that way where I sigh and roll my eyes at the childish dickheads who are "moar japanese den da ova".

Cunts like Mira for e.g

No. 197388

This era was the best. Filled my heart full of jelly. It's gone now, anon.

We aren't gulls and /pt/ is desperately trying to find a new identity and how we want our community to conduct itself. It's full of former gulls, pt sun worshipers like myself, swjs, 4chan commutes and other spergs. DO not attempt to get help here. We can't even prevent one convo from devolving to a fat or not argument. Delete all your kooter pics and stop thinking about her you pedo.

No. 197389

The main thing I was jelly of was her photoshop and AE skills.

I only feel better in knowing that she spent days modifying photos or videos as opposed to a few minutes or an hour.

No. 197414


We do not seek out the milk, the milk flows to us.

>dis drought tho

Can we start referring to barren periods as calcium deficiencies?

No. 197415


it became a language dick contest

No. 197460

its a brand

No. 197498

File: 1446061149895.jpg (99 KB, 420x316, honey_boo_boo_pageant_photos_2…)

she reminds me of honey boo boo here. she looks so short and stubby, and kinda like those creepy baby dolls that have lashes and long hair

No. 197537

I'm super jelly of her Japanese skills. She speaks really fluently.

No. 197538


Watch out, anon. You're gonna rile up the weebs.

No. 197540

Even at this moment we can see that Kiki is still a loud, obnoxious brat who doesn't seem to have an inner voice. Add Dakota being homeschooled to the mix and I think anyone can admit that it was mostly her older sister's influence that affected her. I don't think she's truly had friends or normal relationships before she moved to Japan, so her sister's (and parents') world was the only one she knew. She's changed drastically since moving to Japan and she's a lot more cuter now even in the interview videos than she was in her horrible photoshopped promo photos back in the states. Her sister's absence must be allowing her to grow up as a functional adult.

No. 197572

I am as well tbh.

No. 197574

It may have something to do with nostalgia as well as with the fact that you feel you are lacking something now.

You wouldn't constantly return to something you can't really pursue unless you feel like its a wasted dream, something you wish you had. Maybe at some point you planned to become similar to her and now that you never accomplished that (which would have made you happy) you've become obsessed with keeping images of what you could have been like.

No. 197593

Wtf is this wizardry anon
Now whenever i come to this thread and see this post and this pic in particular is mesmerizing god damnit the glory days are gone

No. 197594

I pretty much agree except plz elaborate on "functioning adult"

No. 197614

agree, i like to see how much she's changed from being away from kaka and her parents.
she still isn't QUITE there yet and fully worthy of my respect just yet though. something is still missing.

No. 197624

Her storm trooper video is kinda funny TBH. It's goofy and dumb. I feel like she kinda wins over Taylor in that department.

No. 197627

Was that her? I assumed it was some other Popteen model or something. I always thought Dakota was too rigid to do something that goofy.

No. 197648

It wasn't her. Even the caption said it was Michopa

No. 197650

Oop, my bad. I never read captions on IG so I just assumed it was her.

No. 197657

File: 1446101912790.jpeg (113.44 KB, 638x957, image.jpeg)

She's following other weebs now?
Even that girl that used to copy her every outfit and pose lel.

No. 197671


I bet she was stalking and clicked follow by mistake. Like that time she retweeted random old posts of a girl she was stalking and then in the morning deleted them and was like "huh? my phone was doing things by itself while I was asleep!"

No. 197702

File: 1446114578575.png (182.35 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-29-10-28-58…)

It was a mistake, she's not following anymore

No. 197710

File: 1446118068254.jpg (96.46 KB, 596x628, 1431032347395.jpg)

Oops! Now that's awkward.

No. 197729

Oh man

That's the second time she messes up while lurking weeb/cows. I remember when she sent an accidental tweet to Ledabunny

No. 197733

and she claimed she hit the buttons while sleeping or something

No. 197734

File: 1446131392182.jpg (50.05 KB, 240x240, profile_photo.jpg)

No. 197740

File: 1446132326424.jpg (33.02 KB, 639x480, tumblr_lugeaaVQCo1r69bleo1_128…)

Reminds me of Scully.

No. 197757

the pic is too tiny to tell but is she following our advice to actually trace a cupid's bow and not just form it into one ugly lip

No. 197758


Nah I think it's just the light shining right on the bow and messing up her mono lip

No. 197760

I'm in the same boat. I like the way she speaks. It's not even about grammar tbh, just some people are really good at picking up accents and whatnot when they speak. I've known people who have studied their asses off taking Waseda Uni's language courses and are now doing their undergrad in Japan as we speak. They can write kick ass essays and even take major exams, however they are really stiff when talking/giving presentations. Some people just can't shake the 'foreign-ness' of their accent/intonation.

As much as I hate Yukapee and Dakota, they have a good pace and intonation when they speak Japanese. Compared to someone like Sharla in Japan, who imho has a pretty horrible accent when speaking Japanese, but has taken her undergrad in completely in Japanese, passed N1, and has had translating jobs.

Mira is a different story tho. If Kooter had Mira's level of Japanese, I would just feel REALLY bad for her.

No. 197803


Are we still talking about kota's sushi language again? sigh

No. 197805

I like how everyone is forgetting about Dakota saying she'll start making videos in English because making videos in Japanese is too hard. I feel like that's a good indicator of her Japanese skills- it just seems too much like she's reading a script/has an earpiece in when she's on TV, because like it's been said before, when you catch her off guard her Japanese is much different. I think her Japanese is passable, but that her lack of social life and her probably never leaving the house/watching TV/doing anything but gaming and lurking lolcow and PULL is why she's not better at it on the fly.

>inb4 u jus jelly she speaks moon and u don't

I don't have to speak Japanese to notice the stark difference between her on TV and her trying to speak it on the spot. Someone give me an example of how fluent she is that isn't written or a TV or event appearance and I'll believe it.

If you ask me I think the sugar daddy she's most likely living with does everything for her, helps her write her blog, take her pics, obviously gets all her jobs for her, etc.

No. 197823

File: 1446153931251.png (280.75 KB, 671x500, da2.thumb.png.12b4f8cad10d4934…)

No. 197825


I think defo parts of what she's saying is scripted BUT I thin she obv does know a good deal of moon to get around

No. 197826


What's this?

No. 197827


> american fashion model. with doll-like fetatures, she is not only a model, but tarento. on a video upload site, she posts about hairstyle and makeup.

No. 197828

ok but imagine someone speaking english to you in a pretty cute voice but everything is wrong or awkward. it was lose its charm pretty quickly

No. 197829

Of course shes taking advice here, lolcow is like her "fanpage". If anything this site benefits her more than "lol" at her.

No. 197838

Ok, but the Japanese find it endlessly endearing to listen to attractive foreigners try to speak Japanese at all (and Dakota does it better than a lot of people seem to want to admit).

She's not going to be one of them, so it doesn't matter. That's one of the ugly sides of their mainstream culture, is that it's pretty patronizing, no matter how hard you try. You'll always get a "you tried!" star in the public eye.

You guys railing on her is pretty try hard. I had to try to speak basic Japanese for 4 days straight, and it's exhausting when it's not your native langauge. The Japanese students I've hosted over here get exhausted from trying to speak English. Now imagine representing a brand, agency, put on a show and top it off with great Japanese.

tl;dr She speaks more Japanese than most of you, in Japan, where it actually matters, so please go back to talking about her fashion and personality

No. 197842

She looks really cute here, but I can still see her ugly ass overdrawn lip

No. 197856

"Now imagine representing a brand, agency, put on a show and top it off with great Japanese."

Easy! Now try living in the real world where people don't prepare your appearances and nothing is scripted. Work EVERYDAY in a company where you are the only foreigner, not that's exhausting and that pushes your japanese level.
Kooters is speaking lazy, bad japanese and just knows how to copy accents and mannerisms.

No. 197857

No. 197897

No. 197898

File: 1446173726405.png (632.98 KB, 553x866, b3027e72650ef30f0e810ad2b96332…)

No. 197904

Neat, work in a field where only certain appearances with an expiration date matter and say it's easy. If you think you're worth your salt, well, certainly your time and career in Japan will be more everlasting.

Look, all things considered, Dakota's Japanese is successful, and people like you who choose to work in a country where foreigners are treated liked dolls make it worse for yourselves. I'm sorry that your coworkers double-down on their expectations, but, it's Japan, and railing on someone who put herself in an upper-handed field to start with, while still trying to speak a foreign language….I feel like it's just an ugly behavior. It doesn't make you assimilate better, and it doesn't make her look worse.

Hate the game, not the player.

No. 197976

File: 1446203173036.jpg (38.82 KB, 460x604, LDk123_60Vw.jpg.f7871d56f51638…)

Wish she would dress like this more often

No. 197981

You know what! Good for her that she has a little chub and still works as a model. I do think this is a good thing! However whenever she shoops herself to tiny 12 year old girl proportions, I just hate her a little bit more. It's not only lying, it's also damaging for other girls that look up to her.

No. 197983

i dont hate her figure. i just feel bad for apples.
her calfs are enviably TINY … but i'd rather have thicker calves and be balanced than tiny calves making my top look ridiculous

No. 197984

> work in a field where only certain appearances with an expiration date matter and say it's easy
if you're well taken care of, sure its easy while you're young.
i dont think many models expect to live out the career into their old years and only a few have managed to (heidi klum, kate moss etc)
but they should at least go into school or some other kind of training, or else once their expiration date is up, they have nothing to bring to the table

No. 197986

She actually has a nice shape to her when she dresses for it. She just needs to accept she'll never be a tiny 4' 10" japanese petite woman.

No. 198070

Hey her body looks really nice there i like it. Her calves are nice and she looks slim. Wow?
I wish she dress to flatter her figure a bit more

No. 198071

Myeh but she IS small. I mean she looks p shortie to me.

No. 198076


Are we STILL talking about Dakota and her Japanese?

Guys, she can speak it, she's foreign and who cares. Get over it.

No. 198077


I do agree with having an apple figure is the worst thing possible. But if you maintain your body, keep fit and slim then it's fine.

No. 198078


I know, she's short as fuck and Japanese women are usually short anyway.

No. 198080


I agree too, her weight seems normal and fine. She is the usual slim for girls here in the UK. I'm being honest, most slim girls here do have chub on and it's rare to see hot fit gym fuckers anyway. It's just being human.

Half those Japanese models are either just thin from being brought up due to the diet there most of the time anyway and that being how their body naturally is.

They don't seem to really care that kota has some chub on anyway. I think it's a good thing.

Remember the doll thing is just a persona/gimmick.

No. 198087

do you really think Dakota is apple shaped?
I always considered her an hourglass with her tiny waist.
no apple would have a feminine waist as she has.

Or are you talking about the girl next to her?

No. 198091

>tiny waist

Are you kidding me?

No. 198095

no actually I'm serious.
If Dakota is an apple, most women around 40 must be watermelons - and I'm not even talking about obese people but people with bloated looking tummies.

At worst, I'd say she's a pear. But her waist definitely is not as wide as her hips

No. 198096

File: 1446235807404.jpg (63.06 KB, 512x768, le-bikini-brigitte-bardot-1392…)

"Apple" doesn't mean fat. It just means you tend to have a wider top or be top-heavy and an otherwise narrow bottom. It's fairly easy for a slender apple-shape to accentuate her waist and make herself seem hourglass shaped.

Dakota is not an hourglass or even remotely a pear.

No. 198097


Apple, I noticed this ages ago. She has more stock on the top than the bottle. She's more ruler shape anyway. She's definitely NOT a pear or an hour glass. Apple/ruler type.

No. 198109


This is a very cute outfit and her body is nice, but I always thought bods like this looked nicer in clothes than they did out of them.

No. 198110

File: 1446237577817.jpg (41.16 KB, 275x275, 1444715735121.jpg)

for reference

No. 198184

How tall is she really anyway???

No. 198185

I think she's 5'3". Around there

No. 198186

Based on the measurements in this picture, she is a pear. A pear has hips that are 5 cm (or more) wider than the bust.

No. 198188

They're false though…do you really think she has a 60cm/23" waist? Come on now.

No. 198189

She isnt exactly short then..?
I am 5"4 and this is not short at all!

No. 198190

Depends on where you live, I guess.
She's about an average height for a female in Japan. (Average height there for women is 5' 2.6")

No. 198201

Dang. At almost 5'8", I would be a giant

No. 198209

Japan anon, here.
It's subjective. I've seen Japanese females much taller than me and I'm 5'9". The average is shorter, but I'm not the anomaly I thought I'd be.

No. 198210

I'm also pear shaped. I hate it. That would explain her fluctuations in weight though. We tend to balloon around the midsection if we aren't careful.

No. 198222

Same.. I only feel tall when in heels, on the train and stuff

I guess we got used to it, fellow tall-ish anon

No. 198231


I'm a pear too but I absolutely adore my figure.
I honestly think pear is the most aesthetic of all the shapes but then I'm biased as fuck
It helps when you have a boyfriend who tells you regularly that you're a goddess and shit to that effect.

How come you hate your own shape so much? Don't you think big hips/ass and thighs look feminine yet powerful?

No. 198232



Fucking bitch give me your height let's switch.

No. 198246

I'm apple, slightly more pear than dakota and i look so awful if i get past 115 @ 5'3" We have a difficult body type.

No. 198254


Oh my god I am loving this new feature so much

No. 198256

best thing to happen to this board

No. 198257


No. 198262

she looks sooo much better wearing casual clothing.

No. 198263


Praise admin-sama

No. 198266

File: 1446274465143.jpeg (121.88 KB, 728x842, image.jpeg)


She's starting to look like a crossdresser

No. 198267

i'm so creeped out by this toddler look she's pushing.

No. 198268

She looks like Mira here! Gross.

No. 198269


lol @ phone reflection in the mirror

shooped vr unshooped

No. 198274

File: 1446277402857.jpg (85.35 KB, 634x756, article-2228374-15DD7DBE000005…)

I'm an apple and I have a waist and hips… maybe not the ideal ratio but I'm pretty slim. I just have big breasts and my shoulders are wider than my hips, so according to my measurements I am apple shaped.
Angelina Jolie is apple shaped for example, and she looks fine.
Then again, some apple shaped people look like pic related. I guess it's just an extreme example and might be what people think of when they hear "apple shape" or just some fat chick.

No. 198284

File: 1446279818464.gif (1.85 MB, 200x200, ANTMsmall.gif)

No. 198288

I'm an apple shape as well. The only thing you really need to worry about is weight gain. Being in shape, you can look great, but once you gain even 10-15 pounds, you are a giant balloon in the stomach area. It's just an unfortunate draw of my genetics, but i'd rather diet and workout then make excuses like all the fatties do.

No. 198297

What? That's not true at all, pears balloon around the hip section. That's why that shape is a pear shape. Apples balloon around the midsection.

I'm a pear myself and I've fluctuated in weight quite a bit. Mainly just my ass and hips.

No. 198299

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No. 198307

Does anyone know where she got the ceramic / cat statue from its so cute but ya know she never mentions where she gets anything :/

No. 198363

File: 1446306095258.jpeg (90.66 KB, 750x736, image.jpeg)

Still following peachyboringmilk

No. 198366


cos peachymilk will probably be heading to nippon soon and getting a free served on the plate contract too

No. 198383

There's no way she has 16" thighs…

No. 198385

How come her hair looks thick in videos? Lol her lips look so funny in the house tour, especially when she sneezed. Did anyone translate the end of the video?

No. 198389


Oh kek I posted this but I do love this feature. Sometimes it's easy to drift off topic when there's no ongoing dramu at present.

No. 198398

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Japan Girls Expo

No. 198399

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No. 198400


Looks a bit awk

but meh least kota is coming out of herself nowadays

No. 198401


She does a bit actually

No. 198402

File: 1446314005091.jpg (39.96 KB, 599x399, CSoLImjUcAAeJ12.jpg)

They're supposed to be chocolat and vanilla from sugar sugar rune btw.

No. 198422

dakota and nicorun both look equally underwhelming in comparison to their photos

No. 198462

wow this looks totally like >>198266

and you're right. nicole… is kinda fug

No. 198463

is that what her makeup was for???
god kota
she seriously needs to stop with the alien baby shoop

No. 198465

Wouldn't have guessed if you hadn't said so. A short, blonde wig might have helped.

No. 198477

Was there anything that anyone wanted scanned out of Dakota's book? I just got it for the fuck of it since it was super cheap. (>~$10) I think most people have probably seem a majority of the photos, but I can't really seem to find them anywhere on the net anymore.

There's a few pages of interviews that were taken down with PULL as well, I believe. I could provide an amateur translation, but someone more fluent would probably be better.

No. 198478

You sound like the kind of person who would eat canned soup.

No. 198503


Don't tell us anon, scan them in and share with us. I've been wondering what her book was like too actually but I can't find any blogs/videos or shit all about her book. I know a Japanese woman did a vlog about it but it's gone and kooters stalker that kontrakoti had a few pages scanned but it's gone.

Any good? It looks a bit like Amo, Mirai and Risa's books tbh.

No. 198504

What the hell..

No. 198512

It's okay if it went over your head.

No. 198522

I'm just as confused over here…

No. 198530

Lol, she blurred the fuck out her upper lip so you can't see the lip liner drawn over her Cupid's bow.

No. 198553

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No. 198557

Nice!! That is some 2006esque mug, kota

No. 198558

Her reflection in the mirror lol. It's tiny as fuck but her face shape at least looks a bit different.

No. 198561

File: 1446353300204.jpg (49.14 KB, 600x450, 9cfddece.jpg)

Idk if people have seen, but she was being made fun of for a while because her face looked like a yugioh card. But since she has a personality unlike Dakota, she owned it and made a makeup tutorial on how to look like the yugioh card

No. 198562


Damn, blast to the past.

No. 198573

>she was being made fun of for a while because her face looked like a yugioh card
I'm crying. Japan has absolutely zero chill lmao, poor Nicorun.

No. 198598

Lol, a bit? Her face shape is different, sharper, and her eyes are half the size.

No. 198601

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No. 198606

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No. 198607

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No. 198608

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No. 198609

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No. 198619

she looks a bit like OC here

No. 198622

I thought this was beckii for a minute

No. 198629

No. 198635

It was a two-day thing. This is the one from the day before. This one she had her bangs pinned back.

No. 198788

I'm confused and must have missed, what is that thing supposed to mean?

No. 198908

Dumb girl with 32" waist who used to post photos in PT threads about how she was so much better looking and oh btw 32" waist. She was dubbed 32" waist chan (though she's also known as 5head chan to others), and also became the patron saint of anonymous attention whores who talk about their weight/waist size.

No. 198911

No. 198933

No wonder she posted a video that's impossible to see. She looks really bad.

No. 198942

How do i get past all the idiotic porn ads on ED? I'm on mobile so no adblock.

No. 198952

Turning off Javascript?

No. 198982

God, she looks mentally challenged

No. 198983


Where did you baby face go?

No. 198992

Love her in this video.

No. 198997

I am allowed to like Dakota. Maybe I am the minority but I am entitled to comment just like everyone else, anon.

No. 198999

this is exactly why she's getting made fun of on japanese websites
she's so fucking stupid

No. 199003

You know, you can just assume that you are and recognize the platform you're posting to. I'm not trying to hurt your feefees but posting about what you're ~allowed and entitled to~ on lolcow seems a little redundant.

No. 199009

>pretending to be embarrassed by the "living doll" title and act modest
She really has adopted the art of Japanese fakeness.
I've been keeping score of her different "explanations" for her sudden interest in Japan
First it was "My mom bought me Cardcaptor Sakura DVDs when I was little", then it was "I used to wear Jfashion but it was weird so I stopped", now it's "I liked Japanese horror movies".

No. 199012

>Yeah, but at home I still properly studied.
>Yeah, but studying is impossible for me.

No. 199031

and she almost always cites the show 'downtown'

No. 199033

And didn't they even call her out on not speaking with kansaiben if she learned from them? She's really shit at keeping up her lies. I understand tweaking embarrassing details, such as becoming interested through anime and otaku shit, but she can't even stick to one story.

No. 199069

It upsets me how terrible her walk is. The other girl is so much more professional and I swear every time I see dakota on a stage it looks like someone who won a contest to be there.
She's way too bouncy and not graceful at all. Especially salty because she doesnt suit the character at all.

No. 199079

she basically did win a contest to be there
the contest is the system and she beat it

No. 199135

She's now following pmt again.

No. 199153

Seeing as she had unfollowed her, I'm willing to bet that kotakoti is lurking her Instagram daily

No. 199157

File: 1446506040562.jpeg (121.4 KB, 750x833, image.jpeg)

Sage for OT, but this fucking girl is fucking copying kota's style again.

No. 199165

I wonder if she's afraid pmt will steal the spotlight from her or something. I know she doesn't speak Japanese or really have a fan base there, but she has hinted at becoming a model there in that one q&a and is more model material than she is imo(mostly because she's thinner, better at coordinating outfits, and seems to take better care of her appearance than she does).
Pmt is boring as hell so I can't think of any other reason she'd lurk her ig.

No. 199188


I'm surprised she isn't following Taylor. We all know kota knows about Taylor and her clones… I wonder why she's interested in them all of a sudden.

Peachymilk… I can somehow see her modelling but her face… I don't find her face cute nor B4by either.

No. 199190

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No. 199191


You'd think they'd find their own style tbh. But I think PM differs a bit from Kota in a way tbh.

No. 199197

Is that Kittyphina?
So she goes by 'b4by' now, huh.

No. 199211

File: 1446512964864.jpg (7.88 KB, 183x275, images.jpg)

This kittyphina/pig nose-chan or whatever her name is creeps me out so much.
It looks like she wants to wear Kota's skin and BE her. Holy shit. How sad can you get. I get the feeling she is a spoiled brat too for some weird reason.
She needs to stop that bullshit she is BEYOND creepy.
Also Kota must be kidding us with these shoops. At least the 2011-2012 shoops were believable now she became some baby alien foetus toddler it's not cute at all and freaky. As a half japanese person i just can't get that kind of girls. Showed them both to my (japanese as well) friends and they giggled and said they were weird looking and not really cute one of them even said "what the hell" before laughing out loud and asking me if they are friends of mine.
Getting real tired of your shit Kota. And piggynose-chan.

No. 199220


Glad someone half moon agrees and your moon friends too. I showed her and some other kawaii clones to my moon friends too, even they said they "it's scary" or "not so cute but kinda cute?"

o 3 o Japan is a strange place

No. 199226

That forehead should never be uncovered.

No. 199227

Kota is quite unknown outside of the popteen audience. SO (jpn) had no idea who she is, even though he's well versed on celebs, even obscure ones

I asked for his opinion and he said her makeup was gross and scary

No. 199234

Another (longer) video of that fashion show or whatever it was.


No. 199355

Once saw Nicorun and Yula in Harajuku and Nicorun blends into the crowd she's so boring and underwhelming.

At least Kota has something interesting. Nicorun just looks like a fish with googly eyes.

No. 199362

Holy shit she should NOT do straight on face shots! Her eyes are so incredibly uneven I thought it was jokingly photoshopped to be so!

No. 199365

Yeah, seriously. Her face is so incredibly asymmetrical, it's so unfortunate.
Must take her forever to edit in AfterEffects for her videos.

No. 199385

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No. 199389

Everybody's face is asymmetrical. Take a mugshot to see if you look pretty! My right side is much prettier than my left side and my eyes are a little different, that's why I always prefer to take pictures of my "good side"

No. 199397

Yes everyone's face is asymmetrical, but not to the extent of Kota. Her eye looks like it's melting off her face. A feature you don't regularly see on actual models.

No. 199411

Nah dude, everyone's face is asymmetrical and most to that extent. Hers isn't even that bad. It certainly doesn't look like her eye is melting off her face.

No. 199429

Can't believe I'm the only that seems to notice this but if you reverse her videos her eyes still appear drastically asymmetrical so I don't believe she's ploughing hundreds of hours into manipulating that aspect.
Rather, she actually cuts her fringe (when lain blunt) deliberately slanted in a way that offsets the asymmetricality.

Am I really the only one that noticed this? She's been doing it for years now.

No. 199482

What in the world… I kek'd a bit because Japanese people always come up with those original ways to mock ppl, poor girl hahaha

No. 199503

No? This has been mentioned many times

No. 199510

File: 1446590051515.jpg (56.55 KB, 500x593, 505c7c610affdf3592e373a05602e6…)

I have to agree with the other anon here. I've never seen anyone with such asymetrical eyes before. Her tearduct begins at the same height the other one ends.

No. 199513

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It becomes even more evident whenever you flip any of her photos/videos.

No. 199520


not to OT but i have asymmetrical eyes like that :x i think the eyebrows make it more obvious

No. 199553

File: 1446594067390.jpg (392.02 KB, 1916x2592, prue.jpg)

>I've never seen anyone with such asymetrical eyes before.

You should have watched more Charmed.

No. 199653

Well played

but this asymmetry is precisely why she isnt considered beautiful (people with nearly symetrical features are considered most beautiful). Im pretty sure almost no one calls her beautiful. Just cute

No. 199654

No, but Shannen Doherty is beautiful so…

No. 199683

I think she fixes her wonky eyes in most photos because they always look straight on edits.

No. 199686

that is so much more flattering than what she usually wears

No. 199687

There's no way those are accurate measurements, even with shoop.

No. 199688

she looks just like my friends mentally challenged 12 year old sister

No. 199696

lol her upper thighs touch even with her feet/heels slightly apart. Someone isn't as waifish as she would like the world to believe.

No. 200140

File: 1446695282292.jpg (197.87 KB, 790x555, 1444216884portfolio_wide2_01co…)

Some new pics on Bravo's site.
Not a lot else going on lately.

No. 200141

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No. 200142

File: 1446695320457.jpg (151.72 KB, 790x555, 1444216984portfolio_wide2_07L_…)

No. 200146

ewww, her thighs touch? disgusting!!1 what a fatty-chan, I bet she eats fruit

No. 200147

she looks like kristen stewart on the right photo

No. 200174

>I bet she eats fruit
top kek.

No. 200262

She is pretty out of shape, isn't she?

No. 200263

I thought that WAS Taylor. wtf. Why do all these basic bitches want to look the same?

No. 200264

I'm wondering why she's still following peachyboringmilk. Do you guys think that maybe they talk in private? I wouldn't put past Bravo or someone else that they want PM, even though they fucked up with Kota. There has got to be something Japan related behind it.

Kota already unfollowed b4by, so I think this isn't a mistake. She's way too stingy about who she follows.. and PM also said "shh" in her F&Q about moving to Japan. idekzz

how old is PM anyway? She refuses to say. And those who do, are usually 24+

No. 200267

File: 1446713325623.jpeg (166.48 KB, 750x1051, image.jpeg)

Never forget

No. 200285

I don't think they do and I can't see Kota wanting to help her out.

I still think she's just following pmt because she's afraid she will become a model in Japan too or something.

And I think she's actually 23/24. She used to have an ask.fm when she started out and she said she was 20 on it.

No. 200293

lmaoooo the fucking bangs

No. 200300

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Her bangs and hair remind me of those scrawny women in their 40s/50s with thin hair & weird bangs

No. 200302

Jetj stuff is so pretty. All my feels

No. 200310

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No. 200314


I thought that too, she barely follows anyone.

I'm surprised kota isn't following Risadoll, Yui Kanno, ect you know other models? Jesus, if I was a model over there I'd be getting involved with them all and buddying up. But then again, we don't know if kota feels comfortable with them. Despite jumping in a tub with an old geezer back in summer, she should do lol.

C'mon kota, quit pussy footing around and start getting your name out more. You wanted fame and now you've got an audience, aim for the stars you idiot.

No. 200315


Neither are cuter tbh.

Kota has a cuter face than Peachy and Peachy has a cuter body tbh.

Peachy is apparently like 24 lol but she does shoop and look young so possibly getting away with it.

Kota is like 22 anyway.

No. 200317

Right? That's one of the reason I can't like her, she just doesn't seem to give a shit? I hate that "I DON'T WANT TO FOLLOW PEOPLE BECAUSE I AM TOO IMPORTANT" attitude (see; Taylor, Kiki, etc).

She should just learn how to relax. If she showed some personality, people might actually start changing their minds about her.

But honestly, at this point I just think this is the way she is. I think it's time we stop dwelling on what could have been (what a waste anyway esp. for Bravo).

I agree with you 100%. Peachy isn't ugly, but I honestly find her so boring looking. I hate her circle lenses, and the wavy hair she does. And she always does the same make-up, it's so boring. It's a shame, with her too.

And Taylor, ugh. I fucking hate her makeup. I' m not jealous of these girls, but I am just honest when I say I don't get any of them. They are all so boring.

Why can't we just have one nice, pretty and honest j-girl? Someone who just wants to be themselves, instead of ~I WANNA BE AN AIDORU~.

Man, remember when we were rooting for Taylor a while ago? She seemed so nice and cute. Then LOL, her 101 Dakota Rose copying started.

What a goddamn shame. She needs to stop that dolly shit, and her awful makeup. It really annoys me how obvious she blatantly tries to copy Dakota.

No. 200320

>Why can't we just have one nice, pretty and honest j-girl?

There's a few but they don't stir up drama, so we don't hear about them much on the internet. The girl from Massan, Charlotte Kate Fox, comes to mind. She seems incredibly sweet and genuine. I haven't seen the show, but I've seen her on interviews and I really like her.

No. 200328

I agree. I also think Peachy looks young, before I found out her age I always assumed she was the same age as I am(20).

No. 200351

File: 1446735523838.jpg (90.91 KB, 960x960, kotaclone.jpg)

Holy shit, they're multiplying

No. 200353

Do you have any links? I'd love to check her out
I guess the reason we want someone good, is because most of us are interested in j-fashion and it would be cool to have someone to get inspiration from, or just something nice to look at.

It's probably because of her round face?
But heh.. let's not forget that she had a nosejob. Even her nose after it was kinda.. not good imo (I know she said she didn't want a ~perfect~ one though

She's doing the bangs too now?
That's so fucking sad

No. 200357

An interview in English. She's just an actress, not a j-fashion type, but she seems like endless positivity. She got her break by starring in a popular jdrama so she's much more well-known than Kota. Thank fuck for that since there seems to be an endless amount of girls acting like little shits in Japan. Her Japanese is kind of crap though so I can't imagine how the show must be. Apparently she knew absolutely none before getting the role.

Sage for OT.

No. 200379

Even has the back of the head shown in a mirror in the background ffs.

No. 200387

Honest question here why does kota keep photoshopping her face into oblivion? Does she not know that her various shoops are all online and people know or is it that she does and doesn't care because it doesn't effect her getting work?

No. 200391

I'm not sure if you are talking kota or doherty but doherty has been voted pretty high in "sexiest woman" polls (although i am aware they dont mean shit) she is very attractive, she knows how to work with what she has.

Although you are right that science says symmetry is considered beautiful, there are many women who are considered beautiful who dont meet this.

No. 200396

She looks nice here. Don't know what's your problem again.

No. 200430

My problem is that she looks exactly like Dakota, you fucking retard.

No. 200441


Dang sum1 mad.

No. 200464

but Dakota doesnt even look like 'Dakota' so i dont see why you mad. Taylor has the money to do whatever she god damn wants? I dont get why people are salty when someone's part of a rich family? She's not doing anything terrible and she's nice so???

you're just jelly its alright

No. 200507

The clothes are beautiful and she looks pretty cute too.

Taylor pls stop

No. 200510

I just imagined that all the farmers posting here are peachmilky, Sabrina, pig-nose chan, kiki, Kota and Taylor.

No. 200511

I mean. I imagine them posting here an arguing

No. 200512

Nvm I'm drunk font listen to me

No. 200516

This is what irks me. She had a nosejob yet still slathers on filters on her pics/vids to the point where you still can't even make it out. She unfortunately still does have an arrow looking nose but after going through all that… just be happy to show it off finally? I didn't even realize she had one until her video because the filters make them look the same.

No. 200518

You're cute anon. But I would definitely not be surprised if a lot of cows post in their threads. I would be particularly shocked if peachymilktea and dakota didn't post here.

No. 200519

Oh my god its those damn lips! I think its sad that she has no sense of individuality and just copies dakota for every new look. At her age, like 27-28?? That's just embarrassing. I honestly used to think she could be better than her but at this rate idek.

No. 200524

Tbh I think taylor can pass 21-22, easy. And let's be real, she also does suit that dakota-style, regardless of age. IMO it seems like she doesn't ever really have a style of her own, all fashion styles she sports are copies. She doesn't seem to be creative in that regard which is unfortunate, which is why she should focus on more workout/a bit of hair and makeup/nutrition videos. I thought her ripoff dakota was interesting at first but now she is just a bland hollow copy.

No. 200530

I wasn't really talking about whether she suits the style for her age, but more so that at her age she's still pulling these childish stunts. She's nearing 30 and looking at a former teeny bopper scene queen as her life's inspiration. It really doesn't get anymore pathetic than that. I like her nutrition workout and tutorial videos but they seem to lose credibility when she comes off as insecure like this.

Anyway I dont want to derail the thread too much so I'll end here.

No. 200533


Taylor without all that shit on her face looks younger than Dakota I think. No filter, no shoop. Honest to god I think Tay looks younger.

Kota is looking more and more like her mother Cathy.

It's not really about dressing younger. Risa Nakamura is like 28 and Yui Kanno is 30 odd.

It's the mannerisms in my eyes tbh… copying… the stupid pouts.

No. 200535



Anon, what the other anon is saying is that Taylor is practically copying all the shit kota does in terms of shoop and style.

B4by.jpg copies kota too and peachymilk.

But Taylor just… everything looks the fucking same.

No. 200539

Yeah, it is weird that she had a nose job but doesn't ever show it off, it kinda defeats the purpose of getting it done in the first place. I wonder if it looks bad from profile view or something? I remember a while ago she tweeted that she may need to get it done again.

I think she can as well, but I personally don't think she suits the kawaii little girl style at all. It has nothing to do with her age moreso her body type, the kawaii little girl thing looks better on shorter girls.

I do however think she'd make a much better "real barbie doll" than Kota does with her natural appearance.

No. 200547


I am tall and I think it suits shorter girls too. I know Venus is 5'8/5'7 but I think… in selfies she suits the look? But probably not so much in person?

Taylor can be cute and barbie but just not wearing childish clothes. She should get into Larme, it's a bit more grown up.

No. 200555

I was actually thinking the same thing after I posted that. I guess it's because Venus isn't as lanky as Taylor is? And it helps that Venus actually has a babyface.

I agree, she would look perfect in Larme!

No. 200597

those eye bags look infected, fucking gross

No. 200600

Her japanese in the show is really good near the end. In the beginning not so much and she improves along the way because she is ''learning'' in the show to begin with it is a major part of her character.

No. 200607

Sheon ly 5'5"

No. 200608

She's only*

No. 200648

I dont know what part of the world some of you guys live in but 5"5 is not tall usally? it's the end of petite territory but still in it idk

No. 200677

She's not… I met her irl and i'm 5'6" and she was definitely taller than I am

No. 200706

I never said it was tall. Hence why I wrote "only"
It's on her wiki, you know the one she's editing herself

No. 200752

>nasolabial folds don't line up with the cupid bow
Christ Taylor, stop stalking Dakota and putting plastic in your face.

Countdown until Taytay's lips look totally like an anus.

No. 200759

Poor stupid Taylor doesn't seem to realize she's destroying the career she's made for herself. And I guess she doesn't need it really, but if she wants to be a kawaii gaijin moderusan she needs to realize that copying Dakota isn't gonna do shit for her- Japan has a Dakota Rose. They barely want one, much less another one. Taylor needs to either start dressing more like a cute adult and less like a retarded toddler and let her face fillers go away if it's not too late already. Either that or find an oyaji who can give her a modeling contract in exchange for swallowing his cum because those are her only two options. The shit she's doing now is tacky, uncoordinated and just plain fucking ugly. Slapping on huge eyes, cheeks, lenses and bangs doesn't make anyone kawaii, she looks like a hot mess.

No. 200762

>They barely want one, much less another one.

Pretty much this. Taylor is also too old for this.

No. 200849


I know, I agree. Japan already has a "living barbie" and a "french living doll" anyway, that's why Venus was never viral there only on the web with older men. Half of fucking Tokyo dress like her, so it's not interesting.

If you're in your 20's then I think it's FINE if you like cute things. But don't go overboard acting 13 years old.

Dakota is 22 but because she's shorter she can get away with it more?

PM is quite short too again she fits the mould because height, weight, ps ect.

But Taylor had a better career previously, she's taller, prettier and suits looking more human. I mean if she wants to model for girly clothing then that's fine! She can like cute things, ect. It's just the way she markets herself, it's been done before and that's why it isn't so interesting.

Again, she should just get into Larme. Larme is popular, it's still blooming and it's more kind of grown up? Plus I think the editors of Larme magazine would LOVE to have a skinny, blonde, Caucasian model for their magazine. I read Larme and I would not mind Taylor modelling for them at all. Kota is already in with Popteen as it is and idk if she's going anywhere soon from there.

But I do think Taylor is pretty hungry to get the type of "fame" kota has and wants that tarento badly.

No. 200884


isnt it fine if she does what she wants since she's already rich? She's said multiple times that being a model in HK wasnt for her and I think running off to try and be kawaii uguu is better than being a vapid rich girl parading around her parents money? She could have just quit and then done whatever she wanted so I think it's fine that she's doing what she wants but still working?

She doesnt NEED a 'career' so its fine if she destroyed it. Also I'm way more interested in her for doing something she likes than staying in a job she has said time and time again she didnt enjoy because of how cut throat it was. She's still obviously getting jobs so isnt that fine?

No. 201030

Please keep general discussion about Taylor R in the Taylor R thread >>>/snow/35893

No. 201135

File: 1446860081698.png (781.17 KB, 600x800, santasa.png)

Ravin' blue Santa.
Tiara Mily needs to learn that less is more. They even edited her kneecaps into oblivion.

No. 201143

File: 1446862539394.gif (953.94 KB, 380x213, stefon.gif)

Those fucking legwarmers.

No. 201150

You know it'd be nice if they could just find a girl who looked like this instead of shooping Kooter so much she's unrecognizable.

No. 201158

Jaw shoop into oblivion

No. 201168

I agree. She's just so utterly lazy and uninterested in absolutely everything she's doing lately. At least in her scene days she was vibrant AF. Annoying, bratty, immature, but at least she didn't seem so fucking doped up all the time.

Do you guys think she's on really strong anti depressants or something …?

No. 201176

Lol no, she's doing what she has to do to keep getting work, that's all. Japan dislikes the loud, rude, annoying and screechy little brat types that Dakota and Kiki were in their scene eras. Dakota getting work and staying in Japan relies on her making the dolly kawaii uguu shtick work as long as she can, and Japan doesn't want a Kiki as their living Barbie doll.

No. 201180

Is that you Taylor?

No. 201218

I was thinking, maybe she doesn't want to get too big due to all the negative attention she has got in the past, or that getting popular could mean that her Japanese audience finds out about her shitty past.

No. 201222


Loud and obnoxious =/= vibrant, anon.

No. 201248

because she cant follow anyone prettier than her i guess

No. 201255

Nope. Just someone who apparently has some common sense. But farmhand asked us to keep taylor to the taylor thread so bye.

No. 201284

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No. 201289

No. 201306


Dakota has funny little ears.
They're not ugly or unattractive, I've just never seen a shape like that on a female before, such big lobes.

She should re-pierce at the center though.

No. 201307

No. 201316

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No. 201317

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No. 201318

File: 1446921401894.jpeg (153.64 KB, 768x1024, image.jpeg)

No. 201321

damn, these are some unflattering clothes…
perfect to make an apple look like an apple.

No. 201326

this girl cannot dress to save her fuckin life
this is not even a """kawaii""" outfit, it's just terrible and unflattering!!
dakota, you need a new schtick because j-fashion, or just fashion in general, is not for you

No. 201327

she looks a lot like her post-scene pre-kawaii version of herself her. i liked that phase of her's. it was still aesthetic and fit her edgelord personality

No. 201328

so much filter that the sign is blurred to hell and back

No. 201329


Wtf is with the Walmart hoodie, ill fitting middle aged woman skirt and heels with elastics combo? She literally looks like she just picked items of clothing at random and threw them on. Girl cannot dress to save her life, whenever she wears anything cute it's obviously a fluke. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

No. 201330

also am I retarded or are her shoes taped down? I've never seen this style of shoe come with an elastic band or anything like that

No. 201332

Could be a strap that actually comes with the shoe. Probably looks better without socks and at a distance. Not in flash photography

No. 201335

No, they're taped down. Kpop artists do this with their heels while dancing, etc so they don't slip off. I'm sure this is common in the entertainment business, though.

No. 201337

she did it twice?
a wide sweater/hoodie and a pencil skirt?
I'm NOT a fashion pro, not even close.
but even I know that's the worst you could wear as a top heavy person

No. 201339

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No. 201348

I hope her hair is wet in this pic because if not then it's greasy as FUCK.

No. 201350


They must keep calling her a doll at this point out of sheer politeness, she looks unwashed, she can't dress herself and she looks severely bloated half the time. Her Bravo sugar daddy must have some serious pull and some seriously low standards for her to still be a model while giving so few fucks about her hygiene/appearance. Has she thrown away all her mirrors because they betray her fantasy of a blurry anus-lipped alien fetus??

No. 201353

Nobody seriously thinks she's a living doll anymore, it's just the name of her gimmick from when she went viral on YouTube. It's literally the only reason she's know at all, so they use it the same way Dakota did when she tagged her stuff with it- as an attention grabber. Japan loves kawaii dolly foreigners, but because Dakota doesn't look anything like that in real life, that's why she has barely any fans outside of Popteen and old men.

No. 201370

I'm pretty sure it IS wet/waxed or whatever.

anons why are you exaggerating so much about this pic?
It's not like she has weird oily hair like that everyday..
if I'm mistaken please show some more pictures.

I guess she's struggling with oily hair anyways, since her hair is so fine/thin. She has to wash it every single morning I suppose.
she generally doesn't look unkempt at all.
just too stupid to be well-dressed.

No. 201405


I agree, I WOULD have called her that back then but not now. No where near dolly and nor are any of the other weebs either.

No. 201436

How is it an exaggeration? It's so greasy it looks 3 shades darker. As a blonde with thin hair and an oily scalp I get it, trust me I do, but dry shampoo/talc is cheap and easy to get even in Japan. And neither of those will damage your hair by using them when it's that oily as long as you don't do it in place of actually washing your hair. She could have at least worn a hat, or put her hair up in a bun to hide it. I would never leave the house with my hair looking like that, I'd be too embarrassed.

No. 201437

Her hair is obviously wet anon. The difference between greasy hair and wet hair is that greasy hair only looks 'wet' at the top of the head. Your ends don't look that greasy unless you haven't washed your hair in a week.

No. 201439

What are thooooooose

No. 201481

Her weight gain must be giving her an even lower self esteem to be wearing this. This makes you look 100x worse, stop it!

No. 201487

She's so wide..

No. 201488

Are these sponsored clothes? Is she running out of clothes? What is happening!?!

No. 201509

They're from that runway she did

So probably not something she chose to wear

No. 201526

She looks cute here. Everyday clothing. That other outfit though.

No. 201530

My facial features are almost exactly the same as unshooped Kotas. What should I do to flatter them? I don't think what she's doing really works. Especially the gigantic circle lenses.

No. 201567

Bangs make anyone's face a lot rounder

Try straight hair without bangs?
If you have bangs, put them to the side and let them grow

the longer hair you have, the slimmer your face will llook (but you will also look older)

No. 201684

she looks like she's holding in a huge barf

No. 201700

that neck/jaw shoop is horrible


>open shoes

Please, white boots would look so much better

No. 201713

Does anybody else think she actually looked good here and if she does her eye makeup all dramatic and lose off the skinnyfat she can redeem herself


No. 201714

Holy shit korean is annoying, saaauuull chiiing choooong diinng doooooong

No. 201726

That's fucking racist, but I laughed really hard

No. 201730

she looks waaay skinnier here and looks kinda like her shoops i remember watching this when it came out i was so obsessed with kota

No. 201731


I forgot about this. What the hell. I don't think she's a fat cow or anything, but losing a little weight would make her face look cute instead of bloated. Being thin suits her.

No. 201736

No. 201738

i feel like shes trying to put an accent on in this video idk shes talking so weird kinda sounds like how kiki would talk in her vids

No. 201743

She looks so so pretty there why does she seems kinda different from usual? Not saying she's ugly at all but there she looks more like her shoops?

Haha it's racist but i laughed, i like korean but it's true it's kind of weird sometimes

No. 201744

Yeah, that's her "I'm so naturally good at Japanese I'm forgetting English desu~" accent. And then she moved to Japan and realized Japanese is harder than she thought, lol.

No. 201746

idk if this has been posted yet, I cba to look.

Anyway, Japan Girls Expo 2015 1080p 60FPS.

No. 201747

>what dakota thought during the entire show

No. 201750


Oh man she looks like Chucky when she smiles unshooped

No. 201760


I can't believe how lazy kooter is. She would look so good if she just dropped 15 lbs or so. She looks so fucking gross when she is fat compared to this.

No. 201772

Yeah she just stopped giving a shit after like a year, so I think that's around the time she got secretly married. It would also fit with the timeline of when she took her mysterious Japanese guy home to FL to visit the family.

No. 201795

She got… married? Girl, what is this fanfic? I thought the mysterious friend that went with her to FL was yula or some other model.

No. 201797

Why would you think her friend was a girl? Kiki even said in a blog post about it that it was a Japanese guy, which was around the time she started claiming to like Asian men out of nowhere.

Plus you don't really think she's still a model for this long as fat and careless as she is, and living in a two bedroom apartment 'by herself' in Tokyo on the amount of work she does? Come the fuck on, catalogue modeling doesn't pay that well.

No. 201799

That emo makeup, what the fuuuuuck

I hope she feels embarrassed when looking back at it

No. 201801

Uhh, why tf would she marry someone when she already has a visa? Come on, lolcow, you can do better than that

No. 201805

I dont keep up with dakota's sister so idk what her ass blogs about. Kota is still technically a "model" and bravo updated her portfolio on the site recently so.

No. 201806

I think it looks fine. Might be bit harsh irl, but looks good in photos and video and closer to her shoops

No. 201807

Because if she married the creepy gaijin chaser that scouted her for Bravo then she would always have work? And she wouldn't have to give a fuck about her looks because a company like Bravo will keep finding work for her and all she has to do is sit on her ass. It kills me how people think Japan is bending over for Kota just because she's short and white, do you know how many short, white models get dropped from agencies every week in Tokyo? There's no reason for Dakota to still be a model unless she's shacked up with someone in the business- she's fat, can't dress herself, has no social life or people skills, can't market herself without help from others, barely has any hair, and no public connections outside of Popteen. In te years she's been there the only effort she's put into her career has been half assedly learning Japanese only to avoid going out or talki to people as much as possible unless she's on TV or at a gig.

Girls like Dakota who get breaks like she did don't keep them just because the company is too lazy to drop them- modeling is a career in high demand with standards and Kota doesn't meet any of them except "is white" and "in Japan". She hasn't kept her contract this long just on her looks and 30 seconds of e-fame. She's not smart enough for that. She did what ever other vain, narcissistic wannabe model did and married for security, which was a smart move for her because really, what else could she realistically do that a brat like Er would be willing to do? We know no Ostrenga is gonna get a real job no matter what.

No. 201810

Exactly this: If that was the case Yuka would have had a higher chance of being a popular idol imho. I think Japanese would be more forgiving of s pee video rather than a video of the person being directly racist towards them.

Then again if Dakota's modelling life was real then let's be perfectly honest here: Taylor would have already overtaken her since all around she's better to promote. Actual looks, actual model, actual personality, no terrible past, isnt THAT different from her shoops.

In the real world Dakota would have been dropped right after showing up same as Magibon because at least magibon who was on a couple of shows and IMMEDIATELY got dumped like a rock.

No. 201817


This sounds so believable. You know, I was actually starting to give Kiki credit for being creative and thinking up ways to live the nipponese dream and getting a spouse visa - but she is so void of any originality that she literally took one glance at Kota and her sugar daddy and thought "yes. me too." kek

No. 201820

Too bad for her, that Kiki's personality is so rancid and narcissistic that no Japanese man would want her after being with her for a week or so. It's been said before, but she really is the polar opposite of te Japanese ideal for foreign women. She's too scrawny, her face is too sharp and mature, her hair is so thin and limp, etc.

Yuka spoke passable conversational Japanese before Dakota ever started her shooping, and was there long before Dakota too. She had a shot until her fallout with Akira and her sexcapades with Junnyan and that other guy where she basically destroyed all her Japanese idol/modeling connections.

Same with Beckii, she had a chance but she got cocky and sacked her manager thinking she could just up and find another one on her own ad that's why nobody knows who she is in Japan anymore.

Taylor has career experience in modeling, but aside from whatever gigs she can get however she's getting them, she's not gonna go very far unless she finds some good Japanese connections who think she's good enough to work out a deal with her for better exposure. If not I doubt she'll get any better gigs than what she has now.

Again, same with Himezawa. Getting a visa and physically being in Japan and bei white isn't gonna do shit for her as a model/talent/singer or whatever she's trying to be. Even with her parents giving her money and Taylor's parents supporting her, it's never gonna be enough.

The plain and simple fact is, foreigners can't get noticed in Japan on their own- they don't know how to market to a Japanese audience, how to promote, how to act, what to say, they damn sure don't have any business knowledge. If it were as easy as Dakota is pretending it is, she would have never been noticed because dozens of other cuter, thinner girls would have beat Er to it.

No. 201825


Sorry, my phone keeps doing this for some reason. Stupid phone.

No. 201832

this gets thrown around a lot but i'm starting to believe it more and more. so many good points. and would explain why kaka all of sudden was so into japanese men and trying to get a spouse visa and talking about marriage.

No. 201833

Where is this infamous pee video? I always hear people talk about it but have no idea where it is. Why did she even do it and why was it filmed?

No. 201840

Because it was filmed while she was underaged so it's CP. It does exist though, Margo used screencaps of it to try and blackmail Yuka before everyone pointed out that she was an adult in possession of CP and then she baleeted everything a pretended it never happened. The fact that Yuka's pee video is CP mean nobody wants to go after it out of fear which is good for her, but it doesn't change the fact that it still exists and that people saw it as can confirm that it does.

I have some experience in modeling- not me personally, my sister was a model and then later an NFL cheerleader when she saw modeling for what it was, now she's married and has a meal ticket baby by a guy she knew for all of a month before she got prego. She got too old for it and with only a HS education she took the safe route to keep the lifestyle she wanted. It's a very common thing to do actually. Those who don't fade into obscurity and end up living with their parents or in trailer parks or dive apartments, broke af.

Really the only reason I follow Dakota threads on here is because it's funny to me how baffled everyone is by her 'success', all the comments wondering what makes her so special when she doesn't even care about Japan and such. What else was she gonna do? She took a chance to secure herself a lifestyle other than her meager, white trash life with her parents and sister living at home and going nowhere in life. Girls like Dakota and Kiki who want a seemingly lavish, glamorous lifestyle where others envy or adore them on a large scale will do whatever it takes to get it because they think they're better than anyone else and deserve it more, but they can't actually work for it because they have no idea how. So they take the shortcut on their knees and back instead, because that's all they know how to do.

No. 201843


She did it because she was basically one of those DDlg girls who want to be ~forever 13~ (this was actually her tag line when asked about her age for a while) and taken care of by a daddy figure, but the difference with Yuka was that she catered to the loli fetish demographic specifically (randoseru, elementary school uniforms, uguu mannerisms and speech). She was, and probably still is, kind of a perv so she would send guys pics and videos of her dressed up in her loli costumes acting chilling while dry humping a teddy bear/saying pervy things/drinking her own pee. Seems Yuka has or at one point had a pee fetish?

I'm glad she dropped her Yukapon persona simply because it was disgusting and perverted and based in a sick fetish. Sure. Objectively she was cute and bubbly, but damn she was a perv, and too bad for her she didn't know to keep that shit to herself. Even though the pee video can't be used against her, there are still plenty of other things like email screenshots and non-nude photos and screencaps of her pervy behavior that are more than likely gonna follow her around Japan for the rest of her life, as long as she keeps trying to be famous there. The internet never forgets, not even 2ch.

No. 201844

>acting chilling

*acting childish, derp

No. 201863

Well tbh I feel like neither Beckii nor Himezawa ever had a real chance because they were already obviously full of themselves. I feel like where Taylor is, is closer to where Dakota started off (even without the crazy youtube popularity) with getting the tv spots and stuff and she's already been in zipper so?

I think it's silly to write Taylor off since if you think back people were saying the same thing about Dakota 'She's not that big' 'No one will care' I think it'll be interesting.

Can you IMAGINE the milk if a show or mag booked both Taylor and Dakota just for the lulz? I would LOVE to see Dakota and Taylor together. I wonder if Bravo/Dakota have enough pull to refuse the gig or try and bully the show into cancelling Taylor(or any other gaijin that pops up) if that happens.

No. 201867

But isn't her husband kind of.. not happy about being kept hidden away like that?

No. 201870

>Well tbh I feel like neither Beckii nor Himezawa ever had a real chance because they were already obviously full of themselves.

What does that have to do with anything? And really? Himezawa, sure, but in the beginning when she got noticed Beckii was just a giddy weeb, the ego came later after her "album". And by that logic, Dakota shouldn't have gone to Japan at all, she's more conceited that those two put together.

>I feel like where Taylor is, is closer to where Dakota started off (even without the crazy youtube popularity) with getting the tv spots and stuff and she's already been in zipper so?

But Taylor isn't gonna get what Dakota did because Dakota went viral and Taylor did not. Even if she's the better model, more people in Japan know about Dakota because of her tagwhoring her videos with ハフ日本人ファイナルファンタシーアニメリアルバービー人形. And those gigs with Zipper and whoever else are probably the best she's going to get unless she finds a Japanese guy or agency willing to throw her in people's faces over and over again like Bravo does with Dakota.

And I'm not writing Taylor off, I'm just saying she'll never reach Dakota-tier infamy as long as she keeps trying to do it all herself. It's easier if you think of it like an entertainment industry mafia- you can't get in unless you know somebody, but once you're in you're taken care of.

>Can you IMAGINE the milk if a show or mag booked both Taylor and Dakota just for the lulz?

Dakota wouldn't let that happen, Taylor would upstage her without having to do anything but show up. Is been said before, Taylor is physically everything Dakota is pretending to be, and is a real model. If Dakota's only got fans because of her dolly shtick and looking young, Taylor would usurp her in an instant and there goes Dakota's already meager fanbase. It's unnecessary competition for Dakota, she would never go for it.

It's gotta be better than being that middle aged guy who married foreigner who didn't know Japanese and claimed she was only 16-17 when you flew her to Japan. Which do you think would be the heavier weight on one's shoulders? Japanese society is very image centric, people getting married secretly for money or business motives isn't unheard of or uncommon in the industry.

No. 201871

Part of the contract maybe?
iirc in Japan public figures aren't allowed to be open about their personal relationships.

Anyways, look at what happened to Taco. Even being a nobody, Kaka shared a bit too much about him and anons managed to figure out his full identity. Kota just mentioned Nao a couple of times, posted only one pic and never talked about him (or some other SO) again. No one knew who is it.

No. 201873

Sugimura Tatsuro, scout at Bravo

Yamada Hiro, scout at Bravo

Imamura Ryota, scout at Bravo

Do as you wish with it.

No. 201875

No. 201878

File: 1447057554093.png (769.06 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

I don't think these will do much. If you want to really rule her up, you would need her manager's name, which she's careful to keep secret as you can see in pic related.

It seems she's tailored her contact info so that everything has to go through her name and give unnecessary details so she can pre-screen anyone trying to contact her.

However if anyone knows how to search Japanese public records, they could try plugging the names of the scouters in and see what comes up?

No. 201893


Sugimura Tatsuro's Facebook profile is public. Can confirm not Dakota's sugar daddy as pics of wife and kids absolutely all over the place, all looking very happy and cute.

Couldn't find anything on the other two though. Over to you, lolcow!

No. 201895

Just looking at Bravo's website, has this Madison chick been mentioned before? She's listed as a "celebrity", she's thinner, only 1cm taller and her features are a little angular but still very similar (long blonde hair, blue eyes); she could easily be turned into a doll.
If they have her why would they still use Kota? This only furthers suspicions that she is married or taking clothes off for a visa…

No. 201896

No. 201898

holy shit she's so much cuter than kota and probably is without the shoop too.
they seem to have a lot though..

the only reason kota looks okay with the others is because of photoshop. though idk how much the others are as well. but the other model's faces at least don't look different in every photo lol

No. 201899

She looks like every other model on bravos site. Anybody can be made up into a doll. Dakota being picked over her is just not enough to convince me that she is stripping for a visa or something.

No. 201901

One of photos says she's just turned 12, so that's probably why.

No. 201902

And they look like actual models.

No. 201904


Madison is the daughter of the woman that runs Bravo's Western division.
She is so obviously not model material but her mothers been trying to push her for years now lol

No. 201906


Yep, like anon said previously asslicking in Japan is common lol.

No. 201908

Apparently she's on tv shows so probably not going to be a model but having parents in the biz does help.

No. 201909


Exactly, if ANYONE wanted to do this kind of living doll shit again they would need to go viral. But thing is, it won't be for another 5/10 years till the living doll thing is even interesting again. If they did then she would have to be the full package, interesting/fluent/photoshop free. It's hard, but when you've got a company licking your ass and giving you everything on a plate then it's not so difficult.

Taylor would have to find another way to get viral if that's the case.

It's like Venus, she went viral but not in the way Dakota did. I mean as in pictures, the look. Japan wasn't interested in Venus.

Venus had a fan base, videos previously all in English (some Japanese) but they weren't good quality or stupid.

Dakota made herself a channel put up the videos of her dolly self at the time, all hair inspired, kept it all nice and simple. Plus the pictures. She went viral. She did it well too.

I do agree, I think Taylor would take over Dakota. So I can't see it happening either.

No. 201910


I remember this too, someone on PULL about a year or so ago saying that Dakota was getting in touch with an Asian girl first on tumblr who reblogged her pictures and a Japanese guy who spoke to her over Skype. She was getting tips or something about how to 'make it'.

No. 201911


It does make me wonder… why is Dakota so interested in Peachymilk all of a sudden?

No. 201919

and i still kek hard at bravo's model listing - dako is at the bottom, next to a dog

No. 201925

i thought that was funny too.
but that madison girl is far down and next to the dog too and is the only one with some special "<3 celebrity" thing under her name

No. 201944

Kind of funny dakota is at the bottom kek.

No. 201945

Maybe Peachy is about to make a debut as well

No. 201947

File: 1447090399681.jpeg (751.14 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpeg)

This is why agencies like Bravo do t hire girls like Dakota- it lowers their standards to everyone else. I bet Madison's mom saw Dakota and then looked at her daughter and thought "if SHE can do it, my girl definitely can!".

This guy needs to learn how to make his shit private ffs. But I found this, a picture from April 2013 of a "Bravo model party", with the dog but no Dakota, kek

No. 201953

well cause of kota it seems like literally any basic white girl can do it now. it's why there's so many copycats.
most of the girls in this photo i can actually recognize as having model-type looks. dakota wouldn't fit in with any of them.

No. 201954

Huh. That's the guy who was on youは何しに日本へ who rejected a European model because his portfolio wasn't strong enough and they only do ~high fashion~ modeling for Chanel and such. Given how strict they seemed it's really telling why Dakota is still around.

No. 201969

File: 1447095002900.png (46.61 KB, 540x156, Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 1.49…)

i dont know why she sometimes tweets pointless things that show her ignorance about japanese language and culture

well dakota, its because there is no V sound in japanese. literally when they want to say the letter V they say BUI

No. 201970

I think she's talking about a mistake she made?

"Even though (I? Someone?) speaks English (I/they) made a mistake"
Likely she means herself but I'm still confused about the context in either case.

No. 201973

She's like 12. She's definitely beautiful, but what the fuck happens to child models after they actually grow up? Honest question.
She's literally being made to "peak" in her tween years, when it'd probably reap the most benefits to start from her teens into early adulthood. It seems like most successful models start at like 14-16.

No. 201975


Lol anon that is the attitude most basic anglo weebs have though. They all think "well if kota did it then so fucking can I!"


No. 201976


Doing what though? I can't picture peachy as a model. She's cute and her body is defo better than kota's but I can't see her modelling

No. 201981

File: 1447099466217.png (129.03 KB, 1024x808, evil dog.png)

No. 202002

Just because he's married and has kids doesn't mean anything. Plenty of married men with families have sugar babies, and Dakota wouldn't even have to marry him, just keep fucking him to stay at Bravo. He already obviously has a thing for basic white women (just look at his wife). Plus I feel like Dakota is desperate enough to sleep with a married man to stay in Japan and avoid having to go back to Podunk, FL.

No. 202011

File: 1447105088746.gif (980.27 KB, 386x241, tumblr_mj99e4iDJ41ryfkypo1_400…)

Why you niggers so thirsty to ruin her nipon job?(Or maybe you're kaka) Kaka are you that upset over kota besting you?

No. 202012

Kek what if Kota took the pic so she wouldn't have to be in it.

Just a thought.

No. 202032


Nice try, Ostrenga. But we're really not trying hard at all, this shit is all public info. It's not like we're up in the chat trying to organize a sting operation or anything. Dakota's just stupid and lazy and bad at her job, which makes this so much easier for us.

No. 202040

Not that anon. I have to agree with them though. This is just pathetic. This is all so PULL. There's really no reason to try to ruin her career other than envy.

No. 202050

It really does reek of PULL and petite teenage bullshit. I mean Kota isn't all that and she's not that big over there so why even start shit.

No. 202056

File: 1447109989249.jpg (61.61 KB, 500x388, tumblr_nc9n7a24jI1sbs2ldo1_500…)

Kaka are you upset over kawaii photoshop sister being better at life than you?

No. 202064

Y'know using PULL as an insult doesn't really make sense since they lick her cunt harder than anyone else, even if it is passive-aggressive as fuck. They act like they hate her but it devolves into white knighting pretty easily.

No. 202237

"Ruining her nippon career"

Yo we just wanna get to the bottom of how such a basic bitch is still getting modelling jobs despite making absolutely 0 effort. Imagine the milk if we found out she was fucking some bravo employee for jobs.

It's more interesting than doing what other people in this thread do eg. "Look at how fat she looks". I'm bored of it so I'm gonna do some mining for prime milk.

No. 202253

nobody gives a fuck what you think

No. 202279

lololll isn't this that Russian model who posted to her blog about how vain and conceited Dakota was, then had Mama Ostrenga send her legal threats? She ended up locking her blog and making it friends only after that.

No. 202331

The best milk comes naturally. Sometimes you have to come to terms with the fact that a cow is dried up and just move on. Forcing this out in a way that affects her career is malicious for no reason. After Takugate I can't trust people here to not sperg out on these guys and ruin everything for everyone.

I'm sick of people talking about how fat she is too but talking about how she's secretly got a spouse visa and fucking some Bravo exec isn't exactly better. Its just as annoying.

Your only evidence she this is happening is because she has a 2 bedroom apartment, even though it clearly looks like it's inhabited by a girl (she could have a roommate, or her parents are probably sending her money to have a nicer place) and she's still working in Japan despite all of you wishing she weren't. That isn't proof.

No. 202379

Amen anon! After that last shit storm the weens can't be trusted to control themselves. If anything is found keep it to yourselves!

As for milk; if Kota hasn't changed she won't be able to keep this act up forever and the internet will be there waiting.

No. 202386

i just had a thought.
what if her roommate had just moved out and she is now looking for another roommate or is moving out too so she has an extra bedroom in the meantime and decided to film the video during that time? i'm in the exact situation right now with an empty extra bedroom.

No. 202401

is it? i thought this was just an advertisement for the dako purikura machine

No. 202409

File: 1447177501931.jpg (29.41 KB, 600x726, CTbfU4xVAAAj58f.jpg)

kirby bath bomb makes the water yellow lol

No. 202445

File: 1447185669301.gif (424.19 KB, 500x294, tumblr_lq2dwdpn7k1qljbqro1_500…)


Oh, Kota.
I bet she miss not having daikon ashi.

No. 202467

Dakota is and always will be a lolcow. Don't mistake her having PR now for being "no more milk". If anything, she's become a cow on a grander scale. She may seem like a nobody to on our side these days but that's because she moved and pretends we don't exist, as if it'll somehow change us. We literally made her. However, she thinks she can escape drama like this, but Japan is slowly growing to hate her. Threads about her mock her, nitpick her Photoshop even more than us at times, and people ask "When will she be over?" Dakota is a sinking ship and it's so much fun to look at her like that.

I think if you're tired of Dakota, you should just move on from the threads to see a more stereotypical, fame hungry e-cow. There are a lot of those. In fact, there will probably be no shortage. You have to appreciate Dakota is fun because she's a rare one that "made it" and is an eternal well of uncanny Photoshop, fake cringey kawaii acts, and hate towards her no matter the culture, anywhere she goes on the planet.

No. 202476

Actually the "evidence" is the fact that sea still at a high end agency that barely acknowledges her and gives her a visa for the bare minimum amount of work required to keep one, while being a lazy, antisocial slob. The fact that's she's still there and still with Bravo is evidence of somethings not quite kosher. Japan doesn't need white models that badly.

No. 202481

Is that her legs??

I didn't wanna be a part of the "lol she's so fat" train because I thought you guys were exaggerating. But choo choo, motherfuckers, I'm coming with ye

No. 202510

Amen i am so tired of people desperately trying to get milk. It was fun while it lasted but now she is boring and doing her life thing. Nothing is happening besides her ridiculous photoshop. REALLY fucking tired of people calling her fat and ugly bc they don't know any better. Like come fucking on she is average/chub at worse and she isn't super ugly. She isnt a kawaii skinny doll either but you guys exaggerate everything.

You sound creepily obsessed with her anon…no offense but please seek help. I enjoy a bit of milk myself but this is just unhealthy. Some farmers here are litteraly OBSESSED with some cows. Like you litterally wanna see her sink and have her life ruined. I mean she was a cunt but now she at least SEEMS to have changed? We dont know tho. We don't know if she is still a cunt or not truly. But really wanting her to have her life ruined and see her sink…? Did she hurt you? It's like fucking Regina George type drama here i swear.

are you…implying her legs are fat in that pic? God y'all need some help i am a goddamn skeletton and have been all my life but this is not fat. Not even chubby. I hope you're trolling. Either that or mentally unstable or a secret fatty.

No. 202511

I dance so my thighs are pretty thick but even when I'm in the bath, my thighs curve inward in that pose. She must have put on even more weight since her Popteen bikini full body pic (which was probably shooped hard as fuck).

No. 202512

jfc some people make sense in this thread.

No. 202514

>I mean she was a cunt but now she at least SEEMS to have changed? We dont know tho. We don't know if she is still a cunt or not truly.
And the thing is…..if she hasn't changed, then the milk will come out naturally. I like good drama come out by their own undoing, but I don't like to see people's lives ruined out of other people's obsessive jealousy. Maybe I'm a hypocrite.

No. 202529

How would her life be ruined? If Dakota loses her contract with Bravo she would probably marry for a visa (if she hasn't already) or go back home to FL and spine off her parents for the rest of her life like Kiki, or even -gasp- get an actual job. But if she does lose her contract it'll be her fault, not ours, because I'm sure Bravo doesn't give two fucks what a bunch of non-Japanesebon the internet say or think. But packing on the pounds and not rushing her teeth is all on Dakota. I can see her quitting modeling even, I mean despite her always claiming it was her dream, she sucks at it and doesn't seem to put any effort into improving even after years of doing it.

No. 202531

What are you, Kiki? I barely follow her. I just knew her back from her peak of fame and keep seeing her since I like j-fashion, so I check here to see what the hell she's doing in stuff like lolita modeling shows and Larme brands.

If you're this fucking sensitive, get off the damn board. Clearly a drama board is not for you. "I'm tired of people desperately trying to get milk". On a board called lolcow? Then get off.

No. 202534

That's kind of my point. If she loses her job by her own hand then whatever, but earlier in this thread it appeared that people were going to start digging into Facebook profiles and whatever else of Bravo workers, which WOULD be of concern to Bravo. And considering last time names and information and profiles were dropped (Taku) I don't trust that you guys won't do something stupid.

No. 202602


Takugate was a damn nightmare. I still get flashbacks of "I just sent him links to all kiki's videos and tweets"


I don't think farmers should meddle with the milk, but if Kota's career ended at least it would be more interesting than this drought, it'd be interesting to see her do a kaka and try to claw her way back up to the top on Youtube.

No. 202613

God damn, you people are vile.

Kota didn't do anything to deserve having her life ruined. While her jobs might not mean anything and also seem like a joke to you, it's actually her life, and escape from her crazy family/sister.

Leave it alone.

Just let the natural milk flow by itself.

No. 202614

If Dakota lost her job because of someone online messaging Bravo, it would be because they either have evidence or proof of her doing something illegal or somethin they wouldn't want to deal with publicly, whic would be something Dakota did that was bad enough to make them drop her if it came to light. That would still be mostly on her. Just like if she lost her job without anyone mettling, it would be on her for being too lazy and entitled to do cardio or brush her teeth or walk properly.

Dakota wouldn't do that. Not would Kiki at this point I think, they would both just get married for visas to guys with money and be lazy housebound sponges.

No. 202617

And here we have people trying yet again. I really just think it's kaka egging people on to ruin her sister's career.

No. 202619


Lol anon, I think Bravo already KNOW about kota and her past anyway. Tbh I have a feeling when they met her and got to know her they spoke about the shoop and she came clean. Plus the videos/racist/kaka shit too, I don't think Bravo give two monkey's fucks about her past or her personality. They just want to milk her for some serious yen.

Kota is nothing but a marketing tool. That's all and she loves it because it's a dream come fucking true.

Gradually you need to realize within time kota's era will fade out and someone new will come along. That's how the world of fame works, it's not even fame in her case, kota to me just feels like someone who shows up here and there. I don't see her as a 'big model' in Japan at all nor tarento. Just an appearance, a pretty apparition.

10 years time guys no one will give a shit.

No. 202625

File: 1447208476407.jpg (17.04 KB, 300x300, once-again-thirsty-thirst_fb_1…)

Fellow farmers are so desperate for milk that they're willing to sacrifice the wholesome nature of it. I know it's tempting, I know, trust me, but it'd be so much more fulfilling and so much more beneficial if we let it flow naturally.

Dakota is an old, mother cow. She supplied us with many buckets but she's long gone. She's expired. You can't milk cheese.

No. 202627

I feel like this is Kaka too for some reason. Just like how Kota most likely leaked the profiles of Kaka, now Kaka wants revenge?

No. 202635


The thing is, they don't get that much from her. They barely use her, and when they do they don't slap BRAVO MODEL LIVING BARBIE DOLL DAKOTA ROSE onto her everywhere they go. The only pics they use of her on their site are ones she hasn't edited herself (ones with her real face, albeit cleverly angled and covered in heavy makeup/hair/hand placement) and she doesn't say much of anything about them. Furthermore, she's just not popular. She gets about as much work as any other no-name white model in Japan, except she goes on tv mostly instead of doing shoots lately and when she does it's focused in either Popteen or whatever event she's jumping on for the week. Whenever there are threads about her on sites like girls channel or sometimes even 2ch (not much lately though) it's all mostly neutral or negative comments leaning heavily toward negative. The only reason she gets so many likes/views to make Bravo think she's popular is because of gaijin weebs who stalk her because they want to be kawaii models in Japan who don't have to work for anything too.

No. 202676

File: 1447224288611.jpg (670.78 KB, 421x572, 2d8qhqg.jpg)

I am like, 99% positive that it is the same model. She wrote on her own personal blog about doing the purikura machine shoot with Dakota, and how Dakota was so concerned about how she looked, and how she wore too much makeup.

I can't remember the name of the model though, but I know some anons knew/know it because they tracked her blog down (which is now private).

No. 202680

and this is the Purikura machine they did the shoot for together: http://decopika.jp/p/mg/sp/index.html

and on page #1 here with the product title "mg": http://www.tatsu-mi.co.jp/index.php/product/

No. 202695

tbh that model is just as shitty. Don't act all friendly taking purikura with someone, and then expose work related drama to the world like that.

No. 202698


>I bet she miss not having daikon ashi

Daikon ashi is an insult not a compliment. It's saying you have fat, radish-like legs.

No. 202699

Read again the post you're replying to.

No. 202754

exactly. so she misses NOT having fat legs

No. 202757


Oooooooh yeah, my bad lel

No. 202758


She doesn't have fat legs anyway though so I don't understand that post.

No. 202761

Was she acting friendly or was she just doing a gig?

No. 202800

Wow ok some of you guys are retarded. I am the first one to say dakota isnt "skinny" bit you are exaggerating as always. She is not fat and seriously even less in this leg pic jfc her legs are absolutely fine there not even chubby in the slightest.
Dakota herself is average/chub but come on. It's like you are trying to milk when it's dry. Calling her fat and ugly won't give you more milk. And will not make you any skinnier and prettier if you need to reassure yourself by calling other people uggo fatties. You are the cows at this point i swear your desperation for milk is laughable. I like drama and shit but trying to create drama yourself actually makes you pretty laughable.
>inb4 i was posted and butthurt and i am a meen amerifat ugly girl with a big nose
Eh,whatever help you sleep at night.
>tldr; you need to do something with your life and stop being so obsessed

No. 202805

File: 1447260754330.png (509.34 KB, 450x573, 324fdf.png)

No. 202806


>tldr; you need to do something with your life and stop being so obsessed

Dakota is boring to talk about, yes, but do you seriously realize where you are?

No. 202818

Dakota's mom looks so proud of her.

No. 202908

I kind of like Kiki more when she was in scene fashion.

No. 202945

Calling her fat doesn't start drama, they are just stating their opinion. Btw she is defiantly becoming a Hefner. If she wants to continue modeling she needs to change her diet a.s.a.p.
I honestly don't know how she is able to fit into the Japanese brand clothes, unless they are made to fit really loose.
If she doesn't want to lose weight she shoul start plus-size modeling (if they even have that in Japan).

No. 202948

File: 1447273404385.jpg (345.62 KB, 1024x576, Untitled-2.jpg)


>btw she is defiantly becoming a Hefner


I knew what you meant but regardless of what you think of Dakota she is nowhere near to being overweight or a "heffer" as you tried and failed to put it.

Irresponsible comments like this are a big part of the reason why eating disorders are rampant amongst young people.
I hope you never have a child who see's a comment like this and begins starving themselves to fit into mommy's twisted ideal.

Got any nieces Anon? Young sisters?

ur gross and deluded m8.

No. 202949


I will say she was a lot slimmer in her first ever Japanese interview in that pink dress with the bow tie though. Infact her style was a lot better back before Japan too.

Now I can't tell what type of style she's sporting. She does look like she has more weight on, not saying its bad but being a model it's not very… I think Bravo is like "fuck it, we've been using photoshop for her this long may aswell just continue".

I don't think kota will let herself go TOO MUCH. But you can definitely tell there is a difference before she began her career in Japan all those years ago.

When you look at the older pictures of kota from like 2006/2007 with the fried and scene hair, she looks a lot weight wise like she does know. Only when she started shooping her body really skinny I think she gained ED because she was growing her hair out about 2008/2009 and I think that's when she made those racist/homophobic videos with her sister around about that time, if you watch them you can see just how skinny kota is like the arms/torso/face. I think she was at a good weight around 2010/2011 before Japan and now, moving on she's gradually put weight or more on. But she's not HUGE though guys but you can "see" it if you get what I mean? She's slim still but has chub. Plenty of girls are like that but compared to Asian girls, Japanese especially who are all frail and shit anyway. It does make kota stand out a lot.

No. 202957

File: 1447275228241.png (257.48 KB, 295x517, grthyryr.png)

she definitely had an ana phase. wonder what that was.
hope we dont trigger her

No. 202958

File: 1447275289891.png (248.95 KB, 285x529, Screen Shot 2015-11-11 at 11.5…)

lol wut that is her sister on the right

No. 202961


so many pictures of these two I've YET to see fucking hell, how many pictures on the net is there of them both?

and why is kota trying to sport heels with patterned socks with cropped pants with a dodgy graphic tshirt tho?

No. 202971

>actively nitpicking her clothes
You do realize… this photo is from the past, right?

No. 202976


Can't a person say something anymore without being branded a "PULLtard" or someone needing to "why u sayin that tho?"

Yes I realize it and she still dresses as bad today. But still, the outfit is awful tho.

No. 202977

because they both have shitty white trash fashion sense

No. 202990

Do you understand sarcasm..?

No. 203055

I can't say how much i agree with y'all.
Also i really miss Kota style just before Japan moderu phase. Shooping and Clothing wise. It was so pleasing to look at! Now it's really…effortless and pastel and too OTT cutesy crap.

I swear i should talk to our dear admin about the weight post if i see any more thread derailed by that "hurrr she is fat and uggo" bullshit i swear to Mana sama.

No. 203085

It looks like the "artwork" was just cut and pasted in, lel! Complete fail. Also Kaka looks like she just saw someone spread their asshole in front of her.

No. 203108

I think those are shoe straps. They look too small to even be crew socks, but I agree those shoes don't match that outfit very well.

No. 203110

Because it was. She took bg pics from Google, edited them and added her art in afterward. A while ago someone found some of the source pics she used and called her out on it on /cgl/(?).

No. 203116


Pretty sure Kaka styles her outfits for her in her kawaii phase. Her outfits went to shit the same time she moved to Japan, and it would explain why Kaka still has no much of her clothes.

Her outfits outside of her scene shit all look either basic af or just wrong. The only time she looked cute and put together was her tumblr era, so it was probably Kiki picking her clothes out for her or at least helping her coordinate.

>if see any more thread derailed by that "hurrr she is fat and uggo" bullshit i swear to Mana sama.

It's not calling her fat that details the threads, it's all the chubsters and skinnyfats insisting she's ~average~ that derail them. She's chunk status, idk why that pisses people off so much, it's not a big deal.

No. 203141

Is there an archive of this somewhere? I actually meant it looks like she cut the finished image and put it into the frame in PS rather than actually getting her work framed for real but I'd like to see the proofs of her fake art anyway.

No. 203262

their art was so gross man. why are all the "girls" skeltons with orange or gray skin

No. 203273

…but she is average.

Are you insinuating that Kaka can actually put an outfit together? I'm sorry, but her idea of fashion is a bandage harness and VW replica shoes. I'm pretty sure Kaka just made Kooter leave all her clothes in Floria, so Kaka could be ~kawaii desu~ too.

No. 203499

I thought that someone photoshopped the really bad art into the frame, this is real?

No. 203502


Sadly, yes.


This kind of shit was the aesthetic back when scene was all the rage, and obviously Dakota didn't get the memo that it was on its way out.

No. 203526

You could try searching the /cgl/ archive but idk if they purged the Dakota threads or not, I haven't been there in ages.



No, I'm saying between Kiki and Kota the two of them make one halfway cute girl with a decent outfit. On their own they're both train wrecks.

No. 203537

>when asians have bigger eyes than a white girl

No. 203587

Her body looks so good here. She's talking with a weird accent though..? And she's acting really awkward. But yeah, she really looks like a model here.

No. 203596

has to be the makeup they're all wearing + squinting to look more ~azn~

No. 203654


The Japanese girls are bugging their eyes, Dakota is squinting. Which is hilarious, considering how big she shoops her eyes and those ridiculous giant lenses she wears.

You'll never be Japanese, Dakota. White bread 4 lyfe.

No. 203660

File: 1447455330602.jpg (49.46 KB, 500x703, Macaulay Culkin.jpg)

Holy shit dis bitch looks like some Macaulay Culkin clone. Also she sounds really tryhard.

No. 203669

Oh my gooooood lmao

This is why she looks so familiar!

No. 203677

My fucking sides I knew she reminded me of someone I just couldn't put my finger on it

No. 203679

oh my god yes their eyes are exactly the same.
i think she looks absolutely fucking ridiculous in the screenshot OP used

No. 203680

The resemblance is uncanny

No. 203692

Why the fuck does she have sausage lips?? What the fuck happened??

No. 203699

I'm dying. Someone please shoop kota's hair onto him.

No. 203712

File: 1447467232338.jpg (51.59 KB, 288x432, dacuklin.jpg)

No. 203713

File: 1447467598946.gif (1.38 MB, 250x184, my sides NGA.gif)


No. 203724

oh my god i'm so glad this was posted
all he needs is her ugly overlined lips

No. 203729

File: 1447469952327.jpg (50.96 KB, 288x432, 338.jpg)

No. 203730

The sad thing is that even his jaw is slimmer than hers.

No. 203737

fucking perfect omg

No. 203739

Can someone put her face on his head?

No. 203745


Someone put this on GirlsChannel right fuckin now omg

No. 203746


You gotta be in Japan to do that tho, Jap Farmers pls do this

No. 203764

based anon

No. 203773


the kota threads on GC were inactive since september and early october-ish

no one cares that much about her there

No. 203801

Link me to the one that has the most recent posts and I'll post it.

No. 203870

Its not that funny…when did lolcow become 100× corny.

No. 203881


It's really not.

No. 204044


Awww shit, look out everybody, it's the Internet Fun Police.

No. 204046


No. 204084


Calm down, sperglord. I know the Kiki and Kota threads are slow but you don't need to start chimping out everywhere.

No. 204405

She said in a Youtube comment she liked big lips and is using makeup to get them.

No. 204411

i liked her small lips
what the fuck happened?
Why do people think duck porn star lips are pretty? holy shit

No. 204414

File: 1447638922814.gif (1.76 MB, 400x206, 1442559782867.gif)

Kota looks like a Kaneko character with that makeup, I kind of like it

the art is atrocious though

you guys kill me

No. 204419

why wouldnt they be?
They like cultural appreciation and they like foreign stuff (like american fashion and music) so

No. 204421

I'm jealous of dakota's thin hair.
having thick hair full of volume can be shitty sometime tbh

No. 204436

I don't think having thin hair is really something to desire. It's naturally the softest hair out of any hair type, but if anything goes even slightly off in your body that results in even minor hair loss, you end up having little hair to work with and are almost bald in spots. Dakota is a great example of this. You can always thin out some of your thick hair, but you can never add more hair if it's too thin.

I sometimes wonder if Dakota has some big thyroid issues because she has some of the thinnest hair I've ever seen and bald patches. I got the same natural color and have thin hair as well and having your thyroid off will shed your hair like crazy.

No. 204450

Plus it gets super greasy-looking really easily. I bet she has to wash it everyday to keep it looking clean.

No. 204465

File: 1447641884452.jpeg (105.8 KB, 298x395, image.jpeg)

Wtf is wrong with her mouth?? She went way overboard with the After Effects and has some serious Jar Jar Binks shit going on there.

No. 204531

Just get your hair thinned out when you go to a stylist. They can use texturizing scissors to thin out the bulk. Your hair will lay better and feel thinner without looking limp, greasy, and lifeless like the Ostrenga sisters.

No. 204552

The fuck is wrong with her mouth? Also the VW purses on the kitchen stove made me wtf.

No. 205203

File: 1447818990217.jpeg (257.76 KB, 1024x724, image.jpeg)

Kota can't dress herself for shit but looks pretty when styled by others, and I think she looks really nice in lolita.

No. 205220

Holy shit that's spot on.

No. 205235

Her lips freak me out SO much. It can't just be lip fillers, there's some serious after effects going on. Her top lip looks like it has no dimension, like it's completely flat against her face, and keeps dipping down to a weird beak-like V in the middle when she talks. Is she a bird-person? I think she's a bird-person.

No. 205255

She looks like a lampshade

No. 205257

File: 1447834054720.jpg (48.12 KB, 600x399, 20080524162652.jpg)

These still haunt me from my childhood.

No. 205259

Lol, someone should shoop Kooter's hair, eyes and lips on Jar Jar

No. 205371

File: 1447876336639.jpg (201.85 KB, 1097x598, 552px-Koti_interview_1 - Copie…)

So i did a thing in meitu when i was bored

No. 205390

File: 1447881278183.jpg (113.08 KB, 750x1060, image.jpg)

New Twitter pic. Blurred as usual…

No. 205397

File: 1447883016359.jpg (195.73 KB, 530x795, img_63832.jpg)

Goddammit i have enough of this bullshit.
I used to LOVE her style and copy her clothing style a bit and her style in general, it was so interesting and i loved it.It was cute yet somewhat mature?? I reminded me of japanese RPGs characters and all that even though it was mostly cheap taobao stuff.
Now it's some pastel vomit cutesy bullshit and she shoops herself like an alien fetus. It's not cute at all and all the whitewashed/super pale videos and pics hurt my eyes. It's so bland and boring. Old Kota please come back. At least she was interesting back in Murica.

pic related an outfit i loved for some reason.

No. 205410

How does she think this is cute?
She looks like she has a syndrome

No. 205411

Now I know why. It's because of her pig nose/floating nostrils and the massive gap between her eyes.

No. 205417


Uhhh because all the girls in Japan and all of the weebs do the same shit? Like really? Think it's dumb if you like but don't act dumbfounded that shes just following trends

>inb4 "not literally every girl in Japan"

No. 205422

Lol it's not that serious, mate. The way she edited herself makes her look some sort of retarded and the expressions (or lack thereof) do not help.

No. 205431

Nah, this is going way beyond that level.

No. 205538

distressed toddler wanting numnums.

No. 205597

how/why does she even shoop her eyes farther apart? does she just use bloat tool on her whole head

No. 205611

Even this is one of the ones that always immediately struck me as uncanny valley. She somehow made it a personal goal to get worse and worse with each shoop.
Girl's a damn mess.

No. 205646

File: 1447955355333.jpg (28.86 KB, 400x290, image.jpg)

Who's been around long enough to remember this? Found it while trifling through my old iPod.

No. 206142

File: 1448048052061.jpg (128.81 KB, 718x960, IMG_20151119_233450.jpg)

No. 206155

>missa m goin to teach yousa howa do missa living doll look~

No. 206171

Aw man i remember that, i miss the parody drawings dude i still have some

No. 206267

Oh god, it's perfect.

No. 206684

File: 1448200449835.jpg (129.7 KB, 750x750, 12237117_433390403530391_13362…)

She's starting to look like my 4 year old cousin who everyone suspects has some sort of syndrome.
Why does she do this. It's nowhere near realistic and everyone knows she doesn't look like this irl. What's the point?

No. 206692

Everyone in Japan does this, so she gets away with it

That's why she still gets jobs

So she earns money, and doesn't care what farmers think

No. 206698


That's a really cute sweater.

No. 206771

>when your hands are bigger than your face
this bitch has a dragon's claw

No. 206816

File: 1448228506142.jpg (640.91 KB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_11-22-04.36.16.jpg)

No. 206817

File: 1448228536171.jpg (790.41 KB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_11-22-04.38.31.jpg)

No. 206818

File: 1448228561920.jpg (509.93 KB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_11-22-04.40.17.jpg)

No. 206822

See, she looks lovely in these. Like a pretty, normal human girl instead of an alien toddler.

No. 206826

The middle far left picture here shoes so clearly what we've been seeing all along. She's really fucking up her lipstick and drawing over her cupids bow.

No. 206836

File: 1448231380084.jpg (825.81 KB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_11-22-05.24.25.jpg)

No. 206873

cute enough.
im really tired of talking about her. she really is a snoozefest lately.

No. 206878

y'all are stupid, she looks way hot. What not, women who carry their weight that way are ugly? How ignorant, she looks fine, she's petite you need to shut up about stuff that isn't a problem, you guys all sound cray

No. 206879

People here are so stupid, like argue about something that actually matters! Her weight is not and may never be a problem, she looks totally fiiiiine

No. 206902


Bitter pudgyfat detected

No. 206913

uh oh, a HAES tumblrina waddled across the thread.

No. 206929

Ya actually not that my experience is like everyone's but I started getting into pro ana and getting really obsessive about it when I saw girls like Kiki and Dakota, even if you guys wanna call them gross and grab at straws they are pretty :p not just them but they were some main ones, but I just wasn't meant to look like them :X

No. 206930

bcus u tarded

No. 206931

you sound like some cow with a fat ugly jaw lmao get rekt

No. 206932

ya well this website is just a bunch of bitter hags arguing about some pretty but admittedly messed up girls,what did u expect? get a life everyone here just because yall are ugly smh

No. 206933


What the fuck is going on in this thread

No. 206934


A bunch of dumblr idiots.

No. 206943

she is so incredibly underwhelming, but I guess that is a good thing when it comes to modeling lolita fashion. Can't outshine the clothes.

No. 206949


Except for the stupid cupid bow kota looks quite damn good in these. Actual lolita suits her.

No. 206955

I agree. I really wish she would just stop drawing over her upper lip like that. It's so jarring. I think she looks quite nice in the photos, but then I see the overdrawn upper lip and I rage.

No. 206970

File: 1448274687228.jpeg (81.3 KB, 661x666, image.jpeg)

What the fuuuuck

No. 206980

it's really irritating because her cupid's bow is actually a really nice shape.
Whenever the light hits her lips & shows their true form the extra lipstick looks like windburn.

No. 206998


Exactly, look at Risa Nakamura for e.g She blurs the fuck out of her pictures but she still models evt

No. 206999


I know, idk why she's still relevant on her tbh.

No. 207025

but risa is pretty irl, kota looks absolutely nothing like her pics

No. 207050

What show was she on recently?

No. 207055

In japan people strive to have good photos, which is why they edit so much, and don't give others shit for looking different irl

Most will also use purikura as their photo because those usually make people look better, or hides imperfections

It's weird how much they care about their photos, but it's true

Risa is cute with makeup on irl, but she looks very different, especially when opening her mouth. She also look kinda ugly without her signature eyemake up.

No. 207062


Risa is pretty basic in interviews when she's filmed tbh. It's only down to shoop and circle lenses does she have a dolly look.

She's more yellow than ghostly pale. But then again, Japanese lol.

No. 207081

Huh, I just realised that Dakota's video is the most popular one on the Popteen Youtube channel.

No. 207083

That hairstyle would look so cute with dark hair, ugh, still not over it

No. 207084

File: 1448315561550.jpg (31.41 KB, 600x230, theothersister.jpg)

The Other Sister Keeks must account for about 100k of those views just trying to duplicate that thumbnail's aesthetic and failing miserably.

No. 207085

ok but what are the other ones listed? they dont look very important
why is she even on the channel? they just needed a marketing ploy

No. 207088


>why is she even on the channel?

Because she's a model employed by Popteen and that's the official Popteen Youtube?

No. 207127


She looks like a middle aged stay at home mom trying to be kawaii so her daughter will want to talk to her.

No. 207129

File: 1448327466691.jpg (107.65 KB, 424x640, image.jpg)

This is an old close up of her on one of the shows she's been on. She actually looks decent here. If she lost a bit more weight and did something about her hair, she'll look better.

No. 207132

at a glance, this picture makes her right arm look like an amputee stump

No. 207135

She looks pretty and healthy here. She looks gaunt, haggard, and sick in pictures when she forces herself to be thinner.

No. 207138

I have a serious question: do you guys think she's a better person now that her shitty family is far away and can't influence her much? (and kaka isn't far but she's being ignored for the most part)
Or do you think she's the same exact bitch she was years ago but is good at hiding it for her image now?

what i've learned in psychology and observation is that people who are raised well keep many personality traits from childhood while people raised by the cathys and scotts of the world can change easily and get either worse or better.

No. 207141

Goddamn that outfit is HIDEOUS

No. 207149

Either dark hair or really light blonde, imo.

No. 207160

Yup she tends to dress the opposite of what is conventionally flattering for her apple shaped body

No. 207166

Personally I think she's still a sly snake, but in different ways.

I don't believe she stands for the bad stuff she said and did back then, but I doubt she's a better person (I don't think she's a bad person). She's different than before, but not necessarily in a good way.

She always came off as dishonest imo.

No. 207195


She's two faced and sneaky, probably still self absorbed, conceited, dishonest for sure, lazy, entitled, and snobby. Every time she tries to make a new video or say anything that isn't a boring scripted pile of shit, she just has this kind of "I'm cuter/more successful than you, I'm a ~model~ living in ~Tokyo~ and I have a fancy apartment and brand purses and gifts from my fans, and it just a fat jelly pedophile lesbian wishing u were me~" vibe going on. Her uguu cutesy polite act is such BS, in her entire life Dakota wasn't ever polite or kind to anyone (hardly even Charms when they were friends, she was still pretty coarse and casual), her apology to save face was even a load of insincere garbage.

Everyone who fawns over her and says shit like "she's so much more mature and polite now, it was 100% her family that made we act the way she did!" is so gullible. You don't change your entire personality so suddenly just because you got a job where you have to maintain an image, sure you can put it away and pretend you've changed, but it's still there and always will be.

Dakota is still a lazy, lying self centered brat and always will be. Now that she has attention for being white and sucking Japanese dick, she doesn't have to make loud, obnoxious videos with her (formerly) more popular sister for attention anymore because she gets all her attention from thirsty weebs on the Internet.

By the way, the only reason she's still relevant/her stuff gets so many views and likes is because of overseas weebs who want what she has. If you excluded all her non Japanese followers, views and likes she would hardly be a blip on their radar. Buuut as long as Dakota is modeling in Japan weeaboos will keep liking and following her and giving her money and views so Japan thinks she's actually popular.

No. 207200

How do you know all this, anon? You seem a little mad.

No. 207206

>tone argument
>on the Internet

Don't do that. Also, it's pretty easy to see that most of her fanbase exists outside of Japan by simply looking at who comments and likes her stuff on IG and Twitter, compared to her less than stellar turnout at her non-Popteen events and the thoroughly unimpressed opinions of the few Japanese netizens who comment when threads about her pop up. It's like someone said before, Japan barely wants one Dakota Rose, much less more clones of her (or something like that?).

Despite the tone of that post I kind of (not fully) agree, just because you have to hide your private life to keep your job doesn't mean you've changed. If she really changed she would be more active as a blogger/vlogger and on social media interacting with her fans, talking about her hobbies or going out with friends or her dream vacation or whatever on her ameblo. Instead she's just.. Bleh. Nothing.

So I guess she really is Japan's kawaii living Barbie doll: cute face, fake, and not good for anything except hair/makeup/fashion.

No. 207214

damn, you're bitter.

No. 207218

Then don't visit her thread?

No. 207220


Holy fuck that salt goddamn you love this bitch don't you.

No. 207225

Damn, Kaka has finally snapped.

No. 207228

>she just has this kind of "I'm cuter/more successful than you, I'm a ~model~ living in ~Tokyo~ and I have a fancy apartment and brand purses and gifts from my fans, and it just a fat jelly pedophile lesbian wishing u were me~" vibe going on

You can tell this bish >>207195 is one of those Dakota copycats that is salty because it's her dream to go to Moonppon and become a kawaii idoru model and she feels like Dakota has stolen her chance by getting their first kek


Oh god yes pls.

No. 207232


Yeah but most girls with the right look could get into modelling there? You don't necessarily have to go viral in order to be a model over there. I think it's because kota went viral and it was like a "free pass" in a way which is why most probably try copying. But the thing is some manager was well annoyed with kota when she first came to japan and saw her. I don't think Bravo would make that mistake again.

No. 207233

i didnt even read this but
Oh my gah you mad

No. 207234


Meh, she looks normal. I like how she hold some sort of softness to her? I can see why Japan finds her appealing in that aspect but she's just a normal everyday girl to me. Idk.

No. 207266

Her kitchen looks immaculate for having so much clutter in it too.
I don't think she cooks honestly, not that there's anything wrong with that.

No. 207267

Because she can? If I could afford a place with an extra bedroom I would get one. An extra room comes in handy when you've got friends staying over, and she says she films in there too so it basically doubles as her home office.

No. 207270

Aw she's cute there.
Seriously she isn't a kawaii super skinny doll but she has her own type of cuteness, she looks so "soft" and also kinda clueless, it's pretty cute.
I think she may have changed, there was someone once (can't remember where) who said he saw her and she said sorry since she couldn't take pics because Bravo doesn't want to (maybe an excuse because she doesn't wanna be seen unshooped) and she hugged the person. Also another once about how someone met her and said "omg are you dakota rose?" and she smiled and said "shht".
Idk i have a soft spot for her, like she isn't a kawaii barbie desu yo at all but i can see why some people find her cute.

No. 207271

But now maybe she might still be a cunt or something, but i truly think she isn't as bad as before (mainly due to her sister's influence and the whole ostrenga's household which is toxic af, not saying she was an innocent angel tho)

No. 207272

fucking kek but yeah it sounds like it, god forbid they have to gasp work to go to Japan. Work isn't kawaii. They are dainty princess dolls who shouldn't work.

Haha omg that would be beautiful

No. 207323

File: 1448396404265.png (2.93 MB, 1244x2966, kotakotioutfit.PNG)

why can't koots return to this style jfc it was prettier her whole persona was more interesting

No. 207327


This only looks interesting to foreigners hence why so many white gurls shit their pants on jumped on the living doll shtick whilst Dakota was still dressing like this.

In Japanese fashion this is garish, busy and fetish-y.
What she's wearing now is 100% more in turn with the current scene in Japan, it's just it looks weird and mismatched to us, because again, cultural differences.

No. 207329

File: 1448397727969.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-24-15-39-26…)

Someone from pull is gonna take my caps again, I can just tell.

No. 207330

File: 1448397766156.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-24-15-39-45…)

These are from her line blog btw

No. 207331

File: 1448397797931.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-24-15-39-53…)

No. 207332

File: 1448397820104.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-24-15-39-58…)

No. 207333

File: 1448397837013.png (856.78 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-24-15-40-07…)

No. 207335

MTE, I'm guessing she's too self conscious about standing out even more and being thought of as a weird foreigner. She does pretty much dress like a basic Japanese girl now. I doubt she ever left the house in most of those outfits anyway, and if she did did it would only be to take pictures.

No. 207339

She became so boring

No. 207340


Isn't that a good thing?

No. 207344

When she was being a little shithead she was a very YOUNG girl. We all say dumb things when we are that age (consider who she had around as a role model).

To think people will be forever judged by what they did at such a young age is absolutely baffling.

No. 207345

Okay Kiki.

No. 207351


Anon, look I agree. But kaka and kota were at least 17/16 and 18 at the time. They weren't children, they didn't need to be told "aw that's naughty". They thought they were hot shit and dicked about so it's fucking tough that they'd both stuck with labels. Kota MAY have changed, we don't know because she never interacts anymore and kaka is no where to be found.

It's annoying how people keep covering up with "they were yung tho". We know that and kota and kaka are STILL young. Nothing has changed apart from one got semi-famous and the other was e-famous.

They weren't babies, they deserve everything they got for that stunt. Tough.

No. 207352


Taught them both a lesson, kota has learned to shut her trap and not be a cunt. Kaka has well… well nothing has really changed I'll bet.

No. 207353


Kota having coffee and shopping sighs

How is this lulzy? Tell me why kota's thread is still ongoing? She isn't going to do anything guys, deal with it. Kota has moved on, she's learned from her mistakez cos she was yung* apparently kek so now all she has is barbie gimmick and be boring.

The milk is old as cheesy sweaty socks. We won't get anymore milk guys.

No. 207355

17/16? Are we still operating under the assumption that Dakota is like 23 or some bullshit?

No. 207356


What are you talking about? Some of these >>207323 look pretty standard for japanese normalfags, too. Like the first, the second, the first from second row… Yeah, some can look fetish-y, like most school uniforms or shit whit garters, but some are normal for Japan, too. And others just look plain ugly, so I'm glad she stopped using that shit. Although even nowadays she can't dress to save her life. C'mon, hoodie with pencil skirt. Jesus.

No. 207358

Meant to say the 4th from the second row.

No. 207359


Actually she is 22 lol and kaka is 23 going on 50.

Either way, they weren't babies at the time. The pair of them are well into their twenties.

No. 207361

How? Pretty sure Kota just turned 20. And before you go apeshit and start screaming 'newfag!!1', yes I have been following Kotex and Kaka since about 2007.

No. 207362


Plus I get the lying thing about the age (lets not get into this again tho and start drama pls) cos innocence ect ect

Risa Nakamura is like 28, Tsuplastic is in her thirties and Yui Kanno is 30 odd.

I mean it's sorta late for kota to say she's older than she is now I guess. But even if she did say she was older it doesn't even matter, most J models are older anyway and look young.

No. 207364


Oh don't start anon, the age shit as been going on for time now. Like I just said in that other post. Leave the age thing be.

kota and kaka were OLD ENOUGH to realize they were being cunts on camera, they weren't 5 or 10. We all do stupid shit when were young obv but they were old enough to understand. Again, it serves themselves right.

It's like Jessi Slaughter, acted like a tit and got called out. She was young yeah sigh and learned from it (or so I hope).

It's like everyone, you just learn from your mistakes.

No. 207365

Whatever you say. Keep being salty.

No. 207368


How is it being salty? Why because I don't agree on the age of kota with you or the fact that I said they were old enough to know better, the pair of them?

This website makes no sense sometimes.

No. 207369


where u act up is where u get shown up

No. 207370

Salty because you claim some bullshit about ages and then shut someone down when they question you about it.

But that's none of my business.

No. 207377

You guys are so funny, I love lurking around

No. 207382

I think she looks cute here, and healthier than when she was younger and kind of spoopy, but like… the 70s called and they want that top back. Did she dress herself for this or did someone actually style her?

hahaha oh god what if it is Kaka.

No. 207575

no one is denying the fact kiki should have known better, insignificant point.
this was during the famed myspace era. people acted like dicks because they /all/ tried to out edge each other.
Since Dakota has gone off on her own, what exactly has she done to suggest she is the same hateful, bitter person? I am asking earnestly.

No. 207576

I don't agree with that anon about their ages, but we've had that discussion so many times and it'll likely never be definitively proven one way or another. There really is no point in starting it again.

No. 207582

That style (the top) is kinda popular in Japan, except that it's the ugly version that she THINKS looks good

No. 207584

I kind of WANT kota to be as old as she says, because it's only worse for herself since she looks late 20s

No. 207586

Behold, the blackface of PULL.

No. 207589

They may have been 18, but I remember my cringy 18 year old self and I am far from the racist, ignorant brat I was.

I later realized my families racism was gross and wrong when I went out into the world during uni and after getting real fulltime work. I'm 25 now and still changing. I'm not saying this is proof that the Ostrenga's have changed, I just don't understand people insisting because you are legally an adult at 18 makes you mature and you should "know better". Of course ideally they should have known better but we are only given what our parents and peers teach us. Kiki and Dakota only had their family. Kiki is probably stuck being shitty if she insists on staying there… But Kota has good because she's gone out into the world where people would have challenged her opinions and she would have reflected on her attitude and possibly matured into a decent human, embarrasses by her past bullshit like the rest if humanity.

No. 207601

Dude, same. Gotta over away from the family to realize how fucked they are, and how much their opinions shaped your own.

No. 207608


I sure as shit wasn't a reasonable, well-minded adult at 18. I was a little shit.

No. 207691

>Since Dakota has gone off on her own, what exactly has she done to suggest she is the same hateful, bitter person? I am asking earnestly

What has she done to prove she isnt still she same hateful, bitter person? I am asking earnestly

Dakota being quiet =/= changed & reformed polite princess desu

No. 207693

It's posts like these that make me feel like a black sheep for not being a racist, shit eating sperglord at 18z just because that's the tumblr norm for 2015 doesn't mean it was for 2011-2012 (and it wasn't- this shit it recent circa early 2015). I know when you're ~15-16 every month feels like an eternity, but that's why boards like 4chan and lolcow are 18+. To weed out this autistic cancer. But alas~

No. 207695


Dakota just can't get even a basic grasp on fashion. Makes me wonder why she ever wanted to be a model in the first place, even for a vain, vapid princess she's not suited for it at all. She has no sense of fashion and can't coordinate for shit unless someone is dressing and styling her.

No. 207697

she said that she doesn't really cook, that's why the bags are there.

No. 207698

File: 1448447826728.jpg (251.23 KB, 1024x1446, 005StXbgjw1eyc5ldceghj318j1qwk…)

No. 207699

I agree with those who are saying you can't be judged by things you did in the past. Unless you're currently still doing them and still acting like a total fuckass, let it go. Age should have absolutely nothing to do with it whatsoever. Some people are 'adults' at 18, some people aren't 'adults' until they're in their 40s.

No. 207700

Oh my God, what did they do to her?! She looks so fucking ugly here …

No. 207701

wtf she looks like sheena

No. 207705

I thought she was cute here until i clicked on it. Her nose looks so weird

No. 207706

I'm pretty sure most of us did bad shit when we were teenagers

No. 207708

Holy shit, I knew that was Dakota. They fucked her face up real bad during shooping.

No. 207715

they all look cute

No. 207716

that's not her nose lol
btw where can I find a wig like the one she's wearing?

No. 207721


まさか…… かわいいじゃない。

No. 207723

i like the hair color on her but wtf is this
why did they tuck it behind her ears. it looks pretty stupid

No. 207724


No. 207732


No. 207737

Why are you all gasping about the nose… Kota's nose looks exactly like that in non-shooped pics, it's just that they usually shoop her face to make her look like a ~living doll~ (see >>206817) and this time the shoop was more subtle

No. 207738


No. 207749



No. 207750


No. 207751


No. 207757

this made me lol

No. 207759

>anons speaking Japanese

ノーバディ ファッキング ケアス ユー カン
スピーク ジャパニーズ

No. 207768

I'm so glad I learnt basic Japanese, now I can finally understand weeby squabbling and nit picking.

No. 207772

Leighton Meester on the right holy shit

No. 207776

Her hair looks good in these JetJ photos. A little bit of texture really helps it along, and yeah there might be some extensions too but texture and waves is still better than the pin-straight look she goes for a lot of the time.

No. 207779

holy shit, she looks so much like kiki here! i bet kiki has printed this out with taco's face shooped onto the other model and looks at it every night before going to bed, dreaming it was her wedding picture and she was a cute moderu

No. 207784

~muh personal diary~

Get out, faggot.

No. 207786

b-but that's super scary kanji..!

No. 207824


I am the first one to get wet with dark haired Dakota but what is this shit
those ears and nose, kawaikunai

No. 207844


Ah kunai, derp of course. I am still a first year at my uni.

Do people even use the kanji for cute though? My sensei says it isn't done,that people just use the kana.


Nah fam, kanji is fuuuuuun.

No. 207850

It's used, but in the end it doesn't matter. Sometimes Japanese is about ~how you feel~ If you wanna use katakana because it looks cooler? sure y not. if there's already a lot of hira next to it? use the kanji to make it easier to read if you want. of course the "do whatever you want thing" only applies in informal situations

No. 207853


Ah, I used to be scared of making mistakes like this and looking foolish, but it's good if there are people around to correct you.

Thnx sonpoi.

No. 207897


Lol they didn't do anything, that's her face without shoop/heavy makeup. Scary isn't it?

No. 207911

File: 1448517062441.jpg (23.47 KB, 250x375, 2639284w7qnqna2yo.jpg)


No. 207931

Wow. Photoshop deformity of the arms. Rare condition.

No. 207932

Are you guys on crack? She looks fine. Far better than usual, especially when compared to that alien shit in her Twitter pics and videos.
Her lips aren't ridiculously overdrawn for once, too. It's an improvement.
Only complaint is the way her ears are showing.

No. 207937

She looks super cute

No. 207939

File: 1448534862645.png (1.52 MB, 1024x1446, kotishoop.png)


No. 207944

oh my god, it's amazing how much of a difference that hair placement makes. She looks so much better like that.

But wow, dark hair looks really good on her…

No. 207947

>having to touch a pedo lesbian's hand

Must have been horrific.

No. 207948

She is wearing gloves for that reason.

No. 207975


New CM she's in. She looks cute.

No. 207983

Personally I don't like the super dark hair it makes her look like a ghost or something. Same with the mousy blonde she has now it washes her out. Something like a rich brown or blonde would look better

No. 207996

File: 1448558804804.jpg (80.97 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

Screencap from new CM

No. 207999

No. 208008

Why are those guys rolling their eyes back so much to show the whites of their eyes? Are they known for this in Japan? It's fucking creepy.

No. 208012

lol. Face looks how fake editing Japanese girl.Her work is a complete mess.

No. 208020


She looks lovely here, and her accent has become more natural.

No. 208022


It's creepy how she's looking more and more asian

No. 208025

It doesn't even look like her anymore.

No. 208031

I will say this about the Japanese, their hairdressers are absolutely fucking magic.
So many times I've seen them take lank, limp, thin, lifeless hair like Dakota's and just completely transform it.

When I visit Japan in my 3rd year exchange I'm heading straight to a hairdressers first thing off the plane.

No. 208041

japanese people are so ridiculous and cringe worthy

No. 208045

So fucking cute

No. 208046


How though?

she looks like a blue eyed jap or is that the look the japanese are aiming for?

No. 208048

Idk i just find her face to be very cute there. Her hair looks great too. Its weird she looks japanese though but i dont mind it

No. 208050

How the fuck are those legs fat? Are you an ana or? Seems average to me

No. 208051

I prefer this than her fetus style on twitter

No. 208054


Bit weird but it's annoying because some japs will probably say she's hafu when she isn't.

No. 208058

Ew wtf

No. 208060

the guy in the red shirt is hot af. anybody know who it is?

No. 208061

Average for a fatty american, sure.

No. 208062

if i didn't know it was her, i would think this was some blonde hafu girl. it looks almost nothing like dako

what is it with these 32" waisters and spoopies in most of the threads, halloween was weeks ago

No. 208073


Are you fucking stupid? The anon there is responding to a pic of her fat legs and making a comparison with that old gif
Also that post was made ages ago, why do you still care

No. 208078

They're comedians, and it's their "thing"

No. 208089

File: 1448580731987.jpg (106.37 KB, 600x600, image.jpg)

New Twitter pic

No. 208090

File: 1448580854772.jpg (234.74 KB, 1082x1500, image.jpg)

I made a comparison

No. 208100

We get it you're fat. Just because you get triggered whenever someone calls dakota fat doesn't mean you can sperg out like this. There is no other reason to white knight so hard unless you yourself are a bit pudgy. kek

No. 208104

>one sentence
>stop sperging out and whiteknighting fatty!!!!

No. 208106

Trying to make her look less like a gaijin I see I see

No. 208116

Nice try tumblr fatty, we know you've been at this for weeks now.

No. 208124

Which one?
The one with long hair is 小澤慎一朗 from the comedian duo ピスタチオ

He ugly af tho

No. 208158

File: 1448596867160.jpg (433.47 KB, 1604x922, sohalfu.jpg)

Weird, they did post production to more than just her face.

No. 208159

yeah, why is the phone blue?

No. 208160


Woooooah AE strikes again.

No. 208161


Actually, looking at it closely, those are two totally different phones.

Maybe they thought blue was better and swapped hers with one of the other actors.

No. 208163

Hah they edited away her overdrawn upper lip in the blue phone pic.


They've been trying to push Dakota as a hafu tarento without actually calling her that for years now. They must think it'll make her appeal more to the Japanese, but since sea so boring and doesn't do anything it won't work.

No. 208164

left is botoxed up middle aged house wife from the hills and right is white girl weeaboo looool

No. 208173

Her hair looks super cute at least. Like, for the first time in a long time, I think it flatters her. It also looks clean/fluffy and not greasy.

No. 208190

In Russia, Kooter becomes YOU! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkE63tm67H4

**she's Russian.. right?

No. 208191

No. 208192

No. 208193

File: 1448614603924.png (350.19 KB, 392x416, yikes.PNG)

dropped my pic, whoops.

No. 208194

Oh man, I remember this broad. Her face freaks me the hell out. She always looks so weird and soulless in her videos. It's kind of unnerving.

No. 208195


I think her nose fits her though…like, it has that eastern European appeal.

Her eye makeup looks good here: https://youtu.be/tIJM3NpnYeY

No. 208218

I see Japan is taking the word runway a tad too literally.

No. 208222

ah ive seen her around before and thought of posting her here.

she looks a lot of kota but… off somehow (the potato nose i guess)
however she could pass for an inbred ostrenga relative im sure

No. 208223

File: 1448632175669.gif (274.55 KB, 306x227, tumblr_m1oqieWdL91qeae71.gif)

and kota is any different?

No. 208265

You really must have some deep issues to be this bothered and to keep embarrassing yourself with the conviction that you're only talking to one person.

No. 208277

Her nose is not ugly and background naturally big eyes looks symmetrical. I like her tutorials and I think it has more personality than Dakota.

No. 208281

File: 1448640703113.png (1.38 MB, 1239x834, Screenshots.png.png)


No. 208283

>her nose is not ugly

No. 208288

Pretty sure the same person is behind all these posts.

No. 208289

I'm probably bugging, but it's starting to smell a little self-posty in here.

No. 208296

Everybody please take look at this obvious self post and laugh


No. 208298

Downvoted your video samefag. I would advise everyone else to do the same, maybe even flag it for gore, because what I saw was horrendous.

Please stop being a weeaboo, it's cringeworthy.

No. 208299

What the hell are you blabbering on about? Are you trying to say eastern europeans are not only ethnically homogenous, but that this ethnicity you've dubbed as 'eastern european' tends to exhibit severe potato nose syndrome?

Slavs, which is probably the word you were looking for, come in a wide variety of looks, and they indeed do tend to have less aquiline noses, but hardly potato and definitely not gorilla big like hers. She does her makeup well and is master of the shoops, but she's a giant weeaboo and I nearly had a seizure from that second hand embarrassment.

Doesn't she realise how stupid she look to everyone who isn't 12? Or to the japanese that she so worships?

No. 208307

She really does look Eastern European though and not average white girl like Kooters does. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just how her face is. Also I think people who are still trying to copy Kooters like now are a bit weird and i dunno… maybe trapped in 5 years ago?

No. 208311

U wrong tho

No. 208312

I love seeing DIY videos, and it's cool to want to make a nice thing, but honestly this looks like shit I made in Girl Scouts back in middle school.
It reminds me of Allie Kay's (that one 30 year old youtube "beauty vlogger" who pretends to be a high schooler) DIY videos. Like cute sure, but at the same time there's just something really off about it all.
Gonna just go ahead and add hers to the list of glue guns I want to confiscate.

No. 208313

Holy crap, how many Dakota wannabes are there now?

No. 208317


Samefag pls gtfo, you're not fooling anyone

No. 208320

>how much old is she
Totally natural sentence from the average lolcow poster.

No. 208331


If you're going to try to convincingly samefag, please brush up on your English.

No. 208336

File: 1448650516957.jpg (28.61 KB, 250x318, 23991caf15a9bbcd1af8b05b93f672…)


Yumi Lambert

Half gook and white

Light eyes and hair but still looks more hafu than kota tho

No. 208342

>>208336 a gook is korean you fucking moron

No. 208349

>This person who's actually hafu looks more hafu than 100% caucasian Kota
Gee-golly-willikers, I wonder why

No. 208351

Why does Yumi's face look so asymmetrical here? her right nostril and right eye look higher.

No. 208358

She looks very Ukrainian

No. 208383

Because it is. Holy shit, that's the most obvious and severe facial asymmetry I've seen in anyone thus far.

No. 208396

File: 1448662150714.png (23.08 KB, 433x165, sKUJOEJ.png)


No. 208415

File: 1448666022635.png (80.83 KB, 683x805, creeper.PNG)

this guy is an actual creep. he left like over 20 tweets to her in one day, just saying random shit

No. 208419

It's just a spambot. Look at his tweets to other people.

No. 208464

the bangs/fringe aren't helping her any. In one of her videos she pulls them back to do makeup, and it is like insta-better. She has a super small forehead and the added weight of the bangs do not do her any favors. Her nose is broad, but not Himezawa levels of awful.

No. 208498

File: 1448694684615.jpg (26.53 KB, 250x318, 1448650516957.jpg)

No. 208499

Not half, her paternal grandmother is Japanese.

No. 208506

File: 1448700823279.jpg (272.4 KB, 916x960, image.jpg)

Literally no one thinks kota is half anything.
Jesus this literally looks like white person with downs or another health problem. Fucking modelling industry selects the weirdest mixed race asians. Devon aoki is half but still looks asian enough to not look like she has health problems. Plus way more symmetrical.

No. 208511

File: 1448702958166.jpg (315.85 KB, 916x960, 1448700823279.jpg)

She's not that symmetrical tbh. Rotating her photo horizontally will fuck your shit up

No. 208528

IDK anything about her but she looks bitchy af

No. 208529

wtf how does someone look bitchy

No. 208530

lol she deleted her post with the video, so I'll upload it here, so we can point and laugh

No. 208538

File: 1448713334181.jpg (98.94 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20151128_152413.jpg)

No. 208551

her filters must be working overtime

No. 208552

File: 1448722267338.jpg (74.43 KB, 1024x768, Do You Suffer From Chronic Res…)

No. 208561

Looks like a man.

And can you bitches stop arguing about weight? If someone wants to be Ana let em starve and if they wanna be fat let em eat cake. I cringe at every bait post about weight and how it'll carry on for months with "nice try, fatty-chan" etc.

No. 208579

you're an idiot

No. 208588


I think she's trying to copy Risa and Yura tbh

the blurred filter delicate nymphet look is overdone these days

No. 208589


Anon, they still look more fucking asian than kota

No matter how hard nippon tries to make her look hafu she will not pass.

No. 208595

this was so fucking hilarious

No. 208596


Kota hasn't even tried to suggest she's hafu. No one thinks she's hafu, stop being autistic.

No. 208627


No idiot, some of the Japanese believe she is and I recall ONE of those shows she was on with that tall model guy said she was or someone suggested it. Plus they have been desperately pushing her to look more hafu.

No. 208638

bitch is from Russia and calls herself Lenni. she is obviously copying kooters and still claims kotex had stolen some of her video ideas. as if she was such a famous person

No. 208639

99% of Japanese think that any non-native is half if they can speak/read/write Japanese a even a beginner's level because they think that no one can learn their super special language desu.

No. 208852

File: 1448772650333.png (792.36 KB, 853x480, image.png)

This is my first time in a Dakota thread and this is all I can think of

No. 208853

she used to tag her old youtube videos as "haafu" and "elf goddess" in Japanese.

No. 208859

WHY the fuck do people want to look like children so badly? It's fucking creepy.

No. 208861

She looks like a toddler making a poopy face.

No. 208894

I was gonna say this. She had a numerous amount of questionable tags on her videos and she tried to suggest she was many things in them. This was capped/posted so many times back then for a good laugh, especially elf goddess.

No. 208901


She also used "sex doll" "blow up doll" "BJD" and "final fantasy" as tags in Japanese. She only went viral because she tagwhored hard as fuck with shit that creepy old Japanese fucks would search for.

No. 208972

nobody gives a shit

No. 209055

Maybe, Lenni said that her idea this is copy, and you don't understand, because her English so badly.

No. 209061

I wonder who could be behind this post.

No. 209072

File: 1448816559358.gif (1.17 MB, 215x198, 1447560140926.gif)


>because her English so badly

No. 209086

>> 209055
>> 208331
you're stupid. latest videos with subtitles and she knows the language

No. 209089

you're stupid. latest videos with subtitles and she knows the language

No. 209120

File: 1448825390780.jpg (29.8 KB, 414x480, 0096a1.jpg)

Piss off already. You look like an inbred potato, you freakazoid Russian skinwalker.

No. 209176

She looks like a cute human being.
Her twitter pictures are so fucking ugly.

No. 209177

File: 1448835235029.jpg (14.02 KB, 540x296, 11828722_1632826890265612_6616…)

holy shit is this for real?

No. 209179

most people i've seen are mature at 18 years old though.
i guess it's because america treat 18- years olds like babies

No. 209182


No. 209183

Because it's very cute.
People with babyfaces are youthful and qt, man

No. 209187


No. 209203

dont think ive seen this one. holy shit she shooped herself to look like her and kiki's super shitty art work. grey skinny skeletor

No. 209223

So she's trying the angelic babydoll-like style now? Sigh

No. 209235

Taylor R scored a starring role in a Japanese drama startin in January. I wonder when Dakota will announce that she's gonna be singlehandedly starting in a full fledged big budget movie.

No. 209237

Eww, she has a nigger nose. Flat and wide.

No. 209243


No. 209261

Lol hi Dakota! Haven't seen anyone use 'nigger' to insult a young white girl in aaaages.

Personally I think her nose looks more like a sad, deformed penis. It's actually not very wide.

No. 209262

Lmfao, don't let your blackness get in the way of having a good time.
Don't be mad anon, niggers have wide & flat noses because there's an evolutionary purpose.

No. 209264

shitskin detected

No. 209308

No. 209524


No. 209526

lol you're no sherlock that's for sure, friendo

No. 209752

ITT - crackers jealous of delicious chocolate skin

No. 209753


Take this shit to /b/

No. 209787

My friend bought a popteen issue earlier in the summer so I was having a look through and they legit said she was haafu in it though (think this was around June?)

No. 209821

File: 1448996623492.png (94.99 KB, 400x300, 12.png)

I had a dream where I saw Dakota on the street and told her "Dakota I know who you really are. I like you but you're a total bitch" then she smiled at me and we became friends.

No. 209830

Boop boop Dakota's a busy girl.

No. 209831

She actually looks really cute here.

No. 209834

Her voice sounds so pleasant and calm here. She she doesn't talk like this in her videos.

No. 209835

**Shame she doesn't

No. 209859

I had never heard her speak before, but her Japanese pronounciation is a lot better than I expected. No offense, but usually native English speakers fuck that up so badly…

No. 209864

I know right, which makes me wonder why a ton of pulltards and moon rune speakers bitch about her pronunciation.

No. 209872

She sounds very unenthusiastic, but I am really surprised about how good it is, in that interview some way up as well. Especially compared to all these other snow flakes who can't even speak one correct sentence. She shoops herself to hell and back, but boy that girl has picked up on the language!

No. 209902

>she sounds very unenthusiastic

She sounds- and looks- like she's dead inside. Between her eyes and her voice, It's really unsettling somehow.

No. 209903


You guys know she's reading a script, right? If she spoke like this naturally she wouldn't sound so awkward in her videos. I wouldn't even be surprised if she was wearing an earpiece for the commercial. It's too fishy how she only sounds good in commercials and interviews and sounds like shit on her own.

No. 209915


inb4 "you'd have to be mentally retarded not to learn the language already!!!!1"

No. 209940

Are we still bickering about Dakota's Japanese guys?

Why are we still assed about what's she's doing anyway?

No. 209941


Well duh, it's all edited and shit isn't it? Professionally*

Seriously everyone, unless there is milk then why care?

No. 209943


I agree, the kota ass lickers who treat nihongo as this amazing language.

Give it a rest tho

No. 209944


I wonder if Kota stans realize they're the only reason she gets as many views and searches as she does to make the Japanese think she's popular. Japan doesn't give two shits about her, they only took her because they thought she was a YouTube celebrity. It's funny really, I wonder if jealous weebs like Beckii, Yuka, and all the other wannabe moderu/idols realize that their stalking her is what got her there in the first place.

No. 209982

>one hundred awkward cuts in this video and they should have ended the last cut sooner, she was just standing there

Her pronounciation is good but it's clear she was coached sentence by sentence to get it right.

No. 210012

Actually only quarter. Was wondering about the eye color, usually with half-kids the darker side wins.

No. 210013

Not even from America.

No. 210033


>all dees salt

No. 210118

File: 1449091575715.jpg (334.63 KB, 1472x2057, Reina_Triendl-p1.jpg)

Sorry it's kinda off-topic, just read some people talking about half and stuff and I remembered of one of the cutest half tarento/models I've seen in japan, Reina Triendl.

No. 210120

She's been in so many commercials and shit I don't want to see her face anymore. Same with Rora.

No. 210237


Wow, Japan desparate enough to edit her face…KEK

No. 210293

File: 1449136874774.jpg (133.05 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2015-12-03-10-00-00…)

No. 210304

I think she's just trolling with bad photoshoped pictures to get more views

No. 210316

For the last fucking time this isn't Photoshop it's a Japanese camera app that all the idols/models use.

No. 210318

Anyone know which app? I like the soft filter they use

No. 210320

that face shoop combined with the huge jugs and fake nails makes her look literally retarded

No. 210321

Chill the fuck out, it's slang for editing, and you know it you nitpicking prick. What a ridiculous thing to yell at randoms on the internet for.

It's probably meitu or pitu!

No. 210324


Kek confirmed for person I yelled at.
And shut the fuck up you little sensitive bitch, Photoshop is NOT slang for editing online, people say "editing". Fucking Photoshop is Photoshop cunt.

No. 210325


There's a Western version called YouCam on Google Play.

No. 210334

No. 210340


Dude chill the fuck out, the anon was just using photoshop to refer to Kota's editing. Get the sand out of your cunt jesus christ.

No. 210370

this thread is always gold wow

No. 210372

yeah it is…. photoshop or shoop. Calm down there seriously.

No. 210394


Basic editing has never colloquially been referred to as "shoop" neither here nor /cgl/.

Photoshop is shoop.
Everything else is editing.

No. 210443


Sorta cute, I just don't find them cute though tbh. She looks white tbh

No. 210445


She can still pass better though lol

It weirds me out how hard they try to conform kota to jap standards

she white as the day sky

No. 210446

File: 1449175163381.gif (44.77 KB, 550x284, autism-awareness.gif)

No. 210447


I saw this earlier on IG… I kinda snorted because the comments are so… not asslicking but… the amazement and I just can't see the amazement.

No. 210456


>I was wrong so I'm going tp accuse you and others of being autistic


No. 210459

Don't get too haughty - you're incorrect as well. "Photoshopping", "photoshopped", etc. is not proper usage. From Adobe's site:
>Trademarks are not verbs.
>Correct: The image was enhanced using Adobe® Photoshop® software.
>Incorrect: The image was photoshopped.

>Trademarks are not nouns.

>Correct: The image pokes fun at the Senator
>Incorrect: The photoshop pokes fun at the Senator.

>Always capitalize and use trademarks in their correct form.

>Correct:The image was enhanced with Adobe® Photoshop® Elements software.
>Incorrect: The image was photoshopped.
>Incorrect: The image was Photoshopped.
>Incorrect: The image was Adobe® Photoshopped.

>Trademarks must never be used as slang terms.

>Correct:Those who use Adobe® Photoshop® software to manipulate images as a hobby see their work as an art form.
>Incorrect: A photoshopper sees his hobby as an art form.
>Incorrect: My hobby is photoshopping.


Too bad you can't use Adobe® Photoshop® software to edit your autism away.

No. 210460


Nigga you accusing me of being autistic LOOK AT WHAT YOU JUST FUCKING DID AHAHAHAHA

No. 210463

I'm just making sure that everyone is referring to Adobe® Photoshop® software in the proper manner. Why do you think it's okay to let people butcher the English language with these glaring inaccuracies?

No. 210464


Not that anon but holy autism, batman, are you trolling or what

No. 210466

Not trolling, just passionate about the use of Adobe® Photoshop® software for graphic design and image enhancement.

No. 210468

File: 1449177171704.jpg (208.87 KB, 682x600, david.jpg)


Never mind, turns out I'm the autist for falling for that. 10/10

No. 210473

I see what you're doing Anon…. well played u lil' shit.

No. 387610

File: 1495586286995.png (1004.2 KB, 599x667, IMG_8865.PNG)

why does this girl look like a alien?

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