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No. 35895
In response to an anon from the previous thread
>>35660Her saying she came Canada to Japan isn't odd to me considering she is.. well… Canadian.
When you travel somewhere to you cite all the places you passed along the way?
No. 35906
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No. 35907
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No. 35908
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No. 36058
>>35819Thanks for info! I agree with -Chad- in that one.
>>35861By that logic Taylor also suits white men more. But she has fetish for Asian guys and it's gross.
>>35862Being a commercial model is basically all she was doing in Hong Kong, but at least she was working. Now she is just enjoying the useless role of an old rich brat.
No. 36060
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For the next thread's main picture, I wish we can have this comparison
No. 36467
>>36424Eh..Cheek fillers are actually really common among adults and middle-aged people in the west, though. Not usually her age unless there's something medically wrong, but many plastic surgeons only care about money and will let people like her slip through.
It's not like most people aren't aware that any surgery in the face, especially fillers and fat dissolving injections, cause some extreme-end swelling for weeks or even months.
I'm just personally surprised that she'd do a video so soon afterward.. at her age and with her career she should know better.
No. 36604
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New picture
No. 37685
>>36607plastic surgery can do wonders for anyone.
she had a pretty face before, but she wasn't satisfied with her classically beautiful western features.
tbh I know the feels, but the lengths that she's gone to seem–to put it gently–ludicrous.
the background in dietary/nutrition science probably does help, tho.
No. 40477
>>36604as someone who has had fillers… this isnt what its suppose to look like at all.
i think she is either on drugs, bulimic, health problems or has had more serious surgery that flares up at times depending on her salt intake (like when i got my jaw done it would look fine after a month but if i ate too much salt my entire face would retain water and swell up the next day, i only fully healed after a year)
but yeah, fillers dont look like this lol. not even the first day you do them. unless theyre putting her fucking fillers on her jaw (no one would do this)
No. 40504
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>>40477I actually agree that she had jaw reducing surgery more likely than fillers.
I mean, look at her original face…
No. 40894
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If it's not, I'll delete this post, but is this Taylor with Konno Asami (former Morning Musume member, she's now a news reporter )? I found it on a Morning Musume picture board and thought the blonde woman looked awfully familiar.
No. 42737
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This happened
All these j-bitches are so thirsty for fame, riding each other's dicks
No. 42738
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>>42737(Sharla also made a video with mh_audrey)
No. 42947
Also the waving in the begining of the video is a complete rip off of kota
No. 43004
>>42947But have you noticed kota doesn't actually collaborate with them though?
I give kudos to kota for doing her own thing tbh. I think just being with Sharla, Rachel or Taylor would just fuck things up. No wonder she just keeps to herself.
No. 43038
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>>42737>>42738Sharla reminds me of a hippo… idk why. Why are those j-vloggers always ugly anyway ?!
No. 43061
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This is Taylor from her time in Hong Kong.
No. 44102
>>43080I'm not that anon (I'm the one posting the pictures). You didn't ask me, but
Sharla is fine, imo. She's cute looking in her own way, but generally very average looking. She also has some serious round cheeks, maybe that's why anon posted the hippo.
I think her videos are fun to watch, the only thing that bugs me is that she seems kind of bored when talking in them. She always says "that's so cute" "this is so cute" and never really seems to have a proper opinion on things. Maybe she lost her enthusiasm?
No. 44104
>>43061>>43092Her current hairstyle does her a lot of favors. It makes her look younger, probably due to the bangs, which makes her face rounder. I believe she wears a lot of foundation though.. And her ugly eyebag makeup is done in a way to hide her actual wrinkles. And I guess she learned what settings and lights works the best for her face.
Oh, and probably fillers, or some shit.
I don't think that photo is the best though. There are plenty of photos from HK where she looks younger and prettier. She does look more mature in many of the photos, but not old.
No. 44369
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>>44104One of the decent and average photos of Taylor from her Hong Kong working days
No. 44475
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No. 44525
>>44478I know, right?
I'm like fuming with jealousy every time I scroll past her thread and see how long, thick and healthy it is :3(
No. 45244
>>45236Ha, you know it's funny, when I had really short hair one of the things I would always complain about was not having many style options.
Now that it's long I still feel like I don't have that many style options. If there's one particular style that you favour, i.e. just have it down, you're always going to favour that style over any other so that's exactly the way I wear my own every day.
Man I'm just so sick of the shedding goddamn.
No. 48052
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I'm a fan of this Taylor fan. Is this one of you? He's constantly posting
No. 48155
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I really want to make her a new YouTube channel banner; the one she has at the moment looks so amateur and tacky.
No. 49249
Sharla is almost 30 too
But i got no problems with her
No. 50886
>>49260i think so too. especially since she isnt going for typical runway modeling, she is trying to fit into some niche she doesnt really belong, you would think she would try harder.
and she still does chinese subs on her videos… (or, ahem, pays someone to do it)
No. 51144
>>51141She's a regular (albeit minor) model in Zipper now, isn't she?
>>49260I agree and I don't get it. It seems like most of the weebs that head over to Japan have no interest in learning anything more complicated than Rudimentary Weeb Speak 101.
No. 51148
>>49253I'm here anon.
Yeah, like I was saying. I personally think Taylor should invest in more mature clothes and get rid of the kawaii crap. Have kawaii YH but pieces like bags, shoes or sweaters. Not go full blown out in it…
No. 51151
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No. 51152
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>>51148I mean, body wise she's very tall and limp. Even reminds me OF Taylor swift tbh lol.
TS does have some pretty cutesy mature outfits though, Taylor should invest and there IS Japanese brands out there like Jill stuart, titty & co, Snidel who are mature but cute.
Kawaii internation did an ep called "kawaii pretty style" where it was more about AR magazine. A more mature look and not as cutesy like Dakota is featured in.
No. 51158
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No. 51161
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>>49253>>51158things like this
bit more mature and cute
No. 51166
>>51164It does hold SOME cuteness to it anon. Like it said, it's MATURE. We're not talking Liz lisa (although SOME of the stuff can be matureish) and Ank Rouge here.
Her body time and height suits a more mature look. Like back in her Hong Kong modelling days, she looked A LOT better. I just said Japan DOES do cutesy but mature brands and listed some. She could easily model for those without that daft make up.
No. 51481
>>51468She doesn't have more personality than Dakota, no way.
Dakota is rude, cocky, cold and she looks cute.
Taylor is mild in everything, doesn't have anything interesting, except she looks cute. Just being cute is nothing, it's one-night-stand entertainment.
No. 51482
>>51481I'm saying this from general Japanese point of view.
Speaking rude Japanese is way more interesting than DIY videos in English.
No. 51576
>>51482Agreed. Taylor has no unique personality trait that defines her.
With Dakota, the novelty of her talking in a rude/boyish way is keeping her (somewhat) relevant in Japan.
No. 51677
>>51468>>51481taylor is… 'safe'
she's perfect for catalogs, boring talk shows, and being a housewife
No. 51792
>>51790Her vlogs don't do any benefit to her for Japanese market though, since they are in English, which is unwanted.
And Dakota does have more personality. Her language vs. her face.
Taylor's pure image is ok but it can't be more boring than it is.
No. 53287
>>53140Two boring ass vloggers teaming up
No. 53323
>>51792Okay well, what do you guys think makes the "perfect tarento idol weeb model" then?
Apart from being anglo saxon aryan hitler looking.
What else? What do you think it is that makes a success there in Japan?
No. 53462
Taylor, if you're on here by any chance at some point.
1. Get some jap lessons and do it properly
2. Get yourself a gimmick, don't leech off kota pls cos it's done and used up
3. Get yourself a catch phase
4. well ur already rich so yh lol ur sorted
No. 54832
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Looks like she's still doing the Kota lip.
No. 54836
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I honestly like Taylor but she's obviously buying her 100k followers on Instagram, and all these goddamn fake Japanese accounts. On every picture of her there's long ass comments done by empty accounts with Japanese (name).(surname)(random number) it's cringey. Accounts with 0 pictures, following or followers.
No. 54852
>>54832Oh my gooood, Taylor, fucking why.
You're so much better than this. Stop copying Kota's shitty style to a fucking T, especially when it doesn't even look good!
She's making herself look like shit (like Kota) and it's so stupid and unnecessary when she has so much potential to look gorgeous if she just stopped doing the dumb kawaii shit.
So much natural beauty squandered.
No. 55057
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>>54832>those bangs>kota lips>that aegyo salIt just looks so bad
No. 55117
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>>54832Is there something wrong with her, like mentally? I just cannot fathom why she is doing this ugly shit. There's really no hope for her.
No. 55121
>>55117I FUCKING loved that moment on BGC <3
sorry, irrelevant
No. 55171
>>55157I kind of liked her in this video.
She seems cool to hang out with.
But yeah, dem filler cheeks.
No. 55173
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I'm looking at her old videos and she used to be so pretty. rip in peace
No. 55313
>>54836Wow, you're right, I can't believe I never noticed this. I just had a quick look through a bunch of her pictures and only came across two real looking Japanese accounts, one of which was a middle aged man. There were a few Chinese people commenting though. She really should have stayed in HK.
I compared her and Kooters comments and Kooter gets way more Japanese people commenting than her, even though she only has a fraction of the followers. She (Taylor) doesn't seem to be popular in Japan at all. I guess that's why she felt the need to buy Japanese comments, to appear more relevant there?
No. 55520
>>55221Good catch anon, most people probably didn't watch the video since it seemed long. How old is she pretending to be though?
Also her voice in her old videos is so low and normal compared to her new kota-voice.
No. 55539
>>55221tbh I'm 23 and remember Beanie Babies and Spice Girls.
How old is Taylor anyway? 28?
No. 55545
>>55173Pretty suits her sooo much better than Cute (not that she's cute).
Honestly, I don't find her attractive anymore. She used to be so pretty, and I used to like her… But now she looks so average, it hurts
No. 55618
>>55539She's probably reaching 30. Each time I see something on this thread I get curious about how much money her parents are letting her use. Her work doesn't add up to the amount it costs to have her lifestyle in Toyko.
I'm trying to list the things I know cost a lot. Like her apartment, the surgeries, the dog, the food she eats, shopping high street brands, riding taxis, makeup and accessories, herself and the dog having regular grooming, even the constant travel to high cost places kek
No. 55626
>>55618And she always travels in business class, never coach.
She was born 1988, so that makes her 27.
No. 55628
>>55520As far as I know, she never really pretends to be younger than she is, she just kind of avoids talking about it too much.
>>55618>>55626No doubt her parents let her use a ton of money, but at least some of that travel and lifestyle is probably sponsored or paid for by employers. I'm mainly thinking the business class vs coach thing.
It must be nice to have parents who will support you while you live it up traveling from country to country by the time most parents expect you to at least have and be working toward a vague plan for your future.
>>55545Maybe I'm retarded but
>>55157 and
>>54832 are way prettier and less average than
>>55173 imo. She looked pretty but basic. She actually looks cute now.
No. 55632
>>55628Her trips in business class that I've seen were personal ones. Most employers have policies where you have to pay for your own upgrade.
In Tokyo with the high cost of taxis a lesser known tarento is not going to get those covered either.
No. 55645
>>55618Let's not forget her manager went with her on most of her personal trips, which (among many other hints) means she is paying for manager as well.
Which is normal to do, if you have money.
But lol, paying all the trips for two :D
No. 55648
>>55628I agree. She was 'average' pretty before. Not even really a standout for a model or anything. She was also super homogenized. Super generic 'white girl' Even though with her face/hair she's copying kota I think she still has a personal style now and I'm really happy for her.
idk man it's super a thing where she was following society and now she's doing what SHE wants? So if you dont like it tough? Go follow some other generic whitegirl model. The japanese scene is healthier for her anyway because she doesnt have to try to be taller, skinner or anything that would really stress her out.
TBH I get so salty when people keep going on and on about her 'throwing away' her HK modelling thing. Now she doesnt have to worry about every mm gained or lost she can eat what she wants and how much she wants to. She obivously still would be staying 'slim' but not have to care about fitting into every runway show. Being a runway model is tough and dangerous (in health terms) as well as she even said in the past that a lot of her fellow models were on drugs and the such. You WANT her in that toxic enviroment?
So what if her parents are paying for her. That's their decision. I dont get why it matters at all since she is actually putting effort into working still.
She could have stayed chubby, loafed around at home and become some Canadian version of jersey shore white girl. The fact that she's doing things with her life and it's what she wants to do is important imho
No. 55684
>>55648This tbh.
People need to stop talking about how she the away her high fashion career because she never had one in the first place, she's fat too plain for the Western market and I suspect she knows that too which is why she moved to the Asian one.
No. 55688
>>55648The thing about her daddy paying a lot for her is not funny simply because she's so rich, but because she recently wrote in comments of one of her YT videos, that she is fully supporting herself since she was 14, except for the education.
Which is a HUGE lie.
Second, her messages like "just be yourself" are terrible because 1. she's not "herself", she is a copycat + being unstabile in everything all the time, faking personaloty, style, lying about money, diet etc.; 2. In her videos where she was talking about her "being fat as a child an now being a model", message behing that can't help anybody, because the MAIN reason why she, such an average pre-surgery girl could get any modeling job (even it's basically all catalog) is, because her parents were always so supportive mentally AND FINANICALY - they paid her modelling scool, were bringing her around etc., THEY PAID FOR HER TO BE A MODEL.
It's not her talent.
So bringing up her very rich background is every time on point.
Without that money, she wouldn't be able to even be mildly known on social network, let alone livin outside of her country, let alone living in Tokyo with her expensive luxury lifestyle.
No. 55702

>>55688>she recently wrote in comments of one of her YT videos, that she is fully supporting herself since she was 14, except for the education.Do you have caps of this? I want to see.
Honestly this is a very typical upper-middle class/rich kid mentality. I grew up in the upper-middle class and was one of the few who actually did have to work for almost anything extra I wanted and was cut off when I was 18 years old like a normal person. I did have a lot of privileges I was not immediately aware of until I began to talk to people who did not have the same types of privileges, which I doubt someone like Taylor really does much of since she probably mostly talks to other western models in Asia who are living a similar lifestyle to her.
A lot of people I have encountered are completely like Taylor in this regard and felt they truly sacrificed and had to "work" for "everything" because they maybe had to get a part-time job and pay their own phone or grocery bills in college or something but completely ignored when their parents bought them new clothes/cars or paid their rent/tuition/study abroad program and they would never ACTUALLY go hungry because their parents would help them out or let them move home, etc.
You see the same thing with a lot of famous rich people. "I started with nothing and worked my way to the top!!" – but then you find out their parents bankrolled their first major business venture or they had parents who worked in the entertainment industry and could introduce them to producers. Things like that which they take for granted because they don't really have any concept of how other people's lives are.
Video related.
No. 55703
>>55648Anon, she looks exactly like kota. Every single anglo weeb dolly looks like Kota and they're even getting told off fans that they look like her. It's not much of a personal style at all tbh it's just copying.
She's not gone viral and I don't think she's well known at all there. Just stating the truth.
Japan will be good for anyone it seems, all the models are basic and no effort is ever put in apart from shoop/lightening and photoshop.
Anon why are you stressing out about this?
Taylor copies the fuck out of dakota, good for her for moving to nippon and trying to get a fanbase despite Japan already having a dakota rose/white dolly.
At the end of the day anon, Japan has dakota. Taylor has already got enough money, had the attention before and overall, who really gives a shit?
Taylor is nearing 30 and Dakota is 22 going on.
Japan will find some poor other anglo naive idiot to dress up and claim they're a living doll in the next 10 years anyway.
No. 55726
>>55648This. Thank you it feels like I've been taking crazy pills I think she actually looks so much cuter now and used to look like a basic white trash girl.
What makes me sad about Taylor is she was too short to be an actual model but too fucking tall and lanky to be a cute doll.
I hope she gets more popular just because I really like her advice videos tbh.
No. 55858
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I still to date do not understand why people like to rag on Taylor.
She's much more interesting than Dakota, actually engages her fans, makes regular tutorials/vlogs that are ACTUALLY helpful as opposed to Dakota's useless, ego-wank vids, includes her family in her videos, shows herself without any makeup/styling in her vids regularly (something Dakota would never do), and tbh you guys should be rooting for her based on her older age given the fact I see posts daily lamenting your personal experience of the ageing process.
She's somebody that's actually out there and still trying to forge a career out of her appearance in an industry where youth is king where she could easily just find a sugar daddy and live out the rest of life sitting on her butt every day.
I could not give less of a shit that she's imitating Dakota because Dakota at the moment is just one big copy anyway, some kind of dull little mashup between Masakawa Tsubasa and Nakamura Risa and is weirdly creepy and secretive about her lifestyle. The fact she's discontinued producing videos at all shows how little she thinks of her fanbase, one must wonder if she really believes she's one of the elite now.
I just watched this little TV spot she did for MioMioTV Japan (comes in at about 4:00) and the little co-dance she did at the end was energetic and adorable, and the fact that she actually takes the time to learn how to do dancing shit (idk its name) is impressive to me because it must take a lot of time, dedication and legitimate interest to be able to memorise each individual move and co-ordinate it so well. No. 55914
>>55858This but idk man so much jelly going on in this thread. It's so tiring of everyone pitchforking about her forcing their negative opinions down everyone else's throat.
It's never 'here's the good things but I think the bad things are overpowering' it's just 'I dont like her cause xyz'
I dont care if her parents pay for everything, how much (honestly very minor) surgery she gets, or whatever. She's trying to be inspirational. She seems to be really down to earth too. Like EVERYONE has faults and hers are minor at best. Compared to a bunch of people nitpicking at her life condition and choices. Ooooo she lied in a comment section or something. She's still a better person than Dakota and I give her my full support.
Then again people swore Dakota was gonna fade and kept talking shit about her and says she could 'never make it and should give up because she wasnt dolly because of XYZ reasons' so I'm willing to bet they're just wrong twice now.
No. 55954
>>55688Taylor was able to buy her way through life, including making her appearance younger though fillers, and follows the path other weebs took but uses money to speed up the process.
No matter what she choses to do in life, she's fully supported with money anyway. That's why I can't root for her.
No. 55962
>>55954If she was 100% 'buying her way through life' she'd be able to afford a full japan publicity team and could be on top already. She obviously has some real talent so stop ignoring that. Just because someone has a stable ground you cant root for them? that's some messed up way of thinking. Sure it's great to see people work their way up on their own but you're seriously just ignoring everything she's done just because she doesnt have to worry as much about failing?
Even if you have something to fall back on failing still sucks. if she was buying her jobs in japan she'd be doing better things than being on a show that airs at nothing o'clock and being in Zipper. Come on.
There are so many people who get fillers especially in Asian countries
Literally get over yourself.
No. 56021
>>55965I agree too, I mean she probably sits on her ass doing not much most of the time but meh if you've got the money to do so? Guess being a model is alright, she suits it.
C'mon most of us would do the same lmao
No. 56090
Not true. She has money, but no talent so no matter what she can not reach popularity level in Japan. FIRST she must learn at least some basic speaking level of Japanese. She is on dead point until she fix that, no money can help this.
No. 56201
>>55858I partially agree, and that's what I meant when I said
>>51468. I find Taylor kinda boring (and am frustrated by her weird take on "kawaii" fashion), but I find her effort endearing, so I do root for her. At this point Dakota doesn't really do any of those things that people were saying make her spunky and interesting, she doesn't really do anything at all. And I think that's one of the reasons why she dusted off her laptop and posted a video after a year, she's probably legitimately threatened that her doppelganger actually seems to be making headway (unlike most of the other ones).
Otherwise, I think it's stupid to discount her just because she's rich. Yeah, it's annoying, but it's not like she's achieved a whole lot because of it. She's just a minor model in Zipper. Anyway, I don't really think she'll get anywhere so long as she's obsessed with being bargain-bin Dakota.
No. 56365
>>55858>>, I feel like she's trying too hard.
So fucking fake
No. 56398
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>>55858the same reason as why people ragged on this guy for trying to look like Justin Bieber. Nobody knows shit about him, except that he got surgery.
No. 56405
>>55898she's saying she fully supports herself now, not since she was 14
she said her dad hasn't paid for anything but schooling since she was 14, but her mom could have been, and most likely was, the one supporting her and her family if that was the case
No. 56458
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>>56433The Living Ken who died was not Justin Jedlica/the one from TLC. It was pic related. Just clarifying.
>>56456Yeah this.
No. 56521
>>56405She doesn't support herself fully now either lol;
Her dad is paying a lot of stuff now and then, if you followed her carrier in HK you would see how many times she mentioned him etc.;
even if only her mom was paying to her (which was not the case), the way she presented it would ve si sneaky.
But she did say many sneaky double meaning things many times do I would understand that.
But no, this was just a plain lie from her.
No. 56552
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No. 56553
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No. 56554
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No. 56555
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No. 56556
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No. 56557
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No. 56558
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No. 56559
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No. 56560
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No. 56596
>>56365That was really fake but worse was the dancing, she looked like a gigantic spider or something. And it must have been bad because they put a commercial or something during it.
>>56565She seems to be copying Kota's first adoptions of the mannerisms too. The difference is she can't speak any Japanese.
No. 57231
>>57190Damn, anyone got pics of that sailor moon photoshoot?
She could be a perfect Usagi.
No. 60593
The one thing that I can say about Taylor (I've never contributed ITT before, just because I agree with anons above: she kind of has the personality of a plank–just another 'stereotypical nice white girl'. At least Dakota drummed up some controversy) is that she has a fucking great body, and I was always curious what her regime was.
No. 64088
>>56556>>56557>>56552>>56558damn i really like how she looked before
now…not so much
No. 64547
>>64529It's a little odd isn't.
>i had no idea cleansers were so importantAre you fucking kidding me? And how can people call her so "genuine" and "relatable" when she is copying Kota and had fucking plastic surgery to look like her? Something is off here. I don't dislike her but all that praise is just over the top and very unlike the usual comments posted.
No. 64551
>>64529Because people aren't tearing her apart for no reason they're asskissers? You must be a delightful person to be around.
The modus operandi of this board is not to be fucking bitchy and catty all the time, and in Taylor's case she has done literally nothing negative that's worth pulling her up on.
She seems like an overall chill gal.
No. 64556
>>64551>The modus operandi of this board is not to be fucking bitchy and catty all the timeOh but that's bullshit and you know it. Like i hate that stuff and Taylor is pretty cool in my book.
But some of these posts are just weird, you have to admit. All those people calling her so natural when she's had a ton of PS. Or her showing them tips that are common knowledge for anyone who has internet access and has ventured anywhere beyond facebook.
Maybe i am paranoid, whatever.
No. 64681
>>64245I agree. She really is a gorgeous girl and I wish she could see that.
>>64547This, plus Taylor lies about Hong Kong, shooping, money, and her fillers.
>>64567I think she just uses double-sided eyelid tape to create eyebags. I remember there being one close up picture of her where you can see the tape sticking out.
No. 64741
>>64457She's taller than 170 cm, but she's lying about her height and trying to appear smaller.
Just one of her many casual lies
No. 64747
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No. 64757
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>>64741Man you really have something against this girl don't you?
Here's a picture of her stood next to Konno Asami, who is 156cm, and both are wearing flats, so yeah, 170cm looks about right.
No. 64763
File: 1448587969923.jpg (106 KB, 640x640, 10175983_643826649000219_98800…)

Or Zelia Hong, who is actually 175cm.
No. 64766
>>64547She's trying to be relatable with the no-makeup vlog crying but I get why people are mad.
She doesn't have a tough life and she looks fine without makeup. Therefore it's hard to empathize with whatever problems she says she has.
No. 64776
>>64566this is funny because since Dakota got a free ride yall must thing other models are held at the same no-standard
I've had friends lose gigs because of pimples.
No. 64781
>>64741>>64772>>64773>>64780Did you guys not see the part in
>>64245 where her agency measures her to be about 170 cm? I don't know Japanese so I don't know exactly how tall they said she is. Why would they be willing to lie for her? Wouldn't that give a bad image of them to any clients who want to work with Taylor?
No. 64783
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>>64772Like this?
If Konno Asami is 156cm/5'1" and Taylor is 170cm/5'5"… well that looks to be about a 4" difference, not 6".
No. 64784
People are so desperate to hate her they'll grasp at anything.
No. 64787
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>>64781Yup. Salty cunts get rekt.
No. 64797
>>64796I'm probably the biggest Taylor whiteknight in this thread tbh.
She seems nice and it rubs me up the wrong way that people are trying to rip her apart for no reason.
No. 64804
>>64801Lolno, I think what happened was the people who didn't like her 9 days ago (myself included) left because she's boring, some stans saw the thread abandoned and decided to bump it with praise, then the posters from before saw the thread bumped and here we are. At least that's how I see it.
Sage because this is a worthless thread and it shouldn't be bumped.
No. 64815
>>64801>>64804There's basically no milk to be had from this girl really. Sure, she lies a lot but that isn't interesting. She is cute, though I personally think she was much prettier before. Other than that? Not really.
It was kind of interesting when she underwent her transformation from pretty bland model to Kota-clone, but the results are a huge yawn. Both the stans and haters in this thread are pathetic.
No. 64819
>>64781In every modelling agency she has different height, but in every next agency she is shorter and shorter.
Also, her posture is getting worse adnd worse. She is always bent forward.
She used to try to stand up straight in photos, now her chin is always down.
(I also do that when I'm taller than some guy who is about same height as me, so I understand the purpose and I know chin down makes you look at least few cm shorter).
No. 64995
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Seems like she ditches the stupid baby alien shtick when she hangs out with normal/down to earth people like sharla
No. 65000
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>>64995I don't know what makes you say that, she is always uploading images of her makeup-free.
No. 65072
>>65057"Omg you're so cute!!!"
"Nooo, you are so cute!!!"
They're just loving themselves and being nice…
No. 65079
>>65028I think she has a bit of a wonky eye. Ive seen it before.
oh and i figured they are probably biffles because sharla, like Taylor, is pushing 30.
No. 65095
Taylor is 27… Sharla is at least 27 or 28
No. 65131
>>65085>>65095Yeah, isn't her birthday coming up? She'll be 28 (Taylor).
>>64995Anon, you should watch her recent videos.
No. 65133
>>65131No, Taylor will be 27. She's still 26.
(Although based on her sad infantile behaviour it's hard to accept she is really pushing 30s)
No. 65156
>>65133I know her username says 88 because she's born in 1988, but did no one else notice what she said in her "50 Facts" videos?
"I love the number 8, so I put it in my username" …….lol, as of
Sorry tay, u old af
No. 65162
>>65156I didn't watch the video because she's borig af when she talks,
but lol thanks for that 88 thing
"I love number 8"
No. 65634
File: 1448804050101.jpg (90.16 KB, 600x598, Untitled.jpg)

sweet jesus
not good
except for taylor's fans on lolcow
No. 65670
>>65658Here's her agency's news about it her co-star is Yudai Chiba and the tv series will start in January.
I don't speak a word of Japanese and google translate is gibberish, so maybe someone could translate what it says in the articles.
No. 65672
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>>65670There's not that really many details.
It's a romantic love-triangle drama to be aired by TVTeito (old word for capital) called "She fell in love with a craftsman?".
It's airing next year, January the 6th as a New Year special, so I guess they'll be shooting over Winter.
With such a small timeframe it'll either be very short or very low budget.
This is a pretty big break for Taylor; I look forward to seeing it.
No. 65674
>>65672There's an article posted here discussing her having being appointed the role which goes on to discuss her Youtube vlogs detailing her childhood obesity/being bullied for being fat and fuck me the comments, they love her. really better start watching her ass and step up her game.
No. 65682
>>65672Wow, course she'd be handpicked due to her being anglo and moderu obv. But I wonder why kota hasn't starred in any jap movies yet? She's better at Japanese and has been there longer. Anyone else think Taylor paid her way in or something?
Also, is this going to be like "My Darling foreigner" or something? Cept' with a girl?
Yudai Chiba IS pretty cute tho…
Both of them are going to look 12 playing their roles and they're like 30 kek
No. 65684
>>65672this is a terrible picture of her she looks like a floating head her lips are ugly puckered like that and her face looks fat and. bloated
I will never understand why she shoved shit in her cheeks
No. 65704
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>>65684It's slightly better in the full size.
No. 65708
>>65670>Yudai ChibaIsn't she taller than him?
I think Taylor got a role and Kota didn't because she actually looks like her photos, even if it's due to a ton of fillers keeek
No. 65715
>>65656thats kind of surprising.
>>65658yea theres actually one foreign woman that stars in a nip show and she doesnt even speak japanese. she literally learns the script in romaji
No. 65716
>>65682I think she paid her way in as well. I don't get why you'd want to cast someone who can't even speak the language and speaks awkwardly/like a robot on camera.
I wonder if her character is supposed to be a stereotypical dumb foreigner.
No. 65726
>>65708Yudai Chiba is taller than Taylor at 1.73, but not by much.
It isn't important anyway.
No. 65727
>>65716I have a theory that she actually can speak in Japanese but it's awkward for her to talk in still because we've seen her in places where she would need to speak Japanese? I assume she's waiting until she's properly fluent before she starts using it in videos.
There's no way she lives there and speaks 0 at this point.
Then again as
>>65721 said you don't need to speak a language to read lines.
No. 65752
I'm saying
there is a possibility her character might not have more than very few ultra-basic Japanese lines at all. No. 66102
>>65754Sorry, but you are late. She was 174 measured by agency much before 170 cm. She got "smaller" and got very bad posture AFTER coming to Japan. Otherwise she's too tall to be cute tbh.
Also, Zipper was introducing her this summer, in magazine they said she's 171.
It's only 1 cm difference, but they are not doing mistakes, Taylor's height is made up. She's taller.
No. 66111
>>65672She's so fucking bad at acting tho
It'll be interesting for sure
No. 66114
>>66102m8 you are fucking reaching.
You're actually trying to claim that she lost 1.5" from bad posture? What the hell are you smoking?
No. 66115
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>>66102Hmmm yes, what terrible posture…
No. 66387
>>66102You can't get smaller.
Venus, Audrey and Taylor are ALL tall girls.
No. 66388
>>65716I know, I wonder. But at the same time though even if they used Dakota in this she would be just as shit and awkward anyway.
I say they start hiring people who are good looking, have acting experience (maybe modelling) and can speak the fucking language.
No. 66494
>>66386Tbh I can't understand anyway why people would hold dropping China for Japan against either Taylor or Dakota.
I mean overall it's a superior business decision, you're never going to make it as big in China as you could on Japan. The opportunity in China is just nowhere near as good.
Literally everybody here would make the same desicion. It's not a betrayal, it's smart planning.
No. 66533
>>6653127 or anything around is not old, but it's too old to pretend you are a baby.
And it is kind of lame if you're in late 20s and the only thing you're doing is posting about yourself on the internet, and trying to gain popularity in snowflakey way.
It always lame, and it's getting more lame as a person gets older, because less excuses.
No. 66547
>>65723I'm actually 27
And I didn't mean it in that general
sense, I just meant that she's way older than she wants people (and herself) to believe
>>66533 said it very well
No. 66631
>>66547>I'm actually 27I thought you're Taylor for a moment
good lord
No. 66646
A lot of us started out posting on /cgl/ back when we were allowed to and PT was in her early 20s and we were in our late teens/early 20s. It's not like you suddenly stop being into things when you get older.
No. 66648
>>65095Sorry, I didn't realize that Sharla actually is 30.
But I wouldn't consider 26/just turned 27 pushing 30 personally. It's just mid 20s.
It's not old either way though so whatever.
No. 66951
File: 1449074066419.png (367.57 KB, 850x433, Screenshot 2015-12-03 at 1.32.…)

ngl I love Taylors vlogs, mostly just to see her cook healthy foods and Rosie. I'm so tired of seeing Sharla in her vlogs tho. Her voice annoys me and she looks haggard af standing next to Taylor.
No. 66991
>>66951sharla is more dorky and definitely caters to weebs which is smart on her part if she wants to keep being successful. over 300k follows isnt bad
and some how mira still has followers… again probably weebs looking for any glimpse into glorious moon life.
No. 67032
>>66951I agree about sharla, she has gotten super boring and tryhard these past few years. She doesn't really have nay interesting content anymore, it's the same shit over and over. Oh, weird food! Oh, weird xyz fandom stuff! Oh, weird new place! Same recipe each video.
Also, it drives me bonkers that her catchphrase is HAY GUYS and the first thing she says is HAY GUYS so every fucking time you watch a video you hear HAY GUYS DING HAY GUYS. It finally got to the point where I had to unsubscribe.
No. 67045
>>67032loooo I know what you mean by HAI GUISE.
Sharla sounds so bored in her videos, and so monotone. "This is so cute, this is so yummy". It really annoys me. But I'm also annoyed by Taylor and the way she acts.. I don't know the word in English but it's when someone moves their hands too much and doesn't seem to know how to not sit still. Kinda like ticks
No. 67189
Taylor is so creepy in her collab videos with Sharla. "YOU SAID IN THAT ONE VIDEO THAT YOU DON'T LIKE TOMATOS. I REMEMBER YOU SAID IN THAT ONE VIDEO THAT YOU LIKE KPOP" Never, "I remember that you told me that…" It's obvious that she is using her for views?
>>67045OT: jesus christ i hate her intro.
Is sharla or the rest of the j-vlogging crew (besides mira obviously) lolzy enough for their own thread on /snow? I've been thinking about making one
No. 67199
>>67189I dunno if there is much to say about her tbh, that's how boring she is. She's kinda old compared to the rest of them, has a fat face and is pretty chubby. Although, that's all just nitpicking.
There's no milk, I think.
No. 67211
>>67189If you make friends with someone via youtube that's how it is though? For my streamer friends most of our 'interactions' are watching each others streams so we'll often say stuff like 'in that stream you said xyz'.
As if you've never brought up a tweet or fb status a friend has made.
if Taylor was using her for views then she wouldnt need to go and watch her videos or anything. Stop trying to make her look vindictive
No. 67239
>>67219Have you guys never considered that maybe they are just actually friends? Not everyone is a fake bitch trying to use people for personal gain like Mira.
I mean, I'll be first to say I never really got why people nitpick Taylor or any of these girls to begin with, like yeah they're weeby but you're probably weeby too if you're in this thread at all, so call me a white knight all you want, but this is stupid as fuck. Not everything is drama.
Jvloggers and gaijin have always and are always going to stick together because they all have something in common. This goes for basically every social group. You have to be a complete idiot to not realize that people who have something in common stick together.
>>67224Following/unfollowing someone will often get people talking about and making rumors about you (see: every time Kota or Kiki unfollow each other) but just casually not featuring someone in your social media anymore because you're not friends anymore is less extreme. This is probably something you wouldn't even think about if you didn't have a sizable following of people tracking your every move on social media, but you have to be realistic about these things.
Would you expect them to just not show videos and pictures of them hanging out with each other? How boring, since they all hang out with each other and that would just leave no content but selfies and food pics. People who follow multiple channels LOVE to see when people do videos together. They obviously know that but I don't think the next logical step is "they're just using each other for views!!!"
No. 67252
>kinda old Anon she's 30.
Getting pretty sick of all these foetus-chans on lolcow…
No. 67253
The entire thread is dumb and full of conspiracists. There is no milk.
No. 67290
>>6725230 is basically a corpse. May as well give up on life, because it's over!!
Yeah, me too. I know some of them are just baiting people into reacting but I also know that the anon saying someone is "kinda old" at 30 was likely completely genuine.
I'm not sure what you guys think happens after you turn 25 but nothing changes, you're still the same person. Your life doesn't turn grey and boring and you dont suddenly feel like you should just give up and be a housewife.
No. 67307
>>67221She used to follow people - also few months ago Taylor asked people to post her picture on their instagram and to tag her, and she will follow them.
She indeed followed them at first, but after short time, she made her Instagram private and unfollowed everyone without any explanation.
And now she's cool because 0 following
No. 67349
Honestly the ones complaining about age you just know are grotty little newfags because to have been on /cgl/ during the golden years they'd have to been like 13-14… maybe even younger.
No. 67387
>>67371And how does she do that? She never dresses like a little girl or age-plays or does any of that shit.
You seem considerably emotionally invested in this girl and I have to question for what reason… it's creepy.
No. 67395
>>67392Yes because shit-talking is something that requires 24 hours a day 7 hours a week.
I'm 24 and I sometimes check/post to lolcow during my lunch at university. It takes up less than 1% of my time.
And what are you doing on here Anon? Shouldn't you be in the mirror popping your acne, developing an eating disorder or asking mommy to go purchase you your first tampons now that you've finally become a woman?
No. 67576
File: 1449213032704.jpg (176.78 KB, 768x960, image.jpg)

Hi Dakota
No. 67592
File: 1449220437297.jpg (148.12 KB, 1080x1279, 12353220_509288829249777_29447…)

Looks like she caked on a lot of dry foundation
No. 67605
>>67592Dat overdrawn cupids bowwwww
Stop it Taylor it didn't look good on Dakota, and it doesn't look good on you either
No. 67822
>>67801Ask her to do everyday makeup routine video :)
jk, it's probably eyeshadow
No. 67892
>>55858I don't know much about her other than from coming here and seeing comments about her being a Kota clone but I would rather support her than Dakota and honestly, I would absolutely love it if she managed to out-do Dakota in popularity especially if it's by stealing her style (which would be the icing on the cake)
It is a shame to see the comparison of her past pictures and her new face but I can understand why since living in Japan changes you and your style
And I certainly appreciate that she actually does more interaction with her fans and puts herself out there more than Dakota so she's a lot more professional and charismatic.
In short, I agree and I hope Dakota is envious and fuming at how Taylor is better than her.
No. 71735
File: 1449999976405.jpg (187.44 KB, 1080x1160, Screenshot_2015-12-13-09-40-45…)

I'm not convinced that she's not receiving money from her dad. What model, with very little exposure like Taylor, can afford a pair of those shoes?
No. 71798
>>71759>>street ratFucking kek
Thank you for making me laugh while I'm miserable on my period
No. 71971
File: 1450053921909.jpg (44.81 KB, 261x504, image.jpg)

>>71802It's just here though.
I'm dropping photo from the video filmed by her sister and still posted by Taylor (she still probably looks better than irl)
No. 71973
>>71751Holy crap. What a ridiculous price for such shoes.
>>71773She doesn't wear any replicas.
No need for it, and kind of embarrasing for her, I believe.
No. 72897
>>72879Holy shit, I cannot tell if you're serious or not.
She's being extremely comfy, why the hell would she have to be all preppy, you can tell she wasn't going anywhere fancy. Jesus christ, anon, you sound like the catty bitches in Berry's thread.
and what makes you think it's a taobao outfit.
No. 72960
>>72955You seem salty that she managed to buy them.
They're ugly anyway, I'm sure you've got some nicer stuff in your closet already.
No. 73004
So… You agree with me then? "Fuck you! I agree!" Kek
No. 73006
>>72977>>72969Me too, she's actually alright and I don't even get why she's a snowflake. At least she made a "how to become a model overseas video" because unlike Dakota who kept it all in the dark, Taylor tries helping other girls.
Notice how most the kota clones aren't as shitty and more normal?
Kota has calmed her ass down a lot but she's more tarento now than a model. People are bored of her I think.
No. 73029
>>73004You sound excessively aggressive.
I was pointing out that you used the plural of surgery,
surgeries, implicating that she'd had more than one procedure done when as far as we know she'd only had one.
Calm the fuck down lad.
No. 73030
>>73020Is…. that bad?
I only prefer Caucasian men. Gonna go make a thread on me Anon?
No. 73055
>>73006She was added as a snowflake because of her copying dakota. Not just looks, but every little trend.
Examples of stuff she did right after kota:
- Cut straight bangs
- Eyebag make-up
- Homecut
- Weird upper lip thing
- Fucking acting like kota in her videos
I agree, she's not as bad of a clone as she used to be (she was 1:1 before), but something is still off about her.
No. 73063
>>73055She acts and talks like her a lot too.
Taylor is fun to laugh at because she copies kooter so much, has bad style, and makes bad decisions. I'm starting to think her fans are making her easier to laugh at too.
"Don't insult taylor!!! Her new video is amazing! She's so nice! And she's waaaaaaaaayyyyyy more likable than Kota!!!!!"
No, they are both unlikable but kota is actually interesting and not a knock off.
No. 73174
>>73063I agree.
>>73065Taylor wasn't saying she prefers Asian men, she basically just said that Asian men like her because she's kawaii.
No. 73294
>>73065>>73174>>73283Yeah, it was a huge generalization she made in that interview. But she's also sorely mistaken.
Asian men would like her more because she's a foreign, pretty girl and not because of her kawaii crap.
No. 73309
>>73055The others I agree with but I don't think you've actually watched any of her videos because you'd know that her and Dakota couldn't act any less alike.
In Dakota's videos she generally sits there wide-eyed, unmoving trying as hard as possible not to move around to much and avoids speaking.
Taylor actually moves around and smiles and is animated and shit; plus her videos aren't completely fucking useless like Dakotas.
No. 73321
>>73319You think
>>71971 is ana? She just looks like a regularly slim girl imo.
No. 73339
>>73319Because she doesn't look anorexic at all, she looks like she's on the low end of normal.
>she's definitely SOMETHING, because that body shape doesn't look especially healthyYou must be American right?
No. 73400
>>73309She tries to talk like her using a deeper voice, limited mouth movement, and jerky head movements. She tries to act boyish yet feminine and her videos are not helpful but general nonsense.
Kota's videos are more targeted and straight forward.
"here's how to do this hairstyle."
You knock off lovers are getting annoying. She's a cheap boring imitation of a certain snowflake. Fuck over it.
No. 73414
Why is it okay to kiss kota's ass but not taylor's?
No. 73421
>>73400Damn, you Kota lovers should step down a notch, people like Taylor, people like Kota, we could care less if she was a clone, there were plenty Kota clones and we didn't fawn over them, there's a reason why people like Taylor (sometimes over Kota).
Also, Kotas videos are 99% tutorials, where as Taylor is general shit, have you ever considered that people like Taylor for reasons other than tutorials ?
No. 73460
>>73330She denies it, but she edits her videos and pictures a lot, it's far from only using filters and simple apps.
>>73421The reason they like her is certanly not because of her make-up tutorials…
No. 73495
>>73063I agree with this anon.
My theory is because Kota's fans couldn't "feel close" to Kota, they latched onto the lesser known copycat instead.
No. 73586
>>73495I can say that I NEVER liked Kota. tbh comparing Kota's and Taylor's videos is like comparing Michelle Phan to Ryan Higa imho. There's a completely different entertainment value that different people WILL like. There are TONS of Kota clones that no one cares about too. It's not her being a kota copy, a girl in japan, a model, someone with a cute dog, or whatever. People like her for different reasons. You realize that there are people who know who taylor is who have NEVER heard of Dakota right?
I think it's ridiculous to argue over why someone does or doesnt like Taylor. Just because you dont see how people can like a food doesnt mean you need to try and pick apart why they do and basically tear down their like because 'oh they only like Taylor because kota-senpai didnt notice them' it's ass backwards thinking.
No. 73649
>>73495I feel that way too.
Kota turned out fake which was an insult, and those who STILL stayed loyal to her are now left with a baby look chasing boring C list celebrity.
But latching onto her biggest copier seems low even for previous kota fans lol.
No. 73658
>>73339no, I'm not.
she's shitty for making her legs look skeletal in photoshop then. I wasn't sure she abused it to that level, but it is obvious now that I've seen the video still.
No. 73774
(…)Special Drama which will be broadcasted on TV Tokyo on 1/6 at 23:58(…)
If it was a series, they'd write "will be broadcasted from 1/6". So she'll be in what amounts to a made-for-TV movie at midnight on a weekday…
>>65672This actually answers the question whether she'll have to speak much Japanese. She'll play a Canadian who fell in love with Japanese craftsmanship and came to Japan, he'll play the university student looking after her. So I doubt she'll have to speak anything more than super simple sentences…
No. 73798
>>73649But Taylor is absolutely the best Kota's copy. And I don't know any other girl who could actully afford to do everything like her inspiration - to be model for some small J-market, to go and live in Japan and then start her "own" thing.
Look Seraphina, she's poor (average = poor). Instead of wearing the most expensive brands, she wears copies from taobao. Instrad of travelling around the world with business class and having a manager to take picture of her, she only once travelled out of country.
Instead of having money and support to live in center of Tokyo, she lives somwhere in Australia.
Seraphina is a fine copy, but 0 compared to Taylor.
And Tayor only in recent videos tried to drop the Kota image
No. 73829
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>>73828It'll be like this I think cept' younger audience and actors. Plus they have Taylor who is the perfect skinny anglo gaijin dream boat for any white woman hungry jap.
No. 74072
>>74058>Kota literally gets "expensive" things handed to herdoes she? where? where do you see that? you sound mad. kota is a wannabe rich bitch while she and her sister are really just white trash.
taylor has plenty of luxurious things in her lap. havent you seen her siblings' IGs or facebooks
No. 74150
>>74071The lumps still look like shit when not in ideal lighting and she has to keep getting them redone.
>>74072This. Kota has yet to go to Paris on the regular or do anything lux. Their lifestyles truly are worlds apart, down to the family lifestyle.
No. 74191
>>74160Yep, Vivienne Westwood is cheap as chips.
I have a store here in Newcastle that I occasionally pop into and even online secondhand bags will only set you back around £50 or a pair of authentic earrings you cab get for as low as £15 of you so a little bargain hunting.
Actually I might go have a look now, buy myself a new necklace.
(that's not how you sage) No. 74210
>>74191Sorry friends but sage is always automatically filed in on my mobile and it's a posting preference, not a stipulation.
Not even Admin-kun should be allowed to decide how users format their own posts. If i choose not to bump a thread for whatever reason that's my own desicion, not anybody elses.
I'm ready for my second ban now. Hellweek is going to be one wild ride.
>>74193I'll send you the manuscript wats ur email bby.
No. 74231
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No. 74304
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No. 74321
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She wears extensions right? Otherwise dear god im a bit jelly
No. 74370
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>>74321She says no, but this is what her hair used to look like.. go figure
No. 74373
>>74370you mean.. her hair
No. 74402
>>74370these gaijin really love their thin, limp, greasy plastered down hair…
>>74231she looks really wide here. she's hiding a nice figure under dumpy weeb clothes. sigh. i'll never be over how she rejected her conventional beauty for a kawaii uguuuu~ aesthetic.
No. 74430
>>74422Thats not why the hime cut doesnt work
Its her big cheeks and strong jaw
No. 74437
File: 1450793923068.jpg (68.18 KB, 650x366, 1150729_650.jpg)

She looks really cute.
No. 74441
>>74440Id Taylor is older shouldn't it be the other way round.
Dakota looks like Taylor :^)
No. 74570
>>74429They're not extensions, and her hair has been flat ironed when it doesn't seem thick.
>>74436>>74437The thumbs look just like Kooter.
The fillered face looks so weird beside other people. I think her old face with the normalfag vibes would work better for TV.
No. 74608
>>74429I don't think people were thinking she has them because it's long, but because of that picture with the curls it looks really thick.
spoiler for being 32" bitch
When my hair was waist length I would have randoms come up and ask how many inches my extensions were. So I guess it's normal for people to think that. No. 74889
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Chin while smiling
No. 74949
File: 1450981858543.png (531.74 KB, 815x473, image.png)

>>74901She's probably been upkeeping it every 3-6 months so the results would be better and better. Also her jaw looks like it was mostly muscle making it big.
I really don't don't she does fillers anymore or if she does I can't notice them.
No. 75092
>>74975Her chin is absolutely fine. It's just the obsessed people from PULL who are convinced that she got a jaw reduction surgery, because she has such a huge jutting chin and wide ass jaw (according to them).
So I was just wondering that if she had the jaw surgery, why didn't she fix the chin as well. Because her chin certainly hasn't changed.
No. 75096
>>75092Her chin changed a lot, it was protruding and sharp, same as her old jaw.
You start checking Taylor only recently if you can't see that. Her face is reconstructed.
No. 75105
>>75096Been following Taylor since she before she was even a thing on here actually.
I see no difference.
No. 75180
>>75105That is quite amazing then. She change SO MUCH and it's cute how innocent you are when you can't see something so obvious. It's also worring.
Can you post a pointy picture of her chin nowdays, somethis so pointy as
>>74370 ?
No. 75222
>>75196I think wouldn't end up well either.
Taylor would be kind but kota would just smile and do that thing where she looks like she's enjoying herself but it's just a polite façade. In that Cinderella interview with that tranny she mentally probably slagged him off. But with Taylor, despite kota having the upper hand due to popteen/manager/bravo ect I think kota would still be a bit self conscious.
I mean c'mon, Taylor is taller, slimmer, long hair which doesn't look fried and limp. Has done profesh modelling, is going to star in a shitty drama and yes kota has been there in Japan longer, she's been in tv appearances ect ect.
But I think Taylor somehow will do better. I just do. Not as much shit talk about her, she shoops herself ugly as a baby alien while being like 28 and looks better without it.
Taylor is rich, kota isn't.
Taylor is basically everything kota wanted to be.
I do just think Taylor will have a better outcome in Japan in the next few years than Dakota. Dakota I think will be there still doing her dolly PS thing. But I think something will happen.
No. 75237
>>75220Taylor has the money and connections to keep getting pushed for things like a drama or video work. I'm also guessing since she's older she's more professional to work with.
Plus she actually looks like herself in videos. Only thing she's worrying is about whether people catch wind of her true age, because she is getting too old to not be married yet by Japan standards.
No. 75270
>>75237speaking of, does taylor list her real age? (on social media, in magazines etc)
unlike dakota whose fake age is starting to get too old lmao
No. 75278
I think they both would act nice to each other but really salty inside. Like everyone else said, I think Kota would definitely be salty about Taylor being everything she wants to be. And I think Taylor would be really salty about Kota being younger, getting more attention, and being shorter/more kawaii(imo Kota suits this style much better than Taylor does).
>>75270No, not at all. She'll block you if you say her age. She used to say her age when she was younger and still living in Hong Kong though.
No. 75292
>>75278Yeah but even though Dakota is 22 and Tay is like 29 almost. Taylor looks GOOD for her age without the try hard kawaii look.
Look at her old HK modelling work it was like a couple of years ago and she looks good. She doesn't look haggard and washed out.
Kota has her baby face still but even just seeing her face on tv appearances she doesn't look that great. Sure she suits the style and Japan loves to shop the fuck out their models.
But at least Taylor can get away with doing professional modelling and look alright, plus her body is better and works out.
Dakota doesn't.
I think Taylor has had a better life and experience overall.
Dakota went viral once and still has jobs now, that's it.
Tay defo has better life.
No. 75346
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Am I crazy or does this look like pre-kawaii-phase Taylor…?
No. 75418
>>75346Yikes, that's her alright. What an embarassing thing to be on the cover of.
>>75292Taylor went against her agencies' advice and wanted to go for the jobs Kota was going for (kawaii, talent etc).
The agency is right in that her old face and higher fashion jobs would maybe have paid more, especially since she's too old for the kawaii thing.
No. 75457
>>75420I don't think it's necessarily to do with her age either. I get the impression that Japan (and Asia in general) likes their westerners to look, well, western. Look how popular Miranda Kerr is there, she's definitley not doing the whole uguu airien beibi thing. I think that's where a lot of wannabe's go wrong. The only westerner that being "kawaii" has had any success for is Dakota, and even she had a much more sultry and mature look when she was first discovered.
Taylor's old (natural) look was much more elegant and, ironically, would have probably worked much better for her in Japan. Look at how much work she used to get, in comparison to now.
No. 75461
>>75457because miranda is cute and doesn't look like typical westerner with aging makeup and angry/sexy image
i like that taylor has natural/youthful look and doesn't try to "look her age" (which is a ridiculous concept imo)
No. 75466
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>>75461I guess my point was that the whole super cutesy moe IRL 12 year old anime girl thing just never seems to really be that well received by a Japanese audience when done by a westerner. Miranda is cute, but she's also sexy and not trying to be like a little girl.
I mean, I like how she doesn't dress or look her age too. But there's a happy medium. She just looked infinitely better (and was more successful) before she started trying to be Dakota/alien baby. She still looked super cute and youthful, but in a more…idk, elegant way?
No. 75470
>>75346Wow that really is Taylor alright. Look at the lower lip shape compared with
>>75466, it's identical.
Even more so considering that when they were creating the book cover, to hire an underaged girl to shoot would have been controversial, so they would have had to find a female model that looked a lot younger than her age.
Nice catch Anon.
No. 75477
>>75457I agree.
Thing is when you're naturally cute it works, Dakota did have a natural appeal to her, Taylor has one and Miranda has it too.
But idiot weebs think brands and all that shit is the main priority. Instead of just being their cute selves (look at magibon even she has a naturally cute appeal despite her manky teeth and doesn't dress like a 4 year old).
Wannabes don't think of it. That's why they don't get anywhere.
No. 75483
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Kota's peach john
No. 75486
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No. 75487
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and this are a no no
No. 76133
>>76100I might be reading this completely wrong, but something about a girl named Marie from Canada, visiting Japan to make a report on Japanese craftmanship for her university.
But according to her own comment on the drama page, she claims she's the one doing the voice. So maybe? I guess it's pretty easy to pronounce rehearsed lines decently, as opposed to interviews and other stuff.
No. 76142
>>76137It's quite shit in her videos, embarrassingly bad in her first videos. In the drama clip it sounds fine, maybe a bit too hyped/fake. It's really hard to tell from just a few words.
We'll see soon!
Oh, and here's a Girls Channel thread about Taylor in the drama. translations:
"This was pretty unexpected from TV Tokyo"
"Please use a Japanese person instead"
"Taylor is cute without modification" <- I think they're trying to say she looks shopped
"Chiba (the male actor) looks cute, but Taylor looks hazy"
"She looks cute, but compared to this photo, she looks different"
"It looks kinda fake when they use a beautiful woman"
"I don't know her talents as I didn't bother to read, but this probably won't be her big break"
"This sounds hopeless"
"Her eyes have been modified so she doesn't look cute"
LOL "She's giving me a Dakota Rose vibe.. I feel disgusted"
And a reply to that "I thought the photo (the comment above posted) was Dakota"
"Model of what? Self-proclaimed model? Instagram model?"
"She looks like Dakota Rose"
"She has a lot of videos on YouTube, but they look a lot like Dakota's style (hair, eyebag make up and so on). The style suits Dakota better"
"Her dark eyes look weird with blonde hair. I wonder if she dyes it because it's seen as wanted in Japan"
No. 76213
>>76168I read it as, since she is dying her hair blonde (when she's naturally brown now), she could also keep her green lenses (which she wears most of the time).
People are just not used to Taylor being a brown-eyed girl.
No. 76272
>>76262Actually, it's a fact that Kota wants to have a personality (cold one, it's her trick), and because of it, her character doesn't suit for that innocente role. Neither director of drama, nor Kota's manager, want Kota to appear under such role.
Kota's personality is more similar to Rola. Rola wouldn't take a part in this type of drama either.
No. 76491
>>75477Morons like Himezawa, Venus, etc. cater toward Japanese subculture and they'll never be professional because the rest of Japan think they're as moronic as the Western countries they hail from.
Miranda Kerr is a great mix of beautiful and cute. Of course she's popular in Japan. She's plain attractive and the face of the most popular lingerie brand on the planet.
Dakota never went full weeb. The living doll crap was done fairly carefully and she dipped her paws in weeb culture for youtube views while mostly showing off a cute face with dolly clothes. It was a pleasant aesthetic.
Taylor has money and can indulge in proper branding, but we've all talked about how her previous persona was far more popular and successful. Taylor was aging well and her western features while looking young would have lengthen her modeling career. The creepy fillers and work done can look really harsh until it settles down and even then it looks a little off and veers off into subculture rather than appealing to mainstream Japan.
I think there's this delusion mixed in with westerns trying to model in Japan that goes a little deeper than "i am lik animu." It's this strange idea that Japan has an entirely different set of standards that will make them finally be seen as beautiful. I think they see these discount bin catalogs with plain jane girls and believe they can do it. But you can do that here in the west. You can model for hot topic by being into subculture or torrid or other niche areas of the industry. Somehow, in a weebs warped sense of perception they think their average looks are good enough when Japan idolizes high beauty standards as much Western cultures. That's why Miranda Kerr will be gorgeous to the Japanese and these weebs will be paying agencies to let them be a part of the "modeling" industry.
No. 76496
>>76412idk why everyone's shitting themselves over her shoes.
they're only a couple hundred dollars, which isn't at all unusual for brand-name boots or something. the only difference is that most designer shoes are actually pretty, while these are fucking hideous.
all I can think of when I see yeezys are 'those look like they smell like a sweaty locker room'.
No. 76510
>>76491Full agreement with you.
Yep, it's true.
Miranda Kerr with her dimples, beautiful body and hair shits over weebs like Venus and Himezawa.
You're right about Dakota too. She was never full weeb, she kept it subtle and casual.
That's the right way to do it. Advice to any pretty girl who has model potential, do it properly if you are aiming for Japan then fair enough but please don't be a weeb with loli brands and all that shit. Just be natural and normal.
Cute, natural and normal. You'll go a long way.
No. 76571
>>76541Yep, that's Taylor. She didnmt get all of her audience that way though. She paid Facebook campaign and in few days got tens of thousands of followers on Facebook, and with that she also got Instagram followers (but less than FB of course).
With that little Instagram scam + paid FB campaign = voilà, a weeaboo dream
No. 76682
>>54836>>54980>>55167>>55313lol do you even nihongo
They're just spammers advertising products, there's a ton under every popular instagrammer. It says something like "omg taylor thankk you so much for recommending me X product! It totally worked and changed my life! X product is super great~ Again thank you for introducing me and my friends to product X!"
No. 76690
>>76168>>76224Even if you have naturally blonde hair and still have hazel or brown eyes, they'll think you dye your hair or are wearing lenses. They just can't seem to comprehend that natural blondes without blue or green eyes are a possibility. I used to use those penpal websites when I studied Japanese and every time I would swap pics with a new penpal I got asked if I dyed my hair/wore color lenses/was hafu. Every time I said no they got more and more confused.
>But don't blondes have blue eyes usually?>Sometimes, but not always. >Oh, I see. So, why do you have brown eyes?>… idk, genetics?It flustered a couple of them so much they stopped talking to me. Eeeythin got so much better when I started using pics of my dog instead.
No. 76699
>>76680Because anon, if you're a "model" you're considered as the alpha human aka most exotic and beautiful thing to roam the earth. That's why so many girls are desperate to be them plus attention, money and fame comes with it too :)
Just have a mixed baby with a tall black guy or spanish if you're pretty. Luckily it'll come out all exotic and with its height will already have a career awaiting for it in years to come. Here's to paying for college earlier!
No. 76713
>>76682True. Pretty much anyone posting to a Japanese audience or regarding Japanese content gets these. I've seen them all over, Funayama Kumiko, Kyary, Seto Ayumi, etc. Kumiko especially tends to get 90% diet ad spam comments on her pictures.
No. 76717
>>76262dakota's nose is actually her best feature, it's cute and dolly
>Dakota looks like a basic bitch irl and Taylor is actually me they both look the same, two americans with these typical but rather attractive american features, the only thing that makes them different is the look in their eyes - dakota's is devilish, taylor's is kind
No. 76759
>>76722that's obvious
not to mention she's the one that has naturally cute features without photoshop and kawaii ugu makeup
No. 76806
>>76749Her latest official hight is the one from Zipper introduction. It's 171. All her agencies list her as 172-174.
Statement that she can't be a high fashion model based on hight is out of point.
No. 76836
>>76754tall, no. there are plenty of women in the 160-165 range with fine as hell bodies, look at winona ryder or sjp. also, most runway models are not "thin" they are literally skeletal. not that being thin is even neccessary to be beautiful, just to be a (mainstream) model.
>>76806omg i know that taylor is (barely) above 170 cm. but women that height who become successful high fashion models ARE AN EXCEPTION, and they are all remarkable in some other other way. taylor on the other hand is bland as fuck.
No. 77233
File: 1451798208170.jpg (203.43 KB, 1080x1080, 10467939_1121560681188281_1661…)

She just uploaded this on Instagram. If genuine, it's a Fendi Peekaboo Bag. The price vary depending on size and such, but it's a pretty expensive bag. At least a couple of thousands for the smallest size
Anyway, they are actually made in very depressing ways.
Calf skin, lamb skin, Selleria, leather, Crocodile, etc etc.
I feel like
1) She wants to flaunt it, and her ~genuine bag~, because she doesn't know the leather is real
2) She doesn't curr because she's daddy's little gurl and can afford burando baggo
3) If someone comments about the leather, she might try to state it's a replica
No. 77249
>>77233She probably got it as a present for Christmas from family. I don't remember her saying she's against using leather though, I'm sure she has a ton of leather goods.
It's funny that she still claims to support her lifestyle with her own money. Kooter gets more work than her yet lives on a more simple scale.
No. 77269
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Looks like she's growing out her natural hair color? Or maybe it's dyed in a way where it shows more blonde when her hair is down.
Maybe it's just the lighting. But I do know she's not a real blonde. Even her sister kept her hair brown, but dyed it blonde when Taylor started getting a lot of followers.
I always thought dark eyes with blonde hair looked nice (if it wasn't too blonde), but I bet she would look much better in her natural color. Opinions?
No. 77291
>>77289How am I supposed to remember? It was sometime around when she went to Paris. Also she has deleted tons of videos so it would be really hard to find it
I'm not trying to argue this, I'm just 100% sure she said this at some point. Maybe someone can dig up that one childhood photo with her siblings? Although old lighting can be deceiving too.
>>her current regrowth is dirty blonde.Alright, so she's naturally dirty blonde then. Looks brown to me. But either way, I just wanted to point out that the rest of her hair is dyed a lot brighter, and was wondering if she was thinking of stopping the dye and just let it grow.
No. 77299

>>77291Sage for selfposting but I watch a lot of Taylor's videos specifically because I can see that we have near enough exactly the same hair colour so I like to see how she coordinates her outfits and what makeup tones she uses as inspiration and I'm considered to be dirty blonde.
Blonde isn't necessarily that light platinum tone you frequently see on Nordic models, it comes in a variety of shades.
Gonna note that the picture of her
>>77269 has been taken indoors with shaded lighting so ofc it's going to look darker. Mine can appear light brown indoors or when it's greasy from not being washed.
Why are we even arguing this again though.
No. 77300
>>77299No one is arguing, really, I just wanted to know how others felt about her hair, if they also thought she'd suit that root color on that photo or just stick with the one she has.
It's pretty OT, sorry, I was just curious.
No. 77852
Although now when she already cought some attention, she can do it.
It might be her plan.
No. 78169
>>78164I'm recording random stuff in case it won't end up on youtube.
She's trying so fucking hard, and she's doing a lot of Rola impersonation like blowing up her cheeks while nodding.
It's really embarrassing (she looks good though), her voice is kinda ugly (she sounds like an old lady), and her Japanese is obviously rehearsed but broken
Btw it's not really a drama, just a long advertisement for various products and places
No. 78170
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Her eye makeup is tragic as fuck
No. 78181
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>>78169Someone noticed her Rola wannabe attitude
And they said "何故ローラ"
("…Why Rola?")
No. 78182
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No. 78183
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Yudai really cute, too bad he looks 12
No. 78233
in case that you can read japanese, read the comments of the blog entry from the male main actor. nearly every comment peiple say "taylor is soooo kawaii" "she looks lke a doll" and so on. looks like she got lots of new jap fans. well guys, she made it ;)
No. 78234
Got about halfway through before I oils not stand it anymore.
I don't understand enough moon speak to follow but the acting was painfully forced. Her "crying scenes" are very cringeworthy. I get that her character is supposed to be OTT to some degree, and she had a lot of every but it felt incredibly and strangely forced.
No. 78235
>>78234Wtf auto correct.
*could not stand it
*energy not every
No. 78238
>>78233What else to comment on their accounts though? I wouldn't go on someone's social media and say "your surgery failed" or "you look plain retarded" even I do think so. If I would write a comment in Japanese, I would also say she's sooo cute. Because she is obv going for it and I don't want her to feel bad.
If I would meet her I would smile and take happy photos with her. It's kind of cool to contact with a girl whose funny appearance is commented in so many different way in forums like this and on the age threads.
No. 78259
those foreign freaks, causing problems for everyone.
>>Yudai really cute, too bad he looks 12and taylor looks like her 18 year old stepsister. imagining them as a couple is weird, to say the least.
No. 78326
>>78322Taylor is boring and rich, but seems fairly naive and not really drama ridden. She's probably a nice person. The reason the thread exists is because she was a pretty western girl with a career in Tokoyo and got tons of plastic surgery and emulates Dakota.
Her situation is interesting because she's another example of gaijin in Japan. Not many of us wish her ill-will and we're all cringing at her bad fillers with a sense of second hand regret.
Whether she succeeds or not isn't a big deal to me because I'm just fascinated with how she's trying to become relevant in Japan.
No. 78340
>>78326>and got tons of plastic surgeryshe just got (bad) fillers in her cheeks, that doesn't even qualify as plastic surgery in asia and especially not as "tons of" it
not to mention they're mostly gone by now
No. 78428
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>>78379She doesn't have eyebag fillers, they more or less disappear when she's not wearing makeup. I think she uses tape or glue, or something.
Also, loling at the Japanese comments telling her she looks better without the eyebag makeup.
No. 78443
>>78164>>78182oh no.
The cheek fillers look so terrible and obvious from these angles.
No. 78521
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>>78428>they more or less disappear um…
No. 78525
>>78164>>78443omg these look really terrible
and why are they so low?
No. 78626
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>>78621Probably uses aegyo-sal glue strips and a bright pencil for shimmer/white on top
No. 78665
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>>78634>>78642No i thought its supposed to make it look like you are always smiling (at least your eyes)
No. 78725
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>>78665This and in theory makes you look more youthful since babies have it. Aegyo is also similar to baby in Korean.
No. 79289
File: 1452435666502.jpg (88.07 KB, 640x640, 12530755_798301820295711_16255…)

Some more pics form the Drama
No. 79290
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No. 79291
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No. 79292
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No. 79293
File: 1452435753373.jpg (88.56 KB, 750x908, image.jpg.cbef9f33a9750daf6d39…)

last one :D
No. 79533
>>79530I get that she was starting out but this was such an infomercial.
Also she seems to have a wonk eye like Dakota now that she's in a video she didn't edit..
No. 79647
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>>79292Removed eyebags and cheek fillers just to see if its better
No. 81181
I don't think the link to her drama was posted yet, was it?'s supposed to be a kawaii but awkward Japanophile so to me the stilted way ok talking and OTT mannerisms made sense.
No. 81244
File: 1452877700316.jpg (87.87 KB, 600x600, CYvep45UsAAUjs0.jpg)

looks like dakoo
No. 81328
>>81313Eh the guy was going somewhere and didn't tell Taylor's character and she wanted to go with him, and he went without her.
I wasn't really paying attention properly but that's what she said p. much.
No. 83631
>>83559I think Kota had her hair like this.
This video is old and only now she's showing it. Combine with the very few selfies and covering herself means she must be refilling her face.
No. 83647
>>83631Her face isn't even covered though, and who makes a fake 2016 video earlier in the year just to post in case something bad happens to them?
I know some of you hate this girl but you're being ridiculous now.
No. 83682
>>83654>>83631lol guys this isn't a fake bob, her hair is obviously tucked into the neck of her sweater.
O' lawdy the reach.
No. 83686
>>83631right, and you've never gone through a lull in your posting times before? Or covered yourself like she is or just not being as done up? The direction she has been going lately is more natural and more intimate with her viewers. So she looks more comfy in her videos. Seems fairly normal to me.
keep reaching though.
No. 83739
>>83719its not a drama girl its an extended infomercial
tho watching it gave me some feels
No. 84264
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>>84157>>84260>she looks like a toddler o.O>what planet are you from? xD Also why do you care? you don't have to look at her. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS WEBSITE
No. 84320
>>84259Have you even watched the video?
She's stiff af, nobody who's able bodies doesn't move robotic like that, except Kota and now Taylor.
Or she had accident, or has something to hide or is pulling Kota 1:1 again.
No. 84341
>>84284>>84264The sudden bumps with stupid emoticons and Taylor's video right afterwards makes me question things.
>>84326Because her old face was fine and she should learn to love herself.
No. 84354
>>84350Why? It's true. Nothing was wrong with her old face. Maybe you don't like the ~love urself~ thing, but Jesus, "love yourself" enough not to deform your face like she did.
>>83737Put your hand over the top half of her body. It looks like a mans legs in some lolita shoes.
No. 84364
>>84345Go away you are a pull member youself.
Because Taylor is a natural beauty and she actually is nice, Dakota and the others are ugly fatties, just accept it, even if you look like irl kota kek.
No. 84368
>>84364haha , you are ridiculous. how can someone be a NATURAL beauty if this person has botox , cheek fillers and other things done on her face. she USED to be a natural beauty. but now she is a wannabe idol - skeleton - ugly person.
if you can't accept the truth then it can't be helped!
No. 84463
>>84260> xDget out
but you have a point. she's not ugly. just not dressing appropriately and doing the ridiculous alien baby makeup
No. 84504
>just not dressing appropriatelyTo be honest I fucking hate this mentality that you as soon as you hit a specific age you
have to start dressing like an old maid.
If the clothes you're wearing suit you than by all means you should wear them, and Taylor suits her clothes.
No. 84520
>>84511Do you really believe that?
I think Kiki looks haggard as fuck. She's one of the few people I would honestly say could benefit aesthetically from putting a teeny amount of weight on to fill out her hollow, angular features.
No. 84578
File: 1453499896858.png (371.63 KB, 539x350, kikikota.png)

>>84520Yeah, she could use a little more fat and muscle, but shes prettier than kota, kota is doughy and has a boring face. both are aigh tho.
No. 84580
>>84579Plus she's rich, actual model, nice face, tall ect. All the things kota and kiki aren't yet wanted to be.
Taylor has more experience than both of them put together. Kota is heading down the tarento route now, I wouldn't say model as much but she's still got jobs going for her. Taylor is a twat, she's an idiot for giving up that HK career so idk what she is now. But she WAS a decent model.
No. 84596
>>84578I always thought Kiki was naturally the prettier of the two sister. She was never a Photoshop queen, if I recall, just a Myspace queen. She didn't need to Photoshop because she's honestly already great looking.
Dakota, on the other hand, has an awkward cherub face and her eyes are not aligned right. She needs all that Photoshop because she is just not a stunning beauty or really even cute naturally. She's just very normal.
Taylor probably is the prettiest all around, but I think her fillers ruined her face so now that's irrelevent. She should've just learned how to use cuter makeup and kept her face like
>>84585. Such a waste.
No. 84598
>>84585What? So she's versatile, why the fuck does that bother you.
What, you think that plain-jane look she got going there is going to get her more gigs? You're deluded.
No. 84639
>>84598No, you're deluded. Modeling agencies love that "plain jane" look because they are actually more versatile than a fat baby face, and can be transformed into any look that the designer wants.
Taylor is just a massive weeaboo and was willing to ruin her face and modeling career by being another generic, boring Dakota clone.
No. 84651
>>84639Funny because it wasn't her plain-jane look that got her a mini-drama.
If you think that
>>84585 is more employable in high fashion modelling you don't understand shit about the fashion industry because any booker worth his or her salt would immediately pass over Taylor's portfolio. That's why she NEEDS the niche, it's only way she'll succeed, exactly the same as Dakota, and surprise, surprise, it's actually working for her too.
If I was Taylor I'd do the same shit too. She's pretty, but she's nowhere near fashion model pretty.
No. 84674
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dat filler
No. 84685
>>84598>>84639Anon, go have a look at modelling agencies. They ADORE fresh faces with a tweak of individuality.
It's a SHAME because Taylor had a good fucking career going for her, good model look and now she wants to look 5. The style doesn't suit her SIMPLE AS.
Half these kawaii ugu styles never fit weebs anyway. Only a handful who have the right look but other than that… NO!
No. 84688
>>84682Exactly, it's weird. I know Japan loves their blonde ugu models. Taylor isn't really featured as much… It's a shame because she would have looked good in certain brands with her old look.
She just looks totally awkward in these baby thrilly dresses and childish clothing. Dakota can at least get away with it, Taylor just suits a more mature look. It wouldn't be as bad if she skipped the eye bags, cheek filler and weird shoop.
Even so, idk what Taylor's aim in Japan really is. Idol? What? They've already got a Dakota.
No. 84690
>>84651What worked for Dakota ONLY worked for Dakota, though. And she is not doing high fashion. Only Japanese brands will touch her. No western brands would ever give Dakota the time of day, because she looks nothing like her photos.
Taylor in the past managed to get work from Anna Sui, an actual designer brand. She probably wouldn't manage to get it now though, because her face looks like she got a bad allergy reaction.
No. 84694
Tay actually got brands, good brands and she's thrown it all away for some dodgy-no-one-but-weebs-give-a-shit brands. That's what baffles me… she could have been gorgeous and modelled still. Look at friggin Miranda Kerr! She's in and out of Japan. They love her look and she's gorgeous without a shitty niche.
Even the Japanese are saying Taylor looks too much like Dakota and aren't that pleased. I know they let her off when they found out about her childhood weight gain and liked her for that apparently in some article before the drama released. But meh, once its been done then…
No. 84696
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If its all about niche… I think Peachymilk should be a model too! Cos shes dolly and ugu also!
No. 84698
>>84651>Funny because it wasn't her plain-jane look that got her a mini-drama.It was an infomercial.
She's going for a niche but it's not going to sustain since she's past the age for foreigner to succeed at that in Japan.
>>84682Any work she gets now is due to monetary investment. Taylor could have been doing luxury brands and making some kind of returns on her dad's investment but alas she wants to be tarento.
No. 84805
>>84607That's what she said and you are really stupid if you believe that for her short looking hair is more important than not looking invalid.
She's just hiding her jaw and neck.
No. 84848
>>84651> Funny because it wasn't her plain-jane look that got her a mini-dramalmaoo
ok maybe it was her money to afford a good agent
No. 84917
>>84846Nah, I don't think it's that.
>>84848She could have done? Lol didn't Kendall pay the VS to let her model for them? Not hating on Kendall btw just saying. If you've got money then you can do just about anything.
No. 84918
>>84698I don't think this niche/persona or whatever it is will last. Not really. I think maybe another three years at the most and she'll resort to something else or try another path. She'll be almost in her thirties by then.
I think ALL these dolly cows will dry up.
No. 85051
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>>83733In this video she reminds me of Esther in Orphan.
No. 85113
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>>85059She looks like a faggot, like those japanese band members but less feminine in the face, sorry just my opinion
No. 85116
File: 1453639432953.jpg (2.47 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0197.jpg)

I was going to post this earlier, but forgot. She was in the Hong Kong issue of Vivi 2016. No idea what it says though.
No. 85128
File: 1453647627868.jpg (54.83 KB, 640x640, tumblr_ndr4cyOfU81rdecglo1_128…)

I don't think she looks manly at all, but I do think her nose is too harsh for her face. I think if I were her, I would've have my nose made into a cute, round button nose.
>>85125She did, but you can really only tell the difference in her profile.
No. 85146
>>85128>if I were her, I would've have my nose made into a cute, round button noseIt's not always possible, it depends on your nose shape and on how skilled is the surgeon. Nosejobs cannot drastically change your front nose shape, sadly.
Sage for OT
No. 85187
>>85186samefagging to add that she's cute and all but her doing any sort of modelling in Japan would probably be a bust imo. I think she wouldn't get far because she has no expression in her selfies, and I doubt that a modelling contract in Nihon would make any difference.
she has two faces: the half smirk smile and the O_O am an elf rearu bahbiee ningyou desuu~~ look where her eyes are wide open.
No. 85188
>>85127What I mean by long is the area between her eyes and mouth is proportionally super long. Maybe it is all her big nose though since that makes such a huge difference.
Her face bothers the fuck out of me though because it seems like she should be pretty but she has an ugly weird mannish face.
No. 85269
>>85196I love how every weeb that gets online attention somehow ends up in Japan.
Liz Lisa is just a normal retail job tho? Peachy probably can't speak Japanese anyway. Weebs all claim to but it's either basic Jap or weeb animu Jap.
No. 85277
>>85269She used to try to speak Japanese(not in videos but she had a blog) and it was very beginner level stuff. I think she quit trying to learn because she completely ignores the few Japanese comments she gets on her streams.
Here's one of her blog posts if you're curious: is the most she's ever really said in Japanese. She mostly just posts/posted pictures/videos on that blog and that's it.
No. 85991
>>85988OH SHIT
things better get real soon
No. 85992
>>85988I'm sure I saw something on her IG the other day about this… or so I thought.
It's funny because Dakota no longer gives a flying shit about people seeing her face. Now she's in dramas!
Oh my god.
I wonder how kaka feels about this?
Jesus, AMWF couples will be shitting themselves.
No. 86016
Tay must be furious
No. 86048
>>85988It's actually not a drama, it's another TV show, but this one is like a dating show.
Quote from the Kooter thread in /pt/:
>I ts not a drama.>there are other episodes of the show featuring other entertainers, meeting, going on a date.>the point of the show is that at the end, if the date went well, you see if they kiss or not>hence "Last kiss" as the titleSo basically Kota is going on a filmed date and at the end will decide if she wants to kiss the guy. Which she won't since she's secretly married/has to keep up her unattainable kawaii idol facade.
No. 86058
>>86048Uh, why would Kota be secretly married when she qualifies for an entertainment visa?
I swear this board is dumber than PULL sometimes.
No. 87191
>>86695> most expensiveLMAO WHAT
a studio in manhattan is at least $2k
No. 87518
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>>87439being in a B-rate drama is way better than being in reality tv because people will assume that you act how you're scripted in reality tv. No one who watched Tay's thing went 'oh yes this is totally how she acts irl' whereas if they script Kota badly there will be people who think that's how she is so we'll have to see.
In actual Tay related news she's apparently on set for something again already so I'm excited to see what if it's just another fashion shoot or what.
No. 87729
File: 1454209782869.png (506.41 KB, 887x577, Clipboard01.png)

She looks quite nice here and a bit less "baby alien" than usual.
No. 88249
>>88192I really dont get yall. A few months ago it was 'Taylor will never get real work in japan cause she's just a kooter copy' and now that she's getting work (and seemingly on the just as/more consistently than kooter) it's 'oh it's just a commercial.'
I swear Taylor could be on the cover of every jfashion magazine and yall would still say 'oh but she's not on billboards' or some other crock.
No. 88265
>>88263… this is sarcasm right???
Also I dont think it's caramel. I'm pretty sure they're japanese style energy/supplement bars
No. 88277
>>88249I'm pretty sure anons are just poking fun at the fact that she kept talking about "FILMING MY DRAMA GUYS! WATCH MY DRAMA! BEHIND THE SCENES OF MY DRAMA!" and going on and on as if it were a full on drama when it was actually a made for tv movie (shown at like midnight kek) made to advertise travel spots.
And getting work isn't what matters. Getting -relevant- work is what is important.
No. 88305
>>88277To be quite honest, If I (or most people) landed a job like that drama thing whatever is was, we would all say it was a drama to save yourself from explaining "oh it's not a drama, or an advert blah blah blah".
I know I would brag to the high heavens if I got that job. Big or small.
No. 88328
>>88302…they are rental clothes for modeling.
Not her clothes.
No. 88361
>>88305Aw, cute!
I hope you get the job, anon.
No. 88514
>>88277Thats the term for it in Japan though? Even made for TV movies are referred to as 'Dramas'
Also no one starts out with top billing gigs. If anything doesnt this proove that Taylor isnt paying to get work? If she was paying for it she'd be in higher gigs.
Also imho any work is 'relevant' work. She's not in some back alley fashion store like busuzawa. She's on TV and not on some show that's making fun of her shooping and calling herself a living doll like Kota.
She's doing well and it's time you just deal with it.
No. 88595
>>88514>that's the term for it in japanNot the anon you're talking to but this is reaching. There is a distinct difference between an actual drama and an infomercial.
There's only so far one can go with financially supported representation. Taytay's biological clock is also ticking.
No. 88630
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No. 88631
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No. 88638
>>88630Girl needs to learn to wear stockings or absolutely anything to cover up her legs. Her face looks like Dakota Photoshopped onto a drag queen.
Does anyone know what brand of clothing she's wearing here?
No. 88841
>>88834i'm pretty sure that she's exactly as skinny as she 'likes to portray', her exercise videos would take a hell of a lot of AE editing otherwise. she's just wearing an unflattering dress here. taylor really needs to stay away from babydoll/empire-waist dresses. the stiff/flared skirt on this one is awful.
you sound bitter and crazy af, tho, ngl.
No. 89310
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Another "drama"
No. 89313
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>>89310Kek, it's related to the people behind the "Why did YOU come to Japan?" TV show, which is basically a huge joke of Japanese making fun of weebs. Nice job, Taylor. I don't know how serious I can take this "career" of hers.
She looks so mych like Kota, wtf
No. 89348
>>89313Her face looks like filler mush here.
I feel bad for her "gigs" though, they're unwatchable.
No. 89363
>>89319Kek, we're on lolcow, we do what we want.
And what do you know about me? Nothing.
No. 89532
>>89512Calm your tits first? I'm not even talking about taylor at this point. I'd like her to star in some shit that isn't "white girl speaks weird japanese and finds out the true beauty of nihon because isn't our country special!" shit that TV Tokyo puts out every quarter.
The drama itself being shit was my whole fucking point.But go ahead, kiss Taylor's ass some more, it's pretty cute actually.
No. 89545
>>89477> not that smart to be a part of a TV show like the Last kiss ok high moral goddess, tell me more
who gives a shit
tv exposure is exposure
get over it
No. 89709
>>89689I really wish people would stop crying 'Taylor is a Dakota clone'. Real life Dakota looks nothing like Taylor at all. Also for a 'clone' Taylor sure does dress completely differently.
Taylor will ALWAYS be better than Dakota in my eyes because she actually cares about her fans and if you think about it, it should be the other way around. Taylor got where she is through connections (both her contacts within the modelling scene and her access to go around more due to money) not her fanbase whereas without a fanbase Dakota would have been onto the next thing by now.
Taylor's style change hasnt really been that much of a change compared to how she used to dress where as Dakota's style has been all over the place.
She's cares about her fans and actually interacts with them.
It's extra frustrating because people like you nitpick everything she does or doesnt do.
Also let's be real shut up about her age. Tsubasa is still modelling at 31. Modelling isnt about age it's about look not age.
No. 89730
>>89709the way people nitpick kooter, i don't blame her for not interacting with people. You hate the fact that everybody knickpicks Taylor, but face it, the only reason everybody wants dakota to make vids and interact with people is so that they can get more milk from her. Dakota is smart not to do that.
Hell, a lot of Japanese agencies are pretty tight about social media, so she probably can't even post what she wants. What next, are you going to bitch about taylor being better than tsubasa because tsubasa didnt @reply you on twitter?
No. 90123
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k but i doubt kota gets this much
No. 90158
>>90152Lol, not surprised about that.
Was that anon even serious? Taylor doesn't even really have a following there. And there have been other white weebs (like pmt and Abi pop) that have been mistaken for Kota when they were in Japan.
No. 90265
>>90243Actually I believe they would take picture of both, because in general, if you are a white and in weeaboo clothes trying to be as cute as possible in that weird world, people will look at you and they will take pictures of you.
I'm the first one who would.
No. 90450
>>90313me too
I mean it's ok to get inspired by someone's style (ike Taylog got by Dakota's) but she really needs to find something that would make her stand out, otherwise she's completely replaceable.
Kota at least has her weird personality.
No. 90458
>>90147Always love how unimpressed kota looks here
like "the fuck away from me"
No. 91696
>>91393Moonspeakers please translate.
Just by the clips she seems like she's doing another overly super kawaii~ gaijin role.
No. 91711
>>91696First vid)
Host: Tell us about your first love
Tay: When I was little, I was fat. There was a boy I liked, and he called me 'fatty'.
No. 91727
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>>91581those men were the only ones that were taller than her, thats why
No. 91771
God forbid casting a normal looking foreign girl for these roles.
No. 91951
>>91711that was her "first love"? omg so tragick
and please, she wasn't that fat. her parents are the fucked up ones for allowing her to go on a diet for weight loss when she was prepubescent. If you are eating healthy, normal meals and exercising, but you weigh a bit more as a kid, chances are you'll thin out when you grow.
Seriously her "fat pics" and talk about being bullying because she was "fat" are so annoying because there were tons of kids much fatter than she was. They grew out of it. I was bullied severely as a kid and don't sit on youtube crying about it 20 years later after having achieved almost everything I wanted in life. She is desperate to be relevant and it's so obvious. "Look at me, I'm not perfect, I had some chub once but starved it off - check out my stick legs now, guys"
No. 92010
>>91951I absolutelly agree.
And if she really thinks being a bit chubby as a child is such a tragedy, she shouldn't try to inspire people with that. People should't think literally crying after that is ok. It's not.
This retard
>>92006 is just Audrey or Taylor herself or some of those copypasta personalities.
No. 92029
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>>91771>dips feminine fedoraFucking chinks not representing fat and ugly girls like us guise
>tfw no asian bf No. 92062
>>92010Taylor talking about being chubby as a child is her lazy way of trying to be relatable to young girls.
It's weird whenever she talks about how everyone should love themselves and blah blah when she loves herself now because of how she looks and the validation being a model gives. Even if it took a lot of money and support to be one.
No. 92137
>>92006I wasn't fat, not that it matters. I was bullied for other things.
>>92062Yes, it's her sad attempt at being relatable, I agree. It comes across as insincere.
No. 92152
>>91393The drama actually looks kind of cute. I think its about a serious hardworking not cute journalist finding a cute foreign girl to be a news reporter/journalist and the Japanese one has a crush on the producer who likes the foreign girl? But the Japanese and foreign girls are friends so they have to work it out?
The nips probably end up together cuz muh racemixing and Taylor goes back to the west or something
No. 92162
>>92158Please be a proper fan of Taylor and go to see that video on her channel - she start crying about it, literally.
>because she doesn't feel bad anymoreShe shouldn't feel bad, of course! But she wants to express how poor her still feels bad and sorry for her younger self that is gone, and wants to get sympathy for that, which is so lame, and we are critizing that; nobody is saying that she should feel bad, for god's sake.
She should just shut the fuck up wirh her fake "poor lovely me" attitude and enjoy her wealthy life, since she is surrounded by people who do nothing but support her, as they did since the beginning of her life.
She is born with everything, and she had and still has everything.
It is so lame that she also wants to get sympathy for being "lesser", because she was never one of those.
There is no jealousy, just saying that it's not positive trait of hers that she is trying to persue people that she had a real hard time, which she didn't (as she said her parents did nothing but constantly supported her financially and mentally even though many modeling agencies didn't want to accept her, then her parents paid for Taylor's modeling school because she wanted that - whose parents can do that??), because it makes people feel unhappy (see all the comments under her video: "I love you Taylor, I wish I had somebody to support me, I am so lonely :(", stuff like that make not like her, why the fuck does she want to express so much how she was lucky but "I felt bad like you, but I escaped from that because of the huge love, support and money that I got and still have", and others will never have.
She should just enjoy her life and since she wants to be famous on the Internet as a supernice person, she should just let us watch her expensive clothes and makeup and travels so we can dream about it, but she should not fire up a dream that "it will be better because of love and money" because it won't, some of us might have money, some might have support from the family, some even moght have both, but for sure it's rare.
If someone has all of it + a dream of living like Taylor, if they actually decide to go to Japan, they will succeed 100%.
But yeah, that's not jealousy, and I hope that this long post explained you this other point of view, of somebody who is not fan of a Taylor, but I can also enjoy some of her content, although I can enjoy it less and less.
No. 92171
>>92006>>92010wtf is wrong with you people
bullying is bullying
kids dont give a shit if you are 10lb overweight or 100lbs over, if you are the least bit different you'll probably get shit. i wasnt even fat but hit puberty pretty early so i got shit on for years and it fucked me up badly for a while.
maybe you dont think its such a problem because you
a) had an excellent support system
b) had the opposite - an upbringing where showing weakness = failure and instead, suppressed your hurts into anger which you take out on people online.
taylor is very privileged and has some lulzy shit but her childhood isnt one
No. 92219
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>>92029Probably bait but I think
>>91771 meant something like pic-related, not alien baby face Taylor R and certainly not fat uggos.
No. 92450
>>92171It sure is a problem, no question about that. But are you posting videos of yourself crying because people made fun of your early puberty? By middle twenties people get over that shit, especially if they are doing their dream job and succeeding pretty well at it. Especially if the bullying was body-based and they are modeling internationally. It sucks to think about the bullying but it's not happening anymore. It's been probably 15-20 years since Taylor was bullied.
Let's not forget that the crying happened in the middle of that "draw my life" video but she made sure to have a tear-stained face at the end of it for extra asspats and likes!!
No. 92545
>>92450She was called fat when she was 9. Now she is 27.
I agree, wtf.
And who on Earth was not bullied for some reason, I wanna hear that.
And why she has to put the part where she is "crying", or that extra moment with a tear on face. It contributes to nothing, but to whoring for back pats.
No. 92549
>>92485>>92488I'm pretty sure she chose the worst/fattest picture of herself as a child, she was eating there. She still looks normal, agreed.
If rhe story she said was not true, that's even more fucked up than trying to show how she's crying now, after she has everything, and it is all given to her, nit achieved. Why is she crying though… Are you, Taylor's fans on this thread, also crying because you've been called names, now 18 years after that??
No. 92715
>>91393It already looks bad. I admire the fact Taylor is getting work (but I do like Dakota better), but… she's a bad actress.
She never knows what to do with her hands. She has no idea what response she wants from her scene partner. I know some of it is she's given these shitty, dumb blonde girls… but she has sparkles of good acting and then over exaggeration out of the wha-zo. I can imagine that works a bit more with modeling in some cases (specifically for smiling, cutesy shots), but for more serious ones it's all about being subtle. She has none of that in acting. :(
No. 92826
>>92737Okay, going to summarize the story, just the important bits.
>Taylor plays Lily, an American Girl who suddenly comes to Japan and cries about how her computer is broken.>A reporter, Aya comes to her aid and asks her why she is here. She ropes her up into a program that details why foreign (aka American) people have come to Japan. >Lily says it's to meet her ex-boyfried who she first met 10 years ago. >This is the same man that Aya broke up with before the story starts. She doesn't find this out until much later.>So Lily and Aya go to find this ex-boyfriend asking lots of people, whilst Lily details her about how they met and who he was. (Without revealing his name, because why would you do that, lol.)>So she finally shows Aya a picture, and by sheer coincidence it's her ex-boyfriend too! Aya feels conflicted to help her but resolves too because Lily came to Japan for this one reason.>Aya contacts a girl who works with Ryoutarou, (or Tarou, what Lily calls him because she couldn't pronounce it well when they first met.)>She tells her that she and Lily are coming.>Eventually they meet, and Aya is convinced that him and Lily will reconcile, which upsets her. But because she is selfless and wants the best for him, she's willing to let go.>But actually he wants to marry Aya! She asks about Lily, and he tells her that Lily was her first love and the one he loves is her and so on. >So they hookup, Lily bids them farewell and happiness and goes back to America.>Since Aya is collecting footage from the whole ordeal, she forgets that she didn't get one last shot from Lily and the two chase after her.>The end.So it's a pretty standard story. Like a special or what not, not a long running series. Taylor's acting is okay, but I'm convinced she had to ham it up because of what the story is about in the first place. The main guy is totally passive, and romance-wise there's nothing much to it. If I had to give it a rating, I'd say 5.5/10 or something.
No. 92836
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> せっぷくして
literally why
No. 92967
>>92956Not the same person to who you responded but…
Is that what you write when somebody beats your argument? Lmao
No. 92974
>>92737That was unwatchable and the commercials for items was weird. Candles? keeek
I skipped around the video and it's like she cant stop making faces that are meant for selfies.
>>92929>>92956Is obviously the same person shitting up the thread.
No. 93016
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> Cries in a video for being bullied when she was a chubby kid.
>Gets fillers on her cheeks so her face looks fat and bloated.
No. 93106
File: 1455497862434.jpeg (88.33 KB, 750x506, image.jpeg)

For when she deletes it
No. 93143
>>93016Her face is melting downwards.
The puffiness is such a contrast to the rest of her which is boney and spindly.
No. 93196
>>93143I have fat face and skinny body naturally and so does many of my friends. There's nothing weird about it.
You guys really need to expand your knowledge about body types. Every combination of features is possible.
And tbh I think she looks a lot better with those fillers, at least they hid her huge american jaw and made her look soft.
No. 93215
File: 1455532918921.jpg (56.22 KB, 634x519, article-2347438-1A7B31AE000005…)

>>93016These fillers look horrendous, this doesn't even look kawaii. Why does she keep doing this to herself
No. 93298
>>93207The way they are practicing is that her manager is reciting the lines one by one to her and she repeats them until they are close sounding to what the manager said. That's why her expressions don't quite match what she's saying.
A dialect coach is typical when doing foreign speaking roles, but usually you have to pay for them…
No. 93401
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>>93298>usually you have to pay shouldnt be too hard with daddy's credit card
No. 93837
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No. 94056
she will look like constipated sausage in a few years when her face can no longer tolerate all the shit she does to it
No. 94296
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>>93837 Why did you ruin your face, Taylor??
No. 94365 really don't understand what she's doing. She goes to Kochi with a couple of old people, to do stuff and let them take photos of her? It seems really weird.
Like why is she doing activities with old people instead of friends, or what?
Do you guys think she went there to film something, a new "drama" maybe? Her manager isn't even there.
Then she got this super old guy who is translating stuff for her. They seem way too old to be tour guides though.
No. 94430
>>94365and what about that white girl translating in the first video lol
anyway i dont think its totally weird for her to fly across the country for a small job. sure they could have stayed within an hour of tokyo if all they wanted was a beach scene, but who knows…
No. 94431
>>94365i like her baby outfit lmao
the overalls
No. 94432
>>94365I'm pretty sure this isnt a trip but a series of Kochi photoshoots. She has several 'managers' actually and I guess the main one we know couldnt leave Tokyo so this other lady is one of the 'back up managers'. As well as the translator and the photographer. I'm assuming a magazine is doing a spot on Kochi or maybe Kochi is making a booklet or something.
It's not like she's there just for a trip so there's no way she'd be taking friends with her anyway.
But (being a filthy taylover) I think what her management has been doing is genius. She's gotten two high quality gigs being the westerner face of districts in Japan. If they keep going in this direction with her she'll probably become the foreign 'face' of several districts and that's really good for getting her other jobs, especially with Brands wanting to get that foreign/international appeal
No. 94562
>>94444yea i thought her japanese was a bit better. she knew the omikuji was bad luck "in love. right?" she knew the kanji for love i guess thats it lol
she's lived there a year now right? step it up tay
No. 94600
>>94562If she was a teenager she'd learn faster but she's past the age of picking up any language quickly.
No idea what's happening in the video though. The random other people explaining and narrating brought more value to the content than Taylor.
No. 94646
>>94600She would learn faster if she were actually studying. People in their late 20's and 30's can learn languages past baby stage easily if they are immersed and practicing everyday. She has been surrounded by japanese speaking coworkers everyday, so it's not like she's some shut in english teacher where she couldn't practice everyday.
You would think being on TV speaking the language would encourage you to hit the books more often
No. 94696
>>94432Sorry to bring up this like/dislike Taytay thing again.. but I can see why people like her. She wears cool/cute stuff, has nice long hair and her videos are by far more interesting than the generic jvloggers doing "WEIRD JAPANESE CANDY" videos.
Personally, I don't like her, but because of small stuff like how she ignores simple questions "How old are you?". I guess she wants to not officially say, which is fine, it just comes off as dishonest to me. And the same thing about her age, whenever someone asks she'll delete it, or ignore it.
I also cannot forget her kotacopy phase, even though it's over (I think).
Let's not forget her trying to hide her fillers. Like I said, I wanna like her, but I can't because I feel like she's too dishonest about some stuff.
No. 94987
>>94696One of my favs was when she posted her picture with Beckii Cruel and under the picture wrote "go follow her".
-Uhm, you first
No. 95053
>>95000Taylor said that for Beckii's Instagram, and Taylor is following zero people.
So no, she didn't. My fav
No. 95158
>>95053No I mean, I saw that photo but I didn't notice the caption.
>>95092That she's too cool to follow anyone, I guess?
She's ~so popular and special~ that she can't ~choose her friends like that~
idk, it's fucking dumb
No. 95165
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No. 95167
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No. 95177
>>95172I agree, it's her face. But you can't lie that her old face was far better anon. C'mon.
Still out of ALL the weebs, I don't give a fuck about Venus or Dakota, Kate, Busuzawa ect. Tay is probably the most successful one and has the most going for her. Kota… maybe. But Taylor is definitely the one with the most experience, good family, money and a degree ect.
Everyone else is just fucking crazy.
No. 95186
>>95170am I the only one who finds her better looking now? I just think she looks plain as fuck in these pics. I mean very pretty but boring.
I really think people who have something more than the basic model face are usually a lot more attractive, if you don't stand out you might as well be ugly
No. 95250
>>95177She doesn't have a degee.
She dropped out of college when she left Hong Kong for Japan.
No. 96929
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No. 97707
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No. 97746
>>97707shoop right?
dont get me wrong, she is truly slim. but… her hips/thighs arent that small…
No. 97748
>>95166I think she is gorgeous here.
Why Taylor why
No. 97772
>>97711Is this a sarcastic question?
She meets up with different people in her vlogs, even exluding fellow youtubers. Yeah, she probably has friends.
No. 97833
>>97772Everything on her youtube channel is scripted sponsorships and partnerships, it's not real friendship.
No. 97852
>>97846People have been asking for makeup videos for ages.
Maybe she worries that her younger fans will be cuter with the same makeup she uses and steal her impact.
No. 97865
>>97852haha that would be funny but she doesnt strike me as that kind of girl.
she actually retweets her followers pics often
No. 97932
>>97852I kinda have the same feeling, like she's worried that there's high potencial someone will look very similar, only better.
>>97846Are you me? This is my exact opinion about the food.
I also stopped watching videos after the fake crying, I can't.
.. I'm actually more surprised somebody understands this thing about the food.
No. 98847
>>98766God fucking damnit that Kota lip.
Taylor you're fucking stupid. You ruined your face and you're making yourself look like shit trying to copy a girl who only got to be a model by completely changing her face in Photoshop and AE, and even when she did she didn't do it by puffing her cheeks out and drawing her mouth into a puckered asshole. That's the shit she started doing when she stopped being relevant and started having her ageing crisis, not the stuff people liked her for. Stop copying her failures, let the cheek fillers go away and buckle down on studying Japanese and you could crush Dakota and surpass her even at the height of her popularity so easily. You have everything she could only pretend to and yet you insist on making yourself ugly like her as if she's something to model yourself after to become a model in Japan. There's a reason nobody shoots with her since she started te alien baby shooping full time. Take the hint Taylor, you were gorgeous until you started trying to be her.
No. 98861
>>98847I agree anon. But the thing is, Tay is still getting jobs (even if she is paying for them) despite how much you all hate it. Taylor actually IS NOT that bad in comparison to the majority of weebs that are in Japan with backpack drama.
She only got surgery and ignores peoples questions. It's not that bad. At least she doesn't have a crazy mother, so what if she's spoilt but at least she doesn't brag like Jillian or lied her way into a job with photoshop. Since Taylor got into modelling without PS obviously due to her HK days ect ect.
She's an overgrown kota kopy weeb, yes. But she isn't as bad as you all make out. I'm not even a fan and her acting is shit. Still not as bad as the rest.
No. 98863
>>98851It's like I just said, she isn't that bad. It's just people like to moan about her surgery, which yeah I agree she looks a state now. But unlike Dakota she actually makes the effort to try with videos/go places and talk to other people whereas Dakota gets everything on a plate and is a NEET.
People don't like Taylor either because she's rich or she ruined her oh so beautiful face. Just let her do what she wants, she'll soon regret her eye fat and elf ears.
No. 98866
>>98863>she actually makes the effort to try with videos/go places and talk to other peopleTaylor just wants dat youtube vlogger fame.
>Dakota gets everything on a platePretty sure it's the other way around. Everything is possible with daddy's credit card, huh Taylor!
No. 98886
>>98880its not, but it's not something that makes her better than dakota like the other anon suggested.
>>98878>plus her familythen put her on the same level as dakota, who apparently 'gets handed everything'. I don't care about either of these girls, but at least don't be a fucking hypocrite just because you have some sort of pull-tard level beef about dakota.
No. 98903
>>98886If you don't care then why are you venturing in the thread? You're obviously interested anon.
But Taylor is hardly as BAD. Yeah, so what if she comes from a rich family? Don't act as if you wouldn't make the best for your best if you had the money she had.
It's just as tiring seeing all the lame attempts at making Taylor look bad (as if she hasn't done that to herself already) as it is how people still bitch about Dakota's awful shoops. It's BORING.
There is literally NO milk apart from that. Infact, it isn't even milk. It's just nitpicking.
You're all getting as bad as PULL if truth be known.
No. 98904
>>98880Nowadays, every weeb in Japan whether they're a model or a nobody flocks to YT simply because they WANT attention. It's a saturated market of shit we've already seen before. But people will do it because views and dolla.
Just leave people to it.
No. 98968
>>98966This is embarrassingly pathetic.
You don't have to believe me Anon, but I'm not Taylor and I'm lightly chuckling to myself at your paranoia and stupidity.
I'm also pretty sure it's like 4:36 in the morning in Tokyo atm. r u srs.
No. 98970
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>>98968you can whitenight yourself some more in the morning, but for now its beddy bye time taylor! under those covers little missy!
No. 98973
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>>98970Literally posting from the UK m8. Accept you were wrong and wallow in your shame.
No. 99096
>>98863Dakota works as a model (even barely still counts I guess). NEET stands for "Not in Education, Employment or Training".
She's a hikkikomori, meaning she has no friends and never leaves the house unless she absolutely has to.
No. 99401
>>98861>Tay is still getting jobsYou underestimate how rich her dad actually is. None of the work she has been doing has ever funded her face mods or lifestyle, even if she pretends it does.
Anyways, it seems like Koots and Taytay are fighting each other in this thread again.
No. 99668
The people aping out about how Taylor "ruined her natural looks" and how she was "so much prettier" in her older days need to get a fucking grip.
In pictures like
>>95167 >>95166
>>95165 she's so fucking basic and plain it hurts, and I've no doubt that Taylor was aware of this too. Just because somebody is generic pretty it does not make them a model, and that's exactly what Taylor was; generic pretty.
Regardless of what you think of her current aesthetics, it's undeniable that she's 100% more marketable now not only online but also IRL which is undoubtedly why she's seen a rise in employment as of late.
You think Japan doesn't see a dozen or so girls like
>>95165 >>95166
>>95167 walking around every day? Get real. The way she currently looks is what's best for her career.
Taylor stan 4 lyfe no shame (pls don't get cheek fillers again though Taylor).
No. 99674
>>99668Yeah, yeah anon. We can't do anything about it, if she wanted the surgery then fair dos. But she DID look better before. Even if Japan sees basics like her everyday.
Funny, how Japanese models look natural as fuck (apart from Tsubasa M). But every foreigner that comes has to get something done kek.
No. 99677
>>99668Second fam.
Just wish Taylor would tell us how she "ruined herself" by getting rid of the square jaw because I want to ruin myself the same way.
No. 99679
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>but she DID look better beforeI can't really argue with you on this because it's entirely subjective, but whilst she may have looked better to you, in the world of entertainment and vlogging she was a basic ass bitch and Japan wouldn't have looked twice at her if she'd originally rolled up looking like this.
No. 99680
>>99679When Japan noticed her, it was before she modified her face.
So even she was basic/prettier/more boring or whatever, it's her old face that brought her to Japan. That face is now gone
No. 99683
I reckon she got the surgery done to fit the standards/trends tbh. I doubt Japan would have gave a flying fuck if she had surgery or not.
Taylor should have kept her "basic ass bitch" face and just copied Dakota's early style. You know? That bubble gum elf goddessu style with the winged liner/lashes and just continued from there I guess. She would have suited that so much better than her loli dolli thing she has going right now.
The first look Dakota had was mature looking, cute but mature. Tay could've sported that.
Even Japan liked that look.
Notice how Dakota is toning down her outfits more and more? Probably trying to look more mature. But then again she even said it in her first interview "I'll just tone it down as I get older…"
No. 99686
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You guys really need to stop with the "urgh, that bitch got a shit load of surgery to her face" crap.
Comparing her oldest Youtube video which was filmed before she even came to Japan, she looks exactly the fucking same. The only thing that's different is that now she's wearing circle lenses, has a different hair colour/style, different eyebrows and is applying her makeup in a different way.
As far as anybody knows the only modification she had to her face was shitty cheek fillers that appear to have worn off quite some time ago and fillers do not constitute surgery. If you guys really believe this is some kind of dramatic evolution of otherworldly proportions I'm suspect that you're underageb& because you obviously don't have a clue how to use makeup.
All this grasping is making this place start to seem like PULL. It's revolting.
No. 99692
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>>99690That's makeup you dumb shit.
Doesn't know how to use makeup.
Underageb& confirmed.
No. 99713
>>99680Just like Dakota.
>>99686Lmfao she looks like she got punched in the mouth.
No. 99730
>>99692She puts makeup on them to highlight them, but she got them put in. Do you think she just grew some kawaii under eyebags magically because Japan?
Also in my 40s. Your slapdown was hot garbage.
No. 99736
>in her 40's>browses lolcowI'm not sure how you were intending to win with this comment….
You're a 40 year old woman sat on an internet bitch forum in the middle of the night criticising some 28 year old weeb model for her looks?
No. 99805
>>99689No, this is already in Japan, so here she already evoluted.
>>99692This weird, weird face trying to look cute freaks me out and has nothing in common with pre-surgery Taylor, except forcing her eyes as open as possible.
No. 99920
>>99820She was living in Japan when this happened. We agree.
She evoluted there, in Japan. When this video is made. She didn't look like in this video when she lived in Hong Kong.
Rosie is in this video. Taylor brought Rosie to Japan about 2 months after Taylor moved to Japan. This room tour is made months after Taylor was already living in Tokyo.
No. 99958
>>99721>just like Dakota>she looks like she got punched in the mouth>you sound jellyWhat? Her mouth looks swollen because of that ugly ass over lining; she had jobs prior to making herself Dakota 2.0.
I've yet to find jealousy in my post.
No. 100074
>>99998ikr. It really does feel like this place is turning into PULL.
I know we're devoid of milk atm but this level of nitpicking is pathetic. We used to be better than this.
No. 100140
>>10013026 isn't weird or old at all. I'm 24 and it's this age bracket that were the original old-fags on /cgl. Mid to late 20's sounds about right and most of the friends I made through /cgl/ are now all around 25, 26, 27, 28 etc.
40 is fucking weird though. You'd had to have been around 32-35 if you were an oldfag /seagull/ and idk why somebody in their mid-30's would have any business browsing a lolita and cosplay bitch board.
Honestly if you think 26 is old you're pretty much admitting you're a big babby newfag Anon.
No. 100145
I meant it as an agreement to
>>100044 saying "holy shit" hahaha
No. 104180
>>104171No, the only reason most people here don't hate her is because SHE'S. DONE. NOTHING. WRONG.
I'm all for pettry dramu but the way you bitches keep dragging this girl up and scraping for the corners of the barrel for powdered milk is pathetic and extremely cringey.
No. 104205
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Funny how suddenly making fun of taylor is SO WRONG OMG when she gets as much snark as any other jvlogger/wannabe model. Why are you white knighting on a post made two weeks ago? You said it yourself, her milk is dry, leave it the fuck be and don't try to shit all over lolcow in the process.
>>104197/pt/ is for lolcows, /snow/ is more for snarking on smaller people.
>>104196This isn't PULL, and people here openly snark on people because it's fun. If people want to laugh at her failed cheek injections, then leave them to it. A lot of people on these boards aren't as bad as the snark leads you to believe. For example, "just trying to become a popular J-vlogger and do some modeling jobs" applies to Yukapee as well, but her thread is still active. Hide the thread if it bothers you so much.
No. 104220
>the girl is dishonest. She's a spoiled brat from a rich familyOhohoho so this is what it actually comes down to isn't it? You're some grotty, poorfag wageslave who's salty over a girl who had the fortune to be born into a wealthy family and you can't fucking stand seeing her going out and attaining all this success whilst you're stuck flipping McBurgs lel
Nothing I've seen of Taylor has actually indicated that she's spoiled. You see a lot of young women born to wealth who end up doing nothing with their lives or become Instagram hoes who get paid to peddle shitty scam products. Taylor doesn't have to work at all, but she's out there doing it anyway.
And no taking inspiration from another girls fashion style does warrant hatred. It was never even Dakota's style to begin with, she bastardised it from J-fashion mags and animu, and unlike Dakota at least Taylor actually has the same face in her videos as she does in her photos which technically makes her the superior version.
No. 104223
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Why is it that Taylor's whiteknights can't defend Taylor without bringing down Dakota
>>104220>and unlike Dakota at least Taylor actually has the same face in her videos as she does in her photos which technically makes her the superior version.Yeah we get it anon, Taylor is a ~~perfect elf goddess who looks just like she does in her candid pictures!~~
No. 104224
>>104223Taylor looks exactly like her recent selfies irl. At least she can say that much. Dakota doesn't even look like her the new selfies she's posting.
Taylor is a million times better looking irl and on camera than a lot of you fatty farmers do.
No. 104234
>>104180>scraping for the corners of the barrel for powdered milkTop kek.
But if people want to talk about Taylor's weird fillers and embarrassing Dakota copy phase, let them. That's why her threads are in /snow/ to begin with.
No. 104293
>>104275you forgot to add
>Magazine picture so the magazine probably shooped it>>104223Also we only compare Taylor to Dakota since the haters ALWAYS do. 'She's a kooter copycat', 'omg she looks just like dakota in this pic lol', 'Wow Taylor stop trying to look like Dakota'
Yet when we then compare and say why they're nothing alike 'LOL ALL U GAIZ CAN DO IS COMPARE DAKOTA AND TAYLOR HURRRRR'
>>104215Anyone who brings up Dakota's racism shit gets told to shut up in the Dakota thread so your point is invalid.
>I do find her videos interesting at times, but I don't like her. She annoys me.If she annoys you find someone else to watch? Do you really have nothing better to do with your life than actively follow someone who you dont like and annoys you? She barely has anything like most of the other cows/flakes (Dakota's fetus shoop, PT's constant attempt to be a kawaii idoru, Michelle Phan's constant lies and scamming, Himezawa thinking she's famous, etc)
No. 104330
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Yea you all forgot she's a natural beauty
No. 104613
>>104530Give some shot where she's not pulling the face then. If there is any.
Maybe when she talks? But then she looks worse.