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No. 944826
share your most intimate and sinful story
>>>/ot/916432 No. 944855
>>944849you should kill yourself, seriously you as a human being are a degenerate without much prospected and what your doing is a disgusting act
you should kill yourself
(a-logging) No. 944867
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Sometimes I keep myself wake at night to the point of exhaustion because I don't know how to properly cope with the anxiety and existential dread that hits me before sleep. Either will keep me awake anyway, so I guess distracting my mind is the least harmful option for now
I guess that the biggest problem is that I also have a lot of trouble sleeping - not only I take hours to sleep naturally (so it's especially difficult when my mind is being constantly stimulated) but I am also a very light sleeper and I wake up super easily.
Maybe that's something that only therapy would solve.
No. 944874
>>944849I honestly don't think there's anything wrong with shipping historical figures so long as you don't let it influence your understanding of real world events. From their appearances to their personalities, our characterizations of historical figures are largely fabricated anyway since there's a dearth of accurate documentation to go off of in most cases. In that sense, it's not really different from shipping literary characters.
Who do you ship anon
No. 945070
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ok you want a really good confession? i was in elementary school and i reached to poke my father’s penis not because i was sexually abused at all and no i’m not coping for something that never even happened but i was just a really retarded child and i was curious as to what was in his nasty ass underwear. i didn’t actually touch it because he woke up and i sincerely hope he did not notice that my monster high doll loving ass really came out of my mother’s uterus. i wasn’t even exposed to porn i have no idea wtf was wrong with me back then but this is something i was so ashamed of
No. 945080
>>945070you were just a child
nonniedon't think anything of it
No. 945084
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deciding to put myself first and realizing how much lying and scheming that involves. little lies here and there like "i can't (work overtime closing today), haha sorry, my ride is waiting outside!" and observing and adjusting my pace and effort to my coworkers. i consciously tell myself to relax when the manager is not watching and work faster when they are. when i start to feel bad for lying i remember all the times my good will was abused. screw your lazy ass for abusing my conscientiousness. it's not worth breaking my back for this job. the slowest people with the least effort get paid the same as hard working staff, so fuck being their accountable mule.
No. 945085
>>945078that's understandable but what does that have to do with your mother's genitals
are you sure you are okay
No. 945122
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>>944855hi egyptanon, i still ship young naps with junot, seethe
>>944874lol nah i'm a big historyfag regardless, 99% of the history stuff i read is academic. it's just a fun aside
No. 945162
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>>944874NTA but I will forever be sad about Marie Antoinette and Fersen. I ship them and love to imagine a happier ending
No. 945197
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>>945162They (Marie and her entourage) were too retarded to escape France without being in the same ostentatious party. If they'd went plainclothes and split up and went with some traders across the borders they'd be fine and she'd have been with her boy toy. Honestly Marie was a historical dumb bitch who just wanted to relax and have fun and I can understand that. But goddamn does it feel good when the ignorant elites get their just desserts, and I can only hope we repeat this with our own political leeches.
No. 945253
>>945197I have a lot of empathy for her since she wasn't prepared to be a ruler at all and got a shit deal in life in general. She lived a fucking unhappy life, I'm not surprised consooming was her only joy. She was also fucked over by the necklace scheme. Though I also understand why the French Revolution had to happen, I wish she and her husband wasn't murdered though. The faith of her son also was fucking tragic.
>can only hope we repeat this with our own political leeches.Agree
No. 945543
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I’m ignoring an old friend’s Instagram follow request because I don’t have the energy to deal with her, she’s overwhelming and I’m disappointed in her because she got a child with a dude she talked to for like a year.
I felt like I was her older sister and that I failed in raising her because she would never listen to me.
I know I’m a cow, but at least I’m not sperging about it with my name and pictures attached to my sperg.
No. 945583
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I feel a lot more paranoid as covid drags on forever in terms of stocking food and products in my pantry in case shit becomes worse in terms of supply. I also feel a lot more distrustful of anyone with a mask on.
I also tend to be very aware of police cars on the streets, especially at night. I have a severe distrust of cops. The few interactions I had with them, the bad outweigh the good. I went for some errands last night at the pharmacy. I saw 7 cop cars total back and forth my trip. One of them stopped 2 other civilian cars they saw circulating in the darker streets I would normally use as a shorter route because the streets are normally empty at this hour.
No. 945651
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I thinks she's very cute
No. 946040
>>945763Green eyes are objectively sexier though
No offence to you anon
No. 946170
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I keep having fantasies about someone who's in a relationship. I will never act on it and I barely talk to that person to begin with. But I can't stop thinking about them and hoping their relationship just magically ends one day, and I feel like an asshole because of it. I feel so ashamed for wishing breakup upon someone I can't even talk to my friend about it, I can only post it here
No. 946188
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>>945197you're right and you should say it
No. 946250
>>946170Ah fuck I'm sorry anon
Similar I think I have a crush on my friend and even though she's expressed she wouldn't mind being with a woman she's still bi. I just want a full lesbian gf who I can talk about everything with including terve shit. I don't want to ruin such a nice supportive friendship either. Internally I love her so much and all our interests.
No. 946258
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I’m in a committed relationship but I am obsessed with somebody else.
I want to stay with my girlfriend forever but 99% of my waking thoughts are of someone else.
>Inb4 leave her
I don’t think obsessive crushes really need to or should be acted on. Obviously if she notices something is up I’ll get therapy idk. I only met the subject of my obsessive crush a few weeks ago so I’m not going to tip my whole life upside down over it just yet.
No. 946301
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genuinely miss early homestuck fandom (and early western fandom spaces in general). like i know a little jpn and i seethe so hard peeking in on fandom culture over there, and witnessing everyone doing their own things in their little bubbles with no over-arching thought police discourse.
speaking of early hs fandom, i can't even reminisce on it because everyone keeps deleting their ~ problematic ~ fanfic/fanart or replacing it with an apology. "i'm SORRY for creating this good shit, but you guys have successfully brainwashed me into thinking it's harmful :) please take this LUKEWARM shit instead and leave me alone!!" doesn't help that, when i got curious and spent a few hours tracking down my friends from that time, they've all either
a.) trooned out
+ b.) moved on
+ c.) have fallen for the discourse kool-aid. idk
No. 946321
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>>946301God, I completely understand you. I wish to go back to the times when fandom things were more niche, at least people seemed to have some form of actual passion for their series. I'm tired of children, or adults with the mentality of children, trying to outwoke each other by their shipping.
No. 946339
>>945457>I stopped being a fujoNo, come back! On a serious note, why'd you stop,
No. 946354
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Sometimes I just crave violence
No. 946382
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I'm sorry to have to say this but not only do farmers on lolcow have terrible taste in 3DPD average everyday men, but your taste in 2D husbandos is also by and large shit.
Pic is me seeing the men you're posting about on here
No. 946444
>>945763nta but i am concerned that you might be my sister because this is the exact way i feel about my sister (who is blonde with blue eyes, also my half sister) and i also expressed this to my sister when i was a kid kek
No. 947038
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Father of the scrote who pushed me to attempt suicide died and I do not feel bad at all.
No. 947628
I'm 26 and people usually think I'm like 18 or 19, sometimes they even think I'm underage. I'm paranoid about losing this look. I know it's inevitable and I know it's internalized misogyny, I shouldn't put so much importance on my looks, and yet I can't stop. One day I will look closer to my actual age and one day I will look older than 30, and I can't imagine that. I was never in a relationship and I feel desperate to lose my virginity because I feel like, once I stop looking so young, I won't have the chance to get a decent looking guy. Yes I know it's terrible, sexist, pathetic and dumb, but this is a confession thread and I want to get this off my chest. I feel like I don't have much time left, I would want to settle down, I would want to have friends, but I can't stop being an autistic shut in and it's slowly killing me.
No. 947767
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>>944849I also ship historical figure kek. I'm really into Hildegard of Bingen and a noble women who was her "soulmate" Richardis von Stade. I started typing a whole paragraph about how gay they were but I had to stop the autism of it all kek. Anyway, I do recomend looking into it if you like pseudo gay nuns or just want to learn about one of the most influencial women of the middle age!
No. 947896
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I'm a casual viewer of Micarah Tewers and I'm so jealous to learn that she got engaged. Both of them seem so balanced and well-meaning. I guess wholesome is the word i'm looking for. It's touching to think of it. Because my parents never took care of me I let myself be abused in pretty extreme ways and I wish I had taken better care of myself and expected impeccable treatment.
I'm so damaged and will never get to experience the freshness and the joy of starting my adult life alongside someone that cherishes me.
I hate that long-term relationships or marriage aren't the goal for (young) people anymore. The pool of eligible people has rotted.
Anyway I hope she's happy, she deserves it.
No. 947972
I was really close knit with my butch friend a few years ago. We would go on hikes and drive around smoking a j, just talking about life and such. We eventually started working out together, and I had such a blast with her. This only lasted until she got a gf and then absolutely ghosted me.
She’s on tinder and matches with a bi girl, and like true lesbo tradition, they were engaged/ married within the year.
Her wife is such a pickme who needs constant validation for her illnesses and autism. Over tagging every insta post, ranting on fb as a SJW, etc. all the lesbian cliches in the world. I’m not sure if she even dated women before this.
now she’s posting body checks every fucking day tagging #eatingdisorder and what not. And all of a sudden, my lesbian friend is trans? Trying to transition? Going by a dudes name?
This makes zero sense, since for 10+plus years she’s been so proud of being a woman and loving women. It just feels like she is desperate for attention and is trying on trans.
It’s heartbreaking, she went from a talented, unique and creative photographer to constantly posting the same selfie different day talking about being a “daddy”.
Girl, if you are transitioning to keep your wife happy cause she misses dick, it’s not true love. That’s why you don’t marry someone you meet a few months in.
I miss being her friend, but she feels so phony now.
No. 948026
>>947877I'm really glad you didn't do it anon. I'm secconding
>>947885 recomendations. Also you should definetly ghost your boyfriend, imo someone who is not actively helping you in such a difficult moment is nothing but a burden, fuck him. I'm wishing you the best
nonnie>>947972what's so sad about it is that you probably saw the real her during those times, i'm really sorry anon, I hope you can find some other butch friends one of this day, they are out there !
No. 948129
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>>948121An entire series of husbando-tier characters and you pick the geriatric even there's a much hotter younger version of that exact character… literally mental illness.
I'll take a delinquent qt, thanks.
No. 948420
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>>948380Ntayrt, I looked it up. It looks like this process is done step by step internally (as the email address owner, but didn’t see any tools to search others without doing background checks on people. No. 949062
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this guy is so entertaining to me. i've followed him across several accounts, we've spoken sometimes in mentions, and i wish i could skinwalk his personality (and really, leech off of the vibes his entire sphere of twitter seems to hold).
No. 949068
>>949063what makes you say this
note that i have no real attachments to the dude (so i am not attempting to start a fight, just curious)
is there milk on him? No. 949269
>>949245Your attitudes towards dating are artificially limiting you. How would you know if it's too late to try if you've never even been in a relationship? Plus as
>>949253 mentioned, there are more late bloomers than ever so it wouldn't even be too hard to meet people who are in the same boat as you.
No. 949320
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i sometimes lie to my mother at times because there's nothing else i can do.
it's like, i'll be in a delicate mental state due to my own bad decisions, and if i tell her about said bad decisions she just blows up and makes me feel even worse, because rather than thinking:
>okay i made a pretty bad mistake, never done this before, but i can do x and y and be okay
i'll start to feel like trash and want to die. i'll want to disconnect and distract with myself with literally anything else which, y'know, does nothing but give a momentary salve to my stress.
she's just not really a source of comfort in my life when push comes to shove, she's only good when things for me are good in turn. i think if someone offered me a million dollars to just never ever see or speak to her again then i'd take it a heartbeat.
No. 949321
>>949320while i'm here, i also found it interesting that for the first time in all my life she admitted to being
toxic, but also kind of hilarious that she's somehow adopted "bad bitch culture" and just sees her way of making people feel awful (me especially) good and realistic
No. 949657
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God forgive me, I want to fuck my teacher. He has the cutest german accent…
No. 949690
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the guy I got a crush on oddly resembles tsarnaev and that makes me feel like an asshole….
No. 949729
nonny, same.
No. 949843
i listened to this for giggles and now i'm actually finding it to be decent. art =/= artist imo but even this has me feeling a bit ashamed
No. 950016
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>>949994Thank you for the warning anon. It's particularly bad tonight.
No. 950124
>>948145American culture that gets inserted everywhere is vile and sad
And liberal leftists sjws that bring entire collection of arguments that may not have anything to do with the natives are most insufferable people on the planet
Its an entire class of people who's schtick is to just get under your skin
No. 950314
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>>939762Wanted to update you all on my idiocy. I just took a step back from my phone and stopped being a freak, cancelled the shopping meetup and stopped talking to my ex friend. Ended up having amazing sex with my husband a few days later with all my pent up frustration. Thanks to the anons who ridiculed me, it really helped.
Anyway as a confession I'm still having wet dreams over Bob odenkirk and I need someone to take my ovaries out because whyyy
No. 951074
>>951055Just curious, who is it?
Ot in the ot, but it's crazy how many creators I follow got implants and went from normal and healthy to "I think I'm coming down with something" constantly sick and tired as soon as they got the surgery. Breast implant illness is real, and if men were the target market implants would be highly regulated or illegal by now.
No. 951112
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This is so dumb, but I want to regain fluency in my native language, but the idea of talking with my mother in our native tongue is stopping me.
She is very insecure/narc and never skips a chance to bring me down in her smug condescending way. It's gotten ten times worse since I started a career and have been succeeding in ways she never has,she is so petty and critical just an hour with her drains me for the rest of the day.
It would be her dream if I tried to use our language again because I would make constant mistakes and she could infantilize me, correct me, and feel superior every time we spoke.
On the other hand, I love the language and want to reconnect with it, and it's her fault I lost it in the first place because she never made an effort to get us books or classes, even though they were readily available. She was too passive when all her children switched to English at home,and then blamed us when she got embarrassed by her home country friends when they saw us speaking English to her. She blamed literal children for finding it more comfortable to speak English in an English speaking country than keep up with a language we could only use in our nuclear family, that we had no books, media or lessons in since kindergarten when we left home country. I guess this is another version of my guilt and shame over her not parenting me, and then acting surprised and disgusted when I acted like someone who wasn't parented.
I have spent years building my life and unlearning all the toxic shit she taught me. This language keeps calling me back but man, I don't want to give her the satisfaction.
No. 951279
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I think I look vegan. I'm not even vegetarian
No. 951325
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>>951276These are the same type of nurses who then go home and virtue signal via Facebook posts and corny tshirts
No. 951668
>>951639He 100% didn't know. He thought I was all the way upstairs (I set it up that way). I baited him by telling him I was taking a break to masturbate but that I didn't want him to join in. Then I started sending inappropriate messages and links and waited with my phone pointed towards him so I could see him without needing to crane my neck around. Stupid phone only had 4 minutes of recordable film tho so I had to sneak back up.
>>951649I didn't want some scrote to get off on my confession so I censored kek
>>951660>>951666Yeah creepy and weird to record my actual boyfriend masturbating without him knowing for sure. I don't deny it, that's why it's in confessions.
But voyeurism is my thing, now you can go post about it in kinkshaming thread.
>>951663I'd neeeeeever ever ever ever upload that without his consent and I'm not sure I'd want anyone to see it anyway
No. 951709
>>951707I've been with my bf for 5 years. We've taken stealth pictures of each other (in a loving way) our whole relationship, he's taken pictures of me resting naked in bed after the shower and it took me a couple of months to even realize he had those. It's what we do.
>>951705They're for me and my eyes only. And he's my boyfriend, probably for life so. meh
No. 951720
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My nostril is now deviated from all the sniffle snacks I’ve had over the years and will this stop me from future use? Probably not kek
No. 951732
>>951729This is genuinely great advice,
nonny. I appreciate it.
No. 951762
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Lately, I've had a horrible diet. I eat so much sodium, sugar, saturated fat, and bread. The bare minimum I stick to is eating within calorie maintenance and avoiding fast food and soda. Today all I had was a bagel, a pack of ramen, and orange, some cheese, and a few pieces of chocolate. I feel like I eat really well for around 4 months (protein shakes, veggies, fruits, salads, non-processed, non-instant microwave foods, etc) and then go into at least a month of eating like shit. I think a large part of it is feeling like I don't have enough money for fresh food which is just a poor excuse because I could at least be eating dirt cheap beans and rice meals or vegetable soups.
No. 951782
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>>951755Yeah it is, don't start with the mental gymnastics. If your moids filmed you in private or took your clothes off in your sleep you'd care.
No. 951783
>>951732Nta, but I hope it goes well for you and you're able to enjoy your kink in a more consensual way. Obviously idk your bf, but I'm sure he would've said yes if you just asked him to indulge you.
>>951734This is the confessions thread. If someone posts something "wrong" and you get offended that other anons judge them, that's your problem.
No. 951803
>>951793Only a retard would find it this hard to understand what the confessions thread is for. Every single anon who posts here knows that if they post here, there's a high chance anons are going to judge them. Anons come here to post shameful and wrong things they've done (that's why it's called the
confessions thread), and clearly the OP recognizes she did something wrong. There's always one anon (like you) that needs this explained to them in like, every thread.
No. 951825
>>951823What do you think of male rape
No. 951833
>>951825I think that the annual dozen of them are all very sad, and 100% have been raped by other men.
>>951829it's vanity & self obsession made manifest. I feel bad for them like I feel bad for anybody who lets a bad habit consume their life, but it isn't a special thing at all and at a certain point they chose their physical appearance above all else.
No. 951839
>>951782There's no real way to say this but sometimes in long term relationships, after a while certain levels of "needed consent" are stripped away. As long as you are not physically assaulting your partner or sharing things of them outside of your bedroom, pretty much anything goes after a long time of dating. Unless you otherwise state it!
It's not "rapey" at all, that's a weird way to phrase it when they mentioned being with their boyfriend for 5 years already.
No. 951842
>>951840Anachan alert? BMI is shit. If you think 130 pounds is fat then sorry to burst your bubble
No. 951845
>>951830Yep, sorry typo.
>>951831No actually, but I expected this response.
>>951833It's not the fact that they have an ED that I don't like (I understand it's a mental illness), it's the superiority complex that so many of them seem to have. A lot of people with EDs seem really shitty. Same thing with personality disorders, it's not the fact that they're mentally ill that makes me dislike them, it's how they act.
No. 951848
>>9518445’5 or 5’6 For height
Being obsessed with BMI is dumb. It doesn’t determine body fat compositions.
No. 951850
>>951848Oh wow, twins!
>>951847>I can't give myself schizophreniaSure you can, that's what tulpas are all about.
No. 951854
>>951853Damn fatty
- 5’7 and 225lbs
No. 951855
>>951847Sorry for deleting
>>951845. I personally think someone has to have a mental illness to do something like that to themselves. I couldn't be anorexic because I'm not mentally ill enough to do that to my body, and then actually delude myself into thinking it will make me look good. I imagine most regular people are the same.
I don't think anyone considers substance abuse a mental illness, it's just an addiction usually caused by something else. I can feel for people that are alcoholics.
No. 951860
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>> meetup when??
No. 951873
>>951847You can't look at someone like Ashley Isaacs and say it's not a mental illness, come on. I do agree that it's absolutely possible to 'give yourself anorexia' but it develops into something real and serious.
There is a massive spectrum of severity when it comes to anachans though and judging by online presence a massive % are wannarexics who cry all day about not feeling
valid because they're a healthy weight. Like, maybe you aren't
valid and maybe that wouldn't matter if you didn't glorify 'the good ED' like a fucking teenage retard.
No. 952129
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>>951860Meetups only bring out the bottom of the barrel of a group. It would be the 3 cringiest cunts on here, myself included, representing the whole place.
No. 952187
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>>952186no his hands are probably sticky
>>952173>>952129 No. 952272
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I remember dreaming of having one of these when I was an scene tard during my teen years, I think I will try making my own once I learn how to sew so my inner retarded teen can feel happy.
No. 952283
>>952238Nice deflection
>>952244I'm not caping that hard, it's just I chose a hill (see
>>952171 and
>>952177) and am prepped to die on it. I genuinely don't think the guys that I singled out are that bad and as I said, if you made some changes to them, they wouldn't be that ugly. If they were individual and not lumped into this entire ugly bunch, I don't think they'd be considered "ugly". Average, at the LEAST. I'm not saying they're hot. I literally said that I just wouldn't be ashamed to fuck them. Just take a look at unconventional attraction thread. There are ugly men that people want to fuck.
it's really not that serious I just felt like doing a silly thing and sticking by what I said, not gonna fold like a weak PUSSY NIGGA.
No. 952415
>>952400She never called me out actually. Just angrily said "Ow!" a few times. Then I stopped hehe.
But I can't believe you committed bioterrorism anon! kek
No. 952690
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>>952585no, but also how can anyone believe me when i already outed myself as a a fool
No. 953295
>>953292but im a whitoid and i am commonly mistaken for a teenager especially when i dont wear makeup kek. i think it has more to do with actual face shape/facial features
her hair being parted down the middle ages her too imo
No. 953914
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Sometimes I like to fuck around with cows/flakes and pit them against each other. The e-famous cosplayers in socal are the most fun to fuck with because their public images are entirely hinged on their fake friendships with one another. So if you say anything negative about them, the immediately turn around and start attacking who they think is talking shit about them.
>picrel is from when I posted proof that Dawn/tsikyocos was lying about getting robbed on a Tumblr gossip blog and she “exposed” Zekia/aru.rinh as the owner because she thought Zekia was the one posting proof. (“Exposed” in quotes because it was obvious Zekia is the owner but there was no solid proof)
No. 953918
>>953810When I was younger and mostly when I was a virgin I had a kind of self attraction going on. I had a pretty ideal body and I do like women. It stopped as I got older and slept with other people. Tbh I forgot it even happened til reading this. Mirror and all yeah I was doing what trannies do.
If you're youngish or not terribly experienced I think it's a fairly normal phase. Or I'd like to think it is lol. There's an element of 'feeling yourself' involved in masturbating in the first few years. It's the first body you ever get sexual with. Maybe you're not even inexperienced but I don't think it's that odd either way.
No. 954039
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I haven't washed myself in over a month. I only wash my arm pits and hair, and brush my teeth. People still tell me I smell nice.
No. 954398
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kind of bothers that me that male fandom spaces are generally just weirdass men who don't actually voice being in a "fandom" whatever, but women fandom spaces are often composed of moralfags, fakebois, and "women" (trannies). it feels so unfair kek
i think there are like two generals on 4chan where i can discuss my fujostuff without worry that i'll be chewed out for enjoying a spicy shonen ship or incest or something
No. 954531
>>954398I feel this. it's even more frustrating when you just know that half of the most loudmouthed moralfags are definitely the ones secretly bookmarking the weird shit they claim is so bad on second accounts. it's a tale as old as time at this point
>>954431this is a very good take, and I'm going to remember this in the future. you make great points!
No. 954555
>>954539Because somehow it became an accepted view that media representation IS reality and has a 1:1 effect on reality and so even an
abusive romance in a TV show is
problematic and "literally glorifying" abuse. And from the way I understand it, japanese men still look down on fujos while they masturbate to their loli porn, it's just that there isn't such a mainstream school of thought in analyzing media that is accepted by the majority/loud minorities.
No. 954579
>>954431Exactly, I mean, the best examples are coomer artists.
The people who made the “Ankha” video are not being cancelled for orientalism, sexualization of a motherfucking cat, and cultchural appropriation.
Shadman is still drawing characters that look like children, some of them based on actual teens, getting fucked and nobody is mad at it.
That dude who makes disgusting “Bimbo” shit also sexualizes uwu the pwoor mwen of color in his “art”, and nobody is trying to tell him to fuck off, or to kill himself like how some fujo artist are being told to do so.
Hell, the moment you see a comment of someone trying to call them out, coomers will deflect using the “it’s just porn bruh”
And it’s okay, I guess?
But because we have to coddle every single faggot on earth, we have to delete our shit and get blocked by everyone because we’re
l i t e r a l l y killing people, promoting some random shit and being evwil.
I’m glad there’s still women who are not giving a fuck about moralfags, who are still doing their art, but with how aggressive these idiots are, I wouldn’t be surprised if anything that has an attractive guy would be automatically attacked by some ayydens and handmaidens.
And yeah, yuri stuff is untouchable because it makes men’s dicks hard, so are straight drawings because they’re always done from a male’s POV.
No. 954617
>>954604When I was a NEET, my sister was a BPD mess who just gave birth and was having court disputes with the baby daddy and didn't want to quit her job. So her 2 kids fell to my lap during weekdays(I consented on exchange for small pay).
What I learned during that time is that children crave order and schedule, gentle but firm discipline, and attention/affection from those who mete it out. They are like miniature autistic humans, cannot handle too much control and choice in their life or they lose it. If you let them pick when and what they eat, guess what, they'll never have a real meal. If you let them pick when to sleep, they are staying up all night staring at screens. They end up feeling like shit and misbehaving even more, which is how the baby and toddler I received and cared for several years were at the beginning.
Once it becomes apparent that you actually uphold your threats, only give privileges like sweets and videogames to reward good behavior and not as a given, and praise them when they do things like clean up on their own, most kids turn into little obedient puppies. It's exhausting though and you need to keep up the benevolent prison warden act, and there is a rare case of demon children for whom this won't work for. Usually they have parents with no backbone.
It's a shame when the benefits of all this are negated by ignorant adults like in your situation. Same thing happened when my sis took her kids back to their no-discipline home for good. They reverted to screaming jungle creatures.
No. 954692
>>954431>this entire postyou're right
i do recall that things didn't used to be this way, though. e.g. tumblr was once just a haven to be as weird as you wanted to as a girl, now it's infested with antis and shit
No. 954695
>>954604Jesus I'm sorry anon. This is like my personal nightmare, I'm the same as you I am not a kid person at all. Honestly proud of you for keeping your cool, setting that boundary with him is probably the kindest thing anyone's done for him in his short life.
I think it's cruel to just ignore him outright and blank him because he's not your responsibility, he is a human being after all, but is it possible to avoid him by being out of the house when he's there?
No. 954697
>>954604The only way to win these games is to not play. They may call you lazy, but remind them again who's being asked to watch the kid because the lazy baby daddy stepped out of the picture? They're bullying you and projecting because they know they can't ask the scrote to step up because he won't. They need you, so you tell them they need to start listening to you or you won't do it anymore period.
When I babysit, if the kid is being a shit I take away playthings and privileges while stating what the little turd did wrong. We all give warnings, but they're meaningless without enforcing consequences. Tantrums be damned, I taught myself to enjoy the screaming fits because it's the kid realizing they don't have all the power they think they do. Barring that, I just remove myself from as many situations of watching a bratty kid as possible. The parent can either listen to me about their brat's behavior or they can go pound sand.
No. 954710
>>954697>Tantrums be damned, I taught myself to enjoy the screaming fits because it's the kid realizing they don't have all the power This is key. Making their tantrums laughably powerless and ignorable is the only way to stop them. (I'm
>>954617). Another thing is to say "I can't hear you when you're being so loud". I conditioned them into borderline whispering if they wanted something from me because they had no concept of indoor voice.
No. 954716
>>954604If you are forced to care for him there are things you can try.
>positive reinforcement instead of punishment. When he does something good praise him and reward him. Withdraw your attention when he misbehaves. Young children like nothing more than their care givers attention.
>do an activity with himReading to children is one of the most effective ways to keep them calm and usually puts them to sleep. When I volunteered at a community nursery I could start reading a book out loud and within five minutes there was complete silence because all the toddlers wanted to hear the story. You can also try sitting at a table and drawing with him. If he likes the iPad you can download a basic drawing app and get him interested in that instead. If he won't sit down and join you, pretend that you are enjoying what you're doing and having fun.
>remain calmChildren will pick up that you're stressed and either become stressed themselves or use it as a excuse to cause mayhem.
>tire him out through exerciseTake him outside in the garden and kick a soccer ball around or play catch with him. Outdoor exercise seems to burn off a lot of aggressive energy in young boys.
No. 954743
>>954539"Because fiction affects reality and makes
problematic things more normalised"
No. 954802
triggers me man
No. 954822
>>954604>Yet they have the nerve to correct me if I dare discipline the kid or raise my voice, because apparently we are only supposed to use positive reinforcement despite the kid just laughing in their face and hitting them when they try to calmly correct him. The catch 22 of being a woman, expected to care for kids but not allowed to have boundaries or punish them. But the kids bad behavior still gets blamed on you in the end. This is why I just started ignoring my younger brother since he was 8. I'd be dragged into caring for him and all I got was him hitting me insulting me and ppl in the family criticizing how I'm not doing enough. And it's ok to hate kids, you can hate anything that hurts you. He'd slap my ass and pull my hair but I was just expected to bear with it because "he doesn't know what he's doing!1!". Bullshit, he had a gleeful cruel smile every time. This is how men end up being entitled to womens time and bodies.
I'm seen as a heartless bitch since I started ignoring him but atleast I don't have to deal with that shithead anymore.
No. 954975
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I like it when intimidating women get called “sir” by their inferiors.
No. 955066
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I enjoy having loud sex. I also hate being heard when having loud sex.
No. 955587
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i think about her a lot
No. 955595
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Things I'll never forget:
>Stopping our bar crawl to look at the construction of the stadium and marvel at the beauty and chaos of gentrification architecture
>Jogging with you and sitting in the park together when we were too tired to go on.
>Holding your hand and running across the bridge
>Playing darts in old dive bars
>walking through deserted parks and sitting in silence.
I know we can never go back and I love how we are both so happy now with our new lives, but I wish i didn't take our time together for granted. I wish I told you how special you are. telling you now would be a violation of most of my morals but I have an unrelenting urge to tear down every barrier and hold you. In my dreams we kiss and have sex but in my daydreams our relationship is asexual and my mind drifts to holding your hand and hugging you but nothing beyond that, which is how I know it's not real. I love my marriage and my partner and you are just a mental block I need to remove to make my marriage stronger. I love you, goodbye.
No. 955612
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>>955439I love butch women. Never change (unless you 110% see yourself as a man and not masculine I guess). Masculine women are great here's some inspo for you. I feel like a lot of online LGBT+ culture pushes that if you exist outside of standard gender roles you have to be non-binary they/them. Be you anon.
No. 955617
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Breaking Bad gets a lot of shit for being a moid show but I think it's fun to watch.
No. 955668
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>>955617No shame anon sometimes things blow up because they are actually great.
I love the spinoffs too.
No. 955671
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>>955655Got that mixed up, not a whole wiki, but a page
on the wiki. No. 955718
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it's stupid but i get a rush of excitement whenever someone uses picrel because i slapped that nonny text on it on a whim for a thread on /m/ and now whenever someone uses the image i feel like i have made one (1) useful contribution to the farms. it warms my heart.
No. 955763
>>955612Thank you, anon. ♥ It's good to hear from women who love butches; I work and volunteer in pretty liberal leaning circles where being butch is "
problematic". I get quizzed about my pronouns and "gender identity" a lot and it's extremely tiring and demoralising. I love the picture you posted! She actually looks like an older, white version of me with the haircut, glasses and tattoos kek. It's corny, but I love seeing butch women just existing and being proud of who they are.
No. 955786
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No. 955793
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>>955786I’ve always hated that hermes print, every product they make with that graphic reminds me of the osaka grandma meme
No. 956075
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I am in a Discord server with 2 NSFW channels, and I have seen the stuff of the bad art threads getting posted in both. Tbh I wish I could post on the threads some of the stuff of those channels that haven't appeared yet.
No. 956339
>>956253It's not sugaring when you're getting IHOP meals and steam games.
It's sugaring when you get things of high value and go places the average scrote won't (can't) provide.
No. 956404
>>956253Kek this is exactly what I did when I was single and it was a sweet ass gig. Ignore the seetharina telling you you're "pathetic" for hanging out with them, if their company is tolerable then so what? We need validation and ego boosts just like men do, at least women have the decency to be honest about it instead of using deceit like pretending we want committed relationships unlike what scrotes do to us. If they're buying you a meal and taking you out for anything more than $50+ for a couple of hours then that's way less work you'd have to do at a job to treat yourself.
Have them take you shopping too.
No. 956451
>>956404>>956439How is it jealousy and moralfagging? I just see it as her wasting precious time on scrotes who intend on treating her like a sex ATM instead of forming meaningful connections with others or enjoying time on her own. It's just further enforcing the fact that men can gain access to women if they pay, as if women are objects providing a service, even if that service is their time and company instead of sex upfront. Her time isn't worth it even if she gets free meals out of it or other vapid shit out of it, because she is lowering herself to spend time with men she wouldn't have otherwise.
Also for the record, I think boyfriends and husbands should absolutely pay. It's not about uwu the poor men, but the silly notion thinking that taking random scrotes' money sticks it to them or something. It really doesn't.
No. 956485
Original simp anon here and I wasn't expecting my confession to start a war lmao. No I'm not fucking or even hugging them, I go out to eat with them or we play video games and order take out and I genuinely think they're fun to be around. What makes them simps and not friends is that they usually pay for everything. I'm jobless at the moment so without them I wouldn't be able to go out at all.
>>956306I've known them for so long that they would've done it already if they were going to lmao.
>>956337They're fun to be around though and I talk to them on discord all the time without getting anything in return.
>>956357I would never prioritize simps over my actual friends though, I'm jobless so I have plenty of free time for both.
>>956451I actually agree with you in that women are not objects to be bought and I can see why you got so riled up about it. I don't want to defend myself because to be honest, I don't know if these guys would hang around with me at all if they weren't at least a tiny bit hopeful that I'll fuck them. And while I like them I wouldn't hang out with them as often as I do now if they didn't take me out. So yes that does make our relationship transactional and inherently antifeminist.
>>956357No I feel guilty because they pay for me. As in, I feel bad for being treated all the time and not treating them in return even though that's kind of the point of them being simps and not friends.
No. 956533
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I tried weed for the first time in my life last weekend. I only tried edibles because I have chronic bronchitis and didn't want to damage my lungs. I was…unimpressed? I felt super tired with a bit of a weird motion lag, dizziness, and some odd audio hallucinations. I also got the proverbial munchies and terrible cotton mouth. I tried it three times over the weekend, and honestly I prefer drinking. I just didn't want to do shit while high but am usually very motivated when I drink, if that makes sense? Idk, bf seems to prefer getting high, but I think I'll stick to booze for now.
No. 956538
>>956253good for you!
>>956451how is she wasting time? just because you see it that way doesn’t mean it is that way, especially when she literally stated that herself. people don’t have to live by your standards to act correctly. you just sound mad that someone - a stranger online, in fact - would dare to do something you find silly. jog on
No. 956545
>>956253I would give you my approval for using men like the objects they are, but I'm worried about your safety. One of those scrotes might snap and try to hurt you
nonnie. I'd advise you to get a trusted friend that always knows where you're at when you interact with these guys.
No. 956546
>They're all lonely and various levels of ugly so they desperately cling to me as their only source of female attention. It's kinda fucked.oh no chile you gonna die nononono fuck. Just buy some damn noodles. I promise at least one of them has an obsessive interest in you that they're concealing. It's just a matter of time.
No. 956560
>>956533Edibles don't work well for everyone and are also pretty random in their actual strength. How high you get depends on how well your body absorbs the cannabis oils in digestion, which is very different between people. In comparison, smoking puts it right in your lungs so there is some variability but not as much.
Key to being productive with weed for me is to smoke or vape only a very little bit. And the only edibles that have worked well for me are the hard candies ones, I think because as you suck on them you dissolve the cannabis oils in ypur saliva better than by just eating. Taste nasty though.
No. 956637
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>>956583spill the tea, we won't judge
No. 956646
>>956586It's already pissed off all the cheated-on bpd nonitas before I even said anything. What's the deal with farmers calling "troon" on everything recently? Is it projection? Won't hurt my feelings.
Cheating on my fiance with a guy who likes to give me everything I want in bed and has got a big dick.
Fiance has smallish dick, rarely has libido, and can't keep it up when he's even in the mood. He thinks about my sexual needs sometimes but needs the help of toys to use on me or else no dice period. He's good in other ways and I love that he's obsessed with me and prizes me. Romantically there aren't issues. Yet the lack of sexual gratification is killing me. He's refused to go on actual performance enhancers–the best he's doing is maca root woo powder but there's no science behind it, he might as well shove quartz up his butt to clear bad chakras–or attempt to find out what is wrong with his fertility since he wants kids so much and yet we've gotten nothing despite over a year of raw fucking.
Had I known I'd be this sexually frustrated I might not have agreed to his proposal, but I think he knows and is avoiding the medical issue for fear that I'd leave him once the problem is confirmed. Would I? No, my life is too comfortable and I have security for the first time since I was a teenager and I've worked too hard.
I'm finally advancing in my career in a way that my fiance, who's older than me, has stagnated on for years. I feel like I'm on the edge of emergence professionally and I feel fucking hot.
It's moid behavior but I find it hard to have remorse, even as someone who's been cheated on for far, far less. Who knows, maybe I will come to regret it and stop but it's not right now and I still intend to profit from it for as long as possible.
>>956631We're both clean and the other guy has the snip. No risk of that.
~Seethe incoming~
No. 956649
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I love my boyfriend and I can't deny that maybe 10% of why I love him is because he eats me out 11/10 and buys me whatever I want.
Plus, I get to bitch about troons and our equal hatred for porn.
No. 956652
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>>956646Either I’m overexposed to crazy shit or that was more boring than I expected.
No. 956691
>>956685Agreed. But as it stands I outearn him and most modern men aren't looking to bankroll their women now that liberal feminism has dictated we get to be house maids, laborers, and splitting costs down the middle lest we're leeches.
>>956686>But at least she'll understand when the men she prizes above all others based on penis size only ditch her for someone with better body part something. Men don't get with you for your personality.
>>956688Oh gads no.
I'm a pretty competent worker and earned my promotions. Female directors actually love me and I've got a great reputation.
No. 956695
>>956560>>956542Interesting to know nonnies! I only tried a chocolate bar variety, eating a half of a square at a time. I ended up hitting my limit at 2 squares, think it was around 20 mg? But I'll definitely try to see if a different strain works better.
I don't know if I'd be interested in a long suck hard candy. It really does taste gross. It tastes like weed smells, I just don't get the appeal I guess.
No. 956703
>>956694I didn't say it's not a tie, but it's not number one contrary to fairy tales.
Men's number one reason for getting with women are physical attraction first and foremost. I think our personalities and lifestyles are certainly the bond that made us come together, but most men are honest enough to admit that if you weren't someone they were physically attracted to, then they weren't ever gonna pursue you.
A man who tells you looks aren't important is lying to you. When they start to age out and grow old is when they begin to relax their standards since even they're not so deluded to believe they'll get young women as old men. Unless they're millionaires, and we all know how that shit pisses the public off.
>>956696He's still a pretty solid safe choice, imo.
No. 956746
>>956740as soon as i saw
>who's older than meit all made sense
No. 956762
>>956754That response seems like that one anon who keeps pretending to be some other
nonnie tbh
No. 956763
>>956737Lol what's with anons pretending to be other anons? Weirdo.
>>956733Administrative office for big pharma.
No. 956773
>>956763Not even trying to be rude at all
nonny but…..why even stay with your fiancé? Is there something that stops you from getting with the other guy?
i’m trying to read the thread, if it’s the escort part sorry I might have misread, disregard otherwise No. 957013
>>956703While your.point about physical attraction is true, the fact you write this while also complaining that he can't keep it up or sexually satisfy you suggests he is actually
not in it for primarily physical reasons with you.
Unless he's far, far older a man with that many penile problems is definitely not hugely sexually attracted to you as his primary motivator. So what that
nonny said is true; if you prioritize body parts over personalities as you are with your affair, you will get that back. Your engagement is not based on prioritizing body parts, but your future endeavours will be if you continue on this path (spoiler: it's a bad one)
No. 957132
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This is something I'm not even ashamed off, I have only ever watched 2 MCU films (Thor and Captain America) but that was a decade ago, other then that I am actually proud to say that I have never watched or gotten invested into the MCU
No. 957143
>>957132i forgot that guardians of the galaxy is part of the MCU, but you and me both,
nonny. i think i watched thor, avengers and guardians of the galaxy. sometime last year i thought i should make it my "project" to watch all the movies but then i see how retarded everyone acts about the MCU and i just forget about it. they're absolutely unappealing movies and i wish they died already. liking the MCU is on the same level as being a woman and claiming to like wine sooo very much, or being a guy and calling yourself a gamer while only ever playing FIFA. absolute bitch ass taste.
No. 957177
>>957158>me getting butthurt about kids getting off lightly with shit is because I perceive them to have the easy life that I wish I had myselfYeah I definitely think this is the case.
I'm sorry that you had to go through so much shit when you were young and I'm sorry that you had to grow up with
abusive parents. It's quite common that people who grow up in an environment like that rationalize it by going 'I dealt with it so kids who complain about it are just spoiled'. It feels unfair that others don't have to deal with the nasty shit that you did, so you cope by framing it positively instead. My situation has never been nearly as serious as yours, but I used to do this with stuff I didn't have as a child and was jealous of other kids about.
No. 957289
>>957158>basically said that me getting butthurt about kids getting off lightly with shit is because I perceive them to have the easy life that I wish I had myselfTbf this feeling is still completely
valid as many kids aren't aware of how good they have it and absolutely take it for granted because they will never have to walk in shoes like yours. I have similar feelings because my mother was a monster too, she never hit me but she was an emotional terrorist and narcissist.
I think it's fair to feel how you feel considering the unfairness you went through, although I think you know you should never take it out on people.
No. 957369
>>957355If you're clicking the site and visiting it, they get the revenue they were looking for, which helps them fund and host the rape shit. The only tailoring that's done is tailoring the next low of the fetishes you're supposed to be conditioned into so that you consume more and more shocking content.
Porn was never about sexual desire, so why would porn sites be? Think,
No. 957383
>>957382But what about the lesbians,
nonnie They deserve access too
No. 957398
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>>933875I still cannot stop cyberstalking my coworkers
No. 957925
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>>957921I mean, yeah, but let’s hallucinate so
nonnie doesn’t feel too bad about it.
No. 957970
>>957961Shut the fuck up there's no right way to be a woman besides having xx chromosomes
>>957960You also shut the fuck up and just be a cute butch, don't let retards tell you how to be female
No. 957978
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i want to copy his look. it might look better on me since i’m not an overweight scrote. it might not.
No. 958002
>>944849Don’t listen to these haters
nonnie… its very interesting, i would love to peek inside your mind
No. 958317
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>>958264It helps me find his character more believable
No. 958344
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>>958077it's the truth; last time I was obsessed with keeping my hair red was when I was an insufferable undiagnosed and untreated cunt, which was nearly a decade ago
picrel the sheer fucking energy
No. 958350
>>958321lmao hotness dysphoria. you mean mousy brown is considered not hot ?
i get aesthetic preferences but i never thought you could say this or this color is downright hot (if hot means sexually attractive or arousing), especially most moids would not care i think (aside from the bobs and vagene / viking-evropa type fetishists) ?
am I just autistic ?
No. 958443
>>956646yikes, dont think you got what youre getting
just break it off and accept short term misery, otherwise both you and your fiance will be miserable forever
No. 958536
>>958523Nta, but it’s true, if they don’t stop browsing 44chins by the moment they start talking to you, there’s no way they won’t get even more degenerate.
And even if they stop using 4chan, they’re already rotten, like, a guy I talked to for a while was into ass stuff, that’s just something they can’t stop being into because their gspot is literally in their ass and they live for cooming.
And another guy I talked to was some self-hating retard who wouldn’t stop talking about wanting a 50’s home with a stay-at-home waifu.
Like, they’re broken, incomplete men who are a waste of resources, same with redditors and any terminally online moid.
No. 958558
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Just fantasized and actually finished for the first time in a really, really long time. (Stagnant marriage, depression, boring desk job yadda yadda) The Mandalorian just did it for me. I am so relaxed and excited for the first time in forever. Now I'm searching for a star wars themed massaging wand and I just can't wait to do this again. I want to go into gross detail but this isn't the place so I might even write a quick little fanfiction for the first time in years. This is indeed the way!
No. 958589
>>958580Wrong, he always wants sex at inappropriate times (during the work day etc) but I have some issues with physical touch for personal reasons so I usually turn him down. Otherwise we have sex like at minimum twice a week, and are usually gaming or working otherwise so we're too busy.
But that's not my problem here. My problem is that I want to voyeur my bf for some odd reason despite him being my bf
No. 958749
>>958713Firstly please eat, food is great if you find a cusine you really like.
Secondly i never talked to anybody who has anorexia but i have a question on my mind. When i was young we didnt have much food and the food we had was not very good. I used to eat icecubes just to chew on something but somehow i liked the physical feeling of hunger. Do you also like the feeling or is it only because of how it looks for you? Or both? Im trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with me. These days i dont get the same feeling, i only feel sick all of a sudden when im hungry.
No. 958777
>>958740No, I just think her over the top reaction is funny, so I naturally want to provocate.
>>958743kek good idea. Maybe also casually mention Lana's weight gain
>>958745Yeah but there's one who thinks they're literally hitler.
>>958760I think she's too busy with her eating & seething schedule for that.
No. 959077
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>>959072I had to drop a cute, fit Blondie with long hair that actually looked good and suited him… because he was broke and smelled bad. I even made a post about it in the relationship thread. So sad, but it's inevitable. I can't be with a scrub.
No. 959233
>>945070my dad had to stop having baths with my sister when she was a kid cos she would try and poke his junk and he would get mad, but the fact he would get mad made her thought it was a game so she would keep at it
kids are weird and curious, like the other
nonny said, think nothing of it.
No. 959239
>>947723you realise by doing this very petty, spiteful thing you actually reinforce their woke bullshit and
victim status. if they didn't feel oppressed they wouldn't do it in the first place. they enjoy oppression points, you're literally giving them the negative attention that they're crying out for
not only that but it's just generally unkind, they're probably just in a phase/mentally unwell
No. 959241
>>947877add me on discord,
nonny, it'll be okay. i'll listen to you
No. 959562
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It makes me unreasonably annoyed when people say the FFVII remake was just as or even better than the original. And I'm not even a hardcore fan of the original.
It was trash. The remake was the biggest piece of shit I've ever had the experience of playing. It's pretty, and I enjoyed being able to spend more time with Jessie, Wedge and Biggs but everything else? Holy shit was it bad.
No. 959609
>>959239As a dysphoric woman I can assure you that this "unkind" behaviour is the best thing you can do for a genderspecial. It's easy to get asspats online and be told that you totally look like a real man, but deep down every Aiden knows this is bullshit (apart from a
very small minority that actually pass) which is why so many of them are borderline agoraphobic. They know they don't resemble their picrew avatars but if idiots like you play along with their delusion they'll become emboldened. You don't play along with ana-chans and call them fat, so don't play along with Aidens and call them he/him. Yeah they'll complain about "muh opresshun" but trust me, they were gonna do that anyway. 99 people could call them by their preferred pronouns and 1 person could misgender them and they would still focus on that 1 person for the sympathy and aforementioned asspats.
No. 959725
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>>959114Tbh, I don’t really live there, I live in Venezuela, blondes are not that common over here, hence the wish to have an exotic looking bf.
No. 960044
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i've never told anyone this but 9(?) years ago i had my very first orgasm to this image
No. 960139
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Only recently I realized that michael myers is some creep from a bad movie and not the austin powers guy. I think I found out a month ago or something and I feel like my life will never be the same again. I fucking hate it.
No. 960249
>>960053>>960089>>960136>>960165in my defense, i was 12. i started watching the show at 10, didn't know about the clop shit until i discovered /mlp/. i do think it's bad and gross now but i don't think i could help being pulled in back then. i mean i bet at least some people wanted to fuck naruto at some point as a kid, this is not that different if you ignore the context… right? please?
just kill me>>960126thank you anon. i feel very undignified admitting this, at least someone shares my shame sort of.
No. 960251
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>>959725Oh wow then you'll have to settle for some one with dyed hair
there are some blonde people in my mostly brown country but their all illiterate muslim mountain peasants who live in the mountains, the men are considered very handsome not just cause of the hair color but cause they are much taller and actually fit unlike the most skinny fat males in our nation
No. 960484
>>960467There are plenty of productive pot heads homie, a lot of this sounds like unresolved issues with your ex though.
Obviously, becoming a parent changes your life style, but if weed is the only way you cope with your emotions and anxiety, then yea you’d feel addicted.
However, address those anxieties with a therapist, and see how your relationship with weed changes. Weed should be fun, but it shouldn’t be your only tool to navigate your emotions.
Also, try cbd for a while, give your body a thc break.
No. 960495
>>960484I will never trust a therapist again after a bad experience with a group of them that turned out to be catty bitches that gossip about their clients.
I'm aware of my emotions. I think I am mostly lonely after dating an addict and isolating myself. I finally have a graduate job and have met a few nice guys but they don't know I'm a weed smoker let alone I like to have a smoke at least before bed or my shady past. I feel like they would not like that and would not accept that my empathy and upbringing let's me feel more comfortable with degenerates than nice people and that I feel like it's only right to I guess isolate myself from good normal societal people. I did know one couple once at a job I had before that smoked and had kids but they're kids never knew they smoked but then they separated and they've both put themselves first instead of their kids and it's like, selfish people don't deserve good things. I feel like I'm selfish with my habit and I worry about how it will effect my future family that I probably won't have because I keep all these walls up
No. 960499
>>960467>When they find out the lowlifes I associated with in my past they're going to side eye me and dump me. It's none of their business and they'll never know or notice unless you tell them.
Note how men are never concerned that their women would look down on their dating and relationship histories. Don't get caught up in their traps, all guys wanna do by knowing about your past is to size themselves up. Nice guys aren't thinking about shit like that to begin with.
>Nice guys don't deserve me. You smoke weed, anon. Plenty of nice guys smoke a little on the side. Why not shack up with a nice weekender weedie so you can both indulge the habit?
You're real hard on yourself. Don't do that.
No. 960511
>>960499Nta, but to add on to what they are saying, I am in happy healthy relationship, and we smoke weed. It’s nice to come home to a rolled j and cuddles.
we still adult, and we want to have kids in the next few years. (We are in our late 20s)
We still work good jobs too, and we are building a future. We don’t drink, like ever, so I feel like we will be better than my drink mom ever was. She should have stuck to weed instead of legal booze and pills tbh
No. 960547
>>960495Don't let anyone meme you into thinking you're a bad person, or unproductive or lazy or undeserving of real love because of your past or the fact that you smoke weed.
It's called the past because it happened already and anyone who doesn't get that is still stuck in theirs and will only drag you down with them anyway. Actual decent humans are decent because of their souls, not what people can learn about them in one conversation (like they can with your past). Plenty of people who followed the good boy/girl societal model and they turn out to actually be scum.
No. 960560
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the guy I'm crushing on is 5'2. I'm 5'1
No. 960593
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>>960576it wasn't, don't forget that
No. 960616
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I have imaginary conversations with people I know. Idk if I just developed this habit from being hella lonely or if I’m just a creep lol
No. 960697
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>>960574As a kid I used to make MS paint comics using Elouai dress up games as character builders. It would be absolutely ridiculous and inappropriate drama that I picked up from soap operas and movies. I even had a comic relief character without a face that was simply named "crackhead". The comic was made in a huge image that took up the whole screen, and I'd search Google for photographs to use as backgrounds. I remember using the white house as a prop in one storyline, haphazardly editing Vanessa Hudgens and George W Bush into the comic too.
No. 960742
>>960697 these games! Its such a strange nostalgia and when i see the these characters i weirdly remember how the air smelled when i was dressing them.
>>960730 I used to make animations in powerpoint too but with gif. There were a lof of gifs of unicorns sparkling, running, chilling with butterflies and flowers on google so i put them on a nice backround photo and moved them around.
No. 960793
>>960782 why do you care what others think of you though? Do YOU think these things when you see other people outside all the time? i bet you don't. They don't either. People just don't care, they see you and then they forget you right away because they have their life to deal with.
I think humans are all disgusting and weird and that connects us all. And in that realization is freedom. You can't do anything about it so just fuck it, stop caring about it. Because life is so often disgusting it can be beautiful at the right moments.
No. 960800
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Ngl I hate having to talk to my dad after my parents divorced, it’s just me pretending to be interested in him. I don’t really care about him all that much. It kinda feels like we’re calling him/he’s calling us so that he doesn’t develop abandonment issues or something
No. 960808
>>960800Nonnie, what the fuck is that picture, Jesus Cristo.
But like, that sucks,
nonnie, I hope you can someday cut contact with him. Maybe you could one day ask your mom just why is it necessary for you two to talk to him? Maybe she thinks that you need to talk to him so you don’t feel bad about the divorce or so you don’t think that the divorce ended in bad terms or something like that.
No. 960833
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I do not believe humans are naturally monogamous. The fact that mating for life is not programmed into the DNA of any primate proves this to me. Desiring something new and to have many more is the human norm. It’s why cheating and breakups and divorces are the norm. We marvel at partners who have been together 10+ years with no infidelity because it’s so rare. Because I do not believe humans can mate for life, I choose to never waste my time on romantic relationships. I do not desire to be cheated on, to break up with someone, or to be broken up with. I find this a colossal waste of time and energy that I could spend elsewhere. I sometimes wish I didn’t think this way but I feel like it keeps me safe from some mental and emotional torment.
No. 960868
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>>960864I know right, I only got to know one (1) blonde guy that didn’t let Being blonde get over his head
kek and he was adorable as fuck.
Otherwise, they could be attractive but too smug and annoying.
>tfw no cute blonde bf who will blush whenever he sees me wearing a swimsuit and who can’t dance reggaetón. No. 961283
>>961281Food and drugs are still cool though I guess, right
No. 961323
>>960833>I do not believe humans are naturally monogamous.Same.
I'm passive, submissive and introverted person but sometimes I fantasize about verbally hurting people. Mostly those who have feelings for me but I couldn't care less about, like a guy who I know is crushing on me. I imagine the look on his face when I tell him about all the other guys I fuck and it feels so good. I think it's a way for me to cope with my cowardice and feelings of inadequacy.
No. 961553
>>960574Me too but I never got very far. My friend too, she was way worse than me, she would make up a new comic or story or movie idea every week and start everything and finish nothing. I envy that you stuck with it for six years.
I remember I tried making a spyro comic, where my protagonist was the daughter of Malefor (but she doesn't know it!!!!!!!!) and she had a black-red dragonfly I think. I made one page I think. Before that I tried making a story about me and my friend but we were sparkledogs-wolves-whatever made in ms paint with the curve tool. And the most autistic, I made a dragon in the "create a dragon" dress up game on dolldivine and I wrote a text document in notepad about how it was kept in a tiny cage where it couldn't move around and nobody fed it and its muscles atrophied, it couldn't even stretch or move its wings and it was filthy you couldn't even see its color and now I'd taken it and I wrote how I was training it and how it was developing. And I would walk around and imagine the dragon beside me in my head, like I would open the door and then move out of the way so the dragon could go through it and then I would go through and close the door, or I would go outside and "brush" it (wave my hand through the air) … I played like this for three days then it got too exhausting
No. 961578
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>>961570C-Can I join? I want to be an earth dragon.
No. 961585
>>961578Yes also your pattern is so cute earth dragon
>>961584Omg yay
No. 961587
nonnie, i will bring sandwiches, salad and juice.
No. 961786
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>picrel is a closeup picture of toes. also this post is gross. don't say I didn't warn you.
I have a confession that needs two (unrelated) premises:
>I eat my own toenail clippings (just happened as an natural evolution of biting my nails), and
>I watch pedicure videos to relax. Meticulous Manicurist on YouTube is my favorite, the way she does cuticle and dead skin removal is satisfying af. But I digress
so my actual confession is that when I'm looking at pedicure videos sometimes I want to eat their nail clippings. Only clean and neat looking ones like picrel. And no it's not sexual in any way you fucking degens. It takes ages to grow toenails as long as picrel, and the longer they are the more satisfying it is (same as with nail biting). I would never eat someone else's ever irl, but they look yummy
No. 961793
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>>961788they don't taste like anything, I just enjoy chewing them. Same thing with fingernails. I think I picked up the habit of chewing random stuff (my clothes, hair, pens, toys etc) as a kid and never stopped, to this day I chew on weird shit like hair ties and tea bags (always hated chewing gum though lol). It's like a stress relief thing? idk, picrel are a gourmet snack too though
No. 961806
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>>961786You could try chewing some ‘tism chewable necklaces, it would be less gross, I guess.
No. 961842
>>960003i feel you anon, i think it's really scary and uncomfortable out here
i wonder how we can be more postive
No. 962168
>>961804used ones. doesn't taste good lol. The tea bag one in particular I picked up during an anachan phase where i was trying to keep my mouth busy without food
>>961806unironically would
No. 962240
>>962197I fear we've come upon that key philosophical problem: define "motorboat"
To me motorboat is not just a raspberry between pecks/boobs, you've got to be able to bury your face in between the boobs and jiggling your face makes the boobs jiggle too. Allow me to demonstrate on my Captain America body pillow
No. 962254
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i hoard so much clothing and still want new clothes. i am embarrassed of this. my ideal room would be a thrift store. i made a rule that i have to wear each new clothing item minimum as many times as it cost before considering buying anything else.
No. 962463
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My boss decided to have a problem with a trip I recently took back home to see my family (who I haven’t seen in a year) AFTER I got back from the trip. Despite working with me on covering my shifts and even saying most of my shifts wouldn’t need a cover since we wouldn’t be “too busy”, she pulled me aside to say I have to show up for every shift now on since I “left” the store during its busiest season. I haven’t missed any shifts and often pick up the younger girls’ shifts. My boss loudly whispers her shit talk about everyone in the store and is extremely two faced. Always has a problem with what I wear to work if I put any effort into the outfit (I don’t wear revealing clothing except shorts or an above the knee skirt on hot days). None of the other girls get as much slack as I do, so I don’t know why she has it out for me personally (the only difference between me and everyone else is that I’m black?)
One of my classmates has covid and I decided to use that opportunity to be petty and say I have covid and will be out for the next week. It’s stupid but I really don’t care about this job and only started working here for the discount and a little extra money to travel next year.
No. 962525
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As awful as they are I'm not freaked out by the ageplayer DDLG women on twitter with their dada fucking my little cunny uwu LARP and other depraved faux pedoshit because I just feel bad for them and know they're most likely legitimately dealing with some trauma be it child abuse or something else that's fucking them up emotionally. However, it's the male DDLGfags that fill me with visceral hatred. They're the ones taking advantage of depressed girls that are usually in their late teens to early 20s, lost with their lives and exposed to too much pornsickness and abuse. And not only that, their fantasies are always much, much more violent and sadistic. Picrel legitimately makes my stomach churn with all its sick scrote degeneracy, literally no woman could even be able to write something so repulsive.
No. 962536
>>962525I heavily doubt that they where abused as children themselves. That in itself is a larp to deflect people when they accuse them of getting off to kids being sexually abused (aka autopedophillia). Peep every ddlg cow on this site, it’s the same crap. Abuse
victims don’t do this kind of depraved shit so publicly. I’m sick of the narrative that women are always
victims no matter what. What about the “
victims” that aid men in sexual assault or pimp out their own kids? Fuck those sick bitches. They’re all depraved as hell.
No. 962583
>>962258i do and it's kinda fun, it got images and i use it to plan outfits. haven't bought a new thing since i can make so many combinations everything feels fresh.
>>962263yes, this is what i'm afraid of. but the i think, some of them didn't get that much use and are good quality so i can pass it down to family.
>>962399that would be a dream. i hang up my jewelry and scarves as decoration right now. minimalism is appealing but i also need more variety than that.
No. 962588
>>962536by default i assume ddlgfags who claim to be survivors are lying about it (except for the "nonsexual age regressor" ones who just sit around posting toys) but at some point you have to accept that it's possible for
victims to be shitty people too and that there are probably a few of them with genuine trauma. it's not an excuse and it doesn't make it ok but it happens.
No. 963022
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Part of my motivation to put effort into my appearance and putting together pretty outfits when going out is that I like to think if my husbando were real and saw me he'd think I look pretty.
No. 963119
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I had a taste of neet life last semester and I want to go back so badly. I want to be a useless piece of shit and play video games all day, but I know that's all unhealthy and will just make my depression worse than it already is.
No. 963673
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I stand up and actually do the stretches when I do group stretching on animal crossing. I think this feature is so damn cute.
No. 964236
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I thought ayrt meant "are you retarded"
No. 964287
>>964266>you have teenagers and men in their 20s trying to flatter you into taking their virginity And I enjoy it. They follow orders, many are cute bc they're just awkward not necessarily unattractive, not yet jaded, and whatever you do to them ends up being a long term sexual fixation kek.
Whereas men in their 30s already look haggard and try to hide their wife and kids from me.
No. 964315
>>964300>I'd go hand picking the most obscure ones to read and forced myself to read japanese better to understand them.>I work at a BL magazine tooYou sound pretty based tbh, big respect.
It really sucks that people are trying to push the idea that every single thing that women are into has to appeal to trannies or it's "morally wrong". I usually block all the people who try to force their pronoun obssesed headcanons into everything. There are still sane people on fandom, but god sometimes it's hard to get throught all the trash.
No. 964322
>>964305>>964309AYRT, and no shit. At first I thought it was a few cringey trans headcanon here and there, before I realized it, it's everywhere now. I don't have irl friends to talk about this job slash hobby of mine, when it gets online I keep running into literally delusional level. For example, one server I was into was ran by two trans dudes that get engaged to LARP their akuroku ship for life. Or worse, I had kinnies stalked me because I was prominent writer in another game fandom. I never disclosed my gender and sexuality online, but it didn't stop them from speculating, or even asking really gross questions or sex fantasies with me (or smut roleplaying? i cant tell anymore).
I don't understand the desire to Revolutionize which is considered self-indulgence at most. Why can't they just like things at normal amount? I'm just happy being a degenerate and it's a good outlet from the real world anyways.
No. 964334
>>964315I appreciate this (I'm not as based as you think LMAO, the women I work with talk like early 2000s weebs and I get embarrassed of them in public).
>>964328Thanks nonna, I will take a look around the thread!
No. 964396
>>964300I'm another oldfag fujo and I have to ask, where the fuck do you all keep seeing this invasion of troon bullshit? Granted I only hang around weeb fandoms and mostly follow Japanese fujos and don't read fics so I might be spared since whenever I spot a rare "we need more vaginas in gay porn" take it's usually from insecure Aidens who obsess over western shows and games. Never even seen people claim that omegaverse is about trans men.
>I'd sound like a terf for ever speak of this,Sorry
nonnie but you already are one kek
No. 964403
>>964396My point was to complain about seeing omegaverse (mpreg shits included, and transmen porns taking the majority of gay fics and BL genre. It's be on twitter, tumblr, weibo, postype. You name it.
PS just because someone venting on lolcow it doesn't make them a
No. 964410
>>964403These days if you don't comply with trannyism you're a
No. 965033
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I gaslight children and trannies on the internet for fun. I love pitting them against each other, white vs brown troons, poors against those who could afford to transition, early vs late hons, e-whores vs trad, call them TERF, nazi, pick-me and class traitor at every opportunity and then I demand they cashapp me.
It's like lil therapy for my debatefag demon.
No. 965077
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I like women in general but dealing with enby/tranny women makes me want to commit a misogyny.
No. 965137
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I dislike and avoid taking public transport in the late morning/early noon because that's when there's the most old (think 70+) people. I get sad at the thought of them probably dying in the next decade and sometimes start tearing up a bit. It's especially bad when I see a couple.
No. 965150
>>965137Aaw nonna. I assume you must be living in europe or other first world countries where the population is mostly elderly.
Where I'm from, I'd get to see old people beating the shit out of each other during a traffic jam, and they're the most to ram into my automobile at traffic light. I can't spare sympathy towards them At All.
No. 965343
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I may or may not go to Japan next year with a scholarship, and I was trying to convince my fiance of trying for it too, but he decided against it. I was bummed out at first but now I think it can be a blessing in disguise for me to get a bit of solitude until he visits me, if he actually does.
No. 965375
>>965309I didn't but have been working up to it. Just last night I asked him a few questions:
1. How would he feel if I did stuff to him in his sleep?
2. How would he feel if I recorded it?
3. Is he okay with me recording him without his consent AND if I didn't tell him that I did it? (But without touching him)
I asked him those questions, so that I could ask the last question without being super conspicuous about what I've been doing.
We both agreed that 1 and 2 would be totally gross and weird, especially if we didn't give consent before. He said 3 is okay, but he'd be really concerned with why I wouldn't tell him that I did it. Like he would find it concerning. I was like "Why???" and he just wondered why I'd need to hide it. He said as long as I didn't upload them, he would ultimately be okay with it.
Of course that conversation last night really made me want to do it some more and he just happened to look over at the stairs. I guess that's fair. I was getting out of control. It was a thrilling and exhilarating feeling to watch someone without them knowing you're there but from this point on, if I try to "seduce" him through text in order to get him to whip it out, he'll probably just always assume I will be there possibly watching. I'm a pisspoor spy.
No. 965437
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no one knows the real reason my ex bf of two years and i broke up. its been a year and a few months now and i still cant tell people
>meet tall, fit, charming engineer guy on tinder. we get along really well. he said "i love you" on the second week. i thought i had met my true love
>start spending more and more time with him. he bad mouth all my friends. randomly pushes buttons. like, i was stupid and i told him i tried to kill myself with pills. he said: "you should have used sleeping pills. you cant even kill yourself right."
>he smiles and laughs. somehow i dont realize he is absolutely insane. this is only the beginning. he jokes about my suicide and how i should attempt again like its nothing as months go on.
>a year into the relationship he admits to hacking all my social media accounts. a burner twitter, two tumblrs, two insta accounts, wattsapp, facebook messenger and even gmails were read by him constantly. he says hes sick of me cause i have male friends and it drives him crazy. says im a whore. i didnt cheat. he was just paranoid.
>he apologizes. asks me to take him back the very next day. i say yes. he says he hacked my accounts during the first days we were talking. he wanted to know i was "worth it". i am very afraid.
>we spent lockdown together and it was hell. he was rude, constantly play fought and made me cry. he had a bad temper and would curse me out over everything. one day he thought i took a picture of him without his permission (i did not) and he started yelling me a slut, ugly, a fucking idiot who was never going to find a better man than him, then he left. came back of course. this happened all the time
>two times he bust my lip "play fighting". he wouldnt even apologize. he would tell me it was an accident and that i shouldnt be mad. i remember one time he basically forced me to give him a blow job after he made me bleed from my lip and wouldnt apologize. and i still did it. i was so in love with this guy.
>he was still keeping tabs on all my social media, monitoring everything. he ruled my life. i had to "convert" to christianity cause he didnt like that i was atheist. i started browsing places to study for a STEM field cause he berated of my actual degree. he told me how to dress, dye my hair, told me to gain weight to be "thicccer", told me what music to listen to. he also attempted to get me out of therapy and bipolar meds many times it was the only thong i didnt give up.
>become so depressed and detached from every thing in life cause its all HIM everywhere its HIM and im losing my mind and i cant take it anymore
>secretly stop taking bipolar meds and become very erratic and weird.
>during a manic episode i cheated on him with the guy he hated (who i didnt even like) and wih my ex gf (who i didnt even like).
>tell him this cause i want this fuckng relationship to finally just fucking end. he got really weird. started talking about how i ruined everything. how we were supposed to get married and have kids and i killed all of it for nothing. i begged him to please leave. he finally left.
>next day he texts me:
i dont think i can forgive you this time…
>i am so relieved i start crying
>cant tell any of my friends im a cheater cause i feel so guilty and disgusting.
i know im still a cheater and all cheaters are garbage. thats why i dont tell people about it. i feel guilty. all my friends were so happy we finally broke up and told me i was so strong. i couldnt have the guts to tell them that i wasnt. i am a coward and forced him to end things with me cause i couldnt do it myself. i needed to hear him say it to let go. i know what i did was awful and giving context doesnt erase it. just wanted to get this out. i wish i had been stronger. and didnt use people for sex like an idiot. i wish i could have had the power to kick him out on my own. but i couldnt. so no one knows.
No. 965448
>>965437This post is a shitshow, but a very predictable shitshow:
>he said "i love you" on the second week>i thought i had met my true lovelol
>told him i tried to kill myself>he said "you should have used sleeping pills. you cant even kill yourself right">somehow i don't realize he is absolutely insaneClassic
>a year into the relationship>Implying you didn't broke with him yet after that bsI won't even read the rest of your post because is obvious this """"relationship"""" was doomed since the very beginning and only got infinitely worse, if you are not underage i'm assuming you're just very, very slow to say the least
No. 965452
>>965437it's not a big deal to cheat on an
abusive piece of garbage. you did what you had to do to get rid of him. it's a good thing you got out
No. 965476
>>965437lol. i dated a guy like this and cheated to get out of the situation. you're lucky that yours wanted to end it. Mine tried to kill me and himself.
good for you anon, you are free to keep that to yourself for the rest of your life, but I do recommend therapy
No. 965501
>>965437stop being such a doormat. he deserved to be cheated on. he deserved MUCH worse. if your friends don't understand how terrible he was and that cheating on him was the only way you could get rid of him then they're not your friends.
>>965480same, I post a lot of stuff here that I don't feel comfortable telling my therapist. it's kind of crazy. I do like getting (constructive) feedback on my more serious posts though.
No. 965512
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I am embarrassed about how hot I found Mac lifting up Dee from her vag was.
No. 965523
>>965512My Husband can actually life me with only one hand
>>965520Its more awkward more then anything
No. 965708
>>965437When I was a dumb kid with unmanaged bpd I keep getting obsessed and enmeshed with
abusive scrotes. Cheating was the best tool for me to get psychologically untangled from the relationship and break free. I feel zero percent bad.
No. 965982
>>965437it's unfortunate you weren't able to break up with him on your own but for such an
abusive man maybe cheating was the better option. don't feel guilty he deserved it
No. 966063
>>965437The last relationship I was in started getting
toxic real early on.. he was controlling and seemed confident that he could treat me like shit and not lose me (he met me at my lowest so..true) In those early days I nearly fucked someone else just because he was fighting with me and getting nasty so I wanted out without any wiggle room to be persuaded back. I threatened to do it.. so he played nice for just long enough to stop me.
He went on to physically and sexually abuse me for 3 years and then HE had been cheating for quite a while in the end. I so wish I had fucked some other guy and by extension ended the misery that was awaiting me with this man.
No. 966582
>>966573Sex for procreation is a union of love, not unabashed passions. And besides even if it was about passion or whatever else makes you think it's gross, you probably need to grow up and change your mindset.
>>966576… It's not like she's flicking her bean while she's pushing the baby out lol. Where are y'all from with this type of mindset
No. 966583
>>966569Don't be ashamed of your high IQ
No. 966602
>>966573The main purpose of sex is procreation, not pleasure.
>>966576>women orgasm while giving birthThis is a myth spread by incels.
No. 966646
>>966618I'll pray for your degenerative mental state,
No. 966650
>>966623people in the world who are having heterosexual sex for the purpose of procreation are usually in love with each other, or at least were in love at one point. Lesbians can also have loving sex, but they can't make babies. Go away Tumblr
>>966614They really don't though. They sound like a repressed teenager
No. 966656
>>966646Here you go,
nonnie, I hope you learn a lot.
No. 966708
>>966573Sex in general is creepy and disgusting, I wish people could reproduce like fish. No touching involved.
>>966582Why does she need to change her mindset? What's wrong with finding it gross?
No. 966789
>>966569why fret? no one can read your mind,
nonnie>>966573the reactions to this are funny. anyways i don't care about normies having babies (as long as they're not accidents), but i want people with pregnancy fetishes to kermit
No. 966934
kek this thread. I think this is a case of anons being so online that after witnessing the most degenerate perversions of human sexuality they circled back to the birds and the bees. am I right?
>>966573 >>966576
No. 967120
>>966665Ayrt and I'm friends with most of my exes because I like them as people? I don't understand why a breakup should automatically ruin the underlying friendship as well unless the breakup itself is messy.
>>966678Lmao fair enough, that's why I posted it in the confessions thread though.
No. 967199
>>967181I'm sorry but you're clearly projecting your own fear of your photos getting shared onto that girl. Most people don't care if a stranger sees a regular mirror selfie of them fully dressed (otherwise they wouldn't post it on fb…), they'll be weirded out but it's not some heinous invasion of privacy.
Examining your choices critically is a good thing to do but this self flagellating over a minor wrongdoing that never actually hurt anyone nor intended to hurt anyone is OTT.
No. 967286
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I wish I was one of those girls with a great fashion sense, tall and thin body, clear skin, super personalized room and a creative hobby they get so much recognition for they become famous for it on social media and make money off it.
No. 967307
>>967292I'm not pretty enough to warrant enough attention and nobody cares much about my art unless they know me personally or it's fan art of their favorite thing ,but I would hate drawing things only for attention. Picrel is not my drawing but something similar to an artist I follow.
>>967297Sadly enough I'm not lol I am suffering through college with a full-time job in a tiny rented room I can't even decorate. Good tips though anon. I know it's very lame that's why it's a confession.
>>967298They make it look so easy and comfortable!
No. 967312
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Sometimes I wish I was born in a first world country, and that my family had always been living in a first world country with me. I can’t help but wonder just how would I have been like, and how would have my family been like if we would’ve been first worlders. But then I think that maybe our lives wouldn’t have been that different anyways, so I just daydream of having a nice future with the rest of my family and my friends.
No. 967313
>>967312Every goddam day I wish I was born in the west, I don't wanna live in this hell anymore, I don't wanna be stoned to death or be hanged for not being a Muslim
I would rather live in Mexico or Japan rather then my shithole country
I wished the British never left and had settled the region and killed every arab pedophile worshipping scrote in this godawful nation
No. 967334
>>967321don't worry I plan on leaving lolcow for a while, don't worry I'm not planning on killing myself yet
just have to resolve various personal matters and setting up a method to escape
No. 967338
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>>967329Thank you,
nonnie, I think I will be able to get out of here at some point.
No. 967466
>>967378I'm a
terf too and I listen to 100gecs… no I'm not calling him a she though
No. 967680
>>967660>Interacting with first worlders is like talking to kids tbh.yeah, holyshit. It took me a whole break from the internet and just talk to people around me made me realized it was incredibly stressful of me having to coddle either white or second generation immigrants in europe/canada/us.
My relatives have this fetish towards the US and I don't want to bother convincing them it's not worth it. Just accept its shitty around the world.
No. 967691
>>967680Yeah having to coddle ppl about shit like scrotes depravity and gov's corruption is so fucking tiring.
The fetish is so weird bc my parents are way more depressed, sick, and over worked in first world than in their third world, yet they keep saying how they have a better life here. Maybe they just don't want to admit that they made a mistake. Granted we didn't used to live in a very misogynistic/violent place like Paki but it was still extremely corrupt, no opportunity for moving up, and dangerous in places. But atleast work wasn't hell, healthcare was cheap, and food wasn't gmo'd and sprayed to death. This may be overkill but it seems like to me the west is a slaughter house. Ppl are enticed, bombarded with dopamine, and work to death. No consideration for the future generations, they just import ppl so they don't have to spend $ for maternity or growing kids to be functioning members of society.
No. 967718
>>967680I honestly don’t understand the US fetish, my eldest cousin is
dying to live in the US when everyone else in my family has told him that it’s a terrible idea. I traveled there not too long ago and while I understand the appeal as a tourist, I don’t get the appeal as a resident, like, life is too tiresome over there.
I just want to go live in Europe, any country that is mildly organized will be enough to me, I just want to have the important stuff nearby, a pharmacy and a super market, and to be able to go to those places and get the stuff that I need, knowing that I don’t have to buy 100 of something because I don’t know if I will be able to find it again.
And I miss how my country used to be, or at least how it used to be as my family tells me how it was like, I wish it could go back to how it was like but it won’t happen, ever.
It’s honestly disheartening knowing that the whole world is a mess, and that even the best country in Europe is probably a bad place to live at, but whatever else looks better than the US or Venezuela.
No. 967741
>>967718What, does he want "western whores" or something?
There's definitely cheap & free places to live like Mexican, unfortunately all of them also have huge femicide and trafficking problems.
No. 967759
>>967741Not really, he just thinks that the US is some sort of magical business place in which with all of his experience
which in all honestly is a lot he will be instantly hired for a good position, like, I feel like that never happens, anywhere, and like It’s too difficult to get better positions even within a company, specially when you’re coming from another country, of course a business owner would rather give priority to the people of their own country and such.
I’m honestly so doompilled about job hunting that sometimes I just want to lay on a fluffy bed and stay there to rot forever.
No. 967795
Kek, I wish I was living in the US, nonnie, even though it isn’t my dreamboat, I just managed to visit it because an aunt of mine is living there, like, if I was told tomorrow
>hey, you got a nice job opportunity, we can give you the visa right now and you get a decent home
I would, of course, go live in the USA, but since it’s so difficult to even tiptoe in there, I would rather go somewhere else with actual opportunities for me, other than doing the dishes at a restaurant forever while living an unnecessarily stressful life, I can do that here at home, and at least I’m with my family and not some eternal stranger to everyone who secretly, or not so secretly hates my guts.
Seriously, is there even a point to emigrating somewhere? Everyone will hate us for being foreigners and even if we managed to have kids or whatever, we will always be “the foreigners that got lucky” or the “the foreigners that should’ve stayed in their country to make things better for themselves”.
Just like how it happened to the people that came here when everyone thought that this was the paradise on earth.
No. 967800
>>967787I just lost weight by changing my diet. I tried to exercise but honestly I wasn't eating enough to have the energy to do a workout. I ruined my hunger cues and appetite through smoking weed and binge eating kek. I do want to try to start watching Youtube exercise videos again to start getting some muscle tone.
Congrats to you, keep it up! The most important thing really is eating healthy and taking care of yourself, the weight loss is secondary. Establish good long term habits now, and you will sustain your weight loss.
>>967792Don't be afraid of dying alone! It's better to be happy single than unhappy with someone who really annoys you.
I feel the same way though. It takes me at least three dates before I'd consider kissing someone. I usually don't feel sexual attraction towards someone unless I'm drinking alcohol.
No. 967801
>>967792That’s a terrible idea,
nonnie, even if you found the king of Nigels, you would feel miserable around him. And I honestly feel like males can smell the desperation, like the worst of the worst males will try to get in a relationship with you just to make your life miserable.
No. 967807
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Every post I’ve made over the last two years had been garbage. I only post drunk and if it wasn’t for autocorrect it would be a mess every time.
No. 967927
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The reason why I don't want my boyfriend to snoop through my phone is because I don't save any pictures he sends me of him. I'm sure he think I'm a little sus, but I currently have zero pictures of him in my photo album to save me from seeing him and having to delete them if he ever fucks up. I don't feel bad because I visit him a lot and I can always go through the images in our messaging app whenever I wanna see him but can't. To keep him off my back I tell him I have tons of embarrassing fanart that I don't want him to see.
No. 968169
>>968161Much deserved. It was more in a joking fashion anyway… I was too embarrassed and taken aback to even know how to meow, but it was fun and playful to giggle about it and he thought my attempt was cute lol… I think it's more about the effort probably… Anyway…
>>968167I don't really know the proper term for it. I do know he is hesitant because he doesn't want to hurt or scare me. He doesn't want to make me comfortable but the times he did act upon it it was already a bit rough haha. I don't necessarily mind but he's much stronger than I so even sometimes when we hug and he doesn't pay attention he can squeeze me so hard it hurts. So if he just playfully pins me down or throws me around or something it can be a bit too hard for me if he isn't careful…
No. 968197
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>>967985>But don't fucking shove them down my throat.this is an image board, just go to another thread or ignore it kek
No. 968337
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i'm totally cheating my way through this compsci degree. the first few years went well – i gave it my honest effort – but now i'm just googling how to do things and not even thinking. online courses have made me so lazy. i have learned nothing this semester but how to utilize the search bar to maximum efficiency + mindlessly follow step by step videos.
worst thing about it is that i'm not even THAT guilty. i'm supremely apathetic. i want to graduate already and get a generic office job, maybe doing webdev.
i also feel somewhat calmed when i realize many have simply dropped out, or are studying things much more important than i but still cheating (e.g. i lurked a fucking med student on twitter who confessed to cheating on all of his shit)
phew it feels good to get this OUT
No. 968345
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>>968337wait, addition: i'm cheating my way through this degree, i'm fine with procrastinating until the last moment and turning in my worse work, and i'm also satisfied with my b average. i have a 3.35something, i'm not freaking out about it. i'm not gonna graduate magma cum lard or whatever.
i feel like the me from highschool would literally spit at the woman i've become but god i just don't care about being perfect in academia anymore
No. 968353
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I lost thousands of dollars trying to get a hacker to fix my transcript and I honestly want to give up. I've screwed over my credit, family trust, my finances in general trying to chase this white whale. I'm a loser working at retail for the foreseeable future. I know I deserve this fate.
No. 968385
>>968174>>968197Atheism isn't a religion it is just chosing to not believe. Unlike Christianity which is a set of beliefs that anons on that thread love defending when told to stop derailing. Lolcow isn't a hivemind, and I never see Hindu or Buddhist anons get this defensive over nothing.
No. 968453
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It might make you realize your boyfriend ain’t shit. Media that makes you feel and think things are good, and you don’t even have to be unhinged BPD to feel momentarily “fuck men and fuck you!” from a good story. Women keep so many things bottled up and quiet and that movie is very picrel fantasy. It’s just a movie though. Unless he’s literally afraid for his life, he’s just being a jackass. Get some girl friends and watch it without him!
No. 968515
>>968499Ayrt and while she gets me bad vibes I love her art a lot, so I can't complain
But for some reason, marrying pewdipie is already a red flag for me. I don't hate either but yeah, it's weird
No. 968678
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Earlier this year I hooked up with an actor I was a fan of while he was filming in my city. I was finishing college and he was 15 years older than me. I thought I was so cool and special because he Picked me but the more time goes on the more I realise all he saw me as was an easy lay. The more time goes on the more used and stupid I feel. Whenever I was feeling ready to move on he would text me about how glad he was to have met me or how he’s started reading the book I recommended to him. It was like he had a chip in my brain that could tell when I wasn’t thinking about him for five seconds and he would straight away message me. He left in March, I messaged him a few times after but we haven’t spoken since July. The worst part is I feel like I’m gaslighting myself because I still can’t tell if he was a complete asshole or if I was just a dumb girl who got my feelings way too involved. I feel like a fish that swam straight into a sharks mouth and begged him to eat me. I had long hair and I cut it off because I didn’t want to look like the girl he used. Spoiler for the true awful confession but I almost wish he’d genuinely done something awful to me so that at least I’d be able to find victim support and know for sure that he’s a bad person.
No. 968680
>>968678you're still a
victim of his dumb shite, silly. I hope his career ends!
No. 968687
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>>968680Thank you nona. I feel so stupid about it and I’m probs gonna need a lot more time untangling myself from his web but this was very comforting to hear.
It was also comforting when I heard the show he was here making
(Mr Corman) got cancelled after one season kek
No. 968693
>>968690It wasn’t JGL, by all accounts he’s a total soy family man. It was the guy who plays his best friend in the show. We met up 5-6 times and had sex 3 times.
The second time there was a fireworks show on that night and he invited me over to watch it from the roof of the apartment building he was staying at. When I got there he was super handsy straight away and convinced me that it was too windy for the show to go ahead so we ended up just having sex, even though I only really came over because I thought we were going to have more of an actual evening together. When it was over we chilled out for maybe half an hour afterwards before he got me an Uber home (he had to get up sooooo early to film the next morning) and admitted that he’d never even been up on the roof and wasn’t sure residents were allowed up there, after telling me how nice the view from there was when he invited me over. When the Uber got there he flipped out on the driver for not being able to find the building right away.
There’s a legit lump in my throat right now. I haven’t told any of this to anyone before.
No. 968799
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>>968693Damn anon I’m sorry, what a trash bag. Like other anons have said, it’s just shitty male behavior and he happened to be an actor. It’s not your fault, we’ve all been there—especially with the way he set that encounter up alone. You’ll feel better in time and be able to laugh about what a stereotypical douche he is, I promise.
No. 969383
>>969348>The only really beneficial thing is knowing what stuff to stay away from to be healthy (gmo, fluoride, certain pharma meds, etc).That is how I justify it to myself but I think my anxiety makes me get carried away. Hopefully will find a balance
>>969354The funny part is I don't use the internet much anymore, but do go to tinfoily areas when the urge strikes. I think my brain is the type to go into overdrive about anything negative. It sucks because there is negative stuff in the world to be aware of for your safety so you have to find a balance.
Thanks for your input anons. On the bright side I've been finding myself irl finding comfort in faith, I know to the atheists this ups my gullability to maximum but it's actually helpful to read verses about putting your faith in God, laments about evil but believing he will protect you from it, sorry I don't mean this as preaching but rather it's what I think I might use to counter the fearfulness over conspiracy stuff. It'll all be ok regardless is the point so I need to focus on that, I like how it still acknowledges the existence of evil without spiraling into fear
No. 969512
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>>969511Don't end your life. Watch this stupid video I just downloaded to post in here, I swear to god Moids are so ugly.
No. 969530
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The reason why I don't like FTM girls is: imagine admitting that girls have a limiting experience due to society and then coming to the conclusion that the rest of us should stay in our box while they become a man to do all the things we should be able to do. Sometimes I really feel wronged by this because these people are ok with us being oppressed as long as it doesn’t include them.
No. 969534
>>969511I kinda have a similar reason thought less do with pop-culture, I want to see the world unfolds
I wanna discuss and analyze geo-politics, see what predictions turn out right and wrong and what ideologies might rise and fall, This particular decade especially is prime for actual warfare and new emerging nation states, I want to see whether the Kurds will get their nation, whether Indonesia collapses, the eventual decline of liberal democracies and what will replace them
basically Lex Luthor's explanation to Amazo
No. 969703
>>969530I don't think many of them really escape whatever they're trying to get away from tbh. They hate their bodies, they modify them but it's never enough, they tend to scream 'queer boy' or just 'wait that's not a guy' for several years into taking T and then they have scarred chests and sexual awkwardness. Oh and half of them are childhood molestation cases who can't process that and are trying to run away from the real issue.
I'm not saying any of that to shit on them or to defend them either. They're just not winners in the end. They not climbing up the ladder and getting one over on us.
No. 969710
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Whenever I see something related to nagatoro, I can’t help but think about some guy from my university.
Some of my classmates used to say that he was into me even though we never really talked like, at all, I didn’t consider him and I would mostly talk shit about him with one of my Uni friends because he was just a nerd, my friend had a huuuge hateboner for him so I just played along because I love talking shit about moids.
Nagatoro reminds me of him because he looked like the guy she bullies, with the curly weird hair and glasses, I stopped reading the manga because the plot got stale after the first three panels though, but because of that manga I had a stupid ass sexdream about him and it’s annoying.
Now I can’t help but think bout how a relationship with him would’ve been like, but then I think about his stupid ass know-it-all moid behavior, and scratch the whole thing to go back to the possibility of just fucking him once.
No. 969940
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Somehow I feel worse and more depressed obsessing over a 3D scrote than a 2D one, not even because of him but myself. It feels so disgusting to obsess and simp hard over a real person, (not judging anyone else who does it, it just feels wrong when I do it specifically) it made me feel like a creepy stalker even though he's a celebrity and all the things I've seen/known of him is public information, and it's not like I plan or expect to meet him, I'm not that delusional. though I'm kind of tempted to read fanfics of him but I'm scared to actually see what's out there It just feels morally wrong somehow, for me at least, precisely because he's a real living person and actually exists somewhere out there on the other end of the country and I'm spending way too much time reading about him and watching videos of things he's been in. Also I can't headcanon things in reality away, like it's super obvious someone like me would never have a chance with him, not even a crumb and there's a chance he could be a secret asshole behind the scenes, I can't actually know what he's like and even unconventional scrotes still want a perfect looking partner. With fictional characters I can already know what they're like just from reading/watching the series they're in and they're not written like real men. Reality has too many limitations. I usually hate celebrities too so it's a strange feeling. Like do I pretend he's ~not like other actors~ or what. I'm trying to force myself back into weebshit again but sometimes I don't have the energy.
No. 970006
>>969940I don't crush on 2d, all my crushes are on male celebs and I think part of doing it somewhat healthily is accepting that you don't know who they are outside of interviews and interviews are often full of the BS they think fans want to hear. It's no window to the soul. You'll never really know. You can create a version in your head but stay aware it's a character of sorts.
A couple days ago I was reading a really old message board discussion on a guy I'm into. They had found a magazine interview where he discussed his sexual tastes and women were excitedly picking it apart for clues but he was obviously BSing and saying the things he thought women want to hear. In reality he has slept around and dated nearly all slim blondes but he tried to say he hates women putting out too quickly and he described liking a totally different type than he's ever been spotted with or dated. Reading this interview 20 years after it happened and having all that hindsight was funny.
No. 970062
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My dad is the biggest anti vaxx COVID conspiracist and because it’s pretty much a requirement now to be double vaxed(which I am) for most jobs here I lied and told him I can’t get a job because of it + I’m not vaccinated. Now he willingly gives me £600 a month
No. 970259
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I know this is absolutely retarded but I truly think they'd be a legit cute and hot couple. Chris just needs to lose the chub again, he looks nice imho when his face is not bloated.
Hopefully this will trigger the Chrishar-chan as well cause she's annoying as all fuck
No. 970270
>>970261I don't use twitter, but cute babby's first name calling
>>970262Yes, it's actually peak fujo brain rot, that's why it's in this thread kek but it's not that serious anyway and they are obviously straight
No. 970338
>>970330Oh no I'm not saying their equally bad, I'm saying in terms of brain patters they might be similar
reading whatever smut, finding pleasuring in it, finding more smut and then repeating the cycle, both basically frying their lizard brains in similar views and ruining themselves
No. 970385
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I want to break up with him in a way that completely fucks him up forever and he can’t ever forget me and it hurts
No. 970386
>>970383being a coomer isn't a hobby and I never said you were the same or equally bad, all I said that both had equally fried their brains with smut
any smut really is capable of doing this
No. 970398
>>970396Oh my fucking god, how do you not understand what I'm saying you moron
I'm talking about the brain patterns all coomers regardless of genre or gender develop due to smut, as well the constant need to find more smut of similar content cause you've rotted your brain, that's what I'm trying to explain you fucking dumbass
No. 970416
>>970406>besides mental health issues related to addictionthat's exactly the main problem
>>970413I actually have a partner though
>>970403> but from a "(visual) porn is bad for the brain" angle. obviously there's a difference between b/w drawings on a dj website and real life rape on tape on pornhub, but that goes without saying, and trying to ignore the effect of porn brainrot is pure pomo bullshit.that's what I've been trying to say, also I never compared them to men who watch actual porn, the example I always use is men who watch Hentai
No. 970419
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>>970413Nta but you really think that's an insult?
No. 970423
>>970419If i wanted to insult her i'd be rude, it's a description of her mentality which i find pathetic.
Seriously who gives a fuck about what people wank to? Especially if it's a fanart that's not hurting anyone. You guys need some real life problems to wake you up from this reatrdation.
No. 970546
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I get a weird validation when I play Dead by Daylight. I absolutely love being chased by the killer.
"Y-you want me?"
No. 970550
>>970545if someone used the word simp unironically in my presence I would instantly walk out the door. it's literally just a new word for "bros before hoes" and it means he does not see you as a person or a friend, just something that ticks the "have a girlfriend" box.
you are genuinely enabling misogyny, so fuck you also.
No. 970566
>>970563Simp = sucker idolizing mediocre pussy. Like
>>970550 said, any guy who uses that term doesn't see women as people, just sex vending machines you put money/compliments into to get easy sexy and validation from.
No. 970574
>>970550i'd stop talking to the person completely tbh, something i've noticed about all the people i know who unironically call others simps is that they are very much insufferable and many people can't stand being around them because they're just that annoying. it's
valid tho, people who actually believe in 'simps' being real are disillusioned by the idea of someone actually loving another person and showing genuine care.
No. 970575
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I started drinking earl grey tea in middle school because I discovered Kuroshitsuji kek. I do actually like it and prefer it over English breakfast tea though.
No. 970596
>>970575Thanks for the idea
nonnie, I made myself a cup of earl grey just now
No. 970927
>>970669sorry for the late reply, but i stopped using social media (outside of lc, if that counts kek) because all my friends there are begendereds. i started diary writing to get rid of my oversharing/blurting out every thought on twitter habit, and it helped. i also stopped lying compulsively because i was no longer trying to entertain/impress anyone on socmed. then i got into grad school and pretended to be a normal person, didn't let on that i was into anime at all. i also deep cleaned my room, got rid of all my merchandise, and forced myself to develop new tastes. went to the movie theater like once a week and watched some new movies so i had stuff to talk about, both re: the movies i watched but also the movie trailers i saw, so i could suggest meeting other people to watch movies together. also always said yes to coffee dates after class, at least in the beginning, so i came across as sociable and approachable. said i had basic interests, even if it's just harry potter or disney movies. it's important to act normal though, not spergy disney adult-y the way you see it on reddit or like hp is your entire personality. you gotta act like you like this stuff a normal amount. i cut back on my screen time (i got an ereader for my books just to cut down on phone screen time and now it's down to on average 2 hours a day because). i'm still on my laptop a lot, scrolling mindlessly, but i also read a lot and when i'm tired in class, i just tell people i was awake reading until 4 am. it's not a lie and everyone finds it more normal than being up watching anime until 4 am.
in short, pull yourself away from weeb echo chambers, develop new interests, cut back on screentime, fake being normal until you become normal. i'm sure i'll still watch anime or read manga again, but right now my motivation for it is down to zero because 'being normal' feels so much better. i open my tachiyomi app maybe once a month but i'm not even interested in the webtoons i used to read every time they updated.
i've done this for the past three months and my classmates in grad school treat me like a normal person. they approach me to talk about movies or just to share funny videos with me, they invite me on outings, they always ask me to tag along to coffee dates, they want to know what books i'm reading. normal, well-adjusted people are genuinely interested in you when you pull yourself out of the freak zone. this stuff makes me happier than any 2d porn ever could.
not saying that being a weeb is bad or anything, but it made me deeply unhappy and i'm glad i made the effort to get out of my comfort zone.
No. 970996
>>960847Honestly, same. But in relation to a particular scrote that groomed me at 14. I'm not his only
victim either, just one of many, many girls he's abused over the years and has evaded any sort of criminal repercussions. I know he deals meth now so him disappearing wouldn't be a total loss.
It's not even that he affects my life all that much anymore
i live in a different state, but moreso the fact that he started a chain reaction which led to several more
abusive relationships for me down the line. He was the beginning, the first of it all, and tracking him down in some sort of kill bill revenge-style fantasy is something I think about every so often for my own satisfaction.
No. 971103
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I wish my father actually cheated on my mother and left her, she is insufferable to deal with and makes everything about her, even my own sexual abuse that I suffered as a child is somehow made to about her cause for her every aspect of my life is a convoluted scheme to embarrass her
so my father had an "emotional affair" with one of my councilors a while back and it was my own father who broke it off before anything happened, I wish he stayed with her though
I hate my mom and the BS I have to deal with
No. 971570
>>971568NEW THREAD:
>>971568NEW THREAD:
>>971568NEW THREAD: