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No. 961495
Previous thread
>>>/ot/945538 >>946232 ,
>>947044 Alec Baldwin accidentally shoots a cinematographer
>>946494 ,
>>946525 Zara Larson leaks her nudes before someone else does.
>>947176 ,
>>947171 Kourtney and her new man being cringe
>>947770 river dale actor wants to be a drag queen
>>949335 ,
>>949506 ,
>>949435 ,
>>960675 miley being miley
>>949928 ,
>>952693 selena gomez also experiences a nude leak
>>950608 ,
>>960907 Azelia one sided beef with Dave Chappelle, Arca
>>951419 Chrissy Teigen is back
>>952264 ,
>>952267 Drake in a ugly coat
>>952891 ,
>>952966 ,
>>953616 ,
>>954525 Zayn Malik hits Yolanda Hadid
>>953462 Dasha calls out Chandler Riggs for being into questionable things…
>>954481 ,
>>954505 Billie Eilish as the voice of Sally in “The Nightmare Before Christmas Live-To-Concert Experience”
>>954862 Gwyneth Paltrow and Jada are anti-porn
>>954996 ,
>>959451 Kim Kardashian is rumored to be dating Pete davidson
>>955311 ,
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>>955282 >>955621 ,
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>>956083 >>956095 ,
>>956099 ,
>>957155 >>957520 ,
>>957875 Celebrities in Halloween costumes
>>957308 ,
>>957562 Demi Lovato documentary on aliens
>>957674 Kristen Stewart engaged to Dylan Meyer
>>959722 Chris Pratt throwing shade at his ex-wife and son
>>959723 ,>>959745 Britney ongoing conservatorship issues>>959783 Lil nas x for wsj magazine
>>959979 Dakota Johnson defends Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer.
>>960818 Taylor swift will release a short film about her relationship with jake gyllenhaal
>>961022 ,
>>961030 ,
>>961033 >>961055
>>961058 ,
>>961365 >>961371
>>961461 ,
>>961469 People getting trampled and dying at Travis Scotts concert
(worst OP in /ot/) No. 961498
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No. 961506
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continuing the astroworld convo, travis scott actually has a history of riling his fans up at concerts and has been sued for this type of negligent bullshit before
No. 961522
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>>961506lollapalooza in 2015 as well. it's like he wants people to die at his shows.
No. 961573
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No. 961638
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Kylie Jenner's blood bath video ad from a few weeks ago. She also dressed as Freddy Krueger, in a red bodysuit resembling his burned skin.
No. 961690

>>961678The loveparade disaster happened because they thought that it would be a good idea to pring this street festival from Berlin's big open streets into a smaller closed location in a different town. Those idiots just imagined that not so many people will take part of that festival so they decided that the entry would be also the exit, which then turned into a death trap when more and more poeple tried to exit/entry this place and people freaked out and panicked. Both things have in common that too many people were allowed and non of who orgenized the event gave a single fuck about the safety of them. Every noob knows that big gatherings need to be controlled, have security and of course space for said people. It is true that people got away with murder from the loveparade thing and so will travis because as above mentioned, kylie's money and his brain dead fans will still support his ass no matter what.
Here is a vid from the loveparade disaster on how it was to be in the middle of a mass panic, knowing that people under you are dying.
No. 961692
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Drake recently posted on instagram about the astroworld fest when everyone knows what happened and Travis releasing a joke of a statement. This is so sick, these people have truly lost all humanity. Caption not mine btw, took it from twitter
No. 961800
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No. 962178
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Her stylists must hate her
No. 962203
>>962178Is she currently sponsored by gucci?
>>962184Angela did it better lol
No. 962214
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>>962178Looks like she had a stroke
No. 962298
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>>962178The kindest interpretation of this mess, and how she's looked lately, is if her stylists have only ever experienced dressing models or anachan celebrities who look good in anything,who would make this dorky cabaret situation look at least whimsical/playful instead of like she got dressed in the dark.
Problem is Billie isn't morbidly obese like Lizzo, she's just normal fat girl which is hardest to style. Like they said on 30 Rock when Jenna got a pizza belly
>she needs to lose thirty pounds or gain sixty.anything in between has no place on television No. 962302
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I’ve been to an extremely packed shoe in a small venue and know what she’s talking about. Sorry I don’t know how to pic stitch but this story about the festival has be completely shook. A layer or two of people on the ground. That sounds gruesome. I think that this is way worse than 8 people and it’s crazy that not only does Travis not care but he looks like he’s about to laugh at some parts in his apology video. He’s absolutely enjoying his infamy now. Complete sociopathic narcissist.
No. 962374
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Statement on his story.
He's a bad actor.
No. 962436
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>>962374Kylie also wrote a statement in her Insta Story. She says she saw no ambulance etc. while the show was going on …
No. 962438
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>>962436… but in the now deleted story it clearly shows that she saw the ambulance and such in the crowd.
No. 962458
>>962438may be petty to say but i hope they fall out of favor with the general public after this, they've always been trashy and was never sure why either of them had so many people revel over them.
those people never should have died that way. that's fucking grim.
No. 962501
>>962481i've known grown people who enjoy following them and their antics as well, weirdly enough. i'm guessing they're mostly popular amongst teens to millennial adults but it makes no sense to me that they're so glorified, they're just rich and contribute little aside from seeming narcissist.
but yeah i hate that what you mentioned is even a possibility - that it's all just going to turn into some joke and probably be forgotten because they don't care. i don't know what it'll ever take for these people (and their fans) to take things seriously.
No. 962509
>>962481You're right, I'm actually seeing those very fans say stuff like "Travis did nothing wrong" and "Pray for Travis" and it pisses me off so much. I understand the ones saying this are probably kids though, but there has to be enough common sense to at least think about the
victims and their families and not him. But unfortunately they're just memeing the situation
No. 962529
>>962322How would you even tell? She puts her tits on display and when she's not wearing a tent with cleavage she's wearing corsets that are several sizes to small just for her waist to look completely proportional to her body
The Sally costume is what did it for me, it's the most recent body hugging one in which her waist looks massive even with a corset which is telling because women with average or even slightly larger waists can look insane with a corset, if Billie looks completely wide in a corset that's obviously several sizes to small then her natural waist must be fucking massive
No. 962538
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>>962178Can someone tell me what’s up with this hand over stomach pose she always does, I’m not sure what’s she trying to achieve but all it does is draw attention to her gut.
No. 962549
>>962178>>962214Is she strung out on something? She’s got that look on her face. Her pupils seem pretty normal sized if you account for the lighting but I can’t tell. She doesn’t look sober.
>>962538It’s an insecurity thing, like when people “hug” themselves or rub their necks to self-soothe when nervous.
No. 962553
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She looks so weak and aged like her face is so gaunt. She also posted the classic Anachan collarbones and sternum bones showing post. Trying to look like a frail Asian granny
No. 962560
>>962538i think it's the insecurity thing
>>962549 mentioned, and i'm also speculating that it's her probably thinking that putting her hands on her stomach will help to ever so slightly push it in or make it appear smaller in photos, however little it helps.
No. 962565
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I'm not sure if this is correct because I just read this from somewhere, but to add on to the whole Travis Scott thing - he was allegedly at a strip joint laer that night after the event. Yup, if true he was obviously real traumatized by the whole thing. And someone wrote a comment with a link that had been removed by the time I caught wind of it, so I don't have it but the image related provides context as to what the missing link would have led to:
No. 962576
>>962565There was a deleted reddit post in the kanye subreddit about a person who worked for security in a previous TS concert who said the same thing,how travis was cursing at them, encouraging the fans to jump over the barricade, and that they were having a tough time trying to keep all of those fans from breaking in.
I found reddit posts from 2 years ago about this incident including a video so this did happen. No. 962582
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No. 962606
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>>962595Yeah he has been doing this for a while in his concerts and encouraging dangerous stunts by his fans. and it finally culminated to this.
In 2017 one of his fans became paralyzed after Travis encouraged his fans to jump off a balcony No. 962827
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>>962184who wore it better
No. 962839
>>961498She looks hot here ngl, I feel like the frumpy haircut only looks bad on her because she has a chubbier body which results in her looking like a mom.
If she was rail thin like the typical heroin chic model she would pull it off as evidenced by her serving a look in this picture and others where her body isn't visible. I agree with the anon who said it would probably benefit her to lose some weight if she wants to stay in Hollywood.
No. 963132
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>>962214>>962178I actually think she looks kinda pretty in these photos compared to her recent vouge photoshoot and met gala. Yeah, the outfit doesnt fit her and looks like something that an oldy lady at the brothel would wear, but her hair looks soft in contrast to the plastic hair (pic rel) and granny hairstyle looks she had before. The delicate makeup also suits her. I hope that her stylists will ditch the sexy mommy vintage look soon… These clothes make her look 40.
No. 963253
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Painfully bland, she outdone herself.
Sighhhh i was hoping to see some creative packaging since she promoted a space/ futuristic theme (that ironically copied old vogue photoshoots)
No. 963257
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A fucking sharpie…
No. 963269
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>>963253Oh man, I know her fans will buy this but this has been done already thousands of times before that. While the packaging is very clean and kinda early 2000s like, the colors story is just the most basic shit ever. I remember when Gaga dropped her stuff and thought that it was boring, but Ari takes the cake. They all really try to pull another Rihanna here but nope. They all fail to sell some sort of fantasy, like Fenty Beauty did.
Picrel is gaga's newest eyeshadow palette.
No. 963305
>>963253kek where's the anons that were talking in the last thread about her not giving a shit about the quality of their products. because they're right. this looks uninspired and boring
>>963269ofc her fans will, they think anything she puts out is good somehow. i didn't even know gaga had a makeup line. but damn why are they all trying to copy rihanna
No. 963350
>>963315i felt the same seeing that like wtf. how is that supposed to look appealing?
>>963331i've heard fenty is decent, and rihanna seems like she actually gives a shit about what she's selling instead of just selling it, not 100% sure though, that's what i've heard. but i believe that's definitely true for the others i've seen.
No. 963375
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If you're not into Ari's makeup launch, perhaps Demi can interest you in a vibrator?
No. 963380
>>963375this is the worst timeline oh my god
>>961566not only can i not stop fucking laughing but this is a whole mood every time fucked up shit happens. like shit what can you do, just robot it off.
No. 963402
>>963375I know you meant that as a joke kek but god I severely dislike both of them. Can't believe Themi would think anyone would genuinely be interested in anything her musty ass has had a hand in the creation of and we've already picked apart Ari's shitty product.
We really do live in a cursed timeline.
No. 963408
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>>963315If you've never met your collarbones… Consider a diet
>>963395Half the girls i see outside are the same weight as Ari I really don't get the anons obsessed with labeling her body as anorexic, but she definitely does stick her collarbones on purpose like you said, i kinda get it because they're an elegant feature. What I don't get is when she does this (picrel) to her neck muscles she looks like she's getting the life sucked out of her
No. 963422
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>>963315This is on that same string of photos on Instagram, it’s just really not appealing at all and kinda creepy like it disturbs me because it seems like she’s trying so hard to look extremely tiny when she used to have some extra weight last year.
No. 963463
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>>962178am I the only one getting courtney love vibes? lmfao
No. 963491
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Why is Vin Diesel being so dramatic about this it's not even a good film series kek
No. 963498
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>>963474Oh you’re soooo concerned for ari whatever is she gonna doooo without you expressing your disgust- i mean sympathy for her collarbones you’re sooo sad for her, -totally not fat- anon. It’s not like she wants her body to look its best before releasing an album and getting on a tv show like most celebs do oh poor little rich girl.
Seriously, bitch is SQUARE her ribcage is fucking wide, ofc her bones are prominent stop being retarded.
>>963488Your boobs are on your collarbones?!
Picrel i guess dualeep is anachan now
Please stop this retardation you bitches are fat and delusional
No. 963505
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>>962302Travis’ stans are fucking sick. So many of them are on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat mocking the
victims or saying it’s not a big deal. Some guy on Twitter was even trying to sell off his shoes that had
victims’ blood on them. Ofc it also didn’t take long for religious nuts and Facebook wackjobs to decide Astroworld was some kind of occult/Satanic human sacrifice ritual.
No. 963507
>>963491it's the only thing he's recognizable for now kek
>>963498anachan or not can we please stop this sperging, this shit has been happening in every thread and i'd love to see one without shit like this going down.
No. 963509
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>>963505Picrel is from another post about the Satanic ritual conspiracy. Something about this incident got everyone acting unhinged.
No. 963513
>>963506I remember some weird anon sperged out because I said Billie Eilish was average American sized (ie fat) but it'd be better for her career in Hollywood if she was skinny. I think it's the same person here, she's just fighting everyone
Anyway yeah collarbones are very normal but at the same time, everyone knows Ariana Grande is an anachan. She's been one for a fucking while, people even dug up old Twitter posts or something. Sick of people coping about celebrities, drugs and EDs are common lol
No. 963518
>>963506Because the united states of America is a FREE country and it gives ne the right to call you FAT.
No but how removed from reality are you to think anyone who has visible chest bones is anorexic? It’s like the mini tess holliday situation. That shit is a serious deadly mental illness stop throwing that label like it’s nothing. ari doesn’t give me anachan vibes at all by scrolling her instagram (u might get that impression because of nitpicking on here) and no she’s not gonna give them kids the anowexics just by posting prominent bones. If starving for the aesthetics was easy like that america wouldn’t be so fat.
No. 963531
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From last year here she is looking normal, she was also just fine during her tour performances. If you want to defend her current state that’s your choice, but don’t act like people are fat just because they have eyes and see how strange it is for a girl with known past eating issues and history of body checks to be showing off her smaller size or simply people who think her boniness is off putting.
No. 963532
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Trying to detract from the ridiculous weight sperging that's going on here. Looks like Travis and LiveNation are starting to get sued.
No. 963548
>>963531Same crazyy anon, Yes totally agree with this. I just hate the OMAHGAH COLLAR BONES CHEST BONES ANOWEXIAA. She clearly had them at her "healthiest" and i double down on that being due to her wide ribcage but what we're calling her healthiest is when she was heavy drinking and she was bloated asf. No concerns for her health tho because she's not
triggering the little kids i guess (same goes for Tswift) I agree she looks gray and old tho, i just can't tell if it's her makeup/ filters/ drugs. I have a hard time believing a millionaire would be having a vitamin deficiency due to malnourishment lol I'm pretty sure she eats better food than all of us.
And apologies for calling people fat for their opinions i deemed dramatic. I've seen so much enraging body positive shit from tiktok i got reminded of it KEK
No. 963589
>>963510The thing that blows my mind the most about these conspiracies is that the main proponents are teenagers and people in their 20s. The people you’d hope would be smart enough to recognize there’s no Illuminati bullshit.
>>963542This. Travis should face manslaughter charges for each person he killed but he’ll probably just get asked to pay a few hundred thousand, which he’ll promptly make back from a shoe drop. Iirc he only got asked to pay $3,500 the last time he got fined which is pocket change for him and the Jenners.
No. 963608
>>963573Sometimes I feel like it's backlash from the anons who get tired of hearing how anyone with a tiny skin fold is a disgusting fatty. This thread is so
toxic without a shred of body positivity. How is calling Ariana too skinny any more offensive than calling healthy weight celebs fat? It doesn't help that Ariana posts such weird pics of herself, those pics are what start the convos anyway. She looks weird lately and her collarbones do stick out
No. 963904
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This is so embarrassing.
No. 963910
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>>963904He should be more concerned about his twacked eye
No. 963929
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>>963390Calm down nonita, i only complimented her hair and makeup. You’re right about her looking ‚regular’ now, that’s the reason why everyone critiques her recently. But looking regular is also what made her popular in the first place. She always presented herself as a normal teen in baggy clothes, little to no makeup and didn’t try to be ‚sexy’ like most girls in the pop industry, which funnily made her look unique. What makes her celebrity kind of regular looking (at least in my opinion) is the fact that she has no acne and a pretty symmetrical face. I doubt she would have as much teen girl fans as she used to have if she didn’t at least have a pretty face. You’ll probably get mad at me again but i think it’s just her new concept that ruined her look.
No. 963962
>>963505>Some guy on Twitter was even trying to sell off his shoes that had victims’ blood on themDo you have a link to the (archived) tweet? This is infuriating
The Satanist theory is retarded, like they say 8 lights = 8 souls. How could they plan for 8 people being crushed? Or is that part of the deal with the Illuminati and Satan? Kek. Mundane reasons led to this tragic situation. The banality of evil. Having said that, I do believe that TS could not realize how bad things have gotten since you could not see the fallen fans in the crowd (I saw the recordings and I would have no idea). Personally I also believe that he couldn't hear shit and thought the ambulance came for a single fainted person that he asked security to help (occasionally, singular people do faint and shows don't end because of it) . I don't think that even someone who was happy to have people killed at their show would act like that, since it's a PR disaster on an unprecedented scale (as we see now). The worst thing is that TS saw no problem with overpacking his shows. That density of people was absolutely wrong in the first place! And that motherfucker kept selling more and more tickets, all for that cash. I think people without tickets were allowed to smuggle themselves in (correct me if I'm misunderstanding). TS encouraging fans to go feral and do stupid shit like jumping from a balcony also is a part of the problem. I hate when people blame the fans instead of the organizer of the clusterfuck. So many people were trying to help. The camera guy was the fucking worst. IDK what contract he got, but I would kill myself if I kept recording after hysterical witnesses informed me that people are dying. Which leads to a question… why nobody from security was hooked to TS's headpiece? Why wasn't anyone able to tell him to stop the show??? This is unthinkable
No. 963993
>>963976The fucker was largely responsible for organising the festival apparently. Read that he screamed "who told me to stop this show?" and continued chomping out. Super fucked up, IDK how much could he hear those screams… though again, I still don't think that he tried to consciously hurt people more. He needs to be held accountable for everything that led to the situation. I'm annoyed by the conspiracy theories and takes that make him out to be a gleeful killer. Not cause I'm a fan (I don't know who Travis Scott is), but cause simplifying truth annoys me.
He offered to pay for his
victims' funerals and that makes me even more mad, even though it's probably a "right" thing. Here's a corpse of your beloved one, have some money to bury it. The damage done is irreversible.
No. 964378
>>963879The guy didn’t jump, he was pushed over the rafters.
>>963962The pic of the shoes is in the last thread within a collage
No. 964380
>>963910Head like a dusty ass airpod. If you stood behind him he would look like a wooden spoon in a suit.
>>963548>>963518Ok but this is the internet, not America, and the rest of us think you sound like a blonde ugly white trash girl from a TLC redneck show like Honey BooBoo when you start reeeing about how its you're Gawd dang right as an Murican citizen to act like a retard
No. 964385
>>963962>why nobody from security was hooked to TS's headpiece? Why wasn't anyone able to tell him to stop the show??? This is why there are conspiracy theories IMO lol. He's not some no-name, this is a big important show, of course he has security and people hooked up to him. But nothing was done, even the cameraman was ignoring it. It's suspicious
Also, I was inclined to agree with the "He couldn't see and didn't know" thing until I remembered that time Billie Eilish stopped a show because of
one person in the crowd being in distress, and that video of TS at the concert literally shouting "Who told me to stop?", meaning he heard people begging him. The last
last possible excuse for him is that he was high/intoxicated as fuck, and that's still fucked for his team to allow. The nonchalance of the cameraman is what really got me
No. 964393
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From theview>emrata shares her advice to young women: “It’s okay to say no. You can have boundaries.” No. 964476
>>964385I don't want to excuse TS but were Billie's shows as overcrowded as TS's? I don't think so. Even if he genuinely didn't see, TS is still guilty of creating the situation in the first place. It's his fault people were jam packed like sardines so he couldn't see people dying.
I think that the theory that he didn't stop because of money loss also has some merit, though IDK enough about business side of shows to know that.
No. 964492
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So different anon, also decided to look for the shoe collage mentioned by
>>964378 - gone through this thread again in case it was here instead. But came across
>>961692 and out of curiosity wanted to check if Drake said something about Astroworld considering he posted about it. The post shown from who I'm replying to has been deleted and he posted this. Not sure if anyone wanted to know or anything but just leaving this here.
No. 964536
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>>963253>>964521Couldn’t find a picture that didn’t look like it was taken on a toaster, but I think they have a similar vibe.
No. 964559
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>>964392>eating disorder fetishhis last girlfriend (the one the rumors said he cheated on Ariana with) wasn't actually that small by Hollywood standards and another blind said he tried to get with a celeb who had a big ass. I don't know what to believe anymore. But with someone as unstable as jim "undiagnosed bipolar" carrey it's likely he doesn't have a set preference for anything
No. 964586
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Seeing Bella Poarch without her baby shoop and one million smoothing filters is kind of jarring. She just looks like any random abg you’d find at a rave.
No. 964672
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“Get ugly”? Kek yeah right. Nobody said that to her. How about “get some actual talent” since she’s already ugly. No. 964696
File: 1636536303242.png (382.82 KB, 597x642, db.png)

>According to a report from TMZ on Tuesday (Nov. 9), Travis supposedly went to Dave & Buster's for an after-party following his Astroworld Festival. The Cactus Jack founder was reportedly unaware of the mass casualty event that occurred and ended with eight deaths, dozens of hospitalizations and numerous injuries.
No. 964700
>>964672I'm going to start keeping track of things anons have said in these threads without a lick of irony. Off the top of my head I've got:
>Emily ratajkowski is ugly>Ariana grande can't sing>Gigi (?) Hadid is fatkeep em coming girls
No. 964722
File: 1636543234303.png (757.4 KB, 760x747, aoljuj.png)

Bella Hadid posted crying selfies in a post talking about dealing with anxiety/depression, and gave thanks to Willow Smith don't know, but I can't help but think people are just going to make memes of this. Why post selfies of yourself ugly crying?
No. 964738
File: 1636545145716.png (2.14 MB, 1198x1194, Screen Shot 2021-11-10 at 5.51…)

>>964722what a cow!!!! there are like a dozen crying selfies FROM DIFFERENT DAYS. it's so weird! the message willow smith said was basically just "everyone is unique and has something special. everyone is feeling lost and like their work isn't good enough" and then there's a dozen of these selfies collected over like 2 years maybe? wtf
No. 964745
>>964736They're the nitpickiest, most boring opinions to post and read. Post something interesting that's actually worth discussing.
>Emily is an ugly cow>Ariana can't sing for shit>Gigi is fat>Billy is fatare such low-quality posts. If they're not doing anything more interesting than being ugly, fat, and being bad singers all the time, it's not worth sharing itt.
No. 964811
File: 1636551132331.jpeg (147.72 KB, 826x1213, 94A8C126-3379-4319-B1C0-922CDF…)

ariana looks so weird. what procedures did she have done? or is it just filters?
No. 964812
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>>964811her nose looks so angular
No. 964916
>>964912Her mum is a f*cking dramatic cow. She gave Bella body dysmorphia and Gigi an eating disorder and should shut up.
How did this messages become public? Or did she just go in and publicly shamed her daughter?
Blood stained, and dirty underwear is nasty, but she is sadly not the first chaotic messy spoilt kid who does that and won't be the last.
I am sure they have cleaning personnel at home and when she grew up, so she is used to other cleaning her dirty pants.
No. 964924
>>964907Some heavily rumored yahters:
Megan Markle
Hayden Pannetiere
Probably EmRata too lmao
But seriously, imo Markle and Pannetiere definitely did it.
No. 964933
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>>964924Idk about those women, but Rita Ora is also alleged to be a yacht girl, and I believe it tbh. How else is she getting invited to all of those events (most recently the Met Gala and VMAs) when no one cares or
knows about her?
No. 964947
>>964939I don't know and really don't think she's yachting or whatever its called but you are right how she is gotten the entire Indian population across the political spectrum to despite
for anyone wondering why Feminists and others left wingers hate her cause she's spent years prompting skin whitening creams(there's currently an active and ongoing backlash against skin whitening by Indian feminists) as well talked about giving support to the Indian army in their occupation Of Kashmir
Right wingers hate her and call her a traitor cause her character in Quantico only ever had sex with white guys and ended up marrying a white guy, they see this as a betrayal by Indian rightwingers
No. 964953
>>964001Not even remotely true. You need
at least an ADN to be a nurse, and most places want nurses with more than that.
No. 964980
>>964745I don't think Billie being fat is all that relevant, anyway. The main problem is that her styling is awful and unflattering. Her or her wardrobe people just refuse to accept that she's heavy and apple-shaped. Stop squeezing her into corsets like an overstuffed sausage and start picking looks that flatter her shape more. The off-the shoulder dresses and tops in particular do her no favors.
I know she allegedly wore the loose clothes to avoid being sexualized, but they were actually pretty flattering. The baggy pants counteracted her top-heavy shape, and the long sleeves drew attention away from her shoulders. The alt look was cute on her overall. Why they're trying to shoehorn her into the stereotypical blonde pop diva aesthetic is anyone's guess.
No. 964991
File: 1636567812543.webm (2.04 MB, 405x720, IMG_1437.webm)

nothing super milky but im seeing people share this video on facebook and reddit a lot. its young blood being disgusting. ive never met a fan of his and i never hear about his music. only know who he is because he says "woke" things for attention. hes as pandering as you can get. anyways hes disgusting and this video is being shared around cause its nightmare fuel.
No. 965073
>>964736>>964763>>964772sorry for being late but, this. it's a celebricows thread, no celeb who behaves like a cow is free from any
valid criticism although it is tiring to see the same takes (billie is fat, debates about age, weight sperging that's been happening in almost every thread…) ariana has a lot to pick apart, and she's not the best singer either, yet she's put on a pedestal by the general public and i'm tired of seeing blind praise of her everywhere else i go and irl. other anons have described why better than i could.
>>964744>>964804>>964823>>964826>>964838>>964853>>964868>>964896 No. 965124
>>965113Ayrt, ew wtf. Grateful I didn't watch. Curious what the hell is wrong with this young blood guy though. Will Google it but if any anons have any more milk I'm open to reading.
Also according to the other posts:
>he says "woke" things for attention>Halsey dated himI'm not surprised if that was the case. Iirc Halsey does the same shit. No wonder they gravitated towards each other at one point.
No. 965139
>>965124he came from a well off family, was a Disney kid but acts like he's working class and rose from nothing. he made a big deal about coming out as pan last year.
his shows are just him crying over troons, borderline sexually assaulting his guitarist and prancing around in a skirt while spitting and throwing his drinks at the crowd.
No. 965163
>>964924brittany murphy was a yacht girl when her career was tanking
also miranda kerr but thats not a surprise to anyone…
i think there's probably tons of hollywood girls that have done it/do it.
No. 965276
File: 1636595455263.jpeg (777.59 KB, 1284x1485, F883B1FA-AF2D-4114-B92B-BD4512…)

Wtf I got advertised this on fb and this was the thumbnail. She looks like Quasimodo
No. 965282
>>964991anon why
what did i ever do to you
No. 965303
>>964932I think this is from after Bella got her DUI when she was 17.
It seems like as a mother you'd be more concerned about the DUI rather than a messy car, but… ok
No. 965339
>>963253Why am i not surprised. The world doesn't need more boring pale makeup. Literally reminds me of physicians formula.
>>963355I love their complexion products but the new shimmery palletes are pure garbage. Literally just cheap glitter, no pigment to be found.
>>964722>>964738I just know she is going to regret those fat pad removal surgeries when she's 40 if we have learned anything from the Olsen twins.
>>964991If you posted this in the mtf thread, nobody would think anything of it. He's worse than harry styles.
>>964924Isn't Lindsey Lohan one right now?
No. 965407
>>964991I only saw this with the caption attached
>corona as a personAnd I won't lie, I laughed.
No. 965432
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Kourtney & Travis are peak cringe, spoiler bc Travis' tongue is so unnecessary.
No. 965495
>>965466idk if i remember correctly because i don't really follow her work, i only hear when she's doing something to dig a deeper hole for herself. but whatever she's tried her hand at has been flopping for a while. while what she's been through in the past sucks, she's not profiting off of being a perpetual
victim so maybe you're right that she just doesn't give a fuck anymore
No. 965514
>>965495She’s lucky to even be alive and has suffered more permanent health and mental issues than most people ever do. The effects of those things explain why she does things like get overly
triggered at a cookie she saw. She doesn’t have a large dedicated fan base so why not fuck around and get attention for being a zany freak instead of a pop star which is what almost killed her
No. 965545
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>>964812Versace straight up made a cosplay for 13 going 30 kek
No. 965721
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emrata also mentioned she's only capable of enjoying sex, while watching herself fuck her husband in the mirror
No. 965780
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>>965747That's an interesting thing to know, I looked up the specific collection you mentioned to check it out and it looks like a combination of two dresses, the top part seems to be from the first, though the skirt could be inspired by either of the last two. I initially thought the horizontal striped one until I scrolled down further and saw the one in the middle. Just wanted to show the very similar coloring. I also don't know how this modeling/runway/fashion stuff works kek
No. 965813
>>964811Honestly it looks like a thread lift and maybe a buccal fat removal? And another nosejob. I can’t imagine they would do a full surgical facelift on her at her age. It’s overkill. But thread lifts last a few years and can give you that look.
I thought she’d probably already had a buccal fat removal since it is a hot procedure right now but maybe not. Her face is looking extremely hollow and not just from weight loss.
>>965348Halsey is super gross and desperate for clout so this scans.
No. 965817
>>965813Ariana is definitely beginning to look well uncanny. Wonder if she's addicted to plastic surgery by now. Shame that she seems to be hell-bent on fucking with her face this much, as a singer you'd think she'd at least leave her nose alone.
Girl is beginning to look like a fucking Bratz doll.
No. 965842
>>965672I mean, they had a long-term relationship/marriage and two kids. Nowadays, she hunts young guy down. Strange women. People in Germany loved her, until she made "Germany's next topmodel". She was so nasty to the contestants. Maybe she is bitter because she had to yacht, back in the day? But I think she was never on that level of Tyra Banks' nastiness.
No. 965850
File: 1636660450528.gif (Spoiler Image,991.64 KB, 500x260, tumblr_n0erk22K3p1s9twxfo2_500…)

>>964991ewww someone tell this ugly faggot he will never be gerard way
No. 965859
>>965817She probably wants to be a Bratz doll kek. May be tinfoil but the girls I used to know who liked Bratz now love Ari.
>>965813Yes, Halsey is a gross person and I wish more people realized that. Never had a good feeling about her from when she came onto the scene. I think she also took an ex-friends beloved sweater, never gave it back, and ghosted them as another example. And that weird fit she threw because someone didn't alternate her pronouns when writing about her is just… like
that's who people look up to? All I've been seeing lately is acclaim for her recent release and movie thing for some reason.
No. 965885
File: 1636662882185.png (274.79 KB, 561x566, dakjfhakfjha.png)
Chloe bailey once again reminding everyone why halle is the better sister.
where is her PR team? This is depressing
No. 965959
>>965438>any woman is going to crush out on himwhat
he's looked like shit for ten years
No. 965961
File: 1636667282926.png (1.01 MB, 632x968, Screen Shot 2021-11-11 at 4.46…)

>>965672??? normal-looking guy Seal
iirc he was somewhat above average in the 90s
No. 965963
File: 1636667561726.png (450.83 KB, 1285x753, lolblud.png)

>>964991>we’re gonna show this industry that you can operate an inclusive film set, you can make it mandatory to use people’s correct pronouns on setvery punk
No. 965970
>>965885I used to think Chloe was very pretty, then I realized how much she edits her body and face, she's average, nothing wrong with being average (most are average), but she gives me Lizzo vibes.
Or baby Lizzo vibes, she does try hard shit and then she cried about it. I hope she doesn't become like Lizzo being a fame whore and crying everytime she gets bad attention. She doesn't have sex appeal, and there's nothing wrong with that, but she tries HARD.
No. 965975
>>965938People noticed she was "thick" and then she started acting a lil sexual, that ramped up of course (drake started following her) & since then she's been acting more sexual. Saweetie even had a lyric going, "Face on Halle body on Chloe"
So I guess because people started hyping up her thickness and body, she felt that was her lane.
No. 965992
File: 1636669829784.png (2.41 MB, 2240x945, good soup.png)

Fuck it I don't care if some retard calls me an Eilish sperg. Billie is one of the biggest musicians at the moment and her net worth in 2020 was 53 million, are you going to sit there and tell me that this is the best she can come up with? This is her favorite soup? This shit is only one level above Maruchan. She can't hire a dietician/chef? Make her own healthy veggie broth in something easy like an Instant Pot? Tops that would take forty minutes to an hour once a week, you can even freeze the rest for easy prep if you want something quick.
Then the "Everyone look I'm so quirky I'm eating my salt water and noodles out of the measuring cup lol! Did you see how quirky I am?!" Girl stfu you are not cute with your sodium induced water retention and hypertension. Go hire a nutritionist.
No. 966013
>>966002One serving is 1/2 a cube and she had 3, so that would be 6 servings. 4,860 mg of sodium in one go.
Daily recommended sodium for an American adult is 3,400.
>>966005>>966002Stop double posting faggot and look at what she says in picrel. "ALSO IT'S LIKE THREE SERVINGS SO DON'T THINK YOU HAVE TO EAT IT ALL I JUST LITERALLY NEVER SHARE IT AND EAT IT ALL MYSELF LEAVING NO CRUMBS."
Check your autism and stop visiting lolcow if you're senstive smooth stan brain can't take it.
No. 966028
File: 1636670981246.jpeg (91.32 KB, 750x749, 346C1BC8-509D-4831-8F0F-382459…)

Not even fat, ugly or as much of a bad person you people are making her out to be.
>she makes lame/boring music
so what? just turn it off and listen it to something better stop giving her more streams
>she’s fat
she’s 18 and rich she can ween it off
>she dresses like trash
could be changed as well
>her weird boyfriend said this and that
even though it’s scummy for her to stay with such a worthless racist manchild i think there’s more to her than just stringing her into her boyfriend’s bullshit
look at picrel look at it she looks amazing and you’re hating
No. 966038
File: 1636671171700.jpeg (27.17 KB, 425x283, 43D40D34-3F62-4BAF-91EE-95C5A0…)

>>966013Calm down you rabid beast I can’t believe you’re getting this sperged up over an 18 year old girl drinking soup
No. 966052
>>966013Samefag, I'm retarded and actually the recommended sodium intake from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is less than 2,300 mg per day KEK. Fattie Eilish
consumed more than double that in one sitting. If this is how she eats now she's on track for heart disease in the near future. All of that money and she's still this trashy.
>>966028>>966038Kek imagine being autistic enough to wk Billie to a bunch of anons.
> Look at picrel look at it she looks amazing Picrel is photoshopped and tweaked to high hell. Billie IRL does not look like that and you're naïve at best autistic at worst for believing she does.
She's not even 18. She's turning 20 next month, and at that she's wealthy as fuck. There's no excuse for such a shitty diet at that level, she's just a lazy glutton kek.
I'd bet top dollar that you're a fat piece of white trash like her and that's why you're defending her KEK. I would call you pathetic like her but I don't want to knock your trailer park Honey Boo Boo ass down even more, you're already at rock bottom.
No. 966094
>>965959Nayrt but I agree. Also there's something about him that puts me off, he looked somewhat attractive in his youth and he's alright as an actor but that's it. May just be the fact he seems to keep going for younger women but idk about him as a person.
>>965992I don't usually bother to comment on her looks but her face in that story just made me feel really sorry for her, like I don't mind seeing people without makeup and such and doing their own thing in their daily lives, but she looks haggard here for her age. I used to somewhat like her, not so much anymore because of her recent behavior but she needs a better team or make some lifestyle changes or something. Hope she makes better decisions in the future
>>966028Feel like that last sentence outed you as a stan. Idk if you're new here but other anons can and will come at you for it especially since Billie often comes up. That being said I don't see the need for anons to rip into each other over her - we can disagree but is it even worth infighting?
No. 966095
>>966087If it's not that deep stop replying smooth brain. It's more than the soup but a pig like you can't understand.
If your feelings can't take what's being dished out begone faggot. No one is going to miss you.
No. 966106
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>>966103i think some of you need to learn what WKing is kek a comment on chicken broth isn’t it
No. 966109
File: 1636676002103.jpg (84.25 KB, 468x727, jake.jpg)

so red (taylor's version) leaked and the 10 minute all too well version is spilling the tea. it's definitely going to make a massive impact. it's not catchy though.
non spoiler version: jake gyllenhaal is an asshole
spoiler version: she actually goes fucking in and talks about how he said that the age gap was the reason why it didn't work out and then proceeds to call him out for continuing to date young girls like his current chick (started dating him at 22 when jake was 37 or 38) she also talks about how taylor's parents saw him for the scrote he is.
the quality of the leak is garbage so i'm hoping i enjoy the album more when it comes out. the unreleased songs are very nice !
No. 966113
File: 1636676467353.jpeg (550.19 KB, 828x1491, 5D0A02EE-2D98-4AD3-A3BA-BE5DDD…)

>>966106> Full break down defending Billie > some of you need to learn what WKing isBabe you are terminally retarded. Your fav is a glutton too lazy to make her own proper food or even hire someone else to do it and that’s one of the many reasons why she looks more haggard every day. It is sad that no one in her support group is encouraging her to make better choices but at the end of the day she’s a wealthy adult woman, spare your sympathy for someone else who actually deserves it.
No. 966134
>>966121It’s just a cash grab and the AYRT Twitter stan is delusional thinking it’s “spilling the tea” or will make a “massive impact.” All Too Well is on Red, but apparently it started as a 10 minute song of her ad-libbing verses that had to be pared down (obviously) so now you get the “unreleased” version.
She basically Disney Vaulted herself.
No. 966137
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in other dumb news, demi lovato comes out with this pasting this shit from the article kek
>“Yes, absolutely,” Lovato laughed. “I am so tired of humans! I am so tired of humans and their human bullshit. I am so over it! Bring me an alien!” the singer said, temporarily forgetting their previous remarks suggesting that “aliens is a derogatory term.” They added, “Bring me an ET!” No. 966143
File: 1636678365978.png (Spoiler Image,610.99 KB, 818x824, billie.png)

Sorry if it's been posted, only started reading new thread but… have you seen Billie's fragrance new advert clip? That's more or less how it looks like, shown from this angle, touching herself, looking "seductively" (read: stoned/bored as always), sweat droplet (i guess?) rolling down her body… I dislike Billie, her shitty music and her creepy family just like everyone else here, but i lowkey feel bad for her now, it's disgusting what they've done with her. from Vogue shoot, her stylists dressing her in ugly 59 year old "sexy auntie" wardrobe to the fact everything surrounding her is only about sex and boobs now.
she's cringey and her "my boobs are better than you seethe lol" act is probably her idea, or her way of cope, but this fragrance must be 100% her team's idea. milking the cash cow while they still can. they should let her wear emo clothes now, safely could've waited at least 4-5 years before introducing this sexed up persona to further her career.
No. 966144
File: 1636678396007.jpeg (215.46 KB, 1548x1024, 607883F2-2F74-4F01-95B5-E2315E…)

I keep telling you nonnettes that this is the scrote backing every single decision Billie has ever “made” during her career, especially the weird sexy aesthetic right now. He was counting down the days she she was barely old enough.
Her brother and mom do a lot of string pulling also.
No. 966147
>>966144is that her manager? i wouldn't be surprised. Interscope is a shady scum label
on the other hand, her "emo/soundclout/alt" era worked brilliantly the first time around… why would he change something that worked
No. 966149
File: 1636679271930.png (2.28 MB, 1496x886, billlieandphenis.png)

>Her brother and mom do a lot of string pulling also.
Isn't it ironic how much Billie and her brother looked like Poppy and Tits Sinclair in these 2016 pics…
Maybe one day she'll expose her family for all this shit, after she goes through bad breakdown/addiction or fades out of relevancy completely.
No. 966151
>>966143i'm probably naive in saying this because we know how hollywood is but i actually used to kind of like her for not being overtly sexual especially considering so many celebs just make things about sex now. like idm sex but it really doesn't need to be shoved in my face all the time. now she's just
trying to be one of them.
No. 966166
>>966145His name Justin Lubliner. Anon from
>>966147 I’ll give you one better. Not only is he her manager he’s also the CEO of Darkroom. He’s a big player in the scene and interned at Def Jam too. There’s tinfoils floating around that Billie’s over sized alt style was crafted by him since the aesthetic drew a lot of inspo from early 2000s hip hop fashion which he knows the ins and outs of bc of his time at Def Jam.
No doubt he and Phenis crafted this next evolution of her style as well.
>>966152She’ll probably fade into irrelevancy and either A.) Go onto to live a relatively quiet life until money gets tight and comes out with a book or doc called something like “my truth” where she exposes how gross her family is, then does a Las Vegas residency and later a nostalgia tour.
Or B.) The sadder route, ends up like Shelley Duvall because of the trauma/fucked up things she’s been subjected to.
I honestly can’t imagine anything in between but I’m also dramatic. Only time will tell.
No. 966172
>>966151This, stars whose entire image and persona is based on sex, being party girl, being kinky, adventurous af etc. and ONLY that, it's 1) one-dimentional 2) can be irritating 3) gets boring. no problem with stars dressing sexy but you have to have some… balance, idk? not bringing up one topic all the time, especially when it's shoved in our faces as much. like, we get it, you have big boobs, awesome. anything else to talk about? it's just jarring cause it happened too fast to Billie, especially in contrast to years when she wore baggy clothes on purpose, it's been a year almost and it'still uncomfortable
>>966152Phenis became an inseparable part of the lingo of celebricows threads and i find it amusing too kek
No. 966181
>>966137>"I made contact by meditating and looking up and seeing things in the sky that weren't there when I started meditating."Are you sure you're not confusing meditating with doing drugs Demi?
>"Bring me an alien!">Forgetting she claimed "aliens" is derogatory>"Bring me an ET!"KEK this isn't the first time she's gone against shit she's said
No. 966192
>>966166>drew a lot of inspo from early 2000s hip hop fashion bc of his time at Def Jam.That's a good point, not sure about now but Def Jam was popualar in 2000s and had a lot of well known hip hop stuff. Also i can add that Def Jam once had L.A. Reid on board. L.A Reid is the guy responsible for signing Avril Lavigne, who also had signature baggy tomboy style and was one of fav singers of Billie.
I haven't watched Billie's Apple something documentary but i've seen small parts of it, in which Billie and Phenis sit and record music. i had this impression that Phenis knows what he's doing and he's very idk focused, and he knows some mechanisms of not only music but also business overall. they all try to act like sweet loving family who ~*wasn't actually rich at all! small 2-room house!!!*~. idk if they abuse her, hope not, but they seem exploitative. think how much they were ready to sacrifice to reach success, to make their daughter a star. not just random star but top 1 one selling millions, all before she's 17 or 16.
No. 966215
File: 1636683364083.jpeg (147.14 KB, 640x553, 13B4F3A6-14FE-461E-B166-2CE1AA…)

>>966203Not tinfoiling by posting this but just sharing a screenshot I remember I saw someone shared and found funny, though the implications are gross
No. 966234
>>966203Yeah, i was the one who posted Daddy lyrics 2 or 3 threads ago. i know DDLG was "trendy" a few years back, and Billie & Phenis even liked Melanie Martinez but that's so fucked up to be an older brother and write lyrics like this, and have your 13 or 14 year old sister at the time singing this? how is it not questioned by idk journalists and not just small group of anons on the internet. you can be stupid teenager but you've got some common logic and responsibility, imagine writing a song about, idk, incest kink and telling younger siblings to sing.
Billies parents couldn't care less when she was dating 20-something man while underage, i almost forgot about this. they'd probably let her date Lubliner guy or even some wrinkly 70 year old scrote from Interscope as long as she brings cash home. Phenis loves fame, their mom surely enjoys her "vegan activist/cool hippie mom" fame too.
No. 966248
>>966240Oh right, the NDA song. the lyrics were bitter/ironic but i think this topic wasn't just made out of thin air. it's based on something real from her life. she surely makes people sign NDAs, that's common for stars of this format. the boyfriend that she accused of using her, highlighting the age gap (Your Power song etc.) didn't really say that much/didn't try to defend himself much, to my knowledge, maybe right because of NDA.
Anons speculated that Billie makes her guys sign NDA because she lies about her age, so she needs to keep them quiet when they go. if that one is true, then maybe she wasn't underage at the time of dating Seven (forgot the exact name) guy. so much of unknown.
No. 966323
>>966295Yeah, it's her poor choice to date that older scrote when everybody warned her and thinks it's a failed idea. she also doesn't think about what she's really saying, just so she can think she's so right/woke while people are just "scared of the big boobs" lol. I think it's because she's used to praise and people fawning over her only. she basically witnessed no criticism in her debut album era, well not from the famous people, not anyone who matters. fans loved her unconditionally too. she used to be "down to earth and relatable", or normal compared to other popstars. (baggy clothes created this illusion too) Billie was told repeatedly all she does/says is more than great, so now when people are disagreeing or criticising, it's probably shocking to her. fame gets to people's heads, btw she reacts pretty immaturely, like a teenager she is (or a spoiled sheltered kid she also is). gets pissed off or rolls eyes and replies dumbly, or says shit like "i don't get what you mean guys, btw it doesn't matter, at least i have HUGE boobs and you don't haha jealous?" that's also a part of why packing her in mature/grandma clothes is weird, she's just not psychically mature at all.
No. 966344
>>966323Ayrt, I completely agree. Was also the one who wrote
>>966224. It's so off putting they try to market her as this seductive bombshell (that spoilered pic anon posted of her perfume ad was especially uncomfortable to see) when, even though we say here she looks aged sometimes, she still behaves incredibly immaturely and makes dumb choices in contrast - none of what they're putting out to the public makes sense or is consistent. She's not exactly relatable anymore, it's a far cry from what she was pushed as earlier in her teens as an alt girl. I mean she still behaves with that similar stubborn teenage mindset in this era but more openly arrogant and full of herself and it's a tired act.
No. 966346
>>966143i used to like her when she talked about not being sexualized. And I think it would have been fine for her to dress more sexy as she got older and got more comfortable with her body, but this sit just makes me sad. This is just for moids to look at. Every fat girl I went to hig school with does the big boob cope thing. It's really cringey.
Also anon you're right an emo phase right now would be on trend and look good on her. I hate her outfits this era.
>>966144Her shirt is fucking disgusting. She's such a porn sick twat. It's not the edgy vibe she thinks it is.
No. 966373
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Her Taylor versions sounds so fucking awful why did she di this? Did nobody help her?
No. 966381
>>966374Anon who wrote
>>965859. I feel like Ari would be the kind of person that's into looking like one. But yeah I was being a bit dumb when I wrote that other comment. Did notice a lot of Ari fan types online (and irl) who are into Bratz stuff and it had me think that, but at least not all Bratz girls are Ari fans kek
No. 966403
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>>966399Googled him, the first thing that pops is the Taylor Swift wiki, kek
he's used to be pretty good looking though, though he currently looks older then Taylor even though he's only 26 No. 966407
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>>966403and this is him now, can you believe that a guy who looks like he sells drugs in a white trash town is a Kennedy and dated Taylor Swift
No. 966422
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>>966419To add tot this: She signed up with the record label of travis barker, the thriving force behind this revival.
>avrillavigne Let’s fuck shit up! Just signed a record contract to Travis Barker’s record label DTA Records! Should I drop my first single next week ? No. 966428
File: 1636712390624.jpg (113.02 KB, 1147x635, EDDIEHALLPROMO.jpg)

>>966421>>966417>>966418This is profensslal strongman Eddie Hall when he was 16, would one be a pedo if they said they would be attracted to him and not know he was underage
No. 966435
>>966428not sure if this is solid advice or not but… maybe check that the guy's not underage before you want to fuck him? don't see much room in going wrong there.
from what it looks like taylor swift on the other hand seemed to know the guy she was dating was still a minor, and now you know the guy you say you're attracted to was only 16 in that image.
No. 966441
>>966428of course you're not a pedo but if he's in high school it's weird. 16 year old boys are literally retarded why tf would you want to date one?
>>966439>yesretard, do you know what a pedophile is?
No. 966443
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>>966439>>966441well this is what he looks like now, clearly not a child
No. 966446
>>966441The ayrt kind of had a point though. And 16 year olds are usually still in high school. but regardless if they're attending school or not it's still creepy if the anon that had a crush wasn't also of high school age, but anon is implying she isn't
>>966443The anon that brought him up chose to bring up a photo of him at 16, not now
No. 966447
>>966446it's creepy but it doesn't make you a
pedophile, a pedophile is sexually attracted to pre pubescent children
No. 966450
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Perhaps the reason Grimes has been so out of touch this past year could have something to do with this, maybe she could have been more open about her difficult pregnancy but then it would have still created distance from her younger fans
No. 966452
>>966447at least a bunch of us can agree it's creepy but people often misuse the word pedo. i'm sure we all knew what both anons meant - also
>>966428 was the first one to say "pedo" when no one else before mentioned it and we were only talking about how weird the taylor swift situation was, so you may want to take it up with that specific person
No. 966454
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Meanwhile in the themi lovato world …
No. 966458
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>>966454>>966455predicting it right now, she's gonna fall under some rightwing pipeline and start blaming Jews
No. 966585
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>>966101The amount she is eating contains several times the daily recommended amount of sodium for an adult human. Are you retarded?
>>966473Yeah she's got a fast pass to psychosis land and nobody is gonna stop her.
No. 966716
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a 9th victim of astroworld. travis and all of the kartrashians should be in jail i don’t care. she was only 22 and she had several heart attacks during the crowd crush
No. 966764
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It seems nobody remembers the Hillsborough stadium disaster, in which 93 people were crushed to death. Did they blame the soccer teams? No. They blamed police and security.
I don't believe Travis should be taking 100% blame for this. Were his actions shitty afterwards? Sure. Should he personally be in jail for an infrastructure and security issue? No not really. His managers have control over that, not him. No. 966776
>>966764are you a yank? they infamously didn't blame police OR security - in fact, the police did everything they could to make sure they removed themselves from blame. the crowds themselves were blamed by police and media, and specific rags over here (the sun in particular) even went so far as to blame the
victims who died. this included children, and is why the sun is now banned from being sold in liverpool, where the tragedy happened.
No. 966778
>>966764Why are so many people jumping to his defense like it’s going to do anything? It’s his show. He encourages this behavior and has a history of it. He told people to break in and rush the gates and crowd. If Billie eillish could see a single person and stop a show to help them, he could see multiple people in distress. His apology was absolutely fucking fake, so you’re caring for someone who would not care if you live or die, you are no different. You’re also arguing fractions, you admit he’s negligent to some degree but the rest is debatable so I don’t know what you hope to accomplish by telling people They’re Wrong He’s Innocent. You don’t have all the information and we can all watch how the lawsuits play out.
He also watched people get carried out, could have just paused for a minute. Many times at huge concerts like this performers will tell the crowd to take however many steps back, they might even keep reminding them. You can literally always see how crushed and distressed people are at the front. They are always watching the crowd and ways are in FULL CONTROL to stop for a moment, or longer, or at any moment enforce security. There was a whole as ambulance that people were twerking on that Kylie recorded like a dumb ass, no matter what drugs he’s on he can see a goddamn ambulance trying to accomplish something and tell people to let it through and get off of it, or if he’s so high then he would have made sure his team could delegate safety for him.
Bringing up another event doesn’t help your argument at all, there are too many differences between events and circumstances. The only thing they have in common is crowd crush, would you compare all murderers or robberies? This man is laughing at you too. He wants his shows to be as violent as possible because it’s shock value, he sees people going hard and injuring themselves or dying for him as a compliment. Ask yourself why you want to be an instrument to this kind of person when there are far better musicians who do respect your humanity.
No. 966795
>>966441Where did I mention that anon was pedophile or not? My "yes" was in regards if he looks underage or not, as I explained it.
Maybe the topic is a bit too close to home for you?
No. 966799
>>966778i agree with most of this, but apparently there are many events to compare this to. it's what i've seen a lot of people doing.
>>966764maybe he can't take the full blame because the organizers should too, but he's known to encourage this shit and can be held accountable for a lot of it, why defend him? if this backlash is what he needs to realize pushing his fans to do crazy shit can result in them getting hurt or dying, then that's what he deserves. but unfortunately he's wealthy enough anyway so whatever (financial) consequences he gets will barely affect him.
No. 966801
>>966795yeah it's funny how "pedo" wasn't brought up in any of the taylor swift posts (which was what the creepy stuff stemmed from) until that other anon had to randomly ask if being attracted to a pic of a random guy at the age of 16 made one a pedo.
if they have to ask… i mean because of the age, doesn't make them a pedo but definitely creepy that it was even brought up in the first place.
No. 966809
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Olivia Munn hired a cheap roofer without a license or resources, he fell from the roof and died. Now she's getting sued for wrongful death. All that money and she couldn't hire a licensed roofer? No. 966810
>>966798Who cares if I'm a yank? It was an event that shook people globally, eurofag.
My point is, the fault is not of the people performing.
Everyone thinks that saying "someone should take the blame" is defending. I'm speaking objectively, no intention on "defending him" specifically. If people were blaming the fans, I'd say the same thing. It's organizers and infrastructure fault.
No. 966823
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>>966810It wasn't the fault of the football teams for sure. However, Travis Scott is on record telling his fans to rage, act wild, storm the festival if they weren't able to get tickets because he would be able to sneak them in
No. 966842
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Excuse the blue light filter but Britney's conservatorship has ended!
No. 966855
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>>966810Ntayrt but are you autistic or just missing the context around what happened at Astroworld? Like other Anons have pointed out how Travis actively encourages his fans go full blown retarded and rage at his concerts. It's not a secret and I've even seen mainstream media cover it.
Stop backpedaling and own up to the fact that you're grasping at straws to defend a drugged out scrote who did the robot as people in his crowd screamed for help. Go back to your high school's debate club if you want to play devil's advocate kek. Maybe he isn't completely responsible but he is definitely partially responsible for the deaths of 9 people and injury of many others.
I don't like accusing other anons on this site of being men but your weird sperging to deflect any blame from Travis Scott makes me think you're either a very retarded woman or a scrote.
No. 966864
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>>966842This is great news. I hope her family burns in hell for what they did to her.
No. 966874
nonnie I was literally saying “good for her”, in that tone when I saw the Britney update. Wish we could drink champagne in celebration together
No. 966901
>>966267boullion eilish
boullion bossa nova
No. 966911
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he's done
No. 966913
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praying somebody talks to her before it’s too late… “billie, you have a F.A.T. problem!!”
No. 966943
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>>966911Here’s an infographic from the article mentioned in the tweet
No. 966953
>>966945sounds like whoever greenlighted the show should be charged
>>966949if that really happened, then obvs him too
No. 966965
>>966963So if he said to stop the show and stopped performing because people were dying they would have continued the show anyway, right?
Artists can stop the show at any point, stop being so naive
No. 967012
>>966410i wouldn't call this a scrote move at all. dating a young rebound after an
abusive relationship is common among women. i don't give her a full pass for going after a 17 year old (if she did, which she probably did) but i can understand the appeal in dating someone young who treats you decently after dating a scrote who negs you when you wear heels. the difference between men and women who do this is men do it for power, women do it to regain confidence in themselves as a once off. begin again explains it really well.
and it was for taylor, she didn't date like that afterwards. i think harry styles is younger but that was obvious pr lol.
No. 967167
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>>963593I literally gagged when I saw Noah's suspiciously placed missing nails. Nonas please tell me they're not actually dating
No. 967172
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I ordered Billie Eilish’s perfume. Any faggots want a review?
No. 967183
File: 1636793811602.jpg (34.92 KB, 812x138, Screenshot_4.jpg)

>>967172judging from the notes this is another typical sickeningly sweet celebrity perfume. But am a perfumefag and still curious so please do a review
No. 967194
>>967015This makes no sense. They could've cut off the power and the show would've been over. I am reading the back and forth about this incident on this thread.
I think he didn't know it. But due to his jerkism he provoked the behaviour that led to this.
I just can't understand why the people that were informed by the police didn't decide to stop the show.
And as to the people that went on stage, another Anon already told, that they were fans.
The right way would've been, give notice to the performer, that the power will be cut off and what has happened, so the performer can inform the crowd. If the performer doesn't give a fuck, still cut off the power. While a person goes on stage and gives the information to the crowd.
It's not his fault that the show went on, but it's his fault that he provoked the behaviour, so he carries responsibility, as well.
No. 967221
>>966913Legit thought that was Rebel Wilson while she was still fat kek
Billie seems to be hitting the metabolism slow-down of young adulthood pretty early. Most people don't get that issue til they're like 25. Hope she spends some of that money of hers on a nutritionist. Or even a chef.
No. 967255
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the woman and the Themi-midget
No. 967263
>>967255God, she looks straight up bizarre at this point. Could be an edit done by a farmer because it looks so ridiculous. Those pants look like they are about to burst in any moment. She also looks so damn sweaty ever since she started with the they/them retardation. What's up with that?
Paris looks very classy tho.
No. 967290
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>>967255speaking of Paris, her husband has extreme gay face
No. 967303
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>>967290God he has an awful smile, men shouldn't be allowed to smile, everyone looks awful smiling
men should stay quiet and smoke cigarettes
No. 967365
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>>967352it's stretched, but she is still fat
No. 967411
>>967255she looks like a wine drunk 4 times divorced aunt kek. Can't believe she's 15 years younger than Paris
No. 967418
>>967293Kek I had the same concern when I scrolled down and saw Paris was posted
>>967304You're alright anon it's been 3 hrs of peace so far. You're right though kek
No. 967434
>>967411To be fair, anyone would look dumpy next to Paris - who's also had had a ton of work done over the years.
Themi's dress and styling is atrocious, though. Her makeup and wardrobe age her terribly, she looks like some bargain bin washed out bingo hall auntie.
No. 967474
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>>967350His upper lip really is nonexistent.
No. 967550
>>967255paris looks so amazing, if she continues to maintain herself like this, she might turn into one of the best aging celebs ever
who would have thought that back then kek
No. 967552
>>967518anon please you vou should have given more details because this was unexpected.
She pees on a fans mouth in a concert.
No. 967605
>>967599The rap comment didn't even make sense in that context
I get it was probably some sneaky way of racebaiting, but still. This thread really does attract some strange people.
No. 967685
>>967644maybe she wants to be like or have a level of fame like chrissy teigen has. along with the plastic surgery she's already reviled as well so she's partway there kek. but she doesn't have as much notoriety and probably never will (as much as she seems to want to be) because a) people have never appeared to genuinely deem her relatable and b) barely anyone talks about her except for her weird trashy antics (re: pmab behavior, chris pine sexts, her claim that potatoes changed her face or whatever) and then forgets about her
this is all just from what i've seen though so what i'm guessing is probably wrong.
No. 967747
File: 1636855982834.png (1.26 MB, 1132x556, Capture.PNG)

>>967507SA- it's not that they even look all that alike, it's just like it's that brand of "Bored woman gains weight, gets depressed and tries to find ANYTHING to make a personality/get attention" look to them.
Demi at least has a traumatic past and things that happen that make you kinda understand it. It's like once they start going down this road they think, "Well I gained weight, I think I look ugly, so let me make myself look worse. Now i'm not even a woman! Now I'm extra woke and I can talk to aliens/have DID!"
I hope this makes sense.
No. 967881
>>967641My thoughts exactly, anon. That man is beige through and through.
How fun that Paris has managed to keep a man long enough to marry, at long last, never thought I'd see the day. He must have exactly zero personality, otherwise she'd have dumped him ages ago kek
No. 967890
>>967346I vote next thread pic personally.
Remember on Instagram someone commented “they look bad and by they I mean Demi” kek I’ll never forget
No. 968106
>>968082>Seriously question, who is her target fan base currently?The same one as always, her original fan base never stopped liking her. Then there's us gay women because of the whole Gaylor thing.
Now days there's even younger kids liking her too and I don't know where those came from because they must have been fetuses when she first came out.
No. 968124
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>>968101This isn't about specifically Taylor but I don't understand this mentality regarding celebrity spouses
It literally seems people are incapable of understanding that celebrities have normal lives outside their personas and careers, It seems like everyone expect celebrities to date other famous people, event the delusional gay shippers only ever ship celebrities with other celebrities, most likely people will date who ever is living near their area and goes to the same places as the, so their most likely going to date and marry other rich people who are statistically not likely to be famous and any time some one famous does marry a non-famous person, people always seem to get surprised for whatever reason and always make delusional elaborate conspiracy theories cause they refuse to accept it
No. 968136
>>968106>>968113>>968115You guys are delusional. "You Need to Calm Down" is the straightest take on gay rights I've ever heard, there's no way Taylor is anything other than straight. For fuck's sake, in that song she compares homophobes to her fucking haters. No one who's actually experienced systemic homophobia would compare it to people judging them online. She also shoehorns her rivalry with Katy Perry into the video even though it has nothing to with the song. The song is also peak rainbow capitalism, waiting until it was stylish to support gay rights instead of releasing the song when it would have actually been a bold statement.
It's clear she has no personal investment in gay rights, or even a basic understanding of how systemic homophobia works. She's straight. Also she's a poser libfem and not an actual feminist, but that's a discussion for another day.
No. 968142
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No. 968150
>>968082she does have some fun songs like bad blood, lwymmd, shake it off, trouble.
Now Ed Sheeran on the other hand, that dude is boring af and his songs are all basic.
No. 968157
>>968136don't you know, she released you need to calm down only when gay rights were popular because her evil managed wouldn't allow her to express her gay self in any way uwu. Also something about her being on the rainbow side in the music video and fingering her champagne glass in another one while singing about fucking models if she were male
I love reading delusional Gaylor takes
I suddenly remembered the anon who admitted to photoshopping the supposed Taylor Swift 4chan selfpost, wonder what she's up to nowadays No. 968204
>>968168A lot of the Fujos that I keep in contact with also seem to have gotten into shipping straight female characters together, despite most all these women being "straight" themselves, I mean some identify with some spicy straight variety but you know their all pretty much straight
One kinda funny example I know is a chick who always rails against female characters being paired with "boring straight white men" despite all the female characters and herself being white and as far as I having only ever dated white men
No. 968209
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>>968168I know your comment is generalized, but the Gaylor sperging went mainstream because of a video showing Taylor and Karlie supposey kissing. There were also some livejournal comments that sounded kinda gay, but probably were typical teenage girl asskissing. Oh and some drama with her female tour musician or something?
Love when the stans decode the lyrics to find hidden references to Taylor's various gay lovers. She should "come out", the hype would be insane kek. Or is she still a republican darling?
>>968184Yeah, I remembered the birthmarks one! I was taking her words with a shitload of sand, but the Taylor sperging made me think of her.
No. 968217
>>967779Alice Evans looks like a computer generated face of a generic pretty girl slapped onto an unedited middle ages woman's head, like one of those badly made filters that gives everyone the same tiny cartoon face.
I don't even know who she is, but it's uncanny.
No. 968558
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>>968216>>968220nah the allegation is that he cheated on his gf with ariana. there's no real evidence to support them hooking up other than her being a fangirl
deuxmoi source adamantly denied jimari, said she ended up being creeped out by him. source said he tried to hookup with big ass a lister. most think it's either j-lo or kim k. would've been around the time he was living in nyc a few years ago
No. 968583
Saw this screenshot and thought people might have thoughts on how creepy this seems so shared here. Spoilered bc Billie posted yet another uncomfortable photo promoting her perfume similar to
The thing I'm noting here is that Phenis liked this, his icon is left uncensored. He might be supporting his sister, but I'm not sure he needed to look at and like his 19 year old sister's lewds on Instagram to do that.
No. 968584
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>>968583Samefag, forgot to add the screenshot.
No. 968604
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The proposal only took 8 hours, but Taylor Lautner got a few IG-worthy pics out of it.
No. 968677
>>968666This is fucking awful. What a horrible, horrible thing to happen to anyone, let alone a kid.
But Live Nation is both an industry giant and Saudi owned, and will not face any meaningful backlash or repercussion over this. Neither will Travis; this isn't the first gig he's had people in the audience fucking die, and it didn't matter to his braindead fans then - it won't matter now, either.
No. 968714
>>968666Fucking haunting… I cannot imagine what his parents are feeling.
Though the worst thing was the crush photo with a guy whose blue face was in the middle, he was already dead and was confirmed to be one of the victims>>968677>Neither will Travis; this isn't the first gig he's had people in the audience fucking die, and it didn't matter to his braindead fans then When did it happen and what were the circumstances?
No. 968718
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(This was one of those multi photo posts on Instagram so I just put a bunch of the others in the same image since I don't feel like linking or posting multiple screenshots)
Does the idea of Chrissy Teigen throwing a Squid Game themed party seem… kind of weird or off to anyone else here? Can't really put my finger on why exactly. Also the prize on the fourth one (a video with a girl twerking in front of the card or w/e) says "Flights to Napa and dinner at French Laundry [?] for two"
No. 968732
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>>968724Yeah. Didn't know if I should've censored the commenters since they're just random people? Left one because that one's verified I guess
No. 968733
>>968718She's oblivious to the outside world, as usual. and the toilet photo is disgusting
>rich white men watching the glass bridge episode vibesMy thoughts exactly
No. 968737
>>968733She tries so hard to make herself seem quirky and relatable but she's so out of touch with what's actually socially acceptable among us poorer folk it's astounding. Idk what's worse - all of her and her rich friends missing the point, or the fact that she still has fans calling this cute and looking up to her.
The only way this could've been redeemable is if they actually donated to a charity (like one of the commenters originally thought) of the winner's choice, but obviously they don't roll like that. Ik it's a party kek but it just feels gross.
No. 968831
>>968811That wasn't me lol but honestly what the original ayrt said here
>>968770 was just that Ariana attracts a pick-me audience which I don't disagree with. Just had to say no one is going to take you seriously with how hard you're riding Ariana's dick and going on about how she's "talented and actually respected" which itself is already up for debate kek
No. 968853
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No. 968869
>>968857You can tell the ones who have come from Twitter due to the sites exposure on there like from the whole CH stuff and other angry ‘stans’.
Those who use y’all is also a give away.
No. 968883
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tbh the autism in this thread is so precious, But im also a part of the autism in this thread so purrr.
No. 968890
>>968811Both are human dolls anon, generic characters made for mass appeal
there is nothing special about them at all
No. 968916
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I love him (I know and deserve the shit I’m going to get kek) but the photos from this shoot are cracking me up he looks terrible
No. 968918
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>>968916Samefag but my gay sleep paralysis demon
No. 968925
>>968916>>968918I had a dream a couple years back, just a couple months after the Macmaster stadium bombing, I dreamt that Harry Styles had been shot and killed by an Islamist extremist and the world mourned his death
I remember waking up and immediately crying cause I thought that dream may have been real, as now I kinda wished my dream had been reality
before he devolved into a parody of wokeism I wished he had died when he was just a good looking straight man
No. 968942
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>>968870no mystery
which country either
No. 968961
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>>968862I haven't gotten it yet. TBF I'm a bit pissy because I paid an extra $23 for expedited shipping and still haven't received it and probably won't until tomorrow according to UPS. Just for reference I'm on west coast, the package went from New York to New Jersey then to Texas, and some how ended up back in Kentucky yesterday for what ever retarded reason. If any anons work in shipping or for UPS could explain why it would get sent from Texas back to Kentucky which is further east when it's supposed to be delivered in the opposite direction I would really appreciate it.
No. 968971
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>>968951Was just about to say this. Even Ezra Miller doesn't really pull it off. Looks like a troon with multiple sexual abuse allegations
Most men in Hollywood just aren't attractive enough for this particular style of androgyny, they should find something else
No. 968974
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>>968955>>968963David Bowie actually was enough smart enough to know that when he started getting older he wasn't "pretty" enough his past glam rock persona and started leaning into his stronger features, Bowie had an intensity. He know how to carry himself and enhance his looks something that Harry lacks
No. 968988
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>>968971??? what the fuck is he doing with his hands? Is he trying to pull a Baphomet or what?
No. 968996
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>Of course Jake Gyllenragji still longingly thinks about me over a decade later, wears my scarf, stalks me, and pines for the days that we were together
>and then everyone in the audience at my show clapped #inspiring
Who does this boring prairie-dog bitch think she is?
No. 968997
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>>968971speaking of ezra miller, what happened to him, i never hear about him anymore. Is his career dead after choking his fan OR is he blacklisted for certain behavior behind the scenes??? we will never know.
>>968989he was hot until he turned into this
No. 969013
>>968996Wait doesn't that defeat whole point of it though, men like Jake Gyllenhaal don't view themselves as "bad guys" cause they've never raped women but their still shallow and are attracted to women in their 20's for their bodies and older women also would hold them accountable and not put up with their BS.
Him being an obsessives stalker whose still in love with her defeats the real reasoning and logic of these types of men and makes it all about her
No. 969088
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He looks like if the grinch was a fag. And this shoot was to announce the launch of his own beauty brand called “pleasing”
No. 969123
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>>969088I can't with his ugly golbin face.
No. 969146
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>>968996i haven't watched it and i'm not particularly too interested in doing so tbh. but i've been hearing a lot and from that, what i'm not understanding is, so is she focusing on the age gap or something? and was so committed she decided to cast a 19 and 30 year old as her and gyllenhaal? so she went through all of that in real life but wanted to put a 19 year old girl to act as her to make it more authentic somehow? i've seen criticism thrown towards those casting actors as couples with a large age gap in real life: picrel is an example, the entire infographic is too long, but something missing from the screenshot that's worth mentioning is elle fanning age 19 and jude law age 44.
the talk i've seen about all too well mentioned the age gap but praised her for committing to it….. idk if the impression i'm getting is actually the case, but that's my question.
No. 969155
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>>969150ayrt, yeah i'll admit some are fine. it's an infograph i remember finding about woody allen, who's known to be a creep anyway. it was too long to post the whole thing and there were also other graphs like this one i found of scarlett johansson and her casted partners in movies.
No. 969157
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Speaking or Harry Styles: He has his own beauty line. You can get all nail polishes in a set for only 65$! A single nail polish is 20$. There is also a face serum, nail stickers and an eye liner. The most overpriced and random thing ever.
No. 969165
>>969155>>16 and 46
Man the early 2000's were wild how was this shit allowed wtf.
No. 969168
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>>968938I'm sorry, I don't want to look at it again to confirm, but from the thumbnail I think it's here: mods for not 'this is imageboard'-ing me earlier)
victim is either Franco Patiño or Axel Acosta (careful, apparently there is a photo of his corpse uploaded to the internet because the police couldn't ID him otherwise as he was out of state). I think actually both may be in the picture
Just found out Travis Scott joined Ariana in the shameless BetterHelp scam after being involved in a mass tragedy. Fucker deserves being a-loged No. 969179
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>>969155>>969165>>969167Here's another questionable age gap -
Drew Barrymore (17) and Tom Skerritt (59) in the movie Poison Ivy.
>>969150Just want to point out the entry of the 17 and 43 year old mentioned on the graph involves Woody himself. Picrel from that film.
No. 969204
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Fatson 6-month rolling stone expose finally dropped, looking like a recap of our old Manson threads from a year+ ago. Among new dirt is that he apparently had this type of
abusive relationship with his own mother since high school, and I’m wondering if his accelerated degradation is related to the fact that she died and couldn’t be the universal scapegoat anymore. No. 969233
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>>969216 Nonny this isn’t attractive, dandy-Esque, David Bowie glam rock type aesthetics, this is just straight clown costuming choosen on purpose to appeal to the lowest common denominator of gay druggie degenerates. Fashion in 2021 doesn’t know how to do hetero-attractive androgynous male aesthetics which is understandable since it’s 50% gays and 50% low iq woke women
No. 969272
>>967346damn this is amazing
nonny good work
No. 969349
>>968997There was a rumor that Ezra was quietly shuffled off to rehab before filming The Flash. That film completed last month apparently, and they might have signed him for a full trilogy. Seems kind of overly hopeful to me but that's comic book cinema for you.
He's definitely been keeping a low profile but the whole promo period before release is going to be interesting.
No. 969355
>>968712Another thing to consider– It was also a carnival with rides and games, hence the "all ages" bit. It
would be unusual to bring a child to any other regular music festival.
No. 969359
>>969346that's why i don't understand what she's trying to do with this whole all too well/jake gyllenhaal thing. the impression i get is that she's calling him out for dating her while he was 29? is that what's happening there?
yet - from what i hear she casts a 19yo and 30yo to portray her and jake even though people are usually critical of irl age gaps between love interests in media. and adding the fact that she was seeing a 17yo kennedy boy in her 20s and dropping him off at school.
No. 969366
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What is it with guys trying to show off their nipples specifically?
(As an example, more often than I should I keep seeing guys pull their shirt necklines down to show off their nipples in photos. Idk if I've just been unlucky or whatnot but it's dumb)
No. 969538
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Is this true?
No. 969565
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I didn't know this was a thing grimes said“It’s really fucked up to call yourself Sophie and pretend you’re a girl when you’re a male producer [and] there are so few female producers,” No. 969748
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Did anyone see these cool tweets by Marina?
No. 969751
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No. 969754
>>969751Rofl that is straight up a sissy outfit, end
toxic masculinity by parodying the way little girls dressed in 50s movies!
No. 969763
>>969757I hate Harry but still cringe when people say this shit about him mostly cause its boring and receptive and all these same losers will then champion "queer
poc" or whatevr who are just as ugly
No. 969780
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>>969751Regards were born yesterday, so many other famous men were "ending
toxic masculinity" in a more meaningful and/or stylish. Besides, men wearing dresses will not change shit about abuse they put others through.
No. 969890
>>969780>Men wearing dresses will not change shit about abuse they put others throughThis. I don't mind that people want to break gender norms or whatever (in Harry's case using really ugly clothes) but it doesn't change what these people have done in their past and men who do this get fucking lauded for this shit. The bar is too low.
>>969887Of course men are trying to talk over women sharing their experiences once again
No. 969994
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Guardian article about Harry. It's tagged as "women".
No. 970016
>>969885>>969886Yep it's him, wearing Courtney's classic kinderwhore dress (or a copy of it).
He was actually walking the walk, contrary to Harry Styles
No. 970083
>>968974>>969233 stop defending and comparing here
nonnie, Bowie fucked a 16 year old girl when he was an adult. he is a pile of shit and i hope he died painfully and so should you
No. 970106
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>>970083>>970099I had no idea about this, so I looked it up and got this article, and it's point is literally "rape;oh well". I feel like I'm losing grip with reality. No. 970117
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>>970110It seems way too casual about it to me, and putting this part about how "no she actually said she loved it" and she says how he was like a God and it was beautiful. Some girl could read that and see that and feel encouraged because she wants to live an exciting groupie life and be with musicians. Idk it just seems off to me, maybe I'm being too picky.
No. 970135
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>>968718Okay so I was initially looking up the David Bowie stuff and was reading it, but there were links to other recommended articles. One said "We regret to inform you Chrissy Teigen is at it again" and I was wondering if she pulled yet another stupid stunt but in fact someone's criticizing the Squid Game party and actually calling out her shit instead of glorifying her. Kek.
>Teigen recently hosted a Squid Game-themed party, which featured a coterie of wealthy celebrity guests cosplaying as poor people. No. 970138
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No. 970150
>>970136Zayn is an uncontrollable mess, there's no way his team could get him to do that shit when they can't even get him to promote music lmao. Louis wouldn't because he's afraid of people thinking he's gay, maybe Liam would be desperate enough but he also wants people to think he's sexy, I guess they'd have to resort to Niall.
That said I think Harry is doing it of his own volition because he likes the praise for being a woke feminist breaking gender norms, and I suspect this is how he tries to stand out in the fashion world and distance himself from being an uncool boyband member.
No. 970183
>>970161They're both awful people so honestly? I'm intrigued to see them suffer together for as long
(or short) as it lasts.
The only people I feel sorry for would be their kid, who'll be born into this shitshow, and his ex-wife but she's moving on.
No. 970207
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>>965630This guy? He doesn't seem as blobish then, gross but not blobish. Her daughter from that fling is a gorgeous young lady, at least she has Leni now
No. 970222
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Ladies I finally got it… With dents. This is right out the box. I think it’s to be expected with the packaging though. Imho imperfections are more visible on a gold bust than a typical perfume bottle. Apart from that it is harder to open than a typical perfume bottle. I have to give the bottle a 6/10 without the dents, 5/10 with the dents.
Smell review coming soon, I’m still trying to make up my mind about it but as mentioned in the review in
>>969008 I completely agree that it is extremely sugary sweet.
No. 970254
>>969155Bit of a film sperg here but I don't think Lost in Translation or Her should be considered in this graph. LIT because her relationship with Murray wasn't romantic at all imo, the whole point was that Murray and Johanson are two very different people but felt similarly lost in their lives and formed a bond and closeness from that. The whole point is he was an old, married man and she was a young, soon to be married woman, but they shared similar feelings about feeling isolated from the people in their lives and not really knowing where to go or what to do with themselves.
Then Her makes it's own point. She's an AI, she's not even human. She's meant to sound how a sultry, animated woman would sound. She isn't a human character in this, just a voice and I think her voice was a good choice for the role. It wouldn't have had the same effect if say, Meryl Streep voiced it.
No. 970269
>>970263They did yeah, and the kiss was awkward as fuck, as intended. I'm certain it was depicted this way to solidify to the audience that their relationship lacks a romantic element, but rather one of mutual bond and understanding.
I don't remember her getting upset (it's been years since I've watched the film) but overall the relationships reads as platonic, and it bothers me when it's read as otherwise because it misses the central point of the film.
No. 970320
>>969360ntayrt but it still cracks me up that she BOUGHT A HOUSE next to his parents' and then drove him to high school lmao
could you imagine if a male singer did the same thing with a 17-year-old socialite
No. 970322
>>970318ayrt - it definitely still happens today and it grosses me the fuck out. as mentioned in
>>969884, they cast people above the age to play teenagers in high school situated movies/shows and style them to look as such. yet, they still think it's okay to pair people with wildly inappropriate age gaps when actors/actresses can be styled (or even use cgi in some more big budget cases like with samuel l jackson in captain marvel) to look older or younger than they actually are and in that case it doesn't have to be inappropriate. i could be wrong though, but aren't there other ways than making some poor girl trying to make it in acting enact a whole relationship with someone probably old enough to be her father?
No. 970401
>>970395most rappers are literal low IQ monkeys who haven't finished highschool and have never read a book in their lives
this behavior isn't surprising
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>>970405They deleted it really fast in order to remove the "c" kek.
No. 970449
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Holy shit, Melanie Martinez became morbidly obese?
No. 970459
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>>969751Can't he at least shave? Both he and Ezra Miller look like fucking clowns, I say that as someone who likes GNG fashion and androgynous looking people, but they just wear shit for shock value and wokeness while having no real style. The anons comparing older artist are right, feels like every other 80's dude was pulling this androgynous thing more effortlessly than them
No. 970518
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>>970459fr even fucking Ricky Gervais did it better
No. 970529
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>>970449I buy it. This was from her last music video a year ago
No. 970560
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>>970553no, they are shaved.
No. 970588
File: 1637169327260.jpeg (246.74 KB, 828x738, AEFAD377-75A4-4680-A226-4681D4…) guesses on these?
>"handsome" and "charming" comedian>likely based in los angeles>no age given, implied to be older>tried to turn the women he slept with against one another>manipulative and coercive, referred to by one of the women as "jekyll / hyde">into s&m dynamics as the dominant where women would call him "sir">has herpes>has at least twitter>likes to keep "private life private">had a girlfriend in the year 2018>had a television show he worked on drop in 2018-2019"John"
>television actor >was in a popular show in the 00s>based in new york city>40s>hooks up with predominantly 20some women>featured in blinds submitted to deuxmoi No. 970628
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>>970549She's still big with some zoomers
No. 970641
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>>970449>THEY were perfect on stageit's all so tiresome
No. 970656
>>970639That was my thought, he's older so it'd be fitting he'd date 30some women. The show Ariana guest starred in, Kidding came out around the listed timeframe, and he was dating his costar Ginger from the show from 2018-2019. His only social media is Twitter. Is public knowledge that he's got HSV at this point. If David is him I'm wondering if there's going to be anything that comes of it. He's got a lot of power to have prevented his career from dying after Cat White's suicide, but he can't dodge his past forever. If he's continued abusing women, his actions are inevitably going to bite him in the ass.
I think John is BJ Novak. He's been mentioned on deuxmoi multiple times and it's well known he scavenges NYC parties to find twentysome women, using his credentials and fame on The Office to woo them. One of the girls from the leftcows thread said he tried to hook up with them before
No. 970696
>>970667This took two seconds and I don’t listen to her shit, she capitalized off of the ddlg tumblr trend that groomed a generation that sexualizing their trauma and over identifying with it was ok and edgy, she is a piece of shit.
Pacify Her
“ I can't stand her whining
Where's her binky now?
And loving her seems tiring
So boy, just love me, down, down, down
Someone told me, "Stay away from things that aren't yours"
But was he yours, if he wanted me so bad?”
Training Wheels“ I love everything you do
When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do
I wanna ride my bike with you
Fully undressed, no training wheels left for you
I'll pull them off for you
I love everything you do”
Training wheels and
abusive relationships? Others aren’t “sexualizing her lyrics”, she has been doing this since day one. I clicked those two songs randomly, there are worse ones I’m sure. She has posted and defended illustrations of literal underage girls, like loli I think but some more realistic. She has not changed since that trend at all, maybe now blames other people for “sexualizing her” when that’s her entire hustle. Zoomers now deflect by saying others are “sexualizing them” when they create sexual content so they can normalize it for male pedophilic tendencies. It’s enabling it with a new argument to make it “ok” when it is in fact always harmful to girls and women of any age, and specifically themselves. I definitely understand if someone is working through trauma and makes some mistakes, she has a huge fucking platform and it’s really not acceptable, this isn’t some distant tumblr shit and there is nothing subversive about it. This will not heal anyone and it preys on traumatized people to overidentify with csa. There are children who get sex trafficked and survive, and I guarantee you they would not fuck with this, and they heal their trauma by getting strong enough to advocate for others or work in safe houses, not wearing bonnets and pasties and sing about sexualizing pre-school. This contributes to pornography that already infantilizes women, you should want better for yourself and other women. Stop fucking defending this shit.
No. 970710
>>970696How can you forget
"Hush, little baby,
Drink your spoiled milk
I'm fucking crazy,
Need my prescription filled"
No. 970712
>>970696Here's another one
"I'm not a little kid now
Watch me get big now
Spell my name on the fridge now
With all your alphabet toys
You won the spelling bee now
But, are you smarter than me now?
You're the prince of the playground
Little alphabet boy
A-a-aaa, b-b-b-b
A-a-aaa, b-b-b-b
A-a-aaa, b-b-b-b
B-b-b-b, b-b-b, b-b-b-b
Apples aren't always appropriate apologies
Butterscotch and bubblegum drops are bittersweet to me
You call me a child while you keep counting all your coins
But you're not my daddy and I'm not your dolly
And your dictionary's destroyed"
trauma my ass
No. 970723
>>970696NTA but "Pacify Her" in this context means to pacify the woman the singer is stealing the man of. It's not a sexual innuendo, it's literal and harsh, as in "Shut [your girlfriend] up, she's annoying". You left out the lines
>Pacify her, she's getting on my nerves>You don't love her, stop lying with those wordsNo dog in this fight but yeah. I've also never seen her defend lolicon but I haven't heard of her since like 2016 so
No. 970727
>>970719Ari spergs can never shut the fuck up jesus
>>970696> Zoomers now deflect by saying others are “sexualizing them” when they create sexual content so they can normalize it for male pedophilic tendencies. This, it’s horrible. Saw some stupid fucking YouTube comments on a video about kawaii trends/fashion defending Belle Delphine and other pedo panders and even saying it’s
victim blaming to say they contribute to the sexualization of real children or some shit. I hate them
>>970723Ntayrt but she literally says use a binky aka pacifier to “pacify her” too like? We know what pacify means, she’s still being nasty
No. 970791
>>970770>widely known to have been almost 30 while she was 20This is the same age gap depicted in the music video, yet everyone here is acting brand new and why is she making such a BIg dEAl aBoUt AgE GApS? Jake Gyllenhaal also started dating his current gf when she was 21 or 22 so I think calling him out for being stuck on early 20s women at his big age is fair.
Really weird the amount of weirdos ITT trying to normalize this stuff. They're just friends in Lost In Translation, a movie that opens with underage scarjo's bare ass and has her kissing and cuddling up to old ass Bill Murray! It's art!
Like call me when you reach your early 30s and let me know how appealing snot nosed 21 year olds look from there.
No. 970798
>>970560This gives me dollar store if-Demi-had-a-ddlg-kink vibes. They've both got shitty haircuts, are overweight, and refer to themselves as "they"
>>970696Honestly, I think I remember an instance of her saying that the stuff detailed in her song "Tag, You're It" (regarding sexual assault) didn't happen to her or she didn't relate to it. I think she got some criticism for trying to turn something that can be traumatizing that didn't even happen to her into her lyrical content and just another song of hers. This was back when people would actually criticize this stuff but not now. I used to think some songs were annoyingly catchy (didn't like her as a person) but thought she was weird for her antics, what I detailed earlier, and continuing with the kiddy schtick after Cry Baby (which for some reason I thought would be just a phase, but no, it's her whole damn image.)
No. 970812
>>970804Samefag as
>>970810, yes.
No. 970830
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>>970696>>970710>>970712im surprised nonitas didnt post the worst song. i am not a fan but i remember seeing a call out post about her when her first record came out. most of it was whiny tumblr shit no one cares. but then they mentioned this song. its basically from the perspective of a pedophile about to kidnap a little girl. i have no idea how so many feminist friends i know can fuck with her music. this is literally a pedophile fantasy under a poppy beat.
Rolling down your tinted window
Driving next to me real slow, he said
"Let me take you for a joyride
I've got some candy for you inside"
Running through the parking lot
He chased me and he wouldn't stop!
Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it
Grabbed my hand, pushed me down
Took the words right out my mouth
Tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it
Can anybody hear me I'm hidden under ground
Can anybody hear me am I talking to myself
Saying, "tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it"
He's saying, "tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it"
If she screams, don't let her go
Eenie meenie miny mo
Your mother said to pick the very best girl
And I am
Its not creepy or edgy cause the song sounds as 2010 pop as you can get. and the songs arent subversive or smart, this is legit just a classic pedophile mentality. this isnt some beautiful trauma shit about something she lived. shes just using child rape to sound edgy and it worked for years. pic related was the art she used for her merch or something i remember seeing it before, more using child rape as something cool. like there is no depth to this shit at all.
No. 970836
>>970830I mentioned Tag, You're It in
>>970798 and how Melanie said she didn't relate to it but decided to write about sexual assault anyway. I didn't post the lyrics though so thanks
nonny No. 970840
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Merch poster for her song Soap. Spoiler because it's horrifying..
No. 970864
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i used to really like melanie as a teenager, tbh I still think she has some good songs but theres no denying she has a disturbing obsession with pedophilia. there's this unreleased song she wrote about child sex trafficking called A Million Men
No. 970882
>>970872idk I remember reading that she wrote it about a movie/book/something that she watched or read about a child sex trafficking case but I could be wrong. btw I don't think that writing from the perspective of a csa
victim is inherently bad but it's weird when its a recurring theme in almost every song yk
No. 970898
>>970761Because they’re too young and fucking stupid to understand what their content is actually contributing to, they don’t care and just want attention, or they have trauma and don’t understand how they’re still recreating it even if they’re exploring or trying to understand. This already happened on tumblr and so many people are still traumatized, and it appeals to young adults because it goes viral so fast, but that’s because of male pedophilic urges and creating content that simulates it just makes it fucking worse. They’re not taking responsibility for the content they’re making and putting out publicly. If they’re posing as adults creating adult content, whatever, but it can simulate cp really easily and
all that does is normalize actual children being sexualized. No matter how young you are, they will always want to go younger because it’s about power, control, and abuse. If anyone gives you attention for that they are not your fucking friend or fan, they are a scumbag and there is no fucking argument to justify what is being normalized so you can sexually monetize your youth. Young adults are very self centered and don’t have their brains entirely developed, they are being used to parrot any excuse to enable pedophiles and it literally does not matter if it’s just an outfit or edgy kink to them they’re not really into, it has widespread effects on children and emboldens predators. Millennials on the cusp of Zoomers are already discarded for younger
victims who require less respect and more shallow flattery. The degrading and
abusive things they want to do are normalized, that means the childhood of girls is shortened even more than it already is. A young adult can type “stop sexualizing me~” but a child waiting for the bus can’t say that or fight back if a man walks by them and sexually harasses them because less developed young women can legally pose as simulated cp, and that caveman fuck feels the need to act on it because his two brain cells made a visual connection. More and more children’s cartoons get drawn more sexualized because that’s what widely available porn and ddlg trends do. Girls look up to young women, and that’s why zoomers do it, because millennial tumblr girls like Melanie did it, and they are the archetype of being groomed online.
It takes a very long time to admit that and see it because they don’t think they can get the same appreciation or popularity without doing that, but it’s literally at the expense of sexualizing children. If you are a young adult, you have a healthy sense of sexuality and deserve to experience that and explore it without any man convincing you you need to do it in pigtails to be sexy just because he’s a fucking pervert and needs to brainwash vulnerable women to be LESS protective of their younger sisters to get social access to them, and social acceptance of it. It normalized the imagery and simulation, and those young women deserve to age without coming to terms with how a pornography industry commodified them to put child sexualization into hyperdrive. They will get older but that “legal” content will stay around forever, and more young women will unconsciously identify with it and think that’s what they have to do, or it will traumatize them. When girls and young women are exposed to pornography, it is extremely traumatizing. It makes sense why someone would emulate it, but they are contributing to cp being accepted. The men that talk to them do not actually care about them and probably convince themselves they’re already even younger than what they say they are in their heads, and they want younger and younger.
I really thought the tumblr wave was bad enough and I personally know girls affected by it who had prior trauma and did it because they felt like they were accepted with their trauma and not despite it, but it’s not true. Girlhood, female spaces, female experiences growing up, female family relations, and vulnerable experiences of females deserve to be protected, not sexualized, pornified, and sold to simulate what’s illegal for a reason with the men benefiting from that degradation hiding behind young women they train to believe anyone else is to blame; “they’re just jealous”, or “they’re wrong for sexualizing you”. Anyone trying to protect you and see you as more is not wrong, the man with the candy or money is not your mother fucking friend and you’re selling out your sisters who can’t fight back and need you to see them and care about them instead of hollow instant gratification on social media that can be deleted or go out of style at any moment. I have empathy for anyone that has or is going through that because it’s so deeply ingrained and that’s why we have to be there for each other, say enough, and call it what it is. I’m fucking sick of people saying they don’t want female babies because of the life they had to survive, and how much worse it looks now. Melanie and anyone else can make a point of their experiences as children being sexualized without simulating the imagery, because that’s all men care about. That “critique” is a fucking cover and I’m sick of women being sold into that. Ban me I don’t care I had to get that out
No. 970908
>>970864Here’s a documentary on child trafficking, this is real and has been on the rise. She sings this song while in sexy child outfits. She is not in control, does any of her money go to helping children? No, but the men who support this give money to companies exploiting the youngest possible girls they can. Life is bigger than who finds you sexy, and children deserve to know what that feels like.
Also that line about being split apart is the most vile thing I have read, because they do in fact split open infants. They kill the children who have been used if they don’t commit suicide. Unless she’s drugged up or severely mentally I’ll while being controlled by her label and let away from any discourse, she needs to fucking do better. If she’s too old to emulate it now, her fans aren’t and she millions of them and all these comments from women supporting this shit.
No. 970924
>>970861Melanie Martinez - Soap Lyrics
Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap…
Think I just remembered something
I think I left the faucet running
Now my words are filling up the tub
Darling, you're just soaking in it
But I know you'll get out the minute
You notice all your fingers pruning up
I'm tired of being careful, tiptoe, trying to keep the water warm
Let me under your skin
Uh-oh, there it goes, I said too much, it overflowed
Why do I always spill?
I feel it coming out my throat
Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap
God, I wish I never spoke
Now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap
I feel it coming out my throat
Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap
God, I wish I never spoke
Now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap
Think I got myself in trouble
So I fill the bath with bubbles
Then I'll put the towels all away
Should've never said the word "love"
Threw a toaster in the bathtub
I'm sick of all the games I have to play
I'm tired of being careful, tiptoe, trying to keep the water warm
Let me under your skin
Uh-oh, there it goes, I said too much, it overflowed
Why do I always spill?
I feel it coming out my throat
Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap
God, I wish I never spoke
Now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap
I feel it coming out my throat
Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap
God, I wish I never spoke
Now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap
I feel it coming out my throat
Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap
God, I wish I never spoke
Now I gotta wash-wash mouth-mouth with soap
I feel it coming out my throat
Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap
God, I wish I never spoke
Now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap
No. 970947
>>970924this song is how i feel when i call a fellow nonnette st
pid or slly. it's so mean, i wash my mouth out wish soap
No. 970987
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>>970973speaking of jameela: was curious if she'd been doing anything lately so checked her instagram to see what she was up to. might be nitpicking since i don't really have milk, but why does she constantly post her own tweets or stuff she clearly threw together on instagram stories instead of just… posting them to her story kek. she already uses stories.
(6th post says "how many breakdowns will i have today?" in case anyone wants to know w/o navigating to her profile)
No. 970991
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she’s finally done bearding thank god…now we have to sit through their insufferable breakup music
No. 970995
>>970320yes, i could imagine if a male singer did the same thing
because they do it all the time and nobody gives a fuck.
also, it's not as bad when a woman like taylor does it. this is because older men who habitually go after young women are doing it because they enjoy the power dynamic.
clearly that was not the case with taylor, and it was a one time thing. taylor isn't a pervert and that's obvious.
No. 971008
>>970843Taylor never lets shit go. how long did she whine about Joe Jonas? she even went as far to slut shame his new girlfriend (Better Than Revenge, “she’s better known for the things that she does on the mattress”) which is hilarious considering the amount of guys she’s dated. also the fucking Kanye thing. oh my god she never shut up about Kanye interrupting her. she made like four songs about it. and the funny thing is that Kanye was absolutely right. Beyoncé did deserve to win over her.
I honestly wish she’d just get bullied for how fucking whiny she is and how innocent she tries to come across despite being in her 30s and making diss track after diss track about anyone who dares cross her.
No. 971019
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>>970518Even though I've known this for years now, there's still something oddly hilarious about the face that fat, edgy, contrition comedian Ricky gervais once used to be a 80's popstar who had a one hit wonder that was only popular in Philippines and Japan
there's always something oddly romantic about the image of a failed musician
No. 971086
>>970864fucking gross and distasteful.
When she isn't describing hardcore CSA trauma, she tends to write the stupidiest lyrics ever. Even if this is a tribute to a movie or whatever, why is she so fixated on that WHILE dressing as an adult baby?
It's the GOOGOOGAGA dressing like an adult baby what makes me want to vomit the most
No. 971102
>>970529Not surprising she’s gaining weight when she did interviews saying she hated vegetables and had to eat chocolate chip cookies and candy every day.
Whether true or falsified to further her adult baby larp, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true,
No. 971115
>>971092Good post
>>971093Contribute or gtfo
No. 971117
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Melanie definetely isn't the "littlebodybigheartuwu" she claims to be anymore
No. 971119
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>>971117They're also really shooping her
No. 971121
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click to play, she looks like a prostitute
No. 971126
>>970830>its basically from the perspective of a pedophile about to kidnap a little girl. i have no idea how so many feminist friends i know can fuck with her music. this is literally a pedophile fantasy under a poppy beat.Are you a zoomer? This song is from a POV of a pedophile's
victim, not a pedophile. Unless you are saying that Melanie is the pedo writing the song from her theoretical
victim's POV. I'm not her fan, but I don't see a problem with that particular lyric in itself.
No. 971137
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Speaking of DDGL artist, does anyone here know Petite Meller? she has the whole UWU smol showing her panties schtick and kinda gives me white colonialist in africa vibes thanks to her video "baby love". Also I remember reading some document online detailing she commited some kind of tax fraud but it's not on the internet anymore. I think this was also the reason she stopped making music for a while now. She came back not too long ago
No. 971156
>>971126Feel like adding that the Million Men song is entirely different as it seems fetishistic in it's description of sexual abuse the
victim goes through. I would agree that this one reads like a pro fantasy (to me at least). The Tag, You're It song doesn't have sexual imagery
>>971008>>971030Yeah she's moved on from the "she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts uwu" phase. We can give her at least that. On 1989 she had lyrics like
>I've got that good girl faith and tight little skir>And you can want who you want, boys and girls and boys and girls(writing from memory, not a stan or even a fan whatsoever).
IDK if it's relevant to discuss her old lyrics when they don't affect the current issue (even if she re-releases those albums).
No. 971177
>>971174well there was other anon insisting that he was gay, its just liking Woddy Allen is gay or Vin Diesel is gay
its random and nonsensical
No. 971186
>>971180It was a PR relationship, same with Harry Styles. But Tom one was way too obvious.
Jake is your typical old man that chooses to date women in early 20s just to fuck with them, the classic.
No. 971210
>>971180Ayrt, I don't really think 26 and 35 is a weird age gap, though 9 years apart, because at that point they were both adults. When I say weird age gaps I mean that one is incredibly young compared to the other, usually as in below 21. I was also the one who wrote
>>971004 in which I stated she doesn't seem to have a specific age as her standard. I do agree with
>>971186 though. Their relationship reeked of PR and Jake is a scrote.
No. 971259
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>barges in
>tells Taylor her music sucks and she's not funny
>refuses to elaborate further
No. 971264
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Shawn mendes and Camilla cabello break up.
Shawn makes a instagram story about it.
No. 971267
>>971264Oh boy get ready for the Fujocoomers and faghags to come out and declare "yes this proves that he's gay, just like Sherlock and Watson"
seriously go back to watching drag race if you want to see gay men
No. 971282
>>971280many have devolved into faghags, anything that remotely relates to gay males gets them excited
even if its' pedophiles infuriating after 16 year old boys
No. 971287
>>971204Not exactly. In typical Taylor fashion she likely lied about the master's being kept from her (her past label sticks to their statement that she declined to buy her masters and that's why they sold them to Braun, then she refused to pay what Braun wanted for them). She's a perpetual
victim, she's not the first something like this has happened to and won't be the last. Rihanna and Beyonce actually spent the millions needed to own their music - Taylor had to make a stupid show of it like always. The whole re-recording thing screams publicity stunt above anything else and also seems sketchy as she is in fact double banking on steaming revenue.
No. 971292
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>>961495>>971287I think there are two main discussions with Taylor swift with regards to her fans and her "haters", Her fans accuse her haters of all being misogynistic men but that is far from reality, I think most men are indifferent to Taylor Swift most of her haters are Beyonce and or Nicki Stans, Sub IQ morons who shouldn't be allowed to breed constantly arguing over which one of their popqueens is the real "girlboss" or whatever, though swift stans are at disadvantage as their queen is just right below white men in the woke hierarchy so they choose to ignore reality its self and accuse all the "haters" of being white men
both sides are pretty retarded and I feel awful for the human beings who have to interact with these subhumans every day
No. 971302
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On the topic of melanie martinez, I didn't know timothy heller only made one album and now is resorting to onlyfans money KEK sucks because she had good songs, but that's bpd for you.
No. 971357
>>971341He has a unique history, his dad was a French Canadian WW2 soldier who settled in the UK
he and his friend Bill Macrae formed a pop-duo named Seona Dancing, the Duo had no success in the UK but had some mild success in east asia and especially in the Philippines, but it wasn't enough to support them and so they quit
he then started work as an assistant events manager at alternative radio station but then became a popular guest in the show, the he became a regular and then started becoming fat and that was really the start of his career overall
Its still jarring seeing him young, him good looking and cute
No. 971362
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idk if anyone has watched that Von Dutch documentary on Hulu yet but Paris is in it and jesus christ she looks incredible. how the hell is she 40?
No. 971473
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>>971362she always had a strange face, and I think she grew into it as she aged. plus she most definitely gets facial treatments.
No. 971509
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>>971491She looks like a moon
No. 971510
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Just saw that gwen is currently performing at Disneyland for some christmas tv show and I thought how wild the evolution of hers is. I'm "I remember gwen as the singer of No Doubt" - years old, so I still have her in mind being on stage with the three other dudes and singing "Just a Girl" on MTV or so but these days she is just the singer who is from time to time part of a casting show as a judge, promoting her Christmas album every winter and constantly talking about her marriage with a country singer. I remember her doing fashion and beauty way back before it was "in" but it looks like she has dropped that as well.
No. 971567
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>>971510she fucking ruined her face
No. 971588
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>>971572She used to have no brows at all and now she's the other extreme. She's lived through all the brow trends and heavily taken each one on
No. 971594
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>>971588God, I miss gwen doing weird ass shit, like having pink hair and braces for the lulz. Her teeth also looked less frightening compared to now.
No. 971603
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>>971567I mean she still looks okay. I feel like people are way too overly critical when it comes to female celebrities appearance especially if she is old.
She looks fine.
No. 971670
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>>971634Could you be onto something? His divorce (marriage of 11 years) was finalized in 2018 and he then began dating Rachel Bilson. I think their relationship lasted only a year. He is definitely unassuming and sometimes those people are the worst..
No. 971740
fucking christ, those veneers. She looks like she's wearing dentures made by a first year prosthodontics student.
No. 971794
>>971137ngl I liked her music a lot when I first heard a remix of baby love on earmilk and her aesthetic felt a little different than you described to me but I can def see where you're coming from after that music video. But to be fair, all her other music videos didn't have that colonialist vibe going on.
I can't stand that ''lolita'' vibe thing though. I'm so tired of this quasi underage sexualized shit it's tiring. Part of the reason I stopped listening to her music tbh. I follow her on insta and there's nothing really interesting going on with her, she seems like she does a lot of fashion related collabs that are lowkey boring tbh.
No. 971929
>>971265there was no actual dumping involved, they were in a PR relationship.
I think Camila's team and Shawn's team realized this relationship was no longer serving either of them and it was time to move on
No. 972026
>>971292>Beyonce and or Nicki Stans, Sub IQ morons who shouldn't be allowed to breed Wow looks like (c)rapper-chan is evolving.
>>971806Working with a now convicted(?) serial child raping, kidnapping, woman beater on a song called "Do what you want with my body" and literally humping him during every performance makes her an eternal cow in my eyes. Also frequently collaborating with Terry Richardson. Also her "chola descent/orient" lyrics on the hamfistedly woke before that was even a thing Born this Way. Also probably a dozen other things.
Like cute, she likes the gays and is besties with Tony Bennett, but I don't understand projecting niceness and being a good person on celebs like that. You can like a person's image and music without assuming you know anything about their character.
No. 972038
>>971634>>971772>>971670>>971578I thought Hader didn't have social media. I know he doesn't have twitter. I'm still leaning towards Carrey. The women seem to fear "David", and he's a lot more powerful than the other guesses in terms of longevity. Remember he won out a lawsuit where he was accused of abusing his ex-gf, and media played himself as a
victim when his texts to his suicidal ex clearly showed what a manipulative bastard he was. But people forgot about it. He has good PR and years of industry backing. A lot of women don't know what he did to his ex because he weaseled his way out of those accusations.
Other guesses Jason Segel, Bill Hader, and Fred Armisen are well known comedians, but none of them are nearly as powerful as him. They all kinda fit the physical description but I'm p sure only Hader and Carrey had a show come out in 2018. Correct me if I'm wrong about Segel since he seems to be the most popular guess across the board
No. 972040
>>972026I was referring to anyone on twitter who cares about this shit, Swift fans, ariana fans, Beyonce fans and all the other golden calves and false idols
any of these morons who unironically "stan" someone simply prove they have a slave nature and will follow anyone if they have enough influence
No. 972041
>>972026the guys i know worked with her in 2009-12 before all that.
idc about her or beck, but was trying to show how they are talked about by colleagues vs. swift who other musicians seem to give no craps about.
No. 972044
>>972026>>972041isn't the point that the people you named were likable to some extent? and it's not projecting when no one has come out with anything negative other than the r kelly situation which I had clearly stated.
look at ariana, she wished her fans would die, licked donuts, and is a genuine diva.
no person is 100% unproblematic but I was comparing how gaga APPEARS nice compared to other celebrity popstars, but idk her personally so obviously it was just an observation not a fact
No. 972065
>>972059> Dare I say almost normalized?Yes, It's even getting normalized in media and if young people are willing to dedicate themselves for a bunch of retarded pop-stars imagine the slavish devotion the will show for a truly charismatic political leader
cause as stated pop-stars are morons, bottle of the barrel in terms of humanity and the only people more pathetic then them are their fans, a truly charismatic person, like a real rock star like figure will take over the world and eclipse those losers
No. 974617
>>970207There was a pic of him on his yacht, and he looked like a right blob, coming from the depth of the ocean.
But you are right, Leni looks cute.
No. 984664
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>>969204"What did the police seize from Marilyn Manson's home?
Reports say that the seized items include media storage units, including hard drives.
The items will be reviewed before the case is submitted to Los Angeles County District Attorney.
The detectives reportedly had to use forced entry into the celebrity's home."