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No. 955384
Vent, bitches.
Use this thread instead, hoes.
>>>/ot/948357 No. 955388
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No. 955496
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bump because of the disgusting cp
No. 955518
>>955496I thought you "bump bc cp" fags were annoying but now I actually saw the CP.
I feel so nauseous, I feel a deep pit in my stomach. I haven't stumbled upon CP in years and forgot how bad it actually was. Men are so disgusting. All they want to do is destroy. It's pure evil, they're not fully human. This ruined my day. That poor girl, ugh.
No. 955529
>>955518>I thought you "bump bc cp" fags were annoying but now I actually saw the CP.Well good that you've learned your lesson. I never was one of those posters (ok maybe once), because I didn't have to. They saved my eyes as well as day and I appreciate them for it.
>>955518So it's that shit again, I'm so sorry anon. Feel the same as you
No. 955534
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>>955496Ily anon, thank you so much for saving my eyes.
No. 955593
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>>955453mfw I actually did go out and dress up with friends yesterday
No. 955605
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>>955600>please accept being called a hoodrat and the nword this is an imageboard kiss my ass, tired of the white and asian women with a weird superiority complex getting away with insulting black women
No. 955611
>>955607okay so i'm here to complain about my dad actually:
why don't these women just hang up on him. i feel like he purposely goes after mentally ill-ish/stupid women so they go along with his whims, but it's so odd to me. he's like 67, he's not hot anymore (he tries to cat-fish with photos from his like, twenties) and he isn't rich either. he's just an old fugly drunk who can't even be decent and respectful. like what the fuck
No. 955616
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>>955607I'm so sorry anon, I wish we were out with gal pals making jokes and eating tasty but also cute snacks.
No. 955630
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This is the person causing chaos on here
No. 955631
>>955384My sister bought me clothes as a gift and asked me to try them on for her. I did and the first comment is about how I should wear a push up bra because I’m flat so I give the blouse shape. Then cue talk about how flat I am. I know this is an insecurity of hers and she keeps talking about it 24/7 but it’s retarded how she’s trying to project it onto me. I don’t want the clothes now, but I can’t return them so I’ll just have to throw them in my closet. She can be so much like our mother sometimes. Her eyes scanning my body and looking for all the weird stuff
triggered me eeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrreeeeeeeee I want to murder someone.
No. 955634
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pls stop fighting…i hate to see it, this behavior ain't it. you're all talented. beautiful. funny. self-sufficient (or soon to be). please…be the queens i know you all are…
No. 955636
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>>955634We gotta be ders for each udder
No. 955647
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>>955639Yup, I remember reading one of admin’s post and she said that a bunch of people were trying to gain control of this website so I wouldn’t doubt that they would try to hop into the next best thing and become a moderator to control speech as much as possible because most of the bans don’t even make sense anymore.
Also kek it’s a black male mod doing all of the dumb bans
No. 955662
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>>955651you don’t need dick my straight m’lady (BURP) don’t you know most women don’t orgasm from PIV sex? (BURP) and that I entirely your fault for sitting on a penis!!!
(wrong thread) No. 955667
>>955659Maybe you could make a couple friends in class
nonnie and have their help and support in understanding the material, maybe suggest a little group chat or something! I think it's impressive that you're taking on so much.
No. 955688
>>955685That use to happen to me too but just with my mum. I'm white if it matters. I definitely feel stunted mentally or something from all that trauma. People don't tend to believe it was bad abuse and that everyone gets smacked. I've definitely felt very reluctant to tell people. I've had exes gaslight me and
victim shame me over it. Even my step mum which is a while other thing.
No. 955693
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It's obvious that the past few days were raided by trannys or pickmes from twitter and I just want to yell farmers that you all are valid and it will pass. Don't respond to stupid baits because it's obvious they want nothing but attention, it's the same way as children do. Go get some rest and prepare for Monday instead, hang in there.
No. 955698
>>955664Once when I was like 7 or 8 I was at a public pool with my mom, who can't swim, a middle age guy offered to teach me how to swim.
I was very uncoordinated, and bad at dealing with noise from the crowded pool so I couldn't follow his instructions properly.
So he asked my mom if I was mentally retarded or disabled and quit trying to teach me kek
No. 955703
>>955687My old hourly rate as a manager was £9.60 (big lmao, one reason I left), then I was on minimum wage but they gave us a 2% pay increase so it went up to £9.09 an hour, now I’ve left that as well and aiming for a role I know pays £11-12+ per hour (agency work, nightshift).
The first role I took home about £1250 a month after tax, then it was about £1000 take home a month (not full time hours) on £9.09 an hour.
No. 955704
>>955685My parents are both white, just alcoholic bipolar freaks
>>955688I can't believe people would shame you. There are so few sane people left in the world. How do their brains work? Or rather how are they so broken?
No. 955706
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>>955664I started having suicidal thoughts around the age of ten. My grandparents were emotionally
abusive toward me, criticized everything i did, if i so much as looked at them "wrong" or had a different idea about something they latched onto my mother and didn't let her go until she scolded me for "misbehaving" and told me to fuck off and to not cause any trouble because she's tired. My teachers hated me, my parents didn't give a shit so why should i continue to exist if all there is to life is constant suffering. I'm doing much better but still revert to those suicidal thoughts when i'm stressed about something. Used to lock myself in the closet because they couldn't hurt me in there. Still do sometimes.
God i want a yeastken plushie so bad
No. 955713
>>955712I'm so sorry about your puss
nonnie, I hope she feels better soon
No. 955728
>>955610I'll type about this, but you nonnies are going to think I'm extremely fucked in the head. Tbh it is kinda disturbing so I'd suggest if any of you have any traumas associated with dangerous sex shit or if it's tl;dr to not read past this point. I just want to vent and get this off my chest:
For the past few parties at a friend's house, this guy had been there and had been giving me the eyes. I really like him, he officiated for my friend's wedding so he's not a total stranger. He's got this natural charm in a way that I can't explain well, he's foreign and a little chubby but with muscles for the fact that he does security work as a side gig. Tbh I was getting small cock vibes sometimes, short + smallish hands/feet (but boy was I surprised later). I had added him to my socials after the last party I went to, because he was giving me a lot of signals. We'd been mildly flirting and talking but nothing sexual or gross.
Last night was another party at the friend's except this time he offered to pick me up and drive me there. I realize how much power this already gives a guy over a woman, but he's not the type to do things against consent so why not?
He opened the car door for me and kept his hands to himself on the way over and even at my friend's party I felt he kept a respectful distance. We played some games together and it was really fun. Playful flirting but nothing more.
On the way back however…
I let him know earlier at the party that we were supposed to be able to see the aurora borealis which is extremely rare, southeastern US. I think at some point he forgot, but I remembered and I really wanted to try to see it. We were talking a bit on the way back in the car. Admittedly I was horny af and the conversation was turning sexual. We were joking with each other and each time I'd make a quip he'd say something like "I'd choke you as punishment, but I think you'd like that…" He lived a few exits before mine and I lamented how we were about back to my place. He took an exit that wasn't mine but that we still could ambiguously get back to my place from it. Then he said "What makes you think I'm taking you home?" He held my hand and said that he'd wanted me since he laid eyes on me. We talked about our fetishes. Apparently he's into CNC and choking and let me know he had handcuffs in the boot of the car from his job. He's into BDSM and is a dom. Anyone else with sense probably would have told him to turn the car around, but not me. Even though I've had healthy sexual relationships for years, those were exactly my kinks from before and it awoke something curious and animalistic in me. So much that I wanted to see where this went even at my expense. I've never been able to act out those fantasies with anyone, forget anyone who actually knew what they were doing and someone I organically knew.
He was taking me further and further away from the city center. Less light pollution…I thought mayhaps he was taking me to a place where we could makeout, talk dirty, and try to see this aurora. Before I knew it, we were in the middle of nowhere. He stopped at a vacant stop sign and kissed me before continuing. I was disoriented and didn't know where we were, it had looked like we had stopped alongside any old stretch of road to me. Turns out he took me to a lake he routinely flies his plane over, he pilots as a hobby. We walked through the woods and tall grass hands held until we reached a beach. I guess it's a place where people sometimes go to party and fish since there was a fire pit and creepy graffiti on some trees but no people were found when we were there. The stars were beautiful because there was no light pollution, and few trees along the lake edge so it was a clear view of the sky. I bemoaned how I still couldn't see any sign of the aurora borealis since if I had any chance to have seen it, it would have been there. He started to kiss me. He admitted he had completely forgotten about the aurora and just wanted to bring me out there. It was so dangerous. He embraced me from behind and asked if he could proceed, I said yes because I wanted him. He held me close from behind and complimented my perfume as he kissed my neck and smelled my hair. Caressing and groping my clothed body. I pressed my ass against his cock and it felt huge and nice. He then asked if he could choke me. I'd been choked in the past…poorly, but he seemed to know what he was doing so I told him yes. He knew exactly where to place his hand on my throat and it was clear he was going to do a blood choke. He told me gently it might be dangerous. Asked me what my safeword was and I told him I'd just tap out if it got too much. He began. The first couple times he did it, it was completely fine and I was able to tap. My clit was seriously fire from this.
Then he did it one more time. I'm not sure exactly what happened. I remembered looking up at the stars as he choked me and kissed my neck, I was feeling pressure. The stars were shining. I forgot to tap out or I was too late to. Time lapsed for a second and suddenly I felt my body convulsing as I stood. It felt like a stimulation overload, akin to my first time getting really high on weed and not being able to control myself. I felt his embrace tighten on me. When I was able to stop myself I turned and apologized to him for having convulsed. It made me feel a little embarrassed. The lines as to whether I had done so voluntarily or involuntarily were blurred to me. He told me he thought I had blacked out and asked if I was alright. Honestly? It was ecstasy but I knew the reaction I had was bad. I could have easily died. What would he have done if I actually had passed out and went from standing on that beach to laying dead on it? Would he have called 911, or would he have thrown me in the bushes then told my friends he had dropped me off safely? If he wanted to, he could have killed me. My purse was still in his car and he could have easily taken my phone from my body. If he were truly evil, he could have disappeared me. I didn't realize this gravity until later. I'm sure his cock was so fucking hard from this.
Anyway, he took me back to his place and we had an awesome fuck, cuddle, and some sleep before he took me home in the early morning. His cock was awesome and fucking huge, he didn't care that I was on my period and just laid down a towel. Removed my tampon like a freak and pumped me with cum three times. He has a vasectomy and is clean. He asked permission from me for everything and in what ways he could please me, which he did comply. He put me in hinge handcuffs and locked them, then said if I didn't want this so much that it would have been rape, he really wanted me to pretend like I didn't want it. Some of the best sex I ever had. He asked me what I wanted and I told him I was alright for just a casual relationship when I wanted it. We laid out some ground rules for it. He's not really someone I'd be in a relationship with but I love what he did to me as fucked as it was. My head still doesn't feel quite the same, in fact I wonder if I shouldn't go get an MRI. I'm not going to let him choke me like that again…but who knows if he'll ask my permission if I decided to mess with him again. He's a dangerous man.
No. 955748
>>955664Random memory from my childhood.
I was playing Zelda on my N64 and my sister was watching. She was about three and had recently started to use the toilet instead of a potty. She kept telling me that she needed to go. I told her I would help her in a minute because I wanted to keep playing Zelda. In the end she got up and went to the toilet by herself. She came and sat beside me again so I didn't think anything of it.
Half an hour later I start noticing the smell of shit. I get up to find where the smell is coming from and my sister had shit in the bidet. I did not want to scrape that into the toilet so I left it expecting to get in trouble for not looking after my sister.
Later when my gran arrived, she instantly noticed the smell of shit. She went upstairs to the bathroom and dry heaved. She starts asking me who did it. I stayed silent and so did my sister. Then she asked me if it was my mum that did it. I still never said anything. She went downstairs and dragged my alcoholic mother back up the stairs and into the bathroom. She then made my mum clean the shit up with her bare hands.
After my gran had left my mum pulled me into the kitchen and beat me with a sauce pan.
>>955685>drag me out by my hair and bash my face against the wallThis is what my mum used to do to me. I still have chipped teeth as an adult.
No. 955785
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I thought it was getting great. What a joke. Nothing has changed since the last two years, it’s never going to get better. I’m only disappointed because I dared to hope this time. I almost convinced myself I was moving, going somewhere. You fucking idiot, it’s not for people like you. It never was. I was never meant for any of this, and any pride I take in resisting is rendered bitter by the fact that everything always, always, always falls apart. Never goes anywhere. I’m always going to be stuck in my retarded brain, stuck in static.
No. 955798
>>955724Depends on what our (live with bf) situation is like. £1.2k a month if it’s just him or just me working is enough to pay rent, bills, food, and get by. That’s about £850-950 of direct debits per month (rent, council tax, utilities, internet, water we pay upfront for the year but we’re unmetered which is nice, phone, etc) and then the rest is food, household stuff, hobbies. We don’t have pets, kids, a car, holidays etc so it does make it easy to live cheap.
When I was on £1000 a month we were living off savings in part so while it wasn’t enough to cover everything we spent, especially bc we’d gotten used to a slightly more expensive way of living lmao, but it stopped the money in the bank going down too quickly.
My brother is on £1000ish a month and he does fine tho as his rent is cheap and when there’s OT going at work he picks it up, a lot depends really on your lifestyle. And living in an affordable part of the country!
No. 955802
>>955791How is having no self-preservation by letting men abuse them or allowing shitty
abusive men to father their children "adapting to their surroundings?" It's the most unnatural shit.
No. 955804
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>>955453Fuck this reminds me of last year when I asked a friend I've had since middle school if she wanted to hang out on Halloween (we hadn't seen each other for nearly a year) and she said yeah and she'd let me know if she had time that day (bc I guess she had work?) but then she never followed up, and on Halloween she was posting pics of her and her gf hanging out. Why couldn't she just be honest and say she didn't want to see me? That shit hurt my feelings so fucking much, I wanted to see her so badly and I really missed her, she really got my hopes up. Her snubbing me reminded me how imbalanced the few friendships I do have (or had, bc I don't talk to any of them much nowadays…) tend to be, I end up caring more about them/valuing them more than they do me. They tend to be outgoing, likable people (who have lots of friends), meanwhile I'm a socially retarded, mentally ill sperg who struggles to open up to people. So I don't really blame them but it fucking hurts. Fml
I still haven't seen that friend btw, I don't know if she even wants to be friends with me anymore. Probably not. I wish we could've been closer. No. 955806
>>955695I had 1% on charge
nonny, wanted everyone to calm the hell down
No. 955825
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>when the moid doesn't get the attention he wants the first time and replies again with another weird comment
God, fuck off already. People on twitter who are this desperate for attention are pathetic
No. 955831
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I hate my job. I was relying on my savings and freelancing, but one of my clients stoppped the contract, and had to find a retail job in a videogame store. I hate it. All my coworkers are early 20s scrotes with shit for brains, they keep stealing, missing stuff, and breaking shit, and I keep worrying the full store is gonna close because of that, and I¿m gonna end up on the streets. Tried to snitch to the boss, and turns out hes involved too. On top of all, I get patronized by these dumb assholes all the time, as if they knew better tham me, despite the fact 1. they're younger than me 2.they had 0 experience before on this kind of job 3.they keep doing dumb shit. I called in sick today just because I don't want to have to stand them all day. Fuck em.
No. 955836
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why am i so ugly?
why couldn't the lord have given my face some good qualities. i don't need to be insanely beautiful i just want to take a selfie without being disgusted with my face. it's lopsided. it's ugly. i look halfway decent in the bathroom mirror but everywhere else? potato head
genuinely stressful to think i'm never going to get a cute gf because i lost the genetic lotto…and it doesn't even make sense when my mom was so good-looking at my age. dad too. god
No. 955837
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>be me 10 minutes ago
>dad invites friend over to the house to drink and have dinner
>later my dad gives 20 dollars to a trick or treater then flees into the basement
>friend follows
>begins quizzing me on history
>when did ww1 start
>idk a thursday
>whats 1066
>battle of hastings
>he is impressed, but not for long
>he turns to leave, comes back three times to continue quizzing me
>come on what do they teach you in college?
>trying to look at my phone in disinterest, very awkward
>he grabs my hand lightly then just fucking kisses it
>try to deflect
>finally he leaves after three times of baiting and coming back
>"hey jim don't forget your beer"
>he picks up his plastic bag full of beer cans and leaves
What the fuck
No. 955839
nonnie, just open tinder or something, no need to create some weird fiction in here
No. 955843
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Why couldn't I just grow up in a family of normal, healthy adults..
No. 955876
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>>955856>>955706I have nothing to contribute, just that I sit in the exact same boat (just switch grandparents with parents and hiding in the wardrobe with in the bathroom). Please feel hugged nonnas.
No. 955887
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What is up with all of these newfag janitors?
No. 955890
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I can't believe that happened. I'm that anon
>>954129 Today I was alone with
him at work, and the first two breaks I lost my chance to talk to him because it was raining and I didn't go outside while he went for a smoke, our third break I finally sat and had a conversation with him. I had a CONVERSATION with another human for more than 5 minutes. It wasn't perfect though because I said some cringe stuff, out of excitement, and now I'm afriad he thinks I'm less intelligent than I actually am fuuuuuckkkk. Another amazing thing that happened is that he proposed he will drive me home. Normally I'd have to wait another hour for my transport. I was sitting in a locker room, thinking he already went home, but he came in and asked how long I have to wait and upon hearing my answer he said he can take me with him. It was like an anime scenario. But I feel I really fucked it up because I went full autismo in his car, talking about dank memes and shit. I also mentioned my anxiety and I think that was another mistake. I wanted to have some sophisticated movie discussion with him where I could show my knowledge or something, and instead I went with this. Now I'm really scared he thinks I'm dumb
No. 955897
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>>955888Kek I don't get it, am I supposed to post a screencap cyberstalking someone if I want to share a helpful link? Literally picrel.
No. 955913
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>tfw when constantly shitposting but only ever got banned when alluding to meta anons being trannies when the gc/pp/radfem threads went down
Sounds like your shitposts just aren't good quality nonnas.
No. 955928
having some sort of autistic meltdown because I’m dog sitting for my parents and my dog has been nothing but absolutely horrendously behaved all week, culminating in him shitting liquid on the living room carpet today immediately after being let out to do his business. I’m already stressed the fuck out but this has just made it peak so high I can barely function. I don’t know what to do and I’m beginning to feel actually suicidal for some reason but it’s fine, really, sincerely, yeehaw teehee etc
>>955913>pphaha peepee
No. 956185
>>956173a bunch of men were commenting about hos he has a 'sigma grindset' and were making society jokes
No. 956204
>>955953Kek stop pretending to be me
>>955949I don't believe he would make a move on me. I just can't imagine it so I don't even think what I would do. He doesn't strike me as one of those men at all.
No. 956245
>>955835Happy birthday nona.
I was at a party and ended up having a bad time. Wish I could have hung out with you instead.
No. 956262
>>956254I definitely get annoyed at my mom for cleaning up after me in my room and tidying up. I guess I could understand if my room was a total mess but it's not. It's just light disorganized order most of the time. I know other mothers do the same often.
I would say violating your privacy on the regular like this is not normal. Unless there's good reason for them to worry about something there's no logic behind not giving your adult child some privacy.
No. 956280
>>955890I will tell you before we get part 3: the suicidal edition that you need to DROP IT. you fucked it up. you'll be able to get him to stick it in but you're never going to cum. you're now seen as an unstable, stupid young slut who's ready to fuck because that's all her mind works on. not trying to sound like a scrote but this is realism,
nonnie. this man is a smoker, which automatically puts him in a different social league, a scummy one, trust. you sound like a 19 year old and no man over 23 is going to fuck a young dumb girl unless they want to prey on her and never respect her. take your memes to college boys and don't shit where you eat
No. 956353
>>956333smokers club is its own kind of "boys club" mentality
>>956346I was projecting scrote logic onto the situation based on the info you provided. most of the time men are out smoking together it's an opportunity to assess their chances with chicks, talk about all the gross shit they can't say around everyone else.
No. 956364
>>956352I think large amounts of people have some kind of bad habit that's due to a lack of self-control. You're right it's gross though.
>>956353Why tho? People hardly smoke these days, it's hardly a club unless you're out drinking maybe. It's more a lonesome habit then anything now.
No. 956367
>>956295Fuck me, I could have written this. It's gotten so bad that I'm starting to almost subconsciously resent my male friends too. I threw a small Halloween party and I ended up getting pretty shitfaced, and I vaguely remember being doting and sweet to all my female friends but much harsher to my male ones, to the point of berating one of them for throwing up in my desk trash can (kinda justified but reportedly I was being rather mean about it). I also got into an argument about troons with another male friend that ended in me getting pissed off at him because he kept calling me a
terf over and over, so what should have been a fun way to relax after midterms ended up forcing me to reevaluate who my friends really are.
No. 956379
>>956367Lol male friends. Save yourself the drama and stop friending them, especially the guy calling you a
terf. I don’t know a man who defends troons or calls someone a
terf unless he’s a chaser. Real mean don’t do that shit.
No. 956407
>>956367I get what you mean about male friends. I never really had any to begin with, just a handful since I got along a lot better with women. One friend I have/had is a treasure. I have a dog which I adopted from a shelter, and he really doesn't like men. He cowers in fear and hides behind me or other women, or barks at the man. He really loves women, and will bring his toys or rolls over because he wants belly rubs. Our friend group, which had him and a few women came over (pre-pandemic) to play with him, and he absolutely hated the guy. He would run away when he tried to approach him, and would try to hide behind one of us women. The man blew up on me and told me that it's not fair that the dog is afraid of him and not us, and scolded me for not 'training him properly'. The shelter I adopted him from told me he used to be tied up and beaten by his male owners, and that he couldn't stand men as a result. This same guy would also downplay any issues we were having and got aggressive whenever we told him to fuck off. I have very, very painful periods, and I was telling the group about it (we're quite open about this kind of stuff), and he chimed in and told me that my pain wasn't as bad as the one time he was (rightfully) kicked in the balls. I told him that I just needed to vent and he went off on me. Haven't talked to him in a long time. I'm glad.
No. 956430
>>956402You're doing the right thing anon.
It sounds like you're surrounded by idiots weaponizing their stupidity if they'll fine you for decorations and yet people are burning down their own homes with fire pits. How the fuck do people manage to burn down their houses with fire pits. The retards the lot of em.
No. 956487
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My period happened on the 3rd of October, so I’m paranoid about when I’m going to get my period
No. 956548
>>956280>you're now seen as an unstable, stupid young slut I forgot to mention, he also told me some silly stuff like the fact that he pees sittig down kek. So I thought I can also be more silly with him but I feel like I may have
overdone it.
No. 956608
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>>956515Stop taking coffee tea and sugar and don't eat gummy foods that can stick in teeth. 4000 iu Vit d everyday and get a toothpaste with trace minerals like picrel to remineralize your teeth. Once the black stuff in the cavity is gone you can go in with a nanohydroxyapatite toothpaste like Apagard Premio toothpaste to fill in the hole. Works great for me as poorfag.
No. 956629
>>956608NTA but thanks for this from a fellow (extreme) poorfag. I’ve had cavities for years now, just don’t have the money to fix them (and every time I do something more important pops up). I try to slow them down by washing teeth excessively and I don’t eat candy anyway, and I just started taking 10,000 IU vitamin D daily as well because I had a deficiency. Thing is though I love tea, like militantly, I can drink up to 10 cups of tea a day. I’m trying to narrow it down to 3-2 but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to quit kek.
Will look into the toothpaste though.
No. 956675
>>956629Welcome, I know it's hard as poorfag but if you have lots of cavities then it's probably something to do with shitty diet. I stopped getting cavities after getting a source of grassfed milk and wild animal meat. Sometimes Amish ppl sell their foods maybe you could look into their markets (atleast in the west idk where you live). Vit A and K2 in animal products is what keeps our bones strong but modern mass farming has reduced the nutrients in food so much.
And I love black tea too but I've found substituting it with chamomile and mint tea helps!
>>956653Depends on how bad it is, but I started seeing improvement a week into my routine.
No. 956687
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>tfw deep, non-feminine voice
>people always mistaking me for a tranny over voice chat
>couldn't get into a "cis only" discord because of it
i hate this so much
No. 956711
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I feel like I can't settle down anywhere. Ever since I was 18 I have been moving around for either studies or work. I've lived on remote coastal islands and in big cities, far northern towns and now I'm back in my home city. I did this because I thought it was finally time to get a steady job, settle down and start saving up for a house, but now as I'm here working and living towards this "goal" I'm feeling incredibly restless. Nowhere has ever felt like a true home to me, and it's not like I love the process of uprooting my life and moving every few years, but now as it is coming to an apparent end I feel a sense of sadness and discomfort. I can't really pinpoint what is wrong. I wish I could just spend my life drifting from place to place.
No. 956716
>>956711Same. I get you. I’ve always derived comfort and assuredness from instability, which is in some way connected to optionality. Bounding myself to one place has always
triggered anxiety. Like an itch, like I need to go somewhere now.
No. 956804
>>956785I used to be an unemployed 'night owl' ie I'd be awake half the night because I had no strict routine to kick my ass into gear. I remember I'd usually have some sort of sexy time with my partner at around 10pm and then cuddle for a few mins and I'd head into another room then to watch my shitty shows and let him sleep in peace. Then I'd quietly get into our bed again at 4am. That worked out fine for us. Sometimes I'd be tempted to want to watch youtube in bed, like the bed was comfier than the couch but I respected his need for undisturbed rest. He never developed my messed up sleep routine in our years together.
Unless you're stuck in a studio apartment together I think it's only reasonable to expect that someone watching tv should do it in a seperate room to someone who is attempting to sleep.
No. 956879
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FUCKING WHORES WITH INACTIVE ACCOUNTS TAKING ALL THE GOOD USERNAMES!!!!! I'm going to have our elite hacker Elaine hack into your account and give me your username
No. 956894
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Just found out my sister and her husband can hear my vibrator in their room I’m going to top myself
No. 956919
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Nothing better than being told to seek therapy by the source of most of your mental damage for daring to voice your fears after specifically being cornered into telling them.
No. 956996
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>>956944Theyre probably gangstalking you fr
No. 957008
>>956944me too anon. i can feel their stares burn into me. i’ve become very agoraphobic (for lack of a better term) because of this anxiety. it feels like they can actually smell that something’s
off about me and their heads swivel and their eyes dart towards me whenever i move, like predators. i’m sure it’s mostly that we’re anxious socially and letting our self doubt get the better of us/influencing our perception. but it feels so real
No. 957011
>>956944>>957008I have the same kind of anxiety as well, and it gets borderline unbearable sometimes. Like I consciously know that people aren't paying attention to me most of the time, but then I'll hear a snatch of someone's conversation and become convinced that they're talking about me in a bad way. It doesn't help that I've caught people who were definitely commenting on my appearance discreetly, and that random men will yell shit at me every now and then to ruin any sensation of security that I might have developed.
I've seriously considered wearing a burka before, but I'm not yet a gimpgirl-tier mental patient. It's getting to that point though, ngl.
No. 957197
>>957085Happy birthday lil Scorpio. It’s okay, really. I didn’t get to travel /fall in love etc till my 26th birthday. 23 SUCKED but you know what, I survived and then got to travel internationally to see my best friend, see art I never thought I would see.
Take it easy bean, if it helps my birthday was last Monday and I had food poisoning for 3 days. Take care, hold on and just wait. Fine wine takes time, you’re just a grape right now!
No. 957295
>>957280I'm not even gay but a few years ago I was going through a butch phase of dressing where people just assumed I was gay without ever asking me.. the convos that happened in front of me at work were something else. It started as them discussing porn stars and ended in open pedo talk.
Every guy in the room agreeing that 12/13 year old girls are plenty ready to have sex and that age of consent laws are stupid because a first period or pube should be enough to make a girl legal. That and age gaps shouldn't be judged. These 30 year olds wanted to fuck 12 year old girls and made no secret about it. It wasn't even one or two guys in the group.. it was everyone in agreement. I could hardly go to the boss and complain about them in numbers like that but I put it out there that I'm straight and I never overheard that shit said in my presence again. I went out of my way one day to say I had an ex husband and that was that lol. But as if a lesbian would be ok with it either? I never understood them thinking that.
No. 957316
>>957295>>957299It's concludable that men are retarded enough to think that women are somehow less women, thus more men, if they're attracted to other women. In their moid brains they think that because you want to have sexual contact with a woman, you want to rape and desecrate women just like they'd like to. They're retarded enough to think you're one of them and that you feel the same way about women as they do, thus they keep outing their inferior selves.
Men are supremely bad at trying to identify someone's sex anyway, you can literally put a scrawny moid in a dress and the other moids will instantly want to rape him lmao. Basic why chromosome at work type shit. I wish that in the future we could make 'males' that had full X chromosomes and feminine intellect and get rid of this whatever fucking disgusting garbage we're getting currently.
No. 957336
nonnie I’m so sorry, I’m dont have much advice, but I do hope he rots in hell. If you’re considering therapy, the right doc can help you navigate this trauma the best way possible
No. 957341
>>957331Can you tip him to someone anonymously if you suspect he's still up to shit like raping his spouse?
Other than that it's hard to come up with legal methods to get justice. If he could be doxxed to a radfem death squad it'd be great.
As you heal, it's understandable that you have these thoughts of exposing him or getting back at him. But if you don't have solid dirt on him, it's hard to expose him without looking like a lunatic yourself. I hope you can find peace among women you can trust your story to, women who believe you, stand by you and remind you how much you mean to your loved ones.
No. 957345
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>>957335There are actually finishing products (like hair gloss or frizz tamers) that do protect from UV damage.
Pic related is an example. Oribe, the company is fancy but holy fuck their products are worth it.
No. 957349
>>957342Ayrt, I have a similar situation with an
abusive ex that now has a kid. It’s so hard to know the children have to deal with who they are too. My
toxic ex displays everything on social media, so I check occasionally to make sure the kid looks ok.
That doesn’t mean shit isn’t going on behind closed doors, but that’s between them and the baby momma, at least until the kid is old enough to talk to a teacher/ adult.
Don’t worry, his karma will come back to him, it just may not be on the timeline you want
No. 957351
>>957342I can sympathize with everything you described. I was abused by a family member and it makes me so angry that my own parents would rather pretend nothing happened at all instead of taking my side. I tried therapy twice but none of them took me seriously. Worst part of all is I have to live in my parents house because I can't afford an apartment in the super expensive city we live in. I'm gonna take some boxing or Muay Thai lessons once I can afford it because I have the urge hit someone practically every day.
Wishing you healing and recovery
nonnie No. 957364
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I hate men so much it’s unreal
No. 957384
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my superior told my coworker she's better than me, and my coworker told me that herself with joy in her voice. like, I get she's overall better, even though she committed some mistakes I never did, but she's not an anxiety ridden mess stressing over tasks like I am, and she gets stuff done quickly, and I get it. but is it an ok thing for a "friend" to do? to tell someone that their superior admitted you're better than them? especially that you know they think low of themselves anyway? I get that she's happy she's basically the pupil of our team manager but wasn't there a different way to announce me she's happy than by putting me down like this? I know they think she's better than me, she doesn't have to tell me that
I don't understand her at all tbh. on one hand she sometimes tries to motivate me but she talks to me like I was a retarded child, I opened up to her about my social phobia and how despite years of therapy I still have problems with going outside and being around people and how much it means to me that I'm even able to work, yet she still uses euphemisms like "shyness" to name my behavior, and tells me I need to stop being so shy and live inside my head or otherwise I will never climb the hierarchy at our job. or when I'm scared of something she looks at me like I'm dumb etc. I was so glad she was the one to talk to me first when I started this job, I thought that maybe we will make friends. but now I feel like I'm living in her shadow
No. 957421
>>957395I work at a mobile phone company, I don't have to talk to customers. It's like a mix of office and warehouse job. But yes, it's my first actual job. Our department has only 9 regular employees and two team managers, there's also like 5 people who pick and pack stuff for us to send but those people often change. So it's a very small group, everyone knows everything, and I know it's strange when there's this one loner who doesn't play into dynamincs of the team. I'm also the only person who doesn't smoke. I just feel bad when they all sit together in the smoking room and chat and I sit alone in cafeteria. This girl I talked about in OP started working there around the same time as me, 5 months ago, she was really talkative and open and quickly became friends with everyone, she knows stuff about their personal lives and talks to our superior like they're friends, while I still basically don't talk to people about stuff other than work, or if someone asks how I feel (because I often look sick or stressed out), I pretend I'm fairly ok. I feel like they're doing it out of pity. I feel like I'm dumb all the time, and I feel like people assume I'm dumb because I don't talk much. When I hear their conversations, I know I have the knowledge about stuff they talk about and I know things they don't, but I just don't know how to enter a discussion, or how to hold it even if someone else starts it. talking just doesn't feel like a natural response to me, at all.
No. 957424
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All things considered I'm someone whose lead a very charmed, comfortable life and at my relatively young age I've already amassed quite a lot with very little effort or work on my part. Yet I still desire more for myself. Yet I'm still miserable, I feel entirely vague and empty & I regularly cry, desire more material things and experiences to fill the void. I am nothing but an empty pit that good things happen to fall into.
No. 957426
>>957411Ummm well, I had a migraine and no weed, and so my friend took me to their friends house to buy a little.
I walk in to see a very handsome man in a bathrobe turning red. And I was red, too.
Our mutual friend did not warn him I was a lady, and so he didn’t think to get dressed.
As soon as we left I was like “why didn’t you tell me he is HOT “ and apparently the bathrobe dude said the same thing about me, kek. That night I go back and we are both over dressed and being bashful and awkward. We played poker (I sped learned on the way back to his house.) everyone else drank and passed out, but we stayed up all night sitting on the porch shooting the shit.
Before we knew it the sun was up and we didn’t want to stop talking.
From there, 3 years later, I am the happiest I’ve ever been !
No. 957454
>>957426Oohhhh you have friends
Happy for you anon
No. 957511
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i watched frances ha couple of days ago and i've been listening to the soundtrack ever since imagining my sophie, i want a girlfriend so bad, my roommate is bi and i opened up to her about my sexuality couple of months ago and asked how she knew she was attracted to girls and what if felt like but she's white and hippie/basic so she was like "dont worry coming from a conservative religious country i see why you might feel oppressed to express your sexuality i understand"(i'm from a "muslim" country) eventhough thats literally not what i asked, its not a problem for me, i wasnt raised in a conservative house, i can call my parents now and come out they wouldnt care plus i opened up to my brother before, i'm not trying to dismiss how its a struggle for some people but the fact that she just assumed my inner conflict was from my non-existent religious upbringing pissed me off, idk who to talk to no one understands me, i definitely dont see women the way she does she talks like a man when she's talking about women and sexualizes their bodies and has a very male taste, she only has sex with women when its a threesome or she makes out with girls at parties, i dont feel the same way towards women, i want to kiss their necks, smell their hair when they walk past me, watch their beautiful smile, i want a life partner, i'm also the dumb bitch who was seeing a guy in an open relationship so i could get close to the gf, i finally met her and she was perfect but i dont think she likes women like he claims, i wanted to take her out on dates and get to know her more but i dont think thats going to happen, he keeps asking for a threesome and i think she's conforming to please him, i thought they were special i'm so dumb and hormonal
No. 957514
I feel worthless. I have been feeling awful in general lately. I don't know where to start. I feel alone and unseen and misunderstood around my boyfriend. I want more. I want to feel loved and chosen. I want him to choose me… It feels like he doesn't. I want him to understand how much he hurt me. I want him to be romantic. He took my virginity the second day after we met, he kept fucking me despite knowing I couldn't take it, he uses me sexually and then leaves me alone after, I don't know, I don't know, but I miss him, I want to go back, I want to cuddle, but I feel empty every time I cuddle with him, I feel like he doesn't see me nor care. I want a parent, I need one. I want parental love. I want unconditional parental love. I want someone to fall back on, I want gentle love, I want true love, I want to be chosen, I want to know I matter. I am so insecure, I am hurting so much. I hate myself so much. I have been feeling so bad. I have been eating so bad. I don't want to be alone. I don't want to be on my own. I don't want to be an independent and mature child. I want to be immature and infantile and to be loved and treated like a child ought to. I want my dad. I miss him, I want him back. I want my dad. I want a parent. I want my mother to love me. I want my mother to be a mother. I wish she understood me. I wish someone understood me. I wish someone could actually be there for me. Not distant like a therapist or distant like my boyfriend or a teacher or an acquaintance. I want to be actually loved. I want love I want love I want love. I want to belong, I want to be enough. I want a parent. I want parental love. I need parental love, and acceptance, and approval, and support and advice and guidance and protection and care. I need parents. I need my parents. I need them. I miss them. I need them. Please. I miss my dad. I miss my dad, I miss my dad, I miss my dad. I want a mom. I want a loving boyfriend. I want everything to be okay. I feel miserable. I have a UTI. He took my virginity. He uses me like a fleshlight. He came on me. I feel miserable. I feel empty. I feel drained. I feel exhausted. I have a lifechanging exam tomorrow. I didn't study enough at all. I can't bring myself to believe in myself. I can feel the panic well up. I feel a panic attack nearing. I think I will have a panic attack and then dissociate to the point of fainting tomorrow. I don't want this to happen. I want to be normal and healthy. I want to be healed. I feel horrible. I feel miserable. I can't take it. I don't know. I don't know. I don't want. I don't know. I'm sorry. I don't know I don't know I dont know
No. 957527
>>957522Ok he stop but man that was a lot of sneezing
Should I take him to a vet or
No. 957570
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No. 957573
>>957546thank you anon, I will try to put things into perspective. I know that stressing so much over this job is ruining my health
also, there's honestly just one person I'd like to be friends with even if it wasn't my coworker, but our social circles and stages in life are so different, I doubt that's possible. I wouldn't know how to make a friend anyway
No. 957653
>>957570In the end they always admit they know they're a danger to women, they just conveniently forget it when it's time to play
No. 957667
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i broke up with my bf like 6 months ago and have not gone on a date or dating apps since. i wasn't devastated up when the relationship ended i was super relieved and it hasn't been until recently i've been feeling the want for a partner again. the THING is i am also disgusted by the idea of having to go on some stupid app and try to endear someone to me while also trying to convince myself i like them because thats all that shit ever is. being alone has so many perks, but i feel myself becoming more autistic every single day because of the isolation. i really want a happy family one day so i feel like i should be "out there" in the dating scene but the idea of that makes me want to turn my skin inside out. i also think phones and computers should become illegal forever.
No. 957717
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>>957680>Vent thread is just useless blogpostingYeah, that's literally the point.
No. 957741
>>955785This is one of the more relatable posts I've read on here. I'm with you,
nonnie. We're doomed to be real life George Costanzas, experiencing life as revolving door of humiliation and failure. Our brains are hardwired, there's no changing shit no matter how hard we try
No. 957763
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Fat people are so delusional
No. 957765
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>>957741We're doomed to be real life George Costanzas, experiencing life as revolving door of humiliation and failure.
No. 957806
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Just feeling lonely. I typed up a few rants, but all of them are too pathetic to even post, this should all stay in my head and poison me. I won't change anything anyway and no one will do it for me
No. 957810
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Rachel Riley now claims dancing on Strictly gave her PTSD. God she is so fucking irritating lol. What an imbecile she is. Imagine having her opportunities growing up and choosing to be a skimpy skirt tile placer.
>I've been called a hypocrite, lying propagandist, a tits-teeth-and-arse clothes horse dolly bird.
And you are! You're useless wank fodder, get the fuck over it.
No. 957814
>>957806Give me your rants,
nonnie. I'll listen to it.
No. 957815
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seeking professional help in many cases only leads to wasted money.
fuck therapy and counselors for making you believe you are making progress to maintain the money flow!!
No. 957832
>>957822We're all being oppressed with work and shit.
If we all linked up and found some weaponry and seaworthy vessels, we could go take over that luxury island Jeffrey Epstein left behind, a la Somalian pirates, then NEET it up in luxury and shitpost all day.
No. 957842
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>>957836Alright let's do this
No. 957887
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Why can't I enjoy my day off work after calling in sick. I'm full time and it's been 2 months since I had a sick day. I try and space them out. I hurt my back but nothing major. More than anything I just am over it. Stressed to my core however that somehow I'm going to get fired. Not that you can be in Australia for taking sick leave if you have it accrued.
No. 957923
nonnie. I think you're spot on. The American approach to at will firing etc gives me the shits. It is different here, and in my industry there is a glut of jobs and I've never been out of work for more than a week between jobs. I think it's also me needing to divorce my self worth from my productivity/ value in the eyes of my employer.
No. 957987
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I’m tired of my friend’s tyrannical gf.
She’s the youngest one of the group at 23 but acts like a gigantic flaming asshole and everybody gives her a pass for no reason. I managed to get on her bad side for a comment i made when she was giving us attitude and now I’m persona non grata.
So now I gotta act like a little bitch and apologise (several times) or she’ll make our life mega annoying like refuse to show up anywhere i am, not let her boyfriend see me even in a group setting etc.
It’s a dumb hill to die on but I don’t want to bend the knee for that massive cunt. On the other hand, it’s gonna be annoying to miss events like birthdays or drinks because my friends will have to make a dumb choice.
No. 957989
>>957987I really feel you anon, I know a similar person. I can’t stand when someone is constantly giving attitude and being a general asshole but somehow
you’re the bad guy if you say something not so nice to them. They can always dish it out but never take it.
No. 958061
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I found a Tumblr that was sexualizing teenage girl Disney actresses, one of whom was 12 at the time in the pictures posted. Reported that shit of course but I didn't except to find that content on the clearweb.
No. 958072
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>>958061my intuition tells me this whole ~everyone on the deep web is a degenerate pedo~ schtick was elaborately crafted so plebs on mainstream platforms can manage to fly under the radar.
stay strong, anon
No. 958090
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Image boards are for men. Sushi girl is sushi boy
No. 958098
>>958061I saw
literal CP on tumblr at least once, I think I saw it more than that but blocked it out of my memory. And I don't mean an ambiguously aged person, this girl was like 6 years old. Maybe it was fake but it looked real. Didn't report it because there was no report button, when I found out how to report it (you had to email a link to a tumblr support email) I went back and couldn't find it. I also used to use Bing as my primary search enginge and turned the safe search off. Huge mistake. Saw borderline CP several times, and some pretty fucked up suggested searches when I searched for totally innocent things, like searches for toddlercon and lolicon, and rule 34 for child characters/actors. The clearnet is full of that shit.
No. 958104
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Idk about anyone else, but as a former fatty, all those "THIS is thin privilege" posts from way back when just made me want to lose weight more lol
No. 958117
>>958099 This is worrying to hear. I'm always hearing from the media how sterility from the vaccine is a desinformation made by the conspiracy people. But then what i hear from real people is the opposite. It's really happening. My mother's coworker's daughter got that illness when you menstruate 24/7 from the vaccine, making her lose all her eggs basically. Ten other women have other issuse with hormones after the vaccine.
So i'm just hearing this and not wanting to take the vaccine because i'm scared i will not be able to have kids and will menstruate every day till i'm old. (One of my friends has this illness since before covid and i know how terrible it is i would rather die). And then all these bloody men who don't get affected at all keep saying every day how they hate "antivaxxers" and how everybody who doesn't want it is retarded. And when you tell them this they would say "Oh some crazy old bitch told you that, that's like totally not real you are stupid for beliving tinfoil people and not the goverment you retarded antivaxer i bet you didnt even get the flu shot"
I remember when i studied in college our psychology proffesor once talked about how in he past "adult man" was a standart for all medicine and that's why women had more issues with medication. It didn't take to account all the differences between man and a woman. So i'm kinda woprried it's the case yet again. Somebody just fucked up and didn't take women into account.
No. 958133
Reject therapy, embrace divinity.
Therapy will never replace having an higher purpose in life, no matter what they try to make you think.
(with the exception of you being an actual schizo thinking you are jesus reincarnated)
No. 958235
>>958099My mom was telling me about this the other day. Which vaccine did you get and how many doses did you take? I got my first
and last dose of Pfizer two days ago. I keep hearing people get the bad side effects after they get the second dose of the mRNA vaccines.
No. 958239
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>>958219>>958227It's even infected /g/. I try to give polite advice and opinions and a 3rd party will chime in wanting to argue like it's their high school debate championship when we're literally talking about shit that doesn't matter like cocks and cosmetics. I blame the migrants from Twitter and LSA who are basically rewarded for acting cunty and trying to "dunk" on people
No. 958245
>>958239Bless anons who are actually polite and stay on topic.
Some anons seem to think the point of imageboards is to bully other anons which just shits up everything.
No. 958255
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>>958239>>958239i swear its twitter fags everytime. the ana and lucinda threads make lolcow get talked about on """"""ED TWITTER""" more than it already was (i want to barf everytime i see the words "ED TWITTER" cause proudly talk about being part of this community). they are all 18 and got bullied in high school but they lost some weight during the quarantine so now they think theyre regina george and everywhere is a huge high school and its their time to play bully. this shitty mean girl attitude is growing in female places cause they think its "quirky" and that life is a shitty rom com. female spaces have become more and more aggressive and lolcow is being affected by it since here they get no real consequences.
or at least thats how i feel, im mostly venting and obviously these is gibberish.
pic sort of related, vintage pixielocks, best pixielocks.
No. 958288
today a retard asked me if i exercise and said no. she proceeded to ask me why was i saying with such pride, there’s nothing to be proud of! you cunt i have no money for a gym subscription, i live in a shitty area that is un-runnable, even if i go out dressed a garbage bag some car will prolly trail me and annoy me
and then in uni we had to work in groups. cool, i made friends with some girls for this very purpose. instead i get paired with 2 retards so i can be pushed out of “my comfort zone” and oh my god. the slow-minded maleness of it, the retardation of it all, the embarrassment of it all. one of them is a cunt who made some joke about sexual harassment — “it’s men’s right to look, after all!” — and the other is a retard whose mind isn’t quite screwed in, like it’s held by a metal spring and its drifting back and forth from him and going EEE OOOO EEE OOOO. i had to explain everything to them and had to tolerate them making jokes about being stupid — “bro, nothing’s inside my head bro” — and i have never felt so disgusted to have someone be within 5 feet of me. better yet, when i was walking out i heard them going like, “bro you’re such a feminist what a fucking loser hahahahaha” and, while i am not irked by retardation — i grew up on 4chan and gore — i am irked because i know for 100% if you put feminism and authoritarianism next to each other and asked this guy which is which he wouldn’t know. my mood is now ruined because they were so sitting so close to me and i am repulsed, absolutely repulsed, if i could scrub off the repulsion i would. i want to go to a car wash where it’d me in the washing thing instead of a car so all of that retardation i was exposed to in such close horrifying proximity would be wiped off. i can’t believe i even had to speak to them. yet, i know this is trial for real life, where i’d have to bear the disgust of speaking and interaction with retards who should be burned at the stake everyday
No. 958298
>>958242I blame the celebricow threads. Like Lolcow gets mentioned on Twitter by stans every so often because their faves get talked about, and LSA is like 70% celebrity gossip, so they find out about this place and start to show up
I feel like the artist salt thread attracts Twitterfags too. Even some /snow/ threads attract them like ants, like the Leftcow threads, the Western Animation thread, the FtM threads and pro-ana scumbags. People from other communities just pour in, some of them figure out how to actually use the site, and then they refuse to fuck off (but also refuse to assimilate)
No. 958299
>>958240You are the kind of anon
>>958219 was referring too. Why do you have to seethe so much? Who hurt you?
No. 958358
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I'm such a fucking clown. Scrotes really will always be scrotes, doesn't matter what context, doesn't matter if they seem like they're acceptable. When provided with the options, they will always choose to be scrotes. Fuck, never again will I support any of them, I can hear the circus trumpets as I type.
No. 958375
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my appointment with this new therapist sucked
all this babytalk and coddling in such a sanitized environment seems so condescending
No. 958379
>>958375Sorry anon, you should see another therapist, one that fits better
Ps, I was obsessed with playing Power Stone (?) on Dreamcast when I was little
No. 958410
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>>957838>what if I've been so depressed since I was a teen that I can't feel real emotions? What if I don't trust other people? What if I don't see the point in any of this because I'm gonna die someday? Therapy can't fix that. Most of what they call "mental illness" isn't so. It's all a scam
nonnie and you're on your own. There's no safety net to be found, it's just you. Not to be all fedora-y but once you've seen the void there's no way out. It's all coping from here on out.
>heavy introspection, notebooks/diaries and learning from previous experiences>get into philosophy>have at least 1 creative outlet No. 958432
>>958428That's right… I know how he feels and I try not to blame him for my own problems. we both struggle with our mental health so it makes it really hard sometimes.
I try to make friends in college but I'm too anxious and always feel like the weird girl/the one people only talk to when they need tech support lol
No. 958435
>>958422Stfu retard ur the only one crying baww
Imagine if all convos here were like that. No, bless the farmers who are actually able to discuss things.
No. 958445
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>>955384Quite cringe to see this in the wild tbh. Some of you really need to collect yourselves.
No. 958467
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this site is making me want to turn into an internalized misogynist
No. 958515
>>958427She literally posted this a thread or two ago, you're slow
>>958453Go back, you aren't fooling anyone
No. 958534
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hate and love how much of adulthood is lying and conceding to people's bullshit so it doesn't spiral into an argument/extended disagreement.
e.g. earlier with my dad, i had a package delivered to his apartment, right? a pack of finger band-aids, and our talk went a little like this:
>him: why is my name on the package?
>me: …? because you own this residence
>him, laughing: i don't own anything! i get other people's mail all the time. how did they know i live here?
>me: because your name is on the address, you live here
>him, kind of waggling his finger like it's a 'gotcha': they don't know who lives here!
i just ended up agreeing with him and returning to my business. typing it out, i do kind of understand what he means…but amazon asks for a name when you input addresses. i guess i could go in and add a fake name or something but fuck it, he'll live
No. 958608
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procrastination will kill me. it's been two decades and i can't for the life of me make myself do homework/work. i always do it at the last moment, and it's so much suffering, shame, and so many years wasted and anxious sleepless nights. but i'm petrified always. it never truly bit me in the ass because i always pass by a hair by cramming or writing like a maniac for like 3 days and nights straight. it did make me lose some great opportunities though, which were offered to me by chance or by the benevolence of profs and people above me, and the shame kills me. i know i haven't realized whichever modest potential was. i know for a fact that the stress is shaving years off my life expectancy.
and it's so dumb too, because 90% of the time i LIKE what i'm doing. this time it's remote classes for a carreer switch and have done barely a tenth of what i should have been doing in this compulsory unfamiliar scary subject. i know i'm going to do it all over again and the perspective of suffering like that once more and possibly even worse is agonizing.
i procrastinate everything, even writing down my thoughts and painting, which i like to do, but i can never get myself to do it and THEN focus for this long, even though there's a million thoughts and ideas that are just begging to be let out and pushing against my skin from the inside but i hate facing how stupid they are. i even procrastinate answering texts or playing fucking video games, which even the most unmotivated people can do.
how i can even function and maintain this veneer of normalcy. i live like a fish going round in his bowl, i'm going nowhere and getting old without growing.
i didn't have the best guidance because my parents never taught me how to work or even that you have to work, but now it's clearly just my fault because i haven't fixed it. i'm clueless and terrified and being eaten by guilt and disappointment. it feels hopeless. someone fucking slap me please.
No. 958615
>>958609NTA, 115 is a very normal and healthy weight when you're in the lower five feet range,
No. 958638
>>958608wow are you me? because i've been procrastinating the entire day (and my entire life tbh..) and I have this huge project due tomorrow that i can't bring myself to do, or even start. I feel like i can't change my ways even if i tried, like i woke up today and told myself i should start working asap so ill be able to sleep tonight but i did nothing but procrastinating today…and now instead of working on it im here
feeling so unmotivated as well. its always like this with me and homework/school projects, i always wait until the last minute and then hate myself for it.
i know it's mostly because i never take my ADHD medication but i hate the way they make me feel. they do in fact help me get my shit together when i take them.
maybe you suffer from an undiagnosed ADHD?
No. 958640
I hate it when other people act depressed even though I'm terrible to be around when I'm depressed. Like when my boyfriend is depressed, I always try to be understanding and help him process his emotions, even if it's annoying to me he's like that, but when I'm sad, I am just left alone. He says he does that because he doesn't know what to do and I don't blame him because I suck. It hurts a little, though.
It's hard for me to relate to him when he talks about his family bc he gets butthurt about everything and it's like, yeah, this is why I avoid my family. I got over it years ago. It is hard not to compare and I do it all the time but I don't try to act on it. Like, whenever he acts sad about some little emotional issue, I want to be like, look, I've been raped in the mcfucking ass, unconscious, conscious, in the mouth, in front of people, not in front of people, I was abused by my own brother and my family tried to cover his ass and I fought by telling the police, I've nearly died a handful of times, and I really don't have time for your little issues. I know this is idiotic to think, but I can't help it. Like how can you be 27 and only now realizing that family is kinda a shit structure at times.
No. 958650
>>958638ayrt, i'm sorry about your project. i know how you feel. please forgive and take care of yourself the best you can and get to work, though i know i'm a huge hypocrite, i also really feel bad for other procrastinators. you owe to yourself sleep and guiltless free time. i wish i was convinced of it myself.
about adhd, i guess i just wrecked my brain with too much internet when i was in a bad place. since i have a really addictive personality, meds are the last thing i need.
No. 958667
>>958650thank you, you are very kind. i wish you would forgive yourself as well and get some rest. i know how stressful it is and how difficult it is to go day after day with those feelings. i always say that my mental health is more important then some homework or assignment or any class for that matter but i never follow through
same as you with the addictive personality, i used to abuse them when i was younger and it's still hard for me to take them as prescribed because of that.
No. 958673
>>958667not to send you down an internet spiral, but when you have time, you can check out
it's pretty insightful, funny and consoling in a way.
No. 958676
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I want to die
No. 958681
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if i have to get braces again at 23 im going to kill myself for real and blame it on my orthodontist
No. 958697
>>958516 Just because you dont know anybody who has it doesnt mean it doesnt exist idiot. Of course you are not bleeding every second. I presumed yall heard about this problem but i guess some people just never heard of it. You bleed every time your body feels a bit stressed and when you are just turned on (what your body thinks is stressing can be completley random as with any illness
triggered by stres), your hormones are just fucked up and it can last like that for years, so over time you will lose your eggs quite soon. My friend has this as i said, there is little help for it, birth control can help, but doesnt have to, so you just waiting for it to stop, bleeding though 10packs of pads every month. It ruined her life because she wanted to have children. So fuckoff with your "it doesnt exist".
No. 958711
>>958681You could get invisible braces
nonnie. They’re still a pain in the ass but at least you can’t see them
No. 958789
>>958780Scrotes in games are THE FUCKING WORST
what game were you playing?
No. 958792
>>958278I'm not great at describing stuff, but I feel a lot more energetic, and also more enthusiastic about going out in general? Like I don't feel winded going down the stairs or going out in nature anymore, the idea of dressing up doesn't make me feel tired or stressed out, and I also just feel a lot more confident in myself. When people are staring at me, it doesn't feel like they're staring at "the fat girl", they're just looking at my outfit or me as a person. I also get compliments from strangers too, it still surprises me but it makes me happy.
For some reason, I also noticed people love doing favors for you if you're thin. Like there's an extra bit of care and concern to all things, they see you as an actual person and not like…a living brick wall. People lend me all sorts of things now and literally ask if I want/need anything, both family and strangers. It can get kind of annoying when they want to lend you their jacket because it's cold or they want to pick you up because you're "tiny" or whatever, but I guess they don't mean it in a bad way
Even the "bad" experiences of being thin come from either worry or jealousy, it's nowhere near as shitty as when I was fat. Good luck on losing weight, anon, it's 100% worth it!!
No. 958844
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my dad goes out and buys huge amounts of foods I asked him not to buy on purpose, because I'll b/p it, and then when I do he acts shocked and makes fun of me, and then buys it again the next day. I know it's my fault I have no self control but it would be nice to have just a tiny bit of help
No. 958896
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I can't stop thinking about this stupid guy I had a crush on
There's a specific NSFW sculpture I did and posted literally because I wanted validation from him (and only him), but it's public because I don't have any other way to contact him anymore. It's also too much for me to openly beg for anyone in any public space
I'm getting all this validation from other people and I guess it's nice but it kind of sickens me bc I don't care about them at all, some of them are literally disgusting scrotes who know I'm a girl. I don't want just any random moid, I want the moid I chose
Somehow I know he's either seen it or will, even if he's silent, and I know he'll enjoy it, but I feel like there's this hole inside me that will never be filled until he says something. I don't even know if I still like him for real, it's just this feeling of loose ends needing to be repaired. I hate it
Can some anons just fucking bash me and tell me to stop being a retarded pick-me? Btw he's a sexual degenerate so shit on me for that as well, I have horrible taste in men
No. 958907
>>958844How do you not have self-control?
Literally just dont eat it
No. 958920
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>>958896literally calm down and see a therapist or something
as a woman who actually collects stuff like this and can name the figure you posted and original illustrator, i think you sound absolutely batshit insane. also this is being said by an actual schizo. faking your personality online solely to get with a "sexual degenerate" that will see you are bpd and probably ignore you literally what the fuck is wrong with you
nonnie No. 958923
>>958917Damn that anon must've struck a nerve
It's ok if you're ugly and have to wear makeup to feel good
No. 958924
nonnie. Not expecting any super special treatment but it'd be nice for them to stop offering me food. B/p can be so fucking expensive that when I'm offered something free I take it.
No. 958935
>>958917Anon if you are confident in your own choices about wearing or not wearing makeup how random women on the internet do or don't do with their faces shouldn't affect you or your liking for wearing makeup at all.
Just own up to your choices!
No. 958956
>>958942Side effects aren't a conspiracy, retard. My moms periods got way more painful and two friends periods still aren't back to normal after months.
>>958944Happy for you but that's not my experience.
No. 958961
>>958952Well that's why we're here isn't it? Tbh I just don't see why someone can't complain about scrotes being creepy or why it's a "superficial" just because someone's going through bad side effects.
>>958958It's just that same weirdo who keeps pretending to be different posters.
No. 959004
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>>958993I also don't drive because it scares me and have no idea how people can tell the make/model of cars apart from a distance if they can't see the little decals that indicate those things, the most I could describe about a car I saw from a short distance away is the color and maybe headlight shape. I don't get what people mean when they say a "good looking car" unless the car is super shiny aka looks brand new or something. Unless it were something over the top cutesy and retarded like picrel because it would tickle my fancy due to internet brain
No. 959037
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i don't feel at home in in sync with my body. i self-isolated myself from anyone who cared about me over 2 years ago and i don't have it in me to like people or things anymore. i feel sick and fucked up but also my period is coming up so i know its 99% that, the isolation is still a thing and im a bitch and a volcel and 6/10 only when im underweight and feel guilt nonstop all the time theres no hope for ptsd bitches . i am evil and the only cope i have is posting cringe here
No. 959043
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I’ve been unemployed due to COVID for almost 4 months now and have taken up day drinking, which is ironic considering I swore to myself years ago that I’d never end up like my alcoholic father but here I am, coming off of a drinking binge, trying to act as sober as I can before my bf comes home, and feeling bad for myself.
No. 959067
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I'm the fattest I've ever been in over a decade, god help me. I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow morning to really see the full extent of the damages. I knew I'd been putting on weight for the last year with a lot of my pants becoming uncomfortably tight, but still didn't stop myself from gorging on junk food because I was bored, sad, anxious, etc. But looking at my stomach in the mirror today, I really saw how much waist definition I've lost and how wide I've gotten period. It was genuinely shocking, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I know what I need to do is get back to eating how I used to and exercising regularly in order to lose it. I'm just hoping it won't be too hard to break this cycle, if I get any fatter I'm not going to want people to see me.
No. 959074
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>>959067I feel this so badly, I could have written this word for word, except I weighed myself yesterday and saw how fat I really got over these 2 years. It's really bad. I already made some healthy choices today and walked 7k steps (not much, but it's a start)
We can do it, anon! Let's go to the accountability thread.
No. 959088
>>959081It's not. It's been natural for years.
>>959084Because of the way it feels with the dry frizz that's itchy to the touch.
No. 959092
>>959079God anon same, curly hair is a nightmare, most products i try don't really make a difference and some people do act rude about my texture (and i'm 2c, i'm not even curly more like wavy?) and THE FUCKING FRIZZ, i straightened it a couple days ago and i'm not feeling stressed anymore
>>959078I cut like 2-3 inches, i don't think that's coming back soon lol, it feels way softer tho and it tangles less, maybe it was for the best
No. 959097
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>>959079your post reminded me of how a scrote at a party started asking me about my hair, specifically how often i wash it. for reference its 3b and i straighten/wash it twice a week, i asked him if he thought it looked oily or bad and he said no but why would he point it out randomly if he didnt think it was shit? god i wish i could figure out how to style my natural hair texture, its too much work and money
No. 959201
>>959029I've noticed this too, it seems to be more average/slightly above average height women who do this, like shuwu. I also had a coworker who was nearly as tall as me (I'm 5'10) tell me she "doesn't associate with small people" and her best friend was even taller than me. she also tried to tell me she was 5'7 which was definitely not true. I'm pretty sure she was just insecure.
>>959196even in the tallest country in the world, holland, the average height of a woman is about 5'7. so still not "smol".
No. 959212
>>959209I was personally referring to the part about 5'4 women, as I said in
>>959202. It's considered short in my country (and I'm 5'8), I don't know about "smol" because that only seems to existent on the internet.
The whole argument just seems autistic and weirdly angry/copeish, like "S-Shut up you're not even that short" as if the technicalities matter and they're not just trying to get moids to like them more (and they do, because men are on average taller anyway) lol
No. 959216
>>959214What is "legal loli"? More internet brain? Stop surrounding yourself with e-girls and neckbeards. I just think seething this hard about the short thing just makes us look like tall femcels, it's a bad look. Let short women package and sell "smolness" or "petiteness" or whatever it doesn't matter. Take refuge in being able to eat more calories without blowing up lmfao
The sort of men who like that shit aren't really the ones you want either (unless they actually are and you'd do the same if you were in those women's positions)
No. 959248
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fucking spaniard scrote neighbors have been screaming and blasting their awful music right by the wall on maximum volume all morning. I'm about to commit a crime…
No. 959264
>>959252 but people can already tell most of the time who is writing from … , big and small letters, words…
>>959260i did but i don't ten to remember unimportant things
>>959263I literrally had only 2 posts with emoticons, i guess you shat your glasses, i wish you'd stop projecting your poblems on me, i never seen real hosewives because i'm not a retrded american.
No. 959267
>>959264Are you the retarded (sorry,
retarted), unintegrated ESL-chan from the Artist salt thread?
No. 959304
>>959301lol if a man did that to me I'd simply step on him
t. 6 ft tall
No. 959355
>>959340If we separated I'd have to, once again like a relationship prior, liquidate and take a financial hit on a home I've spent years building up to. I'd likely never afford to buy another home again. I'd once again have to split rent with a roommate or a new partner in an area where the cost of living is already high and with rents having increased as much as 30% this year alone. I'd once again have to spiral into depression wondering if I can ever truly love and not be taken advantage of by somebody, wondering if the next person I fall in love with will also be on their best behavior just to pull off the mask when it benefits them.
I really do think it's more reasonable for my partner to just buck up and follow through with the responsibilities she said she was going to do which is all I'm asking.
No. 959422
>>959348Wtf? I'm not stanning anyone? I think it's telling as hell that I tell you that you should leave her and you have no future together and what
triggers you the most is a subtle implication that your partner mighy be better off without you, so you go on a tirade to shit on your own loved one and mix in some off hand insults because it bothered you that much. You're clearly both better of with more fitting partners.
No matter the financial issue, it's better in the long term than living together with someone you have major issues with.
No. 959477
>>959471I mean… I can give you some guides via temp mail if you'd like. What's your goal?
Also there are plenty of online resources, just don't go for ones that are trying to sell you shit or talk too much about "toning"
No. 959524
>>959477Nta but that’s such a nice offer,
Nike App also has
free workouts and programs on their app! I use a few of their warm up routines every time I head to the gym. There’s all sorts of options for intensity and goals.
Good luck anon! Stay hydrated, workout hard!
No. 959528
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>>959524Nike training club app! No adverts either
No. 959536
>>959528not any of those anons, but thanks for this
nonnie! I'm gonna check this out
No. 959616
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Do not browse CC atm. They have CP too.
No. 959641
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>>959620Stop. Go do something relaxing like a nice bubble bath and look up cute animal pics.
No. 959652
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It's almost 2022, jesus christ
No. 959733
>>959714I find it really hard to believe that there's such a drastic difference in treatment based on your age. To begin with, you're very young and too young to really show signs of aging. And the age gap with the other girl is insignificant af, what's a few years? Maybe you're much uglier or less pleasant to be around than you think (which I doubt, you seem pretty self aware), maybe she's just better at building relationships with coworkers and is reaping the benefits. It's entirely possible that she has pretty privilege but it's insane to think people are rude to you because you're an old hag at… 28?
It's funny, I was in a similar situation but opposite results. Same age as you, mediocre looking and shy with an early 20s coworker who is much prettier and more outgoing than me. She was super nice and hilarious, yet other coworkers disliked her for being too outgoing and loud, and male coworkers sexually harassed her more than were nice to her. Meanwhile everyone is extremely nice to me because they can tell how shy and awkward I am. I was never jealous of her because it was so obvious being pretty can work against you. I expected a situation more like yours when I first met her.
No. 959787
>>959771>>959778>>959780Anons, you don't need to explain this. She'll figure out the truth for herself when she turns 28.
Young people really have no idea how retarded they are. I wonder how retarded I am right now without realising, I guess I'll know when I'm 40.
No. 959807
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>>959803I’m going to eat you alive anon
No. 959828
>Younger people may be retarded but they are aware that many things are wrong and they want something to be done about it instead of pious 28 year olds who let the system generate even more unnecessary suffering because they’re “adulting”I’m 20. You think “older pious people” aren’t aware that something is wrong, retard? That the ones before you weren’t? Wanting something to be done — isn’t that what everybody wanted for the past two years? How did it work out, flailing around in helplessness waiting for someone to save you, posting and whining? It’s funny how you can just look around you to see how history repeats itself but NOOOOOOO you’ll just fall into the same retarded traps that generations before you did.
>uwu I’m scared of aging because I’ll no longer be socially relevant and death uwu!!!!!!!You can’t be that retarded. You think you’re the first person to come to terms with this? Do you have a mother, anon? Don’t you think she was once a girl as well, with dreams and fears regarding aging? That her life didn’t become the embodiment of a final film score until she pushed you out? This is something every human being, both man and woman, will have to reckon with. It’s the passage of time. Although we both know you’re less scared about your body betraying you and more scared about not being the socially relevant young kinda-hot-in-a-certain-angle girl at the street, or something. If you even go out.
No. 959833
>>959823>>959825I’m gonna lock myself in a freezer and it’ll slow down the aging <3
>>959828You pretty much proved my point why aging is cringe and anyone who says they’re young past 25 is coping hard
No. 959851
>>959796The difference between a 20 year old and a 28 year old is that when the first one was a baby, the other was like…riding a bike and playing with dolls lol. You're exaggerating shit way too much. Do men do this kind of thing and obsess so hard about age? Would a 28 year old man ever seriously be considered an "old, pious" geriatric boomer? This sounds so delusional
Stop getting all your ideas about life from anime and teen media where all the protagonists are still in high school. You're really only scaring yourself, and unless you plan to rope soon, it'll just make you age faster lol. I'm still "young" by your definition and I'm glad to not think like you
No. 959864
>>959851>Stop getting all your ideas about life from anime and teen media where all the protagonists are still in high school.I don’t watch anime or teen media I just sit and stare at the drywall 7 hours a day and use my imagination. I get my ideas from the wall.
>>959853You want some of my disease?
>>959854I’m never going to age
No. 959868
>>959864Question: Have you ever been posted in this thread
>>>/snow/1316004? You can be honest here
No. 959869
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I think this whole fear of aging is so absolutely retarded, you're afraid of looking like a WOMAN because what, men who weren't worth your time anyways because they want someone young and easy to manipulate (or downright a pedophile) don't find you attractive anymore? Oh the horror.
Yes attractive women get treated better but surprise surprise, someone who is attractive because they have a good bone structure and eye-catching features will still be attractive when they're 30, 40 and for some lucky ones even 50, and still if you care so much about male validation just interact with men irl, not 4chan pedo incels, and you'll see they still have the same cavemen brain of treating women they find attractive for so-called MILFs that they do for women in their 20s.
No. 959889
>>959882I’m not even 21. And 30 is actually still young. Like terribly so when you think most of us who are healthy are going to be 70+ one day.
>>959881I love seeing Gen X women around kek. Shame they don’t make more noise. Wish I knew some of them irl.
No. 959898
>>959884If it's a man posting, I actually get it. Men really age like milk, and he's probably balding with wrinkles and a beer gut and shit. It makes them seethe that the average 30 year old woman doesn't really suffer the same way. Testosterone really fucks up your skin. Projecting The Wall thing is like the only refuge for a moid, especially if you're right that it's some troon who knows it's too late for HRT and is mad he can't pass as a woman, I almost feel sorry
>>959886I remember when I was like 16 I was looking through Wikipedia and noticed all the normie musicians, actresses and general celebrities were like late 20s to early 30s, and I was blown away because I thought those ages were "old", but they all seemed so young and cool
No. 959903
>>959896Actually they hire adult actors because movie sets usually aren't teen-friendly spaces, actors get hurt all the time, filming hours are incredibly long and interfere with schoolwork, parents must be on set at all times etc
Don't forget that minors are easily traumatized by the entertainment industry!
No. 959906
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>>959898No one looked at Regina George and thought to themselves “Wow this 27 year old woman with visible wrinkles definitely looks like a 16 year old girl in high school!” I mean look at her what a raging female teenage heartthrob definitely not looking a bit haggard with those Corpse Husband tier nasolabial folds!
No. 959907
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>>959906>nasolabial foldshere we go
No. 959915
>>959907I feel like I could post a photo of Millie Bobby Brown and the age sperg will chimp out about how it's another example of an old hag cast as a child/teen, until they Google and find out the truth
Silly ass shit lol
No. 959919
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i work from home so i haven’t had a car in ages and my fiancé randomly sold his one day cuz the car market is wild and they pretty much gave him what he paid for it 2 years ago. okay, cool. now we don’t have a car lol so i’ve been looking for one for ME to buy but i’m super low maintenance and just want something safe with low mileage but this man finds something wrong with literally every car i’ve tried to pick out. it’s like the goddamn princess and the pea. i’m about to just buy a fucking piece of shit off of craigslist just to piss him off.
No. 959920
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>>959907are we monkey posting now
No. 959930
>>959926>LET WOMEN HAVE FUNI'm gonna agree with
>>959900Your LARP is tiring, age sperg
No. 959938
>>959929>>959922Find out if he likes anything with femdom. If so, why not literally just demand sex from him and say just that? "Blah blah your cock belong to me, not the internet you little bitch", literally basically force him and be kinda rough, grab his dick. It'll catch him off guard, but hentai obsessives love that sort of thing
If he cowers away, he will definitely go to 4chan or his group of fellow coomers to seek advice and they will all rightfully call him a faggot and say they wish they had a gf like you, then he will rethink his life choices. I don't really think men can be reasoned with like normal humans when it comes to some things, they have ape brain
No. 959942
>>959937age chan is just gonna make her own life living hell if she puts all her value into that
and i say that as the drug addict anonita like at least i have problems like that and am not psychotic like the peter pan syndrome suffering sad fucks, at least i guess with enough will power i can eventually stop using drugs but aging is forever
take care lolita wannabes
No. 959948
>>959902Ngl your post sounded like bait initially
It's kinda gross that he's so open about his degeneracy unless you happen to be a degen too. Guys who fap to traps/femboys and cope by saying "i-it's just a drawing! that's how anime is!" and ">draw girl >call it boy" and in a strange pool of denial. When you eventually dump him, keep an eye on him and watch how he troons out.
No. 960067
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>>960048I rate him 2/10
Bonus fact: his ugly haircut stems from his obsession with Julius Caesar and wanting to have an "empire"
No. 960068
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i think my dad has cancer. serious cancer, but i can't get a straight answer from him regarding it because he usually goes off on some unrelated philosophical tangent or lies…or he's stupid-drunk and impossible to talk with. he's so hard to speak with. he's always talking about what an evil guy he is ("xD") and how many people he's killed ("xD") but it all seems really chuuni.
he keeps speaking of his life as if it's already over too. it depresses me and makes me angry, because he is both my father (who i love) and the only thing keeping me from moving in with my narc, church-obsessed mother again in our country home which would be otherwise nice if we didn't live in a dead area for internet. i don't have the $$$ to move out on my own.
other people have it tougher, i know, and it's partially my fault for not stacking bread hardcore these past few years (i'm in uni, that's my own real obligation atm) but hell man. i wish he'd just tell me straight up so i can prepare myself.
but i also feel terrible. i'm seeing it as an inconvenience for me. a stressor. i have maybe a year or so of uni left, can't he just stop smoking and drinking for ten seconds? fuck
No. 960073
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Damn I didn't get the position I wanted. I studied so hard for it. I am trying not to be too affected by it but in reality I am really disappointed in myself. Guess I'm just dumb and useless.
No. 960144
I need to talk about this today, so I'll just make it into topics for a easy read.
> Me a 21 yo f with 2 older brothers
> This story is about brother 2, who is the middle child and currently 32 yo
>When I was 15 my brother was diagnosed with schizofrenia after starting to act off and extremely agressive with crazy delusions about my parents
>I lived some very scary situations because of it, but never resented him for it because I know he was just sick, and not himself at the time.
> But one thing stayed the same even before the diagnosis, he never got a job or studied,and never tried to for more then a mounth.
>Out of nowhere he has a baby with his then girlfriend, whom also does not study or have a job.
>They move into our house and spend all day shit talking others and watching netflix, while of course complaining about how hard their life is. (his ex could be a cow herself for the crazy delusional and entitled behavior)
>Fast forward to present day, we live in the same house, but I've been confined to a small part of the main house because of his extreme hygiene issues, his ex lives with her mom and the kid (which i love very much) I still didn't resent him for that either, but here is where my patience ran out.
>We always tought his behavior of poor hygiene, selfishness and lazyness was linked to his depression and schizophrenia, so I tried to not fight him over anything becase it wasn't his fault (even tho I have severe depression and OCPD and take lithium), but now I'm almost 100% sure he is just a selfish lazy person by design.
> I started to work and go to college, and now I'm able to buy my own shit.
> I arrive home with my groceries and the bread he asked me to get him.
> He askes me what else did I buy "for us", I said "for us?nothing" and went to my small apartment and put my stuff on the fridge.
>The next day my mom receives about 10 msgs from his ex about how terrible I am and how depressed he is because I didn't buy anything for him and I always have the best stuff in my little kitchen.
>WTF, are you serious???? I'm the youngest and he said he never wants to work and now that I have my own job he thinks I need to support him too???
>I say nothing, don't wanna cause a fight with his whacko ex, who holds their kid over our heads so we can never call her out on her lazy bullshit (yes neither of them has gotten a job since 2019, now the kid is 4 and still in diepers even tho her excuse to not get a job is that she has to care for him)
>I arrive home from my mom and there's 2 bars of the 3 I bought missing.
>That sends me over the edge, I'm done making excuses for his selfish behavior, he just sits arond all day saying every other people, including me, is a bad person when in reality the only one on his way is himself. He has treatened to sell weed and other drugs if my parents ever stopped supporting him and also treatened stopping taking his meds now because he is depressed I don't spend my fucking money on him.
This situation is just absurd, I don't know what to do, he reakky thinks he has the right to steal my shit, this is just so fucking crazy to me. okay rant over. I'm sleepy so there might be various spelling mistakes. I'd like to know what you guys think and also if you would like one on his ex gf story.
No. 960146
Bars of chocolat btw
No. 960188
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I had a crush on this man in my class for two months and finally admitted how i feel. He told me he likes somebody else.
No. 960192
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>>960144he is 30 stealing your fucking chocolate bars????????
im sorry i dont have much advice since i dont know anyone with the diagnosis. i just really really hope you can have your own space soon and stop dealing with clown world. sounds so frustrating i truly feel for you anon. you deserve all the chocolate bars for dealing with this for all of these years.
No. 960200
I'm depressed for deadass no reason in terms of my feelings. I had a great day today. I'm empty. I miss smoking cigarettes and not caring about my health. It scares me how I'm literally alone, I don't talk to my family, only my boyfriend. I am alone aside from him and our cat. I hate being a hypochondirac. I miss not caring. I wish I could hug another woman. I cried today thinking about my female coworker because I care so much about her even though I don't really know her and she's like my mother's age. I feel like something is gravely wrong with me, but I'm too disconnected from my emotions to figure it out. I miss lolcow and going on here before I got a full time job. I'm doing amazing on paper but sometimes, I'm still messed up. I feel like I'm going insane only talking to my boyfriend. We have an amazing relationship. I wish it were all I needed to be sustained. But inevitably, you start to become a unit even though you are separate. It's not codependence, neither of us engage in unhealthy habits and have separate hobbies. I just want time to myself, but there's no time for that unless I'm staring at my screen or are on my way to work. I would prefer it to be a different way. At the same time, I'm barely with my partner except on the weekends. I'd like to feel separate for a bit. I'd like to cry in front of someone else. Or hell, alone. I want to lie down on the earth and let myself feel defeated so I can pick myself back up. But I'm already up, I am not lacking anything material. I wish I could hold someone's hand and weep bitterly into it and apologize for the mess I've made myself into. I am so, so vain, so insecure, and I don't know how to climb myself out of this hole. Appearance is my life but I can always claim it's not because everyone tells me how I'm all the other qualities they notice and it's true, but I'm also so very shallow and I feel like I cannot pull myself from the lure of external validation. I get complimented by strangers when I feel ugly and I feel sick inside, it feeds my march into this obsession of mine. But without being "vain", then I start to obsess over something else, like health, or reading, or god knows whatever else distraction of my choosing. Please help.
No. 960201
>>959739I dress differently and look more grown up because it suits me more. Older doesn't necessarily mean saggy grandma, I'm only 28.
>>959776Small jabs at me and small, indirect compliments at her. Like one man saying her name is appropriate because she's a ray of sunshine but mine is just too boring and common. Saying I'm 'like her mom'. Mocking the things I say but agreeing with everything she says. Like I said, I know he wants to fuck her and obviously I'm fine with that, they'd be a cute couple, but I could do without the jabs at my intelligence and looks.
>>959735I disagree, I think I'm nice.
No. 960209
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god i forget to take welburtin for a day and it's just headaches and drymouth and suffering. i hate america
No. 960247
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No. 960335
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I’m so fucking tired of migraines waking me up a few hours before work. I hate having to take an extreme prescription to “help” but it only half works and I get too drowsy to drive to my job. Then I have to go in late and catch up.
The only thing that ever works is weed. I have had chronic migraines 3-4 times a week for over 10 years and no one can help, except for an illegal substance.
Honestly it gets so bad the appeal to hit my head in efforts to make it stop is too much
No. 960382
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How the fuck is female genital mutilation this common yet so rarely talked about? Like 91% of Egyptian women have had their clit straight up sliced off, yet even activists seem to treat fgm like this rare practice that only afflicts poverty stricken villages.
No. 960394
nonnie, I just came here to bitch about why are moids so hard to make concrete plans with without always “Uhoh, oopsie me so unorganised, me will let you know”. I’m trying manifestation rn but it’s hard as deep down I want to manifest fly kicking him in to an active volcano.
No. 960430
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i want to be loved! i want to be desired! i want someone to hunger for my attention and affection! i want someone to hold my hand and hug me and want to spend time with me! i've never fucking experienced this in almost 30 years of being alive and it bothers me so much. i hate the narrative of "how can you expect others to love you when you can't love yourself" - fuck you!!! how am i supposed to think of myself as worthy of love when no one fucking makes me feel like i am lovable, when no one sees anything worthy of love in me? i'm so tired of being alone!!!!
No. 960436
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It’s been a whole week. I’ve put in a few applications at some animal rescues (the ones with the least invasive procedure) and haven’t heard anything back. I thought these dogs need homes urgently? It’s annoying because I can’t see how I would even get rejected? My husband and I work from home, we have a house with a large fenced in yard, we don’t have any pets currently. I mean, what the fuck more do they want?
No. 960437
It all hurts so much, i just want to be happy, i know good times always come to an end but why so fast? Everyone is so mean and violent, they hurt everything they touch, they're not humans they're monsters that God should punish, rotten beings, they hurt animals and children, I'm sick of this country and poverty, I'm sick of being poor, i have no future and I'm tired of crying just by thinking about my situation, so hopeless. I don't deserve this, I'm not like them i promise, I'm a useful, benign and i mean no harm, i try my best but this game was never fair anyway. I try to convince myself that I'll get out of this situation but with my luck is probably going to get worse, no matter how much i pray this is not going to end, my creations will never reach those who need them, my soul will never know peace and my hope is just delusion, my hope means nothing, i was born to suffer.
No. 960442
>>960436Manifesting your adoption(But also, call these people back and ask for an update!)
When I was adopting my boy, it took a while. They make sure you’re not affiliated with people who resell dogs, or abuse them, etc.
somewhere out there, there’s a doggo just waiting to come home to you ♥
No. 960500
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I hate people with too much money for their own good so, so much. They have to ruin absolutely everything all the time. I'm not even against capitalism but it's completely deranging into distopian levels in light speed.
I thought art and self-expression, the one thing that managed to at least partly withstand the mindset of insane corps and rich people and can still put passion and soul over money would be safe for a while. But nope, here come the cryptobros fucking up several previously earnest artist who now don't give a shit about their fans or art anymore and produce whatever those basement dwellers pay the most for.
At this point I don' t even care when economy inevitably goes to hell, I'm looking forward to it because I will be able to see these "people" suffer too.
No. 960563
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>>960557Anon, I'm not sure where you're getting this but on this website, plenty of nonnies will call cow's OF a scam because people are paying for content and it's deceiving or garbage tier.
This is one screenshot but there are multiple out there similar to this one
No. 960589
>>960144Wow we have some similarities but I guess I should just be thankful my schizo brother didn't get someone pregnant. I'll tell you now anon– save money. Save money and get the fuck away from there. If your parent are anything like mine, and it sounds like they are since they're letting him and his useless ex live like this, they're NEVER going to get him to fix his act. I know he's mentally ill but there are still jobs out there for people like him, my brother used to bounce between manual labour jobs. You guys sound kinda wealthy (assuming since you have a small apartment next to your house) so try asking your parents to help? That's assuming they wont sperg out because you wont put up with this shit like they do. You also wont be able to speak logic into your brother or trick him into acting normal so don't waste energy. What does your other older brother think about all of this? Does he live at home too?
This truly does sound like a fucking absurd situation to live in and I'd almost think this was a joke if I didn't have a family just like this. Wishing you luck anon.
No. 960590
>>960564I'm European and like you said, it's an (completely unnecessary) effect, thanks to scrotes bringing it to a new level with their moral bancruptcy.
No. 960628
He took my virginity against my will. He used me like a sextoy, holding my hips and rubbing me over his dick until he came between my legs. Just before that he texted his roommate about how much he missed his ex-girlfriend, of which, after plenty backtracking, he assured me it was just a normal occurrence. Although I knew in my gut it was a lie like many of his other promises, I couldn't walk away. It required a lot of effort to diminish my doubts of his attraction to me to a tolerable degree. Although I still knew deep down that my doubt and discomfort was justified, discovering what his ex looked like confirmed everything. He was never attracted to me, because he still wanted her. He wanted her the entire time; when he took my virginity and fucked me and struggled to express his feelings. I was right from the beginning in sensing he just wanted easy access to a girlfriend without having to put in the effort, and he was lucky enough to find an inexperienced, lonely eighteen year old who'd grant it. I hate him for wasting my time and mistreating me like this. I wasn't ready for intercourse and he damaged me so much in putting me through these experiences I couldn't handle yet. He lied to my face and so did his friends. I deserve so much better and he was never worthy of me. He used me and probably doesn't even realise it due to being an inept manchild incapable of introspection. I know exactly why he behaves the way he does and it further complicates my anger. I can barely blame him if he can't help being so utterly stupid and privileged. Just kidding of course, I know it is just a ruse. I've learned very well from this experience that people will definitely lie to your face and have their friends participate in it too. People, especially men, will go to extreme lengths to ensure access to pussy. Oh, alongside cuddling and building a connection and whatever other supposed romance scrotes _definitely_ do this for. Scrotes might be cushioned and immature, but they're not stupid enough to forego vileness and manipulation. They'll just repress whatever self-awareness they develop if needed, they're surrounded by enablers anyway. I hate that I enabled him without realising it too. I know why I behaved the way I did and I hold no grudges against myself. I acted to the best of my abilities and there was definitely a power imbalance. Besides, I ended up kicking him out of my house and setting boundaries in a very powerful way. I ended things and let him know he can't have his cake and eat it too. I'm a strong girl and I'm better than him. But this was recent, so the anger still lingers a little, and so does the sadness. I offered him everything, my body and heart and devotion, and it still wasn't enough. I became infatuated with someone who neither deserves nor realises it. I deserve so much better, I am not worth this mistreatment. What a filthy scrote and what a filthy scrote world. I hate them and their stupid psychology. They're genuinely a disease that contaminates society now but won't forever.
No. 960663
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An anon posted that bloody napkin pic in the dumbass shit thread and I stg I almost panicked because I thought it was a past friend of mine posting on lc. Doesn’t help that the friend in question was a huge bpd-chan who cut ties when I told her to treat her family well because her home life was better than mine and I was jealous seeing her have a caring mom while all she did was spend thousands on stupid hobbies that lasted less than a week. I still think about her sometimes and wonder how her mom is doing and if her mother is still funding her expensive lifestyle or if bpd-chan finally left with her groomer from kik. Jfc if it wasn’t for the fact we both stumbled on lc back in 2015, I would’ve vented more about her and realized sooner that she just kept me around because no one could stand her constantly shitting on them. I still get torn up between feeling bad about not having her around and then remembering how awful she was to others that made her a chore to be around.
No. 960681
>>960214What hits me on the head like an anvil is that no matter how my life changes, I'm still going to feel this way. It is a viscous cycle, as you said. I'm going to smoke some cigarettes after work today and go for a little drive.
>>960333She's in her 50s and has a kid. It'd be weird. I feel like I idealize her because she is my only other female coworker and I feel creepy for crying about her last night. I live like an hour away from one of the most populated cities in the world, but where I immediately am is very rural so I don't get to meet people. It's a double edged sword, I love living out here physically, but mentally I wish I had a friend.
No. 960711
>>960182We don't have enough money to put him in one, and putting him on free ones will most likely make him go full homeless drug addict, that's what happened the last time he decided to move out, he didn't wash his clothes or bathe regularly. He refuses to get a job because he seriously believes my parents owe him money and a house because they are his parents, and instead of taking them pushing them out of the house as the ultimate jab to get his own shit he just gives up completely and thinks he is a
victim of society (we all are but we don't get to make others pay for our own battles). He refuses to get help or admit he is at fault for being 30 with no money to his name and a kid to raise, he also constantly makes up lies and excuses for why I'm able to get a job and have money and he doesn't, now he is saying I don't buy my shit, my parents do so he owns it to. My mom always treated him with patinence and never wanted to send him away because he is her son. Thank you for the reply and for being understanding, sometimes I feel like I'm the crazy one who warps reality because of how fucked this all is.
>>960192Thank you dear, It's a really confusing situation to be on.
No. 960726
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My mom's picky eating infuriates me sometimes. Today's my birthday, and she told me last week that we could go wherever I wanted to eat. Now she's backtracking and complaining because the place I chose has nothing she likes (which isn't a very long list.) She's lactose intolerant and she can't have food that are too fatty, but those are her only sensitivities. Most of the stuff she won't eat is purely preferential. She won't eat anything spicy, and I've literally had her tell me barbecue sauce is spicy.
It's a Japanese restaurant and she's upset because they don't have orange chicken. She's never even seen most of the things they serve, let alone tried them. She's just deciding she'll hate everything based on how it looks! She went on this racist tirade about how "Asian restaurants never give you actual vegetables, just peppers and onions" even though there are greens in the pictures on the menu! (picrel)
Everything we eat during the rest of the year is according to her preferences regardless of who's cooking or paying. My birthday is the one day she gives me a pass to get what I want, and now she's going to guilt-trip the shit out of me for doing what she gave me permission to do and going somewhere I like.
No. 960740
>>960589Hi I had to respond to you on a separete reply because I couldn't read it, anyway, my parents used to have money until 2015, they have this house and a second one in the country, which is were they live now, about a 1 hour away from the town. During quarentine I went to live with them and just now came back to the house on the city, this house used to be my grampas truck manegement shop, so it's really big, and my parents bought it from my gramma over a period of 5 years, the house is old so it has a laundry room with a bathroom, that we converted into an "apartment" for me since we can't afford to rent a place for me. My brother still has the key because the washing machine is here still, monday we'll move it to the kitchen and ask him for the keys so he can't get to my stuff anymore, we'll see how that goes since he said the whole house is rightfully his and demands accsses to all of it, if he doesn't hive me the keys I'll just put in a padlock on the door. I'll update you guys, also thank you for the support and I wish you the best on your situation too
No. 960792
>>960362This actually makes me so fucking sad. It’s straight up extreme self harm, delusion, and emotional/chemical dependency on food designed to keep you in the worst condition possible so you will spend more money. I know people obviously have free will, but with how fucked up the world is everyone is being pressured to always be working and always looking for a fix, marketing has gone way past psychological warfare. I know it’s always been there, but with everyone being so online it’s even more unavoidable. That person could be an asshole and not care, but they’re also brainwashed. I also think the “fat acceptance” movement is obviously fine if that’s the weight someone naturally maintains or it’s from medication, etc. but I can’t help but notice that full on obese bodies are getting pushed so hard to be accepted even before the pandemic, never mind now. I have nothing against overweight or obese people, and it makes me so upset people enable that issue with more fucking consumerism and treat it like a new demographic to enslave. Obesity is
way more common than anorexia, and it really shouldn’t be about fat women “still being beautiful” it should be “you are worth so much more than just beauty” and about the health complications with that much weight. I loathe how any healthy replacement is labeled as “diet culture” and crucified, and that working out isn’t rightfully pushed more as an actual cure/alleviate for depression and mental issues, and made more inclusive and socially accessible/safe for women. I’m so pissed off that any health movement gets degraded into “you’re beautiful u sexy bitch” when your quality of life is greatly reduced and when someone actually loves and values you, your physical appearance doesn’t matter but your mobility, presence, lifespan, and health matter. It’s such a fucked up and backwards message. It begins and ends at plus sized lingerie and if they look good for the male gaze, when they can’t even walk. Your free will is taken away and you’re guilted into giving away your money and life source so you don’t offend anyone by getting healthy, when people should be encouraging each other not to let obesity culture keep them sick and dependent. Big mad at womens health and “empowerment” bullshit fr I had to vent
No. 960831
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>>960660I love you too, and I will. For us!!
No. 960936
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This girl on the new lolcow thread doxxed herself LMAO
No. 960942
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tfw you want to take an anti-anxiety med but are also craving coffee, and you can't have both
No. 960966
>>960792hear, hear nona. I agree 100% but never voice it openly lest I draw the ire from everyone around me since they all parrot the same "it's easy for you to say, you're naturally skinny."
I go to the gym and if I ate like a beligerent fat fuck, I would be one too. Just because I am skinny, it doesn't mean I don't care a great deal about how and what I eat.
No. 960969
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I'm trying to get pregnant and so nothing has stuck for the past few months. Instead of ordering pregnancy tests, me and my so went to the grocery store we usually go to get some cheap ones. The cashier told us in the most awkward way congratulations or mayne not congratulations. We thought it was weird because why even bring it up since we also got our groceries along with the tests. Anywayss, every time we go to the store he is eager to be our cashier, but super weirdly? He then avoids all eye contact and darts his attention literally anywhere else other than to what he's doing. We don't even want him as our cashier, but it's like he goes out of his way to be it. Like, he only ever started being strange since he spoke to us about the pregnancy test. Idk he's so fucking weird and he looks socially awkward as hell. I think it's time to hit another grocery store for sure.
No. 960970
>>960965I appreciate it
nonnie, thank you. Good to hear yours stopped thinning after a while. I'm going to see my doctor soon and will ask for bloods, I have heard low iron can be a thing too with hair.
No. 960997
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My workplace is gonna start making us come to work on Saturdays starting this week and I don't wanna
No. 961028
Something inside me has died. I'm certain of it, I can feel it. One day it was there and the very next day it wasn't. I had some kind of a breakdown a few weeks ago and I haven't quite been the same since. I've been walking around with a little hole in my soul where something should be. I'm pretty sure that thing is hope - I don't have much hope for anything really, not much to look forward to, I've become such a fucking cynic it even shocks me sometimes. I've never really been in such a bleak state of mind. Sure I've definitely been depressed before, but this feels different. Something has truly changed this time. In a weird way it hasn't altered me too much, I'm kinda the same person to everyone around me, but inside I just KNOW something is gone. It's small, but it's palpable. Hope has been lost for me, and honestly I don't know if it's coming back. Just one of those things you have to wait and find out.
It's too bad nobody can really escape this world without obviously dying. We humans have no other place to live. We need to ultimately accept and make peace with the word, because it's the one place we have. And I genuinely want to love this world anons, but fuck it makes it so hard for me. It's becoming harder with each passing month.
No. 961133
>>961073I second
>>961106 's approach. Make him do shit you really like. Only keep going to his place if he does them really well and appreciates you. Get him to say really cutesy fuzzy wuzzy things to you.
If he can't do that for you he doesn't exist.
Get ready by coming up with a strategy to avoid sexual contact.
No. 961169
>>960726Before I cut contact with my mom she used to pull this with me all the time. Heaven knows I've heard that "It's too spicy!" comment before whenever I cooked for her ass. Whenever I could drag her to restaurants I liked, which really only happened on my birthday too, she'd always treat them like some weirdo alien experience. There was no actual reason for her to behave that way, she just had to be sure her displeasure towards me was known.
It may be tinfoil but I view parents rejecting the food their kids favor (granted it's not unhealthy food) as a way of rejecting something about their actual kid too. Put it this way: If you were doing something for someone you really liked and respected there's no way you'd kick up a fuss and let on that you think they have bad taste.
Anyways, just my 2c. Sorry that happened to you.
No. 961171
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Anons like this are so weird, as a women who has terrible social skills to the point that my quality of life is affected this just makes me feel like more of a failure. Might as well Troon out. I'm just joking I'd rather be a failed women than a Troon.
No. 961181
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I hate seeing 'kawaii' shit. I just hope that one day a more aggressive, gross counter-culture comes about where everything looks gross and non as university appealing. I know this is a weird example, but maybe something like the art direction of psychonauts, where all the characters look like they climbed out of a dumpster
No. 961192
Oh well, just found out half of my coworkers aren't all that great. One made comments on how women become famous easier (though he specified not ALL women, very progressive of him) by fucking their way to the top. He's young, early 20s and from the city so I thought his point was going to be that women are more acceptably commodified and marketed but…yeah.
Then later, another coworker mentioned being in germany and how there are 2 classes of people, the tall blond type, and the "rats", then she said "you know, that guy had a point about there being an underclass". As in, Hitler? That guy Hitler had a point? I'm hoping to god I misunderstood her.
My last workplace was fucking toxic, where the people were nasty and lashed out at each other, I had someone actively trying to get me fired. These coworkers are nice and co-operative so it's very disappointing. I'm also disappointed in myself, because on these things being revealed to me at most I gave passive disapproval "oh, I don't know about that…" because as the new one I'm really scared to be ostracised and have my workplace be hellish again.
No. 961206
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>>961028I'm sorry your hope is gone right now, anon. You write really well, I liked reading your post. I think hope can come and go, so I hope that yours returns, too.
No. 961219
>>961210bad post, bob's burgers is a great show.
why not post about real gross-out shows like family guy and south park.
No. 961226
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>husband is taking me to a museum for a date
>make myself look nice and put effort to wear makeup
>remember halfway there that I will have to wear mask facehugger the entire time and my makeup will be ruined
Holy shit. Why did I fucking bother?! I'm so pissed off. My foundation is gonna rub off.
No. 961355
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>promise myself I wouldn't do it anymore
>do it again 30 mins later
end my suffering
No. 961367
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I'm 19 and I have no hobbies aside from watching Youtube videos and browsing lolcow. I'm trying to get into listening to audiobooks, and I struggle to find audiobooks that I actually like because I'm too retarded to know how to pirate them. I tried embroidery for like 5 minutes after buying a kit off of amazon but stopped after I found it no longer fun. I don't think I have the discipline to actually get good at chess. I kinda envy consoooomers, because they're at least passionate about something
No. 961414
>>961393Idk what you're going through, but I hope you're alright anon. Sorry your boyfriend is being a dickhead.
>>961395It was ok until
>I'm not a sex workerDenial.
No. 961439
>>961342Feels like it. I was really looking forward to meeting up in a few weeks but he had to cancel it and asked to bring it forward. Now I’m trying to confirm what day it’s “Uhoh muh ADD I’ll get back to you on that”. Now I just feel like I’m being a hassle to ask again.
Can some nonnies please pray and send me some good vibes that it works out and if it doesn’t my undiagnosed smells like bpd self doesn’t become unhinged and try sudoku.
No. 961456
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>>961439It's time to take off the clown shoes. Excuses, not responding, etc are all you'll get from him. If you're not being wooed and pursued then your entire "relationship" with a man will consist of anxiety, begging, waiting, and frustration.
No. 961507
>>961395$20k per month from sexy cosplay/boudoir? cosplayer at the top of this list makes an estimated $7k-$9k, and you're saying you dwarf that by over 200%. 2k would have made more sense
Guys, at least keep the LARPs somewhat believable. I'm surprised I'm the only person saying this lol
No. 961534
>>961524Lingerie and fashion models are selling an actual product: lingerie and clothes for women to wear. A woman selling sexy pics is selling them to jack off to, that's selling sex.
But that's my opinion, it's subjective I guess.
No. 961603
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I don't have much sympathy for all the people who are mad at Crunchyroll for High Guardian spice. The service is low quality and all of the money that it's meant to go towards the poor japanese animators is wasted of alphabet soup pannels, and tbh, I couldn't care less about High Guardian Spice, it looks ugly, cheap and the pandering is clear as it gets, but again, it was obvious that it would happen. The only thing I will truly resent about HGS coming out is that now my Youtube feed will be filled with otaku males, and a few girls actually, making videos of "Le waman not doing animu right XD" "Big boobie anime girl better, based japan!" "Feminist defending HGS, destroyed with FACTS and LOGIC" for the next month. I legit have a lot of channels blocked but they just keep coming and making more videos. I can't event complain about it anywhere else without being labeled as a Crunchyroll whiteknight even when I have always been open about hating their service and the people working there. But god, I hate how now male otakus will keep claiming that an all female team will never work.
No. 961610
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I have an entry exam for a back end IT course on Monday and no one told me or knows what the entry exam is about. I asked around and no one fucking knows.
I need to get in and it will be difficult since they take only 5 people but I'm going to murder someone if it turns out to be computer science related. It's advertised for beginners not people who already know about servers and shit. The fact that the whole subject is so broad isn't helping with preparing.
I have no idea what to do if I don't get in. I'm too poor to pay for college despite living in the eu and I can't get a good paying job with the high school shit I finished. I fucking need this but the last two years were absolute crap and I'm at rock bottom right now, wouldn't be surprised if I don't get in because fuck me in particular.
No. 961711
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One of my so called "friends" has sided with the man who harassed me, almost all of my female coworkers and likes to brag about having slept with a possibly underage girl (he's on his mid 30s). There are more details but it's just standard narcissistic scrote behavior.
I told her that he was spreading rumors about me after I avoided his advances and she just brushed it off as if it was nothing. The most she did after I shared more details was say something like "lol, men". It hurt me so much, especially after I discovered she kept contact with him and called him "a great friend" after I stopped trying to open her eyes to who he really is. We were friends for years and within 2 months of knowing him, she was already kissing his butt online.
I know I probably got rid of a shit friend, but I just can't process this. I also understand this happened only a couple months ago, so it may take a while to get over it. But whenever I think about this situation, I feel so disgusted, to the point of getting nauseated.
No. 961770
>>961647Wow, ghost this loser.
I had girlfriends back in highschool like this who only knew my number when they needed a car ride for a man. Most selfish
toxic shits they were.
No. 961862
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i hate how fucking fat i am and how everything about me is so fucking massive. i wanted to treat myself to some handmade jewelry from a girl's etsy store but i've never worn rings before so i measured with a tape measure. when i googled what size it translates to, i found an article that basically said my ring size means i have fat man fingers. i wish i could lose weight faster but rn i'm losing 1 pound/week. i know it's more sustainable this way but fucking hell, at this rate it'll take a year until i'm even close to the highest end of the healthy bmi range for my height.
No. 961876
>>961870It's not a meme. You would be shocked at how difficult it is to find people who can code. I got a $20k hiring bonus because I passed this optional coding test in the hiring process and apparently that made me a prize pig. It's honestly fucking awesome. Keep at it.
My vent is that my doctor insisted I stay on this specific brand of birth control because no wayyy it could be the cause of my sudden weight gain and zero sex drive. It's been a month since I ignored that advice and things are normal again but it looks like I'll have to find a new doctor since this one is apparently a simp for whoever makes Yaz. She was so good otherwise, too.
No. 961879
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>>961873Whenever some scrote does that to me, I send some weird ass pictures to make him lose his boner, if he sticks around, he gets even weirder pictures.
No. 961897
personally find the job to be low stress, but I'm the type of person who really thrives in fast moving work environments. I highly recommend making a Blind account so you can research companies you're interested in and getting an idea of the work culture. It's like an anonymous Twitter specifically to shitpost about the company you work at and requires work email verification to post, so the posts are legit from those employees.
I do have a degree, but it is unrelated to anything tech. They liked that I had a degree, but most tech companies don't require it. It's mostly boomer companies that care these days. For big tech and startups as well, a degree is a bonus but not a requirement. I've been part of the interview loop at my company a few times and I don't actually think a degree has ever come up other than in the context of "Hey that was my major, too!" Don't stress if you never enrolled or finished uni.
>nerdy guy, tranny and Indian knows how to code and I'm too late to the game.They do, and it's still not enough! But really, I think the "soft skills" are underestimated. It's one thing to get into a company, but you still need to survive. No one wants to work with a jackass even if they're the best coder in the world.
>>961882The concept of the ring always weirded me out but I should look into it. I actually had no issues with the pill I was previously on, but my doctor suggested Yaz (this was a red flag looking back) and let's just say 2021 was a weird year for my hormones.
No. 964011
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for the last couple of weeks i have had something weird happening with my inner ear that leaves me waking up in the middle of the night dizzy/feeling like im going to puke.
i just cant get any sleep and i want it to fucking stop but i have to wait until i get paid on the 26th to see a doctor.
im sick of feeling nauseous 24/7, and ive been so easily irritable/snapping at everyone because im just so fucking physically tired
i just wanna lay down and die at this point