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No. 822499
Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.
Notably, several female orientated subs like Female Dating Strategy were banned as reddit is convinced anything pro-female is anti-male, but shitty male orientated subs with violent misogyny are totally okay and not a cause for concern.
Previous thread
>>>/ot/729060 No. 822548
>>822506Oh yeah it's especially galling when they regularly bring up "male reproductive rights" in which if a woman doesn't get an abortion when they say she should, they want to not have to pay child support.
They don't phrase it like that, they phrase it as "give up parental rights", because fatherhood to them means writing a cheque every month. They ignore what actually is involved in raising a human being, which men walk away from every day just fine. They express no concern for what happens to the kid then, not their problem.
So basically they want us to be able to choose what happens to our bodies so they can punish us when we don't choose what they want. They have no empathy for how hard that choice is to begin with.
No. 822575
File: 1622795730250.png (78.11 KB, 931x539, pmdd1.png) thread is so aggravating. PMDD has had a devastating impact on my life, which is why I went looking for advice in the first place. Why do some trans people want to be in on EVERYTHING? Why do you want to have a disorder so serious that some women undergo hysterectomies to manage/reduce their symptoms?
No. 822637
>>822575So they're just actively taking hormones that they fully blame their suicidal thoughts on.. just gonna keep taking it and keep whinging about muh womanhood being hard?
Tbh I'm detrans and my time spent taking testosterone was interesting in terms of mental health and how my thought process changed and simplified on it. I saw how much estrogen, my cycle and all that added to my anxiety issues and I had to give up my nice new 'simple brain' when I came off of hormones again. But why would you take hormones for so long if you're blaming it for making you want to die? Surely that tops any gender dysphoria in terms of setting priorities. I have a feeling they're just depressed in general and grasping at any excuse as to why, first they probably blamed the dysphoria and now it's the hormones. Treat your depression. Too many people with genderfeelings ignore every other aspect of their mental health in favor of sex talk.
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>Having access to mental health professionals does not really make mental health problems easier to deal with.
It does, unless you are an actual retard. This is just an excuse to not improve.
No. 828566
>>828473Like a lot of people I have issues like trauma where I want to get better but having touched on my trauma in past therapy…I also don't want to go there. I don't want the pain of facing it. I feel like that's pretty common among a host of MH disorders. Lack of motivation, fear of it unearthing a new world of pain. Not wanting to hear harsh truths or work hard on yourself because you're drained by even the thought of that. I get it.. but that's all internal. It's often not that services are failing you. Its trying to get your own ass into gear in order to really engage with treatment. That's the hurdle many fall at. You have to own that responsibility.
When people just write off mental health services as if they're useless (especially with endless funds and more time than a 9 to 5 Joe can get off) that's such bs and misplaced blame and criticism. I've rarely seen bpders in particular cooperate with treatment plans tho. When it comes to free healthcare where I live MH waiting lists are basically half filled by bpders and similar who agree to take an appointment and then never show up on the day (don't bother to simply ring to cancel either) or they give up after just one appointment. Then a year later they request another free appointment which they again may not show up for. A 3 strike system was created to try and tackle it. Its certainly not unusual to dodge help or only half arsedly try but I hate when people won't own up to it.
No. 829143
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What the fuck
No. 829360
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>>829143They changed the rules for a bit to limit q's about porn and sex because 90% of the sub was about that and the rest was discussion about women generally. Including, hilariously, manopshere rants that women think men are too obsessed with sex when "ackshually we're super duper sensitive guys and much deeeeeeper than the ladies, so who are those roasties to judge US?!" kek. Whacking it to dead pornstars ("source? For RESEARCH!") and questions like "how do you feel knowing porn stars are miserable junkies abused for our coom? I'm starting to feel bad, should I feel bad askmen?" were about 50% of the content at one point. The top answers were always without fail: "it's better than stacking shelves". "I'm not responsible for other people's poor life decisions" and "How do you KNOW she's not enjoying it? That's sexist!" They have allowed porn and sex discussion again but from a male point of view only (the sub was probably dying kek) but infuriatingly, questioning men's habits is banned. It's against rule 3 for women to question porn in relationships and they are redirected by mods to a condescending "FAQ" section to be reeducated kek.
No. 832189
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No. 832203
>>832189Is it tho? At least they went out.
No. 834714
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No. 835873
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> hair subreddit
> m-muh dick wound!!
No. 836380
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I know that this is super autistic of me to complain about, but does anyone else miss the old default snoo user icons? They used to be so fun and full of personality, now they replaced them with these faceless, cold shit icons like the ones shown in
>>832189. I'm seriously considering deleting my Reddit account because of the change. Fuck this, I want the cute icons back!
No. 840237
>>839478>I think transgender people should have the same rights as everyone else but I don’t think a little girl should have to see someone’s penis, that’s fucked.That's a comment from the thread lol. I'm not sure if he's being introspective… it wouldn't surprise me if not, why weren't most people able to think critically about this from the get go? They are FEMALE spaces. If the law states men can self-identify, they have unfettered access to females, including children. Legally, girls have no bodily privacy either, forced to be naked in front of men, or "examined" by a doctor or policeman, etc. In my country girl scout membership plummeted as they allowed men to self-identify without informing parents. In one area, girls were horrified to find themselves on a camp trip, having to change and sleep in a tent with a pig-tailed man. (Yes, he had a pigtail hairstyle and bushy beard, obviously an AGP pedo). Most people are quite happy to steamroll women's rights it seems, but almost no one will allow children to be messed with, thank god. It's the main reason we've had pushback.
No. 843649
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Goddamnit I can't go to single women's beauty or fashion sub without being subjected to male degeneracy. He also posted the sloppiest glitter eyeshadow look on r/mua and got 700+ upvotes just for being a man with makeup. Why do women on reddit hype up these low effort ugly men/troons anyway? Is it out of pity? Or does it boost their self esteem to see people uglier than them on the front page? Ugh. How is this outfit "streetwear" anyway
No. 844044
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>>843931It's not like there's no basis to be wary of potential kidnappers (also the lady who approached the kids directly has some balls)
No. 844467
>>844044The selfishness never ceases to amaze me. Yeah, maybe it's offensive and inconvenient for random people to assume you're a predator. But if their suspicions have even the tiniest chance of preventing a child being harmed isn't that fucking worth your hurt feelings?? Does being polite to men trump protecting children?
I also think it's far more rare than reddit likes to think. Men go out in public with their kids all the time, it's not cause for alarm with the vast majority. If someone is suspicious of you, you or your interactions with the kids must look off somehow.
No. 844468
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>>843931Whenever I see those replies I ask myself this: Where are the men who are willing to help other men?
They admit it themselves, that they're isolated and lonely mostly by choice. Obviously they're not actively giving a shit about other people.
But they want attention on abused or homeless men? Okay, where are the male volunteers throwing together these facilities and supporting them with free labor? Oh right, most men would never do this.
When I volunteered for a reproductive clinic, we were all women. Whenever I was a part of philanthropy to donate funds to women's shelters, the majority came from women and women-owned businesses. If we left it up to men to give women shelter and resources then it'd be just as poor as male-oriented ones are now.
No. 844494
>>844044>>844467>But if their suspicions have even the tiniest chance of preventing a child being harmed isn't that fucking worth your hurt feelings??I feel the same way, anon, I hate that some men prioritize their feelings above everything, that and/or they lack enough long-term thinking skills to think past their emotions in the moment(apparently long past the moment too, from reading this thread). I think 99% of people don't immediately freak out when they see a kid with a man, the logical thing to do is assume that that person is related to (as with any adult with a child in general) the kid. Even besides that, there are enough male child predators in the world to at least be a
little suspicious sometimes.
No. 844511
>>844507Lol after seeing those comments i almost made a thread on circlejerk along the lines of
>I was sitting with my child in my living room when an old karen broke in through the window, came up to me to ask me if it was my child, I told her yes she said she didn't trust me because all men are child molesters and then reported me to the fbi. AITAbut I don't think it would land kek
No. 844535
A man I know refused to change his daughter's diapers because he said it made him feel like a pedophile. He argued suspicious women had ruined fatherhood for him. I wouldn't be surprised to see people sympathize with him in that thread.
No. 845399
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>>845395I laughed so hard at tugboat fetish
No. 845616
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tell me that reddit isn’t an MRA website, imagine if this was about women. literal fucking wimps, men who whine about oppression are pure manipulators because all of the issues they mention under this were so general and that’s just how blissfully unaware men are of the world because they inherently lack empathy
No. 846022
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Saw a post today about someone wanting to create a space for abused men. Great! Finally! A man taking matter into his own hands to support his fello- wait, it's a woman?? O-oh…
No. 846298
>>846022Of course it is. Men are only crying about no one caring when it's in response of women taking care of other women, they never do anything. (except militant dads crying about alimony)
Just recently in my country some woman wrote an article about how we should look deeper into what makes men incels and "take care of them", comments full of men responding that "yes, feminism should focus on issues of incels if they're so EGALITARIAN" … why do you never care about issues of incels though? It's always women that have to do shit.
No. 846622
>>844467it's true. my dad would take me and my sister everywhere and no one ever asked him anything, even though he's about 10 years older than most parents of people my age.
if these guys' stories actually happened they were probably dressed like shit with that scruffy neck-included 5 o'clock shadow clueless reddit men always have, and wearing frameless glasses that are 18 years out of fashion, then proceeded to showcase their incredible lack of social skills in public.
No. 846996
>>846622My father was my primary caregiver from the time I was born and is a literal autist complete with ugly glasses, bermuda shorts, mismatched socks in crocs and a chronic case of RBF (resting grump face? is there a male version of this?), and neither of us has never once been approached by someone who thought he was a suspicious character. I second
>>844467that if any of these stories are true at all, the kids probably looked uncomfortable around these men for whatever reason.
No. 847600
>>847547A friend of mine asked on how to deal with a bullying co-worker who was a huge pickme and treated everything as competition, downright copied every little thing she did and talked shit about her to others, spreading rumors and lying on purpose;
This Reddit told her that this co-worker has a crush on her.
Seems like r/relationshipadvice comments is a bot chat or something.
No. 847608
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>>847606Couldn't watch it either, this scrote got offended at this first screen capture and that's all it took me to nope the fuck out.
I swear to god, the women they call """""femcels""""" are so fucking justified, fuck men
No. 849524
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No. 853130
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Men patting each other on the back and talking about how hard and invalidating it is when women don’t see you as a potential rapist
No. 853151
>>853130menslib is so retarded, they really took the worst of mainstream feminism (
victim mentality, exaggerating insignificant issues) and made it their whole ideology
No. 853211
>>853130Don't look at us like we're all rapists…. wait actually you're not respecting me as a man if you're not living in fear of my manly raping ability.
I've seen short men complain about this too. Oh just because I'm short you think I can't attack you… I can! I won't but you better be aware I'd be well able to! ..ffs
No. 853217
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another day another low effort male (with the most obvious advice in the world!) at the top of r/curlyhair. It's all so tiresome nonas
No. 859900
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theredpill guys accidentally finding out that their community is full of violent psychopaths will never not be funny to me
No. 859925
>>859900Compares having a sex drive (and acting on it) to having the urge to murder children… and acting on it. We really do shit on women for every little thing while men are held to an entirely different BS standard of "well done for not murdering anyone"
Oh and if men do commit murder…sure it's only because we're such whores, obvs. Or because we won't fuck them enough. One of those two.
No. 859959
>>859952The amount of ways I've seen men on there basically rephrase this point
> Us men were made to kill everyone smaller than us and you sluts are lucky we're not currently able to kill you without legal consequence. Otherwise we would. You remember that now. We're supressing the urge. It's beyond creepy no matter how many ways they find to try and make it sound like its logic/nature/gods design. It's all just unhinged talk that should get you put on a watchlist.
No. 860530
>>860011>>859967>>859959>>859952>>859930>>859925>>859908>>859900Remember reddit is full of woketards and liberal men who in irl pretend to be liberal male feminists also probably a lot of muslims and trannies because they are coddled there
These liberal males are supposed be less angry, laid back and more sensible as told by society in contrast to angry incels on right side
No. 861356
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The absolute state of these Reddit scrotes, this was also on a general subreddit and most of the comments were agreeing with him, joking about it with the classic “at least I didn’t actually rape someone hahaa” and discussing it, at least take it to a NSFW subreddit I don’t need to know you’ve been pornsick since 13
No. 861407
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>>861388Then discuss it on a subreddit realted to that subject? not in the wild, i'm sick of reading the comments on any post and seeing some scrote shoehorn in their weird fetish with comment like this
No. 861427
>>861356Years ago when I was a teen listening to a late night radio talkshow I remember a topic like this coming up. Men were discussing how much they 'mind fuck' rando women who sit next to them on the bus or women they work with. Some saying they might spend their 20 minute bus journey looking at someone and imagining it the whole time. One guy was saying he's in his 40s and when he sees a 'fine young woman' he'll do it. There was a long awkward pause when he said his ideal woman was about 19 and the host asked him how exactly he can accurately guage a strangers age when there's only room for 2 years of error…or else he's mentally stipping off underage girls on the bus. A good answser never came.
I was pretty young and disturbed. I was semi agoraphobic already and for years that one convo stayed with me and made me worry. I have a butch style now and I think feeling uncomfortable for so many years for reasons like that played a large part in me saying fuck it and changing my look. My last partner shared emails with me…the office pervert was sharing these fantsisies with every man he worked with thinking they'd all pat him on the back. My ex was grossed out but I was concerned about the women he was clearly obsessing over. Dude had a long term gf aswell. Some never grow out of this shit and only get worse.
No. 861864
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I like checking out r/tinder from time to time just to see all the men seething at things women put in their profiles. Like women like these are obviously looking for rich guys that outearn her significantly, but young urban struggling "male feminists" are posting how they'd NEVER date her, and I just enjoy their anger. No. 861951
File: 1627133969461.png (152.76 KB, 878x1420, jfc kys.png) this sub by accident with this being the current top post of all time and ooooh my god, cry me a fucking river. Poor men don't get their peepee wet after amassing a small amount of good boi points for Being A Good Feminist Ally even though The Bad Guy Chad does, poor men are affected by actions done by other men, feminism has to work for them poor men too, they also need validation uwu. I don't know what I expected of a sub that has flairs for MRAs and the twaw mantra right in their sidebar. I guess I hoped it'd be one of those not-yet-found subs where feminism for once isn't about centering men's feelings like it's sometimes the case with <1000 member subs.
No. 861977
>>861951Looking at that screenshot, all I can think is "No man should legally be permitted to type, speak or write this much".
If I try to read it, I feel a little voice in the back of my mind screaming "Shut up, bitch". He needs to go perform manual labor.
No. 861983
>>861951Samefagging but
>it treats men as defective womenNot to be ableist, but you are. The Y chromosome is literally defective. You are failed, deformed women. God gave you tard strength and a G-spot in your asshole to make up for it.
No. 861992
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>>861983>God gave you tard strength and a G-spot in your asshole to make up for it.Thanks anon you just made moids sound even more deformed.
No. 863766
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No. 863886
>>861427I empathize with you anon but I don't really know if going butch is a good way to respond to that specifically. Even if you were to do the ultimate de-feminization and troon out there's still men who fetishize ftm troons. Of course you could just like being butch/androgynous and that's more power to you.
But what about some of us who like feminine attire? I personally like makeup and fashion and I don't want to start dressing masculine just because ik that scrotes have definitely said disgusting things about what they would do to me. Imo we can't do much about it. At the end of the day it's talk of what they
would do if they had a chance, and they don't/never will have a chance. I suspect the only reason that these men go on about their gross fantasies is because they know that they do not have a chance. Maybe it's supposed to be degrading to the women. Is there some way to shame these men and take back the power? I really fail to see how that dude wouldn't just be a retarded dick-brained moid who sacrifices his career to divulge his sexual fantasies to coworkers bc he's too dumb to keep his chode out of his work. Or the guy on the bus being such a cumbrained moid who is so porn/sex addicted that the only thing he thinks of when he sees a woman is sex. Thoughts?
No. 864410
>>863886Not op. Let's be real there way less men who get off on butch women, and not many men have the balls to hassle women for being GNC/"ugly"/etc. Gonna get a glare at the most, unless you live in conservative place.
>Maybe it's supposed to be degrading to the women. Is there some way to shame these men and take back the power? Yup that's it, their supposed superiority complex is based on women being below them, take that away and they're nothing. That's why they need to constantly remind themselves that they're better by degrading women. I'd say show the convo to his mother but she'd probably call you a liar and defend her shitstain son. Alas.
No. 864550
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This person is on crack, a detolf with a raised lid is MORE than enough room for even a Syrian hamster. I attached a pic of how big the "suboptimal" enclosure is. Reddit pet subs are full of people like this that act like if you don't have a whole room dedicated to it and spend $300/mo you shouldn't be allowed to have it. God forbid you ask a medical question on a sub called /r/askvet. I was trying to get advice for somebody's kitten and I got torn apart for not taking it to the vet and it's not even my goddamned cat
No. 866195
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I hate this shit. I hate everything about this. From the OP, the "old ball and chain haha" jokes in general, to the way all the retards replying to it think that it's "part of a healthy relationship" and not just and older version of those "guys are cool and quirky and girls are boring and lame" memes
No. 866205
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>>866195Meanwhile, from the wife's perspective
>my husband plays video games for 10 hours a day even though we both work full time and I do all the housework and raise our 3 small children alone>I don't want to be a naggy evil bitch wife, how do I CoMmUnIcAtE with him so that he deigns to lift a finger around the house"? No. 866517
>>866205Even in less extreme cases than this it's usually just
>Hey you said you'd do this chore, if you sit down to play video games I know from experience that the day will pass you by and I'll end up doing your chores on top of my own..again. Can you please just do that one task first and then you're free to do whatever the rest of day. Such emotional abuse
No. 867107
>>867091>Which, for me?Why do men always think everything is for them?
>My gf is now radio silenceI mean he literally accused her of being a zoophile
>I respect that my gf doesn't feel the same wayNah he doesn't
>with her head on my gf's naked thighOh no, her THIGH? The horror!
The guy is definitely an asshole. His ex (hopefully) evidently views nudity in a different way. For some people being nude is no big deal, it's not sexual. He's acting as if this woman's body is only for him and only when it's sexually pleasant for him.
No. 867111
>>867108Come on,
nonny. You and I both know that anybody who associates with Reddit/Redditors either has too little self-esteem or too much autism to properly maintain their anus.
No. 867116
>>867091to me it's kind of gross. does she even wash the dogs paws after every walk? and honestly, sitting directly on chairs, without underwear, is nasty. and now i'm imagining dog hairs stuck on her labia.
but from a "moral" point of view who cares? the dog doesn't care, she doesn't care, and if she isn't molesting the dog there's nothing wrong with that
No. 867121
>>867091>she's got a rockin bodI shivered.
Being naked in modern western society can't really be fully divorced from sexuality. While I can genuinely believe that the girl doesn't find cuddling with her dog while naked to be weird or sexual, (though with a 110 lbs dog it's a litte weirder) she should understand why her boyfriend finds it weird. I once had a cat jump onto my chest when I was naked and lay on my boobs and it was definitely weird, but not necessarily fucked up. And like other anons say, it's mostly just gross. The only aspect of nudism I really hate it just the idea of sitting down butt ass naked on furniture.
Especially since women are always expelling discharge and have a natural moisture all times lolMy guess is, if this story isn't fake, which most AITA posts are, that he probably didn't sit down and talk to her calmly for her to discuss that he's uncomfortable. He probably had built up a lot of resentment and discomfort and blew up at her essentially accused her of being a dog fucker.
No. 867334
>>867121anon youre full of shit. Men regularly get naked without it being sexual, instead, it's routinely played off for laughs in movies etc. Only women are seen as sexual beings 24/7. You're using scrote logic.
I agree it's gross to sit naked on your furniture (does she just let guests sit where her bare ass was? Also she's walking the dog in "just a slip". Yeah she's gross as fuck) but you have to be retarded to ignore that men sexualize dog + women ALL the fucking time. Then make it women's problems by saying "white women fuck dogs" and taking social media posts by girls and their dogs and posting them to reddit/4chan and implying shit. They meme about it.
Men are so fucking insecure they regularly feel sexually threatened by dogs, and even their own children (hello Jovi from 90 day fiance)
No. 867404
>>867121The fuck.
I'm regularly topless when at home and you're really sexualising yourself too much. Maybe lay off the porn.
And how much discharge are you nonas expelling kek not every woman is always slimy like that And you guys absolutely missed the point with all the 'it's gross' shit, the scrote wasn't complaining about that at all, he's only accusing her of being a dogfucker.
No. 867809
>>867404It's not missing the point to point out while the sexualization of this is gross, it's also gross behavior in general.
Maybe you're not familiar with your own anatomy (or possibly are a scrote since youre referring to natural vaginal discharge as "slimy". Grow the fuck up.), but depending where you are in your cycle you will produce discharge. It's cute you think you can pretty princess your way out of it and insist your pussy doesnt produce discharge like the other gross girls, but it does. Maybe clean yourself more?
Just like when you fart little poop particles fly out. That's why you wear underwear on furniture. You probably don't fart either though.
Charlotte from SATC vibes when Harry sat his bare ass all over her furniture.
No. 867820
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Every single OP that posts on /r/badroommates is a stupid fucking doormat that exaggerates. Half the stories make THEM look crazy for putting up with the shit
No. 867953
>>867091>I do see being naked as sexualCoomer.
The girl should wear underwear though.
No. 868308
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Men on Reddit obviously hate women, but the women can be just as retarded. Screenshot is lady redditors (I checked post histories, 99% sure not trannies, just trash tv weirdos) discussing some random reality tv women.
It's just so highschool-esque. These women are in their 30s/40s + and spend all day sitting around shitting on other women for…. doing their hair and nails? Then they shit over women who don't do those things a week later. Oh and btw if your boyfie doesn't love your hair you should change it you inconsiderate whore. Gilded.
It's absolutely insane the hatred they will fling at other women. God forbid she's pretty too, they will tear that bitch down any way they can. Accuse her of having every plastic surgery they can until they resort to just calling her a whore. The only exception to this rule is pretty fat girls, which they will praise.
Like congrats ladies you spend your days in tracksuits and eating cheetos by the handful. You're really showing those vapid bitches how it's done. Go make your hubbie his din din.
No. 868368
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I don't know whether to hate or like the addition of picrel as a sticker. The fucker's everywhere. On one had, it just looks so stupidly smug that it fits right in with the site's target audience. On the other hand, it comes off as absurdly hilarious on shit about people getting into accidents or blogposting about trauma in places that didn't ask for it.
>>868333Exactly. The anon you're replying to is complaining about the same stuff you'll see regularly on threads for this site.
>>867820I can't help but feel like at least half of these long interpersonal relationship venting posts on Reddit are made up. There's no way people can actually be this dense.
No. 869325
>>861356There is a question about this on the front page right now and i'm honestly sick seeing how many upvotes there are in some comments saying outright that they would rape if there was no consequences and so would most men.
Would these guys rape a passed out woman then? "no consequences" right? It makes me want to vomit because i actually believe they would, i went trough something similar and the fucker thought i wouldn't wake up in the middle of it so "no harm done". I don't want to live in this planet anymore anons…
No. 870516
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I can point out several reasons in this paragraph as to why the sex is bad.
1. Any guy who asks about kinks will be bad at sex. Porn sick.
2. "Shes not a squirter but it's obvious she cums" doesnt know when a woman is faking becuz of porn
2. "We have sex until shes exhausted" shes so tired of fucking for hours and is in pain from Jack hammering from a scrote with death grip.
3.legs over shoulders is one of the most uncomfortable positions that scrotes love because they can go sonic the hedgehog on your pussy jack hammering
4. She only cums from when shes on top and the scrote hates that because he cant pull porno moves
No. 870564
>>870559Based on myself and textbooks, you should be able to physically feel and see an orgasm. It's not some nebulous good feeling, it's a muscular contraction and is unmistakeable.
lmao if he thinks just getting wet at some point is an orgasm.
No. 870673
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On reddit it's normal to drop F-bombs at old ladies that don't respect your gender identity
No. 871461
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Scrote wants to abandon his baby because he doesn’t like the relationship. Does he want to break up? NO, HE LITERALLY WANTS TO ABANDON THE 1.5 YEAR OLD BABY.
Can you imagine if a woman said that she wants to abandon her child to her abusive husband so she can start anew? The bar is literally on the ground.
No. 873785
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No. 874461
>>873785remember the time when gc got banned and the mods were so quick to delete any pinkpill related sub while all the misogynistic shit like this was thriving and went on to thrive until just recently
i don't expect this to be taken down anytime soon
No. 874755
>>874663I can never understand how they ignore reality and focus on the 1% who choose this and not on the vast majority who either dont have a choice or are coerced financially into sw.
Also can no one else see how gross that "disabled and ugly men have needs!!1!" talk is? like women are some sort of medical tool to be used like a fleshlight. Theyre not gonna die so is the collateral damage of women being traficked or coerced really worth it? its like theyre all just repeating whatever is upvoted and never giving any thought to consequences
No. 874763
>>874461What adds an additional layer of bleakness is that they allow blatant, ~
problematic~ transphobia when it's committed by men, such as in the TumblrInAction sub that has been left in peace despite shitting on troons more aggressively than any
terf aligned sub ever did. They can literally spam a troon's responses with 41% memes and "You'll never be a woman" without consequences. But god forbid you would like to have a lesbian sub without girldick, that's crossing the line.
No. 874772
>>874755While i agree that sex work shouldn't be romanticized or sold as empowering or whatever bullshit like it's been happening the past few years with onlyfans and such, it's impossible to eradicate. So
now what? Doesn't actually regulating have a chance to make it safer? Personally if it's an actual well thought choice i don't see a problem with it. Besides the obvious trafficking issue what really bothers me is the social media trend around it. It's NOT empowering. It's dehumanizing and mentally scarring. You need to be really stable for it not to fuck with you, i don't understand how it became so normal and something to aspire to.
No. 874836
>>874772There is not a right answer and thats why i hate these braindead takes that redditors who only think about themselves or some rosy fantasy of sw have.
I agree that it should be at least decrim if not legalized (decrim has its own issues) but first the country needs a strong safety net, support for addicts and actual help from police. If you take out financial insecurity and risk of jail from the equation the majority of women on the street would not stay, but there will be traficking because of the increased supply and there is no way the government would get their act together and actually help women who need it instead of just passing a law and collecting taxes.
Onlyfans and such is a lot less dangerous at least. Im actually happy for any women who can survive on it instead of actual prostitution, the cultire is not ideal but its much safer.
>>874188the absolute irony of the lesbian porn sub not having one trans in sight but no women being allowed to say they they dont like dick on actuallesbians
No. 874944
>>874755yes. they also completely forget about disabled women, who are often unable to work a regular job or underpaid in their regular job and need to turn to sex work to make ends meet. disabled women are also more vulnerable to sex trafficking and sexual abuse in sex work. being pro-sexwork is incompatible with being pro disability rights.
o wait, i forgot, only men are entitled to disability rights and the only "rights" that matter to them are the "rights" to coom, even if it is at the expense of women's rights
No. 874993
>>874772Crimes are still happening after thousands of years of civilization, should we just stop fighting it and accept that it exists? Just because something hasn't been eradicated completely doesn't mean it should be given up.
>>874861Yep, once the regulations come in the costs skyrocket and no man wants to pay the amount of money they have to ask for and the "employers" will still treat you like shit and authorities aren't as inclined to help you because it's all legal. My blood boils at these well-off onlyfans thots who demand decriminalization without ever considering how it affects the working girls on the streets.
No. 878619
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I know that men in general are sex obsessed, but reddit moids are especially pathetic about it.
I don't get the sundress obsession either. Is this a thing normie moids care about? No. 880533
File: 1628883367837.jpg (404.89 KB, 1080x1620, pro.jpg)

Read through this comment thread, and I only now have I actually witnessed how truly infested reddit is with incels. is also a colossal retard. How is being a 18 virgin worse than being a 18 year old fucking prostitutes that has to lie about his first time? Of course the comments talk about the good-ol'-times when taking your nephew to the local prostitute was a rite of passage. And I honestly don't get how men get "less anxious around women" from one night of paid sex, you learned nothing about actual daylight social interactions. Men must be a prank by God.
No. 880548
>>878619literally every second reply is "mid thigh sundress" lmao what is wrong with these moids? also the entire thread in general reeks of
>people that can't dress themselves or othersi've come to the conclusion that people who use reddit are white trash (no matter the race)
No. 880738
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If you guys haven't heard, the plymouth shooter was an incel with a reddit account. Naturally, as an incel he's been receiving a great deal of sympathy and has sparked many calls to ~understand the underlying problem~.
The worst offender is /r/stupidpol, which pretends to be an anti-idpol subreddit but has no qualms regularly shitting on women via the socially acceptable 'white women amirite' and regularly dunks on people who are clearly disturbed in some manner without making calls to step back and ~understand them~. At this point I'm convinced that any politically-involved male on social media and especially reddit is participating in part as a guise to hate or prey on women. No. 880753
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>>880738Also that guy, picrel. Twat. Also how fucking annoying is that "society despises men without x" spiel. No, you're not being showered with attention and rewarded for no goddamn reason… it's normal. Narcissists.
No. 880956
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>>880738>incel terrorism is only because of the invention of Tinder and the effect it had on womenMight be the worst take I've ever read
No. 880971
>>880956I don't understand why anyone could unironically believe this. I'm sorry women only want to have sex with men they're attracted to.
>most women only match with 5+/10 guysAnd how many men are giving ugly girls a chance? Also it's pathetically easy for a male to be 5+/10. Shower regularly and go to the gym a couple times a week and you'll be above average even if you're ugly. Absolutely pathetic that males are bitching about unrealistic standards when the majority of them would have a panic attack if they saw leg hair.
No. 880981
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>>880971>And how many men are giving ugly girls a chance?The shooter LITERALLY said 'am I not entitled to my big titty 16 yr old gf' at one point. Not only is he not giving ugly girls a chance, he thinks he deserves a fucking teenage porn fantasy.
Bros I am at my limit with scrotes. They are so evil and the worst part is that they constantly play dumb about it, their entire MO is DARVO and gaslighting. I could cope with men loathing us and wanting to commit violence against us for not getting sex with underage 10/10s on demand if they could fucking ADMIT IT instead of pretending they're poor uwu
victims and we're crazy for thinking otherwise.
No. 880990
>>880738>>880753>literal incel>mad about being an incel>"yeah, don't fuck, uh..spins girls.">anyway here's a quote from a serial killerHow involuntary is their celibacy when it's a direct result of their behaviour? And how is celibacy a sympathetic backstory for murder?
No sympathy for any of them, they're psychos and shouldn't be pandered to. They're not alone because they're ugly, they're alone because they're vile little goblins.
No. 880992
>>880956Plenty of women just aren't handing out easy sex to anyone, either chads or a loser who can't wash or groom himself… when you learn you're not gaining much from tinder hook ups you stop partaking in it. Lots of us don't even have to try it out first in order to know better. There will never be as many women on earth looking for easy sex as there is men wanting it. So to make out that this is something society 'needs to fix' for these incels is nuts. Society isn't as fucked as an incels brain is. Their problems are internal, entitlement and no desire to better themselves. We also love to shit on women who give out sex on apps so we can't win either way. And I love how this is all sex talk and none of it is even really about dating or finding love.
> Let me use you for sex you probably wont even enjoy or I'll murder people.As usual, the solution to all of mens problems is for us to hand them charity sex whenever they want it…then put up with being called a whore for it.
No. 881046
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Admin suspended Plymouth shooter's reddit account, but someone archived just in time. He mostly argued with incelexit members. He was largely unpopular, heavily downvoted and accused of being a pedo lol. No. 881059
>>881046Lots of people don't date or fuck during their teen years and yet they don't turn into adults who want to fuck 16 year olds to make up for it. Cry me a fucking river.
> i just don't like it when people make ignorant comments and accuse as if im some kind of vile disgusting monster of a personWell I mean good job shutting down that talk then.. Really proved em wrong lol
What I don't get is his
victims were a toddler, some post menopausal women, men too. What was his logic if this is so sexually motivated? These guys usually kill attractive young women out of spite and I thought he probably had too til I checked out the details properly
No. 881065
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>>880982>if it's really that worrying, then do something to the most violent group of people, young men.scrotes and their enablers frame almost all male violence against women as a disembodied force of nature that they are responsible for avoiding or calming rather than crime committed by actual human beings.
>>881046Dude was an absolute troglodyte. It's easy to feel bad for him just by virtue of how hard he lost the genetic lottery, but better to save sympathy for people who aren't child-killers I suppose
No. 881104
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>>881083He says in some posts he has only spent time around a dozen girls his whole life and works in a male-dominated field, yet is an expert on what makes women horny kek.
No. 881106
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>>881104I can't believe people are sympathising with this cunt, even his incel mates hate him look at those downvotes lmaol.
No. 881119
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>>881046What a fucking retard
No. 881128
>>881119So he's pretty fucking timid in person and would even need the woman to take over and hand him sex, but then online hes this 'I know how it all works' guy. Cool.
Can't trust seemingly timid guys. This is what they're doing online in their spare time.
No. 881252
>>881106The delusion of this retard. Incels are never afraid of getting a GF because they latch onto the first woman they see. It's funny that they supposedly want to be "loved" and cherished so badly yet they treat women like trophies.
I can't even express how often I've seen a woman get hit on by a dude who's waaay out of her league yet men barely ever seem to go for the shy and awkward Betty type. Basically, they complain about the same shit they're guilty of, but we all know that by now.
It really seems like men's main purpose in life is to get their dicks wet or else they throw a fit.
No. 881300
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More posts by the shooter:
No. 881311
Dude was absolutely a pedo.
No. 881321
>>881302What was this virgin even getting his dick examined for?
I've seen posts like this on r/smalldickproblems too and it's strange how many of these men make appts to get their dicks looked at when they're not sexually active… and then they report back to reddit with their 'muh dick was touched today' story.
I can't help but think these guys are booking appts hoping the doc that sees them is female. It's not like dicks run into a whole lot of issues when stds are off the table.
No. 881334
>>881302Honestly incels should just all anhero. I'm sick of the cunts. My first sexual experience was a male peer my age (15) molesting me, forcing himself on me and then bragging about it. When I dumped him (we were bf and gf) everyone hated me and then I lost my virginity the next year and people found out. And apparently it was so hard on my poor rapey ex who didn't date anyone after me and I was totes rubbing it in his face having experiences with another man. Like oh no, the first time someone saw your privates outside of your family was consensual! The horror! Every man should get young teenagers to see their dick!! I didn't even get to see my molesters dick, still to this day I don't know how fucking tiny it is! That's clown world. Fuck those ugly cunts.
Men have it so easy too. Literally to get laid as a man you just need to not be fat. Men have an easier time working out and getting results too. An outgoing man will get a date all these fucking incel losers just expect a girl dropped on their lap for them to abuse. Someone might as well start promising them they'll get 72 virgins in the afterlife if they kill themselves.
Like the shooter looked ugly as fuck because of how he styled himself. Fucking read a magazine and sort your self out.
No. 881472
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(1/2) Found these in the comments on this post I was honestly struggling to just pick one screenshot because the deflection and whatabaoutism is in fucking sane.
OP basically said that reddit should ban subs that have incel scrotes in them because they can't stop killing innocent people over them not getting laid.
These scrotes have no reading comprehension and keep acting like the shooting in Plymouth was no big deal at all.
No. 881480
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(2/2) and another one
It's always the same song and dance with incels who end up killing somebody. You don't even need to know much about their circumstances. Incel who lacks social skills and basic hygiene, has radical political views and intense hatred for women. I'm tired of their woe-is-me-schtick. No one cares about their feelings and no one should have to. They deserve no one's pity.
No. 881726
>>881721Even if you gave them their ideal doll-like bangnaid… nothing would change. They want to complain and feel like perpetual
victims. If you set them up on a date with a hot woman with a good personality who was open to talk to them, they'd probably tell her to fuck off, just so they can get back to their forum buddies faster.
No. 881730
>>881300I love how incels always have mommy issues and blame their mothers for anything wrong with their lives when they nine times out of ten have an absent father that fucked off from their lives or was straight out
abusive. It gets even more hardcore projection when they routinely make remarks about "girls with daddy issues".
>>881480>>881519Yeah we're at how many incel mass shootings and killings now? And that's only cases where lives were lost, we didn't even mention all the stalking, threats and harassment. Imagine being so privileged that you can say "incels aren't that big of a deal" because you know you'll never be shot dead on the street for your gender.
No. 881735
>>881730What disgusts me the most is the fact that they still think being an incel is worse than being killed. They can't ever shut up about mUh EmOtiOnS yet they don't care about the
victims at all either. Inceldom is just nature's way of making sure these deranged fuglies never pass on their genes. They have neither skill, nor looks nor personality. There's literally nothing they can contribute to future generations.
No. 881834
>>881721>>881726If they did get a government-issued perfect living sexdoll they would still be on Reddit complaining, except instead of incel subs it would be those relationship subs full of men complaining about their wives and girlfriends.
>ugh the sound of her doing dishes is interfering with muh vidya immersion>why are women so obsessed with doing laundry, I’d only been wearing that pair of boxers for four days and now I have to walk all the way over to my closet to get a new pair>can you believe she actually asked me to lift my feet so she could vacuum the carpet?? what a fucking nag, single guys don’t know how good they have it>>881735To paraphrase Atwood: Women are afraid men will kill them. Men are afraid teenage girls won’t suck their dick.
No. 881887
>>881726>>881834There are numerous real life examples of what happens when an incel is finally given a girlfriend. To nobody's surprise they don't magically turn into balanced, well-adjusted human beings but instead they
>Cheat on their girlfriend immediately because they now "want to do better" after receiving a taste>Neglect their girlfriend and treat her like a sex toy they can take out for use and then ditch to spend more time playing video games>Leech off of the girlfriend financially and emotionally, never making good on that "I would treat her right unlike all those abusive chads" promiseThey're dumping all their insecurities and personal problems into this one big girlfriend excuse. If the hottest e-girl started dating them and wiping their asses they probably wouldn't be doing the tfw no gf whining but move on to bitch about women in new ways.
No. 882814
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I've seen this TikTok on multiple subs now, the comments are so different based on how male-centric a sub is. She's called a rude bitch for telling a guy "you're too old for me", and how men need to "shoot their shot." No. 882864
>>882846It's a salty moid, even the worst femcel brainworms won't make women literally seethe at other women for being harassed. They might make a self-deprecating joke about not being attractive enough for catcalling but nothing beyond that.
No. 882924
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>>882912You're right, I was just kidding.>>882917quick, does anyone have that photo/picture of a patron saint of women that don't want to talk to you on public transport?
No. 882945
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Do they think the definition of feminism is “the advocacy of men’s rights” or something?
No. 882948
>>882945this has to be bait
please, god, let this be bait
No. 882957
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>>882948Unfortunately not
No. 882964
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>>882945one of the saddest subs out there lol
No. 882979
>>882964He is so fucking retarded, girls are told that STEM isn't for them all the fucking time (and boys are told that they are inherently better suited for it, of course). Telling the opposite is clearly revolutionary. How bad male
victim complex should be in order to count this as a proof of their "oppreshun!!"
No. 882997
>>882970And the husband's name? Albert Einstein. Then everyone clapped.
>>882964Bratty moids seething about girls being given support groups like usual. What does he need a "STEM for boys" club for anyway? It's not like anyone will ever question his scientific ability based on his birth gender ever.
No. 883005
>>882979it's very funny because there are TONS of classes that men could and should take but just don't. Like, the equivalent to "let's get more women into computer science" is "let's get more men into art history" which is 100% true, but the response of these guys to that is just "NUUH art history gay and stupid!!"
Theres so many guys who take nothing but stem courses and think they deserve to get their knobs licked forever for it, but like, a lot of the time they do it hecause they don't have the language or creative skills to enjoy the humanities.
Basically, encouraging women to do STEM makes sense because the major issue is that a lot of women are anxious/not conifdent/put off by the male environment, and so encouragement is all thats needed for them to do well, because they have the ability. Whereas telling STEM men to take humanities doesnt work because they actively disrespect the humanities. And imo, its easier to teach an english major computer science than it is to teach a STEMlord how to write or discuss history like a nonretard. I was in a STEM major and my experience with other stem people in the history/english classes i took was…worrying. all i can say is redditors are real, and theyre really that dumb.
No. 883039
>>883005>And imo, its easier to teach an english major computer science than it is to teach a STEMlord how to write or discuss history like a nonretard.I'm a humanities faggot and I'm mathematically retarded and I hate programming.
And nobody's trying to get men into art history because it doesn't have great career prospects. The entire girlSTEM thing is based on the premise that tech is the key to wealth and power.
No. 883162
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possibly based redditor? unlikely though if she's still using that handmaiden cesspit
No. 883260
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Disgusting, these men should be shot on fucking sight. Electric chair please
No. 883425
how often do actual women use those reddit avatar things and customize them to look female? I've been seeing more trannies than actual women and want to say that it's mostly a tranny thing but then there's cases like
>>874663 where the retard is an actual woman, idk how
No. 883515
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a few days ago while experiencing an acute bout of constipation I was on the toilet, bored, so made this account on reddit to reply to moids and fetishists. as soon as my comment trying to debunk intersex myths got a few eyes on it, I was b& permanently. it's crazy bc I have like a 7-8 year old reddit account where I've never gotten even a warning, albeit my username isn't "controversial"
No. 883522
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Based mom embarrassing reddit OP out of stripping. /r/raisedbynarcissists is full of spoiled, whiny brats, it's a great hate-read
No. 883536
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>>882854get off lolcow if hearing women talk about what they go through upsets u so much scrote
No. 883539
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Even women's hatred for men is pathetic imitation of men's towards women. Sad! Feel free to return to civilization built by men once you stop complaining about them online.
No. 883542
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>>883539hey i can post quotes too!!
hang yourself scrote, youre lack oxygen consumption will prove useful for the female uprising
No. 883546
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>>883542>Quote by literal who vs the quote by one of the greatest philosophers in history>Attacking me with an insult which is female imitation of roastieproved my point
No. 883555
>>883546"great philosopher" or typical egotistical scrote who lived in a society where women 10x smarter than him couldn't even buy their own goat.
Once again XY mutant, go back to manifesting the will to finally kill yourself or shut the fuck up and leave
No. 883557
>>883539>>883541>>883542>>883543>>883546>>883551>>883554Your all a bunch of Morons, there are two groups of people in this smart people and dumbasses, quoting a pedophile from an ancient Greece or a woman who was so comically inept at murder just proves how retarded you all are
just sage and report cause these dumbasses live off attention
No. 883581
>>883539>>883546Wrong. The matriach was actually the foundation civilisation was built on. It was an advanced, sophisticated and peaceful society and it worked well. The American Indian, Mayans, Druids, Tuatha de Danann, Upper Egyptians and Lemurians all operated under Matriachal rule. However, the Goddess religions were subjugated in the 18th dynasty in Egypt and aggressive male dominated religions took over. This started the downward spiral into the depravity of the world today. All the civilizations in history who were a matriarch, the patriarch either killed them off or demonized them. This was because these people had a wealth of knowledge and knew many things. The matriach was a threat so it was destroyed.
All the spiritual leaders and shamans were women because it was known back then that women have more soul and connection to the Mother Goddess, our Creator, than men. Both sexes have a soul but men have significantly less than women. Even Kabablah recognise women as being more spiritual. Women have all the compassion, love, caring to nurture souls; They also have wombs/ portals to give lives. Man is mostly in lower vibration as he cannot give life. The universe and human species is female at its core and this is the biggest secret to know. We are all female at the core, we are all female in the womb until the ninth week and if it's to be a scrote he morphs from her into a male. This is being hidden. The ovaries descend into testicles, the cliTORUS elongates into a penis and the labia enlarges and wraps around the testes as a scrotum. Woman was created first and we all come from woman's womb obviously, women never came out from a man's rib kek. Patriarchy lies to keep women down and to suppress Mother Goddess. And the only reason we ever had the monoliths was because of the Matriachy; We are no longer able to create these since patriarchal rule usurped the natural and peaceful order of the matriach. The reason behind the chaos in the world today, is the patriarchy. Everything in this world has been reversed and existing in a patriarchy is one of the many distortions women in particular suffer the most from.
Love my girls on here, we're Queens. Every woman should have a crown placed upon her head and never let it fall. Scrotes and pickmes can fuck off.
Men were made to serve and help women, mens' natural role is being woman's helper. Men should know their place.
No. 883586
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>>883581Oh fuck yeah nonnita. You're singing my kind of song. This is why I fucking love this website. Moids mad
No. 883595
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>>883581>Love my girls on here, we're Queens. Every woman should have a crown placed upon her head and never let it fall. Scrotes and pickmes can fuck off. Men were made to serve and help women, mens' natural role is being woman's helper. Men should know their placePreach sis
No. 883599
>>883581>Goddess religions >shamans were women Make-believe bullshit by male rulers created to keep the cattle in check. Root for your idea of female superiority is outdated religions which couldn't survive the test of time? Lmao. This level of delusions is dangerous, now I understand who witchcraft bullshit is so prominent in women. Only world where you can hold any kind of power is the world of mysticism fabricated by your own imagination. Why don't you go live in the wilderness or with tribes which were never touched by civilization instead of talking shit all day through means provided to you by men.
>>883586>>883589>>883595This is genuinely a sad state of affairs. I like to talk back to your misandrist bullshit using misogynist bullshit but to derive your own worth through fairy tales instead of actual accomplishment and contributions of great women? Even actual incels try to find inspiration in history-changing male figures instead of whatever tarot retardation you are pushing right now, making you look cartoonishly incompetent and only breeding more misogyny towards women. Civilization was built by two genders but if you want to limit your achievements to paganistic mumblings then be my guest.
No. 883618
>>883612>occultism, mysticism, true history These 3 don't mix together
>witch a great complementGo back to tumblr then
>Go read a fucking bookGive me a list of critically appraised literature which supports your witch retardation.
The whole "women are queens to be worshipped" bullshit is the reason why so many are in
toxic relationships right now. You are 30 year old something land whale living in the fantasies of Guinevere and Lancelot trying to ruin other women's lives with femcel ideology. You are doing an actual harm.
No. 883619
>>883599Scrote is clearly panicked and threatened by that post and it's hilarious to see. Women knowing "forbidden" things and knowing her worth strikes fear in the hearts of men kek
There is nothing stronger than a woman who learnt her worth.
No. 883620
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Stop giving him attention.
No. 883625
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>>883581ily anon
>>883599>>883618>Wahhh wahhh wahhhLol
No. 883637
>>883618Why would I do that? I don't owe you anything. You are undeserving of my years of interest and research in the occult, hidden knowledge and hidden history. You think i'm just going to give away what I know just like that because you demand it? KEK that male entitlement. Do your own reading and research. A lot of media, scientists, philosophers and history that has been approved for mainstream often always covers and hides truth. Many of these "scientists" and philosophical windbags are often frauds and never produce their own ideas and they will write works and studies to support an agenda if it benefits them and the power in control. I am certain you fawn over Nikola Tesla's "genuis" but he was nothing more than a fraud who took his ideas from other people who never got credited for their work. He was not a genuis just a thief. And these are the types you idolise lol and you're wrong again, i'm not fat either. I'm way more fit and healthy than you'll ever achieve in your lifetime so go attend to your worthless male scrotal sack full of pure base, it needs washed.
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"
No. 883648
>>883637Samefag it's scrotes, scrotes, women are not allowed to criticise scrotes or their system, the patriarchy, built only for them.
But when women get their own space and talk, exchange ideas and thought amongst themselves, that's when the shift comes because when Sleeping Women Wake, Mountains Move.
No. 883686
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>>883618>Go back to tumblr thenOh my god, you dumbass. Do you even know where you are? This is OUR imageboard, scrote. I suggest YOU get the fuck out
No. 883700
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>>883686This cats so fucking cute I could cry, I hope it's comfortable.
No. 883714
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>>883618>You are doing an actual harmKekkerony
Oh no queen anon you're literally injuring the moid with your witch words.
(infighting) No. 883716
>>883714Is this the true extent of an average incel's reading comprehension?
>The whole "women are queens to be worshipped" bullshit is the reason why so many are in toxic relationships right now. You are 30 year old something land whale living in the fantasies of Guinevere and Lancelot trying to ruin other women's lives with femcel ideology. You are doing an actual harm.It's clear that said harm is being done to other women you spread your delusions to.
No. 883723
Witch anons posts were fun though.
No. 883727
>>883618why can you not fucking understand modernity is ruining women's life??? All mainstream media is telling women to become porn stars and liberated sex workers! Why can you not see real feminist ideology is doing both women and men and the entire society more good than it is doing harm? Real non liberal feminism encourages women to get real jobs and not become whores. Do you want to live in a world full of prostitutes? You have a very strong bias of what is happening on here honestly thinking most women here are obese witches. Most women on here are not only intellectual, but also have good partners. Mainstream ideology and liberal feminism encourages women to become literal prostitutes. How can you not see that women being encouraged to not prostitute themselves and choose worthy non
abusive partners is better than whatever bullshit ideology is presented in mainstream media? Most women here don't tell other women to be "queens" they tell other women to respect themselves and not let men abuse them.
Women not accepting
abusive partners and having real value and getting real jobs will benefit society in time more than anything else does. The cicle of abuse will stop because most grown ups with mental issues have those issues because they were socialized in broken families and guess what broken families on average are caused by scrotoids and because women are taught to settle with the most
abusive scrotoids that terrorize the family.
No. 883754
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>>883714I don't like this representation of witches at all. This kind of image created by Walt Disney who was a paedophile who sexually abused many children, of course he demonised mother figures (the carer, protector, motherly love, nurturer) and witches (a woman who acts in a way that upsets the established rules) in his shitty depraved movies.Pic related is how real witches look like.
The stereotypical, traditional image for witches exists only to demonise women and the feminine power. The patriachy devalues the female power.
No. 883756
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No. 883766
>>883754Nonnie, Snow White and the seven dwarfs is based on a fairy tale, mean female parental figures weren't invented by Disney. But in itself just looking at how many stories have evil stepmothers tormenting their stepdaughters while the father is "powerless" to help her in itself is interesting, my mother and I were collecting stories with awful moms/stepmoms we could remember once.
Also there are no "real witches" please be joking
No. 883777
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>>883766Haven't you ever heard of Wicca, voodoo and African witchcraft..anon where gave you been.
No. 883794
>>883625>>883581>we are all female in the womb until the ninth week and if it's to be a scrote he morphs from her into a male. This is being hidden. The ovaries descend into testicles, the cliTORUS elongates into a penis and the labia enlarges and wraps around the testes as a scrotum. Woman was created firstJust realised males are essentially defective females. There are no two sexes, there is only one and that is female. Males are just type 2 females, defective women. Whereas we are the original, complete female. Males are jealous and hate us because they didn't want to change into the defective female after the ninth week period but they did and so became what is known as male, "man" but really all they are is defective females. Then they try to trans themselves into the original complete woman, but it never works and they can never become her.
Looking at that Y chromosome it's seriously fucked up looking compared to the X chromosome which us ladies have two of, the X looks healthy and robust, complete. The Y looks like it's been irradiated lmao fucking retarded looking.
Defective type 2 women is all men are.
No. 883803
>>883801Didn't say you
were a scrote. I said you
sound like one.
No. 883808
>>883588it's the male death drive.
men cannot create, they can only destroy. that's why they think being better at violence, killing, raping etc makes them somehow better than women because thy cannot comprehent thinking in any dfferent way. they can't comprehent that true value is in being kind, nurturing and someone who creates, not destroys. that's why they low key brag about being better at killing themselves too and make fun of women failing at suicide attempts, even though failing at suicide is nothing but a good thing.
No. 883811
>>883808another example of male parasitic nature is how eagerly they take credit for other men's creations. men who sit on their ass all day long browsing the internet will claim to be the scientists, invertors and poets because some dead guy who stole his wife's writing did something 100 years ago. but this is understandable because being a male is being a parasite, it's their biology itself, to make copies of their shitty y chromosome and spread it around and die if they accomplish that.
making children is nothing but an act of symbolic immortalism for them, they kill and destroy and yet are so neurotically scared of dying that they need to use women to clone themselves so to speak by having sons who will "keep their name [them] alive". it's nothing but a cope.
No. 883817
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>>883581>>883794>>883754>>883646Scrotes are dumb but going into bizarre second moronic bioessentialital observations is even more retarded, this is not how sex works and its aboustetly religion works, like I can't begin to describe how much I hate the whole "we had le heckin female goddesses before Le Christianity"
As someone who studies comparative religion seeing libfems and radfems misinterpret religion and cults stuff like this hurts my soul
The figure of the Mother fertility Goddesses is a very common(mostly Semitic) motif, but the thing about ancient Semitic religions is that they were pantheons with an Individual city having countless local gods with elaborate and conflicting lores and the most important thing to note is that they were Gods not mortals, while a Babylonian might have prayed to multiple female goddesses in a day he still would have treated women like shit and traditional patriarchy as we know it begins with the Semites, Indo-European culture in its purer forms(not the Greek Version which took centuries of influence form their eastern neighbors) was obsssed with conflicts and small scale warfare
their societies had certified castes(but not on the level of India and without hierarchy with the exception of Nobles) and unlike India every male with the exception of the male druids was a warrior, women significantly also made up part of this druid caste that functioned as the doctors, heads of religion, historians, arbitrators, midwives, Magicians and every single "intellectual" role in that society, this is origin of the whole "witch" thing
so "witches" weren't respected cause they could drawn on the divine female power, they were respected cause they were the only ones who knew how to heal an injured person, how to broker peace between 2 tribes, tell the children about their many gods and heroes and also some "magic" stuff like slitting open a pig to reveal the future
No. 883843
>>883817>>883821gotta misogyny for a moment and say that retard womn like you are the reason baiting men is so shit
the most important thing isn't what's actually true, it's what yopu believe in. that how men operate and troll and that's how you should answer them. man goes on about some delusion about male suprerioty, you should answer with 100% stubborn knowledge of women suprerioty and believe 100% that women were the shamans and queens and shit because that's what's gonna piss men off, not this dumbass "b-bu-but the facts…! bitch ass pussy shit
No. 883854
>>883843I wasn't replying to the scrote, I was replying to the anons, my solution for moids raiding is just report and ignore cause that's what works, they want anons to reply to them that's what their into it
its basic common sense to just ignore and report them
No. 883885
>>883843They weren't the only ones, the Druids were a "caste" of people with in a people, both men and women were druids, however the Druids would never be allowed to have families of their own
Tacitus mentioned both female and male Druids when he described the slaughter of the Druids by Romans on the Island of Mona in Wales. The women wore black while the male Druids wore white, they were both slaughtered by the Romans, so it wasn't a woman's only occupation
It was a literally a matter of birth and while all males(except the male Druids) were warriors, they didn't spend their entire time fighting they were laborer's and farmers along with the women
No. 884032
>>883515fucking christ you're even being MORE sjw than them by saying not to put our cultural standards onto people in the past
and yet, the wambulance came
No. 884045
>>883522That sub is overrun by a bunch of whiny millennials and bratty teenagers and it truly sucks as someone with an actual narcissistic parent (mine is obsessed with looks, screws over her own kids for men, abandoned me if that's any proof). Lots of people complaining about their moms being involved with little mention of dads but when dads are mentioned it's usually like physical and sexual abuse. Moms are held to a ridiculous standard on there and I say that as someone with a shit mother.
Not to mention how many of these posts are written by such a questionable narrator. I can't forget a post I read on there by someone like "NARCISSISTS ARE ATTRACTED TO ME HELP!!!!" by someone who was claiming every friend and SO was a narcissist. Ofc I know that abuse
victims can be targets of more abusers but the way that it was written was so paranoid and delusional that I was thinking I was on some conspiracy subreddit. I remember everyone gave the standard "omg I'm so sorry" and I was the only one who said that OP is probably the problem if they somehow mysteriously keep attracting narcissists.
Also might be worthy to mention that it might also be the pot calling the kettle black as ime narcissists LOVE calling other people narcissists and telling everyone that they're an empath. But in actuality the only people I've ever seen use the word "empath" are Cluster B nutcases, including my mother kek.
No. 884054
>>883843agreed, just look here how men speak with a purely factual tone even when the information they give is extremely emotionally charged like here
>>880956. you can't use "I think" statements even if it's technically correct. the only way to get moids to even hear the first five seconds of what you're saying is to take the same "logical" tone.
No. 884086
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>>883539Every man, deep down, knows he's a worthless piece of shit. Overwhelmed by a sense of animalism and deeply ashamed of it; wanting, not to express himself, but to hide from others his total physicality, total egocentricity, the hate and contempt he feels for other men, and to hide from himself the hate and contempt he suspects other men feel for him; having a crudely constructed nervous system that is easily upset by the least display of emotion or feeling, the male tries to enforce a `social' code that ensures perfect blandness, unsullied by the slightest trace or feeling or upsetting opinion. He uses terms like `copulate', `sexual congress', `have relations with' (to men sexual relations is a redundancy), roasties, overlaid with stilted manners; the suit on the chimp.
No. 884093
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>>883539>>883546The male's inability to relate to anybody or anything makes his life pointless and meaningless (the ultimate male insight is that life is absurd), so he invented philosophy and religion. Being empty, he looks outward, not only for guidance and control, but for salvation and for the meaning of life. Happiness being for him impossible on this earth, he invented Heaven.
For a man, having no ability to empathize with others and being totally sexual, `wrong' is sexual `license' and engaging in `deviant' (`unmanly') sexual practices, that is, not defending against his passivity and total sexuality which, if indulged, would destroy `civilization', since `civilization' is based entirely upon the male need to defend himself against these characteristics. For a woman (according to men), `wrong' is any behavior that would entice men into sexual `license' – that is, not placing male needs above her own and not being a faggot.
Religion not only provides the male with a goal (Heaven) and helps keep women tied to men, but offers rituals through which he can try to expiate the guilt and shame he feels at not defending himself enough against his sexual impulses; in essence, that guilt and shame he feels at being male.
Most men men, utterly cowardly, project their inherent weaknesses onto women, label them female weaknesses and believe themselves to have female strengths; most philosophers, not quite so cowardly, face the fact that make lacks exist in men, but still can't face the fact that they exist in men only. So they label the male condition the Human Condition, post their nothingness problem, which horrifies them, as a philosophical dilemma, thereby giving stature to their animalism, grandiloquently label their nothingness their `Identity Problem', and proceed to prattle on pompously about the `Crisis of the Individual', the `Essence of Being', `Existence preceding Essence', `Existential Modes of Being', etc. etc.
A woman not only takes her identity and individuality for granted, but knows instinctively that the only wrong is to hurt others, and that the meaning of life is love.
No. 884122
>>884093I agree with all points except religion, I know your probably copy pasting from radfem blog or where ever but the radfem understanding of religious history is moronic and easily disprovable, your not gonna convince anyone against religion if you don't understand the theology of it, you don't have to believe in it(I don't) but I understand its historical contexts and how it ended up the way it did, I also understand why people believed in the Abrahamic faiths compared to the state sponsored Roman pantheon
for e.g The Druids i.e witches, Im sure they seem cool but the majority of women in a tribe couldn't be Druids, it was a "caste" you were born into, It was better what they have India mind you but it still sucks, especially if you were peasant woman, Christianity that preached that we were all born equal and that we receive the same rewards in the afterlife seemed more appealing, way better then Indo-European afterlife system which was endless cycle of death, Armageddon and rebirth
No. 884135
>>884122How is it worse
Sounds like the same thing
No. 884145
>>884141>moid posts bait to get replies>gets replies>moid posts more bait to get more repliesOR
>moid posts bait to get replies>doesn't get replies>moid gets banned and doesn't bother coming back because no one repliedYou can't be this stupid.
No. 884151
>>884135Imagine being a poor peasant woman in the Roman Empire, while there are hundreds of "religions" you can roughly divide them in two 3 categories in terms of how they view the afterlife
1)The Roman state cult that based on the Greek model(which again took influence from their eastern neighbors) afterlife is basically nothing, a dark abyss where even Kings are reduced to endlessly wonder in darkness and eat sand, no torture, no smiting just darkness forever and ever
2)Celtic and Germanic religions afterlives feature a never ending cycle of reincarnation and violence, even when the world literally ends and the Gods are killed(such as Ragnarok) it just starts again with new Gods and new Humans, that doesn't sound uplifting
3)These new Christian sects that have an eternal pain free paradise and all you have to do is be a Christian and be a good persona and that's it
what would you rather choose
No. 884216
>>884056i was mocking the belief that "men are logical" because men unironically believe it when talking to women. it's not just an MRA talking point, men actually are more likely to question or criticize women's work/arguments and to frame us as being too emotional.
my point is that men speak with conviction about EVERYTHING, especially things they're clueless about. it's incredibly intimidating if you're a female student because you might assume these moids are smarter than you but in reality the scrotes are getting Cs and you're at the top of your class. meanwhile when they ask you for help they still mansplain you even though they're the ones nearly failing the course. if you let them mansplain and go on about a bunch of bullshit they'll never shut up. you want to intimidate them (without them killing you ofc) so you have to play their own game and adopt the "logicull and rashunnnal" language of sociopathic scrotes and speak with the same confidence/ conviction because it's when you put any sense of emotion into your speech that men will sense emotion and chastise you for making an "argument based on emotion". you have to beat them at their own game. i personally think emotions have a lot of value and that there's emotions in everything we do; i also think that men are the MOST emotional seeing as they kill and hurt random things and people when they're angry. but men will never agree to that and will insist that they don't inherently recognize female speakers as more emotional/less intelligent when research shows that they do. as a female in a male dominated field it's incredibly annoying, i really do hate them all.
No. 884221
No. 884228
>>884216Speaking with authority on subjects they have no knowledge of is just a defense mechanism which becomes
toxic when they begin to believe it themselves.
>>884222I'm fucking hideous obviously, why else would I come here?
No. 884250
>>884086unironically this is so true, their lives revolve around women. imagine being so obsessed with a group of human beings that you deem lesser than you. and no, they try to say we're just as bad, uh you try living in a state of terror and fear every day of your life subconsciously. even when you feel the most safe you still do things out of habit because males cannot be trusted. our lives are like this and we have a right to complain.
and is it just me but in regards to the blandness, aren't they all the same? i feel like women are so diverse in looks, thoughts, and gestures meanwhile all men just blend together as ugly blobs of fat devoid of any distinction from the guy next to him except extreme political affiliation (i.e, the conservative man vs the liberal man, that's literally it kek).
No. 884488
>>883494Hell no, Afghan immigrant men are known to be gang rapists and they attempt to murder women after that. They inherently hate western civilization and don’t give a shit about western women. Sure there are some exceptions but they create the most problems out of all immigrants in Europe. only empathize with Afghan women and children. Their men can stay behind, no one needs hoards of Afghan men in their country
No. 884535
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>>884506While Indian men can be creepy it was all mostly Pakistani Muslim men who were involved in grooming cases, I explained the mentality in another thread
see between 5000-9000 of these "conversion" marriages occur a year in Pakistan, even though were 96% Muslim there's a desire to "cleanse" the country of kafirs
Usually Hindu girls are the main
victims, but also happens to Christians, Sikhs and even Ahmediyyah Muslims
before the Rotherham exposed the public to this, Pakistani Muslims were targeting girls from the Sikh Community, Nigerian Christians and other vulnerable groups(all non-Muslim) cause in Islam "taking" kaffir women is a common motif, Muhammad kills a Jewish man and "marries" his former wife(this is presented as a good thing) Muhammad receives a Christian Egyptian sex slave from Egypt as a gift(presented a good thing) raiding and taking the "loot"(including) of Kafirs is mentioned the Hadiths, so the concept of raiding became religious in Islam
I plan to leave this country someday but at the some time I'd feel guilty about all shit that happens to women in here and I can't do anything about it,
No. 884556
>>883665Women who say they hate men are just venting their frustrations against shitty men, they wouldn't actually go out and kill men. Whereas men who say they hate women are genuine unhinged psychos and would actually go kill women if they thought they'd get away with it. Sometimes they do it regardless. Women's hatred of men only hurts men's feelings while men's hatred of women physically endangers women.
Scrotes need to get it through their head that these two will never be the same.
No. 884571
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Seeing r/gooncaves actually made me really depressed. The absolute state of moids
No. 884587
>>884571Holy shit that's vile. For any nonnies that might not want eye cancer, it's just guys showing off their masturbation corners, where they have like 5 monitors showing disgusting mainstream porn at the same time. Then they'll b
probably post to the erectile disfunction sub.
No. 884630
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>>884587The type of shit moids post on gooncaves pic rel
No. 884641
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>>884630>Moids watch porn togetherSounds pretty fucking gay to me. Are they gonna jerk each other off too?
No. 884750
>>884739You worded it better than me anon, thank you
>>884742I’m hesitant to say which one because I don’t want them to find it out and suspend my Reddit account altogether. I was permanently banned from one sub, but I can still use my account on other subs
I didn’t know about the troons on female oriented subs, I mean I saw a couple of posts by trans women here and there but it wasn’t “women should be exposed to my girl dick in their dressing room” level.
I don’t usually have an edgy online presence but I was so upset by what’s happening in Afghanistan and I still am
No. 884772
>>884771I mean
>nobody takes it seriously when a woman beats a man.that's kind of true, but the rest is insane. These men are deluded to the extreme. I don't know how they can memorize crime stats about black people but they refuse to even look at male vs female ones.
No. 884777
>>884739Libfems care surprisingly little about female rights.
>Support women!>Oh but this thing that supports women offends troons, let's take it out.>Ahh, and this one is offending brutish middle Eastern muslim men, it has to go.>Yeah that's right, sex workers are oppressed so we have to be accepting of abusive kink communities and porn.>Uhh, we have to support men, we don't have to be nasty evil feminazis right? > women! >>884742>r/witchescvspatriarchy is basically r/troonsdressingingownskek
No. 884821
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>>884775Thanks for the recommendations, I didn't know there was an aspie women's sub. Honestly scrolling through and seeing a "it's the neurotypicals who are weird!!" and picrel don't make me hope too much.
No. 884890
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>>884630We need adult bullying, this is the kind of shit that people should look at and point to others like
>ha Look at this fucking loserReddit is so pathetic, this is an absolute new low, disgusting.
No. 884907
>>884821From 24 to 27 I was seeking transition/was transitioning… from 27 to 29 I stopped and was in limbo trying to make sense of my feelings around gender. At 30 I suddenly got an autism diagnosis and tbh that's the day I had all my answers and I fully just stopped entertaining those thoughts of me 'not being a woman' I obvs understand their thought process to a degree.. But if you already know you're autistic then surely you know exactly why you feel different.
I wish we'd tell autistic women that these thoughts are pretty typical. They're already perfectly explained away by that diagnosis. Gender dysphoria rates are insanely high in autistic women as professionals can't just ignore it when you present to them with gender-feelings but it is just one of the many effects of autism. Those higher rates speak for themselves.
>I don't fit in >I'm not the norm for my gender/age >Other girls must all feel super womanly right? and I don't >I sometimes feel like an outsider amongst my girl friends, like they connect over something that I can't quite put my finger on. But I don't quite connect with men eitherAll pretty normal things to feel when you're dealing with autism.
No. 884913
>>884907Oh, I totally get the feeling, and I'm not really talking about aspie women talking about it, but the last line of edit (and
TW mansplaining gender to autistic girls in the comments). If the gender-trender wave would have been as strong as it is today in my teens, I would absolutely be questioning my gender. Forunately I always had strong friendships with girls my age so I didn't have strong internalized misogyny like a lot of NLOGs do.
No. 884977
>>884506I don't think indians were involved in this
It was purely muslims doing and even at that mostly pakistani
No. 884984
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won't somebody think of the pedophiles?!?!
No. 884994
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>>884630>>884641I was curious, and it's indeed very gay. Pretty sure this guy's wife knows her husband is bi/gay and just gave up. Nothing weird about your husband taking a guy half his age to his masturbation room. Warning: vomit-inducing conversation between coomers
No. 885006
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>>884984Oh no wdym synapses in my brain are responsible for how i think
So you mean my pedo kink is completely natural, oppresun
>>884985Muslim men here do the same, muslimas here will screech about social issues regarding castes here but become apologist as soon as muslim/non muslim violence or harassment gets mentioned
No. 885009
>>884734>I was banned from one of the women’s sub on reddit for cursing Talibanwoowwww sounds mega
problematicdont you know burning women alive while stoning them to death if they dont wear a bag over their head and dont only speak when spoken to is the last implicit stand of femininity?
you friggin bigots
No. 885017
>>884630so this the kinda guy who does it for free
not surprising in the least
>>884665i think youre overthinking this
whatever sort of subhuman lunatic it is that spends their free time modding random subreddits, its a poor demographic to judge all of humanity by
thats like saying twitter is an accurate representation of reality
that pic is merely the end result of a fatal leddit overdose
a truly dismal fate
No. 885028
think of it practically:
>be useless no-value man>balding at 25>only hobby is pr0ns>watch literally all porn youre interested in>become completely desensitized>search out new porn>repeatonly a matter of time until they realize,
>"oh shit, theres this whole other half of the site i havent checked out">"giant homo gay bathhouse orgy blowbang?">"sounds hot" No. 885049
>>885040I think it only happens in left/liberal circles because all right wing men i have seen have been completely devoid of empathy and kindness
This whole oh no muh oppressed institutionalised poor criminal thing starts with liberal left
No. 885058
>>885040even many criminals facing hard time feel similarly about the connection between pipe wrenches and pedophiles faces tbh
though i guess in that case its more of a "sharpened plastic spoon shiv in the side of the neck while in the prison shower" kinda thang
i wish the fbi ever actually did anything
these kinda dudes usually flaunt this shit all over social media
No. 885063
File: 1629307367764.jpg (98.23 KB, 796x764, Untitled.jpg)

>>884571Lmfao! So many men think that "gay lobby" is a real thing yet look at this, their precious manly hobby - porn addiction - turning them gay.
No. 885077
>>885075oh i wasnt disagreing
it was just a tangential thought from your first sentence
No. 885118
>>885077That anon is different
You replied to my post
No. 885304
>>884984So according to
at least 618 people some woman this guy deems young looking enough for him, who might even be forced into street prostitution by abuse or poverty, should bear the weight of these sickos' fantasies. Because human beings are just products you buy to fulfill your fantasies, who cares about the exploited young woman involved as long as the literal ped feels better after it's all over, right? Fuck's sake, the state of reddit
No. 885379
>>885304i cant into leddit at all, so idk if this is even a thing, but can you find out who upvotes a particular post?
redditors seem to be pretty careless when it comes to doing stupid stuff with their accounts. whaddya wanna bet, out of those 618, that theres some dimwit going around expressing sympathy for pedos with an account that can be easily tied back to their irl identity?
its funny because i hear all the time that imageboards are the worst of the worst in terms of people, but i see way more fucked up crap coming from the reddit camp
mainstream social media seems to be infested with this crap
a post like that made on an imageboard would get (You)d into oblivion with "kys pedofaggot" and other assorted vitriol
No. 885401
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No. 885462
>>885403its a pretty nuts rabbithole
these are the kinds of guys that unironically pay for porn. the same kind that simps away half their rent money on generic twitch thot #7460321. the kind of guy that tries to hit on instathots by leaving completely bizarre and sexually explicit comments on their pics.
the kind of guy that porn producers, themselves, spank it to, imagining all the money theyll get from these hopeless human cumrags
basically youre looking at an addict
an addict to the most pathetic shit imaginable
addicts always find their drug buddies that they hang out with all the time (cuz no one else wants to deal with their junkie bullshit). and drug buddies always push each other further and further into depravity
any time one starts thinking "yo bro… maybe i shouldnt like spend 8hrs a day jerking off?" the other ones texting asking "hey bro, need a hand? im like super horny bro. bro… like… cmon bro"
some might suggest some sort of treatment or rehabilitation program
personally, id suggest castration, but im old fashioned
>I'm surprised at how many of them have girlfriendsim more surprised you believe them tbh
have you ever walked into a room where someones been jerking of for an entire day?
a miasma strong enough to strip paint off the wall
theres no way anyone could date such a thing. not for any real length of time
how do you think they got so addicted to porn in the first place?
then theres just the practicality of the matter
even if hes a total rockstar up-all-night charlie-sheen-on-tigers-blood kinda guy, after a full day of crankin it, youd be left working with what amounts to a large overcooked pasta noodle
absolutely useless
no. no one is dating that
its the end of the genetic train ride for them
next stop: goonsville
No. 885563
>>885550>alt-right pagan twitterEw, could that be where all the weird racist posters are coming from lately? I know Anna Slatz and that "
terf david icke" poster who was basically a rejected tradthot have mentioned this place before.
No. 885818
File: 1629382453915.jpg (415.95 KB, 1570x1264, warning.jpg)

>>885379Reddit users have an option to go into their privacy settings and toggle the visibility of their upvotes and downvotes on their profiles, most people have them hidden. However, reddit has started doing this thing where it sends "warnings" for upvoting certain content. Which fuzzy. Pic related
No. 886225
>>885304When I was a stripper I had to quit a few times cus of men saying "you look just like my daughter/sister/niece" and then proceeding to grope me or ask if I do extras. One guy came in and told a smaller girl he wanted a dance from her cus she resembled a child and he's not allowed near children
I 100% believe men acting out their fantasies w women who look young or resemble family members are going to groom an actual child or rape their family member
No. 886388
File: 1629413362048.png (68.21 KB, 896x582, HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA…)

Oh yes, 20 year old women are absolutely haggard. It's not like you're going after underaged girls because of their naivete! The claim that "younger girls fuck better" is just blatantly untrue but it reveals his motivations (i.e, getting off on corrupting a young girl vs having sex with a woman his own age).
No. 887599
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>>887323chernobyl is nice place
chernobyl dindu nuffin
no bully chernobyl!
No. 887600
File: 1629497217767.png (115.66 KB, 1352x464, Screen Shot 2021-08-20 at 6.04…)

i've brought this up before but god damn these are just the first few results i clicked&capped from google. it's endless, hundreds of pages of these if you search "reddit my boyfriend won't wipe his [word for ass]"
No. 887614
>>887611>>887604>>887600>>887607>reddit how do i [X]?just do it
do the thing
thats how
you can skip a whole step by just bypassing the whole "logging onto reddit to ask a retarded question" step, and proceed directly to the part where you do the thing
i swear reddit is like some sort of neo-yahoo-answers, but somehow even more retarded
No. 887617
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>>887600one more after this
No. 887618
File: 1629497870503.png (430.06 KB, 1340x1418, Screen Shot 2021-08-20 at 6.03…)

>>887600like literally i could make a "men don't clean their shit chutes" thread. but i won't.
No. 887623
>>887602idk nonarina, i'm white and i've slept with white men and women and none of them had shit-caked asses.
the men didn't seem to understand that you have to wear a new pair of underwear every day, though. they straight up argue with you like you're a padded-room neat freak if you insist on it.
No. 887630
>>887623>i'm white and i've slept with white men and women and none of them had shit-caked assessame
maybe its a reddit thing?
idk now that i think about it ive never really dug around too much back there
schrodingers shitty asshole
No. 887637
>>887630if someone's not fat their ass/its cleanliness is pretty obvious
don't forget average redditor is white/american so probably much fucking fatter than we're picturing
i would like an explanation for the refusal to change underpants though. i don't even know how anyone could date women then wind up married to a man. why would you ever go back
No. 888763
File: 1629608282946.jpg (134.16 KB, 720x1075, 5.jpg)

Female Dating Strategy users are just as clueless about sex as most men are
like of course dick size matters but I've had plenty of bad sex with guys who had big dicks, like have none these people have heard of foreplay, fingering and technique
No. 888880
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luckily everyone advised him not to do it. but still…
No. 889027
File: 1629636246410.png (130.16 KB, 666x809, db.png)

I feel like lurking r/deadbedrooms is the strongest pinkpills (after r/breakingmoms) even if you're not dating and aren't a mother. It's usually full of men bitching about being untouched and then whenever one of the posters' wives discovers their posting history (because they forget to log off or wipe their browser) it always turns out they're menchildren that only sit on their XBox/PS5 all day and probably also don't wash their ass. No. 889853
>>889409I was scrolling through DB for ages after reading that thread the other day and I came across a guy claiming he has the laziest wife on earth and that he is the one working full time while her whole existance is spent watching tv. He's often away from home for over a week for work purposes and he also does most of the childcare. Their kid rushes over to him and never to the mom. He was really playing up how wonderful he is and how lazy she is while also not giving him sex. My man you cannot be regularly gone from your house for over a week for work or away for at least 40 hours on other weeks while she's at home with the baby full time…. and claim to be doing the 'majority' of the parenting. Not fucking possible. The baby would be dead if she's honestly doing nothing during all that time that you're gone.
He replied to everyone who had missed that fact and played along with his version, a few confronted him about the holes in his story and he stayed well away from replying to any of them. Ass patting replies only please! Just tell me my wife is lazy bitch and a bad lay.
No. 889921
File: 1629727240435.png (150.05 KB, 1261x830, pooper.png) whole comment section has me rolling for some reason. TD;DR is that the wife let her husband put it up her ass for the first time and apparently he's now the happiest little sailor that compliments her, is extremely nice to her and constantly horny. Then the comments from men how it's the same for them because of "trust", "new levels of intimacy" and how they'd wish their wife would indulge in their fantasies, they'd also give her extra attention. It's so pathetic I can't help but laugh at the state of porn consumers.
No. 889930
>>889921It's the next fuckin day… does she think this'll last forever? I hate to say but I've been there. It doesn't last. They'll drag as many sex acts out of you as they can and their respect for you drains in the process. I didn't know any better at 24 either. By 30 I was thoroughly fucked around by scrotes who felt entitled to any act they could think of. You bend once and they'll always expect you to bend again.
That first time you bend a sexual boundary for them they absolutely make sure to emotionally reward you and praise you and act grateful. Think ahead though.
No. 889961
>>889943Not a marriage (thank fuck) but I went through exactly this in my last ltr. It was great not being able to tell people what went wrong because it's so humiliating to even process yourself. I'd rather listen to my dad be like "oh he was a nice guy. I miss him" then try to ever expalin what happened.
Sexually pushy behaviour is one thing you can maybe explain to people but all the details of it being anal and it getting so much worse after giving in a couple times. Him using those couple times as a big arguing point against me. Fuuck. I can't even tell a therapist without dying inside. It leaves you feeling subhuman.
No. 889985
>>889027God this is awesome. I'm glad she has some family support cause honestly I don't know how the fuck I'd leave a marriage like that with multiple kids, pregnant, and nowhere to go. The men soliciting her don't surprise me, they see her as a woman who's emotionally vulnerable with limited options so they think there's an opportunity for them there. They're predators at worst and manchildren with savior complexes at best. I fucking hate dudes who cozy up to women after a fresh breakup or divorce. They're just scum.
>>889853Men are deluded into thinking because they're the "fun" parent that it means they're being good parents. His child probably runs to him because 1. The child barely sees him and misses him and 2. Mommy gets to be the "mean" unfun parent for carrying out necessities like discipline and hygiene and making junior eat vegetables. He's neglecting the child in plain sight.
No. 890903
File: 1629815330351.jpeg (379.1 KB, 505x1174, 9D2B48BA-435D-48EB-885A-5FA2DF…)

i wanna a-log so bad
(from a thread about sexual harassment)
No. 890933
>>890903> if women were free to engage in flirtingAh yes the only reason you're not inundated with interested women is because women are not yet allowed to partake in flirting.
We can't initiate relationships or even conversations. Never. That's what's keeping you single and sexless. Society is just holding back all those highly interested women.
No. 891134
File: 1629835257257.png (925.58 KB, 828x1792, 5A71E745-4C41-4BE8-A9A1-A804C4…)

imagine thinking that this is a win lol
No. 891174
File: 1629837698206.jpeg (359.64 KB, 828x855, 40151A73-C265-457F-9442-65597F…)

Had to roll my eyes so hard that this was in the top trending news section. Comments full of men saying “this is proof that we live a harder life, no one even compliments us and this is why incels are so common now” Maybe men shouldn’t be so focused on sex all the time holy fucking shit, get over yourself. Fuck these dumbass “science” posts and fuck all the men whose self victimizing gets support from this dumb shit.
No. 891176
File: 1629837816761.png (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 743x2482, screencapture-guardianacorn-20…)

>>891167You reminded me I meant to post pic related in the confessions thread (as a follow-up to my original post), it will go here now.
>Pic related: an akchyual woman (read: delusional scrote) thinks willingly playing a disgusting porn game created for your kind is the same as being rapedI've never wanted to a-log more
No. 891218
>>891174Kek, but who asked for this study?
Some man got paid to execute a study just to remind us women that men demand to be worshipped. Fucking neeeeeext.
No. 891221
>>891093>I always wonder why redditors push the women-should-do-the-first-step-too!-thing.Probably if not for the simple reason that they think they're the prizes and therefore should be chased and get to do the rejecting, things like
>>891174 cement the fact that the majority of males overestimate their value.
No. 891222
>>891211>There is no consensus on this topic even in scientific communityKek if you think the scientific community will EVER fund research for "are men biologically bad?". In fact they cover it up/twist info that points to "men bad" all the time. Everything is tainted with their ego and dick dragging. For ex. covering up that sperm has a shitton of "feel good" chemicals that "rewards" women for fucking them. That's why men are obsessed with going raw.
Also see
>>891174 this is the shit they fund, useless shit to push their own interests.
No. 891236
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>>891174Went to check out this article, and it's mostly just saying what men answered in a survey with open ended questions, how they wanted their wives to be more sexually dominant, initiate and be romantic with them. Of course there's some "poor men" shit included, with a dose of "men are the true romantic sex".
Male sexuality doesn't get deeply pathologically examined because it is much more simple, and just because men want their wives to ride them more and compliment them while she also cleans up around them didn't really stop them from trying to have sex with her if she forgot to do those things. There isn't much to study here.
No. 891272
>>891240I get what you're saying, I'm sure there were some matriarchal societies, but they were probably just quickly killed off by patriarchel socities. I'm talking about logistics, socities that made women into slaves could grow and conquer more. The roman empire was so succesful because there was just SO MANY romans, and most men were soldiers and most women forced to have lots of babies.
I agree that matriarchies is a silly idea, not because
>not only they deny us freedom de facto, they also deny it even as a _possibility_. And I don't mean it in a "thought crime" sense only, also in a broader one: it's as if even if a matriarchal society was possible, they would never allow it to exist, no matter would they live in it or not. but because it's fighting against mens biology, and making it work is wayyyyy too much effort for women, and it's quickly killed off by more patri-societies. In conclusion, I'd like matriarchy, but for it be long term there would need to be little to no men on earth, or somehow prevent outsiders from coming near the matri-society.
No. 891502
File: 1629869478026.png (154.92 KB, 592x511, boohoo.png)

>>891174The very desirable males over at r/pussypassdenied are getting very upset that apparently some women don't really care enough about them to coddle their ~uwu opressed male feefees~. You know, if I were allowed to start a subreddit called something like "r/penisrightsrevoked" solely about men feeling entitled to women's bodies, taking away the autonomy of the females around them, and escaping the consequences of their actions because they're men, I think I'd have endless content for ages. But the men on here have to scour all their content off of female-centered subreddits for their "evil womin1!1" content.
No. 891564
>>891556>>891521>>891514lol okay
find me a thread on this site that doesnt have somebody talking about men somewhere in it
"it isn't deliberate". oh so you INVOLUNTARILY can't shut up about them then. like im reading through this thread and every single post being highlighted is about men. not just involving them, ABOUT them. there's stuff on reddit you could be making fun of that isn't specifically about men. in men's "corners of the internet", people sometimes make threads where they don't bring up the topic of women, or men.
boy im sure glad i have this place to come to to get away from men so that i can spend all my time talking about men.
No. 891577
>>891174Maybe if men went for women in or even
gasp slightly below their league they'd be more desired? Could it be that ugly men always go after the most desirable women?
No. 891583
>>891577Yeah, they constantly pressure top tier women to date down and have no standards, then act like they're the
victims for not getting compliments constantly kek.
>women should stop being shallow and date nice ugly guys who won't cheat on them like Chad!>WTF why doesn't my much hotter gf worship my ugly ass and thirst over my dick 24/7??What the actual fuck did they expect?
No. 891615
>>891596I find it hard to not be obsessed with people who ruin every single place of internet for me (for example, I watched a speedrun yesterday and the comment with the most likes was literally "I watched feminist ad before this video. It better be good." Not only this is insulting, but it also is completely unrelated to the video. They don't even need a reason to bully us, they just do it whenever possible). Even lolcow is constantly raided by moid scum.
How are we supposed not talk about men if they endlessly harass us? Pretend they don't exist so they would go away? This doesn't work, because if they see that there is no general hostility towards males they start getting too comfortable and destroy the space all-together (not by "muh dick" posts that get insta-banned, but by infiltrating our community with their retarded opinions and gaslighting). Do you understand that over-the-top manhate is essential to gatekeeping of fem-only spaces? That's the only thing that has proven to keep scrotes at bay, everything else is unable to stop them.
Also female emotional health is not endless, we need to vent about creatures who harass and abuse us every fucking day, we can't just swallow misogyny and pretend that everything is a-ok - we have our limits*. There are too few spaces on the internet where you are able to do so and not be gaslighted and lolcow is one of them. Please, get empathy.
*this includes reddit: it's just torturous to criticize it while pretending that r/pussypassdenied on the main page or most upvoted "unpopular opinions" on r/unpopularopinion being misogyny concentrate don't bother you even a little bit.
No. 891625
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>>891615>There are too few spaces on the internet where you are able to do so and not be gaslighted and lolcow is one of themYeah and you really can't overstate the importance of women having spaces to talk about men without their input, and ideally without male identified women caping for them. Seeing your own opinions and experiences reflected in likeminded women instead of immediately dismissed and deflected is so validating and even if you feel pessimistic about men after discussing it, you feel more confident about yourself and other women.
No. 891791
File: 1629903195167.jpg (125.26 KB, 1300x650, sadfaces.jpg)

This scrote keeps trying to get an old, dead radfem sub I set up transferred over to him.
TIL we are all one person. Amen
No. 891825
>>891625I knew I was oppressed as a woman but I never realised how fucking dire it was until I started entering female only spaces. Places like here are extremely important because it creates a safe haven for justified misandry. If we are pinkpill anywhere outside of a place like this, moids AND women will gaslight us by saying we're just cranky ugly unfuckable apes that only care about our rights because we're bitter.
That's the worst part. When it's coming from other women, because you just know that they don't understand the gravity if the situation
No. 891840
File: 1629907132709.jpg (65.67 KB, 1692x206, vand.jpg)

>>891821I'm leaning yes. He's terminally online, wants to claim subs about cheerleading and trans rights, rants about
toxic feminism, and is worried about getting v&.
No. 891860
>>891840samefagging sry but after a quick look I think he's just a committed MRA and started that xx sub with his alt account.
>wahh mods are all one personIt's always projection with these moids
No. 892017
>>891615>Also female emotional health is not endless, we need to ventI'm unconvinced that this unremittent doomposting is cathartic. Your emotional health would probably improve tremendously if you quit the internet, mine certainly would.
>Please, get empathy.Empathy is overrated imho.
>>891794I don't want to hear sperging. Just because I don't want to hear manhate sperging doesn't mean that I want to go to fucking kiwi and listen to wignat tradcath incel sperging. Or go to twitter and listen to tranny commielarp sperging. The internet used to be for irreverent fun. We used to say "the internet is serious business" in jest, because it was absurd to think that anybody would take the internet seriously. People who did were sometimes called, uh, lolcows.
And just so I'm not completely derailing, reddit is shit, and everybody hates reddit. It's not just women hating reddit because of misogyny, redditors are considered the dumbest people on the internet everywhere else on the internet. So if you're a dumb redditor, and you were driven off of reddit because of the misogyny and tranny jannies, that's what you get for being a smelly redditor.
No. 892165
>>892120I didn’t ask you to empathize with me. I was calling you an annoying retard.
And I didn’t sperg for multiple hours. I made a post, went to bed, woke up, made another post. Now I’m making another post hours later. I’m not hanging around all day waiting for replies.
(stop) No. 892445
>>892443"wow so eye opening"
>gold>silver>wholesome>5.8k up votesWhere do they live? Another dimension?
No. 892577
>>892447>>892452reddit gives out free awards that users can give away within a few hours so they put them on anything.
>>892548no, she is american. my guess is, her research involved typing in "africa trip" to watch 2 videos on youtube.
maybe she was thinking it is easier to be poor there than in her place, because everbody else is poor.
but after giving it more thought, that whole post reads as bait.
>stupid amerifat wagie life is still better than well off african life>needs 3 jobsthat means they were all part time
>barely saved upthose jobs were minimum wage too
>instead of moving to a cheaper town within their state, moves to a different continent>somehow has an international online job with shitty slow as hell internetis that job still part time? how have they not fired her when there are plenty of local part or even full timers available? assuming she needed 3 jobs, her city's job market leaned in favor of employers, not employees
another hole in the story is a woman going presumably alone to live in africa where most human trafficking happens and the police is corrupt as fuck
>whybecause it is probably a lie to paint wagecuck life in better light
No. 892579
File: 1629992983336.jpg (250 KB, 1080x1610, IMG_20210826_174633.jpg)

Reddit manhate again, but I browsed this r/askmen thread and I laughed that "women and children first!" came up in like 4 different answers. How often is that applicable and how often do you even get to hear that? Did they watch Titanic and develop a lifelong complex?
No. 892587
>>892579does he think it wrong to save children first?
it's not even that their lives are worth more, it's that if this wasn't a rule, men would stampede trample over all the women and children when evacuating. people die from that.
No. 892588
>>892577>reddit gives out free awards that users can give away within a few hours so they put them on anything.Do they give all of them, though? The two times that I clicked on the free award button on the app, it gave me the same sticker. IDK maybe it's random, but it seems to me that someone must be buying those retarded thins (and clothes for the avatar).
>another hole in the story is a woman going presumably alone to live in africa where most human trafficking happens and the police is corrupt as fuckSome women (mostly libfems) can be retarded like that. Not everyone is as cautious as most farmers seem to be (I imagine from the posts)
>because it is probably a lie to paint wagecuck life in better lightWouldn't be surprised if you were right. I'm too lazy to browse OP's account to see if there is some proof of her african life. At least the account isn't a throwaway, though (I know old accounts can be bought).
No. 892598
>>892588i got 2 random ones, i think one of the cheaper awards. i gave a cheering one on a self pitying scrote post.
since reading incel pages it becomes easy to see propaganda everywhere. radicalization and swaying opinions have always been a part of the game. the more divided and kept low people are getting the less likely change is to occur. but i am talking about politics again, enough tinfoil.
No. 892608
>>892590I think it also has to do with the userbase being really young. Adult men, who also enforced this policy, want their wives and kids in safety exactly so young scrotes don't block their escape routes. But reddit scrotes will be reddit scrotes.
There was also a thread up called "what would you say if a woman told you 'you can do that, you're a man'" and most of the top answers are "I'd tell her to go make a sandwich and bring me a beer!". Being
triggered about being perceived as a competent generally stronger adult is somehow offensive, kek.
No. 892611
File: 1629994827475.jpg (317.33 KB, 1160x576, childish.jpg)

>married nonbinary female OP
>"closeted childfree"
>former teacher makes innocuous comment about OP having kids on Facebook
>OP has a nervous breakdown
I love how it makes mainstream reddit seethe but the childfree sub can be excruciatingly cringe
No. 892623
>>892579Oh my fucking god, I'm so tired of this.
>if I was on a boat, I would have to evacuate after the women/childrenFirst of all, I don't think that was ever even the case, or at least it wasn't always the case. I'm not even sure if the Titanic was historically accurate, and I'm pretty sure they're just basing this off of the movie the Titanic.
Second of all, we don't even travel by fucking boat anymore, we mostly travel by plane, so this is basically irrelevant anyway.
Third, there have been plenty of instances in history where it's the complete opposite. For example, Vikings practiced infanticide. They would literally leave newborn babies out in the cold overnight, and they especially did this to baby girls (no one wanted girls, for obvious reasons) which resulted in men outnumbering women. This was one of the biggest reasons why Vikings went on raids, to capture women to be their wives.
No. 892648
>>892611 >we're adamantly childreeYou're a couple of 24 year olds who can't keep that same energy offline and just tell people though. Avoidance and secrecy will lead to awkward convos like that.
I do get that children being seen as 'the default' is annoyng but they're communicating horribly and then feeling victimized by essentially the consequences of their own secret keeping. By your mid twenties you have to just face your disapproving parents and tell them the shit they don't want to hear. Face the topic.
No. 892736
>>892433I was convinced this post was fake until I looked at OP's post history. Wow.
>>892437>>892438In my entire life I've never heard another American citizen say they'd prefer to live in Africa. To live a simple life, sure, but no one wants to be the next Dave Chapelle. Our reputation for being ignorant and xenophobic is deserved, I'm not disagreeing with you, but that's why the majority wanted to build a wall to keep foreigners out and would call African countries "shitholes." The OP of that post is exceptionally stupid and weird.
No. 892753
File: 1630005435769.jpeg (330.53 KB, 1170x1133, 2B4192C6-101B-4E7F-99B0-7F55BA…)

I hate this fucking sub.
No. 892764
>>892433>you water will be toxicLiterally how does this happen? Like yeah it's a shithole country, but lots of people vacation there. So it's not like there is no clean water. Did she not do any research before going there?
>Living in places you've romanticized as being more slow and simple doesn't mean you get to cherry-pick which parts of poverty you want to cosplay.According to her post history she's a freelance writer doing digital nomad. Why is she poor by Morocco standards? This makes no sense. And if it weren't for her post history I'd say it's fake agendaposting.
No. 893181
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A woman kills herself and redditors can’t stop by whine about her male “victim.” If this was the other way around no one would care. Disgusting.
No. 893259
>>893181Imagine hating men so much that you defend a sexual predator who killed herself in front of her
victim. Unhinged if it isn't bait
No. 893352
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This was posted to r/AITA (Am I the Asshole?).
The short version of this is that OP is a guy who is friends with another guy. The friend bullied his girlfriend into an open relationship using marriage as incentive and now he's mad because she is actively dating other men (because it's an open relationship).
The reason this annoys me is because OP lacks so much self awareness that he basically admits that he was ok with being friends with this guy. He acknowledged that his friend was the type of asshole who pressures women into letting him fuck other women, is the kind of asshole who goes out of his way to fuck one woman in particular, and yet he was still friends with this guy.
Reddit moids will hoot and holler is you date accuse men of not fully caring what way their friends treat women but then openly admit that they're friends with emotional abusers. Pointing it out to his friend after the fact means very little when you choose to be friends with someone who is an abuser
No. 893959
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I'm glad the 'system' chimed in, otherwise I would not be able to share this. Imagine being seriously suggested that you are literally a Rapist Jesus. On a PTSD sub, nonetheless. No. 894385
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A comment left on a thread about how some female roommate is keeping all of her lottery earnings. And men wonder why women are scared of them. Love how he’s complaining about the horrible things women do when men commit the vast majority of rape and murders, and then justifies husbands killing their wives. No. 896341
>>881538> Women_Hate_Short_MenKek my obese bald father who’s 5’7 pulls women with no effort. Thin and beautiful women will hit on him out of nowhere despite him being way out of their league physically. And no he’s not a billionaire, just a normal dude who doesn’t look one chicken tendie away from shooting up a school.
He even laughed when I told him about incels bc he’s always been able to socialize and has been popular despite his supposed death sentence of being 5’7 kek. When will incels realize it’s not your height? Aside from my dad who always dates way out of his league most short dudes I know have gfs or are married. Get social skills, stop hating women, and take some accountability you lazy fucks. Or just kill yourself alternatively.
No. 897008
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A true intellectual.
No. 897063
>>892579meanwhile, the worst that could happen to us women is being killed, raped, tortured, and more.
Imagine your biggest concern being a fictional situation that you won't even encouter through your life.
No. 898181
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Something about this just really made my blood boil. A woman talks about how being a stay at home mom has affected her emotianally and this fucking moid just condescendingly chimes in with "sO yOu mIsSeD iNtEllEcTuAL sTiMuLaTiOn BeYonD bAbBy sTuFf" . I swear Reddit men don't see women as humans capable of having inner lives
No. 898342
>>898287>Fast forward to last night. I don’t think he realized I was in the kitchen when he came home. Millie was on the couch and I heard him go into the room and give this sigh.
>Before I could call out, I heard him say “You’re so fucking worthless.”
>It terrified me, because I’ve never ever heard him speak with such malice. He sounded like a different person. It was just so cold and hostile that I panicked, and rushed out there to see him looking at Millie.
>[…] I put Millie in the bedroom so we could talk. We were both a lot calmer, and I felt awful after he explained his side. I’ll often call Millie little names and he said he was just trying to be playfully mean too and misjudged his tone. This actually worries me. He's definitely a fucking liar, and he's probably going to start abusing her cat, if he hasn't already. I doubt it'd even be his first time doing that kind of thing.
How is that "a silly name"? Who has that much malice for a fucking cat to call it "worthless"? I hope she dumps that piece of shit, and that something happens to him that makes him unable to harm any animals.
No. 898403
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No. 900288
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I hate how sexual the "popular" pages of top subreddits are becoming. Picrel is the most upvoted questions of AskReddit of the past few days but this shit is on 2X, ELI5, LifeProTips, Shower thoughts….hell even r/Technology had 6 NSFW content on the front-page of its sub yesterday and it was hardly even related to technology. It's so fucking cancer.
Also Redditors tendency to call anything remotely pleasing "Porn" eg r/EarthPorn, Animal porno, ArtPorn, FashionPorn, Dessertporn…and the list goes on
Sage for alogging
No. 901186
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No. 902012
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>>900998all he needs to do is break both his arms, then it won't be strange anymore
No. 902490
File: 1630988528880.jpg (303.03 KB, 1080x1229, delusion.jpg), the self proclaimed evidence based girl power sub, going full incel while complaining that any male advocacy is perceived as incel.
List of widely updooted copes so far:
>Men are dropping out of college because they're one tequila away from being accused of rape
>There is shared female identity because of girl power but there is no shared male identity, men have nothing to do with each other and never glorify maleness in any way while women are a pro-female hivemind. Men don't even see themselves as men, but each individual woman sees a win for herself as a win for all women. This has nothing to do with men compelling them to "prove" that one woman's failure doesn't define all women, because sexism isn't a thing
>School favors female learning style and punishes boys for being boys, it's so much less kinetic and so obedience based, unlike sitting straight for 8 hours in the 50s or getting your ass beat for slouching a 100 years ago
>When women underperformed men pooled resources to give them STEM programs, it was totally never met with entire papers on how "women just biologically can't into science lol". But now that we're underperforming it's because we're dumb huh?
>Every time men make a group it's immediately assumed to be incel
>This is a direct result of society's demonization of men. Also just so you know men are X times more likely to commit terrorism than women, so you better take this seriously or someone somewhere might pull a little Marc Lepine on you uwu!And of course the top comments in which lies the hilarious truth about what men really care about in college:
>Lol which colleges are those? Time to get my dick wet lol No. 902500
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>>902490I bet he hates CRT.
"Critical race theory is bad; critical theory should be based in gender instead!"
Die screaming, crybaby.
No. 902514
>>902500Every single one of his points about men, particularly the one about men not seeing themselves as male, can be applied to whites, straights or any other societal default. But of course he won't try to extend his logic, even if he agrees. He will never dare to make a case for white students organizing because there are more asians applying, or because black people are all "brothas" to each other and whites aren't.
Only women, despite being such a gargantuan "political identity" according to him, are a safe target here. Women, the absolute Behemoth that's universally female-aligned and female-interested, can be safely told shit like this. Moid moment.
No. 902518
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>>902490>go look at the way black girls are treated vs black boys at schoolIt's funny because everything I can find says that black girls are barely treated much better than black boys in school, where did he pull this information from? His ass? Is he just pissed because black girls probably still outperform black boys academically in spite of this?
No. 902582
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>>902560It's really ironic because I also hear men constantly say women can't get along the way men do and how male friendships are more genuine, ect..
Even this guy in the same breath is claiming he knows what all men feel and that if a man falls out of what he agrees with that they must be a woman. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I know there's no use trying to understand these cunts arguments but it still frustrates the fuck out of me. Just be fucking rational for a full fucking sentence.
No. 902584
>>902560He posted a study in which like 300 college women self-reported empathizing with other women. is his "source" for "women identify with other women but men don't identify with other men". The projection is pretty astounding, given that moids not only have no empathy for anything, they're not even capable of absorbing information if it comes from someone they can't see themselves in. See: the concept of boys needing a "father figure", which this moid invokes right before uttering "men don't follow men because they're men, they follow them because they're successful", as if any non-gay men have female success models.
The moid is basically saying that all women are radfems, which is terminal reddititis. In reality, women joyfully mutilate their daughters' genitals and enforce 99% of other moid policies and traditions that harm other women, like aborting female fetuses and killing female infants. Contrary to what this moid says about black boys, women of all races prefer their sons to their daughters EVEN when they're consciosly aware that it's wrong. This survey has the same degree of rigor as moid's "source" about women preferring women to men -
For a subreddit that's ready to declare anything a market failure, they sure are reluctant to admit that even a tiny cut in coddling will result in a catastrophic drop in performance for men.
No. 902857
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everything on AITA is so fake or attention seeking
No. 902871
>>902528The funniest thing about this is that many normal non-incel men actually love being in men-only spaces at least some or all of the time. Let's look at sailors as an example - they weren't (all) slaves, they weren't (all) forced to do this economically. Redditors and incels are so fundamentally scared and feel threatened by other men that they can't comprehend men voluntarily putting themselves in an all-male space. But people did! They even say "you can't take the sea out of a sailor".
Normal men like playing sports with men, redditors & incels hate it. There are so many examples. Hostorically there were so many people who chose to be career soldiers, pr sailors, or monks. According to this guy, an all-male ship crew should have always mutinied due to not having "the companionship of women".
Sometimes sailors did mutiny. What did they do then? A lot of them became pirates, literally a rogue gang of only men that stayed together for weeks, months, years at a time. Yeah they would like, go ashore once a year and attack women sometimes, but clearly they weren't being driven mad by the need for women most of the time, nor did they retire and start a family as soon as they had a bag of gold. Most of them went right back to sea. They loved the life of a pirate.
These men aren't (all) gay or whatever. They just weren't obsessed with sex and "proving" their malehood like redditors & incels are. This guy is so close to the truth and yet so far: what redditors and incels truly lack is any sense of genuine brotherhood. They hate and resent other men ("chad") because they feel inferior. By "female companionship" what they mean is that they like having a woman around so they can feel superior to someone for once, because they feel so small next to confident mature men who dgaf.
For all their talk of chivalry, redditors fail to understand the most basic foundation of it: that it was a brotherhood of men, knights & squires, who most loved to ride & spar & drink & fight with each other, who made rules amongst themselves to protect women & children from what they knew were extremes of male desire and male temper. Chivalric orders were literally organized to protect women & children from low, evil, bottom tier men who, like redditors, would take any opportunity to rape & steal what they knew they couldn"t get on their own merits. The incel is the bandit brute; the redditor is the vulture.
When you see a group of men, usually you have nothing to fear from any who are confident, secure, and warm towards their male friends. The one you should be afraid of is the man who feels himself ranked the lowest, who you'll know by how he sucks their dicks & overlaughs at every joke in public, and tells you in private that he hates them. This man will do any horrible thing to put you down to make himself feel above somebody, even for a moment. This man will rape you when you're drunk just to make himself "not a virgin". If you make him feel low, this man will shoot ypu dead.
They explicitly use the threat of violence to demand a comfort woman. What they, the stupid and deranged, don't get, is that if that began to happen, women can have guns too. And women could shoot first. And be acquitted every time.
No. 902935
>>902871Read up on self defense laws anon, women get years for shooting their
abusive scrote. "Self defense" can only be used if you're trapped in a place and go for them with your own fists. Obviously women can't do that, the police & law knew exactly what they were doing when they made that law. Miss the days when you could get uncle Vina to "dissapear" the hubby.
No. 903250
>>902871But these men don't even want companionship and love, they want their xenomoprh ass desire to mate as much as possible with the most eligible hosts fulfilled. The talk of love and companionship is the sanitized, pity seeking ad they put up on the store front to deceive you - in reality it's about scoring. They fully see you as a resource to be consumed and then have the fucking gall to blame you for not offering yourself up for consumption, then justify taking what they want by force. It's worth mentioning that no other group is afforded this amount of leniency in terms of tolerating terrorist demands, and it's doubly hilarious that the moid in question is obviously not white, so he understands the (his quote) "psychopathy" of racism and white identitarianism, but then in the same breath demands that women be enslaved or else he's "justified" in joining a misogynistic hate group. Men effectively don't even have races and ethnicities, they are a penile hivemind devoid of any empathy for anything that doesn't affect them personally, always defaulting to "put out or else" regardless of political alignment, with sex being above any other identity group they may be part of. It's remarkable and horrifying in its ruthless, inhuman efficiency, truly like an alien parasite. If women actually had even half the insectoid solidarity he's projecting, there would be no man left alive on the planet.
The reproductive agreement males have with each other is fully visceral in nature. They don't even need to define themselves as a coherent political class to act collectively to the detriment of women, it's part of their programming. Even chimps form squads to terrorize females, when they're not terrorizing each other. But that, of course, is women's fault, and so is the fact that every time men are invited to bond over something that isn't hatred of women, its "emasculating". Basically, their ideal outcome is one where you still exercise ritualistic submission and deference for their psychological benefit even though you have no material need to.
>Men hate each other but always band up to hate women even more>Men most affected>Women most responsibleOh, and this moid is also an anti-abortion R Kelly defender, go figure.
No. 903458
>>902490Whether a man identifies with white nationalism or whatever nation of islam or hotep bullshit movements, at the end of the day, the one thing that keeps them united is that they exude pure unadulterated beta male energy. These men will never make an impact on the world because they are lazy, unmotivated yet have so much entitlement and want to be praised for merely existing. I honestly believe beta males need to be genecided, they make everyone miserable and are completely worthless.
>>902518Trying to use black boys vs black girls is even more hilarious since black girls literally annilate black boys when it comes to academics, particularly compared to other races where the academic success rate between the two genders has a significantly lower discrepancy rate.
No. 903475
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>>903458>I honestly believe beta males need to be genecided, they make everyone miserable and are completely worthless.Beta males exist as physical and psychological training fodder for alphas and would have gotten obliterated in the caveman days (which they ironically like to idolize with their rape fantasy). Also beta males wrote the old testament and thats when it all started going downhill.
No. 903555
>>903475>The old testamentBut anon, men have no shared identity and don't think of themselves as men! There isn't an entire religion that idolizes the male as God and demonizes women for "refusing to submit". There were never any laws dedicated entirely to terrorizing and subjugating women, are you saying that men possess a level of organization and class consciousness to do something like that?
Fun fact: the same exact moid said that far right reactionary ideologies are "pro male", in the exact same cock stinking breath. There's something about the moid brain that makes them incapable of self awareness or logical consistency, especially in any matters pertaining to gender.
No. 903645
>>903555Yes. Think of this as well: for the vast majority of human history and pre-history there has been, in the human spiritual consciousness, the presence of some sort of goddess(es) and feminine divinity. Usually many, encompassing different phases of life and types of power, worshipping and revered by both men and women. Even Cesar revered and claimed lineage from Venus.
They managed to erase that, and relatively recently. The total erasure of feminine divinity is one of the most overlooked turning point of human history. I could sperg on about this for hours. But I'll take my leave before I get escorted off the farm. Sage for OT
No. 904164
>>903250In particular, men who feel put down by other men seek to go and put down/abuse women. It's absolutely classic bully psychology. When you see an incel, you see a man who has absolutely zero confidence and is intimidated by every other man. That's why rhey feel such a threat to their masculinity - they're bottom dog all day long around other men, and they take out all their rage & anger & resentment on any woman they can get their hands on.
And the funny part is there's no reason they're bottom dog other than that they always roll over. They always laugh fearfully like a hyena and seethe because they have no balls. And then no one, women or otherwise, wants to be near them because they are so god damn sweaty (frequently this is literal. I have a kook theory that incels genuinely smell worse due to constant production of flop sweat/anxiety sweat. They say dogs can smell fear, well, I think we can smell fear too if it's been soaking into someone's tshirt pits all day long).
When you put two blue jays in a cage, they will mostly get along. But when you put three blue jays in a cage, they'll fight viciously until one of them gives up and crouches on the ground as a submissive signal. Then the other two blue jays will stand on his back. Once established among three blue jays, which happens in only a couple minutes, this social order remains unchanged as long as the same three blue jays are together. Male society, among the status-insecure, is not so different from this. Incels are always the bottom jay, because they always knuckle under to other men, because they are cowards. And this makes them want to kill.
To be clear, there's nothing that makes them this way other than their own piercing insecurity. It's an ideology that feeds people one simple lie: "It's not you, it's them." They really don't need anything else but to grow balls and literally stand up fpr themselves to another man once in their life about anything, whoch they have never once yet done.
No. 904446
>>903645It all started within region of arabia
Semites or abrahamic faith were the one where it really began
(racebait) No. 904594
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Usually I empathize with women from breakingmom, but every now and then an obviously mediocre parent posts there with some dramatic clickbait title for attention and asspats. And the worst part about it is that no one is allowed to say shit if it's not tacit agreement with the OP.
>scapegoats her bad relationship with daughter on one of her friends
I swear there's like a bad parent playbook that they all read from. Why is the "bad influence" such a common excuse when they start to lose control and respect from their children? They all grasp for someone else to blame. Mom's whining about something the friend said over the phone that she clearly wasn't meant to hear, but doesn't realize that her own daughter is the one who talks badly about her to the friend in the first place that would even prompt the friend to have said that. And you can tell this adult never liked the friend from the beginning if what she's got to say about that teen's family is that they're dysfunctional alcoholics who scream at each other. In her daughter's eyes, mom is disapproving and trying to isolate her from the one person validating her upset feelings, and this idiot thinks that's how she'll win the daughter over? Stupid indeed.
>Can you believe my daughter resents doing the dishes and expects me to do them? Or that she hates that I don't make enough money?!
This person should have read books before she made a baby with an abusive deadbeat scrote. Yes, all teenagers hate dishes because responsibilities suck and all teenagers hate being poor because it ostracizes them at school in a society that tells them possessions=value. How is typical teen angst abuse? The mom even admits she tells the daughter to just do the dishes and walks away, she doesn't say the daughter doesn't help out. It's not like the daughter is spoiled, she's likely upset that her mother works full time and doesn't have the energy, time, or money to do what she sees other mothers doing for their families. Of course she feels neglected when she realizes what's lacking in her relationship with her mom.
>her father left her recently and he did abuse and neglect her
>b-but I was ACTUALLY abuse and how dare she accuse me of neglect and abuse because I know what REAL abuse is!
What a bitter person. How is she going to blame her daughter for having abandonment and neglect fears in one sentence and then admit in another that she was legitimately abused and neglected not too long ago? The girl is suffering from trauma and yet all the mother cares about is how greater her own shitty childhood was and so doesn't want to hear complaints. Isn't this gaslighting? The daughter isn't allowed to resent their relationship just because the mom had a shittier time at her age? The mom sounds like a person with a lot of issues that have unfortunately rubbed off on her daughter in ways that she finds objectionable.
>my daughter is MANIPULATING me into having her stay past age 18 and wants to live rent-free
I know this bitch is poor but what is it with parents who want to kick their kids out the second they hit 18? It's no one else's fault but her own that she isn't in good financial or mental standing to support her daughter for a couple years so she can get on some kind of employment or educational path. Are we supposed to be shocked a teen who hasn't graduated high school yet during a pandemic doesn't know what the fuck she's gonna do after school? Perish the thought!
>btw she makes fun of me for my teletherapy !!!
Yeah probably because the mom is an actual psycho and the daughter is keen to see it's not helping her lel. I really feel sorry for the daughter, the mom sounds like a covert abuser with a victim complex.
No. 904706
>>904594From this mother's post history, almost every single thread is her complaining about her daughter, make of that what you will. She talks about how her daughter prefers spending time with her father, it doesn't sound like he was actually
abusive. Seems like the mother just doesn't like his parenting style. They separated when their daughter was an infant, yet in this post she claims he left last year lol, she can't even bother with being even remotely consistent with her story.
>looks like you haven't done any dishes for me todayOkay this one really shows how manipulative this mother is because she's trying to give the readers the impression that her daughter is a total brat for this! The way the daughter says this makes it seem like there are no dishes left to use. This mother has multiple posts that mention doing dishes too, in one she even says that the only thing she wanted for her birthday was for her (at the time, 13 year old) daughter to do the dishes. I would not be surprised at all if this woman is the type that hoards crockery, makes a huge mess while cooking, and doesn't clean them until she absolutely has to. For anyone that has ever lived with someone like this, it is a nightmarish several hour long ordeal that could easily be avoided with daily upkeep. It is one of the grossest and most time consuming chores and a child would have every right to think of their parent as
abusive or neglectful for living like that.
>demands I take pictures of where I am and send them immediatelyThis is not normal behavior for teens, especially when directed towards a parent. This is absolutely learned from someone, and how much do you want to bet it's from the mother? There's yet another post where she complains about her daughter going out to "co-ed sleepover parties" when she stays with her dad. I would bet money on it that she makes demands of her daughter to send pictures of exactly where she is and that the daughter is merely retaliating.
>probably because the mom is an actual psychoexactly. It sounds like the girl's father definitely has issues, but the actual
abusive parent is the mother.
No. 904711
>>904608>Christianity still made it worse thoughNo, it didn't anon, jfc, I'm not even christian and this shit rustles my jimmies so hard. Not saying Christianity improved lives of common women much (albeit very early Christianity was suprisingly progressive about women who were often central figures in their communities, pretty sure some of St. Paul's letters were complaining about it), but noblewomen's legal stance in medieval ages was much better than their ancient Greek or Roman counterparts. Things varied from country to country, but overall, women were more indepented then and could even run their own businesses. Things got worse when Rennaissance rolled in and people started picking stuff from Roman laws.
Read a fucking book.
No. 904721
>>904711>noblewomen's legal stance in medieval ages was much better than their ancient Greek or Roman counterparts.I already said women were basically considered property in Ancient Rome/Greece. Also, noble women still got executed for not being able to produce sons, so not much of an improvement there. Yeah Christianity is still the lesser of two evils probably but it's not that much better.
>women were more indepented then and could even run their own businessesYet they were not allowed to own property or inherit anything like they were in pagan Britain and Scandinavia. I don't know about every society specifically so maybe some of them did but women's rights took a few steps back at least in Norse society.
No. 904727
>>904594I thought it was just regular overdramatic mom behaviour but:
>I'm at that level. I just went downstairs to make myself a damn TV dinner and she had her friend on speakerphone. She says "It's all your fault mom that we are so poor and I need a homecoming dress but you won't let me buy one." I ignored it.So not only she won't buy her kid a dress for homecoming, she won't make her food, she'll ignore her and not even give her a tv dinner lmao. Sorry for blogpost, but it reminds me of my good friend's mom, she would constantly speak to everyone (including me), about how "bad" her child is, make shit up, blatantly lie in front of her, but now 6 years later she is begging her for money after kicking her out.
No. 904732
>>904727read some more of the post history, her daughter is apparently doing all the chores she is supposed to do and has good grades, so i bet the
>she tells me to do dishes!!comment was made cause the mom wouldn't do shit since her child is already doing it for her.
No. 904738
>>904721>noble women still got executed for not being able to produce sonsPretty sure no canonical law in Christianity allowed that. Kings and noblemen finding legal loopholes is another story, you can hardly blame just Christianity for moids being moids.
>Yet they were not allowed to own property or inherit anything They were, interestingly, even more so if they were yet unmarried.
>I don't know about every society specifically so maybe some of them did but women's rights took a few steps back at least in Norse society.You have a point here. I apologize for being abrasive.
No. 905428
>>904164There's nothing that makes them this way other than then their own inability to face who they are. A man will never blame male hierarchy for anything because it's tantamount to admitting his own faults, which is something men are biologically incapable of for obvious reasons. Self-doubt is an evolutionary disadvantage if you're parasitic and expendable - if all you exist for is providing women with genetic diversity, death beats virginity.
>>904693I agree - nearly every thesis of misogyny is pure projection, because men can't allow themselves to face who they are and use externalization as their core coping mechanism. This is generally the reason why true sex segregation (with no emotional support wamens present in
any capacity) is a fate worse than death for most non-homosexual men. Every accusation from a male is a confession, generally. It's especially evident when you examine male "philosophies" through the lens of modern science, which suggests some sort of visceral, hardwired awareness of inferiority. This is a good example here:
>>883794It's because moids are quite literally missing genetic material, anon. Plainly speaking, they're less human than women. The Y also accumulates mutations at a faster rate, has fewer genes and can't self-repair. Think of it as an X that was born without a leg. Katawa chromosome.
This brings us to another common male meme - that women are somehow the "specialized" unit that exists solely for reproduction, while men can be anything. That is plainly false, first of all because it makes no sense for the less expendable sex to be more specialized. If all men die tomorrow, it will be an inconvenience, perhaps a crisis, mostly a sanitation one. If all women die tomorrow, it's certain extinction.
No. 905634
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how'd he know
No. 905649
>>905634he's right. he
is very autistic.
No. 905673
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>>905634I have an honest question, what does him being Hispanic has anything to do with his rape fanfic?
No. 905679
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>>905634I absolutely fucking refuse to believe this isn't bait. I simply won't live in a world where this isn't bait and you can't make me, anon.
No. 906030
File: 1631264514159.jpg (440.28 KB, 1075x1810, IMG_20210910_105154.jpg) fuck MRA's are hilarious. "But, Your Honor, you see here that the mother signed this paper that she takes full responsibility if the condoms were to fail, it's all her fault for not being on 5 types of birth control alone. What do you mean this signed formed means fucking nothing??! I did everyhing to prevent fatherhood and child support obligations, except for going on random hook-ups with women I barely know!" + making sure women can't complain about bruising and LACERATIONS. He obviously wants to fuck a much younger woman too.
No. 909021
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I hate all these names.
No. 909534
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Witchcraft and autism go well together
No. 909857
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>>909855nevermind I googled it.
>but that's an unfair portrayal of the sitemen will jump through hoops and bend over backwards to defend porn and porn sites at all costs with no empathy for the
victims apparently. as if ther aren't 23598713 other pornsites they can use.
No. 911047
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Lmao r/blatantmisogyny moderated by cucked pickmes? who am I kidding, it's probably a man
No. 913184
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I swear this exact question gets asked every single week. And it always gets popular every single time. 86 platinum awards? Seriously? Why?
No. 913209
>>913190it'd weed out the dumbshit men though lmao, only the smart and truly family-oriented ones would pass on their genes
the chemical warfare on women needs to end
No. 913224
>>913218>i haven't taken it and i never willbased and same
(unless i for some reason developed some type of hormonal disorder that necessitated it for whatever reason)
No. 913273
>>913231Yeah I just saw the thread and the top reply was some bro fantasy of 'we'd be all in pub watching football, our phones will ring at the same time and we'll drink the birth control together!' the fuck.
It reminds me of how men claim they'd make periods funny and cool, they'd be pissing blood on everything with their buddies having the time of their life.
It's just us silly females with no camaraderie that make a big deal out of BC pills and periods, men are way too epic and they'd handle it like bros of course.
No. 913296
>>913273Yes, this is exactly the attitude that annoys me. There’s no male birth control because even the men who
volunteered to test it couldn’t handle it, but random uninformed reddit dude #28915 thinks it would be a breeze.
No. 913625
Politically it does more good than harm, that's obvious. But unless you really need it for reasons like endometriosis that aren't treatable in any other way,
physically it's
very harmful.
I'm in healthcare and you wouldn't believe how many side effects and illnesses that aren't talked about come from prolonged use of BC pills. Everyone knows about the acute side effects like blood clotting or depression but people rarely think about long term. For example, ever heard of painful focal nodular hyperplasia in liver? Main cause? Hormonal birth control. And did you know that using BC puts you in increased risk of liver cancer?
There's a load of side effects still in research that haven't properly reached the public yet. Women who use it long term might not notice any change and when they develop health problems, doctors won't make the connection to BC.
Plus gynos who make money off prescribing you birth control continue to push it and spread myth about it's harmlessness.
Almost every healthcare professional is starting to be against using it unless totally necessary but it'll take more time for the public to take in these things.
No. 913990
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No. 914032
>>913990Of course they will excuse the defective male ability and celebrate male mediocrity. Of course they will demonise the wife for being "too" critical and hard on this scrote for simply asking the minimum to be done correctly. Coddling men like they're children with learning disabilities when they're full grown adults that should be made to take accountability and responsibility for their shit and poor effort. This scrote would be divorced at this point if it was me. Can't do anything right.
Defective y-chromomoids, die.
No. 914047
>>913990To be fair, this looks like a Costco trip.
Ok, now everyone give OP a round of applause for going on his snacky trip! Now he can eat shit when playing video games while his wife is the one that actually had to shop and plan for the real food! OP is a big boy!!
No. 914153
>>914072Are you not seeing the awards
>>914032well your reddit)/twitter)/Discord male isn't really the average male
My brother can cook extremely well also all males in my extended family can cook
>>914046How did he got a wife in the first place?
No. 915382
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No, I will not download the app. I will not log in. I will not even make an account. I will not turn off Adblock. I'm just going to quit using Reddit .
No. 915688
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Reddit's "men don't get complimented" in action. Women don't want to compliment rando men because they think it's flirting or get too personal is debunked by this story of… a woman complimenting a guy and him using her as a therapist because he has no one else to talk to kek No. 915700
>>915688>>915693I've recently joined a discord of my favorite band to give it a shot (I'm a loner offline and online) despite knowing about anon's bad experiences with the communities there. I've found out within two days that people in it (or maybe I should just say scrotes) use discord for free therapy. There is a hierarchy totem pole in every discord where the popular people (attention whores) are using less popular users for emotional labour. I've immediately had a barely-adult scrote hitting my PMs in order to talk at me about his twaumatic life and how he cannot get a gf because he's a deep loner despite having model good looks (I've seen his photo, he is looking okay to be fair, but it doesn't matter since he is insufferable). He didn't even react to what I was saying about my life or his. Fucking incredible! I've uninstalled the app without saying goodbye. I will give it another chance only if I can join some radfem/female only server that has a similar vibe to lolcow (good luck with that).
>inb4 you deserve it for interacting with a scrotekinda agree, but wanted to see where it goes lmfao. I haven't lost much except a bit of my time, but the lesson has been valuable
No. 915701
>>915688The compliment sperging is so fucking annoying. Men made that shit up to feel like
victims, who even keeps mental tabs on something so insignificant as compliments? I don't even remember the last time I was complimented. Who fucking cares. They sounds like pussies.
No. 915706
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>>915688I wish they wouldn’t get deleted but the Lush subreddit gets occasional male posters asking if the staff were hitting on them. You know, because they have to say hi and chat with every person that goes into their store. Here’s a less awkward one that was left up.
No. 915708
>>915706This is why I treat moids with less respect as a customer service worker. Especially if they're ugly. I love using a more deadpan tone of voice, intentionally weird body language, and giving them the impression that I'm aloof and don't give a fuck about them. Our main clientele is women so I don't see them that often but my god this just reminds me how much I hate dealing with moids.
Somehow I managed to have kept my job because the only people who ever complain are karens. I hope no moid ever got this impression from me. I purposely try and irk them within the bounds of minimal customer servicing. The uglier they are the more covertly rude I am. Call me a sociopath for saying they don't deserve it but I don't care. If you're not buying something sizable money wise in the first place or I get the impression someone won't then no point in upselling. And most moids expectedly are cheapskates
No. 915713
>>915700Lmfao you say hello to a random man online and they think that's an invitation for you to be their free therapist.
One time I made a discord server to talk to my friends and meet new people by putting it on discord advertising websites. Some faggot joined and we had like one (1) interaction which was me welcoming him to the server. Then some hours later he DM'd me to trauma dump about his dead cat, and got pissy and left the server when I told him that he should vent to his friends or join a support group. Then he messaged me again three months later to ask if we can be friends because he just got cheated on and needed people who care.
No. 915723
>>915706I wish I could inform the scrote that probably at least 75% (if not 90) of the stuff fucking hates him and every customer for having to perform for them like a monkey in a circus
>just get another jobsomeone else will take it because they have to. even if someone is an extrovert, customer service becomes hell sooner or later
>>915713What the fuck anon, your experience with that scrote is just… wow. It makes me mad to think that it's also probably very typical.
The scrote I spoke with had the audacity to basically say that he is dumping all that shit on me because he has nobody to say that to, not because I matter whatsoever in all of this. Imagine saying that to someone, lmfao. When I was away, he wrote another dump to me starting with 'now I will tell you how it all started, why am I like this'. Shut the fuck up you whiny bitch, nobody asked! Also your trauma is nothing to mine (disclaimer: wouldn't say that about any woman, keep in mind I'm talking about a whiny manchild here), and yet you expect me to care or be moved when you dgaf about anything going on with me?
I wish I asked him if he treated the server celebrity troon the same way as me, cause it would explain why dude doesn't give a fuck about him. Hope he keeps making the same mistake over and over again. Taking into account he has zero actual mental health issues, he will get over himself and forget he suspected himself to have beepee. No. 915738
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No. 915739
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No. 915742
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No. 916209
>>916207I don't really follow stocktrading, but I know they organized that huge gamestop stock manipulation prank, so I can imagine it's full of unsufferable guys still referencing their one big moment forever.
r/Tinder follows a formula of: unfunny jokes in the post - MGTOW meeting in the comments. Or they just straight up post the profiles of attractive women, which is a nightmare in itself.
No. 916370
>>916207It used to be kind of fun pre GameStop when it was more /biz/ lite, once it blew up the standard cringe Reddit humor and bots oozed in.
Agreed for the dating subs, all of these dudes think puns and dad jokes are a whole personality
No. 916380
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Today in arr neoliberal - we don't pander to penile identity politics enough.
>How can you expect a moid to be a normal human being unless he feels like he's owning the wammins and gays by doing it? We need MAN yogurt, MAN ass wipes, MAN vaccines, MAN tampax and MAN solar panels No. 916399
>>916386You need to remember that moids come pre-programmed with Dunning-Kruger and actually believe that the bots/photoshopped camgirls who contact them are real women who are really interested. That's why this has been done for years and it STILL works. Moids NEED to believe that women who are vastly out of their league are in fact in their league, and so they will gladly deceive themselves about who they're really talking to.
Sometimes it takes being asked to send Bitcoin or given a hourly rate for a moid to realize that no one's
actually interested, but even that sometimes doesn't work. When he does accept that no one would jam her clam on him for free, he joins the "tinder is a wasteland for men" crowd and downloads another TB of "evil whore who only wants money" porn to cryfap to.
No. 916426
>>916399Very true in general but for the examples I'm thinking of I find it hard to believe they're bots, they're too witty and responsive. I don't care so much about the hotness but jfc I cannot believe there are girls who want to be sexual with random tinder dudes so quickly.
I think the real reason is selection bias, obviously if a cute girl makes a sexual joke it's 1000x more likely to be posted online than an average girl who keeps the conversation g rated.
No. 919341
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This person is clearly a furry pedo with a medical fetish going by their name/pfp why is no one mentioning this. I doubt this story is even true, but if it is I hope this person isn't actually trying to become a pediatrician. That is Horrifying.
No. 920527
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This is probably old as hell but it was posted on my industry's job site proceeded by a bunch of whiny incels crying about how online dating is so messed up!!! wah woe is me cocks gun
No. 921171
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>>920527>worse than getting a dick picyep, sounds like something a woman would say
>poor quality matchesI'm not even sure what's the point here, unless you fucking state how much you make and that the other person should make at least as much, how are they supposed to know
No. 921657
>>920527Absolute fiction. All of my mates who are somewhat in shape (aka not obese), now how to visit a hairdresser and are not straight up autistic in their bio can get matches.
Also a shit ton of guys on dating websites have no idea how to hold a conversation past the “how are u lol” and inviting you to their house to bang. I’d rather have someone not answer my text than not giving 2 fucks about what I’m saying and trying to get a blowjob out of me.
No. 924415
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No. 924429
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reddit be like
No. 924449
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No. 924493
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>>924449I don’t get it at all. Anyone have any idea wtf he’s talking about? (I know what among us is obv)
No. 925112
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13 year old boy molests a 6 year old autistic little girl. Reddit predictably sympathizes with the molester who actually IS old enough to know better what the fuck. This wasn't two six year old children playing doctor. A 13 year old knows what rape is. Highlights include comparing molesting a 6 year old autistic child to stealing a Nintendo.
starting to understand why radfems get so spergy about female separatism and women with sons jesus fucking christ
No. 925118
>>925112What the fuck? His mom is way too kind, I would’ve had to get held back by the cops to not fucking murder him right there.
Like, what the hell? How does anyone even react to such a thing? How can those fucking faggots pretend that it’s just “exploring your sexuality” with a 6 years old?
I’m just so fucking mad, and the enby girl? She obviously got sexual trauma as well.
This is just proof that male children should be given up for adoption or some shit, why is it so common that minimoids harass and sexually abuse their sisters?
No. 925145
>>925112God this shit makes me rage. Bullshit it's the first time hes done that. And that comment, UwU males are
victims toooo is a knee jerk from a male poster. Always when it's not relevant they need a moral self insert because they can't feel sympathy for the actual
victim, they have to imagine a male in that situation and pretend to have some moral authority to chastise people for not worrying about males tooo.
God if I was related to that kid I'd whip him with my belt till he turned blue. That poor girl had no way to even tell anyone. Always check on any girls you know with step brothers, there's a reason they jack off to that porn category the most.
No. 925359
>>925145>>925112well at least she bothered to report her son, most shitty moms would side with their darling sons but she did what was right, I respect her for that
I do feel for her, If it was me in this situation my son would be good as dead, I don't think I could ever love him ever again, the world can be hell at times
No. 925377
>>925112>locking up enby 11 year old so she doesn't end up molested by the scrote like her "cis" sisterUuh pretty sexist of her to assume that an enby will be assaulted and not the assaulter or completely uninteresting to the scrote. I thought rapists attack people based on their gender, not sex?
Anyway imagine being so brainwashed you treat an 11 year old enby seriously
No. 926089
>>925762It’s full of bitterness and cope but it used to have some decent threads- tbh I’m convinced a lot of it is trolling at this point, it just highlights how badly women need their own spaces. I do love that men get so worked up over it and call it a double standard that it hasn’t been banned. Where was the outrage over the incel subs, or any current outrage over the degrading subs that still exist? They can’t take the shit they put out there directed back at them for even a second and it’s wild.
tldr I like it because I like to see people seethe over it but it’s basically full of femcels and trolls now
No. 926294
>>926089how can you tell it's trolls? I don't get the vibe it's trolls just narcissistic gaslight gatekeep 40 year old women. I like listening to their podcast sometimes but the intro where they beg for money to quit their dayjobs is kind of cringe
>>926159where? I tried looking and I got threads where the latest post was a month old
No. 927764
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I’m so glad I don’t have a father
No. 927898
>>925762I like it for the fact that it might help some women in
abusive relationships know that they deserve better or just generally make women quit their bullshit relationship once and for all. It's just refreshing to see a space where the women are shamelessly unapologetic. The queen shit is getting stale, but it's probably the only space women can write that stuff without a bunch of guys running over them, so I look past it while browsing the sub.
No. 928077
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No. 928339
>>928267From the same group who propagated the classic hit "YoU JuSt nEeD tO CoMmUnIcAtE wItH hIm MoRe!" now delivers another homerunner "YoU nEEd tO eArN bAcK hIs TrUsT!"
Reddit is full of useless deadbeat moids who hate stories where they relate to another male's ugliness. Better for them to project themselves into the situation to gaslight a woman about how she's actually the one in the wrong so they don't have to feel shitty about themselves and the way they think.
No. 928654
>>925359True, anon. I’m surprised that she even took action and did the right thing. Most boy moms would try to hide the crime at best and at worst they will attack the
No. 929100
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>>928842If this doesn’t tell you to stay the fuck away from this subreddit than I don’t know what will
No. 929684
>>928077Againsthatesubreddits is full of insufferable faggots
They just go around looking communities THEY don't like
No. 929688
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>>929100I seethe every time I see that shit, you don't see
>trans men are menpinned on every fucking sub aimed at guys. It's nothing out of the ordinary for the trans cult in general but it's particularly enraging when you can't even visit a totally unrelated sub without being reminded, sometimes I don't feel like thinking about GC stuff.
I wonder how much pressure reddit puts on the mods though, I do get pic related vibes.
No. 929825
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80% the comments were defending the boyfriend and empathizing with him for being angry he couldn't protect her and also how smart he is for giving OP such wise advice. In reality he's just sick of hearing about it and wants her to shut up and was faking empathy about it the entire time, when will people learn this about men, don't search for a deeper meaning behind the horrible shit they say and do because there isn't
No. 929858
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>>929825Don't be kind to men, ever. Fuck their gaslighting when they cry to you about misandry or being disposable. They know that they are garbage to their DNA.
No. 929873
>>929858I'm in a rural-ish town and on sunday mornings it's like a ghost town here. I love going for walks at that time because of the absolute peace of it.. but yesterday I had a guy in a van pull up to me and being aware there was nobody else in sight I kept on walking and didn't let him gesture me over. He tried and tried to get my attention but I wasn't feeling it. Now he was probably looking for directions and I'm aware some people would think I just watch too many true crime shows but fuck it, I know when situations like that go wrong that there's always plenty of men chiming in about how you walked yourself into your own assault so I'm picking a side
> If a man attacks you after you let him talk to you it's basically your fault for engaging with him > Not all men are bad or dangerous, you can't live you life viewing men that wayI'd rather live by the former if I have to pick then. Stop another man if you want help. Beg other men for money, ask other men for directions. Stop approaching me.
No. 930551
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today on purple pilled debate:
No. 930578
>>930551All of the women in the world could be picking the ugliest, nastiest wastes of space and they would complain because
>muh easy to fuck women who will fuck anything that moves hurr durr how grossI hope every woman starts being even more picky about who they fuck.
No. 930591
>>930575lmao yep, as always men's complaints about women boil down to one thing and one thing only:
>reeeee why are women fucking anyone else in the world except me???Then they come up with any dumb reason to justify it, whatever they aren't is what women want and whatever they are is what women should want.
No. 930593
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>>930551>comparing women who are actively choosing suitable partners that are not incels to HitlerI'm dying.Women supremacy all the way.
No. 930794
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Why are Redditors so fucking obsessed with how many compliments men get? I swear the ENTIRE fucking website spergs about moids not getting their asses kissed enough, no matter which subreddit you're on (except for FDS)
No. 930804
>>929688Agree. It's disheartening when you enter a space that's not even meant for gender discussion and you get slapped in the face with TWAW out of the blue. And like other anons said, it's
always TWAW, never TMAM.
>>930794Because men are poor little babies who are battered by society and the only response is for women to coddle and spoil them more, of course. Why would you work to fix male problems birthed by men as a sex when you can just outsource all emotional labor to women?
No. 930859
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>>930804You know why it's always TWAW.
No. 930930
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I was looking opinions about the Pastry Academy and I found this Reddit post, I don't like the comments at all, make it sound like she is the boyfriend's property No. 930967
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>>930955The comments are even worse, they all are treating her like shit, and as a professional baker it makes my blood boil how they treat this as s dumb thing to spend money on
No. 930971
>>930967Lmao his ass has a gaming set up which he assumably updates and sinks costs into it plus a fucking piano? Where are the comments grilling this moid's saggy balls for not making bank by streaming or being a professional pianist? And where was his y chromosoid self for all the wedding planning?
She even told these reddit retards the bakery thing could be lucrative but nooo, we need women to become wagecucks for macdonalds and offices where their life force is siphoned by vampiric narcissistic ceo's, we need women to lead utterly meaningless burnt out lives while having them dedicate any remaining energy to the pandering of their male counterparts who just sit back, bitch about women being humans with needs and watch porn of barely legal teens anyway. What a worthless fucking clown life.
No. 930994
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>>930551>>930575>>930593I know the types of men who make these posts, I know white Incels are bad but non-white Incels are awful in their special way, they have all the same expectations and degeneracies as white Incels but with an extra veneer of awfulness, they will literally blame their lack of romantic partners on colonialism and actually compare all the horrors of colonialism and racial prejudice to being Inceols
again Im not saying their worse then white Incels, just that they have this one extra layer of awfulness
I'd say indians incels are the worst case of this
No. 930997
>>930930How is the skill of baking/cooking comparable to a basket weaving degree? Can that bedicked bitch even cook his own food?
>His hobbies include gamingNah, she brought this on herself. I also hate when women on Reddit do the "Oh to be fair he did this, that and the third, and I technically wash all his socks and dust off his X-box while wearing a maid costume but oh he used to wipe his own ass every fortnight before we dated. Am I the asshole?". He is a hypocrite. Stop asking to be gaslit, you know the answer. You just hate conflict.
No. 931037
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>>931012>>931021>Ironic thing is that non-white men wouldn't even want to marry a whiteyTrue, most lust after white women but would never consider marrying one, you see a lot of non-western males across the world have grown up watching western porn featuring mostly white women and have been sold this idea that western women are all nymho sluts who will fuck anyone. When they realize that's not true, then they get aggressive and even violent. definitely a factor with arab and pakistani men
No. 931093
>>930551So fucking funny seeing this right after listening to a white guy cry about how women literally hate white men, and the only reason why a woman would even think about dating a white man with blonde hair and blue eyes is if he was a 6ft tall millionaire.
These dudes have the strongest confirmation biases about the weirdest things. If someone had too much time on their hands and decided to go through all these different incel forums and discussions, I guarantee you could find incels complaining "most women are/do X" about pretty much every single thing you could think of. Women only date white men, women only date non-white men, women have too much sex, women don't have enough sex, women aren't interested in monogamy and marriage, women want to trap men into marriage, women have no standards, women's standards are too high, women are too insecure, women are too confident, women have no ambition, women are too ambitious, women are boring and conformist, women are too rebellious and not submissive, women are vain and care too much about their appearance, women don't put enough effort into their appearance… I could go on. The only consistent thing with these guys is that no matter what women do, they always twist it into something negative.
No. 931116
>>931093It would be hilarious to create a comparative chart with all the statements they screech about, just 40keks, so pickmes can stop hoping to get picked by inceloids.
Like, it’s honestly what made me stop caring about men’s opinions, they’re just retarded and they don’t know what they even want, all they know is that “mommy” or literally any woman, doesn’t want to magically become whatever the fuck they think they want the moment they want it.
No. 931201
>>931093some are asian incels raging against asian and white women and ascribing different reasons for their own failures, same with black, white, arab and indians incels in the west
all are awful in their own unique way and create their own delusions of why the world is out to get them
Its similar to how many muslims see the entire world and every minor and major power as working together to undermine Islam and blaming all the problems in the muslim world on outsiders
that said I do think the mentality of certain type of non-white Incels(indian, pakistani, arab) is unique in a way that sets them apart, see these men come from countries where arranged marriage is the norm and a non-arranged marriage is considered "scandalous" and even taboo, so this allows any man, even the most disgusting type of loser to find a wife(usually a rural cousin of his who can only spear a rural dialect) as such the idea of men putting in any effort to attract women never developed in these cultures, like I know you think men don't put in any effort in western countries but you have no idea what the assurance of a pure virgin waifu on a societal level does to men, its not pretty to look at
but when these men come to western countries they suffer a planet level culture clash, suddenly they don't have that assurance anymore that they will find a wife(which in their culture means staying at home all day and pumping out as many kids as one is able to) and they end up bitter and violent
its a sight I have seen with my own eyes
No. 931405
>>930943Two chromosomes is a tranny sub and nice girls is up too. Nice guys isn't pro women, gays post there too, it's about creepy messages.
Mgtow wasn't a pro-men sub, it was an anti-women one. You're not making any sense.
No. 931866
>>931095The point is he’s a sexist prick. Not coming from a genuine place. You can tell when he owns “hobby toys” that are expensive and yet her hobby isn’t “pragmatic.” He’s a disgusting scrote who gets no respect.
Come at it with genuine concern and compromise otherwise get told to fuck off. He’s not her dad or keeper. Agree to disagree
nonny. Too many men are entitled babies and were not their fucking mommies. Tbh no women working should ever mix fiancé’s completely with a man.
No. 931887
>>931237>>931866Apparently the deposit is 1.5k while the whole course is 15k. Numbers-wise this makes a lot more sense for a 10 week course in Vegas. I totally agree that she can do anything she wants with her money, but I do understand why her fiancé thinks it's bullshit. I went to Le Cordon Bleu for their technical program, which actually gives you an associates degree, so that would be something that could help you get employment. Even that program is a massive cash-grab and does not really prepare you for the industry at all. This course is for people with lots of time and money to waste so they can have something to bring up at their next cocktail party. I would say that this idea is financially irresponsible and disrespectful to the relationship. Imagine if you were getting married, currently getting a degree from some technical school and then your unemployed fiancee wanted to spend 15 grand to take a 10 week course on how to paint Warhammer figures. Sure, he sold a few figures back in the day, but really he just does it for his own use. When you get mad at him, he points at your full-size harp which you bought before you got engaged, and don't have time to play right now (because you're in school) and whines about how you put money into your hobby! Boo-hoo, this woman is an adult acting like a spoiled teen. If you're getting married to someone, then you need to make big decisions as a unit. If she doesn't like that, then she shouldn't be getting married, and she can spend her money on whatever she wants.
No. 931953
>>930967I'm late but fun times reading how much people are overeacting to a woman wanting to go take a ten week baking course. She was paying for it herself and she kept saying it's something she wanted to do before she had kids to stop her.
I looked at her profile seeing as the thread is from 3 years ago, she has a job and at least one kid, she's active in nursing groups and talks about having a hard pregnancy. Is into fitness too. Clearly not the waster that men wanted to think she was. 10 fucking weeks of doing what you want before you then start a family and can't be as free… big whoop.
No. 932044
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Nuanced hot takes from reddit cumbrains. There were some reasonable responses in there too but all the heavily upvoted comments were saying yes of course kek
No. 932080
>>932044I get that selling sex will always be a thing but right now it takes a pretty scummy man to go pay for sex (or that's the attitude where I live) if it's made legal we're going to have men treating it as casually as they currently joke about their porn viewing habits. Making that the norm comes with it's own set of social issues. Taking the shame out of watching extreme porn has lead to 'stepsister getting raped while she's stuck in the washing machine' jokes popping up just about everywhere. Men can't judge how sick they are.
And I don't think making it legal will fix the issue of it being unsafe for the women. It will always be incredibly unsafe to have strange men on top of you.. all alone, all night and day til one eventually kills you. You cannot make that safe simply by making it legal.
No. 932109
>>932044>>932080Plus, by making it legal you are protecting the pimps and human traffickers who profit off of at-risk women. I think countries that keep prostitution illegal, but go after the Johns and abusers are on the right track.
This discourse absolutely enrages me and makes me want to kick all libfems in the front butt. "Yaas, girl! Get that cash!" And then fork it over to the thug who beats you and 6 other women to feel like a winner. Legalizing prostitution objectifies women and turns our bodies into rentable commodities which men then feel like they have rights to. It means that in hard times, becoming a whore is seen as an acceptable choice to feed your family, and it could become expected. At the risk of sounding hysterical, would legal prostitution mean that you can't collect unemployment if you won't suck some scrote's nasty dick?
Fucking clown world. The one thing earlier societies got right was shaming degeneracy and heavily policing morality. Men need to be shamed to keep them from their baser instincts. If I don't stop now, I'm gonna keep sperging out, so I'll end it here. Rant truncated.
No. 933648
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Idk why I even went to this subreddit, I already knew what it would be full of. but this post just really pissed me off.
and incase you're wondering, the comments are full of coddling. "I'm a ciswoman and I always have people assuming I'm trans" etc. side tangent, but it does annoy me (annoy is an understatement) how when shit like that happens (people comparing/mistaking women for troons) people act like it's bad because it's "transphobic" and not because of how it might make a woman feel.
No. 933726
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>>933648Nah I'm pretty sure it's because you look like a dude
No. 933957
>>933675I listened to 20 mins of the podcast before I stopped because it sucked balls.
This is what pissed the users off
>said she was liberal until she joined the military>gold star republican meaning she voted for trump>essentially said if you're a liberal as an adult you're braindead>said morals and politics have nothing to do with eachother>generally confusing and could not make a pointRight now mods locked FDS and made it private because they're getting a lot of criticism lol
>users pointing out mods can't take criticism ever and just ban users>users tired of constant negativity due to constant posts on male depravity and whenever someone posts a cute story about their bf/husband the comments are negative assholes telling them not to trust him >some conservative woman sperging because people didn't like the conservative guest they had on the pod>users point out that they constantly criticize liberal feminists so why are we coddling conservative women?>mods getting downvoted after boohooing about how no one appreciates them>mods lock the thread>fds goes private shortly after No. 934015
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I was browsing through reddit and I just had to post this here because I couldn't believe it.
A SW complaining about clients putting their hands on her neck. Understandable, but then the comments are all saying how porn has gotten out of hand and is ruining everything. Like, literal SEX WORKERS are complaining about how porn went too far. Hello??? Do they not realize they help fuel this shit??
No. 934027
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Another screenshot of comments
>>934019Because they're literally selling their bodies like it's an object for men's gratification, pandering to male sexuality then getting shocked when men think of them as objects and don't respect boundaries.
No. 934036
>>934015lmao "a provider". The delusion. You are a prostitute. Men will never respect you. They don't even respect their Mothers and Wives and you expect them to give a shit what the woman they're paying for sex wants? You are the whore in the madonna/whore complex that all men buy into. When he wants a woman to fuck, choke, and beat he goes to his whore. The worst part is, she CHOSE this. This isn't a woman struggling to survive.
Absolutely 0 sympathies for thee dumbasses. They're the same women on twitter calling woman who don't like to get a fractured eyesocket during sex "vanilla" and "swerfs".
>>934019Legitimising prostitution is anti-woman, libfem nonsense. The majority of prostitutes on social media have chosen that life. They're not streetwalkers, who are actually at risk, abused by pimps, controlled by drugs, and would trade that life in a heartbeat given resources.
By the way, when women allow men to beat and sexually degrade them for money, they carry that entitlement home to the other women in their lives that haven't chosen that life. You have to be stupid as fuck to believe men compartmentalize their feelings like that.
>>934034you think if 50% of the population refused to take part in this bullshit nothing would change? Femcels remain stupid as fuck. The only reason "sex work" is so accepted now is because of women pushing it and attacking other women for standing against it. Men have been using pickmes as attack dogs to avoid accusations of sexism forever. If it can work one way, it can work the other. But that would require pickmes to stop converting dick.
No. 934087
>>934036>This isn't a woman struggling to survive. >They're the same women on twitter calling woman who don't like to get a fractured eyesocket during sex "vanilla" and "swerfs". exactly. I got that post from r/sexworkers, and that subreddit is an absolute treasure trove of cognitive dissonance. half of the posts are complaining about how horrible and miserable SW is, the other half is complaining about "anti porn activists" and them they turn around and complain about how porn is making their clients treat them worse. I just don't get how they can be that dense.
and like don't get me wrong probably most sex workers are doing it out of desperation/coercion and don't actually want to be there, but there is a loud minority trying to say it's empowering and wonderful and should be normalized/accepted. most of the people on that subreddit are vehemently pro sex work and def not forced into it.
No. 935959
File: 1633981091431.webm (16.75 MB, 576x1024, tiktokfarright.webm) is trying to popularize their "study" on the transhate-to-far right pipeline, how watching "transphobic" content for two hours will lead you into racism and homophobia. But it's all so poorly defined and it's obvious her and her "collegues" think your average transphobia enjoyer is a straight white guy. I wonder how they categorized
TERF content, did they just skip it before it did not fit into the homophobia-misogyny profile?
No. 936006
>>928077The creator of AHS is a tranny cow with his own thread on the other farms. Some of his choicer milk includes:
>twice divorced wifebeater, deadbeat dad, and repeated psychiatric inpatient>admitted to brigading "hate subs" with child porn>mods 60 separate subs>keeps a database of users who have posted more than twice in any sub he doesn't like including normie subs like r/tumblrinaction>banned one of contrapoints dates from r/contrapoints>tracks down the family members of reddit users he argues with to tell them what evil bigots they are>>929688Yeah, they talk about living rent-free in people's heads, but it's only because TRAs and handmaidens never shut up.
>>934036I agree that willingly going into prostitution is retarded, but it's pretty silly to say everyone on who has the ability to use reddit has a real choice. There's a gray area between literal trafficking
victims and priviledged girls doing it for the lols. You absolutely cannot make more flipping burgers than doing full service prostitution like some people itt are claiming.
No. 936040
>>935959While I think this specifically is bullshit, I think certain(key word being not all or even the majority) can lead to alt-right type spaces
I have seen it with three former "radfems" who are now on pagan larp twitter
No. 936052
>>936040I can believe in the pipeline, but it just ignores that not everyone's a young male, and the 14 "influencers" she chose as a base follower list might just be right wingers anyway. I absolutel hate these modern learning algorythms, I used to be able to have interesting recommendations on my Home page on Youtube, now it's the same 3-4 topics or creators because I guess I haven't watched anything nature related in a
week. It's so short-sighted and it actually makes browsing functions worse.
No. 936226
>>936100Honestly yeah. I find it hard to believe that the super mysterious algorithm randomly pushes alt-right videos, I rarely get political videos. I think people are just embarrassed to admit how much they engage with controversial videos or people.
On the flip side with KF it’s common to find them complaining about breadtube videos being pushed on them.
No. 936255
>>936226I believe it but I don't think it's from a soober ebil algorithm, just an algorithm doing what it's designed to do to keep you engaged. Conspiracy theories and radical thinking breadcrumb very logical people along into eventually accepting crazy shit very often. The things you immerse yourself in (whether you realize you're immersing yourself or not) become familiar to you and normalizes in a way where it starts to make sense when it otherwise wouldn't have. Many people who fall for this shit are usually in a fragile state one way or another - whether they're searching for a community, a purpose, some meaning in life, or an outlet for their anger and fear.
Shit, I consider myself very left leaning yet I found my beliefs kind of aligning with
TERF and Radfem points every now and again here simply because I've been a farmer for too long at this point and I'm used to seeing it around a lot here kek. Cringe flex but what I'm trying to say is that people fall into whatever they fall into. We're all frogs waiting to be boiled by our own human psychology.
No. 936448
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Behold, the ultimate pickme
No. 936458
>>935959>>936040i was thinking exactly this anon. of course i don't think "transphobia" should get banned or something but i have seen a lot of radfems become insufferable moronic traditionalists/nazis for some reason. at the same time you have to be a really stupid person to believe in rightwing conspiracies like ZOG and other bullshit, so maybe it sorts out idiots.
>>936100i kind of agree, at least when it comes to men it's not like they went from completely unbiased and pure hearted to becoming a nazi from online propaganda. they choose to watch that shit because it's entertaining to them and validates their own prejudices. the people i actually do feel sorry for are the ones who are schizos or autists who get sucked in and suffer from it. i know several people like that irl, who've literally become psychotic from weed + conspiracy videos.
No. 936466
>>936448lmao I just saw this too and was thinking the same thing.
although to be fair it also fits with this whole reddit atheist cult to try and broadcast how rational you are about not caring what happens to your body after you die
No. 936770
>>936448My friend told me that some studies have found that necrophiles aren't actually attracted to the idea of corpses, but rather they're attracted to a female body they can freely play with without rejection.
It gave me the idea that the sex doll is just an imperfect corpse. Plastic skin is an unfortunate compromise. I think most men would happily take a dead woman over a sex doll. The sex doll, the corpse, and the unconscious woman all excite men just the same. There are some masturbation implements that are literally just female torsos without arms, heads, or legs. They're horrific to look at.
I have no idea why somebody would ever want to play into this. It's awful.
With this reddit post there is also zero concern to how this would actually pan out. Nobody online thinks about life past 30 and often forget that we spend most of our lives looking like prunes. By the time you're dead, you're gonna look like beef jerky and not some hot desirable corpse. God give me strength. Imagine not being able to visit your own mother's grave because her corpse is a puddle of mush and excrement on someone's floor. I hate these people so much.
No. 937450
>>937438nta, its not about morality rather practicality and what appeals to the masses
think in terms of optics, Ideologies that aren't religious in nature never have an impact unless they appeal to the masses
Lenin didn't give a lecture on the global system of capitalism to the russian peasants, all he had to and all he needed to say was "we will give you peace, land and bread"
you don't appeal to the masses of women in the world by saying "abort your male children" you'll end up looking like a jackass and further alienate those women from any of feminism
your ideology will eventually die off and it will all be for nothing, think in terms of tactics if you want victory
No. 937461
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>>936458>i was thinking exactly this anon. of course i don't think "transphobia" should get banned or something but i have seen a lot of radfems become insufferable moronic traditionalists/nazis for some reason. at the same time you have to be a really stupid person to believe in rightwing conspiracies like ZOG and other bullshit, so maybe it sorts out idiots.basically picrel happens, an online neo-nazi is more then willing to have a conversation with you to talk about black crime statistics and explain how the jews are responsible for the ills of the world and here's the thing I've had "civil" conversations with these types of people wear as with TRA's and liberals with in 5 minutes I'm already accused of being a garbage human being
If I was white who knows the path I would have taken
No. 937537
>>937467>It's funny that twitterfag types claim to want to get rid of groups like this when they are at least 50% responsible for most radicalization by pushing their opponents out of society.I agree 100%, I think a lot of us can relate
by being just annoying and pretentious assholes libs and SJWs push people into the rightwing
No. 937547
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>>937461>>937467more or less how I became a "
No. 937559
>>937547I hate how true this is. I don't even fully subscribe to GC ideology but the TRAs don't want an open forum about anything. Tried to talk about the JK Rowling stuff with a leftie bud of mind and everything is a "Dog whistle" . Literally got called a
TERF for saying that men are biologically stronger than women.
No. 937564
>>937537After reading some comments on this site and similar ones I’m skeptical. I thought people accusing terfs and gc of being racist was hyperbolic but a lot of posters on lolcow and ovarit are so giddy to spout some pretty racist and intolerant rhetoric just because feminism isn’t the mainstream movement it used to be and maybe because its an imageboard but there’s very little pushback.
How progressive and left leaning is someone if all it took was the T in LGBT getting some focus for them to talk about immigrant men are evil while immigrant women are
victimsLike I fully agree I with the sentiment I hate the parroting culture that exists but with allies like LC, KF, and Ovarit who needs enemies.
No. 937662
>>937564>a lot of posters on lolcow and ovarit are so giddy to spout some pretty racist and intolerant rhetoricBeyond handing out bans there's no way to avoid ending up with right-wingers who just hate trains, or, for lolcow specifically, racists who have nothing to do with the trans discussion and just want to spout racist shit. ffs the OG 'everyone in hollywood is trans' scrote has apparently found this place.
>How progressive and left leaning is someone if all it took was the T in LGBT getting some focus for them to talk about immigrant men are evil while immigrant women are victimsRadfems aren't and don't pretend to be progressive, oppression of women in certain cultures is a completely legitimate feminist concern that has nothing to do with trains (as is importing men from those cultures without expecting them to assimilate- see Denmark's stance), and again the more extreme/racist rhetoric could just as easily be from /pol/lutants.
No. 937697
>>937564Samefag of
>>937662 but I forgot to include that Canada, which may very well be the most pro-People of Gender country in the world, also has some of the most extreme immigration restrictions in the world and iirc doesn't accept single adult male refugees. You've clearly twittered yourself into a mindset where you have to accept everything that falls under the current 'progressive' banner and should take some time to think about why exactly you think it's questionable for feminists to be concerned about women being victimized by men from extremely patriarchal cultures (though I'd agree that there are some 'hello fellow women' WNs sperging out about it too)
No. 937702
>>937564Tranny begone
Also not to say there aren't a racist radfems but it's more than likely TRAs and troons saying shit to derail they also post Gore and tranny porn so half the time I read some racist shit I assume it's a troon (considering they had no issue posting pictures of dead women in the past on the mtf thread)
I met too many racist trannies and gay dudes to automatically assume every racist "radfem" on here is a woman. These mfs claim black women got their style From them and that if they are considered women so should they (gay men don't do the last part but they do jack slang and claim it as theirs). Also this is LC u gotta be retarded to post here and even more retarded to assume it's some deep thinkers, political activists, or whatever on here
No. 937810
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>>937662Tf you say about trains?
No. 938072
>>937564>immigrant men are evillmao why are you so offended over this, lots of women on lolcow think all men are evil regardless of color.
also by immigrant I assume you mean and are white knighting followers of islam (which is an evil woman hating religion), because I've never seen anyone on ovarit complain about, like, asian immigrants, only men indoctrinated by islamic teachings.
No. 938092
>>937566>It's also weird how most "violent intolerant and extremist right-wing proto-terrorists" are pretty open about certain divergent opinionsI expect most of them are just playing it smart and biding time. altrightpepe1350 might tell you he's totally accepting of free speech and you being a radfem, but if he and his buddies got any amount of power you'd be stripped of your rights and treated like cattle in an eyeblink.
Many of them are also just tolerant because they're insane and view women and colored people with the same tolerance you'd have for the mentally challenged, so they delude themselves into thinking that if they become friends with women and other races and then enact policies that remove women's rights and force colored people out of the country it's not backstabbing because it would supposedly be for the greater good (/pol/ idiot logic is that women are happier being enslaved to men and races are happier being segregated).
No. 938559
>>937906>>937912here's thing a lot of these racist radfems are actually non-white though, there was a Desi-Canadian radfem I remember on twitter who hated trannies but also ragged against "brown" men all day and wished her home country would get invaded by the US and all the brown men would get killed, she also thought colonialism was a benefit for women
I come from a similar background so I can somewhat understand where this mentality comes from(though I do not agree with it) these women come from communities with an extremely high level of misogyny that western white women can't comprehend, when you've been though a traumatic inducing misogyny, Europe and north america would seem like heaven to these women
and I've never seen white "racist radfems" sperging about non-white women stealing their nigels or whatever, most are neutral to non-white women and children in europe and america but have the same mentality that the west is the best
right now I'm somewhere between this mentality
No. 938595
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>>938559there was a varg simp in his thread who said she was pakistani
No. 938649
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>>938092>I expect most of them are just playing it smart and biding time.You're 100% on the mark. WNs are sneaky as fuck and pretend to be accepting towards people who don't conform to dominant strains of thought so they can either steal the rhetoric from their divergent viewpoints in an attempt to gain more legitimacy (as is the case with radical feminism) or groom them into becoming WNs. They're natural snakes who should never, ever be given a single inch of acceptance.
No. 940252
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>>940165I went looking for it and holy shit, it isn't just that he was an alleged pedo but that he allegedly showed up to meet a 13 year old girl when that guy confronted him. And the commenters really want to see the guy's dogs die and him get arrested but not the one who wanted to meet a teenage girl because "I am a redditor so I need to see muh physical evidence signed by an official as proof to even consider that literally any other opinion besides mine could be correct." Yet these guys will also share and updoot untrue articles like the ones about Wi Spa being a hoax and never question it even once. They've built an impenetrable bubble of smug to live in.
No. 940255
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>>940252Samefag but here are some more
No. 940259
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>>940255Trying to figure out if the guy who posted the video is also the one who filmed it, likely so they can mass report him
No. 940466
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Is it actually racist to call mass produced shit from China “cheap trash from China”?
No. 940676
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Redditors who defend porn addiction. Calling a poor 19 year old girl insecure and to get therapeutic because her bf lied to her about watching porn for over a year.
No. 940773
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No. 940816
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This is a few years old but here's an example of redditors explicitly defending pedophilia
the highlighted part is hilarious
>you'd have to go after all of them too, they're all pedophiles
as if thats a bad thing
No. 941074
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>>887600Compiled these plus one bonus. Please, if you have any more I'd love to add them to the collection.
No. 941213
>>941202Males do not mature past the age of 10. They just start becoming more and more sex obsessed and entrench themselves deeper into depravity.
All of these old scrotes can't take care of themselves and want to snag young women before they mature enough to realize he's worthless.
No. 941673
>>941074Growing up i remember so many references in jokes/pop culture about men having skid marked underwear. I never understood it because it literally never happened to me, even as a kid.
Now i realize it's true and it's because men are so fucking filthy they are not wiping or washing their asses??? And they're proud of it??
What is up with men being proud of being incompetent, lazy, and disgusting?
No. 942034
>>941673I feel like it’s a mix of sheer stubbornness and smugness. They know it’s disgusting and wrong but they don’t want to be told what to do, and like knowing that they got someone to give up and live with it- it’s about winning.
I don’t understand how these women can’t just break up with them, it makes me so sad. How does all of the attraction not just bleed out of you at that point?
No. 943405
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There were at least comments being reasonable but moids always gotta be fucking retarded about everything. If women are turning to drinking as much as moids are then there is a bigger fucking problem happening here.
No. 943458
>>943443It's honestly infuriating reading about women worried they're an asshole for asking the bare minimum of their garbage partners. I just read one that was like
>My unemployed husband who doesn't cook or clean and refuses to search for a job until covid is over gets angry at me because my zoom meetings distract him when he reads and tells me I'm lazy for not going into the office, AITA??Not even exaggerating. And naturally, despite endless comments telling her she's being abused and mistreated, the only comments she thanked/responded to were solutions like him wearing headphones or going to a cafe while she works, anything that doesn't involve breaking up. At a certain point yes bitch you are the asshole for not having a single inch of spine or modicum of self respect.
No. 943477
>>943458Not all women who are with assholes like this can just
leave. If they're avoiding any answer that says "leave him!" then the possibility must be considered that the woman simply doesn't have the means to just
leave, or else she would have already and wouldn't be posting.
No. 943487
>>943483I mean, without knowing the woman's exact situation and circumstances it's not fair at all to say "well,
she could just leave him!".
There are so many reasons why women who appear to have the ability to leave "simply choose not to". Would this be the norm if there was a support system of resources for single women, regarless of imcome or if they have children, who want to get away from this? No.
For many women, despite how things may seem from the outside, they are unwillingly bound by invisible social "strings" that make a man with a generally "good" reputation almost impossible to label as an abuse, or even just as inconsiderate/lazy/selfish.
The patriarchy is literally designed so that women who don't already have everything they need will have to get it from a shit-tier man who can't function without a mommymaid in exchange for domestic slavery and servitude.
No. 943506
>>943487You're right in many ways but also underestimating how much of a woman's reluctance to leave is because she simply doesn't want to, not in any systemic or structural barriers. The patriarchy at fault there too, it makes women feel worthless if they're single, see marriage as the ultimate goal in life, feel ashamed if they can't make a relationship work, and teaches them that their job is to be a pickme doormat for the sake of getting/keeping a man. And one of the best ways to combat that is to actively, loudly criticize men for being trash and remind women that yes, it's ok to stand up for yourself, it's ok to be single, it's ok to just fucking dump him. Sometimes all a woman needs is higher self esteem and a wake up call about having standards, not resources or a support system.
No. 943512
>>943506>doesn't want toMy point was to try and illustrate that women in these situations are trapped, not only by the reputation of the man but possibly also the fact that the
abusive man is the closest thing they have to another adult in their life.
To employ Occam's razor here, until vulnerable women have a way to pick up a phone and get out of their situation without having to jump through a million hoops, it's not ok to gripe about abused women doing all they can to minimize the impact of the abuse.
This isn't somewhere a woman ends up from making bad decisions or being lazy or unstable or dumb. Society is designed to put vulnerable women without resources with men who otherwise could not function alone so they can keep making money and blowing it on coomer bullshit while their live in servant does all their chores and upkeep for free via manipulation, extortion, social gaming and the sheer fact that most of the world sees women as housekeeping pleasue slaves for breeding more males and servants.
No. 943519
>>943506>>943512Derp, forgot my final point. Part of the "support system" you say is unneeded here IS building that woman back up over time so she feels able to leave. The power of the mind is incredible, people can literally will themselves to die if they believe hard enough that they're dying. A primary tool of abuse is brainwashing, which no, you cannot just wake up and snap out of after possibly a lifetime of patriarchal indoctrination. Plus, it doesn't help that women would rsther doubt that another woman actually
needs help while 100% of people arguing agree that she needs to leave him, but they're too busy fusding over the whys and hows to actually step up to the woman and ask if she wants help working her way out.
Even women who do leave
abusive men are often pursued legally for custody, alimony and tons of other shitty reasons designed only to cripple the woman's independence, stability and self esteem. You NEED all three to "function" and saying to run full speed ahead without what you need to make it work or else tou slam into another wall slightly further away.
No. 943524
>>943519The patriarchy trains women from puberty to work against each other for better handouts, and this argument is a prime example of this. The only attitude that solves these problems is "okay, you need help. let's get started on the process" not "well MAYBE this particular woman is just whinging for pity, even tho her man is shit and she should leave him. she must like it or hate herself."
Like how the actual hell does someone "choose" to stay in an
abusive situation after being offered a real way out that isn't a thinly veiled ultimatum for another predator?
No. 944833
>>943487>>943506>>943524I half agree and disagree, I do think that we need to raise our standards but the way some delusional radfems claim that the patriarchy is the only reason we seem companionship is fucking stupid
so many radfems believe in elaborate delusion that are on part with /pol/tards in how they talk about ZOG