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No. 943367
>>>/ot/937633The great bullying debate, let it all out
No. 943392
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i miss my cat reeeeee
No. 943418
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>>943367fucking tired of my brother implying that Im a lazy neet when I make more money than him an hour and basically being the only financial support of my schizophrenic mom just by drawing furry in a shitty third world country with shit curency. Spent my whole life being laughed at for drawing so much now I make quick bank with it but it still irritates me that people like my brother judge me for not wagecucking my days away when I have the opportunity to work, study and also take care of my mother with the money I get with comms.
No. 943435
>>943020nonnie, look. I had to stop when reading your post and I have so much to say.
First off, if you are not writing creatively I strong suggest you start, because holy fuck man. I was on that roller coaster of emotions with you. From start to finish, my man heard me down the hall reacting in real time.
I’m so fucking sorry your favorite meal screws with you, and I’m sorry you gotta compromise your life for your health shit.
With that being said, can you share the recipe? I may not be eloquent, but I can throw down in the kitchen.
Let’s look at the recipe and tweak it so you can have your cake and eat it too.
No. 943453
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I have no idea what to do with my hair at this fucking point. I was seriously considering a chemical straightener, but I keep second guessing that. As much as I dislike my hair, I would be so sad to semi-permanently get rid of my curl pattern (even though that's the whole point of straightening). If I don't like my hair when it's chemically straightened, then I don't want to have to start over again. What I really want is to shave my hair again, but I still want to have hair. I wish I could have the experience is having a shaved head while still keeping my own hair. Being natural is not always everything everyone cracks it up to be. Maybe I will dye my hair that color I've been thinking about and see how I feel then. yes I posted about this in the last thread. I'm sorry for being annoying, this is just frustrating for me
No. 943468
>>943465Then get good at drawing sexual stuff you like if you even like anything sexual. I like just drawing naked women because I find the female form much more appealing in general, but I steer away from intercourse and penetration, same with other kinks. I just like drawing pretty posed women with and without clothes.
If you can find the right audience and your art is good enough, you could easily get people interested in supporting you. Even doing a ko-fi.
No. 943474
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I finally have a handle on my mental health and the one stipulation is that I have to have horrific intrusive thoughts throughout every day. I talk about them with my therapist and it helps but I feel like there's not much she can do to actually intervene. Sometimes I wonder if it's my lot in life to be mentally unhinged.
No. 943527
>>943465>>943468Read below
>>943469This. I don't even draw nsfw, I found my niche drawing guns/history/fantasy medieval and I have a quirky fursona that many people like.
>>943490>>943502I can live comfortably with around 300 USD a month in my country, I have a demand so I could make more if I wanted I assume but I usually just open 5 cheap slots a month and I'm just fine
No. 943541
>>943418Bleed em dry anon and take all the credit while your jealous brother seethes.
I just hope he won't murder/honor kill you for wounding his pride, such is the way of third worlder scrotes.
If I had a skill that could be marketable to autistic coomers I'd do the same thing instead of being a salary cuckie.
No. 943550
>>943424Any man who says he wants a stay at home wife is just dogwhistling for a domestic slave.
They absolutely grow resentful if they catch their wives idling or doing anything else besides being the domestic slave.
What really gets me is the fact that I know most of these men who bitch about having to go to work aren't actually doing shit all day (I know this because I work with these lazy overpaid assholes who aren't expected to do much anything) meanwhile keeping up with domestic duties especially with children involved is pretty much a 24/7 job. Men barely work but then bitch about how much they do so they can shirk out of their domestic responsibilities.
Tbh nothing has really improved for women when it comes to het relationships.
You either become a stay at home wife where a scrote these days is way more liable to screw you over and leave you with nothing, or you've gotta get your ass to work while also putting in the majority of housework because scrotes don't play fair.
No. 943563
>>943551I don't think I'm great at math, but statistics is another beast than regular math. It's something good to know because it's used all the time including in science.
>What is a regression? Regression is correlating two variables together. For example
Weight of baby = m*age + B
Generally when a baby gets older, the weight increases. M might be something like 1.5 lbs/month (or 0.7 kg/month). B represents the other factors that affect a baby's weight.
We can represent this on an x-y graph. X is age and Y is Weight.
>What is a y-bar?To find out the correlation, we need to take a sample of a bunch of babies. For example, we could go around a nursery to note what age the babies are and what their weights are. So y-bar is just the average (mean) of the weight of all the babies we sample.
>Why would you need or want to remove variables from your SST's regression?To not complicate things, I'll say that SST is used to find the correlation between the explanatory variable (age) and dependent variable (weight). We call this measure of correlation r-squared. The higher the r-squared, the greater the correlation. If r-squared = 1 there is a lot of correlation between the two variables (unlikely). If it's 0.6 then it's pretty strong but there are still a lot of other factors that affect a baby's weight besides age.
>Why can't we all just do reading so I don't have to think about how incompetent I am at math?I think statistics is a good combination of writing and math. You need to do some basic math but you also need to be well-written to explain your findings.
No. 943580
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I just read through the 'news stories that fuck with you'' thread like a dumbass and now I'm horrendously sad. Men need to be eradicated
No. 943583
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So here's the thing: My job isn't stressful but I'm 100% convinced I work in a toxic work environment. The only reason I'm sticking around is that my department director has some faith in me and apparently I really delivered and impressed on a recent project which diverged from the apparently incompetent image people had of me (and how they reached that–I can't be certain but looks like people were talking shit about me for awhile). So I'm seeing if it leads to any kind of higher pay, promotion, or experience to put on a resume to find a better job.
Director says she'll back me if I apply to the promotional position, but just because I have one leadership person in my corner doesn't necessarily mean anything. The rest of the company were assholes to me up until she came along.
I'm tired of seeing other people being paid higher than me for fucking around and socializing all day while I'm constantly busy when they're not smarter or more qualified than me.
I'm tired of feeling like an outsider while a lot of coworkers have their stupid little circle thinking I'm too dumb to notice and gossiping about me when I've never done shit but be polite and friendly.
I'm tired of being the fall-gal for my shitty manager who just wants to keep me in my place because very few other humans would do my role and take so much blame for trying to clean up other people's fuckups for this little pay, hence the high turnover before they found me to fill this.
I tried to ignore this shit as petty. I tried to keep my head down and let obviously threatened people talk their smack because I knew I could prove them wrong in the end. I tried to tell myself that those lazy assholes aren't doing the company any good and it would bite them eventually. Yet it's exhausting and I'm tired of pretending that everything is fine.
No. 943595
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what if I’m hitler reincarnated into a 21st century woman? much to think about, the thought makes me feel really sexy in a devious way
No. 943607
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>>943598I'm so glad you enjoyed it! The great things about statistics is you can use it to measure trends in about anything. When I graduate I'm going to analyze the statistics of Smash characters and how long ago their franchises started. The sky is the limit.
Also I think an image might help explain r-squared better. Here are some examples.
>>943563 No. 943633
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>>943595Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Hirohito, et al. reincarnated as 21st century teenage girls vying for power over their local high school. Who will obtain the covefed title of prom queen?
No. 943643
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I will need a blunt, a good fanfic and some sleep after watching that horrible shit in the bad art thread, god lord
No. 943690
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I wish I could stay in a psych ward for the rest of my life free of any responsibility or obligations where me and my cool ass psych ward best friend do crazy shenanigans and constantly escape, have lots of sex and always get thrown back in all the time, it would be so fun. The life that society has deprived me of makes me sad, I could’ve been a badass farmer, a spy, a robotic-mecha bitch, a monkey, a demon, a bird, anything… but I given this disgusting bag of flesh and bones. Need me that psych ward cinematic experience
No. 943716
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>>943709Look at how precious they are~
No. 943731
But please let's keep living longer
No. 943767
>>943763That's because you're looking it at from a standpoint of thinking of the cows as women. There are absolutely anons who call out the ridiculousness of some of the things posters say and speculate, the absurd narratives they paint just to make some milk, but you have to look at it as they are just people. This is a female centric board, but the women are just people and there are guys doing the same shitty behavior too. The one thing added on is usually sexuality and these women taking that get talked about usually taking advantage of the fact that they are women.
I find it less less helpful toward feminism to just let people keep amplifying tropes that harm women.
No. 943819
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I want to die. fml
No. 943912
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Lately I can't sit still or focus at work. I can't stop acting like a unhinged sperg. I'm feeling understimulated, and have been doing boring tasks for a while. It used to be different. My contract ends in december, and a part of me wants to become unemployed and on benefits, to work on my personal projects, and look for freelance gigs. Sadly, the economy is shit currently, and I'm in a competitive field (graphic design). My relatives tell me that I'm acting immature. But personal time is precious. Way more than money. It's the key to self fulfillment, the top of Maslow pyramid.
I don't know what to do. I will never really fit into normie life, no matter how hard i adapted on the outside.
No. 943953
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>>943491There is so much that goes into photography
nonnie. Your camera, focal length, lighting, posing all have drastic effects. You're putting a 3D object on a 2D plane, it'll look weird sometimes. The front and back cameras are wildly different, your angle is different too that's why mirror selfies are generally better.
No. 943962
>>943956Don’t even acknowledge her anymore, she’s a psycho. She’s looking for a response to fuel her drama, don’t entertain it. Reminds me of triangulation, a tactic used by manipulative people.
And for the guy, yea he’s only thinking with his dick. Which ultimately means, it’s going to be a fling and that’s it. She probably can’t hold up the act for too long, or she gets the rush from “stealing” men, so once their caught it’s boring.
Hang in there, you’ll make more connections and form more crushes. And you’ll eventually date someone so good and wonderful, you’d never settle for the crush you have now.
No. 943968
>>943962Sadly she liked him for a while. And she wont let him go. He's… stupid popular online and watching her new e thot persona blossoming forth, yeeeeaaaah.
Honestly I'm going for our mutual friend since he doesn't think with his dick and he's noticing the bullshit as well. And so is one of HER friends. The girl was amazing last night and told her "Mmmn excuse me? Can you stop talking? They clearly have something to say and you're clearly butting in."
As for the advice of ignoring her. I might start doing that. I already blocked her number.
No. 944014
>>943956When a man protests too much about another woman (even if what he's talking about seems negative at face value) it's because she's what's on his mind.
Men actually ignore women they find legitimately annoying and even moreso if they're not attracted to them.
Tbh anon the guy sounds like a coomer anyway. The pickme is doing you a favor by taking out the bad trash. Let her think she's won and then watch that relationship burn within a year lmao.
No. 944031
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Small petty vent but my husband said he isn't taking the fucking cabbage rolls I made to his parents today because he's going straight to visit them after work. They're sitting in the fridge since Sunday so if they don't get eaten today, I'll make him throw them out. Of course he wasn't about to pack them to go at 5am before he left this morning! Had I known that, I would have done it myself so he wouldn't have had an excuse to leave them behind. He says he forgot but it's really about laziness–he could stop by the house quickly after work and it wouldn't impact his commute to their place since our house is en route to them anyway, but he won't.
So the food I made and my efforts on Sunday evening were wasted. I'm so peeved right now.
I'm going to make food for myself for awhile. He never cooks me anything and when I make meals it's a 50/50 that he'll like them or make autistic complaints, so why do I bother? He never cooks for me because he claims he can't (aka he won't–and tbf when he tries it is truly kafkaesque), and rarely do I get a date out or food brought home for me by him anymore. Yesterday he did bring me home grocery store sushi from his store, but didn't tell me beforehand about this plan so I had made coconut shrimp for myself. I had leftover shrimp that I planned to save for later but he helped himself to that after polishing off his sushi roll without even asking me first. Ugh.
No. 944050
>>944031This used to happen with my mom and her partner, she would always cook every single day and he would do nothing ever because can’t cook won’t cook despite her buying him a cooking book FOR
lazy MEN that he never opened once. When she went on strike he would act unbothered and just live on toast and crackers for himself. At times like this I’m happy to be single. Was he like this before you married?
No. 944052
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I'm tired of this bpd betty bitch trying to involve herself in my bf's life.
she's a "family friend" but stayed with my bf and his family as a teen because she was a trashy junkie… and now she has some complex with him and can't keep herself away despite knowing he's with someone. nasty bitch. my bf already told her to step off but I guess I'm going to have to do it too.
No. 944059
>>944054You and the others she pushed this on need to talk and see if you can just tell the bitch to fuck of
So many trips are ruined because one bitch HAS to bring her scrote everywhere she goes and then the vibe is ruined. Plus they usually couple up the whole time and don't even interact
No. 944075
>>944041>>944044>>944050Best believe I bitched about him eating my shrimps. He's always apologetic but I wish he'd learn to be considerate rather than begging forgiveness later.
Apparently he's going to his parent's house tomorrow instead now, so I will ensure that blasted cabbage gets into their mouths. Sometimes he has moments of fucking clarity where he realizes his behavior is annoying and tries to correct it before I'm heaps pissed.
He really wasn't much like this before. Granted that he did admit straight away he's a shit cook and doesn't do it so that's on me for accepting the matter.
I just thought he'd keep pretending to like my meals, and keep taking me out on dates but I guess that makes me a damn fool. He's not a bad guy, but in the end he's still a guy re: Conditioned to always take the easiest way out, allowed to be unapologetically selfish, and never having to conceal how he feels. Am I actually mad about that or am I just jealous that I don't act the same as a man does even when I know I should? I'm not really sure if there's any such thing as a 100% good Nigel. As long as the worst I can say about him is that he's picky and eats my food sometimes then maybe shit isn't so bad. At least venting here makes me feel less stressed and not crazy.
No. 944085
>>944052He's the one that needs to be firm and tell her no at every stop, it's not your responsibility to chase away women with attachment issues. You tell him how it makes you uncomfortable and what you expect him to do about it, and he either complies or you start looking for another man.
Family friend or not there are such things as boundaries and inappropriate relationships. If he doesn't get it then it doesn't bode well for your future with him anon, run.
No. 944096
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I hate the study field I'm in. For years I got my mom telling me that it was going to be the best field for me, but I'm on my last week of studing and I swear, these were the worst years of my life. Between growing health issues, my computer science teacher making fun of me whatever he saw me in class, the Covid only made it worse because now my teacher has a way to keep making fun of me in the form of keeping me on the waiting room for 15 minutes and then telling me to come earlier in front of the class, when I was at the right time. Besides there's my mom reminding me of how when she was my age, she used to have parties, a lot of fun and friends while I can't even leave the house or even get to see my classmates. Yesterday on Etsy I found a really cute plushie for a Kickstarter campain, and I
HAD the money to pay for the tier to get it, but because of the Covid, the school asked for more books and all my savings were used. I know that a degree is more important than a plushie, but I really wish I could have the money back.
>>944015I feel the same way, usually weird DeviantArt fetish art is fun to laugh at, but there's something so grotesque about having such fixation on the pain of children. I am holding all my forces to not a-log at that person.
No. 944105
>>944075>I wish he'd learn to be considerate rather than begging forgivenessWhy do you think he hasn't learned by now? I bet it's because what he has learned is there won't be any consequences for his behaviour. It's easier just keeping on doing the shit you want to when all you have to do after is apologize.
But you're right, despite annoying there's far worse things than a man being a picky eater and eating your food.
No. 944108
>>944105I'm open to suggestions anon, I just don't know what kinds of consequences I can implement besides "You didn't make my life easier today so I'm not fucking you" and making him clean up the leftovers we waste and doing the dishes.
An anon mentioned divorce, but this issue doesn't make me miserable and let's not pretend people wouldn't look at me like a psychotic lunatic if I really divorced someone over food even if it did. I'm just annoyed and agitated.
No. 944114
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God I hate delusional and entitled hamplanets. You are a burden, not the poor ill victim of oppreshun.
No. 944117
>>944111You ain't wrong
nonnie, wish me luck.
No. 944167
>>943974…. yeah he is. He never dated before so he's loving the attention. Can't say who, but he draws/animates coomer stuff
>>944014That's the plan. I never seen a relationship last where two grown ass adults still live in their mothers basement.
No. 944197
>>944054don't go lol
if you go she will think you're a doormat and that she can do what she wants with you
No. 944264
>>944248>>944256What's your problem? Just hide the thread. Treat it like a containment so that we don't shit up celebricows for the rest of you. Also, most celebrity threads have quickly died (Mitski, Chalamet, Depeche Mode isn't going fast etc.) so I don't see a reason to get bothered by it
Cannot speak for all anons, but I'm not a twitterfag and been updating certain cow threads for a long time.
No. 944295
>>944264Stan culture is gay, so the thread sucks by default. Even if you're not a twitterfag, making the thread and then propping up your little "THIS IS A HATER FREE ZONE" sign comes off as weirdly controlling, like a twitter user policing their uwu safe space.
Saying it's just a containment thread isn't a good excuse, because containment threads aren't a good thing. They're a last-ditch attempt to control sperging that keeps happening despite repeated bans.
No. 944321
>>944295The stan thing is tongue in cheek since I doubt we have actual psycho stans. The haters not welcome thing is mentioned since some of you cannot stop going to threads you hate to shit them up instead of hiding (see: the dog hate/love thread drama) or discussing in an appropriate place. BTW, implying that we cannot discuss Lana in celebritycows (fair enough, since lyric analysis isn't drama) and also in a separate thread also is strangely controlling.
If the thread breaks the rules, mods can lock it. Otherwise IDGAF when you can hide the thread
No. 944358
>>944286Tbh, I think only the AD thread should exist and the Jerma thread shouldn't have been allowed. Not because I have anything against Jerma
he looks like he stinks but anyway but we already have a million and one threads for men, and anons really shouldn't flood the boards with individual scrote threads (especially if they
know it's going to die?)
No. 944362
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idgaf if people ignore me!! i am surprisingly a living breathing human being and someone ignoring me doesn’t mean i don’t exist!! every human is made from the hands of god’s architectural genius. no matter what embarrassing mistake i choose to make i will always be ephemeral i don’t disappear i become the moment i am the invisibility i am the ghost humans have not made me i made i made i made i made i made i
No. 944566
>>944496Same anon, same. When I found out about the Trace an Object subreddit
I couldn't stop thinking about it for a week. None of the pictures are graphic but the context gives me a visceral feeling, shit like bed covers with Mickey Mouse patterns or baby clothes. My heart goes out for those kids and I can only hope they're safe and loved now. If I had a gun I wouldn't hesitate to kill those fuckers.
No. 944758
>>944752You really needed to be held as a child but don’t worry oldfag
nonny you’re perfect just the way you are with your saggy boobs and all
No. 944763
>>944751If women dont look good while they're older then why do men still give a shit for 'hot milfs'?
>>944758Holy shit get off tik tok and instagram to go outside for a while. You wont magically die at or become a 70 year old grandma for going past the age of 25. Hope you realise infantilizing women to always look like teens is a lot more grotesque than any regular 25+ woman.
No. 944766
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>>944758>>944751here we go again
No. 944897
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I'm going to seriously miss this place if it shuts down. I know it's really silly to say, but I feel like you nonnas are the only ones who really understand what it's like to be a socially outcasted and/or depressed female. I just wish I could find you all irl so I could befriend you. You can more easily find social outcast moids but they're degenerates who probably deserved to be outcasted and think women have it easier (they don't know our pain). I wish I had the guts to post in the friend finder thread while it was still up, because I genuinely would've liked to befriend a lot of you here.
No. 944970
>>944763Because men are coomers with no standards and something doesn’t become okay or
valid just because men happen to like it, get real grandma.
No. 944972
>>944964Anon it reads like you need something else to do, do you study? Work? Have hobbies? Extreme social anxiety is horrible but it would be bad to keep on like this anon. I know is a pain in the ass to try to get out and meet new people or have more things to do but it reads as if you know you have to do it soon and I wish you luck anon!
Give yourself some time alone, is not that horrible to talk to yourself! You can learn what you don't like about you and work on fixing it or accepting it.
Would your old friends talk back if you approach them? Would you go out and meet new people?
No. 944994
>>944897I never want to know a single
nonnie irl this place is unhinged kek
But at the same time I really hope it never gets taken down. I don't think it can last forever but having a girlchan was really helpful for unpacking all the damage that male-dominated sites and media did to me. When I first started using this site I was beginning to be a pickme, I came here to shit on other girls, but the daily onslaught from the man hate threads
triggered me into a radfem phase. Now I post less and I'm more of a chilled out centrist libfem but the journey was important.
I hope even if this place dies that there will be another female space to post anonymously, sometimes you need to be told your opinion is shit
No. 944995
>>944992The more water you drink the less the pee hurts. It's gross but you can also sit in a hot bath and just pee into the water to lessen the pain if you're peeing constantly
If you see blood in your pee go to emergency care
No. 944996
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>want to buy pic related
>no eu stores carry it
>only uk ones
>uk isn't eu, so, taxes and fees
I just want a cute plushie ffs. Amazon doesn't ship to my country and everything outside the eu is now getting taxed/extra import fees ugh
No. 945008
>>944996Might as well travel to the Uk, use the address of the hotel/airbnb you will stay at and place the order while there.
You get to travel and to have the plushie.
my brother does that whenever he wants new tennis racketsUnless you could find an international courrier to send it to your home
or a friend/family member who will travel to the uk could give you the address of the place they will stay so you can send the plush there.
That’s usually what we do in my family whenever we really, really want stuff.
No. 945010
>>944996The uk thing has been annoying me. I wanted to buy an adult toy lately, my country is shit for that stuff and the sites here seem dodgy. I used to always order from the uk but now there's fees and there's also the fact that they have to write a declaration of what it is. Even amazon has to declare the contents still. I should've bought a couple of things right before the fees came in tbh. Kicking myself now.
Also, nice plush.
No. 945020
>>945012Same, anon. But it coming off slowly is normal. I don't know about you but I certainly didn't put all the weight on in a short amount of time, so I can't expect it to come off that way either.
Healthy living isn't a race, you'll get there <3
No. 945025
>>945004I know the constant peeing is annoying and painful but you need to drink more water or else you have a higher risk of your bladder getting more alkaline or bacteria heavy which causes the infection to spread further into your body or burn its' internal paths harder
Please drink lots of water anon
No. 945048
>>945039Maybe the UK just does the importation of those goods from foreign countries and then sells it on
Afaik the UK has lost a lot of it's factories, the only thing we make is rotten unpicked farm produce and organic meat
No. 945063
nonnie, I am a fatty too, losing weight. I got 100 pounds to lose, and I am 9 down as of this morning. 91 to go!
Something to consider, and you don’t have to reply to me, but the crash dieting and such can be a form of disordered eating. I struggled with binging since I was a teen, and now after 10+ years I finally have treatment for it, and medication. Turns out I need help with impulses. (Also therapy to work through traumas that have happened that cause me to eat emotionally.)
Now that I have the meds and the resources to control my impulse to shove food in my mouth, I’ve found that calorie management is a lot easier and I don’t sabotage my progress. I called my insurance and asked for an appointment with a doctor specializing in eating disorders, and the rest fell into place.
I wish you luck on your journey, ultimately this is not about the the weight; it’s about getting in tune with your body. Don’t look at the scale for a while; instead make your goals physical.
For example, improve your cardio distance each workout or push a little more on a set. Once you get into working out, it might be easier to structure your diet accordingly.
Take care!
No. 945071
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FUCK alcohol.
FUCK wageslaving.
FUCK breeders.
FUCK shitbull owners and defenders.
FUCK scrotes at the gym.
FUCK boomers.
FUCK my fucked up barely functioning family that made me the way that I am.
FUCK instagram and tiktok.
No. 945087
>>945071I feel ya
nonnie, I agree
No. 945089
nonnie, I am feeling better now.
No. 945097
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I have a very painful crush that I am torn between trying to get the fuck over and indulging in.
I oscillate between both extremes and it's so pathetic I refuse to tell anyone IRL, as if that would help anyway.
No. 945127
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>>945061You know what I meant
No. 945158
Hearing my father talk gives me cancer. Misogynistic, delusional, broke, and in his old age. And since he’s 75 and I’m in uni and I have to support him. If I speak, I’m the Evil Cunt who’s fighting with a poor old man. I’m sick of you dumb fucking cunts, I’ve been “letting it go” since I was 10. I’m tired of healing his stories, I want to tell it to him. That he’s a delusional man trying to cope with being near the end. I don’t want to hear a story about how you divorced your ex-wife because she’s stood up to you (good for her! She clearly had self-respect), I don’t want to hear stories about women begging to marry you and you rejecting them, I don’t want to hear stories about you being the fucking superstar of every situation and the true sigma who solved the problem. Women probably spat in your food. I don’t care. I don’t care. But I have to tolerate him or I’m a “low empathy ungrateful” bitch who makes old men cry. And KEEEKKKKK at my sister when she went like, “You’ll regret treating him like this when he dies.” RETARD if he dies tomorrow I’ll pray on his soul and go take a nap. Everybody fucking dies, don’t try to blackmail. He’s done nothing but make me miserable, him and my doormat piece of shit mom. I swear to god there should be a term like child-trapping but for when a parents gives birth to a child and that child is trapped into dealing with them until they die. Parent-trapping. God I wish I could get uber rich and become so busy I barely see them.
No. 945221
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>>943367I have no fucking clue what is going on in my dnd group right now. We were about to add a new member but now he’s not sure if he’s joining, and it’s throwing us all out of whack. We had two campaigns going, and one one shot (which has turned into a multiple session ordeal) in case one of us didn’t show up for the meetup, and now we’re probably going to start a new campaign because the new guy doesn’t want to join a pre-existing campaign or one shot.
Kinda don’t wanna be in the group because I already don’t like dnd that much to begin with, and this just makes it harder for me to come up with characters when we jump around from campaign to campaign like this.
Also just as a little side note, one of the campaigns we were running had my husband as DM, and I was playing a character we had worked on for ages and I loved her to pieces. I’m extra annoyed that there’s a chance that I won’t get to play here anymore :(
No. 945228
>>945221can you tell us more about the character you made,
nonnie? my partner has encouraged me to get into dnd but I've just never been interested, though I love hearing about other peoples experiences for some reason, kek.
No. 945248
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>>945244>male bffThe fuck?
No. 945271
>>945228Not sure if I’m supposed to sage because this isn’t about venting but I will anyways
so her name is Katarina Sokol, she’s an aspiring anthropologist whose primary goal is to figure out what the artifact that her dying uncle gave her means. She holds him in high regard, more so than her parents, even though he’s lied to her about the majority of his past.
She’s not very organized, and has a quick temper. She’s determined to a fault to figure out what the artifact’s inscription means so that she can go back to her uncle and tell him in time. This damages her relationship with the rest of the group fairly early on. There’s not much to like about her, but that’s kind of the point. The last character I made was almost TOO likable, so I wanted to try the opposite.
That’s a quick rundown of who she is, but who knows if I’ll ever get to play this character again lmao
No. 945349
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Nonnies…. am I okay? I feel no love for anyone right now, not my family, not my boyfriend. I don't feel joy. I don't feel anything inside right now.
Please help……
No. 945378
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I just fucked up another friendship opportunity. This time someone that I midly admired because she seemed like an optimistic and sweet kind of girl. Like she would always be nice and kind and post optimistic stuff in her facebook profile. Maybe I'm stupid.
I honestly wonder if there's something inherently wrong with me. I don't want to have friends anymore. I could maybe make friends in the future but right now I just don't want to have friends. I feel the need to be an hermit. I need to stop talking to people and focus on myself and my needs. People are dumb and they hurt me.
Has anyone been feeling like this too?
No. 945424
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I fucking hate living with roommates. I live with 3 other people, all girls around my age. They just do not know how to live in a shared space. Part of having a roommate = less rent = you need to be more accomodating of the other people living in your house. 2 of them just have no courtesy at all, and 1 of them is a completely mentally ill "i have adhd and anxiety" mess. All of our conflict starts in the kitchen, where nobody cleans up after themselves on a daily basis. We HAVE A DISHWASHER (which is a huge luxury) and nobody bothers to fill it or to unload it but me. I have talked to them about this, and they all kind of point fingers at each other but don't change their ways. My 1 roommate that uses her ADHD as a weapon basically will "forget" that the dishes in the sink for days are hers and will text our groupchat something super passive aggressive about how we all need to clean up after ourselves. I know they aren't my dishes as I make a point to clean mine immediately to avoid their sink cesspool, and another one of my roommates uses her own set of plates/bowls. I have talked to them so many times about how we need to take the bathroom trash out when it is full so that nasty tampons don't spill everywhere. It feels like shit because I just want to do these things to make my environment livable, but I should be getting some help from the 3 other people who live with me. I never want to have roommates again, but I am not financially stable enough to live in the housing market I live in.
No. 945427
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>>945388It was a dumb mistake on my part. Here's a tidbit though
She always posted things on her fb page like "anyone can be my friend" "if you need someone I'll be there" and "dont be afraid to become my friend" (something like pic related)
Then I actually message her and I apparently just left her on read (I don't remember doing so, I changed numbers and fb account though, or probably I did left her on read as a mistake, I'm not the most focused person in the world). So then I try to add her again and she doesn't respond, and continues to not respond. And then I contact her on facebook and insta. And still no response, I thought "Maybe I did something wrong or she just hasn't seen my messages because of some error", I freaked out. She then out of nowhere told me "I don't add unknown people" (even though I know her from school?) and then she was like "I'm tired of you trying to contact me everywhere, I have no time for people like you". Idk
That's what happened. Sorry for the spacing of my post I'm just upset with some small anxiety.
No. 945431
>>945427She sounds… untrustworthy and odd.
It seems more often than not that people who post things like that are only doing it to seem like a good person and not because they actually are.
I don't think you did anything wrong here. Best to leave her alone now, though. Hope you'll feel better soon.
No. 945439
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this guy in the new season of you is so fucking ugly to me i can barely watch the show
No. 945443
>>945438I guess it depends on what your last message was, such as if it was a question it can be pretty hard waiting for a response.
Asked my friend if she could remove something that revealed some personal info of mine on her Instagram a week or so ago, she still hasn't responded. That's one case where I'm pretty annoyed at a lack of response.
But getting mad at people for not responding to a casual convo is what I don't understand. If someone doesn't want to respond then they don't want to, why want to talk to someone who doesn't want to talk to you anyway?
I've noticed this behaviour of getting annoyed at a lack of response comes more from scrotes though.
No. 945448
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>>942931>>943352>>942911just saw these from the last thread as I’ve been shitting myself for a few days from the stress, (and dying of cringe) love you. needed that.
No. 945472
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this is my mood.
No. 945481
>>945475I'm similar to you. It's okay to be tomboyish. It's okay to not want to "doll oneself up". There's more women like us out there, please don't force yourself, because I did and it was a disaster. I just eased myself into some girly stuff carefully (stuff that I already had interest in, example: baking cute cakes), but once I tried to do what everyone expected of women (lots of makeup, nails, always dressed up, etc you know the sterotype) my life turned to shit and my self esteem went down. Making yourself more "femenine" is a joke, just be your own person, talk about the things you like, be confident in yourself. People like that way more, and you'll find the right friends (and partner!) that way.
No. 945487
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>>945484wow anon thats a lot to unpack right there in your post
No. 945496
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I want someone to hug me and tell me "it's okay it wasn't your fault". Sorry for asking this here but if some anon could please be nice to me and say this, it would make me feel so much better.
No. 945500
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>>945496everything will be okay anon
No. 945502
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feeling like suicide again but i know my parents would be depressed. also, wanting to die but also not wanting to die is such a strange state to exist in. it's like i'm hoping this mysterious three year long constant 24/7 chest pain will just make me not wake up one day, but i'm also terrified and definitely don't want to die at twenty-two.
No. 945505
>>945481I do actually want to try it or know more at least for occasions but the thought of even attempting it feels awkward. Like I'm putting on an act unlike myself even though deep down I would want to wear that lip gloss or whatever. I dunno how to put this into words without blabbing on but thank you for your advice anon. I appreciate it.
>>945485From experience, it's something that's come up in previous friendships. I mentioned interests and music taste too.
No. 945507
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>>945496It's going to be okay and it wasn't your fault
No. 945526
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NEETs are honestly terrible. I hope none of you ever have to know one IRL, it's not good.
No. 945535
>>945502ye same
>>945526I thought this was gore for a sec
No. 945549
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>>945526The ones that pretend to be all cocky and somehow better than functional adults are terrible. I have some hope for the rest. I have alot of empathy for the ones that want out but dont know how to get there.
No. 945555
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>>945503Samefag, wrote previous post on the train home from a date that didn't end the way I hoped ("I have dated a LOT of girls but you are the first one I feel I need to take care of because you're so innocent" bullshit) and the more I think about this the more upset I get. Tired of hearing that shit. I wish I was more of a bad bitch but it's really not in my nature no matter how much I try to change this fucking annoying "cute and innocent" impression I give people.
No. 945569
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I was supposed to bathe today, but felt too uncomfortable to due to my brother being home. Now I feel gross but I feel too uncomfortable to be naked while he's here.
I need to move out, but that's going to take a while.
I wish I lived in a cozy, small Japanese apartment. I wish my brother was nowhere near me. I wish my father would just let me go.
No. 945584
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I'm in a commited relationship, but I'm having the strangest feelings for some other guy right now. It feel very much like the begining of love, but I don't really want to date him nor have sex with him. I do have a lot of affection for him, want to see him often and I want him to be happy. Sometimes I even want to hug him. And my heart is heavy when I can't see him for a long time. Feels pretty weird.
No. 945589
>>945582Thank you so much for answering
nonny. Not to sound dramatic but I'm over here almost crying reading what you told me. And you are right I need to stop with the delusions and focus on my life.
>>945587Yeah a lot of it comes from social media if I'm being honest. Thank you for your honesty and advice
nonny is really helping me out.
No. 945595
>>945549What I really don't like are the ones who rely on other people for money. They're extremely entitled while also feeling like they are superior to those people. The one I know likes to blame everyone else for how her life is going (because somehow none of it is her fault at all). Just manipulative and horrible. Unfortunately I can't cut her off right now.
I'm sure there are some ok NEETs, I just don't like the ones who act like that.
No. 945601
>>945595There is nothing more rage inducing than an arrogant NEET gloating about their free time and mocking 'wagies' for not being clever enough to be unemployed too and having to suffer through work. Completely ignoring the fact that most NEETs rely on pathetic 'wagies' for financial support. Leeching off others is a massive luxury they're lucky to have, and much of the time it's an actively cruel thing to do to someone who loves you.
Realistically they're just coping hard for the judgement NEETs get but fuck, have some humility.
No. 945610
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>>945601I'm not NEET but I love NEET memes and will continue to use them whenever applicable.
No. 945635
>>945601Ayrt, and you said it better than I did. I just have such a hard time having any kind of empathy for them when they pull that shit. My NEET is one of the most immature people I know. It's like she's mentally a teenager but still wants the respect of a grown woman.
and of course she's always the victim no matter what>>945602I'm not sure what you're asking me? I think relying on other people for money and then pretending that you're better than them is wrong no matter how much money you're taking from them.
No. 945637
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My brother called me edgy because I said pedos should die. I didn't even kept arguing because I know it would be fruitless and draining. That's the kind of thing that most men just don't understand. He's probably for reintroducing the guy back into society and shit, which okay I guess, but people don't say shit like "kill the pedos" for no reason. They didn't steal some frivolous shit, they ruined (mostly girls) lives forever.
I was groped in a bus by some guy when I was 10 for like almost an hour when I was a kid. I'll never forget his face. I was afraid to catch the same bus, especially at the same bus stop for months, even though it is literally my everyday bus, even to this day.
I am now feeling like shit not only because I was reminded of that incident, but also because my brother can't understand victim's POVs.
Fuck all pedos, they should day slowly.
No. 945641
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>>945637He's probably into loli and doesn't like the personal attack
I've found that the more Chad a guy is the more he's totally on board with cutting off pedophile dicks. The coomers are always the ones that get defensive
No. 945658
>>945641>>945642I honestly don't think he's into pedoshit and he criticized stuff like that before, he just drunk too much libfem Kool aid and thinks that one solution fits all for most criminals, which is jail time and reeducation. In a perfect utopia, maybe. Probably if I told him I was sexually harassed by a pedo he would change his tune and say sorry and feel guilty and shit, but honestly it would be too much for me, I think I only ever told my boyfriend about it and it stills makes me shaky/emotional. Not solely for me, but to think about how shit like this and worse happens every fucking day.
Sorry for random unloading this and thank you for the support, nonnies.
When my boyfriend gets out of work I will vent to him as well cause I know he agrees with me on that
No. 945661
>>945647I don’t wanna get into details but I’m a content creator too. But all those girls who tried to ‘cancel’ Vinny at the start of this year weren’t, so I’m guessing it isn’t too hard to befriend him kek.
He has done me dirty so many times and I kept it in for so many years. Just wanted to say fuck that asshole, not trying to spill.
No. 945709
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I hate interacting with autistic people on here where my neurotypical bitches at
No. 945711
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I just found out my 30 year old male coworker has a 24 year old gf and this bothers me for some reason. Also they've been together since she was like 21-22. I feel too young around a 30 year old man to imagine a relationship with someone his age, and I always expected his girlfried to be around 28-30 since he seemed like a pretty mature "normal" guy, I just didn't expect his partner to be younger. I don't know why the fact that his gf is my age bothers me so much. Idk, maybe I'm just very immature? Why does it make me angry?
No. 945724
>>945719I literally said his gf is my age, also you sound like a scrote
>>9457216 years is quite a difference already. Men age faster, imagine having a 50 year old scrote when you're 44 and still fit
No. 945735
>>945728I heard about his gf from a female coworker who brags about everyone's personal lives even when not asked so
>>945729Yes I'm jealous of a balding 30 year old kek
No. 945762
>>945744Yeah I think that a 21 year old woman and a 27 year old man is gross? It doesn't matter she's 24 now because I know they've been together for at least 3 years (if not more), he had a better job and more experience and all that power imbalance
>>945748Ikr? They just sound like scrotes. Like, I wouldn't care about a 30 yo and a 36 yo who just met, but this is a different case
No. 945764
>>945760KEK anon
this response has so many levels I love it, well done
No. 945782
>>945767You seriously don't understand how can a 24 year old female feel young around a balding 30 year old boomer? Maybe I feel young around him because when I was in my late teens and early 20s I didn't date an older scrote that sucked the youth and life out of me
unlike some posters here>>945779I already said why, scrote.
No. 945794
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>>945721>muh developed brain at 25Ok so a 27 year old man, with completely developed brain, went after a 21-22 year old who still had like 3-4 years of development ahead of her, hmmm, nothing fishy in here.
No. 945810
>>945802t. someone with a differing opinion than mine must be a scrote
it’s an imageboard, i don’t need to prove anything to you only that you’re overcompensating and an eavesdropper
No. 945813
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>>945802He learnt how to sage and the babby thinks that's all it takes to blend in kek
YWNBAW No. 945820
>>945807Confirmed moid.
>>945810Weren't you just calling everyone who disagrees with you an old woman? Lol.
No. 945827
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>>945822They praise a woman for thinking for herself but when she actually does it she’s a handmaiden. Female solidarity is and will always be a smoke screen and this website is a good representation of that. Scrote this, pick me that, a woman can’t be anything only to be designated by other people’s words. I will always be attracted to older men and bitching about a 30 year old scrote dating a 25 year old will always be hilarious to me.
No. 945830
>>945795kek this
the eternally young scared to age anon with the old 30 year old balding scrote
someone should draw this
No. 945850
>>945843Statistically the bigger the age gap the higher the risk of divorce and that's for a reason.
And have you thought about the fact that a 21 year old is not fully developed and a fully developed 27 year old going after that person isn't ok?
No. 945869
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I'm starting to realize that for the last four years the reason why I feel constantly depressed and inadequate is due to the people around me. They kept calling me negative and said that I should go to a psychologist for my issues. I never felt I could ever be happy the same way that they were; my self-esteem shattered. However, I just realized my old friend group in high school pretty much talked about the same things and nobody called each other negative, we were just talking about our shitty lives and simply encouraged people to get through it. Also, even though I was going through a lot during my senior year of high school but I had more self-esteem and confidence. The only difference between then and now is that nobody pathologized my shitty life.
I'm not saying that I'm perfect or that I don't have mental health problems but why the fuck did I think talking about my life to clearly privileged people would not backfire? Why did I seek the advice of people whose biggest problem is being a little weird when I have dealt with homelessness and DV?
No. 945872
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I am tired of performative men and delusional women with daddy issues and wrinkly ballsack fetishes trying to convince the world that 30+ year old men are attractive, while 30+ year old women are grandmas. The opposite is literally true, anyone who claims MILFs aren't hot is a liar. Balding scrotes with beer guts and low quality sperm will never be hot, at least not to me sorry!!!
I know that roughly 70% of those women in the delusional wrinkle fetish category are also team "date a fat man so I can feel small and cute", don't even lie. Shit's disgusting, I can't imagine dating ugly faggots just so I can feel youthful and more attractive. What's the fucking point if you're going to wake up next to Quasimodo? How can anyone be happy like that?
*Note: This is my vent. Any angry reply will just make my waist more snatched, my tits bigger, my ass fatter and my teeth whiter, especially from dd/lg fetishists and disgusting 30+ scrotes
No. 945876
>>945867Doesn’t change the fact that also legally they are adults and if it’s a consensual relationship then it’s okay.
>>945858 >especially not when you act like a cunt in order to feel more nlogI’m really not like other women so yeah that’s pretty true
No. 945896
>>945885Mine are always damn near ghost poops, but I always wet wipe anyway.
>>945887I never said I was quirky for being semi-constipated, and I never said I was trying to change the subject. Maybe I just don't want to talk about old men anymore. No one goes to the doctor for constipation (and it's really not even constipation) and stinky poop, retard. If I go to the doctor what do you think they'll tell me? That poop is supposed to smell?
Keep complaining though, you only fuel my gross TMI poop posts.
No. 945908
>>945877Thanks. I made my own vent because I have my own opinion but I don't want to consort with mentally hysteric scrotes or pick-mes, I am quite proud of myself
>>945878Seriously, they all end up mad they wasted their youth on disgusting oldmanchildren like they weren't warned. Dummy shit
>>945882I disagree, but you're entitled to your opinion
>>945893I've been there. They are ugly to me. I'm young and beautiful, I desire a young and beautiful partner ♥
No. 945910
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>>945899NTA but I'll go back to my 20 yr old cock and you go back to your 44yr old cock. Kum bah yah
No. 945912
>>945911Bait as fuck. Just stop when you have
valid points you ruin them by being petty as fuck.
No. 945916
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>>945909Nah, a wet wipe. Wet tissue would be to inconvenient cause the sink is on the other side of my bathroom. It actually feels pretty nice when my hole is burning (which it often does after pooping). Just have to wipe with dry tissue afterward.
Flushable wipes are bullshit btw.
No. 945923
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>>945916Poop anon I used to use those wipes. Surprisingly dude wipes work really well. I found them out form shake tank and bought them as a joke but they’re really good.
No. 945927
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>>945922>Nice projection, I just entered my 20s, I'm fit, my pussy tastes like fruit and I have great genetics. Anyway, following in with the note in my vent, thank you for contributing even more to my beauty more with your rage. I wish you many happy years of erectile dysfunction and shitty old man diaperswtf KEK
No. 945931
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>>945927Yes. dd/lg femcels seething
No. 945932
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No. 945933
>>945923Smh, why are male marketed products always so cool looking
and sometimes even better?? It's not fair. I'll look into these anon, thank you for the recommendation!
No. 945937
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Stop bullying. I love my man's decaying dick and I know he struggles to get it up sometimes… and I get a little smegma stuck in my teeth sometimes… and his cum tastes like petrol… and I have to ride him all the time because his gut makes missionary tiresome for him… b-but despite all that he told me he loves ME and my tight young BODY! Stay mad ladies!
No. 945940
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>>945932>taking the time to copy-paste text from shitposts on Lolcow to prove that someone else is cringe and not you The copes that happen when you want to fuck old men. Can't relate. Pic related, me but female version
No. 945945
File: 1634863777396.jpg (85.85 KB, 736x731, 49a8aa2002950e17be06b82d314213…)

There's a lot of male contamination in this thread rn. Just stop replying and let them roleplay against each other.
No. 945953
File: 1634864067387.jpg (75.78 KB, 1280x720, ldr.jpg)

>>945948Why would you take "my pussy tastes like fruit" as a non-hyperbolic statement? Is this a side effect from ingesting the sperm of geriatrics? Do you think pic related was also a factual statement?
No. 945960
File: 1634864206905.jpg (191.01 KB, 647x818, 13356770089.jpg)

>>945940>Pic related, me but female versionahem
No. 945962
File: 1634864246038.png (17.59 KB, 300x400, F3CBEBD2-07E5-4A48-A263-0D60DC…)

>>945953omg pepsi cola omg I get it! that is like totally so like totally cool and very retro
No. 945965
>>945872fr on god no cap
The m*les mad at this just prove it.
Who, in the heavens above, wants some used, infertile, sagging ballsack- who most likely will try to find some way to manipulate you to have some form of control/power over you when you can just date someone dumber and your age :^)
No. 945966
>>945957KEK dying
Also wtf is happening in this thread? Half are sperging about moids and the other half are…discussing poop for some reason??? The fuck??
No. 945969
File: 1634864380734.jpeg (86.52 KB, 540x720, 30C887BB-A106-4528-96C6-3AD82C…)

you and me trying to hide the cute ass 50 year old daddies from the evul sitcom landlord trying to take my fun away
No. 945975
File: 1634864484520.jpg (24.39 KB, 725x414, fuck.jpg)

I hate it when i take a fat solid shit and it falls heavily and splashes water back at my asshole and pussy.
That's why i always shit before i piss.
No. 945978
File: 1634864552041.jpg (156.1 KB, 1280x720, lana.jpg)

>>945962Yeah bitch it's a skinny era Lana Del Rey Americana moment (except no Harvey Weinstein, no old scrotes or pick me ass lyrics ♥)
No. 945981
>>945975NOOO ANON! You have to put TP down before you poop!
>>945980>>945979You guys can't hold your poop?
No. 946000
File: 1634864955827.gif (7.59 MB, 1092x900, 6B5F7D9E-7E12-4BDD-93E3-B95D03…)

Kiss me hard before you go
Summertime sadness
I just wanted you to know
That baby, you the best
I got my red dress on tonight
Dancin' in the dark, in the pale moonlight
Done my hair up real big, beauty queen style
High heels off, I'm feelin' alive
Oh, my God, I feel it in the air
Telephone wires above are sizzlin' like a snare
Honey, I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere
Nothin' scares me anymore
(One, two, three, four)
Kiss me hard before you go
Summertime sadness
I just wanted you to know
That baby, you the best
I got that summertime, summertime sadness
Su-su-summertime, summertime sadness
Got that summertime, summertime sadness
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
I'm feelin' electric tonight
Cruisin' down the coast, goin' about 99
Got my bad baby by my heavenly side
I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight
Oh, my God, I feel it in the air
Telephone wires above are sizzlin' like a snare
Honey, I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere
Nothin' scares me anymore
(One, two, three, four)
Kiss me hard before you go
Summertime sadness
I just wanted you to know
That baby, you the best
I got that summertime, summertime sadness
Su-su-summertime, summertime sadness
Got that summertime, summertime sadness
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Think I'll miss you forever
Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky
Later's better than never
Even if you're gone, I'm gonna drive (drive), drive
I got that summertime, summertime sadness
Su-su-summertime, summertime sadness
Got that summertime, summertime sadness
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Kiss me hard before you go
Summertime sadness
I just wanted you to know
That baby, you the best
I got that summertime, summertime sadness
Su-su-summertime, summertime sadness
Got that summertime, summertime sadness
Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
No. 946008
>>945991I said she's my age in my first
>>945711 post you literal retard
No. 946009
File: 1634865072617.jpg (34.8 KB, 614x560, tumblr_22a8f0f701eb67bd761c7e4…)

>>945991That's not what they're saying, it's because most of us know how that these imbalances are prime material for moids to act like moids. But the fact that this is what you instantly default to smells like defective y-chromosome from a mile away anyway.
No. 946010
>>945984ftms always look so aged with saggy skin, i just thought it was the same types of people falling for the brainwash
>>945988it's been so long that i think jannykun is taking part ngl
No. 946015
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>>946005jannies can stop me by banning but they can never contain my spirit
No. 946019
File: 1634865325580.jpeg (359.56 KB, 525x720, CD89062F-CF3F-4923-9218-7FCDD1…)

>>946009Whatever he will always be my favorite husbando because he’s weak-willed
No. 946020
File: 1634865353551.jpg (58.07 KB, 645x900, 1633443761048.jpg)

>all this drama over 3d
Spray some rosewater on your faces and stop posting
No. 946051
File: 1634865805776.png (2.51 MB, 918x1632, imagen_2021-10-21_202311.png)

Post lolcow's husbando
No. 946052
File: 1634865811596.png (28.53 KB, 512x512, EVx-wgRXgAArW16.png)

>>946032>but seth rogen canbut the sex would be bad. I'd rather die a kissless handholdless virgin
No. 946063
File: 1634866016013.jpg (169.13 KB, 1224x1819, 1631295727978.jpg)

post 2d psyops
No. 946066
File: 1634866089977.jpeg (58.79 KB, 750x394, A61921F0-87B2-45E8-8E68-932991…)

>>946057you might as well simp for cocomelon since you’re already a degenerate
No. 946069
File: 1634866108708.jpeg (479.3 KB, 1170x1946, 5346DF0F-91C2-46B3-A223-98C586…)

99% of anime fans have shit taste. This was on the list of hottest anime guys. I wouldn’t even call him cute but hot? Fuck
No. 946072
File: 1634866198775.jpg (101.22 KB, 736x916, d191a2ef6db8c408d4592185630c8e…)

>>946041Okay puta. You should be happy that there's less competition for your wrinkle balled low effort moids who get anxiety attacks at the mention of valentine's day and spend more on their gaming rig than on you during the entire duration of your "relationship". Coping with and justifying a relationship with a scrote takes just as much fantasy and delusion as keeping a husbando.
No. 946074
File: 1634866221894.jpeg (111.55 KB, 750x763, B86DC250-720C-4AD8-A332-FA8FDE…)

No. 946080
>>946072>Okay puta.lmao what a banger I love it
Also I agree so much with you
No. 946081
File: 1634866283467.jpg (202.06 KB, 848x1200,…)

>>946041who gets this
triggered over a fucking drawing. i'll post a waifu just for you nonna
No. 946082
File: 1634866289405.jpg (109.22 KB, 736x981, nfr.jpg)

>>946041>freakBaby, if you wanna leave, come to California
Be a freak like me, too
Screw your anonymity, loving me is all you need
To feel like I do
We could slow dance to rock music, kiss while we do it
Talk 'til we both turn blue
Baby, if you wanna leave, come to California
Be a freak like me, too
No. 946087
i just shat and pissed a while ago..god i don't wanna cum too withing the same fucking hour god i don't want to be close to replicating that shitty zoomer moid meme but irl in any shape or form help
No. 946091
File: 1634866506142.jpg (38.36 KB, 245x245, 7379520.jpg)

>>946087>i just shat and pissed a while ago..god i don't wanna cum too withing the same fucking hour godOh my god anon lol
No. 946093
File: 1634866537530.png (679.25 KB, 1893x810, 8AFED239-C99A-4AD2-86D6-63F15F…)

MORE INhugging
mwah mwah
No. 946095
File: 1634866589662.jpg (323.66 KB, 800x870, wreoiugohig.jpg)

>>946051I actually have a new picture of him enjoying a double rainbow. Very wholesome and cute
No. 946100
File: 1634866720540.png (547.58 KB, 745x577, imagen_2021-10-21_203835.png)

>>946084ok I start, rate him
No. 946111
File: 1634866891904.jpg (37.98 KB, 400x600, a850f7a3c60c062a92b13fcedf768d…)

>>946084rate my other husbando (he ages)
No. 946113
File: 1634866913808.jpg (96.51 KB, 1080x1068, 38262784827163637.jpg)

>>946076This. At least my man looks like he washes his ass.
No. 946123
File: 1634867127107.jpg (32.45 KB, 425x626, 1630532748295.jpg)

>>946100cute but only in fanarts/10
No. 946124
File: 1634867177131.jpeg (87.96 KB, 1200x800, 4DB00375-60FC-433E-AA6F-F53D42…)

rate my husbando next
No. 946125
File: 1634867179713.png (1.31 MB, 910x1620, 2ed36e476ef2e48ac11f3901d74783…)

No. 946126
File: 1634867214216.png (230.19 KB, 378x428, imagen_2021-10-21_204656.png)

>>946111rate the alternate form of my husbando
No. 946138
>>946134Hey you're a fucking bitch and you stink
I-I don't like you or anything baka…
Also you're ugly as fuck
H-hope we can go on a date haha…
No. 946140
File: 1634867515318.png (55.05 KB, 256x256, imagen_2021-10-21_205145.png)

>>946126rate the last form of my husbando (he's supposed to be the cuteuwu one)
No. 946149
File: 1634867649965.jpeg (42.74 KB, 400x400, 9DBE61B7-9A3C-438E-8772-2ED3BE…)

husbando ranking for this cutie pie?
No. 946152
File: 1634867709698.png (190.23 KB, 640x480, imagen_2021-10-21_205512.png)

>>946140oh wait how can I forget
the bad demon lord form of my husbando
rate it pls
No. 946153
File: 1634867743021.jpeg (40.7 KB, 1024x576, 8E9B2F29-62B6-48BD-9B7C-52D910…)

Rating for gin
No. 946155
File: 1634867776059.jpeg (36.18 KB, 640x480, 58F6540E-5749-48CA-BFAD-3BEB8F…)

he’ll end all of your dorito chinned nippons once and for all
No. 946157
>>946138He has never talked to MC that way, stop exaggerating.
>>946139He would probably like that.
No. 946159
File: 1634867838352.gif (1.37 MB, 640x526, weird-dancing.gif)

No. 946162
>>946154>>946149skip on this pedo. wasted design
>>946152nice monster cock
No. 946163
File: 1634867989839.png (392.64 KB, 920x807, 90B8979A-2FFD-4B70-A7F1-1C60ED…)

Not human form, rate this hot ocotopus alien man. I was waiting for you. Look what all those tentacles can do ladies.
No. 946167
File: 1634868075273.jpg (193.75 KB, 557x800, 335228 - Copy.jpg)

>>946084He'll always be my one and only.
No. 946168
>>946155Cutie, i want to sit on his face
>>946160stfu hoe
>>946163>Look what all those tentacles can do ladiesWell well, that's a good deal
No. 946185
File: 1634868692397.jpeg (82.76 KB, 1280x720, BB36A79D-BFD1-42A2-B212-781DA5…)

Edina’s father from food wars. I wonder your dad left your annoying tsundere ass. Fine dining for all! Rate my loves
No. 946190
File: 1634868950405.jpg (147.31 KB, 736x1033, 53f064899f11f49af3a16a0b80f8d9…)

he would find me insufferable but that is ok!
No. 946202
File: 1634869569543.png (977.57 KB, 773x1799, P5_Munehisa_Iwai.png)

>>946191ogata hyakunosuke from golden kamuy
>>946194here's another one
No. 946204
File: 1634869608466.png (441.72 KB, 1280x703, tumblr_paf5vu7qPA1qh1c3so1_128…)

where are my majimafags at
No. 946211
File: 1634869897356.jpg (172.74 KB, 869x869, tumblr_395d98a68ae82fa523ad942…)

>>946190he scares me anon
No. 946212
File: 1634869994779.jpeg (131.68 KB, 1920x1080, B39B13CC-0B85-4F8E-93FB-92DAAA…)

>>946206Play Yakuza 0 anon you won’t regret it!
No. 946213
File: 1634870082196.jpg (31.19 KB, 355x564, ymir.jpg)

My waifu
No. 946214
File: 1634870115241.jpg (32.42 KB, 750x683, Gabriel Reyes- Suit.jpg)

>>946213And one of my husbandos, Gabriel Reyes
No. 946221
File: 1634870806682.jpg (37.24 KB, 540x432, a365a70ccc71da2aa071cad92d417c…)

>>946220Ymir from AOT, but this is just fanart by Yvonnism
No. 946227
File: 1634871670898.png (1.36 MB, 1280x960, genegodhand.png)

One of my more rare husbandos
No. 946260
File: 1634876080363.png (630.51 KB, 800x803, imagen_2021-10-21_231442.png)

fuck it imma play some vintage h3h3 videos with dj khaled to feel better!!!!
No. 946261
File: 1634876090914.jpg (8.5 KB, 613x225, 163227177k1930.jpg)

i'm not taking the friendship breakup well at all, this bitch has me listening to mitski and understanding the lyrics
was i just used as a placeholder for someone else, someone better? holy shit
No. 946263
>>945568I’m contending with the same thing atm.
I’m 32, 33 in December. I feel like I have arrested development at age 23. I’m still mentally a college slacker. I have a professional job. I was a star athlete in high school but gave it up and fell down a destructive path of drinking ages 25-30 away. I’m sober now and playing sport again but everyone at my club is like 18-25 and I feel truly old and out of place despite still being as fit as ever. It’s like people get stunned and surprised when I do something athletic, like they’re not expecting someone hurtling towards 35 to be able to dive for a ball.
I also forget I’m older and when I join in the conversations and joking about with the others I suddenly feel bad like maybe they think I’m an old creepy loser ugh. Sucks, sport is what gives meaning to my life and I feel like I’m being left behind by the herd.
No. 946272
File: 1634876683289.jpeg (16.8 KB, 400x355, images (90).jpeg)

Me comí un puto tamal y ya es casi media noche. Ni siquiera lo calenté me lo comí frío pinche gula tan bien que iba mi dieta coño
No. 946282
>>946264basically a friend who constantly told me how happy they were to have me in their life + claimed me to be their 'favorite person ever' seems to have lost interest in me, totally. we used to speak every single day, now i struggle to start a conversation (they'll say, brb, and ghost). so i just gave up of course.
i doubt there's anything wrong with her mental, as i've seen her happily hanging out and conversing with other people…including this guy she said she was "down bad for".
it just hurts. i wouldn't care so much if she wasn't so insistent that she Liked Me, A Lot, Actually, but it's weird for her to treat me like i was her absolute best friend then just drop me like this out of nowhere.
No. 946283
nonnie, it’s probably 90% my own paranoia and lifelong imposter syndrome, and you’re probably right. I feel a bit better now.
No. 946285
>>946282She sounds like an
abusive bpd bitch, block her. She sucks so much. You can't just go and say someone is your favorite person and then treat you like shit. It's so dumb and stupid I hate it
I wish I could make you feel better anon, maybe go for a soda or something. I'm going through a period of bad friendships too (this is my post
>>945427 ) if she was so empathetic and nice she shouldn't had done that without at least talking to you first about the issue (if there is one) and sorting things out. Fuck that bitch tbh
No. 946292
>>946284>>946285thanks anons. i still miss her a lot though, because she also happened to be my first actual…or what i thought was my first actual…friend in quite a while.
i've already treated myself to eating out today, but i guess i'll try to distract myself in other ways.
>>945427i wish i had something more to say beyond basic platitudes, but i also hope you feel better, anon. friends hard to make and it sucks to lose chances to connect
;_; No. 946298
>>946284Went through exactly what you're describing here a couple months ago or so.
She completely dropped and ghosted me over a silly, shouldn't-have-been-serious argument.
Red sirens were blaring in my head once she mentioned she had BPD, but at that time I was just so desperate for a female friend I put up with it.
But now I truly believe people with BPD cannot be long term friends. At least I know I don't have the patience to put up with them.
I don't really miss her anymore. Too much craziness for someone like me to put up with.
No. 946303
>>946249No, I'm extremely loyal. I am sensitive and can flip out over small tuff, and I don't hurt him or property, but I can get harmful to myself. It's shameful. And every time I do this, it makes me hurt more, and so I get more sensitive, and it's this ridiculous feedback loop fueled by my shame.
>>946252I am sorry you are going through this, too, anon. I hope we can both get better for the sake of being more lovely people, especially towards our nigels. Mine definitely deserves better in terms of personality.
No. 946305
File: 1634879553354.png (784.62 KB, 600x466, 1558797106197.png)

>>946272I would do the same in a heartbeat.
No. 946306
>>946304he practically raised her/travelled with her since he rescued her when she was what, 7-9? and when she has her twins shes supposedly somewhere between 15 and 17… he could have gotten with any demon but nah he had to get it with Rin. Rumiko fucked UP giving a green light to this mess. Imagine if kids are watcghing this shit. how can you excuse this guy having sex with the little girl he cared about?
ps sesshomaru was i think around 150 years old when the series started, while Inuyasha was… 50? hes definitely much older mentally than an "early teen".
No. 946313
>>946307I agree with your first sentence. I think I did read many people have complained about the whole mess so yeah.
Does the fanwiki has any receipts for them saying she was 18? Because afaik no official source came out saying that….unless it was in the anime? (i stopped watching once it bbecame obvious she was the mother of the twins).
No. 946317
>>946306>Imagine if kids are watcghing this shit. if kids watch a fantasy tv show and come out with the idea that it's okay to sleep with adults then that it isn't the fault of the show, it's the fault of their parents for not teaching them better.
t. someone who was interested in all sorts of weird weeb shit as a kid but had a mother who i felt safe speaking with + taught me things
No. 946320
File: 1634880847746.jpg (506.02 KB, 641x697, 1634262724487.jpg)

double posting but i missed the husbando/3dpd shitfest. lmao'ing though.
No. 946325
>>946307>>946317none of the anons but you guys are based, women should be allowed to enjoy our cheesy anime romances the dudes are 1039383828 years old anyway. I don't care about le
problematic dynamic it's not real and these 2 are cute. when did people become so sensitive, it kinda sucks being a fan of anything now. I mean we can all agree to disagree, it's mainly the underage fans who shouldn't be so active on the internet getting in everybody's faces.
No. 946327
>>946325tbh I AM sensitive about this particular duo because I grew up watching Inuyasha (yes I'm an oldfag) so for them to now decide to shit on the dynamic? Throughout the whole original series it was always shown that Sesshomaru saw Rin as his ward, a child he needed to take care of. Now they did a 180 and that's what bothers me.
>>946324I think you confused that 2 to 0. I think she was 9 or 10 maaax (at the end of the original series that is ).
No. 946351
File: 1634882801351.jpg (123.96 KB, 1017x1395, IMG_20211022_080606.jpg)

>>946313Episode 27, apparently. Wiki also says she's 29-32 chronologically
No. 946357
File: 1634883141395.jpeg (56.28 KB, 512x512, 6F30BFDD-7B69-4AA9-B228-9AA723…)

>>945568I’m turning 20 in a few days and I was (and still sort of am) in the same boat. Like opportunities already passed me by. I had a lot of anger towards my self, goddamn it. That my parents didn’t support me and never cared and practically isolated me, so all the sports and music I was supposed to be doing as a teen are just….gone, now. I’ve started making my own money as a teen and I could finance my hobbies or dreams.
But you know what I discovered? Everybody has the same feeling. Every. Fucking. Body. I hear guys complaining about how they wasted time at 20 doing this and that, and how sad it is for them to see the Olympics because it reminds them of how they didn’t try as hard as they should at sports. Anon, you’re still young. You literally have the rest of your life ahead of you, and you either start now, or you waste more time. If the boomer thing makes you nervous then just own it, honestly. Yes, there’s power in youth, in the way young people have their life ahead of them, exciting possibilities stretched out, but there IS also power in age, and the way you hold your experiences and maturity above a young person. Every age has its perks, and if you’re insecure about it, just weaponize yours.
Picrel is Heba Kadry, a mastering engineer who left Egypt in (late? mid?) twenties to pursue her dreams, and she’s now worked for Bjork, Slowdive, and tons of other names. There is an interview of hers where she describes her anxiety running around in her late twenties in a foreign country and trying to break into a male-dominated industry, and it made me smile. You don’t see that, not often, it’s always young women with perfect households who magically made it at 18.
No. 946359
>>946357Also do you hear about the L Word? Kate Moennig and Leisha Haley have this podcast where they talk about life and mundane things, it basically like the Mundane Shit thread here. But my god, is it refreshing to hear middle aged women talk about their days. They also have a few episodes where they talk about aging. But it really got my to pursue a couple of things, like rollerskating (there was an episode where one of the hosts got new ones for her 50th birthday and wanted to form a gang), and team sports (they had a baseball league!)
I’m also saving up to take up woodworking later (lesbians; the home renovation talk is inevitable). There was also this episode where a girl called in, said she always wanted to be an actress, but her small town friends and family discouraged her, but she still has the dream even though she’s older now. One of the hosts practically yelled at her to go and try a hand at it. So now I’m yelling at you too,
nonnie, to go and try a hand at whatever you want to pursue.
No. 946363
File: 1634884042848.png (370.12 KB, 446x623, let me die.png)

STOP pls make it stop
No. 946388
>>946385tbh if you both care about him + are willing to distance yourself from him, that's the ideal time to
TERF out and try to stop him mutilating himself. You could lose the friendship but that's kinda happening anyway? It seems worth arguing your point, maybe linking him to some neovagina horror stories. I couldn't in good conscience let anyone I love do that to themselves without forcing them to think about the consequences.
Though I'm just not sure what you mean by vindictive, if he could fuck your life up irl fair enough if you wanna stay out of it.
No. 946403
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No. 946436
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This is going to be a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't matter, which is why I have to get it out. Sorry if you recognize my typical vent, I have to get it out or go insane. I'm sick of obsessively hating my nose for being kinda big. I know it doesn't matter, it shouldn't. And I refuse to ever get ps. But it becomes an obsession and you notice how in every piece of media, the girls always have small noses… They always have to have beautiful small noses to be of any interest or focus. It begins to send the message you can't be worth anything if you don't look like them. Also hearing of how many women get rhinoplasties, seeing the tiny tiny instagram noses… It kills me sometimes. I just want to be ok with my natural self. But the way women are almost universally depicted with small noses, I begin to feel like that's a part of being a woman, and I am left out, I'm not a woman I can't fit in I'm a mistake. I hate it so much. I don't even have a reason for my nose to be like this, you often see people of ethnicities known for larger noses being represented and yet here I am looking nothing how I'm supposed to. I hate too how from the front it looks almost normal, but then I turn sideways and it's over. It's one reason I couldn't use a dating app, I'd have to add a picture sideways not to fool anyone into thinking I had a normal pretty nose. I don't. I hate masks for it too, I'd rather everyone know right away how horrible it is than to have to reveal it when the mask comes off. I hate when people lie and say it isn't that big, or they never noticed. I don't think I can believe that. It's funny when one time I mentioned to a doctor that it was big (I don't usually point it out but it was relevant since I have a deviated septum) and he said "no it isn't" but he had only seen me from the front with mask off, so I turned sideways and internally felt so much pain thinking he must see it now and think "oh it really is big". Sorry I needed to vent. This doesn't matter fundamentally and I think I would feel fake and worse if I looked super beautiful like an instagram model. So, I have to accept it. It sucks being obsessed when I don't want to but I get seized by this terrible fear "how bad really is it" and self-loathing. I also can't stop noticing in every piece of art and media how the girls have small noses, even more so these days with anime being an influence, it sucks because I love art and being inspired by artists' work but ahhhh I keep noticing and it feels so bad.
No. 946440
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This mansion is £200-250k. It has 29 bedrooms. I can't stop thingken about it.. It needs a lot of renovation but imagine living there with a bunch of other women. Gardening all day, making music, art, cooking, playing games, having a gazillion dogs and cats. I want to cry just thinking about how it will never be. Why are simple things so impossible? Why is an easy, pure, natural life an unrealistic dream? We're prisoners in this capitalist hellscape. I Can No Longer Cope. I wasn't made for this shit and I want to watch it all burn. Sometimes I hear loud bangs from construction and every single time I hope this might be it, finally someone's bombing this whorehouse of an earth.
No. 946446
>>946436I feel you on every level, particularly the way that the media is SO FUCKING CLEAR that the only acceptable female nose is a tiny button one with no deviation from that perfect ski slope. My nose isn't even that big or awful but how tf else are we supposed to feel when idealized female depictions are more likely to have no nose at all or just a dot than one that's not perfect?
I'm also opposed to ps in principle but I've decided that if this still bothers me by the time I'm 35, I'll get a nose job. I figure that if I'm still vain and insecure by that age, I'll always be vain and insecure so I may as well give in.
No. 946459
>>946440It was auctioned for 1.3 million, 200 was just the estimate. get you though, but you have to participate in the "capitalist game" to get the prices.
No. 946460
>>946440I don't think I could cope with 28 roommates but I wish communal/intergenerational living was more of a thing, there's too much weirdness and stigma around any deviation from the nuclear family unit. I want to be around my parents without being seen as a womanchild who can't afford to live on her own (I can). I want to live with my sister but she's getting married and I can't live with a couple, obviously. I don't expect to marry or have kids, I feel like I've already got a family and I don't need to add to it.
My only hope is that I can move in with my elderly parents to take care of them when they're older, and maybe my sister will join us if her situation allows. We inherited a house by the beach that my grandma owned and it's my dream to live there with them, it would be like when we were kids and went there on holidays… none of us working, just going on walks and to cafes and the library and the beach.
No. 946484
>>946473you deserve the world nona. i wish i could be your friend, you seem like a beautiful person. even when it may feel like no one cares at all, i assure you, there are people who care all around you. it really does feel like it's hard to make online friends these days unless you use Twitter/tiktok (both cesspools). tumblr was the best way back in the day but currently the options we have are pretty shit..discord can be decent but you really have to look hard to find women who truly understand
us and by us I mean, people like lolcow users
No. 946490
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I'm so fucking tired of "I successfully made millions/billions/a desired career!" stories and when you watch them, it always, always, ALWAYS people that already came from rich backgrounds. Like fuck, that's not even an archivement then. Fuck you and double fuck you for trying to sell the" just work hard :)))" meme.
No. 946504
>>946041It's called being a yumejo at least get it right.
>>946020Great taste, Mahito is one kawaii motherfucker
No. 946506
>>946460Where I’m from living with your family until you’re married/until death is the norm. Don’t care for whatever people say; you’ve only got so much time with them, anyway. Move with your fam and if someone asks tell them your parents need someone to care for them/support them financially or something. Try to invest some time with your sister when she’s married, like weekly visits every Saturday or something. A friend of mine has this thing where every member of her extended family meets on Saturday in her childhood home.
I hope you get a a nice, long life with your family. Good luck
No. 946511
>>946506Samefag but I used to with my friend to her house on Saturdays and the entire family would be there. I’d say hi to her grandpa, parents, aunts and uncles, their wives and husbands, their children, and sometimes their children’s children. One of the kids there is a Minecraft terrorist. She reminds me of my Club Penguin Sony Vegas and Photoshop-pirating days. God, I wish I knew where that Azula music video I made when I was 9 is. I was so proud of it, too.
Reject modernity (Twitter fancam), embrace tradition (Sony Vegas music videos).
No. 946515
>>946507Or, the job shouldn’t be the same as the one you are doing and getting paid for, especially if you are picking up the slack. I’m sure there are better positions /jobs for your coworker.
Can you talk to a supervisor, privately about needing a coworker that helps with the job stones dog adding to it?
No. 946516
>>946508I’m sorry
nonnie, caffeine might help
No. 946551
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i like my sister, she is a genuinely good person and the only person in my family/life worth a damn, but fucking shit, i can't stand actually being with her
she projects her wants and needs on me, and completely ignores what i tell her. in that aspect she is exactly like our mother. neither of them sees me as a person, but as a doll/child who has to fit their mold. and the only way i can be peacefully with either of them is by being the person they want me to be, and both have different ideas of what they want me to be.
everything i have is her hand me downs, everything i am is just a shitty copy of her: the same schools, same college/education.
and whenever she vents about our parents i listen to her, because i truly understand her. but when i vent she either ignores or calls me an ungrateful bitch. and like, it took her fucking 30 years to see how our family is fucked up, and i'm like "bitch you see that shit NOW, after gaslighting me for almost 20 years". why yes, our mother is manipulative, amazing that you reached in 2021 the same conclusion i reached in 2001, good job. i'm the "identified patient" and the only one in the family that displayed how fucked up our family for years, and she sided with me (and i'm grateful for that, truly) but not because she believed in me, but because she is my big sister and loves me.
she never listened to me, never tried to understand my point of view, even in private. i was always the troublemaker, the crazy one. and now she finally has gone to therapy, is finally seeing our family dinamics for what they are, but it frustates me to support her and listen to her after being ignored for decades.
No. 946586
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Boyfriend is in his last semester of uni and I'm doing my best to not bother him or stress him too much but I can't help but feel bad about him being distant and cold… I just wish he was more loving towards me, just tell me something nice, how hard it can be to just tell me "I love you" inbetween messages? I don't know if I'm asking too much, we already talked about this some months ago and he told me it was because of quarantine that kept him from being too affectionate as he can't really express himself much through text but I just wish he'd do the effort to make me a bit happier and ease my anxiety. We've been together for almost 6 years now I just want everything to go back to normal
No. 946630
>>946615I was in your shoes through my late teens to early 20s, you're not alone. Tbh after getting my shit sorted out and finding someone who loved me, I don't even think about my past. I sincerely don't give a fuck and don't find it relevant to my present self. It would be like blaming myself for jumping out of a burning building and breaking a leg–would anyone reasonable say to that "Well ya shoulda stuck out the flames and tried to put it out yourself"? You're in a bad situation and are coping the best you are able with the resources you have. It's easy to be a critic.
The most you can do for your present self if you do go through with those decisions is to try to keep yourself as safe as possible. Better things are in your future and you need to tell yourself that.
No. 946642
>>946632Look up the heimlich maneuver. CPR is useless if someone's airways are blocked by a foreign object.
What your sister did is an altered version of it, likely due to the kid's size.
No. 946650
>>946649 samefag
one more thing,
No. 946692
>>946440i would love an apartment complex with only women, but to have a large communal house just seems uncomfy to me.
anyway i distantly know this ftm and she's always saying things like "no straight men beyond this point…. >:)" and it just grosses me out idk
No. 946708
>>946682>>946681Thank you nonnas. The interview went well, I guess as well as it could have gone.
Before I left the job the first time around I was trying to "fix" my mom and brothers addictions. I was constantly worried about them, and she knew the situation. (Mocked me behind closed doors with coworkers, but concerned to my face.)
So when I followed that up with death and gloom updates, her body language softened up.
I dont think she realized how much stress I was under at the age.
I wrapped up my pervious work experience with the company discussing how I matured and how I have better tools to navigate my anxiety with, now that I've had therapy.
Who knows what will happen, but at least I tried.
I have 3 other interviews lined up, and I'll be okay, it just sucks that of all the odds, I'd see her today.
No. 946710
>>946705OH NO
NONNIEif all else fails, fake a covid scare and go get a test, may cover your ass this time. Good luck
No. 946729
>>946722I ended up hating cadaver labs once the novelty wore off, but I hope you can do that/other stuff in person eventually, if that's what you want!! Good luck, future healthcare pal!
>>946712Thank you! I have to keep reminding myself I'm not some loser and that I'm entering a really great field lol.
No. 946753
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I wish I was somewhere outside right now, like the mall, with someone I like spending time with or at home cuddling watching shows.
I miss that retarded shit so much. I live in the middle of nowhere with no car and it pisses me off so much. I want to go places.
No. 946758
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I just really can't trust "bubbly" "nice" people anymore. They creep me out. I used to be all about niceness but now I just can't. Trust. People.
Anyone feels similar?
No. 946778
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please don't start this shit again I am BEGGING you
No. 946786
>>943367Honestly, if my boyfriend ends up replying to all my fun texts and updates with him being busy working on a project on a Friday night after work again I'm gonna be mildly pissed.
I'm happy he got a good working position but they're obviously overworking him terribly. He only just recovered from another work project. I just want my boyfriend to be available to chat on a friday evening since we don't live together yet.
No. 946798
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Found out my ex (bi woman) who was never affectionate with me (bi woman) the way I wanted is in a new relationship with some other girl (gold star lesbian) now and has altered a lot of her interests to match the new girl's. Why should I be so miserable just because other people are happy or pretending to be happy? She never treated me the way I deserved and what I do deserve is to be truly free from her shit.
No. 946802
I know a health profession who isn’t vaccinated and complains about the pile up due to COVID
No. 946812
>>946802the vaccine's effectiveness is around a few months and unvaccinated/vaccinated spread it the same…
i think the focus should be on therapeutics but those are cheap and thats why people say the vaccine is all we have to stop the virus meanwhile theres too many issues with the whole vaccine situation and anyone who questions is shut down
in a common sense world, you would be right but everything is backwards now
No. 946828
nonny… i am, i'm taking care of him, it's just hard. he's not very old, he's only 60. i would feel differently if he was much older i think but he's not.
No. 946873
>>946847He has once before but now he just hasn't replied in over 3 hours.
I don't mind him not being on messenger during his work days but the fact that he now might not be answering due to extra work on a friday evening after being done with his official workday is just so annoying. He doesn't get extra pay either. This company overworks him due to him having the best english skills basically.
No. 946913
>>946902the thumbnail is actual cp so the forum likely has it too
better clear your history and cache because you just did something very, very stupid
No. 946915
>>946904because i can't believe it would actually lead to anything real as that is far too easily accessible for illegal content, but maybe it would show who is behind posting it.
>>946910true it is somewhat retarded but im a eurofag and don't know where
>>946912>>946913okay thank you (unironically) for reminding me of the obvious
No. 946935
>>946916I believe you, don't worry. I feel like such an idiot, really too naive and like I could make a difference too…
>>946927Nah, you're right. I was too confident and idiotic, I wasn't thinking. Unironically a gullible retard and I am smacking myself against the head trying to quickly run a virus scan. I guess I just genuinely cannot believe it and wanted to believe the picture was photoshop too. it sounds like a shitty excuse but I just feel a little bit weird with seeing cp and there being links to it, i don't know, it's just so weird. i don't really want to believe it. sorry.
No. 946943
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>>946935damn you are incredibly dumb and need to be protected at all costs kek
No. 946966
>>946952A physiotherapist will help you, they also recommend exercises.
I fucked up my back because I’m retarded, and my physiotherapist gave me some really nice and simple exercises to do in bed which helped me A LOT.
If you’re constant with the exercises, you will feel amazing, and the massages are great too.
No. 946977
>>946947No, you're absolutely right. I won't defend myself in detail because it is ultimately pointless, but I guess it was an extremely idiotic and weird way for my brain to reject what was happening and make myself seem stronger than the situation. I tried to convince myself it was just poorly done photoshop by some weirdo scrote and that I wouldn't be affected by his trolling. I just didn't want to believe it. The more time has passed the less I can pretend what I saw was not real and that it is just an edgy joke. It is dawning upon me more and more and reminding me of a lot of bad things and overall has just made me feel very distraught. You are absolutely correct in pointing out my idiocy and I appreciate every curt farmer because we need more strictness like this to avoid vulnerable retards from making dumb mistakes, lol… But I am really shocked, I was just taking a break from my project and wanted to read mindless nonsense on /ot/, and now I can barely think. I feel really empty and cold and my brain has just gone quiet except for a few very horrible thoughts. I wish I had never seen that picture and I am so glad I didn't click more on that link. I just can't believe it, I don't want to believe it. I just don't want to believe it. Anyway, I have to meet my deadline…
>>946945>>946944>>946943thank you for the positivity and no need to apologise if you did
No. 946989
nonnie! My chiro has me work with a trainer after our appointments but I'd like to work with someone a little longer than just a few minutes… I did find a place near me that seems promising so maybe I'll give them a try!
>>946972I do unfortunately. I did start trying to get up more often and it's helped, but today I had a last minute report I had to scramble to finish so I just sat for almost three hours straight. I don't really slouch when I sit anymore (but that's mostly because slouching makes my lower back ache lol).
I've always wanted to do weightlifting! I can't really fit time for a gym in my life so I just do bodyweight exercises at home…
No. 947023
>>947015A few years ago I met up wth a pretty camp 'gold star gay' and we fucked. He even finished quickly. I fully believe he is gay but a hole is a hole and a scrote is a scrote.
Did he go down on you?
No. 947025
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No. 947040
>>947023To give more detail, I was a newly ex-tran at the time. I was meeting bi guys off of grindr because of my weird situation. This guy was gay but nearby so he asked where I was at in my detransition. I told him I'm a woman just with some side effects of T left over so he hummed and hawwed and then wanted to meet. He was in his thirties and had never so much as kissed a woman.
We met that night and he touched me the smallest bit and then swiftly decided to sleep on it and see how he felt in the morning..? I had low hopes but whatever, he was polite and I wasn't gonna kick him out that late. Then the next morning he was up for it. No foreplay, from behind, I'm short haired and have a man voice.. I can see how a gay scrote can just fuck for 3 mins when it's from behind. I was a hole, I'm not under the impression that I was any more than that. It was nothing special but I stole a gold star. Don't take that from me lol
No. 947059
>>947023Yeah he insisted on doing it even though I didn't like it.
>>947040Yeah, also was masculine in appearance at that time and he even complained to me I wasn't putting out from behind too much after I got used to piv.
No. 947069
>>947060I think he meant that it grips differently? Like the muscles are different.
It was kinda just a detached quickie but some part of me likes the thought of having ticked that off my bucket list. One of those things where the reality wasn't too climactic but saying I've done it is still kind of hot to me.
No. 947102
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I walked out of high school for the last time today (we finish in autumn instead of summer) and I don't know how to feel.
For one, it was mostly hell, because I was a retard without self awareness, but there were great times too. I will miss the friends I used to have, and basketball.
I wish I didn't miss so much of it because of quarantine. I wish I hadn't lost a couple of years to hiding in toilets and getting pushed down the stairs and filmed. Even though it was a literal toilet, I feel lost and lonely now. Like I missed out on ~le highschool experience~ because of bullying, lockdown, and terrible family events.
I feel like I'm still a child even though I'm 18. Other people my age do so much more, have more experience. I feel like a let down for having no friends anymore. Most of all, the fear of no longer belonging to an institution where you have a place to go every day, a set routine, and less responsibility. I feel so scared and alone, I don't know where to go next and I'm scared of growing up because I feel I never got to be truly young with a functional family and without feeling like an outsider. I wish I was still young so I could dream for a few months more.
No. 947137
>>947132Scrote pedo culture getting to their head and no one around them contesting that.
Those girls aren't gonna make it to 30 if they keep that up.
No. 947148
>>947102Nonny, everyone's being a bit harsh on you. I think it's normal to feel apprehensive during big milestones in life, whether they are positive or negative.
Rest assured that you're not old, and you truly don't have to change anything about yourself as you become an "adult." I'm a 23-year old in grad school and I still consider myself a kid, and enjoy the same things I did in high school.
High school is so silly and you don't want to be someone who peaked in high school.
No. 947154
>>947102>I wish I was still young so I could dream for a few months more.nice mistki lyrics lmfao
class of 2013 was about graduating college anyways, not high school. you're still young
No. 947164
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>flirt with a guy
>develop feelings for him
>find out he has a girlfriend
Why, god why. This is the first actual crush in my life and it has to be this PAINFUL. I know it's over and there's no point in dwelling on it and wondering what if, but every time I see him, and I have to see him almost every day, I get so distracted and nervous and I can't stop visualizing the life we would have together
No. 947166
>>947132I don't think my fate is sealed, I just feel sad about not being a child anymore. I really don't care about being appealing to men, nor do I acknowledge them- I only want to be abdicated of the responsibilities and expectations of someone my age. I don't know what to do next in life, I just want to go back to class and play basketball and not worry about whatever comes next. It sometimes feels like my mother wishes I was more like her when she was my age, with friends, going out, relationships and being much cooler than me.
>>947116 thank you anon, I needed to hear that because I thought I was being dramatic and felt so alone. I really hope your weekend will be pleasant.
>>947154I'm so happy you found the mitski lyrics lmao
in that case I am indeed off to dream for a few months more ♥
No. 947184
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being a woman with niche moid interests is painful. whenever i think i've met a nice girl to talk to, it ends up being a tranny.
speaking of trannies though, i tracked down an old friend that trooned out, and he's since de-transitioned, and i'm happy for him. he seems happier as well.
No. 947207
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Mfw that one person's name pops up on my phone and I know they're only calling me because they need somebody to bitch at about their problems for 2 hours
No. 947213
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No. 947242
>>947223Somethng to consider is.. if you get angry, if you point out that cheating with a tran is extra insulting or if you go for any low blows then he'll further run into the arms of this person and they'll walk off into the sunset fully believing they are right and you're the bad guy here. Cheaters twist logic to suit themselves like that. It's infuriating but it's how they operate. They grasp at anything to turn things back on you and ease any lil bit of guilt they have poking through.
I got cheated on, he met her through fb. I wasn't on fb but once I knew I was being cheated on I looked.. she was a large lady and he always claimed to be fussy about weight. I asked about that… I was treated to a lecture of him defending her and singing her praises. He was furious that I'd ask even in a non bitchy way. This man spent 2 years pointing out 'fatties' to me in public when I hated him doing that and fought with him to stop it. Then he fell for a larger lady and had a total memory loss of those days. I'm the meanie fatphobe for ever asking. That is his memory of what happened. He simply fell in love but me.. I'm a fatphobe lol
>>947239Trans pussy could just mean ass too
No. 947553
>>947548I don't know what is the appropriate reaction for something so important but also probably very difficult to live ( the whole trial process I mean) but congratulation anon, I'm really happy for you!
>he got the harshest possible sentence fucking great!
No. 947590
>>947573I cant imagine living like that, I only have sisters (and many of them) but that’s because my father wanted a son but never got one. I’m glad I don’t have a mother who raises brothers like kings and daughters like servants. How could you want to contribute to conditions that hurt women like that? I wish I could understand the psychology behind boymoms who support patriarchy.
Also are you Muslim? Most of the girls in my classes were. They complained about being given the majority of chores and responsibilities even during their final exams, whilst their brothers were pampered. I heard that one girl’s dad didn’t even acknowledge her much as he hated women.
No. 947650
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>>947648me after I take the zoloft
No. 947654
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>>947621>I’m almost at the end of my lifespan, I’m 19What?
No. 947667
>>947661It definitely wasn’t the meds it’s because your life quality just significantly improved anon. Psychiatry is a crime against humanity.
>>947662Why do people assume that people like me have never been to therapy? We have, and most of the time it’s not effective and neither is the drugs they prescribe to get us to shut up and conform. You don’t know anything about mental illness, only I do tbh
No. 947672
>>947667Awwww is someone desperate to pick a fight? Go touch grass
nonnie, obviously you need to. Clearly you still need MORE therapy.
No. 947676
>>947674They are the
Only one who gets it, fuck the rest of us, we have zero real life experience outside our teen years. /s
No. 947682
>>947659Which pedo told you that?
People's brains don't even finish maturing until we're 25.
No. 947687
>>947659Okay I’m tired of retards like you. You’re upset about being 19.5 instead of being 19.25? You’re not the first one nor you will be the last. Do you know how many variations of the same post I have to see a day? 19, 20 year olds shaking and crying because they’re “old” now? You did this to yourself. Kek,
nonnie’s upset because she won’t be underage anymore. How tragic.
No. 947715
>>947691First of all, 21 is atrociously young. It’s a person who’s just about to graduate out of college.
Second of all, okay, we’ve identified a problem there. No need to be dramatic. You’re a spiritual aristocrat seeking NEETdom. What ways are you able to seek said NEETdom? Mental disability? Are parents or family willing to support you? Do you have weird friends who are willing to let you live with them? If not, can you learn a skill like graphic design/editing? Go to any freelancing website and lie about your expertise and get a longterm contract, there are surprisingly a lot of those. It’s not an ideal solution but at least you’ll be working from home and you’ll be able to simulate some form of quasi-NEETdom.
I mean there’s always seeking a husband to finance your NEETdom. It’s not impossible. And I’m assuming college is definitely out of the equation.
>>947705>20 isn’t young anymoreYes, when you turn 20 your vagina shrivels and it sends a pang all the way up to your brain, initiating brain damage. I say this unironically: go for a walk in the sun. Your neuroticism is getting out of hand.
No. 947735
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My life is panning out to be pretty fucking amazing right now.
I'm getting my first real promotion into a stem role that I didn't go to college for (useless arts degree fag here) because I performed and impressed my company directors so well within a year from being hired. Even the CEO knows about me. I have a great reputation at work and it's a big deal. Especially considering someone tried to trash me when I first started and that my manager is an unsupportive tyrant. I stuck through it and now I'm being rewarded by the leadership who noticed. The idiot who trashed me ragequit after she embarrassed herself in a meeting and was deemed toxic by everyone. Then my department reorganized so my bitch manager has less power to delegate her responsibilities to me to do, and soon I will report to a different chill manager anyway because of my promotion.
A couple of years ago I was at my lowest point: My self esteem was buried because I broke up with my ungrateful shit ex (after years of pickmeism to make it work) and I was forced to move back home. I suffered my narc parent's selfish bullshit including them tearing me down some more. I quit my customer service job and realized I hadn't done shit with my degrees in the years since I graduated. Worst of all, predatory men kept finding me just to use me and feel superior to me. All I needed during that time was support and love and it seemed impossible for me to find any.
So I kept my head low and took on underpaid entry level jobs in pharma that didn't require certifications just to not go back to customer service. If men were assholes to me, I didn't let myself believe it was my issue.
I crashed my car that I had paid off, but I got a sick sports car for myself which helped me feel a little cool again. After that I met my current husband. He later proposed to me with a beautiful diamond ring I asked for. He supports and loves me. We just bought our first house together.
Things are legitimately fucking great and I wish those bastards who mistreated me before and acted like I wasn't shit could see me now.
No. 947743
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My sibling is in the hospital again and my dad is day drinking again. I came home for the weekend from school and my mom is so distracted and distraught about my sibling and my dad is drunk af and their miserable ass vibes just makes studying impossible. My depression and anxiety is off the charts. I’d go back to my dormitory but my roommates friend is staying in our room and I really don’t wanna deal with having no privacy like that especially because im so emotionally fragile right now and crying a lot. Idk i just really hate life rn
No. 947764
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People who whinge about being sad and depressed but make no effort to change disgust me.
One of my flatmates loves to obsess over being sad, especially over a stupid moid that she broke up over a year ago, despite the fact that she cheated on him every chance she got. Her life is easy too, her parents pay for everything for her and she has a part-time job that’s essentially cosmetic, as she doesn’t contribute any money. She’s been late on rent, because she spends all her money on party drugs, leaving my other flatmate and I to foot the bill for rent, even though she has all the resources one could ask for. She’s experienced so little hardship, but she stages these dramatic suicidal meltdowns and when presented with help, she refuses it. She creates excuses every time for why she won’t get help, but the truth of it is that she enjoys wallowing, and she knows that there’s no impetus to change because my other flatmate and I clean up any messes she leaves behind, emotionally or financially.
I hate that kind of person with a passion, and I live with one. Thank God I have another flatmate who witnesses it all happening because it’s maddening.
No. 947768
>>947738I had a political science BA cause my mother wanted me to go to law school even though that's not really what I wanted to do, it was mostly for her image. I didn't feel like I was going to be successful in law, I took the LSAT but canceled it in a panic attack. After my BA she still treated me like I was a loser who wasn't going to make it and insisted on law school. I went to get a MA in English because I thought that would appease her (it didn't) and because my parents were moving away. I had no way to support myself in the area since nothing paid over $12/hr at the time so I paid rent off my student loan until I graduated and moved out of the state with my ex. After my MA degree I grew a spine and told her to fuck off about law school, I was sunk enough with student loan debt. After I moved she pestered me to become a teacher like her because "that's all I could do with degrees like mine," but I knew I didn't really want to teach plus it paid pennies in my state. She picked on me horrendously for the customer service job I took on and accused me of wanting to go on welfare when I was depressed from being verbally abused every day. I just told her to fuck off for good and I found my own path. No one in her family has ever accomplished what I did including herself so they all have massive gall and audacity IMO.
Find entry level office work in your field of choice and work your way up. I went into pharma/medical device because those industries are always gonna be around and profitable. Useless arts degrees have transferable skills so make sure you ham those up during your application. Same thing with customer service skills. That English MA I got had some education courses so I was able to say that I could train people and I have been a successful trainer. Look for startups or smaller companies because it's more likely they'll need cross sectional staffing and you'll be able to pick up more experience. The pay won't be great and you might have to work a bit harder, but anything you can put on your resume will look awesome for any future roles. I was able to dip into quality and manufacturing so that really helped. I'm getting promoted to a role that people would typically need a BS for. If it worked for me I think it can work for anyone. Don't get discouraged and keep on trucking until you're comfortable.
No. 947774
>>947644most men, especially young men, see hanging out with a girl as an unwanted impingement on their gaming/jackoff time, but they want a girlfriend so they aren't a "loser" and they want to have sex so they aren't a "virgin". They don't really want to be around ypu any more than they have to be, and also being around an attractive woman makes them nervous, so they're kind of avoidant of it.
I don't really have an answer for you other than be much more aggressive and demanding of their time: someone who likes being around you will love this, someone who just wants to "have a gf" with minimum effort will hate it, thus you can filter out fake fuckboys all the faster if you make the moves you want made.
Imo it's love at first sight or it ain't love at all. You really don't need to spend more than three consecutive days around someone to find out if you start loving them or start hating them. When you feel the feeling, listen to it - you're right.
No. 947793
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I was diagnosed with severe degenerative disk disease nearly ten years ago and it's come to a point where every day I wake up to at least some degree of pain and limited mobility. Biotech companies need to hurry up and release treatments that aren't invasive surgeries with high probability of failure because the idea of spending the rest of my life like this, or in even more pain, is very grim. I hope 'why does my back hurt when I'm seeing a chiropractor and doing yoga???' anon sees this and decides to go to the god damn doctor.
No. 947794
>>947780From late 2018. So about 2.5ish years was the bad kms tier times. Even after meeting my husband I didn't know if he'd stick around until after he proposed, since my ex toyed with my life for 4 years.
Plus I didn't feel professionally fulfilled, and didn't have a house until two months ago. I feel like things finally started clicking only a couple months ago. Life can change pretty quickly.
No. 947804
>>947794That's awesome, glad you turned your life around. I also went from kms tier (literally non-functional) to extremely successful though it took ~4 years for all the wounds from that time to fully scar over.
>>947796>mental illness isn't reallol what
No. 947819
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>find a nice bed
>150€ wtf good price
>the tax wasn't included
>Over 300 when I try to buy
No. 947825
>>947822>plenty of research demonstrating that it's associated with abnormalities in physiology, cognitive function, etc.It's gay goo goo gaa ga bullshit to sell pills and therapy and make money.
>muh researchResearch my cunt, no offense.
No. 947843
>>947834yeah the pills help you cope with hating your life and feel mildly content despite hating your life.
and look, let's say maybe some people do need the pills. But let's not pretend that they won't prescribe the pills to literally anyone who walks through the door and says they're depressed.
Both my sisters are on like six different happy pills each and they're way more fucking normal tha. I am, they just got memed into it by mental health twitter.
No. 947851
>>947841>>947842People like you who are too obtuse to accept they're wrong are the reason why I believe mental retardation exists.
So you believe in """""female brains"""""" but not in a mentally ill brain? Fuck off. Go back to your tranny subreddit. I bet they were the ones to tell you "there's nothing wrong or mentally ill about being a retarded tranny with a female brain uwu".
No. 947854
>>947843Are you 14?
>yeah the pills help you cope with hating your life and feel mildly content despite hating your life. Because my father feels like he has control of himself now, he's actually happier than ever. He goes fishing, he has friends for the first time in his life and he actually goes out to events with them without becoming overwhelmed and sick with anxiety, he hasn't had a violent outburst in literally years. I don't give a shit about your weak anecdote about your sisters when you probably don't even care enough to ask them what, they're going through or why they need the medications. Not everyone needs medication, I've decided against it, but I'm not going to deny mental illness.
No. 947856
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The fuck is it with all the larping trannies and men in /ot/ and especially this thread in the past days? Did someone link us on some discord or something?
No. 947860
>>947849>woman with autism has a broken masculine brainThat's fake science anon. You sound so autistically retarded yourself. Keep coping. Seriously how can anyone think mental illness is fake and then say female and masculine brains are a thing? lmao
>>947853>I laugh at cancerfags dumb enough to become bald.ouch the edge, careful not to cut yourself psycho
No. 947883
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>>947860>that’s fake science No it isn’t anon look at picrel it’s definitely true so may god rest your ignorant and bigoted soul. Men and women have different brains and circuitry and that’s on that
No. 947884
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>>947883>citing tranny science as real sciencecope
No. 947887
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>>947884how can a study be tranny science studies are completely neutral anon i can’t we just all have to be baiting in here
No. 947903
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>>947899he’s just like me! he’s stimming like me anon! who’s a good lil retard me that’s who
No. 947905
>>947871>>947872>>947876You think these are zingers lmao. Think for a second you dumb pieces of shit. If I just picked one therapist and believed them, instead of getting 2nd & 3rd opinions, I would be on a totally different course of treatment depending on which one I picked and how I felt/looked that day.
That means that there's zero fucking consistency and that therapists are retarded frauds. Kapeesh?
Step up and get ya pills! Who knows what they'll give you, but they WILL keep upping the dose until ypu report feeling mutedly happy!
(let it go) No. 947908
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>>947903And he's bwue, my favowite cowor!
No. 947909
>>947905they hated her because she told them the truth
fuck psychs
No. 947935
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>find almost perfect job with my qualifications
>employment ad is written by- and will be executed by a recruitment agency
>look it up
>leader is a tranny in a team full of women
Pray for me nonnas, I have to keep myself together.
No. 947944
>>947937No real advice but OLD has become an absolute nightmare for both sides. Retarded males swipe on anything that looks like a woman but once you match they still hope something better or easier shows up.
Not to mention ghosting, it's become so easy not to put effort into a conversation and just leave if it's not going as desired.
Basically, it's not you, it's the apps.
No. 947964
It's Saturday night, most people I know are outside having fun or inside with their SO in bed. Meh
Hope we all 3 get better whatever the reasons for feeling bad
No. 948059
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For as long as I can remember, my coping mechanism consist of disappearing and bottling up my emotions. Probably this and bad family experiences are the reasons why I'm constantly sad and apathetic. It's like I've suppressed my emotions to the point where I can no longer access them.
I'm passive all the time and it drives me crazy in a way. I don't know how to change it. I don't want to meet new people and I'm not really interested in the ones I already know. I blend into my friends. I listen to their problems and force myself to smile and nod. I'm fine with hanging out with them, but I don't miss them when they're gone. They are not relatable anymore and I kinda feel like I'm out of place in their group.
I wish I could deal with all this in some normal way, like crying, but I just can't. It's like my brain has gone numb. I have memory troubles, thinking feels like steam or fog. I've lost sense of my former aesthetic, everything looks the same for me now, so I've gave up on buying new clothes, make-up etc.
I don't want to kms or hurt myself, but it's getting unbearable. I doubt that this situation by itself will reach any climax. It is more likely that I will stay at this point, passed by time and people. I'm thinking about creating some sort of culmination point by myself, but I have no idea what that should be or how to achieve it.
I don't have money for a good psychologist and I don't want to take any pills.
No. 948105
I got up early today and thought I'd be able to get all my tasks done and then relax, but no. I kept putting it off by refreshing the same three apps over and over again. It wasn't fun or productive, I wasted my entire day doing literally nothing. I feel bad about it, I hope I'll be able to stick to the schedule I made for tomorrow. For some time this habit to put off starting anything, even things I enjoy doing, and the way I have to force myself to slowly read through big paragraphs that overwhelm me visually, even if they are in a comic I want to read or game I want to play, has made me wonder if it's executive dysfunction and ADHD. When I went to a professional and told her about this, she just told me to switch majors because I must be too stupid for my current one if I'm having trouble reading the texts (I don't have trouble comprehending, just the act of looking at something long enough to understand it is too much for me sometimes). I think I want to do something, but I can't seem to force myself to go through with it. Maybe it's really just laziness
No. 948137
>>948134I feel like I will never get another girlfriend because of this shit.
I'm bi but do not want to date men- BUT I'd date a man over people who troon out. The idea of having to stick with men makes me feel sick though. I just want to talk to normal bi/ lesbian women again.
No. 948142
I have this friend that keeps dating awful guy one after another. A domestic abuser, an guy who escaped the state due to an arrest order, an incel, and now is dating this retarded guy who lives with his mom and can't hold a job, and is almost 10 yr older than us. Hes fat, he's an idiot, she literally complains all the time about him, and apparently he sucks at bed. I kept thinking "well, maybe theres something about him?" but I doubt that fat shit has anything likeable. I got tired of hearing her complain about the guy, but having 0 intentions of dumping him, so I told her that I don't want to listen to her complains anymore, but that we can talk about other topics, just not her dumb ass bf. And she stopped talking to me, not before calling me a bad friend and claiming that at least he won't cheat on her (because no other girl would date him ofc). Worst of all, I think she convinced another friend to return with her ex that cheated on her. Is so fucking frustrating. I don't know what's wrong with them, no dick is that good.
No. 948148
>>948059I've had the same problem for years, anon. Only recently have I started getting over it – without antidepressants or stimulants or any of that shit. I've forced myself into expressing myself creatively for at least an hour a day. I don't mean makeup. I mean drawing, writing, sculpting, whatever. Exercise (even just a 15 minute walk) also helps. At first it was miserable. I felt like a talentless idiot. But I stopped judging myself – no one has to see what I create. Now I spend hours almost daily, exerting myself creatively, and I went from being miserable and bottled up all the time to feeling kind of proud of myself. Try to tap into any creative thoughts you may have, and run with it. You'd be amazed, within a few months, you can start to feel like a version of yourself you never really knew was there. I know this sounds retarded. But I'm serious. Once you get over the hangups, you feel so much better. Of course I have off days where I sit on my ass, talk to nobody, do nothing creative. But I spend that time watching movies or listening to music, and drawing inspiration from it. It seriously helps. The hardest part is just getting yourself to do it, without self-ridicule. But once you get over that hump, you'll feel yourself slowly start to feel better. More in control. Now I actually feel like I have passions & a purpose.
No. 948221
>>948171This is me, 1 week before he ends up ghosting me kek
Every time.
No. 948278
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I’m so sad because I caught my boyfriend on Snapchat subscribed to some egirl Instagram model whatever tf. I just feel sad because we literally had sex earlier and I felt so secure and loved and now I feel insecure and inadequate .
No. 948281
>>948278I’m so sorry and I feel for you
nonny. Men suck so much
No. 948303
>>948287I had long hair that I cut shoulder length and I thought it'd make my life easier but it actually takes more time to style, because for me long hair lay flat while short hair flicks outwards and I needed to fix that with a straightner.
That said I find that 90% of styling is done immediately after washing, blowdrying the right way means you'll barely have to touch it afterwards aside from brushing it.
No. 948314
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>>948308Maintenance called back and it’s £95 just to open the door for me when my keys are the other side. Guess I’m not eating.