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No. 939805
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc use the vent thread. For minor annoyances in your very personal daily life use the annoying thread. Thank you. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues. Keep the borzois in mind.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/915118 No. 939823
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"peterpan syndrome" people
Just shut up and take responsibility, you're an adult for ffs
No. 939825
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>>939821>boudicalong live the queen
No. 939842
>>939839>>939821Bullshit, I saw anons reply several times with attempts to calm the suicide note posters down and tell them to not do it.
But I myself always wonder what one is even supposed to reply to that. It's obviously a cry for help and attention, but how is an internet stranger who doesn't even know who you are supposed to help? I always found the "nooo don't do it" posts to be useless for someone with serious depression.
No. 940001
>>939821Well if as many anons who've angrily responded to that other anon because she doesn't care about suicide posts would respond to the actual suicide posts, this wouldn't be an issue. Although I've seen suicide posts be responded to, so I guess you're just upset about the number of replies? Which tbh is totally an attention whoring issue.
Suicide is a heavy topic that brings no levity to the board. Of course dunking on some anon's shitty scrote would get more responses because it's more fun and easier than attempting to type up something thoughtful that probably won't be received well anyway. Nobody here is obligated to respond to suicide posts, but good on the anons who have the patience to try, even though those anons need to seek actual help and spaces dedicated to those issues.
No. 940005
>>940001> so I guess you're just upset about the number of replies? Thing is I never see replies. It’s always zero replies, and then some anon complains about how her bf jerked off on her pizza and told her it’s ranch sauce and it’s 5 replies.
Of course not everyone is obligated to reply. I think it’s fine not to care about suicidal people. Not everyone has the energy or the tools, half of the people here are on some spectrum of depressed. BUT it’s still jarring seeing two posts right next to each other but the one with the man in it is the one getting the replies. Especially when the anon is 100% to blame. At some point you have to wonder if her bf is paying a witch on Facebook marketplace for spells to make her stay.
No. 940582
The word Karen. It used to mean a specific type of person, but now it just means any woman raising a fuss/having a disagreeable opinion/being frustraited with something. Please, AT LEAST call us bitch. This "karen" stuff is just a get out of jail free way to be sexist.
>>940312Also Kohls
No. 940642
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Peppermint. There is not a single food, drink or hygienic product the addition of this disgusting greenery doesn't ruin.
No. 940652
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>>940588My only wish is that OF and all the retards that defend it, perish.
No. 940820
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Whatever this is
It’s fine to have snacks but do you really need to have a giant stock in your room? I understand if you live in a dorm or whatever but cmon
No. 940827
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I hate fake tiktok autists. I doubt every single one of them. No you are not super special or quirky and autistic, can someone please explain why they come off as so forced and artificial? You can’t force yourself to stim or mask on camera.
No. 940830
>>940827Samefag this was to a Billie Eilish song and his face changed on beat. So cringe
Attention seeking scrotes like this should be flogged No. 940831
>>940803I agree with you, I wish this was the case.
>>940820God thats just a heart attack waiting to happen
No. 940866
>>940858I hate it because I have adhd and some spergy traits too and I just never fit in due to my spergy self and idk it shows. It even shows when I post here. Whenever I vent I am called a retard or some other similar insult and I forget how to talk to people sometimes so I can sound preachy and talk too much. I dislike people so much that I want to become an hermit because it's just too overwhelming to talk to people now. I had my shot at trying to be cool and make a lot of friends at college and now that I graduated and don't have to see them ever again I just don't feel good about having to keep in touch with people. Idk what I was going with this but yeah fuck tiktokers
>>940860magpies are cute
No. 940873
>>940857And don’t forget the emo scene and self-harm that was heavily romanticized in that subculture. Teenagers have always played with different roles and tried to find identities that set them apart from older generations and their parents in particular. I guess pretending to be autistic on TikTok is just another form of that. It could also be a way to cope with the often difficult feelings and experiences of teenagehood and life in general – on TikTok, I often see young people listing mundane things as symptoms for mental illness, like "You sometimes struggle with doing your homework? It’s ADHD!" I find this a bit alarming because instead of working on yourself and realizing that there are things we all struggle with, these pretty normale issues are pathologized.
And of course it is a trend right now as well. It generates likes and followers and of course people will copy it and upload their cringeworty acting on TikTok. And if followers are not the reason, community might be, because they can find like-minded people here and connect because they all share the same issues (delusion that is, kek).
No. 940927
>>940868With pleasure! Well the most noticeable thing I love about magpies is their beauty. I always keep any feathers I find from them because I love the bluey-green tones you can see when the light hits them. I love all corvids in general because like
>>940870 said they are very intelligent. This study about crows ( shows how they actually remember human faces, the same is true of magpies. At my work for example they circle the place regularly but tend to ignore other people outside (unless they've got something to eat kek) yet when they see me go in to work they typically fly down to meet me by the back door where I have my breaks and feed them. I've even caught a cute lil couple that love to sit on the roof of my car, they don't sit on anyone else's car either, just mine. Maybe they've worked out that's where I keep their food kek. The main thing that draws me to magpies though are the things we humans have in common with them. They're very playful and inquisitive animals and they tend to regard the people who feed them as friends, they have great memories and often bring their offspring to meet their friends when they feed with them, which is actually quite an honour given how protective magpies can be. Magpies have also shown themselves to be self-aware and recognise their own reflection, which is a very rare trait in animals. They can mimic human voices and the ones that live near my flat have this weird call that sounds exactly like people laughing. It was nightmare fuel for me at first to see a human sounding noise come out of a magpie, but now it just makes me smile. Magpies also mourn each other! They call out loudly to other magpies when they find a dead one and then gather around the bird. IIRC this is also done to determine whether a predator killed the magpie so they know to be on guard if that's the case. Magpies also have the ability to make and use tools, typically for cutting up food they've found or stole. Speaking of stealing, they're very adept thieves who have been known to even sneak into tents and such to get food. Then of course there's the "gifting" thing that corvids do. It's not as common in magpies as it is in crows but it does happen. So far the only thing they've brought me has been an old shoelace but I still cherish it in an autistic way. I actually put it to work too, I use it as a tie on the bird feeder for when I'm leaving heavier treats like a stuffed coconut shell. Their scientific name is "Pica Pica", no real point to me stating this fact but it makes me think of pikachu which makes magpies even cuter to me. I could go on but I will cut my sperging short here. Thank you for indulging me,
>>940884Good to know there's other magpie spergs out there. I'd love to have someone to share my passion for corvids with.
>>940889>Is it just from being in your own head a lot and not recognizing it sooner?It's this. Well, for me it is anyway. I can't speak for other autists. When I get to talk about something I'm passionate about I just get into "the zone" where I don't realise what a sped I've been acting until I'm done giving my ted talk. Most people typically describe me as "blunt" too where I don't think before I speak but I've been getting better at recognising when I should keep certain thoughts to myself. It's hard, but you can train yourself to socialise better with normies. Though the tiktok """autists""" would probably say that's like conversion therapy for them kek.
No. 940951
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I hate anons who talk shit about lesbians and think the lesbian and bi threads are containment threads. They aren't. These anons come off as homophobes and it's sad. Cow behaivor tbh.
No. 940998
>>940951I thought this was a family of gimps just hanging out in the living room together.
I haven't seen them in a while but there was an anon who used to get off on calling lesbo anons dyke as if that's such a scathing insult or dirty word.
No. 941158
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i hate any tiktok user who is under 18. (Pic related it a comment on an “artist”‘a page who is supposedly 14) we don’t shit on you guys because you’re younger we do it because you think you’re hot shit just because you can draw some twinky anime shit.
No. 941191
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>>940927I love magpies, like me they are curious and love collecting shiny things.
No. 941323
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I absolutely hate traps/femboys and their coomer fanboys. Like seriously, they're just drawn boobless girls being called boys or boobless dickgirls. They're so popularized by scrotes who have no luck with women, is bored with women/pussy or has a fetish for spicier waifus with a surprising twist. Also they're memed to death like "is it gay to like traps/femboys?", "haha waifu with pp" or "bros before hoes, trap > regular gf". They're all unfunny, repetitive and cringey. Draw a boobless girl + call it a boy/give it a dick = PROFIT!! There's hardly any androgyny to them compared to reverse traps. Looks like and dresses like a girl with dresses and skirts, girly/feminine behavior and mannerism and is voiced by a girl. Where's the boy to that other than having no boobs and Schrodinger's dick?! It's just another generic kawaii moe anime girl. They're the definition of a tumor in fictional/2D males and yaoi/gay/male focus porn being borderline shota but somewhat legal that had been groomed to become a sissy and made me wished they belong in the trans/futa/shemale category. Just want to spill it here since most people would defend them with the poor excuse of "but they're biologically male", pffft yeah like a boy having the body of a flat petite woman, wide hips, feminine thighs and squeaky voice doing "uguu~ soft boi uwu" stuff.
No. 941472
>>941438>>941410>>941342Chicago deep dish is bullshit, New York is greasy and floppy
viva pineapple and thin crust
No. 941535
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>>941530NTA but I am guessing is rpgfags that collect dice. Maybe I am way off mark, though lol
No. 941650
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nail polish on men, especially if it's chipped, makes me gag for some reason
No. 941865
>>941832I hate YouTube so much
>’be mindful of what you say online UwU’ reminders> YouTube shorts (i would install tik tok if i wanted tik tok)> ‘gEt VaCcInAtEd’ adverts and other government adverts. And the singapore gov can’t make up for it with that annoying pom pi pi song advert, it’s still annoying>YouTubers cant swear (swear words are funny) and the Internet isn’t for children> elsagate on YouTube kids, wtf> sexually themed clickbait in suggestions, I don’t watch anything haram so WHY> YouTubers who used to be interesting talking about fAtPhObIa and other things i don’t care about> adverts for two second videos> content, which comprises of reacting to stolen videos and reacting to those videos, youtubers who used to make interesting things making the same generic ‘TOP TEN SATISFYING COMPILATION’It’s braindead and I hate it. I’ve stopped opening the app and I waste much less time and get annoyed.
No. 941882
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I hate psych2go youtube channel. These people are not even psychology majors. They make shitton of money just by saying shit like "everyone you dislike is a narc doodoohead and you're so perfect every mento illness you think you have is valid" and then cite the first five articles that'll show up in google scholar. Plus they're pandering to dreamstans. I hate it when qualified people in this field cannot rake in this much money while these shams can.
No. 941955
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>>941191Where I can get one of those? For window, looks so pretty. One of my favourite birds along with jackdaws.
No. 942009
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I hate cockroaches. And I hope people who like them solely for quirk points gets bitten by one and gets their house infested with them. I just hate them so much ugh.
No. 942143
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>>941955This one was part of a larger custom panel but if you google “stained glass magpie” you can find other designs for sale. You could also commission a custom one from Etsy or something if you wanted.
No. 942538
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I hate picky eaters, specially when they’re adults, like, just eat your food, you fucking idiot, you won’t die because of some olives or some figs, retard.
I get not liking some stuff, but It’s honestly not only disrespectful when they start picking at their food, but also immature and gross.
And it’s also so difficult to go out anywhere with a picky eater, because you just can’t go eat somewhere nice and new without feeling annoyed by their dumb issues with food.
No. 942543
>>942539Lost me at
>using porn to do so can be fine Thinking porn use can be fine is how we got even this far. Before porn-watching on your phone and whatever became so widespread and accepted, the stuff you talked about at least was confined to niche forums. Then with the normalization of porn watching came the "Well, duh, if everyone does it, why even bother to hide?" and whoops, we're right in this shitty time line.
No. 942551
>>942549But why does it have to be eaten? It's not going to kill anyone if someone
doesn't eat it (although personally if there was that much stuff on a food I didn't like I wouldn't bother with the whole thing at all to begin with)
No. 942572
>>942553>>942556>>942559It’s shitty when you cook something while hoping that what you did will be liked by the person you’re cooking for, and then the retard just starts disassembling the food, making everything look gross.
And it’s also shitty having to bend over backwards and jump through hoops to gather all the ingredients some prick likes, just to cook the same bullshit every single day because
>muh I’m already bored of this thing we had 2 weeks ago! I want a borger! Tendies! Hot dogs!!!Just grow the fuck up already, I didn’t like olives, but I grew up and started getting their appeal, I also didn’t like raisins in my food, but I got to appreciate them too.
It’s not that hard trying to appreciate different ingredients, specially when you’re visiting someone or living with someone who wants cook nice food.
Being a picky eater is extremely childish and there’s no way it can be justifiable, it only makes sense if you’re allergic but that’s because of an unavoidable medical condition, not because you think raisins look icky or because you think something is too sophisticated for your underdeveloped palate. Pathetic.
No. 942603
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>>942598god forbid we stop mindlessly consooming
No. 942605
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>>942603you can throw things away without mindlessly consooming though. or do you want to live like pic related?
No. 942918
>>942538>>942572My scrote is this picky too and it drives me insane. If he could exist on a diet of burgers, tendies, and fries he'd do that every day if he could.
I don't think women are nearly as bad about their picky eating however, which may be why the autists who replied to you got so offended. IMO picky eating is childish but less so if the person doesn't kick up a fuss and is discrete, I think most women are socialized to be like this as the default but sometimes a plebbish rube will make herself known.
No. 943101
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This Youtuber. Some of the topics are interesting, but I hate her tone and voice. She’s kind of annoying and most of the time contributes nothing but the obvious
No. 943115
>>943112Okay mom
I just think Canadians are annoying but every country has a group of citizens that are annoying
No. 943126
>>942799It’s like when siblings fight. If someone genuinely hates Americans, they’re deranged and need to take some time staring at themselves in a mirror. Canadians are more likely to hate each other.
That said, fuck the Québécois.
No. 943135
>>943126Canadians are more likely to hate each other? Where the hell are you from?
>>943125Anon has no hobbies or friends apparently so everything is "boring". Most of the serious issues like homelessness and shit that we're dealing with now is a result of poor handling of covid. Our government is kind of shit. But we still live in an extremely privileged country and if you're not one of the people experiencing the shit in the wake of the pandemic or an indigenous citizen you've really got nothing to complain about.
No. 943142
>>943133I can't imagine how you could be bored in a city.
>>943141>no cultureI don't think you understand what culture is.
No. 943157
>>943149Just say you don't like people, because that's about as broad as saying you don't like 38 million people. You're saying this guys wife is accusing people of being white supremacists while another anon is saying people in Alberta
are white supremacists. Maybe people are just people and tend to be shit regardless of what rock they live on?
No. 943216
Americans don't understand that Canada is a huge country and that people's accents and cultural experiences differ wildly by region. When people talk about a "Canadian accent" they're usually referring to someone from western Canada, like Alberta or something. I've never heard anyone in Toronto talk like that. The Maritimes has their own culture and accent, and where I live (Quebec) it's essentially a different country altogether. I agree with
>>943178 that the concept of Canada seems fake, and "Canadian culture" is just a government psy-op sponsored by Tim Hortons.
No. 943248
>>943240Call me a peasant but I buy instant coffee, the ones where it's whole bean or whatever one promises to be better than the cheap ones. Usually they come in a nice tin instead of a jar. I just make it strong that way. Am I a coffee peasant?
My ex gave me so much stuff when we split but he took the coffee machine of all things.
No. 943319
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I hate when an actor looks so attractive within a certain show or movie but lacks the same appeal irl. It's weird because it will be so clear that their movie-set styling suits them so well, whyyy can't they not just dress/do their makeup/have their hair done like that all the time? A good example of this is Ashley Greene as Alice Cullen. Short hair suits her extremely well in every twilight movie, but on the red carpet she looks… (still extremely stunning, but) pretty generic. It's especially annoying when it's the mannerisms and quirks of a character that are all that makes an actor attractive to you, because then you can only enjoy them specifically within that series; though man, what a talent acting is that it can make a character feel so real that the actor couldn't possible be a completely different person in real life, kek.
Sidenote: Driverfags are lucky because Adam Driver always looks like Adam Driver no matter what he's in, except maybe when he wears glasses for roles.
No. 943422
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Tiktok “dermatologists” piss me off. I don’t have tiktok but their videos always cross pollenate to other sites. I hate seeing their ugly faces staring in to my soul whilst they “react”, pointing and nodding. How do we know your uniform isn’t a cosplay? What are your credentials? Why aren’t you working and instead fucking about on a teenybopper app?
No. 943480
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>>943422>dermatologistsI absolutely cannot stand Dr Dray, the OCD Anachan who wears a sun burqa while driving. Yes she may have a degree but the appeal to authority only goes so far when she's obviously unhealthy both physically and mentally
A large part of the Reddit skincare community is also mentally ill idiots who shame you for not wearing sunscreen indoors at night while freaking out about microscopic lines under their eyes. Not to mention their biggest "holy grails" made my face look like shit, fuck cera ve and Vaseline.
No. 943494
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>>942570I'm still seething anon I can't stop. They've literally been hoping for it. She's 8 in the original. She apparently has her children around 15-16.
>buh demons age slow and stuffHow does this logic work? That makes it worse. He's even older. She's a child. Age
does still matter. I just…. So many people on reddit talking about how it's not a big deal because he'll
look youngish for so long that she'll basically catch up to him. That makes no sense. It makes this pit in my heart.
No. 943497
>>943480Is no one of he rfollowers reacting to her looking like a starvation
No. 943509
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>>943494Rin&Sesshomaru is disgusting on so many levels. Even if we ignore the age difference and pedo sex, their dynamic in the original doesn't translate into romance at all. You can interpret it as master/servant or even like Sessh being her guardian/adoptive parent. Reminds me of the people that ship Dororo/Hyakkimaru.
No. 943558
>>942566No you're right, put this in any other non-uwu anime context and it's disgusting.
Imagine a grown man fucking his adoptive teenage daughter who treats herself like his servant.
No. 943792
>>943509Agree. I always hated that ship. Shes literally a child and acts like he's her father.
Wasn't there some spider demon chick that was working for the main villain? I seriously haven't watched the anime in a long as time, but I remember her a bit, and I always wanted her to end up with sesshomaru.
No. 943806
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>>943803Samefag, but I found this
No. 944116
>>943112it does sorta happen kek a man got his son taken away from him bc he didnt want them to transition and im sure we will see more of it knowing this country
>>943135our gov is shit period. i blame the leftists and the spineless conservatives… i really envy how amaericans are willing to stand up for things while people here stay quiet and just go with whatever everyone else does (ahem covid stuff especially ahem)
>>943178i have thought this my entire life, its just a mixed bag and thats a huge downfall for us. also the money laundering is out of control and no one cares at all. also house prices are high everywhere and watching americans buy homes on HGTV makes me so upset
i am in the same boat as you. i feel lucky to live here, but this place has so many issues and i think if the usa invaded i wouldnt even mind lol
No. 944175
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When anons refuse to stay in their containment thread despite everyone telling them to stfu
No. 944190
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This annoying couple. They always appear on my Instagram reels. Their reactions/faces are exaggerated and stupid.
No. 944198
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>>944193Random people. Instagram reels is just the equivalent of the for you page on TikTok. Their whole social media is being boyfriend and girlfriend. LOL I hate this guys face but the girl is more punchable
No. 944431
>>944419Also, OT, but I remember being in this facebook group where people shared images of food they thought were gross.
You won't believe the amount of food people posted thinking it was white trash food, before realizing it was ethnic and rapidly backtracking.
Corn + mayo = mexican elotes
Package ramen + American cheese slice = popular soul food in Korea
Chicken tenders + ketchup spaghetti = Filipino classic
And so on.
It's only considered nasty when it's American.
No. 944478
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I hate DDGL daddy caregiver petplay kink shit. Looking back to 2014, it was obvious this shit creeped its way on to tumblr and was a psyop to groom girls who just wanted to search for cute things, anime or disney crap into becoming okay with pedophilic sexual abuse and bdsm.
I remember being still a minor when I first saw ddgl crap on tumblr, I might had been searching for kawaii stationary or something like that (completely harmless). I found so much shit about grown men giving their """daughters""" some "punishment" and I was grossed out but couldn't put it into words why.
Then people started saying "littles can be of every size!!!" and like, how does that make it any better? you just want more girls to fall into this crap. Seriously this is one of the most disgusting crap ever the more you think about it. Don't get me started on how a lot of those blogs had loli & shota drawings or random hentai crap in between cute stuff
No. 944483
>>944416>>944419In mexico we love our buebitos con catsun. We have never seen eggs + ketchup as a bad thing at all, I actually thought it was completely normal?
>>944431>Corn + mayo = mexican elotesI also never saw anything wrong with this, even Japan loves this convination and they put it on pizza
No. 944513
>>944478When I was in 8th grade I was "dating" an adult man I met on osu (nude Skype calls, constant messaging, etc. for like a year. He would have met me in person if he had the chance but luckily it never came to that.)
I remember seeing lolicon-type stuff and emulating it, especially since the pedo was into loli (and real child porn, aside from me.) Like, "oh, a 13 year old like me can be sexy too, especially if I have stuff like striped panties or thigh-highs."
Ugh. Tried to report him eventually but nothing came of it. I'm sure it happens to many little kids.
No. 944816
>>944805Is Southern/soul food considered a "white" food? I'm from the south so I know that everyone, regardless of race, cooks soul food but I thought it was most heavily associated with black people
>>944794I think that stereotype is specifically about white American people
and sometimes it's true No. 944820
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i absolutely HATE men in maid costumes. they always put zero effort into it and the costume either looks too tacky or too big. and sometimes they try makeup too which makes it even worse… the creased eyeliner because they cant do it properly for their eyeshape makes me wanna die. add that, chipped black nail polish, and cat ears… a true recipe for disaster
No. 944839
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i hate shit like this. how hard is it to fucking scroll? and not engage with content that bothers you? jesus christ.
No. 944851
>>939821>Boudican revoltkek
honestly ever since I saw that tinfoil of the suicidal anons being scrotes and trannies suicide baiting to get attention from women I can't see them as anything else
No. 944918
>>944856I just hate faggots in general. I wish no harm unto them but I just don’t like to be around them, I don’t like their attitude or their entitlement and I think they have ruined the fashion industry. They should shut the fuck up and stop telling us what to wear and how to behave because they’re just scrotes at the end of the day.
I don’t hate lesbos or female bisexuals but I think I may actually be one or the other in denial so that would make sense.
No. 945005
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I can't stand people who claim they are dyslectic and/or dyscalculic, just because most of the time they don't bother putting in the effort and instead use it as an excuse to give up.
I currently have to do a group project with 2 groupmates where one is dyslectic and the other dyscalculic. Whenever I point out that the former has spelling issues in their parts they just go "Oh, it's because I have dyslexia", as if spell check doesn't exist. I also have to constantly baby the other when it comes to anything math related, which is especially annoying since our unit is about coding.
No. 945044
>>944919You're on the wrong website.
Gay men have nothing but quiet contempt towards women at best.
No. 945246
>>944794White food does have a tendency to be bland, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Japanese and non-algerian french food could be called bland due to a lack of spice use, but no one thinks it's an issue in those cases. There's an inherent tension between rich spicy flavors and bright natural flavors, and people only describe the latter as bland when they're being dumb on purpose.
The WASP food bland thing only developed because african americans/southern whites kept using it as an epic clapback when arguing with other americans. It's retarded, because all non-immigrant american food sucks for the same reason that british food sucks - the consistently mushy, greasy, soggy texture. Southerners can put as much spice in their greens as they want, cooking that shit down to a brown sludge is still gross.
No. 945274
>>945269Tajines are not middle eastern food, it's north african. I'm far from being patriotic but that's just straight up insulting.
My grandma would murder you on the spot if she read that. I'd say French people like tajines and couscous as it is and eat these dishes in Moroccan and Algerian restaurants so I wouldn't say it French food with an Algerian influence. When you see variations with these dishes it's because the recipes will depend on regions (shout out to Tunisia and it fish couscous, I kinda want to try eating it one day) and personal preferences as well.
No. 945279
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she looks like she’s ready to scheme against He-Man
No. 945285
>>945213My understanding is that high-class Europeans would use lots of spices in their food back when spices were expensive there because it was a signal of wealth. But once better shipping techniques started driving the prices down to be accessible to everyone, that use as a signifier was no longer
valid. Wealthy Europeans responded by instead moving away from spices and using the inherent quality of the ingredients (the best cuts of meat, the freshest vegetables) to signal their wealth. Adding a bunch of spice defeats that purpose because it hides the flavor of those raw ingredients. The effect tricked down through society because the lower classes wanted their food to feel upper-class whenever possible, so lots of spices in meals fell out of favor. Everyone kept using spices in desserts, though.
This is in contrast to the parts of the world they were taking these spices from, where spice served the dual purpose of both improving the flavor and hiding the taste of rotten food, thus being popular among all levels of society.
No. 945336
>>945005My mom used to do stuff similar to this, she didn’t want to accept that I had really bad childhood depression so she just said ‘oh it’s your dyslexia’
I had a discussion with her about this about a year ago and how it really didn’t help me at all and it would have been easier if she just accepted earlier that I had developed depression early in life which luckily she agreed that I was in the right there.
No. 945354
>>945347I’m so sorry that happened to you anon! In my mom’s case I think it was more because she also grew up with childhood depression and didn’t want the same thing to happen to me.
I think on some level it’s because just the idea scares the shit out of parents and they would rather ignore it until it becomes unavoidable.
No. 946411
>>946408Was legit about to mention the people who boast about drinking no water and living on monster.
I bet their pussies stink and their kidneys are rotten.
No. 946451
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The "it's Wednesday my dudes" retarded meme. It's forced and tired when you see 10s of posts like that every week. But of course plebbit has to beat every joke/meme into ground. IDK why they find it amusing
No. 946602
>>946596While technically you're right - and also what you described as a kink is also known as a paraphilia - people commonly use fetish to refer to any unusual sexual preference regardless of whether you "need" it to be aroused or not, and I don't think that is going to change.
It's really much more rare for someone to have a true exclusive fetish rather than a kink/paraphilia, to the point where it would probably be better to have a special word for that case, like idk monophilia or something.
No. 946911
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>>946451There's also a similar annoying meme which features a video of the Lucky Star anime dance, I think it's for Thursday. The only "weekly" meme I like is pic related but it's older.
No. 947084
>>947066onions stink, lettuce doesn't
>>947070without any of those it's no longer a sandwich
No. 947292
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I hate this shit and anyone who enjoys it
Everyone who enjoys this shit is some kind of hypocrital retard and I hate it, fuck this shit
I watched the first season and it was alright. But seeing everyone act like a little shit about this crap makes me furious, it's not that good you pieces of shit
Only coomers and losers like this shit husbandofags are forgiven though. You can't control your impulses I know.
No. 947295
File: 1634958256464.png (1.22 MB, 1152x1152, imagen_2021-10-22_220203.png)

>>947292this "uwu" looking piece of shit is the worst offender for me btw. Punchable face, ugly hair, yet everyone seems obsessed with her. She's the kind of character who is too cheerful and idiots fall for that. Every other design is fucking hideous too, girls and boys included
if you like bakugo or iida you are spared, I don't hate you but I will look at you with disbelief. You are warned. No. 947389
>>947376Thank you for replying anon. The reason why I assumed this was a real event and not storytelling was because one of the comments under the video said this:
>"I wrote it for an old friend of mine, and she is fine, if you are curious." – John Darnielle at eTown Hall in Boulder, CO, October 2016Anyway regardless of the song, I feel very bad that he went through that. I just discovered this band so I didn't know that about him, thank you for letting me know. Listening to it again with the perspective you gave me I can definitely see how it is meant to be interpreted that way. Perhaps I was too judgemental with the song. I listened to the song you linked too and it was very relaxing and melancholic. He reminds me of a softer, acoustic version of AJJ.
No. 947399
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>>947292>>947295I don’t like the show or the hideous art, but this character looks so cool and hot.
No. 947400
>>947389I'm glad you liked the other song, their discog is massive so it's easy to fall down the rabbit hole and be quite entertained if you do wind up getting into them
>>947390that's funny I love to scream along to No Children it's a good angry song
No. 947430
>>947321>>947376>mountain goats songs are about all sorts of characters and situations that didn't happen and are often very storytelling so it may not be a true accounting of something that happened in john darnielle's lifeDidn't listen to the song, so sorry if I'm talking bs. I no longer trust scrote singers when they write lyrics about being shitty or
abusive to women, even when they seem critical. It happened too many times when it turned out that yes, they are actually talking about their own behavior. Example: everyone thought Me Vs Maradona vs Elvis by Brand New is shitting on misogynistic scrotes till it turned out that Jesse Lacey was an online groomer. See also Mindless Self Indulgence and probably many others. Maybe you are right and Danielle isn't like that, since he faced abuse himself. I get the song isn't as bad as the other too examples. Again, I'm just highly suspicious of any supposedly fictional scrote lyrics describing bad behavior
No. 947737
>>947636Most of the times they’re worried about their kid being some flavor of special sexuality or gay.
And I don’t understand how can anyone not get that they were raised to believe that being in a relationship is the most important shit ever.
Of course they will worry about their kid not having a partner, they think that you must know the person who will stay with you forever as quickly as possible to avoid you being a partnerless loser.
But sure, never talk about it with mom and dad, just come here and post about it, or even better, go to ticktoc and expose them on social media.
No. 948068
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No. 948245
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A Neanderthal looking misogynistic faux-intellect that borderline traffics young men
No. 948251
>>948086It’s reddit-posting.
Why won’t they integrate?
Guess we’ll never know.
No. 948366
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>>948356Not a perfect example, but it’s the video that made me realize I’ve seen this trend multiple times in the past week. Why anyone would want to draw their regularly spaced eyes closer together is beyond me. Her face looks fine but her bad makeup is so irritating.
No. 948457
>>948366This bitch and her content keeps getting worse.
Now that she's getting some attention she's showing clearly what a retarded basic plastic bitch she is. Dumbass just want more cash for her shitty makeup and plastic surgery adiction.
No. 948475
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>>948353>>948366I think it could look decent if someone intentionally goes for a certain style like egyptian and goth inspired makeup although that looks kind of different from whatever that other girl is doing
No. 948653
>>948628How do you even know which dog was the one that got sick if they don’t have to have names? That’s dumb.
Specially if they’re the same race and too similar, names exist for a reason.
No. 948686
>>948615charlie and max are people names though
>>948660the word you're looking for is breed lol
No. 950029
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>>950027>i hate the thread so much>it's so unfunny it feels like they must all be 14Now you're offended that you're offended
No. 950506
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idk who this character is but her face annoys me
No. 950599
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I hate these ugly shoes. Burn.
No. 950618
>>950599Sorry you have fat ankles,
No. 950630
>>950618Sorry you like clown shoes,
No. 950652
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>>950599Wait til you see these.
No. 950696
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>>950506samefag i also can't stand this bitch. her mouth is so ugly it genuinely pisses me off
No. 951200
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These things have been posted here before and they will never stop multiplying. I hate that these will never go away. People who make this content contains the same crap.
No. 951977
File: 1635408651826.png (81.7 KB, 688x413, Screenshot (215).png)

Western libfems who defend Islam, oh my god I hate these bitches so much
seriously how does she not get that these Muslim countries only became Muslim in the first place was case they were conquered and subjugated and forced to convert and I would much rather deal with an annoying christian missionary then the rape jihajis in my own country who rape and marry young non-Muslims girls as a form of Jihad
I wish that every single libfem who ever defended the religion of the arab pedopophile would have to spend one day in either a Muslim community or dispora group
No. 952009
>>952000>waaah pedo arabs>waaah goatfuckers>waaah hijabs and niqabs>waaah four wives>waaah muh homophobiaIt's always the same lines over and over again, it gets bored after a while.
>>952001Yeah, let's nuke ISLAMABAD! LET'S GO!
No. 952053
>>952034>>952037Nonny has already made many posts in many threads about Islam and muslim women before, I can easily recognize her because she's an ESL paki
>these Muslim countries only became Muslim in the first place was case they were conquered and subjugated and forced to convertshit non-muslim subcontinental people always say
>the rape jihajis in my own country who rape and marry young non-Muslims girls as a form of Jihad"love jihad" lol
plus the post is filled with typos and there's only 12 anons on lolcow dot farm
No. 952054
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I hate porn "memes"
No. 952059
>>952009>it's always the same lines over and over againand? complaining about pedo arabs, homophobia and women not having rights in general are all perfectly
valid complaints.
>>952053yes I think I may have argued with her before, anons were arguing about islam and christianity and I said that even though christianity is terrible it is objectively better than islam. she was just like "lol cope harder, islam isn't going anywhere" with a smiley face or something. cope about what exactly? it's just a fact. and of course a religion that murders people for leaving it isn't going anywhere.
No. 952061
>>952054Especially the "what are you doing, stepbro" and the one with one white chick and multiple black men. I can't believe what they did to my baby Ankha, just googled her and 3 out of the 6 pics in the first line are inappropriate. We can't have shit with scrotes.
>>952058>radio freeYeah it's just propaganda. I'm sure it happens some times but not as much as Hindu extremists like to pretend.
>>952059What's wrong with homophobia?
>>952060Was that sandwich good?
No. 952076
>>952073The fact that homos can't just stop fucking each other despite knowing they'll be killed is hilarious.
>>952072Hehe nahhh, I know her. Nice try!
No. 952119
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ugliest fucking shoes
No. 952627
File: 1635452216497.png (43.48 KB, 642x397, Screen Shot 2021-10-28 at 4.04…)

I hate when men pretend to be wholesome while being transparently gross coomers. Pic rel are comments from a video of this Japanese weather presenter named Saya Hiyama that has a niche fanbase outside of Japan. Literally every comment on all of her videos are like this. I watch her a lot mostly for Japanese immersion but it's undeniable she's gorgeous. Unfortunately, scrotes make up like 99% of her overseas fanbase, because of course. I feel like every time I see a comment like "protect her smile, boys" it's clearly written with gross, nasty, cum-smelling fingertips. I'm sorry. I don't believe in a mans ability to experience mostly wholesome feelings towards women. "I just want to hold her hand!" "I just want to hug her and tell her I love her!" "I just want her to be my cuddly gf uwu". Bullshit, you nasty fuck. Everything you say comes with a "and have gros, kinky sex with her" after it, muttered only internally to keep up a guise of innocence. I also won't get into how infantilizing it is towards asian women that they talk about her like she's a fucking baby and not a 28 year old woman with a successful career in broadcasting.
No. 952630
>>952627They do it because it’s a meme and because they know they’re disgusting coomers, the whole
>p-protect her smile!>I want to h-hold her hand!!It’s just a joke and other coomers know that, it’s almost a code to say that they’re fapping to her while watching the videos.
No. 952664
File: 1635454079399.jpeg (106.49 KB, 1200x1200, Half_1543d9_6444182.jpeg)

>>952659Because men can only picture women as looking 18 or 45+ with no in-between. Pic related is Joss Fong who is 33 and constantly simped over by the same kind of scrotes who say women hit the wall at 25.
No. 952676
>>952627Scrotes always do this shit. I remember being baffled when I first found out about Natalia Ponkloskaya, a russian general attorney for Crimea.
This woman was just doing her job, doing normal things like interviews and ended up being harassed by coomers that have drawn hentai of her, do shit like vidrel and call her "the russian waifu"
No. 952681
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>>952676Even with Kim Yo-Jong, daughter of Kim Jong-Il. Of course it's degenerate Shadman (not the only one), it's amazing how they can sexualize everything, absolute psychos and freaks
No. 952683
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>>952681I can't wait for this scrote to kill himself
No. 952688
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>>952683No i want him to stay alive and keep suffering in his miserable drug addict state
No. 952708
>>952676She's another example of this
>>952664>>952659phenomenon. She was mid to late 30s when she blew up and a single mother too, yet notoriously pedo moids (eg on 4chan, Japanese guys) were simping because a pretty face >>> the arbitrary standards they mostly only talk about to systematically lower women's self esteem as a group
No. 952823
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No. 952906
File: 1635468719096.jpeg (878.95 KB, 1600x2411, 4328BEED-AD00-4FF4-A0CE-3F3D49…)

god this is so retarded but i really dislike this book cover. i feel like it doesn’t match the tone/mood of the novel at all, and it looks very YA-ish. tbh i really hate a lot of the current book cover design trends. sorry for being so autistic but it bothers me a lot.
No. 952924
>>952922I'm not black
nonny, you're just a racist bitch
No. 952932
>>952929It's not bait, you guys are just assholes. We had a thread for black women but you ruined it bc you have a hate boner for non-whites for some reason
>>952930All the anons who keep using that shitty line should kill themselves and their families
No. 952935
>>952929I hate anons who bait. It's never ever good bait either, just the most obvious shit. I have more respect for anons who lie and make up controversial stories to cause infights than anons like
>>952922. At least those are interesting to read.
No. 952938
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>>952934>what about the latinas and asian women? your bait that screams jealousy and racism is starting to make sense
No. 953006
>>953002>even from asian women and white men since mostNah it's mostly white women and asian men seething
>>953004Never trust a white man
No. 953020
>>953013Those racist white guys are just white women larping as men online lol, actual racist white men tend to hate western white "whores". And most of those woke asian ladies date white men.
Wait wtf do you mean by jealousy?
No. 953022
>>952972How do you even know that? I am pretty sure we arent supposed to talk much about race on lc anyway.
Anyway: if black girls get a thread then I want the Canada hate thread back
No. 953067
>>953054Please post screenshots, I literally never seen this happen. How would you even know it was a white woman larping?
I'm not against WMAF couples but a lot are built on fetishization, that doesn't mean asian women can't call it out when they see it, plus most asian american women are surrounded by whites and asian guys are usually taken so it makes sense most are dating white guys despite being against asian fetishization
No. 953154
>>953067Pretty sure I know who the WMAF poster is-he sounds like a guy I use to be friends with who got cheated on by an uggo Japanese girl and spends his days race-baiting random women on the internet, including leading on random white, black, arab, etc girls and going out of his way to tear them apart and compare them to Asian girls and when they don't respond in jealousy like he wants he starts comparing their bodies to nitpick them and overly exaggerating how his ex looked, acted, etc. And then gaslights them when they call him out
It's beyond pathetic and I'm still friends with 2 of the girls he did this too and his Japanese ex and we all know each other and laugh at him and all the lies he's told and how obsessed with race is. He also frequents lolcow a lot which is why I think that, everyone in his friend group hates now and he's probably just spiraling to suicide like the loser he is
No. 953273
File: 1635487915674.gif (4.07 MB, 267x200, 1A9A74C4-2BDC-410F-9BE0-5B5DC5…)

>>952865Let me deconstruct your most annoying parts
>based Hmmm maybe funny , sorta benign
>femcelUnfunny as fuck, I wanna throw myself off a bridge every time I see some bitch on tiktok call themselves that.
>Jokerpilled Kinda cringe but not the worst part of this post
>blackpilledThat’s enough words ending with pilled, random egirl who discovered how to talk like this not too long ago it seems like
>tradwifedoesn’t really match the other adjectives. disgusting and annoying word
>mitski??? Mitski fan?
> Radiohead creepI don’t think this part was necessary at all, the song playing in this retarded ass tiktok was creep by Radiohead
She uses the word femcel again
>that abhorrent emoji Probably the worst part.
Look at her profile picture and name,
>@mypeepeehurtss2 I understand that tiktok and Twitter is full of people who will get offended at literally anything but peepee poopoo is not fucking funny. At all. I bet you there are like billions of other usernames like this because every quirky kid on tiktok thinks they’re so goofy and cray cray, hence the repeating character and 2 at the end
> SUS with a warped ass pic of her That was a meme like 4 months ago.
If you’re gonna be a quirky meme person at least get with the times also inserting yourself into a meme is a weird narcissist thing like something Shoeonhead would do, in fact the whole tiktok sounds like something she would retweet
I think the thing that bothers me about this post is that it’s not even fully a joke, she’s just using random words throwing it together. Words that would be annoying even if she only used even one of them in a sentence. But here they all are. This literally made me stop going on tiktok. The Chinese have failed me by putting this on my for you page.
No. 953304
>>953299Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily
You found a new girl, and it only took a couple weeks
Remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world? (Ah-ah-ah-ah)
And good for you, I guess that you've been working on yourself
I guess that therapist I found for you, she really helped
Now you can be a better man for your brand-new girl
Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy
Not me, if you ever cared to ask
Good for you, you're doing great out there without me, baby
God, I wish that I could do that
I've lost my mind, I've spent the night
Crying on the floor of my bathroom
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it
But I guess good for you
Well, good for you, I guess you're getting everything you want (ah)
You bought a new car and your career's really taking off (ah)
It's like we never even happened
Baby, what the fuck is up with that? (Ha)
And good for you, it's like you never even met me
Remember when you swore to God I was the only
Person who ever got you?
Well, screw that and screw you
You will never have to hurt the way you know that I do
Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy
Not me, if you ever cared to ask
Good for you, you're doing great out there without me, baby
God, I wish that I could do that
I've lost my mind, I've spent the night
Crying on the floor of my bathroom
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it
But I guess good for you
Maybe I'm too emotional
But your apathy is like a wound in salt
Maybe I'm too emotional
Or maybe you never cared at all
Maybe I'm too emotional
Your apathy is like a wound in salt
Maybe I'm too emotional
Or maybe you never cared at all
Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy
Not me, if you ever cared to ask
Good for you, you're doing great out there without me, baby
Like a damn sociopath!
I've lost my mind, I've spent the night
Crying on the floor of my bathroom
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it
But I guess good for you
Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily
No. 953308
>>953303are you talking about that tiktok trend of non-white women demeaning themselves for white men?
>>953304you've been doing this for a while, your taste in music is shit
>>953306kill yourself.
(relax) No. 953327
>>953320>Why are you so obsessed with race?I'm not "obsessed", race has always been crucial to every society and it affects even the slightest human interactions, no matter how hard "colorblind" liberals try to deny it.
>Also why would white women who like Asian guys care about Asian girls dating white guys? Envy over their opposite sex counterparts actually succeeding.
>That makes zero sense and I promise you lol no Asian guy is gonna turn down a pretty white girl because she's white.Except they do all the time. Only low value Asian (and non-white in general) males chase over white women.
>you still have yet to post seething white women who are larping to conspire against WMAF couplesThat anon wasn't me. There is more than one person who is not afraid to tell the truth here.
No. 953341
>>953297>the vast majority of Asian men think white women are disgusting fat slutsAs a non-white living in Sweden, that's a hilariously inaccurate opinion to hold based on my experiences. Which Asians are you talking about, and which group of whites? I can assure you that a lot of Asian men wouldn't mind dating a woman from Northern Europe unless they're trying to fulfill their familial duties (and marry a fellow asian).
>>953321No one is obsessed, you're the one who seems to be so envious of white women that you want us (and yourself) to seriously believe that they're all considered fat sluts (and aren't highly desirable) to Asian men, which is completely untrue. I'm not white, and I'm telling you that your opinion is prob rooted in some delusion, intrasexual competition, and envy. White women are doing good in the dating market; there's no shame in being honest about that.
>>953327>Only low value Asian (and non-white in general) males chase over white women.And black men who date white women are traitors, right ladies? You absolutely fucking retarded, tribal, ooga booga bitches. Shaming men into picking women their own race is indicative of having a really good personality and being of really high value, no wonder you haven't gotten picked by a man your own race yet. Also, "IF A MAN DOESN'T DO WHAT I THINK HE SHOULD DO, HE'S LOW VALUE" is definitely not a pathetic cope made by an incredibly resentful, terrified, and small-minded bitch. You probably can't stand other people succeeding, so you make up delusions that fit your narrative. You have the personality and confidence of an incel with schizoaffective disorder.
File: 1635491945863.jpg (676.41 KB, 2399x3240, elle-playboy-covers-08-june-19…)

>>953333You think white women imposed the big titty bimbo standard and not men? Everything ran by and for men kept pushing the big titty blonde standard on women for the longest time. Playboy, penthouse and other men's magazines didn't even feature Asians til way later on. Not saying this is good or bad but trying to convince people men were never attracted to the Stacy archetype and only liked Asians just screams cope
File: 1635492244878.jpeg (51.36 KB, 500x500, E1C1DB52-8250-4C1E-A2AA-8A0E02…)

>>953305Shut up bitch
>>952938 This is the most unfunny image I’ve ever seen in my life. You’re making fun of a 30 year old and have a fat bitch in the image. You should maybe have put a saggy granny or something to dunk on the older women.
All of the stuff she is saying like drink water and exercise means she wouldn’t be fat… So why is the woman in your meme fat? I’m gonna assume you’re a woman since you are on this site,
or maybe you’re that one anon’s bf. You’re gonna have a total crisis every birthday because you’re getting further and further away from being a teenager and you let society ingrain you with ageist propoganda and it’s eating at you like you think it should be eating at the ancient 30 year old fatties you think you’re owning in your meme. But really they seem to be ok with it. Not everyone peaks in high school.
>I am enjoying aging and looking forward to being a zen child free grandmaNo one here has ever said that, also how can you be a childfree grandma if you have no children that can have their own children? Retard detected.
> I understand the anxiety because of the way society isYup. Society’s view on aging as a woman affected you enough to make a meme that is like a novel and none of it is funny.
>being stable rocksYou’re only having fun when you’re a young adult who is probably still in school and stressed from figuring things out, not saying being in your early 20s isnt fun, but how is being relieved that those formative years have passed not?
>but don’t forget men need us more than we really need them.Nobody says that here. Especially in posts about age. This is so overloaded and try hard, like you wanna make fun of them for being fat, old and lonely but you’ve failed. And this meme wouldn’t even make sense anywhere else. L. If you are a woman and you made this then you are dumb and unfunny. The fact that this meme includes men at the end which nobody on here ever includes in their age posts that you are making fun of proves that you care way too much about what men think, which is way worse than being fat and old.
Deleted and reposted and removed the A logging cause I don’t wanna be banned
No. 953349
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>>953345What about black men who date pretty white women
No. 953364
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>>953357Men in general don't go near fat feminazis anon. Plus don't most fat white greasy girls with dyed hair have white boyfriends anyway they claim to do super kinky bdsm with? Either way your biggest issue is that you think white = ugly. Most white women who are young aren't ugly at all and plenty of high value Asian men lust and love white women which is also why it's quite common for handsome and rich Asian men to have white wives if they don't live in an Asian dominated population
No. 953387
>>953379I think the jealous anon is a false flag done by a white woman to make it appear as though non-white women have an inferiority complex towards white women.
>>953384The infighting isn't even entertaining. Lame.
No. 953397
>>953387Nah I'm this anon
>>953154Still sticking by what I said since their arguing style is insanely close to the guy I am talking about. Same typing style, the same argument style of ignoring to nitpick random things during the argument and focus on that, when he doesn't get a reaction he wants he just keeps saying increasingly stupid and petty things, most white women I know don't think or even discuss race at all but the only people I've ever met that discuss race constantly are usually bitter men who have some sort of vendetta against the women of whatever race they're bashing
No. 953897
>>953003Single men become terminally online, build their entire identity around their single status and start baiting in female image boards and create entire images to support their paranoid delusions and
victim complexes. Single women just focus on their careers and live life
No. 953946
>>953502This reminds me of this commenter I found who larped as a Japanese girl under MGTOW videos claiming "western white girls were all gold diggers and american white men are handsome gentleman and in japan we split the bill" and weird shit like that, I started following up his comments under other videos where he started bitching about his ex girlfriend and bragged about how pro gun he was kek. They aren't even trying to hide it
As for white women I never once seen a white woman larp as a white guy who hates asians, the closest I can think of is those white cosplayers who pretend to be part asian but the same asian fetishists love those girls anyway and deny that they lie so who knows
No. 954022
>>953849>>953953How many users here can even find that country on a map? Lol
Country hate threads (even "benign" ones like America or Canada hate) would just devolve to racebait, but I guess that's the point for "certain people" who want to shit up this board anyway. It's sad
No. 954669
>>954626>I grew up sharing a bedroom with 2 siblings just fine. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. I'm sure co-habiting same sex siblings in the same bedroom is fine up until a certain age. If the parents already got one boy and one girl though it's just not appropriate and won't work, sorry. But even so, if there were two girls sharing the same room eventually both are going to want their own spaces and privacy. At best, the parents got about ~10 years to get their debts in order and figure out a solution. It sounds like a lot of time but it really isn't. 2012 was just like yesterday to me. Often the simplest solution is to sell and upgrade to a bigger home because it makes sense.
Agree that everyone acting like they need a guest bedroom is quite extreme and needless, but wanting separate rooms for children is completely normal and healthy. Dumb thing to hate.
>>954649There is not a homeless problem because of big homes existing.
Homelessness is a problem because of a lack of mental healthcare, stagnant wages, substance abuse, and no affordable housing options for even the tiniest of living spaces. If the problem were as simple as moving the homeless into vacant big houses (which if they exist certainly do not exist within metro centers where they tend to congregate for transportation, aid, and other needs that they can't achieve in rural areas, and where housing is high in demand and hard to obtain even for people with the money to pay) then it wouldn't make sense for anyone to have to work to pay for their living. Everyone should just go homeless and get a big free house.
>>954651>houseshare and apartment share I've lived in has involved me sharing a bathroom tooThis is awful.
No. 954720
>>954480You're right but people usually say that to people who think no exceptions exist ever.
The world is more nuanced than many people think.
No. 954734
>>954669I have to share a bedroom with my older brother to this day, he's 27 and I'm 22. I agree that's very inappropriate (even if we're on good terms and got used to it) and every parent should at least make the effort to have one bedroom per child (it's kinda fine if the children are of the same sex like you said, but after a certain age everyone wants their privacy). Can a bedroom be shared if there really are no other solutions? Yes. Is it ideal? Absolutely not.
I do think that entire guest rooms are a bit unnecessary though.
No. 955476
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I hate sympathy baiting comments like this. They make me uncomfortable and I don't understand why these people would trauma dump to strangers for any reason other than wanting attention.
No. 955526
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I hate Argentina, I hate that we have these atrocious pastries, and people are defending them on Facebook, saying things like "what, can't we call Africans Africans now?" Disregarding the fact that these are a blatant blackface.
I'm glad I was able to escape that shithole two years ago.
No. 955691
>>955526First I thought they were little shits and started laughing and was going to comment about those dick shaped pastries that went viral here but then I was disappointed. Argentine conservatives/racists are sooo stuck in time, still reminiscing about Julio Roca and whatever. The rise of mentally ill young libertarians here is embarrasing and maybe worrying, we have to see.
Also to add to the Argentina hate party, having to see everyone crying on Maradona's birthday. Just a few weeks after that cuban woman exposed all the shit he did to her as a teen. We're doomed with an entire country celebrating a violent, misogynistic pedophile.
Anyways, where are you now
No. 955733
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>>955526This is so weird. Don't multiple cultures have something like this?
Why are so many white people obsessed with the concept of eating black people? Why would you want to think of a race you dislike while eating something sweet and delicious? It reminds me of misogynistic moids fixating on women while bashing them. Knowing that "Blacked" exists, I don't really like the implications of any of these things tbh
Before anyone gets angry at me for implying that Argentinians are white, please Google "argentinians are white" and understand that I am respecting their self-identification, much like how we are expected to respect a person's preferred pronouns in 2021 ♥
No. 955841
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>>955787a kind of cocktail
No. 955984
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theres something really annoying to me when someone posts a garbage scribble and goes "just a doodle hehe just a sketch!!" as if we're supposed to be impressed by their amateur, uncertain lineart
No. 956010
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>>955526>>955733I think it would be cute if it was a normal face and no implication of them being black. But I'm biased because I love looking at smiley faces on food. Like, remove the very racist looking mouths and top hat and just leave the eyes and please don't give it a racist name. Then it can just be a cute thing idk.
No. 956034
File: 1635728007221.png (738.72 KB, 1228x887, what in the fuck.PNG)

The fact that Boohoo is selling shoddy clothes that were priced at 30 or 40 dollars (even LESS at times) a few months ago, and now they're selling them $60+ is embarrassing and disgusting. They're cheap chinese fast fashion, they have no right to charge so much.
Also the fact that I can find more expensive looking items on the site for 12 - 18 dollars is telling. It shows that they CAN sell that low but are being dumb for some reason.
No. 956040
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>>956037>>956034ikr. here are some much more decent prices for some decent looking things. I buy from them often and their clothes are pretty good quality to be honest! But 120 dollars for a sequin dress? funny
No. 956084
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I hate how troons will fight Netflix but won’t fight clothing companies to sell more clothes aimed at taller women. I’m tall myself and it’s a pain in the ass looking for nice tall clothes that aren’t Walmart quality.
No. 956136
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>>956084I hate that fucker so much, but do his comics hit right
No. 956496
>>956478It was supposed to be
>No shave November Because with the money that scrotes wouldn’t spend on shaving supplies, they would use it to help some testicular cancer associations or something like that so testicular cancer could be cured.
But then some retards, of course, turned it into some chastity fetish thing and it, of course, became a huge meme that turned a decent cause into a stupid joke.
No. 956731
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I fucking hate when the retards writing papers about literature’s history are trying to talk like some romantic novel author, like, your dear Felipe Pardo y Aliaga won’t fuck you, he’s fucking dead already, stop trying to suck some dead guys dick n’ balls and tell me wether the fucker was into romanticism or not.
No. 956863
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>"malewife" "girlboss" "bottom energy" "verse energy" "femboy x" "dom energy"
No. 956911
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this gif—something about it is so creepy
No. 957091
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I hate how anime characters in general act slow or like literal autists. What normal person could enjoy watching them gasp and mewl every time they speak, then moan out loud all of a sudden over a minor inconvenience? Even in "deep" and "serious" animes, they still talk in that weird way weebs coom over. The only anime I can truly enjoy is Interstella 5555 because it doesn't have any dialogue or uwu voices at all.
pic rel, who reacts like this? If it's cringy on screen, then imagine a real person doing it.
No. 957154
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I fucking hate anachans. They're legitimately one of the most vile and negative groups of people I can think of. More specifically I'm talking about the vocal anachans who shit up the board with their obsession about who is or isn't fat. Where you can tell their lives are consumed by nothing else but being spoopy and downward comparison to others.
I honestly think the main factor preventing anons on this site from getting along and collectively leaving mysogynistic notions of the importance of the female body behind is anachans. I'm not saying being overweight is fine, or that we shouldn't strive to have healthy and fit bodies, but obviously it's a harmful fixation for many people here.
No. 957192
>>957154This and they don’t even have to actually have an ED.
Like we get it, you think a women’s most valuable contribution to society is how she looks and how she dresses and you’re an embarrassing non-person if you don’t comply.
Vid incredibly rel.
No. 957243
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Tall obese males
see the taller you are, the more calories you burn at a given activity, if you are considerably tall, as well as being male you burn thousands of calories a day just by existing, so for one to be obese while being that height means that they have to be an insane glutton who does no physical activity
No. 957252
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>>957154I think about them sometimes when I’m gorging myself on delicious foods and wine, and I laugh to myself heartily.
No. 957284
>>957154I think it's funny when anachans try to reverse narrative saying they're not the bullies about bodies but instead it's the fatties (aka normal BMI) people doing the boolying against anyone skinny.
Bullshit. I've seen the types of comments anachans make about fatness and they're way fucking worse than any 2008 MySpace-tier "Bones are for dogs, real men love curves" slogan even from the fattest people I've ever known.
At least when fat women made fun of skinny women pre-wokeism/body positivity, it was always for the sake of their internalized misogyny and misguided cope to give their body value by saying men somehow desired them more.
Anachans though? Not only are they determined to exaggerate how undesirable anyone with a not-thin body is, they've gotta make it personal too by drawing it as some kind of ultimate moral failing deserving of relentless ridicule. When people talk about anachans, there tends to be empathy for the fact that everyone acknowledges their demons and obvious mental hangups. When anachans talk about "fatties" they're angry and don't give two shits about what kinds of problems they face. I'm sick of people feeling sorry for them and giving them the benefit of the doubt because they pretend to be helpless waifs. I've met very few nice ones and even less ones that aren't completely self-centered.
No. 957292
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>>957154>>957284I used to be part of these communities, see its more about feeling better about yourself by making fun of others
most women in those spaces(including myself) were losers, we weren't even fit and rarely left our homes, our thinness was a point of superiority for us, to laud over other women cause and feel better about overserves cause we had no other discerning qualities(both physical and personality wise)
Anonymous 5 hours ago No. 957154
File (hide): 1635851868623.jpeg (59.47 KB, 720x464, 1613929429395.jpeg)
I fucking hate anachans. They're legitimately one of the most vile and negative groups of people I can think of. More specifically I'm talking about the vocal anachans who shit up the board with their obsession about who is or isn't fat. Where you can tell their lives are consumed by nothing else but being spoopy and downward comparison to others.
I honestly think the main factor preventing anons on this site from getting along and collectively leaving mysogynistic notions of the importance of the female body behind is anachans. I'm not saying being overweight is fine, or that we shouldn't strive to have healthy and fit bodies, but obviously it's a harmful fixation for many people here.
>>957287That's the point
No. 957297
>who shit up the board with their obsession about who is or isn't fatOT but this is the reason I avoid the celebricows (or any /snow thread that isn't about pickmeism) like the plague. It's full of anons who obsessively sperg about the physical flaws the targets of the threads have or may have.
Makes one wonder how long they spend indoors to the point of them seething at women with average bodies.
No. 957306

I want to out my ex boyfriend so bad. That pornsick fucker treated me like shit for basically 4 years. He did shit to me while I slept and then convinced me I was fucking crazy or misunderstanding when I wake up with him stood over me ejaculating. That motherfucker sexually assaulted me more times than I could count, awake or asleep he didnt give a shit. He made me watch porn he knew I found gross and kept trying to shove things in my ass cos he was really in to anal. Hes a fucking rapist. And he just gets away with it? How is that fair? But it was nearly 3 years ago now. I think it might be too late. I think I might just look like a bitter ex. But he has a little girl now, he has a daughter and I know why he likes the name Ivy so much. I remember him telling me he loves the porn star maddison ivy, her name is so sexy and all that shit when he was making me feel shit for having small tits that fat, ugly motherfucker. Hes an evil misogynistic cunt and I want him to get whats coming to him. But I also don't want to be that vengeful crazy ex stereotype. He told everyone I cheated on him, a fucking lie and he damn well knows it, so I don't think it matters what I say. I just get angrier over time as the memories come back to me. I wanna see him alone, like he fucking deserves. But his rich fucking family will probably always have his back. A shame too, his mum was always nice to me, I think she noticed he didn't treat me too well. But I don't think she'd believe the extent. I dont know what to do, I don't even know what I want to do.
No. 957311
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>>957287Yup. It just solidifies the fact that their world and sense of value revolve solely around weight. To them, being skinny is so important that they can't think of any insult more harrowing than being called fat.
>>957292>our thinness was a point of superiority for us, to laud over other women cause and feel better about overserves cause we had no other discerning qualities(both physical and personality wise)I get that that's how it works but I feel like people who are still in the midst of their ED don't even care that they have no other qualities because thinness trumps it all.
I guess what angers me about it most is how much it reminds me of NLOGs in terms of putting other women down to feel superior. There seems to be a weird divide on LC: many farmers are very conscious of issues like (internalized) misogyny and aim to disregard harmful societal expectations and judgments of women. Then on the other hand there's the anachans who take the cattiness into overdrive and are hyper judgmental in comparing themselves to others. Besides anas this also applies to posters obsessing over nasolabial folds or big noses or whatever. It's just so overly negative and superficial.
No. 957393
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I hate when fabric companies don't show the size/scale of the print. I wanna know if my skirt will have a regular print or a print for ants ffs
No. 957422
>>957154Due to some odd circumstance I was forced to be among anachans in rehab and let me tell you, the stigma against them is completely justified. They're vile pieces of shit. The group I was with had a lot of different girls (some anorexic, some bulimic, some who restricted and worked out a lot) and they were nearly all compulsive liars. They would act sad and desperate in front of their therapist and then proceed to shit talk her as soon as she walked out of the room. They lied to each other and made shit up about not being able to eat some foods. Went on and on about how they were the
victims because they were being targeted for "being different" (ignoring the fact that they were "targeted" aka in rehab because they want to be ill). They would act unstable out of pure spite (knew a girl who would binge and wreck shit simply because she was angry that her diet was being controlled and another who would throw up just to whine and be coddled later). They would "get better" not by actually getting better but by circling around the problem so they would be praised while technically still acting disordered (example: one of the girls had huge self image issues and one day she came in all proud and smug because she bought new clothes that she liked without being
triggered, turns out she didn't look in the mirror or even try the clothes on before buying them and was planning to continue that way). They're incredibly full of themselves and yeah, they do secretly hate everyone else.
No. 957450
>>957422I'm sure you saw some heavy shit behaviour that's not excusable at all but some of what you list here is just fairly basic eating disordered behaviour. Eating disorders create selfishness and lies by its nature. Goes for a lot of mental illness really.
I think the shaming of other people and acting better than others is the worst thing that eating disorders can potentially make someone do because it's so uncalled for. At least the lies and manipulation make sense due to the nature of mental health and destructive coping skills.
No. 957487
>>957450Yeah, lie and manipulation are part of most mental issues, but what surprised me is the contrast between their innocent poor
victim girl persona and the absolute disgust they have toward everyone else, even among themselves. And the disordered actions that they conciously make to gain attention and pity, even if they know that it will worsen their state.
And it's hard for me to compare anachans' behaviour to other coping mechanisms (but I say this as someone who's not a professional in that aspect, as I said I was with them for a short while) because they really do seem to do everything fully conciously as opposed to doing what they do due to despair and other things. It's like that's just how they are and see the world, they truly believe that being themselves is the right way and everyone who thinks otherwise is evil and gross and they're only being forced to behave another way. That's why they relapse at the first chance they get, because their thoughts and beliefs never truly change and they're always just waiting for a chance to go back to their "right" ways. Kind of like narcissists, they will never agree that what they do is wrong and they won't even question it. Maybe I'm just seeing them the wrong way though.
No. 957658
I hate how men deflect any criticism of how much they take their women for granted, and then go on acting like the only thing that makes women happy is material things. They always sperg out about how hard it is to constantly earn more and buy shit and work long hours and this and that to keep their 'unreasonable' wife/gf/whatever woman happy.
No, you fucking stupid moid. The real reason your lady isn't happy is that you
never eat her out anymore,
never show you're attracted to her,
never put into words how much you appreciate your years together,
never romance or seduce her anymore because you gave that up when her trying to please you all she could became the norm and you got lazy.
Retard y-chromosoid, the real reason your wife isn't happy is because she can tell you don't love her anymore. You might be too autistic to understand how it works, but women can tell from just looking at you.
In reality you never loved her, you "loved" the initial stage where you could trick her into believing you're an emotionally available, sensitive, romantic guy who wouldn't treat her like a set of holes. You got yourself into this situation and you have only your own slack to pick up.
Stop bitching about having to buy her shit and please her in bed like you used to. Say something beautiful to her. Fucking tell her out loud how and why you're loyal. If you're capable of love like you claim, this is the bare minimum. You acting like this is unreasonable and stupid tells the rest of us everything we need to know of how much you 'love'.
No. 957679
>>957673I mean it makes sense people will post in different threads or make different points since this is an imageboard. Are you implying the norm should be an anon only make one post and leave and never come back?
Anyway they can't all be the same 2-4 anons considering this has been going on for years and several other anons have talked about this to mods
No. 957689
>>957683When I was complaining about my fiance's family stealing money from me and mentioned I have an eating disorder and literally nothing else about myself anons attacked me and said "you're the only one in here who sounds
toxic". Literally no other context given as if all women with eating disorders are just shitheads who deserve abuse
No. 957776
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This piece of shit. Probably the worst love interest I've ever seen in a film, I can't tell if he's purposely meant to be as unlikable and giga-assholeish as possible or if that's just how movies were back then or what. He even gets a "woe is me" song right after sexually assaulting Sandy. Tbh the whole movie seems depressing once I actually paid attention to what was going on as I got older. Sandy went through so much shit.
No. 958074
>>957689>>957683>>957669There are literal deranged posters here, as in they have actual severe mental disorders and absolutely lose their minds at very small shit, then attempt to frame you as the problem lol. This is especially a problem in the vent thread
If you try to talk about it, they'll start screeching "this is an imageboard, no one's allowed to complain about my low quality infights and spergposts, you're just too sensitive, no u stop projecting"
No. 958828
>>958824Don't mind if I combine it with
>>957258 and use it as delicious copypasta.
No. 958840
>>957258Can confirm, my brother is obese and we had to buy him a special wide toilet with a big hole in it so his shits could pass through and his big ass still hangs out
He killed so many toilets by merely clogging them with his massive shits
No. 959311
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No. 959331
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>>959320no I just hate americans and canadians
No. 959332
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Shit like this.
Why is it always qUeEr women who are married to men? Yeah, short hair and t-shirts, gotta be of my favorite genders. Thing is, these women are almost always into the most heteronormative relationships, and they are always the most stereotypically feminine in behavior.
And she’s wearing a hijab as well. Let’s see, is it the queer thing that’s gonna land in hell or what else? Because in all sects in Islam homosexuality is forbidden, and those who support it are committing a grave sin. The fucking iron of her wearing a hijab as well. I mean just how feminist and queer uwu is it to cover your head so as not to elicit men’s desires? Very. Does she find it easy to sleep with this amount of cognitive dissonance?
No. 959339
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>>959332Insecurity/overcompensation. These types of spicy straight women need to constantly tell everyone how KwEeR they are while dating a man because if they were actually dating a woman their gayness would be obvious. Of course most of these spicy straight women have probably never actually dated a woman or licked a pussy, they just know that being gay is trendy right now, so they want all of the cool points without actually having to face any real oppression.
I know at least 5 women IRL who are like this. Save me
No. 959357
>>959332Because everyone's gotta be a
victim these days.
No. 959386
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Sweaters or zip up hoodies like this where there is fleece/fuzz in the hood and main body of the sweater, but then the sleeves have nothing. My arms get cold you assholes!! Put some fucking fuzz in there too!
No. 959400
>>959332>>959339>>959377Reminds me of the comment section of this pretty decent mash up of Neil Cicierega's Touchtone Telephone and Marina's Bubblegum Bitch
now as I said its just a decent mash up but I don't know what these dumbasses are hearing for them to say shit like
>'unmistakably bisexual straight couple' theme song>“Tell me ur bisexual without telling me your bisexual”>Ships a man and a woman but in an obviously bisexual way>this is so gender>pov: you have ascended to ultimate gayand these are just some of the dumb comments
No. 959592
File: 1636053081883.png (347.45 KB, 725x604, sssss.png)

I like seeing what one might call "feminine" males, I just like seeing men wear stuff that looks good on them and not caring about bullshit standards of gender norms but I hate this, oh my fucking god do I hate this just a schubbly male in a badly fitting dress, I hate this whole "catboy" "boys in maid dresses" trend in general, its just unappealing in general to look at and a gateway to troondom
seriously stop attention being a degenerate online, put on some black /alt/ male clothing that actually fits you along with some eyeliner and and go build a house for women
No. 959686
File: 1636059024335.png (21.85 KB, 787x254, 57403580439.png)

>>959592>>959650Fucking kek. Anons… this
is a girl. A mentally ill one larping as a femboy but still. I get that it's hard to tell anymore tho
No. 960347
>>960280here's a list of my personal favorites:
"gotta go drop a load out the poop chute"
"gonna have a tinkle sprinkle in the porcelain receptacle"
"poop poop a loop doop dee wop a lop bam boom"
No. 960418
File: 1636127042592.jpg (492.2 KB, 2560x2560, Royal-Blue_macro_zmensene-scal…)

This shade of royal blue. It's not a terrible color I guess, but I've always really disliked it and it's over-rated. Something about it is just unappealing. Anything in this royal blue would look 10 times better in any other color.
No. 960421
File: 1636127079107.png (408 B, 1280x1024, 1280x1024.png)

>>960418Samefag, the only thing worse than that blue is picrel.
No. 960440
>>960418Just reminds me of walmart
>>960358It’s so gross, I cringe every time I see one of my Facebook friends say they wanna go to Japan, they just hop on trends. I especially hate woke people being weaboos. They probably shit their pants about muh representation when there’s no queer black transgender in a show that was made in another country that is conservative and homogenous.
No. 960445
File: 1636130268163.jpg (84.53 KB, 736x736, 56801e570e1de569083829bc22bd18…)

>>960418I love blue, but that shade is just severe and looks jarring with any color combinations. And on any skin tone. Same goes for fluorescent hilighter yellow.
No. 960480
>>960418It's too bright/saturated, like an MS paint color.
>>960440Woke weebs baffle me the most cause I'll see them complaining and exaggerating over every little thing that upsets them in a series (sometimes even right after every episode is released) but they still continue watching/reading it anyway. Or they go after fans for doing something that the series' author also does.
No. 960508
File: 1636133941058.jpeg (107.41 KB, 748x283, E78F1855-C46B-4436-A319-CB4BFF…)

I hate this and I hope that the autist who made this gets itchy hands for a whole month.
No. 960531
File: 1636134868910.jpg (320.12 KB, 1080x1758, 1636058471678.jpg)

I posted this in another thread as it was related to another topic but I can't stop thinking about it and how angry and sad it makes me
basically the left wing groups in third world countries do not have any chance to win elections what so ever and its their own goddam fault
see the left wing in our nations are almost all from the upper class and extremally Americanized(as in they've all gone to universities in western Europe and have observed and engage in woke rhetoric and spend most of their days speaking in English or French speaking spaces) this is true for the left wing in South Asia, Brazil, Algeria, Poland e.t.c
They are extreeeemely far removed from the general population and people refuse to vote for them out cause of their retarded rhetoric mostly that literally no one even comprehends here, while they have a noticeable presence online and in Journalism and academia, it kinda distorts the picture to outsiders as most of the population is poor and don't have the luxury of spending their time on the Internet and can't even speak English
The left wing parties in my country dominated the political scene in the 60's and 70's, cause they always had simple easy to understand progressive messages that the peasants could understand, "Roti Kapada Aur Makaan"(Bread, Cloth and Housing) was a political slogan that won our Socialist PM the election before being ousted by a CIA backed Military coup, now I've see left wing groups and they are a fucking Joke that no one even understands let alone politically appeal too, I've seem them try to apply woke rhetoric towards the complex dynamics of our country and it just always ends up sounding awful and confusing
God I hate this so much and I wish that they would start showing some intelligence
No. 960537
File: 1636135559449.jpg (66.42 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg)

>>960531Here are some of the examples of imported woke rhetoric that I have actually heard in Universities and certain online spaces
You know how some mostly woke women will try to use "cis straight white men" as some sort of insult, well some wokies in my country tried to use "Sunni Punjabi Male" as they are the ethnic majority in my country but it doesn't work at all cause the vast majority of them are peasant farmers or factory workers and the dynamics of race are vastly different then in the west as well the fact that tribal identity still exists and is just as important as race
then trying to blame the misogyny of our cultures on shit that happened in Europe and try to make us all innocent
victims somehow which is just infantilizing and again doesn't appeal to anyone
No. 960539
>>960418I think I used to own this shade of blue nail polish. I used to get complemented on it and I've always liked how it looked on me but
im black so ymmv. I think it's a really pretty color overall.
No. 960546
File: 1636136156229.png (Spoiler Image,378.03 KB, 960x616, blue-370127_960_720.png)

>>960539Ayrt, I'm realizing I shouldn't have used that picture cause now anons seem to think I'm talking about nail polish specifically lol. Here's a better pic.
I'm also black btw, it's not really about what skintones royal blue compliments. I think it looks bad on anyone and anything No. 960596
File: 1636139288031.jpg (61.01 KB, 500x750, 3a96b5c36683179d0c336f7f2f5376…)

>>960546I think people have a bad impression of ultramarine blue because it gets used for a lot of cheap ugly products. It's all context dependent though - for example, I think it looks beautiful on those white and blue greek buildings.
No. 960736
>>960358I once saw a post saying that zoomers don't wear fashion, they cosplay as the fashion that's currently trendy and that made sense.
Zoomers are really superficial and do stuff and want to appear only for clout, they don't believe in anything they stand for and don't really like anything they show online.
No. 960744
Mad zoomer lol
No. 960763
File: 1636150024935.jpeg (895 KB, 1626x1038, 974A1116-FC57-445D-BE2C-91635A…)

Tacky bitches like this. My sister likes watching her and I’ve always thought she was just the worst. Talking about murders whil doing your makeup is dumb. Who watches this shit? How can people enjoy this?
No. 960766
>>960763It's just narrating? She does good research and is always respectful towards the
victims. I'm sure people who narrate books and stuff about murder probably do something in the background while narrating, it's not that serious
No. 960767
>>960736NTA but it makes a lot of sense. I've seen zoomers bitch about millenials for being too invested in things that are fun and bring them joy because it's seen as a bourgeoise waste of time. Instead you're supposed to be angry and aggressive about all the things wrong in the world because activism is their alt fashion. When it comes to fun pop culture things it can only be either ironic
>I love Sailor Moon because it's ironic duh I don't even know the names of these characters, I'm not a fucking nerd"self-medication"
>I wear Sanrio merch all over because I'm dealing with my childhood trauma of being molested which is also why I send DDLG nudes to my Discord Daddy to cope uwuor political.
>Look I'm really into Super Mario because he's a total asexual transmasc enby icon, climbing into pipes is some prime king shitThe more you think about it the more fascinating it becomes, in a morbid way. You can never enjoy anything just because it's fun, you have to write down a 50-page college level essay detailing your mental health history and political beliefs in order to watch a fucking cartoon or something. Must be exhausting to constantly live on the defensive.
No. 960788
>>960763It's sad because it just goes to show people can't sit through a matter of fact video on a serious subject unless some clown is entertaining them with bells and whistles while regurgitating the most basic sound bites.
I totally understand why this is annoying but at the same time I recognize that we share the planet with mouthbreathers who otherwise wouldn't seek out to learn and obtain information about anything if the narrative weren't packaged and spoonfed to them in this way.
No. 960803
>>960794Bc what they say is different from what they want
>Them: We want diversity in body sizes, race, gender identity and beauty standards! Also fuck capitalism! >Also them: Obsess over and financially worship soulless pop music and dances performed by almost uniformly skinny, racially homogenous young adults who have been trained/abused since childhood to work like automatons, have weight clauses and plastic surgery in their contracts (all fitting rigid beauty standards), no tolerance for troon or non-binary BS, all expressions of feminism met with backlashThey pine for literally everything they claim to hate. The problem is, they don't have the self-discipline or look to be like what they admire the most, so instead, they just start demanding their immediate environment start pandering to them, and they call it "justice" (when really it's entitlement and a desire for power)
These people would probably be huge fascists if they had the wherewithal. You can even tell by their rigid groupthink and how happy it makes them to stomp on others. They want the flawless product of fascism, but none of the actual labor and often painful cruelty that kind of "perfection" would demand. I could write an essay on this shit tbh
No. 960891
>>960418this colour makes me upset, i have never liked it and i dont know why
>>960497honestly… yeah
>>960736i love this because its true lol
>>960806agreed, hes a shit actor but his american impression is not bad i guess
No. 960941
File: 1636172987869.jpeg (130 KB, 864x864, E7BC708D-F6B3-423D-B37A-5A2E43…)

Pretty sure there’s one or more anons who are intentionally salting the conspiracy thread with the stupidest conspiracies just to see how much stuff they can get the nutters in there to latch on to. Anyway I hate that whole thread.
No. 961025
File: 1636182903020.jpg (692.16 KB, 1920x1080, 1630825924710.jpg)

>>961020> I hate whenever I see girls on social media say they want an incel nerd bf, they think that these cockroach men are gonna love them more than an actual nice looking man but they couldn’t be more wrongI agree with you to an extent but when girls online say then want an "incel bf" what they really mean is guy who look like picrel, they want a bf who is skinny, weird, cute, has a full head of hair and just the right of Unkempt
I feel like if they started using the term "dorky bf" It would be a little clearer
No. 961051
>>961041Its not about him but guys who look like him, skinny and just the right amount of unkempt
some people are into that look, Its hard to describe really but there is something appealing about it
No. 961466
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>>961041>Men who can't even do the bare minimum to take care of their hygiene don't deserve to have a gf The only bitches lusting after them are exactly the same and live in pic related
No. 961505
File: 1636227802225.jpg (438.42 KB, 1768x925, n84tf1vesye21__01.jpg)

Neckbeard nests are very annoying yet mesmerizing
No. 961559
>>961545As a poorfag who didn't have a bed and slept on the floor for a few years as a preteen, it's not comfortable. You
need support for your back. I have permanent back issues because of those years. Choosing to not sleep on at least a mattress is some silly shit.
No. 961565
File: 1636230023525.jpg (196.1 KB, 941x1367, male.jpg)

They ruin everything
No. 961588
File: 1636231078749.jpg (Spoiler Image,134.53 KB, 615x459, d4d8024ad082b733f536b2c074bf7d…)

>>961565He should try this junji ito cosplay instead
No. 961634
>>961614Mattresses started to kind of gross me out. Like even with a cover and topper, there’s definitely some amount of body ooze that’s getting absorbed by the mattress over time right? And people sleep on the same mattress for years and years, even though there’s no way to clean them.
So I got rid of my shitty ikea bed and bought a foldable tatami. I like it a lot, it’s less smothering during the summer and I have more space during the day. My back feels perfectly fine, and every bed I’ve slept on when visiting east asia has been rock fucking hard so I feel like it’s fine in the long term.
No. 961657
>>961634>foldable tatamibased
big mattress doesn't want this discussion.
No. 961702
File: 1636238572451.jpg (242.7 KB, 2195x1103, MV5BZTU4ZDBlMmQtOTVkZS00ODExLT…)

I absolutely hate this "natural" makeup look they do for fantasy characters in tv series and movies nowadays. This face has been plaguing me since the trailer keeps being recommended on youtube and all I can focus on is the dirty, washed out foundation they have smeared on her face because matte, lifeless and dry looking skin is all the rage now. For producers who pride themselves on being "realistic to the times" for adding rape and assault in every fucking episode, they sure love to pile on makeup because god forbid people have more than one hue to their skin. Also the fake white hair with dark brows is laughable and I hate any fantasy character who has it.
No. 961710
>>961673I’m a side sleeper too, and after an initial few days of adjustment it hasn’t been an issue. The biggest change for me was having my hip bone rest against a hard surface, which could be pretty painful if you have low body fat. In that case, it’s probably a good idea to have a futon too for a little bit of cushioning.
>>961675The reeds they’re made out of are water resistant, so you can wipe the surface down with mild soap and water and let them air dry. I also don’t feel too bad about just buying a new one every couple of years tbh, which is part of the draw.
No. 961739
File: 1636240805679.jpg (16.12 KB, 283x316, thisbitch.jpg)

>>961702>fake white hair with dark brows holy shit, i hate it so much on characters that are supposed to be light blond (or like the targs in got borderline albino). i also hate it in pic related, it screams basic bitch and not magical princess
No. 961757
File: 1636243436087.gif (375.5 KB, 460x259, eQoeTGc.gif)

Insert cow here is said to be in insert state, city, country.
People sometimes : Omg, I live in (location.) She's going to ruin (location.) I hope I don't run into her, someone get her out of (location.)
It just annoys me and reminds me of PULL lmao. Or 'omg cow is 23 and IM 23 im so embarrassed' like what
No. 961959
File: 1636263172698.jpeg (29.5 KB, 636x197, 76E1E4DB-7A32-4192-83ED-6E68DD…)

The fucking switch to matrix because the link is longer than the discord one. I always fat finger this bitch when I’m trying to get to ot
No. 961962
File: 1636263288554.jpeg (41.99 KB, 640x600, 629000E9-4110-4E97-A3D1-DEBA6F…)

>>961959Samefag and this shit!
inb4 kys phonefag
No. 961967
File: 1636264628702.png (580.88 KB, 946x2048, imagen_2021-11-06_235650.png)

This whole "omg you're literally gender" "you invented gender" etc
Like if it was a good thing.
No. 961980
>>961977I got this from the pixielocks alter DID twitter:
No. 961982
>>961979>>961978Bitch not everyting is a self posting screencap
scroll this shit down nonnies.
No. 961985
File: 1636266926170.png (64.13 KB, 594x408, mierda.png)

>>961979>>961978>>961977I'm even going to post the original link behaivor is embarassing.
>>961983Does it matter when I don't know who the fuck it is either? I'm bitching about the whole gender shit. I do not care about random faggots either.
No. 962230
I hate people, mainly influencers, who say they're vegan, zero waste, biologic, organic and all that shit then shop from shein and dollskill, which is pure plastic itself. I get that it's not entirely a black or white world, but if people manage to go vegan and use zero waste products, maybe not accepting shein collaborations would be ok and making people less like they're using "SuStAiNaBiLiTy" as a trend. If you mention buying second hand in comments, their rabid fans just go "Ew gross!!" Ofc, the majority of people like this are zoomers.
No. 962469
>>962462I highly judge middle to lower class people who splurge on makeup and it's not related for their career. This especially applies for girls who are morbidly obese or unkept. It just doesn't make sense why one would spend so much money to alter their face and then can't be asked to go to the gym or eat healthy foods or something
Also this doesn't mean I hate girls who use makeup regularly, I mean if I go to someone's house and they have thousands of dollars worth of makeup and then complain about how fat and broke they are
No. 962505
File: 1636315886079.jpg (60.44 KB, 600x777, 68a.jpg)

I hate this retarded perm that zoomer boys all seem to have. I never get irritated over trendy hairstyles but this one just makes me want to chimp out whenever I see it.
No. 962557
File: 1636319755339.jpg (13.46 KB, 296x295, 8729e8b43ee92670f1bb0c9b1fcf17…)

People who pose for camera with their eyes wide open and their forehead scrunched up from how much they're opening their eyes
Idk why it always just screams methhead to me
No. 962563
>>962557I agree with you but the eyebrows on your pic scream methhead more than the expression does tbh.
For some reason taking selfies with your eyebrows pulled way up was super popular in the late 00s/early 10s, at least from my experience. It's like the myspace angle or duckface in that you never see it anymore.
No. 962575
>>962557I don’t even know what to do anymore,
nonnie, the asymmetry of my eyes is highly noticeable, I always look insane.
No. 962603
File: 1636323269203.gif (313.58 KB, 287x334, 64DB850B-479B-4282-9E8F-09175C…)

>>962575Paris Hilton famously took pics from the same angle for that reason.
No. 962614
File: 1636323690318.jpg (140.93 KB, 999x1200, iosdhvbuyd gh9frebhu.jpg)

>>960767it's so true. zoomers are also the least creative when it comes to self expression through fashion. previous gen alt kids diy-ed a lot of their fits and jewelry and did not care so much about labels as long as you were cool. zoomies buy the same whole outfits from aliexpress and shein then get bored after a few months.
the egirl, eboy trend came from a belle delphine joke and they're just the early 2000's wannabe emo but my parents and school is too strict look.
anything new that surfaced from them is a bastardization of something else previously existing, they just made new labels for everything so they could feel special. fairycore and goblincore is the combination of mori kei and some punk fantasy larping. except zoomers dressing this way never rolled a dice in their life. and that's ironic as fuck them calling millenials consumerist for enjoying actual fandoms when they're ordering every single item they own off skeezy cheap sites or dropshippers because "this (scam copy site) is owned by
group i must appear to support for brownie points". where do they even get the money from? my parents would have never let me spend so much on trends. they haven't lived yet to realize the hardships of real life yet can't stfu and learn. once they will get their first job and realize they can't keep online shopping y2k sweaters and hentai hoodies when the big communist daddy takes 99.9% of their hard labor's earnings then they'll see why that would never work because politicians are scum ever when they preach to be uwu hippies hashtag redscarecore
No. 962625
File: 1636324707770.gif (326.14 KB, 376x400, unnamed.gif)

>>962603sorry but same vibe.
Also this is why Ariana Grande gets batshit crazy if someone takes a picture that isn't her left side lmao.
No. 962631
File: 1636324946563.jpg (82.65 KB, 1024x683, Minimalist_room.jpg)

>>961618>>961622>>961623>>961641>>961644>>962620serial killer room vibes. keeping it plain for easy cleanup and quick move!
this pure white minimalist decor tells:
>i'm not sentimental at all, your gifts go straight into the trash>i base my life off of instagram and youtube trends>i am a sociopath, trying to hide something>not showing any personality in my own home makes me less vulnerable to your interpretations and enables me to fake any personality i think would work best on you>hiding my extreme materialism by saving on home decor>i am obsessed with money and won't buy a single framed picture to make me feel at home - my bank account is my home>i have commitment issues and won't stick around for you or for very long at all>i except the woman to do the gay shit like making a home feel lived inevery "minimalist" i met was a mixture of these personalities. the real minimalists are literally single mattress on the floor and desktop setup with nothing else neckbeards, or the rare i only own 30 things for youtube eco minimalist spergs
No. 962696
>>962625valerrrieee call on me
come and seeeeeeee
No. 963096
>>961618I was forced into a minimalist lifestyle
broke and living out of motels, I can't imagine the mental state of someone who
chooses that shit. That's not a fun lifestyle at all imo. I agree with
>>962631 , no one lives like that for the funsies. There's something mentally wrong with extreme minimalists.
No. 963187
File: 1636385991802.jpeg (144.91 KB, 837x837, 32928DDA-390E-497F-B429-B77812…)

>>963173play red rover then
No. 963206
I hate people in this thread. Pretty sure all those race spergs are newfags who don't even understand where they are (like this
>>953364 "fat feminazi" yellow fewer propagandist, kek, you are not on 4chan, this kind of talk is not welcomed here).
No. 963218
File: 1636388286949.jpg (1.41 MB, 1500x800, cluttercore.jpg)

>>962631>not showing any personality in my own home makes me less vulnerable to your interpretations and enables me to fake any personality i think would work best on youthis is one of the 3 reasons why i like minimalism (the other ones: less clutter/shit to clean/upkeep because i'm a neat freak, and being independent, needing less material things in my daily life because i'm poor)
i don't do it because of guests or bf/gf, but because my family hates the real "me" (my tastes, opinions, likes and dislikes, my wants and needs; i'm just a toy/slave for them), so the less personal shit i have the less things there are for my mother to pick up a fight or to throw in the trash (she is a fucking hoarder, but she gave away all my favorite clothes during my teens while they still fit me, my favorite trinkets/gifts were to be given away as x-mas/bday gifts, and even my shcool notes ended up in the trash because she couldn't read them).
aesthetically i prefer cluttered rooms like pic, but for my current life spartan way best way
No. 963521
>>963218>aesthetically i prefer cluttered rooms like pic, but for my current life spartan way best wayThey look good but damn think of the dusting and vaccuuming. What a nightmare.
I have a lot of stuff but I keep it packed away as much as possible, the last thing I want is to make cleaning harder.
No. 963699
>>962505absolutely hideous, looks like matted pubes.
at least it's useful as a signal that tells you to stay away tho
No. 963732
File: 1636424657969.jpg (409.73 KB, 1000x750, piece of absolute shit.JPG)

I hate speedbumps with a passion. It’s even worse when a road is designed with them placed too frequently or with TRIPLE speedbumps one after the other. They genuinely annoy me to no end, whenever I have to pass over one I immediately have to think of how much I hate them how I have to slow down for such a stupid BUMP. Just the worst feeling when you pass over them, no matter how slow you go.
>>960546Deep blues remind me of mana sama and I love mana sama so I have to disagree
No. 963979
File: 1636457466566.jpeg (314.39 KB, 1242x1443, 31DBA166-B73D-4898-B6C2-A4553D…)

I hate this. Specially because the scrote is 57 years old and uglier than a train wreck.
No. 964149
>>964121>the game purpose was to tighten the bond with your villagerMy first AC game was my cousin's copy of New Leaf that she let me borrow and move into. In the course of a week, I became friends with most of her villagers and I truly loved them so much that even when she told me I could keep her copy of the game, I didn't restart it to become mayor because I couldn't bare to let go of any of these villagers. My town wasn't pretty, I didn't even realize how amazing and decked out you could make your towns in NL, and I didn't unlock a bunch of shit (since I mainly played my character and not my cousin's for mayor stuff), but I had so much fucking fun.
I get weirdly burned out and stressed playing New Horizons. There is no joy in that game, there's this weird underlying feeling of "my island isn't pretty enough" that I can't ignore because there's very little else in the game to focus all my energy into like befriending villagers and having a fun time with them. The villagers really make this game, and the bond you slowly build with them over time is what makes AC so special. Now it feels like a pissing contest. Collect the cutest villagers, because they don't have substance outside of their appearance anyway, and make your island super cohesive and beautiful.
I hate sounding like one of those "back in my day" bitches, but I wish people who got into AC through New Horizons would pick up any of the older games to really experience that magic it has, to really feel attachment to even the "ugliest" villager because you built a bond with them and they have a soft spot in your heart because of your friendship, not because of their aesthetic. Having a soft spot for some ape in a game sounds stupid as fuck, but AC was truly a great escape from reality. Now it feels like a chore of a game, and not even in the fun way when I used to go on NL once a day for 10 minutes to water all my flowers and say hi to everyone. The only good thing about New Horizons is that villagers can't randomly move out because that shit really made me sad lol but I think that was part of the charm is finding some new rando fill in your favorite villagers house and then you're angry at them for being there but then they win you over over time. Rinse and repeat.
I wish they would update the dialogue and give more substance to the villagers. I would give up so much in this game just for that.
No. 964170
File: 1636475305103.png (949.38 KB, 1280x988, chow.png)

>>964121I miss when the animals actually had interesting dialogue and actually acted like their personality types. We got giant update and no new dialogue? Come on. The Gamecube one is still my favorite, flaws and all.
No. 964179
>>964171Yep! Like hey, isn't the point of the game to talk to you? Oh, I can only talk to you twice a day and that's it? Oh ok. Where's the fun in that? I'm better off not talking to any of them at all since Zucker only talks about the bugs in his fucking house anyway.
>>964170I guess they were afraid the mean dialogue would be too off putting to newcomers buying the game for the first time, but AC has a cult following for a reason despite the meaner dialogue in older games. I think people playing AC for the first time would come to find the charm of that too.
No. 964183
>>964177to be fair, what would he even do now? The game autosaves often, there's no risk of forgetting to save
I suppose he could probably be used to tell the player off for timeskipping, but I think Nintendo made a statement about it not being a big deal or something for NH
No. 964187
>>964121I'm still not over the fact that the filled the new lackluster gameplay with SO SO many unnecessary steps. Back then: You want that chair? Go and buy it. Today: You need about 3000 of that one type of wood that is the most rare one to get, make sure you have space in your pocket to pick it up when you collect it and you also need to make sure to have the right tools to get it before, then you have to fight a spot to craft it and THEN you have one chair and it this point the whole day on your island is already over. Fuck that.
And you can only order five items per day. Who's idea was that??
No amount of extra gaming steps will overshadow that the game lacks ideas, personality and the magic of the previous games.
>>964177people act like NH is a therapy to cure depression and such, so it has to be nice and bland and without any type of "scary" and "mean" things that could
trigger those idiots. Fuck that as well.
No. 964191
>>964121Samefag but I've come to a horrible conclusion and I'm too slow:
AC became a brand because it is literally the new minecraft with just the right sprinkle of personalization.
Kids back in the days (and today too, but less? That's what I see) loved minecraft because it would mimic legos and they could makeup stories with it, custom maps, custom lore and such, with no storyline whatsoever. Kids need creativity and "empty" games to explore their imagination and listen, I'm all for it, that's a great thing, absolutely, but AC didn't need that fanbase…
AC wasn't really played by small kids (talking about from 6 to 9) but by tweens that could understand the sad backstories, the quirky one, how to take care of a village, basic buy and sell mechanics, events, relationships, the game carried you, not the other way. Kids gaming became a thing only in the last 5-6 years and that really degraded pretty much all the games, if they're not edgy as fuck. Now I'm sad and need to cry.
No. 964351
>>964121like everything else, AC was ruined by normies who cant have hobbies without making sure everyone knows they have one by talking about it constantly and taking photos, but then suddenly forgetting about it once everyone else collectively stops talking about it kek
i played AC since gamecube, it was never about villagers for me and my sisters, we just liked decorating and making money and stuff. i think the best game is definitely the wii one! i had every AC game until switch and i figured i would get it eventually, but I thought meh too expensive and for the first time i saw AC blow up into what it is now and i hate it so im actually glad i never played it and can hold onto my untainted memories of the past
No. 964425
>>964149I love your post so much! It made me want to finally play New Leaf (I bought 2DS for it, among other games). I remember loving GC Animal Crossing. You could only customise your house (I think?) and it was such a joy to interact with rude or grumpy villagers lmfao
>There is no joy in that game, there's this weird underlying feeling of "my island isn't pretty enough" that I can't ignore because there's very little else in the game to focus all my energy into like befriending villagers and having a fun time with them. This!!! I don't even play online and yet I feel bad about my island being an ugly mess
>>964170Why is the DS one the best to you? I only played it for a bit because my battery was fucked
No. 964767
>>964584fr if the child's life consists of 50% suffering and 50% treatment for that suffering it would've been better off aborted before it adopted a conscience. these adults must have some munchausen syndrome saviour complex or feel guilty for a developing fetus (clump of cells) because they must have done a shit ton of drugs during the pregnancy
the cringiest thing about it is having to see them everywhere because they become famous for "having such a pure heart and so much love for their child" and everyone having to tell them how beautiful and capable their bedridden verge of death child is. as early as it's possible to tell they're going to have deadly deformations and extremely painful difficulties it is straight up child abuse to decide to birth them, and the parent must go through some narcissistic i must be famous for being such an angel parent to this poor child, see how good of a selfess caretaker i am!
takes everyone else's money to live off of donations No. 964977
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I don't know why there is so much seething over zoomers. You do realise only 3~10 years ago the same seething and blaming was done to millenials? Come on nonnies, break the vicious cycle. Its the boomers/gen X who want you to hate and gatekeep the younger generation, just like they did to you
No. 965086
>>964977I don't doubt there are some seething but like
>>965039 I pity you guys. Growing up on social media has left your generation with a lot of mental issues and it's not you guys to blame but your parents and the assclowns who market so aggressively toward you now that you're old enough to consoom at a larger scale. There was already a lot of expectation to impress or fit in in your youth before social media, but at least it was limited to people you see in real life every day. Now your gen and younger are comparing themselves to peers around the globe with more access and more clever ways to lie. Why do you think so many zoomers are depressed, dysphoric, getting unnecessary plastic surgeries while they're young? Fucking bleak man. It hurts to watch my zoomer relatives try to make their way in the world. They have very comfortable lives but mentally they are really struggling with feeling like they'll never measure up. So many kids in therapy and on meds. I thought millennials had it rough but it's somehow gotten even worse. Praying for zoomers.
No. 965158
>>964977Nah, I've seen zoomers gatekeep between themselves the most. I'm probably lucky, but during my teens and early adult years I'd meet the most nice adults online, like the kind that would pull me aside and explained why saying certain slur is bad, instead of getting yelled at the face, I guess. It was more I couldn't get along with people of my age, when the older adults had to tolerate my annoying ass.
I really wish all this groomer/pedo reactionary that spread around youtube and other independent video streaming media to like, have a bit of Reality disclaimer instead of brainwashing them into believing that all millennials are out there to get them. Sad world we're living in.
No. 965253
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I hate these ugly ass jumpsuits that are getting sold as pajamas, they make everyone look like adult babies and I really hope that’s not the reason why these jumpsuits are like this. Also, the models are often photoshopped to hell and back with this extremely curvy body that you would expect for a sexy swimsuit but not for fucking pajamas.
No. 965313
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>>965253I really hate these cheap ultra printed clothes in general that are paper thin and extremely figure forming, and you know that the walmart crusty thots who ordered this from wish are just going to dump this in the back of their closet because of how unflattering it looks on everyone
No. 965845
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i hate same face art that has good technical skill because it feels lazy and boring as hell
No. 965861
>>965847Dunno, at least I get to laugh at the people who would buy that shit and the artists, the other style is too boring and it even makes following people confusing as fuck.
It’s like only being able to eat bland mashed potatoes every single day, but visually.
No. 965889
>>965879Beautiful example of dialectic.
Thesis - antithesis - synthesis.
No. 965891
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"Horror manga? Have you heard of Junji Ito yet?"
read another horror mangaka, please
No. 965894
>>965845Agreed. Here's a story. I remembered a while back twitter was white knighting a popular russian artist that's famous for drawing same face headshot anime girl, he earned 3000$ a month on patreon at the time too.
I spoke out about twitter has no taste and only caters to unoriginal, same face bullshit, then a few mutual artists got
Triggered and even dm'ed me to ask for clarification. Which was hilarious as hell because they thought I was subtweeting them.
Honestly this same faced button nose girl IG-friendly aesthetic has ruined so many artists for me. I don't have the same respect for artists like Rosstran in compared to his old artstation days.
No. 965898
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>>965845Just like WLOP
My personal opinion is that if all your art relies on the feel-good brain chemicals we get hit with when looking at a beautifully proportioned face, particularly the same female one over, you will get lots of scrote followers but be creatively stagnant and only half an artist. When emotion or creativity means nothing.
No. 965904
>>965898>When emotion or creativity means nothing.we live in a society for sure.
Though all in seriousness, I wish the algorithm doesn't favor so much these types of art. Hell, I'd have to comb through my follows and recommendations to find the type of arts that I want to consume & support the artist for their creativity. Same face scrotes arts kept getting pushed on the front page and recommendation which annoys me a whole lot.
No. 966111
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Accounts like these two’s on instagram. Beyond disingenuous. It’s almost uncanny and creepy because these accounts are supposed to be fun!! candid!!! homegrown!! yet it’s all extremely scripted, rehearsed, and produced. Normal people don’t have celebrity cameos on their accounts every other day nor do they have a team editing their reels.
No. 966468
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I hate the whole "Le They were roommates" or "Historians will claim"
SHUT THE FUCK UP, Seriously we all know you know don't actually care about actual Gay rights, your a brain rotted Fujo who can't doesn't understand that cultural norms are a thing
as awful as it is Homosexuality has always been viewed as unnatural in most societies (with some exceptions) mostly cause 96% of the Human race is Hetorsexual and the cultural norms of what is considered homosexual behavior are fairly recent
Yes in the past people in the past of the same gender held hands, kissed each other on the cheeks and were a little more "physical" then we are today, I'm from a country where fathers give kisses to their sons and men can commonly be seen holding hands, but they would beat a homosexual to death as well
Its just the cultural norm we have here, for better or worse
trying to gaywash actual historical figures with their colleagues or acquaintances actively distorts history you dumb fucking brain rotted Fujo
No. 966570
>>965893I like his art because he has some great visual ideas (his artbook is gorgeous), but his stories are very repetitive, you've read one you've basically read them all, and like other anons said it's not scary at all, grotesque yes (and that's using the word lightly), but not keeping you awake at night unless you're like 12. Also Tomie fans are retarded.
What are some genuinely scary mangas though?
No. 966994
>>966679oh yeah. I stopped using twitter and other fandom infested social media but it seems common these days. Like another day my friend complained about the same thing about how she couldn't avoid the algorithm keep recommending rando's thirst tweets like
"wow it's 3am and i cant stop fantasizing x character clapping his ass on y character's cock". I'm a horny person too but Hornyposting should be Contained on public platform.
No. 967020
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old men, lusting after old men, if you lust after a ""le silver fox"" uwu bag of wrinkles kindly neck yourself. That shit will never not be disgusting. That and excessive body hair fetishes. Not, "omg that woman has leg hair!!" but, "chunky greasy moid with a mound of pubes all over his chest and arms" shit. Nothing makes me feel more viscerally disgusted, I swear to god. Picrel.
No. 967341
I was on an assumption that anon was being sarcastic. It was when I logged in and saw three consecutive new spam threads from some bpd-chan
No. 967362
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zoomers with mullets. you just know they have a gender identity.
No. 968747
>>968632Haha it's definitely not all men
nonny, my mom does it all the time. It's even more infuriating when I stop talking after she asks, she pauses, figures out what I was trying to say and just answers/responds to it. Like was that really necessary
No. 968818
I fucking hate NFT art. I hate it so much. For these pat two days it’s been all I’ve been thinking about it, and my deep, deep hate and disgust are itching away at me. I literally can’t sleep from the rage. I am almost passed out and then a heavy-lidded monkey crosses my mind and I shriek. Yesterday I had to hit myself on the forehead to shake off the cringe and the disgust. It’s so, so, so fucking ugly, so fucking ugly that it makes me want to sob. And seeing those fucking retards gathering around it talking like the kids on your social studies textbook’s cover about how much it changed their lives and bought them a car or whatever and then they airdrop a fucking monkey. And oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, that fucking basketball player wearing those shoes. The one with the NFT monkey on it, looking like he bought it off a street stand from a poor third-worlder who sells shoes with the ABIBAS and MIKE logo on them. It literally makes me want to go Joker mode, buy a gun and commit suicide at a techtard gathering so I can give them collective trauma that they’d never recover from as retribution for the mental paint they brought me. And then they keep talking about revolutionary art, what fucking art? There aren’t even weird stuff, and there are no other animals, there are no cats, no rabbits, I haven’t seen a giraffe, and come on, I feel like giraffes are so inherently retarded that they’d be a perfect fit for dumb, ugly, disgusting, sad, infuriating NFT art. Why monkeys? I hope they go extinct. Why aren’t the anons on neural blender into money laundering as well? The stuff there are way better. Fucking retarded cartoon monkeys. I don’t even hate them that much, as as much as the people who share, buy, and deal with them. Those faggots should go to jail for cultural crimes, each and every single one of them. They should be dragged out with their earnest and well-meaning (oh, I’m sure you mean well, monkeytard) voices and faces by their hoodies into a public square and tried for all of us to see. This is one of those cases where living in a third world shit hole would be cool, one word and the government would arrest these losers and throw them in jail and never let them see the light of day again. Get prosecuted for your crimes you fucking disgusting dipshits.
No. 968856
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>>966472Late reply, but yes exactly! So insane to me that people willingly walk around with white tongues.
No. 968923
>>968896good for you, now take your shitty opinions to /r/tolkienfans or something instead. this is the things we hate thread, not the shill all the popular bullshit like mindless drones thread.
>>968893in short, i hate them because they completely redid the plot and changed most of the narrative to fit the frame of another run of the mill, piece of trash hollywood movie. so many the chatacters were turned into cringey caricatures to fit the tropes of american blockbuster movie making.
my advice is to just enjoy the books for their own greatness and spare your mind the rest of those horrible movies. read the rest of his books if you liked LOTR, otherwise just ignore the hype of all tv adaptions (because they're all equally terrible) and move on to something else.
No. 968973
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>>968741>>968760The zoomers you see more, if you're not a zoomer yourself, are mostly from social media, which is not an accurate snapshot of the entire generation.
Yeah, on tik tok on twitter there are plenty of obnoxious kids. But it's not my fault i was born in a post 9/11 world. The peers I know are in part crybabies, but some are of solid character, and those ones are often detached from social media in order to focus on school, or they have hobbies.
Like wouldn't it be annoying if we joined in with the whole 'mIlLEnIaLs RuInEd' fanfare? I could say the funko pop purloining, mandalorian watching, twitter using, ed sheeran appreciating, mumford and sons playing in a barn wedding millenials are a cancer, but I don't, because I'm nice, and my parents taught me manners unlike your baby boomer parents.
Go and tweet about how your vaccine injector wore a heckkin game of thrones shirt and adopt a raw vegan lifestyle, and ironically take a picture with a fake moustache and watch a show with that zoe de chanel in that all you millenials love. Maybe even go to disneyland for the 70th time and tweet about 'adulting' before taking your bucket of prescribed pills and washing it down with a hoppy ipa or whatever that is and hanging out at a 'barcade' in some horrendous skinny jeans that make you look like an oversized pigeon. Maybe, even more, you could post on reddit about how your bird tattoo represents you taking flight from your narcissistic parents who called you a gay retard that one time you were being a gay retard, or you could cry about it to your 'furbabies' instead.
I am nonetheless jealous because I wish I was 18 10 years ago, like a millenial, as 2011 seemed like a better time.
No. 968981
>>968973>I could say the funko pop purloining, mandalorian watching, twitter using, ed sheeran appreciating, mumford and sons playing in a barn wedding millenials are a cancer, but I don't, because I'm nice, and my parents taught me manners unlike your baby boomer parents. KEK. That's all GenZ shit, and Millennials were the children of GenX, not Boomers. But, continue to shit on Millennials for everything GenX and GenZ continue to do on their own while actual Millennials fade into relative obscurity as they enter their 30's.
No. 968983
>>968975True, but not everyone with BPD is an unregulated, untreated asshole. My point is that the ones who DO try as hard s they can to manage their shit, shouldn't have to see such ignorant bullshit when they already have more to deal with than a so called "normal" person.
>>968976Do you understand that being mentally ill prevents you from taking care of yourself a lot of the time? People who are too sick to get help for themselves shouldn't be shit on or meme'd for it, they're vulnerable people failed by a selfish, profit-based society that has no use for them. Human compassion is fucking dying and these comments really do show that.
No. 968992
>>968990bc it's just soooo easy to hold a job and pay bills when your brain doesn't work right, yes??
Admit it. The "average" person is just a coddled narc who thinks they're where they are because they were just smart/attractive/likable enough to have floated through life on handouts and has no idea what it's like to have to function as a standalone adult with no support network, starting from nothing.
No. 969024
>>968940thank you. i feel your pain anon. i've never had anyone to share this interest with either. my guilty pleasure is the shadow games lol, so i can forgive you for liking the movies,
even though you're very wrong about them being respectful and true to the original storylet's hope the hype dies down fast for the upcoming series. i love the silmarillion too, i'm glad you understand. and if no one ever knew about the book before i'm sure everyone is going to suddenly care about it as the series air, yikes.
>>968986honestly anon your viewpoint is so much more tolerable to me than that of any typical tolkien "fan"
No. 969043
>>968893 here, I like LOTRO for what it is but hate how expensive it is and I am aware that it breaks lore a lot. It's comfy
No. 969103
>>968969Aw sweet nonna, honestly I was one of those people who can give out so much empathy towards people with mental illnesses that now my personal and professional life are constantly jeopardized by the BPD-chan.
Btw, saying shits like "I'm not like those cows with BPD it's making us Sensible BPD looks bad" aw booboo it's not our fucking job to coddle every of you. I've had enough shitty experience that I'm allowed to insult any of them that comes near me. Don't invite me to your meltdown and don't fucking send me long text of your suicide attempts.
Do something about it or cope.
No. 969107
>>969024I hope I will get to enjoy Silmarillion once I refresh LOTR. I've read Children Of Hurin a few years back as well as Unfinished Stories in my childhood and loved them. The beginning of Silmarillion is rough though, does it get easier to read later on?
>>968923>read the rest of his books if you liked LOTR, otherwise just ignore the hype of all tv adaptions (because they're all equally terrible) and move on to something else.I have just realized you can read Tolkien for a better part of your life. There is so much content! Like the History of Middle-earth tomes detailing his drafts of LOTR, his letters, etc… Just insane amount of content. I have too much interests nowadays to read everything
and borderline medication takes some of my autistic devotion away, but God, I wish my parents made this stuff available to me when I was a kid in love with LOTR and nothing to do with!!! Does anyone else here also get angry about not experiencing things when they had the most time for them and they would be incredibly impactful?
No. 969140
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>>968969It's ok I'm an autist and a schizo and I gave all nonnies here a pass. Don't care about BPDfags because they deserve it tho.
No. 969151
>>969107>The beginning of Silmarillion is rough though, does it get easier to read later on?if you're talking about the ainulindalë and valaquenta then yes it gets easier to read once you get to the main story.
>Does anyone else here also get angry about not experiencing things when they had the most time for them and they would be incredibly impactful?no, if you feel a piece of literature can't impact you emotionally as an adult then you're just not into that piece of literature. this is just my experience, but many of tolkien's books grew in significance to me the older i got. even though i enjoyed them very much as a child, being able to comprehend more of the complex parts of the plot as well as the meaning behind his stories as a teenager and then as an adult just deepened my interest and love for his works, and that experience had just as much impact on my life as getting sucked into his world as a kid. the only thing that changed for the worse was my view on the movie adaptions.
No. 969181
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>>969159I hate it too, anon. especially that one user that just reads memes like these. how is the meme made any funnier with some squeaky uwu voice over it? if anything it's just more annoying.
No. 969213
>>969024Fair enough, enjoy your weird shadow of mordor games and I'll enjoy how soft they made aragorn for no reason kek.
>>969107It does, but I will say the style of writing doesn't really change. It's abbreviated and isn't really written like LOTR is, so that's something to look out for. I found it easier to read than the main trilogy personally (I prefer listening to those on audiobook).
No. 969228
>no, if you feel a piece of literature can't impact you emotionally as an adult then you're just not into that piece of literature.Agree and disagree with you. I've had a professor that was crazy about Tolkien (among other things) and super wise. He recommended us to come back to our favorite books every few years and sew how they 'changed' when we grew older. So you are right that one can love literature, movies etc. no matter what age you are. At the same time… IDK, when I was a kid I had endless time to sperg plus and was much more emotional about things. This is gonna sound exaggerated, but I could have grown into someone with different hobbies or taste in books if I grew reading the stuff that I wanted to. Hard for me to explain
No. 969628
I hate this new nlog-y flex about how you don't want to fix your bad boy/villain husbando. Like damn, he is literally a psycho mass murderer and you are here claiming that you are absolutely fine with it and don't want to change his ways, even though you fucking could (it's all in imagination after all). Seriously? Not only it practically would be your moral responsibility to fix your edgelord husband if you were that intimate with him (this is basically a case of omission, come on), it's also would be really embarrassing to be a spouse of a serial killer and be absolutely neutral about his deeds. Usually these losers try to """justify""" their position as "I don't want to change him because I love him unconditionally yada yada", but isn't he also supposed to love you in return? You claim that you are generally disgusted with the sort of behaviour he exhibits (but love him despite it ofc), wouldn't he be supposed to try or at least wish to change it because he realizes how uncomfortable it makes you feel? If not, then he literally doesn't care about your comfort and considers you less important than his shenanigans, ie you are basically being cucked lol. Or does he accept your position just like you accept his sinnery, thus making you both really uncomfortable with each other so you two avoid talking about this sensitive topic lol? No idea what is this sort of relationship is, but its certainly not normal. Honestly all this nattering about "muh unconditional love" is either a way to conceal one's shitty nature, that would approve of her special one's wrongdoings and thus would fit his requirements for a partner perfectly, or a lie to hide one's doormat nature, that is either willing to change herself to fit her partner but wouldn't expect him to change for her in return or is too scared of any sort of conflict in a relationship (even in an imaginary one…) so she tries to awkwardly avoid it.
No. 970082
nonnie, first off
>Sex work isn’t real workIf you think that taking off your clothes and talking to coomers is a job, then maybe get a real job in a library or something where you can talk to real, normal people.
People get forced into prostitution and I hate that, there’s also people that get videos made of them, and videos in which they get actually raped, all of them published for some updoots and some comments made by coomers “uhhhh I coom’d so hard” fuck off with that shit.
Yeah, I had a porn addiction, and it’s shit to even think about it, I hate that too, I was groomed into thinking that porn videos are okay, and part of a normal sexuality, but they aren’t.
The fact that some people just choose to throw themselves to some disgusting ugly ass men for some validation and spare change is pathetic, just pick a broom and go clean something, or do you think cleaning up is degrading? Maybe that’s a mindset that should be changed instead, the world doesn’t need the acceptance of men degrading women with their disgusting fetishes for the sake of cooming.
No. 970108
Sorry to hear about your previous porn addiction and being groomed into watching porns.
I understand your points, but I still disagree with you. I hope someday you're going to be more acceptance about sex work, and people who have critical mindset like you may contribute better to put sex industry into moderation & protect sex workers from being exploited.