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No. 930240
>>>/ot/896142Share updates, personal experiences, vent, etc
WHO: twitter account with a lot of Corona related updates: for Survival PDFs in case you want to go full doomer mode: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9889a43717fd93c95993552f817ced652a74e63e&dn=Survival%20Guide%20PDFs%20%5B8.1.2019%20Update%5D
No. 930253
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No. 930274
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No. 930284
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No. 930300
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No. 930324
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No. 930728
>>930439Same. In the last thread there was never any actual discussion going on, just lots of very annoying infighting.
>>930721Oh wow, I didn't even know mixed doses were a thing. I thought that was like getting an unfinished shot, so it would just end up being ineffective. If I had to mix my shots, I probably just wouldn't have gotten my vaccine tbh. I hope you get to see your boyfriend eventually though!
No. 930872
>>930370if they come back normal I guess I'll be relieved but still I'd like to know what is causing this thing. I never had menstrual changes other than being late due to stress a couple times
>>930407yes it's heavier on days 3,4,5 than it used to
No. 930929
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Here is another article that shows a huge Pfizer study. Guess what kind of study it was - an observational study of the population! Does it concern anyone that these studies are taken from data from the general population (millions of people in California) rather than controlled studies with a population that is informed that they will be involved in a study? Unless the overall vaccine rollout IS a study…
>The effectiveness of Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine against infection tumbles over several months, falling from a peak of 88% a month after receiving the two-shot series to 47% six months later, according to an observational study published Monday in the peer-reviewed journal The Lancet.>While the two-dose mRNA vaccine’s efficacy against infection wanes, its protection against Covid-related hospitalizations persists, remaining 90% effective for all coronavirus variants of concern — including delta — for at least six months, according to the study, which was funded by Pfizer.>“Protection against infection does decline in the months following a second dose,” said Dr. Sara Tartof, an epidemiologist at Kaiser Permanente and the study’s lead author. Kaiser Permanente conducted the research with Pfizer.>The findings published Monday evening were based on more than 3.4 million electronic health records from the Kaiser Permanente Southern California health system between Dec. 4 and Aug. 8. >The decline in efficacy for infection is “most likely due to waning and not caused by delta or other variants escaping vaccine protection,” Pfizer chief medical officer for vaccines Dr. Luis Jodar said.Can someone tell me how they make the determination that the vaccine keeps people out of hospitals without a control group?
And why is it being mandated if the effectiveness drops by half over 6 months…? Why is it being mandated if they don't know how effective it will be in less than a year's time. Screw unknown long-term effects, they don't even know how the drug will perform in another 3 months. No. 930962
>>930921No it's really allowed, it's like that where I live too. It can vary from place to place (some big malls still require the mask no matter what) but generally at work, bars
and school you can drop any safety measure if everyone's got the paper saying that you're fully vaxxed. That's one of the main reasons people here are complaining to vaxxed people, because they tend to behave like they're completely immune and unable to spread covid (the government also does it's best to make everyone believe that if you get the vaccine you're going to return to normal life aka no mask and everyone's free).
>>930889Honestly I'm happy about the masks kek. I used to get sick every fall/winter multiple times because here people just fucking cough in your face and sneeze everywhere all the time. Even once we get over covid I'm still going to use a mask in crowded places and I hope more people get used to it.
No. 930979
>>930929The inherent problem with these is that it only factors people who get themselves tested in the first place.
>study funded by the vaccine publisher itselfkek
No. 931792
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I feel like I'm slightly going insane, I don't think the pandemic should've ever been used to test out a technology which doesn't have any long term studies. It has been 2 years and IMO mRNA vaccines aren't the cure and fix as they hyped it up to be, now that studies show that effeciency wanes to just 40-50% after 6 months, and vaccinated people have equal viral load as unvaccinated, and yet we are still expected to take boosters with no studies if those will wane over time as well. I wish they funded and fast tracked a traditional vaccine at the start instead, which would've have exponentially limited the spread of anti-vaxx and conspiracy sentiments. I don't doubt that Pfizer/moderna helps prevent deaths and hospitalization, but considering there are atleast 3 non-mRNA vaccines in developement (Sanofi, Novavax, Brilife) , which effeciency shows higher and longer lasting than mRNA, I think second or third generation vaccines will be better in the long term. Third world countries cant afford mRNA and need these alternatives, it would be in everyone's best interest to have a longer lasting and cheaper vaccine, unless profits are more important for pharma companies?
No. 932147
>>931792when the vaccines came up, I wanted to wait for something like Novavax. Well, my country thought otherwise and I didn't had a chance to wait, because vaccines (or daily tests (that soon will cost money) or being recovered for not more than 6 months) are mandatory for university. I got Biontech and I still don't like it. I didn't have side-effects, maybe because i drank heavily after both shots, kek, but still, I wish I would have had a real choice. And now I still have to wear my mask at least 8 hours a day at university and wonder why, because everyone is either vaccinated or daily tested in my class.
And in other words, Sweden and Denmark stopped the vaccination with Moderna for people younger than 31 because of myocarditis and I'm so tired of all the people shouting in your face that the vaccines are so damn save.
No. 932481
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>>932147And yet the company and the nay-sayers still say the benefits outweigh the bad. It is all well and good for them until they manage to struck bad luck in the lottery themselves. A vaccine shouldn't burden people with more hospital bills to begin with. It is why most of western Europe got rid of Astrazenica and doesn't administer them to people younger than 50. When you look at vaccines for polio or measles, the worst those vaccines can do is either a sore arm, flu symptoms or allergic reactions. It is the pure lack of empathy that gets to me. Everyone wants covid gone, if companies like Pfizer/Moderna actually had people's best interest, they would look into upgrading and perfecting their vaccines, not send out 3rd or 4rd boosters of the same thing because it is more profitable.
No. 933079
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>never had a coronavirus test
>never had a vaccine
>have avoided the news and media for a year to read and work on important things
but if you have to keep your jobs and stuff i do get it, and respect your choice regardless on the basis that there is a choice and no coercion
No. 936076
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Sage for slightly off topic but check that 89% difference between critic and audience score for Fucki the movie
No. 941846
>>931792This is insane. In my country the vaccine is mandatory (otherwise you can't work or study) and everyone keeps saying that the vaccine is not experimental and that it's safe. How can you say that when Moderna is getting stopped for some age groups and mRNA technology has been studied for only 2 years? And it doesn't actually stop the spreading? Traditional vaccines take way more to develop and test and that's also why they're safe and mandatory. I can understand why someone would be worried about taking it, but there are tons of people who just call everyone a pussy for not wanting to have 4 shots of a relatively new vaccine that in fact hasn't been tested on many types of subjects (like pregnant women and children), and it's not like they're even trying to fix it.
Also the government here deliberately favoured the vaccine over other covid cures that were cheaper and effective. There was a company that offered FOR FREE a lot of doses of monoclonal antibodies (deemed to be very effective) and they were fucking refused to favour Pfizer instead. Funds were cut for a new vaccine that seemed promising. Simple and effective medicines that have been around for 10 years have only been approved recently, when hospitals are empty and a lot of people that were badly affected by covid are already dead. It's so obvious at this point that all that matters are profits.
No. 942379
>>941937any chance you could get Biontech? It seems that it doesn't change so much about your period and I personally didn't have any side-effects. Might have helped that I ignored the doctor and had a lot of alcohol after the vaccine, kek.
If tests are still an option in your country I would rather get myself tested every third day than getting another shot. You also might consider investing in medical masks, if you haven't already.
No. 942500
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>>941846Even before COVID-19, scientists have never succesfully been able to make a vaccine against other coronaviruses because it mutates so quickly. The Chinese vaccine is traditional inactivated vaccine and is notorious for being useless but completely harmless lol. People went with the mRNA and vector vaccines because theyre much easier and cheaper to produce than traditional ones, even if they haven't been tested long term. Vector vaccines like Astrazenica haven't been used previously except for ebola and vetrinary diseases. (And even then the vaccine is not what stopped the ebola outbreak, public health measures did) Subunit/protein based vaccines like Novavax take a long time to develop because they need to find out which combinations will have the best efficiancy long term. (Hepatitis B vaxx takes 3 doses but gives life long immunity) The Hongkong Flu killed about 4 million people worldwide and was never fully eradicated. The strains of it still exists in every flu season even after that pandemic was considered to be over, that's why old and vulnerable people get their yearly flu shot. At this point it would just make more sense to focus on medicine and vaccinating vulnerable people instead, all the profit-hungry companies taking advantage of the pandemic make me sick.
No. 942567
>>941965Not similar viral load. Reduced, with shorter infectious period.
This is the worst place for covid information. No one should read here.
No. 946581
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if the vaccine affected your menstrual cycle, how long did it take for it to go back to normal (if it did at all)? Since my 2nd pfizer shot at the end of July I don't get the same pre menstrual symptom that I've had all my life, I've had spotting for the first time ever and it's been unusually irregular or heavy. it's kinda freaking me out ngl
No. 946587
>>946581Hey, me too,
nonnie, since I got my Pfizer vaccine, I’ve experienced spotting and now my period is heavy as fuck, like I have to use some heavy duty pads or I will leave blood everywhere.
At least my cycle is relatively back to normal now, it’s around the same times as before, but on a different day, i think my period comes now every 9th day instead of every 15th day.
No. 946634
>>946628Nta, nor trying to say it couldn't be the vaccine but how old are you?
At 23 my cycle and some pms simptoms changed. I got stupid headaches and a tooghache lol
No. 946639
>>946581It was hard for me to say at first because not long before I got my Pfizer vaccine, I had my arm bc implant removed after several years on it and I never had a period during that time. I had one normal cycle before the vaccine.
When I got my vaccine (end of the month May), and then the second dose three days before my period started in June. I had a very heavy period, lasted 6 days. I skipped a period in July (thought I might be preggers). Then a normal-heavy period in early August, and now it's been normal ever since. I had a normal period in September and a normal period earlier this month. Same flow and time.
June and July really freaked me the fuck out but the problem seems to have resolved.
No. 946646
>>946634I'm almost 21 so yeah my symptoms could def be changing on their own but idk it would be a big coincidence that it happened exactly after the shot
Thank you everyone for replying, I've only had 2 periods (October's is late) since my 2nd shot so I'll give it a few more months
No. 948863
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i just got my second dose of moderna and i feel okay. i felt really weird after my first dose so i’m a bit worried it will be bad tomorrow.
No. 948903
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The western world is handling COVID in possibly the worst way I've ever seen
>telling people vaccinations are the savior and that vaccinated people can do whatever, just for cases to constantly increase among the vaccinated and more vaccinated people are spreading it
>"lockdowns" which prevent people from going outside and soaking up fresh air, vitamin d from the sun, and proper exercise even though COVID apparently doesn't spread outside and that's why outdoor seating areas are open but no indoor???
>just weird rules in general that just cause frustration and do not actually help
>false positive cases causing people without COVID to go to COVID wards and actually get COVID, not doing anything about faulty tests
>invasive tests that cause nosebleeds. As someone who had COVID the damn test hurt worse than actually having COVID, they do this knowing there's several other tests that don't require that
>rejecting ivermectin and other antivirals, not even bothering to test them on COVID patients because of potential outcomes but it's perfectly fine to use the rest of the population as a test dummy for a vaccine for a disease with a very high survival rate
>not giving vitamins to patients in the hospital
>denying or removing people who report side effects that are severe, and then trying to include people who didn't die of COVID as COVID deaths and then when people die from the vaccine it "Doesn't count" unless it was 2 weeks after
>just the weird divide in general and the amount of propaganda, including mocking people who lose their jobs, housing, etc all over an EXPERIMENTAL vaccine and not questioning why we are removing rights from these people all over an EXPERIMENTAL vaccine
>hunting down and harassing literal doctors who point out harmfulness from the vaccine
No. 949222
>>948903Too much common sense in this post kek I hope that these "health experts" who are acting like literal dictators and providing backwards advice and forcing it on countries despite not even being elected officials lose their jobs and get sued to death. Sorry not sorry.
Are you from Canada
nonny? Vaccine mandates for working at any old company or just anywhere in general are ridiculous and make no sense at all regardless of how many times people want to repeat "we are mandating vaccines to set a good example and save lives" its bullshit and they know they are ruining more lives than saving. I dont know how these people sleep at night.
No. 949255
>>949222nta but I'm in canada and it is so ridiculous. my uni basically forced us to get it. I'm
>>948863 and today I I feel very bad, I have a headache and feel exhausted and totally out of it. and of Course my arm is sore. I'm also supposed to get my period today kek idk if my body will be able to handle that
No. 949551
>>949548Same with russia, especially compared to a country like spain which has one of the highest vaccination rates
i believe there's two reason
>vaccination worshippers can't admit they're wrong and will continue to pedal this on even if shown they're wrong due to media hype and ~memes pwning anti vaxxers>in those countries the disease was allowed to run it's course, killing those who would have died anyway and just creating people immune to it as well as the fact people getting actually treated instead of just being told there's no cure, increasing the survival rate as well as reducing the spread since people are sick for a much less amount of time and other people with COVID can be treated fasterand americans telling vaccinated people they're fine and can just do whatever is also harmful since vaccinated people seem to be spreading more due to this behavior, including to other vaccinated people. Most people I know who had COVID didn't get it until most people around them became vaccinated
No. 949609
>>949605The only person I know who got covid was one of my professors and she is fully vaccinated.
>>941825Late, but I seldom see elderly caring about the masking. Its been mostly millennials here and zoomers and they're also the ones who wear it as some sort of badge of honor in public. They're also the ones who keep pushing the draconian measures and in regards to zoomers I'm assuming they just want an excuse to not have to get up for school.
No. 949674
>>949609It's interesting because where I'm at, it's the opposite. The elderly are the ones I almost always see masking up, even at outside events. Boomers are 50/50. Gen X and lower I would say mask up less than 10% of the time.
>>949633I met up with some friends I hadn't seen since the summer for a birthday get-together for another friend and it surprised me to learn that all of them had gotten it? Some of them have even gotten it twice now?
Half of them are nurses, though. So more chances for exposure.
No. 950332
>>930343update: went to the gyno and got an ultrasound, he said that everything looks fine. A few days later had a normal period, finally (after 5 weird cycles).
Decided not to get the third vaccine. It's crazy the doctors/government don't even notify you of possible side effects other than the "your arm may hurt a little and symptoms of flu". And when people leave comments on the ministry of health's facebook, describing their side effects from the vaccine, they get deleted. Fuck that.
No. 950350
>>949623Testing positive =\ getting sick
The vast majority of kids who test positive don't even sniffle
No. 950583
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>>950550And that's not even true about the vaccine as time goes on. Look at this table from the UK Health Security Agency. who are 30 years old and older who are vaccinated are testing positive for COVID at higher rates than those who are unvaccinated. The huge numbers of children testing positive is not even that concerning since children still have a statistically 0% of dying from COVID. If the vaccine is so safe and effective as they claim, the vaccinated wouldn't have to worry about getting it from children. If they did, they too should also have minor symptoms. It's all so strange.
No. 950638
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>>950595Easy: Canada kek. I hate this man so much and all the losers mandating this crap.
No. 950746
>>950643There should just be an exchange program so Canadians who are tired of this shit can go south and vice versa, then everyone would be happier
>>950644>>950660Bless you
No. 950781
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Anyone else have spotting after both doses of Pfizer vaccine?
Got both of mine at the end of June/beginning of July. Everything was normal until this month. I've spotted twice already ahead of schedule and both have had the usual symptoms I get when my period starts (cramps with bowel movements; sans hormonal fluctuations that cause me to cry). First time it was redder than usual but it stopped later in the day. Next time it was a bright red I could've sworn my menstruation was actually starting but my tampon came out clean.
I don't take birth control and I've never been sexually active (complete virgin) and I'm 27 almost 28 years old but I've never spotted until now so I can't help but pin this on the Pfizer vaccine.
Anyone else get this or do I have something else going on?
No. 950914
>>950583Maybe a tinfoil but I can see why. Unvaccinated people usually dgaf
I'm including myself but people who ran to get their precious vaxx before anyone else are paranoid fucks who get tested at the first sneeze until they get a positive then test every day until they're negative and "free" again. And if your country is as shitty as mine, they count cases by positive tests, not people, meaning a paranoid fuck with 10 positive tests is going to give them 10 new cases.
No. 950977
>>950595yup, Israel is preparing to give vaccines to kids age 5-11 (ages 12+ are already being vaccinated) in January.
In schools and kindergartens they make kids who don't have the green passport take a covid test every 84 hours.
No. 951126
>>951099This is so dumb, mainly because you only got upset (rightfully) after she caved into other people nagging her, but not when you brought it up; however, the real question is how were you not upset that she spread covid when she got it? How did she manage that and why werent you upset then kek
Shes right to have her concerns about the vaccine though, it doesnt work and the fact that it comes with side effects (most of which have not been studied yet) makes it even more useless. Also, if shes already had covid she is immune now, at this point it doesnt make sense to get it. In general, theyre clearly weak minded though, either you want it or you dont.
No. 951159
>>951150I totally agree with the spirit of what you said anon, and from another perspective maybe she was saying nagging to put it nicely. There are people who faced their entire families and social circles/job just vanishing from their lives if they didn't get it, giving into pressure like that doesn't make you "weak." It makes you human to value the life you already had/worked hard for and not want to lose everyone and everything you care about over one point of contention. There are tons of people put in this position, so who cares if they get it to keep their lives in tact and still don't believe in it working or being safe or whatever? And if
>>951099 wanted her friend to get it anyway it's excessively nitpicky to now be mad at her getting it for a reason that's not good enough or whatever, pick a hill to die on.
No. 951161
>>951150I 100% agree with you, but in this circumstance, it seems like the friend has an issue where they cant make their own decisions. First it was a strong no. Then, after co-workers nagged her she did it and completely changed her mind. If thats all it takes, its clear the person is weak-minded and their decision can sway easily due to them not believing in their own position.
More generally, you are correct. People should take new info to account overtime because it is clear that a lot has changed from since the vaccines debuted, but in this case its not even health information, the person just finally decided to cave and gave up. People can do what they want, but its clear that this person is conflicted and if people keep saying to do something enough times they will.
No. 951168
>>951159Samefag, but I also agree on the part that it is human to want your life back; however, you can do that while still having your own views.
I am unvaccinated and much of my family is upset at me for it and think I am stupid, but in the end of the day its my choice. Should I go get it just because they told me so and it can stop bothering them so much? That would not make anysense especially because what is happening isnt normal and there are unknown side effects associated too. Not to mention, it seems like booster shots are up next, so going through hurdles to continue to have other's approval when you have weighed out the pros and cons (this vaccine has mostly cons), thats not normal either.
No. 951239
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>>950472The doctor's office I'm going to uses a "team" approach for my prenatal stuff so I guarantee at least some if not all of my OBs will be pro-vaxx. I don't want to switch doctors over this but I've heard horror stories of moms basically getting harassed by their OBs about "your baby is going to die, look at these statistics if you don't get vaxxed now!" at every appointment. I'm just trying not to miscarry or die from a blood clot with this stupid jab. Why does it feel like there's some sick thrill among advertisers for this vaccine re: pregnant women? I see a an enormous amount of ads like this suddenly.
No. 951259
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>>951239 anon, they did tests on pregnant rats, so it must be okay for use in humans! How dare you question the $cience.
No. 951297
>>951126>how were you not upset that she spread covid when she got it?Of course I was upset, I just wasn't surprised because she's always been a dumbass. She's good for a laugh though.
>>951159>There are people who faced their entire families and social circles/job just vanishing from their lives if they didn't get itYa that's a good point, her career is the most important thing in her life right now, she can't do it remotely and it's a very pro vax space.
Like I said I'm glad she got the vax, I'm just a stubborn enough autist that if my career and family gave me an ultimatum to take a shot I q didn't want, I'd tell them all to go to hell. But I realize that's not how most humans operate kek
No. 951306
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>>951292In addition to the horror stories on social media, there are now protocols for caring for symptomatic pregnant women because they have a higher risk of severe COVID outcomes than non-pregnant women and higher risks of various complications than pregnant women without COVID, see
>> > you're into case studies, here's an article with a few: No. 951351
>>951283I am worried about that actually. At that point, I think my family will get even more irritated and remind me that I am behind by 3 shots… maybe 4 or more since I keep seeing new things about the vaccine either become an every few months thing
>>951322Your immunity is stronger than vaccine immunity will ever be then.
>>951342Are you trying to suggest the vaccine would help in this case? You spread and catch it the same when vaccinated and studies often show that vaccinated people have a higher viral load as part of being asymptomatic spreaders. Also, everyone will probably get covid at one point, I dont see how that would lead to retardation kek what is this
No. 951380
>>951373Anon, don't get it if you don't want to. If you're uncomfortable with it, you can always get it later. If you get it now, you can't take it out of your body.
As a fellow unvaxxed person, I stand with you. If you survived that bout of the flu, I can almost guarantee that you won't have any horrible COVID side effects.
No. 951386
>>951373why get something you are not confident in? its better to wait it out and if you change your mind you can get it, theres no rush and i am with
>>951380, you wont be able to take it out afterwards
No. 951413
>>951373Your bad flu is Covid. False negatives are common on Covid tests, like 20% chance of a false negative.
>>951380>If you survived that bout of the flu, I can almost guarantee that you won't have any horrible COVID side effects.>Almost guaranteeI wish I had your baseless confidence. You know nothing about this person or the variants they're exposed to. Your anecdote is cool, I'll raise you an anecdote that I knew a healthy, slim 30 year old man with no pre existing conditions, he "got the flu" with a negative covid test. Few weeks later he was in hospital and got a positive covid test. Had high spirits and edgy tweeting about his parents forgetting to come to his funeral. He was dead a month later.
I could tell
>>951373 that I almost guarantee she'll die if she doesn't get the vaccine, but that would be fucking stupid.
No. 951449
>>951413Assuming she is under 29 years old, she has about a 99.5% survival rate. If the odds are less than 1% for something to happen, I'd almost guarantee that it wouldn't happen.
If her body was already strong enough to fight a respiratory virus recently, I'd still almost guarantee COVID won't wreck havoc on her
No. 951571
>>951369…there's no evidence that COVID causes severe respiratory problems and higher rates of complications among pregnant women? Have you been living under a rock?
>>951524>they denied lymph node swelling, denied fertility issueWhere did they deny lymph node swelling, and where are these reports of fertility issues coming from?
No. 952056
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I'm really glad I didn't get the vaccine
No. 952224
>>952202>ad hominemAlright well, when you actually learn about efficacy of vaccines and how long it took them to get the flu shot and other vaccines down properly, I'll listen. Until then, you keep on keepin' on,
nonny. <3
(don't use emoticons) No. 952349
>>952296Duuhhh. Doesn't everyone know the first set of scientific studies are correct and no one can rationally accept any changes to the original data sets?
I mean, look at Thalidomide, baby powder from J&J that contained only really small amounts of asbestos, and cigarettes. The initial studies all they were safe and beneficial for your health!
Oh, wait…
No. 952436
>>952426It is. There are even traditional COVID vaccines but I am sure you will find a reason not to trust them either.
>>952427>authoritarian shitYou mean measures to prevent people from spreading a deadly disease, that that largely been lifted in places where said deadly disease is no longer spreading?
>shoddy researchWhat does non-'shoddy' medical research look like to you?
No. 952444
>>952436Why would we trust a study that the FDA is requiring to complete more studies into 2024?
I don't want to take a medication or injection for which clinical trials are not fully complete. My changes of dying from COVID are less than 1%, and aside from the elderly with co-morbidities, pretty much everyone else has a less than
a 1% of dying from this oh-so deadly disease.
Tell me, if vaccines work, why are Israel, Singapore, and the province of Victoria in Australia have all seen huge surges in cases despite the majority of the population being vaccinated?
I don't care about vaccine if people are voluntarily taking it, but I do care if they're threatening my livlihood with it.
No. 952449
>>952440Nobody's forcing you to get the vaccine though.
>>952444>Why would we trust a study that the FDA is requiring to complete more studies into 2024?You don't trust the results of numerous studies because more studies will be conducted?
No. 952468
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>>952449You don't think losing your job due to not getting vaccinated isn't forcing someone to take it? If they get fired from not taking the vaccine, what are they supposed to do if all employers are mandating it?
And I won't take a drug for something needs postmarketing requirements. The FDA implements these postmarking requirements for drugs that: 1. Assess a known serious risk related to the use of the drug
2. Assess signals of serious risk related to the use of the drug
3. Identify an unexpected serious risk when available data indicate the potential for a serious risk.
These risks were called out in the FDA approval letter for the only approved vaccine, Comirnaty from Pfizer. See picrel that says myocarditis and pericarditis as a symptom of the vaccine was determined to be a serious risk.
I was wrong before, this study will end in 2025, not 2024… why would I take a drug for which serious risks aren't yet fully known and the FDA knows about, but still gives pharmaceutical companies immunity?
No. 952500
>>952497You can still be vaccinated and spread COVID to others, so the vaccinated also affect the health of others.
Look at Colin Powell. He was vaccinated and around only vaccinated people for months, but he still died of COVID complications.
No. 952501
>>952491neither does not getting vaxxed since vaxxed people are spreaders, but lets just ignore that
>>952495>money money money>>952494At this point probably
>kek kek kek>just get the jab or do whatever I say dumbass! No. 952515
>>952510It actually would.
>>952512>How are questions and concerns related to COVID and the vaccination considered conspiracy theories and not related to COVID?Oh yeah, a full conspiracy ass video with the intent to show that "le gooberment lying" is totally appropriate here. fuck off with that. There were no genuine questions or ""concerns"" without the intent of basically saying "vaccine pointless" and you know it.
>>952513>There's plenty of pertinent experiences regarding government authoritarianism Here's your hat,
nonny. I understand what you're saying, but that's not what this thread is about. take it to tinfoil.
No. 952524
>>952520It wasn't a video of side effects lmfao. It was a compilation of screenshots of news articles, each one after the next showing a lower effectiveness of the vaccine, followed by side effects, and then followed by death. With dramatic jump cuts and edits.
>ebil gooberment lying!!! vaxx poison!!! think for yourselves sheeple, the proof is out there!!! they don't know what is what!! we're all lab rats!!!Just don't get the vaccine, retard. Nobody has a gun to your head. If you think it's more complex than that, then yeah, you need a tinfoil hat.
No. 952530
>>952515I haven't posted since
>>949609 but what the fuck is with this control freak shit? So, none of us are allowed to talk in here now unless we kiss the ass of the vaccine? Like
>>952512 said: The majority of the internet is pro-vaccine. You sound like one of those people running around leddit who force subs to put up "anti-science psas" in order to "join the fight against misinformation", even when its on subs which have nothing to do with COVID.
>>952524>>952525>>952527>>952529Jfc how hard are you samefagging up the place just because of one anon from twelve minutes ago disagreeing with you?
No. 952543
>>952539Poor hygiene =\= injecting risky vaccines in your body that have been shown to have severe side effects that were even backed by doctors wait you guys harassed and tried to sue doctors who talk about side effects, sure seems safe and reliable if you need to shut people up who speak about effects
No. 952549
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>>952537>>952529I mean… Stage 6 rn, what stage is it going to take?
No. 952555
>>952549Stop sperging
nonnie no one believes you're an anti vaxxer
No. 952556
>>952548Like this one
>>952468 which presented a snip from an official document detailing sever side-effects and the only replies are
>>952476 and
>>952539, which don't even acknowledge anything other than "hurr durr if you don't like it, get a new job"
No. 952558
>>952547I'm really confused by this post because I don't know anyone who is anti vaxx and hiding in their homes. They're the ones going outside, usually without masks. I still see masked people outside and throwing looks occasionally and those who aren't masked, but the people who seem to be 'holed up inside' are the ones who are pro vaxx because they're still pushing the control the curve or whatever and only leaving for the essentials. I'm not sure where you live, but that's not been the norm for me.
Also, I thought that the people who were anti vaxx are the ones being presented on media for months now having parties, going to the beach, etc? How are they simultaneously hiding inside but also outside ignoring regulations or whatever?
No. 952560
>>952552Again making up things about anon you know nothing about
And you ignored when I pointed out the fact literal doctors are protesting against vaccination mandates, but what do they know? Are they all evil disease spreaders that no one wants to work it? How do you think things operated pre COVID vaccination?
Oh and you keep ignoring the fact we keep telling you vaccinated people are able to spread which doctors actually confirmed, but whatever fits your narrative
No. 952561
>>952552The vaccinated can still spread it, so are you really advocating for companies to fire people based on their personal political beliefs?
That's fucked up.
No. 952562
>>952550I guess if your idea of living a normal life is sperging out over a disease nobody else cares about anymore and complaining about how persecuted they are because nobody wants to hear their endless paranoid rambling, sure.
>I pointed out the fact literal doctors are protesting against vaccination mandatesCongrats on eating propaganda straight from the Big Tobacco playbook. Something like 97% of doctors are vaccinated, and yet you cling to the handful who aren't because they validate your near-religious beliefs.
>>952561>so are you really advocating for companies to fire people based on their personal political beliefs?"yes"
No. 952570
>>952562>97% of doctors are vaccinatedproof?
I also know plenty of anti vaxxers who got the vaccination and regretted due to side effects
No. 952572
>>952564>Most doctors being vaccinated doesn't mean they're not pointing out the effects of the vaccineYes, responsible doctors point out there are side-effects to medication. No, the tiny proportion who fail to get vaccinated or protest mandates do not somehow cancel out the vast majority of doctors who are pro-vaccine.
>>952564>you're the one who is killing people by convincing the vaxxed they're immune from spreading and don't need proper protectionWho in this thread claimed that vaccinated people can't catch or spread the virus? You're trying to argue with something that nobody even claimed.
>>952570Over 96% as of July: No. 952579
>>952574One group has greatly minimized their risk of spreading disease. The other refuses to. Not to mention that COVID-related beliefs are a good litmus test for critical thought and as such a useful tool for screening out people who aren't fit for white-collar work.
>>952577yes, and?
No. 952584
>>952579Can you prove that the COVID vaccine prevents disease spreading? Every doctor I know is vaccinated but also admits that they can spread
also firing people who aren't vaccinated has put a hole in the workforce which is why so many companies are desperate, someone not being vaccinated has nothing to do with their work ethic, they're actually firing really good workers for this reason went from
>vaccinated people can't spread and all the unvaxxed are disgusting disease spreading vermin literally killing people to
>Okay the vax does't prevent spreading completely but it still does!!I literally haven't found anywhere that it reduces your chances of spreading, just that it reduces your chances of getting sick and hospitalized yourself.
No. 952593
>>952582If understanding that certain belief systems make it clear that a person isn't capable of thinking rationally makes me Literally Hitler then so be it.
>>952584>Can you prove that the COVID vaccine prevents disease spreading?Yes, see
>> reduces but doesn't eliminate rates of transmission, which literally everybody has been saying since before the vaccine was released because that's how prophylactic medications work.
No. 952605
>>952593The PDF is 41 pages long in small print, can you quote to me where the pointed out vaccines reduce the rate of transmission?
and these also don't explain why countries with low vax rates have low covid rates
No. 952611
>>952609they obviously didn't read it either though, this was just a paradox
>read this novel-length article or you're wrong!!>>952610Why wouldn't I know other atheists? you realize most people have friends with similar beliefs?
No. 952617
>>952605>Rates of transmission among children are higher where the level of communitytransmission is high, and the level of community vaccination is low.
>Vaccination is associated with a lower likelihood of infection and transmission to others.wrt countries with low covid rates, are you talking about the totalitarian countries that are fudging the numbers, the poorshit countries that don't have the resources to document infection, or the industrialized countries that managed to avoid high rates of community transmission throughout the pandemic?
No. 952620
>>952611It took me at maximum, 60 seconds to ctrl+f "transmission" and find it. I didn't need to read 41 pages, but nice strawman.
>Vaccination is associated with a lower likelihood of infection and transmission to others.>For breakthrough cases, vaccination reduces the incidence and duration of symptoms andsignificantly reduces the risks of severe illness, hospitalization, and death due to COVID-19
No. 952625
>>952616>What's your point?My point is: most people you know that are anti-vax are athiest. Most people that I know that are pro-vax are athiest. Whatever truth is convenient to you doesn't matter, and isn't a solid argument. It's irrelevant.
>>952622It actually is a way you'd use strawman! Shocker, you don't know everything.
No. 952643
>>952619Natural immunity is protective, but there's not sufficient info on the longevity of natural immunity OR the vaccine and there's evidence that the initial severity of the disease plays a factor in natural immunity, see > are important, but so are t cells, which provide a longer-lasting protection.
No. 952658
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>>952593The document also says the median age of death among the unvaxxed is 63 and for the vaxxed it's 78.
We're ruining the economy, people's mental health, having people lose their livelihood, and injecting an experimental vaccine into children so grandma and grandpa can live a little longer.
No. 952695
>>952658That's weird, usually life expectancy studies have to be done for several years to be
valid, the vaccine has barely been out for a year and we're doing conclusions on life expectancies?
No. 952707
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>>952696Not really. Data from 2020, before vaccines were made available, show that younger adults really weren't dying of COVID at high rates. The median age of death was still 60+ prior to the vaccine rollout. Younger adults were never at a significant risk in the first place. No. 952709
>>952695This isn't measuring life expectancy. This is a study of people who have already died from COVID and their age at death was recorded.
Data shows that COVID is a significantly higher risk for the elderly, and an extremely, extremely small risk for the younger population.
No. 952725
>>952713I'll see if I can look more into the population they were using later. I took another look at what I posted and I see they cited a study from China, kek, so I'm not sure how reliable that is considering COVID is so fucking deadly and contagious but China had less than 5k deaths despite the disease originating there.
Anyway, the risk for younger people is still extremely low. Looking at
>>952707, only 1,480 people aged 20-29 died of COVID in the US in 2020. In total for that age group, there were 63,220 deaths, meaning out of all deaths for those aged 20-29, only 2% of deaths were from COVID.
Compare this to the total population of 20-29 years old. Looking at, I'm estimating it to be about 38,909,863.
With these numbers, that's a total death rate of .16%, and a COVID death rate of .003%.
Even if the median age did go up by 15 years, the amount of young people dying is so low that it's asinine to mandate them to take it.
No. 952749
>>952731I wasn't the one who provided the link. I read it and gave my thoughts and observations. My observation was a finding from another study from Griffen et al. I'm interesting in finding out what the population and demographics they used in determining the median ages of COVID death.
It's just interesting to me that the vaccine is pushed for children while the median age of death for those unvaxxed is an elderly 63 years and younger demographics have such a low rate of death.
No. 952805
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No. 952830
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>>952805+calling people conspiracy theorists for noting that the statistics have been shakey and aren't adding up
No. 952880
>>952864Lots of autoimmune diseases are
triggered by the shot. The whole "vacs cause autism!" is partly true, it impacts people with autoimmune diseases much more strongly so it can make slightly autistic ppl much more autistic.
No. 953093
>>952643kek youre so funny ive never seen someone do so much to defend something so wrong
In general for anything: natural immunity is most powerful
No. 953280
>>953196I've never heard of workers not being able to get exceptions from the vaccine, but I know everyone company is different. My company has exceptions for medical and religious reasons.
As for
>has a ton of dangerous effects being reported, and you can't even sue the company if you get a heart attack from the vaccineDon't get the vaccine.
No. 953550
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UK week 43 COVID surveillance report just came out. Again, the vaccinated are testing positive for COVID at higher rates from the vaccinated. I wonder why that is…
Pretty weird especially since the vaccine is supposed to lessen symptoms. If people were asymptomatic, like the vaccine is "supposed" to do, why would they have the need to get tested? Hmmmm.
I wonder if case rates among the unvaxxed are going to go up when they start counting "fully vaxxed" as three doses rather than two. Yes, that's right. A third jab isn't a booster anymore, they're counting it as an actual dose.
No. 953648
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>no one can play community centre sports until the coaches get vaccinated
Who is buying this?
No. 953653
>>953648The unvaccinated are not shutting down sports leagues, the government is.
"You made me do it" is a tactic used to abuse and gaslight others. This is terrifying.
No. 953865
>>953560I know some hospitals will refuse to test vaccinated people for COVID which caused a lot of vaccinated people to actually die of COVID which is another reason why I don't want the vaccine
>>953648Unvaccinated people being used as scapegoats once again. Imagine if we started shutting down businesses because the workers didn't get their flu vaccine, that would be ridiculous right? I don't see how people think this vaccine is somehow different
No. 953891
>>953879True, this dude also had a weird obsession with hurting animals and always talked about wanting to kill randoms. When ebola came out he stated how happy he would be to see a pandemic where lots of people die. Being pro vax seems like an extremely easy way for a mentally ill person who wants to see people hurt and die while trying to advertise yourself as an innocent and caring person.
On the flip side my cousins who are practically angels and donate their money to homeless and are always positive and sweet were anti vax and told me not to get the vaccine due to my uterus issues. Maybe my theory is right
No. 954258
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>>953891>>953873why does medicine keep acting careless about ruining womens health?
No. 956623
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>>953550The vaccination is ineffective but the media keeps trying to convince normies that the vax is the savior of the new world and vaccinated people are literally God and immune to everything. The vaccination parties and people on TikTok crying of happiness because they got the vaccination is just ridiculous
No. 956632
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No. 957446
File: 1635882990896.png (110.32 KB, 797x572, Safe and Effective.png) whistle-blower came out and said Pfizer's clinical trials were basically a shitshow.
No. 957530
>>957498From what I’ve reviewed there’s been about 6000 deaths reported (in America) and not all of those were actually caused by the vaccines so the number is likely lower. Compare that to the 700,000+ deaths we’ve had.
When I got my doses I had to wait 15mins to check for allergic reactions and was given information on possible side affects. Can it happen? Yes but it’s rare just like any other medicine you would take.
No. 957539
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>>957530You know what else is rare? Severe side effects and death from COVID for children and young adults.
The data is from September, but 95% of those thousands of people that died had comorbidities according to the CDC.
COVID may be dangerous for those who are already unhealthy, but it's a rare issue for someone who is healthy to experience sever side effects from it.
No. 957550
>>957539Samefag, if you say that all the listed vaccine deaths aren't
valid because they weren't actually caused by the vaccine, then you would have to apply the same logiv to COVID deaths and that all COVID "deaths" weren't actually a result of COVID.
My favorite is how that if you die in a car accident but tested positive for COVID, they would rule you as a COVID death.
Make it make sense.
No. 957560
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I feel like virtue signalling about the vaccine and going on about how it should be enforced is really just an excuse for some people to avoid living a healthy lifestyle. If you are not elderly, you eat healthily and you don't lick stranger's armpits for fun, COVID really won't do shit to you. You'll get the sniffles, and then natural immunity, the fucking end. A well-nourished, functioning body can fight disease
If you've been abusing your body and surviving on Doritos, shitty fast food and cans of Monster for years, of course it's another story. Even then, you're far more likely to die from any of the non-trendy diseases. So many people suffer from malnutrition without even being anachans, it's tragic
Americans keep crying greasy tears of canola oil about COVID deaths and side effects, then turn a blind eye at the fact that they literally love poison and inhale it every day
No. 957564
>>957561That's life and I'd have to accept the consequences then.
What percent of the population vaccinated was herd immunity supposed to come in again? We must be close to that, so hospitals being overrun with people with COVID wouldn't happen…unless the vaccines aren't actually effective.
No. 957569
>>957561Do you not know how hospitals work? People with severe COVID have their own units, there's an ER for emergencies like that and people who are severely sick get in the ICU
Vaccines aren't effective which is why hospital are so ~overun~ despite the population being mostly vaccinated
No. 957581
>>957572>Like every other vaccineWhat other illnesses are there where can you catch the virus and suffer side effects after being fully vaccinated?
Tetanus, sure, but you have to get a booster every several YEARS, not every 6 months. Plus if you step on a rusty nail, they're giving you a tetanus shot anyway.
So, please do tell because I'm curious to hear about these other vaccines.
COVID will not be eradicated since animals can get a spread it, so you can't use the argument that vaccines will make COVID go away completely.
No. 957596
>>957579You stupid bitch you have to get several shots as a child to attend public schools
>>957581Every flu virus? You can still get the flu, and on top of that it mutates into other variants just like COVID. Damn, no wonder no one can take anti-vaxxers seriously.
No. 957604
>>957596Wow, someone hit a nerve.
>Public schoolsIt varies from state to state and country to country. Some states accept philosophical exemptions from vaccines.
The flu vaccine is a new formula every year.
Give me another major vaccine where you can still get sick from the illness you were vaccinated against. You must have one .
No. 957706
>>957569„ Vaccines aren't effective which is why hospital are so ~overun~ despite the population being mostly vaccinated “
Wait are you saying that most people in the hospital right now are vaccinated? If so please provide a source for this claim.
No. 957789
>>957733Polio vax effectively minimized polio by a lot though, the issue with the COVID vaccine is that people with the vaccine keep getting and spreading COVID and trying to get people to get 3+ shots a year is just simply not going to work especially for a virus that most people can simply fight off naturally and then trying to put a bunch of restrictions and force people to get a risky vaccine isn't working
Polio vaccine also had side effects however the side effects weren't as common or severe as they are now despite the fact medicine wasn't as advanced as it was now. The COVID vaccine is extremely flawed and people who can't admit that aren't trustworthy
No. 958343
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>>957789And yet the same exact FUD talking points existed when the polio vaccine rolled out. Really makes you think
No. 962204
>>962096It is probably stress and anxiety but if you can a check up can give you ease of mind.
This guy developed pericaditis and POTS 3 weeks after his second shot and had other issues like fatigue and dizziness. Most likely explanation is that they injected him straight into a bloodvein instead of the muscle.
No. 964729
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So…A researcher has exposed that Pfizer put out falsified COVID vaccine trial data. And the FDA were aware of it. This is so fucked up, anyone who trusts Pfizer is hopeless.
Full article: No. 964792
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>>964729same company kek
i am really sick of the vaccine and covid can we just live regularly? i know we cant but a girl can dream
No. 964836
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>>964729Kek. It takes a criminal to know a criminal.
Pfizer has paid the largest criminal fine in history - why do people trust them so much? Clearly all they care about is money, not people. No. 967858
>>964836Because tards will harass people who question what is literally being injected inside of them
>>962096You're definitely right it should be a choice, people like
>>958269 are just encouraging vaccine companies to be a shitshow since the vaccine is never going to improve if everyone flips their shit on people who report side effects or are worried about side effects. if people were freely allowed to discuss side effects and concerns and vaccine companies use it to improve their vaccine then this world will be so much better
On another note why does it seem doctors are so uninformed on the vaccine? I got the antibody shot referred to by my doctor and the nurse who injected me told me not to get the vaccine until 5 months and when I went to see the doctor the following week she told me to get the vaccine?? Like how could you not have known? I also feel like this would be dangerous because some nurses will forget to tell the patients that they have to wait to get the vaccine, why can't they be on the same page?
No. 968159
>>968149>Not as a jab towards unvaccinated peopleKek
Getting shot doesn't stop you from spreading covid. Literal Nazi shit.
No. 968242
>>968202>>968212Working from home should be easier and less filled with scams, we should have better organization for grocery shopping, and people should have easier access to housing instead of poor millennials who split 3k a month studio in seattle just to scrape by. I also believe that forcing the lower class to be delivery slaves also hurts lockdown a lot and we should simply just have certain times to go shopping
Vaccines do not work, as someone who is vaxxed. We need another lockdown IMO and not a retarded "everyone rush to walmart and taco bell" lockdown like the first try
No. 968268
>>968149I think it's retarded because the vaccine does not stop anyone from catching or spreading covid. All this will achieve is higher death rates among people that are vaccinated.
>>968212Mask mandates only work if the masks are rated. Cloth and paper masks do fuck all and are probably more likely to help spread covid because people touch their faces to put on and take off the masks.
No. 968274
>>968268The biggest and most obvious thing that works is SOCIAL DISTANCING and everyone is forgetting that and/or don't care. Vaccinated people think they're gods and that they're completely immune to spreading or receiving COVID so those retards are running around partying which is weird since these same people at the beginning of COVID were all about "if I can save one life, that's all that matters" and then completely ignore the fact they can still spread and catch but they're ~vaxxed~ so somehow it doesn't matter
Lockdown 3.0 will be good if people don't act like fucking idiots during it and go crowd up everything they see
No. 968315
>>968274I'm vaccinated (had to) and that mentality is one of the reasons I consider not leaving the house anymore except for university. We are close to another lockdown, I can't afford staying at home and I'm so done with all these people thinking that they can't spread it or behave like idiots just to show the people that aren't vaccinated that they made the right decision and are the better people. Yes, the vaccine helps a little bit, but still, I don't want to cuddle with anyone of you at the supermarket, I don't want to sit on your lap on the bus, just keep your distance, wear your medical mask and wash your damn hands. That's another thing I've noticed, they stopped washing their hands and I wonder if they ever washed their hands before all this.
>>968149Switzerland, too? Only heard about Austria. Germany will be next then, I guess.
I think it's a bad idea and it wouldn't make me get the vaccine. We should take another approach, only tested people allowed at restaurants, events, stuff like that and for school, university, workplaces vaccinated, cured, tested and having to wear a mask. Also, like anon said before, social distancing is a nice idea and it would really work.
No. 968355
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Remember the region of India, Uttar Pradesh with a population of 200 million people has basically flattened the curve since June by doing extensive contact tracing and prescribing a 4$ home treatement kit of parcetamols, vitamin C,D, zinc, ivermectin and doxyclycline for everyone who tested positive. Doctors would call patients every day to check their temperature and how they progressed. Vaccination rate is 20% And yet not a single western country is even considering taking a look at how they managed to keep the virus at bay.
No. 968357
>>968328that's my point, if it's done correctly, it can work. But for me it would mean I would have to invest a whole lot of money to be able to learn from home and still have a bunch of asshole neighbours around me that are loud 24/7.
Except for university I'm in a self-made lockdown, I do everything I can that I don't have to stay at home and have to take online classes, because it doesn't work very well for the stuff I learn. Still, there are so many people that just don't care anymore, my parents want to visit, even though I explained the situation and that I don't go anywhere because I don't want to endanger my education and they are just an example for many other people around me.
It should have been communicated that the vaccine isn't the saviour right from the beginning and that you aren't a better person because you got it, while other hesitate for good reasons. I wouldn't have gotten the vaccine if it wouldn't have been mandatory for my education.
Right now, we are at a breaking point in my country and instead of doing everything we can to stop it, people are celebrating Carnival, without masks, without tests, without social distancing and I'm done, I just want to get a proper education and be left alone.
No. 968383
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>>968380No, more than 100 thousand people still get tested everyday (1 lakh =100.000), the amount of positive cases are just very low.
No. 968522
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>>968355>>968383OT but fuck India has way too many people
No. 968553
>>968530agreed! brings tears to my eyes honestly because everyone irl seems to be asleep or something. im still salty about my female doctor talking down to me like i am stupid for not getting it yet though, it makes me wonder a bit on whether doctors gain some incentive for any vaccinations? or maybe she truly believes i am an idiot for not trusting it and is trying to help me?
i am definitely overthinking it but i have never had to raise concerns with a doctor like this and i cant help but wonder if any other nonitas have been confronted by their doctor about the vaccine?
No. 968563
>>968553AYRT, my doctor hasn't pressured me into getting it, but she gives me the impression of someone who I wouldn't see eye to eye with outside of the medical profession, anyway. But that's okay, variety is the spice of life. Your doctor, on the other hand, sounds like she needs to take a hint. Tell her your decision and be firm about it. If she decides to keep pressing on it, you know what? You walk out of her office, don't even say a word, pay whatever you have to, and find a new doctor.
No. 968569
>>967858and I agree 100% like how can you push a vaccine you're not even informed about on me?
No. 968611
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>>968530>>968563You both sound absolutely deranged. I bet you were also saying you wouldn’t get the vaccine if it wasn’t FDA approved. Now that it’s here, it’s become a “it doesn’t really work”. The point of the vaccine is to stop you from dying from covid, not prevent you from getting covid. I’m so tired of people who clearly don’t understand how a vaccination works saying that it’s a bullshit vaccine. Be antivax all you want but stop pretending like you know more than a person with a medical degree. Go find you’re holistic doctor and don’t waste resources when you inevitably get covid and need to go to the hospital. Thoughts and prayers will heal you. <3
No. 968670
>>968650How do we know that
you're not the provax anon who pretends to be antivax?
No. 968875
>>968861>>968852>>968871Ntayrt but what do you gain from acting this way? No one I know who's been vaccinated is as unhinged and bitter as you're being right now. When did you lose the ability to have an actual discussion about this?
The more transparency there is about things (and the less emotions and sperging), the more the side effects can be evaluated and resolved, and the more people will be open to getting it if needed/wanted. Unless you actually don't want anything to improve ig
No. 968877
>>968871somebody sounds like a woman hating scrote~
pls kill yourself❤
No. 968899
>>968894now somebody sounds like a woman hating scrote whose mommy didnt "love" him enough so now he projects his hatred on all femoidz
give your mom a break, male, autistic boys are hard to raise
No. 968901
>>968899Insults don't work if they aren't true dumdum. Try harder next time.
>>968900If you didn't recognize the people LARPing as dumbasses on 'your side' before they openly mentioned it then perhaps you are the dumbass.
No. 968905
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>>968861So is the British Medical Journal also lying?
>>964729Are thousands of women and the experts who want to look into the menstrual side effects those women experienced also lying? Why is the FDA the only official organization worth listening to when the BMJ's interviewed whistleblower was open about the FDA ignoring serious complaints? What makes the other experts liars? Serious question. No. 968912
>>968889So, why are people being yelled at and accused of "misinformation" for talking about their own experiences with side effects, especially since most aren't warned about them before getting vaccinated? Why be aggressive at anon for talking about her period? I only see troons do the latter
And there's a literal policy on vaccine-required companies not being required to report cases of adverse side effects even when detected. Before anyone claims "It's because they're so few it's a waste of time", at the same time, the cases of side effects there are are considered significant enough for the government to cover people's medical fees. All of this is currently shady as hell, anyone with an objective mindset can see that
No. 968915
>>968563>>968569thank you nonnies for hearing me out and I am glad there are people who feel similar.
>>968871>doctor's kek no one believes they are smarter than doctors, its more like there are still a lot of things we dont know about this vaccine, they've even discontinued the use of them in countries like taiwan for younger people. also: how many times have you been dealing with an issue which your doctor dismissed or misdiagnosed? doctors arent all knowing beings and they also have differing opinions.
No. 968964
>>968901as the comment said above, i shall continue to reeee!
you're being called an autistic male for a fucking reason, if you maybe stopped autistically screeching at women who're simply concerned over their own health and the side effects that they themselves or someone that they actually personally know have gained from one of the vaccines, perhaps I, myself, would stop repeatingly being such a condescending bitch to you maybe
at this point i'd genuinely be surprised if you were actually a woman
I mean, I still doubt it, I still believe that you're still some retarded scrote from 4chan whose legimate autism and coddling from his mother has left him so socially handicapped and desolute of female attention that he rees out at the fucking stuuupid femoids on the internet in complete compensation of his own lack of intelligence.
reeeeee if you take birth control or eat food from you're local grocery store, stop caring about being potentially sterilized reeeee!!! you desrve it if it's true reeee!!! fucking femoids!!!
No. 968998
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>>968905>Oh no this vaccine has some side effects!! It’s obvious that it’s poison! I would take a missed period for two months over dying from covid. Pic related, just one side of the potential side effects of
oral contraceptives. You guys are fucking annoying about missing a period, I swear to god. Did you even read the article you linked? It says it in two of the bullet points right at the beginning.
>COVID-19 vaccines can cause several side effects, which are mostly mild.>Researchers have not established a formal link between the vaccines and menstrual cycle changes, and some medical professionals want to study the possibility.Would it make you feel better if they just listed it as a potential side effect instead of being ridiculous about your missed period? You can miss a period for being too stressed, anxious, etc. You can miss a period just because. There is no definitive proof that the covid vaccine causes issues with your period which is WHY it’s not said it’s a common side effect. The statistics for the women who allegedly had issues with their period is so small.
> “If there is a connection, it is likely to be a result of the immune response to vaccination rather than a specific vaccine component,” Dr. Male writes.> According to Dr. Male, the lack of research on the effects of COVID-19 vaccines on periods is due to the relatively low occurrence of these reports.Your main issue is that woman’s health studies aren’t prioritized. Why don’t you die on that hill instead.
No. 969006
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So anyway, ignoring trolls and/or scrotes to share scientific findings.
There's a new study (preprint) that states there's no difference in viral loads from vaccinated and unvaccinated people No. 969027
>>968797Plenty of the anti vaxxers have posted perfectly intelligent things with proof and great explanations, I'm personally neutral but within the past few threads the pro vax side is comparably more unhinged, including insulting other pro vaxxers who question anything, cursing out people who show concerns for corporations fraud scandals, severe side effects, and deaths relating to the vaccine. If you can't handle a stable conversation without freaking out and cursing out everyone and gaslighting people then that says more about you than it does for the anti vaxxers
If you disagree, explain your position, provide evidence or debunk their evidence WITHOUT just screaming "they lied" and calling them crazy. THAT is how you convince the anti vaxxers to rethink. And if you truly, down to the ground, believe the anti vaxxers are just as bat shit crazy find me at least 10+ posts in this thread of anti vaxxers flipping out and insulting pro vaxxers and ignoring evidence and I will do the same
No. 969034
>>969023I mean when you're trying to make a good point and scare people by claiming they'll get COVID, it's good to point out COVID isn't that bad for healthy people, it's even more ironic when you use COVID as a scare tactic for anti-vaxxers who already had COVID. How is it a bad point at all?
as for myocarditis, you're right but flu vaccines have improved instead of ignoring and harassing people who point out concerns, that is the issue with the COVID vaccine compared to the flu. Myocarditis is also a lot more common in the COVID vaccine and the spike in media stories about how young people "mysteriously" dropping dead from heart issues IS concerning and could be related. Evidence has been posted here and the tinfoil thread if you are interested
No. 969036
>>968998>Oh no this vaccine has some side effects!! It’s obvious that it’s poison! Except that's not what I said or even think, I am double vaccinated and will be getting my booster shortly and wouldn't do that if I thought it was poisonous. And you still never answered why you were calling women who claimed side effects liars when there is reason for some experts to consider the contrary (whether those effects are mild or not,) which was the entire purpose of my reply. Also, my menstrual side effect was not "one missed period." I do not take hormonal birth control, I also take
huge issue with women's healthcare being overlooked and not prioritized in the medical field and that is a far more important issue to me than the vaccine alone. That is my point in the first place here, that people are not taking side effects
women in particular have seriously by accusing their experiences of being deliberate misinformation. My point is not/was never that people should not get vaccinated, just that there is a legitimate conversation to be had around this that does not make everyone participating a liar. Maybe if you weren't so hung up on assumptions and black and white thinking you would see that there is a difference between "these side effects are of concern" and "reee it's a poison"
>Would it make you feel better if they just listed it as a potential side effectYes, it would, and it would also make me feel better if people weren't hellbent on trying to make any woman who has concerns out to be a liar wearing a tinfoil hat. Nobody wants to die of covid, but that doesn't mean we just have to sit down and shut up about anything else that happens.
No. 969042
>>968998Only a scrote would sperg so much about feeeemoids taking birth control. We wouldn't have to take it if your dumbass ancestors didn't destroy effective contraceptive plants bc they were so
No. 969045
>>969035Perfectly healthy people get hit by cars, get cancer, or develop deadly diseases. Sickness and death are part of life. It's something we as a society should accept. All these COVID lockdowns and policies are causing deaths in other areas, namely people avoiding hospitals the past two years, domestic violence and child abuse, addiction, and mental health issues and suicide rates are up.
It's dangerous for society to pick and choose which causes of death are the most important if focusing on one has an increase in other areas.
No. 969049
>>969037Medical student here. I mentioned earlier nurses often have more knowledge on vaccines and how they effect people since I've been in both nursing and medicine. Plenty of doctors ARE corrupt and will lie about treatments since they can get commission for various things, which is also why you see so many people on like 10-20 different pills that can easily be reduced to 3 if you know anything about medications
mind you doctors get 2-3 years of PRE MED which is mostly just reqs without much medicine such as bio, chem, and even english and electives. (the med school I'm in requires several semesters of english, foreign language and wellness classes which are electives here such as music and yoga)
med school however is 4 years and residency is just working and getting experience but not so much learning so most of the time they only get 4 YEARS of actual knowledge pertaining to medicine
Nurses, lab techs, and "lesser respected" positions are often scoffed off even though these people not only get a more in-dept learning about the human body but also are around patients much more and actively see how medicines, vaccines, etc effect those patients where as doctors often sit around and will be with patients less than 30 minutes each unless they're doing surgery.
I also believe this bias against "less respectable" positions has to do with the fact people exclusively see money + listen to stereotypes than actually talking to these people. I'd definitely trust nurses or lab workers about the vaccine way more than doctors. and surprise surprise it's predominately those people who are anti-vax
>Inb4 you think you know more than doctors!!Explain to me why you never see doctors get chemo, lasik, or take medications they prescribe when those same doctors get cancer or other health issues
I also think it's ironic how fast the pro vax crew will start witch hunting poor healthcare workers as soon as they have concerns about the vaccine, especially since you were practically begging for us to keep working and calling everyone heros
No. 969051
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>>969047Samefag, tetanus also has a significantly higher fatality rate than COVID does.
Tetanus is much more deadly, the vaccine has been tested for decades, and it's not a new technology that is being used on humans for the first time.
It's not comparable.
No. 969055
>>969052Birth control isn't being mandated though. It's not something forced on women who are unwilling to take it.
Everyone has their own medical choices, and they are none of your business.
No. 969060
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>>969047>>969051So, you’re trusting it because it’s “old technology”? Even though it has the potential side effect of myocarditis? And also because tetanus has a higher mortality rate? Does Covid have to have a mortality rate of 50% or higher to get you vaccinated?
No. 969063
>>969060NTA but tetanus shots actually improved throughout the years because we didn't harass people who reported myocarditis nor did the tetanus vaccine companies release fraud trials (which you keep ignoring for some reason) vaccine use to cause myocarditis but since they didn't freak out on people who reported it, they actually were able to improve the vaccine and that's why most people are able to get it without side effects meanwhile plenty of normies are getting severe side effects from the COVID vaccine
No. 969066
>>969057Exactly! And if anons were concerned about the side effects of the vaccine but still take birth control, that is their choice. For young women, getting hospitalized or dying from COVID are extremely low. The mast majority of those who get COVID recover with no problems, and that is their risk to accept. These anons may feel that their risk of getting pregnant is much higher, and the potential complications of pregnancy are more of a danger to them than COVID is.
I'm taking a guess, but I would bet that more anons are at risk of rape and pregnancy than they are dying from COVID
>>969060I don't trust it because it's "old," I trust it because it has decades and decades of research and studies behind it. It has been established through long-term data that tetanus vaccines are safe and effective.
COVID vaccines and mRNA studies have been tested on humans for 2, maybe 3 years tops. There is not enough time to fully and completely study the long term effects on humans.
If COVID did have a fatality rate of 50%, I would very likely have gotten the vaccine by now, because the risk of dying from COVID is 50/50. Since the fatality rate is closer to about .003% for my age for COVID, I don't see enough concern to get a new technology that is going through clinical trials until 2025 to be put in my body.
No. 969071
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>>969069>If women's (extremely reasonable) concerns about the hormonal birth control pill should be taken seriously then why are women's concerns about the covid vaccination supposedly based in lies?GOTTEM
No. 969081
>>969069This. I also wonder what happens to this anon's argument if they start sperging about BC to a woman who hasn't gotten vaccinated and also doesn't use birth control because of the side effects? Will they start yelling "Stop talking about the COVID vaccine and talk about birth control" as if birth control is being enforced? Or will they start saying she should be forced to take birth control
and the vaccine? Lol
No. 969085
>>969081I've noticed that a lot of the provax arguments rely heavily on what they assume the person they're arguing with does in real life
>You eat McDonald's and drink energy drinks and are scared of not knowing what's in the jab!!!I don't do either of these things kek
>Muh birth controlI don't take birth control pills nor have I ever used birth control outside of condoms
>Muh other vaccinesThis is the only one that makes a good point but it's easily debunked with the fact that every other vaccine has been completely studied and side effects have been improved. Vaccinated anons can't even report side effects here without being gaslighted
No. 969086
>>969085Samefag but I also find it funny when the provaxxers use "you'll probably get COVID" as a threat. I literally recovered from COVID while pregnant and it was like a week long cold. Of course no one likes being cold but I'd rather be ill for a week than to potentially miscarriage, lose fertility (I have endo and faint on my periods, it took me two years to get pregnant), have heart problems or anything else that's risky with the vaccine that's still in trail
I also had no other complications with me or my pregnancy. I'll get the vaccine once it's been in more trails and significantly improved but obviously it's not so we shouldn't force everyone to get it or witch-hunt people who don't. I don't care if other people get it though
No. 969096
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>>969086Kek, even look at the fatality rates between young vaccinated and unvaccinated adults.
Instead of have a 0% change of death "after a positive COVID test" (whatever that means), I have about a one in a million rate of dying from COVID. I think I have a bigger chance of winning the lottery with those statistics.
No. 969101
>>969096The chart clearly shows that the vaccine also doesn't stop the spread. Look at the case numbers and how many more people who are vaccinated test for COVID at significantly higher rates than who are unvaccinated.
It shows that the vaccine could prevent hospitalization and death in older populations, which is great. But since it doesn't stop transmission, there is no point to mandating it.
No. 969110
>>969097Sorry for deleting
>>969094 but mine wasn't 2 weeks late. I should also add that I was really stressed last month, so that could also be a factor.
No. 969119
>>968964>someone disagreed with my mind-numbing take? must be a scrote!truly embarrassing
>>969006but I thought that scientists and medical institutions are corrupt! how can you trust these so-called "experts"???
No. 969120
>>969106Yes. What did I say that was incorrect?
My point was that the difference in fatality rate for those who are vaccinated and unvaccinated is insignificant. 10 deaths of out one million vs. 2 deaths out of one million isn't something I'd be concerned about when it comes to an illness.
>>969111I don't want anyone to die. I'm pro-choice and anti-mandate when it comes to vaccines. I'm showing the chart because it shows that vaccines don't stop transmission, and being vaccinated doesn't have much impact on your survival rate if you aren't middle aged.
No. 969142
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>>969139I mean, when the "science" has been incorrect before, people have every right to be skeptical. Have you ever heard of Thalomide?
Not to mention when science said cigarettes were healthy for you.
No. 969152
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>>969144That's why it's important to look at multiple sources of information. Unfortunately in this situation, there are studies showing both positive and negative effects of the virus. It's only been tested for about 2 years now, so no one can say whether there will be long term side effects. Time is the only thing that will bring the truth.
For this one, I'm looking at sources straight from the FDA.
No. 969156
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>>969152Now you may ask, in what situations does the FDA mandate postmarketing requirement studies, like they are doing for Pfizer for their vaccine?
Well, when the drugs have potential for serious risk of course!
The FDA has information that there is serious risk, or potential for serious risk from getting the vaccine, but the government is forcing it on people anyway.
No. 969247
>>969144NTA but I was pro-vax before and I switched because of the constant lying about studies, severe side effects being denied and nothing being done to improve them, etc. I also know several other people who were pro vax who switched because of this reason. Nothing to do with "it not supporting pre formed beliefs"
If you have to make up things about the person you're arguing with then you have nothing
No. 969256
>>969252nta but side effects aren't such a big problem as long as
>There is transparency about all common side effects and warnings about them, which is not happening>People are not being shamed so heavily or excluded from public life for not wanting to take the risk of disclosed side effects Of course there will always be side effects, the issue is that they are being deliberately ignored, and even when attention is brought to them people are being accused of spreading misinfo for talking about it. That was how this whole argument started, baseless accusations of spreading misinformation and lying toward anons talking about their personal side effects.
No. 971374
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Wait it out
No. 972164
>>972153I needed two days off work for both jabs, fever and nausea and couldn't raise my arm above my head. I hate provaxxers so fucking much. Like I literally got the vaccine and they still treat me like a conspiracy nut for talking about the side effects.
It's retarded because the vaccines do suck and now there's no incentive to make the process less shitty because everyone just wants to push mandated vaccines through. Like fuck if it's so "essential to public health!!!!!!!1" why not have some government mandated paid sick days instead? That's why I waited so long to get mine and won't be getting the boosters, it's a nightmare to schedule when I can't afford to miss two shifts. But nope I'm just a crazy antivaxx karen bitch!
No. 972587
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not fucked up at all! I love the new normal
No. 972595
>>972587This actually makes me depressed.
People will defend this lmao.
No. 972603
>>972587Fucking finally, I was waiting for one country and to have the balls to do this. Hope we do the same here, and have an eternal lockdown for the no vaccinated until the pandemic is over.
If they are still schizo about the vaccine after a whole year where people have been taking it with no ill effects then nothing is going to convince them at this point. So just make it the law.
No. 972615
>>972603At this point I'm hoping you get the third (and fourth and fifth and sixth) dose of the vaccine and develop heart issues, get a stroke, blood clots or even just chronic exhaustion because people like you can only understand others by going through the same bad experiences yourself. You didn't have side effects so surely everyone else who has is lying right?
All for a vaccine that barely fucking works.
No. 972648
>>972615"No ill effects" fucking pfizer shills even made it to lc.
I think vaccines were necessary even if they killed a few people, when OPTIONAL. Making someone roll the dice on something that could kill them is fucked up on principle.
No. 972877
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>>972620Even in the Biden tweet about purchasing the new covid pills it's stressed that the vaccine is most important, nothing is allowed to overshadow it
>>972648>made it to lcThey've been here for this entire thread and the last one
No. 973506
>>972877I wonder how this will play a part in the emergency authorization status of the vaccines. A vaccine is authorized under emergency use when "…there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives." Since the pill is an alternative, it's another option.
Actually, nevermind. Taking another look at the definition, it says no APPROVED alternatives. The pill is only authorized, not approved.
Fun fact - all vaccines available for use in the United States are still only authorized. The Pfizer vaccine was approved, but it was 'Comirnaty' that gained approved. Comirnaty is a legally distinct product from the BioNTech vaccine that's being given right now. It won't be available in the US until 2023. So if there was another approved alternative that was ready to go to market right now, the vaccines would lose their emergency use authorization.
No. 974217
>>972153Got called an anti vaxxer because I didn't get my second dose of Pfizer (as suggested from my doctor) because it nearly killed me after causing me to have a 2 week long extremely heavy period that required me to have a blood transfusion. This caused a girl at my work to constantly bitch about how I'm a crazy Karen who's literally killing people to the point of threatening me where she got fired
The kicker? I got COVID several months after and so did my unvaxxed husband which both of us recovered from within days (his was surprisingly a lot shorter and milder than mine). The push for vaccines is extremely dangerous if they do not completely understand how the effect people and harass people who report the effects. All for a disease most people will recover from
On another note, why are extreme COVID vaccine Americans so
triggered by ivermectin? It's used in other countries a lot and prescribed to the rich when they have COVID, even to the point of firing a doctor for giving patients ivermectin, (and the uneducated folk who keep swearing up and down it's for horses exclusively) does it magically not work for poor people or something?
No. 974233
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>>974227Possibly, I also know people have been reporting babies dying weeks after being born from vaccinated moms. Pro-vaxxers are the true psychotic ones if you can just ignore babies dying
No. 974302
>>974294>the worst arguments possible from both provaxx and antivaxx perspective.the last 100s of posts are all from craycray antivaxxers thinking/hoping they'll soon be the only ones inhabitating this planet.
i got vaccinated thrice already and never had any problems.
No. 974312
>>974233Is it weird to anyone else that "The antivaxxers are crazy" posters in this thread always pretend they don't see posts like this or
>>964729 (lol I linked a dog pic by mistake at first)?
All they do is insult people, post bait, and admit to samefagging to try and make anyone who's not pro-vaxx look bad. It's strange
No. 974315
>>974313I didn't do that, but I did see that post. It was fucked, and it also reminded me of this person here
>>968628How is anyone supposed to take things like that at face value when one side admits to trying to make the other look bad?
No. 974320
>>974316Ohh, you're doing the "Ignore all posts and actual proof that contradict me because I want to argue" thing, just like I pointed out in my first post. It's even weirder to experience it, feels like talking to a bot.
I don't want what I said to be drowned out, I was trying to reach other anons that noticed these things. I'll just link back to my first post and hope an actual anon or sane person replies:
>>974312 No. 974597
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Lately I've been lurking antivax boomer facebook pages to find hilarious shit like this.
No. 974861
>>974288Idc if people get vaxxed or not just trying to force other people to get vaxxed and acting ridiculous if they don't is ridiculous. Extreme provaxxers are some of the most childish people I've ever met. They're supposed to be "helping" the community but then wish unemployment, lack of housing, lack of education, sickness and death on anyone who questions the vaccine. It's even worse when they gaslight people who have pre-existing medical conditions who are curious how the vaccine will effect their condition
at this point some of them are extremely, extremely sick. How you can blow off things like
>>974219 is beyond me.
No. 974877
>>974291>>974292>wishing death on people who don't agree with youHmm where have I seen this before? You aren't any better than the Trust the Science(tm) Redditors.
>>974816nta but what lesson?
No. 974892
Celebs, politicians etc getting fake jabbed; video authors are looney because its bitchute but the evidence speaks for itself.
No. 975532
My religious vaccine exemption got approved for work!!! I'm not going to end up homeless because I don't want this injection!!! Life is grand!!
>>975486Be careful what you wish for, anon. The grass is always greener on the other side. What good is a million dollar settlement if all you'll be doing in laying in bed all day because you're in too much pain to do anything else? Not to say this would happen, but it's the same thing as a relative dying. Sure, it's nice to get an inheritance, but you'd probably rather have that person be alive than get their money.
No. 976235
In my city (on of the bigger ones in Germany) you aren't allowed to use public transport anymore if you aren't vaccinated, cured or tested. If I wouldn't be vaccinated it would mean that I have to walk 5km to the next test center just to be able to use the damn bus. Still, we are opening a fair, we are opening Christmas Markets, no one is keeping any distance and no one is wearing a mask in crowds, sure thing public transport is the reason why the situation is so bad…
>>976151got a link? I'm also so done with all of this, I don't want the third shot but I will have to get it next year
>>975532you probably aren't German, right? Looking for a way out of this for a friend (and myself in the future), but don't think we have such a law in Germany
No. 976556
>>976155I don't have one. I said that my faith requires me to abstain from using drugs or pharmaceuticals unless I have an immediate or apparent need. Instead, I practice natropathic medicine and only use medicine as last resort.
This is actually true. While it's not an organized religion, I don't take lab-created drugs unless I have to. I also don't use skin cremes, body lotion, shampoo, etc.
>>976235No, sorry. I'm a burgerfag.
No. 976583
>>976408sure, who else than "ZensUrsula". Thank you, will have a closer look and maybe find something about it in English and link it here. Sadly I don't speak Spanish.
>>976556wish I were a burgerfag right now, kek. I'm the same with medicine and other products, but calling that a religious believe wouldn't work in Germany. I will get me third shot next year (will have to because of school), after that, no more. If it's not under control by then, they will never get there.
No. 977060
>>977057How is
>>977055 mental gymnastics? It's literally the same arguments that suddenly are bad when they apply the restrictions twitter doesn't like.
No. 977092
>>977057The unvaccinated are a drain on medical resources and funds, this can be mitigated by threatening their livelihoods and ability to participate in society unless they’ve had the Vaccine.
But fat people are also a drain on medical resources. The best way to stop someone being fat is to restrict their calories. Increasing sugar prices means everything containing sugar goes up in price making it less economical, it has the better affect of giving the government more money that should be funneled to health care to help absorb the impact of higher risk patients (but will probably vanish into special interest projects).
Both are an attempt to control people and their choices about what goes into their body.
Did that help clear it up?
No. 977123
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>>977112people who believe that complaining about mandatory vaccines is the same as complaining about wearing seatbelts
No. 977131
>>977123How does anything in your picture relate to the point that is made in
>>977055 and
>>977092 ?
No. 977366
>>977060They're not the same issues and only retards with mushbrains would argue otherwise.
>>977092The difference is being fat is generally going to cause issues and kill people in decades from now–many conditions being reversible and weight being able to come off–versus a fucking virus that could kill people and cause lifelong issues within a month.
No, they're not comparable issues.
Fucking retarded.
No. 977390
>>977366"no it's not you're [tired insult]" is not an argument anon. The point is the hypocrisy of twitterfags that are suddenly viciously against their own same supposed values and arguments for the current covid measures when it comes to (even less restrictive kek) restrictions for their precious sugar with the same claimed aims.
Also nta but
>No, they're not comparable issues.Yeah, obesity related issues actually got a higher death toll lol
No. 977458
>>977390There isn't hypocrisy and I made a completely
valid point so you could whine about being called a retard, retard. Just be glad you didn't embarass yourself irl saying this dumb shit.
Look up what "morbidity" means and go seethe elsewhere.
No. 977480
>>977441There’s a difference between cases and hospitalizations. A vaccinated person who gets covid and has cold symptoms for a week isn’t a drain on medical resources.
My brother in law’s a doctor and his hospital is chock full of covid patients, and nearly all of them are unvaccinated.
No. 977483
>>977458I see you still haven't even properly read the original posts, just got
triggered over the mere mention of sugar and implications of obesity? And you literally didn't make any point, just "nu-uh" and added an ad hominem, so I'm going to repeat it even clearer for the one who calls anons retarded.
>Unvaccinated don't care about the health of their fellow people>but the health of my fellow people doesn't count anymore when it comes to preventing obesity>If it's for the "greater good", it's fine for the government to mess with their body autonomy>but the government has no right to tax me for sugar for the "greater good", they're playing dietician and cross the line with my body autonomy!!>if you think the main drive of the government's covid measures is money and to take advantage of people, you're an antivax tinfoiler>but the government only taxes muh sugar to make money and take advantage of its peopleAnd before you try to move goalpost, every single thing mentioned are almost 1:1 quoted tweets I saw this morning and in the past 2-3 days.
No. 977519
>>977483>and you literally didn't make any pointLiterally
>The difference is being fat is generally going to cause issues and kill people in decades from now–many conditions being reversible and weight being able to come off–versus a fucking virus that could kill people and cause lifelong issues within a month. Go cry elsewhere and again just be glad you're anonymous, no need to defend your ego here.
No. 977528
>>977519This was your reply to another post, respond to what I'm actually saying. How is the display of "the same rules and principles should only apply to other people and not me" in
>>977483 not hypocrisy? It's not a crime to simply admit you are wrong, no need to beg me to leave.
No. 977596
>>977480Did he say how the hospital is determining vaccination status? I've heard hospitals saying they are considering anyone vaccinated outside of their medical network as "unvaccinated" because they have no way of verifying that information. However, I haven't seen any sources so I don't know whether to believe this or not.
If they are relying on self-reporting, do you think people who are unvaccinated are saying that they are vaccinated because they are worried about getting decreased levels of care from medical staff?
No. 977625
>>977528How the fuck is it "a reply to another post" when the point is that people are taking covid more seriously for a fucking reason, re: the acute morbidity and complications, and therefore has nothing to do with the governments trying to tackle obesity in any context?
Jfc you're dense.
No. 977746
>>977625Because it is what another anon added to the discussion, my posts are
>>977483 and
>>977055 and what you initially passive aggressively responded to and what I am refering to. And no, the point isn't wether obesity or covid is slightly worse or which one kills faster, the point is that twitterfags use arguments, rhetoric and claim principles and deny certain statements but then completely drop those same arguments, rhetoric and principles and fully support those same statements when it comes to other issues with the same core goals and tackling methods, aka hypocrisy. Speaking of dense
No. 977802
>>977746>the point isn't wether obesity or covid is slightly worseYes it is you insipid retard, because it makes fucking sense why people would be more understanding of a strong government response to something more immediately deadly versus an issue that isn't.
If you hate Twitter so much you should stop using it because it's dulling your mind.
Also you're clearly a samefag too to be defending this shit argument incessantly.
No. 977848
>>977833I feel the same as you anon. It's really interesting because people who are pro-vaxx also have the same feelings towards us. Global government organizations and medical institutions, the people who are supposed to protect us, are saying these things are safe, so they must be. How could the vaccine-hesitant not believe the people who are supposed to keep us safe?
I liken it to cops and police with the BLM movement. Police are supposed to keep us safe, but are they really? After BLM, many people (at least on the internet) were anti-police and authority/ACAB because they have evil underlying motives. I believe the same about governments and pharma. Their front is to protect us and keep us safe, but in reality, they are chasing power, prestige, and most importantly - profit.
I think it's extremely wrong to vaccinate children when clinical studies are still going on. Children literally have a 0% chance of dying from COVID, so in my opinion it's wrong to give an experimental vaccine (it's only authorized, not approved), to children so granny and some deathfats can live a few extra months. They say myocarditis is rare, but what also is extremely rare is children ending up being hospitalized or dead from COVID. Does the end justify the means?
No. 977937
>>977833No vaccination here. It is never crazy to ignore peer pressure.
The only thing I have to do is wear a mask at my workplace. No other requirements anywhere else in public.
But there really is some persistent local and sometimes legal fight against more government restrictions. Some of the measures from county government are arguably in violation of state law.
No. 977987
>>977833I got my J&J shot but I won’t touch any of the mRNA vaccines. Too experimental, too many lies and misinformation. The fact the news keeps reporting on the vaccines in terms of how well their stock prices are going is disturbing. The fact the solution is to just mix and match and keep getting boosters every few months, of an experimental vaccine!, is just fucking stupid. Especially when they’ve admitted they aren’t vaccines just risk reduction, the fact the virus mutated around the vaccine and now another variant is emerging that gets around immunity…
I feel like a fucking nutcase but if you look at the studies, the released trial information, if you know how the FDA works and how they go about approving things… it’s just terrifying. No one has an answer or solution and if you ask for one you get shut down instead of reassured. How can anyone trust that? The fact breakthrough cases and deaths are on the increase, it’s just ridiculous and I don’t trust it.
No. 978055
>>977802Where in those two replies did I make the point about whether I not obesity is worse than covid? That's what you brought in.
But okay, so you think your core values and arguments suddenly don't matter anymore when it comes to a slightly "less immediate" issue? "Solidarity" and "concern for the health" of your fellow people doesn't count anymore when it's long ongoing issue and the (even less impactful kek) measures are inconvenient to you, is that what you're saying? Making fun of- and discrediting criticism of the government and then turning around and doing the exact same criticism of the government for things you don't like is also common for you?
And no, not everyone who disagrees with your denial is the same person.
No. 978346
I went in for my first shot 6 weeks ago and just had my first booster today.
The first time I went in all the nurses were all nice, happy, excited and polite. They were just normal. This time I just got a dejected feeling from all of them, not one or two, but every single one I walked past had the same strange, withdrawn vibe. Before they gave me the shot, two of the women (one giving me the shot, the other watching me before I left) stressed several times about calling in any side effects like chest problems right away. There was a forced urgency when they said it, and said it multiple times, which stuck with me.
Call me tinfoil or whatever, but I absolutely do believe that they've seen firsthand that the "side effects" are not as rare as is said. And the sullen reaction I picked up from them all is the result of guilt and gaslighting. They've been on the frontline administering vaccines for months, naturally they've known about the blood clots for a lot longer than even most experts.
No. 979080
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Just in time for the holidays, there is a new variant!
Who is ready for lockdowns and vaccines that have already proven to NOT work?!?! I'm not!!!
This whole thing is bullshit.
No. 979093
>>978499It's already been addressed and you're wrong about it, retard.
Do let us know when being fat becomes contagious then starts killing folks within a month and then maybe your comparison about policy will have value–which of course will be never.
No. 979102
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>>979090's estimated that about a third of the population is naturally "immune" to COVID symptoms.
I'm thinking that if people aren't symptomatic, they won't get tested, and their case goes unrecorded. Now, keep this figure in perspective this with the 99.6% of the population who have tested positive for COVID and survived. Some of those asymptomatic people are included in that 99.6% figure, but there are also a very large number who got the COVID and recovered.
So if 99.6% of people recover, and a third of the population won't show symptoms at all in the first place, why the fuck are we going into lockdowns again?
The talking point is that vaccines are meant to stop hospitals from being overwhelmed. COVID has been around for two years at this point. My question is, why did the government not expand hospital resources and beds to prepare for this. If keeping people out of hospitals was the main concern, why weren't they expanded so people aren't being turned away for non-COVID related things?
No. 979121
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>>979105What are some of the complications? It's the government's job to do complicated things for the good of the people. I'm sure the vaccine rollout was very complicated as well.
I'm not sure if costs are one of them, but I don't have any sympathy when hospitals charge $5 for a band-aid and $10 for a Tylenol pill.
No. 979145
>>979102> why did the government not expand hospital resources and beds to prepare for thisNta and I’m an eurofag but: Because apparently governments are naturally allergic to improving health care. Even here the conditions are just kept at the bare minimum according to the legal standards and every attempt to improve the healthcare system gets ignored and disregarded. Hospitals are being privatized and staff kept at the bare minimum, causing shit working conditions to maxx profits. There is simply no political motivation to improve the health care systems from this to something more humane and efficient. In terms of coov, there is global geopolitical pressure attached to it so it’s a bit different but still extremely superficial.
Another topic: I know many don’t want to get vacced because of no longtime studies, seriously do what you want. What I don’t understand about that decision however is the following: Covid doesn’t have long time studies either, and way worse side effects than the vaccine. The vaccines are weak and the companies obviously overachieved so they could sell them faster, which is really no surprise. I don’t trust companies either but if I can get a weak ass vaccine that at least provides some immunity against a new virus which is turning endemic meaning that I will get it sooner or later I will get it. I mean the political pressure sucks, it always does but imo wether it makes sense to get vaccinated or not should be viewed separate from that. I know there are circulating weird ass super scary theories and whatever but the vaccines problem is that it is too weak, not too dangerous. So why the panic? If you trust your immune system to handle real covid the vaccine is a joke compared to that.
No. 979181
>>979145A big factor is general distrust of politicians and the media. Politicians and the government claim to truly care about the health and well-being of the general public, but as you said in reality, they are naturally allergic to improving health care.
So if they never cared before, why is their primary method of care the vaccine? Look at lobbying, profit, and political connections. Pfizer and Moderna are making record profits because of taxpayer money. The vaccines aren't free - civilians are paying for them through taxes.
I always say - follow the money. Politicians, pharma, and media have a lot of money to gain through pushing the vaccines. As you also said, there are no longtime studies, so why is the government so confident and sure that vaccines are effective and injecting billions of people without knowing how the effective the vaccines will be in 6 months? Keep in mind that mRNA technology has never been successfully used in humans before, and the vaccines were created in a matter of months, when the clinical trial and approval process usually takes years. These pharmaceutical companies also have no liability for adverse side effects through the PREP act, so if there does turn out to be long term side effects, they still get their profit with no negative consequences. Look at the $2.3 billion fine Pfizer had to pay in 2009 for fraudulent marketing, which Pfizer can afford. People have had their lives ruined or even taken away, and Pfizer just gets a slap on the wrist. Yeah, $2.3 billion is a lot, but Pfizer clearly can afford it.
Sickness is natural, vaccines and injections are not. I would rather get sick by something that is natural than get sick from a new kind of technology that's never been successfully tested on humans before.
No. 979376
>>979102The government never gave any shit for it's people, hospitals being supposedly packed (which is untrue for the hospitals here at least) for people to be at each other's throats about how the evil none-vaccinated are the only people on earth clogging up hospitals
>>979105This is such bullshit, hospitals are one of the biggest money making revenues in America and yet literally every other country has expanded their hospitals or created facilities for major outbreaks EXCEPT America. Stop defending your countries stupidity when they have more than enough resources to get some sense but just don't
No. 979384
>>979145>and way worse side effects than the vaccineWe don't know that yet, which is why some people are hesitant. The problem is that the previous animal studies with mrna vaccines had not so good results and now that the effect on humans are finally being short-term studied, everything is so ridiculously politically and monetary charged that you have to be extremely critical of every circumstance of said studies. Because if they would find out that the vaccines and boosters would be more damaging than expected, do you think they would tell the truth about it, after a whole year of non-stop promoting it to millions of people, inciting people against each other over it and in increasingly more cases, forcing people to take them?
It's also been only two years and you can still go back to almost every wrong statement and advice the "experts" and people who are meant to act in our interest made with nothing but confidence in their words and see how fucking scummy they are. Hell, even when it just comes to the risk of thrombosis after getting the vaccine, the number of 1 per x people keeps getting lower every time one of these scumbags talks on the media within the past few months. And yet they still talk about it like it's no biggie.
Most of the big vaccine manufacturers also have fishy histories of malpractice.
All together, if I had to choose between possible restricted lung capacity and heart diseases, cancer or autoimmune diseases, I'd probably pick the former.
But I can't blame anyone wether they get vaccinated or not, it's like having to choose between eating needles or eating razor blades.
No. 979397

>>979384This, it also makes no sense to enforce the vaccine on young healthy people who have a natural immunity to COVID. Vaccine side effects are being pushed under the rug and news reports about how tons of babies and healthy young people have a rapid increase in sudden death is suspicious. I already COVID and honestly I rather just get COVID again or one of the umpteenth "variants" than to risk the jab all while not being able to get compensated if I get vaccine injuries (why would you even need to legally protect a vaccine from getting sued if you're so confident it's perfectly fine and side effects are just strictly minor??)
On another note (vid related - forward to 2:15) why are pro vaccine people being so damn unstable? They're convinced that the vaccine prevents people from catching and spreading COVID but also believe that if they get vaccinated they will spread and receive COVID by an unvaccinated person? What paradox even is this? You're either admitting the vaccine doesn't work or are just plain dumb. That's like saying children who are vaccinated for chicken pox are going to get chicken pox because they sat next to a kid who didn't get the vaccine. Why are you so scared if you're this confident in the vaccine?
Related to vaccine people being unstable - why does YouTube keep up anti vaxxers being unstable but remove videos of pro vax people being unstable? I had a compilation of pro vaxxers destroying businesses, fighting and threatening people, and causing major scenes but anytime I try to find the videos now they're quickly removed, this is all I could find because it was hidden in a Karen compilation
No. 979497
>>979463The issue with no liability in this case is even sketchier because the vaccines being administered aren't approved, they are still under emergency authorization. At least in the US.
Comirnarty was approved, but it won't be available in the US until probably about 2023. The Pfizer BioNTech vaccine is a legally distinct product. With any of the vaccines, it's a "buyer beware" message, but fucked because the vaccines are being mandated and shoved down our throats. It's the illusion of a choice in some places.
No. 979820
>>979803That would be extremely fair of you to ask. Don't back down. If you end up getting it, try to get to your primary care provider to get a comprehensive check-up. That way you'll have documentation that you were healthy and nothing was wrong with you prior to getting the vaccine. It's not foolproof, but it wouldn't hurt.
Who called you an anti-vaxxer? Document everything. If it wasn't someone in HR, take it to HR and say you are now working in a hostile work environment and they must to something to remove you from that. If someone in HR called you a crazy anti-vaxxer, start looking for legal representation.
I'm not sure if you're a burgerfag or not, but you can also mention that the federal government has a compensation program for federal workers.>The Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA) covers injuries that occur in the performance of duty. The FECA does not generally authorize provision of preventive measures such as vaccines and inoculations>However, this executive order now makes COVID-19 vaccination a requirement of most Federal employment. As such, employees impacted by this mandate who receive required COVID-19 vaccinations on or after the date of the executive order may be afforded coverage under the FECA for any adverse reactions to the vaccine itself, and for any injuries sustained while obtaining the vaccination.>If the employee is covered by the executive order and vaccination was received on or after September 9, 2021, coverage may be afforded for (1) adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccination and (2) injuries sustained as the direct result of an employee receiving their mandated vaccination.Say that since your company is following the recommendations of the government, ask if they they also will be implementing a company compensation program like the federal government did.
No. 979967
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>>979954see dr campbell on youtube
No. 980096
>>979970Haven't you noticed that from the start people accepting curfew, lockdowns, almost mandatory jabs, freedom restriction, travel bans, censorships… Things get worse.
Govs won't back off unless we made them.
No. 980139
>>979970When we have effective vaccines and have developed immunity, which could take several years…unless a new super strain develops because people simply
must visit the Canary Island or wherever the fuck every time they get a week off because if they don’t, they’ll surely just
die. Anyway, it’s here, it’s queer, get used to it.
No. 980145
>>979942Judging by South Africa's low vaccination rates, if it was dangerous to the unvaxxed we would have known by now because it would have spread and killed many.
Since they only found it in the vaccinated so far we probably don't have to worry too much. Those people are also reporting extremely mild symptoms.
>>980125Can you name a virus that got more deadly as it mutated that has affected humans? It's happened with birds and chickens, but not humans.
>>980143That will take an extremely long time considering the fatality rate is about 0.6%. I'll invite you to my funeral if it happens though.
No. 980160
>>980145>Judging by South Africa's low vaccination rates, if it was dangerous to the unvaxxed we would have known by now because it would have spread and killed many.>Since they only found it in the vaccinated so farSources?
You do make a good point. If the virus is that deadly, why aren't we hearing of massive death waves in large areas with very low vaxx rate? Although could this be because of worse documentation in health care in those areas generally? I'd like to hear from both sides regarding this.
No. 980193
>>980176>>980183You're right. There's probably unvaccinated people who now have it.
I'm thinking of it this way - say it first detected in unvaccinated people. If there are no huge spikes in deaths or hospitalizations in South Africa, it can be deduced that the variant isn't that serious or deadly for the unvaccinated. If it was, it would have been evident and first detected from them because they'd be overwhelming the hospitals.
However, it was first found vaccinated people as part of a routine screening. They didn't have symptoms and if they did, they were mild.
Also keep in mind there has been no evidence for an Omicron-related death.
No. 980300
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>>979803Forgot to add, if you're a burgerfag and your employer says the vaccine was approved, you can say the approved vaccine - Comirnaty - isn't available in the United States yet. The only vaccines you can get currently and probably for the next year are still under emergency use authorization, not approval. Pfizer BioNTech and Comirnaty are legally distinct products. If you have adverse side-effects with the BioNTech vaccine, you won't have the same legal protections as you would with Comirnaty.
I have this screenshot from the previous prescribing information PDF. I checked back and they changed the format, including taking out this footnote saying they were legally distinct products. I wonder why they did that hmmmm… (Updated prescribing information) No. 980501
>>974921Lol I thought about this. Every day on my apple news app, there's a headline one day about how the vaccine turned out to be ineffective, and the next how it is. It constantly flip flops. All I thought was how vaccinated people must feel cheated after the "you can still catch covid with the vaccine" info came out and all those health problems that happened with those people and teens. My bf's family were vaccinated and they still got covid. So the vaccinated will be angry and lash out and just keep preaching the vaccine and now they are getting their kids vaccinated. It's really weird.
And my mother was forced to get the vaccine at her old job which is straight up nazi shit. Scary and extremely questionable to anyone sensible.
No. 980520
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>>980501Funny you say that. Reading the prescribing information is interesting. have a question in their Q&A about how receiving the vaccine is a choice. Is Pfizer setting protecting itself from future medical discrimination lawsuits?
No. 980551
>Deadly virus sweeps globe >Luckily previous research leads to a fast vaccine>Vaccinated people have higher chance of surviving virus without hospital intervention, hospital ICUs begin to fill up with unvaccinated people>Bad international coordination of quarantine, unrestricted travel and antivaxers allow new variants of plague to circulate faster than the herd immunity can keep up>New variants put all of population at risk>"Those idiots who took the vaccine must be disappointed by the vaccine!"Yeah sure it's the vaccine that's disappointing
No. 980663
>>980501Also by mental gymnastics like..
>in most countries only vaxxed can travel>vaxxed bring in new variant in their countries that mutated to infect the vaxxed more than already before>somehow this is "antivaxxer's" fault, who can't do anything except for buying essentials without getting tested.. as you can see two posts above.
No. 980684
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>>980582nearly 2 years on and you still can't understand that hospitals are finite and needed for things other than covid patients.
No. 980687
>>980684Nearly two years and the government you love to asskiss did nothing to improve hospitals, in fact they fire nurses and doctors.
Does the boot taste good?
No. 980770
>>980724I wasn't part of the original exchange, but you can't tell me
>corona-chan>corona-chan image named tsundere.jpg>/pol/fag lingodoesn't scream confused moid. That and someone at the same time with the same unhinged infighting attempts in the tinfoil thread thinking the default gender on here is male and referring to anons as that.
No. 980905
>>980889>firing nurses who spread infection in hospitals and pour gas on conspiracies is retarded Nah, fact is most hospitals are overloaded for beds. That has nothing to do with # of nurses because more nurses=/=people recovering quicker.
Covid patients are largely responsible for the no vacancy issues which is preventing other folks from being seen for unrelated illnesses, injuries, and preventative or corrective surgeries.
The firings are justified and I hope letting those boomers go opens more profitable opportunities for young upcoming nurses who are willing to get jabbed.
No. 980920
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>>980905Looks like they are having trouble finding those nurses who are willing to get jabbed.
No. 980938
America is 100% doing this to themselves, I don't feel bad for any vaccine-nazi who's running around crying about how "hospitals are packed!!!" but throw parties when healthcare workers are being shorted and no one is bothering to lift a finger to create expansions of the hospitals. This is especially shocking since most people who say stuff like this are heavily left wing and libertarian, the same people who actively acknowledge the government is capable of lying, committing conspiracies, neglecting responsibilities etc but magically acts like the government has their absolute best interest in mind when it comes to this out of all things kek
No. 980940
>>980920I have a few nursing friends who are getting paid the big bucks $$$ to do this kind of travel and placement at other hospitals.
It's a huge boon for them, actually. Hospital administration is just shitting its pants because it knows it will have to start paying younger nurses their worth with interest.
Do you actually know any nurses to ask what actually kills morale at their workplaces?
>>980921You caught me anon, I had no idea what a nurse is but now you've made me see the light! I'll take my leave now, you genius you!
No. 980942
>>980940Just big bucks ain't going to cut it for most nurses. No vaccine requirements, offering to send people to school for nursing and covering their tuition, more benefits and offering coverage if they do get COVID (for both vaxxed and non vaxxed)
Seriously it's not that hard
No. 980952
>>980942>Just big bucks ain't going to cut it for most nurses.Yes, yes it will. Tell me anon, do you think shortstaffing and overtime at hospitals is a new thing that happened strictly after covid? Because, no. Shit has always been like this, the difference is before there was a work culture that made it taboo for people to discuss their pay, and the pay was shit. For the first time in awhile, employees have the power to negotiate and ghost.
Hospitals are actually having problems with retaining newbies not because of the vaccine requirement, but draconian hiring practices like drug testing and references. Admin are pooping their pants because the boomer way of doing business is falling apart. The nurses that are unhappy are working at hospitals with admin that don't give a damn about overworking their vets if it means they don't have to bend the knee for newhires.
Travelers love it because they get contracts with guaranteed shifts and hours with the massive dollarydoos. They are absolutely profiting from this and they love it.
No. 980961
>>980943>Your nursing friends aren't indicative of the entire nursing population. Never said it was but it's an opposing insight to yours. Being that 1. The nursing shortage is about hospital administration and not so much about mandates, and 2. That not everyone in nursing is as miserable for it as you believe.
Your sources are…? I think it's funny that this anon screencapped a news article by CNN
>>980920 because you guys are totally the same camp chimping about CNN fearmongering about covid and shilling vaccines. Are mainstream news channels reliable sources, or do they tend to sensationalize or misrepresent general issues for views? Even I as someone who supports vaccinations wouldn't count on CNN and most local channels to give me unbiased news lol.
No. 980987
>>980961Thats just retard logic, what would they gain from lying about being short staffed? Absolutely nothing.
Vaccines on the other hand? Well, we know for a fact that Bill Gates is financially funding the vaccine(Pfizer) the media the money anon, always.
No. 980995
>>980987>what would they gain from lying about being short staffed? Huh? I didn't say they lied about it? I said the reason WHY they're shortstaffed is being misrepresented.
You're arguing that it's about vaccine mandates when in reality you can ask most nurses why morale is down and they would all tell you it's due to mismanagement and patient attitudes, very few nurses blame the vaccine mandates and most WANT the nurses who oppose vaccines fucking gone.
No. 981022
>>980995Not even that, in my country we don't have vaxx mandates for anyone, they just fire nurses because the government gives so little money to our
shitty free healthcare they can't afford to keep them. The government would rather mask kids as young as 6 in schools though.
No. 981048
Since we’re flinging anecdotes here: personally know some covid ICU nurses, and no not only fat and old people go there.
>>980501not to pcfag but can you please stop trivializing nazi crimes? Whatever you think of all this, the problems we have to deal with regarding coov are laughable compared to that. I know people like to do this because it sounds so drastic but in 99% of cases it’s one of the shittiest comparisons ever.
No. 981125
>>981115yeah whatever gives you the feeling to be right, it’s still trivializing and makes you look dumb as fuck but go off.
>and about the camps? Only time will tell.Are you fucking serious
No. 981151
I know this is now more of a vax/antivax thread plus I already posted in the vent thread, but the country I live in (Switzerland) just enforced mandatory 10 day quarantine for everyone, vaccinated or not, if coming back from the UK which is where my family live, and I was really, really looking forward to spending it with them this year, because I didn't last year and was like "oh well everyone's in the same boat, make the best of it", now it feels like it's only me. I booked the tickets this Friday and apparently they made the announcement next day.
This fucking omicron shit, my god. Everything was lining up. Got a new job that let me take the whole christmas period off, made plans with everyone, including on new years, already got someone to water my plants while I'd be away, final step booking the tickets aaand within a day it's all undone.
No. 981189
>>981125Stop projecting, its childish.
Anyway some people are already in camps im Australia because they cant quarentine at home for whatever reason.
No. 981263
>>981171yes but afaik they are for vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers alike, not for unvaccinated travelers only because of their vac status. Pls give source if you want to convince me otherwise because I couldn’t find anything that backs up what you said other than the gov saying they would like to lessen quarantine restrictions for vaccinated people in the future.
>>981212No shit anon, if you’re so well versed in NS history you should know that they did that not mainly because of economical, but for ideological reasons. So what connection are you trying to make here to coof restrictions? What is the agenda behind that which makes it so comparable to NS crimes in your opinion?
No. 981277
>>981215Damn, that is a lot of money. After all, you only have a choice if you are rich, then you don't have to care about anything of it.
I fear Germany will go the same route as Austria, we already have security in front of my university that checks your 3G status and at some universities you don't have any chance anymore, just vaccinated or cured are allowed to enter. And to be honest, I don't know how I should do any of this if I wasn't vaccinated. To use the public transport I have to be tested (if not cured or vaccinated), to get tested I would have to walk 4 km, so, there is only the option to get a car, walk the 4 km or risk a 150 € fine. Even if you can't get the vaccine for medical reasons, you have to by tested, just to drive with the damn bus. I disliked the fact that I had to get the vaccine and all this going on makes me dislike the idea of a booster even more.
No. 981507
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>>981474nta but I had a pretty bad reaction to the first dose of the vaccine, it's genuinely not fair to force people to take something that has a huge chance of making you sick as it did to me to just live in society, the one time that im thankful that i live in a conservative shithole is that i don't have to risk being yeeted to the hospital just go to a restaurant.
I have never been antivax, my mother had polio as a child and i understand how important vaccines are but this thing is barely even researched and shouldn't be pushed on the public in this manner.
No. 981555
>>981551KEK same i had a feeling though drivers tests dont require the vaccine! my bf did his and hes unvaccinated. a large majority of jobs require the vaccine but i have just been applying to a lot of places where mandatory vaccination is not outlined. im sick of this retarded country and vast majority of people are stupid and blind to how fucked covid stuff is, you have to go against common sense to even keep up with the logic. not sure where youre located, but do whatever feels right for you
nonny! i love u
No. 981559
>>981555apparently in my area, a month from now you must be vaxxed to do the test. i was told this just yesterday lol.
but yeah honestly not only are we so behind in so many ways, we get taxed to hell and back and get the short end of the stick on everything, and we are cucked as fuck. sick of it, if i could leave even to the us i would because there are more opportunities there. i love you back
No. 981561
>>981559seriously? i never heard of that, but im guessing you arent from ontario then. that is so fucked up, anyone who doesnt think thats sketchy is definitely not paying attention.
exactly! everything is expensive, we have a shitty leader, everyone is obsessed with appearing as diverse and accepting of lgbt2q whatever and all races but when it comes to vaccine status (ONLY THIS VACCINE) its all of a sudden okay kek pisses me off. also the fact that theyve made it so hard to access cheap treatments and are pushing the vaccine as our only hope… i would love to go to the us but im stuck here too
thank you, im here for you!
No. 981597
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>>981478Like every other vaccine that requires you to update and get a booster? Enjoy paying that fine.
No. 981657
Just booked my appointment to get my vaccine tomorrow morning.
I've been hesitating this entire time due to my medical history regarding medication, but now my job is requiring the vaccine and having no other options other than to get jabbed and I don't wanna lose my job and who knows how long employers are going to check for vaccination cards.
I have so many irrational fears surrounding the vaccine, just medication in general, yet I know how retarded it actually is. This has just been mentally frustrating. Like, the literal worse I had with medication, everything negative stopped shortly after weaning off the prescriptions, yet my brain is like, "No, this is actually worse because vaccinations are mainly one and done." My boyfriend already got the vaccination, he did have a day after the second dose where one of his eyes was hurting so bad, he couldn't go into work, but he's fine now, and so have so many other people I know including family.
Anticipating the worst sucks. I've just been on and off dissociating from stressing so much about it. You know, what if whatever I deal with is not terrible? My boyfriend has always had hurting eye issues, so that was probably just one thing to expect. What if I just feel stuffy and I can just sleep it away? That'll be great.
No. 981688
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Are you fucking kidding me now. This is just fueling the conspiracy theorists.
No. 981692
>>981690Nta but they were predicting there was going to be a new variant released to cover for the heart problems caused by the vaccine
Low and behold - this variant has only been found and passed by vaccinated people (as only vaccinated people can fly now)
No. 981693
>>981689literally cannot believe how anyone still refuses to see it
has to be such an active choice at this point
No. 981698
>>981696facts are not schizo
most are only posting literal facts presented by media or research ballhead
No. 981706
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>>981698This. The pro vaxxers literally cannot hold a debate without foaming at the mouth and calling people names over a opposing views on (1) vaccine. I've also noticed pro vaxxers have been extremely more unstable, violent, unhinged and even sociopathic to an extent, I've seen people on Reddit who gloat about fantasizing about tying up unvaccinated people and jabbing their kids. Or the parents who willingly force their kids and literal 6 month olds to be test dummies for the vaccine. I swear to god the jab is doing something sick to their brain
No. 981711
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>>981706Why are they so angry they're unable to control what strangers put in their body?
No. 981766
>>981657same here I was hesitant at first too because I get super scared of everything health related sometimes and the shit that is being spread can be wild, but I literally don’t know anyone who had any serious side effects whatsoever. Two friends out of the many I know had a fever the first day after and that’s it. They even got sick days from work for this. a few of the girls had a bit late period after that for a month but all gone back to normal. Know some people who had long lasting covid complications tho one of them being the same age es me so the vaccine is the lesser evil in my opinion.
Just chill and care for yourself and try to have a good time. Life goes on somehow and panic doesn’t help.
Also I’m so tired of the rabid discourse surrounding this lol.
No. 981798
>>981753I thought it was first found in an Aids patient in africa. But it would be interesting to see how many of the countries that brought omikron in have travel restrictions.
>>981786calm down
No. 981883
>>981865 AUE and Nigeria have vast differences in
quality of public health care. The official test count for the emirates is 101,356,006 for a comparably smaller population, while the test count for Nigeria is only 230,861 for a way larger population, just to give you an impression of the vast differences in healthcare infrastructure (that includes documentation) between those countries. The data of countries with a better healthcare system align more with each other than the ones with vast differences.
No. 981889
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>>981883Enough to account for such a extreme difference in vaccination? I sorta doubt that anon. There are even articles about how scientists are “baffled” that do few are dying in African countries.
No. 981954
>>981889>>981890Because all of this is a fucking meme, and most Africans aren't eating garbage fake food like westerners for this disease to even be a big deal
Westerners continually fuck themselves up, even their vegetables and meat, then trick themselves by repeating "This is normal and natural, completely unavoidable" over and over again. Then they act "baffled" when other parts of the world don't suffer the way they do
No. 981991
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>>981954This isn't all westerns fault rather than people who run things. Children often don't know what to and what not eat and will eat whatever their parents give them even if it's McDonald's 5 times a week, this goes on well into their teen and young adult years and since fast food is around every corner it's cheap, easy, and fast, good for people who are on the go constantly and most college kids don't have proper cookware in their dorms, not to mention the increase in shared housing which gives less of a chance to use a kitchen, so fast food is a way to go without having to spend 15 dollars on a one person meal.
Americans are also taught weird diets like keto which end up doing more harm than good which just make a lot of people give up on diets all together because they think it's more complicated than it actually is, their food sources are an absolute shit show definitely even the veggies and fruit but it's not the average Westerns fault it's the people who run everything. The vaccine-worship cult has also caused a lot of damage because they convince everyone as soon as they get the vaccine they're free and incapable of spreading or catching COVID so they run around partying without masks and then point to the unvaccinated once they catch COVID. Then you tell the vaccine obviously isn't working so vaccinated people should follow COVID regulations and they act like you just summoned a damn demon
Why did we turn vaccines into a cult?
No. 982128
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>>981711>>981731They're angry because they went out of their way to get the jab, then further learning the side effects of not already dealing with the side effects, and then now learning the vaccine doesn't even protect them and that most unvaccinated people have a better natural immunity instead of turning their immune system into a subscription service
At least that's what it seems like with the amount of "I'm vaccinated and got COVID. Get vaccinated you fucking retards!" Like Chris Rock. I also feel like a lot of these people are just control freaks who live off of drama
No. 982192
>>982128>I'm vaccinated and I got COVID… but at least I didn't die!Yeah that's pretty much it. They're control freaks and have a fear of missing out. My lifestyle hasn't really changed lockdown. I don't go out and socialize to
feel something because I know how to entertain myself, and do it by myself. These types really don't know how to have a sense of self. I remember when things started opening up a little more, the first place these people ran to were bars and house parties.
No. 982280
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No. 982317
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Has the period study gone anywhere, honestly? I don't know how this got swept under the rug so fast but the myocarditis thing is still front-page. Literally every girl I know who got the shot had messed up periods for a while after. I'm not letting that shit near me with a 10 foot pole unless I get some answers.
No. 982334
>>981905Africa is a great example of why younger populations don't need the vaccine.
>>981883Would it make sense than to reason they have worse healthcare systems, and worse healthcare systems means worse care and more deaths? So if these less equipped, less prepared hospital systems aren't crashing from the amount of patients, it looks like their low vaccination rates aren't an issue.
If Omicron had bad effects on the unvaccinated, we should be seeing it right now.
No. 982439
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What the fuck is this?
No. 982509
>>982280>>982288I thought assisted suicide was still illegal in Germany. The need for a vaccine might have something to do with getting the people to another country, but I can be wrong.
But anon
>>982299 is right, the reason is "Menschliche Nähe aber ist Voraussetzung und Nährboden der Corona-Virusübertragung" (however, human closeness is a prerequisite and a breeding ground for corona virus transmission)
No. 982615
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>>981991>weird diets like ketoSomeone eating a keto diet would actually have a higher chance of fighting off covid than someone who doesn't. It's used as a medical diet for neurological, autoimmune and mental disorders. It works for several reasons but for immunity what matters is that it's anti-inflammatory. A standard diet is too high in omega-6 and too low in omega-3, this causes constant inflammation. Covid kills people by hypercytokinemia which is basically the immune system releasing cytokines that cause massive systemic inflammation. Someone eating a keto diet with the correct ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is more likely to survive this.
The other suspected way in which keto supports the immune system is because it alters T-cells in the lungs to be more effective at fighting infection. It's been proven in scientific studies to work against influenza. No. 982661
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More of a vent. Honestly, I'd immediately go get myself vaccinated if we just had inactivated vaccines but all we have are mRNA vaccinations. I look up how it's going with the authorizations of inactivated vaccines a few times a week, and I always read that 50 countries are already using this one, and 80 countries are using that one, but nothing about my own. I end up feeling like picrel because they won't allow it here.
No. 982792
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>>982439Now the Illuminati has made it 3 cases! Luckily the people who are smart enough to secretly control the global media somehow don't have the same kind of savvy a schoolchild has to change the numbers slightly and make it seem more believable.
No. 983423
I'm not sure where to post this but does anyone have family members being oddly irrational about the vaccine? I have in-laws who invited me and my husband over earlier this year, begged us to stay there without asking for vaccine verifications, wanted us to live with them for college no vaccine mentioned, during Christmas wanted my parents to come without the vaccine being mentioned at all, wanted my husband's step brother to come who also isn't vaccinated, takes in teenagers from a foster agency that doesn't vaccinate the kids, and wants to hire a caregiver who is not required to be vaccinated??
The shady part is that they cared about none of this until recently, I got a medical exemption but my husband keeps getting pressured by them to the point of them cursing both of us out completely, when I told her to calm down his step mom freaked out and said "don't tell me to calm down little girl". When I posted studies and stuff as to why husband is high risk they ignored it and kept repeating "we are ignoring experts and they are older therefore know more than us". They kept freaking out to the point of making up stories, calling us selfish and made up crazy hypothetical situations where husband was going to kill me and the baby. I'd also like to mention they didn't do any of this until they found out I was pregnant (step mom has had 3 failed IVFs and is upset over not getting pregnant/not being able to have bio kids). They also said it was okay for me to not have the vaccine while pregnant but husband ~needs~ to get it, called us liars because we wanted to see a PCP before anything else was done
The crazy part of me thinks that they know the vaccine will increase our risk of getting sick and not being able to care for the kids or possibly dying. (We also talked about them being god parents before then going batshit crazy) They also claim to be vaccinated and never showed us vaccine cards and constantly blow off questions when everyone knows they're obviously letting unvaccinated people in their house because it just seems like they want an easy way to get a bio child and killing us off seems like the easiest way to do just that
No. 983448
>>983423The COVID vaccine has been linked to over 100k psychiatric disorders (these are just the people who seeked help for it in extreme cases, not mentioning people who don't know that they're mentally ill) almost feels like birdbox sometimes tbh, vaccine nazis have become increasingly more unhinged and like they're on the verge of ripping their hair out and breaking down, it's almost as if they're rewiring their brains to attack people who don't comply. Anytime someone I know gets vaccinated it's almost as if I slowly watch them lose their mind and turn into this anger-filled ball of irrational hate
No. 983494
>>982938>They said this same exact thing about vegan dietsWho and where?
>keto makes you weak and irritableThe initial stages of keto adaptation can be uncomfortable for some people. I used a keto diet to treat depression and I felt better than ever. I still eat low carb and have done for years.
No. 984209
>>983448I already bitched about this in the vent thread but your pro-life, kill women’s rights website is not a
valid resource. Use some critical thinking skills and don’t believe every fucking thing you read online like a boomer. This is such obvious propaganda, I cannot believe you were let out of your echo chamber on facebook.
No. 984410
>>984311Vaccinated people are the ones spreading covid though, at least in my country. Unvaccinated people literally can't go anywhere, they can't go to work, to study, to eat out or other things, and if they can it's because they have a test that certifies that they do not have covid at the moment. Plus they tend to wear masks more often. So what's the chance that an unvaccinated person catches and spreads covid now? Meanwhile vaccinated people are allowed to go to many places without any kind of protection and they're less likely to go and get tested because a big portion of them believes that the vaccine makes them immune, which in turn allows them to keep going everywhere while being sick with covid possibly. Some people got vaccinated more than six months ago too, allegedly they should have very poor immunity by now.
At some point people will have to admit that it's not the unvaccinated people's fault. What about places where nearly everyone is vaccinated yet the government is imposing lockdown again? You think that the 20% (or 10%, or less in some places) of the population that's unvaccinated is the one spreading the virus, while their life is fucking impossible?
No. 984416
I seen it nonnies, the conspiracy nutters were right. Excuse my awkward posting, , I was discharged just an hour ago and it's 4 in the morning here.
There's kids in there suffering heart complications from the pfizer shot, I was sitting next to them in the waiting room and then I was in bed next to them in the hospital itself. I got asked a plethora of questions, ranging from do I drink coffee to do I do weed to do I have a history of allergies, history of heart disease. The generic questions. But they never asked about my vaccines and boosers. I specifically didn't bring it up I hit up one of the nurses when I could get her by herself and she closed the door and broke down crying , she told me they've been ordered to bury it and there's been heart complications non-stop for the last few weeks.
The second they seen I was not in immediate danger with my ultrasound, they discharged me instantly. Which is all good, the main purpose of me being there was to ensure that I don't die. But after reading the paperwork and seeing no mention of the boosters, no mention of my high heart rate or the other symptoms, what the nurse said about them burying it resonated with me.
I was rapidly heart scanned and ultrasounded, the tests all showed a clear abnormally high heart rate. What's I can only speculate is happening is that they're scanning to see if you're in an immediate danger, and if you're not, discharging you. Which is fine, that's what typically happens. Except they've explicitly stricken from the paperwork anything relating to heart problems, they're just kicking the can down the road until it's convenient to diagnose what's actually going on.
No. 984418
>>984416At least put some thought into your copy pasta
nonnie, these tropes are played out.
No. 984446
>>984422Nta but it sounds like the usual thing of someone showing up to an ER mid panic attack thinking they're about to die. Then you get hooked up and looked at and quickly discharged again.. sometimes people argue with nurses that they're totally dying because in fairness it can feel like it at the time and it even affects your perceptions. Everything in your story happened 'instantly' 'rapidly' or 'in a second' Was your mind just racing? Feeling like time is being sped up is pretty typical of that too.
You said yourself you're speculating on this and the paperwork doesn't match up with your version of what happened. ERs see this all the time.
No. 984685
>>984247No anon, I'm seeing the exact same thing in my family right now and I'm starting to really worry. As the only one who isn't vaxxed the atmosphere is already tense and I can't even mention anything regarding the current situation without unwillingly getting into a fight, including the possibility that they might experience side effects of the vaccine/boosters. By themselves they're completely defensive over the possibility and that it' s "antivaxxer conspiracy nonsense, only very few people get side effects", so I'm not sure what to do. Ever since their first vaxx in May, my mother got several heart burns, longer than a month after her vaxx that keep getting worse, three short-term paralyzes in her arm together with other symptoms of strokes, two colds that lasted two weeks and immediately after the last cold, a now still ongoing bronchitis that has reached week 3 today and apparently makes her heart burns worse. Both her husband who is still young and my grandpa also had a cold 3 times this year and similar in lenght and timing to my mom's. My grandpa also got ongoing heart burns. Usually, the most of illness we used to get pre-covid were 2 colds a year who lasted 1 week max and we got them ALL almost seamless. But this time everything seems to skip the one non-vaccinated person who didn't even change anything in her habits and they were caughing absolutely everywhere. It's so fucking fishy and I can't even do anything about it..
No. 984829
>>982605See I've had speculations about getting jabbed because of that as well, but i think it's more because those with PCOS are likely to be encouraged to take birth control as well, I could be wrong though. However, I was looking before getting the vaccine how it affects those with PCOS and I just saw articles lumping us in with diseases such as diabetes.
>>983494Speaking of PCOS having a keto-ish diet has regulated my menstrual cycle, ~4x a year is now ~10x. it seems to help other women become more fertile as well.
No. 985083
>>984416Please excuse my post from the other night, I had just got home and I was fatigued, it comes across as rushed nonsense. I'll try to post it properly.
I had my second covid booster last Friday and started getting symptoms of a heavy chest and trouble breathing on Sunday. I (stupidly) didn't go into the doctor just in case it was me being worried over nothing, but I also didn't want to strain the healthcare system or risk running a positive covid test and two weeks isolation. The pain got worse progressively until Friday, where I started clutching my chest outside The Warehouse store and passerbys told me to go to the hospital.
I took notice then and made my way to the local walk in clinic. I paid $80 and was seen within five minutes. The doctor asked me a bunch of questions, I wasn't going to mention the vaccine stuff until asked because I assumed he'd ask when the time came. I had the usual, an abnormally high ECG. He gave me a note for off work (A big reason as to why I walked in), and just as the nurse was preparing the final paperwork I asked her what was going on. I said "Hey, I didn't want to mention it because I didn't want to be too forward and list my symptoms first, but I was told to come to a doctor after a sore chest and difficulty breathing. What's going on, why wasn't I asked about it?". This was when the nurse locked the door, told me its being covered up and they're simply burying it, and there's been people like me coming in all day and being dismissed. We had a brief moment where she cried and we hugged, and I quickly left with a doctor's note for work.
I went to my family and asked them, my dad was especially concerned still and wanted to go to the hospital. I agreed, and told him what I had heard. Which he likely dismissed, but I get it. But in the waiting room there, there others coming and going with the same problems. A teenage girl sitting opposite me had the same symptoms, same shortness of breath and had taken the vaccine around the same time. It took a while at this point to get another ECG, still showing an abnormally high heart rate. I was rapidly brought in and given an ultrasound, there was a lot of concern initially, but as soon as they seen that my heart rate was only abnormally high and didn't have "liquid around it" (I'm assuming a sign of Myocarditis, I'm not sure). But in my bed in the corridor I just heard the two and fro of people being wheeled past, and it was half young people with heart problems.
No. 985085
>>985083I was discharged around 3AM, and was back around 9AM, I got considerably worse walking up my driveway to my car. The tingly sensations in my extremities became full vibrations and it was like a sharp knife was in my chest. Without exaggeration I do think it was the worst sensation I've ever experienced in my life, the pain was heavy in the chest and I don't really fuck around with anything like that that's heart related. I didn't manage to get my heart rate down for hours at this point and it wasn't really getting better, so they gave me sedative drugs to get it down, which worked. I was discharged in the brief window where my heart rate was in the normal range, I plan on seeing my GP this sunday. A few hours later at home it was back racing as per usual if I stood up or walked around.
As for it being a panic attack, I don't think so. I didn't feel anxious much through it all, it was more "hey if they find something they find something, if they don't all good". My heart was racing sure, but I was able to sit there and talk as normally. I erred too much on caution and just left going in until the public urged me to go. It wasn't brought up as a possibility by the doctors or nurses, and all my symptoms were treated as legitimate and appeared a source of concern on the ECG. It was only after the ultrasound where they ruled out the worse of it that the doctor looked relieved. I doubt they would've bothered hooking me up several times, attaching the bloodline things and applying medication that way and been concerned about me if I was just having a panic attack. I've heard the doctors are expert at reading those people easily get them out.
As long as I don't exert myself I'm fine, I ended up having to go back after walking too fast up a hill. If I keep in the samey positions my chest still races and is sore, but it doesn't become too painful. They weren't concerned I'm going to drop over and die, which was my actual reason to go in, to rule out the worst. The doctor during the ultrasound did then confirm that all this was a side effect of the vaccine, and happens at times. Of course eerily the discharge papers had nothing of that mentioned and it was stripped down to "general malaise".
Take from it what you will nonnies. Schizo post or genuine, idk, the important thing is that that one nurse at the clinic told me they're covering the worst of it up and I do believe her.
No. 985088
>>984550yeah, amerifag here and the story is obvious larping for many reasons but that's one of them. Kids go to a pediatric wing or even a children's hospital. If you go to the hospital as an adult you're not gonna have an 8 year old in the next bed over kek
>>985083>This was when the nurse locked the door, told me its being covered up and they're simply burying it, and there's been people like me coming in all day and being dismissed. >We had a brief moment where she cried and we hugged, and I quickly leftand then when you got to the parking lot all of the strangers who urged you to go to the hospital were there waiting for you with flowers and everyone clapped, right? LMFAO
Now it's time for my tinfoil, someone in the copypasta thread the other day pointed out that our dear victorian-anon from many moons ago may have returned, after learning to tone down the Jane Austen 1800s speak but continuing to write her creative fiction pieces in lolcow threads. The other day she was in the "cuties with an ouchie" thread on /m/ and left the copypasta of the century there, written in the same overly flowery, multi-paragraphed novel format. Not to derail but my fav part of that pasta was
>I got stabbed in the eye with a pen once… The whites were blood red, Tokyo Ghoul style. That was my moment: walking around with a bloody eye, band aids over my nose, with an eye patch on hand once it got too uncomfortable. Every time I looked in the mirror I was fascinated by my eye, by my veins, by the inner workings of my body. It’s magic… the aesthetics of hurt, of quiet violence. It possesses zero desire or excitement; just an appreciation that does not differ much from the appreciation of a well-tailored piece of clothing.Anyway, if I'm right, you can still see some remnants of her victorian writing style in these posts, the parts that stick out to me are
>Please excuse my post… I had just got home and I was fatigued>I took notice then and made my way…>I didn't want to be too forward>Without exaggeration I do think it was the worst…>I erred to much on the side of caution…. until the public urged me No. 985090
>>984209>Going to other threads to bitch about meWhat is this? Kindergarten?
>Muh propaganda siteWow never seen that excuse before. The site links to actual studies and references by doctors, literally every other news platform censors anything that downplays vaccine side effects. You're just digging in the bottom of the barrel when you could have easily seen the references in the article
No. 985094
>>984209Since your brain cells won't allow you to click on the links posted in the article I'll post them for you - you now have no "this site is biased!" Defense
>Inb4 that's just crazy to say vaccines cause psychiatric disorders!!!No, and if you truly think side effects existing for vaccines is crazy idk how you even live in this world. Someone pointing out that vaccines are starting to correlate with mental illnesses isn't saying vaccines will turn everyone who gets them batshit crazy. Learn to debate without a strawman for once
No. 985098
>>985088She's lying/copypasting because of her speech? Yeah okay, if all you have is "she's lying because she types professionally" then you got nothing. Also tinfoiling and pulling up posts on another thread just makes you seem crazy and obsessive. Not even that anon but you just sound unhinged trying to witch-hunt a single anon
As for ERs go - if the anon went to an urgent care - pediatric urgent cares very seldomly exist? There's children hospitals with ERs but no one will go to one specifically in an emergency unless they're close to one. Some hospitals do have pediatric ERs but most don't really and when I was a kid and went to the ER several times I was put in the same ER as adults. It's rare to see ERs separate adults and kids but what you're referring to on different wings are ICUs and units that would require people to stay more than a couple of days, which then they are separated. Either way all of the points made as to why she may be lying are just stretches
No. 985099
>>985088"kids" as in teenagers, but regardless, there were two actual children in the waiting room, idk what they were there for.
kek, I got seethed at for having a rushed post with no detail, just covering the essentials, and then sneeded at and nitpicked for my eccentric use of language.
>and then when you got to the parking lot all of the strangers who urged you to go to the hospital were there waiting for you with flowers and everyone clapped, right? LMFAOMunchausen don't hide around every corner anon. Aren't theyy very particular about their social image and being on the goodie side of doctors? I hardly doubt one would ever bring themselves to criticize the sacred vaccine, when being a hysterical attention seeker over covid brings them so much more clout and asspats.
I honestly wouldn't mind if it turned out I was just a hypochondriac having a panic attack. idk if it did turn out to be true it'd be weird and I'd lose a lot of faith in myself.
No. 985103
>>985088's some more information
Why would they list
>If you take your child to an urgent care center or ER that does not have pediatricians or pediatric specialists on staff, your child may need to be transferred to a hospital that does depending on his or her condition.On top of that you can literally call any emergency room in America and ask if they admit kids, they will always say yes. You can also talk to medical workers in America, they will always say children can be admitted to a normal ER. Why in the world would an ER turn someone away for being a child?? You can't do that, you can refer them to children's hospitals but children's hospitals aren't as close to most people as normal hospitals are
If there no possible way that children would be admitted to a normal ER? I swear you "that doesn't happen" anons think we're all incapable of using the internet
No. 985104
>>985098Ayrt, Fair point about ERs. The part that sounds fake as hell to me though is the nurse who broke down in tears after confessing a government conspiracy to some rando girl she just met and then them having a sobbing hug session right there. That and the general sense that people rarely write about their own IRL experiences like a novel— this is also how you can pick out fake stories on Reddit, cause they get a little too into the literary style of it. Not saying that’s definite proof, but it adds to the suspicion imo.
>tinfoiling and pulling up posts on another thread just makes you seem crazy and obsessive. you just sound unhinged trying to witch-hunt a single anonyou’re misinterpreting my tone
nonnie, I’m not super serious about it (hence calling it a tinfoil and not an accusation) and I don’t hate anon for writing weird little posts, I actually think it’s fun and amusing. I just think it’s fun to connect the dots of several quirky posts with similar novel-like writing styles.
Lastly I’m not trying to say anything one way or the other on vaccine conspiracies, just that anons post seems a little artificial. I myself am not gonna get the booster after getting really bad menstrual symptoms the first time that no one acknowledges.
No. 985109
>>985104You saying you weren't serious doesn't make it any less unhinged kek. The only weird part was just the part about the nurse, but someone also linked in the COVID whistleblower sites of medical workers (who are required to verify their employment before posting) have been coming out with similar stories. I'm not sure if it was here or the tinfoil thread but it's an interesting read and why I didn't automatically dismiss the anon
This is obviously an anonymous board however these are one of the only places that exist on the internet anymore where you can openly talk about COVID vaccine suspicions, criticisms, etc and not be censored. You could get a ton of fake stores on both sides and you can also have an anon reveal conspiracies while being 100% truthful and there's no real way of knowing, trying to dig up other posts and investigate and obsess over anons is just ridiculous and seems like a horrible way to waste time, it also shits up the board with infighting and anons who are overly skeptical of everything posted are more annoying than the possible lying anons. There's nothing you can do, and writing a novel tinfoiling about a single anon isn't going to do anything besides annoy everyone
No. 985171
>>981151And tomorrow it's revoked! No 10 day quarantine needed. I'm very happy that I can have christmas with family but…what the fuck is switzerland thinking?
I mean I'm happy but they enforced this thing that would have big consequences for so many travellers to/from the UK and revoked it WITHIN A WEEK. I was crying on and off all week, wondering what to do and suddenly they're like "lol nvm". Fucking stupid, Switzerland's a damn hot mess.
No. 985368
>>985120Are you one of those autistic people who needs those retarded tone markers to tell when things might not be serious?
>>985252If anyone wants to read the actual released document itself it’s here: think the media ignoring this information isn’t doing anyone any good, but at the same time if you actually look at the percentages of complications (<2% if I’m reading that right, most being older people or those with underlying conditions) the scare mongering is a little overdone imo. In the end it comes down to what level of risk you’re willing to tolerate and also probably your belief in the virus itself. I’m not gonna write a novel about it but I’ve had two ppl I know die of covid so being unvaccinated carries its own set of risks. I don’t think there are any good choices in this situation tbh but the least the media could do would be report on these documents and help laypeople understand what they’re saying.
No. 985436
>>985424Are you obese, elderly, immunocompromised or addicted to shitty food and/or drugs?
(Note that even in these cases, you're more likely to die of many, many other diseases, but right now people only care about one)
No. 985477
>>985424Anon, I had covid while pregnant. I'd rather just get a cold again and die from that than to have hellish periods, get myocarditis, etc. Not only am I cured but previous to pregnancy my immune system is extremely high, I've worked in hospitals before directly with people with COVID and never got COVID, because of the immune system lowering in pregnancy I got COVID but was able to fight it off within like 4 days. At least when you get COVID, you will be 99% to recover and continue like normal, where as if you are vaccine injuries you will need to deal with the complications for the rest of your life, myocarditis is no joke and will literally slowly kill you, even "mild" cases, myocarditis is an 11 yr guaranteed death sentence, serious, the death rate is 100% for 11 yrs after being diagnosed
Anyway, say what you will. Pfizer and most other vaccine companies are extremely shady and lots of questionable information is being released, fauci has been fucking up anything science related since the 90s and I'd much, much rather trust my own immune system to fight off a disease with a 99% survival rate than Pfizer, fauci, J&J and so on
No. 986463
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>>985987>silly woman it's just the stress, calm down>silly woman stop putting bc in your body, it's your faultNever heard that bullshit before.
No. 986573
>>985987>Take an aspirinMyth
>It's just stress and birth controlBirth control regulates your period, stress can affect your period but you mean to tell me ALL of the women reporting periods changes are just stressed? Yeah right, on top of that you need extremely high levels of stress for your period to be affected, most normal stressors wouldn't do that like you're suggesting
No. 986742
>>986573Nowhere did I say what you claim here, I just listed additional factors that can affect hormonal balance because stress is one of them and that anon seems to have way too much of it. There are reasons why every doctor wants to know if you take bc because of them affecting various results. I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here.
>>986463No I don’t want to tell you anything, I just want to tell that anon that she needs to reduce stress because she seems like she struggles a lot. Are you suggesting suicidial thoughts are “normal levels of stress”?Immune reactions affecting hormones is a fact. Also daily low-dose aspirin gets used as a blood thinning medicine to prevent strokes. How is that a myth?
No. 987420
>>986742The factors you mention would barely effect ones period, why is it hard to believe a vaccine has side effects? Denying it just will make it harder for women to be taken seriously when reporting side effects and therefore nothing will be improved, leading to less people getting it
as for aspirin - it only prevents certain blood clots but not a reliable source since not a lot of research is being done into vaccine-related blood clots,clots%20from%20forming%20during%20surgery. being said - due to a lot information being hidden and censored, there's no way to know that the vaccine could cause more harm than good, the swine flu vax got banned after 94 deaths but the covid vaccine has caused over 19k, not to mention other death sentences such as myocarditis, and a lot of shady info from pfizer is being released (such as the horse vaccine trials) and yet we're all supposed to just trust it and take it anyway even if we have antibodies and natural immunity ?
>inb4 covid kills moreCOVID has also been around longer, effected more countries and deaths unrelated to covid and being listed as covid deaths where as vaccine deaths are being buried. The covid vaccine is has literally taken the biggest death toll than any other vaccine and we're supposed to just trust it? On top of that death rates have barely changed so it's essentially useless information about the vaccine that are showing covid-19 deaths are being over-estimated where as covid-19 vaccine deaths are underestimated weeks there were more vaccine deaths than covid deaths doctors are claiming that the vaccine may actually kill more than what covid is killing in the future director reporting vaccine death are being reported as covid deaths vaccine has actually killed more people than COVID has killed people from 0-39 - 19k deaths
COVID deaths for people 0-39 is just under 19k added together
more vaccine deaths conclusion - the vaccines are a HUGE risk and could possible even outweigh the risk of COVID for most young people. This is literally the deadliest vaccine in history, possibly even deadlier than the smallpox vaccine, none of this should be happening for a disease that has a 99% survival rate. People will die of the disease just like people die of anything else, but forcing more people to die from a vaccine that doesn't work will do what? make every one die?
No. 987441
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>>985083>>985085Follow up blogpost, but I just got to my new GP for a follow up this morning. My GP is new because my old one retired at the end of last year sometime and me as a client got transferred to a different medical center.
Anyways it doesn't make sense. At the hospital they were saying my blood levels are fine, and my GP is reading it saying some things (I can't remember which, but one stood out in particular as clearly off) were irregularly elevated. They told me to my face in the hospital that my blood results, which were done twice, were normal. The results of some of my ECG scans were not even unloaded, I had three in total over the weekend and just one showed up.
I tried to get -something- to tie this back to the vaccine. Not to prove conspiracy shit right, but like "hey, I'm unable to work my physical job anymore, I get compensation over the holidays due to the vaccine mandate if me being unwell is, in some way, any way, tied to the jab. If not, I'm in financial dire straights and I'm an unemployment benefit." A bit lowly on my part, but it's true, my sick leave will run out this week and if I'm not better it's over for me.
Even if this is this mysterious anxiety, which I'm completely fine with it being so I can get the fuck over the delusions and get back to work, there's still a lot of unanswered questions here.
No. 987472
>>987449Same symptoms but I think they're clearing a little, although maybe I've just learnt my exertion limits and haven't been pushing it. I'm basically sitting around the house playing video games and watching youtube, even walking to my car and cleaning the house tires me a little. Walking to the gas station to get my chicken nuggies and coffee leaves me feeling really sore. I'm typically a reasonably active person, so sitting around all day feels like ass.
The annoying thing is that I'm not sleeping well anymore, I'm waking up through the night with a racing heart so I'm basically always having a broken sleep divided into two 4 hour blocks. I wake up through the night with my heart racing, play games and browse the internet for like three hours, then manage to fall back asleep. This has been every night so far for like 6 days so it's looking to be a set thing.
No. 987580
>>987491Tbh I'd get COVID again than to go through the nose swap test again, I got a damn nose bleed
I also asked why couldn't I do any of the other tests and they claimed that the hospital banned the other forms? I've gotten COVID tests before that weren't invasive and there's so many others that aren't invasive
No. 987581
>>987507Im with you, I have worked directly with COVID patients before without the vaccine and haven't got vaccined, even took several trips. I only got COVID after a trip to Seattle (which has a super high vaccinated population) and I was also pregnant so my immune system lowered, even then it was really just a cold for me. I see no point in taking the vaccine since the risks outweigh the benefits for most young people as
>>987420 said
No. 987584
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They never learn until it's too late
No. 987670
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>>987652I've had a family member have some symptoms show up a month later, lasted about two hours tops, hasn't come back since.
>>987585Just another two weeks, anon!
I question why we even need two doses as there's no difference between what's in the first shot, second shot, and booster shots. Also, both Moderna and Pfizer haven't done trials for patients who've only gotten one shot, there's literally no data. I feel like that should be a huge thing to consider, especially for the possibility of those who had really bad side effects for the first shot and are hesitant to get the second shot so soon, since so many people say the first shot side effects are not as bad as the second.
Also, why are you only considered "fully vaccinated" after two weeks after the second shot? If you don't meet the two-week passing and job is requiring shots, yet your vaccination card says you just got the second shot a handful of days ago, what even happens? "Well, you didn't comply to the directions, so that makes you unreliable."
No. 987699
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I knew something was up when the AZ side effects got massive publicity while there was and still is crickets regarding Pfizer (and to a lesser extent, Moderna) side effects. Same thing happened with J&J. No. 987716
>>987420 Thanks for the reasonable reply, especially regarding aspirin! But I still stand by my point that severe stress and in this case immune reactions can affect one’s period. Of course this doesn’t single out any other possible factors. All women are a bit different when it comes to that, and science regarding the female body is slow and neglected sadly. Apparently some have a sturdier cycle than others who are more prone to be affected by stuff like that. Where did I say that the vaccine doesn’t have any side effects? Immune reactions affecting hormones are a well known ‘side effect’ after all. I don’t see how “hey maybe it could have something to do with this as well” is denial? It just seems to me that you’re already dead set on the idea of ‘the vaccine being worse than covid’ without there even being any reliable data to make this clear. The studies you posted are only three different ones instead of five, and none of them are showing how covid-19 deaths are being over-estimated/covid-19 vaccine deaths are underestimated even if maybe they are in some cases, who knows at this point. They are only showing the autopsy results of some people who died from adverse effects from the vaccine and the results of people who died from covid.
While I appreciate the VAERS reports, only their data is not enough to make such a strong claim. This article the VAERS data regarding covid vaccine deaths. It finds that while in 81% of the cases they studied the vaccine may have been a factor in their death, however many of the patients had one or more chronic or age-related comorbid conditions. They found that for 5% the vaccine was the most likely cause of death and in 14% the vaccine could be ruled out so even those numbers are looking different after close examination.
While I think it’s important to have open discourse and information about this and carefully evaluate the risk/benefit ratio and I’m NOt a fan of the politic decisions surrounding this, I did not come to the same conclusion as you as there is not enough data for that.
All the other sources you listed are clickbaity populistic opinion articles, sorry.
The fact that there is not enough reliable data yet is the reason why people should have a choice, but jumping to conclusions doesn’t help either imo.
>>987699 lmao no surprise. My god this is such a shitshow. Stuff like that should never be profitable.
No. 988529
>>988135No, not at all, in fact I'm unvaccinated. I just thought that it would be fucked if these vaccines do cause cancer, but then I also thought that we would be fucked either way because of other things. It was less about Pfizer and more about how generally things are falling apart and the world is shit. I did phrase it in a dumb way, sorry.
>>988466Yeah, I read it.
No. 989318
>>989244God, i have developed a knee jerk reaction whenever i see the word misinformation. I've never seen it used so often by randos until the last couple months. Baaaa baaa.
Anywho, the minimizing of ivermectin to "horse paste" is only because people are retarded. There's human dosages. It's similar to calling Prozac "dog tranquilizer".
No. 989467
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>>985094>Linking three articles for 3-4 people that potentially have mental issues that were undiagnosed, as well as potentially having autoimmune disorders that could have an adverse reaction to the MODERNA covid-19 shot which led to “autoimmune psychosis”.Yes, thank you for providing me with literally nothing. All of these people were unaware that they have a mental illness/autoimmune disorder. No one is forcing you to get Moderna if you’re afraid of the “potential” side effects, as there are other vaccines for you to choose from. That doesn’t change my opinion as nearly every other vaccine, medication or even birth control have severe side effects that could potentially lead to death or cancer.
No. 990385
>>990064This is from the virus burning the ends of some of your nerves, you will smell a burning as your nerves regenerate. Look up phantosmia.
Not COVID, but I had agoraphobia and the consistent fight or flight symptoms did a similar shutdown of my nerves, minus the literal burning, where the smell of spam haunted me several times a day.
No. 991649
>>991632Think about it - what will happen for the people who get their first vaccine after people have gotten their 4th to be considered fully vaccinated? If more and more vaccines are being introduced, people are never going to be able to catch up. It would completely take away the point of having X number of jabs because you wouldn't be able to get there.
Thankfully, there have been zero deaths due to Omicron. It's been around for at least 2-3 weeks now. If it were truly deadlier or more dangerous than the other variants, it would be apparent by now.
South Africa has a very small population of vaccinated people. They haven't seen a mass increase in deaths or collapse of their hospital system. If they are doing fine, than it looks like the rest of the would should be fine too. The need for more mandatory vaccinations and mandates is not supported by real life data.
No. 991708
>>991521It's going to take a while before I get my third booster, but unless they come up with a very good reason and studies to take the fourth, I'm going to leave it at that. I could get a yearly vaccine like a flu shot or something, but several times a year for over seveal years? Give me a break.
>>991530Same here. I remember how they bragged that the vaccine was going to be the way out of the pandemic encouraging us to get one, but here we are soon in 2022 and if you're vaccinated you're still likely to get infected, still at somewhat risk to die from covid and still facing lockdowns, restrictions and mandates. I'm not surprised a large majority of people are tired and feeling like the vaccines aren't doing anything major. Why bother getting the vaccine if it doesn't feel like there's any benefit to it, you know?
No. 991773
>>991708>Why bother getting the vaccine if it doesn't feel like there's any benefit to it, you know?Most people know it doesn't work but give into the pressure to be accepted back into society, there's way too many people who foam at the mouth over people not getting vaccinated so most people are just submissive and think people on the internet calling them stupid and murderers is enough to give up their health for.
IMO, your body is all you truly have in this world. Not your job, your family, your friends, events, your car, house, etc. All for these can be gone in a minute. Once people try to take that from you then you have nothing. I also believe in a few year two all the vaccine nazi shit is gonna stop and vaccine mandates will be non existent. There's absolutely no way in hell would anyone allow this to go on for more than 5 years
No. 991884
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Some good news from South Africa:
>Omicron is shown to be very mild compared to the previous variants, most people cannot destinguish it from the common cold.>From the people who are currently admitted in hospitals, 90% does not need oxygen.>In comparison, 100% of hospitalized people needed oxygen in the previous 3 waves of COVID.>If this trend continues, COVID probably can be treated by primary care givers at home in the future. No. 991890
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>>991884South Africa is really good at keeping track of data, as you can see, even when cases are rapidly increasing because it is very contagious, very little people have died so far in comparison to the past waves. Also you have to keep in mind SA has a low vaccination rate. No. 991971
>>991649that's it. I would be due for my booster in March/April and if they decide that it will be mandatory for me to have three shots in February or so, I will decline, I don't want to be vaccinated again before it's time. They already tell you that there is no problem if you get the vaccine very soon after the last shot and I don't believe them. Why was there a waiting period before, why should I be able to get it after two months now?
Here they are also telling that Omicron is very dangerous for children, so you should get your child vaccinated as fast as you can.
>>991708the booster will be my last vaccine. Honestly, I'm only doing this because I have to and after the third one it's over. I never got the flu in my life, so never got the vaccine and I don't have the time to search for a doctor ever 4 to 6 months.
No. 992012
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>>992001It says about 26% on google statistics.
No. 992139
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>>987441Well, that's it nonnies. I'm getting laid off now. I tried to go into work last night and after an hour I was so sore and short of breath I couldn't do anymore. The boss rang me up afterwards saying "I'm getting tired of this, you need a proper doctors note, We'll have a meeting next week and unless you can provide one I'm letting you go". I really don't think I'm going to have a miraculous recovery anytime soon, but we'll see.
Looks like I'm going on welfare.
No. 992188
>>992139This shit happened at my work too. I got the first shot of Pfizer after my boss and coworker harassed the absolute shit out of me for it, I ended up getting really sick and having bloody poops and ended up losing like 20 lbs, I'm 5'0 and 105 so I looked like a damn skeleton and they refused to let me to take off work because "it's better than getting COVID". When I told them in refusing the second shot my boss understood by my coworker lost her shit and became extremely aggressive with me over it. Like seriously? I don't see any of you paying my medical bills for the adverse reactions anytime soon
The kicker? I ended up getting COVID months later anyway which was nothing, it was like a 4 day long cold. My husband is completely unvaccinated and had a sore throat for 2 days with COVID and that's it. Like seriously? I'd rather just get COVID again than to deal with the jab side effects
The biggest knock in the face is that there's no accountability for the vaccine injured, vaccine injured people are only responsible for themselves and their own finances and since most places have been trying to downplay side effects of course no one is going to be willing to say that the vaccine has a lot of adverse side effects in which people must be compensated for. I had relatives try to enforce the jab on me and my husband to be around for Christmas to the point of calling it life saving with little to no side effects, when I asked if they would help out with medical treatment finances IF a vaccine injury were to happen, since they're the only ones to enforce it on us(these people are loaded and go on European vacations several times a year) they said it was absolutely bizarre to ask of them and blocked both of us kek.
I just can't wait until households, employers, whoever, etc who enforces the COVID jab to be held financially responsible if the person they are enforcing the jab on gets injured or dies. I wonder how many agencies, employers, etc would magically stop having vaccine mandates
No. 992348
>>992188Just butting in to say I never had any side effects from the vaccine, thank god for that, but the side effects you had are kinda similar to what I had when I caught covid. I'm 1m57 tall and weighted 45kg before being sick, and I lost weight very fast because I had horrible diarrhea, so for like three months I weighted like 36kg and thought I was gonna die. This happened when there weren't any masks available yet because of the demand became too high super fast and manufacturers couldn't keep up with it for a long time, in spring of 2020. That was on top of not being able to breathe normally and having a fucked up sense of smell and taste.
If your boss understood why you wouldn't take the second dose of vaccine don't even pay attention to your coworker's opinion, your boss' decision is the only one that matters.
You could tell your coworker to fuck off of course, not sure this is a good idea though. No. 992469
>>992188That’s so gross of them to think they have the right to tell you what to do with your body…fuck employers and micromanagers. We should all start a commune in the Ukrainian countryside or something.
Plus, if you reacted that badly to the first shot you should have a medical exemption not to get the second. Not everyone will react the same way. But I hope you find better employers.
No. 992869
>>982317All the girls/women with normal weight had no change but I know some severely overweight women at my work place who complained about several things like having no period for some time.
So I guess you're super fat
No. 994218
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>>992745>If we were talking about an effective, tested vaccine that didn't have horrible side effectsMy brother's a doctor, and I assure you, we
are. It's been formally FDA approved, and the incidence of major complications (like that handful of women with blood clots everyone shrieked about) are a rare interaction that occurs with other medications.
The side effects are not ~horrible~ you babies. For most people it's just a little bit of nausea or headache after the second dose. Stop blaming shit on the vaccine that's clearly just a coincidence. Bloody-poops-chan probably had some other kind of illness she decided to blame on the vaccine, because blood in stools is not a clinically observed side effect.
You're so fucking concerned about extreme side effects that effect like .0001% of patients, but you're cool with 1% of people on earth dying from this preventable thing? Do you know how massive 1% of
eight billion is? From where I'm standing, you all just look like a bunch of obstinate children who will refuse to do something just because you don't like being told what to do, even if it's for the greater good.
>>992913"Vaccine shedding" hasn't been observed with the Covid vaccine. I think the fucking doctors and nurses who run my facility know what they're doing, thanks. Nice job trying to pull a reverse-uno and blame vaccinated people for grandma dying when it's obvious who the majority of people spreading this thing are.
>>993159Probably because you never leave the house, NEET-chan.
No. 994276
>>994218>Vaccine shedding" hasn't been observed with the Covid vaccine
>Bloody-poops-chan probably had some other kind of illness she decided to blame on the vaccine, because blood in stools is not a clinically observed side effect.I literally have no underlying problems until the vaccine. This can't all be a coincidence
>clinically observed pfizer is literally being sued for fucking up documents, why is it so hard to admit propaganda is a thing and the media hiding things from us is a thing? Not to mention many people are reporting that covid vaccine deaths are being reported as covid deaths, from reliable sources mind you. Seriously scroll up
No. 994417
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>>994218>you babiesOh nvm it's the troon from the last thread. Finally discovered this one? When will you stop lying?
No. 994425
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>>994423All people who are obese, very old, etc or otherwise already on death's door, while the rest of humanity is fine, and anyone who isn't surviving off McDonald's has an immune system that can beat it easily
By the way, natural immunity is multiple times stronger. Sorry if you live an unhealthy lifestyle and you're afraid the sniffles will kill you as punishment, but not all of us are in your predicament
No. 994427
>>994426You're still spreading COVID while vaccinated. That's why people are still recommended to wear masks. You realize that, right?
>it's NOT meant to prevent anything, it's a SHIELDThank you. I will shield myself with my own immune system that I put the work into maintaining. Good vaccines take years of testing before they're rolled out, but if you think it's no big deal, that's your prerogative and I respect it, so respect mine
No. 994445
>>994429Why don't you care about the millions of other diseases on this planet that are killing far, far more people daily, or the shit in your food that's killing you right now? If you smoke, you're increasing the risk of everyone around you getting cancer from secondhand smoke, not even just the sickly or old, but that's somehow less of a problem than getting a jab that doesn't even stop the spread of a flu?
You're a COVID stan and a conspiracy theorist at this point, stop guilt tripping people with your spergs
>>994435>Y-You don't even know what you're saying! You're retarded! I've seen this picture!Cool. Did you ever debunk it, or just seethe?
No. 994707
>>994445 >Why don't you care about the millions of other diseases on this planet..cancerNta but all she said is that a cold isn't as bad as covid and now you're suddenly claiming anon doesn't care about cancer or any other disease in existance. Where are you getting that from?
I don't care what side someone's on but claiming they said that or alluded to it when it never came up is just nuts. It's purely your imagination.
No. 994888
>>994707It's deflecting and seething. They can't oppose simple facts and have to resort to illogical comparisons and bad faith arguments.
>>994822Are you telling me everyone who has died of covid would have died anyway, therefore there is no reason to do anything? Yes, many more people die each year from cardiovascular diseases and a myriad of other things, but that doesn't somehow lessen the impact. Fact is millions of people are dead, who maybe wouldn't have died if it weren't for this. How is that hard to comprehend?
No. 994897
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>>994425>B-But m-muh 99% survival rate. I hate these stupid misleading statistics. You’re going based off documented cases, which, not to mention, the survival rate might not even be accurate because of the shit job the entire world has done in documenting who has been sick. One in 500 die from covid but .000001% of those that get vaccinated have some adverse effect that relates to preexisting conditions and suddenly you guys are medical experts that believe you don’t need the vaccine. 99.5% of the people dying from covid are the ones who aren’t vaccinated. A lot of them did not have preexisting conditions and the virus does not give a shit if you’re young, fat, skinny or old. Let’s also not forget the long term effects that millions are dealing with POST-covid that you all seemingly ignore with your 99% survival rate. Like great, people survived but that doesn’t undo the amount of damage done to the body. Be an antivaxxer all you want but quit shitting up the thread with your tinfoil.
>>994888You’re trying to argue with tinfoil sociopaths that don’t care about anyone’s life outside of their own. It’s not worth the energy. Some people are just truly selfish and can’t fathom having to care about anything beyond their nose.
No. 994952
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>>992139>>987441>>985085>>985083Ignore my posts, it turns out I'm just a hypocondriac fucker. The schizo nurse going on about conspiracy shit didn't fucking help though and just set this in full motion. As soon as a based doctor got through my head that I'm being a fucking nutter and there's nothing wrong with me, my symptoms disappeared.
Maybe I was the real lolcow all along.
No. 995002
>>994952I think I replied saying it sounded like a panic attack, Actually I'm not sure if I hit publish. I remember trying to type it up as nicely as possible and just hoping I wouldn't get a mad backlash lol
Glad you're physically healthy. Hope you're not too shaken by it. In fairness it's legit scary to be convinced you're having a heart issue. Power of the mind.
No. 995027
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>>994941>>994951I got a vaccinated so I wouldn't die from COVID like those who I knew in my life and that's my choice. No one said that getting vaccinated prevents the spread of COVID. I'm sorry that I "ignored that vaccinated people are spreading the disease" because I didn't feel like I needed to sit here and rehash the same shit that you Anons have been flinging back and forth for months. The whole point of the vaccine is to lessen the chance of you dying from an entirely preventable disease. As for your argument of "b-but myocarditis", every report regarding that has listed that the patient had pre-existing conditions that they knew about or weren't aware of, which really sucks that THIS was how they had to find out, especially when they were banking on the vaccine to protect them and not cause further complications. Therein lies an issue more so with our healthcare system being absolute shit and expensive which deters people from getting any kind of testing done to know how something could effect their body. Do you believe a control group of like 50k is enough to predict all the potential side effects that could occur in 10+ million people? Vaccines are not a one-size fits all. I could get knocked out by a flu vaccine but my friend Bob could go about their day like it's nothing. The Thalidomide scandal is the reason WHY there are stricter regulations on vaccines or medications, so I'm not sure what your point is. The whole thought behind my reply was about the 99% survival rate. If you don't want to get vaccinated, that's your choice but the 99% survival rate stat is wrong and it doesn't take much effort to google and see that COVID deaths ARE underreported. The tinfoil sociopaths of this thread DO exist because all they can say is that it only kills old and fat people. Those people have families, have friends, have a life. They don't deserve to die from this bullshit. This isn't some illness to eradicate all the olds and fatties of the world like some of the freaks in this thread think it is. I'm not here to post shit as a "gotcha" but people putting out stats like the numbers aren't real people is really fucking gross.
No. 995099
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I'm so ready for spring to come fuck all this shit. Covid won't exist in spring, I'm literally going to pretend to not know anything about covid and just act confused when people mention it/ask me to wear a mask. Hamphats and boomers stay home if you want, we're moving on.
No. 995115
>>995079I personally think that’s because it goes hand in hand with people being vaccinated having mild symptoms, forgoing the mask mandates and anti maskers getting sick. Like it’s not just an easy fix with a vaccine but if people would just. Quit fighting the mask and wash their hands, it would make things easier. That and stay home or something. There’s just not a way that’s going to make everyone happy at this point.
>>995105No one fucking cares. You hate fat people, we get it. You can go back to a-logging in the Amberlynn thread.
No. 995116
>>994276Politifact rates that as false, and the Australian is known for right-wing bias. does not equal causation. You got food poisoning or something, bloody-poops-chan.
>>994295I'm not going to dox myself to prove it, but he really is. He specializes in internal medicine and he's a resident at Vanderbilt.
>>994417Oh boy, my first time getting accused of being a scrote! I should post "supports vaccines" in the "things that would get you labeled as a scrote" thread.
No. 995119
>>995105>>994247Because they're human beings with family and loved ones, just like you. Christ.
How would you like it if someone stabbed your grandmother and went, "No it's okay, she was going to die soon anyway, therefore her life matters less uwu."
>>994366Yeah, that would be pretty tragic, if it was actually happening and not just some random shit you made up.
No. 995124
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>>995116>believing in fact checking sitespolitifact is bought and paid for kek. the other anon at least backed up with several sites and you are upset about just one and are using that to overlook what shes saying.
also: for the record, why does it matter if your brother is a fake doctor or a real doctor? being a doctor doesnt mean you know everything - ex: fauci
No. 995205
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Why are anti vaxxers being marked as the ones who are scared? It just doesn't make any sense to me why people will take a risky vaccine that they have no way to get financial support for if they were to be injured and possibly die for a virus with a high survival rate. On top of that risking your own health for the sake of integrating into society, for a relationship, or for a job that can instantly drop you for no reason is just bizarre to me
No. 995293
>>995288Not them, but people who actually use those threads have already stated they're tired of you taking COVID shit to every thread and derailing. No one deserves to have to read about it everywhere just because you're obsessed with it.
You're obnoxious as hell and people are allowed to say as much. Go write in a personal blog, a group chat or a diary if you can't handle any sort of criticism
No. 995451
>>995292People don't wish death on the elderly and fatties. There's a difference between wishing active harm vs. making sacrifices for someone who isn't making sacrifices for themselves.
The elderly and fatties are the people who are most likely to die anyway from natural causes. Why should society experience lockdowns, economic turmoil, rising addition rates, and rising mental health issues so these people can live a little bit longer. By subjecting healthy people to these activities, you are actually killing healthy people faster. Being forced to stay inside and be discouraged from interacting with others is not healthy for people, and is probably shortening our lifespans.
No. 996777
>>996757Be careful what you wish for,
nonny. Don't want to get your heart rate up too high in case you're at higher risky of that pesky myocarditis.
Realistically though, good for you. It's your choice and I hope you got it because you genuinely wanted the booster. If it gives you relief, more power to you. Stay safe!
No. 996791
>>996790Sucks that the vaccinated catch COVID too. Could those people be more at risk because they are dealing with both COVID AND the vaccine?
Remember when breakthrough cases were considered to be a conspiracy theory?
No. 996802
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>>996798What other vaccine had mass breakthrough infections in those that received the vaccine? I'll wait.
Picrel shows global COVID cases. You can clearly see the vaccine has had no effect since cases did not have a permanent decrease.
So just how effective is the vaccine? Obviously it's not 100%, but is it anywhere close to 100%? Nope.
No. 996819
>>996757Congrats to you, anon that's what vaccine should be about.
Still not getting jabbed (again) though
No. 996824
>>996804And if I was born 5 hours later, I would have been a millionaire.
I don't know why people still shill the vaccine. It's clearly not effective as a means of stopping the spread of COVID.
The "nOtHiNg iS 100%" argument is retarded. This removes all accountability and liability from the vaccine manufacturers and use it when anything goes wrong.
I wish I could make false promises and forego all of my responsibilities because nothing is ever guaranteed.
Did your package arrive late that contained something you really needed? Sucks, nothing is 100% so you should be grateful it comes at all.
Was a family member relying on you for an important favor that you didn't do? Your retarded family member needs to learn that even promises aren't 100% effective and they can't be angry at you for letting them down!
No. 998838
>>998830What are his symptoms?
My brother also has COVID and lives with my parents. He got tested because he was around a friend who has it, and my brother said he felt like he had a head cold. Well, he tested positive.
Omicron's symptoms are so mild I'm not worried. We shouldn't be going into panics and more lockdowns for stuffy noses.
No. 998848
>>998840How was my post related to a "Facebook conspiracy?" I wasn't denying your brother has COVID. Instead I was wondering whether his symptoms (or lack of) were like the other people I know who got infected with COVID recently.
I do stand by that bringing back restrictions for this varient with 0 deaths after being known for a month is silly.
No. 1001072
>>994247The whole death rate thing is a bit of a red herring. Post viral fatigue from a different virus ruined my life and preventing a 1-2% chance to get something like that from covid is more than worth the minimal risk associated with the vaccine.
Who gives a shit whether you die, you don't suffer anymore, vaccination is very effective at preventing you from risking life with debilitating chronic health issues. And those don't only affect fatties or old people.
Maybe I'm speaking into the void because people who never had health issues can't imagine it, but there's things you don't want to gamble with.
No. 1001074
>>1000916I hate how it’s become a prerequisite for digitalisation of daily life
>download this software on your computer do school online!Pee off
>download the app and update your location for your own safety!Eat my hat
>our menu is online, log on here, accept all cookies and then you can order a burger!nO
>do you have the QR code on your phone? What is your vaccine status? Have you had the 69th booster for the ligma strain? Why are you asking questions? Are you a spiro theorist?go AWAY
>and give us your email if you want to search for something on this site!rEEEEEEEE
I just want to leave the house without my phone. It feels like a ball and chain, but this option is being taken away.
No. 1001278
>>1001125Everything that violates our privacy and rights is 'for our safety', as if we're children.
>>1001171Same but I think my family will be pissed as I won't be able to use Whatsapp and it may be obligatory in the future. I hope one day those of us who are sick of tech worming it's way into our daily life and sick of being micromanaged form a parallel society.
>>1001175 Literally wtf, I wish we were just allowed to exist in real life these days. Pure seething I am, wish I was my age in the 90s or 00s so people would live and do stuff and phones were just for texting and you could live freely.
No. 1001480
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>>1001278I want to go back to this. Small, light weight, week long battery life, can be used for phone calls, texting and looking up simple information online such as weather.
No. 1001534
>>1001527Vaccine doesn't prevent spread though, it's just become about removing choice from people. Never have anyone who was vaccinated for flu, measles, etc got the disease because they were vaccinated and others weren't
>>1001488It feels like I'm taking crazy pills from how many people lack basic logic. I knew people were stupid but not "it makes perfect sense to reduce store hours for COVID" stupid
No. 1001900
>>984247>I have noticed on myself and other family/friends that when we got sick with a virus (not covid) it lasted like 12+ daysI personally think you're not right about vaccines being the cause. To me it seems like the result of having people cooped up inside more than usual, gyms being closed, activities cancelled etc. It is well known that staying inside too much and not moving around enough weakens the immune system.
(Sorry for replying so late, was too busy to browse lolcow so I'm just catching up now.)
No. 1001904
>>1001072>Who gives a shit whether you die, you don't suffer anymoreNo, well, you see, maybe some people have things and people to care for. I don't understand why it's so bad to ask for a fucking vaccine that works like all the others that people have been taking for years, with basically no side effects and almost 100% cover that lasts longer than two months. But "the chance of side effects is so low!!!" consider that more than half of the cases don't get reported and are dismissed as anxiety by doctors, especially if you're a woman.
Also, don't chronic issues have a greater chance to appear if the infection is severe? We have medicines for covid now. Pfizer even made that covid pill. In most cases it's easily treatable with the right medication.
No. 1001957
>>1001804It's so retarded. I know for a fact I would get a bad reaction from jab, but I get treated like some trumpster for it. I've had bad flus after taking flu vacs, horrible side effects from bc,
basically everything except Tylenol has given me horrible side effects, even laughing gas. Idk what it is but obviously synthetic shit doesn't WORK for me. It's tinfoil at this point to say that medicine isn't made for autismos/women/blacks/any "minority" and gives us bad side effects, so we don't want it.
No. 1002057
>>1001957all this "oh, you don't want the vaccination, well, you are right wing and a danger to everyone" bullshit is so annoying. Honestly, I'm vaccinated (I had to, there was no other choice, except for wasting 2 hours every day and a lot of money), but if one vaccinated person not wearing at least a medical mask comes to me and tells me all that bullshit I will explode soon. Everyone can still spread the virus, even faster now with Omikron and those people are walking around, shopping, going on holiday, not caring anymore, without precautions, without masks and someone who isn't vaccinated is the reason why we still have Covid? Yes, right, I don't think so. Every day I find more and more people I never want to meet or talk to again and they are from both "sides".
If you get side effects from every vaccine so far, don't take the new one, it's your body and maybe one day we will have another vaccine that actually works for more than 3 to 6 months.
No. 1002286
>>1002266Im pretty neutral but every sloppy person I know is suddenly a huge vaccine-nazi. My ex boyfriend who forbid me from taking birth control (that my doctor suggested due to me fainting on my period) because of side effects along with other needed medications is all of the sudden posting pro vaccine memes all over his Twitter and making fun of antivaxxers. On top of that my husband's
abusive dad that abandoned him and his step mom are now very pro vaccine.
No. 1002390
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"companies make shit products? Well you just have COVID!" Can people be more gullible?
No. 1002405
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No. 1002756
>>1002372I'm not getting tested ever again, unless I have to for work.
We as a society have to take a stand. COVID will be around for as along as we will allow it to be around. The new variant is equivalent to a cold and we have to continue testing to show it's prevalence. If people refuse testing, they won't know they have it.
South Africa has not experienced a surge in hospitalizations or deaths despite their low vaccination rate. Omicron is a cold.
Stand up, it starts with you. Stop wearing masks, and stop getting tested.
No. 1002794
>>1002360ah, that's what I forgot, my mother is extremely controlling, doctor visits would have shown that something is going wrong in my family but since I haven't been living at home for over 15 years now, the vaccine would be a new way to take control. After all I can't take part on stuff or visit my parents if I'm not vaccinated, such a bad thing, kek
>>1002372one of my profs has been at home 5 times now because of a false positive covid self-test.
>>1002756why stop wearing masks? Is wearing a mask such a big problem? To be honest I wish people would keep on wearing masks in the seasons with a huge amount of colds and flu, like other cultures around the world have done for years now. I haven't had a single cold or something like that since the masks are mandatory, normally I would have been sick at least 2 times a year because of colleagues being sick at work (my country pays sick leave, so no reason to go to work and infect everyone else).
The testing part I agree, I won't get tested, there are no self-tests anymore at the stores I can afford (and they don't count for official stuff) and the next test centre is 2 km away from me and I won't walk there to stay outside in a line with people maybe having covid.
No. 1002831
>>1002756Oh noes nonna, you must be one of those crazy trump antivaxx flatearther!11!!!
Jk I'm with you on this one.
>>1002794>why stop wearing masks?Because they're unhygienic (come on, no one changes them as often as they should and if you sweat just a bit they're done), dehumanizing (you don't see people as people anymore, just faceless blobs) and it's awful for you immune system not to get exposed to viruses every once in a while. Native Americans were killed by smallpox because their immune system was never exposed to it. If you're not exposed to the common cold in 5 years the next cold you're gonna get is likely to get you in the grave. And anyway even in my country politicians said they don't have any evidence they work but we absolutely should wear them so we don't forget wE're iN a paNdEmiC.
No. 1002834
>>1002831Another note on masks, they are littering the streets and causing so much pollution.
If COVID was truly so dangerous and deadly, shouldn't discarded masks be considered bio-hazardous waste…? They have the 'rona particles all over them.
No. 1002857
>>1002794I don't know why I have to keep writing out this post but here we are.
Think about it. If you were going to spray paint some furniture would you use a paper mask or a rated mask? Now think how much bigger spray paint particles are than a covid virion.
No. 1002932
>>1002834>>1002831can't do anything against the stupid behaviour of other people, I change my mask regularly and don't litter the environment. Also, I like those faceless blobs, don't need to see the faces of other people.
The thing that a common cold will bring me to the grave after 5 years of not being exposed to it is something I will have to read through, if that's the case I will make a "cold party" every 4 years.
>>1002857Why do you assume that everyone wears paper masks? I don't, I take the time and read through the ratings of the mask and don't buy the "non-medical" stuff. Except for that, paper masks (had to look them up) aren't even allowed in my country anymore. I still thing that the right masks and distance is a more effective way to get through that shit than a vaccine that you are forced to refresh at least every 5 months.
No. 1004479
>>1003909I just wish there was one godforsaken outlet that wasn't either trying to pretend A) COVID is a conspiracy or B) COVID continues to be a ravaging Black Plague stealing the young from us and requiring 2 more boosters.
Roast me all you want but being in a Southern state
right now has its perks as a Healthy Youth. Things are back to normal, I get to go out and get sloppy, I only knew 2 people who caught oMiCrOn and it was from a NYC visit and they had cold symptoms, etc.
Meanwhile my friends in Portland and Chicago haven't been to a bar in 2 years, masks still mandated everywhere, and they're encroaching on "booster required to dine" territory in some districts and sending out Instagram PSAs about how Omicron is rampaging and will still kill healthy young people.
Not that I'm going full right wing retard about it but it seems very intense for the liberal areas
No. 1004482
>>1002831I don't think that the common cold will kill you dead, HOWEVER, second to last time I was sick to the point of wanting to rest and coughing productively was in 2016. I wore a mask religiously until it was no longer mandated in my area (around July). Literally as soon as I stopped wearing my mask I caught the common cold and it hit me so badly that I needed to rest for like 4 days. Sinuses absolutely plugged, couldn't breathe through my nose even with nose spray and Neti Pots, hard to swallow, coughing up green mucus constantly, had to sleep with 3 pillows stacked or I woke up with so much post-nasal mucus I couldn't breathe through my mouth, had to constantly be on Dayquil and Mucinex, and had a post-viral cough that's still lingered.
I tested again and again for COVID, flu, and strep, no cigar. I was essentially advised that my body just wasn't accustomed to bathing in the germ air of hundreds of strangers anymore, and my immune system chilled out.
I think that healthy, vaccinated youths in areas without a high caseload shouldn't wear them unless they're feeling unwell themselves. I think it's definitely weakening us.
No. 1004493
>>1004482or just maybe… being around thousands of different other himans on a daily basis, breathing their germs, is not and has never been a natural state for humans…? truth is, we probably should wear masks or at least some kind of face covering when in dense public indoor spaces or public transit, covid or no covid.
When i worked as a cashier, i got sick almost once a month just from exposure to so many people. Since then, never been sick once in 4 years. Wouldnt do that again without a mask, and if you expect employees to not wear masks & get themselves sick just for your comfort, fuck you actually?
No. 1004506
>>1004479It's been 2 years of this shit and people really still don't understand the main point of mask mandates and quarantines. Of course covid won't kill young, healthy people unless you're extremely unlucky. But it can cause permanent damage (tissue scarring in your lungs) even as a mild disease that will significantly affect your quality of life and the most important thing is that it's to protect the frail who would otherwise end up dead. Even if only 1% of all people who catch the disease end up in hospital care, out of 100 000 people that's still 1000 people, a very significant amount that hospitals can't handle. ICU beds are limited in numbers and out of those 1000 if even 100 fill them up, the single hospital is in disastrous state trying to treat other patients unrelated to covid who would require intensive care such as
victims of sudden accidents or violet attacks, car crashes, those who have undergone intensive surgery for a disease etc. Covid is spreading so fast that it infects those 100 000 people on a much faster rate than regular flu viruses and has a higher death rate for people with compromised state of health, and the hospital can't exactly just leave patients to die. You have to look at the bigger picture of how things affect other things, not just "well I'm not going to die of it".
No. 1004527
>>1004497No… I have a quite normal if not good immune system. I don't think I ever missed school more than three or four times due to sickness, and I don't think I got sick/had a cold once during all of college.
But in a year as a cashier, I got sick like 8 times. Touching money, about thirty different people an hour breathing on you, et cetera. The human immune system is meant for the natural human state, which is a tribe of about 150 plus occasional strangers. Not people from all over the world moving around constantly.
Yeah we can "adapt", its not like I fucking died. But it sure wasn't pleasant, and if I worked as a cashier again, you bet your bippy I would wear a mask by default, cause that shit sucked. No, peolple dont need to wear them in school or at a non public job probably, but if you get mad at service employees for wearing masks to protect themselves, fuck off.
Have you worked as a cashier? Or are you just talking out your ass cause you don't like what I'm saying?
No. 1004529
>>1004527NTA but when I was working as a cashier I didn't get sick once save for regular seasonal flus, no more than any average person.
>The human immune system is meant for the natural human state, which is a tribe of about 150 plus occasional strangers. Not people from all over the world moving around constantly. Are you working at an airport or something? A regular cashier mostly serves people from their own community.
No. 1004542
>>1004527Yes, I've worked as a cashier more than once, other jobs in retail and other jobs where I was constantly in close proximity or even brushing past other people for many years, both part-time and full-time. Actually just this summer I was working a shit job at a cramped, non-ventilated stockroom with tens of co-workers who I was constantly brushing past, maybe 5 of them wearing masks because our employer didn't encourage it and we were expected to keep meeting pre-covid quotas so keeping distance wasn't an option and I didn't catch anything (covid or otherwise). (I'm not an anti-masker for covid, don't misunderstand). Never had problems in general (besides catching the flu once a winter) and I sure have never heard of a co-worker who caught the flu on a regular basis only when they started working this type of job(s).
Maybe you used to have a healthy immune system but things can change and getting sick every month is not representative of a healthy immune system regardless of how many people you're near or how many gross things you touch.
No. 1004553
>>1004529Yes I live in a metropolitan area with universities and many people who travel to and from other countries. If you're in an insular place where it's all the same people, I guess you can safely breathe each other's sneezes all day long.
>>1004542I havent gotten sick since then either, despite riding public transit most days and going in and out of many different peoples houses for another job. Why do you need me to be wrong so bad?
If anything I have a quite good immune system, there have been a number of times where my whole family got the flu or a stomach bug and was vomiting hard, but I didn't have anything worse than mild diarrhoea.
I didn't the flu working either but I would get a mild cold every six weeks or so. It wasn't fun. That's my experience, maybe it was due to working at a busy restaurant in a place with some tourists now and then. But let cashiers wear masks if they want lmao
No. 1004575
>>1004566Okay. Where do you think hospitals will be making their capacity 10 times bigger? Even if machines were available and you hooked up 2000 new ICU units in a hospital in a city of a few million citizens, where are you going to get the personnel to operate it? One ICU unit requires like 5 people to take care of it, training for ICU nursing takes years, even if at the start of the pandemic you recruited thousands of new nurses for covid alone it would still take time for them to be able to handle the workload and, you know, not kill people by their inaptitude. And that's even ignoring the fact that nobody
wants to become a nurse. It's a thankless job with shit pay and terrible working hours and you need to have psychiatric evaluation done to deem you fit for the job and not be one of those possible psychos only becoming one for the power fantasy of controlling human life.
And when the pandemic eventually ends, what are you going to do with all the extra personnel you just trained? You can't pump the taxpayers dry to pay them to do nothing. It would be less of a hassle to pay every unvaxxed retard 5k to get vaccinated than reform the entire health care system to direct all of its resources towards treating covid patients afraid of muh experimental vaccine that according to all statistics in every country it's used in saves you from the severe form of the disease by 80-90% probability rates.
No. 1004586
>>1004566This. Let the NHS die. It's a massive bloated mess that fails in it's primary objective which is to provide quality healthcare.
>>1004575More vaccinated people are dying of covid in hospital than the unvaccinated. Don't you think it's strange that over 80% of the population is vaccinated yet hospitals are still filled with covid patients?
No. 1004641
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>>1004604They're not. Take a look at this article. is the most vaccinated state with 76% of their population fully vaccinated.
No. 1004643
>>1004630*within the first 1-3 months
*with the assumption that every patient with unknown status and every patient who is "only" vaxxed once is automatically unvaxxed
No. 1004648
>>1004643Don't forget that they only consider you fully vaccinated two weeks after your second dose. So if you die less than 14 days after the second dose, you're considered unvaccinated.
Not to mention the UK isn't breaking out those that died directly because of COVID us those that don't. If you test positive for COVID but get into a car accident, you're lumped in as a COVID death.
They're also checking bodies after death for COVID, which is bullshit.
No. 1004660
>>1004604In my country it
is literally the unvaccinated clogging up the hospitals. 80% of the population have been double vaccinated but according to current statistics it's the unvaccinated who fill up the hospital beds, especially the ICU ones. 90% of the people who end up in ICU have no vaccinations at all. Sure, some double vaxxed people get sick and develop severe symptoms because no vaccine is 100% but it's much, much rarer than for the unvaxxed people. And most of them don't even end up in intensive care, regular hospital care is usually enough.
>>1004647Pretty sure you would be bitching about the 10% tax increase to pay for it kek
>inb4 WELL THEY SHOULD STOP FUNNELING MONEY TO IMMIGRATION/WHATEVER ARBITRARY FIELD AND GIVE IT TO HOSPITALS THEN!!!!!my retarded moid alert is already beeping, how I wish all the people bitching about public health care in western europe would move to the US and see how much they like going bankrupt over a sore throat
No. 1004676
>>1004497Absolutely, it's a well known fact that child care and retail worker have a poor immune system.
My sides anon, you are dumb.
>>1004493 is right, humans aren't made to survive with so many germs around them.
No. 1004725
>>1004493"If you expect employees to wear masks"
"If you are mad if people wear masks or not"
Literally nobody you're replying to is saying this, stop strawmanning and
victim complexing so hard
>>1004676> Humans aren't made to survive with so many germs around themThis is the dumbest thing I've read this week, please go live on an isolated poly commune in the desert if you feel that way
This thread has devolved into a clownshow on both ends of the spectrum, no pun intended