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No. 922178
…with more chest getting off of!
>>>/ot/685198mad at some nasty scrote? wanna punch your boss in the nuts? tired of your coworkers? Get it off your chest right now!!!! Rants or one liners are welcome.
same rules from the first:
>Adhere to /ot/ rules and try not to be too gc/pp (if it's your personal experience it's fine). >Do not address large demographics/groups of people! (Fatties/Ana/races/trannies/egirls)>This shit must be specific to a person or personal group of people. >Don't respond to other people's shit. It's not about you, you vain bitch. No. 922436
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you tried to pit us against each other and instead we ditched you. seethe lmao
No. 922610
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Pls pls pls pls let us have him
No. 922997
Just realised I cannot forgive my mother for what she has done. She has chosen my brother over me. This is the same brother who has almost killed me, physically and mentally abused me, took away my preteens and teenagehood away from me, he has ABUSED YOU, and yet, you chose him over me?
Why? All my trauma is because of him, and you did nothing. I got scolded when I couldn't attend school because of the abuse I went through from him. When I told you I was feeling depressed, you brushed it off. When HE tried taking away his life, you were by his bedside.
You have failed me, and I cannot forgive you. Maybe that's why I do these petty things towards you.
However, I can't fucking leave you. It tears me apart knowing you'll be left alone, and to die alone.
No. 923213
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I'm glad that shitty thread was locked. Everyone in it was pure cancer
No. 923441
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No. 923460
No. 923469
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>>923447>>923460Don't mind their dirty carpet BUT THIS IS HIM
No. 923478
>>923471thank u
nonnie I love him too, he is very sweet!
No. 923509
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I got into shash fan fiction for the first time since 2016
why is there so much tranny pussy? I need make a point to filter out vaginal sex for my m/m smut searches. Why. Every 4th fic has a transed character
I just want to be a perv and read about bnha characters frotting get pussy out of the equation reee
No. 928961
I hate that my parents screwed me over before I ever had a chance, not only by deciding to pass on their shitty genes at all but waiting til 38 and 41 to do it, then barely socializing me as a child, raising me to be extremely religious and fearful and have a bunch of mental health problems, not sending me to school, not teaching me basic hygiene, not doing anything to prepare me for the future then fucking gaslighting me as an adult to make me think everything they did to me was my fault (my mom did own up to some of it but not all).
I have one if not 2 or 3 personality disorders and other mental health issues. I begged my mom when I was 17 to get me a therapist and she dragged her fucking feet for 8 years, then when I got one I only saw them for a year before I got kicked off of their insurance and now I have to pay out of pocket and can barely afford 1 appointment a month.
my dad was pissy with me when I quit my old job that was being straight up abusive towards me, he didn't give a shit at how poorly I was being treated (and barely making any money at that). like thanks dad, if you really wanted me to be able to hold down a job you should have FUCKING THOUGTH ABOUT THAT WHEN YOU WERE RAISING ME. I'm currently holding down a job but I still can't afford to move out, so I am stuck living with them. they act like I'm a burden, they're hoarders and complain when I put stuff places (like putting eggs in the fridge) that I'm "taking up room" despite the fact that we have 2 couches and 1 and a half of them are full with their clutter, and most of the livingroom floor is too, and that's just the beginning of it.
I kind of want to kms, I can barely afford therapy, can't afford to live by myself, not eligible for loans, probably too stupid to get a degree anyway, and too mentally ill to sustain friendships or relationships. I straight up feel like a waste of space most of the time.
fuck people who have kids when they shouldn't. had to delete and repost because of typos
No. 930387
I always thought my mum was the better parent, but she sucks too. My dad treated me like absolute garbage and bullied me for year, but at least he tried to get his addictions under control and come back in to my life. My mum continues to waste all of her money on drugs and then leech off of me and my brother despite her and her stupid fucking boyfriend making more money than us. In regards to her stupid fucking boyfriend, he can talk to me like shit, call me a cunt, threaten to break my things, tell people I'm a bitch. And she's on his side. I've forgiven her for too much, when she'd leave me alone for days with my shitty neglectful dad, for her bringing random men over the instant he moved out, for her pulling me aside and telling me she was asleep when I was made because she didn't like my voice. I'm just sick of my mother acting like a fucking child because she thinks she's better than my dad. No, you've now enabled too men to bully me. Fuck you, you druggy, alcoholic pick me bitch. "Oh u turned out ok" don't you dare take credit for any of my fucking accomplishments.
No. 933510
nonnie. I don’t know where this guilt is coming from about a job (current one) that really wouldn’t give a shit about me when all is said and done.
No. 945544
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Fucking ugly ass Egoraptor Arin Hanson thumb lookin ass moid, every single one of you is a fucking clown for cheering this shit on.
No. 945632
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>>945544Someone likes alt girls. They always cosplay the porn category they jack off to
Jamie is probably enjoying this a lot anyway
No. 955911
What happened to you?
Just what did your ex do to you that made you change so much?
It’s honestly strange, I know that I should just not pry into other’s love lives, but I’m curious, ngl, because you seemed quite happy with your scrote, but then again, I always felt like there was something odd about him, I just don’t trust alt-men tbh, their style always screams mento-illness.
But like, i can’t help but question the decisions that you and my other acquaintances have done, is this a polilez kind of thing? I feel like most of you guys just suddenly turned around and like it sticks out a lot, maybe because I was just raised in a place where gay people are not common, and changing my views from what I was taught to think to what makes sense is quite awkward.
Tbh, I feel like you were being performative around me and my bff, because you think she’s a genderspecial, and because you want to seem kool and kweer.
And just to make sure you understand, no, we’re not dating, we’re friends, we’re just very affectionate, that’s it.
I don’t care about kweer stuff, I just like to read/watch stuff with decent plots, I don’t want to turn kweer things into the scale of what’s good and what sucks.
I will never ask for any information about your love live, like how I do with the rest of my acquaintances, and I will actually forget everything by the moment I go to sleep.
No. 955950
>>954931I hope your find your peace,
nonny. Ugh, even though I don't know what your situation is, I really hope you strongly consider calling him the fuck out publicly.
No. 956124
>>956097Maybe I will, maybe I won’t- I’m unsure still. I didn’t really consider the possibility before- I’m older and had never been pregnant. I’m sorry if I
triggered you.
>>956104I appreciate this a lot, thank you.
No. 958285
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I'm lonely and no one would mesh with my lifestyle. I just wish I wasn't so emotionally disturbed when I met the one person I think would mesh with me. We had a lot of fun and it felt like we were almost one person. I think of her all the time and I wonder what it would be like if things never happened like they did. If we lived together and our lives improved by having each other around. How we would help each other because we know the feeling the other is having. I always strived to understand her, even though I was egotistical and often misunderstood her. It's funny because I wished when things fell apart with her that I'd find someone to treat me how I treated her, because I didn't see the flaws I personally held, and not just those that arose from our situation. I did find that person, twice, and they treated me like shit! And as it was happening it felt exactly like I was having the mirror talk back at me. It was like I had a Dickens moment and saw the ghost of nonnie present and nonnie past in these people. Even though I know I could never fully understand the effect I had on her because I went truly off the deep end at one point and acted destructively, I feel I know better now so that if anyone ever does come into my life that I won't hurt them unintentionally (as much)
No. 958293
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I think about the nonnie who posted about her mom touching her inappropriately. Then I think about the people who might've told her it's just 'mom things' or 'mom not understanding fully that you're not her extension'. Can't help but feel angry. I hope that nonnie gets far away from her mom, what she described is not normal at all. There's being physically comfortable with your family members and then there's literally a single parent molesting their offspring. No matter what pathology or reasoning is behind it, nonnie's well-being matters way more and I'm hoping, praying she gets out of the situation and manages to set boundaries.
If your mom is being emotionally or physically inappropriate with you, this is your sign. Your gut feeling is right and it's right of you to want to set your own boundaries. Don't be gaslit into taking on this toxic waste from the very people who're supposed to guide you into independence and adulthood.
No. 958300
>>958293I saw that thread and hope that anon is going to be okay. It broke my heart because it reminded me so much of that glass shattering feeling when I realized my mom had narc/dark triad tendencies.
The good thing is that anon is already away from her mom (studying?) so she is independent enough and has the distance to come to her own conclusions.
No. 962730
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If I hear, even just one more time, your complains about "Don't support muh pwoblematic ship uwu", I'm going to write novel length fanfics about your "pure comfort gay beans ships uwu" getting cucked by the most unhinged male or female character on canon with the worse fetishes possible. I know you are lurking, I know you keep trash-talking everyone on your Discord server full of kids, I know you have multiple accounts, I know you are hidding stuff, but I'm a step ahead of you. I'm not scared of you, because you are a 20-something adult baby.
>Y-yikes! I have depression, anxiety, autism, BPD, DID and PTSD you know??? Like, hear me out, y-ya'll don't have critical thinking, y-yikes!!! Like, sweaty, who hurt you??? You do realize that I'm actually shaking and crying rn and y-yikes!!!
Nobody likes or cares about you. You don't have any friends or allies, just stupid children and other adult babies who ass pat you because you are such a pathetic excuse of a human.
No. 962787
>>962735Is hard to give one specific ship because this person has a mental breakdown almost every week just because she saw her kinnie characters on a straight ship, but it's usually anything on Danganronpa, Persona, Your turn to die and recently Cookie Run.
Currently, I'm having my eyes on writting one with (Comfowt kin) Licorice cookie and Red velvet cookie.
Apparently Red Velvet's most popular pairing is with a nun cookie girl and aside from "Icky girl ruinning my ship reee" is an enemies to lovers sort of ship (It's abuse-coded reee) and this person is butthurt at religious themes, so it's perfectTl;Dr: I'm so full of hate that I'm going to write a Cookie Run pornfic.
No. 962822
>>962730My favorite ship is considered "
problematic" because one character is a douchebag and the other is the fandom's ~precious soft boy uwu~. I occasionally get catty comments on my ship art about it.
Who the hell cares if I'm ~romanticizing an
abusive dynamic~. It's fiction, and the characters aren't real people. In my fics, I can make the douchebag learn to be a better person, (unlike real moids who are incapable of self-improvement.) It's wish-fulfillment, I know you can't actually "fix" people IRL.
No. 967253
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I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.
I will keep murdering your family until there’s nothing left behind for you to keep coming back, I won’t stop making sure that your insides spill everywhere until the news tell me that you are no more.
I don’t care about getting dirty, I can easily clean myself up, while you? You stay dirty, disgusting, with your useless guts everywhere, with your unnecessary carcass dirtying my floors.
Nobody needs you, nobody wants you, nobody will miss you, everyone wants you fucking dead, extinct.
Fucking die already, bitches.
No. 974203
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No. 974326
>>974203Ooh yeah that looks good miam miam
If anyone knows an authentic American pumpkin pie recipe I would appreciate it
My little sister’s an ameriboo and I want to make this for her
No. 974344
I cant believe you got away with it, you bitch. What the fuck. For the year I've worked with you you've been nothing but a miserable cunt. I heard it admitted plenty of times, nobody from the other areas wanted to work with you. The mention of you always triggred an eyeroll, you're awful. I had to do more than my fair share, way more because you were too busy tonguing the assholes of higher ups, the managers didn't give a fuck and nobody from other departments wanted to deal with your pedantic shirking ass. Oh, how unlucky I was to be saddled as your partner. I got looks of pity from so many of my peers.
I should have formally complained. I should've shown any higher up chat logs of how you spoke to me, how lazy and evasive and hypocritical you were but it was my first job and I was scared of burning a single bridge, scared of retaliation (and you literally tried to get me fired for daring to ask "why can't you do it?" so I have no doubt your fucking insane ass would've actually got me booted had I spoken my mind more). I wish for nothing more than to meet you in the street and tell you that you brought the whole department down and my life was so much worse for being forced to interact with you, even minimally.
To think, I really tried to be nice to you. Before stonewalling I tried to be nice because maybe we just got off on the wrong foot. I asked you about your cat, I asked after your health, I tried to sympathise. But you are TERRIBLE, you're a terrible fucking person and it just hit hard for me one day when you "gossiped" to me about how a certain underachieving coworker had depression, an ED, a miscarriage in the past and it's not your fucking place at all to say any of this shit. You were feeling a little annoyed at her so you confided this to somebody you don't even like and absolutely are not remotely close to. How dare you air that out to me? How fucking dare you, that's not right. Are you're 34! What's wrong with your brain you BITCH! Have some fucking respect. Fuck you.
No. 974388
>>974356Is not committing suicide that big of an accomplishment
nonny? Most people who commit suicide are scrotes. There's just not that much correlation between quality of life and suicide, I'm afraid. Everyone has their own issues, so you don't know who is dealing with what.
No. 974465
>>974428That's kind of pickme behaviour but even more pathetic because of the low level of your competition. It's like being proud that you can beat up a kid.
If you want to wear kawaii clothes them wear them, if you don't then don't, don't waste your time thinking about outperforming people that you hate just focus on yourself
No. 974475
>>974451Me too,
nonnie, never listen to those retards who will tell you “muh, being skinny doesn’t solve shit” because that’s a lie, being healthy is much better than being fat.
No. 974624
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I’ve been working online for a company for the last 3 years that pays incredibly well, but the work is also super difficult to do and requires you to put in long hours. Nothing wrong with that as I don’t have any social life whatsoever, the only family member I talk to is my younger brother and he’s also sort of in a similar field so when a position opened up that he could totally fill he begged me to vouch for him. I sent out of my way to arrange an interview with my boss and he aced it, then LO AND BEHOLD the stupid scrote decided to take a two week vacation not even a week into his new job even though I told him that it’s a really fucking stupid idea, especially at this time of year and that he should wait a bit first. Then on top of that he also decided to lie to my boss, telling him that he’s got personal stuff going on atm instead of the truth ( he could have just said that the vacation was planned in advance or something at least ).
Then the cherry on top: his vacation had to be extended since the goddamn place he went to got extremely shitty weather and he couldn’t travel back home in time and I had to cover for his ass and lie, hoping he’d get his shit together soon and make it up for all the time he spent not working exactly when he was needed the most. Just found out yesterday that he quit without even telling me and I am beyond disappointed because it fucking makes me look bad for going through so many hoops to get him this job and then he pulls off shit like this, he KNEW extremely well that the job isn’t a walk in the park and that he’d had to put in the hours and he’s heard me complain about how serious it is for years so why even beg for me to get him on the team if he’s gonna take sudden vacations and not work whenever he doesn’t feel like it?
It fucking stings because the rest of my family are garbage as well, I literally loaned him 5k so he can buy a car last month and have always been there for him when he’s needed help without expecting anything in return since he was the only family member I thought I could trust, and this is how he repays me. He didn’t even have the balls to tell me that he’s quit and I had to find out through my boss. Tbh I’ll be fine since I make a shit ton of money and don’t care about friends or family anyways, I just blocked him on everything and am gonna pretend I don’t have a brother but it makes me livid knowing I was once again fooled by a scrote.
No. 974815
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you think you're the perfect little woke sjw princess but you have the mindset of a fucking incel. you will never fuck someone like me. all you will ever find is bottom of the barrel trash and that's what you deserve. fucking coomer bitch
No. 976206
>>975764yes, look up wolf game on Twitter or opensea. nobody in nft space believes in the longevity of these types of projects btw, it’s just a quick flip. but you make money. unfortunately the point of entry for these types of projects can be high/reliant on luck though, it takes money to make money etc, but some people get lucky
>>975817keep malding
No. 976714
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I see you've found the hidden cameras.
I can only do one thing: laugh.
No. 985909
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Not to be a weeb but I think about my friend and I every time we play guilty gear as respected. It's even worse when he mutters under his breath because it turns me on so much. He's copying how my boyfriend looks and it's really hot for a latino man. Shy piece of shit who can't handle being a side piece I hate you fucking scrotes.
No. 986320
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im over at this point please pretend that i died and never speak to me again. I dont understand why everytime i ask you to block me you come up with excuses even though you clearly dont want to be with me. I hate that i have to always be the unhinged one because you are an emotionless unfeeling robot so however justified my anger i come out the loser because I look crazy ranting and raving with a dude who can only just say sorry but never do or even attempt to do better. in the words of summer walker "Ain't even pulling through, you just be talking".
I fucking hate you for wasting my time. I hate so much that i fell for someone with such a lack of a backbone that you cant even be a fucking man and say "yeah bitch i just want to fuck you and thats it but i got my fill and i want to move on" like i fucking hate you. If i could go back in time i wouldve continued to ghost yo ass. Its what you fucking deserve you piece of excrement. But no my fucking empathy had to kick in and i felt bad for doing it so i gave you a chance. WHY THE FUCK DID I DO THAT?
I'm so beyond depressed about this because i dont want to be obsessed with a fucking scrote yet here i am. Its embarrassing and unbecoming of me. You werent even good in bed it was me the whole time that was turning me on lol. You never made me cum and had the nerve to always ask and id say no because im not about to stroke your shitty ego. You fucking used me as nothing more than a hole nothing more than a black bitch you can check off the box. I hate that every man i encounter only wants to use me for my body. Literally no man ive talked to in my life has ever not attempted to be sexual with me within the first time we meet. Its so bad that its why i subconsciously am so afraid to actually move on and date someone else because its so fucking awkward to know that you are being viewed as nothing more than a sex object in real time. It doesnt matter how skinny and sickly i look or if im normal/bigger weight my body is the only thing guys see in me. After they get to have sex with me thats all im good for. It doesnt matter how funny, witty, smart, fashionable and dope of a person i am, i am nothing more than tits and ass to men. I thought you were different and honestly you are different. The other guys i would try to date would at least tell me that they only wanted to screw, you on the other hand intentionally led me on. Idk if its because you get sick enjoyment out of it or because you have a mental deficiency, but either way fuck you. What hurts worse is that i did sexual shit i deep down didnt want to do because i really thought you were going to be my first love. Now i have to live with the regret of knowing that i did something that goes against my moral code. i know its from my own volition but i never wouldve done it if you didnt lead me on for as long as you did.
What hurts worse is that i know that after this is over the next girl you talk to you'll actually date and be in a relationship with.
This literally always happens to me and its fucking traumatizing each time. I know I shouldnt put value in scrotes and how they percieve me but it starts to eat at you when you notice a trend that every guy you've talked to has only wanted to fuck you but never put a label but as soon as they've had their fill they'll be like "i have a gf now BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE". It makes me feel like such a cum rag. It doesnt help that since i was a child i was sexually assaulted constantly until i was at least 11 years old. I dont get why everyone just uses me for my body. I dont know what i have to do. It doesnt matter if im covered up and act shy (which i naturally am shy) i am nothing more than my body. Ever since i was a fucking child. THis stupid whatever the fuck this is just further highlights that fact and it makes me want to kms. You know before i met you I was literally content with being a spinster, i decided to have crushes on youtubers who i knew i couldnt be with and anime characters i deff couldnt be with and i was fucking happy as a clam. But then my friends wanted to learn about dating apps so i showed them and boom i was in your clutches. All my life men have used me for my body, for my kindness, my patience, my love, my innocence. I literally never had a chance. I didnt ask to be born in this body to be shaped this way. I dont know if i emit some type of pheromone that makes men just want to fuck me and thats it but i want it to stop. Even when a guy tells me he wants to be my friend he will still inevitably make a move on me that same day. What the fuck am i doing wrong? Sometimes i truly think its because im black, men subconsciously still see me as nothing more than a jezebel sex object who they can use and discard of whenever they grow tired. Obviously there are black women that are in loving and long lasting relationships, but this is just how i feel men view me. Otherwise why are they so bold to be sexual with me when i made no sexual jokes, advances, and even bolder to hit and abuse me both physically and verbally? I wouldnt have had to get this dark and introspective if i never met your dumbass but alas here we are. I just want to see you in person and rip you a new one!! But i dont know how long i can wait to do that im impatient and need you to hurt you worse than you hurt me. I want to break you, I want to fuck you up mentally the way you've done me. I want to give you an insecurity you never knew you had and that will take years to unpack. But i know realistically when i see you next my dumb heart will make me do something stupid. I just hope my brain can real me back into reality so that i dont have to go through this any longer. May peace never find you you dusty bitch.
No. 986348
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I can't help myself, I want you and nobody else. I want to talk to you so badly because I want to try it all over again but I know you don't want to hear from me.
No. 987541
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Alright, I'm gonna go deep. Idc if anyone reads this.
Each day I have to wake up I am in a fucking mood. I'm either sobbing or irate about my job. I have to like fight with all my bosses to fix anything and they say "oh no there's all this red tape" and I say "hey what if there isn't? We haven't asked??" So, there isn't. But everyone thinks I'm an annoying bitch bc I've fixed 220K$ of equipt this month. Idc about getting credit. I have tried to go to counseling since it's free for me but they have no appts. I fucking hate my work place and everyone i work for other reasons but my biggest thing is, as a supervisor: how do you get people to care? Yeah sorry this is a lot but I'm fucking tired.
No. 990365
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without a hint of irony you said to me "maybe 'woman' is a concept." for a purported feminist– and genuinely smart, compassionate, wonderful person– you are amazingly obtuse. how is it that you recognised the idealogical conflict between transgerderism and your ideal, post-misogyny world, free of constrictive gender roles, yet concluded "there is no right answer there" ?? we can agree that hatred is not necessarily productive. i gain very little from projecting my self-hatred onto the poor tifs who have yet to escape the cult. i understand that writing off all men from the outset potentially bars me from useful information and experiences. but why is it such a goddamn ISSUE that i think that a man will always be A MAN? womanhood is not the concept; femininity is. femininity is a costume imposed upon women– that is, female people!– oftentimes forcefully and at considerable detriment to our lives. how can you be so entrenched in your own bullshit that although you recognise skirts and eyeshadow do not a woman make, a man can BECOME A WOMAN simply by FEELING that he is? what does it even "feel like" to be a woman? i asked you this once, and you said it was about feeling confident or some bullshit. i don't say it's bullshit because your experience is invalid but because it is IRRELEVANT. what does that have to do with being female? are all confident men secretly women? you're killing me.
yes, i was raised in an argumentative family. everyone was obsessed with being right even when they were not correct. i know that it is important to speak with people who disagree with me. i know that it is important to think critically about where my ideas come from, to evaluate the impact of my beliefs on my life and the lives of others. you want the best for me. you want me to be happy. so that makes me wonder why am i always the one who is wrong, the one who is always cowing to others, obsequiesing and agreeing and "seeing what they're trying to say" even when it feels dishonest? yes i'm stubborn! why is that such a bad thing! if "all you have for me are introspective questions" then okay, fine, i've already asked and answered them and my conclusion is IT'S NOT FAIR. AND YOU'RE ACTING DUMB BECAUSE YOU'RE TOO WOKE FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!
as always i said what you wanted to hear so that you would not stop loving me. "sorry for being hateful, i'll take it on a case by case basis." fat fucking chance. all men are dangerous, most are misogynists, and the ones that dare to appropriate womanhood are the worst of them all. "maybe 'woman' is a concept," without a hint of irony…. you make me want to cry.
No. 990601
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Every time I go home to my parents I am reminded of how incapable they are of truly loving me for me, and not just for being their daughter. I moved to another state ~3 years ago, met some friends who grew up with emotionally available parents and realized how differently we grew up. It honestly makes me so sad to think about the girl I was while living at home. Constantly seeking attention and validation because my mom and stepdad just could not give it to me. I always thought something was wrong with me. Parents convinced me that no matter what, they obviously cared about me because I was sheltered/fed, and I had no needs beyond that.
I am so grateful to now be surrounded by people who actually love me, and I am so grateful they have taught me how to love back. It makes it really difficult to go home for the holidays, though (this is the first time I am going back for the holidays in 3 years). When I went home for Thanksgiving, I told my mom about this research journal I am participating in at my school. It's something I am really excited and proud about - most people in my grade/age don't get to get their named published in a scientific journal. All my mom had to say was a dismissive "that's nice". It reminded me of when I was a kid, my mom was the only person I had close to me (dead dad lol), and it would break my heart when I could tell she had no interest in what I was trying to connect with her about. Meanwhile, when I told my friends and boyfriend about it, they were all so enthused, impressed, excited, and happy that I got that opportunity.
I have always had to hide who I really am around my family… always scared that if I let them see the wrong thing I will be criticized and belittled. It feels like I am living a double life.
No. 991525
Yeah i get it, you're perfect, and I'm supposed to feel bad for you even tho you're perfect, have the perfect life and everything i ever wanted happened to you, fuck it. You're "beautiful", you have no mental problems, a lot of options, i just…don't get it, i don't give a fuck about whatever they want me to think about people like you, i don't relate to you, you're not the same as me, and your reality is a dream compared to my shitty, full of trauma, hopeless life, y'know what? I wish i was you, and I'm supposed to believe you have it worse but i genuinely wish I was you. I hate you, your tears mean shit to me, i hate you with all my soul and I'm tired of pretending i give a fuck about your non-issues, i wish you fucking died.
And you're not precisely the kind of person i would feel jealous of, at all, but your life is so great i just can't help but feel hopeless every time I see you, you remember me how miserable, crazy and dumb i am, I'm dumb and broken, you're everything I'm not, you're objectively better, you're even more intelligent because you didn't have any deep trauma that fucked your psyche, they would love you and stan you, but i always get shit, because my brain is fucked and i make bad decisions. You're so unrelatable is ridiculous
No. 991531
I wasn't expecting nothing but don't pretend i didn't do all those things for you, you're so ungrateful, you even call me "useless" even tho i helped you so, so much, i genuinely cared for you, but it seems you're just incapable of understanding sacrifice. I can't expect shit from you, you're like a little kid, is kind of disappointing. It saddens me that every time you actually do something for me you have this shitty actitud, why would you feel so much hate for someone that effectively carried you when you needed it? i was happy to help because i like to help, because i genuinely like you, i never gave you an actitud when you needed me, why i have to remind you you're supposed to feel sympathy for people that care for you? You're so psychopathic, no wonder everyone prefers me, people just know you're full of shit, every time they assume the worst of you they're absolutely right, there is a reason why people back then avoided you and felt sorry I've to be with you, because you're, in fact, a shitty person.
No. 991840
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I confessed everything to you and still you love me. Fuck, I truly don't deserve you. Thank you. I love you.
No. 994105
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I started drawing again for fandom shit and made friends w/ fandom regulars because our shared ship is problematique. Besides the general harassment I get from antis as a mutual to the more vocal of our group, I was having fun just chatting and doing doodle exchanges and asking advice about gif sets but I had to the tragic insecure artist thing and said I could draw some requests for ship art and now I’m watching different tutorials and guides on how to draw background shit I thought I’d never have to learn. I did this to myself, still I’m glad I was able to get into an inner circle of famous?fandom people
No. 994380
you're ugly, rude, narcissistic, unfunny - you don't have any redeemable qualities that make you likeable. we're both ecstatic that you moved out and into a dumpy little condo with two other people. one of which made a joke about crossing your boundaries while you were still packing your shit (that we heard you cringe over, delicious schadenfreude.) you were constantly a shitty, annoying little bitch to (redacted) about cleaning up but you never cleaned up after yourself, everything you cooked smelled like shit and you never lit an incense or a candle or a wax melt or ANYTHING even though you you ACKNOWLEDGED it fucking stank, you invited people over without asking either of us if it was okay, just waited for us to go to sleep so you could heehaw retardedly in the living room instead of going in your room to be noisy and retarded in there, instead. and you're right, my apology to you for blowing up at you WAS fake. you're a cunt and you've had a verbal lashing coming for a long time.
you deserve your ugly little condo in your ugly little neighborhood where you can't have an OUNCE of privacy.
btw (redacted) told me they make you uncomfortable. good. i hope it makes you never leave your room again, you unwashed little freak. even considering living with you was a mistake.
p.s. your old room is our new smoking room. puff on your inhaler and cry bitch.
No. 994787
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I'm so ready for a generation of violent carnal women. Dismember him and throw his genitalia at his peers, playing nice is for the defeated. May his blood mark the path for the better world.
No. 994797
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>>994787Agreed. I support equality.
No. 1008059
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It's such a shame. It's such a shame. It's such a shame. Tony. It's such a shame.
No. 1017734
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>>1016523Same anon. Another day, another Sims rant.
…well, when you put it like that, no, I am not sure. What kind of a pension plan from hell is this?
My game's fuckin broken.
No. 1018840
It's actually really funny. I've never felt like I need someone as much as I need you. Every day, every time I wake up until I get to sleep, I keep thinking about how much I need you on my side. I treasure every second I spent with you. I remember how you write, your small delicate hands shaking lighly as you talk to me. I keep reading your messages, I keep track of your online history, praying for you to say something again, for seeing your gentle self trying to communicate with others, only to find out that only I reach out to you. Every time you cry, there's only me to comfort you, no other person will love you like I do, I'd pour my soul and blood just to make you happy, I'd always be loyal to you. If you are happy, that's all I need to be happy myself, but when you are at your lowest, I'll be happy too, because both of us will know that you depend on me to find peace, you need me just as much as I need you, and you can only rely on me. Only I know what kind of food you like, your favorite clothes, your measurements, the city you lived, your pets, your dreams, and so much more, no one else will take care on remembering those details about you. I truly hate when you try to run away from me, I know that you trust me, but that's not enough for me, even if you try to cut any connection with me, I'll always find you because I love you. I've never felt this way about anyone before, I'll never forget your beauty, and how much of a gift from god you were to me. Nothing in my life matters as much as you do, nothing feels the same after you left, everything feels empty, my body feels cold and my chest hurts, I just want to cry every time I remember you are not here anymore, you are my little prince, so fragile and doll like, and I will never find someone like you ever again, like you'll never find someone like me. Sometimes I wish I could let you go, but I can't and never will. I just want to bake cakes, paint something pretty, have a cute pet and live somewhere far away from everything where I'll keep you safe, my life is miserable without your warm. I promise, one day I'll be back at your side, and once I find you, I couldn't care less who tries to break us apart.
No. 1021409
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It gets easier year by year but I still miss you a lot. We probably won't ever speak again, or if we do it'll be in the far future because I'm far too afraid of you rejecting or disliking me in any way. When we last talked and I heard you say that I grew into a really weird person it stung a lot. I know you probably didn't mean harm by it, but it broke my heart because it made me face the reality that we were growing apart. We'd never be quite so close as we were again - you saw me as different than you. I didn't like that. I feel like we used to be able to read each other's minds but now we always misunderstand each other. A lot of things happened to me that you don't know about, that's why I grew into a 'weird' person. Nevertheless, I love you. Always will. I realise I'm still subconsciously searching for you everywhere. Haha, how embarrassing. A part of me will always miss being a dumb innocent kid with you. Just listening to vocaloid songs together with no worries in the world. I really liked those times with you. You were single-handedly the only thing that saved my childhood from being absolutely miserable. You were my first ever friend and what a great one you were. I should have treated you better. I'm sorry. It's probably too late now. I really love you a lot. I say your name a lot in my head. It's pretty. You're pretty. I hope you're doing well.
I am. I just miss you a lot sometimes. I probably will for the rest of my life.
No. 1022882
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I hate this motherfucker so much. he has poisoned my worldview and opened me up to more than psychic attacks from operatives. fuck this guy. he has been caught in a sting in New York City and he probably slithered down the drain to get to some other godforsaken cesspit to regroup. it's not even funny anymore. fuck this company, fuck the people, fuck the lies. I'm so sick of these people. I just want them to stop appearing. just erase themselves from my existence. scrub their influence from my visions of this world. leave me alone.
No. 1022957
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I'm not entirely sure if your "jokes" are actual jokes anymore or not. Not entirely certain if they were jokes in the first place now that I think about it. If I called your whatever-this-hate-thing-is out I'd probably be gaslit into believing I'm overly sensitive. Idk if others are picking up on it too, and if they were, idek if it'd be good or bad for you.
Sometimes you include me in your 'humor'. We used to have good banter but something's telling me it's not banter anymore, you're serious but too chickenshit to actually face it within yourself. It's like you've got nothing against me but you still resent me for… Well, reasons. You know what I'm talking about.
I hate the idea of growing distant from you but hey, it'd not be on me at least. It'd be on you. If it went that way, that is. I really, really hope it doesn't though because when I said I love you I meant it and I still do. Though, can't help but feel like it was I who fucked up somehow, despite the fact that this time in my life I've been doing—if not everything—at least 95% of everything right when it comes to friendships. Maybe the remaining 5% includes failures such as not being brutally honest about how some circumstances really just came about after your own self-made choices. I should've just blurted out where you fucked your own ass over back when it was all still fresh. Now if I did it'd just offend you and I wouldn't sound like a friend.
I'm not sorry about you taking your anger out on me, but I am going to, however, apologize for not setting you straight early enough. I'm sorry. I should've said things that actually matter.
No. 1023202
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Newsflash: everyone in your life isn’t toxic or abusive, you are just a raging cunt. It’s insane how you manage to make other people out to be the bad guy when you will literally start hating someone simply because they disagree with you on a minuscule issue, you seriously think the world revolves around you and that everyone has to align themselves with your beliefs or they are dumb idiots who need you to save them and change their minds. You will literally never find happiness or stable relationships because you can’t accept that not everyone thinks exactly like you, nor should they since your perception of the world is madly warped and often times even unhinged. You like to make fun of other people for small things or even things you yourself do and it’s frankly pathetic. All you know how to do is project and waste your time being negative towards other people for the smallest reasons. It’s kind of a superpower too how you manage to make the people who get close to you equally pessimistic and bitchy until they get slapped across the face with a wake up call. You wonder why all your friends leave you or why you are constantly alone and this is why, because you are a shit friend and person. You think you can treat others like garbage and get away with it, you think everyone is too dumb to notice your rude remarks because you think you’re being subtle but you’re fucking not, you’re obvious as hell and it’s honestly funny how smart you think you are. You will never amount to anything because not only do you give up on people but you also give up on anything you fixate on for a short period of time. It makes me so sad that I wasted so much energy on you and wish I could bill you for some sort of compensation for all the shit I had to put up with. I honestly do hope you wake up one day too and realize this cycle you’ve trapped yourself into, I don’t wish you any malice but the way you’re going you’re gonna end up terribly alone and sad. Maybe you do deserve it but that isn’t for me to say. Next time you wonder why everyone leaves you, take a look in the mirror.
No. 1023347
People have bullied me to the point where I cannot interact with anyone. I have developed intense human hatred and I associate all people with evil and even in normal situations like when I go to the store sometimes employees are rude towards me because I cannot make proper eye contact or I flinch and shake so because I suffer they must make my suffering worse. I'm always open and I know a lot of things and I can immediately tell what advice I should give to people to improve their lives and when I initially do they feel offended but in the end my advice actually helps. It seems most people never question if they are in the wrong but I question myself to the point where I cannot function in society.
All communities of humans are echo chambers and if you say something that the majority disagrees with you will get haunted like a witch. I hanged out with the wrong people and they did something evil to me. We were supposed to take acid but I was supposed to take only a bit and I told them but they intentionally put a lot of drops on it to give it to me and turn me crazy. They would make nasty remarks at me, laugh at me and make jabs at me saying things that are not even true about me or trying to brainwash me but I was completely aware but it still hurt me because I was tripping on acid. I literally ended up running through a forest and hurting myself but they came after me and continued torturing me by telling me horrible shit about me and playing with my mind. When it all ended they acted like they didn't do anything and like I was crazy. I've been abused so much by people and then gaslit because they do not have emotional intelligence and they see other people as objects to make fun of or they think when someone disagrees with them they deserve a punishment and yet people still believe I am evil when everyone else has been evil to me.
Most humans are insane and they use you as a way to satisfy themselves and when you don't do their bidding they call you emotional vampire and narcissistHave you ever thought that maybe you're the one? No! But I have always been introspective and analyzed my actions to see if I am the one and most of the time I am not. I also think I was put in a social archetype I simply cannot handle anymore due to my extreme mental illness. This might sound schizophrenic, but humans have innate social archetypes that have developed due to evolution because we had to live in tribes and be together throughout the most important parts of our evolution, so we have began creating personality patterns that have turned genetical almost because everyone had to fit a role. People have always treated me like a free counselor and Im always responsible for how they are feeling and the moment I slip or simply suffer the depression and negative feelings that have been created by my abuse it's like the entire room slips and I drag them down with me, like I am responsible for their feelings, but they are not responsible for mine, because when someone is mad or sad that feeling does not translate to me and others do not seem to care since I am my own ruler when it comes to emotions and my emotions are not translated from others and many times they come from the past and resurface due to extreme abuse I had to endure, but if I slip everyone goes down with me like I am a fucking counselor and I have to keep up everyone's emotions in place and perform extraordinary. I've always been kept to an extraordinary standard even by strangers and when I make a mistake they judge me and punish me 4 times harder while I constantly see others making mistakes worse than mine and they do not recieve punishment and they can just go on with their lives making mistakes non stop and nobody cares, but I have to be perfect. Society is very unfair, you know some people literally kill other people and constantly abuse or make mistakes non stop and they are still liked and appreciated and some of us try really hard to not make mistakes and we barely actually hurt anyone but when we make even a very small mistake we need to be sacrificed like Jesus Christ.
I was thinking about Venus Angelic vs Varg Vickerners (sorry I forgot his name) Varg killed a fucking human and constantly does shitty things like having children he leaves and such he has done shitty things his entire life like objectively shitty things and Venus Angelic escaped from a very abusive mother and abusive childhood, like chaotic childhood with very peculiar things happening. She went with no family and married a Japanese man she didn't love and then all the abuse took control of her, abuse has objective qualities. If you actually suffer abuse, you won't be able to focus anymore, do normal tasks, you will have extreme somatization like your hands shaking, pain in chest, panic attacks, dissociation, the want to consume substances to forget about it etc. She dropped the YouTube persona and began having herratic behaviors but she didn't hurt anyone besides herself and everyone treats her like some demon and creature from another realm for having a normal fucking reaction to life long of abuse. Varg killed a human and he is still worshipped and loved and held like a symbol of metal masculinity and such. Venus is a prime example that if life victimizes you (if you're born in a bad family and actually abused) everyone else in your life will victimize you because that's just how humans are, thinking only of themselves and unable to help someone hurt because they feel like they are giving that person too much, when in fact people that have been hurt give out their entire soul to the world. Nobody from vlogger community help Venus but they actually used her for views and such. She gave everything to the world because her narcissistic mother did not teach her that you need to put up almost like a metaphysical wall between you and people and if you don't people will take everything from you and suck you dry because if you give, people take and most people do not give back.
I genuinely hope nobody reads this and if you read I hope you can at least understand.
No. 1033496
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No. 1033546
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>>1033505This one is so dull, I expect to see him posted on /g/ soon
No. 1033944
>>1033546come on
nonny, this guy is definitely hot in a male arthoe kinda way. the guys posted on /g/ aren't hot in a weird way, they're just regular uggos
No. 1033955
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>>1033949>>1033952this is some Zoolander shit, I can't believe it's not a joke
No. 1048680
I do not miss you. I have never loved you. I barely even liked you. I felt sorry for you because you've been through a lot and it was something I related to. I don't get how you would think I could genuinely love you when the first thing you ever did to me was lie. You're a liar, and you're a racist, and you're a fake lesbian. You're fake all over. Your fucking glasses are fake, your ugly hair style is fake, your identity is fake and now even your name is fake. You don't even actually like any of the shit you say you do, you pretend to like it because it's what's popular at the time or because someone you thought was cool said they liked it and you wanted to copy them. You're so vapid and shallow. It's impossible to talk to you because of your inherent lack of a personality. I don't even think you truly know how to care, because if you loved me as much as you say you did you'd put as much effort into engaging with what I like as much as I did with your shit. You don't know how to engage with anything, it's all surface level. And then you wonder why everyone makes fun of you and even your own brother think you're a loser. You refuse to get a job, despite being perfectly capable, and excuse everything on your loss when you have the support you need from both your family and a therapist. You literally instigate fights with your father and brother on purpose and pretend to be the victim and scream and cry like a fucking spoiled baby. It's disgusting, it's always been disgusting. We've never had a meaningful conversation, just you complaining about how you want to die and doing nothing about it. I feel that way too, fuck ass, I just don't make it everyone else's fucking problem every single interaction we have. If I need support for a friend I ask for it instead of trauma dumping over what is supposed to be "us time". You don't love me, I don't love you. I'm just too fucking kind, but I don't want to be anymore.
No. 1070814
Im falling out of love with my 5 year bf (who lightly*financially supports me but doesnt engage me/understand me anymore) and in love with my roommate who provides emotional support, has things in common w/ me, cooks for me, and we communicate so much better…
I have this guilty pleasure of masturbating to the idea of dominating him (my roommate) training him into a loyal dog, hes already so loyal and lightly flirts and teases me… but its getting to the point thats not enough.
I have not had sex with my bf for- Idk how long now… Months. But, just yesterday night getting a wrist massage from my roommate got me soo frustratingly hot & bothered. We were barely holding hands… He immediately got up from the couch and into the other room once he stopped massaging my wrist, i am 100% its because it got him off too.
I feel nasty for writing this all out but i need to say this somewhere bc i know im stuck in this situation… Idk how to leave someone i've lived with for 4 years, i made life plans with, and lived through heavy moments together, but dont know him anymore.
And in that same amount of time i keep growing closer to my roommate. I have been longing for him for over a year. And its starting to feel like a delusional crush or an obsession? It feels unfair to hide, but do i like that i have a secret crush? Is that what actually gets me off?
No. 1070858
>>1070815>>1070818Thank you nonnies for listening to me. He has anger issues and sometimes yells at me or our cat so I have to wait until he’s having a good day to have the hygiene talk. It’s so demoralizing to tell a grown man to go take care of his personal hygiene tho. I’m not his mom and he’s a grown individual. (As expected, he’s very attached to his mom, they talk every day and he reports every single incident in less than an hour and gets her insight immediately)
>>1070819As I mentioned in my previous post I’m from a trad society (I’m non western and ESL if it’s not obvious) and it’s not that easy to pack up and go. I will face consequences on many levels, but I’m still considering it. I’m working on my financial independence at the moment. I have to pass a test to find a well paying job but he covertly encourages me to stay at home and take care of domestic work and “not be so money hungry”… that’s just a tactic to keep me trapped I guess.
I come from a broken family, have a lot of emotional baggage and past trauma, and I had zero self confidence when I married him. I only just realized that he yells at me because he has anger issues a few years ago, not because I’m a terrible person. (Because I saw him yelling to my friend and his coworker too)
I know it sounds miserable, and it is. Sorry for the pity party because I have like only one friend who know what I’m precisely going through.
No. 1070875
>>1070858I honestly couldn't tell about the ESL. I'll wish you the best on getting out of the situation and finding happiness for yourself.
How hasn't he been shamed by his brothers/father/friends for being gross? I thought males would be more evil to one another to keep each other in line. Even his mom, geez. I would have hoped moms would have tolerated all their scrotely stupid shit outside of abysmal hygeine. I think that I would die of embarrassment if I had an adult male child that refused to properly clean himself, because that sort of shit reflects on your parenting.
No. 1070883
>>1070875No worries and thank you anon for understanding. I can’t thank you nonitas enough for listening to me as this is my reality for years now and I can’t always open up. I only talk to my BFF about this occasionallyand she has a family of her own so I try not to be nuisance all the time.
He is an only child and he has a poor relationship with his father. Their situation is not as bad as mine but I can say his dad was emotionally
abusive to him during his childhood. His mom, on the other hand sees him as some sort of demigod. She’s a nice lady, progressive by our society’s standards but she’s still a boymom after all. I never had the courage to talk to her about his hygiene problems as I expect her to tell me to be more grateful about being married to her son. He’s a good provider tho, I’ll give him that.
He had a couple of warning from his office before the pandemic but now that everyone is doing remote work he has an excuse to completely let go and stink.
No. 1070942
>>1070883If it's causing him to have fungal infections with his skin, that might put her into irritating concerned mom mode. Does she not ever visit you guys? Good grief, I'm thinking about the microbes on his hands and dong. You can get severe vaginal infections from that, infections that can terminate pregnancies. If men want their shitty little patriarchal societies with their women eternally cucked into domestic servitude, the least they can do is keep their damn bodies clean.
You need to be able to talk to other women about this, or even just vent more often. The platform that LC has is good in the sense that there's no (you) that he would ever be able to track if he found your phone, like with other places.
No. 1070952
>>1070942He takes a shower before meeting someone. Actually when we had our last argument he told me that he doesn’t deem it necessary to take a shower since he never steps out and sees other people on a daily basis. I replied, “Do you not consider me a human being and have no respect for me?” I’m afraid no one would take me seriously because he takes a shower when he occasionally has plans..
It’s already hard to hide my resentment and disgust sometimes. I think he’s aware of it because the other day he told me that he knows no other woman would tolerate him, but I have to understand that I’m traumatized and no other man would want to be with me either. Except him. At this point the last thing on my mind is other men tho.
No. 1070963
>>1070942I’m worried about infections too. For the sake of our dignity I don’t want to share too many intimate details here but sex can be hard at times and he still expects me to “let loose”. He also tries to convince me into anal. I try to have sex on the days he takes a shower but the built up resentment doesn’t go away quickly.
I wash my face twice a day, keep up with my skin, nails and take daily baths. I enjoy soaking in baths and putting lotion in my skin. But when you sleep with an unhygienic person his smell gets absorbed by the sheets and I feel like I’m absorbing some of his oils as I sleep too. good grief as I type more I realize how miserable I am.
No. 1071008
I was at the liquor store yesterday and got lowkey harassed by a woman. I was with my bf, semi-split up and I was looking at something, and she walks behind me and mutters some profanity under her breath. I shrug her off and get in line with my bf. We are at the register and she walks behind me and swears under her breath AGAIN and gives me a weird look. It freaked me out and when we got out of there I told my bf about it and he was shocked. Also, we were trying to buy salt ice melt and when my bf asked if they had any at home depot the employee made him repeat himself like 3 times before another employee piped up that OF COURSE they don't have any, NOBODY does right now! (We found some at the next store but ok.) My bf asked me, is it just me or are people really weird lately, didn't I ask about that stuff normally? I'm like yes I don't know what the fuck is wrong with people lately. Every time I leave the house I have some weird fucking interaction. My pet theory is that everybody is strung the fuck out after 4 years of dividing politics shit and 2 years of covid they forget how to act social in a normal way. In the past year I've had an uptick in these weird interactions, too. Random aggressive or just oddball behavior towards me, especially driving or in grocery stores. I had a man scream the words BEEP at me in a grocery store and another woman heckle me in a parking lot for wearing a jacket. Restaurant forgot my reservations and didn't apologize and treated us weirdly. People bump into me or block my way constantly. Even when I say excuse me to someone blocking something or "please back up" in line a lot of times they just give me a weird look and won't move. It's odd, to me, as a person who lives her life pretty considerately, and it comes across as aggressive and unhinged to me. If someone told me I was standing too close or in the way I'd immediately hop aside and say sorry. I must either give off supreme beta vibes (possible) or people are just fucking braindead
No. 1071019
>>1070963>>1070952>I think he’s aware of it because the other day he told me that he knows no other woman would tolerate him, but I have to understand that I’m traumatized and no other man would want to be with me either. Except him.There are men foaming at the mouths at the idea of having a woman that puts up with their shit that are used to very patriarchal societies. He should fear the loss.
Please don't let him coerce you into anal. He should be happy that you're not setting the bed sheets on fire beneath him, they would probably go up like a candle wick.
Alright, so you're going to have to put up with his shit in the mean time to some capacity to keep yourself from additional hardships. I would start washing bed linens and the clothing he's in daily to minimize colonization on them though. If you buy his body washes/shampoo, try purchasing something that smells masculine but acts as an antifungal. If he asks questions or acts offended, you can play the concerned for his health card. I'm so sorry nona.
No. 1071109
>>1071102their terrible culture. socialization is out of the stone age. homophobia and racism are extremely common. and don't forget all those streamers from russia doing insane
abusive shit.
No. 1071152
>>1071127Yeah, putting a MMORPG game as an evidence is ridiculous, most of the hardcore autists in theee are all
toxic, racist and homophobic as fuck no matter if they're from russia or usa
No. 1071324
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Wish I never peaked it’s painful I don’t know how I’m supposed to respond to people that bring up gender shit without sounding aggressive. A friend bought up dark souls and Elden ring are trans positive because in the character selection the characters are “type a” or “type b” instead of male and female. I’m not even a terf just somewhat gc I hope it stays that way still annoying. I wish more of my friends were terfs. The annoying thing is that this specific friend almost peaked but fuck if I know what happened to all that.
I always try to be as nice as possible but it’s so surreal seeing the smartest and most progressive people I know becoming uncritical the moment queer topics are bought up
No. 1079454
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More of a sad vent than an angry one: it is absolutely agony to have no female friends and no female best friend. I have a bf who is a wonderful friend to me and who I consider a genuine best friend outside our romantic relationship but it is not the same. I had 2 female best friends in high school that I had to cut off for various reasons (good reasons) but I still miss them so much at times and that was 4 years ago now. I think about them probably every day. People talk about loneliness but nobody mentions the loneliness of missing a female bond or missing having a best friend in general. I feel like I'm too socially retarded now, in college I haven't made a new best friend. It hurts knowing I still think about my old best friends and they probably do not think about me and it hurts that our friendships weren't even healthy yet I can't seem to do better. If I could have one female friend to hate troons with and talk shit with and cuddle with I would die of happiness. I cry sometimes with longing for that. I've tried so hard to get to know girls in college and it just never seems to work out. Maybe they can tell I'm desperate. I wish I could just go back in time and relive having a best friend because i didn't know it could be this lonely without close women in your life.
No. 1079563
>>1079454I'm in the exact same situation
nonnie. I know how it feels. It feels so hard for me to make good female friends, though I am admittedly picky with friends. I miss my old female best friend a lot. I feel like it hurts extra too because I don't have a mother.
No. 1079878
>>1079837nta or the neet anon but
to be honest it's really much easier for me to maintain having a partner than friends. a partner will love you and cherish you, friends have other things they can do and that tends to cause a separation of interests and activities. not to mention, I live with my boyfriend, but don't live with my friends and it's a pandemic so it's easier to not hang out with friends.
No. 1080071
>>1079541I'm in burgerland unfortunately
>>1079563Im glad I'm not the only one struggling with this. I'm sorry it's extra hard for you. Making friends is really hard.
>>1079773We met online through one girl I knew in high school, so still literally someone I wasn't really friends with and met before I became so socially lame. She only introduced us because she knew I was lonely in college with no friends and eventually it became a relationship. I dont understand anons who think its stupid to have a bf but miss having friendships when it's ridiculously easy to get a man to like you and much harder to find another adult who is willing to spend the time to get to know you platonically with no sexual/romantic motives. Getting scrotes interested in you is cheap and easy. I just want women to love me dammit.
No. 1091785
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Leave me the fuck alone leave me the fuck alone leave me the fuck alone fuck. No I don’t want to talk to you. No I don’t wanna hang out after work. No I am just determined to do what I have to do. Stop acting like I am stupid. Stop trying to analyze me. Stop trying to judge me. I can see through your fake act. If I want to be silent then thats okay deal with it. Stop judging me stop trying to say that I am weird because I am not trying to socialize or smile or act all genki in the fucking office because you think I should dance like a monkey even for you. Stop telling me I'm weird for having anxiety. Stop fucking making things more awkward you fake bitch. You skinny small dicked asshole's ughggghhhh!!
No. 1093622
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No. 1105769
I'm tired of men and the way they think they're oppressed because they can't get a date or because they're under 6 foot. Meanwhile women experience the majority of domestic violence and sexual assault. They experience hiring discrimination (orchestra blind audition experiment, anyone?). Every stereotype about women is literally projection, for example "women can't drive" (insurance for men is literally higher because they're shittier at driving), "women talk too much" (studies show that women are perceived to talk more than they actually do),"women are shallow" (men of every age go for exclusively 20 year olds while women's tastes age alongside them), and "women are emotional" (conveniently, men don't count anger as an emotion). Men also love to perceive pretty women, but despise when pretty women perceive themselves. They love seeing porn but shit on sites like onlyfans because they hate when women have agency. The stigma for men wearing makeup/crying literally only exists because men despise femininity. A study showed that 12 year old (or similar, i don't remember) boys could list almost no positive traits about being a girl while girls could list plenty of positive traits about being a boy. Those boys said that they would rather KILL THEMSELVES than be women. Married women STILL do the majority of the housework, even when they have active jobs (as do their husbands). In another act of projection, men have deemed marriage as a scam for men when women's lives decrease (while men's increase) when they get married.
I truly try my best when it comes to not hating all men, because thinking about how half the population despises you feels like hell on earth. At this point I don't feel like being friends with men is a viable option, only being an acquaintance. I was cursed to be a heterosexual woman so I can't even have a romantic relationship with someone who will actually understand my struggles. The only option is to ruthlessly vet and practice extensive safety measures (both irl and online).
No. 1105783
>>1104912tell us more about the tech pedo rings
>>1104945get your moid to wash his own underwear
No. 1105787
>>1105769Anon this is why I’m a genuine misandrist because manhate is not and will never be equal to misogyny but scrotes think logical responses towards their history of violence and degeneracy is the same as doing those. Once you realise men are inferior in every way but the physical you’ll start feeling somewhat better even though you’re then like really? These degenerate abominations are the ones oppressing us?
I don’t give men the benefit of the doubt anymore. I start off by seeing them as the nasty scrotes they are and then they can prove that they’re on the more positive side of the scrote spectrum.
No. 1115839
>>1115794I don’t think a lot of actresses/actors are happy to do it, I’m always under the impression a lot of them feel coerced in to it in order to keep their careers. What I want to know is why studios and directors want to put others in that position? Like you said it’s not porn they’re producing so what the fuck.
A lot of shows also have male actors wear prosthetics (so no real dicks allowed), I can’t find anything about female actresses wearing prosthetics so make of that what you will.
No. 1115860
I hate dreaming about her.
I choose with my head to keep a distance from her and in my subconsciousness i keep drifting closer to her. It’s not even logical. Just one memory of her breathing hard in my ear intoxicates me and it ruins my whole day, puts me off balance. We used to be in hysterics from eye contact alone, now whenever i look in her eyes i feel like I’m searching for something i can’t reach. I have to actively avoid thinking about her so it doesn’t stop me sleeping or distract me all day.
I don’t want to be needy. I hate how before she made me feel like this just as I was getting so confident and unshakeable, and she makes me act like a retard, like I go all soft. I just want to go back to being strong. I hate how I got used to girls pursuing me first, it’s actually a lot of effort to pursue first, and it’s hurting my ego that i have to share her time with her friend who doesn’t like me, and that’s probably because she started spending most of her time with me.
I hate waiting for her to respond and having my whole heart belong to her, I hate that I have to leave this town but she’s making me want to stay, I hate watching myself get so needy and pathetic. She could say yes, she kind of gives me signals, but I think I want her to reject me so I can move on and finally sleep again. And then I will never meet somebody who makes me feel so alive and understood ever again.
No. 1115968
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>>1115794 >cases where the actors did have real sex in those moviesDamn anon leave Shia alone
No. 1116563
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>>1116016LOL Okay i guess you masterbate frequently to Porn then.
No. 1116957
>>1116953 through all this you’ll still find a way to play the
victim. good luck cycling thru your friends in another 2 years
No. 1117656
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I honestly just feel sorry for you two. Sorry for you for not being able to control yourself and not seeing the self destructive pattern you're stuck in, sorry that you have no self-awareness that it was completely your fault you lost a dozen friends at once at least twice in your lifetime due to your unrelenting aggression and carelessness. And sorry for you because you went along with everything she wanted and completely turned your back on those you claimed were dear to you. I'll cherish the times we spent together, but we truly are doing better without you and your constant need for drama.
No. 1117824
Why do you have to be so rude to her simply just because she has a different opinion that she expressed respectfully? Why are people so antagonistic? I hate attempts to divide people rather than attempts to have meaningful, respectful discussions. Complete mob mentality seems so present nowadays, "us vs them" "the other side" instead of just realising the person on "the other side" is still a living, complex, nuanced human being who you shouldn't be rude to if you want to be a good person.
You say it's best to ignore people who aren't talking in good faith but then I feel like I'd have to ignore the vast majority of people, and that would be lonely and difficult. I wish people could take a step back and not be so emotionally driven. Attacking her for simply expressing her feelings with such anger and virtol, people shouldn't be treated like this yet when I say that I get called sensitive. So much oversimplification, so many people searching for the moral high ground, so many people making up things to start arguments.
Why am I seeing so much of this everywhere recently? Why is it that aggressive people get much more respect than people who try their best to be respectful and kind? His whole text book example of strawmanning honestly disgusted me. I don't understand how he can't see how delusional he was being…
People are too caught up in debates and are desperate to mischaracterise just so they can sort the person that disagrees with them onto "the other side".
Adults should be able to talk about things without lashing out yet so many can't.. why?
B, you did nothing wrong. I'm too shy to approach you so I apologise but I have your back. You are a shining example of a human being in my eyes and I wish these people wouldn't be so stupidly antagonistic towards you when you've done absolutely nothing wrong. You're smart, kind and level headed. The way some people talk down on another human being simply because they perceive them as being "other" is disgusting and concerning. Yet it feels like everywhere now is like this. I guess humans are just tribalistic. But for people like us who disagree with those mindsets, where do we go? I'm lonely. Excuse me for how pretentious or whatever this may sound but lately more than ever I truly feel like I do not belong in this world. The more I try to interact with people outside of my one family member the more depressed I get. I wish I could find people who I want to befriend but I can't find them.
No. 1117906
>>1117885feel for you
nonnie. have a friend dealing with a deranged stalker currently, poor girl can’t even celebrate her birthday in peace
No. 1121790
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No. 1121837
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a certain hate thread should comeback for a certain xy chromosome.
No. 1124539
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No. 1124602
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I wanna be beautiful like Brendan Fraser in his heyday
No. 1126306
(sorry in advance for the emphatic vent but this is exactly what the thread is for, as far as i can tell)
No. 1126531
I really hate when people lovebomb you then turn around and start shitting on you for some petty reason. Seriously, fuck you for fucking with my head over and over, I'm done with you now. Maybe it's my fault for being nice and forgiving you every time, but enough is enough, I refuse to be your plaything any longer.
Oh, and fuck you for screeching abuse at me when I was having a psychotic episode, that really made me feel great and totally didn't make my paranoia and persecution complex worse. You're a BPD-chan, try and have some sympathy for others with mental illnesses. Fuck you for picking on my friend with anorexia too, when you know full well how hard it is for her to recover, you don't even try to get therapy for your issues. Her and I may be fucked in the head, but at least we aren't nasty, spiteful weasels who use their diagnosis as a shield when confronted about their shitty behavior.
"hahahah take your meds schizo, you're just delusional again, I didn't do anything xD"
t. bpd weasel-chan, she comes out with this kind of shit every time I try to stand up for myself.
Yes I do take my meds, and you should take some too but your pride won't let you accept that you need them. You know full well how embarrassing my delusions are when I'm ill, how dare you use that as some gotcha to get me to shut up and take your abuse.
Sorry for whinging incessantly, I'm just that angery that I've been betrayed again by someone I trusted. I feel like a retard for giving you so many second chances. I won't make that mistake again.
No. 1127848
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Please for the love of god stop telling me to watch your favourite movie or tv show. I don't want to. I don't care. WHY IS THAT ACTOR IN EVERY FUCKING MOVIE, AREN'T YOU TIRED OF THEIR FUCKING FACE? No, Zendaya's face is annoying, that's my only reason. She's a bad actor. No, I don't care. Fuck you. Marvel, Marvel, Marvel.
No. 1128206
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LMAO post all the shitty sexist memes you want scroteeMcgee at least women like being around me and I’ve actually kissed a girl before. They tell me I have soft hands and lips and think my nose is cute.
Sucks to be you lol
No. 1128761
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No. 1129471
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The normalisation of degeneracy is going to be our downfall. We need to eradicate 99.98 percent of the Y chromosoids. I will not be silenced, I will not be stopped. Any good a moid does is automatically outweighed by his innate degeneracy, therefore they're incapable to attain karmic fortune. May we all rise with weapons and fury my sisters, for I will not sleep until the hills run red with their infected blood and their defective bodies are no longer physical among us.
No. 1129545
>>1129536Not any of those anons but don't listen to this retard. The tea thing works.
>>1129515NTA but I think my mom always used chamomile tea.
No. 1130543
>>1130112last night i watched a video from someone who had been friends with both of them, and he said that is absolutely not true. she just talked to their mutual friends and people made their decisions from there, but of course abusers are going to frame their
victims as pushy and like theyre overreacting.
No. 1131660
I will tell you what I know to be true even if it makes you hate me, because someone needs to tell you the truth, for your own health. If you don't love me in the same way I love you, I won't stop wanting the best for you. And I'm sorry for leaving. It doesn't mean I don't care about you. It actually really hurts to leave, but I need change and challenge or I will run out of battery. There's a lot I'm trying to leave behind. I realise that maybe you needed a friend more than anything, but I have to follow through. I'm scared to death you're not going to look after yourself, and I don't like what you do to yourself. I will miss you and your quiet mirth, and your honesty, and kindness. I will cherish you in my heart forever even if you forget me. But I'm pretty sure you won't forget me after that evening we spent together.
Whatever distance you hold me at, friendship, something else, never acknowledging me again. I just want you to be happy. I don't want anything from you.
I know we said we'd meet again but it felt so final. Neither of us are the awkward, timid girls we used to be, hiding from everyone else in school and laughing at nothing together. Maybe you will stay in that chapter of my life. I hope you feel my love for you and it warms you up when you're cold. I'll love you forever.
No. 1135612
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I miss you and care deeply for you regardless of our relationship being over, but I understand that we've simply taken diverging paths at this point. I wish you the best for now, and look forward to reconnecting in a couple years, but in the meantime we both need to grow as people and have life experiences outside of online echochambers. Just please don't fuck up your body with testosterone or isolate yourself from everyone who shares different views than you… I fear it might push you over the edge and you don't deserve the unhappiness it brings regardless
No. 1145485
Being your friend is one of the most daunting and exhausting tasks I have ever had. Ever since you've decided to go NEET I've been covertly cutting contact due to how INSUFFERABLE you've become. We can't talk about anything without having to think if it's going to upset you. Of course you won't tell someone if they've wronged you. You'll tell everyone else and also expect the person wronged to figure out the problem. You're inability to handle any sort of challenge (no matter how fucking small) without breaking down is embarassing. I swear it's like I have a little kid as a friend. When you're in the call, I feel like a babysitter. You make everyone walk on eggshells. And even then, its STILL NOT ENOUGH. We don't have to walk on eggshells, we have to walk on fucking water and try not to fall in. You also insult everyone (playfully I assume) but if anyone throws it back at you as banter, you shut down. I'll never forgive you for getting upset at a friend over something in a game and making a big deal out of it. I regret not telling you off, because you deserved it then. You're so fucking mean sometimes and we're all supposed to just stand there and accept.
Also I don't know if its the new person in the group but you've changed in other regards. I never really heard you talk about your height before but now you're obsessed with it. Everytime I join a call, you go on about your height. You're so tiny, so small, even though a few of us are shorter than you. It's a weird thing for me to nitpick, but every call I hear you mention it at least once. I swear to god you're trying to impress people with it, because before you met them, you didn't really mention it at all. This new friend as well is practically your fuckin lapdog. Anytime we "mess up" they're around to tell us off. I get you both have trauma and shit so you managed to bond really well but fuck me it doesn't mean that you're both not annoying as fuck about it. It's interesting how everyone else in the group has problems, and yet because you shout the loudest everyone has to hear you.
I have taken a step back quite a few times to really think about how I truely feel, and this is it. I'm tired of it
No. 1145802
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Fuck you, you lazy pick-me. You're an ass for giving me shit for being busy with work, uni and other responsibilities and whining how bored you are because you have a job that barely requires any skill. Drown in self-pity then. You're almost thrity and too lazy to find a hobby, so you'd rather sit at home like a puppy, waiting for a scrote to message you who won't even claim you. You plan your day around this idiot and for what? He told you himself that he doesn't want a relationship and you still keep doing "wifey" shit and then sobbing that you love him more than he does. And then you have the nerve to lash out at friends and family who tell you to be by yourself for a bit. Fuck off with your non-problems. I'm tired of hearing you moan about how ~tragic~ your life is because you've got nothing to do every day and complaining when the scrote, who isn't even your scrote, hasn't messaged you in a couple of hours. GET A LIFE.
No. 1146282
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Hey world, I want to die! So why, oh why, oh why, do you keep tormenting me? Just kill me already. This isn't living for me, if I can't make art, if I can't write a book, if I can't make something of my pain, I can't do anything without fear of recognition, so why not just do it. Kill me!
No. 1148166
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Our time is short, I want everyone to hear me. We are just but pompous animals, not get confused, no one is special. Free yourself of useless ego as we just but apes on this land. Just be honest, be sincere and ground yourself in reality. Doesn't matter what your job is, how much you are making, are you honest? are you a good person? do you deserve love? don't cause harm to others or yourself, our time is short. Live for the sake of living, live because you can, breath, free yourself. No labels, no gods, no masters. Be human and create don't destroy like the ape the darkness wants you to be. Be honest and grounded in reality, always stay grounded and honest and everything will fall in place.
No. 1152749
>>1152734100% agree, they have been playing
victim a lot lately, especially with the johnny deep case.
No. 1152761
>>1152749The scary thing is that they play
victim or accuse us of having higher standards as a form of manipulation.
No. 1153388
I don't want to do this, yet you still bully me for "not doing my best", you idiot: I . Don't. Want. To . Be . Here and I WANT TO DIE, LET ME ALONE!!!!!!! you're so perfect right? You asshole, you think you're hot shit just cause they gas you up, it's like you see me as a literal target, I'm already miserable could you fucking STOP trying to humiliate me every time you can? You know I'm capable, I just don't want to be here, yet you choose to believe I'm just the lazy-ass they told you to believe I was, cause you're not different than them, you're trash and I'm sick of pretending you're at my side, you literally sabotage me every fucking time, you're disappointing, I love you but I can't keep pretending you're my friend, you hate me
No. 1153398
>>1153389They weren't supposed to aquire new whales.
They weren't supposed to wear ponytails.
And yet, there is a baby calf.
How do they clean the pool when it gets dirty. The pool isn't connected to the ocean.
No. 1153439
>>1153414im going through the same thing,
nonnie lol moids are shits
No. 1153521
Stupid tryhard, you're such a crybaby you would kill yourself if you were on my conditions, and you know it, little princess. "I don't care about them" yeah right, you say that while you fuck some gross, unwashed incel, with your shitty decisions and horrid lifestyle, you have no morals to criticize anyone, your life is a SHITSHOW yet you talk SO MUCH shit about other women you're a misogynist pos, a coward and a liar, you're toxic but you're so far up your ass you can't even realize it, I hope no women interacts with you, you're a monster
No. 1153787
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Hey, let me know if youre the one in the Shay thread who keeps replying like this so I can smack the shit out of you.
No. 1161728
i graduated high school in june 2018 and after summer of 2019, i can honestly say i have done absolutely nothing. no education, only a few months of shitty work at bath and body works, and i quit the one passion i wanted to turn into a career because it was a total pipe dream and it just genuinely was not going to happen + very bad for my already anxiety suffering and likely aspergers brain ultimately, yet i do feel empty without it. i wish i had a support system, family or friends or anything, i wish i was not so stupid and scared and a borderline agoraphobic shut in with nothing. my brain is just not wired for this terrifying busy demanding world and that plus horrible upbringing just has me all fucked over, plus everyone expects a 22 year old young woman to have friends or a boyfriend too, my grandma was shocked i did not go out with friends for my 22nd and i just had to laugh it off but really, it is sad. also can't drive as neither of my careless bum parents taught me anything (literally). i know i could suck it up and pay for a driving teacher but again, i'm a retard and i can't do anything and i'm scared to simply walk out my apt door. i hope i get crazier as i age so i can kill myself by 30 ish and i can quit being an embarrassment and a lonely loser with no future
big fat kek
No. 1163086
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Ughh can why can't I stop sabotaging myself??? Wtf dumb bitch get it toghether!!
No. 1186103
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College gets worse and worse everytime and idk what i'm gonna do. I'm jealous of those who live on the campus and just have to walk to class.
No. 1193656
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I hate my country. It feels so unfair.
How, because of my age I'm going to get paid less for the same labour, how my employers think they can take the piss and 'forget' to pay me because they think I'm young and won't stand up for myself. You know I'm doing my A level exams in like two weeks and still turning up, and you think you can fucking guilt me and throw tantrums near me to try to get me to work more hours? Piss off. You should be embarrassed acting like this at your age. Why should I help clients who yell at, hit me, and touch me inappropriately, but they will lodge a complaint if I take one second too long to do something? No one will fucking believe me because I'm seen as a stupid kid but expected to suck it up like an adult. You know I have nobody to stand up for me, I appear timid, and you think I'll take it. If you're understaffed, don't expect me to take responsibility. Get it together. Manage your workers better, stop throwing tantrums and flipping out, stop treating your younger workers like dirt and neglecting to pay them, especially when you know they have shitty parents they can't rely on.
No. 1195748
>>1193461The posts have gotten worse, all he posts now is praise Ba'll or whatever. I'm just going to ignore it.
>>1193679He was bragging about doing weed for 8 hr so now I'm convinced he's a attention grabbing idiot.
No. 1196573
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Firstly: shut the fuck up, just shut up, stop it, let me talk you narcissistic scumbag, we were having a conversation it wasn't a monologue you prick STOP FUCKING INTERRUPTING ME I know you love to hear yourself talk and don't give a single fuck about what I think but at least try to pretend you do specially if you're going to hit on me cause of course you would which takes us to the second point: There's something off with you, waaay off, I can see a very unsettling darkness in your eyes and your aura, your vibes are extremely uncanny, what the fuck are you hiding? Are you a player? An abuser? An absolute degenerate??? Who knows but is no bueno.
Also I'm a woman, I'm automatically better than you at fucking everything and specifically your career, I'm also hotter and less autistic and smarter I literally mog you every time we interact you should be kissing my feet you dumbass nobody gives a fuck about your retarded input stfu and worship me as you are supposed to do you worthless moid, next time you better know your place and treat me like a goddess you fucking player this is NOT ABOUT YOU YOU IDIOOOOOOOTTT
No. 1211458
nonny, clearly you never saw how enbies talk about womanhood and muh evil cis women who are totes okay with misogyny otherwise they wouldn't be icky cissies.
No. 1213256
>>1211662Nonnie that sounds awful. I do know that feeling, but I'm glad you hear you're putting your health first. I definitely enjoy the present more than I used to. And it's like foundational, you look after your health, your grades get looked after, then you don't have to stress so you don't fail. I hope to start uni with that health-first mindset too.
Nonnie No. 1214668
I wish you never met my dad. I wish your wino mom had an abortion or drank herself into infertilit. I'm glad your dad offed himself so he never had to see his child grow into someone so thoroughly fucking horrible.
Not only have you been a sack of shit my entire life from getting knocked up twice to try to trap t
2 men, not knowing who one child's dad was, abandoning your children in crack houses, doing hard drugs while pregnant, losing custody of all 3 kids, and choosing meth and heroin instead of being a decent fucking person, but now you hang out with nazis? Are they the only people brain dead enough to put up with you? Would you even care if you knew that after you let my sister go into foster care, she was sexually assaulted multiple times? Maybe that wouldn't have happened if you had the slightest clue who her father was, but no, you're the human embodiment of white trash- so why would you be sober enough to know which sorry excuse for a human being stuck his unwashed dick in you? lol who are we kidding, you're completely incapable of giving half of fuck about anyone but yourself. You never have given a shit. You've only contacted me to try to get sympathy. And you have the AUDACITY to bitch to MY SISTER and her ADOPTIVE MOM about how oh no your mom never loved you and you were so alone all your life :(
What about your kids you fucking cunt? You've never so much as asked about my life. You've only had 25 years of opportunity to get your shit together and be a mom, but why would you when you could just get fucked up and forget you have kids until you need to use them as a sympathy card?
I hope your new crackhead husband kills you like he tried to kill his ex. Bet he tells you she just made all that up and you've given yourself too much brain damage to even think of doing 2 seconds of googling to find out he very much did choke her. I hope he's successful when he does it to you. Your existence always has been and always will be a waste of the time energy, and money you suck out of anyone around you. There's no one more deserving than a long, slow death than you.
(sorry this is long anons, im just so mad today)
No. 1223918
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Wow. Why don't you just fucking tell me that you put your shitty ass moid above our friendship and stop playing dumb?? I tell you almost every single day how long I work and when I'm off and all you have to say is "well, I can't remember everyone's working hours"… "everyone's"? You're a single woman with a fwb moid, what do you mean by "everyone's? I'm your fucking best friend. I've been by your damn side for almost 20 years. I've been through two divorces, one abortion, a miscarriage and copious heartbreaks and other things with you and not once did I ask for anything when I needed consolation and you never ever offered me anything besides a "oh that sucks". I know, I'm the fucking idiot for not leaving when someone doesn't reciprocate but damn you really have no shame, do you? But oh, if it's your moid then you happily wait at home like a puppy all day and ask him how well he likes his steak and you even remember in what direction his nose hair are curling, you sad handmaiden. You can't even remember the smallest things, even if I tell you DAILY but then I'm the first one you call when you need a shoulder to cry on. You know why you're always so tired even though you do nothing but sleep anyway? It's from all the bending backwards and trying to mold yourself into something you're not for your shitty moid. You always tell me how you hate xyz about him but then you're so fucking docile and do everything for him just so that he gives you a bit of attention. Thank fuck I never reinforced the stupid shit you did, no matter how much you wanted me to say exactly what you wanted to hear and I KNOW that it makes you seethe when I don't coddle you. You're such a bad actress and I can always tell, no matter how fake of a smile you put on. You shouldn't have taken me for granted because no one else is going to put up with your shit because "friends" like you are a dime a dozen. You'll always get your heart broken because you have no backbone and ignore everyone else as soon as the next moid comes along. I'm gonna leave you on read and I don't give a fuck if that makes me look childish. I know that ghosting you eats away at you but now you'll know how it feels when the other side doesn't give a fuck. Go cry on you moid's shoulder, since he's so great.
No. 1224113
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this one hurt the most because we just talked about it. we just talked about it and you said you wouldn't do it again, not only that you did it WORSE than before. we talked about it. we talked about it. i feel so stupid.
No. 1224166
>>1224113I don't know what happened but I'm so sorry that you were hurt,
No. 1224228
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Hey toilet bestie. You may not remember me. I really hope this isn't creepy.
I remember a couple of years ago, when I was younger and didn't know how to talk to people. Things were bad at home too. The toilet was my safe space. It was nice that there was another person hiding in the toilets too. I can't remember which of us started the conversation, but I never saw your face, so it was easy to talk. I guess you were asocial too. The few conversations we had really brought me happiness when I was living in emotional drought. I hope you found people you feel accepted with, or found somewhere else that's peaceful. School is the worst sometimes. But I think you'll grow and become someone you can be proud of. Thank you for keeping me company two stalls across from me, I miss our conversations. I also really hope you didn't see me, as I made sure to leave the toilets as quickly as possible. The anonymous friendship reminds me of this website, and I have a feeling, as another asocial female, you could be here as well. Regardless, it's ok to not be in tune with everyone else. The current you isn't forever, and I wish the best for you, so blessings are obviously going to come your way
Best regards,
toilet girl ♥
No. 1224733
>>1224228This is so cute anon. And I love the picture of the dog that looks like it's squatting on a toilet
I hid in the bathroom during some of high school and college too
No. 1224745
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>>1224228you sound lovely, nonna. i had a bathroom bestie, too. we're all two stalls along from each other here
No. 1227649
>>1224733I know, pretty rad image lol
I’m glad I was right that this website is full of toilet girls. Inshallah we will all piss together one day and find each other
>>1224745This website really is just like talking to other women hiding in the bathroom with you isn’t it kek
No. 1229750
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I just love knowing your lame ass is running some dime-a-dozen, stolen design, edgy political tshirt store while living off your rich step daddy’s money while taking care of the child of the woman you cheated on me with and then promptly died of an overdose a few months later. Is it fun being a perma cuck, taking care of another man’s child and not even having the junkie pussy to go with it? Are you raising that poor child in that creepy basement your dad rents out for you, surrounded by filth and pans with 7 different layers of mold on them? Has your mother died of an std she caught when she was prostituting yet? I hope you aren’t bringing the kid around her apartment loaded with drug paraphernalia. Anyway, hope you’re enjoying your pathetic life, I’ll be here being grateful you only sucked me into your toxic orbit for a few short months just to spit me out and destroy your life from top to bottom. Hope the kid makes it out not as fucked up as you and the rest of your family, but the chances of that are as slim as you were when you were throwing up your meals and spreading your cheeks for older men online for a quick buck. Sad!
No. 1239490
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>visiting my sister because she cries about no one in our family travelling to see her
>she spends the whole weekend criticising me and trying to start fights with me, when I react she scolds me and whispers to her housemates that I’m sooo much to deal with
>keep my mouth shut because I don’t want to spend the rest of the weekend in an argument
>go out for drinks
>she starts lecturing me about how I’m too old to be single and every guy I see I should be trying to date seriously
>just sit there and sip my drink because she doesn’t know that I know that she slept with a guy at her job after only a few weeks there and has been letting him string her along for 6 months at least (our mom told me)
Nonnies give me strength because if she tries me one more time I’m gonna let it all out.
No. 1239504
>>1229750nonny wtf did you get yourself involved in?
>>1239490how far did you travel? I would have let her have it as soon as she tested me the first time. I admire your strength. lmao
No. 1239539
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>>1239504Short version: A sociopathic narc sunk his teeth into me at the perfect time in my life for me to fall for it
Long version:
I was working at a job and had a male customer around my age drive up- he was just my type, so handsome, and charming/funny to boot. I pretty much had an instant crush but wrote it off because I figured I'd never see him again and I was morbidly obese at the time, which I had been my whole life at that point. I basically forget about him, months go by, and I wind up finally losing the weight. Like 80+ lbs. This was literally life changing for me, my whole life I had fantasized about how my life would be perfect if I wasn't fat anymore and finally it seemed like that time had come. Low and behold- that same customer came back one day and I could tell he was into me now. He quickly became a regular to my store and finally one day asked for my number and wanted to go on a date with me. Bitch I really thought I was in a shoujo manga or something. In retrospect he was nuclear love bombing me- buying me gorgeous rose bouquets, waxing poetic about how beautiful, smart, and unique I am. Legit on the second date he said he wanted to marry me, and that he had never developed feelings for a woman so quickly before. I bought it hook, line, and sinker- I truly thought this was some serendipitous chain of events I would one day be telling the children I had by this man, living in our gorgeous home with a white picket fence KEK. Yeah that love bombing phase fell apart in about a month. Unfortunately by that point I had fully bought into the fantasy he sold me, and was willing to put up with the small cracks in the facade until they turned into massive, foundational cracks. It started with things like finding out he lived like a total slob, was a flat earther who literally had picrel framed in his fucking KITCHEN. All those wonderful compliments he used to give me turned into snide comments about my body insecurities, which he had throughly probed me about in regards to my weight loss. He even tried to chip away at the bond me and my younger brother have, my bro is basically my best friend and the person who looks out for me the most in life. Looking back it reads like a narc playbook, but hindsight is 20/20. Anyway like I said those were ultimately small things that lead to bigger things- like him going completely MIA for days on end, him telling me about how he pushed one of his previous girlfriends out of his truck while driving (and he clearly meant it in a "I will do this to you too if you anger me" way) and telling me he can only have sex with me if he's fantasizing that he's raping me. Major fucking yikes. There's so much more but if I keep going I could legit write a book of how absolutely crazy this man was. Anyway our relationshit finally ended in about six months, when he decided to fully shack up with the pregnant junkie he was cheating on me with. This was after he had the worst downward spiral I've ever seen IRL, where he was spending nights sleeping under a bench in a park by a lake in the cold, I'm 99% he was an addict of some sort at this time but idk the substance. At that point we were barely communicating, I kind of knew the end was coming. One day he finally breaks up with me over text and drops my stuff off at my work. Ngl I was wrecked at the time and was having mental whiplash at the time from everything that happened. I didn't even know about the cheating until a few weeks later. The junkie he cheated on me with died a couple months after that, and somehow he got full custody of the kid because it's dad OD'd too. Luckily I am a healed queen now living my best life and made the post you replied to after searching him up on a whim just to see what became of him. This is the fullest version of this insane story I've ever told anyone, it does feel nice to have it off my chest kek. No. 1239989
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>>1239490Update: she just yelled me down in front of a whole nightclub queue and our uber driver and lectured me the entire drive for daring to dance with a guy she didn’t know and hadn’t personally vetted, and I had to literally bite my tongue the entire drive home to keep from revealing that our dad doesn’t think she’s ever going to find a husband or get married. Fuck this shit. I’m sick of trying to tiptoe around her bpd temper tantrums. I just want to go home. The second I am on that plane she is on her own. Sick of being her justifiable punching bag. Good luck being such a fucking train wreck when you don’t have a spare sibling to deflect all your problems onto you bitch.
No. 1240014
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I regret ever inviting my boyfriend to live with me. He turned out to be the complete opposite of who he seemed before that. He advertised himself as someone who cleans up after themselves, who is attentive and romantic, someone who likes to work and earn money, etc.
What I got was a man who
>never cleans up after himself and thinks it's okay for there to be dried piss on the toilet seat
>expects the laundry and dishes to just be magically done and says he would rather use paper plates than just clean the dishes himself
>blames me for the dumbest shit (e.g. it's my fault I didn't bring his lunch box home from his job when I visited him one time)
>blows any extra money he has on hobby shit instead of saving up or putting it towards more important stuff like a better car or a house
>thinks foreplay is unnecessary/boring and says he's never been with a woman who needed it
I could go on but I'm just so done. This doesn't even cover all the extra awful shit he's done to me like have me begging him to drive me to the store for medicine because I was in so much pain and then brow beating me for days after about it.
I'm kind of mourning what I thought this relationship was going to be, so it's hard to just let go, but I'm done. I'm trying to gain more independence so I can move out and have all this be over with. And on top of that, I'm just done with men. They really are a lesser, useless species.
No. 1240197
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I hate knowing that during the 3 years we were apart, you spent the entire time wallowing, starving yourself and fucking random whores you met on tinder, while i was in and out of therapy, working, going to school and going outside. I hate that you told me it would be different because we already knew eachother. I hate that you put no effort and didnt appreciate all of the shit i have done for you back then and even now. I hate that im so down bad for you even though you're an absolute fucking loser and you go against all of my values.
I hate that you and the faggots you hang out with are stuck in highschool, constantly talking about shit that happened 5 years ago cuz you all reached your peak. I hate that i trusted you in terms of sex and you broke my trust.
I hate that during our entire relationship, you barely gave me affection. A simple fucking kiss on the head was too much for you.
I hope the next whore you meet on tinder gives you aids.
No. 1242586
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You will never love me the way I used to love you. I used to admire you, we had a beautiful friendship, I liked to feel your touch and hear your voice, we were so happy…why did you ruin it? Just to use me? Why?
You're broken, you will never gaze at the person you love with marvel and joy, you will never feel genuine happiness when looking at their eyes, you will never feel lost in the beauty of romance and life itself, you will never understand nor grasp how beautiful it is to feel the touch of a lover, because you only want one thing…I feel genuine sadness when i think about you.
You're like a robot, a vessel of what once was a human being, your eyes are full with feelings yet you seem unable to understand life beyond your perspective, to see who you desire as human, there's a difference between love and lust, you should know that by now.
You told me you were a poet, I wanted to hear what you had to say, but you didn't really care about my inner poetry, you dismissed me because you already gave me a role in your twisted show: the whore, you didn't knew who I was nor cared to know, and when you noticed I wasn't who you expected me to be you acted like nothing happened and like a coward, you hid from me because you knew you offended me greatly by assuming I was the "woman" you thought I was, you thought I was like the others, that i was at your level, I'm happy to disappoint you, as i now will demonstrate the various reasons you and I are so different, you will regret treating me the way you did, and I hope you never dare to approach me again in your life
No. 1243310
>>1243283I'm pretty sure I remember you posting about this guy in the relationships thread a while back. He sounds like a brainless, boring waste of time. It's better to be alone than force yourself to pretend to be excited about capeshit and vidya for a man who has no (realistic) ambition and doesn't contribute anything to your life except for a warm body. Reliable advice when you're dating someone: If you end up needing to make a pros and cons list or repeatedly have to convince yourself to stay together, you're settling and you should move on. Don't let society meme you into thinking you need a relationship,
any relationship, to be happy and fulfilled as a woman. Focus on yourself. It's hard at first but it absolutely gets much, much better until you won't care about having a relationship unless it's relatively easy and actually adds to your life.
No. 1243327
>>1243310>>1243311Thanks anons. I was worried that I was being elitist in thinking that video games all day are unhealthy and that Marvel is not interesting to me at all. I never understood if he likes sitting in front of screens, why he doesn't give movies a chance that are a literal work of art and have interesting commentary or watch some videos that aren't cartoons. Whenever I would talk about actual current events he would bring up Bojack Horseman. Oh and we couldn't even see eye-to-eye on games even though I play some myself when he liked speedrunning (which probably should have been a red flag).
I'm sorry for traumatizing anyone here by describing him. I feel like I overlooked it because he was nice to me but honestly we have nothing in common and I felt like a bitch for thinking it and judging him deep down for his boring ass lifestyle and hobbies.
No. 1245268
I hope you are at peace with the decision you made almost eight years ago. I liked you so much and I know you liked me too, but your disgusting fetish kept you from actually being happy. I'm extremely embarrassed all these years later that I ever even liked you. At least I grew out of my degenerate weeb phase, but you? You still have the same loli waifu and now I see you are into VTubers. I hope these fake women are enough for you, since I wasn't because I didn't have a flat-chested loli body. I saw the struggle you had with me, we all did. So many people told me it was obvious you had feelings for me, I mean you sent me sweet messages about how much I meant to you all the time and how you missed me so much. You drove three hours during winter break just to see me after that. So when I told you I liked you, I couldn't believe you didn't feel the same, but I get it now. I get that you couldn't get out of your head and into the real world. And let me tell you, it was so funny to me and everyone who knew us how mad and jealous you were went I started dating after you rejected me. I mean, you were so obvious my boyfriend even laughed about how blatant you were about liking me. But again, thanks for rejecting me. I ended up marrying him and never would have met him if you hadn't. But there you are, still terminally online, still a lolicon. How's that working out for you? I see you haven't had a girlfriend in all these years. I'm starting to think you're legitimately a pedo now. Oof, and you never moved to Japan either like you dreamed of, that sucks. I see med school didn't work out either. Keep spending your money on anime plastic and sending large amounts of money to VTubers, I'm sure it will work out for you soon! This is all that I want to say to you after you reached out after all these years, but I'm just going to block you instead. Wallow in your regrets somewhere else.
No. 1245278
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I love you, you're one of my best friends ever, but you're so fat it's starting to have consequences on your health and hygiene. I wish I could tell you without making you upset but everytime I go to your place it smells so bad I have to breathe slowly to make it bearable, and I noticed it was your body odor that got into your rooms and furniture. Please for the love of god do something about it! I know your PCOS makes things worse but still, get your shit together!
No. 1245315
>>1245286Anon here’s a good rule:
>men over 25 shouldn’t be dating almost any women under 25. Absolutely no women under 21. >men over 40 shouldn’t be dating women under 30. >men over 21 shouldn’t date anyone under 21. (In burgerland) Any that do are red flags
No. 1246581
I genuinely hate my snoring roommate, she's so loud you can still hear her downstairs, I don't care she can't help it, I'm the one who haven't slept like a human being for 5 weeks, I'm the one who can barely function at work and breaks down and cries from exhaustion, I'm the one who's constantly tired and suffering from migraines, meanwhile she always feels great and fresh. I tried everything, earplugs, headphones, white noise, non prescription medication for sleep , nothing helps. There's no other place I can sleep at, I slept on the couch in our living room for a few nights but now I can't even sleep there bc we have new guys in the house and I don't trust them and I wouldn't feel comfortable with them being around. Maybe I will ask my doctor for some super strong sleeping pills and start drugging myself through the night, I don't see any other way. I'm scared of getting addicted though. I'm so angry and tired I want to suffocate her with a pillow. Please move out or DIE bitch, go torture someone else!
No. 1266138
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>Be me, 9 months ago
>Start taking classes; plan on going for a month or two just to gain some skills for my career
>Immediately notice this guy
>Most beautiful man I have ever seen on this planet, even outside of photography and movies
>I didn't know they made them like this; living greek sculpture
>Immediately start believing in God and divine beauty, except unironically
>Don't even humor the idea of being with him, am more than content to just get glimpses of his face every day
>Every time there is a new female student they understandably sperg out, stare at him in obvious ways, approach him to ask silly questions, etc
>Have had a couple women approach me and ask questions about him
>He's completely elusive, so I have no info to give. All I communicate is, "I completely understand"
>I think I've made my point: he's a 10/10
>Continue attending classes much longer than I intended because I look forward to going in and gazing at his face
>Yes, so down bad that I am willing to sacrifice 1/5th the cost of my city rent mostly to go look at a male, the class itself is just a perk at this point
>8 months go by
>At this point me and him have only had small talk, yet I've savored every word he's spoken to me. Even the time he said he didn't like olives, I went home and laid in bed with my eyes closed, picturing his perfect mouth shaping the word, "olives, olives, olives…"
>One day we are the only two left in the class, packing up our things quietly
>As he's walking out of the classroom he noticeably pauses, spins on his heel and turns to look at me
>He says my name in a quiet voice
>Requests my phone number
>brain.exe has stopped working
>Write down my number so fast and feverishly that it's completely illegible to him and I'm forced to manually type it into his phone myself
>Spaghetti falling out of my pockets
>I've coated his phone in a fluid ounce of hand sweat, hand it back to him, it's glistening
>"Thanks Nonny, see you tomorrow"
>Try not to shit my pants
>On my commute home I miss my train stations by 5 stops because I'm having an out of body experience
>Know he's just a moid but can't get past his luxury meatsuit
This is getting long and annoying to read, I'm sure. I will continue if anyone wants to hear what happened.
No. 1266139
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>>1266138Hungry for
nonnie stories
No. 1267903
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>>1266138 cont.
>Classes continue, too scared to text him, he doesn't text me either>He does go out of his way to talk to me everyday now, though>Every interaction leaves me completely dizzy >Friday night: end of class, just me and him again>He seems flustered, kind of stuttering today and not looking directly at me>Jesus christ it is extremely cute>As we're about to leave he asks me if I'm in a rush >"No">"Then let's go for a walk">aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawhat>Heart rate beats a Guinness record>Must confess, I still hadn't let myself indulge in the idea of him liking me>Despite my initial excitement, I still had written off the phone number as him being just friendly>Sudden realization time:>Do I even want him?>9 months of fantasies never included me>Self esteem so low I would just picture him alone>Never thought about what it would be like for me to actually get close to him>The idea of someone as attractive as him looking at me, talking to me, touching me made me strangely ill>Getting ahead of myself; it's just a walk>"Sure, let's go"
>Walking next to him>Self conscious of every organ in my body>Almost walk into into traffic, hard to be present>Keep it together: it's a beautiful night. >Fireflies, cool breeze… unusually beautiful man>I look up at him to examine his face in this new light>Confirmed, extremely handsome>Anxiety is only raising though. My sympathetic nervous system clearly thinks I'm under attack>Insanely stress nauseated, the smell of food in the air makes me want to puke>He says he's taking me to a pizza place>Stomach turns>Oh fuck>Panic>"NO, NO, I can't">Apologize excessively>He says it's okay, he's mildly weirded out, we sit on a bench>Stare at the gap between our bodies>Silently over analyze whether that space is too small or too wide>It's very dark>I remark that it's a bit scary in the dark; there's no one around and it's quiet>"W-well I'll protect you.">His legs open out a bit further, nearly touching mine>Have to use every bit of will power to not enter fetal position and roll away to replay those words forever in my own sick privacy>Small talk for a while>Suddenly feeling bold, maybe it's the darkness>Ask if he knows how attractive he is, genuine question>He smiles in a way I've never seen beforeI can smell his cologne the more I type. Help me…
No. 1269069
I just feel like you don't understand how it is. I feel like I just need to get away from everything because there is no point. E understands I get depressed but understandably the details don't matter anymore. I just think of leaving everything and going away. I feel so tired of disappointing people. I get told I'm not a disappointment, but I am tired of being whatever else it is that shows I don't meet a mark. It doesn't matter what I do or modify. It doesn't matter if I train myself not to cut myself or am completely sober or try to always talk through things, or learn to not flip out, or not scream. All I do is cry now and it isn't enough. I need to not only not cry but also act happy at all times and never ever be sad.
I feel like all these things I do are not enough and I fantasize about leaving everything and living somewhere else all on my own. I feel so depressed. I just want to be alone, I think I really am a person who can't function in relationships. I am not good for other people, I'm too selfish, and I find it so hard to get out of my own head, it is like it suffocates me. I feel like I just fail and fail and fail and that the only way for me to not fail as much is to just be on my own entirely. That way I only have myself to answer to. In a way, that frightens me too, because I feel like I can be far crueler to myself in the way I treat myself, though I'm also more lenient. I'm afraid I'm going to lose it one of these days and leave and be too afraid to come back because I'm tired of facing how I am not good enough. I think it's a benign fear, though.
I don't ever want to go through a relationship again. It doesn't matter how good the other person is, I'm so broken and ugly inside that I don't know how to nurture a good thing. I'm too sensitive, I take things too personally, I feel suspicious and paranoid all the time of the other person, I just destroy everything with how I am and I feel like I have been able to change my behaviors, but I can't change the things that make my mind the way it is so I always am adding this tension to the relationship.
I feel like I should save E the trouble and just break up. I would love to be with him, but I feel like I don't deserve to affect his life being the sad sopping wet rag I am.
I'm sorry, it must make you quite sad to read these things and I apologize for that. I'm very agitated right now and I need a friend, but I don't have any. I miss you. I'm sorry for venting to you like this, I wish you could see me when I'm happy here because I do get happy quite a bit. I love you, mom. I am so sorry you are seeing me sad.
No. 1269094
>>1268493KEK wait, so you're the anon who wrote the greentext AND you're
No. 1271886
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You’re incapable of having a single individual thought and you’re incapable of deriving dopamine from anything that doesn’t harm women in some way
No. 1273720
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You’ve stooped lower than anyone who isn’t completely mentally ill and unhinged would, you’re lying to your shitty little gay entourage about how far you’ve taken it and why, you’ve fabricated reasons to be a pervert and you genuinely do not understand that there is no ending to this that doesn’t include you registered as a sex offender for what you’re doing. You took advantage of me because I’m mentally ill, poor, and don’t have many resources or a support system to protect me. You punched down on me, surveilled me, stalked me, and listened to every intimate detail of my life because I am a woman and you don’t fear women and get off on exploiting us and harming us. The difference between me and you is that I know I’m mentally ill and am working towards every possible step to ensure that I don’t hurt anyone else because of my own issues and strive to get better all of the time, while you have deluded yourself into believing that abusing women makes you powerful and cool. You don’t have the heart, mind, or brain of a woman, like you’ve in the past tried to joke about—you aren’t similar to women in any way because no woman would ever do this. You only do this to women and not men. You don’t care about the bad things men do, you want to hyperfixate and prey on women. You continue to lie and fabricate reasons to justify what you’re doing and keep your lackeys on the bandwagon. They don’t know what a monster you really are, if they did I don’t think they’d be participating to the degree that they have. You’re a pervert, you being attracted to men doesn’t change the fact that you’re a predator, and your actions are only ensuring that you’re going to end up in prison or in a straight jacket. I feel very good knowing I’ve never harmed anyone, stalked anyone, and have only been a victim to my own delusions. Now I’m a victim to your sick voyeurism, and no amount of victim blaming, lying, fabrication, or obsession on your part will change this very simple, logical fact. You are the exactly the kind of abuser you claim to hate.
No. 1276003
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Ask me out. Ask me out. Come on you know you wanna. Just fucking kiss me already
No. 1279723
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A boss at Marshall's where I live name Jamie is so unrealistic with her employees, she loves when people are exhausted from their job to the point where everyone that work for her is in SO much stress and anxiety mentally besides physically. She loves when people are close to tears when their days are bad, I think she's a total narcissist and loves to be praised by other workers more than she praises their work ethnics. I can't stand her, and I just wish the narcissistic bimbo old hag just get fired from her mental and verbal behavior. Maybe not because one of the head-ups from Marshall's ADORES her no matter what… PLEASE, BITCH! Can't stand Jamie!
No. 1279777
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I want to do unspeakable things to my husbando why is he not real why why why!!!!
No. 1280229
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>posts cringe
1 billion supportive/angry nonnettes in the replies
>posts truth (dark mode)
zero nonnettes acknowledge
>posts tea (light mode)
a singular nonita calls your story fake
Just another day in the life of a lolcow poster… le sigh
No. 1285458
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one half of the GirlsDoPorn production duo just pled guilty to conspiracy to commit sex trafficking and will be sentenced in October. I hope he spends the rest of his life rotting in a Federal prison getting raped every day by other moids until he dies of AIDS or an infected prolapse or a blown out lower intestine. Every time I read about this case I get sick to my stomach and almost get hot flashes from how angry I get. It makes me sick that he and the other guy are from my country. I hope the other guy is hiding in some crack den somewhere getting his hands broken by the mob, if he’s not already dead. I want to burn his face into my memory so that if I ever encounter him in the wild I can lure him back to my place and then mutilate him in the violent ways possible before dumping him on the steps of the embassy. Death to all moids, especially coomers.
No. 1285475
>>1285463Yeah exactly this, I've
never in my life seen trans men demand straight women to be attracted to them like AGPs do to lesbians and I've been neck deep in gender bullshit discourse for years. It's either self-hating lesbians dating each other or terminal stage NLOGs whining about only being contacted by bisexual chasers on Grindr.
No. 1288129
>>1288107idk why but food disappointment is literally the worst. one of the most silly things that can make me cry lol. i’m sorry
nonnie, i hope you can get your favorite flavor soon. which one is your fav and which did you get? i always like chocolate the most bc i’m a chocolate fiend in general
No. 1288756
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>>1288129my favorite is this almond ice cream, the ice cream itself is so good but i bought some cookie dough ice cream instead and it tasted like shit
No. 1290495
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>Group of girls are granted a bursary to study the harm of lead based cosmetics on humans. Bursaries like this are often funded by companies that test their household/cosmetic products externally in the hopes you'll work for them in the future.
>They work in a vivo lab testing mostly on rats/mice.
>They have the fantastic idea of creating tiktoks of them dancing in said lab.
>People comment about how it'a wrong of them to turn non essential vivisection research into something4likes. Almost all anti-vivisection organisations understand why it might be used in vital situations but condemn the use of it for cosmetics, household items.
>The girls insist they are some of the first women to ever test this and that it is related to physics. The harm of lead based paint and cosmetics has been documented for over a hundred years. They also insist that no harm is inflicted on the animals as they have died in previous trials.
>People are upset, their comments are always combed over and deleted whenever anyone says their research is a sham.
>They decided that making a "mock funeral" and "celebration of life" for these rats would help calm down outrage.
Nothing screams girlboss like animal cruelty.
No. 1290736
>>1290495I work for a company that services many local pharmaceuticals and biotechs, mostly in their startup and R&D phases. I'm a supervisor who comes in after hours so I get to see a lot of things.
One company in particular really pisses me off, it's basically a friend's club for college interns and grads who think they can treat the office like their personal dormatories. Pizza boxes and beers everywhere. The company specializes in phage research but these employees cannot seem to wrap their heads around difficult concepts such as "waste goes into trash bin." They're filthy, have immature merch all over their desks, and of course they all consider themselves very smart since STEM=little Einsteins. I can tell by the way they flagrantly do not consider their external staff and take no pride in their regulatory environment that they are egoistic chucklefucks.
But anyways,there was a strange note left late one night at someone's desk that I couldn't help but to notice: An employee left a compliment for a technician encouraging her to "show those mice who's boss." I presume it was about their lab mice.
It was really unusual. This is an office where people have pictures of their pets up everywhere and a lot of animal merch. How do you even "boss" animals who are literally trapped and have no choice but to be test subjects? I'm not super sensitive when it comes to animals but I just notice the science community always seems to be especially indifferent which makes me scoff considering they boast "intelligence," not the emotional intelligence to handle matters with dignity I guess.
No. 1290821
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No. 1290836
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You can’t get me out of your head. Incel behaviors.
No. 1291333
>>1291291Well, oddly enough, I started out doing most of my work for randos and now I work for more business-y type people but I'm loathing it at the moment.
I realized that after I ended one of my contracts I could feel a bit better.
I just hate working for teams. I hate talking to people. I hate getting directions from one person and then sending my files to another. There is petty drama in like every single art related work business. Ive heard youtubers are comfy to work for
No. 1291746
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I have to go to the bathroom really bad
No. 1291754
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It’s never the women coming into the gym roided and coked up out of their fucking minds screaming and grunting and twitching and talking to themselves and scaring everyone around them. ALWAYS the men acting like fucking murderers and psychopaths in the most normal, mundane places and instead of men cleaning up their fucking act and being NORMAL and NOT fucking crazy, women get told to “just ignore him” “he’s not bothering you” “you’ll get used to it”
why do I have to get used to the feeling of my life being in danger? why can’t he just not act like a serial killer????
Can’t even join a woman-only-gym to get away from them anymore because fucking sex-pest Greg has decided he wants to be a woman today thanks to the internet-brain-rot he’s suffering from and if he doesn’t get let into the woman-only-gym he’s going to harass the staff and threaten to rape everyone in the gym then get the whole place shut down for discrimination against trans people.
No. 1291801
I hate that i get myself so worked up over a dude. I become LIMERANT. I want this guy so bad, and he still gives me signs that hes into me or its my puny brain twisting it my way.
I work at an airport in a duty-free shop, the guy im into and cant let go of quite yet is a pre-board screening officer. His look? well hes my type. I love his dark medium length hair cut to the nape of his neck- in layers- kinda feathers and frames his face real nice. His dark eyes with nice brows. Hes a slav boy goin by his last name. He is tall(er) than me, and skinny but he walks like a panther lol. I tell him he looks like a model but he doesnt think so. He looks so good, but he really doesnt think so about himself. Anyway, yes i get to talk to him once in a while when i get a chance to which is not often considering we are usually separated by glass(separates land and air-side), from where he scans boarding passes pre-security and me in my shop i work in post-security. He looks at me a lot-almost breakin his sexy-ass neck- and i stare at him, of course. Which he doesnt mind, he said. I do know he thinks im cute because he told me so after i told him i thought i wasnt. All this and that, blah blah sexy stuff right? Well…..
This shy long handsome bitch has a girlfriend…who works right with him as a preboard screening officer. She has almost the same name as me, shes the same age and born a few days after me. I find out from her, not knowing they were together "wElL tHaT iS mY BoYfRiEnd" after i told her as she was wanding me that i 'like her friend'. 'Who?' …..'Maverick' and she dropped that bomb on me. Yes that upset me, but i didnt believe her. Because she is a major bitch i hear from people that work with her and come buy shit from my shop. So i assumed she lied because she wanted to get me off his back and go after him herself.
But recently i heard it straight from the horses mouth, "i am in a relationship, at the moment" after i asked this dude if we could text each other because i want him to get to know me. Im pretty spicy so im sure he would be smitten once he does. But no, she got to him first. And its not like they will break up just like that, when they work together, he knows her blahblahblahhgrrrrrr.
He was real nice about telling me though,and that day was the first i seen him without his mask on (he was on break and i was leaving work), only confirmed that i love his face even more, even his fucking teeth with a gap in between the front two top incisors. Which i pointed out to him. He has nice lips, had his facial hair stubble groomed into a kind of orlando bloom thing but faint and still stubble around. Haha im always gushing over how good he looks to him, and hes always humble or self-deprecating about it. Endearing guy. Shit. He did say after he let me down because 'he cant really be texting other girls' that he enjoys me talking to him and he thinks im really nice. But also that 'theres plenty of guys out there better looking than him'
I cant let this guy go just yet. Too delicious. I want this introverted sexy alien man. Ew, but imagining him and HER its like why??
I think my ass is better suited to him. If he only knew (me)…
Hes missing the fuck out!
No. 1291930
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I feel like such a shallow piece of shit because I met a guy who is so sweet and has such a ridiculously beautiful face but I cannot get over the fact that he is only a couple centimetres taller than me… I like tall guys I can't help it that a guy being short is a turn off for me and my last guy was 6'5… I'm thinking maybe I can get over it but I genuinely can't picture myself dating someone short
No. 1291944
>>1291930At least give it a try nona! Sweet men with beautiful faces are rare! And at least he's not
shorter than you.
No. 1291963
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>>1291959Same I love the nonnies here, even the autistic ones because they sometimes make me laugh.
No. 1291971
>>1291801Jesus. Nona, you have to let this go. At least for now. He’s in a relationship and doesn’t even really seem interested in you, to be honest. If he wanted to cheat on his gf with you he would’ve taken that opportunity by now given how forward you are with him. I second the
nonnie who thinks you need therapy. Having the hots for someone is normal but this level of obsession sounds unhealthy.
No. 1291976
>>1291951Cant argue with that. It just sucks, you know? I know its just a matter of time and i'll get over him. But its like something nice is dangled in front of your face and you think you got it then NOPE. Im fine just saying hi and being friends.
Also im running on less than 2 hours of sleep so lets say that got uhhh, a bit 'creative'
No. 1291980
>>1291952Don’t leave us
nonnie. You deserve so much better.
No. 1292051
Turning 30 (feel like this is relevant because I've definitely "calmed" with age). Bpdfag and in many ways it ruined my life/relationships (well, I ruined my life/relationships, but I have enough clarity looking back now I can see that the untreated issues didn't help). Most people don't believe me when I recount the shit I've done or been through so I generally don't bother to go on about it - though in reality I don't think any of it is that "special", just not something the average normie considers day to day.
A lot of my actions in my younger years were probably more likely to be described as sociopathic - Infact, I was in denial about having bpd until the past three years or so when I gained enough self awareness that I could finally understand why I was doing many of these destructive actions and accepted I do have a massive issue with abandonment.
I've often said that even though that kind of life can seem advantageous from an outside perspective because you are not dealing with "guilt" or "morals" in your choices, it's actually a shallow, awful way to live. It gave me a gnawing emptiness and horrid boredom inside I could never fix, which led me to more and more dangerous and chaotic things to try to "fill" it, to no success. Finding an SSNRI that helped treat my apathy and PTSD made a large difference, as well as medicating my ADHD.
But in a fucked up and selfish way, I miss it some days. I'm tired of trying to figure out how to balance mechanical empathy or consideration, and I hate when something little and illogical suddenly upsets me beyond reason. I assume that latter part happens because I'm so used to repressing my emotions to the point I thought they just didn't exist for most of my life, and in those instances what I've repressed leaks out and just projects itself onto the new issue. It's definitely worse when I'm under stress, so I can assume it's largely a maladaptive coping mechanism.
The thing is, no matter how aware I am of what must be the reality to my inner workings or that negative feelings are just xyz thing, it doesn't really make me feel better. I feel like all this is doing is helping me not do things that fuck over other people, even though it makes me feel worse.
Obviously I have the logical understanding that for society and others that is a desirable outcome. But I really don't understand when people here say bpd is 100% curable etc. I feel like it's not curable at all, you can just learn to have more self control over not screwing over others or being self destructive. But I don't understand how any amount of therapy, behavioral, cognitive or otherwise could fully get rid of these feelings that are so deeply rooted in my developmental stages of life/childhood.
I can learn how to act nice to people, I can learn what the proper things to do or say are, I can learn to teach myself to feel bad when I do something bad, etc, but it's all so incredibly draining and at the end of the day I don't feel better for it.
I remember reading that if a child doesn't learn by a certain age how to speak a language they will never be able to speak any human language, that there's a pivotal window of human development where the brain needs to absorb that talent… I wonder sometimes if I missed that window for certain features of human bonding or development and I simply will never truly care about it in the same way most people do. It fucks up my relationships with my peers but learning how to fake it doesn't feel like it actually fixes anything. I can have bonds with my peers to some extent, I even have loved many in my own fucked up way over the years, but overall this all just seems like such a fucking fruitless burden.
I'm limited by my own emotional immaturity or stuntedness that I feel like the people saying they're cured by therapy etc are just full of shit, lying to us/themselves or lacking the self awareness to comprehend what they think is being "fixed" is just a different maladaption and still not the same as what average people feel. Though I've spent most of my life thinking that average people don't feel this shit either and just confuse their own feelings as care for others, so maybe I really am just too narrow minded.
I have nightmares now about stress of daily life and weird disjointed things that I know must just be childhood trauma so far back I'll never be able to fully understand what exactly it was. I'm tired every day from having to go through so many steps to try to be considerate of people I don't even really give a fuck about and that benefit me in no way. But I slept peacefully before and even had enough energy I only had to sleep a few hours a night. Is this shit really worth it? Could I even go back to how I was if I wanted to, or am I stuck now that I started down this path of self reflection?
Maybe ignorance was bliss and the emptiness wasn't so bad, I truly don't know anymore.
No. 1292087
>>1292055NTAYRT - I'm the retard QQing above about being a selfish bpdfag so take my advice with a grain of salt, but in your shoes my considerations would be to the following:
Can you not also get in legal trouble if he gets deported and it's brought to light the marriage was fake? Would he try to use that against you?
I think you should point blank tell him you will solve his problems once he gives you what you agreed on, and if he can't, a down payment should be in your possession before you ever lift a finger.
How much of the things you agreed to can he prove? How much is in writing? Avoid continuing discussion over text or anything he might record. He's the loser in either situation if he wants a green card, but if he tried to be spiteful and threaten you, you could this way turn it around, make it out like he promised you a relationship but later went back on it and coerced/threatened you into agreeing. Or just make him fear you'd do that, actually doing it is probably too much bs.
Think of it as a fail safe, if you will.
This way you've worked towards covering your own ass (though ideally it never comes to that), gotten at least some payment you're owed, and have a back up if he does a total switch and tries to threaten you.
If you truly think he's a nice guy or good person, you could easily say you need the money for some more urgent reason. If he's really nice or good or cared about you, it should pull on his heart strings to give you money. If he still refuses, you'll know you have nothing to feel bad about, because he clearly wasn't really treating you with much kindness or consideration - just acting for his own benefit.
No. 1292090
>>1292046Nonnie, men act nice and are willing to cry only if they need something from you. I can even give you an example of that if you need it.
People always like playing with our softness and kindness just to fuck us over, the deal that you are talking about is extremely important and it will affect everything a lot. You will really end up watching him telling you to fuck off the second you bend to him. You should be upfront about your needs, because it's not only about him.
No. 1292106
>>1292081I'm not even sure how divorce would work to be honest, this sucks. If he says no to the nose job, I will look into that option.
>>1292087>Can you not also get in legal trouble if he gets deported and it's brought to light the marriage was fakethis is true
>Would he try to use that against you?To be honest, my plan isn't to get him deported. I will just ignore him and make him take another route to get that greencard extension, like having to join the military, which is one of his other options that he expressed to me before that he didn't want to do.
>How much of the things you agreed to can he prove?It was more like something we talked about. He promised me multiple times every time we met that he'd take me to his country in eastern europe to get my nose fixed because everything is so cheap there
>>1292090this is true
I truly hope this entire time he simply forgot to get around to it, and not that he maliciously planned on screwing me out of the deal, but he's a moid sooooo
No. 1292560
>>1279723Another employee at this same Marshall's is a retard with an ugly duck face. Her name is Tierney, and she sounds like a whining dog who's been kicked and punched, but instead of feeling sorry for her, you just want to hurt her more for her constant "complaining" and "I'm a
victim" mentality. She literally is constantly on her phone and let's customers get away with invading others' privacy in that Marshall's fitting room.
No. 1292916
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The thing about the lab rats reminded me of this. Animal shelter, that doesn't look as though it's a registered charity, is using PornHub to advertise. They've confirmed making revenue from it. Whenever anyone comments about how ill of an idea it is because of the trafficking, revenge porn and rape trials they delete the comments or outright deny it because it's using a bad platform for a good thing (wholesome 100!!!!!!). Also promoting pet adoption on a website with a rampant issue of outright illegal porn seems really dangerous too
No. 1293319
>>1293277basically it's illegal, but there are certain states where you don't need to show proof of citizenship/residency to get a drivers license, so he did that, and then we got married at city hall. my state is also super lib so you need to like rape and murder a nun to get deported lmao. i think he was living illegally here for like a year before we ever even met. the whole process has taken about 3 years (within 2 years we passed the greencard interview). to be honest it's super blurry and my memory is pretty shit.
we had a few agreements, like he said he'd teach me how to drive (he didn't, i had to go to a school), and that when we passed the greencard interview and he could finally leave the country to go back home, he'd take me with him so I could get rhinoplasty. It wasn't terrible, because he did pay me $800/1k monthly, but that went towards rent.
i know this is such a shitshow LMAO
No. 1293640
>>1293366>The guy had to stay there until he passed and it was approved?he was technically illegally here until he got his greencard, so if he left the country before that, he likely would've not been allowed back in
he ended up going back home a few weeks ago to visit his family for the first time in years, but he didn't tell me, we don't really interact much.
No. 1298110
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God is gonna collect you.
No. 1300883
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Gurl you’re so flagrant and confident it’s so beautiful keep it up
No. 1302127
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Your life revolves around me la la la la la
No. 1304196
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Sometimes life feels a little extra tiring like this.
Even just today I saw a face popping out of something, saw the walls close in and melt on me, felt ghosts breathing on me and spiders under my skin again, and heard some stuff I tried not to hear, all the whispering is coming back. I get scared these days, but I want people to think I'm doing well. I do kind of believe in the paranormal, and this is it, but I don't want to. I'm learning to tune out, I think, it's just hard.
No. 1304520
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>>1304505I found Tierney's Facebook, she makes MS "art" and they look like someone's cringe filled portfolio when they were in 1st grade. It's extremely sad because it's done by a retarded woman in her I'm assuming early 20s. Just saying, she should go out of this world.
No. 1308314
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You are constantly trying to project all these negative traits onto me and make me feel like shit and aside from the fact that you’re just severely sick in the head and a voyeuristic retard you aren’t even hurting me the way you are very, very desperately trying to. Why would I let a sad peeping Tom dictate my self worth lol.
No. 1310726
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In a saw trap that you yourself designed. Love that for you.
No. 1310998
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I tried being pals with my best friends partner, a scrote, but recently I called things off because we were arguing a lot. Wish I could just elope with my bff but she's 7 months pregnant with the scrotes child and loves him dearly. The shitsack just sent me a wall of text saying he felt like I was only after his friendship for deeds and exploitation and doesn't want to meet me in group settings either any longer. FUCK OFF I wasn't after anything just wanted to be in good terms with the spouse of my bff. I regret even trying.
No. 1311011
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Nonnie I am not actually wanting to elope with her, but you're probably right. We do sleepovers like teenagers probably once a week. We spoon and cuddle. It's fun.
No. 1311505
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You talk too fucking much and you aren’t even funny like. Crickets.
No. 1313958
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it's almost september bitch, take a break already
No. 1315884
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>>1315882I was open RPing
No. 1316404
>>922178My brother is such a loser and leech LMAO. This fucking loser went to university & studied computer science or some shit because his friends told him he'd make a lot of money from it, ends up dropping out and was wasting away in our house for like 2 years. Suicide baits my mom into giving him £1k because suddenly hes realised his true passion which is becoming a fashion designer, he gets into some fashion university and… HE ENDS UP DROPPING OUT OF THAT ONE TOO KEK because it was 'too hard'! Fucking hilarious how he'd boast with his friends saying 'when I get that fashion school scholarship I'm gonna dip out of the UK!' yet you can't even handle fashion school kek. Not fucking surprising considering you barely spend any time improving your art skills or whatever the fuck becoming a fashion designer demands and instead spend your time playing COD with your friends and when my other brother kicks you off the PC you then just spend the rest of the day on your fucking laptop. That's not even getting into his leech behaviour, GOD FORBID anyone touches his food or his ingredients because then he gets PISSED and starts making threats to people. OH But don't worry he's 100% free to use the rest of the families food! What a fucking bastard he can't even fucking cook, tried to make spaghetti Bolognese and ended up throwing the whole thing away. majority of the shit he eats is takeaway shit that he orders. Before he went to fashion school and was staying in the house literally ALL OF HIS INGREDIENTS got expired because he didn't use it and nobody else was allowed to use it. I fucking resent my mom for enabling him and his fucking behaviour, boymoms are so fucking confusing. SHE HERSELF is sick and tired of him and she knows he's a fucking freak yet she keeps sucking up to him, I'm so sick and tired of her using me as some sort of therapist to rant about her garbage sons and how useless they are (WHAT A SURPRISE! I guess thats what happens when you raise your eldest daughter to be a mans wife whilst letting everyone else do fuck all!) and when I give her advice on what to do she says 'but I can't! I'm a mother!' tf??? Also if this guy hates all of us so much, including his own mother who is the reason why this loser was even able to buy his materials for fashion school, WHY DID YOU COME BACK TO LIVE WITH US? Going out of your way to buy things (because you won't use the stuff our mom buys…) put them on "your" side of the kitchen table, sleeping on the fucking floor in the living room because you don't want to sleep in the same room as your brother, talking to nobody in the house but our sister via texts or whispering to her.. WHY did you come back here exactly? In fact Why haven't you gotten a JOB already and FUCKED OFF elsewhere since you hate us that much?
No. 1317878
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No. 1317983
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Your obsession with me is practically a disability.
No. 1318646
>>1318639I want to clarify that my stance is watching two people have sex is a brainrotting cuck activity no matter who it's of, unless it's a video of yourself and someone else. The premise of their dynamic is irrelevant.
I do think whoever got mad and reported is a complete manbaby and I got too spicy for him with my takes.
No. 1319507
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No. 1327063
>I wish I could wear XYZ but where I live everybody-
>I wish I could do XYZ but where I live everybody-
>I wish-
>but where I live-
God, just shut the fuck up and fucking do it. Sorry, but I hear this shit all the time. I hear it everywhere. From nearly everyone I talk to irl and everyone I see online. Newsflash, everybody feels this way. Just fuck off. I wish, I wish, I wish, but I can't because everybody over here is boring and soulless. Yes, yes, it's like that everywhere. Just stop giving a fuck. My god. Wear whatever you want. It doesn't even matter. Sure, it matters in some contexts, but in the grand scheme of things it's useless. It's all pointless. Who fucking cares. You're brought into this world without consent, you slave away to live a life bestowed upon you without consent, you do all this stupid pointless shit just to what? Sit around and wish you could wear lolita dresses? Are you fucking joking? Just fucking do it, my fucking god. Get over yourself. Oh no, some assholes might SNICKER at me! IN PUBLIC! They might disapprove of me! They might think I'm CRINGE. Just get the fuck over yourself already.
No. 1327071
>>1327063nona, i made a post before with this exact sentiment. it seriously enrages me to no end. what do you think alternative fashion means? are you retarded? do you think in glorious nippon or whichever country you like maybe even america they never get made fun of? you already are no matter what you do and you know it. just wear whatever the fuck you want christ not to be all 2012 but you seriously have only one life and you can only be young once. like why do you think there are or were so many television show about ZOMG LOOK AT THIS TOTALLY WEIRD LOLITA WEARER IS THIS PEDOPHELIA ? OMG LOOK AT THIS SATANIST PUNK JUNKIE ADDICT !!!! OMG HIPPIES OMG THIS OMG THAT like its always going to happen, it happened when women wore pants outside even.
its either you conform or you dont there is not inbetween. fuck off with your weak shit
No. 1327481
Why does nobody ever read what I say. I didn't martyr myself for the terfs, the trannies didn't bully me into submission, this was not about internet drama and none of it had anything to do with that! Thanks for the support, truly, but it's misguided. I don't want this story to get boiled down to exhibit 435 of online anti feminist harassment, because it's not about that. All of that came afterwards, after I had already said my piece, so in my mind it's not "my story" here. Maybe that's the specific phrase tripping me up. Realistically you're just strangers who only found out about this whole thing, like, today. So it's not your fault for not knowing ~the lore~. I'd gently correct you if I could but I can't. I can't remind anyone of the actual timeline or important things at play or even why it matters so much to me, but I can shout here, into the void, where no one will read it.
No. 1328610
>>1328606Past traumas and a guy who is dragging them up and almost purposefully
triggering you .. I don't think drugs are the cause. Your mind is blanking to protect you from any more messy bullshit.
No. 1329038
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are you lost?
No. 1329052
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You're a hopeless case. I'm not defending your scrote bf but you're just as guilty as the moids for being unable to have a healthy relationship. You are possessive of everyone in your life and so damn insecure to the point where you expect everyone to cater to you but you refuse to take steps to work on yourself because you always say "it's just who I am". You act like you're so nice and easygoing but then you confess to me how the things you say and do don't align with what you're actually thinking and how you secretly like to manipulate people because they wouldn't expect it from you. I haven't heard from you in WEEKS and you just so remembered to call me to gloat about your bf of barely three fucking months and how nice he is to you??? Of course he is! You're in the fucking honeymoon phase! And then you complain about how he hasn't said "I love you" yet because you were hooking up months before you got together??? You've known this scrote for maybe 7 months! I wish I had the lady balls to tell you in your face how pathetic you are. I am way too nice to you for listening to all of your bullshit. You probably do it on purpose because you complain about every moid who shows interest in me and you can't bear the thought of me not being around 24/7 when you need me.
No. 1329963
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im really fucking over the male customers at my work. i can't wrap my head around why they feel the need to make stupid sexist comments towards me like just shut your mouth? my uniform is a boiler suit and on 2 different occasions guys have just made fun of me for it and for what? "is there a breakdown haha" "is that what you wear to show that you work here haha. oh excuse me, don't get upset you're at work you shouldn't worry about what you're wearing." haha very funny guys it's so weird that im a woman wearing a boiler suit!! can't think why i would wear something so odd for my job it's not like i work with heavy duty cleaning chemicals or anything!! im assuming this must be the height of entertainment for them since all they choose to do all day is sit outside of their caravans and people watch thinking that i have all day to deal with their bullshit when im on the fucking clock and have shit to do. you might WANT to get a reaction out of me to feel superior or something but i don't WANT to talk to you at all and im not as arrogant to comment on the way i think someone's uniform looks at work. some guy commented on my boots this week too and i just said didn't know wtf he was saying and laughed. why even say this shit for real ive never thought about making any comment about what a worker was wearing. it's exhausting having to come up with ways to respond to this stuff quickly without swearing at them or being aggressive. i wish i could tell them to simply fuck off if they say anything about what i wear. i hate how everyone assumes im a receptionist or a waitress when im wearing a fucking boiler suit with gloves and outdoor boots. it's so clearly sexist. im never gonna forget this male customer who kept saying i should "get my boyfriend to test out the beds" in one of our camping accommodations. his wife was right there as he said it to me and she just laughed and waited for my reaction. i didn't understand what he was saying so i just didn't say anything and changed the subject. then he said it AGAIN. the joke didn't land the first time you old fuck. last week a group of old guys told me one of the misogynistic classics, "come on, you should smile and cheer everyone up on the campsite" like ajdhhfhf are you serious dude. i told him i was fine as i am and didn't need to smile when i was at work. i wish the pain would stop nonnas im tired.
No. 1330054
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If you hate and other yourself from women you a man to me idc. Doesn’t matter if you’re a ~*natal woman*~ or whatever either. You want to be an NLOG you can be a he/himlet cause you are acting crazy and male. You want to bend the world to your will and hate women you might as well be diagnosed with maleitis.
No. 1330447
>>1330054What makes me laugh hysterically about MtFs is that THEY ACT LIKE MEN. THEY CONSTANTLY EXHIBIT SIGNS OF BASIC ASS FUCK
So, basically, instead of staying in their goddamned lane, they want to, like any real, bonafide thug ass male, violate women and start sperging out when a woman has any sense of boundaries.
"Progressive" rhetoric has eaten itself so now people whose modus oprendi is greed and consuming other people and demanding others to bend to their will are now being centered in so far as they can virtuesignalling about being a special snowflake. Sick shit.
No. 1330462
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Nothing you say makes sense you’re just a histrionic condescending bitch with so little regard or empathy for others that you think stalking and abuse is normal and acceptable as long as you are the one carrying it out and enabling it. Cannot wait until tragedy renders you into the place you deserve!!
No. 1330872
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TIMs need to stop barging into every fucking conversation about women. Oh, you think women talking about their periods is transphobic? Go fuck yourself, asshole. Not everything is about you and you should know that considering you're a grown ass man. Then again, you're a white man and have never been told no in your entire fucking life so why do I have any expectations?
And stop shoving all your tranny shit into conversations. I don't care how some anime girl is "so trans" because she wears pants, stop changing your fucking name to whatever flavor of the week femboy character you just found. Stop going on autistic rants about shit you like while we're in the middle of diffusing other shit. Stop saying the most disgusting, vile shit about women and playing it off as you being a "lesbian." You're not. You're a fucking man in a dress dating another man in a dress. No wonder you based your whole identity around a hentai game when we first met.
No. 1334086
I! hate! this! fucking! moid!!!!!!! Stop touching my things, stop breaking shit, stop being obnoxious, and stop going where you're not permitted, you absolutely braindead piece of shit. And stop taking up so much fucking space!!! There's no reason your workspaces should take up the most amount of visual, physical, AND AURAL SPACE. When you're not even creating anything new or getting anything done, you have nothing to show for all the time and space you waste. Socially goes without saying but such is life, of course you're an asshole without respect to any superior, colleague, or subordinate. How did you even get here? Your mother. Has no one in your pathetic life held you accountable, you fucking weasel? No one is allowed to be a piece of shit in the dark while I'm around. I'm glad you're uncomfortable that I make you feel watched.
No. 1335537
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I've officially become a female misogynist. I just cant take almost every single woman being either braindead woketard or pathetic pickme conservative. I can't respect my gender and I feel so much second hand embarrassment all the time. The last straw has been seeing women overwhelmingly simp for troons and criminal non-white scrotes. They want us all to be raped and murdered by insane TiMs and black/muslim scrotes, the childish naivety is exactly how sexist men always described women. They were right.
No. 1335559
>>1335537Listen to this nonna
>>1335544Most of us are in hiding. I typically just stay quiet when these topics are brought up unless I can pick up on signs that we have a similar background. There's more of us out there than you think, I promise you.
No. 1335619
>>1335604my mom used to pile my brothers dirty dishes and crumbs onto his bed when he'd leave messes behind, esp if they've been sitting there for a day or two
just a suggestion
No. 1336594
>>1336041It's just because the British Empire is more well-known and was the most powerful one for decades or even centuries. Germany thouroughly acknowledged and apologized for the nazi and WW2, not everyone in the West and among English speakers knows about what's going on in Asia in general and Japan doesn't want to acknowledge the crimes they've committed, and
>>1336049 as for France it's in denial of doing anything wrong and the language barrier means you're less likely to see English speakers calling France a colonizer country. Americans tried it when the French football team won the world cup in 2018 and made fools of themselves because of the subtle cultural differences between France and Britain and their diasporas. I saw so many Americans saying that no, France didn't win the world cup, it's Africa because most football players are from the African diaspora and it pissed off racist French people AND the French people from said diaspora(s).
No. 1336612
>>1335537Nobody wants to get doxxed and harassed by some twitter mob. I've always been vocal about mysoginy from all races/cultures and not just from white men. I do agree with your frustration about women making excuses for the way men treat us but look at the tidalwave we're up against. Its not safe to express any feminist opinion apart from sex positive woke shit and I'm not about to invite more stalkers into my life by going
terf on main. You know what would help a lot though? Men actually standing up for us and supporting us without either being right wing and anti-woman when it comes to literally everything other than gender wokeness and helping protect us from the onslaught of rape and death threats. Not purchasing sex or watching porn, if you're actually a woman than you would know the shit we're up against.
No. 1336729
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>>1336725Nta but probably because it fucked her scalp up. Try picrel
nonnie, I have fine hair too and I like it a lot. There is a learning curve but once you understand the best way to apply it to your hair it's really great.
No. 1336734
>>1336725Because I'm dumb, kek. It was Batiste heavenly volume dry shampoo.
>>1336729Thank you, nonna, it seems it might be a lot kinder on my scalp than the Batiste brand. Here's hoping I don't have to do another rant about my hair in the near future!
No. 1336797
nonnie, you can also use arrowroot powder. I've never tried it but it seems like it would be kind to your scalp also! Good luck!
No. 1337060
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No. 1337687
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No. 1338078
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So do they know you’re doing the exact same thing to them because of your rampant paranoia, because I can imagine it’s very fun until the shoe is on the other foot. I don’t think they’d be very happy if they found out exactly what you’re doing to their private devices and info too.
No. 1339794
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I miss you and I really want to talk to you again. It's sappy and a bit creepy but one of my big motivations is that I want to have my shit together so we can hang out again without me being so insecure and also to set straight the bullshit my mom spread to you. I just don't want to be a burden. I wish I wasn't such a loser and could tell you with the right words why I act(ed) the way I do, so you could understand. But then again I'm terrified that you won't regardless, because I still value you (and your opinion). What have you been up to? How's the holiday? Was the festival fun? I bet you have a lot to tell. Are you working somewhere new? Did you finish that book, was it good? How did you two meet each other, what's he like? Are you happy? Did the moving work without issues? How's your cat doing, what's her name? I really miss you, I wish I wasn't such a mess.
No. 1340510
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NLOG-ed yourself into participating in the vile abuse, stalking, and degradation of another woman all while pretending to cape for amber heard and abuse victims in general. You are never seeing any form of heaven.
No. 1340873
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I was burnt out because of work and university. I decided to quit my job because the company's value is no longer aligned with mine and I know that I don't have a future there.
When I told my mom that I have decided to take some time off and focus on myself, it seems like she doesn't understand and wished I was working instead.
I just want some time off anons, is that so bad? I know that I needed this for a while now because it's been a rough year for me mentally with my dad passing away, busting my ass off studying so I can graduate on time, and finalizing the papers for me to get my degree.
I haven't been able to feel myself, or even have some time for myself the last 4 months, maybe it's time for me to move on to greener paths. I just want to breathe.
No. 1341592
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HOE I DONT CARE!! FIND SOMEONE BETTER THAN ME, DO IT, BE WITH SOMEONE BETTER. I WANT TO BE SINGLE!!! it's not a threat!! find someone better than me, i'll be HAPPY for you. just leave me alone and stop making my life worse when i am already struggling!!!!!!
No. 1341891
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I need to get eaten out so bad it's not even funny
No. 1342035
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For a race of people who claim they don't find black people attractive koreans sure do copy us a lot. Looks like she's got a lacefront wig on but she's calling swooped edges "tweety bangs" and acting like she invented it lmao(racebaiting)
No. 1342052
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>>1342045No but that style of baby hairs was popularized by black and Hispanic people and was considered ghetto at first now Koreans want to rebrand it as "tweety bangs"
No. 1342065
>>1342035>Looks like she's got a lacefront wig onI mean maybe she is wearing a wig?
Baby hairs look so ugly that I thought their only function
was to disguise a hairline from a lacefront wig. Do non-wig wearers actually decide to plaster fly away bangs to their faces willingly lolol
No. 1342073
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>>1342065>Do non-wig wearers actually decide to plaster fly away bangs to their faces willingly lololPeople said long nails were ugly at first too and anything other than short french tips were ghetto but now look, 10 years later most people love them lol. She's not wearing a wig, she probably saw some American rappers with swooped edges and liked it and is now trying to rebrand it as her thing.
No. 1342098
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>>1342090>How did she become the visual?I think that's just the kind of female face Koreans find attractive. I thought Jia looked kind of derpy but she's always praised for how gorgeous she is.
No. 1342113
>>1342098>that's just the kind of female face Koreans find attractive.Its not though, her head is big like a watermelon, has a long face and a unflattering side profile.
and she has changed atleast 50% of her original face with plastic surgery (lip fillers, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, some face slimming procedure).
No. 1342120
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>>1342113This is just depressing.
No. 1342122
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>>1342113Every korean "visual" has the same derpy kind of face.
No. 1342130
>>1342122She’s not a visual, tzuyu is.
But I do find nayeon really ugly, if confuses the fuck out of me. She looks like a rabbit in the worst way
No. 1342142
>>1342129sorry i didnt word myself properly anon. Im putting the blame on the kpop industry who made her do pedobait when she was 13. She had huge male incel fanbase when she was underage in izone and produce shows and that fanbase would hype and promote her and alot of her fame came from that fucked up era when she was underage and not from her visuals or talents.
>>1342140im not that anon.
No. 1344109
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Remember when I was in a bout of severe psychosis and you were absolutely losing your mind saying this was me even though I’m a year older than you. Remember when you spent two years violating every ounce of my privacy and listened to every single intimate thing I did 24 hours a day because you don’t think consent applies to you.
No. 1346212
You are such a retard. You weren't 'abused' or even really 'manipulated', you were just desperate for attention from the first Asian moid that would give you a crumb of attention. Choosing to send him your personal information and to dox yourself to him was the choice you made, you idiot. Who sends their full name and address to some retard from Japan on Twitter at the first crumb of attention? You are a grown ass woman, not a child. Most of us learnt not to do this when we were kids. He even cosplays some retarded character on Twitter for female attention! And you're surprised that he's just as retarded as you? All of the red flags were there. Now that he's moved on and couldn't give af about the desperate white girl he knew for two months online who'd probably lick his feet if he asked her to because he knows she respects herself that little, you think that's 'abuse'? It must be nice to life a life so coddled.
Your yellow fever is weird, your hatred of LGBs despite being the straightest woman alive is weird, you give me the vibes that you would say about how much you hate lesbians and bisexuals for being 'dirty' or something. You're obnoxious and severely mentally ill and just so, so, so annoying. I don't know what's wrong with you, but a symptom of it must be to be the biggest fucking nuisance imaginable to everyone around you. You get on everybody's nerves with how autistic you act and how much you sniff the asshole of the single person who can be bothered to give you the time of day CONSTANTLY, ALL THE TIME, even in the middle of their conversations with other people. You must have BPD or something because the way you act around her is seriously demented. You're unbelievably selfish - the world seems to revolve around you in your mind. You annoy everybody else with your constant rambling, your whining, your self-victimisation, and you don't even seem to realise it. It really is pathetic, but what's worse is that you've been in this cycle of crying and whining for what, six months now? Grow up already!!! Holy shit!!!
No. 1348218
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My sister in Christ, you went through all the trouble of taking testosterone and bitching all the time for people to respect your speshual pronouns and you are still unable to admit you just have a sissy fetish like a regular cock haver.
No. 1350546
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i have the same psychical characteristics of an Aiden without the gender issues and i am sick and tired of being assumed to be a tranny literally no matter what i do
No. 1353031
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To all the women I have ever lashed out at or projected on when at the absolute height of my mental illness and in the most ugly miserable psychosis I am truly sorry in ways I could never verbalize. But to all the men who have exploited me you can get impaled on the freeway because you deserve it.
No. 1353104
>>1353087i got over my ex very quickly because of the same thing you were describing. why would I want to stay with someone who values dicking around on the internet until 5am more than spending time with me? even if he did, he was often tired, or complained when i went to bed before 2am. why would I try to plan things only between the few hours of sunlight he gets? especially in winter.
not to mention diet, water intake, working out, etc. feels like shit, no energy, shit self confidence but actively works against good things. no way
No. 1353126
>>1353087Is he medicated for ADHD or anything? I think he might need something to help him get a regular schedule then get him to start incorporating a more active lifestyle. I have a suspicion he stays up late because he has too much energy and no way to release it besides having a mental overload on the internet until it tires itself out.
I'll be truthful, at that age complaining he doesn't have time to himself, he's immature, but he needs to put his selfishness aside and care about his mental and physical wellbeing. He's going to have to do things in the early morning, like go on a simple walk or even do some cleaning around the house. If he doesn't want to better himself and keep complaining to no end, the door is right there.
No. 1353426
I think my friend I made at college is retarded. She has a concerning fixation on moids, we don't even share the same hobbies, most of our talks are usually about boys, worship bout bitches I used to live with in dorm (she and me were roommates for about 2 semesters, I moved away because I started to dislike my other roommates, she has the same opinion but she still stays in that room) and some random shits. Anyway, about her moids fixation, she used to chat with several guys on multiplayer game she playing. They gave her a lot of creepy flirts, she thought those were funny. She met some tard 2 years younger than her also on game and they have been chatting ever since. It seems he likes her but due to what she told me, they never showed their actual faces, all he and her did was sending each other mixed signals, what irked me the most is that lil shit keep telling her his past love stories about his crush or whatever the fuck I don't care and then constantly compared her to them. If not love shit then he complained about his abusive family. He told her vaguely where he lives but not specific address. Now she formed an idea in her head planning to go to his place, not to visit him but fucking stalk him at his school because she's too spineless to even speak her actual feeling. Though most of the time she's not even serious about her so called decisions so I doubt she going to his place would happen
Many times I told her she should cut off with that piece of shit but she didn't listen. She never listened to me. I told her to speak to dorm managers if she doesn't like living with my old roommates and wants to move to another but she kept that passive attitude and "but nonna my parents won't approve". I told her she shouldn't chat with creepy moids on internet, she didn't listen, she only stopped doing it because she turned her focus to the current one. She never visited my room on her own unless I told her to come, she took my food but didn't eat and let them rot to expiration, she made many excuses why I shouldn't come hang at her house even though it's not like her parents are that abusive. I'm at this point don't even know why I keep being friends with her. We just don't click together, maybe I'm a retard too. Now even I form an idea in my head ending my friendship with her after I finished college.
No. 1353573
nonnie imagine how much happier you'd be with a sunrise BF who loves morning walks, breakfast in bed from waking up and does more than the bare minimum. He sounds like he treats you worse than you treat yourself, he's trash
nonnie and you need to take him out.
No. 1375767
>>1375744I hope everything works for you
nonnie. Things like that sucks
No. 1375860
>>1375853I just went and looked at celebricows 66 because this phrasing was so familiar that it made me recall something odd I saw there
>I love it here and never want a permanent ban again. I'm thankful I was given another chance.matches up pretty well with
>>1370122>I'm not. I'm perfectly normal in these loverly lolcow streets. I just know a woman when I see one, with Draka I have my feeling and thoughts but I won't go on further. I love my time here and don't want to risk itSo,
>>1375765 are you ftm drake anon? Also are you the same one who thinks Kanye is ftm? Thoughts on Boyega if so?
No. 1375943
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This shit is beyond dumb and feels like a psyop frankly
No. 1375945
>>1375938 the "Drake" tinfoiler. I think maybe the
nonnie talking about scrotes breaking into women's phone, may have tagged me by mistake.
No. 1375971
>>1375964It's honestly disgusting. I'm a bystander friend who saw a relationship in the fiance stage crumble when the other cheated. Now the girl that got cheated on glowed up and is making mad money while the cheater is all sad
You reap what you sow.
No. 1375975
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Lesbian grooming has been ridiculously abundant online in the past decade and I wish there was a thread specifically on the topic. It's gotten so much worse with the rise of tiktok and fall of tumblr. Daily reminder that yes, most of the time it is literally just a phase.
No. 1376233
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>>1375996Honestly I hold the view that comphet is 98% memes. I know people growing up in homophobic settings genuinely can and do experience it, but, like many of the things tiktok zoomers claim to experience, I don't think it can really be applied to more than a puny fraction of the people using it. If it's something you feel you have to work nonstop to
unlearn then it certainly doesn't sound like you being gay as much as it sounds like straight conversion therapy or, well, grooming. And no more pretending that LGBT grooming is little more than a right-wing conspiracy. Never has been. Trending has also always been a thing.
There are a lot of tweets, tiktoks, and other posts like this, many of which include a dancing anime girl or kpop girl backdrop which adds a layer of something. They also reference a lesbian master doc a lot? Maybe I'll check that out because it already sounds ominous. There are also countless mentions of people having to fight off their attractions to men irl kek, as well as reassurance than wanting to fuck male enbies, mtfs, and anime boys is still peak lesbian.
>>1376191The already irritating wuhluhwuh has fallen out of favor for the even more disturbing numlenum or "nonmen loving nonmen". Grim.
>>1376143Don't know if I'd call turning 19 or otherwise outgrowing the need for constant validation from your retarded zoomer peers "conversion therapy" but it seems to do the trick for most girls (key word:
most). If I sound like Freud, you sound like a
troon. Weird, gross, and graphic post and won't be replying to another from you.
No. 1376242
>>1375990I agree, there's a lot to unpack behind this desire to be a lesbian and the spicy straight epidemic as a whole. Peer validation, lifelong exposure to sex culture leaving the feeling that celibacy/not being in a relationship isn't an option, and how being a """cishet""" woman just doesn't cut it these days when incels in dresses have convinced everyone they are the final bosses of opression to name a few. It'd be interesting to see some anons who previously identified as lesbians talk about their experiences of realizing they weren't because I
know it's more common than anyone would like to admit kek.
No. 1376253
>>1376233conversion therapy still exists retard, it's done with an actual psychologist or religious figure, can include physically
abusive "exorcisms", making someone nauseous while having them look at images of women to "decondition", some go as far as rape even though they are so obsessed with women's virginity. Most samesex attracted women and girls in the world don't come from a hyperliberal area where you were "brainwashed" by tiktok. So your "for most girls it's a phase" spiel is bullshit and just because you wanted to be spicy, doesn't mean that's the case for every girl on the planet.
No. 1376270
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I think one really sad thing about being a stalking victim is that if you are mentally ill, socios will do whatever they can to take advantage of you and think it’s a justifications for the fucked up things they do to you. If there is anything that has inspired me to take better care of myself, other than being able to treat people much better than I did before it’s absolutely because I do not and never have on any capacity deserved what these people have done to me. Men who stalk and voyeur will drag as many people as they can into their histrionic theater and will desperately look for any means to an end when it comes to making excuses for the disgusting, horrible, dehumanizing things they are doing. If there is an opening they will force themselves through it no matter how vocal you are about not consenting or how clear you make your boundaries. Men do not and never will give a fuck about you.
No. 1376340
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Get out off the fucking kitchen I wan't to cook and make food in peace reee why do people think the kitchen is a common room when I have a knife and a short temper
No. 1376385
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>>1376361why couldn't they have vandalized the yacht of of a rich scrote or something? Someone who is actually responsible for the climate change shit? Oh wait they were indirectly funded by an oil company. Even the excuse that it got so many eyes on them, so it must've been a success, when really it just feeds back into the spectacle. Why are these people picking decidedly socialist artists to vandalize? There are women who went to prison for vandalizing a warplane (picrel), or for vandalizing a pipeline, meanwhile wtf is this bullshit? I'm not inherently against vandalizing, but you have to make it count.
No. 1377220
>>1376270Friendliness is not consent. Watching someone is torture. I've lost control of my mind because of it. I feel you nonna I get it. People use emotional manipulation to try and force you to give up your life and what you care about and don't understand that you need your space and your alone time. If you have any money at all you cannot trust other people to not cause you to lose your life, safety, and sanity. I can't validate all your opinions and traumas I need to take care of myself and the people closest to me end of.
I don't want attention anymore. All my friends are manipulative psychopaths who want to use me as a crutch.
No. 1377311
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No. 1377336
>>1377311Literally saw the same joke made on Instagram posted by a man and a woman.
The woman posted it first. Plenty of “women can’t make jokes mwahahah” posts under her comment.
The man has no such comments, only a few bros laughing at “his” joke
The “joke” is this is not limited to humor but it happens in many areas of life. Woman does something, gets told off that women can’t do whatever she is doing, a man takes the opportunity to steal her work and gets praised for it
No. 1377339
>>1377311my ftm ex friend was just like this because i was friendless and she wasnt kek. i couldnt even do anything about it like it would be so retarded to get mad at her for or ask for credit (lmao) but it used to drive me absolutely insane on the inside back then. idk if it was better or worse that she sent me screenshots obviously i couldnt ask her to tell her friends that it was me behind the jokes.
so i guess she passes in that way kek. cant even understand why because she was funny and cool in her own way i dont think she needed to steal any material from me
No. 1377616
>>1377398nonnie i am born and raised in ingerland and agree with you on this. I hate rich scroungers more but I grew up on a council estate where you would see women have bairns just for the benefits. No work ethic, no ambition for even something small like to be a good cleaner or a carer or have a cake making side job or some shit to be a good role model for their kids. Nothing. I see it with disability too where people who are just lazy play off the anxiety card and get more money than hardworking ppl who contribute to society.
I think a good country will support it's people in need and when they are genuinely unable to work or having a hard time. However this country is full of dossers who get paid more for having more children thus never have any incentive to work. It sickens me, plus the fact if you work you get absolutely no assistance even if you are just £5 above the benefits line.
No. 1379432
There is something deeply wrong with you, a hollowness that is perceived by every living person. My sister says you've gotten slightly better "since she convinced you you are autistic". Your stalking tendencies are mirrored in your truant son that you sent over and over again to mental institutions, hating to see yourself. Your youngest children do not trust you. The people you live do not truly love you, but see you as the last train to a chance at a normal life. Your body is decaying and will dilapidate to the point of no return soon. Even if you strap a bomb to your chest and drag everyone with you, it is a fact that the universe rewards love and altruism, not bitterness and obsessive resentment. I do not forget the lies you told to me and am disappointed in the person you turned out to be. You eat away at peoples' patience like an animal starved of food, unsure when they're going to get their next meal. It is not enough for you to merely stand, you must feel the ribs of those you step on and keep indebted to you with shallow grandiose gestures to feel alive, and when you are alone, you hate it. You don't want to be by yourself, but even among people, you are. You act fake, and wear a mask to get reactions to play act the sense of having a consistent self. (that it is a different self every time doesn't matter to you). You deserve the life of debt, misery, and tedium that you've earned through your pettiness and lack of honesty.