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No. 886828
Containment thread for all the art salt you could imagine. And sometimes, people ask for help. Stop getting pissy about that.
Discuss the shitty art and even shittier attitude of artists
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse!
Recent Art Milk:
Like nothing of note. Feel free to link highlights yourself but nothing sticks out to me.
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
Previous Thread:
>>820866 No. 887183
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>>886828i have an art question about drawing from imagination, not from observation, so the "use your pencil as a ruler !" trick that i've been getting in every Google result doesn't work here :
say i want to draw a box in perspective that has a certain ratio, like length 6cm, width 4cm and height 3cm.
how do i keep those ratios when putting it in perspective ? because yes, i can place a vanishing point, but how do i know how deep the box has to be so that the proportions are maintained ?
i saw this, and it works really well, but sadly only for a square tile on the ground/the square basis of the box : help it's driving me mad.
No. 887206
>>887191thank you for your answer ! i was indeed wondering if those who are better than me eyeball it.
it's that i'm trying to make a box and cut in in 8 to place a character inside, but the end that's far away seems to really dwarf the head or the feet in a way i doubt is natural/realistic. and so if i had a way to be SURE that the character box is indeed character-sized, it would help me.
No. 887511
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>>887510I forgot with embed no pic. Here is pic.
No. 887845
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imagine being harmonyskish, thinking that your generic ass oc that has been done before is worth $100-120.
anyways, here's a link to the oc that was done before harmony's to show you what I mean. No. 887884
File: 1629527184207.png (246.73 KB, 566x617, norling.png)

>>887510yes that might be it, right from the beginning he talks about my issue, thank you nona !
also i found this in Norling, that's a bit complicated to understand but it solves the issue for 2-point.
good luck to everybody !
No. 887900
File: 1629529467064.png (1.88 MB, 1726x827, E860L_zUcAgTBxh.png)

I love when an artist posts their art progress over a period of time as if its some motivational thing but you struggle to find exactly what's improved. I'd be embarrassed if after five years my hands and faces are pretty much the same.
Well I guess it's motivational in a way. Please don't let me end up like these people.
No. 888073
>>887900yeah the sad part is that she doesn't realize how little changed… i would have expected the caption to be "drawing just for fun is OK, don't grind if it makes your hobby not fun anymore".
also, idk why her recent drawing has so little contrast between lineart and coloring that it makes the picture less readable. she didn't have this problem before.
No. 888410
File: 1629575769195.png (575.93 KB, 1970x1055, 6142062251.png) /ot/. I've compiled a document detailing the ties between former FGC artist Shunao and her vtuber alt Furuya Mari as well as her past actions as both a rape accuser and an assets theft. I hope this can find its way to the public.
No. 888425
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>>888410 those of you who are disinterested in reading, I have also retrieved the breaking point between her and Corimon (her former FGC friend who retweeted her own vtuber debut) which features odd behaviors such as
>The use of the words "It wasn't my intention to hurt you" even though those exact words got her cancelled last time>Believing that Corimon's vtuber assets are so "correct" that she needs to steal them even though she's the artist whose been to conventions for 7 years while Corimon is just a random streamer>Repeat instances of stealing despite being confronted about it No. 888513
>>887900imo her choice of colours is more pleasing in the second pic (even though I agree with
>>888073 when it comes to the line art)
No. 888769
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>>888729NTA but from the artist side of things there's rearing her face into Lunarcon, unironically deciding that MinoMino would be a good new mantle to have, and constantly retweeting her own store announcements when it's made clear that no one cares.
As for Mari there's streams with 30 viewers at most and her old fans like Sutocayo, Okotomi, and ModernHyrulian unknowingly dox the person they simp for. Personally I think putting Mari out of her misery is a favor more than anything.
No. 889259
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This is Namie kun in the year 2021, say something nice about her!
No. 889334
>>889259Yeah that aussie accent gave it away. Once the SJW twit finds out an East Asian girl is LARPing a brown girl, she’s going to be unfortunately cancelled so hard…
They fucked up her character design I feel so bad for namie
No. 889545
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>>889488Damn it's kind of insane how there's articles already out about her
simps are scary No. 889564
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>>889488Nature, space, chaos, time, civilization
>>889545Her Twitch streams might have been scarce (and unarchived) but her voice leaves an impression so I'm not too surprised.
The owl on the other hand has thrown /vt/ in a loop as for whether she's Shachimu or not because of some tweet mentioning a bf.
No. 889595
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Namie confirmed.
No. 889606
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>>889604Namie loves pako so I think she's happy with it. Also I wonder if the hair is inspired by Rosa from pokemon? Namie used to draw her a ton.
Their synergy is really disappointing. The collab stream felt painful to watch. I hope Sana and Ina do cute art collabs though
No. 889617
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>>889610kinda funny enough one of her pixiv fantasia characters started out tan but became pale over time. She didn't mention anything about art on stream. I wonder if she will even stream her art?
No. 889627
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>>889595>>889604If I didn't know they were Hololive, I would've thought they were indie vtubers. They all have those trying-too-hard-to-be-unique clusterfuck designs that a lot of indies have.
>>889610There's a vague resemblance but not enough to conclusively say it's based on her old oc.
>>889617Doesn't Namie only do commercial work now? She'll probably be bound by NDAs and have to do something like Ina where she only streams warmups and exercises.
No. 889703
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>>889269I don't get it, he created some of the best designs in FGO and here it looks like he went in the opposite direction. He was probably given some directions and guidelines to follow, but it's very disappointing.
Speaking of FGO, am I the only one who thinks the rat girl is just a recolor of Sei Shonagon? I know they are both drawn by Mika Pikazzo, but they seem to have the same kind of obnoxious personality.
No. 889721
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I like how he calls himself a professional, but draws like this, lmao.
No. 889732
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>>889668Part of me wishes they weren’t banned. I was just forced to see art of this bug eyed loli and I wish I had a place to talk about it. It’s hard to be able interested in the art of vtubers when this pedoshit is around every corner.
No. 889739
>>889734It’s a real vtuber,
nonnie. Their twitter handle is @kyuotto and they offend my gaze everytime I accidentally come across their fanart. I try to avoid loli/shota shit because I fucking hate it but this person managed to gain 15k followers with their avatar and so you see this coomer nonsense if you’re not careful.
No. 890568
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I hate Twitter art raffles. Yeah no shit nobody actually likes your art, but if it's free why not, it's literally two seconds effort on their part for something you'll waste hours of your life on.
I don't even get why people are so obsessed with followers. A mutual follow from an artist you actually like and respect is worth 1000 nobodies.
No. 890602
>>890563I know about it, was just wondering if others had so I could post things to discuss since the drama goes deep
But sure I won’t post about it lol
No. 890883
>>889595man those are the official designs? they all look like ass save for like two maybe. i like kronii's design but her titanic tits just look out of place.
how did hololive en manage to fuck up so badly on the designs?
>>889259 the one made my pako looks almost laughable if it wasn't incredibly sad considering how pako is an excellent character designer.
No. 890994
>>889732I remember she was talked about in a first thread. TBH its fair and good that vt threasd are closed, half of the retarded wojak spammers and baiters are from vt-tards that still got lolcow living rent-free in their head, claiming its the place where they only shit talking their mentally ill vtubers. I do not think it should have a thread because the amount of gore from, for example k*ara WKs (the people who also always mention lc) back when this thread was a thing.
On top of that VT community is retarded and obviously full of fake people and drama tards, it's basically the same as vocaloid community thread. I'd rather suggest some weird 'typical pickme coomer' thread, because there are many pathetic people like picrel.
Her design is actually stolen from someone as far as i remember and she scammed some artist at the beginning.
No. 891095
>>891092What grinds my gears the most are
POC/LGBT artists go post normal ass (sometimes mediocre) art and go 'omg it costs nothing to support a
poc/lgbt artist!!! give this some love guys!!' it's just such blatant begging.
No. 891189
>>890568I don't see art raffles as a really big deal, if they're done sparingly (like for some relevant milestone) they can work to lift some engagement (although yeah it will always attract people who just want free art)
What I do hate tho is artists who keep doing raffles and only care about numbers n shit, then start whining that they don't get commissions and ppl don't rt their art. Those are annoying af.
No. 891205
File: 1629840485475.png (417.7 KB, 1920x1080, E9Epz_HVEAoguzC.png)

why is iofi's concept 'artist' if this is the best she can do?(she drew the 2 bottom ones btw)
No. 891279
>>891269Anon-chan that's drawn by a literal who IOFI from holoID.
>>891205Stop bringing this shit up, it's stupid and there's no milk. It's just a doodle fanart of one of the holoIDs. Are you seriously trying to build theories over it? Please gtfo to vt
No. 891497
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Why tf does she have so many followers? And why won't she go away?
No. 891589
>>891497Who?? Context,
No. 891739
>>886828Have you seen this mega hoarder? Wouldn't be surprised if she was talked here already.. Of course her art is sub-par (her last insta post was from a month or two ago), yet she's showing off more than $2000 worth of art supplies here.
I notice a pattern with some youtubers, they hoard more than draw and somehow seem to think having expensive shit makes them better artists..
No. 891830
>>891739It‘s a phase I think. Such artists are on a level where they still need to experiment with several mediums bc they have not found their medium yet. Living in a consumerist culture plays a role too.
Usually, I enjoy haul videos as background noise but this lady is absolutely boring and her camera is shaky af, not to speek of that ugly cloth (she removes it at some point but that doesn‘t help much). Better to watch people like Natasha Newton. She buys a lot too but it‘s always stuff that fits her needs or if it‘s new for her she doesn‘t go overboard with it (and sticks to her usual color range too).
No. 891953
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>>887183check out Draw A Box! It's a free course on perspective. I think you will particularly find a huge amount of value in the rotated box exercise (pictured) which is further into lesson 1. I do recommend doing all the exercises that lead up to it since the whole structure of this course is a slow build-up on each prior exercise, plus there are some other exercises that you'd probably find beneficial as well. The course as a whole is really fantastic, it teaches you not only to pull shapes out of stuff, but how to manipulate them as well which ultimately aids greatly in drawing from imagination. your question on the boxes of a specific size, once to do the rotated box exercise and really get the hang of it, you might find it worthwhile to do it again but instead starting with a box dimensions of your choice. Changing the size/shape of the boxes for a second round of the exercise is not something he covers in his course, but he at least gives you the tools to get you started with it. Good luck!
No. 891957
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>>891497>63K likesCoomer art really is a lottery of luck and connections huh. And her constant cycle of depression/suicide baiting is annoying as fuck
No. 892133
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>>892051idolomantises. I always tried to feel sympathetic for their earlier “my art flopped :(“ posts but this kind of talk just tells me you need to take a break from twitter (and also drawing because you shouldn’t be breaking your back for twitter likes).
No. 892140
>>892133when you have 100k followers 10k likes is on the low end. it's like having 100 followers and only getting 10 likes. it's annoying when anyone complains about likes though, artists who tie their art's value to how many likes they got are just hurting themselves.
art that goes viral is more often than not because it's a relevant or popular subject matter, not necessarily because it's drawn well
No. 892182
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White washing is an issue, but sometimes these fuckers annoy the hell out of me because how righteous they are. they just won’t let people draw what they want because it isn’t in their eyes it’s not enough, and yet, the hypocrisy in this case is that most of these fucks only draw African Americans in one skin tone and that’s the stereotypical dark brown
No. 892364
>>892133>>892325is this the person that got called out on tumblr for being into '
problematic' kinks and being an 'abuser'?? I put into quotes because i'm not sure of the veracity of the claims.
No. 892565
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>>892133This person always makes like 4 posts a month that each get 20k-30k likes by the way
No. 892787
>>888599I went to art school (public not private) and there was someone I knew there who drew even worse than that when we graduated. Throughout her degree, she refused to do anything in class other than shitty anime no matter what professors said to her, claiming it was just her preferred “style”. So she graduated with a portfolio full of middle school tier art and now all she does is cry on Twitter that no one will hire her even though she’s “professionally trained” and has a degree in art
>>892140I could be wrong because this is about Twitter and I’m more familiar with Instagram, but on Instagram anyone with a 1k-100k follower count should have around 10% likes based on their count (although the % seems to be lower now that ig wants to be tiktok)
No. 893871
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ValiDate announced that they're changing the artist to be one artist and honestly consistency between all the characters makes it look so much more visually appealing than before when they were each done by a different artist.
but also cannot get over how weird that square hair guy's hair looks like it's just flat black squares
No. 893875
>>893871kek I like how the tranny character looks now literally like a man in a wig. Nice touch.
That said I agree that it makes much more sense to have just one artist taking care of the artwork, while the designs are still disastrous it still looks way better visually.
No. 893898
>>893871The writing is ass and I'm never ever ever going to play it, but I'm in love with the guy in yellow lipstick so I'm taking him.
>>893878>It's nice to see natural hair drawn like… ever.Big agree and is the big reason why I'm sad this is the game that's gonna supply the afrotextured hair visuals. Begging, maybe some day someone non-smoothbrained will make a good game with proper things like these
No. 894156
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I’m sick of struggling with my art. I’m only going to use a round airbrush until I finally learn how to draw in the way that I want. It’s so annoying to see 13 year olds leagues ahead of me but I know I can do it too.
No. 894164
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>>893878Not a game but Biji on Twitter does nice art of original characters with natural hair (mostly locs and afros iirc). I think she’s working on a comic but I think her designs have nice character to them instead of just being nine thousand identity markers shoved together.
No. 894279
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How has this webcomic existed for years and this man’s art style has not improved in the slightest.
No. 894301
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>>894273>>894274iirc graphic designer here, going from illustration to graphic design isn't a walk in the park and you'll notice most star-studded graphic designers can't draw for shit, being decent at drawing helps a bit but it makes mostly no fucking difference in the most profitable areas of graphic design, a lot of people in my college class were typical tumblr fanartists who really got knocked down a peg when they realized the trust fund bby influencers were actually better than them at this.
No. 894313
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>>894291No fucking clue but this dude is make at minimum 13k a month to publish this shit comic. I don’t know if I should be repulsed or applaud the hustle.
No. 894322
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>>894308No, NFTs are basically all shitty business (pyramid scheme, blockchaining, etc) practice in one garbage thing.
No. 894371
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>>894369thanks! I think cryptoart=pyramid scheme makes so much more sense
No. 894588
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OT but I can’t be the only one who thinks artists who price things like this are delusional considering the quality of their work right? I understand you shouldn’t undervalue yourself as an artist, but if you’re going to be charging this much, at least know basic anatomy. Though from what I’ve seen this artist does have a bloated ego. The worst thing about this is that this is some of their better work, everything else I’ve seen on their twitter is extremely amateurish
No. 894655
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>>894632>>894647NTA but I don’t get the big deal. The art isn’t great but not that horrible, just looks like mediocre anime art so normie customers definitely aren’t going to care.
Judging by the artist’s media, they’ve made at least $3000 in the 3 months since they’ve made their commissions post so clearly people like the art enough to buy. From the artist’s pov it may seem like there’s no issue at all with the prices.
No. 894770
>>894647If some retard pays $350 for shit, that just means there’s another retard out there who will pay
You $350
nonnie. Stop being a salty cunt, people charging high benefits everyone
Unless you WANT to be underpaid for good work
No. 894811
>>894655I've seen
much worse art being sold, I would fully accept a $350 price tag on a piece like this even if the anatomy leaves much to be desired, especially if the artist has limited slots for commissions and people are lining up to buy art from her. Like
>>894677 mentioned it's clean, fully colored and rendered fullbody piece that takes hours to finish so I'd say people got their money's worth. It's not up to the artist to be humble and ask for something a salty anon on an imageboard finds appropriate, if people want to pay them for art then that's what they're going to ask for. If someone wants to pay 400 bucks for a stick figure, I would sell it even if someone thought it's "immoral".
No. 895109
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>>895093I was really into Bleedman comics on deviantart in 2007ish. His art was always really cool but it's improved a lot over the years and his compositions and character art is just totally amazing. His instagram only has like 3400 followers which just boggles my mind because he draws a lot of fan art.
No. 895117
>>895093Man, I got onto deviantart late during my creepypasta phase, right before deviantart “died”.
Despite it being a big part of my younger life, I barely remember all of those I followed. I just remember the biggies like Fukari, Loish (still love her old style), kastoway, Madam Macabre and SuchanARTIST13
I don’t think any of them, besides Loish, really post art anymore
No. 895124
File: 1630283085208.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1401, tailsbleedman.png)

>>895113Haha yeah I was in jr high when I was reading the Grimm and Mandy and power puff girls shit. He doesn't really seem to draw any of that stuff anymore or make comics, that I'm aware of anyway. His insta is all fanart. This picrel of Tails is is cute.
No. 895127
>>895126(same anon, typo)
No. 895128
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>>895093Loved and still follow artists like ChanCake and Ameru. They still post art. and both stream on twitch too. Chan works as an illustrator irl now and I love her style and use of colors, Ame left her job at a stationary store and is focusing more fully on her art now I think. I used to follow Lavender-ice and she went from my most beloved artist to my personal cow for a while (bf broke up with her and she went full on bpd crazy but then eventually had the brains to remove most people off her priv twitter). I think she still posts art but I don’t care for it so much anymore. Picrel is Chan’s new url, awdeko
No. 895227
>>895159> mooching off of fans is a healthy way of being an adult.Ntsa but You act like earning money or living on commissioned works with bad art is the worse thing an adult can do kek
They’re being transparent with their art, I really don’t see the issue here
No. 895260
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>>895093I liked Space Coyote/Nina Matsumoto a lot in the mid 00's, at some point she went viral for her anime-styled Simpsons fanart (picrel, sorry I couldn't find a better quality one) and I believe she's still around. Ironically enough I also liked Dave Kelly's also known as Shmorky's work back when he wasn't a demented tranny outed as a pedofur.
I had more but I just can't remember their handles or names anymore, and a lot of them have removed their accounts years ago.
No. 895268
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>>895093Vaporotem who's still active but haven't seen her art until today.
Mintchoco. She was a cunt to her audience (she blocked people for not following her after faving or if they didn't fav ALL her artwork and sometimes just randomly blocking out of nowhere even after you do as she says), but her art was pretty cool.
She nuked her deviantart but she's still around on tumblr and twitter but less active and under a different name. Her art style hasn't changed much but she mostly focuses on Pokémon fanart now.
No. 895276
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I really hope this doesn't sound very whiny but I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore anons, I just don't know why I kept taking these long hiatus, came back drawing for a bit, and then stop. I don't want to give up just yet but I just don't see the point of continuing…It's been like this for a couple of years now, my art isn't beginner tier but it's not too mind-blowing either. I just don't know what inspires me to draw again because I need it so badly.
No. 895286
>>895276>I just don't know why I kept taking these long hiatus, came back drawing for a bit, and then stop.Here in your same situation right now. Been trying to call back to the reason I started drawing in the first place and trying to get back that childlike creativity and joy in just creating. I never drew for numbers or anything like that but I find myself constantly uninspired and unmotivated. I only ever find the energy to do small doodles and always leave things unfinished, and rarely if ever finish an illustration.
>>895271>The younger the artist the more impressed I am because it's clear they're very observant.It's true, but also in this day and age there are a lot more resources and digital art isn't seen as negatively. That isn't a dig at you, I'm genuinely happy for these kids to be able to make art and be supported the whole way. It's not very healthy to compare yourself to child prodigies(?) in fuck-knows-where anyway.
No. 895407
File: 1630324577833.png (96.17 KB, 591x983, Screenshot_1.png)

I'm sure you ladies have probably seen some semblance of this game that's going around. Your Boyfriend, the yandere dating sim. It's been making the rounds on TikTok and to no surprise is popular with edgy teens even though this has been marked 18+.
There was some controversy and a callout post made on the creator of the game and her husband. Allegations of grooming, rape and such–the usual for callouts. However, in this particular situation, OP claims that the creator groomed them for their husband when the OP was – wait for it – 17 years old. Almost 18 and only persued a relationship with the OP after they turned 18–so keep in mind throughout this entire callout post, OP was 18 years old.
Yes, a 30+ year old dating an 18-year-old is weird as fuck but not illegal. The OP was a legal adult throughout the entire thing. Leave it to Twitter in the replies to refer to the OP as a "child" even though they're AN ADULT. it a read, I found it pretty amusing honestly. The way the OP writes the beginning makes it pretty obvious that they're trying to make the situation worse than it seems. It is also 90% about the HUSBAND, and not about the creator of the game at all. Only the grooming and some other allegations, which are just word of mouth and nothing substantial. It seems like, at this point, another case of someone seeing another person's popularity skyrocket so they decide to ruin their lives with POSSIBLE false allegations (or things taken out of proportion and twisted to fit a certain narrative).
No. 895428
File: 1630326696895.png (1.24 MB, 1290x694, screen-shot2_orig.png)

>>895423Samefag, I just googled the game and ngl, it doesn't look great. Is the boyfriend supposed to be blank so the player can project their ideal features onto him or something? I don't see how this is hot
No. 895477
>>895471Styles aren't copyrighted, artists who reeee about people copying their style are stupid and entitled.
But on the other hand if you prioritize learning how to copy people's styles rather than learning how to draw by yourself and subsequently developing your own style naturally through that, it just makes it seem like you're lazy and uncreative, and that you're barely trying. You can copy aspects of people's styles and blend it all into something that's yours, it happens naturally, but if all you do is copy without even trying to learn then you might as well just buy a printer.
No. 895561
>>895117Fukari is still around as makabrotka on ig where she draws her human ocs and fukari_art on Twitter where she draws furry stuff. She also has an onlyfans, which is… Unfortunate. I used to love her stuff on deviantart.
ctchrysler/dCTb was a huge inspiration to me back in the day, I think his style really influenced how my art is now. He’s still drawing his ocs and has improved a lot over the years, and afaik is working in the animation industry.
No. 895593
>now all of them have their own stylethat's kind of what
>>895477 meant, though. you can copy stuff as long as in the long run you end up developing something that's your own. just relying on copying and never developing something that's yours some way or another is the problem.
No. 895823
File: 1630361710574.jpg (126.82 KB, 641x1000, 20210830_181428.jpg)

Yueko is still supporting NFTs. She listed this one for nearly 10k USD.
No. 895877
>>895874But if someone still wants to pay, what's your problem with that? It's not your money. There's other media available for free while some still choose to pay for it and I don't see the same reaction.
>>895876That's the case with most products you buy, many of which you don't actually need. Again, why is this singled out?
No. 895897
>>895882I still don't get it, companies and factories are consuming tons of energy and resources that are screwing up our planet, so why is cryptocurrency only the problem?
If cryptocurrency is a problem, why not get rid of all clothes, cars, all things manufactured by the manufactory and go to the forest and live "eco"? All the things we buy every day, water and energy consumption are much more dangerous to the environment.
No. 895927
>>895919All things you buy help humanity? Gimme a break.
All your complaints about nfts are illogical, hypocritical, and confusing.
Until you follow the money. Stop being naive. You're being played.
No. 895930
>>895927Most people don't believe in or like NFTs, it's not trendy anymore, whatever yadda yadda. If NFT is so great then do us all a favor and leave to mine your stuff instead of clogging the thread with bitbro propaganda.
If you have no milk about art, leave.
No. 895931
>>895930>leaveHahaha no.
You get to read things that irk you or close your eyes/tab.
No. 895948
>>895936Also, I challenge you to "destroy"
me now. Go ahead, address my arguments.
No. 896356
>>896007You claim to be a "third worlder" but if that's the case then you're a rich, oblivious one. Like
>>896348 stated, NFTs are pretty much gambling for rich people. You seem to have forgotten that it costs quite a bit of money to mint an artwork, and that it's not guaranteed that it'll get bought. So there's a chance that you literally threw money in the trash for nothing. A real poor person would rather use that money to, you know, buy food or make sure they have a roof over their head or electricity. Even more a "third worlder", considering currency changes. Real poor artists resort to regular commissions and patreon because those mean at least SOME sort of guaranteed income. NFTs aren't sustainable, be it ecologically or financially.
No. 896413
>>896348>No actual poor person has the money, time and fame to be successful selling’s not easy, true. it needs skill and smarts. being terminally online, learning a second language, observing retardation unfold in the virtual world. if you go into it, you need to understand that you’ve sacrificed your money, it’s lost now. i agree
>no poor person would lose their money wrong, poor online urban people who have a basic safety net of food and shelter can and will. its even illegal, and ive seen some kids from villages get around it.
>but poor people don’t have internet connection!!!!! they don’t even have electricity!!!!!!now you’re just retarded
>>896356oh spare me the american/european/ive never seen a massacre in my life that was funded by the US attitude. i know most of you have pretty myopic views of third world countries that alternate between “poor starving kid eating his own shit” and “rich oil prince”, but that’s not the case
No. 896425
>>896413i'd believe you if i had seen regular artists using nfts. not just one or two oddballs, but a good chunk.
but the only people i saw supporting and working with nfts were either terminal bitbros or established artists with either a stable industry position/job or a fuckton of money. not once i've seen a "poor artist" or even a regular middle class-looking one doing nfts. if the only people in the playground are the bigger shots in the industry or the richies then the message is pretty clear.
nft may have worked for you, if yes then fine good for you mate, but for the majority of artists it didn't and won't. just get over it. nft isn't that revolutionary.
No. 896488
>>896413Why are you making shit up? I didn't say the last two greentexts and I didn't imply them. You really have to sperg to make your argument seem
No. 897210
>>897156The print size goes down when you raise the resolution because it's trying to protect the integrity of the picture's information IN PRINT.
Normally printers print to a 300DPI (dots per inch) so that's why if the original file is 72DPI, printer program will have to either stretch it out (tries to guess the missing dot information poorly by blurring/pixelating the edges) OR force the size to be smaller (more accurate to the original).
Most programs will go the second route because a crispier smaller printed image is marginally a better option than a blurry regular size one.
The 72DPI default in Photoshop comes from the 80s. It used to be the standard screen resolution so the point was to keep websites graphics to a minimum load time. Internet used to be slow and if you worked with higher res no one would be able to see it anyways.
Nowadays computers and phones have way higher DPI so the 72DPI standard is completely obsolete, work with at least 300DPI so it looks decent in screen and print and it's not too heavy.
I draw better than I write so don't judge my poor explanation haha.
No. 897311
File: 1630500721890.png (5.17 MB, 2690x2700, Shitnigami Art.png)

Brace yourself girlies because I am saltier than the goddamn entire ocean right now.
I have came across this type of "artist" for the past few years but I have been silent I can't take it anymore.I can forgive if they're children learning to draw but most of these people are adults plus they're selling and taking commissions of their supposed "art".All they do is exactly copy official art or worse other's digital art but drawn digitally.The most popular guy doing this type of crock of shit is Shinigami Arts.
I knew of his existence due to "drama" that involve Sasuchi95.He copied her Sakura fanart from 2017.
You can read Sasu's twitter thread,I am not gonna spoon feed you since it's not related. worst thing he's not the only one.Tiktok and Instagram is filled with these people and the all have big followings.I spent my shitty time practicing,selling my soul to go to shitty art college and engaging with my followers when I could've just post glorified colouring book and get thousands upon thousands of retards praising me like I am the next picasso.
Warning if you do decide to comment that their drawings are traces of other people's art they would loose their shit."I WORK SO HARD ON IT,I SPENT LIKE 9 HOURS TO BASICALLY COPY OTHERS ART LINE BY LINE" The fact that youhave to make an effort to trace means you're shit artist.
AND MOST OF ALL.WHY IN THE ACTUAL LIVING FUCK WOULD ANYONE FALL FOR THIS?You can take a glimpse of their insta page and just see that it is basiccally official poster of anime drawn and paper.It is another thing if they draw realism and trying to copy photography since realism actually take some talent but this?This is what I used to do when I was a dumb child to practice drawing.
No. 897322
>>897311>AND MOST OF ALL WHY IN THE ACTUAL LIVING FUCK WOULD ANYONE FALL FOR THIS?Unless it's a popular series with easily recognizable marketing, nobody is an autistic database for official posters to suss when an IG artist traces.
I personally don't know what the fuck that is from in your picrel.
No. 897516
>>897271There are 3 parameters in sizing standard image files.
Physical size: How big it is when printed (real life inches).
Pixel dimensions: Width and Height. Pixel "proportions" if you may.
Resolution/DPI: number of dots or pixels per inch.
This is how they work together:
-Physical size = resolution x pixel dimensions (don't ask me to do the math in this one, it's awful)
-Resolution = physical size / pixel dimensions
-Pixel dimensions = physical size / resolution
Let's say you have a 3000x3000 that has a 72DPI.
We multiply the inches and the pixel size to give us the total pixels there are in your image.
That's 21,600x21,600 pixels in total.
Now you have a 3000x3000 that's at 300DPI.
That'd be 900,000x900,000 pixels in total.
It's a huge difference in pixels/dots/color information.
It's unnoticeable in a computer screen because they are small and have lower resolution than real life (for now)
But the printer needs the DPI information because it's literally printing 300 dots per inch of paper and if your file is only telling it the information of 72 dots per inch it has to either resize it or pixelate it (which is just the program's guess work).
Even if your 72DPI file is huge, you'd still have to print it 3 times smaller to match that pixel resolution in a 300DPI printer.
Hope this is a bit more helpful?
No. 897635
>>897271NTA but here's a reply for dummies (like myself):
72dpi canvas that's 3508*2480px is the EXACT same thing as 300dpi A4 canvas, because dpi is only relevant for printing. So just use 300dpi and don't worry too much about resolution unless you're given specifications. 600 dpi is overkill but I've heard b/w manga artists work with that resolution.
Not saging to drown retarded scrotes posting in board.
No. 898330
File: 1630551210867.jpeg (50.92 KB, 474x567, CE29B285-0BFA-43C0-AA06-F5EB74…)

>>895093I used to follow Phobs and it looks like they became a comic artist in their own respect, the art was already really good but does suffer same face sometimes and I think they’ve improved on using colors but the people they draw isn’t much different. I really miss their LOTR stuff. I also used to follow Emmy Cicgeria and loved her stuff but since she’s become a storyboard artist she doesn’t post anything much anymore and it makes me sad especially since I noticed that she became more “woke” as soon as she started working on gravity falls. I loved her monster girls and her atmospheric art really miss her as an artist
No. 898367
>>898330Phobs' art is still amazingly good and i'm glad she got a legit career out of it but i din't really care for the main comics content-wise.
i miss when she used to draw content for that one extremely niche historical period tat i love (oprichnina). her tolkien art was also so based
No. 898469
File: 1630566363624.png (632.32 KB, 955x522, Untitled249.png)

God, what's with harmonyskish drawing almost mlp Ahegao?
No. 898478
File: 1630568446697.jpeg (48.21 KB, 1058x1080, F238FD2E-DB42-4314-8831-EB5537…)

Is drawing over 3D models you pose yourself cheating? Yes or no?
No. 898485
>>898482you're only supposed to use the frame, genius.
No. 898786
File: 1630606087423.jpeg (79.77 KB, 828x762, 5CECA757-8074-4387-86F1-52735F…)

I’m so fucking sick of seeing other artists feel entitled to good reviews and taking anything vaguely negative super personally. Pic rel was posted on the shop owner’s Facebook.
If one person doesn’t like your product, there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s not a dick, don’t take it so hard.
No. 898891
File: 1630618413459.jpeg (364.61 KB, 828x1362, D6C25E15-B297-48C7-B699-657D05…)

Webtoon, come get your social media intern. What an autistic response to a single piece of criticism.
No. 899045
>>898991>>898999NTA, but the tweet was made in response to this article -
>TLDR; OP basically wrote that Line WEBTOON is full of substandard, amateur content, since it allows anyone and everyone to publish without regulation.WEBTOON Original creators (e.g Snailords, creator of Nightmare Factory and Freaking Romance) started talking about how many awards WEBTOON Originals have been nominated for and won, which they say to be a testament to the quality of their comics.
No. 900027
>>898891This honestly makes me laugh bc just scrolling canvas proves what that article said was true.
A majority of webtoon fanbase is literal children anyway, and children have mediocre taste.
I hate how webtoon has been slowly trying to change its image to that of a bigtime professional comic publisher when it never was, and frankly hit it off with being exactly what it is: mediocre.
No. 901719
File: 1630912923671.jpeg (627.28 KB, 828x1441, B3C84F39-E8A8-4F00-8477-404C46…)

I don’t have a strong stance on nfts but it’s weird as fuck that Yueko is selling art of other people’s ocs as nfts. Pic rel is Kaneblob’s oc iirc.
No. 901780
File: 1630923422509.jpeg (103.88 KB, 1125x1125, C3A3E276-FD0C-4300-BDDF-56EF85…)

I feel like it’s hard to build up a platform sometimes but I won’t stop trying. I just want to share my art but maybe I’m too fucking stupid to figure out how to push my art out there. Fanart seems to be the optimal way from what I’ve seen and consistency.
No. 902331
File: 1630969796954.png (3.42 MB, 1697x1200, EB9BB349-A61D-479F-ABDD-F689C2…)

>>902064She traced a background by another artist for the Pixiv x BNA collab. Her art was put up for display in an exhibit and sold on can badges before she got caught. Her apology was basically “I didn’t know this was a bad thing to do. Sowwy!”
No. 902464
File: 1630984584155.png (1.97 MB, 700x1613, 1599882469301.png)

>>902460Is it really that hard to use Google, anon? Like seriously.
Kaneblob herself admitted to doing all of those things, but like
>>902331 said she played the innocent naive role and got away with it.
No. 902493
>>902468>>902477>>902478NTA but are you people samefags or just being obtuse on purpose? Do we really have to get into the nuances of "sure people don't own concepts or compositions or color palettes but when you take too much inspiration and reference someone else's art too heavily in one place it's still Bad"?
Especially since in that collage she repeatedly took ideas and compositions and color palettes from the same few artists while changing very little. You can argue it's technically not plagiarism because she's didn't just straight up traced but I think we can all at least agree it's egregious to take this much and create such similar looking pieces again and again from the same few artists, she knows what she's doing, which is why
>>902331ended up happening.
No. 902806
File: 1631028290420.jpg (373.44 KB, 896x1110, wtf.jpg)

uhm, wtf is wrong with these artists.
is she serious
some of those artists need hard slaps.
No. 903066
Kaneblob isn't a tracer. The only tracing she has done was in
>>902331 but as far as I'm aware there haven't been other cases in which she flat out traced.
She DOES however copy/heavily references other people's works to the point it looks like the same picture drawn by two different artists, which is just as bad. Her artwork might as well pass off as those "do it in your style" hashtag memes because she literally copies the composition, color palette, pose and concept.
No. 903124
File: 1631042382130.jpeg (903.32 KB, 3120x2611, 995D2522-F33E-4344-9178-10E465…)

So @02png accused @nibeul of copying them. I’m not a star wars fan but according to both of them, it’s popular to draw fanart of Anakin crying.
02png made a callout post, but ended up deleting it. Nibeul also explained they used different photo references for their art: artists couldn’t reach an agreement, but decided to drop the conversation.
02png’s thread with screenshots of everything from both sides, including 02png explaining why they still don’t believe nibeul:’s thread with almost the same thing, just screenshots of the conversation: No. 903718
>>902004Depends on which format you're planning to publish anon. I and my friends are more graphic novel types and we just publish on Gumroad, Itchio, and even on our own Patreon.
I haven't been to Tapas since forever (their type of comics aren't our taste to begin with), I remembered getting quite put off by one of their TOS - "Don't upload all comic pages all at once, just post a page weekly or daily for better audience engagement hint hint cheat the algorithm".
If you're serious about making comic/ graphic novel and possibly making (healthy) connections with other comic artists, consider checking out comic jam here and then. Definitely a good learning experience too.
No. 903724
>>903704You can find it in the past omocat threads in detail but here’s a quick rundown:
>puccanoodles starts making a shit ton of vague tweets, implying her boyfriend cheated on her>their mutuals and friends, who also happen to be in omo’s group, started vague tweeting about a “home wrecking bitch”>vii remained quiet and tried to contact marie but marie ignored her>in reality, Marie’s boyfriend was deeply unhappy in their relationship because she would constantly threaten suicide. Instead of these two retards talking it out, he sought girls in the art scene and tried to pursue them>vii had no idea what was going on and just wanted to go to art school, she wasn’t looking for a relationship The saddest part is this Los Angeles group of “progressive, feminist, SJW” men and women immediately attacked a girl with little knowledge of the situation, instead of rightfully blaming the cheating man.
No. 903737
File: 1631075234899.jpeg (332.95 KB, 1077x845, 13815A57-3755-4EED-84C8-E0B5A9…)

>>903724Following up on this, out of curiosity I went to see if puccanoodles cut her ex out of her life, but it looks like she’s forgiven him. I didn’t think it was possible for me to dislike her more after faking a suicide attempt and using a mass murder to farm donos but she’s continually being massive fucking trash
No. 904217
>>903724cliques in the art community are the worst, it's the outcasts in highschool who finally have some power so they become the bullies they always wanted to be while still maintaining their giant
victim complexes
No. 904366
File: 1631130144197.png (1.32 MB, 1280x880, Naoki.png)

>>904336The west will never acknowledge the ideals that make Pixiv artists better than them on average. If you let people see your brushes and your process is easy to follow along to then it's entirely deserved.
No. 904728
File: 1631147309586.png (1.97 MB, 1672x2048, IMG_1979.PNG)

i need some opinions from some artists on here. I think the top artist painted over the bottom drawing. What do you think?
No. 904730
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>>904336>>904350from what i can tell, this seems to be the tweet that set it off
No. 905080
File: 1631191995679.jpeg (86.28 KB, 668x1024, 624FD817-25EE-4C16-AAC2-A41E92…)

>>904728Artist here, Don't see it as paint over or heavily inspired.
This series is famously known for the wolf and the bunny having some self-discovering consensual heterosexual furry sex and I can already imagine there are shitloads of fan arts gravitate towards that.
The bottom pic really gave me a chuckle considering the context is Glorified Furry Sex
Another example is Devilman Crybaby is when every kept making Reconnaissance paintings of the spoiler ending. (pic as an example) I saw the similar motifs all the time when the hype was all over the place. No doubt if there were infightings over Stealing ideas lol
No. 905417
>>905300what truly got me started illustrating (not just doodles and practice) is getting into a fandom and creating tons of fanart. you NEED something to inspire you. just mindlessly doodling without passion will get you nowhere. just wanting to be better just to be "good at art" will get you nowhere (unless you are aiming to be a teacher)
start thinking about what you really want to draw, stop thinking about popularity online or getting art friends. those things will come naturally when you honestly and skillfully express your ideas through your drawings
No. 905548
>>905300nta, but damn
nonnie are you me? it really be like that sometimes.
No. 905608
File: 1631222409000.jpeg (21.32 KB, 407x577, 0fb26790-8e7d-4fa9-b088-95be5b…)

I swear to God harmonyskish's human drawings are the ugliest shit I have seen, no wonder her human drawings don't get as much likes as her pony drawings.
No. 905657
>>905300As someone who has been working professionally for 13 years I can tell you something important: No one really cares about the progress except yourself.
Social media really ruined people's perceptions of art and its value. So if anything, take a break from it. Create an entire new account to draw small doodles that doesn't take so much of your time. You can then eventually move onto illustrations that can take more time to finish.
I've strictly militarized of how I consume arts online for a couple of years now. I don't care much about fan arts, I've looked more into industry artists & studios (not every of them have much presence online, but have more influences on local gallery). Pay attention to credits more than twitter/instagram's suggestions.
I have only few art friends & acquaintances, and I don't talk to them as often as my normie friends and family. I do get lonely and MOFO occasionally, but with time I got used to it, and feeling much content with my works since.
As for my advice about dealing with WIPs, I tend to just put them in a backlog and come back to whichever when I feel like it. For example, I'd set deadline for a certain project (2 months or so), if I'm not finishing it by that time, I can rightfully take a break from it and work on something new.
Hopefully this can help. Best of luck anon.
No. 905659
>>905657FOMO* not MOFO, sorry for typo
I hope this reply didn't come off as condescending. I wanted to provide a perspective which got me to draw for long term now.
No. 905827
File: 1631237797422.jpeg (433.64 KB, 1125x1156, 6646BBC9-E705-4949-B59F-5FE4B4…)

Comic community drama believe she’s talking about @cuttimecomic? If so, very disappointing behavior
No. 905900
File: 1631244392462.jpeg (1.58 MB, 2880x3840, 07F745E8-7AF0-4550-81DC-83AD9E…)

>>905888They’re both equally retarded I guess, judy threw the first stone tho
No. 905951
>>905827I'm not aware of this artist nor their involvement with Juby, though I've heard enough infamy towards Juby and her work ethics (extremely unprofessional behaviors) from other comic peers. So I'd prefer to trust this Jayd person than her.
Probably will type more later on if I ever get to recall anything I was told about her.
My strongest impression is that she shamelessly sucks up to any art director she ever worked with, despite her role was minor as fuck. In recent years I noticed her more often due to constant twitter ass kissing with some of the artists I've involved with in the past. Needless to say, I'd be more worried for this Jayd person since her current friends are more vicious than the surface. Hopefully this gets some traction and more people come to speak out.
No. 905968
File: 1631253825475.gif (1.95 MB, 500x250, Kaiba.Seto.full.3030628.gif)

to those of you who have patreon and the like, what kind of rewards do you offer and how do you price them? i've looked up a couple dozen guides and looked at popular patreon pages, but i don't think i can keep up with that kind of workload that most patreon creators have. at most i could possibly do two patreon-only drawings a month on top of my huge workload of commissions and the occasional personal art.
i'm thinking just basic discord roles and polls for "drawing of the month" kinda thing to increase interactivity, but i have no idea what else i could offer.
No. 906100
>>905968Patreon only drawings aren't necessary imo. Just do your usual work, but offer much more of them; speedpaints, step-by-step, WIPs, high quality/non watermark, different variants (not NSFW if you'd like, things like different eye expressions or added glasses, that kind of things).
If you have a store, open polls about what they'd like, offer patreon only merch or discount codes, 2x1 offers in stickers or whatever, limited enamel pin colourways, stuff like that.
Don't do anything that you feel forced to do, since you'll end up dropping it if you're not motivated.
No. 906662
>>905300Whoa anon, are you me too? It do be like that multiple times recently bc knowing the fact that reality sucks and its inevitable. Theres nothing much to do no other than always trying your best that ended up to exhaustion or worse.
My advice is not the best but what you can do to cope with is try to limit your social media activity by open the app whenever you want to post, only interact with several friends/mutuals. If possible, dont open social media at all then focusing on studies, practice, dont focus on getting popularity since the sad fact is most popular young/minor artists tends to abandon improvement to get more clout iirc.
Speaking of getting art friends it does sound intriguing however dont put too much attachment to them which only few of them are actually supports you then the rest never interacts with you in any way. Those things comes naturally once you have appreciated yourself and your progress.
Social media is draining our braincells, you better not frying your brain looking at cool artists to constantly guiltripping yourself.
No. 906665
File: 1631327683542.jpeg (641.22 KB, 1284x1602, 39725E98-2BC1-4E6E-91E5-A62A1A…)

This artist has no idea how to color skin color and yet decided to make this post. Most of their art is shit. It’s most likely they made this post to get attention. I don’t see them caping this hard for Beast Boy to be green.
No. 906672
>>903160Concerning INPRNT I’ve been using it for a while and while you only get an option on the website to deposit after making $100 you can just email them ask them to deposit any smaller amount and they’ll do it no problem. It’s annoying but INPRNT really does have the best $$$ percentage and it has a professional set up.
The only thing is since Covid they’re a lot slower at responding than before.
No. 906673
File: 1631328773280.jpeg (7.46 KB, 280x180, black starfire.jpeg)

>>906665This chart wouldn't even make sense anyways because Starfire has been potrayed as black and white
No. 908148
>>906967Took me awhile trying to recollect bits and pieces, I never had direct involvement with her but rather with her husband JC. I was among the animator friends that often got into collabs on Newgrounds at the time.
There's not much to say about her in terms of being "unprofessional" besides constant bitching and trashtalking about our friends. I'd say 99% of JC's friends absolutely hated her.
I had a friend come vent to me about he had quit being in her chat group after she openly badmouthed a friend of his. For context, his friend was known for drawing rule 34 of underaged characters and often got harassed online because this job. She was saying in the line of "he deserved it" when he was receiving explicit death threats and suicide baits. Netherless, none of us believe she has any shred of empathy in her since.
During a convention I can't name here, she wouldn't stop berating the younger staffs for not meeting every of her needs, then turn around spinning a fake ass story about how the event was too underfunded to host her (which was a load of craps considering they had earned enough to donate to charities for years).
I wish I could say more of the recent things I've heard but it may cost careers of those still works under her. Most of them wouldn't want to speak up because they knew fully-well how Juby is talented at controlling her narrative. So the original twitlonger I saw actually didn't hit the mark when it comes to her pattern of behaviors.
No. 908171
>>908148I followed her a few years back, but her constant passive aggressive tweets were so exhausting to see. More so when you realize her followers all blindly coddle her despite clearly being in the wrong.
But wow never realized it gets worse than that!
No. 908223
File: 1631418732185.png (453.94 KB, 730x582, hmfyuil900.png)

So, NIXEU got into selling NFTs and the techbros are aready hounding them with their fake ass support and cult-like behaviour.
A shame, I was a huge fan of NIXEU's work.
No. 908272
File: 1631425600439.jpeg (674.81 KB, 1125x1825, D2708E5D-FA0D-4DC3-B7F5-746F35…)

>>908148NTA but adding onto this, I remember she documented her first meeting with JC and said how dark he was lol I don’t think she’s racist, just extremely sheltered
I mean i guess it doesn’t matter now they’ve almost been dating for a decade and living together.
No. 908297
>>908232>MLMs for menMulti-Level-Marketing?
I still don’t understand the appeal of putting value in a digital object, not even a service.
No. 908665
>>908171>>908272>>908321She's not milkable imo but still it's refreshing to see some of her laundry aired out. The reasons why she has gandered so many fans is because they're largely impressionable teenagers. And she behaves just like her audience.
There's a reason why no one in the industry wanted to work with her. The hissy fits she threw in public for one variant cover she made for marvel was absolutely hilarious/cringey to watch lol.
No. 908705
File: 1631466464327.jpg (355.61 KB, 900x1401, 2020615_xl.jpg)

>>908665The Silk one, right? No idea why she doesn't pursue legal action if its truly that bad. People that always talk about drama on soc med are always sus
No. 909008
>>908772Tsubakie = MiuMiusArt = ReiraSeo = Hinahara = Dekomory = clamychan = numyumy = ciolphe = yoyosketch = wooneul = zeromika = lil.milkyskin = nixeu
Amongst other names.
Same girl from Spain who has traced and filtered other people's art for years, makes Instagram accounts gets money for commissions and prints with stolen art and then ghosts and starts over and pretends she's someone different every time, pretends to be different ethnicities.
Old: you search any of the account names you can find more evidence. Also try the ZeroMika deviantart account comments
No. 909283
>>909008Honestly, if these picture examples in links people call tracing then 90% of art is traced.
Just take anyone you don't like and you would also find evidence if you search good enough.
Also, can you call pic rel as tracing?
No. 909292
File: 1631487838969.gif (8.5 MB, 800x840, dao9trj-4cc565cd-ad78-4e8d-a85…)

>>909283Jesus I forgot post pic/gif I'm talking about.
Tbh I'm not talking she's not a tracer but we can find that kind of evidence for anyone's art.
It's scary to be an artist these days.
No. 909301
>>909292The artist may have done the face and hair by themselves, but you can easily notice how everything below her neck lines up completely. So this piece is, at the very least, partially traced.
>"It's scary to be an artist these days." It's one thing to use a picture as a reference, where you can notice similarities but you can still identify that the artist drew everything by themselves, and it's another to spot entire areas of the drawing that line up perfectly to another artwork or photograph. When you're using something as a reference your lines shouldn't be a perfect match with whatever you used as a ref. That is, surprise! Tracing.
No. 909314
>>909301Same anon, just adding to my post.
Tracing doesn't mean that the entire picture is traced. Most skilled tracers (or at least the ones with a partially functioning brain) will trace only some parts of a drawing, usually the face or upper body, and then do the rest by themselves so that it becomes harder for others to identify the traced bits.
No. 909322
>>909301>When you're using something as a reference your lines shouldn't be a perfect match with whatever you used as a ref.I guess you're right. I'm just afraid that one day I will be accused as a tracer just because someone has found artwork similar to mine, even though I have never seen this artwork in my life.
Well, if the lines don't overlap then I'm safe, but who knows what people came up with …
No. 909324
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>>909196NTA but I looked into it and it looks like she bashed Marvel in public bad enough that she deleted her tweets
Didn’t she used to be a dentist? I can’t believe this level of retardation. Even when I have issues working with companies, I’d vent to friends, but NEVER in public wtf that’s just asking to be blacklisted
No. 909325
File: 1631489094589.jpeg (656.99 KB, 1125x1856, FFA090D9-90A0-404D-90C2-20F6FB…)

The end of the 4 deleted tweet rant…. What could she have said…
No. 909328
File: 1631489214443.gif (495.24 KB, 264x148, 3720FAFA-D240-45CB-9341-0754A2…)

>>908259Hard concept for some to understand, but we’re talking about a fictional character, which means they aren’t real. No one cares about “accuracy”
It’s a fucking comic book character, people can do whatever they want with the fanart
No. 909331
>>909322Like I said, using references is fine, everyone does that. We all end up drawing inspiration from other peoples' works or end up wanting to create something similar to a concept you saw because you found it cool. It only becomes a problem when parts of your drawing overlap perfectly with someone else's piece- and if that happens, then it's most likely because you traced those parts, and that is the problem.
People nowadays bitch about anything and everything though, and some have the gall to claim that shit like "style theft" is a thing.
No. 909762
>>909008There seems to be evidence linking all the other accounts except to Nixeu's, perhaps any evidence has been deleted? I wonder if anyone has screenshot evidence
They have a yt channel too showing the drawing from scratch, i wonder if that's been edited
No. 909887
File: 1631518344888.png (1.21 MB, 2018x743, nizeu is wooneul.png)

>>909762Here's an old post that I found explaining the account hopping and if you look at the other screenshots and google around a bit, you can see they all link back to each other. W00neul no longer exists but if you search "him" on twitter you find tons of replies to yoyosketch (confirmed), and if you google w00neul "his" artstation link redicts you to nixeus.
No. 909983
File: 1631529833270.jpg (274.06 KB, 1550x930, n-i-x-e-u-vr.jpg)

>>909887That makes a lot more sense
It seems like they are getting better at hiding their evidence of tracing, it such a shame that they make a ridiculous amount of money on their patreon scamming people. They even go as far as having a chinese version of patreon which has chinese likely translated in google translate.
I hope someone calls them out publicly
Pic related, looks a lot like a wlop piece but I can't find the original
No. 909996
File: 1631531918719.jpg (44.86 KB, 551x375, larping.jpg)

>>909983Oh definitely, she's gotten so much better at hiding her tracing, like you see even in her current pieces the style and skill jump around a lot, makes it very obvious she traces, probably from asian models and cosplayers but how to find them is a different story.
Honestly it would be nice but unless you get hardcore proof that it's very hard to do, just exposing her as Numy/etc is not enough even if you can easily prove that part. You'd need to prove that she was scamming people right now.
Also here's some extra proof they're larping as chinese.
No. 910214
>>910201No one owns a color palette. All arts are derivative. What I was commenting here was how it's impossible to recognize it was Juby's art and the first thing was to notice was a popularized color palette (in which why I mentioned rei). How is she a veteran and still so Unconfident in her arts so much the only signature of her art are the dead fish eyes.
Whichever marvel agency that got so unlucky to work with her couldve hired one of rei's copycats to do the work and they wouldn't bitch about late payments on their weewee followers cry zone.
No. 910265
File: 1631554159765.png (115 KB, 738x690, Screenshot 2021-09-13 132941.p…)

Who tf is she talking about? She mentioned a Genshin fanartist
No. 910275
>>910265no idea who she's talking about either, but I agree with her opinions about the DNI minors folks on twitter
it reminded me of this youtuber who made a two hours video literally slamming those proshippers and Minors DNI people.
Like listen I do get annoying minors trying to bait ask me and making dumbass callouts on my art mutuals. But the behaviors of those greasy adults that make tweets like "uwu we need more proship minors! b proud of liking incest guys" are just Creepy and should not be allowed near a human being, let alone a kid on the internet. I'm team Fuck them kids but adults like these are detriment to the next generation of artists.
No. 910307
>>910299lol you're quick anon, I was in the middle of correcting you that joodlez = juby
From what I remember from dA days, they were good friends, tagging each other in journals, mentioning each other, drawing together etc.
Seconding the request for a gossip update lol I have no idea
>>910297AYRT. Hard to say because I haven't kept up with her all these years. I always thought her sketches were full of life and I like how expressive her characters are, but I'm not really a fan of this type of art in general anymore.
Taking a quick glance at some of her current works, it doesn't seem to have changed much over the years. I think she's a rather fast drawer so some pieces look rushed and you get wonky proportions that way, or compositions that aren't so good (in my eyes). But otherwise still looks mostly clean, fresh, lively. I guess you can say she "hasn't improved" but I don't really look at things that way once an artist reaches a certain point.
Does this answer your question. What are your own thoughts
No. 910339
File: 1631559596355.png (69.52 KB, 635x654, juby interview.png)

>>909405She was a dental hygienist. Basically an assistant. You can find some info about it from an old interview. Picrel. No. 910478
>>910173Debatable, horny artists make more money regardless of quality and have stronger fanbases
I’ve done family friendly art and have a good following but they’ve never thrown money at me like people do for nsfw artists
No. 910480
>>910307Thank you for the input! Honestly my first exposition to her arts was during deviantart time and I saw her arts circling around some folks' favorite collections. I was impressed with how she represented her characters and comics. I just saw her as another webcomic 'biggie' at the time such as fightbeast or hamletmachine.
Now most of the deviantart big comic artists I used to watch go completely MIA online. Idc much about hamletmachine since I grew out of her style of smut. last time I ever saw Joodlez's art getting viral was one of her study drawings of people dancing. (2015-2016) She only came up on my feed more recently because of her obnoxious tweets and nothing else. It's the personality ruining the art for me.
No. 910526
>>910478AYRT. And yes, definitely would love to hear more opinions on this.
My stance is more on individual growth as an artist. You can choose to do sex work (art) but it should be contained in a space where your identity and profession are protected.
I've been to a space where people only saw me as a porn vendor machine and it was… quite dehumanizing to be seen that way. I've come to learn that I want to be surrounded by people can understand my crafts, and I want to communicate better through art.
Here are some of my personal beliefs: Capital can protect your livelihood in short term but your choice of profession will affect your soul in a long run.
Fanbase can feed you and enable you, but can also be easily manipulated and will turn around when your time is up.
I hope this doesn't sound slut shaming or degrading any hardworking nsfw artists out there. I believe this path of career should be considered more thoroughly by anyone who participate in it, that's all.
No. 910742
>>910526You didn’t come off as slut shaming at all, what you said is true.
Personal experience in fandoms have proven time and time again that porn (even tasteless ones) easily triumphs over everything else. And if you’re making porn exclusively of a popular gay couple? Congrats! You’ve earned a cult following of horny sods overnight.
It’s definitely discouraging for artists who aren’t into doing explicit content or if their work focuses on exploring character dynamics. But I also think that’s why you see a lot of minors draw nsfw in public spaces like twitter, they know that the gratification is instant and we all know getting validation is one addictive drug.
No. 910790
>>910742>And if you’re making porn exclusively of a popular gay couple? Congrats! You’ve earned a cult following of horny sods overnight…Yeah. Mini vent here. Honestly it ruined some of the muses I've worked hard on, headcanons and NSFW prompts I wanted to play around and flex my storytelling ability. It has been years since but everyday I'd wish to turn back time drag my past self to Not make porn of That popular gay ship. Or at least I wish I had published them in a close, invite-only space where people don't constantly seek out my professional name for that One specific gay ship they wanted to fap to bad. This very experience has made me empathized badly with doujinka that really, really don't want to have their old works being published and circulated on the net.
It really hurts that none of my friends understand this, and one of them even expressed envy that my arts got Traction when I'm absolutely loathed of looking at my own works.
Right now I'm just going hermit and taking my time to create the works I want to take pride of.
That's all of my mini-vent. I don't know if other NSFW artists feel the same way, or that they're already happy with their occupation and audience. I may be coming from a place of an East Asian artist mentality where being discreet is prioritized.
No. 910807
>>910742and if that popular gay shit is a lesbian one, you get extra points. one because you'll attract horny lesbians, and two you'll attract horny incels and normies.
fandom spaces is all about port nowadays. i never drew porn myself, but back when i was in a particular fandom from a popular anime game my sfw artwork would get almost no recognition, but the moment i bothered to draw one of the female characters in their skimpy swimming outfit with their nipples perked up and a bit of side or underboob people would flock to it instantly. it was frustrating as hell because i always put more effort in my sfw stuff than my more risqué art. i'm pretty sure that if i were financially struggling at the time, i would've become a nsfw artist because the difference in numbers is just too big.
No. 910808
>>910790You're absolutely
valid, anon. I'm glad you're taking time away from social media to do what you like.
I'm currently going through something similar adjacent. Pandemic has me locked up at home for months now and the internet/drawing is all I have. I've become reliant on getting strangers' validation (it's bad, I'm fully aware of it but god I cannot stop).
Started recently doing nsfw on a relatively popular gay ship, and let me tell you my follower count skyrocketed overnight. I'm talking about getting 200 or so new followers, all from posting a half-assed doodle of two guys doing the dirty.
It felt good for a while? And then the realization hits me. 'Oh my other stuff aren't good enough then. It's my nsfw that's worthy of a follow then.'
No. 910844
>>910808Thank you for listening. I don't have much to add to the conversation. I think the validation I got back then wasn't coming from numbers, but from being recognized by peers that I absolutely admired.
It took great efforts for me to quit that world entirely, and even forgo the bonds I had at the time since the memory just sucks so much for me.
I hope that you remain vigilant and never got to fall into that pit I once was. IMO I still love drawing smuts a whole lots, but I'm still not emotionally ready to attach my name & finance to those kind of works yet.
No. 911069
>>910927>>910808>>910807>>910790Fuck Fandom, honestly. I know that that's the way every popular artist says to gain followers, but it's almost never worth pandering to such a capricious crowd that will drop you the second you decide to do something different, have a different opinion on a character or in some cases go 'sfw'.
At this point I advocate for people making their own shit. Sure it's hard to get a foothold because no one will fucking care for a really long time, but I'd rather build a foundation of a smaller group of people that actually like what's going on in my head than waste my time catering to trends an algorithm deems worthy. You're all more creative than that.
No. 911121
>>911069A good number of people do fanart and engage in fandom for the sake of getting commissions rather than numbers though. And unfortunately original content can't give you much. I myself don't really care much about my follower count for as long as I have a good number of commissioners under my belt to help pay my bills, and well, I can only attract those people thought fanart and fandom garbage.
Don't get me wrong, I hate fandoms because they manage to ruin entire series just by bloating it with porn and discourse and they're more often than not filled to the brim with stupid children, sjws and fujos, but if you want to gain money through commissions and illustrations then that's unfortunately the quickest and best way.
No. 911122
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Thoughts on art center’s illustration major? Are there still good opportunities from being in their entertainment arts track though they accept so many people? Seems like newer top graduates from the grad show don’t have much on their resumes and are searching for jobs still
No. 911126
>>911049>>911056>>911064I'm kind of a boomer here and have been avoiding social media altogether for 2-3 years now (all before the pandemic).
My current clients tend to commission me to draw their own vtubers or other established vtubers (Hololive i think?).
I'm really muddled with all this since I haven't found one research or document when it comes to Virtual Youtuber's patent (does the IP belong to the agency and which one and such). When I looked into vtubers drama such as using stock assets or anything related my head just went ??? altogether.
It's painfully annoying considering I've had disputes when it comes to clients' OCs before and having to exclude the commissioned arts from my portfolio because of their breakups drama. My head hurts. Maybe I should just go back to mid century being paid to make painting of Saints instead.
Some my questions if anyone's kind enough to answer:
- Are vtubers like Pop Idols? Like an agency with their Personalities/Performers that signed a contract to stream and perform under the pre-existing avatar. What happens once they're graduated (end of contract)? Does this apply to publishing house only?
- Are vtubers are like… streamers? I'm most familiar with Gamegrumps and Vinesauce where the streamers are all under a group/household. In any case they are Real People celebrities to me and I usually just avoid that ground.
- Thoughts on rule 34 of vtubers??? Are they celebrities porn?? Please send help.
No. 911137
>>911121honestly lol agreed. I keep getting FFXIV commissions constantly to the point people assumed I also played the game. In which I do Not.
Much to anyone's surprises a lot of them thought I was among Seasonal Anime Bros because I'm paid to draw their new favorite waifu while in reality I only watch one anime (episode) a year.
It does keep me from befriending with my audience but honestly, it's better to keep it professional. If art is a job then I'm allowed to have hobbies unrelated to it. I don't feel necessary to draw fan arts of the things I'm into either, it's nice to appreciate them as they are.
No. 911145
>>911126i'm not the vtuber expert but i think i can help with some of your questions
1. yeah, the "official" ones (like hololive) work similarly to a pop idol industry. they work under under an agency and each vtuber's voice actor is handpicked, they have managers, all that jazz. when they graduate they can go on their merry way, but i'm pretty sure they can't use the vtuber avatar they used to have after graduating. so for example if the vtuber peko graduates, then the va can't make any more videos as peko and the peko character won't gain another va, as if the peko character itself left the industry.
2. the majority of what vtubers do is streaming yeah, usually gameplays. sometimes they do collabs with other vtubers in which they play a game together or just talk. some vtubers, like ninomae inanis, are able to draw, so they also stream their art process. vtubers do a lot of stuff but a huge part of it is streaming.
3. i don't watch any r18 vtuber, so idk. i don't think they're necessarily porn celebs. like an anon said before, vtubing is pretty much roleplaying.
No. 911170
>>910790i relate to you anon, i drew a ton of sfw and nsfw of a ship that is now pretty
problematic in 2021 and i hate when people repost my old ship art and tag me or seek out my new account hoping to find that ship art. i hate looking at the art i made back then, and it's sad because drawing that art gave me a lot of confidence in my abilities. the community surrounding that ship is trash nowadays and thank god i didn't sign my professional handle on any of it, just a fandom name.
i hope people stop bothering you about your past art anon, block button is your friend
No. 911183
>>910077Words can't describe how much I hate horny people, especially artists who reduce a well written character into a fuck toy for their quick clout chasing schemes.
Seeing the same character getting banged seven days to sunday gets boring so quickly, but for some reason that's what the majority are into.
No. 911213
>>911145Thank you for your answers. There are a few things I'm still puzzled with but this is probably something that may take longer for me to research.
>>911199What's your definition of being a vtuber = sellout? I'm not sure how much a person can earn from being a twitch affiliate and I'm assuming that's what artist vtubers are aiming for. (Monetize Attention at all costs).
I still keep my twitter and other platforms running as self-promotion. I can't really give advice of running them in this current age, especially how tech companies just want to fill their sites with Influencers as their favorite cashcows.
Beside self-promotion I think twitter is still salvageable as hobby-social site. What do you mean by you're doing wrong by having an active following?
No. 911219
>>911049>You are asking vtuber questions on LC of all placesHonestly my only pet peeve is that Everytime my favourite artist will turn into a vtuber, they would always stop drawing streams at all. Same goes with drawing in general too, and they would just shit up their social medias with vtuber stuff or start pandering out of desperation. Shit sucks.
Also you don't need to have twitter or spam on it, vtuber is literally just streaming stuff or making videos like Kizuna AI with anime avatar but more dramas that happen daily there. The end.
No. 911432
File: 1631630023758.jpg (100.96 KB, 1200x675, E0jIAGmVEAcBg9a.jpg)

>>898891Any time I see an ad for Webtoon, it's for amateur junk like this. This comment is hella late but it's so funny Webtoon wants to simultaneously pander to the lowest common denominator and be taken seriously as a professional publisher. You only get one.
No. 911521
>>911432I actually checked it out once because the art style was cute but it was pretty much soulless uwu softboi fujobait polyamory stuff. Now I cringe whenever I see an ad of it.
I have mixed feelings about Webtoon in general because I’ve always been into webcomics and this is where everyone’s posting nowadays, but only because there’s nowhere else to go (except Tapas I guess, a lot of artists post on both). So since it’s THE big webcomic site, it has to appeal to both high and low standards in order to appease everybody. And there is definitely high quality stuff on there, but since everyone’s allowed to post their comic there’s always going to be more garbage than gold. Also, I don’t think it’s always a bad thing to enjoy the “lowest denominator” stuff, sometimes you just want to turn off your brain and enjoy something, but it is a little weird that it’s treated equally by Webtoon to the high quality stuff.
No. 911709
>>911283>>911494I don't have the answer to your question, just curious. Did you guys have to report your tax numbers to the company even when working as a contractor? How did the application work?
When I was outsourced we only had to sign contracts like use of assets and NDA and that's pretty much it. From what I heard that if a studio was outsourced, the procedure is much simplier too. And being outsourced from Japan always has dirt pay with huge quantity of projects unfortunately, so we usually don't look forward to work with them.
No. 911757
>>911731I dated a very popular NSFW yaoi artist for a long time and I can confirm that
>>911282 and
>>911287 are the comments most true to life. The kinds of messages she received daily from deranged coomers was enough to never make me want to start. You don't want these people to be your community.
No. 911936
>>911709I was only a temporary resident in Japan being contracted for work so I paid taxes in my home country.
I just remembered, payment was painful when I was working a continent away. They only did direct deposits into JP bank. So even when I did get paid, accessing it from my JP bank account was a whole nother shitshow
I've heard Chinese mobage companies paying and treating their guests artists good compensation compared to Japanese ones. Don't know by how much though since everyone is hushhush about direct numbers.
No. 912289
>>910077It's so weird. Major emphasis on
minor artists too being surprised that their audience is… surprise, coomers. Twitter seems to turn a blind eye to this shit or just doesn't care. They already don't care about kids being able to freely look at accounts marked as mature. You can draw either fujobait or booba, I don't care. But don't be surprised when your following is "freaks"
>>911121>they're more often than not filled to the brim with stupid children, sjws and fujos,Hard agree anon, it's been especially bad lately. Made the change to curated discords or groups that are heavily moderated all the discourse/politics/salt and obviously nsfw channels are age gated to deter people from pulling
victim cards or starting shit. It's been comfy. All of the arguing channels tend to be gated by a point system so you're only let in to argue and be salty if you've proven yourself not to be a shit-stirrer and an active user.
No. 912304
>>912247Oh yeah, I've seen that going around too. Tbf considering the amount of dumb minors drawing nsfw for attention I'd be strict about it too. Although I think they should reconsider their screening method or switch it to invite-only.
As my opinion about zines, they are a whole lot of fun to participate only if you know the contributors/organizers of that zine. I've completed a bunch of zines with friends in the past and most of the time it's for niche fandom or ship we wanted to celebrate. We did have our own dramas though, hell, I've lost friends because the lack of transparency. That's why zine can appear too formal during application process.
Talking about zine drama. I remembered a few months back there was this one zine running group that got called out for rejecting someone's full illustration, even when they were ok with the person's wips before.
I'd say the finished art is atrocious to look at but lol what is even standards these days. No matter how much a mod can dress themselves with business jargons, they can't get away from being called "abuse of power" when rejecting an application.
There are definitely zines that just want to profit from fads though. And zines that do too much flashy promo are such Huge turn off for me.
No. 912365
File: 1631677033089.png (322.76 KB, 893x829, New Canvas 2.png)

Not the full image, but genuine question: why do artists think it's quirky to say things like the above 'omg I'm so cringe and hate myself for doing this' etc after posting cringe shit, /knowing/ it will get them shit ton of traction.
No. 912405
File: 1631679796474.jpeg (387.93 KB, 1125x929, D67B88C7-936E-4D31-85DE-A85009…)

>>912365depends on the context. this is from poipiku right? as far as i know most users on their are korean and japanese, and these days I've noticed a few JP artist twitters really want to speak "casual" twitter english and they can come off really… awkward like that.
Personally I don't think it's for attention. Self-deprecating can really put people off.
picrel on jp twitter attempting 'twitter english'
No. 912430
>>912408Link to the original tweet if you'd like to read the replies and QRTs lol. For context, this dude is a famous jp gamedev and twitter has been teaching him garbage english. It's hilarious to see how it has ruined the man himself.
>>912417Ah that makes sense. Then yeah, I don't understand the appeal of those captions either.
No. 912431
>>912365Might be a generational gap anon
Most zoomers excessively use self depreciating humor, which centers around low self esteem, apathy, and lethargy
No. 912509
>>904366Don't be such a weeb. Art style theft isn't a thing, and even if someone riffs off someone else's style wholesale, then they'll be looked at as nothing but a cheap imitation.
If you take a good honest look at DA and Pixiv, the average % of good to mediocre to bad artists is about even. There's loads of dogshit and autist stuff on Pixiv. Pixiv just likes to shove the quality stuff up front.
>If you let people see your brushesBrushes do not make or break someone's artistic skill. If a beginner gets their hands on their favorite artist's brush pack, the beginner won't suddenly draw any better. The artist who share their resources tend to do better by the community. Resource hoarding and keeping proprietary secrets just screams insecurity.
No. 912531
>>911757For me I only started drawing nsfw a few months ago solely because I wanted to "catch up" with my mutuals (looking back, "catching up" with their follower count was such a stupid thing to do). It worked a little too well, but now I feel like I have to periodically post porn in order to maintain the brand that I've come to established.
Now anytime my sfw drawings flop I start to doubt my own skills.
No. 912603
File: 1631698740216.jpg (52.61 KB, 550x413, person-drawing.jpg)

I have a question to you tilt your page/sketchbook when sketching traditionally or you try to keep it straight most of the time? (except for details and stuff) I don't know if my posture is a bad habit
No. 912927
>>912918This. In most zines I participated in a good chunk of the artists were picked because they were popular in the fandom, but their art was kinda shit. Mods like to pick artists judging by follower count rather than art skill because the popular ones bring in more sales.
Japanese zines (at least most of them) feel like they're done out of love for the fandom or series, without really money in mind. I mean I'm not japanese/can't read japanese so maybe I'm spewing bullshit but that's how I see it.
No. 912969
>>912918>>912927I wouldn't look at japanese anthology through rose colored glasses though. I've been a few and with time you can see them behave in a very cult-like. The amount of speedrun doujin and skipping sleep was too unhealthy for me to look at. They have the tradition to hoard all official merch at all costs and building shrines off their faves.
Don't hesitate to apply to zines if you wanna flex your skills though, dramas can happen once in a bluemoon and you don't have to do all the promotion by yourself. As long as you turn in your submission in time, it's all good and dandy.
No. 913165
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>>912289Anything you can rec anon, or a place I can search to find what you found? I've been searching for decent art communities for so long and I just haven't been able to find any. I just want a chill community to grow my art in (and later post on twitter), do fun stuff with, etc.
No. 913310
>>912969Yeah I see Twitter people complaining about westerners being sjw Karen’s but Japan doujin scene is more mean girls cattier.
>>913076Yes, college isn’t necessary unless you’re trying to work and live in America. It’s hard to gain visa with no higher education.
No. 913335
>>913310oh god, I don't know much about the japanese doujin side of things but I frequently hang in the taiwanese (and other mandarin speaking communities) and let me tell you they are not above shit talking and singling out an artist for not fitting their standard.
While they may not vague in public (because hello gotta keep their image clean and all that) but the cattiness is so apparent in group chats.
No. 913437
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I am simply amazed by people who can (eh) draw but have zero imagination nor are interesed in improving.
This girl almost posts every day and somebody posted her months ago in a thread, I followed her for a bit, opened today deviantart and holy fuck, take a look at her drawings from 2012, they're the same, ever, with different oc that look the same No. 913443
>>913335Yeah I think it’s just human to be a cunt when in a group lol.
Like way back in a Hong Kong event, I remember ippus caused a stir online because she and her friends were bullying/crowding around another artist’s table for drawing a ship she didn’t like. Imagine being this fucking retarded
No. 913494
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>>913335>>913443if any of y'all have interesting east asian artist community drama please share. I've stopped tabling since covid happened and I don't get to indulge into convention gossips that much anymore. And hell I'm having withdrawals.
I'm less interested in online discourse because it's usually just genz using incomprehensible slangs that my boomer brain cannot keep up.
No. 913505
>>913437Eh, yeah. Some of my clients are like this too, low efforts but large quantity of "designs" that are the same sprite and… uninteresting. I'm fortunate enough that most of them are pretty nice & chill and let me do whatever I want with their pre-existing designs. Basically being told "do your magic!" when they commissioned me.
Sometimes people just want to believe that they're more creative than they truly are.
No. 913687
>>913677Wait for the second season and maybe they'll make a comeback. From what I've seen the current hot topic is Jujutsu Kaisen, it's probably going to follow the same trajectory as KnY.
At this point I mostly get original zines or those dedicated to older/less popular franchises, at least you know they are made by people genuinely interested by the project.
No. 914057
>>914045Depends, eg if it's a close shot from hip then probably three days or less. If it's a full body then it can take longer. You have to take into pose, perspective, environment coloring too.
Are you pricing your commission anon?
No. 914107
>>914045If I don't take any breaks at all and just marathon the shit out of it, I can finish a full illust (fullbody + background) in 4-5 hours. A lot of people say that I draw unbelievably fast, which I guess it's true, but it really takes a toll on my body. I can draw fast but it gives me a lot of muscle pain, mainly in the shoulder area.
Nowadays I try to finish my pieces in two or three days instead to let myself rest.
No. 914321
>>904728I'm so fuking sick of beastars and how much people salivate over that shit. It's just a pathetic excuse for people to make yiff and post it on non furry platforms.
That bottom image is going to be burned in my brain from now on.
No. 914326
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Does anyone know what’s going on with clammyheart? She’s suddenly selling 3 of her big machines, and also moving out of her studio. I thought her business was going pretty well but apparently not?
No. 914357
>>914349(Same anon as
Yeah, that's it kinda!
Before I even sit down to draw, I try to get my idea as solid as possible. I do spend some days or so thinking on a single piece and how I want it to be, so that the moment I sit down to draw my first sketch will already come out somewhat accurate, all I have to do next is polish it a little bit (usually just fix up the anatomy) and then start lining.
One thing that really helps though, is exercising to make your hand (and fingers!) steadier. I do my lineart with very quick and long strokes, and my hand is steady enough that I manage to get the line right on my first or second try already. It does take a while to get there and the process is tedious, but it's really worth it if you wanna speed up your process. Lineart is still what consumes most of my time drawing.
No. 915388
>>914058>>914105>>914107>>914194>>914944Thanks anons for all these answers!
I know I draw REALLY slow, but it comes to a point where I don't want to draw anymore. I can draw one "full" illustration (without bg) 60h. I was drawing my first pic for around 120 hours. It's frustrating. But if I draw faster picture looks bad. I can only draw really well if I spend half of my life on it.
Any tips on how to draw faster? Especially if chara has fuckton details?
No. 915392
>>91538860 hours… I think the only time I reached that milestone was when I worked on a video game's cover, where all the characters are included and I was specifically requested to fully-render every of them for promotional assets.
I have to ask, what's your file resolution? I know that one of my art friends does draw too slow when they worked on a 5000px illust. When the picture itself looks really bare when finished.
No. 915402
>>9153881. Set time limit for your drawing.
2. Cut down the amount of layers you use to as few as possible, start by redusing them bit by bit.
3. Learn to judge where’s the images focal point and spend most time and detail on that. Leave the rest less important details simple.
3.1. Do NOT spend equal amounth of time refining each individual area.
4. Do studies with an hour time limit that forces you to prioritize important areas, if you can’t finish in an hour, observe why and what you need to do to make it.
These are some of the ways I used to cut down my drawing time. The most commonly I found that the reason people take so long is because their process is very inefficient. It’s like trying to find a single colored pencil out of a pile where they’re all mixed up together, compared to if you organized the colors neatly. This involves too many layers as if every stroke basically needs it’s own layer, wasting time on refining details that are barely noticeable in the picture, etc.
No. 915405
>>915392>I have to ask, what's your file resolution?I draw on 4000x6000 pixel canvas size, resolution 72. idk if that's what you asking for tho.
>>915402I tried to set a time limit on the pic I am drawing right now but I failed already lol. I was in rush with the lineart so it looks messy and I couldn't draw half of the details on chara clothes. Lord help me.
Still, I'll try my best.
No. 915412
>>915405Same anon asking about your resolution spec here.
And yes that's huge, I have to point out that 72dpi isn't ideal if you're planning to make printed illustrations later on. Set it up to 300dpi when you can.
No. 915418
>>915405To add to previous anon, set your canvas resolution from anywhere to 2000-3000 pixels with 300 bpi, there's no reason for you to work with such a huge canvas unless you're trying to print a wall sized image out of it.
Also from the sounds of it, it sounds like you're still pretty new (?) to art and seem to have trouble with prioritizing your tasks. Try doing few studies off of photos etc and focus more on getting it done in time, rather than getting it to be accurate or look good, if done enough the quality should naturally increase as you learn more efficient methods to work with.
No. 915660
>>915658heres the answer
>>910214unless this is a rhetorical question, uh, go fuck off?
No. 916083
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>>915412>>915418I was thinking why I draw for so long and realised that my perfectionism is getting in my way. Basically, I can't make anything less than perfect. Also, I focused only on the details of the illustration rather than look at it as a whole.
Perfectionism manifests itself in all areas of my life, if I could overcome it through art, it could help me in other areas of my life.
Thanks anons for all your tips, I'll keep these in mind and keep practicing again with time limitations.
No. 916204
>>916153oof, same here, I've always admired artists who are able to draw tasteful suggestive arts, in sort of Appreciation for the body and such. I must admit that drawing ass and tits are therapeutic to me.
Coomers dont have standards and they are Everywhere. Hell, I've seen them spammed art hashtags with their gross porns.
No. 916245
>>916223Here are a few tips:
1. Set your paypal account to business (it costs nothing), you can then change to hide your real name and address during transactions.
2. Set limits when it comes to commissions (so you dont end up with some weird furry porn request). People put Do and Don't in their commission sheet, such as "I don't do nsfw, furry, mecha, etc".
3. Socializing under your pen name is well-appreciated in art community, getting to be inclusive in a the right niche can land you pretty good & loyal customers for a long time. You just have to choose not to be Too personal in your hobby/art clique.
4. You can choose not to mention your online artist identity to your personal circle. I mean, I do get a few irl friends who are curious about my occupation, I've learned to just throw a loop at them, or deflect convo. You always have your art circle to rant about art-related things imo, so it's not like you're keeping to everything to yourself.
And yeah, I don't think anyone will hunt you down and over analyzing your personal life. There will always be weirdos who are desperate to befriend with artists, block button is your tool. I've chosen to not stand out too much in art community so it's been good to me. I did get a stalker here and there, and had to lock my personal facebook for safety measure, but otherwise it's been peaceful.
No. 916442
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So is MSZ-006 Kyou @Iuciferic a straight up lolicon/brocon? She's posted questionable things before too… (Also I think she commented about comments on these threads before, so hi if you're reading this lol)
No. 916535
>>916463>everyone is competing for attention and money This is literally
every career
You're delusional if you think art is the most competitive field and blame your choice of career for your lack of success.
The reality is everyone is competing for attention and money everywhere, so you might as well compete in a field you actually like
No. 916539
>>916536>this shit happens in real life tooSize difference? I'm aware, but she has brought up "imouto" specifically multiple times in a plausible deniability context with horny content
>>916512Just curious
No. 916543
>>916463I agree with
>>916535It's not always about the competition once you find your own customer base. I've been doing for years, and even do referrals to my other art peers when I'm too busy to take up more commissions.
IMO if you're not a total bitch to everyone, artists will signal boost your commissions quite often. That's how I found my success too.
No. 916549
>>916539I think
>>916536 meant "posting
problematic things in the past".
No. 916557
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>>9165531.7k watchers
whomst even is this
No. 916568
>>916442I'm pretty sure this artist is a guy, anon
I agree that them mentioning the imouto thing a couple of times in the past is kinda odd though
No. 916586
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Does juby get an n-word pass if her husband is black
No. 916589
>>916586she absolutely does not wtf
she's not black, why tf is she using another race's slur? the braindead of this girl….
No. 916803
>>916729>>916568Oh, are they? I thought they were a chick lol'
>>916729>>916586Yeah that's a huge phenomena. People in IR relationships thinking they get afforded the same privileges by proxy just bc they're taking another race's dick. Disappointing how often the partner will not call it out.
>>916738Pretty damn big case. Not surprising.
No. 916882
>>916803considering juby said this
>>908272 and jc still went and married her means that mr. jc really wanted an asian wife that draws anime i guess lmao i would block anyone who talked about my race/people like this, jc is just as pathetic.
No. 917131
>>916204The hashtag spam is so bothersome because a lot of the coomers think they're normal. I wish there was another level of rating for their gross shit beyond just NSFW or 18+.
>>916556 I think you'll appreciate the connection that seems to thrive from softcore work, especially if you make it so it flows well with your non-sexual work. It's also more challenging; coomer work is literally a reskin of the same thing. A lot of good softcore work can tell a story. With softcore, you can have more room to appeal to yourself. A lot of coom art feels like a mass-produced product as it is.
I'm making it sound deeper than what it really is, but I've put a lot more thought into a pinup of someone relaxing and looking at the viewer than I have POV Fuckfest #203084984.
Speaking from experience, I was on a see-saw. I started out doing softcore, decorative art, joined a hentai community, and did harder stuff to flow in better. I got more enjoyment and versatility out of the former while burning out from the latter. I took a break from all of it and now returning to softcore art. Even if I draw sex, it's more implied than anything.
>>916788Basically this
>>916860 You can do 100% SFW stuff and coomers kids will still follow you. You can use subtle cues to make them feel unwelcome and keep them in check and quiet.
For example, you can still label your work as 18+/Adult Only/Mature Audiences Only even if it contains no nudity. You're the artist and you can brand the rating as restricted as you like. That won't keep them 100% away, but they'll look a hell of a lot more stupid if they choose to interact with you, especially in a negative light.
Also, be assertive on your branding. Some people think 18+ ALWAYS means nudity, when it can just imply the audience you want to cater to. Pinup art definetly counts as 'mature themes.' Some kid trying to interact with you can be brushed off as them being too lazy to pay attention.
It's not perfect, but it's what worked for me in the past.
On a random note, Kinktober is coming up, and I plan on doing softcore but sfw stuff that suggests kink. Not in the "SFW DeviantArt fetish sense," but something that is, hopefully, clever.
No. 917235
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>>916586Ok, got me looking up her tweets too. This shit is hilarious
No. 917253
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>>917235One more, not as weird other than odd wording about organically appreciating black people. Just interesting because I used to read her comic.
Personally I never had an issue with her webcomic having no black people(more like the thought never occurred to me) but it’s good to see her being a bit more self-critical. I wonder if she’d change anything now or what the reaction would be if she posted this more recently.
No. 917282
>>917235I just sent this to an Korean American friend and they just keymash-laughing at it. Juby did you not even talk to other black people NOR other asam folks. I can believe she's older than me and this is from 2016, all the race tension was already alot during that time way before the trump election.
Thank you for sharing these we all have a good laugh from this.
No. 917308
>>916592I’m not asking for her to get cancelled I just thought the tweet was funny lol
Anytime someone comes up in this thread I do a quick search of “@artist + n-word” just to see what shit pops up
No. 917310
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Fuck I keep digging, this is so funny
No. 917322
>>917308we get it anon, I suppose some of us are skeptical about callout culture. But these tweets are hilarious to look at lmao I think there's something visceral about "professional" artists that are just plain ignorant and socially deaf. IIRC her comic's protag is a disabled girl right? come oooon
>>917310LMAOOO keep them coming
No. 917342
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>>917310For someone who “had no connection to black people” she’s sure talked about them a lot.
No. 917492
>>917452Eh. It's not that deep. Korean and other asian communities living in Canada already has to deal with their own kind of bs beside the discrimination. I'd say she's sheltered and very "banana" kind of asian (yellow outside, white inside).
She met JC through online so I'm pretty sure it wasn't racial motivated. Alot of black folks are into anime too. Most of the dudes I meet through FGC are dark-skinned.
No. 917551
>>917203Don't think so, just asking a question
So alongside people saying she's been hard to work with, is she getting work in the industry? Or is she blacklisted?
No. 917868
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>>916453last thread had people talk about how funky her art looks nowadays and she tried to do a "i'm not owned ofc i fetishize lmao!!!" picrel. i'm not surprised she draws this kind of stuff since she heavily appeals to the FGC community and their track record isn't the best
>>916512it's the artist salt thread anon
No. 917895
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>>917873>>917875gay bara artists have been doing this for decades, where's all this "uwu don't fetishize men" came from considering they're the first starting this type of art. It's okay to admit that this style doesn't appeal to you and
move onI'm surprised to see this kind of panic masculinity in a forum that's dominantly female. You girls doing okay?
No. 917898
art nonnies, I wish I could take human figure drawing classes with live models but that is, at least for now, not possible for me, what would you suggest to replace that?
>>917895>You girls doing okay?I guess they just find it ugly
No. 917906
>>917899most of these girls don't seem like feminists, I think they just copy shitty tastes and meme themselves into liking it
like male chests don't even work that way
No. 917907
>>917895Um… this is a salt thread lmao
also gay bara artists can do what they want considering it's their gender and sexuality they're portraying. We're specifically talking about coomer female artists who think they're doing something revolutionary by drawing pecs that look borderline troonish.
No. 917945
>>917937which Specific Women Artists? your imagination? this cap
>>917868 wasn't coming from a woman.
No. 917948
>>917945We've got ourselves a whiteknight here folks. Or some lost sjw.
Like the nonnies above mentioned, this is a salt thread, what are you doing going so hard for? If it's brownie points you're looking for, try twitter or tumblr instead.
No. 918049
>>917963holy shit anon
anyone wonder why when artists who "find out" they're being discussed about in these threads either respond in thread vehemently or feel like they have to make a snide comment on twitter. not saying this was kyou but idk if i was getting discussed i wouldn't even say anything. if anything i think it just makes shit worse.
No. 918057
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>>917953why are you typing like that?
No. 918105
>>918049My guess is that they're always so desperate to come off as this cool badass "I don't give a shit about people to talk behind my back because I AM CONFIDENT AND STRONG AND UNBOTHERED" but it often just makes them look like a child lashing out.
And same. If I ever found out that people were talking about me in here I'd just be quiet. Not because I'm afraid or shit like that but because I have better things to do in my life than to try to roast people in an anonymous forum lol.
No. 918156
>>917648update: my softcore was so successful that this one coomer nsfw artist got so intimidated and jealous of the attention that they drew a hasty yaoi dick-in-hole piece (with so much anatomical errors) a day after I posted mine.
For context, they usually draw nsfw once a week. They posted a new one the very next day after their initial piece flopped lmao
No. 918253
>>917648>>918156>>918179Proud of you, Anon! I'm surprised that happened, let alone so fast. I don't know why coomers are so threatened by softcore work nowadays, especially to this level. I think it's from realizing all the shit they learned from /ic/ about how you HAVE to draw absolute coom to succeed is total bullshit, but they're so far in, they're running on sunk cost fallacy.
>>917919>>917953what is it with bara and aidens? seriously. I still don't understand. Their bara is even worse than bara by gay men. Their bara actually looks so grotesque, like something out of homophobic propaganda.
No. 918428
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>>911511I bet they made the goth one trans to hide the fact that the nerd is the real self insert
No. 918441
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>>918428They literally have nerd as their pfp lol
No. 918504
>>918431aiden is a term for transmen bc the names they decide to use often are like the name "Aiden" or something similarly dumb
>>918253whenever i see bara depicted by these types of people there's such a large emphasis towards the chest and tbh it's skeevy (this is even moreso if they character they drew is a transman). anons on here hate it when someone draws balloon tits on a woman too so idk why there was a shitstorm earlier from that one anon. we should be allowed to say the art is ugly and if you're worried about random anons on a lolcow thread saying something "mean" about art you like then maybe you shouldn't be posting in the thread
No. 918523
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>>917953Hey, from one artist to another "artist", if you can't take the criticism, get the fuck off the internet. Go buy an adult coloring book and cry into that.
No. 919029
>>918402I think that the popularity of coom on faster moving art channels has skewed things because I thought the same thing. Women still appreciate being able to fill in their own blanks. I've actually gotten mini-fanfics from my softcore art. It's kinda cool.
>>918504I agree. It's a salt thread, etc. etc. I don't like bara art, but I come across it a lot on Pixiv during my indulgences. The kind gay men draw is exaggerated, but clearly made for enjoyment. The exaggeration is all-around, and they tend to opt for cute/handsome faces.
The kind made by transmen looks like deliberate monsters. The artist put an emphasis on how uWu cute their masc boy is, but have a yard ape that seems designed from a well of absolute hatred. Someone theorized it could be from the 'embrace physical ugliness for sake of liberation' mindset. Either way, they always look unwashed.
Gonna guess the people getting defensive about it are either these exact kinds of artists, or connoisseurs of the niche.
>>918735Welcome to Lolcow. Why is what we like here being policed? People are always ripping on real women in the other threads, but quelle horreur we go for the weird fake tiddy men.
No. 919076
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>>919063For every art that's in their likes there's 10 more that flop.
Ignore stories such as Klaius since you must be there from the start and focus entirely on the output rate so you can cheat your way to milestones
No. 919152
>>919063Anon, it's nothing but a russian roulette. I fully agree with
>>919076Easier way to get some "exposure" if you really need it is draw shit like Genshin Impact
No. 919181
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Literally what is the point of this tag
No. 919229
File: 1632260030549.png (246.59 KB, 799x832, EgM57D8U8AMUPSM.png)

>>918515Pretty sure Nerd is still the projected elf insert, but to hide the fact that he is the self insert, they made the Goth trans. Refrainbow uses nerd as a pfp for all social media, their artsona looks suspiciously like nerd (pic related), and both love kpop which the majority of cis Male weebs dont really like (most actually hate it)
No. 919446
>>919063do people actually draw fanart of stuff they're not into just for exposure?? i can understand drawing popular things for money, but who cares about likes and rt, they're useless numbers.
draw fanart for things you like, even better if it has a niche audience because you're actually providing content that's missing. if you draw vtubers (and aren't a fan) your art will be looked at for a minute before people move onto the next art, just like all popular fandoms
No. 919461
>>919446Only people who put high value on Twitter fame, which we know isn't worth it.
I think if someone wanted to draw fanart JUST for likes, they should re-evaluate what they're doing. Chasing likes will kill an artist's muse.
No. 919581
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>>919210What, you don't want tips from this guy?
No. 919772
>>919697I've used the asexual label before because no one understands what it means to have such a near non-existent sex drive to the point of not even masturbating for literal years if you just say you have a low sex drive. I still wouldn't "identify" with it the way people do with sexualities, that just seems dumb and frankly embarrassing. Like am I supposed to go around and identify as a non-vegan because I don't eat vegan food? Fucking pointless
I 110% believe anyone who draws sexy art isn't asexual, that's some massive cope from those people to express their sexual desires in a "safe" way
sage for sperging
No. 919773
>>919769from what I know, asexuality is just having no sex drive at all. you can still fall in love and experience romantic feelings, but no libido. which is…honestly, seems very abnormal. i think many of the twitter people who use that label just haven't experienced a situation that awakens their sex drive or just have very little sex drive. having literally ZERO sex drive sounds almost like some disorder, it doesn't seem natural at all.
sage for no milk.
No. 919781
>>919773A lot of them are also either depressed or on medication, which lowers your sex drive, but to be honest most of them probably do have sex drives, they just don't match their chosen labels and would make them
Problematic, so they bury those feelings deep down and they come out as badly drawn horny art kek
No. 919789
>>919773Honestly I think the popularity came from teens on tumblr who saw some of their classmates dating and/or hooking up, or trashy TV shows where teens are constantly having sex, and figured that’s just how teens were “supposed” to be and that they were broken somehow. I even thought I was asexual for a bit but I was just an autistic late bloomer.
I don’t really see the logic in horny artists calling themselves ace. Maybe they think they’re “above” being horny over their art unlike those other icky porn artists and are trying to separate themselves somehow.
No. 919793
>>919789Damn, the original 'pick mes'
>unlike those other icky porn artists and are trying to separate themselves somehowThey see shame in admitting to being horny which is… weird. I remember seeing this post on tumblr years ago about how ace people could rule the world because they aren't horny, which is you know.
No. 919796
>>919781>>919789To me an artist claiming that they're ace and drawing blatant nsfw at the same time just feels so off. How can someone who experiences no libido AT ALL be able to draw…well, sex? And by "be able to draw" I mean something that looks tasteful and enjoyable, and not stiff and impersonal. I too can draw a stickman with a dick, but these people draw actual porn that others can fap to. I always imagines porn drawn by a true ace person to just look off.
It only strengthens my theory that indeed these "ace" nsfw artists are just people with either a low sex drive who want to fit in, or they think they're ace because the world around them is too sexualized and they see themselves as an anomaly, or their fetishes don't fit with what the social vibes around them accept so it's easier to claim to be ace and then secretly draw the stuff that makes them horny.
Ugh, labels.
No. 919875
File: 1632327841327.png (183.5 KB, 459x483, E_5t6NpVcA85Wxd.png)

>>918436Also see: drawing pecs like female tiddies
Yes, this was supposed to be a 'dilf' male character
No. 919883
>>919875I personally have nothing against it but. I just find it weird. Like come on, if you're gonna draw him like that then call it a trans hc already. Men have different bodytypes yeah but no fit muscular male body will have pecs that behave like a woman's breasts unless purposefully modified to be like them.
This only makes me think about how common it it nowadays for artists to grab male characters say that they're "trans males" but never do the same for female characters (i rarely ever see people grabbing a canon female character and saying 'oh shes trans fem' it's always male characters being trans male while still having female body parts). It feels more like the artists want an excuse/brownie point to draw big male characters with a vulva. Which…just feels kinda fetish-y and not in the good way.
No. 919962
>>919942Yesterday was mid autumn festival, a lot of east asian fandom artists drew their faves doing stuff one would typical do during the occasion e.g having rice cakes (mooncakes for chinese community) and tea while moon watching, playing with sparklers or lanterns.
And because the jade rabbit is an important mythical being in east asian folklore for this particular festival, a lot of fanart also features characters with rabbit ears.
Then there's non-east asian artists (mostly white ngl) who decide to hop in on the bandwagon without knowing jackshit of what's going on. They see the bunny ears and just started drawing their fave characters and ships in revealing bunny suits.
Like man if you're going to join in on the fun at least do some basic research so you don't embarrass yourself. All that for some clout and approval.
No. 919968
>>919960Good for you
nonny. I'm guessing your ex realized just posting art wasn't enough to garner a following so they pandered to sj twitter
No. 920056
File: 1632335492604.png (240.18 KB, 360x450, Boohbah.png)

>>920050>booba I really dislike when I see boobs spelled like this.
No. 920089
>>920086well for people who love to policy others about being fair to all genders and that all genders and bodies and whatever are
valid they sure love to rely on double standards. drawing males as trans fems is nice but drawing females as trans men is not? lol
No. 920104
>>920096dude why tf would we follow them if we don't like seeing that shit lmao? Not our fault that shit is so popular that it keeps plaguing our time on the internet against our will.
also see
>>920095 No. 920113
>>920096honestly anon that's easier said than done considering so many of these types of people are in these art/fandom spaces already and flood it with the depictions we're criticizing about. i don't even follow that kind of crowd but every now and then the twitter algorithm exposes me to art like that. these people also do the same thing to girl characters as well and i hate it just as much.
i'm just tired of the hypocrisy. they aren't doing anything revolutionary by drawing such hypersexualized depictions. idk why they can't just be out and say "i'm horny". it's always some virtue signaling
No. 920435
>>920390Sounds like.a bad case of NLOG syndrome AND homophobia. Either that or they think it’s super woke and feminist to uplift women while shit talking about men/mlm.
I’ve met a few female artists who are like this, aggressively loud about their love for wlw and women in general while constantly putting down mlm for brownie points. Usually they’re teenage lesbians or adult radfems, cringe either way.
No. 920438
File: 1632359192961.jpeg (481.94 KB, 586x915, 9AC09012-3A3A-48D8-99DE-88A81A…)

This is literally so stupid, why are social media artists so egotistical? Is it because the people who can successfully copy your art style~ is able to steal away your dopamine numbers and likes? Kek
No. 920919
File: 1632417901795.gif (916.95 KB, 500x333, giphy (1).gif)

>>920910I agree it's not homophobic to not want to draw yaoi, but drawing men isn't boring kek. Like, tell me you can't draw dudes without saying it
No. 920932
>>920925That's a you problem.
Other anons are right about the NLOG vibes though.
No. 920943
>>920925I agree. I don't think that all dudes are ugly, but drawing women is just more fun to me
I am more physically attracted to women than men though, so maybe that has something to do with it. I also don't really follow artists who mostly draw men. I like the occasional hot guy art though.
No. 921064
>>921053Of course artists that like drawing women more will state that they like drawing women more than men. If you don't like it as harmless as it is, just unfollow them.
I don't follow yaoi artists and complain about the lack of balance of women/men art ratio lol.
No. 921962
File: 1632490652404.png (260.62 KB, 899x679, 23845874.png)

>>921886and if they use the pleading emote too
double the quirk
No. 921970
>>921967Yeah, multiple people have been telling seething Twitterfags and troons to go for days now.
>jfc>reddit spacingNo one even needs to say it at this point, the attempts at integration are non-existent.
No. 922152
>>921970it's hilarious how people from twitter hop onto this thread and think they're able to hide. it's so obvious by the typing style
>unironically using the terms mlm/wlw on lolcowlike who do they think they're fooling
that twitter anon needs to stop trying to psychoanalyze other anons in thread for criticizing bad bara art that their friend made or smth. discussions on here literally come and go yet this shit somehow always stirs up the most conflict
No. 922244
>>920297No, not really. I like yuri and het more than yaoi, and I'd be the same way only for the fact I don't get as much joy out of drawing yaoi, and that there are better artists that could handle it. Seeing your context in
>>920390 just makes her sound like a dumn NLOG
>>920323This is my stance, too. The female-focused het and yuri markets are horribly underserved. The yuri one is especially low-quality.
>>921842NTA but I've come to cringe at anything labeled 'wlw' because it usually leads to someone who's either making it to farm woke points or attention. They don't really like lesbian shit, just this weird take on it. 'mlm' tends to be a bit worse since it comes from people demonizing the word 'yaoi' and finding it more inclusive of their fakeboy headcanons. Sounds like a stretch, but I've yet to come across any exceptions. Maybe they use it because they know damn well non of what they make won't appeal to actual gays and bis.
>>921849They also tend to be the ones who draw straight-looking couples and call it 'wlw.' I don't mean like an actual butch x femme pairing, but they literally draw a whole ass dude. You've seen it, I'm sure.
>>922152The Twittertards to take their own advice and touch grass instead whining about people not liking their friend's bulging moob art.
No. 922468
>>921856They draw a lot and pick the flavors of the month to fuck their weird self-insert OC. I only came across their art bc I kinda liked some of their Guilty Gear art (non-NSFW stuff), but they are unbelievably annoying and thrive on the "I'm a coomer girl teehee" persona.
>>921848I mean, I def would not be surprised. But is there any evidence about their identity?
No. 922519
>>922469I think it has to do with Cookie Run:Kingdom getting English VAs recently, many of which are streamers or youtubers. But it could just be the cute desings like
>>922482 said.
No. 922715
>>922469Its cuz cookie run kingdom's gameplay is more similar to your average mobage gacha, which I think is the main reason people flock to it. That, and also the game exclusive characters who aren't originally from the og game.
But let's be real it's definitely also because the fujos saw these two male cookies being shipteased constantly and went wild. And I mean constantly. Even the devs have been pandering to them with official art.
No. 922721
>>922715>>But let's be real it's definitely also because the fujos saw these two male cookies being shipteased constantly and went wildOh god I've been seeing those two particular cookies everywhere. The blonde one and this other guy with glasses I can't remember their names. I mean some of the fanart are really good, but the more common ones are horny coomer shit like
>>921962 kek
No. 922757
File: 1632555575909.jpg (506.73 KB, 1660x2140, 20210925_142857.jpg)

I hope mods don't ban me for race baiting. For black anons here, what is your thought about the toxicity and pro harrassment in your art community? Also some unpopular opinion, I also think that american african always outshine native african creative in their thoughts and opinion in art community.
No. 923628
File: 1632649166699.jpg (118.26 KB, 511x584, messageImage_1632646924549.jpg)

on the topic of stealing, this artist just up and copied w whole scene from a manga and changed the charactrs to genshin dudes for clout
someone found out and called them out. after a few peopl commented the callout the artist deleted the post and privatted ther twitter n instagram, kek
someone doesnt want to be found out I guess
No. 923630
File: 1632649249560.jpg (143.28 KB, 384x2048, FAMFJmJVkAInFQl.jpg)

>>923628this is the original scene
no doubt about et
No. 923633
File: 1632649399932.jpg (83.91 KB, 518x732, Screenshot 2021-09-26 114001.j…)

>>923628its still up on the genshin forums and they enjoy gettin buttered up for their fresh ideas and hard work
No. 923649
File: 1632652321777.jpg (335.55 KB, 1080x1858, Screenshot_20210926_040529.jpg)

>>919181I'm sorry I'm too late for this but I will never understand and I will always hate these asexual people who love to draw porn and remember this artist who was made popular by the genderbend of lady dimitrescu, her art will not be the most sexual (soft nsfw I guess) and her twitter is full of art nsfw, She claims to be asexual but she's just a cis heterosexual girl (I feel like an idiot saying that haha) which is clearly a label to not look so boring
(And to add a little more, She says she was sexually abused as a child so I don't know what to really say here.)
No. 923673
File: 1632655657814.jpg (321.88 KB, 1080x1727, Screenshot_20210926_051420.jpg)

"Even at first I came to think that being asexual made me less LGBTIQ + when what we are most open about is sexual teme"
Okay She wants sex but is so traumatized that she can't do it
No. 923676
>>923673>"Even at first I came to think that being asexual made me less LGBTIQ + when what we are most open about is sexual teme" what the fuck does this even mean HOW can asexuals be the most open about sex? You know, the thing that they claim to be repulsed by/have no interest in. Do words not have meaning anymore?
>Okay She wants sex but is so traumatized that she can't do itThat wouldn't make her asexual then, if she WANTS sex. I fucking hate labels.
No. 923688
>>923676There has been varying types of "asexual" since the 2010s.
Don't wanna hump everything you see? Don't wanna have sex with someone without an emotional connection? You feel arousal but you don't feel like acting on it? Congratz, you're part of the
ace spectrum. You can put a nice little flag on your pfp now.
And no, words don't have meaning anymore.
No. 923766
>>923745Hello anon, can you screenshot this so we can have a better idea what's going on there?
Just a heads up, you can use ctrl + t (or command + t on Mac) to transform/resize an element to your liking.
I'm sure there's some correlation between the resolution/dpi you're using and the elements not looking right to you.
No. 923819
File: 1632669797136.png (2.82 MB, 1672x957, screenshot test.PNG)

>>923766It's like this. I use 350 dpi as resolution, canvas size is 2000x2000. The aaaa text is set as 14 px, but that's clearly bigger. The picture also appears big but it's only 893x590. It probably has to do with a difference in resolution, even if some pictures show up fine, but I can't figure out how to make photoshop work with the real pixel size of things. I didn't have this problem before when I used the default 72 dpi resolution.
No. 923974
File: 1632674867250.jpeg (56.94 KB, 750x255, D464E6C5-2E91-4103-B25F-4A5163…)

>>923673Reminds me of this tweet I recently had the misfortune of seeing
No. 924297
File: 1632701304088.png (2.15 MB, 1800x1233, A43D4980-76F0-420E-87D4-B7815A…)

If any anons feel bad about their art, just know this guy typically sells adoptables (usually with the same level of detail) for bank. Like, good for you if you can shit these out and sell them for up to $200 but to me it looks so low effort and basically an afterthought.
No. 924842
>>924794Pretty much what
>>924800 said, although I've seen some artists do it to keep their main art/personal accounts clean from RT bombs for certain fandoms and such.
No. 925065
File: 1632781323033.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1284x2208, 704235F6-7D23-43D1-9CE3-000B89…)

i’m half convinced that most of the people doing this trend are lying. the humble bragging of it all is so stupid, nobody cares if you’re good at art and 14. why is this a thing?
No. 925382
>>925065I remember being a kid/teen and feeling so distraught that I wasn't as good at art as people who were my age. Caring about age is so
toxic, for a lack of a better word. Art is one of those things that you can only improve while ageing, unlike sports where you're done and over at like 30. Anyway I'm literally a professional artist now and those people have boring day jobs while begging online for anime furry commissions to pay their bills, and that's my humble-brag.
No. 925730
To be honest, most of these self proclaimed "gifted" teen artists do nothing but overrender their pieces and then call it a "masterpiece" and going on about how "skilled" they are. The thing is, overrendering =/= skill. Looking at my art from when I was 13-16, I was the same. I'd overrender everything, try to add the most amount of detail to every little thing and abuse textured brushes and shortcuts while not really knowing how to use them correctly, and then the final result, an overly crowded, unnecessarily detailed artwork with broken anatomy and perspective and too many overlay layers, would be called a "masterpiece" by myself and others (mainly those who were as young and as impressionable as I was). I believe these young artists, mainly those that do digital art, don't value true skill (anatomy, perspective, the "boring" basics) that much or at least don't see it as essential, instead thinking that just knowing how to use layer modes and cool brushes is enough and a representation of "skill".
Saged for the long sperg and no milk, just adding my cents.
No. 925741
>>925442I think I understand what they mean, though. A lot of their work looks very strained, and they ape from other creators without branching off because there's more incentive to do so. I don't mean in terms of style, but in terms of tools, subject matter, narrative, and approach.
Using references is never a problem, same with assets. But you see a lot of these artist using them as a crutch, and not a time-saver or like a garnish for their work.
No. 925837
File: 1632875600292.png (1.11 MB, 821x1252, image_2021-09-29_100201.png)

>>925065I've been seeing this a lot as well. There's a tiny bit of jealousy, because a lot of these kids' art looks great, honestly, and I love the fact that these artists have the tools to hone their skills and create art they're genuinely proud of. But, I mean,
>>925730 is pretty much right. They all share the same flaws as each other and they're sharing techniques which makes their art begin to feel dime-a-dozen, and makes me wonder how many of these artists will continue to draw after they're back at schools and aren't bored out of their wits in quarantine and desperate for social interaction online.
>>925801NTAYRT, but picrel is probably what I'd label "over rendering". The artist is also 14. It's probably in the same vein of when anime artists had awful anatomy but vibrant colours that distracted you from the fact the art had no coherency. Sakimichan also comes to mind. It's just a lot of filters and abuse of colour adjustment settings. The perks of digital art, I guess.
No. 925854
File: 1632880917171.png (82.23 KB, 895x487, 356546546.png)

coomer behavior is relying on cheap fanservice to get more followers when their sfw drawings don't work kek
No. 925975
>>925072Good god the obsession with youth and adolescence zoomers have is unreal.
>>925865To be fair proper traditional art supplies are expensive as hell for a teenager. You don't have any other income than the allowance from your parents so it's much easier to just get a one-time purchase of an ipad/drawing tablet and a clip studio paint license than scrape up money for proper markers, paints, paper, canvas etc. I remember what a pain it was to replace my supplies and preferred to do digital because I didn't have to worry about my paint or canvas running out.
No. 925990
>>925987Popular fandom artists. I've avoided making mutuals for years (because I've seen how ugly inner circle drama can be), but lockdown has me acting up and craving any sort of interactions. So due to lack of better judgement I went and made ""friends"" with a group of popular artists who are into the same characters as me.
It started off pretty good, and honestly felt nice having validation and being included in group activities. But because I don't really draw hardcore kinks I couldn't join in on their more raunchy conversation. Eventually they stopped interacting with me when a new artist entered a circle who has a penchant for drawing kinky stuff.
No. 925993
>>925990Never get involved with pre-established artist groups, especially if they're considered 'popular' in their fandom. Hate how every fandom has a group like that, they're always so damn vapid in trying to keep up the status quo.
It sounds like you've been used and then when they found out you're not willing to assimilate, you're no longer useful to them. Honestly fuck them.
No. 926006
>>925065When I meet people like these I get ready to pull out my ultimate humble-brag: I'm a mouse artist.
Jokes aside I've been unhappy for a while with my art but lately I've been doing drawings by myself (without posting on social media), with the most basic brushes and I'm genuinely enjoying it. I used to fucking hate the whole process of rendering and making everything perfect but now I love it, I've learned to leave some sketchier parts too. Then I just show a couple of friends and that's it. Making art for social media is soul-crushing. Personally I think that it's also nice to avoid popular artists' "friendship" circles, they tend to be
toxic and overly-competitive.
No. 926073
File: 1632922478414.jpg (280.72 KB, 1100x794, sakimi-chan-fantasy-mercy.jpg)

>>925837Ok I get what you mean now. Sakimichan has become such a mediocre artist because of the way she relies on over rendering to mask the wooden/wonky anatomy
No. 926164
>>925990This is precisely why I don't roll with fandoms, particularly Fandom groups. They tend to drain the life out of each other sucking each other's dicks so hard.
I've been feeling more fulfilled with my art lately just doing studies and drawing my own ideas for fun. It does get a bit isolating when you want to interact with other artists, and have a genuine friendship, but a lot of them are either locked in in popularity contest cliques or are just overly introverted. I don't try as hard anymore, social media exhausts me.
No. 926187
File: 1632934269560.jpeg (143.47 KB, 1033x1350, 34BCF13E-AC26-45AC-9701-5B1102…)

I think this artist was talked about here before. This just showed up on my timeline and I didn’t recognize the style until I clicked on it and immediately noticed the girl’s fucked up pelvis/legs and both of their tiny ass feet lmao.
No. 926436
>>926430Entering a big fandom doesn't guarantee exceptional results. Remember that the bigger the fandom is, the more competition you'll have and you'll have to create content more often since people in bigger fandoms consume content a lot faster.
If the big fandom in question happens to be for a series you like, that's a plus. If not, it can make drawing quickly become miserable.
No. 926524
File: 1632960776186.jpg (493.64 KB, 2480x3100, FAadu4TUcAUaHJh.jpg)

they tried to make this look sexy but they just look emanciated
No. 926572
>>926164This hits hard. I made the mistake of getting involved and ended up getting randomly blocked because I had a life and didn't have time to validate fakebois into tranny headcanons.
I actually make more fanart now that I'm not part of a fanart clique. I post and respond to light engagement, but nothing beyond that. Seems like it's worse now than it was back then for meeting other fanartists since clout is so important n ow.
No. 926580
>>926572Me too anon. The
totally not fujo aydens in a fandom I was in were very insufferable about pushing troon headcanons on people who made fanart of the characters or sending stuff like "i'm trans and i just need to know if you're trans rights? uwu". I don't even know how they have the time to keep up on whose being transphobic or not.
No. 926587
>>926580>or sending stuff like "i'm trans and i just need to know if you're trans rights? uwu".Stupid question: how do you answer that? Or you just stay quiet?
t. annoyed at kweers trying to vampirize my work
No. 926590
>>926580I had this with a dash of the Aydens going through a quarter life crisis because they were approaching 30 and still trying to cope by becoming an uWu fakeboi. As someone who's over 30, it was both painful to watch, and made me grateful for having good mentors when I was their age so I didn't succumb to that bullshit.
>>926587Speaking from experience? You only win by not replying. They might get mad at you from ignoring it, but they latch on less. If you reply, it'll turn into that "gave an inch, they took a mile" scenario.
No. 926890
>>926879Assuming you are an artist, asking another artist to promote their commissions (if it's not a close friend) is so… shameless lmfao.
Also like the other anon said, e begging is super common on twitter. Have seen multiple times people e beg for whatever reason under some big asian artists tweets and they didn't hesitate to hide their replies lmao, don't feel bad.
No. 927331
File: 1633041691353.jpeg (376.15 KB, 750x742, DA30B56F-E192-4FB2-A48F-D8026E…)

I’m not sure if this belongs here but didn’t puccanoodles get a service dog a while ago? She just posted that she has a new one?? I’m confused.
No. 927343
File: 1633043291145.png (19.04 KB, 591x131, spoiled munchie pucca.png)

>>927331It's the same one. It had to be trained first. She posted about it coming home 3 days ago. Scroll moar.
No. 927378
>>927358I wouldn't say "too autistic", but rather it seems like a case of…well, what kind of media seems to resonate with you the most. Personal preference, you know? I am a digital artist and I admit that I'm not really good at traditional even though I have praciced it for more time than I have with a drawing tablet. It's not lack of practice but just the fact that I don't vibe with traditional as much as I do with digital, I much rather prefer the grip of a tablet pen than a regular pencil (even the fanciest and most ergonomic ones), for example. You don't need to be a master of all techniques or anything, it's okay to just not vibe with digital art.
A "solution" I have to suggest however is perhaps buying a drawing tablet with no screen that you can add a texture pelicule to. Wacom's Intuos tablets have a thing where you can buy a sticker pelicule that simulates paper texture and other stuff that you can add to your tablet. Maybe that could make the experience more comfortable for you?
No. 927481
>>927358I'm not too good with sketching with digital art yet so I sketch ot oit traditionally then render.
It helps fill the gap of "GOD I HATE THIS"
No. 927601
File: 1633088764473.png (270.15 KB, 1184x1000, Screen Shot 2021-10-01 at 7.45…)

i'm really convinced that some of these artists have never had a face to face interaction off of the internet.
someone not liking bugs is not homophobic.
No. 927603
>>927601samefag bug
>bugs are a special interest>bugs helped me cope with traumawhy does it always have to be some sob story just say that you like bugs and move the fuck on
this is the same person who got upset when someone pointed out that nonbinary lesbians don't exist and threw a weeklong fit about it.
No. 927617
>>927601>morally wrongUm, way to jump to conclusions. Dear god, I fucking hate how fragile these artists are, the constant self projecting, pulling out the
victim card. You're not getting prosecuted for your little ~*quirky love*~ for some bugs.
No. 927626
>>927624not sure, only started following them because of their plague doctor art.
then they started gatekeeping how people drew the plague doctors.
No. 927631
>>927624>>927626>>927627She had a callout which is archived here: TLDR: she is an annoying cunt but the callout is full of things that are basically non-issues. IMO, she surrounds herself with drama and is incessantly argumentative and hypersensitive, which has and will in the future again bite her in the ass. I wouldn't say she's '
problematic' but she is a really bitchy pathological liar. My personal favourite is when she lied about having a diss track written and performed about her.
No. 927638
>>927631Thank you for the link, non. But oh god the cringing gets worse and worse as I keep reading through the post.
What's the science behind popular online artists being like this? Is there a study conducted yet?
No. 927796
>>927631Also pretty sure she self posted in the sjw artist thread over in snow recently so she reads here which is literally killing trannies in the millions and very
problematic of her.
No. 927801
File: 1633108694624.jpg (40.11 KB, 734x441, Capture.JPG)

>>927796Dropped image. This isn't anything but it's just funny.
No. 928268
File: 1633165344589.jpeg (507.76 KB, 750x908, 3F2B8313-92E5-40A1-8C47-EC1BC2…)

On the topic of idolomantises, I never understood the love for their comics or designs. Yes, it’s basic heartwarming “monstrous character cares for baby” content, but how do you not laugh when looking at this?
No. 928325
tits on a freaking bug
No. 928372
>>927626>gatekeeping how people drew the plague doctorsHUH
She invented the plague doctor fit and mask or did I miss the memo
No. 928376
>>928372whenever someone drew a plague doctor who wasn't blatantly fanart of hers, she'd call them out as copying.
can't find the screenshots because they were at the b eginning of covid but i'll try looking.
No. 928686
>>928665Ntayrt but would doing that fuck you up in the future? If I only get a few commissions and ko fi donations here and there, would PayPal be okay with the “change as business”?
Does it also fuck up your taxes in any regards?
No. 928777
>>928665This only works in America I think, in other countries it will still display your legal name on the invoice as a business contact.
>>928686It should be fine and go undetected if it's just small amounts, but try looking into your countries' laws on taxation on self-employment. Not giving out that sort of information could count as tax evasion, even if the money you made is very little.
No. 929112
File: 1633270408165.jpeg (73.45 KB, 1382x297, 12097C8C-7093-4B3F-ACB6-B2DB1C…)

>>928873Funny enough, anon. I saw a tweet begging for money to cure a sick dog earlier and this was in the reply.
No. 929173
File: 1633278663131.png (80.49 KB, 1190x264, Screenshot 2021-10-03 at 18.31…)

Anyone still following the Elicia Donze situation? Yesterday she flipped her shit again (like almost every day tbh) and I'm so tired. At first I felt bad for the weird harassment she's getting, but holy shit she's insufferable. I didn't get screenshots because she bahleeted within 30 minutes but this was the gist of it
>distraught tweets about harassment and how to support her (aka promoting and commissioning)
>follower asks "what's the best way to contact you for a commission"
>E: "I don't know, I literally don't know, just shoot your shot wherever and hope I actually see it lmfao"
>explains she doesn't keep track of her email inbox because of all the hate and she's already in trouble with another commissioner because she can't be fucked to check emails
>great advertisement to future commissioners that she's actively begging for
>proceeds to flip her shit in 300 tweets because people suggested simple shit like having someone else check her emails for her
>"don't try to save me without my consent"
This bitch's whole twitter is just an endless loop of
>my house is on fire!!! why won't anyone help me! help me by spreading awareness about my house being on fire, I need people to see my work so I can make money
>"is the fire department not an option?"
>HOW DARE YOU invalidate my suffering, I didn't ask you for suggestions, I told you exactly how you can help, if you're not gonna do that then shut the fuck up! This is why people hate me, because I don't accept their unsolicited advice so they can feel like they saved me! Stop lighting my house on fire!
Bruh it's fine if she never wants to show her progress if that's the hill she wants to die on… but I'm rapidly losing sympathy because her hate messages are kind of fishy. They're always written the same way as if it's the same person every time. Now this could be a Emily Artful situation, or Elicia is just plain fucking paranoid and too autistic to realize it's just a random troll who can't move on. I agree with the other anons from old art salt threads who said she's too exhausting to follow. And yeah getting unsolicited advice sucks especially when you're just venting, but if you keep presenting the same fucking issue for years while acting completely helpless and desperate about it, of course people are gonna want to try and help. She can't fix the harassment, but being unable to take commissions because she can't confront her inbox is extremely fixable and something that needs to be done so she can actually accept the help she is requesting. Otherwise what does she want? You can help her by commissioning her but you can't commission her. She's nuts.
No. 929220
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>>929216ew. it's basically the same character too.
No. 929353
>>929173Yeah I kind of agree, feel the same way with her as I do with Thumin, in how the latter sees racism in basically everything and hyper focuses on trolls despite literally a countless number of people praising them.
Elicias a talented artist and while it sucks that she has to deal with mysoginistic trolls that are obviously concern trolling, she absolutely can ignore them. Maybe she’s distraught right now because massive amounts of hate can be psychologically arresting. But at the same time she has tools at her disposal that can help her deal with this shit. Hope both of their situations improve but my sympathy is deteriorating pretty quickly.
No. 929403
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Not-Ace-Artists-Drawing-Horny-Art: Electric Boogaloo 2
No. 929749
>>929716>they think it's ok to ask someone who doesn't draw nsfw to draw "sexy" stuff/pornPeople do that?? Then again why am I surprised, horny coomers on the internet don't understand boundaries.
But no it's not weird at all. Not everything has to be sexual to be "good", and nsfw isn't any better than sfw.
No. 929989
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No. 930022
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The accounts she tags are the mom accounts and not kid accounts thankfully, but I am uncomfortable about someone with a big following drawing (literally) attention to children like Mab Graves is with her kidlloween thing. Pic related, the weirdo mom who posted this one even posted two arty/photoshoot-esque of her child, she seems like one of those dodgy stage-moms. And mab's weirdo comment about being too "shy" and "dorky" to ask about the drawing. You're like 38 years old or something, fucking weird.
She's tagged two other accounts which were slightly more normal moms who didn't post "arty" photos of the kid along with their scrawling. At the end of this month Mab will have tagged and named 31 kids. Idk her whole aesthetic is also linked to Ryden who's linked to Jack Off Jill and Marilyn Manson (they're friends/he supported the band early on) and that style is also associated with DDLG pedobaiters like Nicole Dollanganger and Melanie Martinez, so it's all suspect to me.
No. 930024
>>929989Never thought I’d see itslopez here. I used to follow her on insta until I decided to delete the app bc of its shit algorithm. Sad to see shes another one of those sensitive
victim card pulling artists.
No. 930367
>>930089nowadays you'll only get somewhere with art-related videos if you have some kind of commentary to offer, that or chatting with people on the stream. just speedpaints or process videos with some background music won't cut it.
if you want a bonus, just become an art vtuber like
>>930361 said.
No. 930685
>>930361>vtube The thought crossed my mind but I wouldn’t talk much so it wouldn’t be successful. Other anons said to be engaging and talk a lot. Watching someone like Waffles is entertaining and she makes it look fun but I am not like her personality.
What’s 2view hell?
>>930526Do you have an agent? I’d start there.
No. 930987
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>>930826Yes which only reinforces the idea that those who complain the hardest about "style theft" usually have one of the least distinctive art styles.
No. 931132
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Netflix Animator and professional character designer Jackie Droujko got absolutely dogpiled by 12 year olds on TikTok last night and posted a 5+ slide cry about it on her story. Why? Because the exaggerated proportions and stylization she uses for her art made Britney Spears' waist too small and unrealistic to the liking of some random preteens on TikTok. I don't particularly like her art or the whining she had about this incident, but lots of the immature comments and downright nasty insults from the TikTok comments were uncalled for. People were absolutely trashing this girls art and ability to draw other body types (which she clearly has plenty of examples of on her Instagram) just because of this one drawing with a tiny waist. how do you feel nonnies?
No. 931164
>>930938thanks for the heads up anon! i'll look into that acquiring a matte screen protector
>>931137i've read that's a potential issue with the screen protectors. i've dealt with replacing pen nibs on tablets before so i don't mind replacing the apple pencil ones especially since they seem to be $10/4 tips (which is surprisingly cheap for apple)
thanks for the help anons!
No. 931183
>>930763Everything on art twitter is a
trigger. Don't take it personally.
>>930814You're not the only one. It's why I wish art spaces could go back to being more anonymous and focused on the hobby/business instead of being overrun with people doing the bare minimum in exchange for free therapy.
No. 931184
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I found these very nice sites with reference photos, I thought they might help someone else too.
The ones here are mostly old so the resolution is low but they are neatly sorted in categories ones here are not sorted. The images are free to use No. 931287
>>930022You’re literally playing 6 degrees of separation to try and make her seem like a pedo. Stop being such a freak
>>930703That’s her nephew. Mab had late stage endo and had a hysterectomy. She spent a lot of time with him and from what I understand, I think after her dad died, they all moved to a large family farm to be closer with each other
No. 931304
Hope I'm in the right thread.
I'd love to start drawing again, did it while I was younger 24/7 (not good, not education, just enjoyed it) and stopped some years ago. I thought about something like a doodle each day, but with actually learning something about light, shadow, perspective, anatomy. Is there something around like Inktober that's fun and actually motivates you to learn something? Something like "draw a building from a bird's perspective" or "shade an apple".
Yes, I could come up with something myself, but maybe there is something out there like that and I don't have to, could be for more than one month, I just would like to learn something.
No. 931436
>>929989>121.1K Followers>I don't get it, why do people want to turn into me???Anyone who complains about style theft should recognize Darwinism as this thing that exists alongside muh numbers and evolve in turn.
>>930814At least it's not the reverse where
>I must reply to every drawing you post>I will get down on my knees and give you a drawing of your OC because I'm incapable of thinking of another way to have a future as an artist No. 931645
File: 1633500648930.png (697.76 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20211003-004641.png)

Imagine thinking pink hair is part of an art style.
No. 931699
>>931645they didn't change their art style at all
(which is a shame, their art style is fucking ugly)
No. 931747
>>930814same energy as youtubers starting off their video with 'thank you all so so much for being here, this channel wouldn't have gotten this far without any of you'
except with youtube you actually get paid for having an audience.
No. 931893
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Dunno if any anon remembers me but I was dreading how I lost my passion for art and never feel content or happy. I just started drawing again and it feels great! Small doodles but I'm gaining my motivation back after months of hiatus, even though my achievement is small but I'm glad that I'm not a coward anymore and getting out of my comfort zone day by day.
No. 932073
>>931205I think you're right. We're living in a time where success is measured by views. Great if you're in marketing or make money from ad revenue, but that's about it. The view/follower/like obsessed artists develop an addiction.
>>931235AYRT I use and enjoy ArtStation. Even though what I do isn't a good match for the established scene that's already there (game concept art), I can feel good about linking it to both clients and friends who just want to see wtf it is I do. I like that their galleries allow for you to post your work process, too, which can be really important for some buyers.
The part I miss is a more casual place. I use Pixiv, so that fills some of my void, and went back to tumblr after the exodus. I'm making do, but the nostalgia is there.
No. 932097
>>932073Tumblr is actually a pretty decent place now that its worst users have migrated to Twitter and stayed there. It's definitely quieter, but it's still a moderately active and mostly chill social media now. I've recently returned to it after getting sick of Twitter's art scene bullshit and I couldn't be happier with my decision.
Pixiv is a pretty amazing art platform also, even with the language barrier. One useful feature that it has is how you can allow viewers to suggest tags for your art, which can help boost it since people on Pixiv tend to prefer to search for art by following tags and looking into what's new.
No. 932137
>>932123Does anyone really give a shit about this? Sometimes I feel like the artist is paying someone to shit out some ridiculous pedo art accusation just to get more exposure through infamy, it's so stupid.
Speaking of coomer artists my pet peeve is when they try to milk being Not Like Other Coomers because they draw both male and female characters being sexualized, but every time they draw women it's outrageously explicit and hardcore big titty cervix fisting or something but with men it's just
>He's shirtless here so enjoy I guessOr
>Here's a grotesque, crossdressing trap version of some meme male character being sluttified a la Shadman hee hee! Like fucking hell man you're still mainly pandering to men, don't try to be slick.
No. 932382
>>932097>One useful feature that it has is how you can allow viewers to suggest tags for your art, which can help boost it since people on Pixiv tend to prefer to search for art by following tags and looking into what's new.That's one of my favorite features. Even with popular tags, there are weirdly niched tags for mundane things that turn out to have Pixiv spotlights in English.
>>932137They seriously think it's some kind of insurance that will buy them feminist points during their next argument. At least the ones who only draw sissified men alongside women don't have enough blood in their brain to try to pass objectification off as equality.
No. 932407
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Personal cow but why is it always "uwu be nice" people with the shittiest art who end up having the worst personality and a stalkerish behavior? Like if I drew like this i'd improve instead of constantly making fun of other people's art behind their back or simply kill myself.(
No. 932516
>>932505i like to get rejection emails because if i did get rejected then it's quick and painless. i get a lot more disappointed if i end up ghosted by a zine, it feels almost disrespectful? like the mods didn't even care to spare you a response.
what i do dislike though is when the rejection emails come with some extensive justification as to why i wasn't picked. things like 'your art didn't reach the standards we envisioned for the zine' or 'you art isn't what we're looking for this project' can feel hurtful depending how they're written. like, just say i didn't get in and let it be done with.
No. 932525
>>932505If I don't get any kind of email back, imo it looks sloppy. Like they're half assing it by skipping necessary admin and burning bridges in the process.
A blanket "if you didn't hear from us by now you didn't get in" email is cold, but it's the absolute minimum of effort I would expect.
No. 932691
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>>932123The fact that Disney hired someone with a shitty art style like that in the first place. And this whole hastag they’re starting is just cringe on a whole another level. Just take the L and go like a normal person, damn.
No. 932705
>>932691She didn't work for Disney, she was attending some open animation workshop at Disneyland and got told off for drawing a sexy anthropomorphized Minnie Mouse there. She saw her chance and made it into a hashtag for exposure and coomer cred framing it as if she was an animator for Disney who got fired over a sexy minnie drawing.
She does seem incredibly annoying though, making a post about being so smol uwu at 5 ft 6 and churning out le epic sex meymeys and waifu self-insert, just another run of the mill quirky pickme coom artist you'd expect. It's like a Belle Delphine skinwalker but as an art cow.
No. 932761
>>932705>was never a Disney animator Oh that’s even worse. Then acting like she was an ex employee? Idk about the law but can Disney bring up legal actions for this? Cuz I’d love to see this weirdo get taught a lesson lmao
Everyone in the replies acting like this hastag will do anything to sully Disney’s name because fuck corrupted giant companies I guess. Coomers are all so pathetic it’s almost sad.
No. 932768
>>932749Good point, wouldn't be surprised if it was a larper.
>>932761She didn't outright claim to be working for Disney or lie about it but she definitely worded it so that a random passerby would think she was an actual Disney employee.
No. 932785
>>932696I don't have a word for it, but the closest I can think of is self-absorbed? They make themselves look more important than they seem, with a huge dose of pick-me vibes. Like how they'd constantly make it seem like they're the
victim in society's eyes for being difFeReNt. No, you're just a horny degenerate coom with no taste wtf
No. 932792
Not entirely sure if this is the place to ask this, but I’ve seen people giving advice here before. How is it that one actually gains an audience? How do you market your work? I can’t seem to get a straight answer or anyone just pointing me in the right direction or telling me where they go their own information, it’s really frustrating.
I’ve seen people and other creators time and time again post regularly and post good work and they just get absolutely nowhere, it’s very disheartening. I know there’s something they’re missing but they appear to be doing everything they’re supposed to do. Is building an audience just a luck of the draw? If it is then is it even worth my time?
I want to eventually start a patreon for a project that I’m working on, a handful of people in discord servers I know have actually told me my concepts are good and they’re looking forward to seeing it develop which is great news! I can’t find anywhere that has any kind of guide or advice on how to market this, how to build an audience, when to post, where to post and what is appropriate to post. I’m fumbling around in the dark and it’s frustrating. I know networking with more popular artists would be key to this but no one tells you how to network and I don’t want to forge purely transactional relationships with people, that seems so slimy. I just want to be friends with other people, I like chatting to artists it’s what I liked about art school.
I’m not expecting anyone on here to unlock the one true secret to success as an artist or whatever but just a nudge in the right direction would be really helpful, just anything really, even if I need to pay for this advice. I’m not an extremely great artist by any stretch of the imagination but I feel like I’m ‘good enough’ by now to where it’s appropriate to share my work.
No. 932798
>>932792This was what worked for me: I started off with drawing shippy fanart in a fandom that was still at its budding stage, now that it's become huge, my follower count has also grown by a ton. I also tried making connections with the more popular artists in the fandom so that they'd follow me back and boost my works to a wider audience. Granted that might seem like sucking up, but it's honestly vital if you want to grow a platform quickly–through connections.
Now that I'm sure my followers will stay with me for my one specific niche, I'm starting to post original works too, and so far those have been gaining attention as well. Not as much as my fanart, but it's a start.
While you're building up your platform do pay attention to posting peak time. Algorithm sucks on a lot of social media site so you have to do your own research and pin point when would be the best time to post so that a majority of your followers will actually see your stuff on their timeline. Godspeed anon.
No. 932811
>>932798Aww this was very sweet of you anon, thank you so much. This does sound like a good idea and is kinda what I sort of predicted. But honestly, it’s the answer I was kinda afraid of.
I used to do fanart for a pretty
toxic fandom and had a really, really bad experience with it. I was a kid and was dog piled by 24 year old shipping artists accusing me of stupid bullshit (like style and colour palette theft) but it completely destroyed any platform and confidence that I had. Since then I have had just zero interest in doing fanart even privately, it sucks because I used to have a lot of fun with it. I don’t know if it’s because I’m a graduate and grew out of it or if it was because of what happened.
As for predicting if a fandom will get popular I have no idea haha, that is a good idea though. I’d probably need to dig up some research on how to predict that. I have no idea what fandom would be good to post in, any suggestions?
(Also apologises if I double post, for some reason it seems to be doing that)
No. 932814
>>932811Yeah, it sucks but when it comes to building a large audience, you really have to grovel. Especially if you're starting from scratch.
Some of the bigger and more active fandoms at the moments that I know of–that I've been involved in and have seen on my TL through mutuals–are east asian games like genshin impact, cookie run kingdom, identity v, arknights and fate/grand order to name a few. The former two is EVERYWHERE on twitter right now. But what's important is to find which fandom you actually like though so you won't feel as burned out.
It also helps to gun for any new trend or drawing challenge that just popped up. Heck the amount of people drawing sora when nintendo announced he's gonna be available in smash got plenty of clout from that alone.
No. 932862
>>932702I wish me being gay (like, liking girls gay) didn't prevent me from drawing guys that aren't just twinks or F#mb@ys.
like, Hella off topic, but can you still do pin-up art that isn't blatant coomer bait? Thar would be a better fresh set of air than the usual.
No. 932877
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>>932862Jasmin Darnell (left) and Karlovy Cross (right) come to mind. They're ~sensual~ enough to appeal to coomers, but whimsical and feminine. Bonus points for being drawn by actual lesbians No. 932963
>>932792Pander make art with popular hashtags, slowly bring in your own actual care of your art, slowly transition by showing other things you do aside from pander, but you need to know what you are doing. I'm all over the place, so my stuff doesn't get as noticed unless it's nude or suggestive, but that's also coming out of a very minimalistic art style that I normall have, but didn't get attention for months. I don't hate pandering, I do mix-match things I like, but grabbing a crowd during popular hashtags or shows, that's the go-to. Like the Ankha stuff. Everyone knows ZONE was belogging, so everyone tagged ZONE to use them for the reblogs, and it works.
No. 932971
>>932942>Even DeviantArt has switched from showing your sex to pronounsI hate how this is forced upon us.
What happens if you just write "female" in your twitter bio, do the troons get mad?
No. 933201
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>>930814I share the sentiment, but also see: artists who make these kinds of tweets acting all surprised. It just feels so fake and downright sad to me for some reason.
No. 933433
>>933425this happened to me, although there was no other person involved. my fully rendered art that i spend multiple days on usually gets around 500 likes or so on twitter- and i'm not gonna complain about that number at all, but recently i posted some stupid, badly drawn doodles that have some meme vibes and…that got +10k likes and way over 20 comments. while i did like the engagement and follower boost, it also made me feel a bit…bad about my regular rendered art? knowing that no matter how much time and effort you put on a piece, in the end people might find a badly drawn funny haha meme shitpost a lot more interesting. it always hurts a little to put so much time and effort on an artwork only for it to get way less numbers than a shitpost you doodled in what, 2 minutes. i usually don't give a crap about numbers- they're just numbers after all, but i find myself slipping sometimes when that sorta stuff happens.
it did make me want to improve my art more in hopes of my normal art getting that level of attention one day, though.
No. 933437
>>933425Oof nonny…
I still struggle with this actually, as shameful as I am to admit it. A week ago I stopped working on a WIP (that I was genuinely having fun doing) when I saw this other artist in the same fandom space as I am post a very simple sketch with flat colors, and it somehow got over 2k likes. My mood tanked, and motivation lost in an instant. All my fully rendered paintings could never get over 500 likes, but someone posts a simple cutesy (and albeit boring) style, they get massive attention.
I know numbers don't measure how good you are as an artist, but it's hard not to associate yourself with likes when you're posting mostly on social media.
No. 933470
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>>933425>>933433>>933437I post a combination of fully rendered art and dumb, jokey comics. The comics have maybe 10 times the attention than the art and I console myself with the fact that it really boils down to which has more mass appeal. More people are willing to share a comic with two cute cartoon characters having a funny moment than a moody piece featuring a fully-armored knight in an abandoned church.
Picrel, its a cute picture and has a shitton of likes but 100% nobody would have cared if Kirby wasn't in it.
>it did make me want to improve my art more in hopes of my normal art getting that level of attention one day, though.You and me both
nonny. I've improved a lot but I still have a long way to go.
No. 933984
>>933522I don’t mean “thanks for 100+ follows” I mean:
“Thank you sooooo much for 30k my lovelies! You all are the reason I keep going, the reason I get out of bed in the morning, the reason I take a shit, I love each and every one of you so so much even though we’ll never meet I feel like you COMPLETE me you give me LIFE”
No. 934248
>>933425I recently posted an illustration and noticed those same people who only gave it a like (no retweet) went ahead to retweet someone’s fucking doodle that only took the artist 10 minutes to make.
I spend three days and even hurt my wrist to finish it. I was so upset and it pretty much made me never want to do illustrations ever again.