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No. 815400
previous thread:
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 815473
>>815462Thing is if you're a woman or a gay man and you're not a total mutant and you're willing to take a penis in you… you're desirable. For all the nitpicking that happens you're still chased and wanted.
Men hate that fact so they pretend like they only want 10s
No. 815541
>>815524It's really fucking weird to me though that supposedly "dysphoric" transmen would ever get pregnant on purpose. Like what could possibly be more dysphoria inducing than that? Being pregnant and giving birth is literally the most /female/ thing you can possibly do, only women are capable of it. How does getting called ma'am
trigger them but not using their female reproductive organs to grow a child???
No. 815567
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>>815403In the back of my mind I had the same idea about the film but I want more media where women turn into demons and devour people, just wish it was done better and her stupid friend actually helped her terrorize men or like also transitioned into a demon
No. 815588
>>815515>>815568nta but
>this is a tame opinion that most people agree with>this is a radfem opinionwhich one is it
No. 815847
>>815783Time travel still exists, at least to a certain extent. True though, the events tied to real time are fucking awful.
What bothers me more is how empty the game is and how Nintendo clearly doesn't give a fuck about it, because it can't be milked for more money. The game was barely finished to begin with - only one store update, lots of beloved NPCs missing…
A year has passed and no major updates!?
Also, not enough new furniture. Like, the goddamn gatcha game Pocket camp got so much new shit, basically new sets every months, it's fucking insulting how little new furniture NH gets. I stopped playing Pocket Camp because it was too depressing to see just how much new stuff (locked behind a paywall) there was, and stopped playing NH because there's nothing new to do and since Nintendo can't be bothered, I can't either.
No. 815939
>>815887Well that's the thing. Everyone loves remakes and no one wants to try something new and when they do try something new they'll just tear it apart instead of learning to just enjoy it for what it is
I don't think modern horror movies are any different from 80s horror movies even though everyone gushes about 80s horrors. It's just new and not nostalgic and I feel like most Americans rely on nostalgia for enjoyment
This also goes for restaurants. I'd rather see Mom and Pops everywhere instead of McDonald's, Applebee's and Panda Express but thanks to Americans being unable to enjoy new things every single town is practically the same now
No. 816162
>>816159I feel you. Hugely popular memes are usually pretty cringe already, even though I like some of them there's something disappointing and forced about them, but add the horny factor? extra bad. It gets beaten to death (ha) and starts to become gross, a huge mass of people publically being horny I just don't need to see that kek. I don't mind driverfags for now since my only exposure to it is here where it's contained in my eyes but yeah.
Also, the cosplayers who instantly jump in on it for attention, I don't
really judge them because they're probably having fun, but it does feel contrived. They will forget the character in a few months anyway.
No. 816171
>>816162>a huge mass of people publically being horny I just don't need to see that kekexactly, though i have double standards where it disgusts me if it's mostly men vs. women doing the lusting because most women aren't as creepy and objectifying.
If there's male character or actor a lot of women are lusting over I consider it a different phenomenon and even if it is annoying I don't mind as much. women actively talking about our desires is good when we're socialized to be passive (hence why I love the conventional and unconventional male attraction threads here).
No. 816254
>>816249this is going to sound pathetic but i actually like it when people refer to me as
nonnie on here. it just sounds so nice and affectionate <3
maybe i just need to get irl friends No. 816267
>>816229I read some reddit posts explaining how dating apps are filtering and pushing you into early dates, because it creates returning customers, so their filters are designed to be good, and working, since RL dates ARE happeninh. But it just made it sound like they're intentionally pushing you with incompatible butdlightly attractive people, if ll they care about is customer retention.
I also tried Bumble which lets you filter by relationship goal (casual, up for anything, don't know, relationship). If you filter out the first 3 categories, you're left with like 4 guys. I just deleted my profile.
No. 816268
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>>816240I thought it was annoying and cringe the first time I encountered it but then I started saying it passive aggressively and now I just say it unironically. I hate the way imageboard lingo gradually sneaks itself into your vocabulary sooner or later.
No. 816285
>>816240At first I disliked it but now I think it's a nice way to refer to other nonnies kek
Also feel like a rebel against the redtext
No. 816311
>>816308Imagine if we used "dyke" or "bitch" instead. "Newdyke/newbitch".
Or "fem", as in "Fuck off newfem". Or, if we kept using the
nonny thing, "newnonny"/"newnonita".
No. 816322
>>816311I don't think dyke/lesbo works because our board culture is not homophobic.
Newbitch or newnnonny maybe.
Newnonita is just cute.
No. 816494
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Freshly boiled milk right on site is the best, but milk in the plastic jug is leagues tastier than milk from a carton. Milk from the carton tastes like the milk in those tiny creamer cups made of plastic that you use for coffee. It’s grossly cream-tasting, somehow uncomfortably sweet and sour too. Plastic jug milk is definitely superior and has a better, clearer milk taste. Even if you buy organic, carton milk can’t help but taste like an ultra-homogenized, ultra-pasteurized and inorganic product. Carton milk completely ruins tea or coffee.
Of course glass bottled milk is better than both, but plastic bag milk is even better than that. Poorfags in random countries can attest to this. The vendor that just milked his cows at the break of dawn and has a cooler on the street corner selling today’s bags will have tastier milk than the glass bottle at the store. It’s only a little bit better than the bottles that get delivered to you straight from the farm, though.
Anything other than whole milk isn’t even worth drinking. If you’re going to drink another animal’s baby food nipple puss, you might as well keep the fat.
No. 816524
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>>816494Have you ever tried bag milk
No. 816533
not vegan
>>816521but after reading
>>816525 im definitely considering it. nasty hoes
No. 816543
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>>816525That never happens, you're trying to make everyone else drop drinking milk so you can have more for yourself but I'll not allow that
No. 816544
>>816524Depends on the country but where I got it, it was very fresh and different than that. It was good. That type of bagged milk you posted is practically a different product entirely.
>>816525I agree wholeheartedly. Freshly boiled milk should honestly be considered a cherished delicacy. I wouldn’t want poorfag cow owners to grossly overprice it and struggle, but 1st worlders should make an effort to drink actually good milk and not grocery store mass produced cow killer factory crap.
>>816514I don’t drink cow milk anymore so you can stop being retarded now.
No. 816569
>>816565isnt that sentence a little redundant LMAO
anyway my unpopular opinion is rooms should never be colder than 75 degrees. Im tired of going to into work, restaurants anywhere in the summer and feeling like i shouldve worn a winter coat because they decided that winter should simply never end.
No. 816584
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>>816573I usually do like pic related.
No. 816587
That one eurovision guy, the one with the super long dark hair, and the one woman in the group are the only attractive ones, the rest are uggo.
No. 816651
>>816598fr i go into fight or flight mode reading that word
even worse when its “lewding xyz“
No. 816661
>>816585Not getting involved in the milk debate but I hate it when anons start a post with this
>You do realize that.. Even if I agree with the point being made, I hate that delivery lol
No. 816663
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Gyaru fashion is cute
No. 816675
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>>816494Most based milkanon <3
Nothing beats a fresh glass of cold milk and the soybean guzzlers can go pound sand. Do people who hate milk even bleed?
No. 816943
>>816879You have clearly never met any of my ex-orbiters.
After a while they get bored and increasing frustrated, then there's fireworks.
These days I don't let orbiting happen cause I learned from my mistakes.
No. 816956
>>816943>These days I don't let orbiting happen cause I learned from my mistakes.I really don't get the appeal of orbiters. If I like them or enjoy being around them at all, I'll feel hurt by their orbiting and be on edge about them trying something and needing to reject them. If I don't like them, I simply don't want them around me. Nothing worse than a scrote buzzing around trying to get in when you find him unattractive and/or annoying. Male energy is draining and especially so if they're attracted to you, it's always awkward and embarrassing when you don't like them back.
The only man I need to help me with stuff or buy me things is my dad kek.
No. 816965
>>816956Idk, it just sort of happens, especially if you end up in some sausage fest field of study or work.
Usually the ones orbiting aren't the hottest in the room so that's why they don't get it.
>>816962I think you are confusing an orbiter with a simp. They are not synonymous.
No. 816970
>>816969A simp doesn't necessarily have to pay, he just has to be desperate enough to do stuff for a woman who doesn't fuck him in return (even if it's just defending her or being overly nice and submissive).
It's pretty much exactly the same as an orbiter imo, it feels like splitting hairs but I'd say the main difference is that an orbiter hangs around waiting for an opportunity to strike, like when a woman becomes single for example. I don't think simp has that connotation because they could be shooting their shot all along and persisting when they fail.
No. 816971
>>816969No a simp is someone who puts you on a pedestal and who you can treat as a slave. A simp does not even expect the sex. He just does it cause he is desperate for attention from attractive women he won't otherwise get.
An orbiter is someone who pretends to be friends while secretly thirsting and expecting a reward.
No. 817016
nonny is cute
No. 817019
>>816249This, I always use it with endearment
If anons find it cringe then it's not my problem, it's theirs.
No. 817346
>>817329Feels is full of either LARPers or discord edaters, sometimes poltards will try larping their tradthottery, but that doesn't happen too often.
Woman who draws shitty BPD bunny art also selfposts there.
the only board I like is b No. 817369
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>>817329The last time I went there the entire site was very dead and the most recent activity was in a shota thread. Even as a fujo that’s too degen for me.
No. 817377
>>817329I don't use cc but what is
>not a very good looksupposed to mean? Who's gonna know what anonymous imageboards you use lol
No. 817383
>>817371Why should they go post there when they're already posting here? I don't get the point in using cc honestly
>>817377They mean the content and board culture has made it look unappetising, she doesn't want to join in
No. 817388
>>817377"Not a good look", is a way of saying that somebody is doing something that is hurting their image, often times being counterproductive without realizing it.
Femcels that do nothing but hate on men is not a good look for them, because it sort of says that for whatever reason they cannot ever attract high quality men. So basically by association they are proving to others that they are themselves low value.
No. 817574
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the most overrated pokemon. It rides the coat-tails of its much better eeveelutions
No. 817814
>>817782hand crushed by a mallet is the goat 100 gecs song
but im the person who got dunked on in the bad songs thread for liking sophie so… i guess we belong here
No. 817869
>>817819ignoring all the weirdo mass shooters, serial killers, pedophiles, and serial rapists? all males are dangerous subhumans
i agree attractive males are given too much slack though
No. 817904
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Fighting over which generation is the worst one that ruined everything for everyone and is full of mindless imbeciles is completely retarded. There are good & bad people in every generation, as well as complete retards. Every generation thinks the generation before & after it sucks and is full of idiots who ruined everything and that only their generation were the truly enlightened ones. This has more than likely happened since the dawn of man.
Inb4 "You're just saying that because you're [insert]-generation!!"
No. 817931
Most men are pedophiles, and it’s not really a matter of trying to fix it. Most straight women (and even some lesbians) have actually already accepted it, even subconsciously. A lot of women are also autopedophiles, either from direct grooming, or being collectively groomed by society itself (and it doesn’t stop when you’re an adult). We live in a pedophilic culture.
I don’t think there’s any escape. I can’t even find it in me to fight with people about shit like lolicon or ageplay or age gap fiction like I used to, unless they’re aggressively pushing it. Any opposition just seems so fake and performative. It’ll never stop, they don’t care that it’s bad, and it gets even worse when you realise your mind is also being damaged or poisoned from being made to see these things. It’s like a form of mental abuse.
The best we can do is try to protect kids when we can, and to wait for males to die out for good.
The one upside is that if you pretend to be pro-everything, any scrote you meet will be open about his “interests”, and you will know to never have kids with him or trust him around them.
No. 817943
>>817936Yeah, take meds so I can ignore what is basically plain to see at this point. We live in hell, anon. People are unironically arguing that children should be exposed to naked men under the guise of gay pride. No burner accounts, they’re doing it with their entire chest. They know they’re “winning”.
I’m just saying to do good where you can.
No. 817945
>>817931Idk if most men are full blown pedophiles, but a
lot have pedophilic tendencies, definitely way more than most women realize. I think most women don't bother to visit porn sites so when they hear that men are watching porn they are imagining women who look like pam anderson when really the most watched porn stars are women like riley reid who pretend to be underage. I argued about it with my ex many times, and he always defended it and said he saw nothing wrong with "teen" porn. there's a website called 18 and abused and he saw absolutely nothing wrong with it. yet he was always angry about the catholic church and the supposed pedophile priests, as if he was any better.
No. 817951
>>817949yeah that's probably true. the only people I've seen who actually draw attention to the teen/incest porn epidemic are radfems and christians.
and now I just remembered how one time I was googling different porn stats and came across this website called "" (not sure if it still exists). but it had an article saying why teen porn was the most popular, because all men secretly prefer teenage girls. then that website led me to a bunch of other men's rights websites that said men's rights were actually about getting rid of consent laws, because consent laws were made by fat ugly old feminists who wanted to police male sexuality, and that people like paul elam and karen straughan ruined the men's rights movement. it really is a huge problem that literally no one wants to talk about.
No. 817963
>>817904Thank you. What's more likely to be true: that humans are miserable pieces of shit who've been subjecting each other to various forms of suffering for millennias, or that the world would genuinely be a completely different and better place if it weren't for those pesky [insert generation here]? I hate how programmed we are to look for scapegoats. It feels inescapable, like we're too emotionally retarded to accept how broken and disappointing the world can be, so we always need an Other to place the blame onto.
>>817931I think about this all the time. I would like to have a family, but I honestly don't know how I'm supposed to trust a man when I've seen the stuff I've seen. I once saw a married man (with children) in his 50's go down on an unconscious 14 year-old at a party. I still vividly remember the looks I got from men as an 11 year-old whilst vacationing in Central America. I wouldn't be surprised at all if a large portion of men have a preference for young teenage girls (it kinda feels like an open secret), and I don't understand how other women feel safe enough to risk bringing a daughter into this world. Hopefully they've had way more positive and safe experiences with men than me, and I've just been unfortunate.
No. 818061
>>817941Have you read any of the threads here? I don't know how it is for the normie population but anons talk all the time about struggling to break out of the social conditioning forced on them by paedophilic porn culture or even surface level stuff like romanticised age gaps in mainstream media
>>817953This too except I think local culture and attitudes also affect it
No. 818148
>>817548OMFG i hate crime watch ddaily it is so disgusting. I randomly watched a video the other day because i thought i was being dramatic about my hatred. When the
victim's family was talking about how they got shot 3 or 4x they fucking played gunshots as the person was talking. Shit grossed me out. Crime watch daily needs help.
No. 818161
>>818148Crime Watch Daily would fare better if they hired anyone under the age of fucking 40. The editing is atrocious and often has sections that are mute or where the sound of multiple takes of the same sentence are overlapped, and they often report on something so terribly that it's funny to watch the Crime Watch version of events after you've read the entire court proceeding or know who ended up being found guilty. Goddamn I wish there was a standard for these sorts of things. MysteriousWV is a good example of a youtube reporter done correctly, and he bases his set up from things like American Justice or Forensic Files. It reminds me a lot of an ugly Bill Kurtis.
Also if they let ugly people on TV, we might actually have narrators and hosts that care about the subject matter more than they care about fame or being seen.
No. 818246
>>818133NTA but do you even know what the porn industry is like? How many women and young girls are trafficked into it? The lack of oversight for consent, age verification, physical/mental health, etc?
No, of course not. All that matters is COOOOOM. Please fuck off.
No. 818315
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I love shitty YA books.
Its just a relaxing fun time of reading, not that I don't read classics or actually decent stuff, but its nice to cozy up and read some cheesy over the top fantasy fulfilling romance, and again another one of those "people hate everything teenage girls like" things.
No. 818317
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>>818302No, most likely they're not even lying. They're 100% genuine when they say that, it just means something completely different to them.
I'll give you an example: my ex's family had several apartments, one with a swimming pool. They've also got five cars, currently manage three companies and god knows how many other securities they have. His father's company paid for an apartment in all major cities in my country because he travels for work a lot.
True to their word, they didn't spoil their kids: he lived a
comfortably middle class lifestyle, as they all say they do. Got video games for his birthday, nothing extravagant. Wore regular cheap clothes from H&M.
This guy also failed pretty much everything he set his sights on because he simply never had to push himself. He's a high school dropout who can't cook, clean or hold down a job, he streams on Twitch for a living. But you know what? Both him and his siblings got an apartment each, he's had a happy childhood, he's never gone hungry or homeless, and if he waits around enough he'll inherit most of his family's property and never have to work a day in his life, invest, save, worry about bills, he simply doesn't give a fuck because he never has to. His parents didn't "spoil" him, they didn't give him handouts, but no parent will leave their kid hungry, ill and homeless so he's set for life anyway.
No. 818387
>>818319>>818320I dont know where youve been but i see 100 people proactively defending YA for every 1 person doing any "shaming". To be clear im not saying people should read only highfalutin prestige literature because a lot of that is overblown crap too. But between YA fans and ""literature"" people, what gets lost is interesting but unpretentious books written for mature adults.
Basically i think people feel like if they "graduate" from YA rhey have to read shakespeare or dickens or the brontes or w/e. And ""literature"" people banging on about their prestige crap they probably havent even read themselves doesn't help matters. Ignore them and especially ignore men of literature. Cormac mccarthy is godforsaken trash. All this to say…read like, david sedaris, alice munro…idk. there are books that are funny and cozy and that are by, for and about adults. Imo, continuing to read lots of books for and about teens is of itself weird and warping, but i see how people get stuck in it, because online "serious literature" people are almost all pretentious steaming turd heads.
No. 818617
>>818604It was more fun being a womanchild pre-corona. I'd use my free time and money on travel and would go to events and had group hobbies…
It's slowly starting to get back to normal, but it still isn't what it used to be.
No. 818851
>>818718I wouldn't have a problem with them removing themselves from the gene pool either but the thing is that they're not doing it, most of them choose to hold on to their dick and go on/off on HRT to regain their ability to get an erection while growing prepubescent moobs. The ones who get SRS are pretty rare. And like
>>818742 said, they're using women as collateral damage for their terminal coomerism instead of sterilizing themselves in private.
No. 819088
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intensely sharp "model" cheekbones like this on men are super unattractive to me. they look kinda sunken and starved
No. 819111
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Terrible show
No. 819138
>>818971I agree with the first sentence
I also think (for a straight) you can increase your bisexuality a little, idk. I genuinely have had interest in women sexually to a degree since being young, but I think discovering tumblr at 13 made it feel more important to me than it is. Not saying everyones like this but it's my experience. I wanted to be queer so bad but now I decided I am mostly straight until if I actually get with a girl you know. It feels disingenuous because I think I memed myself to liking them more. I'm not talking about gays and lesbians though, I believe they are truly homosexual except in very rare cases as has occasionally happened. anyways this is all a thought experiment kek
No. 819159
>>819154NTA but I have a personal belief that anyone can be bisexual at any point, given the situation. I know it sounds idk… weird, but I have a feeling that if someone were placed in an intimate situation with someone, I feel like it could turn sexual regardless of their initial thoughts on their own sexuality. Now, I do feel there may be people who are 100% against it but I think that's because of moral reasons, rather than genuine attraction.
That's not to say that I'm saying anyone can turn gay, I'm simply saying that I have a personal belief that anyone can have a sexual experience with another person of the same sex, regardless if they consider themselves "straight".
No. 819177
>>819171>Just curious what those reasons would be Money, peer pressure, coercion, curiosity, comphet, attention seeking, 'prison gay', pornsickness, confusion, inebriation, etc.
You never mentioned repeatedly seeking out gay sex, you just said it could 'turn sexual' if people were placed in an intimate situation with the same sex. I find it hard to believe an intimate situation would ever naturally develop or turn sexual unless there was actual attraction or some sort of external pressure involved, I'm not really sure what sort of hypothetical situation you're imagining or how it relates to your other points (which I don't disagree with ).
No. 819179
>>819177Btw, I'm the original anon who made this post here:
>>819159The person you're replying to is a different anon
No. 819281
>>819159I agree with this, or at least that there are far more bi people in the closet than most realize.
People who base their whole life around the idea of having only one sexual preference will be
triggered by this, though.
No. 819302
>>819275The first live-in relationship that I had with a guy was back when I was on disability money. He worked a 'flexible time contract' where his hours changed every week but it only ever really amounted to part time hours, minimum wage too. His low income combined with my disability meant that we qualified to have a large portion of our rent payed for through a scheme. A couple years into this he approaches me and tells me he wants to quit his job and become my 'full time carer' which would mean the government pays him for staying home with me. Big red flag was.. I didn't require care! I always felt bad enough for needing the disability money but I certainly didn't need full time care on top of that. Dude saw me as his free ticket. I refused to go along with it and months later he took all his stuff and went home to his mom and dad, where he returned to living rent free at 26.
I managed to eventually get off disability and find a way of working around my issues..I now I have my own mortgage while he…still lives with mom and dad 8 years later.
No. 819314
>>819313Bruh strawberries ain't even real. Who the fuck gets
triggered so bad by a fictional fruit? Go touch the grass or something
No. 819315
>>819313How does liking a smell mean that you have no personality? What lol
Fake banana flavor and scent is a lil worse than strawberry, both are pretty sickly to me
No. 819318
>>819313Agreed. Strawberry scented anything is garbage, just like strawberry flavored candy.
I love the smell and taste of real strawberries but the artificial ones are always disgusting to me, more so than other fruits.
Imo the best fruit scent is orange. Never had something with artificial orange scent smell sickly or gross to me. I love it as a shampoo scent too.
No. 819329
>>819314I am not getting
triggered, but it seems like I ended up hurting
your feelings, noonie. I like eating strawberries, but strawberry "milk" and strawberry-scented items are shit.
>>819318That's what I've been trying to explain, thank you, anon.
Artificial smells and tastes are horrible, would rather just get some strawberries from a garden and make a jam out of it, instead of wasting your money. The smell of orange reminds me of a cozy, cold autumn which is nice.
>>819324I think this anon tried to tell that strawberry is a false fruit.
No. 819341
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Northern/NW Euro-descent women are curvy and feminine (physically and mentally). Travelling, I discovered the rep in many places is the opposite, which was really odd to me lol. I stumble across that opinion on the internet a lot too.
It's especially weird to me as I recently discovered it is indeed false: Research has found N/NW Euro women are the world's curviest on average (lowest waist-to-hip ratio, biggest bust relative to body weight). Interestingly, N/NW E countries have the largest gap between men and women not only re body shape and size but personality, skills, values, criminality, and various health measures. Researchers have dubbed it the "gender equality paradox." (Differences between the sexes is larger in more egalitarian countries: Norway, UK, Germany, Australia, etc.)
And the stereotyped "curvy nations" in reality rank as some of the least curvy in the WORLD and by quite a fair amount, with most women measuring in the male range for body type and other attributes, including a much smaller gap between the sexes in personality, and skills (mathematics). I don't want to name them because I know it'll rile people up, and that's not my intention.
It's puzzling. I don't understand how false national stereotypes persist with increasing immigration and travel. I'm interested, are N/NW E stereotyped as being boyish or manly in your culture?
No. 819362
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>>819341While bust-waist-hips ratio gets used as an online shorthand for curviness, it doesn't actually correlate all that tightly with what most people consider curvy. There's a pretty high floor to bust and hips measurements (the pelvis and ribcage impose a minimum size), so skinny women tend to have high bust-hips ratios. Models like picrel certainly do, but aren't widely seen as curvy, while a lot of glamour models (like kate upton) are pretty rectangular but definitely considered curvy. In general, curviness seems to have more to do with a soft, fleshy, womanly aspect than raw body ratio.
At the end of the day, who cares though? If a scandinavian woman is actually feminine and curvy, no one's going to say they're not because of national stereotypes.
No. 819369
>>819318>>819313Strawberries in general repulse me. Be it the taste or smell of real or fake strawberries. The smell is enough to make me gag. To me they smell like sweet methane and ammonia.
Everyone thinks I'm weird because I also hate any kind of meat from pigs, including things like pepperoni on pizza. I just find it so fetid. I also hate lamb meat.
No. 819372
>>818950I think short hair on women isn't as common as it used to be.
For about 50 years it was really common fo women to have short hair and I think it was influenced by the flapper era. Princess Diana was one of the most beautiful women in the world and a fashion and style icon and had a short haircut. Twiggy also had short hair.
Rarely nowadays do I see younger women with short hair and I was recently wondering why that is.
No. 819375

>>819341It's more for Russia, but I usually think of Olga helping run the farm or whatever as the stereotype. So yes, boyish.
I agree with
>>819362. That there are different types of curvy. If you've ever heard of Kibbe body types, for example. The two types I only know are Flamboyant Natural and Soft Dramatic. Both can be hourglasses, but the fat distribution and skeletal structure have them show differently. Flamboyant naturals have hourglass shapes because of their angles and wide bone structure, so if you're skinny, you'll have that "hourglass." If you're a soft dramatic, you have the hourglass figure because of your fat distribution more-so than your bone structure. The curves will look softer and more round rather than bony and angular.
I would think there are more flamboyant naturals in NW European countries and soft dramatics in curvier nations. I'm not sure what you were thinking, but I was thinking Brazil and South America as the stereotyped curvy nations.
This is pretty interesting, though because I'm half Lithuanian. I'm a flamboyant natural and an "hourglass" body shape at a .74 WHR, but I'm a B-cup and have linebacker shoulders. My bone structure is just super wide - I have a thigh gap at a healthy weight too. If I gain weight, I get huskier, not curiver.
No. 819412
>>819375>>819362Interesting anons, thanks! I hadn't thought about the overall structure esp other ratios, like being stacked (shorter distances between bust/waist/hips), longer or shorter limbs, weight and body fat distribution effecting 'curviness'. I'm a good example actually. I'm 5'6 tall, 28 inch under bust, 35 over bust, 24 inch waist, 36 inch hips, BMI 19, but I don't think I look particularly curvy, yet my stats imply otherwise. I'm probably too narrow-bodied for my height or something. Curviness is a mix of things, for sure.
And as Anon 2 said: shape. Maybe NEuro women's bodies are more angular? That's certainly plausible. I expect being the same height if not taller than men of those cultures must add to the mannish effect, too, come to think of it. The so-called unfeminine personality bit still puzzles me tho. Funny what Anon2 said regarding Russian women as they are more likely to be stereotyped as uber-fem in the West, def not as mannish farm girls. As for 'caring', it's not that I was bothered by it, just confused and wondering what was meant by it. I think it must be other body ratios and a bigger overall build creates the effect. WHR/bust is not everything, I get that now.
I didn't want to say initially cos of the rules, but yes, Southern Euros, South Americans, and surprisingly, most African women fall in the high feminine - male range on average. West African women are the exception- they have a low feminine WHR on avg, and a range comparable to NE. West/South Asian countries were a mix from what I remember. I think one country (Bangladesh or Pakistan) was an extreme outlier with a male WHR, but most had a reasonable fem range, and like NE, they aren't stereotyped as being particularly curvy, at least relative to others, when in reality they are. It's weird.
NEuro WHR averages low fem of 0.7, with a fem range. Whereas the average WHR in the "curvy countries" is already male (0.8). Mexican women are 0.8-0.9, so again, male. NEuro have a 4 inch bust difference (corresponding D cup - yes I know that isn't how bra sizes truly work, but you get the gist). SA, African and Asian bust is 1 inch difference (A cup). Southern Euro is 2 inch (B cup).
It's just odd, very few Euro women have a male WHR or flat chest, yet they're regarded as the world's "ruler shaped women". That's the bit that puzzled me.
No. 819466
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>>819465Is this bait or am I not getting it?
No. 819482
>>819467Idk fam, I'm pretty fucking horny and crave sex a lot.
However I do enjoy sex for different reasons than most men do, and don't think porn is all that hot or healthy which is probably where I start to splinter away from libfem.
Why don't we ever question the mental status and normalcy of men being hypersexual as if they don't have complexes or trauma for being that way? I don't like how women always gotta be the ones with the issues for liking something a lot.
No. 819483
>>819467I think they only push that narrative so hard because a lot of misogynists like to claim that women hate sex (in reality a lot of men are just shitty, selfish lovers who don't try to make the experience enjoyable for women.)
I agree having a lower sex drive is not a bad thing in and of itself though. Before I had major depression I would always get horny af for no reason and when I got frustrated because of it I would get even hornier. Having a high sex drive is fucking annoying.
No. 819591
>>819467I think plenty of women have a comparable sex drive to men, just that it shows differently.
With men it the urge to have sex on a regular basis causes them to be desperate to get laid asap when they go a little while without. Women can also get desperate for it after going a long time without sex, but it doesn't seem to happen nearly as quickly for most. That's not because they aren't horny though, just more okay with fixing it themselves.
In long term relationships I feel like men maintain the same sex drive throughout while women lose some interest after a couple years, but for me it's not that interest in sex lessens, just interest in the partner I guess.
No. 819781
>>819726how many people have you kissed to come to this conclusion? not trying to shame, only you sound so sure wtf
>>819780yeah I used to bother considering scrote accusations but lately I'm like "who cares, a woman could just as easily have said it so give a relevant answer or be quiet"
No. 819784
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>>819318This, I love regular strawberries+strawberry surf rider smoothies but strawberry ice cream and stuff similar to it is gross. I also love strawberry patterns on clothes though.
No. 819785
>>819467Libido isn't the reason for men behaving badly. Low libido men can be just as bad as the high libido ones, especially as they're usually insecure about it and insecure men are the worst.
The way men treat sex makes me wonder how much they enjoy it in itself. Their fetishes make me think they're bored without novelty or some weird obsession attached to it. They strip away so much of the experience that makes it enjoyable, to the point that they can fuck women they claim to hate or prostitutes who obviously wouldn't consent without payment. They don't even care about being desired or mutual pleasure. Their idea of making it last long is laughable.
Low libido gets recognised in women more because those women just say they don't much like sex. Low libido men instead put on an emperors new clothes type of charade.
No. 819786
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>>819467>Huge fujo who reads nsfw fics 99% of the time>No interest in irl sex, not even repulsed or anything just doesn't care if it happens or not due to this I'm almost 21 and have never been kissed >Repulsed by 3D porn and think it should be bannedNot sure what category I would put myself in due to this.
No. 819793
>>819785NTA, this is an extremely interesting insight. I know it's beside the point but it's almost like they are searching for something they can't find. what could it be, genuinely? the optimist in me wants to think that deep down they crave real connection and intimacy like women tend to, but when they
are desired by a woman who cares for them, plenty will throw that away regardless. I mean, the problem could be anything. I guess you'd have to look at men who are satisfied in their sex life and treat women decently but that is rare. sorry if I misunderstood your post, it's intriguing to me though
maybe the problem is that men put sex on a pedestal like it is supposed to be the best thing in the world, when even for them it often isn't
I guess they even fetishize it if that's possible, what I mean is they try to use it to feel power, dominance, confidence, to feel worth something in society— but these are not the real good of sex. they use it the wrong way I guess I'm thinking
No. 819801
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I hate the sound of acapella covers. Something about hearing a chorus of "mmm"s or "ooo"s to mimic chords makes me want to punch someone.
No. 819818
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>>819815This sounds… rather specific, anon. Usually women know less about our own anatomy because nobody teaches us, and it's regarded with shame or our pleasure seen as unimportant.
It sounds like you had a bad experience on reddit?
No. 820152
>>820143> Implying I'm mad at youAnon… Get some chamomile tea and calm down. Are you trying to act one of these people who enjoy feeling like a
victim in any situation? I hope not.
No. 820290
>>818315As long as you don't try to pass it as anything that's too deep I think one is allowed to have their silly self indulgent pieces of fiction.
I don't like it since a lot of this guys are pricks to the main leads but get away cause there hot. Other then that I got no real beef
No. 820430
>>820423you're presenting this as an objective fact, but it isn't
also i'd say being bisexual is a pretty strong sign of being gay
No. 820601
>>820596No they're just assholes who look for any reason to hate us. Males have been found to have their own biases/stupidity including a tendency to believe in conspiracies, like aliens secretly ruling over humans. Spirit, aliens. What's the difference?
Thing is, women don't automatically assume an individual man is dumb and treat him like shit because of male pop average biases. Which is in fact quite a rational way to behave…
No. 820616
>>820596This opinion is contributing to me thinking you're stupid.
As if men need a reason to think that. They'll talk down to a woman even if she's a rocket scientist.
No. 820626
>>820596Didn't you post this in the last thread, or the one before that?
>I didn't get picked because of those fucking astrology bitches!!Give it a rest lol. Permanent slave to men.
No. 820630
>>820626I remember another anon
or the same anon? posting the same exact thing in a previous dumbass shit thread a couple weeks ago lmao.
No. 820662
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Chell looked better in the first Portal game than she did in Portal 2. Sure, the latter may be conventionally prettier, but the former suits her character better.
No. 820675
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>>820596Silence, wench. I grow tired of your incessant prattling about “the menz”. There are curses to cast, werewolves to fuck. Begone, simpering fool. Go sire another of Tyrion’s bastards in the village square.
Unless…’tis a fight you seek.
teleports behind you but no seriously it’s not that fucking deep lmao. men sperg about all sorts of idiotic shit, let women have their own hobbies No. 820745
>>820724I'm not saying everyone thinks like that but there are women who do expect to be spent several hundred dollars on during first date in none sugar dating situations
>>820728Well most women don't want to be with men who only like their looks. Also it's financially retarded to spend tons of money on someone just because they're pretty and you don't even know if you will click. It's usually a red flag to me in dating if a man keeps insisting on spending lots of money and we're both poor college students
No. 820805
>>820745$10-20 dollars one a meal isnt spending a lot and high school students shouldnt be on dating sites in the first place. If a man is 19+ and doesnt even went to spend 12 bucks on a date that can issue. The reason why men choose coffee or walk dates is because they match with any girl on dating sites, regardless if hes attracted to her or not and only plan on pumping and dumping her.
Or these men know they are shitty people and they know the chance of them being ghosted is 98% so they dont wanna waste the money.
No. 820815
>>820811Most college students at that age are broke. You're right no one should be going out every night but expecting people who barely have money to blow lots of money on you first time meeting you is unrealistic. Dates are only expensive if you're boring and not creative.
>>820805I'm not saying that, men should definitely pay but expecting like 75$ restaurant dates from college students is insane and setting up women for failure or putting them in a
toxic mindset. The dating world is shit for women but telling women to demand expensive dates and insulting them if they don't won't fix the issues in modern dating
No. 820873
>>820699please be joking
nonnie, Pythagoras was an astronomer (study of stars and space) not an astrologist (belief that your future is decided by the movement of burning balls of gas in space)
>>820596based except for the man part
No. 820875
>>820596Honestly, the only thing I care about when it comes to astrology are memes, because they are so darn funny.
But it is still weird to me how the only people with whom I would never have a good relationship would end up having the same sign. odd coincidence with no explanation.
No. 820877
>>820867it's because they hate women
it's funny to see how trannies are absolutely destroyed on /pol/ by other males and they don't even fight back yet they come here and spam and harass us endlessly
>>820596and yet there are so many males who are christian zealots, which is just as retarded and delusional
No. 820902
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>>820867exactly lol. They can't dismiss us as ebil nazi bigots and the seethe it causes is incredible
No. 821300
>>821293>If you hate physical violence but then glorify social/emotional violence you're kind of a hypocritewho the fuck does that? I hope by 'glorifying' you don't mean sthg like writing "
problematic" fanfiction instead of wholesome uwu content
No. 821361
>>821352I agree. I also wonder why, when it comes to raising awareness about eating disorders and about social phenomena/trends that could potentially cause or contribute to an increase in eating disorders, the focus is almost exclusively on eating disorders that cause people to become underweight with little-to-no focus on eating disorders that cause people to become overweight or obese, despite the latter being statistically far more common, affecting more than half of the population of some countries. Obesity caused by poor eating habits or addiction to food is also an eating disorder, and this needs to be taken into consideration when we discuss examples of "eating disorder glorification" such as overweight or obese people using media outlets like TV shows and magazines to portray their bodies as healthy, fun, or luxurious in some way.
I suppose because consuming more products than you need is more profitable than consuming only what you need, corporations don't want to stop the obesity epidemic, and private healthcare systems make more money when the population consumes products that keep them sick. Being healthy isn't profitable, so corporations don't want people to be healthy.
No. 821454
>>821361IMO the double standard is because those suffering from weight loss EDs are actively trying to be smaller to such an extreme extent, whereas obesity is the unintentional result of a serious lack of discipline and virtually no one is actively trying to be bigger. Even normal people can understand the desire to overindulge in food at the expense of your waistline because gluttony makes sense, while no normal person can understand starving yourself to an unhealthy weight voluntarily as it's the polar opposite of the most basic survival instinct. Also, due to how high overweight/obesity rates are compared to weight loss driven EDs it's more normalized and thus seen as more "okay".
Also, the fat acceptance movement has successfully used weight loss EDs as a manipulation tool to scare the general population out of daring to suggest being overweight is bad. Just look at Tess Holiday claiming to have anorexia nervosa. She's by no means an isolated incident, I've known two different obese girls who claimed EDs they 1000% did not have as manipulation tactics.
No. 821710
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Chris Evans is obviously black.
No. 821727
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>>821710Chris Jamal Evans
No. 821812
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>>821710>>821727You joke but when he has a buzz cut he does look like a light skinned black guy
No. 821870
>>821856dicks are ugly in general to look at so I wasn't surprised
it's more about what can be done with them, I hate looking at the damn things
No. 821883
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>>821870>What can be done with themMy mind instantly went to pic related
No. 821969
victim mentality, they're twice as included
No. 821979
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>>821961I don't know about it being lesbophobic, but whenever I see this phrase I automatically picture this type of rich white gays who were never truly oppressed in their comfortable lives so they think they can relate to us just because they like guys while shit talking women for their looks, personalities or careers. You know, the type who think living on twitter and stanning Lady Gaga and Nicki Minaj is an actual personality and who won't stop making fun of straight and bi women stuck in
abusive relationships with their shitty husbands/boyfriends. So I hate it.
No. 822015
>>821927Not a fujo but I suppose adjacent to it but quite a lot of gay content is pretty vanilla or at least not any more racy then their het counterparts and in case of Japan there's a whole subgenre of gay ass shit for those that want to avoid the harsh shit.
I'm personally more worried perhaps of wattpad and shit like 50 shades getting popular since those are also of questionable quality that may be more easily reproduced.
No. 822291
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PULL was unecessarily cruel to Kenna, mostly out of jealousy.
The art theft thing was pretty much all the milk she ever had, and after that completely blew on her face she never did anything else bad or noteworthy.
No. 822319
>>822291The hate towards always bothered me, it was sooo cruel and unnecessary.
Shes so cute and I still follow her, she just lives her quiet little life.
No. 822331
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>>822326nta but every other time I go on the internet someone is posting about how much of an ~introvert~ they are or posting pics like picrel
No. 822359
>>822354Meanwhile every study ever proves that good looks give people a 'halo' that automatically endears them to others and gets them better treatment, regardless of gender.
Women who think girls hate them cause they're beautiful are probably hated for other obvious reasons, like thinking so highly of themselves and making nasty assumptions about other women.
No. 822367
>>822354On the flipside: Being unattractive can also make you come off as unapproachable or otherwise boring which makes it harder to obtain friends.
>>822359 is right, being attractive will always have the advantage in relationships and friendships.
That said: Maybe your actions do rub off as insincere and disingenuous despite your intentions, anon. Sometimes people can tell when you're being a tryhard and seem to be pushing yourself in an effort to win them over which isn't something you could realistically maintain in the long term. Just be your cordial self, and reserve the extra displays of niceness only when it's deserved.
No. 822368
>>822363There's venting about your experience, and then there's this absolute nonsense
>It's difficult to make female friends when you're at least a bit conventionally attractive since a lot of normie girls see you as competitionI wouldn't have said a single word if anon just vented about being called fake, but she just haaad to preface it with some misogynistic bullshit under the guise of being a supportive feminist concerned with female socialization. So bizarre.
No. 822371
>>822342Anon above, not to wk but imo they were cruel, every single post she made on insta was full of people being rude, even when there was absolutely nothing to comment on. They'd post screenshots of msgs they sent to her telling her why she is wrong or is a terrible person. I can't imagine the constant harassment for years and the toll it takes. When PULL closed, I bet she was so relieved, her msgs have stopped being so negative lately.
I'm glad there is a no cowtipping rule here, but even then anons get carried away.
No. 822390
>>822354 > the other girls from my mixed gender study group > normie girls see you as competition. I understand it's because of female socialisationI'm in a country where I don't know anyone taking gender classes and I barely know what that is tbh but sometimes a group just forms and they decide there's no room or you don't fit into the dynamic they like. Maybe given you know them through a gender study class that's why you think they're being driven by those heavily gendered motivations but it could have nothing to do with sex.
I know I've been in mixed groups before where you kind of want one of the people to leave the room already because there's a nicer group dynamic without them present. Sometimes you can't even say outright what they've done wrong but it's just odd like that sometimes.
No. 822420
>>822354>It's difficult to make female friends when you're at least a bit conventionally attractive since a lot of normie girls see you as competition. This sounds like a male-written fanfic but I'm trying to reform myself to not see scrotes anywhere on this board and women can be influenced by male ideas in a culture where the male perspective is usually prioritised soooo… It's not because you're pretty. It's not necessarily your fault, some environments just encourage a culture where the dominant ones pick on the insecure ones and all the sheep around them just go along with it. You're better off just behaving in a way that you think is right, instead of cynically trying to win their affections. Either someone will like you for that or you just won't humiliate yourself trying to make friends unsuccessfully.
>>822390I think anon meant mixed-gender study group as in it's a study group whose members have a mix of genders, not that it's a gender studies group.
No. 822454
Certain women should not be allowed to call themselves feminist, Women like Sophia Amoruso should not be allowed to call themselves feminist
she was a capitalist who happened to be a woman and she did capitalist shit like not giving state mandated maternity leave to her female workers and would just fire pregnant female workers so she wouldn't have to pay them No. 822487
>>822424>when has anyone claimed that people have pets for altruistic reasons?Doesn't this happen all the time? Whether or not it's true to the circumstances people will often frame pet adoption in terms of "saving a life" as
>>822481 just described, especially in North America.
No. 822610
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I don’t think this kind of art is necessarily harmful or unhealthy. It’s cringe, but it’s not dangerous. The OP claimed that it’s unhealthy because it triggers them back to their own self-harm, but that’s their own experience. They can’t speak on behalf of everyone who’s dealt with SH. They added a disclaimer that it’s okay if you draw scars to cope “healthily”, but what the fuck does that even mean? How is that defined, and what gives OP the right to deem certain copes “healthy” or not “healthy”?
There’s shit I don’t like to see for personal “trigger” reasons, and I just click away, block or unfollow. I don’t get why others can’t do the same. If you’re able enough to save the picture (or literally copy the art style with your own hand 1:1), put a caption on it, post it on your own public page uncensored (and you're also risking triggering people, ironically) just to say “this is bad”, you’re definitely able to just hide the posts or block the artists. Please.
No. 822757
>>822745It's a weird "mating strategy" too, because from being sexually legal to becoming full-term masculanized (since they don't remove the balls, like troons) they have like 2-4 years. Even if they're going for men that want that are attracted to that specific niche, they're gonna age out of it really fast while their adult partner starts chasing the next
No. 822775
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>>822756>That's because most adult women already have a steady circle of friends and social life and/or don't have time dumbassGod forbid anon for wanting to find friends her age and socialize! Damn her for stating her opinion.
Just smile and witness the mental illness and aggression coming from grandma chan here.
No. 822796
>>822610These kind of posts
have to be coming from people underage. Or at least I hopes so. No grown adult should be involved in or have opinions about "hello kitty traumacore" discourse.
No. 822836
>>822827NTAYRT but the oppressed are always fighting among each other while the oppressors stand for each other. It's the same with
poc vs white people.
Not saying women aren't taught to hate each other though.
No. 822864
>>822824Yeah, it seems like a sign of maturity to be able to get on with people you might not originally mesh with, and be able to work through issues. And the whole trend of calling everything '
toxic' when people may learn to respond to things in different ways and everyone does something for a reason.
No. 822868
>>822863I think it mainly gets romanticized when contrasted with women, because they think that's a competition too. Women are obviously much more emotionally and physically open with each other, so it gets told that women's friendships are all totally backstabbing and shallow
akschually, while bros die for each other, modeled usually on examples of men who went to
literal war zones and trauma bonded, or movie friendships. Hell, I've been told when I was young that women only really talk about dating with each other and that once they get married there's nothing left to talk about, like we're in some real life Bechdel-test simulation.
No. 822873
>>822863That's what makes it all the more sad, it's a lie meant to contrast the "ugh women just tear each other down and hate each other" narrative. Big shock: it's projection. The ones who uphold the ironclad male brotherhood raaagh we solve all our problems by getting into fistfights and laughing it off while the nasty women just gossip mythos are usually the ones with
toxic or nonexistent friendships, because it makes them feel better about themselves.
No. 822902
Being overly sensitive or cold towards animals is fucking annoying and weirdo behaviour. I grew up in a slav country where no one really cared about animals and there was a lot of animal abuse and I always found those people to be fucking stupid. How the fuck can you claim it makes you feel powerful to hurt literally something smaller, dumber and in most aspect weaker than u? How weak do you have to feel that harassing a cat makes you feel strong? Side note, yh it was mostly men who did that shit. At the same time i can't handle people who say shit like human and animals are exactly the same, like those families in america that drowned because they didn't want to leave their dogs behind bc "literal family"?? Like it just screams to me that something is off with a person if they truly believe there is no difference between a fucking hamster or a dog and a human being. And yh maybe some don't truly believe it when they say it but its such a weak argument, animals don't have to be on a humans level to not have to suffer abuse or exploitation imo. like a pig is a pig idk how "smart" it is, it's still not a human but it doesn't need to be mass slaughtered, put through pain and misery just bc its not on a humans level. The smallest most stupid, weak and insignificant creature should be allowed to exist without horrible shit imposed on it. idk if this is an unpopular opinion but i've gotten shit before for saying i don't think people should risk their lives to save animals in different tragic situations but they shouldn't be put in those situations in the first place. For example, if u have a dog or cat and there's a fire in ur house or building u should know how to get urself, ur family AND ur animal out safely and that's on u to learn and not for a firefighter have to die for and a family losing a loved one trying to save an animal. I think u have to recognise that animals are below humans in meaning of capability so that you actually take responsibility and good care of the animal.
maybe a bit long and should be in the vent thread but I'm genuinely curious what other people think and i feel people don't really dare to say how they feel about animals in public settings, so what do u anons think honestly?
No. 822978
>>822904I agree.
My unpopular opinion is that some people don’t deserve to live. Idc about “teaching people not to murder with murder is dumb!” Or “everyone deserves to live/have a second chance!” Id gladly sacrifice a piece of shit rapist pedo
abusive scum for a mouse.
No. 822995
>>822902>>822910>At the same time i can't handle people who say shit like human and animals are exactly the same, like those families in america that drowned because they didn't want to leave their dogs behind bc "literal family"?? Like it just screams to me that something is off with a person if they truly believe there is no difference between a fucking hamster or a dog and a human being. I am one of those people who would prefer to die with their pet than abandon it. I cannot stand the mere thought of my dog dying all alone after suffering and wondering when will I come back and where the fuck have I gone without him.
I guess there is a third option of killing him, but I don't want to think about it It's not that I think that he's a human, because no. He's his own fantastically weird and mysterious creature. Our relationship is still a lot like one between parent and child, though. I know how it sounds, but here's an article about a study on the topic:
>Behavior research supports the recent neuroscience too. According to Andics, dogs interact with their human caregivers in the same way babies do their parents. When dogs are scared or worried, they run to their owners, just as distressed toddlers make a beeline for their parents. This is in stark contrast to other domesticated animals: Petrified cats, as well as horses, will run away. counts on me to help him out, just like he tries to help me in the small ways he's capable of. He gets very worried and stressed if I leave the house without him in an unexpected way. To think I could consciously abandon him to starve or drown… Fuck NO. I would do anything to keep him alive because he trusts me to and I love him a whole fucking lot. I don't care if it makes me crazy.
Even when I was a child, long before I had any pet, my worst nightmare was a situation in which some disaster happens and my family is forced to kill the dog, whether to end his suffering (i.e. there's nothing to feed him with) or to eat him. I would rather off myself than live through something like this. I don't want to betray the trust and love that a smaller, weaker creature puts in me.
>>822978same, based take
No. 823098
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I think the stylist is a lolcow and I wished she had an english internet presence to make a thread tbh
>get chance to work for A-list stacy celibrity
>she acts like a diva(duh)
>say nothing to her face
>seethe quietly in the corner while she calls you a retard
>go back home and inmmediatly try to ruin her career
>post a full on BPD sperg about "sociophatic six years old" and "I was in hell for 20 minutes… I am crying and shaking so much still"
No. 823118
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I don't like it when people address me as my love or sweetie. It makes me super uncomfortable. I'm never rude to anyone that says this stuff. I just internally scream and move the conversation along quickly.
No. 823130
>>822490Feminism is for all women, even the one's we dislike, even the one's who march to end abortion, who want all women to tardwives
we have to fight for all their rights, its not about the Individual its about women as a class
No. 823136
>>823098>she acts like a diva(duh)Not to be all unnie didn't mean it but I do wonder what being a diva is by Korean standards.
I'm not a kpoopie but I've seen girl groups get shit on for doing the most normal things while the oppas are out there being sctotes while facing no consequences.
No. 823171
>>823118yeah it's overly intimate and patronising and sometimes even passive aggressive
like dude, bro, stop it, you're not my grandma
No. 823534
>>823183Most won't tell you they're bi tho. I've had a lot of guys confide in me because I lived a bit of an alternative lifestyle in the past so they think I'm a good person to open up to… about their fucking Grindr affairs.
Pretend you're all open minded and you'll be surprised how many men have bi stories to tell you.
No. 823739
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"I didn't tell the police because I was afraid he'd kill me"
Absolutely pathetic. If you roll over completely and don't go to the police you deserve what you get.(bait)
No. 823905
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i'm forever salty about disney's animated features. i can't get emotionally invested in them, especially their newer works. it feels impossible to when it's so obvious just how calculated they are; they make sure to hit every goalpost that'll make you chuckle and potentially make you tear up and think "wow, what a complex, mature, fantastic film" without a shred of authenticity. this includes pixar's work ever since disney bought the studio in 2006. so often, their characters are so safely written it's annoying how "disney" they are, i'm not sure how to explain it. a good comparison would be anastasia, a film i adore. the characters in it have flaws and feel organic and are likable due to it, the animation isn't incredibly polished but i prefer it that way. it doesn't force tears out of you. another western example would be the prince of egypt which lends itself to its already grand and tragic story and masterfully guides you through it, finding a great balance between being family-friendly and authentically dark enough. a more recent example would be over the moon, a film pushed aside as a "disney wannabe" (even though its director worked on disney films in the past lol) and far more authentic given that the writer wanted the film to be a kind of parting message to her husband and daughter before passing away from cancer (which she did, rip). it's not fantastic but i did tear up throughout.
i do like some disney films though for their atmosphere and nostalgia, mostly. mainly the animated beauty & the beast, it's got very lovely songs and i love the feeling of the beast's castle. i watched it very much as a child. however, i never felt very emotionally attached to it for some reason.
i watched one of disney's documentaries some time ago (waking sleeping beauty) and it was already quite a biased documentary, but it became so clear just how emotionally detached the creators of the films were from their work around disney's renaissance era. it was all about ensuring that money would be made, capitalising on old tales and praying that they'd do well. i previously mentioned anastasia; one of its directors, don bluth, previously worked for disney and they really tried to taint his name in the doc. saying that when he left them, he had "kicked them when they were already down" (they were in a low spot when he decided to start his own production company). surely they should be grateful that he left, given that they're now far more financially successful anyway? what was the need for attempting to taint his name? allegedly, when anastasia arrived in theatres, disney rereleased the little mermaid with the hope that it'd draw attention away from anastasia but the film still performed very well.
i also take issue with disney's consistently b&w morals; a clear hero, a clear villain. little nuance, if there is any it's barely impressive. it's not an inherently bad thing to see in a film at all, but i tire of it with disney. the villain in anastasia is probably my least favourite part of the film, though i love it as a whole enough that it redeems itself. i guess it makes sense that i'm so partial to ghibli too, their films fall into this much less often. if there is a villainous presence, they are often subdued by the end or presented as being complex rather than "pure evil".
whatever. my hatred extends to their marvel and star wars shit too. don't even get me started on their live action remakes. disney sperg out
No. 823911
>>823905Agreed. As a kid I LOVED anastasia from the first time I watched it but I never cared for any disney princess's at all despite liking the movies.
I'm still bitter that they made that frozen bs and not something more along the lines of the og snow queen story.
No. 823938
>>823905I'm something of an animation nerd ( I basically am inclined to watch animating in general, just not Disney shit) and i do think the renaissance has some pearls there and there but ironically have more fondness for the dark ages post walt's death and the less Disney princess led movies ( not to say I hate them.)
DreamWorks busts out the better work of the 3 major studies I think In some regards to things like character
No. 823968
>>823961I still watch Disney movies for animation mostly. I'm not the type to expect emotional depth out of their movies and go look for something else instead.
I love watching foregein animated movies since there not always geared towards kids nor are they Disney barf
No. 824009
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Whoever someone mentions don bluth I think of picrel
No. 824091
>>824079Nayrt but she called them spastic because they didn't offer shipping to the uk lol
We all get confused and enraged at some point on this site but then we move onto the next topic, nobody needs coddled
No. 824098
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>>824078what? I don't recall any homophobic middle-eastern anons being here? where are they?
No. 824294
>>815482I have a really hard time believing that terms like "birthing people" and "people who menstruate" are used to make transmen feel better. I think it's because the word "woman" implies female biology, wokists don't want that because it would imply trans women aren't real women. politicians aren't using the terms "sperm carriers" and "prostate havers" to make so-called transwomen feel better, they're just trying to change the word woman.
>>824078havent followed the bi thread super closely, but I only recall one person doing that (the "here is why I believe the homosex is wrong" poster) and I don't think she ever even said she was middle eastern.
No. 824433
>>824423I feel that race relations are going backwards and it's being done intentionally by the elites because it stops every group from pointing at the correct source of their problems and organising against it. I still remember Occupy Wall Street and how any sort of unity between groups was destroyed by insane SJW types.
I've also observed white liberals become gate keepers of who is allowed to identify as a certain race and who is allowed to say what. It's ironic that they preach that white people have power over other races when they themselves are greatest example. Recently white leftists screamed at the UK government that the UK was racist, so the UK government commissioned a report from a black professor to look into the issue. He found that there wasn't any systemic racism. As a result he was accused of not being a real blackman and called a coconut by mainly white liberals.
No. 824466
>>824423anon i totally agree with you. i hope that more people become aware of how unproductive it can be to constantly perceive every microaggression as a direct attack instead of a product of ignorance. i just watched a youtube video where this girl was explaining how after she went to college and studied critical race theory that she began to perceive everything as a microaggression/attack against her as a black woman and it really began to affect her mental health and make her depressed. i know it's not just her, because i have a close friend who i think is going through the same thing (though not as self-aware). somehow hyper-awareness of race relations and microaggressions ends up holding a lot of
poc back, because they end up getting so depressed and hopeless that they create a self-fulfilling prophecy for themselves.
No. 824470
>>824466Your last sentence reads like "
poc should just deal with minor racism instead of addressing the issue so that microaggressions can stop, they're just holding themselves back" this is poorly worded anon.
No. 824635
>>823989I know a heavily schizo older person that has been refusing meds for a long time now and they're just a burden for their whole family.
It is very frustrating to witness.
No. 824721
>>823905If you want a rec for a Western studio that made stunning animated films with a captivating story, check out Cartoon Saloon. The animation is very different from the polished uguu Disney style but they're gorgeous nevertheless.
In general I try to stay away from Disney and Hollyweird these days, it's a massive moneygrab that churns out nothing but carefully calculated garbage.
No. 824736
>>824713THIS you can not compare whitney to mariah they are on the same level of addicting songs and killer vocals.
plays when you believe LMAO
No. 824741
>>824494I understand what you mean and i dont take offense. sometimes i have to stop myself from thinking everything is a micro aggression. But the issue is literally everything is a micro aggression when you are a black woman in a nonblack area.
I know its easier to brush it off but once you notice it its literally so hard to unnotice it. Like the grocery store example. I used to think i was being crazy or just sensitive when cashiers didnt smile or say hi back to me but every time like clockwork if a white customer or just a nonblack customer really was after me i would always hear the cashier go "HI how are you!" and actually engage in conversation. Or even worse ill be behind a nonblack person hear the customer and cashier exchange pleasantries and when its my turn the cashier gives me a cold look and is very blunt. That shit is depressing and no amount of "brushing it off" will ever not make it sting less. TBH i think if schools are offering race theory they should also offer therapy sessions because its a LOT to process and unpack. (please im not race baiting i love everyone)
No. 824766
>>824741>literally everything is a microagressionI think that sort of thinking is your problem. People can get offended over everything.
Have you ever heard of the spotlight effect?
No. 824767
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>>824753Agreed, I think the "entitled American" mentality even stems from an eternal
Anglo? spirit. There are many parallels between gas station anon and graduation dress anon. The two may even be relatives without realizing it.
When you realize that pic related is an American woman, not British, things make even more sense.
No. 824774
>>824769Then you can't complain if you're making that choice to have a man support you because you're just tired of working…everyone is.
Plus, if they are really that smart, shouldn't they be financially successful? Unless they're autistic NEETs.
Love yourself. Secure your own financial future and don't look to scrotes to support your well-being.
No. 824775
>>824766yes haha but that isn't what im feeling. I cant really explain it but i know what you mean about the spotlight effect. But this is different from that. It's something that is so blatant but so covert unless you experience it i can understand thinking i just think everyone is out to get me but i can literally just walk into a store and everyone's mood changes and suddenly im being followed or asked if i need a bag every 5 seconds from 5 different employees. (yes you can argue and say everyone gets asked for a bag but there are times when i already have a bag and someone else will see me with a bag and still ASK IF I NEED A DAMN BAG. LIKE GO AWAY.
I even heard a dude on his walkie talkie saying he is going to check on the situation (meaning me i was the "situation") when i was just trying to buy a damn router. Basically everyone just assumes im about to steal. ESPECIALLY if im dressed casually. I literally used to have to dress up to go to like CVS or a shitty store because if i didnt i would definitely be followed and treated like i dont belong there.
But i always actively try to give people the benefit of the doubt but its fucking hard when most people don't offer me that luxury because of my skin color.
No. 824782
>>824775I'm sorry anon. AYRT, having people physically follow you sucks. That happened as a teenager (because teenagers are annoying though) but as an adult that is very demoralizing.
Next time you should ask "Are you following me because I'm black?". I'm there in spirit to back you up. They'll feel like such assholes.
No. 824940
Anyone who has worked with sales lacks a soul.
>>823562Can't happen, that's 90 % of the local fauna.
>>816494Process varies and definitely affects taste majorly. feed likely plays a factor, but I can't say with the same certainty.
that pus stuff is bullshit though.
No. 824962
>>824942I do the same thing with true crime videos when I'm not doing well, it's like a weird form of self uncare because I know every time I search for them that I'm going to sit frozen in fear all night after.
you could apply the same "how does anyone have fun watching this" test to the thousands of videos and podcasts about men kidnapping and torturing women and children that people love listening to
No. 825001
Unconditional love is opposite of selfishness
No. 825257
>>825236thank you
everyone has the hots for the frontman all of a sudden but he looks absolutely repulsive
No. 825346
>>825319>Bi womenBisexuals
>Bi menDesperate
No. 825626
>>825609I like soccer mommy, compared to the others she has better songs.
>>825261Phoebe has a few good songs but is otherwise overrated.
No. 825871
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>>825866>idk why people are trying to make this a racist issuepart of the oppression olympics
No. 826027
>>825861I think it’s gross but also funny how people conveniently forget that it’s creepy men who started this sexualisation. But why attack the actual source of the problem when you could attack women instead I guess.
Plus, half the Asian uniforms (the blazers, shirts and skirts version) are based on and still very similar to European school uniforms, and the style has been exported to all over the world where men everywhere have sexualised it. It’s not a uniquely Asian thing.
No. 826094
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>>826068Can you guys stop racebaiting? it's tired and scrote behavior
No. 826144
>>826126Some man kept brake checking me and I beeped like a mf at him and he was absolutely
triggered. He flew into the next lane to cut another driver off to pull up to me to scream. I was blasting some kesha and couldn't hear him but had my window down. Smiled at him and just held up my middle finger. We were in traffic and my lane wasn't moving but his should have been. He was getting more flustered, spit flying out of his mouth cursing me up and down. Someone else beeped and he drove away. I eventually passed him and blew him a kiss lol. This enraged him and he was going to follow me but the car behind me cut him off and beeped at him. He was such a douche. Ugly, fat and bald too and his age was ambiguous he could have been elderly or middle aged. Hope he gets beeped at for the rest of his life.
No. 826152
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bonnets should be normalized and not seen as "unkempt" if you are just running errands or going on the plane especially when they come in so many cute styles like pic related. Honestly i think women who wear them are smart because the amount of dirt and grime thats in the air when you go outside ESPEICALLY if you live in a smoggy ass city! i think its more gross to wear your hair out and have it touch everything than to protect it with a cute silk bonnet. And as for the plane too, think about it your hair is touching the dirty ass seat. you dont know who sat on it before you and what kind of nasty hair situation they had going on. Anyone who is against women wearing head coverings like bonnets to protect their hair in public are just playing respectability politics and are just policing women's bodies. People who act all disgusted by it don't understand how counter productive it is to style your hair to go to fucking CVS and buy some tampons just because Joe and Susie will think you are "ghetto". This is a very specific unpopular opinion though so iykyk.
No. 826177
>>826155its so weird they act like they see these women at high end events wearing bonnets. why do women HAVE to be "presentable" to get some eggs and milk? While dudes can literally go into stores shirtless with black hands from doing construction and no one bats an eye or tells them they lack respect for themselves. its all so dumb
>>826154as much as it would make me cringe i honestly hope a white girl like kylie wears it out one day just so i can laugh at all the same people making these think pieces about a piece of fucking cloth start changing their tune and talking about how bonnets outside were beneficial all along! people are so predictable its sad. And its funny how durags that offer the same protection are not nearly as policed and are even seen as fashion statements. The misogyny in these convos is so blatant its scary.
No. 826197
>>826152> And as for the plane too, think about it your hair is touching the dirty ass seat. you dont know who sat on it before you and what kind of nasty hair situation they had going on.This is so fucking true, i never really thought about it but now I think this thought will live rent free in my head.
I hope I can get my own bonnet because getting my hair all greasy or catching lice because some ratty asshole hopped in the same plane as myself would make me want to shave my head forever.
It can be normalized if people start by wearing them right before getting in the plane or something like that, so idiots don’t get too focused on the bonnets while walking around the airport.
No. 826205
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>>826115I'm going to assume nonnies agree with me because no one has presented a good rebuttal. If you don't, speak now or forever hold your peace.
No. 826311
>>826307People seem to really struggle with not jumping from one extreme to another. I understand that people saying this is a reaction to partners who are overly emotionally dependent (which can also be
abusive) but like you said, the other extreme is also wrong and can be
abusive. Is it really that hard for some people to understand that a relationship involves supporting each other while also encouraging a degree of self-responsibility?
No. 826312
Women need to be fully aroused in order for PIV sex to work anyway. Blowjobs and handjobs are completely unnecessary. Moids can seethe
No. 826383
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I kind of have a tinfoil theory that clothes made for men aren’t really actually good-looking or a good fit for men and are for women who have a different body type. i noticed that men always look so awful in anything that they wear, it just looks so awkward while most women love shopping in the men’s section because the clothes actually fit them and feel comfortable
Picrel kind of proves my point. This is a male wearing “male” clothing but it accentuates areas that normally aren’t on a man.
No. 826429
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River Phoenix was not hot.
No. 826435
>>826312This has me thinking back to all the bjs I gave to already hard men just so they could then skip over getting me wet…
That and the orgasm inequality, good times
No. 826442
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>>826431Absolutely! Also, really unpopular, but Ted Bundy is hotter than Richard Ramirez.
No. 826449
>>826445Well it is the unpopular thread, after all
>>826442Also agreed, but he can burn in hell for the rest of eternity
No. 826501
>>826486 i guess my point was women should just be allowed to be as bummy or as dressy as they want and not be hurled insults for doing an errand run. I personally dont wear bonnets outside either but seeing people but i know plenty women who do. to be so mean and nasty as to post pictures of women they dont know going to the airport in a fucking bonnet and calling them ghetto bitches irked tf out of me. And then seeing women play into it like "EYE DONT WEAR BONNETS BECAUSE MY MOM TAUGHT ME TO RESPECT MYSELF UWU" it seems like respectability politics and misogyny because again men who wear durags to the airport are not being photographed and mocked online.
>>826447this is such a shit take what? women for the first time in forever get to finally be able to express how men fucking suck in bed and are trying to actively rectify it by calling it out and this is your take? some of you guys are stupid as hell and just abuse buzzwords lol
No. 826521
>>826511Was going to say the same. No man on earth would ever give up orgasms in exchange for love and intimacy… because men don't have to choose one or the other. Why would we have to chose just one when surely it should all go hand in hand. A man who cares about you is making you come.. because he cares about you enough to make that happen.
A guy who fucks you and cuddles you and talks about caring but then doesn't even try to maybe even out the amount of orgasms you two are having… he's all talk and no show. That's some bs
No. 826586
>>826447"Tradthot with an unimpressive man who doesn't care about her pleasure and may not give her much thought in general, but she copes that he totally does (because while he may be in it to cum, she just likes the attention at all - attention is just as good, if not better than an orgasm, right?)" type beat.
Why would love and intimacy be mutually exclusive from orgasms? What's wrong with you? Do you think any man would believe in this slave mentality?
No. 826620
>>826615I had a time where I didn't know what else to do in its place. It hit a spot nothing else did. Do you cut to the point of permanent scars though?
I was fortunate that I don't really look like a cutter today. I would hate to have bad scars in my 30s knowing I stopped doing that at like 15. I have a couple of white lines that never tan and it's a strange reminder whenever they show up again in the summer. After a year of not thinking about it.
No. 826629
>>826623I have a few friends that have confessed they've never had an orgasm. They say they're satisfied but I don't believe them. I completely think it's a mental block if someone can't orgasm and I wouldn't be surprised if women have more hang ups around it than men do with cumming.
Anytime I see people talking about love and intimacy being more important I just think they're like my friends that don't know what great sex feels like, which is sad.
Objectively my best relationship lacked good sex. It's so important for intimacy in the long run. Like good sex definitely breeds love imo, I definitely feel far stronger emotions with an objectively worse guy but had great sex with. Maybe it's chemistry idk
No. 826768
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I like medieval art fight me
No. 826787
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>>826768me too, but I didn't realize it was unpopular.
No. 826808
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>>826797well, they are simpletons. it's cool and fun.
No. 826862
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>>826768I love it. I love medieval embroidery too. It’s so funny, cute and elaborate. It inspires me.
No. 826872
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>>826768medieval margins art is the best.
No. 826947
>>826936>typical libfem >We are not slaves to our urgesKek
Nonnas stop fighting mentally challenged people, it's not nice.
No. 826958
>>826953I am anon you’re replying to, IMO they’re not that good, tension builds, then is released leaving a sense of physical satisfaction and euphoria, and a pleasant sort of tiredness, and increased sensitivity in the genitals. People act like they’re some sort of earth shattering epiphany, but they aren’t. I actually believed I’d never had an orgasm because of the way the media describes female orgasms as like a mini DMT trip, but I actually orgasm very easily.
I’ve heard women say they have anirhasmia, but then later when they get the right sex toy or break up with their bf/get a new bf/start dating women, they reveal that they where wrong all along and can have orgasms after all. If you enjoy sex, then you’re not missing out just by not having orgasms.
What made me angry was
nonny shaming women for wanting to have orgasms, and thinking that orgasmic sex for women= no intimacy. Claiming that we should have sex purely for the purpose of love and bonding and not just for the hell of it, that We should apparently rise above the need for sexual gratification. That’s bullshit. Everyone wants sexual gratification, that isn’t being a “slave to your urges”, it’s being a human being.
No. 826980
>>826974i dont think it sounds dumb anon many girls including myself can say the same.. My theory is a lot of dudes that are good on paper and bring a lot to the table emotionally or even monetarily don't hone their sex skills because they feel like they don't need to. Meanwhile the worst of the worst men usually have the best sex skills because they know they can offer nothing else like you can't be broke AND be bad at sex then you are useless LMAO. I hate it here lol.
>>826976NO SERIOUSLY once 2ne1 disbanded kpop always left a sour taste in mouth because it exposed to me just how fucking sexist the industry is and how even the most popular female groups can disband off of one scandal meanwhile their male counterparts
cough big bang
cough can have members get dishonorably discharged from the military, kill someone, be in a sex scandal and STILL get to headline coachella. ugly ass industry
No. 826983
>>826980Actually I retract my statement.
When 2ne1 disbanded it was sad but there were still groups to look forward to, then the T-ara scandal happened and things got worse.
But I'm a hypocrite and stayed for my queens SNSD until one day without any warning JESSICA LEFT taking the og 2gen sound with her to the grave.
So I guess I blame Jessica idk.
(kpop sperging) No. 827038
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Most female fashion and beauty advice seems to be some weird hit on women to prevent them from going to th next level. Most places that offer fashion and beauty advice often tell women to wear unflattering pants and shirts boring old office ladies wear, most hair styles don't fit women's faces at all (don't even get me started on places that promote Karen cuts for round faced women), a lot of color-to skin tone advice barely works especially on brown eyes beauty tips are almost always cliche stuff or actually terrible like baking soda on the face or using any clean and clear products, cheap shampoos filled with sulfate, etc
It's terrible because men's fashion and beauty blogs usually give them good advice and flattering outfits, women get shitty weird advice and old lady outfits
No. 827039
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>>827038Another example of something that was advertised to women
No. 827040
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frosted shredded wheat cereal tastes like im eating prechewed cereal. I used to love when it would get soggy as a kid but the other day i had a bowl and after the milk started to absorb into it i felt like a baby bird being spit cereal into my mouth. it tastes bomb without milk though.
No. 827586
>>827570i dont wanna get banned so i'll say is TOP marijuana.
you can be skinny and have c/d boobs naturally. its probably not an unpopular opinion irl but its unpopular in the fucking fashion industry apparently because i cant buy a small shirt because the fashion industry seems to believe that skinny girls only posses a cups. But then i cant buy a M because its not form fitting enough. basically i blame men. idk how. but i do!!
No. 827593
>>826452I couldn't agree anymore with this post. Since when the fuck is wanting to orgasm during sex a libfem position? The sperging about libfems is honestly just a feminist variant of NLOG at this point.
And how the fuck does it disrupt intimacy? A huge reason why sex with my husband is so loving and intimate is because he's the only guy who cared enough about my pleasure during sex to work to make me cum. Tbh this post sounds like some high grade copium from one of the self-proclaimed "radfems" wasting her life on some incel-tier r9k type who has successfully gaslit her into thinking wanting to orgasm is somehow
problematic. Naturally, she has to manage to reach for a spin to make it ~feminist~ as a weak attempt to pretend she's not just another handmaiden with tragically low standards.
(calm down) No. 827789
>>827774if you have more sex you'll eventually get it. for me, getting oral just stimulates me so much that I don't have to cum to feel satisfied. cumming is nice, absolutely, and not cumming when you want to is incredibly frustrating, but you can have sex without cumming and feel perfectly satisfied.
if the goal is to cum as fast as possible, we'd go about sex in a very different way. compare masturbating using another persons body and having sex.
No. 827803
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Always remember that this is what men think of you before you entertain the idea of "casual" sex
No. 827822
>>827803I've had 'fuck buddies' before where we'd meet every week or 2 and fuck but apart from maybe 5 mins of small talk we didn't pretend to be pals. I was reading something yesterday about 'the difference between fuck buddies and friends with benefits' and I just don't buy that there's a genuine friendship there with fwbs. I think men are only fooling you if they're pretending to be your friend while casually fucking you.
I don't have any type of casual sex anymore but I'm glad that back when I did ..I didn't try and befriend them. Seems like an unnecessary layer of bullshit.
No. 827943
>>827810I'm sorry you experienced that anon, that is assault if he slapped you.
Too many crazy fuckers out there. ONS just doesn't feel like a safe option for women.
No. 828007
>>827803This is why I won't ever feel bad about lying about my 'bodycount' to them lmao. They can't tell the difference, they just wanna hate women for not having sex with them and then hate when women have sex.
So fuck them (but not really).
No. 828235
>>828007I have no idea what my body count is. I don't even think it's the most obscene number but I just never started counting so to go over the memories now and try to count would be strange. I tell men I don't know my number which is true. They can think whatever they want about that.
I kind of find it strange when people above a certain number can still tell you that exact number. Like people who went through phases of having ONSs but wouldn't struggle to count every last one. Where are they keeping track?
No. 828412
>>828211I feel the same about Discord, Snapchat, and Tiktok. I judge anyone my age who uses it and have noticed the types who do have attention seeking and validation issues.
It's not that I think adults need to gtfo whenever a minor shows up, I genuinely think those platforms don't really "belong" to other generations. I definitely associate it with Zoomer shit.
No. 828414
>>828381I've been a bad partner and a nightmare to live with and I remember being consumed by guilt while also continuing to carry on like that. It stepped over into being
abusive at times. We split and I struggled to figure out if I was a bad person for that. I had always viewed myself as good. I came to the conclusion that guilt or not..I wasn't a good person at that time, change was what made me good again. Guilt without action to change is meaningless imo
I experienced the reverse a few years later and I had a partner who was more
abusive than I ever was. He had small moments of guilt peek through where he'd usually buy me something rather than saying he's sorry. That was his way of showing remorse. He could be pretty cheap so it really stood out when guilt was hitting him. But he wasn't a good person just because of those moments afterwards. He'll be a good person if he ever changes and manages to not be like that with the next partner.
Those relationships shaped my personal view on it, because they were both cases of ongoing behaviour that required change. Sometimes people feel guilt and just keep up the harmful behaviour anyway, for years. It takes more than that to make a good person. Not that anyone is totally good or bad. Guilt comes in different levels too.
No. 828507
>>828211>i dont think adults should use discord. there are way too many minors on it There are minors everywhere on the internet, on imageboards, on other kinds of forums, on twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram,on newsite discussion sections, etc. Why should an adult avoid places on the internet where minors are? There are minors on public transportation and at sports facilities and at libraries, do you want adults to avoid those places as well?
>thats scary and made me feel icky and grossWhy? Your reaction to chatting to the 14 year old is strange.
No. 828516
>>828211I hate the kids that won’t fucking understand that they’re not welcomed everywhere, but I despise the most the adults that should go to jail for grooming children, and i also hate the adults that are so spineless that they won’t fucking say
no to the fucking stupid ass children begging to join a dumbass group in which everyone is too busy to pay attention to their dumbass takes.
I wish letting a kid use social media was considered abuse, they can go to school and make friends, maybe even develop normally, they don’t need social media.
No. 828531
>>828516>I wish letting a kid use social media was considered abuse,For a situation to be considered
abusive, there must be some type of harm being inflicted on the
victim. This isn't the case for most children using social media.
>they don’t need social media.Do you need social media? Something not be a need isn't a good enough reason to ban it.
No. 828638
>>828516the thing is though kids are not welcomed ANYWHERE on the internet because adults come in and pervert the whole thing and then kick them out saying that it isnt meant for them. Lets be real the internet is a huge part of everyone's life and it will be that way for the forseeable future. At least in our generation we had sites that were dedicated to us but like now even flash games have grown perverted. ill never forget when i was a camp counselor for 7 yr olds we had a free day to use the computer room. I spotted at least 5 children playing games where the end goal was to make out and there were MOANING AND KISSING SOUNDS and this was a flash game website targeted for children. This was in 2011 i can only imagine how much worse it is now.
Im sorry that it hurts you guys' feelings but no discord is not meant for adults. It may have started out that way, but kids are the primary users whether you want to admit to y ourself or not. Just the other day my coworker bought her teenage son to work and he kept raving about discord so i can only imagine how many kids in his school use discord alone. Adults can use slack or even skype if they want to instant message strangers because im sure most kids today don't even know what those platforms are.
>>828507why?? because i dont want to spend my day PMing a fucking minor that is fucking weird no matter how surface level our convo is im a grown ass adult woman its not fair to the kid.
It is so easy to groom a child on discord its not even funny. The fact that when it was announced that grimes made a discord the first few responses were "i wonder how long it'll be before she has a grooming scandal" LIKE??? so adults know that they are mainly interacting with minors on discord but still want to defend it and say its for adults only….sure jan.
No. 828666
>>828638>because i dont want to spend my day PMing a fucking minor that is fucking weird no matter how surface level our convo is im a grown ass adult woman its not fair to the kid.You were comfortable chatting with them before you knew their age, and no one forced them to continue the chat with you, I don't see how it's unfair to them. Imageboards are also frequented by thousands of minors, for all you know half the people you've chatted with on lolcow are minors.
>Im sorry that it hurts you guys' feelings but no discord is not meant for adults. Who's claiming that? The creators of discord or just you?
>Adults can use slack or even skype if they want to instant message strangers because im sure most kids today don't even know what those platforms are. Nothing about skype or discord's design makes adults or minors prefer using one or the other, minors also used skype before discord's creation, and I'm sure some of them use it now.
>Just the other day my coworker bought her teenage son to work and he kept raving about discord so i can only imagine how many kids in his school use discord alone. And those same kids probably use most of the websites you frequent as well.
> The fact that when it was announced that grimes made a discord the first few responses were "i wonder how long it'll be before she has a grooming scandal"No one who didn't already have a grudge against Grimes would instantly assume that she'll have a grooming scandal by sigining up to discord.
I'll ask you this question, how does an adult who isn't a pedophile banning themselves from using discord just because there are minors on it, prevent the grooming of minors?
No. 828697
>>828531>For a situation to be considered abusive, there must be some type of harm being inflicted on the victim. This isn't the case for most children using social media.Yeah, I guess kids getting groomed left and right, throwing their personal information everywhere for the world to see, and getting exposed to fucked up content isn’t such a big deal.
Anon, just because you could handle such things with no issue before, doesn’t mean it’s the same nowadays.
>Do you need social media?Great question, you see, nowadays adults have to create social media accounts in order to be able to get a job, whether you like it or not, as an adult, it’s necessary to have social media.
If you want a decent job, you need to be able to connect with people from other places, if you have a business, you
need to be able to make connections with other people that also have business related to yours so you can establish strategic partnerships.
Kids only play games and download funky pictures, make memes and do homework, they don’t need social media for that, they can have their own funky kids’ apps so they can talk with their friends, but they don’t need instagram or Twitter because as you can see nowadays, there’s probably even more grooming than there was before with even worse consequences than there were before.
No. 829199
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Nate (the boyfriend) from The Devil Wears Prada actually didn't behave that unreasonably. Not sure why people in recent years keep trying to claim he's the "true" villain of the story. Miranda is the villain.
No. 829208
>>829202I genuinely don't find wealth attractive in a man tbh, not even signs of it like suits, expensive possesions etc. I don't mean that in a pickme 'I love going 50/50 on dates' kinda way and I don't want a broke guy, but I associate money with serious, boring old men and it turns me off.
I've never struggled financially so I guess it's different for a lot of girls who see it as aspirational.
No. 829210
>>829199miranda just wanted a competent assistant. did she overwork her assistants? probably. but I don't think that makes her the villain.
the whole moral of that movie is to not put yourself first, not put your career first, for the sake of your friends and boyfriend. andrea's boyfriend was a totally inconsiderate asshole and expected her to move to boston with him at the end of the movie meanwhile he didn't support her job at all.
No. 829214
>>829203I can understand the rich part, or the older part, but only meaty and burly? no thanks
lsafags definitely think they're better than they are though, remember those posts from that girl who swore she was going to become an english teacher in south korea so she could marry her idol crush?
No. 829316
>>829210>bad work environment>encourage eating disorders among your female staffs>betray one of your loyal and trusted worker>"i don't think that makes her the villain"your brain on hashtag girlboss
>>829199true anon, if my s.o won't shut up about how much of a dick her boss is but kept on working for her anyway, id be pissed too
No. 829339
>>829199The story is that everyone is an asshole to a young woman trying to start out in a career. It shows the lack of support women often get from home and then the
toxic work environment they have to deal with at the office. And if they fail to navigate either perfectly, they're painted as either neglectful or incompetent.
No. 829402
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Shotacons and fujos should be banned from LC. This is what you disgusting fujos want and crave. Venti literally invaded his dead friend’s body who happened to be a child fighting a gay ass revolution, how do you people find this cute? This just looks like mommy and son having a beach day, not appealing at all, but of course coomers have to turn it into an awkward sexual scenario.
No. 829408
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>>829400You will never be as rich, manic, and psychopathic as Ms. BPD girlboss here. Look at these eyes anon, does it look like they contain the slightest concern about feminism? Looks like she killed a million Guatemalan women for their precious blood to retain her youth. Don’t be confused that just because you were afforded a bit of freedom by the elite means that it’s possible to be exactly like these people and the countless faceless billionaires that need to be hung on town square like you eurofags used to do. (assuming you are one because eurofags always whine about the MUHBAZILLION precious and innocent Europeans who died on that god-forsaken continent because of communism)
No. 829411
>>829402Oh that art is hot
>fujoLearn the meaning of the buzzwords you use retarded newfag
No. 829422
>>829316Oh please. Her bf didn't give two shits about it being a
toxic work environment or how she was being treated and whatnot. He just didn't like that she wasnt catering to him as much for her job.
No. 829437
>>827115>>826958Late reply but wtf is that generalisation about orgasms being 'overrated' or just a release of tension. Everyone is different - my orgasms are long, body shaking, electrifying feelings that turn my head off for about 10 seconds or more. Not everyone has 'meh' orgasms and I hate whe people generalise it like that or say that orgasms aren't really that important for women because of this.
Absolutely no point in sex to me if I don't have orgasm or three during it.
No. 829480
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the jannies locked the recently bumped michelle carter thread because no one was pitying the wursties so here goes:
if she was a moid and he was a girl this wouldn't even make it to court and moids would either celebrate or blame her for being influenced over the phone. there are ana coaches, groomers and revenge porn fags memeing girls into self harm and suicide daily but the moment some dumb ass scrote's BPD suicidebaiting backfires everyone is to blame but him. fuck outta here lmao, pic related
No. 829496
>>829480People saying she should get a “life sentence” are fucking retarded. They’re just parasocial retards just like that self centred toff Conrad Roy III. 3rd times the charm and that miserable bloodline was ended. Hope the world doesn’t spew out a 4th emotional abuser to drag everyone else down with him.
The only thing she did wrong was give him the fucking time of day in the first place.
No. 829500
>>829480>>829484>>829496Okay I don't think she should get a life sentence, but she literally kept on encouraging him to commit suicide even he noped out she said he'd change his mind and that he should just do it, like yeah both of them had issues and needed therapy and probably should have dated other people, but I honestly can't see why Anyone would defend her
Like seriously
No. 829508
>>829480>>829500Also people are making it out to be that either she's a based misandrist Boss bitch or incedious heartless cruel monster when in reality it seems like she was just some outcast girl with issues that probably didn't comprehend what real death would be like
I think the whole situation is just kinda tragic and I feel bad for everyone involved
No. 829510
>>829500>even he noped out she said he'd change his mindEvidently, he didn't.
I don't think anyone is saying she's a saint, she just doesn't deserve the punishment.
No. 829527
>>829514>>829514Did you even read my post, so many Idiots are using this case to inject their own political beliefs and positions
Defending her actions are just dumb alright, but she's not a monster but she messed up, she needs some psychological help not Prison
Seriously they were both messed up lonley kids that needed therapy
No. 829543
>>829480she did nothing wrong
one less mentally unstable moid in the world, boohoo who the fuck cares
No. 829545
>>829527I read your post, that's why I quoted it. She didn't do anything wrong by telling a suicide baiter to kill himself. Like
>>829496 said the only thing she did wrong is entertain him in the first place. Putting any degree of blame or shame on anyone but the scrote who offed himself is retarded. I don't care about the sentence she got or should have gotten. It's not her fault in any way.
No. 829566
>>829543she wasn't this "based man hating radfem" you think she was, in her own retarded way she loved him, seriously stop projecting your moronic politics towards a tragic event where everyone involved suffered
>>829545Jesus Fucking Christ do you not understand that this wasn't about his suicide, she had very tumblr-esue retarded ideas about love(and by all accounts she did love him) and she believed that death was the only way he could be happy, I have known people that have this mentality
I don't think she should get life imprisonment either and MRAs definitely took advantage of the event for their agendas but this was a tragic event and everyone suffered
No. 829567
>>829566i didn't say any of that, you're the one projecting politics onto me
No. 829617
>>829527The texts she sent were absolutely fucked up, but so was the fact his dad admitted to beating the living daylights out of him on an almost daily basis. I don't understand how his parents provided him with an
abusive home and then tried to sue her for their son's suicide. I guarantee that family contributed as much as she did, they just didn't have a transcript of texts to show in court.
No. 829626
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Lena Dunham is insufferable but Girls is an entertaining show. Also Shosh is based.
No. 829873
>>829738Do you mean that he was emotionally
abusive because he talked about suicide? They bonded over their suicidal fantasies so she could be considered abysive on this front as well. I'm open to being proved wrong since I don't remember all the details. They both were depressed and fucked in the head, but neither seemed like a bad person to me. I do think that the father and family was the most to blame for all that situation.
No. 829880
>>829873See that's the rational conclusion on the matter, but yeah she sorta Romanticized suicide and death and a history of suicide attempts as well, I read somewhere that she thought by pushing him to finally do it, she could find the strength to kil herself which is just fucked up really
Both these kids needed help
No. 829989
>>829978I was in a kink scene years ago and ime there was a mixture of what you descibribed but also people with alot of responsibility and power in their worplace who wanted to unwind and become a different person when fucking. Opposites like that made sense to me.
The women who were submissive and also low achievers in general seemed to think they'd have it made as a pampered sub but I witnessed enough actual abuse arise from it. Lots of post break up crying about all the shit they just let slide.
I'm stupidly anxious and somewhat passive in general but love leading sexually. My anxiety makes me not want to give up power in vulnerable moments like that.
No. 829990
>>829978Submissive men are the worst, they only want to get pegged, sissifyed, blowjobs 24/7 and mommy shit.
It’s impressive how knowing that a guy is “kinky” makes me dryer than the Sahara, both sides, submissive and dominate are the same but with a different pet name for the poor woman that falls into their trap.
No. 829994
>>829990>>829989>>829982>>829978I posted this another thread but this sounds stupid, like how hard is it for people to Have normal enjoyable sex with their partner
Just stretch and try to communicate what works and what doesn't
I figured this shit out on my own
No. 829995
>>829980kek noooo this is how I fell
victim to a power bottom
No. 830009
>>829990My first serious bf had a real submissive streak, lots of time spent getting me off and not worrying about himself. A total giver.
After we broke up I tried to secure a casual sub but it was obvious none of the guys I met gave a shit about my pleasure on any level. Like you said it was all wanting to show up and see me all dressed up for them, wanting to lay back and get pegged by some eye candy wearing a strap-on. Oh and somehow getting blown in a super subby way… I wasn't having it and gave up on that pretty quick. They're more selfish than any vanilla no-strings fuck would be, and that's saying something.
No. 830025
>>830009I still really don't understand, like I don't get what being a sub or Dom even means, this all seems kinda dumb and arbitrary
Just have normal sex where the end goal is both partners enjoy the experience with the appropriate amount of physical excercision depending on the mood
No. 830028
This is the post.
Its normal to be insecure but im fucking disgusted at how often i see men shitting on their gfs for being insecure. Why the fuck wouldnt they be insecure? Those are the same scrotes that pay e-thots, watch hentai all day and spend all their time looking at very hot women.
If my bf did this then id be insecure too.
No. 830033
>>830026Last guy I dated was older than me and tbh looks wise I was dating down a league. He complimented me a whole lot and tried to build me up in the beginning. Both looks wise and about other traits he appreciated. I returned the favor because he often worried about looking old. Then after a while if we were getting ready to go out and I asked "k do I look alright?" I noticed it'd kill him to just say yes to that. I wasn't one to fish for compliments, It was literally a quick outfit check before heading to dinner because we didn't have a full length mirror in our place. Same with sex, he wanted it all the time but it would kill him to call me sexy anymore. My body didn't change at all in that time. I was just getting no postitive feedback while I still reassured him I was into him all the fucking time, at his request.
I feel like he worried I'd get a big head and leave him. It was the most counterproductive thing he could've done though. I mean we're not together anymore for a reason. His insecurity was always taken out on me.
No. 830056
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>>829868>I said certified freak, seven days a week>Wet-ass P-Word, make that pullout game weak, woo>Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah>Yeah, you fuckin' with some wet-ass P-Word>Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass P-Word>Give me everything you got for this wet-ass P-WordAnd it gets significantly, significantly more vulgar, like a lot more vulgar. Guys, this is what feminists fought for. This is what the feminist movement is all about. It's not really about women being treated as independent, full-rounded human beings. It's about wet ass p-word. And if you say anything differently, it's because you're a misogynist, you see.
No. 830077
>>830026Yeah. If you meet a new guy and he tells you they broke up because his gf was insecure, run. Literally no use trying to date him. You'll save yourself a lot of worrying.
So far
every single case of this I experienced turned out to be him cheating/emotionally cheating/crossing boundaries and flirting with his female 'friends'.
No. 830154
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>>830132You have body dysmorphia
No. 830169
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I find it kinda dumb when see women complain about men and talk about scrotes, yet still pursue relationships/sex with men. I understand wanting intimacy and being horny, but it feels weird to me, maybe because I've never felt love before and could probably be celibate all my life
No. 830204
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>>830154you know what you are probably right but my legs are actually skinnier than hers and those are not chicken legs to me because they are very proportionate to her body and fill out the jeans well. My legs look like how a girl struggling with an ED looks like. except i've never been anorexic my mom just had very little meat on her legs and i (and my brother too lol) inherited it. Idk it could also be because im black and being thicker is the beauty standard so seeing myself in skinny jeans is disheartening LMAO. Im just glad bell bottoms came back because i feel like they are flattering on everyone.
No. 830211
>>830204Ah gotcha, why not just work out your legs? I find skinny legs to be nice on girls
Also I feel like bell bottoms bad on people with long torsos and short legs
No. 830270
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How people listen to this shit is beyond me, barely music at best and genuinely groomercore at worst, I was baffled that anons on the MtF thread listened to this absolute garbage.
No. 830308
>>830283No it doesn't. TRAs and trannies will call literally any woman (and sometimes even transwomen) terfs who disagree with them on trans issues. Even Blaire White has been called a
terf by some. The vast majority of so called "terfs" aren't even feminists.
It never had a meaning, it was meant to paint all women who are critical of trans issues as being "radical" as a way of disctediting them.
No. 830313
>>830302My twenties were basically a write off (well I learnt some tough lessons I guess) My 30s feel like the beginning of my actual adult life tbh. Its like I was only functioning at half capacity before now.
I've met other who describe something similar. They fucked up in their first decade of adulthood and then things picked up just through living and learning. You're young enough to feel healthy and energised but old enough to not be so naive.
No. 830413
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I don't know if it's unpopular but I hate shit like this
No. 830432
>>830420Crop shirts and shorts that ride up one's asscrack don't fit thin people either, but the point of the article is one trend of bad fit is more acceptable than the other just because of the body type behind it.
Here's a hot take: You all look like trash in those clothes and it's not cute–that's the part that this article got dead wrong.
No. 830436
>>830433Let's be real, not all of us are actively scouting which women go into the spank bank. Some people really aren't interested in seeing your body, and we also don't want to come into contact with areas where your sweaty naked flesh just laid against in public because you think you're hot stuff.
Either this trash is acceptable or it isn't.
No. 830445
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old news but lana del rey was kinda right with this “controversial” post. the point is none of these pop stars/rappers are feminist and i would much rather take lana’s honesty (her songs are generally submissive about men and she’s publicly stated she’s not interested in feminism) than the disingenuous messages of megan thee stallion etc. i’m sick of women acting like bragging about taking other women’s men, being freaky in bed and calling other women hoes is somehow feminist and empowering. the overall point is that women like lana and women like ariana megan etc are two sides of the same coin. the coin being capitalism and making money. none of what they do is empowering for women. at least lana isnt having children with a convicted sex offender (nicki minaj) or publicly protecting the man who shot her (megan thee stallion) and i don’t think her post was racist in any way.
No. 830466
>>830445It all sounds like a whole bunch of boohoo poor me from a woman who still makes millions selling her subpar music and carefully crafted identity. So she's experienced some backlash for her attitude, what celeb hasn't?
>Now that a bunch of other women are glamorizing abusive shitty relationships, can I continue romanticizing abusive shitty relationships? Do you boo, no one is stopping you, but you don't deserve to be admired for it any more than the others. Also kek at her crying to the "female writers and alt singers" rather than the men who have put her through this shit in the first place. "Other women have been mean by not agreeing with me so I want to silence
their opinions in turn!"
>there has to be a place in feminism for women who look and act like meOh for real, there "has" to be? Funny because liberal feminism has already been plenty welcoming which is why it's now infested with troons and porn addicts. How fucking stupid and entitled. She acknowledges that none of her actions and attitudes are feminist so why request actual feminists make space for you? They'll continue to advocate that you should possess reproductive rights and have the freedom to make boring music instead of being a scrote's broodmare sex maid, but that doesn't mean they have to acknowledge you as one of their own. Go join the troons requesting that women "accept them as real women" with that shit.
No. 830472
>>830445Why is a woman who said she's "not interested" in feminism demanding a place for herself in it?
If she doesn't go back to singing about Harvey Weinstein and sucking old man dick lmao
No. 830487
>>830445Honestly the only mainstream Rap/pop girl I respect in the Industry is Doja Cat, she keeps her persona a persona, she exploits the bullshit beauty standard's for her own gains
I kinda respect that, Lana, Megan and and Cardi are all handmaidens as far as I'm concerned and their in for shitty lives with shitty male partners
No. 830494
>>830489You don't see Doja pandering herself to fags and wokeclods like Arinia does and you don't see her colorist misogynistic rappers like Nicki and Megan
She's not gonna end up abused or shot
No. 830515
Parents can be some of the most selfish people to exist.
Not all, but I've seen many people stop caring about everyone and everything other than their kids when they become parents, even if it puts other people at risk. I really can't stand this "my babies got theirs, fuck everyone else" attitude and how everyone defends them and their spawn because being a mom/dad is sooo hard.
They become absolute Kyles if you say no to them or their child when something is unfair to other kids, and sadly this behavior is often rewarded by businesses and schools who always try to mollify them by granting their every wish, thus encouraging them even further. I especially hate their melodramatic whining and victim complex, like when they claim I eat puppies and hate the laughter and joy of children when I tell them to wrangle their kid because it's bothering animals, other kids, or its screeching is disturbing adults trying to do their job for min wage. I've even ruined Christmases, Thanksgivings, birthdays and bar mitzvahs during my short life.
I wish empathy was something you could teach in school so that their kids at least have a shot at being decent human beings.
No. 830566
>>830558Did you even read my post or are you a scrote on troll patrol?
I said that society protects the parents who pull this shit, not the kids. If it did, then these people's little angels wouldn't be allowed to bully other kids just because their entitled dipshit parents throw a tantrum.
Also, I'm 20. If you want me to have kids now and not have "broken instincts" you best be willing to pay my college tuition and child support.
No. 830577
>>830515I'll never understand some of the examples I've seen where people will switch off their empathy for everyone else and screw people over..then announce that yeah at least their kid got what it wanted. Types like that really suck all sweetness out of what should be a good trait in a parent. As soon as everyone else becomes some lesser being to your kid to the point where you can trample people and feel justified in doing it, too much.
I came from a household where my parents taught me to be almost too modest, too accommodating of others, not to prioritise myself and that comes with its own issues that you have to work on well into adulthood too. But on top of that I'll meet people with that sense of entitlement who almost brag about just inherently being worth more than other people. Its something where you really need to get the balance right.
No. 830650
>>830634Dated a bi man, never again. He'd point out every hot guy he saw and would fuck. Like why. I find both guys and girls hot but saying that to your partner is disrespectful.
Aside from that he had weird fetishes and was whiny as fuck.
No. 830725
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>>830707then their not straight guys though, their likely Bi-Sexual as well
Real authentic straight men have sex with women in their naturale state, if a man doesn't wanna have sex with a woman when she has an unshaved bodyhair and not wearing make up or lingerie then he's not 100% straight, I look like picrel and so I weed out a lot of these males
No. 830733
>>830728The asspats women give to some pizzaface man for applying hooker red lipstick poorly is unreal. Do men ever hype up a woman like
>>830725 ? No.
No. 830739
>>830728Your right, but the real question should be whether or not the GNC males look hot or not ? I think a slight feminine or /alt/ aesthetic looks really good on males
Men with Black nail polish on, guy liner and long dark dyed hair is hot
But men crossdressing or like drag queens are just disgusting and goofy looking for the most part,
No. 830741
>>830723What is defined as a paraphilia is extremely arbitrary and has changed a lot even in recent years, homosexuality in itself was recently considered a "paraphilia". If we are going to consider the fetishization of femininity a paraphilia, I don't think there's any
valid reason a fetishization of femininity should be considered a paraphilia in bi men but not straight men. That being said, what you're saying isn't even true. A guy (gay or bi) being into feminine men isn't considered a paraphilia by any current psychiatric understanding of the term. I'm not talking about trans people because I think that's kind a different topic I don't really want to get in to, just feminine men. Also even for things that are currently accepted as paraphilia, to be considered as such they need to be causing significant distress or impairment, or involve personal harm or risk of harm to others. They aren't considered just paraphilic in and of themselves.
>>830725This is kind of getting into more abstract questions of what sexuality even is, what identity is, what are the terms we have actually meant to be describing etc but I think that's beyond the scope of the lc unpopular opinions thread. To most people, defining themselves as "straight" is just that they have sex with/are attracted to women which is how I'm using it.
No. 830745
>>830739>whether or not the GNC males look hot or not If he's hot as a normie then yeah. Do not fall for altfishing.
>men crossdressing or like drag queens are just disgustingThat should never even be classified as being GNC, they're straight up doing women's minstrel show.
No. 830750
>>830731>caping for menSo i'm pretty sure you are either just a troll or underage, but it's more that what you're saying is just textbook homophobia, which bothers me as a lesbian more than you being mean to men or whatever. Anyway, plenty of men absolutely do view bi women as sluts who are more likely to cheat, but men are also not the only people
bi women date. You see this idea even with other women who view bi women as unable to be loyal because they'll be fantasing about men or cheat with men and they give the exact same reasoning you did.
No. 830757
>>830741Sexuality is very basic imo. Troons don't like it being basic because they have to weave a complex tapestry of falsehoods and bullshit to legitimize their fetishes as larping as the other sex.
Sexuality is literally about the genitals you are comfortable with being sexual with. Genital preference is literally a thing.
Homosexuality is attraction to same sex and hetero is opposite. AGP is weird because the person has to sexualize their self as the sex they prefer from my understanding.
No. 830758
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>>830745>>830746>Do not fall for altfishing. I don't care, all Males should either be super thin or buff and they should only be allowed to dress as Punk rockers or Goths
No. 830803
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the internet should be banned for those under 18, and people should have to give their ID to be able to access the internet. 16-17-year-olds could a version of the internet that is severely limited, and all websites that wish to be allowed to be accessed by 16-17-year-olds need to be individually reviewed by a human and verified so that they can learn the basics of how to use the internet. This is coming from a zoomer who has grown up with the internet from when I was a pre-teen, and I hope other zoomers will grow up, stop being addicted, and make more restrictions on the internet for generation alpha and upcoming generations
No. 831000
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It's endearing seeing the latest wave of visitors dip their toes in anonymity, some of them must have never been on 4chan judging by how they handle the reply form
They must have been scared of being cancelled for everything until now
No. 831026
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EE women meme is not only tiresome, but false. Ofc beautiful women exist there, but it's also where you're find the highest percentage of mannish looking euros. (Off-topic, but I wish we had a Quora hate thread. This question: "Have you ever been considered more attractive in another country other than your own?")
Picrel's answer: "Well I’m considered cute in Russia but definitely outgoing in every country I’ve been to. It is a known fact that Russian women are beautiful and I’m not trying to be arrogant. Let me explain why. Russian women are so beautiful because Russian men sleep around. Russian women despise feminists, because they believe that feminists look unattractive and value career above the family. Russian women enjoy being feminine."
No. 831036
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>>831026>Let me explain why Russian women are so beautiful because Russian men sleep aroundPicrel.
Anyway, I also dislike quora. The people there always find a way to give a super drawn out answers to simple questions
No. 831041
>>831026EE women meme exists bc a lot of russian & EE women are
victims of trafficking & prostitution in asian and central & northern EU countries.
No. 831046
>>831026Anecdotal evidence of just a few examples but the EE women I know that participate in my country's dating scene have very much a "princess attitude" and super high expectations of how the men will treat them and are known to be pretty picky; it makes them harder to get and in it's own way far more attractive "goal" to reach for the man and even fairly ordinary girls with this attitude seem much more attractive; if that makes any sense.
(just to be sure - this is def the way to go and good for them)
No. 831051
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>>831037>pervy indianslol just saw this before reading your comment.
No. 831060
>>831026Shit like this is why I automatically ignore anyone on the internet who writes like, paragraphs about being super attractive or looking very young.
In the latter case, I saw some middle aged scrote who insisted he hadn't aged since young adulthood, that people always told him he looked super young, and that he joked that living in a cold climate "froze" his features. Don't even get me started on troons. I swear actual attractive people barely even acknowledge it.
And yeah, Quora is horrible. I think there actually is enough content there to start and sustain a thread, if you really want one. In some ways, it may even be worse than Reddit.
No. 831061
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"Christine" Love sucks and so do his scrotey, fake deep visual novels full of lesbian rape fetishism. Fuck him. Should have stopped at Digital: A Love Story since it was the only game with some merit (typical scrotey love story nonetheless).
Since the contrast between the posed photos on his website and candids is staggering, I have to say it: no matter how many lolita dresses and chokers you put on yourself, you will never be a woman, much less a lesbian, sweaty.
No. 831072
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>>831061I feel like elaborating, this is what a 13~15 y/o tops child slave has to say about being raped by her owner. To think people praise this scrote for an 'honest depiction of female sexuality' or something
No. 831073
We have a Quora hate thread here
>>>/ot/588502 but the last post is from 10 months ago, so Im not sure if it can be necroed
No. 831087
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>>831026as a russian I respectfully disagree. Mannish after 25+ is more of a german/scandi thing. I do concur that most EE woman do not look like the EE waifu meme but it goes in a piggish plain direction moreso then manjaws.
I find the kind of men who fixate of russian/Ukrainian woman also have the lowest standards. They care more about cultural cosplay shit like lipstick and stripper heels more then something like like yellowing/fucked up teeth (very common outside of the top 15%), wrinkly sandpaper skin, saggy jowls by 25 (gotta have those skinny menthol ciggis and beach vacations in turkey) ect to the point where they would choose a gross/mediocre russian woman in a dress and 90s stilletos vs. a fashion model tier girl with short haircut and a small tattoo who happens to be wearing pants.
No. 831108
>>831046After years of living in a country where every man would do literal nothing and assume that the fact that they are a man is already a 'win win', you end up being picky.
Russian men are shit, they would always beat the crap out of you and see / treat women as subhuman trash while being praised for being a womanhater, after all women are 'nothing but weak whores'. They believe that you owe them everything and unironically believe in 'trad virgin wifu who is also kinky and a living cooking-schmooking incubator' meme.
No. 831121
>>831082I completely agree, especially about women being accused of being controlling because they don’t support those friendships. Even if they do bite their tongue, women are over analysed and assumptions are made about them anyway. You can’t win.
Unpopular opinion related to this I guess: I really don’t see the point in fighting to stay or even presenting ultimatums in these situations. In the past I’ve done this and in hindsight it was retarded because when the situation was reversed I automatically tried to fix it. Having a conversation about what’s going on is understandable, but having to beg your partner to prioritise you… that’s a massive red flag.
No. 831688
>>831686I think that they should allow AT LEAST first two or three days, there are so many women out there who suffer heavy, horrible periods.
I always end up getting such huge pains that I end up not being able to get out of bed during first two days, and doing nothing but yelling and praying on heating pad.
No. 831911
>>831822>>831707And the unpopular part is? Those are just facts.
>>831688>>831686While it would be nice for me, men will 1000% use this to reenforce glass ceilings because stupid holes can’t work enough hours.
No. 831917
>>831905My ex was like this. I was only 4 years younger than him but then looked younger than my age and he would announce my age to other men with a wink and it was so gross. Always talking about how young I looked but then if I was ever happy or made a joke he would complain about how immature and childish I was.
Men want young woman that are also capable of being their mother dearest. It's fucked up. I had an ex fiancé that refused to move a certain mile radius away from his ma because without fail he'd have to drop in on her daily to get mothered. To the point she thought I wasn't being attentive enough to her son while he was sat unemployed and I was out of the house 11 hours a day working and then having to come home to make his dinner, feed his pets he wanted but couldn't take care of and clean around him. He concussed me over an argument about him taking out the bin. His one weekly chore. Nearly got a class house with him but after that sent him back to live with his mammy, meanwhile I've had my own place for the past 5 years. Feels like heaven lol
No. 832233
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>>832191Show them this.
>Typical men do indeed show a certain (very small) amount of response to children—this has been shown repeatedly again in the lab (Blanchard et al., 2009, figures shown below). That pattern of arousal does not indicate being a pedophile, however. Although typical men sometimes respond (a bit) to children, they respond more to older persons, and the most (by far) to adults. That is, typical men strongly prefer adults over children, even if some have some non-zero level of response to children. No. 832280
>>831663What pisses me off the most about Jennifer’s Body is that it had so much potential in the theme itself to peak. It tried so hard to be a teen thriller movie instead of focusing on the developing relationship of the main female protagonists. Her blonde friend should have helped her terrorize men eventually because not only do they have a weird co-dependent friendship, it would just make it seem realistic. Near the end where her friend whines about her being an attention whore and wanting to take everything away from her was the shittiest thing I’ve ever seen, “nuuuu Jennifer pls don’t kill my heccin boyfriend!”
No. 832337
>>831663I feel like a major part of the appeal of Jennifer’s Body is how dumb and campy it is
No. 832453
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Celebrity thread reminded me that I really love this stupid song and video and I think it’s a bop
No. 832491
>>832468I think this type of drama occasionally happens with random people and, as a non-American, it's so weird to me because your country pretty much only has two parties*, so trying to cancel people for associating with one of them comes of to me as basically wanting a one party state.
Like sis, he's giving money to a party that 50% of people vote for, how is that cancel worthy?
before you correct me and say there's the libertarian party, CPUSA, etc… nobody gives a f about them, so they don't count