File: 1595474321688.jpg (20.25 KB, 652x273, 15-1478591366.jpg)

No. 994346
File: 1639481959771.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 1190x1462, 692FADD3-F692-4ACF-A8CD-1409EF…)

sweet, I can share hog tits again
No. 994353
File: 1639483103919.jpg (122.32 KB, 632x875, tfw too smart for you.jpg)

Quora summed up in one picture
No. 995023
>>994990When I was a teen I would look up answers to sex/body questions on yahoo answers. It was always divided right down the middle when it came to answers on those topics.
Looking back it was insecure teen girls asking vagina questions and half the replies were reasonable reassuring women.. and the rest were scrotes trying to make them worry more about how yes you have to shave or men will scream when they pull your pants down. My first taste of that scrote shit was probably on there.
No. 995866
File: 1639604014930.png (58.87 KB, 779x609, dimitris the psych0.png)

so there is a thread to laugh at le epic dawk twiad moids on quora.
No. 995868
File: 1639604192177.png (54.65 KB, 800x861, dimitris vs steve.png)

>>995866part two: the plot thickens.
No. 995940
>>995866Meanwhile, a woman is living in reality, unfortunate enough to cross paths with this guy:
ffs another weird autist is staring at me
No. 998030
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No. 1035094
File: 1642738765664.png (569.09 KB, 851x2264, wtf_.png)

This post was sent as a notification directly to my throwaway email that I used to sign up for Quora. This girl is literally 11, and she's posting pictures of herself on Quora to be rated. The comments ranged from old men telling her she'd be prettier if she smiled, to just blatantly predatory. The people who told her she shouldn't be on the site posting pictures of herself said it like it was a suggestion and not an objective fact that this child shouldn't be on the internet. She would reply with "I'm not stupid, I'm not going to meet up with anyone". Kid, you're already posting pictures of your face for strange men to enjoy, you've already fucked up. You're engaging them in conversation. She replied to "Big Dick" saying her parents don't allow WhatsApp, but apparently they do allow her to use Quora and post images of herself. She says she actively has conversations with people, even invites it. Her account username is her first and last name btw. So these men have her face and her full name. I'm sure it isn't hard to get her to tell them whereabouts she lives. It's sickening. She's too young to understand, you can't get it through to her, the danger she's in. She's ignorant and over confident and thinks she's untouchable and this isn't harmful. She keeps saying weird stuff like "my friends say I look 8 and I think it's cool to look even younger than I am" and basically bragging about how pretty and young she looks when she's literally 11. She's fucking brainwashed.
No. 1035137
File: 1642741384140.png (249.8 KB, 854x1340, quora.png)

just went on the website and this is the first thing I see on the homepage. he posted a picture he took with her too, with a black bar covering her eyes. do I spend too much time on lolcow or is this vaguely creepy? why would he take a picture with her when they got off the plane?
No. 1053394
File: 1644108472831.png (573.35 KB, 1080x2496, quora_(1).png)

Quora sends this shit to my email kek
No. 1053483
File: 1644114700767.jpg (154.51 KB, 756x682, asshole.jpg)

This one pissed me off honestly. The guy is just berating this person and not giving any helpful feedback. Like even if it's true it's just a dick move. But what did I expect.
No. 1930554
File: 1710814207708.png (Spoiler Image,383.58 KB, 1080x1448, Screenshot_20240318-210420~2.p…)

I remember when Quora wasn't filled with disgusting crap like many degenerates and pedos on Quora lately I remember seeing a lot of pedophilic questions there too sadly I didn't take any screenshots I'm sure there are way more now…
No. 1930564
File: 1710814908527.png (146.56 KB, 1080x733, Screenshot_20240318-212402~2.p…)

What the fuck…this pedo should rope himself immediately
No. 1970496
File: 1713493204227.png (296.42 KB, 1080x1874, Screenshot_20240418-211751~2.p…)

Zoophilia shit that Quora allows, sickening, I hope these moids get their faces bitten off by some rabid dogs.
No. 2045262
File: 1718125622847.jpg (82.34 KB, 250x1526, 5475442-0d5faaac5cc3cd0d2b26ea…)

>in the meantime keep swallowing!