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No. 805031
Previous thread:
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 805056
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I don't like brutalist architecture. It's so ugly and anti human. I see people loving it because its minimalist or it fits their Akira style neo Tokyo wet dream of huge ugly cyberpunk cities, but to me it's like the reverse of nature. Just depressing to look at in general
No. 805060
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>>805056Samefag, but like what the fuck is this? It's so dismal
No. 805080
>>805077It's not a bait. Straight women only want to use feminism to make their relationships with men "better" and "safer", sometimes "equal" even, even though this dynamic is simply not possible, or they're just failing to achieve it. They don't want to be free from men, that's why feminism is a meme. is what pisses me off about some women on this site and many straight women in general. They want an 50/50 relationship, but they expect "traditional" dating. They want men to do 50/50 of housework, but then they cry that men aren't providers anymore. I'm not dating men but it's a no surprise that heterosexual couples are such a fucking mess, both men and women want to eat the cake and have it too.
There's no "equal" relationship in tradshit. Be a trad waifu if you want, but don't call yourself a feminist and don't cry that your man doesn't do this and that. You have to fucking decide what you want, it's either one thing or another. I know that scrotes want a maid and a breeding mare who will coddle them, but I literally don't know what straight women want anymore. I don't understand.
No. 805083
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>>805056>>805060I like it because I think it's eerie. But you're right, it is depressing, unless it's colorful like picrel - then I think it really works.
No. 805097
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>>805056tbh I feel like the buildings would be much more appealing if they added more plants (pic related) but it really does look ugly a lot of the time
No. 805129
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I hate this 'minimalist' Pinterest-y aesthetic that rich people like for some reason despite it being beyond basic. Idk if pic rel exemplifies that I mean though
No. 805137
>>805083>>805097See I can understand these because there was at least some attempt to be something other than a concrete square. Can you imagine how much some of the more depressing looking buildings would improve if there was a little bit of nature or colour incorporated into it?
>>805129Finally, someone calling out minimalfags on Pinterest. I despise it. Imagine having decor with 0 personality in it
No. 805220
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>>805056I go to a uni that has half old brutalist buildings and half modern like pic related. I can't decide which one I hate worse.
No. 805239
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>>805235If I was actually cognizant of what men were doing when I was that age I would pull picrel
No. 805246
>>805037Nothing wrong with it as long as a woman doesn't desperately do that for the sake of men's attention and validation, making it her quirk and entire personality (see tradthots thread). Same weirdos always end up hating other women, seeing them as competition.
People who are obsessed with trad are the ones who always had their life in sheltered, easy mode and never lived in a place that pushes trad and patriarchy inside your brain.
No. 805251
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Since we're all discussing trad thots, can we talk about the biblically submissive wife movement? To be it seems like BDSM for people who go to church/religious Americans. I've never seen this shit where I'm from and I'm from a catholic country. They have this weird thing about constant obedience and never saying no to your man wanting to fuck you
No. 805267
>>805254If you read articles they write, it almost comes across as the same
"Woman inferior, woman serve man with SEX" that gimpgirl writes in her pick me handbook.
Idk its just something about the constant emphasis on being obedient, praising a man, and submitting to his sexual needs. Its drilled into all the articles regardless of the subject.
No. 805275
>>805231> Flashbacks of a 60yo old man trying to get my number, name and "become friends" when I was 15 years old, standing in a corridor and waiting for my dentist to arrive>>805251Reminded me of this TV show. There is a Christian married couple with children, where a man decides that it's too boring to have one wife, so he decides to have two (by asking a Latin woman who doesn't know English to join them; benefits her because she gets American visa) where he would do nothing but ignore and talk shit about his wife, calling her 'the large wife', when a second one is 'the tiny wife". The saddest part is that this woman keeps convincing herself that it's only her fault for feeling bad about the whole situation.
I am pretty sure that he wanted to get rid of his wife long time ago, but she kept begging him to stay that he made up the whole 'poly' shit so she could shut up. He is a horrible person.
No. 805295
>>805275we should kill him
in minecraft, of course
No. 805320
are awful and irl almost no scrote will admit to you he would fuck a 13 year old if he could, so there's no way to check if he's "good". When I was 11-14 I got hit on by adult men more often than when I was 19, just don't tell me they were all just pedos and not "normal" men.
No. 805339
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>>805334> (take your meds and stop infighting)lmfao stupid mods trying to gaslight, I’m going to keep vpn hopping like the other anons and you’ll never know who’s doing the shitposting.
>>805335(ban evasion) No. 805355
>>805320nta but tbf it is a certain "type" of man who would hit on young girls and genuinely not all of them… plus, those especially gross kinds are looking for vulnerability for a reason, and younger girls exude vulnerability whereas a confident, put-together grown woman might be more intimidating to the bottom of the barrel creeps (not that it's all those types who do this and also not that those women don't get hit on)
>>805291>femininity, not to womenthis will sound scrotely of me but what about guys who like tomboys and buff women? that is not traditional femininity. I've noticed men being into all types of women but I also think many have been memed into the cultural ideal of "blonde with makeup and big boobes" yet it isn't as successful as you'd think.
No. 805366
>>805311That straight men are attracted to female humans, not "femininity". That's why superstraight happened, because no straight guy is going to fuck another guy just because he's "feminine". "Men are attracted to femininity, not women" is a pretty common troon cope.
It's a different story for bisexual men, though.
>>805303What's your point? No one said they're not nonces too.
No. 805395
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I found a couple of John Mulaney's specials pretty fun, but I'm hardly emotionally invested in him as a human being, to the point that I'm beginning to sour on him just from the way people baby him on social media. "Uwu hope he gets better" "he deserves the world" give me a break. He's a celeb who abused drugs to deal with the stress of touring, like so many do. It's good that he ultimately got help but the way he started a new comedy show right after is unsettling. And I think he's a real shithead for leaving his wife right after finishing rehab.
No. 805414
>>805251BSWM = Biblically Submissive Wife Movement
BDSM = Bible Discussion and Study Meeting
eh.. it checks out
No. 805421
>>805414It really comes off as some kind of holy fetish. They're in communities where you're not allowed to have fun, so it makes sense that a secret degenerate is going to find all the right biblical quotes to make sure they can still get treated like a slave and have the man enforce "discipline".
I swear to God I'm on to something when I say that this is literally just thinly veiled BDSM
No. 805430
>>805428ive heard that a lot of the 60s "sexual revolution" was just men who were like yeah girl get on the pill so i can have multiple girlfriends
some things never change
and by "some things" i mean men
No. 805435
>>805428>>805423>>805251>>805251I don't understand what being exactly being submissive or dominant in bed even means, with my bf I wanna be pleasured in bed and I wish to pleasure him
So we usually just do cowgirl, missionary and oral, and that does the job for us
I feel like all these sex freaks are way too obsessed with kink terms and shit
No. 805458
>>805430Men literally exist to spread semen around so they'll instinctively latch on to anything that will allow them easier access to ass
>>805435People get off on power dynamics. Moid doms are just your run of the mill guy who has decided that his pleasure comes from having a woman under complete control. They're the virgins with no jaw on tinder who ask you to call them Daddy, that will help you identify them. Beware of interacting with them for they will refer to you as kitten and want to hit you with a belt for breaking their stupid rules
No. 805463
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As much as I hate brutalist architecture I do think the building on the Molchat Doma album looks cool as hell
No. 805469
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>>805463as much as I hate the whole era of Bolshevism and Communist russia I very much like the aesthetic of soviet propaganda, ever since my prof during my graphics major phase taught us about constructivism
No. 805490
>>805485As someone who has quite a few tattoos, I'm inclined to agree with you. People see my tattoos and love to show me their own. More often than not it's the same basic bitch Pinterest tattoo inspiration shit that you've seen on a million other people. That's not art and it's not a good decision. It says nothing about the person other than that they're generic/tacky/lack imagination
And oh God people who get "sexy" tattoos are proper wrong'uns
No. 805604
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I think only this kind of tattoos is cool, when it looks like markings, I don't like when it's images or words
No. 805641
>>805231Every girl I know got catcalled most in their school uniform when they were like 13/14 but I think that happens more so because young kids are easy
victims. Idk I don’t think the majority of men are the same as the men who catcall obvious kids on the street but there is clearly a lot of them.
No. 805655
>>805231>>805641It's not about looking hot or being young, and they're not hitting on you because they're attracted to you but because you're an easy target. I was hit on all the time as a young teen as well, and I was unfortunately also too naive to realize why.
I actually started talking with one of the scrotes and gave him his number, looking back he wasn't attracted to me at all, he just wanted to humiliate me and feel powerful by getting me to do what he wants.
Stop beating yourself up over whether someone is attracted to you or not and why, people who really find you attractive will let you know in appropriate ways.
No. 805657
>>805611Yeah I agree, when I let my armpit hair grow it feels soft and nice but I hate the feeling of leg hair. It's soft enough on the calves and thighs but on the shins it feels so rough.
Male body hair is worse though since it's thicker than ours, please god send me a cute hairless twink.
No. 805671
>>805458>>805435maybe its cause I'm on the autism spectrum but I really don't get the appeal of BDSM, it honestly looks cringy and even funny
like sex is enjoyable, but someone getting tied up from the ceiling, wearing some goofy looking latex suit doesn't seem sexy in anyway
goes for both maledom and femdom, subs and doms, they seem like massive losers
No. 805684
>>805680yeah the dialogue and rhetoric alone seems dumb asf, If a dude was like "call me master/daddy" I'd probably laugh at his face and If he said "step on me mistresses" I'd be weirded out more then anything
like do they think this shit is sexy and appealing in any way
No. 805685
>>805636I don't think men can keep faithful in these scenarios. Maybe other women could.
My parents had a similar setup in their marriage (slept in separate spaces) but ultimately it became a crutch of issues when they realized they were doing it because they couldn't actually stand to be together in an intimate capacity. At first it was about dumb yet understandable things, like the fact that he would snore loudly or that they'd want to watch different things as they fell asleep. Over time it became apparent that they resented each other and were no longer that attracted. Which is something I feel would have been caught and addressed earlier had they been around each other in close quarters. Stepdad wound up cheating on my mom. Yeah she got her space, but that was the cost.
It's just my anecdotal evidence, but I just feel most people aren't with the right person if they can't stand to be around each other most the time.
No. 805692
>>805685I think it's nuanced, and can be very different in various cases. Like in your example it didn't came out of the desire to have own space as much as desire to be away from the person; I guess this could have gone unnoticed in the beginning but ultimately with motivation like this I guess being separate just encourages never addressing the issues and falling apart eventually.
I disagree that living together = faithfulness and apart = cheating though. If man wants to cheat they'll do it regardless. I lived with my ex, we were together all the time, no issues ever so it's not a problem of not addressing something and still he's cheated on me many many times, just waited for me to go to work or something. Right now I'm dating a guy I love, we spend every weekend together and at least 2 nights during the week, I enjoy every second spent with him so it's not about avoiding something I can't stand, but I love our separate time equally. Ultimately if he wants to cheat he will do it, even if I'm watching his back on a daily basis. Nothing can prevent that.
No. 805696
>>805691I mean both are dumb. A grown woman wanting to be called kitten and call her partner "daddy" is cringy and an adult man wanting to be stepped on or being whipped is also dumb
I mean have these people have never had good sex in their lives, is this why they do this shit
No. 805709
>>805636Same. When I was younger I dreamt of being inseperable with a partner. Two long term live-in relationhips later I realize how much my mental health goes to shit living with anyone.
I was miserable living with a controlling asshole (and stressed to the point of illness kicking in) But tbh I was also stressed just living with a nice enough guy too. Different levels of stress but still stressed at home. On top of that I value being able to walk away without financial ties. As soon as it stops being fun…bye. No ties to keep you there longer than you should've stayed.
No. 805720
>>805710I never had trust issues before, felt super secure with my last bf. Didn't stress about women at his work or him having his own interests, never really crossed my mind to stress with him. The guy was 6 months into an affair when I picked up on the signs. He denied it for about a week..then admitted it and swiftly moved into her house the next day. They're still a couple to this day.
The issues I now have as a result of that, and he's all loved up with her still. Fuuck me.
No. 805785
>>805781Any scrote that has any sort of autistic preference for anything is a walking redflag.
>he likes fishingHis only personality is fishing
>he likes football His only personality is football
>he’s into carsHe’s only capable of talking about cars
>he only likes catsHe hates dogs with a fervent passion for some reason
>he only likes dogsHe hates cats with a fervent passion for some reason
>into geeky stuffHe will only be capable of making references and talking about geeky shit
The only type of man that’s worth some time is the kind that has more than one hobby.
No. 805791
>>805781My ex hated cats. He left me for another woman and she happened to love cats. A few weeks after the split I emailed him about some last thing we needed to tie up. He starts making small talk and tells me he just got a new kitten. The cat hater got a kitten. OK
I imagine if they split he'll just dump the cat with her anyway so its welfare should be ok. Was weird though. We had two rabbits and he left them with me without a second thought.
No. 805834
>>805781It makes perfect sense
>dog>low standard, happy to get a modicum of attention>helpless, will not survive alone>submissive, relationship is built fundamentally on power imbalance >comes running back even when abused neglected>owner gets asspats and humanity points
>cat>strong boundaries >can fend for herself>gives affection to those worthy>worships no man but literally engineered poop to make man worship her>ready to ditch when the relationship is no longer mutually beneficial Not that cat dudes can’t be fucking nuts but on average if he hates cats for no other reason than “they’re assholes”, he hates having his ego and authority challenged
No. 805841
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The back to the future movies are boring and frankly overrated,I didn't like any one of them,I can name 20 superior films from the 80's.
No. 805842
>>805691Why is it always fat neckbeards with awful personalities trying to hunt down some Belle Delphine lookin ass to call them Daddy?
>>805785>>805811You have never met an autistic obsession quite like men who are super into shitty soundcloud rappers. I know a guy who never shuts the fuck up about xxxtentacion, joji, lil nas, all that crowd. We talk every day and he brings them up
constantly despite me never expressing any interest in rap whatsoever. He asks me if I know
insert shitty rapper that looks and sounds like all the rest as if I haven't already told him I only like alt stuff, but his autistic man brain just doesn't absorb that I dont give a damn.
The somewhat sweeter version of this is my dad is autistically obsessed with his own nostalgia so he quietly spergs out to nice things like finding out somewhere is still selling an old brand of candy or movies from the 70s
No. 805847
>>805785I've never dated a football fan but I dated a guy who would shit on football fans..point out the cavemen tendencies in them but he loved F1 and darts. Any sport that didn't feature a ball..he was obseesed. He was no different.
He spent many sundays insisting that the rest of the house be silent while he blared racing car noise out of the tv. Just like my dad used to do with football.
No. 805848
>>805083I hate those buildings where they're being held up by pillars. I can't walk under them without my heart rate skyrocketing because my brain thinks I'm on the verge of being crushed to death.
Fuck you, architects.
No. 805851
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Imo insane Lifetime original movies from the 80s/90s/early 2000s are way more enjoyable than half of the movies that come out today
No. 805886
>>805851they were so fucking good!! especialy if they were based on a true story. There was one about a teacher i believe that got these teenagers to kill her husband by flirting with them and being a pedo. 7 year old me WAS SHOOK when they showed the real people at the end lol.
i hope this isnt racebaiting (i was 7) but me and my siblings used to call it whitetime cuz it was always movies with white women. My mom would be so pissed at us cuz like where did we learn that wtf!!
Anyway do you have any faves to suggest? I want to feel that warm nostalgia of when i would watch it while my mom braided my hair.
No. 805897
>>805842>>805890Rap is the worst most misogynistic genre of music so it makes sense, I would never date a guy who was into rap music and I'm saying this as a black woman
Its misogynistic, materialistic, crude and migogynoir
No. 805899
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>>805056I think this is the hot take, actually- Brutalism is beautiful. It's no warm welcoming cottage of course, but it's not trying to be. It's cold and utilarian. And since they're primarily raw concrete, visual interest comes from exaggerated shapes, textures and massing and that makes for some really unique buildings, they can almost have an alien feeling to them. That said I understand the critics and think it works best for public buildings, since living in a concrete box isn't ideal for most people.
No. 805918
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best oreos, chocolate oreos are gross
No. 805921
>>805920If you could read the search history of somebody else you can basically read their mind. How does that no scare you? Have you literally nothing about yourself that you don't want to share with the rest of the world?
For example I have a lot of health conditions that I would much rather keep private.
No. 805926
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>>805897>>805905t. never listened to death metal or any extreme metal/hardcore music
They have some of the most violently misogynistic lyrics and band names like Prostitute Disfigurement. I mean to be fair you can't really understand the lyrics through the growls and screams just by listening, but shit like pic related still exists. Rap is pretty misogynistic but it doesn't outdo this imo.
No. 805947
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>>805926The difference is that these grindcore or metalcore or whatever its called bands arent serious. They are going for shock value, it is all wrapped in a layer of irony. Like a music equivalent of Hobo with a Shotgun.
Rap on the other hand often just glorifies misogyny. Lyrics like "In this world of flesh and blood I feel the urge to fuck. This endless hunger to fuck and smother is driving me to rape the nuns." are completely absurd, but as other anon wrote, "slapping bitches supposedly jumping on some hoodrat's dick" is treated unironically.
No. 805950
>>805947if you like to consume that type of media and think its just ironic whatever but it really is not that different. these lyrics
>>805926 aren't absurdist at all. its just a realistic account of a sadistic rape and murder of a woman. you don't write shit like that without having a deep-seated hatred for women.
No. 805957
>>805886Me too! Lifetime originals based on true stories are fucking lit. I call them "mum horrors" because it seems like they're all designed to make middle aged mothers paranoid. God, there are so many! How could I pick a favourite? Liar Liar was extremely dramatic
>>805890>>805897>>805905The crazy thing is the guy is super friendly but mega retarded as a result of being a rapfaggot. I want to emphasize that this is a white guy from Germany living in Germany, but must literally spend 10 hours a day just thinking about soundcloud rap and talking about American politics as if they apply to Europe. I'm nor exaggerating when I say that. If he didn't tell you he was a German white man, you would think he was an African American.
Also, I listen to metal, and it's only the fucking edge lord shit that turns out to be horrendously misogynistic. The rest of us fucking cringe when we meet fans of that shit
No. 805966
>>805950>these lyrics >>805926 aren't absurdist at all. its just a realistic account of a sadistic rape and murder of a womanYes, that is the absurd part. Song lyrics detailedly describing some horrifyingly violent act, sang in undecipherable growl.
>>805962>The climate will be a roasting oven in 10 years?I dont think this one is a hyperbole anon. When you look at the actual scientific research, you will see that the situation is actually a lot worse than presented in media.
No. 805969
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>>805961I never knew of this one, but he seems so … normal.
No. 805973
>>805970Why the fuck does it even has a name?
Why do degenerates always manage to disguise themselves as artists?
No. 806003
>>805996Chill. I am not saying climate change does not exist, but honestly telling me I have to care about this shit is stupid.
I am not the fucking UN general or some shit.
You know what?
If I actually had power to make the whole world cooperate I would also make sure that there is also no more war and famine.
It's just stupid.
Your cardboard poster in the middle of some random US/European city square is not going to make India and China start to cooperate or make the US decide to start caring more about the climate vs. money.
No. 806007
>>806002Or maybe rappers are just incels who know how to spit lyrics and they genuinely are misogynistic.
>artistic expression and not meant to be taken seriouslyyou can say the same about all the incels venting on the internet
No. 806029
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I dunno if this opinion is unpopular or not honestly but there's no way I could say it in my social circle – if you're a straight woman chasing cock actively you sound like a fucking clown talking about how men ain't shit and we should kill all men. Some of my coworkers are always saying this and it drives me crazy. Stop constantly fucking men then! Stop obsessively insta-stalking every man who gets hired here! Stop talking about how badly you want a man! Being a straight woman is a curse and if you need romantic and sexual fulfillment you have to not constantly talk about how much you wish men would die ok??? Of course men are not going to be interested in you if you act openly unhinged. If you want a bf you have to take the fat fucking L like the rest of us hets – even better learn to be happy staying single forever without male companionship but I know they won't.
No. 806034
>>805926I didn't mention death metal, dumbass. I meant relatively mainstream rock. Mainstream rap is misogynistic, you don't need to look for any underground acts.
>>806030I also agree with you tbh. Rock is less obviously misogynistic, but rock stars are often shit. No surprise, they are scrotes and abusing the power they have over their fans is in their blood.
No. 806037
If you are actively seeking out moid attention and interaction then don't come back and start talking about how shit they are. So what are you then, if not someone who likes shit things? Imagine acknowledging how bad something is and still going out of your way to subject yourself to it.
"This stove is hot and burns when I touch it, but I'm going to keep putting my hand on it"
No. 806054
>>806042This. WTF is that bullshit opinion? Kind of
victim blamey tbh. Women hope that THE scrote they are into won't turn out be a pos. Then the scrote reveals himself to be shit, and it's somehow their fault for giving him a chance? Some of you don't make sense
No. 806074
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>>805945it's like it was made for us
No. 806091
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>>806029complaining that women commiserate about men yet are attracted to men kind of reminds me of picrel
No. 806094
>>806029With all due respect, this is bullshit. It sounds like you believe if a woman is attracted to men, it's her fault and she should stfu & accept it when they abuse her affections? How patriarchal. Women have every right to complain about male behavior. In fact they should complain EVEN FUCKING LOUDER. Rather than policing women's behavior and judging them for seeking solidarity/emotional support from other women, have you ever considered
scrotes might be the real "fucking clowns" for behaving so terribly that even people who love/desire them have consistently low opinions of them?
No. 806113
>>806094NTA, I think the equivocation of this being like patriarchal
victim blaming is pretty far off, and it strips women of their agency, as if their biological needs robs them of any capability of self prioritization.
The patriachial standpoint is,"She didn't choose right, it's her fault she was abused/raped/ect", but the seperatist/blackpill standpoint is, "If you truly understand how evil and parasitical men are, and that any one of them can be hiding their
abusive behaviors until you are entirely trapped(and no matter what choice you make you may abused and it is not your fault for failing to choose right) why would you risk your livelihood for something that WILL stastically fuck you over somehow?
It suppose it really depends on the intensity of what her coworkers are saying, if they are commiserating over hating that their boyfriends are jerking off to porn, that is great and should be encouraged or even amplified, but if they truly hate men and despise almost every aspect of them and spend a good portion of their time talking about how much they hate them, they should die, ect, but still date them, I begin to question if they really need to be trying to dating men to be happy. And it sounds like the latter to me.
No. 806117
>>806113The original anon literally says
>If you want a bf you have to take the fat fucking L like the rest of us hetsAs if there is no option between having standards and attempting to vet a man's quality to the best of your abilities before committing to him and swearing off all men ever for the rest of our lives despite being romantically attracted to them. A happy medium does exist. However I agree that all women, even if they would enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship, have to be prepared for the worst because any person outside of yourself is not under your control and there's no guarantee you'll find one of the few good guys out there.
No. 806141
>>806125I definitely disagree. Of course I don't know all the intimate details of their relationships, but of the people I know, the women who seem to have the best relationships are all pretty average. Not ugly, but not head-turningly beautiful. I feel like because quality men don't weight beauty any higher than other attributes like having a nice personality, being passionate about their career, participating in hobbies, etc, they rarely go for the hottest woman in the room and actually get to know people first. Not to say very attractive women can't have a bunch of other great qualities, but that's not always the case and they're aware of that. Beauty doesn't last forever but a person's good character usually does. As far as intellect goes, they have schooling and decent careers but aren't geniuses, and they're solidly middle class.
No. 806155
>>806138Isn't that tautological?
The best pair up with the best (approximately), although this is only true for looks and easily measurable traits like intelligence.
It's not true for loyalty or for genuinely good caring personalities.*
Assortative mating is very well documented in humans. We mostly get partners who are similar to us, including in levels of attractiveness and income. Successful men date up, they get hotter women as partners, and attractive women date up, they get men of higher income/status.
If you are average you can/will get average.
*Just see how many of the top men in terms of looks and income cheat and swap wives and gfs often. I think it is even statistically documented that the more successful a moid is the more likely they are to cheat.
No. 806161
>>806156Literally agree.
I think people waste too much time finding "the one" instead of looking for valuable, long-lasting friendships that over time
could turn into a romantic relationship.
No. 806163
>>806144Sometimes I come on here and I feel like I live on a different planet. No it is not extraordinary that a man who is married genuinely tries to earn money to sustain his family. That's just very normal and I know of no married man who does not do that. Maybe you all come from broken family backgrounds or something? Is that why you have these super weird ideas?
With regards to the whole "looking better than you" thing. I don't get it at all. Why do you want your man to be better looking than you? Also then, if they are genuinely THAT good, why do you expect them to settle for your sorry ass? What do you bring to the table? Because for most of us, it's looks and youth. Don't kid yourself. That is what attracts men, your looks, your health and your youth. And other things like talents and intelligence and personality keeps them interested.
No. 806170
>>806163it does make me think many of the users on here dont have irl friends and just get internet socialization. do you guys not have friends who are in happy relationships? are your friends in happy relationships all 10/10 stacys and chads with six figure incomes and washboard abs?
i can get into sad doomer moods about not being hot enough to keep a partner or attract a man. but i have several friends in very happy and healthy relationships with men, and theyre all attractive but i doubt theyre the lolcow version of 10/10 hot.
find offline friends, anons. follow people online who arent egirls youre lurking for lolcow purposes. youll be surprised at what you find
No. 806174
>>806163Contributing to a shared income is one thing, earning enough to sustain two people and a child by yourself is definitely above and beyond. Especially on top of having a good body and being a genuinely kind person. I know plenty of dudes who financially contribute and supposedly love their wives but are also misogynistic dickheads who whine about their partners when they're around their friends and still watch porn, make sleazy comments about other women and would cheat without ever saying a word if given the opportunity. So yeah, I'd say its rare regardless of whether anyone comes from a "broken home," and you're in denial if you believe most men are above these things.
>if they are genuinely THAT good, why do you expect them to settle for your sorry assThe super hot dude sees his wife as a stunner even though she's objectively average. Believe it or not, real love that extends to a person's personality and outlook gives someone an extra shine regardless of how others view them.
No. 806176
>>806125Is this robot psyop kek.
>>806163Yeah any “fellow woman” trying to tell anons to lower their standards because they “don’t deserve it” is fucking sus. Seethe.
No. 806179
>>806170I have offline friends and I'd say about 70% of them have ran afoul of scrotes. One of my closer friends is in a "happy" relationship, by which I mean she tolerates awful shit from her bf because "guys are guys".
I don't think people can really chalk up a majorly negative opinion about men as being a result of not having friends or socialising mainly online. No smoke without fire kinda thing, I think
No. 806181
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>>806176There is a scrote among us
No. 806313
>>806297Me too honestly, i mostly respect her because she
triggers a lot of trannies and the likes and doesn't give a single fuck about woke shit while being a woman (women apparently get cancelled more which is sad).
No. 806338
When someone's entire Instagram feed is just pictures of themselves it comes off as narcissistic. Not sure how unpopular this opinion is but that seems to be how a lot of people I know are running their pages.
>>805969He was a rare case in that he was leftist and not the usual right-wing shooter, he was a fan of Chapo and similar things like that. Just goes to show leftist men hate women just as much as the right-wing ones do.
>>806239Because they have barely nothing else to do, are using it to escape their feelings and using as a replacement for friends/social life.
No. 806339
>>806219I love Animal Farm. I've often read it one sitting, whereS 1984 has been on my shelf only half read for years. It's not as captivating
I am aware that Animal Farm is almost child tier but still
No. 806362
>>806029>>806091>>806054>>806094I probably should have been more clear that venting and commiserating are absolutely fine and should be encouraged but I don't really know these women (again, coworkers and not close ones) and I hear them talking about killing all men while I'm just trying to have my coffee in the breakroom…then they without any shame ask me in a couple hours OMG DO YOU KNOW (lame fratboy new hire)'s INSTA??? Like no? I don't? I realize in hindsight that I wanted to vent and should have posted in the vent thread.
>>806117Again I wasn't clear enough – I meant take the L as in not voice how much you hate men wherever you feel like lol. If you want to be loud and proud about hating men and wanting them off the earth, you're going to develop a reputation as a man-hater which is fine if you want nothing to do with them but obviously it's going to fuck you over if you also want a bf.
No. 806453
>>806297That's not really unpopular at all?
Unpopular is thinking she's shit even with all of that like I do lol
No. 806457
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>>806094Idk about the anon you replied to, but I kinda sorta get what she means. It's frustrating to see women complain about bad quality moids only to continue chasing them.
It's like some of the bf posts here where anons have the most retarded shitty scrotes for bfs that treat them like shit and everyone tells them to leave them, but they continue to date them anyway.
No. 806462
>>806441They do that with everything.
Foreign song? "Can we have lyrics in English?"
Video and comments in a foreign language? "Lol this is the English comment you've been looking for!"
Metric measurements? "Can you convert it to cups please for us American readers?"
It's like they don't understand the concept of places outside of their country existing. Just use Google Translate and a converter instead of begging to be spoonfed, you useless fatass.
No. 806535
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>>806531>And maybe norway for that weird black face thing they do but norway seems fine other than that.That's the Dutch from the Netherlands, also called Holland, the land of weed cafes, the ones who pretend they are super progressive and enlightened.
No. 806541
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this is a niche unpopular opinion but whatever. Naturals that shamed hair grease in order to shill these expensive leave in conditioner products that do nothing for the hair half the time except either leave your hair dry anyway, or that you have to apply 3 different oils anyway to help coax this $20 product into "working".
I started using hair grease again (only cost like $2) and water. And when i tell you my hair feels soft and my scalp isnt flaky!! Not to mention it doesnt shrink my hair even further.
The natural hair community should be ashamed of itself for basically criminalizing hair grease when so many of us and our older generation have sworn by it for DECADES and had big ass fros.
Sorry im just pissed cuz i probably spent thousands of dollars since going natural on products that dont even be working when blue magic and sulfur 8 are RIGHT THERE!!
No. 806675
>>806673looking at porn statistics. men watch it or don't give a shit their friends watch it. I don't have hope men will change, but women will get pissed enough and make changes to curb excesses. i'm not a misandrist but reality is most if not actively terrible are apathetic and enable other men.
>think I could live celibate 'til the day I diei love that for you.
No. 806719
>>806673I had some shitty times with bfs, feel like those experiences changed me in a way I can't undo. Once seemingly wonderful guys couldn't be further from that behind closed doors. Then when you confide in people they don't fully believe you.
It reminds me of when I lived in a few different apartment buildings and there was always that one nearby apartment where I'd overhear the most
abusive raging men..regularly verbally abusing their family for hours. I'd be listening to make sure it didn't escalate. You'd hear thumps and hope to god it was an object. Ongoing sessions of that. Then you'd meet them out and about and they'd be sweet as pie. I'm not over the top about it but I'm cautious about the whole 'street angel house devil' thing. Seen too many examples of it. You almost have to live with a man for a couple years before you get to see that stuff. By that point you're invested and you make excuses for him. Part of me wants my innocence back but
>I could live celibate 'til the day I dieSame
No. 806737
>>806719This but me with
abusive mother figures. I always feel a bit sus around moms even when they acting nice in public because mine was a raging lunatic behind close doors and generally not very stable.
No. 806744
>>806737Yeah the power dynamics that exist behind closed doors..frightening how some people manage to live their life in these handy compartments. Everyone loves them but if you live with them.. You know better than say their workmates or friends.
That's why I always hate to see people disbelieve accusations based on "well they seemed nice to me" You just don't know
No. 806751
>>806744Why is it so hard for people to conceive that people especially abusers of either gender are two faced?
My sexual abuser is a mother with a college degree ffsake
No. 806759
>>806755Hopefully you can gain some of that healthy weight by next year anon
I've reduced by food intake severely because I'm not really moving around so I don't feel that hungry either and I've slimmed down considerably.
No. 806767
>>806760Same, although some normies do learn it the hard way I'm afraid
I frequent survivor reddit subs for some support/ comfort and not everyone there had a history of abuse pre meeting their BPD Ex for example.
No. 807456
>>807425To add to this, I think with some people (especially those who came from money, or at least never lived in poverty) are used to the quality of life that money provides, so they don’t even think about what it’s like not having it. It’s easy to take constants like that for granted unless you’re mindful. Similarly, few people with access to clean running water think twice about it until it’s cut off. Only then do they realise how much easier it makes life.
Though imo people are never going to fully understand situations unless that’s their life. People fly to Africa for poverty tourism, George Orwell hung out in slums until it got too much, there are TV shows where rich kids go to live with poor kids. They can gain insight from these experiences sure, but I’m doubtful of the extent when they can just opt out and head back to their more comfortable lives.
No. 807510
>>807493While I agree that plus size models look like shit, I completely understand why companies use them. It's all about representation these days, if you have a fat queer disabled trans
POC model you get more brownie points and theoretically more sales. The average person is fat and likes fat models wearing the clothes they want, it gives them an idea on how it looks on their own flabby body. I don't think it's the fashion industry's fault, they're just creating what sells- hamplanets in a culture with skyrocketing obesity and glorification of it. I blame the HAES movement and other contributing factors for the increasing number of beached whales instead.
No. 807518
>>807493I don't support HAES/obesity myself, but the "wearable art" argument is kind of dumb to me.
If you, as an artist, can only make decent art of one body type, that's a personal limitation, not a problem with the subjects around you.
Yeah a fatty won't look sexy to anyone who's not a BBWfag, but when it's about artistic expression, there's a far broader spectrum of things you can do.
No. 807521
>>807510That and the fatties think just the act of showcasing skinny bodies is a hate crime against them, rather than that being the sort of body type that wears clothing better. Of course they were never
triggered enough to work on losing weight because of it. They were more negatively impacted by Wendys ads on TV than a spread in Vogue. Why they don't rail against the fast food industry and meat consumption in America instead is beyond me.
No. 807534
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>>807493The problem is that "plus size" in the fashion industry basically means any woman who's not anorexic/rail thin/protruding bones. Like in the devil wears Prada everyone kept calling Anne Hathaway (picrel) fat throughout the whole movie.
No. 807542
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>>807538Idk, but kate upton is considered plus size and i don't think she's overweight, and if she is it's barely.
No. 807543
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>>807538It has changed marginally nowadays, but my sister was obsessed with modelling and Gisele Bundchen back in the day and I remember reading in one of her magazines that Gisele was called "too curvy" in the 90's when she started.
No. 807545
>>807538OP and I think anything Ashley Graham and above is plus size. Ashley can look good because she has an hourglass figure, honestly I'd rather have her in a show than Hogbody Kate Upton.>>807542
The norms have changed to where the average runway model these days is a size 2 rather than the size 00s of the past.
No. 807555
>>807543Jesus, that's fucked up. It's nice that at least a few companies are starting to use models that are at a healthy (not obese) weight honestly. My ED as a kid was at least partially fueled from looking at impossibly tiny models and being disgusted with my own, normal body.
>>807551Definitely, I feel like the body types in fashion photography and playboy magazine type photography tend to be pretty different.
No. 807627
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>>807542>>807543>>807555has literally nothing to do with health or bmi. it's about how the clothes fit. you could be rail-thin but if you have large boobs you're plus-size. the "ideal" female model is like a ballerina; thin, tall, lack of any curves. they are showing off clothing and should be basically blank slates with no lumps or bends.
No. 807635
>>807623The last time my grandparent rented an apartment a couple ended up stealing EVERYTHING from the place, including furniture, the only thing they left was a light bulb and (thanks to them) fried kitchen supplies. They had to clean up everything and pay the money to change the lock and get new stuff.
I hate people who scream and complain that "landlords are scums" when they are people too, especially when someone doesn't want to have a pet around or gives you pet rent fee or whatever.
No. 807648
>>807632my landlord isn't rich. she lives in an apartment across from mine.
>>807638lol this
>>807645yes they do? mine always gets on it. you sound like you still live at home having your life paid for by your parents and just parrot shit you hear on twitter
No. 807651
>>807638If landlords didn't rent out property, wtf would people who don't want or can't afford to own property themselves do about finding somewhere to live? Rich people rent, people who move around a lot or are only staying temporarily rent, people who'd rather invest elsewhere rent, people who don't want to take care of a property rent, and obviously people who can't afford or are saving up to buy a place rent.
I'm guessing your ultimate solution is govt distributed housing or the market magically becoming affordable for all but that's not the fault or responsibility of landlords, they're just working within the existing system.
No. 807659
>>807658i'm a burger and i think being a landlord is fine actually
my dad is a landlord
No. 807661
>>807658No. European.
>>807656First of all, that is a moronic argument. Second, doesnt even work, because humans arent. But if you want to go by law of the jungle, then it is also OK to slit their throat and nick all of their stuff.
No. 807666
>>807658I haven't complained about landlords yet but I'm a jaded american, yeah. I've yet to stay in an apartment, even expensive ones, that aren't held together by duct tape and a shitty coat of paint. You can complain about pest problems, break ins, leaks, no parking, broken appliances, and the most the average landlord will do is shrug and maybe send out a maintenance man to do a band aid fix of the problem, because actual upkeep costs money and cuts into profits. After all, what are you gonna do? Break your lease and fuck up your future rental chances?
I hate renting and would love to buy my own place but the housing market is insane right now and most properties are snatched up by flippers who use the same shitty "renovation" techniques as landlords to make a quick buck, or people who want to make an airBNB or place to rent out. Some
nonny is going to reply about how THEIR landlord is actually incredible and wonderful but truly that is a rare find.
No. 807670
>>807661As another insomniac
nonny, I agree. I never interacted with a landlord who wasn't a downright thief.
All have tried to steal my deposit.
All have tried to overcharge me on utilities.
All have neglected maintenance.
All have forced me to engage a lawyer to get what is mine and have forced me to waste so much time just trying to get my money back or trying to get what I pay for.
Pure scum.
No. 807710
>>807666 Ausfriend here, renting is the same here too. The one good thing about the pandemic was that we closed borders and suddenly all the Airbnb shitheads had to "pivot" back to long term rentals and so then rent dropped. I'm dreading when borders reopen.
My kitchen is made of particle board leading to it'
literally disintegrating so I'm probably safe here but I wouldn't be surprised if they put the rent up just because.
>>807649You might like John Locke's philosophy then, because according to him, if it's not the object of your labour, it ain't yours. By that reasoning my landlord stopped owning this apartment in the 80s.
>>807656The worst argument ever for anything.
No. 808009
>>807970I wouldn’t do it but also it’s not that deep imo. Possibly unpopular, at least.
>>807983I’ve shown posts to my girl friends before
No. 808079
>>808029Zionism is janus-faced, there is an emancipatory aspect but also a settler-colonist side too, you can't ignore that. Nazi comparisons are unfortunate but israel is shifting further towards the extreme right. Even some neo-nazis see it as a model to emulate (richard spencer calling for a "white zion" for eg.)
My take is that since nazi germany was responsible for the holocaust and lost the war, the new jewish homeland should have been formed by land ceded from germany.
No. 808083
>>808029I mean it Is an ethnic cleansing, so even if they arent obviously nazis and saying they are so is pushing it there are obvious similarities through the tactics they use, especially with forced conscription, that's the fastest way to brainwash people.
>>808058Isn this special pleading? I dont need a degree in history to realize bombing a whole building that's used to host news channels is fucked up, specially when the official idf Twitter later claims it was one of those magical civilian shield building used to support hamas
>>808073Idk about that but it always surprises me to see hard right people going nuts for israel idk why I always thought hard Christian conservatives would be more against them
No. 808108
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>>808087I'm not saying the possiblity is null or nonexistant, I'm saying the idf has a history of claiming whatever they killed or destroyed was hamas all along, perhaps it's just easier bureaucracy
No. 808493
I also want to keep wearing them. I'm shy and they help with that, plus it's nice being to only do eye makeup
>>808477Are you a KGB agent,
No. 808536
>>808521I agree I think some of the posts that go viral about “
toxic people” or “cutting people off” come off genuinely sociopathic and I also find it weird how grown adults are supposedly still regularly having this much interpersonal drama that it warrants certain people making posts like that every other day
No. 808574
File: 1621213850726.jpeg (976.83 KB, 1242x1294, BB2D7678-B72D-462E-AD94-A4DF66…) these celebrities (and all of the celebrities people use as examples when they claim so and so “hasn’t aged”) have very visibly aged and tbh a lot of them look better for it. I think people use looking pretty and looking young interchangeably but like many young people look ugly. It’s kind of like in leftthots people would sometimes get annoyed when people would say Dasha looks young because she looks ugly but I don’t think those things are mutually exclusive?
No. 808580
>>808521That mentality comes from spending too much time in the internet. Everyone knows in real life that you can't just irl block someone and be done with them for whatever petty reason you want. A lot of the time you're forced to interact with those people regardless how you feel about them, that's life. Also people and relationships are complicated, but internet addicts can only see black and white based on their woke discourse, it's quite bpd of them. But the point is in real life normieland it comes off as
>>808536 said, sociopathic
No. 808582
>>808580samefag I noticed you said "things" as well and ho boy. It's amazing how different people act irl to the internet, though mostly it's because they're different groups of people I guess. If you said out loud to a group of normies you liked some media that is "
problematic," the most you'd get is teasing or a raised brow but people simply aren't that invested in these hysterics. It's like when awkward twitter kids try to bring discourse to real life, it's quickly shot down and they seem really weird for getting that worked up about something so trivial. They quickly go quiet and docile too lol
No. 808728
>>808574>I think people use looking pretty and looking young interchangeably Definitely, people think women stop being/looking young at the magical age of 30 and it's ridiculous. Their perspective is so warped and it's only going to become more outdated with how much women understand about skincare these days.
Actually, I find that early 30s is when most female actors peak in beauty. When I find someone to be really attractive and check out her IMDB or w/e, that's the age range they tend to be in whatever I'm watching.
No. 808812
>>808791tbh it's fucking retarded that people treat attractive women as "shallow" and attractive men as "good".
since males can't use makeup (until recently in some societies) they just go with their appearances and hope a woman finds their ugly stinky body and ogre face hot, unlike women who put actual fucking effort into looking pretty
No. 808816
>>808574Stop coping anon. She doesn’t “look better” she probably has excellent genes that granted her the power of retaining her youthful features even when she’s older. She was always a pretty person who had unique features but apparently to LC only light-skinned/white-passing people are beautiful if they have unique features.
coughanya taylor-joycough. Physical neoteny is more common in black people, I’ve noticed this. But I don’t expect an obvious eurofag to not be oblivious about this kind of stuff since you all have raggedy ass ugly mugs
No. 808824
>>808796This. I wish men put effort into how they dress and style themselves but if a straight pretty boy actually does it then he's usually a fuccboi
My Chinese cartoons lied to me, I thought bishonen were meant to be sweet and princely
No. 808862
>>808846You can like an artist's music and not directly support them with your money. Idc if Beyonce is a shit person, some of her music slaps.
I never related to stan culture because most musicians are just That,, enternainers. I can't give two shits about them and their personal life in general usually
No. 808872
>>808870Funny you picked my post out of them all to reply to. Must've struck a nerve with the "erectile dysfunction" thing, kek.
Sorry that hot MILF ignored your messages.
No. 808894
>>808877Maybe one, or two, I've also met women who do all kinds of weird things or have weird conspiracies. Definitely not a common enough occurrence to claim it's all older women who are like this
>>808878I don't think you talk to women after high school
>>808882Oh nevermind, you're just an annoying harpy and use "I'm young!" To cope. Anon in the real world most people would choose a stable attractive older woman than a sad coping young girl just because of your age. Everyone gets old, if I were you I wouldn't sit there cursing out everyone older than you, usually people like you get slapped by karma the most
No. 808895
>>808891I'm 22 go away coping
No. 808896
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>>808867Agreed. Older men have nothing to offer that a younger man can't. When I see a beautiful younger man I cant help but feel sorry that he is going to look like that for approximately a year before he gets too old and ugly like all older men eventually do. Younger men have more energy and desire. They are better in bed. Their dicks still haven't gotten wrinkly and busted. Their balls don't sag like a bull being castrated. Their faces haven't gotten bloated and fat like DiCaprio. Younger men's faces look better when they are still youthful. Younger men have more hair, meanwhile older men are balding or have the most dry straw hair in existence from the abuse of 3-in-1 shampoo. Older men have decades of shit diet that makes their skin look like leathery tissue. Older men aren't funny. Older men ruin every womans day. Older men don't have stamina. Older men can't cum for shit. You get an older man off and he is on the verge of dying from cardiac arrest. Older men smell like musty frozen food with a hit of cheap beer. Older men are ugly and undesirable. Older men suck and any man reading this should fear ageing because you are never going to be desirable or wanted again after 23. Older men do have something to look forward to though, and that's colon cancer from their man diet. <3
No. 808913
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>>808896Anon I totally agree with you! Our hulking wine aunt bodies are just as glorious as a fat scrotes beer belly. Stunning, mature, beautiful, cool, sex havers aren’t we?
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>>808919Exactly, because you don’t exist and I do. You’ll turn into dust very soon you fucking rent-increaser.
No. 808928
>>808925Exactly. Though at least some men are into older women do to a perceived easy of getting on with them
Or mommy issues. Though lesbians and Bis may have shades of this as well do there usually not as annoying as their male counterparts.
No. 808933
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>>808913And yet there is a younger man out there who would not mind cherishing an older woman regardless of appearance. Older women are selfless and caring. Older women are such pure energy, they lighten up the mood. Older women make everybody feel safer. Older women are actually fun and have better attitudes in life than most older men. Contrary to what you believe a few bitter older women from their failures in life don't constitute for the majority of friendly older women who have zero intentions of harm. Meanwhile every older man likely jerks off to teen porn while berating their wife and fantasizes about their 19yo IHOP waitress in the most disgusting manner. Older men be like, let me harass this girl old enough to be my daughter and feel zero shame. Older men have absolutely nothing to offer other than lies, abuse, regret, and gingivitis kisses. Older men are creeps. Older men will commit the most horrendous crimes in history, but no anon, apparently the worst one can be in life is getting fat and drinking wine which will actually get you drunk rather than shitty beer that tastes like piss. When younger women get with an older man it's because she is traumatized, not because he's actually worth loving. For every shitty older woman that exists, remember that there is 100 more older men that are worse.
No. 808944
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>>808934Sock garters are the good shit imo
No. 808948
It isn't always age shit. Some people just hate youth in the sense of the world being your oyster at that age or at least the small minded perception of it.
No. 808950
>>808946They act like it's not happening, or they'll say "you know how she is". which is utter bullshit, but I get that they just don't want to draw attention to themselves.
>>808947I mean… I guess that could be it. I generally have a pretty good life, outside of my autism and depression.
No. 808971
>>808966Arguing about what scrotes prefer is hilarious. Men will fuck monkeys. If it exists there will be at least a handful of men attracted to it. Women who try to convince everyone that men exclusively are attracted to young girls, big tits, Asians, small tits,white girls, etc are pathetic
Anon if you're reading this your youthfulness isn't going to make up for acne, sad skinny fat body, ugly boobs and flat ass
No. 808974
>>808969I mean, lots of those paintings are of royals and well off people who could afford good diets. Also men taking somewhat care of themselves wasn't unheard of.
There was probably quite a few poor / peasant young men balding :P.
No. 808979
>>808966It's weird how much every convo comes back round to scrotes and infighting about scrotes, aging, sex work. Day in day out
Wish the lesbian thread was more active
No. 808986
>>808976See, it's just like I said. Your mom should leave him, then she will be happier. It's not your mom fault. Your dad is a pos. Like anon said
>>808971 men will fuck monkeys. He does it with younger women bc they are vulnerable and inexperienced.
No. 808987
>>808977That's about 0.1% of males anon. How exactly are we going to share them?
>>808972>>808974Those are fair points I guess. I just don't get how so many men are so ugly (and don't say taking care of their appearance, I mean naturally ugly) and so many women so beautiful. It is insane how huge the difference is and I say this as a het. You don't see this with dogs for example, the males and females don't look that different. Women look beautiful and men look like apes.
No. 808988
>>808963I'm not old (entering my mid twenties now) and even I dislike girls younger than me. Why? It's not because I'm jealous and bitter, it's because they're dumb pickmes who think they know best and then come back crying when exactly what I told them would happen, happens. I hate working with teen girls, it's always the same song and dance and I'm tired of their shit.
>Annie and Becky, don't go out with those shifty-looking men in their late 30s, you're 19 and he's only giving you attention because you don't know better.>What do you know Anon? You're just a bitter old hag who's jealous that I'm younger and prettier than you! Lol shut up grandma! I'm an adult, I make my own decisions!2 months later they complain that their bf pumped and dumped them/cheated/hit them/is otherwise
abusive. Every fucking time. I'm just not engaging with them anymore, go be treated like shit if you like it so much.
By the way they pull the same shit with their parents now, their parents are jealous and manipulative if they tell them to clean their room, their older sibling is a narc for telling them to stop being annoying about some dumb crap. Everyone else is a jealous, bitter, fat old narc and they're an innocent uwu babie. Zoomers must perish.
No. 808992
>>808990No reproduction in that case though, so it won't affect the next generation or our species in general.
>>808989Lol, then men of older times should look like absolute monsters considering all the war and rape they were engaged in constantly.
No. 808994
>>808988Ahh the folly of youth…
I hate that has been somewhat normalized that super young girls should go after men older then them. It still unsettles me seeing young girl lusting over guys that are so much older then them.
I wondered if my eyes were busted in the first place
No. 809001
I don't think talking about scrotes is a bad thing. It is just annoying. Talking about scrotes and not stepping up & not doing something about your situation is bad.
>>808987It's bc our current society (and the generations before) is catered around men.
We need to take matters into our hands. Animals don't have patriarchy & a society like ours. That's why both genders are cute. It's natural selection. The deformed ones get culled while in our society non attractive men got to reproduce just bc they are men and men had the majority of power and wealth for centuries.
We need to change this mindset or else we will end up with even uglier and disgusting males.
No. 809012
>>809011That sounds like a recipe for inbreeding though, considering how few the fathers will be. But I like the idea of women only families. Why do we allow men to be part of families again? They are literally harmful to women and children around them, even when they are not outright
abusive. Also lel at the servant men, you made me cackle at work.
No. 809030
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>>808944I love that stuff. Bring back stockings for men.
No. 809092
>>807623thank you for telling the truth. my friend has a guy friend who literally looks like mr potato head, is like 30 still working at bath and body works (which whatever a job is a job) I would say if he wasnt constantly dating 19 year olds that work there. I dont get how tf he gets girls. He is literally insufferable and ugly and fat and has 0 redeeming qualities. Men just have to have penises at this point and they will get picked. Meanwhile women have to be gorgeous, have a good career, be self sufficient, know how to cook,clean, etc. Be funny, but not TOO funny, be charming but not TOO charming, be a certain body type, have a certain hair type,hell even a certain skin type to maybe potentially get chose by a dusty crusty and musty scrote. I fucking hate it here. Someone take my libido out of my body.
No. 809094
>>809086It's pretty scrote like to think that women (who've lived quite a bit, maybe raised families) are all just walking tits acting like jealous bitches fighting over..who has even nicer tits than them.
Reminds me of that parody of how men usually write female characters in fiction, walking around with big heaving breasts, always weirdly perceiving their own heaving breasts at all times. We're just tit people. That short tempered woman that works with you… saggy tit problems obviously
No. 809101
There are moids posting bait in this thread and I can't believe anons are falling for it.
No. 809155
Sorry, they did WHAT?
No. 809216
>>809180Same happens in my company. The leadership gets to take time off, come in late, leave early, have surprise doc visits, or errands to run during their undisclosed 2 hour lunch. They answer to no one.
But us working peons have to beg and let them know in advance or else, and if they feel they need us then we're forced to reschedule or inconvenience ourselves. Imo ANY non-affirmative comment when we utilize our PTO or sick hours should be a reportable offense akin to denying breaks.
I'll never forget when I tried to put in time for a fucking family emergency one morning, my manager was moaning about how "it was so sudden," like yeah no shit? It's a fucking emergency! They're my hours, now dish em!
No. 809320
>>809106Unpopular opinion: Sexual assault will never be as traumatising for males as it is for us. A lot of the time, they actually like it when it’s someone they find attractive. The only exception is when they’re really, really young, or if it’s another man and they’re not gay. For girls, even if you “like” the person, it completely fucks you up, talk less of the pregnancy risk, bodily trauma and stigmatisation.
Those comments where guys sexualise cases of teachers and students aren’t just a handful of coomers being shitty. Males know themselves and each other.
Accepting this was kind of the nail in the coffin for me. They can’t even relate to us on trauma, and that’s also why they
victim blame so often. They will never get it. I still get angry I was born female sometimes, it’s like literally everything is skewed in their favor.
No. 809507
>>809320I feel like vomiting to even recall this, but I knew a man who was sexually assaulted a child and then went on to rape a woman as an adult. It was one of those blurry consent situations where she willingly went to his place and started making out with him, but she was extremely drunk at the time and got upset as soon as they actually started having sex. Didn't say anything, but wasn't into it. He realized this but never asked her if she wanted to, I dunno, stop. He basically chalked this up to being a bad, but not nonconsensual experience for her, and when I called him on his shit I brought up the fact that I was shocked he could do that to someone even after having dealt with something similar as a child.
He brought up the fucking fact that some abuse
victims go on to abuse others, and I said maybe so but not the majority… and I know plenty of assault
victims who have chosen not to do the same to others. He said the ones I know are primarily women and they just "don't have the same opportunities as men." AS IF THAT JUSTIFIED IT. Hey shit-for-brains, if a woman had a man in a drunken stupor unable to properly consent and fend off someone who wanted to fuck them, they'd be at risk but the majority of women CHOOSE NOT TO. You made a perfectly cognizant decision to stick your dick in a human while she was inebriated and stressed, despite knowing how traumatic it is for your body to be used against your will. And all you can do in the present is come up with exuses and shift blame to avoid feeling empathy for her? Unfuckingbelievable. Men really are inhuman.
No. 809511
>>809507>He brought up the fucking fact that some abuse victims go on to abuse others,This is such illogical bs and so many people parrot it, even well intentioned women. But it takes half a second of critical thought to realize - hey, women are the ones who are sexually assaulted most often as children, yet the ones least likely to sexually assault anyone as an adult. How the fuck does it make any sense?
I will never buy that excuse,
abusive people are
abusive because they benefit from it and because it aligns with their values (or lack thereof).
No. 809514
>>809511But isn't that true for other forms of abuse though? Like someone who was abused as a child by their parents is more likely to become an
abusive parent.
Genuinely asking No. 809523
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Possibly, it's just not true when it comes to abusing women. This is what Lundy Bancroft has to say about it.
No. 809532
>>809523Thank you for linking this anon, exactly the reasoning that was going through my head when he whipped out the trauma card as if it gave him a pass for his vile actions. At their core,
abusive men absolutely hate taking personal responsibility and admitting that they're just as bad as the people who hurt them by
choice, not because their history forced them to be evil. Also - fucking gross and horrifying that 38% of men outright lied about being assaulted to try and get more sympathy.
No. 809535
>>809531I'm nta but it's a mixture of internalized misogyny and maladaptive behaviors to express their version of love. Abusers hate the idea of being abandoned and "less than," thus they do everything in their power to manipulate, trick and control the
victim into being completely dependent on them so they can never leave. Their idea of a relationship is one that always has an unequal power dynamic, someone in charge and someone forced to follow/that they own, and they will never see the other person as an equal. You are "loved" only so long as you are acting in a way that is pleasing to him, and his goalposts for what makes him happy will change based on his whims and mood from moment to moment.
No. 809537
>>809531It's been awhile since I've read Why Does He Do That? (the book anon screencapped) but IIRC Lundy said that the one thing all
abusive men have in common is extreme entitlement. I would recommend reading it if you want to learn more, the author has counselled thousands of
abusive men.
No. 809542
>>809535>express their version of love.Sis no… that is a seriously romanticized interpretation of
abusive thought processes and isn't true.
Read Why Does He Do that as
>>809537 said, it should be required reading for any straight woman.
No. 809553
>>809542I have read the book, and my point was that warped outlook is how
abusive men see love ("their version"). Of course this is not reflective of reality nor an accurate conception of love, however many will swear up and down they love their partner and can't understand why they won't just fall in line if they really care about them and so on.
No. 809813
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The 2005 Pride and Prejudice movie is not only better than the tv series, it's better than the book. Yeah I said it idgaf
No. 809839
>>809834I hope this isn't an unpopular opinion. We're an anonymous board, it doesn't make sense for people to work against that. It's one thing that the mods can string together our post history and IP address, but it's just creepy that regular users would even care enough to analyse the typing style of personal shitposts
People who share obvious indicators of who they are confuse me too
No. 809853
>>809838I've not once posted in the age gap thread.this is exactly what I mean.
>>809848Care to explain how someone who frequents lolcow is "abusing anonymity"? Simply by frequenting the board?
No. 809857
>>809853By samefagging/male/larping/baiting
Imagine being such a smelly dumb shit that not even anonymity can hide you
No. 809872
>>809857Anon other anons and even mods admitted there was an issue with people just accusing everyone of being male or bait. Don't you remember the Applebee's thread? They literally accused people of being male for eating at a chain restaurant. If you think someone's bait or male just report and move on and the mods will investigate. No point in trying to "drag" someone you truly believe is just trolling or male
>>809869Exactly my point. Seems like a way for anons to just shut everyone down who disagrees. Or even if they do agree. Like the anons in the plastic surgery thread who all agreed on the same thing but one anon kept screaming "male" despite everyone else saying the exact same thing as she was
No. 809912
>>809909I understand your low tolerance for fan service, also I don't like how anime is made to be somehow deeper over western animation, especially by Weebs, when most of it is soulless garbage as far as characterization and dialogue go.
They will usually have cool concepts and worlds winch makes roleplaying and character crafting if one is inclined kinda of fun
No. 809914
>>809899Just waiting for the inevitable
>b-but women can sexualize other women too!>but i'm gay/bi so i can't be a pickme!>ACKSHUYALLY disliking sexualized, poor portrayals of women make you the real misogynist, checkmate>you're just a prude!!1replies
No. 809915
>>809914Kobayashi's dragon maid is a example of it. It's almost sweet and cute in theory but just had to be ruined by Loli-shota, coomer shit and couldn't just be wholesome.
I think the authors a woman, so yuck
No. 809919
>>809899Huh? Shoujo and josei are mostly shit too. Literally shoujo made a shit ton of girls into pick mes. And seinen are at best scrotes waxing poetic about some bullshit and still writing terrible females.
You should watch and read more before making bold statements. Seek out female-gaze, women made content. Women write great SOL and shounen too.
No. 809922
>>809919Basically if written by a woman there's a 50/50 it won't suck and won't have gross fan service shit
I think the author of demon slayer is biologically a woman ( but goes by Japanese neutral pronouns) and I think only one character can be deemed fan servicy
No. 809937
>>809922Demon Slayer is based. FMA is good too. I wonder why many female shounen writers seem to wanna stay lowkey about being women.
I also notice even within a female writer’s repertoire, they seem to be inconsistent with female/male gaze.
CLAMP’s shounen/seinen like xxxHolic or Tsubasa Chronicles feature big tiddy sexy women but it doesn’t feel male-pandering, opposed to say Chobits. Or Inuyasha vs Rumiko Takahashi’s other works.
No. 809973
>>809937I kinda like how wholesome Nezuko and Tanjiro's bond is. A worse author would have sexualized it.
Though to be fair I did wonder before watching the whole thing if the leads were dating ( as in when I saw a cover from the manga) but I'm happy they went the family route.
It's a solid piece of shounen
No. 809984
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>>809977If you read the manga, the bamboo bit was there to make it easier for Nezuko to not eat humans. In the red light district arc, the bamboo gets destroyed or whatever and she goes off the rails. There’s nothing sexual about it. Google is free.
No. 810074
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>>810051Yeah they totally don't sexualize as many women in shounen
No. 810085
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This looks really gross.
No. 810109
>>810099You must realize this is cultural and will vary.
In my culture parents try to get even married children to live with them!
No. 810161
>>810109I agree that it's cultural, my parents promised me they'd lend me money to be able to study abroad for a year after I begged them and changed their mind at the very last second because how dare a "young unmarried muslim woman live alone?" according to my mother, and my father just hates all of us for being girls who are trying to have careers. And once I graduated and saved enough money to go where I planned to begin with they'd call twice a day at least on whatsapp to beg me to come back. Now they're complaining that I'm back home because I had to go back because I caught covid and was sick for several months, but they're also begging me to stay once I told them I started looking for my own place. They always gave me terrible advice on purpose so I would depend on them more than I wanted my entire childhood and when I tell my family abroad they think that's perfectly normal.
>>810106 is 100% correct, I have a friend whose family was way worse than mine because her 5 older siblings were also trying hard to sabotage her.
No. 810415
>>810161I think in cases where it's cultural, where it's the norm for women to be held back or where you marry and work but return to live with extended family because that's the norm in a country then that doesn't come under the term of neet.
Neets are behind their peers, if enough of your peers are in the same situation and local culture is dictating it ..then we're talking about something different.
No. 810487
>>810482I think you are confusing sexual orientation with sexual fetishes.
You can be het and also fetishize vaginas and boobs for purely sexual reasons.
No. 810519
Heterochromia eyes are extremely ugly on fictional characters, especially anime characters. The colors rarely look good together nor do they suit the rest of the design, character designers always choose the most random, brightest MS paint-tier colors and just slap them together. Subtle differences in color would look so much better, or just not doing it at all.
Plus it's usually a sign that the character sucks, like a red flag for shitty characters, yes canon characters too not just fan-made. I have never EVER seen a single good, well written or at least likeable character with this trait, it's often worst girls/worst boys who have them, just like flesh fangs. Preexisting characters with such traits are literally no different from shitty sparkledog ocs, I'd say it's almost worse since the former is supposed to be made by grown adult "professionals."
The only mismatched eye design I've seen that's remotely decent is that annoying desu girl because the colors at least go with the design as a whole.
Second opinion that's somewhat related, but most characters made in the dress up game and other similar threads are also ugly, clashing, and over accessorized. Not saying you should stop playing though.
No. 810555
>>810514I have back problems that get worse in the cold months so in the winter I try to skip wearing a bra. It works out ok cause I'm wearing more layers anyway so the titties aren't as noticeable. In the summertime.. I'd be too aware of em standing out.
In the same way that leg hair is so taboo for us, if more women did it we'd have less stress about it. Though there'd always be perves to deal with too.
No. 810585
>>810577Sometimes people just have underlying reasons why even a well fitted bra feels too restrictive. Shoulder pain, knotted back muscles from stress, stuff like that.
Nta but I often take my bra off before I eat a meal. Health issues mean that food can feel like it's not going down for me…and a bra makes it that much worse.
No. 810606
>>810600There were women that voluntarily did this without becoming nuns and we're highly regarded by everyone for their strong faith and love for Jesus.
Lbr most of them were probably lesbians avoiding becoming baby machines.
No. 810625
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>>810616>Tfw remembering a lot of the nuns at my catholic school making my gaydar work overtime.>Tfw that particular nun the one that pinged the most took a liking to me and protected my obvious baby dyke ass from all the bullying.Hope you're doing well wherever you are nun-chan
No. 810634
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>>810627I agree, her decline is really sad.
No. 810640
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>>810637Sadly it's not new but combined with her obvious mental struggles it became hard to ignore
No. 810718
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I don't get D'Angelo Wallace. He always speaks like a teenage girl in 2016 "highkey same, literally me, relatable, I hate myself too sis, you're cancelled sweetheart uwu". I feel like in 2015 he probably had a "touch my butt and buy me pizza" shirt. His opinions are bland and lack much nuance. All of his content is about vapid celebrity/influencer drama brain rot. He has never had a spicy take that wasn't already the general mainstream opinion of people his age. He feels like the kind of reactionary woke zoomer to call an 18 year old dating a 17 year old a pedophile. His fake self-confident humor is the most cringe to me because it's so derivative: "I get to talk about whatever I want because it's my channel and I'm an icon". This isn't really a D'Angelo Wallace problem since so many gen z youtubers speak this way and I can't wait for it to die.
No. 810730
>>810718I googled him lately to get an idea of who he is.. his humour is weird to me. There's a definite feel that he enters into a slight cocky persona on cam but he's simultaneously so preachy that its a weird balance. Hard to tell what's light hearted and what's not.
Search results were just a bunch of speculation on whether he's gay and whether he's secretly a transman. Who his secret partner is. Thanks Google. I still don't get him or see the charisma but I think he has a young audience lusting after him more than anything else.
No. 810766
>>810751this! i wish i could go back in time and tell myself to really appreciate school and this time in my life. I wish i retained more information and actually took school seriously and tried a sport or something instead of being a filthy weeb online. (although that was fun lmao)
I love that school gives kids structure and something to do. It just sucks that kids can be so mean to each other that it makes them not want to participate in anything and instead makes them want to rush to grow up. Like why rush!? What is there to rush to?? Bills and depression!! i wish my biggest struggle was trigonometry again LMAO.
No. 810843
>>810834I dated someone who slipped back and forth between the two lol. He turned pretty
abusive and then still credited himself as having cured my depression when I was more depressed than I'd ever been in my life.
If you're at a low point when you happen to meet a scrote.. play it careful. Don't pour your heart out and tell all your hardships to a guy too soon. If he's dying to hear that stuff right from the start, it can be a bad sign. He can use all that info against you later on. I've read some horror stories about that. Way worse than my experience.
No. 810853
>>810844I dated someone before where it went horribly and on reflection..I suffer with my mental health, his ex before me did too..very similar mental health issues actually. Oh and the ex before her did too, and the woman he's seeing now seems to have every illness I have and more piled on there.
There's a red flag I wish I had known about before. I thought I was lucky for even meeting someone who wanted to date me despite my perceived shortcomings…oh wait he wanted to date me because of my struggles.. because of the vulnerability mentally ill women have. Because the bar is set lower when your self esteem has taken a hit from being unwell. Dude had a type and his type was 'mentally ill with a history of childhood abuse' That is sinister
No. 810872
>>810751Honestly, I loved school and I love college, but high school was full of awful people that you were stuck in the same class with for 4 years and that you couldn't escape from until you got to go home, and at home I was suffocated by a neurotic, controlling mother who beat me and yelled at me all the time.
I've had legitimate mental breakdowns in high school and I don't want to go back because I love my independence now. I love living alone, not talking to my family unless I want to, being with whoever I want to be with without my mother nagging and calling me every ten minutes to come back home NOW, girls spreading rumours about me in school, people mocking me for whatever I did that they decided was cringe that day, etc.
Work is boring but I don't have to answer to anyone, I do my job and go home.
No. 811046
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I can't stand it when people talk about their plastic surgery changing their lives like they had a physical or mental illness that required a proper medical treatment. Thinking you're ugly isn't the same thing as actually being physically injured or disabled, calm down. Not to blog post but I will never get how I get told by my family that I really didn't need any growth hormone injections back then and that being short is ~cute~ but my sister getting a nose job for being laughed at sometimes at school was absolutely necessary. I guess having underdeveloped reproductive organs, chronic fatigue and depression and osteoporosis in my 20s is kawaii then.
No. 811051
>>811046Thank you anon. I agree with you, I find this kind of shit stupid. People want to be copies of eachother instead of embracing their
normal features, accepting themselves and their uniqueness. It's worse that people are literally praising this shit.
No. 811080
>>811076I've had applications rejected for underpaid internships because I didn't have enough experience. Even though internships are meant to be your first experience to begin with. I also had applications for very easy and simple part time jobs in retail or tourism rejected because I didn't have enough experience back when I was a student, the one job I managed to get was hell on earth and required to be way more competent than anywhere else and they just taught me a few things on the spot in one afternoon so this was a bullshit excuse.
When ask for years of experience for simple shit they actually expect to receive a shit ton of applications otherwise so they're preemptively getting rid of many applications that way. That shit doesn't happen when there are more jobs available than job seekers.
No. 811093
>>811071Partially that. I blame the government for not paying essential workers, since the beginning and those re-entering the workforce, an extra couple $ per hour during these lock-downs. Many employers were given breaks and funds by the government, but essential workers haven't seen a cent from them and most people who were able to stay home were making equal to, if not more, what most of us essential workers were making going out and risking being exposed this entire time.
I also bet we wouldn't see this large scale of a "strike" if unemployment checks were the equivalent of making $8 an hour the entire time. The thing is, we would see more people searching for jobs, which is what they wanted to avoid because there's a virus. Alas, people have bills to pay, unemployment rates are incrementally being reduced, and people's mental health is at stake when staying home for a whole year.
As long as sanitary cautions, such as capacity limits, masks, and 6ft apart are still required, the government should have been paying essential workers for exposing themselves in these conditions. The labels of hero and essential do absolutely nothing. Like, I understand the side of having the employers be responsible for this pay, but a lot of these requirements are federal. It's only fair for all.
I really do hope blue and pink collar positions see a rise in wages, but I am highly doubtful. Trust me, if I knew I was eligible for unemployment I would stop showing up to work as soon as possible because I'm basically making $0 an hour in unemployment rate terms.
No. 811096
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It's so annoying when people comment things like "imagine getting paid to eat food and roast people all day!!1!" on masterchef or other judged cooking shows. The judges aren't just random people like you and I who see if they like the taste of something or not- they have a trained tongue and an expert understanding of flavor interaction and food chemistry. Most average home-cooks barely grasp the interactions of salt, fat, acid, and heat so it's a bit annoying when I see these kind of jobs as judges belittled as 'just eating food'. I'm being a bit of a sperg since these comments are mostly jokes of course and it doesn't help that american TV is too scared to let the judges ACTUALLY discuss the food with actual tasting language since it could go over some heads. Sometimes they'll mention something is vegetal or oxidized but mostly they'll just say "Wow, this mint sure is bold!"
No. 811193
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Cold water makes you feel thirsty, room-temperature water is superior.
No. 811218
>>811193Not because it makes me thirsty, but cold water makes me cold, and I hate being cold. Plus it's easier to drink room temperature water, so I end up drinking more water than I would have if it were cold.
If you were to say you liked warm Gatorade, then I would have an issue.
No. 811398
>>811350>Calling Miura an edgelord>Calling Miura a scroteBrain damaged or just trolling? Or have you not even read Berserk and are talking out of your ass?
>>811359>>811362Same to you, what the hell. Miura was an amazing artist and storyteller, you absolute nonces.
No. 811408
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>muh art
No. 811409
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stinky weebs
No. 811420
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>>811411They are stinky and they want everywhere else to be stinky. They can't even imagine that other people don't want to see their chinky coomer cartoons.
(racebait, emphasis on bait) No. 811427
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>>811410>Also great moment storywise if you have read the story, which you either haven't, or failed to understandYou need to be really high IQ to understand the genius of using rape multiple times as a plot device
(infighting) No. 811429
>>811414>Art is subjective and anyone can like or dislike it.I like how retards bring this one everytime their
problematic media gets criticized. I suppose anons gotta give death metal a chance even though it centers too much on female abuse and death, fuck this mentality fr.
>>811414Imagine getting this fucking pressed over some manga, people will talk shit and not everyone has to like whoever tf that guy was, get over it and shut your weeb ass.
No. 811434
>>811427>Using traumatic events to study people's trauma is badWhy? Rape is pretty damn traumatic. Especially the way it happened to Guts and Casca.
>>811429>problematic mediaLmao, that is subjective you moron. You say it's
problematic, it is
problematic for YOU. You are literally proving what I said right. I don't find it
problematic, I find it amazing.
>Imagine getting this fucking pressed over some manga, people will talk shit and not everyone has to like whoever tf that guy was, get over it and shut your weeb ass.Again, I don't care if she likes it, I never did. I said I dislike the way she talks about Miura. If she said "I don't like that manga, it's too brutal for my tastes", I wouldn't have given her post a second glance.
(move on) No. 811438
>>811428It's too bad that we don't see much of her. Her house was definitely one of the most memorable parts of the game.
>>811434All this because I said I don't care about that guy. Whew.
No. 811441
>>811434>Lmao, that is subjective you moron. You say it's problematic, it is problematic for YOU. You are literally proving what I said right. I don't find it problematic, I find it amazing.I'm going to start using this as a copypasta
>I said I dislike the way she talks about Miura.>REEE Y'ALL SHOULD BE PRAISING MIURA-SAMA STOP DISLIKING SHIT I LIKE!!!Nobody gives a fuck, get over it
No. 811466
>>811463You really think a scrote is drawing women getting raped to show the harm rape can cause and not to satisfy his fetish?
I wish I could be so naive.
No. 811467
>>811466LISTEN let me have this!! i would like to think that some men can draw rape scenes and not get off to it. but sadly im not THAT naive. But the dude just died and berserk is such a great series idk man. Let me have my
problematic fave.
No. 811470
>>811468you know what i agree with you and i retract my statement. I think im just still in shock. But you are so right Griffith and Guts at least had the benefit of their rape scenes being brief or not even shown. Casca's went on for multiple chapters in grave detail. But i always just assumed he detailed it in that way because Femto is a godhand and godhands are twisted so maybe he wanted to show the depravity of just how petty and evil griffith became. But you are so right women are always used in the most depraved way to advance a man's story and frustrated me seeing Casca go from this incredible bad ass who always spoke up for herself to a literal mute. UGH im so conflicted. Why men always gotta be
problematic LMAO
No. 811496
>>811493exceptions to this rule: Ghibli animes, Pop Team Epic
someone has any other ideas?
No. 811501
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>>811496Ghibli is not an exception. There are tons of creepy scenes where kids flash their underwear or "need to go pee" which don't need to be in the movie at all and are inserted for fetish reasons.
The people who think that men don't insert their fetish into everything they touch are delusional.
No. 811507
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>>811501Hmm, I haven't seen any Ghibli movie in a while but I guess maybe I wouldn't be able to notice stuff like that either; I guess if someone is a creep maybe they'd like a panty shot like the screen you posted but even if I try I can't really see it being pandering, seems innocent, idk.
Pop Team Epic point still stands though!
No. 811508
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>>811501>>811503yeah I think Miyazaki is ok
No. 811523
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>>811503I have been shown that movie by Miyazaki stans and it made me extremely uncomfortable. It is just completely and totally unnecessary. Remember this is DRAWN, he could have drawn the dress in ways that no underwear is exposed, conveniently having it blow in the right direction, but he didn't. He drew those panties and he exposed them on purpose. That shit is pedophilic.
>>811508takes one to know one, but I know Miyazaki stans don't want to face the truth.
No. 811525
>>811523I dont see this as sexual, not everything has to be sexual, its just some bloomers and there is wind
Idk, people finding this innocent thing sexual makes me uncomfortable, more than the drawing itself
No. 811527
the web has tainted brains into thinking everything is sexual
No. 811528
>>811523lmao sorry I guess it's a fast edit but that huge butt on the right is just hilarious. To be honest, I don't see these underpants as sexual and from animation perspective it's far more interesting to have a flowy dress move on the wind in a sequence than huge static bubble butt for the sake of some overzealous censorship.
I guess ultimately it's a pretty complicated subject, it's an animated character that has no agenda so it's a choice of an adult animator to show her like this, but then again, if you're not wired to see children bodies as sexual, you should not see that frame as sexual either. Might be a reach but it kinda reminds me of this whole idea of forcing little girl toddlers to wear "bras" on the beach just because they're females, even though their bodies are identical to toddler boys. It creeps me out someone demanding that clearly thinks that female toddler chest is indecent somehow.
No. 811532
>>811525An adult man spending hours drawing little girls bloomers doesn't make you uncomfortable? There is zero reason that this movie needs to have a little girls undies in every second shot. Not even just when she flies on her broom, just twirling around you see them. Why doesn't he just make her wear pants if this little girl flies on her broom all the time? Most people would wear pants to do that.
>But muh studio Ghibli is so hekkin wholesome and validI get that you're a fan, but you're delusional. There is no reason to draw it like this other than he is secretly making all of you participate in his fetish.
No. 811535
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>>811523Bloomers are the least sexual thing ever, even Alice has them
No. 811536
>>811523>>811501You already know, it already exists and this is the tamest, least offensive example (which is why some anons are telling you to chill - they also know, even if they won't say it out loud). If we continue down this path, 50% of us will be weeping and pulling our hair out for months on end while the other 50% will keep downplaying it to cope.
All in all, this conversation is tired until you're sending magic sleep powder in the mail or cookies with pointy long friends inside them. Be the change you want to see in the world, anon.
No. 811543
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>>811523I never saw Nausicaa because when I walked into a screening, the camera angle immediately flashed what I thought was her naked butt.
Apparently, she’s just wearing flesh colored leggings. Still off putting.
No. 811544
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>>811532I'm not even a ghibli fan, I just have common sense and know that it isn't supposed to be sexual, it's more on the veins of an endearing thing I suppose (not that I care), if the artist intent was to make it endearing or cool to animate (because honestly the way the skirt moves is impressive animation) it's not their problem if degenerates use it the wrong way. Like, from all the people and families that have watched Kiki, maybe degenerate coomers and legit pedos are only the 5% of that?
I know your intentions are good and you think you're progressive and a good human being by getting mad at cartoons but you come off as someone who is hiding pedophilic tendencies themself. That, or a 1950-1980 christian boomer that thinks pic related is outrageous. Seriously, we're going backwards, now censoring things out of paranoid christian thinking is a good thing?
No. 811545
>>811544NTA, but thoughts on
No. 811548
>>811545I already posted my thoughts here
>>811547Stop trying to be sly
No. 811558
>>811553You clearly do, you typed this much
>>811544 and then got mad at people not being psychic lol. Anyway
No. 811560
>>811511They're cringy and strike me as weak/cowardly, but not really a problem because they're mostly still woman-identified.
Like, when's the last time you saw a nonbinary tradthot? Never.
No. 811561
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>>811496Maybe keep your hands off eizouken?
I 'm not all the way through though, but I do like the way the girls are portrayed.
No. 811565
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>>811558Sis you can't uno-turn things on me just because I put out a well thought response
and never mentioned you being a psych, you're putting things in my mouth… do you have BPD? leave me alone pls
No. 811569
>>811544And you sound like the lolicon scrotes I had this argument before.
>You dont like children being sexualized? Maybe it's YOU who is the pedo!Spare me.
No. 811571
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>>811570alright darling meet you there soon! love ya xoxo
(autistic infighting) No. 811577
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>>811572I know you think you're winning by getting angry and calling others spegs instead of actually having a discussion, and thinking I'm expecting you to be a psychic or whatever your paranoid thinking is telling you inside your nogging. But seriously, I don't care girl. I hope you can learn to manage your anger and paranoid delusions, love you. Seriously, I'm not trolling, I'm sending love your way. If you keep responding you just lose.
No. 811580
>>811577This is way too long for something so meaningless. I asked what you thought of something clearly weird/creepy, then you said you "already gave your thoughts" when you clearly made your post after mine.
Please, just get help. I don't think I'm the one who's "mad" here, or that needs to take meds.
No. 811584
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>>811575>creator turned out to be a loliconScrotes really can't do anything right.
No. 811585
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>>811582Still, I love you, and I forgive you. I hope you can forgive me too, I know you are a good farmer, things just get heated and miscommunication happens.
No. 811586
>>811573>>811578You are being blatantly naive because you like the creator. If it was any other scrote drawing little girls panties flying up you'd agree with me, it's because you got sentimental feelings that are getting in the way of logic.
Sorry but pervy old japanese men don't get the benefit of a doubt with me. Sexualizing children and women is a major theme in all japanese animations whether you want to admit it or not.
No. 811589
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>>811587have a wholesome boomer gif then!
No. 811590
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>>811587or maybe this is more your jam?
No. 811601
>>811586Yeah, it's hopeless to try and convince someone who's already decided they want to defend grown men drawing little girl underwear/ass shots for no discernible reason.
I'd actually respect it more if these sorts of people were like "I still like it for personal and/or childhood reasons, but yes, that shit was creepy", but it's like it's all or nothing with them.
It's like a low-level version of the fucked up logic that leads grandmas and aunts to keep inviting the known child molester uncle to family get-togethers. Sentimental value, not wanting to rock the boat, gaslighting and trying to "reverse uno" anyone who points out the problem, etc. Constantly turning blind eyes.
No. 811602
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>>811593Thank christ, someone said it. Bimbofication is a mental illness. This girl is a bimbo from Canada who got world famous after her vagina surgery almost literally killed her. She got so close to dying. This was about a year ago and she is currently still getting surgeries all the time
Can you imagine having such low self esteem than you mutilate your whole body for scrote attention. Look how painful her face is
All that surgery and still nobody has managed to get the down syndrome out of her face
No. 811641
>>811637omg im anon
>>811637is it high metabolism or fast metabolism i always mix it up with high tolerance SMH
No. 811646
>>811637Is this bait?
Either way you're a retard, the differences in peoples metabolism are miniscule. People who say they eat a lot and don't gain weight underestimate their food intake (watch Supersize vs Superskinny, the skinny people eat tons of junk but nothing else all day) and the other way around for fat people who claim they never eat and yet gain weight.
Calories in and calories out it a simple concept. You just eat less than you think.
No. 811650
>>811637You're eating the wrong stuff. Junk food will just leave you nutritionally devoid and susceptible to the beetus which work against your gains.
Try drinking whole milk at every meal and eat complete proteins with a healthy balance of carb and fiber. If you're still skinny after that then there's actually something medically wrong.
No. 811710
>>811700totally agree with this. every "sexy" female anime character I've ever seen acts like a little kid and it's supposed to be sexy. just had a bunch of flashbacks of my ex who loved lolis and had pedo tendencies.
he went to japan and akihabara and bought a bunch of weeb shit (a lot of it porn). he kept saying how japan was amazing because they're less judgmental than the west, and a lot more liberated and about sex than the west because they never had christianity. which I think is a load of horse crap, if anything they're more judgmental.
and honestly, I'd take christianity and "prude" western culture over the normalization of sexualizing children any fucking day.
No. 811744
>>811736that literally boils down to the fact that white men literally benefit the most from patriarchy thats it and thats all. No race of man is better than the other they all fucking suck. And saying this completely undermines the milliions of western white women who have been
victims of assault, battery, and murder by white men. AGain all men are disgusting no race is better than the other. Its just some have more benefits than others due to the society we unfortunately live in.
No. 811770
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>>811765She saw that one anon post about the new Barbies in the toy thread on /m/ and doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut when she sees something trivial that she doesn't like. Nothing new! There was someone posting the same opinion not too long ago about people collecting anime figures.
No. 811778
>>811762girl eat a dick lol
my unpopular opinion is that girls that collect dolls and barbies are so cool and smart. Like hell yeah buy all the dolls your parents never got you as a kid and if you want to give up your hobby you can literally always sell them or donate them to children. anyoone who has a problem with women collecting barbies or other cute toys can come see me and we can fight!!!!!!!
>>811775anon is probably pressed she still cant afford the malibu barbie her mommy and daddy refused to buy her because she got poor grades in school lol
No. 811790
>>811737I'll do you one better: There's actually nothing wrong with collecting toys and even playing with them as an adult.
I'm still pissed my parents ostracized me and threw out a lot of my things when I was 11/12 by acting like I suddenly had to mature up past things I loved and privately amused myself with. My make believe magic is pretty much gone, and all I can think to myself is how much simpler and soothing life could be at times if I could go back to being content with making shit up by myself for hours on end. Actually can't wait to have kids for this reason because I'd legitimately enjoy watching their cartoons and being involved in their games and playtime if they wanted.
People who concern themselves too much about what makes them look immature to others are often immature themselves and just can't admit they like juvenile shit because it's a threat to their ego.
No. 811943
>>811937I feel old most of the time but this made me feel young. Thx
t. Born in 94
No. 811983
>>811744Stop pretending white women get killed on daily basics for stupid reasons like
woc around the world. Your men are the least likely to kill/ least violent, you want women who have experienced a lot worse to believe your men are a danger when it's not true and that's why they date them, because unlike white men, other races tend to be
very abusive to their partners.
(racebait) No. 811989
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>>811983This isn’t even a retarded unpopular opinion, it’s just blatantly false.
No. 812003
>>811989Anons like that are always dumbass North Americans who have never even heard of what women go through in Eastern European countries and other parts of the world full of unchecked moids.
It's so annoying.
No. 812022
>>811983"Hey you're all white like me so you all have white privilege. Theres no such thing as white people having different cultures, Europeans are just like Americans, and all the men treat them fine"
- every race warrior I swear
No. 812222
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>>812030Won't ever happen tho, rich people and big corps care more about the rest of us suffering than anything else. This world isnt worth living in anyways
No. 812424
>>812268>>812368my province has one of the lowest minimum wages in canada and has slashed all social and medical services funding and infrastructure so badly that it is deplorable
i think people should be advocating more for workers protections, good benefits, PTO, better mat leave and paternity leave (not #notallmen-ing at all. many women have to give up their jobs or face financial and career insecurity, imbalances in their relationships or marriage when they are forced to be MIA much longer. shouldering the brunt of childcare when fathers have less motivation to take paternity leave and help out/distribute childcare and housekeeping tasks more evenly. it's unreasonably tough for a mother to return to the workforce in many instances, whether due to resume gap or people being biased against female employees with young children. more often than not this creates significant tensions in the household between partners, and creates financial dependency on the male), accommodations for disabled workers and better work placement programs for people on disability, unemployment or collecting stimulus so that it is a reasonable and actively beneficial option to work again if they are capable of doing so
better, more accessible and comprehensive publicly funded training programs for certain jobs as well, like transit workers, certain types of healthcare-adjacent workers, emergency operators, people working in education in administrative or secretarial capacity, energy and waste management, something to encourage far more people to work in the public sector
i think these would go much farther in improving quality of life and ability to afford to live and balance of work/life. most people my age are more enticed by wider availability of stable and secure jobs with good benefits than raising minimum wage alone, even if they are outspoken supporters of a min. wage increase
it would be more sustainable, and maybe by the time post-gen Z generation are our age, they may inch towards what is so coveted and resented about the stability and freedoms boomers had with regards to secure employment and being able to afford homes
access to education is also obviously crucial, and better legislation around pre-hiring discrimination. in US it is illegal to outright ask a worker's age, disability, nationality, there should be similar protections for other biases which preclude certain classes from being considered in the hiring process. i do think in certain types of positions education should not be such a massive factor, when it is irrelevant to the skillset or knowledge base required, particularly for meager pay.
base minimum wage feels like such a small symptom of many larger problems
No. 812474
File: 1621629991800.jpg (Spoiler Image,461.64 KB, 1024x1281, gamersareopressed.jpg)

I don't care about video game censorship at all. I genuinely feel like the only people who would care are porn addicts tbh, especially when they go on to say how a videogame censoring panties of a character that's 10 years old is the same as homophobic countries censoring the existence of gay people
No. 812484
>>812433I was married once and it lasted an embarrassingly short time, I would never again. Last guy I dated was in the same boat. No desire to ever remarry. For divorced people I get it. I had such a fairytale idea of 'forever love' and there's nothing like an 18 month marriage to shatter that lol
I've heard of couples being together for 15 years and when they finally marry that weirdly becomes the beginning of the end for them? Interesting
No. 812592
>>812579In the past when woman HAD to abandon any career she possibly thought of and become a housewife, sure, but nowadays?
>>812560I can see this point; and I can totally see how getting married as this entire ritual - the vows, the outfits, the atmosphere, even the signing the documents part - could have a charm for many people; and they'd like to do this official acknowledgement of a relationship for the sake of tradition and I suppose celebrating the relationship in that way too; but then I guess other than honoring the tradition it doesn't really serve that much of any other purpose really, as you've said
> it won't affect how much they love each other, negatively or positively No. 812611
>>812596No man with a brain and no ulterior motives would settle for a single mother.
It is basically guaranteed that they end up with some loser creep.
No. 812613
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>>812611You sure about that anon?
No. 812626
>>812611>settleKek, as if. Women need to realize that they're all automatic upgrades to men, no exceptions. A rich, handsome straight man with no wife or girlfriend to speak of is an automatic loser in life, no matter what. He's either a little boy still doing the playboy route or a sad, lonely old fuck. Even his colleague with a 40 year old wife who was a single mom is in a comparatively higher position.
He knows it, too, and will probably commit suicide if he can't find a woman who will be by his side long-term.
Fortunately for him and other men, there are tons of idiotic female simps and self-hating women who don't realize that what they have to offer is worth more than money.
No. 812635
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Fuck yall black pudding is delicious
No. 812668
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My friends used to enjoy complaining a lot about how white men fetishize Asian women and while I definitely see examples of it (not denying it happens), I always felt that non-white men fetishized Asian women way more. Whenever I've been hit on for my race or openly fetishized in public it's never been by a white guy. I never knew what to say when my friends would go on these long rants about how they'll never date a white guy again because they're afraid of being fetishized when men of other ethnicities are also really fetishistic of Asian women. I mean I wouldn't feel safe or comfortable around any man, regardless of whether he was white or not, which is why I feel like the whole woke feminist "straight white men suck" dialogue is stupid because non-white men are equally as creepy, fetishistic, and weird (sometimes even moreso? at least in my experience). Obviously I never verbalize this because I don't want to come off like I'm defending white guys or something and I don't want to sound racist lol, but just because a man isn't white doesn't exclude him from all the other scrote-like qualities that make him a menace to women. and ironically, one of said friends who loved shitting on white men is dating a white man now so go figure.
No. 812774
>>812668 I'm not asian but i totally get what you mean. I think the main reason "woke" women specifically say "white" men is because if they single out or mention any other race they'll be seen as bitter and jealous by moc, especially if they themselves are
woc. It fucking sucks because sometimes it's our own men that are hurting us more than white men and we can't even acknowledge it.
No. 812825
>>812368Yes. Inflation hurts poor people the most. The rich are just happy bathing in more dollars.
>>812424My question is, how much have those social services helped lower income individuals? From my research, the majority of people who benefit from these services are middle class, about 2 times more of the funds put towards the middle class. And what about the people who can't land jobs despite consistently looking and applying? Are they just shit out of luck until they find something?
No. 812878
>>812876i sort of agree with this, and i also think it's just unproductive and that the people who believe in this are usually not actually caring at all about the children but actually in it for other political reasons, like blaming the left or the right. saying the dems are all pedos or vice versa because i swear, i don't not believe there isn't terrible things going on, people in power always abuse it, but we all knew a creep teacher or a creep pedo neighbour as children and a lot of children got molested and hurt by people who weren't some famous person in power and nothing is done about that at all. it all feels fake. i'm not sure if i'm explaining it right, but i mean, it's not some secret thing that the public doesn't know about. it doesn't just happen in rich, grand places, it happens in small neighbourhoods just as well and everyone knows it, just turns a blind eye to it.
No. 812923
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>>812635Hogs pudding is better
>>812876While I agree that being obsessed with theories isn't healthy and is probably a sign of disturbed functioning, it's becoming increasingly clear that something is going on. As someone that lives in the UK all the signs are there. Dead politicians being outed as pedos, Jimmy Saville and the BBC which Jill Dando was killed to protect, quarter of million children go missing from the care of social services every year and nobody does anything, Labour being implicated in Muslim child rape gangs all over the country, care home abuse in Islington which involved police officers and much more. It's getting to the point that it's becoming difficult to deny.
No. 813030
>>812957None of this makes sense to me. You are filtering for men who think their part of the deal in a relationship is paying for everything and showering you with gifts, and in return they get sex,
… which is fine if you want that, but no this won't get you a man who actually cares about, this will get you a man who thinks of you as his personal prostitute.
And besides, actual high value men are by definition in high demand, so make yourself the possible worst version of a gold digger and see how long they say around.
The only one true real way to filter men, that has always worked and will always work, and that will get you somebody who actually cares about you, is to not have sex with them immediately, and make sure they aren't getting any on the side either.
No. 813055
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>>813030Anon, a guy who simps for you automatically wants to buy you things. Not to brag but I’m “popular” with men (barfff) by virtue of being light skin, skinny and asian, and this has been the case 100% of times. I never even let them know sex or relationship is ever on the table. Needless to say all the het relationships I’ve been in, men had no qualms paying. Yes I only talk to men I’m attracted to. To say that women have to choose between to men who pay and men they like is FUDing. I understand that conventional attractiveness is a privilege that gives some women more freedom to be choosey. But At the core, men know they are the ones hardwired to compete with other men for mates and they automatically offer devotion, money, and “personality” to win women they truly like. You notice men are extremely susceptible to oneitis? He’d never ask to split the bill with her. From my observation, these women aren’t necessarily stacy in terms of looks but they managed to make a scrote feel some type of way and that’s what men are addicted to. It’s a fine line, men want to feel special but they don’t want you easy to please aka accessible.
Fuck, even broke college dudes want to buy me games and useless otaku merch, being poor has never deterred them from simping on women, they willfully offer up whatever pittance they can. Assuming we’re talking about adult dating where men have jobs, if he wants to be a stingy fucker, it absolutely means he’s not that into you and he will upgrade. Simple as that.
No. 813066
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I hat how rich people always chose to live in the most boring-ass 'modern' cube houses. I understand wanting a large house, but the interior is always just the most generic stuff. You have access to millions of dollars and you chose to live in the most uninspired house I've ever seen
No. 813083
>>812774>sometimes it's our own men that are hurting us Ugh so true
nonnie. Can't speak for other races, but most Asian men I've known have stupid expectations for women and have really fragile masculinity that I just can't put up with. Can't point that out to my friends though because only white men are big bad apparently. This is why I don't date.
No. 813227
>>812555kek I kinda like invader zim but not the tumblr fandom. parts of it are unfunny or gross but it's within a context of goth/emo/scene/whatever culture, iirc the creator was a goth and also he's kinda dumb. I don't like everything but it has its own charm and incompetent alien vs incompetent conspiracy theorist is a funny premise. really fucking shameful that the tumblr kids got a hold of it and
that the movie happened which I personally think had a dull and tamed energy compared to the edgy show but I see why people don't like it overall. maybe for me it's nostalgia fueling this
No. 813274
>>813262I think it is just a different culture. This sort of dating you are talking about does not really happen here.
Usually relationships start out as friends. Like you meet a guy and you start hanging out, but nothing really happens for months, sometimes even years. Then eventually something happens. By the time something happens this sort of play of who pays for what is irrelevant as you're already very close to the person.
If I understand correctly you Americans somehow go about dating complete strangers? That is very weird to me. No wonder you have to be very cautious.
No. 813282
>>813262Yes, I'm glad you get it. Too many scrotes lead woman on which is why it's necessary to have these standards in the first place.
>>813274Do relationships like that even work out? Normally you should know if you want to date someone within weeks of knowing them. Waiting months or years before doing so just makes it seem like they couldn't find anyone else so they choose to date you instead.
No. 813630
>>813626Srtaight shota is just straight up some kind of "I wish mommy raped me" disturbing shit.
The "mommy gf" types that want gentle fem"dom" are also cringe, because they just want a woman to lick their ass clean, but still do the same selfish scrote-shit outside the bedroom. Also you can't be a balding 30 year old bearded man in an oversized hoodie and demand anyone call you "cute", for "gender equality".
No. 813671
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I couldn't give less of a shit about blackheads. I genuinely can't imagine a person being insecure about their blackheads unless it was pointed out and they were told that it was bad. It's another manufactured insecurity created by the makeup and beauty industry to sell more products
No. 813824
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Lesbian expectations: we love women more than men
Lesbian reality:
No. 813827
>>813824I am bibbut I cannot stand it when a straight woman or a man would announce that they are lesbian/gay now everytime they break up, just to always end up dating the opposite sex everytime.
My ex friend used to be like that; she would date a guy, a week or two later she complains about him, then breaks up and says that she's a lesbian now, just to find another guy few months later.
No. 814409
>>814395I've seen men weirdly simp over women who collect thousands of pokemon toys. What a catch, look at that cool plushie collection! I want a gf like that! But if it's sanrio plush that gets shit on lol
Nintendo plush good, marvel plush good, other plush bad. You have to share the exact same interests as men or they sulk basically.
No. 814498
I don't hate Americans
Americans, in my opinion, aren't inherently bad but if you see most of their problems it just stems from brainwashing from greedy corporations or imposed things that people get taught
Americans are fat because they aren't taught portion control and their food is constantly poisoned with shit because people rather just give Americans a million health problems to keep them addicted to junk food than to chill out with all the unnecessary sugar. It sucks because the once a week treats most people enjoyed as children are now every day type stuff and things like snack cakes, soda, juice and even milk is overloaded with sugar to the point where it completely ruins my taste for the treat, same with the amount of salt in soda, chips, and even "healthy" snaçks like nuts.
Consumerism is shoved down Americans throat even by their own family. They'll be completely broke but they'll "have" to go to the casino for their 21st birthday and spend 200 dollars, they'll "have" to go on that summer vacation to Cancun or Bahamas while making 10/hr at the coffee shop, they'll "have" to spend like 900 a month on beauty treatments like Mani pedis, eyebrow waxing, hair treatments, etc because "that's just part of being a woman". Because no one teaches them about budgeting and their family and the media usually let's it happen
Americans are the worst attention whores as well, even worst than east asians or south Americans I have to say too and 9/10 of them are extremely mentally ill and actually seem to like being mentally ill because of either aesthetic or they can get away with being a shit head and of course everyone else eggs it on
No. 814514
>>814508I know anytime I speak about this the "this doesn't happen, I don't see this" anons will take on but here it goes
Americans have a huge issue with romanticizing obesity. From everything to the porn world to people in the booneys to the rural south telling women to eat more barbeque pork chop "to get some meat on them bones, more cushion for the pushin'" when the girl is already like 140 lbs and 5'2. Every single fat fetish person like hungry fat girl and all those gross channels are all American and every single person that eggs it on is American. Plus size models are extremely normal, Tess Holliday is seen as hot, people calling every woman that's obese "thicc" even if they aren't portioned to be curvy for their size, novels written by and for fat women about some hunk that loves them for their hamplanetness. You can even see it with anons here "haha chubby girls are so cute I didn't mean it like that though, I prefer chubby girls!", People who date skinny or athletic girls and make them gain weight because they want them to be thick
>Inb4 personal preferences don't matterIt is when it's such a large group, every single thing, you, I and everyone else has an effect on society, if even one or two guys decide fat girls are better do you have any idea how many women will just trash their bodies for that? On top of that in some areas fat girls are becoming the ideal for a lot of people. Anyone who denies that Americans have been idealizing fat girls is either blind or retarded
I also know this is cope, instead of getting healthy they rather just brainwash men into liking fat bodies since it's easier than losing weight since men are so fucking stupid and easily brainwashed and no one can deny that
Just like that magazine from the 80s predicted
No. 814525
>>814504That's really the thing though, the weird part is that now countermovements appear here in the East before the actual movement arrives. When americans were very much into marketing fitness and abs, there was already (and still is) a big bodyposi-movement about how insufferable and predatory fitness/fit people are, even though most of the population never set their foot in a gym and weren't pressured to. Now we already have heavy anti-trans/gender sentiments, even though we don't really have that many known trans people or any self-ID bullshit, it's purely reactionary to american discourse.
And I don't support gender self-ID, but the same people that will point out "why does anyone criticize the trans movement, we barely even have trans people or trans rights" will call you hateful if you ask why does Eastern Europe need to care about BLM.
No. 814536
>>814534>>814514samefag but
> You can even see it with anons here "haha chubby girls are so cute I didn't mean it like that though, I prefer chubby girls!"first of all chubby =\= obese, second of all, these is lolcow. half the users here are anachans, former anachans or have another eating disorder. “chubby” in lolcow speak means “not emaciated”. every cow posted to this board gets accused of being fat, having a fridge waist or both.
No. 814537
>>814534Stop taking my words out of context I just used her as an example, not saying she reigned supreme in america
Anyway plus sized models ARE the norm now. Like when's the last time you walked through the mall? Every single big name clothing brand has a big plus sized section and uses plus sized models and there are always at least 2-3 plus sized clothing stores in most malls as if most places weren't already selling plus sized clothes
No. 814546
>>814533Anon it's 2021, most people broadcast their entire life on social media, hell most universities, companies, etc even post on social media
>Date normal sized girls anywayOh ffs can't we at least talk about the obesity romanticizing problem? It may not be super common but if we're allowed to call out the tiny group on myproana of men who want to fuck anorexic girls without getting shut down then why can't we talk about the widespread problem of everyday men who specifically for for fat girls and encourage their girlfriend to gain weight?
No. 814547
>>814537This is just incorrect, when stores have plus size models, they’re still no where near Tess holiday levels, and the only plus exclusive mall stores that exist are Torrid and Lane Bryant. If we really glorified fatness that much, stores like Brandy Melville wouldn’t exist
>>814539my point is lolcow has different standards for what is considered “chubby”, so using lolcow as proof that fatness is idealized in America is stupid.
No. 814562
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>>814554>Mainstream pornOkay anon apparently bbw doesn't exist
No. 814563
>>814550Americans probably have a skewed idea of what fat is in that they judge overweight people as healthy. Farmers probably have a skewed idea of what fat is in that they judge normal BMI people as fat.
Can we just agree that the BMI scale is the most objective measure we have of what is considered healthy and what isn't? It's not perfect but at least it's not influenced by what people think is hot.
No. 814585
>>814573please tell me how the american south has influenced the entire united states' perception of the female body, convincing everyone that obesity is the only way you can be beautiful
>>814581>certain areaslol at how this has devolved into "but my feelings!!!!"
No. 814589
>>814585Most Americans are rural so it's pretty fair to say that they have a lot of influence
>>814588>You said Tess Holliday was a goddessNope, already explained myself, you're just picking at straws now to keep this going
No. 814592
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>>814589>most Americans are rural rural areas are sparsely populated….
No. 814596
>>814592Okay, unlike you I can admit I did a mistake
Either way, lots of places in urban areas also fetishize obesity
No. 814614
>>814599Most stores like forever 21 will sell body posi stores and most singers are extremely body posi and get praised for it. Body posi accounts have millions of followers too. Wouldn't call that a "small internet niche"
Diet and fitness is a thing because we live in a country of millions of people with different view points, even if half of people or 75% of people decided that being fat was good and that diet and fitness is a waste then the 25% would still make it several billion. That being said a lot of body posi people admit to using diet and fitness stuff in the past and giving up to be fat. Lizzie for example and her juice cleanse, she's still fat and praises herself for it but she still spends money on that so you don't have much of a point
No. 814628
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>>814622Like some pacific countries that do cheap labor and are fed a bunch of calorie dense canned foods shipped from overseas.
No. 814640
>>814614In the grand scheme of things, yes, it’s a small internet niche. The diet and fitness industry is much older, it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. There are fitness gurus out there with several million followers, as well as health conscious chefs and personal trainers. it’s not like body positivity accounts are thriving while all fitness models struggle in squalor.
Companies use body positivity as a marketing tool because it sells well. It makes people feel like they’re inclusive and woke. That doesn’t change that most women struggle with some form of body dysmorphia and are unhappy with their weight.
> even if half of people or 75% of people decided that being fat was good and that diet and fitness is a waste then the 25% would still make it several billion.You have no understanding of statistics or numbers. 75% of the entire world idealizes fatness? All of China is going to become #bodyposi overnight?
No. 814654
>>814646You sound like a person who still lives with their parents and never had to do their own shopping and their own meals tbh. It's significantly cheaper to buy a pre-made full meal than to buy every ingredient this meal consists of. Additionally, poor people often work some shitty tiring jobs and even in case of the prices of fast food and ingredients being equal, it's better for them to go for a fast food because they wouldn't have to cook for entire family, I suppose this is very often an important factor.
Last thing, actual healthy, eco food is actually pretty expensive; only seasonal things can be bought for cheap for a very limited time.
No. 814662
>>814646you live in a place where things including food is more affordable but there are still other countries or cities where that isnt the case.
I have lived in places where fruits and veggies were expensive and people would mostly live off potatos,rice,stew,meat and bread.
No. 814671
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>>814663Here I come, village life
No. 814678
>>814654>You sound like a person who still lives with their parents and never had to do their own shopping and their own meals tbhHow do you come to that conclusion when I have given you examples. TV dinners/fast food/prepackaged food are expensive as shit and don't last more than one meal. Give me examples of "premade meals" that are less expensive than chicken + vegetable + rice/beans or eggs + oats (all these which will last for several meals as well).
>>814662So there are places where meat is more expensive than veggies, either frozen, fresh, or canned?
No. 814679
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Fuck cottagecore lesbians let's go full villagecore lesbian
Who wants a ride?
No. 814706
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Lolcow has become /cgl/-tier in terms of anons responding to bait. I don't know what has been going on with anons in the past week, but I'm starting to think it's a scrote invasion
No. 814803
>>814792I liked the Sonic cartoon as a kid, even though I didn't even play the Sega games. I really don't get why
this was the franchise that pulled in so many degenerates drawing human-toiler porn and pregnancy-scat-whatever.
No. 814987
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I’m so sorry if I offend some anons but my god, some women don’t look good in makeup and I’m not saying that to be mean at all they just look like a weird oiled up greasy pig and it always seems to look very bad on lighter skinned individuals unless they’re very good at skin-matching their foundation. A lot of makeup trends mimic sextoy faces, the overdrawn lips, cheap eyelashes, it’s like taking a shit on your face. Why would you do this to yourself?
No. 815010
>>814989>preserved with a lot of fillers like salt and sugarCanned beans do not have sugar, and they still have way less salt and sugar than junk food. Dried beans are also way less expensive than canned beans.
A primarily plant based diet is actually extremely cheap and the best thing you can do for your body. It does wonders for your health and energy. It does take a bit more time to cook, but no more than 3-4 hours a week if you batch cook.
Sugar addiction is a real addiction, and without proper nutrition education and access to inexpensive grocery stores (Aldi, Lidl, even some local markets), people are going to continue eating fast foods loaded with sugar and preservatives. Those companies try to make their foods as addicting as possible so you keep coming back for more.
No. 815014
>>814941I usually assume that they have tried all they could to remedy the situation but didn't work so they cutting their loses. I can forgive someone cutting out their relationships by half over their studies though- in theory studying for something has a end goal unlike a relationship, so not something one should prolong unless they want to. Hell if they don't want to put in the work to make the bond work or it has turn
abusive or
toxic maybe it is a good sign to jump ship.
No. 815021
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>>814987The honest truth is that nobody looks good in makeup in real life, anon. Makeup looks good exclusively in photographs and on film. It's sort of engineered to look good specifically in those settings. When you're going about day-to-day life and you see a person wearing makeup, it always looks exactly as you described, like they have a weird face that's either crusty or covered in grease and they drew on it with dirty markers. Other than insecurity, I'm honestly not sure why anyone continues to wear it at this point.
No. 815028
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>>815010I literally don’t care, eating beans every day isn’t nutritious, why do poor people always have to get the scraps? Why do eurofags not understand that it’s a bit more complicated then “hur durr it cheap” and that cheap fruits at the market are because of mass yield of veggies which equals shit quality. Tell me you had a Walmart tomato and then tell me it’s very good before then they go extremely bad in a few days. It’s about the experience anon, not every poorfag wants to devour beans for the rest of their life that’s harsh punishment. Riddle me this, why dis nigga eatin beans at the movie theatre?
No. 815032
>>815028>It’s about the experience anon, not every poorfag wants to devour beans for the rest of their life that’s harsh punishment.tbh I get it. I'm not poor or overweight but I know that when I don't feel great, the last thing I want is fucking beans and veggies. And if I was either of those things I would definitely not be feeling great much of the time and I would gravitate towards the temporary gratification of junk food.
People are fat because they don't prioritize not being fat, for whatever reason. As long as they can admit that (rather than making excuses like muh genetics etc), I can't really be mad at them.
No. 815037
>>815032I eat meat everyday and I'm pretty poor.
The only reason I can afford to is because I cook myself instead of buying fast food.
A burger and fries from Burgerking costs 8€ and it is only one meal.
With 8€ I can buy a week's worth of meat.
No. 815038
>>815028Beans aren't just for poor people, though. And no one said you have to eat beans every night. There's also rice, pasta, tofu, lentils, chickpeas, etc, which are all pretty cheap. Also non vegan options are ground turkey and family packs of chicken breast.
These kinds of foods are bland if you believe them to be. But add dried herbs, spices, aromatics, and other veggies and you have a delicious, cheap, and healthy meal.
Also, I'm also a burgerfag who isn't poor. I eat the above completely by choice. I don't want processed salts, sugars, and other crap in my body. Healthy eating and avoiding sugar have so many short- and long-term benefits. I used to be addicted to sugar, and I hope I never get to that point again.
An unhealthy treat or meal is fine every once in a while, but as a society we should start "eating to live" rather than "living to eat"
No. 815042
>>815028Ntayrt but I tend to agree, I can imagine a lot of creative ways to cook beans but even I would get sick of eating them everyday. In the same vein of how I would have been miserable and bored eating grains and gruel designated for the poors hundreds of years ago.
It's just depressing and I really feel for people looking for tasty alternatives and escapes.
>>815038Rice and pasta are nutritionally devoid and won't help someone with weight issues. Will agree that lentils and chickpeas (both also legumes..) can add diversity but do take prep the same as tofu does in order to make tasty, assuming someone has cheap and reasonable access to tofu and meat alternatives.
No. 815048
>>815021It's like cosmetic surgery; the stuff you notice makes you think wtf but it's the stuff you don't notice that is good.
Having drag queen techniques go mainstream was the biggest mistake, but inevitable because it encourages the consumer to go through products like they're in a stage production every day.
It's also subconsciously a way to flex to people that you have the money to waste on several layers of bullshit on your face. Kind of like how Americans are obsessed with having terrifying ventriloquist dummy teeth, to show they can afford the dentist.
No. 815412
>>815279I make vent posts with images like that specifically to pre-empt the typical “fuck off BPD cunt” responses. It’s like, on one hand, I want to vent, but on the other, I feel retarded and defective with my emotional issues, and I fear that anons will make me feel like shit for it. It’s unpredictable whether anonymous people will sympathise or be harsh, and that makes me anxious.
On the other hand, it’s really predictable what kind of responses certain pictures will get (if any), and there’s a sort of security in that. If I put some stupid stereotypical Tumblr e-girl kawaii picture with my blogpost, it feels more like I’m making a mockery of my own thoughts and turning my own feelings into “bait”. It adds a level of detachment and irony to everything, and it means that any harsh, angry anons will immediately look kind of dumb to me if they respond like my post is fully “organic”. They’ll be like bots, reacting exactly how I imagined thanks to some picture I knew would only add to their irritation. They probably see me as a bot, too, posting the same NPC-tier images. No one really has to get hurt this way, it feels safer.