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No. 806718
Doing dumbfounding dumbassery daily
Drevious dhread:
>>>/ot/798772 No. 806722
File: 1621021261744.gif (640.63 KB, 360x183, Why.gif)

When I see stan acc justifying their questionable behaviour
No. 806765
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The semester is finally fucking over
Now what to do
No. 806770
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A special hello to the wonderful and beautiful farmer who is very cool, awesome, lovely and amazing
No. 806771
File: 1621024455657.gif (1003.45 KB, 500x335, 161550EA-754D-42C3-BB17-CE0B1F…)

>>806770For anyone wondering who she is, she’s
the farmer reading this of course! No. 806784
File: 1621025230298.jpeg (64.83 KB, 750x608, 0BB385E8-8C76-4D6A-98AA-D999F5…)

>>806779Did I actually get accused of being a fucking troon for NANA & “the girl reading this” posting? Is this what I get for not doing it in the positivity thread?
No. 806786
File: 1621025286186.jpg (389.2 KB, 1680x883, hero.jpg)

So America is getting it's own "eurovision" next year, reactions are mixed but I for one can't wait to see all the microagressions between liberal and conservative states as they compete
No. 806787
>>806784KEK this reply pic
>>806775 and happy to report I’m not a fucking troon either I’m so sick of unhinged troon hunters
No. 806788
File: 1621025336924.jpg (109.77 KB, 750x883, dump him.jpg)

>>806770Friendly reminder that Takumi is a disgusting whore, Hachi should have never touched him with a ten foot long pole, and he deserves the death penalty for existing. Fuck Takumi.
No. 806810
>>806798No I'm Eurofag too, I'm from West-Europe so I know countries like Germany, Spain, Sweden etc. pretty well, but then there's countries like Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia, Montenegro, Belarus.. Countries I know nothing about except for where they are on the map and idk I just find that fascinating and fun.
I completely forgot to watch Eurovision this year btw, is the finale tonight or tomorrow?
No. 806820
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I think that the best compliments that I ever got was after doing presentations (college or otherwise) and people would compliment my public speaking abilities or the presentation itself and/or say that I am naturally funny. It always bright my day.
No. 806833
>>806827That's awesome, I'm glad you got to relieve those happy memories reading my post!
Last presentation I did was in 2019, I hope I can get back to it once things normalize again here where I live.
No. 806834
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>>806829ACHSKCHUALLY pounds are a unit of mass not pressure
No. 806836
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I'm sick of working. I just wanna be a stay at home wife and do nothing but cook and clean while my husband is being the one being exploited by his company.
Free me from the claws of capitalism, sisters.
No. 806854
>>806786this will crash and burn, the States just don't have that extra awkwardness that makes the original Eurovision charming.
Sorry burgeranons
I'm actually not sorry No. 806872
File: 1621031014163.jpg (20.46 KB, 275x274, 1617107182991.jpg)

I kinda want to cut my hair really short, but I'm scared I won't like it and have to suffer for a while till it grows back
No. 806905
>>806896I had short hair before, when I was like 10 and a tomboy and wasn't so self concious
I'm guess I'm just desparate for some kind of change
No. 806975
>>806956all this time i was like, why is this mask so impossible to breathe in, how are all these fatasses walking around just fine like this. then i discovered the costume mask i had from before the coof was like, extra extra thick cotton. so i bought a breathable chiffon one. and then the next week suddenly masks are over.
>>806836iktf, feminism was a mistake. like what can i do now, vote? why? i've cried like dozens of times at work. that girl you hated in high school? a 50 year old version of that is now your manager, have fun.
No. 806988
File: 1621042811056.jpeg (130.17 KB, 750x396, 6C06C90D-3A9E-4683-9FD1-CAB60F…)

if only I looked like this
instead I have a brown face, big nose, dispropportionated forehead, circles and prey asymetrical eyes
No. 806989
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i love transporting to different worlds
No. 807010
File: 1621044766470.png (399.88 KB, 484x560, 58be760adb9492a37ccbf557791faf…)

if only I looked like this
instead I have a brown face, big nose, dispropportionated forehead, circles and prey asymetrical eyes
No. 807035
File: 1621047507446.jpg (32.45 KB, 506x337, 1602085654505.jpg)

>>806988>>807010if only I looked like this
instead I have a brown face, big nose, dispropportionated forehead, circles and prey asymetrical eyes
No. 807049
File: 1621049690059.jpg (71.39 KB, 630x693, c5d29ce5045bf7e878d580500379bf…)

if only I looked like this
instead I have a brown face, big nose, dispropportionated forehead, circles and prey asymetrical eyes
No. 807056
File: 1621050707521.gif (134.97 KB, 150x150, gengar_xy_sprite_by_beavercop-…)

>>807010if only I looked like this
instead I have a brown face, big nose, dispropportionated forehead, circles and prey asymetrical eyes
No. 807058
File: 1621051100083.png (697.67 KB, 598x600, 53463625364562.png)

>>807010if only I looked like this
instead I have a brown face, big nose, dispropportionated forehead, circles and prey asymetrical eyes
No. 807067
File: 1621052362987.jpeg (144.88 KB, 828x428, 8753D657-F836-461B-BB79-E9EA02…)

i am cleaning out my phone pic library and why the fuck did I not do this years ago
this isn't even close to the amount i need to delete, this is just getting started
No. 807068
>>806820Wow me too!
I love performing, but I'm very shy
No. 807134
File: 1621070512282.gif (931.03 KB, 301x240, 1616076931345.gif)

i like my small boobs, no you don't understand, I unironically am in love with my small boobs
I'm "supposed" to have breast envy but I don't
my boobs look the cutest in a blouse and my chest is probably the best part of my body because it balances out the rest of my features so well
if I had big boobs I would just look hella chonky and not like I want
I can't lie and pretend I'm ugly when I'm not, god I love my diminutive boobies my heckin brreasterinos
I love my big boob women but I live being myself and none of us are superior to the other. peace
No. 807138
>>807134i love my boobs too anon
I wish our big boobed friends didn't have to go through the suffering of being sexualized for their boobs, I wish we could all just be happy with our natural food making stations!! Their purpose is so pure yet society corrupts them so much
No. 807143
File: 1621073818418.png (16.93 KB, 326x221, 1.png)

you know people always mention waifu/husbandofags/shippingfags when discussing fandom autists but ime people who obsessively hate specific characters/ships/etc (not just regular dislike or lack of interest) were way more autistic and were usually "no fun allowed" types who take things too seriously or the type to take things literally and treated fictional characters as if they were real people. They're always the ones typing angry giant, mega essays over the smallest things. The closest equivalent I see from waifu/husbandofags and shippers are analyzations which can at least be interesting at times. people who just like what they like seem at least a little self-aware about it and happier. (generally speaking, I know there's exceptions. mainly male waifufags)
pic isn't an extreme example but I thought it was funny. the more obvious examples are on the sites that start with T and even /m/ sometimes. now looking back on it, my own post looks autistic with all these words.
No. 807148
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My yesstyle order finally shipped
No. 807169
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>>806814Anon please make that Eurovision thread! I would do it myself but I have not kept up with Eurovision at all this year.
No. 807212
File: 1621082904422.jpg (152.96 KB, 1080x1081, ag28k.jpg)

>>807203based cringe
if clown shit be flying what does a handful of cat shit even matter anymore tbf
keep being you nya
No. 807235
>>807223As a person who is learning a language that doesn't have any pronouns, I still genuinely feel surprised that people make a huge deal out of it.
Sadly, my homecountry's teenagers (the ones who spend time on twitter for a long time, thinking that everything that's written in English is true etc) are trying to push the pronoun weirdness into my native language, which honestly sounds really silly and hilarious, because we've got only two pronouns, and when they try adding a "third" one it sounds terrible, out of place and ruins the sentence completely because it stops making any sense. Even worse is when I saw someone with "meow" pronouns.
No. 807248
File: 1621087282461.gif (1.77 MB, 500x371, 93E34D5D-5D14-4F0D-8764-C19DE1…)

>she emotionally manipulated boys online
i don’t think you can manipulate nature’s sociopaths at all but mkay
No. 807249
>>807235I've reached the point where I wouldn't mind if all languages just had one term that covered all living things and removed all the pronoun talk. I feel like the appeal of becoming a 'they' is probably that we have this weird underlying vibe where men are 'the default sex' and women are just men but with extra eyelashes and a dress and a habit of giggling at everything. You see caricatures of gender from a young age in media and it sticks around in the back of your mind. Those weird associations are hard to break. I kind of get why teens take those confused feelings and run wild with them.
I'm not too feminine and when someone in a store tells their kid to "watch out for the lady" I always have a moment where I'm like wait… am I the lady? The word doesn't feel like it applies to me at all.
No. 807298
>>807271go on
some people really are NPCs
No. 807308
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i wanna be like these rats in this picture
No. 807342
File: 1621098363725.png (229.83 KB, 680x450, dd0.png)

God I just remembered about that goals/self-improvement thread I wrote and I'm sure I did none of that shit
No. 807360
>>807249I feel ya. I'm bilingual and my other language only has one pronoun and it's gender neutral. I've always preferred it that way. I don't like that my sex is constantly brought into how people define me. I
love being a woman but I don't like the reminder that all people see about me is still my sex first and not things I had control over.
No. 807381
File: 1621102567687.jpg (49.11 KB, 496x305, 3.jpg)

>>807379It's so easy to zone out at a gas station late at night. I've had some of my most insightful conversations there.
No. 807417
>>807408I'm pretty sure I'm just some depressed undiagnosed tist but I had these feelings of 'being alien to this world' as a kid, thought I'd been sent here to maybe observe things for 20 years or so and return home again. I once destroyed all the photos that existed of me because they werent really me..
Are we talking about the same thing, probably not
No. 807453
>>807447Use this addon: for me.
Also thanks for using Firefox, based nonita.
We need more Firefox users.
No. 807466
>>807453United we stand,
nonny. I had to download Firefox after Chrome tried to blow my computer up. Safari also just lacks good add-ons/extensions.
No. 807548
>>807516This was beautiful I visualised it all and sounded the yodelling aloud
I love these snapshots into other people's lives
No. 807559
>>80755449 and I better
not see any doubles.
No. 807583
>>80757637 was being clingy and
nonnie, we have to move on.
No. 807600
>>807554AAAAAA I just realized I left one unlabeled…that's the one I deserve to be
No. 807640
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I'm tired of playing this normie game. I wanna be a freak again. I wanna do crazy shit and be the life of the party & paint my face like a clown in public and not give a fuck about what the other bitch-ass normies think about me because my best friends are also freaks.
No. 807697
>>807688She used to be a hilarious hypocrite about boobie streaming, looked down on others who did it, but called it "a social experiment" when she did it herself. It was really funny.
Nowadays people just scrutinize her tattoos, I don't see how that's milk and I stopped following that.
No. 807735
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what happened last night
>be mundane
>get comfy on shitty ass mattress
>closes eyes when very sleepy and brains pops up bizarre image with something spinning with legs
>paranoid searches demon with legs
>sees this disturbing image that makes my brain itchy
are demons visiting me at night? lol
No. 807769
>>807744I refuse to use the ones that are in my family's house. Same with Siri. Something about talking to a disembodied AI voice deeply unsettles me
Reminds me of when I was a kid and I'd swear my electronic toys were possessed cuz they'd randomly go off at night
No. 807814
>>807806Being that incompetent and dependant as an adult is a massive turn off, and wanting to control and monitor your partner at all times is scary and potentially
abusive. He needs to grow up and get a license, you need to stop being a creep.
No. 807815
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Haven’t looked at Naruto since I was 16. Decided to restart from beginning, fillers and all. Having so much fun binge watching with my best friend, even makes us cry sometimes. Wtf I love Naruto. Something about this dumb flawed shounen just hits different.
No. 807838
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Baby it hurts to see people with shittons of money and absolutely no aesthetic taste
No. 807859
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So i was passing my coworker at work, and she was saying stuff and laughing. I thought she was talking to me but i had no idea what she was saying, so i literally just forced laughter and pretended like i knew what she was saying.
Right after that i realized she was holding somwthing in her hand,, and i think it was her phone. I think she was talking into her phone which would make… So much more sense. Now i either look fucking stupid oemr just like an unhinged psycho. We passed later in after that and she gave me such a weird look. I literally cant stop cringing. FML someone fucking shoot me already
No. 807911
>>807550underrated reply
>>807838felt this way about the bag thread op kek
No. 807914
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i am unable to be mean online. i delete every rude post i make on here. earlier i roasted someone in ig comments over throwing "cringe" bricks from their glass house so bad that they changed their icon and bio. i felt so bad i went back and told them to have a nice day. i would never commit to such cuntery before the pandemic. i am out of control.
No. 807922
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sage for samefag but i really wonder if adventure time ever got some kids' parents worried about them making up fake words like no other. imagine making up some stupid word like your favorite tv show and your parents are thinking you might be showing beginning signs of schizophrenia
No. 808035
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I legit feel like Michael Sheen ages 5 times faster than any normal human being
No. 808043
>>808040I stopped shaving during my time on testosterone, watched the hair grow in, liked it. Eventually I left my retarded gender phase behind but kept the hair.
I still resent that I used to be able to go out in public all hairy legged without getting hassle, and now I can't. I can be hairy at home but need to cover when out. That's bs
No. 808068
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I bought the beach house on Nintendogs
No. 808112
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lalala you’re dumb as shit what do you do? post on here when I could be drawing or writing my story or summoning demons, anything a regular girl on a boring sunday could be doing
No. 808116
>>808112me too
nonnie i need to get stuff done but here i am eating chocolate and browsing
No. 808167
>>808158I unironically want this but I'm not retarded enough to go down the tulpa route
I wish I just had a friend to chat with me whilst I do chores or crafts. I have a live in boyfriend but he does his own thing unless we're actively spending time together
No. 808267
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This gif is epic. I hope you all agree.
No. 808288
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I’ve got an immense crush on someone overseas and I don’t have intention of stopping
No. 808295
>>808288Damn same except he's someone I see in passing every 2 weeks or so at work.
Anyway, gonna try writing erotica featuring us tonight.
No. 808318
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I swear I remember dad bod used to mean a completely different thing like a decade ago, it used to mean a physically fit build due to chores and moderate exercise but still having some slight excess fat due to the lower metabolism due to age and dad stuff, not perfect shape but not out of shape
now Dad bod is just polite way of saying middle aged fat ass
No. 808365
>>808348I mean I don't expect 99% of men to look like Chris Hemsworth, but they can alreast look try to like this
>>808318 its very doable for the average male
No. 808405
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I want the grub featured in this picture.
No. 808425
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Humans would look so much better if our hair had the same patterns and colours as guinea pig fur
No. 808452
File: 1621202365552.jpg (39.85 KB, 450x450, pompomposting.jpg)

I want a thread dedicated to pictures of people using computers and we can call it the "posting" thread.
>Also I've been reading lolcow in girltalk exclusively for about 3 years so a little while ago I started calling greentexting, redtexting and now I can't stop.
No. 808491
>>808476The best relationships are built on the foundations of friendship. I don't know how some people can have a bf but at the same time never trust them with the kind of stuff they tell their friends. Or do any of the same stuff with a bf as they would with a friend like gossip or spend non romantic time together.
Not to say that your bf can be your only close friend but jesus some people seem to have less attachment to their bf than they do with an acquaintance
No. 808513
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This is Paris Hilton’s fursona.
No. 808520
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>>808267love to see rotating food gifs
No. 808632
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I love the 'taste' of water so much. I understand being neutral about it but people who claim to dislike water confuse the hell out of me. It honestly makes me kinda mad at them.
No. 808651
>>808634the chad H2O appreciaters
>good skin>supple lips>energy to go get more delicious water>recognize that our body is 60% water and that's powerful>don't need unhealthy beverages like soda, unless they choose to indulge it for pure enjoyment>good vibes from a balanced lifestylethe virgin hydration haters
>bad skin>chapped lips>no energy except to complain about the taste of water>drink cuck alternatives like flavored water which can have high fructose corn syrup and acids>often addicted to some nasty incel beverage instead like diet coke or pepsi>bad vibes in general from being dehydrated as someone's driveway in arizonafacts
No. 808655
>>808652Sugar free power water is good
although I only drink them in specific situations. Plain ol water is always better tho
No. 808670
Though usually in my craze get very productive, start cleaning and cooking and shit. Though I'm with hypomania, so I actually get stuff properly done instead of starting new stuff every five minutes.
I'm on a lower dose of meds because the pharmacy/doctor fucked up with my prescription so I can't get them yet because it was the weekend and my doctor wasn't reachable and I was running out of the pills.
I've been up all night and writing my novella. Feeling good and riding the high, I hope I get my meds before I crash too bad. And I hope what I've been writing isn't too much of a garbled mess, kek.
No. 808678
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Yumejoshi is my newest favorite word.
No. 808683
File: 1621228553378.jpeg (89.62 KB, 1280x720, A3ADE358-8D18-4B39-9DEF-DC3F9E…)

In a completely non-bulimic way, I kind of like activating my gag reflex when I’m brushing my tongue. I never throw up when I do it, and I hate throwing up anyways. That always hurts and makes me cry. But for some reason I kind of look forward to the gagging when I’m brushing my teeth? It’s like getting on a rollercoaster and waiting for the drop. Somehow I think it’s thrilling.
No. 808684
File: 1621228656355.png (443.59 KB, 845x476, mmm.png)

i had french onion soup today. was really good.
No. 808685
File: 1621228998084.jpeg (529.39 KB, 2115x1418, 6B1BF97D-0581-483C-8A16-7C1B87…)

>>808684Raw onions by themselves are surprisingly really good. They have the texture of an apple with a unique sweetness.
No. 808704
>>808699Speak up next time, anon! If you're paying that much for nails, you should always make sure they're to your liking.
>kept going and saying stuff like “this is better” and I was so confused I do my own nails, and she was probably just being lazy. Doing a plain nail is a lot faster then doing any design, especially if you asked for an acrylic ombre. Nail techs know they will do nail designs that they may not personally like, so the whole "This is better" thing makes no sense.
No. 808737
>>808735Hi bpd fag, happy birthday!
Very cool you're not hurting yourself, we like our farmers unhurt.
No. 808776
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Saying hi to all my nonnies out there
No. 808832
File: 1621249286162.png (565.1 KB, 720x1021, Screenshot_20210517-160047.png)

The female seahorses lays the eggs and The male seahorse has a POUCH(think like a Kangroo) that he carries the eggs and later babies in so they don't get eaten by predators
No. 808866
File: 1621255091065.jpeg (233.35 KB, 704x694, 18DB2ECB-A098-4E1C-8EE3-E1F7F0…)

the spergiest weeb picture standoff is happening in the mtf thread and it’s making my brain wince
No. 808871
File: 1621255334158.jpg (368.75 KB, 1080x2041, 20210517_073705.jpg)

It's always funny when kiwifags pass their first undergrad psych course and sperg out like they're at the frontier of research. Capped half the post and sent to a few colleagues, they really have no fucking idea what they're talking about kek (and why does this bitch always italicize half the post? if ur going to pretend to be a cog neuroscientist at least write above a fifth grade level ty)
No. 808903
>>808719My dad cut ties with me without a reason and keeps in contact with my twin brother, so I'm definitely not the favorite.
Outsiders say that I was treated like shit, even my brother says so. It is kind of funny since I was "the easy child", straight A's, quiet and obedient.
Now that I think about it, it's probably the way I was treated that made me that way. No need to explain, I've been to therapy A LOT.
No. 808937
File: 1621258270670.jpg (Spoiler Image,110.35 KB, 1000x1000, BonerPlanterWhite.jpg)

I want to have home decor that celebrates my sexual orientation. I'm tired of being shamed by my family of not being a goddamn nun. Now that I live alone, I finally can express myself. Please post heterosexual ideas for home. Can be classy or quirky.
No. 808940
File: 1621258313908.jpeg (37.4 KB, 440x697, images (65).jpeg)

I used to really like seeing moids doing GNC shit; used to see it and think "hey, that's as dude that is very comfortable with whichever his sexuality is and doesn't care for other men's opinion, cool"
But now all I can think of is that he may eventually groom out, and it fucking terrifies me
No. 808958
>>808937Just buy a bunch of realistic dildos and leave them laying around the place
That way you have lots of dildos too, never more than an arms reach away from one, win
No. 808962
File: 1621258925167.jpg (Spoiler Image,866.79 KB, 1876x2000, 298077.jpg)

>>808937I think of framing this painting. Love the passion in it (spoiler just in case, IDK if we are supposed to art history nudity or not)
>>808952Thanks, where can I buy it and how big is it?
>>808958This is a must as well. I want to have both sex and romance to look around. I love being woman.
No. 808970
File: 1621259185363.jpg (197.06 KB, 2500x1781, 5f04b0a433aec.jpg)

>>808962randomly seen this on tumblr and unf, need me a strong man like this
No. 808983
File: 1621259655791.jpg (115.88 KB, 666x1000, JF5879-1000x1000.jpg)

>>808962Thoughts on this piece? Or are you looking for something more in your face?
No. 808985
File: 1621259694856.jpg (Spoiler Image,57.68 KB, 720x960, 1601935144031.jpg)

>>808937forgot the spoiler first time round
No. 809022
File: 1621261521873.jpg (Spoiler Image,754.79 KB, 2116x3136, r87B8qjU4KoiNwqGlYBOcweqTpMzef…)

>>808962That's rape and gross anon pick something consensual but with a hotter man than pic related which is only on my mind because another thread mentioned religious imagery
No. 809026
File: 1621261932030.jpg (83.2 KB, 704x807, impulsebuy.jpg)

I love when I go to aldi/lidl for my food shopping..thinking I'll save a bunch of money. Then I look at their random specials and I end up buying myself some stupid shit like a 17 euro pillow pet plushie just cause it's cute and it was there
No. 809074
File: 1621265151046.jpeg (84.85 KB, 750x555, 001890E3-F04A-4AE4-9CE9-823F7A…)

my mom is slowly turning into a muh bootstraps person and I should have known. she is now a capitalist enemy
No. 809075
>>809067Some of the bodily fluid/fetish shite that happens in dressing rooms is disturbing. There's also women who sell clips of themselves removing those sanitary guards from bikinis and underwear and smearing themselves on them..then putting the guard back on. That or fart porn made in a similar manner..and of course men pay for those clips.
The whole thing of wanting someones fluids on another person without their knowledge or consent.. pathetic what scrotes get off to
No. 809085
>>808983I love this! I'm a complete dumbass for forgetting this wonderful art. So joyful and romantic.
>>809022I was ignorant uwu. I like your art, but the man could be hotter, yeah…
>>809023I'm on a hunt now
No. 809093
>>809072Good choices! I love Kali. Will name the artists that I just listened while cleaning, because I'm too indecisive to make a bigger selection
Chloe x Halle, Rina Sawayama, Lexie Liu, Tei Shi, FKJ, Nathy Peluso
No. 809207
File: 1621276764794.png (1.15 MB, 1130x892, f9231f5205f184d6c17662b51d.png)

unlikely friendship
No. 809230
File: 1621277694054.jpg (17.66 KB, 474x315, 7d5a79a7afb55fe9f7b593a9465cc3…)

>>809214fuckin poetess of the century here.
No. 809244
File: 1621278861182.jpg (188.93 KB, 1118x2048, E0JgLqmWUAkBn7R.jpg)

>>809224HRT femboys are the future.
No. 809267
File: 1621280088273.jpg (835.58 KB, 1536x2048, ExhnzGjXAAMnekJ.jpg)

>>809262You need some sex hormone to function properly, but estrogen works for males just as much as for women.
No. 809274
>>809265Hormones artificially increase some chemicals in your body that in turn affect other chemicals in your brain.
Anyway I was going to find a source on wikipedia when I found this little tidbit
>Falling in love decreases men's testosterone levels while increasing women's testosterone levels. There has been speculation that these changes in testosterone result in the temporary reduction of differences in behavior between the sexes.[58] However, it is suggested that after the "honeymoon phase" ends—about four years into a relationship—this change in testosterone levels is no longer apparent.[58] Men who produce less testosterone are more likely to be in a relationship[59] or married,[60] and men who produce more testosterone are more likely to divorce.[60] Marriage or commitment could cause a decrease in testosterone levels.[61] No. 809280
File: 1621280792696.jpg (8.56 KB, 192x155, 54646.jpg)

>>809198Just an hour after posting this I was brushing my teeth and saw in the mirror a huge spider crawl over my shoulder and toward my head at the speed of light I'm going to burn myself to ashes
No. 809281
>>809277>To fall in love is the first step in pair formation in humans and is a com-plex process which only recently has become the object of neuroscientific investi-gation. The little information available in this field prompted us to measure thelevels of some pituitary, adrenal and gonadal hormones in a group of 24 subjects ofboth sexes who had recently (within the previous six months) fallen in love, and tocompare them with those of 24 subjects who were single or were part of a long-last-ing relationship. The following hormones were evaluated by means of standard tech-niques: FSH, LH, estradiol, progesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate(DHEAS), cortisol, testosterone and androstenedione.The results showed that estradiol, progesterone, DHEAS and androstenedionelevels did not differ between the groups and were within the normal ranges. Cortisollevels were significantly higher amongst those subjects who had recently fallen inlove, as compared with those who had not. FSH and testosterone levels were lowerin men in love, while women of the same group presented higher testosteronelevels. All hormonal differences were eliminated when the subjects were re-testedfrom 12 to 24 months later. The increased cortisol and low FSH levels are suggestiveof the ‘‘stressful’’ and arousing conditions associated with the initiation of a socialcontact. The changes of testosterone concentrations, which varied in oppositedirections in the two sexes, may reflect changes in behavioural and/or tempera-mental traits which have yet to be clarified. In conclusion, the findings of thepresent study would indicate that to fall in love provokes transient hormonal chan-ges some of which seem to be specific to each sex. No. 809294
File: 1621281503395.gif (6.2 KB, 220x161, 12991746-FF43-4DBA-B419-6AAAE3…)

really tired of looking at the millionth “muh big time crush rejected me time to hit the vent thread instead of brushing it off!” or the “my bf did (x) and” or the “my co-worker” or the i cant stand it i can’t stand it i can’t stand it i can’t stand it i can’t stand it the autism is starting to seep into my brain
No. 809306
File: 1621282116999.gif (570.88 KB, 800x800, 8Fpy5zgivfGA.gif)

Breakfast food is so fucking good. It's the best genre of food. I love eggs so much, but I never know what to make with them other than scrambled eggs or an omelette. egg salad is mediocre
No. 809326
>>809244>3d "femboy"groce
>>809294Anytime I try to vent about something else I either get ignored or accidentally cause a fight
No. 809336
File: 1621283384880.jpg (29.26 KB, 502x512, gayshit.jpg)

>>806718 >collecting plastic crap toysWhat's the issue
No. 809351
File: 1621284036171.jpg (621.08 KB, 1536x2048, Exu4F5EWgAM9UVq.jpg)

>>809278You like this one better?
No. 809395
File: 1621286090564.png (73.22 KB, 275x192, sadcat.png)

>>809386I would say stan accounts are braver than the troops trying to get me my fix, but even they have gone mostly dormant. It's a hard knock life out here,
No. 809435
>>809433Yeah, but like the video said, babies are often taken from the mother and put away somewhere else; in this method they actually put the babie on top of the mother after birth and naturally it moves itself and finds the nipple to latch on
Now I wonder if the ideal breastfeeding position is laying down, I also saw another video telling the early cues of feeding time is babies touching their faces, their mouth, salivating, and stretching, then they cry, so if I ever had a baby I would immediately look for those cues so they don't have to cry and feel secure
No. 809437
File: 1621289097415.png (4.64 KB, 196x196, bunny.png)

>see a woman talk about her body hair
>'I let all my hair grow and let it go wild lol'
>it's just a little bit of thin armpit hair
>little to no visible hair on arms or face
>you MIGHT see a shot of some stubble of leg hair
>posing in a heavily sexualised way
>unibrow since I was a toddler
>thick and coarse body hair all over the body
>hairy upper lip and peach fuzz all over my face
Get on my level, scrub
No. 809440
File: 1621289506567.jpg (69.73 KB, 512x640, 5f9612160337205c406484e8f680b3…)

I miss running. I wish I could do it on a treadmill, in front of a big window, cause fuck dealing with moids and the weather outside.
No. 809454
>>809244He looks like a gay guy who hates women, kek.
Also his dick is probably sadly shriveled. If HRT could preserve young attractive guys without side effects or the gender delusion, maybe it wouldn't be a big deal.
No. 809506
File: 1621296456445.gif (109.99 KB, 320x426, JBrGej.gif)

>>809499that fucker fell into your goddam towel!!
No. 809587
File: 1621304919928.jpg (404.6 KB, 1752x1452, 8f5164a8h9w21.jpg)

I'm becoming nostalgic for this period of time… which is strange, because when this was the norm I still acted like I hated "modern stuff" and any popular music/fashion/media/pop culture, as if me and my Tumblr friends were just ~too indie~ for it all, even though I actively participated in it. Lol. I was nostalgic for the 2000s back then, if you'd asked me then I'd never thought I'd be nostalgic for the early 2010s. I guess the late 2010s felt so bland and dreary in comparison but I'll probably be nostalgic for that in 5 years when things get even more bland and dreary.
No. 809589
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No. 809600
File: 1621306900808.jpeg (79.29 KB, 750x273, 31E5A5A7-9CA7-45F9-9700-BFD640…)

i found this weird caption in a pinterest post kek
No. 809627
File: 1621310727655.png (39.77 KB, 300x249, 0AAA9C98-23DE-4BF8-818C-7D420F…)

some of y'all too horny
No. 809633
File: 1621311561231.jpg (494.21 KB, 1400x919, Florentine-pizza-LGH-2cc73fa2-…)

>>809321That sounds amazing anon! I also like having a light breakfast, but for me that's usually just avocado and egg. I'm a southern girl so I
have to cook mine in butter lol.
It's 12 am where I am, so this isn't breakfast, but I'm currently eating a fried egg on pizza. So good.
No. 809642
File: 1621314928579.jpeg (582.87 KB, 1125x1808, C4002BF7-204B-4D12-A76C-31F794…)

my first thought was "good, people need to get off discord" kek am I a bad person
No. 809643
>>809640I love that nonnette because she goes to the thread, leave a couple of horny comments (or a really special, long one), disappears and then reappears only the hornypost again. At least those are the only posts I can clock kek
Not the hero we need, but the one we deserve
No. 809644
>>809642Some people genuinely use it for school now, discord is not just nazi furries and gamers anymore.
Sidenote, my eyes genuinely feel pain when seeing the new blue. Why in the fuck didn't they check on with ANYONE with visual impairments? I only have astigmatism and physically cringe with that blue takes up more than a small icon on my screen.
No. 809648
>>809647I haven't updated my app yet so I still have the old color.
If you update the app, it'll switch to the new color. they also changed the color on their reddit, twitter, etc
No. 809728
File: 1621332642216.jpg (1.02 MB, 3464x3464, PicsArt_04-27-07.18.51.jpg)

>>809725Go tell him he looks like a big mouth character
No. 809777
>>809761When I got with my last bf he was still getting angry texts from his ex.. I shoud've taken that as my clue that this guy jumps from one relationship to the next too soon. Fast forward a few years..things went downhill with us. This dragged on for too long but he broke up with me once he had a new woman in waiting. Given that we'd been on a slow decline.. I didn't take it badly. But he then got real petty and bragged about me being single while he immediately had someone new…dude you're a cheater. Your new gf is the product of you cheating on someone. You're scared to be single for even 5 mins and you'll cheat and screw people over in order to avoid that. Where's the brag?
That's the saddest thing to me, men who'll stay with one woman until they can line up the next. Tbh we should've broken up way sooner and both taken a break to clear our heads from it. That'd mean being single for a while tho…can't have that?? I often wonder what his family thought. He went from one live-in partner to another overnight. He had a son stuck being moved around through all this too.
No. 809788
>>809777Ugh, yeah I've had that happen. Was sleeping with someone else for 2 weeks before calling it off. Should have been able to tell how long he had been casually sleeping with his ex after their breakup, when he would had me lined up.
Honestly, even being a single parent now with no child support is better than living with a man. Being single and childless must be a dream life.
No. 809818
>>809788>Being single and childless must be a dream lifeMy kneejerk reaction to this was that yeah I'm living the dream life, but I live with my boyfriend, albeit in that cliche old married couple way. For a second I really believed I live alone, I can't tell if I need Alzheimer's treatment or a relationship counselor
Anyway imo you're going to be a really good influence on your kid, I think a lot of women feel like they need to be in relationships just because they saw their mothers hold together unhappy relationships, they never got to see the option of their parents thriving independently but that's getting better now that the myth of staying together for the kids is disappearing. I wish you the best whatever life has to offer you!
No. 809927
File: 1621357642596.jpg (448.42 KB, 1227x1073, happycheetah.jpg)

i only got 3 hours of sleep yet feel more wide awake than ever i can't remember the last time i had this much energy
No. 809945
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>>809933And as a lesbo I'd blow it all on dildos. Only the finest of silicone cocks and bejeweled vibrators
No. 809971
File: 1621360832582.gif (6.02 MB, 540x385, Tumblr_l_45645465577534.gif)

Everybody shut the fuck up and discuss tiddies on men
No. 809975
>>809971Didn't care much about them before but I've been converted.
Tiddies > abs
No. 810049
>>809971ok, but don't expect any cerebral discussion. I look at that physique and my brain goes to mush.
Here's my contribution:
It hot, me horny
No. 810067
File: 1621367863834.jpeg (73.91 KB, 750x750, CBD8296D-1069-47A8-B073-DB1B57…)

POV: rich asian girl in high school obsessed with blonde ed sheerans getting ready to call me a stinky n-word
No. 810073
>>810067hi vendetta-chan
>>810068nta but what are you talking about? her reply was two sentences, hardly a tl;dr butthurt rant
No. 810095
>>810022It's true and I for one am sick of it
But also I know some anons enjoy infighting so maybe they're genuinely pretending to be retarded we will never know
No. 810096
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>>810067>>810077She nothing wrong and also it was fake. The acct is a white man larping.
No. 810098
>>810022>Users here are so easy to bait, even if done unintentionally.Yes. I think there's just a lot of really young users that are naive.
Or maybe a lot of autists who don't realize that you don't have to respond to everything. It seems especially easy on LC to troll though.
No. 810111
File: 1621371435488.jpg (47.13 KB, 700x705, c42f980c011c6591f9fa5d9cad6a27…)

Why is it so hard for me to imagine shit with a first person pov
Whenever I imagine myself in situations, it's almost always in third person but I feel like if I managed to do it in first person it would be more immersive
No. 810116
File: 1621371949070.jpg (17.28 KB, 274x274, 20210518_160422.jpg)

>>810067POV: rich latino girl in elementary school obsessed with mayonnaise inbreds getting ready to call me a chink
The way some of you are obsessed with black people, please seek a counseling psychologist.
No. 810119
File: 1621372931655.gif (624.43 KB, 512x512, 6.gif)

>pronounfags in the astrology thread
p o t t e r y
it's the exact type of people who'd be into that anyway lmao
No. 810122
File: 1621373223305.jpg (10.45 KB, 242x251, 1613674349857.jpg)

I wonder what this girl in picrel is doing now. I know the guy was dead before the pasta even debuted. I also wonder if the people who wrote some of the iconics pastas feel a sense of pride.
No. 810125
>>810119Not into astrology, not into pronouns, just anti-shaming people into behaving your way.
If your way is right for them, people will approach it without you shaming them into it.
No. 810139
>>810127I've been here since forever, newfag.
Gossip is eternal, ideology is transient.
No. 810141
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let’s just cut the bullshit I’m waiting so long for the eula banner to release in NA server and it’s taking so damn long
No. 810155
>>810147Haha, but seriously Lolcow has developed an identity crisis that will shape the future of this site.
Is this a gossip site or a gc circlejerk?
I know which one I want. And I know which one is the winning choice.
No. 810168
File: 1621376728250.png (76.22 KB, 360x640, 3B870125-08A6-4527-A9CD-C6D6B5…)

Thoughts, anons?
No. 810176
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>>810168When I first scrolled past I thought this was a model of a nematode. Reminds me of fluorescence microscopy they do in lab with them, picrel.
No. 810221
File: 1621380857601.jpg (185.85 KB, 1002x1444, 5469a26633bc0be1ce139a7da50388…)

>working abroad for the first time
>met a male housemate living next to you
>he says hi and smiles
>the same evening you play blackpilled feminist podcasts like black obsidian and sekhmet she owl
>males are retarded females and their dna is incomplete and society is collapsing and it's a good thing and shit
>the walls are pretty thin so he can definitely hear it, just like you can hear his dumb podcasts
>the next day he looks at you weird, doesn't smile and doesn't speak anymore
>mission accomplished
No. 810339
File: 1621399785285.jpg (47.98 KB, 800x800, 1611812768983.jpg)

what if aliens landed on earth, and we were all scared, but then they thought we were adorable and everything worked out fine
No. 810356
>>810351That's fucking sad, I remember that too. Maybe someone ended that whale's suffering and made it into japanese food
>whalecommunicatevery cute lol
No. 810454
File: 1621418355137.jpg (Spoiler Image,214.49 KB, 1170x1149, Tumblr_l_612274359152724.jpg) looking at these comments there's no way you can tell me most scrotes aren't lowkey faggy. Tbh i feel like most of them are somewhat bisexual, it's all in the coom brain
No. 810512
File: 1621423199128.gif (366.78 KB, 231x320, 158057335343.gif)

>>808651Ahahaha. Jokes on you,
nonnie. I only drink "aguas frescas"
No. 810515
>>810492I'm sorry but as someone that loves a strong masculine hand, see light blue polish is horribly off putting. Polish looks nice on women because it tapers the finger and women tend to accessorise correctly.
>>810493I hate black nail polish and guy liner etc too, but the person that inspired the OP was Matt King. I usually like his big tall frame and nice hands but it was jarring to see his nails painted. I know his manger is living with a musician but it does not look right.
No. 810544
File: 1621426754036.png (582.82 KB, 860x633, rimi.PNG)

I wanted to play yesterday but I refrained so I could do work I was supposed to do, but ended up doing nothing at all. And now I'm too tired to do either
No. 810548
File: 1621426975944.jpeg (51.42 KB, 512x307, BE770FDB-4195-4AB0-BD85-E43B90…)

>>810512>doesn’t drink Tizana Stay deshidratada y falta de vitaminas, anonita.
No. 810553
File: 1621427284981.png (375.13 KB, 800x800, EFE988A0-1B8E-4399-8406-9BBA12…)

>>810478I wouldn’t mind men wearing nail polish if they cared to know how to fucking apply it properly, I swear the pictures I’ve seen are full of chapped and improperly applied nail polish and it really, really annoys me, I wonder just how does a professional manicurist might feel.
No. 810589
File: 1621429635188.png (107.94 KB, 357x347, exhausted.PNG)

When I'm just listening to Nighttime Pod's interview with Lindsay Souvannarath's biggest fan in the background and she starts talking about KF and lolcow
No. 810599
File: 1621430032426.jpg (178.25 KB, 2048x2048, tcba4682w1q61.jpg)

Hello good morning lolcow I hope we have a fun day today
No. 810617
File: 1621432303622.jpeg (27.58 KB, 275x275, 9DDA424F-95EB-4BF0-9BAF-823356…)

Proud of myself because I managed to take a shit while on this muscle relaxer
No. 810650
File: 1621435477010.jpg (26.52 KB, 328x509, ada driver.JPG)

>>810342is that the borzoi man in drag
(driversperging) No. 810669
>>810432Don't you know that lockdowns are a sign of oppression, a literal genocide of muh freedom and values?? Fucking Bill Gates microchipping the vaccinated sheeple now has control of such people!!! Reeee lockdowns bad, covid not real!
very obvious sarcasmLike the other anon said, I think a lot of people getting super antsy with the government and their wishy washy messaging. For example, in Ontario, the Conservative government said that they were closing outdoor amenities until June 2nd but backtracked to say they may open them before June 2nd, or something like that. It's all just very confusing and you'd think that the government would have listened to the doctors and public health officials who recommend something other than heavy, heavy restrictions.
No. 810707
File: 1621440877086.jpeg (95.63 KB, 1024x567, EmMCOkAXIAEwmEj.jpeg)

What are the celebrities that you think do use lolcow or that at least could use it? Aside ffrom the obvious choice, Azealia Banks.
Bonus points if you say what threads they'd post in.
Picrel. Doja used to visit 4chan, so lolcow is just around the corner. She told Ariana about it in between recording or music sessions.
I can see both using the celebricow threads (the only gossip that matters to them), a lot of /g/ threads, this thread here and Doja could use the shitposting thread as well
No. 810711
File: 1621441199236.jpg (23.35 KB, 360x360, am i disabled.jpg)

>>810553I was today years old when I found out you have to apply a clear base coat when painting your nails. Fuck
No. 810735
>>810709Which? The thread that used to exist was solely for fictional characters, not real people. Although I was thinking of bumping it anyway lol
Or is it the celebricow one? Cause it's too off topic/deraily. I don't see the problem in posting this ITT cause it is dumbass shit.
No. 810783
>>810733I think Brad Pitt is aging nicely.
He wasn't a teen heartthrob, but I guess it still counts
No. 810785
File: 1621446491555.jpg (179.75 KB, 720x1312, 54b85cf0a205d540507111da28fc0d…)

Nothing will convince me this shit isn't a grooming op. "Wholesome", non-sexual pissfags. Lmao.
No. 810812
File: 1621448747650.jpeg (403.88 KB, 1242x1991, FAFB7078-7549-4517-BCF2-9DB8A2…)

>>810793>platonic scatI wouldn’t be surprised if someone tried to push that onto others.
No. 810821
>>810816Look at this! More bait!
Don't be retarded nonnas and ignore it for fucking once
No. 810823
>>810821Don't be unhinged. You can say just don't like what I have to say and go.
Also you can literally look at both subreddits, the first few top of all time posts on the big boob problems is just complaining about bras and clothes but small boob problems are complaining about emotional abuse, perverts, humiliation fetishists, people comparing them to children, etc
No. 810835
>>810827Anon men will sexualize everything they possibly can and everyone deals with problems. I'm just pointing out an observation. I didn't take a side. I didn't say which one is worse or that whoever is
victims. The fact that I pointed out the small boob problems redditors are being emotionally abused and immediately got hate for it says everything. The fact you and others are this offended at people speaking out about an issue should say enough
No. 810846
File: 1621450494655.jpg (1.41 MB, 2400x2400, RDT_20210519_12514263421879100…)

>>810841I've been on both side of the spectrum due to eating disorders and pregnancy. My boobs are fairly large right now. I honestly have to say small boobs have it much worse socially and women with small boobs tend to end up in
toxic relationships a lot more and are usually treated badly by other women
If your boobs are huge huge than that's a medical issue, but it's very uncommon so I don't see why people shouldn't speak up about this
No. 810851
File: 1621450711990.png (3.65 MB, 4984x3144, 1512168059454 (1).png)

>your boyfriend abused you because of your boob size? Haha first world problem
I can get more empathy from incel forums
No. 810852
>>810850>Everyone who I disagree with is one personLol
>>810849Replace "small boobed girls" with "black" or "Jewish" and it's evil and a very real problems Jewish people or black people need to deal with, but I guess it doesn't matter when it comes to small boobed girls
>>810852Racebait isn't allowed. Black and Jewish women would instantly get banned for posting about their struggles the way you constantly sperg about tit size. Even besides that
>Having small boobs is the same as being black or Jewish!Fucking kek
No. 810865
>>810859I like how you twisted my words because you have kindergarten level English. Women can't help their boob size outside of surgery, just like how black people can't help being black. That's what makes them similar
I'm asking you, what makes hating a group of people for their genetics, different from hating another group of people for their genetics?
People are people, and you can't use the "they're joking" excuse either. If some racist retards on Twitter hated people for their genetics they're evil and if blacks or Jewish people got offended then it's
valid, but somehow it doesn't matter to another group of people who are hated for their genetics because "it's just retards". What makes them different?
No. 810876
File: 1621451831435.jpg (326.93 KB, 2556x1184, FightOverMe.jpg)

Round one - Big clit vs small clit
Round two - Big tits vs small tits
No. 810878
File: 1621451909061.jpg (63.22 KB, 500x500, nutella.jpg)

>>810858"Nonnatellas" reminded me of Nutella. I haven't had it in forever and now I want some. Thanks, anon.
No. 810886
File: 1621452109385.jpeg (370.35 KB, 1242x1242, 66447DDA-32CB-4B86-8F07-4654F5…)

>>810878Now I really want a waffle with Nutella and almonds.
No. 810891
File: 1621452177729.png (122.03 KB, 288x294, 2.PNG)

>>810886are the almonds photoshopped on that picture? Anyway, here's white Nutella.
No. 810903
Soo good yeah
No. 810904
>>810892Okay fine.
We can all agree that people can't help their boob size just like people can't help their race, correct? Great glad we're on the same page
Therefore if someone saw a bunch of Twitter or reddit posts hating people of a certain race then it would be considered bad, right?
Now that we have that established, then people of that race would be
valid if they were upset about said posts, right? Great
If you could agree with all that, then hating someone for genetics they're unable to help is bad, and it is okay if people express their feelings if they see hate against things they're unable to help
I went out on the limb comparing it to racism because I should have known that none of you would have read or thought about what I said and just skipped to insulting me or wrongfully paraphrasing, that's a fault I'm willing to admit to
But anyway, my question still goes; what makes hating a group of people for genetics they're unable to help different from hating another group of people for genetics they can't help?
No. 810913
File: 1621452863335.jpg (Spoiler Image,29.14 KB, 200x300, unnamed (5).jpg)

>>810904Is this you?
File: 1621452940968.jpg (590 KB, 1080x1443, Want some.jpg)

Eternal based snack for movies
No. 810925
File: 1621453106839.jpg (13.4 KB, 258x258, tumblr_bb05347b8560f93d1761745…)

Uh oh, the scrote who was posting his porn folder is back
No. 810929
>>810922What? I literally posted two screenshots of several people bashing small chests
>No one said anything bad about small chests but they're just saying bad stuff about small chestsWhat? All I'm saying is that people are allowed to express their opinions on things or point out if there's a big problem with lots of people bashing something
No. 810936
File: 1621453370754.png (Spoiler Image,501.85 KB, 2175x2126, Breast-Asymmetry.png)

I have stupidly asymmetric boobs that are like one cup of difference from each other so I really have no side on this fight
No. 810937
>>810927They were ok. The peanut butter to candy coating ratio was off though.
>>810932Famous Amos >>>> any other store-bought cookie.
No. 810938
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>>810928I like having cassava chips, they’re delicious, I kind of want to make some at home one day, maybe with pistachio oil.
No. 810941
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>>810932They’re not like they used to be, I get so disappointed whenever I buy some, I end up giving them to someone else because the texture isn’t exactly right.
No. 810942
>>810932anyone notice how the oreos that come in the smaller packs of 6 or 4 always taste better then the ones that come in the full pack?
I'm not a fan of either, I'd rather eat maybe 2 soft COH over Oreos anyday though
No. 810944
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I love my airfryer so much anons
No. 810947
nonny lol
>>810940KEK took me a while
No. 810961
>>810952It is a convection oven, but I think it has stronger fans or something?
I never tried it, but people say oven fries come out better in them?
Can anyone confirm?
No. 810963
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>>810955Literally god tier.
No. 810970
>>810961Frozen fries are so much better and you don't even need to put any oil in them. For some reason I can't get the hang of regular fries so if anyone has tips?
I love it for cooking roasted veggies like asparagus and brussel sprouts. I use it for baking too because my regular oven sucks and everything comes out 10\10. I'm baking brioche buns on it tonight!
>>810967same, the most special oreos I've seen and the ones covered in chocolate lol I really like the thins ones tho
No. 810978
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About to attempt to make cupcakes even though I am horrendous at baking and have no idea where any of my measuring cups are. Please pray for me y'all! I wanna do whipped cream as the frosting, but I have no idea how that will work without the whipped cream melting
No. 810993
>>810982whipped cream as frosting > whipped cream frosting
literally 10/10 imo
>>810981same batter, different (superior) texture
No. 811003
>>810986Don't know where I can get that type of potato where I live, but I imagine other type of floury potatoes will be fine?
I boil them and coat them with a bit of cornflour so they're crisper, but they long, thing shaped ones don't come out nearly as good as cube ones imo
No. 811015
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>>811005The more you know, huh. He seemed like a cute guy too. What's is wrong with moids?
No. 811039
>>810783He was cute but he was also manlier than, say, Johnny Depp or Leonardo DiCaprio to begin with. I guess the trick to age well as a guy is to pray to not become bald and have the perfect balance between cute and handsome?
>>810818I have no idea who this Richard guy is and I'm too scared to look it up. Is he a normal celebrity or a weirdo?
No. 811041
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Kek wtf is this shitty image, Blind Gossip?
No. 811056
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So I understand Cantonese and whenever I listen to someone talk in Vietnamese or Thai I feel like I'm having a stroke, cause it sounds like my language but I have no idea wtf they're saying
No. 811178
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National personification of nations is really cool and gay
Italia and Germania 1828
No. 811180
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>>811178Italia acquires Libya
No. 811182
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>>811180Marianne and Britannia start their friendship
No. 811183
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>>811182Efígie reunites with her sister - 1922
No. 811184
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>>811183Northern and Southern Italia unite to kick out the Austrians
No. 811189
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>>811184Here's a whole bunch of them
No. 811191
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>>811189And my personal favorite, Italia and the republic of Fiume unite
No. 811225
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>>811178FUCK I love this motif too. Here's my personal favorite, España y Filipinas. Not a big fan of the Occupation, VERY much a fan of the lesbian personification
No. 811251
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>>811225Man I wished female personification of countries never died out, anyway here's mommy Germannia
No. 811272
File: 1621494421361.jpg (452.01 KB, 1280x854,…)

One of the worst cosplay trends was those Zach Fischer designs. The guy who was making these WoW inspired overrendered "sexy warrior versions" of different popular characters and all the costhots were jumping on them or commissioning their own (like Disney princesses and Pokemon gijinkas) because despite being detailed they were still stupid easy to make following worbla armor 101 tutorials and patterns you could get for next to nothing. They always looked like dogshit up close but through overfiltered photos taken further away you could make them look impressive with minimal effort.
No. 811279
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I've always had mixed feelings about the SCUM Manifesto and never finished reading it because a part of me thinks it's too extreme but on the other hand…
No. 811286
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Everytime I say or think something something related to it happens lately is this manifestation I want to have a boyfriend and friends and find a school and be happy
No. 811299
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>>811251>>811270Germania is pure boss bitch
No. 811342
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i cant tell if i want to start dating again because i actually want to or if its because i feel like i should want to. i've been volcel for four years and it's starting to get to me
No. 811351
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I love this
No. 811412
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i never realized he was this shredded when i played the game
No. 811531
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The farm is baitastic today huh
No. 811695
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me causing controversy and then swapping faces and pretending to agree with the angry anons
No. 811714
>>811694A very small but thick dick.
Imagine like 7cm long, 10cm girth
No. 811722
File: 1621540320470.jpg (11.66 KB, 672x372, ZODIANZ-PISCES-AND-LIBRA-2016.…)

I'm so love struck to the point I'm matching me and my crushes star signs and I don't even believe in that shit
No. 811834
File: 1621551512386.jpeg (310.17 KB, 750x681, 16972B5B-D39A-4071-94D4-99314C…)

>uneducated scrote that blah blah
which anon wrote this shitty ED article?
No. 811861
>>811844Because they are mentally still babies.
I spent 3 years listening to my ex complain about his job and offering him advice. The subject came up constantly. During an argument one day he said “you never support me with work!”, his exact words. I’m still mad that my emotional labor was considered to be so low-value that it wasn’t even acknowledged. Fuck scrotes.
No. 811969
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On the topic of my other post, what is going on in the world of forks???
No. 811987
>>811673It sucks, My Husbando since I was 13 has been Link, but since around the release of Breath of the Wild, there's been so much sissy rule 34 of him that Its almost impossible to avoid
Most of the husbandos I have are some what feminine and fujos and coomers always ruin my husbando
No. 812020
>>811998They do the opposite for me. If you're from Ireland, American men on the internet talk to you like you're a sharp tongued sassy "lass" who takes no ill from a man, and stands on windy hills holding a bucket with my curly hair in the wind, and past a harsh exterior we're actually soft and want 12 kids.
They have 0 idea that we are normal women
No. 812173
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>>812163Nta but probably this type.
No. 812203
>>812175It depends on a person; I took Mercilon and Vines and neither made me gain weight.
>>812182Doesn't IUD make heavy periods even worse?
No. 812218
>>812203IUDs are known for getting rid of periods, actually. I've not had a period since starting kyleena but I have occasional spotting. I'm also very sensitive to hormones and am shocked and how little it's affected me, unlike the pill. This is not me shilling btw, just speaking from personal experience.
The copper one (paraguard) is apparently the only one without hormones that causes painful periods. Sucks cause I didn't want hormones at all but already had heavy painful periods so I didn't want to deal
No. 812246
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>>812245Some weeaboo forum. Checked a random topic just to end up seeing this dialogue and it keeps going…
No. 812263
File: 1621608324864.gif (208.45 KB, 370x296, 6a0ead42d3907b1310e67c33cb6382…)

> ordered food, set delivery time to 17:00 so I could get a ride home and the food will stay warm by the time I reach home after a hard day
> they deliver it at 16:30
I haven't eaten all day and all I wanted was some freshly warm meal…that only time when I am mad that they delivered early.
I know I can put it in a microwave, but I reached my hunger level when I am angry at everything. And in the end microwave's warmth is not the same.
No. 812287
>>812284Exactly, the advantage of meeting someone in person is that you can instantly tell if there's chemistry or a connection. Online dating is full of small talk to see who is less likely to become
problematic if you meet them.
No. 812304
>>811256late, but Mandarin has more shi shu cho sounds while Cantonese has more harder consonants that're similar to English, like go ga di. Mandarin has half the amount of tones that Cantonese does, and generally Mandarin speakers speak in a higher pitch like Japanese speakers. If you listen to Mandarin, you'll notice they're more trill (vibrations) than Cantonese, which uses more bow-like sounds.
If you listen side by side, you will definitely notice the difference in vocab and inflection, and it will become very obvious to you that they are as different as French and English, although they share a written language (though Cantonese generally has a lot more strokes per character). The Chinese people you meet in the United States are generally Cantonese speakers (Hong Kong + Southern China) but international students usually speak Mandarin.
No. 812320
>>812314I'd guess it's more of a thing of how much social life you have than pure attractiveness. Like how is being represented
only by pictures going to help? Unless you edit your photos to hell I guess.
I'm more surprised you can stand the mindless small talk. I tried making a conversation hook on my profile, but I played myself, because after that I got tired of the puns and the same started questions, like are all men a hivemind?
No. 812371
>>812361Don't do what? I'm not actually talking to him, he doesn't connect with his fans at all. I do comment on his videos sometimes but he doesn't reply to comments. But yeah I bet he is ugly, I know he must be in his late thirties by now so probably balding too kek. I never want to see his face or learn his name, it'd break the illusion.
>>812357It's a weird feeling, I never thought I'd develop a parasocial relationship with a content creator but here we are. Praying for you
No. 812386
>>812355>>812361It's normal to develop parasocial relationships with someone you listen to for a long time, just remember that you only know their "online persona" and nothing really about them.
My SO is a content creator and it is really weird to see the kind of images the fans have in their heads, it's like they all got their own little person created in their head of who they think the person is and they send weird e-mails like "I noticed you seem down lately because you said X and Y… in my personal life I am experiencing similar stuff" it is really weird and cringe to witness from the other side.
No. 812420
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I should be solving a problem for school or writing a report but instead I've found inspiration for a new costume even though I am already making one but I'm so excited for this other one and I've been thinking and researching how to do it for hours and wasting time damn it damn it just kill me for I'm too stupid but I just wanna be yoshimitsu right now
No. 812425
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i was looking cute fur covered furniture cc for sims 4, I typed "furry furniture" and I scrolled and found this. I should've known better.
No. 812494
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I work retail and helped a scrote today. Later coworker tells me he was staring at me the entire time he spent in the store. On one hand, I am disgusted. Never being able to escape getting sexualized is really fucking depressing. On the other hand, he was a proper dilf, tall as shit, slightly greying, with a beautiful roman nose. The mix of an ego boost and disgust I'm feeling…starting to think I actually have brain damage nonas.
No. 812507
>>812494god I wish most of the scrotes that visited my store weren't fugly, I don't even know how they've almost all got wives either. whenever an attractive
usually older one comes in I'm genuinely surprised he'd be in there
my standards are too high and most men are too ugly, I'm contented with that until I can find one, until then I hate having to look at them. I actively love to avoid looking scrote customers in the eyes, esp if they're ugly
No. 812522
>>812497First I want to say thank you for understanding kek. The lore is what keeps me interested in this game moreso than the gameplay honestly.
Anyway the champ is Jhin. I just get so hard peeved cause he's obviously a villain character so scrotes like to use him to project their unhealthy power fantasies with. When those who are perceived to have the most knowledge of the character give their takes, and it's wrong, it just makes me cringe into myself cause it's not like this is a basic character with no personality. It's just sad seeing the lore taken for granted I guess.
I saw the post last night and can't find it again today, but I remember one part they said something about how Jhin clearly wears a mask because his face isn't as symmetrical as his outfit and I just… The char literally has a line in game where he says "symmetry is so boring". The
mask itself is asymmetrical with the carvings on it plus one of his eyes is covered. His whole fucking outfit is asymmetrical, and that's the entire point of the silhouette!
His actual face in the written lore is said to be so average that he blends into crowds easily, which implies he probably has a fairly symmetrical face. He's not scarred, he's not weird looking, he's an average dude that no one would ever assume anything about in public and
that is what makes him terrifying among the obvious murderer things lol.
This man has it so backwards for being someone who plays him hours a day, hearing all the voice lines etc. I could rant all day about scrotes and their bad takes on various champs, but this one was extra annoying because he's got a bit of influence in the community.
No. 812542
>>812533>for some reason I also thought he was all about symmetryIt's an honest mistake if you don't know much about the champ because his whole schtick is "perfection", which is easy to attribute symmetry to at a glance. I'm just sperging cause how can you be the face of this champ in the streaming scene and not even know the basic lore of the character?
Anyway, sperg over. Is there any way we can talk more about LoL lore sometime, anon? I have no one to sperg to about this stuff but it's so fun kek. Maybe burner emails or smth? It's ok if you don't want to, just figured I'd ask!
No. 812566
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I'm constantly haunted by the fact that we only know about 1% of history, and yet our entire perception of history, the planet, humanity, and how we act in/mold the modern world is based on that 1% with no regards to the 99% that was lost to time. When we discuss "history" we're only discussing 1% of what happened, and yet that's the best we can do, because we'll never be able to retrieve that 99%. I just wonder how much we think we know about the world around us would change if we were to suddenly gain access to that 99%, how many misconceptions and ideologies and would be swiftly disproven despite how logically sound they might've seemed. Insane.
No. 812567
>>812566I never really thought about that before, but I think that's really important and profound.
Now imagine all those people before who lived ordinary lives just like us…
and imagine all the women and things created by women lost to time…
No. 812572
File: 1621638630710.jpeg (366.63 KB, 674x667, 1566689522992.jpeg)

>>812569You're bout to break up, anonita
No. 812580
>>812567>and imagine all the women and things created by women lost to time…Exactly. How much have women contributed throughout history, and yet their contributions just weren't preserved, leading the succeeding generations to think that women couldn't or didn't ever make history? How many of our female ancestors lived and died providing for their family, spending time with their friends, smelling flowers, writing poetry, painting, listening to music, working to provide goods and resources for the masses, and yet we'll never know a single moment of what they did in their life, not even their name? What if the lack of preservation of women's contributions (probably motivated by sexism, of course) throughout history is part of what exacerbated sexism to the point where it became commonplace, even important to certain societies?
And that's probably the reality for any group of people that were once (or are still) marginalized. I think that what we don't know (and may never know) about the past is far more important than what we do know, but alas, we have to go off of what we know.
No. 812586
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>>812566I didn’t want this blackpill,
No. 812638
>>812625I crave general dysfunction, a specific type of dysfunction I'm not going to find in some dating app scrote
the unceasing pain of it all
No. 812772
>>812339Fucking tell me about it, anon
I didn't even use to mind the emoticons, but the newfag influx is making me fucking hate it reeee
No. 812775
>>812339are kaomojis allowed?? (
(no) No. 812783
>>812771the entire site would look like a 12 year old weeb chatroom if that happens
>>812779what kind of "good" films?
No. 812835
>>812771The emoticon ban just reminds me of the early 4chan mindset whith rules 1 and 2, like it was some kind of super sekrit exclusive cool kids club for people that are soo different and soo much more mature than the other kids who use emoticons. Idk I'm just like why should I care? Why do some of ya'll get so
triggered over something to trivial, I will never understand.
No. 812836
>>812496Lmao I know. This is probably a huge cope but the fact that the youtuber I'm in love with has never shared any, and I mean
any, personal info during his 13 years of making videos makes me hopeful that he never will and there will never be any drama surrounding him. I think his mysteriousness adds to his charm and I want it to stay that way.
No. 812839
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>>812835It's cringe and attracts worse posters than usual. What's wrong with wanting a sekrit club?
No. 812856
>>812849you're more powerful than i am
nonny, i had a friend like that and ended up becoming a weeb out of spite
No. 812900
>>812858nta, I never had a friend like that and I watched Anime when I was a child (Sailor Moon, DBZ, Pokemon) but I grew out of it, like a normal person does.
We don't need to have cringy childhood friends to hate adults who watch sexualized kids cartoons and act like the characters and push that shit in everyones face wherever you go. Weebs make people hate them because they are retarded, obnoxious and degenerate.
No. 812921
>>812885>>812913that server was full of bitchy twitterfags kek.
some bozo from that same discord later pretended to be some poor girl in the friend finder thread and shitposted as her to embarrass her, then she got called out on it by her friend who recognized that all the information was wrong.
i don't know if i remembered everything correctly there but they've been a steady source of cringe for the past year, they're behind all the forced memes on here too.
No. 812992
File: 1621691382647.jpg (48.75 KB, 500x373, 30fc5460-832b-4438-8204-8bb7d8…)

I just managed to log back into my old we heart it account.
What a memory trip…
No. 812995
File: 1621691665470.png (14.38 KB, 256x256, Tumblr_l_16384525030623.png)

>>812992>we heart it still existsI feel like I'm back in 2012 wonder if my account still has all that galaxy hipster shit lmao
No. 812997
File: 1621691679604.png (169.59 KB, 534x380, crocs.png)

Recently realized I've never paid money for crocs (my only pair was bought for me and they're fake kek) so I went to look up their actual prices and now I have to ask: nonas, would you pay $55 for these bad boys
No. 813024
File: 1621694952014.jpg (22.56 KB, 440x365, 206984_94S_ALT140.jpg)

>>813003I posted bc I find them funny looking but I won't knock anyone who finds their comfort useful; respect to your mom tbh
>>813016I live in a country where I can get brand knockoffs for 80% less, I'm good kek
On a related note I'm still on the website and I have to admit I find these genuinely cute, wouldn't pay $70 for them though
No. 813161
File: 1621709777112.png (1.73 MB, 1208x1204, 1619480480771.png)

>>813154I make it a point to shit on old dude's medias and tastes even if I enjoy those things privately.
No. 813163
File: 1621709914008.jpeg (32.57 KB, 607x431, E0QVq3yWUAE5D7-.jpeg)

I posted this
>>810221 So I have a female roommate now and she already talked with this dude I posted about, flirted with him and they're planning to request a leave for one week and go on a trip together even though they met just an hour ago and they both have significant others? What the fuck is wrong with people?
I'm sitting in my room rn and she's gone, and someone knocks on my door. Two dudes, around 30 years old, who rent a room above us wanted to invite me for a beer? Do scrotes really think I will go with someone older I don't even know to their room and drink alcohol with them? They wanted to invite my roommate too, but she's gone and maybe that's a good thing because she seems like a person who would go with two strange men to their room just to flatter them. I feel like I just dodged a rape pill in my drink
No. 813171
File: 1621710554014.jpeg (24.43 KB, 507x507, 70B7037B-6CEE-4429-B4A7-512AB7…)

>>813163Two 30 something guys inviting random anon by herself for drinks in their private room upstairs without previously being well acquainted. Even if your roommate was there, this is fucking weird. If you guys share a common space (which is what it sounds like) why not drink there instead? Wtf.
>they're planning to request a leave for one week and go on a trip together even though they met just an hour agoKEK even without the cheating part this story is fucking nuts. How can you be so trusting of a male (you just met)?
No. 813181
File: 1621711418842.jpg (62.69 KB, 851x628, 20210314_072118.jpg)

I don't know where that stoner anon went but I just got my hands on some purple bud and I've been passed out on the floor for the past hour oh my god. I've also come to the conclusion all carts are scams and to just struggle bus it out with a pipe it's really not worth the hassle trying to check every brand to see if it's counterfeit lmao
No. 813191
>>813178men get just as #
triggered as anyone else yet act like it is an sjw thing only. like when they make a sexist joke and a woman is not amused they think it's the ultimate trump card, but they are constantly pissed off by jokes at their own expense. they are as sensitive and cringe as everyone else
No. 813198
>>813161Claiming to have “male” interests usually only leads to them thinking you’re a pickme anyway. At best they think it’s cute that you’d validate them like that, at worst they get weirdly resentful and try to trick you into looking stupid to humiliate you/expose you.
Not worth engaging with scrotes even if you genuinely share an interest because it’ll just turn into a battle over who knows the most niche shit rather than a fun conversation.
I used to take an interest in boyfriends/male friends stuff but gave up because of how condescending they were. Let them gatekeep their shit.
No. 813237
File: 1621717595290.jpg (190.53 KB, 1065x532, eurovision-2021-maneskin-italy…)

So who are you voting in this Eurovision contest?
No. 813255
File: 1621720629698.jpg (6.75 KB, 250x245, 1517667614011s.jpg)

I have always made fun of jordan peterson for being a weak little bitch for getting into 3-day anxiety-fueled nightmare from drinking a cup of cider and now I, after drinking a bottle of cider, am getting wild anxiety attacks, hot flashes, sweats like a pig and almost shat myself while running to the loo. I have become the thing I have ridiculed
No. 813270
File: 1621724171972.jpg (361.85 KB, 2896x2896, 20210522_234951.jpg)

A travesty
No. 813271
File: 1621724231902.jpg (4.01 MB, 4032x3024, DSC_1024.JPG)

>>813237I know that this is not the Eurovision thread but… LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO
No. 813283
File: 1621725710032.gif (4.06 MB, 270x480, giphy.gif)

Congratz Pizzapastanons
No. 813287
>>813275Yes, please! I'd love an Oscar one for next year
This year was a bit boring because of the rona, but I believe next year it'll be better
No. 813304
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Dumbass, fresh OC coming through.
No. 813305
File: 1621729991854.jpeg (10.24 KB, 275x275, 1579400755756.jpeg)

My older sister told me I was developing a crease between my eyebrows, not right in the middle but bit closer to the brow.
>yea I know, I think it's beautiful
>it's a wrinkle
She was so pissed off, take your insecurities elsewhere, sis
No. 813307
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>>813302Let the italian mansluts do drugs they just won eurovision lmao let the world crumble
No. 813309
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The two Italian presenters bet that they'd take their pants off if we won. And they did
No. 813312
puffy cheetos
No. 813318
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>>813313Coke dick ok
valid, but what's wrong with a bit of homoeroticism
No. 813321
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>>813306Probably kek there was two shots and in one a band member nudged him as cameras panned onto them
No. 813328
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1950's to 2020's pants conversion
No. 813368
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This sexy dude is just my type he calls himself a wolf most off his posts which is sort of cringe but it’s so hot and he looks so sexy. I would do abhorrent things to take a whiff of his cock holy shit he’s so hot WOWOOOOOF WOOOFO BARK BARK NBAKA DADDY I want him to spit in my mouth. I love you me sexy native(?) or Asian dude flip your hair by me. I was gonna post him in a hot dude thread but I can’t contain this lustful autism
@beastlybadwolf on instagram
No. 813374
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No. 813375
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>>813368You must be stopped.
No. 813383
>>813374You wouldn’t understand.
>>813368Idk he’s only kinda hot because long hair. Average objectively.
No. 813404
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>>813383I endorse this anon's comments
No. 813422
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I must be the last person on lolcow farm to realize that the anons that always take the bait are just the baiters responding to themselves
No. 813465
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I've been binging a lot lately to spite myself, it sucks ass and I want it to stop
No. 813547
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I swear I'm 18+ but I'm probably younger than most other anons, see the first Metal Gear game I ever played was MGS5 and I kinda in love with Eli(Liquid Snake), I had a huge crush on him cause I was a kid and he was cool and had abs,
So I fantasized about him and had these day dreams of being part of his child army and his girlfriend
Sadly there weren't any Fics of him x any female character I could self insert too and honestly It seemed like the only who had Eli as a husbando
No. 813578
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need husbando chest
No. 813613
unrelated, i think tall guys are cute, but i hate their giant feet. looking at their shoes honestly gives me chills, like bodyhorror type feelings
No. 813668
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This is dumb but I would have never thought depression would hit me, even when I was in highschool I was like "I'll be a functioning adult and avoid that shit ahah" but no I just didn't fully realized it until now. And why is social anxiety a thing? I really feel like I'm a tumbltard but they were right I guess
No. 813674
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can't believe i share a site with some of you binches
No. 813720
>>813719samefag i just saw this post
>>813674we may are indeed a bit horrible
No. 813729
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>>813368i thought this was the drummer of maneskin kek
No. 813776
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/pol/-chan here (age gap relationship) and ill make a deal that ill expose myself 100% if we break up. sometimes you guys find me in other threads (ya i was in celebricows about mulaney), sometimes you are wrong though. if it ends you will get the milk some of u want but my life is more boring than u guys assume
No. 813781
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I used to thing the phrase "dog eat dog world" was actually "doggie dog world" and it madr me so confused
No. 813787
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>>813776Here bitch why not fill this out and seek employment since u obviously need a job not involving the internet. They even raised base pay to 15!
No. 813789
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>>813787Lololol that reminds me of this recent local incident
He deserved it for the autistic response
No. 813791
>>813776Literal who?
Is your old bf famous or are you guys just cows??
No. 813795
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>Started watching RHONY for the first time ever. I'm on season 3 I think and I love these bitches. Oh to be rich and living in New York
That show is amazing and underrated imo. People think it's just trash but it is very unintentionally funny. It gets better each season nonnie.
No. 813800
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I was putting leave-in conditioner on a side of my hair but while I was lost in my thought I can't remember if I put it in the other or not