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No. 772666
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I guess I have to go back to pretending to be a boy in videogames so people would fuck off.
I keep wanting to find nice teammates to play and develop friendship with, just to always meet mentally ill smurfs that would automatically proclaim you as their gf and treat you like their property.
No, I do not owe you talking on voice chat every second. No, I do not owe you making kissy noises or telling you I love you because I got a damn partner. I do not owe you to answer to your message the second you DMd me as well, so please stop spamming everywhere like an idiot because I am a damn human being.
God, I am so happy that I discovered a long franchise with a fascinating story in which I can waste thousands of hours in instead of playing competitive videogames. But Jesus, this treatment from men fucking sucks.
No. 772770
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>>772754I'm the same way, anon. My job is incredibly slow so work from home sometimes feels like sitting around doing nothing. This eventually lends itself to a lot of unhealthy habits, ie. alcohol addiction. I can't say I've exactly overcome this but I've found that the best thing to do is make a schedule for yourself despite being home. Every morning you wake up, have a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast. Separate your "work" and "play" areas. If you're going to drink, try to limit the time frame. For example I try my best to start drinking after say…8pm, that way I know I won't over indulge because I'm more likely to just fall asleep. These are changes you can make right now. As for your therapist, you need to be honest with her. There is no value in paying her if you won't share all the intimate and gory details. She can't help you fix what she doesn't know.
You can try /r/stopdrinking as well. It helps me guilt myself into not drinking sometimes if you keep up with reading stories and updating your badge. I believe in you, anon. Corona-chan hasn't been very good for anyone's mental health, so don't kick yourself too hard. You can do this.
No. 772774
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Fell in love with an amazing woman and she's married to a short fat ugly scrote.
She's fucking amazing, so beautiful. A goth without the "flashy goth" stuff. Just black hair, red lipstick, shellac skin. Sharp nose, dimples and a lovely smile. Her laugh fills me with joy. She's way taller than me and her voice is deep which I really like. She has the cutest freckles. She just made my heart stop whenever we were in the same room.
I know it's creepy but at our sorority sleepover, when we were on the beach, I pretended like I was taking pictures not the sunset but it was actually of her. sigh
please don't post this in copypasta thread, I'm genuinely embarrassed I feel this way about a taken woman plus adoring someone from afar like this
picrel, imagine a woman made up of all the vibes in this picture. That would be her.
No. 772834
>>772828I really need to do it too.
I'm so happy for you anon!
No. 772920
>>772909A professor I really respect got a sociology degree along with his drug & alcohol certifications and he makes really good money teaching and also works at an ER working with the drug & alcohol patients. I'm a sociology major too and I'm planning on doing drug & alcohol counseling as well. Not a lot of money in it, but…
There are definitely career options out there for you with your major. I'm sorry they're saying that to you though. It's a pretty common thing to hear… Just prove them wrong!
No. 772952
>>772921I'm on Mateus (Crystal), but I think we can visit each other as long as we're on the same data center!
>>772940Thanks Anon! It's sad, but if someone tells me they're a woman, I'm more likely to believe them if they're playing a male character. My best friend and I are guilty of it as well, kek.
No. 772961
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I’m meeting an old friend whom I haven’t seen nor talked to in 11 years and who happens to be my sister’s sister-in law. I’m super nervous about meeting her as she’s probably doing a lot better than I am atm and I feel so embarrassed for myself.
She used to dress Lolita-style like picrel except more toned down because school dress codes and last time I saw her, she was selling Lolita items and I bought a corset-style blouse with stolen change money from my parents yet ended up five dollars short which I still feel bad about to this day because I wasn’t trying to swindle her or anything. I only got to keep the blouse for a few days because two of my sisters fucked it all up while supposedly cutting off the sleeves because they we ugly according to them.
No. 772971
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>>772952Aw I figured this might happen, I'm from EU so I play on Chaos. Best of luck tho anon, to you and me both lol.
>>772940When I first got into MMOs a long time ago, I used to play male characters too, but I can't be bothered anymore. I'm so angry with men taking everything from us, even playing as a cute girl, I refuse to let them win.
No. 772972
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I hate being poor and mentally ill and constantly comparing myself to other people in their 20s and seeing how far they are in life in comparison to me and getting fixated on leveling up in social hierarchy. I want to become middle class so bad and I want to be around people who care about art. Not to say that working class people don't care, of course there are such people, but they often don't have enough time and energy to develop their skills because their shitty jobs suck the life out of them, I've seen it so many times. No one in my family took anything art related seriously and I was always discouraged from pursuing art, only some people at school told me I have talent. Anyway, I wasted too much time already and now I'm afraid it's too late. I'm ashamed of starting university late and I know my retarded brain will constantly compare myself to others and the impostor syndrome will kick in again. The worst thing is, I can't take pleasure from art anymore, now I see it more as a ticket to a better world, and I know that mindset won't take me far
No. 772990
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Everyone I know / meet finds an amazing boyfriend within months of looking (or not looking)
Starting to feel like Good Luck Dumbfuck.
No. 773005
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My fucking older step-brother just told me that my younger step-brother jerks off to me. We lived in the same house since I was 13 and they were 18 and 11.
He was so cavalier about it like it was only natural. That made my whole life flashed before my eyes. My older brother used to insist that we cuddle to watch anime and sit in his lap to play games. I …feel like I was involved in something gross. What the fuck????
No. 773030
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I shaved my hair twice within the past like, 2/3 years, and I loved it so much, but now I'm letting my hair grow back out and I regret it so much. I miss how my hair was before. I just want to have length again. I'm sure I will be able to grow it longer than I had it, but I hate that it took me like 30 mins to shave something that's going to take me years to grow back. I'm not even good at haircare and can barely style my own hair. What a dumbass
No. 773063
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Cant entirely relate but I wish id found someone before social media and dating apps, now nobody talks to anyone in person. Why would they? Apps.
No. 773074
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I was literally thinking this same thing today nonny. "Born in le wrong generation" shouldn't be cringe anymore at least not as you describe it because this generation is fucked up and cringe at the moment. I want to live in a time where we weren't so brain damaged by technology yet. And yes, people dressed better too. They still dressed casually and whatever but every time period has different fashion and we happen to like that particular one.
Shit I want to be your friend so bad… I thought I was the only one who noticed and hated this so much. Punk really is dead or at least all these subcultures that used to be cool and genuine are being beaten with a fucking stick as they're "revived" by uncreative people who only like the "aesthetic" copy their peers and embody the very opposite of their chosen identity. Consoomer is the new punk, it's laughable. Picrel on wikipedia surprised me earlier by describing exactly what you and I notice. Anyway I want to meet more people like you. I don't care that it's frowned upon to feel this way. I know those other times weren't perfect either but I hate how we're pretending to revive the nostalgic parts while butchering them and even ignoring the bad. And I've already met enough peole with weird internet pastimes, it's like a secret other life unless they are open with it early on and it's still a disappointment. I wish we could all be closer to the same page like you said and that page not being fucked up internet communities and memes everyone repeats temporarily until it's uncool when the next one comes. And if you aren't online enough to know any of their interests/references somehow there's something wrong with you and you can't be friends. People act like having your own interests is boring when what's boring is doing everything in droves based off what's currently in
No. 773077
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So my work called me earlier and said they had been accidentally overpaying me and now i owe them 600$. Lmao fuck them, i already dont make enough money. And now theyre going to cut my next few paychecks to get it back.
Also when they called me they were like "thats money you didnt work for". Lol like hell i didnt, all the asshole manager does is come by once in a while and scrutinize us. I work harder than he ever has. Just fuck them.
No. 773082
>>773077I'm pretty sure they literally can't do that
unless you're working illegally you can hang them out to dry on that
No. 773096
bruh im in my early-ish 20s and my dad has been terminally ill for 2 years now. i saved his life basically when he was on the brink of death with 40 tumors in his brain at the beginning of his diagnosis (he has lung + brain cancer). he was fine for a lil while after that and even survived covid but lately he is completely deteriorating and idk what to fucking do. he has no siblings, parents, relatives, significant others; i’m his only next of kin (brother is underage). endgame is approaching and i feel so selfish for trying to avoid being around him (even though i have to, to help him piss for example jfc), but it’s so traumatizing to see such a relatively young man act like a 90 year old. he doesn’t talk anymore, just cries, doesn’t remember shit, completely bedridden, gotta help him do basic shit like drink water or tirn to his side in bed… i’m a streamer so i have a lovely community to help me out emotionally but i constantly feel so alone in this thing. there’s so much pressure from the rest of the family (mom and her side) and i rarely receive any real empathy, if at all. i fucking hate pity parties and i know this isn’t about me, it’s about my father, but jesus christ i can’t do this anymore; even though i’m grown i still feel like i’m too young to be single handedly dealing with a terminal patient on my own. it’s heartbreaking and whenever i come home after helping him i feel like crying and hanging myself kek
No. 773115
>>773096That's so hard. My father's last stretch with cancer was only 2 month long and it was fucking horrible watching him, I was too young to do much. Can't imagine 2 years.
I think it's so painful and traumatizing in a primal way to watch your parent figure become so small and helpless.
Perhaps your community can help you crowdfund some professional care for him while you take a break for yourself? I'm absolutely certain your dad wouldn't want you to hurt yourself because of him.
No. 773117
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Disagree with people who think that stepping away from their technology or phones will curb their psychological problems or issues, it won’t. It’s like Pandora’s box, once you open it, it will forever be there and can never be fixed, that’s the thing with knowledge and addiction, even if it’s hidden in plain sight away from you your brain still knows that social media and technology will always exists. Stepping away from the internet is basically slapping a bandaid on the problem of technology, not getting into the root problem of it. Society at first is mostly intolerable, technology became cheaper and a bit more accessible for many people, and the need for escapism. There is no getting off the internet and I absolutely hate the retarded simplistic “once you get off your phone then everyone will get along like kumbaya and all social ills will vanish!” solution. It’s like some suburban mom taking their phone away because it was causing their child’s depression. The internet didn’t cause these problems, it was a tool that accelerated it
No. 773131
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stopped caring about my looks and now I look like a goblin but in my heart I secretly wish to be those popular white girl alternative cultural fashion icons that are so oversaturated on pinterest. i will never be free, my people will be free, women will never be free
No. 773230
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why the fuck is there no therapy specialized for people with chronic illnesses
why the fuck don't normal therapists understand how fucking hard this is
why won't anyone help me
No. 773245
>>773230Ah I'm sorry anonita, it sucks to hear that chronic illnesses aren't being taken into more consideration in therapy.
Also is the gif from a show?
No. 773248
it's Yolo Crystal Fantasy
No. 773257
>>773253yeah, unfortunately my insurance is pretty shit, they only cover three different facilities within five hours of me
none of them have any care for chronic illnesses
I feel like if anyone I tried would just do that tv shit where they have you lay on a couch and go, "That
does sound hard," that would help at least some, but for some reason I keep getting dummies that think I can control organ failure with a better diet or cinnamon capsules
also one woman who insisted that I was traumatized as a fetus and that I wasn't actually upset about the illness, I was upset about repressed fetal memories and she would have to hypnotize me to be able to help me
No. 773260
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I was searching for desing ideas for a female school uniform but the majority of them were sex roleplay/porn costumes.
I know that there's a way to avoid certain words to appear in my searching results but it just upsets me to know that I have to specify that I don't want anything sexual while looking for female uniforms of any kind, even elementary school ones.
No. 773283
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>>773260I highly recommend using pinterest for this sort of thing. It can be buggy as fuck on desktop, but nothing beats it for gathering reference. I found plenty of cute stuff searching 'school uniform style', and no porn.
No. 773289
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This is so dumb, but I waste so much time on this site and I kind of hate it. I've been using for the past 3 or so years, and when I start to think about it, I feel like I'm not getting anything from this site I couldn't get anywhere else, and I don't really like imageboard culture so I wonder why lc is so addictive to me
No. 773294
>>773095Ask to see it, chances are they’re bluffing and even if they aren’t getting a lawyer wouldn’t be a bad idea.
>>773289I love this image, also I know what you mean. I love the anonymous aspect and the culture especially on /ot, but sometimes it fills a void that real connection could if I gave it a chance.
My vent is that I’m at work after eating a whole pineapple as a meal today because I lack self control so now I’m taking the most fibrous shit of my life that I’ve had to get up and leave the toilet to do work and them come back and continue my gut churning shit. I can’t just carry around witch hazel discreetly for my hemorrhoids and I can’t remember what thread but another anon said she uses her pussy juice to make sure her buttholes clean and it resonated with me. On that note I leave everyone with the mental image of a fibrous pineapple shit that takes up 3 bathroom breaks. At least I feel clean. Sorry if you saw me delete and repost this four times I’m on mobile and kept messing up format. No. 773300
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>>773295I am just tired of that anon (or anons) who always start rambling OT about their race. I am pretty sure they are the ones who shit up Artist Thread and brought boring people into celebricows to a point where both of these threads become unreadable.
I miss me some artcows, not neverending arguements about nothing and pointless discussions, or shit like 'UH DIES ARTIST GOT A LITTLE GIRL X SOME OLD ASS VAMPIRE OC AND HE DRAWS SFW ART OF THEIR LOVE'.
No. 773301
>>773300Possible, it seems a lot of twitter newfags love to shit up discussions with that kind of stuff.
It's a shame, but at the very least I'm glad they're experiencing some pushback unlike on other platforms.
No. 773308
I fucking hate this "friend" in my friend group. She's still obsessed and pining after this guy also in the group. They've been broken up for longer then they ever dated. The guys is finally moving on, has a new s/o but this fucking bitch won't let the new s/o come to meet the group. She's called her a bitch without ever meeting her, while call her ex her "soul mate". She has breakdowns over the fact that the guy has moved on and is seeing someone else.
She LOVES to make every situation about herself. Case in point, my best friend and his fiancé came out to the group about how they were mourning a poly relationship they had with another guy about a year ago who ghosted them after a year of dating. She stared at her ex and kept interrupting them with shit like "Hey, (ex's name) wanted to go poly but I said no. But I think I could handle a poly relationship!" "Hey that's what me and (ex's name) did!" or "(ex's name) and my relationship was like that!". She kept making THEIR relationship about her and her ex's and it was super fucking comfortable.
She acts like she's best friends with another girl, MtF (who is the sweetest, kindest girl I've ever met. She's legitimately a fantastic human being.) but secretly goes on about how "she's the most insufferable, stuck up bitch" ever since she came out. This friend she's talking about drop EVERYTHING to help her. She'll bake her brownies, buy her a tv cable (ugh, that fucking saga still makes me mad) and in general will basically shove aside her own needs to help this girl out no matter what.
She doesn't see us as friends. She sees us as ways to get closer to the guy she's still wanting. She only goes to hang outs if he's there. She only goes into discord calls when he's there.
She loves being depressed because she "likes the way it makes her and others feel".
She's an all round manipulative cunt. And every time she gets a clue that maybe her behavior isn't fucking ok, her ex and MtF friend tell her no, it's alright, it's not like that at all. You're not a problem at all.
She fucking is, she's made everyone miserable and no one can talk about anything like music without her turning it into a pity party about her. Fuck her. I want her to quietly leave the group, but she won't. People are afraid to tell her that she's a cunt because she cries at the drop of a hat and immediately runs crying to her ex, even when he's at fucking work.
I just fucking hate her.
No. 773311
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Another friendship lost due to people not being fucking adults. I’m never having straight couple friends again, they always want a threesome and then suspect me of wanting to fuck their respective significant other just because I’m bi. We’re in our late 20s/early 30s, y’all need to work on your relationship together. I’m not a fucking therapist that fulfills your sapphic and perverted fantasies.
No. 773335
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Dude comes into dms, instantly see where it's going, tell him I'm not dating men. Dued says that he might be intereting, ask him how so, tells me to ask him some questions and find out.
What kind of high school level bullshit is this. I'm not going to interview you either way lmao pathetic
No. 773369
>>773308The fact that you’re still friends with this insufferable person is more on you than her at this point. Simply don’t hang out with/talk to her, like clearly you’re very uwu tolerant but tolerating an annoying retard is completely on you after this long and more than one “saga”.
>inb4 the group dynamic thoughLeave them too and be normal
sorta kidding sorta not but regardless, you don’t have to be friends with everyone else’s friend. she obviously understands and acts on that. at least you’d have a reason. No. 773410
>>773400Well anon count with me.
Physical appearance, materials, romantic relationships, what others think of me, people's expectations and validation and so many other things that I would like to keep to myself. But I hope that gave you an insight.
No. 773412
>>773410Why do you think this is an issue now and not when you were 20? What has changed?
Do you think it has to do with the fact you use lolcow? Because I'll be honest, when I was 20 and started using lolcow I started worrying even harder about those things mentioned. I already had a bad self esteem but it made it worse.
No. 773428
>>773422>when I started university I began to take some bad decisions and I met people I wish I didn't.What exactly happened
>I'm really hoping to save myself.You will, I believe in you
No. 773432
>>773428Anon thanks for being invested in my venting you're amazing.
Well what happened in university is that I changed my major because " a friend" told me to she said I looked unhappy with my current major and that I need to study sth else, tbh I wasn't happy with that major but I was great at it needless to say it had a better job opportunities than the other one. She convinced me that I was miserable and I started to believe it, it's unbelievable how someone can have a grip on your mentality anon be careful. I believed her and I started to have breakdowns every time I was in class until I changed my major and now I'm unemployed because of it. The other thing is BOYS I never ever in my life cared or wanted attention or wanted to be in a relationship with anyone before university. I met a group of girls and they all had boyfriends and love stories and crushes and I had none and I didn't give a damn but they started to make me feel less for being like that they looked for males attention all the time and I'm a human anon I fell into it and I feel low because I would have never chased a boy to love me. I know this is super long and maybe stupid but I needed to say this sorry.
No. 773434
>>773432Don't worry I'm here to listen!
What was the other mayor and what are you currently studying?
I think you are very easily influenced, but, tbh, this is easy to fix: just ignore those people. Put yourself first always and foremost and trust your intuition, like, you need to doubt people a little more. I also think you need better friends, I hope your current friend is nice to you.
No. 773436
>>773308>another girl, MtF (who is the sweetest, kindest girl I've ever met>This friend she's talking about drop EVERYTHING to help her. She'll bake her brownies, buy her a tv cable (ugh, that fucking saga still makes me mad) and in general will basically shove aside her own needs to help this girl out no matter what.This is a literal orbiter, not "just the sweetest friend ever uwu". This "friend" wants to date/fuck the girl you're describing.
>multiple people in friend group are into polyamoryAnd you're surprised that there's constant drama, manipulative behavior, etc etc? Please post updates soon.
No. 773441
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I feel ideologically homeless. I wish I could go back to being a blissfully ignorant career-focused normie but I feel too blackpilled about the state of the world to truly have that mindset again.
No. 773444
>>773434I graduated anon, I like to keep my major private just in case.
I think I'm easily influenced you're correct. But it's easier said than done so I'm trying.
No. 773467
I've been kind of wanting to reach out to a guy I had a bizzare online friendship/fwb kinda thing that fell apart due to my extremely poor mental health (that the relationship made worse, basically because I couldn't get what I wanted and felt worthless compared to girls that he simped for). He cut off contact with me saying that we will continue once I get my mental health in check. The reaching out, of course, being up to me. Before that, we developed an overly intense bond due to being lonely individuals in need of love, attention and kindness. I no longer care about him in any romantic or sexual way, but I'm curious how he's doing. He was seriously ill in a way that made him hombound and impossible to recover. I guess it's a need of closure and curiosity striking me. Every now and then, I have dreams about different ways his life could have gone on since we stopped being in touch. At the same time, I do not want to give him the validation of being important to me, or the idea that maybe I still wanna fuck him (I'm in a loving relationship). I don't even want to be friends again unless I could have him clamoring for my attention that I won't give, just so he knows how that felt to me years ago kek… but nah, that's not really a serious thought. I just kinda want to know how life and the general covid shit has been going for him. This thought returns to me every few months and it would be nice to cross it of my list. I tried stalking him online, but sadly got zero info. I still have some way of contacting him, but this may not be possible in the future. At the same time, all this shit may be more trouble than it's worth it so IDK
No. 773472
>>772822I loved XIV with my whole heart, but the amount of ERPers and creepy troons makes me sad. I used to be in a clan few years ago, where we had only one troon who targeted all the mentally disturbed men (eg heavy depression or literal autism) and he would turn them into fetishy trannies because he can't stand being the only one who is a troon. He also used to hit on our GM who literally has a boyfriend and plays with him. Last time I checked up on him was that he gave up on always screaming about how much he wants to date a girl while having a dick and started dating a troon. Still, I feel horrible over how his last target was a schizophernic+autistic guy who even wanted to dye his hair colour to mine and change his IRL name to mine (because of the troons advices), that's when I left.
>>773463Anon-chan, your life isn't over just because you broke up with someone! our brain always loves remembering only all the 'good' stuff about our relationship in order to turn us into masochists, but trust me, it gets better. At the end of the day you will also be able to spend good time on and with yourself.
>>773467Tbh i dont think it's worth having a friend who would cut off contacts with you over your mental health. He will use you and ditch you.
No. 773474
>>773472>Tbh i dont think it's worth having a friend who would cut off contacts with you over your mental health. He will use you and ditch you.I wish I could agree with you but I was acting like a BPD mess over him (I'm diagnosed with a different personality disorder with BPD traits), so he was in the right. I was 100% horrible. At the same time, I guess he was kinda using me while whining about girls that wouldn't give him a second thought. I was constantly suicidal and tried to hurt him back with my pain. I wanted us to spend as much time as possible, but he preferred to look for more relationship and come back to me to whine/report how that went. I was 100% horrible tbh but I feel like he was partially to blame for that. IDK the whole thing was a mess.
Oh my God, now I remember the biggest red flag was when I was supposed to visit him IRL and he lost his shit over me wanting to have a hotel room to return to. He was offended that I did not trust him enough to let yourself be locked in his flat (with his parents, but still!). He seemed to understand why women feel unsafe around men otherwise, was okay with feminism (yeah, I know the one stonetoss comic about predators proves it doesn't mean shit, but let's ignore that). so it really came out of the left field.
No. 773525
>>773510not burgerfag anon but weirdly enough when i used to live in an ok sized town with enough doctors i'd still end up waiting an extra 15 minutes at best, or an hour at worst.
now i'm in the EU, lived in two major cities and all my doctors have been on time…i once even got scolded for not being 10 minutes early because the doctor was done with the previous patient.
No. 773567
>>773030I was just lamenting the same thing Anon, we've got all the same problems. And I have the same hair texture as picrel too. I hope it feels better to know you're not alone, at the very least.
On a similar note, I'm feeling mega jealous of girls with naturally straight or wavy hair. Curly hair, too. Anything but this afro that sticks straight out. I'm looking like a clown every time I go outside. I wish I could just put my hair in a ponytail or use a cute hairclip and be done like other girls can. I can't even wear bangs! It makes me so sad sometimes.
No. 773589
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I'm a couple of days away from completing my last courses at grad school and I'm so all over the place that I forgot my father's birthday. I feel so fucking guilty and it's not like I can pretend it didn't happen or put aside this mountain of work I have. Never have I been this exhausted before in my life
No. 773600
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I hate living in a world where you need a collage degree just to live and not end up in wage cuck retail fast food hellscape. I hate college and I'm not a natural student I wish I had been born a trust fund kiddie or is hot enough to bag a rich old guy and have my life set. Before anyone mentions getting into programming, don't. STEM is boring.
No. 773603
>>773580>aro acethis isn't tumblr
that said, I completely understand
No. 773620
>>773600Same anon. I've been fucking around trying to complete a CS degree for like almost 5 years now (I live in a country where it's basically free). But I think I might just throw in the towel. Through all this time I've never gotten to a point where coding is enjoyable to me. Once I know how to do something it's a massive chore to write it all out. And being stuck on something is endlessly frustrating. The only classes I like are the math and logic related ones.
Now I'm in a complete twilight zone trying to think of something else to do with my life. I never thought of a plan B.
No. 773675
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Can't stand this dumb bitch I know who's been posting stupid pickme shit on her IG lately. Talking about how feminists have daddy issues or how other women don't deserve high quality men. Bitch everyone knows Jay is cheating on you you stupid pickme ass bitch. Everyone knows that when you get drunk you cry about how you only agreed to the "open" relationship because you can't live without him. Everyone knows only he's sleeping with other people because you have such low self-esteem no one else wants to fuck you but you claim it's because "you're just not that type of girl". Talking about how you're such a "bad girl" for being in an open relationship bitch shut the fuck up. You're a cuck and you cry yourself to sleep because you can't break up with your cheating boyfriend. High quality my ass.
No. 773700
>>773691This entire post was a constant what. That's sounds draining
nonnie, has it happened before? You could reassure her you were just saying she's beautiful in your eyes, no matter what but I'm assuming you've already explained yourself. Maybe just leave her alone for some time now
No. 773731
>>773691>her best friend made a video project for class on how great my girlfriend is what the fuck
>and it included topics of my gf's addictions along w photos of her from that era.Did your girlfriend agree to that? Still it feels very weird to me to make a presentation on an non-famous addict that you are friends with. That friend sounds underage and/or like a simp but maybe it's normal in your country to do things like that for a class.
No. 773735
>>773715>>773723i might be making excuses because change scares me, trauma bonding, etc.
she says shes not mad at me or the friend who made the project and that it's not my fault. i've given examples from the past that contradict how i feel about her looks pre and post addiction. i've previously said she looks healthier and she looks the best she's looked right now when she has showed me pics of phases she's gone through. and what really gets me is that one of the photos in the video project was one from her tinder profile. so i thought it was fair to compliment she's always looked good
are there any anons who can relate to how she feels and what is best to say right now?
>>773731lol they go to a big art school where they can make anything so i was surprised too. i've seen countless video submissions and they're all like this. to be fair, they're filler classes that don't pertain anything to do with their major. the name of the school is just prestigious
No. 773767
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B r u h. So I got hired to do artwork for a cartoon pitch and one of my hiring directors is a full blown SJW. Like, I told my colleague alongside him that I refused to draw anything that could be seen as a joke to anyone and he got mad at me for refusing to draw a woman who looks like… well not a woman haha!
I’m not even into SJW BS, I’m just the artist and well, goddamn y’all. Abby from TLOU2 really gave people boners. Why SJW gotta ruin the fun man.
No. 773813
>>773691>>773735update:"I'm actively working on myself" "I apologized i don't know what you want me to say"
a couple weeks ago we had a conversation that started by her asking why i don't want to have sex as often as i used to, and if it's because she gained weight. i never noticed a gain in weight. i have been tired and overwhelmed (i was visiting a big city where she lives) and just haven't been horny lately. she says she hasnt eaten in days and it's partially because she's starving herself. she says it would make her more attractive, but she's not proud of herself for doing this. the fact that this came after asking why i don't want to have sex because she doesn't feel hot anymore is directly because of me not being horny, right?? is that wrong of me to imply? again she says it's not because of me, just like this stint that was pulled where i made a comment and it fueled into self-destructive thoughts and behavior. am i crazy for thinking that? she denies it but i don't see how these can't be related? she was literally asking if i like sex with her still, that she feels like she's fat, she'd starving herself bc she claims so was hotter when she used to starve herself therefore it would correlate that she starves herself to be hotter for me
i just now asked her to see a therapist and she said she would
No. 773856
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I wish I could express my opinions around my friends, but I'm scared of being instantly labeled as a terf and getting "canceled" by everyone I know. Alost half of everyone in my daily life happens to be a he/they enby (class of art students) and I would be instantly ostracized. It just so happens that one of my friends is a TIF and I'm getting really tired of hearing her complaining about the same things I struggled with in the past (feeling disconnected with or even repulsed by your own womanhood as well as a whole lot of internalized misogyny and lesbo-phobia). I wish I could help in some way but she's still my friend and I would feel like an asshole telling her that her entire identity isn't valid or whatever.
No. 773861
>>773856I feel you anon my entire friend group from college turned into this (also artists)
It's hard to find art spaces that aren't full of this shit I am also tired of it. Hang in there anon
No. 773882
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>>773567I hope we're both able to reach our hair goals anon! That hair texture is so pretty, it looks so fluffy and soft to me. It feels so unsatisfying to know my hair is not at the length that I want it at, but on the bright side, it's a easier to run my hands through it since it's short lol
also, it's funny you mention bangs because one of my goals is to be able to straighten my hair and give myself bangs No. 773896
>>773739It just gets worse too. You get fat or fatter. Back pain. I'm tired all the time and feel great after I make it to a workout but consistency isn't there. My career is sitting all day at a computer and trying to figure out how the fuck I'm supposed to save for retirement and also pay off student loans. Dating? Phfft. Who has energy to deal with some idiots problems on top of your own.
Best to stay debt free and not get weighed down by stuff. Including a mortgage. Work less and experience more. This full time slavery is BS.
No. 773908
>>773856Hang in there anon. I just (drunkenly) had my first "debate" about JK Rowling and thankfully everyone listened and it was cool in the end. Granted it was with three scrotes, but no one walked away angry.
I asked the one who called JK Rowling a
TERF how he would feel if a "girl" he brought home had a penis and would he be willing and eager to do something with "her" penis.
Legit all he could say to that and my other points about female infanticide was "You're making good points, but it depends on the context." AKA I won.
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything.
No. 773917
So i've been depressed for quite sometime now and just this year i decided to get into therapy, my mom had tried to get me help four yrs or so ago when i was 17 but i fucked off once i turned 18. anyways she's always been judgy about my hygiene and it would work, because i get up and shower/brush my teeth. I was doing good pre-covid, not skipping showers and brushing my teeth. But after covid they sent me home to wfh, i couldnt for the life of me get up and shower/brush my teeth, and i even lost my job, because i felt too nasty and pathetic to do it, i still have no idea what that was. This was my cue to get help and I've been showering and brushing my teeth, minus the putting nice clothes on and makeup. The problem is my mom straight up lies to my aunts about me, tells them i don't shower, or brush my teeth. I don't understand why she's lying, it doesn't keep me on track and i actually can't talk to my aunts anymore because I'm so ashamed. Some of the things she's said are true, like me not clipping my nails until a month later, but i have been on top of myself starting this year! so it's not true anymore! Just now I was eating soup, and i heard her talking on the phone and made up a lie, said i water down my mouthwash because i "hate anything clean"……. i just got up and poured my soup down the toilet. I've been trying to gain weight, meeting my therapist through zoom, actually showering and brushing my teeth, yet she keeps lying about me. Doing all of these things are already difficult on their own. She almost seems to be bragging about how clean she is, telling whoever it was she was talking to about how she showers and brushes twice a day. I dont understand
No. 773920
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I don't understand the attraction to maisie williams.
She looks like a poorly assembled goblin.
No. 773921
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pour my heart out in a post I spent an hour typing out about things I actually care about?
>thread is suddenly dead for several hours despite normally being active
make a mindless 0.2 second 5 word shitpost?
>at least 3 (you)s
No. 773984
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No. 773995
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Took the day off work to knock out a bunch of self-care. I actually felt heard when I went to my doctor and dermatologist today.
Got to see my primary physician for the first time in three years since I lost my health insurance from my ex job. She was super flexible and even mentioned my ~controlled substance~ medication that I tried briefly but couldn't afford at the time. I'd love to be on legal speed again now that I'm in a financial spot where I can afford it. I might take her up on it if my referral & lifestyle changes don't work out. When I was uninsured I tried to get that med from a clinic which I paid beaucoup money for a visit, only for this snooty bitch physician to scoff at me and say "you're not going to have it easy just like that." ??? Then tried to push metformin on me because she was shocked pikachu that my levels were high from a blood draw after eating fast food an hour prior cause I wasn't told to fast cause I wasn't told I'd be having bloodwork.
Clinics that take uninsured people tend to have fucking hacks on power trips. Anyway.
I'm going to be starting spironolactone for my acne in combination with a topical. This was a new derm cause I felt my old one wasn't very good. For once a dermatologist didn't fucking take one look at me and try to push me towards isotretinoin or an antibiotic. I also got a nasty neck mole removed, one less reminder of my shitty mom since she has the same gross one.
Went and got my nails done too. I feel seen in a way that's hard to describe.
No. 774013
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my hips are wide and i have a decently small waist, but i have absolutely no ass like hank hill and i feel like i catfish men online into thinking i'm thick, but i'm a SCAM
No. 774064
There's this little girl, she's like 11 years old and I am pretty sure she is getting molested, my mom and I are trying to get her coward, greedy father to send her back to her mom so she can be safe but her brother and her father literally do not give a fuck that she's suffering, they just see the (miniscule) amount of money she's bringing in. She works at this house, small tasks like vaccuming and washing dishes whatnot, so why are they keeping her in their house till fucking midnight? Who has work till midnight that a little kid needs to be there for? Why aren't her family doing anything, I can see myself in her, when I got molested almost regularly I was the same age as her and I know how scary it was, I changed completely, never told anyone, I was so scared, she's changed so much, nothing like the bubbly, annoying kid she was, since the literal week it has been since her father started sending her in that house to work in. We tried talking to her mom, to come pick her daughter up. The place she spends her whole literal day in belongs to some affluent family. I can't believe how little her family gives a shit about her, only two other women in her family are concerned about her and so we've been trying to get them to convince the men of their family to please, let that kid not go there anymore. It's insane. It's so out in the open, no one cares. I hate this country, I hate it's people. I am trying to get work so I can maybe send them enough money so they can stop making that girl work, I don't know if it's the right solution. I just don't know how I can help when her family doesn't even bother
No. 774102
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There is the worst smell in my house, and I cannot figure out for the life of me where the fuck it's coming from. Floors were just placed down in my house, so I know it's from the area where the work was done, but I cannot find the exact source or figure out why it would be making that smell. It's gotten worse as well for some reason. I'm gonna try to mop the floors, but if this doesn't work I'm burning the house down
No. 774113
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>>774111>>774103I hope this doesn't count as avatarfagging, but here's another drawing! I thought it was very simple and cute and yeah, at this point I'm convinced there is some kind of dead animal or something underneath the floor. Like, how the fuck could the scent be getting worse if that's not it? I was hoping it would just air out in a couple hours, but it's spread to my room so I have no choice but to take action
No. 774134
>>774064Do you have a child protection service in your country you could contact?
> I am trying to get work so I can maybe send them enough money so they can stop making that girl work, I don't know if it's the right solution.Don't do this. People who will make a young girl work like that will take your money AND still make her work.
No. 774142
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I was asked to handle a complicated case at work this week. Was given a short powerpoint-presentation about how to do the task, then directed to some handbooks with guidelines on how to do it.
My boss told me today that I had prematurely made a payment to a client before sending some approval forms to our financial department. I was just following the instructions from an old handbook we had, but after questioning a colleague about it and getting to know that the process changed, I quickly called the bank and asked them to withold the payment until I got the approval. I apologized, but made the point that I had been told to follow this handbook and "ask questions if needed", no one told me about the change during training. My boss told me I still made him and the team look bad, even though I managed to stop the payment in time.
I was fine taking the blame for that, but then he made the point that I had sent the approval forms to the wrong e-mail. I showed him the training material again where it said to send the forms to that e-mail. Turns out it went to a folder that had to be approved by HIM before HE sent the forms further to the financial department. "Right, but I never do that anymore and no one ever checks this folder, so you should have forwarded this yourself."
Again, I wasn't informed. Everyone just keeps telling me to "ask questions", but if that means I have to question every instruction I got during training to see if it's still the way we do it, they're wasting both my time and their own.
Seriously, fuck corporate jobs.
No. 774145
>>774142You still managed that greatly
Actually it's their fault to give you serious tasks without supervision
No. 774156
>>774108I fucking laughed at "themlets"
I know this feel anon. You're not alone though
No. 774182
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I just want to give up.
No. 774186
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I cannot tell you how much I hate college. I’m in community college majoring in a degree I have no hope for in myself and the industry and I’m reluctant to change it because I really have no other skills that I know of yet. Between juggling my suppressed emotions and trying to express myself to other people it gets lost and I’m just so fucking tired. Don’t even get me started with scrote professors, because of COVID classes are mainly offered remotely. I was not having it this morning, I was super tired and stressed out finishing my project because I embarrassingly want validation and attention from my peers from the things I do and it always backfired, no one really cares. I had a class and ofc be called on me and I was having issues with my mic and getting situated for privacy because I live in really tight quarters with a family member I absolutely hate and can’t wait until he’s placed somewhere else, so I had to go back and forth back and forth trying to adjust my microphone and the scrote professor was like if you’re not willing to talk to me, blah blah, was so freaking impatient (and not to mention always rushing through the damn course), he’s a decent and sociable person but like seriously calm tf down. I got so overwhelmed I literally just muted myself, wait a few minutes and just left completely from the class without notice. Why do I even care that much about a college that is full of just old people trying to get more certificates to advance their careers? I’m just so scared of doing something else because what if there isn’t anything else for me, what if this is at my best, at my potential. I just want to quit it all and it’s fucking community college and not even hard I’m just lost.
I wish there was an easier way, sorry for sperg
No. 774238
>>774186i know it isn't much but i can really empathise with you on this
nonnie. it's really fucking hard, especially with all this bullshit online stuff and especially when you don't have your own space, but at least summer break is almost here and you can take time to yourself and relax as best as you can. keep sticking in as best as you can, but please remember to take care of yourself too. go for walks or journal or whatever helps clear your head if you can. i hope you get through this, i'll be rooting for you!
>>774234maybe you should try and see a doctor if you're able to anon, i'm really not sure that's supposed to be happening at all and the numbness sounds quite scary. i hope it's nothing serious and that everything's alright though!
No. 774250
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This is technically an "opinion about cows" post but it's also a vent post so I'm posting in the vent thread. I hate it when LC posters patronizingly tell people to stop hating themselves and also make it clear that whatever it is is worth hating yourself over, especially in LC's culture. The hypocrisy is astounding and what you are saying is: "we/the world hates you for [insert trait], we all agree that it is the worst thing ever, but YOU are not allowed to hate yourself". You are in no position to tell people how to feel and you have issues if you think that behavior is normal. Stop being retarded control freaks and get help.
No. 774263
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>>774186I don't have any advice to offer but anon I just want to say you're not alone bc I'm 100% in the same boat. It's unbelievably difficult and isolating to be doing all this shit in front of a computer monitor for 6+ hours with no real interaction with anyone else and every day I pray I get hit by a bus just so I can check out of life for a bit. But we'll get through this somehow!
No. 774271
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> v*uberfags from 4ch started mentioning lolcow again, so the amount of spam and trannies will get increased…
No. 774301
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my eyeballs hurt from the huge amount of stress I am. also the pain of trying not to cry because I can’t be vulnerable in this horrible horrible world that needs to just go away and rot already. as a woman you can be vulnerable but once you cry you’re a childish dumb attention-whore bitch, it’s like I’m living as a man while it doesn’t fit me in this society. I’m not a man one way or another something in me is going to break and I’ll stop putting on a stoic exterior.
No. 774351
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fucking shit I hate construction noise so fucking much, I hate land developers so fucking much, and I hate every single stupid fucking person that is going to live in those stupid fucking houses so fucking much.
No. 774362
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I was up all night feeling sick, and having auditory hallucinations (something I get if I don't sleep properly.)
I woke up today kind of late and was desperately searching for an uber to work, called into work telling my manager that I'll be a bit late, because I'm trying to get a ride and don't feel well, he was totally cool with it, and then I realized I was just getting sicker and sicker so I called in again, told them the situation and how I genuinely felt like I was going to get sick at work, again they were super understanding but then said they'd call back in like 2-3 minutes to let me know for sure it's all taken care of, and this was at 2:40, it's 3:20 now.. I'm beyond paranoid around it and just feel real fucking guilty. We get a lot of call offs at my job that leave us scrambling to do shit, especially since I was supposed to close tonight, and that's our biggest problem rn with understaffing.
I know, like, logically, I needed to call off with how sick I am and that if I WERE to work, I'd be needing to frequently go to the bathroom, be too dizzy that I'd be messing shit up, and whatnot, but guilt is eating the fuck away at me, and making me feel even worse. I don't want to lay down because I'm afraid I'll get the call back as soon as I fall asleep.. I'm just a paranoid shithead and I hate creating any sort of issue. Already had multiple anxiety attacks over it.
No. 774377
>>772815>>772902(Sorry in advance for sounding like an motivational poster)
I'm 18 and I'm in the same situation as you guys. I haven't had a friend in 5 years and don't talk to anyone except my family once a week via phone because I live alone far away.
It's normal to have no friends. A fifth of American adults report having no friends at all. I know it can feel alienating, but stressing over it will only make you feel miserable. It's better to accept that you don't have any friends, and focus on the positive sides of not being burdened by friendships (for example, no annoying friends, you don't owe shit to anyone, you have more time to hone your skills or invest in hobbies etc…). For every good side there is to having a friend, there's also a good side to being alone.
You both seem to be well articulate and self aware (at least over text), so I think it's possible to make friends if you want to. It's probably going to be a bit hard, but by continuing to try and participate and join in social gatherings, you'll get better at socializing.
In any case, I wish you both good luck on whichever path you choose to fix this problem.
No. 774404
>>774032What is your degree in?
If not for my loans I'd be doing pretty good. I'm at nearly 80k now for a bachelor degree because it took forever to get to a point of paying on then and interest nearly doubled it. Don't do what I did and put it off. At least cover the interest. I feel so fucked sometimes.
I pay $600 a month now for 20s years payoff. If I had a dual income it would be easier. Can't count on that though as it seems marriage is quickly becoming a fantasy I'll never achieve because I refuse to lower my standards or settle.
No. 774429
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There's a TA that's been marking all of my work for one of my classes and every time I look at the grade she's given me I think she's being excessively harsh. It's clear that I put a lot of effort into my assignments, I even reach out to the prof/TA with direct questions to sharpen my understanding of the material. The quality of my work is good, especially under the current zoom school circumstances. I know for a fact that the TA's english skills are limited and I wonder if the language barrier is influencing her evaluation. I'm too shy to consult either the professor or the TA about these grades because I get the impression that they don't really care. Even when I've come to them with research questions they haven't been helpful. If you're not going to dedicate much of your time and effort into a class, how can you justify being so severe in your grading method? Btw I like the thread pic a lot.
No. 774473
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‘Ate the bitches on here acting like they’re cute and hot shit making fun of mentally ill people and ugly people, exclusion of lolcows and other gossip subjects
also guarantee you wouldn’t say it in front of people’s faces because you know your ass would be beat
Post pics or gtfo honestly
No. 774492
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>>774482>there’s something called being polite It’s called being a white, shriveled, timid pathetic old lady. Now go post your casseroles and talk about your dense boyfriend with the unwashed ass bitch because that’s all you’re worth for, kek. You disgust me, puttana
(racebait) No. 774508
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What is even going on anymore?
>have scrote cousin and uncle
>both are like street cats
>would prefer to sleep on a couch than go back home for some reason
>uncle is drunkard
>cousin is touch starved and thinks he’s cool
>they live with my grandma
>both catch covid
>cousin is asymptote
>uncle can’t even breathe
>grandma is okayish
>uncle is self-proclaimed best doctor at detecting covid
>denies he’s got covid
>gets sent to hospital because he fucking needs oxygen
>he rips everything off and walks back to my grandma’s home
I mean, what? He even got there with his lips fucking purple, how the fuck is he even alive? Is he taking drugs or some shit? Why does he has to do this to my family? My grandparents were amazing parents, like, they always did their best to take care of my uncle, aunt and mother, they never even lifted a finger to hurt them and they always protected them from anything that tried to harm them. Why the fuck is my uncle being such a motherfucking asshole?
No. 774515
>>774492Not that anon and idk what the discussion is even about but
>puttanathis should be added to the list of things I want nonnies to call me from now on (like anonita, nonita, nona, nonu, nonna,
nonny, anita)
No. 774570
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i know it's irrational but i've had a bad fear of aging since i was 15 and now i'm 23 and i'm terrified i've let my youth slip away. due to shitty mental health issues i didn't get those "normal" childhood/teenage experiences and i didnt get the "college experience" and i feel like i've already missed out on everything.
No. 774574
>>774565This fuck on a dating app barely made a sentence before asking for selfies. Then he gave me shit when I was like why the fuck would I do that? Basically because he advertised his sm profiles and twitch he felt i owed him I guess? Dude makes a living being a livestream gamer. He was a whiney ass fuck incel and I told him he was a scrote incel for saying I was "full of shit" because I lowkey said I "stalked" his insta before swiping and gave him a compliment after he gave me one. He advertised of course I checked him out!! So apparently I owed him one. Gross.
Maybe I should make him a personal cow.
No. 774654
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How do you not break under it all? How can I stop my heart hurting and wanting the world to end when it's like this for us? Sometimes I can find peace by staying offline, looking away from it best I can, being selfish I guess and focusing on what's immediate. While it still slips through because that's life as a woman, I can be pretty carefree most of the time. Is it selfish?? Why am I so fragile I get headaches every time I try to catch up on reality I get physically sick thinking how bad it is. I'm tired
No. 774661
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>>774654This is true to an extent but I think everyone on the planet has some/many forms of unconscious and artificially manufactured biases against themselves and various neurosis due mainly living in our established postmodernist neoliberal society.
It still hurts and I sympathize with you and this image you shared .. but the problem of being unable to conceptualize yourself without filtering through various societal lenses is a very human problem.
My personal advice is to practice mindfulness because just having this insight is a transcendence of self.
No. 774664
>>774661>>774662I meant the image as an extra thing but my post wasn't very coherent sorry. I am upset about misogyny in general anytime I think about all its forms.
But still your replies are helpful to me so thank you. I get overemotional sometimes
No. 774665
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>>774654>Sometimes I can find peace by staying offline, looking away from it best I can, being selfish I guess and focusing on what's immediate. While the internet is great when we think about its ability to connect people, share knowledge and foster growth, it can be a real shitshow when it comes to creating tech addiction and a need to doomscroll. Terrible things have been happening all over the world to people and especially women since the dawn of time, but that doesn't take away from the fact that we've also made outstanding progress. Just a few centuries, even decades ago, we wouldn't have had the right to own property, legally protect ourselves from partner abuse, get an education, work legitimate jobs or vote - assuming you're living in a relatively progressive country. And even if not, this interconnectedness is allowing women all over the world to see their own potential and create more opportunitiesfor themselves. We aren't meant to take on all the struggles of the world at once. Being mindful and in the moment is precisely what we should strive to do, that's the very essence of life. Being. And if you can focus on what you want for yourself, your goals and supporting other women along the way, then you aren't doing half bad for yourself. Don't let external opinions, biases and prejudices haunt you. You and your connection to the world is what matters. Don't let the bastards grind you down.
No. 774670
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>>774665Thank you so much anon I am way too sleep deprived to give a proper response but you're right and I'll try to think about this as I fall asleep. Really well said
No. 774677
>>774670My pleasure
nonny, I hope it helps and that you get some good rest. You've got this and you deserve to be happy.
No. 774754
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How can a scrote mentally and physically abuse you for years, then be pic related when you tell him you don’t love him anymore? Like, yeah, we had some “good” times, but those were ALWAYS in between huge fights, him physically hurting me, spitting on me, mentally terrorizing me, etc. I was financially abused for a period because he wouldn’t allow me to work (jealousy issues.) And NOW he’s acting like a fucking crybaby because I said what I said? I loved him and have stuck by him through a lot, but I’m tired of taking his constant shit. It’s like he’s completely oblivious to how he’s treated me.
No. 774757
>>774754anon he doesn't care. do. not. stick. around.
"but it's been years-" "but he said he was gonna kill himself" "but he's so sad" "but i love him" doesn't matter, if he actually kills himself then he was going to eventually anyway, doesn't matter either and no you don't.
let him go, find a safe place to stay.
No. 774762
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How many times will I get a fucking uti this year
No. 774769
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>>774762>>774763I get it. When it rains, it pours on days like this. Take some azo until you can get to the doc for antibiotics so it doesn’t hurt so bad. Sorry anon, hugs.
No. 774777
>>774769>that picNTA and now I need to vent. I feel like doing your nails is such a waste, unless your job requires it. It's crazy how much women allow society to meme them into spending money on bullshit that doesn't really benefit them and that needs constant upkeep.
>but it's cuteYeah I get it, but is it really worth it? I'm not immune to pretty stuff, in fact I love wearing nice clothes, but shit like make-up routines or manicure seems horrifying to me. Especially since manicure is either expensive or relies on underpaid Asian women working in unsafe conditions… and even if each session of manicure is cheap, the costs add up. Meanwhile scrotes cannot be arsed to upkeep their long hair and wash their face with something else than 4-in-1 showing gel.
No. 774798
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>>774777I know right?! Now me personally, I am not like other girls, I am cool and don't care about my nails. I also love to eat pizza with the boys and fix motorcycles so I got no use for silly colorful nails like those dumb girly girls get. Women are really so silly, I just can't empathize with them. All my friends are male and they tell me I am cool like them.
No. 774803
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oh my god FUCK men
i was chilling on a bench, wearing a turtle neck and a skirt, and there was this weird looking guy nearby. he was talking to a teen (ew) but i assumed it was just his cousin or something.
well probably not because he came up to ME to tell me he was like my big brother and that i should dress properly next time because if anything happens i'm just tempting the devil. rambled some more about how he's "tired of hearing the phone…hearing on the phone that fhsjfghs got raped…whatever if they dress like this then of course fghjsgfvjd" just typical rape apology bullshit mixed with whatever drugs/alcohol he's been consuming. he was slurring his words and not making a lot of sense sometimes.
i replied a little to try and end the "conversation" (like saying i wasn't his little sister and to have a good day, sir) but he kept talking, taking two steps away then coming back. i was looking the other way and i got scared i was about to get swung on for not listening to my "big brother" (i think he thought i was muslim…so sorry for all the muslim looking girls who have to hear this big brother nonsense on a daily basis jfc)
nothing happened and i stayed on the bench a little longer then i went home. i'm so tired of being scared because some drugged up scrote wanted to ramble at me.
No. 774804
>>774793OP's vent seems weirdly out of left field but saying
>no one forces girls to get their nails doneis a very tone deaf observation in response.
No. 774816
>>774804Agreed, but the
> out of left fieldThing is real and happens all the time. Once I asked if I should get coffee in the stupid questions thread and it turned into a fat derail kek it’s just retarded how it happens
No. 774827
>>774798Why are you projecting the cool girl persona on my post?
>Meanwhile scrotes cannot be arsed to upkeep their long hair and wash their face with something else than 4-in-1 showing gel.Cause that's TOTALLY something that a pick me would say. Seems like I hit a sore spot there.
Maybe I was unclear or phrased it wrong, but I am more annoyed with the concept of womanhood as make-up, nails, following fashion etc. than individual women who do that. I have nothing against them. I just wish all that aesthetic bullshit wasn't thrown on us, or at least similar upkeep was mandatory for scrotes kek.
>>774794Absolutely based
>>774816It's a vent thread. My vent was
triggered by the meme but completely unrelated to previous posts.
No. 774838
>>772649Just completed my yearly tradition of buying easter chocolate for people, then eating it all and having to replace it (repeat steps 2 & 3 if feeling extra spicy)
Why am I such a fat cunt I swear I've been like this since I could reach a cupboard it's like my brain is wired wrong ffs
No. 774842
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>>774833Sorry if you didn't like my nails vent. It's not gonna discourage me from further venting, no matter if the topic has been brought back before or not. Guess you will have to live with it somehow.
No. 774849
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I've heard about it before but today I read more details on Holodomor and I'm like. What even is humanity. Why do we still exist. Nothing good we ever did can compare to the scale of suffering humans inflicted upon each other.
And not to racebait, but it bothers me that the world still doesn't talk about things like Holodomor (3-12 millions of deaths) or the Armenian genocide and sometimes doesn't even treat them as genocides, just because the victims weren't jewish or poc I guess. Some people still deny it or lie about it. Wtf
No. 774850
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> tfw I won't celebrate Easter with partners family second year in a row and I wanted to know more about their culture and experience the way they celebrate it in this country, because it sounds so fun compared to my homecountrys celebration that is nothing but eating
It's pretty dumb but I feel bummed out by it. I was very excited. Fuck lockdown and a BPD-chan.
My partner is not a person to celebrate events like this (or any events but Christmas and Birthday), so there's not much I can do. And stores are already on a break until Wednesday.
I know it's a stupid vent but I just miss celebrating something with family IRL. We would always celebrate it no matter what, and it's also the only holiday which I haven't celebrated with partners family yet. Though honestly, I do not think we will celebrate anything but Christmas now, because SIL is a munchie like Pixielocks who hates me because she is insecure about herself and doesn't like women in general, the type to always go "not all men", and brag about doing nothing but being a NEET in her 30s, edating a child and playing videogames only with men, because women ~ bring drama ~.
No. 774851
>>774838bitch i know this feeling too well. it's a miracle i'm not eating myself into an american size lmfao
if there are snacks i actually really like around i'll just eat all of them. i'll skip dinner because eating that pack of oreos sounds better. i don't know how i didn't devour the snacks i'm keeping for a friend. are we doomed?!
No. 774871
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i don't know where to meet guys. i'm from the balkans and the country is so small, but i didn't grow up here so i barely know anyone. i'm in uni but there's no guys because they're all muslim (private uni) and no way in hell is that happening. i'm basically in my mid 20s now and i wanna kill myself because i literally can't meet people.
No. 774890
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I swear some days I feel beautiful as hell, like I have a face similar to Lisa Bonet's. And then I have those days where I feel like my face looks like John Candy's.
My body image just can't make up it's mind.
No. 774905
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>>774769Ayrt, thank you so much. I appreciate your response and I'll get some cranberry pills and probably will do my nails today. If If I'm not feeling lazy as fuck I'll try to do pic. I'm sorry that anon was being such an asshole
No. 774969
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it's going to take me 6 years to finish undergrad instead of 4, and that's assuming i don't fail out. i feel like such a loser, i didnt even make friends for the years ive been here, i just felt ashamed and lost in my coursework. the other day i looked in the mirror and noticed how aged my face was. i used to take comfort/base my identity around being good at academics because i'm bad at everything else(mannish/ugly/sperg) and now i don't even have school. i'm going to die alone, in poverty, and with memories of constantly suffering
No. 774974
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>>774965KEK anon why are you insulting yourself twice? Do you also look like this blockhead
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>>774974I mean if you consider this an insult….
No. 774997
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I don't think I want to be in a relationship again. I feel so emotionally drained and I don't want to feel this again in my life it's exhausting. I don't cope well with breakups and I obviously tend to attract the worst men. I also don't know if I want to have kids or not. I don't want to die alone. I'm just so tired of thinking about the future.
No. 775005
Whenever something in my life is too good, it doesn't matter what, I have to either:
>try to make it a little bad because if it's perfect there is something sketchy about it>almost ruin a different good aspect in my life so that there will be a "balance" (same reason)Do I have the tism? I have an enemy and it's none other than yours truly.
>>774997Cute pic
No. 775006
>>775003 said, and also: It's okay if you don't want to be in a relationship anon. We're taught that and having kids is supposed to be the most fulfilling thing in life, but there are so many other exciting paths to take. Women who have families have still died alone and alienated, women who have remained single and childfree (happiest subset of the population btw) have been surrounded by friends and people who enjoyed their presence by choice rather than obligation. Just focus on enjoying your day-to-day life and cultivating things that will make it better. Create relationships (platonic) that build you up, give back to the community through whatever means you prefer. You can even adopt if you really end up wanting a child, and they'll have a loving life thanks to you they likely wouldn't have otherwise. If a rare, decent man comes around then great, but letting romance go as a focus is hugely freeing in itself.
No. 775008
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I'm pretty sure my neighbour has been hosting a child's birthday party today. All afternoon I've been hearing adults and children laughing and hollering at each other in our shared hallway. Finally I had enough. I had my airpods in on noise cancellation mode and I could still hear people being loud as fuck. I opened my front door to see a bunch of people in the hallway without masks on, and one woman was even barefoot. This is supposed to be a luxury building. Our region is locked down because our COVID cases are out of control and hardly anyone has been vaccinated. I've had to attend law school online this past year and have made so many sacrifices and it feels like it's all for nothing because careless idiots ruin it for everyone else. The irony is that my neighbour is an old retired woman who is well-known locally for being a women's rights activist. I guess she doesn't give a single shit about her neighbours' rights to health and peace and quiet, even if some are women. I feel so trapped in my apartment. I can't even go to a library to study and this bitch is doing whatever the fuck she wants as loudly as she pleases with as many people as she feels like. Fuck the world.
No. 775037
>>775024I would just be honest about it and say you're sorry for what they are going through but that you aren't the best with communication in emotional situations. Maybe not in quite that order so it doesn't come off as if you're trying to blow them off.
People don't necessarily want their problems solved, they just want someone to listen and validate them. So usually just saying how awful they must feel or whatever can help.
It's why we have this vent thread!
No. 775039
>>775036the fact that your bf called
you batshit crazy for crying over something small. Anon, there's nothing wrong with being sensitive, people be built different. also your bf is tresh, throw the whole man away.
No. 775044
>>775019Right? As an older millennial the dating pool is getting slim because these idiots married too young now they are getting divorced and dating younger. Sure there are some young guys looking for women in their 30s but usually just because we're more sexually experienced and also they want to mooch off our hard earned incomes. I'm soooo not attracted to men in their mid to late 40s let alone older….and the ones in their 40s are looking for younger than 30s too. Leaving a lot of men in their 50s going for my age group.
Thing is like you said anon, it doesn't usually work out for them too long because of boredom and gold diggers. They just waste their time. Would be nice if Hollywood wouldn't fool all these guys into thinking this is normal.
Apparently I got
triggered by this vent and also had to vent on this subject. Kek
No. 775053
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I finally accept that it was never me, it was never anything I did or didn't do, my dad just isn't capable of loving anyone very much
There was never anything I could have done to make him act different or change his mind
I don't have to feel guilty anymore
Some people just don't care about family, and that's not necessarily the fault of their family, and in this case, it isn't my fault
This wasn't my fault
Thank god, and now I am free
No. 775056
>>775052I'm sending you good vibes; that's usually a pretty simple surgery when it does have to happen, she'll be okay
some times they can even just flush the bowels out
No. 775078
>>774762Samefagging again. I thought I was maybe being overdramatic when I said today was not going to be good, but I was not. My phone and card dropped out of my back pocket into a walmart toilet.
A Walmart Public Bathroom Toilet. The bathrooms were disgusting as well, one stall had splatters of period pee on the seat. I have multiple small wounds and two pretty big cuts on my hand, and I had to reach into the toilet to retrieve my items. I'm a poopoo hands ass bitch. I'm going to fucking kill myself.
In all serious-ness, will I get a disease from this? Maybe this is herpes-from-a-public-pool tier irrational fear
although it's not that irrational, but I'm going to be beyond pissed if I catch something because my phone decided to fall into a public toilet.
No. 775089
>>775073I've seen many posts like these and very few that got dogpiled were insulting other women. They mostly say they got bullied by other girls for being different.
Of course, most posters here are ironically too autistic to understand that
different in this context doesn't mean they think they're special, but that everyone else thought something was wrong with them or they didn't fit in.
No. 775106
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For the love of god in heaven, free Cyntoia Brown
No. 775110
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When I was a kid I used to watch this show and the opening song was very sad to me although it's not but they show the mother leaving the house in one of the episodes and it always made my heart drop in fear of my mom doing the same. I really love my mom she's perfect and I've always been afraid she'll do the same if things become tough because she's a human too. Idk why today I felt nostalgic and wanted to watch that show again,and when the opening started my heart dropped at the same shot as it used to do when I was little. I can't believe we can feel the same way after all this years. I immediately hugged my mom and stayed in her arms for a good 10 minutes she's so precious.
No. 775113
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>>775111Samefag, she's already out! Here's a recent pic of her from her twitter. She got married the same year she was released.
No. 775162
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I had to move back home to my country due to Covid. And each day I want to tear my hair out, because I still can't stop thinking about a guy I met abroad for a few weeks during quarantine last summer.
He was passionate, creative, sharp as a tack, fiercely principled, and didn't give a shit about what others thought (or was good at hiding it). And a cynic like me. Like many others I was convinced the kind of romance you saw in movies couldn't truly exist - after all, there's no room of writers to set up the pieces in real life. But with him, I was living and breathing out of a script. From 12 hour desert road trips to effortless verbal sword fights that somehow never felt cliche or derivative. Even the mundane, kneecapped aspects of pandemic life could be squeezed for a stupid amount of entertainment.
Of course, he was beautiful, too. My bedtime ritual is pouring over the photos and videos we took on our adventures together, trying to recall how his ridiculously chiseled, stubbled jawline felt under my fingers. Or the warmth that bounced off his firm muscles during a night over. Or just how the smoky timbre in his voice could give way to a surprisingly airy, gentle laugh. I like to think he tried to commit me to memory as well, after it was understood I wouldn't be staying for much longer. Drinking me in with his eyes, before thickly muttering to himself that "This is going to be a problem." After spending close to a year hopelessly pining, I think he was probably right.
Though the initial efforts were valiant, long distance communication dissolved into nothing after a few months away, and I don't blame him. Where we formerly danced in-step, timezones literally forced us into night and day. And tepid texts just can't compete with burning hot physical presence. There's a chance of rediscovering it, as I'll be returning from my country soon. But the thought of seeing him again fills me with nauseating anxiety. If this shit is going to play out like a movie again, god I hope it has a happy ending.
No. 775167
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Watching very old videos from over a decade ago because I hate the present.
No. 775169
where did i see this? the brag thread or the pasta thread? tell me more about this horseshit
No. 775173
>>775165Thanks anon. It’s cringe but therapeutic to write it that way, I wanted to relive how romantic and special our time felt in the moment. We’ll see what happens.
>>775169Not sure if it was me you’re thinking of but I did write about this guy before in a vent thread months ago, I’m just in my feelings again.
No. 775177
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I absolutely admire people who are just existing. They don’t constantly explain themselves they’re solitude in this world they are what they are. I’m jealous of people who aren’t constantly looking to explain their existence, they are just there yet still useful and worth something. What I don’t appreciate is just wastes of space (which 99% of scrotes are) but I feel really awful talking shit about men lately and I don’t know exactly why, but it’s like my female socialization is on overdrive when I’m on my period.
No. 775181
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>>775167Dude I'm watching fucking TV shows from the 60's and 70's, get on my level.
No. 775193
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>>775181>she watches post-code contentpathetic
No. 775211
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just broke up with my bf
he cried very quietly and I petted his hair for about an hour
he didn't do anything wrong, he's just too young for me and not ready for all of this yet
it's very sad, I feel very sad for him
I was recently psychward'd, which is mostly why I'm breaking up with him, I'm moving far away now, and, on the bright side, I am so loaded up on pharmaceuticals I feel like a Pink Floyd song
No. 775268
>>772749Why are you and your brother not close with each other?
>>772755Your post is horrible.
>What the hell do your other kids have to do with me, parent?Siblings are family members, to most people family are some of the most important people to them.
No. 775274
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>>775272Spill the…beans… on why, anon.
No. 775306
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Argh I'm so fucking depressed. I hate that feeling when you can't imagine feeling any other way. Please just pass already, I'm tired of fantasizing about dying and masturbating to trauma. I'm scum I'm scum I'm scum I'm scum.
No. 775320
>>775306It WILL pass anon, and soon you'll see that there are so many opportunities and options you can take in life. Also, feeling bad doesn't mean that
you are bad. What is that image from btw? It has an interesting atmosphere
No. 775321
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I dreamed about school (again) not only it was the usual shit but the setting was an old catholic school I don't get it
No. 775333
>>775320Thanks anon ♥ it's this guy's photography've seen it posted around lolcow tho
No. 775366
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I haven’t been able to stop my dermatillomania even though I want to and I’m trying. Literally just start picking at my skin without realizing it until I’ve been picking for 5 minutes.
I feel disgusting especially since I’m OCD-chan.
No. 775385
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why do productivityfags always ruin everything for people?
>lol you want to be paid above minimum wage
>no that’s just called laziness
>ok fatty
>yes downtime is okay but quick get back to work and work for the rest of your life
>didn’t you know some sperg wrote a 1000 word manifesto that has stolen ideas that’s become a best seller when they were laid off their job? you too can be some lucky genius too
shut the ever living fuck up and let me vibe and relax in peace scrotei, not everything is a public jeff bezos get rich competitive ponzi scheme simulator, acting like one slip up from anyone is going to break down capitalism and bring in communism. god burgers are so damn ridiculous with this shit
No. 775395
>>77536517 BMI is very low, are you okay? Stay healthy anon.
And I'm sure you look great, it's just your BDD messing your mental image up.
No. 775420
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>>775174It might be cliched after all, but we met in Los Angeles. He works in film/TV as a PA and AD. Still a little green, but he was made for it: direct, assertive, and a natural organizer. Most times, I found that refreshing. Other times, grating. Thankfully, with both of us being adept communicators, any ruffled feathers were quickly smoothed out. It seemed that as I grew tougher, he grew softer.
I was taken with how even in his personal life, he would thrive outside of the spotlight doing thankless work because it had to be done. On the night before I left, just as the BLM protests took off, we went and stocked up on bandages, burn cream, and antiseptic, because he wanted to help anyone harmed by the state. But he was quick - much quicker than I was - to see how the movement was doomed to devolve. Past his bleak realism he was at his core, a disappointed idealist, perpetually caught between giving up and fighting for what he believed in.
His heart and mind was shaped by film, history, and philosophy. Poetry too - some of which he read to me in his native tongue on our first phone call (which lasted a captivating 8 hours). He was also a red-blooded man with a taste for sports, punk, and the outdoors. Where I was considerate and careful, he was reckless and free. Whatever flavor I wanted, familiar or new, he had it. I think he saw the same in me as well.
And to be frank - he was great in bed. I've got some notches on my belt, but he was somehow the first to ask me what I liked and how to do it. He also refused to sleep with me after our first date because I had been drinking and took me home instead. Maybe it's depressing the bar is this low for scrotes, but man that was nice.
No. 775528
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Ran across these cute as heck boho sets on a stupid instagram ad. The site was obviously sketchy, and I can't find the original seller. It's irritating the shit outta me.
No. 775534
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Just want a cute fucking bf with long black hair and beige skin and ugly but cute and skinny and metalhead that i can kiss and cuddle and love and feed duckies with i'm so fucking lonely fuc k i have no one
No. 775547
>>775528anon i hate that the angle makes it look like midget legs i'm like unreasonably losing my shit
anyway here ya go cutie, next time try google image search No. 775572
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>>775515THIS, i don‘t even use tiktok but stumbled upon something similar called kinktok and it‘s basically edgy teenagers parroting shit like „choke me daddy“ and „vanilla sex is so boring ew“ and it‘s fucking terrible. i was a naive teenager with an
abusive father growing up on tumblr where lana del rey and ddlg was very trendy, (i also watched way too much porn there) and it ruined my view on sex and relationships. i thought i was the baddest bitch for letting scrotes way older than me use and degrade me. it made me unhappy and feel terrible but i never made the connection becazse everyone said it’s so empowering!!! yaas girl!! be a slut do whatever u want!!! i participated in so much shit that was completely normalized on tumblr like bdsm, choking, being hurt during sex etc. and deep down i never liked it, i mean who likes being hurt? i’m so happy i was able to reflect on my self destructive behaviour and stop participating in it, but i fear many girls won’t realize they are hurting themselves by letting scrotes get iff on their degradation. seeing girls as young as 12-14 being the biggest pick mes ever online talking about „call me a whore and spit in my face daddy“ breaks my heart. that shit is not normal, if you have younger sisters please talk to them about this. i hate how liberal feminism normalized degenerate and degrading male fantasies. i truly hope this trend goes away sooner than later.
No. 775591
>>772649I've wasted my fucking 20s and now I'm 30 and have no idea what I want to do with my life still. I've been working for the same company for 8 years and I hate it. I have no future plans and I've come to realize that I won't be happy until I commit to something. I can't fill the void with "going to the gym" or "doing archery", I need to work on something for the future. But I have no idea what I want to do.
I know graphic design, I have a small degree as a pastry chef and I love cooking asian food which is rare in my country so it could be seen as "interesting" (probably not on other places). I live in a third world country and it's hard to leave, but sometimes I feel I should just try to but its really hard and I don't know what to do, I also don't want to leave my two cats and the trip would be really hard on both of them (I think I can only bring one with me at a time). One of my cat is kind of fat too and I think she exceeds the limit to bring to the plane, fuck all these awful rules you have to keep to bring a pet with you. It's just two cats1
I like cooking but I hated selling online, so few people ordered and I hated the grind of constantly promoting/selling myself on Instagram and pushing "ads" down people's throats. I'm afraid of working on a restaurant/bakery too because I feel the money would suck and it would be super stressful. I like seeing people eat my food and enjoy it, I don't want to work in the back like a monkey and not get any recognition because it would be the bakery's sweets not mine.
I'm constantly jealous of everyone and I hate myself so fucking much. I really thought I was going to be someone as a teenager, I guess I was wrong because I clearly don't have the balls to do anything. Nobody is looking for me to work for them, I pratically don't exist on my company either, I'm just a drone doing the same menial tasks over and over and over. What the fuck is wrong with me?? Why can't I do anything? And why can't I realize what I like and don't like, I seriously have no idea. I've been standing still for 10 years.
No. 775596
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>>775515>mfw whenever I see other women peakPerhaps there is hope for the teens after all. I personally can never take SW seriously especially with how fucking awful they are to each other lmao.
No. 775646
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I want to play that FFXIV game, but I don't have the time or the money or a decent enough PC to do so. Being poor is such a fucking bummer.
No. 775665
>>775505I hope this is staged, because this seems like a miserable coexistence, they even have kids that will think it's fine to make mom jump for funny reactions because of their retarded father.
On a personal note, my father sometimes had this kind of humor, like he'd swing the knife or pretend to stab me because he knew I was very scared around knives in the past. To this day, I can't find the humor in it.
No. 775676
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I can't afford hearing aids and I don't qualify for assistance of any kind. Fuck my sad deaf life
No. 775702
>>775509>>775498Both understandable.
I guess considering I've actually thought about killing myself irl (long time ago) it makes me cringe everytime I hear/read it. And yeah you never know who to take seriously about it.
No. 775805
I don't believe humans are designed for "true love" in the romantic sense. It isn't logical on a biological level and from my personal experience/what I've witnessed I find it hard to believe people experience it "truly", vs delude themselves or conflate things.
I am willing to believe this is a result of my own emotional failings, however. Ie. I simply lack the emotional depth to understand other people's feelings in this matter to their full extent because I do not have them. So it may just be me.
I believe after a certain amount of time in a relationship, everyone eventually falls out of romantic love. I think this is still often replaced with the kind of love you might have for family or a very close friend or what have you, which many people still enjoy and find comfort in.
I wish "open relationships" made more sense and actually worked in practice how they do in theory, as I keep getting into relationships of 2-4 years in span, thinking they're who I'll spend my life with, then feeling deep dissatisfaction with being "stuck" in them. I feel care but no love for these men in the later parts of my relationships; I don't wish to show affection or anything of the sort - I feel no desire to. I often force "I love yous" and such because I believe it's just what you're supposed to say, but I do not feel any romantic love for them. I don't kiss, hug, cuddle, etc. There's simply nothing in it for me at that point. I imagine for other people they still get some level of enjoyment out of physical affection with other human beings, but I've never gotten anything out of that really - I like sex because it feels physically pleasurable, but I don't want even that any more. The thought of my "partner" in that way revolts me, even though it's not like they've let themselves go or become physically unattractive. I just can't fathom having sustained romantic interest in a person, even though the passion/excitement of the honeymoon phase in relationships sometimes leads me to believe so. The only time I do is when my partner is the one to "fall out of love" first, and I assume if they hadn't I eventually still would.
Perhaps someone like me simply is not meant for relationships. My mother dated/married and divorced many men and I think whatever "problem" she has is similar, and either through genetics or from growing up with that I've come to face the same issue. My father always had long term relationships, though didn't end up remarrying and having another kid until I was in my teens, so maybe this is all a result of not having fully stable relationships to witness growing up?
I don't know. I still feel frustrated for it, though. I hate feeling stuck. I want in relationships when I'm single and out when once I've started getting content in one. I think perhaps I don't really want relationships at all and maybe I am the one conflating something with what I get out of being in them.
I don't really self reflect naturally so I appreciate this vent allowed me to come to this conclusion. Thanks, vent thread
No. 775819
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>move to campus
>ok, i'm going to make female friends this time!
>pursue two girls from class
>we hang out once and then they slow ghost me
>fast forward two months
>get a message from one of the girls today
>get excited
>she's trying to get me to join a MLM scam
kill me. it seems like ppl only like me when they want to have sex with me. i'm literally getting an autism screening because this has been an issue my whole life
No. 775837
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>>775826I'm sorry you have to deal with shit men anon, for your own good next time your intuition tells you something is off, try distancing yourself and see what happens. Always think about protecting yourself and your feelings first, that's what men do. We really do notice when things start to change, we're just used to ignoring it.
No. 775845
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I don't get excited when I see his messages anymore. I don't care if he remembers me or not if he cares about me or not. I think I'm better off alone. The past year taught me a very tough life lesson that I won't forget ever. Gratitude is a blessing and I won't take any thing for granted anymore.
No. 775852
>>775826My only advice would be to beat them to the punch next time. You're smart, perceptive, and you know that you want a successful relationship. Combine that together and that makes it so you're above some lukewarm dude with waning interest in you. Leave at the first sign of low interest next time–and trust your gut at the first sign of fire–which I know is hard to do as we women are gaslit about how we have to try ~*~CoMmUNiCaYsHuUn~*~ first before we're allowed to be mad and leave. But anon, women don't win trying to play by the scrote's rules, I would know. These guys are losers and aren't taking you seriously, a lapse of interest is an insult after you gave their ingrate asses the time of day. It's hard to feel a different way, but don't let how men treat women have you doubting your worth. Men fuck over models, celebrities, literal queens of countries, etc. so clearly a selfish scrote's actions bear no reflection on anyone else's worth except their own.
You are worthy of the things you want.
No. 775864
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>friend's non-milestone bday is coming up
>she got jealous of a different friend's milestone bday because we went all out for her due to her being depressed cause of covid
>friend wants us to put on an equal effort even tho her bday isn't a milestone cause she feels her milestone bday years ago wasn't as nice
>well okay I guess?
>make a separate gc so we can plan the party
>since I bought and paid for the cake of the last party, group decides to assign me in charge of cake again
>well okay I guess?
>actually, that isn't fair but who am I to rock the boat if my friends want to act selectively poor while buying $100 Shein hauls and having husbands who pay for everything in their houses?
>all I ask is feedback on what kind of cake to design
>seriously this is gonna run me between $80-120 on top of my gift
>the least they can do is offer input
>no one is giving me feedback
>"it's up to you anon!"
>okay, so you guys are useless
>go as far as asking friend's husband and he literally doesn't give me an answer and says she's on a diet bc he's being a trolling toolbag who doesn't wanna admit he doesn't know his own wife
This shouldn't be this fucking difficult! And I don't get why nobody wants to help me with this??? I guess they figure I'll take care of it either way, but it's one of those situations where if the cake is good they'll ALL take credit for it as part and parcel to the party, but if it's a poorly received cake they'll hiss in each other's ear like "Well it was all Anon's idea…"
I'm so mad.
No. 775926
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Good vent: I'm getting older (twenty-two this year) and my body is finally filling out. I'm gaining some curves, and while they're not hourglass tier they do make me look markedly more feminine so I'm happy.
Bad vent: I have a friend that passes herself off as some grunge thrift shop hopping fairy despite being stupidly rich and spoiled; stupidly rich and spoiled the point of being able to dial up her parents whenever and get them to send her to fucking France for a year, on vacation, if she wants it. It kind of pisses me off to watch her on insta because growing up I HAD to shop at thrift stores (not that I ever minded of course) because of poverty (still do because I'm thin and people toss out so much good shit and i'm BROKE) and here she is treating it like some cutesy lifestyle.
I feel like ultra scum though, because I swear to fuck I'm only friends with this girl because she buys me expensive food whenever we go out together…and I'm a fatass deep down who hates spending her own money. She seems to genuinely like me too, but I complain about her here all the time.
I understand I'm just insanely jealous that she doesn't have to lift a finger ever in her entire life, but goddamn.
No. 775934
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I'm so fucking stessed I feel like crying so much but I just can't.
I'm so overwhelmed.
Please let me vent.
>fat, trying to lose weight
>gotta take pills for prediabetes
>diagnosed with pcos
>trying to pay off my car (got $1200 left)
>had to go to the dentist for several teeth infections (had to pay $1000 so far)
>trying to go back to school so I can change my career
>got a weird fucking blister near my coochie and i think it's from sitting on the toilet for so long
>tonsil stones
>bf being a punk bitch sometimes
>mom just borrowed over 1,000 dollars and i took that out of my savings
>owe ~1000 on debt
>need to find time to actually do my hair
>anxiety about seeing my family this summer
I'm finding it so hard to be happy, every day is a stomach ache of nerves and fear. I want to cry and scream.
No. 776012
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I'm stuck between pursuing a possibly fleeting fwb and enjoying myself for once (living in the moment) or continuing to hold-out, endure my loneliness, insecurities, and depression in the hopes that I'll find my hopeful LTR somehow… I'm in my late twenties now, and I'm sure most men my age hardly care about virginity, but I don't know if wasting my time with a fling is any better for myself than waiting and searching longer… I want to enjoy myself with someone for once and experience that intimacy and bliss, but deep down I know what I'm doing is wrong and goes against what I've always wanted for myself. Maybe I'm changing but I hope it's not for the worst. I just want to finally experience some sort of mutual affection and attention… I don't care if this will end in hurt or not because I'm already hurting.
No. 776038
My best friend and her new fiancé are trolling for a threesome and thank fuck just (temporarily) moved to the other side of the globe. I have a feeling they're gearing up to ask me because he keeps texting me flirty jokes, and describing benign things I say as jokingly "kinky". I'm not a prude but it feels totally uncomfortable, but I'm also not sure if I'm just reading into it too hard and the act of bringing it up might make me the fuck up. She does not at all give me these creepy coomer vibes, she's very respectful in how she speaks. But this dude just gives me a weird feeling. Their marriage proposal was really fast, and the dude('s parents) is rich as fuck, and he's an ER doctor who pays for everything in their foreign country. I just worry for her. The dude is ugly as fuck, too. Stale and unfunny. Just looks reasonably stinky. She's such a cute, sweet and bubbly blonde chick, I have no idea why she's with this stick in the mud. He's wearing her skin too, and despite not once meeting her friends, he's absorbed them digitally as if he's known them forever and adopted her religion. Just freaks me OUT. I talk to him in such unsexy, plain english. You'd have to already have your dick in your hand to misconstrue anything I'm saying as "kinky". Like I've never met the dude and he feels no issue messaging me about random shit, like he has no idea how hard I would stomp his neck into the floor if he dared go any further than this, even if I have to pay for a plane ticket to accomplish it. I'm like a half-foot taller than him and I feel like he has no idea. I am so willing to immediately jump into violence. Just don't want to lose my best friend.
No. 776056
>>776012My advice…. go get your virginity taken by a one night stand first. There’s no hard feelings, your first time won’t upset you and make you wonder why you let a man who then hurt you even more later after you have become attached take your first time and leave you with those bad memories.
I did this with my own virginity. I signed up on seeking arrangements, because my type is an older man already, met a very very handsome man, and he fucked me. I was in control of my feelings because I knew where we both stood from the beginning. So when it was done, and it was great, and he left.. I felt proud. I felt good and ready to start looking for a real relationship without the fear. Also fwbs suck unless you think you can truly not fall for him.
No. 776059
>>776056>my type is an older manOpinion discarded, not that it was very appealing to begin with.
One night stands are appallingly risky and maybe you got lucky that he wasn't awful, but most men do not give a single solitary fuck about the women they have ONS with. Sure, you might not catch feelings and get your heart broken, but that doesn't mean they can't hurt and degrade you.
No. 776078
>>776056Okay. Uh. My own first time was with a one night stand, on a whim, both intoxicated. It went fine. I did like that I didn't have to deal with any awkwardness afterwards because he was only visiting the city.
But this could've gone extremely wrong and pretending this is good advice is harmful. Anon clearly struggles with all kinds of things including related.
No. 776092
>>776084Yes that one lol
I was super addicted to it when I was in my teens. I spend probably more than 200€ on it.
No. 776093
>>776092I loved it a lot too! Started catching up to new arcs just to find out that my fave's arc is possibly the roughest one of them all, which is kinda weird.
He ends up getting addicted to drugs and some other weird stuff is going on while he studies to be a cop…I feel bad how after HS arc they completely ditched the rest of the cast, especially the
Lysander, his ending is half-assed.but at least during beta test they decided to change it from "he got married to some other girl" to "he works in a farm now".
No. 776102
>>776056This honestly sounds like a scrote's advice.
Really bad and stupid advice.
Your first time should be with someone you care about and who cares about you.
No. 776104
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I was on a group project during college with a girl who not only wasn't doing her shit properly but was also the dead weight of the group by constantly changing plans, cancelling shit last minute and would never follow the tasks we were supposed to get done. She was the group leader and the project had no sense of direction, we lost so much time because she took decisions without consulting us, and like idiots we were nobody suggested to kick her out of her position.
2 years later I still feel the exhaustion caused by this bitch don't be like me open your mouth when you spot shit.
No. 776164
>>775601In my country the cleaners don’t get paid much.
Otherwise I enjoyed the actual cleaning part. It’s very useful skill. I have never been in better shape physically. I have done manual labor but cleaning is the only job that made me super fit.
I lost 10kgs that summer.
My workmate tracked once had pace counter with her and she pulled crazy numbers.
It’s basically a fat camp you get paid and you have to work your ass off to not get fired.
No. 776202
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I realized a few days ago I have this giant plothole for a situation that I already decided on months ago. The end result absolutely has to stay the same, which means I'll either have to change crucial details about his past, OR I could take the lazy way out and make him act totally OOC but still in a way you could write of as youthful stupidity. The latter is dumb, but I've been stewing over it for the past few days and I just can't seem to come up with anything, especially since I'd really prefer it to be something that reasonably connects everything. Life is pain.
No. 776217
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I feel so sorry for chihuahuas (pic related), they are skittish, squeaky and just tremble. I saw a woman with a chihuahua on a leash walking and it’s tiny legs were going so fast like a blur to keep up. It was like a squirrel on a leash and I wanted to cry. Why are we like this?
No. 776232
>>776229Why is he negging over a perfectly normal age to get licensed?
Meanwhile I know scrotes approaching or after 30 who still can't drive, but women can't say shit about that lest we're mean gold digging bitches expecting grown men to own a car and drive it.
No. 776244
>>776223>since I'm a petty bitch I filed a police report within' the 10 minutes of it happening.That doesn't make you a petty bitch at all
Hope the thief gets what she deserves
No. 776258
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Both of the girls who made my life a living hell in highschool are so mediocre now. They're overweight, one has the shittiest skin possible and is always covering it up with makeup, and both are already pregnant (we're all like, 21-22) with babies from ugly ass men. They're also materialistic as fuck so of course they're drowning in car note debt and always bitching about it on Facebook.
It's not like I'm doing utterly well and perfect myself (and they're partially to blame for this!), but at least I'm not turning out like they are. Fucking whores I'm so glad they're not worth shit
No. 776279
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I don't know how many of you guys are going through this but I feel really lonely and a very strong need for affection and love. I don't live alone I live with my family and they're amazing and I have a friend and we communicate regularly but she lives far away and it's difficult for us to meet from time to time. I've graduated recently and still unemployed although I was a very good student back in uni, every job I applied to never called back. I sometimes feel that studying took all my time and I never acknowledged my emotions and need for love so I never wanted to be in a relationship but now that I see every girl I know is in a relationship I feel like I'm missing something. I want someone to care for me and ask about me every day someone to talk to without feeling like I'm being too much. I've been approached by guys when I was a student but now I don't go out of the house anymore and it's impossible to meet anyone. I also don't know how to spend my leisure time I have no hobbies I only been good with studying.
No. 776303
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Extremely fucking lonely and nobody to talk to so i tried going on omegle for the first time ever, put my interest as vidya and whenever anyone saw that i was a girl they skipped me instantly, wtf? everyone skipped me after like 40 minutes on there so i didn't even get to talk to anyone, and they were all ugly fucking scrotes. guess i'll just be lonely then, sigh
No. 776306
>>776012You're looking for somebody for a LTR and that really loves you, not some scrote that fucks and dumps you and leaves you behind like trash.
>>776056 is bad advice
No. 776326
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>>776321Poor anons. Personally I use this peach vagasil. Great stuff!
No. 776341
>>776340nta, but your flaps have a significantly different pH than the rest of your body, some people are sensitive enough that they can get dried out or even get infections from using regular soap
not everyone, but it's worthy of note
No. 776357
>>776321Just so we're all in the clear, soap is fine everywhere except on/in/whatever the hole where blood and babies come out, right? Like, soap between the folds on the clitoris area and all is all fine and dandy, yes?
t. linguistically and anatomically stunted
No. 776363
>>776360don't be jealous of fatfags
nonny. you can wait a bit longer to get that vaccine; losing weight is difficult
No. 776366
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i hate how anxiety makes me feel like i have low or high blood pressure or like i'm having a stroke all. the. time.
i can't even do anything because this bitch makes me feel like i'm dying 24/7
No. 776381
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>>776232Probably because he's a retarded rich moid. I didn't learn for a while because of stuff like car insurance and trauma from an awful car accident I was in as a kid. He was expecting me to drive to him which was 50 minutes away, I would actually rather die.
>>776233EXACTLY! I'm just trying to find a good person, another guy I was talking that I thought was relatively normal literally told me 2 calls in that he had fantasies about me leaving everything I have behind to move with him and his discord friends to this (extremely expensive) state and us working together and etc etc.. and he keeps trying to convince me to join him. Are men's frontal lobes not there or something? Is there no logic involved in them?
No. 776385
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I'm so grateful that I can finally move but I'm uneasy because nothing has been signed yet until some more paperwork is done. And overall, everything good feels too good to be true. But I'm still happy about it and excited and grateful.
And I realised that even if I update my address everywhere, mail can still be delivered to my old address here in this nightmare shithole of doom and it could just go to the shitty shared flats with turbo douchebag habitants. I might get some very delicate and embarrassing letters soon and it might just get delivered here. Random mail always lands in the stairwell, too. The thought makes me extremely uncomfortable. The positive however is that I'm finally getting out of here one way or another and if shitty neighbors open my mail, so be it. A year or so more and I'll be free completely.
I'll also just make a nice printed sticker saying "[My name] moved, please return to sender, thank you" and slap it on the mailbox. Update address everywhere, check with the landlord and the next tenant every now and again if mail arrived, maybe inquire about uncomfortable mail at the uncomfortable office, do push-ups, scream into a pillow, vent to my boyfriend … lol.
No. 776406
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spending your time online is like living in a vacuum. it ignited my anxiety a lot without even knowing it. will these strangers ever recognize me or acknowledge me for saying autistic shit all the time? it’s guessing and constant speculation it’s the potential that keeps people here and not that we really give a shit about progress. my body is literally melting in pain my mind is confused my body hurts I want t to end end end end end my pain already
No. 776409
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>>776406why do you post that
No. 776420
A literal feral, homeless man tried to break into my home via my window and I had to fight him out. This is the most fucking insane shit I've ever dealt with, I live on like the third floor of an apartment building.
I was just chilling in my small room, listening to music and on my pc when out of the corner of my eye, I see a flash of darkness fall off a roof that my apartment over looks and sort of fall onto this metal grate that secures the small area outside my window that is sort of trapped between the other buildings around me (to keep the birds out). I assume it's a pigeon since I live in the city centre but whatever it was, created enough gusto to blow my window open slightly. I thought this was weird, but just returned to looking at my laptop for a few seconds until I just felt something was not right. I turn my head to look out my window and I see the filthiest, dirtiest fucking homeless man I have ever seen. He looks like a demonic version of the Flying fucking Dutchman from Spongebob and he's pushed my window fully open and is making his way into my apartment. I start screaming and bolt to my windowsill and start pushing this motherfucker out and he GRABS me and starts saying "NO, DONT SCREAM!" repeatedly but I was screaming and pushing him but he kept holding onto my shoulder with one of his hands and using his other hand to keep my window open. Finally, my sister hears and comes in and I'm like "there's a fucking homeless trying to get in" and seeing her I muster up the strength to just haul this guy of of me and onto the grate. She runs up to me and we slam my window shut and at this point I'm in hysterics and my sister is screaming and pushing the window shut but at this point, she can see the metal grate he was supporting himself had fallen due to his weight, and he was hanging on for his life. We called the police and while we were on the phone to them, we hear a yell scream "NOOO!" and he goes falling to ground and then we hear so much screaming. The police come and it's all being dealt with but the next day, I find out the dude has two broken ankles and is in hospital but he is already known to the police. My sister always says she swears she seen people living and climbing the roofs and always used to call her crazy, but she was fucking right. She was fucking right. The police think it was either been an attempted burglary or rape. I feel unsafe in my own fucking home. He looked so fucking scary and otherworldly, like an actual monster. I cannot believe I had to fight a feral fucking homeless man who lives on roofs out my fucking bedroom window.
No. 776444
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>>776324I know it sounds like a meme but try reading pic related. It helped me a lot.
No. 776454
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>>776444Also recc this, kinda saved my life for the time being
No. 776456
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I’m in so much pain and I don’t know why. It’s like weird psychogenic pain I feel so fucking uncomfortable and in pain mentally it’s making my body so inflamed and I hate lying down and I just want the pain to finally end it’s so uncomfy. There is nothing or no one to vent my frustrations to and it feels like my head is going to explode
No. 776478
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I ordered an animal about a week (?) ago, and it still hasn't shipped. I know the seller is probably waiting to make sure the temperatures are perfect or something before she sends it, but I want my baby so bad
No. 776485
Where can I buy snails online omg
No. 776490
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>>776485Just look around for shops in your area. Please make sure do to a lot of research if you actually decide to buy one! They're very sensitive creatures. Even stuff like what kind of water you use is important. The snail subreddit is actually pretty good for research, imo.
No. 776527
>>776420Jesus christ anon, glad he got two broken ankles for his trouble. Agree with this anon
>>776488 about asking your landlord to improve your security, bars on the windows are needed for sure.
No. 776548
>>776406>>776456get well soon sisters
woosh I'm sending good vibes your way and rooting for you
>>776420chiming in to say my vent has nothing on yours like that other anon said, too.
it's safe to say we're all proud of you for fighting back like a badass.
take care and don't stress too much about what could've happened even tho it's a horrible situation and a close call to who knows what. easier said than done I know. focus on how you handled it and try to replace the fear and rumination with happy or confident memories. you're capable and strong and a survivor anon. if you struggle with the event, confide in your sister and friends
No. 776565
>>776564glad you're out of there and getting help anon!
>>776563….option C?
No. 776571
>>776422>>776427>>776488>>776527Thanks guys. This dude was absolutely crazy, with broken ankles ha managed to still walk around and break some windows in the area he fell to and also police had to sedate him to arrest him. They've swiped my room for prints and it looks like the police want to take him to court but the landlord has done fuck all to see if we are safe or address our concerns. I live in one of the safest areas in the city so I don't even feel like I'd feel safe moving. It was during sunset, so it was still light outside. I think he had really bad intentions based off of how he grabbed me and how he saw that was inside of my room before he decided to let himself in.
>>776554>>776548Thank you, that's exactly how I'm trying to think of it. Thankfully, I am not hurt and was able to fight him off but I keep thinking what would have happened if it was an elderly lady in the room instead of someone who could at least fight him off.
No. 776575
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>>776573Take deep, slow breaths while counting, and try to eat a small snack or sip on a beverage
No. 776586
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The left click on my mouse isn't working properly
No. 776589
>>776564anon i'm proud of you for staying true to your convictions. you don't owe your shitbag family anything, nor do you owe your father a reply to a rambling e-mail.
it sucks when family disappoints you and isn't there for you, but you're an adult now and you deserve to stay true to yourself before anyone else.
No. 776590
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>>776586How'd you post this then? Riddle me
that, anon?
No. 776612
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I'd really like someone's input on this, especially if you've experienced something similar, because it's becoming a more common phenomenon.
So my mom is a boomer tinfoiler bordering on having a mental illness. Believes in Annunaki aliens, Q, Hollywood satanist rituals, antivax, completely distrusts doctors - all that good-good. Honestly, she's right about some things - 95% of Hollywood is probably populated with pedophiles - but my mom goes above and beyond with her beliefs. You name the conspiracy, she probably believes it. I can't listen to music with her, because I don't want her to turn it off without my permission because she deemed it 'made by illuminati satanists' - that's just an example of how far her belief of this wacky shit goes. I can't even have a conversation with her without her having to tell me i need to marry a Kazcynski fanboy and immediately move to the countryside with her and have 10 children "so we can help on the farm". She says she'll be dissapointed in me if i vax my kids or take them to a pediatrician, too. And she genuinely thinks Armageddon is coming, she's actually buying a summer cottage 'just in case'.
It's giving her plenty of anxiety, and she's getting more and more depressed because of this shit. But she gets even more upset that I just 'haven't woken up yet' when i tell her I don't need to hear her inane shit because i have responsibilities. If I tell her to shut the fuck up about ancient aliens, she'll scream saying "I'm tired of people not wanting to hear all the horrible shit that's really going on because they're 'too busy'! Do you know how important this is?".
Yeah, I still live with her, but I'm planning to move out ASAP. I love her, she's actually a really great mom except for this one thing. So I want to ask a couple of questions: Why do people get into these rabbitholes, and why is it so hard for them to leave? What can I do to tell her the world wont blow up any day tomorrow? Can she still believe these things while being mentally well? Is it possible to get her out of this state?
I'm just worried, guys. I want my mom back. Feels like I've lost her to the most retarded shit possible - it's kind of funny, but I also want to have normal conversations with her again, you know?
No. 776622
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>>776564all my love to you, anon. i'm in a nearly identical situation and i understand exactly, exactly what you mean. no one in your family might be able to say this but i see what you're going through and i respect the hell out of it. you're incredible and you're making your own family little by little elsewhere in this world.
cheers and chin up bb
No. 776627
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Oh, hey there! I didn’t know you would come here today! Did you know people catch covid when they go out and interact with others while not wearing a mask and sharing drinks and shit?
Well now my family knows!
Crazy, Huh? Who would’ve known that a virus, which mutates from host to host, would affect a person even after they got vaccinated?! Well my cousin and my uncle didn’t know and now they gave covid to my grandma, crazy!
honk honk kek you’re supposed to laugh with me! Specially now that I can’t even go out to buy the groceries because shit’s fucked outside, like seriously, there’s way too many cases, and hospitals and clinics are overflowing with patients, what the fuck, are we going to die or something?
No. 776628
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I live in a very shitty environment. No abuse, I’m fed, given money and I live with my family however I absolutely despise my disabled brother. I’m a very pessimistic person but lately, I don’t know if it’s my manic episode or what but I’ve been trying to be hopeful for the future. I can’t ducking wait until I can move out on my own and honestly I don’t even care if I have to be homeless just to get independence, I absolutely can’t stand being at my house anymore because of him and it has shattered my emotional state and coping mechanisms. But damn do I feel so fucking hopeful that he’s going away next year into a home or if that fails I don’t care. I don’t care for the fear anymore of being poor. I just want some freedom and peace of mind, is that alright??
No. 776688
>>776657exactly, and i can't even use the facilities on campus. well, i could now since they reopened (we're in a big city so idk why that's allowed) but i don't want to pay for a semester parking pass just for a month and risk covid just to go sit in the library since all my classes are remote learning. it's fucked that my tuition is so high and all I do is lay in bed and read and my only workplace is on my front porch given the weather is nice. i see other colleges giving lots of leniency in regards to tuition and coursework. i can't even get an advising appointment until the 19th, when my semester ends in May. It's not worth it to even schedule that so I have to figure out myself if I even have enough credits to graduate on my own when the user interface is so completely inaccessible. you'd think that this is pretty high stakes regarding money, my GPA, and graduation. i'm trying to hook myself up with a job in my field that requires my degree which will be based on things my advisor can't even answer the phone about. advising has fucked me over in the past and that's why it's taking me so long to finish, giving me unnecessary courses and shit.
I just have to power through and rely on stimulants honestly
No. 776783
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>>776764I heard someone say that you should count the first time you willingly had sex as losing your virginity, instead of your first sexual contact. I know that that might not be too helpful and it's easier said than done but maybe by redefining virginity it can give you at least a bit of peace
I'm really sorry to hear that that happened to you anon and I hope you're doing better now
No. 776802
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Someone in the celebricows thread mentioned Lena Dunham molesting her sister and I looked that up because I had no idea what they were talking about.
I found this article and it's so infuriating. As someone who was abused as a child by her sibling, picrel is one of the shittiest things to say to someone who went through that, it invalidates children's experiences. It normalizes abuse by throwing the "sexual curiosity" blanket term over it
Maybe I'm too sensitive about this subject but the sheer ignorance of these psychologists is flabbergasting. Fuck them and fuck Lena. It's not "conservatives coming for her", she literally diddled with her sister. Keep blaming "conservatives" for the well-deserved criticism.
No. 776812
>>776801samefag. and then you tell me "i sent you a message you didn’t see it"
>20 mins agocool beans. that’s still 40 mins after the previous 40 mins… like come on is it retardation? thinking that someone doesn’t care enough to do things with you so it doesn’t matter? selfishness? unsuccessful rudeness?
No. 776822
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Aaah I miss my ex so damn much. He was emotionally unavailable asshole who probably didn't even love me and he tried to be 'friends' right after our breakup. He doesn't even want me back, he just wants me to be his emotional tampon while he finds someone else. But I miss the version of him that was good to me… Miss saying that I like him, sending him cute shit, hugging, making jokes and spending time together. Fuck I'm lonely. It's been a month and I think about him every day. I don't know why, it's just not gonna happen. I've invested 2 years in him and I just want to skip all the dating shit, it's so tiring, I hate having to meet people and try to impress them. I wanted a family and I feel so old now. And I can't even meet anyone else because of covid. I don't want to first learn to spend time alone I want company and love…
No. 776826
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I haven't cut in 5 years and I just accidentally nicked myself and holy shit I still want to do it so badly. I didn't realize how much I missed it. The logical part of my brain understands that it's an addiction and that it will never really go away but I guess I thought I was mostly over it.
No. 776869
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Like 8ish months ago, I went to treat myself to a spa day and got a haircut and got bullied into a much shorter cut than I wanted…I feel childish but I can’t get over how mad I still am about it! My hair used to hit my waist and now it’s grown out just past my breast, but it was seriously at my collarbone when it was first cut. The lady didn’t know how to do curly hair at all, insisted on only cutting it soaking wet, didn’t account for it shrinking up, just pulled it taut and chopped straight across. She styled it super ugly with a deep side part and crunchy gel that made me look like I had ramen noodle hair. I got home and showered away her awful styling and cried. My boyfriend didn’t realize how much was gone and said it was beautiful, but the next day at work everyone was shocked and kept asking what made me go so short. I know it’s so stupid to be upset about something that will grow back relatively soon, but what the hell? I give myself trims and have hairdresser friends to help with the rest, so I never go to the salon, does this happen often?! I feel dumb for tipping so much, too…
No. 776894
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I hate that all the men I've been interested in dating (which is some of my close male friends) have all friendzoned me. I hate how sexually attracted they were towards me even though I liked it at first since it made me feel attractive. but even after all this I appreciate them because they are such good friends.
>"I dont want to ruin our friendship anon"
>"you're an amazing person anon"
Will there ever be someone who would actually want to be with me without feeling im too good for them or friendzoning me. I also hate seeing my friends brag about their relationships on social media and doing photoshoots, I don't need to see that in my life.
No. 776995
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This is stupid but my fiancé binged through a series we’ve been watching while he was at work and it really hurts my feelings. It’s not like I can catch up quickly either. Now it’s incumbent on me to catch up on an entire season of an hour long show. I don’t even want to. Watching it together was half the enjoyment for me
No. 777011
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my therapist scheduled me to get tested for bpd soon and i'm very scared to admit that i'm pretty sure i display many of the symptoms, i never overly say i have anything (not even depression) until i'm 100% sure by professionals but.. the signs are all here and i'm at my worst at this point. ever since i got a new therapist and started being honest, because in my head i thought that if i WAS honest she would hate me and leave me, i've come to realize that my emotions and the way i think is not normal at all. the addictions i deal with, the anger, the stress, the trauma, having the complete urge to end my life whenever i do anything a little bit wrong, having to mask who i really am everytime i talk to someone, talking to people i don't even feel attracted to and stringing them along to feel liked, obsessing over one singular person that assaulted me and depending my emotions on if they text back or not even though it's eating me ALIVE, etc etc. i'm just so scared to get a diagnosis because that just sets the fact that i'm different, that i might not be liked by others. the obsession wanting to be loved by strangers walking down the street, obsessed with trying to lose weight ever since puberty because i think it's the only way somebody will want to talk to me. it's so scary to open up to my psychiatrist about this because she's known me for years and i've always hidden it, i want her to think i'm normal, but i have to do this. fucking hell i'm so scared, sorry for the retarded rant i know the way i act is awful. i wish i could go into the future and could get surgery in the brain to change the way i think completely.
No. 777041
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history repeats itself yet again, my grandma just told me that my father has gotten some girl he only knew for a month pregnant + he was secretly seeing her behind his current girlfriends back. this shit show really mirrors how when i was a kid and my mom kicked him out after filing a PFA against him and he got some psycho knocked up, months later coming back into my life with a baby brother. me and my mom of course love my brother since he wasn't in control with how things played out but not that long after we left for the better. i kept in contact purely because of my brother and feel so bad that he has had a revolving door of woman come in and out of his life and now has to go through this weird process of finding out they're gonna have a sibling because their dad doesn't know how to keep it in his pants. it's especially worse since my 9 year old brother had a hunch my dad was cheating on his current gf because he overheard him calling some other girl babe on the phone. that and the fact that now apparently he's gonna uproot his whole life and move across the country with some girl he barely knows to Florida on a whim because she's pregnant. my dad is always proving me wrong on how much more of a deadbeat he can be :)
No. 777078
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>>777054Ugh that sucks. I started getting them in my late 20s and it fucked me up for a while, thankfully I only get one or two a year now. Taking lysine is your best prevention, and applying coconut oil and licorice root to the sore can help. Good luck, nona.
No. 777083
>>777033>>777052It's very normal to just naturally lose interest in a game after a while also lol. Especially if theres no story/new content going on…like as an adult I dont have time to be an mmo freak anymore either, I have limited free time and I'm not going to spend it on "grinding" or "dailies" cause that shit is like a job to begin with. Subscribe for/play the new content when it's there but dont do the autist shit is my personal rule.
Tough situation because when people are addicted to a game like your bf is, you saying you're bored of it is kind of like you asking why they're still wasting so much time on a stupid game (true). But they dont want to admit the game is a waste of time because then they have to reckon with the fact they're wasting their life on not just an mmo, but an old dying mmo. So they would rather get mad at you for bringing it up. Idk a lot of men especially get stuck in this teenage "if no work/school, play video games" default behavior that they consider just normal when it's really very immature, especially when it's just autistically grinding mmo shit or nonstop league playing all day. But if you even say they should be more moderate and you want to do other stuff they immediately go into babyrage and call you hitler for trying to infringe their god given gamer rights.
No. 777113
>>777112Don’t worry
nonnie, we can be autists together
No. 777118
>>777112i laugh at a lot of things on here and/or agree with a lot but i don't say anything unless i feel very strongly about it
assume i have responded to many of yours posts in spirit
No. 777122
>>777112You should change your mindset
I actually always think most of my posts will flop so whenever I get a (you) I am pleasantly surprised (or just surprised)
also i say this with love, please avoid using "females" to talk about women because it can be seen as a bit dehumanizing and scrotish. Godspeed nonnie No. 777135
>>777113Thanks anon, to be honest I sometimes worry about replying something stupid and offensive.
>>777115>>777118Yeah that's totally understandable and it can help me think in a mindset that someone relates but they just don't feel strongly enough to reply. In the threads I was just saying how much of a sad loser I am but I probably need to take a break from being on social media.
>>777122thank you for letting me know and I apologise for how I came across No. 777159
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>>777151While both are really gross. Its so crazy to me a man you are related to is even so braindead to think and say something sooo disgusting.
And I get you anon, currently delaying going to the store because I don't want to deal with the possiblity of it happening
No. 777196
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Some scrote was acting awfully tough about women being more able to deal with pain, brought up cancer for some reason. Bitch, I have both, I can do both and you would never know you ugly piece of shitfuck. Who the fuck brings up cancer in a "debate" like this when they haven't gone through that shit, especially after someone mentioned periods.
No. 777211
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Anons I really need some advice, or at least a hug because I have no idea what to do and at this point I'm getting scared.
I'm 25, shitty job, no friends and still live with my family that are more like roommates. I'm scared that once my mother dies I'll end up on the street or walfare.
I have no idea what to do or where to start because I lack the money, education and connections. I'm 100% fucking lost and have no one to ask for help or advice, even online because I'm a balkanfag and there aren't many of us online (at least adults).
I can't hold down a proper job to save my life. Had like 2 "serious" ones but got fired because I "didn't fit in" and wasn't performing well. I got fired from all the jobs I had so far and most likely will be fired from my current one too. The only reason why I'm still at my current job is because I'm not supervised. Most emplyers described me as "lost, slow and absent minded", whatever that means because I really did try my best. Guess my best is other peoples minimum. At this point I think I might be too fucking stupid to hold down a job, especially without social skills.
This year I plan to relearn to drive and try to see if I have some kind of mental illness but other than that idk what the next step would be. I have no education, can't afford it since most of my money goes to bills (and some saving) but I also don't qualify for any kind of college or whatever anyway.
Just… what the fuck do I do? I seriously regret not killing myself at 16 because every year just keeps getting harder and harder. Is the answer so obvious that I can't see it? Or am I just too stupid? It kills me to see peers buy a house, have a family, car, travel etc while my stupid ass is stuck in the same place I've been since high school.
Why am I so stupid holy fuck
No. 777212
>>777211Have you considered opening an OnlyFans?
I'm just kidding, but don't you have some kind of passion? Hobby? Interest? Anything you could turn into a job?
No. 777219
>>777212Sadly not. I like fitness but it's not something I can do in my country and actually live off of it. The majority of personal trainers I know all have second jobs to help them stay afloat.
I'm kind of trying to code but I really suck at it.
Wish I had some kind of talent but I guess not everyone can have one.
No. 777228
>>777033An ex I dated for a few months was super controlling and
abusive. One of his hallmarks was forcing me to play video games that I had no fucking interest in and throwing a mantrum if I dared suggest we do something else, or if I played without him.
Scrotes like that take it as a personal affront when you don't want to play their games because they see it as you being critical of what they enjoy/are doing with their time. They can't fathom how it isn't all about themselves. At best he's being selfish.
No. 777232
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I'm getting so horny and just want to meet and use a man just to fulfill my needs without putting in any effort or caring about their needs but I'm pretending to be interested in conversations rn with men I'd probably find lame otherwise. I guess it's the closest I can get to being inside a scrote's mind. I don't even want to fuck, I just want someone to kiss my body, caress me and get me off. I also know it also wouldn't be the right way to handle this, and that it'll probably pass in a day, but it feels so shitty right now. I really need some kind of motivational poster about "short term gratification = bad, long term goals = good" in my room.
No. 777269
>>777263You can't make someone care about you, anon. But you can dump a loser who pretends to care about you to get what he wants.
I wasted so many years of my life on men like that, it's not worth it. There's someone out there who knows to appreciate you and who truly cares about you and you're not gonna find him wasting your time on some loser.
No. 777270
>>777232Do you not own a good vibrator or satisfyer? If you are really just horny then a toy will do you better than any random hook-up who probably doesn't even care about you getting off.
If you want intimacy and validation from an encounter with a man I can understand that, but if you are really just horny you can do better than a man.
No. 777278
>>777270I do not, as I live with my parents at the moment, and my mother has a problem with respecting private space and property. I didn't even hear about a satisfyer until this day. But it's not really a huge deal to get myself off by hand, I've already done that multiple times today.
I realize that men who do hookups usually also only care about themselves, but since I was already talking to some "lamer", shy guy I thought he might be more eager to please. And I do realize how bad this makes me sound, but I'm not actually going to propose anything anyway. I crave intimacy and specific thouch, like I can't kiss myself on the nape or anything like that.
No. 777284
>>777278>I crave intimacy and specific thouch, like I can't kiss myself on the nape or anything like that.Make sense, only someone else can do that. But don't rely on scrotes to give you an orgasm, most of them can't do that for you.
If you still live with your parents you might want to decide that you really need an electric toothbrush to get that deep clean on your teeth. (don't use the bristle part, but the other side)
No. 777295
>>777267Sorry you had to deal with such a smug bitch, she really doesn't deserve access to abortion and I wish there was a way to deny people for interfering with another person's access to that healthcare.
Just goes to show that humans justify anything when it's their ass.
No. 777298
>>777285"She's doesn't want you."
"She's not going to fuck you."
See how mad they get, kek.
No. 777304
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I wish I could adopt a cat. I really love their company and I find all of their idiosyncrasies so charming. I adopted an older cat when I was a teenager and the experience of bonding with this weird little animal was so heartwarming. He was so sweet. It's incredible how they can provide a comforting presence when they sense that you're in pain too. I've been moving around a lot in recent years and I don't want to take in a cat until I settle down somewhere more longterm, it seems stressful to relocate with a pet. Kind of makes me sad though, I really miss my old cat. I'm glad that I could give him a good life in those final years.
No. 777325
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>mfw all these grown ass adults complaining about build a bear only making tom nook and Isabelle
Even if they did make other villagers these retards would still complain. Be lucky they collaborated at all
No. 777345
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>>777337And I'm sick of you faggots screaming about shit that was made kids
literally shut the fuck up you stinky piss drinking woman child
>>776977I struggle with the same thing anon, I'm 30 and the craving for cutting is insanely strong sometimes and I gave in a couple of weeks ago and nothing really can't beat the feel of relief it gives you. It's fucking awful that no adults around us realized that we didn't do it for fun and gave us the help we needed before we developed this life-long addiction. You'd think seeing your kid harm themselves might be a good opportunity to check in on them and how they are doing. Hell, might be good to check what's up even IF they're doing it for attention/fun because then there are still other issues that need to be taken care of.
Stay strong anon! I'm proud of you for staying away from it and found better coping mechanisms!
No. 777412
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Holy fuck bpdfagging is the most embarrassing behavior. Can I please stop trying to wear the skin of persons whom I completely idealize for no reason? How have I not kms already knowing that every aspect of me is superficial lmaooo every action is a performance. I am simply not there type beat.
No. 777422
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>>777338Yeah I don't doubt my decision at all, I consider it a pretty big commitment and now's just not the right time. Every time I see anons post cute stories about their cats it makes my heart melt a little bit though lol. One of these days.
No. 777438
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>>777363I hate it because they always lowkey direct their internalized misogyny at other women. I'm gonna be 30 in a few years and it has never bothered me, nor have men ever told me I'm too old for this or that, but people here use
almost 30 as a downright insult and then turn around and cry that they're old at 20/25.
At that point it's just what they deserve, they're so annoying and I don't feel bad for them when the same women will call me grandma and feel superior for being younger of all things. Wallow in your own mental illness I guess, you get no sympathy from me.
It's the same as women who tell me they wish they'll look as good as me "at my age". What age is that exactly? I know they mean well so I bite my tongue but I'm so tempted to say "don't worry, you won't". Comes off as such a backhanded compliment.
No. 777517
>>777464have you tried talking to her?
>>777477might be termites, yeah. told my dad and he said he'd send a picture to management, so fingers crossed.
i'm also hoping they aren't termites, because some of the shit i've read about termites online where apartments are concerned makes me think they're a Huge Ordeal fuck
No. 777564
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>>777263Every time you forgive him after he's done something like that, you teach him that it's okay to keep doing so. You gotta stop for your own good and leave him, especially if this same scenario happened so many times. While you're settling for someone who doesn't give a fuck about you, you're wasting time you could use to properly heal and find a decent guy.
No. 777579
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I hate that I always feel super hungry after naps even if I eat beforehand. Never after a full night of rest, just naps. I just woke up from one like 10 mins ago and I feel like I'm starving.
No. 777635
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I haven't had sex in two years. I took a break, now I'm having really intense urges for intimacy. My period just ended so maybe that's why I'm unusually horny, idfk I just feel like crying now. I miss getting kissed and held and feeling wanted and all that. I miss that shit way more than actual sex.
No. 777637
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I just want to end it.
No. 777641
>>777575Leave him and start writing in a journal when your feeling like crying, it will help ground yourself.
Sorry you're going through that anon, you deserve comfort.
Toxic masc strikes again
No. 777666
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>Finds small youtuber doing cute DIY/hauls
>wants to support her
>checks her socials
>ahegao selfies, Onlyfans, they/them
What the fuck is wrong with libshits
No. 777720
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Sometimes I feel like if I would have rather been born male.
I know that my family isn't pleased with me; my brother keeps avoiding me to be with his male friends, my father compared me with prostitutes for many years everytime he had the chance, and my mother felt disappointed that I'm not femenine enough and that I didn't feel comfortable using make up or heels.
I just wonder if they wouldn't be so harsh on me if I were born male, if they could like me more if I was born differently. I would probably have different career, because I already know that my dad never liked that I became an artist.
I don't hate being a woman, I don't want to transition or take testosterone, that won't solve anything. My family would still treat me the same way. I just want them to appreciate me as a daughter or sister.
I'm sorry, I just feel too emotional right now.
No. 777734
>>777720Same feelings here anon, I enjoy being me but I shudder to think how much better I would've been treated by everyone in general had I been born a male with my same qualities.
Male favoritism is absolutely a thing in families, especially where there's a patriarchal religious tone.
When I was a kid I used to roleplay through toys as male characters, because even I could see how loved and cherished boys were if only they had the sense to say the right things and act decent. Whereas girls were expected to as a default. I thought it was so unfair that I couldn't act and behave like the guys. My family coddled the fuck out of my only male cousin, and because of that he grew up to be a troublemaker and sociopath. My mom complained to me how she used to get the most shit for being eldest and taking care of her two spoiled brothers, but she just went full circle and was extra hard on raising me so she learned nothing.
I also know had I been born male my academia and career pursuits would have been taken more seriously, and my average talents amplified as something extraordinary. Would be getting paid more too.
No. 777739
>>777721Sure! Although, I have to admit I don't have a much experience with herbal teas. I do however know that Yunnan Sourcing has a decent selection of straight herbals, and a black tea/chrysanthemum combo that I got as a sample awhile back that was pretty damn good.'s still got some caffeine, but the black tea has a malty, spicy taste that blends well with the sweet floral taste of the flowers. I still have a bit left and usually use it late at night and it hasn't kept me up yet. Also, whether using gong fu or english brewing, keep the water just below a rolling boil as the flowers get a kind of bitter more than sweet taste at higher temps.
It might be worth checking out the Himalayan Buckwheat too. Probably nutty, cheap, no caffeine, and you can eat it afterwords.
Oh, and if you're looking for earthy flavors in general, you should try hei cha sometime. Doesn't get earthier than those. Essence of Tea has some good kinds (specifically liu bao, but holy crap they sold out of all their more economical stuff!) and YS has a nice selection too. Hope this helps!
No. 777741
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I'm so tired of people assuming I'm trans because I don't get periods, can't have kids, and didn't fill out my bras really until 2 years ago… literally my own sister told me she thought I was a trans woman for the longest cos of this and the fact I look haggard compared to other women my age due to smoking i quit now but it took its toll on me.
No. 777750
>>777219Hate to sound generic but NEVER FUCKING accept your flaws as "just the way you are". Get help anon. Go get yourself checked out, maybe you have a chemical imbalance or a blood issue or something. Buy a self help book. Struggle to the upmost to improve before you lay down and give in
Just do it man
No. 777751
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Idfk how I became such a coomer this quarantine I feel awful and disgusting I can't even concentrate to study because I'm constantly horny daydreaming about being dicked down and I spend like two hours mindlessly fingering myself until I fall asleep because I can't reach vaginal orgasm and my clit is fucking broken from so much flicking
Sorry for the gross post I'm just going insane
No. 777792
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>>777766What do you think of styles like this? Or hats, or wigs
(just saying btw
nonny I never noticed a 5head or disliked widow's peaks until this website started ridiculing them, maybe it's not as bad as you think)
No. 777861
>>777832We got into this mess cause we are too empathetic and caring, trying to please every idiot with attention-deficit disorder and letting a lot of bad behavior slide. We need to stop letting troons and genderspecials step on us and stop enabling them as well.
Gay men don't have the same issues cause they just tell ftm troons to fuck off and don't care if it hurts their feelings and lesbians need to start doing the same thing.
No. 777898
>>777894That's disordered fam, starving yourself just sets you up to binge and ages you in the long run
Look at healthy food inspo on Instagram instead, find a thing to copy, go get your steps in by walking to the store for only those specific ingredients
Be good to your body
No. 777934
>>777924Yeah but to those capitalist bootlicking suckers sexual harassment is absolutely okay because they don't leave their workplace. And no one takes women complaining about sexual harassment seriously. If the woman who's harassed isn't modelesque you often get comments how "she should be happy anyone wants her".
>>777925> and even a lot of my female aquaintances were falling over themselves to agree with it, even mothers. The pickme mentality is insane.Exactly the same scenario happening right here. I feel so fucking alone in my frustration. I mean, I never wanted to be a mother but I doubt that even ripping out my uterus would change anything. And it's stupid that women who do want to be mothers are getting discriminated like that at all.
No. 778072
>>778049thank you
nonny, I'm going to try to work out every day!
No. 778126
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god I honestly need to a long break from the MtF thread and other places that discuss the troon craze because at this point it just causes nothing but depression and sleepless nights. I just hate where the world is heading and how so many people are ok with that. I also do not see this shit stop at any time soon.
No. 778143
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So I went to that interview and of course it was at a shitty retail store too big for anyone to care. I had to wait awhile before I went to the cashiers so I can have my interview and some dumb disabled scrote told me to go to the back but didn’t go with me to help me. I was lost and ended up in the employee lounge (kek) asking around and of course retail employees are zombies who don’t give a single shit about anyone but themselves so I had to walk up to some old lady and ask her about the interview. I was standing there awkwardly and then finally some tall foreign-looking scrote guided me to another back room and then I finally had the interview. At that point I was almost about to break down into tears and I eventually did when I finally left the damn building, I just felt so worthless and this has been my millionth interview. It’s like I’m fucking cursed and everyone can miraculously fit in this chaotic world
No. 778154
>>778122>>778119>>778121Thank you for your kindness anons, I'll look into making a new discord account and get out of this mindset.
>>778135Me too, I only use social media to lurk anymore and am heavily contemplating deleting everything so I have at least one less thing to worry about.
No. 778205
>>778178I'm just scared because previous to this dude, the last guy I was in love with was over 10 years ago. At
that point I didn't think I'd fall in love again… Until 10 fucking years later. Does that mean I'll probably have another 10 years to go again? That scares me, because that's around the time I can't have kids anymore…
No. 778214
>>778205I mean I can't promise you that you'll fall in love again soon, but what's the alternative? Stay and have kids with this guy who is a loser and can't even wipe his own ass?
Life works in mysterious ways, put yourself out there and you will find someone. If you're really desperate to have kids you can always have them with a guy who has a good job and does his own chores who you might not have a 100% crazy chemistry with, but other things matter as well and even people in arranged marriages fall in love over time.
No. 778265
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JFC sucks to be a weeb and a creator nowadays, I'm looking through recent art thread drama with Kinoko and even users here agreeing her apology is somehow bad because she's "appropriating the culture using japanese word for a name", what the hell? And apparently drawing aesthetic guro occasionally is problematic nowadays too? Not to sound like a boomer but internet was SO MUCH BETTER 5-10 years ago. I guess everything has to be rated G and you must never refer to anything outside of your country of origin to not get dragged by someone at some point
No. 778275
>>778268I think I know what you're referring to, was it even written by a Japanese person? Also in this specific Kinoko case she never really uses japanese, has nickname written in romaji so she's not "baiting" yet it's still unacceptable somehow.
I totally sympathize with the worry about posting anything, ultimately it's just a few vocal idiots but who has the energy of ever dealing with that.
No. 778279
>>778272While I agree, the real problem is that whenever a woman actually tells them to fuck off she's being attacked with much more vitriol and force and they don't have a personal whiteknighting army defending them like male artists do.
>Female artists gets attacked for drawing the wrong ship kissing, gets thousands of slanderous tweets directed at her and spreading falsified rumors, people are telling their own followers to stop unfollowing her or they'll be blocked, nobody defends her because they're too afraid of being taken down with her, shit will never be forgotten and she will forever be remembered as the pedoracistwhicheverphobe artist>Male artist gets attacked for drawing toddler furry inflation porn traced off a photo of a real child: everyone lines up to defend him, he can't be hurt, the controversy is muffled in 2 hours, most active twitterfags are too afraid of 4chan trolls to speak up, the artist will be remembered as the champion and martyr of free speechIt's a lot easier said than done to just not give a fuck and keep carrying on like normal.
No. 778290
>>778279Nayrt but like that’s so true. I’m definitely gonna be ambiguous about my sex, blend into asian artist twt and block children on sight since I want to produce “
problematic” BL and menhera contents.
No. 778298
>>778294wtf anon you're literally me. I do/did the exact same thing to a tee.
you 100% percent need therapy. What your (and my ex) did was TRAUMATIC. Even if it was years ago, you never properly healed from it and probably have PTSD. I'm still in therapy over it, and that's what my own therapist suggested. Maybe do some light reading on that and coping mechanisms for it? For myself, I have to give myself daily reminders of the greenflags, and trying to gain happiness from myself so even if I
do get those anxious moments, I know I'll be strong enough both trust him and kick him to the curb if he does something fucked up. I had to rebuild my entire identity/self confidence. Good luck
No. 778312
I'm sorry in advance, I don't know where I'm going with this.
Do people prefer rude, cold, bitchy people in general? I used to be that, and I really disliked myself. I don't want to be that again. I took several years to distance myself from people and work on myself.
When it comes to interacting with people I'm a lot nicer than I used to be ( night and day difference really ). Everyone "likes me and thinks I'm the nicest person" or whatever.
And yet, I'm still alone, with no actual friends, no one who'd actually care about me, etc.
I thought that by becoming nicer and friendlier these things are going to be easier, not harder. When I was behaving more cold and distant I had people constantly trying to get close to me and licking my ass ( mostly toxic ones, nothing to brag about ).
Now it's like "ah her, yes, she's such a good person" while no one wants to be actual friends with me or cares about anything I'm going through.
Since we're in the middle of a pandemic most of my interactions with people are online, idk if that makes a difference or not.
tl;dr - I just wish I had a friend.
No. 778331
>>778312Not in my experience. Some men like it because the chase is more exciting for them at first. They always inevitably get tired of my personality and want a woman who is more warm. But a lot of women perceive it as me thinking I'm better than them.
The only people who have seemed really fond of it were men who wanted to fuck me and ENFP-esque type people (yes I'm bringing myers briggs into this). I think the latter finds aloof people exciting because we're the opposite of them. Hence why so many ENFP women are obsessed with INTJ men (yikes, love yourselves ladies!). The way cold men are perceived is also different from how cold women are perceived.
No. 778344
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woketard "queers" aren't even hiding it anymore, they want attention and to look like special clowns. I just want to kiss a girl without people calling me a dyke
No. 778350
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Seeing this advertisement creeped me the fuck out
No. 778369
I'm such an idiot. I had this long ass kinda passionate discussion in a chat group about what makes a movie or character good. It was fun but now that it's over I'm feeling super ashamed and insecure about sperging for so long in a chat I rarely post in. I keep thinking people are gonna find it weird and even though it's probably nothing I just know I'm going to keep obsessing about it.
>>778362Me too. Maybe not since toddler age but definitely early on, it's just in my genetics, my dad always had them too. When you're young it's not really a wrinkle but more like having cheeks that sit higher than the area where they connect to the bit between your nose and mouth. It's caused me a lot of insecurity over the years but it's definitely not abnormal to have them. The current trendy look is just to have 0 nasolabial folds unfortunately (which is mostly shoop and filler).
At least you don't have jowls. No. 778392
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This is probably a dumb vent but I'm sick of seeing Bible LARP comments whenever there's a discussion on corona-chan or any recent politics.
>muh mark of the beast
>muh predicted apocalypses
Like dude calm the fuck down, there's governors already going against the Vaccine passport shit, and there's states that are having 2nd amendment protection. And this is coming from someone who respects the Bible. As they say "stop using the Lord's name in vain", fucking be the change you wanna be and stop spamming your creepypastas BS in the comments sections.
idk I'm just tired of the fear porn everywhere.
No. 778403
>>778401There are actually doctors trained specifically vulva restoration, you should definitely talk to your gyno about that
And there's no way it was possibly caused by birth control use of any kind, unless you were superglueing yourself shut
No. 778405
>>778265The internet was great 2011-2015 and then american politics shat on everything, right left up down I don't care, everything became about retarded americans and their guilt complexes about things the rest of the world didn't want to do anything with. We were fine but the internet being so american centric gave us this shit times we're living through where twitter shit becomes irl shit and things are exaggerated and nobody has a critical brain anymore because of stupid buzzwords, boogeymans and muh speshul feefees
I want it all to end.
No. 778410
>>778407Shit, well your gyno sucks then, but there are definitely female genital restoration specialists, honestly I wouldn't let it go, you could also try you general doctor, I know it's an embarrassing thing to have to talk about, but it's causing you a lot of distress to begin with
There's also potentially dermatologists who can handle it, or less ideally, I've read about plastic surgeons, some of them are actually very decent people who do restorative surgeries of many kinds
That's a really shitty thing to have to deal with, I'm really sorry
Also yeah, if men had that shit, you could walk into a gp's office and they'd scalpel that shit straight in half an hour
No. 778416
>>778413You're really strong for trying, it's a scary and embarrassing thing and people rarely give you credit for it
There's definitely hope, I wish you the absolute best, you deserve it
No. 778468
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Over the last few years, my politics and ideology have violently shifted from right-leaning to libfem to radfem. I’ve fallen out with basically all of my girlfriends from high school and barely talk to the small handful of female acquaintances I made during my time in community college. The ones I want to reach out to and get closer to are clearly annoyed and put off by me because of the pickme behavior I exhibited when I first met them. I have maybe 3-5 male friends that I talk to on a weekly/daily basis, including my boyfriend, and I’m quickly getting fed up with all of them. Every once in a while, I think about having to organize my future wedding, bachelorette party, baby shower, and birthday parties, and the thought of having absolutely no female friends that I could reach out to as potential guests or bridesmaids makes me sick. What have I done?
No. 778472
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I wish I liked sushi. There's this Japanese restaurant near me who has all of these different kinds of sushi and it makes me sad bc I don't like seafood. I just order the chicken yakisoba every time.
No. 778482
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I've abstained from smoking weed for just 2 days and it seems like my extremely severe lip and cheek chewing habit is just fucking vanishing???? I can't believe this shit and I'm simultaneously so happy and yet so pissed that this is all it took for me to finally stop myself from destroying my face any more than I already have. Why did I have to develop the BFRB that gives you wrinkles and jowls…fuck. Pray for me anons cause this may be life changing.
No. 778497
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>>778472same in a big way. how can I be such a weeaboo but hate this nasty ass fish and seaweed? I always get tempura prawns
No. 778508
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>>778502I've tried it but then it becomes a texture and temperature issue rather than a taste one. I think I just need to accept my dysfunctional weebness.
No. 778516
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i hate how i will never get the therapy in this pace. I have made a complaint on polyclinic once to fast up with psychological tests but i really can't ask for impossible when we still live in the middle of covid lockdown. the worst is that not any nurse is checking up by calls how im doing so i have to call to crisis hotline myself to someone i don't know and they will just say "welp, you can't open up too much about your ptsd so hopefully the call helped"
guess this ptsd-add-asd will be the end of me. no help of alcohol bc i dont want to binge drink again and cry how i want to die just like i did last birthday, i dont even like drugs.
i cant fucking function on anything rn, i even stopped working after getting panic attack bc of boss shouting how i fucked up something i never was instructed how to make.
but i just wish this would be temporary, any other lone riders?
No. 778526
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>>778513Depends, same as with regular sushi! If you like it warm you may like tempura rolls, but given they're deep-fried they're the best freshly made, so much better eaten at a sushi place, not from a delivery.
Weirderst vegan sushi filling I had and liked best though was a cold type futomaki, with banana/avocado/kale, sounds bizarre but the restaurant somehow made it so good.
>>778508I guess you can still eat ramen, should validate your weeb pass too
No. 778675
>>778609I can't watch this woman anymore, her behavior is getting cow-ish by the day.
The whole video defending her botox procedure on her other channel, the other one defending her use of a house keeper, the way she keeps brushing off hoe fucking privileged and the vanilla liberal feminist vibe she keeps on giving.
I will not be surprised if she starts a only fans at this point tbh.
No. 778683
>>778609My breaking point with harriet’s HAvArd EduCateD ass was when she invited trannies for a podcast and said being a (black) woman is a concept created by white supremacy in defense of trooning out. There’s so much wrong with this woman and her pseudo intellectualism.
>>778675 The way she gets angry and overdefensive with Chrissie and anyone else who disagrees with her is basically cow behavior.
No. 778726
>>778704Ew wtf? Snap at him, that's gross and annoying.
I only ever need to stay sternly to my bf once "I don't fucking wanna" and he'd be all apologetic and concerned that I might be in pain lol
No. 778733
I hate my boyfriends idea of "jokes" sometimes, jfc.
I asked him to pick my urine test results earlier today. He does and proceeds to call me and tell me I have fucking gonorrhea. I ask him several times if he's joking (it's not the first time he's pulled a similar prank on me or his family) and he tells me, deathly serious, that no, he's not and that this means he probably has the clap too, because of me.
And right when I really start panicking, with tears in my eyes, because I have no clue where could I even catch something like that, he's like "jk, lel". I called him a stupid fucker, hanged up on him and been ignoring him all day.
Why does every single man has to have something shitty about him? Are they really such broken creatures? I genuinely thought I've finally found a good one but alas, he has a sense of humour of an asshole 13yo boy.
No. 778746
>>778733Being stern in the face of their "jokes" is usually the best policy. Next time you think he might be joking about something serious, call his bluff and say something to the effect of "If you're lying to me, that's unacceptable." Later, if he jokes again and it's really disgusting, firmly say "That's not funny," hold a serious stare, and raise an eyebrow if he doesn't recognize and apologize immediately. Don't chastise him, because men like to reverse
victim and claim you're being mean if you argue or escalate. Just stay silent and look disapproving. If he doesn't get the message (after men claim to be sooooo good at interpreting body language) then he's a moron and you should consider a breakup. I'd already consider a breakup since he's willing to lie and joke about stds, is he trying to groom your reaction for if or when something like that actually happens? He's a freak.
No. 778766
>>778745I know silent treatment is not the best solution but I lost my patience, because I already asked him not to joke with me like that, but he always brushes me off like it's no big deal. Also, it seems that his bait-and-switch isn't as funny to him if he doesn't manage to get his target really, really worried, so that's concerning.
>>778746I don't think he's trying to groom me for a potential std reveal, I'm pretty sure it was just a retarded spur of the moment idea he had while at the clinic and decided to go with it. What I do consider a possible dealbreaker though is how dismissive he is towards my boundaries, because I've already tried the things you suggested with little to no result. He'll be all apologetic and cuddly, but then he'll pull the same shit again a month later.
I think he gets it from his family tbh. They can be really, really nasty to each other in jokes and then be like "oh youu, hehe~" and all is forgotten. I don't get it.
No. 778777
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Just heard my mom say over the phone that there’s something about boys that make her think no woman is worthy of them (referring to her son, nephew, whatever) …she has two daughters and yet she doesn’t apply that same line of thinking toward us lol
No. 778793
>>778763Lmao, I might be about to. The more I think about it, the more I realize that staying with someone with such a shitty, juvenile sense of humour is going to be real fucking exhausting in the long run, even if he might be perfect in every other way.
>>778779>bunch of unfunny poop humoristsYou described them perfectly, anon. The weirdest part is that they're very rich people who put a lot of effort to appear distinguished but then they'll come home and be like that. Baffling.
No. 778807
>>778777>>778786I have known a lot of sports mom that really have a weird complex with their sons, like its not just calling your kid handsome or cute but overly detailed descriptions of their buff son's physiques and it usually ends with "I envy the girl he's gonna marry one day"
but I don't think they wanna sleep with their sons, but rather projecting their own highschool fantasies about getting with the highschool jock
No. 778889
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Big Ed is my boyfriend. This beautiful fine specimen is my husbando and I wouldn’t want anything otherwise. I’m sick and tired of anons complaining about my gorgeous nigel. Look at him go look at him! So proud
No. 778913
>>778868Don't bother with Discord. You'll end up emotionally drained from all the whiny little soft babies that use it. Everything you say runs the risk of upsetting or
triggering someone and getting shunned. I've been in fandoms and shit online for nearly 2 decades now and decided to give Discord a go and fucking hell. Never again. I got banned for writing fic and posting it in the NSFW fic section with appropriate tags etc, because someone ignored the tags, read it and complained. Actual retards. Don't put yourself through the misery.
No. 778923
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I'm in pain. My pelvic area is contracting and my uterus is just ugh. I'm not on my period yet and this happens. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh I hate mood swings I'll be having soon.
No. 778924
>>778852I've heard people call Gypsies the human equivalent of cockroaches and having seen them in action I'm inclined to agree. They refuse to integrate, work or send their children to schools, teaching them to steal instead and we're supposed to tolerate that because it's their "culture". When I was in Czech Republic some years ago I've seen apartment blocks that the government built as subdidized housing for them turned into ghetto slums with garbage strewn everywhere and bonfires being lit directly on apartment floors. I also remember running into a family of Gypsies in a grocery store. There were 2 women and 6+ children, absolutely filthy, running around, bumping into people and touching bread and produce with their dirty hands while the women laughed and encouraged them.
I don't know why European governments cater to them so much and let them abuse welfare systems. In most countries where the Gypsies have a significant presence at least 60% of the population want them gone and yet nobody seems to take any serious measures. And I don't even mean throw them out, just force them to integrate and earn their living like every taxpayer who makes their welfare possible does.
Fortunately the Gypsies aren't as big of a problem in my country as, say, in Italy but I still hear horror stories about them every once in a while. Not to mention countless stories my friends have about being harrassed or stolen from by Gypsies while on vacations in Italy or Spain.
No. 778931
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This is so retarded but sometimes I feel good about myself and then I'm suddenly reminded people like pic rel exist and it's like what's the point? Why try? Might as well throw away all my possessions and go live in a cave.
No. 778933
>If you're chronically I'll then why are you always drinking coffee?
Because it keeps me awake and I like it
>Well then why are you always leaving your house?
Because it's full of medical equipment and my legs work
>Shouldn't you be completely housebound?
How bout I just kill myself, how bout that, I'm supposed to be housebound, not supposed to enjoy anything, spend all of my time and thoughts on being sick, what a fucking great life, it doesn't suck enough being sick all the time, I'm supposed to act sick enough to everyone's liking
Man fuck healthy people, honestly, if I want a god damn popsicle, I think I have had a shitty enough day to earn one
Walk my ass down to the last ice cream stand in business and you can all kiss my ass, I'm not gonna make it through my 50s anyway, why the fuck should I care what I eat, none of your business
No. 778934
>>778931Why would you do that? You would also look great under that light and if someone did your makeup and picked out an expensive outfit for you.
>>778932I remember people posting about gypsies before and being called racist but the problem is as you said not the people, it is their culture; why should I support a culture that encourages people to make as many children as they can to get benefits, mistreat the children, deny them education and then kick them out when they are 18
No. 778935
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My pillbug I've had for a few weeks died suddenly today. I think I sprayed too much water in it's enclosure. It's hard to find information on how to take care of them so I didn't think I was doing anything wrong until it was too late. It was so cute, I grew so attached to it. I think I'm going to cry. Goodbye little pillbug.
No. 778954
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Ive been on an implant bc for a little over 2 years and I fucking hate it. It was smooth sailing for the first year but soon after I have really bad infrequent bleeding, it can last up to 10 days, bloating/cramps and extreme breast swelling/pain to the point where ive gone up 3 cup sizes. Cant get it removed atm because its not a "medical emergency".It aint worth it anons, stick to the pill or get a non hormonal iud…
No. 778955
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>>778934Ayrt no I wouldn't kek, she's a supermodel with a scarily symmetrical face and huge cheekbones. I'm no bridge troll but makeup and styling can only do so much when you don't have perfect genetics. There is beauty in everyone but this uncanny valley, ethereal beauty is not something I can ever achieve.
>>778944I do take care of myself, my skin is clear and I exercise and keep my diet in check. I know it's fucking dumb and pointless to dwell on but it still hurts sometimes.
No. 778965
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>>778955>this uncanny valley, ethereal beauty is not something I can ever achieveWhy do you care so much? Looks are important, but there are so many precious things and experiences you can actually achieve in your life, that this sort of empty, lifeless beauty pales in comparison. And if you think it's the other way around, you might have a serious problem with your self-worth.
Also, try spending some of the energy you waste criticizing your looks on being more critical of what the fashion industry tells you is beautiful. That head looks like it belongs on a lego person.
No. 779004
>>772649I just want to fuck my coworker. Hes staying overseas for work(where i live) for atleast a year but he has a gf back home.. No kids though.
Hes older than me(im 24 hes 35), tall, muscular, has lots of tats(hnng) AND he has long hair. Even his sweat smells good, and when hes sweating a bit i want to fuck him even more.
No. 779007
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I want to see what someone is tweeting, but their personal account is private and I don't have the time or energy to go through the entire process of making a new account with an interesting personality just to see their tweets. They're not even someone I know personally, just a random author who I happen to be curious about. I wish I knew how to hack or some shit for times like this
No. 779012
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>at work
>trying to sort out document owners and authors
>mrw whenever my boss pronounces authors "arthurs" in her dumbass southern accent
No. 779053
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I want to be a vagrant but with a lot of pretty clothes. I go to every therapy appointment, take every medication I'm given at the correct time every day, I keep a journal to give to my psychiatrist roughly monthly to help him understand how I'm doing so he an treat me properly,
and not a god damn thing helps
It has been years
I give up, I want to couch surf between family members for a week at a time with a sack full of pretty clothes and portable game consoles, and then when I tragically have no one left, I'll just have to get married
I can't hold down a job because I worked on my feet for too long, and my feet have begun to go numb (the mental illness was born out of physical illness) and I just fucking give up
I will wear clothes and play games and eventually get married and that's just gonna be what this life was
I can cook, I can vacuum, and do laundry, I won't exclusively be a burden, I swear, I want to help, I'm just worthless
No. 779083
>>772649Have been having a speacially rough week. Can't stop crying.
Today to top it all off, my Binance account was hacked and all my money stolen. Dad has been blaming my best friend, who helped me invest.
I was investing to buy my best friend a present (he didn't know). I know it wasn't him, but it hurts my dad has been suspicious of him and he knows it.
I don't care about the money anymore.
No. 779196
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I hate to complain about the art salt thread, because I know anons have been doing that a lot recently, but I wish the "Rate My Art", or any of the other non-salt art threads were more active. The art salt thread is always either a debate about race, or a derail about something that doesn't have much to do with art. The same boring shit over and over. I'm pretty sure a good chunk of anons using that thread aren't even artists.
No. 779206
>>778965I've always been fascinated by alien esque beauty. This isn't coming from some incel idea of looksmaxxing/looking conventionally attractive nor thinking all my issues would magically solve themselves if I had above average looks. Can't a bitch simply be salty she doesn't look like a lotr elf?
>>778959Modern models sure, but this isn't a random insta thot who bought her way into the industry.
No. 779230
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i miss my dog and i miss the soft warmth of dog hugs
No. 779234
>>779218Try to get her to excersise. Excersise is great for the mental health because it releases hormones that will make you feel good and on the long term it will probably make her feel better about her body too. As she doesn't want to be helped, present it as a fun activity you want to do together instead of making it a health-thing; dancing, tennis or going to the swimming pool for example are sports that are fun! You could also go on regular long walks together and take her into nature, that's relaxing, good for you and fun, especially if you have a dog to take with you. That's probably the easiest way to get her to excersise without making it obvious that you're trying to get her to excersise. Of course if she really is depressed and you're not just saying it as a metaphor for saying she's been feeling down, then she probably also needs professional help if you're in the position to get that, but the point about excersise remains either way. Also, if you have some control/input over what she eats, try to get her to eat healthier. You can do it together too, make something fun about cooking healthy meals together. But you probably shouldn't make those two changes at the same time because you'll probably be met with resistance if you do that.
No. 779251
>>779242In some parts of northen Croatia (Međimurje) people are scared of them because are no strangers to violence. If you report one of them to the police, bet your ass that at least 10 of them will destroy your shit, beat or even kill you. The police are simply too scared to act because of this but also because they are a protected minority in my country. They get benefits, x amount of money per kid and free education but I guess it's more profitable to be part of a "mafia" than be part of society.
I met some that got an education and had normal jobs but they were kicked out by their families/clans whatever they are, which makes it harder to leave. I also feel so so SO sorry for the women and girls stuck there, I can't imagine the amount of abuse they have to go through.
No. 779317
>>779196Agreed, I’m glad I’m seeing more people complain about it.
It was good-ish about a month ago or more but I have the feeling it’s the same handful of people rehashing the same boring shit over and over.
No. 779319
>>779053How are you going to look pretty as a vagrant
Vagrants don’t shower anon
And they sleep under bridges
You really out here tryna be a Lolita hobo anon???
No. 779330
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I’m so sick of seeing this shit. Sick of it. I hate OnlyFans so fucking much, and I hate how many men support or encourage their partners in doing this. I hate how women are being tricked into thinking it’s lucrative based in articles like this and accounts that appear or even are successful. It’s just sad and disheartening and infuriating. This article set me off so bad, holy shit.
No. 779354
>>779330I generally don't care if adults want to do OF and run the risk of regretting it in the longer term..but why the fuck did they submit a pic of their baby to this type of article??
Pro porn article…Oh look a toddler! The good parenting decisions just keep on coming.
No. 779361
>>779317Tbh, that thread has been bad for a lot longer than a month
>>779358Really? I feel like people in the Rate My Art thread are pretty constructive and supportive
No. 779377
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Can't find a job for more than a year now
Can't even study this country's language because of a harsh lockdown and economical crisis, making everything around either super expensive either close
Can't self-study the language because it's so dead that there are no websites with resources, only YouTube videos about things that I know
I am so tired of feeling like a useless leech in this apartment. All I do is clean and draw, or occasionally play videogames while throwing the same portofilo over and over again at different companies, just to end up not getting anything in return
I just want to stop existing, being a member of society is exhausting.
No. 779392
>>779212>Technically we have no proper art discussion threadShould I make the thread on /m/? I would love to actually discuss art. But like, art has so many things to it, so many variants and styles and techniques that idk if lumping everything in one is enough. At least I would like to make a distinction between weeb/tweeter art and actual cool art maybe
My stupid imageboard idea revolves on art discussion and crafting tbh, maybe I should just make it as basic as an /art/, /picture dump/, /general media/, /weeb media/ and a hidden /xx/ board. I'm not sure. The only thing I'm sure about is that I don't have enough balls to follow through lol.
No. 779416
>>777431samefag again
my replies to the messages were cold and we then stopped texting each other for 3 days. he didnt reach out to me after fucking 3 days without knowing why i suddenly left the call crying and didnt bother to ask me how i am feeling. i have thought about him the whole 3 days and couldnt stop him from entering my thoughts. i texted him and he called me. he apologized for what happened and i asked him why he is even apologizing in the first place if he is doing it all the time and he fucking replied with 'i dont know i know its useless but i cant do anything about it' ??? i am fucking baffled nonnys??? what the fuck is that answser? we are still in a call without anybody saying anything. great! also he is acting so fucking whiny the whole time being like 'mann i didnt want that to happen :( i am so so sorry' and all that. i am sick of this.
No. 779446
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>>779330So empowering!
By the way, she started an OF to pay down HIS $30k worth of credit card bills so they wouldn't have their power shut off and rent unpaid. I read that disgusting article.
Her husband looks like a hideous gay bridgetroll. Look at him!!! Why couldn't he have started an OF to take a few cucumbers to the prostate for a buck? Or worked two jobs so his wife wouldn't have to do that? He's a failure and can't provide for his family and people are fucking clapping?? Damn I'm pissed.
No. 779453
>>779446God I feel so bad for this girl… she must be brainwashed, abused or plain dumb if she lets this fucking manlet pimp her around for HIS OWN DEBT. HIS OWN DEBT!!! Like, holy shit, this is some 19 century shit, passing your wife around to collect money. Why didn't he sell his own shit or dunno, do
something else that isn't prostitution rather than doing this to this woman?
I want to see him shoving a big cucumber down his asshole and see if that collects the pay. God. Someti9mes I just want some people to die.
No. 779464
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>>779310>he’s rather high up socially i don’t think he’s concerned for the rules.whaaaaat does that even mean? is he a celebrity? boss of a drug cartel? a member of the elite?!?
would he just get "a slap on the wrist" if he got caught partying, instead of facing repercussions? wtf makes him so important?
whoever he is, he sounds like a major douchebag, none uf us "plebs" is allowed to party, and neither should he nor you! People like that are the reason we are still in this fucking pandemic.
No. 779466
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>>779448>>779458>a lot of guys I knew told me how I should be a stripper or a camgirl>they’d always act like “well you don’t really want money then”>"as a woman you're sitting on a goldmine" meaning my vagthe absolute state of men
No. 779523
>>779499I understand you, anon, I went through something similar, but I actually ended up hitting some fuckers and getting them expelled after a few fights. I also still feel quite bitter about everything that went through my years as a kid and as a teen.
The thing is, that I hope it’s not eating you alive, it’s okay to know who to ignore forever, even if they’re going through an emergency and you’re the only one who could help them, it’s not of your obligation to do so, because they’re shit and they truly deserve whatever is happening to them, it would be karma at this point.
No. 779525
>>779504I'm not big into true crime but I watch a couple of youtubers that condense cases down to 20 min vids… the fact that you always have to suspect the bf/husband first really fucks with you after a while.
Towards the end of my last relationship my partner went through a weird personality shift and I felt uneasy. He wouldn't communicate what was wrong but it was like he was quitely seething over.. nothing? Turns out he was having an affair and planning his departure so just wasn't bothering to be nice to me but also wasn't being forthcoming. I did nothing wrong but he had this sudden coldness. In our last week together my gut was telling me he could very well harm me. I can't explain the feeling I got but I lay in bed one night and something in my head was screaming at me not to fall sleep next to him. Now I see those cases where doting husbands suddenly switch and it brings me back to that. It's fightening.
No. 779549
>>778852In the last few years where I am there's been this whole 'don't discriminate against travellers' thing going on but.. my personal experience is what it is. Where I grew up they built a small housing estate for them and housed them for free… sudden massive increase in burlaries quickly came in all surrounding areas. They were mugging people, even mugging kids. They eventually burned down all of their own houses…? Houses that were newly built for them and lasted less than 5 years. Then they tried to claim locals burned them down to get rid of them. They didn't but cool story lol.
My dad moved to a rural area a few years ago and now they go around there in vans and knock on the doors pretending to sell stuff but they're really just scoping out the houses, seeing which are empty and which have sole elderly occupiers. I'm worried for my dad. Years ago they broke into our shed twice and stole tools but I've seen it get way worse than that when they target an elderly person in isolated areas like that.
No. 779572
>>779446This fucking monkey literally looks like an uglier Pregory how is that possible.
Why do women hate themselves so much… This is the future pick-me handmaidens want? Whoring themselves to sugar an ugly irresponsible deadbeat man while also bearing the full brunt of motherhood? What happens when he leaves your ass??? Only the same type of users would gravitate toward a single e-whore mother.
No. 779573
>>779549Samefag but I remember the first couple of apartments that I rented were in buildings where alot of the units were paid for by social welfare payments. They were single or unworking parents that came from a whole family of other non-working 'full time parents' on benefits. Even those settled people showed no respect for anyone or anything. If you don't make an honest living that just seems to be the downfall.
I paid annoyingly high rent and wanted to keep my apartment and building nice and people staying there for free didn't see the value in any of that. Sure they didn't burn them down like the travellers did but lol, they didn't preserve anything or make any effort. The rent cost them nothing so it all meant nothing to them and if they ruin one home they'll be rehomed. I see travellers as just a more extreme version of that. My country equally has issues with people living that lifestyle too.
No. 779574
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Why is anything vaguely mentioning a race / national prejudices always met with a ban but this anon is allowed to roam freely?
No. 779647
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That would be nice
No. 779667
>>779590I think its to do with the fact that some westerner anons buy into the whole Eastern European trad wife/mail order bride (for the boomers) scrote without understanding that Eastern Europe is just another part of the world populated with normal women with varying interests. It's the same as early 2010s weebdom or some women sperging out over Korean ladies being the peak of feminine perfection.
Like, just live your life to the best, we are all equally beautiful.
No. 779715
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I had a weird dream about my (emotionally abusive) ex of three years or so last night. In the morning, I creeped his twitter for the first time in a year and found out that he's having a baby with his 24 year old girlfriend. He's 30, for reference.
I can't help feel that I dodged a bullet - he has severe daddy issues from his own father leaving him at a young age. I feel like it's just a long term repetition of the cycle of hatred.
However, I also can't get it out of my head, and I feel a tinge of sadness. I hate that I can't just laugh it off and say fuck that guy. My life has only been better since we broke up, years ago, but it still hurts. It's ridiculous, nonnies. I almost feel like the highs and lows of that relationship made me idolize it like some sort of bad relationship with a substance.
No. 779733
>>779649Cuz admin is a cuck
>>779729This is the solution
No. 779741
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>>779729kek, any art anon inspired ?
No. 779791
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I've been fighting to get my kitties from my home since I moved out four months ago. They aren't treated right at home since I left, they barely get the attention they got when I was home, because of my mom's untrained dog, but I cant have them because it'll be traumatising to my kitties to move them 8 hours away from their current home because they're older… anons, am I fucking crazy? because this doesn't seem right at all. I just miss my cats so much.
No. 779819
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>>779816terrible photo but I wanted it like pic relates and she gave me a horrible super short karen cut at the back. I hope you're right though
No. 779853
>>779317Those threads haven't been good for at least a year or two.
>>779510>Play deaf and act unaffacted and you'll usually be fine.Nta but that rarely works tbh. I've had some people try to start shit precisely because they thought I wouldn't do anything about it.
No. 779885
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I honestly feel kind of weak for not being able to take something that is incredibly tame compared to other women's periods, but these cramps are kicking my ass right now. My vagina is aching and I think I have to shit. At least by tomorrow it'll be better and the pain will be gone.
No. 779896
>>779882Thirding this, I have the exact same experience but even longer, I'm on my 3rd Mirena, total of 12 years of use, and on this one I didn't even have the break through bleeding after it was inserted
Also it cleared my acne, just throwing that out there
No. 779923
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Anons I'm so fucking tired of living like this. I literally just did a whole essay in 20 minutes before it was due. I've been trying to balance my schedule of school, work, friends, and family but holy shit. I have 12 projects due next week and I am almost halfway done with only one of them, my family is in a bad financial situation for their business so I want to help them and have been working for them for free. And It's not a good excuse to my teachers because everything is due next week. I've only been getting at most 3 hours of sleep for the past 2 months. Though I am proud of myself because I've only had 1 breakdown during all of this. #girlboss #gatekeep #gaslight
No. 780016
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thanks for being the billionth person to remind me that indeed, my intense lifelong interest in history is niche and boring and im annoying everyone with it. really needed a fucking reminder i guess
No. 780022
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>>780016I think it's cool you have a passionate interest for history anon. Most people don't even have interests beyond gaming or watching netflix, don't let them talk shit.
No. 780040
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I hate sites that show people when you're online and have no way of switching the feature off. I want to be able to visit without having a huge blinking light appear above my username, alerting everyone I'm there. I can't be incognito at all. sometimes I just want change a setting or something and I don't want everyone to know I'm there!
No. 780045
>>780022thanks anon.
It's just super upsetting when a friend hits you with that shit like wow sorry for thinking you could share my interest, guess it really is too boring
No. 780050
>>780042I can't see what your first post said but this reminds me of when I was in my early to mid twenties and was more sensitive than I am now and way more prone to crying under stress. Some men just see it as you playing games. They can't wrap their head around what it's like to be that type of emotional and they assume it's some power dynamic thing where if they comfort you or give you attention…you win the power game.
If you are a senstive type then stay away from men that believe that. Ones that suspect 'women only ever cry to manipulate men' or whatever. It's not worth the drama.
No. 780051
>>780042So what do you want from him? to be your therapist/daddy/tard guard whenever you’re having a public meltdown? Get some therapy. You sound
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male metabolism is a crime against nature, everyday I witness my lazy brother eat enough food for a family of 4 and still be skinny, he jogged like a week ago and he's still got no visible body fat at all
Its not fair in any anyway
No. 780058
>>780056Yeah tbh I just now saw the other post about '6 apologies and it's still not acceptable' and I tend to think it maybe started out as what I said originally but if she's playing these stupid games now she's only feeding into the very idea that 'any tears are just women being manipulators'
Being upset and ignored by a friend is a
valid reason to become more upset but then emotionally punishing him and making him beg now….that's fucked. That goes beyond being a senstive person, that's some mental health shit you need to sort out with a professional. Leave the guy alone.
No. 780067
>>780046thx anons! Im just tired of ppl saying that not only history is a useless career, but it's not even an interesting hobby to have
like i just want one person i can sperg to who's genuinely interested and not just indulging the autist, is that too much to fucking ask
No. 780072
>>780057My bro ate obscene amounts of food in his teens and early twenties without an ounce of fat going on him, he was tall and had a huge appetite. It all caught up with him around his late twenties though.
And I'm at an age now where I'm seeing guys have a very hard time suddenly having to watch what they eat after that many years of total freedom. The thing is they don't even try hard enough becuase after the years of not having to think about it..they really resent the idea of moderation.
No. 780109
>>780088Cheers for eternal youth!
Seriously though, I hope you find a different way to deal with whatever pushed you to do this, you're a strong adult anon, fingers crossed!